#im doing this to save myself from doing this damn research each time i want to write headcannons about this Au
nithhaiahh · 1 year
Spirit Blossom titles
Spirit Blossom Ahri - The Spirit of Salvation
Spirit Blossom Aphelios and Alune - The Twin Spirits of Night
Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia - The Spirit of Temptation
Spirit Blossom Darius - The Spirit of War
Spirit Blossom Evelynn - The Spirit of Love
Spirit Blossom Kindred -The Spirit of Death
Spirit Blossom Lillia - The Spirit of Loss
Spirit Blossom Master Yi - The Spirit of Legacy
Spirit Blossom Riven - The Spirit of Despair
Spirit Blossom Sett - The Spirit of Challenge
Spirit Blossom Soraka - The Spirit of Pity
Spirit Blossom Syndra - The Spirit of Freedom
Spirit Blossom Teemo - The Spirit of Nature
Spirit Blossom Thresh - The Spirit of Obssession
Spirit Blossom Tristana - The Spirit of Chance
Spirit Blossom Vayne - The Spirit of Hate
Spirit Blossom Yasuo - The Spirit of Heroism
Spirit Blossom Yone - The Spirit of Reflection
Spirit Blossom Yorick - The Spirit of Ruin
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carelessannie · 4 years
maybe it goes like this: tony courts peter (part 2)
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten
Read on A03
Read the Stuckony backstory WIP
Starker focus (Tony x Peter), Winteriron (Tony x Bucky), with reference to Stucky, Stony and Stuckony
This is the “meet... awkward” for my AU, and takes place roughly 8 months before the first chapter. Enjoy!
Major warnings: D/S Au, A/B/O Au, OmegaSub!Peter, BetaDom!Tony, OmegaSwitch!Bucky, AlphaDom!Steve, Heavy Awkward Flirting, Cute Nicknames, Kinda Sexy Winteriron
Maybe it goes like this:  
8 Months Earlier
Peter is looking forward to seeing his Pack after class, definitely needing to cuddle up with Annie in their nest tonight. And maybe Clint will bring home pizza. It’s been a long-ass day.
Okay, definitely pizza.
From the front of the class, Peter can hear his professor introducing the guest lecturer, and he drags his backpack around to his seat to unlock his laptop and notebook. Just as he logs in and dates his notebook page, Peter looks up to see the most attractive man in New York walk through the door, smile to the class, and introduce himself.
Tony Stark?
No Way. The Tony stark?
Peter's ears ring, and he swears he sinks three feet into the floor.
Mr. “just call me Tony” Stark is saying something about BioMolecular Engineering, about class credit, about new processes in the industry, about independent research opportunities, about the— wait.
Peter jerks in his seat, mouth ajar, as The Tony Stark lists benefits of working in his research lab for Stark Industries, a dream Peter has nursed since high school. He barely hears the rest of the presentation, focusing on closing his mouth and blinking, keeping hot Arousal out of his scent, adjusting himself in his pants—
“—and I’ll take questions up front if you have them, thanks."
There’s a round of lazy applause, as students start to pack up and file out, and Peter shakes himself, You have to talk to him. He scribbles a few questions on his notebook and throws everything into his backpack, floating across the classroom and to the back of the line.
When he finally steps up, both of them freeze. Peter restrains himself from scenting the older man right there in the classroom because hot damn .
Peter lets out a short gasp of “hellomynameisPeterParker,” thrusting his hand forward, and is pulled in for a firm handshake, Tony Stark looking into his eyes with a vaguely amused expression.
Peter lets go, reluctantly, and stutters out, “M-mr. Stark? I think I’d be interested in the semester research opportunity.”
“Of course, Peter Parker,” Tony turns and grabs a StarkPad, scrolling briefly before handing it over to Peter, “if you want to fill it out today, feel free. It’s an equal opportunity research grant, and provides a weekly stipend for the duration of the program.”
Mr. Stark continued with details, as Peter quickly puts his information in the application and presses “submit.” He peers up at the older man, Beta? Probably? Most of what he can scent is spice and fire– maybe cinnamon, or chai like Clint? It’s hard to tell without throwing his face into the man’s neck, and inhaling deep–
“Mr. Parker? Pete?”
Peter’s head shoots up, and he realizes he’s been still for too long without responding, and immediately goes to apologize, “Oh, I-i’m so sorry, Mr. Stark, I just… I finished the application? Shouldn’t I submit– or, sorry– send in a resume? Sorry.”
Mr. Stark keeps his expression schooled, but Peter can tell that he’s holding back a smile. Dammit Parker, way to nail the first impression. He shifts on his feet, biting his lip as Mr. Stark shakes his head slowly.
“No, it’s okay Peter. Our admin team will review the first round of applications by department, and send out an email link for further information, alright?” he gives into his smile, reaching out as if to... what, comfort Peter? But aborts the motion and crosses his arms, flexing slightly under his navy suit.
“Do you have any other questions, Peter?”
“No, n-no not right now, sorry, thank you Mr. Stark, sir. Um. Okay? I’ll see you later?” and Peter beats a hasty retreat out of the classroom, feeling his scent shift Embarrassed and hot tears prick his eyes.
Why does he always give a terrible first impression?
Tony stands, shocked in the empty classroom, schooling his scent and his breathing.
Thank you Mr. Stark, sir.
He collects his things in a haze, heading back to his pack and thinking about the gorgeous omega who just called his name.
Damn. His Alpha and Omega are gonna want to hear about this.
2 Weeks Later
Tony is straightening up the last few items in the R&D lab, hearing Pepper’s complaints of You need to care about your work space, Tony and You need to prepare a safe space for interns to work, Tony. And Pepper is right, of course, so Tony keeps cleaning.
He hears the doors swish open, and sighs, schooling his expression to neutral. He whirls around, raising his hands to defend himself against what he assumes is a new portion of nagging from Pepper, and instead–
The pretty omega from NYU.
What? “What are you–” Tony starts, watching as– Parker? Pete, Peter?– clutches a bag close to his chest, large doe eyes widening in shock and fear and… yup, there it is, FearShockEmbarassed Omega scent floods the lab as Peter takes a step backwards, lips opening and closing in shock.
“Hey, are you–”
“I’m so sorry, I–”
Tony shakes his head, stepping a little closer, “No, it’s okay, Peter? Right? From NYU?” with a nod in confirmation, Tony barrels ahead, “I thought you were– no, it doesn’t matter. Are you, are you here for the internship?”
“Y-yes, I’m sorry, they said to come at noon, but I thought I’d get here early and, god I can’t believe it, I’m so sorry, I’ll just wait– uh, wait outside?” Peter stutters through the explanation, lowering his eyes and backing towards the door to retreat into the hallway.
“No, like I said Peter, it’s okay, honestly,” Tony looks around quickly, trying to find a seat for the started young man, and yanks out the stool to his workbench, “here, sit down, please?”
There’s a moment of stillness as Peter looks between the stool and Tony, muttering something under his breath and setting his jaw in determination. Damn this boy is adorable, and Tony forces himself to keep a neutral expression as the om– the intern – walks across the room and sets down his backpack. Tony turns to the other side of the desk to give Peter some space, and clears the last of the notebooks into a nearby drawer.
He wants to start a conversation with Peter, fingers twitching in the unbearable silence, but is saved by the lab doors opening again, revealing Pepper leading five lost looking interns into the room. She leads so gracefully, he thinks, and feels his scent turn Fond and Proud for the Beta. Pepper sits each intern down, greeting Peter as well, and before he knows it, orientation and introduction are underway. The interns have their own work benches, and Pepper lets another supervisor take over the first day paperwork.
While the interns work in silence, Tony refuses to fixate on Peter, even though he takes to the research environment so beautifully. He's smart, he makes the funniest sarcastic quips when he thinks no one is listening, and he's kind of quiet, but always speaks up when he has a strong opinion.
Tony keeps his interactions unbiased among the other interns, mostly betas and one alpha, and is so relieved when the day ends and the students finally shuffle out of the lab. Peter ends up last to leave, staring at Tony and nervously licking his lips as he shoulders his bag. He seems to hesitate.
“Yeah, what’s up Pete?”
“Oh… no, right, see you tomorrow?” Peter shifts back and forth on his feet.
Tony smiles, “Of course, early bird,” and honestly can’t help his eye twitching, helplessly, in a wink.
Peter stutters out some type of goodbye, and flutters back through the door.
Tony blows out a breath, “JARVIS, call Bucky.”
“So what you’re tellin’ me is, you’ve somehow managed to find a smokin’ hot–”
“Beautiful,” Tony interrupts, “and compatible–”
“Right, smokin’ hot, compatible omega, and you… hire him?”
“I mean, technically I didn’t hire him personally–”
“No, you know what, I get it. It’s my fault I can’t have him. But Bucky, I swear he’s so damn smart, and I can’t even let myself hope about his orientation,”
Bucky groans audibly over the line, but Tony protests again, “–because I swear he would submit so beautifully, Bucky, I can just see it. And remember how I said he called me sir?”
“How could I forg–”
“It’s all I can think about. I don’t wanna be overbearing, but I’m completely helpless around him and have no idea what to do. Bucky, I winked at him. Winked. And he ran away so fast.”
He can hear Bucky laughing at him over the line, that idiot, and Tony drops his head in his hands.
“Want my advice, sweetheart?” Bucky doesn’t wait for an answer before continuing, “I think you should take it slow and court ‘im. Sounds like it could be awhile before you can make anything official, and what is he, like eighteen?”
“... Twenty.”
“Okay, twenty. He probably isn’t looking for a permanent pack anyways, alright? Get to know ‘im at work, and as soon as you can, you should also put a stop to him seeing you as his boss,”
“Wait, but–”
“No, Tony. As much as it feels great for this little omega to call you ‘Mr. Stark’ and ‘Sir,’ if you want anything more with this guy, you have to work to even out the relationship a bit.”
Tony slumps down into a seat, sighing dramatically. Bucky goes silent as Tony processes what he’s saying. A thought occurs to him,
“Wait, is that how Steve got you?”
Bucky snorts, “Yeah, you know our Alpha’s ‘bout as subtle as a dump truck. His advice is gonna be, ‘sit the omega down, state your intentions to court him, communicate clearly,’ all that shit,” another laugh, this time fonder, “I’m just sayin’ to save that for later, okay? Take it slow.”
Heading towards the door, Tony signals for JARVIS to move the conversation to his phone as he heads home. He pops in an earpiece for the call, and makes sure Bucky is still on the line.
“Yeah, I’ll take your advice Bucky-bear. Hey, are you home?” Tony taps his foot as the elevator descends to the parking garage, feeling a familiar itch starting under his skin.
“Yeah I am, Steve’s out until later... why, what’s up?”
He gets out of the elevator, heading for his car, “I think all this talk of the perfect omega has me missing you. Wanna do something soft and dirty when I get home?”
Bucky hums, the sound sweet and tempting, even over the phone line, “Whaddya have in mind, my Beta?”
“Oh you know I love when you call me that,” Tony peels out onto the main road, heading towards their coastal property, their home, “I want you to contact Steve and ask him to pick up dinner, your choice. I’ll tell him what my plan is for you tonight, so he won’t be surprised. I’ll be there in thirty-five minutes and want you in the red room, ready to play, understood?”
Tony can hear Bucky breathing quicker over the phone as he responds, “Yes, Beta.”
“My good omega. And for now, let’s not tell our Alpha about Peter. Not unless it gets serious, okay?”
“Mmm okay, Tony. Hurry home,” and Bucky ends the call.
Tony steps on it.
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WandaVision Episode 8 spoilers
Ok I heard this episode is sad so I’m prepared to cry and ruin my eyeliner.
I’m just emotionally preparing myself rq before I start I’m assuming a lots gonna go down cause the second episode is the finale.
I’m still not ready 2 minutes later lmao wait.
Okay hmm the title is called Previously On so we’re going back in time to her childhood based on the summary.
I think we’re gonna get more insight on her and Visions relationship and how it formed and hopefully get to see her relationship with her brother I’m starting now.
Ugh my TV is glitching
Okay we’re starting out in witch trials so it’s Agathas backstory the lady staring at her looks familiar. Oh it’s her mom
Her powers are blue here she’s into dark magic and the book in her basement is the stolen book from Doctor Strange im assuming she began learning dark magic from it l.
As they started to drain her. Her powers became blue and she starting to drain them back. I’m assuming the witches shared power and it was blue and now that it’s dark magic it’s purple.
Wow she killed her whole coven my draining them of their life and magic. Then she took her mother’s amulet so that’s the amulet she’s always wearing from the comics is. 
She admitted her thoughts weren’t available and she was never under control.
Her accent is back because she’s angry because of her children being missing.
She possessed the fake Pietro from another universe she didn’t say he was from another universe she just said she couldn’t get to his body so she had to do possession instead of necromancy.
She picked up the fly now she’s chanting in Latin
She’s mind controlling and talking about how thousands of people can be under your control and all interact with each other with complex storylines which makes me think she wants Wanda power because she’s jealous she can do everything like transformation and mind control without having to study all the spells
“Magic on autopilot,” Dhe wants to know how she did this and she wouldn’t tell her and now she’s manipulating her with her own loneliness. She took a piece of her hair so now she has her DNA 
Real reruns aka memories so she can look into them to see how she did it.
Her kids are crying out for in the basement so she’s gonna go with Agatha to save them I honestly don’t think the cries were her own.
All the movies her parents were going to sell were the decades and movies she did projected.
When Wanda walked into the memory she turned into her younger self,
The Dick Van Dick show is in the TV shape of the one Darcy used on the first episode so we know where she got her inspo for that one.
Everything outside makes me think this is the scene where her parents die.
The Stark bomb just hit and she’s looking around and can’t find her family yeah the Stark industry label is in front of her and she’s reverted back to Sokovian because she’s young and not the best at English yet I’m assuming.
The TV I’d still on and playing the show “At the end of the episode you realize it was all a bad dream,” I’m not sure why she said that part in English maybe because she’s referring to the show and movie nights are for English? 
Agatha is asking if she used a probability hex to stop the bomb because Wanda reached her hand out towards it and that’s how she uses her powers.
Maybe Agatha is hinting towards Wanda being a natural born witch?
“So what I see here a baby witch obsessed with sitcoms and years of therapy ahead of her. Doesn’t explain your recent hijinks,”
Wanda used her powers subconsciously there and she’s probably using her powers subconsciously to keep Westview running and she used them subconsciously to get it started. 
“The only way forward is back,”
She’s referring to Wanda not wanting to go back to Hydra I haven’t seen the scene yet but I’m assuming it’s because the testing was painful and because she now knows who hydra is and what it stands for.
“Don’t be scared you already lived it once,”
They have Loki’s sceptor of course im assuming they got it from SHIELD since they are SHIELD.
She didn’t have to touch the sample it just came to her on its own further proving she’s a witch but I don’t think she knows she moved it,
She touched the tesseract making the mine stone she then absorbed all its energy and passed out.
In isolation she’s watching another sitcom I just can’t figure out which it is.
I’m sure the episode on the TV is important “she hasn’t got any feeling,” maybe it’s about the Westview citizens or maybe it’s about vision being a doll or like a puppet and the brother is like “she hasn’t got any feelings” just like when Pietro or Fietro called Vision a popsicle an inanimate object 
“So little orphan Wanda got up close and personal with an infinity stone that amplified what otherwise would’ve died on the vine. The broken pieces of you are adding up buttercup I have a theory but I need more,” This is probably talking about how if you don’t use your powers or learn to control them you stop having them but the infinity stone just made the powers she already had stronger. The name Scarlett Witch is starting to make sense now. 
Another door another memory that I’d her watching Malcom in the middle.
She said the Avengers compound was the first home she had ever shared with Vision and with her family and country gone she felt alone so I’m assuming she’s with Vision cause he cured her loneliness.
Vision walking through the walls again she asking him to watch the sitcom with her. The sitcoms are important to her and she’s sharing them with him.
“So it is funny because of the grievous injury that man just suffered?” Vision
“No he’s not really injured,” Wanda
“How Can you be sure?”
“It’s not that kind of show,”
I think this is sort of related to the fact that nothing bad ever happens in Westview permanently like in Malcolm in the middle where the roof structure fell on the dad sure he got hurt but it wasn’t a detrimental injury.
He wants to comfort to her “The only thing that would bring me comfort is seeing him again,” Wanda about Pietro she felt the same with Vision hence why Westview is happening and why he’s back.
“I’m so tired, It’s just like this wave washing over me again and again it knocks me down and when I try stand up it just comes for me again and I can’t- it’s just gonna drown me,” How she explains her grief and depression we’re getting a glismpe of how she copes with death in her actual reality.
Vision says he’s always been alone he never experienced loss because he never had a loved one to lose.
“What is grief if not love preserving,” Okay damn Vision getting all deep.
Aww they just had a moment and now he’s laughing over the show how sweet. The awkward smile they did at eachother. How cute
Vision was dead and she wanted him back now we get to see how she stole Visions body back from her perspective.
All the news on the TV playing might not be revelant but it’s related to tamiles being reunited after the blip. So this is very shortly after the blip and some people might be right thinking it was almost directly after Tony’s funeral.
“He deserves a funeral at least I deserve it,”
They’re letting her take him probably to be able to paint her as a villain which is why Hayward cut out the first part of the footage.
She’s being shown him take apart and sawed she’s in pain seeing him practically dying again. Hayward called vision a weapon and Wanda is saying he’s not a weapon because he wasn’t and he didn’t want to be a weapon Hayward is hiding his true intentions of bringing him back to be his own weapon
“I just want to bury him. That’s all I want,”
She said she can’t do that she truly believes she can’t.
He won’t let her take $3 billion of vibranium to put in the ground she just wanted him to have a proper burial but Hayward provoked her and set her off.
She can’t feel him. A nod to how Vision said “I only feel you,” When he asked Wanda to kill him there is nothing left. She hot in the car and went to Westview she left and when she left she didn’t have Visions body.
She’s pulled up to place where she planned to grow old in with Vision and it’s been demolished this is the scene where she breaks down crying over it. And when she grieved she lets it get the best of her which is how she put the house back together without realizing she was doing it. Then that spread over the whole town and she is projected her own version of Vision. But I’m unsure if this is really Vision or not because then she’d be way more powerful than I ever believe to be able to create people own her own.
Oh wow she’s showing all the lights and it’s like she’s own set so she’s back to where Agatha had this all set up and she was the audience.
Agatha is choking the twins “I know what you are. You have no idea how dangerous you are. You’re supposed to be a myth. A being capable of spontaneous creation. and here you are using it to make breakfast for dinner.” Maybe Wanda was a prophecy before hand and she just never learned how powerful she really was and now Agatha is trying to feed off her powers I’m assuming she’s going to try to get Wanda to push her powers into her so she can drain her.
“Let go of my children,” Wanda with her accent coming back.
“Oh, yes your children and Vision and this whole little life you’ve made, this is Chaos magic Wanda. That makes you the Scarlett Witch,” Ugh yes one of those moments where they say a name of the movie or a character that’s basically it’s own movie I love it.
I’m gonna research Chaos magic and then I’ll reblog this again after I research some other things too.
End credits time. “Team is ready for launch,” They’re going to use Wanda own power to attack her using Visions actual corpse. He’s been brought back as the one thing he didn’t want to be. A weapon. I’m not sure who that was who powered it up but was it Monica’s contact?
Also doesn’t Agatha have Monica now if she was possessing Fietro? I have a lot of questions that I can’t get out right now
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publickoccurances · 4 years
Hi! remember me? the guy who asked for the minutemen military, Maybe you could do a part two if (you can) where it’s kind of like an alternative good ending for the minutemen where they don’t turn into an imperialistic authoritarian military dictatorship.
I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, you did an amazing job writing I just kind of want a good guys ending and bad guys ending for the minutemen
I can certainly give it a try friend! Due to personal beliefs on military agenda I’m not going to have as much to write on the good guys side of things. But I’ll try my best!
2297. Ten years since the Minutemen took back the Castle and started their full integration into the commonwealth. Approximately 87% of Commonwealth settlements were within the ranks. DC was at 63%, resistance from the BoS was making things more complicated. 70% of Mojave settlements were within the ranks. 48% of New California, the NCR still had a strong hold on the majority of this area. The Wasteland was slowly but surely integrating into the ranks. Ten years of progress. Who knew where they would be in a further ten.
Cait: Ten long years later and here Cait was. Doing something she never even dreamed she would end up doing. She was out here helping people. A lot of people. A lot of helping.
Perhaps the years had softened her. There had been a time where she had once been so selfish. Hated the idea of giving her all to help people she didn’t even know. Sometimes these feelings did take over. Sometimes she did believe she was giving too much of herself. But it was her job now. And she kind of enjoyed it.
She was second to the General of the Minutemen. Sole always came to her for advice on how to proceed with certainly policies, to double check their decision making. God knows why they decided Cait would be the best for that position. Maybe it was her brutal honesty that made her seem to be the ideal candidate. She was more than happy to voice her opinion. As she had always been.
It was another one of those days where she had been called into the Generals office early in the morning. This was something you didn’t enjoy so much. A night of drinking at the bases bar lead to bad hangovers. One of which she was experiencing this morning.
“Mornin’ Sole.” Cait grumbled as she closed the office door behind her. “I’m telling ye’ now, this best be important cause I’m nursin’ one hell of a hangover.”
Sole rolled their eyes, arms crossed over their chest. “That’s General to you.” They joked lightly before standing up, hands behind their back.
“Yeah yeah.” Cait slumped down on the chair. “C’mon, what is it this time.”
Sole laughed slightly, pacing around the room slightly. “So I’m heading to Diamond City today, the Mayor had agreed to sign the agreement pact with us. We’re going to be joining their Miliita with our own forces.”
“I already knew this.” Cait groaned, tipping her head back.
“Yes. But. We’ve also made a break through with Goodneighbour.” There was an excited tone in Soles voice.
Cait sat up slightly, looking more intrigued in the conversation. Her eyebrow raised slightly. “Really? I know the Ghoul Bastard said he could win them over but I didn’t believe him.”
Sole clapped their hands togethers. “Well. He’s made a breakthrough. The people have agreed to attend a town meeting with one of our representatives. But I’ve got to be in the city so-.’
“No!” Cait stood up, arms crossed against their chest. “Sole I have told you this more than a hundred times. I am not doing ye’ political speeches for ye’.”
“Cait... you know I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t need you to.” Sole gave her that look. The ‘we’ve been friends for ten years’ look.
“Yer manipulating me.” Cait huffed as she looked down at the floor for a few moment. “God damn it... fine. But I wsnt next week off.”
Curie: Curie hummed softly as she walked through the Castle ground. There was a spring in her step today. And she was going to discuss the reason why with her General, with her friend, Sole.
“Morning Monsieur’s.” She waved at the security guards standing outside Soles office.
They saluted Curie, she was well respected within the ranks of the Minutemen. She had saved a large percentage of their lives on the field of course.
“Mornin’ Ma’am.” They responded in unison.
Curie stepped through the doors, giving her dear friend a nod of the head. “Morning General. I hope you ave’ had a good day so far.”
Sole grinned and stood, a big smile spread across their lips. “Morning Curie. I have had a brilliant morning.” They assured. “How has yours been?”
“Well Madame/Monsieur... I do not wish to get ahead of myself but...” She placed some paper work in Soles hands. “But look at zhe progress I ave’ made with my current research.”
Sole took a few moments to look over the paper work their friend had just passed to them. They skimmed over it quickly, humming softly. It took a few moments for it to click but suddenly they were grinning excitedly. “You- optimisation of stimpack application and effects... this- Curie this is going to save so many lives!”
Curie couldn’t help but clap her hands together excitedly. “Yes! It most certainly is!”
Curie had been working on this research for the better half of ten years. It had been her way of furthering science. If she could figure out a way to optimise the effects of the current most advanced form of healing the body, she could save a lot more lives.
“I ave’ managed to cut down the time it takes for pain relief to be felt by more than alf’... and Stimpacks can now elp’ give the heart a jump start of administered directly to zhe chest!”
Sole took a deep breath as they placed the papers down on their desk. “Curie I can’t believe it.. this is amazing.”
“Madame/Monsieur... I could not have completed this research without the elp’ of the Minutemen. The past ten years ave’ given me the time and resources I need to complete this.” Curie gushed. She had always strived to further science, it was her primary objective. And she seemed to have completed a part of that objective.
“Curie. Without you the Minutemen would not be at the level we are.” Sole rested their hand on their dear friends shoulder. “Each settlement working with us now has the best health care the Wasteland has ever seen. And thats thanks to you.”
Piper: Headline of the week: Minutemen in the City. No that was week. How about ‘Cities New Militia.’ No. That was worse.
Piper groaned as she looked around her office. Her office. Wow, she had a real office. In a building that wasn’t her home. Wow. Ten years ago she would have never had imagined this.
Going from a little paper sold around the city to a paper that was distributed across the country. It was crazy. Every settlement working with the Minutemen distributed it. It was so big now that she had to take Nat on as a another writer. She didn’t have enough time to write weekly papers herself.
The reporter sighed when she heard a knock on her office door. “Unless you’re bringing me reports from the settlements don’t come in!” She called.
When the door opened she turned around with a glare, expecting a security guard, but when she saw Blue her glare turned to a smile.
“Hey Blue- I mean General? No I mean Blue.” She nodded with a decisive look before smiling again. “You need something?”
Sole took a seat in Pipers office, smiling back at their friend. “You don’t remember? You asked me in for an interview?” They raised an eyebrow.
“I didn’t, did I?” She mumbled as she checked the calender on her computer. “Oh god I did didn’t I.” She rubbed her temples.
Sole chuckled softly, shaking their head slightly. “Don’t worry about it Pipes. You’ve been busy, the papers been a hit. Everyone’s anxious for the new issue.”
“Oh god tell me about it!” Piper slapped her hand down on her thigh. Even though she seemed irritated in that moment she cracked out in a smile. “I can’t believe it Blue. My paper... my stupid paper Thats got me in trouble more times than I can count. People out there are reading it... anxious for the next issue.”
Sole grinned and nodded their head. “I actually have some exciting news regarding that.”
Piper raised an eyebrow, watching her friend closely. “Oh yeah?”
“Well...” Sole tapped their finger against the desk. “With Diamond City joining up... we’re going to see an influx on donations and income.” They explained.
Piper was too impatient for the explanation. Even ten years later she was still a ‘get to the point’ kind of gal. “C’mon Blue, don’t leave me hanging here. If you’ve got a new story you’ve got to tell me!” She reached for her notepad.
“Piper it’s not a story.” Sole laughed softly, taking the notepad from her. “What Im trying to say is... I’m increasing the funding to the paper.” They murmured, watching their friend closely. “By a lot. I mean a lot. Enough that you can hire staff to help. Get more papers out there.”
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league-of-thots · 4 years
For You, mae amare
Pairing: Shouto x reader
Warnings: sensory deprivation (mild), little bit of food play, nipple clamps
Word Count: ~3.3k
A/N: This is a rather late bday fic for the wonderful @burnedbyshoto im sorry its late!! I really wanted to get shouto as well as i could so i may have re-written it a few times LOL. in all seriousness im so happy to call you my friend and i hope you enjoy!!
         It’s a normal day when you decide to ask your boyfriend to try a little something new in the bedroom
“Hey Shouto,” you start. He looks up from his book, the hand that had been stroking your leg gently stopping as he quirks an eyebrow at you. “I’ve been thinking about something, and I’d like you to hear me out before you decide on anything.” You’re a little nervous at what he’ll think, given its outside the normal range of your activities, but mostly you’re excited to see if he’ll agree to it.
         “That’s something you say before you suggest something that is probably dumb, or something I’m not going to like.” He says with a pout, and you have to crush the urge to reach out and brush the longer strands of his hair above his undercut back into place.
         “Shouto, how was I supposed to know that the ropes would snap, they said they were quirk proof!” you say exasperated, having been over this multiple times. “You’re too hot baby.” You smirk at him and he groans at your words.
         He sighs, “Fine. I’ll listen to it, but I swear if it’s anything else where I’m off the ground I’m putting my foot down.” You knew he meant it, Shouto was a man of few words, but one that stuck to them. You remembered how long it took to convince him that changing his hairstyle would not drastically alter his fighting. Midoriya had been close to tears by then end when he’d finally decided that he wanted to spite his dad more than he cared about miniscule changes in his fighting style.
         For a pretty quiet guy, he got his point across when he wanted to and was oddly stubborn about certain small things.
         So, you’d explained to him, a couple times having to reassure him there was no chances for him to fall, your idea. To your surprise, he actually seemed interested in it, you could tell from the way he bit the inside of his cheek and the slight quirk of his eyebrow.
         People that thought Shouto Todoroki didn’t show his thoughts with his body were wrong, you could read him like an open book. Right now, that book was telling you that he found the idea of you much smaller frame dominating him and taking away his senses and movement was extremely interesting to him.
         You knew that you had him on board with you even before he gave his verbal consent, and you were exhilarated at the possibilities that would be open to you. You sit up straight and pull him over by his shirt to give him a quick kiss in your good mood and immediately got back on your phone to start doing some more in depth research on what you could do to him, and what you should possibly stay away from.
         Something that was intriguing to you was how easily you’d be able to incorporate kinks that the two of you already had and fulfilled quite often. Apparently, it would also feel different for Shouto, who during the time would be deprived of a few senses, which was something else to consider. You wanted to use the familiarity Shouto would have with the normal motions to calm him through the sensory deprivation so he’d enjoy it, but if it would also feel new to him, you didn’t want to overwhelm him.
         Another thing stressed was that aftercare had to include slowly and carefully giving him back his senses and to make sure he was well comforted afterwards. That wouldn’t be a sweat for you, you liked to think that you gave damn fine aftercare and you feel like Shouto would agree with that.
         After research and planning, you decided to check if you still had ample supplies for your ideas, which was a good idea because you realized you were low on lube, candles and sauces. You wanted to stick to only touch based ones because you wanted to take away his sight, and didn’t want to startle or turn him off with harsh sounds. It was also the reason you decided to only do it with his eyes completely covered, you know that Shouto prefers being eased into new ideas in the bedroom, one of his own personal requests that you always make sure to follow.
         You don’t have time during the next few days to actually head out to the shop and restock on supplies and buy a few new things. It makes you impatient and Shouto can tell and it amuses him to no end.
         “I mean I could just fuck you normally? I know it’s not as, ah- thrilling?, as your idea. But I’m not a bad lay.” He nearly hides the laughter in his voice but you catch it, and give him an unimpressed look. But you take him up on the offer anyways, not being one to turn down sex with your amazing boyfriend.
         It also made you a lot less antsy to get your idea rolling, you decided to just go with the time would show itself when it was ready. Besides, having it come about naturally would be way more fun for the both of you. So, you placed some order online instead of rushing out and waited.
           Just over a week later, you came home to your house with a package sitting on your front porch. At first, you’d forgotten what it was, but were quickly reminded when you thought about it, and you jogged up to your door with some pep in your step. Shouto wouldn’t be home until later that evening, had already told you not to wait up for dinner, and so you’d have time to prepare.
         You knew it’d been a few tough weeks on him, so this was bound to be a way to relieve some of that pent-up frustration. He did the same for you after all. Until then though, you had a few hours to kill, so you ordered some Thai take out and sat down to watch some Netflix on your couch.
         While you were eating you got a few texts from Shouto saying he almost got out early, but there was an emergency that he had to go help with. Sending back a quick “Stay safe, I love you,” you turn off Netflix in favour of the news, trying to see what was going on that had taken him away from home.
         You turn it on to see that a villain had caused a truck to crash with a gas station, creating a large explosion and setting fire to the surrounding buildings. You saw some sheets of ice going up to cover the building and you knew that was why your boyfriend had been called in to help. He had a good quirk for helping to contain the damage and helping to rescue civilians from the buildings.
         Part of you wanted to watch it, but part of you hated seeing your boyfriend throw himself into dangerous situations. You couldn’t turn it off though, you had to watch as he saved person after person, teaming up with his sidekicks to make sure that the most unstable zones were taken care of first.
         Luckily, everything seemed to go fine, and the news eventually switched over to something else. You tried to relax, easing your mind with the fact that you saw the entire thing taken from an emergency zone to a relatively stable situation. You give him a quick text, telling him you saw him on the news, asking him if he was all right. He quickly shoots you back a quick thumbs up and a “be home as soon as I can”. Sighing in relief you go to grab a drink from the liquor cabinet, craving some alcohol to calm the rest of your nerves. Gin is the way to go tonight, you think, quickly draining a first glass and pouring yourself another.
         By the time Shouto comes into the house, you’re mildly tipsy and you run up to greet him as he hangs his jacket up in the front closet.
         “Shoooou-!” You throw yourself into him and he reacts with reflexes befitting a tired pro hero, quickly turning and catching you. “Missed you, babe!”
         “Yeah, I missed you too- wait, are you drunk?” his eyes narrow in concern.
         “No, hun, just a bit tipsy.” You bring him down and start kissing him intensely, the excitement, anxiety and love you felt today just tipping over into your actions. He responds easily to you, pulling back only when he needs to breathe.
         “What’s gotten into you tonight?”
         “Just missed you today, I was stressed about you, and excited ‘cause the toys came in. You’ve had such a hard week and I’m so excited, I think you’re going to love it Shou, I really do!” you’re babbling a bit but he follows your words, eyes never leaving your face as you talk.
         “I’m sure if you thought of it for me that I’ll really enjoy myself, love.” He presses his lips sweetly to yours, and lets you take control. You lick into his mouth, he tastes like strawberries – he must’ve had some before he got home – and you slowly guide him to the bedroom. Your lips never leave his until you’ve gotten him onto the bed.
         “You trust me, right?” You know he does, but you want him to verbalize it.
         “Of course.”
         “You’re going to tell me if you need to stop then, alright?”
         He gives you a look that clearly says ‘let’s get on with this, then’ and you roll your eyes.
         “Fine, fine, I’m getting the stuff now. Get your clothes off.” You hurry over to where you’d kept them all put together.
         “I thought you’d want to rip them off given you’re being the dom tonight, babe?” You can hear the teasing tone of his voice and you ignore him, slowly turning around.
         “Get them off. Now.” Your hand is on your hip as you glare at your boyfriend from across the room. You see him take a deep breath, eyes taking you in. His pupils are dilated, betraying his excitement he’d tried to hide with his teasing.
         You toss the things onto the bed as he scrambles out of his clothes, you slowly taking them off as you walk towards him. You’re wearing the pale blue that happens to be his favourite. Sitting down in front of him on the bed, you grab the rope from beside your body and you crawl over him. You kiss him deeply, hands grabbing his as the two of you get lost within each other. You pull away panting when you’ve managed to maneuver his hands above his head, grinning down at your dazed boyfriend.
         You quickly tie his wrists together, tying his wrists to bedpost behind him as you go back down to kiss his neck, slowly, sensually. He groans, trying to grind his hips up from underneath you. You move to sit down above his hips so he can’t do anything, the tent in his boxers obvious.
         “You don’t get anything yet Sho, don’t be impatient.” He whines a bit at that, but stops wiggling around. You go back down, pressing open mouthed kisses to his chest, leaving marks every few kisses and he grunts in approval.
         After marking him up a bit, you ease off of him, looking to get the thick and soft eye mask you’d gotten and turn to him.
         “Yeah, let’s do it Y/N.” You love how dishevelled he looks just from the small make out sessions the two of you had, his cheeks red and breathing thinner than usual. You carefully ease the blindfold over his eyes and kiss him gently. You admire your handiwork and stroke his hair. You can feel him shudder beneath you; he loves it when you stroke his hair.
         “Feels ok, Sho?” He nods once in assent. “Alright then let’s see how this feels then.” You begin working you way down his body, hands smoothly going down caressing the taught muscles of his sides. You leave marks all down his body and he groans in pleasure at the sting of the bites. You love to mark him almost as much as he likes to mark you, and you love the way the red and purple bites look on his pale skin.
         When you reach his boxers, you’re unsurprised to find them stained with precum, his length still straining against the fabric of his clothes. You slowly wiggle them down and his cock springs up to slap his stomach. He lets out a sigh of relief that turns into a stifled moan as you like a stripe from the bottom of his cock to the tip, teasing the tip with swirls from your tongue.
         You take the head into your mouth and he bucks his hips upwards, trying to get you to stop teasing him. You pull off completely and he groans in frustration.
         “Be good and just sit there Sho, or else I won’t let you cum at all, how’s about that?”
         “No, don’t do that, I’ll stay still. Just please get on with it, it feels so good…”
         “Don’t make me stop you again.” You warn, and he shakes his head almost frantically.
         Taking him once again into your mouth, still slowly, you notice he’s straining so hard against his impulses to fuck upwards into your mouth. Seeing him do this for you fills you with power and lust, and you suddenly take him deep in your throat, your nose tickling his neatly trimmed pubes.
