#im buying figurines of myself
marciaillust · 7 months
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Nightsong ❤️
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dreamcast-official · 1 year
im normal im normal im n
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fish-hooks · 5 months
Under 3 blankies and wearing a sweater sweatpants and fuzzy socks and I'm still cold
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IM SORRY DID U SAY YOURE WORKING ON A FIC ABOUT “COP BIG DADDY ELVIS”?!?- please tell us more because this sounds like the greatest thing ever 😭
I did, Mon ami, I did indeed…welcome to the demented 2009, sweaty and non famous cop AU that @eliseinmemphis and myself cooked up in our feral yearnings one night.
Edit: it’s here
Allow me to lay a bit of the setting for us all, and maybe even throw in a few lines from the draft below.
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Life is insular when you’ve been born and raised in a trailer park. A little El Paso suburb was never a thriving metropolis, what with its gas stations and dollar stores on the way to nothingness in the desert, but the recession didn’t help none. Your dreams of buying a car that might actually make it above 120 mph and not guzzle your wages in gas is a far off dream when you learn from officer Presley that your entrepreneuring father has been incarnated for racketeering across in Juarez. It’s a shame, a damn shame but it hardly throws a wrench in your life, you were already used to making it however you could. When workin’ at the trucker’s club turns into something a lil more illegal and Elvis has his morning waffle ruined by Joe Esposito yacking about the powers of your pink tongue…he feels a little responsible for leaving you without a father figure. He’s got top notch swamp coolers in his trailer, plenty of food and tiger figurines out front -and he’s got an interest in fast things, just like you.
You could do worse than shack up with such a fella; not that he’s offerin’ but you can tell by the flicker in his eye and the smirk of his lips that he’s as susceptible as the next guy watching you on the pole. Except this sweet, world weary cynic just might screw your gooey insides up worse than any threat or ogle from another man.
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“Well, well officer Presley, finally got persnickety about laws, have ya?” you observed to yourself with a grin as you watched the handsome man swagger towards you along the white line in your side mirror, tugging at his pants as he neared, trying to shimmy the article of clothing a little higher but is impeded by his belt, stopped by his sizable belly, his holster and buckle sitting under the bulge of it.
Your mouth watered. It had been a year or two since you saw him last. He was always built, intimidating to all the stupid rascals he keeps in line along the border, but now he had become outright fat and his khaki shirt pulled apart between each button. Yet when he came up to your window, that little boy grin was still gracing one of the most exquisite faces known to man, and his voice was tender and playful when he greeted you, just as you once recalled. You could see his sweaty hair, matted on his chest and belly between the gaps, his underarms had massive pit stains, doubly apparent thanks to the light color of his police uniform.
Your smile had something of the she-wolf in it as you greeted him, sniffing the air in hopes of catching a whiff as he leaned on your window frame, nearly crowding you from outside. “Hey Miss Sweet Cheeks,” he greets, “you know why ya been pulled over?”
“Haven't got a clue, officer.” You stated the truth and enjoyed the way his title rolled off your tongue in a bantering way. It was easy.
Officer, officer. Somebody important and authoritative. No sir, yes sir, Officer.
His left eyebrow quirked and you wondered what he looked like at twenty five, how devastating that expression would have been before his wound and his meds and the water retention. Whatever power it may have once held, it holds nothing to this slightly bemused, slightly cynical world weariness that shows in his every expression now, that had a twitch of an eyebrow making you feel a fool. “You’re goin’ seventy in a forty five, Miss.” his tone was patient even as his face suggested he’d like to tan your hide for being so reckless. “Reckless endangerment of others, and yourself,” he quoted sternly, “it ain’t no small matter and I don’t countenance it on my highway.”
Gosh, you just loved it when he laid claim to government property like highways and interstates. It helped you smile meekly at him and nod.
