#im not crazy enough to put this as an actual prediction but
as promised, here is my version of the tdp speculation bingo!
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some of these predictions/theories are mine, some i’ve adopted from others, ie, @xadian-daydreams @its-leethee @clown-fession @raayllum @parroset :>
honorable mention to
-viren relapse with dark magic/aaravos
-aaravos & ezran interaction
blank template below the cut
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+ link to original post/creator
+ link to my meta masterlist for insight i guess
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nyxi-pixie · 26 days
Sorry to bother you, I wanted to know if you had any fic recs? Your writing is so good and your tastes are immaculate, and I am starving for any kind of good content. Please?
its not possible to bother me love dw <3
NOW. i dont actually read all that much anymore bc i am horrendously picky but this does give me an excuse to hype up the few authors that have satisfied my unreasonably specific tastes 🤩.
so. a few bsd recs for you (except theyre 99% skk because im horribly predictable forever). everyone go read all of these and tell the authors how wonderful they are in the comments please <3
anything @booksandpaperss has ever written is genius work and everyone should read it. could talk abt all of their stuff for hours (and i have🤩 they put up w so much of me bothering them godbless). also our brains do some accidental crazy mind melding shit whenever either of us write fic so if you like any of my stuff you will like theirs. thats the rules. <3
like twin stars in the dark (we collide)- dead apple skk porn as a vehicle for 22skk analysis. makes me salivate i have read it so many times. they get 22skk better than anyone🙏
my lies are for you to keep (my love for you to lose) - the only take on beastskk that matters to me ever. you can actually see me losing my mind in the comment i wrote on this fic bc of how fucking insane every single line made me. theres SO much packed into this thing its fucking crazy i NEEEEED everyone to read it. thats all <3
till death, I'll give you my breath - dazai death timeloop. this fic terrifies me so much i await every update with my teeth chattering and my heart pulsing so rapidly i should be hospitalised. the first scene of chapter 2 genuinely had me on the verge of tears im unwell about it.
(elli also has some jjk stuff thats REALLYREALLY good and if ur into jjk u should check that out too.)
NOW. aside from being a propaganda machine for my fav writer ever. Heres some other stuff i love.
the second perspective by @wildflowerteas. murder mystery/detective noir stuff w some time fuckery. the au of all time. mashes aspects of beast, canon, and some extra special niko sauce into a mixing bowl and goes crazy w it. just Such a genuinely impressive piece of writing. i could talk abt the technical brilliance of it for hours but i will stop myself. you gotta commit to this thing because it WILL make u crazy. also i loveee the sskk. its like if we had the beast first meeting sskk forever. SOSO GOOD!!!!
did fate guide the gun or did you? by @kanetheo. i read this pretty soon after chapter 109 and it genuinely fried my brain for months. the writing style is beautiful (as for everything they write AUGHH!!!) and the angst is delectable. the way it intersperses more fun silly skk moments with just. complete misery. GOD. it just hits. ive reread it quite a few times and it never fails to make me go crazy. srsly cannot rec this enough.
the decomposition of dazai osamu by @hella1975 this shot several bullets through my brain and i still havent recovered. i keep thinking 'oh i should reread that' and then i dont bc some part of my brain still concerns itself w maintaining whats left of my sanity. BUT its crazy good and everyone should read it and suffer at least once. EVERYONE LOVES YOU OSAMU!!!! EVERYONE EATS YOU!!! line of all time lets all kill ourselves.
smoke held conversations by feralrookie - i havent reread this in a while but it does cool stuff with nlh and the skkisms are really good in this too. ppl often write teen chuuya as less intelligent than he actually is. hes very observant, esp of dazai, and this fic gave me that 🙏
i called your name til the fever broke by forest_raccoon - vampire chuuya. biting is involved. i blacked out reading it. enough said.
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takeurexam · 3 months
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dynasty || II
non idol au, time travel, romance, rivals to allies to friends to lovers, crown prince to emperor taehyun, reader gets appointed as an concubine
taehyun x reader
(warning, this does not reflect the REAL idols personality, and no smut will be written to respect the idol, and i am not comfortable as well, and the taehyun in this ff is not the actual taehyun)
in which you, an excellent law student about to graduate collage suddenly gets dragged into the past, meeting the famous-fawned over emperor of the kang's dynansty. but you getting dragged into this mess was beyond a mystery, and it seems like you have something deep to discover. meddling with the past is a risky decision after all.
dynasty masterlist
2. Mountain
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The Kang Dynasty was a family famous in history books- they maintain their reputation even when they're remains and only found on history books, museums, and people still fawn over them.
As a collage student, you would encounter this topic in history. Students fawn over them because of their 'good deeds' and 'glamouring' looks. Especially the emperor in this generation you're traveled into, Kang Ta...
"Who was he again? Gosh, I havent thought about history in a while." You get lost in thought as you clean the campsite of Soobin and Hobak as a sign of gratitude for saving you.
Its been officially a day since you've arrived here; you've built the pieces and it seems that you have time traveled for some absolute crazy reason.
"It was those masked people. Im so sure! I thought they were theives.." You sigh as you finish gathering the leaves on the ground and throw them in a pit.
"Somehow.. I still have this chopstick." You put it in your hair as you remembered the ladies from this dynasty wearing them on their hair. "I think it was that lady. Or she maybe predicted this and wished for my downfall because I looked stupid." You mumble to yourself as you grunt and sit down on a big rock waiting for something to happen.
Soobin and Hobak were cool honestly. Soobin was handsome but really introverted. He could just say one word for the day and go on. Hobak on the other side, is short compared to Soobin and very talkative, what a unique duo.
They went out to town because Soobin needed more herbal medicine for you because he thought you had memory loss or things that you couldnt understand what he was saying.
You wipe your hands and stand up to go back to your tent which was originally Hobak's that he was kind enough to share.
"Hey! Were back!" You hear Hobak shout before you could even reach your tent.
"Yo, something happen?" You ask.
"Nothing really crazy, but I saw the Crown Prince today! He looked handsome as hell but not as me. Anyways, I dont know why they're at Daedo, but it seemed really suspicious and at the same time important." Hobak rants on, and Soobin just nods his head.
"Cool. I cleaned a bit for you guys, and dont worry, I didnt displace anything." Soobin smiles at your work and places down the baskets he brought.
You all go inside the main big tent which is where the two of them eat, make ingredients and make medicine.
"What are you planning to do?" Soobin asks you.
"I dont know.. I still havent gained my memories, but the best thing to do right now is explore. The problem? Im broke." You knew that saying you time traveled is just pure stupidity because one, they dont know that, two, you'll be called crazy. So adjusting to Soobin's diagnosis would be for the best.
"You can work for us. I can give you money." Soobin happily drops out paper in the table and grins, "You'll be like an herb collector for me."
"Sure, that would be cool." You grin back and write his so called 'requirements' in the paper he placed down.
Morning comes, you hear the chickens attempt to wake you up for your first task, which is to travel to the mountains to find herbs Soobin needs.
"Wait. How do people find their way home though.." You thought as you prepared to go out. "It is what it is."
You walk over to the main tent and see Soobin sitting, drinking a cup of coffee. "Heres the list." He smiles.
"Good mood?"
"I like seeing people volenteer to help me."
You take the list and shove it down your pockets, "If you dont need anything else, then i'll be on my way." Fixing your shoes, you get ready to leave to the mountains.
"Goodluck." He smiles again.
The mountains were filled with leaves as it was autumn, and there were many trees compared to the present. It was truly refreshing to see a nice environment after a while.
"If I get killed by a bear, will I go back to my time?" You talk to yourself as you go on the mountains.
"Holy! Its this thing from the list!!" You look at the drawing and the plant and see alot of similarities, "Bingo." You pick up the plant and put it in your basket.
"Checked.." You put a check mark using charcoal that you randomly found in the ground.
"Next!" You hop on.
Soobin advised on how to get home, that to try and head to Daedo, which was at the South and Hobak would pick you up because he had errands there.
You knew directions enough to go, so it wasnt much of an problem.
"Ooh! Another one." You pick up another plant and mark it with the charcoal as you go on once again to the mountains.
You left the base at exactly morning, which for you was eight in the morning, and you had no issues on the way so far. Soobin's list is almost complete so you had no worries because you seemed lucky today.
"Check, check.. check. This is easy!" You giggle as you jump around the leaves.
"It dosent seem to bad to be in this dynasty. It feels good to have an escape from the suffocating gates of university and issues going around. It feels like life just became fresh again here." You sigh as you feel the wind swarm around with your thoughts.
"One last plant! And lucky for me, its over here." You crouch to the ground and pick up the plant and place it on your basket. "Wooho!"
But somehow, you couldn't shake off a weird feeling. Because everything was going so well; nothing has happened to you. And you felt like something right now is gonna go wrong.
"WHAT THE FUCKK!" You get trapped in a net, which seemed like a booby trap for animals and hunters to catch.
