#ill expand on this eventually
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late night mind posting lets go
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idkaguyorsomething · 10 months
Is it weird that I am perfectly fine with Araki giving Jodio a severe mental illness but still wish he had given Jodio a different one?
sorry it took so long to answer this one, i was trying to figure out how exactly to answer it, and it turns out there's a lot of different ways:
from a perspective of representation: mental illness is an incredibly stigmatized subject, and in mediums like manga and comic books even more so, as it is incredibly common for a lot of popular plots in those mediums to go "well, x character went crazy, that's why they're evil", as well as stories in general to associate a lack of empathy with a lack of ability to act in traditionally heroic ways. jjba itself has shown that, as part of dio's initial villainous characterization involves him showing a lack of empathy towards various figures such as dario or george (although this isn't the only way his villainy is characterized, as we're also shown right off the bat that he's very deliberately cruel). with jodio being set up as more of an anti-hero, giving him more traits that could be considered unheroic as well as a commonly stigmatized mental disorder, it makes sense to not have that sit quite right. but taking the history of the series into mind, jojo's is no stranger to exploring more shades of gray in its protagonists in its past. johnny and gappy have certainly committed far greater acts of brutality in their parts, while giorno, who jodio is set up as a parallel to, outright aspires to be a head of organized crime. even josuke, who is portrayed as one of the kindest and most pure-of-heart jojos, basically condemns a guy to a fate worse than death in his first arc. this isn't necessarily anything new the series is giving us, and the fact that the jojolands is largely portrayed from the perspective of jodio himself is a massive plus, as it gives us insight into his thought processes and helps us sympathize with a character we might not have done so otherwise (telling a story from the perspective of someone doesn't necessarily ask us to sympathize with them, but things like the goofy jokes he makes with dragona, his own insight on his diagnosis, and his clear love for his family go a long way towards making jodio likeable). one could view this as the natural progression of jojos tending towards the anti-heroic while araki explores more marginalized communities he's interested in portraying, or a poorly thought out decision that furthers stigma towards said marginalized communities. personally, i think it's still too early in the story to make any real judgements, but the way i see it it's kind of similar to the situation with jolyne. she's the only female jojo, and the only one besides jonathan who ultimately fails in her quest at the end of her part. there are narrative and thematic reasons for doing so, but it doesn't sit right with a lot of people, and that's perfectly fine.
from a medical perspective: according to the dsm 5, a person must fit at least three of the criteria for antisocial personality disorder in order to be diagnosed as having it, most of which jodio does fit. failure to conform to social laws and norms (he's a teenage drug dealer), deceitfulness (when barbara ann asks him where he is and if he's hanging out with paco, he lies), impulsivity (he destroys one of the lava rocks to try and get rohan to cooperate), aggressiveness (he kicks that one fucking cop until he's a stain on the ground, twice, although he is justified in his actions and this kind of willingness to fight people is essentially a requirement to be a jojo), reckless disregard of safety (again, practically a requirement for most main characters), consistent irresponsibility (assuming what we've been shown of him is how he acts all the time, yes, although the story so far takes place over too small of a timeframe to determine that), and lack of remorse (dragona has to remind him not to get too violent in the opening chapter with the cop). so he does fit most of the criteria, but it is also a requirement that, to receive a diagnosis, a person must be eighteen or older, with evidence of having fit some of the criteria before the age of fifteen. so by real world standards, jodio would be on track to being diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, but actually receiving it from a high school psychologist is bullshit. then again, this is the universe where the president made a cowboy race battle royale where the contestants had to collect magic body parts, so it's entirely possible that psychiatric standards in that world are just different. but you would be entirely justified in not liking his diagnosis, and there are several other disorders that fit the behavior that jodio shows. there's adhd (the impulsivity and tendency to get lost in daydreams and beating the shit out of cops), depression (the sense of emptiness he describes upon being given his diagnosis), anxiety (irritability and angry outbursts), and that's just some of the more common disorders. we haven't even gotten into some other full-on personality disorders or common comorbidities with antisocial personality disorder! from this perspective, your assessment is totally fair.
