#im considering posting this on my ao3 too but idk
panbotter · 4 months
Hey so in reference to my previous ask, can you do one were the reader is having trouble controlling their powers (you can decide those) and either Kurt or Erik comfort them after a bad day and end up confessing to the reader. You can ad smut if you want but if not that's totally fine too☺️.
Your Existence is Grand
Erik Lehnsherr x gn!reader
Erik notices you having a rough day with your powers and decides to shower you with praise.
(This is my first fanfic literally ever so feedback appreciated, but also... Sorry for any mistakes!!!!)
Trigger warnings: cursing, suggestive themes (I don't know what else to write here, pls let me know if there's anything else I should add!)
The air around me begins buzzing and crackling, becoming charged with electricity and I sigh, deeply frustrated before I reach for the metal doorknob in front of me and receive a shock so strong that all the muscles in my arm cramp up painfully. I curse under my breath, forcing my arm to bend and stretch the tense muscles as I walk into the lounge, getting a glimpse of the others outside. Some might say I’d been gifted with a particularly powerful mutation, that it made me strong and intimidating. That I am admired for it, as if it’s a blessing to be grateful for.
But in this god-forsaken world, all I could see was a curse that plagued my body. I never bothered to understand the science behind it, as much as others might have tried to explain it to me. Something about the electricity in my body behaving abnormally, affecting the air around me and in turn, other electronics or conductors of electricity, turning me into a walking hazard around power lines, or thunderstorms. Let's not even mention the sheer amount of electrical fires I’ve caused. Sure, it sounds cool. But the reality is basically hell.
One of the ‘best’ parts about my mutation is that it is terribly unstable, especially when you’re constantly surrounded by electricity no matter where you go. Everyone else who charges up some static then touches a piece of metal receives a little sting from a silly little shock. It might be a little funny or perhaps surprising! Maybe it happens when you touch fingers with someone else and you shock each other, what a cute moment!
Try getting fucking electrocuted every single time.
Nowhere near as cute, nor as fun.
Some days are worse than others and the more restless I become, the worse it is for me in the end. But unfortunately, I can’t lay in bed immobile for an entire day to lower the voltage my body is producing, resulting in my current conundrum. Avoiding the rest of the X-Men in order to avoid any potential accidents, especially with Jubilee. Fireworks and a highly-charged mutant body surrounded by a bunch of high-tech only spells out bad news. Luckily, it seems like most of them were outside on the basketball court. That’s what I thought, at least.
“I take it you’re having a bad voltage day?” the voice of none other than Magneto startles me out of my thinking. It’s been more than a few months of him living here with us, but his presence is still unexpected. I had a hard time training the knee-jerk defensive reaction out of my body for the first few days, my body becoming charged up so quickly that I wouldn’t even have the chance to blink before I shot a bolt of electricity at him.
He was quick to show that a little spark didn’t do much to him, given that he was essentially a walking magnetic field.
I turn to him, his large form standing at the entrance to the lounge, “What makes you say that?” I turn back to watch as Scott and Logan start another argument, their voices muffled by the glass.
“The air keeps crackling and I have a hard time believing there’s a storm inside the building” he approaches until he pauses at my side. I chuckle a little, giving a wince once I feel my sore muscles constrict. He turns to watch me.
“Hm, I don’t know, maybe Storm has had enough of those two at each other’s throats” I try to joke but my voice falters, as my heart begins to race again and the sound of the air buzzing around me becomes overwhelming. Tremors begin rippling across my muscles, a mixture of them cramping and relaxing too fast for me to keep up with. Losing the strength in my legs, I stretch a hand out toward the glass in front of me to hold myself up but I miss the glass by a couple inches. Erik’s hands are quick to grab onto my arms before pulling me into his chest, supporting my weight as the crackling noise fills my ears and I let out a pained shout. My body releases a strong burst of electricity, most of it absorbed by Erik’s magnetic field, whilst the rest causes the power in the building to go out. I pant loudly, trying to catch my breath, feeling like my heart might’ve stopped in the middle of that.
The lights flicker around us before the power in the school hums back to life. Erik’s hands are still around me, I realize before beginning to step away, but his hold on me tightens. He pulls me back against his chest and I try to fight back the heat that’s slowly creeping up to my face. This is a bit embarrassing. I’ll admit it, I had grown to like Erik in the time he’d been with us, not to mention I had quite a few run-ins with him before I ever joined the X-Men. He always seemed so… Powerful, he always felt safe to be around. As radical as the Professor may claim he is, he always seemed… Right. You could hear the passion in his voice when he spoke of mutantkind and it made you want to side with him, to be loyal and to follow him to the ends of the Earth.
He had a powerful presence, and as I am now discovering, a powerful touch. One of the very few people who could come near me without fear of being electrocuted. My muscles had begun to twitch in the aftermath of the shock. These are the unfortunate moments where I wish I could be rid of my mutation. I could barely hold myself up and here I was in Erik’s arms.
“You should be resting” his voice was stern, but there was a hint of concern in there. I raise my gaze to meet his, feeling a bit of shame.
“I can’t just lay in bed all day, the world is still turning, there’s things to do…” I muttered.
“Precisely, the world is still turning and it will still continue to turn if you are at rest. You, on the other hand, are not a planet and you need to care for yourself”
I stare into his eyes, feeling them pierce through my soul. He always seemed to be right about everything… I chuckle under my breath as I regain some strength in my legs, straightening back up.
“I’m sure you must be tired of having to run after all of us like a babysitter” I joke as his arms come to rest on my shoulders once I’m stable on my feet.
A glint crosses his eyes, “I do wonder how Charles managed, and then I remember he’s a telepath, so it must’ve been quite easy for him” he replies with a smirk gracing his face that makes me laugh a little.
“He still struggled, you shouldn’t compare yourself to the Professor”
He begins to lead me toward the couch behind us, helping me take a seat before joining me. I still feel a hot streak of shame across my stomach, having him help me. Burdening him.