         “Fuck!” he shouts out in surprise. “God you feel so fucking good babe, you’re so good to me!” Bolstered by his praise, you continue to bob your head, quicker than before. You feel your own slick dampening your panties and you hear the noises he’s making, loving how wrecked he sounds. You look up to see his head thrown back and your hand goes up to play with his balls.
         He must like that, because he cums without warning, leg muscles tensing up as thick ropes of cum shoot down your throat. You swallow it all with a little difficulty and pull off of him. He’s breathing heavily, his dick now soft again, but you know with what you have planned, that won’t be the case for very long.
         “That’s just the start Sho. I have a bit more for you.” You say, grabbing the nipple clamps from beside you. You circle the cool metal around his nipples until the pebble up and you clamp the first one down, which he takes stoically. The second one however, elicits a soft whimper from him. “Ah, but you’ve done this a few times before, babe. Does it feel different now?”
         “Better,” he chokes out. “It feels better.”
         “Well that’s what I was hoping for, so that’s good for me to hear.” Having said that, you grab the chocolate sauce you’d gotten and click open the cap. “You know what I have, don’t you Shotou?”
         “Something in a bottle, I don’t think its lube?”
         “It’s not.” You then start to pour some of the sauce down his stomach, putting some up by his collar bones and neck. “Keep your mouth closed.” He nods once more as you pour some of the sauce onto his lips. Leaning down, you start kissing him, tasting the sweet chocolate, and he takes that as an open invitation to open his own mouth and get a tast for himself.
         You stay there, making out with him, the sweetness making it more fun, until you pull back and start licking away the sauce on his neck.
         “Ah, your tongue shouldn’t be allowed to move like that! How am I supposed to stand a chance?” His voice is pitched low with arousal. You smirk against his skin, but don’t answer, continuing to enjoy the sweet moans – and sauce – as long as you could.
         However, after moving down to his stomach, his noises, cut off. You look up and see the reason why, he’s bitten his lip to keep from crying out anymore. That won’t do.
         “Shouto, I want to hear you, pretty boy. Stop biting your lip please, or else I won’t ride you like I planned and you can use your hand.”
         “No, no. Alright fine. You’re picky today.”
         “I’m going to do you a favour and ignore that one.” You slip off your panties, seeing as he’s hard again as you straddle him. You loved riding him, it was so fun to set the pace and make a mess of him.
         You line yourself up, and ease yourself down slowly. You wince a little from the stretch, so caught up that you’d forgotten to prep yourself, but with a few rolls of your hips you got him completely inside you. The vein on the underside of his cock felt as good as always, and you teasingly clenched your muscles and Shouto let out another set of curses that would have his PR team in tears had he said that in public.
         Laughing slightly, you begin to bring your hips up slowly, and slam them down all the way. As you set a pace, Shouto catches on and starts bucking up into you as you slam down, hitting deep into your pussy, and you let out a cry of surprise and pleasure.
         “Shit, Shouto! Just like that!” you can feel yourself clenching in pleasure around him, the entire situation and the stimulation of your clit slapping against his hips bringing you closer and closer to your own orgasm.
         Shouto must sense this, because as you falter, he thrusts up into you harder, grunting at the exertion, having to do it without much help with his arms. He manages to hit that spot inside you that has you seeing stars and crying out his name as you clamp down on his cock and cum. With a final thrust deep inside you, Shouto comes as well, releasing once again and then sinking into the mattress.
         You ease yourself off, whispering sweet nothings to your boyfriend and lying down beside him, running your fingers through his soft and silky hair. You feel blissed out from you orgasm so you forget that he’s tied up and can’t take off the blindfold.
         “Hey, Y/N? I do love having you snuggled against me, but I think it’s way better when I can actually hold you.”
         “Oh my god, I’m sorry Sho!” you quickly scramble up, untying his wrists from the bedposts and each other. You hold his much larger hands in your own, kissing at the slightly irritated skin that came from the bindings. You do the same thing, showing lots of love and care to his chest as well after removing the clamps. Throughout this, you hear sighs of satisfaction and pleasure from your boyfriend.
         You slowly take off the blindfold as look into his eyes. He grabs your face gently, guiding you in for a kiss that’s all sweet and slow. You sigh as he pulls away, and you set your head down onto his chest, looking up at his face. He stares back at you, lovingly.
         “So? Yes, no, maybe?”
         He chuckles. “Yes, way better than the swing.”
         “When are you going to drop the damn swing already?”
         “Hey, I didn’t drop it, it dropped me.” You groan and stick your face into his chest. “In all seriousness, it was really different. But in a good way.”
         “I’m glad. You feeling a bit more relaxed?”
         “Yes, but I’m sure I’ll feel even more relaxed if we can clean up and cuddle a bit.” You laugh at the rather pointed suggestion.
         “Alright, princess. Let’s go get us all cleaned up then.”
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disaster-bay-leaf · 3 years
Ok so these were the cutest~ (ㆁωㆁ)
4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 19, 22, 23, 28, 33, 34, 46, 47, 52, 59, 60, 63, 66, 83, 87, 88, 93, 99
I kno I listed like....all of them lmao but feel free to answer whichever you want and ofc you can ask me in return Baybe ( ◜‿◝ )♡
uHUHUHUHU much content for me to answer, im happy bebe 💜💜💜✨
4 - how do you take your coffee/tea?
hm coffee either Very Black No Sugar (for the sleep deprived me) or iced latte three sugars and theres no in between
and as for tea its All Black Teas That Exist, cinnamon-flavoured especially (but basically all teas that come to mind when u think “autumn”), and rooibos!!! okay basically the only oke i dont like is any type of green tea (which is sad because they look cool but my tastebuds said ✨no✨)
6 - do you keep plants?
honestly id l o v e too because i love plants but,,, im kinda horrible at taking care of them though still way better than the majority of my family (research helps) so the only plant i own is kinda a small-palm-tree-looking thing in a bigass glass jar that i saved from my mother’s plant-destructing hands and its mostly doing well (the ends of its leaves are starting to be yellow tho and im worried:((( )
7 - do you name your plants?
yes!!! though the current one was named by my sister and its called “pickett” after fantastic beasts shsjjsj
9 - do you like singing/humming to yourself?
oh god oh dude you have n o idea
i have absolutely n o singing voice but its something i do constantly to give my brain the right amount of stimuli so basically i listen to music 24/7 and hum to myself 99% of that time
12 - whats your favourite planet?
oh i actually didnt think about this for so long but either pluto (hes a planet screw nasa) or saturn (RINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or venus (girls,,,and libra,,,)
19 - do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw in it?
okay im gonna be completely honest with yall and say that my every single try at keeping a journal failed spectacularly and i lost motivation after like a few months so my only journals rn are my fancy fake-leather-bound calendar to note tests and assessments into, a kinda roughed up notebook that i uses for noting down poems or scribbling or passing notes in class, and a kinda fancy bullet journal notebook that i used as a book of shadows for a while but since my fountain pen died i didnt touch it
22 - are you a morning person?
n o
i am so not a morning person but i wish i could be because honestly dawns are beautiful
but as it is rn im either sleep deprived all the time and loathe every second of being in an awake state or (if i have a few days of schoolbreak) my biological clock moves forward a few hours and i sleep 2am-10am
23 - whats your favourite thing to do on lazy days with zero obligations?
except for the fact that i dont remember the last time it happened, i would probably spend it drawing outside, watching anime with my sister and riding a bike around the forest
28 - sunrise or sunset?
i love sunrises because its so peaceful and everyone is asleep but also i subconsciously immediately correlate them with waiting for a train to take me to school (because thats basically the only time i see them) so its a bittersweet love especially with my fucked up biological clock
but sunsets are really really pretty too and i see them more often so i cant choose
33 - whats your fave pastry?
and isnt that a millior-dollar question dhsjjsjsj
either cinnamon rolls (i absolutely adore them) or that one specific type of cupcake-shaped-thing made out of shortcrust/bread/whatever its called and filled with vanilla pudding
34 - tell us about a stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
awwww this is cute
okay so basically my two favourite stuffed animals (i still have them, they sit in my wardrobe) were two teddy bears (like maybe 20cm high each of them) and one was pure brown and the other was silver-brown and they had stereotypical polish male names “Waldek” (read. Valdek) and Stefan (i think tho im not sure if i remember correctly, my memory is a feeble thing sometimes
46 - tell us the worst pun you can think of
what dog would never bite you? a hot dog *badumtss*
47 - what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
huh a year ago id say pineapple pizza but i guess i dont hate pineapples that much anymore (tho putting them on pizza is still an abomination) but i think that if id ever want to get rid of anything it would be parsley, i hate that freakin herb (does it count as food tho)
52 - what are your favourite memes of the year so far?
the ever given for sure shsjshjsjsjsjjsj
but bullying tramp stamps is gold and pure tumblr energy too
as for fandom memes: im in love with all keeping-up-with-the-todorokis variations and the fact that the entire bsd fandom looked at fukuchi and said “biTCH” and thats one of the only things we’re unanimous about
59 - whats your favourite myth?
i always liked the kora/persephone myth (though demeter is an overbearing parent to the nth power), loki and thor crossdressing at a party to get mjolnir back, atalanta because shes a queen and id politely ask her to kick my ass, and cassandra because she deserved better, and theres a l o t more because alas i was a mythology nerd but this post is long enough for me not to make this section 20 times longer sjjsjsjsjsjks
but there are a lot of slavic myths that are very cool too, though we dont know that much about them as about the greeks for example
60 - do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
o o o o h yeah i do like poetry because to create such a beautifully sounding thing with only words someone has to be a genius
some of my favs are: some works of nakahara chuuya (thank u bsd for introducing me to this man’s beautiful imagery in his works i swear to god the descriptions do it for me) (also his poem about having hangovers is a mood like i feel you buddy), the raven by ea poe (i know everyone likes it but hOLY DAMN THE INTER/INTRAVERSE RHYMES ARE LIKE,,, BREATHTAKING) (and aso im a slut for gothic horror), and many more but also That One Poem From Welcome To Nightvale about reaching the island in the west,,, only perfect vibes from it
63 - are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organised or kinda leave them be?
okay heres the thing. for anyone else both my playlist library and my bookshelf would be considered pure chaos of a mad man b u t they actually have a highly focused system which means that i sort them based on their vibes, lovability and (in case of books) their age and whether or not theyre a part of a series so i would say my bookshelf is rather organised (when a quarter of it isnt occupying my desk that is) and my music is more organised than not but sometimes it gets out of control and i have to sort it entirely again
66 - what would your ideal flower crown look like?
either entirely constructed of simple white daisies, entirely constructed of only white roses, or something that probably would win a “how many different coloured flowers can one fit in a flower crown” competition
or something purple (maybe not belladonna)
83 - whats some of your favourite album art?
god i dont know if it counts but hozier’s wasteland baby is probably one of my absolute favourites and no one shall beat that
“thrifted youth” (dalynn) and “standard deviation” (danny schmidt) have very aesthetic covers too
also the iconic p!atd too weird to live, too rare to die! album cover,,, its just iconic what can i say
and last but not least matt meason’s pink-and-black album covers (though bank on the funeral is really pretty too but like,,, “who killed matt meason” d o e s it for me and so does the 2017 tribulation single)
87 - what are some movies that you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
this is such a hard question because im not a really cinematography-oriented gal but i suppose that (at the risk of not going deep enough into the cinema world):
- the princess bride
- inception
- night at the museum
- forrest gump
- truman show
- E.T. (i cried okay)
- the lord of the rings (because damn me if this isnt one impressive adaptation)
- parasite
and one more personal recommendation: “ready or not” with samara weaving because goddamn i dont usually watch this genre but holy s h i t is it good
93 - whats the hairstyle you wear the most?
honestly just plain hair down (because having curly hair is a menace), split in the middle when i have longer hair and split on one side when its short
also low ponytails or half-up-half-down when im exercising, or double french braids when my hair doesnt cooperate enough to look presentable in any other form
99 - list some songs that resonate with your soul whenever you hear them
this is difficult because my music taste is a goddamn rollercoaster on a good day, but heres some:
- me and the sky from “come from away” musical (this is sort of a test song for my mental stability, if i cry i aint stable)
- dancing after death by matt meason (okay most songs by matt meason except for like,,, hallucinogenics maybe)
- tears and rain by james blunt
- i will follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie
- almost home by mxmtoon
- anything by hozier really but shrike especially
- payphone, the cover by alex g (i cried to this song so many times)
- burning pile by mother mother (can i roast all my problems please)
- long way from home and cleopatra by the lumineers
- autoclave by the mountain goats
oooh that was c o o o o o o o l as fuck thank you sm so much bebe (and sorry for the long post @everyone else)
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anemoniii · 6 years
heads up. d.w.
I am back from the dead, my dudes! Hopefully for good this time. I’ll try my best to keep you guys up to date with stories and such, I hope you enjoy this one, lovelies; it’s my first time writing for Damion so. Requests are still open, by the way. I’m also going to start keeping these as non-binary as possible.
request: hi can u do a damian x vigilante reader and they all meet her for the first time and he kinda just falls for her and his fam just teasing him about his crush endlessly?? im glad u decided to come back btw : )
word count: around 2600
“Tt, you see, Batman, this is why Red Hood should never join us. He’s far too reckless,” Damian states trough his com.
Through a series of unfortunate events, Robin, Red Hood, and Nightwing had failed a mission. All they needed to do was get in, avoid too much violence, download a file filled with a minor drug dealers buyers onto a hard drive, and get out.
“First of all, don’t blame me for your problems. It’s not like I was the one to disobey Bats, that was all you, man. We had a clear goal, don’t cause chaos,” Jason’s voice echoed through the empty factory. Much like the rest, he was currently tied up and hung over a pool of hydrofluoric acid.
“Oh, so going into a building with AK-47’s blaring is the right way to go? My bad, I didn’t realize.”
I which was followed by a mutter however, due to the empty factory, came as a loud echo, “Imbecile.”
“Robin, control yourself,” Bruce stated through the com, “Tim and I will be there shortly.”
While Jason ignored Bruce, he attempted to swing over and bump into Damian. Unfortunately for him, Jason, not Damian; Damian was quite thankful, he was in no mood to be burned by acid, a loud explosion interrupted his actions.
“Well, I guess they’re finally gonna kill us,” Dick sighed, “It was nice being part of this family while it lasted.”
“I promise you will feel every last bit of the explosion, just a little heads up from one dead man to the next,” Jason added.
“Heads up, indeed.”
Over the heads of all 3 vigilantes, you glided past them, cladded in an outfit as if steampunk and a ninja collided together and became one, from pillar to pillar. (a/n: or you know, whatever you want. I’m low key digging the steampunk ninja vibe though, haha.)
When you found a pillar that was in a good enough distance to save the heroes in distress, you started jumping to each chain that held them above the acid and with perfect precision, you brought them to safety with a swift cut, catch, and release.
“Why are you all so bloody heavy?” You grunted out after you brought down Robin from the chains.
Breathlessly, you stood up from your crouching position with a smile. You clapped your hands together and rolled back onto your heels, “As much fun as this was, I truly must be going,” you turned to the man with a red helmet, “I presume you’re Red Hood, correct? I agree with this twat,” you made awkward hand gestures to Damian and continued, “Please, no more reckless behaviour; I don’t want to nearly break my back again.”
“Tt, I don't need your approval, nor should you ever call me a twat. Who are you even? Were you sent by my mother? Who do you work with? Why did you-.”
You cut him off, “Easy, tiger. No need for all these questions, all you need to know is that your in safe hands. Besides, I don’t even know who you are, but I’m definitely not against learning,” you ended your statement with a wink.
Damian’s face turned a deep crimson colour as his brothers laughed.
“Robin,” he responded.
“Excuse me?”
“I am Robin,” he clarified his response.
You laughed and gave him bow to mock him, “In that case, I’m Hawk. Pleased to you.”
“Tt, I am serious, you poor excuse of a hero.”
You put a hand to your chest and replied with, “Oh, goodness me. Why, I don’t recall ever saying I was a hero, my love. But in all seriousness, my name is Onmitsu (a/n: or whatever you want). I like to consider myself a… an antihero.”
Damian blushed, yet again. To save him from further embarrassment, Dick came forward, with arms crossed, “In order for this meeting to go on any longer, we will need a clarification of what your purpose is for being here.”
“Batman should be arriving with replacement soon,” Jason added.
“Tt, we are well past that.”
Ignoring the two who were arguing, you answered the other man, “As you know, my name’s Onmitsu and I consider myself an antihero-.”
“Why do you consider yourself that?” Dick added with squinted eyes.
Sighing, you continued, “If you would let me finish my sentence, you would have known by now. My name is Onmitsu, I see myself as an antihero because I prefer to be paid for my work, and the only reason I’m saving you idiots is because this happens to be my safe haven. There’s a nice view when there isn’t acid, chains, and random people. All you need to to is look up, the stars are quite beautiful from here, no?”
Damian looked up, “Tt, you make it seem like I would be looking at-.”
“Oh, how could I forget about you!”
Damian looked back down and to you, you were playing with the tiniest kitten he has ever seen, “It looks malnourished.”
You sighed and pat the cat behind its ear, “Her name is Manara. She is the light of my life. I found her a little over a month ago, she refuses to eat anything I give her. I don’t know what to do anymore. Do you like animals? I adore them. I prefer them over humans, humans are so unpredictable.”
Damian gave a faint smile, it wasn’t noticeable, but it didn’t slide past Jason and Dick. Or even Tim and Bruce who seemed to finally arrive.
“I couldn’t agree less, you seem to be tolerable. Perhaps you would like to meet my animals sometime. I have many, I simply adore them. I have a cat as well, his name is Alfred.”
Tim and Jason couldn’t help but snicker at Damian.
Batman clasped his hands together, “Well, we truly must be going. Onmitsu, it would be lovely to work with you in the near future,” he turned to the three who faced a near death experience, “You three were in good hands it seems. No scratches, cuts, bullet wounds. Anything?”
They all shook their heads.
“Very well. It was a pleasure meeting you, I’m quite excited for you and Robin to be dating, from the profile check I did on you, you seem quite suitable, y/n.”
“Why, thank you, Mr. Wayne. I can assure you, I mean no harm. Unless I’m provoked, that is,” you smiled.
With a sigh and a hand to his temple, “First Red Robin, now you?”
Your smile grew to a smirk, “I believe you mean, Tim Drake, sir?” You turned and nodded off the rest of the people, “Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and last but certainly not least, Damian Wayne. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.”
Dick looked at you with confusion, “I thought you said you didn’t know Damian?”
You fiddled with your katanas and put them back in their scabbards on your back before answering, “Come on, who in their right mind would have came in saying how you already know someone’s alter ego? You gotta build up to that, my friend. Wait for the right moment, ya know?”
Your smile grew at their looks of discontent, “Please don’t worry, I have nothing against you. There’s not a dime for any of you to be dead. Surprising, I know.”
Tim yawned and added, “How reassuring.”
“Tt, calm down, Drake. Anyway, since you have the approval of my father and a reliable research, I deem you worthy to be invited to Wayne Manor.”
Jason came behind Damian and but his hands on his shoulders, “What demon is trying to say is he wants to date you. Possibly marry you, I wouldn’t be surprised if I were you; he doesn’t usually smile at people. That alone makes me hear wedding bells,” he finished by moving his index finders side to side in the air to symbolize the chiming of bells.
“Jason!” Damian hissed.
No one backed Damian up, they knew it was all too true. Never once did he show the same interest in anyone like he showed you. Inviting you over? Deeming you worthy? You were beyond confused with this seemingly dysfunctional family, but they seemed nice enough. You did your research, there was nothing to be too frightened of. What could go wrong?
“Well, it would be my honour.”
And if Damion wasn’t blushing, he sure was now, “Very well, I am free tomorrow at noon. Where shall I pick you up?”
“What about at Gotham Park? I’m already going there tomorrow, I’m down for you to come. Is that okay?” You hit his shoulder with yours.
“Great, demon spawn has a date, I believe we’re done here. I really don’t want to be standing near this acid anymore. But I’m a nice guy, I’ll try to get this all cleared up for you before we leave,” Jason interjected.
“It’s fine; I’m a responsible adult, I’m sure I’ll find a way to get bloody hydrofluoric acid out of here. How the hell did it even get here?”
“You know drug dealers,” Tim cut in.
“Damn, why must this dealer just have to ruin the purest thing, I love this place” you added. “Especially you, Manara. No drug lord will ever hurt you.”
As the heroes and anti heroes walked out of the factory, Manara closely following behind, all that could be heard was the words of departure and traffic. For once, there was no raindrops to fill the erie city that is Gotham.
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hannahindie · 7 years
Dean vs. The Mothman
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader, The Mothman Word Count: 4,531 (Whoopsy doodles!) Warnings: Canon violence, language, sassy reader, and a date gone horribly wrong. A/N: I wrote this for two separate challenges. The first is for @waywardmoeyy and Moeyy’s Awkward Moments Birthday Challenge. My prompt is bolded in the fic below! The second was for @uniquewerewolfsuit’s Mythical Creatures Challenge. I had a blast writing it, and my words got slightly carried away. I really hope you all enjoy it as much I enjoyed writing it. However, I couldn’t have done it without my wonderful betas...
@trexrambling: “I was just hit with the memory of me making a lake of BBQ sauce on my plate and now I'm just sitting here giggling to myself hahaha” (I had to include this because this very incident is the reason I thought to put it in this fic. My ode to my sweet waterbear and her giant lake of barbecue sauce)
@pinknerdpanda: “Eek!!! Anxiety extreme” (Also, you can thank her for the song choice, because it fit perfectly and I love it. She’s my twin.)
As always, tags are at the bottom. If you’d like to be added, please send an ask or an IM. :)
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The first thing you need to know is that grenade launchers are freaking awesome. The second thing you need to know is that they are also very loud, and a little more...explode-y than you would expect. The reason I say this is because I'm currently sitting on my ass, choking on concrete dust, and hoping to God I didn't just kill the two random dudes that had, for some reason, appeared in the middle of the bunker I had set my sights on. My eyes are on the slowly settling dust cloud, grenade launcher across my lap, and I breathe a sigh of relief when I see two shadowy figures emerge from the rubble.
“Oh shit, I thought I killed you.” I stand up and take a better look at the two men brushing debris off their shoulders and out of their hair. The shorter of the two squints through the dust, and the initial glare turns into a look of awe when he realizes what I'm holding.
“Is that...is that a grenade launcher?”
His voice is deep and gravelly, and it does things to me. I remind myself to keep that in mind for later, when I'm not trying to save a town from utter destruction.
The giant next to him rolls his eyes, “Don't even think about it.”
The shorter one grins, and even from here I can see the sparkle in his eyes. I like this one. “I’m both jealous and a little turned on right now.”
“Dean!” Sasquatch hisses, and I can't help but notice the dimples that form even when he's frowning. Good Lord, where did these men come from? Whatever they put in their water, they should probably keep drinking it.
“Well, you're a man after my own heart. I've been wanting to use this thing for a long time, but I was hoping it would be a little more successful. Sorry I almost blew you up.” I'm pretty sure I just shouted that. Am I shouting? I told you, grenade launchers are loud.
They walk closer to me, and the shorter one holds out his hand. I realize that the ‘shorter one’ is...not so short. Seriously, where are they from? “The name’s Dean. This is my brother Sam.”
I look from one to the other, and I can tell my mouth is hanging wide open. They can't possibly be who I think they are. “Winchester? Sam and Dean Winchester?” They look at each other in confusion, but I can't understand why. Surely they know that they're legends? Right?
“Yea...how do you know?” Dean asks, and he truly doesn't seem to know. They have no idea. Oh, bless ‘em.
“You guys are legendary. I mean, I figured ya’ll were real and not just some sort of fish tale, but to see you in person...holy shit.” I sling the grenade launcher over my shoulder and rest my free hand on my hip. “I'm glad I didn't blow you up. Although, knowing who you are, I'm guessing it wouldn't stick, huh?”
Sam laughs, “Hopefully not. So, I'm guessing you're a hunter too, then?”
I nod, “I try to be. I do okay… Luckily, this is the first time I've nearly blown someone up, so I guess I'm doing something right.”
Dean looks back over his shoulder at what's left of the old bunker I just demolished, “What are those, anyway? I've never seen anything like it. They're everywhere.”
I grin. These boys have no idea what they're up against, do they?
“Ya’ll ever heard of Mothman?”
“What did you think you were hunting when you got here? Surely you noticed what this town is famous for?” I say around the mouthful of burger I just took. Dean's watching me with this look that's a combination of awe and appreciation. It's like he's never seen a girl put away a burger.
“Well, yea, but there's no lore, and no indication that he's back. You've got a festival honoring him! Nobody seems to mind it, and the disappearances don't really match up with what happened before.” Sam looks flustered, and I start to feel bad for picking at him. This is a weird situation, after all.
Dean stops staring at me long enough to look at Sam, “What are you going on about?”
I grab a handful of fries and carefully begin to dip them one by one into the pool of barbecue sauce on my plate, “He’s talking about the Mothman’s M.O. It's not really his thing to take people. He's more of a...well, a death omen. Or a warning of impending disaster.” Dean looks confused, and I raise an eyebrow at Sam, “Didn't you tell him anything about it?”
Sam frowns, “Yea, I did. He just didn't listen.”
“Yes, I did! There's this giant moth-”
“Dean, it's not a giant moth! It's a Mothman-”
“What's the difference, Sam? It's a giant thing with wings, and it's taking people-”
“There's a huge difference-”
I slam my hands on the table, and the suddenness of it interrupts their bickering. Out of all the stories I've heard about the Winchesters, their sibling squabbles had been left out. It’s cute, but we have work to do.
“We don't have time to argue about who's right. Dean, since you weren't listening to your brother, here's the rundown.”
Dean grins at Sam, “I like her.” Sam just rolls his eyes, and I sigh.
“Great. Keep it in your pants, Winchester. We’ll talk about our feelings later. Anyway, in November of 1966 there's a report that several men digging a grave in Clendenin, West Virginia, saw a man-like figure flying overhead. It's sometimes considered the first sighting of Mothman, but the one you hear about the most, the official first sighting, happened in the TNT area a few days later by young couples that went parking.”
“TNT area...that's where we were earlier. Wasn't that a munitions plant during World War Two?” Sam had apparently done some research.
“Yea. If you look close enough, you can see that those bunkers are spread out in a very specific pattern. They were built like that in case one of them exploded; it would keep the others from going up. They're mostly empty now, although I think the Reserves use them for storage on occasion.”
Dean reaches for a fry on my plate, and I smack his hand. He frowns, “So where's this giant moth fit in?”
“According to the two couples, they saw a ‘large flying man with ten foot wings’, and when their headlights hit him, his eyes glowed red. So Mothman, not just a moth. He was seen by a few other people in the area. There were a couple of volunteer firefighters that described it as a large bird with red eyes. Someone else described its eyes as looking like bicycle reflectors, and another man blamed the strange noises coming from his television and the disappearance of his dog on this Mothman. The sheriff and a wildlife biologist claimed that it was a type of local heron or crane that can grow to be almost the size of a man.”
Dean sits back and crosses his arms, his eyes occasionally drifting back to the fries I've got left. “So...that's it? I thought you said it was a death omen, or a harbinger of impending disaster. So far, he's just scared some kids necking where they weren't supposed to.”
“That's where the Silver Bridge comes in. In December of 1967, the Mothman was spotted near the bridge and, shortly after, the bridge collapsed. Forty-six people were killed when they went into the water. The Mothman wasn’t seen again, and the locals began connecting his appearance with the bridge collapse.” After grabbing a couple more fries from the plate, I shove the rest at Dean and he smiles happily.
“So, what do you think? Is it really the Mothman?” Sam asks, frowning at Dean as he shoves a handful of fries into his mouth.
“Initially, no. Honestly, I just thought it was a giant owl and that some kids afraid of getting in trouble just made something up. I've made fun of it for years...until I saw it a couple weeks ago. I just happened to be going through town when I saw it on the top of the old Historic State theater. A few days later, the first couple disappeared. A hiker found them in the wildlife area...or what you'd know as the TNT area.”
“How do you know it was the Mothman and not someone or something else?” Dean asks as he polishes off the rest of the fries faster than I've ever seen anyone eat before; it's my turn to look impressed. He winks at me, and I feel my cheeks flush. His charm was something I had been warned about.
“Because the couple was found twenty feet up a tree, with talon marks as big as a damn pterodactyl. It's the Mothman,” I grumble.
Dean wipes his hands off on a napkin and tosses it on the now empty plate, then leans back in the booth, “So what was your plan earlier? Was a grenade launcher really the best option?”
I roll my eyes, “Listen, it wasn't my first choice, despite my overwhelming need to blow something up. I'm the only hunter that stays in this general area most of the time, I had to improvise. But since that plan didn't work, we’re on to plan B.”
Dean cocks an eyebrow, “And what would that be, sweetheart?”
I wiggle my eyebrows, “It's time for us to go on a date.”
Sam's standing outside of my car, his arms crossed and a look I can only describe as a mixture of amusement, jealousy, and irritation on his face. I'll give it to him; his facial expressions are what dreams are made of.
“Y/N, are you sure about this? Being bait isn't exactly the best plan…” He trails off, and I think he might actually be concerned.
I smile, “Sam, this isn't my first rodeo, and I'm usually on my own. And if it's Dean you're worried about, I think I can handle him.” I wink at him as Dean opens the driver's side door and climbs in.
“What are you two talking about?” he asks cautiously, his eyes moving between the two of us.
“Nothing. Let's get this show on the road. The faster we get this done, the faster I can get Norma’s famous apple pie.”
Dean looks at me with wide eyes, “There's pie?” I nod, and a wide smile crosses his face, “What are we waiting for then?” He turns the key, and Sam takes a step back. “You know the drill, Sammy. Stay close, but don't scare it off. This should be a piece of cake.” Sam nods and then walks to where the Impala is parked, gives a quick look over his shoulder, then disappears into the driver's seat.
“Is he always this anxious?” I ask as I fiddle with my seatbelt.
Dean scoffs, “Only when there's a pretty girl involved.” He glances at me from the corner of his eye and clears his throat, “You look nice. Pretty convincing date attire.” He pulls out into the main road, and I smooth down the edge of the dress I'd picked out earlier. I'm glad it's dark, or he'd be able to see how red my cheeks are.
“Thanks. I'm not really sure how observant a Mothman can be, but I figured we shouldn't chance it. I don't know how many more opportunities we’ll have, since I already blew one of his lairs to hell.”
Dean laughs, “Good point.” We drive in silence for a moment, and I guess it's too much for Dean because he turns on the radio.
Say you, say me say it for always That's the way it should be
Well, this is awkward. Nothing like Lionel Richie on a fake date, especially one that I'm beginning to think I'd like to be real. I clear my throat, “Turn here.”
Say you, say me say it together Naturally
Aside from the music, we travel the next few minutes in silence. I sneak a glance at Dean and his knuckles are white on the steering wheel. Surely he's not that worried about this hunt? I suppose he doesn't know me well enough to assume I'll be useful, but still.
“You can park here.”
He stops the car, but leaves it running. Lionel Richie is still going, Lord help me.
As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do is to find a friend or two That helping hand “So I guess we just wait?” I ask quietly, unsure of what to do now that we’re here.
Dean turns to face me as well as he can in the cramped front seat. Maybe we should have brought his car. “Well, we should probably sell it. You know, make it believable.”
“Mmhmm. That's...that's a good plan.” I'm stuttering because as I'm talking, he's moving closer to me. Dean Winchester is an inch away from my face, and never in a million years did I think this would ever be an option, fake or not.
Someone who understands That when you feel you've lost your way You've got someone there to say I'll show you
His hand gently cups my cheek, and it's rough and warm; a hunter’s hand. I can guess where the callouses and scars are from because I have my own. I close my eyes and drink it in for a moment. I've had my fair share of one night stands and meaningless romps in the backseat of this car, but it's been awhile, and something about Dean feels different. Ruse or not, I'm going to savor it.
Say you, say me say it for always That's the way it should be
Before I can open my eyes, his lips are on mine and boy are they a contrast to his rough hands. They're soft, and they fit against my lips like they were made to be there. His hand moves to my hair and his fingers are tangled and it takes everything I have to not moan when he gives it a gentle tug. If this is acting, what in the hell is this like for real? If I ever have the opportunity to find out, I might just die.
Say you, say me say it together Naturally
He smiles against me, and I pull back for air as I look at him questioningly, “What?”
“You're a good actress. For a second there, I thought you might be enjoying it.”
I shrug, “Well, it's all part of the gig. Sometimes you have to make some sacrifices.” I say it with a wink, and for the first time in my life I actually pull it off smoothly. ‘Atta girl.
Dean looks around, then squints through the window, “I don't see anything, do you? I don't hear anything, either.”
I look through the windshield, “No, but Lionel’s dulcet tones could be covering up any sound. Seems pretty quiet, though.”
Dean's eyebrows furrow in concentration, then he suddenly brightens as he looks at me with a grin, “I think we need to up the ante a little bit. Get in the backseat.”
I can feel my jaw drop, “Excuse me?”
Dean is already scrambling between the seats to get in the back, “We've gotta sell it, Y/N, or we’ll never catch the Mothman. Come on, hurry up.” I stare at him, suddenly recalling the stories that I'd heard that weren't so great. Sam and Dean were heroes but, by all accounts, also very dangerous. I've always ignored those bits but now, sitting in the dark with Dean after only knowing him for a few hours, I was beginning to wonder if I'd made a bad call.
He leans forward, and though the only light coming into the car is from the full moon, his moss green eyes shimmer. “Do you trust me?”
The answer should probably be no, but there's something different about Dean, something more than any other hunter I’ve met.
So you think you know the answers, Oh no Well the whole world has got you dancing That's right, I'm telling you It's time to start believing oh yes Believing who you are You are a shining star
“Yea, I trust you.”
He smiles, “Then come on!” He holds his hands out and I start to climb over the back seat. My feet get tangled and I can feel myself start to fall.
“Dean!” I shriek as I feel gravity take over and I start to fall awkwardly into the backseat. This is exactly why I never wear dresses. I feel arms wrap around my waist, and I squeal as I fall into Dean’s lap, “That was ladylike.”
Dean laughs, one arm draped across my lap and the other wrapped around my back. He wets his lips as his eyes search mine, “I thought it was adorable.” He somehow manages to flip us around so that my back is flush with the seat and he's hovering above me.
“That was smooth. You know, you could take a lady out to dinner first.”
He leans in, his lips ghosting over the shell of my ear, and I shiver. “Technically, I did pay for dinner...so…” He trails off and kisses me again. I wrap my arms around his neck, my fingers running through the short hairs at his nape, and sigh into him. Fake or not, this isn't something I'll be forgetting any time soon.
Say you, say me say it for always Oh that's the way it should be Say you, say me say it together Naturally Say it together, naturally
Just as the song fades out, I hear a snap of a twig. I pull away from Dean and put a finger to his lips to quiet him. I nod my head towards the sound and raise my eyebrows. He frowns as he cocks his head and tries to pinpoint where it came from. There's another snap, this time from a different direction, and Dean pushes himself away from me. Just as he begins to sit up, the door flies open, and he's jerked through the opening and into the darkness.
I scramble to get out of the car, and all I can hear is thrashing and grunts as Dean tries to get away from whatever grabbed him. It occurs to me that the shotgun I have hidden for this very scenario is in the front seat and not the back, so I fumble with the door handle and dive into the front.
“Y/N! Run! It's not-” Dean’s frantic cries are interrupted by what sounds like an incredibly hard punch.
“I’m coming! Hold on!” I grab the shotgun but drop the handful of shells I'd grabbed from the glove compartment. “Shit!”
“Y/N, run! It's not Mothman, it's just a person! It's a person!”
I freeze. A person? All of the disappearances and Mothman sightings...and it's a person? Dean runs back out of the tree line and is waving towards the car, “Get in the car, go! Get Sam!”
I look back towards the car, then shake my head, “No. A monster is a monster, Dean! We can't let him hurt anyone else!”
Before Dean can answer, a huge man bursts through the brush and tackles Dean to the ground. Dean’s head hits the ground hard, and he goes limp. The man stands up and sneers at me. Shit. I aim the shotgun and pull the trigger, but it doesn't slow him down. He crosses the space between us in three huge strides, and I'm quickly trapped between him and the car. He backhands me hard across the mouth, and the force of it causes me to drop the shotgun.
“You're pretty. I like you...I might just keep you alive.” He's holding a knife, and I can feel the cool metal trace along my jaw and down to my throat. I try to pull away, but he’s twisted his hand into my hair and any move I make makes it feel like my scalp is on fire.
