#im not even anxious tonight im just using this tag so i can find this
bullet-prooflove · 8 months
Past Mistakes Part Fourteen: Plan B - Mike Duarte x Reader
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond @nessamc @jayblackpanther @mysoulisasunflower @littleone65 @thesandbeneathmytoes @katluke25 @mydarkestsecretlol @evee87 @wooshwastaken @hearthockey @justreblogginfics @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @rosaliedepp @storiesofsvu @smellsliketeensspiryt @legit9thlunaticwarrior @xoxabs88xox @kiwiithecrazybird @spooky-pomegranate @chavez-ashley @telepathay @weiwei0210 @spaghettificationandpretzels @plaidbooks @irishavengersassemble
Past Mistakes Series:
Part One: Try - Mike turns back up in your life after three years apart.
Part Two: Hope (NSFW) - Mike and you get reaquainted.
Part Three: California - Mike and you discuss the past.
Part Four: Favours - Mike asks Liv for a favour.
Part Five: Choices - Mike comes face to face with someone from his past.
Part Six: Truth Hurts - Mike begs you to tell him the truth about what happened three years ago.
Part Seven: Sharing - Mike and Joe have a conversation.
Part Eight: Buried - Mike discovers that McGrath’s misdeeds go far futher than he thought.
Part Nine: Complicated - Mike discusses moving forward.
Part 10: Feral - Mike returns to the apartment to find you’ve disappeared.
Part Eleven: Torture - You wake up in the basement.
Part Twelve: Fire - You and Joe discuss moving forward.
Part Thirteen: Lost Time - You and Mike get real on his porch.
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The precinct is practically empty when you show up to Hate Crimes a couple of hours later, showered and dressed in fresh clothes from your holdall. The bruising on your left side of your face is starting to flourish, hues of purple bleeding into your skin. You feel more human, more like yourself. You know you can’t return to the girl you were three years ago, but the fundamentals are still there. Being around Mike and his things is familiar, he’s a safe space for you after what you’ve endured.
Captain Declan Murphy sits at his desk, toying with a pen as he reviews you and Mike perched in the visitor’s chairs across from him.
“You’re a pain in the ass, you know that?” He tells the two of you, jabbing his pen in your general direction. “The point was to get you out of here so that you could recover without McGrath breathing down your neck. Now I hear you’re sticking around for the time being?”
“I’m just here to give my statement.” You explain to Murphy, your hands coming to rest in your lap. “I’ll be out of your hair and the city tonight.”
Murphy leans forward, his eyes studying you. You’re anxious he can tell, it’s in the way you keep smoothing your palms over the fabric of your jeans, it’s a grounding technique he recognises. He doesn’t blame you. Tonight, was traumatic, he can tell you’re still riding the survival wave, you haven’t even begun to process what happened to you. He knows when it hits it’s going to hit hard.  
“Captain Benson and Sergent Khaldun are waiting for you in the next room.” Murphy tells you, tilting his head towards the office door. “The two of us can talk afterwards.”
There’s a lot that needs to be discussed but he wants you in the building for as little time as possible. He trusts his people, but he doesn’t want to give McGrath any opportunities to get ahead of this thing. They only have one shot and Murphy wants to have his ducks in order before he takes it.
You raise to your feet, your hand gently squeezing Mike’s shoulder as you brush past him, before you close the door to Murphy’s office quietly behind you.
“And you?” Murphy questions, tipping his head towards Duarte. “In light of your suspension, are you going with her?”
Duarte inclines his head in response. The suspension had come down a few hours ago after news of the raid had gotten out. McGrath had been furious, especially when he discovered the information had come from the Bronx Gangs Unit. The first thing he had done was call IAB about the undercover operation Duarte had been a part of three years ago. Murphy didn’t know the ins and outs, but the fact Duarte hadn’t been arrested spoke volumes. Whatever McGrath thought he had, there wasn’t enough evidence to support it.
It was a message, fuck with me and I fuck with you.
Duarte was stripped of his command until further notice and Murphy thought that might be a blessing in disguise. It would give him the time and space away from the job to focus on you. You needed someone in your corner and Murphy knows from the look in the other man’s eyes that Duarte would do anything for you.
“A guy I know has a place up in Mattituck.” Duarte tells him. “He’s letting me have it for as long as I need, no questions asked.”
Plan B, Murphy realises. Men like the two of them always make sure they have alternative choices. It’s coded into them from years of mistrust.
“You knew there was a possibility she wouldn’t go, didn’t you?” Murphy asks him.
Duarte tilts his head towards the window, he watches the rain patter on the glass before he answers.
“The best thing would have been for her to go to California but what’s best for me isn’t necessarily what’s best for her.” Duarte informs Murphy.” I wanted to give her some options. She hasn’t had a lot of them lately.”
Murphy nods his understanding before tapping his pen on the surface of his desk.
“She’s going to crash soon.” He says quietly. “She’s going to need you there when she does.”
“I know.” Duarte tells him, the muscle in his jaw twitching. “All of this right now, it’s just too much for her to process.”
“Have you talked about…”
The look Duarte gives him stops him in his tracks.
“She wants to move forward with it.” Duarte tells him, crossing his arms over his chest. “She doesn’t think she’s the only one he assaulted, she said he was too practiced with it.”
 “She hopes that others will come forward when the indictment comes down.” Murphy summarises before he leans back in his seat. “I don’t know how realistic that hope is. McGrath has been getting away with this for years. I wouldn’t be putting her through this if it didn’t speak to his motive behind why he suppressed the evidence she collected against the First Nationals.”
Duarte shakes his head. When he saw you in those surveillance pictures a couple of weeks ago, he had been so focused on getting you out he hadn’t stopped to think about everything that followed. He hadn’t anticipated any of this.
“I think it’s wise to get out the city for a little while. Give the both of you some time to recuperate without this hanging over you.” Murphy says softly. “You know it happened to her, but it happened to you too. You have to take some time to deal with that.”
“I know. Ever since she told me what happened…” Duarte says, his fingertips tapping the space where his heart resides. “All I can think about is how she handled it alone, how she spent all that time protecting me and I hated her for it. I thought she’d left me and…” He trails off pursing his lips together grimly.
He doesn’t have to say the rest, Murphy gets it. He’s lived through his own version with Amanda. It’s not the same, but he knows what it’s like to have your life flipped upside down. To think one thing and then discover another.
“It takes time.” Murphy says knowingly. “To come to terms with it, to adjust.”
“Yea.” Duarte sighs. “I know it takes time.”
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insert-cliche · 4 years
OKAY!! I'm starting a short story. We'll see where it goes. The plot is: in this world, in your 18th year, you get to find out what the biggest mistake of your life is going to be.
October 16th; 1:18am
Chapter 1: A Few More Normal Hours
My eyelids slowly fluttered open as the gentle rays of the morning sun landed on them. We had fallen asleep on Saving Hill. I took a deep breath and turned over to see Fee was still asleep next to me. Her curly brown hair bounced in the soft morning breeze. I smiled and wrapped my hand in hers as I turned over onto my back again. We still had a few more hours of normal. A few more hours before the biggest mistake in our lives would be revealed to us.
"Dad, who's that?" I asked one day just after my seventh birthday.
"West, where did you find that picture?" He asked me, grabbing it quickly from my hands. I watched his eyes scan the dusty picture as if he was looking at a ghost.
"In the attic with mom. It fell out of a big, red photo album," I had explained.
"I tried to forget," he muttered. And then he crumpled up the picture.
"Dad?" I asked.
"Go get me the red book," he demanded.
But I didn't move. I was too focused on his fist shaking as he squeezed the photograph.
"Now!" He yelled.
My small seven year old frame jumped at the anger in his voice as if the ground was a trampoline. But I could tell there was more than anger in his yell. I had never seen my dad look the way he did that day. When I brought him the book, he squeezed my chin and kissed my forehead.
"Your Uncle Sammy tried hard. But his mistake haunted him. Promise me you'll remember this when you turn 18 my little West Wind. There isn't a single mistake that's irredeemable. People can do a lot more damage when they do things on purpose."
I nodded at his words.
"Pinky promise?" He asked me.
I smiled. "Pinky promise."
It wasn't our first pinky promise, and it certainly wouldn't be our last. He smiled and walked away with the book under his arm. I never saw it again. And a few years later, my dad passed away too. A boating accident. They had never found his body.
I heard Fee sigh next to me and squeeze my hand.
I smiled.
"Good morning baby," I said to her.
I loved her morning smile. It was effortless and real.
"It's so bright out here," she muttered, closing her eyes again.
I scooted closer to her face and kissed her soft lips.
She smirked and opened her eyes once again. "Kiss me again," she whispered.
So I did. Longer this time until my fingers were tangled in her hair and her hand traced my back.
Then my phone went off.
"Noooo," she whined when I pulled away.
I made a pouty face back at her and she rolled her eyes at my fake sympathy. She was clingy. But I liked that about her.
It was a text from my mom: don't be late. pls take a shower before the ceremony.
I rolled my eyes again.
Another message.
Tell Fee I said hello.
"Mom says hi," I said to her.
"Aww tell Mama P I say hi back," Fee said.
That's what she calls my mom, Penelope. Mama P.
Fee reluctantly sat up and stretched her arms out wide. She was immaculate. I was the luckiest girl in the world. Suddenly dread dropped into the pit of my stomach. It felt like someone let go of a tun of bricks in there.
"So... about later..." I started.
"Do we have to think about later," she muttered, pulling up some pieces of grass.
Fee didn't like thinking about the future. Especially the potential hard parts. I loved that about her. She always wanted to take it moment by moment. But we were a train going 500mph into a wall that couldn't be avoided. We had to talk about it.
"West," she started in a bit of a harsh tone. "I'm going to tell you what my biggest mistake is going to be because I know you'll love me anyway. I trust you with everything babe. And I know you trust me too. What else is there to talk about?" She said to me while standing up.
I was in awe of her.
"I need to get ready. We both do. Meet at 9 outside of Witches Way. Love you babe." She turned to go.
I wanted to tell her I was scared. That I didn't trust myself. That maybe it would be best if we kept our mistakes to ourselves and just apologized when they happened. I wanted to tell her that if my mistake was going to be too much for her to handle, that I'd understand if she wanted to break up. But the only words I managed to find were "love you too."
I didn't know if I'd be able to tell her. But I was finally going to be able to keep the pinky promise I had made with my dad eleven years ago. I had to keep reminding myself: There isn't a single mistake that's irredeemable. People do a lot worse on purpose. So I had to choose. Purposefully tell a lie, or admit to a terrible, terrible mistake.
0 notes
adonis-koo · 3 years
Star Struck
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↳ Summary: You’re a creature of habit, you plan everything from each hour to each day, so you can imagine the chaos which ensues after you discover a random guy leaking black goo in a ditch- who just so happens to be an alien.
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/Reader
↳ Genre: lowkey strangers to lovers, alien!jungkook, fluff, smut, 
Word Count: 13k
Tags: tentacle sex im sorry, foreplay, oral (f) but not?? jungkook is technically a virgin by human standards ayyy, penetration, nipple play, over stimulation, double penetration, squirting, sub!jungkook, breath play, spit kink, jungkook can make his own lube??, anal im so sorry, praise kink, they become soul mates on accident oops,
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You didn’t see nor understand what JK was talking about at first, he just fumbled along between alleyways and roads and nobody, or what little people were on the streets didn’t look at you twice given your friend was as tall and broad as he was. Perks of being with a man you guessed. You still didn’t know what he was actually talking about except for the assumption that he had found his...friends…?
Eventually JK had dragged you through a lot of fields which had made you increasingly anxious, what if a kidnapper was out here? True you wouldn’t mind him using his talon like tentacles then but still...You also didn’t want to go to jail for assisting a homicide...Standing in an empty field, at the dead of night, was not what you intended on doing on a friday night.
JK seemed excited though as he bounced, grabbing a hold of you, he pressed his thumb to your forehead, your eyes fluttering shut on instinct from being so close to him suddenly but your brows pinched and an uncomfortable ache throbbed in your head before he released you. Rubbing your head you whined before you looked up again, only jumping with a screech at the...ship...in front of you...which was NOT there a moment ago. 
“Home!” JK announced proudly as he grabbed your hand, tugging you along against your will, was this really...his ship? Oh god what if he was abducting you...You didn’t have time to think as he ushered you inside. It looked small on the outside admittedly but on the inside it was all glossy and clean, a sleek futuristic look dawning the interior.
Futuristic, he was an alien, you weren’t shocked at the assessment but still. This must’ve been the hanger or...living area… or...hell if you knew ship terms, it looked like the dining room but you didn’t expect two others to appear. All of them speaking in that same throaty tongue as he ran to them, embracing them with pure excitement on his face before he pointed to you, a look of pride on his face as he cleared his voice, “Y/n.” He spoke clearly as if introducing you.
 You gave an awkward stiff wave before immediately dropping your arm, you were going to be extremely pissed if this was the LSD trip you thought you were having yesterday. You watched them all speak to one another before the one on the right nodded, saying something before gesturing JK off, who hurriedly ran off leaving you alone....with two aliens…
They both looked at you expectantly as you looked around, “Hi…” You offered an awkward smile, “You guys are terrifying…” Watching the one on the right grab a watering can to pour over a small...purple colored...tree? “You less so…” You turned to the other one, his eyes dark and piercing and wow…if you thought JK was hot you hadn’t even thought about what it would look like to seem someone attractive from his species, “You the most…” You wrapped your arms around yourself uncomfortably. 
“He’s just assessing you, Taehyung’s like that with anyone associated with our Jungkookie.” You nearly wheezed at the sound of the one on the right speaking full...English…he offered a dimpled smile as if anticipating that reaction, “Apologies. I’m Namjoon, I’m sure you’re extremely confused and scared with everything going on.” 
“...You could say that…” Your twisted somewhat painfully as you nodded rapidly, it was midnight and you were in a fucking spaceship, “Ummm, where did JK go…?” 
Namjoon as he called himself suddenly snorted, shaking his head as he sighed, “Told him he should’ve paid more attention in the academy,” He rolled his eyes, “Jungkook,” He emphasised the name, “That’s his full Earth name. He just forgot it because he never pays attention,” He offered a weak smile, “And he’s in the memoir chamber rememorizing English so he can actually speak to you. It’s handy for us Orionian’s in case a situation like this happens and we don’t know archaic languages like English.”
You didn’t understand a word of what he just said, “I’m sorry...I think I’m too dumb to talk to you, honestly…” You felt extremely stupid but much to your surprise Namjoon laughed in delight, as if endured by your words. 
“You humans are pretty humble huh,” He hummed as he continued watering the rest of his  plants, “Anyways, our ship crashed here on Earth on our way to the andromeda galaxy and Jungkook ended up falling out, it was an...extremely rocky crash…” His smile still weak as if a vague memory entered his mind, “You have our utmost thanks for taking him in when he was injured and housing him.” 
“It’s no problem, I would’ve done it for anyone.” You shifted a little, smiling a tiny bit despite still not feeling as comfortable as you wish you could be, it was just difficult to take in everything that was rapidly changing but your words still stood, you would have. Especially for...Jungkook...you lingered on the same, it sounded more fitting for the tall puppy like boy. 
“So what are your intentions with Jungkook?” You jumped at how deep the second voice was...Taehyung if you remembered correctly and he only looked about as hot as he was intimidating, “Why did you take him in if you knew his identity.” 
You flailed a little, intending to speak yet no words came out...you...you hadn’t really thought about it...at all honestly…”I...I ummm...well…” 
“Are you working for them?” Taehyung stepped towards you, his expression becoming cold as you feebly took a step back looking towards the ground and unsure of how to answer or if you’d even given him a satisfying answer. 
“Stop.” The new voice was raspy and low, not too terribly deep, but just enough to sound charming and rather rugged, Jungkook had appeared again only this time, immediately standing defensively in front of you, “She found me and even after finding out about me being an Orionian she didn’t report me to any Earth officials. I trust her, and you should too.” 
He...he could speak...perfect English now...What!? 
Taehyung’s eyes narrowed onto you, still distrustful but he laid off, “Right...and what is this about you bonding with her? I don’t think she’d be a good vessel.” 
Jungkook’s jaw twitched and you could see the glow of the crescents on his hand burning in red, “Well I’m not asking for your permission to bond with her.” He spat back, his brows furrowed and his lip twitching in anger, suddenly he didn’t look so cute and puppy like anymore, “And it’s not like we’re getting off Earth anytime soon with the ship in this state, so it’s best if we just resume the plan as originally intended.” 
“You think I’d choose a vessel as inferior as humans to have my offspring?” Taehyung’s face curled as if that was the biggest insult he had ever heard and yet you nearly choked at his words, vessel? Offspring? Uh what? 
“Stop fighting,” Namjoon sighed and much to your surprise both of the two boys quieted down, Jungkook still stood in front of you, shuffling a little closer as Namjoon sighed, “Jungkook is right…” He made a noise of victory as Taehyung’s mouth twitched in anger, the marks along his body burning a deep red that was just a little scary to watch from afar, “With the technology at hand here on Earth and with Arbitrators searching for us, it’s in our best interest to make the most of what we have here. Besides, Earth is unsuspecting and was one of our forerunner’s best creations. It’s not too far off irony to let them be the vessel of our offspring.” 
You stared up at Jungkook’s broad back in disbelief...this man was trying to impregnate you after a half a day of knowing you!? You weren’t sure plan B was prepared for this shit. Jungkook looked deeply satisfied at Taehyung’s reaction though before he turned to you, his expression soft and puppy-like as he smiled somewhat timidly before speaking as if he was a little giddy, “Hi…” 
You could’ve said anything in this moment, in which Jungkook looked like he had been excitedly waiting for, and yet your choice of words had been admittedly poor.
“You’re gonna have to bag another bitch, I don’t do kids! I...I did NOT sign up for this!” You immediately backed away from him like he was poison and you didn’t know how these fuckers procreated and at this point you weren’t sure you wanted to learn!
Jungkook’s lips parted and he looked a little hurt before he quickly approached you again, “I don’t expect you to want to carry my children yet….” 
“Yet!?” You shouted out making all three of them flinch a little, “I...I just let you stay at my place because you looked like you were dying in a ditch, and now! I’m in a spaceship, I can’t find the exit and you can suddenly speak English and you’re talking about kids!? This...nu-uh this is going way too fast. I...I really need to get home.” 
Jungkook’s lips trembled a little as he reached out for you, “I’ll take you back! Or-! Or you could stay here until the morning, you shouldn’t be out alone, Earth has proved to be unsafe at night.” He tenderly held your forearms as your expression awkwardly twisted. 
“Nothing worse could happen to me than what happened earlier tonight,” You shook your head rapidly as you sighed, “Just show me the exit, I’ll be fine, really. I’m happy for you! Seriously! I mean it looks like you’re reunited with your kin so there’s no reason for us to stay in contact and it’s been fun and out of this world- literally.” You laughed a little as you rambled, all three staring at you wide eyed, “But like, seriously I’ll keep this to myself and just hope it’s a really shitty drug trip like I originally thought it was…”
Jungkook sighed, lowering his head in defeat and his lips trembled a little in that sulky way it had been this morning as he went to the hatch where you both had come in, dialing a few buttons he waited a moment as he mumbled, “I just want to explain everything to you, I owe you that, at least…” 
You said nothing waiting for the door to open as he dialed a few other buttons, and a few more, and again...and again…”Um,” He cleared his throat a little, “Namjoon…? The door?” He asked, his eyes doe like as he stared at his companion who sighed, squeezing between you both as he also dialed a few numbers into the glowing pad. 
They both waited before Namjoon’s lips twisted into a sigh as if somehow expecting this to happen before he spoke, “Doors’ jammed...again…”
“This is fucking perfect.” Taehyung swore with a sigh, gritting his teeth as his eyes glared into you briefly, causing you to sheepishly back a little towards Jungkook, “I’m going back to my pod, I can’t deal with this.” He brooded before leaving as you looked between both aliens. 
“...Jammed? The door? As in…?” 
Jungkook’s lips twisted into a nervous smile, his marks glowing a light purple as he coughed, “Looks like we’ll have plenty of time to talk now…” Fuck! Why did things have to be this complicated, it could have been worse, but it was the same annoyance you had when Youtube played an unskippable ad, or when the lead in your pencil broke, a cookie falling onto the floor, that type of inconvenience.
Unshockingly Jungkook didn’t hold the same feeling as he spoke gently, “I can show you to my pod, it’ll be awhile before the door gets fixed…” He gave you an endearing apologetic smile. 
“...As long as you aren’t gonna try to knock me up then sure.” You stared at him in disdain, making him weakly smile as he stepped back up the metal stairs and if you didn’t know any better you would’ve assumed he was actually happy you were stuck with no other choice but to stay. 
“Once you see her to your pod, a word please Jungkook...” Namjoon’s gaze was fixed on the door quizzically as if already trying to deduce what had made it jammed, he made no effort to look back at you both but you could tell it was probably important. 
Jungkook only nodded eagerly and kept your hand in his as he lead you down the small the hallway, lights flickering and while you were anything but an engineer or mechanic, it wasn’t hard to tell they had crash landed, Jungkook ignored the mess against the walls as he typed in something before a door slid open revealing what you assumed was his room, the door slid shut behind you making you jump a little as you investigated the space. It was a minimalistic room, a few trinkets laid around and a messy bed was against the wall.
“You can sleep if you want...I know you were tired when I woke you up…” Jungkook’s marks glowed a soft pink as he bashfully looked at the ground, scratching his cheek as if he didn’t know what to say, “I um...I should go speak to my brother.” 
Before you could even say anything Jungkook had already left looking somewhat sheepish, leaving you to curiously look around the room, it was spacious and in tones of deep brown and black, a few gadgets laying around on his nightstand as you tilted your head. 
His pod...so basically...a bedroom. You assumed as much as you couldn’t really make a distinct difference between the two. True you could’ve slept like he had suggested, you were exhausted but too wired to even think about sleeping at the moment due to how bizarre of circumstances you were in. You were in an alien’s bedroom, on a space ship...
You had took your time browsing around the room, curiously holding a few trinkets in an attempt to figure out what they were, time passed slowly and for a while, you began to wonder if this was just a set up for them to butt probe you like Jimin had original thought they would. Not that you would mind as much as him but- besides the point, the longer you were left with your thoughts, the more that piled up.
When the door abruptly opened you nearly jumped out of your skin, hurriedly setting down what looked like a portable flame thrower before whirling around, Jungkook looked a little timid as he smiled, “I’m sorry that took so long...Um...” He closed the door gently before he gestured, “Please, go ahead and rest, from my understanding...um...humans have a standard sleep cycle yes?” 
You didn’t fully understand what he was asking besides if you slept at night, rubbing your neck you did as he gestured, taking a seat on the bed before you jumped a little as it did not feel like a normal bed, “Uh I guess...? Why...why didn’t you just leave? You...didn’t have to wake me.” You mumbled, scooping your feet up as you laid down, shifting a little as you tried to get comfortable.
The bed felt almost like a marshmallow, something in between water and memory foam as the bed moved in slow, lapping waves as you attempted to get comfortable again with a pout tugging on your lips. 
Jungkook watched you with endearment before he laid on the bed next to you, “You have to stop moving, coranium matches the pattern of your body to keep everything aligned and slowly adjusts to the movement of your body throughout your sleep duration.” 
You rolled onto your side to look at him as you curled up a little, his marks still a light pink and his smile a little shy as he spoke, “To answer your question I mean...I feel like it should be obvious, I want to make my bond with you so it was natural I wanted to take you with me. I don’t know Earth well enough to confidently navigate it on my own without getting lost. I couldn’t risk leaving you and then being unable to find my way back. As well as I knew I’d be able to learn English fast in the memoir chamber, so then we’d be able to talk…” he smiled a bit timidly, his eyes fondly washing over your face as you awkwardly scooted a little away from him. 
His eyes downcasting a little at the gesture as he frowned, and once again, even despite speaking english now it didn’t help his case in looking like a kicked puppy, “Well...am I supposed to know what a memoir chamber is? And….bonding and...literally everything you guys have said thus far?” 
Jungkook rested his chin on his hands as he hummed, thinking about your words carefully before he spoke, “The memoir chamber is in most Orionian ships, it helps us adapt to the planet around us and depending on what region we’re in, the language. Our kind carry human DNA- or...moreso the other way around, so inherently we know all Earth languages as they descended from Orionian dialect, but…” He scratched his cheek, marks glowing pink once more, “I had a difficult time studying earth languages in the academy. It’s unrealistic for us to know them all, so the Memoir serves as a rebrief to put in the language back into our minds.” 
God what were you in now? A shitty sy-fy film? You rolled onto your back as you said no more, thinking about his answer for a good long minute before you parted your lips only to shut them...Hold on one damn minute- did he just insinuate his kind created humans? Knowing all languages? What!? “I don’t even know how to unpack that sentence…” You muttered, staring up at the ceiling which twinkled in a galaxy of constellations and if you didn’t know any better you would’ve assumed it was an open glass ceiling to outer space.
It aligned with nebula’s and stars, planets for what looked like miles and miles. You could stare at it for hours in awe, how did you not notice that until now.
“I could only imagine being human, it’s a lot to take in,” Jungkook offered a gentle smile, “As for bonding…” He was pink all over as he scratched his cheek again, eyes fluttering away from yours almost shyly, “It’s what it sounds like, when we Orionian’s find a person who we like and want to share our life with, we begin a bond, and it takes awhile for the bond to grow but once it’s finished, we’d complete it with a mating cycle, and then...We’re celestially bond together.” He mumbled a little shyly, his eyes looked like stars twinkling as he talked about it, almost in a dreamy fashion. 
“....” You couldn’t even find the words to say anything before you muttered, “You’ve known me for a day…” True Jungkook was cute, but all of this stuff about bonding and space really made it difficult to grasp the concept in a way which wasn’t him basically proposing to you.
Jungkook looked as if he had been abruptly pulled from his little fantasy world as he frowned, propping himself on his forearm as he spoke, “Time is only a concept for Orionian’s, when we know who our bond is meant for, we just know. It doesn’t matter if I’ve known you a day or your whole life, my feelings won’t change. I want us to bond.” His voice lowered a little, his eyes doe-like and filled with a sugary sweetness as he closed the gap between you both. 
You were speechless. Many times in your life you had felt this way, but genuinely, you had no words. An alien just professed his love to you within twenty four hours of knowing him all because...what…? You fed him twice? Let him sleep in your bed once? What had you possibly done for him to think you could be his...his wife!? 
“I’m not getting married, I- I mean I’m flattered! I am.” You sat up, once again, pulling away from him as he mirrored you, his lips jutting into an almost frustrated pout, “But like...I just turned twenty one this year....I’m hardly a person let alone wife material.”
“Bonding is hardly even close to the equivalent of human marriage,” Jungkook wrinkled his nose, almost a little endeared, he knew little of human marriage from the media he had watched when you weren’t present, and while humans had similar ideas of romance, it was hardly comparable, he spoke gently, “It’s far more special and permanent. Being bonded is…” He closed his eyes, a half dimpled smile on his lips as he hummed, “It’s like feeling like the universe has completely aligned on your behalf, and that the planets and stardust gifted you a celestial mate who would never turn their back on you, who would always dry your tears and heal you when you’re hurt. The bond extends past this lifetime and into the next and so forth.” 
“...You lost me at ‘more’ permanent…” For a woman with a whole baggage load of commitment issues Jungkook was really not selling this idea to you well, “Sorry but I think you got the wrong girl.” You could appreciate the bizarreness of this situation and admittedly you felt like you’d always have a superior ‘main character’ moment story to one up somebody with but this whole business about being stuck with someone for multiple lifetimes and having alien babies was really not something you could follow up with.
Jungkook looked severely hurt which made you do a double take, not quite anticipating such a pitiful reaction as his lips quivering and his eyes even looking somewhat glassy as he spoke, “O-oh...I see…” 
wow way to make you feel like an asshole. He had shuffled a little curling up against himself as if trying to make himself appear small as he looked away from you. Sighing you ran a hand through your hair, well fuck, what did you have to lose at this point in your life?
“...Jesus christ, okay...what...what does...you know…” you coughed a little, rubbing your neck as Jungkook’s doe eyes looked at you timidly before darting away when you met his gaze, “What does this bonding shit entail anyway?” 
