#im just a giant catfish
exitwound · 9 months
Amazon search crossbody bag shaped like a fish. Amazon search crossbody bag but it has to be shaped like a fish. A codfish with its many lovely fins a rainbow trout with all its color options. A herring quality for a good price with pockets meant for collecting shells and sea glass. A prickleback waterproof breathable fabric A pufferfish a school of sea needles a guppy an embroidered coelacanth Please why are you showing me another polygon zippered multi compartment single color nylon usb port rfid tap to pay apple pay portable cash register for traveling merchant traders of the future theft proof pocket with bluetooth encrypted lock Please stop Amazon please Amazon Im searching for a bag shaped like a fish Amazon you are supposed to have everything but you only have the same product a thousand times Amazon you are named after a rainforest I thought you would have the creatures of the earth Amazon you you do not even have bags shaped like the fish of the sea Amazon I want something you can not give me Amazon I am scared of your false utilitarian gods Amazon usefulness to a fish is only as good as aliveness Amazon millions of years have formed the swimming bodies of the fish who could think better forms would be found in computer modeling design programs by designers who job it is to play dead and browse for something copied to copy and add a pattern from the package of default patterns and Target will just love it Target is salivating Target can smell In Color: Dusty Rose like a sharks goosebumps at a drop of fresh blood of course it is a beautiful color of course I found myself alone and hungry for In Color: Dusty Rose (2 Left) Amazon’s Choice which brand will you Choose Tommy Republic Banana Bahamas Old Navy Teen Marines and Amazon You’re My Baby Blue Amazon please swim home Amazon I will never love you Amazon I’m still here because I want to own something from you I want to own a crossbody bag shaped like a codfish with its many fins I want to put my phone wallet water bottle inside it I want to carry it around all the cities of the world Amazon my manager gave me a $10 Amazon gift card to keep me from quitting I quit anyway Amazon now I have $10 to give to you only you I only have $10 for you it’s not romantic but isn’t it? Makes me want to say Hey Amazon what’s your number I think we could be twin primes because Amazon you amaze me you really do and Amazon I want to own a fish shaped like a crossbody bag or maybe it was the other way around was it the other way around I cantAmazon I just want you make it all easier Amazon if you won’t take the weight from me can you distribute it more ergonomically around my shoulders Amazon Amazon I have forgotten a world that was Amazon I can’t remember what a fish is Amazon can you describe it to me Amazon Amazon Amazon 10 Best Known Fish Species of the Amazon River of the Amazon fish described so far by science 40% are catfish and caracines including the neon tetra (Hyphessobrycon innesi), pearl headstander ... Amazon Fishing Species Guide · Peacock Bass · Payara · Arapaima · Piraiba Catfish · Redtail Catfish · Wolfish · Jau · Flat Whiskered Catfish. The Amazon has some 1,100 tributaries, 17 of which are over 1000 miles long. The Piramutaba catfish, a giant Amazononian catfish, is thought to migrate a ... The Piraíba is the biggest leather of fish in the Amazon Basin, reaching 3.2 yards (3 m) in length and 330 pouns (150 kg) weight. It has plump body, ... Category:Fish of the Amazon basin P · Panaque armbrusteri · Panaque bathyphilus · Panaque nigrolineatus · Panaque schaeferi · Paracanthopoma parva · Pareio... Amazon is home to several river monsters including the arapaima which needs to surface to breathe. The arapaima is unique in that its scales ... When it comes to eating the fish of the Amazon River, gamitana (Colossoma macropomum) is one of the most sought after due to its tasty flesh. CARAUARI, Brazil (AP) — Even in the most biodiverse rainforest of the world, the pirarucu, also known as arapaima, stands out. Top 8 most intriguing fish species that live in the A
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mer-turtlez · 1 year
So you mentioned Donnie being really aggressive in a previous ask but just how bad is it?
Did you consider any other fish species for them?
Sort of a fun fact: There's a species of fish called The Irwini Catfish which is notable for being a well armored gentle giant. It's also called the Giant Raphael.
Have a great day/Night!
1. Yes, Donnie gets rather aggressive when tired or stressed. He bites back at his brothers and scratches them from time to time, but isn't too bad (he'll sometomes draw blood but rarely). The boys just know to be careful around donnie and to not over stimulate or aggravate him.
2. Hmm don't think so. I picked goldfish for mikey because I thought it fit well with his colors and such, Leo for speed, and I wanted Raph to be a larger sea creature, and desided on a shark. Specifically picked a thresher shark because I thought it would've been neat if from time to time he'd thwack his brothers lightly if they were getting too off track. And for Donnie... I picked a betta because I thought they were the best for his colors, and I wanted to give him a sort of disadvantage in a way (such as maybe his fins constantly get caught on stuff if he's not too careful). I realized after that it also fit real well knowing that bettas are rather aggressive, gpong pretty well with the soft shell turtle part too, haha.
Oh, and the catfish is actually such a cool fish! Defo would've thought it would've done great for Raph, but im still very content with threshershark!Raph :)
And you too! Have a great day/night ^^
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(Don't know I've posted this image already, but I'm sure it's fine]
- quewp
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bonefall · 1 year
are there peacocks in england? I really want the cats destroying the dam to encounter a peacock. even just from afar. go to a little suburbs and bam there’s a peacock. twolegs are insane man why would they keep one of those things what the hell
Weird things I have evidence for having in this area, based on iNaturalist or logical invasive spread (Do not delay! Go back in time and kill a Victorian today!)
Peacocks Though I don't know if they can live in the wild in this area (I have plenty of evidence that they are a problem in the midlands, further south) it does seem that there are humans that keep them in this area
Mandarin Duck Like, a lot of them too, this is a really deeply established naturalized species
Canadian Geese When I get around to translating this name into Clanmew I'm going to call it a "Bastard Goose."
Muntjacs They aren't there yet but will be soon, it's a matter of time. They're spreading FAST.
Coati I use Lake District as one of my very specific models and they have a coati problem of all things.
Raccoons This was used in the books, mentioned specifically as an invasive, which I do credit the main series for tbh
Other weird things that are becoming a threat but are too far removed to include them, currently:
Giant Hornets
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i would draw to motivate you but. i cant. draw. instead, i can ask you: what has been you least favourite segment to write/worldbuild for the hunger au? either because it just wasnt working like you wanted it to, or you were struggling for ideas, or something completely different, what about the hunger au kicked your ass the most?
Honestly i feel like this scene with Tango im trying to write for chap 4 is being the biggest ass-kicker rn 😭😭😭💀💀💀💀 i have been stuck on this for AGES and its not even because i dont know what to do-- i have the whole chapter mapped out, i know what i want. Its just the physical act of writing has been super tough for me lately, and whenever i do find the time + motivation + mental coherency to make the words go, i end up getting interrupted by something WHEEEEZE
The good news is, i am still making progress, its just very.... slow 💀 but its progress, so im trying to be mindful of that despite my own impatience
Also, coming up with the Seekers was a complete pain in my behind i spent SO LONG trying to figure out what the fuck their deal was. Went through multiple ideas on what to mix and match their potential biology with-- i was considering sea turtles, jellyfish, whales, squid... nothing really stuck out to me as something i wanted to use until i realized what i was going to call them, and then everything fell into place all at once. I remember yelling across the room to @/corvidaearts (whom i was visiting during my vacation) "THEYRE CALLED SEEKERS AND THEYRE TOTALLY BLIND AND THEY CAN SENSE VIBRATIONS THROUGH THEIR WHISKERS" apropos of absolutely nothing. And now we have giant malignant catfish<3 sometimes ye olde percolator just needs a lot of time to marinate on an idea before the inspiration hits LMAO
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ecliip · 11 months
just gonna list some stuff i really like about the rain world slugcat designs i see since im redesigning my own slugcat designs right now
-i loveloveLOVE it when Survivor gets individualized. like,,, different ears or scars or markings or even some color. put some flavor on that bad boy
-same goes for Monk, though i really do love when they and Survivor also match each other with body features like ears or natural markings! siblings :) also think is cute whenever Monk is short
-I like it when Hunter looks more predator-ish! and I also like it when they look like a test tube baby. and how could I forget the rot? accessorize your Hunter with The Horrors
-Same goes for Artificer with the predator thing. Love it when she has more scars too, and, i especially love pansears Artificer because of the little wick on their tail, its so clever to me!!
