#im excited for camp nano!!!
NaNoWriMo day 5 total words: 14,186
(+ 4,377 words today)
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its-me-vixen · 11 months
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Final leg ahhHHHHHHHHHHH
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ethereiling · 1 year
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i miss nanowrimo but i have neither the time nor the energy to do it rn.... maybe one day
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chaerymore · 2 years
any other wrimo-ers in the same position i am…
was really serious and/or inspired for this year’s nanowrimo and it just all completely fell through and you have approximately no words?
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cmonangel · 7 months
best feeling in the world!!!!!! i started a project for nano camp in july, wrote like half of it, and then was like this is literally atrocious i'm gonna forget about it. but i was thinking about it recently and just opened it up and i'm like wtf this is GOOD????? i have this week off so im gonna work on it and im so excited
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sapphiquill · 11 months
tomorrow, because i love throwing myself into the deep end, im doing a little writing challenge with my friend where we replace our atrocious social media time with writing time !! im gonna be working on time stealers for most of the day, and im excited if a little scared for multiple reasons.
1) i admittedly don't have a fully fledged outline 😭 yes ive been working on this first draft for a year now (technically a few months with many many months not working on it) but i wanted to give myself the space to explore and discovery write. I'm kind of hoping this doesn't slow me down too much, and that if it does i can take some time to just map out where the story is going lmaoo. maybe it won't be a problem immediately tho cos im currently halfway through a chapter!
2) i haven't written this intensely since camp nano last year and I'm a bit worried that im setting myself up for failure. which is silly, because even if I 'fail', I think that even attempting this challenge will get me out of this writing slump once abd for all.
i might do a bit of planning before the challenge starts, and maybe I'll update you all at the end of tomorrow with how i found it <3
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morilogy · 1 year
i am trying camp nano this april & am in a weird place where im both very excited and very stressed (anxiety is hitting hard ngl) and very confused about what im supposed to do and
well, overwhelmed overall lmao BUT definitely very happy just to be able to try this year.
& wishing everyone a good nano 😌
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mothman-can-write · 11 months
definitely dont mean to pressure you or anything!!
but im an absolute sucker for long ass blackhill fics, and i've been rereading the classics for MONTHS (eg. confessions of an angel, i hate you (but why cant i stop loving you?), the escape from hell isn't easy, another widow a second chance, time is the only constant) so i am in desperate need of new blackhill content...
any estimate on when the punk au fic will be out? once again, no pressure whatsoever! the snippets you've fed us with have honestly been so good already, and you as the writer always comes first
I wish i could tell you with any accuracy when it'll be out but i really have no idea i'm afraid. I know it's torture to have an author talk about a fic for ages before it comes out but my writing process is so incredibly messy that i can rarely even guessed the word count correctly (i have a 90k fic i thought would be 50k, and this one i thought would be done at 120k)
I've been doing camp nano this month which has been helping move it along a lot! Hopefully it won't be too much longer! I would love to be able to start posting it before the end of august but that is probably very wishful thinking.
I really appreciate the enthusiasm/intrigue about it though! I'm really excited about this one because it's very close to my own heart
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altfire · 1 year
i was so excited by artfight i forgor abt camp nano entirely. maybe while im taking a break from af i'll do some writing
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diphthongsfordays · 2 years
Hi there buddy, im Athena. How are you and hows the writing going?
Hi Athena!! Thanks so much for the ask, this was a lovely thing to see in my inbox!
I'm doing really good! How ab?? Anything fun? Anything exciting?
Writing is good! I wrote very little in May and June due to work, but I was just on vacation and got a lot done! I finished my outline draft of Deathdancer, which is super exciting! I'm letting it rest for a bit before I start doing rewrite stuff :-)
I also started a new project for Camp NaNo - Niv and the Neverwhere. I'm over 10k already, and just finished chapter 5! I'm attempting to discovery write it, as opposed to my usual plotting ways. It's a very strange and disconcerting experience, but is also a lot of fun right now! I thought it'd be a nightmare because fantasy worldbuilding is a whole thing, and portal fantasy has two worlds to deal with, but it's actually been working really well! :-)
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albatris · 2 years
*clears throat* *leans into microphone*
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keen2meecha · 3 years
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We're gonna do this update for last week (so, everything I wrote up until the seventh) and then at the end of this week I'll do another one for this week! :)
Words Written: 5477/20000 (~27%)
Average Words Per Day: 632~
Reflection: We started out strong! But now things are heating up at school and we're wavering haha. But I did manage to finish the first act of trust! Fun fact: writing a sequel is kinda different from writing a standalone or first book. On one hand, less worldbuilding and exposition (generally speaking, of course). On the other hand, referring back to events in the first book to remind readers what happened. I've never done this, so I'm not sure I've found the right balance yet, but we're getting there! Also since I didn't plan on finishing the first act in 6k words, we're the plan is to switch to cumulative word count across all wips, rather than just this one :)
“What’s up with Mom?” Sofia asked quietly, watching them through the window. They had paused on the porch; Mr. Black, while not a particularly tall man, certainly loomed over Mom. She, however, was more of a presence with her feet planted and her arms crossed as she talked to him.
