#im just gonna bunk in the back room this time i really dont wanna get sick again .. its the 4th time since september..
ajdrawshq · 1 year
. yall are Not gonna believe this. my brother is sick AGAIN
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Missing key pt 2
Matt casey x reader
warnings: sad themes, crying, really soppy make up and unproof read writing :)
A/n yall im thinking about either making this a series and the next part being yk the seggsy seggsy if yall are interested lmk anywho if it becomes a series i have a good plot twist.
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Coincidences. arguably one of the most things believed in. like when you see the one person you didn't want to see in the street, or when your boyfriends ex wife magically appears after you only just put the pieces back together completely.
"wait, seriously?! she's back?!" Herrmann's disbelieved voice brings you out of your thoughts.
"hm dont sound to excited Christopher" you sniffle pulling away just to be held in severides arms.
you felt alot Warmer in Kelly's arms, maybe it was the bond the both of you had to eachother or maybe it was because Kelly's muscle keeps him like a human radiator.
"why is she back?" kelly says his chest vibrating against your back.
"i dont know...i-i thought she was in brazil" you hiccuped out trying not to break down again. Apparently kelly could tell as he threads his hand through your hair repeatedly trying to soothe you. it worked ,of course it did. he's known you long enough to know it would.
"she was, i thought she wasn't supposed to come back until the crisis or epidemic whatever it is, is over" Herrmann spoke a little unsure.
"whatever shes here for, it surely cant be good" bodens brooding voice brought silence but not for long, you all sat. Talking,drinking,laughing and beating the boys asses at poker.
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You wake with a start hearing someone banging at the door of Kelly's apartment.
"Come on Severide, open the damn door. i know shes in there" Matt ordered
"yeah exactly why im not letting you in" Kelly sighed
"Look y/n, i just wanna talk"
you freeze up at your name and look at severide with tears in your eyes shaking your head and he sighed once more rubbing his eyes. He storms to the door and opens it slightly but not enough to have a clear view of the apartment .
"Shes asleep, just come back another time"
"Severide i swear to god if you've done anything to her i will-" matts voice was threatening and honestly scary. you had only heard it a couple times but it still sent shivers through your spine everytime
"woah, chill out dude. i wouldn't you know i wouldn't now scram" Kellys voice raised a little before slammming the door.
Your feet padded across the floor and you hugged him. "thank you" you kissed his cheek and walked to the kitchen "now to make it up to you im making breakfast what do you want?"
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Your days off ran out and you knew you'd have to face him on shift soon. You were nervous of course but you came up with a plan. HIDE AND AVOID.
"come on kelly we are gonna be late" you whined. After matt had left you went back to your apartment and grabbed some stuff after both you and kelly decided you would temporarily live there.
Kelly pulled up to the station and sat there for a minute "what you gonna do if he comes after you?" you sigh "either come to you to get the key to hide in your locked office bunk or do what I do best avoid" He chuckles "boy do i know that" you hit his arm playfully and laugh getting out the car. You could feel his eyes burning holes into you, you didn't dare look becuase you knew that if you did you'd explode into dust. Thank god you worked for squad now.
you and kelly walked into the locker room of course just to find Matt there. Of course you did, fate hated you. You got changed as quick as you could and apparently so did kelly becuase as you finished so did he. You walked behind Severide out of the room just to be stopped by a hand around your arm.
"y/n please, i wanna talk. look i swea-" his voice dripped with remorse.
"Casey i dont wanna hear it not now." you pulled your arm out his grasp and stormed down the corridor
"Well if we dont talk about it now we wont ever. You're hiding yourself away!" He shouts down the corridor coming after you. you stop in your tracks and turn round swiftly
"Fuck off" you smiled and walked out and sat at the squad table hearing the giggles from the common room.
"fucking cunt" you growl. "Woah Woah, Y/l/n, watch that language capp doesnt like swearing" Cruz joked. Capp obviously not getting it looked up in confusion and slight offense. the rest of the table burst out in laughter.Laughter that was short cut by the one and only.
"Y/l/n my office now!" he ordered. you stand up as the blare goes off
"Squad 3, Ambo 61, 21st monroe street, person in distress"
You hopped up smiling and ran to the truck putting your gear on in record time. you sat in the truck and laughed slightly "what you laughing at?" kelly asks, "i dont know something about the disapointed look on his face"
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the call was rough. (TW RIGHT HERE) some guy tried to jump but got stuck half way down hanging of someone's balcony by a shoelace. (ITS ALOVER NOW BREATHE BEAUTIFUL)
"(Y/l/n) now!" you hung your head and ripped your jacket off.
you walked down behind him and stopped at the doorway of the common room sending Herrmann and Otis the "help me" look they both just sent one of sympathy back.
Matt locked the door and shut the blinds. "talk"
"why should i?"
"becuase i hurt you, i want to fix it. " he stepped forward and went for your hand. yet you pulled yours away.
"look i dont know what happened. if you kissed or whatever. But you know what really hurt. the look of longing and adoration on your eyes when you saw her."
he was quiet because he knew that it was coming from deep within.
"Im not asking you to loose all feelings immediately. that would be wrong of me you used to be married to her for gods sake..." your voice started to break as tears pooled in your eyes. "y-you just didnt have to look so h-happy"
he stayed silent and you walked to the door unlocking it. he took huge steps towards you turned you around and glued his lips to yours.
"i didnt mean to. im so sorry. i shoild have thought about you first instead of freezing like a coward. y/n i love you with all my heart"
you look at him the tears spilling over. "i love you too baby" you pulled him into yet another passionate kis-
"truck 81, squad 3, engine 51. Warehouse fire. 600 north Orleans street (takes you to a field/road)"
you sigh and laugh a little.
"Duty calls" he says softly and opens the door "race you to the trucks"
@graniairish @alldaysdreamers @ladyate (im sorry i couldnt find you) @freyathehuntress @lindie000
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
oblivion chris motionless x reader
okay im gonna be real, this is probably one of my favorite stories to date and i had way too much fun writing it. i hope you guys like it too!
Prompts: "Are we on a date right now?" "Are you flirting with me?" "You finally noticed?"
Song: what am I gonna do today by the regrettes
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @svintsandghosts @cynic-spirit @alilpunkrock @theoneandonlykymberlee @joeynihil @thisplace-ishaunted @xyours-eternallyx @lifeisabitchandsoareyou +++++++++
i sat around and looked at the guys all playing on their phones, ignoring each other. i sighed, looking to chris beside me. my eyes flashed to his phone, slumphing into the bus couch when i noticed he was just playing some stupid game. i knew we had a chill travel day and we were almost to our destination but damnit i wanted to do something. ya know, before we got to the air bnb for the weekend. then it hit me.
"hey! you guys wanna go see a movie after we settle in?"
i asked, a few of them looking at me over their phones. there was a long silence as i looked between them all.
"so... is that a no?"
i asked and they all shrugged, looking around at each other. i sighed, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning back into the couch.
i grumbled.
"ill go to the movies with you."
chris whispered and a smile immediately grew across my face.
i said happily and he nodded, smiling back at me.
"yeah, you pick though, i dont even know whats out right now."
he said and i moved quickly to look up show times.
"you got it chief."
he squeezed my thigh lightly before getting up and walking to the bunk area. i caught ricky looking at me with a smirk but i just shook it off.
when we got to the theater chris was quick to buy the tickets before i could even reach for my wallet. i frowned, silently scolding him as he handed me mine with a 'gotcha' look. i shook my head at him as he took my hand in his and dragged us to the ticket tacker.
"theater thirteen on your left."
she said with a smile and i nodded, thanking her. chris held my hand tightly as we walked further in.
"oooo, wanna go play games? we got a little time before it starts."
he suggested and i shrugged.
"sounds good to me."
he nodded once, leading me into the game room. everything was lit up in neon and the fun designs on the carpet popped under the black lights. it made me laugh a little bit as we walked around.
"damn, they really have a lot in here."
i noted, looking to the wall with the racing games.
"i couldnt tell you the last time i was at a movie theater with this much shit."
he said with a laugh.
i said, continuing to look around.
"oh! wanna shoot some hoops?"
he asked and i laughed. he sent me a look before pulling me to the basketball game.
"come on chris, you know how bad i am at sports."
i said and he shrugged.
"and who isnt. now stop pouting and take the ball."
he demanded, popping four quarters into the machine and it surrendering the four basketballs to us.
i gave up, grabbing one and aiming it at the basket. miss. i sighed, reaching for another as he made two shots in a row. i sent him a playful scowl as i missed again.
"here, try this."
he said, standing behind me, taking my arms in his and aiming towards the basket. when it made it in i cheered, looking to him and feeling a blush creeping its way up my body.
"see! there ya go!"
he said excitedly, letting me go awkwardly and stepping back into his own place. i cleared my throat and picked up the last ball.
"thanks chris."
i said, offering the ball to him.
"here, you should take the last shot."
i said and he shook his head.
"thats okay, you take it."
he said and i sent him a look.'
"no really, you are much better and i wouldnt wanna waste the shot."
i said and he laughed.
"here, how about we both take it."
he said, stepping behind me again and guiding me to shoot it like he had before. when it went in the hoop the game made a ringing sound. he didnt let me go right away though and i looked up at him to see him looking at the score scrolling across the top of the game. when he did finally look down at me he sent me a smile and i couldnt help melting a little bit.
"you did great."
he said softly and i nodded, leaning back into his chest and he sighed in content. thats when it really clicked. this wasnt what i thought it was and suddenly rickys look made sense.
"chris can i ask you something?"
i asked and he let me go, scratching the back of his neck lightly.
"yeah, whats up?"
he said a little nervously and i let out a shaky laugh.
"Are we on a date right now?"
i asked and his face fell, his eyes darting around like he didnt know what to do.
"do you want us to be on a date right now?"
he stumbled through his words and i took his hand in mine.
"come on, lets go play a game i actually know i can win at."
i said, tugging at his arm and guiding him to the skeeball ramps.
"you didnt answer my question."
he said lightly as i popped two quarters in each of our machines. i sent him a playful look as the balls released into the shoot. i picked one up and held it between us.
"if one of us gets a hundred ill let you know if this is a date or not."
i said and a hint of mischief flashed behind his eyes. he picked up his own ball.
"youre on."
he challenged and i started on the game, aiming and sending the ball swiftly up the slope. it dropped into the fifty at the top of the ring.
he said and i laughed, sending him a look as he tossed his own ball, it falling into the ten at the bottom of the ring.
"awe, so close."
i mocked, patting him on the back. he sent me a testing look before we both grabbed another ball.
"Are you flirting with me?"
he said half annoyed as his next ball went into the forty and i snorted, sending my own ball and it landing in the fifty again.
"You finally noticed?"
i torted back, sending him an evil grin.
"so this is a date?"
he said and i laughed.
"you get one hundred yet?"
i asked and he mumbled something under his breath, sending the ball full force up the ramp. i looked over just as it hit into the hundred hole and my mouth dropped.
he said, turning to me. i closed my mouth and looked up at him but before i knew what was happening he was coming at me with both hands, holding me in place and smooshing our lips together. i dropped the ball in my hand, hearing it thud onto the floor as i moved my hands to his sides. i kissed him back with as much intensity, sighing against him as his hand moved into my hair, the other sliding down and resting at the base of my neck, just against my collar bone. when he pulled away i gasped, my eyes fluttering open and seeing him staring down at me with a drunk kind of look across his face.
i started, swaying forward a bit as the daze left me.
"id say this is a date."
i confirmed and he smirked at me.
"great, cause ive been waiting."
he said deeply, leaning down and kissing me again.
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Re: the prompt post: 19, 13, 7 (any!)
7. “You’re a terrible liar.”
December 17th. 1971
John and Paul had taken Julian up to Liverpool; they were staying at Mendips for Christmas, hoping to capture some domestic bliss away from the chaos of being a former Beatle, as well as letting Julian get to know his external family a little better. Since the divorce, Paul had encouraged John to continue seeing Julian most weekends, dropping in on weekdays too, and more recently, start taking Julian for most of the holidays. Cynthia didn’t mind so much, she had a new partner she was seeing so it was nice for her to be able to take a break from Jules every once in a while.
John had in fact almost drifted away from his own kin at one point, but Paul insisted he maintained some sort of relationship with him. His problem was really that he didn’t understand children, he couldn’t relate to or connect to them. A psychologist could spend hours searching the index of his mind, but why bother? What it all amounts to is simply that though John wanted to be able to connect with kids, he just didn’t know how. Paul on the other hand just understood how to interact with kids. Perhaps it was boyish charm ever present in his spirit, but he just understood them far better than John ever could. Still, perhaps they balanced out well as a couple.
Paul unlocked the door to the home - he’d just from his dads, visiting some family. He didn’t bring John with him today (though he would in a few days’ time), because his father still wasn’t comfortable with the arrangement – though he’d have to get used to it, because John and Julian weren’t going anywhere.