-Every iteration of Gourmand is perfect to me. i love the gentle giant interpretation. however i ALSO love the fierce and world-weary versions where Gourmand looks like they can, will, and are currently approaching to come beat your ass. mf has 3 spear damage and can crush a lizards spine theyre TERRIFYING! and i love them so much
-love it when Rivulet is Even More Fishy. fins and (slug)catfish whiskers and an extra set of gills. fishie fishie!
-Pointy Spearmaster....... touch them and you can and will begin to bleed. also love it when, like Hunter, it looks like a test tube Critter
-i love that yellowy-orange tail fade some Saint designs have!! also i think i once saw a design where the little dots on Saints head were tiny eyes, loved that too
-When Inv/Enot looks like some kind of fucking Thingy. like sketchy/messy outline around eyes/mouth, orange and blue light on sides of the body, EYELASHES,,, i also once saw an Enot that looked like a sparkledog (sparklecat? sparkleslug?) and that is PEAK Enot
-i go crazy whenever Nightcat has stars or sparkles. thats just so lovely to me... i love Nightcat so ,uch
-i like it when Survivor and Monks parents and sibling are drawn, like, at all ... i never see them drawn Ever. okay maybe i see them drawn a bit more than usual now, but still. bonus points if their parents have similar markings to Survior, Monk, and their baby sibling :') famly...
-in AUs where Artis pups survive and they have scars from where the spear/leeches wouldve killed them... auuauauauguuhughhghghuauhhhh
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amaranthine-fangs · 2 years
gluskids theme songs
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to be contiuned and updated when i see fit
all i want is you now - rebzyyx, hoshie star
baby bride rag - roar
dead hearts - stars
in our bedroom after the war - stars
kiss me, son of god - they might be giants
somethin stupid - frank sinatra, nancy sinatra
one more hour - tame impala
sunglasses at night - corey hart
freshman boyfriend - xo_willow_archive
im so crazy for youuu
so 0bscene - punkinloveee
home - luke mccormick
mountains - message to bears
wolf - first aid kit
saint bernard - lincoln
saint bernarnd 2 - lincoln
happy pills - weathers
if god didn't want us to snort worms he wouldn't have made them cylindrical! - mimideath
my smile is extinct - kane strang
dear fellow traveler - sea wolf
tangerine ocean - cahama
in my mouth - black dresses
hopelessly devoted to you - olivia newton-john
butterfly - smile
all the good girls go to hell - billie eilish
we'll never have sex - leith ross
angel of love - cali crisis
beauty is empty - lullaby layla, keevin
hey lover - the daughters of eve
fool - cavetown
you're somebody else - flora cash
sex, drugs, etc. - beach weather
sleepwalk - forrest day
coffee breath - sofie mills
idfc (acoustic) - blackbear
sex on fire - kings of leon
my alcoholic friends - the dresden dolls
nice docs, baby! - blue foster
military fashion show - and one
pride - kendrick lamar
snow (hey oh) - red hot chili peppers
hello kitty - jazmin bean
oblivion - grimes
final girl - graveyardguy, slayyyter
joan of arc - arcade fire
mr. brightside - the killers
i just wanna run - the downtown fiction
creep - radiohead
what the hell - avril lavigne
just a girl - no doubt
pain - boy harsher
bang bang bang bang - soho dolls
ecstasy (apple of my eye) - strawberry switchblade
she's a big boy - mcbaise
season of the witch - donovan
keep your lips sealed - the do
oh to be in love - kate bush
bimbo doll - tila tsoli, bj lips
your love is my drug - just valery
dj whore - s3rl, tamika
18 - anarbor
killshot - magdalena bay
puppy pound - jazmin bean
knee socks - arctic monkeys
anything - catfish and the bottlemen
in between - willis
this is love - air traffic controller
everybody wants to rule the world - tears for fears
amber - 311
setting sun - lord huron
stolen dance - milky chance
midnight city - m83
stuck in the middle - tai verdes
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coelacat · 1 month
top five fish GO!
number one is the coelacanth. really hard to tell with the username isnt it. sorry i just cant deny the appeal of the coelacanth. every interaction we've ever had with them has been so peaceful and watching them move is elegant and godly. they certainly feel like living fossils, its an apt title for them. theyre blue. they have stars in their scales. theyre gorgeous. such a charming fish
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number 2 is the epaulette shark!!! this little guy is learning to WALK. they can crawl out of the water into shallower pools on their fins!! they waddle around like if seals only used their flippers to move, instead of throwing their whole bodies around. not to mention theyre cute as HELL. i find them comparable to the dachshunds of the sea i mean look at this widdol guy
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number 3 is the ocean sunfish / mola mola!! holy shit getta load of these guys. while theyre insanely goofy looking, and while st first, many people may mistake them for brainless, lazy fish, mola mola are actually quite active! we as humans mostly just see them when they come to the surface to warm themselves back up after hunting in the deep ocean. these guys are also filled to the brim with a shit ton of parasites, and allow a lt of parasitic animals to thrive. mola mola r really cool. and very big.
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the next is tricky.. its a total tossup, but i think hagfish take the spot. insanely charming animals to me. their little moustaches really endear me to them!! not to mention they have one of the coolest non lethal methods to shake predators off them! they secrete a disgusting slime from their skin when distressed. whenever a predator may go to bite down or get a mouthful of hagfish, the hagfish will release a bunch of slime, completely filling the predators mouth, and wiggle free. they also tie themselves into knots to position their own digestive tract better!! literally instead of just forming their intestines better they opted to evolve their bodies to be able to tie into a knot to be more efficient at eating. they fucking rule. 10/10 would eat next to at the whale fall
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and last isssss....
YOU AND ME BABY!!! yeahh!! we're all fish!!!!! every animal that isnt a bug is a fish. isnt that neat :) we did all come from them after all!
im lying though. final answer is the beluga sturgeon
i mean. look at these guys. theyre absolutely massive! and these arent even the largest theyve gone on record to get!!
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sturgeons are best described as the freshwater whales of the great lakes. they are absolutely huge, theyre armored, and theyve even got the cutest little noses to top it all off!! beluga sturgeons specifically, though, are just absolutely humongous fish. they can grow to absolutely insane sizes, as you can probably see. gosh i love em though. unfortunately, they dont get as big due to our affinity for fishing them. they just dont get old enough to get that big.
honorable mentions go to most plecos, those catfish are pretty high up there, and most gourami species. sheepshead wrasse are also really cool, theyve got teeth and can change sexes. and i also like groupers. and electric eels (not eels. theyre fish.), and wobbegongs, and seashorses and ough god there are too many fish to pick 5. i gotta podt this now or else im gonna be arguing with myself over ranking fish for hours
the real honorable mention goes to the giant isopod though. not a fish but literally my fav sea creature
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luminous-leiaa · 5 years
being on a dating app, getting bombarded with over the top flattery about your “feminine” traits while at the same time you're sitting on toilet taking a poo encapsulate my feelings about the female experience pretty well
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sweetpascal · 3 years
“ calming the storm ”
pairing: frankie ‘catfish’ morales x fem!reader
summary: frankie is a man that is wound tight 24/7 and never learns how to relax. he probably doesn’t even know what the word relax means. you take it upon yourself to make sure your husband feels as relaxed as possible.
warnings: back massage 👀, mirror sex, fingering (male receiving), PEGGING PEGGING PEGGING, light spanking (male receiving), brief choking (male receiving), ✨soft degradation✨, edging, brief hair pulling, sub!frankie, clothed female/naked male, calling frankie a ‘good boy’, a few sprinkles of praise
word count: 6.8k (uuuhhhhhhhhhh IM SORRY AGAIN not really though)
notes: sssoooo this is loosely inspired by a dream i had about pegging frankie and i just NEEDED to write it out and make it one hundred times dirtier and more explicit. also i feel like i write too much when i get so deep into the story. do you guys like longer fics or should i shorten them??? ANYWAY enjoy ;)
gif by: @spookycora
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There was never a day where Francisco José Martín Morales had time to himself to wash the day away without needing to stress about it. The man walked around as if he had a heavy stick slung across his shoulders with two buckets of bricks hanging on either side. There was a tight tension coursing through every inch of his body and it coiled tighter and tighter each hour that passed. Your heart ached unbearably at the small grunts of pain Frankie tries to hide when he tries to bend down too low or reach up too high. Your husband desperately wanted to work hard to provide for your family as well, but he will quite literally work himself to death if he doesn’t learn to sit down and take a goddamn breather.
