#im finally watching danganronpa another
abyssalstrike · 2 years
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quijabored · 4 months
Spoilers for S4 and first 2 episodes of S5
Im gonna try to not make this very long because I'm going through a what the fuck moment and I do not know how to process this :D (Finished the second episode and immediately went to Tumblr)
(Spoilers, this is very long ✌️)
With that being said
And with my undying hatred for Mori, I can also say he seems incredibly interesting.
I hate that I want to know more about him and I absolutely will, BUT FUCK
Then there was the Agency being split us and-
Not actually, but God damn it I was on the verge of sobbing so many times-
I love this series so much but how the fuck am I supposed to process this-??
I actually hate Fyodor so much oh my god (I want him)
And then Nikolai saved him :D
Hes just like me fr except I'm not a Ukranian terrorist :3
JOUNOS KIND OF A BITCH (Ive already signed the adoption papers, I love him so much he seems really interesting-)
Also fuck Fukuchi
"Now I just have to hope no one becomes a character I absolutely despise :3"
And then during the whole scene where he was talking with Ranpo and he was like "the president trusts you, so do I."
AT THAT POINT IT KINDA CLICKED AND I WAS LIKE "Oh shit its Fukuchi isnt it."
THEN RANPO STARTED EXPLAINING ALL THE EVIDENCE AND I SAT THERE AND I WAS TRYING SO DAMN HARD TO BE LIKE "Pshhhh- No waayy Fukuchis actually a really really really bad person right??"
I HATE THIS SHOW SO MUCH (I dont I love this show it has been my hyperfixation for so long please help I have dreams about bsd this is just like my Danganronpa phase oh dear god-)
If he doesnt have a good motive Im actually crying, though I get that not all characters are supposed to be redeemable, I just got really attached to Fukuchi really fast and seeing him yap was super silly :(
Fyodor works a lot differently than Fukuchi and I really really do love Fyodor-
Also Nikolai saying he's gonna kill Fyodor? Genuinely wonder if he's even capable of that cuz his ability is able to catch you off guard, but Fyodors such an incredibly silly guy and I wouldn't be surprised if he was able to stop anything from Nikolai
Not only an assassination attempt (Even though I doubt Nikolai would get very far with that-) legit something as simple as trying to scare him-
Also Fyodor understanding Nikolai? Dear gods I love them so much they make me wanna tear out my soul-
Making a little fanart for them and while I'm not sure if I'm actually gonna share it, they are very adorable in their own odd way
Back to the casino scenes, while I absolutely adore Tetchou and Jouno, TEROKUS JUST SO SILLY
And why the fuck does the sky casino look like a beyblade like I love him but someone's gotta get him into an exterior design class
Just searched up Beyblade to make sure I got the spelling right and what do you mean there's a hello kitty beyblade give it to me
Also Sigma just panicking for half the episode is so fucking relatable
I can't remember if I already mentioned I have adopted him but I have ✌️
He's so silly after I finish my Akutagawa and Fyodor obsession plus actually finish the story (or at least whats written right now) I'm focusing entirely on him
Okay maybe my Aku and Fyodor obsession won't ever subside but if it doesn't I'm making space for him in there-
Live laugh Nikolai I know I haven't mentioned him too much but he's such a silly character and he makes me happy-
Okay I think that's enough yapping for today, might watch another episode might not, but either ways I'm dreaming about it again ✌️
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Okay kinda unrelated but I love lucid dreaming so much like what do you mean I can bend reality at my will to make an episode of bsd that shows Fyolai being canon and adopting 3 cats
GOD I CANT WAIT TO BUY THE MANGA (I have to actually save up tho so I gotta wait a bit longer ✌️)
I know I could just find pdf files online but I js really really like reading physically so uh ill get to pdf reading when I get desperate 😋
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growling · 1 month
Ok one more thing about Hundred Line is apparently they are currently hosting a user survey (the links is in the official website) So after the questionare…please tell them to make the characters normal teenagers.
The first question is "please indicate your area of residence" with a bunch of continents listed and I picked Europe and they thanked me for the cooperation and told me to close the browser the poll ended I just thought it was funny. None of them Europeans allowed we've heard enough of you's
So I thought "huh whats up with that" and tested the other options. Asia is fine. North America is fine. Literally anything else listed? The survey just tells you to fuck off. Which like, kinda hilarious. I mean the largest fanbases/people who Buy That Stuff for Danganronpa/THL are in Asia (mostly Japan) and North America (mostly USA) so it makes sense they aren't interested in anything the other ones have to say. But damn. That is cold sjdhfgdajwksdfdskldj. A bunch of people in the twt post comments are pointing this out they're so mad lmaooooo
Ok so I'm going undercover as a north american dude named uhhhh John Freedom. Ok so first question. Gender question ok this is easy I'm getting such a good grade on this. Second question. Age question also a classic. Third question is how you found out about this survey uhhh from the tweeter post yesterday. Ok fourth question. Occupation?? damn shit they gotta know I'm unemployed now. Fifth question devices that you can use freely (to Buy Their Games). Ok I said none I'm actually writing this reply from my family heirloom world war II era calculator connected to wifi. Sixth question. "average amount of money you can spend in a month" ohhhh you rapscallion, I know what you're doing buddy haha you're so silly. Seventh question. Some game events that you have watched recently. I watched none I got no idea what they're talking about. Eighth question select all game streamers slash youtubers you have watched. They're all japanese I think so I don't recognize any of these uhh none. Ninth question select all following games you know of. As in played or just know of. Well now that you mention them existing I know all these this is so easy. Why is among us here. Tenth question oh now this is one for all the games you played haha I see. Eleventh question thoughts on danganronpa v3 uh oh. uh oh. uh oh. I'm gonna pick the "not satisfied with the pricing cus too high" so they take my helpful advice and make that shit cheaper. Ok twelvth question. "why didn't you play rain code but played danganronpa" im sorry i am so sorry im sorry im fucking sorry im sorry okay leave me alone im sorry.
Sigh thirteenth question. Line break cause now they're actually asking about hundred line... "what do you think of it" ohohohoho. what i dont think of it. im just picking options i dont have the energy to submit an essay i just know theyll skim over and disregard. lmaoo one of the options is "i can feel the essence of danganronpa". Oh wait they don't have an essay option that is great. Fourteenth question is what kind of bonuses would you like to receive when you purchase the game. hahaha i do not care. Next fifteenth quesion if tookyo released another game what elements would you look for in it or something. oh they have essay option enabled im gonna say something deeply fucked up and evil but straight from the heart. Sixteenth question. if tookyo releases a game what device would you play it on. None. Next question. Seventeenth question. Final question comments and requests for THL... damn this is hard. Ok I said something profound. Survey ended
I feel empty
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snellyfish · 1 year
OHOGHGOH MY GOSH OK OK OK you know how funny it was for like 2 days straight after we FINALLY caught up i just kept saying "i have to go write out my thoughts on drdt and feed my anons (mostly with you in mind)" every few hours with nothing but "i thought you already did that??" in response, cue me being like "no but like for real this time"
I also give my best wishes to the creator of DRDT, you've given us such a fun story with fun characters and I hope you the best on recovering, resting, and focusing on yourself. If we never get another episode that is a-ok, I'll be very sad but only because I truly appreciate the art and writing for a wonderful story that you've given to us all for FREE. Thank you for that<3 For clarity and reference, this whole ramble is written with the intention/presumption that we will get more chapters, though I'm not getting my hopes up
Also just an insane wall of text in general, jfc, you have been warned
Ok so first of all, I'll say what everyone's really here for:
Sorry, I personally fucking LOVED the twist, no significant complaints with it; it's a character trope I ADORE and more than I ever could've asked for to come from such a blorbo as David
Sorry, yes, I am also unfortunately down bad for him, HOWEVER-
Extremely happy that David wasn't the killer because we get to see more of this little freak in action in the next chapter, I can't even tell you how excited I am for his character omgomgomgomg I love horrible fucked up manipulative freaks so much. I also don't blame anyone for not enjoying his character anymore (especially if you liked the trope of his preconceived notion of a character) but like, me personally I can appreciate any character no matter the morals (the less the better imo) as long as they're written in an interesting and compelling way.
The way David is so horrendously straight-forward about everyone else just being a funny little pawn to him with absolutely no remorse (genuinely hope he never gains any empathy or I'll be a little upset ngl (well…depends on how it's done I GUESS!!)) makes his seemingly multi-layered character into….. something one-dimensional (/pos /GEN!!! one-dimensional is NOT a bad thing if it's a cool dimension that causes fun character conflicts) but the WAY they introduce this static ruthlessness to him is just;;;; CHEFS KISS. He's still a layered character, sure, two-faced freak running the long con, but his true self is just so reprehensibly remorseless it's hard to see ANYTHING under it
We were also both dying of laughter in the first episode how David had a really long horribly winded speech about fucking,,,,,,God knows what,,,, And no one acknowledged it and me n my bestie were just fucking whale eyeing each other like "SO IS NO ONE GONNA TALK ABOUT THAT? WE'RE JUST GONNA STEAMROLL RIGHT OVER HIS MINI PSYCHOTIC BREAK? OK" Not to be salty but GUYS.. Anyone who genuinely believed David was a good person and were shocked with the twist I…I'm sorry …… I'm sorry that we did not watch the same character introduction …. I've been on team two-faced David from the start that's my manipulate mansplain manwhore right there, babe! If you don't love him at his X you don't deserve him at his Y
Erm erm erm also thought it was hilarious when David was droning on after his big real reveal because, even though I was having a great time with it, I was also just repeatedly muttering "the fish…..?" looking around like the john travolta gif "the fish? the fish? guys, the fish? can we talk about the fish? im dying to talk about the fish" AHGHGAGAHA AND JUST GETTING SO FRUSTRATED WHEN EVERYONE FINALLY BROUGHT UP THE FISH AND WERE LIKE "OH EM GEE THE LIAR IS LYING ABOUT KILLING AREI??? DAS SO CRWAZY" Old school Danganronpa feeling of screaming at the characters denseness, so nostalgic, I DID ENJOY IT, IT WAS FUNNY, I HAD A GOOD TIME HAHA I loooove characters who lie for no good reason only to benefit themselves and have a good time while others suffer (Kokichi doesn't count + I don't like him (also stop comparing David to Kokichi you guys are insane and don't understand character nuance SOWWY))
My apologies I'm still like keeling off [MULTIPLE SUBSTANCES OF VARYING LEGALITY] so DON'T tell me if this is incomprehensible or not because I'm speaking straight from the heart and the heart says I won't him. This reminds me that for the entire time he was having his MAIN psychotic break (especially in the animation) my best friend wouldn't stop fucking muttering in distress "I WANT HIM I WANT HIM I WANT HIM" I had to tell him to shut the fuck up even though I was also internally very much not normal. We should both be shot.