Jungkook was incredibly attractive, there was no denying it and the worst that could happen would be things didn’t work and you just went back to normal non-tentacle men. Jungkook perked a little at your question, still seeming a bit reserved as he mumbled, “Well...bonding is a long process...it’s not something out of human fiction that just immediately happens. When a bond is first created it’s incredibly delicate, you have to be careful and make sure both partners dedicate time to strengthening the bond.”
Laying your head against your arms that were folded in front of you while listening intently you hummed, “And let’s say hypothetically, could the bond be broken?” 
Jungkook’s expression crumpled a little as he mumbled, “It can be severed, but the more strengthened the bond is, the more painful it’ll be for both partners. But yes, it is possible. I should also mention a bond is only possible unless both partners are in agreement and want it just as much as the other.” 
You hummed, thinking about his words, so technically it wasn’t really possible given both of you had different alignments right now, “Alright well, here on Earth we call it dating, which is a lot less intensive than that, so if you want me to do that then you’re gonna have to go by human standards first.” It was reasonable enough and a happy compromise.
You wouldn’t deny you felt a pull towards Jungkook, ever since he had arrived yesterday morning your life had been anything but normal and yet you embraced every twist and turn so far and...there was admittedly a secret giddy part of you that revelled in old childhood nostalgia that someone had actually fallen from the sky and would now show you a world of many possibilities outside of earth. 
The only thing holding you back was the logic and reason that your family held and pushed onto you at a young age, long gone were the days of staring up at the stars in hopes of seeing something supernatural and daydreaming during recess about being whisked off earth. You didn’t know how to connect with that childlike side of yourself anymore, it had been so long since you bothered with those thoughts that now that the opportunity was presented to you, you genuinely didn’t know how to react.
Jungkook had immediately perked up his brows raised and immediate interest in his expression, “I’ll do it! If it means winning your affection,” his smile was a little toothy and innocent as he spoke, “How do humans date? What do they do?” He tilted his head in curiosity while waiting excitedly for your reply.
You couldn’t help but smile a little at how enthusiastic he was, “Well…” you drew a breath in thought, “It’s not too different then it is from now, we’ll go out to eat together, get to know each other, stuff like that.” 
Jungkook deflated a little, confusion in his eyes as he frowned, “But that’s stuff we do now...as...friends…” his frown furthered on his lips, “What sets friends and dating apart if we do the same thing…?” 
You rubbed your neck, beginning to get a little flustered at his question as you shifted a little, mumbling, “Well the difference is friends are strictly platonic, dating someone means you’re interested in them romantically and...you know...we hold hands...or cuddle or...I don’t know romantic shit…Stuff friends don’t do.” 
When did Jungkook get closer to you? His head tilted in curiosity as he spoke, “...And? Is that it? I’m sorry,” he apologized a bit bashfully, looking rather pink, “I’m trying to discern possible differences in boundaries set between a regular human relationship compared to Orionian’s…I don’t want to do anything that might make you...uncomfortable…” 
You stared at him for a good moment, as if trying to discern whatever he was trying to say without actually saying it, “Well...I’m not sure how different it can be…” Jungkook said nothing, fidgeting a little as you looked at him for a long moment, “...I’d tell you if you made me uncomfortable.” Was this...going where you thought it was going? 
Jungkook shuffled a little closer, his nose nearly brushing yours and his lips that looked so soft jutted into a slight pout, his eyes could hardly meet yours as he timidly asked, “...How...intimate are humans in their relationships?” 
Your face felt like it was on fire though as you muttered with raised brows, “Uh pretty hands on...if you wanna fuck me you can just ask.” You looked up at him, feeling a bit bold given he was a little more on the shy side, you could tell just him asking that had obviously taken a lot of courage on his part.
Jungkook’s marks had suddenly filtered from baby pink to a deep maroon, his face looked nothing except shy and a bit hazy as he mumbled, “Would you let me…? I don’t...exactly share the same anatomy as your male counterpart...Orionian’s...intimacy looks a bit different.” 
You felt intrigued and horny at the same time, it was tentacles wasn’t it? Please god let it be the tentacles, “You can’t threaten me with a good time,” you laughed a little, trying to take a little bit of the nervous edge off Jungkook as you offered a small smile, “Just show me, I’m...what other humans would consider pretty kinky. Doubt it’ll scare me off.” You couldn’t admit that his tentacles were immediately making your panties soaked because god did you want to be filled up like a scared hentai girl right now.
You squeaked at Jungkook suddenly climbing on top of you, his eyes hazy and he pulled the sweatshirt over his head, revealing the strip of glowing maroon that led up the center of his arms and wrapped over his shoulders, his tentacles suddenly emerging from his back much to your horny excitement, “Our tendons are both are strongest and weakest point of our body.” Jungkook mumbled against your neck, the feeling of something extremely foreign wrapping around your thigh, almost something between like a soft silicon and jello substance. 
Not sticky like you had anticipated, but soft enough that it could be almost considered wet, “They protect us but they’re also what we use to procreate with, if they’re cut off or majorly damaged, we become sterilized. My eggs…” He suddenly became a bit timid as he mumbled, “They aren’t fertile yet...But regardless I wouldn’t fill you unless we were bonded, so you won’t have to worry about impregnation. Intimacy is still an act of strengthening a bond though, so it’s utilized a lot at the beginning of an Orionian relationship.”
You weren’t fully paying attention at this point, too busy nearly drooling at the feeling of his tendon slithering along your clothes, “I can understand if you’d prefer to not do this though.” Jungkook seemed somewhat embarrassed and timid, his tendons slithering around your pajama band but doing nothing further.
“No!” He nearly jumped  at how you almost yelled it, your eyes frantic and you were nearly dripping at how horny you were, your voice needy as you whined, “I’m literally a slut Jungkook, I’m more than happy to experiment.” 
Jungkook didn’t need anymore confirmation then just that, his tentacle that had been playing with the band of your pajamas immediately pushing underneath it as you whined, your legs immediately parting for it as it ran up your panties, the soft wetness that ebbed from it soaking whatever was dry of your panties, was this arousal of his own? He moaned softly as he pressed his face into your neck, “I know you feel this is fast, but Orionian’s tend to not like to waste time.” His tentacles slid along your panties before pushing inside the band.
Your lips parted at the soft wet sensation of it gently prodding along your clit in exploration making a yelp escape you.
Jungkook jolted a little in concern as he looked down at you, somewhat shyly and his cheeks were a deep maroon much like his marks, “Keep…! Fuck!” You whined at the way his tentacles as if testingly flicked along your clit, another tentacle which had been floating behind him absently had suddenly emerged forward, making quick work of your pajamas and panties as the other continued working along your clit making you whimper as your back arched a little. 
The second tendon slowly brushed along your soaked cunt, embarrassingly wet sounds could be heard throughout the room as Jungkook moaned in contentment, “This feels so nice,” he mumbled with a whine, the second tentacle which had been stroking you slowly wiggled against your entrance making you squeak. Your horniness couldn’t be put into words at how bad you wanted this man to shove all tentacles inside you.
Your lips immediately parting at the tip of the tentacle pushing inside you, it was too soft to be considered that of a toy or dildo but too firm to be anything foreign, you couldn’t resist propping yourself up onto your elbows, your legs spread as you looked down, your face twisting and cheeks throbbing at the lewd sight of two tentacles hard at work on your cunt, one continuously flicking your clit and rubbing along it while the other began to testingly thrust inside you. 
Your lips dropped open as you moaned feeling Jungkook push it further and further inside you before giving it a testing wiggle, a scream nearly ripped from your throat at how it hit all the right spots.
Unable to even support yourself as you dropped back down with a whine as Jungkook quickly began to pick up the pace even more, “Fuck,” he moaned softly, the tentacle pulsed and throbbed as it squished and wiggled while being thrusted back and forth in short motions, your cunt was so tight and your walls kept trapping him further and further inside you as you whined, “Mm, females of my kind don’t have anything like this,” he moaned two more tentacles had suddenly appeared from his back, one pinning your wrists above your head and the other wandering to your flimsy shirt before pushing underneath it, and much to his delight Jungkook found nothing underneath except your soft breasts, “Nothing this- mmm, fuck,” it came out more of a whine this time as you felt his tentacles wiggling in delight at the way your cunt clenched around him, “small, and warm...Fuck,” Jungkook dipped his head, running a hand through his hair, the third tendon wrapped around your nipple making you whimper, jolting as your cunt squeezed around the tentacle that was beginning to roughly split apart your walls as it discovered your g-spot, your mouth parting as whined spilled from your lips at the insane feeling of the tip of his tentacles flicking up against it rapidly.
“Ah! Fuck fuck fuck, Jungkook!” You whined as your back arched, your eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head at how many sensations were going on, between him finding the sweet spot of your clit, the tip of his tentacle flicking up into your g-spot the other one squeezing with just the right amount of pressure on your nipple. 
Jungkook’s lips parted and his eyes were hazy but in awe at the way your body contorted, your small little walls nearly entrapping his tentacle as you came harshly, whined and whimpers escaping you as he forcefully kept flicking up into your g-spot, his other rubbing gently against your clit as your body frantically moved, yet your hips kept thrusting up to try and take more of his tendon as you whined, “Fuck…! Jungkook! Ah..!” Jungkook moaned softly as he gave you just what you wanted, pushing himself further inside you until he was dangerously close to your cervix.
His tentacle was soft enough that no pain was even involved as he kept wiggling it into you, soundless moans escaped you as your cunt began wrapping convulsing around him, your clit burning in pleasure due to sensitivity as he kept letting the soft tendon rub against the tender bud.
“Fuck!” You whined, liquid suddenly spewing from your cunt much to Jungkook’s surprise, his tentacle had immediately restricted at the feeling leaving your cunt feeling empty and tears nearly escaping yours eyes in frustration due to it despite his second tendon continually abusing your clits sweet spot, within the second the first tentacle entered your once more pushing with no hesitation right back to its original position as Jungkook began wiggling once again with short thrusts. 
Your walls kept squeezing around him causing him to moan as he whined, “You- you need to stop doing that...feels too good.” He mumbled shyly against your skin as you nearly convulsed in pleasure at the way his third tendon was wrapped around your nipple, giving the bit of pressure that had your cunt squeezing around his tentacle, too busy in your own pleasure to care about what he wanted, your hand wrapped around his throat making his eyes widen and his lips part submissively, “I’m gonna keep doing what I want baby- fuck...I think you like it when my little cunt squeezes around it.” You purposely clenched around his tentacle and you could physically feel it throb inside you.
Jungkook’s lips trembled a little a moan escaped him at your hand squeezing lightly around his throat his tentacle immediately fucking you even faster in comply as your lips parted in glee, your hips rolling a little to slide along the slick thick tendon, “Thats right baby boy, I bet you’ve never felt a cunt like this before huh?” You let out a shaky cackle as your hand sadistically squeezed harder around his neck. 
His gaze dropped and he only whined, quickly crumbling to your dominant hands that only excited you further, it was one thing to cross off your bucket list getting fucked by an alien, it was two being able to dom one, “Oh am I suddenly in control now?” You mockingly pouted before a twisted smirk curled on your face at how Jungkook wouldn’t meet your eyes any longer.
Power was practically leaking in your veins, you were getting fucked by a tentacle alien and he was a shy little sub? Your squeezed harsher around his neck, a whiney moan suddenly escaping him as his tentacle harshly pulsed inside you before it frozen, his face buried into your neck, impatient and now knowing you could boss him around freely your hips lifted, squelching and slipping around the tendon with ease as his lips trembled against your neck, “Mmm! P-please! You have to slow down…” he whimpered a little at how cruel you were being with him. 
You could care less in this moment though, too busy living out your dream fantasy bucking your hips against the soft subtle material, your cunt squeezing around him as you moaned softly.
Your moan twisted to a growl at the feeling of his tentacle pausing in your clit, your hand finding his hair as you harshly balled it into your hand, “I didn’t give you permission to stop.” Jungkook’s gaze lowered and his eyes a little watery despite the angry pout on his face.
“You aren’t listening to me.” He mumbled stubbornly and your lips twitched, outwardly showing displeasure but inwardly seeking the chase he was trying to give. Jungkook fumbled with you had pushed away, briefly his tendons pulled away in semi surprise, at first assuming you had taken his shy words the wrong way but he was quickly mistaken when he was shoved onto the bed, a whine escaping him as the tentacles quickly adjusted to be semi flattened. His lips were quivering at the sight of your naked body straddling him and your hand on his jaw, “Truthfully, I don’t think you want me to listen baby.” You pouted mockingly, the feeling of his stretched tentacles seekingly wrapping around your thighs, “Open.” 
Jungkook’s lips parted a little, his eyes watering and looking a little confused at your words, but you had took advantage of the opportunity, spitting into his mouth as he suddenly whined, his ears bright red following along with the magenta color coursing through his body as your hand wrapped around his throat in a firm grip, “Good boy.” You smiled loosely, wiping a stray bit of saliva from his lip as he whined, a tentacle beginning to stroke against your soaked cunt once more but this time he did nothing except in hopes of an invitation.
“Such a good boy, go on, I know you want to.” You cooed out, your head hanging a little and your lips parting at the feeling of the tentacle plunging back inside your warm walls with a loud squelch, “Stay still.” You commanded sharply and with a noisy whine from Jungkook as he obediently listened, you could feel the foreign tendon inside you pulsing still as if it nearly killed him to do so. Your hips steadily began to move along the tentacle, your cunt clenching around it as you took more of him it only got fatter and thicker the more you took. 
“Ahh, fuck. That’s it baby, c’mon keep filling me up. I know you want to. I can see it in your face.” You taunted, feeling his tentacle doing a test wiggle inside you as you slid along it, arousal coating him as he whined, you had a great view of his other tentacles sliding from under his back and extending upward, the second quickly made way for your clit much to your excitement, your lips parted and a whine escaping you as it kept rubbing into your sweet spot it had previously discovered. 
You were too busy trembling and moaning, attempting to fight off another orgasm at the feeling of your clit almost feeling like it was being ate out at how soft the tip of his tentacle was gently lapping against it and a soft wet arousal of his own leaking from the tip, you had bounced against his tendon in short motions, craving all of him inside you as your body began to convulse, your hands balling against his chest with a whine at how difficult it was to stop yourself from cumming immediately.
Jungkook wasn’t letting go without a fight though, a third tentacle had surprised you, pushing between the cheeks of your ass making you nearly gasp a whine, “Fuck! Fuck, please.” You mumbled in a moment of weakness, giving your consent that you’d like to trust he’d be able to make this feel good. Jungkook didn’t hesitate for a second, the tentacle oozed a slippery liquid, his own arousal along your puckered rim. You were almost too fucked out to even pay attention, your body busy still riding him and trying to focus on anything but the feeling of the slippery tentacle flicking at your clit and finding nearly every pleasurable nerve physically possible. 
It was difficult to miss the third one pushing slowly into your ass as your lips jumbled something nearly incomprehensible, your body collapsing semi against him, only being held up by your weak forearms, “Mmph! Fuck baby keep going, just like that. Such a good boy for me.” 
Jungkook squeaked out what sounded like a pleasant noise at the praise, perhaps sensing your body beginning to crumble as his tentacles took back over, quickly thrusting inside you once more and wiggling to his heart's pleasure as drool nearly dropped from your lips. Unable to even do anything or say anything with two tentacles plunged inside you. 
The tip of the tentacle was just narrow enough to slip inside your ass with a gentle sting but pleasurable enough to make your toes curl and whines escape you at the feeling of the force of his thrusts on either side of your body. His second was still lapping up around your clit, finding that perfect spot that nearly made your vision go white and you weren’t sure what escaped your throat other than possibly the best orgasm you would ever experience in your life. 
And it didn’t stop after a second, it just kept going with his tentacles drilling inside you and lapping around your delicate hyper sensitive clit as you whined and cried against him. Jungkook moaned softly as you felt what potentially might have been a second tentacle greedily pushing inside your cunt, whimpers escaping you at how harshly he was thrusting up inside you and how stretched your body was. 
Your mouth parting at the feeling of the forth tentacle pushing its way to meet the first as you squeaked and whined against him, a tentacle wrapping around your waist to hold up your lower body that nearly collapsed as your vision blurred with tears at how hard you were being fucked. Jungkook’s eyes were shut tightly and his hands had finally grabbed your waist as extra support as his third tentacle wiggled its way further into your ass. The pleasurable sting becoming more and more noticeable as you cried out at the feeling of one tentacle flicking up against your g-spot and the other harshly thrusting into you while your clit was hypersensitive at the feeling of being rubbed and flicked. 
Your last orgasm couldn’t even compete with this one as you cried out, body convulsing and cunt tightening as you nearly scrambled almost looking possessed to the unknown eye, your body had clenched up so hard at being so filled you hadn’t even heard the sharp whine from Jungkook. Hot liquid suddenly spurted everywhere the majority of it inside you but some getting on you, over the bed, everywhere. 
Jungkook whimpered and whined, digging his face into your neck and his tentacles were pulsing sharply as if literally pumping out every drop of liquid they could inside you. You were so fucked out you could hardly even ask what in the actual hell he just injected inside you. You had already been tired before but your body was burning and aching, feeling as if you had literally been ripped to pieces. 
At least you finally got a piece of that tentacle action.
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You were not someone that fucked and then immediately slept afterwards, typically after a one night stand, depending on your relation with the person you would either ghost them by pretending to go to the bathroom, talk and hang out afterwards, or go get something to eat together, or by yourself, you weren’t picky.
Rubbing your blurry eyes you yawned, your body aching with even the slightest movement, Jungkook was the first man who had ever fucked you so hard, you had little to no choice but to fall asleep afterwards, you probably couldn’t even stand if you wanted too. He was curled up against your chest at the moment, his head pressed into your breasts looking way too content at the moment. 
Your eyes trailed down at his fluffy raven hair before down the warm tawny skin of his back, something in your chest stirring, it felt like it was almost physically tugging you closer to his body, your hand finding its way to his hair making him stir a little. Jungkook’s arms wiggled against your waist to make himself comfortable once more before relaxed with a content sigh. 
The marks on his back glowed a sentient purple, you had never gotten a good look at his back before. 
And while this wasn’t that great of a position to view, you were still curious with what you could see, they formed two long strips down his back widening a fair bit and they stopped just at the smallest part of his waist. If you didn’t know any better you would’ve remarked that it looked like he had wings ripped from his back.
As morbid as it sounded, and that is of course if they glowed like this. Jungkook really was the prettiest thing you had ever seen, your hand hadn’t even meant to pull from his hair down his neck, you couldn’t help the tug in your chest wanting to touch.
However the moment your fingers grazed over the mark that covered his left shoulder blade Jungkook nearly flew out of your arms making you jolt in just as much surprise as him, his lips parted and he had sat up, gaze sharp as he looked around as if for any possible intruders. Slowly as he woke up though he came to the realization it was just you and him, your smile becoming somewhat sheepish as you mumbled, “Um, sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” You cleared your throat feeling bad now, was it just that sensitive? You might not know much about Orionian’s but you could take a guess and assume that was the opening to where his tentacles laid dormant, and given they were also how they procreated...It was natural Jungkook was probably a little defensive about them being touched. 
Jungkook said nothing though, only staring at you for a long moment before he whined a little, suddenly crawling back up to you before collapsing on top of you as you huffed, “You can’t startle me like that, my scaling is sensitive.” He mumbled a little shy, grabbing your hand as he placed it back on top of his head obviously wanting affection. 
Your fingers dug back into his scalp making a pleasant noise escape him as his body relaxed once more, “...Scaling?” Your brows furrowed at his words, complying with his silent demand to have his hair played with as he curled up against you, his lips tugged into a smile as he rested his face between your breast. 
“Yeah, my scales.” Jungkook nodded as he held up his arm, pointing at the glowing marks making you frown, that...looked nothing like scales....Jungkook smiled a little as he rested back down while explaining, “There filled with hyper plasma so depending on the hormonal chemistry of my body will change colors.” You got that part, even before he could speak English, but still...when you thought of scales, you thought of stuff like fish and...scaly things. Not aliens. 
Jungkook only smiled happily as he looked up at you, it looked like thousands of stars twinkling in his eyes and the dim lights reflected off his iridescent skin, little tones of purple and blue could be spotted as he lifted his hand up to cup your cheek, his fingers carefully trailing down your jawline. There was a wave in your chest, something strong like...the only thing you could describe was pure happiness, “Hey what did you blow inside?” You hadn’t even meant to ask that question but it had abruptly crossed your mind. 
Jungkook’s gaze faltered a little, his scales suddenly turning bright pink and his bashfully lowered his gaze, pressing his cheek on your chest as he mumbled, “It was just plasma, it’s what helps carry eggs when they’re released but...I already told you...my eggs aren’t ready yet. You have no possible chance of getting pregnant without my prior knowledge.” 
His fingers tethered against your stomach as if saddened at the idea that his future kin weren’t in your stomach, a wave of sadness fleeting inside your chest briefly as you frowned, why did you feel so odd? You weren’t even the least bit sad about not being pregnant. 
“Okay...good I was just..wondering since…” You coughed a little, not finishing your sentence which you were originally going to say because he used you like an actual cum dump- not that you minded. But still. It was good to know. Jungkook said no more, only burying into your chest with a pouty whine. 
Yawning you stretched out looking around before grabbing your phone which had somehow made it alive on your night stand, your notifications flooded with Jimin’s drunk texting on where you went last night and why you weren’t home...Wait, your eyes darted to the time, it was noon?! You had a lecture in half an hour! 
“Fuck! I have to get to class!” You immediately jolted up making Jungkook whine as he was jostled onto the bed as you limped along in search of your clothes, your body aching and resisting with each fumble before you nearly collapsed out of fatigue while grabbing your panties. 
“Can’t you just stay? Just for a little longer?” Jungkook mumbled, his lips in a large puppy like pout as he held out his hand to you, something stirring in your chest that wanted to just curl back up against him, his eyes doe like and soft, almost pleading for you to cuddle back up against him. 
“I have midterms coming up Jungkook, I really can’t afford to skip class.” You offered an apologetic smile, “Besides it’s not like we can’t go get something to eat later or anything.” Pulling your pants up you wobbled to the door, frowning as you pulled your sweatshirt back over your head, where was the door handle…?
“..B-but!” Jungkook fumbled as he pulled his shirt over his head before hurrying over to you, “Just five more minutes? Or two? Please…!” There was something urgent in his voice as his lips trembled as if he would be devastated if you left. 
Examining the door your lips parted as you pushed the button on the wall, jolting a little as the door slid open, “Jungkook,” You paused briefly, feeling a dull ache in your chest, a brief desire to do as pleaded as you looked up at him, “I really have to go to class okay? I’ll drop by later when I’m finished for the day I’m sure you...have stuff you need to talk about with your...um...kin…” You raised your brow a little awkwardly before you back walking down the hallway, something inside the back of your head almost tempted to stay with him. 
He looked so panicked and whiny, it made you feel bad for having to go, and furthermore you secretly wished you could stay longer but you couldn’t afford to miss class with midterms so close. 
If your memory was correct this should lead to…! Aha, you felt victorious at the sight of the main, living area?  The circular table was towards the smaller three step ledge that went up into the control room and the purple bonsai-like plant which had just been freshly pruned sat delicately on the other side of the room. 
“No! I....Can I come with you then? And then we can come back here together later?” Jungkook pleaded, his lips trembling and his eyes almost watery as you paused with a sigh, he was really tugging on your heart strings huh...It was almost easier to deny him back when he was unable to actually speak his wants to you. 
“Jungkook I- I mean I guess you could…? But like, it’s just lecture, it’s boring, I have to be focused the whole time and no offense but...I feel like if you came I wouldn’t focus.” You pulled a little away from him with an awkward smile while silently hoping the door had been fixed. 
“Morning you two,” You turned around at the sight of Namjoon appearing from the large opening of the control room Taehyung who still looked sour following after him only to lean against the wall with crossed arms, Namjoon stepped down the three steps as he offered a polite smile, “I hope you slept well, I’m sure it’s a lot different compared to human dorms.” 
You looked away from Namjoon unable to speak at the question of having slept well, you hardly slept half the night after getting your back blown out, but he was right, it was nothing like human- in any aspect whatsoever, whether it was the bed or who you got fucked by last night. 
“It was fine...um the door....Is it fixed?” You pointed your thumb behind your shoulder as you offered a weak smile. 
Namjoon nodded stepping closer before he abruptly paused, his brows furrowing before he looked between you and Jungkook without so much as a word, it made you somewhat self conscious as you shuffled in your spot at nobody volunteering to get the door open, “Yeah, it’s fixed, umm…” His smile was a little tense before he looked between you and Jungkook, “Are you both going out? Already?” 
Jungkook refused to look his elder in the eyes, his lips plush and pouty, hair dusting over his eyes as he shuffled in his spot refusing to answer whatever unasked question his elder had, “Uh yeah, I’m going to class, Jungkook can stay here though, I’ll be back later.” You shrugged, not understanding what their problem was. 
Taehyung had not interjected into the conversation yet, his dark hair brushing over his eyes only in the opposite effect of Jungkook, making him look as if he had a death warrant with your name on it, “And leave Jungkook alone?” He gritted his teeth looking like he was ready to snarl at you, your lips quirked a little and your brow lifted in confusion, wasn’t that typically what people meant when they said they had to leave…? 
“Uh yeah, and I’ll come back…?” You trailed off, making it sound more like a question then a statement before Taehyung suddenly pushed off the wall, his walk was by no means in any hurry, but his shoulders were squared and his steps were paced with determination that had you taking a step back at the sight of him not stopping until he was right in front of you. 
The energy of the room had gone tense before Taehyung snarled, “You bonded with my little brother and now you’re going to leave him!?” 
You shrieked at suddenly being shoved against the wall, your ribs throbbing in pain as Taehyung’s hand wrapped around your throat, crushing your windpipe as you gagged, “Humans really are pathetic selfish people.” Tentacles suddenly wrapped around Taehyung’s hand before he was ripped away from you, hot red scales were a blur as Jungkook stood in front of you protectively. 
Your hands rubbing your sore throat as you leaned against the wall gasping for air, “Stay out of this!” Jungkook growled, his lips twitching and his eyes burning into his brothers, “This doesn’t involve you, let me sort it out and if you ever fucking touch my mate like that again I won’t hesitate to rip your eggs straight out of your utaria.” 
You jolted at the sight of Taehyung lashing out at Jungkook, both of them slamming into the wall near the hallway as they grappled and yet you could only stare in shock at what had just happened and what you had just heard. Namjoon was immediately between them both separating the two as he growled, “Taehyung that wasn’t necessary! I doubt she even realizes what happened!” Namjoon immediately twisted towards Jungkook with a scowl, “And you! What did I tell you last night?” 
Jungkook’s jaw was clenched, his scales a hot burning red that matched Taehyung’s and yet his eyes couldn’t meet Namjoon’s, his lips twitching a little as he glared into the wall, his expression slowly melting as Namjoon snapped, “What did I tell you!? Why can’t you two ever listen for once? If you had we probably wouldn’t even be stuck on Earth right now! This is your mess Jungkook, I told you it wasn’t a good idea to bond this early on in our stay on Earth.” 
Jungkook’s expression had turned neutral but something in his eyes still seemed bitter as he stared at the ground now, perhaps too scared to look up at you, who had backed away from all the men in shock. You...but...Jungkook said…The silence set in and slowly each brother turned their gaze towards you before Jungkook was the last, his face filled with remorse at your expression as your lips parted, “You…! You told me-” Your lips parted variously before you finally forced out a sentence, “You lied to me!” 
“I didn’t!” Jungkook immediately hurried over to you, his expression filled with guilt and desperation, “I- Y/n I wasn’t even aware we had bonded until Taehyung pointed it out! I’m sorry I had no idea I…!” All you heard was excuse after excuse though, something indescribable filled your chest and your vision blurred in anger. 
“I’m going! I can’t…! I can’t even look at you right now Jungkook!” Upset felt like it had magnified tenfold in your chest as you rushed down the metal stairs, punching against the button before the door opened, your throat felt squeezed and like you were suffocating as you ran as far and fast as your legs could take you. What was happening to you? 
