#ill be alright!! so take care of yourselves too ya!!
bananacatmeow · 15 days
hey! I don't know how many people will read this, but if you do, please tag any who you think might not know what im about to say.
okay? let's go.
I'd start by saying i love and appreciate all of you so so much, and im very grateful i found you all in my life. please believe me when i say im so happy i walked into such a great community on here, one that appreciates me just as much as i appreciate them. i love you all so so so much.
unfortunately it pains me to say that i have to leave now. i cant specify why, but i'll let you know that im alive and well, just not in the capacity to be using any sort of social platforms as i am currently not in the right place of mind for that. (dont worry! im alright haha)
again, it has truly been a wonderful experience with all of you, it would be wrong to ask you all to wait for me, because even i don't know when i will be back, so, until then, take care of yourselves my friends, and i hope you all have wonderful lives here on forth. i hope you find love in this world, i hope you have a great life ahead and find meaning to your existence. i hope you achieve everything you ever dreamed of achieving. i hope the sun shines on you always.
im sorry for all the things i might have promised during this time that i did not get to complete. trust me, i would have if i could, but i really can't right now. im sorry. i hope you will forgive me one day.
remember that you are all wonderful people and each and every one of you deserves love and care in this world. if one day you find yourself doubting on that, remember me and remember that i still love you and will think about you till i die, i promise i wont forget.
oh this is painful to write ahaha,, i never expected id have to but.. well, anyways. theres probably more i have to say, im sure ill remember even more stuff that i should have said even after i send this but since this feels like a letter now, ill sign off properly.
with love always, ina.
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youn9racha · 1 year
uhhh hi
*ahem* umm,,, this is awkward,,,
so its been a while since ive last posted, and by awhile i think around october-november which makes it 3-4 months 😭 but im here posting.
first things first, i want to wish you all a late happy new years, and i also want to add that today’s my birthday !!! i am officially 22 years old as of today, turning me into a taylor swift song lmfao.
now you maybe wondering, “ella where have you been?”
well lemme tell ya, it has been a wild past few months, and not in a good way. i won’t get into too much details but i genuinely never felt so miserable as the past few months and 2022 had just ended so miserably for me to the point i couldn’t celebrate new years eve. but on the brightside i got over the stressful stuff and the last year had ended and this year has started.
i also would like to mention that i’m currently recovering from my surgery (yup once again, i’ve gotten surgery right around my birthday lmfao) but i’m doing just fine and alright so theres no need to worry.
what updates have i got? well, its safe to say aside from the deteriorating mental illness that i had, some good things have started to established. y’all remember my crush? well we’re still not together but we are getting closer than we ever been before and she was the first person to ever wish me a happy birthday. i surpassed a very tumultuous semester where it took a toll on my creative drive and thankfully passed the semester. i could go on but again there are certain things i’d like to keep private.
anyhow, if you’re wondering, yes, i’m still very much a stay, and i still actively thirst over bang chan like i usually do. i just haven’t been writing much thanks to my stressful environment. idk when will i come back to writing on here, but all i know is rn i won’t be able to due to my recovery.
i’d like to write some more in the future but idk when it’ll happen so please do be patient with me. but then again, i wouldn’t be surprised if people unfollowed me and forgot my existence lmfao.
anyway, i’m just here to remind y’all that i’m alive and well, just needed some time off of posting here. stay safe y’all and take care of yourselves 🫶
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bedbellyandbeyond · 3 years
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Unexpected Visitor
(Story Post)
“Oh. Hello.” Nathan came home to a bit of a surprise. After coming home from a meeting with Korsgaard, he opened the door to find Jeffrey in his kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. He looked up and smiled to Nathan. “Oh, hey! What’s up?” Jeffrey asked. “What’s up to you first. What are…you doing here?” Nathan asked. Jeffrey shrugged. “Ya know, just hanging out with Wano.” “Ah.” Nathan felt a chill. “And where is Wano?” “I think he just finished up in the shower,” Jeffrey said. “Water stopped running.” “…How long have you been here?” “Hm, I got here… Maybe at noon-ish?” Jeffrey answered. Nathan just went quiet. He carried the twins in with him and set them down in the living room play pen before going and calling up the stairs. “Wano?” The Eclulan called back from the bathroom. “Yeah?” “I’m home! Can you come down please?” “‘Kay.” “Make sure you’re wearing clothes!” “‘Kay!”
Nathan went and grabbed some water from the fridge while he waited. He watched Jeffrey intently, but the young man just kept eating his cereal, oblivious to Nathan’s stare. Wano came down with boxers and a T-shirt on, with a towel around his neck. “Welcome home.” “Uh, yeah, thanks. Um, so Jeffrey’s here,” Nathan said. Wano looked at Jeffrey, who waved to him, and then looked back to Nathan. “Yes.” “What is he doing here?” Nathan asked. “He asked if he could come over,” Wano said. “I said yes.” Nathan blinked. “And you didn’t think to ask me, maybe?” Wano tilted his head. “Why?” “Uh…” Nathan motioned around. “Because it’s my house?” Wano frowned. “Are you mad? I don’t understand. Jeffrey is a friend to us, no?” “He… He is, but it’s still my house,” Nathan said. “I’d like to know when other people are in my house when I’m not here. You need to ask me first.” “It’s okay, Nathan. I’m heading out anyway,” Jeffrey said, after drinking his cereal milk. It left him with a milkstache. “Ollie’ll probably claim Ben as his own if I don’t get back soon…” He got up and made his way to the door to get his shoes on, but Wano intercepted him. “You have milk on your lip,” Wano stated. “Oh?” Jeffrey smiled and leaned into him, puckering his lips. “Can you get it off for me?” “Um, okay.” Wano took a finger and wiped the milk from Jeffrey’s face then wiped his hand on his own shirt. “There, you are clean.” Jeffrey chuckled and then moved on to get his shoes. “You’re so silly…” Nathan was just watching them, completely frozen. Wano waited and watched as Jeffrey finished getting ready to leave. “You will text me when you are home?” “Yeah, ‘course,” Jeffrey said, grinning. He straightened up and took Wano’s cheeks, pulling him down into a quick kiss. “I’ll see you soon, handsome.” Nathan was screaming internally. “Do you want to walk me to the bus stop?” Jeffrey asked. “Sure,” Wano said, without a second thought. “No!” Nathan cut in. Then he managed his volume. “Sorry, no. Wano can’t go too far from the house. The bus stop is too far.” “Ah. Right…” Wano angrily kicked his leg out with the ankle bracelet. “Aw, okay.” Jeffrey smiled and waved. “I’m off, then. Bye!” “Bye,” Wano said. Jeffrey walked out and Wano waited at the door until Jeffrey turned the corner towards the bus. Nathan sat down at the kitchen counter with his arms crossed. “Could you close the door, please?” Wano did as told and then wandered over. “You look angry in your face. Was your meeting bad?” “No.” Nathan straightened up. “So, you and Jeffrey are serious now?” “Serious about what?” Wano asked. “You’re in a relationship,” Nathan said. He remembered he had to be plain with the Eclulan. “Wano, did you have sex with Jeffrey today in my house?” Wano shrugged. “Yes.” Nathan groaned. “Seriously?! At least tell me you’re using protection…” “Protection? From who?” Wano asked. “Not Jeffrey. I am much stronger than him.” “No, condoms! Contraceptives!” Nathan said. “Safe sex!” “I don’t understand any of that,” Wano asked. “Are you kidding—did you put anything on your penis to protect yourselves from illness or pregnancy?” Nathan tried one more time. “No. None of that makes sense,” Wano asked. “Why would we do that?” “Um, maybe so that you don’t get a sexually transmitted illness and you don’t get pregnant!” Nathan exclaimed. Wano shrugged. “But I cannot get your human diseases and I cannot get pregnant.” “But Jeffrey can!” Nathan said. “Yes, is that not the point of sex?” Wano asked. “Not the diseases, but to reproduce?” Nathan wanted to shout but he held it in and just turned around to try and calm down. Wano frowned. “I have not seen you so angry before… Do you need food? Are you hungry?” “No, Wano,” Nathan gripped his kitchen counter with white knuckles. “…I am trying so hard to figure out a way for you to realise why what you’re doing with Jeffrey right now is wrong.” “I don’t understand. Do you not like Jeffrey?” Wano asked. “I thought you were friends.” “I…” Nathan grit his teeth. “I like Jeffrey. We are…group friends. But, Jeffrey is immature and what you two are doing right now is so blind of the consequences. You’re about to be deported off the planet!” “I am very aware of that,” Wano said, defensively. Nathan turned back around. “Then why are you trying to make a baby?!” “It is because I am leaving that I want to,” Wano said. “My planet is dangerous… I might not come back. I would like Jeffrey to carry my legacy so my life was not without meaning.” Nathan wrinkled his nose. It sounded noble in a way but still rubbed him the wrong way. “Wano, that is probably the most selfish thing I have ever heard in my life.” Wano was taken aback. “What? Why?” “Legacy? Are you kidding me?” Nathan said. “If you expect to die, the last thing you should do is try to leave behind a fatherless child!” “They would not be fatherless, they would have Jeffrey,” Wano said. “Unless you are trying to say Jeffrey is a mother, but I learned that's not very ‘progressive’ or something.” Nathan growled in frustration. “You know what I meant! Creating a child just to walk out on them is so irresponsible! You need to give me a much better reason than that! But there isn't one because that's bullshit!” Wano frowned. “You don't understand… I want to be a father. This could be my last chance.” “Wano, you're deportation is only two months away,” Nathan said. “Even if you did get Jeffrey pregnant right now, you won't be here when they're born. And return applications can take a long time. You might not be able to even see the baby for a few years. You'd be more of a sperm donor than a father.” Wano shook his head. “You think that. I don't care what you think.” Nathan had enough. “Whether you see it that way or not, I'm not going to facilitate this in my home. You can't have Jeffrey over here anymore. You didn't have permission in the first place.” Wano stepped right up to Nathan and loomed over him. “What are you going to do? You can't stop me.” Nathan wasn't going to take this. He straightened up and growled, glaring down at Wano. When he tried to speak though, he could only emit a loud thunderous snarl. Wano immediately backed off and looked genuinely scared. “Nathan?” Nathan realised suddenly that something was wrong. Wano had a couple inches on him. It shouldn't have been possible for him to look down on the Eclulan and yet there he stood looming a good foot over the frightened alien. The twins in their pen nearby had both turned, Grace starting to howl and Gabriel letting out little bear cries as well. “The wolf…” Wano emitted. “Nathan, you're big…” Nathan looked at his own hands and saw the fur grown straight out all over, and his claws curled out longer than he'd ever seen. Panicked, he turned about looking for something reflective. He found a new pot and looked into the polished surface. In his reflection he didn't recognise himself. His hair had grown over his face, his ears had elongated past his head with fur all over and all his teeth had pointed. He was looking into the face of the wolf for the first time. Wano was doing his best not to cower in fear. He kept eye contact with Nathan while he tried to figure out what to do. “Nathan… Are you okay? I am…sorry…” Nathan didn't want to scare Wano but any time he talked it just came out as growls and snarls. He waved his hands to try and communicate for Wano not to worry and then he pointed to his phone on the counter which he couldn’t pick up himself now without scratching or crushing. “You want me to call?” Wano asked. “Dax? APID? The doctor?” Nathan just nodded. Any of them would do so long as they could help. “I'll call Dax.” Wano picked up the phone and dialled. In the meantime, Nathan tried sitting so he could calm down. He yipped uncomfortable as sitting initially cause him some pain. He realised he suddenly had a tail and he'd sat right down on it. Trying again, he leaned forward and sat down without crushing anything. It didn't make sense. It was daytime, he was still part man, and he was conscious. Nothing like this had ever happened before and he was scared. He put his face in his hands and took deep breaths, just trying to calm down. After a few minutes, Wano put down the phone and came around the kitchen counter to where Nathan sat. He looked him over and then touched his shoulder. “Nathan? Are you okay?” Nathan tensed up at Wano's touch but when he pulled his hands from his face, they were normal again. Or rather, relatively normal, he still had his permanent claws but they were back down to a manageable size, same as his canine teeth. He touched his face and felt the smooth hairless skin. He heaved a sigh and looked up to his friend. “Wano…” The Eclulan smiled. “You are alright. You are not wolf.” “I don't know what happened...” Nathan was shaking and he couldn't help tearing up. “What was that?” “Dax called the doctors to see you,” Wano informed him. “I am sorry… If I did not anger you…” Nathan shook his head. “No, I…” He tried to steady his breathing. “There's a monster in me…” Wano could tell words weren't helping his friend at all but he didn't want to see him like this. He got down on his knees and pulled him into a hug. Nathan shuddered and wrapped his arms around Wano's torso. He just wanted to calm down and get back to normal. “You are nice guy, not monster,” Wano said gently. “Thanks…” Nathan managed. The twins were still exchanging animal cries and Nathan started getting up to check on them. “Nathan, no. Just relax,” Wano said. “I'll take care of them. You rest.” Nathan sighed but agreed. “Okay, I... Maybe I'll take a shower...” “Yes, sounds good,” Wano encouraged. Nathan did so and went upstairs to shower. The sensation of the water running over him helped him feel more attached to his body, something transformation often disconnected for him. He thought he'd always wanted to be conscious as the wolf, not to lose all control, and yet this sudden transformation had made him feel betrayed. He wondered what Syd or even Korsgaard would have to say about it. He only imagined they'd want to recreate it. APID would want it studied. But he had no idea how it happened or what triggered it. He didn't want to think it was his emotions because the idea of being irate and becoming a dangerous monster scared him the most. The last thing he wanted was to endanger his friends and family. He just wanted to forget it happened at all.
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milkybunbuns · 4 years
smile → kita.s
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Map reading tragedy - 6
w/c: 1.1 K
warnings: none
it was the day that every second and third year in the volleyball team dreaded, or at least you thought so. finally, sunday had come and it was the day when yui would be moving away. spirits were still kept high though, as everyone wandered through the beautiful streets of hyogo, clad in thick fur jackets, beanies, scarves and mittens. you held onto your beanie as a particularly harsh gust of wind passed by, threatening to blow your hat away and to carry it far off into the distance.
"atsumu, are you sure we're heading in the right direction? we've been walking for the past 15 minutes and this park is only supposed to be 5 minutes away."
"of course we're going in the right direction, i'm great at following directions!"
"atsumu-san. hand over the map", kita gestured for the map a creepy blank look implanted on his face making everyone sweat drop. atsumu handed over the map without any thought, not wanting to disappoint his captain. kita inspected the map for a few seconds, quickly coming up to the reason as to why it was taking so long. "you were holding the map upside down."
this sent the second years and most of the third years into a fit of laughter. "only tsumu' would do something so dumb!"
"oh my god, i think this actually has made my life worthwhile, i think i'm crying-"
"don't worry atsumu! better luck not being an idiot next time, you'll need all the luck you can get!"
"how is this even possible. how can one be so stupid to do something like that", yui deadpanned, facepalming while opening up a map app on her phone. "the park is all the way back there, this time, ya'll will be following me, we cant let a bunch of dummies minus kita-san take the map."
"uhm yui-san, i hate to tell you, but it's been like 20 minutes and we're still not there yet", you popped into her field of vision, your voice covering the annoyed grumbling ones of everyone else. kita was tasked with holding the picnic basket since everyone else would just eat all the food before even arriving at the destination. no one even dared try to grab a piece of bread from inside to fill their hunger, too afraid to do so.
"are you sure it's been 20 minutes?"
"yeah, everyone is getting hungry."
"it can't be much further, just another 5 minutes."
"okay", you retreated back to the end of the group beside kita, to make sure no one got lost or was left behind.
"so how was it?", he asked, eyes still staring straight ahead.
"yui-san said that it'll only be another 5 minutes."
"ermmm where are we?"
"this isn't a park."
"no shit sherlock."
"yes, call me sherlock atsumu."
"ew, that sounds so dumb. at least i don't have to share a family name with you now."
"my name is sherlock miya atsumu."
"that's even worse."
"awww, just admit you love the name as you're jealous you're not a sherlock."
"what person in the right mind would be jealous of you?"
"plenty of people!"
"from your imagination?"
"noo, you're one of them."
"osamu. atsumu."
"yes, sorry kita-san!"
"yui-san, please hand over your map", kita gestured for the map, "the location that has been set is wrong. we were meant to take a left as a street 17 minutes ago. we've been going in the wong direction for a long time."
"o-oh, sorry."
"I'll take the map. it's for the best, clearly."
the group finally stepped out into a beautiful open area, children gleefully running around, a glimmering lake in the middle of it all with multiple stalls selling various bits and bobs set up near it.
"finally! i knew we could rely on ya kita-senpai", you smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder gently.
"i am sure that any of us would've been able to do it eventually", he replied bluntly, completely missing the point of what you had said. why couldn't he just say thanks or something?
"of course of course, whatever you say kita-senpai", you mocked, rushing off towards the lake first, spreading your arms out and letting the wind blow against your face as you ran backwards, tumbling onto the grass. laying down, you allowed yourself to make grass angels and was soon joined by atsumu who copied your moves. then came akagi and suna who made a grass human, not bothered to move and too just plop down onto the grass. how had you gotten so close and easy going with the team within a week of knowing them, minus osamu? kita, being the oh-so responsible captain had laid down the mat and was beginning to set up the various plates of food, with yui helping as everyone else wandered off.