“Sorry officer, I got lax.” You purred, batting your eyes and you could see the heavy flap of their coal coated weight in your periphery. “I’ve seen you lettin’ me flyby on the interstate. I guess I thought…”
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nobodyifyouwannaknow · 5 months
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Since the jjk season 2 is over and Im depressed and too broke to buy myself a "look up figurine" I made one. It looks a lot better irl, camera just perfectly caught all the flaws it has ;-;
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satturn · 2 months
bribing myself that if i finish my storyboards by saturday im allowed to buy a phoenix wright figurine
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dausy · 2 months
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Back when the Barbie movie came out a couple of extremely girly hot-pink cafes opened. I didn't want to go by myself (when husband was deployed) because they seemed awfully crowded during Barbie and they're downtown and I hate trying to park in downtown areas. Anyway, my husband took me to brunch at one yesterday and it was fabulous. We had actually already heard the food was pretty blah but our iced coffes were all actually very good and glittery and cute. Everything was covered in pink and glitter. I'm glad I accidentally dressed appropriately. My one complaint about this city is nobody seems to believe in french pastries. Truly I want just want a good coffee and croissant. You can find a croissant but you can't get it at a coffee shop. If you do then the coffee isn't good.
We then visited the local Comic-con. I like to look but the second hand embarrassment always kills me. Its just not really the land of my peoples. I really wanted to catch glimpses of Patrick Warburton and Zachary Levi on camera but there were so many people, I felt anxious trying to pull out my phone. I was really hoping to find some sort of sailor moon figurine. I know I can purchase them online but I kind of wanted the real life shopping experience. One of my biggest con regrets was years ago, I went to a convention and somebody had a table of unique sailor moon merch. Everything from make-up to jewelry to action figures and just small collectors items. I really wished I had purchased some of the decorative pens and compacts. I've never been to another con like it. This convention, while we are in a large city, is not the biggest convention I've been to. I think the coolest booth I found was for Teeturtle. I did find this little simba figuring which Id never seen in real life before. There was another disney 100 one but panicked at the price of both figures together and didn't buy both.
after that my husband wanted to go to a Gun show ('merica!) and I think he was a little disappointed with it. I was just kind of fascinated because it was inside a freemason hall and I'd never been in one before and it was really weird. They didn't have that many guns. They actually had a lot of scentsy and those adhd bubble fidget toy booths haha. I also saw just as many porn books there as I did at the anime convention.
but in any case the weather was actually gorgeous for once. I just enjoyed being out of the house. We also had a post wide yard sale and we drove around a bit looking at items we dont really need. We also stopped at an alterations place to get my ball gown fitted. I procrastinate too much and the dress I was eyeing was out of stock so I just chose..one of the bajillion others I saved on pinterest and it came in the mail within 24hours but alas..I have short legs and its too long.
I have poor sense of time and didn't realize our ball is in like 2 weeks..and now I have to figure out what to do about my hair. Im going to make last minute hair and pedicure appointments..or do what I did the last time and just do everything myself and wonder what I would look like if I was professionally prettied.
also, we went to a baseball game last weekend and my horrible sunburn is starting to peel off. My entire forehead and ears are flaking in small chunks going up into my scalp. Its a lot of fun.
I did film for youtube and I feel like I have enough extra stuff for a life vlog which is everything I listed here so its probably ruined.
also our facility owner apparently hates me again for something he did that I didn't do so I'm yet again counting days of which its appropriate to have a gap in my resume before we move from here.
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zuble · 4 months
i have this curse where whenever i buy merch from a series i like i suddenly lose interest. every time.
i played genshin impact for a long time. absolutely loved ningguang. very beautiful woman. bought myself a nice figurine of her. almost immediately afterwards i stopped playing.
i kept up with spy x family since p much the beginning of the anime. loved it so much. bought an anya collectible. lost interest. i still think its good, i just dont have it in me to watch it anymore or keep up with it.
i found a teeny tiny figurine of power from csm. i fell in love with it instantly, especially since she was my favorite character. i ended up never finishing csm, nor do i want to. not because i don’t like it, but for some reason i just can’t go back to it. i want to see my girl power again but my brain just won’t let me. so i gave the teensy power to a friend instead.
i’ve been a massive madoka magica fan for YEARS. it quickly became my favorite series ever, with rebellion being my favorite movie, homura akemi my favorite character. absolutely beloved. i searched high and low for affordable rebellion merch ever since watching it for the first time. finally found a homura at a mall for about ninety dollars. kinda spendy, but hey it’s my favorite character from my favorite series. after buying it, i tried watching through pmmm again. i can’t finish it. i still love it, id recommend it to a lot of people, and im so excited for the upcoming movie, but i just can’t force myself to watch the show again. i can’t do it. idk why.