from a thematic perspective: as mentioned earlier, jojo's is no stranger to making its heroes increasingly reflected in shades of gray, and parts seven and eight especially make a point of contrasting their protagonists with their respective foils from parts one and four. johnny is a paraplegic gringo jockey twink that murders people so hard his friend the executioner had to tell him to slow down, in contrast with the jacked and kindly gentleman jonathan who impressed a stranger so much with his dignity that he immediately joined him in his quest. gappy is a quirky lil amnesiac who beats people to death with shovels while josuke has one of the more normal personalities of all the jojos and possibly the lowest kill count. at first it might seem like giorno and jodio are the most similar duo, since they're both criminals that act a-okay with murder, but while giorno's goals and reasoning for joining the criminal underground are motivated by a sense of empathy towards the people of italy and a belief in a higher ideology that passione can aspire to, jodio is a very self-centered kid. he has a very inflated idea of his own reputation, can't spot obvious traps, and the very first thing we're told about him is that he wants to be stinking rich. he also believes in the ideology of mechanisms, but it's an ideology that is explicitly centered around gain and his own material wealth, in contrast to giorno's philosophy, which involves ideals of self-improvement and certain boundaries that should not be crossed in the pursuit of power. giorno's ruthlessness stems from a place of compassion, so having his counterpart being someone who lacks the ability to feel empathy is a really interesting choice that gives the story a lot of places to go. the fact that the other criteria he fills, like impulsiveness and irresponsibility, stand in direct contrast to giorno's ambition and planning ahead, also adds further potential for the jojolands to explore a completely different sort of crime story than golden wind. so from this perspective, i'd say that your assessment is rather harsh.
tl;dr there's a lot of different angles to approach this question from. it's 90% probably that i completely misunderstood what you were trying to ask, though, so please tell me what i got wrong :P
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eyefocusing · 8 months
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normal about him
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wewerebornsextuplets · 3 months
yknow as an autistic person im usually pretty cognizant of the autistic traits i give my characters, but with kiru it was so unintentional that i didn't even realize she was autistic until literally 2 hours ago. hows my own character gonna sneak up on me like that
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mynameisnowwyrm · 2 years
thundermans future au
This won't so much have a concrete plot as just stuff I think would happen in rough chronological order.
So I would like to make clear that I never finished the show so I’m going off the wiki for how it ends.From what I read it says that max and phoebe become the leaders of a new elite hero group and they hire the rest of the family to be part of it and i think that’s stupid so I’m changing it. Instead of their family they recruit a bunch of other heroes their age and their family stays in hiddenville that’s it.
So Max and Phoebe graduate in 2018 I think so right after that they go full into hero stuff and leading the group. I know the whole last season was basically phoebe not trusting that max was fully a hero now and I want to extend that. Since the whole team will be other teen heroes who probably mostly remember max for how hard he was trying to be a supervillain, max is still going to have to deal with a lot of shit.
Throughout the show we see hank and barb treat phoebe better than max, which is presumably what lead him to wanting to break away from the hero role that was expected of him. His whole mentality is that it’s better to not try at all than risk failing, the fear that your best isn’t good enough, failing in this case meaning not living up to his parents expectations. We can see evidence of this thinking in the episode where max is continually failing math and phoebe finds out that he doesn’t even try bc he’s scared of failing. This does not go away overnight and max will likely need to spend a long time working on his own self worth.
Also max did spend a few years of his life actively trying to become a villain, even if it was just a phase I don’t believe that none of the villain mentality stuck. Sure deep down he doesn’t want to physically hurt anyone but what is his internal policy on theft, cheating, lying? Furthermore he has to be fully aware of the injustice that exists in hero society from experiencing it himself and being influenced by the likes of dr colosso over the years so I believe he is currently working with an “i can fix it from the inside” viewpoint.
