#im just gonna pick some people. probably not ten of them
clumsyclifford · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
hiya bente !!!! i will happily do this what a fun game. recency bias, as always, in effect:
all my love by noah kahan
bleach (on the rocks) by john harvie
can we make it? (jim carrey) by valley
serial heartbreaker by fletcher
blowing smoke by kacey musgraves
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kaiijo · 1 year
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characters: shidou ryusei, oliver aiku, itoshi sae content: gn! reader (reader is called “sunshine” once in shidou’s) slightly suggestive humor, set at camp half-blood (or some random camp for demigods lol) but you don’t need to have read percy jackson to read this notes: references this post
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⋆。° child of ares! shidou x child of apollo! you
it’s unsurprising to all of your siblings that shidou ryusei is in and out of the infirmary a lot because he gets into A LOT of fights (“typical ares kid” your siblings say while rolling their eyes)
the first time he came to the infirmary, you were the only one brave enough to patch him up given that, not only is shidou known for picking random fights but also for being kind of batshit crazy. after that, you were the only one he even let touch him without lowkey growling at them…
“shidou’s here again,” otoya, one of your half-brothers, informed you one day. you sighed heavily and found shidou in the waiting room, beckoning him back to an exam room
“take your shirt off,” you told him and he grinned some wild smile at you and said, “ooh, already trying to get me naked? at least take me to dinner, sunshine”
you snorted and when he did, your eyes widened at the giant, purpling bruise forming on his side. “what happened this time? “underlashes junior got really into sparring”
ah, that made sense - this wasn’t the first time shidou got into a physical altercation with itoshi rin 
“leave the kid alone,” you said as you grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and threw it at him
he caught it and asked, “not gonna hold it against me yourself?” “why would i do that” “well you were so eager to get my shirt off” “you’re insufferable”
shidou licked his teeth, still looking at you with that shit-eating grin. “yeah but you like that”
what was the most annoying this about that statement: you couldn’t exactly say it’s a total lie
⋆。° child of poseidon! oliver aiku x child of athena! you
oliver aiku had a bit of a reputation as a womanizer and, to be fair, it’s not undeserved. he was charming and hot, it’s not like it’s just random, and he probably flirted with nearly every person within a ten mile radius of camp
he first noticed you at a game of capture the flag. not to brag or anything, but oliver was known as the best defender at camp but somehow, the opposing team managed to outmaneuver him and his team and steal the flag and carry it to their side
shocked and impressed, oliver inquired as to who was the mastermind behind this strategy and the answer was simple: you, a child of athena 
he found you in the armory, hanging your sword back up and, leaning against the doorway, he said, “hey”
you glanced over your shoulder. “hey?” 
“so you’re the master strategist?” “yeah” “i don’t think we’ve met, im oliver.” “yeah i know” and with that, you resumed taking off the rest of your armor
well, that was new
“you know,” oliver said, strolling over to stand beside you as he took off his own armor, “i’d love to get to know you better. not every day someone manages to pull one over on me. wanna grab some lunch”
you gave him a side eye and said, “sorry, i’ve got something else to do” and then you brushed past him and out of the armory
oliver watched your retreating form and it was from that day on that he decided his just had to make you his 
(spoiler: he eventually succeeds after many, many, many times asking you out (read: groveling, begging on his knees, etc.))
⋆。° child of zeus! itoshi sae x child of hermes! you
you get sent on a quest with itoshi sae and you were forewarned by multiple different people that you should brace yourself for a quick but absolutely miserable experience
“sae’s super powerful but gods, his attitude is absolute shit”
honestly, all the things people told you should have worried you more but you ignored them. it wasn’t fair to listen to hearsay about someone in your opinion and besides, it just made you want to step up to the challenge and befriend him even more
as the two of you set off, you asked him a bajillion questions about him, his life outside of camp, his life at camp, his brother rin (which earned you the most acidic glare and the meanest answer ever), and whatever else you could think of
“do you ever stop talking?”
“not really” sae gave you another withering look
you ran into tons of monsters and it was honestly incredible to witness the full power of a child of a big three god - sae’s battle prowess coupled with his control over lightning had you feeling just a little unnecessary but you also assisted well (sae wouldn’t admit it but he was pretty surprised by your quick thinking and reflexes and your skill with your weapon)
finding that you weren’t completely useless was when sae began not being so short with you and actually made some effort at conversation and you two lowkey started bonding over the next few days
one might even say sae began to develop some semblance of fondness 
you had a major breakthrough with him when you essentially sacrificed yourself and threw yourself in front of whatever mythical beast you were sent to defeat
sae never disposed of an enemy quicker than he had in that moment and he got you two back to camp even faster
you’re passed out for three days in the infirmary and when you woke up, sae’s asleep in the chair besides your bed
“oh good, you’re awake!” one of the apollo kids who works at the infirmary entered the room. “how are you feeling?”
“a little sore” you glanced over at sae and the apollo kid said, “not sure how you managed it but sae’s refused to leave the infirmary since he brought you back. must make you pretty special.”
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angel-sweets666 · 4 months
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The creature x fem!reader
a frilly pink outsider from New Orleans finds a undead love sick man, and doesn’t know what to do with him! chapter one Warning: swearing, possible drug use, murder.
word count 1,325
A/N HIIIIIII, I sent an ask to a writer on here a few days ago and I had the idea to write the fanfic myself! just thought it would be cute and I wanted to try and write it in my own style! This is gonna be in multiple parts in a series! Hopefully about ten parts maybe more with some one shots in between while writing (by the way I haven’t watched Lisa Frankenstein yet because it’s not out in Australia so im obviously going to be missing a few parts, I’ll try to fit them in as flash backs)
It had been a few days since *name* had found The creature, he broke into her room after leaving her mother’s rosary on his grave. Since then *Name* had been keeping him hidden away from her family in her closet, however trying to hide him from her snoopy step sister, taffy; seemed to be easier said then done. change of pov
“I mean! Is it so weird to drink milk from the carton?” You asked this zombie thing, he stared at you then shrugged “your soooo much help…” you rolled my eyes. “So like… is it peaceful down there? In the grave?” You questioned him, he slowly groaned and shook his head; his way of saying no “I would ask what’s it like but I’m far too lazy” you giggled, placing a joint into your mouth then turning your head to look at him. The creature looked disapproving, but as of right now he couldn’t show much emotion; he didn’t have eyebrows and was missing a hand and his ear. “What? People smoked cigars in your day. You probably smoked cigars!” You exclaimed, he groaned and reached his good hand to try and “confiscate” your joint “ah! No. This was a good $30.” You pulled your hand away “I’ll quit, trust. Anyways, WHAT DO I WEAR TO SCHOOL” you groaned
You ended up finding an outfit that both you, taffy and the creature agreed on. A light coloured (your choice) wool sweater, a black mini skirt, some black leggings, white leg warmers and black Mary Jane’s with little bows on them with your hair curled and in a half up half down with a bow. This frilly pink style often got you picked on and snickered at by your peers, you looked like THE biggest girly girl in the whole world. It was 1989 and you weren’t exactly the most popular.
in the car
Taffy grinned to you “soo… anyone you think is hot yet..?” She giggles “Uhm…. No” I chuckled “oh.. that one guys kind of cu-” “WHO TELL ME RIGHT NOW, NO WAIT DONT TELL ME, NO WAIT DO. DO TELL ME” she squealed into your ear “that uh.. micheal Trent guys kind of cute” she made a face “eaugh….” (Honey you slept with him…..) “what..?!” You yelled “WHY HIM?” “CAUSE HES A CUTIEE” “whatever you say” “I do say, I do” you rolled your eyes “yk most sisters are supportive right?” You told her “Mkay, they support good decisions” she said as she turned a right the car “schools to the left taf’” you reminded her “I wanna get some iced coffee” she said like it was nothing “WERE GONNA BE LATE” “SHUT UP NO WERE NOT JESUS H CHRIST”
after school (sorry for all the time skips but this is a creature x reader not let’s watch taffy and reader argue about coffee)
“uGHhhHhH school suckeds” you groaned as I walked into your room, slumping against the wooden door resulting in it shutting, the creature looked at you with furrowed brow, confused by the statement “yes they let girls go to school. It’s 1989 get with the times” the creature groaned and lifted its hand or rather lack there of “I can’t.. I can’t just get you new parts…” you told him, shrugging. He threw a little zombie tantrum, groaning and flopping onto the bed“calm down calm down!” You yelled as you tried to hold him down, grabbing his upper arm to hold the undead man in place “look I can’t get get you new pa-“*NAME LAST NAME*” a horrible screech came from your step mothers throat, clearly trying to pick yet another fight. “Go go go” you said quietly as you ushered the creature into your closet, shutting the wooden door in his face. “…yes..?!” You replied to her, she opened your door “what.. the hell.. is wrong with you?” She gets into your face “what I do?” You looked confused to her “you’re talking to yourself, throwing things. You lied to us telling us our house got broken into! That was fine china you threw!You’re going crazy aren’t you? Trying to get the towns attention because you had your old towns attention? Your nothing but a joke, a mentally ill joke.” She snaps “huh?!” “You know what I’m going to throw you into a mental facility, just to get rid of you…” you gasped, shook your head and backed away slowly “no…” you whispered, trying to avoid such misery “yes.. impatient lock down!” You gasped again “special socks n all” suddenly, a loud smack and a sickening cracking noise. The creature had grabbed the old sewing machine and slammed it onto Janet’s head “oh good lord..” you backed away and began to whimper, the creature waddles towards you and tried to hug you to calm you down, wrapping his strong but cold and dead arms around you. You whimpered and cried since now you felt like your responsible for a dead woman. He pulled away from the hug, made a groan then twisted his body towards the night table and grabbing the scissors off it. The creature leaned down and slowly, sliced off Janet’s pierced ear. The red blood poured down her makeup caked face, going down with the blood she was already gargling up and onto the carpet. The creature stood up, and held up the blood covered ear, offering it to you. With shaky hands you slowly grabbed it “d-do you want me to Uhm.. uh.. oh god…sew it back on..?”
