#im out living my life. with family. and all thats in my head is limited life
bidoofenergy · 1 year
in the middle, alone
based on this post by @quaranmine
(825 words)
Grian can never really deny Jimmy and Joel. He goes along with the big things— teaming up or handing over his time or fighting with Pearl and BigB over that fucking frog—and the little things—their matching jackets or their sunglasses or their fucking name—and minimally complains about it the whole time. Their bed situation was a medium thing; it wasn't going to kill him, but gods did it make his days that much worse.
Joel somehow both overheats and has the coldest toes known to man. Jimmy sleeps curled into himself but stretches his wings out, sticking feathers into Grian's mouth. They both kick. They left him the middle. He hates them for it.
At the end of the day, he makes a show of leaving with Pearl and BigB, back to their towers and frogs. Being alone makes you easy to pick off by any of the other roving groups of Reds. BigB throws an arm over his shoulders and Pearl bumps shoulders with him, both comforting him, both making him stumble.
It's only as they pick their way across the lawn, avoiding pressure plates because no one can quite remember where the TNT is, that Grian realizes he might actually be spending the night there. That's not the worst thing in the world. He'd probably get his own bed, away from other people. But something about the thought of sleeping on his own, not on the destroyed roof of the woodland mansion, makes something settle in the pit of his stomach. Makes things feel a little too final.
"We'll take care of you, Grian!" Pearl tells him, with that bright, sharp smile she only wears in the games. BigB rummages through their chests but in the end only turns up with a single piece of wool.
"Sorry, man," he tells Grian and he sounds like he means it.
"Don't worry about it," Grian tells them. "I'll just sneak back through the forest to the mansion and meet you guys in the morning." For a moment the other two hesitate, glancing at each other, and Grian watches them do the same math he just did: no one's in the forest, the TIES and Clockers have both gone home, he definitely has good gear at his base that he could bring them.
"Stay safe." BigB tells him and he sounds like he means it.
"Don't let the bed bugs bite!" Pearl sings after him, already heading up the ladder.
Grian makes it back to the mansion, perfectly fine except for being damp all over again—why did Joel flood their whole base? He's tired, wrung out from the chaos of the day, and crawls into bed, armor still on. He pulls his sheets up to his chin.
It's too cold. Joel runs so hot and curls in so close that most nights Grian woke up well before he wanted to, drenched in sweat. Grian rips the blankets off the other beds and pulls them over himself. There's no one here to yell at him for it anyway. It's not the warm bulk of two friends, of a set of wings layered over his own.
It's too quiet. Jimmy loves to talk when they go to bed, rambling on about the day or some joke Martyn made or that fucking frog. Joel snores and snuffles into his pillow and is generally just as noisy asleep as he is awake. Now, all Grian can hear is the wind rustling through the wheat.
It's fine. Grian likes sleeping by himself. He hates being in the middle of their ridiculous dog pile—the "Bad Boys Bed Bundle" as Joel had called it, which didn't even make sense. Just this morning, he woke up spitting mad because Jimmy's feathers had found their way into his mouth, again. He's not upset to be sleeping alone for the first time since the games had started. It is not too cold or too quiet or something truly ridiculous like too lonely.
It is perfectly normal for him to be in bed, alone. Two nights ago he threatened to move up to his bread house, he was so annoyed, and Joel had yanked him back down with hands around his chest while Jimmy clung to his middle and apologized and begged in the same breath. He stayed on the rooftop, because he can never really deny them anything, and stared up at the mess of bridges that cut across the sky, Joel and Jimmy still clinging to him.
No one is clinging to him now. No one is on either side of him now. In the morning, he will go meet Pearl and BigB and neither of them will lean on him the way Joel and Jimmy did so easily. He's in the middle of nothing now. He's in the middle, alone. The thought settles in his stomach like a lead weight.
They're dead. They left him in the middle, alone. He hates them for it.
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cowboy-robooty · 8 months
Robooty Reviews: Oni To Tengoku (8.9/10) ROBOOTY PERSONAL FAVORITE
(in my heart its a 10/10)
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Atsurou Aoki is an english teacher who has some mad fuckin self esteem issues. hes our beautiful pathetic man protag and he ends up tangled up in a relationship of sorts with the school nurse, Manabu Tengoku. Its a dry premise and honestly the first volume requires you to sludge through a lot of average yaoi evil shit but please please please im begging you endure okay. i have been an oni to tengoku-er since 2019 and ive been following the development of the sequel (oni to tengoku sai) and the (now third) sequel (oni to tengoku kyuu) of this series and GOD. ILL BE REAL IM A MANIAC AND PROBABLY GOT A LOT MORE OUT OF THIS SERIES THAN THE AUTHOR INTENDED AT ALL BUT IDGAF PLEASE READ IT PERHAPS YOU CAN EXPERIENCE THE SAME ENLIGHTENING AS ME. READ MORE HAS SPOILERS BE WARNED (PART 1 CUZ OF TUMBLR IMAGE LIMIT)
this will be a little different than usual because i have a whole lot to say about aoki and tengoku. Really, a lot of this will be just talking about how and why i like their relationship so if you end up liking this you should most definately read the full manga to experience it for yourself
Despite all the fuckin bullshit of the first volume, the manga is really fucking good at interweving in its core themes and setting up the psychological basis of Aoki. Aoki was abused by his mother as a child, but i think the depiction of abuse is really realistic because even though she whittles down his self esteem and makes him feel worthless she hugs him afterwards and still is motherly towards him, this aoki doesnt hate his mother and fully cut her off per say but she is a demon to him. its pretty realistic imo where parents can do awful things but they buy you a donut and then its like ermm well.. they bought me a donut and do this in my best interest so its okay. Aoki is fucked in the head though. because he doesnt feel like he can be loved deep down and his entire career path is something he chose only because it was expected of him by his family (and his entire life is grasping at straws in an attempt to not disappoint people)
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he wants more than anything to just not be an embarassment and be "worthy" of being loved. I like how this is depicted because again it feels more realistic in that he isnt outwardly a freak about it or anything he doesnt have breakdowns in public or anything thats enough to warrent himself to feel like he needs to get help. but he definately does need help of some sort because his way of thinking and the constant guilt and shame he feels is just something thats normal to him now. hes just tired and a bit worn down, but its not like anything is exceptionally bad, since humans are surprisingly adaptable and hes just lived with feeling like hes an embarassment who disappoints people his entire life so its norm.
