#im not a good speller
merrysithmas · 1 year
no, i cant spell. NO i wont try
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planetsandthefates · 2 years
hey guys did you know that i’m only cryptic and Machiavellian because i care
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mymegumi · 10 months
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it looks fine to me too 😭😭😭
I LIKE MADE IT MORE CENTERED??? yo im buggin over this i cant do it
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theamazingmaddyas · 1 month
I'm not sure how much the Starkid and Percy Jackson fandom intersect, but I was thinking about the different Starkid/TCB musicals, and which songs could alternatively be used to describe Riordanverse characters, and decided to share. This will probably end up being a part 1, since I'll probably end up thinking of more the second I post this, but maybe not. Anyways, here's my first list (and descriptions):
Not Your Seed (The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals) - Luke Castellan
This was the first one I thought of, and reason for this post. Alice is literally singing about how she's been possessed and is no longer her father's kid, and how he'd never noticed her.
Also the lines:Why does it hurt to love you, why am I in pain? Why does it hurt to know you, you let me down again. If I turned my insides out, would you even know that I was there. Why does it hurt to love you? Why does it hurt to love? Is literally Luke's motive in the series, he's resentful of his father, and it hurts to care for him. Also, And if you wonder what led your daughter astray? Well, daddy wasn't here to stay. Do I need to say more?
CaliforMIA (Black Friday) - Luke Castellan, Thalia Grace, and Annabeth Chase
Thalia: Dearest Gods,
It's been real, real bad. I'd say you tried your best, but I'm not a liar
Luke: It's L I E R, Thal
Thalia: We get it, Luke, you're a good speller
We're taking Annabeth as far away as we can get. I'd give you an address, but I don't want to. Don't write, don't IM, don't ask.
That's all I have to say. Also, that Beryl is, in fact, a bitch, an alcoholic, a meloncholic that Thalia kept afloat.
Black Friday (Black Friday) - Bianca di Angelo
This song is so Bianca-coded, as she reflects on her life and on her relationship with Nico in her final moments. The part that's most her, I think is At first I didn't know what she was to me, at first I didn't know why I cared, or why I wanted, to rock her and hold her to sleep. Did I need her more than she needed me? Maybe I'm wrong, she can go on her own, 'cause I'm leaving.
The way this was probably one of her last thoughts has kept me awake at night. Also, there's the toy store/junkyard similarities and that both Lex and Bianca's 'deaths' have to do with a toy.
The Coolest Girl (A Very Potter Sequel)- Annabeth Chase
The Coolest Girl and My Grand Plan are basically the same song, I have no other notes.
Tonight this School is Mine: Reyna Ramirez-Arellano and Octavian
Obviously, this song is Octavian, he has been trying to become praeter since the dawn of time. I wasn't sure who'd 'run' against him per se, but I chose Reyna solely because we know Jason was raised up to Praeter during war, so Octavian couldn't have tried to vie against him. Reyna, on the other hand, she's barely been at camp for a few years and already became praeter? Octavian definitely had something to say about that.
Guys Like Potter (A Very Potter Sequel)- Octavian and Bryce Lawrence
Instead of being about the want for a partner, change the meaning to be the want for power? This is them to the T. It was probably "Guys Like Jackson" because my man has been at camp for 4 days and is already praeter.
Get into My Mouth (A Very Potter Senior Year) - Literally every monster ever
Self-explanatory, I believe.
The Dragon Song (A Very Potter Musical) - Lester Papadoupalus (Apollo)
This is actually how Apollo beat the Python, he told me himself.
So level with me buddy I can't defeat thee So please don't eat me All I can do Is sing this song for you
Also, the Python never asked to be a snake, and Apollo never asked to be turned mortal. We just jumped on the bandwagon, but all we need is guitar jammin'
If I Fail You (Black Friday) - Hermes
This is Hermes to Luke.
If I fail you one more time, the punishment won't match the crime. 'Cause there's no pain that can ever explain how I let you down. If I fail you one more time, the mountain I would have to climb, is so high up that I would have to die. Oh, I. I failed you once, and I will fail again.
That is all.
Doing This (Spies are Forever) - Jason Grace, Piper McLean, and Hera
I had trouble deciding whether Curt's mom would be Hera or Aphrodite because Aphrodite's well, Aphrodite, but Hera literally changed Piper's memories so she thought they were dating, so she ended up getting the honor.
I mean, the plot of the song is literally two characters, one of whom is canonically gay, thinking they have to be in a relationship before realizing they were better off as friends. That's literally Piper and Jason in TOA?