The creatures cold and curly haired head laid in your lap, as you secured Janet’s now amputated ear to the left side of his head, double checking it was inline with the rest of his head and in the right spot for his side burns. “I don’t think.. can you hear out of it..?” You asked, yanking at the ear “can you feel it?” You questioned the undead man again, he groaned “okay yeah I forgot you don’t have a tongue.” You sighed
(flash back)
“maybe you wanna try laying in my tanning bed? Get some colour in ya?” Taffy suggested as she pat your cheek “I’m good, that thing would electrocute me.” You chuckled as you applied lip gloss, trying to get ready for a party that taffy was going to drag you to then have to take you home early like she always did. “Cmon! You’ll look good.. trust me” she smiled comfortingly “okay fine.. pass the sunscreen” you decided to humour her, holding your hand out for the plastic bottle of spf. As you went to lay down in the tanning bed, a spark hit you, then two, then three. Then…. Crack . It electrocuted you “TAFFY!” “okay I’m really sorry you got electrocuted earlier, I didn’t know it would do that .”, you huffed disappointingly
you ended up getting harrassed that night by a short guy called Doug, he kept trying to hit on you and sexually assault you. He made you incredibly uncomfortable
end of flash back
“Didn’t you say you were killed and brought back by a lightning strike, maybe electricity can add things to you!” You squealed in surprise as you rushed him down the stairs and into the magenta tanning bed. Your hand reached towards the crank, putting it into a certain level and then stepping back to see if it would work. Sparks flew in all sorts of directions, left right and centre. “Please don’t be hurt please don’t be hurt” you begged quietly, then a ding! Like an oven saying it’s finished baking, our little zombie boy was finished baking! As you opened the lid and he slowly, but hilariously sat up like a vampire. You decided to see if he could heat “can you hear me!” You yelled and he groaned “can ya?! Yeah!?! CAN YOU HEAR ME?” you kept yelling and he kept groaning. “OH MY GOD IT WORKED! HOLY SHITTTT” you clapped excitedly.
a/n sorry it’s short it’s one of my first fanfics, I hope you enjoyed and tell me if you want some more!
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februaryflowers · 2 years
the way to a choi san’s heart is through his maruchan ramen
san randomly strolls into the dorm kitchen one day and also strolls into your heart at the same time
warnings: loud noise, hot take san is a cs major... (sorry...im not that sorry though...im standing by this decision), yeosang is an implied engineering physics major (i am, however, sorry to yeosang for that one...)
straight up fluff, 2987 words, san x reader | college au (has a lot of american college experience elements like dorm building living n stuff), a little love at first sight vibes??
a/n: im sorry but if i have to be stuck in stem then im gonna force uni au ateez to be too 💔 also fish tofu mention bc fish tofu is my love and part of this fic was inspired by real events to some extent LOL 
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Watching pedestrians shiver in their coats outside through the window makes you wince. It’s a good thing you didn’t go outside tonight. You don’t think you would’ve survived all that wind in the freezing temperatures.
But alas, you still need something to eat for dinner, so it’s a night of instant ramen for you. Standing in the toasty dorm kitchen boiling noodles is plenty good enough for you, though, as long as it means that you don’t have to go out today.
Turning back to the stove, you place the brick in the pot, submerging it fully with a fork before you turn on a timer. With everything set, you return to the glass, watching the world go by below you.
However your peaceful reverie doesn’t last long, a crash coming that makes you jump and grimace. 
“Sorry!” sounds through the air, and when you finally open your eyes, the voice’s owner is squatting on the ground, picking up his own pot and a small bag.
As he rises to his full height, he finally finds the courage and meets your eyes, his cheeks growing a pink similar to that of some of the bustling students down on the street.
“Oh, sorry!” he exclaims again. “Were you making something? I can come back later.”
“It’s okay,” you smile, stepping to the side to give him room at the counter. “You can use that burner; I’ll be done soon anyway.”
With a quiet nod, he goes to the sink before placing his cookware on the stove. “I didn’t mean to startle you, sorry.”
“It’s alright,” you chuckle. “Accidents happen…”
“San,” he finishes. “I’m San.” 
“Y/n. I actually live in the room right next to here.”
“Oh?” he asks before his eyes land on your own cooking experiment. “Ramen?”
“Yeah. It’s too cold to go out,” you laugh. “Didn’t feel like putting on ten jackets just to get burnt pizza or something. I see you also are partaking in the art of instant noodles.”
He grins. “My friend wanted some and I didn’t feel like studying anymore. Perfect excuse.”
“Oh who’s your friend? Maybe I know them.”
“Yeosang. He lives in—”
“I know him!” you exclaim. “He’s the best study partner ever, I swear. I dunno how he does it; I think I’d die if I had to use that many equations.” You shake your head with a fond smile.
Before San can reply, however, a beeping rings through the room, causing you to pull away and tend to your noodles. Now in silence, he glances over to you, your lips pursed as you use a fork to strain the water out. 
Has he ever seen someone as cute as you? He’s sure that other people have the same unconscious habit, but there’s something so endearing about the way you pout in concentration to avoid burns or spillage. He could probably stay here forever just to keep talking to—
Your movement pulls him from his reverie, his eyes immediately falling to the tile as you grab the cover to your pot and prepare to head out. 
But instead of leaving right away, with the steaming pot in your hand, you turn to him. “I’ll see you around?”
His gaze shoots up from the floor. “Oh yeah! I’ll see you around.” 
The little wave with your free hand does him in before you disappear around the corner. He hardly knows you and yet he bets that when he goes to deliver Yeosang his dinner he’d even get on his knees and thank him for making him make ramen tonight. Maybe Yeosang would even offer to set up a—
Sighing, San rests his cheek on his knuckles with a small smile as he thinks of you. 
Oh, he’s down bad.
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Tonight’s studying requires a midnight snack, you decide. So you gather all your cookware and make the short trip to the kitchen right next to your room. It should be a quick mission, in and out and straight back to biology. 
And it starts out that way.
You quickly fill the pot and turn on the stove, your foot tapping on the floor as you wait for the water to come to a boil. 
“I told you I’d see you around!” 
Your leg stills and you whip your head around, met with none other than the sight of Choi San. 
“Hey, San.” You move to the side, giving him room, almost reminiscent of last week. 
“Hi,” he grins, sliding into the space next to you.
“Back for more noodles?”
“Of course; I need my CS nerd fuel,” he quips. 
“Oh my god, thank you again for your help the other day.”
So maybe Yeosang is a good wingman, San thinks, the smile on his face growing softly. After finding out that his friend was in fact crushing on you (San wasn’t exactly subtle in his attempts to ask about you, to which Wooyoung shouted to the whole library), Yeosang reluctantly invited him to your weekly study sessions, and he’d in fact been able to help you with your homework (after Wooyoung called him a nerd and elbowed his ribs to get him to sit closer to you).
But if he thinks about it too long, his cheeks will get even redder, so he simply scratches his neck. “It’s no problem, really. Just lemme know if you need help or something.”
“Thanks, San.”
With both of your pots boiling, you begin to fill them with the noodle brick, but your eyes fall upon San’s overflowing with extra goodies.
“What’re those?” you ask, pointing to the floating rectangles at the top of the water.
“Fish tofu,” he grins. “You want some?”
“Oh, it’s okay,” you murmur, suddenly quiet. “I wouldn’t wanna take your dinner or something.”
“Don’t worry about it.” With those little dimples of his, he slides a couple pieces into your noodles, not another word filling the air between you.
You certainly don’t need to study to know the fact, through and through, that San is incredibly bad for your poor heart. 
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And so, one coincidence turned into two, then four, and six. Choi San was just always in the kitchen making ramen. 
Even today, not long after you start boiling water, he comes in. It’s so expected now, and just being with him has become so natural. Shuffling through the doorway, he fills his pot without another sound before placing it on the stovetop next to yours.
“What’re you up to?” he asks, shoving his hands in his pockets and waiting next to you, your eyes all trained on the bubbles underneath the cover.
“Just tryna finish a lab report,” you reply. “You?”
“Needed a break from homework. I think I would’ve lost my mind if I had to think about recursion for another second without something to eat.”
With a small chuckle, the two of you fall into silence once more. Together, alone, you let yourself glance at his face. There’s something so puzzling about him, you realize. It’s as if he only lives in the kitchen. Sure, you’ve met him with your mutual friends on campus, but for someone who lives in the same building, he’s practically a ghost over here. 
“Can I ask you something?” you pipe up, breaking the peaceful lull. 
“How come I never see you? I only see you in the kitchen,” you laugh. “I thought I'd at least see you around going to class or doing laundry, just something.” 
He lowers his gaze, suddenly finding his noodles very interesting and stirring them with his chopsticks. “I, uh, I actually don't live on this side of the building,” he murmurs, unusually quiet. His words are barely an exhale, a faint breath that nearly doesn’t reach your ears. 
As the steam rises from the boiling pot, he smiles a little, a nervous blush beginning to color his cheeks. “I live on the other side. When we met I was only here because Yeosang asked me to make him some ramen.” 
You recall that windy day two months ago. Midterms season was dawning, so you can imagine the stress Yeosang must’ve been under to resort to asking San to make him something to eat. You hardly even saw the man unless he was scurrying to the dining hall, claiming he was going to die from studying so much physics.  
“I didnt wanna study so I came over and well…” 
“You kept coming over,” you finish. 
“Yeah,” he admits with a quiet laugh. “I just…like spending time with you.”
“Y’know,” you exhale, “you don’t need to make up reasons or walk across the building to see me.” 