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Tengoku obviously doesnt mean it in the way aoki is taking is. but its things like this that make the themes feel well interwoven to me. Aoki doesnt look tengoku in the eye and say "i have mommy issues and feel like being an embarassment is the reason i cant be loved" but he still shows it in a way that we the audience can see he means, since we can put together aoki's lifestyle and viewpoint from his inner dialogues and flashbacks to his mother's abuse. Aoki wants more than anything else to be a good boy because only good boys can be loved. and unfortunately for aoki san this kind of means he has developed a praise kink and good boy fetish which tengoku just naturally leans towards so erm haha tengoku just pushing those buttons all willy nilly!
Tengoku isnt an idiot though, as he pursues aoki he can definately connect the dots and all that shit for how aoki ticks. This isnt exactly hard to do anyways, since aoki passively talks about himself to tengoku during non crazy scenes and its not like hes an enigma or anything because again, he thinks that the way he lives is completely normal for a guy like him. Tengoku likes aoki and chases him and aoki isnt exactly a willing participant. Tengoku likes aoki because hes a fun plaything and interesting and pure hearted and everything tengoku is not and aoki begins to form an affection for tengoku because he itches the mental illness brain damage spot by pursuing and wanting him consistently and not getting bored.
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These panels are true brain damage pages because it hits upon how all aoki wants is for someone to look at him directly and still want him. His greatest wish (that he doesnt even believe could come true at the bottom of his heart) is to have someone that could see him for who he is and despite all his flaws. despite how hes useless, despite how hes not good at anything (to him), despite how hes bad at relationships, despite how he cant talk with other people, and despite what an embarassment he is, still love and want him. Seriously, I must recommend you to read this for yourself. Theres the yaoi bullshit sludge but every chapter has bits and pieces of Aoki's mindset that is an insanely good representation and depiction of how that kind of mentality and acceptance is like.
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Volume 2 is where things really pick up. Yaoi sludge has been toned down to make way for FUCKING SWAG!!!! the set up for aoki's mentality is done now were onto getting into the way tengoku and aoki's personalities actually interact with eachother. Along with dipping into tengokus crazy bitch syndrome
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Over this volume, were shown that actually aoki and tengoku are a good match for eachother. At least, tengoku provides something special for aoki in that he doesnt know from personal experience the feeling of needing to earn love, but because of that he bounces off well with aoki because he shows basic interest in going "well your feelings and thoughts do matter though. youre a person too". this isnt explicitly said, but its little things liks this that end up making aoki fall in love with him. Aoki falling in love with tengoku is also interesting because this is his first time actively liking someone else because its what he wants, not because its what the other person expects. Despite how terrible their relationship was at first, it set a ground where Aoki was able to create a strong connection with someone without the initial fear of disappointing them since he even didnt like tengoku at first. Honestly with the way Aoki is I think that is why hes able to love tengoku out of his volition, since he already has shown his shameful parts to him and tengoku still wants him-- in fact tengoku is the only person who has seen Aoki's shame and refused to let him go, this lets Aoki take a breather and think about what HE desires for once instead of how to keep someone with him or do whats good for the other person/not shameful.
Also a new teacher is introduced who actually is one of the many guys Tengoku had play-boyed before who became a teacher just so he could try to win tengokus love lol. but he serves as a plot device for that yaoi jealousy arc WOOOHOOOO! I love the jealousy chapter a lot though because BOTH CHARACTERS experience jealousy in their own way. I'm not sure if what Aoki experiences can be classified under jealousy or not, but ill just say it is because thats easier. The chapter is wonderfully done though because see Tengoku has always been the one who chases Aoki but also the one who reminds him that he doesnt fall in love this is just a sex playboy thing. Aoki is the one who has fallen in love and does show this by treating Tengoku specially, but Tengoku obviously doesnt reciprocate this since the way he acts at least is more like Aoki is his favorite of a bunch of toys rather than his one and only like how Aoki sees him. Aoki feels bitterness over this because he wishes he could be loved by Tengoku since Tengoku is somewhat wishy washy and gives Aoki just enough to keep hope but also smushes that hope by refusing a drop more. (this is done though bc this is fucking yaoi ofc tengoku loves aoki to bits and pieces back but tengoku is just scared of liking aoki too much and showing it too much but hold on we havent gotten to tengokus insanity yet jeeeesus christ!). Also im kind of at the tumblr 10 image limit but I think showing these next three pages are really important so ermm me when i post this and then add a reblog or two with MORE BULLSHIT. I'll properly tag the versions with my reblogs
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bittertarot · 6 months
you are so cool and non judgemental to chat with, so thanks very much once again! yeah I think the whole hysteria abojt idols fs in away its intruiging from a non obsessive point of view but for those who do obsess about idols fs are going to be in for a shock whenber idols are revealed to be dating and shock horror, its not themselves.
