#ily2 carly!!!
heeliopheelia · 1 year
omgg I love you sos so so much..... can I be your 👻 anon if its not taken?
Hi cutie!! Of course, welcome to the family!! 😭 Pls don't be shy and literally spam me about anything bcs I love talking to you guys 😚🫶
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music-catalogue · 1 year
Heartstopper Season 2: A Mixtape
I'm still recovering from how amazing Season 2 was... We are not ready for season 3. Despite this season being absolutely perfect otherwise, I didn't enjoy the soundtrack quite as much as the first, though it was nice to see some of my soundtrack predictions in there. Here's my own mixtape capturing some of those Heartstopper Season 2 vibes <3
Run Away With Me - Carly Rae Jepsen
Colours Of You - Baby Queen
Young - Beon Capital, Kinck
You're So Pretty - Wasia Project
Saturday - All The Damn Vampires, Mint Simon
I Want To Kiss You - The Spook School
Out Of My League - Fitz and the Tantrums
Seven - Taylor Swift
I Only Want To Be With You - The Tourists
Shatter - Maggie Rogers
ILY2 - NewDad
Wake Me - Bleachers
Love Of My Life - Summer Camp
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hyojinrk-archived · 5 years
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#5020 — kim hyojin &  #5017 — kang daniel ( @danielxrk​ )
MGA 5 EPISODE 4: nida team f2′s kpop vs. pop mashup ( arrangement )
mentions: @rksakura, @rkseunghun, @rkmason, @rkkenta, @danielxrk and many more!
with everything completely unpredictable, mixed in with too many confounding variables for him to do anything but desperately hope to show the best version of him every time, hyojin finds himself unable to wish for more than anything to make it past each round. he’s not the type to be disappointed for not being the best -- the fact that he had been praised in the first episode by the ceos was already amazing enough for him, and even sakura’s compliment still makes him blush whenever he thinks back to how she had called his voice pretty. besides, all that matters to him is that he’s improving and slowly learning to polish his skills, to become more refined than the rough rock he currently was. he’s quite happy enough being able to sing onstage and to show off his charms, taking whatever he could to be a learning experience for the future.
it’s not surprising to him at all that half of the people comprising the best duos of the week were named as the most talented in their skill category the previous week; if anything, he’s far more shocked that on the other side of things, some of the best got eliminated. yuqi, one of the best rappers, and then some talented singers, like jinyoung -- actually, all of them were quite good, so it’s rather jarring. it’s nowhere near as emotionally stressing as wonpil’s or seungmin’s eliminations, but still disappointing nevertheless, because he’s sure that everyone’s worked incredibly hard just to be here at this point.
perhaps he’s naive for thinking it, but he wishes that this was really just some kind of talent show, a place where people can show off their skills and learn from others without having to face the harsh reality of elimination and rankings. but that’s not why the mgas is so popular -- something like a tv showcase for talent can only happen once the acclaim is earned, the respect fought for with tooth and claw.
as much as many of the others seemed more aggressive and hyojin far more passive, it was by no means an indicator of passion or desire to do well. it seemed counterintuitive, but sometimes, when he looks up at the little cracks in the ceiling of his bedroom, reaching a finger up to trace them like constellations, hyojin feels his heart burn, his head rushing with a waterfall of thoughts, wishes, feelings that he can only describe as hunger. hunger and determination for the spotlight. sometimes, the ones that show their claws last can be the most dangerous -- he’s just as desperate, in a way, if not more so, but he shows it in a different way.
as the filming ends, he pats seunghun’s shoulder affectionately, smiling fondly at the boy and giving him a high five for a job well done. looks like he now owes someone spicy pork -- maybe they’ll go out later that week to celebrate before things spiral into madness once thursday comes again, although he’s sure they’ll both be busy in their duos. his mouth quirks up slightly as he comments on seunghun’s pairing with a “minho, huh? lucky duck. i’ll be looking forward to it. good luck, hunnie~”
as they part, hyojin finds himself wandering over to his own partner, his eyes having wandered over to the ashy-haired male the moment their names were called out, widening in surprise. who knew that he’d end up getting paired with daniel? the man was a lot of things in hyojin’s eyes -- a member of the famed empty enigma and sungwoon’s bandmate, competition, an unlikely collaboration partner -- but a duo partner was not an expected title. either fate works in strange ways, or mnet really does have eyes everywhere. after all, hyojin wouldn’t be surprised if there are videos circulating on the web of him and daniel performing fear together, especially coinciding with the mgas filming period. he can already sense some conspiracy theories popping up the moment things get revealed.
nevertheless, he can feel the excitement welling up, prudent but strong, at the prospect of working together with him again, this time for real. he’s been paying pretty close attention to daniel’s performances lately, impressed with his charisma and creativity, as well as his willingness to take risks and show off different talents. at the same time, though, hyojin really hopes that he can sing together with the male again.
finally making his way through the crowd of people leaving the studio to the taller, broad-shouldered male, hyojin taps his shoulder. “daniel-ssi, we meet again.” holding out a hand to the male, similar to the first time when they met, hyojin flashes him a soft and welcoming smile. “let’s do our best!”
it’s a bit awkward at first -- even though there’s an air of mutual respect hovering around the both of them, they don’t quite know each other well enough to joke around like he does with hunnie. nevertheless, hyojin tries his best, listening attentively to what suggestions the other threw out and trying to add his own input. admittedly, they both had a relatively similar track record for songs so far -- they’ve both done girl group remakes at some point, remixes of pop songs, made heavy use of live instruments when performing. it’s this comfort and familiarity with instrumental that brings them closer, though, and after a few sessions of messing around with chords and tossing around songs, along with careful questions about the others’ lives, daniel suggests that they do a mashup.
