#im just reading shitposts and i laughed
What the fuck is this garbage 😂
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potatocatullus · 2 years
Okay but like, moments of 'ah, I'm right where i want to be right now' Are fucking amazing
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catgirlbussy · 10 months
holy shit i just realised im autistic
i know this seems like a shitpost, and tbf i am laughing at myself pretty hard rn. it's dawning on me at 6 AM after being awake all night, but (if you care, and if you don't feel free to ignore too, have a nice day!) hear me out, cause this genuinely feels meaningful and insightful for me with how my life has gone so far. I spent an hour writing this post in hopes someone might find it helpful too :3c
If you don't wanna read my post pls enjoy this picture of our famous friend autism baby stackin those cans before you go~♪
(source: wikipedia)
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like i already /knew/ I was before this moment, but i was thinkin about what i used to do as a kid and wow i am so autistic how the fuck did i not realise sooner. It straight up wasn't until I was already well into my 20's that I started to meet other autistic people online and learned about their experiences and difficulties from talking with them that I realised a lot of things they described matched for me too.
I live in assfuck nowhere so most of my life the only few times that I had met autistic people were like, folks who were nonverbal or whatever, just generally needing direct assistive care, and I never bothered to look things up on my own because I was already inundated with the pressures of growing up, school, mental health, etc. I remember one of the first times I had built up the courage to ask anyone about it, I was in the hospital because of mental health issues. This was in my second year uni, and when one of the doctors assessing me was asking me questions, I said I thought maybe I was autistic. He promptly and with a fair amount of snark told me that if I was autistic I wouldn't have gotten into university.
Thinking back, he was probably just an exhausted, fresh outta school resident with no special interest in psychiatric care (and also just seemed to suck in general), but it was enough that I shelved the idea for another 5 years.
Lo and behold, now I am lying here in bed, just absolutely gobsmacked by the VERY REAL idea that im autistic and like holy shit I feel so vindicated.
I've been on tumblr for just a bit, but I see a lot of folks talking in various neurodivergent circles about their experiences and that's been so wonderful for me. I also have a few good friend groups w/ a lot of neurodivergent folks, and that's been really exciting too.
Like, I'm still processing this cognitively as I'm writing, so please pardon this ill patterned post, but this feels like such a beneficial thing for me. Over time I've adapted a few strategies here and there to help myself accomplish various tasks, but now I feel so empowered to, like... actually figure stuff out.
Even after feeling confident I was autistic, it was this nebulous, floating concept in my head for so long of, "oh yeah im autistic or something idk," that I never really dedicated much effort to finding healthier ways to do things that didn't irk me or whatever. I don't feel like the label /itself/ is what is important to me here, but rather the awareness around why I do so many things in the ways that I do and that it's /okay/ that I do.
I don't want this post to go on too much longer, but I feel it's worth noting that I've fought for years with my family because they didn't understand why I was going about things the way I did. Again, remember, they all grew up in this cloistered hellhole too. But, surprise surprise, the times in my life that I have been doing better than any other are when I felt confident enough to ignore what everyone was trying to get me to go along with and instead just fashioned my own best methods (which also sometimes included informing said overbearing individual(s) to go fuck themselves cause I'm busy doing shit. It's hard for them to argue with me telling them as much when I would be completing X objective well, which is what they wanted in the first place).
I don't want to make this sound like I'm trying to be overconfident, but I mention as much instead as a sign of support for other neurodivergent folks to feel similarly empowered to drum to their own beat. Thinking back, I went from almost failing high school and ultimately retaking a grade to excelling in all my classes. Every single one. I know that's a relative assessment, you got variable difficulty levels, etc., and the grade score isn't important in and of itself, least of all because the school systems here (Canada) are a mess it seems, but just that alone as an idea, within the parameters of a particular system, I went from initial abject failure to thorough and lauded success.
Just think of what so many people could do if they weren't being pigeonholed into formats that absolutely aren't working for them.
I already have a boatload of (genuinely helpful by way of enabling access to proper education and treatment) diagnoses from my history of working with my (very wonderful and genuinely caring and helpful) psychiatrist that match with what I know about the neurodivergence term umbrella like ADHD, OCD, and bipolar, so it seems |autism| will feel quite at home in the group ^w^. I'll ask her about it at my next appointment to see if an official diagnosis has any value versus me just continuing to figure things out on my own.
Either way, I am thrilled right now thinking about the next time I get to shout
while an electric guitar squeals and lightning strikes all around me and I make cool stuff happen :3c.