Still think David and Hu should kiss. I think now more than ever they should kiss. Maybe make out.
Actually do you know how many times I said "Shut up, Hu." during these two episodes?? It was at least 5 I was getting SO mad at her for like no good reason, I don't even remember WHY exactly but I think her mom friend energy was getting TOO motherly and I'm no longer appreciating the particular WAY she mothers people, i.e. picking favorites + taking accountability for said favorites + defending them blindly and naively but in weirdly elitist way etc etc etc.. Very typical of Snellyfish to ship toxic men with female characters they don't like. Maybe I should look into my soul for this one, doesn't seem like,,,healthy, or something. I'll write my own callout post for me on that one dw.
Also I'm not necessarily saying Hu has bad writing or a wholly unlikeable personality at all btw, I am interested to know Why she's like that, I just gotta get over the hill of disliking her rn. Uber sweetie characters like that can just get on my nerves is all. She's also definitely got the secret motive for having multiple Attempts, huh? Give us your backstory queen,,,, I promise to like you a little more if you can bring a lil tear or two to my eye,,,,,,, I think my main thing with her is that she's like the most NORMAL of the group LMFAO
Either way, Huvid real. Sorry, but it shouldn't be surprising, I'm a Verturo shipper after all, it's in my natur-
SPEAKING OF VERTUROOOOOHHHH MY GGOOODDDDD I ATE SOOO DAMN GOOD. NO CRUMBS LEFT, I WAS GOING CRAZY. GOOD GOD CHRIST ALMIGHTY. The way that Veronika was the ONLY mf defending Arturo and he was like "girl you're making me look BAD" was so fucking funny, I am so horribly obsessed with their dynamic it's unreal
Not to "omg as a veronika kinnie-" for the millionth time but GIRL-- the way that I've said in the past Multiple Times that I hope both Arturo and David get worse and worse in an irredeemable way (mostly David, I kiiiinda want some nice Arturo content maybe one day 😳), and to have Veronika in like the same episode (I think) pivot back and forth towards both Arturo AND David in a "ohhh you're horribly fucked up I hope you never get better because I want in your brain NOW!!! let me IN!!!!!! THE TOXIC FUMES ARE CALLING TO ME LIKE A SWEET SWEET SIREN!!!!!!!" I think all three of them should also hold hands and kiss and--
OH. OH OHH. ARTURORRROOOO God as a general fuckin stan of all three Arturo + Veronika + David I ATE SO DAMN GOOD IT'S BEEN CRAZY TO CONTAIN MY THOUGHTS LMAO, had to stew on this one before writing it all out y'see. I definitely want to rewatch this chapter sometime because I know I've consumed it pretty mindlessly and a lot goes over my head. EITHER WAY.
Arturo backstory real??? Arturo's breakdown about his sister and how it's not his fault?? Not your fault in what way? Blushes and bats my eyelashes and holds your latex glove hand. plink plink. <-- sound of me batting my eyelashe.s. I was also incredibly normal when he straight up pulled a scalpel on Eden Kai Satou style, really really sane I didn't make monkey sounds or ANything like that, you guys. trust me.
In general I try not to give too hard of a time on DRDT's writing because it's like,, a passion project, obviously not professionally done, just a happy little writer writing their happy little characters AND I APPRECIATE AND RELATE TO YALL SO MUCH FOR THAT;; But I do have to finally properly mention how I frequently face the problem of a very consistent flow of characters being very straightforward, telling instead of showing, and making things just very awkward seeming? I bring this up mostly because of the Eden/Arei scene. Don't get me wrong I LOVE that dynamic and I LOVE what could've been between them in their friendship (🌈?) but I also wish that they didn't write Arei to so boldly claim like "I've been a manipulative bitch" or something like that, I guess I just don't feel that it's the kind of thing someone (especially like her, even with her breakdown-breakthru with David) would be able to articulate so clearly, and accept so honestly in such a short timeframe; I dunno. I've felt this way with a lot of dialogue even just in the prologue/introductions sections, wherein characters speak like they're Just Characters and know exactly how to word things like robots and just don't speak like Real people half the time. Whateva. That's my nitpick. I definitely think the dialogue has gotten better but the Arei thing ticked me off, but, I think her self-awareness might just be a crucial part of her character I'm not picking up on enough so,,,,augh, might just be me, honestly! I'm not the greatest writer myself so 🙏 feh!
Can't wait to figure out if I ship Arturo and J or not. Feel insane about it. Every time they talk I'm like DO I??? DO I SHIP IT??????? LOOKS AROUND AT THE AUDIENCE
GUYS I'LL BE REAL I'M STILL SO LOST ON WHO THE FUCKING KILLER IS LMAO!!!!!!! Entirely forgetting everyone's alibis right now so I can't really say who I'm leaning towards because they could be completely safe and I'm just dense and didn't pay enough attention. My b.
Even though Ace is one of my top fav characters I can feel myself getting steadily less and less interested in him just because all of his energy is going into the stupid Nico/Levi situation and I'm like SO sick of it Actual. I know it's mostly because I don't personally like Nico or Levi AND because this shit keeps getting brought up with no resolution nor any progress and it's like BRO.. I'M SICK OF IT. The amount of times they would bicker and I'd say "I'm sick of this drama." and then strategically zone out in self-defense was kind of funny. ACE DEFINITELY HAD SOME REALLY GOOD PARTS IN THESE EPISODES OUTSIDE OF THAT THOUGH GHGHHG HE KEEPS ME HOOKED, THAT DAMNED SMILE, as a chihuahua lover myself I can never stray too far from Ace's light, he's so fucking funny and I love his dynamic with David-- oh no, I love his dynamic with David........... Looks at my palms.
As always: Charles<3 I have such a funny relationship with him because it's like, he's not one of my top favs by any means, doesn't stand out the most for my particular taste, but I also have literally no reason to dislike him and he's just written GOOD, so whenever he shows up and has a nice scene or a nice line I just go "ah,,,,,,, charles<3" Not a single negative thought about him. He's like a sister to me. This isn't true I have many negative thoughts about my sister but you know!
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 year
Have you read any fanfics with good Gonata characterization? What's your favorites? Can be focused on him or just a fic that features him that you liked how they wrote him. I recently(ish, like a week ago) wrote Gonta's chapter of my V3 remnant au and now I want good Gonta content, I've been on a Gonta kick.
Ohhh Let me check my bookmarks for you!!
I don't read a lot of dr fic, mostly because there isn't a lot of gonta centric fic that I would want to read out there. Im not the biggest fan of the most popular gonta ships, and even when it is a ship I like sometimes I just want something gonta-centric yknow? and something that isn't fluffy but actually fully gets into his character. Gonta angst is my fucking white whale. Its so so hard to find.
That being said here are a few I really enjoyed!!
we're bound to break and my hands are tied - ToxicPineapple "Saihara and Gokuhara get together to watch Danganronpa as they always do. While the show runs, Saihara reflects."
This is the pregame Gonta fic that made me change my opinion on pregame Gonta as a concept. I really really like the characterization of him here.
Restlessness - ToxicPineapple "Gonta stays up late to keep a watch on things, trapped by his feelings of uselessness after the third trial. Kaito finds him and tries to help him through it."
This is a fic I commissioned from Tox.. Its really fucking good. Kaigonta hurt comfort centering around a part of Gonta's character that I rarely see anyone talk about. Its amazing!!
Every Day I Will Remind You. - MxSoda "Kaito Momota has done it. He's finally gone to space. The vast and vibrant cosmos are now here at his fingertips. But even when he's a million miles in orbit, there's a certain someone back down on earth that he can never forget. And he has an important message for that someone. One that he'll declare to the world."
This was a gift fic for me qwq Fluffy Kaigonta that is just the sweetest. I adore this fic
The stars in his eyes. - ToxicPineapple "Gonta tells Shuichi about the stars."
Saigoku for the soul. Gonta being a gentleman. This one is very calming and wonderful. Yes this is the third Tox fic on this list. She's good at writing gonta okay??
Gentleman Gonta and his Butterflies - Weirddancer14 "A short and casual fic about Gonta Gokuhara and his excitement for butterflies."
Dancer is a freaking PHENOMENAL writer and I really like how he writes Gonta and Gundham. This was another gift for me and I still think about it all the time
And these are just a couple!! If anyone has some good gonta-centric fic suggestions (especially angsty ones or ones that take him seriously as a major character in the plot) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send them my way!! There's a reason a good amount of the fics on this list were gifts T^T
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
My status with the fandoms
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Here is the list of the fandoms I write for with my currently status, how im going with the story in case you are interested in request for something specific of the story or something else
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🐭 My hero academia
[ Reading the manga, until the Meta Liberation Army Arc ]
🐭 Komi-san can't communicate
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Shuumatsu no Valkyrie
[ Full the anime - Almsot at day with the manga ]
🐭 Kiss him, not me
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 A silent voice
[ Full the manga ]
🐭 Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
[ Full the anime - Almost at day with the manga ]
🐭 Kakegurui
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
[ The anime until season 4 (crystal) - Full the manga ]
🐭 Assassination Classroom
[ Full the anime - Full the manga ]
🐭 Happy Sugar Life
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Puella Magi Madoka Magica
[ Full the anime (including Rebellion) ]
🐭 Card Captor Sakura
[ Full the anime - Full the manga ]
🐭 Pumpkin Night
[ Reading the manga, until the battle at the Hirayama Clinic ]
🐭 Spy x Family
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Hamefura
[ Only the first season of the anime ]
🐭 Kaguya-sama Love is war
[ Only two season of the anime ]
🐭 The way of a House Husband
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Romantic Killer
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Your lie in April
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Ouran High School Host Club
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Kaleido Star
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 My Dress-Up Darling
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Wotakoi
[ Full the anime - Almost finish the manga ]
🐭 Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
[ Only the first season of the anime ]
🐭 Oshi no Ko
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Devilman Crybaby
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Gakuen Babysitter
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Lost Song
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Gakkou Gurashi
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Brand New Animal
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Ousama Ranking
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 One Punch Man
[ Full the anime - Reading the manga, until Monster Association Arc (final preparations, prelude to invation) ]
🐭 ReZero Starting a new life in a another world
[ Watching the second season of the anime ]
🐭 Yuri on Ice!!!
