#im not even mad
lunian · 11 months
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oh okay yeah okay
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catz4ever · 9 days
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Two beautiful reasons why I had to buy extra storage for my phone 🥹
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incorrectdwpquotes · 8 months
*post has a joke about suicidal ideation and also choking kinks*
tumblr: everything looks fine carry on
*post has a double entendre that could be found in a prime time sitcom*
tumblr: 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞
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starfilled-galaxy · 24 days
ty guys for the introject ask game asks only took you SEVEN HOURS
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kamwashere · 2 years
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xi-writes · 2 years
Hey! Could you write a Grusha x reader fic where he does his SO's hair because they're stressed? It has literally been on my mind since I got the game and having my hair dyed is a big help too lol.
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Title— Stress Affection
Prompt— Playing with/Dyeing SO's hair.
Safety— SFW
Additional Tags— Fluff, Eevee levels of fluff, theres an Eevee
Author Note— I have my hair dyed too, this one hits home. I’m on it!
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The first time Grusha had touched your hair had been an impromptu movie night; caught up in bad weather he bribed you to stay with some hot chocolate and an eevee he found recently to cuddle with. He was seated behind you on a soft sofa while you sat down on some pillows closer to the floor with the bundle of fluff in your arms. He had initially fought you over treating you well and wanting you on the cushions but his words backfired beautifully in your favour after you did exactly that and grabbed his pillows, causing you both to settle down with his legs sitting beside you and your head comfortably pressed back close between them.
The silent trust you both shared needed no spoken words or encouragement to continue, the two of you found comfort in the presence of each other simply just being close by. Knowing the other wouldn’t do anything without asking; when you suddenly felt his hand on your hair it was certainly a surprise, although a very welcomed one. His touch was light at first, gentle and unsure, almost as if he was absent-mindedly twirling some strands of your hair around his fingertips. Twisting and turning small strands until he formed a loose braid of sorts.
Just as quickly as the affection started however it abruptly ended with a small almost gasp like sound from behind you. His hands retreated immediately but he never spoke a word about it, perhaps hoping you didn’t notice what he had done or maybe even just being too shy to comment on it. The comfortable silence managed to continue just fine from then as usual, though you couldn’t help but miss the faintest of touch he gave you...
The second time he touched your hair had been in bed, curled up in his arms he found his hand rested against the soft strands. He made no move to touch at first but his better judgement eventually lost to indulgence with the soft feeling under his hand and he lightly picked up some pieces to hold, brushing his thumb over it in a way you likely couldn’t even feel. He found himself wrapped up easily in the smallest affectionate acts and this was beginning to be one of his favourites even though he had only done it a few times.
The third time he touched your hair he had been direct about it, outright asking for you to let him style your hair a little, as much as he enjoyed the small fleeting touches Grusha couldn’t resist the urge for more of it, more of the affection, more of you close to him. His voice held a little hesitance to it but in that soft loving and just a little bit shy kind of way you loved so much, how could you say no? You did miss the touch too so why hold back?
His hands tugging carefully on your hair felt like heaven, his fingers combing slowly through any knots and twists slowly undoing each and every one with extreme care as he tugged your hair back into a small bundle. You made a rough guess he was tying it up like his own but it didn’t bother you much what he had done to it, the sweet affection he offered you quickly melted through you right to your heart. Feeling your body slowly give into him and relax back into everything he was doing, you found yourself leaning your head back to meet his eyes at some point. Sharing a smile before he continued contently.
The next few times had been much the same, he was always the one to initiate it. It didn’t matter when or where for either of you, public or not; whenever you showed even the slightest discomfort generally to unexpected hot weather, he had been quick to offer support and tie back your hair with those soft loving hands all over again. The gentle acts continued just like that for many more months...
Until one day Grusha found himself caught in your demands this time, a particularly rough few days left you tired, angry and very clearly stressed; something he luckily picked up on immediately. He had been on his bed at the time sorting some kind of paperwork when you asked and he wasted not a second more with the confusion of you asking for it, the tone your voice held was more then enough for him. Petting his leg lightly you found no reason to disagree and collapsed right onto his bed letting your head fall into his lap, resting lightly against his thigh so he had access to your hair.
