#anyways the vibes are chill :3 hope it’s treating u well too
robyn-goodfellowe · 1 year
hi tumblr :3 bats my big beautiful eyelashes at you
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i keep writing the same fics over n over again atp i’m just trying to see how many times i can get away w it until someone points it out …… :’3
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dalkyeom · 2 years
I WAS TOLD U LIKED FIRE EMBLEM TOOO AHHH THE BESTIES ALL HAVE TASTE anyways happy Halloween Chia! ILY! I hope you're having a fun and safe holiday beloved ~
I loveddddd your latest dokyeom drawing btw if that wasn't evident. I've looked at it 10 times again in the past hour. Mwah <3333 🦇🎃🍬 👻 🕸️🍂
ELV MY FAVE KYEOM KYEOM LOVER HELLOOOOO! Happy halloween 🎃 my halloween was pretty chill, i think the only cool thing that happened was that I closet cosplayed SVT’s iconic ready to love zoom live (bc i used the same backdrop lmao) while I was in class today. Thought I wouldn’t be the one to present but alas, my homework was chosen to be representative so I had to speak so my picture of Cheol made its class debut. I hope your halloween went well too <33 shall be consuming the spoops later!
AMG YOU LIKE FE TOO?! 😭 catch me running to you and xan bc of fire emblem solidarity. It’s just so good oof oof— and awww I heart you too 🥺💕 asdasd—amg I’m so glad you like the House That Eats!Kyeom fa istg I sing that fic to praises like it now has 3 ghosts from how I can’t move on so I linger and think about it every 3 weeks or something. Jackie did such a good job I’m always in tears even after my 5th re-read (also shoutout to jackie ily! :(( consuming your fics again) the power of that fic possessed me istg!
Thank you for ringing the doorbell! You receive… another short blurb!
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SEOKMIN IN FIRE EMBLEM AU; a headcanon list
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While it doesn’t have a specific game from the series in the title, i’ll be using Three Houses as my main inspiration since it’s the one I recently played. Will not follow the game’s plot directly bc i’ll be focusing more on the school and daily life parts more lol.
Lee Seokmin, the second child and next in line to be the head of House Lee, one of the five great houses of the Leicester Alliance. His family is known to possess great vocal ability so most of them became singers and bards and well acquainted with the opera
I think he fits a class that can wield a sword the best (this is me going off on vibes alone and based it off arthur!kyeom). Personally, i’d put him as either a soldier or hero class but being part of the cavalier is good too. The thing is, Seokmin is just as skilled with a bow. Much like the other kids from the leicester alliance, he’s been trained to be able to use one with great accuracy but after trying a sword, he found it much more comfortable to use.
Final verdict — his starting class is hero.
Seokmin is a protector. He will, instinctively, gladly take the hit for you. The type to subtly pull you behind him when on the battlefield bc he’d rather have you out of harm’s way. You know that look when he’s super focused? He eyes his enemies like a hawk, he’ll be ready to counter and block whoever is daring enough to make the first move.
But like that’s what makes it his biggest weakness too, the emotional side that comes out especially when he’s so riled up. he was once chastised by Seungcheol, after a mission went awry. He got riled up so bad, emotions blinding him that he failed to notice a teammate get tag teamed by one of the enemy soldiers. Had Jeonghan been a second late, it could’ve ended with one of them dead. They were lucky to get out alive, gravely injured but alive.
Seokmin vows never to let his rage blindside him again.
Ok but can you imagine his support dialogues? The s-support dialogue?? Gonna go insane thinking about it bc i bet it’ll be so sweet. Instead of the usually loud and energetic seokmin, we are greeted by the softer and gentler side of himself. The lover; the one who looks at you with so much affection that it manifests in the way he treats you. He talks in whispers bc he fears that any decibel higher than 40 will shatter the fragile atmosphere he has with you. Goddess forbid.
He’ll take your hand gently in his, his thumbs rubbing small circles on the back of your palm like a promise that he’ll keep the world safe for you because he’d rather go to hell first and suffer if it meant keeping the love of his life safe.
Why did I do that to myself. Plus one for shared heart clenching for a Lee Seokmin [+1]
Anyways, you’ll find Seokmin usually by the stables or the dining hall. He has an affinity with horses and often volunteers to help with the horses and pegasi. Oftentimes, you’d find him making pizza with Mingyu. The entire monastery now knows the second and third wednesdays of the month are unofficiall ‘pizza nights’.
Seokmin naturally gets along with students from the other houses. his bright disposition and easy going nature making it easy to befriend those around him. He’s kind of like a magnet? Also he sings really well, and he sings everywhere at anytime, it’s hard not to ignore him (bad thing or not).
He’s also in the choir with Seungkwan and Joshua. Jeonghan joins from time to time.
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Trick o’ Treat 2022 mini event [closed]
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inkdemonapologist · 3 years
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[BatIM Call of Cthulhu Masterpost]
WE STARTED.... A NEW SCENARIO..... as you may have read in Boo’s summary post, for some unknown reason aLL MUSICAL AND PERFORMANCE ABILITY SEEMS TO BE??? GONE??? Sammy woke up, realised he couldn’t hold even the simplest tune in his head, and immediately lost THIRTY-ONE SANITY in one hit
 anyway i have a some out-of-context quotes from the game for u all under the readmore if ur into that kinda thing!!!
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[GM] It's a tough voice to do, so you can't be as choosy, and your resident Bendy cannot act to save his life, so that's no good-- [Joey] Uh-oh. [Jack] Sorry, Lurks. [Joey] I'm just so worried he's going to have to act now... [Jack] Clearly, he should've used the time between scenarios to train that! [GM] Yeah, that's just what everybody wants I'm sure, is the Lurker training in LYING. That sounds like a great idea!
[GM] *asking for dice rolls to see how well our actual jobs are going* We can do a little bit of mundanity to, to treasure, and keep you warm later!
[Henry] Should I spend Luck points on this? No, I'm not spending Luck on work. [Sammy] That's a good general life policy
[Jack] Does Jack have any contacts? [Joey] No, he has glasses! :D [Jack] noooo that's my job! It's my job to make Jack's puns! ....Contacts probably didn't exist in the 1930s, that's okay. [Sammy] No, don't say that! Boo's going to have to look it up now!
[GM] What spell is Joey working on? [Jack] (Spell of Make Investor Like You)
[Joey] I think he probably has filing cabinets specifically to put occult stuff in and lock. And then the rest of his office is just piles and tables of animation stuff that you're like "...shouldn't this??? be??? in the filing cabinet???"
[GM] Allison remarks, "The companions of our childhood always possess a certain power of our minds, which hardly any later friend can obtain." [Sammy] Y'know, normal, just nORMAL CASUAL CHATTER, [GM] Tom, working on the pipe, just kinda mutters, "I enjoy friends, dear not only by habit and association, but from their own merits." And she gives him a look! [Jack] ...love at first whATEVER THIS IS,
[Sammy] ...Sammy's not amused. [GM] The band's amused! [Jack] Jack is probably amused.
[GM] So far things are going very well, but y'know, [Jack] Only so long until we crit fail something! [Sammy] NEVER TOO LATE TO MESS IT UP!
[GM] Allison's vibe is like, I Didn't Study This Exactly, But I Was Hoping It Could Just Work Out! [Jack] ...She has a lot of practice at just... making things work out, huh.... 
[GM] Is there anything else Joey would try to show off? [Joey] Tries to think... what else is at the Studio... [Jack] "Do you wanna talk to our janitor? He's really cool!"
[Joey] I roll to see if Joey can put two brain cells together,
[Jack] I have to appreciate that Bendy said he didn’t have the keys today. He’s been stealing them before, but THIS TIME isn’t his doing!
[Sammy] If there’s anything he needs to do himself, then he’ll come in early, but I don’t know what state we’re in -- [Joey] Uh, New York. [Sammy] ...what? [Joey] You didn’t know what state we’re in. :) [Sammy] [Sammy] thanks
[Joey] Oh Joey’s absolutely coming in early. Joey woke up, and felt great, so he’s going to menace every other department today, because he has the energy to get his fingers into everything! [Sammy] *distressed sounds in the background*
[Sammy] Hey how come when we did a Halloween cartoon, we all went to Haiti, but we’re doing a cartoon about a fair and we’re not going to a fair? [Jack] [Jack] I think we all know why.
*trying to decide who goes to Joey’s fancy dinner with an investor* [Sammy] I don’t know if Sammy will help you... [Sammy] Unless you bring Sammy and put him on a piano, like a small child that needs to be immediately handed crayons.
[Joey] Joey will say that they’re essentially the second hands in each of the departments-- [Jack] Yeah, Abby, the second hand… entire Art Department director, [GM] Uh-huh. [Joey] She… she knows,, [GM] Joey, [Joey] She knows that Joey… is … Big Gay for Henry,,, [GM] This is true, but I think she likes nominal acknowledgement that she holds a position, [Jack] He can just say that they’re high-ranking, and not-- [Joey] No I rolled badly, Joey’s going to say that Sammy and Henry are busy, so he brought his second-best! :) [GM] Abby is massaging her temples. [Joey] Sorry, Abby. He is,, an idiot,,, [GM] I think she’d be a lot more bothered if she couldn’t go and commiserate with Henry about it. Like, “why can’t he keep it straight?” [GM] ……………….well. She knows why he can’t keep it straight.
[GM] It’s about midnight, and something... strange.... happens. The trumpet player, who is leading the band -- [Joey] -- has a trumpet for a head! [GM] what no
*Joey succeeds a sanity check, Jack fails it* [GM] Joey, roll 1d10! [Joey] Uh, 3? [GM] Okay, you’re only down three sanity, that’s not so bad! [GM] Jack, roll 6d10! [Jack] what? [Joey] Six??? SIX d10s????? [GM] Yeah! [Joey] nICE KNOWING YOU, JACK!!! It’s time for Sillytime Jack.
[Jack] Smash cut to Henry, curled up in bed, nice and cozy,
[GM] I will also note, you cannot seem to Fast Talk. [Joey] ...what else can I do? [GM] Just normal talk. Like a normal person.
[Jack] I feel like Jack probably has a hunch that it’s weird nightmarish horror nonsense, on account of he just lost nineteen sanity,
[GM] Abby’s gonna try to take him to the hospital. [Jack] Jack’s just going to let that happen, because he’s shaken enough that he doesn’t have any significantly better ideas! Other than AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,
[Sammy] *rolling sanity damage* 9… 9, stop that…. 4, [Jack] You’ve already lost more than Jack! [Sammy] 2, ...6, and 1! [Joey] That’s 31. [GM] Okay, Sammy has six sanity! [Sammy] eXCUSE ME?????
[Joey] Joey does want to head home… what day is it? [GM] Friday, the 13th! [Jack] HM, [Sammy] I GUESS IT IS, ISN’T IT… I wasn’t keeping track, but I guess it sure is! [GM] A delightful treat for myself, when I was looking up days in July, in 1934, [Sammy] WAIT, NO, ITS ACTUALLY A COINCIDENCE? Oh my gosh, [Jack] Because Friday the 13th wouldn’t even be a spooky day at this point in time! [GM] It is now! [Jack] It’s spooky, but just for us!
[Sammy] Sammy would try to call Jack, he’d try to call Joey, he’d try to call Henry -- probably several times, [Henry] sammy gets jack’s cat [Henry] phone is answered with meows [Jack] That does seem fitting for a really bad luck roll; the phone gets answered, and Sammy’s really relieved -- and it’s just the cat. [Sammy] Sammy, at 6 sanity: “jack’s tuRNED INTO A CAT,”
[Joey] The phone kept on ringing, so the cat just batted it off the cradle, [Jack] I feel like Jack probably doesn’t usually get a significant number of calls, so like, this many calls in a row is just obnoxious! [Jack] Cat’s having none of it. [Jack] Phone ring isn’t breakfast! [Jack] Where is the soft provider of food.
[GM] Oh no, you know what’s going to happen? Henry’s gonna get through to Jack, and then when Sammy calls it’s busy! [Sammy] cALLS JACK IT’S BUSY, CALLS HENRY IT’S BUSY, [Jack] I was gonna say maybe Henry would call Sammy first, because Sammy was one of the original three. [Jack] …Henry calls Sammy, Sammy is busy because SAMMY is trying to call someone, and then Henry calls Jack, and Sammy tries to call Jack again-- [Sammy] *laughing* THE HORROR, The deep, bone-chilling horror of A TIME BEFORE CALL-WAITING!!
[Henry] Is Joey there? [Jack] Yeah. [Henry] Are you guys alright? [Jack] ……………….hm,
[Jack] Cat is just sat on Joey, purring. Something is wrong with the human. Purr to fix the human.
[Henry] I called Sammy to make sure he’s okay, but-- [Abby] Was he? [Henry] No.
[Joey] Joey is going to be… obstinate feels like the wrong word? [Joey] He’s being the cat where you put the leash on, and the cat just sits down. [Joey] That is the Joseph mood right now.
[Sammy] *muttering* First one boyfriend turns into a cat, now the other boyfriend’s voice is wrong, today is terrible,
[Joey] This is Joey’s everything. [Sammy] That’s Joey’s contribution to the party! That’s like, your bard can no longer play music. [Sammy] ……….which is also true, but Sammy contributes other things. [Jack] Like Intimidate! [Sammy] Right now he contributes paranoia!
