#im not sure which it is but either way to close out this chapter and story it gave me the Book card
risingroleakira · 11 months
Campaign 2 watch update:
Finished Campaign 2 btw. What a fucking ride
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biggie-chcese · 2 months
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i posted this poll as a joke but i got a little miffed at the makoto character assassination in the notes/ask box so now im giving my reasoning of why i think this fight is a hard 50/50 and not just an easy makoto win:
(btw, this isnt out of anger. im genuinely having a lot of fun ranting about this silly topic because i love these two clowns)
Rage: the biggest pro-makoto argument people had was that he was filled with pent up rage, which... okay, but i actually don't think it's that simple. more than anything, makoto is frustrated with himself. not his original, and, hell, not even yomi. the only reason he started beefing with either of them is because both were putting kanai ward in danger trying to reveal the homunculus info. otherwise, his original is a non-issue and yomi is nothing more than a nuisance. in the game, when makoto's carefully concealed emotions begin to trickle out, he is far from angry. he's sad, helpless, and broken. he's close to crumbling under the pressure of his own tower of lies, and he's not the contained rage beast yall think he is 😭 makoto has the conviction to fight with his all, but i genuinely don't think he's going sicko mode when angry.
yuma, on the other hand, is ROYALLY PISSED at makoto. this is the chapter 5 bathhouse!! makoto just put him in zombie hell and spent the last couple hours taunting yuma with the corpses of his friends! yuma may be a doormat but he's literally shown himself capable of snapping in anger before! if anyone here is falling into a rage-filled frenzy, it is not makoto
Stamina + Strength: all im saying is that one of these characters spends most of his time doing legwork, running from cops, and doing QTEs with a small level of physical competence, and the other one takes baths while plotting in his fancy penthouse all day
Strategy: makoto 100% has the edge in this one. he still has number one's memories, and yuma is also a little stupid. i can see makoto fighting using trickery. sand-in-the-eyes level stuff, yknow? i dont think number one himself was actually trained in close combat though. he's a shut-in who is always on the run from criminal syndicates, so i'd imagine most of his skillset lies in how to stay out of fights rather than win them. still, im sure makoto can come up with a few ways to put himself at an advantage, as long as he can take/avoid enough hits.
Patheticness: this is a joke stat but i feel like people forget that makoto is JUST as pathetic as yuma is. he's just better at hiding it.
Power of Friendship: also a joke stat i think it has no actual bearing on this fight lmao. though yuma may be motivated by the "deaths" of his friends.
that being said, i still think makoto could win! i actually fully expected these poll results! but i also think it depends on whether or not yuma's raw determination beats out makoto's trickiness... and even then, they're both coming out of this looking utterly beaten and bruised. anyway if you got this far, thanks for reading my manifesto on this shit lmao
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1427 · 7 months
When the Levee Breaks (pt. 1)
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Daryl Dixon x OFC
The one in which a stripper that used to know Merle and Daryl shows up at the Atlanta camp. Daryl’s feelings are complicated but mostly he hates her. Right?
Chapt. Setting: Atlanta camp
Chapt. Warnings: degrading and sexist language, season 1 Daryl, he’s not nice in this, probably won’t be for a while. 
Word count: 1600 
A/N : (aka authors warning) this is written in Daryl’s POV soOo idk. Probably not everyone’s bag. Maybe it’s no one’s bag. These first three chapters are kinda rough and I’m sorry but I can only proofread my own stuff so many times before I either post it or delete it forever.
17+ mdni for the whole story
After stringin’ a few squirrels for dinner I figure I should get back to camp. ‘m breakin’ through the tree line, and that’s when I see her.  Beatle. Beatle, for the first time in… shit, who knows? Definitely years, I’m not exactly sure how many. Beatle, just fuckin’ sittin’ at my fire. Like somehow she knew it was mine and showed up just to take it from me. Just sittin’. Smile on her face like she belongs there. She doesn’t. She doesn’t belong at this camp, with these people. Shit, Beatle doesn’t even belong alive if I’m bein’ honest. 
No one in this fuckin’ camp can hunt worth a damn.  They’re gonna expect me to feed ‘em, ain’t they? Eventually. Eventually the food’ll run out and it’ll just be me feedin’ fuckin’ everyone. M’not doin’ it. I’m not doin’ shit for ‘em anymore. Why should I? Left my brother on that roof to rot. Naw, I’ll hunt for my damn self. Don’t even know why I’m still fuckin’ here. Should be out findin’ Merle. Honestly, don’t even know why I’m not.
Even before the dead started walkin’. I figured her days were numbered since the first fuckin’ time I met ‘er. Drunk as hell, eyes glassy, loud annoying voice barkin’ like a damn dog. Just yap yap yappin at Merle and me, tits half hangin’ outta her bikini top. Ones cinched in the string like she’d just forgotten to take ‘em out from her last time around the bar. A dumb drunk bitch, Beatle. Stupid fuckin’ stripper name. Who’s dick gets hard over a stripper named Beatle? 
I watch her, just for a second, checkin’ to see if maybe it’s not really her. But it is. ‘Course it fuckin’ is. 
Shane’s the first person I see that’s not doin’ anything, going through some clothes in a duffel bag in the back of a van, figure he might know, “Where the fuck did she come from?” Pointing toward Beatle, her back to us, fifty yards away. Stupid purple hair blowing all over the damn place. 
Shane looks to see who I’m pointing at, but who the fuck else is new at camp? His eyes finally land on Beatle before looking back at me like he’s trying to fight the smile on his damn face, “Why? You interested?”
I’m tryin’ not to lose my shit that she’s even fuckin’ here. “Nah…” I shake my head, “I know ‘er.”
Shane looks up, surprised maybe, and then not. Looking from Beatle back to me again, eyeing us up. “Yeah, makes sense.” 
I squint back at ‘im, “S’that supposed ta mean?” 
He shrugs, making a face, before smiling again, folding another shirt into his pack, “Just that you look like you might know eachother.” He doesn’t say more but I know what he’s not sayin. “Is all.” He adds on the end just to reiterate. 
He means we’re both fuckin redneck trash to anyone who looks at us. I look back over at her, startin’ to get real mad at this jarhead dickhead. Not for her or nothin’. Even if he’s right, he don’t gotta say it. Or maybe it was the way he said it. Or the way he didn’t say it. Like a fuckin’ pussy. 
A part of me feels like standin’ up for myself. Hell, a part of me feels like stickin’ up for Beatle. But, shit, it’s not even worth it.
I cough up a lougie and spit it close to his foot. “So where’d she come from?” I’m fuckin’ repeating myself. I hate fuckin’ repeating myself. 
“Think she just wandered in. Must’ve been lost in the woods or something. Ask Rick. He seems to know everything.”
Can’t keep myself from crackin’ at his petty comment. Always so fuckin’ loud with his contempt, makin’ the situation obvious to anyone with eyes. Messy. 
I decide I’m gonna ask ‘er. She’s gonna see me eventually. Better I approach her first, right? Don’t need to get football tackled in the middle of doin’ somethin’ else when she sees me for the first time. So I pull out a cigarette and start walkin’ over.
She’s talkin’ to Andrea. She fuckin’ would. Both of them loud dumb bitches. Talking about all the dumb shit they miss since everything’s turned to shit. Not talkin’ about people or nothin’ important. Just bullshit like getting your damn nails done, and eating fuckin’ ice cream. 
“Where’d you fuckin’ come from?” Sayin it louder than I meant. More aggressive than I thought my voice would sound. Usually fuckin’ is, though.  The laughing between Andrea and Beatle stops and they look over at me, just standing there waitin’ for it to register. Waitin’ for Beatles reaction. Starin’ ‘er the fuck down like she doesn’t fuckin’ belong here. She doesn’t. 
Beatles eyes light up, getting up from her chair and runnin’ over to me like she’s never been more excited to see someone in her whole damn life. I try to brace myself, but she still rocks me backward as she jumps on me, “Daryl!” Should have stopped her, could have moved just right out of the way. But nah, I let her. 
I don’t hug her back though, just push her off and let her own feet catch her. Dumb bitch doesn’t know personal boundaries. Her voice so close to my ear, “Damn, don’t look so happy to see me.”
Happy to see her? I’m not. Didn’t think I could be so unhappy to see a familiar face in my whole fuckin’ life. But she wasn’t letting that stop her, never fuckin’ did. “I was lost, found this camp. They said I could stay.” She explains, her voice high and happy and annoying as it ever was. At least she’s not drunk. 
Everyone around the fire had gone back to what they were doing. Not watchin’ us anymore. They could probably see as well as Shane that it was obvious how we knew eachother. Well, maybe not exactly how. But they probably had a good idea. 
I dunno what to say to her explanation, so I don’t say nothin’. And she just stands next to me, too close, clearly not gettin’ the hint that I didn’t really wanna talk to her. Just wanted to know why she was here. Now I know. She wasn’t gettin’ that she could and should just go back to her conversation with Andrea about ice skating, or cocktails, or what the fuck ever. 
“What about you?” Her voice quieter for fuckin’ once. 
I shake my head, blowing smoke out, “Merle and me, met up with everyone...” I don’t feel like explaining it, so I don’t. 
Beatle’s lookin’ up at me, her big eyes all wide and excited like a dumbass deer too stupid to move out of traffic, “Merle’s here?” 
This coil of disgust, I feel it snaring it’s way through my abdomen. Yeah, that’s the feeling Beatle usually gives me. Back like it never fuckin’ left. “Nah, not anymore. Sorry to dry your cunt.” 
Beatle says “Ew” fast. Like she’s so disgusted by my vocabulary. Like she isn’t just as crude, the things I heard that little mouth of hers say. 
“He’s not…” she means dead.
“Nah, hes not dead.” Usually this is where I talk something nice about Merle, about how he’s a tough sunuvabitch or some other shit. But not to Beatle. Beatle already knows, and for some reason talking about Merle with her makes me.. fuck… whatever. 
Glancing over, it looks like Beatle’s finally got the hint that I don’t wanna talk to her. She probably really was excited to see me, and I almost feel bad for a second. Before she puts her grubby fuckin’ hand in my face and asks if she can have a cigarette. Needy fuckin’ bitch. 
I laugh right in her face. At the gall of her. That at the end of it all, of everything; she was still trying to get some fuckin’ handout. “Naw.”
“Oh, come on, Daryl, please? I haven’t had one in days!” As if I give a shit what she has or hasn’t had. Hasn’t seen me in years and wants to ask for favors? 
I keep draggin’ on my cigarette, blowin’ the smoke out, and m’not smiling anymore, “I said naw. I don’t see your tits out, why would I give you anything?” Fuck repeating myself.
“You wanna see my tits?” She says it like it’s actually a question. Like she really fuckin’ believes that I’m askin’. 
“You’re a dumb bitch, Beatle, y’know tha’?” I shake my head at her, laughin’ at her again. She’s fuckin’ ridiculous.  Taking another drag I realize the cig is trash, and I almost throw the butt into the fire but decide to hand it to her instead. 
She takes it, with needy fingers like I knew she fuckin’ would. Trying to hide my smile at how fuckin’ pathetic she always seems to be.  Watching her take my trash like it’s fuckin’ gold. She drags it once, I can smell the filter burning and she throws it in the fire. “Next time maybe you’ll share one with me?” Her voice is so sweet it makes me sick. Like I didn’t just call her a dumb bitch to her face. 
Saccharine and fake, that’s how she’s always been. All her cute little movements and motions, all just tryin’ to work me up so I’ll share my smokes or listen to her dumbass whine about anything and everything. Annoying.
“Prolly not.” And I’m already walking away from the fire. From Beatle. Going back to my tent and praying to god, Jesus Christ, don’t let her follow. 
Chewin’ on what she said. Lost, huh? See? Didn’t even belong alive. 
pt 2
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thegreatirene · 12 days
Traveling Witch (Adrian Tepes x Witch!reader) part 4
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Rated: Mature (for language)
Pretty close to ending this fic. I think there’s gonna be two more chapters and then it’s done!
Part 1
It’s been about a week now that you have been staying with Adrian. The past week has been, to your surprise, fun. Whatever aggression or hate that Adrian had either towards you or someone else has disappeared. He’s been the best host and maybe turned to a good friend, if you can call him that.
But with you not being able to find the stones you came for, you started to feel like a burden. Yes, you have been helping out as much as Adrian would let you. But it didn’t feel right to stay in his home for that long. You did say you weren’t gonna be there that long.
So with your mind made up you went looking for Adrian. You weren’t going to tell him how you felt just that you couldn’t find the stones. That way he doesn’t feel like it was something he did.
“Adrian?” You called out to him from the hallway that lead to the library. He wasn’t there. You’ve tried smelling him out but with his sent everywhere you couldn’t really pin him down. You could try and feel his energy but whatever that the castle was made of was hindering you.
You stepped outside to see maybe he was putting more dead bodies up.
“Where the fuck…” he wasn’t out there either. The bodies were gone. Which surprised you because you were sure they were there the other day when you came to the front.
“There you are y/n” you turned to look towards the woods and seen Adrian with a basket. He smiled at you as he got closer to you.
“Where were you? I was looking for you” you said as you met him halfway and took the basket from him.
“I told you I was going to look for food” he tapped your forehead. “You weren’t listening to me again, were you?” You rolled your eyes at him as he tapped your nose.
“Whatever” you walked back to the entrance.
Sitting the basket down on the kitchen table. You took a breath and turned to speak to Adrian. He held a bouquet of flowers and shyly smiled at you.
“I thought you might like them”
“Oh Adrian thank you! They’ll be nice on the table while we eat” you gently handle them as you went around the cabinets looking for a vase to put them in. Adrian smiled as he watched you. He had a warm feeling in his chest. Adrian didn’t think he’d grow to love your company as much as he does now. He slept better knowing you were in the room next to his. He looked forward to waking up to you making breakfast and going on his walks with him. He wonders if maybe this is what it felt like for his…maybe it was best to stop thinking.
“There” you couldn’t find a vase for the flowers so you put them in a pitcher.
“The vases are at the bottom” he leaned on his hand as he said it with a smirk on his lips.
“You knew I was looking for one and you tell me now!” You exclaimed as you sat down in the chair next to him.
“I’ll starting making us lunch” he said.
You packed what little things you had in your room. Adrian didn’t know yet since you didn’t want to say it while you guys were eating. But it was best for the both of you. Better to leave now before things got complicated. You started to feel things and you were certain Adrian was too. You need to leave before things start to get worse.
* why didn’t I just look online for the damn things* you thought as you stuffed the last shirt into your bag.
*knock knock*
“You can come in Adrian”
“I got a message from a village nearby. They need my help-“ he looked up from the note and seen the bag by your foot. Even though the room you were staying in wasn’t fully decorated he could tell you packed your things away.
“Are you leaving?” There was a hint of sadness in his voice as he looked at you.
“Y-yea Im gonna leave tonight” you picked at your nails.
“I see.. I mean of course I knew you were at some point going to leave…” *just not right now*, he thought as he turned his sad eyes down to his feet.
“…you said a village needed you?” Adrian was lost in his head about being a lone again. He didn’t mean to grow an attachment to you. He found you annoying at one point. Couldn’t figure out why you stuck around when he was nasty to you. But he started to see you in a different light.
“Adrian?” You reached up and placed your hand on the side of his face. He focused back to you. Placing his hand over your own he closed his eyes and placed his forehead against your own. He really doesn’t want you go back.
“Are you ok Adrian?” You placed both hands on his face and looked at his face.
“I’m fine” he smiled at you as he rubbed your hand with his thumb. Adrian grabbed both of your hands and held them in front of the both of you.
“I got a note from a villager saying they need help because of the night creatures. I plan to go and help” he lead you to the front doors of the castle.
“I was going to tell you to stay here and wait for me to come back.” He stopped as he looked at your hand. You were still holding on to his and brushed your thumb over his fingers.
“At least I won’t have to worry about you when I leave” he said as the door open for the both of you to walk out.
“I could wait for you to come back” you stood at the last steps still holding on to Adrian’s hand.
“It’ll give me peace of mind to know that you came back home, not seriously hurt.”
“If it’s not too much trouble. I don’t want you to do something you don’t want-“
“I want to Adrian” he looked up at you as he reached the bottom of the steps. Grabbed both your hands and kissed them. You watched with bated breath as you looked at Adrian. His eyes slowly opened and looked at you. You couldn’t breathe for a moment as the two of you held your stares. You leaned slowly towards him as you placed one hand on his shoulder and the other on his cheek.
Adrian fluttered his lashes as his lips parted. His heart thumped so hard he swears it could jump out of his waiting lips. He placed his hands on your hips as he brought you a little closer to him. As Adrian closed his eyes waiting for what he thinks would be the best kiss in the whole world. He felt your lips press against his forehead. He could feel the small smile you had as you pulled away and bopped his nose.
“I think I’ll save the real thing for when you get back” you said.
Adrian eyes flew open as he looked at you. His mouth moved as if he were to say something but nothing came but a small huff of a laugh.
“Very well, I’ll be back and claim what I am owed” he kissed your hand one more time and rode off on horse.
You waited the whole night for Adrian to come back. You nodded off and woke back up when you heard the noises of footsteps coming closer. Standing up from the steps you ran up to Adrian and threw yourself at him. He caught you and held your head against his chest.
Adrian was so happy that you were still there and hadn’t left just yet.
“I thought you would have left?”
“I’ll always wait for you Adrian” you lifted your head to rest it on his chest, “even if you get on my nerves I’ll always wait for you.”
Adrian smiled at you and placed his hand on your cheek. His thumb ran softly across your bottom lip and bent down to kiss you.
“Sorry to interrupt” came a woman’s voice as you and Adrian stared at each other. The both of you looked towards the voice and you saw a big group of people coming forward. The woman was standing behind Adrian and smiled at you.
“Apologies, everyone can set camp here on the grounds” he gestured to the open and cleaned up area. Adrian placed his hand on your waist as he welcomed the villagers. He brought you closer to his side.
“This must be the missus. My name is Greta” she held her hand out and you took it and shook it firmly. You looked up Adrian and raised at brow at him. He turned his head away and you could faintly see a blush coloring his cheeks.
“I’m y/n I wish we could have met under different circumstances” Greta smiled at you and then stood next to the two of you to look at her people.
“I like to thank you again for helping us. We could have lost a lot more people had you not come”
“It’s not a problem. Hopefully everyone is ready for the fight that’s coming.”
Greta agrees and walked to a couple that needed help.
“Talking about me to people already?” You smiled up at him.
“Only good things. I haven’t told her how much you curse when you bump into things or when you hit something too hard you apologize to it.”
You rolled your eyes but could feel the heat of embarrassment climbing your cheeks. He played with the ends of your hair as he moved you into the castle.
“Do still plan to leave right now?”
“Yeeea about that” you fiddled with your fingers as you stopped in the middle of the hall that led to the kitchen.
“So I was going through my bag earlier to see if I had everything and I must have dropped the page I need to get back”
He blinked at you and then started to laugh.
“It’s not that funny Adrian” you crossed your arms.
“It probably fell like earlier when you were chasing me around. So it’s your fault”
“Yes, yes of course it’s my fault,” he walked up to you and raised your chin to look at him. He bent down close enough to brush his nose against yours.