You deeply admired his inner and outer strength. With everything that happened in the past, Frankie always bounced right back with you by his side, knowing him for almost 20 years and being married for 16 of those years. You knew of all his strengths and weaknesses. And one of those weaknesses is when Frankie has his heart and mind set on something, he doesn’t stop until he’s successful in the completion.
He’s a hardworking man. During his long years of work in construction, he was always up and running doing any kind of project that required restoration and tools. Currently, he’s on administrative leave due to a work related injury. You weren’t surprised when Frankie told you it was because of his aching back. Quite honestly, you were upset and you had every right to be upset.
“I told you something like this was going to happen, Francisco,” you had told him with pure sass in your tone as you stood above him with your hands on your hips.
“So we’re using legal names now?”
The glare you gave him immediately shut him up. A wife’s withering glare is enough to make every hardened husband cry.
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It was nearing 9 o’clock at night when the hammering coming from the backyard shed finally stopped. Frankie had been working on yet another hands-on project that caused him to stay cooped up in the shed for hours on end from the early mornings to the late nights. You didn’t know what the project was, he didn’t want to tell you just yet. But when he talked about the tools being used and the stacks of wood tied in the back of his truck, your heart felt warm at the evident happiness in his eyes and the excitement in his voice.
The backdoor opened and shut with a soft click, an action you had to teach him many many times because the man doesn’t recognize his own strength when it comes to shutting doors. The first night living in your home, he nearly shattered the backdoor windows from slamming it with enough force that it rattled the ground.
You had just finished topping his plate with a large pile of spaghetti, a ladle of sauce, and three giant meatballs. You had set aside a smaller plate with a few thick slices of buttery garlic bread. Frankie’s heavy footsteps echoed throughout the quiet, narrow space of the hallway before it went silent again.
“Frankie?” You called out from your place at the kitchen sink, placing the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and setting the temperature and timer.
You heard a faint grumble coming from the living room. When you enter the area, you spot him laying on the sofa with an arm slung across his eyes, causing his henley to ride up his soft tummy and showcasing the trail of hair that disappears underneath his khaki jeans; your own little stairway to heaven. You also spot one of the thicker lounge pillows tucked underneath his lower back to elevate his spine.
“Everything okay, baby?” You quietly asked him before taking a spot on the ground beside his discarded, worn out work boots. You gently rubbed his knee when he shook his head ‘no.’
“My fuckin’ back is killing me again,” he barely mumbles, eliciting a pained grunt when he shifts slightly, clenching his fist tightly at the sharp pinch in his lower back.
“Have you been taking your meds?”
“Those meds do jack shit.”
Well, he’s in pain and grumpy.
“Don’t shoot the messenger,” you sarcastically told him, holding your hands up in mock defense.
Frankie removes his arm from over his eyes and rests it behind his head instead. He looks over at you with noticeably tired eyes and a guilty frown. He moves his free hand to your face and lightly strokes your chin with the knuckle of his index finger.
“‘M sorry,” he whispers in that gravely voice of his. “I’m just… so tired of being in pain all the time and… not being at work until the goddamn doctor gives me the ‘okay’ to go back.” The frustration in his voice only increased when he remembered the project in the shed. “And then the brace he recommend doesn’t do shit and only fuckin’ makes things worse cause all I wanna do is have fun in the shed without feeling like some fragile little old man.” Although the anger in his tone was clear as day, that doesn’t stop the gentle motion of his finger on your chin and that makes you smile a little bit.
“Well,” you began with a wider smile. “We try some new medications to see if it makes a positive difference. If you don’t like it, then we try something else. We can also try some deep stretches I learned at yoga and comfortable sleeping positions that avoids any discomfort for your back. And we’ll try out the new therapy soothing cream I got from the pharmacy today.” You noticed Frankie trying to hide his own smile by biting his bottom lip, but he failed when he noticed the determination in your eyes to make him feel better. “How’s that sound, hm?”
“Good,” he whispers and firmly holds your chin between his thumb and forefinger, lightly tugging you forward. “C’mere.”
You leaned up on your knees and over his upper body for a brief moment to give your husband a sweet kiss. The hum he ignites against your lips has you shivering in the best way. The kiss unfortunately lasted for a few seconds before you both pulled away slowly to savor the uninterrupted moment. You licked your lips to savor the taste of him as well. You and Frankie let out quiet laughter when he simultaneously does the same.
“What did I do to deserve a wife like you?” He whispers, pulling back a few inches to trail his eyes over your features, wanting to memorize every part of you to tattoo the image in his brain.
“What did I do to deserve a husband like you?” You whisper back to him, just barely brushing your fingertips on his gorgeously hooked nose, almost afraid to touch him. Frankie shuts his eyes at the feather-like motions of his fingers and at your words.
You both stay like that for a little while, relishing in the shy touches and soft whispers like teenagers in love for the first time.
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By the time Frankie finished his delicious meal, you had gone upstairs to set up a surprise bath. Your husband’s persona didn’t scream ‘I love bubble baths,’ but doing something nice like this was a gesture you knew he’d appreciate no matter what. His boots were tucked away in the bedroom closet, the pillows were fluffed and ready for him to rest comfortably, and a warm towel had been set on the bathroom counter for him to use.
In the bedroom, you had set out a bottle of peppermint oil on the bedside table on Frankie’s side of the bed. After conducting research during the beginning of the week, you found that peppermint oil is one of the best to use for a massage due to the positive effects on the body, specifically for back pain. If you do this every night for Frankie, there could be a strong possibility that his pain will hopefully dial down.
“What’s all this?”
You gasped and nearly dropped the small hand towel onto the ground. For a man his size, you were always surprised by his stealth. As a veteran, you knew the men he served with were like that as well - on and out of the battlefield. It has its perks and disadvantages, one of which being scaring the shit out of you when he randomly pops out of nowhere. You looked at him over your shoulder and gave him a smile of tenderness.
“I just wanted to make tonight all about you,” you told him and walked over to where he cautiously stood, still unsure of what to do or say next. “I ran you a hot bath and used some of my essential oils. I want you to soak for 15 minutes, okay? It’ll help relieve some tension after all the hard work you did today.”
Frankie’s eyes softened and his tense shoulders dropped a fraction. His heart swelled and skipped a beat at the loving gesture. He felt he didn’t deserve it. He felt like he didn’t do anything to deserve this love and attention from his wife.
“And then when you come out, I was hoping you’d allow me to give you a back massage?” It came out as a hesitant question because you weren’t sure if he’d be on board. You fiddled with the hem of his shirt, feeling so stupid for feeling so shy with your husband, of all people.
“That sounds really good,” Frankie whispers and cups your cheeks in his large hands, the warmth of his palms and the roughness of his fingers from years of hard work against your skin making you sigh softly. “Thank you for doing this for me, cariño.”
“Anything for you, Francisco.”
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When Frankie stepped out of the warm water and drained the tub, his body felt ten times lighter. You were right, as always. The hot soak soothed some of the tension in his shoulders and spine, although sitting on hard porcelain for 15 minutes did no good for his lower back and ass. But the smell of the lavender oils you added to the water had him feeling relaxed within the first minute. He lets out a small, pained groan as he stretches his shoulders back. There was a slight pinch, but not as bad as before. Maybe he should make this a three-times-a-week thing at the end of the night - only because the water bills would skyrocket if he made it a nightly routine.
As he looks at himself in the foggy mirror, using one hand to wipe away the condensation, he then realizes how bad he needs a haircut. His damp locks fall a little past his eyebrows, just tickling his eyelids when he blinks. It’s curled around his ears and the nape of his neck. Frankie isn’t a touchy feely guy, at least with people he doesn’t know. He’s been postponing a needed haircut due to the fact of someone touching his hair and doing stuff that you like to do like washing and massaging. Maybe he should ask if you’d like to cut his hair. He saw Benny’s hair a few months ago and he was proud of the job you did. He knew you would jump on the opportunity to cut his own hair.
“Baby?” You called you from the opposite side of the door, lightly tapping your index finger against the misted glass window. You couldn’t see him, but you saw his gorgeous silhouette and it made you grin. “Everything alright there?”
Frankie’s shoulders shook as he huffed out silent laughter. When he opened the door, tightening the towel around his waist, he looked down at you with a grin of his own.
“Can’t a man take his bubble bath in peace?” He jokingly questioned, furrowing his eyebrows in a comical manner that had you laughing in the crook of your elbow; it was a habit Frankie grew to love when he noticed you didn’t laugh into your hands like everyone else in his life did.