All that combined will likely cause massive amounts of friction between him and the team. I think that if they were doing missions as a side thing until everyone graduated and everyone had less constant exposure to each other the inevitable breakdown could be staved off but once they start spending time together and going on missions full time the cracks in the foundation would be immediate. I give it maybe a year before everything goes to shit and max once again quits being a hero, only this time he’s not going back to being a villain but rather some in between as a chaotic neutral vigilante.
With max out of the hero game phoebe is scrambling to pick up the pieces. Pr decides to fix the mess by completely redoing phoebes hero persona to distract from everything. She gets upgraded from thunder girl to thunder woman, solo leader of Z-force and gets painted as the “feminist hero”. Not that she didn’t already hold any feminist views they’re just really leaning into the marketing. Since billy and Nora are set to debut as heroes they get pushed into the thunder twins role.
Nora is greatly frustrated with being stuck with billy, especially since he usually gets the credit for her ideas. She comes up with a plan, he runs and does it, teamwork. Except billy gets all the attention from the press, leading him to get more attention from hero society.
Max leaving hero work undoes a lot of closeness that was between him and phoebe resulting in the two barely speaking anymore and everyone only ever really seeing max at big family holidays.
A few things I’m just gonna put in bullets bc it’s important to know
Both max and phoebe are autistic, bc I said so
They are both queer. Not sure exactly what labels they fall under but it's not straight and both are suffering from comphet/internalised homophobia. Basically max is be gay do crime, phoebe is be gay fight crime.
Chloe is their cousin who they occasionally babysit, not the fith sibling. Adding another child was a completely stupid move I dont care
Hank and barb are not good parents
Billy is not an idiot, just oblivious which is valid
So we cut to five years later. Phoebe is a well established young hero, the z-force team function as a teen titans thing where they meet up regularly to fight crime as a team while still doing solo hero work. Max is doing vigilante shit and was initially doing freelance tech stuff to finance it but at some point a rich client screwed him over so he stole all his money. His newest venture is to get rid of all of the hypocrisy inside the hero community and he's trying to figure out the best way to go about it. Billy and nora are rising stars in the hero world but mad that she constantly gets overlooked, nora sabotages billy so that he will get cancelled on social media and she can advance.
Phoebe is dating a female hero named chromatica with light powers but wider society does not know about this bc phoebe has to keep up her image and being gay will hurt that or whatever excuse her homophobic pr team gave. The building pressure and max releasing blackmail he has on multiple corrupt hero's puts a strain on their relationship and at one point she has a complete breakdown causing her to track max down and they finally have an actual conversation after years of not speaking.
Nora's scheming leads to a massive falling out between her and Billy. Not wanting them to go through the same thing they went through, max and phoebe get billy and nora together so that they can all talk about their issues as a family. They come to realise that no matter how much they want to deny it, they all are still fighting to get out of their parents shadows, trying to be the perfect heroes. Even max, who at this point is much happier with his life than his siblings, is still effected by his parents. This whole talk does not fix everything, they all still have the same problems they went into it with, at least now they know they can rely on each other.
Billy is still trying to do pr cleanup and as an apology nora is publicly supporting him. Phoebe's relationship is still in ruins and she realises that its going to take more than an apology to fix things. Coming out is not the answer bc she is still dealing with a lot of internalised homophobia on top of the potential stress of being a queer superhero who has to defend themselves against millions of people and she is not ready for that.