His eyes widen. “Really!?” 
“Yeah.” A small grin laces your lips as you nod. “I like spending time with you too.” 
Comfortable silence falls upon you both as the minutes count down, the ticking of time for the small moments you share. You like spending time with him too. Maybe, even if you don’t feel the same way he does, you could at least be friends. You could be friends all on your own, without any meddling middle men. San thinks he’d like that, that he’d rather have you as a friend than be nothing at all. In whatever way you’ll accept his affection, that will be enough.
“Although, I do have a question.” 
His head pops up, wide eyes blinking back at you before they soften. “Shoot.” 
“How do you always know when I'm here when you live on the other side of the building?” 
Color rises to his cheeks once more, a deeper red definitely not from the heat of the steam. “My friends…my friends like to tease me. Y’know Jongho?” 
You nod. “He lives around the corner from me.” 
“He always texts me when he thinks he hears you going to the kitchen,” he admits before his eyes widen. “That's kinda creepy, wait. I'm so sorry! I swear I'll tell him to stop. I can stop com—“ 
You laugh before shaking your head, causing him to stare a little bewildered at you. “Please don’t stop. I like spending time with you, San. I like spending time with you… a little too much.”
He stands, eyes blown as he finally turns to you and blinks. “Huh.” 
“Gimme your phone.” 
Taking his device out of his pocket, he hands it to you silently, still gawking at you and your words. When your fingers brush he jumps back, his brain jumpstarting and observing you. There’s a silly smile lacing your lips as, wait, are you… you are! You’re putting your number into his contacts!? 
“Next time I'll just text you when I'm making ramen. Maybe I’ll even head over to your kitchen.”
Then you turn back to the stove, tending to your noodles as if you didn’t just so brazenly flirt with your crush while his jaw falls open. 
San thinks he could die right now. He could die right here, right now, and be perfectly content. Not only would he not have to take his computer science exam next week, but he also has the number of the cutest, funniest person in the university!? This has to be a dream.
You look up from your pot at the large “Ouch!” that rings through the room, turning to meet a San with furrowed brows stroking his forearm.
“Are you okay?” you gasp. “Did you burn yourself?”
“Yeah, sorry. I just had to pinch myself.”
“I needed to make sure this isn’t a dream, y/n!”
Stifling a chuckle, you return to your noodles once more, the timer now up. “Well, you better call me and take me out on a date, Choi San. I’m counting on it.”
“Oh, you bet!”
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It’s fitting that your first real, official date with Choi San is none other than a ramen outing. 
Stifling a giggle as he opens the door for you—ever a gentleman—you try your best to bite down on the large smile that threatens to overtake your features, but San knows better. 
“What!?” he whines, tugging on your jacket as the host leads you to your table and sliding it on the back of your chair. 
“Nothing,” you tease, still playing with his fingers and refusing to let go. “I just think it’s a little funny you wanted to come here for our first date after all the ramen we’ve already had.”
“Well I dunno if the instant ones count. I think we should have actual ramen instead of just making the ones from the value pack I got for a dollar,” he laughs. 
“Hm, maybe.”
And when the food arrives, you find yourself wanting to take everything back. 
“Oh, this looks delicious,” you gasp, your mouth forming a small circle as the steam rises towards you, drifting scents of savory broth and fresh noodles into your nose.
“I told you so!” he teases, his chopsticks already in hand as he admittedly drools over the bowl.
But somehow, San’s grin grows, his cheeky hand making its way over your tray and stealing a piece of tender beef sitting right on the top of the nest of food.
 The smile is still lacing his lips as he chews on the stolen bite, his eyes sparkling a little more at your small pout. “I just need to make sure it’s not too hot,” he quips. 
With a roll of your eyes and your own little quirk of your lips, you dig in, and you just know San was right. You really do need to have the real stuff, not the straight up sodium packs, no matter how many times they come in handy in a pinch.
But before you can even finish savoring the flavor and swallowing, your date has another trick up his sleeve, leaving a swarm of butterflies in your stomach. 
Picking up the best piece in between his chopsticks, he carefully places the perfectly cooked bit in the center of your bowl, those adorable dimples peeking through his pink blush, one that rises not just from the steam. How are you going to finish this meal when he just knows how to make you swoon? 
And, as if that wasn’t bad enough for your fragile heart, he repeats the action no less than three times, even taking it upon himself to blow on the bite then hold it to your lips until you finally eat it. 
Oh, this man is going to be the death of you. 
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“He’s in the kitchen?” you ask, holding the phone between your ear and your shoulder as you prepare your pot and fish out a packet from your drawers.
“Yeah,” Seonghwa hums. “You coming?” 
“I’ll be over in a bit.”
“A bit” means less than five minutes as you sprint through the halls to make it over to the other side of the building before he leaves, not bothering to lock your door despite knowing you’ll probably end up hanging out in his room for the rest of the afternoon.
And, true to Seonghwa’s word, San is in the kitchen. With his back hunched over the stove, his hand steadying the pot, his small pout lacing his lips as a stray noodle hits the sink, he doesn’t even flinch at the pounding of footsteps running through the dorm. 
He’s so cute like that, so immersed in something seemingly so simple. But that’s San for you, doing everything with care and attention.
Maybe you’re just in a teasing mood, or maybe San and his friends have rubbed off on you, but an idea pops into your head as you take another moment to admire him. 
With a smile, you adjust your pitch an octave or two. “You’re super handsome.”
“Sorry, I’m not interested. I’m already taken,” San replies monotonously, not even looking up from his task at the intrusion. 
At your burst of laughter, he finally looks up, his eyes widening at your form collapsing to the ground and clutching your stomach as fits of giggles erupt over and over. 
“It’s just me, doofus!” 
Joining you on the floor, he kneels over you, tickling your sides with a fond grin before you both pull apart and sit back on your knees.
“You’re so silly,” he teases, tilting his head to the side.
“It’s true though! I was telling the truth!”
But with him looking at you…like that…that warm gaze and bright smile…the last of your laughter subsides, allowing your head to jump back to his words. 
He’s already taken? Well, you hadn’t exactly crossed over to that and had that discussion after your few dates, but…you’d like that, love that. 
A hint of laughter comes to both of you before pittering out once more. 
“You go,” you murmur. 
“I know I said…” His voice is unusually soft, even more so as he takes a small breath and leaves the rest in the open. “But…if you aren’t comfortable with that…relationship…with me…right now, that’s okay. I can wait. If you want, I’ll wait for you. But as far as I’m concerned, there’s nobody else. So, whatever you want, I’ll make it work.”
His words are barely a whisper now. Glancing between you and his twiddling fingers, he’s never looked so nervous. You’d like nothing more to take his hand in yours and bring that dimpled smile back, easing his racing heart. And there isn’t a doubt in your heart anyway, so why wait? 
Scooting forward, you rest a hand on his shoulder, a small grin on your lips. “Maybe you haven’t figured it out yet but…I’m kind of impatient, y’know.”
And even when the timer goes off, you can’t wipe the smiles off your faces, the two of you playfully nudging the other before going back to San’s room to share his freshly made pot of ramen. It was about time for you to return the favor and start coming to this side of the building a lot more often.
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love-toxin · 2 years
ellie we literally can't talk abt pokemon without talking about miss rika,, i love her
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Like. Effortlessly cool. Canon nickname-giver. I was going buckwild during her battle and I'm not even sorry about it. I could NOT stop thinking very unwholesome thoughts during her interview segment either......like......you can't put a woman in a suit at a desk across from me and not expect me to lose my damn MIND!!! I wanna piss her off just so she makes me pay for it, and dearly. I'M GONNA GO OFF UNDER THIS CUT AND I CANNOT BE STOPPED!!!
Bear with me on this train of thought here: imagine being a repeat challenger of the Championship Challenge. Your pokemon aren't bad (you don't think, anyways) and you've trained for hours and days on end to try and beat the Elite League, to the point of even begging the gym leaders for rematches to try and improve your skill or pick up some tip you didn't notice before. But without fail, every single time you try, you never end up getting past Rika--the first of the Elite Four, the easiest one to beat, is somehow so hard of a challenge that you stay awake at night wracking your brain for some strategy to beat her. Even worse is that you're older than half the kids that challenge the whole circuit, and you hate the feeling of all these ten year olds beating out your grown adult ass as they fly by each challenge while you're left crawling.
You can't just build a whole new team to counter her alone, or else you'll just get crushed by the others. You can't build a new team period unless you wanna put off claiming that Champion title until you're geriatric, so you're kinda screwed from both angles. And the worst part? The main reason why you keep failing is because every time you get a new strategy--have your pokemon learn new moves, train them up, swap out one pokemon for another--she somehow one ups you the next time you go to challenge her again. Like she has some kind of insane bug planted in your cellphone or something where she can hear everything you say, because how in the world does she keep coming up with new counters every time you try? Sometimes she even has new pokemon altogether, which from the accounts of other people who have tried it, is almost unheard of for the Elite Four to switch up their teams so often. Or at all!
The answer comes when you finally hit a wall. You're sure you've come up with the best counter to her moves, that your pokemon are all well-equipped to withstand whatever she decides to throw at you this time--and despite all that, you lose again. Badly, this time.
So for the first time, you ask her outright. How do you keep beating me? And although she puts on that lazy tone as she chuckles back "You just aren't paying enough attention, sweetheart" when she's met with a cold stare, her lips finally seem to loosen as she flashes you a smirk.
She admits that she likes watching you squirm. She saw that look on your face the first time--the only time she's legitimately beat you--and she couldn't believe how satisfying it was. Maybe she just doesn't best nearly as many trainers as her tougher counterparts, but something about the slump of your particular shoulders and the pout on your perfect lips is the reason why she refuses to budge and let you slip by. Really, it's not as sinister of a reason that you expected--she just made very careful decisions about each change she made, and followed your trail of logic to make sure she stayed one step ahead of you, and you in particular. In fact, there's probably been more people than ever that have gotten past her since she first battled you, since she's paid all her attention to blocking you alone. And as shocking as it is to hear her freely admit that, you still have some residual frustration from being bested again that you can only work up the smallest, crudest words as an answer.