“Sorry, princesa,” you teased, leaning up on your tippy toes to nose at the bare patch in his beard before nipping at it. “Are you ready for your massage?” You cradled his warm body against yours, the lingering scent of lavender and him filling your senses.
“Can I have a kiss first?” His voice was pleasantly low and sent a smooth chill down your spine.
He was looking at you like you hung the moon and stars for him. He was looking at you like you had randomly grown luscious wings and a halo. Frankie felt his heart stutter the more he looked into your eyes. It made you feel warm all over. You just hoped you were looking at him the same way. When he leans down to finally place a kiss to your lips, he jerks back with a sharp hiss, a wince on his face as he grips his lower back.
“Alright, on the bed, baby,” you told him, giving his small, towel covered butt a firm pat.
Frankie lays on his stomach with his arms crossed under his head. His eyes shut as he strains to hear what you’re rummaging for. He feels the bed dip on either side of his hips before a small weight settles on his ass.
“I like where this is going,” he mumbles drowsily in his arms, grinning wide and laughing loud when you do the same. “I wouldn’t oppose it if something else happens after this massage.”
When you leaned over to reach for the oil set aside, you gave the lobe of his ear a small nibble, a small swipe of your tongue, and then a small kiss. Frankie groaned again and wiggled up against you while muttering something along the lines of evil woman to himself.
“We’ll see how good you are,” you teased, smiling from ear to ear when you see him bite his bottom lip to cover his groan when you delicately scratch your nails up and down his sun kissed back.
“Okay Mr. Morales, are there any specific areas of pain you’d like me to assess in our treatment tonight?” You asked him in a jokingly professional tone, giggling into your elbow when his shoulders shook with laughter.
“Well, everywhere. But mainly my lower back and around my shoulders, pretty little masseuse,” he says back in a professional tone.
“All jokes aside, Frankie, but if anything hurts you, please let me know. I don’t want you to hold anything in cause you think it’d hurt my feelings. I don’t want to fuck your back up more than it is now. Don’t be like Chandler,” you told him with a small poke in his lower back dimples.
“If you ever give me a massage like Monica, I will karate chop you in the throat in an instant,” he tells you, opening one eye to peer at you before closing it again, comfortably resting his head back on his folded arms. “But yes, I will let you know, querida.”
“Promise?” You quietly asked, fully worried about hurting him if you applied too much pressure or dug too deep into his already pained muscles.
“Hey,” he called out to you softly, now opening both eyes to look at you as best as he could with the awkward angle his head is tilted at. “Look at me.” And you do. “I promise.”
As he gets back into position, situating himself comfortably, you take your time to admire his tan skin and the freckles adorning his back. They look like the only kind of constellations you’d want to trace with your tongue. Ironically, in your eyes, Frankie is your entire universe and beyond. The butterflies in the pit of your stomach flutter uncontrollably when the noticeable muscles in his shoulders and biceps flex, and then he finally stills. Breaking yourself out of the trance you put yourself in from hungrily gazing at your husband’s back, you take it upon yourself to pour a generous amount of the oil into your palm.
“I can smell that from here,” Frankie suddenly mumbles, his voice all rumbly and calm. “What kind of brujería is that?”
“Shut up,” you snort and tap his side gently. “It’s chamomile and lavender, dummy.”
Frankie lets a tired hum and doesn’t say anything else. His eyes begin to droop shut as you begin to gently and carefully massage his upper back first, focusing more on his shoulders and upper biceps. The warm oil coupled with the pleasurable motions of your hands digging into his muscles had him groaning softly, a little furrow in his brow when you pressed into a pinch.
“Everything okay, honey?” You quietly asked him, slowly moving your hands down to the area below his shoulder blades, solely focusing on the tight tension spread all across his back.
“Mhm,” he groans again, just barely nodding. His toes curl and he almost jerks away from you when you apply too much weight to the bothered area between his shoulder blades. “Easy, querida.”
“Sorry,” you whispered and leaned forward to give his neck an apologetic peck. He smelled so good; a mix of the sweet oils used in the bath and just purely him. His natural scent was intoxicating and it made your mouth salivate.
You moved your hands further down his back, now focusing on the middle on either side of his spine. When you dug your thumbs with just enough pressure, Frankie let out another huffed groan. This time, he wasn’t in pain. The massage was quickly beginning to feel good, almost in an arousing way. Chills and tingles shut up and down his back, spreading all around his body from the tips of his toes to the top of his head. Your warm hands kneading into his sore muscles and the pleasant weight of you on his ass of all places was beginning to make him feel needy and squirmy.
You grinned wolfishly when you felt the first twitch of his hips. Frankie never once opened his eyes, embarrassed to make eye contact with you, knowing that you’re gloating from your position on the power you have over him. You dug your thumbs in the spot again and began rubbing firm circles into the strong muscle. This time, he lets out a breathy moan.
“I got you, baby,” you crooned.
Fuck, even your voice was making him melt like butter on a pile of pancakes. He knew you were teasing him. His cheeks and neck felt unbearably warm, the knot in his throat growing bigger and bigger as your hands slowly trailed down his slick back until your thumbs were gently digging into his back dimples. He didn’t even have to tell you, but you knew just how sensitive his back dimples were. The first press of your thumbs into the slight dips made Frankie bury his face further into his arms, no longer facing the side of the room but now facing the mattress itself. His nose curled and his hips twitched when you dug harder and rubbed tantalizingly slow circles.
“What’s wrong, honey?” You grinned widely when he couldn’t formulate a coherent response. All you heard was a drowsy little hhnn sound. “Cat got your tongue, huh?”
You looked down at your hands and watched in amusement when your thumbs, having a mind of their own, slowly dipped under the towel around Frankie’s waist. The towel began to loosen from your sluggish movements, and your husband made no move to tell you to knock it off or to make a joke about you being obsessed with his ass. But he didn’t. He just whined. And you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t think that simple sound was arousing.
You hooked your fingers in the cotton waistband of the towel and gave a barely there tug. Frankie moves his hips in a way that allows you to yank the towel off completely, leaving him bare, pliant, and needy on the bed before you. You applied a little more oil to your hands and started kneading the flesh of his ass. The guys have all made a fair share of jokes about Frankie’s ass, all claiming that his dick got most of the size. But you adored it. You love when he’d wear tight boxers that showcase his thick thighs and his perky ass. You loved seeing the small jiggle of it when you’d jokingly tap it with enough force. You loved hearing the harsh skin to skin contact when you’d smack it hard enough as he fucked you missionary. And you absolutely loved his shoulder to hip to ass ratio. The guys can say all they want, but Frankie’s ass was yours and only yours.
You firmly dug your fingers into the perky meat, biting back a teasing remark when Frankie moans pathetically. You leaned back enough and spread his cheeks open to down at his rim. You raised your brows and looked at the back of his head.
“Did you… shave?”
There was silence, followed by a quiet throat clear.
“I was… um… hoping it’ll lead to this,” Frankie shyly confessed, his voice gravelly and hoarse from the dryness in his throat. All his saliva was on the pillow underneath his arms from biting at it to hide his pathetic little sounds. But you heard them all. And you wanted - no, needed to hear more.
“Yeah?” You cooed, using an oil slicked thumb to rub at his hole, watching as his back tenses and his head lifts to look back at you. His dried hair was unbelievably messy and curly. The disheveled appearance had your heart soaring and your pussy throbbing in your panties. “You were just waiting to get fucked, huh?”
“Fuck,” Frankie mewled, dropping his head back down, this time onto the damp pillow. His hands fisted the sheets and he weakly spread his thighs wider when you nudged them with your knees. He can feel his stomach getting sticky and wet from his cock. He was dripping like a rickety faucet.
“Would you like me to bring out our little friend, baby?” You questioned him softly, stopping the little circles you were doing on his hole. “You wanna get fucked in the ass like a whore?”
When he eagerly nods and lets out another weak whimper, that was enough for you to break out of your pleasure-drunk trance. You carefully removed yourself from between his thighs and quietly made your way to the closet. On the ground, just behind the wide chest that holds Frankie’s private gear, is a special little box of toys.
His voice was so soft and hypnotizing.
“I’m coming, baby,” you softly called out to him as you grabbed the box that adorns a heart shaped lock. “We’re gonna have lots of fun tonight.”