"kita-senpai, come play with me at the swings!"
"aren't we a bit too old?"
"aw don't be a downer! pleeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeee? you can set up the food later!"
"y/n-chan is right kita-san, I'll take care of the food, you guys enjoy yourselves."
"i can't, this is supposed to be for you and yet you're doing all the work."
"it's fine, you're helping me by making my favourite ship sail!"
"i dont understand how hanging out with y/n-san will make a ship sail?"
"aiyo, just go already lah", yui said, pushing kita towards you, who was eagerly waiting by the swings. kita moved over to you robotically, looking at you judgingly, but you seemed unfazed by it.
"push me?", you asked him, holding tightly onto the chains holding the swings up, feet not quite reaching the floor, allowing you to swing your feet back and forth.
"okay", he complied, beginning to gently push you forwards by your back, "hold on tightly."
"mhm, i will", you smiled brightly like a child on Christmas eve, rejoicing in the feeling of childhood. kita began to push the swing gently, just enough for a romantic atmosphere, without pushing you to the point where you would feel nauseous. if only this could last forever
"what did you say l/n-san?"
"huh? i didn't say anything and didn't i tell you to call me y/n?"
"sorry, I'll keep that in mind, but you did mention something about lasting forever?"
"oh that. ill be straight forwards with you. i wish that we can be together forever."
"I'll miss you after you graduate. it might sound a bit odd coming from someone you've only known for a week, but i feel like I've known you forever."
"it's not odd at all, we won't ever judge you."
"since when have you been so sentimental?"
"i'm just stating the facts."
"well then, i look forward to cracking a smile out of you."
"of course", he nodded as you got off the swing, hands behind your back and grinning, before rushing off towards yui where all the food was laid out and ready to enjoy.
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gvf-imagine · 4 years
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Weekend with Jake
You and the boys relaxed in Jake and Josh’s basement, it was a calm saturday afternoon and most of your free time was spent with these men in this basement. They were your friends, your best friends even. Sam was the first one you met , he was in your biology class to which you both showed up late and were paired together to dissect a frog. Which you both protested, instead of cutting up a poor frog you and him talked about music the whole class hour. You failed the class but gained a friend, well four friends after he introduced you to his brother’s that lunch period. That was a few years ago now, back in freshman year. Now you're all seniors, who barely attended school. The boys at least had good reason, they were investing their time in their band. You just didn't want to go to school if your friends weren't there, you did what you needed to graduate and coasted through the rest.
“Thirsty?” Jake inquires , noticing you'd been quiet for a while. You didn't realize any of them had spoken; you were adrift in reflections of the past.
“Yeah I could go for some soda” you answer, offering him a kind smile, he grins back and hops off the black suede couch, his imprint still left in the cushion next to you. You hadn't noticed the warm presence of his body heat until it was gone. He moved across the room and jogged up the stairs headed for the kitchen.
“I'm bored” Danny utters, looking at an old magazine. He let it fall out of his grip and settle lightly on his lap.
“Me too” Sam announces, he had been situated in the corner of the room and was fiddling around with his Bass, he often played small compositions to himself. You looked to Josh who you expected would be the next to say something, he was far too enthralled with his phone to even regard that any of you were here.
Jake's footsteps descended the stairs before he hopped over the back of the couch landing perfectly in his fading imprint.
“Here you go!” he voices handing you the cold can. You grab it and inspect the label, your eyebrows peak up towards your forehead in thought.
“You got me diet?” you inquire looking to him. His face goes pale and panic fills his chocolate brown eyes. He shifts his weight on the couch, adjusting his posture. He gulps telling you his throat went dry. You tried your hardest not to laugh, but couldn't help it. It was cute seeing him all flustered at the thought of insulting you.
“Jakey, I'm just kidding, I prefer diet, thank you” the words escape your lips and Jake sighs with relief sneaking in a small chuckle as well.
“Good….because I didn't mean anything by bringing you diet, I mean I know you like it but I dont - I dont think youre ya know, I don't thi- you look really good to me like you don't have to change anything about your- I just-” you put your finger to his mouth, his haphazard words coming to a stop.
“Thank you Jake” you speak softly, you knew what he was trying to say.
“Let's go swimming” Josh proposes, finally lifting his eyes from his phone. You had almost forgotten what you were talking about.
“Swimming? We don't have a pool” Sam replies, setting his base back in its case. Josh shrugs looking at his tall, slim, younger brother.
“no , but the neighbors do and they're out of town” he offers with a sly grimace.
“Problem solved” Danny chimes perking up with a toothy grin.
“I’m in” Jake replies nodding.
“(y/n)?” Josh asks, they all look at you in waiting. Your eyes flicker between the four of them.
“Sure….but I don't have a bathing suit” you realize.
“That's ok you can just wear your birthday suit” Josh winks. Your eyes roll, as they often did in Josh's direction.
“You can borrow Ronnies,here come on I'll take you to her room” Jake offers, touching your shoulder gently indicating it was time to stand. You agree and follow him up the stairs and down the hall to her room. You walked in and it smelled just like her, vanilla and cashmere , her signature perfume scent. Jake looks around the room and silence settles in the air he looks over to you his hand tucked snugly in his back pockets.
“Here it's right here….dont worry its clean '' he says pulling the bikini out of Ronnie's drawer. You look at it as he hands it to you , it was the color of strawberry milk, which you liked, it was also a two piece, which you didn't like.
“Oh it's a bikini” you utter, you didn't mean to say it out loud. You did not usually wear bikinis , you didn't feel very comfortable in them, especially not in front of four boys. You just didn't feel like you had the right body for a bikini. Jake must have noticed your unease
“You can wear one of my shirts if you're not comfortable in just that” he offers gently. You smile and thank him but decline, you didn't want his clothes to get ruined from the chlorine.
“Ill just wear this, its no problem, plus I really wanna go swimming its hot as fuck out” you chuckle. Jake nods in agreement
“Well I'd better go change too” he announces, leaving you alone in the room. You slip your clothes off and shuffle into the bikini. You looked at yourself in the mirror that hung on the back of Ronnie's door. You didn't look as horrible as you thought you would have, but you were still kind of nervous about the guys seeing you like this, they'd never seen you in such a small amount of clothing.
“Most of your body will be underwater, they'll only see you for a moment” you give yourself a small pep talk.
“Come on (y/n) were leaving!” you hear danny call from the living room. With a fortifying breath you give yourself one last look and walk out of the room. You make a pit stop in the bathroom and grab a towel to wrap around your body , you grabbed an extra four for the guys as well. The soft shag carpeting of the bath mat in the bathroom grounded you and calmed you.
“Just getting some towels!” you yell down assuming they heard you. You had the towels and you were ready to go, butterflies slammed incessantly into the sides of your stomach, begging to be released.
You walked down the stairs and found the guys waiting by the front door.
“Alright let's go” Josh says as he turns the bronze door knob, the sun gleamed in the sky, you squinted trying to combat its powerful rays.
“Jesus christ” Sam spat holding his hand up above his eyes.
“Good day for swimming,” Danny adds as you all walked towards the backyard, the neighbor in question was a few houses down. The warm soft grass felt inviting on the bottoms of your feet the sun bathed your skin with warmth like a hug from mother nature herself.
The pool was actually pretty big, you were almost surprised something like this was in someone's backyard and not on an episode of ‘cribs’. The boys begin pulling their shirts off with no thought , you were almost jealous at how little they had to worry about their bodies. You, on the other hand, were a little more reluctant. A few droplets of water hit your face as Jake jumps in the pool, then Danny then sam.
“Come on” Josh nudges you before joining his brothers. You watch them with a smile before dropping your towel , slowly. Jake was watching you intently only with his head visible above water. His lips part and his tongue smooths across them as he takes in the sight of you. His hair was wet and small drops of water cascaded down his face, he didn't seem to notice he was too engaged with you. You didn't see him looking at you at first and the first person to say anything was danny.
“Jesus…” he muttered, in a good way you had hoped.
“I'll take that as a compliment Daniel” you chime walking closer to the pool, using the ladder to slowly dip yourself in the refreshing water. It wasn't too cold or too hot, it was perfect and your body thanked you for it.
The guys swam around for a while, all of you splashing each other, laughing and probably being far too loud to go unnoticed by the other neighbors but none of you cared. It was freeing to be in the water, all your worries fade with every splash , ebb and flow just like the artificial waves Josh and Sammy were causing while wrestling in the water. You felt something grab your leg and pull you under before you could let out a sound. You smile when you see Jake's long hair floating aimlessly in the clear blue water, he waves to you then brings his hand to his lips and blows you a kiss before resurfacing. You stayed under a few seconds longer than followed him up. The noise of the outside world filling your ears once again. Jake flipped his hair out of his face, you watched in slow motion as droplets of water flung of the tips. You couldn’t help but take not of how attractive Jake is, his smooth sun kissed skin covered in droplets of water racing down his body
Stop stop stop.
You pull your eyes away from him , you could swear you saw him smile.
Your heart was fluttering in your chest, you hadn’t felt like this before about Jake, you’ve always seen him as a best friend. The night went on and now you and Jake found yourselves back at his house , upstairs on the balcony that was attached to his second floor bedroom.
“You want a drink?” He questions
“Wine?” You inquire with a smile.
“Yes ma’am, your favorite too, pink moscato” he returns the smile. You were at the kiszkas so often for dinner they’d always kept a bottle of your favorite wine in their liquor cabinet. Jake stepped out of his room and downstairs. You turned your attention to the sky. Pinks and oranges painted across the lazy sky as the sun began to set. You closed your eyes, your body tired from spending the day in the hot sun. The clinking of glasses brings you back to a more present state of mind. Your eyes flicker up to Jake who stood over you, holding a wine glass out to you , once you took it he returned to the wooden patio chair he was sitting on.
He poured your drink first and then his, the wind gently blowing his hair. You took a sip of the sweet and tart liquid, it was ice cold and delicious.
Your eyes find their way back to the sky.
“What a beautiful view” you chime to no one in particular. Jake looks to you, he watches the wind sweep through your hair , his eyes scan your profile lingering on your lips.
“Yeah...you’re gorgeous” he says , his words softly float out of his mouth.
“I means ITS- it’s a gorgeous...view” he corrects himself quickly, he curses himself under his breath. You pretend like you didn’t hear the first part but you did and it made your stomach flip. Did he really think you’re gorgeous?
“Are you sleeping over?” He asks, taking another drink from his glass. You mull the idea over in your head.
“Do you want me to?” You respond , a loaded question.
Jake catches this and smiles at you.
“Of course” he coos. This would not be the first time you slept over so it wasn’t a big deal.
The rest of the guys were downstairs drinking around the fire pit, you could see them from where you were sitting.
“Wanna join them?” Jake asks, noticing you gazing down at them.
“Sure!” You chime. The two of you grab your drinks and make your way to the fire pit.
“We should make s’mores” you propose making a pit stop in the kitchen. You open the cupboards looking for graham crackers and some chocolate bars. Marshmallows were on top of the fridge as always.
“Here I can carry that” Jake offers, taking the food from your hands , such a gentleman. His fingertips gently brush against yours and by the look in his sparkling eyes you couldn’t help but wonder if it was intentional.
“There they are,” Josh exclaims as you and Jake sat down. You sat next to Danny who welcomed you with a side hug and a kind smile. Jake sat across from you with Sammy. Flames of blazing heat separating the two of you, obstructing your view of him.
“We brought snacks” Jake chimes tossing the marshmallows to Sam who tore the bag open happily.
Conversation flowed as easily as the drinks, the sun was gone now, the heat of the alcohol was all you needed to keep you warm. The five of you spent a few hours around that fire landing you all in a drunken stooper.
“Well...I think I’m gonna go to bed ladies” you say, struggling to stand up. Danny holds your arm stabilizing you. You turn and give him a good night hug, his hand brushes up and down your back as he says goodnight. You take a lap hugging each of them , all of them saying goodnight. You stumble again as you walk towards the house.
“I’ll help her” Jake says standing to his feet, you feel his hand lay above your hip bone and his other hand grab your arm as he stands behind you holding you up.
“Went a little heavy on the wine huh girl?” He laughs as he moves you through the house.
“Yeah” you slur.
“Think you can make it up the stairs?” He asks, trying to catch your gaze. You shrug. He chuckles and just picks you up bridal style , carrying you gracefully up the stairs. He sets you down on his bed gently, his mattress shapes to your body , you feel him drape a thick comforter over you , his body weight settling next to you. He brushes your hair out of your face and kisses you softly, reluctantly on the cheek. It felt right, being here with him in this bed , with his arms wrapped around you , your body against his, his face nuzzled into your neck planting kisses on your shoulder. He whispers a soft goodnight.
The next morning you woke up to an empty bed, it took you a moment to realize where you were, your head pounded , the night before still knocking against your brain.
Jake was nowhere to be found , well, at least in the bedroom. You squint your eyes as the sun gleamed through the blinds
“Good morning” Jake voices as he steps into the room carrying a tray with breakfast foods laid out attractively.
“I brought you breakfast, I bet you’re feeling pretty rough” he chuckles as he sets the tray down so it’s stationed across your lap. You smile at the plate of delicious food in front of you and then turn to Jake.
“Oh Jake this is so sweet, thank you so much”
“You’re welcome girl….I made it all myself” he adds.
“Well here we can share” you chime scooting over so he could get closer, he wasted no time doing so.
You rest your head on his chest as he takes a drink of juice.
It all felt right, for the first time in your life everything felt right.
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sarahwroteathing · 5 years
Just One Kiss (10)
Word Count: 3388
Summary: You and Bucky enjoy an afternoon in Prospect Park
Warnings: None!
A/N: Surprise! Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!
Catch up here!
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About a month had passed since that unconventional first date, and the neighborhood gossips had been surprisingly well-behaved. Bucky, Steve, and Betty’s sharp warning glares and complete willingness to both verbally and physically disagree with any crude speculation played no small role in this. But you and Bucky had also been very careful to give them nothing to base theories on. While you were still ill, Bucky would only come by with Steve in tow and Betty present, hardly staying for longer than half an hour and sneaking up the fire escape if he wanted more time.
Once your health recovered, Bucky fulfilled his promise and took you dancing. Both the restaurant and the dance hall were respectable and well-lit places, and Betty and Steve tagged along. The night had ended early by even Mrs. Tanner’s standards, and try as they might, no one could find anything to fuss over. They were gravely disappointed in how scandal free your relationship proceeded, and by the end of the month had lost all interest in it.
Neither you nor Bucky were complaining. In fact, you couldn’t recall a happier time in your life. 
Betty watched you with amusement as you emerged from your room in a swirl of flouncy skirts and softly-curled hair.
“Well aren’t you all flower petals and smiles today,” she said as you opened the curtains wide, bathing the small apartment in Sunday afternoon sunshine. “Lover boy coming by?”
“I don’t know who you mean, but Bucky said he has today off too. He might stop in for a moment.”
“Oh, sure, might,” Betty laughed. “Well, do you think he may possibly be coming up the front steps or the fire escape?”
“Well if he decides to come. Probably definitely the front steps. We’re going to the park.”
“You know you don’t have to pretend this is a casual, last-minute plan with me, right?”
“I know. Sorry,” you said with an embarrassed smile. “Force of habit.”
“It doesn’t have to be. You’re allowed to be stuck on a fella every once in a while. There’s no harm in it.”
“I know… It’s just strange after so many years of pretending not to… care or feel any sort of way. And thinking he wasn’t really serious about it. It’s… an adjustment,” you finished on a sigh.
“It would probably help if your parents were on board,” Betty noted with a sympathetic grimace.
“Yes.” Your smile flickered. “Though it could be worse. It’s not exactly that they’re not on board. They just don’t seem to take it seriously.”
“You’ll talk it through,” Betty said with an encouraging smile. “I’m sure it’ll all turn out alright.
“Yeah…” you sighed, fidgeting slightly before giving a shy sort of smile. “I think I might take him to the gazebo.”
“He would love that,” Betty laughed, catching your hands to give them an excited squeeze.
“You don’t think it’s too silly?”
“Too silly for the fella that stood around with a towel on his head to keep from peeking at ya? No, I wouldn’t suppose so.”
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly, your face lighting up when a jaunty knock sounded from the front door. Betty smirked at you before going to answer it, grabbing your purse from the side table as she went.
“Get her outta here so I can be grumpy and cynical in peace, won’t ya?” she requested, handing Bucky your purse and snapping her fingers impatiently. “Need to restore the balance in this apartment.”
“Yes ma’am, I’ll gladly take her off your hands,” Bucky said with dutiful nod while you rolled your eyes.
“It’s only a loan. Have her back before dark, huh?”
“Goodbye, mother,” you teased, kissed Betty’s cheek as you passed her in the doorway.
You and Bucky laughed when she slammed the door with a huff. This time, you didn’t even make it two steps down the stairs before the door at the bottom creaked open, Mrs. Tanner’s sharp eyes assessing the two of you with a glare.
“Sorry for the noise, ma’am,” Bucky said politely as you put on a plastic smile.
