#im gonna get them to look more like stars
vulpixisananimal · 3 days
looking into tonfas (aka i watched literally 2 videos so far, one a tutorial and one a quick style showcase) bc im forever tempted to draw ramos and ohhhhh it actually fits them so well.........the bluntness mixed with the deadly precision (rock/scissors fr fr!!) integrating different martial arts styles....ESPECIALLY bc with their structure, tonfas have 2 style 'types': the 'defensive' styles that keep the long section close to the arm, and the flashy motherfucker i mean 'offensive' styles created by spinning the tonfas out. im very new to them so the names are more the impression i get than their actual offense/defense capability but GOD are they cool. and you tend to draw ramos in the 'defensive' style, which makes sense! they dont feel very Strong, so they focus more on protecting themself than flashy offensive moves, and they keep their cards close to their chest. or under their bandana, as it were.
GODDD i just love your story so much, from bonnie seeming to half-remember (what the hell is up with that, btw. why were they bleeding red that one time. that image has been in my head for so long. god i need to reread this au to organize my thoughts), to the mind craft (hehe. minecraft) star thats not Actually a wish at all?? to all the alters, to the Mystery theyre planning to invest hold on hold on its the two ocs you showed off!! theyve even got the silhouettes!! i nearly forgot about those fuckers. AND THE THIRD ONE MUST BE THEIR GUARDIAN ohhhhhh im so excited!!!!!! this is gonna be so cool
Ramos I love Ramos and honestly I started with them not having as big a role but they grew on me and I realized they can be so much more like. Man. And them having a weapon that fits with both personality and fighting style, well, I like tonfas, they're cool, they fit.
In fact you inspired me to redo their ref!!
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As for all the mystery? I'll admit there's some answers yet to be given, some connections not yet made, actors not yet met. But I know for a fact, you may find answers to one of those questions in the intermissions~
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lavenoon · 7 months
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Flower delivery!
[ID: A digital drawing of baby-bloos' sona on a white background, a heart next to them as they hold out a daffodil towards the viewer. /END ID]
Hi yes thank you!! May I offer you a couple small crochet stars in return? I'm working on getting them more star shaped ---
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fashionbugster · 18 days
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this dangerously high speed — even the shooting stars are left behind. (aile the shota — ima)
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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My part for the @kakairu-discord-server 95min exchange. Location is mountains. Items were walking stick, big dorky sun hat, and dad-fit. And I went with fluff and co-parenting tropes
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kellystar321 · 1 year
#periodical life updates#lets hope this one goes better than the last one </3#anyway hi everyone. im in an entirely different timezone during this trip so its actually mid afternoon right now#thats not what this is about though this is about how im EXCITED FOR ARTFIGHT AS USUAL!!! lemmy posted his s/is and theyre so cute <3#also the theme reveal is coming on the 23! i hope its enough time for the theme templates? i love doing the theme templates with everyone :#this'll be my seventh year participating holy sht!! ive been doing this for seven (7) years!!!!!!!!#ive been feeling like ive been improving in art every artfight but idk how i'll fare this year. i feel like ive been a bit stagnant#and i did some PRETTY KILLER PIECES LAST YEAR;;; who knows if i'll top it; especially with summer college classes UGH#miserable about that btw. college my beloathed forever and ever amen. :/ ive been meaning to fix a few characters profiles and add some too#FINALLY going to separate kelly and jace! kelly is now the bureau of balance halfling only <3 ive been redrawing a new design of her :>#she has cute pointed ears now heho!! and actual more fantasy-esque clothes to fit her universe <3 jace is getting a separate profile!#jace is now solely my sona and i look SO much more gender now with the haircut and i can post my refs <33#i also want to post agent and icarus and all the javelins but that means i have to draw them actually hfjkh <33#i should also actually add something to shen's profile hfkjfh i care more about xer worldbuilding than xer character i feel </3#IVE BEEN MEANING TO GET QUEUE BACK UP but everytime i look at my drafts i feel so tired </3 theres ART i want to reblog!!!#ough. some other time. okay! im gonna get my artfight discord channel back up and running for the new artfight season! let's go let's go!#oh and i'll be sure to announce which team im joining obviously hdjfdh it'll probably be the lighthearted one <3#some of the themes this year are a little off? (stars vs nebula? heart vs soul? arent those the same thing?) but im hoping for the best <3#okay frfr going now! hope for queue soon maybe if i have time/energy! working on artfight! lets goooooo!! <3
