#ily sm anon
heartofhubris-a · 1 year
egglectric avenue
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plush-rabbit · 1 year
Woah I haven’t been on tumblr in a couple years at this point! But I remembered you!! <3 thought you’d like to know the impact your work can have
you remember my stuff after years;-; really?? you're like being forreal?? oh my gosh, im gonna have a cry and lie giggle and stuff!!!
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raz-writes-the-thing · 8 months
Oh by the way, your vampire reader x Aziraphale fic made me go CRAZY in the best way!!!! It was so hot and also I love the idea of them being friends (to lovers oops) with an immortal vampire just bc well, they have a lot in common from the get go. But Aziraphale being himself and giving, doing good for a friend and then finding yet another carnal pleasure. The erotic experience of being fed from (asking for more!!) and the blood being an aphrodisiac and Crowley walking in on and watching them (SCREAMS!!)!! So good. Thank you for the delicious meal!!!!
Omg thank you so much for this??? You're so sweet???
I can't even with the support rn for real. I love that with an immortal reader there's much less concern for the husbands to outlive the reader. They've got forever to be together, yknow?
You're most welcome for the nutritious and delicious meal! We serve all hours here haha
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heartbreak-sandwich · 5 months
Hear me out on this one! A cute secret date turn relationship with Billy x fem reader. He doesn’t want people like his dad or Tommy getting in the way with his time with his girlfriend. You can write it however you pls!
Hope you like that idea, thank you 😊
Hiiiii!!! I’m sorry this sat in my inbox for so long!! I’m finally catching up on all of my requests, and this one is so cute! I really appreciate your patience, and I hope you like it! We're feeling fluffy with this one today 💕 | Master List 📖
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You weren’t sure what a date with Billy Hargrove would entail. You had heard the rumors about the new King of Hawkins High – how he took a different girl home every week, and his sleek, blue Camaro was permanently parked out at Lover’s Lake. You were shocked that Friday when you were alone in the auditorium running through light cues, and Billy approached you.
“Tommy’s not here,” you called to him as he walked down one of the aisles. Tommy Hagan had been charged with sweeping up the auditorium during the lunch hour for two weeks after playing what he thought was a harmless prank on a freshman on the basketball team, and you were sure Billy had come looking for him.
“Is it just you in here?” His question caught you off guard, but you tried not to let it distract you from your work.
“Yeah. Did you need something?” Billy sat down in the chair next to you, and you finally looked up from your stack of cue sheets to see his signature smirk and cerulean eyes, deep like the ocean. You could smell his spiced aftershave, a hint of cigarette smoke, and the cool aroma of winterfresh gum as he leaned in closer to you.
“I just came to see if you’re free tonight.” Billy smacked his gum as he rested an arm over the back of your chair, awaiting your answer. You froze, unsure if this was a mistake or some kind of cruel joke.
“What for?” You searched his expression for any clues as to what he might be thinking, but it was unchanging.
“To go out,” he answered nonchalantly. Your breath caught in your chest, and crimson heat crept up to your cheeks.
“Like…on a date?” He had to have noticed your blushing and the perplexing look on your face, but he kept his cool completely.
“Of course.” He beamed, his blinding smile causing your stomach to erupt into butterflies.
“With you?!” Billy’s exterior cracked slightly with that question. He looked offended, almost irritated, and he started to fidget with something in his pocket.
“Look, if you don’t want to –”
“No!” You cut him off in a hurry. “No, it’s not that at all. It’s just –” He looked intently into your eyes as you tried to find the right words to explain your bewilderment. “I guess I didn’t think I was really your type.”
Billy chuckled and looked down at his shoes before meeting your eyes once more. “Well, I guess there’s a lot you don’t know about me. I’ll pick you up at, say, 8 o’clock?” The voice in your head was screaming don’t do it; you know better, but everything else in your body reacted in the complete opposite fashion.
“Sure,” you agreed softly. Billy smiled once more before standing up from his chair, taking smooth strides toward the auditorium’s exit.
“See you tonight,” he called over his shoulder, never looking back. You heard the door close after him, and all you could do was stare wide-eyed at the wall while you tried to process what had just happened.
Of course he brought you to some random clearing in the woods. You were sure he was either about to murder you or try to get laid, and you couldn’t decide which one was worse. You assumed a date would occur somewhere conventional, like the movies, a restaurant, or the mall – not here at…an overlook? You tried not to let your apprehension show as Billy shifted his car into park.