at first, it strikes hyojin with surprise -- the fact that he’s never thought to do something like that surprises him, but it quickly turns into approval; the only way they could change up things in a fun and creative way was to do something like that. except, it’s a little different this time. daniel’s practically fluent in english, and hyojin is markedly not, but they both want to do pop songs. the thing is, in which language?
it’s quickly resolved before anything comes up, though -- they agree that they could do a mix of both american and korean songs, and with daniel’s more expansive knowledge of the former and hyojin’s familiarity with the latter, they decide to split up and choose their own songs, meeting in the middle to mix them together and make the necessary cuts.
for hyojin, he finds himself sifting through a multitude of pop songs, deciding on the more recent ones, along with selections from representative groups like bts, twice, and blackpink, along with one of his personal favorite songs, n.flying’s rooftop. likewise, daniel chooses his songs, and things go relatively smoothly from there. admittedly, hyojin finds himself impressed with his partner’s ability to mesh the songs well together for the most part, and although he helps in the process, he can’t help but think that this would have been a far more monumental task had daniel not been with him. even though they’re vastly different, they seem to have a hidden chemistry that hyojin can neither put his finger on or explain properly, one becomes clear when they perform together on stage.
they decide to go for a mix of guitar and keyboard, a bit similar to a band but less focused on the instrumental and more so on the singing and the novelty of the song mashup, and as they practice, hyojin figures out places to ad lib and to harmonize. they work surprisingly well together, like cogs in a bigger machine, and it becomes easier and easier to talk with daniel about other things about music and away from mgas, bonding over music and talking about empty enigma, sharing recommendations and letting their music tastes blend together into the perfect collaboration performance.
"what about f2?” hyojin offers, tilting his head. after spending a decent amount of time quietly thinking to himself, letting daniel throw out some names first and letting the both of them play around with the idea before ultimately dropping it in hopes of finding something better, an idea formulates in hyojin’s head. after hearing that daniel hadn’t had a team name with heejin, it for some reason makes him even more determined to come up with a good name, one that matches the greatness of the one he had with seunghun.
“you know how there’s f4 from boys over flowers? we could be that, but since there’s two of us, we’ll be f2.” he says it a bit jokingly, laughing at the ridiculousness of his own suggestion, even as he adds, “we’ll make the audience fall in love with us with our overflowing charm.”
it ends up becoming their name, though, once daniel points out that the name is also a chord ( despite not knowing the drama hyojin was talking about ), and they decide to take it on due to it fitting their musical and charismatic image. after settling on the intro, of course with the included cringiness that was necessary for every good team introduction, they find that they’ve finally squared everything away.
now, all there was left to do was practice.
he’s notably a lot more chipper this time around, entering the studio with a more lax stance and with daniel at his side, the both of them in coordinated dress. this time, instead of a loose dress shirt, he’s dressed a little more casually, now in a shining red jacket with gold trimmings draped over a white t-shirt with a blue logo splattered over it, an outfit that fits the fresh vibes of summer and complements his hair well. slipping a hand in the pocket of his white skinny jeans, he finds a place to sit with daniel, near enough to seunghun so he can still talk to the male. laughing silently to himself when daniel starts bowing at minho, who happened to be his friend’s partner, hyojin waves it off when the male sits back down and sees his laughing, covering his face sheepishly. even though they were on different teams now, it didn’t mean that they couldn’t still converse as usual. at the very least, he could wish his friend the best of luck.
as it turns out, he doesn’t need it, because when seunghun goes up to the stage, he demolishes it along with minho. they complement each other incredibly well ( although hyojin would argue that seunghun and him had the best chemistry out of all the others -- but that might just be a prick of jealousy speaking ), and with their skills to back them up, hyojin is both satisfied and impressed with his friend, cheering for him excitedly and clapping him on the back when he gets back to his seat, bowing politely to minho. even though he didn’t listen to k-pop often, he still had a large amount of respect for the former convex member.
before that, though, sakura and kenta take the stage, a rapper-dancer duo. despite their different skillsets, they pull things off smoothly, and hyojin can’t help but heave a sigh of relief at how they not only finished safely without any mistakes, but also did quite well. he never doubted sakura, with her exuberant energy that always seemed to lift his spirits whenever he saw her lovely smile, but sometimes it’s hard to guess what could happen. mistakes are never meant to be made intentionally, after all. inwardly, even as he calls to her across the room, telling her “よくやったね ( yoku yattane -- you did well ),” shooting her an affectionate wink, he hopes that she can continue to perform at the best of her ability, and that she’s taking care of herself well.
they’re called up to the stage as soon as seunghun and minho finish theirs, and even though he offers daniel a soft smile and squeezes the bigger male’s arm comfortingly in reponse to his comment as they go up to the stage, he can feel the weight of matching up to their performance pushing down on him. he finds himself echoing to himself in his head that he can do it, that their performance was also sure to impress in the same way seunghun’s had, because they had poured all of their effort into this, like it was their last chance on the stage. even with all of the netizens’ negative comments on daniel, hyojin knows his partner and now friend was better than they thought he was, that he was equally deserving and talented as everyone else.
if anything, that’s why he suggested the team name -- he wants to make sure that, even if it’s through their team name and their introduction, they assert this fact. call him nosy, or with a case of a severely bleeding heart, but he genuinely feels this way. he wants to prove to everyone that they can defend their positions, and put on a good show while doing so.
