#im just gonna go on a block spree
starlooove · 11 months
I love love being spiteful about my tagging seriously putting #timdrake in a post that has absolutely NOTHING to do with him is so healing because lord knows what we have to sift thru in our faves' tags
IK this is tumblr and all but I’m never gonna forget the Duke centric fic that had him being insecure in his place in the family just for him to realize his place is to coddle tim 💀
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batmanshole · 6 months
GOODNIGHT!!!! if you followed me from my poop typo post can you just go ahead and unfollow me i don’t like having this many followers esp randos and im gonna go on a blocking spree tomorrow morning so you are just prolonging the inevitable by not doing so.
also i really don’t post that kinda thing often it’s usually just comics and me talking to my friends so you probably won’t get what you came here for
ummm okay thanks goodnight ❤️
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stevethehairington · 4 months
I think it’s kinda funny because I had all 911 related stuff blocked because I was so stubborn I wasn’t watching the show and now it’s all I’ve watched for the last month 🥴🥴 cannot escape 911 it will get you
it's so funny, i held like the BIGGEST nonsensical grudge against it for the LONGEST time, im talking YEARS, like it literally stemmed from me seeing Way Too Much about it from people i followed who i didn't want to unfollow so i rage blocked every single tag for it possible 😂😂 and i REFUSED to watch it on principle bc that had annoyed me so bad.
but then things kind of mellowed, and those people weren't posting about it as often, so the rage dissipated, but i still refused to watch the show, this time because i just KNEW that if i did i would fall down that rabbit hole sooooo fast, like. from everything i heard about it it sounded like it would be RIGHT up my alley. so i too was sooo stubborn about it and was like nOPE not gonna happen!!!!
but then a whoooole bunch of my friends started watching it recently and i was (lovingly) goaded into joining in and i cAVED and now i am EXACTLY where i thought i'd be — on the precipice of a BIG OL FANDOM SPIRAL, i can feeeeeeel it coming on fhsjsksk. like ik the second i catch up im gonna be kneeeeee deep in fic — reading for sure and perhaps even writing (👀) and im SURE there will be a playlist made and i WILL go on a reblog spree fjsksk like it's COMING i feel it in my bones
it truly does get you 😂 it's nice to know im not the only one it snuck up on haha 🫡🤝
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nikadd · 1 month
saw a post earlier abt like what pro-shipping is and how it’s important to “ship and let ship” and i understand that especially in terms of ao3 bc im a huge fan of the exclude feature and ppl just playing in their own sandboxes and doing whatever they want and i DO support that
BUT at the same time when we are here on tumblr i DONT like when ppl find my posts and take them over into the sides of fandom i don’t want interacting with my blog
bc i think ultimately it’s easy for me to limit what i am interacting with so if i don’t want to see something it’s on me to mute/blacklist terms and not go searching for them
but if somebody interacts with my posts and puts stuff in my tags/notes then im forced to see it!!! and then they take that post further into those waters and what am i supposed to do? i’ve deleted posts before just to stop being able to see those things and i don’t want to have to do that all the time.
like i think there should also be a certain etiquette about bringing certain topics in the notes of a post considering the OP is gonna see it. like im not even saying it in a ship war way or like ship shaming way, i just don’t want to have to go on a blocking spree??
like not to be like “dni if you ship [blank]” bc i ultimately don’t care what ppl ship and you can reblog my posts bc how would i know - UNLESS you’re writing stuff in the notes that, admittedly, you’re writing for your followers but ALSO making me see it.
anyways. a bit of a rant. like i genuinely don’t want to censor anybody but i feel like i am forced to censor MYSELF abt what im talking abt in my own posts out of fear that just bc certain characters are mentioned in my post then the post is gonna be taken over by ppl writing some weird things in my activity.