honestly I regret not really going for it and learning a genuine skill that I could then use later on but sometimes its just matter of having opportunities or being in the right situations to actually gain those skills, for example you could go to a really shitty school and learn something amazing or you can go to a better school but have shitty classmates or teachers that are of no real use to you or courses that arent available and so on and so forth, whilst idols have to go through a lot I do think what they get to do is super cool cause when they pass on they have a legacy to be proud of. Sadly I think it just comes down to them being in the right areas or theyre from the right families who can invest so much into idols gaining their skills and talents. I have yet to really see someone from my country denut in kpop group sooooo it kind of says a lot of where kpop is heading and that they were going to smerica come what may. its just sometimes our situations are very limiting and we cant always win at everything in life either or say you might want to do something but realistically you know its slim to none chances and i think at some point it has an age limit of when you can succeed at it. So even if i wanted to do what i originslly wanted it would take many more years just to get to a good skill and even then you might not be the best at it
I also think sometimes social media makes things neither great nor bad cause people can upload their skills and really empahsis on what they want nowadahs whereas when I was a kid we were doing fuck all with our free time yaknow? kids nowadays shouldnt waste their younger years is what im saying. sometimes i think that i dont fit in with my generation cause of how screen obsessed we all have become and then i dont fit in with newer generations cause they have so many more ways of making success for themselves, im just like what can i offer? honestly not much.
thats also why i lowkey wouldnt mind passing on early just to get out of this screen world that we are in and yet older generations were never bothered with taking selfies then they wouldnt habe been able to get social validation via online, so they were probs happier and things were at least affordable back then. i kinda envy the older generations in that respect, we only got to experience a small handful of years without the pressures of social media and ever since idfk 00s or earlier it kinda went to shit really.
everyone was expected to be online and idk how i really feel about it anymore im sort of over it and modern society generally sucks. so many idols get backlash for no good reason, youtubers who dont do anything wrong get gossiped about and snark pages are endless so even if someone wants to do something amazing with their lives they cant avoid scrutiny of any sorts. its just got way out of hand and its past the point of saying well just dont use it then cause we technically need these devices constantly so ergo its not hard to not be delulu about celebs and the likes either cause its literally everywhere.
Sorry for the late response, been caught up in some important stuff recently (it's not bad stuff LMAO)!! Anyways, thank you so much! I try my best to remain open-minded of any/all perspectives before forming an opinion of my own and even so, I'm very open to hearing others opinions on these matters. Debating issues is something I genuinely enjoy, as long as it is a polite and healthy debate ofc. It is quite interesting, I'd say it has something to do with the "loneliness epidemic" (as I like to call it) of these times. We're in a time where technology is increasing rapidly and human interaction isn't as common, we're more attached to our screens than actual people and that becomes an issue when it places you out of touch with reality! The obsessions over being an FS and whatnot is genuinely awful, like fans hating on idols and their relationships have led to some couples even splitting; look at Lee Jae Wook and Karina from Aespa as our most recent example. It's never too late to try, really. You can learn any skill no matter your age as long as you can put enough effort in, remain disciplined and dedicate time to it! I think your point there is quite valid, but since technology has advanced so rapidly, you can realistically learn most skills online now by a few quick google searches, taking notes, learning and applying them practically. I think it is quite cool how idols have a legacy that'll be remembered for a while. It's something I'd want to achieve before passing on, as even though making an impact, being remembered, etc isn't a neccessity it does in a way lessen the anxiety about passing on? It makes you feel like there is a chance that people will still mention you, bring you up, that what you did could be studied or researched by other people, that your story could motivate others into getting their shit together, etc. A lot of idols aren't in the right areas or families, though. I'll use BTS as an example here; some members had extremely poor families and were from a run-down agency that could never compete with the big 3. Look at where they are now? They single-handedly built up their label, going from Bighit to HYBE. Practice makes perfect, the more you practice, the more work you put in, the better you will get at that skill! Obviously, blind optimism isn't helpful but if you take the realistic steps in place to where you want to be in the next few years now; it will happen and you will succeed. I completely agree that we, as a society, have all become too screen obsessed and I'm also guilty of this, but it is an issue. It's caused a lot of parents to just let the screen teach their kids, too. I'm sure you have a lot to offer to the world, even if you might not think so. You can do it, though! I believe in you and I'm proud of what you have done so far :] !! I had a discussion with a friend about a similar topic to this, but a lot of trends now are fueled by "nostalgia" where things looked happier and less daunting to live in. I think after 2015 is when things started to spiral, but that's my personal take. You're more than free to disagree with anything I've said!! I don't think you should force yourself to be online, stick to the trends, etc. Do what makes you happy and you'll see yourself shine brilliantly! And yeah, a lot of delusional ideals are fueled by big companies nowadays, too, since fans will obviously put more money into those celebs if they feel like they might get "noticed" - which could also be why concert tickets are getting higher and higher even for newly debuted groups. That's my take on all this, though, feel free to respond and add on, agree, disagree, etc! <33
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
May 2007
May 4, 2007
ryan ross lives in my house right now.
had a falling out with myself.
we just dont speak so much anymore.
theres nobody carrying weight.
nobody with hART and sole.
im sick but theres no hospital to fix this kind of thing.
i day dream at night.
i call em all in the air.
sometimes i get it right.
the things i keep inside are worth double the ones anyone knows about.
almost caught a break, but im pretty sure it was a bad throw.