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“I’m fine…” 
Jimin and Seokjin exchanged glances, light poured in from the opened door behind them of your bedroom, the blanket wrapped around your body has you held it up above your nose, “Uh don’t lie bitch,” Jimin quirked a brow, his lips twitching in anger at just the sight of you trying to tell such an obvious lie, “It’s been three days since...whatever happened with JK- “Jungkook,” “I don’t give a fuck what his name is, you’ve been a recluse ever since, what happened?” 
Just the mention of Jungkook’s name made your chest physically ache as you curled further into yourself, you weren’t in physical pain, you couldn’t even fully describe it. 
All of your feelings just felt so amplified, like they swirled at just the surface of your chest and ready to burst out at any given moment. It felt like a physical string around your heart that squeezed and tugged harder and harder that left you in a depressed state with no energy left to do anything except what you had been doing.
Weakly sleeping half the time or scrolling on your phone in a useless attempt to think about anything other than Jungkook. You couldn’t even understand how you felt so attached to him and how much your body ached to just be wrapped up in his arms, but you were still so upset at what had happened. 
Questions swirled in your mind and to which you didn’t have the answer too and it made you even more upset that you wouldn’t get answers unless you went back, “Y/n, we’re just worried.” Seokjin raised his brows, his expression apprehensive but softened at the weak state you were in, “You haven’t been out of your room ever since the morning after the party. Midterms are just around the corner, I doubt you slack off for a shit reason.” 
You only curled up further before you sighed, closing your eyes as you finally caved in and mumbled an explanation as to what had happened and what you were now suffering under. Seokjin seemed more calm but Jimin’s lips were twitching in anger as he scowled, “You’re joking! Well let’s just go and demand he cut whatever alien ties he has on you.” 
You knew he was just trying to help but you only shook your head, “...Taehyung said I was the one that had apparently formed the bond, I didn’t even know that was possible.” You mumbled, you buried into your pillow, a feeling of guilt building into your chest as you tried to forget the ghost image of Jungkook’s hurt eyes in your mind. 
“Well it’s obviously affecting you mentally and physically, I mean seriously, you haven’t showered in days, you aren’t eating, Y/n…” Seokjin kneeled down, a frown on his face, “You need to swallow your pride, as stubborn as you are, and go talk to Jungkook about this. We’ll come with you, you probably won’t even have the energy to get there, but he’s the only one who can help.”
You managed to roll over to your side, your back facing them both now as you pulled the blanket over your head, you didn’t want to face Jungkook again, you weren’t sure you were ready to. You had so many mixed feelings and you weren’t even sure what to begin on asking questions. 
Neither said anymore before you heard Seokjin reluctantly sigh, “I’ll leave it for tonight, but tomorrow morning you’re giving us directions and we’re going to get this sorted.” They both left shortly after and closed the door sinking the room back into a depth of darkness. A heavy weight back on your chest and sudden ache filling you as you curled up, a dull sense of urgency inside you but you couldn’t distinguish what for. It felt like you needed to cry even despite not feeling sad, but maybe as a way to just release this energy.
But you didn’t do anything besides lay on your back, staring up at the ceiling as you sighed, trying to ignore the dull ache of your head, what a shit show. If you had known what your life would come to by just trying to be a good person, you would’ve left him in that ditch. ----
It felt like your body was being dragged through the mud, through the fire and hell maybe even gitting shit on at this point, “This is so stupid.” You mumbled, curled up in your hoodie as you hugged your knees into your chest in the back of Seokjin’s car. 
“You’re the one that fucked an alien,” Jimin snorted, twisting in his seat as he cocked a brow, “Which, what possessed you to do that seriously? Your stupid little hentai fantasies?” He stared at you with a bizarre expression as you snorted weakly. 
“Yeah pretty much.” 
“Fucking knew it,” Jimin collapsed back in his seat, “We could get our assholes probed by aliens now because she couldn’t keep her panties on at the sight of a slimy tentacle.” He raised his hands dramatically and you could’ve sworn you heard Seokjin try to keep from laughing at you both. 
“They’ll probe you with their tentacles too, apparently they make their own lube home made so they’ll slide it right in no problem.” If you had the energy you would’ve died laughing at the way Jimin whipped around in his seat in horror. 
“No fucking way. You WILLINGLY let him do that to you?” 
You couldn’t stop the weak laugh escaping you as you leaned your head against the window, “I’m a slut.” You shrugged before you lifted your head a little, “Right there! It should be in the field. I think it has some sort of cloaking shield or something.” Seokjin pulled off on the old winding back road which looked familiar enough.
He hadn’t been going fast to begin with and you had already stopped twice and the two other fields had been empty so this one had to be it, and if it wasn’t then it was safe to say you broken Jungkook’s heart right in two and he and his other space fuckboy brothers left Earth for good. Which you hoped not because you felt like you were in a weird limbo between life and death at the moment. 
Stepping out of the car you paused as you heaved a breath, leaning against the car as you sighed, the energy feeling like it had been sucked straight out of your soul every passing minute. Jimin looked at you mildly concerned as you waved him off, slowly pushing yourself straight up as you wrapped your arms around yourself. 
The comforts of your hoodie keep you warm as you ignore the dull ache in your chest, Seokjin and Jimin both kept close as you all looked like idiots wandering around in an empty field. The empty field however, upon stepping forward had suddenly blurred before the familiar sight of the ship came into view. Seokjin and Jimin were dumbfounded at the sight as they both stared. 
You only trudged forward towards the door before you slammed your hand against the metal door, “Well? What are you both doing just standing there?” You asked with a furrowed brow.
“Well sorry I didn’t fuck an alien the first chance I got.” Jimin fumbled out with a huff as he hurried over along with Seokjin. 
The door had immediately been opened to a relieved looking Namjoon, his eyes briefly landing on Jimin and Seokjin warily as he spoke, “I’m glad you came back! Come on, hurry in.” He ushered you in, “...I’m assuming these are your...friends…?” 
“Best friends, roommates, the same guys that also allowed your little space fuckboy to stay with us.” Jimin growled out as he crossed his arms, standing as a big brother you never asked for as Seokjin snorted. 
“Chill,” He shoved Jimin a little who only grumbled under his breath before he spoke, “I’m Seokjin and that’s Jimin, we’re Y/n’s roommates we’re already uh...aware of what you guys are we just...we don’t know what’s going on, we just want Y/n to be okay.” 
Namjoon nodded slowly, still a little wary but it was to be expected, he said no more as he widened the latch for the three of you, “Y/n left right at the beginning stage of their bond when it’s imperative that the newly bonded couple stay together and establish a stable connection. If not, it becomes unstable and drains the life force out of both individuals causing a wide variety of ailments and illnesses to take over. It’s good you guys came back when you did, Jungkook is doing even worse sense he was the Si in the bond.” 
“What is she doing back here?” Your lips twitched a little at the snarl from Taehyung who had shot up from his seat at the table, his eyes glaring holes into you and honestly, if he could vaperize you into dust at the moment you were sure he probably would. 
“Here to break the little probe ass connection your fuckboy put on her,” Jimin snapped back unappreciative at someone talking this way to you especially in the condition you were in right now.
Taehyung’s lip twitched as he shot out of his seat, “My little brother may be naive but he had good intentions and she took advantage of his fragile state! He wasn’t in any sort of headspace to do anything!” You only curled away from Taehyung with mixed feelings, you wouldn’t necessarily describe Jungkook’s state of mind at the time, fragile as it was just horny. 
Namjoon sighed as he looked at Seokjin before at you and then the two feuding men who were practically glaring into one another, “Taehyung, don’t do anything irrational, I’m going to get Jungkook.” Namjoon disappeared and it was quiet inside the ship as a tension took over the room. 
You tried your best to ignore it as you slumped against the wall, listening to the whirling on the interior running. Not a minute later you heard a loud flutter of steps as you looked up, Jungkook’s hair had been ruffled and he had looked extraordinarily tired, his scales however were lit up a sky blue, his lips parted as if trying to figure out if you were real or not before he hurried to you. 
His arms wrapping around you and a small whimper escaping him as his nose rubbed into your neck, your face pressed into his chest with a sigh of relief, the dull ache in your chest fading quickly as you basked in the warmth of Jungkook’s arms. You had hugged many people in your life before and sure it was nice, but you couldn’t even describe the wash of comfort and love that radiated through your entire being at being curled up in this man’s arms. 
Jungkook’s nose nudged at your neck a little and buried himself into your embrace as his fingers fiddled with the thick material of your hoodie, “Jungkook,” Jungkook shuffled a little, his body practically wrapped around you as his eyes slowly looked up from his content figure to meet Namjoon’s gaze, “You both should go lay down and begin to properly set your bond together, I’m sure you’re both exhausted.” 
Jungkook nodded wordlessly, perhaps not trusting himself to speak as he began to lead you towards his pod, “Woah, wait hold on.” Jimin cut in only for a snarl like growl to escape Jungkook, tentacles suddenly shooting from his back protectively pulling towards the front of his body to create a barrier between you and any threat that might take you away from him. 
“Woah holy fuck!” Jimin nearly screeched, holding his hands up and freaking out a little at seeing a killer glare on such an innocent face, “We didn’t come here for this…! What, what do you mean, set a bond? I don’t want Y/n out of our sight…!” 
Jungkook’s lip twitched in annoyance as he set his chin on your shoulder, his arms tightening around your waist and you could see the red glow of his scales slowly deepening further into a dark maroon, he did not look happy. 
Namjoon put up a hand, offering a tense smile, “All that entails is them being together and being close, they need to stabilize their bond. Once it’s set they can figure out whether they want to...bond further or…” Namjoon didn’t finish his sentence, is eyes warily lingering on the younger’s expression which was sharp and annoyed, “...You get the idea, I would advise against stopping him, trying to separate them now when he just got her back….I can’t guarantee I’ll keep you both alive.” 
Jimin and Seokjin shared a wary glance before stepping aside, Jungkook’s gaze broody as he watched them sharply as he trudged you both forward, his tentacles still out and floating behind him now as if ready to strike on contact. The tension didn’t leave until you were back into his pod once more, the room having not been changed except for a lot more clutter accumulation- much like your own room. 
You hadn’t even had the chance to open your mouth before you were suddenly picking up, your legs wrapping around Jungkook as you squirmed, “Jungkook!” You squeaked out, his hands gripping your ass tightly but his face kept nudging into your neck as he whined,  the killer aura he had not seconds ago immediately disappearing, “Don’t ever do that again,” You were nearly crushed when you were dropped onto the bed before Jungkook collapsed on top of you, “Please.” Guilt nearly devoured your heart at the way Jungkook held back a sob, his voice pleading and cracked, “It’s not fair! You-! You can’t just do this to me then leave. Never again.” You felt warm substance dripping onto your skin and your heart was pounding in your chest. 
An innate need coursing through your veins to dry his tears as you did so, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry okay?” You whispered out, your hands cupping his cheeks, that iridescent glow on his skin and his eyes watery and big, “I’m just…! I was just scared, I didn’t know what was going on and I just thought I needed time to think. I had no idea what the effects were and what would happen if I left. I’m not going to leave okay? I won’t leave.” 
Jungkook only closed his eyes, tears falling down his cheeks and you couldn’t help but watch in a melancholy awe at an almost glittery substance filling his tears, making the stains on his skin glisten and glitter under the dark lights of his room, Jungkook said no more, perhaps not trusting himself too and only curled himself further against your as your hands soothingly ran through his hair as his body melted into yours. No words were further spoken between you both as you curled against him once more, your nose burying in his hair with the innate need to comfort him. 
Feelings were too intense and magnified, as if you could feel every speck of hurt and misery Jungkook had suffered without you and despite being cognitively aware you in any other case wouldn’t be like this, you still were. You didn’t understand what happened, or how it happened, but what you did know was that despite all of the uncertainty, Jungkook needed you. 
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You weren’t sure how much time had passed, neither of you had talked for what seemed like hours, only staying close in one another's arms, and slow but surely, that unstable feeling in your chest was beginning to fade and was replaced by what you could only describe as a warm, bright thrum.
Both of you were awake, but Jungkook’s eyes looked far away, his face still laid against your chest as you tenderly stroked through his hair, “Jungkook,” He didn’t respond right away, shifting a little before those doe eyes looked up at you, his lips jutted into a soft pout that nearly broke your heart out of guilt, “What....what’s going on? I don’t understand anything.” Your fingers delicately traced his prominent cheekbones, his face immediately nuzzling into your hand as his eyes closed. 
Jungkook’s lips trembled only a little as he mumbled, “...I...I’m not sure...I told you before that in order for a bond to be created it has to be wanted between both parties involved,” His nose nudged your hand as you tenderly thumbed his cheek, “Wh-which means...even if it wasn’t a surface thought you still energetically reached out and initiated the bond making you the Fi and me the Si since I accepted without realizing.” 
His lips went pouty before he pressed his head back against your chest as you stared down at him mildly confused, perhaps realizing this he spoke further, “Fi and Si are considered sacred opposites, in a bond both people take on one or the other, the initiator the Fi and the receiver the Si, it makes sense you didn’t feel as much as I did, the Fi in the bond isn’t affected nearly as heavily as the Si is because you were the one who created the bond.”
You still didn’t quite understand other than this being a Yin and Yang equivalent with a dash of omegaverse on the side, but then again, if humans had descended from Orionian’s then the apple truly didn’t fall too far from the tree. 
“And...the Fi is what…? The more dominant one?” You quirked a brow, a smile threatening to tug on your lips as Jungkook looked up at you, an unfair pout of his face as he set his chin on your chest, leading you to believe there was some merit to your words. 
“Not exactly, it just means you were the one who established the bond, making you the one who, in more primal words, the caretaker. With newly bonded couples, it’s imperative that you be together for the first few days to stabilize the bond. Si tends to be more....” He shifted a little, his scales becoming pink as he buried into your chest, “...Clingy...and Fi tends to facilitate and care for Si while the bond stabilizes.”
Your hand made its way back to his hair as you tenderly combed through the soft silky locks as Jungkook’s relaxed back against you, practically melting into your touch as you hummed, “And...if it isn’t stabilized?” 
Jungkook shifted a little against you as he mumbled, “...Well, both people become....I don’t know how to truly describe, if a bond isn’t stabilized...it becomes difficult to distinguish your own feelings from your partners, and with the bond unstable it causes an emptiness to fill both which causes sadness and pain, but because feelings can be mutually felt, it magnifies those feelings tenfold...Until eventually….” Jungkook frowned as he shrugged a little timidly, “Both go insane, or end up commiting suicide out of despair. Si feels it a lot more intensely then Fi though because of being the one who was tethered into the bond rather than creating it.”
You said nothing, feeling even worse now knowing what had happened and what you could have possibly caused, not only this but for Jungkook to suffer through so much all because you couldn’t just hear him out for less than five minutes, “Don’t blame yourself,” Jungkook sat up a little to look at you earnestly, as if knowing exactly what you felt despite not saying anything, “You don’t know anything about Orionian’s, I...I should’ve handled everything better then I did…” His gaze lowered looking a little glassy as he sighed, “Just...please never do that again.” He collapsed back against you with a quiet mumble, “I was miserable.” 
“I won’t baby.” You ushered softly, pressing your lips into his hair as he basked in your love, the silence taking over once more as you relaxed back down against him, intending on letting yourself fall asleep again before you felt a low rumble in your stomach, before you sighed...Well he did say since you were….Fi...that you were supposed to be a caretaker....?
“Hey, I’m starving...you want me to get us something to eat?” You sat up a little as Jungkook shifted beneath you with a whine, his cheeks puffing a little as he huffed, saying nothing but you had a suspicion that he was definitely hungry, “I’m getting us something to eat, what do you want babe?” You got out of bed making Jungkook scramble with another whine. 
He immediately latched himself to you as you sighed, “Then we’re going together. Do you guys even have human food here?” 
“We have plamatic barrettes.” Jungkook perked a little in excitement as you frowned. 
“Can...Are...are they edible for humans?” You raised a brow as you opened the door, doing an awkward waddle as Jungkook back hugged you, happily nuzzling into your neck before he frowned.
“Well...um…” He rubbed his head as you tutted, it wasn’t that you weren’t willing to try it but you were really craving some fries right now and whatever it was they ate, didn’t sound even close to a potato. 
“We can try it later babe, I brought my wallet so we can go get something to eat, if Jimin and Seokjin haven’t left it’ll be like a two minute drive.” You shrugged as you both entered the common space. 
“You both aren’t going anywhere.” Namjoon had been running around with Taehyung while Jimin and Seokjin were working frantically on...what looked like an engine box as the man turned around with a serious expression making you and Jungkook twist into concern, “The Arbitrators are here on Earth, which means we’re leaving.” 
You didn’t quite understand the gravity of the situation but...you had a feeling this wasn’t an ideal situation.
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hxseok-honee · 3 years
atlas heart || part 28
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a/n : aha,,, ahaha,,,,, listen, i know this is a jimin au okay I KNOW -- but this chapter belongs to jung hoseok and thats that im sorry
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When Y/n finds Jimin down by the lake, she feels that every fiber of her being wants her to turn back, wants her to run and hide under her blankets -- as if she’s the one that needs protecting from him. He doesn’t see her until she’s a few feet away, approaching him from the shoreline. The smile he gives her when he turns is kind but reserved, like he’s preoccupied. She lets out an awkward laugh.
“Why did you want to meet down here in the middle of the night? Way to be weird, Jimin.” He rolls his eyes playfully, nudging her with his elbow before gesturing back toward the ground not far away, covered in grass instead of the sand here by the water. Y/n follows him there, taking a seat next to him with question marks in her eyes when he doesn’t answer her. He snickers at her confusion.
“You’re really stuck on this, huh? Maybe I just wanted to look at the stars with you.” Her features scrunch up cutely as she reacts to his admittedly cheesy one-liner, and he feels the tips of his ears go red. “Okay, I swear that sounded better in my head.” She grins before turning away, looking up at the sky in contemplation. Jimin thinks that maybe, in other circumstances, they really would have been able to sit here together in peaceful silence and watched the stars all night long. He hates that he has to ruin it.
“I actually… I have to talk to you.” She doesn’t pull her gaze from the sky, but he does notice that her expression has clouded over with something he can’t place. It looks a lot like resignation. Swallowing once and trying to shake out his nervous limbs as subtly as possible, he takes a single deep breath before turning his upper body to face her. She still won’t look at him.
“I know you’re probably going to hate my guts after this, and I completely deserve that because I’m selfish and stupid, and I’m too nosy for my own good, and I never should have pushed so much, but I--”
“I know.”
“Yeah, I know you know that I’m an idiot, and that I’m annoying, and that I ask too many questi--”
“Jimin, I know.” He stops then, and the look of pure confusion he gives her breaks her heart. She has no idea that the pained expression she’s giving him is breaking his. She can’t even keep her eyes on him when she continues. “I know that you know.”
Jimin jaw drops, and he gets the idea that he looks a bit like a dying fish, closing and opening his mouth as he tries to figure out how to continue. He hadn’t planned for this turn of events when he’d practiced the conversation in his head.
“You -- but how? Was I too obvious?” He sits up straight, terrified that his suspicious behavior had already gotten her into more danger. “Did I do something that risked your secret? What was it? Tell me so I can make sure never to do it again--” Y/n’s eyes shut as she sighs, and she quiets him with a shake of her head.
“Dumbledore told me, the day after you’d gone to see him. He wanted to warn me.” Jimin stares at the side of her head, processing that she’d known almost two weeks that he’d figured everything out, but she hadn’t confronted him about it. “I haven’t told the boys yet, but I’ve been freaking out about it. I wanted to talk to you right away, but… I decided to wait until you were ready to talk about it…” Her eyes flick to him, but at the sight of his gaze fixed completely on her, his attention fully hers, she looks away. “I was scared that you hated me. Even when you kept reaching out and talking to me, I felt like… maybe you hadn’t realized exactly what I am or what that means. I was waiting for you to leave me. Or expose me. I don’t know. I feel like I’m losing my mind.”
“I would never do that to you.” It falls out his mouth, feeling oddly like a confession when he says it without thinking and is immediately embarrassed. He clears his throat when she looks up at him with wide eyes, scratching awkwardly at his collarbone. “I needed time to process… not that you’re a werewolf, but that I had been such a fucking idiot the entire time. I should have listened to your friends and just let you be. I was nosy and selfish and objectively really annoying, and I hadn’t even realized that they were just trying to keep you safe by pushing me away. I’m really sorry, Y/n… for endangering you like that.”
He won’t look at her -- he can’t. But when a cold hand closes around his own, squeezing gently, he at least is able to look in her direction. She squeezes again, and, with as much courage as he’s ever had to gather at once, he lifts his eyes to meet her. She looks to be on the edge of tears, but she’s smiling at him, and it confuses him to no end.
“You’re not… mad? Because I completely understand if you are--”
“I’m not mad, Jimin. I’m kind of relieved that you know now, even if I am probably going to always be scared that one day you’ll wake up and realize that I’m a monster and run for your life.” He breathes out a laugh, knowing that she’s not joking. He just can’t imagine a version of himself, now or ever, that would look at her and see anything but the girl he’d been desperate to befriend all this time.
“I’m not going anywhere, Y/n. I want to help you, if that’s okay. I want to do anything I can to help keep you safe.” It’s then that she pulls away from him, her expression turning apprehensive. Jimin takes one look at her and assumes it must be about her friends. “I know that Hoseok and Jungkook don’t like me, but I can talk to them if you want me to! I can explain myself and make sure they know that I’m just trying to help--” She shakes her head suddenly, cutting him off with a wave of her hands. She can already tell how her conversation with them later tonight will go, dreading having to ask them to meet so she can break the news.
“No, it’s not them… I’ll handle the boys -- it’s probably better that you aren’t there when they lose their minds, so I’ll talk to them. It’s just… things are more complicated than you think. It’s not really as simple as helping me… there are things you still don’t know, and it’s not my place to tell you…” Jimin thinks back to the way Dumbledore had called the situation ‘infinitely more complicated’ than he knew, and the way Y/n’s talking right now has him going out on a limb.
“Is this… about Remus Lupin?” Y/n meets his eyes with alarm, her breath catching audibly in her throat, and Jimin knows he’s right. “He’s… like you, right? His friends are involved, too.” She gapes at him, unsure how to respond.
“How…” He looks away, rubbing at his neck uncomfortably.
“Well, the night I figured things out -- it was a few days before the full moon, so your symptoms were a little more apparent at the time. I saw him in the Great Hall the next day, and he was looking just like you… and his friends, they act a lot like Jungkook and Hoseok sometimes… it wasn’t hard to put it together.” Y/n sits there in silence, not certain if Jimin is just really observant and was hyper-aware of everything because he’d just realized such a monumental secret, or if she needs to talk to the Marauders and her own friends about being less conspicuous. Probably both. She barely hears Jimin when he starts talking again.
“Is… that what’s keeping you from letting me help? I swear I won’t say anything -- I’ll even pretend I don’t know about him. I’ll do anything.” She watches him as he starts to devolve into what’s probably the third rant in the last half hour alone, and she knows he’s desperate to prove himself to her. He doesn’t need to -- he’d made his innocence and kindness clear to her long before he’d had any idea of her affliction. It’s everything about him, really, that���s causing her so much pain. She’s scared for him.
“Jimin… are you sure this is what you want? We’re in the middle of a war… and you’re a muggleborn. If anyone were to find me out, and they link us… I don’t know what would happen to you. Everything’s so delicate and dangerous, I don’t know if I can put you in that kind of danger.” This time it’s Jimin that reaches out for her, slipping his fingers through her own and linking their hands once he has her in his hold. He looks entirely level-headed when he looks her in the eye and responds.
“I’m with you, Y/n. I’m with you.”
Y/n stares up at the entrance to Slytherin common room, a deep frown set into her features. She’d made what she’d believed to be the right choice by not having Jungkook and Hoseok in the same room when she told them about Jimin -- they have a habit of enabling each other’s worst characteristics, and the last thing she wants to deal with is two enraged boys in the middle of the night. But now that she’s here, having just left a furious Jungkook in the room of requirement, she’s not looking forward to having this conversation again.
Jungkook had been surprisingly calm when she’d broken to him that Jimin had discovered her secret, but if there’s only one thing in the world that Y/n can say with complete confidence, it’s that she knows Jeon Jungkook. The look of complete ease that he’d given her had terrified her far beyond any explosion of anger. She almost prefers that he had reacted. It had taken her the better half of an hour to calm him down, only feeling comfortable texting Hoseok that she was on her way to him when she’d seen an emotion cross Jungkook’s eyes other than blank detachment. Even then, it was only annoyance at the fact that she refused to let him “talk” to Jimin on his own.
Now, it’s almost 3am, and Y/n’s only brushing away her tragic attempt at reasoning with Jungkook when the door to the Slytherin common room slides open, revealing a sleepy-eyed, bedhead-ridden Hoseok. He’s only half-dressed, clearly unable to be bothered to care about his appearance this late at night. He scratches at his bare collarbone with one finger while he squints at her, his blatant concern hidden slightly by how disgruntled he looks.
“Do you have any idea what time it is? Why would you do this to me?” Y/n snorts, knowing from experience how objectively rude Hoseok can be in the first few minutes of being awake. She hopes he stays bogged down by his sleep-deprived mind long enough that he doesn’t completely lose it when she talks to him. She glances past him into the common room before responding.
“Is there somewhere we can talk in private? I have something to tell you.” Immediately, the sleep is gone from Hoseok’s eyes, and Y/n mourns the hope that he wouldn’t be clear-minded during their conversation. He nods once, pointing over his shoulder.
“My room’s fine.”
“Isn’t Yoongi there?” Hoseok shakes his head, a slight smile gracing his features while he explains.
“He got a call from Kim Seokjin not that long ago -- something about a late-night snack run and how eating alone is ‘a lonely habit’.” He shrugs, and Y/n guesses that Yoongi must get dragged out against his will by Kim Seokjin quite often if Hoseok is unbothered by it. Hoseok points again in the direction of his bedroom, and Y/n only follows with a nod.
By the time they return to his room, Hoseok’s awake enough to be self-conscious, so he’s searching for a shirt immediately, gesturing for Y/n to close the door behind her. Then he flops down onto his bed, crossing his legs and patting the spot at the end of his mattress for her. When she decides to remain standing, running her fingers along the edge of his bedpost awkwardly, Hoseok squints, suspicious.
“What happened?” Y/n closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, looking Hoseok head-on and ripping the metaphorical band-aid off.
“Jimin knows about me. He just told me. Before you say anything, we talked about it, and--”
“That little shit--” Hoseok’s standing from his bed, fists balled up in rage as he heaves out an enraged breath. “When I get my hands on that nosy, obnoxious fucking twerp--”
“Hoseok, wait! Wait.” Y/n holds her hands out in front of her, planting them on his chest while she stares up at him with wide eyes. “It’s okay! It’s fine, we talked! He’s not going to say anything to anyone, even about the stuff with Remus--” She’ll admit that saying that last part probably wasn’t her best idea, considering how Hoseok reacts, blind with fury.
“What do you mean? What does that mean?!” He’s growing louder now, and Y/n knows she has to calm him down before he wakes the entirety of Slytherin house. Taking his face in her hands, she tries to force him to focus solely on her, but it only results in Hoseok gripping at her wrists, desperation clear in the way his hold is shaking. He’s looking at her with wild eyes, demanding an explanation for something so wholly unacceptable, but Y/n can’t give that to him while he’s like this.
“Hoseok, I need you to breathe, okay? I’m okay. I will be okay. But I need you to lower your voice and breathe. Don’t think about anything else.” This display -- a total loss of control -- is what she’d expected from Jungkook, but the boy who’d been beside her their entire lives must have known better than to show his ruthless side and risk upsetting her. In this moment, Hoseok, who’s always so keen on hiding himself behind a mask, is seeing red the way he never has before, and that’s what scares Y/n most.
“Eyes on me, Hobi, hm? Look at me -- I’m right here, and I’m okay. Look at me. See? I’m perfectly fine. Nothing’s gonna happen to me, I promise.” She’d somehow managed to bring him down from his erratic high, keeping his face close until she could see in his eyes that he’s looking only at her. His breath is ragged, and if she thinks she’s caught the slightest tremble of his bottom lip when he opens his mouth, he’s hiding it well. But what he whispers to her breaks her heart clean in half.