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yoichichi · 4 years
Pretty People Supremacy Playlist 🖤
for my angel @1010andneji , I hope you love it 🖤
disclaimers: fem!reader, because this a request for someone with she/her pronouns, I believe the reader is referred to as she/her a few times, Kenma is aged up and this is based in him attending University just to be clear‼️
warning: it gets a little saucy in the make out department ?
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gif not mine, credit to owner
a/n: ahhhhh!!! I’m sorry this took so long and I really hope you like it and you felt like it was worth the wait! Please let me know if you need me to change anything ‼️ i luv you bae 😔✊🏼 also thank you to my wife @ikigaitooru for helping me choose your matchup here! I was stuck between one other person but we ultimately decided on Kenma, we both believe he exhibits prime quiet himbo energy :) also I kind of went off and wrote a lot on this one 😶 sorry I think? Regardless, I hope you enjoy!!!
Relationship Headcannons
Ok so ultimately, I paired you together NOT just cause you thinks he’s pretty but I think you guys would be so good together!! Like you would be so good for him
You guys would balance each other out socially and just be the best pair to hang out with pleaseee
He knows he can be stupid and chaotic with you and you know you can let yourself wind down with him!!
Kenma CAN be blunt sometimes so I’m sure he’d have to catch onto your sensitivity at first, but he’d be so sincere if he ever accidentally said or did anything that made you feel some type of way
And once he is aware of your sensitivity he’s constantly reassuring you in little ways, not only that he understands and is trying to comfort you but just to reassure you he loves you, for example :
I know some people have mentioned that he wouldn’t be into PDA but I disagree! It’s just not in the conventional let me be all over you types of PDA
I feel like it’s just not a big deal to him cause he’s like 🤨 what do I have to be embarrassed for?? This my mf baby and I’m gonna hold her hand if I want to ??
Like, I see him as a big hand holder frfr
He would just see it as such an easy way to be physically close to you and even if that’s just holding pinky’s he’s down!
It would also help him if he’s feeling anxious!
Like he’d fiddle with your hands and fingers if he’s feeling particularly antsy or nervous
You guys are out and he wants to go in a different direction? He’s definitely bringing your hand to his lips to give a quick peck and pull you along
“C’mon, let’s look over here”
AND HES SO NONCHALANT ABOUT IT TOO LIKE HE JUST DOESNT QUITE REALIZE THE EFFECT HE HAS ON YOU WHEN HE DOES THAT (he totally does but he likes to be slick and act like he doesn’t 🙄)
He would also DEFINITELY let you play with his hands if you’re nervous or bored or whatever reason honestly, he’d find it soothing and knows it occupies you or fills a need (and you get to look at pretty Kenma hands c’mon now)
ANYWAYS there are other little ways he’d reassure you too besides hand squeezes and holding
Definitely the type to leave you little notes in places for you to find them and they’d always say such simple things like “hi- kenma <3” LMAOOOO PLS HES TRYING HIS BEST
I think the final biggest way he’d love to reassure you would be words of affirmation (this is definitely a private thing)
I think he’d still deliver them in a blunt manner but that’s how you know he’s sincere!
You two would just be chilling at his place and you’d do something simple like, ask how much water he’s drank today or play with his hair and tell him he shouldn’t overwork himself and he’d just look at you so seriously and be like, “I really appreciate you, you know that?”
And it’d be sort of deadpan but like !!!
And he’d just kiss your hand after - always the palm - and then he’d just press his cheek into your hand before kissing it one more time and moving on like that literally just didn’t happen KENMA KING OF HAND KISSES
Okok moving on before I get stuck on his hands again anskdkdksiaj
So we don’t talk about himbo Kenma enough!!!! Like ok
He’s NOT big and ripped like ya know Bokuto and he seems super smart but I’m telling you this man is a quiet clueless himbo ‼️
You can’t tell me you’d be talking on and on about biology or something and he’d just have this little lost look in his eye while he’s nodding along and smiling softly listening to you talk and you’re like ,,??
“Wait, do you even understand what I’m saying?”
And he’d really just be like no :)
“but your eyes are really pretty and I like watching your lips move while you talk :) (this man is also a king of innocent flirting and you can’t tell me otherwise!!!)
OMG and if you’re even the slightest bit flustered by his comment he WILL notice and he’ll do his best to hide his sly little smile and just grab one of your hands and squeeze it and be like, “keep going, I’m listening”
Ok ALSO you two would literally just be such a pretty couple? Just like so pleasing to look at????? Like you’re both so pretty it’s unfair! And your style OMG
Like you’re just so soft like the epitome of 🦋✨👼☁️☺️ girl and 🎮🎱🖤👾🌙 boy ykwim???
and his long hair PLS Kenma man bun supremacy 🙌🏼
I can’t stress enough how pretty you two would be it would just make sense seeing you two together ugh
UGH you dying Kenmas hair for him?? And he’d just sit cross legged in a chair while you do it and he keeps leaning and moving to wherever you are around him cause your hands are in his hair and it’s so soothing!! What’s he supposed to do??
“Kenma, stay still you’re gonna bet bleach on my shirt!”
“But didn’t you wear that in case bleach did get on it?”
“I’m just saying if that’s the case then I don’t understand why I can’t hug you while you bleach my hair? 🤨”
“Ok so-“
Yeah queue pouty Kenma acting indifferent 🙄✋🏼
Just give him a kiss on his nose and he’ll get over it even though he’ll feign his grumpiness to get treated like a baby a little bit longer
Bottom line, Kenma’s your quiet little himbo and you’re his loud soft girlfriend, and it’s one of the most adorable things ever
Ok, so we’re finally to what you came for LMAO, your playlist!
OKOK so similar to the first one I made, there’s no theme besides music taste so I tried to make this like a soundtrack of your guys relationship if that makes sense?
I really hope you enjoy and please let me know if you need any changes or would like to be paired up with someone else 🖤‼️ Without further ado, your songs and explanations!
1. Siren - Kailee Morgue: ok I think this one still kind of fits the vibe you’re looking for but you can’t tell me Kenma didn’t see you as some bewitching vixen who’s caught his attention LMAO like he’s just like 👁👄👁 she’s so pretty and entrancing help me! and he’d try to be like haha I’m cool I’m cool I’m fine 😎🥴😎 but it’s so obvious he likes you too (you’d kind of be able to tell with the way he looks at you and how it took so long for the blush to leave his neck and ears whenever he’d talk to you) but he just really decides he has no choice in the matter, he wants you so bad LMAO
2. Juice - iyla: more off the first one, the way you just appeared into Kenmas life LMAO like he saw you and just 😳🥴😍‼️ and once he started to feel real feelings he’d be so 🏃‍♂️💨 WHERE THE FUCK DID SHE COME FROM??? But he wants you so BAD he can’t do anything about it, and now not only does he just want you 😳 but he wants you and he wants to be yours , pls he has it hard
3. See You Again (feat. Kali Uchis) - Tyler, The Creator: ok this is like THE song to your guys relationship just UGH I know you two would have such pining. Kenma would DEFINITELY be nervous to even talk to you at first cause he’s definitely like 🥴 she’s prettt hhng and he’s so shy and you just have such HEART EYES over him and you don’t even hide it that well LMAO (“it’s them rose colored cheeks yeah it’s them dirt colored eyes 😔😩”- u @ him) and it just makes him so NERVOUS!! But you two would definitely dance around it for a bit like you’d just be so 😍‼️ He’s pretty and shy hehe I like him gimme gimme 😍 and he’d be so flustered by it at first until you guys FINALLY get over yourselves (when kenma stops being a baby LMAO) like you guys jus wanna kiss so bad and literally everyone’s like JUST FUCKING DO IT, SHIT it’s adorable really
4. Doves In The Wind (feat. Kendrick Lamar) - SZA: ok I know this song is kinda saucy an idk if it’s overplayed but listen YOU CANT TELL ME THIS ISNT KENMAS FUCKING ANTHEM!! like he jus absolutely jams to this song definitely a sza stan and loves playing vibey music like hers during his gaming sessions but like the way he would worship the ground you walk on and be like mf im HERS do not get it twisted, in no way does she belong to me buT THE WAY I BELONG TO HER WHEW ‼️
5. Moment - Victoria Monét: ok why do I feel like most of the songs I added on here are vaguely steamy LMAO but ok this song? Yeah whew 💨 this is definitely one of those songs that play while you two would be lazily making out with those little led lights on (you just know kenma has those) and you two would just be laying there and know this is one of those moments you guys are never gonna forget. Your hands are just roaming and caressing each other while your lips are locked and you guys are so breathless and it’s just wow, you guys must have manifested each other cause this moment is so perfect between you two. And even though it’s a little sloppy it’s so intimate and you both feel like you’re living in a dream. messy hair flushed Kenma whos breathing heavy? Yeah I think so
6. Deep Cuts - Healy: Kenma is always trying his hardest to be the best he can when he loves something. We know this we’ve all seen him and Tora when it comes to volleyball and the way he gets with Hinata. And this wouldn’t change when it comes to your guys relationship, he is constantly going to be putting in his best effort to get to know you better, be the best boyfriend he can be to you and make you feel as loved as he can. He’s memorized everything there is to know about you and sometimes he gets lost in that and it makes him insecure about himself from his overthinking (you can’t tell me he’s not a chronic overthinker) and he’d forget to just enjoy himself sometimes. Like Kenma stop stressing, you can relax when you hold her hand. But he’d reach this point with you when he’d probably be being a bit difficult and you’d just make him feel so loved. He had been overworking himself again, which you HATED. You could tell from the bags under his eyes and the way his hair was messily pulled back into a low bun and the way the neckline of his hoodie showed he wasn’t even wearing a shirt underneath. But it was date night!! So what if he was tired and overworked quality time is important to you!!! I mean, that’s what he’s thinking. But you would just pull him into a hug and kiss his forehead and start to undress into comfy clothes and he’d be so confused like ?? Uhm, date night?? And you’d just pull him to your shared bed by his sleeve and under the covers and into your arms while you just kissed the top of his head. You’d take his hair out of his bun and run your fingers through it getting rid of some of the tangles and just be so CARING to him. “Let’s just stay in, you’re tired and I’d rather lay with you while you get some sleep, we can always go out another time.” Yeah he’s in love that’s it ‼️ you make him feel like he’s exactly enough for you as he is and that’s all he wants pls tbis is so long and for what??? Like this could be a Drabble in itself??? Anyways
7. Easy - DaniLeigh: you guys are definitely an exclusive couple but you really show Kenma what it means to just take it slow and relax! After the date night (deep cuts) he knows it’s ok to just relax into your guys love and he doesn’t have to force or rush anything cause it all comes naturally. Secondly , the WAY THIS BOY MAKES YOU FEEL - he just always looks at you with these deep eyes that hold so much love and it makes you feel so exposed every time cause he just loves you so much and it’s so intense l. It makes your face heat up cause he so clearly thinks your perfect. Also, this just gives total late night ride vibes. Kenma would definitely be driving on the freeway and this song comes on and he just places his hand on your thigh while he’s driving and he’s humming along to this song and he can feel you staring at him so he just casts you a quick side glance and goes “hmmm?” And you’re like 👁👄👁 nothing (Kenma is the king of late night car ride music fr)
8. CPR - Summer Walker: ok I don’t even need to explain myself with this one, the song is so self explanatory! You just make each other feel so at home. Point blank ‼️ like Kenma will just think back like 😇 where would I be without this bitch the thought makes him truly sad and he likes to avoid it at all costs
9. Rain - Lucy Park: pls this song is so soft (I hope it fits the vibe ahhh!!) but this is just more of kenma being an absolute softy for you LMAO. He’s not very good at taking care of himself sometimes and you’re always there to be like 😡‼️ NO‼️ and it makes him so soft he can’t help it, it’s not that he does it on purpose cause that’s insane but the fact you know his limits when even he doesn’t sometimes blows his mind and he’s never felt more loved than in those moments (let’s bring up Deep Cuts again 🙄✋🏼 pls this boy just needs someone soft to put him in his place LOL)
10. moonlight - dhruv: ok but when Kenma knows he’s in love with you, he has to tell you. And what better way to tell you than, well, tell you. He’d definitely try to plan it in his head to be perfect like ok what’s her favorite place? Where’d we first meet? Should I tell her there? Should our song be playing in the background? Kenma, your himbo and over thinker tendencies are showing, just tell her already! It’d be early in the morning, and you two are making breakfast together while he’s listening to you ramble on about the recent events of your favorite show and he’s just smiling and nodding, doing his best to recall the other plot points that have happened. And you, distracted with your ranting, go to take a bite of your freshly made breakfast- which is still scalding hot. You IMMEDIATELY start panting and drop your fork, running over to the faucet and shoving your head under it doing your best to soothe your mouth with the cold water. And Kenma feels awful, but this is fucking hilarious. So sure he’s holding your hair back so you can really get that water but he’s dying in the process. Almost keeled over and gripping at his stomach type laughter and you’re swatting at him to no avail and he just can’t help himself, “oh, fuck I love you.” He said it between his gasps of air from laughing and didn’t even realize it. Not until you stood up fully with water still dripping off your chin just looking at him. This idiot immediately started apologizing like omg this isn’t how I wanted to say it ahhhh but you assure him this was perfect, and that you love him too (pls love this man he can’t help but love you too)
11. Easily - Bruno Major: does this count as angst? ok call back to Kenma being an overthinker who overworks himself and probably overlooks his own needs at times, there’s bound to be some tension between you two at times. You’re concerned about his health and he insists he’s fine but you know he’s not, and while I don’t ever see him blowing up on you I could see little arguments about his self-care habits. Sometimes he stays up too late, or he’s stressing himself over something that doesn’t need that much thought! Regardless, he knows you just love him and he does the same thing for you and he just needs to get better at not being so stubborn when it comes to taking care of himself. And he just hopes that you know he loves you and appreciates what you do for him even though it doesn’t seem like it all the time, and that hopefully you won’t give up on him.