"I PREDICTED THIS. URHRHRHG." You groan and move around the net to try and make it give up because of your heavy ass.
You hear footsteps approach and you just start praying in your mind that they dont kill you and actually let you go and they're a kind soul and..
"Why are you here? This wasnt made for you." A tall man in a pony tail with his long hair and wearing black armor as he held a sword. He was hot as well.
"Whats good?" You smile at him awkwardly as you were in a position with tangled arms and legs.
"Who are you and what is your purpose?" He draws his sword. "Hey, hey! Im good- im innocent! Uh- im just looking for herbs!" You shout.
"See?" You shake your basket at him. He looks at you with a raised brow but dosent draw back his sword.
"So please, help?" You grin.
He dosent reply and cuts the rope with his sword which drops you to the ground "Ouch!" You fall ass flat.
"Thank you.. uh.."
"General Beomgyu of the Palace."
"Yeah! Thank you so much dear General Beomgyu!" You jump around in joy as you hug your basket.
"Its dangerous out here. Why are you collecting herbs?" He asks with his sword drawn back and crossed arms.
"It is? I never encountered any danger." You were lying. You saw booby traps in some areas, like alot. But decided to avoid them, but this trap you fell in was well hidden.
"...Okay. Who do you serve?"
"Uh... Soobin. Do you know him?"
"Oh. Its Soobin." He mumbles as he fixes his throat, letting the air engulf the two of you. He speaks after a while, "I have to get going."
You suddenly have an idea in mind, "Wait-" You stop him from walking, "Where are you heading to?"
He looks at you suspiciously but still answers, "Daedo." Your eyes brighten as you grin, "Can I come with you? Arent you concerned about the dangers lurking? Then a General like you! Can help me." You smirk as he looked genuinely suprised at your remark.
He thinks for a while, "Alright. Just dont be a bother."
"Wooho!" You shout with your fists thrown into the air as he just eyes you and proceeds to walk the direction to Daedo.
"Hey, do you serve the Crown Prince?" You ask as you both walk down the leaf filled ground. He looks at you for a short time and looks away.
"Yes, I do."
"Why are you here at Daedo?" You ask him. You remembered Hobak ranting about how the Crown Prince's prescence was both suspicious and seemingly important.
"Why are you asking?"
"Because im curious? Who lets the Crown Prince go along Daedo randomly?" You shrug as you two walk down a path.
He hesitates to answer, "We have business here in Daedo. You should be aware then that I cant share that information to you."
"Im aware, I just wanted to see if you would tell me or not."
"What?" He looks at you a little confused, "You're crazy."
You laugh at his comment, "Thanks."
You both become silent for the meanwhile as you observe your surroundings- you might need to know this place for future tasks or just incase you get lost.
"What do I even do after? I dont plan on working my whole life for Soobin. Well, that dosent seem so bad. I can explore Daedo then go practice fighting to look cool and build a base and-" Your thoughts get cut by Beomgyu, "We're here."
"Oh, theres my friend!" You notice Hobak near a corner. "Well, General Beomgyu, I wont forget you!" You wave goodbye as you run to Hobak.
"I wont forget you too." He mumbles under his breath before heading to his designated place.
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<previous chapter
>next chapter
hi everyone!! heres the 2nd chapter <3 hope you enjoyed!
for kdrama lovers, if ya know empress ki, you know who im referencing beomgyu to (general taltal) i love him teehe
welcome beomgyu ‼️
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raayllum · 23 days
i just need to humbly know...but didn't you start predicting chet crazy fucking early like season 2?
im sincerely amazed that it seems like every single one of your predictions has come true, that is some insane story analysis and deductive reasoning. how have you kept track of so many details over the course of six seasons?
also whenever something you knew was going to happen happens you must do the kicking legs and squealing and gasping thing, right? cuz I'm doing it all the time in this show and I've barely predicted shit lol 😂
you're pretty awesome
I did!! Ever since Callum got the Key I figured it'd be something that Aaravos would want back, though that actual Theory came about after Through the Moon was released early (so like, Sept 2020?). I predicted right after S3, though, that Callum's main arc going forward was going to be 1) going too far with magic like a little Icarus figure, 2) being worried about his mind being unsafe / too much like Viren, and 3) trying not to but inevitably playing into Aaravos with that damn cube, cause you just don't give your main hero an item that connects them to your main villain if you're not going to draw on that connection tbh. I thought it'd likely be a key related to his prison or power up he needed to get out / wreck havoc on the stars, either way something Aaravos was invested in getting back
To this day I'm still pleasantly surprised at how much it manifested going forward (aka "Callum's worst fear being that his mind is unsafe/invaded" was because of how much he relies on his intelligence and his tendency to get stuck in his head, which literally happens in 2x08 lol)
I still kick my legs and squeal a lot when it's something I thought might happen but wasn't sure we'd get even if I liked/wanted it a lot (Viren-Ezran interactions in S6 or the whole "Callum won't kiss Rayla till he's told her about the dark magic" thing), for more overt predictions (like Rayla being his light/truth or one of the quasar diamonds being taken and put into the staff) there's more of an excited "I knew it!!" and then sometimes days of processing that a long held theory or something was Actually Right in the end
I expect going into S7 with CHET I'll be both waiting with baited breath and crying my eyes out if it (or something close enough to it) Happens, since in 5x08 I mostly sat there in joyful disbelief just as I did for 6x03. Like what do you mean I got Rayla saying "If you ever have to choose between me or the greater good" and Callum reiterating "You told me to never sacrifice the greater good for one person (specifically)" like?? I'm still in shock tbh, I just no longer have doubt (though a longer meta on CHET is still being chipped away at for now)
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fagcrisis · 6 months
poppy war thoughts, aka this book was so bad it made me want to get a goodreads account just so i can shit on it in an official capacity
so what initially sold me on this book, is that despite my friend ellis absolutely hating rf kuang's babel, ive only ever seen raving reviews for it anywhere else, and a brief description of its magic system reminded me of gergő és az álomfogók. i love that mainstream fantasy is finally starting to rely on drawing from cultures other than the sort of western mainstream and i was actually super excited to get into it. well it sucked (this contains spoilers obviously)
its 11 am this is not gonna be very structured but let me start off by listing some things i did enjoy. first of all its low hanging fruit and im better than this so im only gonna shit on tpw for being so directly about the sino chinese war that the only actual interesting bits of exposition in the book was what was just a description of actual events a Little bit. listen lotr is about ww2. its fine its all fine. anyway, i had fun with the bits of worldbuilding that were yk, actually worldbuilding. the magic system was really interesting and just super not explored enough, the book handled drug addiction about as sensitively as the dare program, but nevertheless it was a cool concept. shamans who have to get high as hell do do anything and then putting those guys in a combat setting is crazy. really fun concept. speaking of shamans i loved jiang. his archetype is impossible to fuck up and he was loveable and fun till the very end. uhh what else. the fight descriptions were good its something kuangs is decent at, as someone whos watched just truly an inordinate amount of wuxia as a child i rly can appreciate a stupid convoluted fight scene. oh i found it hysterical that the west was just one country that was really fun.
rin is incredibly unlikeable i know its not the point of every book ok but tpw isnt good enough to have a protagonist who is just impossible to relate to this isnt 1984 okay this is contemporary ya. i GET that she sucks and thats the point but im supposed to emphatize with her and throughout the book she just seemed stupid and easy to manipulate and not very interesting. shes an incredibly shallow character which is i guess what happens when you base your ya teenage girl protagonist on CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY MAO ZEDONG. HELLO. anyway. all her personal relationships are very much carried by the strenght of the characters close to her, and because most characters in this book are not very interesting that makes for a shitty fucking protagonist.
most of the conflict in this book is extremely artificially generated until maybe the second half of part 3. everyone in rins life is unnessecarily mean to her because shes just so smart and good at things. the part where they accused her of cheating on the exams and she owned them like crazy came to define much of the book. some kind of mean cunt whose purpose in life is to cause misery is an asshole to rin bc shes so smart and strong and talented, and she owns them with a witty remark. she punches nezha on the first day of school for fucks sake.
speaking of the school, the majority of the book is spent at sinegard academy and it is an extremely predictable and dull affair. i long for the wizard of earthsea. kuang is not a very good writer on a technical level and everything that she tries to imply she ends up spelling out (usually by having a character say it out loud) only a couple pages later. you can get through 2/3rds of this book by just reading every other page and correctly guessing what has happened and what will happen. in possibly the funniest paragraph of part 2, rin thinks about how everybody thinks altan is the coolest guy and yet he has no friends and at this point shes been experiencing quite severe racism from all of her peers and then instead of leaving you to figure out the quite obvious conclusion kuang literally has her say "oh his skin is dark and mine is too. i wonder if he knows what racism is like" just, truly hysterical.
her feud with nezha is unbearable, i knew immediately that he would become a romantic interest because a ya protagonist cannot hate a boy for perfectly good reasons. it always has to be bc shes horny. anyways thankfully when she starts studying with jiang, jiang is there and the terrible dullness of it all is lifted somewhat
as i mentioned before, the actual historical elements in the book elevate it greatly and the third part is almost enjoyable in some sections. however, unfortunately, this is also the part of the book where rin and altans darkling situation begins. i have a sinking feeling altan may not have died, which sucks because i hated this bit. they have virtually no relationship to eachother except altan yelling at rin occasionally. now again there were bits and pieces of their relationship that i didnt quite hate, but honestly i still dont entirely buy the rin is a seerly thing emotionally because she is so detached from it. the revelation only seemed to shock her a little bit and then she was busy with being at war and her boss hating her, when she actually gains the power of the phoenix at the very end its her own hatred and egoism fueling her rather than any connection to her people. overall this again comes back to her being quite weak as a character, and the worldbuilding suffers as a result of that
in any case, ill mull over continuing the series. the ending was actually quite strong i love a genocide as a result of being a stupid fucking 19 year old (dont quote me on this please), so maybe the next one is better maybe ms kuang learned to write inbetween these 2.