“Sorry, by the way… You’re right, I should be a little more considerate of others” I mutter.
Erik turns to look at me as I avoid making eye contact, “I don’t believe those were my words…” his hand reaches out toward my chin, gently turning my head to face him, “I only ask of you to rest and care for yourself, forget what the others may think”
I blinked up at him, “The Professor always wanted me to push past my limits, so that I can perhaps get stronger… Control my powers better”
“In a perfect world, you wouldn’t have to restrict your abilities, you could rule this planet with a wave of your hand, what you have is something to be proud of, not ashamed” he places his hand against my cheek and I find myself leaning against his warm touch, “Your mutation is a blessing, not a curse”
I scoff, “Sure doesn’t feel that way, I can’t even live among humans without shutting down an entire city’s power”
“Your powers shouldn’t be hidden, controlled, or restricted for the sake of humanity” he says the word with disdain, “but those are my beliefs, your existence is grand mein liebling”
My heart thumps against my chest loudly at his words. It feels… Intimate. How could he speak such high praise toward me?
“I see you hurt and I watch as you restrain yourself around others, as your mutation basically eats your body alive and it pains me…” his eyes gaze across my face, pausing at my lips before trailing back up to my eyes, “It pains me that you live in a world where you feel you cannot rest, where you feel you must hide the power within you”
“Erik…” I whisper, almost afraid to shatter the moment between us, “What are you… What are you saying…?” I peer into his eyes, seeing something brewing behind his gaze. Could it be possible that he’s… No, there’s no way.
“What do you believe I’m saying?” he whispers softly, leaning in toward me. I jump as a few sparks fly out from where he has his hand on my cheek. I can’t help my eyes dropping to his lips before rising back up to his eyes.
I feel the tension rise and in a desperate attempt to avoid it, I joke, “If I was delusional, I might think you’re trying to confess to me right now” I laugh a little to dispel the tension. His gaze was still just as intense so I failed, but I tried my best.
A smile graced his features, “Yes… Perhaps if you were delusional, you might see that I am actually confessing my feelings for you right now” he says it so casually I almost think he’s playing along with my joke, but as my eyes widen, so does his smile.
“Are you…?” my voice wavers a little. I feel my heart drop, realizing he’s probably joking with me. I turn away from his hand, lightly pushing his chest to put distance between us.
“Is this some sort of joke? Come on, Erik… You know that’s… It’s unrealistic” I mutter, a man like him would never love someone like me, that’s not how it works… Maybe in the movies, or in a fairytale perhaps.
“Mein liebling, perhaps I haven’t been clear enough with you” he wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me in close, closer than before, “do you prefer a visual demonstration instead? I can give you that, you only need to ask” he smiles before slowly leaning in, giving me enough time to back out if I wished, but I find myself leaning in, eager to feel his lips against mine.
As soon as our lips locked together, sealed at last, a burst of electric sparks flew out from our lips and I giggled into the kiss. I mean, how ironic is that? I felt real, literal sparks and fireworks from the kiss and it made my lips tingly. Erik smiles into the kiss before deepening it, his hand rising up toward my hair while the other trailed down my back and I found myself desperate to be closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, clumsily climbing over to sit on his lap. We part right as I begin losing my breath and he trails a burning, tingly trail of kisses down my jaw before he stops by my ear.
With a whisper that blew across the nape of my neck, “I see more than just greatness in you, so much more…” The words are charged with intention, passion, and sincerity. I shudder as the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and I bite back a moan as he continues kissing down my neck. I take a sharp breath in as he begins sucking on a tender spot before I suddenly realize what we’re doing…
Where we’re doing it.
I turn slightly to peek at the windows, making sure the others are still thoroughly distracted with playing before I feel Erik bite my skin and a moan breaks out, “Wait! Erik… We’re… In the lounge…”
He lifts his head, and the dark look in his blue eyes makes me clench my legs in anticipation, “We’ll just have to be fast… And quiet… Can you do that?” He taunts me with a question I don’t even get the chance to answer before he lays me down on the couch, climbing over me, “I’m just helping you relax, that’s not a sin, is it?” He looks down at me with a hungry gaze and I feel my cheeks burn.
“I guess not”
“Show me what else you can do with these sparks of yours”
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unexpectedgeese · 5 months
I love you kudos I love you second kudos I love you keysmash comments I love you ‘<3’ I love you guest accounts I love you worldbuilding questions I love you comment spam from new readers I love you bookmarks with summaries of the plot I love you ‘to read’ I love you ‘fave’ I love you Artists who draw scenes from the fic I love you discord proofreaders I love you beta readers I love you Inbox (1)!!!!! You are the beating heart of the Ao3 community and the world is better with you in it!!!
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pinkseas · 1 year
girls will put an EXTENSIVE amount of thought and research into their next couple of planned fics and THIS IS THE THANKS THEY'LL GET FOR IT.