“hello, we are,” introducing them in his calm, soothing speaking voice, hyojin allows a pause for him and daniel to play the f2 chord on their respective instruments, before they say, “f2!”
letting daniel introduce himself, hyojin continues on the same thread as the male, adding, “and i’m kim hyojin, contestant #5020! like the members of f4, we’ll make sure to charm you~”
( maybe he just has a thing for cheesy intros, but he’s already stopped being embarrassed of himself at this point. he’s said worse, and also done worse -- mnet had even broadcasted his little joke confession to seunghun, whom had also done the same unknowingly -- so at this point, he’s just having fun with it, and taking advantage of his naturally cute complexion. he’s pretty sure his mom will laugh the moment she sees him doing this on broadcast again. )
they make sure their set-up works, with them facing each other slightly ( still able to see the judges, though ) to simulate the idea of a pseudo-competition that crosses over at the end and the individual microphones placed at the right setting. with that, he lets daniel do another quick strum to tune, and they begin their performance, daniel playing the introduction.
( bold = hyojin’s parts/both, normal = daniel’s parts )
oh oh oh oh love is nothing stronger than a boy with luv
singing softly, hyojin has yet to play much of the keyboard in the song except for a few light chords, and he lets his voice fluctuate nicely as he conveys the lyrics, smiling sweetly at the judges. turning his gaze back to the keyboard to focus on playing as things pick up, he moves his body slightly to the beat as daniel picks up the next song, singing the english perfectly.
look at me, look at you 누가 더 아플까?    look at me, look at you, who’ll be in more pain? you smart 누가? you are    you smart? who is? you are
transitioning into the blackpink song, he continues by following the original melody, this time drawing out his notes to accentuate them more and to fit the tone of the song. at the same time, it meshes well with the performance, and although the top line is different every time, it sounds nice -- like it’s an actual song. when he hears some of the members of the audience make a sound of recognition due to the recency and popularity of the song, he grins, winking playfully in their direction, the hype only building up as daniel segues into the next song, making good use of the same ‘oh oh oh oh’ hook from boy with luv to shift into shape of you.
on ‘slow,’ they both visibly slow down their playing, almost a bit teasingly, before they pick it back up again without a hitch, this time into dalla dalla.
예쁘기만 하고 매력은 없는     just pretty but not attractive at all 애들과 난 달라 달라 달라     i’m different from the kids 니 기준에 날 맞추려 하지 마     don’t measure me by your standards alone 난 지금 내가 좋아 나는 나야    i love being myself, i’m nobody else
lifting up a free hand to gesture at “달라 달라 달라,” hyojin continues to play the correct notes with his other hand, displaying his skill with the instrument and his surprisingly relaxed nature on the stage, hearing daniel harmonize with him to create a sweet-sounding chord, before waggling his finger at the next line, as if telling the judges not to measure him by just their standards, because he, like daniel, is more out of the box.
he harmonizes again with daniel at the last line before putting his other hand back down on the piano, and they pick up for the more vocal-heavy part of the song. daniel sings versace on the floor, the notes a little higher and showing off more of their capabilities -- despite this, it’s not too hard for the male, the right combination of powerful and pleasant, something they kept in mind when picking songs.
너는 별을 보자며 내 손을 끌어서     you pulled my hand, saying you wanted to see the stars 저녁노을이 진 옥상에 걸터앉아     we sat on the rooftop at sunset every time i look up in the sky yeah 근데 단 한 개도 없는 star yeah     there’s not a single star yeah 괜찮아 네가 내 우주고 밝게 빛나 줘      it’s alright, you’re my universe, shine bright for me
rising up to match daniel’s more powerful song, he starts to sing rooftop, his voice hitting the higher notes with ease, feeling the melody and letting it carry him along, inserting the strong emotion he was known for having into his more ballad-like performances, then shifting into more faster lyrics with daniel harmonizing on the bottom line. he ends the section nicely, getting into character well.
fancy you 누가 먼저 좋아하면 어때    fancy you, who cares if who likes first
harmonizing with daniel on the first word, before letting his partner take over, hyojin finds himself again raising up a hand, making the rocker sign used in the twice choreography and copying the point dance loosely with his hand, still playing with ease due to the simplicity of the notes the arrangement allowed him for this segment, giving a knowing glance and a nod of approval at the members of the audience who did the same.
i'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier i'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist like it doesn't exist
this was his time to show off what was up his sleeve -- the little ace they had besides the creativity of the arrangement -- it’s not a hyojin performance without a little bit of his power, after all. he sings the sia song without hesitation, belting the notes without straining his voice and instead feeling the melody resound in him, a deeply satisfying feeling as he holds the high notes.
stopping his playing on a chord purposefully at the last line to emphasize the final high note, he closes his eyes briefly as he hits it, before opening them gently. to tie it off, they harmonize one more time, this time with hyojin snapping slightly below the microphone so it could be heard, but didn’t block out his voice.
with that, the end, and they bow, quickly packing up their instruments and making their way off the stage. of course, neither of them were perfect -- that was why they made the performance to cover each other’s blind spots and potential flaws, instead letting each other showcase their main talents and abilities without sacrificing stability. perhaps it wasn’t the most orthodox and thus not necessarily the safest option, but it was possible, nevertheless. at the end of the day, though, hyojin knows that it wouldn’t have been possible if he had been alone.
as he walks back to his seat, he turns to daniel with a bright smile, feeling refreshed, and says, “you’ve done well. thanks for being my partner, daniel.” he holds out his pinky finger instead of his hand, the gesture more final than all the times they’ve parted from before.