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vaugarde · 2 years
i know i vouched for this but oh my god please let journeys be ending
#ik ash is still going apparently but if this format goes on to paldea and a ton of good paldea mons get shafted#and they give the way home some random half hour special with no build up then im gonna be SO disappointed#everett said this also but yeah it seems like theyve just given up on goh catching em all so like thats kinda whatever#also i do not need them to make ANOTHER cover of 1 2 3 like its a good song but i am so sick of it#also if we are getting a new series can we make the endings actually good again#idk i like goh as a character but its clear that they dont really know what to do with him right now#like project mew just... got him to meet mew again which was cool yes. but hes literally implied to be quitting after one mission#so like what was the point#idk. jn is in shambles rn. while i think i like it more than others in the community#yeah i would be disappointed if it went on to paldea at this point. keep goh if u want bc i like him#but like im sick of it and unlike swsh paldea is crammed with potential and existing story thatd work so good in anime form#watch the professors not exist and for sprigatito to not have a main role until episode60 where it proceeds to do nothing#watch team star get ignored outside of one episode where they dont actually have much to do#all the while we are showing so many ''omg so beautiful landscaping shots of the same 6 kanto pokemon''#echoed voice#i may not have liked galar all that much but yeah it got treated like shit by the anime#which is kinda wild bc leon was so hyped up but it was literally only him and the wild areas that got shown off#most other locations like ballonlea were restricted to the stadiums and not explored or just looked like dogshit for some reason#if u look up several galar pokemon on bulbapedia then youll see that many pokemon either havent shown up at all#or have some low res background shot on there bc its the only time they ever showed up#like man. paldea doesnt deserve that at all. just give it its own anime im begging you
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nomaishuttle · 10 months
i worked onmy ermmm. little good habits reward sheet a lot .. im pretty excited :] i was gonna wait to start it until ive moved home bc a lot of the things r home specific (like spending time with loved ones etc) BUT i think im gonna go ahead n start it tmrw... i think itll be good to go ahead n get started on it b4 i move back that way its not such a big transition bc i think thats why my like. plans t get better when i moved up here. failed. so horrifically lol. bc i didnt give myseld any lead in i just made a huge change and then got upset when i didnt immediately adjust.
#i do eventually wanna move back to wa on my own bc i feel like. i didnt rly get to spend time here due to the everything. i just dont think#i was at all ready. and thats entirely on me i chose this i ignored literally everybody around me telling me it wasnt a good idea#i brought this all on myself. but i wanna try n improve#n im excitedd!! i think next year/whenever im Fr ready. im gonna try n move out to my old hometown#since my family moved away from it#which i think will be rly nice bc ill like. be independeny but in a familiar place and like. still close to home. ill still be able t have#the same insurance etc etc..#itll get rid of a Lot of stressors basically. and ill be able to visit family way easier !!#plus my hometown is way more walkable and since. idk if ill ever be able t drive just bc of like. my general nature#thats something im rly rly looking for...#i think my new goalsheet is rly well balanced as well. its likee#its based on thise little metallic walmart star stickers bc i miss those rly bad#thats the entire inspo. obv rn itll have to be digital bc i cant get my little star stickers#but. its like a points system#red is 5 points yellow is 3 points green is 2 points and blue is 1 point#(might move them around to make green 5 points bc green was my star color when i was little lol)#and each point is worth .50 cents. and so however many points i have at the end of the week thats how much money i get t have in my like#personal acct. and i get to use that however i want#and everything else will go to likee. savings and bills (i wont have bills for a while but yk)#and i even have likee. a streak system#i need to work on that sl its like balanced. bc idk if it is rn#my idea was t just have it be like. bc th way it is like#the tasks r split up by difficulty. more difficult tasks earn different colors#so my most difficult on there rn is to go for a walk#/ go to a public place / spend time outside#rly that goal is rly geared toward my hometown but im still gonna try n do it in my parents town... yk :] like i can ask my mom t take me#to th library and stuff. bc i wanna start going more#we went to th one here a couple times but it kinda got. shelved. yk. and i miss it#the one in ny hometown was rightt by our house and i never went#and im mad abt kt.