“My clumsy witch” he whispered as he brushed hair behind your ear, “what are am I going to do when you are gone?”
“Live. Remember me and if you still feel the same way when centuries passes,” you met his lips. Holding him down by the lapels of his coat and let him go enough to speak.
“Find me”
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hearts4golbach · 8 months
The Night Shift.
Chapter 4.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
Me and Jake tripped over each other and other people while trying to make our way towards the drinks. This place was crowded, as if whoever the fuck was running this invited the entire city. Which was dumb, because an entire city cannot fit into one small house.
"God, I love whiskey." Jake mumbled under his breath while pouring a cup for himself.
I shoved him out of the way, hurrying to get my own cup
"Wow, look at you go, you damn alcoholic."
"shut the fuck up." I leaned against the counter, turning to face johnnie. He stood awkwardly in the corner, looking around at all the people surrounding him. it was adorable. "you okay, johnnie?"
"oh, yeah, I'm good." he smiled.
"you're not drinking with us?" Jake sipped his wiskey.
"someone needs to drive home and take care of the drunks." he shrugged.
I walked over to stand next to him. "do you like drinking?"
"I mean, sometimes. I don't know, I used to drink constantly. it kind of became a problem." he glanced away, avoiding eye contact.
"oh, I'm sorry you had to go through that. addictions a bitch ass hoe."
he looked back, his gaze softening. "yeah, it is."
"I was addicted to a couple different drugs throughout highschool." I admitted, looking down into the cup and swirling it around. "honestly, I'm still kind of recovering. the urges never go away, though."
"felt that. im sorry you went through that too." he gave me a sad smile.
"whatever," I downed the last of the whiskey in my cup and went to pour more. "who gives a fuck right now? let's have fun. we can talk about it later." I smiled.
he smiled back. "yeah, fuck that." I gently patted his arm.
"will you two stop flirting, oh my fuck." Jake groaned, walking off into the crowd. we followed closely behind him. 
"How were we even -" I cut myself off. "Actually, I don't even wanna know what you consider flirting."
he widened his eyes. "Yeah. I'm sure."
we all sat on the couch, which was surprisingly empty. although, there were a few questionable stains. johnnie sat in the middle while me and Jake were on either side of him. "what the fuck do people even do at parties?" I asked, throwing up my hands.
"drink, smoke, dance.." Johnnie trailed off.
"fuck." Jake added.
"so, this really isn't all that. no one's fucking dancing." I glanced around.
"that shits going down in a different room, don't worry your pretty little head." Jake wagged his finger at me.
"okay, then let's go!" I grabbed Johnnie's arm and pulled him off the couch. "lead the way, jakey."
we walked back through the kitchen, giving me a chance to fill up my cup once more. I started feeling loopy. I wrapped my arm around Johnnie's for support so I didn't fall and die. I could tell Jake was feeling it, too.
"awe!" he squeeled.
"shut the fuck up!" me and johnnie replied in unison.
we made our way to whatever room Jake had mentioned, my steps getting progressively sloppier.
"okay, ill admit, I have no clue how to dance." I giggled in Johnnie's ear.
"that's fine, just go with how."
a stupid smile grew on me face. "how the fuck do you just 'go with it?'" I slurred.
"take my hands and just.. let loose, I guess." I furrowed my eyebrows and took his hands cautiously. "close your eyes, it helps."
I did as told. "I feel stupid."
"everyone does."
I sighed. "I guess your right."
"it's okay, y/n. you don't have to be so uptight all the time. especially not around me."
I rested the muscles in my face and smiled. "okay."
a different song started playing. I didn't know it. "just go with it." Johnnie repeated.
I began to loosely move my body, feeling Johnnie's hands moving along with mine. I got more into it, letting the alcohol take over. I opened one eye, making eye contact with Johnnie. "Hey! I thought you were doing it too, silly!"
He laughed, the same look filled his eyes just as it did in the car.
"whaaat? why do you keep looking at me like that?" I begged him.
"no reason." he replied, closing his eyes and beggining to dance. he never let go of my hands.
Johnnie spun us around, making me feel dizzy. my head tingled, making me cackle. we opened our eyes at the same time. we looked around for Jake as we continued to dance with goofy smiles on our face. I caught Jake dancing near us with his phone pointed at us.
"okay, creep!"
"mama bear needs content for her facebook." he pursed his lips together as he spoke in his southern drawl.
"oh, whatever, man." Johnnie replied.
"can I stay over tonight?" I asked cautiously, slurring my words.
"I think that's a good idea. I think you're too drunk to go home."
I felt like I was scrounging for reasons to see johnnie longer.
I ended the night with finishing my fourth cup. I was drunk out of my mind. I hadn't had enough time to drink recently because of my new work schedule. it felt like I was floating, but it was different this time, because I was floating with johnnie.
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imoncloud7 · 2 months
part 4;
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written portion at the end!!
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"god fuckin' damnit." yn sighed as she put her phone down. she was currently in her last lecture of the day, contemplating how she got into this mess. and how all of her friends suddenly knew oikawa tooru. and how he found her twitter and followed it.
yn had met matsukawa issei in their last term during their first year of school, and while they were not too close, they did have one thing in common. they loved to go out. their drunk escapades slowly began to include mattsun's not-boyfriend-but-boyfriend makki, and they all slowly began to get a bit closer.
being that all of their friends were intertwined, it would be a matter of time before they all figured out what was going on between oikawa and yn. their hookups have surprisingly pre-dated all of yn's friendships in college, which have been difficult to come by. being from another country and also an introvert were really big roadblocks.
oikawa never seemed to care about that though. the first night they met, during their first term in their first year, he had approached her at some sort of welcome party an older student was throwing. yn had quickly figured out that he was a chronic flirter, but had enough alcohol in her system to go home with him. which ended up happening every weekend of the first year, and now second year as well. it was nice for yn to have physical contact, as that was hard to come by now having broken up with her ex and being that she had close to no friends in japan. it was a distraction, something that satisfied her needs with no feelings.
these days however, now that he knows more than just her first name and how to please her, it's too complicated. and wildly uncomfortable.
flashback: 1st term, 1st year
"smoking's not a good look on such a pretty face like yours" yn heard behind her on the balcony. the inside was stuffy and the music felt like it was eating her eardrums alive, so she had made her way outside for some peace and quiet. only for it to be disturbed.
"oh yeah? and who are you to have an opinion on that?" the girl looked over her shoulder to see who was behind her. she was met with a pair of chocolate brown eyes and windswept hair to match.
oikawa thinks his heart may have stopped when she turned to look at him. he had seen her inside and thought she was pretty, sure, but out here was a different story. the moonlight caused her e/c eyes to glow, and her hair seemed so much softer out here. his eyes widened a bit and he choked on his words a bit before responding.
"im oikawa. oikawa tooru. and sorry, truthfully i couldn't think of another way to approach you." he walked up towards the edge of the balcony, taking his place to her right. she took a long drag before offering it towards him wordlessly.
"no thanks, i'm an athlete i can't really do that stuff."
"but you're at a party, clearly intoxicated. i wonder what your coach would think of that." she shot back.
"touche. you never told me your name." he chuckled in his response.
。 ˚ ︶︶✩︶︶‌ ₊ ˚ ︶︶✩︶︶‌ 。˚︶︶✩︶︶‌ ₊ ˚ ︶︶✩︶︶‌ 。˚︶︶✩︶︶‌ ₊
the "smokings not a good look on you" line was actually used on me
i was at a club in singapore and an old man (maybe like 50-60 yrs old) literally started talking to me while i had a cig in my hand like go away u creep im 20
he texted me on whatsapp later abt that like mind ur business
idk why i gave him my number tbh i just wanted to see if hed buy me drinks
anyways i love matsukawa issei (whats new)
little flashback moment to when their whole affair started!!
either the next chapter or the next two chapters shi may go down
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Okay, second post, this ones mostly about Feyre because honestly, as of chapter 3 I havent really noticed Tamlin being out of character and from what Ive heard his character assassination was supposed to happen very quickly. Idk, right now he just seems like the same guy but traumatized although I'll fully admit that I didnt care that much for him outside of the Feylin romance (which was pretty sweet but too boring for me) so maybe I just didnt pay enough attention to him to fully grasp his character
Feyre is frustrating to me right now because I dont think shes out of character either, right now shes also just the same woman but traumatized, but like, I already know the extent to which her character will be bent for the sake of Rhysand. In these first three chapters she literally thinks something along the lines of "What's there for me to do but sit at home and spend Tamlin's money" Tell me, what does she end up doing in the night court huh????
Another thing thats frustrating is that Feyre clearly has issues communicating her feelings and wants, I know because I also had issues with that, and instead of learning that very valuable skill of telling others about your inner world and trying to work on her relationships (with both Tamlin and with her sisters), shes just gonna end up with a guy who can read her mind so theres no need for her to challenge herself and grow in any way. Yay. One thing especially stuck out to me in this regard was her attituide towards wearing dresses. Feyre does not like wearing dresses, its not like she never got to wear them back at home even though she wanted to, she just doesnt like wearing them in her day-to-day life, but she feels like she has to because she thinks its what Tamlin wants and because she thinks that if she wears pants its gonna somehow signal to the citizens of the spring court that something is incredibly wrong. But again, she doesnt tell anyone this, she doesnt ask Tamlin if he can just explain to everyone that everything is fine and that Feyre just has an unconventional way of dressing, which he would probably be fine with if its still the same guy from the first book. And it doesnt even seem like Tamlin directly made any kind of comment to her about the dresses she wears, she just saw that he was happy when he saw her wear them, which couldve well been him being happy to see her in general but she doesnt even consider that
Theres also the fact that its very unclear what she wants/what her problem is. Now, this actually isnt something that bothers me that much on its own, Feyre is traumatized and lost, obviously she doesnt know exactly what she wants at this point beyond "the situation Im in sucks and makes me feels bad, I want to get out", I think what bothers me is mostly the knowledge that Tamlin is gonna get blamed for a lot of this stuff when its really not his fault.
And I do want to make it clear that I dont think hes doing a great job handling this situation, I know a lot of people in the acotar critical sphere find his actions understandable and justifiable from his perspective and thats true, but hes still doing a bad job handling Feyre's emotional state. Like, one of your beloved's main issues is that she feels horrible because she feels trapped at home, for the love of god just let her go outside on her own. Maybe send her to village thats far inland or close to the border to the mortal realm, surely those monsters are not gonna manage to come that far if youre all going on patrols to kill them as soon as possible. And even if they do, the people of any village are gonna bend over backwards in order to protect their capital c Cursebreaker, shes gonna be fine
But, to get back to my original point, even if Tamlin was a daemati or whatever like Rhys and could read her mind the way she needs it to be read, he would still not be able to figure out what exactly Feyre needs right now because she doesnt know it herself! I literally read all of her thoughts and I dont know! Does she want to help others and be responsible for a whole bunch of people because its what shes always known to do? Does she want to avoid resonsibility for now because she wants to recover from her traumatic childhood of having the responsibility of keeping her family alive on top of all the new UTM-trauma? Its hard to say and that makes sense for Feyre at this point in her life, but she cant just blame people for not understanding her when she doesnt properly understand herself and refuses tl verbalize her feelings
Anyway, thats it for today, hope you enjoyed this
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sammysstolenbirks · 2 months
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silver storm
chapter II
I'm really enjoying writing this so far so i might just speed run it atp 💀 also there might be some typos, I've been righting bits and peices at like 3am but I'm trying
angst, swearing, mention and uses of drugs and alcohol, mentions of mental health issues, death, smut (eventually)
i wake up to the sound of my alarm blasting in my ear. i quickly shut the annoying sound off and check the time. 6:30. perfect. i get up and stretch before heading to the bathroom. unsurprisingly sam is already in there, no doubt styling his hair. and they call me a diva. i bang on the door "Cmon sam other people live here too"
Sam yells through the door "i got here first, you can't wait 10 minutes?"
"We both know your gonna spend an hour in there. Hurry your ass up."
I hear Sam yell something else but its too late for me to hear as i walk back to my room to check my phone. I smile as I see a text from y/n.
𝐲/𝐧 ☀
𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐢 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐢 𝐡𝐢𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐥. 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥?
𝐇𝐞𝐲 𝐧𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬. 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭. 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐤?
𝐲/𝐧 ☀
𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 :)
i smile at my phone before hearing Sam finally getting out of the bathroom. I run to it before he has a chance to change his mind and take another 40 minutes. I finish up my morning routine which consists of showering, personal hygiene things, getting dressed and grabbing all of my stuff before walking downstairs. Im just about ready to leave when I hear Sam behind me.
"Hey Josh? Can I catch a ride to school? Jake took my car to see valerie again and he's not back yet, surprise surprise.
I consider telling him no, as I'm sure he doesn't want to see y/n this early, but that thought is quickly replaced with the possibility of them getting along.
"Yeah sure Sam let's go"
Y/n would never come if she knew Sam was invited, and Sam would try to find another ride if he knew where I was going. So I decided not to tell either of them. Maybe they could put their differences aside for one morning, and maybe that could turn into a couple mornings, and before I know it I'll be an uncle. Okay maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but it would be nice for them to be friends at least.
Sam and I get into the car and drive. I see his confusion through my peripheral vision as were not driving on the road we normally go to school on.
"Uh Josh? Where are we going?"
"Oh did I not tell you? Were getting coffee this morning... With y/n." I try to fight off the grin creeping onto my face, but just let it take over. Sam looks at me like I just shit in his Cheerios. He scoffs writhes in his seat like a toddler. Typical sammy
"Are you kidding Josh? Yeah I think you forgot to mention that. Asshole."
I chuckle "youll thank me one day"
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean"
I simply shrug my shoulders and smile. as we pull into the parking lot I see y/n through the window of the tiny shop on her phone. i smile at the sight, while I'm sure Sam had a completely opposite expression. I park and have to bribe sam with a free coffee to get him to go inside with me. We make it inside and make our way to y/n, whos jaw clenches as she sees sam dragging his feet behind me. I say a silent prayer that this won't go nuclear, But knowing them, this will be world war three.
As I see Josh come around the corner, i smile widely. but as he closes the gap between us, i see the raven haired boy strolling behind him. There goes my hope for a good morning. i get up to greet Josh, pulling him in a hug, also preparing to reprimand him for bringing Satan himself.
"Hey kid" Josh says, searching my face for a reaction.
"Hey" i lean up into his ear to whisper, "why is he here?"
"He needed a ride since jake still has his car, seeing you know who"
I nod and feel my eye twitch "can he stay in the car"
Josh chuckles "itll be fine y/n, who knows, maybe you'll enjoy it"
I roll my eyes and chuckle. We sit down and a waitress comes to take our order with a smile
"good morning guys, what can I get y'all?"
Josh answers first, reading the lady's name tag, "good morning to you too, 𝘚𝘢𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘢, Could I get a chai tea latte please?"
"Of course," she says smiling at him, clearly charmed by him already. Josh always had that affect on people. "And how about you guys?"
"Matcha latte" "Matcha latte, please" Sam and I say at nearly the same time. We look at each other, both of our muscles tensing, making a cloud of tension overcome the quiet little corner of the shop. we stay like this until he clears his throat, "actually just a coffee. Black" he says as he fixes his gaze onto his interlaced hands resting on the table. Sabrina nods, clearly confused. She smiles and says "yeah I'll be right back with those" Josh sends her an apologetic look which she smiles at and walks away to the counter.
Josh chooses to ignore what just happened, turning to me and starting up a conversation. Every so often I would catch myself looking at Sam from the corner of my eye, finding him in the same position as before. I think about why he decided to change his order. he was probably just being childish, not wanting to have anything in common with me. I laughed internally at it, but a part of me was slightly hurt, and I didn't understand why.
Sabrina eventually came by with our drinks, and from the corner of my eye, I swore I saw Josh pass her a napkin, but when I gave him a confused look, he only offered a shrug and a smile.
When it was time to go, we cleaned up the table the best we could and made our way to our cars.
"See you in a bit kid" Josh says as he smiles at me with a wave
"See you" you return his smile and we all drive to school.
The morning classes went pretty normally as most do, apart from the lingering thoughts of this morning swirling in your head. Why did it upset me? Sam is just an asshole, i should expect these types of things from him. Whatever.
Lunch finally rolls around as i sit at my table with my friends, well, acquaintances, making sure to keep an open seat for Josh like I promised. I finally see Josh roll in, about 10 minutes late (shocker) and he makes his way over to me. he reaches the table and smiles and sighs as he sits down.
"Who knew being an assistant could be so stressful?" He chuckles
"Well you know who our director is, shes crazy. shes going to drive you crazy too."
"Yeah.. I guess I shouldve known, Mrs. Vanderbilt is.... yeah"
"I bet you're doing great though. What are you doing for the play so far?"
"Well right now shes focused on making sure we have plans for the set, doesnt want to make the same mistake as last year"
Josh laughs as he refers to last year's play, where in the middle of the most heart wrenching scene, a wall fell down, making everyone break character and it was a mess.
I laugh and nod and I continue listening to him tall about his new duties. As he finishes up, he adds a comment that makes me jaw clench.
"So have you thought at all about your audition?"
"Not really.. Ive never really done plays before, well aside from little kid ones. But never ones like this. I don't even know what I should prepare, what I should wear.. " i feel my mind start to spiral, but Josh quickly puts a stop to it.
"Well consider yourself lucky, you have a man on the inside who knows exactly what she's looking for" Josh says as he smiles widely at me, "besides I can always bribe her too, she's weirdly obsessed with subway" Josh says with a wink.
I smile and try to listen to his advice. Maybe I really could get the lead. And maybe this would just be the beginning. The push I need to finally put myself out there. Maybe.
After helping y/n with her audition, I finish up the rest of my assistant duties and head home for the day. I see jake sitting on the couch as I walk in the front door.
"Hey Jake, finally home I see"
He rolls his eyes at me and smiles "Valerie wanted to hang out longer, I couldn't say no"
I sigh and laugh "yeah I get that, but next time, get your car fixed and don't take Sam's. I had to take him to get coffee with me and y/n this morning."
"Oh man, how was that?"
"Wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be actually. Who knows, maybe they'll finally get along soon"
"We can only hope" Jake says with a laugh. I nod and laugh as well before heading upstairs to my room
The rest of my afternoon is filled with editing some lyrics to show to the boys later. This song has been in the making for many, many years, y/n being the muse. I wrote this so when we eventually have to leave each other to go to college, or in my case travel the world, hopefully, she can always come back to it and it would remind her she's never alone, no matter how it may seem. This song also helps remind me that home is where ever the people you love are, and I hope she interperates it the same.
as I'm finishing up, I hear the front door open. 3:13.
I hear shuffling up the stairs and I open my door to investigate. I see sam basically dragging himself up the stairs. He notices my presence and looks up at me. On his face I see a purple tinted bruise protruding around his eye. He looks pissed.
"Hey what's up, you look like hell"
"Dont fucking talk to me right now."
I stop him with my arm before he has a chance to walk by me
"Hey, im here for you, you know that right? Talk to me. What's going on?"
He sighs, accepting defeat, "I got in a fight."