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sirclitoressa · 9 months
Gwendoline Christie Meme Masterpost
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since this is my fixation now, and there are definitely more coming. most of these have 6ish pics but i have named each after one in its set. i am very meticulous in my choices (very arbitrary and just sitting here chuckling) <3 enjoy!
ps if you aren't looking for something specific, i tag them all #shitpost
Lucifer Morningstar
born to die world is a fuck
blood orange
mazikeen is a simp
semper ubi sub ubi
weird kinks
right in front of my salad,,,
mouse peepee
move im gay
original sin
i eated god
gay sex
nullae puellae?
devils doorbell
i love lucy
Larissa Weems
larissa is a menace
valentino bag....will to live?
road work ahead
im feel so normal
poor little meow meow
are straight people ok
eldritch rage
you...don't do that?
behold my balls
what i dont have tumblr
live laugh lonely larissa
particularly skanky
they don't know i'm a lesbian
wednesday miscalculates
lavender oat milk latte
um well im british
charge ur vibrator larissa
beep beep bitch im gay
Jane Murdstone
in a way that matters
gay sex you say?
hate crimes
Jan Stevens
im ovulating
Captain Phasma
star sign
Miranda Hilmarson
germanic warrior with helmet
uppy mommy
explain yuri to larissa (larissa, lucifer, jan stevens)
misc part 1 part 2 (lucifer, jan stevens, larissa)
no thoughts head empty (larissa, lucifer, jane murdstone, miranda hilmarson)
i camt read (larissa + lucifer)
safety first (larissa x lucifer)
ever since i was a little girl
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
please note that this is a pre-s2 masterpost; new one can be found here.
contrary to popular belief i am actually capable of writing up genuine theories about s2, but they are still wonderfully feral and unhinged in both tone and nature, so voila welcome to ✨rhi's crackpot speculation/meta masterpost✨ featuring some very special guests that are way more insightful and clever than me
note: contains spoilers
d-day edit: lmao let's sort this shitpit out🍲
old post-s2/s3-relevant metas etc but they didn't make it to the final cut of the new masterpost:
BIT NERVOUS about this being linked but fuck it, i didn't like the first two eps INITIALLY but in my defence i learnt the error of my ways and consider it to have been prime's fault
thoughts on s3 in the immediate aftermath
i heard you calling from across the ether for some whump material so i wrote some
also i meta-girlbossed a bit too close to the sun with recontextualising the lion/adam/eve parallels in s1e1 now that we know what we know about aziraphale and crowley pre-fall
someone shared their opinion about the playlists with me then i blacked out and when i came to there was meta
i got big feelings™ about the argument clip in that aziraphale is honestly just a nice man doing his fucking best (not a prediction but just a wee rant)
s2 live commentaries bc im sorry reading these back is GOLD:
episode 1/2 (lumped together bc i went to a screening) (also neil liked this and i feel exposed the poor guy had to read this??? over all the other somewhat intelligent stuff on my blog??? this is what he went for???? man's WILD ✨)
episode 3
episode 4
episode 5
episode 6 (lmao)
and then basically anything else, mostly all pre-s2 so have a read and laugh at me, it's ok honest
this one made me tear up a bit because i live on a diet of bagels and aziraphale/crowley biblical whump material LMAO AM I APOLLO????
(as amended) the one where my entire theory on aziraphale and crowley's angst for s2 is predicted based on the length of his ridiculous (see: delicious) sideburns
an earlier musing on the plot of like the first three episodes (fuck it let's be real i'm just blueprinting a fanfic in this post)
by all accounts crowley is not, in fact, james bond
the second coming gets fucked up bc gabriel is a pussy ass bitch
✨✨SDCC/NYC✨✨ people pls read this and talk to me about it bc I'm losing it everyone else just shh and read silently for a minute ill get to you in a sec okay id still love to know what happened at the sdcc screening but i went to my own one in the uk and what i saw has done nothing to dissuade me from this theory im sorry
lol haven't updated this post in a hot minute but this is the SMOOCHY prediction
i told y'all crowley was getting hit by the cozzy livs and now my boy has to work in a pub, liz truss i hope ur happy
if i must suffer then you must suffer also thems the rules
✨✨live feed of my breakdown over the episode titles✨✨
a wee romantic shitpost about ep5 but im adding it in here for posterity bc if this does happen im going to simply decease
this was birthed from the above but with ep2(?) spoiler context
i have a sinking feeling that crowley may be a double agent and honestly that's not very james bond of him
segue from the above, someone really cleverly came up with the thought after the wanted posters that crowley is involved in hell descending on the bookshop to get gabriel and was rewarded with duke of hell (hence the art of him on a throne) and i latched on like a fucking barnacle
I cry
(also as amended lmao) my rhetoric on how unequipped aziraphale is to handle intense gay panic god bless this mess this lil funky dude
i have now done so many speculation posts about the 40s that it feels like groundhog day but if prime insist on feeding me 40s content then that's their own damn fault (but this one is the most recent and where I'm currently at so read this one first)
(older) a tinfoil hat inspection of anything related to ww2!husbands, magician aziraphale, and the Dinner of '41
(older again) extended-Dinner of '41 analysis in the context of s1e3
once upon a time aziraphale and crowley fucked up the ineffable plan by not getting together in 1941 and god wasn't happy about it and everything went tits up, the end