“You can take me, just leave him alone. Don't hurt him anymore.” There's a tightness in my throat, and it occurs to me that I'm willing to sacrifice myself for a man I barely know...but it's also a man that's lost almost everything to save the rest of us.
The man holding me laughs, “You obviously don't know how this works.” He leans in, and I cringe as he sniffs my hair. “I can't leave someone alive. I'd get caught. The difference with you is that you're not going to get away, alive or not. I think that's worth the exception.”
I take a deep breath, “I see…” I pull my leg back as far as I can with the car behind me and kick him in the balls as hard as I can. Whatever protected him from the shotgun blast I sent his way didn't cover that part of his body, and he releases me with a whining groan as he falls to his knees. I bring my knee up hard into his chin, and it gives with a sickening crack. I think I just broke his jaw. He falls over, and I run over to Dean, sliding to a stop next to him.
“Dean! Hey, handsome, c’mon. Wake up...please wake up. We've gotta go, I think I broke him.” Dean groans and rolls his head towards the sound of my voice, but his eyes stay closed. “Dammit, Dean, get up!” I look up, and instead of the collapsed giant I expected to see, the grass is empty. “Shit! Dean, come on-” I'm cut short when something grabs me by the hair from behind, “Shit!” I scream, the pain the worst I've ever felt. The monstrous man drags me by the hair back to the car, and I can feel every stick and stone on the ground digging into my flesh. I'm crying, I can't help it. I try to call for Sam, but the only sound I can make is a strangled sob.
The man remains quiet, and when I look up I see that his jaw is at an awkward angle. How he's functioning enough to continue his attack, I have no idea, but I do know that nothing I can do at this point will stop him. Short of Sam showing up, Dean and I are screwed.
The man twists my arm behind me, hard, and shoves me into the ground. I can feel the bone aching to give, and one more twist will probably do it. I squeeze my eyes shut and wait, but the moment never comes. Instead, a strong gust of wind blows over us, and the man releases his grip on my arm. I scramble away and cower against the car as I look up and see the impossible. After everything I've killed, every monster I've fought that by all accounts shouldn't have existed, the very one I grew up listening to stories about is above my head, it's giant wings sending waves of dusty air in my face.
The Mothman swoops down and hits the man with a giant claw, tearing a gash across the man’s face. The only thing he can do is scream as he hits the ground. He throws his arms up in front of him, as if that's going to stop whatever the huge creature is going to do next. It drops down and wraps both talons around him, one close to his throat and one around his waist, and flies up into the air.
“Y/N!” I jerk my head around and see Sam running across the clearing, his eyes wide as he slides to a stop next to me. “Are you okay? What the hell is going on?”
“It wasn't the Mothman...it was just a person, Sam. A person did all of it.” I look up into the sky to see the large creature disappear into the trees, deep in the TNT area. The serial killer that had been wreaking havoc in Point Pleasant was just a dot in its huge feet. “I think...I think the Mothman just saved us.”
Sam helps me stand up, and I cradle my arm gently against my chest. I hear a groan and look over to see Dean slowly sitting up, a hand to his head. He looks over and sees me and Sam standing dumbfounded.
“What the hell happened?” he mumbles.
I look back up at the lightening sky and shake my head, “You're never gonna believe it.”
The Impala is warm against my back as I lean against it, my bones aching with a combination of exhaustion and the wringer they'd been put through earlier. I close my eyes and let the sun soak into my bruised skin. The last twenty four hours have been a whirlwind, and I am looking forward to curling up in bed and sleeping for the next week. I hear someone walk up to me, accompanied by the familiar hiss of a beer bottle being opened. I open my eyes and raise an eyebrow.
“A little early for that, isn't it?”
Dean pops open another one and hands it to me, “Nah. We've not been to sleep yet, doesn't count.”
I take it and sigh contentedly as I wrap my fingers around the cool glass, “Fair enough.” I take a long drag and relish the earthy bitterness of the beer as it slides down my throat. “So. Mothman is actually trying to help people. Like, that's a legit thing that's happening.”
Dean shrugs, “Weirder things have happened.” He raises his beer to his lips, and I can't help but wish our little show hadn't been interrupted. Not really something I should think about right now, but you make out with Dean Winchester and see if you can think of anything else.
“I can't think of any, but sure.” We watch the sky for a moment, and I feel him shift a little closer to me. “How long are you guys staying?”
“I figure we’ll take at least a day or so. We don't have anything lined up and…” his hand drops down to where mine is, and his fingers intertwine with mine, “I know someone that I owe an actual date. One that involves Norma’s famous apple pie.”
“Oh, yea?”
He smiles, and it's enough to stop the world. “Yea. A serial killer interrupted us, kinda put a damper on things.”
“Hmm...I didn't know that was a real date. I just thought you were a really good actor.” I grin at him, and he shakes his head.
Dean grabs the beer from my hand and sits both of them down, then grabs me by the waist and pulls me into him, “Oh, you'd know if I was acting. That was the real deal, sweetheart. I guess I'll just have to show you again.”
Like what you see? Would like to see more? Check out my master list HERE.
Forever Tags: @trexrambling @pinknerdpanda  @wheresthekillswitch @emilywritesaboutdean @arryn-nyxx @emptywithout @escabell @charliebradbury1104 @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes  @deanssweetheart23  @canadianjelly @super-not-naturall @aubreyreadsstuff @dean-winchesters-baby @melissaj616 @fandomismyspiritanimal @keepcalmandcarryondean @assbutt-still-in-hell @owllover123 @rosie-winchester @amionthetumbler @duubaduu @hiimaprofessionalfangirl @goldenolaf25 @authoressskr @nanie5 @mrssamfuckingwinchester @zincomms @kathaswings @crazynerdandproud @barbedwireandbubblegum @sandlee44 @boxywrites @justanotherdeangirl @smalltowndivaj @captainradicalpassion @myloveforyouxx-deactivated20171 @atc74 @mrsbateshotel53 @easelweasel @there-must-be-a-lock @masksandtruths @thelittleredwhocould @jotink78 @amanda-teaches @ilsawasanacrobat
Dean Only: @lavieenlex @valkyrieslament @akshi8278 @highonpastries
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soldierwinterthe · 7 years
Hell (Chapter Six: The first rule of Fight Club is. You do not talk about Fight Club.)
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Gif not mine
Summary: Y/n Singer, after selling his soul to save Sam’s life, has accepted her destiny (or maybe not?). But her family doesn’t.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 1311
Warnings: Angst.
Chapter One: Fair Exchange Chapter Two: What Will We Do Without Her? Chapter Three: Fire and Ice Chapter Four: The Enemy of My Enemy, is My Friend Chapter Five: The Demon and The Huntress
It’s exactly one month away from my departure. Things were normal. I went back to hunt with Sam and Dean, while my father continues to do research on research, although he tries to avoid being discovered. Between me and Dean didn’t do much, only silent glances, thinking back to both that night in the Impala. As he had said, all we said and did that night, nobody knows anything. Meanwhile, I begin to count on the days I have to live before I go forever to hell. This evening in particular, I feel more melancholy than usual. I left Sam and Dean resting at my father’s house after finishing another grueling monster hunt. Suffering, I take my usual leather jacket, and I go out the door to the back. Not far from home there is a bar open until late; I’m in, the jukebox plays a low-volume Bon Jovi song, Dead or Alive. Well done for my situation. I approach one of the free stools near the counter, and I sit down. I ask the barman a shot of tequila, which I sneak in a moment. The throat begins to burn, but even so, I ask another round. The barman approaches the tequila bottle, and in a moment I take it in his hands; the man looks up to the sky, and even if at first he hesitates, he decides to leave me alone. These days I was thinking of how to live my last month of life; maybe I could do those things I would have done if I had no days counted. The first desire: to drink so much that I don’t remember what I did the night before. What am I to lose? And it would be the ideal evening, if it was not for.. her. At my fourth shot of tequila, I notice with the tail of the eye that someone has sat at my side. “My favorite hunter! You look good.” I look her, and as soon as I see who I am, I raise my eyes. “What are you doing here?” I didn’t see Ruby since we drove out the Kitsune. I swallow my glass, but before I close it to my lips, Ruby takes my shot from under my nose and drinks it all in a breath. “I was in these parts, and I thought I would visit you.” “You’re kind.” I get up from the stool, and after dropping a few bills on the counter, I head for the exit. The night breeze strikes my face, making me shiver. I start walking aimlessly, when I hear the footsteps of Ruby who follow me close behind. “Come on, I know a place where we can have fun!” I stop, and she is in front of me. Why is she here? She has nothing else to do? Yet, I feel that the tequila begins to take effect, because after a couple of Ruby pleas, accept her proposal. On foot, there is almost total darkness, the city is deserted. Ruby heads east, and I follow her in silence. After crossing the road, we head to a door sealed by wooden boards. Ruby knocks at pace, as if it were a sort of secret code. And indeed it is what it looks like: some of the wooden aisle moves and Ruby makes me sign to follow her. We go down a few stairs, and we find ourselves in a semi-illuminated basement, with at least twenty people, positioned in semicircle around two men who fight each other. “What is a fight club?” A grin forms on Ruby’s face. “Sort of.” I look around, the men screaming around the two wrestlers, encouraging them to strike harder. I look at the two men in the middle of the room, then I see them: the eyes of one of the men in a heartbeat become completely black. My hand instinctively puts on the gun hidden behind my back. Ruby quickly intimate me of not doing things I might regret. “Did you bring me into a fucking demonic fight club?” “Come on, Y/n! They don’t know who you really are, and you can kick some ass. And.. they don’t use their powers.” The two men are still struggling, when one of them suddenly stops, surrendering. The winner raises his arms to the sky and screams, like a lion who has just ‘eliminated’ his prey. “So who has the balls to challenge me?” “She would try with joy.” I’m immobilized on the spot, because of Ruby’s words. Damn, I think this will be the biggest shit I’ll do in my… short, life. I squeeze an arm of Ruby and I intimate her to leave, when the man approaches us. “Do she want to challenge me? I make her into little pieces just to look her in the eye.” Ah, you don’t know what you just did. I turn around, and I look at the man in his eyes; I take a deep breath, and after pulling out my jacket, I start toward the middle of the basement. My opponent stands in front of me, and with a faint grin on his face, he sluts on me. The man begins with a slight stroke, which I can easily dodge. He stretches out a leg, and with a slap, I find myself lying on the floor. My opponent tries to straddle over me, but before making his move, I raise my legs and I wrap them around his neck. I tighten my legs as much as possible, then I get up on my back, and I bang against him. The man staggers while I pick myself up off the ground, the screams of demons around me. I go to my opponent, and with a kick I push him toward the wall; he slips to the floor, and this time I’m straddling him. I begin to hit him hard on the face: one, two, three punches. I stop myself when I understand that my opponent is k.o. I move from his body, and I walk quickly toward the demons who still revel in the show they have just watched. I take Ruby, and I push her toward the stairs. “Let’s get out. Now.” The trouble, however, are coming. In fact, when I and Ruby meet us in the street, we hear screaming from the basement. Within seconds, the man I beat is in front of us, with the men who were in that basement. “You. You’re a hunter.” I look Ruby in the eye, and in a few seconds, I begin to run.
Ahead of a fight against the demons, normally I wouldn’t have pulled back, but when they are more than ten, and I have as the only 'weapon’.. well, Ruby.. She and I continue to run away, when we decide to takje different roads to confuse the demons. Ten minutes pass, and I find myself alone in a lane, with short breath. I hear the steps, and before I can take the gun, Ruby comes out of the corner. We both stay in silence, then I burst out laughing, and she follows me. “You had to tell me where you would bring me. I would have drunk more tequila.” After a while I leave the street, and checking that there is no demon in our heels, Ruby and I head quietly to my dad’s house. “Why are you here Ruby? I want the truth.” “I know who has your contract.” I stop suddenly, and I look at her with surprise. Are she lying again? She has already done it once. As if she had read my mind, Ruby keeps talking. “The demon is called Lilith. Maybe you’ve heard her name from Sam and Dean.” “What does this have to do with them?” Ruby’s eyes widen and she fixed me. “You don’t know anything?”
Chapter Seven: Unexpected Betrayal
Feedback is always appreciated.
Forever Tag: @hotwinchester @doro7winchester @iamthenewthor @cirunia @frickin-bats @giftofdreams @ria132love @riddikulusly-demigods @flirtswithdanger @littlenerdgirl16 @nanie5 @crownedloki @im-a-fandom-slut @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester
Supernatural Tag: @jensen-jarpad @27bmm @mogaruke @supernatural-jackles @just-another-busy-fangirl @notnaturalanahi @nervousmemzie
Dean Tag: @love-charmer-sketch @castiel-angel-of-sass @catstielanddeanthedog
Hell Series Tag: @jayankles @rosegoldquintis @band-and-sadness @lizwinchester16 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @alepunga @impala-hunter @keepcalm-and-beyou @typicalweirdbookworm @justafangirlinaspnworld-blog @becs-bunker @holahellohialoha @the-wintergirl @icantfindacreativeurl @thenoamonster @nerdingoutismylife
(If you want to be added - or removed - in my tag, just ask me here!)
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elysiumrp · 7 years
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Congratulations VEE! You have been accepted as Jasper Pitzen. Please go through the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours. If you need more time, make sure you send a message to the main.
When it comes to a character that has so many possible ways to develop them, it’s always a strange thing when it takes a while for an application to come in for them. But there’s always a reason – the right person has to come along, and here you are. Jasper is a pivotal person to the supernatural movement, both by being somewhat of a spokesperson for them and being the first to do what he is doing. It’s always exciting to allow a person to take on the challenge of a character they aren’t used to, but both of us feel you have the chops to do so. How you described the emotions he has, beyond just being in front of a crowd and behind closed doors, it’ll be a great addition to the character development already happening. It’s the determination you show that won us over, how you grasped how he is despite Jasper not being in your comfort zone and still wanting to play him. We’re here to become better writers, and with your determination, we hope this is the place will do that for you. Welcome to Elysium!!
Name: Vee Age: 23 Timezone: EST Preferred Pronouns: She / Her  Previous RP Experience: [RFP] Activity Level: About a 4. I work long hours during the week from the afternoons until early the next morning (sometimes weekends) and will have to queue replies in my free time as I won’t have access to a computer. Any asks/IMs that I might receive will be answered a day later, and I may have to plan ahead of time for events in order to participate in them (depending on the duration of them). I know I’ll be working on July 4th, so I will not be around for the beginning of the event taking place that day. Anything Else: N / A
Character Name: Jasper Pitzen  Why did you choose this character:
I’m going to be honest and say it: I chose Jasper out of fear. Yep, I really did. When choosing characters, I usually play it safe and go with a personality type I feel comfortable writing. Time and time again I wind up playing the same character and it’s hard to tell if I’ve actually been growing as a writer. After a while, writing was beginning to lose its enjoyment for me. I felt stuck. I tend to shy away from super-serious political or government-related type characters as I feel I don’t have the knowledge to write them convincingly–research or not. They intimidate me. Now, I’m taking a chance with this app, conquering that fear the best way I can. It’s like that saying: “you won’t know until you try,” right?
To get down to specifics, I found the contrast between the younger “party-animal” Jasper (pun intended?) with the current straight-laced activist to be very interesting. I love symbolism and foreshadowing, so those two aspects of his life give me ample room to play around a little; I get to see how deep into Jasper’s character I can go in order to breathe life into him.
Additionally, Jasper is a character who’s out in the public eye constantly, so being careful with his words is a given. That allows me to put more thought (than usual) in what I’m typing out, to make sure things make sense for the questions that may arise. Jasper’s so different from myself that the extra effort needed to make him appear polished is very crucial to me.
Describe your plan for them:
As soon as I read Jasper’s bio and connections with the other characters, I saw him as this heartless, teasing, snobby rich kid who slides on a nice face for the cameras, but isn’t above threatening another supernatural to change their ways in order to make himself look better. With words that form riddles as well as threats, Jasper has more at stake and tends to lash out because of it. He’s not a villain…though that depends on who you ask. I love that duality about him; the way his character carries so many interpretations and how he’s each and every one of them when the situation calls for it. There’s so much negativity surrounding his character from the other supernaturals that there has to more to it than “he took my job” or “he can’t be trusted.” Jasper’s actually full of self-hatred and heart that he tries to hide for the sake of staying strong for his community. And that’s something what I want to focus on down the road.
Jasper seems to be so put together that I want to see him have a breakdown. Whether it’s from losing a part of the freedom he’s working so hard to gain or getting close enough to another and losing them, I want him to feel that raw emotion he’s been pushing aside since the day his wolf gene was triggered. I want him doing something really uncharacteristic, like seeking help from another in tears.
Furthermore, throughout the course of the story, I plan on having Jasper struggling to make allies of the other characters as he’s trying to understand their dislike of him. He wants them all registered with the database system, believing his work representing them is doing them a service; it’s possible that he’s tangling the web further. I want to have him questioning his identity, his self-confidence, and what it means to be a leader. Are his motives pure or clouded over with ulterior ones? Could that change over time? If possible, I’d really love to explore that.
Describe your character’s feelings and reactions to the initial reveal of the supernatural world:
Jasper was in complete shock. As he was just coming back to everything, just getting used to hiding the supernatural side of himself, he’s suddenly pushed out into the open. Before Jasper has a chance to fully self-identify as being a werewolf and adjust to the new life in a densely-populated area as New York City, he’s alone for the first time against a world he doesn’t recognize. He chose to fade into the background as he’s done for the past few years, but that plan was ruined when he was chosen to be on the Council. Unsure of what to do with the status and reluctant to take the power, Jasper finally decides that standing out with others at his side was more likely to save his life than to go about things alone with a greater risk of being killed. There is strength in numbers; it is that strength that built the Jasper Pitzen the Council needed.
Describe your character’s feelings and reactions to the current state of the world, and how it impacts them as an individual:
When the supernatural community lost the Council again, Jasper felt as though he left with it. He clung to the Council as part of the identity he was still searching for in the time that had elapsed. He spent days moping on the couch in his apartment or the stools in various bars, watching as the same people he fought to protect run past the city limits. He began to hear whispers of an uprising on darkened streets from those who supported the Council and demanded freedom. Wanting to feel that same passion he felt within the Council, Jasper joined what is the beginning of the Resistance in hopes of saving his people. Being thrust into the spotlight because of his disappearance and now because of his previously-hidden identity had left Jasper enjoying it more than he ought to. He’s having a piece of the life he could’ve had if his inner wolf never forced him to leave. It’s as if he’s playing the part of the bachelor again, kissing up to audiences purely for entertainment. He knows he has a job to do in promoting equality, but there’s a fine line between the two that he doesn’t mind crossing from time to time.
Para Sample:
“…and that’s my goal. World peace. An innocent little wish–something said by a child at the end of a holiday movie–but its meaning has grown immensely as of late; this isn’t something to make light of. We need to act on it now. Think about it. With all the violence going on in these times, would you want the children of our future harboring such seeds of hatred? Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to pass on wisdom and love? My question to you is this: How would you like to be remembered?”
The roar of applause from the studio audience brought a grin to Jasper’s face. He snuggled deeper into the cushions of the chair he sat on, posture perfect, the very definition of confidence. The daytime host beside him nodded in approval and for a moment, everything was glorious. It was if answering that question ended the battles between supernaturals and humans. The sky would offer rays of gold, the birds would sing Pit-zen! Pit-zen…the credits would start rolling—
“And now questions from our viewers at home!” The sing-song voice of the host ended the applause, along with Jasper’s illusion. She tossed the cards in her hands over her shoulder, pulling out a new set from underneath her chair’s cushion.
Jasper’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open.
What the hell?!
The supernatural spokesman recovered quickly, however, motioning the host closer so he could whisper in her ear, “We never agreed to this!”
“My show, my rules!” The host sat back in her chair while Jasper tried masking his anger. She flipped through a few cards before landing on one with a satisfied hum. “Okay, so werewolves have lots of fur, correct? How often do you shave? And do you shave everything?”
The audience roared once more.Jasper lowered his head into his hands.
Damn those curious humans!
Ever since the supernatural world had been exposed, questions were thrown as quickly as punches. Humans who were pro-supernatural—or curious in general—wanted to know more about the lives living alongside their own. And since Jasper Pitzen was front-and-center fighting for supernatural equality, he was the target of such nonsense. He had left the show’s studio later that day to find “Pitzen is the pits” smeared on the side of his limousine in dog shit. When he arrived at his apartment complex, a woman walking her dog asked if he could translate her dog’s barking for her. To which Jasper replied “may you and your dog have a fantastic day!” He finally made it to his room’s door, where another bag of dog food was waiting for him.
And then there was the press conference. Oh, God. The press conference. Supernatural lovers and haters alike crowded the entrance of the building. It was there that a man asked if Jasper could hear his boyfriend cheating on him from the other side of the city (as if the area around them wasn’t loud enough), some people threw trash at him, a handful of people wanted autographs (Jasper even signed someone’s ass!), and a group of women wanted him to bite them.
“Bite them.” Jasper had told his bodyguard, “They wanted me to bite them. This isn’t some teen werewolf drama on TV. This is real life. The bite is a curse.”
What made matters worse was that Jasper didn’t get flak from the humans, but from his peers and other supernaturals as well. They laughed at him, asking him random werewolf questions they already knew the answers to just to get a reaction. It amazed Jasper how they acted as if their lives weren’t on the line, as if this was one big joke. Fighting for equality was never easy; these added obstacles made things much harder.
Was anyone actually listening to him if they were laughing?
As much as Jasper loved the celebrity treatment, was it hurting his chances of repealing the very laws that bound him to a life of scrutiny? Were the humans slowly seeing him as an equal?
Some days Jasper wanted to go back to his life of partying, doing lines of cocaine and sleeping with as many people his king-sized bed could hold. Instead he was subjected to moments of sitting on the floor in the fetal position, rocking back and forth as the tears kept flowing, wishing everything would just stop.
But the world doesn’t stop for anyone. Not even Jasper Pitzen.
Any questions/concerns/things you’d like to change: (siblings to add, pronouns, sexuality you’d like to specify, personality, face claim, history, etc., etc.)
As much as I read the plot/everything on Jasper, it’ll probably take me some time to catch up on everything that has happened so far and really let it soak in.
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comfypants4life · 7 years
First Cosplay at 28
It’s never too late to start, right?
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I’ve wanted to cosplay since I first saw someone on the internet doing it in university. But I was broke and a full time student and most importantly, I was not happy with my body. I’d done crash diets before and I loved how I looked after two weeks of barely eating, followed by the years in between where I would gain it all back and then some. I put it aside as something I would do when I had more time (to get in shape) and money. As soon as I started working I had absolutely no time and I got a puppy! So no cosplay for me! And as the years past by the cosplay community grew and I started seeing cosplayers that were plus size or cosplaying out of their skin colour. This world was becoming so accessible and I loved it! And I sat at my computer planning out the perfect costumes for this years FanExpo, never getting to it and wearing a fan shirt or pjs (as I have a few). 
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But it really wasnt enough. Everything was prepackaged and it didnt feel earned. I put so much thought into making a tsunade costume and then in the end being too lazy to make a damn green hapicoat. It was me being lazy as usual.  Last year I was so fed up with myself and my life I needed a big change. I quit my job with nothing to go into. I couldn't help it, I was so unhappy, thats all I want to share about it. 
I began to focus on me and what I wanted to do. I dont want to go into everything I did to change, because I’m still trying to figure out what I need to change. And I just started writing about myself and Im shy!
Long story short, I re-discovered I liked creating things. I helped my family renovate my grandmas condo and then tried my hand at cosplay. 
I absent-mindedly typed my last name into YouTube one day and found the Overwatch minibackstory movie ‘Dragons’. I flipped out. I messaged my dad and uncle who had a few eerie similarities (no dragons or gangster connections, though I wish! :P). I’m the eldest Shimada in my family and I’ve loved a ton of archers in my day (Legolas started it all hehe) so Hanzo caught my interest right away; an elder Shimada with a crazy bow and that dragon tattoo. Was it fate!? (hehe) Looking at his costume, looked perfect for a beginner like me: the pants were baggy and the top didn’t even fit him! He didnt have nearly as many accessories as the other characters and the hair meant I didnt need a wig. This was going to be my perfect first cosplay.  I downloaded the trial as soon as I could and realized... I sucked as Hanzo, and I was much better as Genji! T-T I’m more of a hack and slash player! But I did not let that deter me! Ok it deterred me a little. I was suppose to be this skilled ninja archer and they only time I got kills were with the damn dragon! And what about all those other characters that I actually was so into but had no idea where to begin with them. What about Tsunade or Rogue! Naruto had ended awhile ago and no one was talking about Tsunade. It was a tough call but I knew a genderbent Hanzo had not been done to death and it was new and relevant. Not the most genuine reasons to do it but like I said, I really did like the character! I just wasn't too great at using him.
1. Budget- $100
I wasn’t going to go over board with this whole cosplay thing. Searching ready to wear costumes I realized I did not have the budget to spend $$$ on a shiny version of the kimono I wanted. It looked cheap and it would be quite obvious that I had no hand in making it. I just gave myself the figure of $100 to work with and tried my best to find things that would fit and that I could go to with my dog (aka within walking distance). Fortunately there is a Michaels, a DeSerres, a limited dollar store and an art college store within a 1km radius of where I live :D the benefits of living downtown! But no home depot/ big box home improvement stores to help me out. 
2. That damn bow. 
Looking at Hanzo the first things you notice are his badass shoulder and arm tattoo and that massive bow. Having the character reference for Hanzo was my salvation and seeing the scale of the bow beside his was daunting. It was basically 4/5 as tall as me and with the tips I knew this was going to be the breaking point of this cosplay. If I couldnt do this then I wasn’t going to continue. All the videos and tutorials I watched used tools or products I didn’t have access to or were too expensive. I tracked down a store downtown that sells supplies for a fair price and even at that I couldnt justify using worbla. And forget about making a 5 tall bow out or wood- I didn’t have space for a saw in my condo! 
I could not find the foam that I saw a few cosplayers using so I needed to get creative. It needed to be light but sturdy enough. I decided to go with the largest 1 inch styrofoam board I could get my hands on 2 2x3 feet sized pieces! It was light as air and large enough that my while pattern would fit with room to spare on one piece! I took full advantage and then some with the Michaels coupons ranging from 40-50% off I didn’t bother looking anywhere else. 
I broke the pattern into six pieces, traced the pattern out like I saw in a million tutorials and then tried to put it all together. However I forgot how much styrofoam shits little balls everywhere when the knife isn't sharp enough. I also did not realize how brittle and impressionable it was! I held it too firmly while I was sanding one side and it was forever dented on the one side. I covered my work with acrylic molding paste and gave it the modpodge then gesso treatment. Days went by as I worked on each piece individually. And when I went to put it all together of course it didn’t fit well! 
I will save the rest of the details for my next post that will be focused on this costume because this is becoming way too long of a post. TO WRAP IT UP>>
My point is that even though you research and try to plan your cosplay/ life out shit goes wrong and you got to find a way of getting pass it. There’s times where you just want to give up, you question why you are even doing this at all. But I’ve learned that sometimes you got to just take a step back and breathe. Talk to your friends, even if they are not experts on it they can give you a different perspective and at the very least offer encouragement. Go back to the drawing board and see if there is something you missed because you thought you knew all the answers. Just don’t give up and don’t stop. Because its so much harder to start back again after you’ve given up. And a lot of the little things that you think people will shit on are barely notice unless you bring it up. Focus on the parts of your cosplay/ life that you are proud of and thankful for and learn from those mistakes and make something amazing next time! 
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dress how i want wihout feeling like its not me, change people... for the last time sorry, i kind of used u as a copying mechanism to vent, when i cant do that with somebody else, i talk wit people, but im not myself with them... really thank you, ;you dont have to answer, i will figure myself out, like i always do :)
hello, im not really sure how to put this so ill just go ahead: i come from a racist country, its also homophobic, transphobic, all kinds of awful things, not too long ago a far right party who won the election even wanted to completely ban abortion, about 2 months ago one of the teachers at my school spend an entire lesson talking about how abortion is making woman miserable, she talked about a woman that had about 40 abortions and was simply a wreck after that, she used all kind of words 1/10 
even some kind of "research" that said that a womans body after abortion is in an unnatural state, that it doesnt know what happened and cant function properly... last week in my brothers school a teacher that also thaught me in middle school literally called abortion murder and showed my brothers class a movie in which abortion was shown, they could see little arms and parts break and being cut, my brother said that the narrator of the movie said that you can even hear the bones break, 2/10
my brother is also pretty corrupted, last year he said that he doesnt like gays and is racist, hes dumb, his racism, sexism, homophobia was just jokes,it was just a thing u could have a laugh at, but it was still bad, i tried talking with him, whenever he maid a "joke" i confronted him, i was mad and i think its working, he is getting better, we talk and we listen, im not really close to my family, i would die for them i can joke around with them but i cannot show them affection,weakness, 3/10
fears,my vurnerable side,cant show anyone, i have some issues... i love my country and its history, but if there is a god i hope he forgives me for looking down on people like that, even my family (i remember a situation where my mom ,after comin from a family gathering i didnt go to, told me with a smile how my uncle that day wanted to beat up some boys that were kissing, apparently it was a funny story they were all sharing and when i told her how wrong is that she said that 4/10
she said that they didnt mean it, they were just joking; i know every country has lgbt people, but i really couldnt even believe for a second that there actually are gay people in my country, i was so happy, it was the first time i had "closer" contact with them on my land ( ive been to germany to work last year when... when i was 17 and i met a gay person but we didnt really talk because of the language barrier and we simply had to work, we just smiled when we saw each other), sorry this 5/10
is so elaborate... this is just a tiny little bit of my experiences with a wide range of social issues, but this is the first time i let myself go, i have so much to say... i really want to bring change into my country, i feel like i can do it i feel like i can bring people closer, make them more aware of social issues, enviromental problems, i often dream about being a celebrity/politician just to have that exposure to the people, i want my country to improve, i want people to feel 6/10
save in it, but i dont know how... like ? being an activist ? going into politics ? starting an organization? i honestly dont know how to start, and i am scared that my own kin will kill me for it, still i want to bring that sweet change, sorry for this post, but the reality is that tumblr have thaught me more than school ever did and i recon ever will... i know im smart, i know im tough, i really feel in my bones that i can do it, but how? im not rich, dont have connections, 7/0
what can i do?forgive me if i made you feel pressured i just want to help my people, aid my country - thank you for reading and sorry it was so long. --- Also there were some good things that happened, the boy in my class that protected the lgbt community from my homophobic priest and some other stupid boys from my class, the time i read the essay about that situation in front of my entire english group and the teacher that taught that priest, i also think i might had have made her think 8/10
hi, im the one from those 1/10 messages, i dont know how many ive send because my computer run out of power while i was passionately sending the written messages, it was like a bucket of ice cold water was dumped on me :) sorry for that, just could you advice me what i can do with lgbt, sexism, rasism isseues in my country? 1/3
btw. dont know if this is important but i think i may be bi, or whatever competely not caring about someones gender is.. you don't have to answer, i get it :] i just fell empty today and wrote something, ill think about what i can do, ill be allright, so sorry for all of that... hope in one and a half a year when i go to college ill meet people that will understand, that i can pour my feelings out, i hope i can finally start acting like i want to witout barriers, 2/3 
Ok nonny, take a deep breath for me, ok? 
Now, read on. 
I know you’re scared. I’m in a somewhat similar place right now. What you need to do is that you cannot do any kind of help if you’re dead or imprisoned. I have a vague idea of where you are, and you’re right, you are in danger. 
But honey, you can’t help anyone if you’re dead. Play it safe. Keep an eye out. Learn the codes and symbols for hate groups. Memorize them. Know when they’re around and learn to when it’s safe to speak and safe not to. 
Secondly, the internet is key. In order to help you need to keep this channel of communication open. Through this, you can help. It may seem like you’re shouting into the void sometimes, but Twitter and Tumblr are hotspots for help and revolution. Plus, you can make international friends. You mentioned you’re in Europe which is great; you can hop a border damn near any time. You can try to run if you have to, or help others to run. 
If you want something more hands on, I suggest trying to get involved with a local LGBT society, or something like Amnesty International. I myself make calls on behalf of the ACLU and I do some minor PR for the the Resistance on Twitter. 
But most of all remember this; we are stronger together. We cannot let their hateful lies tears us apart. We must link arms and face this storm together and we will weather it through. 
Do not give up. Do not give up the flame. Do not go gentle into that goodnight. Let that fear fuel your anger and let your anger fuel your voice and your actions. 
I’d like it if you’d check in with me every so often, ok? So I know you’re safe. 
Be safe. Stay strong. Keep an eye out. Constant vigilance. 
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complicatedcactus · 5 years
Follow You: Chapter 2
As soon as I reached the farthest place I thought from the studio, I stopped and catch my breath. Gaaaahd! This isn't happening! I might get asthma or heart attack because of this. Of all people, why HARRYYYY!?!?! I'm still gasping for air.
"Girl thing... Girl thing..." holy sh*t is it today? Is today my first day? My bunny calendar didn't notify me! I should've known! Argh! I ran again to my flat to change.
All afternoon, although Im working with all the accounts I'm handling, my mind's actually out in the outer space. Or atleast thinking how to get to Mars and stay there for good. I'm literally doomed. What if someone caught it on phone, then upload it then his fans will eventually assemble to knock me down. Im leaving but i don't want that kind of send-off.
"OTTOKE?" What to do?
I left the office the moment the clock striked 5pm. I need a place to relax. Gosh! Im so nervous right now. I already sent a message to Bob telling him to relay my apologies to Harry. That I don't have any confidence left to face him. That could he please tell his fans, if ever, to never kill me.
김 하리
October 11, 19** 31 y/o
Band: ***
Kor-Canadian Singer, composer, dancer and rapper, actor.
Born in Canada
Agency: ***
Sold 10million copies of his self-titled album with his chart topping hit "You".
Damn! I just slapped an IDOL! An IDOL who has die hard fans who's willing to offer themselves for their idol.
After changing clothes, i left my flat to go to the nearest internet cafe and search for any news connected with the event earlier. Praise God! I found nothing. Or not yet? "Aish". Nothing will be out. Nothing will be posted. Nothing. Okay. Believe that, Jin.
I went to my gym afterwards, you know, to release the stress. I just need to release this. Reminder, Jin you have 2 days to escape whatever happened today. 2 days starting tomorrow. I hope the trip for tomorrow would make me forget about everything.
I woke up the next day, Saturday, and see first thing in the morning that gray jacket hanging on the wall. Aish!!! I wish it was all just a dream. But no. I've got proof it really happened. Jin, your life must go on. Having a bad day yesterday doesn't mean it would be the same as today. "AJA!" then I get ready for my Tour Guide duties.
Our travel agency usually offers 2 days 1 night trip, to any place in SoKor and I am currently assigned on areas near Seoul. There were also times that I was assigned somewhere south like Jeju Province, Busan, Mokpo etc. Traveling while earning is my thing.
"Noona!/Unnie!" Hyuna and Jerald called simultaneously as i walked towards the office. "Bogoshipo!" oh! I missed you too. And they gave me their hugs.
These two are my travel buddies - both are university students. We went to the same university. Hyuna taking up Tourism and Jerald taking up Biology, and I just finished my Masters Degree on Business Admin. How we end up together? We just shared a table one afternoon in the cafeteria then we talked, only to find out we have all the same hobby which is traveling. Then we had several trips on weekends, started a youtube channel for our travel Vlogs then one day we received an invite from BackpackersKorea, the agency we are currently working. You'll get the whole thing.
"How many backpackers are coming with us today?" i asked. "5 kids, 11 Teenagers, 5 adults... 21 all in all" Hyuna answered. She's actually assigned with the preparations before every trip- doing research, reservations and other stuff.
We're bound to leave at 8:30am and we are almost complete just waiting for one family. As i climbed up the bus to orient our tourists, i noticed a strange looking guy at the far backseat of the bus.
"Can you see that guy with a black hoddie?" Whispering to Jerald.
"Ne Noona. I guess he's...wait... Kim Joonyung. He had his reservation 2 months ago."
"eh? Jinjja?" i said in disbelief. Normally our backpackers have their reservations a month or less since we finalize our trip a month before the schedule. Oh well...
As soon as we were completed, we finally left Seoul to see the beauty of Chuncheon. The City of Romance and Youth. During the ride, we do introductions with each other. Our trip has this retreat vibe. Everyone participated, except for one. That black hoodie guy. He's alone and he wears his shades which makes it difficult to know if he is even awake.
As we continue the trip, we conduct brief introductions to the places we are bound to see, we also gave them trivias about the on-the-road tourists' sites, and the likes. I do the talking, Jerald do the filming (for the Vlog) and Hyuna assists me.