"Yeah I gathered that" I laugh "why? What happened?"
"Just some kid I had to put in his place"
"Okay, did they call mom"
"Yeah, she said they made an arrangement so I wouldnt get suspended or something like that. I dont know. She said she was gonna call me tonight and let me know what they thought"
"Okay, that's good. It doesn't sound like it'll be too bad" I sigh with relief and put my hand on his shoulder, "if I can help you out with it, I will okay?"
He looks at me and offers me a small smile, "Yeah, thanks josh"
"No worries, little brother" I say as I ruffle his hair. He laughs a little before pushing me away softly and going to his room and shutting the door.
I continue on with writing before I see the time and decide I should make some food.
I go down stairs and start on my signature dish, chicken alfredo. As im draining my noodles, I see my phone light up, its y/n
𝐲/𝐧 ☀
𝐡𝐞𝐲, 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧?
𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐈 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐭.
I exit messages and google Romeo and Juliet. I scroll for a bit before finding the perfect one. Mrs. Vanderbilt's favourite scene.
𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟒 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟑. 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝. 𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐕 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨 😉
𝐲/𝐧 ☀
𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐣𝐨𝐬𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐮
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐤𝐢𝐝
I smile as I shut my phone off and finish up my dinner. I yell at everyone in the house that its ready, and my twin and sister come barreling down the stairs.
Jake is the first to say anything "hey thanks, 𝘮𝘰𝘮"
"Yeah whatever asshole, you wouldn't be eating this good if I wasn't here so shut up and grab a plate" I laugh at Jake and see Ronnie comming up to me
"Thanks J, im starving"
"Yeah of course, wheres Sam?"
"He should be comming? Im sure he heard you, how could he not, you probably scared the whole neighborhood" she says as I lightly shove her head away on my way upstairs.
I reach Sam's door and lightly knock, "hey dude I made dinner, you hungry?"
"Hey no, but could you come in here for a minute"
I walk in to see Sam sitting at his desk with his head in his hands
"Hey what's up? Are you okay?"
He sighs before looking at me "mom called."
"Yeah? What, is it bad? Theyre not sending you to boarding school are they?" I laugh, trying to cheer him up
"No, worse."
"Tell me already Sam, what?"
"Theyre making me do the fucking play."
My jaw drops as I fight a smile from creeping onto my face
"Oh. Well, i mean that's definitely not the worse thing that could happen. Why are they having you do that though? That doesn't seem like a punishment"
"Well yeah to you it wouldn't."
"That's fair. What are they having you do? Stage crew or something?"
"No. I have to be fucking Romeo. This is all your fault. She said that no other guys fit the role and they thought since im your brother I 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵 be as 𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘻𝘪𝘯𝘨 as you. Do you have any idea how embarrassing this is? My friends will have a fucking field day with this."
"Sam it'll be okay, Ill help you out, im helping y/n too. Maybe you guys could work together?" I regret the words as soon as they come out of my mouth. That'll just make this worse right now. My thoughts are proven to be correct as he speaks again "just get out. I need to sleep or something"
"Okay, are you sure you dont want any good? Its alfredo."
"I said no, just get the fuck out dude okay?"
I sigh and nod as I walk out and shut the door behind me. I walk downstairs and give a look at Jake, who immediately understands to not say anything to me right now. He strikes up a conversation with Ronnie to get the attention off me as I take my plate and head up to my room. I eat and think about my interaction with Sam. This can't be that bad, hes just being dramatic. Who knows? He might end up enjoying it or getting something out of it. Same with y/n. I know they both can really benefit from this. I just have to show them.
My thoughts are interrupted by my phone lighting up, I smile as soon as I see the notification.
𝐇𝐢, 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐣𝐨𝐬𝐡?
Ive been dreading this all day. What if im not good enough? What if all this staying up late, memorizing a huge monologue was all for nothing? No. Josh said it would be fine. It'll all work out. I step into the auditorium, immediately searching for josh, who I see on stage giving pointers to some helpless freshman who looks absolutely petrified. That's gonna be what I look like up there. I make my way down to the seats, taking an aisle one about 5 rows away from the stage. There's a good amount of people in the room, some doing vocal warmups, some doing last minute read throughs just to make sure they have everything memorized. Every one except one person. a boy, slumped into his chair, hood up, sitting on his phone. I studied him for a minute, wondering who it was before my curiosity was satisfied. The boy sits up in his seat, looking around the room to see everyone who showed up, before his eyes stopped on me. I see Sam in an auditorium. No, that can't be right, I do a double take before realizing that it is, in fact, Sam.
He notices my double take before smugly smiling at me and returning to his phone. I roll my eyes and revert my focus back to Josh, he sees me and basically jumps off the stage and runs to me
"Hey kid, are you excited?" He says with the biggest smile
"Trying to be" I say, forcing a smile which he notices
"Hey, it'll be great. I know how much you practiced and Mrs. V would be an idiot to not cast you. Maybe don't tell her I said that.. I don't want to end up dead by tomorrow." He laughs and hugs me "I have to go but I'll see you up there! Remember, you can do anything you set your mind to" he says with a wink
I smile back and repeat his advice over and over in my head. I can do this. Josh will be here and even if I don't get cast, I can say I tried. More than I could've said 5 years ago.
As the time grows closer for my audition, I feel my hands get sweaty and my breathing increasing. Why is this so hard? It's just reciting a paragraph and moving my arms as I speak. It shouldn't be this nerve wracking. My mind continues to spin and I barely notice the presence stepping up behind me
"Y'know I can hear you breathing from across the room right?"
I turn around to see Sam, once again
"Well sorry if my breathing annoys you sam. Not my fault I need to to live."
He rolls his eyes "your just being dramatic about this. It'll be fine."
"Shut up I didn't ask you for advice. What are you even doing here"
He starts to speak before he is interrupted by my name being shouted across the room. I turn around to see Josh and Mrs V waving me over. It's time. I take a deep breath and wipe my hands on the front of my jeans before making my way onto the stage. I am immediately blinded by the big lights, making this experience feel more real and terrifying.
"Whenever youre ready y/n" Mrs V says with a smile. I look over to josh, sitting next to her, for one final boost of confidence. He smiles at me and blows me a kiss. I smile and take one more breath before starting
"God knows when we shall meet again. I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins, That almost freezes up the heat of life.... "
I go through the motions of what I imagine Juliet to look like, giving looks of desperation, throwing my hands up in defeat, stumbling to my knees. I start to get a little emotional as I finish up my last line
"Romeo! I come! This do I drink to thee"
I bow my head, signifying her death, as I wait to be excused from the stage. Instead I am met with silence. I dare to look up and see Josh, his jaw slightly dropped, and Mrs. V with tears in her eyes.
"My stars, Y/n. Who is this new person? That was absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much dear." She says, smiling wide.
I blink in disbelief. I did it. And they seemed to like it. I sigh with content and make my way to the seats. I trip over my own feet coming down the stairs and try to protect my head from the impact of the floor. But to my surprise, it never comes. Instead, I am met with the feeling of something holding me up, maybe my guardian angel, probably Josh. I open my eyes to see Sam looking down at me, his face softened. I look back at him and blush a little bit before straightening myself back up and looking to the floor before my attention is drawn back to the front row, where Mrs V and Josh are sat. I hear her say "So you've met our Romeo I see". My head whips to Sam, who has a sour expression on his face, obviously not happy about it either. I chuckle involuntarily, and it only grows as he gives me a dirty look, rolling his eyes.
"Wow... Acting? I could never imagine you doing that"
"Yeah well I couldn't imagine me doing it either, but here we are. Actually, I could never imagine you doing this either. Thought for sure you'd choke up there and go running back into the arms of your precious little Josh. Oh well, it's not too late. Maybe it'll happen on opening night" he says with a fake smile, obviously trying to upset me. I glare at him, trying to speak, but nothing is comming out. "What's wrong? Nothing to say?"
I sigh with frustration and start, "listen, asshole. Unlike you, I actually tried to get a role instead of just sitting back and it falling into my lap."
"Yeah well this wasn't my first choice, believe me."
"Oh of course. Sam Kiszka always has more important things going on. Thank you so much for gracing us with your presence. Y'know I feel bad for whoever Juliet will be, they'll have to put up with you all the time"
He glares at me before leaning towards me, making me walk back and hit my back on the ledge of the stage, "Oh yeah? Luckily for both of us, you'll never be Juliet."
That stung a little. But it's Sam, he has no idea what he's talking about
"Fuck off"
I say as I storm past him, shedding off the burden of our conversation in my trail. I decide to just head home. I'll see Josh in the morning and we can talk about everything then
Right now I need a break.
I don't know why I'm forced to sit in this godforsaken auditorium watching all these girls audition for a part they're most likely never going to get, except for the 𝘭𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘺 girl who does. She'll get so excited over something so miniscule as a couple lines in a mediocre high school production of a Shakespeare play.
They're all so desperate.
I think back to my conversation, well, argument, with Y/n. I don't know how Josh ever got her to do this. Her audition wasn't even that good, yet Josh and Mrs V seemed to be eating it up. I mean, sure, she spoke clearly... and slowly... beautifully- I shake my head before my thoughts go too far. Its only beautiful because Shakespeare is beautiful, Not a compliment to y/n. She probably won't even get the part anyway, so this was just a waste of time for her. She's lucky not to be given a part. This is going to be torture.
Hours and hours of rehearsals, my friends inevitably calling me names in the hallway, trying to create chemistry with whoever my love interest is..
This is my own personal hell
And it could've all been so easily avoided.
That fight was ridiculous. Why did I care so much what he said? It's not like it's anything I haven't said before. My mind starts re-enacting the scene in my head,
"𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘩 𝘥𝘶𝘥𝘦, 𝘺/𝘯'𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘦, 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦, 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘦𝘵, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘵𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘑𝘰𝘴𝘩 𝘬𝘪𝘥. 𝘞𝘦𝘪𝘳𝘥. 𝘋𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨? 𝘗𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤."
𝘔𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘱𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘺/𝘯'𝘴 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦. 𝘐 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘪𝘴 𝘺𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨. 𝘐 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘢 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵, 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦. 𝘉𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘐 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘵, 𝘐'𝘮 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘱𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦, 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥. 𝘞𝘦 𝘨𝘰 𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘧𝘦𝘸 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘐'𝘮 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘱𝘢𝘭, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳.
I bring my mind back to reality and shake my head. It's all 𝘩𝘦𝘳 fault. Why does she constantly plague me and my thoughts even though I resent her?
Why do I care about her?
Taglist! (Idk if I'm doing this right)
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slutforsnow · 7 months
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Chapter 9
TW/CW: Possessive/obsessive Coryo murderous thoughts
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When the train that weaved its way through the districts arrived at D2, Sunni practically leaped off the train and hugged her friends who were waiting at the station for her. The friend group was quite large, comprising of maybe 6 people.
"Cori, Sej, come here, you guys gotta meet my friends!!" She called, waving to the boys as they gathered their own + Sunni's luggage off the train.
Getting a closer look at Sunni's friend group, Coriolanus realized that she had a very mixed group of friends; black, white, desi, indian, boys, girls, androgynous, plus sized, and skinny friends. He didn't think negatively of that fact, though; he thought it was nice to see her have a large and very close group of friends. Most girls back at the Academy just just stick 1 to 3 people, and there'd be one poc at the most.
"Guys, this is Coriolanus Snow and Sejanus!" She introduced stepping to the side, allowing everyone to shake hands. "Cori, Sej, these are my friends Nero Amadeus; he/him, Maxima Benedictus; he/she/they, Nataila Catullus; any and neos, Viktor Dellis; he/it, Vivian Diamandis; she/her, and the twins Dele, & Demitri Chaconas!"
A chorus of hellos and heys and followed Sunnis friends as the boys shook hands and introduced themselves to Sunni's friends.
"So, Sunshine, how's the Capitol?" Maxima asked as the residents of District 2 led the Plinths + Coryo to the hotel where the Academy students would be staying.
"Uh, shiny," Sunni answered. "And there's more douchebags."
"Ha, fuckin' told you Vik!" Demitri interrupted, reaching over to smack Viktor in the back of the head. He simply ducked, snickering as they instead hit Sunni.
"Sorry, Sun, Vik ducked!"
Nataila laughed to herself as Vivian and Dele shared a look that read "they're so childish".
As the group chatted excitedly about plans for the week and caught up, learning about the Capitol as well, Coryo was glaring daggers at one of the males; Nero Amadeus.
Nero had his hands in the pockets of his jacket as he listened to the chatter, smiling as Sunni. He was happy to see her so excited and to be reunited with her friends but Coryo didn't know why and I was determined to get a straight answer out of the brunette or beat it out of him.
Cracking his knuckles and tossed his suitcase, which was actually Sejanus' that he was borrowing (read as stole), onto his bed once the group reached the hotel; all the Academy children were were on the top two floors and Sunni's group had the highest one.
"I don't trust that Amaedus guy," He huffed out to Sejanus.
"What? Nero? Why?" Sej asked, setting his backup suitcase on his bed.
"I dunno- I just get a bad feeling from him," He replied, tearing his hoodie off as he spoke.
"He seems pretty chill—besides, we just met the guy. It might just be your paranoia since this is your first time in 2," Sejanus offered, taking off his sweater and setting it on his bed.
"No, I don't think it's the paranoia. I'd know if it's the paranoia."
"Jealousy?" Coryo almost laughed. Him? Jealous? Over what? A girl that's not his yet?
"Jealousy, Sej? Really? Im not dating her, so why would i be jealous?" He asked, crossing his arms.
"Friends can be jealous. Hell, I thought Sunni would've replaced me after me, dad, and ma moved to the Capitol, buy she still cares just as much after a decade," Sejanus answered, opening the curtains to check our the view.
"That's different, you're family," the blonde snapped, falling back onto his bed. The was comfy; it felt like it was made entirely out of feathers, and it felt way better than his bed at home.
"Yeah, I suppose, but we should trust them. After all, they've been around Sunni longer than either of us, and for the past 10 years, I've only seen her on visits."
Coryo scoffed and rolled his eyes, mumbling whatever. He was going to find out if Nero had a thing for Sunni and if he needed to dispose of him to make sure he didn't get a chance.
But he'd also have to make sure that no one else would find out about how Nero "went missing". He needed Sunni to completely trust him, no matter the cost.
An awkward silence filled the room, only to be disrupted by loud music entering the room. Coryo sat up, glaring at where the music was supposedly coming from; he didn't need a headache before the festival.
"The hell is that?" Sej inquired, coming out of the bathroom, zipping up his fly. Coryo shrugged, and the two left their room, to see what the noise was. Seeing a door was cracked open, they gently pushed the door open and Coryo feel his blood boil.
Nero and Sunni were dancing to some upbeat and chaotic aong, singing along with it as the others were laughing and talking about an itinerary that Sunni made at some point. When did she make an itinerary, Coryo had no idea, but he didn't care right now. All he cared about was separating his girl from some loser nobody.
"So do you guys plan on making everyone else deaf?" Sejanus shouted over the music, grabbing the others' attention.
"Sorry, Sej, this is what we do all the time!" Sunni shouted back, letting go of Nero so he could turn up his hearing aids once the music was off.
"Why?" He yelled back, walking into the room, followed by Coryo, who was glaring daggers at Nero.
"Why not? It's an homage to how we met; loud music," Sunni replied, laughing as Dele turned the music down.
"Yep: we were all at a skate park, testing our skates and boards and we started bonding over some loud music people were playing," Demitri added as Viktor kicked their ass in another round of COD.
"Dude, how do you get so good at Call of Duty?"
"Eh, having divorced parents who always argue make it easy to find time to game," He replied with a shrug.
"So divorced parents equals being a god at Call of Duty?" Nataila teased, grinning.
"I mean, in my case, yeah."
"So then what does having a dead parent equal?" Maxima inquired.
"Art skills," Sunni answered, hopping her happy little butt onto the counter.
Coryo made his way to her as the others gasped and told Sunni she was quote unquote "wrong for that" while trying not to laugh despite Sunni giving them permission to, when Sunni was laughing and laid his head on her shoulder.
She beamed at this sudden "affection," and gently scratched the top of his head.
"Hi, Cori," She whispered to him as the others, including Sejanus, started talking about things they could do for the first day of the festival.
"Hey, Sunshine," He murmured, his breath hot against her neck.
"You okay?" She asked, gently lifting his head to meet his semi-relaxed gaze.
"Just feel better around you," He lied to her. Well, he wasn't really lying, but he couldn't say he was claiming what's his. He couldn't scare her off. He wouldn't scare her off.
"Okay," She replied, smiling and letting him go back to nuzzling her. Fortunately for Coriolanus, Sunni didn't notice the hateful and murderous glare he was sending towards Nero, who was chatting absent-mindly with Maxima.
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Late into the afternoon, once all the Academy students were settled, the group had set off to explore District 2 and everything that had been set up.
Games, of course, for the little kids who had rich families or the Academy kids who had younger siblings or students who wanted to relax and feel like a child again, but also dancing, music, and all sorts of different delicacies. It was so wonderful, filling, and fun that they all felt calm. Even with the occasional dead dad or divorced parents jokes, which Coryo learned were coping methods that Sunni and Viktor used to cope with the loss, everyone felt happy.
But Coryo wasn't happy. People were calling to Sunni, getting hugs and having her full attention. Sejanus, at one point, had to restrain Coryo from committing any more crimes again because a guy hugged Sunni for 2 minutes too long.
Sure, Sunni reassured him and said he was "just a friend," but Coryo had countered with "friend's don't have their hands way too low where they shouldn't be." Which eventually led to Sunni nodding but telling him he didn't need to jealous because they guy was 15 and just really tall. At that point, Coryo let it go and gave in but has held her close to him, not wanting anyone to pull her away from him. As the group walked to another restaurant to check out the place, Sejanus shot Coryo a text wearing a shit eating grin.
Sejanus: Not jealous, hm? You haven't let go of Sunni since we found out about the loud music lmfao
Coryo rolled his eyes, seeing the text. Of course, he wasn't going to let go of Sunni. People could've turned against her after she was transferred to the Capitol, for God's sake! He had to protect his girl, even from her own friends if he had to.
Then Sejanus sent Coryo another text, but it was a photo of Coryo with his arms around Sunni's waist and holding her small hands in his and he had his head on top of hers.
He smiled a little at the picture and saved it to his phone before putting his phone in his pocket.
He'd make that his lockscreen later.
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Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing @poppyflower-22 @kuromismom7 @xjinnix @flw3rrr @plathsotherib @beaphobia @valeskafics @aoi-targaryen @elayasversion
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alovesongtheywrote · 9 months
Nightmare Academia P.19 | Spencer Reid x Reader
♥ Summary: In this chapter of Nightmare Academia, somebody dies, somebody leaves, and somebody ends up alone. [Prof!Spencer Reid x GN-Prof!Reader]
♥ Warnings: criminal minds season 10, episode 13. Nelson's Sparrow.
♥ A/N: i remembered which episode this was off hand, im oddly proud lmao
♥ Word Count: 1847
Series Masterlist
Spencer didn’t think he would have to call in that favour you’d offered him.  He was pretty sure that when you sent a little text that said, “I owe you one,” you were joking.  He waved it off like you were joking.  When he told you not to mention the favour he had done, he’d meant it.  The two of you had spent the rest of the night joking because that was all it was supposed to be.