a simple humble commentary on how the trailer was put together and a warning to not trust a single thing prime tells us
okay it's not s2 related but i had a bit of wine and a small heartbreak over their first meeting in the beginning and now any other method of therapy is redundant
and last but certainly not least (not for the moment anyway, there's a few more feet to descend before we truly scrape the bottom of the unholy barrel that is my psyche) we encounter the deranged, manic, unbalanced and frankly disturbed commentary i birthed in response to The Spoiler
enjoy, my boos ✨
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
*tips cowboy hat over eyes while staring wistfully into the distance* things just aint the same around these parts no more...not since... *trails off meaningfully so you can tell i have woes too deep for one soul to burden on its own* ...since prettyboykatsuki disappeared from town. *you attempt to walk away but i chuckle ruefully with the intention of not letting you leave without hearing my lamenting* they were truly the life and soul of the dash. no one could capture a room's- the dash's - attention quite like their zany isagi thirst posts could. we'd shitpost and laugh and viciously express our desires for sexy 2d pixels until the sun rose the next day. i'm sure you've heard of their legendary bakugou fics? *i turn towards you expectantly and you shake your head at me, fully shaking at this point because you're convinced i'm an asylum escapee* no? ah, well. i'd offer to read one for you but...i could never capture the essence of the dialogue and erotic scenes by just reading it aloud. *you try to ask me where the nearest police station is but i reach into my assless chaps' pocket and pull out a budweiser and you're promptly silenced* truthfully, i was too busy reblogging their omega fics to ask what their favourite drink was so this'll have to do. i know this definitely won't be their favourite but it's the only thing i could grab from the gas station before they saw me and called the sheriff. *you wonder if the sheriff i'm referring to is the cardboard cutout of dwayne the rock johnson standing upright a few yards away that i've duct taped a png. of a cowboy hat to and wrote in marker 'sheriff' on the nipple area* prettyboykatsuki... *i sigh like i have the weight of the world on my feeble poncho covered shoulders and take a swig of the pissy acidic vaguely apple flavoured but shitty apple not the nice kind of apple beer* this one's for you. *i pour a modest stream of the atrocious beverage onto the ground, but the harsh wind intercepts it and drenches you in the liquid* hm. *i feel awkward and i can sense you know that i feel awkward so i stand up abruptly while attempting to maintain my mysterious façade. you ask me if prettyboykatsuki was buried (or something?) where i poured the beer because thats what people usually do at funerals when theyre saying their goodbyes but i simply titter at you like you've asked the most braindead question i've ever received* no, partner... *i turn away from you and you let out a sigh of relief so loud and gargantuan that i definitely hear it and feel a little hurt but show no signs of it because im built different* prettyboykatsuki's everywhere. *i trail off extra mysteriously and walk away from you in the middle of the road where i'm definitely going to get hit if i don't move but i keep walking and you don't want to get into another interaction with me so you just keep watching and i never really go out of sight because the road is one straight flat like so i'm just uncomfortably walking slow paced in plain sight so it doesnt feel dramatic and i'm getting sand in my eyes and keep having to speed up to avoid tumbleweeds so it looks awkward but we both don't say anything because at this point i'm 50 metres away so we accept the moment for what it is, and it's beautiful*
'you' - a random innocent bystander i'm subjecting my troubles to (troubles being u being gone from the dash for a couple of hours)
i typed this in 20 minutes and my shoulder is aching bcos i was going so fast holy shiiiii.
in my entire two years active on this blog, no single ask has ever made me laugh to the point of literal sobbing tears. no amount of keyboard smashing could do my real life reaction justice. like im laughing to the point of almost puking my dinner up. this is the funniest thing ive ever read in my life. im pinning this next time i go on hiatus. im fucking crying.
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quetzalpapalotl · 2 years
hi im new to the transformers fandom. i watched half of season 1 of tfa and all of earthspark and Thats It. do u think im qualified to read eugenesis??? or unqualified? or whatever will be more fun?
I mean, I can't tell you whether you're qualified or not to read a fanfic, but I can give you some context so you can decide if you want to:
Eugenesis is a fanfic written by James Roberts (JRo) who would later go to write the fan-favorite comic More Than Meets the Eye in 2012, which is set in the IDW1/IDW 2005 continuity (more info on that here).
Eugenesis was published in 2001 (being a remix of an earlier, incomplete fanfic also by Roberts) when JRo was part of Transmasters UK (TMUK). A group of fans that would distribute zines, organize cons and collectively write their own fanfic continuity based on the Marvel UK comics (the UK version being different from the US version of the comics, more info on that here)
So, ideally, to read Eugenesis with full context, one would need to have read Marvel UK and the previous TMUK stories. You can find the first online, but a great part of the later has been lost to time. @polyhexian is currently working on an archive of TMUK stuff. Luckily, you can make do without any of these (like I did at the time), because Eugenesis comes with a helpful continuity notes guide whihc you can download here, along with the main text.