When you returned to the body, your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach, your pussy throbbing with heavy need that was damn near unbearable. Frankie was in position - the position; on his hands and knees ready to get fucked. His back had a slight arch that offered him no discomfort. And his arms were rigid straight. You both had learned online that it avoids any back pains compared to being on his elbows. His head dropped low and his eyes were shut.
Situating yourself between his legs again, you pull off a sticky piece of tape underneath the box that contains the key. Frankie hears the slight ruffle of contents inside the box and he bites down on his bottom lip in anticipation. The last time you both did this was on your anniversary four months ago, and his reaction was very happy. When you unlocked the box, your eyes zeroed in on the pitch black harness with a detachable dildo; flesh toned in comparison to Frankie’s skin color, a nice six inches, and no wider than three of your fingers.
“I’m gonna open you up now, honey,” you spoke to him softly, coaxing him to relax while rubbing your hand up and down his oiled spine. “When I’m done, I’m gonna fuck you nice and good like you deserve.”
“Yeah,” he keened, sluggishly nodding his head and swallowing thickly; he doesn’t want to start drooling just yet, not when the fun hasn’t even begun. He spreads his legs wider when you tenderly place a hand along his inner thigh, stroking and squeezing the thick, warm flesh. “Hhnn…”
You hushed him quietly, humming under your breath when you moved to his other thigh, pressing your thumb on the tattoo etched into his skin. You moved your hand up, up, up. You took his heavy balls into your palm and curled your fingers around the fullness, letting out an exhaled moan when you see Frankie’s hole clench around nothing. You were fully teasing him now, coaxing every reaction from his body.
“That feels good, baby?” You cooed, watching the back of his head when he nodded. His movements were jerky and uncoordinated, almost like he was in a new body for the first time and trying to get used to using it. “It’s gonna feel much better. Just… you… wait.”
You slowly slid your oil slicked thumb into his hole, the rim immediately tightening around it, sucking it in deeper as you curl your finger. Frankie lets out a choked sound, one equivalent to a struggled gasp of air. His face felt incredibly warm along with every inch of his body. A rush of tingles spread around his soft belly before settling in his pelvis. His thighs jerked and his fingers desperately grasped the sheets when you slid your thumb out and inserted your middle finger.
“There we go,” you whispered, lowering your head to give his left back dimple a kiss. “How do you feel, honey?”
“Good,” his needy response was immediate.
You slowly begin to insert your index finger alongside your middle finger. The stretch has Frankie squirming, his arms straining and shaking. He can feel sweat beading along his hairline and brows. He moved his hips back until he could feel your fingers slide all the way inside him and bump into that little pleasure button hidden.
“Fuuuck,” he practically spits out, mouth falling open when you fuck him with your fingers, crooking them against his prostate to further pleasure him. His cock dribbled and dripped down the tip. “Fuck me, querida. Fuck me… please. I’m ready. I’m ready for it. Fuck me.” He’s rambling at this point. His mouth has a mind of its own now. He’s completely checked out.
Slowly pulling your fingers out, you give his ass a playful swat, groaning low when the flesh jiggles. Frankie whines at your smack. You stand beside the bed, keep a watchful eye on your impatient husband. You slide down your panties, the damp crotch of them sticking against your pussy for a brief moment. He watches you as well, like a hawk. When your panties pool at your ankles, you slide on the adjustable harness. Tightening the straps around your hips and fixing the small bump in the crotch so it nestles between your pussy lips and rests right against your clit, you climb back onto the bed. With slight roughness, you spread Frankie’s knees wider.
“You ready to get fucked, honey?”
The way you’re speaking to him in a condescending way and making him feel so inferior to you, it has him feeling so dizzy and drunk. He can barely respond to you because he knew that if he opened his mouth, there would only be a jumble of disoriented sounds. You can tell from the little squeak he lets out that he can’t speak.
“I haven’t even fucked you yet and you’ve already gone cockdumb, huh?”
When he hears the audible click of the dildo being attached, followed by the cap of the lube opening, he holds his breath and shuts his eyes tight in excitement. When he feels the silicone, slick tip of the dildo press against his tight rim, he opens his eyes and looks off to the side. The moan Frankie lets out has you looking at him. When you see him looking to the side, you follow his line of sight and smirk.
“Looks like someone is filthier than I thought,” you thought out loud, and he makes eye contact with you through the standing mirror positioned perfectly to capture every inch of yours and Frankie’s filthy position.
Slowly and steadily, you inch your hips forward and forward and forward until the entirety of the silicone tip is stuffed deep inside Frankie. All the air has rushed out of his trembling body the more inched your hips forward, sliding the toy further inside. He weakly peered at the mirror, exhaling a shaking breath and licking his dry lips when he saw the concentration and determination on your face when you watched yourself disappearing inside his hole. Almost as if you read his thoughts, you looked at the mirror as well and made eye contact with Frankie. As you nudge your hips further against him, his eyes fluttered shut, his eyebrows furrowed, his nose scrunched, and his mouth fell open. He was picture perfect; the definition of a pretty boy in a Playboy magazine.
“Just a few more, baby.”
You even sounded breathless. It was all too much for Frankie. When the rough harness finally touches his ass, your thighs pressing into his, he can finally let out a gasping breath. You stayed put for a few long moments to allow him to get used to the feeling of being deeply filled again. You stroked his hips and lightly dragged your nails down his spine. Frankie has a full body shudder that automatically causes his hole to tighten around the toy and suck it in deeper. He chokes on a wet sob and drops his head.
“That’s it,” you hummed under your breath and looked down between your bodies, watching in pleasured fascination as the thick silicone disappeared and reappeared repeatedly. You made sure to set a slow pace, not wanting to hurt your man by getting too eager. “You’re being such a good boy for me, baby.”
“Hhnmph,” he blubbers. He can already feel spit sliding down the corner of his mouth from keeping his lips open. The pace you originally set began to pick up speed. His head bobbed from the movements. He looked down at his dick and watched it bob as well, the tip and his stomach glistening from his slick. “Oh… shiiiit…”
The throbbing in your clit further increased while you continued to fuck Frankie. His ass jiggled every time your hips met his backside. The toy still glistened from the lube you had applied. And Frankie’s hole looked beautifully stretched. You watched his expression through the mirror and felt your heart stutter. His expression was so fucked out. His eyes half lidded and partially crossed. His lips parted in a beautiful pouted shape. His tongue was just barely peeking out. You saw the gentle slope of his soft tummy too from this angle. You felt so animalistic as you get to fuck your pliant husband. You needed more.
Reaching under the crotch of the harness, you felt around for the tiny switch hidden underneath one of the straps. The second you clicked it on, Frankie starts moaning uncontrollably when vibrations spread from the against your clit, up and around the toy, and finally reaching someplace inside him. This feeling was unlike anything else. The last time you had fucked him with this strap-on, you hadn’t turned on the vibrations. This was total insanity. Frankie was sure he was going crazy. He couldn’t stop himself. His mouth was moving faster than his brain.
“Oh - fuck - oh - fuck - oh - fuuu - uuu - uuuck,” his words were jumbled and stuttered every time you rammed your hips into his, the hard pace you officially set forced his words to come out broken.
“That’s it,” you grunt through clenched teeth and tighten your hands on his soft hips to force him back onto the toy every time you hammer your hips forward. “That’s my good boy.” The vibrations and perfect pressure against your swollen clit and sensitive pussy lips make your inner thighs tremble and tense. You can feel the vibrations spreading around Frankie’s ass when you grab his cheeks to spread them wider. “You’re taking me… so good.” Now, you were the one having difficulty speaking. The vibrator pulsating against your buzzing clit and the sight of Frankie’s hole swallowing the width and length of the toy will have anyone deemed speechless and incoherent. 
“Just like that,” Frankie breathlessly chants, his body rocking forward and back onto you as his arms tense and his toes curl until he’s sure you can hear the joints crack. “Like that. Like that. Like that.” Those were the only two words he can correctly say without sounding like a slurring drunkard.
“I know, honey,” you replied, equally as breathless, your thighs and hips aching from exertion, but you persisted. Seeing Frankie’s blissful expression through the mirror and the way his body responds makes you want to fuck him for hours and hours on end. There’s nothing more beautiful in life than seeing Frankie happy and seeing Frankie completely fucked dumb. 
Sliding a hand up his sticky back, sticky from sweat and soft from the oil, you curled your fingers over his shoulder and held on. You yanked him back onto the toy, repeatedly rendering him breathless as the toy hammers into his prostate at a mind-numbing pace. It was at this moment where Frankie fully dropped his head as he’s unable to keep himself steady or hold himself up for much longer.