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1eos · 1 year
Some bitch on here made a post the other day about how the way lesbians "center their sexuality on hating men instead of loving women" AKA Lesbians making jokes about men like "men dumb" is terf rethoric and like, if you see a lesbian or any woman make a post about hating men and your immediate response is to call it terfy without any kind of proof the person is a radfem then your are the transmisogynist, also you know they actually don't care about trans women when they say hating men is terf rethoric because when they see actual terfs hate on "men" they absolutely believe these terfs are hating on men when the reality is that when a terf talks about "men" they mean trans women but somehow people can't accept this fact and instead center non trans women when it comes to it, I think the dumbest one is when people think that a terf going "i hate men" is about trans men when it's literally a fact that terfs see trans men as tools to harm trans women first and as victims of said trans women second, is disgusting how people are unable to center trans women even when talking about a movement that is all about hating them and wanting them dead
its truly so insidious. like we don't have to guesstimate on what's terf rhetoric we know what it fucking is. its clear that when terfs say men they aren't fucking talking abt men!!!!!! like any time i do a terf blocking spree they are obsessed w ugly white men they do not hate men they hate trans women like that is quite literally the only connecting ideology. the ONLY ONE. and lesbians being seen as the only demographic that's transmisogynistic is insane like transmisogyny is a problem in every goddamn community but as usual bc lesbians don't want men in a romantic/sexual capacity then they must be punished. but i can get over that what i can't get over is ppl trying to champion themselves as pro trans women while actively speaking over them (there are SO many resources and posts and personal testimonies from trans women abt how transmisogyny is being presented in this day and time like there is NO EXCUSE currently) AND doing it in defense of the demographic most likely to abuse and MURDER them. abuse and murder all women!!!!!! like none of this makes sense! and it would be one thing if ppl were trying to talk abt how all gender identities can perpetrate transmisogyny but no its literally 'dont shit on men 🥺 not committing femicide hurts them too 🥺🥺🥺 its the evil man hating lesbians that are the problem! and im not gonna ever actually advocate for trans women 🥰just gonna use them as a gotcha!' i need code lyoko to be real so i can hop into the computer and knock ppls teeth out
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kyluxtrashpit · 10 months
No morals just memes anon. Kinda hilarious being in my position. The gossip!!!
There’s a lawsuit going on here that meme lord knows for a fact is fraud.
Because the window that resort window allegedly broke when a guy leaned on it? I’ve seen what it takes to break one of those.
Meme Lord had a guy install a pane and frame outside the office. Hucked a brick at it from the second floor. Went downstairs, borrowed a shovel from the shed and swung at it. Scratched it with her wedding ring, and then crime spree tried kicking through it. Then just to prove the point, meme lord went back inside, came back out with an office chair and threw that at it too. Then crime spree took a turn.
You could probably hear the noise from probably a block away. I felt the room shake.
It was scratched but it held to the 2 most agro people I’ve ever met trying to fuck it up.
It gave after crime spree came back with his hunting rifle.
Needless to say, this is gonna be interesting seeing how they try to prove that a guy leaning on it broke it
Guess which firm is the defence?
No morals just memes anon reporting in. Girllll (gender neutral) Meme Lord remembers a time a similar thing happened to her and uhhh… It’s a glass breaker. But like concealed. A bunch of cars have been robbed lately. She’s a criminal lawyer all right but not in the sense that that’s her field of practice and IM HERE FOR IT. Oh boy this is about to get interesting. Now I really wanna hear their defence because that’s sus af
Omg this is amazing. Now we've got legal drama? Friend I think you live in a tv show and it is fucking amazing. The chaos. Absolutely fascinating developments. Love the dedication to finding a way for the window to actually break lmao.
(Also I have a window breaker/seatbelt cutter on my keys that's very small and totally concealable but I have it just in case of emergency so. It supposedly breaks windows with a simple press. Just saying XD this is very much a real thing)
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ooglywooglies · 3 months
i went on a terf blocking spree again
and thinking about the gender separatists things and obviously most of the time terfs just hate trans men, think were gender traitors or misguided (but ultimately cringe lost causes) i barely ever see them talking about trans men so i dont REALLY know. i have to assume some of them dont have any issue being attracted to trans men, or maybe they even want to detrans us and ive just been sitting here wondering where the root of that attraction could possibly come from
im a gay man right im not attracted to women whatsoever that includes all trans women no matter how far they are in their transition, its like, the INKLING of the concept of womanhood is unappealing to me romantically/sexually, but obvs the opposite isnt inherently true for lesbians
obvs masculinity =/= manhood, i know terf lesbians are very pro GNC most of the time (i tried to ask them about their take on trans men being gay while still being masc bc that conflicts with their story about gay trans men just being straight woman gay fetishists imo, like why then would i want a beard and a deep voice if all i cared about was hot yaoiz)
so i guess the presentation doesnt bother them, obviously butch =/= man or even inherently masc, i know its KIND OF a gendery thing but its more about the absence of performed femininity than it is performed masculinity but imo as a trans man masculinity is sort of hard to perform bc its not as well defined as femininity. idk im not a lesbian, even if i wasnt a man i wouldnt be a lesbian so im not gonna say much on that front
so theres gotta be something else that appeals (i know everyone has their own tastes and not everyone is into butches in the first place, obviously) is it specifically the vagina? like the assumption that there must be one is enough to stir a feeling of attraction, what about when there isnt one, is that suddenly an issue?