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rival-ado · 2 years
Honestly, I get not wanting to play newer Pokémon games on release (or at all) nowadays. I love Platinum, but have no plans to play the remakes. I think I waited about two years to even get Sword, and even though I did end up enjoying Galar, I think it would have benefited from more development time. Legends wasn’t perfect but it seemed like a step in the right direction (at least to me) so I still have a little bit of hope for SV being better. That said, I think it’s completely understandable not to bother with them. Not to be all “the franchise isn’t what it used to be” because I a) know how annoying that can sound and b) understand the concept of nostalgia, but I don’t think they’re going to be able to top older games if they keep turning a new one out every 3-4 years. That’s just my two cents though 🤷‍♂️
yea honestly like, pokemon games were my go-to as a kid so obvs i have a big attachment to the franchise, and i still do, but i wasn't super excited about usum when i played it even tho i loved sm, swsh's release made me realize a LOT of the overall issues with the franchise lately, i didn't play pmd DX or BDSP bc if i can still play the original game and see very little difference i dont see a reason to spend $60 on a "new" version... i did really REALLY like legends even with its problems, i would love a unova version ( wild west ? ) but i cant handle an actual unova remake i think it would break me . anyways there's too much to say on the whole thing but personally i rather spend $60 on 2-3 really cool little company games than whatever game freak/nintendo is doing rn
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leviathiane · 1 year
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lynkolnevans · 1 year
One was an animal who pretended to be human. The other was a human that pretended to be an animal(???) who pretended to be human. But was the human really pretending to be a beast, when something claws and itches at the back of their mind, guiding their new body and their new powers, making them want to devour whatever comes their way? When they have to be so careful to make sure they don't stretch themselves thin enough to lose themself in thoughts and actions that can't be their own, weren't even human.
Charley used to be human until they're not, but they can't really give that too much thought. Not when they were focused on making sure Nedzu didn't die before he could become the powerful hero he was meant to be. Or focused on the many spooky agencies lurking in the shadows, ready to snatch the two of them up as soon as they let down their guard. Charley had to keep them both safe, and to do that they had to be loud. Be so blindingly obvious and known to the world that no one can ever sweep their (very probable) future disappearances/deaths under the rug.
They just wished they had a chance to breathe, to have enough time to understand why the fuck they had to appear in a certain goddamn hero anime.
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princessofxianle · 2 years
Completion Status...
✅️ Novel
❕️Live Action - waiting...
✅️ Donghua
✅️ Novel
☑️❕️ Manhua - in progress/waiting...
❕️Live Action - waiting...
✅️ Live Action
☑️ Donghua - in progress
🚫 Manhua
🚫 Novel
✅️ Donghua
🚫 Novel
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chisatowo · 2 years
I've been compiling my favorite splatoon songs into a playlist, and I just realised it's been fucking forever since I've listened to the splat 1 ost, I have no fucking clue which songs I like and it's a bit late to be listening to the whole ost rn, god I wish younger me actually payed attention to the ost and had opinions on it gkfmdkd
#rat rambles#splat posting#and by younger me I mean like 13 yr old me#I dont actually know how old I was when the first game came out now that I think abt it? idk#I just know I didnt pay much attention to the music because I didnt care a lot abt music in general at the time#but now I care so intensely abt it and goddddd cant believe I never realised how hard splat music goes#well can go I definitely have favorites gkfmdh#I still think on the whole my favorite songs come from 2 but idk maybe Ill find a 1 song that just blows the others out of the water#I doubt it tho since most of my favorit sploon songs are the more like borderline breakcore or just other more obscure genres#or the bottom feeders they get rights for making just absolute bangers#I might like the first piano group that I forhot the name ofs songs tho since I rly like ink theory despite not typically caring for more#classical and jazz inspired music#but ya dedf1sh and omega-3 for life babeyyyyy#oh shout out to turqoise october though gotta love funky noises smashed together#tbh I rly rlyyyy wish I could like sashimori songs more since the vocal mixing is rly cool but for some reason they just dont do it for me#another reason I rly hope they return at some point in 3 I think itd be fun to see their music style expanded upon to the current times#also if dedf1sh is ever brought up again ever I will be over the fucking moon abt it I hope soooo bad they dont just forget abt her#omega-3 are still kicking though I hope they make even more new songs eventually their music fucking bangs
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creepywing · 12 days
started making a game where it generates like a line of cat genetics and it shows what the cat would look like. Obvs im not a scientist like so some genetics might be wrong and the arts traced from a photo and edited a bit But for now its cool
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pyre-rants · 2 months
and you're left to wonder, were you ever really in the desert to begin with?
of course you were, you tell yourself, and you remember the sand sticking to every surface in your home and the sun beating down and the cactus wall, and the cactus ring, god the cactus ring, yes you were there but you don't want to have been,
maybe you've tried to convince yourself it wasn't real.