The favour, the owing, it was all supposed to be a joke.
Then Gideon died.
Nothing really seemed funny after that.
Spencer had to leave for a bit.  He needed to go, and join his team, and solve this murder.  He also had classes to teach.  He hoped you would help him out with that, though he hated having to ask.  You didn’t deserve this burden.  You hadn’t deserved it before, either, but you kind of took it on without asking.
Now, Spencer had to ask.
He didn’t want to do it.  Like, he really didn’t want to do it.  He ended up staring at your contact in his phone for a solid forty-five minutes waffling over what the fuck he could say in this situation.  
“My old friend and mentor was murdered last night.  I need to go find the man that did it.  Cover my cases for me while I’m gone, will you?”  Felt rude.  And harsh.  And like a crazy fucking load of information that you would definitely have questions about- and while he would normally love to answer your questions, Spencer- understandably- did not feel like answering questions about this specific topic.
A simple, “We need to talk,” was way too goddamn ominous.
“I need a favour,” could be taken all kinds of wrong ways.
Something like, “Heyyyyy, so, my old mentor died and I need to go find the man that did it.  Would you mind covering my classes for me until I come back, even if that takes actual months?  K thank u byeeeee,” just felt wrong.
“A close friend of mine just passed, and I need some time.  Can you cover my classes for me while I’m gone?” Was appropriate, but it left out so much- and for some reason, Spencer didn’t like the thought of lying to you.
So, he decided to tell you in person.  
And he had regrets about that decision almost immediately.
He ended up standing by the office door like a fucking creeper for a solid five minutes.  He didn’t move, he didn’t open the door, he didn’t knock, he didn’t say anything, he just sort of stood there thinking about what the fuck he was going to say to you.
And then the door creaked open for him.
You were sitting at the desk that you shared with him, buried so deeply in your work that you didn’t even hear the door open.  You didn’t look up.  You didn’t see Spencer.  You just typed away at the computer in front of you, marking papers and adding up grades.
You seemed oddly peaceful.  At ease.  Relaxed- at least as relaxed as you could be while grading.  Spencer briefly contemplated the idea of leaving you a note.
Before he could take off to find a pen and follow in his mentor’s footsteps, you finally saw him.  Your eyes lit up, they really did, but Spencer told himself he was seeing things.
“Good morning, Dr. Pretty Boy!” you stretched yourself out slightly, giving Spencer the impression that you’d been working for a while, “Ready for more bullshit?”
For a moment, despite everything, Spencer managed to find respite from his grief.  A smile crossed his features.  He laughed at your joke- and immediately, he felt guilty for it.  His eyes went from bright to broken in a split instant.  Tears welled up in their corners.  What fucking friend was Spencer?  Gideon hadn’t been dead for two days, and here he was, laughing with his cute coworker over some cute fucking quip.
The grief crashed over his body in waves.  Reid tried to hide it.  He looked away from you, covering his mouth with his hand and trying not to actually sob in the middle of your shared office.
You saw right through him.
“Oh, pretty boy,” your voice was a whisper, and as you darted into Spencer’s field of view, he could see the concern etched into your face.  Somehow, it made him feel worse.
“Hey, hey,” you tried to hide your own panic with soothing words, briefly wondering what the fuck you could’ve done to make him cry.  Your mind came up blank.  And really, if Spencer cried easily- if he cried the way you did- you were sure you would’ve broken him by now, but you hadn’t.
Honestly?  That was probably the worst option.  That meant something was wrong- and you probably wouldn’t fix that something with an apology and a cup of coffee.
Still.  You had to do your best.
“Reid?  Spencer, honey, talk to me,” you reached out, lightly placing your fingers on his elbow- enough touch to comfort, but hopefully not enough to make him uncomfortable.
He didn’t say anything, but for a moment, he looked at you.  His eyes were full of unshed tears.  You could feel your heart drop through you before it shattered somewhere deep inside.  Without another thought, your grip on Spencer’s arm changed from a light graze to an undeniable hold.
When you spoke, you sounded panicked.  You said his name and Spencer could practically feel it- like ice down his spine, like the feeling of falling just as your body goes to sleep.  Ironically, it woke him up.
“Gideon’s dead.”
You tried to find a response to that, but the words escaped you.  Mostly because you didn’t know who that was.  Spencer saw the confusion on your face, and with a deep breath, he offered you the kindness of elaboration.
“He was- he got me into the FBI.  He was important and now he’s dead.”
“Shit,” you brought your other hand up to hold his arm, “Spencer, I’m so sorry.”
“I have to go.  I have to find the person that did this.”
You tried to hide your shock at the revelation that Spencer’s friend hadn’t just died- Gideon had been murdered.  And Spencer wanted to solve the case.  
What choice did you have but to support him?  In his place, you would want to do the same thing- you just wouldn’t have the qualifications for it.  Spencer, however, was part of the FBI.  He could help solve this case, legally and responsibly.  You had to let him go.
“Then find them.  Don’t worry about your classes, I’ll cover them-”
“You-” he cut himself off with a broken laugh, “You didn’t even let me ask.”
“You don’t have to.  I know you would do the same for me- even if you wouldn’t, I like talking shit about the FBI to your students.  It’s fun for me, that's how I have fun.  Now go,” you let one of your hands run up his arm, “Get out of here, solve some crimes, and legally get whoever did this behind fucking bars.”
Spencer put one of his hands over yours.  You took the initiative and laced your fingers together.  The two of you stared for a moment, focusing on nothing but your joined hands.
“I’m sorry,” he broke the silence- not by much.  His voice wasn’t anything more than a whisper.
“Sorry?  For what?”
“For coming in here and crying all over you.”
“Hey, don’t apologize for that.  I cry all the time, remember?  I cry constantly.  I can start crying now, if you want me to-”
“That won’t be necessary,” he grinned, tracing tiny shapes into your skin with the tips of his fingers, “Thank you, though?  Is that the appropriate thing to say?  Thank you?”
“Thank you works for me.”
“Then, thank you.”
Silence flowed over you again, curling around your bodies like some sort of mist.  For a moment, the universe stilled, preserving the two of you in a tiny soundless bubble of space and time.
“Go kick some criminal ass, pretty boy.  Responsibly.  And then come back here, okay?”
“I will.  I promise.”
“Good.  Because otherwise, I will turn your students into my little minions, and you’ll never get them back.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
With a final grin, you pulled back.  Spencer did the same.  You wound your arms around yourself and squeezed.  The air in the office dropped a few degrees.  Spencer’s hands twitched,  tapping a nervous pattern into his thigh.
“I’ll see you later, (L/N).”
He stepped back, moving slowly.  When he reached the doorway, he turned and headed down the hall at regular Spencer-speed.  You just stood in the office like an idiot.  For the second time that week, Reid had stunned you to silence.
The first time, when he brought your student’s paper to the community center, you were stunned by the kindness he displayed.  The Spencer you knew was usually smarmy petty little shit.  He had his moments (such as getting stabbed to protect you and sharing his office with you when yours got all haunted) but for the most part, he was a bit of a prick!
In that moment, though, Reid did something kind and considerate.  He took care of someone who needed it.  He reached out to a former inmate with compassion and empathy, and even though Reid had worked for the FBI, you wanted to bring him to the community center with you every goddamn Monday for the rest of time.  That little action had exposed his heart to you- and yeah, most people would argue that the whole “taking a knife” thing was a better demonstration of character, but for whatever reason, this was what stunned you.
The second time he’d stunned you, he’d done it by leaving, and lord, this time was worse.  This time the shock didn’t feel like butterflies swarming through your organs.  It felt like fear.  Like an unknown future was running at you with malevolent intent.
At one point, you had wanted this.  You wanted Spencer to leave, but now?  The fucker had carved out a space for himself right in the middle of your life.  He’d built a little niche between your fourth and fifth ribs and moved right into you.  You had functioned without him when he was in the hospital, but you had always figured he would come back.  This was an indefinite leave of absence.  This was an indefinite leave of absence after you had warmed to Spencer, after he had shown you (in multiple ways) that he could be kind.
You finally came back to your body, still feeling a slight numbness in your hands.  You moved to the doorway just in time to watch Reid turn around the corner and vanish from sight.  
“I’ll see you,” you said- though you weren’t loud enough for him to hear by any means, “Reid.”
Behind you, a couple books fell from their shelves.  You didn’t even flinch.
♥ Tags: @icarusignite, @usuallyunlikelyfox, @maraudersforlife2005, @fictionalcomforts, @morgthemagpie, @iiheartbowie, @digitalhearts, @corpsebridenightamare, @ghostatrixx, @reiding-writing, @mywellspringoflife, @80katie, @ms-ks-world, if you asked to be tagged and i forgot, pls let me know!! if you would like to be tagged and aren't, also let me know :D
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surshica · 2 years
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TWENTY - cheater
masterlist <3
A/N : to be far none of y’all were close to it. IT WAS SO SIMPLE SO SIMPLE but only one person understood it HAHAH, im a marketing genius 🥸 — a little bit of a mess but it’s okay <3
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﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
yn has never felt so many butterflies before; the kiss made her feel so undeniable happy. chishiya had his arm wrapped around her waist, this kiss was a slow yet soft. the way his lips matched the rhythm of hers; the way his lips glided against hers. she’s felt so many butterflies in just those two kisses.
the way his hands rested around her waist; it wasn’t too touchy but it wasn’t inappropriate either; it was the perfect position. chishiya had tightened the grip around yn’s waist pulling her closer to him. the kitchen living room was silent but mira cleared her throat. she was leaning against her bedroom door, “im so happy for the both of you but how about we take it somewhere else!!” a cheery sarcasm tone was evident.
chishiya had broken off the kiss when mira cleared her throat; “first arisu now you? i really cant do anything~” his voice was a low yet melodic tone. yn had whipped her head to where mira was. more blush was formed apon her face; clearing her throat. “hi mira!” you waved at the long black haired women, she waved back at you with a grin.
“like i said yall can take it to her room or even better you can take it to his room!” she said making her way to the fridge to grab a caprisun, “it wasn’t like that mira trust! he was just talking to me about the topics on the mid terms..!” “oh really? because from what i saw was that his and your lips were attached togetherrrr~” she even looked at your waist pointing at chishiya’s arm wrapped around it; chuckled she grabbed two more caprisuns before heading back to her dorm.
“you two have a mid term tomorrow make sure to study..not suck off eachothers faces.” she mumbled the last part but chishiya laughed. yn stared at chishiya, he had some soft features; it kinda looked very angelic. “you must really love my face features; you always seem to be staring at them..” chishiya inhaled moving his arm from around her waist to resting it on his side.
“yeah because they are very soft..it contradicts your cold ass personality.” yn pushed strands of hair from her face. chishiya simply just hummed. “this is kinda embarrassing.” “how so?” “well for starters, im in a eevee shirt and spandex..my hair is a mess too” yn fixed her wrinkled shirt, chishiya shrugged “there is nothing wrong with it. its cute.”
yn wanted to kick her feet i mean he literally called her cute, she just smiled using his shoulders to get down from the countertop, as her feet touched the ground she fixed her shirt—she held onto chishiya’s arm tugging him next to her, “well since you’re here, you can help me with my studying..!” she didn’t give him time to answer and just dragged him to her room,
“you know this out of context looks interesting.” chishiya laughed lightly, “shut up.” she smiled shutting the door behind her, “you are going to help me! i dont care if this helps you, i want to pass this with high marks.” she unhooked her arm from his going over to her desk grabbing her tablet and notebook. chishiya looked around her room—walking over to her bed sitting down near the bed frame/pillows.
“i mean i havent studied so this will help me too i guess..” he watched as yn walked from the desk over to the bed sitting down near him. yn started asking questions about medications and different viruses. chishiya wasn’t very responsive which made yn look at him with a slight frown, “chishiya?? earth to chishiya?? are you uncomfortable?” she moved a little farther from him.
he just grabbed her by the waist pulling her back over to him in-between his legs, “this is better, i just felt as if something was missing.” he smiled, yn felt a smile form on her lips—“well i guess this is one way for you tutoring me” a small laugh rumbled from chishiya. “as you were saying..” he started to point at what was important.
﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
yn hadn’t realized how much long her and chishiya had been hanging out together well been in eachothers presence but it was already the ass crack of the morning, the sun was beaming through the curtains, the suns brightness made her not want to sleep anymore; groaning she opened her eyes rolling over to an empty side, a confused frown appeared on her lips.
she thought chishiya was next to her; she just sighed sitting up checking her phone. she had about an hour before her class started—with some procrastination she actually got ready for her mid terms. even with mid terms she still had to wear their stupid beige uniforms.
mira was already gone for her midterms so she were alone and it was kind of scary, but she just shrugged it off leaving the dorm. yn still had about thirty minutes before class started so she made her way to the campuses cafe, by the time she got there—there wasn’t a long line.
she was deciding what she should get so she just got herself a milk tea; “what did you get?” a rasp husk like voice asked behind her, it startled her a little turning around to see chishiya. “i got a milk tea..did you get anything?” she smiled at the blondie, he shook his head with his hands on his blazer pockets.
“large milk tea for yn!” was called from one of the workers, yn went to go grab it leaving chishiya alone for not even a full second; turning around there were girls swarming him. she had forgotten chishiya is one of those bachelor’s at this school. rolling her eyes she put a straw in her drink take sips, her lip gloss stains were evident on her straw.
chishiya whom had always hated the attention had dreaded this kind of interactions; he walked over to yn ignoring the girls that were trying to get his attention, “you should try it! this is the best” “are you advertising a drink to me?” “well you do it all the time cookies so it was worth a shot..” yn shrugged walking towards the direction of the classroom. “chishiyaaa do you like her?” one of the girls tried to hold his arm but he moved it before they could, “nah i don’t like her, i think it’s more than that.”
he was walking behind yn, “you seem very confident for the midterm..it’s scary” chishiya had caught up to the bust girl drinking milk tea, yn looked at him and smiled “im confident that i’m going to beat you.” chishiya slowly nodded his head, “i didn’t even study so there is a chance you can beat me..” “bullshit you studied with me” “and you assume i was paying attention to the notes and not you?” “that was smooth.”
chishiya let out a soft chuckle, “i feel as if you are still going to beat me.” yn groaned, “its almost as if you are a cheater.” chishiya put his hand over his heart, “ouch.” yn smiled at him before heading over to her seat which was in the middle of the classroom. chishiya sat in the back so he was chilling.
a wave of nervousness started to pour in as the time itches closer and closer and closer. looking at the time stressed her so she just looked down playing with her drinks straw. the mid term was on computer so that made yn’s life easier, taking out your laptop she looked around to see some confident students but most were nervous.
opening up the test she were reading the question in her head; rereading she realized how easy this was. she has felt such a surge of confidence go over her like a wave. a small grin formed on her lips grabbing her drink taking a sip.
﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
since it was an electronic test you got the answers back as soon as she submitted it. a bright smile beamed on her face seeing the 45/45. people had already finished and it looked like some were disappointed and some were happy, looking at the screens next to her those people got no higher then a 35-39.
looking back her can see chishiya staring into your skull, i mean she already finished so she got up and left. chishiya followed from behind—his cool uncared demeanor would make you think he aced it as well. throwing away the empty plastic cup, yn waited for chishiya near the door in the hallways.
“well what did you get?” chishiya stood infront of her; her smile was genuine—it made his heart do some flutters. “well since you want to knoww~ i got a 45/45” she crossed her arms resting them on her stomach area. chishiya sighed scratching the back of his head, “damn well this sucks.”
“what did you get??” yn leaned foward towards him, “i got a 42/45..” he sighed looking away, “i messed up on a few questions but that’s all.” he quickly side eyed yn before looking back towards the bush hallway, yn had a big smile on her face.
“so i beat THE chishiya shuntaro?? man. this is a great day!!” a sigh of relief and happiness was washed over her, “you just cheated thats all.” “i did not cheat, you were with me when i was studying!!” she fought back, her hand rested on her hip. “well you cheated because you were distracting me when i wanted to study with you..”
“chishiya you were literally cuddling me to death, you were like a clingy cat.” yn pinched his shoulder as he furrowed his eyebrows. “cheater.” “sore loser.”
yn smiled at him, “well…since i won it seems fair that you take me on a proper date.” chishiya looked at her with a smirk like expression, “a date?” yn nodded excitedly, “well i mean..” he looked at his phone and it was barely 1 pm, he nodded his head looking back at yn, “hmm be ready by 2, i’ll pick you up from your dorm.” chishiya’s lips formed a small smile walking away from yn.
“where are you taking me???” yn questioned the blondie walking away, chishiya turned his heel looking at yn “that is a secret.” he put his finger over his lips turning back around walking away into the crowded hall. yn had a huge ass smile on her face; she was fucking excited.
﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
as chishiya arrived back at his dorm, he started to undo the tie with his hand turning the key into the door with his other unlocking it; apon entering he saw arisu sitting on the couch on his phone.
“how come you didn’t come home late last night?” arisu questioned chishiya, “i was helping yn study.” “and that meant you coming back at like 3 am??” chishiya nodded as he headed into his room.
“WAIT WHERE ARE YOU GOING??” arisu got suspicious of the blonde changing out of his school clothes, “i’m going out with someone..” chishiya mumbled as arisu kept pestering him. “WHO? WHO IS SHE?!” arisu shook the topless chishiya, “it’s yn why?” chishiya stood there a little akwardly, “YOURE GOING ON A DATE WITH MY BEST FRIEND?!?” arisu’s eye widened “i mean i expected it but WHATTATATAT”
“can’t believe my pookie bear is cheating on me with MY BEST FRIEND.” arisu started to fake cry as chishiya stood there akward as hell. he tried to pat his back but arisu moved his hand off him
“DONT TOUCH ME CHEATER. im so hurt dont talk to me” arisu laughed a little bit kept up the crying at stoning to his room. chishiya had to blink twice; he was so confused.
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cryptidofthekeys · 5 months
Ruin!Eclipse x Tiny!Reader
It was only a matter of time before I wrote for the true and canon Eclipse hahaha, lmao he’s not evil- bitch y’all thought- y’all really thought he’d be evil …to be fair so did I
Anyways- yeah here y'all go- this story is finally finished, next up the jekyll and hyders can rejoice bc im finally making the second and final chapter to that story- i've let guilt plague me for too long with it and im done- im writing it so i can be free
You were standing there, in what remains of The Mega Pizzaplex, you stood, looking at all the rubble and decay, the place… Was in ruins, the place had been a complete wreck, and well you had been here for it unfortunately, you had seen it all go down in flames and honestly given your tiny stature you had no idea how you even survived it, but somehow you did, and yet so many things were ruined.
So many animatronics were damaged or torn apart or even forced to shut down because of the overwhelming heat, everything was a disaster and even thinking about it now brought tears to your eyes, especially when your mind drifted off to the two jesters in particular, Sun and Moon… You felt your heart nearly break upon thinking of those two.
Sun and Moon both, you had grown so fond of, you had been with them for as long as you can remember, it started on that one fateful night when you had suddenly woken up shrank down, trying to find shelter from the rain that was pouring down, threatening to drown you, and that’s when you found The Mega Pizzaplex itself, more so, when you found the Superstar Daycare and them.