i asked my non terf cis lesbian friend (shes a babybian) and she was like "yeah i think it would feel like a trans man, being socialized as a girl for most of their life would feel more relatable" and i went on reddit and saw sort of a similar sentiment
but yknow where im going with the problem with this right
its that trans men are aware of their female socialization and develop different kinds of complexes about it in relation to their true gender, ive seen a lot of straight/bi trans men (not saying im exempt - ive just mostly seen this in the context of pursuing women as a trans man) take on toxic masculinity and misogyny in order to assert their newfound position in society. some of them sort of have a feeling of "i went through misogyny but escaped it and now /i/ get to be the misogynist"
its like how abusive family situations happen usually when a parent feels powerless because of an outside situation like their job or their relationship with their own parents. it feels like a reclamation of power (this does also apply to any abusive situation obviously not just family)
and then we come back to
do terfs think that women cannot be misogynistic? women can be abusive (hi my mom is my abuser)
obviously "patriarchy" is the root of misogyny but women are JUST as common perpetrators of misogyny in society as men are, even if its in different (often more subtle) ways - this is more anecdotal but i feel like men are more preoccupied with keeping each other in line via homophobia than they are with keeping women in their place (outside of explicit domestic abuse situations) (not to suggest that those situations have no bearing on society)
i forgot if i made my point or not but i just got distracted and want to finish this post now
ok bye
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lunarbroadcast · 3 months
you deserve kindness and respect. And your posts deserve to go in the main tags <3
(I’d recommend going on a block spree for your fandom, blocking anyone who seems even a little bit anti. That will mitigate your chances of anon hate immensely)
hhhh- thank youy
i was tempted to just stop posting in the main tags just because of those 2 assholes- hh this made me happy tho
and im definitely gonna go on a blocking spree once i have the energy for it. Im not gonna block alot of people but yee
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lesbienneanarchiste · 5 years
I stg 90% of the time, people will ask for lesbian recs for things and y'all recommend stuff that features explicitly bi characters. If i wanted a general f/f rec i would say so. I want lesbians and so do people who ask for lesbian recs. Just say you dont read books about lesbians and move on.
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sidewalk-scrawls · 2 years
Goddd some of the Izzy posts are on here are starting to get genuinely mean lol (seeing a lot of the "you're a bad person if you relate to him in any way" variety of post with a heavy dose of "also within the world of the show, Izzy deserved to be maimed”)
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laikahh · 3 years
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mumscarian · 2 years
runs in here super quick.
henlo astro <3 I hope you don’t mind me popping in rq dbfbh buuuuut, I’m trying to get a feel for redscape and their dynamic (def not for a certain au or anything 😳) and I’m politely asking for any head canons you have
OHHHHHHHHHHH oh my god you have come to the RIGHT place mochi!! ok ok here we go:
They both LOVE dancing. Like idk the word for it but ballroom? Waltz? The type with partners and stuff. It's fancy, its rhythmic, and impresses other people! Their favorite types are both Swing dancing, simply because that is my favorite and also the only one i know anything about lol.
Mumbo is often super shy and embarrassed when partnered with someone he's not used to dancing with, but even so he typically leads, only partially because in almost every given situation he is the tallest one. When he's not supremely anxious and overthinking every step, he gets really into it. Like, once he's in his element you can tell. He loves dancing and you can see it in every step. ^-^
Scar, on the other hand, is perfectly content to be the one getting swung around and twirled and stuff. He started learning how to dance in around s7 or maybe s8 simply because he thought it would look good for his image lol, but he also really enjoys it!! (though it mainly might be because getting spin dipped by Mumbo K. Jumbo is an Experience for the ages)
(Okay im done nerding out about swing dancing hsjhs)
Mumbo overthinks a LOT. That's not even a headcanon, he's just like that. (i mean, just watch him trying to reason out if eating potatoes was cannibalism or not!!) Luckily, scar has learned to tell when Mumbo's too deep in his own head, and always sorts it out real quick. Sometimes it's just him grabbing his hand and kissing it to let him know its there, other times he offers a random paradox or riddle for mumbo to think about rather than the Bad Thing (the equivalent of giving a dog a chew toy so it doesnt hurt its teeth on the leg of the kitchen table), or sometimes he does something very Scar-y, like falling into the boatem hole or a random pit without any rockets or building blocks in his inventory. Just something to pull Mumbo out of his own head! Mumbo has not caught on so far.
Mumbo can and will pick up Scar to take him places if Scar's in too much pain to walk himself. Scar was very surprised and very flustered the first time Mumbo did this. and the second time he did it. and the third. and the fourth. (i think you get the idea at this point)
Scar's got a thing for scary people. (cough cough Mumbo's killing spree in Last Life, Mumbo killing him in the first ep of s9, as well as Grian in, well, everything, but especially third/last life. Scar just sees a man covered in blood and goes 'hey is anyone gonna date that' and doesnt wait for an answer)
Scar LOVES the feeling of Mumbo's stubble, when he has it. He runs his fingers over Mumbo's chin all the time. (grian, on the other hand, hates it, and WILL make mumbo shave at the threat of doing it in his sleep. He and Scar have yet to reach a compromise. Mumbo is just happy Grian hasn't threatened his mustache yet)
Mumbo and Scar are BOTH scaredy-cats, but at least Mumbo acknowledges it. Scar just denies it over and over agains and then jumps ten feet in the air when someone walks up behind him and says 'hi'.