youre always getting caught, so am i.
i guess we are into the same kind of things.
posted by xo at 7:35 PM
May 6, 2007
i like blowing out other peoples birthday candles and stealing their wishes.
days inn- kind of has a different meaning when its days INside my head.
shut my eyes to keep the world out.
who have you become vs. who you are supposed to be.
been shittalking so much with people who are asleep on the inside.
their veins are pumping blood but their hearts just arent in it.
they blow over legal limits and their organs have put in their two weeks notice.
sometimes i write to keep the world out.
but most of the time i write to keep my world inside.
you have no idea what i do while you sleep.
im having a 2/3rd life crisis.
i got boring.
somewhere along the way.
where the wild things are turned into where the wilde things are.
i have played russian roulette exactly once in my life.
it was the single worst thing i have ever done in my life.
it doesnt matter what the proportions are on the girl to my direct right.
or the way her heart flutters faster than a hummingbird.
just the way she looks at me sometimes.
everything about me hangs on that....
on another note, sometimes the best nights all rest on winds and conversations you have in them.
posted by xo at 6:31 PM
May 10, 2007
“fucking nuts.”
i dont care where our heads lie,
as long as yours is close to mine.
posted by xo at 3:46 AM
May 12, 2007
"i can hardly stand living but im afraid to die"
semisweet shadows lit in backrooms
would taste if they were baked into you
lost in my head
my gut has always been my compass
but lately ive been heaving it into gutters
and toilets
sex on tile floors next to bathroom sinks
fuck to forget fuck to remember
you smell of a grove of trees my family drove past for years when i was younger
its like a fortune cookie i opened 17 years early
or a palm reader that was set like a backdated check to age 27
i wouldnt dare say these words aloud as i fear they would set off a chemical reaction within me or you
or that they would come across like a foreign language straining for meaning
i feel like i have snapped awake out of a coma like in a bad movie
i want to get under your skin and its not just a metaphor mostly
your eyelashes kiss off everything i say except in the way that it only makes me dream
informercial love affair
you hair tipped blonde crashing on black roots
or at least thats the plan
if there ever is one
its like science but one i dont understand
turned in my badge and gun as far as anyone ever understanding me is concerned.
i like standing in the rain.
i like showing up late.
i like going home early.
i like having a short fuse.
i like the madness.
i am in love with it.
the shows have made me realize that there is no other reason for me to be on this planet besides connecting with you.
thank you for that.
you have never let me down.
i am magnetized to everything you do.
and you is you who is reading this.
you are concrete and boomerangs and everything i can count on.
thank you for that.
when my back feels like breaking. or my stomch feels like heav ing or my eyes feel like raining i will think of that.
remember this is real.
even when your head is spinning and your heart is fluttering.
we are on the inside.
the cage spins the bird free.
dont for a second think i have forgotten you or the way you make me smile on gray days or in stormyh weather.
posted by xo at 11:19 PM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
fucking nuts.
i dont care where our heads lie,
as long as yours is close to mine.
posted by xo at 3:46 AM
May 13, 2007
“ground control to major tom…”
i can see that it kind of makes em sick in the pits of their stomachs when i smile.
or when i dont smile.
like they want it to impact but be forgotten.
im not sure you know how i was strung out but on something else.
how someone made you heavier and lighter all at once.
chaos in a wink of the eye.
and how its brushed off by something beyond it- that only speaks in whispers in crowded rooms- who only speaks of backyards and dog days. who only wants to drive south. who you wouldnt believe if i told you.
what if i said its all in reverse-
the things that broke me down years ago are just a shrug now.
a thumb and two fingers in.
i feel like a penny turned up the wrong way.
put me in the bowl in front of the register anyway.
let me change someones day.
posted by xo at 11:17 PM
May 17, 2007
if my conscience is a cricket then my heart is a wasp.
posted by xo at 12:20 AM
May 17, 2007
“semisweet shadows lit in backrooms”
would taste if they were baked into you
lost in my head
my gut has always been my compass
but lately ive been heaving it into gutters
and toilets
sex on tile floors next to bathroom sinks
fuck to forget fuck to remember
you smell of a grove of trees my family drove past for years when i was younger
its like a fortune cookie i opened 17 years early
or a palm reader that was set like a backdated check to age 27
i wouldnt dare say these words aloud as i fear they would set off a chemical reaction within me or you
or that they would come across like a foreign language straining for meaning
i feel like i have snapped awake out of a coma like in a bad movie
i want to get under your skin and its not just a metaphor mostly
your eyelashes kiss off everything i say except in the way that it only makes me dream
informercial love affair
you hair tipped blonde crashing on black roots
or at least thats the plan
if there ever is one
its like science but one i dont understand
turned in my badge and gun as far as anyone ever understanding me is concerned.
i like standing in the rain.
i like showing up late.
i like going home early.
i like having a short fuse.
i like the madness.
i am in love with it.
the shows have made me realize that there is no other reason for me to be on this planet besides connecting with you.
thank you for that.
you have never let me down.
i am magnetized to everything you do.
and you is you who is reading this.
you are concrete and boomerangs and everything i can count on.
thank you for that.
when my back feels like breaking. or my stomch feels like heav ing or my eyes feel like raining i will think of that.
remember this is real.
even when your head is spinning and your heart is fluttering.
we are on the inside.
the cage spins the bird free.
dont for a second think i have forgotten you or the way you make me smile on gray days or in stormyh weather.
god been thinking. its been awhile since ive done that.
except for "here and there"s
sick of all the speculation.
this means that, that means this.