I guess we're doing this, see that look in your eyes, how can I resist, (Piper)I'm a girl, (Jason)I'm a guy. It's meant to be, because we're both spies, time to move in for this kiss. Just go with it and don't ask why. I guess we're doing this... is Heroes of Olympus and It's great to know we don't have to pretend. (Piper)You're cool with me? (Jason)'Till the end. But let's never do this again. Is them in Trials of Apollo.
To Dance Again (A Very Potter Musical) - Lavinia Asimov
As a tap dancer, I can say with certainty that Lavinia did Voldemort's tap dance for the entire legion, and spent hours making sure the fifth cohort could do the kickline properly. I don't make the rules.
The Witch In The Web (Nightmare Time) - Georgina
The "witch" is Trophonius, obviously, guiding Georgie to the cave in the Dark Prophecy. I feel like this one doesn't need much more explanation.
Rogues Are We and Rogues Are We (Reprise): Kronos' Army
Rogues are we!
Luke is Sweet Tooth in the reprise, obviously.
Adore Me (Black Friday) - Octavian
Also self-explanatory I feel like. Specifically, in House of Hades and Blood of Olympus after Reyna leaves, and he tries to make himself praetor.
I will destroy everything And then I will destroy everything I'll guarantee I'll destroy everything In my path Unless I get what I -
Gerald calling is Reyna arriving.
The Web I Spin For You (Nightmare Time) - Arachne
Do I really need to explain this?
Status Quo (Starship) - Percy Jackson
Percy does push the limits a lot, and doesn't except everything at face value, as shown when he make the gods pay child support.
I kick down the walls around me They don't know how strong I am I'm not defined by boundaries
Yeah, that's Percy.
Beauty (Starship) - Grover Underwood
This song is literally about finding beauty in nature, Grover's whole speil.
If you’re preoccupied with what’s on the outside You get lost in the “how it can seem” But open your eyes and you’ll be surprised To find out how much more something different can mean
It's just wonderful, and so Grover.
Backfire (Firebringer)- Leo Valdez
Leo made a schwoopsie when he blew up New Rome.
That's a joke. I know he was possessed, but also I feel like Backfired is how Leo's brain is when he's trying something knew. I also can see Leo being Fire also from Firebringer, or the predecessor to Backfire, which is What if?
If I Believed (Twisted: The Untold Story of the Royal Vizier) - Nico di Angelo
Just like Jafar being in denial about Sherrazade's death, just as Nico is in denial about Bianca's, and is willing to ignore logic and reason in order to get them back.
Science says you’re dead and gone forever Reason says I’m talking to the air But something in my heart Some secret hidden part Illogically insists that you are there Somewhere
It's how King Minos was able to manipulate Nico so easily in Battle of the Labyrinth, and how the villains were able to get Ja'far to join the dark side so easily.
I Steal Everything (Twisted: The Untold Story of the Royal Vizier)- Travis and Connor Stoll
Want food, but got no money? I'm screwed, or so it would seem That's why I came up with this brilliant scheme
Just steal everything!
Okay, Connor and Travis aren't absolute assholes like Aladdan is in this song, but I found it humorous.
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angry-moon-delusion · 6 months
Quill Presents: A List Of Game's I Own And Suggest You Should Get When You're Bored (or something)
Here For Part 2!
I Wanted To Make This List Thing To Let People Know The Existence Of These Little Hidden Gems Of Games I Found (And I Think People Should Play More Of Tbh)
Some More Well Known Than Others And Shouldn't Really be Counted as "Obscure" (Well At least One Is A lot More Well Known) But I Like Them & I Want To Remind People Of Them So Whatever
Also I'm Not Good At Explaining Stuff So Just Click On The Embedded Link On The Name Of The Game To See The Store Page To See If You Like It Or Not (Also See The Picture Of The Game Under the Link)
ALSO Also Most Likely Make Another One With More Games In The Future (Also If You Have Any Game You Think Is Underrated Feel Free To Share In The Notes (also also also sorry if i type alot i dont write alot and im a bad speller)
Games Under Read More
Bleed + Bleed 2
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Katana Zero
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Buddy simulator 1984
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They Bleed Pixels
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My Friend Pedro
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Children Of Slilentown
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What Lies In The Multiverse
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And I'll End This List With A Hat In Time Bc Why Not
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Alright I'm Getting Tired Of Writing So I'll Stop There
Like I Said I'll Probably Make A Sequel To This Post In The Future & You Can Put Your Personal Favorite Games You Think Need More Love In The Notes (If You Want To Of Corse)
Till Then Love Ya'self & See Ya'self
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real-odark · 6 months
25apcsb enjoyers listen to me talk about(/kind of review it for you? except not really because i will never say anything bad about this production) my favorite production of the show!
