#ill check it tomorrow on my pc
tears-of-boredom · 9 months
HI TEARS <3 I JUST GOT HOME FROM VISIITNG MY FOLKS ! <3 I hope u had a good christmas :^) I did for the most part. Had a blast, got to see nice relatives again. But its always so nice to return home. Currently drinking conk and installing DD2 (((((((IM so PSYCHED))))))))) I hope ur evening is nice <3 happy not-even-boxing-day-anymore-cause-its-past-midnight ! -Dude !
helouu^^ great to hear its been good!
tbh I had a meh christmas, but todays been nice and chill! playing a new cd in the background of everything, real good vibes.
or,, I guess its not technically new haha, i got it from one of like,, a kierrätyskeskus, if you've been. basically like a flea market. but its new music to me and thats what counts.
its an album by Oasis, hold on I forgot the name,, its Be Here Now. this is the 3rd time im listening to it but i still have absolutely no idea what its like lmao. i mean,, it kinda sounds like Green Day, i think? like Basket Case-vibes kinda? everytime I just zone the music out and realise that i was not listening to it when i hear the CD rewind lmao
i also got a cd with some of Mozart's music. was weird to realise how many pieces of his I actually have heard. and it's not bad stuff, though a bit too intense at times to work as white noise. which is funny to say about classical music lol, even if its true
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solplease · 10 days
gonna lose my mind actually. i want the yeonjun figure from his album SOOOOO badly its so cute GUHHHHH. look how cute </3 GUH....
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after over 90 hours of actually playing... and over a year and a half of real time..... i can finally say.......... ive finished the phoenix wright ace attorney trilogy </333
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robyn-goodfellowe · 1 year
hi tumblr :3 bats my big beautiful eyelashes at you
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alienaiver · 1 year
Kaminari and 3? I love the colour theme of your blog! It's so sunny and happy
i gotchu my dear! and thank you so much 🥹🧡 i like that you think of it like that, that was the intention!! 🧡✨
number 3 is: "just please open your eyes" which.. took a heavy turn here 🫡
warnings include canon typical violence and wounds (no wounds are described in any detailed or gore-y way but they are still there and mentioned briefly) but dw, a happy ending and 1.2k words!
(this was also formatted and posted from my phone as i have flunked down on my gengar plushie and cannot get up. if theres any mishaps let me know and ill fix them on my pc tomorrow! 🥰🧡)
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Kaminari whips his head around, a triumphant smile on his face as he searches for your hero suit's color scheme in the mess of settling debris and civilians. This is the first respond and rescue you both have officially been a part of as Pro Heroes and the overwhelming victory has Kaminari's veins buzzing in a way that he haven't felt like before. He might even feel brave enough to confess to you right now.
Now, where are you?
In more depth he takes in his surroundings. There's paramedics by their vans, helping civilians with their wounds and cuts, over by the setting sun there's his mentors talking to civilians who passed by, there's Bakugou crouched down by an unconscious person and then there's the media by the edge of the scene, trying to catch the scoop of today's events. Only one building fell down and that was the villain's doing. The debris around you is so small and dusty because Bakugou's fast reflexes and quirk prevented the falling debris from being big enough to kill anyone. Kaminari sure is lucky he's got so capable friends -- colleagues, he reminds himself with a cheerful glee.
Wait, rewind.
Who's Bakugou crouched over? He's checking for a pulse. Kaminari scrunches up his eyes to get a better look and his heart stops beating as time freezes. He thinks that his breath hitches but the second that the dusty air returns to his lungs, everything goes into overdrive. His heart beats faster than he thought was possible, sweat travels down his brow, his back and his hands feel sticky. Every muscle is begging him to move, to run.
So he does. He runs and screams and yells your name as loud as he's able, hurrying to be by your side. He stumbles and falls down on his knee and in the back of his mind he does register the scraping, the blood trickling but none of that is what he feels.
There's blood on your face. Kaminari can't see more for the paramedic hooking you to a machine. He pushes and pulls uselessly at Bakugou's arm and somehow, the brute lets him -- doesn't even reprimand him for accidentally scratching.
Did the debris hit you? Did the Tech Villain get a hold of you before Kaminari zapped and paralysed him? Someone grabs a hold of his arm but he can't tear his eyes away from you to look at who it is and what they want.
In a muted, underwater sort of way, he hears Yaoyorozu's voice as she starts fiddling with him, putting a mask over his face without kaminari flinching or moving to stop her. It seems logical in a situation that isn't, so he lets her.
At the hospital, the doctors have a hard time being allowed to check the cut on Kaminari's abdomen that's still bleeding and while Kaminari has always prided himself in being way more collected in serious crisis than his peers (which is a debatable feat according to you and Sero, but he digresses), he shamefully has to admit that a coffee table has been punched hard enough to break in blind rage. He refused to leave your side, so the doctors have settled on fixing him up as he looks at you from another bed they put in for him. Cruelly, his mind supplies the thought that he'll probably receive disciplinary action at the agency for acting out like this on his first job and creating trouble for the doctors and paramedics. He scoffs at the thought, eyes trained on you.
Someone is patching up a minor cut on his shoulder as he sighs out, "just please... open your eyes."
He's drained now. His battery's running on empty and the buzzing that's been going in his ears settle to a low hum so when he's asked to lie down on his stomach so that they can clean a wound on the back of his thigh, he simply does as he's told without a fight.