Scar canNOT tie a tie for the life of him, and he hasn't bothered to learn, not when mumbo can do it for him and Scar gets to unabashedly stare at him the entire time.
Mumbo gets SUUPER flustered with physical contact. Scar takes full advantage of this and takes every chance he gets to grab his hand and just fiddle with his fingers when mumbo is rambling about some redstone thing. He finds it super endearing to watch Mumbo try to keep talking, even though he's obviously distracted by scar playing with his hand.
Jellie likes to sit on Mumbo's lap when he's working at his desk. Scar just about dies every time he finds them both asleep, Mumbo's hand buried in her fur, like he fell asleep petting her.
Scar is the resident flirter in the relationship, but that just makes it so that the few times mumbo does flirt at him its 1000% times more potent. Scar absolutely can NOT take what he dishes out.
okeyyyyyyyyy that's all i can think of for now + its getting pretty late so uhhhhh thanks for sending the ask!!! I hope you like the hcs haha
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coughloop · 3 years
vent/rant post about fash/cryptofash/reactionaries on tumblr under the cut dont reblog
im really frustrated with how things have gone down in the last week and im gonna ramble a lot, also im gonna use fash/cryptofash/reactionary and maybe some other terms pretty interchangeably cause they all feel like umbrella terms for the type of people im talking about.
I know we're all getting tired of blocking the same cryptofash accounts that keep remaking over and over again, as well as new ones that find their ways into the periphery of popular posters and have suddenly shoot into popularity until they post something super racist. And a lot of the time it feels so useless and futile, like half the time they have a backup ready to go and the other half just remake in under 24 hours. and like, what does it even do? its not fighting any real world issues, i have no idea what the social effect of having super racist people 3 degrees of separation from everyone on the site actually means, but I know I really fucking dont like it, I know it makes me super uncomfortable to see a mutuals reblog from someone who constantly reblogs and interacts with people that fantasize about beating up trans people on the street.
and now that people like me and some others are getting more and more savvy about noticing cryptofash blogs, it becomes harder and harder to not see how many people i follow that keep me 3 degrees of separation from them.
take ukrainianbimbo for example. they constantly reblog from terfs, transphobes, racists, misogynists and anti-Semites AS WELL as trans people, Jewish people, and people of colour. i blocked them from following me months ago after spending 30 seconds on their blog and recognizing multiple well known tumblr reactionaries. when they noticed i had blocked them and made a couple posts about how easy it is to not follow and reblog from fascists they went on a posting spree whining about how they dont check who they reblog from and why should it be their responsibility. wah wah wah, shut up. anyway, last week they got properly called out for this behaviour and badgrapple came to their defense, going on the dumbest tirade ive ever seen about how theyre sick of fake callouts for people who havent done anything wrong (tell that to your friend ukrainianbimbo who's reaction to being labelled an anti-Semite and a fascist was to triple down on telling a trans jewish woman that she was ugly and should kill herself (both of these things are very untrue shout out Agent, you dont deserve that at all)) and now both of them are going out of their way to interact with more bigots seemingly as a protest for being repressed over hanging with those types in the first place. Fuck off.
All of this then led into people i respect making random vagueposts like "feel like fash is a word being thrown around way too liberally on tumblr these days" and like, yeah, in a way i guess it is, but also people are acting like fascists! crypto fascists specifically because theyre never completely open about their beliefs. fash is shorter and less confusing however (thanks cryptocurrency for that) so thats what people genuinely call them. Why is that a bad thing? If you're posting things that people look at and say "woah dude, you sound like a fascist", maybe thats on you for doing things that other fascists on this site do, not on them for using the "wrong word" for it.
on top of all this though, people HAVE started making up unchecked callouts about people, like Declan smokeweedinbong, who was unfairly called a fascist by someone because declan responded to a comment on his post he didnt background check, thats totally unfair to declan but fuck the reaction from a lot of my mutuals was REALLY WEIRD. people didnt start posting in defense of declan, who again, did nothing wrong but not pay as much attention to a random person as he could have (ive done that too i get it!), but instead people started beating the "cancel culture has gone to far" drum, fucking again. why is that your response?? defend your friends, please! but why is it people who dont want to be exposed to racists and transphobes and anti-Semites ultimately receiving the pushback? its so dumb!
so now half the time i see someone getting an anon about reblogging from a fash, they respond positively but why do they always get follow up anons like "thats dumb who cares, i never look at who i reblog from" like maybe you fucking should?? shut up! people are so fucking stupid on anon it blows me away soemtimes.
i really have no idea where im going with all this, i just really needed to get this frustration of my chest. thanks for reading my run on sentences if you did, and sorry for being somewhat incoherent, i just am so fucking tired of all this, and it doesnt even mean anything. whatever
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murkyles · 3 years
whenever i go back on my regular dash or twt homepage, i see all my fellow lesbians and also bi women who are p smart and articulate and know that pansexuality and demisexuality and other mogai labels are all dumb and homophobic/biphobic, and theyll talk about how much they love women and speak out about bullshit like “lesbians can like men” and that bi-lesbian nonsense.