this is really the only place i can speak to anyone without people in glass towers watching me.
so thank you for that.
id do anything to keep this going forever.
even in my head when i wanted to be blown off this fucking planet i still hoped that little blue record kept spinning in your room.
the reason you havent seen a video of fall out boy on fuse is because of corporate litigation.
the same reasons for half of what makes this all feel like its falling apart.
we only did cribs because we thought it was funny. hopefully you are in on the joke. we rented fake cars, like ferraris and just goofed around the whole time.
didnt even know how to open the doors.
not sure if our sense of humor is gonna come across or whether it will be mtvified.
my best friend is a dog.
sometimes i miss being down all the time like it was a close friend that moved away.
but sometimes the inside of my head and my heart and my stomach all meet up into this wretched combination.
i just want to let myself be happy.
id give anything to not give up on this.
take care. sleep safe. i will write more when it comes to me.
May 20, 2007
i actually know someone whos middle name is danger
a cayahoga falling out. class four class five. id still take em. letters all over printed on every piece of luggage ever. you think you found gold every single time. she is the call just before the street lights go out. she is the minute before the alarm goes off. slurring and purring just like and engine or a cat after hes had a fifth. sometimes i hope i dont wake up, sometimes im scared that i wont. its funny how that scale works. its like our lady of justice peeking under the blindfold. if i could keep you still long enough id slip a rope around your finger or maybe even a silver band. detox to retox. hope and hype are just a letter off. sometimes, i try and forget that.
posted by xo at 12:03 PM
May 24, 2007
10 years at sea for one day on shore.
"And I can deal with some psychic pain
If it'll slow down my higher brain
Veins full of disappearing ink
Vomiting in your kitchen sink"
i can kind of see this thing going a couple of different ways. the screen pressed close against the side of my face. ear to the speaker cause i have smashed all the others that project the songs inside this stupid box. my face this close to the keys, taunting me. "i can do whatever i want"s, "i can eat my dinner in a fancy restraunt"s. there is no semblance of meaning. ice cold blue lips, vocal chords and toungue in the back of my head with everything i wish i could say. the tip of the iceberg of a credit check on the emotionally bankrupt. curse phone service or rejoice in it depending on which end of the line we are on. looking for the last life jacket on this sinking ship called life. throw your "overdramatic"s out the window. throw your "old you"s in your fucking face. i get it it. i got it. i gut it. the sun sets and rises on the same old mood. the world has become a dangerous place to me- in my head and outside of it. cant seem to shake it. all roads lead back nowhere. the wilderness of the inside of your brain- which seems to drive your body whenever your heart or crotch is not at the helm. i feel like a slow motion replay of a crash that never happened. wanted to be an anthem not an away message. most of the time dont want to be anything at all. when you are alone is when you audit yourself. you become who you truly are. or arent. there arent any cliffs to throw yourself upon and theres no romance in just: me.
last year i made a list of songs to listen to in the dark when you are all alone. i figured i would do the same again:
donny hathaway "a song for you"
eliott smith " a fond farewell"
the chemical brothers "close your eyes"
damien rice "9 crimes"
beck "lost cause"
beth hart "leave the light on"
the smashing pumpkins "ava adore"
david bowie "space oddity"
iron and wine "such great heights"
stevie wonder "they wont go"
saves the day "hold"
bjork "hyperballad"
bright eyes "coat check dream song"
prince "nothing compares 2 u"
the supremes "where did our love go"
ben folds "the luckiest"
jeff buckley "hallelujah"
i said "i kind of wish i was a pirate"
and she replied "you pretty much are"
how could i not love that?
May 25, 2007
is either full of diet pills or shit.
and usually its both.
May 30, 2007
“what has this become?”
a question only countered in some monster movie madness.
sometimes spewed out just before the
signal down.
the wizard of oz in reverse.
from color to black and white.
i am completely obsessed with everyone who is completely unobsessed with me.
or sometimes with life.
and by life i dont mean heartbeats and breathing.
i mean 9 to fives and becoming the suburbs.
the complete fuck off of it all being that i am completely obsessed with backyards, christmas trees and lemonaid stands.
its like the northshore is my heaven, the valley is my golden gates.
excuse mne for nodding off.
always boring myself to death.
take a chill pill.
the story of my life
the unauthorized biography written by myself.
i dont even remember saying goodbye to you.
happiness is the sand in the sea.
its just a percentage of a percentage inside a body of water,
life is just a crocodile with a ticking clock inside of it chasing captain hook.
its just i havent figured out this graceful aging thing so well yet.
im sorry baby. my heart is clumsy. but i love you in a holding your hair back kind of way.
just wanna dip my toe into death to see if its a warm bath.
anytime anything breaks me open ever i just spit out a fortune.
if it means anything i spend my time with a bunch of people who ignore the vibrant sky and just look for the pot of gold at the end.
addicted to addiction.
curiosity killed the cat. but what the fuck did loyalty ever get the dog.
May 31, 2007
"i dont believe...." anymore.
i have no words.
posted by xo at 5:47 PM
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myrfing · 1 year
6.4 msq spoiler thread
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i need this buff PERMANENTLY
yshtola is so good at indirectly cheering people up in that shrewd old lady way. not that she's old just well matoya
I like how they put pen and paper in estinien's room like he's literate
dragons are always wanting to pop out their eyeballs
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erenville are you...? the golled more...? can i go with you..