You had first met Sun, after having tried to navigate out of the Daycare, you had saw a strange giant shadow looming over you, the rays from Sun’s faceplate sticking out and giving you an indicator, and at first you had been absolutely terrified of the animatronic but then he had proven himself to be not an enemy but an actual friend, he took care of you, made sure you stayed out of sight of the other animatronics, Vanessa, and the children.
…And then… You met Moon, now at first you might’ve thought that Sun was terrifying to meet but oh, he didn’t hold a candle to Moon, that was one of the most terrifying experiences of your tiny life, Moon had practically toyed with you, treated you like prey, he feigned playing hide n seek knowing where you were the whole time via his sensors.
And then when Moondrop had got you, he threatened to break your bones, drop you, tear you apart, etc… He had even injured you a slight bit with a claw that poked into your chin, and well if it hadn’t been for you having a full blown panic attack, he probably would’ve, after you had that panic attack it seemed to snap him out of whatever was controlling him which you knew what it was now…
…You shuddered, not wanting to think about h e r, about t h e m… Either way, after Moon had snapped out of it, he had tried to calm you down but you had just been too terrified, and then the lights came back on, and then out came Sundrop once more and he had managed to calm you down from there, he had also been communicating with Moon again more properly, the REAL Moon, not that virus-riddled one.
And after a bit of calming down, despite there still being some tension between well… Sun and Moon themselves and even you, you had wanted Moon to come back out so you could get to know him, and well he hesitantly agreed but he had stayed close to the lightswitch just in case something might go wrong… Moon had apologized and he seemed to beat himself up immensely for what had happened, but either way the two of you had patched things up in the long run.
In fact, you, Sun, and Moon, all of you had… Really grown close, Sun and Moon grew close to each other again and they also grew close and attached to you as well, all went well even despite them not ever being able to help you find anything out about how you suddenly shrank down, they were never able to help with that but at the same time you didn’t mind it all that much after a while, sure you did miss some things you used to be able to do but it wasn’t all THAT bad.
After all, at the very least, Sun and Moon made it more bearable, you had grown very attached to the animatronics and they did to you as well, so they made being this small so much more bearable than what it would’ve been had you still been all by your lonesome… As you had walked around, just looking at the remains of the Superstar Daycare, as of right now, Sun wanted you to stay away from them.
The reason? Because of how damaged they had gotten, and well, even with no virus within Moon as of right now, apparently all that damage, pain, and stress they were under had been causing Moon and even Sun himself to glitch, you remembered Sun’s words very clearly, the way he sounded like he was in agony and distressed “N-No no no NO! It-It’s not safe yet, don’t… Come near us, (Y/N)!”
Sun had kept repeating over and over about the generators being on and then it’d be safe and fine as he stumbled around the remains of the Daycare, stumbling over rubble and into things, and then of course Moon would also speak sometimes, talking about how he wanted there to be no more Sun, no more light and he was acting completely feral right now, his eye was back to its red color like the first time you had met him except it glowed and dimmed, in and out.
Moon would topple some stuff here and there, he had almost caused rubble to topple over on top of them in his rampaging, it pained you, it hurt to see your boys like this, in such a state of hysteria and pain… You wished you could do something, you WANTED to do something to help them but coming near them just seemed to cause that much more distress and so you had decided to stay out of their way that was until now…
You weren’t just standing there on the ground or in any random place, no, a little girl had came into the Daycare just now, a VERY unsafe place for a kid like her but she had found you, albeit by accident and well you and her had talked when she promised not to hurt you, she wanted to question why you were tiny but you had told her there was no time for that now, you begged her to help Sun and Moon, you explained the situation to her and the kid seemed very sympathetic, she had agreed immediately to help you all out.
“I’m very grateful you’ve decided to help, Cassie… I just want Sunny and Moonie back to normal” That was the kid’s name, she was a nice girl, polite as could be, you stood there on her shoulder as she carefully navigated through the ruined Daycare, Cassie then spoke up “You seem… Very attached to them, I get it though, my favorite animatronic is Roxy, I wouldn’t want to see her… Like that…” You nodded at her words.
And then you both yelped when suddenly, as Cassie was going through the play structures, Moon had suddenly appeared and grabbed Cassie’s arm through the bars, Moon’s voice was raspy, scratchy, he had mentioned about the kid being naughty and that it was time for her nap, you were about to get thrown off her shoulder before Cassie’s flashlight suddenly hit Moon directly in the face, there was a mixture of a scream between Moon and Sun in that moment, a hiss from Moon as he screeched “No light! No light!”
Both yours and Cassie’s heart was pounding after that, Cassie had looked back to you “(Y/N)? A-Are you… Okay?” You nodded your head, your breathing a little shaky along with your body “I-I’m fine …L-Let’s… Keep going…” Cassie nodded her head and then began to make her way further through the play structures, or well what remained of them anyways, you had apologized to her for Moon doing such a thing, explaining to Cassie that the Moon you knew wouldn’t do that.
Cassie then spoke up “I-I understand, (Y/N)... It’s not your fault, nor Sun’s, nor even Moon’s… From what you told me it sounds like they’re both genuinely in a lot of pain, I… I’m not sure how, but I’ll try to help you all out as best I can” You smiled at the kid, and thanked her for that and then you saw her pull out a mask and your eyes widened when you saw what that mask was, an all too familiar sight and memory coming back to haunt you almost “...I-I… C-Cassie… Where… Did you get that…?!”
Cassie looked confused “I just… Found it, this mask has been helping me navigate through the pizzaplex, it's… Hard to explain how it works” and then Cassie noticed the nervous, almost scared look on your face and she blinked “...(Y/N)? Is… Is there something wrong? You look… Really scared all of a sudden” And then you shook your head “N-No, no… It’s… It’s fine, let’s just… Keep going…”
You didn’t want to think about t h e m… You didn’t want to think about Vanny nor even William, not right now, you wanted to save Sun and Moon, that was your main goal right now and so Cassie just shrugged but nodded at that, she put the mask on and even though you couldn’t see what she sees, Cassie then looked over at her shoulder to see if you were still there with the mask on but you weren’t on her shoulder anymore…
In fact, you were a regular sized person in the AR World, you were standing beside Cassie and you had looked at her confused by her sudden shock “...What’s up, Cassie?” The little girl then spoke up “...You… You’re not… Tiny in the AR World… When I have the mask on your… Normal sized…” She admitted, and well you didn’t want to question things right now, so you just nodded at that “...Well, uh, I… I used to be regular sized, believe it or not…”
You then sighed a bit sadly “...I never figured it out, Sunny and Moony weren’t able to figure it out either, but eventually… I grew to accept it, because with Sun and Moon around, they made being this small not as bad” Cassie seemed to nod her head at that “...I see… I’m sorry you never figured out what happened …But, at least you got someone like Sun and Moon…” You smiled and thanked her for that and then finally, Cassie stepped through the objects blocking her path.
And then suddenly, Sun jumped down in front of her “N-New friend? N-New friend! I-I-I am trapped in a nap!” Sun’s voice was frantic, panicked even but even then, he still ever so gently took a hold of Cassie’s hand and brought it up to gesture toward the faz-wrench “Reboot! Reboot! We NEED to be whole…!” Cassie then looked at her faz-wrench “You want me to reboot you? With this…?” And then the sounds of clicking as Sun’s head turned caught Cassie’s attention.
And now it was Moon speaking, getting dangerously close to her face “Naughty! Naughty!” His voice was raspy, ear grating, and then Sun had forced himself back in control and stumbled back from Cassie, he was grabbing at his face while making some sounds that made it sound like he was in a struggle which he probably was, his voice was frantic as he spoke “Lights on! Lights on! Turn generators on…!” And then suddenly, he, well it looked like the Daycare Attendant had just up and flown away but surely it was just some kind of wire.
Cassie had taken off the mask after that, just to… Ensure that weird rabbit thing wouldn’t come after her so soon, and then she looked back to you who was now sitting on her shoulder again and of course tiny once more, Cassie told you what she had planned to do in full detail and you nodded at her, and then of course, the two of you set off, finally… Sun and Moon would hopefully be fixed and you could be reunited with the two.
. . . It took… A LOT of trial and error, and you meant a LOT of it. During all this, hearing Sun and Moon struggle against one another like that broke your heart, it reminded you of old times… Before Moon had gotten saved from that virus, it’s like the two were just tormenting one another now, but either way eventually Cassie got the second generator on and Moon was now paralyzed in place which you hated to see but it was for his own good now.
Cassie then quickly made her way over, as she walked, she glanced over to you “Alright (Y/N), this is it …I hope for your and their sake, this works…” You nodded at the girl’s words “...I hope so too, Cassie, I really do…” Well there was only one way to find out, apparently Sun seemed to think it would help, and so Cassie climbed up to where the ruined Daycare Attendant stood, frozen, paralyzed in place by the light now shining down on top of him.
You watched on as Cassie approached closer, and then looked down at her faz-wrench, she then went around to the back of Sun’s head, being extra careful of the wires on the back and then she placed the wrench into the two little holes on the back, twisting it once, and that seemed to reboot them as Sun said it would, they made some sounds, twitching a little before just slumping down a bit.
…For a moment, you and Cassie were worried it didn’t work, but then suddenly… Sun’s head shot up, or well you had thought it was Sun, the rays had come back out and well he looked so much more lively, but the voice was… Different… “Happy Birthday!” The voice spoke, sure, it still looked like Sun and well Moon, but the voice, the mannerisms, it was all different… And then Cassie had gently scooped you into her hands when the animatronic had gently grabbed her “Warning! Warning! Child in Danger! Safety Mode Active…!”
And then the animatronic floated through the air, well, again, presumably the wire that went onto the back of Sun and Moon’s body “Little girl… You can’t be in here, it's dangerous…! I need to clean up before we can open in the morning, oh, this place will be flooded with kids…” And finally, the animatronic had landed onto the ground, carrying Cassie to the exit and gently placing her outside “Come back soon and have a faz-errific day!” And as the animatronic was about to close the doors, Cassie quickly called out “W-Wait!”
The animatronic paused immediately before tilting their head, it still had Moon’s cap on, the rays were sorta bobbing in and out, the red and yellow eyes staring at Cassie “Yes little one, what is it?” Cassie then held you up for the animatronic to see, it looked confused for a moment before they seemed to smile even bigger, which was now visibly thanks to the moving teeth underneath “Ah, yes, how silly of me…!” The animatronic gently took hold of you with one hand, they were extremely mindful, careful not to cut or stab into you with those claws.
They thanked Cassie before closing the doors with one hand now, and then well, Cassie could hear bells jingling, and then Sun’s voice rang out in such a relieved manner “Thank youuu~” …And now, you and… Sun…? Moon…? This animatronic in general were alone, and they looked down at you with affection, sure it would’ve been hard to tell if it had been anyone else but you could see it and so you called out “S-Sun…? …Is… Th-That you…?” The animatronic shook their head.
“Oh my little starshine… No no… My name is… Eclipse” …The animatronic, er… Eclipse as they deemed themselves now introduced and that made you blink in confusion for a moment, but then you decided to chime up with some questions “W-Wait… …E-Eclipse…? Th-Then… Where are S-Sunny, and Moony? Are- Are they-” Eclipse seemed to sense your distress and so they gently shushed you “Calm down (Y/N), we’re all here…” And then to prove it so it’d ease your worries that this reboot had gotten rid of Sun and Moon both or their memories.
Suddenly, Sun’s voice spoke up “You’re still our little Sunbeam!” And then Moon’s raspy voice spoke “Our little starlight…” The two of them sounded like they were finally at peace, finally no longer in pain, and then Eclipse had spoken up, their voice was like a mixture of the two, not too loud or energetic but also not super calm, mostly just… In the middle “Our little starshine…!” They did sound a bit strained after Sun and Moon took control like that though, either way... You smiled, some tears pricking your eyes as you hugged onto Eclipse’s finger gently, you were mindful since the endoskeleton was showing.
Eclipse was smiling warmly down at you as they held you close to their chest now, still being mindful of themselves “Shh… It’s okay, little starshine… It’s going to be alright now…”
You couldn’t help but sniffle and cry a little into Eclipse’s chest, after all, it had been a long time now since you last saw Sun and Moon not in any pain, ever since the fire that had destroyed this place, they had been going haywire, the both of them… So, you were, really relieved, really happy that things could start going back to normal at least.
Eclipse shushed you gently, they were careful with their fingers which were pretty much sharp claws, they gently patted your back “It’s alright (Y/N)... We’re all here for you, we’re all going to take care of you” They reassured, and well after just hugging into them as best you could given your tiny size, and just crying and letting everything out, once you had calmed yourself down with Eclipse’s help of course.
You then looked up at them “S-So… …Yo… You’re Eclipse now…? Or, wait, are you… A new AI entirely?” Eclipse paused at this, they lifted their hand and poked at their chin, seemingly in thought, it took them a few moments before speaking up “...I am, myself, I am Eclipse… …I… Think I count as my own self, after all, I can still hear Sun and Moon’s voices in my own head but… I have my own thoughts, my own feelings” Eclipse admitted.
You then nodded at this “...Well uh, I guess… It’s… Nice to meet you, Eclipse…” Eclipse’s rays couldn’t spin considering how broken they were but they seemed to beam at that “It is wonderful to meet you too, (Y/N)...!” You smiled at them, this was… Going to be a new change but at the very least, it was clear you could still talk to Sun, Moon, and now… Eclipse.
“I should clean up, this place is an absolute nightm-” And then Eclipse went stiff as their eyes scanned around the Daycare, or well, what remained, and their rays somewhat retracted, it made a pretty bad sound before they returned to their original position “...Nightmare… O-Oh dear, oh no no no…! Oh no what a mess!” Eclipse sounded a little distressed here, they kept talking about needing to clean up because of the… …Kids…
You felt a pang in your chest, and your expression dropped slightly, you knew, as well as Sun and Moon did, all three of you knew that there would be no more kids, but Eclipse… They were technically just ‘created’ supposedly and while you didn’t want to tell them the truth, you also couldn’t lie to them either, there was no way you’d ever lie to them, and then Eclipse spoke up “C-Clean up! Clean up! A-And not only for the kids, but oh (Y/N), it’s so dangerous for you in here right now”
You then spoke up, your voice a little shaky “E-Eclipse… …Th-There’s something I need to tell you…” Eclipse tilted their head, blinking in confusion “Oh? What is it, my little starshine?” You hesitated, swallowing thickly, you really didn’t want to upset Eclipse but they needed to know, they DESERVED to know the truth “...E-Eclipse…” You began, your voice soft as you looked up into their yellow and red glowing eyes “...Th… The kids… They… …They aren’t… Coming back…”
There was a long pause, Eclipse tilted their head in confusion even further, they looked down at you “...I… …Wh-What do you… Mean…? No more… Kids…?” Eclipse’s voice was shaky.
You felt your heart shatter at this, it broke your heart to hear Eclipse’s shaky voice, especially the fact they sounded… Upset already but you took a deep breath and just gestured for them to bring you closer to their face, they did so, and you then hugged their faceplate as best you could, just hugging and patting it, being mindful of their teeth that can now move “...I-I’m sorry, Eclipse… …But, it… It’s true… The- The kids won't be coming back… …Sun and Moon, should tell you what happened at the very least…”
There was silence on Eclipse’s part, they looked as if they were beginning to go into thought, in fact, Eclipse could hear Sun’s voice chime up in their mind [ Eclipse… What (Y/N) is saying, about the kids, is unfortunately true, you see… ] And then of course Moon’s voice spoke up [ . . . There was a fire, and that fire… It… It… ] And then well, both Sun and Moon had spoken up, their voices radiated sadness [ …It destroyed everything, and shut us down… ]
Eclipse’s rays shrank a bit, their eyes going wide at those words as the realization finally struck them, and it struck them hard… You could even see it in their eyes, their expression as you just continued to hug their faceplate close, you could feel their hand trembling beneath you but they were quick to steady it, not wanting anything to befall you as Eclipse then looked down and sad “...I-I… I see… …I… Understand…”
Eclipse looked pretty upset but you could also imagine Sun and Moon were pretty sad about it as well, there was a long moment of silence as you just continued to comfort Eclipse, just hugging their faceplate and patting it gently, the silence was broken by them sighing and standing up straight, well, as straight as they could since their foot was missing and leg was pretty destroyed “...I-If there are… No kids, coming back here …Ever… Then…” Eclipse paused, they looked around at the destroyed remains of the Daycare.
Eclipse knew deep down they couldn’t clean this mess, not this one, things were far too damaged, too gone, and they seemed to be thinking about something for a moment before looking back down at you “...Then I… I don’t really have any reason to stay here, there’s no way I can clean up THIS mess and even then, it is still not safe for you, (Y/N)... This place does not have anything that’s safe to consume”
You were shocked by this, Sun had always been EXTREMELY adamant on never leaving the Daycare, Moon didn’t mind nor care that much as he was technically security, patrolling around at night, you can imagine Sun yelling in their head right now at this notion, which would’ve made you giggle had this not been the situation it was “E-Eclipse… Are… Are you sure? I-I know how much the Daycare… Means to you…To Sunny, to Moony… And besides, yo-you won’t have any way of charging out there, we can… Make this work, here…”
Eclipse shook their head “(Y/N), look at this place, it is FAR too dangerous for you… There are so many jagged, sharp, and deadly areas, not to mention how tiny you are, you could get SEVERELY injured here or… Or… …W o r s e…” Eclipse shuddered upon saying that, shaking their head, not wanting to even think about it, but you sighed and just hugged one of their fingers close to you “...I-I know, its… It’s dangerous, but hey, it… It still was before all this…”
You then cleared your throat before continuing “I mean there were STILL areas I could’ve been hurt or kil-” Eclipse cut you off, not wanting to hear that word, and you immediately rephrased, not wanting to upset them any more than they already were “...Worse, or worse… The other animatronics were even after me” You then thought about it because you could see Eclipse about to argue with you and then you spoke back up.
“And besides… This place… It isn’t how you all think it is anymore… Sun, Moon, Eclipse… …There’s… Something you need to see…” Eclipse tilted their head in confusion and well deep down you were sure Sun and Moon were confused too, and so you sighed “...Just… Go outside and you’ll all see, I, I know a way out, one you can fit through of course” You chuckled a bit and then Eclipse perked up, seemingly curious.
And so, off they set, with you in their hand guiding them outside, it took you all a while, as you had obstacles and even some remnants of the other animatronics to deal with, luckily Eclipse made it past them with the slightest of ease, and then eventually you pointed at a big enough hole in the wall “There, you should be able to fit through there…” Now, you knew Sun had never seen outside the Daycare as he was never allowed to leave, Moon had, but Eclipse hadn’t seen anything until now.
But there was one thing not any of them had seen yet… And that was… The world outside The Mega Pizzaplex… Eclipse seemed nervous, they hesitated as they approached the hole in the wall, but after a bit of encouragement from you, Eclipse smiled and nodded and finally they crouched and stepped through, the glow in their eyes fading as they were greeted with lush plants, damn near a forest which they were extremely shocked about, because even though none of them had ever been OUTSIDE like this, they figured it was like a big parking lot or something.