“And where are the two of you going off to?” she asked suspiciously, dismissing his apology entirely.
“Just over to Prospect Park to enjoy the sunshine,” he said with a charming smile. Mrs. Tanner didn’t respond, just closed her door and clicked the lock back into place. “And drink bathtub gin until we go blind.”
“Bucky,” you scolded, digging an elbow into his side as you giggled.
“You know that’s the answer she would have preferred,” he laughed, catching your arm and looping it through his before you could elbow him again.
“We’re scandalously unscandalous, and she hates it,” you agreed.
“Makes me feel guilty for not being in the mob.”
“Behave, will you?”
“Of course I will. Because I’m tragically not in the mob.”
“How deeply disappointing.”
“I know it. I’m a disgrace to your good name,” Bucky commented, holding the door for you and winking as you passed.
You walked for a while in companionable silence, enjoying the sunshine and gentle breeze, nodding amiably at familiar faces as they passed you by on the sidewalk.
“Did Mrs. Benson just smile at you?” you asked in an urgent whisper as the normally stern middle-aged woman stalked past you.
Bucky blinked owlishly at the question, sneaking a peek over your shoulder.
“She must be on the giggle water,” he whispered back in his best imitation of Mrs. Tanner’s shrill but confidential tone.
“She wouldn’t dare!” you shot back with a laugh, pressing a hand over your mouth when Bucky shushed you gently, glancing behind you again.
“Is it possible that I’ve become… wholesome?” he asked with exaggerated awe.
“At this rate she may even let you into Heaven. The way she acts, she’s obviously in charge of that.”
“I think I’ll pass. I’ve already got my own angel right here.”
You scrunched your nose at him when he gave a stray lock of your hair a playful tug, nudging him away with your elbow while he laughed.
“I bet I could even hold your hand, and no one would say a word.”
You caught the unspoken question in his words and peeked over at him. His eyes were still on the road  ahead of you.
“Yes, I think you could,” you said in a casual tone, gently bumping your shoulder against him.
You caught just a hint of a smile before he took to chewing at his lip. But a few steps later you felt the tentative brush of his fingers sweeping over your palm to lace together with yours. A warmth flowed through you at the feeling, and judging from the quiet sigh that escaped Bucky’s lips, he felt it too.
The two of you made it another few steps before glancing at each other and breaking into giddy giggles, trying and failing to calm yourselves as you entered the park, leaning heavily on his shoulder while he beamed and squeezed your hand tightly.
When you reached a crossroads, he tugged you towards the right, and you looked at him curiously.
“The fellas you work with will probably be over by the baseball diamond,” you said, nodding your head towards the left. “If you want to stop by.”
“Nah, I’ll see ‘em tomorrow. It’s not what we’re here for,” he replied, guiding you to the right towards a very familiar hill. “Besides, they haven’t earned the sight of you in this dress, doll. I’m not sharing.”
“Bucky Barnes passing up an opportunity to show off? Are you feeling okay?” you laughed. By now you knew where you were heading, but you enjoyed teasing him too much to give it up yet.
“Just want to keep you for myself is all. Don’t you worry.”
You smiled warmly, letting him lead you off the path and into the grass, watching as he looked carefully at the trees, altering his course accordingly until he reached the exact spot he wanted.
“What a funny coincidence. I think I saw Steve win a fight here once,” you said thoughtfully as Bucky shrugged out of his jacket and laid it out on the grass for you to sit on.
“Oh, did you?” he snorted. “In defense of the other fella, his heart wasn’t in it. She ran off with his scarf.”
You sat down with a scoff, shaking your head in mock judgement when Bucky sprawled out on his back beside you.
“You need to work on your lines, you know.”
“I think I heard somewhere that it helps to write them down. Maybe I oughta practice that a bit.”
Bucky reclaimed your hand, playing absently with your fingers as he basked in the afternoon sunshine with closed eyes and a content smile. Your heart seemed to grow in your chest as you watched him. Eventually you forced your eyes away, taking a deep breath as you tilted your face up to the sky, enjoying the gentle warmth the sun provided and the soft gust of wind that teased at the loose strands of your hair and tickled your neck.
“Can I ask you about something?” Bucky asked suddenly.
“I suppose it’s only fair,” you said, looking down at him and nudging his leg with your foot, earning a timid smile in return. You brows furrowed in curiosity and you nudged him again. “What is it?”
“Do you suppose I could give you a future?” He didn’t meet your eyes as he asked, watching the clouds above with a forced air of calm while his free hand picked anxiously at the grass.
“Now that’s a funny sort of question to ask me,” you said quietly, shifting your position to face him more directly.
“And that’s a funny sort of answer to give.”
“Well, I just don’t suppose a future is something you give someone,” you said, giving a gentle shrug when Bucky turned his head to look at you. “It’s something you build with someone. At least that’s what I would want.”
“Are you sure? You’re not just saying that because you know I can’t afford to give you as much as I wish I could?”
“Absolutely certain. I want to be a partner, Bucky, not a kept woman. That’s why I moved out of my parents’ house.”
Talking about your future like this, your future together, put butterflies in your stomach, and the joyful pride in Bucky’s eyes as he looked at you only made your condition worse.
“Come on, lazy bones,” you said, pushing up to your feet and dragging him up with you. “We’ve got somewhere to be.”
Bucky barely had time to snatch his jacket back up from the grass before you were pulling him along behind you as you ran down the hill. You heard his breathless laugh, loud and carefree, and tightened your grip on his hand.
“Somewhere to be? We’re already at the park, doll. This was the somewhere to be!”
“For you maybe! But I’ve got a better plan!”
You stopped short, turning to face him and giving a flustered giggle when he grabbed your waist to avoid running into you.
“Is that okay? That I made a plan? It won’t take long,” you said, suddenly nervous.
“Of course! I’d follow you anywhere. You know that,” Bucky said with an amused smile. “Lead on, your majesty. I trust you.”
You gave a playful glare, but continued on your way, taking the turns and branches in the paths with practiced ease until you reached your destination in a more secluded section of the park.
You came to a stop in front of an old gazebo that perched partially over the glassy surface of a pond, surrounded by gnarled old trees and twisted ivy. It was unpainted and unassuming, the wood smooth and dark with age, but you looked at it like it was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen.
“It’s nice…” Bucky said with a fond smile that turned to confusion when you held him back from entering.
“Wait, not yet,” you said nervously.
“What, is it gonna collapse? What’s the matter, doll?”
“It’s just… Well, it’s kind of silly, but this place is sort of… important to me. And I want you to know that it’s important before you…” you gestured helplessly with a flustered sigh. “Forget it. Never mind. Let’s just -”
“Woah, hey! Hold on,” Bucky cut off your nervous rambling with a good-natured laugh, catching your fidgeting hands in his. “If you say it’s important to you, then it’s important to me.  Tell me why. I wanna know,” he said with an encouraging smile, drawing you closer to him.
And you wanted to tell him, but all of a sudden it seemed embarrassingly insignificant.
“How about a trade? Secret for a secret?” He brought your eyes back up to his with a gentle tap to your chin. “I’ll go first. I am extremely ticklish. But if you try to use that against me, I can’t be held accountable for my actions.”
“That’s not embarrassing! It doesn’t count,” you argued with a laugh that broke the solemn expression Bucky had been struggling to maintain.
“Sure it’s embarrassing! How many good, strong fellas you know who fall apart at a poke to the side?”
“Just one,” you answered, giggling at the warning look Bucky shot you when you tried to release his hand and reach for his side.
“You cut that out or we’ll both be in trouble.”
“Well, tell me a good secret then!”
“Fine! How’s this. I make Steve come out for a walk with me on your nights off, and I don’t know why I bother with excuses anymore because we both know we’re going to walk past your place so I can see the light in the windows and know you’re safe at home.”
Bucky held your gaze for as long as he could before ducking his head shyly at the slow-growing smile on your face.
“James Buchanan Barnes... ” you said in quiet awe.
“I know, I know…”
“How did you manage to get any sort of tough reputation with that big ole heart of yours?”
“I said it was a secret! Keep it down, will ya?”
He looked back up when you gave his hands a squeeze, effectively melting your heart with the soft affection in his eyes.
“Your turn now.”
“Fine, but don’t look at me while I tell you,” you sighed.
“What?” It came out dangerously close to a whine, and you scoffed at the sound.
“If you’re standing there making eyes at me, I’ll never get through the story!”
“I’ll have you know I’ve never made eyes at anyone in my life,” Bucky protested, cracking a smile at the laugh it won from you. “Here…”
He shifted the two of you around until you faced the old gazebo, his hands gentle and respectful on your waist as he stood behind you and looked over your shoulder. You took a deep breath.
“Okay, just don’t laugh… When I was a little girl, my mother and I used to walk this path. I always sort of thought this place was magical or something. But then one day… We were sitting under one of the trees, and a young couple came along. And they looked so happy and in love… I remember thinking that must be what true love looked like…”
You trailed off, lost in your memories until Bucky gave a gentle hum, bringing you back to the present.
“They went into the gazebo, and he picked her up to sit her on the railing, kept a hand on her waist so she wouldn’t fall,” you continued, smiling as it played out in your head. “She said something, and he laughed like it was the best thing he’d ever heard. And then he knelt down and pulled a little folding knife from his pocket to carve something into the post.”
“What was it?” Bucky asked, his voice soft in your ear.
“Their initials and a little heart,” you said with a fond grin. “And I remember she pushed at his shoulder with her foot. I think she was teasing him or something, but he just smiled at her and kissed her ankle…”
You gave an embarrassed little shrug, turning to face Bucky again but not yet meeting his eyes.
“I thought it was the most romantic thing I’d ever seen. I know it’s silly, but it’s always sort of stayed with me. And I decided that if I ever met someone who I… who I really cared about and could see a future with… that I’d bring them here.”
You waited for Bucky to say something, but he chose a different route, lacing your fingers together and drawing you into the gazebo with him. He gave a thoughtful hum as he took in the interior, and you chanced a look up at him. With a decisive nod, Bucky pulled you to the far side of the gazebo, startling a gasp from your lips when his hands clutched at your waist to boost you up onto the railing.
“What are you - ” You looked at him with wide eyes.
“It’s your turn now. Come on, doll, make me laugh,” he urged with a giddy grin, keeping a steadying hand on you, while the other braced itself on the wood beside your hip.
“You better not push me into the water, James Buchanan,” you said in warning.
Bucky narrowed his eyes at you, but you acted fast, reaching to tickle his side before he could stop you. He gave a scandalized yelp, batting your hand away and breaking into a shocked laugh even as he tried to glare at you .
“You little traitor! That’s cheating!” he said indignantly, and you smiled innocently back at him.
“But it worked, didn’t it?”
“You’re Trouble, you know that?” Bucky complained, biting at his lip to prevent a smile as he knelt down beside you, drawing his father’s old penknife from his pocket.
You were making a noble effort to remain calm, but you were positively beaming as Bucky etched at the scarred old wood, butterflies swirling in your stomach again at this reenactment of what had become a sort of romantic fantasy for you.
“Bucky…” You gave an exasperated laugh as you leaned to watch his progress. “Why are you making it so big? It’s not a competition.”
“Of course it’s not. But if it was, we would win. I told you I’d find another way to show off, didn’t I?”
You giggled at that, biting your lip before nudging his shoulder with your foot.
“Why do I put up with you, huh?” you teased.
“Oh, it’s just awful, isn’t it? You’re a saint,” he shot back, catching at your ankle before you could draw it away.
Bucky glanced up uncertainty, and you gave a shy nod in permission. His lips brushed gently over your ankle, and you could feel the warmth of them through your stockings. You leaned your forehead against the post next you, embarrassed by how flustered the simple action made you feel.
“Don’t you hide that smile from me,” Bucky said with a fond laugh, putting his knife away and standing up again.
He curled a finger under your chin and coaxed you from your hiding place.
“How’d I do?” he asked softly, and you found yourself glancing from his lips to his eyes hopefully.
“Perfectly. Thank you,” you whispered.
And for just a moment you really thought Bucky was going to kiss you when you ignored his clear opening to use your usual line.
His gaze fixed on your lips as he inched a bit closer to you. But something sad passed through his eyes, and he pulled away.
“Ready to go home?” he asked, hands politely finding their way back to your waist to help you down from your perch on the railing.
“Can we stop at the diner first?” you asked hopefully, fighting a small measure of disappointment. He had waited patiently for you, after all. You couldn’t complain now that it was your turn to do the waiting.
“If you promise to share your milkshake.”
You took the hand he offered once your feet were once again on solid ground, falling into step with a happy smile.
“Anything for you, James Buchanan.”
So, what are we thinking? How are we feeling? Remember that comments, replies, and asks make the world go round!
Chapter 11
Tags: @aubzylynn @namelessdecoy @stephie-rowena @shifutheshihtzu @darkchocolaterey @internalbullshit @shitsxnxgiggles @lilasiannerd @anyakinamidala @kennadance14 @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @iwillbeinmynest @wiintershero @scotlandasshole @netflixa @hardcorehippos @singingprincessstudent @pato-el-cerdito @sophiealiice @blue1928 @creideamhgradochas @tinuviel015 @jacks-on-krack @marisabay @janelock221 @a-book-pressed-rose @fvckjamesbarnes @irunintospace @bbparker @rivedale @battlebunnyteardropsinthesun @feelmyroarrrr @breezy1415 @superwholockpoop @summertimesnowstorm @rrwilson66 @palaiasaurus64 @of-sebstan-and-chrisevans @au-lola @buckybarneshairpullingkink @xxashy999xx @sebstanwassup @agentsinstorybrooke @promarvelfangirl @thinkwritexpress-official @yaszx @specs15 @sarahp879 @marveliskindacool @unbetaimagines @klmpun @sadanddeadsoul @papermoon2719 @spnhybrid @rocketqueeens @greeneyedgirls4 @kindaace @thankyouforanonymity @coley0823 @assbutt-son-of-a-bitch @mehopevandyne @macheungo314 @ughborky @boyzines @chanandlerphalangesparkles @anactualteabag @kaliforniacoastalteens @marvelavengers8 @hello-i-dont-have-a-name @winenighthoe @justjadepayne @withahintofpestoaioli @vintagepigeon @redlipstickhoe @notimetoblog @gimmebuckysloveorelse @discoveranything @raven-ur-mum @part-time-patronus @mizzzpink @imsecretlyromanburki @mischiefnevermanaged94 @allmyheart2 @jamesbarnesbestgirl @haleypearce @katielu-blog @hydrabuck @beautifulfound @nomadicpixel @steggy4ever @sebbystanlover-vk @darkblueeyedperson @merlinlover @americasmarauders @staypastoral @sarrahthesmartiee @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked
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n0irrrr · 5 years
FLower Curse | 7
[levi x male!reader x erwin] this work will have vomiting, heavy angst and death. the reader suffers from the hanakahi disease. summary: you loved him. he didn’t. everything goes downhill when suddenly, you cough a petal when you think of him.
s i x
Seeing everyone was getting ready with their gear made you anxious. You wanted to go with them— to protect your squad. Sadly, strong orders form the commander made you stay in the barracks.
Surprisingly, you decided to join breakfast this morning. Even if your appetite didn't exist, you sat down with your squad and talked to them until it was time to go.
"You should rest, Squad Leader! You really look sick today..." Tim said, looking worried, "are you taking any medication?"
Letting out an empty laugh, you tried your best to wear a nice smile. "Of course! When you return, I will be better. Your Leader isn't going to be defeated by a stupid cold."
"But it has been one week and you are still sick..." Trisha said, playing with her fingers, "I don't mean to say you look bad but..."
The white haired male, Simon, crossed his arms and frowned. "You look like shit, Leader." The statement made Trisha and Tim look at him in an attempt to stop his comments, but the young male didn't care. "What? It's the truth. You are skinnier, paler, and you have get into fights with the commander and the corporal, and Petra too."
"You don't have to recall all of that, Simon. Our leader is stressed enough of... these conflicts, you don't have to make him more worried." A blond woman interfered, glaring at Simon with her greenish eyes. "We have to comfort him like a good friend would do, no made things worse."
"I'm just stating the truth— come on Elizabeth, you saw how angry he was with Petra yesterday. That throw must have hurt, too." Simon muttered to not grab any attention to the topic of conversation. Sadly, his voice got louder, "You should have seen her after—"
"Stop! This is not helping at all!" Elizabeth slightly raised her voice just to interrupt Simon, which she gladly did, hearing his voice getting louder. "You don't say all of that like it's nothing to our leader! Apologize!"
And just an argument began. You were thankful the mess hall was loud this morning— if it weren't, they would have heard all of what your comrades were saying. Just the table besides you caught attention of your soldiers getting railed up, but they quick dismiss it when they saw your glare.
Tim and Trisha tried to calm them down, but their sweet and low voices didn't made trough. Elizabeth was over protecting with you, and Simon was brutally honest. These two didn't match that well, but their differences were forgotten once they were in battle. But of course, the two could talk normally in one moment and in a second they could be fighting, just like now.
"Alright, that's enough. You both calm down and sit down; everyone is watching you making a fool of yourselves." You finally ordered, rubbing your temples. A headache overcome you, maybe for not eating well yesterday and today— your bad mood was getting through.
Thankfully, the two took the order and sat down, silently glaring at each other.