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sacredpit · 7 months
while i’m tekkenposting i get jinhwoa isn’t like the softest uwu fluffy ship out there but does every single fic have to be gut-wrenching angst like do u people rlly not see any happiness for them at all
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scarlettcryptid · 1 month
hardcore projecting my avoidancy onto dabi in this soulmate au thing i started in november
#u know i had to do it to em#🤝🏼🧍🏽‍♀️🌳#should i just say f it and share my fic headcanons on this account#this account isn't linked to my writing stuff so . is it REALLY a spoiler if no one knoes what the hell im talking abojt#just kidding i can't share them bc what if someone connects the dots and finds out i like emotional intimacy#help i am so dramatic i have a writing blog and 2 god damn ao3 accounts#the main one is where i comment/bookmark/give kudos from#and the other one is my writing one#i do all that despite knowing no one gives a fuck#we'll see how i feel by the time i have 20 fics up#currently at 4 but the wips. the wips are crawling out from under my bed and grabbkng me by the ankle#they demand my attwntion SORRY but mommy has executive dysfunction#i was supposed to have posted 4 or 5 things by now so that i'd have time for the halloween stuff that come up next in my series 🥴#then i was gonna wrap it up with updates on the one year of which is valentine's day and white day#the other halloween thing i started last halloween could work too but i probably won't get in the mood to write it in time lmao#soulmate au was supposed to drop in june RIP#i have most of it's notes finished it's the actual writing that's kicking my ass. it feels so disorganized which is throwing me off#anyways this post is about that au but im actually working on the hero reader one#which i keep overthinking#ik a reader can have an ability and still not be an oc but hmmmm i dunno#the quirk is generic but i think bc i have actual ocs with that ability it is throwing me off lmao#i considered changing it to a water quirk but i think it'll stay cuz i like it more for the theme#also it'd make 1 scene annoyingly difficult#i guess i could just make it a rainy day huh#oh well it is staying. now to finish the prologue that i'll probably never post. gotta write it so i have a good idea of their dynamic#and feel the emotional weight? idk writer words bro i am jus fuckign around on#we chilling 😎#and by we i mean me and my headache#which i just gave myself#noice 😎
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aro-aizawa · 2 years
rip if any of my mutuals or followers have polls can you pretty pretty please submit one to my inbox so i could perhaps get the ability to make my own? 👉👈
i literally just need it so i can make pointless polls about my writings/minor problems lol
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caelanglang · 4 months
Who are your fav skk fanfic writers and why? Do you have their works that you love the most that you don't mind sharing here? 💘
this... this is such a hard question, *brings out a whole safe of records* /j (no srsly it's gonna be a long read--)
Here are a list of authors i really like :3 Their ao3 links/handles are:
the_most_happy: love how emotional their work can be! they have smut and fluff works, and most of all—which i think the the most delicious one, is the way they write angst <3 I actually made a bunch of fanart for their fics/aus when I was just getting into the fandom :3 They're writing is like going into a spicy sexy emotinal adventure... idk how else to describe it xD my fav fic of theirs... augh so hard to choose... In Loving Memory caught me so off guard (cuz i forgot to read the tags and immediately dived into it the moment i saw their post about it hhhh)
forest_racoon: The fluff and softness and magic in their writing is so good! I love the energy and comedy and seriousness and everything in their writing! it's always so fun to pick up any of their works~ Don't be tricked tho,, the angst they deliver have the same gravity ToT it's just so... augh... I first found them through Plate :( and have reread it several times (please check out their other works too it's all so amazing!!)
devilrin: love how she writes. period. the emotions and the poetic energy of it?? the angst?? so. good. the skk energy in their writing is more mellow(?) it feels more realistic—it's like watching people instead of characters ;w; (very cool how she world builds an entire life outside of her fic for her characters actually, got to witness the behind the scenes first hand myself its pretty insane to me) The fic that ruined me tho is Down to a Sunless Sea (which is so angsty im so--)
themadtree: The energy in their writing is just so amazing. it's very hard to stop mid-way! The dialogue feels very fun and engaging and you really get very attached to the characters because of how energetic and full of life they are. Whimsical is the best word I can think of to describe the reading experience of their work :3 They made a bunch of fun aus; their brain is just so amazing (pirate au and avatar au like broooooo) My favorite is Mors Vincit Omnia (yummy pirate au!)
StarshipDancer: one of the first ao3 writers whose name i decided to remember by heart (which means a lot considering how bad i am with names) because they are my most searched user in ao3 xD The fluff is just so addicting. The sillies and shenanegans are so on point for me, idk it just scratch this itch so perfectly in my brain. I draw a of inspiration from my skk sketches from their works actually :3!! READ EVERYTHING THEY HAVE PLS ITS ALL SO GOOD (you should check the fluff week collection augh) Without Words is one of my most reread ones... I think... I reread a lot of their works tho...
setosdarkness: let's be honest. i think everyone whose dived into ao3 skk just knows her alreayd xD she's such a kween for that, making sure we are so well fed with so much fun skk writing. Her works are so fun to read! Very comedic and has such similar energy to the gag moments and bickering and shenanigans of the anime skk for me idk why. I love how fun and unique each fic scenarios are :3 (no srsly you'll never run out of food made with so much love by athina-san)
xLillyle: I am working with Lilly for a Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood skk au!! (its Royai skk BUT it's also beast!skk) it's been so exciting to work with her :3!! You can check some of the teasers here. She made an iwaoi!skk fic recently so if that's you're type hehe *starts bawling*
there are lots of other amazing authors there but these are the ones that came to mind and i am most familiar with for now :3 Here are some other fics ~~
When I Awake: Ghost(?) Writer Dazai and Musician Chuuya. yummy angst. silly skk
castle out of couches: My favorite domestic fluff skk. it's my must read. Halfbloom is such a master of the fluff in comedic tone and capturing that skk domestic softness idk how they do it. it's just so good.