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blank check for ur gold morning thoughts/predictions/etc. how are we feeling about all of this. (& how do u think it's going to end?) <3333
HI. FORGOT I HAD THIS STILL. taking my allotted break time (just started arc 29 ouahg) to finally . answer this
god. what the fuck man. how the fuck am i supposed to put my gold morning thoughts into words. this is gonna be so stream of consciousness and not organized AT ALL sorry :] btw i love that its called gold morning for one. thats so fucked. for the record i still feel so fucking vindicated that i was right all along about scion being scary i will never come down from this high of being so correct about media !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was actually just thinking abt this earlier i still think its so fucking crazy that. the slaughterhouse nine is like NOTHING now. all this time i had thought the apocalypse was gonna be some crazy rise to power for jack and instead hes just. fucking suffocating in some containment foam and his only meaningful contribution was saying some cryptic bullshit that set scion on a rampage. god. i have a lot of feelings abt that. and also the vague bonesaw redemption arc thats happening in the background (i dont want to call it that but also i cant think of the other word for that rn. only other word i can think of is domestication and thats not right either. you know what i mean)
uhhhhhhhhh okay predictions??? overall i do NOT expect worm to have a happy ending. i do still expect taylor to die at some point (shes gotten pretty fucking close a few times but god DAMN that girl is a cockroach (pun . intended)) i think a lot of people are gonna go out in a blaze of glory, specifically because that term has been used quite a few times recently... but i do think theyre going to succeed in either killing scion (probably more likely, we know the worms can be killed or. can at least DIE bc of his counterpart) or my insane person theory which is punting him back out into the cosmos and sending him to continue his cycle somewhere else. if that happens i think all the capes with (natural) powers will lose their powers, but the cauldron capes will still have theirs bc theyre like... artificial and it seemed like scion couldnt affect them as efficiently as he could capes with shards?????? idk. still DYING 2 know what happened to the corpse of the counterpart. potentially the way they send him away is by finding a way to revive it?? and then they can leave together. that seems way too happily ever after than what im expecting though. idk man im just. throwing wet pasta at the wall. if i say enough insane things perhaps i will be sort of kind of right and itll be really funny.
EXTREMELY excited bc like. i have 2 arcs left. i definitely wont finish it today like i was kind of hoping i would but im definitely gonna be. done with worm this week. what an insane thing to say. ive been reading this book since like. what. april? may?? i dont remember. either way holy shit good fucking book everyone read worm NOW. i was planning on drawing/writing some nhw this weekend but god damn i just got sucked into the worm fugue instead i NEED to know how this damn book ends dude.
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doubletrucks · 1 year
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public diary under the cut. yapping and yipping and so forth
i have to start seriously looking for housing that is not with my family members soon for the first time ever in my life (flop moment i'm almost 23 and most people have done that already by this age but like. whatever that's it's own whole other post lol) and like ummm. i am feeling very scared about it!!! because i don't feel like im capable of putting all the pieces together to live independently without totally crashing and burning and a lot of it is mental because that was something that got kind of drilled into my head when i was a kid. that i wasn't ever going to be capable of doing that!! and so i feel weird and bad about it and like i'm just going to end up having to move home and live with my mom again which i absolutely do not want to do. like. horrors terrors. cannot do that. which means that the only option is to just move out on my own and figure it out. which is kind of freeing. like. it will work out because it has no choice but to work out. even if it's scary. which it is!!! no one has ever taught me how to manage money and everything is so expensive and i'm still really afraid of the dark. but as a wise scholar once said. fuck it we ball. i could get a cat!!! idk. i think i am going to be really scared until i'm actually doing it and then i will be like oh. this is fine actually. that is my prediction. and like realistically it Will be fine bc i am lucky enough to have a little bit of a Network of people who support me already. but there's so much stuff to do to even get to that point like this being alive shit is sooooo crazy......... ANYWAY. any advice/words of encouragement/anon hate about how i'm an embarrassing flop is appreciated.
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quodekash · 1 year
I RAN OUT OF IMAGES AGAIN (whaaat that's crazy, i never couldve possibly expected that) BUT ITS FINE
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i feel like os2 is entirely an apology for not giving us much tiwpor in canon, cos damn theyre really giving us a lot
and i deeply appreciate it
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im sad now
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lmao nice
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"if you dont have anything more to say, ill go home now" LITERALLY THE EXACT SAME WHAT THE HELL WIN
AND HE'S GONNA SAY "i have a ride. want to go back with me? i can give you a ride"
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and im definitely not thinking about the sexual connotations of that statement, no sir, not me.
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JORN!! ^D^
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bye bye jornnnn
i love you jornnnn
have a good day
sleep well
drink water and stuff
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or you could just. like. ask him out.
i know how itll go if you do that:
he'll be confused at first. he'll think about it for a sec. he'll make a Realisation. he'll either say yes, or he'll say 'we can date after hot wave' and badabing badaboom happiness
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he's gonna finisht that with something like "but you have to be the one to get the flame of the candle burning"
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i smell merch
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but did he ever SAY that??
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actually a good cover up
i dont remember if tinn said the same thing or not in canon
i think tinn's excuse was saving the reputation, not earning the reputation
but either way, the school reputation thing? actually kinda genius
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which is honestly a good thing so KEEP IT UP ILY
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the scenes from earlier make a lot more sense now
this is proving what i said earlier about os2 being ENTIRELY an apology for the lack of canonical tiwpor
os2 for msp? its just tiwpor. everything is tiwpor. and also soundwin because they are important.
but all the tinngun? its for the sake of tiwpor. they are the main characters.
and im so freaking happy about it
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yuri-cocaine · 3 months
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more msq progress and more thoughts
-the shiny alpaca.........................
-i know gulool ja ja's hope is for wuk lamat to learn more about her people and connect with them better, but imo thats not what she needs to grow into the ruler role!!! when wuk lamat had that heart to heart with us and thanked us for helping her change, im like???? huh???? how did you change. she started as a peppy extrovert who is amazing at getting to know people, and she still is! learning about turali cultures is a breeze for her. she's having a ton of fun!! i feel like im chaperoning someone at a summer camp! what she actually needs to work on is the strengths her brothers have. she doesnt seem to have any plan beyond "keep the peace and vibe forever" but she needs the future planning koana is cooking up. and altho she can tank, wuk lamat isn't amazingly strong. she got jumped by rando bandits and broke her axe trying, and failing, to land a blow on bakool ja ja. i guess it's fine if she isn't as strong as her dad since there's lots of leaders who aren't fighters (like minfilia and nanamo), but she should at least implement koana's infrastructure plans if she becomes hokage.
-the maps are beautiful and im having a ton of fun exploring, but holy shit these feats are so boring and repetitive. there has GOT to be a better way to do them than watch a cutscene with machinations playing in the bg and then talking to three people for info. the worst one is the moblin one. there's an entire group of disgruntled artisans that were abused by the moblins, and we don't interact with them at all. instead we just bring some elezen over, and this guy was already looking for a job anyways. wuk lamat could've really flexed her people skills convincing the artisans at cracked cistern to come back to the moblins, and also convince the moblins to treat them better. but no. we listen to machinations play, we talk to three people, bakool ja ja acts like a dick.
-the valigarmanda fight was fun but...that's about it. valigarmanda was a bit of a disappointment. promo materials really hyped it up and we don't see it do anything other than burn a few giants and fly away. i know it's been weakened by being trapped in ice, but if it wrought just a bit more destruction it would've had a bigger impact. actually i thought valigarmanda wasn't just a tural vidraal bc the tail feathers reminded me of jotchua ffxvi, so there was some kind of twist that its actually an eikon or someone transformed or something. but in the end, it was just a giant bird.