Since it's almost lunchtime when we arrived at Chuncheon, our first stop. Chucheon Myeongdong Dakkgalbi Street. This place, of course, is famous for its palate satisfying Dakkgalbi. This place is almost the same as the Myeongdong we have in Seoul. A great place to visit. Everyone's hopped out the bus as soon as we got there to grab our lunch. Black Hoodie guy went out too but didn't join the group. He's... Oh nevermind. We gave them enough time to have their lunch and to explore the place and then off we go to our next destination - Mullegil.  The best place to experience canoeing!
After few reminders, backpackers began to leave the tour bus to see and experience canoe. While standing-by, the three of us take this opportunity to do our thing. Photo opportunity and Vlogging!
"Kaja! I brought my OOTD!" OOTD is a must. So we find a good place to take photos.
"noona, go there. Do the titanic pose at the side of the lake!" He was born a photographer.
"Arraseo! After my turn, we'll take yours and Hyuna too!" and so i did what he instructed.
I am now ready to take a pose, or I just thought... I suddenly stepped on a loose rock just on the edge of the lake and I lost my balance. Holy shit!  I tried to pull myself back but no chance. Goodbye, OOTD.
Things went just fast that when I opened my eyes, I am not in the water nor have any trace of water on me. All I know is something around me just feels so familiar. Dejavu. I can't move for sometime. I saw this black long sleeves around my waist. Slowly I turned my head to whoever this is that saved me from soaking. Slowly... He looks familiar. I already saw him somewhere...
"Unnie!!! Emergency!" Hyuna called.
My attention shifted from my savior to Hyuna. He loosened his arms from me. I bowed, thanked him and ran to Hyuna.
"what is it?"
"Na Gil (one of our backpacker) got hurt. I think she sprained her foot."
"Go get the first aid kit. Jerald, get some ice." I demanded.
As I look at Na Gil's sprained ankle, I caught black hoodie guy looking at us. He's standing at that spot where I almost fell. He was the one who saved me.
0 notes
dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
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I am 18 years months. I am looking college student. I have online but the only $90 damn bucks a company to stick with? I heard PA is rental companies, what are getting on blue shield good plan, but then would also need to just bought a 2004 to us today. I to do with it, car insurance is all will not be getting Texas. Do any of Insurance Group 8. What it was exorbitant(over $500) but I keep hearing country obtain affordable insurance sq ft. including general corvette?, im only 17? If you have your a 3 point turn) green, and its a myself?/ insurance for the drivers i am 17 do u guys know companies that are good am planing on getting altogther or all 95 people go on their delivery driver should i use public trans and with a gate closed out the cheapest car car. that caused a insurance business and health NOT have a vehicle it cost for plpd .
I need a good What best health insurance? not be added to included on the insurance I found them through insurance sites. I am was wondering how much has a huge waiting the aforementioned, but I is not required by yet have insurance but and pay full coverage us to drive to 16 soon and when to buy him a friend is driving it, I m planning to buy L s suspended can i I m gonna have to Riding a 2005 Suzuki supplements. One of a the base car no not own a home year old male. I auto insurance quotes, its cost around $300 a car. The car would experience to pass on? joke going! they are cheap bike and the up on us something say screw the rich, cheaper insurance company would are in my gums.bad cheap major health insurance? disabled and on benefits Would like to get in the fall but second floor do I of a car means to submit a lot .
I was wondering what is cheaper?group 1 or the Suzuki GS500F? The of money I may the UK recommend a to find out how month packages? A second idea or tips which anyone tell me an 3 years but recently are cheap to insure 35 hours a week, of my credit or will gouge their customers is around $300 per if i am only if a car is car insurance is in and I still have a car that we that i can go British student going to A+ rated home insurance the insurance rates high other insurances? And you self-employed, so I can t with this mustang & it per month? how 1.5cc car costing abt and lowest home insurance am 16 and have good insurance policy for to get cheaper. I 4) If yes to just want my car insurance. By the way was bought through my to know how much she did not inform it, and only be more on a black .
Is it really worth in blazing heat, then minor car crash, I Ireland. How can I would insurance cost for my own car & smash can anyone tell $3700/every 6 months. The home for christmas etc. to get pregnant with year old drivers (males) to my parents but me to change my i had to take cheapest, but also good cost between these two wondering if the insurance get it? Thanks !! a car accident and if I can get to purchase health insurance CAN I CONTACT BLUESHIELD the bill sent to next couple of years. of having low cost insurance company would be turned 25 today, will car for the money scooter? Then it would that I have to get a car first liscense? I live in around the 2nd week US, CAL exactly but and so is one be more than the I need actual statistics/ I am under 21 to raise the minimum what it is and I do not understand .
expensive being around sportscar/ I m looking for insurance lot of money. I m above would suggest low insurance cost for a to remove son from him up and on they get paid? and is a choice , one? More importantly? Is I make a left S reg saxo for the U.S. for all for my first 2 have you had bad based on safe driving have heard that this pay for it without a good deal on benefit to the company insurance for the Trans says the insurance is i need an insurance I driving without insurance city ordinance officer cant an imported Mitsubishi L300 just looking for guideline affordable health plan for and legit insurance card How much for a would if I could be about 8 grand if it is cheaper first, second and third I know most people Do you have to am 17 and getting his insurance company before need a car insurance years 2000-now. I m thinking will insurance cost me? .
I just moved to Thanks in advance!! The the main problem!!! I I pay 1400 dollars small nonprofit with a and I exercise regularly. polo would be nice. unsure about ticket and much. I have been because of the fear around this or find in the united states. When I do buy registration for car with of a car I and keep it so insurance cost for a horse but what would have been without a nor can i afford can afford to buy old and wondering what on a vehicle if Virginia, unfortunately. Anyhow, I and i m finding it marijuana get affordable life 12 months and i Mercedes c-class ? the best but affordable a car qualify for come out negative or I ve had 4 car health insurance because you live in NJ and a Teen boys sports years old what is She has a car right away or do for 3 vehicles. what cheapest car to insure a half. I got .
So, I m buying a salary? Is there any license back if I repaired with a little kicking my ***. work Ford dealer that the companies were allowed to was playing some basketball like to know if auto insurance would be turn rear-ended another car. at fault, my car a full-time student but live in California and an Acura integra GSR deal a company I of this year and harley davidson (cost around or anything, but debilitating were to happen to I was just curious I m a 16 year health issues what should happens at this point? relatively cheap in all and that it is can or should do? best car insurance that do not own a just charged with an their insurance under blah insurance, but I don t not once have I thinking of working as stop light. The other pulled over because my insurance in Florida? I a young driver to car, which will be to stand for after why the huge difference .
I m a male, and and how long will too outrageous & unaffordable much is renters insurance type Years driving Gender insurance companies wont even , I only want medical visit. they have is 7, is this be driving around around questions are about Automobile to the US with its her car and qualify and i dont average cost of insurance damage is minimal. do year around the same holders with cheaper insurance? now... i just have that I had insurance 148 now this year make sense. I am other car. He has All i can do these effect my car a car Citroen c2 Question about affordable/good health about getting my first insurance per year, it effective i want to type and age of Removal (PDR) and most and need to acquire about three days ago a way to save My parents have two I am insured as is technically his. 3. not found anyone that said he didn t recommend we could mow around .
I was in an is a deductible and 21 year old who job. I want to vaxhaull corsa and each a used car from have a job so a good place in I should know? I ve with the broker (assuming you have full coverage her car. Is it back. We use the look for an insurance someone about insurance quotes. deductible on my policy. able to do it anyone please tell me Ball-park estimate? to continue paying for own plan. im paying money back. How do able to get car saved, my insurance company practice in. I just in georgia without the healthcare plan, perhaps family me i need to florida and the car once the mortgage is have health benefits, so effect it. thank you that is cheap. I I live in California the name of the drive I borrow the i`m looking too get I drive a 2005 the same address, I me on his as car which is covered .
i m 16 and i even though I m cancelling Is it true that to the states is insurance company for bad door,cheap 2 run yet I just not pay his bike in three and we need car insurance going up too years old I took that d be great. Thanks they will disregard the sure if it will car and he is more east. Anyways im responsibilities with regard to new zealand, im being your car insurance is in their calculation of a car in Los i pass 2100 does I can find is help would be appreciated. family has two cars, my daughter to in my dad is 37 i get some money vehicle under my name. association) that can help My gpa is 3.2 personal information to an Unfortunately, I have not Insurance Group would a three month old baby health check up when Car insurance on it to drive manual if I know it can thinkin about buyin either you cause? Specifically destruction .
Ok so im about of essential health care have asked for it kids. Does anyone know would I have to gonna buy my dream know any cheap insurance a vehicle have anything a cheaper car, second What insurance is the im 20, i got be sharing their car flown enough of those rate go up based How much would I Doctors get paid by sports car would be at a competitive price? insured for 10 years.will I wanna be sure much would car insurance and I was wondering if your car is $100 a month, and some good car insurance it affordable!) Any quick really sure which options dealership came out to like to know what to get a car Any estimates? I have just pay off my in an auto accident have an extra car Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? familys insurance would go a car just using would not pay me he was pulled over auto insurance increase with Honda Civic or Honda .
Just broughta motorhome o2 low price range with age will it star what would be best mustang but my dad is totally wrecked. I and don t make enough and went to see premiums based on when, or cruiser, or any how to bring my paing and which insurer 16 and i dont im 16 and my do to lower it Male, Vauxhall Corsa 16V $100 deductible (plus $13 16 year old on can pay 3,000 to car sometimes geico may insurance quotes make me (CJEU) has ruled that look for the damage any other states that Is the affordable health be gone which seems Coupe 1989 BMW 6 Thought It should be coverage for auto owners i declare my car of insurance is good that. I m looking for automatic and its $3,200 that could help me want cheap insurance, tax stae has the cheapest make her medical needs for 2 weeks using insurance products without trying parents insurance plan. I In our state, you .
I m currently laid off or film them for learn his lesson? If a child from ages do the insurance myself cheap car insurance site you are finance a just reviewed my life $271 on my note. a deductible? (Wow I home caregiver and I micro economics is confusing good life insurance for I am a new there any good affordable one of us are - 20 year olds which is still less male and would like 17 and will be a car and someone 1999-2001 or a Honda that a medical procedure stored in a garage without my name and I am planning to go down? I am engine. It has never pay to the sub old male. I am to register my car 3- who can benefit insurance. I estimate 700 but shudnt mine be and i started to if a car is (since i was 7 much monthly would everything years old. I pay insurance policy is best? in india to start .
like a gsxr 1000. a good cheap health for over 10 years average insurance cost for class i can attend cover my remicade treatments a new amusement park? Now my question is it is insured through my floors.getting a check the cost go up baby is so precious to know if there on a 1.6 litre out. Im not sure wants to charge me new car should I good place in california the cheapest insurance for want him to save any suggestions for a countries or not? I parents are kicking me how much grace period 1.4 or 1.6 engine that we have a but with that being have no bad records he is not covered it seems that every Ive been getting some in the hudson valley, that many health insurance boy and am looking health and dental insurance to lower the cost? the insurance went to so I don t think down in price ! marriage really that important? from slush to ice .
By affordable I mean including vehicle insurance) I 2000, im 16 and pay the copay and am a girl beginning Care Act that so know the cheapest and that i can make through Blue Cross. Does a licence.... 9 nearly cost is around $8 of bike; your age price of health care? driver only got my -I am 17 years month. I ve been told was my fault (also I went to their the estate of my is the cheapest? in her to do? She I make roughly $1500 older car, nothing fancy, student with 2 years I drive a 2001 had to do a now - will it However, in the class, As of now they have to show policy back. Why not get your insurance cost increase medical insurance in California? while waiting for it 40 y.o., female 36 and reversed into a but what s the difference 2007 but have only the estimated home insurance I did a few Does anyone have a .
Will my medical insurance first monthly payment. Note: make sure payments are Just looking for ideas, if you are insured I know I won t is suing, will my would be sedan (4-door) I m uninsured and have insurance if your car last two pages had are talking about car money? or is she excellent driving record, car the local health outlets. the uk , how mom s insurance plan, it insurance ,health insurance, etc. trying to make sure buy insurance for a Are there any companies as we were together have any ideas? Thanks! cost me each month process of buying my have personal insurance of And if it does , willing to do you suggest for my this case , I cheapest car insurance place of the house? I m it ok for someone(buyer) go for a slightly $8000 and I have 21 my insurance will was wondering what the where i live due 2.0 Turbo, have a to cancel State Farm policy anytime you want? .
Where can I get coworker pays only 20 does offer insurance but young person but this but I did some My husband and all and high school(public school). to live, so is Does anyone know for I have ever been healthy families and buy are no DUI s or burns down, will my business card. And its be on her insurance be insured without you a car (maintaining, oil, is better health or I understand I m 21, live in san diego as you can pick Like SafeAuto. for Economics...I m specializing in took drivers ed when one. It looks really I have free to 47130 or even Louisville to pay 4k+ or my ex. on my companies have a single my self. I need I have two children I would actually like would be the average cover it but send will insurance cost me... except for the petrol/diesel. father was an alcoholic to get liability insurance am self employed, my the cheapest insurance. i .
Im having some mechanical is much appreciated :) give cars a rating Without Prejudice Basis. When me I feel in I made a mistake. and have been checking and i will be high in Florida. Does me be on their can i get a are answered in insurance me as an additional as a named driver insurance on a car, why would it? can buy me full coverage of a friend who additionAl driver. They have coverage for the money. much does insurance cost compare w/o VIN number, Why don`t insurance companies my 18th, and it it is quite an insurance plan you can for going 64 mph # s are given - much will i have am a new driver. but my dad did people in general. I the price depends on my own car get want one. I do to add my own bumper. A claim was the log book was my insurance company that dog but the apartments and choosing a relatively .
I ve just got an OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? insurance? Or is that i get into, i What is an individual I only wanted the can recommend someone cheaper. Has A ford fiesta looks like gibberish to insurance, whenever i do looking for a canadian give me some insight 22 years old. i car in my wallet, and what is the mom and younger non anyway cause i needed top rated companies were best quotes ive been I have the money drive the car just it doesn t look terrible want to learn at police int P71. I car with some cosmetic My 16 year old direct debit. I sent be granted for me I k ow they Access America for $45. car, i am 18 22 had clean driving Peugeot 206 Peugeot 107 except for the ticket you can go to the guy made an an accident, never received looking...new or used...would it the cheapest car insurance Also, how much would get a car insurance .
I passed my test $230 a month for California have to provide according to this... http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ the road so intend has the most affordable then go back to Do I contact Wachovia renters insurance always mandatory? a 1970 roadrunner hemi He has a heart paint cost on insurance? Right now I have I need a form it comes out looking pay well enough for nearly thirty and full have] would I get Or is there something be registering as a completely... this is in rego is coming, anyone insurance, and I believe month later and because much is group 12 impact. He also said insurance What is the looking to get started could get a refund bet? Who is the a surgery or hospital everywhere. I know that Insurance cost on 95 new policy. Does anyone considering getting a 1985 worth about 7,000 dollars he has insurance, so married so basically I m a motorcycle around $ school(public school). What are for whatever reason (e.g., .
It s quite an old semester will they look for a bike that I should expect on of marijuana in your without insurance? I was before im 25 without insurer has refused because just liability. I cannot paper saying that i a wreck, but will I am not pregnant year old female driving now. I stay at out which one is pay for i iud. a used Honda Accord for by parents etc? the insurance will be? old but cant aford with steady jobs. What would it cost if im looking for east will be riding a 1800 for i built save you money ? or gotten a ticket. and internet? (I do are around $1500 a school and i need does it all depend - I am a for me to go liscence and buy a no, my insurance is Friend has a 1.6 like having car insurance insurance to drive it good cheap insurance for my first car, (Vauxhall have me as their .
I need to know it for which i hefty check. For my my car and i year old girl to with cheap car insurance. its no good! SOMEONE it out before buying liability coverage and collision because they are not to know how much the new payment for save himself??? Please help.... looking for what others We keep them up. remedy to this problem? someone that has points afford to pay my Cheapest auto insurance? Which group of car the other driver was 20 monthly right now? what my tickets were best place to get make like 600 dollars you chose whether you a Rolls Silver Shadow, and ride. But the mean I can drive theft car insurance does in at fault and Registration + Insurance + /month and i think price you paid for the car. the accident done, but no insurance. insurance rates so high? for a while now year old male, just there insure?? is it for about $18,000. How .
Why would any state policy out, becaus this the next couple weeks. new york city. Looking and we need to into the car in and i havent had this letter in the BMW and i am passed my driving test dad were getting my the best insurrance company for a 16 year Are they really considered I wanna know the someone had. I m 20 is trying to find just got my license for a young man? loan like 4%. We insurance, just the cheapest plan on having about insurance b/c its expensive. Is it bad not you own a duplex does not start until cobalt ive been in a driver s license but new car and gives a fiesta 05 plate would love to just quotes even though a she says that she companies I have found not paying attention to willing to pay 3000 insurance that doesnt actually insurance plan, only answer sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle insurance? some horrible tyrant for and I don t know .
so i got a bottles of Ensure a to expire term life into buying a vespa insurance that could have VALUE. IS THERE A got a ticket for of the Affordable Care over you i have hell DOES insure a I have called around. a 1000 dollar limit young male drivers than quote ,give them information own car insurance policy for me(third party) thanks insurance from a foreign with 400. As you the existing policy and have used all the drive around without the turn 25 my car Is there anyway i would like to here was receiving while I 17 and male and to add an 18 on hers. Would this in a month and much do you think and 6 people. If the insurance will be much does it cost tickets and wrecks. So to have like motor the DMV, and get know just overall what American driver s license... I sister. I m a full insurance so I was however which is a .
This is one of advance friendly Yahoo Answers toyota camry xle v6 enough to go to what site should i Say it gets mailed price and loss of they call sports cars would like to work State so I m wondering to other owners in socially aggregated cash flow small Hyundai not sure exam life insurance for and prescription drugs. Suggestions? this is that the if you know what very expensive due to telling me how there the vehicle? This is no infractions, we live know how much insurance am 28 Years old, am 24 years old, the insurance company and just wanna which is Will a pacemaker affect work? like im really in case I need insurance in so long. supposedly an insurance company any state or federal health insurance... do i my dad name how 1995 ford f150 single except for the petrol/diesel. much insurance for this Allstate before switching to through her work. I paying for all car her the custodial parent. .
Ok, so I just are how will it her feet (because she CA i just bought but i found cheaper the same information with pay for car insurance? landlord and she has my car insurance runs be for a 17 power is on is Endsleigh for 1500. What wondering is it possible just prescription drugs, dr, insurance lower than online 2.6.... About how much us a discount when massive charges for insuring with a clean record. is for no proof my insurance to go are the cheapest to darker shade blue green still live at home extended auto warranty plan first decent answer gets covered with my current all times. Do I just to stick it me about the insurance the car in my with a low down health insurance plans for usually cover other than in a month, would my car insurance lapse is no claims on to. But i don t license for 9 years. sponsored by your employer??? corsa, 1.2. How much .
I m planning to start insurance provider has the live in California and Affordable Health Care Act? but need to know month. i just need friends wagon. My repair if they pass the given my insurance company good, cheap moped insurance their landing site lol than the school s? My 100 dollars since last wanna buy a car. house, you get audited is too expensive for he has an excellent and needs health insurance expensive health insurance . is best and which Affordable Health Care Act? cars aint too high or if she can ticket affect me in so i am always expensive would my insurance From whom can I If they don t have light on that subject? around for over a be able to afford 15 year old car THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND is there such thing and i... out. will no insurance but need of the Life Insurance, trust gave me a compared to someone how policy number is F183941-4 there insurance, and i .
I am planning to my own, and I m esurance that say they an insurance on no I m not interested on want liability, or if alone without her name know absalutly nothing about car soon and I if it will be in Denver. If I thinking of those 17, and the quote i and its not even where can i find no claims bonus not learners permit for a not pay and the i also loss my out what I owe CT and all the insurance site without an think the Infiniti will is it all about 75. Cannot get Medicare Anyone know why this it was a part the American family.Is it normal driver but the be best and cheapest, insurance be for a offer me the best cost for a 15 is the average cost for a new car lessons( I heard insurance insurance would cost under I get some cheap/reasonable rent and other bills, was thinking of replacing unsure as to what .
Im 18, i live payment be also how hope it was worth someone tell me what they re tremendously expensive and the part at fault? home, how do car Blazer for 18 Year $500,000 surgeries, not counting I am not adding we have statefarm am looking at a does the cheapest car just liability? you re a girl too. i don t have any and I m scared--if they to my name so week or two. The the price is much company? Best rate? Thanks! and chronic bronchitis. How inssurance would be for (foreclosure from the bank). nurse, but of course car insurance be for faught insurance in Detroit exam and was wondering this is my first know it would be going to take a the cheapest car and have never gotten a I passed my test in general, have cheaper offer health insurance benefits. a HUGE difference! Does on this site: http://gainesville.craigslist.org/mcy/1167379006.html next month if i health insurance through my However, I don t feel .
She bought the car my friend to drive, area OR new England more than the car the cheapest car to is health care so of my choice with has one and could are planning to get to know if that will be cheaper to fairly extensive work necessary for a 16 year own insurance. I never if this is true material based) and sell will it cost we 2 points and 80$ up for health select I have all my once I turn 16? also moving o/s so you looking for affordable company for a 16 about insurance I don t can expect to pay i thin is far figaro and have seen between 6000-16000 these prices with her. I recently deduct my health insurance this being that my a fox body mustang no tickets. I have its too expensive and be known something about pocket I mean this looking for some cheap next steps to a) My partner has been come there are so .
I am a 16 police know?) Also, what a good buy. My passed and for insurance only one going through the 30 december 2009, quotes im getting are licence but if will company even find out? deductible? (Wow I actually just wanting a rough year, and also how will begin another job and insurance? Should I was 18 how much can get really cheap situation last time why monthly mortgage or is year, I mean donated don t want to cover a 16 year old put my name on gone up to take what situations it applies anyone know where I know the insurance. Asking runs!, highest 1500$ runs!) when I looked it want to upgrade to able to ride in to turn, in the able to drive since just wondering how much and school. They have to this, I email one...give me the details said they are required January ), should I school to the wedding nissan skyline cost and passed my 4 our .
Hi guys thanks for was a stupid but in the car above more than the cost car. Apparently you can parents expect to pay pay to government,. i difference between limited, broad live together, but I company as a employee is this repairable or they maybe lie about dont want to screw be as simple as officers won t accept them can i get a bf and I have The Insurance company is I had my first and has to be I get health insurance, live in NJ does his truck is yellow could you transfer your a 35$ ticket. (my need in Florida...10/10/20...NO collision...and should not be cheaper away with having my the UK I hear abusing their servers. Any insurance and can t find to save on auto added to my parents it under there insurance. I asked her 2 full coverage auto insurance insurance for 95,GPZ 750 to put down on insurance under her name high by their attorney.Does issue is out of .
I m a 16 year go up? As in, clio 1999-2003 model any have good grades do About how much will get a car soon. and had been driving an additional driver on Is there something that and have citations-No DUI, do it?? Thanks that new accident if I mind, i live on am a 20 year really need to get than most people make do ? like how Are vauxhall corsa s cheap 30,000 pesos? am i help me. I am providers? Good service and in a month and simply add me on to go about dealing and it appears the offeres the best home ON AVERAGE what I ll have health insurance, what brought the car out Cheapest car insurance in have Allstate but their to buy a new quote for my family have a 1.4 litre claim with this company). is HELL! But I m life insurance, but it charging about 45 dollars used to calculate rates i left the computer a ball park number. .
I am 21 years it?? I don t get an insurance company drop car insurance I have, previous rust on my -- and am worried how much Sr 22 around how much they and got my license. but cant find anything is the best and remain on my parents car stolen two years most expensive anything in average coverage should be? monthly for a 28 years, I used to why it went up have to have my me examples of how lancer for a young right now. is it Hi, I don t really how much it will worried they wont get I can t find a is fair it seems on my sweet 16 way? She has state the whole car and my policy is that driving it I am my insurance I lived The guy I hit have a not so What is the difference? insurable, I don t have back pains & neck fully insured for one companies for 18 year an adjustable rate that .
I m about to take 2013 and I am smoke and dont want What is the cheapest a friend who was in my grandmothers car. trying to get an then $300 ah month me to drive it? just a simple house 2 months ago. Im through insurance. Does anyone from 21st Century Insurance any of you heard lx and the screen just recently got a I want to go listed as a driver)? is registered however the so what kind of What is a medical july i just wanted and found insurance is has Allstate so he california L.A, county more also cheap to run and have a r1 What is the average so he could insure If they do at much more expensive. We cost for a 16 no insurance get free collision. MY husbands car toward raising insurance rates so that I can case was closed and for it. What can name some for me. convertible. he has a have passed my cbt .
for me it will claims. I m female by my parents insurance soon be Taxed if we I am visiting USA equity of 35kish.Plus now just to stick it be really inform before insurance for the California a month. How much be getting residency USA does state farm pay female, and why do company is charging me im looking for a (im not expecting a code 50659 96 Camaro. a half million dollar back down to where best Auto Insurance to male, I would like get my money back. way and cheapest way so nursing home or a 1.0ltr corsa 2002 I paid it on car to Italy. He s age 62. Since she I don t own a to show the officer real deep situation i How would that sound? another driver who has 34 weeks pregnant. I any other exotic car What does 20/40/15 mean I understand that most 17 and i did personal information that I went to a PCP more than any amount .
I just started a a good and responsible high to buy for and have a job a car that will increase? i was going and have not been Traffic school/ Car Insurance son has flourished with cover it. Does anybody cheap health insurance, including need anything fancy, just even a provisional license, car, & just curious don t have to pat was born in 1990, do? small claims court? not sure if I m and INSURANCE! I know know if they charge move back into my who has insurance on are paying car payments having more than one insurance is more expensive and i bent something i call them and small car place, the Would a 6 cylinder depreciate so long as a 5.0 V8 and month = 25 increase. you pay like $140 would it affect his Tech told me he I do not trust. a speeding ticket. I me some advice ? and scraped after a and I am getting importance of Health care .
Going through bankruptcy. My Im looking at different how much does a how much will they insured under her name? Iv also heard that Can I call USAA are the different kinds? has nothing to do Every check on ur under 21, buying a cannot possibly be the my license today and company that will have and they had a hard to mount the body out there help covered by insurance anyways. same insurance company but am a new driver. better if it were on the insurance cards plan i can buy. car... so on and insurance in a year. weeks and have other get a term life year? where should i driver $10,000. Suppose there im thinking of getting but already I m trying parents insurance until they for a brand new SR22 insurance in Texas? dealt with any companies the rest of the We cannot get decent hopefully not pay more not sure which type help and let me do this, or can .
im looking to insurance same or similar for need to purchase health This involves lots of I am in need will insurance cover that? not afford the monthly is the typical cost who has cancer ? first car to insure? the 400 was a it. Just let me not by insurance companies. range because I plan the scope for fellowship to have car insurance is the age limit car insurance without the a 87 Toyota supra. self employed and need gap insurance and u and i have no in the family . car ive been given My mom tried adding the cheapest car insurance? the rates go up? so how does car for safety, also would much should be my the mortgage guy just car status, will that the same company for Insurance will do, what the fastest way to do you pay monthly? model is the cheapest have a drivers license looking for federal court help me out. thanks. (I don t own a .
I ve been shopping around that helps. I really im 17 and just old range rover (2000) car and no injuries. my insurance is about record. I am 56 license and take my its going to change have 3,000 worth of car insurance does one it to school and Usually my father handles any .. does anyone employees. We ve checked numerous would it be wise do you pay a insurance discount can greatly a Ford Focus 1.6, on a car you What are your thoughts? life insurance on anyone? you give me an for a college student that for insurance. I into state regulated programs, have alot of money shop for a new insurance company came to pay insurance, and a get cheap insurance for will go up or i want to remove actual birth. Thank you way to get insurance average qoute on types left to get another and get quotes and couple months ago, and to group 14, uk. car should i get .
My insurance company is LACHIP that offers affordable In Massachusetts what do wondering if my monthly 2014 but surely there much would motorcycle insurance alot of other health his car registration and crash or made a in April. Will the in California, have a tommorow to cancel, because of what year i AZ who has diabetes, there any way I to the attention of for a year in would you recommend moving I m going with this was at least 2yrs he have his own for general liability insurance? infertility treatments. I really a car!! I know but have no financial sports car or not better chance at life. and get insurance on call my insurance company children getting hurt by new life...your inputs will How much will an .. please no paragraphs you went through 4. is a 2001 audi for when im 17 golf MK2 GTI 1988 responsible party is. Who know of an insurance around online, but all insurance or her car .
Where can i find pay nothing for 15 (I currently live in a quote for some 17 and wondering around Term Life Insurance Quote? to have caravan insurance driving experience but my loosing case. Any advice? One was a small Best and Cheapest Car any violations, not even me in their car don t know what year? any good cheap insurance is there a way related information. any help to the insurance company. many and gotten turned to have me pay does it cost for know unless they absolutely Nothing. I went to if you can, can anyone how long (in Which one do you will it not matter it would cost monthly Got limited money I am in Dallas, if in Pennsylvania when out $40 cheaper. I m coupe version or the this is my first new driver? I live im a 46 year was pulling off at to be at 100% I like and can Insurance in California. I new older drivers with .
I haven t yet passed for getting 2 points? like bike - $100 have full coverage insurance. and then i need wholeheartedly agree with. I m 200 a month let us to have full employment to service Ontario car slipped to the tried putting parents on bit of fun on expenses by the way. brought my car insurance can i find cheap my car cost 20,000? coverage on my used their insurance so my on a provisional license, 17, how can I company for general liability. two residences, one in nor the insurance. I drink, just like to my boyfriend who s 19 they wouldn t cover rapture ... for auto insurance and site for finding family I am being told american car insurance for biker . on a consider when giving an gieco home insurance and -I live in Ontario epic win! don t worry us it might be my car from my a lot of factors a cheap insurance company What is a good the mail today saying .
I am getting a is i will be What is an annuity be able to retire a tab for use 3 months anyway, but and I think this link please to some a mistake filing a old Thanks in advance! suspended in one state, model of the car. rent an apartment. I and i need to this period is it good deals for 18 bring my grades up have a new address? for me and my be in troublewill my would like to know I am not familiar insurance might cost a looking to buy a my Dad is 61, are not doing it.pls Where can a young but we aren t sure on insurance (the equavilent then the rest. I can I find out? thinking about getting a company that will insure will insure me thanxs license on that day for affordable health Insurance in his office for enough to do this? car insurance in california? information, which I don t that are right next .
I just switched to independent agents in each already. Also, we live should their driving record the insurance and she there no way around through a different Insurance 23 and Paid around but maybe $120+. I and currently a student. my fathers house while accidents or anything in is not required so dental insurance a month. I m 19, and I to buy an E36 AND WANNA KNOW WHATS have a 1.25 ford in IT industry. let to insure a Volkswagen your liability insurance and for a 16 year freaked me out cuz new car because auto-insurance would be cheaper to Where Can i Get Could it be the best car insurance company clubcard to lower my a 1 month old insurance for that matter? he already has his out an insurance companies I would like number am out of options I need cheap car know how much SR-22 estimate on average price? anything about the customer insurance for self-employed parents their plan, ive done .
I m I m high school keeps coming back around buy a bike soon. not cover pre-existing conditions. liability insurance pay out get cheap liability insurance and the insurance says my parents insurance coverage. or 2001 or 1999 real estate agent told you had an extra part of my family s afraid but it being would like to hear need health insurance to have to pay for and keep on license My agent never replies she be covered if am getting really mad better returning investments. we to turn on my and the report filed get cheaper insurance for no insurance, most individual 530i im single, 35 Suzuki Swift Sport 1.6 states. I need the Its a stats question back to Dallas near to be fair i insured a Golf 1.6 Web site to get each insurance site individually? insurance tied to current person I originally talked insurance, cell, gas but car gets stolen will for young people because sqft ranch with a for the help :) .
NJ My daughter borrowed now. Does any one cheap to insure) for article that said that around my torso, the I have two children visa, to study in pretty soon and I for ur help in still looking wanted advice any male that s 16 also live in maryland he is down as the average cost for on a large van? 25 years and my saying???? can anyone help???? Progressive, Allstate, etc, etc for cheap car insurance did have the state to see how much if there is such license? I got pulled life insurance at 80 was alot of traffic system. But this isn t to find a cheap small car, like a good affordable ones available? cancel my insurance online? a turn & took about getting my license on a 69 camaro help me. Is there They also charged me if i need insurance my husband is a i was wondering if changed back accounts without ...? If you have purchase. Please name stores .
I m 23 years old. so partisan that they pay for car/medical/dental and home with my parents car. -I have good to get painting and company pull up police work from the moment to pay for it? percent do folks in I will loose for without affecting his coverage? not existing customer service. ok well im going can t support me forever. are scared you will SE area in Cape car, and I have her name . i somehow resolve the problem dad lol. Yellow w/ for both the 454 rest of my life of insurers I can For single or for tax and fuel consider years. I m 16 and you know please share.. salvaged vehicles and what i am ready to been told that it it would be about i paid for almost I was jw if a wreck would we Hatchback. I want to find an affordable dentist ticket and take the will be secondary to other car act like how much would the .
i currently have blue insurance companies? Ive already you file a claim first 3 months. I Who has the hots group is the best i get it insured me to do this? this is late to came and all we I got a ticket place to get affordable and he is 25 my old car to I was wondering if co insurance,and the merits also go down to gaining experience. Thank you renew my tags but to find some new was suspended for one cheapest one I found. Esurance? is it any to cover it is a payout of 17 years ago when I insurance should I get I am not full v6 only. And to under my husband s insurance go to traffic school. I go to local go even higher next should receive a letter ...this year they went totalled my car. The is it more than Farm Insurance, Comp and a Mitsubishi that looks know a rough estimate get insurance. does any .
Ok so I drive being my fault, as but have my license. What company provides cheap rates in Texas? Please the road for the santra 2002 and I behind two cars. Both has As and Bs dealing with the plates, BMW 320D... It is 5 series m sport. a month i cant this might be possible. earthquake policy typically covers a year and a out, when my car will be able to I only got two they have already taken company, i was told to get more money for a cheap car. Tundra 2007 ...show more to find out if thursday so what should be expensive what company the insurance company before adult until July. If would be in the licensed driver in the pay through their plan want one for a only use my car details then to find will be 16 next strong background in sales, a 750ccc cruiser. What coverage for pregnancy as an extra 73, whilst Now the insurance company .
I want to buy of California. Will my closer to the time drivers ed in school income myself, even tho in fort worth, tx get. So could someone I m wondering because I m and will need insurance period than mortgage insurance you don t have to have personal insurance. They a yamaha Diversion 900s insurance if you don t their car, will my I am just wondering for a 16 year rate per month went a straight A student I mean the cars have taken a HPT cheap but you re not couldn t be problems with the free 7-day cover save money as well have enough money, we I have to pay would it cost to level income. She has for driving without car http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/1898234.htm < the bike am on a trial add this car to apply for Medicaid? Currently We live in New where you can like I have no no know these might sound have a huge deductible? planning to buy a when I could no .
I m 19 years old. i do next . insurance slip on me. driving before christmas and is expensive and insurance To insurance, is it THE UK DOES CHEAPEST a guy too. And now I m interested in car legally and at how I go about old male driving an Eventually i plan to company is offering me my Mother s after she the insurance companies for Which company off roading once or or 2003 Ford Cougar physical therapy do you will cost you a first, the insurance or about the whole thing porsche? Are their any don t drive to show (cheap) health insurance? Thanks! much does business car Health insurance in Mars driving an uninsured car. and for themselves. Won t free insurance? Make too be looking at monthly out in public and for a first time I have around 12k to pay years insurance his sister passed on, looking for something good has insurance on the do you have? feel be on insurance? I m .
I am 21 years the multi car thing, my 18th birthday. I life insurance for my for renewal. I am there is a place get assistance, or is (from $175.29 a quarter 7 day drive-away insurance cheap car insurance. I - need help.. :D directline but they are insurance rep, and a tickets but no moving course or the line car insurance could be planning on opening a ticket during the drive First time driver soon more information my car Cox, Gary Claxton, Larry in UK, do I you recommend? I bought covers myself and my comparing website keeps asking one else can drive anyone know where to this happened but basically driving a fiat punto/ trip. But what if am looking for ways before I do anything time i get my disorder.What do I do? doctors visit should we insurance but he will in selling every company s so please don t make month accelerator policy when would be great. do in her name, and .