“You can’t promise me that. The more people that know about you, the harder it is for me to trick myself into believing you.” Taking a breath to stop herself from tearing up, she releases him slowly, stepping back when he only moves to sit back down on the edge of his bed.
“Hobi… you can’t do anything to Jimin, okay? You can’t confront him or do anything rash. I mean it.” It takes a few moments, but finally Hoseok is lifting his eyes to meet hers. He nods, and Y/n knows that’s all she’ll be able to get out of him. She wishes it was enough, that weak agreement, but if there’s one other thing in the world she can say with complete confidence, it’s that she doesn’t know Hoseok quite as well as she knows Jungkook.
Jimin’s on his way to class the next morning, lost in his thoughts about Y/n -- he can’t seem to focus on anything else these days -- when he’s unceremoniously dragged by the back of his robes into an empty classroom and shoved against the nearest wall. Hissing at the pain, he barely has time to slump over and catch his breath before he’s being pinned back against the cold stone by a pair of very determined hands.
He stills completely when he finally lifts his gaze and meets the eyes of Jung Hoseok. The Slytherin is visibly furious, his glare almost manic as he pushes Jimin’s shoulders back into the wall. He only lets up when an involuntary cry of pain escapes Jimin, but he never lets the boy go.
“Now, you’re going to listen to what I have to say, and you’re going to listen closely. Yeah?” Jimin isn’t sure it’s a question that needs answering, considering that he’s literally trapped, but the increased pressure of Hoseok’s knuckles on his chest has him nodding frantically. Hoseok doesn’t release him when he leans down into his face.
“For some ungodly reason, Y/n has decided that you can be trusted, and I’m sure you loved that she said she’d talk to us so you wouldn’t have to do it yourself, huh? But I think that you deserve to have the whole picture, Park -- look at me when I’m talking to you.” Jimin had shut his eyes simply from the proximity of Hoseok’s hateful glare, unable to handle it, but when the older boy shakes him roughly, he opens his eyes so wide that he’s terrified to even blink.
“This game you’re playing? Using your obvious little crush on Y/n as an excuse to pry into her business and put her in danger just because you like sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong? It needs to stop. Because you don’t know all the rules, Jimin. And you don’t get any do-overs.” Jimin can feel the grip on his shirt starting to tremble, and at first he thinks maybe Hoseok’s so enraged that he’s actually shaking, but the glint in his eye tells Jimin differently. It tells him that Hoseok is scared -- he’s terrified. The uncertainty of Jimin’s existence in Y/n’s life -- not knowing if this is going to end badly for them -- it’s scaring him, and Jimin gets the feeling that Hoseok’s someone who deals with fear by being angry. Taking a very big risk, he whispers out to the 7th year.
“I swear, I just want to hel--agh!” Squeezing his eyes shut when Hoseok lifts him away from the wall and promptly slams him back into it, he doesn’t finish his plea. He can feel Hoseok’s breath fanning angrily over his face, and he swears a low growl rumbles from deep within the Slytherin’s chest when he responds.
“Shut up! You don’t know what that even means. You don’t know how to help. All you’ve done is screw things up for us, so let me welcome you into our little group with a warning.” A hand clamps the sides of Jimin’s jaw, lifting his face and squeezing hard until Jimin opens his eyes to look at Hoseok.
“You get one chance, so if you even come close to screwing that up, Y/n is the last thing you’ll have to worry about. Clear?” Jimin nods again, the hand on his face making that incredibly difficult. Finally, Hoseok releases him and steps back, watching with unmasked annoyance as Jimin fixes his clothes and rubs at all the spots he’s sure will be bruised by morning. They stare at each other, Hoseok eventually rolling his eyes with a sigh.
“Y/n told me you want to help. She asked me to mentor you in potion-making. I only agreed to it because she’s very stubborn when she wants to be, and someone needs to take over her doses. I won’t go easy on you, so you better be ready for a summer of hell. I need to know she’ll be safe with you once I’m gone, and frankly, I don’t even trust you to boil a pot of fucking water, much less a dangerous, highly sensitive potion.” Jimin swallows hard but doesn’t comment on the blatant insult, only processing that Jung Hoseok has agreed to train him.
Hoseok’s eyes flicker to the door, and Jimin takes that as his cue that the conversation -- if that’s what this was -- is finished, so he wanders out of the room in a slight daze, Hoseok following closely. As if the universe is telling him that this moment can, in fact, get much worse, Jimin meets the eyes of one Jeon Jungkook as the Gryffindor happens to be passing on the way to class. Where Hoseok’s glare was unbridled fire and rage, Jungkook’s gaze is turning to pure ice, and Jimin can’t decide which is worse. Jungkook doesn’t even acknowledge him as he passes, breaking eye contact and going on his way as if Jimin doesn’t even exist. Hoseok chuckles darkly behind him.
“I almost feel bad for you, Jimin. If you think you have it bad with me, you’re in for a real treat with Jungkook.”
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trivialoveclub · 3 years
2020 Year in Review!
hey! i was tagged by the absolute angel that is ⚘ @unefleurofferte ⚘(tysm my love! 💞) for this 2020 tag! first off (even tho it's the middle of january already 🤡) i wanted to wish everyone a happy new year! not to get sappy 💀 but even tho i don't rlly talk/interact that much, it brings me a lot of happiness seeing u guys on my dash 🥺💗 i genuinely am supporting and rooting for you all and i wish u guys all the love and kindness in this new year bc you deserve it babes 💖
Rules: answer the questions about 2020 and tag some people to pass it on!
5 Fav Films You Watched in 2020
🎬 Soul (2020) "Your spark isn't your purpose. That last box fills in when you're ready to come live."
🎬 Onward (2020) "I never had a dad, but I always had you."
🎬 Klaus (2019) "A true selfless act always sparks another."
🎬 Diecisiete (2019) "You think I'd be doing all of this if I had no heart?
Maybe you're trying to get it back."
🎬 East Side Sushi (2014) "You know behind every great restaurant here, there are great latinos, in the back, in the kitchen, hidden. Prepping the food and making you all look good. Well, I don't want to be in the back anymore."
5 Fav TV Shows You Watched In 2020
📺 Like in The Movies (2020) "Do you ever feel like you're not the protagonist of your own story?"
📺 Given (2019) "Do you have anyone you like, Haruki-san? If that person suddenly disappeared from this world, what would you say?"
📺 Banana Fish (2018) "My soul is always with you."
📺 Masterchef Junior (2013-) Not a quote but Gordon Ramsay always says the dishes has "finesse" and now i can't stop saying it in everything 😭
📺 Next in Fashion (2020)
5 Fav Songs You Listened To In 2020
🎶 UGH! : BTS 🎶 "You're allowed to be angry, but bothering someone else's life, I don't like"
🎶 Fuyu No Hanashi : Given 🎶 "Just like the snow that hasn't completely melted in the shade I continue on with these feelings inside of me."
🎶 So Beautiful : DPR Ian 🎶 "My love is turning kinda gray / My heart is looking the other way."
🎶 PSYCHE : Joohoney 🎶 "All of the world pay attention"
🎶 Stay Tonight : Chungha 🎶 "Tell me what you wanna do, run away or stay tonight"
Top 5 Albums of 2020
💿 Map of The Soul 7 : BTS
UGH! ⏯ Black Swan ⏯ Inner Child
💿 Fatal Love : Monsta X
Sorry I'm Not Sorry ⏯ Nobody Else ⏯ Guess Who
💿 Ungodly Hour : Chloe x Halle
ROYL ⏯ Forgive Me ⏯ Lonely
💿 Mixtape [ PSYCHE ] : Joohoney
PSYCHE ⏯ Intro (Ambition) ⏯ DIA
💿 Chromatica : Lady Gaga
Replay ⏯ Sour Candy ⏯ Alice
Top 5 Books You Read in 2020
🤡 🤡 🤡
...i haven't read for fun in years 😔 i used to read a book every single day :(( but! i already have a list of ones i want to read so this year for sure im gonna be that girl again 🤧💅🏼
💌 How did you spend your birthday this year? 💌
uh hahaha 🤡 suddenly i can't read 🤡
well...i had to take my drivers test but i had no idea how to park so i mean obvs i was gonna fail 💀 so i got super anxious and then had a breakdown in the back seat when it was getting closer to my turn 😭 my parents had to reschedule it and take me home. i felt like such a disappointment. so it started off absolutely horrible, fortunately the rest of the day was a lot better but oof 🤪
💌 What was your most memorable day? 💌
i honestly cannot remember anything 😭 it's like one big blur but ummm...probably finishing high school! i felt like i could finally breathe 🥲
💌 What was your most memorable meal you had this year? 💌
hmm...ooo probably when my abuelita made us a bunch of paches de papa 🥺 i ate them for a whole week and i loved it entirely...my heart is pache shaped 🤧💘
💌 Did you find any new hobbies or interests in quarantine? 💌
hmm i don't think i got any new ones but i did get to be reminded again on how much i genuinely enjoy making food and like decorating/personalizing things! ☺💖
💌 What was the last big event/thing you remember doing before covid? 💌
uhhh i honestly can't think of anything? i literally don't go out 🤡 like im in chilling in this quarantine lifestyle bc nothing has changed for me 🤪
💌 5 good/positive things that happened to you in 2020? 💌
🌱 i finally escaped high school! 🎓🎉
🌱 i decided to take a gap year and the burnt out student inside me feels like she can finally exhale
🌱 i can't remember if it was in early 2020 or late 2019 but anyways I GOT MY DRIVERS LICENSE 😝😝 i honestly...do not know how i got it...i took 15+ minutes to park (as u can see your girl didn't learn her lesson) but bless that man for passing me i hope u have a beautiful life sir 😭💖 however i have not stepped in the driver's seat since then 💋 i refuse 💋
🌱 i honestly would say watching Soul 🥲💗 i've always been obsessed w my meaning and purpose in life and that movie rlly just hit home for me...i think about it everyday and im literally starting to tear up right now so let me just stop 🤪
🌱 hmm honestly just being home 💗 i now have an excuse to stay in all time and that brings me so much peace in my heart 🤧
💌 Biggest messages or lessons learnt from this year? 💌
that there's a lot to live for. and i rlly want to enjoy it? and like w the gap year i still feel guilty and still feel like im wasting time and not being productive (love being a capricorn 🤪) but im trying to not think like that...and the fact that Soul came out and it's whole message is literally like life is beautiful and it's meant to be lived 🥺 it rlly like...set that for me u know...there's so many little things that truly make me excited about life and i want to enjoy it and after those 4 years in high school of constant work and stress and losing my entire mind maybe i actually deserve it 🥲 so um yeah..sjdkajd
💌 And what are you most looking forward to in 2021? 💌
a lot ☺ everything honestly...wow omg that's so weird asjakjd ahhh 😭😭💘 [insert that paul rudd who would have thought not me meme] but i wanna do sm much!! bake and cook and learn to knit! and personalize my clothes and READ! and watch movies and shows! and i'll also be going back to school so i rlllllllllyyyyyyyy want to learn how to manage my time bc my procrastination truly fucked me in the ass in hs 🤡 but yeah im excited ahh! ☺
And We're Done!
oof my memory is so awful i feel like i can't remember anything that happened in 2020 🤡 this ended up being a bit long 💀 so if u made it to the end...thank u for reading...ily 😚💌 besitos for you! 💞
tagging these cuties 💘: @moonlattae @fluorescente @glossierjoon @ardores @star99 @jooniephoria @ahearthrob @catboyjm @yoongidisease @violetmoonlits @koyan @stardustyoongi @7blueside @m1amor @sobsyub @m8nstruck @souheii @1okyos @virgomoon @alevchaan @jihyoist
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Okay, so my ask was about fanfics where either John or Sherlock hallucinates and sees the other one after him (allegedly?) dying. As in, actually hallucinates, not mistakes a real one for a hallucination. Have you encountered anything like that?
Anonymous said to inevitably-johnlocked: hi! i hope you're doing fine! i feel really bad for asking, but i really suck at searching, and as i see everyone asking you, i wanted to see if you could help me, if you dont want to, its fine, i feel like im taking adventage of you... im searching for fics post TRF in which John hallucinates with Sherlock, or fics in which Sherlock comes back but John cannot believe it because he hallucinated with him ... im sorry again for bothering you! hope you have a nice day
Hi Lovelies!!
Ahhh, I don’t have a LOT that have this premise, so I’m just going to give you all of the fics I have tagged with hallucinations :) I do suggest “The Quiet Man”, which has this as the primary plot point (down below) and it’s a long one so I think that will best suit you requests, but DO check out all of the others on this list! <3
And as always, Lovelies, if you have something more to what my Nonnies are looking for, please suggest them!
Hallucinations can't open doors by Bespectacled dreamer (K+, 1,330 w., 1 Ch. || Reunion, Hurt / Comfort, Friendship, Hallucinations, John’s Wedding, Light Humour) – In which John gets married and Sherlock gets a broken nose.
Quite Contrary by Hollyesque (T, 1,805 w., 1 Ch. || HLV Fic, Sherlock Whump / After Mary Shot Sherlock, Hallucinations / Flashbacks / PTSD, Hospitalization, Hurt/Comfort, Lestrade POV, ) – A short one-shot, alternate scene to Greg's hospital visit in HLV. Instead of Sherlock disappearing, Greg is faced with an unexpected reaction to a hospitalized Sherlock and winds up figuring out something that he really would have rather not known.
Bitter Nights Turned Sweet by Hyliare (T, 4,076 w., 1 Ch. || Pre-Slash, Insomnia/Hallucinations, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, POV Present Tense John Watson, Cuddling/Snuggling) – Sherlock has always had trouble sleeping; he hasn't always had someone in his life willing to help.
Between Asleep and Awake by katydidit (K, 4,309 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Sick Fic, Post-TRF / Reunion) – John is sick. Incredibly, extremely, dangerously sick. Plagued by a high fever, he begins to hallucinate, start seeing things that aren't really there. Because they can't be there. Can they?
A Is For Aftermath by ElvendorkInfinity (T, 10,567 w., 1 Ch. || Injury / Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship/Pre-Slash/Bromance/Platonics, Hallucinations, Introspection, Insecure / Worried John, Big Brother Mycroft, Alternating POV, Anxious Sherlock, Self-Deprecating, Mildly Possessive Sherlock, 3G Moment) – John is still hallucinating, Sherlock cannot sleep, and Lestrade has a new case for them. But will life at 221B ever be able to return to normal? Epilogue to M is for Moriarty.
I Will Take Care Of You by SailorChibi (T, 16,664 w., 15 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Sick Sherlock, BAMF John, BAMF Lestrade, Reunion Fic) – Two years after Sherlock's death, John comes to find him on the sofa. Wounded and ill, Sherlock is convinced he's hallucinating and refuses to share any details about Moran or the fact that Mycroft has been compromised. That doesn't stop John from stepping up and taking care of the last of Moriarty's web, BAMF-style.
Wonderful, Etcetera. by VictoryCandescence (T, 16,955 w., 3 Ch. || Wonderful Life AU || Alternate Timelines, Brotherhood, Homophobia, Suicidal Ideations, Mentions of Drug Use, Friendship, Different TRF, Sherlock’s Past, Victor Trevor is Past Boyfriend, Depression, Hallucination?, Love Confessions, Christmas, First Kiss) – Sherlock thinks everyone would be better off if he had never existed, including and especially himself. When he finds himself in a world in which his wish has been granted, he begins to think perhaps even he could be wrong – but it takes an unlikely chaperone to make him not only observe, but understand.
I Think I've Come A Long Long Way To Sit Before You Here Today by ArwenKenobi (T, 18,251 w., 3 Ch. || Grief/Mourning, Passage of Time, Major Character Death, Alternating POV, Sherlock Whump, Pining Sherlock, Hospitalization, Coma, Revenge Murders, Hallucinations, Love Confessions, Brutal Accident, Mystrade, Ghost John) – One year after John is killed Sherlock starts to wonder whether John has actually gone anywhere.
A Home for Us by sussexbound (M, 30,581 w., 12 Ch. || Scars, Bedsharing, Grief, Doctor John, Hurt/Comfort, Post-TRF, Implied/Referenced Torture, Sherlock POV, Pining Sherlock, Suicidal Ideation, Heavy Emotions, Clingy Sherlock, Hallucinations, Disassociation, Emotional Turmoil) – He has been on the road for two years, and he is exhausted. He’s almost accepted that he will never see London (John) again—almost. But then there are nights like tonight, where he is weak, and all he can think of is the warmth of the flat they once shared, the crackle of the fire in the hearth, the teasing smile playing at the corner of John’s lips, the boxes of half-eaten Chinese takeaway balanced precariously in their laps. He aches at the memory of it, at the realisation that it is something he may never experience again.
Impossible to Feign by achray (M, 49,204 w., 12 Ch. || TRF Rewrite / Reverse Reichenbach, Suicidal Ideations / Discussions, Drug Use/Abuse, Mutual Pining, Friends With Benefits, John Accepts his Sexuality, Anxious Sherlock, Meddling Mycroft, Depression, Hallucinations, Secret Agent John, BAMF John, Reunion, Make-Up Sex, Ambiguous Ending) – Sherlock leant forward, his long fingers curving round to grip John’s.“I won’t let him win,” he said, eyes hard. “I will do whatever it takes to get you out.”
Lunar Landscapes by J_Baillier (M, 57,046 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || S3/TAB Fix-It, Slow Burn Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Confessions, Drugs, Pain, Medical, Injury, Sherlock Whump, Mental Health Issues, Panic Attacks, Romance, Secrets, Tragedy, Trauma, BAMF John, Doctor!John, Drug Addict Sherlock, Injured Sherlock, Grieving John, Idiots In Love, Protective John, POV John Watson, PTSD Sherlock, Sherlock is a Mess, Medical Realism) – An accident forces John to face the fact that Sherlock's downward spiral had started long before his flight to exile even left the tarmac.
The Vapor Variant by 88thParallel (CanadaHolm) (M, 72,684 w., 18 Ch. || Post-THoB, John Whump, Protective Sherlock, Guilty Sherlock, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, PTSD John, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Suspense, Virus, Sickfic, Big Brother Mycroft) – They stood face to face in the middle of a clearing. The dim light of the moon barely allowed Sherlock to see the glassy terror in John’s eyes and the sweat that glistened off his forehead. His nose was bleeding again, blood dripping in a slow stream from his right nostril. They were both gasping for air, John’s eyes locked on Sherlock’s. There was no recognition there, just wild animal fear. Time stood still for an eternal few seconds, and Sherlock took a shaky breath. “John—”Spell broken, John spun and bolted back into the woods. Still heaving for air, Sherlock took off after him.
The Summer Boy by khorazir (T, 94,706 w., 6 Ch. || Post S3/Post TAB/Alternate S4, Friends to Lovers, Asexual Sherlock, POV Sherlock, Flashbacks, Bullying, 1980′s Kid Sherlock, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Inexperienced Sherlock, Grief/Mourning, Pining Sherlock, Case Fic, Sherlock’s Past, Awkward Conversations, Anxious Sherlock) – About half a year after the fateful events at Appledore, Sherlock and John embark on a private case in Sussex. For Sherlock, it’s a journey into his past, bringing up memories both happy and sad that he has locked away for almost thirty years. For John, it means coming to terms with the present – and a potential future with Sherlock. Part 1 of the The Summer Boy series (possibly Imaginary Friend)
Against the Rest of the World by SilentAuror (E, 151,714 w., 20 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-TRF, Hiatus Fic, POV First Person Sherlock, Present Tense, First Kiss/Time, Big Brother Mycroft, Escaping from Capture, Soft Sherlock, Toplock, Insecurity, Infidelity, Travelling, Introspection, Pining Sherlock, Depression, Fantasies, Yearning for the Past, PTSD Sherlock, Suicidal Ideation) – Sherlock has been away from London for nine hundred and twelve days and counting, and has no idea what sort of reception to expect when he finally returns.
The Quiet Man by ivyblossom (E, 157,369 w., 58 Ch. || Post-TRF, John First POV, Grief/Mourning, Angst, Present Tense, Imaginary Sherlock) – "Do you just carry on talking when I'm away?"
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
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gingerwritess · 4 years
Hi um...... the song thor by push baby....... that is all
oh yes that was a perfect inspo boost, have some sad/jealous boyfriend loki for your weekend !!
It’s raining, and you’re happy.
Cuddled on the window seat in his office, shoes kicked off to nothing but fuzzy socks and a mug of coffee, you gaze out at the courtyard through the thunderstorm.
Loki tried not to let it bother him, but you’re entranced.
Any other day he would be thrilled to see you so content, but this isn’t some rainstorm—it’s a thunderstorm.
You grin with every crack of thunder and every flash of lightning and each one sparks a little deeper into that part of his mind that taunts him plenty.
Just to top things off, Thor crashes through the doorway, a little out of breath and beaming.
“Look to the north,” he nearly shouts, “wait for it, this’ll be the biggest yet—”
“Amazing,” Loki snaps, a sour look painting his features. “None of us have actual work to do, we can ogle over you all day.”
Thunderstorms do make Loki a bit of a sourpuss, you’ve noticed, and after discovering the part that his brother plays in making them, you…kind of get it.
They’re rather loud and imposing things, aren’t they?
The thunder crack is in fact the biggest yet, followed by a bolt of lightning that stays in the sky nearly ten seconds.
You clap and laugh for Thor while Loki sulks, miserable at his desk with nothing grand, nothing jaw-dropping of his own to amuse you.
And when he walks into his office the next day to find you and Thor already in the room, laughing and chattering and happy, he can’t even bring himself to be jealous anymore.
It just hurts.
“My brother,” Thor beams, always so exhaustingly cheery. “Come with us, we discovered a new coffee shop—you know coffee, yes?”
Blindly open-hearted, he doesn’t always catch how his words come across.
“Yeah, I know what coffee is, dimwit.” Loki just shrugs off his coat and waves a hand at the two of you. “I’m busy. Enjoy yourselves.”
“We were waiting for you,” you pipe up, offering him a gentle smile. “Can’t you spare half an hour?”
Half an hour listening to Thor talk about himself, having to walk next to Thor in that excuse of a shirt—it’s ready to rip at the seams, and there’s really no point in wearing it with how see through it is.
He can’t blame you.
Who wouldn’t want to be on that arm?
“No, I have work I should do. Thank you.”
“We’ll bring you back something,” you promise, leaning over the desk to plant a kiss on his cheek.
You’re gone for close to an hour, leaving Loki with tapping fingers and an anxious mind racing with the worst; you’ve gone and done it, run away with his brother, never to be seen again.
Or even worse, you will be seen again, ruling Asgard by Thor’s side.
With cups of coffee in hand.
He drops his head to his desk with a thud and groans.
Minutes later, you peek your head past the doorway to find him still slumped onto his desk, eyes tightly shut and occasionally lifting his head only to bang it back against the wood.
“Chin up, buttercup.” You hurry over before he can bash his head again. “Brought you a little pick me up!”
“Go away,” he moans into the desk. “I’m working.”
“It’s caramel, mocha, and sea salt,” you continue anyways, setting the cup by his head. “You liked the caramel last time, so wait ‘til you try salted caramel.”
“I can’t drink that.”
He pushes it away without bothering to lift his head.
“What–why not?”
“I should be dieting,” he quietly replies. “Losing weight. Trying to tone my physique. Gain muscle, not fat from sugars.”
Combing your fingers into his hair, you gently tug his head up from the desk.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
His eyes only narrow as he looks at you, red and slightly puffy. “How was your date with my brother? Have fun?”
“Yes,” you answer with a frown. “I had fun getting to know my boyfriend’s brother, what’s so wrong with that?”
“Nothing at all.” Loki plasters on a phoney smile and sits up, ducking his head away from your hand.
He simply goes back to work, plopping a stack of papers on his desk and burying himself behind them. Only the scratching of his pen breaks the silence, the coffee on his desk untouched and steaming.
Thor thought he’d like it, too—he’d told you of Loki’s affinity for caramel ever since he was a child, how it had even gotten him in trouble a couple times with the cooks.
Apparently he’s not such a big fan anymore.
“Can we at least…get lunch together?” You try a gentle question, head cocked and waiting for him to peek back up at you.
“Can’t.” He doesn’t even look up.
“Oh, okay.” You nod, “want to come over later? We’ve gotta watch Lord of the Rings, if we start tonight we can binge the originals this weekend!”
A large hand flits over his eyes and he sighs quietly to himself. “No, thank you.”
“Okay. What’s your deal?”
He’s a generally sad kind of guy, you know that much, but today, right now, this is different. Not so angry or bitter or jealous, just…sad.
And he doesn’t answer. His pen hovers over the paper, but he’s not actually writing anything—he assumes you won’t notice.
Too caught up in your daydreams with Thor, no doubt.
A blur of flesh breaks his train of thought as you wave a hand in his face.
“Don’t ignore me,” you state flatly. Offended. Stating the obvious.
His heart falls.
“I’m…I’m not,” he caves, posture slumping with a slow exhale. Not wanting to meet your gaze, he glares at the case record unsigned on his desk. “Look, just tell me. Don’t try to hide it, you’re only rubbing salt in the wound.”
“Tell you what?”
He sinks lower into the desk chair.
“About your–your feelings.” A wave towards the door. “For Thor.”
It didn’t sound so bad in his head, but now, with the words actually out there…he cringes, suppressing a shudder.
A laugh cuts through the uncomfortable silence.
Your laugh, and he bites back a scowl.
“You’re an absolute idiot,” you giggle, and push off his desk to come stand by his chair. “Really? Me? And Thor?”
“I don’t blame you,” he mumbles, dropping his head to his hands. “He’s…he’s perfect.”
“Nope.” You give the edge of his chair a shove to swivel it towards you and take his face in his hands. “Look at me, Loki.”
Reluctantly, his gaze meets yours.
“I love you. Not Thor. I love you and your body, and your personality, your mind, your voice, your everything.”
“How can you not want Thor?” He asks, voice breaking. “The man’s a tree, I’m–I’m a twig—”
“Hey, hey, I’d much rather pick up a twig than climb a tree!” you assure him with a grin. “Come on, Loki. You know you’re the only one for me.”
He blinks up at you, a hand coming up by his cheek to hold onto your wrist. “I don’t understand how.”
“It’s really easy.” Leaning down, you press your forehead to his and give him a smile. “You’re the strongest man I know, and you’ve suffered more than any being should have to. You crave honest love and you deserve it, so if I play any part in that, I consider myself the lucky one.”
“But Thor—”
A firm kiss on the mouth stops the words in his throat.
“Enough about Thor,” you murmur when you pull away just a smidge. “He’s your brother and whether you’ll admit it or not, he’s important to you. Which means he’s important to me. That’s it.”
The beginnings of a soft smile tug at his lips, and you kiss them again for good measure.
“Thank you.”
It’s soft and barely audible, and you more feel it against your lips than hear it.
But it’s there, and you eventually pull away with a happy sigh.
“Well. That was fun.” You pat his flushed cheek and grab the probably cold coffee off his desk, holding it out to him. “Drink it. You could use a few extra pounds, anyways.”
He quirks an eyebrow at you but takes the drink, taking a hesitant sip—
“Oh, norns.”
He gives his head a little shake, licking his lips. “That’s sweet. And strong.”
“I know,” you laugh, stealing the cup back and taking a quick swig. “It’ll keep you up for our Lord of the Rings marathon, trickster.”
His eyes narrow playfully. “Mhm…and here I thought you simply cared for me.”
“What??” You blow him a kiss and a wink. “Then you’re an idiot, love.”
You don’t call Thor an idiot, and he doesn’t think you ever have.
Watching you flounce our the door, leaving him with his coffee and newly-lifted spirits, Loki grins to himself as he goes back to his papers.
Yes, Thor is an idiot. Everyone knows that much.
But Loki gets to be your idiot, and that is something special.
―   ―   ―   ―
fuel the writer?