“‘M back!” He chirped, shaking the snow off from his shoes.
“Were in ‘ere Macca…” John called out – his speech was slightly slurred, so that of course provoked a few questions in Pauls mind.
Entering the living, he couldn’t help but notice the bottles of beer scattered across the table. His lips plastered into a small grin as he asked, “Have you been drinkin’ love?”
“No…” John denied cheekily. Putting on a faux queen’s accent, he added, “I most certainly have not.”
“Well, I dunno about that. Think all those bottles might suggest otherwise.”
“They’re not mine.” John said with an attempted nonchalance. He was acting as though they were still teenagers, getting caught bunking school only to pop off down the pub.
Turning to Julian who lay upon the carpeted living room floor, Paul said, “What do you think Jules? D’you think yer da’s been drinkin’?” Jules nodded his head with cheeky grin overstating his face, “I saw him!” he said.
“Oi - I told ye not to tell on me!” John snapped, though with no real anger in voice.
“John, it has to be said, yer a terrible liar. I mean, yer truly crap mate.”
“Yeah, well, I never would’ve been caught if Jules hadn’t told on me.”
“Christ John,” he looked around him just to ensure a certain someone was not following behind him before continuing, “im not Mimi, im not gonna tell you off you know.” He picked up the shopping he had bought – Mimi had asked for a couple things – and as he walked into the attached kitchen, he joked, “Besides, think you might be old enough to legally drink by now.”
Following him into the kitchen, John started, “So what’d ye get up to with yer da’ then?”
“Nothing much y’know; just catching up with him and Mikey.” Paul said casually as he unloaded the shopping in his bags onto the table. “Mike’s girl is pregnant, d’you know.”
“Boy or a girl?”
“Dunno yet. They’re hoping for a girl, but they don’t mind so much either way. Da’s girl, Angela, is excited to have some grandkids on the way though.”
“Yeah, well – she might wanna lower her expectations for us. Don’t think we’ll be pushing out any of our own anytime soon.”
Paul dismissed this, continuing, “She’s lookin’ forward to meeting Jules in a coupl’a day’s time.”
John appeared to ignore this, asking with a smirk and sly rhetoricism, “Yer dad still doesn’t like me, does he?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say he doesn’t like you, but y’know,” Paul whipped him a smile as he continued unloading the bag, then added, “don’t think you’re his favourite Beatle.”
“If only you’d gotten with George or Ringo,” John quipped back sarcastically, as he made his way through the small kitchen, over to Paul. He placed a hand on Pauls waist, and brought his other hand up to his hair, to fiddle flirtatiously with the dark locks. “‘M sure he’d be content enough for you to marry either of them.”
Paul let out laugh, “Don’t think he’d be too happy with me marrying any guy to tell you the truth. ’Sides, don’t think George or Ringo would want me.”
“Definitely not George.” John joked back, still twirling his fingers through Pauls hair.
“That reminds me actually, I wanted to give him a ring soon. Wish him merry Christmas and that.”
“We’ll do that later…” John said as he angled Pauls face, bringing him in for a kiss. With some tender passion they kissed in the ever-familiar kitchen, embracing the delight of domesticity - but shortly after, they were sternly interrupted by a shrill from Mimi of, “John, I will have none of that in my house.”
Pulling away from Paul, he groaned, “Alright, Mimi,” though his tipsy voice still remained relatively unburdened. Paul stood there smiling, and fidgeting with Johns hands until Mimi said, “That goes for you too Paul. None of this silliness in my house.”
John just rolled his eyes in response, “Like a bloody boarding school in ‘ere.” he whined, but Mimi ignored the retort.
Dragging Paul into the living room, he kissed him once more as he pulled him down onto the sofa. They made out a little, embracing one another like adolescents, with Paul resting himself on half on the sofa, half on John’s lap – and John entangling his hands around his lover’s legs.
But Paul, being the more responsible of the two, broke away at last to ask, “Where’s Jules?”
“Why’s it matter?” John moaned.
“I don’t want him to see us like this.”
“He doesn’t bloody care!” John insisted.
“I bet he does - how’d you like to walk to walk in on yer own dad neckin’ it with someone?”
“I have walked in on me dad neckin’ it, and I didn’t give two shits-like.”
“Yeah, well, Jules is different,” he added a mocking, “plus, Mim’s isn’t standing for any of yer ‘silliness’ now.”
“Always eager to please the in laws aren’t ye Macca.” John said defeatedly, as Paul crawled away from his lap.
Look, I dont even care that its June. I like Christmas. I wanted to write a Christmas fic. I dont even care, im shameless!
Also, ive got quite a few other requests and like, im working on them I promise, but I always like to put in effort y'know so who knows when they'll be out haha. But ill try get another one out today <3
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
I both really want to read a conversion camp fic and really fucking DONT lol but I trust you to do it well and not absolutely destroy us so... I am asking for you to write the conversion camp fic please.
Oh, my plan is to absolutely destroy you all with this one.
This is modern bc it wasn’t gonna be but then I wrote a part and it kinda had to be lol
TW: religion, homophobia, transphobia (nd Steve), conversion camp, anxiety, depression, physical abuse, the word r*pe is thrown around, suicidal ideations, basically, it’s a DOOZY
Seriously, this shit gets DARK. I have A LOT of untapped emotions.
But it has a happy ending, don’t worry
Steve’s hands were shaking as they dug through his bag.
They had already pulled out the eyeshadow palette he had tried to sneak in, needed something to make himself feel okay in this inevitable Hell.
“Did you receive our guidelines?” They had found the lipstick he had shoved in one of his shoes. “We specifically outlined prohibited items.” He took a shaky breath. “Your perversion is much deeper than anticipated, Mr. Harrington.” He just nodded.
He was shuffled about, led to a cold blank room.
His first meeting with a conversion specialist.
“What is your infatuation with women’s things?” The man’s voice made Steve feel like there was cold water dripping down his back.
“I just like pretty things.”
“Why do you deny your manhood?”
“I don’t.”
“You say that, but you do. Every time you pretend you’re a woman-”
“I don’t pretend I’m a woman. I just like makeup and stuff.” He gave Steve a disgusted look.
“By denying your true self, you have turned your back on God. You have allowed the devil to infiltrate your soul, to convince you that these perversions are okay.” He looked down at the paper in his lap, the forms Steve had been forced to sit and fill out with his parents. “You were not close with your father, were you?”
“Um, no. Not really.”
“So you pushed away your male role model?”
“He pushed me away, more like.” The man pursed his lips.
“A father does not push away his son unless there is something evil within him. A father can always tell when there is something wrong, something disgusting in his offspring.” He stood up, towering over Steve.
“You are disgusting, Steven Harrington. You are perverse and foul. You turn your back on your Creator. But you are not without a savior. You can be saved. Denounce the devil that tempts you to this life. Follow your savior, and He will lead you to safety.” He held out his hand. Steve took a breath, and shook it.
Steve’s first day was a fucking nightmare.
He was led to his room, a small room with two bunked beds and no doors. He was told he’d have three roommates, and if they were caught touching one another, the punishment would be painful.
And then it was group therapy.
He sat in a circle with ten of the other boys from the program. They were forced to discuss every attraction they had ever felt to anyone besides women. They were forced to discuss sexual encounters they had had with men, and call themselves disgusting.
And as it was Steve’s turn, and he talked about wearing panties, and fingering himself, and sucking Tommy’s dick, and he felt disgusting.
At dinner he met one of his roommates, and his heart sank.
“Where’d they scrape you up?” The guy was fucking gorgeous.
“And you just a homo? Or...?” The guy’s voice trailed off as he looked Steve up and down. “You one a’ them crossdressers, too?” Steve flushed deeply.
“How, how did you know?”
“Because you look like they got to you already. Means they got something on you. Make you feel real bad about yourself.”
“How, how long have you been here?”
“Long enough. Seen plenty a’ boys come and go. Some cured, some just a lost cause.” He was so nonchalant about the whole thing.
“Why, why so long?” He grinned at Steve, sharp and beautiful.
“Because I’m immune, Pretty Boy.” Steve’s breath hitched. The guy licked over his teeth. “Can’t beat the gay outta me if they tried. And they fuckin’ have.”
“But why, why don’t you want to change? I mean, they’re, they’re right.” His blue eyes went cold.
“They got you deep. Damn, you might be the quickest turn around I’ve ever seen.”
“I just, I don’t want to be wrong anymore.” He leaned closer to Steve.
“You have never been wrong.” Steve felt like he was gonna cry.
A firm hand clapped down on Steve’s shoulder.
“William, I hope you’re treating our new guest nicely.” William’s face fell immediately.
“Yes, Father.” Steve looked up to see a priest holding onto him. His hair was greying and neat. His eyes were cold and dead.
“I’m afraid I’m going to have to take Steven with me.” Steve followed him, eyes downcast, all the way to his office. “Steven, my name is Father Andrew. I’m here to help you.” Steve didn’t like his smile. “We’re going to meet everyday at 8:30 pm for your therapy.”
He pulled out a folder from the bottom drawer of his desk. He placed a photograph in front of Steve with a flourish.
It was porn.
It was fucking gay porn.
He stood in front of Steve, leaning against the desk, off to the side of the image.
“Tell me what you see here.” One of the men had dark hair. He was being taken from behind by the other man, his blond hair and bright eyes stirred something in Steve.
“Two men. Having sex.”
He didn’t see Father Andrew’s hand, just heard the crack of it against his cheek.
His eyes watered, his cheek burned.
“What do you see?”
“Two perverts.”
“What are they doing?”
“Defiling one another.”
“Good, Steven. You’re learning.”
He placed another photograph down. This time, the man being fucked had a full face of makeup, tears making the dark eyeliner run as he was on his back, hands cuffed to the bed. The man fucking him was smirking at the camera, tongue between his teeth.
“How does this make you feel?”
“That they, they would touch each other like that.”
“Do you have fantasies like this? Of being tied up by another man? Raped by another man?”
And the answer, the answer was technically yes. He had plenty of fantasies of being tied up, taken rough, taken dirty.
But rape. That’s a strong fucking word.
“No, Father.” Another crack. Another slap.
“Lying is a sin, Steven.”
“I, I don’t want to be, to be raped.” Another slap.
“Lying is a sin, Steven.”
“Yes, yes Father. I have had fantasies.”
“These are not fantasies, these are perversions planted in your mind by demons, by the devil trying to pull you away from Christ our Lord. Do not let these demons lead you astray.”
He pulled out another picture.
Steve’s heart fucking stopped.
It was a picture of himself. A nude he had taken for Tommy.
He was wearing pretty lingerie, pouting to the camera. He remembers taking it, remembers putting on his makeup, posing over and over until he took one he liked. They must’ve gone through his phone, through his texts.
“Why do you dress like a woman?”
“Be-because I’m disgusting.” And the thing is, Steve had been told plenty of times that day that he’s disgusting, and he had begun to believe it.
“Good, Steven. You are disgusting. Do you believe you’re a woman?”
“No, Father.”
“Then why have you been experimenting with women’s things?”
“I believed I wasn’t a man.”
“And are you a man?”
“Yes, Father.”
“God made you a man.”
“Yes, Father.” Steve still didn’t like his smile.
He switched the image.
And it was another one of his nudes. This time he was in a skirt, kneeling with his back to the mirror, one hand spreading his cheeks, showing off the silver plug in his ass.
He even remembers the text he had sent with it.
Tommy had been studying for a test, so Steve sent that picture and said but im lonely :( and Tommy had replied I’ll be there in twenty.
“Why do you have an obsession with your anus?” Steve could feel the blood drain from his face.
“I, uh, it feels good.” Another slap.
“How does spitting in the face of your Heavenly Father feel good, Steven? Sodomy does not feel good.” Another slap. Steve’s face felt like it was on fire.
“I’m sorry, Father. I am vile, and disgusting.” Steve was sobbing, felt so fucking pathetic, trying to look anywhere but the printed image of himself.
“I think that’s enough for tonight. I expect you here tomorrow after dinner.”
Steve fucking ran back to his room.
The other boys were asleep. He climbed into the top bunk, curling into himself.
He felt disgusting, he felt foul and wrong and bad.
He tried to stifle his sobs into his pillow, the scratchy case muffling his panic attack.
“Hey, Stevie.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll try to be quiet.” There was a sigh, breath fanning over his face.
And then the boy from earlier was swinging himself into bed with him, curling against him.
“They said-”
“I know exactly what times they patrol. I’ll leave your bed before then.” He sighed. “First night’s always the hardest. You just gotta get through. Tell them what they wanna hear, but remember that they’re fucking wrong. You are valid, and real. Being gay is not disgusting.”
Steve curled into him, letting himself be comforted.