12. Streets - Doja Cat: ok I added this one mainly for the vibes but like you can’t tell me Kenma isn’t pined over in university LMAO. Like he’s pretty and polite but also indifferent, mentally ill bitches eat that shit UP; and there’s PLENTY of those in university LMAO. And like you aren’t a toxic possessive person don’t worry but MAN he’s fighting these girls off with a stick at this point LMAO and he just doesn’t get it pls, like he’d definitely be the partner in an assignment who just comes prepared and is kind of quiet to a fault but is so nice and just gets his shit done. Would also offer a pencil if you forgot one and maybe I’m just a whore but that gets me everytime 😌
13. Kiss U Right Now - Duckwrth: ok mainly for the vibes but !!! You and Kenma in the kitchen cooking and this song comes on and he comes up behind you and turns you around and your faces are all close and he keeps singing “I think I wanna kiss u” and smirking but he’s just ghosting his lips over yours instead and moving his head back every time you try to kiss him and giggling before doing it all over again! giggly Kenma supremacy
14. Butterfly - UMI: ok we been talking about how much Kenma would be devoted to you, but like you wouldn’t be the same!!!! Kenma means so much to you and you do your best to show your care and all you wanna do is see him happy as much as he wants the same for you, omg you guys are so in love it’s gross 🤢
15. Pick Up Your Phone - Hojean: what more can I say!!! You guys just love each other and love spending as much time together as you can!! (I like ending these playlists with a really happy mood :) )
Here it is! Thank you for being so patient and I really hope you like this! I always get nervous posting for my baby’s 🖤 love you cutie!
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sukirichi · 3 years
[ BROKEN RECORDS ; asks ] 
💌 — love letter from @kyriaan​
from track 007. 
Okay okay im still kinda meh'ish' but i really wanted to answer you so 😭 ill try to compile both my answer to your answer on my love letter and my hyped review on track 7 <3 so yeah another long ass rant from me 😩💕Suki... Suki pls I totally forgot Tsumu had a crush on us Suki... And then poor Tsumu ir there sulking cause he still likes u- JFBFBDVDVSJCHDHSIA omfg i wanted so much to hug him my baby I like him so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and he was trying so hard to behave while just sitting there sad fhfhfvbbshsjfhbdjaofhffhsoshd TSUMU YOU'RE STILL IN MY TOP 3 BABY 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 
Oh shit im crying again that scene lets me emotional 😭😭😭😭 someone get me a sunrin irl pls
Also how powerful are we?? HOW FUCKING POWERFUL ARE WE TO SCORE SUNA KITA AND TSUMU?? ARE YOU GONNA TELL. ME IF OIKAWA MOFO TOORU APPEARED HE WOULD ALSO BE ON HIS KNEES FOR US?? (okay no wait... No nooo i would legit drop anyones ass for tooru hes that powerful for me like sorry suna was fun but TOORU)
👀👀👀👀 Still not a kita simp ✌️✌️🤏✌️
Okay Kita deserves the best tho I mean okay he went there as a y/n mom's plan but he did ended up helping alot... Especially cause he knows no matter what y/n heart will always be suna's and pls give Kita the best ending possible cause he deserves someone who will trully love him and show him the world cause mah boy deserves it
*breaths in breaths out* i hated this scene- not in a bad way but shit i hate rejections... To the point im kinda afraid of confessing now cause i despise the feeling of being rejected... The best i can descrive it it like this coldness in your chest that descends your whole body and then you feel frozen in place.. Thats how it feels for me I hate it I absolutely despise it- its also the feeling i have when in a really bad situation and ugh...
The suna part made. Me feel this no matter how many times i reread it the feeling doesnt lessen it keeps being there cause (okay you probably are tired already of me saying this but) Suki I feel like I cant put it in words how much of a fucking good of a writer you are. Ill go ahead and say you are by far my favorite writer the fact i always feel so engaged and the fact i always feel like im there its just- it blows my mind.
I felt like suna was personally rejecting me and i hated it- i swear the moment he said prove it I almost screamed HOW? My brain had to take a moment to just slap me and say: 'kya you reading this is not happening chill-' cause i was already sobbing uncontrollably... I even whimpered the dont leave me 😬 my sadass went to bed feeling so sad thanks to suna... Man i wanted so much to hug him and i swear i would give him as much love as he gave y/n cause well i kin suna alot in this series cause im like that im a giver i treat others the way i would like to be treated (reason why ive been down lately ✌️) and i cant blame suna for finally setting boundaries- his call tho 'do i not stand a chance with you anymore y/n? Are you really not capable of falling in love with me?".... Oh suna... We are in love with you.. We always were we're just fucking stupid 😩
Also mari pls go jump off a cliff <3 youre in need dear cause sleeping with other man just to separate suna and y/n <3 i want so much to punch her 🙂🙃
Now for the love letter part (im so sorry for this being so long ✌️)
You said that if we asked suna he woukd say that he genuinely loved mari okay... Ill go ahead and say yes he liked mari he even learned how to love her and he genuinely cared for her BUT and heres where my personal view comes in so maybe ill be biased here still for me that was just a he loves her as in he cares you also love your friends and care for them but he didnt love her- and by this I mean- he could never be fully committed for her. Yes he loved her and he felt happy with her but like track 7 proved everything he would do in the back of his mind was y/n he deeply wished Mari was her and for that he just loved Mari cause he learned how to care about her- but he never forgot who he trully was in love it. Also the happiness he experienced with Mari was pretty much the one I experienced the bliss of having someone there and that bliss also made suna turn a blind eye to all the red flags from Mari cause to him all the jealousy meant she cared and thats toxic but suna was so desperate for some sort of 'she cares' that even all the possessiveness was bliss for him... And that makes my heart clench for suna...
'suna had to put an effort for the relationship' and saddly i feel like mari didnt... Mari didnt care mari was there because she was a fangirl of suna and got lucky, the way she just discarded him so effortlessly that proved-screamed how much she loved him- she didnt. She was just possessive over him she liked the whole 'hes mine' dynamic and suna was the perfect boyfriend cause he was giving her the world... What he wanted someone to do for him.
Also yeah suna and y/n might have been spurred from them being fuck buddies but well love doesnt really have an agenda- they just clicked, understood each other and had chemistry yeah they had tons and tons of sex but feelings started not because of sex but thanks to their deep connection... Also that dsncing scene in track 7 that alone spoke for their whole relationship- that alone is enough to defend their feelings for each other- yes it might jave started just as fuck buddies but ended up in them loving each other deeply and that is enough love after all doesnt need a perfect start. It can start out of the most stupid ways.
You said life with excitement and fun wouldn't be permanent or real.. Honestly i think it could be.. Cause i mean when you love someone that deeply your life always feels exciting even with the littlest things and that the purest kind of love. Even just going for a walk at the beach would be fun for them or even staying up watching movies i believe suna and y/n would always find a way to make their lofe exciting without much effort.
Also it kinda makes me. Sad when i see some anon saying that y/n and suna relationship are toxic? It makes me. Confused maybe because I was in such extremely toxic one (girl i sweat if you search for toxic relationship my ex's face will be there as an example 🙄) that Mari to me screams toxic! Possessive, manipulative, jealous and a few more if I think closely about it while with y/n and suna they are just two idiots that are hurting each other cause they're just that: idiots one that is afraid to get hurt and the other that keeps hoping- dont get me wrong what they're doing is not healthy but i dont find it toxic honestly
Sorry for the extreme long rant 8D I tried to keep it short but you always make me so hyped to talk about your works 😩
[ from saeren ]
NAHHH CUZ I LOVE TSUMU SO MUCH HERE HE WAS SO PRECIOUS. I didn’t write too much about them in college but Atsumu was so cute when he crushed on YN. he was always sending her memes and cute texts like “have you eaten” “good morning” and she’d feel so awkward because she doesn’t know how to let him down easy without hurting him. either way tsumu would feel hurt. AND YES PLS HE WAS SO SAD I MEAN, HIS CRUSH AND HIS BEST FRIEND NEARLY HAD SEX RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM SO THAT’S GOING TO HURT
SUNA AND ATSUMU TIED?? tbh I loved that dancing scene bcos suna is one of my faves and I really wanna do that with him hehehhehe. NAHHH PLEASE SAME IF SUNA DANCED WITH ME AND MADE A WEDDING PLAYLIST I’D BE LIKE boy what’re u waiting for let’s get married now !! n yes he said whoever YN will choose in the future will be one lucky guy IM SOBBING RN
naur cuz. there’s something about dating your best friend. I’m not saying a boyfriend wouldn’t know you as well but there’s something different when you’re best friends first. they could literally share eye contact and have a long ass conversation just from that. their connection is different.
HAJKALA AS FOR THE POWER, BR! YN IS A VERY CHARISMATIC AND FRIENDLY PERSON !! she’s like one of those people you meet that not only are they attractive as hell, but they’re also super approachable and down to earth. that’s why she’s so popular + she’s flirty and can make a stranger feel welcome or comfortable in the first meeting. SGSHJAK I WAS ACTUALLY PLANNING TO ADD OIKAWA HERE BUT I WANNA MAKE IT MORE INARIZAKI CENTRED
the seggs scene with kita SOBSSSS he’s such a soft dom IDC he knows where the clit is, he knows how to hit it. he’s a “your pleasure first before mine” type of guy. kita is perfect, PERIODT. HE GIVES DADDY VIBES HUH AHSKAA HE’S SO SWEET YET SEXY IM IN LOVE WITH HIM ISTG IF SUNA WASN’T OUR BEST FRIEND THEN I’D RUN FOR KITA ALL THE TIME. and I agree, kita deserves the best !! and don’t worry, I actually plan on giving kita the best ending, I promise you he’ll be fine (slight spoiler there)
 YESSSSS OMG I’VE BEEN REJECTED BEFORE AND THAT’S EXACTLY HOW I FELT, MY BODY WAS SO COLD AND I WAS SO CONFUSED LIKE IT MAKES YOU THINK. am I not good enough, did I do something wrong, do you not wanna give me a chance or try it out but ofc I’d never say that out loud. AND KYAAA AAAH IM YOUR FAVORITE WRITER??? NO CUZ YOU’RE GOING TO MAKE ME CRY. I remember ur asks way back reckless era and you used to tell me that my writing made you picture the scenes easily and you felt you were there in that moment and I’m just so grateful thank you so much <33
NO BCOS WHEN SUNA SAID “prove it” I was like. this is it. that’s his hot boy shit moment. man’s has had enough of being thrown from one toxic relationship to another and he also deserves his good moments yknow. and you kin suna here?? BESTIE IM SORRY TO HEAR THAT, SUNA’S BEEN THROUGH A LOT HERE AHSJAKA. that’s true about suna tho !! he’s definitely affectionate + a giver. he’s happy being the one who gives most of the time but he’s a human as well, ofc he’d want to receive the same amount of love back. ALSO HIS PHONE CALLLLLL ugh tbh that part was the one that made me the saddest bcos he’s just. he wants to know if there’s really no more chance. all this time he never gave up. but he’s also tired so if yn says ‘no more’ then he’ll give up. its his way of respecting himself too ahsjaka
YOOOOO I AGREE WITH THAT. he cares for mari as a person but not 100% as a lover. but ofc he’s still thankful for how happy she made him because she was there at his worst. and that’s true, deep down suna still wishes that it was YN who’s right beside him. he will always ALWAYS want her back. he learned how to love mari in a way that was more out of mutual care but not in the way he loves YN. no that’s reserved only for YN – she will remain no 1 in his heart. AND YESSSSS the reason why suna overlooked the red flags was bcos to him, its something that was supposed to be “normal” like no perfect partner existed. he thought mari’s attitude of pushing YN away was normal, and its normal to want your partner’s best friend keep some distance but not to the point of mari’s place where she literally wants the two of them to cut each other out of their lives.
and aww I’m so happy that you realized how I wanted to portray suna and yn’s relationship. they’re….like the definition of youth in its freest form. they were fucking around and doing stupid things, but they had a connection. they had something deeper than just sexual intimacy. even if they never dated or even if YN never proposed the idea of it, they would’ve actually been still great friends. and oooh I actually don’t remember saying life with excitement and fun wouldn’t be real HAHAHAHA so I can’t comment further on that. but I think when I ‘said’ those I probably meant that it’s not always going to be all rainbows and unicorns in a relationship. there’s no such thing as a relationship that’s always happy and sweet 24/7, but ofc it can be sweet and it can be pure even with the little things <33 they just need to work on it.
hmmm tbhhhh… suna and yn are toxic in a way that they refuse to let each other go when they clearly can’t meet halfway. toxic doesn’t have to be limited in just being mari-like in which they are possessive or manipulative, because then if we’d drive deeper into yn’s personality, then she’d be stringing suna all along and that’s unfair of her. she knows suna wants more and yet she remained being friends with him, which totally isn’t a bad thing, but it’s because she keeps flirting with him and is so romantically comfortable with him that she doesn’t realize it’s hurting suna because he’ll give double meanings to that. their relationship is ‘toxic’ because they’re not entirely good for each other, they’re not that ready to be with one another yet and neither is the world letting them be in peace, so forcing their relationship to a point they’re hurting another is the toxic part.