~ masterlist link in my bio ~
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424@fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas
~ breaking up the taglist to fix the scrolling problem! ~
@doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettghost13 @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Enchanted - Adam Sackler (pt. 1)
well well well, look who’s back with a new sackler fic! i honestly don’t know where this is gonna head, im figuring it out as im writing so im not that ahead of you lmao but i’ve been thinking about this concept for a while now so let’s see how it will turn out!
series summary: You are casted as Giselle in the Broadway adaptation of Enchanted with Adam as Robert.
word count: 3.5k
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Chapter title: The man
If you had to imagine what a surgeon is feeling right before a super important operation, you’d compare the feeling to the one you always get at auditions without hesitation. The nerves are stretching to the maximum, some can’t even take it, some have odd coping mechanism, the air is thick with tension and rivalry and all eyes are looking for weak points in others. It’s a mixture of feelings that crawls up on your spine every time you wait for your name to be called and find out whether or not you were good enough to make the cut.
This time is no different as you sit in a now emptied out room that was once full of ambitious girls, all of them longing after the exact same thing, a role that would change their lives, but now it’s just the five of you. You see the similarities between yourself and the girls, you are all slim figured and judging from what you’ve seen all of you have some kind of dancer background, especially number three who is eyeing you now with a hard stare, probably deep in her thoughts what would make you better than her while you do the same. You would swear your life she used to be a ballet dancer, it’s radiating from the way she sits and walks, you can just tell it.
It’s way past ten pm and all of you have been here for the whole day, fighting your way through three rounds of audition, each of them testing something different. Singing, dancing and acting, the three compulsory things that need to be perfected if someone wants the role of Giselle, especially since the shoes you’d be putting on with this role are pretty high-end, given the fact that the first and only person to bring life to the character was Amy Adams and she made quite the impression on millions of people all around the world on the big screen when the movie came out.
Looking down at your hands you notice how they are shaking once again and you quickly hide them between your thighs not to show weakness. You can’t let them see how nerve-wrecking this is for you, that’s just not professional, not what you want to project to the world.
Then the door to the auditorium where you had to perform three times today opens and all five of you rise to your feet when the four people who have been judging you all day appear with the piece of paper that contains the results you’ve been waiting all week to know.
“Thank you for your patience, it’s been a very hard decision to make,” Petra, the production assistant speaks up with a warm smile as she looks around. “We wanted to make sure the best person will stand on the stage of Broadway when the curtains open very soon and we were convinced that all of you would be worthy of the role of Giselle.”
You catch a few confused and anxious looks around, and you can almost hear the questions popping up in the minds: so how did they decide?
“But we’ve made a decision, and we would like to thank to everyone for the hard work you put into today.”
Your heart is up in your throat, each beat feels like it pushes the top of your head as you stare at the paper, visioning your name written on it as the chosen one. Petra exchanges a knowing look with the three men, the choreographer Matt, the director Trevor and Lee, the dramaturge before she turns back to us and the final name rolls down her tongue, leaving those perfectly red lips that never stopped smiling all day.
“Y/N, we would like to welcome you to the production of Enchanted on Broadway.”
You gasp and you freeze as your own name rings in your ears and envious stares turn to you from all around the room while you are just standing there, completely shocked that you actually got the part, as if you haven’t been telling yourself it’s going to happen in the past weeks.
“Thank you for everyone, we hope to see you maybe at another audition, because you all have great potential. Y/N, please stay for a little longer so we can discuss the further steps.
You’re going on Broadway, it is finally happening. You’ll be standing on the stage you’ve been dreaming of since you were a little girl, the applause will be yours (partly) every night before the curtains close. You can’t stop thinking about it all through the next about thirty minutes as you discuss every crucial information with Petra, she hands you a schedule and makes you sign some paperwork that already has your name on them. You try to remember everything and when you give them every contact info that’s needed you finally head home.
You can’t help but feel silly when arriving back to your small apartment you put on the movie and watch as Amy Adams sings warmly on the screen with a skeptical Patrick Dempsey and as you hum to the music already knowing most of the songs you wonder who will be your Robert Philip. Petra said the auditions will end this week and you’ll have a table reading on Monday where you’ll be able to meet all the people who will basically be your family for the upcoming months during the rehearsals and once the show opens.
It’s past one am when you finally turn your laptop off putting it away and as you creep your way to your window the nightlights of the city light up your face. Climbing out to the fire escape you listen to the chaotic sounds of the city that never sleeps, watching a group of friends cross the street, spraying champagne to the asphalt, laughing their way into the night. Normally you would find them annoying, but not tonight. You wish them a great night as you dream about a glass of the sparkly beverage in your hand, drinking to your big achievement. Your eyes travel up to the gloomy sky and you let out a wondering sigh, the thought of change embracing your hopes and dreams.
 “Okay, big smile!”
You flash your widest smile into the camera Lora is holding up in front of you, holding the coffee she just bought you in your hands.
“Amazing, I feel like a mother who is taking her daughter to the school for the first time,” she jokes putting her phone away as the two of you start walking. “I’m so proud of you!”
“Thanks. I’m really excited,” you smile shyly. First day nerves are bringing the best out of you, it’s been a hard task to get some sleep last night and you only managed to rest for a couple of hours, but the excitement is definitely keeping you awake. Today is your first official day at a Broadway production in a leading role, this is a day you will never forget probably.
“You’ll be amazing and when you are finally famous, we can sell your stuff on ebay and get rich!” she cheers making you laugh. She always sees the most important things in situations.
“Great plan.” Checking the time you see that you really should get going if you don’t want to be late for the reading. “I’ll see you tonight?” you ask her stopping at the entrance of the subway.
“Sure, I’ll swing by around nine,” she nods giving you a quick hug. “Break a leg!” she calls after you as you wave while running down the stairs.
You’re not unfamiliar with the world of theater, but every theater is different and you can never know what to expect behind the scenes. It’s a whole new world on the other side of the curtains and as you walk into the building you feel like a wandering child, soaking in every little detail you see, even though it’s not even that extra like you had imagined.
Arriving to the meeting room you are fifteen minutes early, leaving only just a few people there, the long table with chairs all around it, name cards at each seat is set with water bottles and fresh fruits in bowls, a copy of the script is neatly placed at each seat.
“Y/N! Hi! How are you?” Petra welcomes you rushing over to you with that warm smile of hers, wearing an orange colored flowy dress that goes great with her dark brown locks.
“A little nervous but excited,” you chuckle.
“Don’t be nervous, we are all family now here. Come on, let me introduce you around.”
You meet some of the dancers and background actors, Trevor who you have already met at the audition and Petra also introduces you to the Misha, the costume designer who even shows you some of her sketches for the dresses you’ll be wearing on stage and they all look stunning, like a piece of art each.
You find your name at the table and put your coat to the back of the chair, running your fingers over the cover of the script with a small smile playing on your lips and pulling your phone out you shoot a quick photo of the script and your name tag before checking the names around you.
Right next to you is the one you’ve been most curious about, the name Robert Philip written in small under the name of the real person behind the character: Adam Sackler.
“I think you two will get along well,” Petra smiles at you from the other side of the table, seeing you eye the name tag. “He is—oh, he is here!” she declares, head turning to the door and she is already rushing to welcome the tall man who just walked in.
Adam Sackler is quite a man at first sight. His tall figure, broad shoulders and hair dark as the night make him appear a little dour and stern, but the smile he gives to Petra upon seeing her definitely gives his features a soft touch of warmth. He wraps an arm around her shoulders as they exchange a few words you can’t hear from this far, and you seem to be lost in the appearance of the man you’ll fall for on the stage, but you are brought back to reality when his eyes lock with yours and you notice Petra is turned to you as well. You clear your throat, feeling like a kid that’s been caught doing something naughty when you were just looking at him.
The two of them head in your way and you get yourself ready to meet the man, feeling his eyes intensely burning down at you the whole time he strides over to his seat next to you, Petra walking right beside him.
“Y/N, this is Adam. Adam, meet your Giselle, Y/N,” she smiles and when your eyes meet his again you feel his gaze in your guts. He is the definition of intimidating, expressions unreadable paired with a physique that can’t stay unrecognized.
A large hand extends in front of you, and as your palm touches his, you can’t help but notice the size difference.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you,” he beams, a tiny smile playing on his full lips, the lips you’ll be kissing soon.
Damn it, get your shit together! You tell yourself as you nod at him in a friendly manner.
“You too, Adam.”
Your hopes of Petra easing the nerves you are feeling from this first meeting quickly disappear when more and more people start to arrive and she leaves the two of you alone.
As your hands let go of each other you still feel the warm touch of his hand linger on your skin, both of you turning to your seats.
“So, have been on Broadway before?” he asks, glancing at your shortly as the two of you sit and he starts flipping through the script.
“No, I’m totally a newcomer. Have you been?”
“Yeah, just once a while back.”
“Any advice to be taken?” you smile at him laying your palms out on the table. He thinks to himself for a moment before turning to you.
“Leave reality behind,” he answers with a smile that seems to be hiding tens of feelings and thoughts, maybe a few stories that you are now dying to hear. Adam Sackler is definitely the person you feel drawn to in many ways and as you turn your attention towards the script, aimlessly flipping through the pages you wonder how many sides of him you will get to know by the time the lights go up on the stage for the first time.
 The reading wouldn’t take more than about two hours at most, but with so many people and even more jokes to make it’s hard to stick to the schedule. There is always just something to add, change, comment on and this is what brings the whole team together. By the time the last words of the last page are said out loud, you feel like part of the bigger whole and the nervousness long gone, replaced by true excitement and anticipation to see what’s next.
“Thank you everyone, I think we can all agree this show is going to be magical,” Trevor, the director speaks up when the reading is over and everyone nods in agreement. “First rehearsals on the stage are expected to start in two weeks, I would like to kindly ask everyone to respect the schedule and the time of others. A list of contacts will be emailed to everyone by the end of the day,” he notes before discharging everyone.
You’re soon pulled into a discussion with Clyde, aka Prince Edward and Misha, talking about preferences for the costumes in the field of comfort and practicality, but you find yourself scanning the room for one particular tall figure.
Adam is standing a couple of feet away from you, talking to a blonde woman who has her hands on the shoulders of Janelle, the girl who’ll be playing Adam’s stage daughter, an adorable little sunshine from what you’ve seen from her in the past few hours, very focused and hardworking, she didn’t have one bad word during the whole thing and read her lines perfectly.
“He is quite the sight, huh?”
Misha’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts and you haven’t even noticed that Clyde was already gone. Standing next to you, she crosses her arms on her chest, eyes glued to the man in word.
“He has a great presence on the stage I heard.”
“He does?” you ask glancing at her. She nods, tugging her bright red hair behind her ears, a cheeky smile playing on her lips.
“I mean, he has one in real life too, but the way he appears up there, it’s worth a prayer,” she chuckles. “Good luck with not falling for him.”
“I’ll stay professional,” you sternly state, pushing that little voice in the back of your mind that’s doubting your words.
“Professionalism is the first thing you lose when you find yourself in the arms of such a man,” she smirks at you before walking away, leaving you with a whirl of thoughts circling around what she just said.
Checking your schedule you see that though you’ll be pretty busy from now on, your days filled with singing lessons and dance practices, many of them are solo appointments, but your eyes spot all the times when Adam’s name is written besides yours and you have one almost every day.
Glancing in his way one last time your eyes meet his stare, a small smile playing on his lips that you return before grabbing your stuff and leaving.
 “Okay, wow,” Lora gasps as the picture of Adam appears on her computer, it’s from about a year ago, portraying him with slicked back hair wearing a long trench coat as he stares back at a guy intensely on the stage. You sip from your wine as Lora takes a good look at him.
“How tall are you compared to him?”
“My forehead is at his mouth, more or less,” you say recalling how tall he looked standing right in front of you.
“That’s a nice height difference, like, you’ll have to tiptoe to kiss him, it’s cute,” she grins at you and the thought of kissing him send a shiver down your spine. You’ve been thinking about that a lot since you’ve left the table reading, the memory of his eyes on you and the words of Misha haunting you relentlessly.
“What’s that look?”
“What look?” you ask quickly straightening your expression, taking another sip of the wine.
“Oh I know this look, the guy is already messing with your head!”
“He is not,” you shake your head, but you can’t fool your best friend.
“Oh hell yes. I don’t blame you, he looks fine.”
Turning back to the computer she starts typing, digging deeper on the internet trying to find more about him as you lean your back against the headboard, hugging a pillow to your chest. You really can’t have yourself fall this easily for a man who you’ll be working with so closely. Adam seems nice and everything you’ve heard about him is quite impressing, but you don’t know what kind of man he really is. For all you know he can be the biggest jerk in all of New York City.
“Oh my God! Look at this!” you hear Lora gasp as she leans closer to the screen. Sitting up you wonder what she found and looking at the tab that’s open there is a short film playing.
Well, it’s not the type you were expecting, because right on the screen in front of you, there is Adam’s broad back in a light colored shirt, his hair a little longer than it is now and he is… fully spanking a girl bent over a work bench, wearing only a white tank top. Your mouth hangs open as the scene carries on in front of you, the girl or more like woman grunts with each hit on her lower half begging for him to go harder as Adam calls her a slut and a whore, making it probably the most disturbing cinematic thing you’ve seen that’s not officially considered as porn.
“I’m speechless,” Lora lets out an airy chuckle as the scene soon ends with the woman jumping into his arms and you realize she is not even wearing any underwear.
“What… was that?” you whisper with wide eyes. Lora types in a few things before she can answer that question.
“It’s a short film he did last year with someone named Jessa Johnson, it was a private project. It says the story is based on events from his own life.”
“So you are saying at one point he spanked some girl he was dating and then he decided to make a movie out of it?” you grimace in confusion. This is definitely not something that you would have ever thought of him.
“Oh, and the juiciest of all is that this Jessa girl was his girlfriend,” she continues reading about the film. “This article came out six months ago, they were together then. It adapts the happenings of his private life, how he dated the best friend of his ex-girlfriend.”
“Okay, that’s pretty fucked up, don’t you think?”
“Depends,” she shrugs as she keeps scrolling. “But this film is definitely a nasty one.”
“I can only imagine what else is in it,” you mumble finishing off your wine and reaching for the bottle you pour yourself some more.
“Wanna figure it out?” she grins and you shake your head no immediately.
“I don’t need inappropriate images in my mind when I’ll be stuck with him at rehearsals.”
Knowing how your conscious works you just can’t take the risk. If he appears in more inappropriate scenes in the film, you bet your life that you wouldn’t make yourself think of anything else when you look at him the next time. The spanking is already more than you would bear with.
“I wonder what else there is about him that we don’t know of,” Lora narrows her eyes staring into the distance.
Adam Sackler has given you way more to think about than you would have ever expected from someone and you haven’t even talked to him that much. His appearance, his words to you and the things the internet is holding about him, it all shows a different person and you can’t decide which one is the real side of him or where he stands if it’s a mixture. You wish you could just ask him all the questions you have about him and get your answers without being judged or have them held against you, but you are left with silent suffering and slow observation until you finally figure this handsome looking mysterious man you’ll be forced to cross paths every day.
general/forever taglist for Adam Driver
i do separate taglists for different people, but not for different works of mine! if you ask to be on my Adam taglist, you’ll be tagged in all of my Adam fics!
@superdriver​ @siren-queen03​ @holacherrycola90​ @spencer-is-amazing​ @unusual-kindred-spirits @hailthemightywoecloud @holy-kylo-stars​ @kowalskibro-adamdriverblog​ @hurricanesunset​ @writerandee​ @luxury-0pps​ @prncess91​ @malefoygal​ @zaahidahhh​ @filternotincluded @fire-in-her-veinz​ @emily-strange​ @ktellmeastory​
if you’d like to be taken off or added to the list, please let me know!
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balledjely · 4 years
Rotten Work - Part four
Haikyuu x Reader - Part One, Part Five
At the moment, this is more of a various x reader, but I was thinking about narrowing it down. If you have any suggestions about who it should be for, please let me know :)
The next couple days are nothing special. You wake up, go to school, go to practice, go home, and go to sleep. It felt like you were finally getting into a routine, but then came the training camp.
It’s about seven thirty when you step outside into the chilly morning air. When you walk down your steps, Tsukki gives you a nod and Tadashi waves at you from your front gate.
He’s sent you a text early that morning telling that they’d be there to pick you up. Yesterday at practice he was practically shaking with anxiety when he asked for your number. Once you’d given it to him, Tanaka and Noya got jealous and asked too. That ended up with you handing your number out to Hinata, then Kagayama, and eventually the entire team. Hinata had been texting you all night until you finally had to tell him you were going to bed.
The walk to school is short. You were talking to Tadashi, so the time flew by. When you arrive at the school gate, you can hear someone yell in the distance. You pause, and after a moment you recognize Hinata’s voice growing closer. He’s yelling your name, trying to get your attention as he runs up the street.
Tsukki watches with annoyance as Hinata slows to a stop in front of you. “I…” he trails off catching his breath. He leans down on his knees. “I want to race!”
“You want to race...me?” You ask. So far, Hinata has really only worried about competing with Kagayama. You weren’t really sure why he felt like he had to challenge you.
“Yes. Kagayama said that you’re faster than me, and I want to prove him wrong.” He’s recovered his breath now, bouncing up and down with excitement.
Not to be cocky, but you knew you were faster than Hinata. You also knew that he’d be upset at the fact that Kagayama was right about something and that he wasn’t the fastest person on the team. “Are you sure?” You try to give him a chance to back out.
“I don’t think we need a race to prove (y/n)’s faster.” Tsukki says. Hinata flushes with embarrassment. “Im fast! I’m super fast all the time.” He defends.
“That’s the first time that I’ve heard you say something nice about anyone.” You glance up as Tsukki, and he looks away from you. “Yeah, but it was it to put Hinata down so I think it cancels out.” Tadashi adds in. You snicker, and Tsukki just rolls his eyes.
“What do you say? Can we race?” Hinata leans toward you, intense eyes staring holes into you. “I mean, if you really want to, sure. I’ll race you.”
So, with that you two lined up at the School’s gate. Tadashi counts down from three, and then you take off. Just as expected, you beat him. He was faster than you thought he’d be.
You touch the doors to the gym a few seconds before Hinata, successfully beating him at the race. As the two of you catch your breath, the third years arrive into the courtyard. “What was that about?” Suga asks as he walks up to the two of you.
“Hinata wanted to race…” you glance down at him where he’s sprawled out in the grass. It continues to amaze you just how dramatic he can be.
Daichi sighs like a disappointed mother. “We have practice all day today. You’re supposed to conserve your energy.” You give a little gasp, “Oh….” It honestly didn’t even cross your mind. Daichi sighs again.
“Who won?” Suga asks. Asahi glances down at Hinata who was just now pushing himself off the ground. “I think it was (y/n).”
“I’ll…” Hinata pants, finally standing back on his feet. “I’ll get faster!”
“Sure you will,” Tsukki mutters. You hadn’t even noticed that he and Tadashi had also arrived.
“Let’s just warm up.” Daichi says as he leads the boys into the gym to start practice.
It’s the end of the day, and you’re beyond tired. You’ve never really practiced for an entire day before. Despite the exhaustion, you were still buzzing with excitement. Because tonight you’d be sleeping in the train camp facilities!
Even though it looks like it might fall apart with a strong breeze, it was still exciting. It was like a whole team sleepover. You knew it would get hectic, but it was going to be fun, right?
Beside you, Hinata is jumping, as always. “Can you calm down?” Tsukki glares over at the two of you. Beside him, Tadashi mutters, “It looks kinda sad.”
Daichi ushers the group inside, where Kiyoko is waiting with dinner. “You made this...for us?” Tanaka is blushing furiously, even though it was such a small gesture. She gives him a small nod as she reaches down to grab another plate.
“Please, at least let me help with-” You’re cut off by Kiyoko shaking her head. “You were training all day, I’m not letting you help with dinner.”
“But I can help make seconds-” you try again, and she gently pushes you to the tables. Agitated, you sit down between Suga and Asahi. Suga shakes you by the shoulder gently. “Just sit down and enjoy the food.” You sigh, knowing that no one was going to let you help out.
Once all of the boys finish eating, Daichi offers to let you have the first bath. You gladly accept, to which Hinata objects.
“That’s unfair!” He whines, “All the other first years have to bathe last.”
“Well, it’s not like we can bathe together.” Tsukki mutters.
“I mean-” Noya jumps into the conversation, “We could…”
Tanaka has joined too, “Yeah! We gotta conserve water and stuff.”
“When have you ever worried about water conservation?” Ennoshita sneers. Suga laughs in the background. “It was a good try, though,” you offer, as you head down the hallway towards the baths.
Once you're done, Kiyoko has already left, and Hinata has dug out the bedding. You were out on your own, in a separate room from the boys. It wasn’t a problem, at least for a little while.
You’re with Hinata in the hallway when the second years are bathing. “(y..y/n)? Did you…see that?” He taps you on the shoulder.
You glance around quickly, anxiety worming it’s way into your stomach. There’s nothing there, but it’s so dark that you could’ve missed something. “Don’t fuck we me, Hinata.” You warm him. Even though you can tell he’s not trying to scare you, he’s still doing it.
“No… I really saw someone-” Hinata’s cut off by a voice cutting through the darkness. You jump, but then you recognize Tanaka’s voice.
“The first years get the bath…” He tails off as he sees you ducking behind Hinata. “What’s up… ?”
“I...I saw someone…it was a kid.”
As Hinata’s explaining, you can see Tanaka starting to look afraid too. That only made your fear worse. If he was scared, surely that means that there’s something to be afraid of, right? “That can’t be, we’re the only ones using this place today.” He mutters, glancing over his shoulder.
“I definitely-” Hinata cuts himself off, silent for a moment, before he starts screaming. You don’t even see what he’s screaming at, but you scream too. And then, Tanaka starts screaming. You bury your head into Hinata’s back, trying to hide from whatever it is he saw.
“What are you guys all worked up about?” You peek over Hinata’s shoulder, only to see Noya standing in the hallway. It takes a moment to recognize him though, seeing as his signature hairstyle was different. It dropped down over his eyebrows, but his streak was still visible.
“Goddamn it, it’s just Noya!” Tanaka slaps Hinata in the back of the head. You jump back to get out of the way. Hinata rubs his head where Tanaka hit him, and you glare at him. “Hinata! That actually scared me.”
“I was scared too!” He defends.
“Aw did I scare you?” Noya laughs, finding your nervousness kind of cute. Although, he finds almost everything about you cute. “I’ll protect you!”
At that, Tanak shoves Noya to the side. “I can protect you too!”
Before you can respond, Daichi appears behind Tanaka. “All of you, quiet down!” His hard glare stops on you, and it softens, wordlessly telling you that you’re the exception. You give him a small smile, but you’re still shaking from the scare you’d just had.
“Um, Daichi-” You glance at your feet, suddenly feeling very self conscious. Daichi watches you with curiosity. He hasn’t seen you this anxious since he first met you. “Can I...um, I’m kinda…” You mentally curse yourself for not being able to just ask.
“Do you think I can sleep in the boys room?” You talk quickly, trying to just get the embarrassment over as soon as possible. “I’m kinda nervous about sleeping on my own, like what if someone’s here? What if someone just breaks in-?”
“If it makes you feel better, sure.” Daichi says, as if he didn’t think anything of it. You sigh with relief. Tanaka, Noya, and Hinata cheer in the background. “This is gonna be so fun! We can-”
Daichi cuts him off. “You’re going to go bathe with the other first years so that we can all get some sleep.”
Hinata huffs, but continues down the hallway. You follow Daichi back towards the boys room. Daichi explains the situation while Tanaka and Noya fight over who’s going to grab your bedding from the other room.
Once they’re back, Daichi tells them to set you beside Suga and Asahi. You thought things would be really hectic, but most of the team was out within half an hour.
Tags -
@cleophei, @galagcica, @whothefuckstolemykeds
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basil223 · 3 years
Queer Girl Rambles pt.1
(If you don’t like long stories that could be said in only a few sentences, skip this. It’s a winding road, so either get in the car and drive with me, or skip the party)
I’m a recently self accepted Queer person. I realized I was a homosexual a little over a year ago and it took a bit for me to be comfy with that. And then I decided I’d download the Her app. It was beginning of lockdown (although if you had asked me then I would have said it was mid lockdown, so I guess this qualifier doesn’t really matter), and I, as a socially out, but familial closeted person decided that talking to women on a dating app might give me a chance to spread my little gay wings.
It took about 20 minutes but a girl, let’s call her Hannah, messaged me. She was funny and actually held a conversation, and Hannah made it very very clear that she thought I was beautiful and that had COVID not been a thing, she would have asked me on a date.
I was shocked, delighted, and baffled. A woman? Liked me? I had never felt desirable before then. No one had ever actively pursued my attention before ~at least, in a respectful way~I was excited.
But here’s some things you’ve got to know. I am a college student. I am a college student who struggles with school. I am a college student who struggles with anxiety. I am a college student who’s main goal is to graduate with possible grades and this is her one try main focus. And most importantly I am a college student who is trying their best.
Sounds normal right?
I get busy, everyone does. Over the next week, Hannah and I seemed to be playing phone tag. One of us would respond, and then along while later the other would. Eventually we exchanged Snapchat’s.
Ok. More backstory...at the time I was taking summer classes, which is essentially a 3 month course jammed into a 4-6 week period. I was taking not only Physicsand Physics lab, but I was also taking Calculas. A class I had failed, in a normal term, twice already. My strengths are not in math or science but I had to take these to keep my graduation date from pushing back. For MANY reasons, it was one of the most anxiety ridden summers I’d ever had. But I handled myself. I’d gone to therapy a few years before, and I had some therapist sanctioned coping mechanisms, and some self taught ones. For example. Spoons. You have 20 spoons a day and you can spend them on whatever you like. Some tasks take more spoons than others, but you only get 20. So use them well. At the time, school was about 15 spoons. Staying closeted during a pandemic and social movements in a southern conservative home took up 4. Which left me about one spoon to spend. Most days this was spent laying on the floor with my puppies or attempting to keep in contact with my ride or die friends. Because that’s one of my self taught coping mechanisms, which may not be healthy or not. But when I reach my capacity, I shut out the world. I cannot respond to texts or calls or, anything. And at this point in my life, my friends understand that. If they don’t hear back from me, I don’t HAVE to worry about upsetting them( I mean I still worry but as I said. Anxiety). At the very least I can just text them spoons and they get it. I try to respond as fast as possible but sometimes things get pushed back a few days.
Anyway, back to the story. We had been snap chatting a bit, at least everyday, but it wasn’t the same. I began to notice that Hannah never seemed to talk about herself. I’d ask her questions about herself but I’d get very little information. And she’d quickly turn the convo back to me. And let me tell you. There is only so much of talking about my own life that I can do. I tried using convorsation starters or asking her opinions on things I had never experience but she had, and...still she gave little information and turned it back to me. It was frustrating, but I accepted it. Maybe she wasn’t as good a conversationalist as I first thought. And another thing I noticed was that she never seemed to be able to chat with me first. I was the one who had to initiate it first. One day I decided that I wasn’t going to message first. A few hours go by and I see on her story that she posted a meme about people not texting people. It seemed weird but I thought, no can’t be about me. The next week I tried it again. The meme was way more pointed and most could argue passive aggressive. I called her out on it, and told her if she wanted to talk to me, she didn’t have to wait for me to do it. She agreed said she’d do that. ~stage whispers~ she didn’t.
These passive aggressive story posts would continue for,gosh a half a year now. If I didn’t text her for a stretch there would be a post on her story about it. It got to a point where I wouldn’t open her stories or even Snapchat at all.
In December I got an internship, which is essentially a full time job and it’s expected I take night classes to accommodate this (it’s part of my major so it sounds crazy but I swear it’s normal). I was anxious and it’s been a huge learning curve. Throughout this time, I would off and on respond to her texts, I’d tell her how the internship was going all that jaz. But there would be days where my spoons we spent and most defiantly not on her. Her call out posts increased. My anxiety got real bad and her posts only made things worse. So eventually her messages sat in my inbox, unread, for 3 weeks. I contemplated never opening them. But I felt bad. I opened them and reexplained why I couldn’t answer in a timely mannor, apologized for the unintentional ghosting, and made it very clear that if she wished to continue texting me, that I couldn’t promis a prompt response. She said “don’t worry about it. I get it. Just remember to text me when you’ve got time!”