"Simon is right. I'm not in my best shape right now and..." you passed a hand through your hair, sighing, "I've been in a bad mood, as you could have heard, or even seen."
There was a minute of silence, until Tim broke it with an unsure look. He didn't know if he was alright to ask this, but he did anyway, "Leader... are you sure is just a cold? I mean— I'm not saying you are hiding something or anything, but..."
"Are you saying Squad Leader [Name] is hiding something from us? Something as important as his health?" Trisha asked, muttering to herself.
And just by that, another discussion overcome the topic. But you quickly ended it by the truth— just like yesterday, you decided that the best thing to do was being honest with everyone. Well, just a little honest.
"It's not a cold." You stated, looking at your squad members, which they quickly shut their mouths. Muttering, you proceed, "we... don't know what it is exactly, and I don't know when it will go away."
"What do you mean?" Simon frowned, looking confused, "are you implying that you have an illness? And you hide it from us?" "I did." The soldiers looked at you with wide eyes at your response, Elizabeth, Tim and Trisha looked surprised and taken aback, Simon frowned, looking away. "I didn't know what it was at first... and I still don't exactly know."
"You... don't know?" Simon asked.
"No, we don't know."
"What are the symptoms?" Elizabeth quietly asked.
"I just... throw up a lot and it's hard to breathe." You decided that was the best thing to say—it wasn't exactly a lie, right?
"And no doctors know anything?"
"Nope. No luck." Seeing their faces made you worried— there were just minutes to leave, and they couldn't just go with worrying about something else. They had to stay focused in the expedition, so you quickly tried to fix the mood. "But hey! Erwin and I heard about a doctor in Wall Maria that could help me, maybe we can go after the expedition, come on, don't look at me like that."
Trisha was the first to look at you with spark in her eyes; she was hoping you were telling the truth— after all, they care about you. "A-Are you sure? Do you think he will help you?"
"Are you not telling lies? After all, you just hide an illness from us for one week." Simon bitterly said, averting your gaze. He was hurt, just like everyone else— they were your soldiers under your command, your comrades; your friends.
Ouch. But it was the truth— you fucked up. "I'm sorry; I owe you all an apology for lying to you. But I'm telling the truth; Erwin and I have our hope on that doctor."
Tim tried to light the mood, "That's good, right?! Maybe, maybe we can go with you when we got back!" He smiled.
Trisha quickly joined his joy, "Exactly! We will go when we return, Leader! That's a promise."
You laughed, feeling something warm in your chest. Knowing they cared about you, even when you lied to them, made you feel good. Looking at Elizabeth and Simon, who were still not saying anything, you asked, "could you two forgive me?"
Simon meet your gaze and sighed, "Of course, Leader. Yes, you lied to us, but right now what is important is your health, right? So don't worry."
"Exactly. Yes— we are hurt, but what comes first is your health, Leader. So don't smash your head on your desk for what we think. We care about you." Elizabeth stated, smiling at you.
You felt as if a ton of bricks lifted up from your shoulders— and you just laughed with all your heart. "You guys are the best. You better don't do anything stupid in the expedition, you hear me?" Your squad just laughed, "Of course, Leader..." they said in unison, making you laugh.
"Where are you going to be placed? And who is in charge? Tell me!"
"Calm down, Leader!" Trisha said, raising her hands, "we will be placed in the right flank along with James."
You sighed, feeling relief— Yeah, they will be safe. The right flank usually doesn't encounter that much of a problem. Yes, yes,, they will be safe and sound.
"You know how I hate to break the mood, Leader, but," Simon said, approaching you and muttering, "won't you apologize to Petra? You know, she is hurt, even if she doesn't want to show it..."
Sighing, you knew he was right— what you did was wrong. This morning you thought to apologize to her already, but thanks to everyone coming and leaving like flash you couldn't. Or maybe, you just were making up excuses.
"I will apologize to her after the expedition." You stated, giving a quick look to Levi's table— which you quickly averted when you saw the ravenette looking at you.
"Everyone! It's time."
"That's our que! We have to go, see ya, Leader!" Trisha said, leaving with Tim.
"We will go to that doctor after returning, alright?" Elizabeth stated, before leaving the mess hall.
"Yep, what she said. See ya, cap."
And after that, they all left, along with everyone else. You were alone in the mess hall, looking deeply in thought. Somehow, you didn't notice someone staying— the hand slamming the table made you jump, looking right at the ravenette.
"Levi! The fuck!" you cried out, holding your chest.
"Oi. We will talk after the expedition. No hiding." He said, looking straight at you. You just sighed at replied,
"Yeah, yeah... No more lies..." The reply seemed to satisfy him, because he was already leaving with a smirk. You stopped him before he did, saying, "Hey! If you can... can you make sure they—"
"I'm absolutely sure they can handle themselves just fine. Aren't they your soldiers, [Name]?" He said, furrowing a brow. The question made you laugh— made you feel dumb to be worried about your soldiers being in danger. They know what to do and not do— they will return.
"Of course..."
The ravenette looked at you for more seconds before leaving. You were alone with your thoughts now.
Yes. You will apologize to Petra— she is your friend, you didn't have to snap at her like that.
You will talk to Levi and explain the curse. You will go with your squad to Wall Maria, to go for the doctor. You will apologize to Erwin. You will. Everything will work. ________________________________________ You never felt so bored before— was this how it felt when you were left behind? You felt like shit. The barracks were in absolute silence. You didn't know how much time were you all alone in your office. One hour? Two? How much does an expedition last? Were you outside the walls that long? Never felt like it. You wanted them to come back already, you wanted to be with your squad and protect them here.
Unfortunately, a painful feeling in your chest began to extend itself in your throat, and you knew exactly what it was. You just tensed and throw it all out, meeting with the colorful flowers. You thought you were finished after five flowers, but the feeling of something stuck in your throat made you gag.
It felt like glass coming out from your throat; it hurt. It hurt a lot. You hardly coughed, holding your throat to bear the pain— your eyes were teary, saliva was dripping from your mouth— the fucking flower just didn't want to come out.
Finally, after it seemed like hours, you had to take the flower out of your mouth with your hand— you could feel ripping it from something inside your chest.
The flower came out with a big root. Bigger than the others, at least. There was a lot of blood with it, too. Along with the petals and flowers that came out before this one. Fuck, this doesn't look good.
Throwing the flower to the floor, you tried to catch your breath— your throat was sore and hurt like hell. You could feel something inside your chest, not letting you breath properly. Calming your nerves, you thought the best thing was to get water and then go outside to get some air— yes, that was what you were going to do.
xxxxxxx After drinking some water, you went to the stables, where the horses were kept— and when you came in, you left a sigh of relief when you saw your horse, Nora, all alone.
"Hello, girl. They left you behind too?" Approaching her, you pet her nose, only to get licked by her. "Don't worry, I'm going to stay with you, alright? We both will wait for them here."
You placed a box near her, you sat down and talked to her. Just letting out about all of what was happening lately.
"But, you know, I think I will get better. After they return I'm going to look for Timothy with my squad, and we will know if I can get cured." Hearing her snort, you laughed, "Aw, I wish I could take you with me... but I don't think I can. Will come straight at you with the news, tho!"
Nora quickly began to move, pointing with her noise at the stable's door.
"What, girl? Are they already back?" Paying attention, you could hear the horses, some voices... "Thank you, Nora! Will come back after I see the doctor!" You exclaimed, leaving the stable— you were happy they were back already. There was already sunset, why did they had to take so long?
Whatever! You will find Tim, Trisha, Elizabeth and Simon, but first you will apologize to Petra.
But the state they were in made your heart ache. Your chest tightened— why did they look so grim? Why many of them were injured? What happened? You were sure in the last expeditions there wasn’t anything this bad— yes, you don’t came back joyful but like this…?
Instantly, you approached them, they could see your worried face, and by the looks of them, they didn’t want to tell you something. Where was James? Where was your squad?
“H-Hey! Where is my squad? Tim, Trisha, Elizabeth. Simoon...?" You tried to ask a soldier who just passed you, ashamed, You grunted, going with one of the recent cadets— Kirchstein. "You!"
The boy instantly turned at your direction, sweating when he spotted you. "Squad Leader [Name]..." he could only mutter. Was he going to be the poor bastard who had to tell you the bad news? Fuck.
"Do you know where is my squad? I don't see them." You said, looking at all the soldiers to spot your friends, but no luck.
"It wich flank where they?" Please don't say right flank, don't, don't...
"In the right flank, with James. I don't see him either..."
The blond you didn't spot at first, Armin, who was beside Jean, tensed along with him. They stayed quiet for some seconds, before Jean had the courage to tell you the situation.
"The right flank was completely wiped out, Squad Leader." He gulped, fearing what your reaction could be, "there were no survivors in the right flank."
You felt as something broke. Like a glass shattering on the floor in a million pieces— something you couldn't describe in one word. Something hollow, dark, cold.
The cadets really didn't know what to do, so them both just apologized. Before they could leave, you asked one more thing. "Where's is Levi's squad?"
This time, Armin answered you without looking at you in the eyes. "They are... dead too, Leader..."
"Just... Just how?! A flank wiped out?! Levi's squad?! What happened!?"
"Squad Leader— We—!"
"[Name]." You heard someone call for you— a deep voice. Turning around, you spotted Erwin who was standing there, looking at you with an expression you couldn't decipher. "Come with me." He softly ordered, trying to not get you all hot headed, but sadly, that didn't work at all.
You were furious. You should have been there with them! "They are dead, Erwin!" you cried out, scaring the two cadets who were there by your sudden loud voice. "They are gone forever! I should have been there! I should have, but I didn't, I didn't, I didn't!" you repeatedly said, approaching Erwin and punching him on the chest with your fists wich he only could took.
"[Name], please—"
"No! Shut up! If I was there, I could have protected them! Damn you, Erwin! Why, why, why!" You desperately said, tears coming down. "They are gone... Elizabeth, Tim, Simon, Trisha... We promised..."
"We will go together."
Erwin knew even if you would have been there with them, nothing could have been different. Your current situation wouldn't have let you work things out. He had to said the hard truth, even if it hurt you. "Stop acting like a child, [Name]. Nothing would have been different."
"Stop! And? I should have been with them... I should have..." You muttered the last part, not finishing what he already knew you were going to say.
He sighed and took your wrist, "come with me and stop shouting. Just, calm down until we are at my office, alright?" He gently ordered, looking at you with that soft expression he often showed you. You just eventually gave in, crying and taken by the hand like a child.
When the door was shut, you instantly cried harder, grabbing Erwin by his jacket and hiding your face on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, caressing your hair. Softly muttering things on your ear, he tried his best to comfort you, but you were broken beyond repair. "I— I can't see them again!" you sobbed, "I couldn't a—apologize t-to Petra! I'm — I'm so sorry!"
He could feel his heart hurt hearing you so broken. Why were you apologizing? "[Name], don't say that. Nobody knew what would have happened, is not your fault. Nothing is your fault."
Crying louder, you just sobbed, saying things Erwin couldn't understand by your sobs. So he just hold you, trying to fix the pieces of the broken glass. You two stayed like that for what seemed hours, until you calmed down and rested your head on Erwin's chest.
"Are you better?" He gently asked, kissing your head with caring. The answer he got was a grunt and loud sniffing, before you broke the hold —that he didn't want to broke at all— and wiped your face with your hands.
"How— How is Levi taking it?" You asked, looking at the floor. You wondered how he was feeling now; maybe just like you.
"He's holding it. Petra's father... talked to him when we returned." He closed his eyes, "Levi is furious, but he knows the feeling too well, [Name]. But that doesn't make it easier..." "But... an entire flank was wiped out. How is that possible?"
Erwin sighed, going to his desk and sitting down. He began to explain what happened to you— the abnormal, or intelligent titan they encounter, how they tried to capture it and failed... You wanted to kill whoever that person inside the titan was— the person who killed your comrades.
"I'm going to see Levi." You stated, but before you could leave, Erwin took your wrist, making you stop.
"[Name], I don't think this would be a good time."
"I have to see him, Erwin. I have to. We have to talk right now." You had to— you could feel something covering your throath slowly. The bad news only made your insides worse— it was harder to breathe.
"But [Name]—"
You interrupting him by freeing your wrist, and said, "We will just talk. Just talk..." and then, you left, leaving him alone in his office.
"Come in."
You slowly opened the door, seeing his miserable state he tried to cover. When he saw you, his expression changed to a grimmest one.
"Funny how now you come to me, [Name]." He bitterly said. Was he trying to joke around?
Nevertheless, you tried to hold yourself together. "I'm sorry for what happened..." You didn't want to say it out loud— you didn't even want to think of it.
He just hummed, closing his eyes. "Me too." Was the only thing he said, before everything fell into an uncomfortable silence.
"About what is happening to me—"
"I seriously don't want to hear you right now, [Name]."
Your heart sinked at the sudden statement — yes, you knew he was hurt, bu so were you! You had to tell him the truth, he had to hear it. "No— but, hear me out, Levi, because I love you I—"
"Stop talking." He interrupted you, standing up, looking at you in bitter. "Get this straight: I will never love you, [Name]. And you know why is that?"
Ouch. That hurt. A lot. That hurt, it hurt, it hurtithurtithurtithurt—
"Because the one I always loved is dead."
Right. He never loved you. What was there to talk about? Why were you trying? You knew this was over the first time you threw up that petal.
You were wrong. Nobody could have helped you wake up from this stupid love trance. So foolish. This was it— you couldn't breathe. Something was not letting you breathe— you had to get out. out out out out out.
You just let the tears flow and flew— straight at your office. You tried to grasp for air, but you couldn't. Your lungs were full with something. You needed help. You were on the floor, trying to rip off your shirt.
Help me. Help me help help helpgelpplessepleaseplaeplasleslap
"[Name], I saw you—" You heard Erwin? coming in, and when he saw the state you were in, he shout and order to a soldier who was walking near, and in a matter of seconds he went to your side. "What is happening, [Name]?!"
You tried to mutter something, "I—I can't breathe..." you felt as if your jacket was suffocating you, "j-jacket..."
He understand you immediately, taking off your jacket, making you slightly better. You could breathe just a little, but you were feeling something growing inside. Slowly taking your lungs, reclaming them...
"You are going to be alright, [Name]. Don't fall asleep, alright? Hange will come and help you." What was there to help? It was too late. Too late.
You painfully smiled at him, tears dripping from your face. You raised your hand and touched his cheek, making him frown and grit his teeth, "thank you... for staying... with me."
He took your hand with his, "don't. Don't say that, [Name]. You will live, don't say anything else."
You just smiled, looking at the ceiling. You could feel how he carried you and laid you on something soft— the couch in your office?
When Erwin turn his head to place you somewhere comfortable, he spotted the flowers laying on the floor. He saw the flower with roots. He didn't want to say it out loud, but he feared of what would happend.
Quickly after that, he heard frantically steps approaching you, instantly opening the door and revealing Hange with her assistant, Moblit. Both of them had worried expressions, and they looked frightened too.
Hange approached you, examinating the problem. Erwin stayed near you, always watching over you. Hange tried everything she could with the help of Moblit, but nothing was working.
"I have nothing else! Nothing is working, Erwin!" She desperately said, looking terrified. "Nothing!" Moblit tried to solve the tension, but he was worried too about what was currently happening. You look at the woman and smiled at her. You take her hand and squished it with the strenght you had left.
"Don't worry, Hange..." You saw her tears flow, looking desperate, you look at Moblit who was at the verge of tears, "don't you worry either, Moblit." He just averted your gaze. You let go of her hand, and looked at the ceiling again, mumbling to yourself, "who is the unluckiest of them all...?" you let out a painful laugh, "it's [Name]..."
A tensed silence overcome after that. You were barely breathing, but you were still alive. But you will be gone soon.
Someone opened the door while talking, "Oi, [Name], I'm sorry I–" but quickly stopped himself when he saw the situation in front of him. "What the fuck is happening?"
Nobody answered. Everyone stayed in silence, not daring to say a word.
"I asked something! Answer!" He desperately shouted, looking at your weak form on the couch. You were so pale, your eyes were glossy... he wanted answers! "Someone answer me!"
"[Name] is dying." Erwin stated, looking coldly at him.
"Why?! He was fine just minutes ago! What happened?!"
Moblit left the room, and Hange was sitting down on a chair near the couch, covering her face with her hand. Erwin was at your side.
"Because he has an illness no one knew about but us."
"Nobody told me shit!? What the fuck?!" He quickly approached your form, trying to talk to you, but Erwin hold him. "Erwin, tell me what is happening is happening to him!"
The blond just glared, "He is like this because he loves you."
The ravenette just dumbfounding looked at the taller man, "Oi, eyebrows, stop joking around and tell me the fucking truth!" he took Erwin by the collar, but before anything could happend you talked.
"He... is telling the truth, Levi." Your voice was getting lower by the minute.
"What kind of bullshit is that?"
"I was trying to tell you... earlier," when you said that, he averted your gaze, ashamed. "I have something that makes me throw up flowers... Hanahaki curse."
"That's not possible, how can I believe that...?" This time Hange interfered, with her red eyes looking at Levi. "It's the truth. Because he loves you, and you don't love him back, something just... bloomed inside his lungs. We didn't believe it at first but now... we do."
