#illym notes
illym · 5 months
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ztarduzted · 6 months
So like the Illymation drama????
vile take I support illy like fully I don’t get the people who don’t rn
So like ok ok don’t get me wrong, illy isn’t like perfect 100% by any means but who is??? That one carrot and chocolate thing she said in her video could have been worded better but cmon, it’s really not that big of a deal, for the most part you out understand what she was saying. The video that TBYS posted wasn’t “criticism” the way that people are trying to say it was. People are trying to play it off as just a normal constructive criticism video, but if your “constructive criticism” includes like two whole minutes of making fun of someone’s appearance for no reason, I’m concerned. Illy’s response was a bit immature, but I understand where she’s coming from. She said not to send hate and to just take down that one video, not his whole platform, because it was damaging her reputation and mental health because TBYS never even tried to make a statement telling people not to harass illy and she got sent hate for it. People are blowing it way out of proportion saying she was trying to “deplatform him” when she just wanted one video taken down because it was causing her to be deplatformed, and she never even talked about it to her actual YouTube audience, just the small community on tumblr, then TBYS made two more hate filled videos and people just kept dog piling on her. If your gonna get mad at someone for “deplatforming” a known homophobe and transphobe, maybe practice what you preach. And alongside that, I know that some sources were shown in TBYS’s original videos, but there were no links in the descriptions, and absolutely nothing in any of the response videos I’ve seen. There was one video I saw just speculating that all of her doctors were dumb and lied to her, and TBYS also said that most doctors that specialize and make money from being good at nutrition were just wrong. Also, that one response video I mentioned tried to claim gym bros were better at health than licensed professionals???????? It just feels like this is all a massive, overblown hate campaign to a creator because of mistakes. There’s a difference between constructive criticism and just making fun of someone, and while some things that TBYS said were understandable, he made a point to straight up make fun of illy in the middle of his video, not even attempt to stop his fans from harassing illy, then when she replied (and barley received any backlash mind you), he blew up making more videos sending more and more hate and trying to ruin illy’s career. I know illy could have clarified that one point in her video and acted more maturely about the situation, but people are entirely overlooking the fact that TBYS was no where near “perfect” in this situation. (Also, final note, yes, you can absolutely be fat and healthy, saying otherwise is just wrong and makes no sense. Do your research before making half hour long videos making fun of someone)
I assume this drama will just die eventually and people will move on, but either way, I’m going to continue watching and supporting Illy no matter what. She’s a fantastic content creator, and when that video first came out (and there wasn’t some dude bro on the internet telling me it was bad) I absolutely loved at and had a great time watching it. It made me feel really good about myself (since I’ve been exercising daily and been working on myself a lot, but I’ve seen little to no weight loss despite eating healthy and going on a calorie deficit and working hard. It turns out I have something up with my thyroid, and along with that, part of it is just genetics.) I’d started feeling really bad and was trying to eat the bare minimum and it was making it harder to work out and I was feeling sick all the time. One day I was staying home because I felt sick, and I watched illy’s video. It’s not like one video is going to fix my relationship with food, but it has helped. I’m still not losing weight, but I’m getting stronger, feeling better, and eating healthier. Despite all this drama, illy’s videos have helped me feel more comfortable being myself and I will continue supporting her. And Illy, if you’re (somehow) seeing this, just know that there are some people that want to see you fail, but there are so so many more people that love you and your content.
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fatphobiabusters · 5 months
Sadly, yes, illymation did get doxxed. It was twice on a website where it stores doxxing info. I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to put it here since it might bring attention to the website. The website claims to be against "direct threats of violence" in their TOS, but do they even know what doxxing means? They're literally putting illymation on the lifeline, all for a small mishap. From what I saw, she didn't exactly air out the response video out to the public, and even if she did, would it really put it at the same level of her being doxxed? Ngl, I think Think Before You Sleep should have expected this, making content like this is basically a lure for right-wing doxxers, or the adjacent.
It sounds like Think Before You Sleep is in denial over what bedfellows he (?) keeps, from what I've seen in notes on other posts about the situation. A real POS who won't take responsibility.
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This whole situation is fucking ridiculous and any common decorum of internet use has left the building. I hope she's safe, that's all I can think of over and over, where ever she is she has some support IRL.
Btw I rewatched her video on being Jewish and she was doxxed for that too previously. The bedfellows is giving fleas yall.