-zoraal ja makes no sense to me rn. im predicting that bakool ja ja gets humbled in a major way and drops out of the contest completely, possibly growing out of his assholery in the process, but i do not know what zoraal ja's endgame here is. he wants to be dawnservant and unify the world, but also teach everyone that war sucks. and then when everyone is exhausted, they'll...follow his rule???? maybe im missing something here but how does this even make sense.
-koana's my personal pick for dawnservant. he's the only one with a plan for the future. yes hes a nerd and a weeb for sharlayan and even says "by the twelve" even tho tural clearly doesnt worship them, but he isnt a sociopath or pete from kingdom hearts. he's not as peppy as wuk lamat, but he's open minded enough to understand that there are traditions and cultural values ppl hold onto even if he personally dislikes them. with wuk lamat as cultural ambassador or diplomat or whatever, koana can become a really good ruler and put a high speed rail in tural asap. again, he doesnt need to be ridiculously strong like gulool ja ja to be dawnservant. it would certainly help to be strong, but ultimately unnecessary bc the point is to improve on what tural already has.
-i like that ketenramm has been rebranded to be part of gulool ja ja's party instead of a crazy lominsan explorer who was like a dumb christopher columbus. the eorzea encyclopedia said that he tried to name tural "ketenland" and nobody caught on, and his stories about a "bleedin' city of gold" was dismissed as nonsense. i think it's best to just not have a columbus trope at all, even if the story tries to subvert it by making the columbus character clownish. ketenramm is from limsa but there's no "i discovered this and will name it after me!" thing anymore. or maybe there is and gulool ja ja beat him up for it. i haven't finish yak tel.
-there's an npc in a flashback in the melee role quests who looks like yuma but she's dead so yuma still reigns supreme
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-poor erenville can't fight, so he had to sit there and listen to sareel ja say slurs at him for a whole hour
-erenville's pointer finger thing is rly cute!!! him always having his backpack on is also a charm point. im wondering if the whole party just loaded all their luggage onto him.
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spiteless-xo · 11 months
Im so sorry this ramble is so long but here u go🙁
The absolute terror that came over me when i saw the email notification for the new chapter😭😭😭ok before i read im gonna put my final insights here,, ive literally been scrambling around my house procrastinating reading it bc im TERRIFIED and honestly im so sad its ending,, ive been reading since like february??? I think???Idk atp but i cannot express how much ive loved this story i wish it couldve just continued forever🥲🥲
Ok my predictions are that this will not be a one way path ik tiff is evil and likes to fuck w our feelings😞 i think smt twisted like reader picking eren but eren not picking reader could happen BC HE REALISED HIS SELF WORTH MAYBE😭����but im not intricate enough to actually use that to decide but i honestly am at a loss i have no clue,, its an honest gamble but i do think eren is endgame??? Help i have no clue😭 but i do remember someone analysing the smells? Vanilla is more home and comfort so like a foundation? And citrus was for summer and things but i was thinking how summer is a temporary thing where people live out crazy activities for the sake of it but the whole thing abt it is that its temporary like we always have to go back HOME to our foundation aka vanilla aka eren????
Thing is ive been eren for endgame since DAYY ONEE i only almost switched up once during the arc with erens confession (idky😞) but other than that ive stayed loyal LMAO idk if im just being delusional tho convincing myself I think she'll end up with eren but
ALSO my other point right
I wanna take this back to tiff bc she IS the author😋 from what ive seen in her tumblr,, a lot of the reader owns resemblance to tiff?? She's mentioned a lot how the readers job is based off her irl experience in an office and some of the readers habits shes claimed to have herself i remember she was saying how people bashing the reader made her think like 'wait thats kind of me tho’ i remember it too vaguely to quote but ANYWAY off the basis that the reader is in some aspects (not all) a projection in some ways?? Its gonna influence,, we ALL know tiff is a strong jean girl😭 we love that and so u'd think jean would be picked BUT in between chapters i saw a few tumblr posts abt her growing liking for eren? I wont deny that she is DEFINITELY still a jean girl but i think for some form of variation in her work bc i think as far as i know she only has one other eren story on her ao3 and so i think her growing crush ok eren may be enough to win her over for just this fic even if jean remains her favourite?? I have like ten million other theories but i need to read the chapter now i will be back😋😋 (im so scared im shitting my pants)
Im back!! its been like 6 days since i read it but i just didnt have time to write out my reaction after bc i was so fucking immersed i lost track of time and was late to meet up w my friends💀💀💀anyway it was such rollercoaster omd😭 the letters from jean we’re honestly so cute and i think the year time skip made everything all the more realistic in her choice bc she frl needed that break😭 OMD AND THE WAY I WAS PANICKING when that girl came out the elevator istg i thought it was mikasa,, with all generic eren fanfics if theres ever a third party to make the reader jealous theres some unspoken rule to never use mikasa for some reason and i was dying thinking it was gonna be her😭😭 commonly people use historia so when even a mention of eren having a new gf came up my mind shot to historia i swear i was worrying just as much as the reader💀 anyway back to jeans letters i was honestly like getting a bit swayed that i wouldnt even be upset if reader ended up w jean and especially considering how offstandish eren was when reader went to see him at first he was like not following up on anything like he was rushing to see his stupid gf (it was armin🎉🎉🥳) AND THE READER WAS SO CUTE FOR THAT GUNDAM (tysm tiff its such a silly headcanon that eren collects those and builds them i can see it HELP) and i think it was so cute seeing the reader and sasha as bsfs more bc i think there was long periods of time that that relationship w sasha wasnt as strongly shown so its so nice AND OMGOGMOGM LEVI????? U made the dynamic w them so well how he has that small bit of warmth telling her she can work there whenever she needs its the cutest thing ever i love it more than ever and the way levi talks abt petra UGH u made everything so endearing, and istg the reader has never been real until this chapter bc she is so right saying that a bunch of paper doesnt change him bc I KNEW AS SOON AS HE SAID HE NEVER LEFT TITAN AND BECAME BASICALLY HIS DAD that he was not gonna be endgame,, i always had the theory that titan and the kirstein status is a metaphor for the status jean has from the reader bc shes loved him for so long thinking hes someone that hes really not,, jean was painfully aware how he could make any mistake at work and have no punishment similarly to how even if he hurts the reader she will always forgive him so if he couldnt avoid reaping the benefits of his kirstein status then it means he’d continue to take advantage of the reader but thing is this status dissolved when she took that year away from him which is why I appreciate how realistic it all is logic wise,, Eren evidently changed and omg i wanna know abt the pictures on his wall bc when reader was first there there was mention how there were no family pictures or any sign of him really living there but when she came back there were pictures,, i was trying to figure out the meaning but i cant get my finger on it😭 my guess is that he found more purpose in life?? Idk bc that seems so vague and farfetched i was wondering what ur intentions were with that🙆‍♀️ and i had a theory AGES AGO that piecks ‘bad bf’ before jean or smt was zeke?? Bc knowing how zeke was in that gc and stuff like that it sounded like smt was gonna link together? I just think the added details abt piecks past was left unfinished so i was also wondering abt that😋 anyway ugh the ending was also so cute usually i hate when characters dance in fanfics but it was so cute and fitting for the moment like THEM AT THE POINT omg i loved it i love u thank you SO MUCH tiff for an amazing story i hope u have a good day bb❤️❤️❤️
omg thank you for a such a lovely message 🥰💗🥰💗 i’ll hide my response under a cut here because it’s long
reading since february!! omg that’s like the beginning! i think i dropped the first chapter on valentine’s day
“tiff is evil and likes to fuck with our feelings” 💀💀💀 yes.
ugh the smells!!!!! that was my biggest slip up frfr 🙈 i said way too much when i responded to that ask because i was so excited someone asked!! and you guys were all right of course. eren was home and jean was just temporary (like the summer season)
lmao ok literally. i was still a hardcore jean girlie when i started writing tbaw and even after i decided it was gonna end w eren. so throughout writing tbaw….. i literally fell in love w eren jaeger 🙈 and i almost fell out of love w jean!!! tbaw!jean is so awful he almost ruined jean completely for me
hehehe yes yes you’re 100% right w jean. he’s so used to taking advantage and never getting punished (w reader and titan) that he doesn’t really see a point in changing because tbh his life is pretty good?? but then when reader spent time away from him, her blind infatuation w him wore off and then when he tried to pull that same shit again, she’s like nah bro.
ok this is probably not clear at all, but the deal w eren’s apartment is that in the beginning it’s very sanitized and show-homey because he feels distant and detached from his friends/family after the death of his mom and becoming close w zeke. he’s like internally ashamed of the way he’s acting because he knows he’s in the wrong so he’s almost punishing himself by distancing himself from everyone.
and then after a year when he’s changed and the pictures are on the wall, its because hes worked his way out of that hole of self loathing and is happy with the person he is now. so he’s able to feel more comfortable, even in the privacy of his own home, and having his mom “watch over him” in a sense, and cherishing his previous relationship w jean and his ongoing friendship w armin, etc etc.
yes!! pieck’s bad bf was zeke! i was originally going to have her have a bigger role in tbaw to show like how eren’s past behaviour can affect people, since she was a victim of that treatment when she dated zeke. but i scrapped it because it would’ve extended the story so much and also i didn’t really like writing pieck lol
so there are like lil bits and pieces about the pieck/zeke relationship and how the way he treated her makes her seek validation in men, but it’s super underdeveloped in tbaw.
thank you again for such a lovely comment!! i’m glad you enjoyed it 🥰💗
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batakrim · 2 years
Oooo I read your hcs on Jeremy and Waylon dynamic and a bit of an idea sorta came up, it’s a little unrelated but… Do you think Jer would see Miles as some sort of replacement for Waylon and try to go after him? I feel like it becomes way too obsessive and it scares off Miles (but Jer doesn’t see it that way, he’s just gone into incel mode bc of everything that’s happened with his past relationships so far, like ‘why do you all leave me????’) or something lol
TLDR: It could happen! But I have my reasons AND I DONT KNOW HOW TO STOP RAMBLING IM SO SORRY ANON
That could happen if we're taking the desperate route hahaha though I feel like Miles can replace Rick rather than Waylon, since they're both kinda similar, in a way. So basically RickJer is the rich and spoiled version of camerashipping.