“Look up,” you softly grunt and immediately curl your fingers into curly, thick hair at the back of his head to pull him up again. Frankie sobs at the prickling pain along his scalp. You curled your fingers tighter and forced him to watch you fuck him from behind through the mirror. “You’re acting like such a desperate whore, Frankie.” Your tone was so condescending and arrogant as you slowed your pace but rammed your hips harder into his ass. “Are you a desperate whore, honey? Huh?” You used your free hand to swat at his ass. The moan he released had your pussy clenching around nothing, further coating your lips and the crotch of the harness in your slick. 
“Fuck yes,” he spits out, hands holding onto the bedding in a death grip when you swat at his other cheek, the sharp sound of skin to skin filling your ears pleasantly. “I’m… your... whore.”
His balls tightened and his eyes fluttered shut. You let go of the back of his hair and allowed him to droop his head low again. The hand that was previously in his hair slowly trailed down the nape of his neck, rubbing through the sweaty strands that curled from the heat. His skin was unbelievably warm and soft. You slowed your hips to a complete stop as your hand moved around to the side of his neck. Frankie looked up in curiosity and wonderment right when you curled your fingers around his throat. He sucked in a sharp breath and made eye contact with you through the mirror. You delicately tightened your hand around his strong throat, feeling the rapid flutter of his pulse hammering against your fingers, along with the feeling of his Adam’s apple bobbing when he swallowed.
“Is this okay?” You quietly asked him, keeping your voice soft and slow to make sure he understood that you’re not pressuring him into doing what you’re into. Communication is always key, especially in acts of intimacy like this where you’re in charge. 
Frankie’s sure his heart skipped a beat at your question. He always trusted you no matter what situation either of you are in, he always put his trust into your hands. He loved and appreciated how attentive you were during the entirety of knowing each other. He had never had stability in his life before and after he was deployed. Having this comfort and safety and deep intensity from someone that genuinely cares for him - he never wants to let it go.
Licking his dry lips, Frankie looks deep into your eyes through the mirror, inching his hips back onto the toy and finally nodding his head, his movements jerky and sluggish. The smile you give him definitely makes his heart skip a beat; that smile of encouragement and admiration. You resumed the previous slow pace. With your hand around his throat, you stroke your thumb along his jawline and stroked at his fluttering pulse. Your mouth quickly drops open when the vibrator in the crotch of the harness shifts and is pressed directly under the hood of your clit, stimulating your pleasure button head on. 
“Francisco,” you cried out, throwing your head to moan freely at the ceiling. You tightened your hand around his throat, hearing his strained groans and whimpers. The harness slapped against his ass continually, painting his cheeks a pretty pink from the friction. “You’re taking me… so good, baby.” 
His face and neck felt insanely warm from the rush of blood at the sound of you moaning his full name so prettily. His head felt fuzzy and his vision was dizzy. Your hand wasn’t that tight around his throat so you weren’t cutting off too much oxygen. It’s everything else around him that’s causing this feeling. The steady pounding of your hips against his ass, the thickness of the toy filling him to the brim and pounding into his prostate, the neverending vibrations that are dancing all around his nerves and lighting his skin on fire, the blissed out expression on your face in the mirror, the way your body desperately moves behind him. 
“Gonna cum,” he rasps, pouty lips parting and his face scrunching up as the feelings intensified when you fucked him faster and harder. His cock dripped steadily of pre-cum. Warmth pooled in the pit of his stomach when you shoved the entire toy deep inside of his hole, pressing so deep inside and against his prostate that he had nowhere to squirm. The vibrations felt insane and overwhelming. “Cumming. Cumming. Gonna cum. ‘m cumming!” 
No sounds were emitted from his beautiful lips. You watched in awe as Frankie’s eyes rolled back and his teeth clamped down hard on his pouty bottom lip. Your eyes moved down to his stomach where his cock bobbed and twitched as the first spurt of thick cum shot out. Then, the next spurt. And then, the next spurt. It never ended. He just kept cumming and cumming. That filthy sight is what triggered your own powerful orgasm. You wiggled your hips down, slightly shifting the toy and shakily humming as your cunt pulsates and your clit throbs.
Reaching for the tiny switch, the vibrations stopped. Slowly unwrapped your hand from Frankie’s neck, you lightly trailed down his spine. The only noise in the bedroom were his heavy, panting breaths and your own as well. Your thighs burned, and you were sure that your muscles would be achy. Maybe this time, Frankie will be the one to give you a massage.
“Honey?” You called to him tenderly, your voice soft and quiet so as to not jar him. His eyes were tightly shut and his lips were still parted to breathe in the sweet oxygen. You delicately rubbed at his soft hips, gently massaging the flesh of his ass and stroking over the heated skin. “Are you still with me, baby?” You bent down to give the middle of his spine a kiss. 
Frankie was finally able to pick his head up. He nods, just barely. His eyes were still shut, not yet wanting to face the yellow lamplight. A drop of sweat slid down his temple and disappeared under his scruffy jaw. Yeah, he needs another shower. Hopefully one that you’ll join. He licked his lips, barely wincing when his tongue brushed over the cracked, broken skin from biting down onto it. He looks at you through the mirror once again. Your hips pressed together and your hands tenderly holding his hips. There was a certain brightness in your eyes when you looked at him. There was a certain brightness in his eyes when he looked at you. The smile you both share, almost dopey and drunk on love, is one that is reserved just for the both of you to see.
“Yeah,” he tells you, his voice raspy and low. “I’m with you."
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nishisun · 4 years
09. why is tsukishima kinda nice in person
summary: you’re in need of a new dorm buddy because your current roommate sucks and tsukishima might just be the perfect candidate.
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You put your phone back in your purse as you heard footsteps approaching the front door. You ended up not going with your plan to “seduce tsukishima” and just wore some jeans and a cami top instead.
Opening the door was a man, who most definitely wasn’t tsukishima. He had Black hair, and although he was pretty tall himself you don’t recall tsukishima having black hair.
“Well hello to you,” the man said in a flirtatious manner, leaning close to you but not too close. “You must be y/n.” he brought his hand towards you for you to shake, but you hesitated because you thought you had been catfished.
“a-are you tsukishima?” you stuttered, sounding frightened and looking rather disgusted, but not at the fact that the man in front of you wasn’t attractive, no. But maybe at the fact that you were being catfished?
“Kuroo, God, don’t scare her away with your perviness.”
or maybe not.
To say you were satisfied with the way tsukishima looked was an understatement. He was huge and he was dressed causal, wearing grey sweatpants and a plain white tee. He was wearing wasn’t wearing his glasses, and his hair seemed wet? Maybe he had jsut taken a shower you thought.
“Huhh?” Kuroo said, “What are you talking about? I was just trying to introduce myself before you rudely interrupted me.”
You stared at the two who were still bickering back and forth and admired the way they casually had their hands in their pockets. You could smell both of their cologne, not too strong.
“I apologize for his behavior,” tsukishima said as he turned his attention to you. He had to bend his head down a bit to look at you, then he invited you inside the dorm and started to show you around the place.
You were too busy paying attention to the tall man in front of you to realize that Kuroo had gone somewhere else.
“Do you want something to drink?” the way tsukishima turned around suddenly and asked you that question caught you off guard because:
1. He was literally huge and was basically towering over your small frame.
2. He seemed nicer in person?
“uh s-sure” you said.
curse your stuttering. truly it wasn’t your fault, you were just a bit nervous.
“Huh,” he chuckled, “You’re so shy in person. You were being so bold over text. You sure this is y/n?”
“s-shut up,” you said, playfully hitting his chest, “you’re like a giant towering me, you’re so intimidating without even trying.” he laughs out a little and leads you to the kitchen. “Plus, you’re way nicer in person, it’s seriously weirding me out.”
“Well excuse me for wanting to make a good first impression.” tsukishima says, playfully acting offended and placing a hand near his chest. “It’s okay if you’re shy, it’s kinda cute.” he says casually.
what the hell is wrong with him, he knows if he says stuff like that you’ll take it as flirting. You just roll your eyes and let out a small laugh to not seem so awkward.
“Hey! Hey! Hey y/n!” you hear a familiar voice call out.
“Bokuto, can you please stop being so loud?” tsukishima scoffs.
“Bo? Akaashi? Hey! What are you guys doing here?” you go to the two who were waving and went to go greet the two with a hug, delighted to see them here.