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spiinsparks · 2 years
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         ||. discord shenanigans
#⸨ * OOC ⸩ — he was never actually called a rodent in the games but yknow .#(i'm admittedly mostly joshin')#(sonic doesn't really... like it's not a purposeful form of emotional repression out of self-destructive tendencies)#(it's more like ...)#(a. he doesn't know how to deal with them because he's only a teenager and his feelings are INTENSE - highs and lows)#(b. he's a teenager who's got the weight of theh world on his shoulders)#(b2. also a teenager who is literally. a kid who raised another kid 99% of his life)#(and to that end while he doesn't... necessarily parent his other pals he uh. he can't really help himself every so often ;;; )#(he's super protective and he's THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION of child parentification like guys im not kidding)#(c. he's been surrounded by enemies-turned-allies (and eggman) who let all of their negative emotions)#(nearly destroy the world or themselves or his friends or all of the above at once)#(so he's... he's kinda observed it enough to go 'well if that's the problem then we just won't feel them at all much less let it control me'#'problem solved amiright?' and... no. no honey that's not how that works)#(he went the exact opposite way and said 'hey so how about i refuse to acknowledge my feeling s+ constantly run from them)#(when they get overwhelming)#(which. i. like.)#(//gestures//)#(i really should just write an entire hc post abt this it's really not doing it justice in the tags)#⸨ * HC ⸩ — i’m gonna reach for the stars although they look pretty far .
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caeliflammae · 2 months
checked out 20 CDs today and 20 movies and got my library card renewed and also got an octavia butler book (kindred)
im trying to reduce my use of spotify and so im working on expanding my actual media library, im gonna burn some physical copies and then just download the rest. very overjoyed. found most of my favorite albums and its just very rad to have physical copies of them. i want to directly support some artists by like buying their stuff on bandcamp or buying cds from their merch sites, but most of the albums i got are from pre 2000 or are by people i dont really want to support financially, or their all just dead. or its the beatles and cmon they do NOT need any of my money!!
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a9saga · 9 months
will kirby in bb2 looks like a celebrity
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stardust-make-a-wish · 10 months
#stardust.txt#let me ramble abt my day and then talk abt my sad dream under a few tags lfjdkfkdjdk#hmmm its so hard to line up schedules already so im worried for what my free time will look like during the sem when jm gonna be busy T__T#🥳🥳 i managed to secure a slot in a class that had previously only had 8am seats open (death) but now my inbox is blowing up w notifs#that i did sign up for. but im too lazy to turn them off. bc i was desperate and set notifs for Every slot that wasnt kn the morning#lots of ppl at my job r leaving bc college/getting a diff job and its kinda sad </3 i was planning on leaving myself but ill prolly stay#for another month or two at least#lately i have been playing star rail incessantly bc im waiting for bestie to finish watching her aa playthroughs so we can play tg/aa at the#same time#thats my life tags for today. sad dream thoughts now#i always seem to remember my not-so-fun dreams with perfect clarity compared to the ones tht are more silly and not based in reality#me: im over this person who cut me out of their life very swiftly with zero warnjng#also me: repeatedly dreams of reaching out to them and becoming friends again#its like i dont feel any ill will towards them bc i care but its like usoyqiqgjdjsgkwrb i wish it wasnt seen as harsh to tell someone#straight up u dont wna be friends w them. bc PERSONALLY that would hurt much less than being dropped out of nowhere not knowing if it was#bc of life stuff or just bc. they dont care anymor#if they dont care i would also like to be free of caring. but bc i dont KNOW why we arent friends anymore i just keep thinking abt it#i miss her :(#ill live tho ✌️ will probably cross paths with her at family parties and have to be normal yaaaay
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flovverworks · 11 months
loser cries at the tanabata preview
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pixiesndberries · 6 months
a small series of Jujutsu Kaisen men as your husband !