A small whispered plea is all it took before you felt the welcomed familiar touch all over again, gentle and caring as ever Grusha had taken to petting over your head in-between braiding small strands for you. Letting the silence linger for now and simply doing exactly as you asked of him, though he was a little worried this wouldn’t exactly be enough after seeing you in such a state it was the least he could do for you and left everything he was working on tossed to the side giving you his full attention.
Grusha stayed like that for hours with you curled up on his lap slowly relaxing into him more and more, his legs had long felt the ache of being left to sleep but he was far too focused on you to care. Even enlisting the help of his pokemon who were more then happy to bring you both drinks and snacks on occasion. The eevee you had grown close too had come in at some point as well and curled up against your chest, the soft fluff and vague warmth an even more pleasant feeling after such a stressful time. It hurt your head to even think about the last few days, forcing a small displeased sound from you at the mere thought of needing to do that again.
The sound somehow caught Grusha’s attention first before his eevee perked up right after, the bundle of fluff nudging at your cheek in that adorable way that always made you smile. Which you sort of did, not wanting them to feel bad...
Luckily for the both of you it seemed, the eevee was rather clever and took a glance up at Grusha with a small pleading look, more then enough for him to finally stop what he was doing. Moving a hand to your cheek instead he gently guided you to look at him, wondering for a moment if this would even work though he had thought about it for at least an hour now.
“How about something a little more permanent?”
To his surprise it took barely anything for you to agree to it, managing to get himself up and walking with a small trip or two and an amused eevee at his side. The two of you ended up in the bathroom picking out some spare coloured dye he had saved but never got to using, it was rather weak stuff being able to wash out in just a few tries however this was very much more then enough.
While there wasn’t exactly a lot to work with, Grusha managed to pick a few colours that suited your hairs natural tones. Showing you how he liked to mix everything together; guiding you to help him with soft kisses on your cheeks and forehead as little in-between rewards, keeping you interested with ease he was faster on the clean up preparation and gathered everything in a minute or less, leaving you to figure out where you wanted the colours to go.
When you both finally settled down on an option you found yourself seated on his lap while he began to touch over your hair again, carefully placing each colour onto small chunks of your hair. Massaging the colour in with ease while managing not to move an inch on the flimsy chair he found laying around, holding you on his lap through the entire process showing just how skilled he was and how much he truly cared how you felt about this. Every action held an undeniable sweetness to it, every time he was forced to tug a little rougher or massage the colours in closer to the base of your head or neck Grusha always offered quiet praise and apologies for his treatment of you. Although it never hurt even the tiniest bit the fact he was so worried about it filled your heart with that familiar warmth he always gave you.
The stress lingering in your mind melting away as excitement took over instead, how would it look? What would the colours come out as against your natural hair? So many curious questions and not a single one of them had been even the slightest bit bad. Grusha knew what he was doing and that was very clear to you both, even your little eevee seated on the sink near by looked a bit impressed by the work.
After some time every drop of coloured dye had been placed in all the right spots, Grusha watching carefully how each piece of your hair reacted to the colour in silence. Finally being done with it his hands gave a small throb of pain in response, paying it no attention or the fact the smell had gotten a bit overwhelming from his position behind you. He didn’t even notice when his eyes began to prick with tears of irritation, nothing he minded though. You were far more important then a little itchiness he could rub away with ease.
With a few minutes feeling like a lifetime without his hands on you, the time spent waiting for the colours to settle in properly surprisingly left a nice feeling this time. Knowing that now you had a small piece of him with you wherever you went brought a smile back onto your lips, something Grusha immediately noticed; content with what he had done a small excitement begun burning inside him as well now he didn’t need to be so careful.
By the time the colour was ready to come out you had plenty of time to spend talking and thinking quietly, eventually having accepted the stressful day had lead you to something wonderful. Maybe Grusha would come help you next time you had to endure it? Having him with you always made everything so much better, this sweet moment was no exception.