[ Full the anime ]
🐭 Mob Psycho 100
[ Only two seasons of the anime ]
🐭 Haikyuu!!
[ Only the first three season of the anime ]
🐭 Majo Taisen
[ At day with the manga ]
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🐭 Danganronpa
- Trigger Happy Havoc
[ Only the anime ]
- Goodbye Despair
[ Full the game ]
- Ultra Despair Girls
[ Full the game ]
- Killing Harmony
[ Full the game ]
🐭 Omori
[ Full the game ]
🐭 Doki Doki Literature Club
[ Full the game + DLC ]
🐭 The Legend of Zelda
- Skyward Sword
[ Full the game ]
- Ocarina of Time
[ Full the game + the manga ]
- Majora's Mask
[ Full the game + the manga ]
- Link's awakening
[ Full the game ]
- Between Words
[ Full the game ]
- Beath of the wild
[ Full the game ]
🐭 NieR Replicant
[ Full the game + All the endings (including the one of the remake) ]
🐭 NieR Automata
[ Full the game + All the endings ]
🐭 Hi fi Rush
[ Full the game ]
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🐭 Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
[ Watching the 4 season ]
🐭 Gravity Falls
[ Fully the show ]
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prismed-tears · 4 years
imagine the dr surviving cast watching a mystery movie. they would be the WORST
trigger happy havoc
there's kirigiri who figures it out from the set-up (please. its chock full of cliches.) you don't know when byakuya figures it out, but he's just smirking at random close-ups and snorting snidely. (while he has a good idea, he's definitely just waving his dick around to keep up appearances too). makoto is the absolute worst. he's muttering the entire thing through, practically spoiling the entire movie as they go along.
there's asahina she makes for good audience, she's just vibing and gasping dramatically, giving the right reactions at the right moments. she's also practically strangling makoto lmao. there's hagakure, who makes bizarre and random guesses (conspiracy theorist) that happen to be right like.. twice (actual functioning clairvoyant, surprisingly). he also tries to fall asleep, but makoto is so damn loud. makoto and hagakure are a two-man class trial, them disproving and arguing both of their theories. touko's just there because it's teeeeechnically a date with her beloved white knight, but you bet your ass that she can enjoy good storytelling and plot devices. she's basically cinema sins as she mutters "huh. narration. cheap tactic." kirigiri is silently nodding along, and eventually, they're both discussing the cliches and the utter bullshit in it, lmao. touko doesn't quite figure out the mystery, but she's pointing out plot holes as they go.
makoto eavesdrops and uses it as truth bullets in the makeshift class trial. eventually byakuya joins in, by the halfway point, they're all drowning out the movie completely. asahina's just bummed out and wondering how did they think this was a good idea. kirigiri hasn't officially joined, but she's basically dropping hints to makoto as they go along. touko does the same thing to byakuya. hagakure cries out that it's unfair, he doesn't have a sidekick. kirigiri tries to pry out touko's knowledge of cliches, touko cries out that kirigiri's a traitor for betraying her trust by using their earlier discussion, etc etc.
by the end, asahina's just happy that the characters got what they deserve. kirigiri's right, of course, but hagakure predicts an unforeseen plot twist that's just bad writing in the movie, touko is practically ranting how the fuck did that happen, there were so many plot holes for the twist to happen, but he's right nonetheless. makoto gets it wrong, actual investigation skills doesnt work in a movie, he keeps attempting the movie to apply real life logic. and as for byakuya? he's just smirking and laughing all the way through. is he correct? is he just waving his dick around? that's the real mystery.
goodbye despair
(technically they're all surviving, but i'm just counting the awakened ones at the end of the game, because... that's a lot of people lmao.)
(+ nagito and chiaki because we need actual detectives in here, and they're barely detectives as it is.)
let's start this off with— chiaki is asleep. she's down for the count. hajime keeps trying to wake her up but she's out. that leaves nagito and hajime. hajime is just eyeing/glaring at nagito, nagito knows, he's just 💞😄🖐🍿 as for the actual mystery, hajime actually knows how to keep his mouth shut... for the most part. he's muttering out half-formed syllables at random times, or shaking his head. sometimes, nagito asks him to elaborate, and hajime reluctantly does. when nagito isn't doing that, he's watching the movie, going "huh? but..." which makes hajime go crazy. elaborate. what do you mean. but WHAT. sometimes nagito laughs at random times and hajime's practically boring his eyes into nagito's skull, wondering what the fuck he's thinking. chiaki wakes up at random times, points out random things, hajime's shaking her, what does she mean he didn't quite catch it, but she's already gone. hajime obsesses over the slurred syllable that he heard.
and then there's kazuichi, who... isn't quite following? that's the detective dude, right? what do you mean that it's a common trope in movies? that doesn't make sense, he's working for the police, why is he trying to get arrested— and there's akane, who's just cackling at the dead bodies and hollering at the crime scenes as she wolfs down her popcorn. why aren't you freaked out, fuyuhiko asks. you aren't acting like this in the game, fuyuhiko says. of course akane knows how to differentiate fiction from reality. fuyuhiko understands the sentiment, both of them go apeshit at the crime scenes, fuyuhiko wants the detective to lose because he doesn't like the police much, mafia and all. meanwhile, there's sonia, who already watched 70 other movies with practically the exact same plotline, but she's basically freaking out at every turn. she's ooohing and aaaahing at every plot twist and kazuichi is like. oh PLEASE, he already saw that coming. he stretches his arms very unsubtly, sonia primly stands up and moves ten seats away. you're right, miss sonia, this is a better spot. kazuichi says, appearing out of nowhere. sonia moves away. this is a vicious cycle.
she finds her way eventually to hajime, who's five seconds away from an aneurysm. he's trying to pick the brains of two people while trying to figure out the plot of the movie. nagito looks very strangely pleased. sonia is unfazed, randomly saying that "oh, you know x is actually stole x, right? but that's only one facet of the grand plan, which is currently in motion." hajime's about to cry. thank fuck. an actual conversational partner. they calmly swap theories, kazuichi desperately trying to join in the conversation but he really isn't keeping up. fuyuhiko barges in, basically going what the fuck are you all on, are you saying that this movie is gonna have a happy ending? hell no, it doesn't work like that, fuyuhiko should know. this is what would actually happen—
it's an actual class trial now, akane dropping in and all. she asks for clarifications every once in a while, but she doesn't really care. kazuichi is practically kissing her feet. nagito has gone 💞😄🖐🍿🧏🏼‍♂️👀💞 at this point. fuyuhiko is very much concerned. hajime doesn't see jack shit. what does hajime see, you ask? hajime sees that nagito isn't opening his mouth to share his thoughts. hajime asks him properly. nagito answers with his own question. hajime is about to pop a vein. why does he even bother. sonia calmly says that y is dying. chiaki wakes up. red bracelet. passes out again. hajime shakes her shoulders to no avail. hajime hinata is about to cry. kazuichi, out of all people, tries to calm him down. this makes him feel worse.
sonia is practically a clairvoyant as she predicts what's going to happen 5 seconds before it does. nagito goes 💞😄🖐🍿🧏🏼‍♂️👀💞 😄🖐🍿🧏🏼‍♂️👀💞 does nobody else see this, fuyuhiko says. i do, kazuichi says. they are both unable to do anything. for the very first time in a long while, hajime is blindsided in this mystery, and sonia was about to figure it out before he did. his mind is working on 5x speed now. he knows he shouldnt be competitive. its just a movie. he cant help himself. he find a red bracelet on the assistant detective. sonia doesn't say anything about it. hajime is now unlocking 50% of his brain (not literally. no kamukura in this post lmao, im not gonna put my hands in THAT).
final fight scene as the assistant tries to escape. fuyuhiko is on the top of his lungs, pointing out the many different ways he could knock out the detective. akane's joining with him. kazuichi's just joining in the fun at this point. the mystery gets solved. hajime fucking called it. sonia is genuinely caught off-guard, she was too used to movie tropes, but it's a pleasant surprise. fuyuhiko's just pissed that the detective won. "i didn't see that coming :)!" nagito says. what the fuck are you talking about, hajime says, and all traces of victory are gone. nagito says that he isn't a fan of the mystery genre. hajime's eye is twitching. he knows, deep down, nagito is truthful, but also, why does it feel like bullshit. i called it too miss sonia, kazuichi says. everyone knows that he's lying. sonia suddenly lost the ability to hear. chiaki wakes up. summarizes the case. how the fuck do you know that, you were out cold, hajime says. i was spoiled by a redditor, chiaki says as she blinks the sleep out of her eyes. hajime doesn't feel victorious at all. kazuichi, once again, sympathizes. right before hajime can storm off altogether, fuyuhiko joins in the pity pile, and hajime actually finds the hope to live again. what a hopeful sight, nagito says. no hope here, hajime realizes, just despair. akane is sitting beside 5 empty tubs of popcorn. hajime is half-tempted to shove his head in one.