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girlwithfish · 5 months
i actually started tearing up cuz i saw someone get a sonny angel from the valentines day series and i got sad cuz i want someone to love me enough to buy me one but i should just buy myself one but im unemployed so no i should not be collecting useless figurine babies just bc i think theyre cute . and then i thought of my ex and how he used to know the type of stuff i liked and blablabla but hes also evil and didnt treat me well and was also evil and i hate him and how confusing it is when the person u thought u could trust was actually evil and bad for u in every way and also i wrote in myj ournal that i view myself as a stupid girl for letting myself get manipulated into believing it was my fault! yipee
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viiridiangreen · 5 months
there is Real Shit happening in the world but my idiot brain decided to rant about Funko Nerds for a sec sorry
listen it's whatever i'm not about to pull a picture of someone's ShelfieTM(💀) and have an aneurysm over it like Some Twitterheads did over pics of white ladies' stupid pointless consumerist stanley cup collections which ARE dumb and annoying and woefully uncreative expressions of suburban soulrot etc yet. harmless in the grand scheme of things (esp when some of those ladies' husbands collect firearms lmfao I DIGRESS). im not gonna name names im not gonna repost anyone's pic im not gonna go be an asshole in their comments.
but i do need to rant On This Here My Toxic Dump Of A Blog for a sec bc i just don't get.... the breed of collector that i'm gonna call Funko Nerd 4 short
like i GET the impulse to be Part Of The Club and ig a couple pieces of official merch have At Times caught my eye. a few have made me deranged obsessed unwell. I DID make that extremely silly art trade with this furry i met online where i drew its fursona in exchange for a code for bluesky which i ended up using like twice and the chance to buy a years old yet unworn Very Cool destiny sweatshirt off them. i was Besotted since that particular merch drop Dropped because it DOESN'T scream to the four winds that it's A Game Merch but instead it all had the First Light Lunar Installation logo.... stealth nerd apparel my beloved. i don't wanna look like a fan of the thing i wanna look like someone IN or FROM the thing. designers of shit like that you get it. i love you. i would've gone for the boots too on either that or the Europa drop if i'd had disposable income at the time.
BUT. UHH. if i ever found myself or a close loved one filling shelf after shelf & maybe getting a whole dedicated piece of light-up furniture for like. Licensed Merch perhaps even Still In Its Box & Meant To Remain There i'd just. i'd want piglet to pull the trigger yknow? lmao
and like i FULLY GET the impulse to collect shit. gathering Trinkets and Thingamabobs and Tchotchkes is the absolute shit. minimalism be damned magpie swag is hot & sexy etc whatever
but WHY.... THE HELL.... would someone choose to collect samey mass produced shit when fanmade merch sometimes even HANDMADE is fucking RIGHT THERE ?????
and the folx who collect Funko Shit tend to have -10000 sense of visual harmony & taste. they just throw all the shit together and expect that bc fellow nolifers know how much it costs how long delivery takes how limited the runs are they'll be impressed but i just. gag. even when each individual thing is a nice & well made figurine or charm or pin or whatever instead of pukeworthy to begin with & only lent value through Licensing the way it happens w actual funkos..... it looks sososososo ugly just thrown together like that.
whatever. it's not Bad it just Deeply Offends my sense of aesthetics. if i'm gonna spend money on silly vidyagaem / generally geeky stuff i want it to approximate the look of something that came From Within The Thing's Fictional Universe. & not just give "Worthless-Until-Licensed Plastic Garbage To Make Money Off The Thing" vibes.
i'd rather have like. a tiny handful of things that were made with love for both the inspiration and the craft. that feel good as hell to hold or use or look at. that would only get clocked as Nerd Shit by someone who's been in the trenches & has crawled exactly as deep inside the creators' asshole as you have....... than a whole spare room's worth of things designed by an overworked underpaid intern to fulfill the collectibles quota or w/e. but that's just me!!