"You're mean." You huff, pouting once more and shoving your arms across your chest. You'd stomp your foot if you didn't know she'd tease you for it, cause you'd look like even more of a petulant child than you already do, but you really are that mad. Isn't that against League rules, or something?!
"Poor baby...I'd feel worse if you didn't look so cute, honestly. My bad, bunny." Nooooo, no, you can not fold under that cheesy smile and the softness twinging that nickname. She will not, you repeat, not use those charming good looks and that undeniable tension you've felt between you two to seduce you....even though you've kinda dreamed of that. You didn't exactly spend all those restless nights just thinking about her battling style, after all...."You want Rika to make you feel better, honey bunny?"
You're not even sure how she got so close, how her hand is on your arm now, stroking her leather-clad fingers up and down your skin while she maneuvers herself to slide in behind you. She's still gentle, careful, touch light enough that you could brush it off if you wanted--but you instead find yourself slowly leaning into it, nuzzling into her lips as she presses kisses to your temple and coos at your sweetness, how you feel so soft and warm against her. Angelic, more like, you're as precious as an angel aren't you? You hate that you squirm at that compliment, looking up towards the ceiling to try and wipe that giddy, small smile that's creeping across your lips away. It doesn't hold though, you can't keep the charade up forever--eventually you're wiggling a little more into her, teasing at the possibility of her getting a little more unprofessional than she already has been in secret. And finally, you get what you want out of it. You get her low, smooth voice in your ear, a slight rasp to her last few words as she grips your hips hard enough to hear the leather stretch.
"I'll take my gloves off for this 'match', kay? And let's find somewhere a little more private....I think you'll enjoy it more if you can go all out, honey."
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izuku midoriya x gn!reader
word count// 1k
notes// idk man i just b writing… anyways confident izuku 😵‍💫😵‍💫 maybe borderline ooc izuku? regardless i hope it’s not too bad …
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In all honesty, the love letters made Izuku nervous, and he's not sure if it's a good nervousness or not. Izuku was always the observant one, writing things about people—their quirks but still writing about them—so for the tables to turn and to have someone observe him and write about him left him fuzzy, not to mention the fact that whoever it was was writing about how much they liked him, admired him, and might’ve even loved him. Part of him believes that it’s probably just a crazed fan; that wouldn’t be too far-fetched considering he’s the number one hero, but something deep within him is telling him it has to be someone he knows, and it's probably because there’s no way for a fan to get into his office and leave these little letters when hes not there. 
It's been a few months at this point, and Izuku is frustrated. He’s the number one hero; solving mysteries is literally his job, and yet he still can't figure out the simple little mystery of who’s leaving these love letters for him. He decides he’s just going to give up on it, at least for tonight, which is why he finds himself waiting for you, his hero partner and best friend, in your office so that the two of you could go out for drinks. Izuku’s gaze falls on your desk; he picks up things at random to entertain himself as he waits for you to get off patrol. Among the clutter on your desk, his gaze is drawn to a pad of sticky notes—notes that look suspiciously like the ones on which his love letters are written.
He knows he shouldn’t snoop, but it’s in his blood to be curious. He finds himself holding his breath as he picks up the sticky notes and flips through them. The first few notes are blank, but then he hits the jackpot: notes upon notes confessing your love for him, and Izuku feels his heart swell. He bites back a smile; he can't say he's never thought about you in that way; in fact, he's thought about you quite frequently. though his moment of happiness is quickly ruined when he hears your foot steps approaching. He quickly shoves the notepad into his back pocket and tries to contain himself, even when it feels like every nerve in his body is on fire.
You walk in, surprised to see him there. “hey! I thought I was gonna meet you in your office?”
Izuku shrugs, a warm smile plastered onto his face. “Ah, I just got here actually; I was bored of waiting so I came to see if maybe you were here already.”
You return the smile. “well im here now. you ready to go?”
Izuku so badly wants to just wrap you up in his arms and kiss all over your face, but he doesn't. Instead, he nods, and then the two of you were on your way. 
Come the next day, you were already in a slight mood from being hungover. You don't mean to get so drunk whenever you and Izuku go out, but you do every time because every time you think that maybe tonight will be the night you get yourself drunk enough to confess, but just like every other night, it doesn’t work. So you rely on your little letters to get your feelings through to him, even if anonymously. So just like every other time you're hung over, you go to reach for your notepad, but it's not there. You feel your heart drop into your stomach, but you try to calm yourself down. Your desk is messy, and it's probably just hiding under some papers somewhere. So here you are at ten in the morning, practically tearing apart your desk just to find a stupid notepad with your stupid feelings written on it.
Izuku walks into your office to find you in a state of panic, and he goes wide-eyed at first, scared that something bad might have happened, but then it hits him. You’re looking for the notepad, and something inside him awakens. You’ve kept this from him for so long that it’s only fair that he gets to tease you, right?
Izuku clears his throat and feigns concern. “Hey, are you okay? what happened?”
Your head snaps up to look at him, your chest rising and falling quickly. “h-hey. im fine! just lost something…”
Izuku walks towards your desk as if he plans on helping you look for whatever you lost. “Oh, what’d you lose? maybe I could help you find it!”
“No!” you shriek, and Izuku has to use everything inside him not to laugh. 
Izuku pouts, “Why not?”
You nervously pat yourself down before clearing your throat and sitting back down in your seat. “It’s not important,” you reply meekly.
Izuku genuinely frowns this time as he speaks softly, “Your feelings for me aren't important?”
You look at him wide-eyed; surely, you must've heard him wrong, right? You laugh nervously. “w-what?”
You watch how Izuku reaches into his back pocket and pulls out the very thing you were panicking over, your stupid sticky notes with your stupid feelings, and you wish for nothing more than the ground to swallow you whole. 
Izuku places it on your desk in front of you. “That’s what you were looking for, right?” he asks with a small smile and a tilt of his head. 
"When did you—when did you find—?" You’re stumbling over your words, and it feels like you’re gonna throw up. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks as he makes his way behind your desk. 
You swallow hard as you look up at him now standing in front of you."I didn't think-- I mean, you probably have a long line of people swooning over you, so I--"
Izuku leans in, his face dangerously close to yours, and caresses your cheek with his hand. “What makes you think I'd seriously want anyone but you?”
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scoops ahoy!
summary: a commercial is being shot for the new starcourt mall and scoops ahoy is involved.
WC: 2K
warnings: nothing!
A/N: ALL PARTS UNDER THE TAG -The Byers Harrington Story-
im a little annoyed that the specific gif im looking for is gone!!!!
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April 17, 1985
“Okay, so (Y/n), you’ll stand behind the register and say ‘Ahoy!’ Then Robin will walk in with an ice cream cone, hold it out, and also say ‘Ahoy!’ Got it?”
You vaguely nodded at the director after she gave the instructions.
She walked away to stand behind the camera and watch everything through a monitor. There were about ten people scattered in the small ice cream shop, with someone holding a boom mic standing close enough so he could pick up your voices.
You glanced over to Robin, her strawberry ice cream cone with sprinkles and a cherry was held with a napkin in her hands. You both exchanged nervous smiles, not excited to be in front of a camera, especially if it was an ad for Starcourt. It means everyone is gonna know that both of you work at the sailor-themed shop, along with the mandatory uniforms.
You tried to get Eddie a job, but the second you mentioned the outfits he automatically declined and when he actually saw you in yours, he fell to his knees and laughed for three minutes straight.
You and Robin were desperate for money and it helped when you had work experience in food service, you helped Robin out and lied saying she also worked at the pizza place with you, Eddie your ‘manager’ was put down if they wanted to call.
The both of you got the job at the same time in March, so after about a month of work, you were feeling pretty confident in your ice cream skills. That is until your manager, Jason, some twenty-something-year-old guy, told you and Robin a day beforehand that they were filming a commercial and that he signed the both of you up for Scoops.
You talked about it over the phone with Steve when you got home from work after dropping Robin off at her house. Uniform still on, back against the wall, wire twisted in your grasp with the phone held to your ear.
“Baby, I can stop by during your shift. Would that cheer you up?”
A pout formed on your lips, “a little.”
Now as you stand behind the counter waiting for the director to call action, you hope Steve arrives when the crew leaves the store.
“Okay, everyone!” The director shouted, “places!” and when her crew moved and settled, you tried to will your heart to slow down, but it wasn’t working.
A fake smile was pointed into the lens of the camera, fists braced at your hips, not knowing what else to do with them. You waited for a signal to speak and when a finger was pointed towards you, you looked directly down the barrel with dead eyes and fake enthusiasm, “Ahoy!” 
Robin came in a second later with the ice cream lightly melting under the bright lights, she thrusted it out, and with her jittery self, “Ahoy!” She got out without a single voice crack.
No one called cut or stop so the both of you just kept up the fake smiles until they hurt your cheeks. And what felt like an hour was probably only a minute before the director called cut. Both of you drop the happy face to resting poses, and one would say you have a resting bitch face.
“Okay, that was great girls! We’re just gonna do a few more takes so we have enough versions.” And they set everything up for a second take.
“Can I eat the ice cream?” Robin asked, a drop of strawberry making its way down the cone.
The director stared for a moment, chin resting in her hands, “sure, actually for this take, (Y/n) will come in with the ice cream. Both of you switch places.”
So the second take was with Robin at the counter and you were walking in with a cone, a different flavor, and toppings. Variety as the director said.
“Cut! Okay, let’s take a break and be back in thirty. One more shot and that’s it for the day.”