I would greatly advice to anyone to read that first, even if you have read Marvel UK, because it also covers TMUK stuff. Eugenesis is still going to be a tad confusing at times, but it'll make things so much easier to understand.
As for my personal recommendation, is Eugenesis good? Is it bad? Well, it is an experience, for sure, I'm obsessed with it. I adore how depressing it is, how it has some of the most touching lines I've read followed by the weirdest description choices and oh boy, does the prose drag at times. It's an amateur work in a way that makes it very raw and I love it, it truly is born out of love.
It has value as a piece of fandom history and as a fan of Robert's later work in Transformers. A lot of concepts that JRo introduces in his comics first appear here, and it's interesting to see his influences and the way his prose has evolved.
Now, this is very important, the way the fandom talks about Eugenesis it's as something very silly, JRo writing a fic for his mechpreg kink. And yeah, I also do that because a lot of the stuff in this is premium material for shitposting. But this is NOT something that's worth reading just for the lolz.
Eugenesis is a very depressing read with a lot of potentially triggering material. Including lots of robot body horror and death, some detailed, some just mentioned in passing. Also suicide, suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. One part goes into detail about a character's mental state before taking their own life, including allucinations, but no one here is ina good mental place. There are also death camps, with torture depersonalization and detailed inhumane treatment. This is holocaust with robots. One chapter is literally titled "The Anti Holocaust". It does throw you bones at the end, but at it's core is a book about futility.
Depending on what you can stomatch, it may not actually be that bad, some even wish it was worse. But I don't know you, so I want to give you a fair warning, and I repeat, it is not worth reading just for a laugh.
Sorry for all that infodump. You may do whatever you want with this information. I hope it helps and feel free to ask any more questions!
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boydepartment · 11 months
!!your mutuals as enha!!
@bloofairyfox is def like riki!! you are always there to back me up and read over things!!!! you are so sweet and caring and are always checking in w me. plus your one liners make me lose my mind sometimes. you were the first one to support me and you just means a lot to me
@enluv you remind me a lot of heeseung. you're only a few months older than me but you still help me a lot. when i asked your advice like the first few days we started talking we send audio messages back and forth for like 3 hours! you always help out and youre so so funny!!
THE NEXT PERSON IM NOT TAGGING BC HE LITERALLY STALKS MY TUMBLR APPARENTLY! Alex is Jay.5 (park jongseong) in a way where I am jungwon. bc i never shut up abt him </3 someone could ask me "what is your favorite enhypen song" and i will be like "honestly... when me and alex-" like i crowbar him into a lot accidentally </3
@im-yn-suckers WE HAVE TALKED A HANDFUL OF TIMES! you actually have my instagram and it makes me giggle that you see all my shitposts!!! you kinda remind me of jungwon tbh!!! UR REALLY FUNNY AND CHILL!
@felixsleghairs I JUST REALIZED WE TALK ON INSTAGRAM SUPER FREQUENTLY BUT IVE NEVER FOLLOWED U BACK ON TUMBLR! i am going to fix this after i posted it! YOU REMIND ME A LOT OF SUNGHOON! You send me such random stuff on instagram and it always makes me laugh! i look forward when i see you've sent me something goofy.
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franciskirkland · 7 months
Alright to start this ask off I'm just gonna say my interactions w/ you have genuenly been one of the funniest ive had in a long ass time. I've read ur recent post and I empathyse a lot. You seem incredibly funny and genuine. Idk your situation and your background and even your age, but I think you can and are pulling through. Things will get better even if you dont actively want them to. Im not saying this in a vague hope to make the situation you are in better. Im telling you, as a person who from the age of 14 went from therapist to therapist, somehow been on meds that dont fuckin exist yet in croatia, someone who feels trapped in the very /country/ she lives in with no means of escape, someone who is "waiting" for things to finally financially/academicaly/politicaly be better so that I can make something of my life. As it did for me, you will feel joy again in what you do, in what you have, and in what you can achieve. I think it's ok to be down, its ok to feel like "if a bus hit me tomorrow i wouldnt protest" but the thing about people is we adapt rather quickly. So putting yourself out there, going to places you are scared to and believe yourself to be an outcast from is exactly what gets you to meet people and see things that youll remember forever. And after a while the outcast will stop coming to these places, the person there will be someone who belongs. Apathy is a way of saying "fine whatever i dont even care anymore" but youll see how much you care.
I started getting ok after a full decade of *trying* and what I've always found is that for me the saying "don't take anything seriously" is no.1 rule. I get worked up, anxious and overwhelmed with so much so many times.