maybe you're trying to convince yourself it was.
what proof do you have? other than the insomnia, the feeling of being watched, the night terrors, the flashbacks that tell you you killed him.
and you rub your thumb over your left knuckle and try not to feel the dried blood that isn't there, it hasn't been there in years, and maybe you try to tell yourself it wasn't there at all because it wasn't real.
it wasn't real, you tell yourself as you notice the moon might just be a bit bigger than normal.
it wasn't real, you plead with yourself as you pass by the elven tree that's more impressive than anything nature could produce alone.
if it wasn't real, you have no reason to be worried about the amount of gunpowder that's stuck to your clothes after finishing your creeper farm. you have nothing to be reminded of.
it's just anxiety, you tell yourself, and you almost believe it as you watch the TNT fall.
you're scared to feel anything but anxiety as you watch the TNT fall.
it wasn't real, you desperately try to convince yourself, or maybe you're convincing the gods above so they can stop tormenting you with memories of something so irrelevant it barely existed at all.
your vision doesn't glint red as you watch the TNT fall.
you don't feel a sick sort of enjoyment when your friend flies a bit too close.
why not? you ask yourself. you don't know why not. you don't know why you're asking yourself at all.
you've never left the desert, and it worries you because you're definitely standing here right now.
you're standing here and you're a whole person and you're still in that void-damned desert.
because you can never leave the desert, you tell yourself and you know it to be true.
it's just easier to think you were never in the desert to begin with.
(this a is part of the finished version which is here)
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modpoppy · 4 months
that being said. i dont think vbros interest is gonna stick at all but they removed mtl from max so i cant rewatch like i planned unless i get the disc set which. lord. i AM basically done with school and finally bought omori tho (but idk if omori or disco elysium would be better to do first)
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universestreasures · 9 months
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I should try to wake up Yudias' muse/make him a verse to interact with Master-Duel era (Aka Dm-Vrains) verse because I'm so fricken curious how YGO muses would react TO AN ACTUAL ALIEN WARRIOR WHO HAS LASER EYE BEAMS (who in canon is also like technically a representation galaxy/not a real lifeform/a card with free will, it's complicated)
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hayatoseyepatch · 3 months
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Description: Getting kinky with the windbreaker boys. I have so many thoughts about these men and I just needed to get them out of my system. Characters: Toma Hiragi, Ren Kaji, Haruka Sakura, Hayato Suo, & Yamato Endo. Word Count: 2.2k Tags: fem!reader, brat taming, praise, somnophilia, edging, mommy kink, dacryphilia, consent non consent, choking, degradation, oral (fem!receiving), penetrative sex, dirty talk.
a/n: These are more like thirsts than headcannons but oh well. I might expand on some of these eventually and turn them into full fics if I can sit down and commit to it. It the mental illness, innit? Regardless, I hope you enjoyed these little blurbs! Special shout out to @foxyfiction & @to-eden for helping me with the prompts for some of these, you both are amazing. <3
I also have a masterlist now, if you’re interested that could be found : HERE
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Brat Taming
Hiragi had enough of you today, your skirt pulled up high, a constant switch in your hips while on patrol today with the Tamon team. Constantly teasing him, whether it was pulling him into an alley for an impromptu make out session, bending over in front of him letting him catch a glimpse of your already wet panties, or rubbing against his perpetually hard cock as you “just needed to slip past him real quick”. He was patient, tension building throughout the day coming to a fever pitch when you had both made it back to your shared apartment. He was on you in moments, lifting the back of your skirt to lay a harsh lap to you ass. Grabbing a fistful of your hair as he growls in your ear. “ I want you on that bed and I want you completely bare, do you understand?” He releases you hair, watching as you strip for him, climbing on the bed moments after you do.