(sidenote: nagito can probably solve the mystery if he tried but he really doesnt care that much + it was fun to rile hajime up lmao)
#cant believe im about to shove another nagito essay in the hashtags#dont worry im gonna put in byakuya too#antag essay really#i havent watched the danganronpa anime yet so i might be wrong#but in dr 1 there are more detectives than dr 2#obvi theres kirigiri but im also talking about the antags#there's byakuya whos nearly as perceptive as kirigiri#and then theres nagito... who happens to be lucky enough to stumble on key facets of the case#dont get me wrong nagito is as smart as byakuya#but byakuya is clever and perceptive while nagito is cunning and resourceful#nagito and byakuyas key difference is#byakuya messed with the after of a crime scene#while nagito conducted his own crime scene even twice#sure nagito knows things from the case that hajime doesnt... but note that hajime tends to overestimate nagito and we're stuck in his head#also note that nagito saw different facets of the case than hajime#like making the crime scene in the first place then seeing mikans true nature in the hospital/seeing the movie then the final dead room#nagito had unfair advantages every time#meanwhile byakuya had the same amount of evidence as makoto excluding case two#byakuya can make use of what he sees while nagito finds ways to find more evidence#that's why i think byakuya would act exactly the same when watching a movie#because its basically just evaluating the evidence presented to you much like class trials#while nagito couldnt find a way to find more evidence or look for a workaround#is he still hella smart? not detective smart like kirigiri or byakuya#danganronpa trigger happy havoc#trigger happy havoc#super danganronpa goodbye despair#trigger happy havoc fic#goodbye despair fic#danganronpa fic#excluding his tendency to play mind games hes about the same level or barely above hajime as a detective
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sips-tea-cutely · 3 years
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5 Stages of Grief
inspired by: @/coffeeebeeans
note; kinda short since im still getting into the writing groove yknow. sry if this sucks 😛😛 might write one for the girls because i have a whole other set of this for the girls like maybe maki heheheeh. might edit too tmrw lol
summary; another day, another death. life goes on and on but how do danganronpa characters handle *your* demise?
characters; rantaro amami, fuyuhiko kuzuryuu, hajime hinata, shuichi saihara, makoto naegi
tw: suicide (shuichi)
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Rantaro Amami
rantaro has only had two things that he kept precious; his sisters and his s/o. and now, here he sees, the love of his life with a bloody bruise on their head. he refused to believe it. you were always a prankster, so perhaps this is some elaborate plan by you and kokichi? yes, it has to be, he won’t accept any other answer. there’s no way you’re dead.
even until the elevator ride to the class trial, he won’t believe it. you must’ve gotten monokuma to play along with this gag. and when shuichi finally explains that it was the secret door that lured you? the door he trusted you oh, so much to tell you about? he caused your death? no, absolutely not. the survivor perk is supposed to be something that would help him win this game, not cause him even more grief. he promised you that he’d find the mastermind before anyone dies, there’s no way he caused it, it’s completely unthinkable.
he refused to even watch the execution, it was just another painful reminder of how he had failed you. he finally succumbs to despair. his guilt manifests into hallucinations of you. and all he could do was listen to all the threats, guilt trips and whines that ‘you’ kept saying, he knew it wasn’t you. you were never this cruel.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
he’s angry. not that you killed someone but for the fact that you felt the urge to kill someone. fuck the rules, fuck this killing game. this game already took peko away from him, he’ll be damned if it takes you too.
“ah, you all found out, huh? well, i guess it was going to happen sooner..” you smile, despite knowing the fate that awaits you. “what the hell..? why are you smiling, s/o?!? why did you kill nekomaru, answer me!” he angrily demands. “well, i couldn’t let you all just starve, now could i?” you genuinely smile. you really risked your own life to make sure your friends wouldn’t die? fuyuhiko.. isn’t used to that. you’re too kind for your own good. he understands your motive now but now he’s in a pure fit of rage, the rest of the trial was screaming on fuyuhiko’s part and akane holding him back from attacking monokuma.
“you don’t need to do that, fuyuhiko. it’s alright. i killed nekomaru knowing the consequences. go ahead and vote for me” you softly say, reassuring fuyuhiko. he doesn’t like it though. he refuses to let someone else slip by him.“it’s okay, fuyuhiko, let me go and i promise it’ll be alright.” you walked off to have your punishment and by then the only sound in the trial room was fuyuhiko’s screams of both sorrow and despair. he saw red fury as he lunged himself onto monokuma in a fit of anger. and what happened next.. is something he can’t quite remember.
Hajime Hinata
he tried, he really did. he knew what you did but he couldn’t accept it. he was going to make sure you lived, even if it cost him his own life. “hajime, pardon me but your logic doesn’t make any sense. s/o was taking care of ibuki at the time of her murder, we should be including them as a suspect as well.” “i agree with miss sonia, don’t go around playing favorites, our lives are on the line too!”
“no, it’s impossible because.. i was with them. mikan asked to talk to see ibuki in the reception to check her temperature.” “w-what?! i-i never said anything like that, i promiseee!” “hey, hajime, tell the truth before i slap your front tail!” well, this was stressful. he felt like an outsider again. he wants to believe that you’re innocent but the evidence is in front of him, you killed ibuki and hiyoko. “cmon hajime, just tell the truth, we both know it.” your eyes softened towards him. why? why did you want him to condemn you to your death? he didn’t want to, he couldn’t, he’d rather die himself then watch the love of his life executed. he just wanted to cry, to cry into your loving arms.
his childhood friend and lover, the person who despite not having an ultimate talent, never thought of him any less. he couldn’t bear to see it so please consider this his repayment.
“…i’m the culprit.”
Shuichi Saihara
he couldn’t take it. he was finally at his breaking point. at the sight of your corpse, he knelt to the floor and started wailing. not only had he failed his companions once, but twice. and now you’re gone as well? you were the person who checked in on him in his dorm after kaede’s execution, you were the shoulder he cried on after the 5th trial, you were the only thing keeping him from snapping and now, you’re gone too.
he couldn’t investigate your body, he couldn’t. he was facing the corner of the cafeteria, attempting to regain his breath but the tears kept coming. all he could think is what did he do to deserve this? during the trial, he relied on maki to relay all the clues she found and that’s when it finally clicked. you killed yourself. you ended your existence purely from the guilt. he was shocked to say the least. you knew he loved you so why didn’t you tell him? he promised to be there for you like you are for him so why couldn’t you tell him?
even after the trials end, voting you as the culprit. shuichi was almost zombie-like, this question eating up at his mind. it almost drives him so mad that he hears a small sigh of relief by tsumugi.
Makoto Naegi
he heard your scream. although through his mind runs every what if; “what if i checked on them? what if i walked them to their dorm?” the only thing from completely spiraling into despair was your cold, bloody hand on his cheek. your hand was shaky and the half-dead corpse in his hands was getting colder by the second.
“don’t be sad makoto.. smile instead. smile in the name of despair. i know you can do this because y..you’re…” your hand fell from his cheek and went limp on the cold tiled floors as your eyes closed and your body went cold.
smile in the name of despair? it doesn’t quite make sense now but, it’s your death wish and it’s the least that he could do. he gently put your corpse onto the floor and immediately started his investigation with some new found determination. he made a silent promise to you to stop another killing from happening in this academy again.
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gaysaito · 3 years
twig hyperfixation masterpost woo
this might be pretty long so. hides it behind the keep reading thing
furbies, genshin impact, zero escape, remember11, your turn to die, toilet-bound hanako-kun, noragami, bones, taxidermy, m&ms, the magnus archives, cavetown, smp live, hat in time, minecraft, undertale, aftertale, errortale, deltarune, pokemon, slime rancher, omori, ai: the somnium files, akuduma drive, blue period, centaurworld, bungo stray dogs, deadman wonderland, the promised neverland (s1), neon genesis evangelion, eva rebuild movies, eva manga, nge gakuen datenroku, houseki no kuni, danganronpa, haikyuu, hello charlotte, kagepro, kirby, made in abyss, my hero academia, soul eater, tokyo ghoul (anime), vast error, homestuck, heinoustuck, worlds end club, wonder egg project, stellar firma, wolf359, the strange case of starship iris, the penumbra podcast, doctor who, octonauts, obey me!, sky: children of the light, azur lane, tap tap fish, cats are liquid, dragonvale, dragon story, dragon city, flutter, vulpins adventure, duck life(especially duck life 3: evolution), warrior cats, the fever king, room of swords, carl, seed, denma, space boy, lumine, ghost eyes, castle swimmer, gloomverse, sweet home, moon you, elements of insanity, my little pony g4, my little pony g5, equestia girls, creepypasta, scp: containment breach, scp foundation, lil miss rarity, five nights at freddys, one night at flumptys, five nights at candys, night in the woods, sally face, hiveswap, henry stickmin, 1bitheart, oneshot, case 00: the cannibal boy, physical exorcism: case 01, among us, ponytown, itemlabel, how to train your dragon (books), how to train your dragon (movies), how to train your dragon (series), clowndolls, vintage dolls, "haunted" or "cursed" items, bootlegs, mob psycho 100 (anime), yuri on ice, beast quest, astrosaurs (my beloved!!), cows in action (my also beloved!!!), slime squad, astrosaurs academy, suicide boy, walten files, bugsnax, moral orel, banana fish, a whisker away, your name, a silent voice, vocaloid, yarichin bitch club (im sorry), nbcs hannibal, the disastrous life of saiki k, the legend of the guardians: the owls of gahoole, the owl house, infinity train, over the garden wall, adventure time, amphibia, steven universe, steven universe future, uglydolls (movie), blood bank, black butler (only s1 and s2), ebiten: kouritsu ebisugawa koukou tenmonbu, the cat returns, ghibli movies in general, family guy, rick and morty, garfield (comic), garfield (movies), the garfield show, garfield merchandise, legend of zelda: breath of the wild, animal crossing (new leaf and new horizons) , tomodatchi life, nintendogs, trolls (the dreamworks movies), puella magi madoka magica, moomins (original tv series and books), yandere sim, avatar the last airbender, artemis fowl (book series), starkid, danganronpa another, super danganronpa another 2, total drama island, hisone to masotan, seven deadly sins, over the hedge, midnight gospel, ducktales (2017), she-ra, masters of the universe (old and new series), OK KO, the emoji movie (yes im serious), dinosaurs, carnivals/fairground rides, worm on string, tattletail, splatoon, stardew valley, shrek, kung fu panda (movies), sonic, the dark crystal, detective pikachu, wasteland, gorillaz, yokai watch, robotic animal toys (like idog), we're back, a dinosaurs story! (movie), isle of dogs, leafie a hen into the wild, japan sinks 2020, bojack horseman, watership down (og movie), animals of farthing wood, beastars (manga and anime), BNA, megamind, little witch academia, parasyte, sword art online, aggretsuko, kakegurui, erased, the umbrella academy, the end of the fucking world, i am not okay with this, no game no life, gitch techs, is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon, how to sell drugs online (fast), masters of the universe revelation, demon slayer, violet evergarden, your lie in april, squid game, final space, voltron: legendary defender, hilda, scissor seven, kipo and the age of wonderbeasts, the garden of words, living with yourself, digimon, carmen sandiego, the mitchells vs the machines, the hollow, teen titans go (yes seriously), twelve forever, the lego movie, green eggs and
ham, seraph
of the end, killing stalking, doll eye, ayakashi akashi, celeste, cave (that one xbox 360 game), lovers in a dangerous spacetime, inkheart (+ inkspell + inkdeath), spirit walker, numbers, bodyguard, alex rider, diary of a wimpy kid, animal jam, moshi monsters, tankmen, cows, goats, sheep, clone high, transformers, old disney movies, bfdi, everybodys talkin about jamie (west end), esc-ape by seec games (the prison boys, tsumugu logic, tasokare hotel, yotsume god), smiling friends, dsmp, origins smp, hlvr:ai, sewing and fashion, puppets particularly jim hensons work, animatronics, showbiz pizza, chucky cheese, a few other original animatronic bands, plushie collecting (specifically beanie babies), item label, the walten files, slugterra, bakugan, transformers, the original tmnt cartoon, ladybug books (the publishing company), boyfriend to death, changed, audience, lupis vulpes's old animations, fnaf books, attack on titan (just started), underworld capital incident, its not me its my basement, komi cant communicate, sweet tooth
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too-kinky-to-live · 3 years
happy vo.re day everyone!!! here’s my cringe fic to commemorate :-) 
(no ao3 link this time im too self conscious) 
this idea came about while talking to the lovely @chili-kinks and they made this in conjunction with my fic so please check them out!!