He falls asleep. Somehow, miraculously, he manages to fall asleep while fear and anger has him tossing and turning in his mind, drowning and burning, crying and yelling. His dreams are nothing comfortable, but they're not tangible either. He can't describe any of what he sees and hears in the dream to anyone, they're not coherent.
So when he wakes up with a startle, his eyes widening as tears roll down, he's surprised to feel a weight on his mattress that isn't his own. Slowly, almost fearfully, he turns his head to his left, where you're propped up, a fidget toy in your grasp.
He whispers your name, almost in disbelief and you look at him with a bright smile. Your head's still wrapped in bandages and he can see that you're connected to an IV you've dragged with you to his bed, but you seem... fine?
The way you so casually greet him with a grin deflates him slightly as he lets his head fall back on the pillow. "You're okay?" he asks muffled half through the fabric and you put down whatever gadget you were fidgeting with and runs a hand through his hair, "are you? I heard from Momo that you've caused quite a stir."
"You were unconscious!"
"I got a concussion and passed out."
He looks up at you with furrowed brows, "they hooked you up to some kind of machine."
You can't help the snort that escapes you. You can tell he's anxious and from what Yaoyorozu has told you, he hadn't listened to anyone since he spotted you passed out.
"Yeah, because they couldn't assess the damage properly on site and needed to take precautionary measurements until I was brought here, you know protocol. All this has done is give me a giant headache and a free pass from writing reports for a few days. I'm okay, Denks."
He sighs as he snuggles close to you. You wrap an arm around him like you usually do when he gets cuddly and needy. Your heart is beating faster than you'd like to admit and hope he doesn't notice. He'd been so beautiful today on scene, fighting with confidence and brilliance. You wanted to confess when the battle was over.
No time like the present, right?
"Hey Denks?" you carefully ask, and he hums a reply but seems too exhausted to look up at you. You kiss the top of his head and feel him tense, "I'm in love with you. I'm sorry i worried you."
There's quiet for a moment, like time stands still. Then, he jumps to sit up, groan from the pain of his stitches -- though no less excited -- and yells out a, "really?!" with stars and hearts in his eyes. You can't help but laugh.
Kaminari's never been subtle, but you needed some time before you were ready. Then, he coughs into his hand and turns all serious and nods solemnly, "mhm. I mean, I appreciate the apology. Don't pull that shit on me ever again."
He tries to shake hands with you, face still pulled tight like he's doing business and you just laugh, grab his hand and pull him down so he's face to face with you, "I'll do my utmost, handsome." and then you kiss him. You both grin into the kiss before deepening it.
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Lovebird Observation Notes Day 1
I have never actually had or handled a lovebird specifically, cockatiels, parakeets, zebra finches, ducks, chickens - heck actually handled a macaw and cockatoo more than I did a lovebird. Though I have done a lot of reading and know a decent bit on them from an academic and "birder" community stand point.
Generally speaking, lovebirds are pretty hyperactive and tend to make really strong bonds either with their human or their forever bonded partner which was largely why I was pretty concerned when my neighbor said "You can have her, I honestly have two parrotlets and I like them better" - which I was originally pretty mad and annoyed about, and still am a bit even though I think it comes from the place of having done the very common issue of a stupid and uneducated purchase on a "cute and pretty pet"
Thankfully, I'm also very needy of a bird human that needs bird company and have a corner in our bedroom near my PC where my cockatiels get to be right up next to me and space on the desk for a second cage. Additionally, I ALSO have cockatiels that could live across the desk as a cage neighbor for her to passively socialize with when I'm not home (asked a professional semi-local rehabilitate their opinion on if I could / should take the lovebird and if I should get a second to give her company as I was thinking of adopting a second lovebird from an official rescue center if it would have been better for her)
I think shes a yellow mutant Fischer's specifcifcally, she overpreens and has a slightly over grown beak (though not so much I would consider it a health issue, but enough so that I notice it as an orange flag)
The cage she came in isn't the worst I seen as - for one lovebird - it does give her some space to fly and move around. Her toy selection is really not the best for a lovebird and looks more catered to a parakeets needs. She needs more stuff to shred to maintain her beak and her general behavioral needs and she does need more space to move to accomodate her hyper active nature. Her food was largely to be desired - millet and what I think was probably parakeet food or cheap lovebird food at best
She has a tendency to bang against the corner of the cage a lot which is probably due to it being 1) slightly too small 2) her having no real toys that she could destroyed and break.
She's pretty hesitant towards people but as far as birds that need rehabilitation or socialization, she's honestly pretty quick to warm up and trust at least to the point of being relatively close to me when in the cage and her also lowering her head for longer periods when eating without checking up on me.
She seems pretty curious and interested in my cockatiels as well which is pretty cool.
Lucy is curious as well but he is hesitant at this strange birds since I don't think hes really seen a non-cockatiel up close. He's actually decided to sit on my shoulder and watch her from a bit a far since I am safe but also closer.
I also appreciate him doing this cause he's basically also showing her that I absolutely am fine to jump on and climb over and trust (he's taking the time of being on me to preen me too XD He's not frequently a shoulder bird cause he's got an ego and would rather be a FREE boy who NEEDS no owner) but she seems to be warming up to the new location pretty quickly and well. I'm keeping her in the safety of the cage until I learn her better and she gets comfortable to lower the stress on her, me and my cockatiels (plus the risk - however low considering neither flocks seem to have any illnesses - of avian flu so good practice to keep them apart for a bit).
