#lechuga mix
kiddneys · 1 year
NTS Thursday Lechuga Zafiro
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saccharinecake · 7 months
8.30 - 21.55
Desayuno: 1 café pequeño, 1 bebida Kem zero azúcar, 1 sándwich de pan blanco con queso, 1 plato con mix de vegetales cocidas.
Almuerzo: Porción grande de fideos integrales con ensalada de lechuga y pimentón verde. 1 papa cocida, 1 bebida Kem y 1 botella de agua mineral con sabor a limón.
Otros: Pequeña chocolatina, 1 agua mineral, 2 mandarinas, 2 panes blancos con queso crema y mermelada de cebolla. 1 café con leche y chocolate, agua Next gasificada de limón. 1 taza de papas fritas, dulces Ambrosoli gomitas de yoghurt. Escitalopram, multivitamínicos.
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depressivesundays · 2 years
Dia 2.
No fallé ayer, estoy muy tranquila y aun motivada hoy, de hecho, fui al gym, el entrenador de hoy fue mas amable que el de ayer, y pude hacer mayores cosas también, levante mis primeros 20kg (solo 3 veces pero ey! es progreso!) y aunque me siento un poco adolorida si me esfuerzo, creo que podré salir en la bici perfectamente, espero llegar al peaje purgatorio (vaya nombre) sin morir en el intento.
También hoy me hice un almuerzo delicioso, me hizo muy feliz prepararlo y comerlo. Adjunto fotirri y receta.
3 hojas grandes de lechuga morada
3 hojas grandes de lechuga verde
3 cucharadas de mix de semillas
7 nuggets de pollo
Y para el aderezo:
3 cucharadas de yogurt griego sin azucar (pudieron ser 2, creo que exageré)
1 cucharada de mostaza
1 cucharada de aceite de coco (no tenia de oliva)
2 pizcas de sal
3 pizcas de pimienta
1/2 limón
y tadahhh!
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lindo, right?
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lechugafl · 4 years
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It’s Friday the 13th, which also means time for new music releases! Here’s our top three albums for this week! Ultraísta’s “Sister” Four Tet’s “Sixteen Oceans” Grouplove’s “Healer” whatcha check out today???
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djungelskogjamjam · 5 years
One time my friend’s brother wanted to show off his Spanish skills to his mom for Mother’s Day so he gave her a card that said tu eres amable y lechuga
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solecito-study · 2 years
Palabras de comida en español 🍜
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Meat + seafood
La salchicha - sausage
El jamón - ham
El pollo - chicken
El pollo asado - roast chicken
El pollo frito - fried chicken
El pavo - turkey
El salmón - salmon
El cerdo - pork
El cangrejo - crab
La langosta - lobster
El pescado - fish (culinary)
El mejillón - mussel
El jocho, perro caliente - hot dog
La vieira - scallop
La almeja - clam
La trucha - trout
La carne de res - beef
La hamburguesa - hamburger
El camarón - shrimp
El pulpo - octopus
El calamar - squid
El tocino - bacon
La manzana - apple
La pera - pear
La sandía - watermelon
El durazno - peach
El aguacate - avocado
La lechuga - lettuce
La fresa - strawberry
La frambuesa - raspberry
El arándano - blueberry
La mora - blackberry
La naranja - orange
El apio - celery
La piña - pineapple
La papaya - papaya
La uva - grape
La arveja - pea
El tomate - tomate
La lima - lime
La papa - potato
El arroz - rice
El coco - coconut
El pomelo - grapefruit
El plátano - banana, plantain
El esparrago - asparagus
El mango - mango
El morrón - red pepper
El pimiento - pepper
El pimiento verde - green pepper
El límon - lemon
La col - cabbage
La espinaca - spinach
La berenjena - eggplant
El maíz - corn
El elote - sweet corn
El rabano - radish
El nabo - turnip
El frijol - bean