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can we kiss
god he appeared on screen and SORRY vrtra but i need him to continue and tell me about his life and I need to go with him
now they're blueballing us about a mysterious letter
i like how zero's just been there like well I guess you know everybody on earth then
margrat. i need more of her bizarre behaviors
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i forgort
thancred calling it "social struggles" YOU GUYS ARE MAKING THIS AWKWARD FOR ZEROOOO
these drake ass polar bears
the aetherfont is sooo gorgeous also I forgot my codex broke and nearly let thancred die. long time since ive healed a trust party as well but we go slow smell the ice bears
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oh my god :U
thancred: just stick stay close to this one
gourd: slowly turning head with his o_o frontal bird face
they just let thancred tag along just beacause. not to be mean but we could also just meet new people
U Guys Are Leaving Gourd OUt of the Conversation Hinting At Something Happening To Come What The Hell So He Doesn't Get Alone Time And You Guys Are Getting Jobs Without Him Anyway
zero voice Idgaf about that
can the garleans get over their magic fear already you live in a world where there are glowing horses
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damn that's crazy
msq is always very strangely gentle and thorough relative to others when it comes to dealing with garlean trauma or maybe thats just my hater lens. anyway the whole they are bigoted and small minded because they'd been hurt stuff is getting old and it's kind of crazy how this hurt people hurt people stuff is the limit here
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trust me i dont really want 2
a weird bit about the whole garlemald thing is the bizarre angelic benevolence of the ilsabard contingent. not ONE person has been like you know you guys spent the past half century fucking up the entire world and you still demand respect for your gay ass tower because the imperial family sat their asses in it. anyway i have problems with the whole we're actually a totally 100% saintlike patience goodhearted pure intentioned foreign aid group thing We Have To Save The People Of Garlemald on the side of the alliance since the start but whatever
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i dont want the thank you from this man LMFAO
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zerooo 8[ also so much of what zero recounts explains. Cylva.
aw that's true jullus
LMFAOOOOO THEYRE MAKING THE WOL THINK OF ZENOS BECAUSE OF THIS CONVO? gourd did NOT trust that man unless you mean trust him to be awful. and what did zenos trust in the wol that he'd fight him eventually? I GUESS? MAYBE THEY MEANT HE WANTED TO TRUST US BUT I ALSO DO NOT CARE?
we're not friends just because someone calls you their friend 29083902 times 💀 i think that dude barely had a concept of gourd as a human being with his own life
an act of trade also can be an act of charity. THIS IS WHAT I MEAN THEIR POLITICAL WRITING IS SOMETIMES SO.....garlemald is still absolutely at the alliance's mercy + they still obviously believe in right by might re: that one line from the old dudes so there's no reason for them to not be cognizant of the fact we can just take by force and doesn't handle the hanging But Why Aren't They? question at all. this was a pity deal and everyone's like friendship and hope <3. im not saying goodwill and sincerity cannot exist between groups but this requires a sense of solidarity that we do NOT have with garlemald considering we still have to step entirely around the subject of their imperial affairs
you see as a nation they're not equals. they're the languishing half dead scattering remnant of an empire that built its wealth and prosperity for a time on war, theft, and enslavement of the rest of the world and radz and the alliance absolutely could just turn the tables and invade and probably just wipe out everyone here without breaking a sweat. of course that's abhorrent but it's crazy that THIS particular pain even the mere thought of it is made to not exist while the garleans get to be complicated about it. they want to keep their national name and pride with none of the consequences and we don't even demand that as if a nation is sacred and untouchable even after everything. I don't get it bro
i like the way varshahn says wyrm
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glitter guy....
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effyoudumbler · 10 months
Notes written when I was insane 1
I name things I like, after things I wish to understand
That’s the crux of me, isnt it. All that I like, is that which I have Desire to understand, and yet, simply Cannot. If I could, I would, and so, I wouldn’t have any reason to like that thing anymore. Tragic.
In order to every enjoy things, I have to severely limit my acuity. That, or, I have to be paying attention to just one part about it I dont understand
I was hunting those animals
And played my misery
But then
It turned out to be birds
Building a nest for a family
That is surreallity.
Why was he hunting them
Who is he
Why is he there
The only clue is his appearance
A nobody really
The music he played
And how he stopped and seemed
Longing, and sorrowful
Very subtle
Looked forlorn, incomplete
Staring, with a mild, sad turn of his lips
Once he realized theres no animal
Building a nest
And so he leaves
Why was I shown this
Why is this something that the man remembers
Its obviously about longing for a family
Its so
Dreamlike, of an interpretation
It seemed like nothing happened
And yet
In his eyes, this was very, deeply important
Yes, in his eyes….