So, if the thing with Miles really happens, I think he'd just give everything up and put up a thick wall and just do something by himself. It's up to Miles if he wants to get closer to him or not (huge possibility by the way, Miles is just THAT adamant sometimes, mainly because Jer is a former one of the leaders of a shady transnational company, and he wants to know more about Murkoff)
It's too long so I'm going to place the details of Jer's feelings about Rick and Way under the cut!
So, to put it simply following this anon's question...
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It's nothing climatic tbh. He doesn't lash out or anything like that. It's just... When you knew a person would do something bad to you before they do it, and the thing really happens in the future, you feel almost numb about them. It’s juft poof all the positive and even negative feelings are gone. “I’m not surprised, but I’m still mad” kinda feeling?
He's met people with various personalities, he can predict how people would react and act based on their personalities alone. He knew Waylon would actually send the emails (he just didn't expect worse stuff will happen as well). It's almost like he has no energy to even be mad about it lol but he still wants it to be hurt as much as his efforts were gone to waste (to understand this, please read my ramble under the cut, I'm sorry,,,), so he's being petty about it,,
"Somebody's been telling stories outside of class. Mr. Waylon Park, consulting contract 8208. Software engineer with a level 3 security clearance. Graduated cum laude from Berkley, but still somehow not smart enough to realize that the last thing a fly ought to do in a spider's web is wiggle. Somehow dumb enough to think that a borrowed laptop, onion router, and firewall patch would be enough to fool the world's leading supplier of biometric security. Stupid, Mr. Park. More than stupid, in fact, that was crazy."
LIKE ITS KINDA FUNNY IF YOU THINK ABOUT HIS DIALOGUES THAT WAY. I'd love to imagine that he was genuinely surprised Waylon actually attempted to send them through a shitty plan, it was insane, so at the same time he's laughing at Way's attempt while the actual person is terrified senseless on the floor. akjaksdjkad
I think a lot about Jer and it's really embarrassing......
My take on him is pretty boring and weird, I guess? Jeremy never actually... Feel the need to befriend/love someone, he didn't expect to have one so soon - it was just that Rick and Waylon happened to be people who were close to him, so he made some efforts into their relationship, expected something more from them in return, since he trusted them. Rather than mourning over people who betrayed him, he's frustrated over the things he had sacrificed in exchange for their companionship; All the money, all the covering efforts, all the emotions, the sentiments, etc, etc, are all wasted on people like them. It's not like he's close close with them either, they're pretty much just friends with benefits to putting it in summary lol
One of my friends described it so much better but unfortunately I don't remember how he worded it so bear with me anon I'm sorry, When Jeremy watches as Rick was sent to the engine, he doesn't feel sad. Rick wasn't his friend, but he feels like something is missing - something about it made him feel betrayed - probably betrayed by himself... Even the feeling itself disturbs him because even he couldn't pinpoint what was causing it. It's between "I'm completely fine even if you die" and "I wish you were here" to put it simply. I know I'm sorry if your brain exploded there,,, emotions are complicated tbh
So... it's not really like Jer isn't capable of human emotions, but rather, it's more complicated because he views emotions as something to be suppressed because they can weaken you. Showing emotions makes him vulnerable, thus making him pile up emotions and complicates stuff because he doesn't even understand himself.
My god its 3 am rn i hope im at least making sense,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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gayspock · 2 years
OK not a liveblog per se but i have to SAY THINGS GOSH and im stalling so i dont finish LOL IM SCARED
alright bc thething is i have had my brain shut off for the past few weeks whatever the fuck i havent been in a "lets sit down and talk ad nauseum about it"
whichis such a shame bc LIKE... first bit of s4? i think the opener was bad but a lot of it otherwise middling- HOWEVER AFTER THAT.. GOD THERES BEEN SO MUCH TO SAY SINCE I JUST HAVENT TALKED ABOUT IT
and speaking of openers. i think its kinda funny. premiere notwithstanding, it feels like farscape kinda sucks at openers but literally KNOCKS IT OUT OF THE PARK with season finales. literally. in the thick of it now- but i genuinely think theyve always been, like, so so strong.and thats genuinely so hard to pull off, man.
like im a dw fan and anyways yeah so dw has some of the most inconsistent finales imaginable and it makes me really appreciate a show that CAN do them. like: theyre busy but paced well; its not predictable but its not overly convoluted; theres ups and downs, and theres complications but theyre never contrived.
and i do think farscape has a problem with benching characters and forgetting they exist sometimes but HERE at least they are keeping all of them constantly engaged which is really hard man i do admire it its like..... theres such an ENERGY . like its a proper culmination of events and people coming together and all characters just on their a-game, with a genuinely good story as a foundation. BC ITS EASY ENOUGH TO JUST BRING EVERYONE IN, and arbitrarily up the stakes BUT its another thing to not just... rely wholly on that? which i say again bc you know. doctor who. SORRY TO BE GUY THAT ONLY WATCHES 2 SHIKWS- BUT ITS IN MY HEAD RIGHT NOW, FOR OBVIOUS REASONS.
i shouldhave tlaked more abt the eps in specific but firstly the lead up to this was crazy like the last part of s4 has been so good.
i loved bringing home the beacon. #jirl power. like for all my reservations about noranti and sikozu (which i'll get into more) i do love likejsut seeing... an episode full of women? which i dontknow that probably sounds stupid but god i jsust feel like... EVEN NOWADAYS, when they do have a lot of women in a show sometimes its just forced and i dont mean that in the arsey way i mean that as in, like, they just put more and more women in without properly developing them and so its just a load of stock characters- BUT HERE, we have a genuine range of girlies here carrying the episode each with their own agency, so theyre capable of having such a good dynamic and LISTEN. DUMB BUT ITS REFRESHING. and i really loved the back and forth with aeryn and sikozu in particular and the more tenuous political situation and their reactions to it and how theyre actually similar but obviously have such different ideas on what to DO here like ougghghgh ... AND THE END. SHEESH. its like- its one of those things where you knew it was coming but BY GOD. THE END OF THIS EPISODE.
and then i really loved a constellation of doubt- love introspective episodes, set before/after the more epic finale-type parts - and how it functions like.. especially establishing john's distance from earth and like... how we STARTED this journey with him so desperate to return to it and you'd think that would be the finale of the show but we've been there and it wasnt right bc hes different now and NOW its about aeryn SHE'S the end goal now baby..................
then my fucking god. prayer was holy shit that was DARK as fuck and like- LIKE YAOI BREAK JOKES ASIDE, like... i fucking loved scorpius and john "working together" like that and the tension and JESUS when FUCKING SCORPIUS JUST.... like that whole alternate world is so fucked up man. so fucking fucked up.