“We came to make sure you wouldn’t harass tsukishima.” Akaashi says as he breaks the hug.
“Shut up, you know that was a joke.” The three of you laugh as you turn to go properly greet the rest.
“Kuroo was it? Sorry for the way i was acting earlier, I thought that I was being catfished and a weird hot guy was tryna kidnap me.” You laugh as you offer your hand for him to shake.
“Oh, you think i’m hot-“ Kuroo said, but shook his head to focus on the person in front of him, you. “it’s fine, I get it. Sorry for scaring you.” He laughs, shaking your hand and holding it for what seemed a bit too long for your own liking.
“Oh, for God’s sake Kuroo, let go of the poor girl’s hand,” You hear another voice say. “Sorry about him, he’s so weird,” the man says, scratching his head and laughing, “I’m Yamaguchi, but you can call me Tadashi and you must be y/n was it? I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Oh, really?” You smirk, turning around to face tsukishima, who seemed rather annoyed.
“Yamaguchi shut up, don’t make things sound weird like that.” Tsukishima crosses his arms but everyone just laughs at the comment.
You, kuroo, yamaguchi and tsukishima sit down in the living room and catch up with eachother, just getting to know more about them while bokuto and akaashi seemed to be having their own conversation in the kitchen still.
You leave the living room to go ask bokuto and akaashi if they knew where the bathroom was and one of them pointed to it’s direction.
OKAY IM STOPPING IT HERE JUST BECAUSE 😏 but i really hope you all are loving this series just as much as i am 💕
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taglist: @lasnaro @cvlliesstuff @appleciderslut @korean-bbq @lilacnoodles @sinistersith @d0llpie @denkis-slut @tsukisaur @i-stole-your-juice-box @kac-chowsballs @resetrestartandreplay @satomiis @xo-lovelyreign-xo @mirikusashes @idiot-juice-enthusiast @iminlovewhaikyuu @definitelynotbianca @somecravings @my-weeb-ass @yourlocalbabybird @bokutosuwus @tadashisprout @daninaninani @r4tw0rm @tazinva @neokawa @mirikusashes @helloshoutohere
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dracudyke · 3 years
tell us about your dnd characters!
yesss ty for enabling me :) I can't say a Crazy amount in terms of backstory bc I have party members following me but here's the 2 characters I'm playing rn!!
swamp triton nature cleric!
I have some art of her in my #newt tag if you want to see!!
shes a grumpy, snarky, grimy little creature. definition of that "im a healer, but-" with a gun meme. yknow.
her spiritual weapon is a giant spectral catfish that's killed so many people we named it wrath. last session it bit the powerful boss fight wizard in half.
I love her so much. she hates people and she sleeps in a bathtub. Her hands are slimy as hell and she likes trying to get rich/important people to shake her hands just to fuck with them
reborn swarm keeper ranger!! I don't have art of him yet. I'll finish some eventually. I've only played 2 sessions with him so far but Im having fun :)
awkward, polite little zombie with social anxiety and a major guilt problem. they are trying their best
he considers his swarm his best friends and gets personally offended when people don't like bugs
oh yeah. their bugs live in their ribcage. they just hang out in there. its fine
terminal "sure I'll press that button, what's the worst that could happen" disease. his sense of self preservation isn't great
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Y'all welcome to the...
Mega playlist post!!!!!
Soooo whats all this then? Well im sure y'all know I can go overboard when it comes to my playlist covering the 60s-80s, but wait! There's more!!! My catalogues cover the 50s to the modern age of 2020 so let's take a walk through them!
So this baby at just about an hour is my newest, I know very little on this era, for those who are hardcore enthusiasts and experts sorry! But for those just looking for a good time let me tell ya that you will not be able to keep still! It's a fresh learning experience for me which I know I'll have great fun with
Artists so far include Fats Domino, Harry Belafonte, Elvis Presley, and Little Richard, and a small handful of others
(Now no fear! she will be getting plenty of work in the future)
I doubt I need to explain this one but as a briefer its a 34 hour deep dive into as many corners of rock that I've been able to catch onto, artists here include The Beatles, Bruce Springsteen, Cheap Trick, David Bowie, Lez Zeppelin, The Who, and roughly 50 more!
At 6 and a half hours this one is quite at my roots of discovering this, way back when in elementary school man you could catch me living and breathing Green Day and Nirvana, but it aint just that! This wild ride follows Blink 182, Blur, Green Day, Nirvana, Oasis, The Offspring, Pearl jam, The Smashing Pumpkins, They Might Be Giants, and Weezer.
Now skipping over the 00s (another true love of mine, just impossible to fuse sounds of my chem and vampire weekend into one) rolling in at 13 hours we find ourselves in times that seemed like just last year but sike! It's been a decade!! This all is that sorta post heavy emo phase transition taste for me, it includes the 1975, Catfish and The Bottlemen, Gerard Way, Gorillaz, The Hives, My Chemical Romance, Ok Go, Palaye Royale, the strokes, and many more
And finally at 5 and a half hours we find stuff fresh off the record press, and man despite the horrors of 2020 its music was fucking brilliant!! Some of these new releases are from Billie Joe Armstrong, frank iero, gorillaz, Hayley williams, the hives, I don't know how but they found me, the network, The Strokes, and The Used!
Now lemme tell ya that's all a mouthful to say (and type!) So if you see something that catches your eye give it a look and a listen, and follow! It'd mean the world to me
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smallcrystals · 3 years
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I had written so much and then i fucking lost it all nooooooooooo. 
Welp, gotta rewrite it. Here are my sibs, be warned, there’s a lot here. Also, apologies for subjecting you to my handwriting. 
  Morning star (eldest, top left)
  Mid-late twenties
Likes historical weaponry and combat. she ‘s a big nerd, who used to larp and enjoys things like tabletop and renaissance fairs and fantasy stuff (she also sort of inspired a dnd hobby in flash)
She has adhd (they all do) which was inherited from their dad. 
She likes jazz
She was in the air force for a while doing mechanics and maintenance. She ended up losing an arm and a leg in an engine accident due to someone else’s neglect of procedure. She got a medical discharge and ended up not getting a lot of benefits she was kind of promised (cause ‘merica). She depends on vet aid for a lot of her expenses but it’s still not nearly enough (cause ‘merica), and she is bitter. 
She used to be a huge social butterfly, very much the Prep/jock leader type. She’s more jaded and a lot more tired now, but she still very much likes people when she has the energy. 
She likes making morbid jokes. Her:  “Damn that sounds like it’ll cost you an arm and a leg,” Everyone: *sweating*. She lives for their discomfort. 
She still lives with her family for convenience, and now a days she’s doing college online. 
Tol lady 
Frizzy hair
V protective
  Militant march (second oldest, top right.)
A year or two older than flash 
I got his design from the scene in friendship games where the band comes on
Speaking of, Band Geek. he’s in percussion, he is percussion dad. He has extra sheet music and the freshmen are his kids
Also plays classical piano
He has inattentive type adhd, which he deals with by doubling down on organization. 
His bullet journal is pristine. He has…so many sticky notes. So many. On his desk, on his door, stuck on the walls, covering the bathroom mirror, so many. He has a set of alarms, and he keeps a calendar. 
Does like ~awarness~ exercises to deal with zoning out and getting lost in thought (which he does a lot) 
He doesn’t want to deal with forgetting stuff he so just. Carries everything. Everywhere. 
If you mess with his schedule he will panic. Please arrange hangouts with at least like, 3 days notice pls, he doesn’t do well with spontaneity 
He’s a good student. He’s also good to his teachers, he brings in apples and coffee, he volunteers to help them retrieve things and with grading, and he’s generally very agreeable. He usually also establishes a relationship with them because he needs to communicate his needs when it comes to ADHD accommodations.
 On the flip side, if a teacher ignores his disability accommodations or his county plan or is an asshole about it, he doesn’t tolerate it. He will lawyer on it, he will file with the school, he will go to admin and he will have you in litigation from your toes up to your teeth. God forbid you are a shitty sub. 
Petty but like, quietly. 
Whenever people get up to nonsense he’s just like: sips tea
Otherwise, he’s a soft boi. Accommodating, patient, and polite. Wears cable knit sweaters and polo shirts. 
  Uppercut (lower left, second youngest)
She boxes! She also wants to get into mma. Very scrappy gal
She’s in like, 7th or 8th grade
Despite her jockness, she still very much dresses femininely. She likes skater skirts and e-girl stuff. 