“let’s meet again, okay?" 
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lechugafl · 7 years
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lechuga mix 2017/12: favorite albums of 2017.
sharing is caring.
#11. Charli XCX’s Number 1 Angel Release date: March 10, 2017 Record label: Asylum Track Highlights: “ILY2″, “3AM (Pull Up)”
“Charli XCX is the hardest working woman in pop music in 2017. Not only did she release the lechuga mix #11 top album, Number 1 Angel, but she also had one of the best singles of the year (”Boys”). And just when you thought that wasn’t enough, Charli just up and released another mixtape this month, Pop 2. Had it come out earlier this year, we may have seen two of Charli’s releases on this list of lechuga mix favorites. Charli has fully emerged herself in the U.K. PC music realm with production credits from A.G. Cook, SOPHIE, and Danny L. Harle. If her producer guest list isn’t good enough for you then check all of her features that she has had this year: MØ, Uffie, Abra, Cupcakke, Starrah, Raye, Carly Rae Jepsen, Tove Lo, Brooke Candy, Mykki Blanco, Jay Park, and more.
Don’t get me wrong, this is pop music. But, Charli XCX does it right. She brings her friends. She brings her dance beats. She brings originality and brings fun. I can’t even call her music a guilty pleasure because it challenges pop music to continue to move forward, both sonically and lyrically. With this string of releases in 2017, one has to wonder what Charli’s ultimate vision is for 2018? Do we get an album? Do we get another string of mixtapes? Do we finally get the chance for her to become a household name? Here’s to hoping.” - @donnie_george_
Apple Music - http://bit.ly/lechugamix201712applemusic
Spotify - http://bit.ly/lechugamix201712spotify
Full list of lechuga mix 2017/12 - http://bit.ly/lechugamix201712
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saintcheryl · 3 years
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13 songs // 46min // LISTEN HERE (Spotify)
as a casgirl (gn) and a charli fan this was my DUTY you KNOW this guy loves her. and i also 3d modeled and rendered the cover and tracklist because i simply have to do the most all the time
anyways, here’s a mix of some songs that he’d relate to, including some classics he would appreciate; i tried to include a well-rounded selection from her whole discography. pop girl rights!!!!
tracklist and lyric snippets under the cut!
The second that you saw me, you were mesmerized Bet you probably thought I was your ride or die Don't wanna burst your bubble, but I cheat and lie It's the truth, I'm bad news
I don't trust myself at all Why should you trust me? I don't trust myself alone Why should you love me?
Never stop, it's how we ride Coming up until we die I don’t wanna go to school I just wanna break the rules
Don't think about consequences ‘Cause they're never gonna stop me, what?
You were old school, I was on the new shit We were addicted to the blue print But we threw it in the flame And now we're never gonna trace it
6. TEARS (ft. Caroline Polachek)
When I had nothing, you gave me silhouette dreams and We made them real, somethin' like freedom
7. WARM (ft. HAIM)
You gotta tell me the reason Why you won't open up Know I'ma send you to heaven Tequila on your tongue
8. BACKSEAT (ft. Carly Rae Jepsen)
In the backseat Your song, so loud Drivin' so fast I'm better off alone All alone, all alone, all alone
9. FEBRUARY 2017 (ft. Clairo & Yaeji)
Hope you can forgive all of my crimes You read, but won't reply I just need your reply I feel like crying
10. TRACK 10
Every time you get too close I run, I run away And every time you say the words, I don’t know what to say Back to the beginning, really wish that I could change
Lying till it's true It's alright, I'm trusting you Do you feel okay? Take a breath, make you feel safe
12. ILY2
You know I never really thought about How it feels to say these words aloud It's so weird, but it's true
13. 7 YEARS
I know that look inside my eyes means always Even if we fall apart, split two ways Used to be afraid to say it, that's so strange Seven years and it's been you and I, always
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Missy, I love you. So many of us do - you could never be a burden to us. If you need to unload, vent, or whatever, I'm here. My dm's are always, always open.
Let your sparkle shine 💚
Carly thank you for this 💜 ILY2
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tthankstoyou · 3 years
hi anaaaaa how r u doinggggg im mailing u a little kiss on the head. also, if sam made a playlist for kurt, which songs would be on it?