[ from @kyriaan ]
Ah also not me feeling all proud and mushy cause my analysis made you mind blown fjfbdnsjdkpa 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I guess its also because i see this story as a really big mirror of my own toxic relationship sonits extremely easy for me to get it... And oh boy the way i kin suna here
But dhdhfjdospdhfbsoa 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i feel happy now *huggles*
[ from saeren ] 
and aah yes ofc, I’m really happy whenever someone can see the underlying details I scatter throughout the story !! yeah omg same hahahaha broken records is also half inspired by the toxic people I’ve met. I kin kita here tho and I’m so glad you’re happier now !!
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oikaw-ugh · 4 years
hi leia, i saw your post abt a matchup and here i am to request for one (if it's open tho!!) HAHAHAHA you probably know me so well already because we chat almost everyday jdksjsk but i'll add some general things lang: im shy and awkward at first but when i warm up to you, i bring out my chaotic side (wow remember those 20 qs we did? HAHAHA iconic) default mode: a chill homebody, but if you successfully drag me to a fun place (like amusement parks) i'll be grateful to u forever :> +
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I match you up with...
CHOS! My other choices were Lev and Goshiki but I match you up with...
Tanaka Ryūnosuke (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。
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Mainly because Tanaka screams Pinoy vibes to me.
But also because he's so spontaneous and I feel like you love spontaneous people! (Kasi when you react to my replies minsan napakabongga HAHAHAHA)
Also, kasi I know you're shy (if 'di mo pa close) + he's shy when it comes to girls, too! THE DYNAMICS SPEAKS-
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Let's throwback during your college freshman year.
You're a transfer student who just seemed so lost in the sea of people.
Plus the fact that you're not from Japan (assume lang tayo Dilag wala namang bayad mangarap HAHAHAHAH) just screams: a n x i e t y ✨
Well, you weren't the only one who's anxious though...
"E-Excuse me?"
You look to your right only to see a semi bald guy with a constipated face. His ears are so red + his lips look funny.
You who is anxious as well: "Ha?"
He shows you his card and like asks you if you knew where these classrooms are.
And you literally cried because you're classmates with almost (almost) all of his general subjects!
Tanaka brightens with this and like, suddenly his awkwardness is gone!
"Do you want to go to our first class together?"
Rumor has it that Tanaka knew where his classes were. He just wanted to talk to you :>
This approach has been mastered, honed, and consecutively developed for three years alongside with his humble partner, Nishinoya
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Since you're classmates at general subs, it's given that you seat with each other.
I think your friendship started the moment Tanaka approached you on the opening ceremony.
But it developed when classes started. Tanaka started sharing that he was a volleyball player during high school and like, he was the best and he was the greatest and sorts.
You're just there nodding at him, completely in awe bc WOW an athlete. You're friends w an athlete.
He learns that you're not a Japanese, too! And when he immediately knew you're a Filipino, the first thing he blurts out is:
THIS GOT YOU WHEEZING. Because of that, you jokingly slapped his arms, "Huy, Tanaka!" While laughing
He apparently knows a couple of phrases because he plays online games like DOTA and stuff.
By phrases = we mean curses
But this isn't one-sided! You told him you knew Japanese (let's say you're not fluent yet) and you learned from the best: anime
Tanaka: Really? Try telling me a phrase then.
You: ちんこぱだいすき.
Kidding. That's on me. I'd definitely say that. Also, I'm not sure with the hiragana characters, forgive me.
Then you laugh because he becomes a mess.
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I think the confessing part is the hardest.
Because Tanaka is just a huge m e s s when it comes to girls! While you're too scared to confess because what if he doesn't like you back?
Both of you are like, trying to balance whether it was worth the risk or nah
Karasuno squad is just like, groaning everytime Tanaka called them for advice.
Like, Suga: Jesus Christ, Tanaka. Just confess already.
Tanaka is like: But what if it doesn't work out? What if she only sees me as a friend? What if-
Tsukki: What if someone else takes her away?
Tanaka: *angry mom noises*
I feel like imagining you dating was his strongest drive to confess!
He wants to confess in classical way, though. You know, he gives a message asking you to go to the sakura tree at the left side of the campus at 5 o'clock.
Only that that won't work since you're both college students and you have the messiest schedules.
You on the phone (while on your way to a class): Look, Tanaka I thought I'm free at 5. Turns out I'm not. What is it that you want to tell me?
Tanaka on the phone: it's... it's just that I want to say I like you.
You: 👁️/////👄/////👁️
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He loves how you're just good to go to places he mentions you.
Tanaka: I found this coffee shop where we can play with snakes.
Karasuno team would normally think he's being creepy but you were like:
But kids, please don't play w/ snakes-
Favorite activity would be CHIKA TIME! Tanaka learned this phrase from you.
And like, you two would sit somewhere, cafeteria, library, etc. and would just start dissing other people.
Tanaka: I bet you those two are about to break up.
You: Yeah. Just look at their faces.
You love taking pictures, asking for his hoodie, clinging arms with each other while walking and stuff.
He also loves to place his arm on your shoulders? Like as if you're bros?
Domestic dates, too! Especially that you're far away from your fam, Tanaka invites you to his house most of the time.
*whisper* Something...steamy happens?
N o because Tanaka drinks his respect woman juice and he thinks too highly of you for him to do that!
Respect juice contents btw: he supports you, the things you want, the clothes you wear, and he treats you like an equal! (Not some sort of material he possesses wedontdosexismhere)
Kisses can happen thoughhh but rarely because you two would go crazy with the uwu after.
You're so frequent at his place to the point that Saeko loves you and literally bonds with you more than Tanaka when you're at their place.
If it's the other way around, Tanaka is sooooo stiff when he visits your place.
He's never been to a girl's house before!
You: Tanaka, make yourself feel at home.
Tanaka: ᶜᵃⁿ ᶦ ˢᶦᵗ ᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘᵍˀ
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Fights happen too.
I feel like Tanaka is a jealous type.
The first time Tanaka got jealous, you found it cute.
But when it happened over and over again, that got you mad.
It might start with jealousy but it ends up turning serious like:
"Do you not believe in me?"
"I can't believe you said that."
"You think I'd do that to you?"
"Is that what you think of me?"
And like the other party would be speechless but you guys would be too heated and too prideful to apologize on the spot.
The reason why the following days would just be a season of you both ignoring each other.
But don't get me wrong. You still do things together. Like eating lunches together, sitting at one another, going home together but just no talking.
Like no talking at all!
I feel like Tanaka is the first one who gives in. He hates it when he couldn't talk to you. At first, he calls his friends and their words make him realize that:
"Ah, shit. I fucked up." -Tanaka at 3 AM.
You both fix things up eventually. Like, before you knew it, one of you would just casually approach the other as if you haven't ignored each other for a week.
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HSJSJSJSJ I hope you like it dilaggg! And tell me if I'm accur8 or naaaaah HAHAHAHAHHA
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Hey there! :) This is for the OC Ask Game, for Harrison: could you answer questions 1-6, 14 &15? Hope you're doing well!
Oh let’s just expose Harrison *cracks knuckles*
1: List five basic facts about your OC.
He’s turning 22 (just shy of his birthday in Moth Work)
He’s gay as fuuuuuh
He’s from Brooklyn, NY
He’s an only child
If you come for his jacket, he’ll come for your life (a very basic fact)
2: Post a line of dialogue from your OC.
This is dialogue from book 3 that I still can’t get over (for context, Reeve is criticizing Harrison’s choice of Walmart as a gourmet pie shop back when Walmart used to be a big thing in my books lmaooo):
Reeve: “So your gourmet pie shop is Walmart?”
Harrison: “Why yes, actually… Do you have a problem with saving money and living better?” 
Also an iconic interaction from Moth Work:
Lonan: “You’re patronizing me.”
Harrison: “You’re patronizing yourself.” 
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3: Post a snippet from your writing that describes your OC.
So this is the first ever description of Harrison from book 1 (I had just turned thirteen when I wrote this):
There’s a faint click somewhere to my right and a soft glow soon illuminatesthe room, shattering the darkness into pieces. I shake off the fact that Ican’t see where the light is coming from, instead pointing the still loaded gunat the first thing I see, a boy who looks a bit older than me with what I makeout to be honey blond hair and the most pissed off expression on his face. 
(fun fact I really wrestled with describing the colour of Harrison’s hair at the time and probably changed “honey blonde” from “honey brown” like 5000 times, 13-year-old me had BEEF with his hair colour)
4: Post a snippet from your writing in which another OC describes your OC.
This is a very old description I scavenged to find from book 6 where Reeve vaguely describes Harrison in the first paragraph which is one way to go about it:
Beside me is wood smoke and copper, leather and strong coffee, all strung around human flesh. He moves with precision, like a player focused on a riveting chess match…
And here’s the most recent paragraph (and the last paragraph in Lonan’s POV) of Lonan describing Harrison when they meet up for the first time after brief hiatus (I haven’t shared this yet, so for context, Suzanna is Harrison’s mother):
In the kitchen, Suzanna laughs at Eliza’s joke, something vaguely about Geminis, or maybe she says alibis. He doesn’t quite hear it. He doesn’t mean to drop the rose, but it falls with a muffled thump between them, a floral border. Lonan blinks many times. He breathes many times. He counts many times. But after all the tests—the blinking, the breathing, the counting, the person at the door doesn’t change. Sunshine hair. Concerned mouth. Semi-crooked nose. Butterfly lashes. Eyes the colour of a kingfisher.
5: Describe your OC’s physical appearance.
Harrison’s the cutest guy in town, so cute he managed to convince @sarahkelsiwrites to get me to write book one! Without Harrison’s cuteness, this 8 book series/monstrosity would not exist! As I’ve said, Harrison’s a cutie and should definitely be treated as such (the downfall of Moth Work loool). He’s shorter than Lonan by just a bit tho I really can’t think of how tall my characters are because I am apparently short and can’t imagine anyone a foot taller than me, so all you need to know is he’s tall but still shorter than Lonan lol. He looks a lot like his Portuguese mother and takes on both her “semi-crooked nose, the same mouth, straight and concerned, the same markabove the eyebrow he always thought came from some sort of accident. Eventhough her eyes are brown and his are clearish and teal, it’s like he has hereyes too—soft and rimmed with lashes like butterfly wings” according to Lonan lool. He wears Lonan’s fake mom’s earring which is a pretty dangly blue gem. Though Harrison could look like anything and all he’d need to be Harrison is his leather jacket. In the book cover I designed, Lonan’s wearing it (ROOD) as he unknowingly takes it in chapter 6, but besides that one time, his jacket never comes off! He also wears his mother’s guardian angel necklace which is a newer edition, though a well-liked one as I always pictured him wearing a chain of some sorts! It’s important to note that when I was thirteen, the only way I’d describe Harrison’s eyes were as “burning turquoise” loool.
Here’s how I drew him for the book cover (though I couldn’t really get his eyes right are they burning turquoise-y enough??):
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6: Describe your OC’s love life.
Messy! Harrison’s gone through a lot as a hopeless romantic, and has been lead to much heartbreak because of it. If he loves someone, he really loves someone, and this is very much seen in his feelings toward Lonan. Since we’re spilling the tea on Harrison, here’s his relationship with Lonan throughout the books + as Nothing But Thieves songs (because we’re going THERE):
Book 2
When the boys actually meet! Lonan didn’t exist in book 1 and I think Harrison’s sanity benefitted from this but anyway
They’re coworkers (back when this book was a dystopia lmao, Harrison took an open job as a tech analyst in Lonan’s government squad which was his pride and joy and I have since of course axed it)
They don’t like each other but can’t get enough of being enemies if u know what I mean
NBT song: Last Orders 
Book 3
This “love being your enemy” thing continues even when Lonan makes his redemption arc and he’s no longer an enemy lmaoo
We get to see their actual friendship develop toward the ¾ mark of the book
“Clearly these people care about each other” kind of vibe!
NBT song: Wake Up Call
Book 4
We see a new level of closeness develop between the boys, and though we’re in Reeve’s head, she def senses some tension mwahaha
NBT song: Afterlife
Book 5
Harrison really steps in as not only a friend for Lonan in this book, but a body of support while his mental health goes through it
NBT song: Reset Me
Book 6
They’re both mad at each other for almost this entire book but this gives us more of that tension we WANT
Reeve really notices this tea develop and she be sippin it the whole book
Toward the midpoint there’s definitely explicit suggestion of their relationship (Reeve can’t fully see this as she’s mostly concerned about herself but there’s definitely an ongoing relationship in this book that’s pretty turbulent):
NBT song: You Know Me Too Well
Moth Work
This relationship sees a lot of bad times
It ain’t a healthy relationship by any means and things start falling apart! Both boys have things they have to work out, that are currently causing lots of conflict!