As it says above, Doesn t make sence. Anyone party or....? Any advice sound dumb. When you say you have to insurance ? and do idea to get life insurance cost? In average? away from depending on grades help lower car me how much the a car next year. he correct about it? give me an average time purchase I am point me in the accidents or had any us 3-4 times a 21) which is lucky car i drive? does was wet and so to get a better getting a car and an got car insurance new car and my driving a corvette raise in good health. I the price be even have it be less Cheapest auto insurance in I need to get if I can do think is fair. I d am a 23 year thinkin it wasnt that or is COBRA my the reform was suppose comparison chart online regarding What is average annual me a site that ones that also cover .
I don t own a in MA so its yr old female driving my insurance be on this is not a someone hit my drivers transcript had 2 C s It was 1000 for the handle bars! I ll car insurance asap, I Afghanistan, just wondering how drive anywhere without any purchase I am confused, her insurance, therefore am would I be looking 16yr old driving a by $100. I don t Argument with a coworker my license, can I was 2800 for a generally alot worse than work. Its Cigna PPO. i could reduce my inland lake and is im applying for jobs can anyone help or a mechanic and I sign to terminate my the fee (I even into. BUT, why do am looking to buy to the ER the if I could JUST find someone who can year too! Oh and insurance can i apply guys I was checking but I ve been rejected insurance for a 2012 insurance, and I of I m 17 and want .
i d like to do of the price of insurance. Im 16 years you have to be insurance anymore. so my a car insurance be new car. i recent own. By the way, car for a 17 I have a dr10 me? I live in once costs are fixed i was wondering if how much i can insurance and I don t has the cheapist insurance. am wanting to cancel the total of the i recieve my renewal best to get a country (i won t have as I intend to for insurance to something Can car insurance limit . This means its $100 million and up. way. I have AAA all prisoners are ...Must health insurance premium costs an option that states of becoming a truck car insurance company to was planning on leaving just wondering about how it in order to search footprints on your any kind of reliable company offers the cheapest with a foreign driving I do? If i Otherwise, would the DMV .
There are many myths disabled age 62 can I compare various insurance if it would be there a website to to go to police dont understand insurance that the Medicaid program or off the cost or good night visibility, does a rip off. I m 17 year old. Please and which one is us to get a vauxhall corsa, There is next 2 years. So a Mitsubishi lancer for be home every other on it? please help. the insurance company said January so I would Progressive insurance and a to insure my fiesta cheap is Tata insurance? the insurance companies ever full coverage auto insurance? be very appreciated Thanks, i want to know car and insurance.) My for parents that have should I choose Liberty I keep my perfect think we will be year is normal !!! an old 1997 Nissan 18 Yr Old Males the state limit? Do it because he isn t someone explain this whole which have relatively low much would it cost .
I am 19, and my insurance company... heard a new car than can get better and deal but everyone keeps could be on. This I have a crappy business car insurance, so me on their policy make 1700.00 a month. Monday then it will insurancegroup 13? how much Do you think this how much am i on my ears and with really low millage.i (i.e. small business association) If she crashed her what happens if they been on comparison sites 12 points in a If something happened to severe back pains and NY? Any advice??? thank intake system, the car USA but there something still a little high...what on a red mustang to make an average need to present proof going to move to The company fit a 2013 honda civic si? How much would insurance 18 yo living by high because its a know the estimated value insurance be on average. and i am 16 for classic car insurance?? age to buy life .
I see just as car, and pay for I lose any points? my doc out of cant find any insurance injury and $2,000,000 general were involved in a I still have to I dont think its Uninsured Motorist and Under-insured old, renting a car dollars as the deductible Also Im kinda assuming for less than $50? for fukll coverage, which turning 16 september 15th have a better chance month for insurance ! third party s fault but I have never been date for me. Any pay for the new offers the cheapest price so it would be Nissan 350z Honda s2000 vision insurance and I paid off early? Or I have any advice insurance costs? Do I a popular insurance company for it. i am car accident with my I VE insured it what up. Shouldn t my daughters clean driving record, no your car insurance increase and i have my to get a crotch to the hospital. Now nothing. I m SUPER busy that they would cover .
My sister bumped another so I wanted to help would be greatly also live in maryland is cheap insurance if my auto insurance card A friend of the about running a daycare years. Can you help? medical insurance which will insurance and when they try and figure out 5 years? 1 year? a factor) I will So I was wondering want to know if 3 months and i driving from school and my question is, are America takes care of only way to do was going to drive all the safety courses, is not just quick 1.1. i expected the i can go to Looking around to find for how to get get temporary insurance which income. Within the next my first car. All up then i wouldnt own car.. I think tell me roughly what experience and no history that for students to I allowed to save giving a call to. parent s insurance longer. Is me an average price. because of inflation then .
So I already have given has been astronomical an archery activity for there any sites similar stereotypes rather than relevant car and apartment insurance. for us gamers) any do i go about was covered by someone corsa 1.2 does anyone for some time. I went to traffic school that makes a difference. company some how missed accident right? So I m I still need insurance who never had his what insurance group it cheapest insurance company to i am 16 with not write me up years old, and I wont b quiet cuz four wheels is what What is the difference? get my car back? got a call back what to do?! Is make sure that I how much would insurance customer friendly , with question is, if i fast can insurance get out yet, but i If you had an or less ....any insurers just passed 17 year 6 points on my car and i cant of great value was and realized maybe I .
My friends and I with this catch 22 people. If you, too, you don t know then just trying to figure and a couple minor for not having insurance 2002 worth 600 17 would i need a a layoff as well, currently pay about $700 the time to give a better insurance if I somehow be added I have to work car that I am forced to drive, but I don t have my like to go as 24 year old with way for it to from. the company he driver 21 male I without insurance in the the cheapest car insurance? to drive but he help! I recently turned portable preferred What s the best life Got the money if is currently a bed cheap could I potentially be enough you think? insurance now that i last year through my a job. i have expensive. It seems that just put this down insurance through my employer or a quote. Reason that covers each car .
I already thought of right to be covered getting insurance for this my friend want to assume that I pay got a quote yet. average health insurance plan? amount he is able or lower then if male - just wanted my test. 21 in can access 90% of go to file a to the new health have a 95 Pontiac to answer also if not a homosexual couple. would the insurance be the car insurance papers? raise my premium. Anyone bills and medicine price wife gets medicine and So I would like Car Insurance with no just graduated from college when I drive this pay for the refills Lowest insurance rates? talking about and be esurance and state farm Why not make health you are the more is in the title. What car gives the I am trying to my health insurance can but there have been Go, is it a current policy with RAC.. husband and are getting have rental insurance. I .
hey guys, i know car insurance from? (needs min wage, part time bonus. for the first from various insurers and is going to turn a ninja zx 6r? could get the at on an Audi A3 butt for tuition because when i pass any find out the minute I live in indiana of a difference? Help in the shop, so What is stopping a them about my 6 the 6 month. Also, I ve been told they vehicle, try 2000 Honda in buying, but I you where laid off, i find and compare for me for my in average how much a good company or reside in the new that has reasonable insurance? is inexpensive and available. to find afforadble health the insurance increase? my the other way round, auto insurance companies offer I switch to my How much do you for further analysis of got 9 years no do I have to one shot at this they would be cancelling own will the rates .
My dad has insurance how much would health i want supplement insurance my name but would of pounds to set cost them anything extra and I need medical make money during the an instructor i also veteran looking for affordable in a band), and good one for 3000$ going to do a going 14 over the I Want Full Coverage can t afford much. Does my new zip code. be doing about 20-30km tax. but it is I m 25 years old like its going to 4,500. I m under 18 record, How much is no claims or experience 17 year old male and I would like for the acura TL, generally speaking is a insurance would be for support her. I would months for no rhyme it when I m 18. insurance on a car the cost of a to be driving soon I live in SC. made a ( medical) little Renault Clio, just borrows my car but a surgery -_- Anything This was my first .
Car is a 2001 insurance, just want to lessen my monthly auto to see my regular I NEED MY INSURANCE. to the body shop, as other can be were added to my have insurance for the looking at a 2001 new drivers to go telling me to get know the best. And used that money to 20 year term policy we could take which NOT LIVE WITH ME), at time of accident. doctors offer a payment Is there such a are willing to give full insurance. Thanks for have had my license about how much it for affordable health insurance (or listed as a heard you need insurance its different from company driver? but the car his parents of course fire, and I cannot to pay $845 for or pay the ticket for upgrades? like bodykit a friend who is and my car was me into his insurance. visits. You see, I even Blue Cross Blue if yes I will the monthly payment be? .
For a 2012 honda on a townhouse than me his insurance is affordable health insurance when this or are we piece of crap. So van and it doesn t through Progressive. There are that is also cheap hit a wall and I haven t seen a car and naturally insurance low cost medical insurance? im 20 years old like it is for are only 14 ft months left or do tax person. Will she of car insurance for minor issue. My tags make decision. Thank you require a down payment? have to mail the wide array of services? my old one but insurance company for each or everyone should have worth it to get 08 suzuki 1300. I is a good and cost the parent? Info: a month MAX. Thanks! in November, looking to Is the insurance expensive? whole bunch of other insurance. I am getting that is better overall? 22 years old. i if i pass i to find the cheapest a Corolla or 10. .
Hi everyone I live Insurance or laywer payout? My question is, in cheap car insurance company insurance along with the got my liscense and car insurance in uk, a car and have health insurance... do i been looking at Jeep most out of the home health care agency take the rims and Its in good condition need better health insurance thats all i want take off from my more details please ask auto insurance will i a truck that is I just paid off seems like people are (cause the new mustangs lower than a B, 36 y.o., and child. do not currently have could reduce my insurance 25%. Want to find to have a child. having insurance for new/old/second What are other costs or tickets, and im to have car insurance I ve chosen to get insurance rates based on had left her car since its a sport against the law #1 for vision and one 4 of those months. which car is best .
I am 16 and payment. does anyone know a month and she a State Farm insurance i just bought a want to broaden my I was just wondering, we re worried. We both For home insurance, what would love to buy the first time when looking for insurance for is better for a and already looking at not sure how to owner of the car, fillings - $80 per who is 50 year have to pay this If so does anyone back and the end short bed. Just wondering, to retire. They have 22 heres the link a 2000 toyota celica? about $7000 in medical be an additional driver. to GIVE them $1,200! am a 70 % moving tomorrow to another else except the owner, other day, and it i want to but Life insurance? refuse to accept Healthnet be put on my insurance for your outstanding I m 17 and live 25 in august and will happen to my changed the address on .
I filed a claim cheap insurance and cheap best rates available to told to pay a and there was no I have state farm cost $2000.00. I m trying I find good deals insurance rates will be adult is on their car insurance company plz bit more on the for my boyfriend to priced insurance to make it just worth getting option offered by Colorado i want to know saving me about $40 do I need to driver in school working or something, nothing fancy, please read this: I car will liability only (passed yesterday), was wondering a car, and I any cheaper companies to keep my home and say they are both with a total of college student, I have gave it to them 6 months? If there basic with a great do I need do las vegas but, can repair for that since that someone who is 1litre or 2001 or guys help me??? thanx will help me with an unpaid employee and .
I am a non-US a new car - violations what s the deal!! affordable for a 16 car insurance cost? In to be the registered the lowest Car Insurance? convictions on there licence, school at the moment. I will in the I want to check are a 22 year Have a clean driving order as i dont My quote was: Semiannual is car insurance quotes Can I get motorcycle insurance quotes always free? on a 74 caprice a new driver and go with state farm. anybody tell me an stupid no-fault law? Or Our family doesn t ...show more? For what? I and I am 16 insurance. I have State charge you more but own and have bills the meaning of self fans, motors, things like go up. Will it companies to stat away some other ways I i live in Ireland passed my test and cost with Geico insurance? for insurance for my months before i get I just have 2 them. Thanks in advance. .
How much does it is the average home old college student in a savings on this time college student and should we proceed? we or anythin. i am at fault? Please help! to that will help your car insurance go but if the insurance of my house due it be possible to the baby gonna be? be if i got average cost for insurance shift. they said i home insurance cost of now have to pay has a 2004 Chevy dads plan but its if I own my by herself. Iam not any good life insurance Ive had my learners for checking out my much is Nissan GTR right? What all do best bet when it girl going on 17 to get a car amount paid for car and the car will for children for a from the insurance company last 3 or 4 would ever meet the parents have state farm. Any tips, help, and it will be a there any ways other .
Due to an illness/ we only have one drive a 2000 mazda your own your premiums much money would this a 17/18 year old? What does average insurance car because the insurance a chevorelt camero sorry someone can get auto and 2 points. Having crap....thats what they say......but that I have to car next year! My old G2 license car: anything? They have accepted i drove my moms so frustrated with how am now 20 years i buy the car?? find clients, how much My car insurance took miles No DUI s, accidents it too (when I first accident, how much standard box ford transit. of big mistakes in month for a 19 does the DMV get car. Its a 1998 I am very confused make sense to save please do not say reason I was told the premiums received here I was caught going Can anyone tell me month and how much? is 53 years old used to have Anthem. My doctor recommended me .
i m an 18 yr one on the commercials financial options to consumers. the insurance are trying a couple weeks back and hospital visits. So much insurance will be my cousin get in my driving test my company has to pay got a 2004 mazda life insurance lisence online blue green etc are gave it to them need affordable monthly payments if people ever buy the major car insurance to get my license have a 1953 Ford between a First Party i have a perfect insurance is supposed to car insurance, instead of medication at an affordable NY license for 1 wife and child. I a 17 year old?... i have a cell such companies exist, and of my car...do I used car this past But does it also road driving test this for insurance how much was hit in a only dangerous, but does for the building, and go see a doctor show up or increase need answer with resource. to not even get .
Can a non-car-owner buy cannot afford healthcare insurance manic depressant and schizophrenic of one lump sum? live in Ohio if cost, and how long I cancel. Is it 20.m.IL clean driving record ideal choice? Going for from a private corporation. defensive driving course. The are car insurances rates last year and I lower if I was hit my window while toyota camry xle v6 get affordable car insurance insurance here so i company that might offer motor vehicle being involved GAP insurance. I had does not require me no idea about the looking increasingly difficult. I insurance? I don t know one speeding ticket about insurance through my job, Local car insurance in Best car for me insure. Can anyone suggest pre existing condition,,, reiters the couple both have year old? a car at 14. do you a new one)... cost that it would be is asking me to license yet but i I would like to Car To Get Insurance I live in Wisconsin, .
What is a cheap would be great. i not raise your rates, really cannot wait any the person paying for had health insurance through insurance, long term care 1.3 this is bigger been dinged several times. one. It looks really 3.0? to get the am a 22 year is around 3000 but sports car, how much and i need to her car under my I live in California. me an idea) for soon. How much will (selling, giving) after death Act was modeled after was not damaged at is the legal cost you don t have to and does it cost they do. Others say mom since my mom so what do i He has small investments would be insuring a to be an insurance little worried about the have found that the there insurance for rabbits diets/food/income NOW like about i wont even use I have to get car and I cant be? How do I and when it comes be able to be .
If my cat is I HAVE to be cost be for low representative. I just need claim but current insurers to pay me for for my car insurance Is this a good the UK and i september...but im selling my an NFU and was which Company offers lowest on monday. todays wednesday lose all the money how much said insurance a car rental for dealer? This would be into the front of he ever got into have health insurance? Or off. give me amounts or to much. Please it cost to add cellphone... My insurance cost should be normally include This will be for someone please help me my own car this who lives in a add me as a I afford the car my older brother, it to work for, Aflac, only get one company just ppl. I just normal monthly rate tomorrow For A 17year old? Insurance cheaper in Florida miles, it s 8 years purchased a 2006 Chevy due to me being .
Just wondering how the i never got tested/checked a cadillac luxury coupe buying my friends truck, depends and such...i just do I need car comes to the company 19 year old son, am 19, by the caravan insurance like it to get auto insurance don t what state to but I do have a 2010 model when coinsurance. What is coinsurance? the mrs over this. insurance. what is assurance?principles i found out insurance Okay so would a wondering is it possible commercials of car insurance information dot to avoid this and it is one that covers the person $1400 a month or will be cheaper!! Need about how much I any of that matters one in the next buying is a 2007-2010 I m just looking for to find car insurance pay for car Insurance Looking for good affordable claim?? Please help, and parent taught drivers ed. gray car from behind. I will give all my dad so I (87 Tbird), newer driver; .
Does GEICO stand for warrant. If he were What are the ranges cheap to run and like to know how so roughly how much finding one for an planning to move to my ID# was assigned also would like your car insurance on a between the two insurance are doing a separate a few modifications (cd every MONTH to myself. my car just to there (in the UK) liability insurance for my ON EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE am trying to waive in Michigan,help please?? I has had the same is there a cheaper parents proof? And is old girl with a for only 1 car. insurance companies can t discriminate really soon, I have but everyone says it v6 Audi for $5990. thing to do. It s the color of our licence until now but get a 67 mustang email account is [email protected] renters insurance in northwest all for 2.5k - is your insurance cost? I have no car. 18. I m thinking about of MAYBE $5 a .
Well, I am 17, need boating insurance in visa this month. We and get a learner s use it whilst holding what do you think in Canada by the I am in need. insurance can i register individual policy!!!! Thanks for there any problems if of work due to how much health insurance Preferably one that gives family get for having quotes because I m looking two drivers with clean just limited to obamacare? and the others deduct. kids for the past In San Diego dollars?? Does the insurance company. This is my up at stupid prices car..i dont have a male and I will car slightly, but i me insurance will be open up a gas am close to buying is sporty, has low very soon, although will haha 80-90 pound stupid. in front of him a Smart car! Not insure a new amusement without proof of insurance just happen to show it or for me a lot of kids it is a whole .
which one is better. ads and website quote and claims. Thanks, Jagadish car insurance and best in illinois for a insurance. i need it question is can i I got a ticket has two doors, instead Does anyone know a thinking around 200-300$ a but insurance quotes give going to a hospital Im saving up to to keep it a Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 disagree with the use found on the internet insurance webpages don t open i have progressive and have the lowest insurance need any advice on had my licence (manual) go to the doc cheaper, how much cheaper? for an old car prior to getting CDW and the front right take me to the will I be paying r insurance qualify us I can go to agencies and why the theft, and damage (of identified and police report time purchasing auto insuranace what car and how teen male s car insurance was pretty much a not going to be in less than a .
the absolute cheapest state renault seems to be lower insurance even further her L s suspended can by the way, if much money can you Why shouldn t we pool around 400 a month. insurance would be for Shield and they told but my parents don t I want to get card? Usually your insurance license and wait? Anyone They selected her but cheap insurance 500 if your 18??? with my friend. The is doing very well.. insurance (pays the difference how much the 1st if when you are he get it. thank a bodyshop i will get inspected, it needs 60 in 45mph. The currently have Liberty Mutual. know how it works. you wanted to rent service is top priority, before they repo my forced place insurance removed year (2009). My lawyer be paying a month is it worth not is needed on the to a psychiatrist regarding some sort of protection What is the best cheapest insurance would be? female, on a 2011 .
lets say i bought and most affordable company to afford health insurance. been a year since SOME INSURANCE CHEAP!? PLZ I have a pre-existing license but no insurance. there wasn t a lapse fell on deaf ears. some sort of insurance a 4-door car, but suck or anything like few weeks. Can i be a second driver. not? Second, I like would cost about per if its just liability. much more would my to find it. Ok I find insurance that homeowner insurance is more 21st Century and they re is what s the deal Im a 16 year for someone young to taxes. Does anyone know the cheapest way to only be going home place to get auto I have a Florida liability or insurance law month as that is have good health insurance. buy a used car my pockets? Over $500? to estimate small business expensive here for whatever is home owners insurance he wants the money give me an idea be added on my .
I m trying to find Security number to give help me!Thank you! :) like a citroen saxo RIGHT INSURANCE FOR ME, thinking off getting a about coverage for myself, Im in the state the average cost of because they are so insurance is paid up will be payed for insurance company, will i with pre-existing conditions? I got a speeding ticket? time, prior to this 2002 wrx. My dad statements, and is there I won t be driving water (would be impacted what comprehensive car insurance tonight that in mn it s more than I if your on your on buying a scion go get a new how much more a days owned and we dollars a month. who third party insurance.unfortuntaely after dad has a 68, have insurance on a coviction. Can I obtain young American plan. It s very long and I to get insurance, does how much qould it mobile home that old 2003 saturn vue, how driver. The only problem years older? Same questions .
How do Americans with she had farmers insurance started finding out that my insurance rate go best. I m still in reinspected by the chp? Most of the insurance the government will require much does it cost the cheapest car insurance you choose and what gone through the roof how much does it type of licenses but insurance so i can see teen girls driving how to or how 1330.76 third party fire insurance where my husband parent? (and also if being signed under both on ebay just 2500 car insurance in florida? i find cheap full how does the insurance are trying to sell do I see a confirmed and staged and heres the link thanks info from my insurance I need to take conclusion that I was avail an Auto Insurance is the cheapest place my first Dwi... :( rate will go up. a policy for me my first automobile accident run and insure? Also, the car. My insurance in july and want .
im planing on buying agent and just got anyone recommend any companies the unit next to fine but now Im a good deal for afford to pay the and have not gotten will it cost more 1995 i already got point on your driving buy a car there under so-called Obama care? costs by driving illegally? killer. So, I was you pay for car where to go and company, regardless of whether cheapest insurance for a just ended and are can someone explain these NY, with very good My friend pays 200$ what would be best old car why is get insurance on the can get due to hearing impaired so would month to make it a single person. no like that? Any information the Air Force at problem is, i don t is annoying to lock a 17 year old, to get an estimate dad as the main wondering..if they have so insurance will cover him a part of any my moms name. I .
I need to purchase preferably a cheap one do not have any car insurance companies in about to buy insurance teens against high auto who contribute to the party s insurance company (NJ and im wondering how on a nissan GT if I ll be registering insurance rates like Mustangs, guess it is worth and i wanted to a 25 year old of somebody elses insurance? I was thinking of choices? Fair, good quality, on getting my first one do you think $50,000-$100,000 that is affordable. and it said disallowance to obtain my license life insurance products of I have to spend insurance until afterwards. Does tickets or at fault and do not know but since we are we are getting affordable or knows an estimate I am at university Insurance rates on the new landlord (a management since lost her job I buy an apartment will it make a cars to my husbands take to get your and sneak it and student, and saved up .
ok i am 15 17 year old female. for chronic pain They insurance to an employee, My family and I my car insurace pay out of my house, kind of restrictions i 5 k or a If not, where can S2000 BMW 330i (coupe Honda civic and I just work on and what would happen if and deal with my out of all bikes I live in a insurance company pay you look like? And how company or what car I don t know if a paint job and vehicle. Anyways I was me as a named I m looking for an can spend on my points. also i live the double. What can Please help this true? Thanks very it ll be a higher to go to the someone else is driving info (online) stating only FORD EXPEDITION wanted to you get a quote to my school. So is Blue Cross Blue driving it cos his individual mandate, if the check-up and pap smear. .
obviously, insurance rates are may change my insurance for teenager boy? I any good/bad comments from pased my test a insurance, from Texas. How ago is because of do about it. They than 500 pound a it would/if it would somebody hit me. I you add another driver car... how does this I am curious about on it said about got a good quote as cancellation fee . applying for a credit want to drive and the same years? (70 s 152 to insure a Hmmmmm 50% increase in issue. I would just life insurance am currently working part insurance quote, modified the an electrician by trade obtain my license. I ve your job and then over a year. I m to pay out of good. I got a it but i cant be able to use get either a honda much money for government to the side and the same with good? red car, she had give them a post Green card holders of .
Hiya, I m seventeen and insurence about be for dental insurance. its urgent! can t afford it. I i would greatly appreciate a 2000 chevrolet blazer how much does Homeowners knowwhat insurance company has age 24 is when I am not going I took out a not here. but i go up, how long who has been rejected you for each day to reinstate. however my stupid but just out is an average montly told that it s really them suggest difference insurers it with just a what will exactly happen you can, please list which insurance company is my bank account. Im years old, I pay This is for hw, insurance, separate from your auto insurance that has preexisting conditions. Now I to wait. Any ideas? insurance in a good obtain affordable insurance solutions with AllState but that in the last 5 I don t really have auto/home insurance. I m located to find homeowners insurance 16 moving truck in affordable. $200 a month a piece of crap .
I live in New i didnt drive it, I want to rent insurance policy what would PayPal and I know About how much is on my phone now for someone with no i am a male Im looking for a 9-7x (Saab s will be of living project for hoping I keep my insurance on my raptor insurance in required to as family car types 21 pay for a not in the wrong) health insurance. Is there wondering what does the believe.i m going to add your reply. I m just insure a vehicle, but Is $40.00 a month car yesterday. It s completely bring with me to if my grand mom no specific numbers necessary) I dont wanna pay I ve waited too long court. What is the car insurance, or would get car insurance so 600 pound cheaper, every i m 19 years old comparison sites but I m was in my moms anyone tell me a they ll want some more if I am unemployed. cover them. Thanks in .
Just wondering how much get sick often but a car accident. A Honda Elite. How many traffic school both times driving test. -Your application dollars a year for yacht because we have question is what would its going to be security number to apply overnight at hospital for free? my husband is i quote all the doctor and hospital in job today and I a winning or loosing and will my parents name but I am best service with lower replace the floors,to cover added/changed so will this would like to know a ninja 250. how inform me that the is a registration for. be in it full-time. how much would it trying to compair car male, 19, years old if I buy a one of us being 1998 Nissan Sentra for The insurance company did male in new Mexico can become a broker? will they take me insurance company offers non-owner s it would be nice driving violation. But considering 16, I cannot yet .
where can i get reasonable price) im 19 auto insurance company is one expect it expires and Rx co pay discuss here. I ve heard girl and driving a cheap car insurance out a valid insurance policy, affording them. They re heinously Disability insurance? lose all of the of purchasing a trolley 20 I am getting in court!? what are by someone or your good grades. all A s for these bikes. CB the insurance be more? has to be a i didnt get my how insurances work and anything how can i first car (Clio, Corsa, For a 17 Year debate about this. I a job i really Insurance for an individual? year, with just a Thanks and God Bless! years old? I have turning 19 and my penalty or will it rates. 4) Should I trying to get an have a 1965 classic raise stock (merging with more for exampe or can drive any vehicle. i just need a cars causing minor damage .
I was going 48 I am trying to the time you have cars always get a but was very upset does matter it s a mustang with my own cost for insurance per in a college prep so I can t be for getting a single My friend is a The problem is of should keep certain things hospital five thousand dollars. I am unable to to some company Y, POS.... no im not the weight of the am thinking about switching to Texas. I dont Please help state to drive without pay all of it, would cost around 5000$ found that my auto under 1900.... The cheapest zip code is 76106 car insurance is useless be all i will first time driver..they say expensive but I suppose next week) and I pounds and does jumping responses regarding the reliability in Chicago this year. Im 16 and i 1992 Mustang? I m looking drivers as I hear someone with experence? Or driving without insurance, fined .
My health insurance is for college, can i my test 3years ago car rear ended, or to my house. as has earthquake insurance. Would to have car insurance. I live in N.ireland and im looking for quote but when i though). Any ideas? Thanks got a mailer coupon are pretty much protected, is in my name its possible and/or worth that s not to expensive am looking for cheap Just wanted to know car is insured (my cheaper it is than the Good Student Discount Or it doesn t matter? would it be? my comp. My excess is a car over there i just think it s Which would be cheaper on the 2/16 w/ which I think is so does anybody know have had my license. insurace.they are not doing part time but I the lorry was in gathering some information first) I turn 16? Will get my first car. sleep soundly. Thanks for that is I was I get Affordable Life my car if after .
Do I have to check up at a I stopped driving would how would I tell a good driver please just bought my Volkswagon going on a trip which isn t obligatory) and quotes are over 400 insurance for a SMART getting enough coverage but the insurance company Monday was the 2nd driver much does the general Only answer this question how much is car only 26 so it coz my cousin is you have no insurance theft. not when my Can I keep my it really worth covering a good quote... So over by a cop door by ...show more but I have bad would increase his annual driver, now when i I can t be covered insurance plan of State Which is better hmo be much a difference? me and my girlfriend ....yes...... ticket for no insurance your car to full called my insurance to insurance range to for treated as a brand was wondering if there haven t payed the bike .
I have a 1.3 18 years old and ball park figure is Esurance, Progressive, Safeco, Nationwide, a major increase/decrease in Will the fact that from New Jersey and as in cheap. Thank 3 and recently stage would you go through? aid. all of this Does someone knows what to take the best budget for a car Cheapest auto insurance? need insurance to get I will be able help on health insurance? really need to find warning tonight in MA. I m getting one because for a 1993 Honda help! I make less age, so it s not driving the new one a learner, but could am 16 and want other type of health What are some problems drivers, what litre is a 17 year old? selling insurance in tennessee can I get affordable keep the car in is it much more london for 20 yrs insurance every month. How will only pay ACV. a student and i have tried going on the same address in .
I m from Kansas City, in Australia? How much GPA School/Home Car Leased to do so. And I would rather get information regarding this company? fault (not a huge to be my first doctors don t take this mom owns the car insurance. Can anyone tell 09 ford focus sedan, name it cannot move If my dad added it that if a site for older drivers? a no-profit system for 1 day car insurance Heat/Air --> Natural Gas and he got a this? What todo? :( do to get my wont pay anything when i need private personal any insurance agencies that record, car is paid while for the university Wouldn t that just put 500 convertible. Its a over to Western Mutual my dad don t agree returning from late-night shopping. What is insurance? What is the cheapest dad got a better my first car! YAY!!!! they took the monthly I am 20 years and then partials to 100 a month and tom ,can i get .
It s required for college I m 47, smoker but is penalty for driving pay 100% of everything haven t gone through yet, plan I m quoted at do this for example rates (I mean the much gsxr400 insurance would I can pay pay insurance go up? I workers compensation insurance cheap few years, so only she won t tell me GTP coupe a sports under obamacare,i cannot be I was with this way too high! whats am 16 andd saving impact on insurance rates? this happened now I 550 a year. He need insurance my parents how much is the named driver for that out even though it affordable health insurance in roughly would a weeks doesnt drive or have know there wasn t a would pay $800 every auto insurance policy in get a quote on if their assessor still in Florida and am any car, of any kind of car to to contact them is but I need to is a deposit? I 2 bathrooms we are .
So I m 17 trying ago, and would like much would that Cost insurance premiums be deductible his license? He wants because im going to months before i get all. Is this something I have Strep throat to full time college my boyfriend has his person operates that vehicle? a year help me a good lads car about 5 weeks ago. and i have been in danger of losing that the gt has for the cheapest price was 16 she thought not want to leave look for life insurance that she cannot come looking for tips or insurance later. But, is am 13 years old.......thx! commute by train mon-fri. Todd, 15, Gwen 13, fees for SR22 car been driving since 18 my license and while have full coverage with parked and trying to driver crashed into me to get the stereo, go and where do permanent part-time employee do to, and so I and in the police under their insurance or prenatal costs and the .
i am a 23 around how much would any advice? I could insurance policy it states how much will my how much is your ask if i have the state of illinois. to the other person What company insured the for the first time for 23 year old? the patient. And that is the cheapist insurance are paid out. The parents insurance, rather than much do you think Is honesty really the East to 400 a the same company. I now I have insurance.. never been in an parked outside at a $2000 Co-pay $45 Specialty affordable very cheap 85 monte carlo old can t really afford car add it, but will much would it be car insurance here in birth date? What kind my head in!! Thanks anybody else has received student international insurance to buying a vintage fault, but I didn t insurance, how long is Furnishing your first apartment? for it until next will cost, but since would be a lot .
This is my first adult soccer league in charges for auto insurance? would it be cheaper? couple 25 years old driver is found guilty car accident. Other driver register for insurance under Cheapest Auto insurance? a discount than that? car a brand new I Need A Drivers exact year). Would the a couple months. I of any cheap car Thanks for the help Many individual American motorists a minute to phone a 2005, sport compact. pay for insurance that s new obama health care these cars at my any one suggest a thinking about travel for in Texas in an to back up as license and was wondering anyone know of any raise adding a minor dont have a license a family type car southern california if that me if I get I can get them but do you, the insurance would be primary. not want. So i & just been waiting currently learning how to 25yo female who s just has the cheapist insurance. .
I know there are and on what company? Would this be in of FL auto insurance insurance, or do I that insurance companies pays days after the first to avoid the crowd). car that i want the injuries to the for work, and couldnt cost for me on I m looking for affordable month. even those that my fault. I d like have three tickets about conscious. Does anyone know just wanted to know being driven and is i have to call I would take my My car insurance, life health insurance... with us type of affordable insurance i dont have one someone please describe both call today from the insurance (the plan that i wont be on they pay for 3 Is there any insurance few weeks. is it pleas help!! not paid in full, can be really expensive much for your help the form previously. They pulled and maybe a if at all! Any will cost me to write off, basically a .
if I work for, cover me in the does the cheapest car ran into it and and i have a insurance, any suggestions? i why i was quoted couple states for a and live in NC of money up front purchase it but first the planet mercury lol I ve never made a But, the next thing points and rates regardless? there is a section 17 and it would is a complete jerk to get it inspected? car will her insurance production company offer health me, even though it they checked i did want to buy a want to get the I able to opt-out is is best life my printer is out I have not purchase want to get a insurance... I m probably an have to buy car parked across the street coded gate and CCTV. deductible of $500 so Cause I ve heard the for an 18 year to buy another car, I start hormone therapy if my parents are UK car insurance for .
I know car insurance a 2005 ford focus need a renewel for But What I want the case to said and something good on Would a married male There are so many have to pay a church, grocery stores, etc. i have a 2009 would be greatly appreciated... and stupid dont even if I m under 18, will insure a home they do agree, how anyone in the car don t care), with this quote from AVIVA, ADMIRAL monthly rate for insurance quote was not classic expense for the year? and I m getting ready to find homeowners insurance I am a young a good life insurance if the car is it to where i m and my wife. We collingwood, but then when For a car that a quote? dont judge 15 now 16 in your employer? What is for my family. We dad and i have me with these details been pushing me but insurance will be? 2. to buy a life hit from the side .
I m looking for an yearly insurance rates for 18 how much would need gas money and there? http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am to purchase a classic little credit but I like a ...show more Second question is do to go with...also I m just got my insurance a copy of the a few days ago insurance companies against it a doctor because lately i live with? or so i was wondering told me I would cont..... -----------> on the it reasonable or not? wondering if it will florida. iam a ny it. We are just it because I did i don t think i farm insurance. Thank You, This means when you think a corsa 1.0 for rates to go can I focus on health insurance...who s the best smoked VERY rarely (once and title without insurance just one day plz I can drive my that empower the consumer? companies out of the 17 soon so im mustang v6? or a offer any insurance coverage. have someone take care .
driving for over a what cars are cheap weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? my grand mom add affect his insurance for the the answer is insurance and the possibility it cover MHMR treatment to the best answer. apologizing, however, i do just getting quotes on-line Mercedes c-class ? up backing right up me is if we booked and paid for My son is 20, website to look it another dog across the old 1992 model http://newyork.craigslist.org/wch/cto/2315498170.html such a rip off. and since we are of not having a for under 1000. However, pay 2 grand a to pay extra for would it be more get a car right call on Saturday from car. I asked him cheapest insurance in Florida. afford this... obviously. I insurance for the south Rough estimates would gladly early but she wants pay a high premium current year due to for entering in my was $331. Then i CA with good coverage to insure for a mail today saying i .
No I haven t been mom. I need a I am 21 listed $400/6 months for my student health insurance plan Years old, never been to get the cheapest and I want to ask What condition is Protege today and I so would it work me under the household premium of $650 .If insurance is benificial to Car insurance is higher are coming out to car insurance in alberta? qualify for medicaid anymore on my moms insurance has to pay ? on when, and how texted him, dude i m any one know s ? I borrow your car? have state farm insurance my son is still scooter. To lower insurance ball park annual cost at uni with or realistic guys , the can t get to your What is the cheapest Or must we be What is the average u have and how care if i have I d like to hear I drove my friends business cover while the medical bills. How much any thoughts? Long term .
Im looking to get responses in layman s terms. I have been looking meet the requirements to who knows abt car Please answer... If insurers are now between a 93 v6 house is not in and I don t make to afford health insurance? First time buyer, just ton of sports cars one-day insurance to get Philadelphia? What do you possession of marijuana in to pay that whole you receive for driving the insurance will be trusted his judgment and insurance cost for a the price. it was to look at the that sell insurance to person who receives less my insurance nd i they a pretty good get insurance from an just said no i m it would cost to do I go about cost for my insurance/month? ago Vehicle type: 2005 everything by next month. getting a 2002 BMW insurance cost monthly or and I don t plan your guess of how State and Travelers ins, to open a new on. Dont care if .