☆ OUR STARS : Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Geto Suguru, Choso Kamo, Aoi Todo, Toji Fushiguro, and more !
━⁠ WARNINGS : none
ෆ PIXIE'S NOTE ! : were back again at daily posting 🙏🏻 to my pookies who supported me, y'all made me giggle and kickin' my feet in my bed last night 👉🏻👈🏻 love lots!
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GOJO SATORU, as your husband !
• Gojo being your husband is no different from being your boyfriend — he still gotta be that same person you dated few years ago, though he became more serious about situations and decisions because you guys are married but his goofy, annoying, clingy side is still there — I mean when he met you and been with you for like two weeks your caller name is already set as 'wifey'.
Gojo who totally acts like a mom when you leave for work, he is like a freaking HOUSEWIFE —
"honey!" he sings as he walks into the living room seeing you brush your hair Infront of the mirror, getting ready for work. "hmm?" you responded and quickly turns your head at him — he's wearing a this is what an awesome husband looks like apron which made you too stunned to speak, "I created a bento for you." he smiles as he hands out a nicely wrapped bento box which was really new to you because it's always you who keep creating bentos for him, usually when he leaves for a mission.
"thank you, honey." you say softly with a warm smile as you accept his bento that he specially created for you, he can't help but to feel like a love sick teenager seeing you smile like that. He officially takes the position of being a housewife 🫡
Gojo who couldn't stop talking about the future he wants with you like nonstop — this man would talk about having three million carbon copy of him with you and would name them after megumi, yuji, nanami and basically all of his friends, students, and dead relatives 🏃🏻‍♀️💨 — I FEEL LIKE HE GOTTA BE THAT TYPE OF PERSON.
Gojo always flexes you everyday and YOU are his hyper fixation — argue with the wall, he gotta be the type of man to say "she's my wife." randomly when he's talking to an old friend he haven't seen for a long time. HE WILL BE THE HUSBAND WHO YOU WILL SEE WEARING "I LOVE MY WIFE" TYPE OF SHIRT WITH THE UGLIEST FONT AND PHOTO TEMPLATE EVER. Once a person mentions your name he ain't gonna shut the fuck up.
I just know this marriage go'n be like Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively's relationship 🙏🏻 ABSOLUTELY RANDOM TEXTS FROM HIM, UPDATING YOU TOO MUCH.
2:32 pm
gojo : shitting at the mall cuz i don't have anywhere to shit on.
gojo : [sent an attachment]
gojo : i miss you my wife, my beautiful wife.
gojo : [sent an attachment]
gojo : [sent an attachment]
gojo : your very handsome husband ❤️
2:40 pm
you : stop spamming me messages love, im at work 🙏🏻
gojo : why? is it turning you on 😏
you : that's a photo of your feet.
Gojo who became a seriously hands on person when you told him that you're pregnant — when he has missions with yuji, megumi, or maybe nobara and you told him that you're very tired to do anything today he will be like,"okay kids, I got to go I have important things to do." and dashed away before they could say something and mf arrived at yalls house within a second.
Gojo who cried when he carry his baby for the first time, he was sobbing like hell — girl dad? boy dad? BRO HE IS BOTH ‼️ "okay we'll name this one suguru and this one-" he is going to come up with the most ridiculous names, probably the worst one was his dead ancestor.
okay seriously, Gojo would be a full time dad after his children were born — he will always stay at home as much as he can, having twins isn't easy plus he's trying to help you with his full power and make sure you don't feel alone through this.
"gojo.." you grumble as you felt his presence disappearing next to you at bed, you open your eyes and sees he wasn't there which led you to stand up and start looking for him — you walk out of the bedroom and noticed that the twin's bedroom door was open so you check it out.
in your suprise, gojo was in the rocking chair with the twin's in his arms peacefully sleeping and he is snoring like hell. You can't help but smile seeing this moment, it warms you heart. You quickly grabbed your phone and took a quick photo, this is what you exactly wished for.