The shop was closed during the filming so you and Robin just flipped into an empty booth, her leaning her head on the top of the cushions as you just ate your cone. You wanted the day to be over already.
“Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me pick a flavor?” A deep voice spoke, one your zoned-out brain didn’t catch.
“We’re closed at the moment.” Not even looking at the person.
“Oh, well I was told my girlfriend wanted me here. To cheer her up.”
Wild eyes and ice cream smeared over your lips and chin, you jerked your head to look at Steve, pretty Steve, your pretty Steve.
“Oh, god, if this day couldn’t get any worse,” you heard Robin mumble. You knew she was just playing.
You saw the roll of Steve’s eyes before he entered your side of the booth, arms immediately looping around your waist. He peered at you like you were his life source, the sunlight to his growing flower, the oxygen flowing through his veins. He was the sun to your moon.
“Hi pretty girl, how’s work been,” he questioned as he wiped his fingers over the ice cream stains, fingers popping in his mouth to clean them off.
A bite to your bottom kept the cheeky smile from appearing, knowing Robin would whine if she heard even a hint of flirting.
“Eh, but better know that you’re here.” You leaned closer to him.
He grinned at the statement, always happy to hear he makes your day better. You wanted to pounce on him right there but stopped yourself, for Robin’s sanity. So you settled on a simple peck to his lips, then one on his cheek, two over his freckles then a final one to his nose.
“What time you get off?” Steve chased you for a second kiss.
You granted his wish, “Uh-” you grabbed Steve’s wrist and turned his watch your way, “should be another half-hour. Think they want one more take before we’re done with filming. Then the store reopens, sadly.”
“And sticky little children are gonna come storming in, their piercing screams making me want to stab my ears.” Robin’s raspy voice piped up beside you, your giggles showing your agreement. 
The three of you got sucked into your conversations, you and Robin gossiping about something that happened in your English class earlier that day, Steve chiming in every now and then wanting to be nosey as well. Your ice cream was being shared between you both, Robin groaning and gagging at the display.
Before you know it, the film crew came back from their break. They were setting everything right for the final shot, hopefully, the final image. You and Robin slid out of the vinyl booth, throwing those annoying sailor hats back atop your crowns. Steve stood behind you, arm thrown over your shoulder, and watched as the different men and women moved around the cramped space. The director came over, presumably to give you and Robin your new directions, but she stopped short.
“Uh, who’s this?” She pointed a rolled paper towards Steve.
You pointed a thumb at him, “he’s- he’s my boyfriend, Steve,” your head turned to smile at him.
“Would you like to be in the commercial?” She blurted out.
“Uh- well…” he turned his head at you, wanting some type of confirmation from you, all you did was shrug your shoulders and throw a smile, “uh, sure. Yeah, that’s cool.”
She walked away with a smile and wandered towards your manager. They both headed to the breakroom for a few minutes then reentered the front of the store, a scoops uniform in hand.
“Oh, Stevie,” you were trying to hold the laugh in your throat.
“What- Oh god, no.” 
“Oh, oh this might be the best birthday gift ever!” Robin chuckled beside Steve, a look of horror painted on his face.
“Robin, your birthday was last month.”
She just scuffed, “So what? It was a bad birthday, anyway.”
“I took you bowling and we went out for dinner! I even bought you a new tape!” You reminded her.
The two of you bickered back and forth for a few, too distracted to notice that Steve was pulled away. And when you finally picked up on his absence the director told you he was in the bathroom getting changed into the uniform. So you hurried behind the ice cream bar and pushed the swinging back doors open, heading to stand behind the closed door.
“Steve…” your knuckles rap against the navy blue door, “Stevie, everything okay?”
There was only silence on his end and it was worrying you a bit, “Steve, can you at least unlock the door? I’m- I’m sure it’s not as bad as you’re making it.”
Once again silence, then the click of the lock turning. The door was free and with a quick turn of the knob, you slowly opened the door and peeked your head inside. It was a small bathroom so you didn’t have to search for Steve, he was standing right in your eyesight, staring himself down in the gross mirror.
The navy blue uniform seemed to fit Steve, apparently, your manager had different uniforms on hand. His outfit was a bit different from yours and Robin’s, the shorts being the same with the two white stripes lining the bottoms of the shorts' legs. But the top was different, whereas yours is a navy blue and white striped shirt accompanied by a white collar and red ascot topped with the navy vest with an ice cream cone on your right side and your name tag on the left, Steve’s was just navy blue. Okay, well they still held similar designs, he had the two white stripes on the shirt cuffs along with the cone ironed to his right bicep. There looked to be a red and white striped area to cover the rest of his chest, which you were thankful for since you didn’t want any girls peering at his chest hair. And the only other difference was the white apron around his waist.
He held the horrid sailor hat in a tight grip, probably wishing to burn it to ashes. “Steve, you look so-”
“Stupid,” he cut you off not allowing for your sentence to finish before he harshly judged himself.
You scoffed at the mean comment, “no, I was gonna say you look handsome.” Standing beside him as you wrapped your arms tight along his bicep, head resting below his shoulder.
He looked away from the mirror and cocked his head at you, “handsome?”
You turned your head up, chin digging into the muscle, “Charming? Pretty?”
“I know you’re my girlfriend-” “I’ll never get used to that sentence…but continue, sorry.”
That prompted a smile from him, causing one from you out of reflex, his free hand sliding to the side of your face, thumb resting into your plush cheek, “I know you’re my girlfriend, but you gotta be honest with me here. This outfit depleted all my Harrington charm.”
“Okay, well a few things there are wrong. One, you don’t even work at scoops so this is only for a thirty-second shot, two I didn’t know you were planning on picking up girls in this get-up,” Steve rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue, “(Y/n), you know that’s not what I mean.”
“Okay, then let me finish,” you tapped his nose, “three, I think it’s actually helping you.”
He stared at you like you were crazy, “did you hit your head?” The hand resting on your cheek moved to the back of your head to find any bumps.
You moved your hands to rest against his waist, which, “I think you actually look pretty hot, also this shirt is short enough that your stomach flashes when you raise your arms too high. So, yeah, this ridiculous sailor outfit adds even more of your Harrington charm.”
“Have I told you how lucky I am?” “A few times, but a few more wouldn't hurt.”
Your smiling faces leaned into each other, Steve’s tilting down and you pushing on your toes to reach him halfway. And you get a simple press of your lips, nothing going too far because you’re in your gross work bathroom, and also, “Hey lovebirds! We’re ready!”
taglist: @heartyhope /  @preciousbabypeter / @dessxoxsworld / @piper3113 / @animiacorn / @burn1ngw00d / @drxwstxrkxy / @m-rae23 / @noisyeggsmoneystatesman / @yournan69 / @thats-s0-ravenn / @ameliabs-world / @mayonesavegana / @gracella0709 / @gengen64 / @alecmores /  @choclate32 / @stvrdustalexx​ / @redheadedfangirl​ / @agustdeeyaa​ / @yappydoo​ / @liberhoe​ / @hehehehannahthings​ / @ladybug0095​ / @sweeter-innocence-fics​ / @j-6o​ / @voteforevilthoughts​ / @harrysflowercrownrry / @ilovereadingfanfics / @sorrow-has-a-place-here​ / @80strashbag​ / @ririvilliams​ / @sweet1peach / @cierrajhill​ / @we-out-here-simping​ /
*strike through means tumblr can’t find your account. sorry*
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fruitybashir · 5 months
Did Bojan talk to Martin about the whole... everything? Like I am assuming that he did because it seems like they have quite regular contact when Martin isn't busy (I interpreted it as him having only pretty recently been so busy that he doesn't pick up but maybe he hasn't really talked to Bojan on the phone since he moved so since the beginning of the fic?) so does Martin know anything? Does he know about Bojan's situation with his parents? What does he know about Kris? Did Bojan have anyone to talk about any of this like Kris had Jan?
Basically my question is just what about Martin?
OOF. coming in with the hard questions haha actually not too hard, just long so. under the cut
im gonna do my best to answer all the questions but im going in chronological order like how things happen in the holidate universe:
so from the start, martin has pretty much just left, started the fall semester in the uk or smthn idk i never went to university
and since then hes also been pretty busy. he does try his best to keep in contact with bojan, but it just often doesnt work out bc hes very ambitious with his studies and also meets new people hes being social with, so unfortunately keeping in contact with bojan and the rest falls behind a little bit at first, and then some more
of course thats not the end of their friendship or anything, but for bojan, whos been living with martin up until then and had him around at all times, thats already a pretty hard blow and that loss does contribute to his overall state of mind and struggles in this fic
martin was actually supposed to make an appearance around ch14/15 but i couldnt make the scene fit in like i wanted to so. that didnt happen :/
its not like they never talk though, just not as often as they would like. bojan does tell martin about kris, or at least he tells martin about sleeping with kris and spending lots of time with him and sleeping over, though he frames it as just them having fun etc, similar to how kris pretended in front of jan
theres also a lot of. martin having to give bojan a raincheck or cutting calls short and bojan just saying "oh yeah haha its fine, dont worry about it!" when it actually really stings and makes him feel more alone.
when bojan came out to his parents martin definitely dropped everything he had going on to be on a ten hour video call with bojan to make sure he was okay and also involved jan and jure in it, had them look after bojan etc, basically did everything he could while being half a continent away
bojan does ofc also talk to the others about things, after martin they are his best friends after all, but he never really talked to anyone about his feelings for kris bc he convinced himself that it wasnt a big deal and if he had talked to anyone about it, saying it out loud would have made it too real. as long as its just a fantasy in his head, hes safe from consequences. does that make sense? fears like that often dont, thats the thing.