Levi stared at you with widening eyes. He couldn't believe the situation; but his friends wouldn't lie like that, right? No, they wouldn't. He just looked at you, and said,
"I'm sorry..." He frowned, holding the tears. Was he going to lose you too? Because he hurt you? He hated himself. He regretted what he said.
You just sweetly smiled at took his hand, "no... need. Not your fault, hmn?" you let out a chuckle, "nobody's fault..."
He kneeled at your side, caressing your cheek. He was unable to cry— even if he hardly wanted to. He muttered his apologies over and over, until you didn't smile anymore.
Finally... You could see them again. Tim, Trisha, Elizabeth, Simon, Petra, Ed, Oulo, Gunther... your comrades smiling at you. Welcoming you. Everything was blurry.
"See you..." you said, before giving your last breath.
Nobody said anything.
Levi was still holding your hand, muttering his apologies.
Hange was crying, trying to hold back her sobs.
Everyone was busy with their feelings, that they didn't notice Erwin coughing, covering his mouth.
Erwin wasn't surprised when he spotted a white petal on his palm.
e n d.
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jacaranda-bloom · 5 years
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WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by these amazing writers to post a snippet of a WIP fic - thank you to @lululawrence @sadaveniren and @lightwoodsmagic !! I thoroughly enjoyed reading all your snippets! 💜
I appreciate that it’s no longer Wednesday, but if anyone wants to do this now, or even wait until next week, I’ll tag @sweariwouldnt @runaway-train-works @beau-soleil-louis and @taggiecb !
So this is a bit of my Rare Pair fic. The working title is The Cyber Sphere and the pair is Louis/Dermot O’Leary. (I hear the sound of a scratching record...) Yes. Louis and Dermot. The thing is, having only ever written Larry I didn’t know what to do with a Rare Pair and I really liked their interactions on XFactor. So...
The premise is that Louis is the author of The Cyber Sphere, a best-selling series of novels which have spawned a movie franchise, comics, spin-offs, television series, and is supported by a rabid fanbase who call themselves Cyber’s. Louis lives in a fortress-like penthouse, and guards his privacy, limiting his interaction with the outside world. He still keeps tabs on what is going on the Cyber world and sometimes listens in to one of the many radio programs dedicated to exploring all things Cyber related. The Cyber Times is one of those shows. When the regular host is ill, the replacement host is Dermot O’Leary. Louis decides to interact on Twitter. Chaos ensues.
The set up for this scene is that Dermot has put a call out on Twitter for the topic of discussion for the evening's program and selected the question “What does a day in the life of Louis Tomlinson look like?”
Donny babbles on. “And yeah, he’s probably got a staff of people, all with NDA’s and stuff, like super top secret. And he’s working on military and government code, all for the good of humanity, ya know? He probably has these conference calls with the leaders of the world and stops evil schemes to destroy the earth or summat. Yeah. Yeah, really cool stuff.”
“Well, that’s certainly a unique take. Thanks for your input, Donny. Lots of interesting theories coming through on Twitter too, I see. I’m just curious though listeners... Does no one think he’s just kicking around in sweats, drinking tea, eating junk food, and shouting at the ref on television like a regular person?”
Louis sputters, a few drops of tea spilling onto his sweats. Well, fuck.
“No? Just me, then? Alright, when we come back from the break we’ll take a few more callers, so don’t go away.”
Louis pauses and then decides to throw caution to the wind. He gets up and goes back to his console, bringing up his Twitter feed.
Social media is a minefield sometimes, but he kind of loves it. He has fifty-six million Twitter followers and thirty-two million Instagram followers. God only knows why. He just tweets nonsense about football and debunks myths about The Cyber Sphere. He rarely posts on Instagram and when he does, it’s mainly pictures of tech gadgetry. Cool, artsy, well-constructed images, but tech gadgetry nonetheless. The conspiracy theorists like to think he’s speaking in code and dropping hints about his upcoming work or about hidden messages left behind in his other novels. He’s not. He could, of course. But he isn’t. Maybe one day he will. His contract is iron-clad in his favour and he can pretty much do whatever the fuck he wants, but The Cyber Sphere is a brand. He’d never want to risk damaging it, and there are a lot of people who make their living out of it, off it, around it. But yeah, he isn’t opposed to having a bit of fun if the mood ever takes him. And it appears that the mood has, in fact, taken him.
Louis types out a new tweet and posts it.
Actually, I don’t eat junk food - healthy body, healthy mind and all that. Also, that ref deserved to be shouted at! #sweatsarecomfy
He sits back and waits for the carnage that is sure to follow. He wonders whether Dermot is ready for the avalanche of new listeners that are about to tune in and bombard the show’s Twitter feed.
The ad break continues, longer than it normally would have, probably. He envisages the chaos that is no doubt unfolding in the studio. Scrolling through the replies to his tweet, he chuckles as he sees people trying to work out what the fuck is going on and what he’s talking about. #sweatsarecomfy has just started trending worldwide, so has Dermot O’Leary. Nice. He should get some attention. He seems like a good lad.
“Welcome back. And, uhm, welcome to all the new listeners that have just tuned in. Seems like things have taken quite an interesting turn in the last five minutes. For those who have yet to see, we got a cryptic mention on Twitter… Was is it cryptic, though? Seemed pretty obvious to me. My very sweaty, red-faced producer in the other room and the station director and head of legal on the phone are saying that I need to say that. Anyway, we got a cryptic mention, feel free to add the air quotes for yourselves listeners, from none other than Louis Tomlinson himself. Thanks, man. I hear I’m trending on Twitter worldwide. My mum will be so proud.”
Louis laughs loudly. This guy is good.
“So I guess we now have a partial answer to what a day in the life of Louis Tomlinson looks like. Seems as though he watches footie and kicks around the house in comfy clothes just like the rest of us. I like that. Begs the question though, what other normal things does he do? Is he a tea or coffee man? Cats or dogs? Does he sleep naked? Does he brush his teeth in the shower? Does he dress to the left or to the right? Does he scroll through social media on the loo? Whoops. I’m getting a lot of waving arms and mouthed expletives from my poor producer. Okay. Uhm... “ Dermot laughs, the evil tone crystal clear. “Now there’s shouting. A lot of shouting.”
Louis cackles again and brings up a new tweet, typing in the text and posting.
Tea (come on, man). Both. Yes. No, ew. Left. Doesn’t everyone?
There’s a pause, Dermot presumably reading the answer. This is fun. He’s enjoying interacting this way. Creating a bit of harmless chaos and hysteria. Dermot’s joyous laugh rings out, a guffaw, followed by a throaty chuckle.
“Well, that’s… good to know. Thanks, Louis. I’m going to go out on a limb and say there was absolutely nothing cryptic about that, so everyone can just take a seat. That includes you, Graham. Graham is my producer, everyone. Hi Graham! You can’t see it, but I’m waving at him. He’s really quite cross. I think he should get his blood pressure checked, and lay off the coffee. Louis said so, after all. I’m a tea man myself. Actually, not that anyone probably cares, but my answers to those questions are exactly the same. Weird, right? Anyway, we’re going to try to and get back to the show after this next song. Any requests from our listeners?”
Louis types out a new tweet and posts it.
Go Let It Out
Dermot laughs again. He’s got a great laugh. Deep and genuine. Louis would like to hear it on the regular.
“So apparently, Louis and I not only have the same caffeine intake methods and, uhh... dressing preferences,” Dermot clears his throat. Cheeky. “But we also have the same taste in music. Good to know. All of it. Okay, here’s Go Let It Out by Oasis, as requested by our very special listener, and self-professed naked-sleeper.”
Louis smiles. He should definitely do this more often.
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stareyedraccoon · 6 years
👀👀👀 execution hm?
ill put it under the cut!!!! tw for .. death… obvs… its a Dangan Ronpa Execution 
Seeing these … reactions was weird, to say the least. He was certain everyone hated him, even before he killed Tabi. so this? this was weird.Alyen hugging him threw him off a bit too much. Honestly? It was between momo and Alyen on who to frame- Its not like he wanted these kids to die, or he even really wanted to kill anyone. but.. "Ay, you really need to take better care of yourselves, the both of you. Lock your doors- and make sure you’re with someone most of the time. This will happen again and again until you find a way home, get it? Be more careful. if i see any of yall in hell with me im kicking your ass.“ he sneered, messing up the fish boys hair before gently cranking him off."And momo, sorry.. ya know? for everything, could have been better to you.” He made his way past them both, walking up to Caius. Poor dude. “Ey, its gonna be alright, ok?” Was he ignoring riku? he was ignoring riku. that dude always rubbed him the wrong way. he bent down to be at Caius level, petting his hair and wrapping his coat around the kid. "Listen, Its a fucked up situation ya know? If that letter was from my dad and i didnt do as he said? He would have killed me himself, so… I rather go out this way ya know? Plus, who says i cant outrun this otter huh?“he kisses cass gntl, right on the god damn mouth, before standing and looking at monotter“ITS PUNISHMENT TIME!” Monotters tiny mallet hit the big red button in front of him with a click! Tiny colourful stars spurting from the impact! Focusing in on the screen beneath just in time to see a tiny 8-bit Marche flee from a chasing monotter. The screen reading– ‘GAME OVER’MARSHALL FLETCHER HAS BEEN FOUND GUILTY!Time for the punishment! Though both pixels had already fled from the screen by the time it faded to black. Marche didn’t stick around long enough to feel the harsh stares of his classmates not affected by his sob story, as soon as his goodbyes were said, he fled. Springing off of his own podium, he sprinted towards the elevator– If he could just make it in there he would be safe, That was his thought process. Monotter was surprised, a blank look on his face as he processed the Free Runner’s attempted escape; before SCREECHING and slamming his tiny paw on the same red button, sending out a metal clasp to catch the fleeing rat. Marche flicked his one eye back, pivoting to the side just in time to dodge the chained trap. This angered the otter even more. SCREECHING, he slammed his paw into the button over and over, tiny colourful stars still bursting from the impact with every forceful smack, getting more and more droopy as the button was abused. The ultimate titles were not given out lightly.  Marche had managed to twist and dodge every single metal clasp that had come to drag him to his execution, barreling into the elevator, he slammed his body to the side, hiding from the sights of his classmates, of monotter. The elevator chimed, the doors closed. Stood still Then plummeted downwards, as if the cord had snapped suddenly.ON YOUR MARK! GET SET!The elevator landed with a crash, throwing Marche out, he rolled into multiple dog-monokumas, barking and lined up at a starting line. Marche stood, staring at them confused, before being pushed to his starting point by an angered monotter, irritated and fed up with this execution already. Marshall took his place, monotter sped to the front of the line, squaking and showing the course map to all the ‘contestants’, pointing out the finish line. If he could just get to that … It was a general area people would practice parkour on, pipes, staircases, ledges that fell to the sideway far far beneath, it was all here. It was a danger Marche was used to, used to racing on. His confident increased with every growing second, his nervousness of dying replaced with a smug grin, setting his eyes on the finish line. 3 …. 2 ….1 ….  GO! Marche sprinted off, quickly gaining the lead in this race. He pushed off the first rooftop, grabbing onto the adjacent, taller building. His hands grabbed onto the lip of the building, wincing as sharp barbs stabbed into his hands. He gritted his teeth, quickly pulling himself up before looking at his hands, bleeding and damaged.  The course was booby trapped, and the dog-kumas were in close pursuit of him, one’s metal claws already attached to the roof behind him.He didn’t have time to worry about a few minor injuries, he bolted off once again. Vaulting over a wall, his arms got cutJumping over gaps, he landed in barbed wire, shredding his pants more so, ripping his legs gruesomely.Climbing up a pole- seems there were razorbladez jutting out,  slicing his hands, arms, and torso.Through all this abuse, he was finally within sight of the finish line, lined in neon lights, it almost looked heavenly.All that was left was a staircase down, then to jump across to the next roof, and he was home free.Despite all the bleeding, cuts, gashes, how abused his legs were by now, he forced his last bit of energy into running, running towards the stairs and towards the exit. Just one last stunt and he could go home. He could prove to his dad he would do anything, and he wouldn’t be hurt for failing his last remaining family. He could finally be someone his dad could be proud of. As soon as Marche was about to jump down the stairs, The dog-kumas appeared at both sides of the staircase, pulling a rope taunt and tripping the freerunner instantly, the momentum he put into his jump dooming him further.Marche fell down the stairs, each impact worsening his already brutal injuries. His head hit the concrete multiple times, each dog-kuma kicked him further down the staircase at each landing, giving him no time to try and stop his downfall. His speed only picked up, disgusting crunching noises emitting from his body as his arm broke, passing the last opportunity he had to jump to the finish line, His last hope passing him by in a blur. He plummeted faster and faster, before landing in a disgusting pile at the bottom of the stairs. Marche bleed out on the concrete below, body broken beyond repair. He struggled to keep his eyes open, even going as far as try to move from his twisted position, only to gasp for air as a broken rib punctured his lungs. Marshall Fletcher went still.
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guys, i’m gonna take the time to say please, if you’re considering self harm or starving yourself, any kind of self hatred, it may be very hard to not do it, but i know that you’re strong. you can get through it, i know you can. please, stay strong, i’m not asking you to drop everything and push yourselves to be positive right here, right now, but try to head towards a better mental state. there’s therapy, medicines, if your parents or guardian doesn’t know about your mental illness please tell them. they can help you! i love you all. stay safe loves. -mod gundham <3
also, i’ve been feeling kinda stressed by a lot right now, so i’m thinking about starting a character limit for myself on asks i answer. <3
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Hajime Hinata
- he knows you have anxiety and depression, and he comforts you when he can.
- he knew something was strange when it was 91 degrees (Fahrenheit) outside and you were wearing long sleeves.
- he looked up some possibilities and looked for some things and.. he didn’t like the possible conclusion of it.
- why would you hide this for so long?
- he had assumed that you were self-harming.
- sadly, his assumption was right.
- he knew he had to confront you about it, no matter how much he knew you wouldn’t like it. he had to help you
- “S/o, can i see your arm please?”
- you gave him the arm that was clean.
- “The other one, please..”
- You flinched slightly and looked down as you pulled up your sleeve.
- he covered his mouth and gasped.
- “You don’t deserve to hate yourself.”
- he kissed your scars, as he started to help you get away from this coping mechanism.
Gundham Tanaka
- he doesn’t question you wearing thick long sleeved clothing in the summer because.. have you SEEN his clothes
- he does know about your anxiety and depression, but he doesn’t exactly know how to help you
- he just holds you close when you have an anxiety attack, and tells you reassuring things when you’re falling back into an episode
- he was sometimes suspicious of your long sleeves though because that’s ALL you wore, he knew you owned some short sleeved things but you never wore them
- one day he walked in the bathroom while you were wrapping your thigh in bandages
- his persona dropped immediately and he actually started to cry
- he cried for you, he wrapped his arms around you careful not to hit your thigh
- he really just cried and whimpered out “why?”
- he held you for a good five minutes and promised you that he’d never give up on you
Teruteru Hanamura
- he assumes you’re alright! even though you’re acting a bit off he doesn’t mind
- he doesn’t know about your anxiety but he does know about your depression because he’s helped you through a few bad episodes.
- he never knew you self-harmed though
- if you did, he didn’t want to find out himself but he did
- (let’s just say) he lost his sister to depression related reasons, and he had no plans of losing you too
- when he walked in on you actually self-harming, he refused to believe you would do something like that
- “S/o?.. s-s/o?..”
- he didn’t scream, he took the blade out of your hand and held you
- “.. your clothes..”
- “i don’ fuckin’ care bout’ my clothes.”
- he wore mostly white, blood would stain it.
- “i.. i’m sorry.”
- “why didn’ ya tell me?”
- “i figured you’d be mad at me.”
- he shook his head ‘no’ and held you close again. he gladly comforts you any time you feel like this now
Nagito Komaeda
- he.. he knew
- you didn’t tell him, but he knew
- he isn’t stupid, he’s (more than likely) self-harmed before
- he knew you hated confrontation but it has to be brought up
- he hates seeing you suffer like he (thinks he) deserves to
- he cares about you way too much for you to be in pain and him NOT know about it
- “S/o? Can we talk?”
- “.. Why?”
- “It’s about.. your choice of coping with things”
- you knew exactly where this was going and you tried to get out of the conversation
- “I.. I need to go do something can we talk about-“
- “This later? No.”
- fuck
- “Give me your arm”
- “Nagito no-“
- “I know you do it, S/o. You can’t hide it from me. I used to do it.”
- your face dropped
- “You don’t hate me?”
- “God no, are you crazy?”