Tomorrow I'm gonna go see if I can get her a cheap but better sized cage and Lucy / Avery have been needing new toys anyways so getting them both some new toys - fixing some of the core basic physiological needs and issues before going off and trying to tame her and get her used to people.
I'd be willing to return her to her owner after she's tamed and all under the conditions she follows a list of welfare and care suggestions cause honestly, rehabilitating and helping parrots is just a fun pass time personally for me. I'm more than happy to do so XD
That plus she did seem well intended after getting more information on her situation and if she is willing to comply with care and welfare conditions and suggestions, it could probably also improve the life of her parrotlets as well.
Apparently she regularly takes them both to and from the office where they can fly around more freely which is such a good idea and concept so I do have respects there. The issue just is that its clear she didn't do her research before buying a lovebird nor did she really learn much on whats needed AFTER buying one. Either way, Imma give this lovebird therapy.
She's also like "You know shes not tame AT ALL" and "Are you SURE? I feel like I might just be over encumbering you"
And Im like one, I've lived with parrots my entire life, my two cockatiels here used to travel between living with me and living with a flock of 7-8 cockatiels at a time in the past. One lovebird more than my two cockatiels is not too much. And TWO, she's an untamed mild over-preener.
Avery over here was probably from a breeder mill where she was probably taken from her parents too soon and as a result doesn't know how to preen right, doesn't know how to bathe right, didn't know how to fly right, either has a neurological issue from crashing when young or from being inbred, and when we got her my mom gave up on her after a year plus of her biting her fingers off and flying off when anything that might LOOK like a hand was within 10 ft of her.
I think I can handle an untamed slightly stressed lovebird 😂 Plus I'm literally an animal behavioralist and work in animal research in two months I think I'm good.
*also im internally crying at the opportunity to save a mentally ill birb, its so theraputic and lowkey I think I've been mildly triggered since I havent been able to take her in even though I know shes a bird in need since I kept missing my neighbor*
Either way, she's looking very happy and pleased with the current situation which is A LOT more than I had expected, so I think she likes the casual companionship I've given her the past hour with my birds and me at my desk + the slightly improved food quality (let her have my cockatiel seeds, they rotate between two different pellets, a pretty good mix of seeds and get regular fresh fruit and veg whenever I put them in my meals which is near daily)
She's already sleeping and I've seen her happy fluff about this which considering this is a new home with new birds - I'm extremely shocked to hav- I HEARD HER BEAK GRIND IM GONNA CRY
Anyways, day one update on Raya the Lovebird.
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ajax-mew · 2 months
i bought ibis paint
is basically have all the brushes to use and no adds (and can use for unlimited time on pc/laptop)
the basic version has 1 hr limit on laptop
idk yet if transfers the brushes i got in mobile version to any other acc i have ill see tomorrow when i log in my moms old tablet (she gave it to me so i can draw and let me factory reset it once she checks if has any pictures saved on it)
but yea is basically like the free version just w no adds and it doesn't include premium w it (premium would be + 30€ for a yr and i dont rly care abt that and too expensive)
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savi-our · 1 year
Right Next Door update! (+general update)
Heya! So i doubt many on this blog or anywhere really know what this is about but ive decided to continue my lil fic that i had going before i disappeared lol
Its not much, only 3 chapters so far but I reread them and decided i wanted to keep it going - i remember having started chapter 4 so whenever i find it again ill finish up and post it as soon as i can!
If youre curious you can go and check it out, ill link it HERE.
As for general stuff,
Ive been writing up some old asks and storing them in the drafts for now since im on mobile (i prefer fine tuning them on pc) but more asks should be up tomorrow or the day after!
If you have any asks you wanna send in, the ol box is still wide open so go wild.
Thats all for now, mwah 💋
(Posted on August 27th, 2023)
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flyingcookierambles · 2 years
ffxiv patch 6.3 maintenance = servers down for tonight welp
i was working on the book of skyfire 1 with the extremely rare and stupid FATES when i had to eat dinner and shower so uh welp guess ill do that tomorrow now idk
hm i think ill have to choose between bloons 6, creeper world 3 or 4, or just. firing up the deck and finally playing bayonetta 1 or wolfenstein or something. sadly lara croft rise of the tomb raider is taking forever to download lol its like 50+ gb or something honestly ridiculous lol
also, i think its quite funny but, the original thief games dont work on steam/linux without modding. like. this ancient game from like 1997 or 98 or something, thief 1, also known as Thief Gold (i think is the title on steam to differentiate it from the Thief 2014 (reboot??)) doesnt work on the cutting edge of technology/linux. like. we have to download a thief mod to fix it, idk why lol. tbh i’ve been planning on getting it anyways if i were to play it on pc as it was originally intended just bc i hear that it has some compatibility patches for windows 10/11 and also lighting fixes or something for immersion/fixing crappy graphics anyways and i think the reason that linux doesnt like it is something about the cutscenes rendering?? i honestly dont really understand, is it like the cutscenes are literally some old windows movie maker files that the game keeps in a separate folder and loads every time or what lol
(other news tho since squareenix is currently just killing itself for stupid nfts, at least eidos montreal and crystal dynamics are finally free of their bs lol maybe we can finally have a proper new thief to scratch the itch that the original thief and dishonored series left us on. theres not enough good sneaky games out where >_<  oh an deus ex i guess. never played it but i do have it on my steam backlog and i’ve heard that once you get over the silly jank of early pc games it and the story really hold up, im looking forward to playing it sometime)
edit: looked up why some games that are old + some visual novels that really shouldnt be that demanding hardware-wise aren’t playable, aaaaannd yup, its a cutscene / windows movies file issue. or, as this article puts it, “ seems to fail because in-game videos use a problematic Windows Media Player codec that could be difficult to implement through Steam Deck's Linux Proton compatibility layer.” theres also some issues that are just keyboard/mouse heavy games so it can be hard to play if you dont have a bluetooth keyboard/mouse on hand already. the article is from jan 2022 though, so hopefully some of these issues have been fixed. also love how they put “Final Fantasy” in the verified games list. like. bro, which one?????? there are 15 final fantasies plus some extras, its a very misleading game series names truly lol.