MAD theater i LOVE YOU.
i saw their production live (the first time ive ever seen this show live or a production by this company) and it was AMAZING. this is my favorite cast for this show hands down and let me show you some stuff and why you should love them, too !!
here are all of the spellers! arent they the cutest :3 they all portray their characters PERFECTLY, and im currently on a hunt to see all of them in more performances because WOW . i know the point of the show is for it to be obvious these arent preteens playing them but all three of the girls were so cute honestly id trust them if they said they were it was so good. im gonna talk about all of them too !;;
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their leaf was obsessed with sonic (sporting a nice sonic cape), and had a very good dynamic with every character and audience member he interacted with ! he say by me when he was eliminated and we talked a bit, and met his actor after the show. ALSO, playing logainne's dad with his soda and being the soccer mom ever is 100% approved by me . the way he effortlessly exchanged between the two roles was . AH.
olive was PERFECT. i cried at the i love you song so bad her little pom poms and im just mhejkn, her fidgeting with the strings of her cat hoodie whenever she was nervous was a great detail just small things like that
CHIP. chip chip chip. boy scout of the year, and JESUS ON A SCOOTER. he was so sassy and his little shenanigans made this character so good hed bite his lip and do little faces like that all the time he never broke id trust this man with my life
barfee , so nerdy i cannot resist this guy. he looks like he smells like hamburger and you know what? perfect. meeting him afterwards, he said that his shoes (for magic foot) were glow up sketchers and both of them were supposed to glow but only ONE did (the other broke) a few nights before and what a champ because he just went with it and CHANGED THE FOOT HE WAS USING to match the one that glew. i wouldve had a breakdown but go richard brown. through the whole show his bad accent and wet dog looks intrigued me
marcy was literally perfection, she had ME stressin out for her. i was sitting by the actresses' grandma and she was so fond of her its so cute. her singing voice is AMAZING there is a clip online i know of its on the theatre's tiktok but to hear that in person when its the song that got me into the show was wow. i relate to her very much and she made this character so personal even with just being in bits and pieces of the show
and finally, logainne. god she was SO FUNNY. the interactions between her and her dads, as well as the other spellers, were hilarious but also so real feeling. her actress, taylor,'s dedication to this role really showed and it worked awesome in the character. her appearance and outfit is the BEST for logainne btw??? no ones talking bout that its so so her ...,
^ also since i mentioned leaf's water bottle, logainne had a pride one + barfee had a pokemon cup. i think olive had one but if she did it was in the bleachers so i couldn't see, but i love how all of their bottles (yes even something just SMALL LIKE THAT) represent their characters the details in this show are sjsjd
here is a picture with the adults too! ill talk abt those three next;;
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rona. again, had me crying in the stands. she was adorable the whole show though, with her little quips and interchanges !! her + panch were so funny and also shes GORGEOUS?? but her soccer mom teacher type deal is exactly what i picture rona as.
panch reminded me very very much of ron swanson. he was so sarcastic and hes just such a big guy with all these kids it played off so well !! i love so many different interpretations of panch like twink panch and butch panch, but i think this burly panch with his soft, creepy side for rona was my favorite !
and now, lastly, mitch. HE KEPT BUSTING OUT AS THE SIDE CHARACTER WITH THE AMAZINF SINGING VOICE AND IT CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD EVERY TIME ??? mitch himself was so so awesome, the tattoos and drug apparell (i am struggling spelling that) fit so well. and also, he just looks so mitch mahoney doesnt he?? like. the character fits the actor so well id be shocked seeing anything else from them because mitch was the perfect role... again, his brief dynamic with all the kids is so goofy
the set;;
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it was so cute and the details in the posters on the wall were so childish it made me giggle. they even advertised their theatre's next production, which will be urinetown!! they had seats ON the stage (which is where i sat, naturally), which i think makes for a fun and realistic effect !! when the spellers were eliminated, theyd sit there (they had reserved spots) :3
its evident that all of the cast members had very good relatioships and play off that REALLY well
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a little photo dump of them!! on the MAD theatre social medias, they have more and clips of them, too!! id definitely reccomend checking them out because the show's closed :3
overall; i have so much love for this cast and MORE PEOPLE NEED TO AS WELL!!! so here you go 😊😊
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struwberrii · 2 months
I FREAKING LOVE UE WRITING SO MUCH!!!! U MOTIVATE ME TO WRITE HOWEVER, im a new writer and somewhat strugglw with words and phrasing 🥹🥹
I was wondering if you’re able to give out writing tips when it comes to the little drabbles!! (I understand id you’re unable to describe it bc i have difficulty with it too🥲🥲)
THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!! (˶ˆᗜˆ˵) i appreciate all the support!!