anyway this fic features pre.game oum.asai and soft, same size vo.re, you have been warned. also bad words
The screen cut to a large Monokuma towering over the latest blackened, a small blonde girl with a long pigtail. The demonic bear picked up the girl and began to lick all over as she struggled in his grasp. Slowly lifting her above his head, Monokuma bent his head back and opened the gates of hell: his half-fanged mouth, with drool beginning to form around it. The girl was screaming and flailing about as she was lowered further down to her demise. Monokuma’s fist released her without effort, the blackened dropping right into his gaping maw. It slammed shut with a metal clang, and the bear gave a loud, deafening gulp. 
Saihara’s eyes were glued to the T.V., in a more intense manner than usual. What a cruel way to go, even for Danganronpa standards. He had many ideas about his own execution someday, but this… this was definitely one to consider. He could only imagine how she felt wriggling around in his large belly, put to an eternal sleep with a comforting blanket of warmth. His shaky hands moved to text his boyfriend Ouma, who sadly couldn’t make it to their weekly Danganronpa viewing because of heaps of school projects. He knew Ouma was more into the mystery aspect of the show than the gruesome killings, but he simply couldn’t resist. 
Saihara: omgomgomg did you see the latest episode???
Ouma: I did. I had it on in the background so I could work. 
Saihara: what did you think of the execution? :D
Ouma: It was… something. Unexpected, definitely. 
It was difficult for the taller boy to contain his fantasizing, to say the least. 
Saihara: i love the way she was screaming for dear life,,, it was soooo satisfying in the end! god i wish i were monokuma… tasting a victim would be so worth ittt
Ouma: Uh, Saihara?
Saihara: yea?
Ouma: I think you should go to bed. You have school tomorrow. And… you’re scaring me a little. 
Saihara: sorry kichi… but fiiiine ill see you tomorrow.
The last thing he wanted was to make Ouma uncomfortable. And he was a man of his word, he’d take his advice and get to bed. However, there was one thing he wanted to try first. Rummaging around in his snack drawer, he found a small bag of Monokuma-themed gummy bears. He couldn’t stop thinking about having something whole run down his throat… and what better way to do it than try on a small candy? He frantically opened the bag and plucked out a red gummy. Dangling it above his drooling maw, he licked his lips. 
“My first victim… down the hatch!” 
He shoved the gummy in his mouth and had to stop himself from chewing. Positioning it for swallowing, he let it slide down his throat with a hard gulp. Saihara traced a hand over his chest to feel it going down to his stomach, shivering slightly. What an amazing feeling… he couldn’t chew these ever again! He happily shoved more in his mouth and gulped them down, pretending they were meek little prey against his predatory might. 
Saihara tossed the bag aside and rubbed his belly blissfully. One day, maybe he could have a person inside him. Despite his affinity for Danganronpa, he could never bring himself to kill someone. He was going to rely on Team Danganronpa’s directors to change that for him. No, he merely wanted someone in his belly for a while, just to feel what it’s like. 
Surely a normal human like him couldn’t achieve that, right? 
Only one way to find out. 
Ouma looked on nervously as Saihara effortlessly swallowed half a sandwich whole. His previous victims included sushi, apple slices, candy, cookies, and brownies. It was almost inhuman how the taller boy could open his mouth to fit a seemingly endless array of food. 
"Saihara, you're gonna make yourself sick."
Saihara simply chuckled. "I'll be fine, 'Kichi." 
The smaller boy knew Saihara had a somewhat unhealthy obsession with Danganronpa, but he never would have imagined it would affect him this much. Despite how unnatural it was, Ouma couldn't help his morbid curiosity. He couldn't deny how interesting the latest execution was (no matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise), and a small part of him absolutely loved watching Saihara scarf down food and seeing it travel down his throat. 
Nope, he definitely didn't enjoy this. 
Every so often, the taller boy would lift his food above him and slowly ease it into his mouth, as if to simulate eating a person. Ouma was immensely thankful the other patrons of the cafe were ignoring them. Maybe this sudden fascination would fade once the next Danganronpa episode came out; but with Saihara, anything was possible. 
Saihara: hey could you come over today? i wanna try something. 
Two weeks later, Ouma received a rather unceremonious text from Saihara one night. 
Ouma: Sure. What is it you want to try? 
Saihara: i don't think i can say over text
Ouma furrowed his brow, his mind racing to the absolute worst possible scenarios. Did something happen between him and his uncle again? 
Ouma: ...why not? 
Saihara: i just can't i'm sorry 
Saihara: pls come over asap 
Ouma: Alright.
It was unsettling how vague his friend was being, and that made him all the more worried. He hurriedly packed his things and ran to Saihara's house. 
The two sat across from each other on the floor in Saihara’s room, neither saying a word. The taller boy had his eyes cast down, deep in thought with Ouma left to wonder just what the hell happened to him. The air was unnerving, and Ouma couldn’t take it anymore.
“Are you okay, Saihara?”
The boy in question took a second to look up at him, meeting his eyes with an emotionless face Ouma had not seen in him before. 
“Do you remember the episode where the girl got eaten alive?”
“I… I want to try it out. I’ve been practicing so I could make it happen.”
Saihara couldn’t possibly think this would work, right? Humans aren’t capable of eating each other without… killing the other. Ouma shuddered. 
“Saihara,” he spoke slowly. “Do you really think you can do this? I mean, Danganronpa is just fiction after all… and one of us wouldn’t s-survive,” his voice began to quiver. 
The taller boy sat up slightly and looked at Ouma with soft eyes. “I won’t let that happen. I’ve been looking stuff up. I’ve been training myself. And… you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” 
Part of Ouma didn’t want to. That part was constantly pushing the fact that this could end up very bad. However, another part slowly began to rise up - the feeling of being the closest he can to the one he has a crush on. And of course, there was that naughty side of him thrilled at the idea. 
“...I’ll do it.”
Saihara’s eyes lit up. “Really?!”
“I trust you. And, well, I’m kinda curious too.” 
Hearing Ouma have mutual feelings to this weird activity made Saihara’s heart race. The smaller boy began to remove his clothing, too embarrassed to make eye contact with his crush. Saihara finally noticed how bony Ouma was. He’d make sure to get him a proper meal later. Ouma removed everything but his boxers, feeling somewhat self-conscious and looking away with a blush. 
“Could you uh, close your eyes while I do this? I don’t think I could make eye contact with you.”
Ouma complied and Saihara inched his way towards him, shaking slightly. Ouma trusted him. He wasn’t about to let that be for nothing. Raising himself above Ouma’s head, Saihara opened his maw until it became unhinged. He gently bit down on the smaller boy’s head of hair. The flavor was a sweet grape with a bit of lavender, which made Saihara drool slightly. He couldn’t help but smile in bliss as he took more of the boy in. He felt Ouma flinch a bit, so he brought his hands to Ouma’s arms and rubbed for reassurance. The smaller boy calmed down and Saihara reached his shoulders. 
Perhaps it was Ouma’s smaller stature, but this was going a lot easier than Saihara had anticipated. He wanted to lick at him to get more of his sweet flavor, but he didn’t want to gross him out. He also wished he could ask how Ouma was holding up, but, well… he was a bit preoccupied. As Saihara reached the smaller boy’s torso, he realized the boy had entered his stomach. He was already feeling full, but there was no going back now. He took a hand off of Ouma to rub his belly, his hand gliding over the dent created in it. Reaching Ouma’s boxers wasn’t nearly as thrilling of a milestone, since his taste was interrupted by bland fabric. 
He picked up the pace and shoved the covered part of Ouma’s body down his gullet. He mentally apologized for being so rough. Resuming the wonderful taste of Ouma, he slid down his spindly legs. All that remained was below the knees, and those were consumed just as quickly. Saihara could feel Ouma squirming a bit to get comfortable, and that’s when the true euphoria started. 
It felt fucking amazing. 
It was everything he hoped it would be. He leaned back and let an arm support him from behind, using the other to support the massive weight added to him. His stomach stretched past his knees with many bumps protruding from it. Red-faced, Saihara panted heavily with his tongue lavishly hanging out. God, this was so worth it. He rubbed around to feel for Ouma, who was surprisingly calm during the whole ordeal. 