“Well, here we are,” he declared, opening the driver’s side door and climbing out of the car into the chill of the starry night. You were surprised again when you heard the passenger door opening just a few seconds later, and he helped you out of your seat, steadying you on the uneven ground.
“Where is here, exactly?”
“I’ll show you; come here. And be careful. There’s a lot to trip over out here in the dark,” he warned. That didn’t make you feel any better about the possibility of being murdered, but you didn’t have much choice but to hold onto his arm as he led you to a guard rail at the top of the overlook.
“Wow,” you murmured. Every single light throughout the town of Hawkins was visible from where the two of you stood, and it was absolutely breathtaking. You had never seen so many shooting stars, and the deep navy sky was littered with sparkling clusters which were usually totally camouflaged under the umbrella of downtown’s streetlamps.
“You like it?” Billy sounded hopeful, like he actually cared whether his choice pleased you, and you nodded. He let out a small sigh of relief, and he slowly took your hand from his arm, interlacing your fingers together. The setting was more romantic than you had expected, and you couldn’t shake the nagging thoughts in the back of your mind that something was still amiss.
What if he had taken you here just so no one would see you together?
What if he was ashamed to be with you?
“Billy?” The anxiety in your voice must have been obvious because you felt him tense up beside you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing at all,” you half lied. “This is amazing. It’s just – are you embarrassed to be seen with me?”
“What?” The hurt in his tone tugged on your heartstrings. “No…no, why would you think that?” His other hand covered the top of yours, and he turned to face you. You could hardly make out his features in the dim glow of the city lights below you, but you could feel his concern tainting the atmosphere.
“I guess I expected a date to be somewhere more public. And when you took me to a hideout in the mountains, I was worried it was because you didn’t want anyone to know we were together,” you admitted, avoiding his eye contact. His warm hands squeezed yours just a little tighter.
“Hey, look at me,” he soothed. “That’s not what this is. I didn’t want anyone to interrupt us. I wanted to be alone, just the two of us, so we could talk. You know, have real conversations. I’m so tired of my dad, my coaches, Tommy, Troy, and everyone else breathing down my neck, criticizing every decision I make.” Billy cupped the side of your face, grazing your cheek with his thumb. “I don’t want anyone getting in the way of something that could be really, really good for me.”
Your scarlet flush returned at his reassurance. You never would have dreamed Billy could be so gentle, so emotional. But he wanted to be here with you, marveling at this beauty, and it was the start of something wonderful.
“I believe you. I’m sorry for assuming. I’m just not used to things like this,” you whispered. He closed the distance between you so that your noses were touching, and you could feel his breath against your lips – a cool, winterfresh breeze.
“Do you want to be together? Like, as a couple?” Billy almost seemed nervous to ask you, but you were elated, answering him without wasting another second.
“Yes. Of course, yes.” You couldn’t stifle your grin. You felt sunshine in your chest, and you didn’t know what else to say in that moment, but everything felt perfect.
Billy leaned in slowly, his lips connecting with yours in the sweetest of first kisses. Time slowed as the two of you connected, and nothing else mattered while you basked in his warmth, stars showering overhead as the town of Hawkins slipped into a slumber below you.
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fatuismooches · 7 months
SMOOCHES imagine. Zandik realizes you're giving him so much, all this love and attention he's never received before, and he... doesn't like that. He's hardly given you anything, why do you give so much without asking for anything in return? So he begins trying to match your energy. He wants to see what will happen. Will you get overwhelmed? Will you be accepting? He's curious.
This backfires for him, because you double your efforts in loving him. Every time he tries to match you, you up the ante. When he asks why, he's flabbergasted by the answer.
"I want to make sure you always feel loved, no matter what."
Zandik considers himself a logical man, one of reason and science. He believes the way to truth is through hypothesizing and experimentation. Which is why he finds himself pondering and thinking about your actions far too much. Are you perhaps conducting an experiment on him? Is that why you are being so doting and loving? Is that why you love him so much and try so hard for him despite his lackluster actions? Are you trying to see how long it'll take for him to let his guard down, and then take advantage of him? (He knows he's lying to himself, but he can't help it.) Interesting, very interesting, and quite intelligent of you to be honest. He has to applaud your perseverance, not many would take it this far for someone like him. Alright, then he will do the same thing, You will become his little test subject as well, and then he will see how you like the tables being turned. Sure, it's going to be a bit of a struggle for him to be as affectionate as you, but he will do it, for the sake of the experiment. Yes, the experiment... that's totally what this is for.