Grabbing a hold of your cheeks with a rough hand he forces you to look up at him, eyes glazed over with arousal. Squishing your cheeks he props your mouth open, shoving a long digit past your lips. He grins as your mouth instinctively wraps around the digit, pumping the finger in and out of your lips, eyes rolling back as he feels your tongue wrap around the digit. Sucking his teeth as you shoot him a wink as he stuffs a second digit in your mouth. “Such a fucking brat, you know that?” He forces your thighs apart, free hand punctuating his words with a harsh slap to your dripping cunt.
His fingers sliding down, his fist two digits using your saliva that coated them to rub fast smooth circles against the sensitive bud. “Don’t forget your still getting punished baby.” He tsks giving you a sharp toothed grin. “Look at your pretty cunt, clenching around nothing, poor baby.” He coos, leaning down to your ear, lips grazing the shell to whisper. “You’re going to have to come from just my fingers before you can have my cock baby, think you can do that for me, hmm?”
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Praise (Receiving)
Kaji had lost his temper once more, today a fight had broken out. One of the members of the opposing gang had harshly grabbed your arm, tugging you against him spitting extremities about the things he plandded to do to you. The words coupled with the fear in your wide eyes had Kaji seeing red. Completely blacking out in a fit of rage, he hated his, he especially hated you seeing him like this. The few times he had lost his temper in front of you, he ran, unable to face you. But not this time, you wouldn’t let him run from you. Grabbing the sleeve of his jacket you were quick to take him back to your apartment, silencing whatever apologies or exasperations with your lips against his.
Walking him backward toward your bedroom you wait for the back of his knees to hit the mattress. Pushing him to sit down as you climb on his lap. Mouths entangling in a heated embrace, clothes being pulled from each others bodies in a rush of passsion. Kaji trails kisses down your exposed body, lips wrapping arount a perked bud taking your nipple into his mouth. You rocked your hips against his, gronaing into the air. Your hands unfaten his pants, and with his help you pull his cock from his pants. You give him a smile, stroking his cheeks, eyes soft with fondness. “You're such a good boy Ren, always so good to me.”
You coo, the praise falling from your lips as you place one more kiss to his lips. Moving to grab him by the base, positioning him at your entrance, the desperate look in his eyes is all the confirmation you need to sink down on his length. You bite your lip, letting out a whimper at the feeling of his thick cock filling you to the brim. You tangle one hand in his hair, pulling lightly on his blonde strands, while the other moves up to his shoulder, nails digging into the skin. Pulling away only far enough to mumble into his lips. “Fuck, Ren.. Feel so good, you fill me up so good baby. I love you so much.”
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You wake feeling something warm between your legs. It isn’t long before your head is thrown back against the pillows you were once sleeping soundly against, voice crying out in pleasure as your boyfriend’s tongue draws slow patterns on your sensitive clit. You look down at him eyes lidded with sleep and now lust. “Haru.. what are you doing?” You mumble, blinking the sleep from your eyes. Between your thighs you can feel his cheeks heat up, a feirce blush on his features. He barely pulls from your cunt, mumbling against your center. “Couldn’t sleep, needed to taste you, ‘m want you so bad.”
He groans, hips rutting into the mattress, desperate for some friction to his aching cock. Any further arguments are silenced by a loud moan erupting from your lips, Sakura licks a fat stripe up your clit brfore reattaching his lips fully to your nub. He eats your cunt with such desperation, as if he needed to conume you to keep air in his lungs. His tongue is soon replaced by the rough pad of his thumb, head ducking lower to slide his tongue inside of your entrance, sliding against the silk walls of your pussy. He groans deep in his throat, the vibrations of the noise only enhancing the pleasure you’re feeling. ”Always taste so fucking good, need more..” He groans, pulling from your center, he slides up your body lips attacking yours with reckless hunger. He slid the material of his boxers down in one swift motion, grabbing himself by the base of his cock, collecting your wetness on the tip of his cock using it to ease himself inside your velvety walls.
He lets out a loud groan as he fully sheaths his cock inside you, head dipping to capture your lips with his own. The kiss is immediately laced with hunger, teeth clashing and tongues dancing in each others mouths. He pulls away, heavy breaths fanning against your lips as he sets a harsh steady pace from the start. “Fuck baby… can’t even sleep without you consuming my thoughts. Need you desperately… constantly.. feel like I’ll lose it if I’m not inside of you.”
