#im love them okay
ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Hi! I really like the HCs you gave to Lurien, the way you characterize him is sooo good :D
I was wondering if you were takin hcs asks pheraps?
I'm very very glad you like how I write Lurien!! I'm deeply fond of him and the little web of relationships I've built up for him in my head, though I've been limited on doing stuff with him recently. Just. Oog. He's so good <3
Technically I'm taking asks of any sort rn, though don't expect an immidiate response- I'm in some pretty intense classes this quarter so it might take me a bit to answer. Anything about Lurien and the other Dreamers/Hollow is welcome, though!
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eightertrek · 1 year
still thinkin bout speedball vs vikingo.........
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hi welcome back to me realising that maybe just maybe I should at least make an attempt to promote my fan fiction on here so uhhhhhh 
I started a multi-chapter sastiel fic oops
Title: The List
Pairing: Castiel/Sam Winchester, Sastiel, Samcas
Tags: #oopsie daisy its a list fic #Mutual Pining #human!Cas #Bucket List #this was a dare by my boyfriend #so blame him #First Kiss #hand holding #Fluff #being stupid and oblivious for funsies #I guess ill add tags as I go? #im horrible at tags so uhhh #yeehaw
Summary: Cas makes a list of things he wants to do now he's human, and where's the sense in doing it alone? Especially since Sam is so willing to lend a hand.
if you’d like you can read it here < 3
anyway enjoy the rest of your day/night folks, happy pride!!
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
what is it about helnik that you love?
Aha. Many things, anon. MANY things.
First, as is VERY well established, I am 100% always a sucker for enemies to lovers, and Helnik, after all, goes enemies-to-lovers TWICE, which is like an extra square on the bingo card. The Bickering, the Fighting, the Lust, the Pining, the Angst, the Guilt, the Betrayal, the Reconciliation, the Tenderness... mmm yes. That is the good stuff. Inject it directly into my veins.
I love the trope-y simplicity of “witch hunter falls in love with witch” as a setup, Ravkans/Fjerdans are also hereditary enemies which makes it extra juicy, and Matthias is like the Archetypal Himbo: noble of heart, thicc of ass, zero of brain cells. Except he’s actually and genuinely honorable to the point where he’s able to perceive (after due struggle) that he’s grown up in a deeply dysfunctional and patriarchal society that has a lot of its own problems, and that hunting witches has been, after all, generally regarded as a Bad Thing. He is the one who has to change his beliefs and behavior the most to become a good partner to Nina, to support her not just as a woman (which itself is a big step considering the Nonsense he’s grown up with) but as a Grisha, and to respect her power and help her in using it and nurse her through the jurda parem sickness at the end of SOC. He becomes that guy who’s just like “man I miss my wife” at all times whenever he’s not around her, and I love that for him. He goes into the Ice Court, where he has grown up and which represents everything he used to want to be, and he still chooses her and tells Brum to eat a dick, even after being so angry at her for a long time. The people said amen.
As for Nina, obviously, I love her sass and the way she constantly calls Matthias out on his bullshit, in the finest tradition of garbage man/feisty lady ships everywhere. I love her heart and her passion and how she also has to confront her own prejudices and the way both of them have to actively choose to be their best selves with each other and to let go of their screwed-up pasts and preconceptions. I love that she’s a plus-sized woman who is comfortable with her body and sexually liberated, that she’s constantly portrayed as beautiful and desirable, and that Matthias has a brain glitch every time he looks at her. She does as much as he does in choosing to challenge the Grisha philosophy/beliefs that she’s been brought up with, that Fjerdans are always bad at all times, and likewise has to go against her own kind to defend him. Their flirting is goddamn adorable, and I Cackle every time I rewatch episode 6, featuring them failing hardcore at not instantly falling in love and being completely in denial about it. I really was not expecting to get this invested in a ship in a YA novel before I even saw the show, but then I did, and I actually woke up in physical pain over them at goddamn 3am the other night. Sigh.
However, I am delighted to report that we are 35k words into the Modern AU Marriage of Convenience fic that I originally wrote as a prompt fill for them about a week ago, and there are So Many Tropes afoot. I’ll start posting it possibly when I finish chapter 5, and yes. I am having all the fun.
Stay tuned.
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worm-o-clock · 5 years
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sweet kisses 💚💜
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robotman-eats-bees · 5 years
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I just think they’re neat
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headcanon that Laurent calls Damen his "Akielon Lion" more than once, on early mornings when life is quiet and slow, and they need be nowhere but their bed, so when Damen is called away from their palace to Delpha for an an emergency peacekeeping mission on the eve of their first anniversary, Laurent wakes up the next morning to find a dark coloured lion cub with a collar of Akielon red cloth sleeping softly on his feet at the end of the bed.
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