La zanahoria - carrot
El brócoli - broccoli
La alcachofa - artichoke
La cebolla - onion
El molondrón - okra
El garbanzo - chickpea
La leche - milk
La leche condensada - condensed milk
La leche entera - whole milk
La leche descremada - skim milk
La leche en polvo - powdered milk
La leche de soya - soy milk
El batido - milkshake
El queso - cheese
El queso crema - cream cheese
El requesón - cottage cheese
La crema - cream
La crema batida - whipped cream
La crema agria - sour cream
La crema pastelera - pastry cream
La mantequilla - butter
El helado - ice cream
El helado de fresa - strawberry ice cream
El helado de chocolate - chocolate ice cream
El helado de vainilla - vanilla icecream
El yogur - yogurt
El yogur helado - frozen yogurt
El agua - water
El agua mineral - mineral water
El agua con gas - sparkling water
El café - coffee
El jugo - juice
El jugo de manzana - apple juice
El jugo de naranja - orange juice
El jugo de uva - grape juice
El jugo de piña - pineapple juice
La limonada - lemonade
El té - tea
El té verde - green tea
El té helado - iced tea
El cóctel - cocktail
El licor - liquor
El aliado - mixed drink
El vino - wine
El cerveza - beer
La mimosa - mimosa
La sidra - cider
El chocolate caliente - hot chocolate
El refresco - soda
El smoothie - smoothie
La soja
La mermelada
La salsa picante
La salsa de tomate
La mayonesa - mayonnaise
La mostaza - mustard
La mantequilla de cacahuate - peanut butter
El kétchup - ketchup
Spices + herbs
La canela - cinnamon
El perejil
El ajo -garlic
El romero - rosemary
El tomillo - thyme
La lavanda - lavender
El cebollino - chives
La vainilla - vanilla
La sal - salt
La pimienta - pepper
La paprika - paprika
El orégano - oregano
La albahaca- basil
El tenedor - fork
La cuchara - spoon
El cuchillo - knife
La cucharada - tablespoon
La cucharadita - teaspoon
La taza - cup, mug
El vaso - drinking glass
El plato - plate, dish
El bol - bowl
El tarro - jar
El cucharón - ladle
El rallador - grater
El abrelatas - can opener
El batidor - whisk
La paleta - spatula
La servilleta - napkin
Sabroso - tasty
Delicioso - delicious
Rico - rich, tasty
Maduro - ripe
Soso - bland
Amargo - bitter
Dulce - sweet
Azucarado - sugary
Salado - salty
Agrio - tart
Crujiente - crunchy
A la plancha - grilled
A la parrilla - broiled
Quemado - burnt
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postpunkindustrial · 3 years
“I dj'd as an opener for the interesting but flawed (wholly white) "Sisters with transistors" documentary. I made a week long series of innovative BIPOC women who deserve recognition- on my instagram/djripley , and made a bumping live set aimed at a crowd in a park who would be watching the movie.”
Tracklist: 1. Nilüfer Ormanli - Art of Dying 2. Lila Tirando a Violeta - Flores & El Mar 3. Splice - Turn on your FRBs 4. Dat Garcia - El Amor Me Entra en Sonidos 5. Zairah - WATER 6. -ill-esha - Dark Passenger 7. AYA - babylos ( bey x hmw ) 8. Beat Kitty - Nonsense- 9. Betty Davis - Anti Love Song 10. MUTAMASSIK - commandjump! 11. Dokkebi Q - Dalston Imperfection 12. La Dame Blanche - Lista 13. DEBBY FRIDAY - RUNNIN 14. Bjork - Hidden Place (Illexxandra Remix)- 15. Isa GT - Melo Komo (Esa Mi Pau Remix) 16. Gingee - Sun Baked 2 17. Pana Li - Violet Red 18. SOPHIE - Faceshopping 19. Missy Elliot - She's a B_tch (Falcons RMX) 20. Niniola - Look Like Me (Original Mix) 21. Manuka Honey - COME 22. Nicolette - No Government- 23. Badsista and teto preto- gasolina (badsista remix) 24. Suzi Analogue - Wildflowrr 25. sepha - Are U That Somebody (Club Breaks Remix) 26. PlayPlay x Bored Lord - Witchcraft 27. Tygapaw x Kala - master werk XXX 28. Tierra Whack - Clones 29. 33EMYBW - Adam Bank (Lechuga Zafiro Remix) 30. DUCKY - Ciara2step- 31. Karol Conka - Boa Noite- 32. Anna Morgan - Mi Gyal Dem 33. don jawn & cristiña - $ DAME TU DINERO $ 34. JADALAREIGN - CALL ME (JUNGLE EDIT)- 35. Ajazent - In These Streets 36. DJ RAP - INTELLIGENT WOMAN feat Outlaw Candy 37. Ilyah & Ltd. Candy - Machines And Ghosts