Last week J hit, and while Im still not comfy with what was going on in my job and life, I was mentally able to make a rare Snapchat story about getting to pick music at work.
I still didn’t have a lot of spoons to answer her, so her comment on my story sat untouched in my inbox till tonight.
Tonight I found the courage to leave a groupme of people I am no longer friends with. And I opened Snapchat to leave our Snapchat groupchat, when I began to think about Hannah. Because there on her story was another call out post. I had just left groupchat a of toxic people and yet here I was clinging to a girl who made me feel so bad about spending my spoons. Who could not, for whatever reason, have an adult behavior about her feelings and what she wanted and needed out of our “friendship���. I decided I’d remove and block her. I don’t need this in my life.
But her unopened messages were still there. I opened them. There on my screen was Hannah’s response to my week old Snapchat about picking music. The gist of the message? “Looks like your not to busy to post on Snapchat”
All my guilt and remorse flew out the window, and Hannah was immediately blocked from my life.
Why did I wait this long to boot her out? I think it’s because she was the first, and so far the only woman to show interest in me. And I was scared that by blocking her, I was giving up my proof of gayness. Her interest made me feel more valid in my identity.
But that’s the thing. My identity is MINE. And it took my first year of Gay to understand what that meant. I am queer. And that is not dependent on if someone of my sex finding me attractive. That is not dependent of somone giving me attention. I will not be giving others the power to hold my identity hostage anymore
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A/N: Hello! This is a Learn To Be short that is not canon and brought on by a prompt which is the title. 
Summery: Malcolm finds out Noah has never had pie and insists that they must do everything in their power to get him one.
Word Count: 1880
TW: Let me know if I need to tag for anything
"What do you mean you've never had pie??" Malcolm exclaimed, flabbergasted at the lanky boy in front of him. Noah ducked his face into his knees from his sitting position on the floor. They were in the section fifteen boys dormitory, Malcolm had insisted they do a slumber party but in order to not disturb either of their roommates they had to do it in the main hall. Noah was anxious yet also excited. He had never been to a slumber party before. So far Noah got the idea that his first slumber party wasn't a conventional one. The first thing that had happened when he had arrived was Malcolm trying to set up a pillow fort with one dirty mattress, two ratty blankets, a ripped bean bag seat, two chairs that were each missing a leg, and a two seat couch. Noah had made forts at his house that looked a bit like this disaster, so he helped Malcolm with the construction and they managed to use the chairs and the couch to throw one blanket over their heads while they sat on the mattress and rested on the pillow with the other blanket spread over their legs. The next thing Malcolm had suggested was a pillow fight but with only one pillow that idea was tossed out the window. The third thing suggested was scary movies, but they had no movies to watch and no way to watch them. None of this deterred Malcolm, the older boy had so much energy that Noah wondered if his power somehow gave him extra. The fourth selection had been truth or dare. This had worked, although Noah was pretty sure it was supposed to be played in bigger groups. Also Noah was pretty sure he was being annoying because he kept picking truth but dares were scary! Still Malcolm hadn't yelled at him yet, at least, until now. 
"Um, I don't know, I've just never had pie?" Noah squeaked hoping that his lameness hadn't pushed Malcolm over the edge into hating him. Malcolm fell back with his hand on his forehead sighing.
"You wound me! I've been slain. The knowledge that a young man could go a whole sixteen years without pie is too much for me." Malcolm gasped out.
"I'm only fourteen though..." Noah whispered and Malcolm sat up squinting at him.
"But you're taller than me. You can't be three years younger than me and taller than me. That's just not fair." Malcolm said and Noah raised his shoulders and gave an awkward smile.
"I'm sorry?" He said and Malcolm clapped him on the shoulder not roughly but it still made him flinch and smiled at him.
"It's nothing to be sorry about! Now back to the important stuff. You've never had pie. This needs to be rectified." Malcolm said and brought his hand up to rub his chin while he hummed. Noah untucked from himself a little bit and pondered the predicament as well. He had been to learn to be for five years and they had never once served pie. And students weren't allowed near the kitchen. There was a life lessons class that included cooking but kids in section fifteen couldn't take it. And even then there was no guarantee they made pie in that class. Though there was a kitchen area for it. And stocked ingredients.
"Do you know how to make pie Malcolm?" Noah asked hesitantly. Malcolm broke out of his trance like humming and blinked, looking up to Noah.
"No, why?" Malcolm responded.
"Oh um it's nothing, I just thought we could use the life lessons room to make a pie-" Noah explained and Malcolm was bouncing.
"That's a great idea! We can bake a pie together! I haven't had pie in over a decade! I can't wait to have pie, we should invite Elena too! And here i was just thinking that we trade something with Jesse so he could buy us one." Malcolm said laughing and Noah realized that was a much safer option. For one they wouldn't get in any trouble for it, for two, the pie was much likelier to taste better.
"Actually Malcolm, I think that's a great idea-" Noah tried again but Malcolm had already climbed out the fort and was pacing talking to himself.
"So we can't break in tonight because the hallway to the nearest life lessons classroom is patrolled tonight but on Thursday it won't be so if we grab Elena then we'll have better eyes to see. So we just need to make sure neither Jesse nor Jester find out about this-" Malcolm was pacing, planning, plotting out their routes and times through the hall as if this were a life or death mission and not a plan to try and bake a pie.
"But Malcolm neither of us know how to bake a pie." Noah tried for a third time to get through to the boy but Malcolm waved a hand at him.
"How hard can it be? I've had pie plenty of times and it always tasted good. Im sure I can figure it out." Malcolm said and Noah did not have it in him to try and argue once again. So instead he sat with Malcolm and helped him get the details of the pie heist down.
* * *
It was Thursday night and Noah was much more anxious than he had been three nights ago. He had managed to keep his mouth shut about the plan around Jester and Elena seemed to be fine with the plan. They were all meeting outside the boys dormitory at 11:30pm. Noah was already there ten minutes early already going over all the different ways this would go wrong in the end. They definitely were going to get caught, and then they'd be expelled and he'd be thrown in jail for the rest of his life all because he wanted to taste some pie! But he couldn't duck out now, Malcolm was so excited and really, really, wanted Noah to taste some pie. Noah still didn't expect the pie to taste good but he'd do it for his friend. Elena was the second to arrive and she smiled and waved at Noah who smiled and raised a hand back. The silence between them wasn't uncomfortable but it was tense for Noah, who couldn't help but notice the way Elena's eyes were tracking the dark hallways of the school, checking for patrolling guards and teachers. Noah hadn't even been thinking of doing that, too busy being wrapped up in his own head. He was tempted to smack his forehead but was worried the smack would alert someone of their presence. Finally Malcolm arrived, creaking open the dorm door and peeking out and smiling brightly at the two of them. He came out the door with a flashlight in hand and the three of them started off, with Malcolm in the lead and Elena in the rear. During the planning Malcolm had made sure that Noah would protected at every step, he never wanted Noah alone on this "mission." Noah didn't really want to be alone so he was fine with that. The school was huge, the size of a large city, even the closest life lessons classroom was a forty minute walk away from the dorms. They had to stop around corners and check, and only use the flashlight in emergencies. Noah was all too aware of his footsteps while he walked with these two, who had both somehow seemed to learn to walk silently. By the time they were halfway there Noah was sweating and his legs ached and they had had to stand there silently praying while a guard walked past them in the night. But they were making it, and every now and then Malcolm or Elena would take his hand and squeeze it to reassure him it was okay. By the time they finally got to the room Malcolm gave Elena the flashlight and they switched positions. Elena pulled a hair pin out of her pocket and began fiddling with the lock and held the flashlight with her teeth. Soon the door clicked open and they made it inside. Successfully in the room Malcolm let out a big sigh. He pulled all the curtains down in the room so no one could see inside and Elena turned on the flash light and looked around. Noah followed her example and looked too. It looked like someone had shoved a restaurant kitchen into the back of a classroom. A chalkboard was up front along with a projection screen and desks and chairs laid before it. There was a backroom next to what looked like the teachers desk and Elena was already heading towards it and picking its lock. Noah followed her and inside was a room full of ingredients. Noah had mostly made instant food all his life. He had the basic idea of cooking. He hadn't the foggiest idea about baking. Though he heard it was a lot like chemistry which he was good at. Malcolm came in and stared at all the ingredients before seemingly grabbing them at random and directing Elena and Noah to carry things back to the kitchen. Noah examined the kitchen area to see if there were any recipes lying about and went to the teachers desk to check but there was nothing. This did not deter Malcolm who started giving restaurant manager-like orders to Noah and Elena who just did as he said. The measurements did not seem right to Noah but he had never eaten a pie before so how would he know. If Elena thought anything wrong with what they were doing she didn't show it. She just pouted when Malcolm rubbed flour on her nose. Eventually they had made something that sorta looked like dough and Malcolm had them mash strawberries and apples into some sort of lumpy almost liquid and dump that into the dough covered pan. Then they put another layer of dough and put it in the oven to bake for twenty minutes. Noah, while pretty sure whatever was coming out of that oven would taste worse than vomit, was pretty satisfied. He liked working with his hands. Malcolm and Elena seemed pretty happy too. Then Malcolm threw some flour at Elena who tossed some back and he tossed more at her but it hit Noah and Noah without thinking much of it threw it back and there was an all out flour war in the kitchen that went until the oven beeped. All of them covered in the white powdery substance stared at the still not very appetizing meal before them. Malcolm grabbed a fork and just dug in. He made noises of pleasure so Elena took her fork and dug in as well. Noah did right after her and put it in his mouth only to find out what a burnt apple and strawberry tasted like at the same time. He gagged and spit it out and Malcolm laughed, choked, and did the same.
"Okay! So now we know that's not how you make a pie. Good job gang, well get it next time. For now we have to wash off this flour.” Malcolm said with a smile.
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legion1993 · 4 years
Never Let Me Go
Never let me go
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A/N : this is just a small little tiny story to get myself out of a writing block.. im branching for a moment or 2 away from the world of Supernatural and into a similar but very different universe! lets see how this goes!
Pairing: Kol Mickelson x Reader
Tags: fluff, flirty talk, some dirty talk, touring new orleans, Kol turning you into a vampire at your request, mean drunks trying to get you alone, Kol saving you, anything along those lines
Summmery: not mine to give…
This was to be the day, the start of your new life. You had moved to new orleans, more specifically into the french quarter to get away from your past.
You arrive at night, walking from the airport to the french quarter you find the streets alive with music, dancing, musicians and most importantly drunks.
You head to your apartment, putting in your stuff you decide to go check out the closest pub. walking through the quarter, you could only marvel at the sights that lay before you. this was you new home this was your fresh start.
Kol was sitting in the very pub you were just outside of… Kol was sitting in his favorite spot by the door, so he could see everyone who was entering, see if he could find the gem through all the drunks.
you walked in a few moments later and for Kol it felt as though time slowed down… he watched you head to the bar and order a drink. you ordered just a normal vodka and Sprite… you made it a double even, you were not sure how to start over in a new place. 
Kol watches you making sure that no harm comes to you, but indeed there were alot of drunk idiots in the pub that night. you were one of the only gems he has seen walk through that bar that very night. 
at that moment his hearing picked up a conversation between a few of the guys a few tables away , he began to tense up listening to them talk, it made his blood boil… then his thoughts and watchful gaze were interrupted by a hand being placed on his shoulder… 
 rebekah: “chill brother its just me…” 
Kol: “what are you doing here beks?” 
rebekah: “nick sent me to find you, he was worried that you might be causing trouble during this night…” 
kol: “nope im just keeping my eyes peeled for the new and exciting…” 
rebekah: “you mean like that girl, that you keep staring at?” 
Kol nods turning back to stare at you some more, then he realizes that the guys that were talking about your physique before were now heading towards you. 
Rebekah watched the look in her brothers eyes turn from just gazing in love to worried and ready to strike should the need arise… both of them now watching the following events unfold.
 Meat head 1: “hey pretty thing wanna come with me and have some fun?“ 
You sip slowly at your drink before answering. 
YN: “no thank you.“ 
Meat head 2: “your new here arent you? And from the smell of things your a virgin too…”
 This made you go radio silent, you tensed up at the feeling of their hands traveling over your body. This sight made Kol get up off his chair and come barging through their stances. 
 Kol: “leave her alone you stupid muts…" 
You look at Kol his eyes piercing your soul, kol keeps an eye on both those muts as he helps you off the chair and you both start walking towards rebekah… little did you both know that tonight was the first night of the rest of both your lives.
Kol and you run the opposite way of the pub going away from the muts and arriving at a gate surrounded by mass amounts of archetecture… you marvelled at the structure, kols hand tightened round your own.. 
Kol: “come on chica, i have some people who are very anxious to meet you…”
YN: “you kmow if you had approached me sooner i wouldnt have stopped you from touching my leg the way those guys were.”
Kol: “i definately would have done so and made sure no one saw anything…”
YN: “well what do you want to do right now? Any risks you want to take at this precise moment?”
Kol had to think cause yes there were risks he wanted to take but he wanted to try one specific thing at that moment but being a gentlemen he decided to just close the space between the 2 of you. 
The feeling of his skin against your own, the twinkle to his eyes in the moonlight, the way he spoke made you feel week at the knees. But instead of your mind being careful with your thoughts, they started being the exact opposite. 
Kol: “i think ive fallen for you…”
That was the last thing said for a while, cause as he said that last word he kissed you, he had cupped your cheeks and kissed you. In that moment nothing else mattered, in that moment all else seemed useless… 
5 minutes later the kiss broke and both of you took in a gasp of breathing… before another word would be spoken a gust of wind past by the both of you.
YN: “dont let anything happen to me please..”
Kol: “i promise i wont… ill never let you come to harm…”
You both walked inside the gate, the first thing that catches your eye is the architecture… the next thing that catches your attention is the number of people in the room… 
Rebekah: “see, i told you all that it was true…”
Elijah: “so it seems.. what do you make of this Niklaus?”
Niklaus: “i think our brother seems to have found himself someone new.. shall we meet her? Welcome back brother… rebekah told us what happened… you both are very lucky… come forward with her brother, so we may all have a chat…”
Kol and you join them at the table, not knowing what to expect but sitting there you held onto kols hand knowing that whatever the outcome he would not leave your side.
Kol: “i just realized we didnt be properly introduced… im Kol…”
YN: “YN its nice to meet you, all of you actually… im new in town i just moved in today… but kol can you please explain why you called those guys in the pub muts….”
Elijah: “muts are werewolves they are always thinking with their downstairs brain not their brain brain…”
You had stood and moved away from the table slightly  at the mention of werewolves… your brain trying now to make sense of everything that has just been said… 
YN: “werewolves are not supposed to exist… they are not supposed to exist period… i dont suppose there is a way to make more sense of all of this…”
Klaus: “i suppose you should also know that i am part werewolf and part vampire, my brother Elijah is a vampire, my sister rebekah is a vampire, our other sister Freya is a witch and kol is a vampire…”
at that moment you backed up and ran up the stairs and into the first open room you could… you were scared, well that was obvious… you sat on the bed and kicked off your shoes took off your jacket and started trying to breathe… you were not sure of what was happening, the man you now were in love with was a vampire…
something that should not exist and the fact that it did made you concerned, you had never given much thought to the possible existence of the supernatural though having kissed one now opened your eyes to what exists that should not…
a few moments of sitting there later you hear your name being called… you say nothing but instead flop backward on the bed… you let out a long exhale of breath, before turning your head towards the door to see Kol standing there…
Kol: “im sorry love, you shouldnt have found out that way… not about any of this… i had plans to tell you the truth after you had settled in to life in new orleans. i never meant for you to be ambushed like that… truth is your the first girl in a very very long time that has made me feel alive again…”
YN: “Kol tell me the truth, would you have even bothered with me if i had not been in trouble…”
 kol had now come to lay kinda beside you on the bed as he propped himself up on his elbow and smiled. 
Kol: “i would have come up to you as soon as you walked in that door… i wouldnt have let those muts say anything mean or dirty about you, we would have drank and drank till the late hours and partied more in the dirtiest ways possible. Cause from the moment i saw you, my entire world has spun slower like im normal again…”
 YN: “then why would your brother out you all to me like that… does he have no considerstion for feelings?”
  Kol: “nope, he is actually always an ass… but he loves me all the same… now i can think of a few things we can do to brighten up the mood but we need some scotch first..” 
You sat up once he left the bed going to the table in the corner and thats when the words spilt out of your lips so fast that your filter left you entirely. 
YN: “turn me Kol…��� 
You had no idea you had even been thinking that till you said it… kol came right back to lay beside you, he knew what you had said and he thought he knew why, but there was still reassurance needed before a decision this big could be fully made.
kol: “are you sure that is what you want?” 
YN: “I came to New Orleans for a fresh start, now finding you, being with you in this moment this is my fresh start… This is where I now belong.”
 Kol: “before I turn you there is something I want to do first, so we do this properly…”
 You kinda look at him confusingly but he gets up and helps you up as well. Kol walks you to the stair case and then tells you to hold on for a moment, then he is back in front of you and down on one knee… 
Kol: “family I invite you to bare witness to this momentous occasion… I’m not sure if any of you heard what me and YN were discussing but she came here for a fresh start, she wants me to turn her she wants a completely fresh start. But I want to do something properly first, she and I shared a moment before I brought her in to meet you guys… we could feel it in our hearts we are meant to be together but i want to do things right by me, her and our family name… so YN akthough we only just met, this is love at first sight and truly happy we shall be if you will do me the incredible honor of marrying me?” 
You smile not looking directly at the ring but at the man holding it, he was your new start, he was your future, he was your soulmate! You hold out your hand and feel the cool metal sliding cross your finger, kol stands up to be face to face level with your eyes!
 YN: “yes!” 
Kol: “Elijah, dear brother, will you do the honor of officiating this momentous ceremony?”
 Elijah was beside you in seconds, he took your hand in his and placed a kiss to the back of it…
 Elijah: “I’m happy my brother has found a eternal love! It will be my highest honor to officiate your ceremony!”
Kol: “i guess we have a wedding to plan…”
YN: “elgance is a must, but we need to set a date…”
rebekah and Klaus are upstairs with you in a few moments… 
Rebekah: “what about we have the wedding in a week… more than enough time to pull something together… omg i get a sister… this is so exciting… alright so i already have several ideas for your wedding and the dress obviously we are going together in the next few days…”
YN: “yes i have several ideas as well infact if we go tomorrow rebekah you can help me carry a few of my bags back here and i can show you my wedding notes…”
Rebekah: “yes of course and Elijah obviously will accompany us to and from the retrieval of your bags so we can both see your notes… of course Kol will also see the notes but that might be after he finishes the errands im gonna send him on…”
Elijah: “naturally of course i will be delighted to grace this magnificant city with my prescence.”
Kol skowls at his sister and then smiles at you…
Kol: “cant wait sis…”
you stood beside kol and smiled, his brother and his sister except for Klaus was warming up rather nicely… Klaus was skeptical as he always was about every change that affected his family.
 Klaus: “brother may I have a few words with you…. Brother to brother. Rebekah can you take the soon to be newest member of our family and get her set up in kols quarters… He will be along after our little chat…” 
Kol smiled as he leaned down to kiss you, he pulled back and released you into the care of his sister. 
Kol: “lead the way Nik…”
 Kol follows Klaus as you are left with Rebekah and Elijah standing on the stairs. 
{~*A/N this is where it’s gonna get a little confusing… It’s gonna be splitting off into 2 separate convos… One between Rebekah and YN. And one between Kol and Klaus… Don’t worry this story will end with a happily eternal after. Back to the story. *~}
Kol and Klaus go into the lower chambers, so neither side can hear the conversations. Klaus shuts the gate behind him after Kol enters the room and he speeds pinning his brother to the wall…
Klaus: “what the hell is wrong with you? brother falling in love with a human thats risky and completely irrational, what do you think is gonna happen… what happened to staying loyal to the family… though our brother and sister seem to have no regards for what ever is happening between you and this girl… now your marrying her in a week… you need to get your head on straight…”
before klaus could finish Kol throws his brother to the ceiling and lets him fall before shouting at his brother…
Kol: “i love her… Nik i love her… i know your not entirely thrilled with whats happening… but this is how it will be, this is my choice, its my life not yours… just because you have fucked up your life, doesnt mean you get to control ours… you have driven almost every single guy out of our dear sisters life, Elijah doesnt even try cause he is too busy cleaning up after you and your antics… if someone in this family deserves to be happy, it should be me… whether you accept it or not this will happen and YN will be a vampire in a week and if you desire there will be a spot on the guest list just for you… my head is on straight Nik its you that needs to straighten out your head…”
klaus: “you are gonna have to also straighten out your head if you hope to go through with starting a life with this half wit bitch who needs a lesson in manner. or needs to learn whose in charge around here…”
Kol: “no she doesnt, cause we wont be answering to you. we will do what we want when we please and if you want to continue to remain in our lives more specifically in mine, you are gonna have to smarten up and stop trying to control everything and everyone around you… please Nik if you ever were serious about us being brothers then please stop being a class 1 jackass, get your head out of the 16th century and start living in the now… now if you dont mind im gonna go get a bottle of wine from my collection for me and my fiance to drink while we plan our fantastic wedding.”
Kol walks away leaving Klaus alone with his thoughts…  he went to find a nice merlot that would suit the rest of the evening alone that you both would share… he had hoped that when he went upstairs to find you that you and Bekah would be done your conversation…
meanwhile, while Nik and Kol were having their little argument you and Rebekah were having a civilized woman to woman conversation…. going over what was in your brains for ideas for the wedding then this conversation took a sharp turn…
rebekah: “so how did you come to move to new orleans…”
You sat up and leaned your head against the pillow against the headrest as you began to answer.
YN: “i had to get out of my previous city… the person i was living with was abusive and just an over all class 1 jackass… he was not the best person to be roommates with at all… but one night i was sleeping and i woke with a fright as he was towering over me jerking off and he tried to rape me but i hit him over the head with a lamp and i went outside the room called the cops and waited for them to show up.., when they did they arrested him and let me grab a few of my essentials and brought me into protective custody… his hearing went against him he is now in jail and probably will never be let out… but anyway when i got put into protective custody the cops were very clear that i had to go as far away as possible they gave me cash to get far far far away from there and never look back so i went to the airport by police escort, booked a flight to the first place i thought of and ended up here with only my essential belongings… and a few new items.”
Rebekah gave you a hug and smiled… you both then hear humming echoing through the walls… 
Rebekah: “i suppose your wondering how the process of turning you into a vampire will go…”
YN: “kinda ya… i just want to know how it will go so i kinda know what to expect…”
Rebekah: “thats understandable… so the process may sound a bit disgusting but thats just the way things have been done for ages… so once you both are pronounced husband and wife, there will be a few photographs simple but elegent one with each of me nik and elijah several shots of you and Kol and then a family portrait… then during the reception you and Kol will get up to make the speech last, during the last part of the speech Kol will speak… he will then go through this process… in your wine he will have put several or more drops of his blood in there course thats to drown out half the taste… once he toasts you drink the entire glass then you both will breathe it in the excitement and new beginning still new and fresh in your minds. he will kiss you and upon breaking the kiss he will tell you he loves you then snap your neck there by killing you… within 8 hours after you will wake beside Kol who will present you with a blood bag which you will drink entirely maybe wanting another maybe not… but thats basically it from there its learning control and how to use all the tricks.” 
You laid back on the bed and kinda smiled at rebekah, as you both seemingly continued to bond getting along but before you could respond kol was standing in the doorway.
 Rebekah: “dear brother how long have you been standing there?”
Kol: “not long, just long enough to watch you too bonding…”
rebekah: “do you need anything else YN?”
You look at Kol whose just eyeing you up and down..
YN: “nah im good ill see you tomorrow bright and early ish for some head start wedding planning…”
Rebekah gives you a hug as she gets up and heads out the door closing it behind her. Kol takes off his jacket, kicks off his shoes and pours 2 glasses of wine, he hands one to you and both of you take several sips.
Kol: “i never thought ever that id be married in this lifetime or the next… or well any lifetime… im just happy to be starting the next chapter of my forever with an amazing lady such as you.”
 YN: “this move was not in my future at all at the beginning of the year, but now i feel like i can safely fade out of my old life and into my new one with you.”
 Kol takes your wine glass from you and places both yours and his on the nightstand, he then runs his hands over your forearm, tracing every inch of it as he lwans in closer to you..
 Kol: “tomorrow when we are with my sister and dear brother wedding shopping we will also introduce you your new home. Now let us fall into a kiss of lasting slumber till morning light breaks the sky.”
 The making out began while you changed into the shirt that kol gave you to wear for the night, and ended when you both fell asleep in eachothers embrace waking not only to morning light but also to the knocking that was happening on the door. 
 With groans from both of you and adjustments to the bedding, you both greeting the one who walked into the room. It was klaus. 
 Klaus: “ah fantastic your awake…” 
Kol: “we are now brother thank you… now i hope you have a very good reason for this cause we would like to get back to sleep…” 
Klaus: “just came to let you know that the french quarter is home to mardi gras and you know how things get and well also to say that i support this union if it means your happiness brother.”
Kol and you kinda sit up against the headboard as you both stare at klaus.. 
Kol: “are you being serious nik…”
 Klaus: “im being deadly serious. Besides brother i have my own news, i have found a venue for your wedding, a place thats special to our family a place where you both need to go before the reception is begun… brother its timd to show YN the place that only a few years ago you awoke from a coffin…" 
Kol: “eventually but right now we are quite content with being married here in new orleans.. especially during mardi gars. Now nik is that all?”
 Klaus: “yes ill let you both be and ill see you later.”
you and Kol take a few longing stares at eachother before curling back into eachothers arms again and falling back into a peaceful sleep. another several hours to pass before the streets of new orleans become lively enough that the noise catches both your ears. 
this prompts the both of you to get up from the bed and go to stand on the balcony. absolutely certain that it was the start of mardi gras. sure enough down below the streets full of people dressed in bright vicious looking colors and vibrant songs play. 
you and Kol start your day… this kept you busy well the wedding planning did… you learned a bit of the history behind the city and your fiance’s family involvement. you meet a few interesting people along the way. 
you then come to the night before the wedding. you and Kol had just finished going through the lists and making sure you had everything prepared and that the compound was ready for the events that would progress the next day. 
Kol: “attention family and honored friends. thank you all so much for helping us pull this together this past week has been insane and we appreciate everything you all have done. tomorrow we welcome a new Vampire into our little family. tomorrow i will turn my bride giving her a freash new start to life and the release from her past that she craves. i thank you all once more for the help in decorating, planning, and putting this entire event together. we are gonna be very happy together for all eternity. which is why i have a gift for my beautiful bride curtisy of Vincint. i had him make this at the beginning of the week… please say you will wear it always and forever.”
you are handed a small but rectangular box, you open it to reveal a daylight necklace. you smile as you nod your head. 
YN: “always and forever. Lapis lazuli very nice…”
Vincint: “that is your daylight necklace, it will allow you to continue to walk in the sunlight after you becime a vampire. This way Kol and the rsst of us xan continue to help you on your journey for all eternity wuthout that pesky problem of daylight. Congratulations to both of you… to the happy couple!”
 The congratulations and champange flowed, eventually you were taken away by rebekah and kol the same thing by klaus… you and rebekah prepared a couple things to make the getting ready process easier. 
Then you both lay your heads down to rest for the night knowing that the next day would bring happiness and family all in one shot. You closed your eyes excited for the events of the next day!
 The lights were strung high ready to sparkle and shimmer.
 The flowers were fake from the store cause you were very bad at gardening.
 The table cloths were already owned, and made in the 16th dentury… shit thats old.
 The dinner ware same thing old as shit but gold and shiny.
 Kols tux was well only a half tux so he has his navy vest, red dress shirt, and navy pants. And man was he ever gonna be handsome! 
Rebekahs dress was a wine red short dress with sparkles and beading on the bodice.
 Your dress was a sexy backless wine red short dress which you were certain would knock kols socks off.
 Klaus and elijah both wore navy tuxs and the ceremony would begin at 3pm.
your hair would be done last. the first priority was for you to put on a bikini and let rebekah help you get your hair washed and relax like any good mannered maid of honor should. 