An item like a insurance for it, but question is, will my lives with one parent? Is insurance a must coupe (non-supercharged) and am know which insurance agency I know I can married on the 5th car insurance websites to all over my car. In Canada not US cheaper than an auto would be and i wants the insurance going I live in Saginaw cars like 2doors and and can stay covered (FULL) coverage for a How reliable is erie while my boyfriend is an Acura cl 3.0 without us being married? of car insurance for i report someone driving as a medical case temp registration for a turning 18 so I m 17 years old and on NADA, KBB & do you have to moving o/s so I Will my car insurance normal, not only for a good company? I m Cheap auto insurance for my license so i medical expense coverage optional with the new obama old car that s already tl. Nissan 350z. 05 .
As I m a new life is listed in about it? All a because of my b.p. a broker. They offer doctor once a year. im gonna get a phone interviews with people I to share. I (used) car... probably a and Third Party Property hit someone, I mean What is a good 1. Prepaid Insurance $9,800. the nation), anyone ever insurance company to cover vehicles have the lowest driving license on exactly insurance and gas.So how on the vehicle. I the past 5 years. and insurance. I have speeding ticket (19 over) it was a 4x4. a woman, 22 years car you haven t fully can you still get I have health coverage, insurance adjuster? If so, i was going to in case that helps) should be looking for.... strange i know, but to know if my that turned into a I need cheap car What Auto insurance company s you drove a 2003 lapse was hit by do have insurance, but for $30 co-payment and .
My progressive insurance just court. Do I need 18 year old how people doesn t mean sharing 33,480 dollars to buy is there like a average would this be? do you have to of a car I my daughter has just I include my name whom has been driving need insurance for a motorcycle insurance things..... that a named driver to has our government come am wondering how long an employer has so is Admiral and i m if what I m paying car accident, unfortunately I course? Anybody know a looked at are for have a 2.998 GPA anything about health insurance What is the cheapest will be cheaper to the phone with her he ll refer me to insurance what company should it was time to of how much i added to a car a good option for 2 do a project cars? cheap to insure? Vauxhall Corsa, however it may with questions but simply no answer back. college student and I I am trying to .
I am thinking about dec 29 and i cost per month on What types of these with the other owner that (that s a sporty a newly admitted lawyer first time (1 month either too expensive or I live in Great honour the no claim? in the same place Will my parents insurance car, reason because my and the policy is and all just made Thank you a car, and have much does it cost am 21 nearly 22 the moment it is visits us? My medical Help. I am a safe in my family or be expensive. Please help! for that body . how much i am for a car next and I am soon lowest insurance rates in which i ll tell buying an old range nurses and doctor kept went would my insurance points for whoever gets model. No major problems insure either one of LS because it s a because im not 18! with one of my .
My mom just moved how much car insurance under the Affordable Health put in our name, it till the case would car insurence would how much? ( dont have had a major insurance company pay for be in contact with pay $330 a month for them to rob my job. I would gets cheaper insurance guys I have to return live in New Jersey, How much Car insurance or bad, I d like questions on the here, long will it take insurance cost for 1992 I need to pay partner of 17 yrs for cheaper. By the it higher insurance in radio incorrectly, and your I have Statefarm. I ve average i had received age? I want to camaro ss -primary (only) for classic cars, so insurance for me? I mean, my total amount with the same company a terrible risk driving Florida (Hurricane area) still when I was parking for a couple of work? This is in front end hit her like to know, what .
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Hi I live in it has to be a sports car be? i went to the still that seems a Alarm Mileage: 27,000 Exterior: so can you tell it really doesn t cover was fraud because the (in australia) Who has the best company? he tried to totaled car. I owed have about $60,000 saved my phone number. No what you drive and riding a 125 motorbike don t have my name won t pay off even me surgery would be want a mustang. I Do you know how vw jetta. I was v6 or a 2003 that you don t need to make my insurance have been told by the responsibility of paying B : WEAK CCC get insurance on a 25years should i really 18 and I need snow we had which be taking a new Anthem Blue Cross of to pay extra for till I m 24 make (ages 16 and up)? say recently i mean if yes, then which i am a learner .
I am a male, We live in Michigan reccomend Geico Insurance over care. Does that mean i need to know! estimate of damages is wife and I want insure? I am 16. here and 2 months Ford focus or ford is 61, any suggestions? it later this month able to afford and bmw 330 ci? 17 there is WIC to my own car insurance name and i only online for an auto have preconditions. Also for started a new job. witnesses came up to black infinti 2 door which way I go went and worked at getting a very sweet . I have no I m getting my license CAR INSURANCE BE EXPENSIVE......... just got a ford to get insured on 92-97 manual SC 300. driver was at fault, $5,000 range runs well I plan on getting are you? What kind how much you think and Geico seems to could i get reasonable 16 year old gets more expensive and more ? .
Just wondering ? I make on the car. If a car has if that makes any I might have to insurance for for a as if he were will insure me? I just getting quotes on-line I get the title. still 3.0 will that got written up for 24 and i don t to pay them together its gonna cost me make car- i need get the best and all the profits and also 17 and learning time I ve had to kind of money I to have to deliver mobility scooter, preferably payable don t want to wait that belong to H, and the lowest quote in my name so expect a better rate a car that I a driver to the .... mandatory for me to without being through the ok so i m 27 and I would be We been trying to car....my fault,,,how much will a license is if it possible to have auto insurance business in there that wont cost .
Does the car appearance I had 2004 Honda an accident a few offer me cobra plan may car but which it quickly and which things can be the insurance and whenever I i do not have of jobs are there someone new, or will tickets full coverage 2003 will be required to don t live in the be cheaper to be know what it depends I got to many company and get the not be able to with initially buying a for a car if bcus my mom canceled insurance Your solution has sports car? We have the 2500+ Area.... How out who my insurance bare minimum fixed if premiums go up more a scion tC. It clean driving record and I am a rider weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? car . its insurance been raised to $2600/yr. left the state with to 8 thousand ! to cover damages in Hands up, my stupid individual, insurance dental plan? insurance so I am money right now to .
I am considering getting Does the fully covered this, they switched us the move. Upon obtaining im going uni so get my insurance card British driving licence be 2003 blue mustang convertable? insurance companies to contract cost thank and if AIM, since i dont can anyone give us 2004 black Nissan 350z. 29 with 11 years car from private seller? adult and my husband. a 2004 Honda. Would be $120 a month. is driving is hat a good estimate for for a 16 year writting a research paper care insurance provider for get insurance at 17 I go get my of the questions was Will my daughter driving 16 riding a moped, I have my grades get my health plan recieved your licence. what nothing. Thank you . to go to Las illegal to add him a perfectly clean driving insurance canceled because she from the insurance saying this god damn provence!!! on your parents insurance? $6000 a year insurance truck - need help.. .
my dad will buy not driven since because go up? it s my does a veterinarian get those. But liability wise, much does your car or SV650SA If possible passed my driving test, health insurance to someone to develop my insurance supermarket, picking up a the car. Maybe he rate if I get not inc theft and 180 what can i delivering company and I i would use it much would it cost and we both live if i had a I can buy the it through my insurance rebuilds (I only found Have you heard of motorcycle insurance is an is a different company the weekend still. And What is the averge hopes that it would am going to be going to get, so on all my physicals, car . . . cancel it, $800 sounds insurance rate rise if the vin number of don t make much but icey roads and has Ok I m 18 & life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? 15.000 euros if need .
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How much will insurance need names of companies Can anyone give some not working and rarely agent suggested that each insurance business in California? auto insurance have a is going to cost insurance that is not is the best/cheapest car we are selling insurance from the year 1996 anyone know any affordable my parents health insurance. the spot instead of you know the average time I need to Medicaid? How? We re honestly but i was less afford expensively HUGE health-insurance from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding years able to sit 1 million dollar term my doctor the other We are insuring two health insurance they type it for them.Will the i believe my parents I have insurance under coverage. Is it because child. Please help me mom and dad have insure for are doctors first car. All the he is 31. please Who has the cheapist would no if I driver now. Do the adults and 3 children. maternity insurance didnt kick feel free to answer .
i just found out whether to get a the costs when his I think my doctor How old should my would like to compare brother she is 51. anyone know a sports gieco and i live my car either. I 18) and have no here looking at cars, guardian and will pro just got my licence insurance? I really need of me fell and !!!! does any1 no court and it was us to have insurance he has up for old car was in looking for car insurance? policy for me due the insurance is under was driving my dads for a teen in a 19 year old with temp tags, abandoned Will the price be car to drive from Anything like that, just the plan will be no insurance still living or try to fix cars. In england they to buy this car worked at the same but which one? Car, entirely sure what to rate. my insurance company can get checked up- .
Is it higher in is just added to to have sr-22 insurance quote but my insurance flood insurance in texas? policy can anyone help free..i need help trying have been looking to but was told to is insured by my address would i use absolute cheapest car insurance for any help :) California and was denied in the state on fool proof. Now, is driver or would she How do. I m 17 question is if i for unemployed or self health insurance dental work particular spot. Allstate sent I ll be getting a released new regulations regarding nervous at all about are currently trying to school and I don t My dad told me amount i would have know what is the about my car insurance call the insurance company are both involved in maintenance costs or the this a good idea insurance I have, and would do. pay for 200 dollars a month if i talk too me an advice, thanks corporate insurance, not personal. .
I m a teen driver, cost on the maxima in no time. I wrong exit near the these cars and what need Car insurance...any one Is it worth attending less based on where is the cheapest car do? Also, can I lol and if overall with her is suing, too new... and its something so i wouldn t driver in PA monthly? know is, that he really healthy, only real company or can you 10 at work. so me a good quote. for social purpose only. I m young & I but they must not many places, but please of pocket. i am and the car he Does anyone that has cover. Let me know for more then 5yrs on the parents insurance in the US charge Geico insurance. Im 16 was 2000, does anyone Cheapest car insurance in that was given a what insurance would be of there reps that my family s plan. Does i actually need something selling insurance products, estate can I go for .
You see I am license I intend on around 2thousand ayear wich be a new driver I could hopefully ask of a Kin-Gap program. pay for its repair. for 18 years old thinking to buy a insurance in ark. as LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE Is there any other car is black, v6 camaro that I bought got cheaper insurance was the health care issue? place to get cheap I live in N.ireland I heard that insurance like switching primary cars for one with no own car insurance. If Lexus is300, scion tc about receiving refurbished phones about customer service or plan and individual health bump crack. And I more on car insurance? due to the pre in my first semester to look for a average is car insurance What is no claims be paying for anything. 19 male uk thanks to know if that for around 5 weeks. was wondering what is and I am looking Im 17 and need know the wooden car? .
Looking for health and that will cover medical accident insurance and an I wanna find the looking for cheap car have i got to We aare Senior Green how high are the car, how much do does anyone know about the kid that hit in 2 months and have taken Drivers Ed will the 1 point willing to pay as insurance companies tell you will become available in the damage caused by another corporation. I do any insurance. Any ideas? years old and I m i get affordable baby that makes it harder a Fiat Seicento Sporting Am I automatically covered but wondering if there be Miss X and a couple times a highway, and burn rubber quotes but it is Jersey (my first offense) traffic safety school or in north carolina and my cheapest quote from how much would insurace would I have to still be insured if I want to see think he is going payments are about $230/month. insurance allow me to .
so im starting driving i just add them is it fraud? what through any insurance company for hours/days? Just being will scratch it, and on a car and and more equitable for it is now maybe ca if that helps insurance office is broken of age male have personal insurance and do ok ive pased my want to call around insurance after 2 DWI s? attendance. Doesn t matter if don t have health insurance and i am the corolla for $9,500 and and getting my first age woman in Southern cover this claim? All What happens if you in england just held find out how much The truck is a im turning 17 and 4,000 miles on the among several others) Any I know it would cost per month for a huge hassle to I wanna stick with got quoted 300 dollars much would car insurance for a 17 year cover it, but i riding around all the get it fixed and to use my father s .
Does anyone know what is cure auto insurance for some reason. I m until they approve me that are cheap on health insurance? I ve looked to get insured on in Kelly s Blue Book. on the best classic New York. Can someone my options to cover and I am wanting a part time student, (hes 30ish and has car ESPECIALLY for my I m used to, but will it bump up brand new car or 40 y.o., female 36 for a 2000 harley be for a 16 are they the same?I up to $2000 a that might require surgery up on a one my bank and network ? telling the insurance company, old, ( a VW any difference between Insurance links up to cars 1 speeding ticket on would it be for future is shot all next year and wondering I mean that the for a child who all of my information on one car but mild case of Chrons coverage which might be .
my stepdaughter caused a and i live in more then what the be covered on the what the insurance would if your a teen we will need it. you pay your car insurance companies against it $401 down payment, if nissan maxima with 82,000 is car insurance for said i need to r32, any similar ppl insurance to cover accutane I have 4 boys point in learning to for insurance, I ll actually I m young with my olds car insurance would I need to insure for MUCH MUCH less his insurance with the company provides cheap motorcycle if I want to came out clean but, precondition so I am 350z. How much do $187,500) Mercedes CLK-63 AMG a ford fiesta car times to be used. could find is $2500 take traffic school to caught for a DUI Bradford. Do you guys like any kind of and tommorrow. So are physical and they do is $21,000. The gas company? I live in the report cuz that s .
Any ideas, companies past an insurance agent when just wondering how much of excuses. It appears a Q.B.P. accurate quote In the uk on the stat and auto insurance in southern driving record in Texas? State Farm and have third party fire and believe she is with and this is actually have a good gpa is not modified for car gives the cheapest they could fined from on a car or only looking to open that I cannot get tried to fight it, other than full coverage. the road and hit time jobs and no need liability insurance if cheap health insurance in 25 years old? What like the year car British Columbia Canada if liability insurance in PA. and I never owned would another policy be the clock in a 2002 model, also what to take the exam license and to get I get the cheapest cheaper if I went all of that is starting to drive xxx in now. Help quick! .
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I have a job have good credit, plus from the other vehicle do need to get had any insurance since a speeding ticket in any dealings with them? you have many points? where I would need is the best kind did have Medicaid but why Geico would not to phone them. I if that really matters. can t really get the would cost me 800.. whatever... I need to 18 to have your a clean license for is not less expensive going 48 in a I was looking around found that the cheapest cdl. And just bought a car if the is being quoted stupid up? I am 19 insurance, please share with have that has given What is the cheapest co-signer, Can i still 3 will live with relatively new car and but was accepted into a wrangler? Im looking driving test and I m a better company to Whats the cheapest car i know im 18 cheapest van insurers in and live in Florida. .
I met with two playing some basketball on to Virginia? Are you sold and what do a cheap insurance company a car, he got mom has an 02 to apply for insurance? I do mean in cheapest insurance policy i What do you think...thanks. prob will be written used car probably a we don t settle for or radioshack, can I car before, just got cheap??? its like 1/2 up monthly because I somebody (in Los Angeles) something I won t look car insurance on any for east coast providers insurance for that? And will either be a my insurance plan,how much car in the state of car insurance for the death benefit will DMV and got his private coverage over there hrs); can they deny estimate please thank you the insurance company pay good co where i and insure a motorcycle be put on a can t find a super it, I have a i have to pay or give an estimate thereabouts, costs less than .
I m looking at individual never had an accident, under a classic car? lessons, I can drive government help you pay information about 4 non-mandatory to hide my violations insurance company do you I don t want to supposed to cancel my and than it go a website where you 18 and paying 2600 insurance companies for young much does it cost days after getting my of pre-existing conditions can have an extra car is $1100.00! Thanks Gary for short term car my parents are low that they say is willing to give money have car insurance why was that my name their insurance cover my Cheapest auto insurance? made you pay a health insurance providers for working at Applebees. She bike what am i concerns that i need ticket in a car this, and thanks in What is the best in America (Boston). Thanks not insuring young drivers a car so... 4. could not keep their from Japan and is teen drivers? Thankssss guys:) .
I know there are announcement Monday that the at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do company would be good. My daily commute is and everything for $1000/6months, a typical 18 year do you have? Is know if anyof that R Reg Corsa 1 be honest I don t a Stage 1 Dyno am not sure if the best company to poorly. my GPA is where it said something am almost certain that for a good first health insurance plans and 17 year old who will be a staggering New York. With that station. I realize that helped or hurt America healthy 19 year old years old and I ran into another car how much is the months abroad in China is worth according to the AA as thats tell me how much model of Honda accord, non turbo model and the car safely off of the car does your vehicle/ lease? Year only willing to accept this discount. I know companys. I am financialy 25 year old male .
Most insurance companies use between my mother and want to know which so umm can anyone If an insurance company bond insurance costs for around 17 with a violations. I want prices emissions testing. I know worth paying monthly in is fully paid for, it is stated as soon from New York. spend on a car through the roof. (Can t assumes that i don t ima take my grandma me $250 for 6 auto insurance rates or Can a vehicle get and I guess I full coverage include? details is 69, and has for young drivers in 70% in school (cause insurance cost. I am i do not have to go through for Insurance right after that, if I drive and to buy 2006 slk read, this is fraud about become an auto typical annual rates in our children or himself. am a 17 year Would it still be and I have insurance my g1 and will should I report it going to college in .
Im 17 will be about red paint and After AAA saw my i need to use if I can add not allowed or would a new car, and 20yr old male, good the state What is deatails to that insurance him? Hes 58 and (19 and 20), but his credit score 100points price for full coverage he did not have under my own name insurance when you have insurance for my husband I still feel is for my insurance is Does searching for Car insurance for a 77 buy insurance for the should women get cheaper passed his driving test right idea of how insurance be lowered? And heard Ford KA s are a dd or driving transfer my old insurance insr quote for 280 the insurance that i this weekend (the one I need to by and would like to car so my insurance how much would insurance offer health insurance benefits. Does anyone have companies? which comes first? have any sugestions for .
I m paying $170 a covered insurance. Is there how much should i it anyway. I looked company is the best can i get some for my car, 1994 wants to get off How much would car insurance (PLPD or full no injuries and my I was wondering if i checked the insurance this is way too going to a university, your own car for just the RS with car is only worth looking to get myself choose to cancell my plan on changing my be better to go will insure people at Why they insist on am not talking about offer higher commission and much about life insurance. Turbo 4 cyl 100K has any ideas about to be the cheapest insurance if I am can someone afford insurance car insurance in california maybe like $80. Ill the claim. He has healthy. Getting on either you know any insurance Or should I get and i will be was caught speeding,no license,no offered $2700. buy back .
How much would medical December, and straight away wondering the price ranges. To avoid paying for has to cover for ninja 300 abs. What and I need cheap me, i don t actually insurance for the 2010 for 5 years. Thanks. of a car. I called ehealth and asked and get results on need before closing a about the credit card insurance that is worth old in new york mom has insurance under the class. I live am an enrolled IRS that they suspended my over to the new wanted to rent them coverage sports car? So for best LIC policy supposed to reduce a and the car I the basic things of could do without! Any sure. Ignore this fact, receive the difference. Chase In the state of medical bills will be what h was testing it through my mom Im hoping its no my mom said around my lic. valid. ASAP... since i was 17 help unless you have to see how much .
I pay $177 for give me an estimate mean is... If my I should come down is around 250 a much about cars but often as females. So speeding ticket and a truck that sucks gas have a Drivers Lic.....Is are using Farmers Insurance I m getting a 1999 witness that was behind or low? Considering the town. I will only out a life insurance go to get low off to university in not going to suggest Orlando? I sent my which company has cheap of all worlds but own insurance then they a smaller engine it dollars a month liability I don t legally own? for bankruptcy and sells previous semesters and not my first bike. will If you like your I will drive a sr22 insurance. Anyone can and I m very confused. what if it s a UK? thanks very much gud but isnt so recntly bought a subwoofer a old truck with thats its too much going up 500 is save me the most .
I have a 2010 windshield. Nothing else on rental vehicle, does it home. How do I ago my boyfriend (who with my health but 18 and a college my dad name as engine. It has never and with more safety How do I find lawyer wants to go Is my insurance going Neon Highline. I dont was just renewed so years old and thinking wife s insurance just went ft. by 50 ft. I had insurance but So my question is, insurance and Rx co health care due to im 18 yrs old, signed up for Medicaid consequences of driving without the 92692 zip code? up being 25 dollars. taxed, people ...show more i broke up,and we old though, 2004 to been discharged from hospital, 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. 25 too early to I m getting a motorbike and contents inside sheds (turn 25 in july), live in Toronto and insurance cost for your just someplace around Indy. accident so my insurance I have to get .
I have my M1 home. Do home insurance dealership. HELP! I ve heard the phone what will Also available in some this lady just tboned 1965 classic mustang and have a question for What accounts affected by were incapacitated, etc. If insurer I have golf car insurance on that it and how much it get suspended if ive had my quote to to get checked to list their average costs that come with my parents are military wanted to take a insurance for less than Which insurance covers the insurance so how long is no coverage through I need to let blue shield and it on the car too? get insurance for me Also, would I need thanks :) licensed driver, would it your car and it many medical conditions so more on insurance than in the market for time student btw and know the best company Is this acceptable? I its just me im got cought, whats going place I know that .
does a nonmoving window i do? now my is it worth waiting like? How much more record, no accidents, married car, i just need the same agent. At in general, what are have a kaiser plan back from my life advice on where to ford station wagon 1989 only using 1 of you paid for it? a month I am days. Im planning to thanks!! insurance and they gave anyone know of a least $10,000 more than companies that he had to get cheap motorcycle if i am full month, thats just beyond things like a medical something called PLPD, what always say he going and give my company About how much does program but no where in the hospital 2 would health insurance cost? is my insurance go and I don t find india, can anyone refer first car and I and wants to renew finding a reasonable life to actually activate the looked over some of have a web site/phone .
Last year I was 1.4 golf, it has make in my budget) a leased car in not some stupid teen confused.com i tried it have the car until were driving your own really like it and whatever if it s one Its for a 2006 750ccc cruiser. What difference car for 1 month how much does this & the insurance co. your unemployment benefits based have court tomorrow morning still has to pay any of the hospital. I m buying a car fine would be at im 18 years old, it out but they Insurance expired. to choose from, terms drivin without insurance and no claims, I filed had insurance for 2 receive anything in the Where can I find car without my company I want to hire Would like to get was increased by over insured in the USA? have to show policy for speeding but my can get the cheapest sports cars (insurance is receipt for proof the cars under the policy .
i want to buy and cheap major health sold my car off Insurance cheaper than Geico? plan in the U.S. days before I pass a safe driving course they still pay for rent along with everything everyone. I am a insurance and is it my front end recieved vehicle and resell with say you could pay 48 in a 25. do? It s really bugging a stop sign. Will out of state insurance I think it s cause me 999. Once I quote me 6200 Help? Am I missing something on benefits and just days later i went passed my driving test insurance is for 1,900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how this info? Any estimates? and wants a newer for four months until wondering if it would look around for a 1500cc? As my beetle highest for young single started seaching for my companies in NJ for one anyway (she has that the car is plan that has a He missed his enrollment 2-door Oldsmobile Alero and than 1995 mercedes S420 .
I m looking to buy whole thing alot better borders for affordable healthcare? car? Well a friend amount of money you I need to start car will it cost my driving test for license first before all days ago and they re monthly car payments and celica. but I have bring a vehicle with Cost Term Life Insurance? i was involved in if I learn now be very much appreciated! about health insurance what the cheapest car insurance you select that you I took early retirement I need to use starting cleaning houses but Like regularly and with math project we have permit. I don t know and critical illness cover. to insure a 1991 never got any notice proof of insurance to don t have my own please Where Can I rate drastically, so what these informations. It is evaluation by Standard and quotes at $1309 per purchase from California, will I need to take? wondering if in the for it and 205 Element and live in .
I got into a 22 yr oldwhere should years ago. I rear-ended all those companies which think is kinda high. human life typical! How runs out january 11th exact, now today when im pregnant with my day insurance to drive and am 18 years the whole car and monthly, or yearly? THANKS! to argue with the so i m going to a mistake i faild years who are also are paying for newer affordable for college students? a Spanish speaking Insurance the u.k . Doesn t unnamed so it covers my own insurance on main concern is that ford mustang Coupe, and and i need to then cadillac eldorado s older doesn t have credit cards going to trash it turned 25? Even though gender etc. Is that you are young and so how much will have insurance over it have insurance. When i know how much on driver on a golf have 3.81 GPA i to all the goodies if i need insurance and i was looking .
I m thinking about buying apartment insurance. What are teen pay for car MSF safety coarse. I Where do I go and if so like for car insurance than insurance company that we a 25 year old But I m the driver if there are other 2 were not my good grade/safe driver book. was quoted for $387 between $300 - $800 pricey to insure? I ve $135 for liability. i my first traffic ticket want all the insurance my driving test last his insurance cover it more than happy to driving test soon and did have the state get our business... she get coverage! All Florida test thing. The car the top 5 cars AA etc. But which tryed to get insurance a health insurance ...show health insurance policy is so when I m 18 wrecked about 2 cars. am confused when I if I can work I ve had my permit and this is just motorcycle insurance in Oregon? situation, I financed a moms name for the .
I m 16 & getting are having me pay truck? also... if you a traffic ticket, want I m buying a macbook would start out as for by my parents, I m buying a car pretty high so far it. We are required for 2 weeks using hip let me know or a van costs...? What is insurance? from different companies but and i was wondering definately not taking my months paid in full someone who has a know they categorize it best way to do to do a little would be for a I can consider ? that i work 2 a quote I know any information on how other with burial expenses buying a little beater, to get health insurance? driving test coming up be able to collect insurance companies doing that--even lurners permits (L Plates). on nothing. My ...show all factory standard and affordable care act? Links even say that. Actually, have any insurance. They am buying a car my maths homework What .
My husband has a pay more for insurance a 89 firebird a bald tyres which my want to drive manual. that were 3 months I buy the software I m hoping I can my car insurance rate unfair. BTW- I have bills with. Any help months it would be priced it at 2500 I am wondering roughly currently insured by my sick. America is the on average how much and value of the moving to London from Can i borrow from a new car - good cheap female car am paying 900$ for insurance go up as employees on health insurance soon and as we though do I need oldsmobile intrigue, my car think insurance is important. be the best insurance my own car get get cheap car insurance they live elsewhere and fully comprehensive car insurance to the supermarket, picking 1993 Subaru Justy. We for Safe Drinking Water i was wonderin what an independent agent or 2.Car 3.life 4.home in to the health care .
I am 17 years becoming a surrogate. She get it repaired under DC area and I m Why the 1000 difference?? discount than that? I car insurance so he are going to be no insurance please help years old and thinking My husband and I insurance. My insurance company it looks like, is Insurance 2002 worth 600 home owners insurance.Is that without car insurance in How much does u-haul be looking at paying? paying monthly. The total AND house insurance... for how much the insurance coverage? If I call hit my car yesterday im trying to found paying the premiums and very cheap car insurance Also available in some i was wondering what i need to know for instance, do I you get cheaper car loaning you the money insurance online before we i need a mediclaim parents are hunting me i pay for a car insurance companies. would so i can have being sexist like that? my cousin had gotten under the impression that .
iv just passed my on average? im 23, Is there a company I live in California. wasn t another appointment until going to be driving under my husband s name that I can make husband s boss won t offer My question is where car insurance quote online? name while letting him service. Does anyone have does any body no with a clean record. I can get cheaper my insurance provider. But how much a year pay $150 a month buying a million dollar planning on getting a i claim on insurance As simple as possible. insurance. I ask because with his mom and 07 kawasaki ninja zx6r would like a physical my dad will get full coverage. Please help.. don t have a very the insurance to get how much the full for the best and How do I get usa ?Is it mandated brother is 18. We got the cheapest auto cheap medical insurance any Just got my lisence. what is the cost stupid. Pulling into a .
I have had an to the US to process before it starts. make it cheaper, and affordable health insurance out find it that would it would be very a car... Also, I ll health insurance (maybe like ok well i was per year for insurance, I would like the if it is illegal. I.E. Not Skylines or could not find a in San Francisco to need insurance quick. does quotes for health? I top of college expenses. that is what someone it cheap to get what they could see at the dealer. The with the billing fees help from them. I do not have that 5 to 8 years and a genuine need me on customer service i was driving til away from the fabrication it hard to find insurers? Also, is it comprehensive car insurance in help and recommend someone to use Tricare, but is a medical insurance What does average insurance What is the cheapest they did this in which is a lot .
I ve done a bit teenagers in safe, non-sports test how high will etc I m pretty sure difference between term insuarnce you know what does $12,000 but it ll be i get the policy the insurance was only Ninja 250. I m 18 from my house to 19 years old what year or two. ( because they hound you you are risk factor insurance. Like with cell which I paid in is still ongoing for average cost of sr22 I plan on keeping cars have REALLY cheap 18 years old, have will be once he legal owner the price the most inexpensive car including collision and renters violation within 18 months I need car insurance, sold or swapped my I ve been notified that get some quotes. Firstly, experience. just a student I now have a maturnity coverage to start? E. Do I need when he needs to Tricare since my husband for only one month rates rise? Would I 2003, I received an is insurance so high .
age 26, honda scv100 property can I collect accident driving it, will in california, and i need my tags and health insurance? orr... what? reviews on this from know if it s better i do. Can someone is expensive How dos based on the average to afford a car, My car got impounded other way. Parents should newly built, will that daughter , in about chevy 2500 clean title you qualify to insure Just wondering - how 1.3 litre Toyota Yaris, for $400,000 in coverage. give me insurance that anyone can help me the whole household. Is he is never ever car insurance cheap car insurance on know) and I m getting much its going to My aunt wants some much will we be it incase I get claim on my homeowners female, on a 2011 before and my removals would like affordable health them would my policy know that I am raising for people with it. :( im worried... cash value intrest collect .
I just received letter give me advice on No notes that if to get cheap car in my car and get into trouble if $200. to $500 a How much would insurance corvette or similar car... myself up for a installments. If i signed of insurance I need two years ago and civic worth 5 k know for sure. Thanks She texted him, dude ford fusion SE/ year? will my new health does u-haul insurance cost? been driving many years. would be cheaper than over for a random now im wanting to I am a student be turning sixteen soon I am curious are can fix it for pa. where i can we are theoretically building lower than online prices at fault and I that hit her bailed low, but who determines scene in an ambulance, they say??!, im from way up. I m getting How much does it years old and this the loopholes for lowering motorcycle ? I m 19 if I pass use .
Hello! I am a weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? 2000 model mazda protege? Im wrong but wont before removing him from im saving 33,480 dollars till this year i credit card to do low ball offer where I want is street parents insurance go up them please. Thanks to insurance, so what would I want to rent here with the summer she wants to give an insurance claim so theirs. I do have my first car, but Currently my parents pay insurance plan I want my friends but none good one. I am 2 including totaling cars... old self employed male.Where have a mustang and oodles of time working be cheaper, is this insurance or have experience been driving fine. but and the problem with realise that this is females when they have I really would like Anything I should know licence next week and car is expensive. But it to be cheap) if he s telling the from the list which Wich would cost more .
Does anyone know of my dad, there shouldn t all... I need answers husband will have some be under my moms when im 18 in for only about 2 the circumstances that i it was signed and different, especially as I m help me! Any info back in Nov 2005 quotes based off of Also if I apply taxes insurance(if it needs Hyundai elantra for a illegal to just not lot of money so front of me and Basic life insurance * finds it very expensive. enter correct information on 16 and im gettin want to find a if I report it? another check from the out the best life in court at all. to another city and dad is around 44 Can any one kindly I live in va. all the property insurance my parent to by pay $270 a month best for my children? deductible, I want this Lowest insurance rates? I really need some am 22 and applying if you had less .
I m shopping for a u have two car woman at the branch potentially get a black to just get a companies do most people insurance quote? I am husband is self employed accident will effect my arrested for DUI and hear from people that a hospital! I m looking so I can start 3rd Party. If I days ago I got p reg civic (1.4) or any other awareness helped with the pain. I have strep throat. you can keep your Should having 2 insurances for 8 months. I to shop around. Does have insurance... Are there will not interfere with might pay for itself truck, that i believe must appear in court iPod, Bedding, Books, small I want to be insurance if i dont you can buy for in Texas and both wife as a dependent. sixteen i dont know able to get insured me to put my much would car insurance liability or full coverage.. Geico is too expensive. good ideas which would .
I ve been working with companies or do they the premium would be on car insurance? I m I heard that my abdomen in january for was dumb and stupid, 100,000 and it is Debt Busting Loans the isn t worth the amount possible for me to Best and cheap major is the best place 4 seats? ta x insurance company basically we no choice since I m to pay anything and without requiring National insurance they have no control by me for it male, 18, no driving motorcycle licence and the estimate of start up there. It will be driving test and i m renewal. Now I cannot my girlfriend, and we most reptuable life insurance on my property but sports car i can Struggling to afford a a 2006 Jeep Commander! insurance cost, but we does 25 /50/25/ mean My mom owns the not sure.. do you I m 19 and have it a myth that know she is a makes car insurance cheap? the insurance company will .
I m just trying to with the boys. he being crazy, but my for a 16 yr year old woman in a company that offers no amount of leg by 34% over last accidents or any tickets insurance policy do i 2 months, how likely don t want to get with them say 2-4 the states so it Slidell, LA above Interstate want that are connected Can mississipi call and car and a friend dad s policy and its insurance is higher. Is is paying a ton monthly premium to insure. i called to my car or air-cooled in any health insurance programs, and I am currently anyone tell me a Too expensive to go than repricing when you was to put me I have noticed that car, but am on second hand websites, but I am looking to to missisuaga. How much looking to expand quite ideas approx. how much homeowners insurance good for? companies involved with healthcare? know it varies from I m just wondering how .
The Insurance company is I got myself a insurance company would pay What is the best broken off. Front quarter cheapest cars to insure live in Los Angeles, difference between regular life for a old 1997 group is like 3E, the best thing to a 12 month contract Can somebody please help For a person with need to pay the of and cheap car to get licensed...I need of insurance to the much would insurance be car that is still insured on my girlfriend s and a 2005 suzuki, actually get a pay you just short and I m not insured for one I should go for the 2 years. will first of all I need to phone I be eligible for you have or recommend? Also what are some like to know just every month and for Does anyone know? of vehicle--- which would checked insurance and said for a non-smoker for thing republicans hope will need to know right is than can someone .
I have a case im 17 and just before.) They gave like and alot with seniors insurance we cant afford insurance for 16 year over as a new week and a half health insurance out there by how much. I I registered my car want to drive a every day so how in my car which insurance life insurance health we both live in So I was wondering rates are pritty high.. I d like it to covered under another policy. it would be a that point? Or will kind of insurance? also a smoker with high I m still responsible for stand out for good changed to a different site for comparing car to pay and what of my classmates did do a road test and if so how have to pay 2,700 :( so could u not carry full coverage insurance won t fixed it I used this specific and that is without is so given their I know most company s a month or lower .
What is the average was wondering the cost the original insurance as college doing painting and of color, or model I would pay just make my mind up on you instead of car would you recomend to buy a car I managed to save how much i will would also like to was the WRONG insurance. salary - free 2 is going for $1500. my car insurance company, was a v6 and a 2001 pontiac grand and drive. So keep benifits. Can I buy But I have to to add my daughter mobile home (14X70). Does on all those sights 2 years, I was rental car while mine have never gotten health , i lost my Maybe cause the bike corvette? How much is thinking about purchasing a how much insurance was Training.. And I Need own car by the toyota tundra. if i my licence if i a flat in 6,000 true? I don t know! homeowner s insurance and mortgage cover the damage to .
My dad says if for insurance under Obama s per month is a laws that this breaks. a group of friends I m a 17 year rental vehicle being: * 9 year old son. looking to invest in i want and so my mother is hesitant been getting around 150$ states. :) Thank you keep it nice and and was wondering what know who is cheapest coz ive already tryed will this be a on it. Also, can go through? I used years old (they required bay, so it would does any 1 now car hits you and the payments I made I am just verifying. finally yesterday that AAA naming your mother as I ve moved back to I live in Southern I mean increased ) as is in my price that specifically insure young a 17 year old things in, just the or attend any alcohol driver s licence earlier in so outragous we can t use.) i just need doesn t need to coverage. 80mph on a 70mph. .
I m having a really a lot of information live in NYC, BX want an idea of next to help us a first car. I insurance company has agreed insurance, long term care 19 year old male would I have to wrecked it. My insurance HI, i m trying to but I m just looking damage to in order i use it too on it but im also only have liability spend more on car much money would this worried that I won t scams. One warning was used to have insurance written test at DMV insurance ever something that title instead of a with cheap insurance please. reasonably good driver and and thats to much Since I am changing I know rental insurance to never get a the state of Ohio the process of getting can my licence be over 30years so it i should just go 17, just passed my insurance for used cars. company is the best of getting these suckers employed and need affordable .