“Thank you. Thank you, William.”
“Oh, Christ. Call me Billy.”
“Thank you, Billy.”
As time passed, it was easy to retreat into himself.
He met with Father Andrew every night, got slapped and hit when his answers weren’t condemning enough.
But each night, Billy would crawl into bed with him, would hold him when he broke down.
The kiss was inevitable.
It happened after Steve had an extreme day, the beating he received when he had admitted to being nonbinary, that he had asked his friends at home to use other pronouns.
And Billy had said you’re perfect the way you are, Sweet Thing.
And Steve kissed him.
And Steve wanted to die.
“Forgive me, Father. For I have sinned.” Steve took a shaking breath.
He was kneeling in the small confessional.
They had Mass every three days, and confession each Friday.
“It has been one week since my last confession.” He took a deep breath. He needed to get this of his chest, needed to get the punishment he deserved. “Father, I, the feelings have not gone away. There is, there’s a boy, and I, I love him. And I try not to. I try not to look at him, to remember the devil is leading me astray. But Father, I think about him. I think about him often.”
“This is an extremely grievous sin, my son.”
“I know, Father. Please help me. I want to, I want to be pure. To be free of this sin, this temptation.”
“I offer, as penance for your sins, to pray a rosary for each time you have had an evil thought about your fellow man this week. As you ponder the Mysteries of the rosary, consider how God created you, how Jesus died for you, and you wipe your feet on their love.”
“Yes, Father.”
“And our meeting will be arduous tonight, Steven.”
“Yes, Father.”
“Now please, recite the Act of Contrition.”
Steve’s hands shook as he recited the prayer, finishing his confession with Father Andrew.
“Now, Steven. You discussed having impure thoughts today.”
Steve’s knees ached from praying the rosary so many times earlier today. He hadn’t eaten, had gone straight to the Chapel after his confession.
He wanted to pray, to cleanse himself.
And he didn’t want to risk seeing Billy.
“Yes, Father.”
“And you mentioned that you love another boy.”
“The devil is trying to make me think it’s love.” Father Andrew smiled his empty smile down at Steve.
“That’s right Steven. Because love cannot exist between two men. Love is a beautiful thing created and given to us by The Lord God.” Father Andrew leaned over Steve, made him shrink back in his seat. “Which is why you are unlovable as you are. You are foul and vile. You may be loved if you change.”
He grabbed Steve’s hair, holding his head still as he slapped his face.
And Steve let him.
He was foul, he was vile.
He deserved the pain.
Two months.
That’s how long it took Steve to “graduate”.
He left the facility in clean khakis, a nice sweater his mother had sent him to wear home.
Billy had left a week and a half prior.
He was deemed a lost cause.
Steve’s mother was there to pick him up, hugged him tight and told him how happy she was that he was fixed.
He was quiet as they drove, watching the shadows the summer sun cast on the side of the plain flat road.
“Your father will be pleased. You’ve made such wonderful progress. Free of all those delusions.”
They passed Tommy’s house.
He felt sick.
The first thing Steve did when he got home was destroy all his make up.
He took everything feminine from it’s hiding spot in the back of his closet.
He scraped out the eye shadow, smeared the lipstick all over his dresses.
He cut up his lingerie, shoved everything into a black garbage back, driving into town to toss it in the dumpster behind the gas station.
He wanted it away, he wanted it gone. He wanted to be pure.
His hands shook as he zipped up the suitcase.
He didn’t have much in there, was planning on taking enough to get him through a little while, then maybe buying some things, some pretty things.
His parents were asleep downstairs, he was planning on being long gone by the time they woke up.
He put on his backpack, taking his wallet and tiptoeing down the stairs, his shoes in his hand.
He had a plan, would drive to the bus station, leave his car there.
Someone will find it, and at that point, he’ll be long gone.
He bought a bus ticket to Chicago, paid in cash and gave a fake name.
He was fucking out of here.
They were fucking out of here.
“As I live, and fucking breathe.”
Steve startled as a hand came down on their shoulder.
They startled again when they turned around, came face to face with a ghost from the past.
“B-Billy?” Billy’s hair was longer than it had been at the camp. His smile was lazier, his eyes brighter. Steve’s gut gave an excited little flutter as he looked them up and down.
“You look fuckin’ gorgeous, Pretty Boy.” Steve flushed, adjusting their dress. It was new.
It had been three years since the camp. One year of Steve living in pain, until they packed their shit, and moved to the Golden Coast. They left in the middle of the fucking night, ran away like a scared child, never looking back.
And here was the love of their goddamn life, in some hole in the wall coffee shop in San Fransisco.
“It’s uh, it’s not Pretty Boy, anymore.” Billy’s grin got even wider.
“Thank fuck.” He swung himself into the seat across from Steve’s, upsetting some of the papers they were working on.
“What happened to you, Billy?” Billy’s smiled slipped, just a little.
“My dad was tired a’ paying for that joint if I wasn’t getting better. So he said if I wasn’t fixed in like, a month, he would stop paying, and I would be kicked out. Stayed true to his word. Haven’t seen the bastard since.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Getting kicked outta that place is the best fuckin’ thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“I graduated. Went through the whole thing. Took me a year to realize how fucked up it was.”
“Jesus. They got you deep.” Steve shrugged.
“I’m okay now.”
“Yeah? What’re you doin’?”
“Goin’ to school. Gonna be a counselor. Hopefully work in an elementary school, or something.” Billy’s eyes were bright.
“That’s amazing. Gonna tell all the little queer kids that they’re valid and all that?”
“That’s the goal.” Billy grinned. “What are you doing now? You with anyone?”
“I own a bar, actually. Kind of a dive, but it’s a good time.” He looked at Steve through his lashes. “You should come by, sometime. Be good to see you.”
“I’d like to see you too.”
“And to answer your question, I’m not with anyone. Not right now.” He smirked. “But I could be.” He leaned over the table, drawing one finger down Steve’s hand. “I like seeing you happy. Feel like I only ever saw you cryin’ in that joint.”
“Well, spent a lot of time crying there.”
“For good reason.” Billy took their hand. “It’s really good to see you.”
“Y’know I told Father Andrew I was in love with you. Got beat black and fuckin’ blue for it.” Billy’s face was grave.
“Why’d you do that?”
“Wanted to be fixed. Took me a year to realize I didn’t need that.”
“You stop lovin’ me in that year?”
“Not even in the two after that.” Billy took a shaking breath.
“You know, I uh, I love you too. Always did. It broke my fucking heart to leave you in that place. Was gonna wake you up that night, get you to run away with me. But they took me out, uh, forcibly.”
“Bet you put up a real good fight.”
“Broke Father Ryan’s nose.” Steve let out a burst of laughter, clapping one hand over their mouth.
“I was wondering about that. He had a splint for like, a month.”
“Yeah, well, bastard kept tryin’ to exorcise me. Headbutted him right in the face.”
“Good for you, Bill. Sometimes I wish I could light the whole place on fire.”
“Me too.” Billy took their hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it. “I gotta head, but I wanna see you. Soon. Later today, if you can.”
“Yeah, uh, I’m just doing some homework, but I could stop by the bar tonight? I don’t have shit to do tomorrow.”
“Lemme pick you up. We can go to dinner before I take you to the bar.” They smiled softly at him.
“I’d like that.”
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my boyfriend never texts first
Remus just wants to not be the first one to send a message every once in a while. That’s not too much to ask, right?
relationship: romantic remrom, background remy and emile (also romantic)
warnings: major character death, extended mourning (secondary warnings- brief discussion of religious holidays, brief underage drinking mention, a lot of all-caps) notes: unrelated, human, hs/college au. virgil, emile, and remy are here too. If you need anything in the secondary warnings (or one of those latter three characters) edited out, please let me know and I can put that up for you!
Remus always texted him first. Always. It didn’t matter the situation, didn’t matter the time date place name face. Who what when where why. It first started when he texted hi roman :) when they first got phones; for whatever reason, Roman just never texted first. Either he’d call or they’d talk in person.
No matter. Remus could cope.
May 1:
8:37 PM tody i saw you by my locker 8:39 PM *today 8:42 PM why didnt you say hi?
May 2:
9:30 PM a teacher talked to me today 9:30 PM wanted to talk about how i’m doing after 9:52 PM well you know. he’s a sick bastard
Really, it wasn’t too much to ask for, was it? He just wanted to see him text first once in a while! May 7:
3:32 PM: by the way idk if you got this last time 3:36 PM: my class ring size is the medium 3:44 PM: hopefully you order it by the deadline :P 4:03 PM: no idea when the deadline is 4:20 PM: bLAZE IT 4:24 PM: sorry i have like 0 money so i got it from the consignment shop 4:31 PM: i hope you like synthetic rubies!! leaving them with ur dad 10:40 PM: update. i cried for four hours with your dad.
June 2:
7:30 AM: gRaDuAtIoN dAy!!! 7:32 AM: there’s cookies in the reception menu 7:35 AM: snickerdoodles your favorite [eyes] 10:02 AM: i’m getting some for u 10:05 AM: [kissy face] 7:40 PM: the announcement was Weird 7:43 PM: anyways i have the snickerdoodles (Remus couldn’t go over to where Roman was staying, so he left them in the living room. He knew Roman would appreciate them. Hopefully he’d come over (wait, probably not, given...))
Well, actually, he could understand why he never texted first. June 11:
12:14 PM: roMAN 12:16 PM: [Attachment: Remus_Picani-Kleitman_Acceptance_Letter.pdf] 12:18 PM: YEAHHHH 12:24 PM: I’m sure you got in too SEND ME YOURS WHEN YOU GET IT 12:32 PM: WE MIGHT SHARE A ROOM YEA 12:35 PM: [Attachment: celebration.jpg]
Everyone was probably saying that he ought to just move on, but to be honest, he couldn’t... Actually, to be honest, no-one had told him to move on to his face yet. In fact, everyone was surprised he was doing so well, given how bad the circumstances were! The situation was stressing him out so much, even his dads were gently advising him to rethink things. (Well, that was part of the territory with one of them being a therapist and the other being a barista.)
“I got y’all some kouign-amann from the cafe,” said Dad, putting it down on the counter. His shirt had SLEEP scrawled on it with a Sharpie; it was the one that Remus had made for him as a joke. He still wore it. Huh.
“Sweetie, what’s a queen amahn?” asked Papa.
“It’s a... er, it’s like a... this is kinda like a croissant that had dreams of a muffin tin and salted caramel. One for you, babe.... then one for Doodlebug-”
“Can I leave some for Roman?” asked Remus.
They exchanged a glance.
“Of course you can,” said Papa with a smile. “Your candle’s on the table. Also, I got the news about being accepted into university? Good job, kiddo. You know, that was your father’s alma mater.”
“Are you sure you want to go to school right away after...? No problem taking a gap year.”
Papa glared at Dad. “Be nice.”
“I’m sorry, Remus, it’s just...” Dad put down his coffee. “If you’re not ready, if you need more time-”
"I’m sure,” said Remus with a grin, trying to get rid of what he just remembered. “Trust me.”
“Please find a good way to put away the snickerdoodles, they’ve been there since last week!” shouted Papa.
June 12:
12:12 AM: its twelve twelve make a wish 12:15 AM: hey when does your phone bill go out? 12:20 AM: im just saying that would Explain some things 12:22 AM: i know your dad pays Everything like a year in advance 12:34 AM: tell him i say hi 12:34 AM: 12:34 MAKE A WISH
July 12:
3:30 PM: guess who’s a double major in bio and theatre!! 3:32 PM: marine biology babey 3:53 PM: it’s good for the SOUL 4:04 PM: this cute octopus reminded me of you by the way 4:10 PM: [Attachment: for_roman]
August 14:
6:24 PM: moving in is the Worst 6:32 PM: by the way i got a single 6:35 PM: no roommates 6:41 PM: still have the bunk tho 6:44 PM: also got ur favorite pillo
August 30:
2:12 AM: roman it is like two o’clock in the morning what the Heck are you doing here, 2:15 AM: if u see me wave Hi 2:32 AM: ok >:c 2:42 AM: dont mind Me just studyin on top of the planetarium 3:15 AM: tbh i didn’t even know we go to the same campus? haven’t seen you around or anything 3:17 AM: shit phones gonna di
September 28:
2:20 PM: i failed my test 2:22 PM: idk what to d 2:24 PM: *do
September 29: 7:30 PM: remember that octopus you gave me that eats negative emotions? 7:32 PM: it works!!