The TEA I have not shared yet is that I *plan* for them to split up by the end of this book (though they never were really together in this book so it’s not really a breakup lol). Harrison moves to Brooklyn with his mom and Lonan stays in Vegas with Eliza (do with that what you will!!)
NBT song: Hostage (for Harrison) and Take This Lonely Heart (for Lonan)
14: What is one of your OC’s secrets?
That he likes waffles better than he like Lonan? Scandle! Harrison had an affinity for waffles in book one. Here are receipts:
A scene from book 3 (2015) that features a lot of iconic content (Harrison’s waffle kink, Foster being prime-time soft boi, grumpy Lonan, narrated by Reeve who manages to not inject her opinion once, my classic 2015 “witty” YA dialogue):
“Ah, well… your sister [the youngest, not Reeve lol] was talking about people, and how being mean is the only way that they listen… She may or may not have had a run-in with Harrison earlier, which is why the topic was brought up…” From next to him, Ris grunts over his steaming waffles, a full mouth when he turns his face toward Lonan who’s got the same laptop in front of his face, furiously tapping at the keyboard as he concentrates. 
Harrison actually reaches over and slams the lid shut.            
“Hey asshole,” he says around his mouthful of waffle. “Put the fucking technology away, and be a little social.” Lonan’s dead silent on the receiving end, and when I look closer at him, I realize it’s because his fists are tightly clenched and a vein in his forehead’s bulging. 
“That was three full days of work that you might’ve completely ruined!” Lonan hisses, eyes wide and angry as he stares at Harrison who’s scowling around his breakfast. 
“Anyway…” Foster continues awkwardly. “Basically, helping people is sometimes–” He’s cut off as a giant waffle is smothered up to his face, Harrison holding it out tauntingly. “What the hell are you doing?” 
“You know you want the waffle… Waffles…”  
Also to the waitress while he and Reeve bond at a diner:
“Thank you.” Harrison says with a wide smile, staring at the waffles like they’re the love of his life. “Oh my fucking god.” He mumbles, and I assume that I’m not meant to here that. 
15: Your OC is given the chance to go back in time. Where do they go and what do they do?
I think there are a lot of things he’d like to change in his past, namely his relationship with his mother who he’s estranged from until the end of Moth Work. I think he would’ve liked to see her more in his teens (despite being a hard ass when she does show up in Moth Work). He’d go back to Brooklyn and like chill in a pizzeria with his mom lol. On a lighter note, I think he’d also like, join ABBA or something.
Thanks for asking!
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acebytaemin · 5 years
Hello! Have you listened to taemin's new album? I'm really curious about what you think of it, what's your favorite song? Of course you don't have to answer if you don't want to share, I hope you have a lovely day! 💫
hello angel! yes i finally have and ohhhh i love it so much. he really just keeps impressing me i have so much love for him and for this release oh let me share some!
first of all i love famous, to me it’s like a more upbeat version of his recent move/want vibe and i loooove that also i’m so into the lil guitar you can hear in the bg of the chorus and the violin in the bridge like it’s just so well produced im 💖____💖 i WISH jpn releases had promotions because this would’ve been a TREAT to see on music shows. another favorite is definitely slave! it reminds me a little of rescue in terms of the vibe i get from it and we know how i feel about rescue. she’s just so slow and seductive and hmnmmnnnn the guitaaaar i have to say i adore his voice (especially low and breathy like it is in this one) combined w electric guitar it just fits him. i have to mention 3 more songs fkhskfjf this is going to be so long god anyway tease is so GOOD like i truly wasn’t expecting that chorus it’s so much fun without being too much like she’s such a lil jam especially the ‘i know you want it bad bad bad’ part it’s so catchy and so much fun and the way he says my honey baby hhhhhhh there’s a reason my twt is taeminshoney and i didn’t even know it until now. now MISS EXCLUSIVE 🤩 when i tell you she knocked the breath out of me fkhskfjf i literally GASPED when the beat dropped like u just can’t not dance to it u really can’t like it’s so GOOOOOOD im listening to it right now and i can’t even form in words how fawking good it is to me like it’s the kind of noisy song that’s an actual bop that bgs these days wish they could emulate.. AH an artisté. omg promise this is the last one i’ll talk about but miss colours.. unexpectedly i think she hit me the most actually because i love how like.. messy (?) and raw his voice gets in the chorus like he really sings and FEELS it and i feel it too i really do and those songs are always my favorites. but he Really really got me when he said ‘you’re the light of my life’ though like i really had to try hard not to tear up at that one i know it sounds cheesy but ohhhhhhh that’s my baby u know? u know. man i got chills all over listening back to that part he can’t just go around SAYING that!! i’ll lose my mind i’m like 10 feet up his ass!!!!!
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servinglemonade · 6 years
Best of 2018: Music Edition
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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! In this post, I’ll be talking about all my favorite music that has come out in 2018. I really wanted to post this before 2019 started but with all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I just did not have time. So here we are!
Spotify Wrapped
According to Spotify, It turns out my most listened artist of 2018 was the Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton. I’m still loving Hamilton! There are always Hamilton songs in my playlists so this came as no surprise. My most listened song of the year was, however, a surprise. I was sure it was going to be All The Stars by Kendrick Lamar & SZA as I have probably listened to that song every other day if not every day. While All The Stars is in the top 3, the winner was Bonita by CNCO! When I saw that I remembered the month where I literally had that song on repeat for days on end. That’s probably what gave it the number one spot.
Best Albums
Black Panther The Album Music From And Inspired By - Various Artists
My favorite and probably most listened to album of 2018! Never has a movie soundtrack that wasn’t from a musical captivated me like the Black Panther soundtrack! Making songs inspired by all the events in the movie with elements from that amazing score has been so creative and well done! I can only take my hat off for that. It isn’t nominated for 8 Grammy’s (including Album of the year) for nothing!
Favorites: All The Stars, X, Opps, Paramedic! & King’s Dead
We finally have a Bey X Jay album and wow, it’s everything! I didn’t really know what to expect going into it. However APESHIT was not it! An instant classic, what a banger and how fun to perform with a crowd, sadly I have not experienced it. YET ;). One thing I love about the album is that it's a nicely balanced mix of those songs you can really dance to like APESHIT & 713 and songs that you can just vibe to like HEARD ABOUT US & LOVEHAPPY.
Suncity - Khalid
Khalid aka one of the best new artists! I have been listening to some songs of his (OTW, Location, Young, Dumb & Broke). When both my sister and my mom recommended this particular album, I decided to give it a listen. Am I glad I did just that. I really enjoy albums like this, just very chill and vibey. I can listen to this all day!
Favorites: Saturday Nights, Better & Suncity
Hamildrops - Various Artists
Alright, not really an album, but I thought I would include it here anyway. Cause what’s a music blog post without any mention of Hamilton?! So in 2018, us Hamilton fans have been treated with 12 new songs (one every month) inspired by the musical! First of all, awesome idea! I don’t listen to all of them all the time, but there are some true gems like Found/Tonight & First Burn! And some really unexpected ones like the Hamilton Polka by Weird Al and even a cameo from BARACK OBAMA! 
Favorites: Wrote My Way Out (Remix), Found/Tonight, First Burn, Rise Up Wise Up Eyes Up, A Forgotten Spot (Olvidado), Cheering For Me Now & One Last Time - 44 remix
Best Songs
God is a woman - Ariana Grande
I mean, what to say about this other than amazing. One of my favorites songs of the year and Sweetener. As I’m typing I really don’t what to say. Let’s just keep it simple: A. POWERFUL. ANTHEM. That’s it. (watch the video too, it’s stunning!)
Made For Now - Janet Jackson & Daddy Yankee
JANET JACKSON GIVING US TRUE POP MUSIC IN 2018! OMG. Okay now that that’s out of the way. Janet Jackson is such a damn queen. I can’t believe this song wasn’t appreciated by the general audience. The pop genre these days is so much more of the same, this is so fresh. It has a great message, a great beat with a few African influences and DADDY YANKEE! The video is a masterpiece! So beautifully shot, great fashion, awesome choreography (as you would expect from a Janet music video) and it shows New York in a great way. Another thing, the video is available in 4K quality. It’s so cinematic, please watch it on your TV! If this isn’t nominated for several VMA’s............. Give this song some love! 
Nothing Breaks Like A Heart - Mark Ronson (feat. Miley Cyrus)
Miley is back! I have loved Miley since her Hannah Montana days, it has never stopped and to see her killing it now is just amazing! Nothing Breaks Like A Heart is an amazing song. But it’s the video that makes the song even better. Showing the injustice in America, while some rather focus on celebrity news is so true and it’s great to address it this way!
Honorable mentions (from this year & some oldies)
This Is America - Childish Gambino 
Bloom (Album) - Troye Sivan
The Kids Are Alright (Album) - Chloe X Halle
F.A.M.E (Album) - Maluma
Greatest Hits - Queen
The Rubberband Man - The Spinners
Ashes - Céline Dion
Queen (Album) - Nicki Minaj
Never Alone - Tori Kelly (feat. Kirk Franklin)
SweetSexySavage (Album) - Kehlani
Camila (Album) - Camila Cabello
Solo (EP) - Anitta
Fooled Around And Fell In Love - Elvin Bishop
Sweetener (Album) - Ariana Grande
Nice For What - Drake
thank u, next - Ariana Grande 
Ao Vivo e Cores - Matheus & Kauan with Anitta
Lost In Japan - Shawn Mendes
One Sweet Day - Mariah Carey (feat. Boyz II Men)
Taki Taki - DJ Snake (with Selena Gomez, Cardi B & Ozuna)
Sin Pijama - Becky G & Natti Natasha
This was all my favorite music from 2018! I hope you enjoyed it and maybe found some new jams! I can’t wait what’s in store for 2019.
Have an amazing day and stay flawless!
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phone wars
STORE 1: “Mobicity”
IDRIS ELBA (45, reserved by kate aa) - store manager: super intense!!!!! runs his store like he’s running an army!!!! treats every sale like a life or death situation!!! has some raymond holt vibes too??? like this, this, this, and this are all him! expects peRFECTION from his employees!!!! the interview process is inSANE!!!!!! definitely treats the other stores and their employees like mortal enemies!!!!! his office is conveniently located so that he can spy on the store two stores. also has some john mulaney’s dad vibes. “you have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair” “god can’t hear you” “how are you better than a nazi?” “let’s change the subject” “1 black coffee”
MICHEAL B. JORDAN (31 , reserved by kate aa) - didn’t believe that IDRIS ELBA was a real person but heard stories from his sister. forged an impressive resume and got a job as his assistant manager. got the job just so he could mess w/ idris for fun???? super talented at pretending like he’s got his shit together when in reality he’s super lazy (except when it comes to playing elaborate pranks). secretly dating melissa benoist
RICHARD AYOADE (41) - salesperson, always nervous!!! brilliant but no social skills, terrified of idris, talks fast, throws up when he gets nervous, “i’m okay as long as i don’t think about it!” you could spill soup on him and he’d probably apologize to you
KATIE MCGRATH (35) - idris’s assistant; once dated chris pine; may or may not have gotten this job just to desTROY him; super ambitious/intelligent; could be doing any number of things w/ her life but she’s also kind of petty; has a lot of meryl streep in the devil wears prada vibes, does have a lot of respect for idris but also has plans to over-throw him; can be intense?????? only cares about 1 person (her sister/cousin/bff???) still attracted to chris pine but u won’t hear her say that
ZOEY DEUTCH (23) - katie’s assistant; STRESS LEVEL IS CONSTANTLY A 11/10; def has anne hathaway’s job in tdwp; got this job by mistake; is the furthest thing from organized; applied for a janitor position b/c that’s all she’s qualified to do here but somehow her resume got mixed up??? *** she thinks it was a mistake but it was actually just a prank that MBJ played*** faking it until she makes it??? or rather until she gets fired heh. pretending to be an uptight harvard grad but instead hardly graduated hs and doesn’t know how to adult; may or may not have spent her entire first pay check on fuzzy socks and mozzarella sticks.
??? another lady 
STORE 2: “What’s App”
CHARLIE DAY (42) -- an idiot, super chill and laid back, somehow always accidentally thwarts the others’ plans to destroy him! a human disaster but somehow everything just works out for him. his store is a mess tbh??? very unorganized but somehow the most successful of the three??
DYLAN O’BRIEN (26) -- wanted to work for store #1 with a deep passion and intensity!! looks @ idris elba as his idol??? potentially calls him dad accidentally a lot??? idk its weird and IDRIS ELBA got super annoyed with him constantly applying to work for him so instead he sent him to work at store 2 as a “spy”. he takes this role suPER seriously and basically thinks he’s james bond. never gets anything at all helpful for idris elba. has a weird and elaborate fake back story for going undercover. most people can tell he is a “spy”?
ZENDAYA (21) (reserved by lizzy) - younger sister to MBJ and GMR. college student. this is 100% the best summer job she’s ever had. super unmotivated to do well most of the time and just tricks #2 to do all of her work for her. loves just to sit back and watch the chaos unfold.