-mod squirrel
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yourdailyqueer · 1 year
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Illymation (Ilyssa Levy)
Gender: Non binary - Demigirl (she/they)
Sexuality: Bisexual or pansexual
DOB: 15 September 1997
Ethnicity: White - American
Occupation: Animator, Youtuber, singer, songwriter
Note: Is Autistic
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sillygoblinantics · 25 days
I wanted to bring this up as I saw something recently that spread information about the elements to writing and character story.
So allow me to sperg to those who are looking for knowledge about the elements of story.
How should I structure a story?
Depends on the type of story, for the sake of consistency in topic; we’ll go into the multilayered story.
You may have heard this name before or read books by him but the way we write and outline our stories came from the mind of Joseph Campbell.
This is a good video for my visual learners out here, it’s very good and gets the points across very well!
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While Campbell is the go to for his 12 step structure there are a plethora of other authors and writers who’ve just as equally mapped out the hero’s journey!
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Dan Harmon a man that needs no introduction as far as bibliography goes: a fellow nerd, dnd fanatic, telovision writer and creator.
In his story circle, he takes Campbell’s journey and breaks down the fundamental key points to how any storyteller should structure an episode or general story outline/arc.
In other words: it’s simple and straight to the action!
It’s so easy to forget or lose track of your story without a simple point of reference to structure your characters arcs!
Character arcs
This are crucial to not only telling but showing the moments of who we are following on the journey.
Without hurdles, highs and lows, pain, and every kind of thing that life has and will throw at you, than what thrill and satisfaction will the audience get from their turning point?
“Rome was not built in a day, for if it was, the Romans would be left with nothing to do”
- Illymations (animal crossing video)
I like quoting this when the topic of storytelling comes up.
If you had everything you ever wanted and didn’t need any kind of work to get it would the reward still feel rewarding? Probably not. That’s why when you put off doing simple chores and finally get around to completing them that you feel better; it’s rewarding!
Your character should have to run an obstacle course to get to the finish line, but it’s can always look different.
Some stories start with a climax while others have it in the middle!
As long as your character goes on a journey where they return home having grown into someone new and learned something important that forever changed who they started as. You have a story.
And the setting can be just about anywhere and any time. Past/Present/Future, modern or scifi, even in a coffee shop.
I want to specify that by no means should the point of my lil sperging be disregarded by personal bias and opinions of the names mentioned as its not relevant
Properties of the three acts!
The three act structure is the three different key moments to any narrative: the beginning, middle and end. When I talk about acts I’m not talking about plot, that’s a different story ;3 (badumm tsss)
Act 1:
Act one is where we establish the world, setting and rules that apply to it.
It is also where we meet the character(s) of the story.
As we proceed I will be using the Steven Universe movie as an example for the 3Act Structure.
Act one perfectly captures the key points of the first act!
A recap of the events in the show
Introducing Steven and company
As well as the motivations and personality of each main focal character: Steven, amethyst, pearl and garnet
We get a somewhat forward send off to one character
We reach the very last few points of the first act believing nothing bad could change the day before
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Once we meet the final focal character we are thrown into the main overarching plot.
Once Spinel gets poofed, act one ends
Act 11
Not in Kansas anymore
The second act is where the character(s) have to interact with the changed/new environment, the struggle or challenge being had.
We follow them as we have to trek the difficult terrain and solve puzzles that help the character get closer to the end goal
In the movie Steven needs to face three problems: reviving his family (gems) stopping the injector and figuring out who spinel is.
The hero usually faces three trials
They’ll get through 2 but the third is often not successful.
We get garnet back but not fully (this is the failed trial. For now)
Amethyst is first to be brought back
Pearl needs to be reminded of a rebellious spirit to come back
Spinel runs off
And now we enter the final lap
Act 111
Race to the finish line
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As we get to the climax and resolution, we have the big confrontation between the character(s) and the driving force. Sometimes said force is the reason for our arrival into the second act, either by a force of nature or by something/someone.
In the movie Steven confronts spinel rather he chases her, we learn more about her past and her motivation and her relationship with Steven’s mother. The two are able to talk about it now knowing the full story so as Steven returns and catches the others up, all is well until a seed of doubt and fear plants itself in spinel as she panics. Before we get a 1v1 between Steven and spinel garnet returns.
Conflict and the climax have been reached when the highest point of tension finally erupts! And as we fall so too does the tension as we reach the resolve.
So… where do we get there in the movie?
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Spinel slowly realizing before during and after she lets all the bottled feelings she’s kept inside out and she calms… as we close to the victory lap the first minor plot returns with the diamonds coming to earth and spinel finally gets her need.