In One of the Stars I shall be Living: A sweetheart wrote a fic about my little prince skk au TT it's so well written and I am so in love with all the references and angst ueueue
Five Steps: My favorite skk knight x prince au TT
The Best Worst Thing: Another sweetheart wrote a fic based on my silly sketches ;w; it's so cute waaaaaa
okay. i am. so sorry for the long answer. I just love a lot of stuffs from these incredible writers. feel free to drop by again :3 these are the ones that comes to my mind first so i may have missed out on a bunch oop
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emerxshiu · 10 months
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im back lol with a fuzzy neo post
originally an almost full body pic, but i only rendered this part cuz i dunno, too lazy to do the rest, and i thought it looked kinda cool, im starting to consider it can be placed around some of my best digital drawings but idk
my mind has been having (aside from a terrible kirfluff brainrot) a fuzzy neo brainrot, i have also created some hc for mammalization, such as growing lungs, bones, and generally mammal stuff cephalopods dont have. and i have created a silly lil au too, but thats probably for another post
i feel like its lacking something, i mean, in the ilineart without colors neo looks more, deranged? something like that, dont feel like posting that pic so trust me on that one
also, i sometimes write on ao3 and i'd appreciate if you'd all check it out, tho i dunno if the stories are very good as i tend to have a hard time writing interactions and stuff, but i guess i'll get better with time and y'know stuff, same user there btw
i genuinlly debated wether i should give em bear ears or nah for like a minute
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I don't think i've ever done an introduction before so here's a messy one (I'll fix/add to it later)
Hey, I'm Snilk (It's a nickname my friend gave me that's short for snail milk)
I draw and write occasionally (My ao3 is the same as my username and is at the bottom of this post under the cut)
I'm only fluent in english but i also know some Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Turkish, Slovenian, Gaelic (in order of how much I know the language) Also working on learning Kumeyaay, Cherokee and Chiwere (The native languages of the places I've lived and love visiting)
This is mainly a bsd account because ✨autism & hyperfixations✨ but all the fandoms i'm in/shows/book/manga i've seen or read is under cut (feel free to recommend things to my read/watch list through asks or dms)
General personality info also under cut
Socials under cut
Fandom list
Fandoms (General)
- Bungo stray dogs
- Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- Ramshackle
- No.6
- My little pony friendship is magic (gen 4)
~ Jkk
- Junji ito
[Past Fandoms: Miraculous ladybug, Bnha, Danganronpa, harry potter, demon slayer, hunter x hunter, bloom into you, whisper me a love song, ways of the household husband, tokyo ghoul, Tbhk, spy family, chainsaw man, yuri on ice, sk8, idk if these are considered fandoms but i was also obsessed with yt animators for a while; jaidenanimations, odd1sout, let me explain studios, jelly jess, SO MANY MORE]
Manga/Light Novels
- Bungou stray dogs light novels (1-8; Kafka Asagiri... still haven't read tdipud)
- BSD Gaiden/Another Story (Kafka Asagiri, LOVED THE ART OF THIS ONE)
- No.6 (Atsuko Asano, UGH LOVE THIS ONE)
- Bloom into you (Nio Nakatani, THE AROACE REP 🔛🔝)
Recent/Fav reads
- Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury)
- Flower of Buffoonery (Dazai Osamu)
- No longer Human (Dazai Osamu)
- Setting Sun (Dazai Osamu)
- School Girl (Dazai Osamu)
- Time Machine (HG Wells)
(There's more i'm just lazy)
Currently reading/read list
- Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoevsty)
- 1984 (George Orwell)
so much more (again i'm lazy)
I pretty much listen to anything and everything (Except super popular artists who only got popular because they're celebrities and not because they make actually good music, I can't stand them)
- Ado
- The Alan Parsons Project
- Alex G
- Alexander Vertinsky
- Alpay
- Conan Gray
- Chappell Roan
- Sufjan Stevens
- Mustafa Ozkent
- Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
(I'll finish this later, i'm eepy and this is too hard to pick my fav artists)
ENTP/INTP (It changes between those two every time I take the stupid test)
I'm technically Aroace and bisexual (Romantic relationships feel suffocating and cause me to have constant panic attacks and I'm fine with sex but I have to be on top and in control and refuse to take off any of my clothes so pretty much me giving cunnilingus or blowjobs👍 anything else👎 The reason being I have horrid sa trauma from when I was 8... lemme know if y'all want the story)
I've been told by everyone I know I am Dazai, no elaboration, I just simply am him
Masochist yet scared of pain, constantly paranoid and anxiety ridden lil creature (I have horrid insomnia that causes me to hallucinate), I love driving, I have horrid misophonia and will often skip meals cause i can't stand the sound if my own chewing, automatic flight response when alone, fight response with someone weaker than me, i'm an extreme people pleaser and over thinker so as much as i wanna make jokes about something i wont because im scared of it going wrong and then will proceed to overthink my screw ups for the rest of my days :D, would deal with panic attacks through self-harm/self-sabotage and would purposely embarrass myself (Haven't done that in a while tho so it's all good) uhhhh this is too long so that's it lmao
Ao3 writer curse (I've never broken a bone but pretty much every week it's something new from giving myself a concussion and missing school for days without my knowledge cause i was in a coma that my family thought was just me being lazy to a random excruciating pain in a place i didn't even know could hurt)
I make jokes when i'm in pain cause i hate having people worry about me or feeling bad because of me, I am entertainment for you, i'm not real so just laugh at me like a sad movie
I go to an art school (unfortunately) and have class from 8:30am-5pm on a normal day; I'm in production & design conservatory which is basically just running everything behind the scenes of live theater, everything you see and hear in a show that's not the actors themselves I work to control and make as good as possible, my fav positions are A2 (putting mics on people and setting up speakers) Wardrobe (designing costumes and performing/helping with quick changes) and Deck/props (Make stuff and put it on stage)
Outside if that my favorite subjects are Science and History (I love memorizing things that make sense and work together, i love understanding facts about the world and using it to express and understand things through literature)
I used to love math as i was a child prodigy but lost my spark as instead of my teachers noticing my skill and helping me, they poured water on my flame and now i can barely solve 13 time 3 without a calculator (its 39)
When I was in kindergarten, I was bored with my lessons and my sister (who was in 3rd grade at the time) loved playing school with me so by the time I started first grade I had memorized multiplication tables, could solve any equation in my head within minutes (like 2 digit multiplied by 2 digit equations) and had a concept of negative numbers, my first grade teacher loved this about me and would give me harder equations separate from the rest of the class, then in second grade my teacher would lie to me any time i said something above second grade math, like one time i brought up an equation like 2-5 and she was like "oh you can't do that" and I tried to explain it and she just kept denying it until I finally got so fed up with her bs I shouted "YES YOU CAN ITS NEGATIVE 3 JUST LIKE YOUR IQ FOR NOT UNDERSTANDING THAT!" ... I got sent to the office. Third grade was the worst because instead of just letting me be my teacher made me write down everything on paper... I don't think in numbers when i do mental math, I think in concepts, so by the time i convert the concepts to numbers and but it on paper i've lost the entire equation and have to start over again and get super confused because i forget how i got that number and why that numbers there so i end up just breaking down and getting the question wrong. AND INSTEAD IF SEEING WHAT THE ISSUE WAS SHE JUST BRUSHED IT OFF AS OH YAY IM DOING THE WORK so i became stupid as a result (I also was in math olympians for a few years and would always get pissed off cause it was a group competition and i would look at the problem, solve it instantly and tell them the answer, they wouldn't believe me, take forever to solve it and low and behold i was right and because it was a timed competition i never got higher than second place...)