He opened his mouth to ask Ouma how he was doing, but a massive belch burst from his lips instead. The smaller boy, meanwhile, was fumbling around trying to make out his surroundings in the dark. His body was drenched in saliva; but strangely, no stomach acid was present. The world quaked around him as Saihara let out a loud burp, and Ouma found it hard to be grossed out given his current circumstances. 
“Are you *urp* okay, ‘Kichi?” 
Saihara’s hand found Ouma’s head between the fleshy wall separating them, and Ouma couldn’t help but lean into the touch. He never saw himself in the stomach of his crush, yet here he was. 
“I’m okay. It feels… really nice,” he blushed, accentuated with a small rub to the stomach walls. He was amazed at how elastic Saihara’s stomach was, he hoped he wasn’t putting too much strain on it. 
“Haah… I’m great, ‘Kichi! The best I’ve ever felt, actually! You tasted incredible,” he grinned, licking his lips. 
Suddenly, the buttons on his dress shirt holding on for dear life relented and popped right off, exposing his large belly. That was… pretty hot, Saihara realized. Ouma started to rub more of the walls surrounding him, causing Saihara to moan rather loudly. He was a complete mess around his crush, but it was just too difficult to contain his bliss. 
“Saihara, why aren’t there any stomach acids yet?” 
The taller boy gave his belly a gentle pat. “I found recipes online for drinks that *hic* could subdue stomach acids for a bit. It looks *hic* like they worked pretty *hic* well, huh?” 
Ouma smiled and let himself lean back into the warm stomach walls. 
“You’ll let me out when I’m ready, right?” he asked tiredly. 
“Of course,” Saihara whispered, rubbing Ouma’s head.
“Thank you, Saihara.”
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duncanxtrent · 3 years
Hey I was wondering if you could do another Danganronpa execution but this time it’s Trents. It’s ok if you don’t want to.
Ive been interested and I aint got nuttin to do aon a Tuesday so why da heck not?
Im imagining Trent would either be the first or last killer if he had a relationship with the protagonist or if not then probably somewhere around Chapter 4. As for who he would kill, my best guess would either be Gwen or Courtney. Now then ON WITH THE EXECUTION!
(Blah blah blah, kinky bear collar thing, onto the actual execution)
The Red Coppers Final Performance
(The red copper was his stage name before the Drama Brothers at least in my headcanons)
Trent stands quietly in the middle of a wooden stage. Unlike many other of the executees, he seems more calm and collected, as if he’s accepting his demise. A Monokuma hops on stage with a mike and hands it to Trent. Trent confused, but not having much left to care, takes it.
Suddenly the stage lights blare to life and Trent is able to see a large crowd watching him. He finally realizes what the mike is for. He sets the mike on a conveniently placed Mike stand and pulls out his guitar. Without another word he begins blaring out metal on the guitar, singing Duncans favorite song out on the mike. The crowd cheers with rage, not at Trent, but just in general.
As the concert goes on, the rage grows louder and louder, with people smashing chairs and trying to knock over barricades. He realizes whats happening, but knows that stopping would only worsen so he keeps going. Finally once he reaches the end of the song, the crowd finally bursts through the barriers.
Trent doesnt move a muscle as the crown slowly surrounds him, he just smiles at the ground with tears in his eyes as the camera cuts away
And when we return, we dont see Trents body. All we see is the broken, bloodied, and shattered remains of his once infamous guitar
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kirbylord · 4 years
okay fuck it im just gonna talk about danganronpa 3 unprompted
so i watched Danganronpa the animation first so my expectations were not high to say the least. but then every episode just keeps getting better and better (im switching between future and despair arc btw)
makoto is adorable i never thought i would be so happy to see grown up makoto again and then we FINALLY get to see what happens to aoi and hiro and they’re all in another killing game (makoto being carried by aoi is something i never knew i needed but i love it)
OH YEAH monaca is there?! and komaru and toko too? AND BYAKUYA?
oh and don’t get me started on the dr2 characters (chiaki and nagito are precious)
apparently dr2 characters are a grade older than the dr1 characters which really messed up my timeline but now that i think about it it makes a lot more sense.
i love junko and izuru’s dynamic they are literally opposites (but as cool as izuru is hajime really deserves better)
nagito is stranded on a fucking island? wth?
gundham and sonya are adorable together i just ship them more after watching this (AND GUNDHAM’s HAIR??? im still not over it)
mitarai i honestly feel bad for but at least he has imposter with him (i guess even imposter has a heart)
nagito blowing up the gym was? totally something he would do? the characterization is amazing and i love his dynamic with his ultimate luck (like the seesaw effect between being extremely unlucky then extremely lucky to balance it is so fucking cool)
i love the girl in the mask (don’t remember her name but she’s the ultimate pharmacist) and basically every new character in dr3 is so interesting and it’s bittersweet to see how they used to be in despair arc and how they are now in future arc
okay i need to shut up now but i genuinely cannot stop thinking about this show and my brother is tired of me rambling to him about it lmaooo
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AU: Post Game Simulation V3
lmao i rushed this because i wanted to add so much so its messy and im sorry
It had been a couple of months since a small group of school kids with extraordinary talents had been forced to endure a traumatic life changing event. Slaughtering each other left and right and having to kick start survival senses just to make it through. Even if it was all virtual, the pain of dying and the pain of betrayal was all real for each of them. Although through the misery of a killing game, these kids found a bond between them all, having learned all of the best and worst parts of each other.
After they woke up, they had made an oath to always keep in touch and check in on each other no matter where their future paths may take them. So far, that vow had stood strong. As the seasons changed and the healing continued, they made time for each other. 
The air outside grew colder and colder until dew from the day began to frost as the sun disappeared in the horizon. Kaede Akamatsu and Shuichi Saihara walked down a long asphalt paved driveway towards a large white home that reminded the both of them of a mansion from movies. Complete with carved pillars and a green garden outside with flowers that popped against the white and cream of the structure. The grass around the property looked like it was just as green as golf fields.
Kaede held a tub of cookies in her mittened hands while Shuichi carefully walked a pitcher of apple cider he had homemade with Kaede not too long before their departure. 
“I knew Kirumi was well off with her talent but jeez!” Kaede’s bright voice cut through the cold.
“I’m not r-really surprised.” Shuichi responded, shivering and stuttering.
Kirumi Tojo had decided that they should meet up for the holidays and have themselves a “Friendsgiving.” She informed everyone that she would be making the main dishes but if anyone had anything else they specifically wanted, she would welcome the aid.
“I’m so excited to see everyone! They’re all getting a big hug whether they like it or not!” Kaede always spoke with such determination and confidence and luckily that same attitude had slowly begun to rub off on Shuichi.
“I’m s-sure they’d l-love that.” Shuichi turned to look at her and smile before glancing back towards the front door.
As they had gotten closer, they noticed a fall wreath hanging on the front door. Yellows, browns, and oranges littered the leaves and flowers that circled it. As they stepped on to the small stairs that lead to the porch, they saw a couple of the flower picks had fallen off; hot glue bubbles still on the ends. Shuichi determined that this must be a homemade wreath. 
Kirumi would not have let her creations fall apart like that. So they wondered just who would have taken part in the decorations. 
Kaede reached out her hand and softly knocked on the wooden door. It only took a moment before an excited Angie swung the door open.
“Ah! Atua told me that it was you two!” She tilted her head from side to side.
“Don’t listen to her. She looked outside the window and noticed Kaede walking up!” Tenko shouted behind her. In her hands was a banner with many fall colors. 
“Nyehh…” A small voice beside Tenko mumbled. “Tenko, I can’t put that above the window. I’m too short. I have to save my magic for dinner.” 
“Don’t worry Himiko! I will get it and all you have to do is hold the end and look pretty!” Tenko grabbed Himiko’s hand and pulled her off towards a grand window facing the front of the house.
Angie bounced on the soles of her feet before moving out of the way to let Shuichi and Kaede through. “Now we are just waiting on Gonta! I hope he did not get lost! Atua would be very upset if he did not make it in time for the turkey!”
“Oh I’m sure he will get here! We just have to be patient.” Kaede nodded and then walked further into the house to find the dining room. Shuichi shut the front door behind him and trailed after her.
As they passed through the living room, more and more familiar faces appeared. On the large sectional sat Tsumugi, Hoshi, and Korekiyo. The three of them were facing towards the TV that was mounted on top of the fireplace in the middle of the wall. Korekiyo, sat criss cross on an arm rest of the sofa, kept his attention on a small book that he had brought with him. Tsumugi and Hoshi sat on the cushions, their attention on the TV that had the Netflix menu on it.
“Tsumugi. It’s Thanksgiving. Can we not use my account to watch your trashy cartoons please?” Hoshi’s calm deep voice questioned her. He leaned back and adjusted the candy cigarette in his mouth, something he always kept to curb his previous addiction.
“Not all of it is trashy! I can find some very sweet slice of life animes! Like Ouran! Or Fruits Basket!”
“I don’t care what’s in the basket. I just don’t want it in my watch history.” Hoshi pulled his beanie over his eyes and sighed.
Shuichi had to bite his lip so that he didn’t outwardly laugh at the quick witted response. Kaede didn’t want to get involved in that argument and moved forward into the hallway.
“You little fucker!” A shrill voice stopped them in their tracks.
“Get your short ass back here!” 
A small figure zoomed out of a room and into the hallway. Of course Kokichi had gotten himself into trouble already. 
“It’s your fault your hair is so long! Maybe you should cut it or something? I hear being bald is totally in right now!” Kokichi giggled and raised a finger to his lips, a signature move as he teased.
Iruma followed into the hallway, holding strands of her hair. “You better open your tiny little mouth and get to eating this shit out. I am not about to let it dry and ruin my beautiful blonde hair!”
“Don’t you know how to use a hairbrush? Or do you not know hygiene either?”
“That’s it. Say you’re fucking prayers!” Iruma lunged forward but a hand covered with rings wrapped around her forearm. 
“Iruma. It’s just jello. It won’t ruin anything.” Rantaro came into view. He let go of her and folded his arms across his chest. “And Kokichi. This is a special time. Don’t waste food by throwing it at people. We’re literally trying to celebrate being thankful.”
Kokichi sighed loudly and slumped his shoulders. “Fine.” He drug the word out in annoyance. “I’ll just go steal the remote from the weeb or something then.” He turned on his heel and pushed past Shuichi and Kaede down into the living room.