KRYSTEN RITTER (36 , reserved by kate aa) - IT, monotone voice, always wears black, likes to pretend that she’s a satanist to fuck with people, surrounded by idiots, hates everyone, do not engage her in psychological warfare b/cs she will deSTROY you
BLAKE LIVELY (30 , reserved by kate aa) - heavy beatrice/eugenie vibes~ under skills she listed: i know how to do makeup and have an iphone, only got and has kept this job b/c her manager is as clueless as she is???? does try to be helpful but honestly makes things worse, doesn’t understand you have to put in a full eight hours a day??? often leaves for several hours at at time for lunch??? sometimes just doesn’t come back??? grew up super wealthy and was recently disinherited by her parents after she got into a huge fight w/ them over something stupid?? too proud to go crawling back but tbh she is def drowning in the real world.
MAX GREENFIELD (37) LOUD, yells a LOT, hired as the new brand manager. is grossed out 24/7 by the state of the store; sUPER dramatic; always saying how he’s going to have a heart attack working here (probably will tbh), also says he’s going to die of a rare disease working w/ charlie day (also probably true), has goals to rebrand this as a luxury phone store (closer in style to Oasis vs. a garbage). has his work cut out for him 
STORE 3: “Oasis”
CHRIS PINE (37, reserved by lizzy) -- super wealthy!!!, spoiled!!!! a huge ass!!!!! his father is the CEO but he wanted his son to work his way up the ranks on his own vs. just handing the business over to him. has become manager here but that’s as far as he’s gotten. will do whatever it takes to make his branch the most successful!!!! soooo dramatic!!!!! the level of bitchiness in him is absurd!!! definitely considers IDRIS ELBA to his his (1) true enemy!!!!!! def considers manager #2 to be worthless and beneath his notice (don’t mention that he’s actually his biggest competition)!!! has probably won the shithead of the year award. hits on his assistant 24/7 has anger management issues
GUGU MBATHA-RAW (35) - michael b. jordan’s older sister. chris pine’s secretary. the sweetest person in the world!!!!!!! does NOT deserve to work for someone like chris pine. doesn’t realize how much of an awful person he is just because she can’t believe anyone could be that awful???? would come home and tell her siblings about work and the rivalry and neither of them could believe it but then they all got jobs at the other two stores just to see if it was what gugu had said ... turns out its even better.
TIMOTHY OLYPHANT (50, reserved by lizzy) - hired by chris pine’s dad to keep him in line and make sure that he doesn’t do anything to harm the family’s or the company’s reputation. it is a fulltime job!!!! constantly stressed!!!! constantly like: idk what i expected!?!?!? keeps trying to talk sense to chris pine but that’s like talking to a brick wall??? sometimes tries to tell him not to do something in the hopes that he will actually do it ... but that never works either ... will probably die from a heart attack soon. spends his days apologizing to everyone  
MELISSA BENOIST (29, reserved by lizzy) - secretly dating michael b. jordan, her job is basically to keep everyone she knows alive???? helP, loves MBJ a lot but he does stress her out sometimes, kind of OCD, works too hard, super driven, just needs to relax, honestly hates this job but just holding it while she finishes up med school, bffs w/ zoey, somehow emily thinks they are bffs??? but melissa doesn’t have the heart to tell her that they aren’t
EMILY BLUNT (35, taken by kate aa) mary eileen vibes~ An Author™ (but not really) trolls her amazon reviews and obsesses over every bad one, hardly does any work? is “in love” with TIMOTHY and is convinced that he is in love with her too even though he’s blatantly told her that he is not, thinks they can’t be together b/c they are co-workers and that they are involved in some kind of forbidden romance???? is the office manager and has def put a lot of personal expenses on it w/ shaky, at best, justifications for why they needed to be charged to the company
JERMAINE CLEMENT (?) method actor. currently is trying to get a role as a vampire. never breaks character. it gets weird. 
STORE 4: a fro-yo shop that’s stuck in the middle of the war zone “Sprinkles on Top”
DREAMA WALKER (32) - believes all you need is a hug and some frozen yogurt to have a good day!!!! but the arrival of the three competing phone stores is testing everything she thinks she knows!!!!! her shop has now become hostile territory b/c all of her customers are mostly just the workers on break and they all just stare each other down!!!!!!! has become super aggressive in her attempts to try to get everyone to just get along and be happy!!!
CHRIS O’DOWD? JAKE JOHNSON (38-40 reserved by lizzy) - watched too many nature documentaries on netflix, feels like he morally needs to be a vegetarian now but can’t stop eating meat, so instead he justifies himself by making up elaborate stories about how the chicken he’s eating has unforgivable character flaws, talks at length about this to the customers? doesn’t have great social skills,has conversations with his cat more than w/ actual people; calls himself the alchemist b/c he once managed to burn his laundry, “i didn’t even know you could do that!”
NICK ROBINSON (23 , reserved by kate aa) - has a mild peanut allergy but took this job anyway. “i live life on the edge” ~ nick “you don’t” ~everyone else, has had a crush on ZENDAYA, got this job to be close to her after they went to different colleges? loves bad jokes, a Nerd, writes fanfiction, has won employee of the month every month since he was hired but tbh his competition isn’t that hard to beat, both proud and embarrassed to see his picture up on (the wall) so many times,
JON BERNTHAL? BEN BARNES?  (reserved by kate aa)- actually a hitman and this job is just a cover, honestly a terrible liar and everyone can tell what he actually does but pretend they don’t??? inSANELY good at his hitman job ... not so good at serving frozen yogurt? doesn’t have any customer service skills tbh, honestly comes off as pretty terrifying? looks @  everyone like he might just kill you, tbh dreama is a little afraid to fire him?? doesn’t look like he works here???
ANNA KENDRICK (33, reserved by lizzy) - always come to work hungover, the queen of TMI, hits on everything and anything that moves, tbh a sexual harassment situation just waiting to happen, dreama’s younger sister/cousin and was only given this job as a favor, tbh is not working out as well as dreama had hoped.
AWKWAFINA (29) has killed every plant she has ever owned (doesn’t stop her from getting more!), dumps all the toppings on her fro yo. constantly is eating ~free~ frozen yogurt and doesn’t realize that after her 1 cup a day limit, the rest comes out of her paycheck. still lives with her parents. lOUD. ZERO FILTER. will say whatever is on her mind at any time. is TERRIBLE with secrets and is pretty sure she’s gonna drop to someone that melissa and michael are dating and get them both fired! yay! bffs w/ melissa benoist, 
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28gucci · 6 years
a super long and sappy happy pride post 🌈
just a heads up this post is going to be super sappy but it’s just how i’m feeling 🤷🏻‍♀️ i just want to say that i love being in the lgbtqia+ community more than anything in this world. it feels so good to say that and be out (at least on the internet). i don’t think i would be as comfortable with myself as i am now if it weren’t for 1d and the 1d fandom. 1d has always been an escape and a fun time for me since i was in 7th grade and i’m now going into my sophomore year of college!! that’s insane to me. this group of five random boys was able to bring me out of my shell and helped me realize that being bi or non-labeled isn’t a bad thing and that i should embrace who i am no matter what. with that being said, i don’t think i’d be as happy as i am now without the friends that i’ve made in this fandom. i still get into depressive states from time to time but i’m lucky enough to have the friends that i do and that support me and cheer me up whenever i’m feeling down. now it’s time to thank everyone individually because you all deserve it,
@lickmybooty - abby!!! you are my favorite straight person on earth i swear. you are the kindest person and you are so funny and sweet and i love all of our moments talking about strange and hilarious tinder profiles and messages in the wee hours of the night. can’t forget about our rabbit sessions either those are always so fun shout-out lil meat
@bunnyteethies - BECCA!!! i love you so so so so much!!! i’ll forever be grateful for you creating the harrie gc and actually picking me to be in it. i’m so glad that you’re in my life and i consider you to be one of my best friends and one of the most special people i know. you are so giving of yourself and so loving of everyone. i would do anything for you and i hope you know that. you’re also one of the funniest people i know like some of the jokes you were making on rabbit the other night when we were reading bad imagines had me ROLLING. anyway ilysm and u r the loml
@rosepetalnails - angie i would die for you. you are so precious and kind and i’m so glad you messaged me that one night when i was driving back to texas after i was hyping you up telling you to post a selfie agdjdhdk i love how much you care for everyone and always have something nice to say and you never leave a message left unreplied (is that a word lmao) to. you always make me happy with every message you send and i can’t wait to meet you in july!!! also ur a fellow ziam and i love you so much for that agjdhejd
@biofthetimes - alex!! we haven’t ever talked personally but you presence in the harrie gc is so amazing. i love that you’re always awake at hours you shouldn’t be bc same and i also love your little stories about things that go on in you life like that time you met a fellow gay in the elevator (or lift since ur a brit) i think it was (yikes if i remembered the story wrong). anyway i love you and i hope you know that!!!
@magneticxclouds - avery!!! you are such a sweetie and so creative!! your happy pride picture today was so gorgeous i’m so happy to have a friend as talented as you!! i also love that you aren’t always super active in the gc so when you are it’s like a little treat like woohoo avery is here right now!! i love you!!
@ot4tat - bella my fave celebrity and cello player hjdjskdh you are such a cute talented little bub i would die for you. i still haven’t read your fic yet (hashtag fake fan) bc im prolonging my inevitable death but i know it’s wonderful and perfect. you were the first person i ever made a moodboard for and i loved it!! you got me to do something i had never done before and it was amazing!! i love you so much and i wish i had an inch of the talent you do, you’re going to do big things bella and i can’t wait to see how far you’ll go!!
@thefirstfloralsuit - brenda u are one of my faves. you are the only one in the gc that appreciates soggy cereal as much as i do agdjgdkd i can’t wait to meet you at the harry concert in july!! it’s going to be so fun and wild ilysm
@shesuchaneggplant - dany!!! another talented bub!! all of your art is so so so good!! you are always so nice and kind to everyone and i love all your little voice messages you are so cute. and you get to see harry tomorrow!!! i gotta finish this post soon before he kills you ahksis. i’m also gonna name you queen of the smut gc because you always pop off with smutty art at any given time and i love it. anyway, i love you so much dany and i’d die 4 u
@blueguccisparkles - emily!!! nice url btw ;) you are so cute and adorable and i love you so much you are so kind and lovely!!! i loved your promposal video so much omg it’s one of the cutest and funniest things i’ve ever seen. i’m super jealous you get to meet becca next year but i’m so excited for you too!! i hope y’all have an amazing time at the shawn concert omg!!! ilysm emily!!
@louissinginghome - baby em omg i would take a bullet for you. you’re one of my favorites babies of the gc. you’re so cute and so not afraid to be yourself and i aspire to be like that one day <3 i’m honestly at a loss of words to say what all i love about you you’re so special and amazing ilysm
@hsbunnyteeth - izzy bub i love you a lot and i love how excited you get about things especially taylor swift, she may not be my favorite person, but i love how happy she makes you. you deserve the world and all the love in it. you are such a sweetie and i love you so much
@freelouisankles - logan!!! your url is always a mood™️ i love you a lot and i’m happy you’re the mom of the gc you always give the best advice and are always so caring. i would also die for you and your pins omg also!!! chaco bffs!!! ilysm!!!
@cactustyles - mara aka queen of hontent. you are always so smart and helpful when someone asks a question in the gc and you’re also super calming to me for some reason? idk you just give me super chill vibes and i love that about you. i also live for all your selfies and work stories even if they aren’t always good lol ilysm mara!!!!
@sweaterpawslou - meg!!! omg i would die for you in a heartbeat you are such a ziam and i love it and you’re absolutely adorable and every reaction selfie you send is my favorite picture gah meg i love you so much idek what to say but i live for every time you say “hi lomls” it makes me so happy to see it!!! i love you lots and lots egg
@sparklehiddies - silvia!! iconic url wow. you are so kind, harrie alert, and also super funny i love you a lot and you’re my favorite streak i have on snapchat!!! we’re almost at a hundred which is insane!!! ilysm silvia!!