You may have problems with people at work with friends and whomever, but the main thing you gotta remember is *you cant change anyone but yourself*
And its not a change of personality, hair color, interests, its how much something will get to you, how willing are you to give something up thats not working out and how you will percieve something.
I have no doubt that you know all of this crap but i guess i wanted to say all of that just bc there is no greater pain for me than when i see someone feel like i did regardless of the reason or situation.
Keep on truckin and doing what u love even if its mpregfrance posting. I will always be here to send you to liking-france-jail, mwah <3
hello my sweaty angle <3 i'm sorry i'm just replying to this now. i had to sleep on it because your thoughtfulness deserves a sincere reply.
first of all - thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being so kind, sweet and insightful and offering your support.
the fact that you would take the precious time out of your day to write this out for me is, in a word, unbelievable. i really appreciate you checking in, it's an incredibly caring thing to do. to be honest i'm a little overwhelmed by the magnitude of this unexpected message and i wish i knew how better to express my appreciation.
i really do love to hear that i made you laugh. i live to shitpost. i've always prided myself on my sense of humor and sometimes i feel as if it's slipping away, so it's reliving to hear i've still got it.
unfortunately i still haven't had the strength to eat. i'm heading to work in a bit. things are pretty rough right now, but when have they not been? obviously my present circumstances aren't the root cause of all my problems. in fact my life has improved since moving here.
extensive bianca lore and vulnerability under the cut, apologies in advance.
basically, in so few words, my current situation is that i'm nearly 25 and have nothing to show for it. i've lived in different cities across the US, had great jobs, apartments, friends, roommates, relationships, etc. i have done a lot of living in a short amount of time. but then, in retrospect, it feels like it stopped.
about 3 years ago i was in a very bad place mentally due to the isolation of the pandemic, and i met my husband online. in early 2022 i gave up everything, saved over $10k for the visa and moving costs, and relocated from the US to australia to live with him. our relationship itself has improved from how it used to be, but since the beginning we've had seemingly endless bad luck and financial setbacks.
last year, not long after our (very disappointing) wedding, i suffered a devastating miscarriage. ruptured ectopic, massive internal bleeding, required emergency surgery etc. not only was that traumatic emotionally, but i wasn't eligible for healthcare at the time bc of my immigration status, so we're still paying off the medical bill.
we share a house with my mother in law who is a domineering, emotionally incestuous single mom and an emotionally abusive narcissist. i don't throw that term around lightly, as so many people do these days, but i honestly believe she's devoid of empathy. she's admitted that she dislikes me and thinks i'm stupid because i don't talk much, and goes out of her way to make me feel unwelcome.
so i'm stuck in an area that feels, to me, like the middle of nowhere. i'm not homesick, i love this country. it's just that i'm not used to suburbs. i feel most comfortable in a city where there's people and places and things, neon lights and background noise and stuff to do.
i'd would be happy to live anywhere as long as it's not with her. it honestly feels like a prison sometimes. that sounds dramatic but she's cultivating an unbelievably hostile environment that causes me to feel on edge whenever she's around.
needless to say we need to move, desperately. it's our #1 priority. more than anything else i want a place of our own and eventually a family. we've been actively househunting for the better part of a year, but the rental market is catastrophically bad right now. it's not even about the money, since we're both working we can afford a decent place. it's just that it's so competitive. every showing i've attended, there's been like 30 other prospective tenants. we've been turned down from every apartment we've applied for.
on top of our living situation i have complex health issues that are just getting worse. my energy is zapped. trying to balance work work and housework leaves me with almost no free time to write.
this barely scratches the surface of why I Am The Way That I Am™. i'm not saying any of this to evoke sympathy or brag about 'having it hard'. simply trying to explain. my upbringing was abusive and dysfunctional in a number of ways. i just barely graduated high school. i never had traditional opportunities, i was raised in a way where there's basically no assumption/expectation that you'll ever be successful or fulfilled. i'm diagnosed with ADHD, PTSD and bipolar 2 - haven't been able to get my proper meds in australia. i've been addicted to hard drugs and alcohol. i'm not pleasant to be around. i will probably always look like and act like the lower class, white trash girl that i am. i have spent my entire life in survival mode.
i'm always in the midst of some identity crisis or running away from something. so yeah, i've been hurt and downtrodden. i've also experienced the beautiful side of life from time to time. i've gained a breadth of knowledge and met incredible individuals who introduced me to new perspectives and i'm forever grateful for them. with the way i've lived, i'm very lucky to not be dead or incarcerated right now.
ok, pity party's over. for real this time.
you're pretty much describing exactly how i feel. you know the struggle. the part about waiting to live my life; that's precisely where i'm at. i don't necessarily have a desire to fit in, i just want to get away into somewhere that i can adjust better to.
my isolation is partially due to a lack of energy but also i don't seek out interaction because i'm afraid no one else can understand me. not because i believe i'm too 'complex' or 'damaged' to be understood. that's a load of self-pitying bullshit. it's just scary to be truly seen. or vulnerable. or genuine. bc the results of such openness are unpredictable and uncomfortable.