Wait need? What about the want?!
I left it out for this section.
Characters want vs need
In the beginning the character has a want or that’s what they think until the middle of the story… right in the middle of act 2. Our hero realizes that the original want is no longer there. Now, they have a distinct need. This is when our character grows up and matures!
In the movie Steven has to learn or relearn that he isn’t his mom and doesn’t have to be someone that others expect him to act or be.
Alright I’m low on spoons, but that’s my points!
Oh and characters aren’t perfect just the same as people, if everyone was there wouldn’t be excitement or interesting stories to be told!
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kidfoundonstreets · 1 year
you should all also read richards notes by illym ao3 btw
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27:A song that breaks your heart
28:A song by an artist with a voice that you love
29:A song that you remember from your childhood
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
22:A song that moves you forward
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
20:A song that has many meanings to you
27: pigeon by cavetown ;-;
28: ben platt has a nice voice :] run away and so will i are such lovely songs <3 :D
29: hooked on a feeling!!!!! love that one :) also for baby (for bobby) by peter paul and mary :D and like any song that ive learned from my dad singing it around the house ^_^ <3
30: empty bed by cavetown <//3 on a happier note, stereo hearts by gym class heroes!! my heart's a stereo, it beats for you so listen close... i express a lot of myself through music and sharing it and i also use it to sort of understand the world and people around me so !! it fits :]
22: way less sad by ajr!! no, i ain't happy yet, but i'm way less sad!! rly does encapsulate that Feeling
23: flowers on the grave by the maine. OBSESSED. also stardust from 2020 is reaching from the grave to say recipe for me by thomas sanders is a Good Song
20: oh boy oh boy.... so many of them. recipe for me by thomas sanders again, green by cavetown, sofia by clairo, you will be found from dear evan hansen.... beautiful? by illymation and secret for the mad by dodie also QnQ many of them really. so so many <3
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cobycobsy2k · 2 years
Get In Tag
I've been tagged by the fabulous @jsasimmer, thank you so much for everything! 💖😄
Why did you choose your url?
I think I told this story, didn't I? hehe, don't worry, I'll gladly tell you again: When I was 13 years old, my first pets were two guinea pigs (Beware of this fact: One of the Spanish names for guinea pigs is "Cobaya", and if you ask them, in Ecuador and Peru, guinea pigs are called "Cuyes", if in your country they have different names for guinea pigs, you can write it down here!), unfortunately, they passed away... And to pay homage to my first pets I decided put in my url "CobyCobs" (A more fun way to say Cobaya).
How long have you been on tumblr?
I'm literally a baby on Tumblr, I'm almost a year old on this beautiful platform!
Do you have a queue tag?
I'm going to sound a bit stupid but... What is queue 👀?
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
A long time ago, when I began to discover the fabulous world of The Sims, I always made "Stories" with my simmies (Whether they were parodies of episodes of South Park or creating a "reality show") and we must also add the fact that I see youtubers like Let Me Explain Studios, Jaiden Animations, illymation, SomeThingElseYT, Odd1sout and also I usually remember my embarrassing past when I used to watch channels like "My Story Animated" (I swear I'm sooo embarrassed every time I remember that...) 😳😂
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Honey, King Nervous is a true icon 💅✨
Why did you choose your header?
The truth is that I only put that image, because I was bored xD (I think I'll change it for a more iconic one, in that case, what image would you like for my new header?)
What's your post with the most notes?
Actually I have some hehe, among them would be: My blog praising King Nervous and the first part of my Y2k Celebrities blogs.
How many mutuals do you have? / How many followers do you have?
👁👄👁 *quickly proceeds to count everything* I have 109 mutuals and currently have 193 followers (Wow I can't believe I've made so many friends and followers on Tumblr! BTW thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for following me I'm really very grateful for sharing my blogs with you guys, never change, I love you so much!)
How many people do you follow?
305 Blogs (The truth is I follow a bit of everything hehe, but most are Simblrs and fan blogs of Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Tobey Maguire, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez; And I also follow Y2K blogs).
Have you ever made a shitpost?
Yup, among my shitpost are things like "Aesthetic Warnings, I hate Buzz Grunt, Keep an eye on Geoff and Marissa Rutherford".
How often do you use tumblr each day?
You could say that tumblr is my favorite app, after youtube and instagram hehe, I use it most of the time (Whether it's to see beautiful blogs, say hello to my friends or see cc for my simmies).
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
No, the truth is that the simmers are a big and loving family, which always supports each other! That's why I love you guys so much.