and anxiety is rarely rational either. so in the week it all went down (him leaving, being distant, going home with the girl) he was just in a constant downward spiral. he knew martin would be able to help so in his mind martin was the only one that could help + he knew from the start that he was hurting kris. jan, nace and jure were also kris' friends so he was probably also scared to bring it up with them bc he was afraid they would "take kris' side" or smthn, idk, again: fear and anxiety clouds your rational thinking like you wouldnt believe
he also has his whole thing of not wanting to be a burden to anyone so when he tries calling martin over and over again and martin maybe texted back "sorry, i was busy, whats up?" bojan didnt want to make martin feel guilty for not picking up and probably just said "dont worry, nothing important" or smthn. and then when jan blew up on him and he broke down at practice and told the others what was going on etc etc etc it was most certainly jan who texted martin and told him like "its really fucking bad, can you please call him? even just a few minutes, but he needs you"
uhhhhhh i forgot where i was going with all of this. i hope its still at least somewhat coherent hskfnd if i forgot smthn just lmk
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dballzposting · 8 months
okay my brain isn't fully turned on and I have more to say on this subject that won't come out of my brain rn but ive been thinking about this for days and i need to share
I think trunks is like. he watches culturally important films, or like cult classics, a lot bc he feels it is a good way to expand his worldview or like just become more cultured. but by and large he does not like them.
oh for sure there's some he enjoyed. And there's a few where he's like 'Well, I didn't enjoy it, but i definitely think it was a good film. Just not my thing.'
meanwhile goten does not seek them out at all. he could not care less. BUT if Trunks is watching one when Goten wants to hang out, he'll sit his ass down and watch! He's not passing up a free fancy people movie!
And almost every time he REALLY likes it. And after every single one he goes on for like 30 minutes about Themes and Symbolism before interrupting himself to see if trunks wants to go get milkshakes.
and then after they get shakes trunks has to spend the night thinking about it. Why does goten seem to Get things so easily? Why does understanding worldviews he doesn't necessarily agree with come so naturally to Goten, when Trunks is actively trying?
Why won't Goten stop asking to see the movie where a disembodied head bites a girl in the butt (Hausu)??? Why does he think that's so funny????????????
PART 2: (Copy & pasted just to keep it all in one place)
okay i think i figured out the rest of what i wanted to say re: goten and trunks cultural movie bonanza as an example it's not like goten knows what chiaroscuro is. but he DOES notice and enjoy how filmmakers use lighting to draw the eye to or away from stuff. He picks up on the little clues. and once he starts watching enough of a certain genre he likes noticing how so-and-so film stands against the others. it's like i spy to him. and he likes hearing what a film has to say, under its layers. trunks talks like that sometimes, when he's doing business stuff. it's all code. it's mental stimulation but Trunks is like UGH nobody has said anything for FIVE MINUTES can we PLEASE move the plot along. this is like a BUSINESS MEETING tbh. and it's not like he doesn't get the plot or, once he's taken a film class, the meaning of certain techniques. he just can't bring himself to care. AND THE MAN JUST WON'T LEARN HIS LESSON AND HE KEEPS WATCHING THESE DAMN FILMS. also Goten like. he doesn't know these movies. his parents don't fucking watch movies. i mean maybe chichi watches like. romance and martial arts movies probably. he probably likes to compare himself to crouching tiger hidden dragon. so he DOESN'T know what to expect!!! when trunks is like 'hey im gonna watch Citizen Kane or Vanishing Point or Deliverance' or whatever and goten says NEAT i would like to watch also and trunks is like 'I know. that's why i told you. come over around 4 okay' and so goten doesn't have any sort of knowledge of these movies! it's exciting!!! bc the movies he saw growing up were his moms movies about kissing and punching and then whatever trunks took him to see in theatres. so like action and comedy and some horror. so it's new! it's fun! even when he doesn't really like the movie he's like 'well im glad i got to experience this new thing with my best buddy Trunks' ALSO they watched Eraserhead once and goten sat there afterwards on the floor (he likes to sit on the floor) for like ten minutes chewing his lips before turning to trunks and saying something to the effect of 'Trunks. I'm worried about what kind of father you're going to be.' and trunks just sort of. sat there. and looked goten in the eyes for a while. bc he didn't have a response. okay i think i got it all out of my system thank you for your time (i have been making my way through my movie bucket list so this is very strongly on my mind)
TL;DR: Trunks watches classic and high-rated movies becasue he thinks that he's an intellectual / because he's interested in increasing his cultural/artistic literacy & expanding his worldview. But he doesn't really enjoy most of them. And it is Goten who actually is able to see through to the heart of the film, exercise deep empathy, and reap delight at the tactics of storytelling unique to the medium. He's like WOOOAH SO COOL & MEANINGFUL .. (offers a critical analysis perfectly, that is sensitive and insightful). And Trunks is like wtf .... (stays awake at night pondering his deficits.)
From what I'm gathering he A.) Has the capacity to UNDERSTAND what he's seeing B.) Has the capacity to ANALYZE/INTERPRET what he's seeing C.) Has the heart to EXPERIENCE the movie in full and D.) Has the faculty to ARTICULATE/VERBALIZE what he's experiencing.
Goten no doubt is lacking a lot of cultural and artistic context, but he makes up for it with his observant eye, and then over time what he gathers from one movie transfers to the next and he's able to feel even more moved and offer even more insight ....
It's because his heart is open .. Trunks is trying too hard without realizing it. And you can't have an open heart when there is inner pain that you're not aware of. That's what I think about Trunks .... his trying to be someone he's not (a movie-savvy type of guy) is entirely self-removed without intending to be... He thinks it's self-improvement but really he's being entirely daft to what intrigues his mind and what would really facilitate his growth. And he can't be open-minded toward others if he can't be open-minded with himself.
But the format of movies I guess really works for Goten, they're not usually longer than two hours and they're faster paced than say a novel and they're colorful and they have a lot of movement and the mode of drama-deliverance is altogether captivating for him .... They can communicate a lot with a few small visual or auditory details and Goten is hip to just picking up on those, because he's genuinely engaged and enjoying himself.
But Trunks has elected to adopt this hobby on an intellectual principle. But all the rest of him is like ehhhh whatyever. He probably likes sitting and chilling and eating popcorn. But there's a lot he's not into. It's just not his medium. Just doesn't work for him
I also think that part of it is that Goten notices a lot of things just because they are new to him. Trunks has been watching movies his whole life. Menahwile Goten has been only watching the movies of LIFE ... The lighting of the sun and the pacing of the seasons <3 Also Ponyo
So the whole thing is new and he's like "WOOOOAH .. SO COOL HOW the camera was so high in that shot so that it made me feel tall..... really shows you how small the character feels..." And Trunks just like Didnt notice that
Also trunks just DOESNT CARE !!!! But he doesnt know that he doesnt care. SILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like this part regarding Goten: "He picks up on the little clues. and once he starts watching enough of a certain genre he likes noticing how so-and-so film stands against the others. it's like i spy to him. and he likes hearing what a film has to say, under its layers. trunks talks like that sometimes, when he's doing business stuff. it's all code. it's mental stimulation"
Thats such a way to put it .... Goten is being such a genius rn. He would liken it to the mysterious business-speech. IT'S ALL CODE. IT'S MENTAL STIMULATION.
I don't know any of these movies but I do agree that Goten would sit for 10 minutes and then say that to Trunks ... It's like him to assume that Trunks would be a father one day becasue that's just natural to him that's just life.
When this all started I think that Trunks was like "You sure you wanna watch this with me? It's not like Kung-Fu Panda or anything."
And Goten said "Are you kidding? I LOVE your movies. They're like delicate poetry being told through the form of telenovelas."
Becasue the only life-action TV Goten had been exposed to before was his mother's telenovelas.
I don't really agree with this next part but it's obligatory.
Goten would pick up that Trunks isn't enjoying the movies as much as Goten is, before Trunks even gives proper acknowledgment to his boredom. Trunks just keeps watching them and Goten respects that and doesn't think about it much, but eventually it must be pointed out that hey, Trunks isn't getting as much out of these as Goten is.
Maybe he keeps inviting Goten over so that Goten can tell him what the movie is about. That would make sense. But really I think that Trunks just likes to chill out with him.
But the way that Goten woiuld crunch the numbers in his head (if he's ever removed enough from the movie to ponder) (maybe during a pee break or something) is "He doesnt like the movies. He keeps watching the movies. He keeps inviting me to watch the movies. He doesnt like the movies. But he always invites me. Why do people watch movies with somebody if they don't like the movies? As an excuse to be with them. He just wants to hang out with me."
But he would take it too far and he would fall on the couch next to Trunks and start kissing on him sweetly and when Trunks goes like WHAT Goten says "you dont even like the movies. You just want to hang out with me and eat popcorn."
And the most self-awareness that Trunks had exercised about this whole thing was when he was wondering why he sucked such shit at watching movies compared to Goten. He never really thought about WHY he was doing this to begin with. And so he's doing some hard calculations in his head meanwhile Goten nuzzles him like a pigeon
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teddytoroa · 11 months
Get to know 9 people ask game!!!!! hooray!!
Tagged by: @mispronouncing-michaelangelo (thank u omg)
Last song listened to: pretty sure it was Jenny by Studio Killers 😎
Currently watching: uh Hermitcraft S9 and Secret Life smp (everyone's pov) lmao,,i don't really watch tv shows very much
Currently reading: It Came From The Closet (2022) edited by Joe Vallese - it's a collection of essays by like 20 different authors im not listing them all here sorry. It's real good though I highly recommend it if you are queer and have an interest in horror films and media analysis.