it's hard, but i know i have to find it within myself to take that push. what's holding me back right now is mainly my material conditions, circumstances out of my direct control. i have no doubt i'll feel at least 50% better when i stop living with this woman.
i certainly have no problem with starting over if something doesn't work for me. contrary to what i might've described, i believe i'm pretty well adjusted, self aware and rational. as is obvious i don't take many things that seriously lmao. i went from caring wayyy too much about everything, being overly emotional and sensitive, to going entirely with the flow and accepting what i can't control or predict.
also i am well aware that you can't change people, that's never been my goal lmao i've never needed someone to tell me that <3
tl;dr, thank you. so much. this really uplifted and inspired me meli, thank you so much for being so thoughtful and compassionate.
it sounds like you're also stuck between a rock and a hard place in your own environment, and i'm sorry to hear that. it's a wretched feeling but i believe you you will thrive no matter the setting, because in all seriousness, you're incredibly talented. i hope you know you should follow your dreams. hell, it looks like you already are and you're giving us the privilege of witnessing it. your art is stunning, the passion and care you put into your work is obvious. your matthew is absolutely beautiful - like his maman.
from a rabidly devoted france woobifier to the designated france hater, i'm only going to say this once but you are validated in your distaste. i understand. you gotta admit though, he is a MILF.
if one thing is certain i will never stop frussyposting. in fact right now i am thinking about france hetalia big fat juicy boobies mmmm milky squishy. i'm giving her a teensy tiny little slut waist and childbearing hips. i would give him a brazilian butt lift but he doesn't even need it!!!
if that is a crime then lock me up. please. strap on the handcuffs and throw me in the crate for naughty little freaks teeheehee >:3
be careful tho. if you keep sending me gay ass love letters like this they're gonna start shipping toxic yuri melianca even harder <3
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hello!i am gato. i am very excited to be here! you are all friends! i want to learn about all of the stuff and say hello! engineer is helping by typing. paw pads do not work well. thank you!
ooc// hiya,blog operator speakin! im gonna give some information you need to know about gato aswell as some groundrules
- gato is NOT a pyro oc! very important information
- gato is 5-7 years old. their actual age isnt known,but its between those two
- due to this fact,stuff i think is innapropriste is either gonna get blasted to hell or answered by engie instead of gato
- if anyone tries anything weird i am fully prepared to fucking Get You.
- basic boundaries here,just remember you're speaking to a young child,so don't say or do anything you wouldnt to a young child
- homophobes,transphobes,pedophiles get the actual fuck out of here. i WILL kick your ass.
- any hate is either gonna be put on full display so i can laugh at you or immediately get you blocked
- i'll be using the tag herekittykitty for them replying to asks, meowmeow for rp stuff,and catnip for shitposting
thanks for reading! :3
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cc-horan28 · 6 months
Teal, cinnamon, periwinkle, blush, razzmatazz, timberwolf, sage (IN THE BEST WAY), chartreuse, burgundy
TEAL = We have a lot in common.
YES WE DO NASHHHHH 💕 its literally the best to be able to talk to you abt all of that
CINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar.
i really have no idea why y'all think im cool i've said it before and I'll say it again im a marvel geek and a permanent nicki/1d/ariana fangirl whose idea of a good time is to read books 😭 but ily love thank youuuu
PERIWINKLE = You make me laugh
BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better.
RAZZMATAZZ = I would share my favorite food with you
really? 🥹 ty tyt ytytytyty ilyyyyy
TIMBERWOLF = I trust you
SAGE = You make me cry
oh help i pray its cuz of laughter or something
CHARTREUSE = You’re my homie
🧢so are youuu coolest homie ever
BURGUNDY = I get excited when I see posts from you
srsly? they're mostly just shitposts or me ranting about the boys 😭 ILY
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silverfuchs · 6 months
i'm florence, you can find my other shit at florenceisfalling. this is my blog for murdersims and horny horror. im unironically more invested in the plot than the porn though. 100% certified not a minor. if you're a minor i'll block you. go follow my sfw blog instead <3 oft-inactive here because this isnt a sideblog, this is a whole separate account
i am in the process of planning out my own lesbian erotic horror game. i'll post about it eventually !