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loki-subterfuge · 6 years
Author: lokilover9 Chapter: #17 Rating:Teen Notes: Movies ~ What Women Want with Helen Hunt ~ As Good As It Gets with Jack Nicholson. Song ~ Night And Day by The Temptations Relieved to discover Shandis jacuzzi only half full, the ladies happily eased themselves into it and got comfortable. “Ahhhh. Isn’t this nice, Natskies? It fits two perfectly.” “It does. So why did Loki threaten to spank you?” “Geez your brain pounces to the gutter awfully fast. Were you always this perverted? Maybe you were a man in a past life an’ it filtered over into this one.” “That would explain a lot…well?” “In case I didn’t let him help me outta the car an’ hold hands in public. Said we need to appear in love.” “He’s right. Why hadn’t you agreed to that before?” “‘Cause I didn’t wanna.’” “Mmm. Still in denial of your feelings were you?” Shandi stared at her, uncertain of how to respond. “Okay, look. I’ll admit to findin’ him somewhat..attractive…” “Somewhat?” Asked Nat. “I’ll bet sleeping across the hall from him is causing some wet dreams.” ‘If you only knew.’ “There’s that perv again. Even if it were, it’s not like I could relieve myself.” “Why? I thought your newest vibe was pretty quiet?” “It was. When amongst the livin.’” “A little aggressive, were we?” “No.” Said Shandi. “I played nice. Then outta nowhere, it went tits up. The day we left, too.” “No wonder you appeared agitated that morning.” “Nu uh. That happened ‘cause I forgot where I’d put the damn Hitachi and tore my room apart lookin’ for it. You shoulda seen me. Tossin’ shit from drawers over my shoulder, pullin’ stuff from bins under the bed…dumpin’ baskets outta the closet. You’d think the Tasmanian Devil from..Bugs freakin’ Bunny, had himself a tantrum in there.” Nat laughed. “Hopefully your treasure hunt was successful.” “Sorta. I twied…‘tried’….” “Twied what, Elmer Fud?” Shandi splashed her. “Back off, woman. ‘Tried’..to use it here an’ it’s toast, too.” Nat laughed again. “What the fuck? You broke two vibrators in one week? Who does that, Shandi?” “Oh shuddup. Now I’ll be goin’ manual ‘til our missions over.” “Why bother when Loki’s readily available?“ “An’ what do you ‘spose I do Natskies? March over there durin’ the night an’ wake him with a slap to the ass? ‘Yo Cactus, I could use a stress release. Mind if I play ‘ride the rodeo bull’ on your face?’” “That’s a perfect idea.” “Uh..no.” “Then have him drive you to the local sex shop to buy another.” “Oh, sure. I’d never live that down an’ have ya forgotten the breast pump incident?” “What about it?” “Seriously? The God of Mischief in a store with..vibratin’ dildos, butt plugs an’..bondage supplies? Nope.” Seconds later… “Clint can take him. Then tell Cactus what you want, via snapchat.” ***** Meanwhile, Loki was finding the increasing volume level of Clints music, unnerving and offered him another drink. When discovering the kitchen empty and the second bottle of vodka missing, he returned. “The ladies seem to have mysteriously disappeared.” “You’re kiddin’ me.” Said Clint. “How long ago?” “It’s been at least an hour.” “Oh really? I’ll bet I can guess what they’re up to.” “That being?” Loki asked. In his rather inebriated state, Clint revealed Nat was bisexual and Loki’s brows rose. “Are you suggesting what I think you are?” “I don’t know, but they constantly screw with me insinuating it.” “Do they now? Then I suggest we investigate their whereabouts.” Hoping leaving the music on would give them a better advantage, it almost worked until Cupid malfunctioned. Loki knocked on Shandis door and receiving no answer, slowly turned the knob. Then a hastened shove from Clint, slammed it against the inner wall. “Could you be more conspicuous? I might as well have tied a fog horn to your neck.” “Fuck off Cactus.” Hearing all the noise, Nat and Shandi sunk beneath the bubbles and Loki knocked at the ensuite. “May we come in?” “You may.” Said Shandi. He opened it and again, Clint pushed past him and scoffed at Nat. “Yeah, just as I thought. You’re screwing with me again.” She batted her lashes. “Meaning?” Loki leaned against the doorframe, smirking at Shandi. “Discussing menstrual cramps were you?” Clint continued. “Vixens. I’ll bet you’re both dressed under there and can prove it.” Bending too fast to touch Nat, he slipped and fell in, forcing a large wave of water onto the floor. “Fuck me!” Nat was holding her drink in the air and smiled, when he landed in her lap. “Now?” Loki swung into action, using magic to clean it up, while Clint snapped Nats bra strap. “Was that really necessary?” She asked. “To prove my point, yes!” “Uh, baby cakes…” “And now I’m soaked because…” “But, baby cakes…” “Don’t interrupt, Nat…” “CUPID!” Loki suddenly shouted. “WHAT, CACTUS? WHAT?” He gestured towards Shandi who’d escaped Clints path, but with the water shallower, was concealing her naked tits with her hands. “Shit, sorry darlin.’” Once he left to change, Loki eyed Shandi and Nat. “Have any further pressing issues to discuss, or will you actually be re joining us this time?” “Beat it.” Said Nat. “Before I drop kick your sorry ass.” He smiled, closing the door. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Back in the entertainment room, Clint asked Loki to keep his revelation about Nat, secret. She was partially dressed after all and he regretted embarrassing Shandi. Loki thought it wise to prevent any unwanted visits, from paramedics. The ladies sauntered in with water bottles and Loki eyed Shandis new attire, of form fitting tights and a t shirt. “Care to explain yourselves?” “Shandi craved chocolate and bubbles.” Said Nat. His arms crossed. “This was your idea?” “What of it..brat who skinny dips after midnight?” “Aren’t you cheeky.” Shandi stood her ground. “An’ what of that, too?” They stared each other down and Loki envisioned reddening her ass, when Clint spoke up. “Maybe you guys are taking this husband and wife thing a little too seriously.” They both looked at him. “Hey, just an observation and uhh..sorry about that Shandi.” She smiled. “It’s all good.” “Why don’t we watch a movie? Flip a coin for dibs.” Said Nat. The girls won and decided on ‘What Women Want.’ Everyone settled into the large sectional, with Shandi curled up against an arm next to Loki. She kept repositioning her legs and after the third time, he leaned in and whispered. “Use me.” Smirking at her confused expression, he gently placed one across his thighs. “Better?” “Mm hm. Thanks.” Clint had long fallen asleep, when during a scene near the films end, the actors were slow dancing in the female characters bedroom. The song playing was Night And Day and Nat looked over at Shandi. “There it is again.” Loki glanced between them. “What?” ���That dreamy look in her eye every time she watches them dance to that song. She’ll listen to it for days now until the effect wears off.” “You’ve both seen this before?” “Yes, it’s one of her favorites.” Said Nat. “The other is ‘As Good As It Gets.’ “I don’t know what she’s talking about, there’s nothing to see.” Said Shandi. Nat reached for the remote. “You missed out, Cactus. I’ll rewind it.” Shandi gave her the stink eye and he chuckled. “Take heed Kroshka, you’re being warned.” She put it back. “Apparently so.” When it was over, they decided to call it a night and Nat couldn’t wake Clint, so he was left there. Shandi helped take their bags upstairs then returned to the kitchen. Loki entered with some glasses, to find her searching through multiple cupboards. ‘Shit.’ “You’ve rearranged everything. Messed me right up.” She teased. “Clint loves Fruit Loops and I wanted to set him up with my spare box.” “Mustn’t one be awake to eat? Worry about it tomorrow.” He suggested. “I might forget.” After looking in every one, she finally turned to him. “They’re missing along with other items I bought on our first shop.” ***** Nat was just returning up the front stairs, when hearing Shandis unimpressed tone and froze. Loki was visible from where she stood, but he couldn’t see her. ***** “I’ve a confession to make, Shandi. On the day you were ill, I disposed of all the frozen goods you’d purchased out of concern they would cause the same. Your Fruit Loops, Coco Puffs and Lucky Charms, magically disappeared the day after.” He’d hoped light humor might smooth her crinkling brow, but it failed. “Well, I can’t find anything we bought today, either. Where is all that, Loki?” He hesitated. “It never left the store.” Shandi began recalling the day’s events. “That’s why you had me wait in the car…threw everything in the trunk and then put it away before I noticed. You were deceiving me the entire time.” The look of disappointment on her face, made Loki’s stomach knot. “I hadn’t meant…” She interrupted, her tone calm, yet firm. “Please don’t? I thought from our conversation about subjecting me to things without my knowledge Loki, you fully understood it’s not okay. Yet even as we had it, you were concealing things. Then you did the same, when mentioning my diet earlier. I said I’d consider your help after you stated, ‘It’s up to you.’ You could’ve confessed then what I’d chosen wasn’t purchased.” A heavy sigh escaped her. “Maybe to you, they’re simply unhealthy choices about food. The point is, they’re ‘my’ choices. One’s only ‘I've’ the place to make, no matter what they regard.” Loki was internalizing every word, knowing it pointless to defend himself. Regardless the nature of his intentions, she was right. He’d purposely deceived her and tried to conceal it, again. Shandi stopped at the backstairs and looked to him. “I wish you wouldn’t have done this. I liked trusting you. Goodnight.” With that, she was gone and Loki silently berated himself. ‘Brilliant you idiot. Fucking brilliant.’ Seconds after Shandi arrived in her room, Nat entered and quietly closed the door. “Clints lost without his phone in the morning, thought I’d take it to him. You alright?” “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” “Don’t be angry, but I kind of eavesdropped on the way back. Heard everything.” “What, that?” Shandi began searching for pajamas. “It was nothing.” She rammed the drawer back in with her hip. “Nothing at all.” “Obviously.” As they readied for bed, Nat watched her become increasingly frustrated. After dropping the toothpaste lid, she grumbled curses, searching for it behind the toilet, slammed the doors beneath the bathroom sink, banged the lid shut on the hamper after shoving her clothes into it, then turned towards the bed, tripped over the Hitachi bag and toppled onto the floor. “Fuck!” Nat was already in bed and laughed. “Oh, beautiful. You’ve got it bad.”
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wttp · 6 years
Could I please get a reader x mccree where they start off as bro friends (like the bro memes) but then they start crushing on each other big time? Everyone else can see that they like to play each other but they’re super oblivious to each other’s feelings. Preferably male reader but gender neutral is also fine.
- You meet each other when Soldier 76 teamed you up for a long-term infiltration mission.
- The two of you disliked each other at first, but after spending time together you started to warm up. You began to laugh along to his terrible jokes and like his relaxed personality, as he also began appreciating some your traits too.
- You often hang out together between missions and consider yourselves as best friends.
- As you spend more and more time together, your feelings for each other start to grow stronger. You both understand what those feelings mean, but are too nervous to confess.
- A lot of people think that you guys are a couple when they met you. Your colleagues are astonished that neither of you notices that your feelings are shared by the other, but decide to let you figure it out in your own time. Well, most of them anyway.
As the sun begins its descent towards the ground, the wind, birds and the occasional gunshot is all that can be heard. The shooters are neither criminals nor Talon, as they are instead of you and your friend Jesse McCree. You, Jesse, Ana Amari and Soldier 76 are currently on a mission to help a small town clean out the criminals and gangs that have been haunting them. Today, after patrolling around the city and dealing with bad guys, Soldier commented, in his usual grumpy fashion, that your aim seems out of practice, and that you should fix it as soon as possible. He had a fair point, to be honest. You were pretty new to Overwatch and had therefore mostly been responsible for small tasks like paperwork, errands and the occasional reconnaissance mission with more experienced members, before this mission. Deciding that you could indeed use a bit of training, you asked Jesse for help, and began placing glass bottles and tins on an old log outside the base, as practice dummies. Jesse found you a regular rifle to practice with and reminded you of the basics. Ana and Soldier are looking on from a distance, as there was next to no paperwork to be done on this relatively quiet mission.
But enough about them, let´s get back to you and the cowboy. As you stand there attempting, and failing, to knock over the bottles and tins, Jesse can´t help but let out a small chuckle at your determined effort, as he watches you carefully aim, tongue sticking out of the edge of your mouth. Despite your continuous attempts, however, you once again fail to hit your targets, leaving you annoyed as you stomp the ground, before exclaiming “Oh, God dammit!”
This time Jesse manages to hold his chuckle, as he comes nearer. “Come on, don´t be like that” he says as he surveys your positioning. “Ok, I´m gonna try something, so hold still for a sec´”. As you stand still with the riffle raised, Jesse gently uses his hands to move your arms and upper back to readjust your stance. You are very thankful that he is paying attention to your stance and not your face, as the latter is currently red like a tomato. After a couple of seconds, Jesse steps away and nods, as he says “Well that should do it. Try again”.
You once again take aim at the log, focusing on a mediums sized tin, with a large bean logo on the front. You focus and pull the trigger. To your surprise (and Jesse´s pride) your shot pierces the tin, knocking it off the log. You turn to Jesse who is standing next to you with quite possibly the smuggest smile you have ever seen. “Heh, see, I told ya I´m great” he says. You can´t help but smile at his antics, before letting out a mumbled “You have no idea”.
As you realize that you said that a bit louder than intended, you notice Jesse glancing at you, sporting a small rosy tint to his cheeks. “Sorry, did ya say something?”. You panic for a moment, before quickly replying “Oh, no, nothing at all. I was just thinking out loud”. You´re sure you are blushing like crazy right now, but it seems that Jesse bought your excuse. He turns towards you, smiling, as he says “Well, alright then, everybody does that now and again I guess”. You feel so embarrassed at your slip, that Jesse´s next comment catches you completely off guard. “Just remember, if you ever wanna talk to somebody other than yourself, my door is always open”. His smile makes your heart flutter, and this time you manage to control your voice, as you reply “I´ll remember that”.
Your moment is interrupted by the shouting voice of Soldier 76, as he tells you to get ready for the next patrol. Looking at Jesse you muster up your most confident smile, before saying “Thank you for the help. Really, it helped a lot”. He looks you directly in the eyes as he answers, “No problem darlin´, I´m just happy to help”. You smile and fight to stop your blush, without noticing that Jesse is blushing just as much as you are, as he tries to control the nervousness in his voice.
Having calmed yourselves, you both begin walking to the entrance of the base. As you reach the entrance, you are stopped by a gentle hand on your arm. Looking to the side you see Ana Amari calmly smiling at you. “(Y/n), I have been meaning to talk to you. Could you spare a moment?”. “Sure, no problem” you reply, as you turn to face Jesse. “Sorry, I´ll catch up with you, when I´m done, okay?”. Jesse smiles and replies “Sure thing. Have a good day Miss Amari” before he walks in to join Soldier. You turn your attention towards Ana and notice that her face has changed, her usual calm appearance now replaced by a knowing smile as she looks expectantly at you. As she now has your full attention, she begins her questioning: “Sooo… When are you going to do it?”.
Unsure of what the former captain is referring to, you simply ask: “I´m sorry Miss, do what?”. She rolls her eyes a little, before clarifying “Tell McCree how you feel, of course”. You´re surprised by the suggestion and immediately become flustered. You avoided her gaze, and focus on your hands instead. “Whatever do you mean Miss?”. As you avoided her question, Ana simply sighs before stating “Believe me (Y/n) I might be old, but I´m not blind yet. It is obvious that you and McCree care greatly for each other, especially with the way you both always blush and glance at each other when you think the other person isn´t looking”.
“Wow, is it really that obvious?” you say, surprised that you are that terrible at hiding your feelings. “To everyone but you two, it would seem” the veteran replies with a kind smile. You understand that she wants to help, but can´t help but doubt if it´s really true. “Look, I appreciate that you´re trying to help, but I just don´t think he really likes me like that”. At your continued denial Ana nods her head, before adding “I understand that feeling, I really do. Although I must say, that even though you´re probably the person who spends the most time with McCree, it is surprising how easily you overlook the signals he sends out every time you come near him”.
At this revelation, you are filled with both happiness and worry. On one hand, it feels fantastic to know that Jesse may be interested in you, but one the other hand you dread potentially having given him the impression that you don´t like him back, by not reacting to his “signals” as Ana put it. Noticing your silent thinking, Ana decides to end the conversation so you can clear your head. “But you are right, this is something between the two of you. Now, I think we better hurry, Jack gets pretty annoyed when people take too long after all”
You nod at your superior before heading inside. When you arrive in the common room, you notice that Soldier and Jesse appear to have had a very lively discussion. Jesse´s head is completely red, and Soldier is shaking his head, muttering something that sounds suspiciously like “Just tell him, for Christ’s sake”. You worriedly walk over to your friend, before putting a palm on his forehead. “Are you alright Jesse, or should I call a medic?”. His blush now even more noticeable than before, he quickly stammers out an excuse, as he assures you that nothing is wrong. Though you are not entirely convinced, you decide to drop the subject. “Well, if you say so. But don´t think that we don´t care. If you feel the least bit ill, you come to see me immediately, understand?”. As he hears you practically giving him an order, he straightens up in the most comical way possible, before answering “Yes Sir!”. Your concerned exterior cracks at his antics and you begin laughing, prompting him to join you.
As you two are laughing yourself half to death, the two veterans are still standing a few feet away, waiting for you to be done. Huffing in his usual manner, Soldier 76 quietly grumbles as he looks at the two of you. “And they call us blind”. Ana lets out an amused giggle at her comrade’s grumpiness and also partly at the silliness of your issue. As the two of you stop laughing for a second to catch your breath, the sniper quietly adds “I do hope they tell each other soon though. They would make quite the couple”: Soldier doesn´t say anything right away, but after some time he merely says “Your right. They really would”.