this goes for tattoos too. every time i see someone get a TRADEMARKED LOGO ETCHED DIRECTLY INTO THEIR INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM i projectile vomit inside ✨💖👌
this Grievance is Especially Silly coming from ME like. my living space objectively looks (& functions) like shit. these ppl showing off their Nerd Caves tend to At Least have like. Real Indoors Finishes And Furnishings instead of unsealed concrete nonsense and Insect Condos masquerading as walls. but. yeagh i like to imagine that if i lived in an apartment that was Made & Meant To Be An Apartment (instead of a halfassed halfconverted storage area / outdoor garage...) & had a moderate budget for decoration (???? fucking bougie propaganda brainrot 2 even think abt that in my situation lmfaooooo). i'd make Slightly More Tasteful Choices.
also i'm not vagueing anyone i've literally only seen this nonsense on facebook / lil bit on twitter
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miss-nandini · 8 months
hiiii! this is my first ever ask so i have no idea what i’m doing😭
disregarding that, i’d like to ask for a twst or obey me match up! (whichever you see fit <3)
july cancer btw🫶
•my personality! i feel like i’m very confusing when it comes to personality. i tend to have multiple personas construed for various people. if i don’t know someone i tend to come off as very very polite and well mannered. however if i’ve known you for quite some time i become very comedic and albeit a bit childish.
i tend to shy away from big crowds as i’m easily overwhelmed. i’m also a majorrrrr people pleaser, almost to a fault. i’ve also been told i’m super duper flirty? which i hardly do on purpose.(i guess i compliment people a lot?)
•interests! i love watching anime and various kids cartoons. im extremely interested in science, specifically biological sciences. im an animal lover at heart (except bugs) i hate bugs😭i play a lot of video games, but not any high energy games that require too much focus. i like reading poetry and even dabble in the art myself! speaking of art, im a very artistic individual and love drawing and character design!
i believe that’s it! again im super duper sorry if i seem a bit awkward or like i don’t know what im doing. this is my first ever ask😭 love ya have a fantastic day/night🫶
Hey there! I hope you are doing well. This is my first time doing this as well haha. Have a good day/night/afternoon. Love you too!
I think you will be great with Idia Shroud or Leviathan
If you end up dating either of them then
Endless video games and mangas.
Hosting cosplays with Levi.
Buying limited edition figurines and stuff.
Ortho embarrassing the shit outta Idia in front of you.
Dragging him out of his room once in a while.
You are his favourite prefect/human bestie.
Will do anything for you even if it means socializing with 'normies'.
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dreamsfulblues · 18 days
AHHH! I’m so ELATED that you’re a Satoru lover now!! 💙💙💙 Welcome to the Gojo simp community!!!! Hmmmm… so Karamatsu, Bruno, and now Satoru... Are you sure you’re not just a Yuichi Nakamura simp?? 😂😂 (I’m kidding! But I get it—his voice is hot af.)
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I don’t post about Satoru on my blog that much since I try to keep it single fandom, but he happens to be an f/o of mine too!! (Which is why im so excited about this!!!) I’m just so happy that I can share my love of Satoru with another person, especially if that person is my favorite artist 😭 Seriously though, it’s scary how similar our tastes in fictional men are—I can’t forget that you like Rohan too!
I seriously can’t wait for all the art we’re going to get. I know you hinted in a comment that you may want to draw Bruno and/or Kara as Gojo (or Gojo as Bruno and/or Kara) and I just want to say YES PLEASE TO BOTH OF THOSE!!! I just know you’re going to be feeding us well 😉
Now to ask about JJK: do you plan on reading the manga anytime soon? If not, that’s cool, but I highly recommend it! It would be an understatement to say that it’s amazing 😭 (and I’ll just leave it at that since I don’t want to spoil anything.)
Again, welcome to the Gojo simp community! If you ever wanna gush over Satoru with someone, feel free to reach out!! I have tons of fantastic thirst art of him saved on my phone. ;)
You know you may have a point cause I even asked myself if it might be the case
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(But in all honesty he did became my favorite VA his voice is iconic and he has such talent)
Also it’s so silly how hard Satoru hit me like I didn’t even fully finish the anime and I was already on my way buying a figurine of him (which I’m still waiting for. I was shocked how hard it is to get merch of him like every time I found something cool it was sold out 🥺)
How can a man this goofy and chaotic…
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Be so handsome and beautiful?