“Hey guys. Sorry about that.” Rantaro’s previous firm attitude fell and the normal carefree one appeared. “Guess I gotta keep a better eye on him while we are here.” He put a hand behind his neck and looked down at their hands. “Oh yeah Kirumi is in the dining room now looking to place the food. So go right ahead.” He moved out of the way and followed Kokichi’s path.
Iruma had been messing with the strands of hair, trying to pick the food out. “He’s lucky that Rantaro was here to protect him. Again. One day I’m gunna beat the shit out of that little twink.”
“Ah I think he’s just, just trying to g-get a rise out of you.” Shuichi offered.
“I don’t want that kind of rise for me!” Iruma smarted off, making Shuichi shut his mouth quickly.
“Okay!” Kaede interrupted. “We’re going to go set these down then!” She wanted to cut it off before it got anymore vulgar. Shuichi nodded and the two of them started towards the kitchen.
“I’d close my eyes before walking through there.” Iruma warned.
“Why? Is the food cooking in there just that appetizing? Will we want to eat it the minute we see it?” Kaede’s eyes widened with joy.
Iruma blushed brightly. “Uh. No!” She struggled to find words. “Worse! Actually just go see for yourself. Embarrass him more while you’re at it!” She let out a boisterous laugh before turning her heel to another room down the hallway that had to be a bathroom.
Shuichi and Kaede exchanged looks before walking into the kitchen, slightly afraid of what they might find. What they didn’t expect was the see Kaito and Maki in the middle of the room. Kaito leaning on a cabinet with something in his hand in front of Maki, keeping her in place.
“How many times do I have to tell you? Wrong holiday.”
“Isn’t it close enough though?” Kaito’s voice pleaded. “Come on. It’s tradition.”
“Yes. For Christmas.” Maki sounded like she was way past done with the conversation. 
“So you admit that you’ll kiss me under the mistletoe at Christmas.” Kaito smirked and looked down at her with his “famous smolder.”
“I am not admitting anything. I am stating a fact Kaito.” Maki’s face flushed and she reached up to play with the hair that had fallen in front of her shoulders. 
That’s why Iruma had mentioned embarrassing someone. Kaito had mistletoe and had been trying to get Maki under it.
“Sidekick help me out.” Shuichi didn’t think Kaito had noticed him.
“I uh, uhm. Well.” Shuichi stumbled on his words.
“See? He agrees with me!” Kaito said matter of factly. 
“He just stuttered like always.” Maki glared.
“Yeah and I can understand his language!” Kaito leaned back offended. “Don’t hurt his feelings like that!”
“Why don’t you get him under that first then.” Maki challenged. 
“I will! Get over here sidekick!” Kaito stomped his foot down and motioned for Shuichi to come forward. 
Shuichi panicked slightly and shook his head. “Actually Kaito uh, actually I n-need to take this to Kirumi. You just, uhm, just keep trying.” He struggled to appease the taller male in front of him. He ducked his head nervously and turned into the grandiose dining room, Kaede giggling behind him.
The room had a yellow mood lighting with a large table in the middle. A white lace table runner down the middle with some plates already sat at the chairs. At the end of the table they found that they had finally met their goal. Kirumi and Kiibo stood down at the end. In Kiibo’s hands were two sets of plates that Kirumi would reach for as she set the table.
“Oh hello Kaede. Shuichi. It’s so wonderful to see you.” Kirumi’s pleasant tone was a nice change from the chaos they had just previously endured. 
“Kirumi is letting me learn how to properly set tables!” Kiibo seemed genuinely excited to be able to help out. 
“That’s wonderful Kiibo!” Kaede looked for a place to set her tin of cookies and gestured for Shuichi to do the same with the pitcher.
“We just have a couple of plates left to set and then everyone can come and eat.” Kirumi gently placed some utensils down into a designed napkin.
“I do not believe Gonta has arrived yet. I am hoping he will be here soon.” Kiibo pointed out and frowned in concern.
“Gonta will make it in time. It’s part of being a gentleman.” Kirumi pointed out and placed her hands in front of her on her skirt. Kiibo took the last set of plates and placed them on the placemat along with the proper utensils.
“I think we are ready now.” Kiibo nodded.
“Alright. Well why don’t the three of you pick your seats while I go and inform the others.” Kirumi seemed to glide as she exited the dining room.
It wasn’t long before the empty spaces were filled with bodies chattering with each other. Kirumi was back and forth putting the main courses on the table. Angie sprung into the dining room with a large figure behind her.
“Look everyone! Gonta made it! Atua helped guide him to us! How divine!” She collapsed her hands together before sitting down next to Himiko. Everyone lifted their heads and greeted him with delight.
“Gonta very sorry everyone! Gonta not sure what to bring as gift but finally found amazing thing!” Gonta held up a wrapped present and smiled wide.
“Gonta why did you bring a gift?” Kokichi questioned.
“Well Gonta just do what Miss Kirumi tell him. It Friendsgiving. So Gonta bring something to give friends!”
Kokichi began to laugh loudly. “Gonta you are so gullible! It’s a play on Thanksgiving! It doesn't mean giving to friends!”
“Oh!” Gonta’s face fell. “Gonta so sorry everyone! Just wanted to do the gentlemanly thing.”
“You did.” Kirumi walked back in for the final time and took the gift from Gonta. “I will go ahead and open it. Alright?” She peeled the wrapping paper away to reveal a diorama of different beetle types. Something used for educational purposes in the classroom. “This is wonderful, Gonta. I am sure we will learn a lot from this. Go ahead and have a seat.”
Gonta nodded before sitting down next to Kokichi and unfolding a napkin to put in his lap.
With such varying personalities, the chances of them all being friends under normal circumstances was low. However, they were all grateful for the friendships they had gained and found within each other. Kirumi cut into the turkey and served a piece to each person. Everyone  was just happy to forget about their lives for a while. Despite everything that happened, this holiday was panning out to be one of the best ones they’ve had.
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some p!g-drv3 theories (spoilers obvi)
First of all I think people demonize the pg versions wayyy too much because its a good way to be le sexy in like fanfictions. And i get it, villains are hot or whatever. and also hs is a horny age to be. But even the edgiest and horniest of teens aren’t like. that sexual/monstrous. its kind of insane the portrayals people are placing
maybe this could also be like me being older bc when i was early hs i was like yea its fair to place these super mature portrayals on a 18-22 year old they are like adults but young and now im that age and im like woah there pardner. might be an age/maturity thing. 
also like its normal for people to relate to and portray characters their same age in a similar fashion, but when adults write more sexual content about the dg kids i get hella fucking sus
idk where i was going with that first comment i guess its like a preface and in the end i think its important when characters especially teenage characters are morally grey not because they’re mature and dark/brooding but because they are still young and learning. fuck im older than like most of them, but im still young and learning. its good to be in turmoil and confused, especially the drv3 cast. they are more confused than anything.
which i think is a reason why people would join dr because if you are completely loss and in turmoil, it is appealing to be given a purpose in life and amazing talents/abilities. despite the morals of danganronpa, it is a simple reality to be told who you are and what to do
OK ONTO HEADCANONS (not doing all bc i dont have thoughts about all)
first of all i understand changing stories but i think, deep down, you can’t change fundamental personalities/values. so while the backstories might be different i think, in the end, a baseline is always the same
SHUICHI being a Bad Boy is like canon obviously but i dont think he’s as manipulative as people make him out to be. i think he falls in the more the bully role that like. mae borowski or tf2′s scout filled before they grew up. rough background, bad anger issues, lots of emotional turmoil, and the only way he knows how to deal with shit is by committing crimes and beating the shit out of people. and, similar to those characters, drv3 represents an older, more emotionally sober yet equally confused version of himself. the urges are still there as foreshadowed in the dialogue. i think he struggles with guilt, mostly survivors, but there is still a lasting impact of guilt of what he did in his past, even if he can’t remember.
KOKICHI is a child. a piece of shit motherfucker child but a child. I really do think he’s like one of the youngest people in the cast. he reminds me a lot of when my brother doesn’t take his adhd medicine and takes jokes way too far and does mean and cruel things because he thinks its funny and that its just a fun joke, but is hurting people. he desperately wants approval, which is why his leader role is so interesting because in the dr narrative he has the approval he craves and so he is satisfied. still, he does try to impress characters like rantaro and values his opinions a lot, even developing a brotherly relationship in the time they knew each other. this being said, its established kokichi was bullied before, but i dont think he’s like. the wimp people make him out to be. i think he’s more of like the class clown who desperately uses humor to make people like him, and ends up resorting to be the butt of most of his jokes. you don’t just develop a good sense of humor out of a brainwash, and that’s not something you can program in. i think that was a remnant of before, and he’s so good at bullying people and coming up with roasts - i just think that in p!g the roasts were about him.
KAEDE is baby but her p!g personality seriously reminds me of any ~quirky/edgy~ girl in a teen coming of age story who tries to be edgy and cool and act like she doesn’t care but deep down, she really does. if she didn’t have an empathetic personality, she wouldn’t want to end the game. i also think she has that self-identifying QuIrKy personality because its like she lives in her own narrative, practically announcing this story is about her and she is the protagonist. i know i used to self narrate like that and distinguish how i was different when i was like. 15-16. she has a tumblr. 
I really like the theory where KAITO is a make-a-wish kid who was better when he was younger but relapses later in teens. he never used his wish before, so he decides to use it now to be on danganronpa and become the hero he always wanted to be. i also think he might have joined as a way to raise awareness about adolescent healthcare. definitely the type who puts on a “heroic” character to make everyone else feel better about the fact he is literally dying of a terminal illness, and keeps that act up till the end. 
i think KOREKIYO is still a serial killer. i think honestly a reason why he mightve auditioned for danganronpa is because he is a serial killer. maybe his sister found out and he felt so much shame that’s why he auditioned. he probably mentioned why in his interview because duh, tell them im a serial killer and then only reason im coming clean is my sister found out and im ashamed, that is like a guarantee to get on the show.  i LOVE the theory that his sister is still alive, however, and has to watch her brother go insane because they wrote her into the story as the villain. because technically, she brought on this guilt, and is the reason why he auditioned - as a way to cause despair, twist it around so she’s the one to blame for his insanity. also, because its pretty accepted DR members become celebrities, kork’s sister is totally bombarded with paparazzi and is demonized in the media. she might end up writing a tell-all memoir about kork’s actual childhood and personality. quiet kid, thoughtful, interested in anthropology, she never thought he’d hurt a fly. watching her brother go insane probably destroyed her. 