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog these’ posts?
You have to reblog haha! It's fun to see what things can be reblogged.
Do you like tag games?
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Do you like asking games?
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Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Actually some of my mutuals are famous in the simblr community haha.
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
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Mmm.... Well that's fine... I have several crushes but there is one that is very important...
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I have a crush on....
Frank Lions, you are soooo iconic!!🥺💖✨
I´m going to tag @jawusa , @andrisims  , @antoninko , @gutosimmer @simminglytimeladies
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Outing my chaotic ships(that I still low key ship)
For note! If you currently ship these ships, I don't care, I ship them and still browse the tag every one and again. I just thought this would be something fun to do and maybe we can contact with these ships. (Also not cringe cuz cringe culture is dead and chaos culture rules yes I'm quoting illymation)
Tom and Jerry (from well tom and Jerry) I was 13 and I just found out about humanoid animal characters and was in love
Rigby and Mordecai (from regular show) again humanoid characters.
Guren and ceylan (from Tenkai knights) does anyone remember Tenkai knights? Just me? Ok
Jack Frost and pitch black (from rise of the Guardians) love that movie
Shaggy and Fred (from Scooby Doo) now this ship is something I found not to long ago. And am currently looking at
Danny and dash (from Danny phantom) why not? I love a good enemies to lovers plot
Disney wlw and mlm ships (from Disney) why? Cuz Aladdin and Hercules needed to happen yesterday and if I don't see Esmeralda with tiana I will riot
Rook and Ben (from Ben 10 omniverse) a I still ship to this day! Also fun fact I didn't ship Ben with anyone until rook ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lewis and Arthur (from the mystery skulls animations) I have a theory about these two that I won't say until the next animation comes out
I'm sure there are more ships that I just can't remember at the moment, but those are some of the ships I ship or shipped. If you guys have any ships you wanna share feel free to!!
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solesurvivorjen · 6 years
One more page guys!
Who is ready for the chaos!
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illym · 9 days
Hello everyone! If you didn't know, Strive has their Season 3 p2 survey going on right now (and it's ending tomorrow at 23:59 JST). If you haven't submitted a response to it, you should go do that!
And, if you like anything that I've put out there (fic, translation, art) and you don't have strong 2nd and 3rd opinions, may I suggest you vote for Justice and Robo-Ky?
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As is pretty clear, I'm a huge fan of both of them, and I'd love if they were playable again.
I have more suggestions for what you could say in the survey, but this is the most important to me. Here's the link, and everything else will be below the cut.
The survey has some options for open suggestions on what to add to or change about Strive. Here are some ideas that you can use for inspiration or just send in wholesale.
"Once the next Season Pass comes out, please consider releasing a story mode that includes the new DLC characters together, like how Another Story included many of the Season Pass 1 and 2 characters."
"I think a major problem with Strive is the bare bones single player content, and characterization available. Compared to XRD and Accent Core +R, it is very lacking."
"Unique match quotes and a more story and interaction filled Arcade Mode would be an excellent way to add more characterization to Strive."
What's most important to me is voting for Robo-Ky and Justice to get into Strive, though. I want to see Justice in 3d so bad. And I want to see Robo-Ky's funny moves again.
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amuletrebel · 6 years
Thanks to this video, I will forever refer to “fucking” as “HYUCKing”. I fHYUCK you not.
Side Note: I love illymation and you should totally check her out. She’s extremely inspirational, to me and many others.
illymation: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsKVP_4zQ877TEiH_Ih5yDQ
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illym · 4 days
[ chapter 3 of guilty gear fic goes up today. This post is for queue organization purposes. ]
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illym · 1 year
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Cringetober day 11 - Yandere actually I did lovecore from google images
I had no ideas for the prompt and one of my friends said I should draw lovecore and this was born. Don't take this seriously but it's making me laugh.
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illym · 5 months
I am deeply stressed right now. Somebody send me the name of a Guilty Gear character and I will talk about what they're up to in my au (if I have a plot for them. If not, I'll discuss them aimlessly.)
Or my ocs [ thalia, rye, sylv, name pending ]. I like them too.
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illym · 4 months
I had a dream last night that I wrote a Sylv ficlet and posted it and people kept coming into my inbox like "hey I really loved the relationship between your characters I could tell how much they care about each other, Sylv was really strongly written I loved seeing xem react to things. But what's the deal with that Robo-Ky guy. He seems like a toaster crossed over with a man who just sucks. What's up with that."
Very fun.
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