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Edging/Mommy Kink
You place a delicate kiss to his lips, trailing your kisses down his body until you were situated between his thighs. Looking up at him with hooded eyes from your current position. “You weren't lying baby boy. Look at how hard you are.” You grin, not letting him answer as you gave a few experimental tugs to his cock. Leaning up to lick a fat stripe from his base to his tip, collecting the pre come that had been steadily dripping since you had begun. Pulling away and leaning up once again, you grab his face in your hand, forcing his mouth open before letting your saliva mixed with his precum drip from your mouth to his. Placing a hand over his mouth, you lean down to his ear. “Swallow baby, I want you to taste us.”
You take his shock as an opportunity to lower yourself back down between his legs, swirling your tongue around his sensitive mushroom tip, taking as much as your throat would allow, hollowing your cheeks. Beginning to bob your head up and down on  his cock. Choji tugged at the cloth around his wrists, restraining himself as much as he could to not buck his hips. Failing miserably as his body writhed under yours He cried out as he felt your warm mouth around his cock, tears collecting by the corners of his eyes. Whimpers and cries falling from his lips as he found every ounce of restraint to not let his body betray him. The could in his stomach building once more for what seemed like the umpteenth time that evening. He didn’t want to fuck all of this up and receive punishment even further. “Mommy, please your mouth is so warm… be careful. I dont wanna come.. too soon.”
You grin around him, looking up at him through your lashes, nearly removing yourself from him before plunging back down, taking him until you feel him hit the back of your throat. You do this a few more times before pulling yourself off his cock with a 'pop'. You make your way up his body, getting impatient yourself, feeling your cunt clench around nothing. Straddling his abdomen, right above where he needed you most,  pressing your lips against his in a heated kiss. Desperately trying not to show that you were just as affected by your actions. You grab a fistful of his hair, tugging harshly, effectively separating your lips as you speak against his lips. “Tell mommy what you want baby boy. Go on, use your words I want to hear you.”
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Each one of your pleas fog his mind with uncontrollable lust. Wram brown irises drowning in it. “So desperate for me already, darling, we havent even begun the main event.” He teases, directly into your ear, as he finally lines the tip of his thick cock with your entrance. Suo had been teasing you for what seemed like hours. Pulling orgasm after orgasm from your overstimulated cunt. Having made you come undone on his fingers and tongue several times, your pussy having felt desperatly empty without his cock filling you. He grins as you whine, his head just barely probing your entrance. “Please, Haya.” You whimper desperate for him to do something, anything, tears blurring your vision as they collected at your lashline.
“Please?” He tiles his head in mocking obliviousness. “Please what princess? Gotta tell me what to do or I cant help you, tell me what is it that you want?” He coos, free hand sliding up your stomach, thumb circling a pert nipple. Grinning he leans down tugging on your earlobe with this teeth, breaths fanning against your ear as he continues to speak. “Want me to fill this pretty pussy up with my cock? Feeling you flutter against me, whimpering out my name from those beautiful lips. Is that what youre asking for my pretty little bunny?”