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I just wanna kiss his soft rosy lips and get hypnotized by his crystal blue eyes and run my fingers through his snow white hair~…
…did I say something?
Also I really didn’t expect he would be a rather sad/tragic character. I felt so bad for my baby
And yeah I’m probably gonna draw Kara as Gojo anyways considering Oso is Geto so it’s basically begging to be drawn
But Bruno and Satoru? THATS A MUST MARK MY WORDS
I’m both excited and scared to draw the blindfolded idiot AAAAAAA
And I was thinking about starting the manga. Just the art alone got me curious. I NEED MORE FOOD
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sollattes · 6 months
hellaur and its another time for IAN'S CRUSH RANT🤩🤩🤩
okay so first thing I need to be clear about, I DID NOT KNOW THAT HIS MOM N MY MOM WERE FRIENDS😭 THEY WERE FR LIKE THIS🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 WHEN THEY SAW EACH OTHER, back to the point, so my fam and his were planning on going to China for a yk Christmas holiday and they picked China bcus 1.) my fam had some relatives there and 2.) His fam were visiting his grandparents and other close relatives, and then we went to like a family dinner with him n his fam, THEY WERE SUPER NICE AND LIKE HIS LIL BRO IS SO CUTE OMFG, we went to shakeys, WE SAT NEXT TO EACH OTHER YALL HEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHHEHEHEHE👹👹 AND JUST LIKE THE WHOLE NIGHT HE WAS OFFERING ME FOOD AND LIKE HANDING ME STUFF HE WAS SO CUTE YALL IM FOLDING MY BITCHASS CANNOT HOLD EYE CONTACT 💀 after eating i told my mom that I wanna check out stuff at these like figurines(idk man it was just full of funko pop and other anime collectable) store and he offered to come with me I COULD NOT SPEAK PROPERLY I JUST NODDED AND AVOIDED MY MOM AND HIS MOMS GAZE 😭 and when were at the store I'm sorry yall but I did kinda nerded out ONLY BECAUSE THE ONE PIECE FUNKOS AND HP FUNKOS WERE THERE THEY WERE MAJESTIC AF I bought nico robin and sanji:)) and while we were at the shop he asked me if I liked China and I said "ofc but I can't speak Chinese and I can only introduce myself" and he laughed then looked down at his feet like a shy school girl fr and said "I can teach you some phrases while were looking for some other stuff you wanna buy" and ofc I agreed, he taught me how to order food, how to introduce myself properly, how to buy food or things in general, then he taught me the phrase "wǒ xǐhuān nǐ" and honestly I was half not paying attention already so I was just repeating what he was saying and then he made me say it to his face then he said "wǒ yě xǐhuān nǐ" and I asked him what does it mean and this mf just told me to Google it when I'm out home in which I just rolled my eyes to, and when I got home I did Google it IT LITERALLY TRANSLATED TO "I LIKE YOU" AND "I LIKE YOU TOO" WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I SWEAR THIS MAN IS MORE CONFUSING THAN CALCULUS OMFG I sent him the translated screen shots of it and just captioned it with three question marks HE JUST 'HAHA' REACTED TO IT AND TOLD ME TO PERCEIVE IT THE WAY I WANT TO PERCEIVE IT BITCH⁉️⁉️🤨🤨🤨🤨 WDYM why are men so good at being so confusing omfg I WILL SMACK THIS MAN ISTG
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autisticempathydaemon · 10 months
hey hey! idk if this is where I submit for the match up! but I would love to see who you think I'd fit in with! I'm a creative soul who tends to try to develop deep friendships with people above everything. I have a bit of a savior complex as well lol I work hard and play harder, trying to find new adventures to go on with those i care about. I tend to support others before supporting myself, and while im happy to let others open up to me its hard for me to open up in return. the best way i can feel close to someone is deep conversations and being creative with them!