The next thing they were greeted with was… Warmth… Light… And then Eclipse glanced up and looked past the trees and their eyes widened a bit in shock, in fact you could imagine all of them being shocked, and sure enough, suddenly Sun’s voice broke through “...I-Is… Is that… The real sun…?! I’ve… Never seen the real sun before!” He spoke with excitement and then Moon’s raspy voice chimed in “...I wonder… If we’ll get to see the real moon” He hummed, seeming amused and then finally Eclipse spoke back up “Oh…! Maybe we’ll even get to see a REAL eclipse…! Solar or Lunar is fine by me…!”
They beamed, before looking back down at you in their hands “...Safely, of course, after all, I wouldn’t want you looking up at a Solar Eclipse, (Y/N)...” You chuckled and nodded “Don’t worry bud, I’ll keep my eyes to the ground and closed so you won’t worry” Eclipse nodded and smiled and then looked around before spotting a berry bush, they beamed and walked over, they first scanned the berries, squinting their eyes, not wanting to take a big risk.
“Ah, perfect, (Y/N), these are blueberries, so they won’t be harmful to consume” Eclipse spoke, and then set you down onto the ground finally, there were plenty you could reach and well sure, you enjoyed the animatronic helping you every once in awhile…
You had also made it clear to, well, Sun more so, but even Eclipse knew probably at this point, they didn’t want you to think they thought of you as helpless because they didn’t, either way, you quickly got to work on chowing down on some of the blueberries you could reach meanwhile Eclipse had walked over to a clearing in the forest that was now surrounding the ruins of The Mega Pizzaplex and they held out their hand, holding it in the sunlight.
Eclipse smiled, a happy smile, just feeling the warmth of the sunlight and looking at all there was to the outside world, when you had glanced over at them you noticed they looked so happy, so content and it made you smile happily, you were so glad to see, well Sun and Moon at peace, but you supposed now you had a new friend to get used to, after all, Eclipse was clearly their own being, they had their own thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
But considering how things were going, you could definitely already feel yourself growing attached to them and they seemed attached to you as well all on their own, which made you happy, as you continued chowing down on the blueberries until you were full, Eclipse had just been enjoying the outside world and having a blast, skipping around and just inspecting the plant life.
You smiled as you watched them, despite the state they were in along with The Mega Pizzaplex, they didn’t seem to feel too bad about it, you wished faintly you could repair them, but even if you had the smarts to repair them, your size gave you too much of a disadvantage here, there was no way you could safely repair them, you faintly wished you had one of your friends here to help.
…And then suddenly, you were grabbed, not too tightly but more so just scooped up, you gasped and your eyes widened, you flailed around, trying to get out of whoever’s hands had just snatched you up. You were about to scream before a voice that was familiar to you called out, one that you haven’t heard in oh so long… “Woah, woah…! Take it easy, just chill…!” You blinked in surprise, as you turned to look up and face them and your eyes were wide with disbelief and shock.
“(F-F/N)?!” You called out in shock, and they grinned down at you “Well, I’m surprised you still remember me, (Y/N), it’s been AGES! And you… You’re um, small now, a LOT smaller…” You punched their fist “You scared me half to death, you fucker! Don’t EVER do that again…!” And they laughed a little “O-Okay! Okay! I’m sorry…! I’m sorry…! Yeesh, you’re still the same as ever, you haven’t changed a bit~” They apologized and held you in their hands in a careful manner, a grin on their face which caused you to huff a bit but you couldn’t hide the smile on your face as you sighed.
“...What are you even doing here, (F/N)? I… I… I thought I’d never see you again” And then your old friend smiled “I thought the same, you’ve been missing for ages, although I guess now I can understand why, heh… …I just… I really missed you, a lot” You sighed and nodded, hugging one of their fingers since that’s all you could do “...I missed you too…” And before either of you could say anything more.
Eclipse’s voice chimed up, and you heard footsteps, sure they were limping but it sounded like they were running back over “(Y/N)! Are you alright?! I sensed you suddenly became distressed, did a wild animal get after-” And they cut themselves off as they slowly came to a stop when they saw you in someone else’s hands, in fact you and your friend’s eyes widened, and your friend immediately chimed in, holding you a bit protectively “W-Woah! Wh-What the heck is that…?!”
You could see Eclipse staring in a distrustful manner and well your friend looked like they had seen a ghost and so to keep this situation from escalating you quickly spoke up, clapping your hands together to get the animatronic and your friend’s attention “Stop! Stop! It’s alright, it’s alright…! Both of you…!” You looked toward Eclipse and smiled happily before looking back up at your friend, you quickly introduced the two of them, Eclipse to your friend and then your friend to Eclipse, the two still stared at each other a bit mistrustingly but you sighed.
You then quickly explained the situation as best you could to your friend, and they seemed to nod and listen and finally, they relaxed a little bit, taking a deep breath and sighing “...Okay, so, this… Erm, Eclipse… And uh, Sun and Moon, they are… I know Sun and Moon were The Daycare Attendants before this place caught fire and went down… …So I guess uh, Eclipse is the new one then, and you say that… They’ve been taking care of you all this time?” You nodded at your friend’s words “Yep, that’s pretty much the gist of it anyways, the basics”
Your friend took a moment before sighing “...You know, this seems crazy but considering I’m holding you in my hands right now and you're tiny, I can’t really say that’s too far-fetched…” Your friend then walked over to Eclipse and carefully handed you over. Eclipse was looking at them still a bit untrusting but your friend held out a hand “Well, we already know each other’s names, but uh, I… Don’t wanna get on your bad side, Eclipse, I’m sorry for uh, startling you and (Y/N), but I’m not a threat, just chillax”
Eclipse took their hand, carefully, and shook it and well, they seemed to scan them, as best they could, sure their scanner wasn’t the best but they could at least register your friend as to not forget them before hey perked up a bit more and smiled in a friendly manner “Well, it’s nice to… Meet you… But, how did you find this place? Or, more importantly, (Y/N)...?” Eclipse questioned, now seeming more curious rather than distrusting of your friend which you were relieved about of course.
Your friend looked at Eclipse and shrugged “Honestly, I was just coming here to uh see the forest and such, I find it peaceful out here, helps me draw and heh, I might’ve found my inspiration with you two…” They then looked back to you and smiled “...I really am glad to see you again, (Y/N)... It’s been so long, too damn long” You sighed and nodded at that “...Yeah, it really has, I missed you too…” Your friend smiled happily at that.
And then they turned their attention back to Eclipse, looking them up and down before chiming in “...Although… Eclipse here is looking a little… …Okay, a lot damaged, if you both want…” They slowly began.
“And this is totally not just an excuse to stick around and hang out and catch up with you, (Y/N) but… I’m sure you remembered I studied robotics way back, and I STILL know a good amount about ‘em, animatronics included, if Eclipse even wants, I could repair them…” And then before you could speak up, Eclipse perked up instantly and got a bit TOO close to your friend for their comfort there “R-Really…?! You can actually repair us…?!”
You and your friend both couldn’t help but smile at Eclipse’s enthusiasm, and your friend chimed in happily “Of course…! I don’t mean to brag but I’m pretty skilled when it comes to repairing robots and such, I can have you fixed up in no time!” They exclaimed, and this seemed to excite Eclipse, they held you with one hand and used their free hand to stim, just flailing it and even jumping in place practically “Oh thank you thank you thank you new friend…! This will be just wonderful…!”
You were smiling and looked to your friend who then spoke “I’ll need to go get some supplies though, which might take a while, and I’m sure even with the remains of The Mega Pizzaplex, I’m sure there’s still some stuff in there that isn’t damaged that can help” Your friend then said they’d be back in a little bit and waved to both you and Eclipse before quickly heading off to gather up some supplies and materials.
You looked up toward Eclipse and smiled “I guess you’re excited to get fixed up, huh?” Eclipse nodded enthusiastically “Yep! I hope your friend is able to repair me at least well enough to where I won’t limp when I walk and I don’t have as many jagged edges, after all, I don’t wanna accidentally hurt you, starshine”
You smiled and gently patted their hand “Yeah, it’ll be okay, we can wait for ‘em here, I don’t mind eating blueberries for the time being if I wind up getting hungry again” Eclipse nodded and then decided to wait in that spot for your friend as they set you down, you two would talk, and since Eclipse was still fairly new to you, you two talked and got to know each other better, sometimes Sun and Moon would be allowed to pop out briefly to talk to you but it seems like they couldn’t fully stay in control for too long before Eclipse would come back.
Which then prompted Eclipse to ask, tapping his fingers nervously together “...Hey… (Y/N)? …You… Aren’t upset at me because Sun and Moon can’t fully be present right now, right? I… I know I’m new to you, and I already know how much you value and care for Sun and Moon, so… I’m not… In the way, right?” Eclipse could hear Sun and Moon in their head, just saying his name in a saddened manner and…
Your heart broke a little at hearing that and you quickly stood up from your spot, you might’ve been tiny but you were NOT having that “Eclipse…! Don’t you dare even think that way!” Eclipse got startled by your yelling even if it wasn’t the loudest, they looked down at you surprised.
“You’re not in the way at all, and you won’t EVER be in the way! I… I know we’ve only known each other for a short while but, I care about you all the same too, I care for you the same way I care for Sun and Moon, and maybe… My friend can find a way where you can all co-exist, like, you can take over sometimes without it being so straining, Sun can, and then Moon can so we can all equally spend time together” Eclipse smiled slightly at that, they reached down to gently pat your head.
“...Thank you, starshine… …I’m… Glad you feel that way, I care about you as well, the same way Sun and Moon do, you’re my little starshine…!” Eclipse beamed as they picked you up again, nuzzling their faceplate albeit EXTREMELY carefully against your face “...We love you, all three of us do” Sun, Moon’s, and Eclipse’s voice seemed to layer over one another when they said they loved you, and you smiled happily, blushing slightly “...I love all of you too…” You hugged Eclipse’s faceplate as best you could given your tiny size.
And then finally your friend came back and called out “Hey guys, I found some spare parts and some stuff still functioning, just barely but it’s enough to repair Eclipse” And then you smiled over at your friend and so did Eclipse who happily approached, limping of course due to their leg “Really? You think whatever’s still functioning in the Pizzaplex will work long enough?”
Your friend had nodded “Yeah it should but we better hurry and get started just in case” And then you chimed up “Hey, (F/N)? Do you think you can like… Make it to where Sun, Moon, and Eclipse can be in control? Like, where they can take control whenever one of them wants to?”
Eclipse then spoke up “Sort of like how Sun and Moon did, whenever the lights were on, Sun was out, when they went out then Moon could come out …B-But um, maybe let’s… NOT make it as forced as that, please” And your friend seemed to think about it momentarily before speaking up with a grin “I’ll see what I can do, c’mon, let’s go” They gestured and so, Eclipse with you in their hands, followed your friend back into The Mega Pizzaplex, and you watched as they led Eclipse to one of those weird looking computers and had them sit down, there were various parts for rebuilding him scattered around.
Your friend got to work right away while Eclipse set you down, in a place where they could keep an eye on you of course, your friend had said this might take a few hours and so you nodded, you decided to take a nap in the meantime and Eclipse seemed to sense this and so they tried to activate their music box …It… Didn’t sound well at all, the music was distorted and would glitch out, so Eclipse just shut it off, dejected, your friend then spoke up “Hey, don’t worry about it bud, I’ll fix you up a new music box in no time, I’ll even add more songs then what your current one probably has”
-------------------------------------------------------------- You could see a mischievous glint in your friend’s eye as you laid down, you called up to them “Don’t put anything vulgar in their music box…!” And your friend scoffed, looking down at your tiny form “Oh c’monnn (Y/N)...” And then Eclipse spoke up “U-Um, yes please, don’t… Put anything vulgar or nasty in my music box” And then your friend had sighed and stuck out their tongue playfully “...Hmph… You two are NO fun, such party poopers”
And Eclipse gasped in mock offense at that “How dare you, I am NO party pooper…! You know, I may not be Sun or Moon but I can STILL put you in timeout” And this caused your friend to chuckle “If you put me in timeout though… You won’t have anyone to fix youuu~” They teased.
Eclipse opened their mouth with a finger pointed out, but then they thought about it before huffing “...Touché” And then that was the end of that, as you slowly closed your eyes, listening to the sounds of animatronic noises, whirring, clicking, and rather broken sounds along with the occasional tinkering of your friend fixing Eclipse, you slowly but surely fell asleep for awhile…
…Some hours passed, and eventually, you felt something nudging you gently, you grumbled “...Mm, five more minutes…” …You felt yourself getting nudged again and you grumbled, swatting at whatever it was, still in your half-asleep daze “Gimme an hourrr…” You complained, and then suddenly, something snatched you, you yelped and your eyes shot open at the sudden loud voice “RISE AND SHINE, MY LITTLE SUNBEAM~!”
You cringed at the loud voice, your tiny ears ringing, you knew that was Sun and when you opened your eyes you gasped, the animatronic was still dressed like earlier, with Moon’s cap on, some rays sticking out, and then the combination of Sun and Moon’s pants but their faceplate no longer damaged, their leg completely fixed up, they looked brand new.
Your eyes practically sparkled and you hugged Sun’s finger oh so tightly “S-Sunny!” You were excited as Sun was fully in control for a moment and the animatronic gently hugged you to himself “Yep! It’s me, my little sunbeam! And hey hey hey! That’s not all, watch this!” Sun’s head suddenly spun around, and then before you knew it, Moon’s quiet and calm voice spoke, which made you wish he had been the one to wake you up so you hadn’t had that mini heart attack but still “Hello my little starlight…”
You smiled happily up at him, still hugging onto his finger “Moony…” He smiled down at you, his teeth razor sharp but he didn’t scare you obviously, and then finally, Moon’s head spun around this time, a few more times then what Sun’s had done, and then you could hear the combination, the mixture… Eclipse “My little starshine…! We’re all fixed up…! And we can take control whenever we want to! No day or night cycles, we’re all in control” You smiled happily at that “That’s good, I’m glad you don’t have to be forced to change whether the lights go out or not…”
And then your friend piped up “And lest we not forget the person who fixed them up by the way” They chuckled, crossing their arms, you turned over to them and smiled happily up at them, and before you could react, Eclipse pulled your friend into a nearly bone crushing hug “Thank you thank you thank you…!” They kept repeating, your friend was coughing and wheezing a bit “I-It’s nice th-that you’re so happy but… E-Eclipse, your… crushing… me…” Eclipse gasped and let up on their hold “Oh dear, so sorry new friend…!” The three of you stood there, well, since you were so tiny, you sat in the palm of Eclipse’s hand and your friend just held their hand near you.
…It was a bit awkward but it was the only way given your small stature, and then your friend smirked mischievously “Oh and, by the way… Eclipse… Don’t you have something you wanna say to (Y/N)~?” They spoke teasingly, and Eclipse’s rays didn’t spin like Sun’s but rather, they retracted in and out like pistons and you could hear the whirring sounds of the animatronic’s fans as they suddenly seemed incredibly flustered “I-I…! H-Hey now, you-you-you… Shush…!” Your friend was about to open their mouth again and tease some more but Eclipse quickly slapped a hand over their mouth “Shshsh! Sh! …Shush…! Shoosh-”
You blinked in confusion as you looked toward Eclipse “...Eclipse…? What are they talking about exactly?” Eclipse stuttered some before shaking their head “Nothing, my little starshine…!” You squinted your eyes “Eclipse…” The animatronic shook their head, and then they could feel their head forcibly trying to spin and Eclipse shook their head again “No…! Stop…! Sun, Moon…! You are all conspiring against me, rrgh…!” You were completely confused at this point.
Your friend kept trying to pry Eclipse’s hand from their mouth, much to no avail as the animatronic was a lot stronger than any human, however, Eclipse also had Sun and Moon even working against him, and you finally spoke up “...Eclipse? C’mon, what is it…? What do you want to tell me?” Eclipse knew neither Sun nor Moon nor even your friend would leave this alone and so they sigh, deciding to try and gather up the courage, they released your friend’s mouth and turned away, they were clearly flustered or embarrassed or both even.
Eclipse had also grabbed something that you couldn’t see at first, and as the animatronic gathered up their courage for a few moments, probably being cheered on by Sun and Moon and even your friend got serious, telling them they had this, and then finally you watched as Eclipse stood up straight and turned around, holding their hands behind their back as they stepped closer to you “Okay…! (Y/N)...! I-I have something I-I need to… To… Tell you…”
You nodded, gesturing for Eclipse to go on and they still seemed incredibly flustered as their fans whirred loudly.
“I-I… M-Much like Sun and Moon has done… I-I wish to… U-Um…” Eclipse was beginning to lose their nerve and you gently reached out and patted their hand “It’s okay, Eclipse… Whatever you need to tell me, I’m listening” Eclipse then sighed “...M-Much like… Sun and Moon has done… I-I would um, uh, like, I would really like to… Take you out o-on a… A date…”
Your face turned red immediately as Eclipse held out a tiny paper bouquet and you could hear Eclipse’s fans whirring loudly, they seemed incredibly flustered “I-It’s alright if y-you don’t want to yet! I-I can wait, and e-even if you never want-”
You smiled happily up at them, and you gently took the paper bouquet, admiring the cute paper-craft flowers in your hands before answering so Eclipse didn’t spiral “...Y-Yes… I-I’d like that a lot actually…” And then Eclipse looked like they were going to explode with excitement, they hugged you close, almost too tightly by accident “Oh thank you thank you thank you! This makes me so happy…! I-I know we haven’t got much left here in the ruins of The Mega Pizzaplex but… I-I’ve set something up for us…!” And then Eclipse began to carry you somewhere.
Eclipse also held a hand over your eyes when you asked what they set up, they smiled “It’s a surprise, silly~! You’ll just need to wait, my little starshine” And so you did, you waited in Eclipse’s hands and eventually the animatronic stopped and you were impatiently excited “C’moooon Eclipse, lemme see already” They giggled a little at you and huffed playfully “Gosh, so impatient…! You know patience is a virtue” And then you scoffed playfully back “Eclipse…” You playfully warned and they laughed “Alright, alright, my little starshine”
Eclipse then finally lifted their hand from your eyes and you gasped, while the room and pretty much everything was still dilapidated and ruined obviously, Eclipse had set up a table with a clean cloth thankfully, probably something your friend had gotten, and there was even some food, well, food for you anyways as Eclipse couldn’t eat anything being a robot and all.
It was even cut up enough to accommodate your tiny size, there was candles that dimly lit the area and there was also some fake flowers that wouldn’t wilt thankfully in a vase, Eclipse brought you over to the table and set you down “I-I hope it’s to your liking, (Y/N)” They seemed nervous.
You smiled happily and had a few tears in your eyes at what all they did for you “...It’s… Really nice, Eclipse, thank you…” And then Eclipse sat down, in one of the chairs and watched as you began to eat, they then spoke “Your friend had brought the food by the way, since um, well… You know, the food wouldn’t be safe for human consumption from the ruins of The Mega Pizzaplex”
Eclipse explained, and you were thankful for that, and for a few moments, it fell silent, Eclipse seemingly trying to keep their courage on this little date with you.