…and yet theyre all nonbinary. and super tra libfem. and i just wonder. are they close to peaking? are they on the edge, just like i was? will they take the steps to learn or will they plug their ears just like i used to until i couldnt anymore?
bc when i was a nonbinary lesbian tra libfem i was terrified of being a radfem. i literally google searched on a private safari tab, with my vpn on, “im scared im becoming a terf” bc i stumbled into a terf blog when going on a blocking spree and found post after post after post of arguments i agreed with on a level so deep it scared me. i would argue with myself in the car or the shower where i felt nobody could hear me and talk about how ridiculous it is that liberals would defend porn and rapist mindsets only bc it was what radfems were arguing AGAINST and what trans people were arguing FOR. and i could see the cracks beginning to show but for so long i just tried to convince myself im an idiot and other people, especially trans women, know more than me, despite my literal experience with being a lesbian and a woman in the real world. ive been used by bi and het women against my will to turn men on, ive been told that i just need to date more men and find a good one by my mother, ive been sexually harassed by trans women, and i had to listen to men at college joke about how they think lesbians are a fun little challenge— and none of these im allowed to talk about bc im a dumb crazy afab nonbinary lesbian who doesnt know anything about real oppression.
i would feel like a horrible person and a bigot and a fake lesbian for NOT being attracted to trans women, and the same when i WOULD be attracted to trans men. i could never stop that niggling feeling that im a horrible person bc i still knew people’s sex and would or wouldnt feel attraction to the “wrong” gender. i would start feeling deep-seated repulsion at the thought of having sex with a male, no matter what they identified as or even how they looked aesthetically with clothes and makeup. i sat here, hating myself, bc i could not help but feel violated when people told other lesbians to get over our “vagina fetish.” when i would draw lesbian erotica for myself, i was terrified someone would point out how there arent any trans women, and that i was just fetishizing female bodies. this voyeuristic view of myself out of fear was leftover from my christian upbringing and it worsened in trans spaces exponentially.
i would try to still defend trans people in my little car or shower arguments with myself and still try to talk about sex based oppression, the terror of porn and the sex industry, and i kept coming to the same conclusion. the only people who actually care about women and lesbians and actual feminism... are radfems.
i can see that these friends have so SO many of the same opinions just like i did and still do, like the ridiculousness of “opting” into oppression by identifying into it in terms of sexuality, the way lesbians especially have to defend ourselves against everyone bc nobody gives a shit about us or our oppression based on the intersection of misogyny and homophobia, and how porn and kinks and “proshippers” are destroying people’s and especially children’s perceptions of sex and relationships. theyre exactly where i was. and i keep wondering if theyre as terrified of realizing terfs are right and deluding themselves too?
when are the rest of us lesbians and bi women who’ve been brainwashed and beaten into submission with all these goddamn lies and manipulation gonna wake up? if we’re so scared to realize its all a lie and that “becoming the enemy” is the worst thing we could possibly do, akin to becoming fascists (?????) will we ever stop and think thats whats keeping us in the dark?
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
Can i Request a Drabble where Aiko keeps sending taehyung Nudes and the reader gets insecure about her appearance bc of it? She compares herself to Aiko and it makes taehyung upset :/ im not too good with requests sorry if this isn’t clear
perfectly wrong | drabble [11]: it’s the way that she sits pretty with that perfect hourglass shape of hers in her nudes.
word count: 1.8k
warnings: cussing, implied sexual content, jealousy, insecurities about image/looks
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Okay, let's be real. Men love nudes. They all have needs, and they all love marveling at a naked body, especially when it comes unexpectedly. It could be a good, or bad thing. Whatever it is, they love that shit either way. I'm calling a man's bluff if he ever says he didn't enjoy looking at someone's nudes.
Taehyung isn't exempt. It was honestly the biggest highlight when he went on his fuckboy spree. Just the feeling of being wanted so badly that girls would send you nudes to grab your attention. Biggest ego booster.
Before anyone gets on his ass, he loves his woman and he quickly taps out of the snapchat so he doesn't see it for long. It's been Aiko's 5th nude so far, and he's already knowing what to expect when the notification hits his screen. He knows this shit.
You were there the first time she sent him a nude over snapchat. You both looked at it, confused that it had been sent to the wrong person since she hadn't sent him anything in between that movie selfie and this. It became a running joke for awhile, but it eventually died the less you saw or heard of it. You just actually didn't know she was still sending him nudes.
So, when you see her snapchat notification pop up on his screen again, you're a little taken aback.