theres also i guess a community driven site about players testing the games thru proton themselves, looks like someone managed to get amnesia memories to work somehow????? 3 months ago??? even though steam store is showing me a no, this person says it does? maybe they modded it or used wine or something to install it rather than the standard proton linux that steam runs on. ive only used wine to run utau and a ds emulator on my macbook, i really dont know enough abt linux to play around with it tbh....
sure would be nice for the op of that comment to like. idk. have a more detailed comment on how they got it to work or something.
the website itself lets you put in your steam id url or number and you can check how many games in your library are verified - steam’s rating vs community/linux tinkering rating. cool. i have 46 steam verified games yayyy
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website - https://www.protondb.com/dashboard
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tonkipics · 2 years
Simcity 2000 ppc
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#Simcity 2000 ppc for free
#Simcity 2000 ppc how to
Develop residential and industrial areas, build infrastructure and collect taxes to further develop the city. SimCity 2000 is a city-building simulation video game jointly developed by Will Wright and Fred Haslam of Maxis.It is the successor to SimCity Classic and was released for Apple Macintosh personal computers in 1993, after which it was released on other platforms over the following years, such as the Sega Saturn and SNES game consoles in 1995 and the PlayStation in 1996. The aim of the game is to create an autonomous metropolis.
#Simcity 2000 ppc for free
Since there is so little information on this I contact ebay Mac game retro sellers as a hapless punter interested in buying a game and have them send me the system requirements. Download SimCity 2000 for free PC game SimCity 2000 is the 2nd part of the city building simulator, released back in 1993. Genrally if its 1995/1996 don't count on 68K support.
#Simcity 2000 ppc how to
Have to check the requirements game by game. how to make money in simcity 2000 how to make money as an instagram blogger. Heros of Might & Magic - 1996 - MACOS 7.x (WORKS) HOMM II is Aga so i can't test that until the A1200 card is released.Ĭlick on the Macintosh page on my website for the A2000 emulator and libs included I'd like to see someone run it on a Vampire. PowerMac Compatible (I think the Quadra falls into this in 1994),Ģ/8 Players over IPX / Appletalk (nearly said small talk there ) I have an original copy here of StarCraft / Broodward and these are the Mac specifications. Interestingly the interwebs is a tad wrong in regards to StarCraft. I've already tried Ceaser II and i get an odd error. Heros of Might & Magic II - 1997 - MACOS 7.x Heros of Might & Magic - 1996 - MACOS 7.x my friend, I have been building a list here of Mac 7.x to 8.x games that could run on the stock 040 68k moto -Īlone in the Dark II - 1996 - MACIS 7 - 9Īlone in the Dark III - 1996 - MACIS 7 - 9īaldurs Games : TotSC - MACOS 8.0 - 9.2.2 it maybe 68kĪarrghh ! The only requirement I saw was System 7.5 or higher. The demo i have of C&C on the mac says it requires PPC mostly red.Ģ56 i have but i will play about tomorrow or something.The monitor app is missing in my setup of 7.5.5 so i'll look later. That is far better than default 32/64 colours.Ī poke in the eye is better than 32/64. The monitor app is missing in my setup of 7.5.5 so ill look later. Will do when I get home and set a full working hard file installation up Welcome to the Apollo Forum This forum is for people interested in the APOLLO CPU.
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roxanncc-a · 3 years
( i am SO sorry for disappearing today after saying id do replies and raid inboxes i . got caught up carrying friends through h.alo campaigns )
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tips for dealing with chronic illness that i wish someone told me when i first got my diagnosis:
as a general rule, people aren't supposed to feel pain or distress every single day. try to compare your pain levels with other people's. even if it's "not that bad". even if you think something is normal
talk to other chronically people. find your community. reddit forums >>>> webmd
i cannot stress this enough check with your doctor if and or how your meds interact with each other, especially if you're starting a new medication
put your meds where you can see them, whether it's your bedside drawer or your desk or the kitchen table. stick post it notes everywhere you can see. set an alarm. set three alarms
for the love of fuck don't drink if your meds don't mix with alcohol. or at least drink responsibly. personally i find that im okay if i have one glass of wine or a beer after a full meal; if you do prioritise drinking over whatever side effects you will potentially have, drink responsibly
that being said, you're allowed to have nice things sometimes, whether it's drinks or a food you can't really eat, or going to bed later
if you need to spend a lot of time in bed, invest in a bedside drawer, or just put a spare chair next to your bed. stuff i try to make sure is always within my reach: water, pain relief cream, tissues, charger and headphones
big water bottle or just straight up a huge plastic bottle near the bed and/or your pc. if you don't like drinking water, juice or soda work just as well
coke zero has anti nausea properties because they put too much artificial sweetener in it and have to counteract it
sleep schedule. lack of sleep can make your pain levels a lot worse
you need to eat. if you don't have energy to cook, ramen and instant soups/instant mash potatoes are a godsent. there's all kinds of dry instant meals. snacks aren't the same as a full meal, but if you have issues with eating a bag of crisps is better than nothing
learn what your body needs. try to notice if there's any patterns. how many hours of sleep do to need? how many spoons do you have on average? what makes your symptoms worse? what makes them better?