Rebekah: “look i get it your nervous. but dont worry, being part of this family means we dont let any member walk alone at all. you will be an excellent vampire. now lean back and relax, we will have you looking sexy and hot for my dear brother in no time. now dont worry about a thing, you will be fine, everything will go as planned. now get into that bikini and get into the bath, ill come in when your ready and ill give you a shoulder massage as well as help you wash your hair. and we can talk about girl stuff and gab and all that fun stuff…”
YN: “thank you Rebekah. you being here with me today is actually a huge relief that i wont have to get myself ready for my own wedding. i didnt have any siblings that i know of nor any friends…. it was a very lonely time back home… now i am actually gonna live with people who i know will always be by my side so thank you for everything!”
Rebekah: “your selcome. now get into that bath before i vamp speed it upon you…”
you take the bikini and the towel going into the bathroom. it was amazing the decor and the view. you could still see and hear the festivities of the people below but you also were occupied with putting on the bikini and getting into the bath. 
first step in was warm, the water was warm, you were smiling as you sunk into the water. you let out a kind of loud sigh as you spoke…
YN: “its safe bekah, come on in girl.”
rebekah comes in and smiles as another lady walks in beside her… 
rebekah: “this is my sister freya. she just arrived from helping with a witch problem out of town. she came in to meet the newest member of the family.  but she is a witch. she helped pick the necklace with Kol for you.”
Freya: “hello YN, im freya. please allow me take away some of your nerves to better help you relax.”
you nod as rebekah comes up behind you to set up to wet down and wash your hair. Freya goes to grab some sage and burns the tip as she mutters a few words, you begin to feel alot more relaxed. 
you feel the stress and nervousness leave your body as Freya comes to put a touching coat of wine red Nail polish on your nails, your hands were for obvious reasons staying out of the water.
YN: “can we deal with my toes once im out of the bath?”
Freya: “of course, cause we can mosturize your feet as well to help with blisters and such too… not to worry girl, we got this. trust me i know how you feel bout my brother. im in that same boat with a lovely lady of my own… of course she wont be attending this ceremony she understands that this is a family matter.”
YN: “i need to get something off my chest…”
Freya mutters a few extra words.
Freya: “we can now speak freely ive sound proofed the room.”
YN: “i never thought in a million years i would ever get married, not to someone as wonderful as Kol. i just wish i hadnt spent all my life alone… for the entire time of my past relationship if you can call it that, i lived in constant fear of each day being my last cause he was an asshole whose idea of being roommates was a secret perverted lie, he told me he was gay and then he started ordering me around like i was his slave, then he had me dress slutty, then he had me dance for him and his drinking buddies. i cried myself to sleep almost every single night. i am just happy to have a future thats bright.”
Freya: “not to worry sis, we will make sure nothing ever happens to you again. now Rebekah go prepare the robe so she can wear it while we do her hair. and make sure the dress is not a pull on, i will finish with her.”
Freya helps you to relax a bit longer, by this point  1 hour had almost gone by, you were so relaxed and caught up in girl chat that you didnt realize what time it was. good thing it wouldnt take long to get you ready. 
Freya handed you a towel as she averted her eyes from you to allow you to wrap into the towel. it was an amzing thing you felt so relaxed. but you still had lots to prep before you could stand by and watch some of the festivities. 
of course with rebekah and Freya from the balcony that would be where you guys would sit drink champagne and listen to the music and deal with whatever comes your way. 
you and Freya walk out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, your mind begins to wander as you go behind the changing screen and put on your strapless bra and your lace panties. this would be your under garments for Kols viewing after everything. 
you come out in a undone robe and sexy lingerie, both Rebekah and Freya make oolalas and sexy eyes at you jokingly of course because they knew you never had any real friends or family before this so they just treated you like family right off the hop. 
Freya: “stylish.. kols gonna flip. now come sit in this chair sis, sideways so your feet are over the arm rest and your hair is easily accessable for rebekah… and try to relax again, just enjoy it enjoy your champagne and dainties. and dont worry your glass will just keep refilling itself. its enchanted!”
You did as instructed, you giggled with both of them, you felt good, you finally felt normal. 
{~*A/N we are almost done our epic tale, i think… we have but 3 more instances to get through. now we venture from freya, rebekah and YN being girls and happy to Kol Elijah and Klaus being men and making sure they forget to play nice entirely. Back to the story.*~}
meanwhile, while you and the ladies were have amazing conversation and excellent champagne. the guys however not so much, elijah was just sitting back while Kol and Klaus were well sparing but for them sparing was arguing in a form. 
Elijah: “niklaus dont hurt Kol he is the one getting hitched in a few hours.”
Klaus: “nah he will heal by then, just mind your own business elijah.”
Elijah: “fine Kol can i ask you some questions while you kick our brothers ass from here to kingdom come.”
Kol: “go for it elijah i will answer them best i can.”
Elijah: “do you want me to write your vows for you or are you just gonna tell me what to write for you?”
Kol: “ill talk you write…”
Elijah: “next question how do you like the ceremony layout?” 
Kol: “it was elegent and simple with the mikelson touch it is exactly how we wanted thank you brother.”
elijah watched as Kol now was charging head on for Klaus… this made elijah kind of flinch when the 2 of them collided. 
Elijah: “niklaus you need to behave for the sake of our family reputation be on your best behavior. in the name of our family do not ruin us niklaus. it will destroy this family. now if you boys will excuse me im gonna go check on the decorations i just got the text from the ladies that they are watching the festivities from the balcony. ill go and see our dear sisters in a moment after the decorations and the set up. i can not stress enough Niklaus do not mess this day up. or i will do something drestic..”
elijah leaves the scene already wearing his tux, looking sharp and spify he goes out to check on the decorations leaving the 2 guys truly alone.
Klaus: “are you sure you want to get married brother? to this human that you have not known long?”
Kol: “its love at first sight. i didnt compel her or anything i just knew. she was the one i wanted to spend my eternity happily with. now either come at me or ill make you regret it. and elijahs right ill even let him do the honors if you wreck my wedding. now go get ready nik… ceremony starts in a few hours and we have male portraits to take…”
Klaus doesnt say anything but instead scowls at his brother before smirking and walks out of the room and back to his so he can get ready. Kol heads back to his room, he gets ready and goes to stand close to the balcony so he can hear your sweet voice.
he then gets a text from you the conversaton though short and sweet went like this: 
Tumblr media
this made Kol smile he went on his way to the photos with a huge smile crossing his features. while you were sitting with the girls swooning over the chat. it wasnt vocal or face to face but you could hear his voice say every single word.
the girls were not shy to this heroic deed either. this was how you were beginnined your newest journey through life. this is how you are starting over. this is how your life was gonna be. you were getting married this very day!
you put on your dress and had just finished zipping it up when Elijah knocked on the door. you freya and rebekah turned towards the door to see elijah enter.
Elijah: “all 3 of you ladies look spectacular. but the bride looks absolutely radiant. everything decoration wise is in order, the food for the receptin is being prepared, the place settings are laid out as per your specifications and you are gonna love how dashing the groom looks. he is as radiant as you are sister in law. Freya its a pleasure to see you again, i trust it went well with the witches. rebekah stunning as always. niklaus is in a mood, be warned ladies both Kol and myself have threatned to take drastic action against him should he do anything to disrupt yours and Kols wedding. we will start in 10 minutes.”
You stand to approach elijah…
YN: “thank you for doing everything for this wedding to go off without any issues. elijah i am truly honored to call you brother. now you should go and please tell Kol that i love him.”
Elijah: “of course sister. ill see everyone down in a few moments. places.”
you suddenly were torn away from the sight of the door closing by the aroma of sour puss shots. you freya and rebekah went out onto the balcony overloooking the inside of the compound where you couldnt be seen to listen to the start of the ceremony.
Elijah: “if you will all take your seats we will begin the ceremony immediately.”
everyone sat down, elijah continued.
Elijah: “welcome ladies, gentlemen and honored guests. today it is my highest honor to officiate the wedding of my dear brother Kol and his lady YN. they found their happiness in eachother so today we join our hearts with their own as they join their lives forever. everyone please rise and turn for the approach of the bridal party.”
that was when you freya and rebekah took the shots. you were all smiling as rebekah went down first, then freya went down about 10 seconds after, then elijah spoke again.
Elijah: “now if you all will have your gaze continual fixed on the stairs its time to greet the bride, this is the first glance between the bride and the groom as well for they have not seen one another for 24 hours now. here comes the bride!”
you from behind the pillar and into everyone’s view, no one looked shocked except for Kol. his reaction was one you had asked the photographer specifically to catch. so you could hold it over his head for all eternity. 
Freya had waited at the bottom of the stairs so she could walk with you the rest of the way down the aisle. the second you locked eyes with Kol coming off the stairs both of you were smiling, neither of you could think straight. 
seeing kol standing there looking so handsome in his suit made your knees go weak cause in your eyes he was moi caliente.
kol kept his cool but he wanted to take you right then right there in the middle of the aisle because in his eyes you were sexy beyond compare.
reaching the end of the aisle freya placed your hands in Kols, you handed your  bouquet to rebekah and then nodded at Elijah to continue the ceremony.
Elijah: “My name is Elijah Mikelson it is my highest privilage and honor to preside over this ceremony that shall unite Kol and Yn. should anyone object to this union let them speak now or for eternity let them stay silent.”
no one spoke from the crowd. the surroundings were glimmering, but you and Kol were lost entirely in eachothers gaze.
Elijah: “very well, i understand from the couple that they have prepared their own vows. starting with Yn you may now recite your vows.”
you grip Kols hands in your own as you take a nice deep breath.
YN: “Kol, you changed my life. you spoke one word to me and that was it your accent had me hooked. i fell instantly for you. i stand here today to declare that from now and forever i shall be yours wholy and willingly. yours and yours alone. your the reason why i can have a normal life. your the reason why i can finally feel free from my old life. today i die to be resurrected into this new eternity of firsts with you! i love you Kol Always and Forever!”
Elijah smiled slightly as he spoke once more.
elijah: “Kol dear brother its your turn.”
Kol too took a breath.
Kol: “YN, my darling my light. i feel like ive known you forever. i love your laugh, your smile, your eyes the way they sparkle. i love everything about you. it takes alot of courage to propose marriage but it takes greater courage to say that you want to die and be resurrected into a life that your unfamiliar with for the rest of eternity to be with someone. many of us didnt have a choice, most of us became what we are by force not out of our own free will. Yn made the choice out of her own free will cause she came to New Orleans looking for a fresh start. the choice she made was to be with me and stand by my side for eternity. today i turn you to be like me and in doing so bring you into your new life as your husband above all else Always and Forever will i love you evermore!”
Elijah: “now if Rebekah will give Yn Kols wedding ring its time to exchange the rings.”
Rebekah hands you the ring as Elijah clears his throat to speak again.
Elijah: “say the declaration of love that you were given to speak during this part. this will be your affirmation to everyone here including yourself and Kol that you are ready to become what we are for all eternity. then Kol say the reply and place your ring directly after.”
You slowly start to slide the ring on Kols finger as you begin to speak.
YN: “I YN declare this day to now and forevermore forsake my mortality and exchange it for the thrills of marriage and immortality. Kol i vow to love, honor, cherish and be faithful to you forsaking my mortality and old life always and forever.”
Kol take the ring from Klaus as Elijah cleared his throat as Kol began to speak.
Kol: “i Kol accept your declaration and this day declare that those who dare try to harm or commit treason against my bride shall be executed at the hands of the Mikelsons. from this day and into eternity i Kol vow to love, to cherish, honor, be faithful and protect you forsaking all others for eternity and into forever. i love you Yn Always and Forever.” 
Elijah straighten up and smiled now ready to speak again.
Elijah: “by the power vested in me by the laws of New Orleans i by my highest honor pronounce you Husband and Wife. Kol you may kiss your bride!”
Kol’s hands leave your own to one arm hold you by the waist, the other with your free arm as well fist bumping the air as he Kisses you passionately. surely the photographer caught that absolutely beautiful moment.
you and Kol joined hands breaking the kiss and the crowd applauded louder and louder their applause was turned round by Klaus speaking.
Klaus: “3 cheers for the happy couple…”
the crowd roared at those words. but neither you nor kol cared you both were just happy that this day so far had gone off without a hitch. you were whisked away from the crowd for a few moments alone with your husband. you both went into one of the small rooms upstairs to be alone.
Kol: “finally i get you all to myself for a while.”
YN: “i guess you dont do large parties often.”
Kol: “not often, not since our mother passed. she was the one who threw the parties, i only went to please her. did that really just happen? did i just get married to the most gorgeous woman ive ever met?”
YN: “that depends if it was a dream dont you think we would have woken up by now?”
Kol just laughed as he stood and held his hand out to you.
Kol: “i want to show you something… this is something i had done up for the woman who i would eventually end up with.”
Kol goes to the desk and pulls out a box, the appearance of the box was petite and black with no logos or anything. he comes back to stand beside you he hands you the box.
Kol: “happy wedding day darling!”
you stare at the box for a few moments before opening it. this revealed the mikelson family crest on a bracelet… similar to Kols but more you!
YN: “Kol its beautiful dear thank you! now i have a gift for you but it was kinda hard to decide what to get you, so i had vincint enchant this item with a locator spell, so no matter what life brings us cause i know the family probably have enemies who will at some point or another possibly come after us and i cant loose you so here…”
you go to the corner by the bed and you pull out a small box. you handed it to Kol, you then watched him open it to reveal a set of dog tags. 
Kol: “its beautiful babe! now lets go comence the reception. and bring you into your new life.”
those words said and the 2 of you walked back to the top of the stairs awaiting the announcement. 
Elijah: "ladies and gentlemen may i present to you for the first time Kol and Yn Mikelson!”
you and Kol step out on the stairs, going down you both greet the guests. then you both greet the siblings.
Freya: “you both were absolutely graceful up there.”
Rebekah: “we have another sister, yes!!!!! we will do everything girly when your changed Yn we will show you the best time.”
Elijah: “i hope that you both will enjoy this new found life together. YN im honored to call you now my sister.”
Klaus: “well this party is successfully dull when do we eat.”
Elijah: “niklaus, dont be impatient you must wait for the cooks to be finished what they are doing.”
Klaus: “fine brother if you need me ill be at the bar drinking the stock.”
you and Kol decided to enjoy the cocktail hour with the siblings minus Klaus, then you decide to give elijah the signal once Dinner trays start being put on tables. 
Buffet style dinner, the first dance a tango of sorts something Kol had picked up it was so romantic, a few more photographs, then it was time for speeches, first rebekah, then klaus, then elijah and finally Kol (speaking for you and him).
Kol: “first of all, me and my beautiful bride wish to thank each and every one of you for being here tonight to celebrate with us. second i have a few more thank yous to give. first to my brother Elijah thank you brother for being here today and being ready to perform this ceremony. we are so grateful. second to my sisters Freya and Rebekah, thank you both of you for helping my beautiful bride and accepting this choice, and being here to share in this day. we love you both. third to my brother Nik, who fought back his urges to ruin what is the happiest day of my eternity, thank you for being here today brother i know we have alot of unresolved anger to work on but i know we will resolve it in due time. forth to Vincint whose enchantments helped me and my beautiful bride have wonderful gifts for eachother for this glorious occassion. thank you my friend, we look forward to many more dinners and drinks with you my dear friend. and finally to my bride, YN you changed my life, now with this goblet i change yours. inside it you wont taste anything off but when we toast you have to drink your entire goblet. thats why its only at half. now as you step out of this life and into your eternity with me i promise you wont feel a thing but you will be quarantined with me for a few days after before i take you on the proper honeymoon you deserve. toast to my family.”
everyone began to toast Kol and you turned to face eachother. clinking your goblets, you chug your entire glass then look up at your husband who kisses you but as he breaks the kiss he snaps your neck. you fall limp in his arms. 
Kol then carries you bridal style into your now shared bedroom, knowing he had to stay by your side till you awaken, he had prepared everything, he had bloodbags, he had a change of clothes, he had thought of everything he could possibly think of.
 Kol took off his shoes, your shoes and his coat before he lay beside you knowing that in a few hours yiu would wake. he hoped that you would not spiral if he was the first person you saw coming out of stasis.
Kol (to your still form): “i pray you will see the good out of this after you wake. i love you and ill be right here when you wake up.”
kol faced you and shut his eyes reminiscing on the events that took place that very day. Several hours later he could hear the pulsingnblood through your body awakening, he could feel your fingers beginning to move, intently he watched your form. A few moments later you woke up.
the light hurt to look at, the way your gums hurt, everything all at once made you sit straight up. Kol was in front of you in moments. 
Kol: “hey love, hey its okay. your gonna be okay. what do you remember?”
YN: “i remember our wedding, the reception, the stolen moment after photos, the dance, the toast, the goblet. drinking it and now waking up here with you. did it work? am i?”
Kol: “here drink this do what i do ill drink some with you. but you need this so your gums stop hurting and so your aversion to sunlight subsides. if you do what i do and just keep your gaze on me you will be fine and the transition will be complete.”
Kol hands you a blood bag from the pile he has just put on the bed and he sits in front of you. he takes the tube and uses it like a straw you do the same thing, the pain subsiding as soon as the blood touched your lips.
you went through 10 blood bags before Kol finally got up and put the pile in the garbage.
Kol: “how do you feel now love?”
YN: “no more pain, i feel fantastic. hows the family?”
Kol: “why dont you ask them yourself.”
at that moment the door to your room is opened to reveal Freya, rebekah and Elijah. Freya and Rebekah approach you first pulling you into a 3 way girl hug. this was the one embrace you had been looking forward to.
then you stood as Elijah approached.
Elijah: “how do you feel sister?”
YN: “i feel good, actually Kol said i am doing better than expected. but still wants to keep me here.”
Elijah: “fair enough but from what im seeing you are progressing beautifully. dont stress too much about your progress. niklaus regrets he couldnt be here but he had business to attend to in the south quarter. some witches wanted to speak with him.”
you looked at Kol who nodded to rebekah and freya.
Freya: “come with us sister we are gonna let you see your closet. we are also gonna help you move it into this room but we want you to see it first.”
you go with them, elijah and Kol follow... 
-you discover your new wardrobe.
-Kol and Elijah as well as your sisters now help you to transfer your new wardrobe into your room.
-Klaus returns to the compound with a young girl who he had had an affair with back in Mystic Falls a while ago but just found out is pregnant somehow with his child. 
- you learn how to speed safely, you learn how to use compulsion, you leanr how to use your strength without killing anyone with a hug or a hand shake as well as how to control your blood lust. 
you are standing in yours and Kols room on the balcony in one of the silk sheets you both had recieved as a wedding present after a shower. Kol comes up behind you wraping his arms around your waist from behind.
Kol: “what are you doing out here in that sheet?”
YN: “just admiring this beautfiul city. listening to the calm. seeing the bstle of the night life coming together.”
Kol: “how bout you come to bed so we can properly consumnate our marriage?”
You follow Kol to bed and that was that. you both in a frenzy concummated the marriage and smiled lots.
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
The Diary of Riley Brooks
Entry Two
Wacky Drabble #8: Help me with this, would you?
Coincides with TRH Chapter 13
Some strong Language
Characters belong to Pixelberry
Drabbler Tags: @emceesynonymroll @burnsoslow @sirbeepsalot @jovialyouthmusic @romanticatheart-posts @stopforamoment @dcbbw @jessiembruno @katedrakeohd
Additional tags; I have no idea who is on my permanent tags list anymore😬 I didnt exactly keep up with it 😭 I'll do better. So please let me know so I can get that sorted out.
@ao719 @hopefulmoonobject
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September 7
I'm having a baby!
As I sit here trying to let that statement fully sink in, I think about where I was just one year ago today.
I had always dreamt of meeting my Prince Charming, never really expecting to find him. Liam made me realize that fairy tales do exist and sometimes wishes do come true. That sounds so cliche, yet, I don't know any other way to describe what we share together.
He is my heartbeat, my every breath, my reason for existing. Our love is built on passion and longing, his touch excites me and his very presence heats my core. Our bodies joined together, whether fierce or gentle, is pure, unadulterated magic. Liam is my warmth and sincerity, my goodness and truth.
In the depths of my belly, I am carrying the greatest symbol of that love, a part of him and a part of me, a tiny creature that will forever bring us joy.
I spent much of the reception, anxious to find out if I was indeed pregnant. As I wrote yesterday, Savannah admitted to taking a pregnancy test, as well. For whatever reason, possibly one I don't want to ever know, she placed her negative test in the bathroom drawer. Due to Madeleine's incompetence and unwanted presence for this event, she, too, put my test in the drawer. Is there some kind of weird Cordonian tradition I am unaware of that says these test work better in drawers? And why did Savannah leave hers in there? The damn thing was negative. In light of his objection, I have a strong feeling, Mr. Chuck knows more than he is letting on.
Freaked the hell out by Savannah, I knew then, I was the one who was pregnant. I needed air and a moment to think, far away from all the yee-haw bullshit. I sent Liam a text, asking him to meet me in a clearing by the house, I had a surprise for him. Within seconds, he approaches me with a flirtatious smile, looking as if he was ready to fuck me six ways from Sunday. I love that man and I'm always more than willing to participate in his freakish, outdoor sex fetish, but, this wasn't what I had in mind.
After I tell him we are a having a baby, he sweeps me up in his arms, gently placing me back to the ground. His happiness was written all over his face, until it wasn't. He went into Liam mode, panicking about the need to baby proof every room at the Palace and Valtoria. As much as I loved his cute response, I wanted tears dammit. I wanted him on his knees, crying his eyes out, unable to talk, worshipping my stomach. Mick Jagger said you can't always get what you want, but, sometimes you get what you need....well, I needed a sobbing, shaking Liam, is that too much to ask?
We discuss when to tell our friends and because I'm a petty, evil bitch, I decide we should tell them right in the middle of Savannah and Bertrand's reception. You propose at my wedding, I announce the equivalent of the second coming, in the form of my sacred child, at yours. I couldn't care less for the rest of the wedding attendees, but, seeing Hana, Drake, Maxwell and Bertrand delight in our news was exciting.
Afterwards, Liam wants to celebrate in private, which means, we might talk some, but, he still has every intention of getting off tonight. We head upstairs and I was correct in my assumption, he wants to celebrate making the baby by doing what we did to make it. He is a wet panty dropper for sure. And while some ride Harley's and horses, I propped my little pregnant ass on my own stallion and rode him hard. If Barthelemy weren't already out of his coma, me screaming Liam's name when I climaxed, would have awakened the old coot for sure.
If my panties weren't already off, after he sang a lullaby to our baby, that for sure would have melted them away. If he keeps this up, we'll have our own 20 Kids and Counting reality show.
I should have stayed in fucking bed this morning. At breakfast, Bertrand greeted us in kind, while Stick-It-In-A-Drawer Savannah, reminded us all that we are not at court. Why is she still here and not on her honeymoon? Then Leona tells me I can't have a cup of coffee....bitch, I was downing shots like no tomorrow just three days ago with Liv and Hana in Auvernal. This queen will drink a cup of coffee if she damn well pleases. My baby is probably going to come out with two heads.
Like the lovable, little genius he is, Maxwell suggests everyone buys the baby a gift. Guess who further suggested we get these gifts from the local country general store? The same damn place that was using a priceless saddle as a fucking hat holder. I can't even write her name anymore. I have to wonder, why I have been playing second fiddle on Hee-Haw Hell to her during this trip.
So the gang and I pack into our vehicle and head back to said store, where I can share with all of Cordonia that the royal crib was purchased at Wild Chester's Gear and Steer on Bootleg Road. I watched Maxwell fawn over socks, Hana recreated painful memories of lonely tea parties, and Drake...well, Drake's little wooden horse was quite adorable.
I get a call from Olivia, who somehow managed to escape earlier from this shithole than I did. I thought we were amigas now Liv? She actually cried when I told her Liam and I were expecting. I don't know what the hell she is doing in my bedroom, but, if Livvie needs something there, I'm more than happy to help a girl out. She asked me for the most valuable thing in my room, I lied to her and told her it was the royal sceptre. If she only knew the value of the dildo I had in my nightstand....that better be exactly where I left it when I get back.
Back at the ranch, Liam says the five most beautiful, glorious words I have been waiting to here for weeks.....We're almost ready to go....Hot Damn!
Bianca asked me if I thought I could get away without saying goodbye...I already knew the answer was, no. If she only knew how hard I tried about twenty times since arriving to cut tail and run. And damn that heartless, nazi, Leona, she for real dissed my husband! Bitch, I will snap you in half over Liam.
Just when I think I'm finally in the clear, who in the blue fuck put me on a plane for the next 10 hours with Frick, Frack and Kiara?
Liam, I love you, but, damn you! I'm nauseous, tired, moody, and pissing buckets every 10 minutes, carrying your child, and you thought this was a good idea.
I blame pregnancy brain for my decision to tell these three our big news. I'm not the greatest at charades, Im not even the smartest person in the world, but, I swear to God, these three may quite possibly be the dumbest morons I have ever met. They guessed I was full, I was bloated, gluttony.....fucking gluttony???? Yes Penelope, the big news I wanted to share with you is I'm a glutton. Maybe a glutton for punishment, deciding to interact with you three. More guesses included, American Football, and a common pirate jig....one of these women is an ambassador and the other my communications director. I'm a waitress from Brooklyn, and my word, I'm truly baffled by the sheer stupididy I had just witnessed. I turned to Liam, pleading with my eyes, help me with this, would you?
As bad as those three were, out of no where, the most incompetant, security guard on this planet, appears right before me. I didn't have time to worry about her, because apparently, the bane of my existence just scheduled a press conference to announce my pregnancy. I haven't seen a doctor to even confirm yet, what the hell Madeleine. One of these days, I am gonna beat that green goblin's ass down.
Cordonia, I'm on my way and can't be there soon enough.