“Hm?” Aunt Aveline followed her gaze. “Nothing for you to worry about, Sofia. Probably just something about last year.”
Except Sofia had been very clear that Mr. Black was — unfortunately — probably the biggest reason Sofia had made it through freshman year. Mom had no reason to be this upset with him. And Mom was not one who was quick to… most negative emotions, really. She had never truly raised her voice at Sofia or any of the other children, only cried maybe once that Sofia had seen — she had certainly never shown that body language, even in her arguments with Aunt Aveline, as few and far between as they were. Really, the worst she tended to get was interrogatory.
“Oh!” Sofia said suddenly, as if she had just remembered something. “I need that loaf I made!”
“Which one?” Aunt Aveline asked dryly — she was rather bemused by the uptick in Sofia’s bread making.
Sofia rolled her eyes but otherwise ignored her, darting into the kitchen to find the bread she had made a few hours ago. It had been left on the rack to cool and been forgotten once Kruze had arrived. Now she snagged it and wrapped it in plastic wrap as quickly as she could. She made it all the way to the front door, wrapped loaf in hand, before Aunt Aveline noticed.
“Sofia Smith don’t you dare—”
She pulled the door open and stepped onto the porch.
“—Doesn’t need to know about — Sofia!” Mom cut herself off mid-sentence, eyes wide.
“Here.” Sofia thrust the loaf into Mr. Black’s stomach. “And if I see that in the fridge in the teacher’s lounge, you will hear words.”
“This is bread.”
“Observant as ever, sir.”
His flat look at the quip was a relief; whatever Mom had said, it couldn’t have been too terrible or life-altering.
“I should get going. Smith… Sofia, I expect to hear from you within the week. And it was nice to see you again, Faline. I’ll keep what you said in mind.”
Mom did not look satisfied by that answer at all, but all she did was purse her lips and watch him walk away.
“Again?” Sofia asked as he got into the sleek black car that was parked on the curb. “What did he mean, ‘again’?”
“Hm? Oh, we ran into each other while you were at the hospital. It’s a little chilly — let’s get inside before we catch our deaths.”
It was a plausible enough explanation.
So why did it sound so much like a lie?
Taglist: @dustylovelyrun, @magicalwriting, @aziz-writes, @literary-lavender, @ocmaker, @kai-is-writing, @cilly-the-writer, @andiwriteunderthemoon, @aelenko, @cianawrites, @magnus-s-writes, @nothingisliteral, @raripuh, @frvnwrites, @adaparkwrites, @peggydreadful, @humour-and-hyperfocus, @ahowlinwolf, @alcego-writes, @cheerfulmelancholies
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goose-books · 3 years
realizing that i actually FAR prefer drafting to editing was a world-shaking revelation anyway just know that if you are drafting for camp nano i hope it’s going fantastically but i am also sitting jealously in the corner watching you like this
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peakatseven · 3 years
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Swing by the Lake (wip)
Knowing Charlie Kingsley, in any capacity, is already something to be proud of. No one that has met her lead the same lifestyle they did before she came into their life. Even long after she's gone. That's the beauty of her, I suppose. She bursts through you like lightning, with the power to either kill you or bring you back to life, and only to those lucky enough to be struck by her.
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simmonsized · 3 years
I took my math final today! and tomorrow I have to study extra for my chemistry quiz and then I just have that and biology and I'll finally be done for the quarter! I cannot wait for a tiny break!
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hakuryuu · 4 years
broke: exchange words of encouragement in nano chat
woke: exchange loving words of aggression in nano chat
bespoke: roleplay in nano chat
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