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Drew & Carly
Drew: doing my head in Carly: record time Carly: wanna swap seats Drew: funny Drew: sitting next to ro, remember, not ali Carly: shes alright Drew: don't think she's down Drew: soz babe Carly: ha Carly: k but shes not dtf you either Carly: poor baby Drew: fuck off Drew: how would you know Carly: your mood is a giveaway Carly: i kno when youre frustrated boy Drew: bet I won't be by the time this trip is over Carly: idc Carly: make that bet w your gf Drew: lies Drew: poor baby Drew: don't reckon she'd appreciate that Carly: ha Carly: why would i lie Drew: 'cos even if you do care, can't have what you want Carly: i can fuck you whenever i want Carly: rn if i wanted to Drew: weren't talking 'bout me Drew: but nah Carly: k Carly: now youre lying Drew: nope Carly: you didnt come into my inbox to cry about your gf Carly: or did you & your that lad now Carly: embarrassing Drew: don't be a bitch Drew: looking for some peace and quiet is that so much to ask Carly: from me yea Carly: you kno i dont do quiet Carly: not w you Drew: ha Drew: cute Carly: & true Carly: arent you bored Carly: dont you wanna have some fun this trip Drew: i told you i'm going to Drew: w ro Carly: yea Carly: get out my inbox then i gotta make my own Carly: plenty of lads on this coach Drew: and girls Carly: nah Carly: back to boys you kno Drew: shame Drew: good times Carly: yea but youre boring now Drew: fuck off Drew: nah i ain't Drew: ali is Carly: tell your missus Carly: ali can still party Drew: not with us Carly: yea Carly: if she wanted Carly: youre the one on a chain Drew: i do what i want Drew: whenever i want Carly: do something then Carly: be fun Drew: whaddya want me to do on this packed coach Carly: the bathroom is free Carly: but k youre too scared to start the party Drew: not scared Drew: just not a moron Carly: k Carly: ill ask someone else Drew: u do that Drew: know it won't be as good as me Carly: ha Carly: maybe used to be Carly: reckon youve lost your touch Carly: married life will do that like Drew: you reckon? Drew: you wish Carly: i kno Carly: its written on you Carly: bored & boring Carly: you couldnt turn me on now Drew: yea yea yea Drew: otherwise written all over your face, babe Carly: ha no Carly: check me out as much as you want you wont see that Drew: so up yourself Carly: cuz im not gonna waste my time w you k Carly: my das more fun than you rn Drew: know you're a traveller like Drew: but that's sick Carly: you cant even slag me off proper these days Carly: who are you Carly: sad Drew: 'cos I don't need another bird doing my head in Drew: all chat but you're the same as her, like Carly: fuck off Carly: nothing ive said i wouldnt follow through on Carly: youre the one thats being a pussy Drew: yeah? well you're a nag Drew: I don't wanna fuck you, get off my dick Carly: get out my inbox Carly: you came pouting to me Drew: 'scuse me for thinking you were different Carly: what do you want boy? Drew: forget it Carly: nah Carly: ask for it Drew: Already did Drew: just be a laugh, yeah, don't get on at me Carly: k Carly: whats in it for me tho? Carly: genuinely asking Drew: idk Drew: didn't promise there was Carly: least youve finally stopped lying Drew: ugh Drew: thought we were getting somewhere girl Carly: im only saying Carly: dont get in a mood Drew: i ain't Drew: who are u sharing a room with Carly: nobody Carly: the numbers are off Drew: lucky Carly: you should be more like me & people wouldnt wanna share w you Drew: always have caleb Drew: banging on and on about his girl Carly: no thanks Drew: didn't think so Drew: nightmare Carly: welcome to the other bed Carly: unless your gonna call me a nympho over it Drew: teachers won't be down but might take you up on that Carly: idc Carly: dont think they were down for me being on this trip Carly: but i paid my money Drew: yeah, that's all they care about Drew: though they were all out there with the behave or you'll get kicked threats Drew: standard Carly: yea Carly: try & send me back home my ma & da arent there Carly: be very irresponsible like Drew: they never are Drew: but they don't need to know that Carly: news to them i had a passport Drew: yeah, only last 5 years don't they? Drew: guess when you was 10 they couldn't always piss off without ya Carly: ha Carly: youre funny when youre not sulking Drew: shut up Drew: 'cos you're alright when you're not being a bitch Carly: ive not been a bitch to you since i was making you work for your 3way Drew: well that was hot so acceptable Carly: k so i can be a bitch if im hot yea Carly: ill remember that Drew: goes without saying Drew: fit girls can get away with anything Carly: so you do think im fit Drew: you know you are Carly: yea but idk what you think Drew: gotta keep you guessing, babe Carly: please Drew: please what? Carly: please do Carly: im bored Drew: same Carly: i can pass you my water bottle if you want Carly: all i could smuggle tho Drew: realtalk Drew: no one's smuggling over borders Drew: not worth the aggro Drew: you'll get stuff here no doubt, i'm losing a week's wages 😒 Carly: its a holiday Carly: itll be worth it Carly: especially if you arent all talk Carly: your gf be losing her v like Drew: i ain't but she is Drew: gonna be hard to get her to 🤐 but if anyone can Carly: in it for the challenge Carly: i get it now Drew: what's to get Drew: she's hot Carly: k Carly: but uptight Drew: better than loose Carly: nah Carly: dont tell me you dont want a girl whod let you do anything Drew: not if she's let every cunt do the same, nah Drew: besides, can train a girl like Ro Carly: she isnt stupid enough to blindly follow commands Carly: or you around Drew: 🤔 we'll see Drew: not that its stupid Drew: i'm not fun to be around? Carly: you were Carly: before you got a wife Drew: not asking for ya Drew: but see, you know what you're missing Carly: youre a good fuck ive never denied it Carly: fun when you want Drew: exactly Drew: its Ro's turn to find out Carly: so go chat her up Carly: you love foreplay Drew: don't reckon she wants her first time to be in the coach toilets Carly: ha Carly: didnt mean you had to do it now boy Drew: you know Drew: work fast Carly: yea Carly: thats romance Carly: dont keep a girl waiting Drew: I am capable Drew: if the situation calls Carly: dont waste that info on me Drew: never Carly: seat swap w me tho Carly: up the front is not a party Carly: you throw up once cuz your hanging & get stuck there for life Drew: 😂 Drew: diddums Drew: alright Drew: can chat up woodfield Drew: caleb will be buzzin' Carly: shes got a body under those new jeans Carly: a goer i reckon Drew: you would Drew: only boys my arse 😏 Carly: gotta do something Carly: bored enough to break a few rules Drew: i see u Drew: MY girlfriend, remember? Carly: what do you think you see Drew: just sayin', asking to move, then saying you're gonna lez off Drew: not that thick 😂 Carly: but obvious Carly: as fantasies go you could do better Drew: been there Drew: done that Carly: not w her Carly: shes no ali but thats mean Drew: again, doubt she'll want you there to help with the devirginizing Drew: try not to take it person Carly: i dont wanna be there Carly: the first time is always shit Drew: nah Drew: not with me Carly: ha Carly: youre not that good Drew: pshhh Drew: don't be bitter Carly: im not Carly: its facts Carly: shell be so nervous youll be lucky if you get more than the tip in Carly: probs shes a crier too Drew: shut up Carly: its not your bad Carly: just how it is Carly: itll get better Carly: maybe good Drew: well it's off-putting Drew: men don't need to know about that stuff Drew: keep it to yourselves Carly: k Carly: just trying to help you be more than all chat Drew: yeah right Drew: like you wanna help her Carly: why wouldnt i Carly: i said shes alright Drew: still, no need to be that charitable Drew: why d'you care? Carly: not offering to warm her up for you babe Carly: ive probs hung out w her more than you have Carly: why shouldnt i care Drew: 'cos she ain't your girlfriend Drew: between me and her, not the fucking committee Carly: unlike you i can care about people im not fucking Drew: 🙄 Drew: whatevs Carly: why do you care if i talk about her or not Carly: that i kno her Drew: 'cos i know what girls are like Drew: always talking Carly: me and her arent bffs Carly: i wouldnt be talking to you if we were Drew: i'd hope not Carly: so dont cry Carly: im not telling her anything Drew: stop acting like you give a shit then Carly: im not acting anything Carly: thats all you babe Drew: fuck off Carly: nowhere to go Carly: busy coach remember Carly: what do you get out of being w her? Carly: she doesnt put out & she does your head in Carly: why bother Carly: there are other virgins in town, i think Drew: idk Drew: she's nice Carly: that it Drew: nah Drew: she's good girlfriend material Drew: you can see, idk why you want me to sing her praises to you Drew: masochist, like 😂 Carly: im only asking Carly: why dont you wanna sing her praises to everyone Drew: i'm not that sorta bloke Drew: cringe Carly: yea Carly: its sweet tho Drew: if you say so Drew: just makes me feel 🤢 Carly: ha Carly: better get up the front boy Drew: deffo Drew: any escape from the caleb and ali show Carly: true Carly: ms woodfield will distract you Carly: shes looking thirsty might offer her a drink Drew: queue for that toilet getting longer by the minute Carly: yea Carly: as if caleb & ali arent in there Carly: slacking Carly: like i taught her nothing Drew: probs just jerk him off in the seats like Drew: not backrow coolkids but still pretty standard Carly: aw Carly: cute Drew: how is that cute Carly: theyre in love Carly: dont be jealous Carly: youd like it if your girl offered to do you Drew: no they ain't Drew: she was with you not that long ago Drew: be on to the next soon Carly: nah Carly: she loves him & its mutual Drew: things change Drew: we don't need to make a song and dance every time someone gets with someone else like Carly: who is Carly: its no big Carly: but its still happening Drew: i'd rather just ignore it 'til it goes away Drew: not like you up in my business 😜 Carly: im not up in any part of you Carly: relax Drew: mhmm Drew: lie harder Carly: nah Carly: i wanna be but im not Carly: facts Carly: id be lying if i said i didnt want you Drew: i know Drew: prove it though Carly: how Carly: what do you want me to do Drew: brave the queue 🤳 Carly: k Carly: [Sends pics and video also because she knows he can't watch it in front of the squad] Drew: tease Drew: swap seats with me so ms woodfield can watch too Carly: prick Carly: youre a bigger tease than me tho Drew: no way Drew: i got the evidence to prove it now Carly: if i was a tease id have given you nothing Carly: let you sweat it Carly: like you are to me Drew: you ain't asked for anything Carly: but you kno what i want Carly: give me something Drew: [Sends ab pic that was just his last Insta] Carly: come on Carly: dont be like that Drew: what? Carly: such an arsehole Carly: im not begging Drew: 😂✌
0 notes
rhythmic-idealist · 7 years
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 💋
Okay, I’ve been stalling on this, but here we go. Thank you so much for sending it!!
I just want to say that the idea of favorite followers is beyond me. But I will be sending it to ten people, and I hope it’s alright if I don’t send it to you just because you’ve already done it! Picking ten of you is hard, I figure you’ve had a chance to answer and that just makes it slightly easier. Still love ya
Making these nice and long so you all’ll feel like you can do the same. I’m curious!! But, of course, no pressure.
I speak up. I’ve figured out by now that not everyone means “tell me if you’re uncomfortable” or “I appreciate when students bring their concerns to me” or whatever else is supposed to be just common courtesy, and sometimes it’s not even said, but I speak up anyway. Once I got a Women’s Studies professor to stop using “anorexic” as an insulting adjective (toward models and beauty standards)  and to recognize anorexia as an illness, so even if I just have a few examples like that, concrete good is being done here and I’m really proud of that.
I genuinely care about learning. I haven’t been doing the best job of it since depression hit about halfway through the Fall semester, but I care. This is also why I’m not going to switch major programs even though it’s now going to take me six years instead of two, why I’m not going to let the bass slip away from me no matter how many stretches of time go by without practice.
I’ve been told I’m a good speaker. I think that varies from time to time, but if I have the floor and I am speaking with intent to be A Speaker, yeah, I can string thoughts together and have and intro and conclusion and cohesive arguments fairly well. I talk a lot, I translate points other people are trying to make (and have been both chided and thanked for it), and anyway my command of formal/classroom communication is something I’m proud of.
I’m an Indigenous woman and am learning to, er, be an Indigenous woman in everything I do. I don’t know how to better phrase that, there’s no one way to be Native American (/Indigenous in general, I use both terms). I’ve always been Salish and Nez Perce, and I’ve always embraced it, but really becoming part of the community and understanding what that means is something I started in college. My Salish name is (without accents, because I don’t know how to type them) Nem Sitscuit, “she will lead” (or, as a cousin and Salish language student once attempted to translate for practice, “this person… is going to be… the boss… someday”), and I’m pretty sure that comes from the whole point #1 thing, but I also hope it means I’m going to be able to be an example for my younger siblings in embracing our Native heritage and identity.
I’m driven to care for people. I’m still learning how to do that properly, how to be what people need to, and for a while I was learning how to not give too much of myself and now I think I’ve gone too far in the opposite direction (as weird as that feels? God it’s not natural), but that genuine care is always there. It’s why I’m going to be a music therapist, it’s why at least in the past I’ve been called a good friend. I think the depression fucked with that a little. But it’s there and I’m going to get back to doing it right.
Yeesh this is long. But it feels good to make it long!! I hope you guys talk about yourselves as much as you want to!!
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spookysummersmores · 7 years
Mind Heist - Chapter 1
Word count: 1,677
Author's note: Hello there! So...here's the official first chapter! A huge thanks to everyone that has liked and reblogged the prologue so far; it means a heck of a lot, to me and Kaylee both! :'D
Fun fact! I'm actually sick right now, as I'm sitting here editing this! I've had a cold for almost a week now. So...fun! ;w;
Hope you all enjoy! And brace yourselves, folks...the next chapter is where the REAL crap begins to go down...
The next morning, Mabel was greeted by soft summer sunshine and the twittering of birds...and then a few kisses from Waddles.
Mabel woke up giggling and smiled to see her piggy friend. "Good morning, Waddles." She booped his nose with her nose. "Good morning, Dipper!"
She turned to look at his side of the room, but Dipper was still curled up in a little ball under his blankets, sound asleep.
"Aww." Mabel smiled and decided to let him get the rest he needed.
She took her clothes and tiptoed down to the second-floor bathroom. Soon, she was downstairs and having breakfast with Grunkle Stan. He was quick to ask where Dipper was, but Mabel explained to him that he needed extra sleep, and Stan agreed to let him come to work late. Several hours later, however, Stan had already been giving tours for quite some time, and Dipper was still nowhere to be found.
It was then that Mabel decided to check up on him, just in case. She went up into the attic and peeked at his bed.
The door squeaked a little as it opened. Dipper, who was just starting to wake up, groaned softly and turned over. Mabel noticed that he seemed to shiver, just a little bit, as he curled himself into a tighter ball.
"M-Mabel?" he said quietly, picking his head up a little. "What...time is it?" When he spoke, his voice didn't sound quite right, and suddenly, a muffled sneeze came up from underneath the covers.
"It's still early, don't worry." Mabel quickly walked over to his side. "Are you feeling okay? You don't look so good..." She reached out to touch his forehead...and her eyes widened. "Dipper, you're burning up!"
Dipper sneezed again and slowly sat up, holding his head. His face was pale and flushed, and his cheeks and nose bright red. "Ugh...yeah, I-I don't feel so hot..." He soon started coughing, and he sounded terrible. He shakily began to climb out of bed, but Mabel stopped him.
"Uh, NO...hot is EXACTLY how you feel! You gotta stay in bed," Mabel cried, the concern evident in her voice. "Maybe this is 'cause you haven't had much sleep recently..." She frowned at the thought. "I'll go tell Grunkle Stan so he can get you some medicine."
Dipper tried to object, but dizziness overcame him. "Okay..." He cleared his throat and wrapped his blanket back around himself as Mabel headed off to find their Grunkle.
Downstairs, Stan was in the main exhibit room of the Mystery Shack, giving a tour to some Canadian tourists who were taking a bus tour through the Pacific Northwest. "Be prepared for the SHOCK of your life...literally, shock. I'd keep the weird cordless phones at a safe distance. Behold-"
Suddenly, he felt a small hand tugging on his suit jacket and paused his speech. When he looked down, there was little Mabel. "Hold on a sec, folks. I'm gettin' a message from one of my little elves here." The tourists giggled at that.
Stan took Mabel aside and bent down to her level. "Sweetie, what're you doin'? What's up?"
"Grunkle Stan, Dipper just woke up but he looks a little under the weather," Mabel replied. "I thought you might have some medicine to help him feel better."
"Under the weather?" Stan didn't let it show, but he became a little concerned himself. "How serious are we talkin'?"
"He looks pretty bad. I think he might have a fever." Mabel looked a bit sad as she said it.
Stan patted her shoulder. "Okay. Calm down, honey; I'm comin'. Just give me a minute..." he said gently. He cracked open the gift-shop door, where Soos was in the process of changing lightbulbs. "Soos! Dipper's sick, so you're gettin' your wish. I need ya to take care of these tourists. And don't be afraid to extort as much cash out of 'em as possible! The economy's better in Canada!"
"Aww, poor little dude." Soos straightened his hat with a determined look on his face. "I shall not fail you, Mr. Pines."