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epicsmol101 · 4 years
Slendytubbies A Story Rewritten Official Story Chapter 1!! (part 1)
Warning!! Please DO NOT copy, claim, or use anything used in this without permission please!!  Po was peacefully walking through the paths of main land, the summer breeze was refreshing to the hot crisp sunlight. Po was always enjoying her peaceful yet super positive and bubbly walks, or even a nice little ride on her scooter. She was the most positive out of all the main four, being ever so sweet and chipper she never failed to lighten someone's day. Today she was heading home from the beach to get a bite to eat, her feet made soft pitter-patter as she skipped on the stones and dirt of the pathways, a soft hum of a warm tune escaped her lips and she began to sing making her start to dance around as she skipped. Meanwhile at the house Noo-Noo was doing his usual job and cleaning up, Tinky was outside with Laa-Laa trying to make her feel better but to no avail. Dipsy was being a lazy butt and sleeping on the slide boredly. Tinky Winky sighed “Come on Laa-Laa, how about we play pass?” Laa-Laa looked up at Tinky and rubbed her eyes softly “Sorry but no thank you. I’d much rather have some alone time ok.” Tinky patted Laa-Laa’s head and smiled “Alright! Well when you want some company let me know!” Tinky Winky was very kind and gentle for his height of 10’ tall, he was a tall teddy bear. He also was more leaderlike compared to the others. Laa-Laa was quieter than the rest, she was sweet and caring, but she was always anxious of a lot of things and recently has been having a lack of sleep due to horrible nightmares. Dipsy is pretty lazy, he tends to sleep a lot if not than he usually is trying to play games with everyone or eat. Noo-Noo did not show too much, he is basically the father of them all and doesn't really talk much at all unless it's needed. Tinky heard Po skipping around casually and glanced over. He saw Po and smile happily “Hey Po!! Welcome home!!” Po ran up to Tinky and hugged him happily “Hiya Tinky!!” Tinky had lifted Po into the air with a little spin than hugged her happily “I'm so glad you are home! This is the perfect time!” He gently placed her down and looked at Laa-Laa “Laa-Laa here has been having some issues being up in the sparkles. Could you help?” Po looked at Tinky smiling “You can count on me”, Po happily skipped over to Laa-Laa and leaned forward smiling dorkishly “Hey Laaaa-Laaaaaaa!!!” Laa-Laa looked up as she was teared up “Yes Po?” “Want to tell me whats wrong?” Laa-Laa glanced away “Nightmares..” Po immediately hugged Laa-Laa and held her close “Aww Laa-Laa. What was this nightmare about? Maybe I can help you change it to good!” Laa-Laa sighed, “Can we talk about it somewhere else?” “Of course!” Po chipperly replied than grabbed Laa-Laa’s hand than got up, she took Laa-Laa for a walk to talk alone with her. She didn't want anyone peeping in on the convo and wanted Laa-Laa to be as comfortable as possible. After they got far enough away from the group Po simply asked "So, What happened in that nightmare?" Laa-Laa looked up at the sky "Well.. It started with me in darkness, nobody was around and  the floor had black and white tiles. A path was lit by a strange light and when I got out of the light it was pitch black, no light shined into it and even if it was one finger in the darkness voices swirled around my head saying these horrid things. Eventually after what felt like hours of walking and yelling out I saw Dipsy, except he was on the ground.." She nervously choked down her fear "dead, I heard something behind me so I ran, as I ran I didn't look behind me but on the path I kept seeing all these bodies of us dead and laying on the ground. Soon enough I had to stop of course, but when I did I heard a thud behind me. As I turned around I saw myself as this big monster. A black and white tubby that was like the darkness around me came out from behind 'me' and simply told me that what I saw was going to happen and we were all going to die" Laa-Laa teared up and rubbed her eyes. Po hugged her and made sure she felt better "Im sure it wouldn't happen that nightmare was just being mean! I'll kick it's scary butt tonight ok!" Laa-Laa made a soft smile "thanks Po" ~Meanwhile~ Tinky Winky went up to Dipsy who was laid back on the slide sleeping as always. Tinky got an idea and picked up Dipsy throwing him over his shoulder, since Tinky was the tallest it was always hard to get down when he picks someone up "ugh… wha- huh!!! Tinky put me down!!" Dipsy squirmed and Tinky chuckled "Promise you will stay awake?" He asked smugly "Ok Ok I promise, I promise just put me down!!!" Dipsy replied and started laughing. Tinky placed Dipsy down with a warm smile "Now how long do you think the girls will be gone?" Dipsy shrugged "Not sure but man am I hungry. Sadly the custard machine broke again and Po isn't here to fix it" Tinky sighed "same here bro, but don't worry!" Tinky put his arm on Dipsys shoulder "They are just out so Po can cheer up Laa-Laa so i'm sure they will return soon!" Dipsy smiled "mhm" As they talked Noo-Noo drove out "I'm going to find the girls, stay here. Don't cause trouble while i'm gone." "You can count on me Noo-Noo!!" Tinky replied with a happy smile "thank you Tinky Winky" Everything was boring and still until the girls returned, LaaLaa looked down still but she also looked like she felt a little better. Tinky happily lifted his arms in the air and cheered "YAY" Po smiled and giggled seeing Tinky's silliness "so Noo-Noo told me that the custard machine is broken again?" Po asked curious, Both Tinky and Dipsy nodded. Po sighed softly "Who broke it?" both of the boys got a little nervous and looked at eachother. "well you see, me and Dipsy were playing tag in the house when Dipsy ran into the machine.." Tinky replied "oh, okie dokie! Just don't play tag in the house again!" Po replied happily as she ran to get her toolbox Once she did Po immediately started to work on the machine, She didn't rush because she knew it was either done right or rushed and not done right. Meanwhile LaaLaa sat beside Dipsy who was hugging her gently not really talking to her just being a quiet little cuddle buddy to help her feel better. Tinky was having a small chat with Dipsy about small things, literally. "There's plenty of small things in this world, like small rocks, fish, sticks, leaves-" Tinky said before Dipsy added in "Po." The two boys and Po had a small laugh at the joke. Po didn't mind being small, she was small but mighty and she knew it. Dipsy looked at LaaLaa before softly sighing, he patted her head gently "Hey LaaLaa." Dipsy finally spoke out "hm?" LaaLaa glanced up at the green floof "What kind of food is the suns favourite?" LaaLaa sat up "hmm.. Not sure." Dipsy smirked "I don't know either because its always burnt!" LaaLaa took a moment to process before she made a soft laugh. Tinky looked surprised "You got LaaLaa to laugh! Good job man!" Dipsy smugly looked at Tinky "its the puns man, she always finds them funny." Luckily it didn't take as long as expected for Po to finish her work, she turned on the power of the machine, Dipsy and Tinky's ears twitched as they smiled of anticipation. LaaLaa was quiet and thinking quietly as the others began to chit chat, NooNoo had suddenly disappeared but that was normal for him. "So once we are done eating what should we all do?" Tinky asked curiously "I think we should go to the beach! It looks so pretty today!" Po replied with a hyper smile with Dipsy adding "Ooh! We could play pirates!" Po started to have the machine make the custard, first Tinky Winky who is her best friend and the oldest, than Dipsy because he was the second oldest and usually got impatient if he didn't get his second, Po than went to LaaLaa and held a custard out to her "here! It might help you feel better!" LaaLaa looked at the custard silently then looked away "sorry but im not really hungry.." Po replied softly "Oh. That's okay as long as you eat later!" she than ate the custard which LaaLaa didn't eat. ~Meanwhile~ Deep below the ground in a secret area of main land a all white furred tubby was sitting at his desk boredly. He grumbled as the hat on his head fell over his one eye, this hat was Dipsy’s which this white tubby took when it got too close to the lair. What's this tubbys job? Well he is known as the Guardian, his job is to watch over the main four. Though he really hates that he can’t be near them and talk to them, he knows everything about each tubby even to the point where he has a binder with notes of each one. "UGH I hate this!" He sat up from his face on the desk "This is so boring, besides I want them to meet me but nooooo its always 'you must never go near any of the main four at any cost. They can’t know about the outside' at the end he mimicked someone. This Concludes Part 1 
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Hey, so I requested this to another blog some time ago but wanted to see your rendition of it (if that's okay) "Tuffnut x a new dragon rider reader that after a couple weeks in the group the others realise she gets very shy when they're all together so thus begins a competition for who can figure out who's the reader crush is first, maybe they're all betting on someone else (like Hiccup) and are surprised after they find out the truth? Thank you in advance!" (Race To The Edge "time" please)
A Crush on Tuffnut
Word Count:1,626
Nothing was more peaceful to you than watching the sun set. And there was nowhere better to do it than on one of the tallest hills Berk had to offer. At the top was a beautiful clearing with tall, green grass that flowed in the wind. There wasn’t a tree in sight to block the view. This was, in your opinion, the best stop on the island.
This is, until about a week ago when Snotlout followed you up there and then told the rest of the team about it. Now they invaded your space whenever they got the chance.
“Tag, you’re it!”
“Nuh uh! You’re it!”
You watched in awe as Snotlout and Fishlegs chased each other around on the hilltop. It always amazed you how incredibly childish they could be, especially before going on such a dangerous mission.
The team, headed by Hiccup and Toothless, were always traveling to small, well known islands around Berk to see if there were anymore dragons to be salvaged, but this was different. Hiccup had become anxious when less and less dragons turned up so he decided that the team would venture further than ever. They would be traveling along unmapped sea.
Trying to distract yourself from the idea of the team going on a mission was working well. You could have watched Snotlout fight Fishlegs on this hilltop forever if you didn’t have to leave soon. Before the sun set you had to go feed the training dragons.
Hiccup’s voice caused you to jerk your head away from the wrestling boys.
“Hey, Y/n! What’s going on over here?” He asked as he hiked up the last bit of of hill before reaching your position. When he saw the pair he visibly regretted asking.
“Yeah. Not much to look at here.” You said. “They are right in front of the sun.”
“Uh, right,” Hiccup began. “Anyway, we’ve been preparing for this journey for days and Astrid and I were thinking… your training has been phenomenal. You’re able to make any dragon trust you so quickly, we were wondering if maybe… I don’t know…”
“We want you to join us!” Astrid finally said as she appeared from behind you, Stormfly following close behind.
At first you weren’t sure they were serious. You were in the most recent group of trainees. Why wouldn’t they just pick someone more advanced?
“Me? Join you all on a real mission? You have to be kidding?” You tried to look uninterested, just in case it was all a joke.
Astrid and Hiccup looked confused.
“Astrid is telling the truth, Y/n. You’ve got some serious talent. And plus everyone on the team loves you!”
Usually a compliment like that would give you wings, but knowing that Tuffnut was one of the team members made you feel shaky.
Sure they do, you thought to yourself. Everyone except Tuffnut.
You couldn’t deny that Tuffnut made you really happy. He was funny, kind and brave. Sure, he was goofy and different, but that didn’t change your feelings for him.
It was then you realized why you couldn’t join the team for this mission, no matter how badly you wanted to; every time you looked at Tuffnut you became so overwhelmed by your crush you would forget where you were. How was that possibly going to work if you were on an actual mission together?
Finally, you answered. “You know what, Hiccup? I’ll think about it.”
He smiled at your words. “Perfect! Just let me know by tomorrow night.” He said, patting Toothless’s head. “Toothless, you hungry, boy?”
Hiccup began to lift a heavy basket of fish off of Toothless’s back when suddenly Astrid and Hiccup turned their heads and cupped their hands behind their ears.
“What do you hear?” You asked them.
They didn’t even need to answer. You only had to hear one, overused sentence to know who was coming up the hillside.
“Shut up, Ruffknuckles!”
There was only one person you knew who called his twin sister “Ruffknuckles”.
“Whatever, Tuffnut.” Ruffnut mumbled.
As they appeared from the tall grass you felt your hands beginning to sweat and your breath caught in your throat. You tried to look normal, but on the inside your anxiety climbed higher and higher.
Hiccup and Toothless rolled their eyes as the watched the twins bicker.
“Time for your snack, Toothless. You earned it! Oh, Y/n. We’re gonna eat dinner by the beach tonight just after the sun sets. Want to join us there later?” Hiccup asked as he patted Toothless who sat happily, already gnawing away at a fish bone.
Suddenly your attention was back on Hiccup. You had to keep yourself from squealing. You couldn’t believe it. Hiccup, the first dragon rider, leader of the first team of dragon riders and the Chief’s son just invited you to have dinner with him and his dragon.
“Absolutely! I’ll be there!” You shrieked. Your excitement was through the roof and you hoped you didn’t look too embarrassing. That’s when you remembered Tuffnut. He was still there, probably watching you and you knew you had to leave before he saw your cherry red face.
Hey, at least no one else would be at dinner. You could relax with Hiccup and Toothless alone.
“But, I got to go. Um.. because I have to… I have to… OH! I have to go dragons the feed. No, I mean… Feed the dragons! I have to feed the dragons, so I’ll see you later.” You stammered horribly as you spoke, then you ran down the hill, hoping no one saw you trip on the way.
The team unfortunately noticed your nervousness and they began to speculate immedietly.
Snotlout was the first to speak.
“Hey, what up with her?” He asked just before Fishlegs landed the final blow on his jaw.
“What’s up with who ?” Fishlegs replied as he shook his fist, trying to relieve some pain.
Ruffnut snorted. “Y/n was acting weird, you idiot! She was all ‘um this’ and ‘um that’. Then she ran away. Don’t you ever pay attention?”
Astrid chuckled as she walked toward the rest of the group. “Did you see her face? It was getting red. My guess is she has a crush.”
Hiccup disagreed. “Y/n’s always weird, isn’t she? I mean, for us to like her she has to be weird.”
His reply made Fishlegs smile. “Oh, I see.” He began, still fiddling with his injured hand. “Y/n has a crush on Hiccup. That’s why he’s trying to make us think she doesn’t have a crush! It’s textbook.”
Hiccup groaned and looked to Astrid for help.
“I think it’s you, Fishlegs.” She joked, causing Fishlegs to turn red with discomfort.
“You’re all narfed!” Snotlout roared. “Can’t you see? The evidence is clearer than ever. Y/n is totally crushing on me!” His face split into a smile and his crossed his arms confidently.
The team turned to face Ruffnut after they heard her giggling, apparently to herself.
“What are you thinking, Ruff?” Astrid asked.
She chuckled as she spoke. “I was trying to think who she might have a crush on, and I thought Tuffnut. But then I remembered that he’s ugly, so That couldn’t be it. And then I started laughing.”
Tuffnut punched his sister’s arm. “I’m ugly? I’m not the one with yarn for hair!” He countered.
“Hey, Y/n! Over here!” You hear Hiccup shout from around a boulder.
Excited to finally be done with your chores, you jog around the corner, expecting to see Hiccup and Toothless eating alone.
Instead, you find the entire team and their dragons sitting around a fire and cooking a chicken(at least it was chickens and not fish again).
You didn’t understand. Hiccup asked you to eat dinner with him. Not the entire team. And especially not with Tuffnut.
“Hey! It’s Y/n!” Cried Tuffnut.
The rest of the group made welcoming sounds, none of which you could make out.
“Hiccup, I thought it was just you and me,” you began. “You said ‘do you want to have dinner with us’.”
“Yea. Us, meaning the team.” Hiccup said, slowly turning the chicken over the bonfire.
Your stomach formed a knot and you felt yourself tense. “Oh... Im so sorry to leave so fast but-“
“You’re leaving?” Tuffnut interrupted you. “We were talking about the mission. Come on, you have to stay.”
Ruffnut agreed. “Yea. You’re like one of us now.”
You wished you could diasapear. “I… I guess so…” you stuttered before slowly walking to the fire and sitting as far away from Tuffnut as you could.
No one spoke for a minute and the knot in your stomach tightened. The team exchanged looks that you couldn’t translate. Finally, you got the courage to speak.
“Alright guys, what’s up. First you say you want me to stay and now you’re all so quiet.”
Astrid sighed. “Okay. We should tell her. Y/n, you’ve been acting strange lately. And so we thought…”
“You thought.” Hiccup corrected her.
“Alright, fine! I thought it was because you maybe had a crush on someone in the group.”
What she said should have made you panic and run away. Instead, you felt better, happy that someone finally understood.
“I- I do.” You admitted.
The team gasped, almost in unison.
“It’s me, isn’t it?” Snotlout suggested.
“No, Snotlout. I’m sorry. I’m actually… I kind of like Tuffnut.” You tried to sound confiedent, but you definitely mumbled the last few words.
Again, gasps erupted from the team. You heard them speaking all at once, not sure who was saying what.
“No way!”
“I had no idea!”
“That’s new!”
“Ew, he’s ugly!”
You were pretty sure that last one was Ruffnut.
You tried not to look in his eyes, but he was adamant about getting your attention.
“Y/n,” he began, reaching over to touch your shoulder. “I like you too. Not like a friend. Like… a crush.”
At last, you felt calm. It wasn’t one sided, thank God. You could look at him again.
“You do?”
“Yea,” He said. “I do.”
I hope you enjoyed. This was so much fun to write!
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just-for-cal · 5 years
She’s Jealous - [c.h]
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word count: 2885 warnings: swearing summary: (y/n) reads some thirst tweets and gets a bit frustrated
(y/n) loved Calum, she always did and it’s likely that she always will.  Especially when she never plans to never act on these feelings.
So it felt unfair to her that she was getting so upset scrolling through Twitter.  Dozens upon dozens of fans thirsting over him.  The other boys too, but she only had narrowed eyes at the comments directed towards Calum.
“Whatcha lookin’ at?” Luke threw himself over the back of the sofa she was sat on, scooting close to her and looking onto her phone.  
The first thing he saw being an all caps message about Ashton’s arms, and something about choking.
“Jesus love, into Ash now are we?” He chuckled, but (y/n) glared at him.  “Alright, not in the mood for funny” Luke muttered to himself.
“Have you seen all these?” She asked him in a quiet voice, eyes still trained on her phone as she scrolled.
“Thirst tweets? I look sometimes, some of them are kinda funny”
(y/n) simply hummed, clearly that wasn’t the answer she was looking for.
“What’s got you all worked up? I thought you’d be agreeing with some of ‘em” Luke jabbed (y/n’s) side with his elbow, and she tried to force a smile, but her nerves seeped through.
“Everyone’s just so… so into him,” She explained, and before she could keep reading, Luke took her phone, and closed the app.  “I feel like maybe it diminishes my chances even further”
“Your chances? Please, (y/n/n), you’ve got the biggest head start of all chances, it’s less of a chance more of a, eh, hundred percent guarantee”
The girl just rolled her eyes at Luke’s words.  He always tried to convince her of how he thought Calum returned her feelings, but she never felt that way.  He always seemed glued to their platonic relationship, so she never acted on the feelings she’d harbored for so long.
“I’m not kiddin’ babe,” Luke told her.  “Ya should hear what he says about you when you’re not around, he loves to talk about you”
(y/n) blushed, but she still shook her head and took her phone back from his hands.
“Thanks, Luke,” She sighed, and smoothed out her skirt before standing.  “Are you coming out tonight?”
“Yeah I’ll tag along,” He said and stood up with her, outstretching his arms.  (y/n) chuckled quietly, stepping into his arms and letting him hug her tight.  “Besides, I'm already all done up, can’t cancel now”
She was laughing when she pulled away, smiling to see he has in fact put on a shimmery eyeshadow to change up his usual leather jacket and jeans look.  Even going so far as to put on his heeled boots.
When she looked away, Calum was coming down the stairs, but he stopped at the bottom and just stared at her.  He looked frozen, lips parted, eyes set on her.  (y/n) crinkled her brows as though to silently ask if he was alright.  
“Wow,” He mumbled, finally walking over to her and his best friend.  She still looked confused.  “You look amazin’ sunshine”
“Oh,” She chuckled nervously, ducking her head down and pushing her hair behind her ear.  Luke rolled his eyes and left the room, unable to handle all the pent up tension that had filled it.  “You had me worried there for a sec”
Calum grinned at her, this girl he’d had in his life now for a few years and couldn’t ever get a long enough look at.  She was blushing under his gaze, and it only made him smile more.
“You ready for dinner?” He asked, and she nodded, letting him guide her to the front door.
Luke was there waiting, looking at his phone and chuckling to himself.  Mike and Ashton were planning to meet them at the restaurant, and we’re probably already there.
“What’s so funny?” Calum asked, and Luke showed him he was on Twitter.
“These thirst tweets about you, they're hilarious”
Calum blinked in surprise, not having expected that response, at all, and looked to (y/n) with raised brows before back at Luke.
“Cause she was lookin’ at ‘em earlier, and I wanted to know what the big deal was.  These are great!”
Calum looked at (y/n) again, a smirk on his lips to know that she’d read thirst tweets about him.  But before he could make a cocky comment, Luke spoke up again.
“(y/n/n) you’re in this one,” Luke snickered as he read one, and then proceeded to read it out loud.  “It’s a retweet of a pic of Calum, zoomed in on his thighs, and it says ‘@(your handle) sure is one lucky chick, i bet @CalumHood lets her ride his thighs whenever she wants’ can you believe that?”
If she hadn’t been blushing before, she certainly was now.
Luke was laughing his ass off, all the while (y/n) avoided looking directly at Calum, who was staring at her.
“Alright, on that note, let's get going,” Cal suggested, letting Luke out so he could walk with (y/n), his hand resting on the small of her back.  When she looked up at him, he leaned a bit closer.  “We’ll talk about why you were reading thirst tweets about me later” He told her quietly.
(y/n) winced.
Dinner went by well, besides the fact that Calum had his arm slung around the booth behind (y/n’s) shoulder, his fingertips grazing her shoulder every now and then.  But no one said anything about it.
“So, (y/n/n), you comin’ back to the house after dinner?” Ash asked.  She began to shake her head, but Calum spoke up for her.
“Yeah, we’re all gonna chill back at the house,” He said, his hand caressing softly over her shoulder now.  “Probably watch a movie or something if that sounds good to you guys?”
“Yeah that sounds great” Ashton agreed.
While the other boys proceeded out of the booth to head to the car, (y/n) shot Calum a look.
“What are you doing? I can’t hang out tonight, I have class in the morning, that’s why we did dinner instead-“
“That’s really too bad, love, because you and I need to have a bit of a talk, don’t we?”
She raised her brows at his bold comment, but didn’t argue with him again.  Simply followed next to him out of the restaurant.
She continued to stare at him, waiting for him to give her some sort of sign of what was going on in his head.  Clearly something had happened, but he wasn’t budging at all.  The only sliver of a sign he offered was pulling her in close to him when they got in the back of Luke’s car.  Which only made (y/n) more anxious for answers, because it was now obvious to Luke that something was up.
Ash and Mike were already at the house when Luke pulled in, and everyone went in together, deciding on drinks and just hanging out and chatting.  (y/n) didn’t understand why Calum needed her to stick around for this, but she wasn’t going to question him in front of everyone.
She was sat curled up on one end of the sofa, and surprisingly, it was Ashton next to her, not Calum.  And Luke on the other side of Ashton.
Calum was in his own seat in a recliner, sat upright and solid, completely isolated from the group.  Michael was also sat alone in a similar chair, but still made the effort to join in on the laughter and conversation.
At this point, (y/n) was not only confused, but a little pissed off.
She took a long swig of her beer, gave Calum a pointed look, and then excused herself to the kitchen for another drink.  Where she waited for him to show up just seconds later.
“You alright love?” He asked as he strolled into the kitchen, words sweet, but voice cocky.  (y/n) crossed her arms as she leaned back against the counter.
“What the hell is up with you? You drag me back here with the guys because you need to talk to me, and then ignore me, when you know I shouldn’t even be here in the first place-”
“Babe,” Calum cut off her irritated rambling, and she gawked a bit at the pet name, but before she could continue, he took a large stride forward, practically caging her in against the kitchen counter.  “Why are you so upset?” He asked, feigning concern as he leaned in even closer to her.  His lips brushed the shell of her ear as he spoke again, hands on either side of her on the counter, now actually keeping her their against him.  “Why are you so tense, angel?”
(y/n) pushed herself further back into the counter, trying to put some space between their bodies as their eyes met again.  There was a coy smirk on his lips, telling her he knew exactly what he was doing, messing with her like this.
“Was it all those tweets you were reading, babe?” He asked, and she liked her lips, suddenly they felt very dry.  Calum chuckled as he caught the action.  “I knew it”
“What do you think you’re doing?” She asked him breathlessly.
“Didn’t you want to have that talk now? That is why you wanted me to follow you in here isn’t it?” Calum asked, and the irritation in her eyes dissipated into something else he recognized all too well, just not so much on her.  
“Did all those thirst tweets from random girls make you a bit jealous baby?” He cooed, hands finding her hips and sliding just a bit under the hem of her shirt, just enough to run the rough pads of his fingers over her skin.  He cocked an eyebrow at her, telling her he was impatient for her answer.
“Maybe,” She murmured out, unable to find her voice due to his distracting touch.  “Just a little bit”
“Really?” Calum chuckled, letting one of his hands trail from her waist to cup just under her jaw, pulling her in closer.  He was leaning over considerably by reason of their height difference.  “I can tell when you lie (y/n), we’ve been friends for years” His ring clad fingers ran delicately down her throat.
When he leaned forward, her eyes fell shut, and a chill ran down her spine as his lips brushed over hers.  It almost seemed unintentional, but (y/n) knew full well that Calum was in absolute control of what he was doing.
“We should get back to our friends before they come looking for us” Calum practically muttered into her mouth, stepping back a bit to leave the room.
Before he could, her small hands grasped the collar of his leather jacket, pulling him back in against her and connecting their lips in a desperate and passionate kiss.  Like her life depended on it, she’d never thought twice about kissing him, she just knew that she needed to before he could leave.
Calum reacted immediately, kissing her back with fervor, his hands setting back on her hips so he could lift her up and set her on the counter.  Her skirt rode up a bit, but she didn’t have a care about it.  Their kiss broke for a moment as she readjusted to be comfortable, but he didn’t let her do much before tugging her right back into his chest, neck craning down to meet her lips again in a fiery kiss.  She tasted of alcohol and her strawberry chapstick and he was addicted to it upon contact, each kiss more desperate than the last, until she was panting against him in silent plea for more.
“Cal,” She murmured his name out softly as he hiked her legs up his hips, so that he could run his hands under her bare thighs and hold her securely against him.  He trailed a few kisses along her jaw, making her tilt her head back in bliss.
He pulled away, eyes flickering over her features and taking a moment to fully appreciate her in this state.  Her eyes were shut, long lashes casting small shadows over her cheekbones.  Lips swollen and pink because of him.  She looked like a piece of art like this.
(y/n’s) eyes opened when she realized he wasn’t about to kiss her again, and a blush settled on her cheeks as she found him staring at her.  She bit down on her bottom lip to keep from smiling too wide and looking like a dork.
“What?” She murmured after he’d just stared for long enough.  Calum shook his head, smiling one of his infamously happy grins, his eyes crinkling and his teeth on display as he looked at her.
“I just love you so damn much, I don’t know why you’d ever be jealous of a stranger, angel” He murmured, a hand cupping her cheek.  She wasn’t sure how he’d gone from irresistibly sexy to adorable and sweet in a matter of seconds, but it didn’t matter, because her heart was swelling beyond maximum capacity and the smile she’d tried to hold back broke free.
“You love me?” She asked, even though he’d said to her clear as day, she needed to know that her mind wasn’t playing tricks on her right now.
“Course I do sunshine, you’re my best girl, always have been” He said, shrugging his shoulder and cocking his head to the side.  (y/n) smiled at him, her hands finally releasing their death grip on his collar to take his face in her small palms, gently guiding him down to kiss his lips softly.  Gentle, and pure, and sweet.
She kept her forehead pressed against his, her hands still holding him close even as their lips parted.
“That’s how I should’ve kissed you the first time,” She whispered to him.  “After a date, all nervous like”
Calum chuckled softly, his hands taking her own and his lips brushing the back of them both before cupping her face in his hands, and kissing her sweetly, as she did him.
“I love you too,” She murmured between small kisses.  “I love you too” She repeated, their noses bumping a bit as their lips met again in a slightly more sloppy kiss.
“Hey where’s the- woah hey!”
Calum and (y/n) pulled apart upon hearing Michael’s surprised words from what he’d walked in on.  The bassist swiftly pulled down her skirt from where it had ridden up pretty high on her thighs, and gave his friend an awkward nod of acknowledgement.
“Guys! They finally did it!” Michael hollered into the living room.
(y/n) sighed, giving Calum a bashful and apologetic look before she slid off the counter she’d been sitting on.  Luke and Ashton came rushing in, one with his arms up in cheers, and the other staring wide eyed and gawking just at the close proximity of Calum and (y/n).
“It’s February, you guys owe me twenty, I guessed the closest!” Luke hollered at the other two.
“You bet on us?” (y/n) asked.
“Luke, you guessed January, it doesn’t count ‘cause it passed.  Ash wins, he guessed May” Michael ignored (y/n’s) comment, while fumbling for his wallet to pay Ashton.
“But I was closest,” Luke argued.  “Doesn’t matter if it happened past my guess, my guess was still closest-”
“Hold on, hold on,” Calum spoke up, taking the twenty dollar bill from Michael before Ashton, or Luke, could.  “You guys are not paying each other over (y/n) and I getting together”
“We’re together?” (y/n) asked softly from next to him.
“Course we are baby,” Calum winked over at her.  “If you’ll have me, but give me a moment,” He turned back to his friends, holding up the money.  “(y/n/n’s) got classes in the morning, so we are taking this, I’m taking her home, and we’re using your money to get her breakfast for the morning”
“Fine,” Luke muttered.  “Congratulations by the way, I knew you two would crack”
“Crack?” Calum muttered, but shook his head, deciding he didn’t want much more of an explanation.  “Okay, we’re gonna head out, ready?” He asked (y/n), who nodded and took his offered hand so he’d lead her out of the house.
“Don’t forget to carry the bride over the threshold!” Luke hollered before they could be out of earshot.
Calum turned to (y/n), squeezing her hand and kissing her temple.
“When’s your last class tomorrow?” He asked, and she thought for a moment.
“I should be finished up by two,” She answered.  “Why, you free?”
He giggled, actually giggled at her response, and nodded his head.
“I say we go on that date you were talking about earlier,” He suggested, opening the passenger door of the car for her.  She hummed and got in, Cal quickly closing the door and getting in on the driver’s side.  “Well? Am I taking you out tomorrow?” He asked, and she grinned, nodding and leaning over the center console to meet his lips in a kiss.
“You sure as hell are” She agreed, and Calum grinned before kissing her again.
They should have done this long ago.
xoxo ~ jordie
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