Unfortunately, the variables of this experiment were far out of his control. Zandik genuinely didn't think it was possible for you to be even more lovey dovey, but here he was now, practically being smothered by how affectionate you were being. For once, Zandik is completely and utterly... outclassed. He simply can't hope to match you in this area... now he just has to know, for his notes and future reference, why do you go so far? Especially for him? Your answer is laughably simple, and he too would have laughed if he wasn't so shocked. You just wanted to make sure he felt loved at all times. How dumb, Zandik thinks. How dumb... how stupid of you to waste your time and energy on something like that...
But this was the only experiment Zandik has ever been glad that it resulted in a failure.
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just-null-cult · 6 months
Just curious, have you read a Noritoshi x reader fanfic on Quotev titled Body is one, mind is a million?? It is SO. GOOD. SO. GOOD.
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^^^real image of me reading that fic in every chapter
Anon, I need to make out with you rn. Why was this gem hidden from me. Tysm for telling me about this, i will think of nothing else.
heres the link if you want to read it for yourself!
[my rabid ramblings and fanboying under the cut]
I read the first chapter and intro, and I'm already hooked. Stoic and PINING NORITOSHI??? + TEASING GN READER?????????? I COULD FEEL THE PINING FIRST CHAP IN IM FUCKING DONE.
dude, you have no idea how badly I needed this in my veins. it's so tough finding fics that I like, and this one is so //PUNCHES MYSELF.. man if i tweak how i write for Noritoshi bc of this fic, i'll die. tysm to the writers out there.
IM GONNA GO DELUSIONAL BRO OH MY GOD AFJEK the way Kuzure (the author) wrote Noritoshi to be annoyed by you but grow to love you. its. ITS MY FAVORITE TROPE.. kuzure........ i have to add you to the wall of heros..
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528-hotline · 6 months
I can’t add links in anon :( but this just screams Matt to me like the big strong muscles and the way he’s holding her down while she pushes him away https://x.com/sugarfemdom/status/1680786529478922240?s=46
dw i was giggling while watching this yo… and one of my fav vids too ahhh!!/!:!:!!/
you already had multiple releases from matthew eating your pussy non-stop but you can’t stop him bc of his big strong arms resisting you from escaping from his tongue. he’s eats your pussy like a man starved for days to the point you we’re already crying and begging to stop but he just can’t resist the taste of your sweet pussy 😵‍💫😵‍💫 well, you asked for it and he will comply until you’re all overstimulated and emptied out 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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stealingpotatoes · 7 months
hey just wanted to let you know this was posted uncredited. i’m going to add credit to the post, but i wanted to link in case you wanted it to be taken down.
normally i'd say yes but it's got 12k upvotes which is an aggressive egoboost LOL. i'll try dm op abt it or smthn but thank you very much for letting me know!!!!!!
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pien-art · 2 months
your art tastes like freshly baked cookies (just out from the oven)
;-; thank you sm <333333
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helaelaemond · 7 months
miss what are your thoughts on everything?🎤
I think that compared to the Ewan we've seen so far, today's behaviour was quite extroverted. But again, at last year's premiere he wasn't as prominent as he is now and that's why I think he made such an impact on us. 😭
And he's at the peak of his career and he's very professional, he handled himself very well and you can tell he had a good time and that's the most important thing!
Also, I want to add that I was very happy with his constant demonstration of gratitude to the fans. In the Omelete panel he kept waving and noticing the fans in the crowd, plus the mention of the fanmail, SPECIFICALLY THE FANMAIL, IT FELT VERY PERSONAL.
I am glad he is trying new things and adapting to what his career requires of him, I am very proud of him. 😭💞
hello hello! You make some great points!!!
I interpreted this as his first live stage performance - everything was rehearsed, every line, every pause, and I respect it. I think he was probably just playing another role and it was potentially quite far from who he really is as a person, and that's not a bad thing!
He's clearly gone through some fantastic media training, and he was very much an HBO mouthpiece for this HBO event. Again, not a bad thing at all. Given the success of this, I wouldn't be surprised if we get to see him on the press tours come s2. Fingers crossed for Ewan, Phia, and Tom all togetherrrrrrrrr but who knows??