Stan came back into the exhibit room and laughed nervously. "Sorry about the interruption, folks; looks like I'm gonna have to cut this short and head off for parts unknown." The tourists were quick to "aww" in disappointment. "Ah, ah - have no fear, dear tourists. No more than usual anyway. I'm leavin' ya in the capable - HOPEFULLY, capable - hands of my handyman/henchman, Soos. Have a spooky daaaay..." he said dramatically as he walked away. Then, he turned to Mabel, completely serious. "Alright. Take me to 'im."
Without hesitation, Mabel took his hand and led him upstairs.
Dipper picked his head up at the sound of Mabel walking in with Stan and tried to act like he wasn't that sick. "Hi, Grunkle Stan..." he said hoarsely before sneezing again.
Stan walked over and put his own hand on Dipper's head. "...Oh boy." He was really worried then, but refused to show that, internally, he was freaking out somewhat. "Stay. There. I'll be right back."
Mabel tried to give him a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Dipper. I'm sure you'll get better in no time...with Dr. Mabel and Nurse Waddles!" Waddles then walked over and sat nearby the twins with a small oink.
Dipper managed to smile a little. "Thanks, sis," he said quietly, sniffling. Mabel grinned back, feeling glad she could lighten up the mood.
The twins heard Stan grumbling down on the second floor. "I do not believe this; of ALL the times..." He came back upstairs shortly, this time with a thermometer. "Well...I got nothin'. I normally do all of my stockpilin' before Halloween, so the Shack's wiped out. I'm gonna have to make a medicine run, but before I go anywhere..."  He stuck the thermometer in Dipper's mouth. "I gotta know what I'm dealin' with here, kiddo. Don't move."
Dipper mumbled what was probably an 'OK'.
Stan then turned to Mabel. "Hate t'ask you this, but I need Soos and Wendy t'manage the Shack by themselves while I'm gone - Lord help us." He rolled his eyes at the thought of it. "Y'think you can keep an eye on your brother while I'm not here?"
"You got it, Grunkle Stan." Mabel gave him a thumbs up.
"Thank you," Stan said...and then acted as if it had been painful for him to say it.
Suddenly, the thermometer beeped. Dipper mumbled something when it beeped, but nobody could tell exactly what it was that he said.
Stan took it back...and winced a bit when he saw what it said. 100.4. "Well...you're not dyin', but you're certainly not leavin' that bed, either."
"Fair enough," Dipper replied, coughing.
Stan patted Dipper on the shoulder. "Alright. Wendy should be comin' in for her shift any minute, so I gotta give orders." He was about to leave...but he peeked back in for a second. "You kids gonna be alright here by yourselves?"
"Don't worry about it. Me and Waddles got it covered." Mabel put an arm around Waddles and smiled.
Stan couldn't help but smile a bit, too. "Alrighty. Hang in there, kid," he said to Dipper. "See you kids later." And with that, he headed out to his car.
"Bye, Grunkle Stan," Dipper called after him. He quickly realized that that was a mistake, though, when his throat began to burn. "Ow."
Mabel frowned and put a hand on Dipper's shoulder. "Take it easy, okay?"
Dipper nodded. "Mhm..." He suddenly grabbed the box of tissues he kept next to his bed and sneezed into one. "Okay...THIS...is seriously the WORST. Who the heck gets this sick in the middle of the summer?"
"It DOES seem a little weird...but all we can do now is help you get better." Mabel tucked him in and fixed his pillow. "Do you need anything?"
"Um...just a drink, if you don't mind," Dipper replied.
Mabel nodded. "Sure thing!"
She could hear Dipper cough a bit as he snuggled back down into his blankets. As she headed downstairs, she found herself deep in thought. Something felt...off to her. At first, she thought that she was just concerned that Dipper had become so ill so quickly, and in the middle of July, yet. While she was definitely worried about him, that wasn't it. She shrugged it off, for she wanted to remain focused on getting her brother well again...but for a moment, she wondered whether or not something about the whole situation just felt...unnatural.
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asktemmie-frisk · 6 years
Saved by the Parents (Lost and Found Arc)
Toriel drove to the hospital as fast as she could without getting penalized. Everyone in the car was determined to get Frisk and Chara back.
Meanwhile, Alphys and Undyne came to Frisk and Chara's room. They left some flowers and watched over them. They kept their heads down as they cried. Being the type of person she is, Undyne futilely fought back her tears. She admitted defeat and knelt to Frisk. Alphys stuck by her, holding Undyne and crying as well.
"Come on, you fucking assholes. Ya gotta come outta this one." Undyne said, trying to stay strong for Frisk.
"Guys, I know I don't ask much, but please. Please don't give up, not now. We need you. Please." Begged Alphys.
While this occurrence took place, Asriel rushed to Frisk and Chara's room with his, Chara's and Frisk's parents in tow.
"This is what you called a 'hospital'? These people look so ill." Charon said, observing everyone around them.
"How did you not know what this place is?" Asriel asked as he kept running.
"Back then, people who got sick in the village we lived in died."
"We had no knowledge of such foriegn treatment methods." Clarified Laura.
"Besides, when we were still alive, before we locked Chara's soul, she never got sick even once."
"What?! Oh, that's it! I wanna know now! Why did Chara never get sick with you guys, but buttercups managed to kill her ass?!"
"Please don't speak like that. We honestly don't know. Perhaps it's her anatomy that helps keep her healthy."
Suddenly, they made it to their room, but then Laura's curiousity was piqued.
"Wait. Are you saying my daughter ate buttercups once? We told her never to eat those things, or any flower for that matter!"
"Oh. Nevermind. Yes, she did eat them, but that doesn't matter right now. It's time. Your daughter needs you."
"Good. Now excuse me, I mu-"
"Not so fast! You'll scare her if you go in right now! Let me come inside first. They've probably woken up by now."
Asriel carefully opened the door, pearing inside stealthily. His gaze was eventually met with Undyne and Alphys. He made Frisk's blank face at the fish lady.
"Move." He said.
Undyne groaned at him, and forced her way out of the room by pushing Asriel and the door open. She ended up squeezing him a little on purpose.
"You do know you dese-"
Suddenly, Toriel was interrupted by hearing Frisk and Chara starting to stir awake. Asriel quickly got back out from behind the door.
"Laura, Charon, stay back until I get them calm enough to introduce you." He whispered.
He stepped inside softly, trying not to alarm them. When he was in the room, he tiptoed to their beds. They barely opened their eyes, trying to get their bearings.
"Huh? Where am I? Am I finally dead?" Frisk asked, still dizzy from the blood loss.
"Ugh. Why? Why do I feel so light headed?" Chara asked in a daze as she saw Asriel clearly.
"Wait. Asriel? What are you doing here? Am I dead?!"
Asriel was so excited. If only Sans and Papyrus could see this, he shouted to himself.
"No! Far from it! Undyne! Alphys! They're alive!" Asriel shouted with glee.
"Figures. Dying would be too easy for us, huh? Whatever, I guess..." Frisk sulked softly.
Undyne and Alphys heard Asriel and immediately went back inside to see. They were happy that Frisk and Chara were, in fact, alive and well. Well, maybe not well, but at least they weren't dead!
"YEAH! MY WIMPY LOSER FRIEND'S ALIVE!" Undyne shouted happily.
Frisk and Chara immediately got a headache. They held their heads as if they were going to split in two while they groaned.
"Not so loud. It fucking hurts." Chara said, recoiling from her headache.
"Sorry. It's just we thought you were gonna die! And Frisk, THIS IS FOR DOING THAT A THIRD TIME!"
Undyne punched Frisk in his face, who growled and tried to slash at Undyne with his claws. He missed, and Undyne blew her tongue in a manner most immature.
"Alright. See ya, Frisk." She said, taking her leave.
"Hey Alphys, ya coming?"
"Not just yet. I need to talk to them." Alphys said, still worried about Frisk and Chara.
"You wanna talk to them too, don't you?"
Undyne stopped for a second, admitting Alphys was right.
"Yeah. Yeah, I do wanna talk to 'em. I got real scared."
Undyne, Alphys and Asriel took a seat next to them.
"So, wanna explain what the fuck you two did to yourselves?"
"Oh, so it's not obvious?" Frisk said, feeling offended.
"We tried to kill ourselves. You saw. Why are you asking anyway?"
"We just want to know. Are you okay?" Asked Alphys.
"Are you serious?!" Chara said, sharing Frisk's offended status.
"We are in a hospital, being treated for injuries that we inflicted on ourselves because we hate ourselves so much, we figured we'd be better off dead! So NO, we are NOT okay! You should've just left us to die because you're all better off without us! At least help us die, or something! You all know what we did! What we both did! So why don't you just kill us already?"
"Well, we would, but we're not sadistic assholes who got fucked over royally."
"Well, aren't you some lucky motherfuckers."
"You should be grateful right now. Not only did we willingly forgive you for the way you acted and the things you did, but we even brought you to a hospital to get better."
"Alphys, don't take this personally, but you don't even act like you know what the word 'grateful' means. You irreversibly mutated monsters while trying to get our people out of the mountain, you put off making Mettaton's body because you don't want him to leave you behind, and you lie to dad just to have access to scientific resources! You look me in the eye, and tell me you show gratitude!"
Alphys couldn't follow Chara's instructions.
"That's what I thought, bitch."
"Why won't you guys stop being so hard on yourselves?" Asked an annoyed Undyne.
"Because we don't deserve an easier way out." Frisk said, looking down at his arms, noticing they were bandaged.
"We can't hide from what we did, but everyone else can? Bullshit. We can't just say 'sorry', and act like it never happened. So why won't you just shuffle us loose this mortal coil? Let us die so everyone's lives can become better. You should be happy I'm asking this of you. You'll finally have a better life. All it'll take is our deaths. Nothing more. So why?"
"As tempting as that sounds right about now, again, we would, but we're not sadistic assholes that got fucked over royally. Just because your lives were unfair, and you're asking us to end them, doesn't mean it's right to kill you or simply let you die. It's not right, and it's not fair."
"Perhaps you're right." Admitted Chara.
"Maybe it isn't fair to ask you guys to kill us, but then again, you have nothing to fear. You think that's unfair? I don't think you know what the word means. 'Unfair' is being forced to watch your mom burn to death! 'Unfair' is watching your dad die just to protect your ass because you can't defend your own fucking self! 'UNFAIR' is having to survive all on your own as a little girl without your parents to help you out at all because they're dead! You try experiencing that, and THEN talk to me about 'unfair'!"
Chara started crying due to her rant.
"Come on, Chara. We didn't mean it like that." Undyne said, feeling a little guilty about what was said.
"All we're saying is take it easy on yourselves. Yeah, you fucked up, but you're not all that bad. You could've turned out much worse than this. All the monsters know it, too."
"Can you just leave, Undyne and Alphys? I don't wanna talk to you right now. Frisk and I are well aware that we're abominations. Now get out."
"Come on. Can't you at l-"
"Get out!"
Undyne got hurt by Chara's demand. She put her foot down, refusing to go anywhere.
"I said 'no'! I ain't going anywhere unless you get better first!"
"Fine! Frisk and I will just leave!"
"You're not going anywhere, either. You can't leave the room without anyone else, anyway."
"Yeah, I can! And so can Frisk!"
"Uh, actually no, you can't." Asriel said with crossed arms.
"Why not, Rei?!"
"Stop calling me Rei. And because you and Frisk tried to kill yourselves! They aren't letting you out unless you get better first. And even then, you can't just leave unless one of us takes you with us. And with the shit you're giving us, I don't think you're ready to leave yet."
"You asshole. How do they know about that?"
"We had to tell them. They're willing to let you go, but in exchange, one of us has to sign you out. They can't trust you to not kill yourself."
Chara pouted and crossed her arms as she cried a little. Frisk grumbled in frustration and laid back down, turning to Chara. She laid down too, facing Frisk. They both cried a little, hiding their sadness with an angry expression. Frisk started clawing his arm again, this time simply breaking the skin. Chara did the same with her arm as well. They let out small grunts of discomfort, which were heard by Asriel. He quickly snatched off the covers from both beds to find they were clawing themselves again, trying to release more blood. He violently snatched their arms away.
"You stop that right now." He said with black scleras and facial markings.
Frisk and Chara took their arms back from Asriel swiftly.
"Fuck you, Dreemurr! We may be stuck here, but that doesn't mean you can tell us what to do!" Frisk said, still visibly angry and sad.
Frisk's tail showed itself again, and Frisk growled at it and slammed his jaws on it. He could feel the pain and taste the blood coming out of it. Undyne quickly went to him and pulled hard on his tail while Alphys pryed his jaws open by force.
"He said 'STOP THAT'!" Yelled the angry fish lady.
"Then just KILL US! We don't care what you say about not being sadistic! Just please put us out of our misery! Please!"
Stubbornly, Undyne healed Frisk's tail completely, letting it go afterwards. Finally fed up from all of this, Frisk and Chara took out everything that was connected to them and went to the windows to open them. They did it with ease, but Undyne and Asriel grabbed them before they could jump out.
"ALPHYS! GET EVERYONE INSIDE! NOW!" Asriel yelled, trying his hardest to hold on to Chara.
Alphys quickly went to the door to let their parents in.
"Now! Hurry! They're about to jump out of the window!" She said, panicking.
She was right to panic, for Frisk and Chara were struggling to be free from the world.
"Just let us go, Rei!" Chara beseeched tearfully.
"Everybody's better off without us! We only make eveything worse being alive!"
"NO! YOU! DON'T! STOP THINKING LIKE THAT NOW!" The prince roared, getting an even tighter grip on Chara.
The parents ran over to them. They were just in time.
"Guys, stop it! Stop it now!"
"SHUT UP! WE DON'T WANNA LIVE ANYMORE! DON'T YOU GET IT?! THIS WORLD IS TOO GOOD FOR US, AND YOU KNOW IT!" Chara screamed, finally getting to the windowsill.
Frisk and Chara immediately stopped moving the second Asriel said those words.
"W-w-w-what?" Frisk said with fear in his eyes.
"Your birth parents want to see you. Both of you."
Frisk and Chara couldn't believe it. Their parents were here, and they didn't know.
"But...Asriel...my parents... they're dead. How would they be able to see me?" Chara asked softly and fearfully.
"Look behind you."
Frisk and Chara did as Asriel said, only to find that Asgore, Toriel, Erica, Soichiro, Laura and Charon were watching them. Chara was in absolute shock. She recognized her mother and father, even when they were dead.
"Mama? Daddy? Is that really you?" She asked in a child-like manner, ready to cry.
Laura and Charon started crying, too.
"Yeah. It's really us, sweetie." Laura replied, ready to burst into tears.
"Mom. Dad. I..."
Chara tried to hold back her tears, but then her parents hugged her and cried. She lost control, and wailed loudly. She returned their affections as best as she could.
Charon and Laura made themselves just tangible enough to let her feel their embrace. She hugged them back, never wanting to let go for even a second. Erica grabbed Frisk with her ears and held him to her, crying and howling. Soichiro hugged his son, sharing his tears.
"Frisk. Please. Please don't do this. We love you." Erica said between her howls.
Frisk joined her howls of anguish and sorrow, shedding more tears of his own. Asgore and Toriel tried to get their attention once Frisk and Chara became less audible, which took a good 5 minutes.
"Frisk, Chara, are you okay?" Toriel asked, feeling shaken by how badly Frisk and Chara wanted to die.
"No, we are not okay, mom." Replied Chara.
"Tell us how you both feel." Requested Asgore.
"We are miserable!" Frisk and Chara said in unison.
"We feel horrible! We feel like we can't be on this planet anymore!"
"Why do you feel like that, Chara?" Asked Charon.
"Dad. Oh, dad. Mom. I...I did some bad things after you died. I stole from the villagers. I lived all alone. I killed a man that tried to kill me. I ran away to Mount Ebott. I accidentally poisoned dad with buttercups, and I did the same to myself on purpose. I tried to free our people, but it didn't work. I got really angry with the villagers and tried to kill them, daddy."
Charon and Laura were surprised at how open Chara was being to them. They realized if Chara was willing to tell them the truth, she really did miss them.
"We're so sorry, sweetie."
"Why are you sorry, mom and dad?"
"Not much. Just the fact that...we died before we could raise you like good parents should."
"That's not your fault. Don't blame yourselves."
"Thank you for being so forgiving, Chara. But listen. We need you to do something for us. Frisk, we need something from you, too."
"Sure. Anything."
"We need you to be honest with your feelings right now. Don't bottle your emotions up. Just let them all out. Please."
Frisk and Chara were shocked at what their parents were asking of them. But they couldn't hold back anymore anyway, so they did as they were told.
"Mom, dad, can we tell you something?" Asked a melancholy Frisk.
"Sure. Anything." Soichiro said with a halfhearted smile.
"We know you don't want us to feel like this, but...we miss home. We miss you. You need us to be okay, but...we're not okay, mom and dad. I know we said 'leave us alone', but those times when we said it, we really meant 'help us'. I...I need help. Please help us, mom and dad. Please. We wanna go home. To you guys. Please don't be mad right now. Please don't be mad."
Erica, Soichiro, Laura and Charon were heartbroken over what Frisk said. All their children wanted in that moment was to be with them. They didn't care about games, sports, or anything typical young adults would want. They just wanted to be with their parents.
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