AND THEN- GOD, THE AERYN STUFF... LIKE EVERYTHING I SAID ABOUT JOHN/SCORPIUS, part of me wishes the whole episode was a long and . immersive look into hers but also i sure a sfuck dont because holy fucking shit like... I WAS SO NERVOUS, YOU KNOW, about the pregnancy storyline going into s4 bc with scifi, stories about pregnancy can so easily go fucking wrong and get horrible and uncomfortable if the writers dont do well AND ESPECIALLY if youre going to darker places likethis like jesus fuckingchrist but... i do think they did a good job of like leaivng aeryn in control of her narrative if that makes sense. i think thats my issue otherwise- like again, with dw the worst fucking offender, who barely even let amy fucking reflect on any of that shit when what she went through was a bodily violation compatable to r#pe but WHATEVER uhm - LIKE... obviously aeryn is also going fucking through it, jesus, horrible fucking shit is happening to ehr, but i dont- like im not against that, you know, so long as we do get to see her and we hear her and its not about crichton although his side is important, and its not FOCUSSED on the horror of it in some strange voyeuristic way (although it can be dangerously close to that) i still found it to be about... HER. YEAH? AND SEEING HER PERSPECTIVE. AND god.....................fuckme.............
andits so funny bc liekfor all i said abt loving the ifnale I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY
WHEN STARK REAPPEARED- okay firstly. i love the hair so bad. why didnt we get that. BUT LIKE- WHILST SCORPIUS didnt buy it i for sure bought it at first LOL like msotly bc i have always admired farscape for allowing characters to always have quite a lot of nuance, and having their own individual agenda like.. you know what i mean? its like- going back WAY back to the beginning, with dna mad scientist, it'd be so easy to have them all have a firm allegiance to one another BUT NOPE. and here i'd be like- FUCK, MAN, I DONT KNOW. i wouldnt be fucking mad with stark if he wanted to fuck around and just torture the shit out of scorpius after all he fucking went through, you know.
and speaking of agendas
okay sikozu. which can i say? i keep mispelling her name. thats one thing farscape sucks at. the names are good and inventive and pack flavour- but not fucking memorable, in the slightest. frell me. GOOD CUSSES THOUGH THEYRE GOOD AT THAT I KEEP ACCIDENTALLY ALMOST SAYING DREN WHEN MESSAGING PPL. EMBARRASSING. anyway
where was i
i havent continued watching yet but the whole relevation of her and her allegiance to this resistance... right, ok. heres my thing. i really LIKE it, actually, and i have grown to really like her character and i think shes such a fucking interesting person to drop into the cast and has such a good fucking perspective on things and gives good fucking dynamics with quite a few of the existing cast AND i dont hate this storyline with her at all either and i think if itd been established a bit more beforehand or we'd gotten to explore her a bit more beforehand i would have LOVED-LOVED-LOVED her for what she does BUT
its like.. she kind of got introduced weird AND she starkly.. contrasts the kind of sloppy inclusion of noranti and jool? because listen. i just- i cant help but think...FUCK me. i wish sikozu was introduced WAY back in place of jool, since jool kind of did come back around in the end but ultimately i dont think she ever truly found her place in the show or did much constructive, and what she did do sikozu functions as better as AND that extra time could have really better sewed the seeds of this story bc right now it does kinda feel out of nowhere... not completely far-fetched, though, bc i do think it fits for her as she has always been quite cagey and- SHIT MAN. IM REALISING. I COULD REALLY HAVE FUCKING LOVED SIKOZU IF THEYD JUST DONE HER RIGHT LIKE
and its like i said. i did like jool by the end of her run but i dont think she was... im sorry but i dont think she was ever worth it for what she was and i dont think she really DID much. and i think its like an overall problem farscape as a show has HAD since its moved past s1, wherein like... s1 is SO FUCKING GOOD, and so efficient at building characters well and really putting in the work. but as the show grew it kind of struggled to do that whenever they introduced new ppl which i guess is my frustration with it? they dont rlly take the time to work them into it, in the same way, and i guess they really cant do what they did with s1 bc they have more plot to cover but its a shame. i feel like there was a way to adapt better esp bc like i said like- a lot of the time... the new characters were kind of just?? unnecessary?
and its like dont get me WRONG i dont think a character has to be actively doing something all the time. i stand by the fact rygel is an important character. i think he balances them out really fucking well, serves an important function on the ship in terms of diplomacy and DOES give really good moments and different perspectives that the others could not give. but i think thats also like... dependent on him being a reliably well established character within the show and a thing that has been demonstrated over seasons and in PARTICULAR early on and its usually done with good measure
whereas jool was justlike... genuinely downright bad for the first few eps she was there and it doesnt really feel like she WENT anywhere either in the end even though she did improve and its like. -_- cmon bc SHE DID HAVE AN INTERESTING PREMISE BUT EERHGHG...
and i also bring up noranti bc she too is kind of... just drifting? dont get me wrong- i actually do kind of like her. i know im listening to a podcast alongside the show- and omg, the hosts HATE her so bad. i think shes definitely a taste thing, so id assume jool is too to some extent, bc characters like this are BUT... i do admit she really... hasnt added anything?
and sorry to do this. but im relating it back to dw again. you know dan, yeah? dan was pointless. i liked him. i liked what he brought to the show and i dont think what they tried to do with him was bad. and usually im of the mindsetof like... oh well if they had some good moments with him it wasnt BADLY spent but no ehrm... look... it kinds was, man. bc look- his stuff was good, but it wasnt so original or unique, and i do think a comic relief character did balance them out BUT... its still kind of, like, lazy to just make a whole character for that, yeah? instead of just... developing the ones you have and committing to them? kind of slapping a bandaid on it? like- can yaz and 13 not be funny and lighthearted? cant they carry scenes? and was his story of, like, some fucking dude so singularly unique that you had to compromise 13 and yaz being alone and working on their relationship more in isolation?
thats a more drastic example but my point is i dont know. shes nice and she has had moments but i jsut feel like her too its like... shes really not necessary and its just- i become super conscientous fo it when it jsut feels... redundant to have them about when theres a lot of other more interesting things to explore. i think they justkinda... needed a fucking plot device to write them out of stuff with her powders but like- cmon man..
fucking hel fuck me ive lost all train of thought i should fucking ginish the episo-
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Dave Strider, John Egbert, Jade Harley
Act 6, page 6302-6323
DAVE: so weird being back here
DAVE: cant believe how long ago it feels since i lived in this place
DAVE: spent way too long wallowing in our own filth on that gnarly meteor thats for sure
DAVE: this doesnt even seem like my room anymore
DAVE: its like trespassing or something like im horning in on somebody elses life
DAVE: a life lived most sweetly though i will admit
DAVE: ahahaha the fuckin toilets still there
DAVE: i remember when jade put that there that is perhaps like my favorite memory
DAVE: wish jade wasnt crazy just makes me remember how much i miss not crazy jade
DAVE: or less crazy jade
DAVE: wait
DAVE: didnt karkat once say terezi ripped a troll toilet out of his house
DAVE: what is with girls and their universally constant tendency to rip out plumbing fixtures
DAVE: did i just accidentally crack another cosmic riddle or
DAVE: i gotta txt him and get confirmation on this asap
DAVE: actually nah
DAVE: i probably harangued the poor guy with enough of my bs the last few years
DAVE: ill just keep shufflin thru memory lane making wistful observations out loud
DAVE: you know it kinda chaps my bulge that people rip on me for talking to myself
DAVE: its like the most perfectly natural thing to do
DAVE: why are people so up tight about keepin a lid on their monologues what a bunch of stuffy pricks
DAVE: ive always found the sound of my own voice to be mysteriously soothing
DAVE: haha talk about an embarrassing sentence to say in earshot of an actual person
DAVE: well maybe not the mayor
DAVE: you can always tell the mayor anything <3
DAVE: hahaha this piece of shit is still here too
DAVE: didnt we use this thing like ONCE
DAVE: what a useless pile of trash in hindsight
DAVE: sometimes i think this game was designed by an idiot
DAVE: wasnt it called like
DAVE: the laserbeam intellivision or something
DAVE: id throw it in the lava but that would be a waste of melting
DAVE: oh yeah
DAVE: almost forgot about my ill beats from the past
DAVE: i wonder if theyre as ill as i remember
DAVE: ok i just pushed some buttons and verified they remain as ill as the day they were dropped
DAVE: ill have to send them to karkat he has always been an enthusiastic patron of my exceptional science
DAVE: i mean sure he says it sucks and maybe he even believes that on some pathetic sub intellectual plane of consciousness which gross philistines operate on their whole lives
DAVE: but whenever he gets a load of my hype
DAVE: i see him there
DAVE: tapping his foot ever so slightly
DAVE: i see him
DAVE: this poster...
DAVE: love this poster
DAVE: its like an old friend
DAVE: never even knew who these guys were or what their deal was
DAVE: never gave it much thought i guess
DAVE: doubt ill ever find out at this point
DAVE: oh well
DAVE: some things i guess were never meant to be figured out
DAVE: or benefit from any kind of elaboration
DAVE: not even years later
DAVE: just the way it is sometimes
DAVE: its like ive said before
DAVE: this poster is a hell of a mystery
DAVE: that i never even thought was a mystery
DAVE: and it would be pretty cool if somebody solved it
DAVE: but damn if thats ever gonna happen
DAVE: so thats a shame
DAVE: aw hell its my old dead things collection
DAVE: what a stupid blast from the past
DAVE: i seriously cannot remember if i was sincere with this shit
DAVE: i was probably trying to flex my underdeveloped irony muscles
DAVE: like the shrimpiest kid at the hipster gym
DAVE: why does my childhood room have to be such a predictable museum of embarrassments
DAVE: i dont know
DAVE: some of these things are kind of cool actually
DAVE: like from a standpoint of objective reevaluation afforded by the sobering maturity that comes with being literally 100% grown up now
DAVE: dead things are actually pretty rad
DAVE: i feel like if i was legitmately into all this then more should have come of the interest
DAVE: like there could have been like
DAVE: entire CONVERSATIONS about it that never even took place
DAVE: hey rose youll never guess what im excited about and have loads of dialogue to spill over
DAVE: whats that dave
DAVE: ancient mollusks
DAVE: hmmmmmmmm said rose
DAVE: how many bananas do you think this paw clutched back when it was alive and attached to a monkey
DAVE: dave i really must say
DAVE: this conversation blows
DAVE: yeah sorry
DAVE: maybe i could have really developed this interest
DAVE: maybe i could have been something cool as a result
DAVE: like what even profession is this
DAVE: a dead shit ogler?