My current fav song has been Maybe IDK by John Bellion, specifically the lyric "i guess if i knew tomorrow i guess i wouldnt need faith"  just the idea of living today to the best you can just because you don't know what will happen tomorrow. the worries of the future should keep you down today
My current fav Redacted audio has to be the Helping your Werewolf bf shift again. Specifically the acting is just so good to me. Erik did an amazing job of portraying Milo's anguish and pain at not being able to shift. Plus the relieved sobs at the end is so satisfying and emotional. 
The one boy i cant get the hype around is Ivan. like sure the yandere thing is somewhat attractive to some, but i just don't like the idea of an actual psychopath being obsessed with me.
my favorite movie is definitely the Secret Life of Walter Mitty by Ben Stiller. its less of a quotable movie and more of i remember every scene very distinctly. its a movie that envelops my own escapism. its beautifully shot, wonderfully acted, and a wholesome story on a rainy day.
my platonic redacted crush has to be Damien. he seems like a blast to interact with and tease. he's a hard worker and is tied close to his goals which i can admire. i would love to body double with him if i had some tasks to get done
space is also 100% my ramble subject when im sleepy, that and greek mythology
My guilty pleasure media is currently the animated shows Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Lego Monkie Kid. despite being kids shows, both of these are beautifully animated and shockingly well written!
I hope that gives you an idea of me! I look forward to who you think i match with!
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Hmm, lots of good tidbits of information to consider. You strike me as really thoughtful, really caring, and I think Lasko could really benefit from a partner like that.
A savior complex, from what I understand, is just wanting to help people and make their lives better, and Lasko’s a guidance counselor, so y’all would have that in common. What’s good about pairing two people like that is y’all could keep each other in line, so to speak. Something that’s important when you’re always looking out for other people is to make sure someone is always looking out for you and vice versa. You and Lasko together would always make sure you’re taking care of others, each other, and yourselves.
Another reason I like the two of you together is that you like being creative with one another as a bonding activity. You know what’s the ultimate way to be creative together? Tabletop role playing games! If you don’t already play, Lasko would be so excited to help you with a character sheet, to help you craft a backstory, paint some mini figurines, go out and buy the perfect game dice and notebooks- the greatest combination of nerdy and cute in a couple.
There now, steady love, so few come and don't go/ Will you won't you, be the one I always know?/ When I'm losing my control, the city spins around/ You're the only one who knows, you slow it down
One, the whole vibe of “you slow me down, I’ll look after you, we’re here for each other” vibes are exactly what I’m picturing for y’all. Also, Lasko and I are around the same age, and I heard this song a lot growing up. I have some weird, like, emotional resonance with it from childhood, and I think Lasko does too. Like, it makes him nostalgic and longing; maybe he always wanted someone to look after and to look after him, and now he’s finally found that in you.
A very reasonable runner-up for you would be Camelopardalis because he would do a great job making sure you balance work and your personal life and that you don’t put others before yourself too much. A more fun runner-up would be Guy because I love sticking that beautiful Creative Writing major with other beautiful, creative people!
note: thank you for waiting, dear, and I hope you like your match-up! 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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Have you seen that one ayatsuji figure?!?!? I just collapsed
I’ve promised myself I’d never become a figurine collector because I need my wallet at least somewhat intact but today might be the day I snap and buy this freak.
y’all gonna see this bitch in my house and he’s gonna have bite marks on him because I couldn’t control myself
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201xs · 10 months
i used to own a komasan figurine it was pretty big like 20 cm tall i got it at a toy shop on some insane discount it was like half a dollar but since im not into yokai watch anymore i gave it to my biology teacher whos a fan last year he keeps it in his class on his desk
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OHH THATS SO CUTE... going into yokai watch i had seen komasan before but i didnt know anything about his character beyond that. so i had no idea he was a country boy?!! theres honestly nothing in his design that gives it away so i was kind of floored. i love how he makes his way into a lot of the miniseries, like springdale five-yo, hanging with mr. crabbycat, and of course komasan in love & komasan in the city
he's honestly perfect for it. hes so cute and funny and such a simple but effective character. i love his relationship with komajiro, how theyre constantly encouraging each other and looking out for one another :") this figurine is just precious and i want one for myself. what a steal im so jealous. ive been thinking of buying some yokai watch merch but i have no money LOL and nowhere to put it if i do buy it cause i have too much crap already
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