Definitely so sweet how he brought up the fanmail, waving to fans, the little thumbs up he gave the 'We <3 Ewan / Team Green' sign. Like you said, he was very professional and handled himself well, and clearly adapting to what is now required of him. I do sometimes wonder if he knows just how talented and skilled he is. Really hoping he recognises what an astounding actor he is, genuinely so, and how far he can - and hopefully will - go.
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Ohhh heheheeeeeHEHEEHHEEEEE giggles and rubs my hands together evilly. so we’ve had cult leader!geto and you who’s mad at him… and we’ve also had you who’s slowly accepting loving him…. But what about cult leader!geto and reader that’s just. Moved on. Accepted it when he left because of the understanding that it’s just the way life goes. Doesn’t mean to say that you didn’t miss him, that you still don’t, it just means that you understand that there’s no point being angry about things you can’t change, so you let it go. Obviously, it’s sugu. There’s no replacing him. But you don’t try to replace him, you just carry on with life. You find other people who are special to you and you don’t try to fill the hole he left in your heart, you accept it, heal it, and work around it. He sees you again years later and he excepts you to be angry at him — wishes that you’d be angry at him — but you’re not, you just smile at him. There’s no anger in your eyes, no bared teeth or quips of bitterness, just a soft kind of understanding that you can forgive him and carry on with your life without allowing him back in. IM ACTUALLY GOING INSANE PLEASE…. It’s not quite you forgiving him and loving him, moreso just understanding and accepting that he was someone very special, but just not accepting him into your life again. He can’t exactly tame you because you’re not angry. There’s no storm to wait out, there’s no rage for him to soothe. Nonchalance and acceptance I think is the best way to combat him methinks… :333 OMGGG think of that beabadoobee song “the way things go” ohhhhh..
“Passed your house when I was on the train, in my mind you’ll always stay the same.” “And there’s so much left to say, I guess I’m just the bigger guy.” “A distant memory I used to know, oh I guess that’s just the way things go.” SCREAMS!!!! AUGGHHH IM SORRY THIS IS WAY TOO LONG BUT. AUGHH I could scream ab sugu forever…. <333 — stsg anon !!
STSG ANON i need you to know that this broke me. gutted me. i feel numb inside THIS IS SUCH A TASTY SCENARIO I’M SCREAMING
okay so. just putting this out there; i think this would break him. lmao. this is the cruelest thing you could do to him because it’ll hurt him like nothing else. and he deserves it!! this is the best possible scenario for you, but the worst for him. and that’s just….. soooo bittersweet.
He sees you again years later and he excepts you to be angry at him — wishes that you’d be angry at him — but you’re not, you just smile at him. There’s no anger in your eyes, no bared teeth or quips of bitterness, just a soft kind of understanding that you can forgive him and carry on with your life without allowing him back in.
goshhhh stsg anon…………. the way you wrote this…………. :(((( i’m in awe of you always. this made me so so emotional i’m just ……… hhhhhhh…… my heart is crumbling a tiny bit but i’m gonna try to be coherent…… T_T
i think geto would be happy for you. i think that despite his own feelings, he’d ultimately make the painful choice to respect your wishes and stay out of your life. it hurts him but there’s also this sense of inevitability — this is the natural consequence of his actions. he was a fool for expecting anything else, hoping for anything else. but a part of him always wished that you could be together again; and i think that wish hurts him more than anything.
geto really is just a lonely guy at the end of the day, and the thing about his ideal world is that it doesn’t even just boil down to a world without non-sorcerers — to geto, it boils down to a world where i don’t have to see my loved ones suffer. that’s what he wants more than anything!! and i think that even though he knows it’s unrealistic, even impossible, a part of him was always hoping that you’d wait for him to create that world for you. that you could one day go back to the way things were.
so meeting you again, and being forced to accept that it just won’t happen… that he’s just a person of your past and nothing else…. yeahhhh. it breaks him a little. then again, he always wished for your forgiveness; at least he has that. at least he knows you don’t hate him. there’s a kind of comfort in that, even though he probably would’ve preferred feelings of hatred to no feelings at all. :(
no but this is genuinely heartbreaking from geto’s pov and it’s even worse because you’re just doing what’s best for you!!! there’s no anger, no hard feelings, and it irks him because there’s nothing he can do!! you’re so right stsg anon!!! there’s no storm to wait out, there’s no rage for him to soothe….. there’s nothing he can do to change your mind. it just is what it is.