Hi Rae!!! I'm doing good hehe. I spent most of today reading, so that was very nice. Thank you for the kiss, I shall return one right back to your forehead *mwah mwah*
*Tries to rack my brain for all of the artists that sam canonically likes*
I think the playlist would go a lil something like this:
- Somewhere in the Night by Barry Manilow
- Boyfriend by Justin Bieber
- Ain’t Even Done With the Night by John Mellencamp
- Double Rainbow by Katy Perry
(And then here are some artists he doesn't canonically like, but I just know he would)
- Invisible String by Taylor Swift (based entirely off of that one Hevans fanart where their pinkies are tied to a strong that's connected to each other)
- Give Me Everything by Pitbull
- ILY2 by Charli XCX
- I Really Like You by Carly Rae Jepsen
- Your Love by Nicki Minaj
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keeyo7 · 4 years
Hey everyone! I hope you’re all doing well! So I was tagged by a bunch of wonderful people to shuffle my music and post the ten songs I get, but I’ve been fixing my music and I’m not done but decided it was time haha. I’m sorry I took so long! Thank you so much @mi-corazon @eckspress @ilyzuh @islandry @cultivate--saplings @maybememoriesx @bouncing-flowers @a-pyre-of-doom @cdeadgrl-sampson @moonbeatss @m3zzamorphic @kittyterror @infinitepii and @cittaly! I definitely went overboard to make it up to you all and shuffled my library to get the first 200 songs that showed up haha
Son- Warpaint
Your Heart is a Muscle- Carly Rae Jepsen
Bad Religion- Frank Ocean
Family and Friends- Russ
Breathe Me- Sia
Opps- Vince Staples
Planet Luxury- Jeff Rosenstock
Benadryl Dreams- Soccer Mommy
Between the Bars- The Civil Wars
Death by Numbers- Childish Gambino
Cooler Than Me- Mike Posner
Smoke Break- Chance the Rapper
26- Paramore
Miles and Miles- Bas
Dreams Money Can Buy- Drake
Cyan- Ellie Goulding
Who Am I(What’s My Name)?- Snopp Dogg
Angry White Boy Polka- Weird Al
Drops of Jupiter- Boyce Avenue
Castle on a Cloud-Les Mis Soundtrack
My Immortal (Live)- Evanescence
Fuck the Fans- Bomb the Music Industry
Jungle King- Cab Calloway
Delicious- Charli XCX
Waiting Room- Logic
Privilege- The Weeknd
Come Round Soon- Sara Bareilles
Ya Know- Odd Future
ATM- J Cole
Luck Be a Lady- Frank Sinatra
Designer- Bas
First Love/ Late Spring- Mitski
Ghosts- Florence + The Machine
On My Way- Foxes
YOLO- The Lonely Island
I’m Tall Enough- Bobs Burgers Soundtrack
Hell- Foo Fighters
Bottoms Up- Trey Songz
Flaw- Soccer Mommy
0.00- Childish Gambino
Back to You- Russ
Pussy Fairy- Jhene Aiko
Gold Dust Woman- Fleetwood Mac
No Friend- Paramore
Can’t Get Enough- J Cole
Some People- Dan Mangan
ILY2- Charlie XCX
Razor- Foo Fighters
The Loophole- Garfunkel and Oates
Here It Comes- Colleen Green
I Gotta Go Places and Do Things- Cab Calloway
Mr. Hollywood- Joji
Heart Eyes- The Pat Pats/ Peach Kelli Pop
Fisherman- Adventure Time Soundtrack
Angel- The Weeknd
Too Much- Drake
Ignorance- Paramore
I Need a Doctor- Dr. Dre
All Falls Down- Kanye West
Little Weapon- Lupe Fiasco
Shameless- The Weeknd
Say You’re Sorry- Sara Bareilles
Da Ding Ding- Bobs Burgers Soundtrack
Superstar Lasy- T-Pain
Immune- gobbinjr
Be Alone- Paramore
Earned It- The Weeknd
On a Plain- Nirvana
Plush (Acoustic)- Stone Tenple Pilots
Mary Ann- Meg & Dia
Emily in Half- Laura Stevenson
Score Tonight- Grease 2 Soundtrack
Don’t Panic- Ellie Goulding
Angels Like You- Miley Cyrus
GP4- Logic
Overstimulated- Jhene Aiko
Caretaker- Laura Stevenson
Like That- Doja Cat
Between the Lines- Sara Bareilles
Psilocisyn (Love in Full Effect)- Jhene Aiko
Let Her Go- Boyce Avenue
Pull the Plug- I Prevail
The Last Great Star in Hollywood- Meg & Dia
Self Esteem- Garfunkel and Oates
Till Dawn (Here Comes the Sun)- The Weeknd
What I’ve Done- Linkin Park
Bizzy- Chris Farren
Fire- Sara Bareilles
Die Hard/ Working Girl the Musical- Bobs Burgers Soundtrack
From Where New Songs Arose- Warpaint
Dadbod- Logic
Honey- Peach Kelli Pop
To Live a Life- First Aid Kit
Freddy My Love- Grease Soundtrack
Animal- Olivia Olson
Blue- First Aid Kid
Can’t Decide- Amine
Why We Ever- Hayley Williams
Lionheart- Demi Lovato
No More ?s- Eazy-E
Nowhere- Olivia Olson
Wills of the River- First Aid Kit
Wrong Feels So Right- Carly Rae Jepsen
Ocean Avenue- Yellowcard
Another is Waiting- The Avery Brothers
Breed- Nirvana
Suite-Pee- System of a Down
Eazy Duz It- Eazy-E
Monster- Meg & Dia
Hell of a Ride- Bo Burnham
Old Times Sake- Charlie Worsham
The Bakery- Melanie Martinez
Bad Kids- Lady Gaga
Blue- Beyoncé
Sweetest Girl- Boyce Avenue
Can’t Stop the Feeling- Boyce Avenue
Vasoline- Stone Temple Pilots
Right Now(Na Na Na)- Akon
Set Fire to the Rain- Adele
Scream It Out- Ellie Goulding
Self Love- Dreamville
Tell Your Friends- The Weeknd