mental illness is just as much of an illness as a physical syndrome. you wouldn't expect someone with a broken leg to walk as fast as someone without one. if you're dealing with depression you shouldn't expect for yourself to do the same amount of things as a person who isn't depressed
you can and should ask your doctor as many questions as you need. ask your doctor if you can contact them outside appointments. from experience, most psychiatrists are okay with being texted if you're in a crisis situation and need help/advice immediately
sometimes you're just not able to do something or perform at the same level that people without your condition can. it's really frustrating but you shouldn't have to push yourself to do something which is harder for you than it is for others
write shit down. as someone who is dealing with memory loss, often if i don't write something down it's gone from my brain forever. whether it's notes app or a cute notebook or just a random piece of paper that's lying around, developing a habit to put something down in writing if you notice it is helpful. if journalling is something you enjoy, keeping a mood/other symptoms tracker is a great idea. there's also journalling apps, and different kinds of trackers
half assing things is better than not doing anything at all. wash one plate instead of the entire dishes. clean one part of your room. eat one bite
your body is your friend. don't do things that are bad for it, or at least try to aim not to
that being said, sometimes you do end up choosing to do something that you know you're going to regret later. plan it ahead so you have time to rest after. f e if i do a lot of walking i need to clear my schedule for the next few days because i know i won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow
learn your patterns. what makes you feel better? what alleviates your pain? if you feel bad right now, or on the contrary your symptoms are more manageable than usual, is there something youve done differently today?
sometimes dealing with illness is like taking care of a small child. sometimes the child is throwing a tantrum. sometimes you want to strangle the child
self dx is valid. that being said, if you have an opportunity to see a doctor, absolutely go do it. even if you don't think you actually have the thing. even if it's not that bad. even if it's not disabling. it doesn't hurt to have a medical professional look at your stuff
most importantly, be patient with yourself. most likely you have limitations other people don't, and that's okay. some people can run a marathon and for some walking from their room to their kitchen is a challenge, and neither is better/worse/more valid. physical weakness is not a personal flaw
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aceyanaheim · 7 years
Power: -surges-
Me: oye que paso. Blackout blackout.
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nicka-nell · 4 years
I'm Kiyoomi Sakusa and I'm a germaphobe - Chapter 2: I’m not a germaphobe
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Words: 1.466 Warning: none
Chapter 1 -  Bacteria, fours and everything else     | Masterlist
(y/n) = your name | (l/n) = last name | (e/c) = eye colour | (h/c) = hair colour
„Tell Fogawa-san how is your wife?" (y/n) asks her patient as she slowly loosens his threads and pulls them out of his arm. „Oh you know, (l/n)-sensei, she’s fine. She went to our daughter’s house yesterday and will stay there until tomorrow. You know, our daughter is about to have a baby." The elderly man boasts with joy and only briefly deforms his face when the second thread is pulled.
„Oh, that's great news. Congratulations, does she know what it’s gonna be?" Briefly, her (e/c) eyes look at him, but quickly wander back down to his arm. „A girl.“ he smiles openly. Just when (y/n) can say something, the door behind her is torn open with an incredible force.
While Fogawa is frightened and convulses, (y/n) calmly pulls the threading out of his arm. „(l/n)-sensei! I am so sorry, but the young man here just stormed off and I couldn’t stop him anymore." Wakami tries to apologize. (y/n) could almost feel sorry for that poor woman. She’s only been here a month and has to deal with a special person like this man.
„I have an appointment, and it’s exactly in two minutes." Sakusa hisses and enters the room. But (y/n) doesn’t answer him. The last thread is now drawn, and she looks up joyfully to Fogawa. „This looks good, doesn’t it? Here you have the recipe for the physio lessons. We have a physio practice nearby. You can go there if you want. But of course you can also choose one that is closer to your place of house. Say, unknown wise, my congratulations on your daughter’s pregnancy, yes?" With a calm voice she gets up from her chair and helps the man to get up. Still somewhat confused, he looks back and forth between her and the two people in the door, but then thanks her and says goodbye.
„(l/n)-sensei...I'm so sorry..." Wakami tries to apologize again with a sad look. „Wakami-san, please go with Fogawa-san and leave the new patient to me." Her calm voice makes Wakami relax a little and her shoulders fall down.
Still (y/n) has not turned around. Instead of welcoming the new patient, she first disinfects the bed on which her patient sat and then drops the bottle. With a sigh, she then turns to her colleague and her new patient and takes off her one-way gloves to throw them away in a bucket next to her.
„And you’re the impatient patient who doesn’t want to go to the emergency room because of a broken finger, but needs an appointment right away... Then come here." she says monotonously, but if he listens carefully, he can hear a small hint of sarcasm in her voice. With her words, she puts on new disposable gloves and sits back on her chair with crossed legs.