"Aiko's still sending you snaps?" You ask as you hug Taehyung tightly while you both are cuddling on Jimin's couch, watching another yet unsatisfying episode of Unsolved Mysteries. You all had just finished watching The Hate U Give, Jimin throwing the channel on something random afterwards. He sat on the other portion of his couch, hugging a pillow tightly against his chest as he cussed to himself and mumbled questions about how people could stand this show if barely any of the episodes were actually solved.
You get the frustration, right? You just wanna know if they ever caught the killer, or if they found new clues, but most of the episodes end so abruptly with that 'if you happen to have any info regarding this case' message with the number to call.
"Yeah, it's whatever though." Taehyung says, keeping his eyes on the tv while you fiddled with his phone.
"Woah!" You say as you pressed on her snap, revealing her nude and on her bed, fingers trailing down to her lady friend. You tilted your head as you watched her begin to rub her clit ever so softly. The thing that gets you though is her body, and how she sat there, looking like a perfect hourglass. "Interesting." Taehyung looks at his phone and does a double take.
"Oh shit." He nonchalantly says as he also tilts his head confusingly while looking at the snap, causing you to shake your head and hit his chest as you tap out if it. The second thing that catches your eye is how many times her name comes up in his history.
"She's been sending you snaps?"
"Yeah, but I don't pay much attention to it." He caresses your arm as you slightly tilt your head up to look at him.
"Have they all been nudes?"
"Yes, but I told you I don't pay much attention to it, baby." You were unsatisfied with his answer, only because you just got a glimpse of what she sent tonight. You have no idea what the others looked like, but you were thinking it was just as this one was - the perfect position in her hourglass shape.
"Okay." Is all you say. You suddenly felt insecure as fuck, knowing your man had seen those snaps of her. She honestly looked like a fucking goddess and it kills you. He used to fuck her, for god's sake! Aka he used to have the hots for her to some extent?! He considered it once, and it makes you feel a little queazy knowing he could again.
"What happened?" Jimin asks from his side of the couch.
"Aiko sent Taehyung a nude." You flatly respond.
"Seen it, she's sent me the same ones." You roll your eyes because for Jimin, it's whatever. For your man though, please. Don't come up in his inbox with that mess. What the fuck was she trying to do here, show the world her coochie? She was feeling herself that much?
Shit, honestly. Single and with that body, you would be too. Fuck, that's annoying.
"Baby, it's nothing, okay?" He gently tickles your chin.
"Kaaaaay, I heard you." You say as bothered as possible. For the remaining time at Jimin's, you're quiet. Your mood has plunged. You just wanted to sulk in your bed. Taehyung takes notice, but he was going to wait until you two were alone to bring it up.
Which is now, in the car, in your guest parking spot.
"Okay, what's going on in my pretty lady's head?" He shuts off the car and sinks into the driver's seat, having the damn nerve to manspread in it.
"Mm, not gonna fly with me, sweetheart."
"I just can't believe she's been sending you nudes."
"So what? It doesn't mean anything."
"Yeah right, with that body of hers? How could it not? You used to have a thing for her."
"Used to."
"Her body is fucking perfect, it's annoying."
"Babygirl, don't do that. I don't like when you compare yourself. You're the only person I know who's close to perfect." He boops your nose, but it leaves you unamused. You're just letting your feelings of insecurity and jealousy get to you that everything is clouded. All the things he's saying doesn't reach you, and you're literally in the mood to pick a fight for no whole ass reason over it. That was exactly one of your other bad habits that you had trouble unlearning.
"Whatever." You brushed him off, making him a little irritated with the way you were coming off over this. Again, Taehyung doesn't mind reassuring you. He loves doing it. He loves babying you and being the best he can be. But there were days where your attitude did get to the best of him, especially when he was trying. Taehyung hadn't given you a reason to make you doubt him since you two became exclusive, so he didn't think it was necessary for you to act the way you were acting.
"Really, Y/N? This isn't necessary."
"Why are you still even entertaining her snaps? Shouldn't you have gotten rid of her contact info already?" He grabs his phone and blocks her on snapchat, showing it to you before shoving it into the small storage space under the car's radio.
"There, happy?"
"Why are you so mad about it? I'm sorry you want to see her body so fucking badly."
"I'm mad because you're being a brat when you don't need to be." He looks at you intimidatingly with his piercing eyes. "You're putting words in my mouth. I never said I wanted to. Plus, I've told you time and time again that it was nothing and that it didn't mean anything to me." You roll your eyes, getting out of the passenger's seat to make your way up to your apartment.
Alright so, here's the deal. You feel like Taehyung is missing the point. Aiko looked so good in that ones nap. So good that you suddenly questioned your own look and felt completely insecure. You disliked hearing him say it wasn't a big deal, because it was. To you, at least.
Taehyung sighed heavily before going after you. He does a light jog, barely catching the elevator you had hopped into.