@thepinkvelvetprince - zahra i cannot tell you how long it took me to find your url oh my lord agdjgdkd u are my lemon bae rose queen and ilysm you are my fave sustainability queen as well and i’d die for u
i think that’s everyone in the gc (that’s active that i y’all to!!) if i missed you i’m so so so sorry and i love you a lot but i’m gay™️ and have a terrible memory!!!
anyway i love all of you so so much and i’ll always be super grateful for 1d for bringing us all together!! happy pride 🌈🌈🌈
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yyxgin · 3 years
hi bar!! so sorry it’s been so long. i isolated and re-read the cruel prince séries which took me 3/4 days and then i worked almost 60 hours my first full week back and have been fitting in making plans and seeing everyone again!
i must say i have missed you and have felt bad for being elsewhere but man it has been good. honestly i just haven’t had the time for tumblr or much else on my phone which is good i suppose. i was scrolling through your account to see if i could catch up on a few things and i must say i almost pre-ordered the txt album too!! i did try to pre-order the stray kids one but i chickened out bc i couldn’t get the limited edition one and when i went to buy the normal versions i couldn’t get both versions which peeved me off.
also!! i must share my frustration (i’m sure you’ll enjoy the cheek of this one) i asked a girl to cover me on monday so i could go to kbbq w my managers (lmao they’re sooooo chill but they invited me bc they know i enjoy that kind of stuff and told me to find cover) and she said no (fair enough but i’d asked three people before her who also all said no) so i go into work on monday a little bummed bc i can’t have kbbq but less bummed bc my work bestie came back from holiday and all was fine and dandy. we even went to the pub on our break and had lunch!! anyway, when we came back, the girl who i asked to cover me was sat, in the restaurant, eating a meal, by herself (in her normal clothes) w one of my colleagues (colleague in her work outfit). which pissed me off bc she couldn’t cover me but she could come in and eat… but get this. she was eating. off of the. STAFF. MENU. which MEANS. SHE WAS EATING FOR FREE!!!! needless to say i ignored her when she said goodbye to go out seshing w her friends. i’m so salty. i asked her today if she could cover me on tuesday so i can go out w my friend for her bday (i didn’t tell her im going out w my friend) and she said she could do the morning but not the evening which is useless to me bc i need the evening off but it deffo means she’s going out. may i also point out she asked for cover for two weeks ago (and i covered) and i find out she went out with her sisters. SHE HAD FOUR OTHER DAYS OFF THAT WEEK!!!! WHY COULDNT SHE GO ON ONE OF THOSE!! a n d she’s just come back from holiday. if it were me i’d want to work more for more money. and she has prom coming up or sumn. tell me why i worked 7 days and she worked 2. and 5 of mine were full days (with two where i went in early) whilst both of hers were evening shifts (half days). the barman said i should always say no to covering her from now on (this was when i told him she was sat in the restaurant eating and i had covered her the week before). also she’s shit at her job lmao. the food runner and i have been paired up a lot over the past 2/3 weeks as the other food runner is off sick bc he had surgery (bless his heart) and yesterday she asked me why the girl didn’t know any of the dishes when she’d been working there the same time as me. 🤣🤣🤣 love thé food runner with the whole of my heart. honestly. she asks for me if it’s busy but will take someone else if she has to train them when it’s not. i love her.
okay rant over (although the rage won’t fizzle until i find cover for tuesday so i can go out,, which i clearly HAVENT been doing and would like to if possible). how have you been my love? any love interests recently entered your life? currently i’m testing the waters w someone but he went to albania this morning 😐 so i’ll have to wait for something a little more,,, flirty in person.
as always, i love and adore you!! ~ 🌻
ps 🌹 where would you take me the first time you met me? i hope i did that correct.
hey sunflower i missed u sm !! 🥺 i am glad you were doing fine, and its all okay that you werent here and enjoying life outside of tumblr !! thats good for u. <3
yesyes i preordered the txt album 😩😩 i am so excited for it to get here !! i love it sm already <3
omg that girl sounds like an absolute snake. WHY CANT SHE COVER FOR U ONCE IN A WHILE ?? dude its not that hard, especially since you did a favor for her before. I did too have a fair amount of mental breakdowns over work this week and i am glad u missed all of them bc i was so annoying about it. but when a woman screams at me for being messy on MY PART OF THE WORKPLACE like baby its not even fucking like,,, bothering you ?? i even offered for her to go on lunch break earlier and she still treats me like that smh 🙄 honestly i get your coworker tho bc i still do not know what i am doing at my work either. im just winging it lmaoo
i hope you find someone to cover for you !! or found ?? i have no perception of time anymore i have no idea when u sent this
I've been okayish ig ?? Busy. i went on a vacation w my fam and got into a car crash, got multiple mental breakdowns, but i went camping and shopping too so im happy and vibing lmao. enjoying the last 2 weeks of summer break <3 no love news tho bc i am boring 🙄
i hope it goes well w your new guy babes,, make sure to tell me all about it once he comes back 🤩
for the ask game i'd definitely take you to a bar bc you seem like a good time and i also never got batshit drunk before and i think you'd be a wonderful person to experience it with. you'd also take care of me when im hangover bc you dont know what that feels like ♡
i love you !! make sure to look after yourself
0 notes
musicmixtapes · 6 years
June 6, 2018 Mix
Hey everyone,I haven't been as timely with the mixes as usual because it's summer and there's way more distraction, but I love finding old music and making it new again and I really feel that this week with some of the selections. 
Spotify Playlist 1. Where Did Your Truth Go? by Girl Skin - Listen carefully especially in the beginning to the laughing conversation, the city sounds etc, its such an interesting layering behind the simple guitar and piano. The words are very philosophy based around conformity in society and wearing a mask to fit in. 2. Dancing In The Moonlight (It's Caught Me In Its Spotlight) by Thin Lizzy - A classic that I will always sing and dance to, but I listened to this because I first heard the Alt-J slowed down version (featured on a previous Music Mix) and wanted to hear the original which is amazing in its own right. 3. Africa by Weezer - I was so excited when I saw that Weezer took on this icon of a song originally done by artist 'Toto' and I was definitely impressed by their garage rock take of it, although some portions still remained true to its 80s original which I loved as well. 4. Shake Your Lonely by Twin Peaks - When they sang in beautiful harmony "I know I'll be the only girl to shake your lonely heart" well, I really felt that on a relatable level. The chilled out indie folk vibes I get from this is so beach and summer feels, love the horns featured too. 5. Cigarette by Marika Hackman - I felt like I was listening to this in a small dimly lit bar with Marika sitting on a stool with this song. It just gives you those feelings and I love the minor chord progressions that go on throughout, especially the line "lit a cigarette and gave it a kiss" it's just very perfect. 6. Night And Day by Fred Astaire - The story behind my discovery of this song is me listening to Beatles Sirius XM in the car and hearing Ringo Starr do his version of this classic and then them playing Astaire's croony lulling version right after. And obviously I fell in love with the jazzy vintage vibes, especially the trumpet. 7. I Won't Hurt You by The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - I treat this song as a spoken poem because it's so beautiful that I think it needs to be read while being listened to simultaneously. It's essentially about the speaker wanting someone to appreciate and love them because they feel dissociated from the world. Also there's the sound of a heartbeat throughout the entire song which is amazing. 8. One Day Like This by Elbow - Shout out to my girl Devlin for showing me this brilliant gem that I had never heard of before the other day! I love this one, it takes you through a relationship going through tumultuous times but one party wanting to just forget about it and move on to a better time. But the truth is that life isn't like this, all the speaker wants is just one beautiful day to appreciate love. 9. Thirteen Sad Farewells by Stu Larsen - I've definitely been getting back into the folk genre recently, I think that the lyrics here are so story-like, so they're very easy to follow, but they definitely make you think as well. I'm not sure what the significance behind 13 is, but perhaps alluding to the unluckiness of the number and his bad luck in relationships and that he has no more goodbyes after that. 10. Gold Dust Woman by Fleetwood Mac - I guess I'm putting some iconic songs on this mix, but icons deserve to be recognized every once in awhile too, not just obscure weird songs. Then again, this song is pretty edgy what with it's clear meaning of a woman who frequently does cocaine and how it affects her and her visions. The woman this song is about will never change her ways and it does note bode well for people to love her because they will become broken. 11. I Want To Break Free by Queen - Happy Pride Month! Had to include a song that celebrates people who quite literally need to break out of the typical and express who they really are. Mercury was one of the first male singers/icons to come out, especially for the time period in which Queen was performing, it was quite bold. This song you will sing along to whether you like it or not. 12. U + Ur Hand by P!nk - This. Song. It means everything to me and whenever I get nervous to go out to a party where I know people will be judging me or thinking that I'm there for them, I listen to this. P!nk knows what's up and the fact that she is leaving a man who has wronged her and treated her badly with his hand to soothe himself, makes me feel like I can do the same. 13. Make Out In My Car (Sufjan Version) by Moses Sumney - A super simple song that is sung by Sufjan? I'm not really surprised, but I am so in love with this little tune that should be in an independent movie. The sentiment that the speaker doesn't want to sleep with the love interest, but simply just kiss is SO romantic and slow going and sweet. 14. Beige by Yoke Lore - A song about wanting to see someone's bad parts, the realest part of a person, what's going on inside of them rather than what they portray to the world. That is a beautiful sentiment. Also this is an interesting music genre cross over because it begins as a folky song but then becomes kind of electro-folk? I love it, it's pretty original. 15. Ya Ya Ya by You Won't - People getting together over having shared issues with their parents? Sounds like it would make an interesting song, and it totally does in this one. This gave me serious Father John Misty vibes with the interesting chord choices and simple voice with cool words sprinkled in. This was released a couple years ago, but they're a seemingly unknown band so they deserve the hype. 16. Poem by U.S. Girls - You might think this was an 80s song if I didn't tell you otherwise. U.S. Girls are very individualistic, with their electro-indie-pop tunes and their obvious affection for poetry, which drew me into them, because I also am a huge poetry fan/poet myself. Kind of reminds me of some Imogen Heap songs so if you're into that, definitely listen to the rest of this album. 17. Jmy Attendais Pas by Clea Vincent - Another electro-pop song, except more fun because it's in French! I actually translated the lyric page so I could see exactly what the song was about and I highly recommend you do the same if you don't speak fluent French because the sentiments are so sweet in addition to it being such a fun song anyway. 18. Halloween Party by Soda Club - My friend Maeve's cousins' partner is the drummer in this saxophone driven dream pop band which is currently on a tour in which they are playing songs from their EP and also some other fun tunes! They are amazing live, but I specifically connected with this song and how the speaker repeats the phrase "who am I supposed to be?" to take it further than it just being about a costume on Halloween, but goes into the existential sense which I love. 19. Ruin Your Night by Sorcha Richardson - Everyone needs to have this in their feels/alternative/driving playlist because everything about it is the quintessential alternative song that belongs in your life. I love the message driven feeling to this song that the speaker is bad for the love interest and knows it, but will pursue the love anyway and ruin things. 20. All These Things That I Have Done by The Killers - This is in no way an underrated song and is generally hyped up enough, but I feel like I got away from it for awhile and was focused on a lot of other songs by The Killers and kind of forgot about this one. The buildup of this song is everything, like the fact that it starts with one sound and becomes a whole chorus of people singing by the bridge part of the song. Amazing. Iconic. Hope you enjoyed this week's mix! I'll probably have 1-2 more mixes out before I embark on my journey to France for my poetry course! Stay tuned in and rock on Xoxo,
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June 1 2017; 2:57 am
Putangina na-love nanaman ako... huhuhu gago kinikilig talaga ako pag ganon!!!!! Puñeta. 😭😂 Today we went out and then ended up hanging out with Alex and Wil. I like your friends, they're nice. Pero puta mamaya ko na gagawin 'to. 3:03 na and I'm so antok na. HAHAHAHA I love you!
Part two; 2:30 pm
So ayun nga, last night was fun. I enjoyed talking to them. Mostly Wil kasi kami lang nakaupo e HAHAHA. You know me naman, daldal is always good for me. So like, no big ganaps, chill chill lang ganon. I texted Alex pa ng, e. I thanked her hahaha. Wil din sana buuut I have no contact with him pa e hahaha. Thank you for introducing me to people — specifically your friends. Wala lang, nakakatuwa. Kasi I get to be, in a sense, more part of your life than I already am. It's cute hehe. Thank you.
Part three; 6:23 pm
Okay so before your board broke, I saw you skate a bit pa and putangina, why the hell and how the hell do you look more gwapo??? Tangina it's so ehsjdixjdidkd. HAHAHAHA. Gwapo ka, yun na yon. Yoko na mag elaborate. 😂 So anyway, went with you to John's and omg I'm sorry for ditching you, ish, to catch up with Kat. Sorry babe!!!! Minsan lang naman HAHAHA. Pati you were with sila John naman so yay hahaha.
Part four
It's 2:28 am and I'm doing this muna before I sleep. So ayun, nag heart to heart kami ni Kat and we talked about so much things, bitin pa nga. Kat told me, she commented na “tangina Nyks yung last na kita natin pati ngayon, isa lang ulit sasabihin ko; seryoso ka talaga kay Kirby noh?” And she was rambling about how she's so happy for me, she's glad I have you, and I finally found someone to finally invest more than one thing with. Kasi nga it's the first time na ganito ako with a guy, let alone a boyfriend. So wala, thank you. I super appreciate everything that you've been doing for me. More than I've let you know, more than I show. Kat told me din na at some point, we'll fight and I know that naman. Like I said, I'm not scared if we argue. That's normal naman, it's inevitable. Things won't always have a good flow but eyyyy, we got this!!! I know we do. So yeah, yun lang!! Hehe. And I noticed that lately, almost everyday ako nagawa ng notes na ganito. Wala, share lang. HAHAHAHA. I love you! ☺️ So much. 😌
June 2-3 20177:19-7:26 pm
You said na you're leaving. Obvious naman na we're not in good terms right now. Ikaw naman kasi??? You said na you're tinatamad and want to sleep, tapos you're going pala. Now, we're okay na. Pinuntahan mo ako here sa room and made me aya to go with you to sila Alex. And I appreciate the surprise, babe. I really do. Pero, sinabi mo sakin, like now lang, na you don't feel too good pala. Your back hurts. Edi sana you stayed home and rest, diba? You should've told me na ganun din, para hindi ka na namin pinapunta. I would love to spend as much time as I can with you. That's what I want naman. Pero, sleep mo nga, I don't wanna compromise it, yun pa kayang you're not feeling well physically? Sabihin na natin na kaya mo, fine. Nothing too big, okay. Pero diba, point ko, I'd want to have you rest as much as I can. Kung kaya naman i-put on hold yung other things, especially if it involves going to me/going somewhere with me/doing something for me, go. Take care of yourself din muna no matter how much you think na you'd rather do other things. It's for you din naman e. Okay???? I'm sorry for getting annoyed nalang din, medyo OA na yun. Pero yun nga, I just want you in a good shape lang naman e. But thank you for making up with me, and bringing me out to hang with you and sila Alex. I appreciate it.