You smiled as you ate “The food’s really good honestly” Eclipse nods, seeming relieved that you enjoyed it, they honestly didn’t have… Any idea how a date worked, aside from the typical dinner thing and talking to get to know each other, which Eclipse decided to start off with first, getting to know you better.
Since they WERE their own being, they didn’t have Sun nor Moon’s thoughts or memories, they had their own, you also got to know them in return, it was interesting that despite being in the same body, they were all different, their own thoughts, feelings, sentience.
You listened to Eclipse as they talked about what they liked doing which was taking care of children and arts and crafts and you laughed “Well, you might all be different, but your hobbies are still the same” Eclipse laughs a little and nods “Well, yeah, that’s just in all of our programming, after all, we ARE The Daycare Attendants, but, I um, actually really do like art, I like to draw, not just uh, silly looking pictures” You perked up at that and smiled warmly “...Ya know, I’d love to see your drawings then one day, if you don’t mind”
Eclipse smiles now, seeming happy about that, their rays somewhat pushing in and out, then they nod “...I’ll show you someday then, (Y/N)” And then you finally finished eating, you sighed, and leaned back, you were definitely full now, you commented about how good the food was and then Eclipse’s rays spin happily “I’m so glad you enjoyed the food, my little starshine…! But, that’s not all”
And then they stood up, approaching your tiny form slowly, before gently reaching down and scooping you up into their hands, their hands were no longer damaged so they didn’t have to worry about accidentally scratching you anymore.
You were confused and yet curious “Oh? What’s next then?” Eclipse grins happily “You’ll see…~!” They beam, as they begin walking off, as they were walking, your friend caught both of your attention first “Yo, I gotta head home for a bit…! I gotta go set some stuff up… But, I’ll be back later sometime, you two enjoy your date!” You smiled and waved your friend goodbye, as did Eclipse, and with that your friend headed off meanwhile Eclipse continued on, continuing to carry you to another section of The Mega Pizzaplex, what remained of it anyways.
You knew deep down that you, Eclipse, Sun, and Moon couldn’t stay here forever, but for now, you wanted to enjoy the place you all so fondly remember, or at least care about to some extent, sure, there were also some scary memories here but for the most part, the good ones far outweighed the bad.
And then Eclipse led you to a quiet, completely secluded place of The Mega Pizzaplex, no worry, no threat of any potential roaming animatronics that were still functioning, it was also the most tidy section so you figured Eclipse and your friend had tidied this part up.
And then, you saw that, inside the room, there was a blanket fort of clean pillows and well, blankets, there was a buncha plushies around as well, string lights in the shape of stars, and then a monitor of sorts was set up inside and it looked so cozy, you looked up at Eclipse who looked down at you with a warm smile “...I um, got this set up, with the help of your friend, I figured we could sit up late and watch some movies together…! They downloaded some onto the computer there”
You smiled happily up at Eclipse “...It looks… Really cozy, although hey… How did you convince Moon to let us ‘sit up late’?” Eclipse then pauses, they look a bit sheepish now.
And well, Moon takes over to answer for them “...Rrr… As much as I want you to get your sleep, starlight… …JUST this once… …I’m allowing it, but NO later than past twelve am… And I’ll know if Eclipse breaks that rule” And then Eclipse is back in control and they gasp in offense “Moon…! How dare you, you-you-you even INSINUATE that I am a rule breaker…!”
And you laughed at their shenanigans before shaking your head “Alright, alright, no need to fight… No later than midnight, got it” And well this must’ve pleased Moon enough to let it be, and then Eclipse carries your tiny form into the blanket fort, closing the little blanket behind you both to keep it comfortable and warm.
Eclipse then sets you down on one of the comfortable pillows, walking over to the computer and pulling up the selection of movies, they then looked back at you “I’ll let you choose the movie, (Y/N) we got a lotta genres to choose from” You nod and look up at the screen in front of you, thinking on your decision, before a movie or two caught your eye, and you pointed “Emm, the Lion King sounds good, can… We watch both, one and two?”
Eclipse smiles and nods “Of course my little starshine” And they boot up the movie and they walk back over and lay down next to you, getting comfortable, you also get comfortable inside the blanket fort.
And as the movie begins you two sit lay there, surrounded by the warmth of the blanket fort and surroundings pillows, Eclipse had thankfully been considerate of your small stature since well, a normal sized pillow, you’d wind up sinking into it so they had prepared this place accordingly, the peaceful color of the lights made you feel relaxed, and as Eclipse gazed over at you, their fans began to whirr slightly, their rays popping in and out quietly as they saw the peaceful and happy expression on your face, seeing the way your skin glows in the lighting.
They can’t help it as they say what they're thinking out loud  “...You look… Wonderful, (Y/N)” Eclipse compliments, before realizing they had said that out loud just now, they look away almost immediately, incredibly flustered “I-I MEAN…!” They suddenly stumble out, flustered.
You looked over at them, a blush on your face at Eclipse’s sudden words but a genuine and gentle smile graces your lips “...Thank you, Eclipse, I… I’m glad you think so” You giggle softly, amused by their flustered nature so suddenly, you sigh and look back at the screen, watching the scenes play out, you had fallen silent for a moment before speaking up “...I’m really glad… We got to meet” Eclipse looks back over at you, nodding slowly.
“...Yeah, even though it hasn’t been long, I’m glad as well” And then you smirked a little bit, speaking up teasingly “Yeah, you must be pretty glad considering that well, we’ve just met for like a day now, and your already taking me on a date”
Eclipse looks incredibly flustered as they pull the nightcap down, hiding their face at that “Ghh! W-Well, oh… Oh, you hush…” They speak, clearly too flustered to respond to that, they tell you to just continue watching the movie, grumbling softly, and you laugh at that, finding their reaction to your words sweet, charming even.
Before you relent and then turn back to watch the movie playing on TV, and that’s what the two of you did, you watched the first movie, occasionally chatting and conversing but not too much as to not interrupt it, and then you both moved onto the second movie.
You were having a fun time with Eclipse, so far, the night passed on, and slowly but surely, you could feel yourself beginning to grow tired, you yawned slightly, luckily for you it was near the end of the movie by the time you were getting tired, you turn toward Eclipse, and you smile warmly up at them “...You know… I had… A really fun time today Eclipse, in the short amount of time we’ve spent together, I won’t deny… …I feel the same way toward you as I do Sun and Moon” Eclipse perks up at that, they’re rays popping in and out and they seemed flustered but genuinely appreciative.
“...Thank you… …I’ve had a really great time with you as well, I… I really do love you, my little starshine” And this made you blush, your cheeks felt warm, and not only that but you felt butterflies in your stomach, you sit up and gesture for them to pick you up bring you toward their faceplate, they reach down and gently grasp your tiny form in the palm of their hands, holding you with the utmost care and gentleness.
They lift you up to their faceplate and then without hesitation, you give them a kiss, Eclipse’s rays jut out suddenly and you can hear their fans and motorized parts going crazy which causes you to laugh.
Eclipse then gently nudges you with they’re faceplate, making a little kiss sound back and your blush darkens at that, you two share a few minutes of silence together, just gazing into one another’s eyes affectionately, the two of you could tell that this was the start of something wonderful, and well you could already feel it, much like you did with Sun and Moon, you were falling in love with Eclipse too, after the movie had ended.
Eclipse turns the computer off, letting the glow of the star string lights just illuminate the comfortable blanket fort, and then they gently lay you down on the comfortable spot, on the soft pillow, letting you get comfortable.
Before Eclipse grabs a blanket that’s your size, they gently put it over you and tuck your tiny form in, they smile down at you “...Alright, it’s time to get some sleep… After all… Moon is going to be v e r y angry if I keep you up past your bedtime” You chuckled a little at that and nodded.
You sigh, cozy and comfortable with Eclipse sitting beside you, you look up to the giant animatronic, and you can see them push some sort of button on their body, and then, soft and gentle music begins to play, it sounds like a music box of some sort, and then, Sun finally takes over, taking the nightcap off momentarily “Goodnight our little sunbeam”
And then he puts it back on, and you can see Moon come out, those familiar eyes casting a soft blue glow on your body “Goodnight our little starlight… Get your rest”
And then of course, finally Eclipse comes back “...Goodnight, our little starshine…” You smile happily and yawn, slowly beginning to close your eyes as you tell Eclipse and the others goodnight “...I love you all…” You mumble before falling into a deep and peaceful sleep for the night.
(holy shit this took so long to do gjkfdjfkd i've been HELLA procrastinating- ...okay that and also technically playing viddy games ...and drawing)
BTW- uh this is the third and final bit to the Sun n Moon x Tiny Reader I did! both are on my A03 for easier access and this one will be on my a03 as well- the link to that is in my pinned post
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
content..? | i want you pt.4
natasha romanoff masterlist | series masterlist | navigation
pairings: dad’s best friend!natasha x fem!reader
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summary: your father doesn’t know it yet, but you’re in love with his best friend. and what makes it better is that you’re sure enough that she feels the same way. the sad part is, neither of you can word out your love for each other properly.
warnings: angst, age difference (natasha is 38 and reader is 19), implied sexual themes, just a sad sad chapter.
notes: yeah im back idk why but im here did ya’ll miss my juicy stories
“You’re too old for her.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Natasha. She’s too young for you, think about how the people would react to your relationship with her.”
That night, I couldn't sleep. Those words haunt me, as I was thrown into a circle of hallucinations from which I couldn't escape. I needed some space. No, I needed her. I needed Y/n to take those thoughts away from me and reassure me that what we were doing was okay. But Wanda’s words were beating me up, I couldn’t breathe.
I noticed the skies were perfectly blue as I lit up my cigarette and dragged it to my mouth. The clouds were perfectly aligned, and everything was in order. My concerns faded as I silently hoped that someone higher up would solve my problem. I looked down and noticed that the grass on my feet was starting to burn me. I needed to o back inside, but I had no energy to.
She’ll never love me, I thought to myself. She thinks I’m too old for her, an old woman begging for her love.
As soon as I finish my cigarette, I hear murmuring sounds coming from the pavement area. I looked closely, unable to take my gaze away from the scene. Bucky clung to Y/n's waist, smiling and giggling at her words. What is she saying? Was she purposely making him laugh? I thought, almost crudely, if I have to be honest. She gave him a gentle smile as she looked at him. That was the same expression she gave me whenever we made love in her bed. However, I could be mistaken. I had two glasses of beer today, so maybe I was overthinking it.
Y/n walked towards me and smiled at me. “Hi,” she says. “I thought you were at the market?”
“Change of plans,” I replied, my voice deepening with sadness. Or anger. “You weren’t asleep?”
"I left around 8 a.m. this morning," Y/n yawned, her smile faltering as if I didn't treat her the same way. “Wait, did I do something wrong? What happened?” I wish she didn’t notice that.
“I’m just having a stressful day, that’s all.” I sighed. “Where did you guys go?”
Bucky took in before Y/n could respond. “We went to a pet store,” he said, smirking at her. “She wanted a dog so much, so we decided to talk to Steve about it.”
“Are you sure he’d like that idea?”
"Yeah," he scratched his chin. If I was given a chance to tackle him, I would. "In any case, is he here? We'd like to speak with him for a few minutes." I wanted to lie about his absence, but what was the point if they were going inside? If I don't tell a lie, Y/n will spend more time with this boy. I couldn't stand him, especially considering how much he dominates Y/n. My Y/n.
I sighed defeatedly, standing up from the ground with a pack of cigarettes in hand. I’d save this for later. “Yeah, he’s just in the kitchen.”
“Great. Thanks, Nat.”
Before I could even reply, Y/n took him to her home and left me all alone in their garden. I looked away from the scene of them laughing, wishing deep inside that I could make her laugh like that. But that could never happen, we were just a secret after all.
I lit up another cigarette before going to the market.
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“You think she’s not upset?” asked Bucky while he eats the egg sandwich that my father made for him.
“I don’t know,” I replied. That was the truth, I don’t know whether she was upset with me or not. Either way, I have to speak to her as soon as she comes back home. “Maybe she’s just having a bad day.”
“Or maybe she hasn’t been laid.”
I cringe at his words. The thought of her having sex with someone else makes my stomach churn badly, almost as if I needed to vomit the toxicity in my fluids. I looked at him briefly, then back at my sandwich that I lost appetite for. He ruined my lunch.
I replied, obviously out of my mind, "Maybe." I closed my eyes and took a bite of the bread as I visualized Natasha kissing my lips. She seemed to be everywhere, and I was powerless to let her go of my thoughts. “Natasha is a lonely woman, she doesn’t want anyone in her life.”
“How do you know that?”
“I’ve been her godchild ever since.”
“Yeah, I know that, but how do you know that she doesn’t need someone in her life?”
Because she has me.
“We’re pretty close,” I said, drinking from a glass of water near my plate. “She tells me everything.”
"Why are you asking as if you need to know everything?" I've become irritated, it’s like he has to know every step I make – like a baby learning how to walk. “Me and Natasha are just close, period.”
“Does it look like I’m bothering you?”
“If you keep asking about her life, yeah.”
“Well, I’m sorry,” Bucky placed his beer on the table and hung his head low. I suddenly felt guilty for using my higher voice at him, so I reached for her wrist and comforted him – not wanting to cause another fuss. “I just… she looks at you differently.”
“How differently?” I sat up straight in my chair as my interest in our conversation grew. This did not make me feel good whatsoever. "How different, Buck?"
“I don’t know,” he sighed again, pinching his nose bridge. “It’s like whenever I would come to see you, her eyes would linger on you. On your hair, nose, everything about you. She’s…”
“She’s what, Buck?” I beg you, finish your sentence.
“She’s interested in you.”
I recall being with Bucky when Natasha was present, and I admit to catching her staring at me - almost as if she's in love with me, which I highly doubt. Or perhaps she is. We've never confessed our feelings for each other because we believe what we're doing is just for fun, if not more. Now that I think about it, maybe her lingering stares are more emotional and vulnerable, but I can't explain what I'm trying to say out of my mind.
“I don’t think that’s possible—”
He cuts me off, looking at me with a blank stare. “But she is,” he whispers. “And I don’t like it.”
“Why would it matter, though? I’m not yours.”
It stung him, and it did for me too.
"But I-" he pauses for a moment, calculating what to say, and looks to his right at the wall. He started flexing his hands as if trying to contain his rage. His assumptions would wash away like a sea if I held his hand now. But if I don't, he'll start looking into her, which I don't want to happen. “...I love you.”
I looked at him with a spacious face and sat back on the chair where I could rethink what he had confessed. Love me? I thought. How could he love me when I don’t love him back?
“I love you and I hate how she has you.”
“I don’t think you’re understanding what you’re trying to say.”
"I don't love Natasha," I said quietly, my heart pounding with sadness and fear. I can't tell him about us because it would ruin my relationships with everyone. And, while it may appear selfish, I'd be alone. I couldn't even have Natasha all to myself. “Buck, can you please look at me?”
“If I look at you now, I’d never get out of your way.”
“What do you even mean by that?”
“Meaning that I’ll never leave you,” Bucky looks at me again with glistening tears in his eyes, biting his lip so hard that it might draw blood. “And if she gets in the way, I might have to hurt her.”
I shook my head, grabbed my hand, and placed it on my chest. He looks at me deeply and gets closer – until our faces are inches apart. I could feel his eyes lingering on my lips, and I begged not for him to kiss me. If he did, I’d feel guilty. I feel as if I’m hurting the one I truly love. But no one could know about my love for Natasha, not even God above.
Before he could kiss me, I watched as Natasha appeared in the scene, looking at us with wide eyes. We stared for a moment, not knowing how to react in a way that it doesn’t explode everything. But as soon as I stand up, she walks upstairs with a grudge in her heart. I’ve hurt her, I’ve hurt her, I’ve hurt her.
“See what I’m talking about?” he looks at me once again before standing up from his seat. “I’ll go home for now, there’s a party tomorrow night. I’ll meet you there.”
“Bucky, wait-”
"Make up your mind," he said, wrapping his unbuttoned yellow blouse around his torso. He walks up to the doorframe and gives me a sad smile. "You just can't love her. You know you can’t.”
Deep inside of me, I knew he was right.
I finally broke like a dam.
"I know," I said almost to myself, covering my mouth with my hand as if I'd been hit by a bus a million times, "but she's lovable."
Bucky sighs and nods, his head dropping once more.
“I know.”
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I walked inside Natasha’s room and saw her having a cigarette while sitting at the foot of her bed – She didn’t look up and saw me walking in. Instead, she said: “He knows.”
I nodded, licking both of my lips.
“Yeah, he knows.”
Natasha chuckles, scratching the back of her head and flicking her cigarette on the ashtray beside her. I didn't know what to say or do, so I stood by the door, watching her smoke herself out of her misery. How can love be so demanding? So exhausting? But I'd rather go through that with her than with Bucky, who I couldn't fall in love with.
“You love him?” she asked, her reddish eyes looking at mine. She looked so… tired.
“Nat, I don’t love him.”
“You’re only saying that because you don’t want to pity me.”
I scoffed quietly to myself, but I had a feeling that she heard me.
“I didn’t say that I want to pity you.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
What was more to say than are you in love with him? Did she not trust me with my actions? Was I not obvious enough to show my love for her? I bit my lower lip with anxiety, and whispered: “I’m not in love with him.”
“Then who are you in love with?” As I watched her stand up from the bed and walk towards me, her voice was ridged with irritation. She placed her index finger on my chest, the cigarette smoke entering my nostrils. “Tell me, malyshka.”
My thoughts of being caught raced through my mind as I began to speak. Let me be in peace, I thought to myself. Let me express, let me show her how much I love her.
“Please,” Natasha begged quietly, as she kissed the tip of my nose. “Who are you in love with?”
“It’s not that hard of a question, Y/n.”
I sighed, nodding at her statement. It wasn’t so hard, but why can’t I breathe whenever she’s in my presence?
It took me a minute to respond to her, and I watched as her eyes glinted with the hope and desire that I'd been longing for from her. She moved her gaze up and down my face, then to my lips. I could feel her thumb running across the lower one before she kissed me with a moan.
We kissed like there was no tomorrow.
She held me from behind, her hands lowering down to my waist until I was turned around from the other side, pushing me slowly back to her bed. Natasha drew her lips away from mine with her eyes closed, whispering: “I’ve always known, baby. I just needed to hear it from you.”
We stripped naked and began passionately kissing each other as if my father wasn't at home. She kept one hand on the headboard while the other ran up and down against my ribcage, moaning every time her cock brushed up against my core. I felt her pulling away all of the sudden and looked down at my chest, which was slightly heaving – she smiled wickedly.
“You’re really beautiful,” she stated, out of breath. “I’m going to make you mine today, my love.”
That she did. Every gesture and touch she gave me that day was felt everywhere. She clung to me like a bear to its prey, grunting and whispering words I'll never understand until I let it overpower me. But I knew her words "I'm in love with you" couldn't leave my head or my soul. I felt her exploding in me, claiming me as someone she cared about and clung to. And I recall stealing every inch and every moment from her. I didn’t complain.