"Y/N, don't do that." You glared at him.
"It's not a big deal, right?" He sighs again before running his hand through his curly hair. The elevator doors open, but he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you back in and preventing you from walking out. "Tae, let me go."
"Nah." He shrugs. "Not until we fix this." The elevator stays at their floor.
"You said it wasn't a big deal." You crossed your arms.
"Okay, I'm sorry." A good thing about Taehyung is that he's learned to be better about admitting his mistakes and saying sorry when he's in the wrong. "I shouldn't have said it in a way that would make you feel like I'm discrediting your feelings." You continue to look at him silently, the elevator suddenly going back down to the lobby. "And I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner or get rid of her shit earlier. But baby, her snapchats don't mean a thing to me. I don't care how 'good' she looks or if they're nudes." He uses finger quotes. "It's still not you."
"I just--" You sighed, watching a lady come into the elevator to join you two to go up to the 8th floor. "I feel like I can't look that good. She had the perfect hourglass figure and she looked so good posing for her nudes. The perfect angle, her hair, the way she smiled through her eyes. I can only imagine what the others were like." He shook his head and shrugged.
"I honestly don't remember." Truthfully. He really didn't care about them, even if he took a quick glance. At the end of the day, they still weren't memorable because it wasn't his lady. "And I don't care if she has that, or whatever it is. I love you." He smiles toothlessly at you. You catch the lady scrunch her nose and smile at you both before walking off. "I love every single thing about you. You're the definition of perfect to me. I hate when you compare yourself because I really, really wish you could see the way I see you."
"Cheesy." It causes you to chuckle a bit and press your hand against his chest as he presses the button to your floor.
"Yeah, okay. You still like to hear it though, I know you." He smirks playfully as he pulls you into a hug and kisses the top of your head. "If it's not you, I don't want it."
"I honestly hate you sometimes." He shrugs before picking you up by the legs and carrying you, causing you to squeal.
"So then hate me."
"Put me down!"
"Say it to my face in bed, baby." He playfully smacks your ass in the hallway, allowing it to echo as he carries you to your apartment. It was hard to stay mad at Taehyung, but you were grateful you had someone like him who could bring you back down to Earth. You had your fair share of bickering and unnecessary arguments [because you liked picking fights with your attitude], but he was still able to show you that he would ride or die for you, no matter how silly things got.
That was your man, and your man only. Sorry Aiko.
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tottymatsuno · 3 years
im sick of tumblrs text editors so im just gonna link to tiny urls.
Everyone has been very polite to me, and I apologize because I'm writing this in a frazzled and agitated state so if it comes off as rude I'm sorry. I'll update with more questions as they come.
The Basics!
Who are you?/What's your age/What's your race?/How much free-time do you have?
I'm Robin, I am 26 and I am a black transmasc/genderfluid adult. I have mental illness and talk about it a lot, this blog is literally my healthy coping mechanism because I am currently unmedicated. I will not disclose anything else further on the matter. I am also physically disabled so a lot of my stories are unbeta'd bc of it.
I have a small baby and a wife so my time is very divided. I can't spend a ton of time editing and fixing things up perfectly and I don't actually have a beta editor. I do this to destress and as self care. So me enjoying the requests is important. Don't make me feel obligated to do these free requests bc I will get pressured and won't do them anymore.
Will You block me for being under 18?
YES, LEAVE, GO, DO NOT COME HERE, I DONT WANT ANY MINORS INTERACTING WITH MY POSTS! Leave!!! Don't fucking come in here!!! Don't bother, please just for the love of fucking God this is my one thing, minors and 18 year olds, GO HOME!
Can you do a request for X non African American culture?
No, I like to write for black american girls. Whatever I write would be culturally insensitive and would be solely based off of the stereotypes I know of. I wouldn't try to be racist or malicious, but I do this for fun and am not going to research a culture for a request. Not trying to be funny but there's also the fact that black girls are thoroughly under represented in self inserting/fics so I'm doing my part <3
You should def write your own though and link it back to me!! I would loooove to read it! I highly recommend and encourage for people to make the content they'd like to see!
What race are the Readers? Can I imagine myself or my own cultural/ethnic background?
All black! Every request, every reader, every story is written with a black woman in mind. All of them! And yeah go ahead! I try to avoid major character descriptions but yeah I don't mind! Have fun!
Why don't you write more trans fics if you're not cis and hc Totty as trans?
Hmmm, that's complicated but mostly because I struggle with gender issues involving being perceived as attractive and I deal with a lot of shame bc of it. If I'm a man and I like a woman, in my head I'm not allowed to be interested in her bc I'm not passing or presenting masculine. If she's a lesbian then I feel guilty because I'm a man. If she's bi I worry she'll think of me as a woman. Annd the same with men!