I also think, timeline wise, kork is probably one of the oldest members along with rantaro. tbh i think kork actually graduated hs and went on a gap year doing the whole “hitchhike around the world to discover myself thing” which is where he began killing people. he was getting ready to go to college when his sister found out about what he did. this is when he decided to go on danganronpa instead of university. this would help explain why he knows so much about other cultures/travel/been so many places with so many memories/killed/is knowledgable on a level most other students are not. this would place him at like, 20-21, where everyone else is like 15-18.
ok so there’s two p!g RANTARO, p!g before 53 and p!p!g before 52. i’d like to establish now i think rantaro is the oldest of the characters, seeing as though he was already pretty old to begin with in 52, it takes time between television seasons, and he was in another game. so im placing him like 21-23, similar to yasuhiro in d1 being so much older than everyone else. i do think, in all iterations, rantaro was pretty much raising his sisters, though i don’t think he had twelve like the story (i think that’s an exaggeration, his sisters mean a lot to him, lets make him have a TON and then lose them all and feel GUILTY) rantaro joined the first game, partially to get money for his family and hopefully establish them as celebrities and let them have a comfy lifestyle, even if he doesn’t live...and also to finally ahve some sort of experience without his siblings tagging along. if he’s been raising his sisters all his life, he’s never had like something that’s JUST his. that’s his adventure. 52 is his ULTIMATE adventure. ahaha. mostly for money, kind of dreading it, still a tiny bit excited
ok p!g rantaro between 52 and 53 probably came back broken. he did the signings and appearances, but mostly wanted to spend time with his family and make sure they were set up. i think he knew the whole like few months between seasons he had to go on another show, but he did’t tell his sisters. his family found out when they saw a billboard with his face plastered on it hyping up the return of a fan favorite. yikes!
ok i get it a lot of people hate HIMIKO but i think she’s not nearly as similar as other “useless” characters in other games. its like, pretty clear she’s depressed, and the only thing she’s holding onto with dear life is magic. lack of hygiene, lack of personal care, constantly tired, social interaction exhausts - she has depression, but she’s not an UWU depressed character. so people find her depressive traits (which are some of the most realistic portrayals of mental health in the series) SUPER annoygin. she joined dr because she was completely lost and needed some sort of direction in her life, even if she’ll die for it. the thing is, even with direction, her mental state didn’t change because she wasn’t getting legitimate help. it’s like that one SNL skit that’s like. same sad you from before but in a new place. i also think she knows the magic is not real, because how could she not. i think she’s so adamant that it IS real, less as a way to convince others, and more of a way to convince herself. it’s like really super cruel that team danganronpa took a girl who is desperate for meaning and gave her literally a meaningless, fake talent.
i also kin himiko and find her a comfort character because i feel seen by her, replacing her useless talent of magic with mine of like shitty film making and comedy. i am seen.
related i don’t think she’s nearly as ugly as everyone says she is, i think she’s probably just depressed and takes absolutely no care of her hygiene and sleep and looks like sick and greasy all the time. same queen.
honest to god i think RYOMA’s backstory, tennis and all, is like 100% real and he’s the only one who keeps all of his memories except for the fact this is a tv show. i think he rolled up, a hot fucking mess, and the danganronpa team were like damn. we cannot improve upon this. 
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Tumblr media
first  name  ,
Shannon but I also go by Shay on here!
strange  fact  about  yourself  ,
Not so much strange, but I collect musical snowglobes. Last I checked I had 8 different ones
top  three  physical  things  you  find  attractive  on  a  person  ,
Physical attracttion doesn’t really matter for me. 
a  food  you  could  eat  forever  &  never  get  bored  of  ,
a  food  you  hate  ,
Mushrooms, Blegh
guilty  pleasure  ,
rewatching tv shows from my childhood
what  do  you  sleep  in  ,
Pj pants and a comfy shirt, or if im lazy what I wore that day as long as its not jeans!
serious  relationships  or  flings  ,
Not really sure. The only serious relationship I had didn't really go well
if  you  could  go  back  in  the  past  &  change  one  thing  about  your  life ,  would  you  &  what  would  it  be  ?
To not get together with a certain ex of mine
are  you  an  affectionate  person,
Yes. I can be very affectionate
a  movie  you  could  watch  over  &  over  again  ,
Rise of the Guardians or any movie from the How to Train Your Dragon series
favourite  book  ,
My god that’s hard... I’d have to go with either The Knife of Never Letting Go or Alice in Wonderland 
you  have  the  opportunity  to  keep  any  animal  as  a  pet :   what  do  you  choose  ,
A Hawk. Such a majestic bird!
top  five  fictional  ships   (  if  you  are  an  rp  blog ,  you  can  use  your  own  ships  as  well  )  ,
Let me preface this by saying, this is in no particular order!
Zack & Adam
Akuma & Sylvain
Zack & Cloud
Sorey & Mikleo (Tales of Zestira)
Prompto & Noctis (FFXV)
pie  or  cake  ,
Cake, Easy
favourite  scent  ,
I like more fall oriented scents like pumpkin spice
celebrity  crush  ,
None I can think of
if  you  could  travel  anywhere  where  would  you  go  ,
Cali (To visit @sparkadream​ and another friend of mine, UK (again to visit Friends. Spefically @snxckersnxckisms​ and @dreamxalittlexharder​) and finally Italy
introvert  or  extrovert  ,
I can be a bit of both
do  you  scare  easily  ,
Oh yeah. I don’t do well with Horror
iphone  or  android  ,
do  you  play  any  video  games  ,
That’s a looong list, but to name a few: Kingdom Hearts, Danganronpa, Persona 3,4,and 5. Bioshock. and a lot more
dream  job  ,
Baker or Pastry Chef
what  would  you  do  with  a  million  dollars  ,
Help get my family out of debt and thenput some for savings and the rest to use on gifts for my friends
fictional  character  you  hate  ,
I can’t think of any I downright hate...
fandom  that  you  were  once  a  part  of  but  aren’t  any  longer  ,
There’s a few, I was once in the Bakugan fandom but that fandom is loong since dead
Tagged by: @snxckersnxckisms​
Tagging: If you want to do it, say I tagged ya
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gizaoyas · 3 years
OMG Margaux,
First of all I'm SO SORRY I MISPELLED YOUR NAME ALL THIS TIME. I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT. i write all my asks on the phone so there was a lot of going back and forth (of course that's no excuse). I hope I didn't offend you with my mistake ;;;
I'm glad to hear that you had a lovely week <333 you definitely deserved it. I hope you got plenty of well deserved rest and fun during that time~
honestly tho with the way Gege hates gojo i think we'll get a sad satosugu reunion ;;; im hoping with how OP gojo is, he'll make it out of the series alive but im not holding my breath lol i want to see geto and gojo meet again ;;;;;; they couldve been the strongest duo..... (sobs)
I definitely know some bit and pieces of OP that I'm not nearly close to seeing any time soon. It's hard to avoid all spoilers from the most popular shounen series lol
lol noooo don't do that for mdzs. the back and forth happens within the season/episode so it wont make a lot of sense if you watch multiple seasons at the same time. once the backstory is established in the first and second season, they don't do the back and forth as often! it's best to just watch the show traditionally!
skfslfsdf it's definitely a cold year. There's no snow where I am and it's really cold. I ended up getting sick from my sister and her bf but im getting better now! it helps that i wfh so i dont have to travel or miss work because im sick~ and yes!! it's very tempting to just play all day and not work but i like to say i usually get my work done lol
here to hoping you have another lovely week <333 i have your gift coming up!! i hope you'll like it ❤️
-Animanga Secret Santa
Hello again my dear Santa ❤️
Ddhdjdjd of course you didn't offend me at all!! I was so confused because I didn't know how to tell you that without you feel embarrassed, I was very afraid you'd feel bad for it!! I really thought your mispelling was cute!! Even some people of my family struggles to write my name so you know 😆
I got plenty of time last week to get some rest, making colorings, found gifts for my family and ate some chocolate! 😋I recently started a new job, and quit my previous one, that's why I had a lot of free time, I wanted to take a week for myself 😌 I hope you had a very happy, peaceful and lovely week as well and still wishing that everything is gonna be fine for your finals ❤️
Satosugu reunion is what I need the most but Gege is so crual, sure it'd only be painful... I'm almost sure there won't be a happy end for jjk 😔 I wish Gojo gets out of this alive too, but just imagine if he's tired of everything and die because being the strongest would be a curse to him, and he even couldn't saved Geto *cry* ahhh I don't want this happens, but it'd be easier to meet Geto in the afterlife, right ? :')
Ahhh I know what you mean, because before I catch up with one piece (I've paused it for years and then rewatched everything since the first episode) I had to black list everything related to it because I've been spoiled of so many things 😔 gladly I forgot facts I wasn't supposed to know but yes it's so hard to avoid spoilers 🙄 Surprisingly one piece is not the most popular shonen on tumblr, and spoilers are kind of "light" 😖
Omg I totally misunderstood dhsjehzkfzsk the mechanic to watch 1 episode of two different seasons in parallel is very interesting! I haven't played to Danganronpa games so I can't say if the adaptation is good or not, tho I really enjoyed it!! Then I'll definitely not watch mdzs this way, and I can't imagine what I would understand if I watch it like that 😂
Gosh glad to hear you're getting better because getting sick these days seems to be pretty tough to heal!! It took me almost 2 weeks to feel much better 😖 be on lockdown for almost a half of a year is very tough for immune defenses! Oh it's really one of the benefits to wfh!! I'm totally the kind of person who's always waiting until the very last minute to get the work done and it ends up in disaster 😆
Ahhhh Santa of course I'll love everything you wanna make for me!!! I'm very impatient to see what you'll make, like, who from which serie!! Ahhhh I desire to know everything and especially who you are 👀❤️
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