Only her eyes are visible, as her face mask covers the rest of her face. But he had never seen such beautiful eyes. Like a cat, she checks him out. He didn’t expect to find such a young, pretty woman. Aren’t most surgeons old men or women? She must have started her studies pretty early...
„Do you just want to stand there now?" her voice pulls him out of his thoughts. „Sit down.“ With a head movement she signals to him that he should sit on the freshly disinfected couch. „Wakami-san, please go now and close the door behind you." Nodding, she quickly grabs the door handle and closes the door, leaving (y/n) and Sakusa alone in the treatment room.
With his hands in his jacket pocket, he walks towards the gurney and sits down skeptically. „So unknown one, then show me your hand, so I can’t see anything." (y/n) smiles with a sarcastic undertone.
„I'm Sakusa. Kiyoomi Sakusa.“ The black-haired man answers her in a calm tone and takes his hands out of his jacket pocket. Cautiously he takes off his gloves and hides a painful sound.
(y/n) already noticed at the beginning that he wears a facemask. At first she thought, by the appointment request and the mask, he would have a previous illness and so did not want to expose himself to any danger. But now that she sees his dry, cracked hands, she realizes a lot. He's a germaphobe.
„You have dry hands." she says, looking at the hand that supposedly has the broken finger. „You’re supposed to look at my finger and not rate my skin." He just hisses. „You're suffering from germaphobia. Don't get me wrong. A life as a germaphobe is not easy. They are limited in their professional life, social contacts and general life. But no one tells them how to live. Just do me a favor and buy yourself an salve for your dry skin. When your skin bursts, it provides a much larger area of attack for bacteria. I’ll prescribe you an salve." She mumbles to herself while she looks at his fingers. „I'm not a germaphobe...“ he hisses again, but looks closely at the young woman in front of him.
„Oh? Then you surely have no problem to shake hands with me, do you?" With her eyebrow raised, (y/n) looks at the black-haired man in front of her. Annoyed, he turns his head to the side. „I don’t know why it matters now." He grumbles when he sees the young woman’s hand stretched out before him. Triumphantly, she pulls her hand back and says nothing more.
Energetic (y/n) gets up from her chair and asks Sakusa to follow her. „We have to x-ray the finger once. After that we know more, but for me it looks more like a sprain, how did that happen?" She asks curiously, as she, with Sakusa behind her, goes into the room for the x-rays. „In sports.“ he barely answers her as he catches himself watching her hip swing. How disgusting Kiyoomi, he thinks and only shakes his head.
„Let me guess, from your build, I would consider you a volleyball player... Strong arms, strong back... are you an ace?“ she mumbles in front of her and puts a lead apron around him and pushes him down on a chair. Concentrated, she fixes the apron.
“It’s not hard to see, I’m wearing my team jacket." With his eyebrow raised, he looks through the room. „How interesting..., do you really think that I take care of that? Small talk is probably not your thing what? Then just stay there. Do you wear jewelry?" With her head tilted to the side and her hands on her hips, she looks at the man in front of her.
Shaking his head, his gaze wanders from her to his hand. For the fact that she was so friendly with her previous patient earlier, she is quite tough with him. „I leave the room for the X-rays and I’ll be right back." She calls out to him on the way out.
Several recordings are made and the two wait for a moment until they see the evaluation of the recordings on her PC screen. „Everything looks good so far, no fracture, your finger’s just sprained. I’d give you a bandage and you’d rest your hand for a few days, all right?"
Her gaze changes between the recordings and Sakusa as he nods and looks at his hand with relief. He’s glad it’s not boken. After wrapping the bandage around his finger and writing him a recipe for a skin salve, (y/n) gets up and opens her room door. „All right, then you can go now." As if another person were standing in front of him, she smiles at him with her beautiful eyes.
„Goodbye (l/n)-sensei." He says goodbye to her as he passes her. „Goodbye Sakusa-san... Oh yeah and...  the next time you have a sprained finger... Go to the emergency room like everyone else, because of this, my break is gone." she spits at him.
There is the familiar mean devil Sakusa had not seen in her for a short moment. For a brief moment, she looked to him like a peaceful doctor’s angel. But now that the door was slammed in his face, he knew that this woman was anything but not an angel.
Annoyed, (y/n) holds her finger to her temple. „What a weird guy... I'm not a germaphobe. Sure.“ she grins and just wants to disinfect the bed when she sees an unknown key ring lying there. It must be from Sakusa. 
„Oh damn it...“
Chapter 3 - A woman?
Taglist: @kara-grayson04​
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curiousconch · 4 years
Ricochet (An Open Heart AU)
Series Synopsis: Dr. Heather Song, Edenbrook’s newest diagnostician, gets embroiled in a plot of revenge against Boston’s top politician. Together with FBI Special Agent Rafael Aveiro and rising star prosecutor, Bryce Lahela, they try to uncover a web of conspiracies far greater than their imagination. Can they stop the attack in time? Or will their entangled hearts eventually become caught up in the crossfire?
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x MC (Dr. Heather Song) x Bryce Lahela 
Words: 1.3k+ | Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller, Romance
Rating/Warnings: Mature (16+) / implied violence
Author's notes: I'd like to thank the following for inspiring me to do this series:
@eleanorbloom​ - her awesome works made me see that there’s so much more to Bryce Lahela than being a meathead and a scalpel jockey
@kat-tia801 - for the captivating AU worlds she built with her TRR series, please check her works here. 