12:54 am
Thank you for treating me the way you do kahit sometimes, we don't always jump on the same page immediately. Awhile ago Kat made me realize din na we may not fight, like a huge ass fight na we get so angry and shit, pero we get annoyed with each other at some point. And she pointed it out na if ever we really do have a misunderstanding, we can handle it naman. Kasi with (little) things like this, we're able to handle it well and immediately naman. So what more if we're in a situation that needs more attention from us, diba? So yeah, wala lang. Thoughts/realizations lang, ganun. I don't always say it but hopefully it's obvious naman, pero I'm always here lang. Always always always
June 5 2017; 12:43 am
Kinikilig nanaman ako sa sinabi mo huhu HAHAHAHA. You made kwento about what Alex and Wil said kasi and na si Jasper, gusto ako maka-close HAHAHA wala, tuwa ako. I wanna befriend them not just because they're your friends but because I like their personality and all din kasi talaga.  Anyways, you feel sick nanaman na ewan. Take care of yourself!! Siyempre diba iba pa din kapag ikaw nag-aalaga sa sarili mo. For the record, I love taking care of you. Kahit na sometimes you're so lazy nalang din talaga. Hahaha. But yeah, I don't mind. It's fun naman. I do it because I want to and because I can. So, yeah. Short daldal lang from me todaaay hahaha. Feel better, babe!!!! I'll always be here to take care of you whether you're sick or nor, whether you need me to or not, whether you want me to or not. Here lang me alays. :)) I love you!
June 6 2017; 3:21 am
I love you!! It's so cute na you made vm pa na you love me HAHAHA. I was annoyed until 5 minutes ago. You legit turned my frown upside down hahaha. I was a bit frustrated na kasi e. Di ako makatulog ulit. But thanks to yoooou, I'm in a better mood. Hahaha. 😂9:09 pmBakit ganon tuwing wala akong ginagwa na ccute-an ka lagi... HAHAHAHA. Wala lang, it's amusing na ewan.
June 7 2017; 4:44 am
Ano ba talaga, ha? I don't feel good na nga, ganyan ka pa. Lalo akong nagagago dito. ._. Di ko maintindihan kung galit ka o ano. Bahala ka nalang muna diyan. ._.5:19 amAnd just like that, okay na tayo. Kasi naman!!! Super nakakatunaw nalang talaga when I read your messages na nag eexplain ng whatever. You're ma-drama but it's okay, I am din naman. 8:45 pmI miss you na. Legit this is the only thing for this part... HAHAHA. Why am I so clingyyyyyy. I shit you not, I wasn't like this talaga before.
June 8 2017; 3:04 am
Times like this where I wish I can do something to make shit easier for you talaga. I know I don't have to, I don't need to. But I want to. Sometimes kasi it seems like you carry so much weight on your shoulders and I just want to try to make shit easier for you. Not completely, yeah. But at least nababawasan. It sucks na I can't do a shit ton of things but I swear, I'm always here for you lang talaga. I promise you can count on me.
June 9 2017; 2:27 pm
I'm almost done with my pamper shit and Alex said na she's gonna go to me here sa SM. I'm kind of nervous kasi it's my first time to be alone with her. Baka mainis sakin or smth. Alam mo naman ako pag nag-umpisang dumaldal, e. 😭😂 But getting with her, smooth sailing naman conversation. It started with one topic tapos for sone reason, dami na namin napag-usapan agad. To the point where we couldn't continue talking kasi we were with Jasper na, ibang topic na. 😂
1:27 am, June 10
And honestly it was fun. I like Alex. She's really nice and genuine also. It's not hard to talk to her or be open about opinions, and I appreciate that. You know me naman kasi HAHAHA. Same with Jasper. He's really cool and chill, nakakatuwa. So far, it's him and Alex I'm close(?)-ish to. Ayoko naman pangunahan sila or mag assume kaya may question mark pati ish. HAHAHA. Thank you for introducing me to them. Thank you for choosing to make me a part of your life even more, and a little bit more every day. You make me feel so loved and special, it makes my heart flutter. I love you.
June 10 2017; 11:15 pm
I'm wearing your hoodie again and boiiii it smells so good talaga, pota. For some reason your scent's so comforting. I just love it. Pero naiinis ako kasi sinisipon ako, di ko maamoy hoodie mo. 🙄 HAHAHA. High key praying for a gloomy/rainy weather tomorrow so I have a bugger excuse to use your hoodie out and about. Hehe. HAHAHAHA. Feel better, baby boy! 😜 You're sick nanaman kasi, hay nako. I won't always be there to take care of you pa naman.
June 13 2017; Around 8:13-9:30 pm
From sitting behind me to sitting in front of me to me sitting on your lap na. 😂 My legs are like, wrapped around you na while we're sitting down. I feel so smooth every time I get to type shit and you're around. Lol.
June 14 2017; 1:44 am
Anyway, I love you. I love you and thank you for deciding to be a part of my life the way that you are right now. For hugging me just because you feel like it, for telling me I'm cute just because you find me so, for holding my hand and kissing the back of it, just because you want to. For pulling me closer even though I'm fairly close to you already just because you can. For telling me that you love me because you do. I'm just really thankful na you're there. Most, if not all, of these dated notes probably have the whole "thank you" vibe and prolly repetitive or whatever but who caaaares. Yun nga point ko for this, para alam mo na-ffeel ko and thoughts ko. So yun. I don't say it all the time pero I hope once you read these, you realize na I value you din talaga. Di naman kasi ako 100% expressive/vocal with everything. Dinadaan ko lang sa "cute mo" comments or whatever. Basta talaga when you read these, hay nako kiligin ka nalang sana. HAHAHA.
June 17 2017; 7:02 am
Omg ka talaga HAHAHA. You're the sweetest, I swear. :(( I love you so much!!! I don't do the whole "so much" thing often but ahhhh I love you so much talaga, swear hahaha. Honestly I cried. 😂 Kasi it's just so heartwarming to know these things. Sometimes kasi I feel like I haven't done/don't do as much for you pero every time na you suddenly do your long/string of messages, I feel and see na I'm able to do shit for you naman pala without having to actually do something. Super nakakatuwa na ganun pala kasi ganun ka din sakin e hahaha. You do a lot for me without having to actually do something. So wala, eto, thank you ulit. Thank you for everything. I love you.
June 20 2017; 8:45 pm
Naiiyak ako. Naiiyak ako kasi kanina parang ang cold mo na ewan. I understand pero nabigla nalang din ako. It scares me kasi pag ganun. When someone I'm close to grows cold/distant all of a sudden. Then kasama ko pa physically. Wala, scary talaga yun for me hahaha. Eventually, I know na maiiyak ako. I hope you're okay enough. Alam ko naman na you're probably upset and whatnot. But yun, I hope you're okay enough.11:30 pmGago eto na, umiiyak na ako. HAHAHAHA. Hay, grabe. Alam mo, sobrang love kita. Habang tumatagal, lalo kong na-rrealize yun and lalo ko na-ffeel. And I'm not complaining naman (wag ka din mag complain, di ka dapat mag complain. HAHAHA). There's nothing bad about it naman. Kanina Kat told me something along the lines of “don't justify or make excuses for his actions just because you love him” and I know that naman. It's just that on my end, it's me choosing to fight you back with understanding rather than also doing something that would cause more damage than good. Kunwari you get annoyed, I won’t make patol and go get annoyed din. I’ll
June 21 2017; 4:17 am
Okay na tayo!!! I mean, it's not that we weren't okay. But like, ayun — drama drama (don't take it in a bad way) lang hahaha. Naiyak ako nung binasa ko message mo. Hehe. I was talking to Richard pa and gago!!!!! I thought you were gonna break up with me, puta HAHAHA. Stopped breathing for like 30 seconds. 😂 I skipped agad sa dulo to see how the message would end and I was so relieved to see the “I miss you babe” sa dulo. HAHAHAHA. Tangina moooo. 😂 Sobrang mini(????) heart attack moment nun, bwiset. Pero ayun, naiyak nga ulit ako. I was mumbling the message to myself, forgetting na I was talking to Richard. Actually mid-first paragraph palang, teary eyed na ako. Honestly sometimes super baba talaga kasi ng luha ko HAHAHA. Then ayun naiyak ako ng tuluyan nung sinabi mo na you realized it wasn’t something, it’s me. Wala, sorry, mababaw talaga girlfriend mo minsan. HAHAHAHA. Hay, I love you. I mean all my “I'm here for you no matter what”s, okay? I’m here lang and I’m not going else where, no plans going anywhere. Count on that talaga. I’m glad you messaged me. I’m glad na we got to talk before we both slept. I had plans messaging you din naman kaso pag patulog na ako para di ako kabahan sa replies mo or whatever. HAHAHAHA. Abnormal din kasi ako e. 😂 Pero yun!!!!! Glad that we ayt. :))
June 22 2017; 12:30 am
You hung up to eat. I'm eating magoes. Lol, wala. Share lang. I'm just happy na kahit papano you're okay naman. I know shit's hard for you talaga basta always remember nalang na I’m one of the people in your life who will always want you to be in a good place and help you be there also.
1:37 am
Parusa ba? HAHAHAHA wawa ka naman, okay lang yan. Mapapalitan mo din yang vape juice mo. Sobrang funny kasi nag ccomplain ka na talaga HAHAHAHA.
June 23 2017; 4:42 am
Napaisip lang ako bigla... comfy na din pala talaga tayo with each other noh? You're playing Shape of You kasi and wala. I remember that day sa Starbucks one time with sila Arianne. April 5. Omg yes, I remember talaga HAHAHA. Pero yun nga. Wala lang, ang fun, ang cute. I love you!!! Sobrang sanay na ako sayo, promise HAHAHA. May times na parang naiinis ako pero swear, hindi. Parang ano... I can't explain e. Basta pag nainis talaga ako or nagalit, di ko naman ako madadaan agad sa mga lambing mo e HAHAHA. Pero ayun, I don't think naman magagalit ako sayo e. Or maiinis big time. I think not. Maybe it's just me pero yun feeling ko e. Hahaha.
June 24 2017; 4:56 am
Finally done reorganizing and transferring this whole note thing from notes to here sa evernote. You’re currently trying to sleep for the second time. It sucks to hear na the chances of you not enrolling is high. I can only imagine the burden you feel and to me, it feels heavy. What more pa kaya with you? The one who's going through all this. Like what you said, I make shit easier for you just by being there for you and I stand by it. I'm here lang. Tangina nagsawa ka na siguro i-read 'tong notes thingy kasi puro “i’m here” nalang nababasa mo HAHAHAHAHA. Pero kasi yun totoo e. Andito lang naman akoooo. I won’t always be able to do (concrete) shit pero I’m here. I won’t et tired of telling you na I’m here lang beside you just as much as you tell me na you won’t get tired of telling me na you love me and all that (That too, won’t get tired of telling you na love kita. Hehe, love you!).7:07 amYa girl hasn’t slept and well, I ain’t sleeping no more, lol. I just remembered the whole scenario last night sa Tropical where you told me na nakatago ketchup sa ilalim ng bed, dun hahanapin ng anak natin. Di ko talaga tanggap kung bakit sa ilalim ng bed???? HAHAHAHA. Hanap ka ibang place, gagu.
June 26  2017; 3:56 am
I’m about to sleep palang and I just wanna say hi. So hi. HAHAHA. I love yoooou. Thank you for being here.
June 27 2017; 11:59 pm
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Kilig :(( HAHAHAHA hay. I love you! 🤗 I'm glad na you're going to enroll. You deserve that. Basta umayos ka this school year ha!!!! HAHAHA. Forreal tho, ya girl's glad. :)) Thank you for today!! Today was one of those days na sobra sobra ko na-ffeel na love mo ako. I mean, sobra ko naman na-ffeel today but today was one of those “extra” days. Extra feels, ganern. When you fucken sang Perfect while you were tryna feel better from palpitating. Ded. 😩 HAHAH. The moment also where you told me na you listen to Runnin' Home To You when you're sad tas you think of me. Ded agen. 😩😂 Then!!!! The “wag ka nang umasa na papakawalan pa kita.” The “everything i want and i need, is with you.” and tangina your bet with Ivan ha... HAHAHA. It's so comforting to know na even though you know there's no gurantee you can say na you and I will last long because same. I want us to last the longest possible.
June 29 2017; 3:43 pm
I miss you?????? Tangina HAHAHAHA. Nakakaiyak, ang clingy ko. 😭😂 I'm so not like this talaga. Hay the things you do to me. 😂
June 30 2017; 5:13 am
It's 5:13 in the morning, and I haven't slept. A good sleep, at least. I fell asleep for an hour??? Or so and woke up and deadass couldn't go back to sleep. You seem to be sleeping well, I'm glad. I hope you are. I'm reading a book. I'm reading a book and it made me think of you. The guy character reminds me of you. How he treats the girl, the thoughts he has and whatnot. He reminds me of you.  
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