The sad man, and the nesting roost of birds in his properties woods
So close
So far
In pain
Humans were built to worship
Poor man
When a man dies, his treasures die with him
Such is fate
All of this dream, is but a song
That takes me somewhere else
So that I can endure the wild real life
All of my endeavors
Are but love
A mechanical inclination of hunger
Desiring to… how to put it…
Be greater than even the pulse of Time itself
To be immortal
But also
Something more
To be pure again
To be pure, again
I am obsessive because I am scared
Im scared because my autism produces extra stress, and on top of that, makes stress deplenish very slowly
Im stronger than i realize
If i can be up 32 hours no sweat
Coffee sure is something
What was that garbage mother handed me long ago
It hardly worked at all
This shits the real stuff
Id have DOUBLE the time to do anything
All of the things
Double double double double
I give up
And the reason is
I mask around others
So hard
Ive lost my way
And Im stubborn to a fault
So thats how i die
I see it so clear now
I will die due to my action of stubborness
If not random chance
Refusing to admit there is a problem
More so
Im so lonely
Short term gains
I cant live without it, I say
I say
I say
Whenever have I proved
Witgout confidence
There is no future
I cannot keep masking
I dont want to be weak
Youre obsessed with that
Without confidence
There is no future
I just
Without money
I feel no confidence
Forced to talk
To leave
I feel no confidence
I cant trust my family
I dont want to be weak
I also have a burning curiosity
When i was younger i wouldnt have minded being weak
But not anymore
Weakness gets you worse than death
How can i do work when im starving
How cqn i eat when i have to cook
How can i cook if i have to clean
How can i clean when people wont help
When everything is so ugly
Then i have to shower
And defecate
You are a person who must fold to Anxiety
Think of this
Once anxiety hits you
You should do everything you can
To obliterate it
“But then ill get new anxieties”
So what
So what
They were always there anyway
Whether or not you tried now or later
You must tackle anxieties
The moment they appear in your head
You are where your treasure is
If my wife worked at like
Some shitty job hauling plutonium
Damn sure I’d go there with her
Just to be in the surrounding vicinities of her
Its what I feel must be done
I want a wife who wants a helicopter husband
0 notes
neverlandsky · 3 years
okay okay hear me out. sambucky visiting an aquarium or sea world with sarah, cass and aj on a day out !! im gonna write in bulletpoint form because i don't have energy to write a proper narrative. but i promise this is going to be tooth-rotting-ly sweet
sarah mentioned going to an aquarium with the kids at dinner which prompts bucky to ask what that is
"you've never been to an aquarium before?"
"no? should i?"
cass and aj immediately insist uncle sam and bucky join them on their trip
bucky being as excited as the kids because he's never been to such a place before
sam rolls his eyes like do we really need to take his "co-worker" to a family bonding event 🙄 (all lies he loves the idea)
"yes, sam, bucky has to come with us! why? you have a problem with it? come on, its going to be fun!"
they get those bracelet ticket things and bucky almost offers his metal arm to the employee
(those bracelet things are cute i have to include it for no reason. its adorable thats it)
bucky barnes is a NERD and he definitely reads every metal placard with cass and aj
sarah can't stop laughing at that conversation and she assures bucky that the glass wont break and its a shark-safe zone
cass trying to pronounce the scientific names of sea creatures
aj saying they all sound like harry potter spells
"whats harry potter?"
"you've never been to an aquarium AND you've dont know harry potter? mr bucky, i thought you lived a long life"
"aj thats not very nice-" "uh sorry uncle sam" but bucky is just laughing "its fine, sam"
they go to the tunnel and sam has to hold bucky up straight because hes too in awe
somewhere along the tunnel, bucky took sam's hand and he isnt letting go anytime soon
which leads to him dragging sam everywhere and sam is just too focused on the fact that their holding hands in public
holyshitholyshithelpwhatthefuck whyamifeeling likethis SARAHHELP
sarah just looks knowingly and smiles to herself. these two are so oblivious and DUMB
bucky staring at the wall-sized exhibit, not realizing that sam is staring at him
"sam! oh my goodness! look at that manta ray!" but sam doesn't reply
bucky looks over to see sam looking at him, grinning and shaking his head
"never seen you this happy, buck"
"yeah yeah okay" hes kinda embarrassed now
cass and aj forced them all to the souvenir shop and sarah limits them to buying ONE stuffed animal
"you have so many already!"
cass picks a stuffed lionfish and aj picks a stuffed beluga whale. sarah even got a turtle keychain for her car keys too
bucky ready to buy everything for the kids if he could but sarah wouldn't let him so he hought he'd buy one for himself and one for sam
he decided on a grey stuffed manta ray
"it looks like its smiling on its belly, sam, its adorable. i need it. you need one to. pick a color. do you want blue or grey" "fine fine blue"
sam and bucky are wayy to attached to their stuffed manta rays now
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okay so since you know more than sarah could u give more info?? because i love learning about pete and his blackness as its literally never talked about ANYWHERE else. like thank god for tumblr tbh. sarah is genuinely the only reason ive ever known anything about him in that way but its always been limited so thats why i sent her the ask. i didnt even know ur blog. sorry for sending to her instead of you!!!
oh its fine!! im pretty new on the scene technically. while sarah and i were in the fob fandom at the same time in 2015 ish, i actually left tumblr completely and recently came back!! but anyway, lets talk about petes melanin (my beloved <3)
theres a pretty pervasive narrative, not just around pete but around any black and especially biracial celebrities that theyre ashamed of their blackness or arent "really" black. theres like. a looooooooooong conversation to be had within the black community about this, but to tldr it, the assumption is if you dont look black, you arent black, which for a lot of reasons isnt exactly the case. with him in particular theres a lot of stuff that contributes to this.
most people do not associate the alternative scene and emo especially with black people, so its easy to overlook a lot if someone isnt SUPER obviously black. pete has other ethnic features, like his nose, and is recognizable visually as black except for his skin color. except thats because hes been artificially lightened in photoshoots due to editing and (ALLEGEDLY AND POSSIBLY) lighter foundations. further, he relaxed his hair, which takes away another ethnic feature of his.
there is another aspect to this, which is that black people tan, noticeably and by several shades. you will not notice it if youre like seeing them continuously throughout the year, but as someone who lives in the caribbean and has spent some time in the states, the difference is stark enough to be noticeable. a lightskinned black person may look MUCH paler in the winter compared to in the summer.