Moving from your comfortable seat on his lap and leaning in to the small stream of water after a small adjustment to the warmth of it; with complete trust in Grusha leaning in so close to you and just about over the top of you in the small room, he was quicker with his hands this time getting any excess dye off of your hair in just a few minutes, sneaking a little kiss over your ear since he was close enough to manage it. You couldn’t help the small laugh when your eevee rolled its eyes at the affectionate act.
You could have easily dried off your hair by yourself but Grusha was stubborn in a rather sweet way, holding his hand out immediately when you picked up the towel he gave a small content sound when you gave into him so easily, choosing to occupy your hands with the bundle of fluff waiting to be picked back up for a while now. With the little eevee close to you again Grusha started drying off your hair carefully, not at all minding the tiny spots of colour that bled through into his towel far too used to it now to even care. Having it tainted with a lovely memory of you until he washed it was a nice thought anyway for a moment he almost hoped the towel suffered and didn’t ever get rid of that small stain.
Finally managing to get your hair dry, mildly impressed your hair put up such a fight for it. Grusha eventually got it to cooperate with him and quickly moved onto styling it, deciding to pull it back in a similar style to his own. He found you leaning back into him again, looking into the small mirror in amazement for what he had done to you. Every single drop of colour had been placed exactly where you said you wanted it with not even the smallest error to see, even as he lovingly styled your hair like his own, pulling back and exposing some of the underside to the colour; even those parts remained perfect like some sort of miracle.
Your hair was absolutely gorgeous, Grusha seemed to be in a content trance as he worked his magic and your stressed mind had let go of it’s ruthless grip on you. Although the pain wasn’t over, this small act of kindness would be more then enough for you to put up a fight against anything the world would throw at you, able to carry a small memory of Grusha everywhere you went and even better, when the colours finally fell away. You absolutely planned to ask him again for this. Though this was never what you wanted originally or expected to happen when you came to him, the ending to such a worrisome day; curled up in his arms at the end of it all, made everything worth it.
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pebblesfr · 2 years
Whoah sick the arcane ancient is gonna be so cool
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rainbowr0ses · 6 months
was no one going to tell me that once Lydia is your wife, she regularly calls you “my love” or was I just supposed to wait until she says “goodbye, my love” in *that* tone and I cry?
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randomwordzard · 2 months
okay, who put salted almonds in my bag of unsalted almonds
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phanchester · 5 months
i love how spreadsheets are lowkey a phannie thing because i fucking love spreadsheets and all of yall are delivering
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sh4tt3rg1rl · 9 months
dude why is it always the days i dont try on my outfits the days i have to take pictures SJFAHSFHSK
I literally woke up rolled out of bed and grabbed the first thing i saw in my closet and then SUDDENLYY my
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tiodolma · 2 years
This exchange betwen Merlin and Uther is freakin jaskhdjhddj
Uther: Who made it?
Merlin: uhh Tom the blacksmith.
Uther: It’s worthy of a king.
Merlin: You’d be better off with a sword you trusted.
Uther: No. It has almost the perfect balance.
Uther (realizes something): Tom’s not the royal swordsmith. I am surprised that Arthur went to him.
Merlin: uh That was me.
Uther: ?????
Merlin: I felt he needed a better sword.
Uther internal dialogue
1) His son’s serving boy has no way of affording such a fine sword unless he sold his entire life;
2) this idiot has the Balls, the Audacity to question the skills and work quality of the Royal Swordsmith that Uther must have personally approved of;
3) also like he can see this lowly but obviously favored serving boy look at him straight in the eye without flinching.
4) who tf does that? (Uther's tits are Shaking.)
Uther: You show him the most extraordinary loyalty... Merlin: That is my job sire.
Uther: ...beyond the line of duty.
Uther internal dialogue:
Merlin: Well you can say there is a bond between us.
Uther: I’m glad. Look after him.
Uther interal dialogue:
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like it's bad you guys
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rodent-king-buunii · 5 months
the one time i actually see my bsf is when hes over there reblogging lesbian bg3
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iridescentis · 4 months
how am i supposed to get anything done when my brain has been singing' u-r-a-n-i-u-m it's about the worst place to die in' for the past 24 HOURS.
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