i also think this forces him into unveiling himself. this is just my own take but my interpretation of cult leader!geto is that he’s pretending to be something he’s not like . 80% of the time…. i think he copes by creating all these new personas, silly and overbearing and cruel, when deep down he’s still just sad and a little bit lost. a little lonely. it’s very telling that he felt the need to create a new family, because that’s just the kind of guy he is — he needs to have people around him to protect and cherish. very similar to gojo (stsg soulmatism strikes again)…. when he meets gojo in jjk 0 he feigns nonchalance, but later, when he’s watching the sunset and thinking about their history, he just looks sad. resigned. there’s a softness he’s trying to hide, but it never quite leaves him.
and i think that with you being so open, so sincere, he really wouldn’t have any choice but to meet that with a sincerity of his own. i can see him giving you one last sad smile, and honestly telling you that he’s happy for you. that he wishes you nothing but the best. and he truly means it. he wants you to be happy more than anything; it’s fine if he can’t be there to see it.
it’s a shame, but he’ll learn to live with it — for you.
so anyway this made me cry AND THEN YOU TOP IT OFF WITH BEABADOBEE????????? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME????????? THAT SONGGGGG STOP STOP PLEASE I CANT TAKE IT 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 it’s so geto i’m abt to throw up blood
can’t remember how to say your name // let alone count all the freckles on your face // a distant memory i used to know // oh, i guess that's just the way things go // oh, i guess that's just the way things go
can’t remember when you said you called // miles away, and it was still my fault // the love you said you had, it sometime showed // oh, i guess that's just the way things go // oh, i guess that's just the way things go
passed your house when i was on a train // in my mind, you'll always stay the same // i’m happy now, i ought to let you know // but i guess that's just the way things go // oh, i guess that's just the way things go // and i don’t mind that that's the way things go.
:(((((( stsg anon i’m not even joking this made me tear up …… he’s just so lonely. you’ll always be you, and he’ll always be suguru. i don’t think he could ever stop being fond of you, even if you were to forget him one day. in my mind, you’ll always stay the same………….. sniffle. he’ll always, always remember you.
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crawls out of finals week covered in blood (i'm still not done)
an anon on the lifesteal headcannons blog had the most genius idea for a leo design and i needed to absorb it
brain image is saying that the hands on the clock mask can react as a sort of expression, and then the watch on his left arm shows how many hearts he's at (handwriting transcription from the art: hour hand always points at 20, minute hand points at his current heart count, and the second hand moves at his heart rate)
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evansbby · 21 days
Question: Does Ari hear Steve when he said to Reader that they kissed like merely hours before attending his gala? Or was he too caught up in the moment of him almost kissing her after he told her he loved her?
Cause I was confused how that was so easily brushed over 😭
Btw: Best fucking fic ever. Team Steve
he does hear it! if you go back and reread that part, i do believe i mention that ari bristles when he hears this revelation. but then he brushes it off and recovers quickly. i guess he realised that now wouldn't be the best time for him to turn around and be like "Y/N WHY DID YOU KISS STEVE TONIGHT????" bahahaahha
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heartbreak-sandwich · 7 months
Top five Billy moments
ooooooh this is a GOOD one ❤️‍🔥
Billy getting ready for his date, jamming to old school Metallica in his room, lusting after himself in the mirror, rubbing cologne on his balls, you know, typical bratty pretty boy stuff.
His entrance in Season 3 at the pool. Definitely my favorite entrance. The slow motion walk, shirtless, the cigarette, the song, just...perfect.
His keg stand and spitting his extra beer all over himself before walking up to Steve like he's going to take a bite out of him or something. Terminator Billy costume is so gorgeous, and he's just so nasty for all of that, I love it.
His shower scene with Steve where Billy talks shit to him before turning off his water and leaving. He's such a dick for that, and it was asdjfkl; and also.............naked. Enough said.
Billy meeting Karen for the first time when he's looking for Max. He played her so good. His smug little self in his slutty red shirt and tight jeans........and THE COOKIE. Ugh it kills me.
Thank you sm for sending me this ask!!!!! 💕
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uniame · 9 months
The way you draw Alex makes me to sick and ill like my hands get so shaky I love him so much and you draw him so good and and and and and and and
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Alex and I love you anon
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everythingbutdragons · 6 months
the day i go off anon here ill explode into a little puddle of embarrassment
Cackling because that's how I feel sometimes.
But it's you, fishsticks, Nyx and lexie keeping me sane so-
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