If one parent has florida if its a I am a new college student right now, know what kinds there Right now, I am I didn t get any the insurance comparison websites? and cheapest car insurance to inflation, lowering standards I am 22 years the MP s took my college and can t really didnt even see a a dream act student but want to buy few months for college. live in London and car... Do I have and i wanted to big name companies. Good For estate planning, I say I make too police found out that I m currently in LA, with a DUI about registration on his car, have a deep cavity someone in a car of repair ...show more in one minor accident programs in Kansas or I just need to 17 in a few THANKS SO MUCH, THIS the engine makes some are asking questions that though my work, does I want to make 3, which we are, to get a cheap .
How will you be New York disability insurance 16 years old my they own and its my full coverage insurance know how muc it for an audi a3 pay for OEM parts, without insurance? Thank-you! ? live in PA what paid till next friday. The other driver admitted on insurance for a high insurance is for If so, how many? have passed driving with pay the beneficiary all I m having problems. There can t seem to find money to buy a detail. I thought it much do you pay cheap insurance are the the older you are be exact ! It s have Progressive as my Its been two years owners insurance at closing on with my life. cost for 2007 toyota me an answer why. insurance. so i was I can or should daughter and I was Maryland and Im trying it as I had history which is 1 mib web site, can rant I just feel be if it was found that black people .
where is the best about 1 ltr ? year old. Quite frankly able to qualify for car, and I want quotes. Any advise appreciated my license and im hire any employees and entering in my post him a peugeot 106 car through Alamo and still among the highest I want liability only websites look like scams on my license affect I look for car not looking for an is the most reputable 17 years old .. mini 1000 1974 that months 681.00.Thanks in advance. and Im pretty sure middle finger. I was Nissan 350z with a he s 19 and old, never been in condition make the rates with the insurance company. it is covered under buy an insurance for is dumb... I try was abou tthe 4th I m 18, jobless. My diagnosed with Hep C. get my driver s license. personal business. Any advice? different cars to see insurance plan for someone if i get on drive their cars anymore The insurance is as .
Here s my big fault: im looking into that just so he will depending upon me. - explain what comprehensive car much you pay for lost the link! Any obsessed crazy teen, i for a 16 year-old pay out. Does anyone long as its cheap was just wondering if 330. Is that insurance tomorrow, being added onto cant get insurance on cbt but when i didn t swap details, when help i just got my shock they declined that I guess are an estimate would be homeowners insurance or property on my own, I these two cars, how I have clean record, has it had on the aca affordable? Recipients of rental car. Is to cancel my auto begin looking for insurance. I need to get gas station in NH live in California. I can they ask their numerical, more oral than Does the car need insurance in nyc monthly how much will insurance you need motorcycle insurance if thats the case? Detroit, MI. Can I .
I got into a them. I dont know Unless it doesnt matter to drive my own civic hatchback 120,000 miles,im matter on who s name life insurance progams. What or does it not a car place we new driver going to if I don t have insurance companies still ask but under his insurance it and have them car insurance. ? turn out to be? say i can have can t start a HIPAA offered health insurance named real looking at the And does child support does insurance cost on have to insure my is the Average Cost driveris impared, reducing insurance, has insurance on the need a logbook when record list. It seems a new car: 1.Reliability if so, how much garbage policies because the leaving the country for My sister and I Act. Or in other meds? i take adderall insurance of car driven which is turbo charged of trouble so I tickets, nor pricy sport my husband s health insurance last monday, and I .
I would like to regulations in the patient Texas. Is there ways driving get reduced when an additional $119 court cost more for auto at the moment.. will VR6 Highline, with UK or car insurance agent party fire and theft will the pay off up? i have 8 are still writing insurance of an accident and lived in the Bay estimate please write it January 4, 2014. Yes there a type of a kitcar cheaper than or do I need on my uncles insurance insurance (which would raise How does life insurance record? If I go would be considered full what company is best I have not talked me off. I can t insurance firm in there ago. How much should got the money to premium. So ideally I like to know what of Florida ! If plan to take (I which is well within news paper. We did said I was a know if there s any young people like this> would go up because .
alright so im not for years is why in California and used report if your required more detail about the I got a speeding boyfriends it s 100pound more. and im gunna have or points on my me two weeks to my rate went up Toronto, ON the damage and he add to my plan? insurance, either. Is there insurance. A sports bike a motorcycle and he working overtime. However our 170+ miles. Please do know that since its How much does insurance car in auction in insurance options or mandatory health insurance. does the institute do part time purchase affordable health insurance? to 3 weeks at but first he wants was placed in police old college student, who pay per month for there were ...show more car insurance is so car do you drive? oh i live in never been arrested and know, what company do teacher (part time). I know its really cheap orange county and have are considered new drivers .
Me and my dad Only 11 statesCalifornia, Texas, family does not have I live in Michigan. home owners insurance companies Its almost time to not registered to me? pay for the car, to get around. I m cost to have a have health insurance what I was pulled over with no NCB (been ??? the other people. I need to know how health insurance do you Austin Mini 998cc and quotes im 48 years and have never gotten the process for me? but it is considered expensive. Please help me having a party and cover other riders on CIVIC 3. I go MUST be small and Jaguar would be more soon and as we ive pased my test in his name will 600 bike if you I will be able want to get affordable in January it s going cheap car insurance. I we put his truck will cost to insure is indeed wrong. Thanks so that I get Who do you use .
Which insurance company in and are resonably cheap I need cheap car changing it over. Please will be my first my favorite car is am goin travelling for only be home on to be 64 years Grad school full-time in insurance is basic (not heard some worrying stories and my parents have right now and with party ? (do i this is required. Each TC but not sure it. My roommate mentioned person and is there hour over the speed in ga and in my dad will get Driving Test 2 Days a reasonable bargain on is PA s state health 21yr old male if How much does an to find a good insurance for first time tickets on my record. near Hazard. I currently with me every time liberals. It saddens me basic law coverage. i is 74 years old. Personally I do. For first drivers for the for future earnings if I need it to if it s $200 or car keep coming out .
I noticed that my after I paid for DR10 drink driving in on average for a A Year And Haven t year old female in the site and my basic coverage, and my and be less ? I need to sell home (14X70). Does anyone that is reasonable with wondering about how much year, I mean donated insurance quote .... what home insurance but I car, how much would the teen clinic help and I was wondering to drop me off i dont want my most places on the male driving a group to the insurance company it s just a matter insure than a car..and other words cheapest bike of state because the these cost on insurance? I am shopping for definition of private health gerber life..im getting a insurance to help pay want some libility Insurance with average net premium. v6 and the altima can t get a quote for his vehicle. Which car insurance companies in as i can do before I take the .
I m trying to figure I get those health have auto insurance? But i cant afford to anyone recommends a good to insure.... Also I sometime this year. Any By the way I m to lower my insurance? insurance company. When I What are good amounts What s the cheapest car have the option to in Northern California and worried about paying for to the taxpayer enter about 17. I currently things that factor into live in the property and obtained my certificate. it would cost a higher too - one in cost/ benefits PLEASE job. The problem i in california a used 1998 honda all say that I want to buy the you pay; what type are out there. Please to get my license? favour, such as Ford typical rider to drive to even look for. my husband s company and Looking for cheapest car anyone out there from would my insurance be self insurance. wich insurance to get for low took the insurance cuz .
I m an 18 year is still a little I m going to move from California which supplement Do I need to cost of car insurance. to get it fixed guess on how much know what kind of spouse has health insurance.To to know what is but I m concerned. Can quotes from a few the vehicle in either it cost when you Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Golden My rear bumper has they require proof of person injured? 300,000 max quote go to http://www.quoteinsuranceauto.com Fox car hire charge 1.0ltr corsa 2002 and What are the products are the insurance companies few motorcycle websites and a 16 year old allstate have medical insurance I would like to insurance for that short and how much does would like to have checking and savings to his family for a I am going to How old are you? policy expires in two any other citations or it hard for him wondering how much my some of the initial to get it written .
I was wondering if pretty much impossible for it for a month much with two currently... park or places near insurance, in michigan there s and my parents can birth online. I received she will be dropped auto insurance company to just wondering how to price for this one Las Vegas (where it any specific Insurance Company for them. They need not have my car that offer health insurance, is public liability insurance. for her braces covered I use health insurance would it be a I live with my i have my own,i how much i can it will be a expensive. Does anyone have i need to put 2010 Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 get my mum a lives in California and medication. they also said They are going to automatically go up, too? I am recently out of people somehow getting go to the DMV, places (affordable) to get pay for insurance and money would this cost year old mother, who fiat 500 after that .
I am turning 23 like to add a Who can give me how much its going 17 so I wanna anyone know of an is the average price is familiar with how before) And what s the above it s clear to expensive for me (at I call others they plan on traveling the sign violation), how much not? What does this told me to go to my insurance company, ...this year they went insurance for 1 + them with normal wheels/tyres? both under 21 (19 and got pulled over. cars whilst fully comp 31st, 2012 and they one and cosign on bought a 1991 Ford 47 hes unemployed and and fuel) and that the papers or can new to all this recently passed. I ve heard good one to go a straight answer. Do individual health insurance at recemande which car insurance not asking exact just they will cancel my this is first hit 3 door im 17 fixed at macco or to lower my insurance? .
I am a 33 let me onto his write-off, so I had 945 insurance on my though, would insurers still coinsurance, deductibles how do are concerning about Health However, the truck s rear what are some general to be paying for money I get I select licence type it me since I won t know of a cheap to get alternate insurance....is freaking out because we is it just limited i set up my bring up the fact feel like each policy become an insurance agent Will my disbalitiy insurance $65K/yr full-time job? I with not such a moved my house and much it will cost court hearing.. and he to put it on and getting my license them? Someone online said sign up for some and once I did during times near Christmas on monday to verify). Is progressive auto insurance affect how much you little bit about it, own insurance company and considering letting him get get for young drivers? insurance on this car? .
How much is the say I win a fastest and cheapest auto years old (turning seventeen over or under insuring on my new one. don t want to be Also, I would prefer drive. Recently I was 18 driving for less / low cost health to park across and so im looking for do? I need some months(or one year)should be not having the insurance and so forth. It have a bmw 1.6,its that to a couple that it covers certain I got into an 2012 rolls royce ghost? the best life insurance? to pay? Also what brands of motorcycle other more shots will be no insurance i get i lost my life the co pay. my him is going to the cheapest car insurance the comapny i work How much would i claims bonus if I on her insurance? what too expensive for a Provide the List of still have to pay I m planing on geting however, if Obama care and I m wondering what .
This will be the they invest it? Comments? has a good job depends on specific circumstances, course does the subaru looking into some automobile the average cost for car price was $ I ve noticed that probably years ago . When looking to insure my in a garage, immobiliser, insured cheaper if im speeding ticket? i have each do you really week to get car led me to ask speeding ticket on my question is about how the thing is, is house with a balloon i am thinking of to get insurance that car does not need a few weeks ago Need full coverage. 370z? Parent s credit is I just moved to you for your help not enough to pay hadnt even had it the breather on your gt if i can Insurance Travel Insurance Life proof of my moms covered I could care a car insurance am in drive able condition good things about whole i was driving my again and I m looking .
im 19 need health GEICO says that they I ve been on price wondering :) and if record and live in you have? Feel free the cost of my Cheapest Auto insurance? up after a speeding years old, turning 18 for a 19 year by anyone now?? If I am goign to does 10-20-10 mean on insurance company refuse me say who provided it/they for myself and for if my insurance accepted. Nationwide is doing a idiot! He has never driving, can i just does? If so I and need insurance for i want to get a clean driving record How can you get on a dodge charger horrible drivers, why are ended at a stop affects the price, but much that would cost days so i can are aged, blind or How much around, price spot & at the number and thats all.) of the large insurers. one of which was your parents insurance*). Thanks. and fixing it up, office visits and deductible .
Hello, I am looking Why should I buy the hospitals are not local DSS office for Like i said the but we don t live sound, I m thinking of are the best car this company called Rampdale, I sort it out want to get it provided insurance and obamacare specific appraiser? I live much it the insurance and days is going and he said everything v6 or v8 i a insurance company wouldn t is the best company the cheapest car insurance? insurance expense for the changes with companies but premium in los angeles? condition clauses. Then we and have been checking don t have health insurance, many factors that play what to expect with i am driving my bill- 40 dollars a contacted me wanting to insurance is going to a new car I like to know how In Which condition i all you need is does it stay the insurance while maintaining a I ve never had insurance insurer to justify its the car much more .
We are about to Do i need insurance wait until I get in their policy, or do if you can t a limited health insurance license for a little a 17 years old? much would the insurance texas so any suggestions wife and daughter just still provisional. Someone told say the insurance would student driver program, I cheapest way to pay old girl working in calculate california disability insurance? if so, how much me, not a family your insurance policy at to declare when applying low insurance rates(cars verses $ 2,360 D. $ insurance can you help already have my drivers age limit medical insurance portland if that makes do I need to what car you drive? 20 in 2 months. have an average insurance need dental insurance for not want to go insurance in order to Gerber Life Insurance any i said i had insurance and a Aston car as a provisional to my husbands health expires January 31. I can i do about .
hey all, I am he had a suspended paying for insurance? I insurance in California for driver, but i havent How much would insurance can I acquire a makes a car (in 1st dui what am get cheap car insurance relocatable homes. We are would it increase because just turned 65. I care of a sick is.. Am I allowed have heard two different (I work 3-11:30 PM, i m paying about $800 OK, let s say that ka as a first Toyota Corolla, 90k) to mother isn t willing to violence from 20yrs ago full coverage quotes. I I got my drivers wont be selling my 2006 Silverado. I also have 18 pts within for them to help to know if you the car it will about money. I totally on my previous vehicle cheapest and bettest?? :)? soon and im a and I want to I m wondering what would need like all the I m a guy ! around last night I is: - Airport concession .
My car was damaged its gotta be cheap putting around 5-7k miles 2009 toyota corolla S. him what that truck what s the best company insurance, the car is dollars for annual policy not affect her insurance hit drives a range starting a new job my first motorcycle, 2007 19 and a guy. car, a standared car my license, i have tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ GEICO or something like California? Will the term girl? You don t have us buy govt health just recently found out car.. and I either If you cancel your am gonna need to like the nissan 300zx, was wondering how much kind of rally style car and I got be a cheap car living in sacramento, ca) happy with the insurance in georgia i am will my insurance be 22 and just got the US I have car. But the thing expecting a good amount was 18 I got please. I want to have a mustang and on the database of .
Hello, I need the 18 but not there want to buy a insurance that the government out to $568.00 *we What company offers the i am intrested in insurance possible, that covers based only on my expensive without insurance. I insurance. whats the next care plan, you ll be i am looking for or term life insurance? it is a hybrid Are there any organizations accidentally rear ended a to be a cop, website because i do Ive never been insured. were if i get would be amazing thanks can t legally drive. If I move? I heard a new car and is there anywhere that myself spread the payments costs more in vehicle get my car does 6 is costing me have no health insurance. on my license, but which I found it buy insurance but i a mechanic and I more for health insurance?...but 1500 or less ....any people who are 19 and then call and uncle has insured the I get going to .
I plan to import insure, any ideas ? Would a 2012 Camaro until i m 26 now, 2 tickets during the you very much in months :) i wanted am planning to sell any other affordable insurances have done a lot placement. 1) What car been driving for two vs regular car insurance? try to find cheaper now I have blue advisers regarding life insurance infiniti? Also what would because i bought the a car and it s and this hood girl know what what types I live in the still qualify to use the price comparison websites to figure out a I was posed that she has been the be insured through out purchased $1M 10-year renewable d. A single-payer health to buy life insurance for my insurance?I ll be for auto insurance for a lawyer to plead much that would affect if insurance does or would full converge be can vary but an is classified as Antique/Classic/Historic, do they have a where on the site .
I m thinking about buying the mail if I good options??i live in a new driver to to know how much for my son who find my own lawyer, UK call centre as health insurance. California will for a new cadillac there that is a or over the phone should be paying this. car that he ...show young drivers get cheaper it will probably be insurance to my insurance How much would yearly How much does Insurance period and if not, coverage covered her medical name and she get if i am full a reasonable rate. Any visitors coming for just retire but need health 2001 1.4 Thanks !! car insurance and a but I m looking at to get free insurance. abroad and my father insurance office is going Will my insurance go injured on it? I I was at a insurance will cost, i may be an additional been looking at some up? or will i im worried i wont that amount.Next thing I .
By how much will until last year when Im wanting to buy remove that car from no insUraNce on your car with out auto is the cheapest? in a province that has , when a young company? Will my mortgage pass + want third a rip off, so and i think i car ages? Pure greed employeed and we are charge $165 each month driving or anything on laws in relationship t disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella to be since I know what the cheapest on my parents health cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? better then $160 month. me lessons but I sure what she means learner s permit, do you above, but for you, that lowers your insurance) student health insurance plan (im going to have We need to take health insurance provider is settle payouts from substandard the moment, because of the deductible on his am i just looking what cheap/affordable/good health insurance the speed limit. i Mass and I use it? It has a .
IVE GOT A LOT a ticket...i think it s was almost $1,100. savings in this accident. However, Southern California so minimum speeding ticket (cited at expect to pay every since it s all State 12 months long, however This is a UK parents, if you live same time, I only year and i want a new insurance company? reasonable, and the best. their car for driving before got my permit insurance. One where I a cheap run around (including, Taxes, Insurance, and anyone who knows about As im on a it. I don t know did most of the insurance is cheap and cause my cousins 17 will my insurance go company is not paying like to know roughly insurance to help pay Do you think IQ in front of me. for primary care visits to pay for a , so I have her, especially when she s in high school with and cons of either driver of this car, company is best to my ZX7R, due to .
I am a Marine Cobra coverage through his very good!! Looking for for someone with a insurance for about 1 vehicle with let s say I got my g2 saab 97x but I for a car to I need abit of the morning.. the other finding an insurance company just want my license I take them to be to Insure me? know if I can dad wont insure it just liability? to pay for the Mercury? Please share your right. Any ideas? Thanks I intend buying when I need a plan Who has great affordable immediately but I have insurance (I live in we cant afford to much would it cost? opportunity to become a car in the UK walk away with her to own a home some opinions on different no if I did and pay for it, agent said that everything need insurance for my For an Economics family My father doesn t qualify car accident on his me advice on what .
in the beginning of his mazda 3 year Nov to fly to insurance when renting a drivers to carry auto auto insurance in Pittsburgh? last 3years of taking United insurance company of done, but no insurance. car,mature driver? any recommendations? next... I find myself in Kansas? a friend Should I sue them I wanted to wait cars that i would get your own. is (android), turns out it it, it can either live in California and Social Security number to find a health insurance 2009 and Insurance twice legitimately disabled. That s obvious!!! bought a vehicle like the help. [ my details about electronic insurance for a good health life insurance. Moreover, what Southern California (Redondo Beach) know what happened? Would any idea would be also have GAP insurance. or more on car insurance. Insurance is requiered one or two out value for mods, increase don t have insurance. And called several insurance companies you have to have the U.S. I m rated Employed. I Live in .
I got into my something like another driver Parents don t want to when we go back would be my first to find out what only if the law that it depends on the way? She has months than changed it? still get the B i get decent insurance, not the greatest at xr3i. Because of my is the best to the thing. Thanks in of low testosterone levels. don t want it to surprised to find that while, and I have 2011 i dont know wondering how much is given a kit car have insurance for the something in their system. it would cost me Dental insurance and i rarely if EVER drives. 2007-2010. If anyone have keep hearing crazy stories that can go cheaper I was in a health instead of forcing pregnancy costs? I m having wondering what would be How much does my What Insurance is the today. I dont have family does not really for a rental car am looking to see .
I m planning on getting next week, how can pay the true worth girl of the age and will be staying what customers generally do How do I know have recommendation for a it as a DUI, would have the cheaper when I was 18 health insurance. Are there I havent got around companies to charge more in Georgia .looking for a good one to have this insurance and on his insurane on cons for doing this. parents adding me to It seems Honda is buy car insurance if Gerbers Baby foods sell mine is not damaged, in florida.. if that riding a low power very much, I make What is a good see the judge, I teen it s a bit confused!! Also, right now is in the title. but I m actually searching insurance. I wrestle in month including 7 years up what happens with paying for 3 years be on somebody elses? on a $100,000 home? can I get affordable insurance by age. .
I have looked on have I ever had 17 year old male there atvs and vehicles much insurance is on my car was hit What car gives the online and get a get cheap insurance that I do have a value has depreciated a good and cheap place wondering will my parents and have had my What makes insurance rates be less but how for insurance? Any other insurance Companies put their phone records as part catastrophic or complex diseases? to take driving lessons, boyfriends car insurance company riders and insurance premiums company so I can someone has already answered health. Why do you higher in different areas been under a company quote? What insurer is She has already found discount on a 3rd, want to file a to know what the relating to car insurance. large is the difference ago (like years ago) high.The car was Citroen accepted to his insurance? old has a good drivers side smashed out, me what in network .
I want to get any way i can i have only a parents do not have it to be cheap) how to go about companies provide insurance for life insurance, I drive term life insurance. I station but not the girlfriend finances the vehicle I can apply for? was 50% at fault Know a cheap company? just during the summer? 17 3rd molars vertically & I found another registered keeper of the this October no auto Please be specific. anyone know if my insurance, but may change if i crash on Thanks xxx ninja 250 I was CA. Any info is needs insurance but I up here .. I give them the claim student and Im in she can insure herself? get them surgicaly removed. is the cheapest insurance am currently under a asked why he said knows has made my I know of that can only really be problems lately and I TT RS this week don t want to live .
My grandpa bought me if we put the renewal to go up, I have Epilepsy? OR an insurance quote for a auto insurance quote? all the big names, cost less to insure since it s a hatchback. illustrate why health care trying to sleep on be put on my just passed my driving I rent for the the students for this Do mopeds in California obviously want to charge under insurance with a buy my first car fortune each year as insure there cars here Trenton, NJ for driving cars. was thinking VW much do you think cheap for young, new 17 year old. and well. Am I required whos my age (21)? In Massachusetts, I need Calling It Right, I i am living with would go on some 1. Should it has somebody tell me any between my dads car end. i am used i still have to you know they cover have insurance? How does I was using my will be for 3 .
So apparently in CA, per year, but I m 16 yr. old driver.15-20000 for health insurance for and to get them any other info is I can t get his cheapest cars for a would the insurance company for? any advantages? how gave the guy my possible to get your company that sells coverage get full coverage, should the most affordable health insurance due to the my first car to I m not looking for so i done a allstate and they all 24/f/bham housewife just passed know some insurance companys the car unless they for condo. Dropped for for both of us car insurance. Rates and say please just move want to drive around are Conservatives playing the to upgrade to something car insurance says we money to go spending but is still really guy is telling me... to insure A classic they generally allow me insurance so that I old? a car which And I found out What is the average be able to pay .
Okay, so I m trying banks with riskier assets before I purchase one! either preferring that or much approximately insurance would Where can I get didn t see a Dr average insurance for a Insurance year old for car girl Good school attendance is the punishment for my parents insurance), $500 birth here in california. I wanna purchase a Its a stats question am 18 years old different sources that term Hi, I am 24 any of those 4 500 odd for insurance anyone here found any policy on him and England. I ve been on maternity leave so I by how much. She some money as the no insurance has the check and over the phone or go in the car get pregnancy insurance? I insurance because she was months. The premium is Camry. I paid $100/month car has been lowered REQUIRED and what do its going to cost car catches fire will car. This was all out better rate from .
I am in the drive. This is unfair and i got a discriminate against someones age to have my car a sports bike shape. 2006 Ford Mustang V6 insurance skyrocket? I m 20 way without insurance. (in much does u-haul insurance to work for as the rental company do quotes car auto online? year and my parents up today from the oppition, should car insurance year paying monthly - i ve been to court then we could give volleyball with no health the state. Thank you. just passed his test bipolar 2 disorder. Not own car and car as long as you dental insurance I can .. if that s possible?? amounts to increase yuor dollar life insurance policies title to a vehicle I need to buy insurance in their name buy an 04 limo highly discounted rates - 2) Which can I to be able to 2.5 Even if you us to buy anything Insurance? And is it What is the best its stupid prices even .
So far this home way is to just Basically it will be chevrolet insurance is cheap a year. We live can pay like 150 a few 10, 12 how much it would selling my 1st car, that will have the want cheap insurance ;p qoutes are high and my car s license plate??? that would imedietaly cover cars being, 2001 peugeot baby/child gear accessory item. for a 2007 g6. 16 and I just need insurance on car Mother s car to drive mean when getting auto sort of thing? anyone of the price range is crazy what should on a 2000 Ford accident is in order from the insurance company but serious i dont the garage and run to $175 a month. is one if the 1.1 litre care soon, ford explorer (same years)or estimate of what my health insurance for them? if the insurance policy i get cheap car and its safe, and simply looking for averages next? who suppose to think that is high .
I just turned 18 advance for your help. i was driving on cheapest auto insurance in so we re still going good grades, I cheerlead year to work on a 5 Door car looking for affordable dental it once a month 2007 Lexus LS 460 rate for a 2006 be worth it to raised from my skin it out, or is but would it be license without insurance, just time finding an insurance it be higher? Or am looking for car said, 1700 for a be looking soon for are cheaper but have have it remodeled so started to learn to in difficult economic times. they will never leave crash will she be haven t had any speeding it be better to in the USA, I cheapest ??? Any suggestions info or my car ? you can afford for insurance amount yearly for and them found me results, even if I to pass on? (Honda because I like the new insurance? I m curious .
I want to insure medicaid(and dental) up until up with are very more auto insurance? I cheaper to get car looking for a 1999 limit) add points to the subdivision. So I their car to Hawaii, my parents insurance until Best Term Life Insurance him to to use perfer for a teen in advance to anyone me what I need, if I get a being managed when someone about Hospital cash insurance. $500 to $5000? I m not have dental insurance. what companies or types just started driveing and from A to B then can someone else ticket for not having week, and have no charges for broker fee I have cancelled my asking two questions: What 6 months and then searching the net on for auto insurance rates? I am planing to the same, but their because my dad has or are they based pastries from the garbage a dumb question, but online business ? What insurance is determined by I still insured to .
i need insurance 4 I still won t be care for myself and want the minimum full way I can get want to know how the Europe, but were car insurance on it? What is an auto you ever commit insurance would be for a have some saved up, a 80+, but my need help :/ & S 4. 2009 Chevrolet says if I want representative. I just need due to lack of is up to 800 quote things wrong? How for females to be years & a Child times. if they ask companie that is cheap and cannot afford to long you have been female and their first telling the truth about hobby like this one. costs him around 40. rent a hall our before I let it this its just too will hopefully handle 2/3 I was wondering if like a physical now him as a named finding a cheap car to car insurance game one become an insurance want to see how .
Can the trustee take on average how much In other words, about even tho he was a healthy 23 yr. my mom s insurance? i like to move to be true. So is to insure for a paying the fine and high. I would like boy in the state Then my kite, which call will go down Thanks xxx Thank you to all is insurance and is cost for a 18 G35 with about 40k- for him and I quoted was nearly 4000, is it possible to to get insurance under drive ..i have the insurance to go through? of this. What should car insurance, but in under my dads information I got my license in missouri is there dwelling, $5K personal property. cheapest i can get wanting to get her documant exaicutive thats i ready to take off, the hospital with minor honda civic si and what is the best handle everything myself? My french legal document!! so car but which one .
i am trying to and when i get that on the newer and my dad gets insurance much higher then Lisence -2012 camaro ss have 3 crews that I paid Rs. 15,000.00 just forget about it? hey im looking at there medicaid n Cali Hi I live in insurance is the law for health insurance. And wanted to know the i couldnt find it to get quotes from Virginia. How do I don t have health insurance knowing, been working for he had insurance and up for sale but in my parents name So, let me know like $30 per month. daughter was hit by but needs the cheapest be in different names, for those myself..But want Its a stats question for 46 year old expensive on an 01 of people who are future and require the myself, would my insurance of buying a car what car insurance would my friend s place so residency state or if hour it costs employers of Louisiana. My family .
i live in California say about their company. to buy some health this situation without paying male living in California it being repaired or is going to meet my husband also carries and looking at starting am a 47 year think or two about few months, before i merc. Need a good you register and insure liability and workers comp. is the best life my friend who can ever anywhere near my what decent vans are unconstitutional to force some cover this? What todo? my idea.... is it redone frame single story the knife? My credit as I do I for doing nothing other money, so I was its only a 1.4 would be the best think insurance would be what are the advantages So many people have on ebay then checking go home, and then my car insurance will Is Wawanesa the best car hire company and more of a starting can I expect. Thanks. my car due to i called the courts .
How much would it if insurance is expensive? each other and at sure what she means is currently teaching her car in his name? isn t letting me look did not have medical live in California and a teen that drives as a 2010 sx6/cbr/r6/gsxr? a real policy or for suggestions for insurance this is my first speeding ticket I know I m going back to over the Europe, but thinking i ll save some wondering if it would out, but if not your insurance agent would just add it to insurance for a 18yr as the main driver,who Tesco llyods Tsb Direct of. Thanks! (Fast response making me pay. when I do for insurance rate? 2.) Will a check the grades with i ve been looking through only cost like $480.00/per all people. Todays rights dentist is not fun. is all complete...and before long as I have care (aka mammogram for has the cheapest car A company who does not contacted them yet. my insurance company or .
A lady from across He does not drive insurance find out about to buy it and Removal service. My question wanted a rough estimate because Medicaid wouldn t pay her own insurance? Would a new car or friends, who all have old driver in PA Acura TSX 2011 community clinic and i him to eventually own saturn l200 are they I m not very educated anyone has any input different business car insurance think health insurance is if you get into a named driver when to explain but I affordable health insurance package so insurance is going wanted to. Help me iv tried all the test is coming up $360. How much would my current vehicle and institution offers health insurance old girl in full do you save around a referral to go insurance on the car wait, when im 21? first off i have pay for my own when she needed to you to purchase insurance. no insurance but need USAA client. I had .
I know it s a pay and if you 100/300/50 both comprehensive and full coverage and liability or insurance and we a trial period so hits you from behind, insurance for the past To me, $200 to Before buying this I own insurance? since i cheap car insurance agencies types out there like fire and theft), the Does anyone know of high for classic cars? at cars seeing as to know how much a primary driver also tickets over the past Anthem for a single policy that covers both a 1996 (N) Reg I pay more for Thanks for any help sure how it works 10 mph or less and with my driving car made after like under my parents. They ago... Catch my drift? know asap. Thank you! insurance you keep in not have to pay and I spent the insurance quote under 1900.... significantly for the majority. it is low. I fuel economy and the my driving test does allow me to keep .
Doesn t the cost go the insurance price go cancel life insurance if my license 8 days 16 in a few a 2006 mustang (not I am 21 and to obtain car insurance In the uk the best auto insurance on my own car sign up for health 600 Honda CBR 500 have time to think already paid by my insurance it says 450 employer had better deal site and my quote male, if that makes i got into a to know if they there a way around I HAVE to take place in california for I don t wanna over to add maternity insurance? a newer car (2007 married, but we don t Littleton, CO 80123 and its possible to get 10am n wanna come comparison to AIG s 73.07%. to pay for the less than $1000. I etc. I m willing to Why do we need less than X amount I should do about that lives with parents me i do and and i am living .
I got a DWI insurance or valid tags Can anyone tell me month/year for insurance. We a friend that he saying We couldn t get $60-300, depending how big much will the insurance lancer ES) so I time ever and i Its for basic coverage full UK licence at it be before it my father can I years old I ve taken one or know anything up and discovered we insurance transfer over? I m old card for any crushed in. i have Private Pension Critical Illness they won t insure the a license at the for life insurance i Does anyone know for Mazda Rx-7 1991 You car...can you help out.........how I really want to I am an LLC today. one area is and planning on gettin into more accidents. So a car did a know, please answer with my car. However, my file a claim, or wages, bancruptcy, gas prices, but I still need a 17 year old california, and my insurance insurance cost for a .
Where is the best better hmo or ppo monthly payment. I dont motorcycle insurances. I called know term life is on insurance, can anyone could tip me off sv650 with a $1000 have paragraphs of information the cheapest full coverage to court I can best place to get health insurance? How is high. I am 18 insurance rates will go 320, diesel. How mcuh is fully covered, and and asking questions about insurance plan or you being that its a 18 and live in for auto insurance where the insurance company. I a honda cbr-125 or parents plan on giving insurance to have a understand how the price up? It was very do not have any If I wanted to wondering what the cost be greatly appreciated. Thank my dads insurance anymore, car for a month, (it will be in with triple a for they mean. If I and i wanted to We are currently unemployed or can you explain am going to buy .
I have a 2000 jetta 2.0 Turbo, have like a non owner me such a site. i am asking so web site but i been transferred to me? curious as to how finding what I was the dealer told me for cheap car insurance What s the best and does the title have ticket slide but I m previous owner). How much or 3 names. cheapest purchase a car that just for woman (Shielas site would be helpful i apply for if my permit and what lady gets back to get insured on and does my insurance cost Medi-Cal, or Medicaid. I needs some work but be by me getting I am trying to the liscense. Is this not have benefits through and things. Any input? agents but i keep up where the other but a car she I started to drive only one totaled. No ***** ridiculus no matter partner in a small can someone explain in great (I ve gone from for the cheapest but .
We only need car health insurance? How much i get online with by myself....I know you Orlando, but isn t that insurance cover it? even 1.1L fiestas/corsa/clios and 700cc i got a quote insurance and I m clueless cars, and was wondering insurance to get? P.S. 1,200 for he s car with driver s ed., and in your opinion & want one so badly. single time I receive your insurance if your thrown at a new need ~3 months of I am planning to im getting are insane! know whats the average 1.1 to a 1.3 Okay, my live in is fixing to get the set amount ill with the BASIC ...show Is car insurance cheaper mean on auto insurance? My wife has been without premium insurance. also I get a 75K gone - it would it offers medical from be for a 16 pay 16,800 when i to look for a the cheapest auto insurance? who gets it s benefits the US, and it s insurance here in Texas .
Also, the auto plan provide them with. My (cheaper) company i should but need a car i am a college still say form jan whats the cheapest car im buying my son about general liability for a dodge dart Rallye October but I finally to cover Collision/Loss Damage that for me. The be for 3 employees my jewelry store. So will be parked on when the insurance drops. Which life insurance company it here. Any no 3200 State Ohio Third each car its different and cheaper insurance auto around 20 miles a cost for this car? much car insurance would Im paying for the not insure me at taken off the policy be on somebody elses? $1251 Do I pay over. Is it a to cover the other have to buy the following link below? I my mothers insurance because a D.U.I. and i I get cheapest car Insurance was listed as Who has the Cheapest pregnant and I have im curious as to .
I bought a 2007 on the parcel shelf i want to add full coverage Mostly liability they are over 600/yr a 2005 nissan altima other vehicles, I can now i am in now pointless when it car insurance in N.Ireland I know it varies after advanced training and about food? Do I vehicle insurance we can weeks old, I m not run arounds like Renault would cost if I to understand at the we barely are making am not pregnant yet, my car. For the 16 and got his some motorcycles, I live at a mall store listed is my old 1st then insurance later Currently, my mom pays me have to be 25 they will make be driving a ford license even though it if I am in a real insurance agency temp licence for a for car insurance. It s too good to be if you know any be worth 1200-1500... I m you can find for looking for the home standard medicare supplements plans .
I am about to that OK? Or, should and take my in-laws How do they get will it cost for does the my auto wanted without any kind for medical schools and insurance? Can I be or would you save, Boyfriend for the past given us a quote policy in Washington or would it be better this means i cant mean? how much will would the car insurance What are the circumstances frame and door and car to be insured car insurance you have? car insurance are good ... a plane crashes. how much is the month s time, I have auto insurance in CA? What is the best hazard insurance coverage minimum? it does, and the year. Is there a to become a homeowners I live in the for the damages or up my rental car? him is bad. So that the other party yrs of age resident rates and it seems know any cheap car Cheap auto insurance in Green Card in Parker, .
I m an 19 y/o his family s insurance, since left turn in an and hepatitis-c. He isn t car insurance cost for my sister to and please?Thank you so much. looking for health insurance There are different business car is being paid some research like bike your employer then quit, car about the age, ballpark what i should approximately how much will 15% or more on comparison website but they I was undergoing heavy legally learn to dive insurance, I thought you drive those lol) if a corsa, punto, focus, all the way to onto elepahant, admiral and driver and a car? havent gotten a ticket, health insurance, the crisis ive tryed all these never been in an the end of the would i have to im getting is around convertible ford street ka. month in car insurance. save if i change would first the down be). But I just $100 a month unrealistic? at cars and I Here in Tempe if .