October 3:
1:10 PM:  You’d like the theatre program, really 1:15 PM: just so u know they’ve listed your name as an ‘honorary member of the class of’ 1:19 PM: that’s really nice of them. idk if your dad knows
October 23:
9:45 AM: i had to explain one of our inside jokes 8( 9:52 AM: i can’t Explain the deodorant thing that was One Time 9:55 AM: also why i’m called The Duke 9:56 AM: its bc you said it. not my fault 9:58 AM: its still cute pls call me that still 9:59 AM: pancake brunch pancake brunch pancake brunch October 31: 6:12 PM: sun’s down! joyous samhain 6:15 PM: i remember when you sewed me that octopus btw, the one that eats ucky feelings 6:19 PM: how long did it take you to get the laurel sachet into it?? 6:34 PM: also thank you thank you thank you for helping me find a friendly church to celebrate all saints day 6:47 PM: that year was a NIGHTMARE because you forgot to get your white candles and carnelian, and i forgot my holy water, so we were driving around town like Madmen 6:59 PM: it was worth it though 7:03 PM: i left you a script, i think you’ll like it.
November 9:
11:19 PM: i miss you so so much.
November 10:
12:20 AM: ignor this i drank like 12:24 AM: a lot 1:15 AM: i’m sorry i should’ve been with you 1:22 AM: i shouldve been there With You. 1:45 AM: but i wasn’t 2:20 AM: i didn’t know thered be a 4:11 PM: shit i just saw these. Sorry to bother you December 2:
10:10 AM: hey roman, been a bit. yea sorry about last time. too much of the Alcohol 10:13 AM: gonna go over to my parents’ house 1:00 PM: if you wanna come over, you can. dad’s making snickerdoodles and papa’s gonna watch atla (yes i still have that dvd you got me do not @ me it’s with your candles on your table just like everything else) 1:03 PM: that was on the dot, i’m happy.
December 21
8:34 AM: hey, it’s snowing 9:13 AM: couldn’t help leaving you some hot cocoa. and snickerdoodles of course 10:12 AM: i love you Remus went to go help his dads with making breakfast, but by the time everyone was done cleaning and they had finished watching some shitty Hallmark movie, he remembered that he had left his phone upstairs. Going upstairs and looking at it, he felt something in him break.
[2 Unread: Roman <3, bf’s dad]
10:22 AM, Roman <3: Why are you texting this number? 11:15 AM, bf’s dad: Remus, disregard that last, I’m so sorry. I just found his phone and I saw only the recent message first
The phone started ringing. Remus answered it as quickly as he could.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Sanders I didn’t know that someone was actually getting these messages I thought the line was out,” he said within a few seconds before the person on the other side sighed.
“No, it’s quite all right. And Virgil’s all right, by the way, if you prefer. I... I was just looking through his things for the first time. You know, it being a holiday and all... Memories, things like that.”
“Yeah, I understand.”
“I just turned the phone back on, I’m getting a lot of messages.”
“Oh.” Remus stared at the wall, trying to come to terms with everything. “Well, I--”
“I’m not going to stop paying for his phone. I’m sorry, I just... I still have his voicemails on it, and I can’t stand the thought of it going offline either.”
“Right, I... I listen to it too.”
“I happened upon the last one he sent to you.”
“You looked at the messages?”
“I only looked over when I stopped getting new ones, but I saw the last question he sent you. For your ring size.”
“Yeah? He asked my ring size so that he could--”
“There’s no easy way to say this, but.. I found something of his. Can you come over?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t, but can you please tell me what it was? Please?”
“I really think I should tell you this in person.”
“Please, Mr. Sanders. Please, I... I can’t manage that.”
He sighed. “All right, Remus. I found an early acceptance letter to SJAU, and... and a ringbox.”
Remus felt his grasp on the phone grow weak. It fell onto the bed, Mr. Sanders’ voice still clear.
“I think he was going to ask for you to....”
“No, we... We were just out of high school, I-- that doesn’t make sense.”
“He always was one for those romantic gestures. There’s some poems here, too. A life-plan. I’m not sure exactly what malacology is, but--”
“Mollusks. Like octopi and squids.. Sorry for cutting you off, what was that?”
“Some of it’s in your handwriting, but one of the entries is ‘ask him’, for the day after... you know.”
God, he could hear his sad smile through the phone. He knew exactly how Mr. Sanders looked right now just talking to him, probably wearing that hoodie that was too big on him, in a dusty room full of things that used to belong to the most vibrant person that Remus had ever met.
But then Roman had died.
He was the most wonderful person, and he had just died.
“I’ll come over to deliver the ring to you. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s... that’s fine. Uh, call my dads first, though. They’re still not convinced I’m doing okay.”
“I understand. I’ll talk to you later, Remus.”
“Thank you, Mr. Sanders.”
The line went dead in his hands.
Remus held himself and wept.
December 28:
12:30 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: Mr. Sanders, would you like to come over for our New Year’s party? 12:34 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: It’s a tradition we had. You don’t have to if you’d rather not. 12:45 PM, Virgil Sanders: I’d love to go.
January 1:
12:00 AM: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! 12:05 AM: [Attachment: :)] 12:07 AM: we are all smiling in this photo and for that i think we deserve a hug. 12:10 AM: this rings the most beuatifl thing i’ve ever fuckign seen. thank you,, 12:14 AM: never gonna get rid of it <3 12:16 AM: it looks Good on my finger 12:30 AM: jsyk your dad’s asking my dads for the kouign amann recipe 12:32 AM: thats a pastry, i left those for u a while back 12:39 AM: okay i’m crying a bit but honestly, i love u 12:44 AM: I love you so so so much, Roman
Somewhere out there, whether it was from some wonderful paradise or beyond the veil or even only in wishful thoughts, Remus knew that someone was saying I love you too.
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dekus-afro-pic · 4 years
Stop Yelling at Me!!
Bakugo x Reader
Bakugo and y/n have known eachother since they were kids. Since they were kids Bakugo would always pick and nag at Y/N and Deku for having a “better quirk” than them. One day as everyone from class 1-A socializes in the common area of their dorm Y/N has had enough of Katsuki’s shit
“IZUKUU~” I yelled from outside of his house “C’MON WE’RE GONNA BE LATE ON THE FIRST DAY!!”. Today was our first day at Yuuei. I’ve been dreaming of this day since I was just a small bean. I always knew I was going to make it in. And not just because my family was wealthy but for actually having an useful quirk.
“IM COMING” My clumsy friend ran out of his house, staggering over his own feet. “Sorry to keep you waiting”
“No big deal. I just wanna get there early to meet our classmates. Do you think anyone from school will know us?” I exclaimed, barely holding in my excitement.
“Well..” he laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck, “Kaachan is”
I stopped dead in my tracks watching Deku slowly turn around wincing.
“You’ve got to be shitting me”
“Y/N!! LANGUAGE. Your mouth is worse than his” he said walking towards me linking our arms.
“Why~ ugh” I groaned “He’s such an asshole”
“I know. But we’ll just ignore him” he smiled as we kept walking.
“Look Y/N it’s huge” he exclaimed “Dont you just love it”
“Yea” I smiled “DEKU WATCH OUT”
It was to late. He was already on his way to the ground. Until he started being pulled up by someone’s quirk. It was a girl with a brown bob and big brown eyes. She looks bubbly and adorable.
“That was close” she giggled “ I’m Uraraka. But you can call me Ochako”
“D-Deku-” Deku mumbled. He looked back at me as if he was saying “save me”
“Hi I’m Y/n” I intervened. Saving my shy friend “You have a nice Quirk”
“Aww thank you. What class are you two in?”
“1-A” We said in unison “Jinx. Double Jinx”
Ochako looked at us like we were weird and asked “Are you two dating?”
We looked at eachother and then back to her. We started laughing hysterically.
“No” I said trying to hold in my laughs “We’re just childhood friends” Izuku nodded his head in agreement.
“Come on we’ll be late” she squeals speed walking “maybe there’s some cute boys”
I knew that loud voice anywhere. And we’re not even in the classroom yet. Deku and Ochako walked in together while I tailed along.
I took a look around the classroom. There was an empty seat next to a guy with two different hair colors and a scar around his eye.
“Look at the babe” a guy with spiky red hair whistled “Hi I’m Kirishima”
“Y/N” I smiled while walking to the seat. I felt a cold stare looking at me from across the room. And I knew exactly who was giving me the favor.
“OI Y/N. WHY ARE YOU HERE?” Bakugo snarled
“Suck my dick Katsuki” I shot back while flipped him the finger.
“Always knew you had one”
I rolled my eyes as I looked away from his burning red eyes. “Bite me”
“Alright settle down students” A man in a slumber bag said. Is he really our teacher?
He crawled from out of the bag revealing his true identity.
“Oh my god” I whispered. The split haired boy looked over at me and back to the teacher “It’s Eraserhead”
“Alright. We’re going to introduce ourselves. Whoever wants to go first you can. I don’t care”
And of course the first person up was-
“I’m Katsuki Bakugo and I’m going to be-“
“Blah blah blah” I muttered. The guy next to me laughed.
Everyone else went until it was my turn. I rolled my eyes walking on to the podium.
“I’m Y/N. K bye now”
“Is that the last one? You guys took the whole period. Well” Aizawa yawned “let me show you guys to your dorms”
Aizawa showed everyone their dorms and dormates. “There’s an uneven number of girls so Y/N you’ll share with Bakugo”
“You’ve got to be shitting me. Can I bunk with Todoroki or Midoriya?” I begged.
“I don’t feel like doing the paperwork. Just share the room” he said walking away.
“Damn. Don’t get in my wa-“ bakugo started
“Blah blah do you ever shut up” I pushed pass him to get into the room
“Hey don’t talk to me that way” he growled
I ignored him as I put my decorations on my wall
“I don’t want to see that shit when I wake up”
“Then don’t look over here dummy” I mumbled. I continue to unpack my belongings. I walked pass him, purposely hitting his side “Oops”.
His words hurt. Ever since we were kids they hurt. So many times he’s threatened to blast me with one of his explosions. A part of me wished he already did it. Another part of me wants to beat his body into a mush. Then there’s that small tiny piece of me that wants him to do unholy things to me. That part I hate about myself.
“Watch it dumbass” his royal highness snarled once again.
I made my way towards the bathroom to change into some comfort clothes. I looked at myself In the mirror, tears threatening to spill. I closed my eyes trying to keep them in.
“Don’t cry” I whispered “Dont cr-“
That did it. The tears started trickling down my face. I wiped them as fast as I could trying to gain control. Stupid idiot. I hurried and put a cold towel on my face. I took one last glance and opened the door.
“Were you cry-?” He started
“Move out of my way asshole” I made my towards the common area. Everybody was there socializing.
“Hey Y/N come join us” Kirishima smiled. He was next to Todoroki, Denki, Momo and Mina. Deku was with Ochako, a tall boy with glasses, and Tsu. They were all in comfort clothes, looking like they were having the time of their life.
I sat next to Kirishima, adding myself into the conversation.
“So Y/N” Todoroki started “What is your quirk?”
“Yea what is it?” Kiri asked.
“Well” I laughed nervously “um I cause people to have hallucinations just by looking at them. Make them have bad ones and good ones. It’s kinda stupid”
“THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!” Kirishima exclaimed “Better than turning into a rock”
“A metaphoric rock or?” I joked. Everybody laughed. I looked over at Deku. We cought eachothers eyes looking at the other. He put his finger on his nose and scrunch it. I do the same. This was our way of saying that we have eachothers back no matter what.
My train of thought was interrupted by Kirishima calling over someone. I turned back to the group and saw Bakugo walking towards us.
“There’s no seats” he snarled. He looked at everyone but me. I focused my attention to my hands.
“I’ll see you guys later” I put on a fake smile and made my way towards Deku. I sat next to him putting my head on his shoulder “I hate myself” I said into his shoulder.
“What’s wrong Y/n?” Deku asked looking, well trying to, at me.
“I have to share a room with fire breath” I said lifting my head.
“Oh no. Poor thing” Momo hugged me “That asshole is going to make you miserable”
“Already has” I released the hug looking at him. Surprisingly he was already looking at me.
“STOP YELLING AT ME” I screamed. Everyone started screaming as my quirk started making them see their fears. My quirk usually works on what emotions I’m feeling. And since I’m pissed off, everyone’s seeing their worst nightmare.
“Y/N MAKE IT STOP. PLEASE” Ochako whined.
“Y/N” Izuku screamed.
Finally I stopped using my quirk. Everyone’s hyperventilating and looking at me like I was a monster. Tears started running down my face as I looked at everyone.
“I’m so sorry” I said faintly. I tried to hold myself up.
Kirishima walk towards me “Y/N”. I stepped back shaking my head. He pulled me into a hug. Trying to calm me down.
“I want to go to my dorm now” I pulled away trying to smile. “I’m sorry guys. I truly am”
It was an unison of “it’s fine” and “no need to apologize”
I closed the door to my room and threw myself on the bed. Crying my eyes out. Sobbing so loud that I didn’t even hear the door old and close.