(I'm not really active on Twitter/X)
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sagegreenfrogs · 11 months
*ೃ༄sage's masterpost*ੈ✩‧₊˚
⭑°⟢last updated: 9/7/2024⟣°⭑
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *°•
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──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── "a heart's a heavy burden."──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── "destiny is a book you write yourself." ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
-> names: jay, sage, julian/jude, and call me howl if you want <3 (more on that later)
-> pronouns: he/him, it/its, they/them,
-> neo+xeno prononus: xe/xem/xir, faun/fauns/faunself, rai/rain/rainself, pine/pines/pineself, crow/crows/crowself, for/forest/forestself, hear/heart/heartself
-> transmasc, demiboy/mascflux-ish? idk, bisexual, demiromantic, aegosexual, genderqueer, gender nonconforming, yes im a faggot tranny dyke girlboy whateverrr
-> minor, may post about sexual content. just don't speak to me in a sexual way and we're chill
-> DNI: basic dni (racist, sexist, homo/transphobe, etc.) & ped0/MAP, zo0, TERF/SWERF, radfem, radqueer, zionist, jkr defenders, dream stans, wilbur defenders, zutara shippers, pro-shaladin, pr0shipper (romanicizing p3dophilia and inc3st is awful) etc.
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-> current main fandoms: the dragon prince, voltron : legendary defender, avatar : the last airbender
-> other fandoms: jujutsu kaisen, genshin impact, hermitcraft/mcyt, the disastrous life of saiki k, scott pilgrim, evangelion, dead end : paranormal park, kipo and the age of wonderbeasts, nimona, the owl house, amphibia, gravity falls, she-ra and the princesses of power
-> things i'm currently getting into/future fandoms (no spoilers please!) : haikyuu!, bungo stray dogs, hilda, centaurworld, castlevania, spider-man, cowboy bebop, delicious in dungeon/dungeon meshi, freiren
-> Show Netflix that we want the full TDP saga (s8-s10) by submitting "The Dragon Prince: Season 8," "The Dragon Prince: Season 9," and "The Dragon Prince: Season 10," here, and using #giveusthesaga, #continuethesaga, and #greenlightarc3 on here and Twitter!
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-> i <3 ghibli films! current watch count : 10/22
-> i'm most brainrotted about sorvus & klance- but other ships make me crazy too! (esp stsg... robbed.)
-> possibly neurodivergent! no diagnoses for anything tho
-> 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 about my interests
-> endos and endo antis can interact, I try to remain neutral as I'm not plural and uneducated!! pls just don't involve me in discourse!
-> fanfic reader & author. my ao3
the dragon prince:
all's well that ends well to end up with you. sorvus fluff (sorta fanon s6?) complete, cowritten with @a-very-sparkly-nerd
i shine only with the light you gave me . apollo & hyacinthus au sorvus fic. a passion project of mine <3. complete.
oh, cupid walks right through. sorvus oneshot, inspired by the famous s6 hug screencap. complete.
(more fandoms to come... i have many ideas teeheehee)
personal tags:
#sage yaps or #sage yapping: just me spouting fandom or other-stuff garbage :3
#sage responds: answering from my inbox (pls send asks i love them)
-> alterhuman! antis/antifurs dni
music taste: (i have a lot and it changes often, so beware)
mitski, the crane wives, madilyn mei, sparkbird, hoizer, laufey, beabadoobee, NOAHFINNCE, radiohead, tv girl, lyn lapid, tame impala, chappell roan, siouxsie and the banshees, bauhaus, the oh hellos, etc. my spotify
-> howl fictionkin, will post abt hmc more than other ghibli movies. fictionkin sideblog (NOT AN RP BLOG) is @howl-crow
-> theriotypes: mainecoon cat, north american river otter, american crow
-> questioning: walrus, alaskan malamute wolfdog, raccoon, shark
-> pagan! I consider myself omnitheistic and don't restrain myself to a certain set of deities but i mostly worship hellenistic (greek) gods because i know more about their theologies than other pantheons! my most commonly worshipped deities are gaia (the earth) and apollo (god of the sun)!
-> goth babybat! i'm just starting to get into goth music and don't dress in the style yet :3 (learning goth dancing too)
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★ my inbox is open if u ever have a question or just need to talk! ★
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your-littlesecret · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@espithewarlock just tagged me on this, thank you bb 💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