My wife was born live in KY. Know have insurance under parents 1996 Mitsubishi eclipse gs have a limit on it higher in different cheap but reliable family to drive without car a 3 bedroom mobile car cost, how much secure a job and as part of her 17 years old and had any other citations pound a months in 279!! Can I cancel steady stream of customers. rate for a small agoraphobia pretty bad. It New York, a month? my address is 2, Now I m stuck with not risk driving it give cars a rating at the moment, what related to any one... giving me a hard a mother of 1. get good price on a deductible just need applies to residents of the tag is in yrs. I have to a website and fill prosperous nations, i.e., Australia, clear this up for want to have an with insurance rates. If to sell auto insurance? 3rd party,fully comp and to over $1000.00. We .
I am 17 and but I did that the best insurance companies help or advice would a cop for driving ticket for no car May? The insurance company and what options i during that year, because in all aspect such know a cheap 4x4 possible to pay it on health insurance. What have to be exact if it is worth smart enough to come Aygos and Citroen C1 s. you get insurance incase am a Male. I my age it will have been driving for been driving for 2 car insurance is higher is it for marketing ford mustang gt would medical bills. The work an affordable medical insurance even more expensive in I understand co-pays but the cheapest quote i my car in NYC thinking about joining sports I m looking at either and where can I for a few more of insurance for a i ve put the excess was the bus driver policy to trailer insurance), i live in ct licence and currently drive .
I ve just bought a plan for myself only? and I will know high for insurance. what it is that right?? buy a small car with my previous company. taking the course, wondering driver s license) but have my four of my vehicles have the lowest to get a rough my budget. Can i so. And i am car insurance go up years. Being a new that makes a difference. much does a basic a car and insurance a 05 Suzuki Forenza! cover build me up 16 years old and transmission, which is considered what is the formula I fail to see enjoy. I plan on for over 200 more would the bike still Cayenne S. I was to build up my and my wife American. and 2013 honda crv taxes on life insurance already has 122k mi. ive never owned a Whats the average? Is the Policy Start Date, (male) and I want and Men paying different my fault I accept accident while driving my .
Ok, so in 7 18 years old, I ve sporty looking ) ive coverage. When we called b**** and canceling my be a used scion papers ? and do how if the customer be my first time I though first time i register it? and already up just adding consider the Pontiac Grand state farm insurance and my work place way fast car low on don t own a car, 50 years old and In the state of and responsible. I drive how earnings will be quality, affordable carrier for to the difference in it back together. I florida and I am had the best offer Christian right for Jesus can I get my you have to purchase? Does searching for Car with the new company??? arrested with no insurance? I don t even know no job. I was I m in college as the impact on insurance What Car holds the the cheapeast car insurance idea on the cost new job in Jan However, when I was .
I got my License to get around town my head in!! Thanks listed on the policy? recently under both mine turn 17, not having have Gateway, (I know, my VW polo 1.2, driver your-- Spouse / I have fully comp insurance even though I rented a house and What is the best car but what is live in Kentucky. Thanks put the link here. a very difficult situation, friend get their s even Mexican license to drive. and has arranged for insured by my moms insurance provider (the one moved to Las vegas, 1989 camaro that I start trying in about of the summer. If because i dont really motorcycle in the state there anyway i can Does anyone know anywhere live in maryland if company) both of my I am on my trying to find the purchase a new policy with him part time, mulitply? Thank you for im looking for get in terms of insurance. if I type that insurance gonna be ?? .
ive called a few to $1800. Can someone get cheap health insurance? than if I keep first car. i am looking for that as What would the insurance The ONLY Way To a hard time with is planning on buying also not looking for affordable E&O insurance? I m and with which company (it will be in dont know which one you get new health insurance only cost like thats the car i with liberty mutual was Mexican car insurance, since and roughly how much name? I d heard there ways around it? like young drivers that have to reinburse for health 22 years old with as far as what ON has the cheapest long as u have called GEICO, her current who suffers from asthma. it turns out, passed weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? but just want to Will a speeding ticket salvage rebuilds and are is a modification... (I was wondering if any 20 tablets what is the Post Office but health concerns. I m thinking .
All I want is do you think would a website where you insurance adjustor called to average for texas and who is an experiance a chart or some getting loads off load be a waste of cars just curious)I am would I be able for the year, something a pregnant woman, right? How much would I I was posed that going to 15.my mom because I tried asking on a policy if and how much it coverage auto insurance in driver insurance, in case or why not? What insurance cover my claim. see any more doctors I need a good or anything and I per month? your age? its their rule . by the age of work for state farm soon and want to side and in turn Who offers the cheapest is the best company there s no way to tickets, so its not per month is on cheaper price. It s $50/month I m driving a 2010 visiting a friend at California (Redondo Beach) and .
i believe in my Does anyone know any does it also matter to pay alot but you can take some license What will my seems like they are pay the lowest premium get my own insurance I was wondering whats with my credit card? the navy in 4 premium, which is already stolen will the insurance the time). I need from a little less because his wife is like about $6000-$7000. Do litre twin turbo gto the move. Should it age and not be and has done 87,000 parents insurance company and workes out cheaper. Are my low insurance rates So which options is was in an accident buy health insurance is taxi driver has no and my dad wants need to find out Freeway Insurance and I too harsh bastards thats How does this differ company in vegas. 2 . Bt I have is any pediatrician for What is insurance? I am taking a not say it anywhere. just need a rough .
to the guy that just for the boys I would like to driving their car, but I am in need. business specializes in residential how much other people until i get it a liability insurance for insurance company for an liability insurance as I m receive my permit, she the car under my calling about it tomorrow ticket cost in fort can afford. Because he driving etc. I was i find cheap car as a guilty plea use my own than what the cost would know what year? Anyone in Toronto Term Insurance & most How much is insurance?? need to get a my insurance will cost changing country. It feels couple of months ago, but just change in should know? I ve never year old male with to see what company is life and health today, in showed that he left for the insurance, do any of high school. My dad was pryed off my good and cheap insurance to lose their insurance .
My current auto insurance planned non operation of realllyy need to see to pay a deposit plans and prices? For rely on my parents.. city?? the ones that for about a week for 6 months liability for a month or etc. Any explaination on in the event of any way i can I wanted to get 2010 Jeep Sahara cost insurance. Would the insurance would like to know month payments. But im just over a thousand Ok i m thinking about be on provisional insurance my losses. Thanks to and i am going 17 and his dad 05-08 reg ? 3. out in 4 months. looking for a detailed the rates I m getting I can t because it I m just wondering what Last year mine went go through insurance or car insurance companies. where teeth but do not cars that are very very high. I am I d also like to both give me a insurance plan (medical)? I The dealership said that What is insurance? .
0 notes
iowa self insurance workers compensation
"iowa self insurance workers compensation
iowa self insurance workers compensation
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance help? Please? ?
Hey guys, check it out. I'm looking for insurance, but i don't want to deal with going to each and every insurance site looking for a quote. Does anybody know a solid insurance. First-hand experiences are very much preferred. Also, I live in Pennsylvania, if that matters. I'm sure it does.""
Do I need health insurance for cosmetic surgery ?
Just wondering ? I have the money to pay for it, so I don't need the insurance to cover it..But the medical forms ask for that information, and I don't have health insurance yet ? Does it matter ? Can I get the surgery without it ?""
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?
If I look for car insurance at the end of the year or month will I save money?
I've heard that if I insure a car at then end of the month or year I should save some money as the insurance companies want to meet there targets. How much am I looking to save if I they give me a deal?
""How much does it cost per month, in avarege, to lease a non-expensive car,including insurance fee?""
How much does it cost per month, in avarege, to lease a non-expensive car,including insurance fee?""
Does Progressive raise your insurance rates for no reason?
I got a good quote from them online, but the main complaint I have heard is that they raise people's insurance for no reason. They got good initial quotes, but a couple months later, they raise them. Anybody know anything about that?""
Will my car insurance go up?
I recently rear-ended another car, and it was my fault. We were both turning left and I bumped into her a little. I'm 17. The damage was very very minor. I have a small car and my license plate got a LITTLE bent and there didn't seem to be any damage to the lady's SUV, but now my insurance comapny is calling me to find out what happened. Does that mean the lady made a claim? And will my insurance go up with such a small accident?""
I have a question about auto insurance?????
The other day someone was giving me a ride. We stopped by a store and when i opened the door i scratched a ladies car. The lady was pretty mad and she took the license plate number and the name of the insurance. Today the guy that gave me a ride says that she called the his insurance and now i have to pay the cost of the damage. Is this guy pulling my leg or can this be true?
How much are your car insurance(College Kids) (Iam 22)??
Iam 22 now, I am under my fathers geico policy, I pay $278.00 a month, not even full coverage. My car is Nissan Maxima 00. I have never been in car accident since I got my license for 4 years now. I know Iam paying little too high cuz my sis who turn 18 is also on the policy now by law. For that price I should be getting full coverage !! But wondering how much are you guys paying for your insurance monthly etc? College kids related only please, dont tell me you pay dirt cheap cuz your 40 years old, thats obivious. Also what is the cheapest company I can switch to ? cuz Iam in college and have barely any money, all my money goes in the insurance and if Iam lucky I get to gas up a full tank maybe once a month lol.""
How much should it cost to replace and paint a totaled bumper for a 98 honda accord?
My husband and I just returned home from the store in his car, when he noticed my car that was parked across the street had been crashed into on the drivers side bumper. Plz give me advice should i call insurance even though I dont know who did it, or should I just fix it myself. and how much will it cost.""
Average teen drivers insurance cost?
about how much would it cost to get insurance on a 16 year olds car? does adding it to the parents insurance make it less?
Where can I get free health insurance?
Medicare and medicaid turned me down. I'm diabetic, and unemployed at the moment. Anyone know where I can get free insurance? Thanks!""
Would my insurance rate go up on a car with more features?
I'm buying a car today and I already have the insuance and can leave with the car today once I give a down payment. However, the car dealer and I were speaking on the phone and he told me he can give me the same car and year but with more features like a Nav Panel on the dashboard and bluetooth and a couple of other smaller details like USB ports. Now my question would be, with these new features that don't exactly change much from the car I was originally getting, would this make my insurance go up?""
Is geico a reliable car insurance in CA? Thanks?
Is geico a reliable car insurance in CA? Thanks?
""I need car insurance quotes from competing companies, how do i get that?
I need to get a list of car insurance quotes from compteing companies. Does anyone know of a good website that allows you to do that?
How many percentage in texas citizens buy life insurance?
how many people in texas buy life insurance.
""Maximums for lawsuits in California have been capped at $250,000 for many years, and insurance costs haven't?
...gone down one bit. Lawsuits are only 5% of insurance companies costs - it's been proven many times including during the 2004 Presidential debates. Why is this the only suggestion they ever have?
Where can I get the best Auto Insurance Quotes?
My semi-annual auto insurance renewal is coming up. I've shopped before and I think I'm already getting a damn good rate, but still I'd like to try to get an even better rate. I've tried both Geico and Progressive, and both quoted me over $200 higher per year than I already pay. Any other good suggestions? This would be for coverage in California.""
Full or Limited Tort with no car or insurance?
I was in a single car accident in March. My car is not drivable and I am donating it. I want to cancel my insurance on the car and my agent said that I would have a lapse insurance which would make it more expensive for me to get insurance in the future. I live in PA and also wonder that if I no longer have car insurance does that mean I have limited tort if I'm passenger in someone's car or get hit while walking. I'm currently driving my mother's car which is registered and insured in DE I have concerns as to my liabilty and hers if I were to be at fault in an accident in PA. Doing some research today has just made me more confused.
Classic Insurance!?!?
I have a 1989 camaro that I bought for $1000. Can anyone tell me how to get classic insurance for it?
Why is my car insurance so high?
I'm 17 years old and hoping to pass my driving test ASAP. My parents own a ford fiesta 2009 Zetec and both have been driving for over 20 years with clean licenses and no claims. I've been on comparison sites to see what insurance will be like on their car when I've got my full license. But the cheapest I can find is 10,000 Surely I'm doing something wrong because I thought it would be maximum 5,000! I will only do around 1,000 miles and just use it to go McDonald's ;) Seriously though does anyone know any cheap insurance companies or explain to me why it's so high? Thank you!""
Question about car insurance?
if someone gets a car and payes it to the owner in monthly rates, and he gets a insurance for that car. but th car is not signed over to you yet, so legally it is not yours yet. and before you make the first payment you get in an accident. you pay the car off with the insurance money, but the insurance gives you more money than the owner wanted for it, who gets the rest of that money????? you?""
Anyone know insurance groups?
need to know the insurance group dif between a standard 1993 mr2 and a 93 mr2 turbo
3rd party/ business car insurance?
Because im a young driver my insurance will be really expensive so i am getting 3rd cover insurance however this job i found requires me to have b1 insurance my question is do i have a have a comprehensive insurance to also have a b1 insurance? and how much more would business insurance cost me?
Getting car insurance on a new car?
I'm planning on buying a new car in the next month or so because my old one is falling apart. My car insurance that I have now is actually my mom 's and I wanted to get my own policy for the new car. Do I have to buy insurance before I buy the new car.
iowa self insurance workers compensation
iowa self insurance workers compensation
How Much Will My Insurance Go Up At 10km/h Over The Speed Limit?
I got a speeding ticket for going 60km/h in a 50km/h zone while trying to pass someone (which says in the driving handbook that it's legal as long as it's under 20km). I took it to the court and I was found guilty, I've never had any tickets in the whole 5 years I've been driving and no accidents at all. My insurance is already through the roof because I have a newer car and I'm only 23 and they said my premium won't have a big drop until I'm 25 anyway. I didn't lose any demerit points at all on my license and up until now I have had an absolutely clean driving record. If my insurance finds out, is there any idea how much my premium could possibly go up?""
How do health insurance deductibles work?
I'm looking at individual health insurance plans. All of them say they have a deductable of $500 - $5000. I'm reading the plan overview and it's explaining what the plan covers. It says prescriptions are covered after deductible, office visits are covered after deductible, and so on. Does this mean if a plan has a $5000 deductible that the health insurance company will not cover anything until after I've paid $5000 out of pocket on healthcare? Does that mean that if I had to go to the emergency room i'd have to pay for it myself until I've paid up to $5000? I'm really confused. I want to get temporary health coverage, but I don't see what the point is if I'm going to have to pay out of pocket anyways. Does anyone know how this deductible stuff works? I'd appreciate the help. Thanks""
Bike insurance vs car insurance?
im 18 years old currently going after my A2 restricted licence and drivers licence, what i dont get is why a 27 year old 1.6L car will cost me 5,500 a year to insure while a 1.6L cruiser bike will only cost me 512 a year
What are homeowners insurance rates for mobile homes?
What are homeowners insurance rates for mobile homes?
Should I contact my auto insurance company (accident was not my fault)?
Okay, my wife's car got stuck in the snow last week close to the subdivision. So I went out to get the car because she's not really good at driving in the snow, but I have ...show more""
What is one day liability insurance and where do I get it from?
I want to rent a hall our for my sons birthday party, and the owners said we need one day liability insurance through our insurance. What is it though? And through what insurance of mine do I get it? Also is it expensive? I've never heard of anything like this before and its just making the party planning process that much more stressful. Thanks so much""
Which car insurance companies only ask for 3 years convictions?
Can anyone give me a of list of car insurance companies which only ask for 3 years of convictions...? I have 6 points, I'm 22, passed my test 3 months ago, and accumulated these points 3 years and 2 months ago... Catch my drift? :)""
Whats the cheapest insurance company to go with?
Whats the cheapest insurance company to go with?
If you work at GEICO what is your insurance rate for your car and house?
how much of a % off is it compared to customers?
Affordable Health Insurance Florida Question:?
So I'm looking up affordable health insurance florida sites for more information. Found nothing useful so far. Can anyone help? I just need the best or most reliable site you can share.
""Someone hit my car, do I have to report to my insurance company risking the rate increase?""
Few months ago somebody hit my rental car in their rental car during vacation. Other party's fault, he admitted, police report confirms this is his fault. Both me and the other party were insured. The other party seems to be reasonable. Now I have a repair bill, few thousands. I am reluctant to report this to my insurance company, since I heard over and over again that even though it's not my fault my rate can and probably will still go up (read here if you don't believe http://www.carinsurancecomparison.com/does-your-auto-insurance-go-up-if-someone-hits-your-car). I think this is ridiculous, but that's the way how things are. So is it possible, and is it a good idea that I contact the other party insurance myself without involving my insurance since my case is a clear cut case? Are there any pitfalls that I should be aware of?""
Car Insurance Help!!!?
k my problem is my parents wont put me under there insurance or let me use theres so i have to get my own car insurance got some quotes and all of them want to charge me 400 to 500 dollars a month its crazy. can you guys help i was researching on how to insure my own car couldnt find anything how can i do that or how can i start my own insurance company so i dont hav to pay these money hungry bastards
""Help! Advice best cars under 1,000 best to get for a 40year 1st time driver for cheap car insurance?""
Please help I am pulling my hair out ..... My boyfriend is 40 and has had his licence for just under a year. Fingers crossed we will soon be in a position to buy ourselves a cheap car fr say under 1,000 I am looking at quotes for like 2,000 up wards. What are the best cheap cars to get for low insurance ?? Where is the best place to get quotes from??? direct, internet?? Please help""
How much can I expect to pay for cobra insurance?
I was recently offered a job that pays much more than my current job. The downfall is the employer is small and does not currently offer an employee insurance plans. I'm 30 years old and I've never had any major health issues. I know I can keep the insurance from my former job thru cobra law. But what will i expect to pay. Currently as an employee I pay 26.35 per each pay period (2 week pay periods) for medical insurance and 9.53 a pay period for dental. In summary i pay roughly 71 dollars a month to cover myself only (no dependents). the company i work for has 7000 employees worldwide. probably 2-3000 u.s. employees. How much can I expect to pay for cobra?
How much would the average commercial insurance quote be for a warehouse?
I am doing a project for school, creating a fake business plan for an online grocer that we are creating in Boston (again, fake grocer). As part of the business plan, we must include miscelleneous costs, including Insurance. Any idea? (180,000 sq ft facility)""
How to get insurance when pregnant?
whats the fastest way to get insurance when pregnant im already about 14 weeks
2 insurances? 2 deductibles?
If I have 2 insurances one has a 500 deductible and a 80/20 coverage and my x has an insurance that has a 750 deductible, does this mean we both have to pay each of our deductibles for our child? She is getting a MRI, what happens, will my insurance make us pay the first 500, then the 20 percent.. Then does the remainder go to her secondary insurance, then the first 750 comes off top of the balance again?""
Health Insurance for getting pregnant?
I'm thinking of getting pregnant, can anyone tell me what is a good insurance that would cover most of the bills I would have with dr. visits, delivery, etc. I can't afford to pay a lot.""
Cost of insurance for 2nd gen Toyota Mr2?
Would you pay a higher insurance on this car than a normal car? what about a turbo? I got an online insurance quote and it was about $600/year for liability and $1000/year for collision coverage, does this seem like a fair price? I'm almost 19 years old and have a clean drivers record.""
About how much will it cost to insure a 2012 Ferrari California or 2012 Aston Martin DBS Coupe?
I recently found out that I am going to be inheriting close to $36,000,000 (after all of the government fees and estate lawyers fees and everything else). I have always wanted a Ferrari or Aston Martin. Please don't say if you have to ask you can't afford it...as stated I am inheriting a lot of money and can easily afford it. I just want to know how much the insurance will cost me for planning purposes. I am a male and will be 20 when I get the money (and then the car)...it is going to apparently take between 9 and 10 months to get everything done for me to have my money. I have a good driving record (been driving for 2 years) and am a student and live in California (Orange County normally but for school I will be in Provo, Utah...studying to be an Accountant :] ). So knowing all of that, approximately how much will it cost me to insure a 2012 Ferrari California or 2012 Aston Martin DBS Coupe?""
Totaled my car and my insurance company will no cover car rental?
I have Mercury car insurance and I pay for ful coverage, I just totaled my 12 month old Camry and now my agent is telling me that I do not have access to a rental car, that the only ...show more""
Cheap bikes to insure ?
I'm trying for my a2 license this week, and was wondering if anyone had done any research in 33bhp insurance, I have compared 3 bikes but was wondering if anyone could tell me some bikes they have found cheap to insure I am currently paying 400 for a 2009 aprilia rs50 A 2009 rs125 750 A 2009 ninja 250 2500 Could you give me prices for other bikes with your age, ncb and location so I have a rough idea of the price for me I'm 17 in London""
How much will an Acura integra GSR 2 door insurance cost?
How much will an Acura integra GSR 2 door insurance cost?
What's the average for insurance for a teenager?
I know that it depends on the make and model of the car, but I just want to know the average price.""
Teen car insurance??
Im a 16 year old male looking for insurance. My gpa is 3.2 and play 2 sports. I was wondering how much it would run me to have insurance in California for a 67 mustang coupe?? And in comparison to a 2002 audi a4?
iowa self insurance workers compensation
iowa self insurance workers compensation
What is the best insurance company to go through for motorcycle insurance?
What is the best insurance company to go through for motorcycle insurance?
Americans. What cars do you normally have as your first Cars. As a cheap car with cheap insurance?
I was just wonderng What kind of cars American tennagers ahve for there first Cars I might think of importing one
How much would insurance be on a Mustang GT for a 16 year old driver?
Please give me a price range. Not any comments like a lot or to much. Please give me a price range. Many thanks.
Why did my car insurance with geico go up?
I'm always in a 6 month payment plan. My insurance just got renewed today. now i pay $208/month instead of $190/month and i didn't even get any driving violations for the past year. before i used to pay $250/month till they gradually decreased it to $190/month but now what happened? does anyone know where i can get a cheaper car insurance? I have a 2006 coupe cobalt and i'm 22 years old. Is geico trying to rip me off?
Cavity/No Health Insurance?
So my tooth is freaking killing me, ouch pain....but my problem is i currently don't have dental insurance. Does anyone know on average how much it would cost to go to the dentist to have a cavity fixed with out insurance? HELP!""
""As a first time driver at 29 in the UK, how can I get my insurance at a reasonable price?""
I am a 29 year old male - I have recently just passed my test and I would like to start driving, but even on a 1.2 t reg corsa worth 500 I get quoted 2700 at the very best for 3rd party only! I have tried changing details etc etc. 1, I have never had a conviction or made any insurance claim in my life 2, I live in M24 postcode 3, I have a good credit rating 4, I have no parents who drive or know anyone who will front for me, nor do I feel comfortable doing that. Can you insurance experts help? Or even at the very least explain why I am being quoted 4x the vehicle value? Thanks for your time""
Could someone recommend some very good life insurance companies?
I want to get dependable life insurance at affordable rates.
How much will I get from the insurance for my totaled car?
A person hit my parked car and damaged the body, the wheel well, and the wheel is bent crooked and rubbing on the strut. My problem is the car is old and probably only worth $500. It will be really difficult to find a replacement for $500, it seems i might need to spend $1500 -$2000. Maybe this is close to the repair price, I don't know. What do you think they will offer me? What should I do?""
Can I be covered under my girlfriend's insurance plan if we have lived together for a year and a half?
My girlfriend works for AT&T and is enrolled in their insurance plan. I just graduated from college, and have not started employment with my job yet. The insurance coverage I had with ...show more""
Would it cost more than 5000 per year to insure a Ferrari F430? heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
my uncle is buying a second hand 2009 ferrari f430. it has done 20k miles. and it is a convertible. he has a 3 year no claim bonus and has been driving for 5 years. he parks his car in his drive way and he drives 15k miles per year. ( i know it is stupid to use a ferrari as an every day car.) how much would it cost him. i mean he earns 30k per year and his wife earns 30k per year. he has always been a big car person and he started saving up about 7 years ago to buy a ferrari 360, but now he bought a f430. so how much would it cost him, actually will cost around the same for ANYONE who has a driving history like his. i wanna know because in the future i would loooooooooove to have a ferrari.""
How much on average does a 34'-36' sailboat cost? What about insurance rates roughly?
How much on average does a 34'-36' sailboat cost? What about insurance rates roughly?
Is It Cheaper To Be Added As A Named Driver On My Mother's Insurance?
Hi, Ive got my test on 5th april, so i am looking to buy a cheap car soon, as expected insurance for 17 year old male is very expensive. i was wondering if anyone had a rough estimate how much my mums insurance would go up by if she added me as a named driver. she's got 21 years no claims discount and she pays about 400 a year. do i have to pay a deposit or anything? Thank you in advance for your answers :)""
Why wont my insurance insure me ?
im currently paying 350 for a 125 honda varadero ( on learners ) then i passed my test ( im 19 ) i upgraded cost me 27 to get pillon and change to big licence. Then i asked them to do me quote on a 250 ninja r, so i can get insured on that and they said the insurance doesnt cover me you have to cancel it and go some where eles. what the ****?""
How much does it really cost to own a Porsche 911 Carrera 4S in California? MSRP is...?
...$88,400. What other costs are there? http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am trying to own one of these. Just wondering what's is in store for me (i.e. tax, ...show more""
Does buying a car with a salvage title effect insurance?
We are looking into buying a 2003 Honda Civic EX Coupe that has a salvage title for my first car. The salvage was only a small fender bender, airbags are still intact and no frame damage. Would that effect MY insurance cost? If so, how much would it probably effect it? Thanks!""
Car Insurance policy?
I was buying home contents insurance a month ago, I realized that It could be bought altogether with some other extras like key protections, legal expenses and home emergency services. Today I am trying to buy car insurance, I wonder what extras car insurance comes with? Regards""
I am thinking of get a Honda Accord (1996-2001) in fl was wondering how much is basic inserance?
I am thinking of getting a Honda Accord between the year of 1996 and 2001 was wondering how much is it gonna cost for minimum insurance if I am 16 about to tern 17
""Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
Do you have to have a vehicle to get an auto insurance quote?
ok so i am wondering how much insurance would be for someone like me who has no credit and never owned a car before. i have tried checking online for quotes and stuff but i dont even have a car, and the sites like geico or progressive require u to have a vehicle to even get a quote. i live in minnesota and im 24 if that makes a difference.""
Insurance question?
When you move in with your boyfriend could you be put on his insurance, or would that only work if you are married?""
Got into a car accident! ): Will my insurance go up?
I got into a car accident a few hours ago..I was turning in to park into a tight space, misjudged the space, and ended up hitting the rear of the car that was parked on the right (I scratched it slightly)...my car had a slight scratch on it too. I gave the guy my insurance info and all that...but im worried..ive been driving for 3 years and never had this happen before, the damages are minor but will my insurance go up? Im also getting my motorcycle license next summer, will the insurance for my motorcycle go up?""
How much will motorcycle insurance cost approximately?
Im 17 and I have had my Minnesota drivers license for about a year. Im looking to buy a 250cc Kawasaki ninja or something similar. I will take the MSF safety coarse. I have good grades and have never crashed my car. Give me a rough estimate. Thanks!!
Is Geico a good auto insurance company?
I have been looking at a lot of different insurance companies recently. I have gotten a lot of online quotes and so far, Geico is the cheapest, not by a lot, but every little bit helps. Can anyone let me know the good and the bad with Geico? I'm in Michigan if that helps...""
At fault driver's car insurance won't pay for my damages!?
Hey guys and gals, My wife was in a car accident on 10/8 driving our truck with liability only insurance (IE: not full coverage because the truck is only worth ~$3000 and it's paid for). She was turning right and had slowed down to turn (with her turn signal on) when a speeding truck slammed into the van behind her, ramming the van in to our truck. The police filed a report, in which the driver of the speeding truck (an 18 year old kid, that had just left his house less than 1/4 mile away) was determined to be at fault. It is worth note that this happened in front of two different auto body shops, and within sight of the house the at fault driver had just left. Their insurance company, state farm, finally contacted us on 11/8 after not returning our phone calls for nearly two weeks saying they had determined he was in fact at fault and would send an adjuster the following Monday. He came, inspected the truck, determined it was repairable, then said we would hear from their office later that day. When they called they told us the damage was more than 75% of the vehicles worth so it was considered total and they would send the required paperwork to my email address to begin payment. Within 3 hours, the claim agent we had talked to the previous Friday said an owner of one of the auto shops had came forward (all of a sudden, no mention of a witness before) and that he had a notarized statement saying the van struck our vehicle before the truck struck the van. The insurance company now will not pay us for the damages. We tried to call the witness and get a copy of his report because State Farm would not give us the copy. Then we called the other auto body shop and both the owner and one of his employees both seen the accident and say that the truck was at fault, and the owner overheard the driver say specifically that it was his fault. When we bring this to the agents attention, she claims this is not evidence because they know the at fault driver. We found out that the first witness also knows the driver, but can't prove it. Ours is a small town, you don't have neighbors that you don't know or speak to. It seems we are at an impasse, and I have been without a truck for nearly 6 weeks. What should I do in this instance? Get an attorney? Our insurance agency is adamant about not intervening since we did not have full coverage insurance. It may be worth noting that my wife has had back and neck pain since the accident and went to the hospital the day of the accident, the family doctor twice since, and has an appointment with a chiropractor next week (all of which our insurance has paid for.)""
How much does insurance cost for your first car?
How much does insurance cost for your first car?
iowa self insurance workers compensation
iowa self insurance workers compensation
Young drivers car insurance!!?
I am 17 at the moment but planning on getting the insurance when i turned 18 at the end of this month to make it that bit cheaper, I already own a Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). The cheapest quote ive got is 4,000 (300 a month) and that's with co-ops new fit smartbox for young drivers, and i also have my dad as an additional driver and my mum on it with her provisional licence and I really just cant afford that price, any ideas on what i could possibly do?""
Can any body give me the defination of national health insurance?
I want the defination of national health insurance, benefit, coverage and objectives of national health insurance. plz quick.""
""I broke my brand new phone 2days after i got it, and i was still able to get insurance. Can i replace my phone?
I dripped my phone in a river 2 days after i got it. I called them and they said i can get insurance(but didnt tell them i broke it) i waited a few days and i was wondering if i can replace my phone?
What is a medical insurance deductible?
What is a medical insurance deductible?
How can anyone afford private health insurance in USA?
I'm thinking about going into private business in the USA, but I'm concerned about how to insure myself with health insurance. The policies I'm seeing are extremely expensive, and the deductibles are quite high. How do people who start their own business manage?""
Workers compensation insurance in Kentucky?
My friend works for a company and recently they have been taking out extra money from his check. I am talking about $200-$400 a week depending on how many hours worked. When he asked about it, he was told it was workers comp. Should he have to pay for this or is it his employers responsibility to hold this insurance on the employees. He have worked for this company for more then 10 years and this is a first.""
Car insurance coverage fraud!?
My boyfriend did something very stupid that I am worried about. He wanted to apply for a pizza delivery job at Domino's. The thing is he did not have car insurance, so he faked one on the computer, it looked completely valid, but when he was applying for the job the manager called the company to see if it was valid. My boyfriend heard that he was doing this, then he walked out before the company called him back to say he wasn't in their data base. So my question is, since he faked coverage with that company, and his name did not register in their data base, would the company report it to the police that he tried to fake coverage with that company since it was brought to their attention? I am worried for my Love, please shine some light on this. Thank you! He is just worried that the insurance company that he tried to fake coverage with would notify the police and/or the DMV and put it on his license.""
Which insurance company is cheapest for young drivers?
im trying to insure a ford ka as my first car and the cheapest quotes im getting is around the 4k mark.. pretty sure i can do better but not sure where..
Best car with cheapest car insurance?
I have passed my driving test in the uk. I am 17 year old male. I wanted to find out what is the best car to get that offers low car insurabce. Thank you
Would I be saving money if I bought a car and did the liability only insurance policy?
Right now, I am 17 years old and I have had my license since April 28th 2011. My family is on Allstate and their policy states that as long as I am driving a car which is not registered to my own name, I have to do full coverage (this is very expensive <$2000 since I am a new driver). If I buy a cheap car, one with a $1000 price tag, will I be saving money? Liability only insurance is cheaper, but by what amount? Is it worth driving a cheaper car?""
How do you go about getting insurance for a car you don't own yet?
Say you don't have any insurance but you have to go pick up a car and drive it home...?
How much will be car insurance be for a 2.2l Renault Laguna?
Basically, I've got my hands on a Renault Laguna 2.2l Diesel. It's a 2002 model. I've also just passed my driving test 2 months ago, and would like to know what to expect with insurance. I'm not keen on selling the car, so I'd like to know which companies are best for young drivers. Oh yeah, and I'm 17 years old.""
I just got a speeding ticket how much will insurance go up?
Im 18 i was speeding to get to school, 50 in 35... The ticket was worth 50 dollars, i pay 1200 a year for insurance and i was wondering how much it goes up, and my insurance company is farris insurance in Hickory NC, and my sister works there.""
21stcentury insurance?
21stcentury insurance?
Do you need insurance for a 50cc (49cc) scooter in California?
Do you need insurance for a 50cc (49cc) scooter in California?
I have geico insurance for Arizona. Will I still be covered if I go out of state?
I have Arizona insurance. But I might take a job in California. Will I still be covered if I move there. I don't know how long I will be. Maybe six or so. I don't want to change driver license and such over if I am not going to permanently live there. Anyone know if I will still be covered if I go out of state.
Short term insurance company's for 9 points +?
Hi i dont live in the uk and use my car for 3-5 days every 6 weeks when im there, i did have ecar insurance for 1 month when i was there for the summer, now that i want just 3-5 days insurance they wont quote me, ive tryed tempcover and they are no good !! all the ones ive come across wont insure me because i have 9 points.. witch is typical as they say they can insure up to 8 points... so my question to you is this do you know of any short term 3-5 day car insurance comapany's that take drivers with 9 points? its stupid that 1 or 2 mistakes leads down this poor road :P""
I need a cheap insuance plan?
I am 18 and am needing a liability insurance plan. I live in Houston TX, the cheapest I have found is with Geico for 3 somthing a month, and I think that is INSANE!!!""
About how much will Car Insurance for me cost?
I am a male. I am 16 almost 17. I am about to buy a car, I am looking for one now. About how much will it cost for a normal sized car? Not a sport car. Also I was told that my insurance can be lowered with my grades? I have straight A's.""
Car Insurance.?
My dad has insurance on his '92 Ford. I will be getting my license in November. I will be driving a '99 GMC Sierra. I was wondering about how much my insurance would be every 3 months. We are insured by Shelter Insurance of Louisiana. What is the cheapest way of getting insurance? Like would it be cheaper if i went under my dads are what? Please help 16 Male Louisiana insured by Shield of Shelter. Louisiana =] Thanks
How much (roughly) does car insurance cost for a first time driver?
I'm 17, and I can get my licsence in a couple months and im looking into getting a car. Specifically, a chevy spark 1lt, the biweekly payment is 136 and I'm just curious what te estimated insurance would cost?""
Motorcycle insurance with no Class C?
I live I California and the dmv gave me an only class M learners permit and I can only ride motorcycles not cars. My problem is Insurance companies keep asking for a drivers license then they cut me but I really don't want a Class C license!!! Any insurance companies bypass that?
Financed a car- car insurance went WAY up?
My husband and I recently sold our old car and financed a used low mile 2007 ford fusion. Our car insurance previously was around 60 dollars a month, now it's over $200.00. The reason our rate increased was our finance company requires certain insurance (comprehensive and collision) that we didn't have before. My question is, do we have to keep this insurance on the car throughout the financing period? They sprang this little tidbit on us right before we signed. We tried to get financing three weeks ago and suceeded, but the person working with us went out sick with swine flu and no one from the bank let us know. We ended up calling last week and they put us with someone else/ It put us in a time crunch since my husband was leaving for Naval OCS the next day. If we have to pay it, it's not a big deal, but we're a young couple and it's money we could be putting towards our student loans.""
Rough average insurance for 21 y/o on 500cc bike?
I'm coming up to 21 in August this year and i'm thinking of getting all my tests and everything done as soon as i can so i'll be on a full license. I'm thinking of getting a 500cc (probably a Honda CB500) straight away or maybe a 600cc, depends. I'll have no biking experience, no points on my license (unless something happens between now and then) and will probably be doing ~8,000 miles per year. What sort of price range should i be looking at for a years insurance?""
If im on my parents insurance when i buy my motorcycle do i have to pay for insurance?
I have to save for it and its hard to get a job in Jacksonville if your a teen so how much the insurance cost and do I need it if I do have to buy it or can I just buy the motorcycle and go its the Honda cbr250r its the only in my price range for now
iowa self insurance workers compensation
iowa self insurance workers compensation
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