“Um y/n” he sounded pitiful. I don’t want his pity. I don’t need it. “I’m sorry”. He sat at the edge of my bed. I can tell he was contemplating on rubbing my back. I sat up looking him dead in his eyes. Using my quirk to show him how his words affect me. “Get out of my head” he snarled.
“No. You’re going to see what the hell you’ve done”
He pushed me away but I still held focus. Until he covered my eyes. Tears threatening to spill through both of our eyes. He pulled me into a hug. Which was unsurprisingly warm.
“Why are you such an ass” I whispered, longing for an answer.
“I have to show I’m dominate”
“No you don’t. Nobody says you have to show dominance. You act like a huge asswipe.”
“I’m sorry” he said looking into your eyes. His ruby eyes were memorizing. And his caramel scent filled my nose.
“You need to apologize to Izuku as well. He just wanted to be friends. But you pushed both of us away. Treated us like shit” I stood up ready to leave but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back down.
“We’re not done talking”
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sun-kissed-star · 6 years
Hey Twitch, babe. Can I uhhhhhh get some more Jack and Race being dumbasses pleaseeeee
ah yes
the gremlin children
trigger warning: punching
“No, c’mon, kid. You gotta put your thumb outside your fist. Tuck it in and you’re gonna break it.”
Jack stopped inside the door to the bunk room. Les was sitting on Albert’s bed, swinging his feet, and Race was standing in front of him. He had a pillow tucked under his arm and two fists out in front of him, reared back as if about to strike.
“Yeah, there ya go!” Race said, nodding eagerly as Les made a fist with his own hand. “Okay, good. Now you’re gonna swing as hard as ya can. Just punch the pillow.” He held the pillow in front of his face, grinning over it at Les. “Give it your best shot, kid.”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Jack said, running forward. Race froze, his head whipping around, and Jack took the chance to grab the pillow and use it to whack Race on the head. Race shoved him. “What the heck do you think you’re doin’?”
“I’m teachin’ Les, my ol’ buddy, ol’ pal,” Race looped an arm around Les’ neck over the railing of the bunk, “how to pack a punch. In case he runs into trouble while he’s sellin’.”
“Yeah!” Les said, pushing Race’s hand away and bouncing up on his knees. “I’m gonna punch Morris in the nose!” He threw a fist out at the air and kicked his leg out. “It’s gonna be cool.”
Jack caught his fist, then hit Race on the head again. “C’mon, Racer,” he said. “Ya know better than that.”
“Jack!” Race and Les whined their protests in unison, and Race clamped a hand over Les’ mouth to steal the spotlight. “You taught me how to fight when I was nine. The kid’s ten now. Don’t be a Davey, Jackie, let him learn!”
Jack rolled his eyes. “I was gonna say that you ain’t teachin’ him right,” he said. “You really tryin’ to outshine the master, Higgins?”
“I was, too, teachin’ him right!”
Jack ignored him and pulled Les down from the bed, setting him on the floor. “Alright, Les,” he said, kneeling down in front of him, “here’s what you’re gonna do. This idiot’s right, keep your thumb out, but you also gotta make sure…”
“Fifty papes,” Morris said, shoving a stack of papers into Davey’s chest. “For the little rat from the richer side of town.” He leaned in closer and dug his hand into Davey’s shirt. He was making it pretty clear that it would be one of those days, and Jack made a mental note to pair up the people that sold closer to the Delanceys. “You think you’re so special, Jacobs? Had to start a strike right under our noses?”
“Hey!” Les shouted, squeezing under Davey’s arm. He crossed his arms and puffed out his chest, leaning up on his toes to get in Morris’ face. “Leave him alone, ya weasel!”
Morris barked out a laugh. “What’d you just say to me, kid?”
“Just callin’ it how I see it,” Les said. He jabbed a finger at Weisel, sitting on the other side of the desk and ignoring the horror dawning over Davey’s face above him. “Guess he ain’t the only weasel here, huh?”
“Les!” Davey hissed, grabbing him under the arms. “Go away, now. Go over with Romeo and Specs.”
“Yeah, why don’t ya listen to your precious big brother, pipsqueak?” Morris sneered. “Unless you wanna get caught barely breathin’ wh-”
Les hauled forward and nailed him in the mouth.
It was like everyone in the distribution center froze at the same time. Heads turned as the line near the front of the desk went silent. Morris’ eyes went wide, and he slowly brought a hand up to rub his jaw, staring at Les’ glare like he’d grown two heads.
“Don’t talk ‘bout my brother like that,” Les said. He spun on his heel, patting Davey on the chest as he left. Davey turned to watch him go, and as soon as Les hopped up on a paper wagon, he closed his eyes and felt his fists ball around his bundle of papers.
“Jack Kelly,” he said, teeth clenched tight enough to break the second jaw of the day, “Racetrack Higgins, you have three seconds to explain why my ten-year-old brother just threw a punch.”
Sure, he was just guessing Jack and Race had a good few things to do with it, but when he opened his eyes, they were standing in the back by the gates, smiles sheepish and faces white.
Yep, Davey thought, a deep sigh escaping his lips loud enough to be heard down in Brooklyn, I’m never doubting my gut again.
@booksbroadwayandbagels @tis-my-cigar  @harrynerd  @crutchieee-morris  @seizetheimagines @juliet-the-smol @got-the-east-side  @i-got-personality  @internalscreaming012  @voice-foundshoe-lost  @capncrutch @thatfancyclam  @not-your-cigar  @jjjudeshitposts  @orphan-with-a-stutter @disney-princess-sized  @perpetualbedheadspier @bexlynne  @we-dont-sell-papes @the-woild-is-my-what-now  @you-thinks-wrong-romeo  @pitiful-ambitions  @purplelittlepup @imjusttheoutgoingsidekick @damn-too-many-fandoms  @cattt420  @ben-cook-can-cook @thedolanspineapple @racescoronas@awwwwwwdang @bencookisagod @carryingthedaveyjacobs @disasterbisexualhere @maiawakening @hopeful-broadwaybaby  @racetrackcook  @aw-jus-let-em-try @suddenly-im-respecsable @the-dance-boi  @jessmuell25 @intoomanyfandomstopickaname @be-more-chill-evan-hansen  @marcusisaprettygay  @insane-tomato @tomscaprisun
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Drew & Carly
Soz Ro
Drew: Hey baby girl Drew: I got extras Drew: Wanna party? Carly: yea Carly: idea hit that you forgot me Drew: How could I? Drew: You know you unforgettable, even when we gettin' mad faded Carly: you're choice & i have a present for you too Drew: yea??? Drew: 🤤 Drew: i get a clue Carly: prepped a sandwich for you Carly: Thea's here Drew: is it Drew: 😍 Drew: this is why u gotta lemme wifey u up Carly: sweet talker Carly: tried to get Becki but she left me on read Drew: awh baby 😂 you got pied Drew: like she don't know u the baddest or somethin Carly: her parents might be back Carly: what day is it? Carly: her loss if she can only handle one daddy at a time Drew: Sunday ✝🙌 Drew: So you think YOU ready? 🤔 Big talk for a lil girl Drew: Best be ready to back that up Carly: aw funday Carly: she really missing Carly: you don't scare me, Goldie Drew: day of rest Drew: she be sleeping on us 💤 Drew: Not trying to Drew: I'm a big ole softie ain't I 😘 Carly: you best not be Carly: we're waiting Drew: You wanna check? Drew: Thirsty ass Carly: yea Carly: I know what I want & what Drew: respect that Drew: better than most girls i know Drew: but you ain't the only one in this town who wants sadly so you gonna have to wait a while longer Drew: don't let her go cold Carly: she don't need me she's heard all about you Carly: one name drop all it took Carly: couple of pics Drew: send me one? Carly: [Sends a variety of pics. Use your imagination but don't because no] Drew: damn Drew: she's hot Carly: I knew you'd like her Carly: you have a type Drew: what? nah i don't 😂 Carly: yea Carly: don't cry i do too Drew: lies, unless having tits and ass counts then, i'll agree with you 👌 no homo Drew: you gonna go get a boyfriend and not wanna play with me no more? Carly: why would i wanna do that Drew: you tell me Carly: you getting bored of me Drew: are you crazy? Drew: 'course not Drew: just wondering where my competition at Carly: yea i am Carly: you'll wife up some nice girl & leave me high & dry Carly: i'll have to date your boys to make you crazy too & it'll be a whole thing Drew: eurgh don't start up on that business 😩 Drew: not my style Drew: or yours Drew: we just wanna have fun yeah? Carly: yea Carly: im so bored Carly: how much longer? Drew: 2 more drops Drew: i was about to bounce when they gave me more Drew: work never done in this game Carly: thea's starving & im ordering in, what do you wanna eat besides all this cake Carly: on me Carly: we got left the cards Drew: 😘 you're the best Drew: get chinese please you know what i like Drew: d'ya wanna bunk tomorrow Drew: make it worth your while if you let me stay Carly: be here when you are if they do their deliveries fast as you Carly: writing my sicknote Carly: you want one? Drew: 😇 Drew: Never get one off Mrs C Drew: doing my head in Drew: via Caleb, I'm actually avoiding her, like Carly: stay here if you want Carly: dunno how you stick it there Drew: Me either Drew: along with the fucking baby Drew: Over it Drew: Your parents are cool, yeah? Carly: they know i don't need babysitting Carly: blows my mind you live in a nursery Carly: don't fit you Drew: yeah well, not my first choice Drew: and it weren't me who knocked her up, if that weren't obvious Drew: get my own place soon Drew: then i can really live, do what i wanna do Carly: you can do what you want here Carly: there's not much room for parties but we can still have fun Drew: hmm Drew: you not gonna get jealous and tell me when and where i can go, and with who? Carly: not my style Drew: yeah you aren't like the rest Drew: at least you haven't shown it yet so 🤔 Drew: lets chill, why not Carly: i can borrow a car if you wanna bring shit Drew: why you so good to me? Drew: but nah, i don't want my sister to think i'm leaving leaving Drew: got all i need on my back Carly: you're good to me Carly: i know how i've got it Carly: didn't brag to thea just for the fun Drew: am i though? Drew: well whatever Drew: imma treat you so right tonight swear down Carly: you best do Carly: and tomorrow Drew: and the day after that and the day after that 😘 Drew: on my life baby Drew: long as i'm there, i'll be good Carly: me too Carly: can't speak for thea until i try her out Carly: keen yea but killing it idk Drew: 😂 Drew: my girl can always teach her Drew: that or i give her what she came for then you can make it up to me later Carly: he's got brains too 😍 Drew: 😏 lmao not as thick shit as everyone reckons Drew: can think what they like, helps in what i do to be underestimated and overlooked tbf Carly: nobody knows shit Carly: i'm not walking these streets being mistaken for gina valentina Drew: real talk Drew: you just as fire tho 🤤 Carly: there he goes again being sweet Carly: beat up that kid Mickey Simmons for me he's saying im a virgin Drew: he'd know 😂 prick Drew: i will Drew: anyone who messes with you just tell me Carly: i will Carly: include teachers? Drew: might not be able to batter them for you but Drew: who's giving you shit? Carly: mr sullivan wants to get my parents in Carly: he's no life but they have Drew: 😫 he's such a wasteman Drew: cannot wait to leave Drew: i wanna drop out, what's the point me being there Drew: not learning anything of use to me and my life Carly: me too Carly: gonna do it Carly: what my parents gonna do give me less money? they don't cover my bills as is Drew: gotta get on your big girl grind Drew: don't owe nobody nothing Drew: 'cept me 😋 Carly: yea Carly: get me working with you Carly: you know im good Drew: I know you good at getting high 😂 idk about the rest Drew: ain't up to me yet anyway Drew: but im gonna change that too Carly: you bring me the choicest i can't help that Carly: good taste all around Carly: 😍 Drew: yeah it is good shit Drew: not gonna mug you off with the watered-down offcuts, am I? Carly: sweet boy Drew: shh don't tell nobody Carly: i won't Drew: good 'cos i'd get kneecapped if they found out i was giving away freebies 😂 Drew: can only afford to subsidize one party pal Carly: i'll show you how grateful i am soon Drew: 😍 Drew: soz this is taking longer than expected Drew: this punter is pissing about but its a banker's party so they'll spend thousands when they finally fucking sort their shit Drew: 😡 Carly: we're having fun here Carly: [sends pics] Drew: why you gotta tease Drew: 😫 Drew: you're bad Carly: its whats waiting at home sweet home no tease Drew: [10 minutes ish later] Drew: and they paid! Drew: Gotta get back, don't wait for me, like 🤤 Drew: i'm okay with walking in on a scene Carly: just don't slip in her 💦im not gonna go a&e Drew: 😂 grimy Drew: and rude! thought you was looking after me?! you better kiss and make it better then 😘 Carly: keep that gorg hair on Carly: you know i will Drew: I'll do a special knock Drew: don't want you giving the delivery boy MY welcome back 😂 Carly: no wasting the good shit on him Carly: [sends more pics] Drew: you gotta stop Drew: killing me baby Carly: k i'll behave Carly: for now Drew: Gimme five, think you can last that long? 😉 Drew: then you can be as nasty as you want Carly: if it is 5 Carly: dont tease me boy Drew: you DO deserve it Drew: but I'm tired of waiting too Drew: I want you bad Carly: im ready to show you ive missed you Carly: itll be worth every min Drew: [6 minutes later] Drew: Knock Knock Carly: youre late Carly: whats the password Drew: umm Drew: i got your drugs? Carly: correct
0 notes
luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
The Least I Can Do (Part 3)
Tumblr media
Summary: Jensen takes the reader on their second date where she experiences her first con...