And I headcanon Todomatsu as trans and I do not want to come off as a chaser or being solely interested in him for being a woman. I wouldn't feel comfortable writing trans Totty sexually either bc I don't want to be offensive or weird. annnd I don't wanna base his trans status off of my experiences with my wife so. yea
Is this a requests blog?
No! This is a Todomatsu blog that DOES requests for fun! And not only is it a Todomatsu blog, its my self insert ship blog for Todomatsu. This is all for fun beloveds and I have the most fun making content for Totty.
Are you comfortable with like/reblog sprees?
GO AHEAD! Not gonna lie tho, it is kinda funny but does hurt my feelings when I see some of yall doing that and then not follow me...I have a couple regulars who show up everyday for like 2 weeks and then don't follow me. Follow me???
And gimme comments and laugh at my jokes and let me know I'm being funny and praise me???????? pls?
Can I DM you/Be your friend/Talk to you?
GO AHEAD!!!! I want friends!! If you wanna specific anon name you can have one, but feel free to be my friend! I'm not really anybody but that guy who doesnt stfu. i dont see myself really as a content creator or writer i literally am possessed and when I say this is mental illness baby you better believe my therapist knows all about Todomatsu and has heard half the shit I say on here.
Don't feel intimidated, I wanna be your friend more than you wanna be mine! Let's talk!
How should we ask for requests
Preferably indicating if you want a bullet hc list, a minific (with your matsuno of choice or all brothers), your pronouns and the scenario.
If it's an art request please say so! If it's an art request from a meme link me the meme as well?
Are you still working on my request?
Unless I replied to the request itself and said no, then yeah. If I make a post referencing the request saying "I'll alter the prompt" its usually for my own comfort. But yeah, unless I answer the request without any text than yeah I'm still workin on it.
Some might take time because I have a very active life outside of this blog. My baby is high needs, I have lots of doctors appoints, I get hospitalized a lot, there's family emergencies, there's IRL obligations. I'm an adult, ik it might seem like it bc I'm glued to my phone but I have an adult's life.
It's taking a while, why is that?
Did you request a scenario with ALL six of the brothers, was it detailed, was it kinda just vague, did I make a text post saying I was working on it and it'll be a minific?
If so please know I'm working on it! Most minifics takes me a few hours to mentally map out - I'm doing SIX of them btw. Then I need to make an outline, SIX of them again. Then I need to actually write all SIX of them.
You answered my Todomatsu request right away but not my all boys request?
Because I'm a Totty blog! I don't hate the others and I love the requests I get but Todomatsu is my favorite I'm in love with him clinically and he is the current target of my diagnosed erotomania soooo I'm dropping everything to answer, draw, write, obsess and lust after him. Thank u send more requests of him specifically if u want a fast turnaround.
What makes you do a bullet list vs a mini fic?
if the request leads into a mini fic I'll do one. It's actually harder for me to think of bullet lists than mini fics so I kinda prefer mini fics.
Can request 18!matsu? Or a scenarios where the Matsunos have a SO that thinks of his brothers like their own?
No. The short of it is just NO. The long of it is: I have PTSD. My fear of interacting with children - especially little boys stems from deep seated childhood trauma. The most painful aspect of this of this trauma involves my step brother and several younger cousins. I will not further elaborate but I'm sure y'all catch my drift. Don't do it.
In my personal real life I am so terrified of men and boys younger than me that I refuse to think about men six months younger than me as attractive.
Do not ask me for anything involving the 18 vers of them that isn't strictly platonic.
And when I write I usually in some way or another imagine myself so if you want a request about the reader viewing the others as brother you must request only ONE brother and that's it. Do not ask me to write switching POVs from a reader who sees Oso-Ichi + Todo as little brothers while dating Jyushimatsu to a POV of Karamatsu being the love interest and the rest brothers.
I will shut down requests for a week if anybody asks for Todomatsu being seen as the reader's younger brother or Todomatsu under the age of 25. If it happens more than once I will no longer take requests indefinitely.
I sent a funny nonsensical joke and you didn't get it/I sent an anon and you didn't understand it?
I like things that I understand and with a context. I'm not ontop of all the latest memes and it's very hard for me to grasp when things are jokes.
What NSFW are you comfortable with?
Do you take Whump requests?
No is the short answer. No because I find the genre and fetish very uncomfortable as a disabled person. I don't like the idea of romanticizing people's suffering. I don't like the fact the genre is about kissing someone's pain better and then causing them more pain.
If someone was getting off to me crying or having a panic attack or my chest hurting or me getting taken to the ER or me fainting or me being physically dependent on them I would actually be very upset. I don't want to write about that because recovery is painful, yes but it's not a smut genre to me at least. Ik some whump isn't a fetish but it's so tied together. Anyways uh, no. Don't submit anything like that.
If you do and it slips through just know I probably didn't interpret it in the way you'd like and it'd be a serious piece and completely tonally unsexy and unfluffy. So save us both the heart ache.
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