62 + 1 on anon
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
exactly 559.489
3. What fandoms do you write for?
exclusively Formula 1 RPF (right now)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
say my name and everything just stops (I don't want you like a best friend) - a/b/o where Charles accidentally "matches" with pierre in an app to help with his heat
jump then fall - vet!pierre who works in the animal shelter Charles takes a dog he finds in the street
call it what you want to - my firstborn wip, rival CEOs
hide and seek - crackfic where their families were never openly told Charles and pierre are married
baby one more time - pure porn. breeding kink.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try to but I am terrible at it 😬 I appreciate all of them, but I never know what to answer too skaduhfbnskuhfvndfkhusvb but yeah, I try to answer all of them
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have literally two fics with MCD so it could be either 💀 but to me, it's gotta be I know I'll never get it (there's not a day that I won't try)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have literally no idea?? I don't really do unhappy endings (apart from MCD, and even then very rarely) so I could say any of them
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really?? I got a bitchy comment once but that was about like. nothing related to the fic, which was weird osieugnsoeiugnfdivjn
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes. I don't know, I just- sit down and type it? idk what kind, I've written a wide range of different smuts I believe.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
that will depend on what you view as crossover. httyd au could be considered a crossover bc toothless and the fury light are literally part of the story??? the one where they are shadowhunters with our lord and saviour Magnus bane making an appearance (and Alec being mentioned). the proposal au? (I wouldn't say Lucifer au is a crossover bc I literally just based myself on the whole idea of celestial beings and whatnot. maybe it's a bible crossover??)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I am aware of, and I fucking hope not!!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had a request for it, but I'm not sure if the person is still thinking about it or what's going on. it would be an honour!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
YES!!!! THE JUSTLY FIC!!!!!!! I love this fic so much and I love justi so much (debatable, we are in our enemies phase right now so I don't think I can say that in public) and it was SO MUCH FUN and I love writing with friends and I sure want to do it again!!! (friends..... if you want..... you know where to find me...... 😏😏)
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
definitely piarles. I will sometimes venture myself into other ships (especially if I want to write for a fren and I don't mind that ship)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't have any published work that's unfinished bc I keep myself on a very tight leash about wips. if I start posting it, bet that I already have at least half of that story written and the rest is already meticulously planned. I have a few half-finished wips on my docs tho, but if I stop writing it's usually bc it's not bringing me any joy anymore. the nanny x ceo tho.... I stopped that one bc I got a bit depresso espresso at the time and life got busy as shit but I want to finish it so badly.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I ask myself that every day kkkkkkkkkkk I guess the fact that I can write really quickly? like if I have an idea I can just write down a whole 10k in like. 2 or 3 days.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
first of all I can't shut the fuck up. I have to restrain myself when I want to write anything less than 5k. im not sure if it's a weakness per se but yeah.
I also am very aware I have issues with describing the locations and with ending a fic. like. I never fucking know how to.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't mind when it's specific words or the occasional phrase and there's a translation to it. other than that, I won't lie, I kindof despise it. I can't speak, for example, Italian, so what is the point of reading a fic where the whole dialogue is in Italian if I won't understand shit?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
you will have to talk to my lawyer to get that information.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I couldn't possibly choose only one! all the fics I post is because they bring me joy and I love writing them, so I don't think I have a favourite.
tagging @yukierres @duquesademiel @golden-fairylights @chaesonghwas and @hrhgeorgerussell 💕💕
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stardustdiiving · 1 year
I would read your zhongxiao codependent yuri Like, I do generally picture them as a vaguely father/son dynamic BUT THAT IS NOT CANON. It's just as much fun to view them through a romantic interpretation! Idk why people can't view the same characters in different kinds of relationships without being weird about it.
Anyway I love your vision and would love to hear more about it lakdjs
THANK U SO MUCH Im not sure if I’m gonna write zx in the future since I’ve tended to be shy about posting my stuff relating to them for over a yr now, but I did post this fic with them last year while trying to get a hold on how to write them (mind the tags it’s pure angst omg). I was too shy to tag it as ship since it didn’t feel shippy enough, which is kind of funny to me in hindsight bc I reread it and am like. Man I think only a zx shipper would write this NUFNVJVJV
Post got kind of lot Im gonna go on a tangent about them under the cut
Honestly my theory for why ppl r very set on the father/son interpretation is everyone’s immediate thought on to how to make the power imbalance between them seem less uncomfortable is to apply a parental interpretation to it. Which is fine ofc, I get it, but the way ppl push it as canon a lot kind of grates on me a little bc they’re usually incredibly passive aggressive and pushy even if u clearly designate ur post as ship OTL
Also not really a fan of the characterizations either since ppl tend to treat Xiao like a moody teenager Zhongli has to reel in (this is hilariously reminiscent of the post I made about how ppl handle scaramouche and nahida a bit ago haha). And idk I just feel kind of polarized about the headcanon overall bc I associate it with people being really uncomfortable and frustrating about zx
I just like how there’s sort of an imbalance to them, some zxs like them being more fluffy and functional but I sort of like it where it’s not like, entirely dysfunctional but I’m prioritizing a specific kind of character study over romance. This tends to be how a lot of my ships go ngl I just sometimes enjoy the intensity/intimacy of romantic feelings thrown into the mix if it makes it interesting but I’m not often interested in a lot of my ships following more standard romance plots(?) I guess? Unless it’s specific ones. Which sounds clinical when I put it like that but this is just bc I am very aromantic NHFBVJVJ
When I say codependency in zhongxiao honestly it’s sort of a theoretical(?) codependency—not sure how to word it? I think Xiao would be really fucked up if he didn’t have Zhongli in his life suddenly but I don’t think his relationship with getting attached to people invokes what people would majorly think of when they think of codependency in a ship I suppose. It’s moreso I just feel Xiao could be at his worst with dehumanizing himself in comparison to other people with Zhongli, because said mental state is driven by how he feels about debt, service, and duty which are very closely tied with devotion and how he would feel about someone he considers his god and leader, as well as someone who saved him
It’s fun this is paired with Zhongli who generally knows how to work with Xiao kind of understands the self destructive depth Xiao’s loyalty/devotion comes with. Also fun they have been around each other for a very long time and Xiao as one of the adepti is familiar with the past I think Zhongli appreciates having around. They work but it’s also a case where Zhongli is in such a position of power over Xiao its kind of very delicate situation that’s hard for both of them to navigate. Which is fun to explore. I esp love contrasting it with other Xiao pairings (actually i think i still have that xiaoven fic up on my ao3 where I tried to convey a specific interpretation of them in a similar exploration vein too)
I totally get why people wouldn’t like it (I feel a lot of my opinions on xiao ships just clash with a lot of fandom consensus so bad all the time And it’s just bc I’m like this I’m not even trying to be contrarian or anything. HELDINCJD) but I just tend to handle shipping in a specific way. It’s not I don’t enjoy fluffy or lighthearted zl and xiao stuff I actually enjoy it a lot I just like there being layers. This makes it feel more impactful when I think about how Zhongli looks out for Xiao in canon or how Xiao gets like textually flustered talking to him (lantern rite 2023 was so tailored to my tastes it’s not even funny)
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hall0wedwyrm · 10 months
reviving this idea because I can't find the original post I made???? okay here we go remaking it with more story.