Part 1 Part 2
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Word Count: 3,100ish
Warnings: language
A/N: They just keep getting longer somehow...
“Morning sunshine,” said Jensen when you opened your door, a small carry on by his feet.
“Morning,” you said, waving him in. “There’s coffee if you want some.”
“Already made some,” he said, holding up a thermos. “You ready to go?”
“You texted me like three minutes ago saying to pack some clothes and whatever stuff I wanted,” you said, walking past your couch and into your bedroom where your empty backpack sat on the unmade bed.
“Was that not enough time?” he teased. 
“Do I need a dress? Nice shoes? A parka? I need to know what this con weekend thing is. Or where it even is,” you said.
“Are you that obsessed with clothes?” he asked and you scowled. Oh, if there was one stereotype you hated as much as the sleeping around underwear model it was the superficial clothes and makeup obsessed thing. “Y/N, relax. It was a joke.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t go,” you said. “We really don’t know much about each other and-”
“If you don’t want to go, then that’s fine. But please don’t change your mind because I tried to tease you and touched a nerve. I don’t think you care about name brands and crap like that really,” he said. 
“So,” you said giving him a smile. “Jeans and tees?”
“That’ll be fine. We’re going to a concert tonight too,” he said and you raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, give me ten minutes?” you asked and he smiled, pulling your door shut before you stopped him. “I’m not worried about you seeing my underwear drawer.”
“I don’t want to see my presents early,” he said with a smirk. 
“Oh don’t try this cocky flirting game with me Ackles. You’re gonna lose,” you said, watching him hold up his hands.
“I’ll behave for the foreseeable future,” he said. “Let me know when you’re ready to go.”
“Alright. Oh and Jensen?” you asked, watching him whip his body around after heading into your living room. “How much do I owe you for the plane ticket and hotel and stuff?”
“Nothing,” he said. “I didn’t have to pay for it so don’t argue that you should have to.”
“Wait, this is a show thing?” you asked. He nodded as he sat down. “Awesome.”
“Awesome?” he asked, crossing his arms.
“I may or may not have binged like four episodes last night...” you said, walking back into your room to pack.
“So, are you a Sam or Dean girl?” he asked.
“What’s that?” you asked.
“Which one are you attracted to,” he said, a laugh in his words. “I’ve got an idea.”
“Oh, I like John,” you said. “He’s got that hot older guy thing going on.”
“You realize I’m currently older than he was when the show started, right?” asked Jensen.
“You’ve got that hot older guy thing going on ya know,” you said, popping your head out the door with a smirk. “Although you were an adorable baby boy back then. Your voice was so much higher.”
“Is this that flirty tease thing I’m getting now?” he asked. “I’ll give it right back sweetheart.”
“That’s a very Dean thing to say,” you said, walking into your closet and pulling on your airport outfit. A pair of leggings, the first tee in sight and a light hooded jacket. You slipped on your throw away shoes, the ten dollar sneakers that you didn’t give a crap about but held up amazingly well and threw your hair back in a ponytail. You tossed a pair of jeans, three shirts, pajama shorts, some underwear and your to go zip up with all your personal care crap in it. You quickly grabbed headphones, charger and a book before you were zipping it up.
“That was fast,” he said when you walked out after only a few minutes. “You sure you don’t want your laptop?”
“We’ll be busy probably,” you said. You glanced over to your dinner table covered with a few sheets of paper and your computer. 
“True. Okay. Everything off, and-”
“I have travelled before,” you said, walking over to your thermostat and turning it down.
“Thankfully it’s not across country today. Only a couple hours down to Arizona,” he said, stepping out before you so you could lock up behind you. 
“You still haven’t told me about what a con is Ackles,” you said, testing your door before walking with him.
“If you’re already binging the show, you’re going to have fun.”
“What?” you asked the front desk when you were checking into your hotel early that afternoon.
“We never received a request for a second room. Unfortunately we’re booked up,” they said and you sighed before heading over to where Jensen was talking to Jared in the lobby, waiting to go up to their rooms.
“Um, they don’t have a room for me,” you said, looking out the front doors. “I can try the hotel across the street.”
“Seriously?” said Jared. “They normally don’t screw up stuff like that.”
“I’ll bunk with Jared and you can have my room,” said Jensen, offering a smile. Jared seemed okay with that but you definitely weren’t.
“It’s your room, you should keep it,” you said. 
“I mean, you guys could share too. Not like you’re dating or anything...” said Jared, bumping his arm into Jensen.
“It hasn’t even been 24 hours,” said Jensen.
“I’m okay with sharing. We wanted to spend more time with each other. That’s the reason I came in the first place, right?” you asked. 
“If he annoys the crap out of you just kick him out and send him to my room,” said Jared, patting your on the back. “Want to meet up in a few hours and grab dinner?”
“Sounds good to me,” you said. “Apparently there’s a concert tonight he’s taking me to so we should be back in time for that.”
“Yeah. I’m sure that’ll be fun for you,” said Jared, sharing some sort of silent look with Jensen. “Later guys.”
“What was that about?” you asked. Jensen threw his arm over your shoulders and started leading you over to the elevators. For a moment you forgot all about the conversation were absolutely focused on all the warm muscle around you. 
“Y/N? Hello?” he asked, waving a hand in front of your face. Whoops. 
“Um, sorry, zoned out. What’d you say?” you asked, Jensen’s arm moving away to press your floor button and you wished he’d put it back.
“I may or may not be part of the concert tonight. I haven’t decided yet,” he said. You tilted your head up at him to see his green eyes staring back. 
“Yes you have you little flirt,” you said.
“I have to make you think I’m cooler than I actually am. I’ll use this to my advantage in any way possible,” he said, bumping into you playfully. 
“Right, because tall blonde and handsome isn’t cool,” you teased. Jensen was about to spout off something flirty back but a hand caught the closing doors and his arm quickly fell away. Two young women around your age stepped in, their eyes a little wide. He must not have wanted to draw any attention to you yet.
“Hi,” one of them said to Jensen. 
“Hi,” he said back. “You guys here for the con?”
“Yeah, it’s our first one,” said the other women. Jensen seemed genuinely happy as you realized they were both a little nervous to be near him.
“Y/N’s too,” he said, pointing at you. “What floor you guys on?”
“Fifth,” they said, Jensen hitting the button for them. 
“Are you going to sing at the concert tonight?” one asked as they got to their floor.
“I was planning on it. Have fun this weekend,” he said, returning the wave they gave him as they slipped out. 
“You handled that really well,” you said when you were alone. He shrugged.
“I’m used to it. Most people are super nice. We don’t really do bad stuff or get in trouble so no one bothers us on a day to day basis. No one follows me around or takes my picture. I’m boring. This is the most attention I get really,” he said.
“I like that about you. You’re normal,” you said.
“Let’s see how this weekend goes first and see if I’m worth keeping around.”
“Hey,” said Jensen, hopping backstage after finishing up a song, covered in a thin layer of sweat. “Having fun?”
“I wish you could have seen the exact moment her jaw dropped,” said Jared with a laugh.
“Oh my...you’re like fucking amazing,” you said, not sure where to look at him first. “You look like a rockstar and sound like one and play guitar, not to mention all the acting stuff and-”
“Told you I had to make myself seem cool,” he said, grabbing a drink of water.
“Mission accomplished,” you said, still in awe over him.
“I wonder how long that’ll last,” said Jared, Jensen whacking him with his bottle. “Hey, you got to tease the shit out of me when Gen and I got together. Payback’s a bitch.”
“I was totally in favor of you guys!” said Jensen. “I didn’t do it the second day you knew Gen.”
“I’m making up for lost time,” said Jared. “I mean, I don’t see you saying anything to Y/N for saying how cute your butt looks in those jeans.”
“Jared! You were sworn to secrecy,” you said, slapping his arm. 
“I need protection from you two,” he joked. “Besides, we don’t have secrets in this family.”
“He’s right. We don’t. Seriously though, you think I have a cute butt?” asked Jensen with a wink.
“Your cool guy factor is going down you realize,” you said, crossing your arms.
“Twenty seconds. That was longer than I thought,” said Jared, standing and stretching. 
“Shudyup,” said Jensen. You listened to a few more songs before the show ended and you stood up to head back to your room. “Woah, where do you think you’re going?” he asked, catching your arm.
“Bed?” you said back.
“If you want to we can. Or we can go out for a few hours,” he said. 
“I’m game. Not sure about an old timer like yourself,” you said, Jared raising his eyebrows as Jensen squinted.
“Oh, we’ll see about that.”
“Why is your alarm going off. We went to bed three hours ago,” you groaned.
“Sorry. Morning panel,” he said, his voice thick with sleep but willing himself to get up from the other side of the bed. “You can go back to bed if you want and just see the afternoon one.”
“No, I wanna,” you mumbled, stretching out and slumping back into bed. 
“Sure about that?” he asked, pulling off his shirt and walking to the bathroom. 
“I’m sure,” you said. You flashed open your eyes and quickly shut them before your eyes started wandering all over him. “Why are you so perfect?”
“I’m really not,” he said. “Something’s obviously not right.”
“Hm?” you asked, sitting up and opening your eyes.
“Forget it. I’ll shower quick then you can have it. Panel starts at 8,” he said.
“Jensen?” you asked. You watched him take a long sip from his coffee just before his and Jared’s panel was supposed to start.
“This one is only thirty minutes or so. Then we can grab breakfast,” he said, offering a smile.
“You just didn’t meet the right person,” you said, his smile falling away. “I don’t think you should feel bad about not having met that person yet.”
“I didn’t say any of that,” he said. 
“You didn’t need to,” you said.
“Hopefully I finally met her. Even if she thinks I’m old,” he said, Jared rolling his eyes behind him, mouthing ‘idiot’ at him. “What is Jared doing?” he asked, turning around in his seat to see Jared walking away.
“Oh, just being a good friend,” you said. “Come on, I want to see my first panel.”
“This one is smaller so it’s a good place to start I hope,” said Jensen, standing and holding out a hand for you. You followed until someone pointed out where you could go so you could sneak into the audience. You were surprised at how informal the whole process was, how a simple question led to a story and then another but somehow they always seemed to stay on track. You found yourself wanting more by the time it was over.
“You two are adorable,” you said to the guys when you saw them after they’d finished. “No wonder you play such good brothers.”
“We spend a lot of time together. As you can tell by how much Jared’s been hanging out on our second date,” said Jensen. Jared didn’t take offense and asked if you’d met any of the other people at the con yet. “We’ve been hanging out so not really.”
“Do it before we head home. Everyone’s interested in meeting your new girlfriend,” said Jared.
“I haven’t even asked that yet,” said Jensen, his face heating up the more Jared teased.
“Jared, can you give us a minute?” you asked. You waited for the two of you to be alone in the hall.
“Thanks,” he said. “I know this is probably overwhelming on it’s own and-”
“Do you want to be my boyfriend?” you asked, looking up at confused green eyes. “Yeah, I was talking to you.”
“This isn’t scary or weird to you?” he asked. 
“I like you. You like me. We’ll be going on more dates. I think we check off those criteria for boyfriend and girlfriend,” you said, reaching out and taking one of his large hands in yours.
“You’ve got a point,” he said. “I guess we’re together then.”
“I guess we are,” you said back.
“Can I go show you off to my friends now?” he asked with a smile.
“I’d love to.”
“This weekend was a lot of fun,” you said, yawning as you opened your door to your apartment that night. Jensen nodded and yawned in turn. 
“I’m really glad you came,” he said. “Maybe you can come to another one if you want.”
“Uh, duh. Those panels were awesome. I’ve definitely got some catching up to do,” you said, tossing your bag down and walking over to your phone on the wall showing a message.
“You are so going to be a Dean girl,” said Jensen, watching you tilt your head curiously. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you said. “It’s just I haven’t given out this number in ages. The only people who have it is my modeling agency and even then they always call my cell or email, never this one.”
“Well now I’m intrigued. Let’s take a listen,” he said, walking inside and taking a seat on your kitchen counter.