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mutya-ng-sagada · 3 years
okay masyadong madaming ganap ngayong pahapon, kinilig, kinabahan, nastress, nalungkot... mix of emotions talaga the thing is kinakabahan lalo ako ngayon... magpapavaccine ako bukas at hindi ko alam kung anong mangyayari, hindi ko kasi sure kung may sakit ako o wala like last month dapat magpapacheck up ako... pero maraming nangyayari at lechugas ang alam ko na lang may pangarap pa ako sa buhay... at ang lintek na sakit ko na 90% sure ako na meron nga ang nagpapastress sakin, at dahilan ng anxiety ko these past months... gago naiiyak na lang ako basta basta, wala naman akong mapagsabihan na masyado kong iniisip yun, sobra yung anxiety ko talaga lately, lalo na ngayong week... manonood ako basta basta akong iiyak, magbabasa basta basta iiyak, habang gumagawa ng gawain dito naiiyak... try ko sana i-open, pero parang pinipigilan ng sitwasyon
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blossomveg · 6 years
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Bowl detox. Me encanta mezclar, entonces acá tenemos: Base de lechuga. Brócoli y coliflor hervido con un poco de sal. Papas con especias hechas al horno. Tempeh hecho a la sartén con salsa de soja. - Este mix también está bueno para una Lunch box (yo me cocine de más así mañana puedo almorzarlo en la facultad!) Y sobre el tempeh, pueden usar tofu también (misma forma: lo mojan en salsa de soja y lo sellan en una sartén vuelta y vuelta [si no es antiaderente pongale un poco de aceite]). • #vegan #veganfood #veganism #hclfv #hclf #plantbased #veganfoodshare #veganbreakfast #veganfoodporn #foodporn #veganlife #veganshare #veganlife #crueltyfree
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recetas-peruanas · 5 years
Sorprende a tu paladar con una ensalada de langostinos con mango y vinagreta de naranja
¿En búsqueda de nuevos platillos? Si eres de los que disfruta de sabores marinos con toques cítricos, hoy te traemos una receta que querrás probarla una y otra vez.
Se trata de la ensalada de langostinos con mango y vinagreta de naranja, una combinación de alimentos nutritivos indispensables para una dieta balanceada. La preparación es muy sencilla y no requiere de mucho tiempo, solo debes seguir los pasos que te presentamos líneas abajo.
Es perfecta como guarnición fría o también funciona como plato principal. ¡Toma nota y disfruta!
Mix de lechuga
1 taza de tomates cherry
24 langostinos pelados y pre-cocidos
1 palta
1 mango
1 cucharada de perejil fresco picado
Aceite de oliva
Para la vinagreta
1 naranja
1 limón
Una cucharadita de tabasco
Sal y pimienta
Modo de preparación
Verter las lechugas en un recipiente. Cortar los tomatitos cherry en dos mitades e incorporar a la lechuga.
Pelar la palta y el mango. Cortar ambos longitudinalmente en forma de gajos y añadir al recipiente con la lechuga y los tomates.
Por último, calentar una sartén, colocar un poquito de aceite, añadir los langostinos y remover hasta que doren, colocar perejil picado y también ajos para darles aún más sabor. Colocar encima de las lechugas, unicamente antes de servir, para que no marchiten.
Para la vinagreta, mezclar jugo de naranja y medio limón. Añadir una cucharadita de aceite y remover. Incorporar una cucharadita de tabasco verde, sal y pimienta al gusto, y remover bien para que se mezclen todos los ingredientes.