if you try to talk about how some shit is just too depraved and problematic to write/draw and must be censored at all costs on your btd blog of all things i am going to laugh at you and then screenshot your bullshit so i can laugh at you with my friends in dms also
link to my normal blog, link to carrd (needs an update), link to aethy, link to website (wip, please be nice)
tws for bad freak stuff . i am not going to tag individual warnings on reblogs. violence and sa and etc will be on this blog
tagging system below
fandoms: boyfriend to death, the price of flesh, this is not romance, facility (ik those arent horrorporn it just gets an honorable mention), sad sack (still havent read it Sadly), lovers trophy (haven't played yet), john doe, frost bite
characters: ren, rire, lady rire, strade, lawrence, vincent, cain, sano, mason, celia, derek, chamomile, tom, richard, jaqueline, komodo, dragon, machete, ashe, jack, farz, raven, chet, anthony, john doe, people's original characters (i dont have much interest in EP's stuff btw. not my thing. but i occasionally post peoples fanart with those guys)
ships: lawren, stren, i will add others
media: art, shitpost, animation, writing, cosplay, music
other shit: my posts specifically, genderbent, probably gonna add more tags i just forgor
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twildflower · 7 months
tags for the memes i made based on pokespe or gameverse / stuff made with mmd
er marker for pksp im at ch 354 ignore this lol
hi im kyle! but you can call me anything like twiflo or my other names if you know them as long as ik youre talking to me
i know fluent english chinese and some 日本語 i dont know why is this relevant or why am i putting it here. my englsih is decently good i just like typing bad english whenever i can its funny. I dont know how to type chinese :smile:
i post stuff im interested in, reblogs of art n stuff and sometimes funny/unfunny shitposts too so its just easier to have these tags for people that aren't interested in anything else other than my memes. eh. its really fine bc i shitpost too much lol.
I’m a multishipper and I fall into ship rabbit holes really easily just once piece of art that’s good and I will fall like a motherfucker but I’m also weirdly picky. I don’t like certain straight ships of red green gold silver (eg red yellow, gold kris/lyra) but pretty much everyone else im open with both. Like sapph ruby plat dia pearl (eg sapph blue, sapph ruby). Okay ill be honest this is a very short list but you get what i mean by being multishipper but picky.
No strict dni list but I hate genshin/anything related (eg honkai. Garbage ass disgusting named games) so just don’t shove any of those stuff in my face or youll be blocked. I don’t care enough to check if you like them or whatever, you can like them just don’t talk to me abt them. I also don’t like roblox but not to the genshin point bc like idk i download it and play with ppl if im very good friends w them or smth. I just dont like many of the copycat games n like just gacha or stupid games, some very original roblox games are cool tho. Ye.
uh yeah. if you wanna chat my dms n asks are open. i dont mind.
#tflo arts if you want to check out my art/doodles. Im not too proud of my stuff if theyre not tagged with character tags so you can just search it up if you really want to. you can request me to draw stuff if you wanna lol...
miner in the gungeons ill be 18 next year im old i dont really want to be 18 i hope i die might kms before then breakdance sorry i meant breakdance sorry i meant breakdance sorry i meant
hey wow you read it to here. im actually just a really mentally ill kid that gets physically sick really easily and often and im not good at anything so i make memes. i start laughing when i want to cry isnt that funny.
Hrmm. My main interests are Pokemon Splatoon Vocaloid (Kagamines). I guess. I also like Pjsk Persona 5 Gundam Build (i think thats the eng name?) Macross Delta Jewelpet Shugo Chara Henry Stickmin. Just off the top of my head im adding stuff to this list when I remember. I dont space anything bc iykyk them. if you wanna check them out then you can just search them up
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superstarbarbie · 2 years
Ok so I know I said I was writing harringrove with prominent mommy kink and I am I promise, but while typing I got distracted and wrote a shitpost chatfic i started before I finished the show. It’s like 80% finished so I’ll post a teaser now for fun
Harringrove Family
Mom added Billy Hargrove to the group
Mom: everyone apologize
Ellen Degenerate: sry
MadMax: sorry
Mom’s fav: sorry I called you mean and scary, Billy
Billy Hargrove: you are forgiven
Billy Hargrove: Except max
MadMax: Oh no! Anyway
Billy Hargrove changed his name to “MILF lover”
MILF lover: ily Stevie <33
Mom: ily2
MadMax: barf
MadMax: anyway
MadMax: how is mike both gay and homophobic 
Mom’s fav: He’s still figuring himself out, coming to terms with his feelings
Mom’s fav: and aren’t you being homophobic towards mom and his bf
Mom’s fav: just to be clear, Billy. You are not my dad
MadMax: no im barfing bc its my brother lmao
MILF lover: Ill be ur step dad some day
Mom: don’t be a dick dustin
Mom: and gay marriage? In this economy?
Mom: for the record I get all my political knowledge from rob and the milf lover
MILF lover: we’ll have to speed things up then, pretty boy ;)
MadMax: double barf
Ellen Degenerate: ^
Ellen Degenerate: I’m right tho
Ellen degenerate: as usual
MILF lover: true. We are correct.