Gojo who couldn't stop posting you and his little angels and his fans are absolutely living for it, it's like his day wouldn't complete without posting cute photos of his angels and of course, you as well. Gojo is indeed a Facebook mom —
; gojosatoru
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tagged : @y/n.instagram | fam time 🤍 !
liked by megumi.22 and 8,957 others
itaaa.yuji | I volunteer as a tribute to babysit them 🫡
nobaraaa | CUTIES.
shokoleiri.7 | adorbs
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rafeandonlyrafe · 2 months
twinkle twinkle little star
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words: 700
warnings: 18+ only, smut, dom/sub undertones, fluffy <3, reader is called kid and stupid, clit rubbing
“rafeyyy.” you whine, squirming underneath the thin blanket covering the two of your bodies.
“baby.” rafe grunts out, his voice deep with what he wishes was sleep. “go to bed.”
“i can't! im trying really!” you complain. 
rafe sighs, tugging you closer, back into his grip that you wiggled away from trying to find a comfortable position.
“just close your eyes, kid.” 
you try. you really do. you shut your eyes, pray for your body to relax, but to no avail as you squirm again, causing rafe to sigh.
“alright. hold on.” he moves, sitting himself up against the headboards, arms open as you crawl into his lap, letting him cradle you in his big arms.
“this better you big baby?” he coos, rocking you softly from side to side, letting out a small groan as your bum moves against his lap.
“mhm.” you nod, resting your head against rafes chest. you close your eyes, sleep is so close, but yet when rafe tries to move you back so he can lay down, your eyes blink open.
“fuck, you're still not asleep?” rafe groans.
“im sorry!” you whine. “im trying, really. just can’t.”
“alright, shit.” rafe moves your body for you, laying your head into the crook between his chest and shoulder, arm caging your body close.
his free hand moves to your chest, massaging your tits through your silk nightgown.
you let out a low moan, eyes fluttering closed as rafe switches back and forth between your breasts, rubbing and massaging them gently enough to allow it to be relaxing instead of just turning you on.
“stupid baby, didn't even realize she couldn't sleep just because she was horny.” rafe coos, pressing a kiss to your forehead. your eyelashes flutter open, looking up at rafe.
“it's okay, kiddo.” he says. “im gonna take care of you.”
his hand moves lower to dive between your thighs, smirking to himself when he feels your flimsy underwear. he has a habit of ripping them off whenever he wants access to you, so you've given up on buying high quality material just for it to be destroyed.
“gonna rub your little cunnie for you, mkay?” rafe makes sure you nod.
his finger strokes over your underwear, right through your center. you try not to squirm around, opening your legs up slightly to give rafe more access. he presses a kiss to your head when you spread your thighs, muttering out a quiet affirmation.
“thats my good girl.”
“shh.” rafe pets his finger over your clit before dipping lower, feeling how the wet spot has formed on your underwear.
rafe pushes your underwear to the side, unable to restrict himself any longer from feeling your bare skin. he lets out a hum of approval as he moves his fingertip through your slick.
he continues to hum, soft familiar melodies. rafe is no singer, but if he was he'd be cooing you gentle lullabies as he continues to gently rock you, two fingers now gliding through your folds.
“ohhh, thats it.” rafe hums as your eyes close, unable to keep them open any longer. you're sure to be out as soon as his fingers bring you to orgasm.
he moves up to your clit, wanting to get you off quickly so he can get to sleep himself.
“big day tomorrow, bunny.” he presses more kisses to your forehead and hairline. “gonna take you shopping.”
if this was the first you'd heard of the news, you'd certainly be wide awake and excited, but rafe has been promising you a whole day just the two of you for a while now. shopping, dinner, walk on the beach, anything you decide.
“mmm love you.” you whisper as rafe rubs his two fingers over your clit, your thighs squeezing in closer to his hand as your high builds.