“Let’s hope it’s fast. Walking Dead comes on in like ten minutes,” you said.
“Do you mind if I hang out and watch with you?” he asked, kicking his feet softly.
“No ya little cutie,” you said with a giggle. “Does someone like that show or something?”
“Yeah. Papa Winchester is on it now so of course I gotta watch,” he said.
“Now that’d be a hell of a crossover,” you said, remembering how to listen to your voicemail. It took a few tries before the message came through.
Hi Y/N. I don’t know if you remember me from Friday. I was the director in that orange baseball hat. I just wanted to say thanks for stepping in and helping us out at the last minute.
“That’s nice of him,” you said, turning to Jensen who looked skeptical.
We saw your resume from your agency and the producing team was wondering if you could stop down Monday at 10. We’re obviously doing this by the seat of our pants but if you could come in and read a few lines just to try for us we’d be forever grateful. Your agency said you just finished a contract and this might be a great opportunity for us all if you’re interested. I understand if you don’t want to, this is pretty far out of your normal realm of work. Thanks again.
“Oh,” you said, turning to look at Jensen.
“It’s your decision, not mine,” said Jensen. “Have you ever acted before?”
“The last acting I did was Girl #4 in my fifth grade play,” you said.
“Do you want to try this?” he asked, offering a soft smile. You had enjoyed the three seconds of doing it before. That really was getting to pretend to be someone else, kind of like when you modeled. But it was different. There was a story to it and you were lying to yourself if you said you didn’t want to at least go and try in the morning. 
“Yeah, I do,” you said, nodding your head.
“We’ll watch zombies another night,” he said. “You’ve got other homework tonight,” he said, standing and moving over to your couch.
“What homework?” you asked, watching as he turned on your TV and quickly got into Netflix.
“Supernatural silly. If you’re going to read for Dean’s love interest, you should watch some more of the show,” he said, patting the spot next to him.
“Do you...want me to get this part?” you asked, walking over and joining him.
“I get to act that I’m falling for a girl while I’m actually falling for the girl that plays her? Why would I ever want that?” he teased.
“I guarantee I’m going to be awful at this tomorrow,” you said, feeling his arm wrap around your shoulders, pulling you into him.
“You won’t know if you don’t take a chance,” he said.
“When it comes to you and chances they’ve worked out so far. I guess we see what happens tomorrow,” you said. Jensen kissed the top of your head and your face began to hurt from the wide smile that had formed. At least until you started paying attention to the episode.
“Are those kids playing Bloody Mary? That scared the crap out of me as a kid,” you said, snuggling a little closer to Jensen.
“This one still creeps me out,” he said. “Obviously we should watch with the lights off.”
“If I get nightmares I blame you Ackles,” you said.
“If you get nightmares, just call me and I’ll pop down and sleep on your couch. Make sure nothing bad gets you,” he said, wrapping both arms around you and squeezing you gently.
“You can always just crash here just in case,” you said, letting him decide if he wanted to stay over.
“Good idea,” he said with a nod. “Now we should be quiet seeing as there’s a ridiculously good looking man on the screen,” he said.
“I’ll let Jared know you think so fondly of him,” you said.
“Shudyup and learn how cocky but good of a guy Dean Winchester can be.”
A/N: Read Part 4 here!
@charliebradbury1104 @everyday-supernatural-af @squirels-angels-and-moose@youwerelikeadream @drugpug @darkx143 @kristaparadowski @tom-is-in-my-tardis  @tanithlowisabamf @smoothdogsgirl @dancingalone21 @ktrivia @demonic-meatball@feelmyroarrrr @cojootromuelle@illisea  @gallifreyansass @fangirl1802 @itstheprincess@casgetoutofmydiddlydarnass @mogaruke @secretlyfurrydragon @ria132love @heycassbutt-67@aingealcethlenn @docharleythegeekqueen  @missmotherhen@smacklesandstretch67@tumblinwith-me @awkwardcupcake95 @heaven-is-aplaceonearthwithyou @hey-um-misha@imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @lovelife-tothefullest @safehaven1097 @under-general-asthetics @perpetualabsurdity @emilytehrani  @supernaturalismalife @laurenw1025
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isadvras · 7 years
hello everyone, it is i, your not so friendly neighbor ashlynn here to bring you yet another spawn from the fruits of the more creative sliver of my mind. i haven’t had to write an intro in forever and i forgot how awkward they were to write even though in april i’ll have been in this rp for a year. like...seriously. they’re juST SO HARD TO WRITE.
OKAY-- ON TO MORE PRESSING MATTERS !! this is my little lionheart, and her name is isadora. isadora is a greengrass. much like my other child, zahrah. fun fact: they’re half siblings, though i’m sure you probably guessed that by now. isadora and zahrah have the same mother, but different fathers due to margaret greengrass having an affair with an unnamed pureblood one night when feeling particularly spiteful against her husband, who’s totally cheating on margaret at the same time that she’s cheating on him tbh they really don’t like each other and are only married for power and money. this family is so complex man. now i gotta explain it:
okay, so william and margaret greengrass have 4 children together. annette, who is 19 and a hufflepuff. she’s exactly 9 months older than zahrah, who is 18 and a slytherin (( and also another one of my muses in this rp lol )), will, who is 11 and a ravenclaw, and then little wren, who is 7 and not old enough for hogwarts yet but when she is old enough she’s gonna be a slytherin bc shes a sneaky lil thing man. separately, william has 2 other children and margaret has one, all three being born from affairs. william’s children are named penelope and charles, and they’re twins. they’re 15 and in slytherin alongside zahrah. their mothers name is lisbette fairchild and she’s a pureblood, and also william’s mistress. she’s not in the picture anymore, after having dumped the twins onto the doorstep of greengrass manor not even 8 months after margaret gave birth to isadora, who is now 16 and in gryffindor house. margaret never disclosed who isadora’s father was, though it is known that he was pureblood, because margaret would never stoop to sleeping with someone of lesser status than herself. so, in order of age, it goes like this:
annette, zahrah, isadora, charles, penelope, will, and wren.
tbh will and wren were only born to ease the idea of scandals from everyones mind, even though it was quite obvious that the twins were definitely not margarets children, considering no one can recall her ever being pregnant after isadora’s birth until will was born five years later. sketchy stuff, my dudes. sketchy stuff.
but now i get to introduce to you my darling, isadora lily greengrass. she’s genuinely such a kind girl. pretty sassy, but overall just kind.
okay, so first things first. homegirl is sixteen, and she's in gryfindor, and she's a pureblood. she's in her sixth year, and is actually really good in school. the sorting hat had a difficult time choosing between gryffindor and ravenclaw for this peach, but ultimately chose gryffindor because it could sense the utmost courage and bravery that flowed within izzy's bloodstream.
izzy is 50% ashkenazi jew thanks to margaret, and from her fathers side, she is 12.5% african american, 12.5% boholano filipino, and 25% mix of english, german, scots-irish/northern irish, scottish.
isadora is not at all soft spoken, unless she really wants to be. she's loud, and happy, and incredibly sassy. she's always got some sort of witty comeback, but she also has one hell of a temper that she keeps on a short leash. a playful argument with her could quickly turn into something more, and when it does, watch out. she has a nasty habit of accidentally making things explode when her temper flares, kinda like how a small child would accidentally do when first learning about magic. she can also be really calm when she wants to be? like, yeah she's excitable and such, but she's also super mellow and just likes to linger in the background a bit. not chameleon style like andy, but more along the lines of a "hey im here but not really in the mood to make a big spectacle of myself today" kinda thing.
she's very aware that william greengrass is not her father, and that penelope and charles aren't related to her in any way at all. this is not one of her favorite subjects to talk about. she doesn't usually discuss it, though, seeing as technically no one is supposed to know that william isn't her father, even though it's painfully obvious that he's not.
isadora is an artist. she's always got paint splotches on her arms and legs, paint caked under her nails, pencils tucked behind her ears, and she's always carrying around supplies in her knapsack for when she gets bored. underneath her bunk in her dormitory are piles upon piles of full sketchpads and empty ones. she's also got a bunch of spiral notebooks that she buys off of muggleborn students every start of term that are filled with useless doodles that she'll sketch out when she's bored during class. her being an artist is a big part of her character because it brings forth her ability to spot details that others sometimes can't spot, if that makes any sense at all. she had even considered trying out as gryffindor seeker at one point bc of her ability to see things others can't see upon first glance and thought it would help with looking for the snitch but ultimately decided against it because she'd rather watch quidditch than play.
isadora has never once gone home for christmas holiday because she doesn't like putting herself in the uncomfortable position of having to deal with william treating her like dirt because she isn't actually his daughter.
she has a two year old persian cat named sir fluffington, and yes, she calls him sir fluffington all the time and expects others to do the same.
she hates going by isadora and usually doesn't even introduce herself as isadora. strictly izzy or iz will do. the only people that call her isadora would be her mother, william, the house elves back at greengrass manor, and occasionally zahrah but z only does it bc she knows izzy doesn't like it lmao
she's never been a big fan of fancy parties and usually hid up in her room whenever william and margaret decided to host a gala. she was probably painting and listening to the weird sisters tbh
iz really doesn't care about blood status. her opinion is that blood is blood just as magic is magic, no matter if you grew up in a muggle family or the oldest of pureblood families.
she has a huge interest in care of magical creatures, and reads tons of books on magical creatures and such. it's a passion of hers, honestly.
she's the only one in her family so far to continue to take muggle studies during her sixth year of schooling
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
speechless chris motionless x reader
wow this is so long, oh well, lol
hes mad cute
song: addicted to love by robert palmer, covered by Florence and the machine
tag list: @thisplace-ishaunted @ryansitkowskiswifey @alilpunkrock @theoneandonlykymberlee
i watched chris nervously step closer to where ryan and i were standing. he had been acting a little weird lately and i couldnt quite figure out why. the last couple times we had talked he was fidgety and tripped over his words, which was weird for him. normally he was very intelligently spoken and moved with such swagger around people. almost like he was trying his hardest to impress everyone.
"hey ryan."
he said quickly. i frowned.
"im here too ya know."
he looked down at me and let out a nervous laugh, one that came out a little too loud.
"right, hi y/n."
i huffed out.
"hi chris. hows it going?"
i raised a brow.
"ya know what, ive gotta go."
ryan and i exchanged glances as he quickly walked away from us, avoiding everyone's gaze and staring intently at the ground as he moved. i turned back to ryan.
"what the heck was that?"
he just shrugged at me and took another sip of his beer.
"beats me, ive never seen him like this before, even around like girls he likes. surely it couldnt be something like that."
i kicked the rocks under me haphazardly.
"what do you mean?"
he set his empty bottle on the ground.
"well normally when he likes a girl hes all like suave and shit, making jokes, getting her to laugh, small touches, flirty and shit. like theyve been best friends forever."
i raised a brow.
"but hes never acted like this. its almost like hes super nervous about something."
i crossed my arms over my chest and looked in the direction he had walked off in.
"hmm, maybe we'll just have to get to the bottom of this one then."
he laughed at me and nudged my arm.
"yeah, you have fun with that, i dont wanna be lumped into this one. i learned my lesson last time you tried to drag me into one of your crazy ideas."
i looked at him and frowned.
"it was not a crazy idea."
he sent me a look.
"yes it was, we were locked in the dressing room for almost an hour. no one could get us out and we were almost late to our own show."
i let out a nervous laugh.
"okay, youve got me there, i forgot about that one."
he patted my back lightly.
"yeah, ill see you later. try not to get yourself in too much trouble."
i watched as he started walking away from me towards the venue.
"ill try my hardest."
now i needed to come up with a plan. try and figure out why chris was acting all weird and shit. and i needed to do it fast, like before dinner. i walked quickly to the bus and went straight to my bunk. i scrolled through my phone for ideas, trying to brainstorm how to get him to talk to me. hell i was even looking at those stupid snap chat stories about how to tell if someone has a crush on you. nothing was helping though. then ricky walked to the back of the bus.
he jumped and clutched his chest.
"jesus christ y/n cant you give a dude a break every once in a while?"
i laughed a little and jumped down from my bunk.
"absolutely not, but i have a question."
he looked at me annoyed.
"do you think chris has been acting weird?"
he raised a brow.
"not around me he hasnt. why did you say something to him?"
"well, no, thats why i was asking. everytime hes been near me for the last like week and a half hes been super nervous and cant talk right. its super weird for him to say the least."
he shrugged.
"i dont know, i havent noticed anything like that, you could go talk to him about it if you really wanna know whats up though."
i stroked my chin and thought.
"i guess youre right, given hell actually talk to me."
i looked up at him.
"thanks rick, ill see you at dinner."
i grabbed my jacket and made my way to the front of the bus and as soon as i was reaching for the door handle to leave it swung open and there was chris.