Desde Peru.com https://peru.com/estilo-de-vida/gastronomia/sorprende-tu-paladar-ensalada-langostinos-mango-y-vinagreta-naranja-noticia-607094
de Sorprende a tu paladar con una ensalada de langostinos con mango y vinagreta de naranja
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martinlamberto · 5 years
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- 😋Mi almuerzo de hoy.⚠️ 🍽️Ensalada y Milanesas. 💞 ⏬La ensalada tenia: ✴️Cebolla morada. ✴️Repollo colorado. ✴️Apio. ✴️Lechuga criolla. ✴️Tomate. ✴️Rucula. ✴️Quinoa. ✴️Semillas de Girasol, Chia, Sesamo y Avena. ✴️Y un mix de frutos secos. ✴️Condimentado con aceite de oliva, aceto balsamico, jugo de limon y sal marina. 🤤🤤🤤🤤 ⏬La milanesa tenia: ✴️Milas de soja y trigo. ✴️Mayonesa vegana. ✴️Pimienta. ✴️Ajo en polvo. 😌😌😌😌 Rico?, Seguro! Barato?, tambien... Pero sobre todo sano, nutritivo y energético !! Si seguis comiendo lo mismo de siempre tu cuerpo se va a estancar (pensalo). 😉 #govegan #comida #veganfood #veganism #veganpower #sabroso #variado #rico #nutritivo #veganrecipes #veganfoodshare #vegans #dependedevos https://www.instagram.com/p/Br8V_ruAa-z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fj6n8mi74dta
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grilier · 6 years
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It´s time for a bbq snack! Have some meaty leftovers? ..Easy, chop them and put them on a hot skillet, give them a quick sear...then make a "bed" of nachos, cheddar cheese lettuce jalapeño peppers, and chili sauce (mix it with a bit of tomato sauce if its too hot for your taste)...and its ready to enjoy!⠀ .⠀ Es tiempo de un snack de barbacoa! Tienes algunas sobrar de carne? ..Facil, picalas y ponlas sobre un sartén caliente y dales un sellado rapido..Luego haz una "cama" de nachos, queso cheddar, lechuga y pimientos jalapeño, salsa de chile (mezclala con un poco de salsa de tomate si esta muy picante para tu gusto)..Y listo para disfrutar!
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stevinsonchevrolet · 2 years
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5 Great Places for Delivery Food in Lakewood, CO
Are you in the mood for a great dining experience but don’t want to leave home? You can order delivery food from one of the restaurants in Lakewood, CO. Indulge in delicious meals and choose from various cuisines and flavors. Take a look at some of our favorites!
1. Pablito’s Burritos
We can all agree that the best burrito has the perfect mix of eggs, meats, vegetables, and spices. When you’re craving this classic Mexican specialty, you can order online from Pablito’s and enjoy big breakfast burritos with amazing flavor. You can expect nothing less than hot, fresh, and tasty food with an abundance of chili and peppers. Serving big portions at reasonable prices, Pablito’s Burritos is a great place to order your next meal.
2. Frontroom Pizza
Do you miss the taste of cheese and meaty toppings on a thin, crunchy crust? Frontroom Pizza is a great choice to satisfy your pizza cravings! This local spot for Denver-style pizza is offering no-contact delivery to those who want to enjoy great food in the comforts of their own home. Frontroom uses only natural cheese and fresh ingredients to make their pies. Every day, pizza dough and sauce are freshly made. You can tell from the amazing taste!
3. Lechuga’s Italian Restaurant
For spaghetti dinners at home, you can order for delivery at Lechuga’s Italian Restaurant. This place is a family-owned restaurant known for homemade Italian food and original sausage cannolis. Their Italian sandwiches and garlic bread are also worth a try! With prompt, professional, and friendly service, you can have a taste of their signature offerings through a simple, convenient ordering process.
4. Belmar Asia
Vietnamese food is a refreshing choice for those who want to dine at home. If you love a healthy meal that’s made with quality ingredients, check out Belmar Asia and choose from a wide range of authentic offerings. For deliveries, they have an expansive menu that includes appetizers, salads, soups, noodles, desserts, and more!
Belmar Asia offers broth-based dishes like pho or wonton noodle soup that will keep you warm and satisfied at home. And for something heavier, we recommend that you try their grilled pork chops with rice! Take your time and enjoy your meal that’s served in generous portions.
5. Namaste Restaurant
Indian cuisine is known for its use of herbs, spices, and masalas. Do you want to enjoy a variety of seafood, vegetarian, and meat options at home? Namaste Restaurant offers deliveries so you can enjoy delicious, savory Indian food without having to leave your house. Whether you’re trying Indian food for the first time or you’re an avid lover of the cuisine, there’s an array of flavorful dishes waiting for you at Namaste Restaurant.
With so many places offering deliveries in the area, you can enjoy all your favorite food at home! And if it’s a fast, friendly, and fair car buying experience you’re looking for, visit Stevinson Chevrolet, and we’ll provide you with excellent, world-class service. With competitive and transparent prices, our dealership is here to help you save time and money.
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lechugafl · 4 years
Beach Bunny’s “Promises”
for fans of girl in red, mxmtoon, The Beths, Soccer Mommy, beabadoobee, The Regrettes, Charly Bliss, Remo Drive, Snail Mail, Mom Jeans.
featured on lechuga mix 2020/03.