He grins eyes lithe with mischief as you continue to babble, words coming out in a jumbled mess of pleas and calls of his name. Fat tears stream down your cheeks, desperation for him consuming your entire being. Suo’s hand coming up to caress your cheek. Thumb swiping at the tears that cascaded down your face. “Oh, sweet baby” He purrs, slipping the same thumb past your lips, letting you taste the salty wetness of your tears. “Crying for me already? We’ve barely even started.” He giggles, hips lurching forward, slamming into you to the hilt with one swift movement of his hips. Groaning as your back arches from the bed, eyes rolling back with a scream of his name being forced from your lips. “As much as I’d love to hear you beg for it, ive been waiting for too long for you my princess.~”
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Cat and Mouse/CNC
Your breaths come out in heavy pants, your heart racing in your chest, your feet slamming against the grassy terrain as you run as fast as your legs can carry you. The shadow of the figure on your tail looming behind you. You pushed further, weaving in and out of trees to shake your assailant. The dark wooded area was easy to get lost in. You had only paused your running for a moment, attempting to take in your soundings, looking for a route to escape. Attempting to catch your breath, you were sure you had lost him. Just as you were about to turn on your heel and take off once more your eyes shoot wide, feeling fingers of a large hand wrap themselves around your throat. Your attacker using their grip as leverage  to shove you roughly against a tree, the larger figure looms over yours. Tattooed fingers squeezing just enough to make gaining air flow a bit difficult. Lips grazing your ear as he leans down to your height. “Gotcha~”
Endo’s piercing blue eyes lock with yours, leaning down to capture your lips in a heated kiss. Tongue invading your mouth, free hand coming up to cup your dripping cunt. Fingers circling your clit through the thin fabric of your panties. He smirks against your lips as you moan into his mouth. Pulling from you, he quickly removes your soiled panties, running his finger between your soaked slit. Bringing his finger to his lips taking in the way you taste, moaning around his fingers.
“Fuck doll, you taste so fucking good. Already so fucking wet for me.” He uses his thumb to force your mouth open, spitting a glob of saliva between your parted lips. “Go on babydoll, taste yourself.” He chuckles as you instinctively swallow, turning you in his embrace so your bent over. Flipping up your skirt, he leans back to take all of you in, eyes hungrily wracking over your exposed sex. Parting your folds with a thumb, watching as your entrance contracts around nothing a large grin splits across his face as he lands a harsh slap against your ass. “Gotta remind you who this belongs too huh? This cunt is mine princess.”
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! I already have a part two in mind for this, so keep an eye out. Until then, see you later!
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t34-mt · 11 months
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Qua'tuli's traditional adult north-east winter clothes when he returned home, around year 217-219 of GA, before recall (timeline is in the work, numbers might change one day). Altuyur is a hot moon, but only in the far north can temperate seasons can happen.
more infos on clothes below
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info chart, I'll expand on some things I've pointed out in the drawing, so make sure to read the notes before reading the text below
The family's folklore animal:
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The northern, puy'ul families always have an animal associated with them, said association is from history that happened with the animal, but the event has nowadays turned into folklore. The stories only being transmitted orally, they slowly diverge and change to be more fantastical. The emblem animal can start off as a regular one but slowly shift into more strange descriptions, eventually ending up as a unique beast. Even if two families have the same emblem animal, the stories will never be the same. The emblem animal will often be a coastal one. On Qua'tuli's clothes, it is found in a bone disk that is hollowed out, then tissue is placed under and attached on the side, and the animal is embroidered in the tissue. They believe that emblem animals will be here after their burial at sea has been done, they think the creature will pick their core at sea and return them to haanu.
Repeated Eye designs:
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each region have a different depiction of haanu, maanul's all-mighty mother. In the north their version of her has plenty of eyes. constantly shifting from place to place like clouds passing in the sky, they slowly reemerge from her face to disappear in the wrinkles of flesh at the end of her snout. this is what haanu's face looks like in the north ->
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a while i dont have an info chart of every version available yet (ill have a separate post for the subject), this is an old sketch but still very accurate! repeated eye patterns are seen as a protection symbol in north regions
Necklace to hide neck:
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Not having clothes isn't inherently seen as sexual, as context matters, although in day-to-day life adults might have certain body parts to hide depending on region. In the north east, adult of both genders will hide their neck, and will also always have their keel hidden even in interiors when wearing lighter clothes. Although they can be shown to their partner in private settings, they're hidden for cultural beliefs.
As i said context matters so showing keel and neck in north east while bathing (they bathe in groups) will not be seen as a lack of decency, as the setting is them simply washing themselves
lucky charm
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a tooth (of an unidentified animal) qua'tuli has found as a little child in the snow, while throwing himself in the powdered snow he just stumbled upon it and has kept it as his lucky charm. He actually has it with him as a recruit (inside a pocket), and when he came home after acquiring his iron talons he kept it on his foot glove.
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