Hello Kitty Knife- Peach Kelli Pop
I Wish It Were Christmas Today- Chris Farren
Colors- Halsey
I Don’t Wanna Die- Jeff Rosenstock
Jealous- Beyoncé
Bay to LA- Lil Debbie
Drummy Song- Florence + The Machine
I Don’t Love You Anymore- Bomb the Music Industry
Wedding Crashers- Amine
Back to Boston- Connor Zwetsch
Panchito Blues 1- Peach Kelli Pop
Nuclear Seasons- Charli XCX
Helpless- Hamilton Soundtrack
Flewed Out- City Girls
Bleed It Out- Linkin Park
Face to Face- Daft Punk
Bad Girls- Bobs Burgers Soundtrack
New Years Eve- First Aid Kit
The Night Santa Went Crazy- Weird Al
Love Galore- SZA
Starlight- Mario
No Memory- Stone Temple Pilots
Sports Go Sports- Garfunkel and Oates
Buzzin- Amine
Midnight- Red Hot Chili Peppers
Up Up Away- Dreamville
Lay Back, Arms Out- Laura Stevenson
Believe Me- Ellie Goulding
Still Dreamin- Dreamville
We in This Bitch- Iggy Azalea
Shine- Doja Cat
On the Mend- Foo Fighters
Rich Man- Vampire Weekend
Ricochet- Bas
Right Words Wrong Time- Carly Rae Jepsen
Let Me Love You- Ariana Grande
Which Witch- Florence + The Machine
Till the End- Logic
Name- Boyce Avenue
Loosie- Earl Sweatshirt
Highway Unicorn- Lady Gaga
Act Up- City Girls
What Would You Do?- Cabaret Soundtrack
Automatically in Love- Carly Rae Jepsen
3am- Halsey
Dreams- Dia Lipa
Halloween Mask- Peach Kelli Pop
Primadonna- Marina
74- Earl Sweatshirt
New Balance- Jhene Aiko
It Ain’t Me- Boyce Avenue
Soldier Side Intro- System of a Down
you should see me in a crown- Billie Eillish
Another Round- Foo Fighters
Creep- Stone Temple Pilots
Weeds- Marina
Song For the Late Night People- Kate Micucci
Give a Little Bit- Boyce Avenue
Honking Antelope- Serj Tankian
Face Down- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Anyone Else But You- The Moldy Peaches
You Got It- Pitch Perfecf Soundtrack
My Hero- Foo Fighters
Hard to Concentrate- Red Hot Chili Peppers
Hello, Goodbye- The Beatles
Notebook- Melanie Martinez
Miracle- Paramore
Pimp Juice- Nelly
Planning My Death- Bomb the Music Industry
Goin Crazy- Natalie
Burn- Usher
How Deep is Your Love- Bee Gees
Breaking the Girl- Red Hot Chili Peppers
Secretly- Jennifer Lopez
Cheer Up Boys Your Makeup is Running- Foo Fighters
Between the Lines- Colleen Green
Anklebiters- Paramore
Hold Me- Haim
For the people I tag you only have to do 10 if you choose to do this tag haha. I tag @mysticbride @mindxfreak @bunnpufffs @hylia-rose @kkiska @voodoo-mama-joojoo @amessofwild-flowers @976-evil @tequilaxxxo @spewkyghoul @katyheb @eldolormasbonito @mulatto-baby @sleepingongodstits @infinitewake @heyitsish @lovelexi @ovsilenceandblack @princess-aries @cynisterrrr @mvri-vnvv @meximiri @do-we-really-exist @underdog-x-risingup @dead-and-hungry @sludgeem @olvidame @kn1fe-gf @millievanilly @poptarttree @thewanderingscribe @crystal-scenery @w4sted @rikoxxlv @ishaaaa @harsh-times and anyone else who wants to do this. No pressure as always :)
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fangs-frthmmrs · 3 years
hi carly!! i hope you’re having a great day and have some time to relax <3 stay hydrated ily
hello tiana! I hope you're having a wonderful day too <3 thank you for the reminder! ily2
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williamsockner · 4 years
Top 15 Charli XCX Bangers
1. “Backseat (feat. Carly Rae Jepsen)” from Pop2 2. “forever” from how i’m feeling now 3. “Unlock It (feat. Kim Petras and Jay Park)” from Pop2 4. “detonate” from how i’m feeling now 5. “Lucky” from Pop2 6. “Gone (feat. Christine & the Queens)” from Charli 7. “Boys” from the Boys single 8. “Tears (feat. Caroline Polacheck)” from Pop2 9. “ILY2″ from Number 1 Angel 10. “You (Ha Ha Ha)” from True Romance 11. “Cross You Out (feat. Sky Ferreira)” from Charli 12. “Track 10″ from Pop2 13. “Famous” from Sucker 14. “Black Roses” from True Romance 15. “enemy” from how i’m feeling now
Playlist on Spotify in case you wanna fight over it.
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200789991828278272 · 4 years
I’m sorry idk how long ago you posted this but I didn’t notice but 💓💝 ily!!!!
omg it dont matter carly ILY2!!!!! 😊😊😊
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captaindaddykru · 5 years
another meme
You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people! No skipping!!
i dont have a single ‘favorite’ playlist but here we go. 
pineapple skies - miguel
ILY2 - charli xcx
blackout - charlotte oc
take me - aly & aj
acquainted - the weeknd
holiday - the aces
pool - paramore
back on the map - kacey musgraves
when someone stops loving you - little big town
runaway with me - carly rae jepsen
only reason there isnt any taylor is because i legally buy her music *pathetic crying emoji making duckface* im a slave to capitalism when it comes to her and thats on broke as fuck!