DAVE: no wait
DAVE: probably a paleontologist or something
DAVE: i could have been a paleontologist
DAVE: instead of what i became
DAVE: which was
DAVE: uh
DAVE: some pajama packing fuckface from the renaissance fair
DAVE: that would have been the dopeness!
DAVE: eurgh
DAVE: the ironic selfies
DAVE: oh god
DAVE: now this
DAVE: this is some irredeemably mortifying shit here
DAVE: what was i thinking
DAVE: i dont know man
DAVE: i just dont know
DAVE: this is what seasoned veterans call "bad irony"
DAVE: look at this guy
DAVE: what a fucking novice
DAVE: oh who am i kidding
DAVE: i cant stay mad at that face
DAVE: ok this one is pretty funny actually
DAVE: ...
DAVE: eheheh
DAVE: hehehehe
DAVE: haha!
DAVE: hahahahahaha!
DAVE: (gasp)
JOHN: hi dave!
JOHN: what's so funny?
DAVE: whoa
DAVE: john
JOHN: what were you looking at there...
JOHN: hey, are you crying?
DAVE: what
DAVE: no
JOHN: ...
DAVE: i mean i was just laughing too hard at something dumb
DAVE: you know how it is
JOHN: heh, yeah.
JOHN: can i see?
DAVE: no its nothing
DAVE: where the fuck have you been
DAVE: do you remember what happened since we got here
JOHN: yes.
DAVE: well
DAVE: are you gonna fill me in or keep floating there in the most uninformative way possible
JOHN: uh oh.
JOHN: dave, i have to go!
DAVE: what
DAVE: why
JOHN: i can't hang around in one place for too long.
JOHN: let's catch up later, ok?
DAVE: john wait
JOHN: see you buddy!
DAVE: no dont
DAVE: john no stop turning into wind you fickle idiot
DAVE: dont just leave right away that is such an insanely predictable move
DAVE: i said get back here you slippery motherfucker!!!
JADE: hello dave
DAVE: god dammit
JADE: he was just here wasnt he
DAVE: no
JADE: how do you even know who im talking about??
DAVE: look all i know is egbert most definitely didnt just appear out of nowhere and catch me weeplaughing at my selfies
JADE: dave i know he was just here
JADE: i can smell him
DAVE: i keep my apparment misted with his odor at all times
DAVE: essence d'egbert
JADE: degbear?
JADE: what...
DAVE: no like the french pronunciation
JADE: ah
DAVE: anyway im just a lot more comfortable when my whole place reeks of nerd musk
DAVE: so that explains that
JADE: you cant fool me dave
JADE: i will track him down sooner or later
JADE: in any case it doesnt matter
JADE: i came here to see you, not him
DAVE: you did
JADE: come with me
DAVE: where
JADE: out here
JADE: we have some work to do
DAVE: what work
JADE: youre going to need to upgrade your weapon
DAVE: what
DAVE: you mean the deringer
JADE: yes
DAVE: i thought it was like the best possible sword
DAVE: or at least the best possible broken sword
JADE: that may very well be the case
JADE: but it will be useless against lord english
JADE: wouldnt you prefer a weapon that is capable of inflicting damage against him?
DAVE: uh
DAVE: not really?
JADE: of course you would
JADE: this isnt even up for discussion
JADE: now give me the deringer
JADE: we have all been traveling for three long years. what better way to celebrate our reunion than with a little alchemy? :)
DAVE: lots of ways
DAVE: we could have a jade goes back to normal party
DAVE: starring normal jade
JADE: gimme the sword
DAVE: ok here
DAVE: how do we make it so it can damage him
JADE: it needs a special ingredient
JADE: something which represents his only known weakness, but hasnt been properly weaponized
DAVE: and you know what that is
JADE: i do
DAVE: how
JADE: i get all my intelligence on such matters from the old lady
JADE: shes had centuries to hatch a plan to settle her score
JADE: over time shes uncovered many secrets about him
DAVE: i dont understand how this is working
DAVE: is she piping all these secrets into your brain
DAVE: along with the evil
JADE: that is not relevant!
DAVE: fair enough
DAVE: i guess technically almost nothing is relevant to the dude youre barking orders to
DAVE: literal barking because of dogginess
JADE: bark bark bark!!!
DAVE: yes exactly like that
DAVE: thank you for participating in the joke
DAVE: now what is this special ingredient and where do we get it
JADE: i already have it right here
DAVE: oh yeah?
JADE: in fact ive had it for about as long as i can remember
JADE: it was right under my doggy snout all along
JADE: remember this?
DAVE: no
JADE: dave are you lying to me?
DAVE: no!
DAVE: ive never seen that thing before
JADE: but i found it on your planet
JADE: it must have gotten here somehow
DAVE: i didnt take your lousy egg
JADE: its not an egg!
DAVE: yeah well these planets are crawling with brainless lizards maybe one of them thought it was an egg
DAVE: and then brought it here cause its warm here and tried to hatch it
JADE: you really have a one track mind when it comes to certain things
DAVE: what things
DAVE: what are you talking about
JADE: davesprite was like that too... i just figured it was because he was part bird
JADE: but no, here you are going on about bird things too just like him :p
DAVE: come on dont compare me to him
DAVE: just cause i think its an eggy looking thing dont mean i think like a damn bird
JADE: mm hmm
JADE: and just because i have these pointy ears doesnt mean i wouldnt kill for some snausages right now!
DAVE: .....................
DAVE: do you actually want snausages
JADE: .....................
JADE: maybe ._.
DAVE: ok well snausages notwithstanding this is bullshit
DAVE: tell me how that thing doesnt look like an egg to you
DAVE: how is that not so obviously SUCH an egg???
JADE: its a cueball dave!
DAVE: i see
DAVE: so if im following
DAVE: then what youre trying to tell me is
DAVE: lord english has some sort of severe egg allergy that we are hoping to exploit
JADE: sigh
JADE: i see its still impossible to have a serious conversation with you, whether you are a sassy bird or not
JADE: i thought regular dave might have matured a little over three years but i guess i was wrong
DAVE: can we just make the eggsword already
DAVE: oh no
DAVE: not the legendary piece of shit again
JADE: pardon?
DAVE: its the fuckin welsh sword again!
JADE: are you telling me you have seen this sword before dave
JADE: how is that possible?
DAVE: i dont know!
DAVE: because i have a shitty quest is how
JADE: .....
DAVE: didnt davesprite tell you anything
DAVE: i found this sword in a gold cave and broke it
DAVE: then davesprite took it to hephaestus who fixed it and upgraded it to the deringer
DAVE: and sent that to me and i broke it again
JADE: you sure seem to break swords a lot
DAVE: i know!!!
DAVE: that has always been my thing for some reason
DAVE: now i guess it turns out my ultimate sword is really just a repaired downgrade of my previously ultimate sword mixed with a cueball?
DAVE: we just cycled right back to caledfwelsh like a bunch of tools
DAVE: that is the most stupid convoluted ass backward way to get a sword out of a stone i can even imagine
DAVE: i feel like somebody somewhere is having a good laugh over this i sure hope like the juggalo equivalent of fuckin loki or whoever the fuck is having a top notch riddlewank at my expense
JADE: :|
DAVE: you know what really gets me is
DAVE: this shitty welsh sword presumably consisted of those ingredients all along which just makes me want to travel back in time to perform a mutually assisted suicide with myself
DAVE: me and other dave can take turns suffocating each other with our own DUMBASS capes
JADE: dave i admit this is a peculiar turn of events, but i think you are overreacting
DAVE: jade this is STUPID
JADE: omg
JADE: youve really spent way too much time alone with karkat havent you
DAVE: ...
DAVE: i need help :(
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crimeronan · 3 years
if i had a nickel for every horror podcast that's pretty high quality writing-wise and yet Still feels the need to toss in "....and this character went crazy and was institutionalized in a sketchy facility that keeps being sued for patient abuse and that's how their arc ends, helplessly, how sad"..... well
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mobiused · 2 years
if u aren't busy could u share your thoughts on the r2 stages . ik you shared some but i like reading your opinions ^^
wjsn - well the singing did not really sound like that. like people mentioned before trying to do a dark edgy version of navillera made no sense and i think the gaybaiting intro where they made a big fuss of it on bubble or weverse or whatever about their lips maybe touching was kind of cheap LOL. the dance was kinda mid pretty unremarkable. (the audacity to say loona was unmemorable when i literally forgot every single aspect of their performance a week later. ok.) uh i should think of something nice to say... it gave me this reaction shot of hyeju so thanks wjsn!