Flash: “she’s my little sister and I love her. She’s also a demon from hell sent to kill me via stress attack,”
Mischievous. She likes to prank people, she likes to sass her brothers and she is a mythic  troll to her family (and others)
Also pretty internet savvy. She’s on a lot of different forms and boards. She also uses VPNs, AdBlock, data protectors, and the like. 
She likes making video edits and amvs. 
She is a menace, and sometimes gets up to dangerous and/or questionable things, like trolling alt-right message boards or baiting people into saying creepy or incriminating stuff so she can report or blackmail them 
She’s on reddit
G a m e r 
She also floods bigoted tags with things like memes and fancams to clog them. 
She has catfished people before. Usually incels and 4channers. She has some weird sense of vigilantism, and also finds it funny. It’s never anything serious (like having someone think they’re in a serious relationship) but she has gotten people to get her stuff like steam games b4.
 Flash was not pleased when figured this out and he’s sort of constantly worried somethings going to happen. One time she did something that especially freaked him out and he got Microchip to install parental controls on her computer for like a month.
On the less worrying side of things, she runs fan blogs and likes tiktok. Normal fandom stuff. 
Her room has colored LED lights. 
I like to think flash give her the jacket he wore in the first 3 movies once he got his makeover. 
Hyperactive adhd! She has a fidget spinner, but she only got one after it became “cringy”. She hyper focuses All The Time.  Does the leg bounce, and gets a lot of energy out through her boxing. Her computer is super organized, her room is an absolute mess. 
First base (youngest, bottom right.)
He’s like, 10-12. 
Baeby. He baeby. 
He’s the little colt in a couple of the cmc episodes, im pretty sure everyone decided he’s flash’s brother and so have i. 
Combined type adhd. He is a very hyper boy. He’s constantly fidgeting or moving in his seat or dancing in place.
It would annoy his teachers if he weren’t so polite. 
He plays baseball! 
He also really likes flowers, especially yellow ones, and especially especially yellow roses, dandelions, and marigolds
He tucks dandelions into his shoelaces a lot. 
He’s also very friendly and upbeat, as well as surprisingly emotionally mature. He’s very in touch with his feelings and very good at sensing how other people feel. 
Plays ukelele, flash taught him. First painted flowers on it
He has this giant frizzy fluffy mass of hair, so he has some clips and barrettes he uses to keep it out of his face sometimes. He also sometimes wears headbands. 
Yellow is his favorite color. 
He dresses literally however he wants, including stuff like skirts. he‘s very fond of sweater dresses when it’s cold. 
Him and flash are very close. Flash basically acts like he’s his momma, and he will extend that nurturing to First base’s close friends. 
He’s also just an absolute magpie. He collects a ton of things from cool rocks to random shiny stuff to hairpins he finds. He always most have pockets for this reason. He also always has scrunches and hair ties on his wrist even though he doesn’t use them, in case anyone needs to borrow one. 
Also keeps fun bandaids in case anyone needs one. 
Did i mention he baeby? He baeby.
hi mum i love them all
you really went so in depth with them and i love it!! they’re so interesting to read abt and i love their designs!! i’m pretty sure most people took first base as flash’s younger brother sdjkfd but i’m glad i’m not the only one who hcs flash being one of the middle siblings!!
i love them sm and thanks for sharing them w me! 🥺
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watermelonsugawara · 4 years
Mahaallll 😂 Wala lng. Hiii how are you today bby! 👀 Got any mini Asahi headcanons cross your mind recently?
MAHALLLLLL hi omg!!! sorry this reply is a day late ;-; im good bb !! how are you?
these r random ideas ive had in my mind in no particular order bc asahi lives in my mind rent free lmfaooo
imma keep this shit sfw FOR ONCE; im in a domestic mood so here we go
he definitely has a greenhouse bc he likes gardening
this man and succulents? ya legit i meant what i said when hes just a cottage core lesbian inside of a buff man’s body
if he didnt play volleyball, he looks like the type of mf to enjoy something random
like ultimate frisbee
or baseball and yes i saw the ace of the diamond/haikyuu uni switch and so im biased
very low spice tolerance. sorry baby bu
still tears up when cutting onions cus he doesnt know u can leave the butt on and it wont burn ur eyes as much lmfao
chores he likes to do: laundry, cutting grass
chores he hates to do: wash the dishes
as timid as he is, i think he’d thrive if he lived in a big city
listens to catfish and the bottlemen, the smiths
honorable mentions: young the giant, james black, alt-J
drives a toyota rav4 LMFAO
likes to upcycle clothes am i projecting myself onto him? idk
loves to dance with u even tho a mf CANNOT DANCE
prob owns a record player:)
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scp-69 · 4 years
archival team all know wtf is up cause jon is 3% more competent and has better communication skills au where they all make it their daily goal to piss off jonalias magchard by making fun of his georgian ass
sasha hikes up her skirt to show her ankles like ooohh im sorry mr magnus (flutters eyelashes) is this inappropriate for the workplace?
they turn up at work one day in the most ridiculous regency period clothing from the fancy dress shop down the street
martin commits more arson, obviously
sasha invests in an Archive Pet because "things have changed since your time jonah you cant possibly understand with your old man brain so adverse to change"
“why is there a giant blowup hamster wheel tim” “i was drunk lol” "why did you just say lol out loud”
"see magnus we have these things now called abbreviations. people use them often in texts and-"
they over explain every slang term they go out of their way to use (they even make a ladybird style book on How To Use Modern Slang)
"so i said whatevs- oh jonah thats a shorter way of saying whatever" "yes, sasha, (vein bulging out of his forehead) i know what whatevs means"
theyre like im so sorry you never got a childhood. we will be rectifying this by watching disney movies during work. socialisation is important
tim talks loudly and extensively about his hookups in the break room and always stops midway to check on his "georgian sensitivities"
they would DEFINITELY use periodically incorrect slang to annoy him under the guise of "oh we just want you to feel more comfortable :D"
they use edwardian slang (which is around a hundered years after jonah would have been born, give or take a decade or two)
"magnus youve gone a bit balmy on the crumpet there mate" "THATS NOT EVEN FROM THE RIGHT TIME PERIOD TIMOTHY!!"
they call jonah a buck (a dandy, smartly dressed or handsome individual) and a buffer (old man, old codger) within the same day
(they also call him a poodle-faker (a man who spent too much time in the society of women, engaging in such activities as tea parties, balls, etc.) which to Mine Own Ears sounds suspiciously and hilariously like an edwardian homophobic slur and goes down exactly as u would expect)
jonah: what are you doing / the archival staff, catfishing peter as elias to make him pay for their lunch: ...nothing
jon calls him a sugar baby and as soon as the eye has finished downloading the definition into his brain hes FUMING he just sprints straight at the closest employee and charges
rosie has so much blackmail on him she could end his entire life with a few "misplaced" documents
i like to think that none of the post unknowing archival crew would be hired into the institute but they would eventually come to hang out there almost every day anyway
they absolutely join in
its an all out war everyone vs jagnus. nobody knows quite what the end goal is but seeing him ranting and raving after the latest attack upon his person is just so funny that they dont care
all the other avatars quit trying to complete their rituals cause this is much more rewarding
also gerry is still alive in this! when jon introduces him jelias is nearly killed on sight :D
thank u @dan-wylds for like half of these love u
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fineosaur · 4 years
describe my blog tag game
i was tagged by @northernfieldsforever, thank you for the tag 💞
icon: kit harrington as jon snow, because jon is my son and i would like it to be known
content: changes depending on my mood lmao, but mostly it’ll be music (mainly catfish and the bottlemen), posts i find funny, memes i make, stuff i write. all with the additional tags at the end of each reblog that no one asks for
letter colour: black? i think so idk I SUPPOSE
url: it’s literally just ‘fine’ attached to ‘osaur’ like ‘dinosaur’ because im obsessed w dinosaurs, god didnt want to be called out like that. 
header: ohhh my header for this blog is just a pic i took when i was in my garden, on my other blog @fineosaur-writes, its a pic i took at the beach when the sun was setting. 
blog title: it’s just my name. “raniyah.” it’s a thing i do to show everyone how exceedingly arrogant i am about myself, plastering my name everywhere, painting a giant ‘r’ in my room, wearing an ‘r’ necklace. you know, the usual.
im tagging @thelandofnothing, @yanak324, @watersandwolves, @ollie-19, @in-the-english-rain, @frankcastle
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