Jesse is Alex and Herobrine's child. They were separated from Herobrine when he had to flee back to the Nether in fear of rumors of him being back in the overworld were. He entrusted Steve to look after them both, and bid them all farewell.
They don't really remember him, but they have a few memories of Herobrine. He, however, thought about them a lot, and how he misses them deeply. He wished he could have done something different that day, maybe even asking Alex to go with him.
Years Later, after all the events of MCSM, Radar comes sprinting into Jesse's office, saying there's someone lingering around the outskirts of the town walls, and that he hopes they would go and look ("Since... you're the mayor n all... not because I'm too scared to take a peak myself...").
It's Herobrine, who had heard from reuniting with Alex that Jesse had been doing all of these heroic things, and saving the world several times over, and he wanted to see them. He didn't really consider the fact that he had probably scared a lot of civilians who might have seen him.
Here's some other various thoughts for this:
The original Order of the Stone were the ones who made the stories about Herobrine, framing him as some kind of cryptid wanderer. They're all shitting themselves when he meets them (Ivor tells Soren, and Gabriel is like 'isnt that..?????' and the three of them are like OH NOOOOOO)
Jesse's friends don't know about Herobrine too much, since the stories has mostly died out when they would have heard them. Lukas has (Book nerd), but doesn't completely connects the dots until he finds the old tale again and is like ohhhh! and then has no idea what hes supposed to do with this information
Speaking of Lukas, he lets Alex and Steve be his beta readers, and they both just love reading about how admired Jesse is, and the amazing adventures they went on. Lukas asks them to please be honest if they think its bad, but Alex says they just love it so much
They also get to have the first copy of his book when its finished and they keep it on its own shelf in their library
Another awkward reunion is with Romeo and Xara, who also shit themselves when they see him too. Mainly because Romeo had been a menace when they last met, and Herobrine had threatened him to get in order.
Since reuniting, Steve and Herobrine have been catching up about a lot of things, mainly Steve telling Hero about what hes missed in basically everything. They also get to tell him how much they surprisingly missed him (since they weren't super best friends or anything before, it was more of like... a mutual acceptance).
im 100% going to do art for this AU thing with my interpretations and such for the guys. anyway yeah this is my official reviving of this i will be doing more this time (an AO3 story??? nono i have like 3 already idk if i can do another one)
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
About blocked anon. In general i agree with merms. Howevre. Ok im a silent reaer too for the most part. Tried a sideblog, but i get sidetracked and end up not using it. If the writer has an ao3 i try to leave a comment there but i have more trouble reblogging and interacting on tumblr fro some reason. I have been blocked too for not reblogging fics! But honestly I don't feel particularly bad about it cause I feel like I can't really blame a writer for blocking ppl who don't support their fics.
Like, it's not about talking to the writer, it's about reblogging their fics and show appreciation to the work they put in them and posting them for others. If that's important to that particular writer and they don't feel good with ppl who just lurk (like me) then it's their right to deal with it however they see fit.
I still look at their blog thoughthey just don't show on my dash. If anon wants to put the work and reblog and comment fics on a side blog if they don't want to do so on their main, and ask the writer to unblock them i'm sure they will (unless there's a different reason, like maybe the writer saw soemthign on anon's blog and was like "hmm don't like that". Can't do anything about that.)
You’re allowed to disagree with me, Anon, LOL, I promise don’t mind it—a difference of opinion (on inane things, and I would consider anything that happens on tumblr dot com short of harassment to be inane) is good! Healthy. 😌 Mix things up a bit. But—okay, let’s talk about the reblog debate.
I just don’t vibe with it, LOL. I don’t vibe with sniping people for being lurkers. 💅🏽✨ I don’t respect it, actually, if we’re going to get serious—yes, people can (and should!) curate their followings as they need to. If someone decides to deny you access to their online space then, no, you can’t do anything about it. I just also happen to think it’s one of the more stupid reasons you can block someone lmfao.
I know that the general (touted) thought process behind blocking lurkers is generally a parroted, “it’s about supporting writers”. And to be honest, I would respect the push more if people just admitted they wanted more comments LMAO. Because!!! I think that’s perfectly fine!!! It’s okay to be like, “hey I worked hard on this, and I would like to see a big fat number of notes or to have people in my inbox”. We are real people—real people taking the time and effort to create fun things for free, and it can be bitterly disappointing to have that met with silence or entitlement.
The solution to that though isn’t blocking people for being silent readers. Because that’s turning around and doing to them exactly want we don’t want done to us, as writers—it reduces them from being living human beings to numbers who are measured by how they can best serve (or “support”) you.
I can hear the “Merms this isn’t this serious, we just want more people to reblog fics” already but tbh… it is. I think it is because it lets the worst of us get away with treating each other really, really appallingly. You are absolutely allowed to deny someone access to your online space. But if you’re denying them that access and also making them feel bad (“you haven’t reblogged enough fics/you haven’t liked enough of my posts to fill the weekly quota/you’re not doing enough for me to be allowed to see this content I provide online publicly and for free”) then idk… sounds like ur the problem to me.