Tagging: you have to do this @arysafics​ for the other people folllowing me its optional i feel like i dont know nine other people anyway
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music-catalogue · 2 years
Songs I'd Love To See in Heartstopper Season 2
The soundtrack to Heartstopper season 1, as I have stated here before, was IMMACULATE. It radiated positive, heartwarming, wholesome energies that met the storyline and overall vibe of the show perfectly. It also introdued me to a lot of great music, which I discussed in a previous post.
I thought I'd make a list of songs from my own musical catalogue that I think meet the musical aesthetic, themes and overall vibes of the show, which I would love to see used in season 2!! (keep in mind these were not chosen to meet any of the storylines in the comics, but rather just the overall idea of the show/story). Enjoy!
Let's Love - David Guetta, Sia
Lucky - Nasty Cherry
Colours Of You - Baby Queen
Youth - Troye Sivan
ILY2 - Charli XCX
Dancing On My Own - Robyn
All Of You - Betty Who
Run Away With Me - Carly Rae Jepsen
Medicine - J4eva
Who Loves You Baby - Trixie Mattel
We Fell In Love In October - Girl In Red
The Edge Of Glory - Years & Years
Wild - Troye Sivan, Alessia Cara
Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
Bubbles - J4eva
ILY2 - NewDad
Love Of My Life - Summer Camp
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love-ndletter · 8 years
Hi sav ilu ♥ 5 10 24 49 b yE
5: Your top 10 kpop girl groups?
Wonder Girls, EXID, F(x), Mamamoo, Ladies’ Code, Brave Girls, Girls Girls, WJSN, Gfriend, Oh My Girl, Minx, Dal Shabet, Stellar, TWO X, 2Eyes, i cant chose only 10 : / these are in no particular order 
10: Your favorite English line from a kpop song? 
answered here!
24: Last kpop song you listened to?
Mysterious - Hello Venus
49: A group you thought you'd never listen to?
I originally didn’t think i was going to listen to I.O.I or BTS actually lol. I.O.I because i wasnt a big fan of dream girls but i ended up liking it and all their songs afterwards. and bts never rlly struck a chord with me and then yadi was like ‘listen to them lol’ and i was like :/ give me some songs to listen to and i guess ill try and now i have to live with the fact im an army which is like the worst possible thing im screaming
send me a number for a kpop question!
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whiteteethteens · 7 years
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Year in Review: 2017 is my hour-long mix of some of my favorite tracks from this past year, and you can take a listen here! Tracklist:
Green Light by Lorde
1UL by Danny L Harle
Cocky (feat. Lila Star & The Vixen) by Shea Couleé
Truth or Dare by Kelela
Chained to the Rhythm (feat. Skip Marley) by Katy Perry
Standing In The Middle Of The Field by Cut Copy
Last Breath by Yaeji
Bad At Love by Halsey
Find Me by Porches
On Hold by The xx
On My Mind by Jorja Smith & Preditah
New Rules by Dua Lipa
ILY2 by Charli XCX
Woman by Kesha
PRIDE. by Kendrick Lamar
Disconnect (feat. Marina and the Diamonds) by Clean Bandit
On My Mind by Disciples
Bad Liar by Selena Gomez
Plastic 100°C by Sampha
Tic Tac Toe by Django Django
Carolina by Harry Styles
Cut to the Feeling by Carly Rae Jepsen
True Disaster by Tove Lo
Paper Love by Allie X
Ordinary Madness (feat. Slo) by Joe Goddard
Ndivile by Classixx
Go to Hell by Empress of
Out of My Head (feat. ALMA & Tove Lo) by Charli XCX
This Song (feat. Rostam) by RAC
The Weekend by SZA
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littlemusicreviews · 7 years
50 Best Albums of 2017
50. Zola Jesus – Okovi [darkwave / best tracks: “Siphon”, “Witness”, “Wiseblood”]
49. The War On Drugs – A Deeper Understanding [indie rock / best tracks: “Holding On”, “Up All Night”, “Nothing To Find”]
48. Vagabon – Infinite Worlds [indie rock / best tracks: “Fear & Force”, “Cold Apartment”, “Alive And A Well”]
47. The xx – I See You [indietronica / best tracks: “Say Something Loving”, “On Hold”, “Dangerous”]
46. Moses Sumney – Aromanticism [art pop / best tracks: “Doomed”, “Quarrel”, “Make Out In My Car”]
45. St. Vincent – MASSEDUCTION [art pop / best tracks: “Hang On Me”, “Pills”, “Masseduction”]
44. Sabrina Claudio – About Time [alternative R&B / best tracks: “Frozen”, “Unravel Me”, “Wanna Know”]
43. Alt-J – Relaxer [indie rock / best tracks: “3WW”, “Pleader”, “In Cold Blood”]
42. Katy Perry – Witness [pop / best tracks: “Pendulum”, “Swish Swish (feat. Nicki Minaj)”, “Hey Hey Hey”]