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loona - my little theatre kids… their most entertaining performance ever it was like a real show, something a little aggravating was the fact the mix aired on the show nerfed their vocals, a lot of comments about their weak vocals but they were WAY better at projecting in the zoom version than the broadcast version so it felt a little anticlimactic especially since there was no cheering when there was a ton on the zoom version so its like uhhh… anyway i love it and im biased idc and if you haven't go listesn to the digital version
BG - really good mix though i kind of hate when momentum is killed in songs but its ok. something that aggravates me about BG is like. they are very very competent singers and yet they're always yelling into mics. you dont need to do that. thats what a mic is for it will make you loud you dont need to shout. please think of the poor sound engineers. better vocalists than a lot of other girls so ill forgive them. love a performance with a narrative too (also how did hyeju predict it was about thievery from like 2 seconds in she's crazy) also i really really like mvsk so i really liked it actually
viviz - the mix was also really good!! unnatural is a well structured song so it was a good pick but eunha hardcarried. it feels like they're not creative enough to overcome their deficiency in talent, and also not talented enough to overcome their deficiency in creativity. that sounds really mean sorry. umji's cane dance was literally laughable if you could call it a dance. at least it was visually impressive (red is cool) and ok to listen to, but performance wise i was left ambivalent… like they are not dancers. damn. did you know all 3 of them are younger than haseul i think thats crazy.
kep1er - the intro was nutty i loved it so much. and then the song was just… how am i meant to listen to that as a single. stop stopping. im trying to listen. of course it was superduper cute but like their other performance it was so chaotic and disjointed that i was left bewildered rather than entertained. the mashup was good though though and hikaru literally devoured shes so cool hyeju why can't you make friends with her instead. at times it was hard to tell them apart from the bg dancers which is not so good… and i really wasn't a fan of the bar dancing like hold on didn't you say you didn't want to do certain BG songs because they were too mature and you have kids in your group…? and yet…? okay sure i guess. and despite how chaotic it was it was pretty low energy at the same time which i guess is maybe impressive in and of itself
hyolyn - how is she so cool…. now this is an ARTIST. i love her clear vision and effort made to interpret the song as its originally intended as well as make it her own. hoop work was more visually impressive than technical but still such a badass intro. her vocals put everyone in the entire show to shame. its amazing how she dominates the stage on her own… but the mix was surprisingly sparse, i dont think i could listen to it as a single, maybe because i'm used to the cracked out original so in that regard i was a little underwhelmed, and i guess the dance after the hoop intro was a little unremarkable but her singing more than makes up for it (and her bg dancer team did great)
final verdict: loona > BG > hyolyn (are you surprised?) > viviz > kep1er > wjsn
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traashsmash · 3 years
Everything happens at a party
Warning: Knifes and guns
Word count: 1298
Summary: You and Stiles are dating and plans on going to a party, which Stiles is unsure about. But something unexpected happens when they are there.
"Hey Stiles! Are you ready for the party at Lydia's?" You said as you saw him in the doorway. "Well I was thinking of not going after everything that has happened at all the different parties." You grab his hands and dragged him in and up to your room. "Stiles, it’s a small party this time, only with friends you know. Plus nothing has happened in forever, so you don’t need to worry." You sit down next to each other at the bed. "Yeah you are probably right, so sure I will go to the party." Stiles said as he stood up. "And y/n?" You look up at his honey colored eyes, waiting for him to continue his sentence. "You are really red right now, it’s not that hot in here. Is it?" he says while smirking. You look down while kicking his ankle all flustered. "Ouch don’t kick, that's not very nice." he chuckled. "Stiles! Quit laughing at me! It’s not funny." "I’m only doing it because you are adorable." he said. "Agh! you gotta stop doing that!" you said has he dragged you up so you now were standing. "What?" he asked. He pulled you closer to him and you whispered "saying things making me want to kiss you.” “Well I don’t mind you kissing me.” He pressed a soft kiss on your forehead “I think we have to leave now if we are gonna go to that party you were talking about.” he said as he walked out of your room. With you still standing there not really ready for that party, but you walked down to him anyways.
Time jump-At the party
Everyone was there Liam, Scott, Malia, Lydia, Mason. “Wait, where is Corey?” you asked looking around for him. Mason pointed to the corner and he appeared out of thin air. “Sorry, I just thought you were someone else.” He said while he walked to an empty chair and slowly sat down. “What’s up with him, he’s not really the paranoid one in this group.” Malia asked looking from Corey to Stiles to you. “I understand it. A lot has happened in the past years.” Stiles mumbled while putting his arm around your shoulder, in an attempt to make you feel safe. “Well I’m not so sure that’s the only reason. I think someone else is actually coming.” Lydia said staring out in the air. “Oh please tell me your just joking. I’m so tired of all this.” Malia walked over to Lydia waiting for her to tell her she is joking. “I just have a bad feeling. Its not like I have seen anything. I just has this cold feeling. Like if all the doors were open.” She looked over to Scott to indicate that he had to say something, since he is after all the alpha. “mh yeah. Well we cant really do anything now if there is anything at all, since we don’t know what would happen.” He stood up and found some soda and ships. “So we might as well have a good time”
There was some uncertainty hanging in the air, but after a while and some good music, this conversation was forgotten about. Except Lydia who had to find a blanket because she just couldn’t shake off the feeling of the cold air. The same air that was filled with chatter and laughing, people falling over each other in a game of twister, warm yet so cold.
A sound of broken glass hitting the ground made everyone quiet, and someone turned of the music to hear what was going on. The cold air from outside washed over you and made you shiver. “Cold.” You said looking over to Lydia who now was standing ready to see what broke the window. The door slammed open while 3 guys ran in and one woman jumped through the broken window. “EVERYONE DOWN!” this one guy with blond hair yelled pointing a gun at them. “ON YOUR KNEES!” another guy yelled, trying to push you down. “Hey! Hands off!” Stiles yelled to the blue haired guy that was trying to push you down. “GIVE ME YOUR MONEY! TELL ME WHERE IT IS!” You look over to Scott and says “After all the supernatural we have been through. Lydia predicts a robbery. I though she was the Harbinger of Death, not a psychic.” The woman that jumped through the window looked at you like you were crazy. “The harbinger of death?” She said. “Wtf is that supposed to mean? Does she like predict death?! Because im ready to get that fulfilled for you.” She had a small knife, but big enough to kill someone if you hit them the right place. She threw it with all her power and it hit Scott in the chest. “Agh! That wasn’t really nice!” He said as he pulled the small knife out of his chest. Stiles walked over to you and sat down beside you “Hey! y/n, you ok?” he looked at the blue haired guy with an evil stare before meeting your eyes again. “Yeah, I’m ok! He just made me sit on the ground. So, its nothing.” The guy that had been quiet all this time started yelling “IM NOT KIDING WITH YOU! TELL US WHERE YOUR MONEY IS!” you looked at him tired of all this. “Ok, I’m done with this yelling.” Malia said looking at Liam and Scott. “Ah, same.” Liam said. The woman then bent down to you and asked “Are they ok? First I throw a knife at one of them, and no one really reacts, and now they talk as if this happens on a daily basis.” Stiles shrugged “well not really daily, but you are not wrong. Its usually just a little different.” You say to the woman trying to rob you. Malia’s, Scott’s and Liam’s eyes start glowing while they are looking at the men. “Oh holy shit!” the blue haired guy said running out of the house followed by the two other men. “What’s up with them? Agh! I guess I have to do everything by myself then.” She then stood up and walked over to the rest of the group. “ok sit down like those two do and tell me where your money is. Is that so god damn hard?” you looked over to Scott signaling that you are tired of the woman. You heard his roar breaking the silence and the woman turned around in fear. His eyes were glowing red and claws instead of nails. He roared again. “Finally!” you said annoyed at how long it had taken. The woman who now were terrified said “Ok. Keep your money. I don’t want it anyways.” And she ran just like the men did. “Wow. I’m just surprised none of them shot any of us when we showed them our eyes.” Scott giggled. “Scott, she threw a knife at you!” Lydia reminded him. “Yeah… but I healed didn’t I.”
Stiles drove you back home and followed you to your door. “Well i think you are right.” You said before turning to him. “right about what?” he asked. “Everything happens at the parties. Maybe we should stop going to them.” You looked him in his beautiful eyes, and you could see him smile. “Yes, you are right. Everything does happen at parties. Like our first kiss, our first fight as a couple, and us making a lot of good memories. I don’t really want to stop making those memories. At least not memories like we made at your birthday party last year.” You felt a warm feeling in your cheeks by the thought of that day. “y/n I don’t want to stop making those memories with you. As you said, something always happens at parties."
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