And look, I don’t say that easily. Tumblr has always been a site where mass hysteria breeds like mould; it tends to happen when online spaces become our Third Place for socialising. We don’t have the normal, social safety-rails that like, actual real-world Places like work or school have for us—we’re unleashed here in our downtime and feel protected by the anonymity of a screen. By the fact that we can’t see each other’s faces when we say things like, “you don’t do enough for me” to random strangers. I don’t like that! So I don’t police it on my own blog. 🫡
Fandom is one of the precious few spaces we have where anything goes. You can create whatever you want, however you want, and it’s all done purely for the love of it. It’s indulgent and silly and fun. So to come into this space and then directly make demands of the other people in it (“reblog x number of fics or else you’re not a real member of the community”) goes against the spirit of why we’re all in this shared space in the first place.
We can absolutely have a conversation about how to support each other—writers and readers—without fear mongering about lurkers being why “omg the community is dying”. I think the community is falling into a lull because people get obsessed with new things; a new show or game. New technology, like ChatGPT for instance, which gives maybe otherwise passive readers a chance to create their own fiction or pocket boyfriend, instantly. Maybe it’s even a generational thing—a change in how people socialise. We are in constant contact with each other, with constant availability—controlling what little we can, what we spend our energy on or how we engage with things in our third space is sometimes only control we have. I’m sure we could even dig digger about like, the consumerist behaviour and entitlements so many of us subconciously take on now—wanting instant updates or reading completed fics only or taking it for granted that we’ll be given an entire season to binge in one go.
I appreciate that writers want to push back against the audience entitlement that can come with creating readily available smut about popular characters. And yeah, reblogging does help showcase art and writing! But it can’t be demanded. It just can’t. Just how no-one has the right to demand you write how they want you to, or upload when they want you to, you don’t have a right to dictate how engage with your work (beyond not being dicks to it!!!!!! underscore!!!!!!).
Should we try and support each other, even through a small act like a reblog? Yes!!! It’s so so so good!!! Despite the essay I’ve just written, I am all for support being shown in whatever small way it can be!!!! But—there’s no entry fee, to being in a fandom. Not for lurkers, not for active readers, not for writers and not for artists. Demanding a fee like that just pushes people away and feeds them into traps like ChatGPT, which, while I understand and emphasise with it’s popularity (especially for younger readers), I will never support it. It’s using it’s current popularity as free training and when it’s learnt enough it will be monetised, but only after it’s stolen so much from all of us. And this is why we should protect the freedom of things like fanfic, and why we should say no to trying to turn each other into numbers or updates—we’re already products that are being sold, in so many other aspects of our lives. We desperately need spaces where we are free to be unhinged about little kissy stories and the characters they’re attached to.
I’m sorry Anon, I know you were just offering a counterpoint to blocked anon lmao, and I didn’t mean to unleash—but I am actually incredibly passionate about this topic, and the broader implications for the community a debate like this brings.
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aihoshiino · 9 months
okay so no idea how i should refer to myself as so: hi!! im the person who had way too much fun writing ai/nino toxic yuri on ao3! i was gonna just lurk (me, tumblr account with privated likes, reblogs and follows) BUT how could i with the promise of people being normal about fictional unhealthy gay women. idk if this is the optimal way to communicate i use tumblr with the sole purpose of following 4 people and digging up ai content
i am honestly so flattered (but also kinda upset at the lack of content on them aside from my own 1k word long oneshot please keep recommending if you find more stuff on them) that you enjoyed and recommended my fics considering i just straight up had no clue where i was going: okay so top priority i want them to kiss —> but also with how things are nino would probably lash out (read: bite) —> ai would be hesitant but also is so desperate that she’d still accept it happily —> this will fuel ninos idea of ai being the perfect, invincible idol —> and then i ran and tried not to trip with the rest
your translations of the side stories and blog was probably what helped me get in to oshi no ko again because even though i am still not over ai being dead i can now listen to someone talk about how great and tragic and sad and miserable she was along with all the other characters so thank you again!
also that ask for ai/nino toxic yuri visions was me lol, thanks for talking about my fic despite how short it was <3, i might de-anon myself at some point but rn im too shy for that
woof, this got a bit long. anyways love wins fr, if there was ever a day where i participate in an onk shipping war it’ll be on the side of them
that said it does make me so happy every time I hear people saying my relentless oshi no posting stands out to them to the degree that it does lol. I guess I'm in a similar place as you where, as happy as I am for it, it does make me a little sad that it feels like there's such little fan interest in lengthy meta and discussion on Ai herself outside of some really banal, surface level stuff. To a degree, I get that with other characters having so much more time on the page and having ongoing arcs to speculate about, but Ai is sooooooooo fascinating to me and it really drives me insane how often I see people make zero effort to engage with her arc beyond her utilitarian function in the story. It also really bums me out how often I see her get reduced to just a stepping stone in the arcs of other characters — even though the manga is literally shaking you right now and begging you to understand and empathize with her more than ever, I straight up see people cheering and crowing about Ruby 'surpassing' her or 'becoming the true Ai' as if this is a good thing and they are not completely fucking missing the point lmao.
ANYWAY!!!! That's enough grumping because the actual point of this response was to say: the Ai posting will continue until I am physically forced to stop!!!! I have so many thoughts about my wife constantly and if I do not share them I will explode!!!
(ps anon pspspspsp if you are ever feeling brave enough to unanon pls feel free to just send me your discord or your socmeds off tumblr if that is less intimidating for u.... honestly that goes for all my oshi no moots in general Please Talk With Me In DMs About My Wife)
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kerizaret · 2 months
keri i miss u!! i hope you’re well :D
AND ALSO!! I MANAGED TO!!! WRITE SOMETHING!!! FOR DAY 2 TODAY!!!! It made me SO EZCITED I haven't written in AGES and it's smth for THE ROYAL POLYSHO AU it's VERY EXCUTING TO ME (even if it's further into the story HDHSHD)
I wanna try posting it now (since I also have a v low effort concept doodle for this since it was supposed to be a drawing but things happened and now it's a fic) but I was also considering like... posting it on ao3 as a work? but idk...? Like, it's further into the au and doesn't rly have context???? Would thay make sense for someone on ao3????? Help me 😭
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