Ellen Degenerate: We should start a club
Ellen Degenerate: Democratic Socialists of Hawkins- but with a different name so we don’t get blacklisted asjdhakjsf
MILF lover: can Stevie come? As a class pet >:)
Mom: :(
Mom: you’re just going to laugh at me
MILF lover: ok maybe we were. But I promise if you come we can help you read theory and shit 
Ellen Degenerate: and debunk propaganda
Mom’s fav: my mom can help! She voted for Mondale 
Mom: Claudia Henderson is a based queen
MILF lover: :(
Mom: I said A!
Mom: ofc you are THE based queen
MILF lover: I better be
MILF lover: or else you little brats will be children of divorce
MadMax: lmao remember when n*il got arrested for jan 6
MadMax: Barbie and I keep his mugshot framed in the living room
MILF lover: I bedazzled the frame
Ellen Degenerate: camp
Ellen Degenerate: also back to our club Nance can come
Ellen Degenerate: but NOT Mike (derogatory)
MILF lover: lmao not you inviting the neolib girl boss
Mom:… why can’t mike come
MadMax: he loves Andrew tate
MadMax: he cried when he got banned everywhere HA
MILF lover: also he called my earring gay as an insult
Mom’s fav: he’s trying, and Will is making him better
Mom’s fav: Mike’s a good guy, his parents are two bigots so he has some catching up to do
Mom: *a biggot and a sex pest
Mom: completely unrelated, im starting the “I hate K*ren Wheeler” club
MILF lover: 🥺🥺🥺
MILF lover: Steven
Mom: What she did to you is completely unacceptable and predatory
Mom: people would have pitchforks if the genders were swapped
Ellen Degenerate: im so proud of our malewife’s growth @MILF lover
Ellen Degenerate: sorry no filter
Ellen Degenerate: Steve’s right
Ellen Degenerate: im VP of the anti K*ren club
MILF lover: aiusehbiuyasebfiuasehbfiuasbfhiuasfbasiufhbasiufhbasiufs
MILF lover: you guys are amazing
MadMax: ill bite her ankles too Barbara
MILF lover: thx shitbird
Mom’s fav: im sorry I inadvertently brought her up, Billy
Mom’s fav: like im still scared of you and stuff but ik thats deep shit
MILF lover: its ok, kid
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gaslybottoms · 7 months
tagged by my one and only @leclercenjoyer
passing it onto @celientjeee @landoom @espithewarlock and anyone else who wants to
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
in total, 53
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
360,128 and most of it was written this year
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently only f1
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The New Normal - got possessed by the spirit of landoscar
Ride Me Like an Elevator - probably my most profitable MCYT fic that was based on a shitpost
Party for Two - meme fic that turned into something that i wasn't expecting
Sleep Comes to Those Who Wait - huge fluff piece for the Hades video game when I had severe brainrot
The Pounding of a Drum(mer) - I dont have an explanation for this
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, but usually after 5-10 business days because I look at them and then I forget they're there.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I dont think any of my fics have angsty endings. feel free to prove me wrong, but i just... im a sucker for resolution and happy endings
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
literally every single one. the one i'm most proud of? Live, Laugh, Lando because I made myself cry several times writing the last few chapters because I was just so proud of myself
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i havent seen any but sometimes people need to remember public bookmarks are visible to the author
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do (regretfuly). what do you MEAN what kind. sometimes tender, sometimes a bit harder, im not good at smut so like.. you tell me
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know about
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i have not to my knowledge
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope, and i think i would be a nightmare to work with but i would be open to it!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
maxiel married in vegas. i wrote 23k words and abandoned it earlier this year.
16. What are your writing strengths?
fluff. 100%. also apparantly my characterisation? this is probably because i am terminally onine and i consume SO MUCH content that like... i could talk about certain drivers in my sleep
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
smut. i find it so difficult to focus, to get into, to remember the positioning. apparently sometimes its good but god at what cost.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i have included it a couple of times, but always with a direct translation within reach. i will not write entire conversations in french, or whatever, and have actively stopped reading fics where there has been no translation supplied. and i only use it for emphasis, or if it calls for a joke.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
sigh. theres two answers to this. the first fandom i wrote for was WWE self insert. the first fandom i POSTED for was jonas brothers
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
LLL, hands down. its not my best performing fic, and its very niche but like. i did that. 53k words thereabouts, and i got through it.
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love-marimo · 1 year
𝑀𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝐼 𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑐𝑢𝑡 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡... ー 𝐽𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑜𝑤
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about ♡
jujutsu kaisen
genshin impact
♡ tag guide:
♩ lolita writes - fics, drabbles, anything i wrote!
♪ lolita replies - pretty self-explanatory ★
♩ lolita talks - just me rambling about life and updates from my favs ♡
♪ lolita laughs - simping, shitposting and more rambling
♩ lolita does things - sharing other stuff i made (mostly art, but occasionally i arrange some music from genshin impact on my instrument and post it)
♪ tojiposting - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
♩ anon - the kind souls that drop by my inbox /˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑/♡
♪ a fic a day keeps depression away ♡ - for queued fics that i read when im away ~
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