Sweet/spicy/savory: yknow this one is hard bc im a strong believer in eating snack plates with a variety of tastes n textures ratatouille-style for enrichment but if I have to pick just one its probably savory?? why are we pitting three bad bitches against each other though theyre girlfriends and kissing
Current obsession: embroidery. Specifically finding old (like decades old, 1970s-90s mostly) unfinished/unopened cross stitch and embroidery kits for cheap in opshops and completing them. it might be helping some ghosts which is nice but otherwise its a good way to fund an otherwise expensive hobby (buying new kits is like, tens or hundreds of dollars more than buying secondhand for some reason)
Relationship status: basically married (coming up to 8 years)
Last thing I googled: nz film archives (boring sorry)
Currently working on: an aforementioned 1980s embroidery kit - its a cushion cover with autumn leaves and gold metallic thread and its very fiddly but the wrist pain is worth it because its gonna look swag as hell on my couch
Gonna tag @charmophron @ghibli @ayamccabre @glitterdustcyclops @insectsys @thatdragonlad @gabrielandworms @ierotits @piiwakawaka and anybody else who wants to do this <3 (no pressure to folks tagged also. do what u want im not ur dad)
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cerealmonster15 · 7 months
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
HMM. tbh i feel like i say a lot about my personal self here LOL for people that read my tag rambles what i can i say that u dont already know... i feel like the only stuff i omit is like, to keep my identity a SECRET lol ummm.
ok i literally couldnt think of anything JSDKLFJDSKLFJSDKLJ. ask me a question if u want maybe ill share LOL
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
H. HEY. HEY. i dont wanna LOL JKFLDJKFLDS truth be told i dont actually HATE hate many characters. it's usually only ones that are like. token creep characters or REALLY super nasty and i dont WANNA talk about those so im gonna CHEAT and just do what i suspect im baited into doing and talk about a character i. hmm. Used To Strongly Dislike. i was a hater but i dont know that i ever really FULLY hated him. but i def disliked him for a while at first lol
and in terms of twst there are at least four characters this could be describing but i have to do leona bc ive had the most character development with my feelings about him kljsdklfjdsklfjklsdj
he really is so smart and perceptive. it's super interesting when i go back and reread stories and how he's shown to either directly or maybe heavily implied to know/suspect something that's going on far before most of the other characters do. he doesnt always. say anything about it to people 🧍 JKFLSDJFKLDS but it IS cool how you can see he's like, paying attention. he's got experience!
it's kinda sweet when he actually does, sometimes, show his care for the younger students. like in rook's lab coat story when epel accidentally bumps into him, and the npc talking to rook is like OH GOD!!! but rooks like nono, it's okay, leona knows not to just pick a fight with a random student for no reason. <- me calling it sweet when leona doesnt bitch at someone i guess LOL but!!! jfkdsjflds it is. and then in book 6 at the start when everyones getting ROBOT KIDNAPPED, this goes hand in hand with my first point - leona recognized the charon soldiers, clocked that they were dangerous, fighting was futile and risky, and just surrendered himself and told ruggie to not start a fight and to just look after the dorm while he was gone, if he ever came back. i was sooooo grumpy at that scene for so long bc of how COOL he was and i did not like admitting leona was being cool ever LOL JFKLSJDFKLDSJLJ but he was 😔 ive come to terms with it. AND in the jpn server's halloween event playful land, [mild beginning of event spoilers to anyone reading this i guess lol] the fact that he showed up late at night to bring everyone back so they wouldnt get in themselves trouble.... like he SAID it's bc he just didnt wanna get blamed for it later, but like, iirc he aimed his lecture at the ENTIRE GROUP, not just jack who he's dorm responsible for. he showed up early morning/middle of the night to do it too, when hes the king of I Love Sleeping. he probably coulda sent ruggie to do it but it was his turn to be in the event so he came and did it himself;;; dskfjdlsjfk listen i think leona is pretty straightforward and a bitch but i do think he still has some sense of care for people even though he'd rather die than admit it KFJSDKLFJSELJ
this might be cheating but i listed like three separate examples in the prev point so whatever. he's funny when he fights with vil and malleus JKLFJDSKLFJDSLFJ and i like when characters bitch at each other for comedic purposes. that is a positive point in my book i like LAUGHING at my SCREEN
i love when im asked a simple question and use ten thousand words to answer lol
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
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sunsrefuge · 2 years
Hi, answer me 2, 5, 7, 14 and 15 for Khozzak. (from the gw2 ask meme, though I guess if you want to do song asks you can do those as well :D)
OH… UR FEEDING ME SO WELL TY TY TY <3 im gonna be honest. Im doing both <3
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Under a readmore since I'm doing both, this is gonna get kinda long! <3
2. What class would your character just absolutely blow at?
Ranger! Idk why exactly, i just like to think that Khozzak isn’t… he’s not bad with animals necessarily, he just really doesn’t know what you… do with them??? Fjklsdjf I mean, his Jackal is a construct; his Warclaw is a construct; his Griffon… well, Hornet just decided that she really liked him and now she follows him around. She’s allowed to do whatever her little heart desires. He doesn’t know how to deal with animals so she’s the most spoiled little Griffon in the world ♥
5. What would they look like as the side character in someone else's story?
Still a Lightbringer for the Order of Whispers! He specializes in foiling enemy mesmers, so he could be a recurring character for shenanigans VS evil mesmers! :D In AU’s he isn’t the Commander, he actually eventually leaves the Order of Whispers and makes his own Guild! It’s made under a serious premise but basically turns into “thieves and minor criminals accidentally find a family in each other.” ^^
7. Do they have any skills or abilities that their class wouldn't normally have/just go about their class differently in some kind of way?
He’s always had a knack for connecting to the Mists, due to a weird incident when he was a kid that he doesn’t remember himself! In that sense, he’s a Revenant before they’re properly introduced, but was originally trained as a Warrior. He thought of his Rev tricks as just “putting his own flair on it” lmao.
Specifically during and post-Icebrood: He gets a kind of freezing dodge! I mean, he gets iced, and he acts kind of like a spooky ghost ability-wise for Icebrood Saga. Basically, he can now dash through enemies and freeze/chill them on his way through! <3
14. Biggest misconception about them?
hm… Probably, since that Level 70 fear story - that he’s easily foiled by mesmers! While that was true back then, he doubled down and took to studying mesmers as well as he could to make sure that he never made such a mistake again. So, while the general public probably believes that mesmers are his main weakness, they’re not anymore! >:) Now he’s become their weakness! It’s my favorite bit because when I first played story with him, I… somehow picked every single story step where mesmers were out for your head. I have no idea how I managed that, but it gave him a vendetta Lmfao.
15. What is their favorite and least favorite part of being the commander (or whatever role they play in your canon)?
His favorite part would be that he gets to travel! He always meant to when he was younger, and just never had the time because he was taking care of himself and two sisters. His least favorite part… learning that enemy mesmers are the actual worst. :) thinks about that Level 70 fear story again, where you get tricked into murdering your own troops <3 "he had such a great time! it was so fun!" i said, you know. like a liar.
-- SONG ASKS -- These only go up to ten, so i did 2, 5, and 7!
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2. a song lyric to describe their love life?
Love, let my love inside go free.
Free by Mother Mother
I like this one, because it’s right off of his playlist and specifically highlights how he has trouble expressing emotions a lot! His childhood was a rough one, where it was better to hide your emotions rather than show them in any form. Spending most of his teenage years and adult life in the Order of Whispers, where he was taught how to hide them further, definitely didn’t help him learn how to express himself at all! It’s all in there, it’s just… having trouble getting out somehow. :’) It’s okay though, he figures out that people really like home-baked bread and stuff, so he starts doing that and giving it out to his friends and all aksddfgkj (He makes Qlikk’s favorite cookies at least once a month ♥)
5. a song lyric to describe their physical appearance?
Look around. Leaves are brown, And the sky, Is a hazy shade of winter.
Hazy Shade of Winter - Epic Trailer Version by Hidden Citizens & JAXSON GAMBLE
Okay, the specific version is because that’s what’s on his playlist! ^^; But yeah, he’s icey now! <3 Also this is just a really good song for Icebrood Saga stuff !! It’s very dramatic and the second verse always hits me with Bjora Marches for some reason:
Seasons change, with the scenery. Weaving time in a tapestry, Won’t you stop and remember me?
7. a song lyric that would comfort them when they’re sad?
Fill my cup with endless ambition, And paint this town with my very own vision.