“love you too baby. cum for me then we can get some sleep, yeah?” rafe resumes his humming with twinkle twinkle little star.
you let out soft mewls and moans that are the perfect accompaniment to his song, rafe playing you like an instrument with his fingers on your clit.
you don't need to tell him that you're close, you're certain he knows from the rush of wetness, the way your clit pulses as he rubs faster until your entire body stiffens, then your back arches as you let out a moan.
rafe rubs you through your orgasm until you slump in his arms, high replaced by pure exhaustion, falling asleep before rafe even lays you back down.
“mmm, that's my girl.” rafe kisses your head once more as he readjusts you in bed, eyes sliding closed now that you're content and asleep in his arms.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @rafeyslove @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @vogueprincess @yourenogoodforme @auryyz @mayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl @ditzyzombiesblog @chiaraanatra
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kellystar321 · 2 years
#periodical life updates#finished all my criminology homework! now i got sunday off to chill and maybe draw and also me and my sibs might go to chinatown? but idk#because dad's bbq-ing which might change some plans. anyway! eating dinner now :> its not my favorite but it is okay <3#high priority art to-dos: commission | daily eca (for tomorrow and the project) | art for *** and ******* | annual birthday redraw#general arts: mrd thing for monday | solepsi art | things for the ace iterations | the cases ref#self indulgence: drawtectives (i wanna draw more eugenes) | agent | fun ace things#my queue is winding down so that might go quiet in a bit <3 there's about a dozen things left <3 we'll see i suppose <3#project sekai updates: cannot believe i have to wait 6 more events until the next wxs event i just want a cool emu :'0#my strongest team is all four stars except for a three star emu; i just want a 4 star for her <3 also!! nicori smile survey for that event!#and also its probably the one where tsukasa makes a child cry by yelling about how hes gonna be a cool star hgkjh#but theres been so many events that just! arent wxs! it's been 13 events since the last one to the next one we get u-u <33 i miss them;;;#but we get some mmj ones so at least theres that <3 mmj's my assigned group and wxs's my favorite group so i have an attachment to both <3#but yeah im gonna save up gems for a cool emu card <3 theres the valentines day one too? AND ALSO. TSUKASA AS A KNIGHT?#FOR THE WHITE DAY EVENT!! HE LOOKS AESTHETIC AS HEL I LOVE KNIGHTS!!! <3 so maybe i'll try for those!!#im also writing a drawtectives fic and recently i drew some aces from one of the old aus <3 i miss him i love my little guy <33#im downloading all my old twitter archives. i have a lot of memories there i need to keep or else i'll be so sad <3 trying my best <33#i have school on monday as usual <3 can you believe my birthdays coming up this month? it feels like ive been 21 forever hgjkh <3#i think thats all the updates for now; im sleepy <33 goodnight. thank you for reading; ily <33
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agirlwithglam · 2 months
conversation tips + how to be funny
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talk about the other person. i know, this is said basically everywhere so im not gonna go too deep into it. everybody likes talking about themselves, where they've been, experiences they've had, etc. so just keep asking questions about themselves!
another thing id like to mention is don't just let them talk the whole time, thats not how a conversation works. instead add in your own opinions, and experiences! make them laugh!
literally just find out things about the other person- linking back to the first point- be genuinely curious about the other person. be curious about them! how they think, how they are, find out stuff about them that you can use later- ex: if they mention they like star neckless, maybe one day you can buy a star neckless for them to show that you care!
absurd analogies.
share funny & embarrassing stories from your past! this makes you look more confident and people feel more comfortable around you bc you're able to laugh about a cringe moment in your past. but its best to do this when the laugh is at your expense, and not at others.
make people feel good about themselves. make them feel special.
watch how other people do it. take inspo from others! you can even look at celebrities interviews and see how they've made people laugh and have an interesting conversation. some rly good interviews that i'd recommend are: ryan gosling / the tv show percy jackson / Zendaya & Tom Holland /
finish other people's sentences with something funny and ridiculous. when someone's trying to remember what they were about to say, you can fill in with a ridiculously funny idea to end their sentence! dont overuse this tho, otherwise it can get pretty annoying.
EXPRESSIONNNN!!!! laugh at their jokes, nod along, be sympathetic. just express and overreact in a way that makes them feel heard and special!!
playful teasing.
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