41. Susanne Sundfør – Music For People In Trouble [art pop / best tracks: “Reincarnation”, “Undercover”, “Good Luck Bad Luck”]
40. Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly & James McAlister – Planetarium [art pop / best tracks: “Neptune”, “Mercury”, “Jupiter”]
39. Kesha – Rainbow [pop / best tracks: “Learn To Let Go”, “Praying”, “Let ‘Em Talk (feat. Eagles Of Death Metal)”]
38. Thundercat – Drunk [jazz fusion / best tracks: “Them Changes”, “Friend Zone”, “Tokyo”]
37. Brockhampton – Saturation III [hip-hop / best tracks: “Boogie”, “Stains”, “Hottie”]
36. The National – Sleep Well Beast [indie rock / best tracks: “Carin At The Liquor Store”, “Day I Die”, “Born To Beg”]
35. Kelela – Take Me Apart [alternative R&B / best tracks: “LMK”, “Frontline”, “Blue Light”]
34. Xiu Xiu – Forget [experimental / best tracks: “Wondering”, “Get Up”, “Faith Torn Apart”]
33. (Sandy) Alex G – Rocket [indie rock / best tracks: “Bobby”, “Sportstar”, “Poison Root”]
32. Priests – Nothing Feels Natural [post-punk / best tracks: “JJ”, “No Big Bang”, “Suck”]
31. Charli XCX – Pop 2 [electropop / best tracks: “Backseat (feat. Carly Rae Jepsen)”, “Porsche (feat. MØ)”, “I Got It (feat. Brooke Candy, CupcakKe & Pabllo Vittar)”]
30. Brockhampton – Saturation II [hip-hop / best tracks: “Gummy”, “Junky”, “Fight”]
29. Arca – Arca [experimental / best tracks: “Desafío”, “Anoche”, “Reverie”]
28. Florist – If Blue Could Be Happiness [indie folk / best tracks: “Glowing Brightly”, “What I Wanted To Hold”, “Understanding Light”]
27. Beach House – B-Sides And Rarities [dream pop / best tracks: “The Arrangement”, “Wherever You Go”, “Chariot”]
26. Guerilla Toss – GT Ultra [dance-punk / best tracks: “Can I Get The Real Stuff”, “Betty Dreams Of Green Men”, “The String Game”]
25. Mac DeMarco – This Old Dog [indie pop / best tracks: “My Old Man”, “A Wolf Who Wears Sheeps Clothes”, “Baby You’re Out”]
24. SZA – CTRL [alternative R&B / best tracks: “Garden (Say It Like Dat)”, “Love Galore (feat. Travis Scott)”, “Drew Barrymore”]
23. Fleet Foxes – Crack-Up [indie folk / best tracks: “Third Of May / Ōdaigahara”, “Fool’s Errand”, “I Am All That I Need / Arroyo Seco / Thumbprint Scar”]
22. Sampha – Process [alternative R&B / best tracks: “(No One Knows Me) Like The Piano)”, “Incomplete Kisses”, “Take Me Inside”]
21. Radiohead – OKNOTOK [alternative rock / best tracks: “I Promise”, “Lift”, “A Reminder”]
20. Slowdive – Slowdive [shoegaze / best tracks: “Star Roving”, “Slomo”, “Sugar For The Pill”]
19. Real Estate – In Mind [jangle pop / best tracks: “Darling”, “Same Sun”, “Saturday”]
18. Jay Som – Everybody Works [indie rock / best tracks: “The Bus Song”, “One More Time, Please”, “Take It”]
17. Makthaverskan – III [post-punk / best tracks: “Leda”, “To Say It As It Is”, “Comfort”]
16. Chelsea Wolfe – Hiss Spun [doom metal / best tracks: “Twin Fawn”, “Static Hum”, “Scrape”]
15. Charli XCX – Number 1 Angel [electropop / best tracks: “3AM (Pull Up) (feat. MØ)”, “Dreamer (feat. Starrah & RAYE)”, “ILY2”]
14. Kendrick Lamar – DAMN. [hip-hop / best tracks: “Love (feat. Zacari)”, “Element”, “God”]
13. Waxahatchee – Out In The Storm [indie rock / best tracks: “8 Ball”, “Silver”, “Never Been Wrong”]
12. Paramore – After Laughter [new wave / best tracks: “Grudges”, “Hard Times”, “Pool”]
11. Everything Everything – A Fever Dream [art rock / best tracks: “Desire”, “Night Of The Long Knives”, “Run The Numbers”]
10. Julien Baker – Turn Out The Lights [indie folk / best tracks: “Happy To Be Here”, “Appointments”, “Everything That Helps You Sleep”]
9. Hundred Waters – Communicating [art pop / best tracks: “Wave To Anchor”, “Parade”, “Blanket Me”]
8. Alvvays – Antisocialites [indie pop / best tracks: “In Undertow”, “Saved By A Waif”, “Plimsoll Punks”]
7. Vince Staples – Big Fish Theory [hip-hop / best tracks: “Yeah Right”, “Big Fish”, “Homage”]
6. Big Thief – Capacity [indie folk / best tracks: “Mythological Beauty”, “Mary”, “Capacity”]
5. Sevdaliza – Ison [alternative R&B / best tracks: “Hubris”, “Bluecid”, “Human”]
4. Blanck Mass – World Eater [IDM / best tracks: “Please”, “The Rat”, “Hive Mind”]
3. Mount Eerie – A Crow Looked At Me [indie folk / best tracks: “Seaweed”, “Toothbrush/Trash”, “Real Death”]
2. Perfume Genius – No Shape [art pop / best tracks: “Slip Away”, “Die 4 You”, “Wreath”]
1. Lorde – Melodrama [electropop / best tracks: “Perfect Places”, “Liability”, “Green Light”]
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