Machine by Imagine Dragons
Does smth that helps you get up and get moving again count as comfort?? He’d count it as comfort !! i dont have a lot to spill for this one i think - but! There are themes in the song that are very “I’m going to prove my own individual worth, whether you’re pay attention or not” kind of themes! Khozzak lives to spite his dad Lmao
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aayo-whatt · 2 years
heyo ayo ^-^
pick a blorbo that is close to you heart and just word vomit about them, im very interested in your favorite characters and the reasoning behind them ^-^ (if you dont want to thats okay too lolol)
*sorry if this is a lil random and out of the blue aaaa*
hihi :>>> and i dont mind random stuff, it just makes me happy seeing ppl in my inbox-
uh- ok hold on, theres gonna be like three (maybe more i cant count-) bc i cant choose between them-
Supernatural i think the shows actually kinda old, but do i care? not one bit im also only at the end of the fourth season, and ive got ten(ish) more to go sooo- (if you know what the show is ignore this, but if not read on: its essentially about these two brothers (sam and dean) who fight supernatural beings title lol -- things like demons, ghosts, monsters, etc basically anything from old mythology from all cultures) anyway- love love love this show bc 1. characters are so good, and like well developed (continuing to develop throughout the show as well) like omg- 2. plot is literally amazing like wth, theres usually a bunch of plot twists 'n stuff, so it keeps you hooked alotta the time and 3. it might be dramatic, but it has its funny moments too (also the fandom is still like *aggressively* active with all the ships-) favourite characters so far- dean, older brother, loves food (like me sometimes), and the reason for most of the jokes in the show (as in he makes them, and ppl make some abt him) honestly hes just really funny and i love him platonically second favourite (he might actually be my first but-) castiel, he doesnt appear till the start of season 4 but its worth the wait, i think ppl find him annoying at first but hes so pretty and i aggresively simp for him platonically, hes also kinda dry but that makes it funnier- (fun fact, ppl ship dean and castiel together -- destiel -- so its funny that they're my two favourite characters-)
Merlin show got cancelled but used to air on BBC, its set in medieval times (king arthur, is legit a character but hes not king yet), so its got magic, sword fighting, the whole thing love the show bc again characters are amazing, plot is amazing, and while its dramatic it has its funny moments (also even though the show ended like ten years ago, fandom is still active and i love that)my favourite character is probably gwaine, i cant explain why he just is (if you watch the show you'll understand)
finally (but *definitely* not least) Haikyuu- idk why i think its mainly just bc the eng dub makes me smile every time i watch one of its episodes- and also probably bc i simp for so many of the characters (shhh-) also recently learnt im a bokuto kinnie do with that what you will *major* sakusa simp, he's just so pretty and i cant handle it, and idc if people think hes distant and moody and stuff bc i literally love him(you can probably tell that by the amount of kiyoomi content i reblog)- i also simp a lot for suna, just bc have u seen him hes pretty as sooo- its also bc i find him funny and i just love him ok? (also low quality suna pics i legit love for some reason-) a character from haikyuu i love but in a more platonic way, is bokuto, again he's pretty- but its also his personality is just so chaotic and i love him for it- especially when him and kuroo are together, it just makes things all the more funnier for me
uh- there's more shows, but this is all i can think of rn- also sorry its so long, i tend to ramble a lot sometimes-
what about you? favourite blorbo/s? feel free to ramble, people being happy makes me happy
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 3047
today i got my hand looked at and i was given the all clear :) i no longer have to immobilize my hand, even though it's still healing. there was a pretty decent crack in it still when we looked at the x-rays. which, yknow, rip me.
but the good news is i probably won't need physical therapy for it because most people regain their strength and dexterity on their own. so i'm hoping for that. if not, i have a follow-up in january scheduled to check on progress. eh.
but anyway, it means i'm back to work tomorrow! i was sent on an adventure this evening in search of ice cream, and it was so nice to drive again, to be alone again. i'm so excited for tomorrow.
i also wanna go to the mall at some point bc gifts and also leggings. mine are getting stretched at the seams a little too much.
also my phone's popsocket broke last night when my phone dropped off the window sill. i found out this morning and went ":c" and that was it. no "shit, how am i gonna pay for this" or "it's okay, it's okay i can go a while without it" or anything. just "oh, sad :( but that's okay, i can afford to buy a new one to replace it." it's nice to have a few dollars in the bank.
it's also nice that like 90% of my christmas shopping is done. the other 10% is mall stuff.
also i couldn't find my wallet this morning. i forgot that i'd taken it out on friday when joel and i went out with friends, but i never took it out of the bag i used, but i couldn't find the bag. i'd remembered seeing my mcc jacket on a laundry basket though, so i thought maybe it was in there. but i didn't think of that until mom and i were driving away to my appointment this morning. when we stopped back after we ran a few errands, i went back inside to find it and it was exactly where i thought it would be. which was nice. and helpful.
but honestly out of all the things that happened today (including going to a candy and cake making supply shop where i found a bigfoot cookie cutter and was given bigfoot themed hot cocoa mix), my favorite part is that i can drive again. even the new episode of oak island couldn't beat that. the bigfoot stuff was a close second. and i got to pick sprinkles and cake decorations for cupcakes for the family party next weekend, which is also when i graduate. so that's fun. which reminds me i have to check with my supervisor about a few things. and i need help from the career advisement center to write a résumé without a lot of relevant work experience.
lots of say today i guess, but im a happy camper! i can drive and i can write (kind of) and i can type and i can go to work and i can be alone wherever and i can sleep without a fucking box on my hand and i won't knock things over nearly half as much as i have in the last month. it's been disastrous.
also speaking of knocking things over i managed to get blamed by both of my parents within the last month for them tripping because they didn't look at the floor. like what, am i supposed to be your floor monitor? dude. not my responsibility. you literally have always told me to always watch where i go. always. where is that awareness now? being old doesn't excuse you from common sense, guys. use your eyeballs from ten feet away. a pair of shoes is not tile colored or rug textured. a blanket is not rug colored or floor textured. please. just look, guys.
because fuuuuuuck that. what are you supposed to do when i'm not there? who will you blame then? me still, because i'm not there?? please.
anyway, im tired and i need to get up early tomorrow to actually go get shit done. 💪💪💪💪💪💪
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fan-kingdoms · 1 year
WHOO BOY. episodes 13 and 14 FINISHED and i am HERE with a LEGITIMATE BULLET-POINTED/NUMBERED LIST. mostly about ep 14 cuz i kinda already gave my thoughts on ep 13 in my reply to the last ask but there'll probably be some of that in there too.
okay first off. I LOVE TEN!!! what little ive seen of him anyway. funky little guy! the same and yet so very different and all the more fascinating for it! i will forever miss nine but i think im gonna have a SWELL time with ten. just absolutely glorious
i especially love how the entire time ten's in his festive little coma rose is just pissed and sad as hell and all like "the REAL doctor wouldnt DO THIS" but then the second he wakes up shes back to being all 😏😍🥰. girlie you are NOT subtle. (poor mickie tho <//3 boy does not DESERVE this)
also !!! love ten having his whole big sassy showdown with the sycorax while wearing pajamas striped in the trans pride colors. absolute slay you funky little space man
ogh i can already tell im about to have so many emotions about ten and rose. nine was at least somewhat more subtle but HOLY HELL ten. the heart eyes are insane my guy
im pretty sure captain jack is coming back at some point cuz i saw stuff of him with ten and rose before i got interested in watching the show. so like where is he. how do they get him back from satellite five i mean they thought he was DEAD so hes just stranded there. do they just decide to go back and check one day and pick him up. wh
ik i aint seen thr last of the daleks. you resourceful little fuckers. ugh
harriet jones i had faith in you. i LIKED you. help i just read my own text in nine's voice (sidenote: ten's anger at her when she just,, killed the sycorax even though they were already leaving,, the COLDNESS in his voice. yeah thats the doctor right there 100% and MAN i love him.)
i think thats all for now but ill probably remember more stuff and come to scream about it in the morning
(i figured out how to put a read more in an ask !! finally !!)
i’m so glad you like ten and i love that we can tell david is just having a swell time playing our favorite space man he is Vibing and just enjoying himself and it’s so fun to see— and oh yeah neither of them are subtle! you see most people agree that ten was literally born out of love, he’s so much more vulnerable and forgiving of himself because rose let him see himself, and he sacrificed nine for her so ten could freely love her. my HEART.
and oh yeah both jack and the daleks are slippery little fuckers they have a habit of making it out of places
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Skin Picking
Havent been on here a while since ive been picking so little, its hard to remember to post! Ill take that as a partial win. But anyway, can you guess why im back? Yep, its day 0 again. And surprise surprise, my skin is bumpy and red again. When i was still on my streak, its amazing, i could use however much lotion i wanted and not breakout. It truly wasnt any products, it was just me touching my face all the time. I still got blackheads, but they were so hard to see because they werent red. I was disappointed to to figure out that acne pads arent enough to get rid of blackheads. I think i have to at least scratch off the top layer? I dont know. Grr! Honestly tho when blackheads arent angry i find i dont mind them much. Hardly at all, actually.
Great. Still so short! I still look like a fairy pixie, but sometimes by nightfall i just look like an oily unkempt person, and its not because of sebum. Just something about the uneven ends and the short length. Tempted to get it cut, but theres not really any good options? Cutting off and inch would probably dramatically decrease the frazzledness, but not comletely eliminate it, *and* it would be an inch shorter. I only have four inches! I wish i kept more track of how fast my hair grows. Ive heard half an inch is average. See heres the thing people dont think about when trimming hair—its inherently temporary. If you trim half an inch, thats one months worth of growth. By the end of the next month, you'll have grown another half inch. But, the growth will be uneven. So youre back to where youve started, right? No wonder it felt like i could not grow my hair out past a certain amount once my mom started making me get "the split ends cut off". Itll probably all be worth it when it gets long. Unkempt but cool & cute wild animal [insert pic of Power]. That said, i do wonder how long itd need to be to get the dorky but clean Queen's Gambit haircut…
Still doing Weight Watchers. I hecked up this week, ate under. Ended up binging last night. But it was the first time in a long while, so im proud of what ive accomplished. Silver lining, i mean. It was a very sucky experience being that full. Painful, even. But ive recovered! And im gonna be more liberal with my points earlier in the day. No point in being cautious if i can always eat 0-point foods at the end of the day, and it becomes an imperative to not if im regularly hitting the end of the day with spare points. It was a bit of a successful experiment, because i wanted to see if me eating under naturally would hurt me later, and, well… But im a little worried, because me eating whatever and "lots" this morning has only led to a normal breatfast of ten points. And ive been eating until about an hour ago, so i may not be hungry for a timely lunch. :( But i am feeling peckish for a sub, so maybe soon ill order one and not shy away from the sauce. My point target isnt a minimum, its a, well, *target*! Wow! What a riddle!
Ive been on edge this week, after a week of feeling phenomenally well. I blamed it on work, but, maybe it was my eating? Or its a factor? Hard to say. I do have quite a few things started that i havent finished, and i think those are hanging on my mind; go long enough and it become tiring but you forget why. Its a hypothesis. Other than that, its been a great week. Started a cool playthru with some friends (and its a japanese project too), checked out warhammer for the first time and had a blast, study group has been great, i got back into DDR, and might go with a cool girl this weekend, i drew for the first time in forever and it turned out great (oh man i love my apple pencil). Fruitful month, january was. I might just need to remind myself to and practice relaxing. Worked for my sleep!
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