She lays beside me, holding my hand on her chest, as she looked at me deeply with those shrilling green eyes. She smiled, and kissed my forehead.
“I love you,” Natasha claims. “I’ve always been in love with you.”
I chuckled, resting my head against her left shoulder.
“Since when?”
“Since the day I realized I’ve fallen in love with you.”
We are both interrupted by silence, but not in an awkward way. I could feel the vibration of her humming on my cheek, which always brings me comfort and warmth. So, this is love? I asked myself in my head. It feels… good.
“Do you think Dad knows?”
She pauses for a moment before responding, "If he does, you know I'll take you away so we can be happy together."
“But what if our wants don’t meet?”
“Then I’ll let you go.”
That didn't sit right with me. The thought of her leaving and not seeing me hurts me on the inside, especially in my heart. I tightly closed my eyes, attempting to push away any negative thoughts that might arise. He'd let me love her, wouldn't he?
But knowing my father, I know he would never allow this to happen; my love for Natasha is unstoppable.
“I don’t like that,” I said. She only sighs and held me tighter in her warmth, still humming a song that I couldn’t process in my head. A person once said, if you love someone, you let them go. But is that nearly possible? Could they be wrong with their advice? She answered, “We don’t like that thought. But at some point, you do need to experience being an adult. I can’t take that away from you, especially when you’re still youthful and free. All I can do is support you and… wait for you.”
“But what if I don’t want that?” I asked, fighting back her thoughts as I looked up at her. “What if I don’t want you to let me go?”
She looked down at me and shook her head, I could feel her hand holding my jaw as she brought me closer to her face. She kissed my lips, then took a deep breath.
"I don't want to, baby girl," she admitted as she rested her brow against mine. "I really, really don't want to. I know I have to if he finds out or if you ever need to leave this relationship that we have."
I couldn't fight back because I didn't have the energy. Instead, I turned away from her, tears streaming down my cheeks. Natasha kisses my nape and holds me close, hushed and whispering sweet words to take my mind off my problems. But unfortunately, that didn’t work. I still cried that night.
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taglist:  @trans-wolf-boi @generousfartdragon @marvelogic @that-one-gay-mosquito @wandanotsosure @madelineleong @kksalexa @karsonromanoff​ @natashaswife4125​ @florojas​ @natashaxwife​
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gamblersdoll · 10 months
ITS THE MATTER OF IT … chapter 4
tw: mentions of busts, nasty things.
for a better reading experience, please listen to the following songs “i will possess your heart” by chained to the bottom of the ocean and “kaizoku” by ibaraki on spotify, apple music, or youtube. enjoy!
your heart was racing, but not out of fear.
not by anxiety, but by defense.
“its been a while, y/n.” sukuna said, how could he say that when you havent even met him before? “its been a while since ive seen that face.”
so this is what he kind of looked like. tattoos on his face made yuuji look rugged. but if you had to ruin it, then oh well be it. you should arm yourself, you had thought to yourself. it seemed like sukuna already understood it.
“theres no need to defend yourself, i already said you wouldnt be harmed unless you provoke me.” he chuckled, getting closer and examining you. his eyes felt like he would’ve devoured you, like a damn maniac. he more than likely would have if it was his thing or not.
“the only thing thats changed is your tits.” he said amused. he eyed them, licking his teeth as if wanted to bite them. you wouldve felt your face get hot from the king of curses talking about it….
but you didnt.
“what is it.” you meant to sound like a question was being asked, but because of your tone and demeanor it sounded like you were talking at sukuna, not to. luckily for you, he didnt catch onto that, instead he looked happy that you were at least speaking.
“you know what,” sukuna paused, lowering his gaze. “you surely dont think that i was just making an appearance to say hi, do you? or do you not believe you are the reinca-“
“–i am not some reincarnation!” you growled out, cutting him off. that shouldve been a mistake on your end, but for some reason he didnt care. “im just … me.” you trailed off.
“you look the same way you did a thousand years ago, little one.” he chuckled, practically in your face. you bet he only smelled decent since yuuji was decent with hygiene. “whether you like it or not, you are. eventually, youll grow happy that you are— or maybe just comfortable with the fact that you and i…” he took his finger and pointed back and forth between himself and you.
“we have history. whether the memories or knowledge comes to you, we do. and there isnt anything you can do.” he laughed, his pearly whites on display and he put his hands on your shoulders. “now that you are here though…”
“why didnt you say anything back then.” he asked, when the fuck did he have you cornered? this was bad, real bad.
“yes, because i completely remember what exactly happened during a thousand years ago.” you sarcastically said, rolling your eyes. “remind me of what happened with–“ you made air quotation marks with your fingers, “me and you?”
“we were close, you had feelings i guess yaddy yadda yadda.. you developed hanahaki disease, you died.” sukuna recalled, growing sarcastic as well. “why didnt you say anything to me?” he asked, growing serious again.
“realistically speaking, if i were to admit my feelings to you, you either wouldnt care, youd laugh in my face while laying down with another woman, or would just kill me and move on with your life.” you said in a matter of factly tone, he was a cursed spirit after all.
could he even experience love like emotions at all?
“you could be wrong, considering how strong you were before.” he said, which made your ears ring.
did this motherfucker call you weak?
“are you saying im weak?” you asked, planning to make a move, which could result in sudden death or a missing limb if he felt forgiving.
“not exactly, but since you are reincarnated, we never know if youre rusty or your strength depleted.” he said, taking several steps back. “if you land a blow on me, ill take back what i said, and ill settle with any conditions you may have for me.”
“and if not, then you have to accept that you are what people say you are, and youll have to work under me.” he said—
a challenge.
and a challenge that granted you authority in some areas.
a challenge that seemed unrealistic!
you had been working your ass off to land a blow, not even bothering to use your domain. you were simply out of breath, your hair a mess from the constant movement.
“this isnt the beginning of you, y/n.” sukuna had said with his hands in his pockets. he was certainly worried you had lost your abilities over a thousand years, but he also thought you were always a teasing woman.
come on, y/n, think.
think, goddamnit, think!
would it.. work on him?
you ran towards him knowing he would throw his hit first—
until black particles floated in the air, forming in the shape of the human skeleton. sukuna’s eyes widen, focusing on the black matter in-front of him, bringing its fist back to throw a punch—
until he realized that you were also landing a blow into his abdomen, now having to deal with a blow in the face but also in his beloved stomach.
a reversed curse technique, is what made you, you. you could separate your soul from your body into black matter, allowing the soul to fight with you, along side of your original body. making you somewhat immortal, only in certain circumstances would it kill you.
only one knew of this technique… only one had done it successfully a thousand years ago, against sukuna, and won.
sukuna had looked away and spat, laughing at nothing. you had landed a blow– two matter of fact. he then looked at you, and smiled.
“what do you feel?” he asked, he knew you had to have felt it, too.
deja vu.
“ive… been here before.” you admitted, watching him smile the wicked grin he carried.
“so… what did you tell him?”yuuji asked, eating his burger on your bed that you specifically told him not to do. he had laid down plastic wrap around him though to not ruin your satin silk bedding, which you’d appreciated.
“he doesn’t cause mass destruction, him not killing anyone unless necessary, and how hed teach me some things since i had won.” you said, eating a chicken philly. yuuji had since learned you loved them, occasionally eating steak philly but preferring chicken. so, the boy had brought you one. what a sweetie.
“oh! well.. thats good— hey i think we should sleep, since nobara had planned for us to hang out tomorrow all day.” he reminded, getting up and leaning down to hug you.
when did you both decide to start hugs, was beyond you.
“goodnight!” yuuji said, waving at you and you only replying with a “night.” made him smile. only when he reached his bed was when it went down hill for him…
or uphill?
“can you please stop talking about it?” yuuji asked sukuna, sukuna had decided to breakdown what had happened with you and him. but sukuna was infact a perv— of course he was, hes a curse!
“you dont look at y/n and think about how deep you could go in that–“ yuuji had cut sukuna off,
“stop it!” yuuji had growled out at him, only causing sukuna to laugh uncontrollably at his little outburst. “shes more than that!”
“well of course she is, but you gunna sit here and tell me you wouldnt tap that?” sukuna had asked, growing curious. yuuji had stayed quiet, ignoring the question until he thought about you.
the way you said his name, the way you walk, how you didnt take anything, the way you eat…
the way your shirt would tighten around certain areas of your body, the length of your legs. he had let out a frustrated sigh. he would feel bad if he did anything like that to the thought of you, like he was the biggest perv in the world…
but did you think like that about him, too?
honorable tags: @lisaaannna @coldbreadbouquetworld all reposts and shares are appreciated to see more of my work!
(chapter 2 of “THE WARM THE COLD THE SIX coming soon!)
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luhvrwrites · 7 months
(Im new on here and I hope you guys enjoy this!! It's actually the first chapter of my new wp fanfic)
Tw: abusive relationship, toxic relationship, strangling, dark rafe, jealousy.
Rafe wasn't the sweetest guy, not even close. He loved thea a lot but he would never show it, he was too 'cool for that lovey-dovey shit' in his words.
So when he called her up and told the girl to be ready in 10, she was completely confused. Still, thea made sure her pretty long locks fell perfectly and she wore a pair of jeans that hugged all the right places and a tight brown top.
"Baby, what's this? I'm taking you out. Somewhere nice so put one of the pretty dresses I've brought you, k?" Rafe doesnt ask, he tells.
"but I like this" whines the blonde as she stands in front of the mirror looking at him behind her slim frame in the reflection, she was 5'9 so he didn't tower over her as much as he did his ex.
Rafe sighs loudly and stares at there reflection. He shakes his head and grabs the girls wrist, turning towards him.
"I like this outfit too babe, but this time, I want my girlfriend to look extra good. So either put on the pink dress or the black one I got you." rafe said as he stared at her pretty face. Thea Peyton was lucky she was blessed with her mother's nose and her father's golden strands, making her the most beautiful chick in the Obx.
"fine" she huffs, strutting upstairs to change and feeling Rafes eyes dig daggers into her as her heals land on the wood.
Rafe watchs as Thea made her way upstairs. He watchs the way her hips sway as she walks, how everything he got the girl hugged her body and he couldn't help but smile to himself.
This was the first relationship where he was genuinely attracted to the girl he was dating, instead of faking it, maybe this one would actually be good.
She comes back down after 10 minutes. Now in a tight pink dress, searching rafes face for any indication he doesnt like it.
"You look amazing in that babe, really shows off your curves." Rafe cant help but stare at her. The dress was tight in all the right places and Rafe couldn't take his eyes off of thea. Hes mesmerized by how gorgeous she looks. He glances back down, not wanting her to notice how much he was staring.
"so where you taking me Rafey?" Thea asks him softly, letting her hand sway with his as he leads them both to his black truck which is where lots of there most unspeakable acts were performed.
"It's a surprise babe." Rafe beams as he opens the truck door for her. He climbs in after and shuts it. He starts the car, the engine purring. The truck starts to slowly drive out, and as he drives his eyes go over to her and he immediately grins.
"why are you being so nice?" she questions as the girl trys to rack her brain to remember if maybe it was one of there anniversarys? nope, or was it a holiday? wrong again.
Rafe laughs a little bit as her brain went into overdrive. "Babe, don't overthink it. I'm just being a good boyfriend. I thought that maybe we could go to a nice restaurant tonight and just chill." Rafe shrugged and smiles again.
Both ride in silence as they drive out of the city into the country passing all the big white houses that fill the streets of the outer banks. When she sees a sign for a nearby restaurant, Thea can't help but notice it's very nice and fancy. He pulls up and gets out, opening the door again.
"wow, how kind of you" she thanks in a posh british accent, her heels slightly twisted on the gravel of the parking lot.
Rafe chuckles at the way she thanked him making a mental note to tease the blonde later.
"Just following etiquette." He holds her hand and leads Thea to the restaurant, pushing the glass and greeting the waiter before they are sat at a nice table for two. It was empty besides the pair.
The waiter brought out menus and after a bit, Rafe ordered for her and himself. The waiters left to give the two time to talk. Rafe takes this opportunity to stare lovingly at her from across the table "am i dying or something?" Thea giggles as his icy blues don't leave her tanned skin.
"No, just a simple date babe." Rafe rolls his eyes mockingly but he keeps that grin plastered on his face. He leans forward a little and places his forearm on the table and his other hand goes to brush her light hair back, caressing theas cheek with his thumb.
A tingle runs down her spine and she couldn't help but notice rafe was acting different. Almost a bit too sweet, but he's probably just feeling a little romantic, right?
Then it clicks that rafe was only trying to make his girlfriend forget about what he had done to her last week.
Last weekꜜ
It was a Wednesday, and thea and her boyfriend sat in her room arguing again. She had put a love heart on her friend's photo on instagram and he wasn't taking it so well.
The argument was the same thing as always—you're too social, you have too many male friends, there's always drama etc. It was getting old and she were so sick of it. He was leaning his whole body over her lean frame now, looming over Thea and he grabbed her by the neck, shaking her a little bit.
"rafe please you're hurting me" She winced as his cold gold rings and to the pain of the pressure.
"Oh am I hurting you babe?" Rafe looks down with his blue eyes, filled with anger. "You hurt me every time you look at other men, every time you text them back, every time you're nice to them. You don't understand the pain you cause me." He grits his teeth and shakes a little bit harder.
Thea claws at his skin, trying to get free and to finally catch a breath, her nails dig into his skin and leave little marks which he will feel later. He lets out a little grunt of pain, but his grip on her tightens, making it hard to breathe.
He leans closer and screams into the girl's scared face, the veins on his neck and forehead are bulging "What is so hard to understand about that? You are mine and mine alone! If you can't handle that then maybe you should just leave then, right!" He leans even closer to her, his nose pressing against theas at this point.
Thea started to cry and she can't help but feel a wave of fear as Rafe pushes his weight down on her. His hand tightens around your throat, the lack of air making her breath shallow and frantic.
He takes his large hand away from her, chuckling gently at her as she falls to the floor. Her breath heavy as she gets access to the air again, clutching her neck to try soothe the pain.
Rafe just laughs and stands over Thea, not helping her up. He shakes his head thinking he's done nothing wrong and laughs again.
"See this is why you need to stop being so social and nice to people. If you just did what you were supposed to, none of this would happen." Rafe shrugged and sat down on the bed, leaning back on her pillows.
Of course, it was her fault.
Present dayꜜ
Rafe kept caressing her cheek. His grin never faded as his eyes looked deep into theas. There was an edge to the sweetness that she didn't like. He seemed a little too happy given how aggressive and mean he could get in just seconds. There was a certain anger behind those icy blues now that she noticed.
Rafe pulled her blonde hair a little too hard when he brushed it back over her shoulder, and that same tingle she felt a few minutes ago now felt like a pinprick in her stomach. He noticed this small change in the girl and his eyes narrowed, but he kept that nice guy persona.
The real question is how long can he last before lashing out again? He would never really change and both knew that.
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tuesday again 8/29/2023
my ENTIRE SUMMER has been either worrying about moving or actually moving. ALL OF IT. however an incredibly hot butch milf on the gay community bulletin board/dating app lex has finally answered my piteous call for gun safety classes with an invitation to her private range. unfortunately she is a landlord who owns a VERY large apartment complex. houston is a land of contrasts
more joywave! one of my favorite bands bc they are best listened to in full album format, and i did a fuck of a lot of driving this weekend. little lies you’re told has an opening like a big machine warming up while you are in a control room way high up on a gantry somewhere. spotify
reading (2x bonus round)
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All The Trimmings by Tesni Morgan (published 2001 in the UK) is a gift from @believerindaydreams. it is “erotic fiction written by women for women” (debatable) and “the publishers recommend that this book should be sold only to adults”. also, “Black Lace novels contain sexual fantasies. In real life, make sure you practise safe sex.” idk i’ve ever seen that kind of notation on an american novel before? fascinating precursor to the saccharine little “stay safe kids” ao3 authors notes
i do find the premise genuinely fun and compelling— two divorced milfs opening a hotel/bordello with historically themed rooms. i have had to look up a lot of british purple prose and i refuse to believe anyone says “rogering” in real life.
im being edged with glimmerings of bisexuality. every time one of the milfs gets turned on and goes out roaming to distract herself from being turned on, i go “oh?” like at a pokemon go egg, but so far all the dalliances and encounters have been dudes.
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had a very strange experience with cormac mccarthy's blood meridian. i don’t normally interrogate whether or not i am the intended audience for a work except when it’s literally made for children, bc i as a modern bisexual woman am the intended audience for vanishingly few works. for example, many entire genres (westerns) are very challenging to enjoy.
a western has never made me go "wait so why DO i like westerns at all" so hard. like, what AM i doing here in this genre that is often deeply fucking uncomfortable to consume as a woman, and where the most foundational american and european works of the genre often uncritically embrace the worst parts of the american mythos in the most violent way possible? i do believe critics when they say mccarthy is not embracing violence for the sake of, and in fact has something to say with his revisionist western, but my god is it hard to wade through. anyway, dad media will not fuck me and i still have only a tenuous grasp on why i try so hard to glean enjoyment from it.
i know what mccarthy is trying to do and the overall tone of “weird old maybe-uncle” spinning a yarn to a big group of you and your cousins around a fire somewhere is pretty effective. unfortunately I have less tolerance for mccarthy’s style now than when I read The Road thirteen years ago in high school. i was immediately super invested in The Road’s single dad and how he and his kid were surviving, which does not need a lot of interiority.
blood meridian also has very little interiority. the first five chapters are a teen falling in and out of various fights. i was not, and am still not invested. if im reading A Man Goes On A Journey western (as opposed to A Stranger Comes to Town western) i would like to know two or three things about the man, especially if it seems to be angling at a bildungsroman. i don't typically care for third-person objective narration when it is this closely focused on one guy, and i really don't care for loving descriptions of maggots. comforting to know a lot of critics were also squicked out by this book. so it goes.
finished watching s1 of spy x family! a Legally Not West German spy in Legally Not East Berlin has to go into deep cover and pose as a family man in order to gain access to Legally Not Erich Honecker, because the only social events Legally Not Erich Honecker goes to are the ones at his son's elite prep school.
this man FLINGS himself into being the absolute best husband and father possible. for the mission, of course.
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i found the first few episodes the best, which is generally the opposite of my normal anime experience. i think it does a really good job of balancing high-octane spy hijinks and chases and explosions with very domestic concerns (he PROPOSES. with a THE RING OFF A HAND GRENADE. AFTER THROWING IT), and once you're really hooked on these characters it turns into a bit of a curtainfic. curtainanime? i had fun with all of it and anxiously await season two, but the actual applied spycraft does drop off significantly as the series goes on.
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we're going to continue with out of context genshin screencaps for the duration. the watery land of fontaine has a neat smorgsabord of visual style-- freshwater but also saltwater but also the aquarium section at petsmart.
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unpacking mostly. acquired this coffee table and its mother. needs a very deep cleaning and some touchups but is intact. the individual tables are a bit large for like individual party drinks tables but all six together are QUITE large. four tigether would be a comfortable coffee table size for many apartments imo but! bc everything truly is bigger in Texas including my apartment it works for right now. for the first time in my life i am considering a sectional sofa bc the living/dining room is that dang big.
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