Finally, @alwaysmychoices​ - the same emotion you put into the stories of Charlie & Ethan is something I aspire to achieve with the characters of this fanfic series. 
Without these talented writers, I wouldn't be able to get this work out to the world.
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"Here's the copy of the MRI you requested for Room 502, doctor," a blonde nurse dropped an envelope on the pile already in front of her.
"Thanks Kaley," she smiled and nodded briefly from the patient charts she was finishing in the nurse's station, her brunette bangs slightly rustling at the sudden movement.
She went back to the mountain of paper work she was trying to finish, her Johns Hopkins Montblanc pen squiqqling as she went. On the bottom of the last page, she wrote her full name: Dr. Heather Song, along with her medical license number. 
She opened the envelope containing the scan results, and examined the writings on the sheet of paper. No tumors - meaning that the patient's headaches were probably caused by a genetic, albeit irritating migraine. She prescribed a relaxant, and handed it to Danny, along with the rest of the clipboards. 
She bit her lower lip as she tapped on her fitbit: 8:39 pm - another 14 hour shift. It was another day at work in the diagnostics team. Thankfully, she loved her job, so she has no complaints for the long hours.
Scrolling, she checked the rest of her messages. Her frown turned into a smile as she read out a text from her boyfriend:
I'm done for the day. Pick you up in 20 minutes?
She took out her phone from the pocket of her white coat and texted him back, agreeing to the said rendezvous.
With a friendly nod to the night shift nurses, she stood up and walked towards the Diagnostics office, her white sneakers squeaking along with her steps. With the door behind her hissing closed, she went to her table and retrieved her sling bag. She shoved her ID badge and her phone inside, while she shutdown her PC. She retouched her lip gloss before shrugging off her coat, revealing a blue crew neck shirt, neatly tucked into her dark jeans.
She freed her shoulder length hair from the tight bun that she usually wears at work and brushed off the few loose strands. Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she grabbed her belongings and stepped out of the empty room, making her way towards the elevator bay. 
As she walked through Edenbrook's ground floor hallways, her pale skin glowed against the fluorescent lights. She crossed the atrium and bid her goodbye to Bobby, the hospital's security guard, then went outside, into the cold night air.
A green bomber jacket caught her sight, and her heart immediately skipped a beat. The tall, dark figure had a backpack slung on his left shoulder, his right foot tapping along a mental beat.
"Hey, handsome," Heather slung her arm around Rafael's, tiptoeing to plant a kiss on his cheek. "Missed me?"
Rafael chuckled, as his eyes glistened in the dark, humming in agreement. He returned the compliment with a quick peck on her lips.
He gazed down at her, "Hungry, Dr. Song?"
Heather nodded in excitement. She loved his cooking, but she missed the gelateria near his place.
Fond memories flooded her, making her smile. 
A year ago, Rafael first whisked her away to the same Italian ice cream shop to decompress, seeing how stressed she was with the investigation. It was the night after she called in Travis Perry to the authorities. 
Ed Farrugia was just one of those patients her team took in to increase Edenbrook's struggling funds. He was Massachusetts' most popular Senator, and the media mileage he gave the hospital prevented it from going under. 
But what they first thought as just another day in the job took a turn when Heather diagnosed the politician's illness as lead poisoning. By midday, she was able to confirm that the chemical element was not coming from his newly-purchased house. A quick search engine lookup returned a suspicious article about Travis, his aide. Not wanting to make conclusions without concrete evidence, she raised her own suspicions with her mentors, Dr. Ramsey and Chief Banerji. Collectively, they decided that the best course of action was to quietly alert the authorities. 
That day was the first time Rafael walked into the hospital's hallways.  He got assigned to the case once Dr. Naveen called the FBI Boston field office. Rafael's discreet but valiant efforts foiled the perpetrator's sinister plans - of releasing a deadly airborne poison into the hospital room of the unknowing Senator. 
He was able to stop the attack and prevented deaths, including Heather's. They later found out that the attacker wanted to take revenge on her due to her earlier attempts to treat the senator. Travis Perry admitted to sprinkling lead in the politician's assorted drinks over the years. 
With the criminal charges filed and the case handed over to the district attorney's office, they were able to focus on the budding attraction between them. Several dates and a couple of samba lessons later, it bloomed into a full-on romance. 
Heather easily fell for him. He was an easy guy to love. His ways are simple, uncomplicated. 
He was a welcome reverie from the chaos of her first  year as a junior fellow of Edenbrook's premier Diagnostics Team. It was Rafael's sweet charms that made the unbearable, bearable. His tenacity to crack the cases he was assigned to matched her own. But his motive - of always being more than willing to serve others and his community, regardless of danger, never failed to amaze her. 
When they became an item, his whole community took her in. It was a sincere group of people consisted of his grandmother, his colleagues, and the elderly at the senior center where he volunteered. Rafael also frequently hung out with Heather's friends. Sienna, Elijah, Aurora and even Jackie were nothing but supportive of their relationship. 
Snapping out of her head space with a gentle nudge from Rafael, they began to leave the front steps of Edenbrook. They hadn't walked far when a familiar voice calling her name stopped them in their tracks. 
'Heather. Dr. Heather Song!"