Apple Music - http://bit.ly/lechugamix202003applemusic
Spotify - http://bit.ly/lechugamix202003spotify
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tinymixtapes · 6 years
Music Review: Kode9 & Burial - FABRICLIVE 100
Kode9 & Burial FABRICLIVE 100 [fabric; 2018] Rating: 4/5 What is a mix’s function? It seems related to, but different from an album, operating according to similar principles of coherence, but diverging from the former’s dependence on singular expression — the need for the album to stand as a body of work issued from one place only. The form of authority instantiated by the mix is more diffuse — looser — than that of the album; a mix can show its seams. In fact, this seems part of its appeal, its authorial weight emerging through the transparent production of a total soundworld, with tracklist in tow. With a mix, we become privy to the real-time arrangement of the constellation of sounds, aesthetics, and affects that make up an artist’s world, so that we might note the shapes, the centers of gravity, the warps and wefts that predominate. Which brings us to Fabriclive 100. Kode9 and Burial’s mix functions as a exploration of the sounds of the hardcore continuum and as a charting of those contemporary global club musics whose only shared principle seems to be their digitized transmission. It’s pulled together by bass weight, arrayed around splintered forms, its multiplicitous histories and geographies shimmering into view atop the fading crackle of vinyl and the click-n-clunk of changing tapes. Within this nexus of sound, competing versions of the contemporary move with and through each other: for the valence of our current moment defined by disconnection and velocity, we have Klein’s fractured poetics, the brittleness of footwork, and the jagged harshness of Lechuga Zafiro. For the hauntological present — that mode of the contemporary defined by the slow cancellation of the future and the reproduction/repetition of the past — we have the ghosts of frayed jungle, washed-out rave, and malevolent acid. These multiple histories and geographies mingle together, and Kode9 and Burial switch between them laterally, shunting a sound to the side just as another is phased in, an approach that imbues the mix with an odd sense of time and place, as hyperspecific geographies — Chicago, Durban, London — mesh with an eerie timelessness, a sense that these musics have become unmoored, adrift, lost in fog and rain. The mix’s complex temporalities and particular geographies make the act of listening recursive, as one is made acutely aware of one’s own position in relation to this music. Consequently, there’s a mournfulness to be found here, as the impassability/impossibility of the distance joining listener and track is foregrounded: how could one have been “there” at the site of this music’s inception, where “there” is an east London rave in the 90s or a taxi in Durban in 2014? The spaces and times from which this music emerges recede, lost to the wildness of the past, while the music itself persists, leaving us with its aesthetic signifiers and sonic forms: gqom’s plosive kicks and eerie atmospherics, jungle’s spectral ambiences, footwork’s brittle hi-hats. These are the traces of this music’s mediation, the histories of its transmission across time and space. And these traces inevitably alight at death, mediation’s steadfast companion. DJ Rashad’s “Let It Go” serves as one of the mix’s anchor points, a track that after Rashad’s death is overcoded with feeling, indexing a past that has ended and a future that will never arrive. “Let It Go” arrives only to be overtaken by hiss and static, unable to play out in full, breaking down. But this breakdown does not signal an end. Rather, it serves to lay the foundations for new and different beginnings, as Kode9 and Burial follow the mutation of sonic signifiers — the jungle break, the footwork clap — as they become attached to new styles, places, and affects. An architecture of mediated sound is being built here, flecked with the indelible traces of the locations, communities, and forms of feeling contained in the music. And, importantly, the process of this construction is suffused with joy, with the afterglow of countless nights remembered and forgotten. In the housing of these transmissions from parallel dimensions, in the tracing of these complex temporal webs, in the encasing of it all — these histories, these places, those lost (RIP Spaceape), those still with us — we remain, with and in the music. Hands in the air, hearts on our sleeves. http://j.mp/2PDQQYL
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haciendadecortes · 3 years
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Disfruta con tu pareja de una velada romántica entre muros llenos de historia y vegetación nuestro menú Español incluye:  -La ensalada del Virrey, mix de lechugas con higos envueltos en jamon serrano, piñones, queso peper jack con vinagreta de miel de citricos. -La Paella Valenciana. -La Tarta Santiago con helado de vainilla. -Botella de vino tinto Cune Crianza Será un gusto atenderle #tesorosdemexicooficial #haciendadecortes #foodlover #couplegoals #visitamorelos #tesorosdemexico #gourmet #instagood #love https://www.instagram.com/p/CSKO0kELlX2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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