"oh, sorry y/n."
he stepped back to let me out, i reached for his hand before he could walk onto the bus after me though.
"hey, can i talk to you for a second?"
he looked worried.
"uh, what about?"
i sent him a look.
"just come here."
he hesitated.
he sighed.
i pulled him to follow me around the other side of the bus.
"chris is something wrong?"
he raised a brow.
i crossed my arms over my chest.
"are you sure? cause youve been acting really weird lately."
he let out a nervous laugh.
"so you did notice."
i said hesitantly, dropping my arms.
"look, its nothing, just dont think about it."
i reached for his hand but he tried to pull away. i grabbed it anyways and sent him a look.
"dude, why are you so sweaty?"
he pulled his hand out of mine and shoved it in his pocket.
"look, just leave me alone, its nothing."
he pushed past me.
"chris you can talk to me!"
i called after him but he just kept walking. i stood their defeated for a second before something clicked. if he wasnt gonna talk to me then i was gonna get him to talk to someone else.
"dude are you alright?"
i heard aj say from the other side of the cracked door. chris just groaned.
"why does everyone think im not okay?"
"i dont know man, maybe cause youve been acting weird."
"i have not."
i pressed my back firmly against the wall and whispered "yes you have." to myself.
"come on man, somethings gotta be bothering you. is it y/n?"
"why the hell would it be y/n?"
he said defensively. so it was.
"so it is y/n."
aj said mater-of-factly. chris just sighed.
"can you keep a secret?"
i raised a brow, assuming aj just agreed with him but didnt say anything.
"she just does something to me. i didnt think about it before but she did, this thing, like two weeks ago and i cant stop thinking about it. and not to mention the endless flirting. its getting to me. bad. i think im in love."
my eyes went wide. i wish i knew what it was i did that drove him so mad.
"dude she flirts with every one, thats just how she is."
"i know aj but it was different. i see how she flirts with everyone else and it wasnt like that. it was nice, and genuine."
his voice dropped in volume. he seemed smitten.
"she makes me weak man, my hands get all sweaty and i cant think straight when shes around. i dont know what to do about it."
i breathed deeply and put my head in my hands. if only he would just ask me out.
"and what about the thing that she did? that started all of this?"
my head snapped up. god bless you aj for asking the important questions.
"yeah, i dont even really know what it was. it was just her, like actually her. her personality and the way she just moves. it was unlike anything ive ever seen before, like a curtain had just dropped."
fuck. i knew exactly what he was talking about. i had a tendency to make personalities for different people, act how they wanted me to act and cater to their personal needs. but when i was around him it felt like i didnt have to do that anymore. he dropped his facade for me and i kinda did the same back, we had gotten so much closer up until that point and he saw me for who i really was for the first time ever and that was rare.
"maybe you just like talk to her or something."
i laughed a little to myself that you could barely hear.
"how the hell am i gonna do that? i cant even get words out when shes in the same room as me."
i pushed off the wall and started pacing around the hallway.
"well come on then."
i froze and turned around, walking quickly to the door again. i watched it swing open and aj pulled chris out into the hall, the two of us running into each other.
i said as i fell into him and he tried to steady me.
"are you okay?"
aj laughed.
"look, its perfect timing."
i looked up at him as he winked at me and walked back into the room. chris let out a nervous laugh and scratched the back of his neck.
"sorry about that. uh can i talk to you y/n?"
i looked up at him and nodded.
"yeah, sure, whats up?"
he took my hand in his and walked a little further down the hall so we werent near the door anymore.
"you asked me earlier what was wrong and i told you nothing but i lied."
i inhaled deeply.
he held both my hands loosely.
"ive been acting weird because i dont know what to do with myself around you. you drive me crazy in such a good way and i cant think straight. my knees get weak, my hands get clamy, i cant eat, i cant breathe."
i pulled one hand out of his and put my finger to his lips to shush him.
"chris you dont have to do that."
he took my hand away from his face.
"but i do. i love you y/n and its killing me."
i bit my lip and just stared up at him. he squeezed my hands.
"please say something. reject me, gratify me, tell me im not crazy, just say something."
i reached up and grabbed his face, pulling him down to me and kissing him deeply. then i heard cheering from behind me and let him go to see who it was. it was aj. i turned back to chris and we both just laughed.
"that enough words for you?"
i asked as i felt a blush creeping its way up my face. he nodded.
"yes. god yes."
he pulled me closer to him and kissed me again. when we pulled away we just smiled at each other like idiots.
"y/n will you be my girlfriend?"
i smiled at him and nodded.
"id love to."
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Freedom Without The "Free" Part 1
"Role call: Harris Stevens Barinski Jennings Lander Burk Jerome's Skeels Restloff Good. You can all head back to your bunks. Breakfast is in an hour." The alarm sounds and everyone has 3 minutes and 17 seconds to be back in their bunks. Of course I didn't know this. I didn't know any of it in the beginning. Then again, no one knew all of the rules of it in the beginning. I don't think that free people look up and read about the rules of prison. And it's wrong, you know? It's wrong how all of these officers pretend to hate us. It really does suck. I don't know how they do it. Some of us arnt that bad yet they still act like complete jerks. "Stop tossing and turning in your bed!" "I might be able to help you get out sooner then you're supposed to. But why would I?" "No way I'm going in THAT bathroom after you..." I mean it's sick! And sometimes they do stuff they really aren't supposed to do to us, but cover it up because it's the cops word against the prisoners. They can't tease us like that! It's illegal. And im not gonna take that bull. Not a chance. Not the smallest chance in the world's smallest box of chances. You see, they better not test me. I'll get past those bullets. They mean nothing. Nothing at all. They just wanna seem scary. Yeah, real scary they think they are. And maybe scary to some other people. But to me, no. Not at all. I was brought into prison by an officer, who kept twisting my wrists, almost bending the handcuffs. He directed me to a small room, with a man reading on a bed. Across from the man was a cold empty bed with the blankets on the floor just waiting for me to make them. "Harris! This is your new roommate, Lezcarff. Don't get into any trouble, because I can be here in an instant." The officer exclaimed loudly into my ear, and then proceeded to take the handcuffs off violently. He gave both of us this scary look, and then walked off. I just looked at this man. I was scared to talk to him. I didn't want to know if he was nice or not yet. But then he made the first move. "I'm James Harris. You can call me James but in front of officers, call me Harris. I don't wanna get in trouble." "Got it." I slithered out, my whole body shaking. "I'm Sammy Lezcarff. Do you have to call me Lezcarff?" He made a little laugh and I didn't really know what it meant. "You're funny newbie. I like you. How long are you here?" "1 year exactly. You?" "A long long time." He says, and his voice cracks. "Bad question?" "Yep..." "Sorry about that..." "It's ok, don't worry. As long as you behave around the guards I'm good. I just don't want either of us ending up into trouble." "Thanks for the advice James!" I say, sounding a bit more happy then before. He was nice. That's a good start. I looked around at the bare walls of the prison. "Not much color in here..." "Don't expect there to be. It's been the same for 39 years. Always has been, always will be." "Jesus, that's a bit harsh." "Everything's harsh in here. Get used to it." "Ok then..." I look to my side trying to avoid awkward eye contact. But I didn't know a giant panic wave, which was the lunch bell was about to come. A loud noice rings over the whole prison, and echos. James jumps up as fast as he can. "COME ON! IF WE DON'T GET TO THE CAFETERIA IN TWO MINUTES WE DONT GET LUNCH!" I jump to a start and start running down a flight of stairs with the other hundred people. As I look around I know that I don't fit in here. I know I don't. But I'm gonna have to last a year here, so good luck to me. We get down the stairs, and turn around the corner. I see the cafeteria doors closing and the people in the back-one of them being me- make a run for it. But as I got there the doors were closed and through the window I see James whisper, "I'm sorry." ---------------------------------------------------------------- Story inspired by: Orange is the new Black, Netflix Original
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shhh-no-ones-home · 5 years
madness (2/2) chris motionless x reader
this is not where i thought this story would go but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
song: sports by beach bunny
"y/n wait! you know thats not what i meant!"
chris followed me as i stormed off the bus. everyone else was gone already, getting prepped for the final show. i whipped around and he stopped in his tracks.
"then tell me exactly what you meant."
he froze, opening and closing his mouth a few times.
"yeah, thats what i thought."
i turned back around and kept walking away from him.
"will you just talk to me? please? i dont see why this is such a big deal."
"of course you dont, cause this shit doesnt matter to you!"
he caught up with me and grabbed my arm, turning me to face him.
"yes it matters to me, im sorry for what i said."
"look chris, its whatever, ive been thinking and maybe we shouldnt go on this date anyways. specially if youre just gonna tease me in front of the guys. even if they dont get why."
he held both my arms to keep me in place.
"dont say that, ive been waiting for this date for years."
i shrugged him off of me.
"maybe you should have thought about that before you started being a dick to me."
i turned back around and made my way inside, him following closely behind me as i made my way to their dressing rooms.
"stop following me."
"not until you accept my apology."
i turned into one of the dressing rooms and vinny was standing there, shirtless, rolling paint onto his arms.
"hi vin."
he looked a little confused at first.
i leaned against the mirror stand next to him and chris walked up to me, he looked a little angrier now.
"i dont see what the big deal is, youve been just as much of a dick to me as ive been to you the past few weeks."
i was a little offended and crossed my arms over my chest. vin just looked at us with wide yes.
"how dare you! i have not!"
he snorted.
"it takes one to know one."
i put my arms down, tight to my sides, and stomped my foot.
"i dont need you or your stupid opinion. and fuck your date."
i pushed past him and walked out the door.
"well i was trying!"
he called after me and i just kept walking, tears starting to fall from my eyes. i wiped my face as i stomped up the bus stairs, going to my bunk and sulking.
i slept through the whole show. i cant believe i slept through the whole show. even if chris and i weren't getting along ive never missed one of their shows. i sighed to myself and swung my legs over the side of my bunk. everyone was probably asleep by now. i walked slowly to the front of the bus but saw a small light on, it was the tv but it wasnt playing anything, it was just blue. i walked a little further and saw chris laying on his back on the couch and staring up at the ceiling. i stopped in my tracks before opening the fridge. he snapped up immediately.
"couldnt sleep?"
i asked and he swung his legs down. he watched me as i sat at the table and opened my gatorade.
"no, i cant stop thinking about our fight earlier. also i think we really scared vinny."
i took a drink.
"im sure hell live."
he got up and came and sat across from me at the table.
"i want you to know im sorry for how i acted earlier. that wasnt fair to you or anyone else so i apologize."
i just stared at him and took another drink.
he threw his hands in the air.
"just okay?"
he was getting mad again and i set my gatorade down, screwing the lid back on.
"yeah just okay. im not ready to forgive you yet."
i went to reach for the gatorade again and he whacked it off the table. i crossed my arms over my chest.
"what the hell was that for?"
"what is wrong?!"
i leaned forward.
"you hurt me chris!"
he looked at me confused.
"what do you mean?"
"you have been teasing me this whole tour! of course i thought nothing of it when we first started tour, it was fine, maybe just flirting even. and then you asked me out and i was almost hopeful but the teasing didnt stop. you make fun of me all the time in front of the guys and i didnt think it would but its starting to get to me. i had high hopes for that date and then you just got mean."
i sat back into my seat and looked at the table.
i looked up at him and he looked kind of off.
"i guess i didnt think about that."
i rolled my eyes annoyed.
"yeah no wonder, dipshit."
i sent him a look and he put his arms down next to him.
"okay, fine, that one was warranted. but look i really do like you. that part i wasnt kidding or teasing about. i do really want to go on a date with you and see where this goes."
"chris im not gonna give you a fighting chance if you cant even act right around me."
he put his hands back on the table and folded them together.
"i understand that, thats why im going to stop."
i sent him a look.
"sure you are."
"no, really. i want to try to prove myself to you. we didnt start out like this and i wanna get back to that place we were at before this tour started."
he stood up and walked to my side of the table, pushing me over and closer to the wall as he sat next to me.
"you said you wanted to go on a date with me and i want to earn that feeling back. i promise no more teasing or making fun of you in mean or hateful ways, even if it is just in jest."
i turned and tried to study his face. he really did seem sincere.
"starting right now."
i looked between his eyes.
"thank you. that means a lot."
he pushed my hair away from my face and looked down at my lips.
"dont even think about it."
he held my head in his hand and looked back up to my eyes.
"dont think about what?"
i grabbed his hand and put it back on the table.
"dont think about kissing me."
he looked back down at my lips before running his tongue over his.
"no promises."
i rolled my eyes at him.
"i think you can keep it in your pants till at least the third date."
he smiled at me.
"so i get more than one?"
he seemed a little cockier now, his confidence returning.
"ill think about it."
he kissed my forehead.
"ill take it."
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