I will try my best to give some tips for you,, also id LOVE to see your writing!! message me and we can be mutuals if we arent already and you can message me with anymore questions, i LOVE helping people write :3
But some tips I have for writing drabbles would probably be to just imagine yourself in the scenario, like a lot of the stuff I write is me imagining myself in a situation like, on a date or hanging out with someone.
Also I am NOT good with my words at all, so often ill look up different more descriptive words. Like ill write "He was so happy to see her" but thats lowkey kind of boring sounding so ill look up different ways to say happy and turn that sentence into like "he couldn't help but smile when she entered the room" and then I'll like describe her aura or like how she makes him feel, i know thats probably not super helpful and kind of just like something everyone does im sorry :/
also I take a LOT of inspo from like prompt blogs or like imagine/scenario pages on tiktok and like to imagine a certain character. like my favorite tiktok page right now is @/youshouldgettogether they have super cute scenarios :3
also I find writing on my phone a lot easier since i have autocorrect and i am NOT a good speller lol, im also kind of lazy when it comes to proof reading, I find that i can type on my phone a lot faster than I do on my laptop but of course that depends on you as a writer.
let me know if theres anything else I can help with ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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mossywizard · 7 months
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i-am-distressed · 1 year
Not me thinking you were writing que as a short form of queue because I forgot cue was a word💀
LOL To be completely honest idk if que is an accepted spelling or not and i too forgot cue was a word.
While I am not an atrocious speller im def not a good one so who knows how I thought it was spelled💀
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trainer-blue · 1 year
saw a post once abt how spelling specifically can be smthin that doesnt come naturally to people. I had never thought of that before but if it’s true it makes me feel better bc im a good writer but a pretty shit speller
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smoosnoom · 2 years
daily compliment #18: you are such a good speller🥰 good rootin tootin! :)
im going to leak ur google docs
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spuffyfet · 1 year
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munamania · 2 years
this class is so annoying it’s an intro course so a lot of people are taking it as a gen ed and i admittedly slack off a lot since i’m like farther into my major but like. i’m not an idiot. they will take points off for spelling which isn’t a big deal for me im a good speller but i’m mad on principle. if you don’t say things in the exact way they want you to then obviously you don’t understand the concept and are just trying to fill space on a page. this is the class whose recitation i complain abt every friday. regretting coming to this lecture tbh this sucks
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hatchetverse · 2 months
hi this has been weighing on me for a very long time but i have to say it at this point. a while back you made a post about saf writers not having good writing skills and needing beta readers. and then you proceeded to spell the word ludicrous as "ludacris" in dialogue in the middle of a sex scene. ludacris as in hit rapper ludacris. completely serious. in a sex scene. ludacris. Ludacris. thank you for your time
LMFAO THATS FUCKING EMBARRASSING! omfg thanks for letting me know!!! (wish someone had pointed this out a lil sooner bc its been up for MONTHS lol).
im a shit speller. always have been and I guess gdocs didn't have the heart to tell me either lmfao
Iirc i didn't say anyone had bad skills? I dont think i said anything specific, on purpose. But maybe i did, i can't seem to find the post rn and im an idiot bc i have no earthy idea what i tagged it as. I was kinda referring to formatting bc idk i saw one or two fics that were just like one big paragraph or the dialogue was all on the same line. (which is not a big deal when i comes to free stuff on the internet, OBVIOUSLY, but I just wanted to offer my help).
Specifically not for spelling, clearly. lol
((((outside of that embarrassing spelling error...............what did u think of my fic?))))
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naycay · 2 months
vote blue i get that you dont wunt to i do but is a 3rd party  really  going to win i meen  really  now? i meen most of the prisidis are one of the two partys is that going to chane now? in an eloson yer i meen im pritty shoer that takes time and we dont have enonf and blues the sifes option. sory im not a good speller
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ajsilly · 2 months
intro post !!
hiii im aj ! im a 16 y/o age regressor with audhd :D i am genderfluid (he/she/star 4 me please!) bi, and aroace!
my current favourite things r good omens, golden girls, taylor swift, brooklyn nine-nine, supernatural & psych !!
please dni if u are an nsfw blog or are gonna be mean to me about my interests, im really not interested <33
byf: im not very active cuz of mental health n stuff but i will deff try to be! i swear a bit cuz i struggle w words and i am an awful speller:)
more dni: sh, ed, anti agere, abdl/ddlg blogs + zionists !!!
flag in my pfp by the lovely beachreg !!!!!!!!!
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