Both turning around, they saw a tall man approaching them hurriedly. She had to raise her head to gaze at him as he neared.
"ADA Lahela," she saluted him in a greeting. She gave him a polite smile, letting Rafael go briefly to shake the hand of the man in the gray suit. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?"
"Something very urgent. I wouldn't spoil your RnR, but this really can't wait until tomorrow." Bryce Lahela, the rising star of the Boston's District Attorney's office, nodded back at Raf, catching his breathe.  "Ah, Agent Aveiro, hi. I believe this also very much concerns you." he also waved at Rafael, a hint of unsteadiness in his voice. 
She tried to recall the last time she saw Bryce. It was 3 months ago, on the last day of the trial of Travis Perry. The fierce young lawyer eagerly took on the case of Senator Farrugia, who single-handedly put Perry behind bars for the rest of his life. 
Her head perked a little, sensing the quick falter in the young prosecutor's greeting. She waved off his apology, expressing she didn't mind the intrusion. She trusted him enough to make the judgment that this couldn't wait. They were friends after all. 
"There's been a new development in the Ed Farrugia case," the assistant district attorney clutched his leather shoulder bag and pulled out a peculiar looking paper.  "Someone sent a blank message to my office email address an hour ago, it included this file attachment," he handed the page to Heather, a look of concern crossing his face. 
Beside her, Raf tensed.
The black and white printout, with words spelled from cutouts of magazines, knotted Heather's stomach in a million ways. 
It's not over, Dr. Song.
The sinister note made her skin crawl, unleashing a wave of terror within her. 
She immediately knew right then that the mirage of her quiet life threatened to crumble. She just didn't know how much. 
Tagging also @choicesficwriterscreations for #fics of the week.
Chapter 1 to be posted tomorrow.
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dmsden · 6 years
A Little Disagreement – Trying to head off conflict within the party
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Hullo, Gentle Readers. Time for another Question from a Denizen, brought to us by an anonymous reader. They ask, “So I am very new. I will play dnd (and dm) for my 2nd time tomorrow and my players character's really have clashing values and motivations so they argued for quite a while last time and came to no real conclusion because neither was ready to give up their side or compromise and then they looked to me to resolve it somehow and asked if they could roll anything? I did not really know what to do and let them roll a persuasion check against each other.
 It worked out fine, no one was upset about it back then but I researched and charisma checks on players are not allowed? And also their persuasion modifiers are pretty different so it's not really fair. I could maybe just make a straight roll against roll? But since persuasion is not mind control it shouldn't have worked out back then anyway. What do I do when the PCs really can't agree? And how do I stop a fight between players when the argument is about something really critical for the plot?”
 So, first, you didn’t do anything wrong. If the players asked you to find a solution, and you offered a solution, and it resolved things for that moment with no hurt feelings, then you did it right. While a player can’t force another player to act through a Charisma-check, I don’t think it’s fair to suggest that this can never be a useful tool. In my own campaign, people regularly make Deception checks against each other and the like. My players are pretty good at discussing and coming to compromises, so Persuasion checks have never been necessary, but, if the two players agreed, I don’t think I’d have a big complaint. After all, it’s unlikely anyone you play with has an 18 Charisma in real life, so it’s not a terrible idea to remember that someone’s character might be better at debate than they are.
 Now, having put that aside, you want a solution for going forward, of course. And this will shock longtime readers, but I recommend that you talk to your players.
 While I think that a healthy debate about the course of action the party will take is a good thing, you don’t want it to devolve into a brawl that will tear your game apart. Make sure that everyone is cool with the disagreements that’re happening and that there are no ill feelings leaking out into real life. This is, after all, a game, and the object is to have fun. It’s not worth real life friendships getting damaged due to an ongoing in-game feud.
 Hopefully an out-of-game conversation can prevent an in-game explosion. If not, you may find yourself faced with the unenviable position of having to decide what kind of game you want to run. As an example, let’s pretend that the fight your players are having is whether to kill non-combatant prisoners or not. This is a fairly common argument that comes up in games where the group finds themselves invading the lair of something like kobolds. In addition to all the warriors, there are going to be some kobolds who won’t fight, for example, the very young. What does your party do in this situation? Do they spare the young ones and abandon them? Do they take them into human society, hoping they can be raised to be good? Do they kill creatures that are inherently innocent?
 As DM, you can make a declaration like, “Kobolds are inherently evil as a creation of Tiamat, the goddess of evil dragons. They are irredeemable.” If you do this, then the party’s course is clear. If they encounter kobolds, they must be slaughtered, no matter what the age. This prevents this thorny philosophical issue. If you don’t make a call like this, then the party is likely to debate when placed in such a situation, unless they’ve discussed this ahead of time. If they can’t agree, then one side is likely to take action, whether the party likes it or not. This could eventually lead to a schism in the party which may cause one or more characters (and perhaps their players) to leave the group.
 Luckily, you happen to be the DM. If you’re appalled by the idea of your players murder-hoboing their way through an entire colony of kobolds, make sure you never put them in that position. Make sure they only ever encounter kobolds that’re not in their home lair. The kobolds may be an advanced guard, scouting a possible new lair, or hired by the dungeons’ true masters and not willing to risk their young. If you never put non-combatant kobold young into an adventure, then you’ll never have to worry about your PCs slaughtering them.
 I hope that your party managed to resolve its issues, Anonymous, and that your game is going well. Definitely let us know.
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