in addition, the wealthier you are, the less time you tend to spend in the sun, so ive noticed that black celebrities tend to get lighter as they gain notoriety just because they have like more resources. the reason people from the caribbean tend to become lighter when we go to the states isnt because of less sun, during the summer thats not at all the case, its because the US is more developed so you dont HAVE to spend as much time in the sun.
besides that, hes like genuinely very loud and proud about being black, but all of those attempts are met with backlash. there was the reaction to his natural hair, the reaction to him with cornrows, and the reaction to his very emotional rant about the murder of george floyd. it happens in fobs music too!! ioh for example draws a lot of influence from choral and hymnal arrangements and soul music, not to mention jay-z and babyface working on the album itself, which led to them being labelled sell outs. they also just generally work with rappers more, with lil wayne on tiffany blews and big sean on srar, both of which also led to them being called sell outs. ab/ap as an album draws influence from rap/trap and mixtape culture in the way it was written (thats why its got so many samples), and subsequently got remixed. remember what happened next? mania draws a lot of influence from calypso and dancehall music and features burna boy singing in yoruba patois. that one led to the featured artist getting harassed en masse and multiple (worse) edits of the song without him on it. i dont like it here 💞.
that last point brings me to the fact that while pete definitely loves hardcore and metal, he also has always loved reggae and dancehall. hes half jamaican, spent time in jamaica as a child and listened to his grandparents records, which were. well. reggae and calypso and a little dancehall. if anyone ASKS him about it, hell talk about it willingly and candidly, theres an entire interview from during the hiatus (which i can no longer find rip) where hes asked about and talks about going natural and spending time in jamaica and listening to reggae, which heavily influenced black cards. he visited jamaica during the hiatus! although its unclear if he visited family since literally every news outlet that mentioned it was like "oh tropical getaway <3" unaware that thats where his folks are from
also heres that interview snippet sarah mentioned! i have the full page, its about the early days which is funny bc its just before futct.
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theres also some poetry on sarahs blog that she found years ago thats VERY black. i dont like making it easy to find for nonblack people simply because the first time it was unearthed mostly white people were talking about it and the meaning of it went way over everyone elses head so i try to make sure that if people start talking about it they know going in that its about being black and biracial specifically and so that black fans dont feel the way i did when it first surfaced lol
all of this emphatically points to pete genuinely loving his blackness and not trying to hide it and it being something that majorly shaped his life, but genuinely being unable to talk about it bc of public perception.
sorry for talking your ear off!! if you have any specific qs i almost certainly have answers!!
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zmayadw · 3 years
Hello to all :)
My free time is so limited lately, I barely have any time for wtiting :( And it's so frustrating!
Anyway, here is the next part of the story.
Wish you all a nice and relaxing weekend! :)
Mayas POV
In the following days the calls stopped. Nothing was happening actually, and I didn't know what to think of it. Was that a good thing? Or was there something worse coming my way? I did feel a bit calmer with the calls gone, but that sinister feeling was still much present with me. Jake left when we woke up, saying he has to go do something, grinning at me before leaving. He seemed less worried too about everything, but I had a feeling something else was bothering him. I dont know how long it passed, I was lost in my work, when he entered the room, smiling at me from the door „Right where I left you.“ „Hey you.“ I said smiling back, taking my headphones down. „What you been up to?“ „Wouldn't you want to know.“ He grinned „Come on, get up and get dressed.“ „Oh god, not that again.“ I said desperatly, and he laughed. „Dont worry, nothing happened. Just do it.“ „All right.“ I said, getting up and dressing. „What's this all about?“ I asked curious when I was done, and he just walked to the doors, opening them „You'll see.“ „Ok, mister 'oh-so-mysterious'.“ I was about to take my phone „No,no, leave it, you dont need it.“ I turned surprised to him „All right, now I really want to know what's this all about.“ I said, crossing my hands at my chest. He rolled his eyes, walking to me. He gave me a quick kiss, taking my hand pulling me towards the door „Just trust me, and come on already.“
Leaving the motel, Jake lead me to the car, popping the trunk. He took out the blanket handing it to me, and a big paper bag filled with stuff, I couldn't see with what exactly. He closed the trunk, and started walking towards the woods. He turned to me when he realized I was still standing confused by the car. „Coming?“ he grinned at me. I raised my eyebrow „To the woods?“ He smirked „Awww, dont be scared, angel, I'll hold your hand.“ He winked and continued. When did he get so cocky? I quickly followed after him, and he grinned as I catched up with him, holding his hand out for me. I stuck my tongue at him, he just shook his head and smiled. „Whats in the bag?“ I asked after we walked for a while, trying to peep in it. He just shifted it under his other hand „You'll see.“ „Fine, I wont ask anything anymore.“ I said making a pouty face. He looked sideway at me „That face wont work on me, I'm still not telling you anything.“ „Come on, thats not fair.“ I protested, but he just laughed again „Can't you just be patient a little?“ „I can“ I said „I'm just too curious of a person.“ I grinned. „You do know what they say of 'curiosity' and the 'cat'?“ he said teasingly to me. „Ah, but the cat has nine lives.“ I countered and grinned again. „And besides“ I said „ going for a movie, or dinner would be less..uncomfortable, then wandering through the woods.“ He looked at me grinning „ Admit it, you just desperatly want to see that new movie with Chris Hemsworth.“ I laughed „I'm surprised you actually know what's playing in the cinema at the moment.“ I said teasingly. „Why so surprised? I do watch movies.“ He said and grinned. „Good to know your whole world doesn't revolve arround computers.“ I said grinning back at him. „Oh, I can assure you it doesnt.“ He said. „But, yes, computers are my biggest passion for sure, been that way since I was a kid.“ I was taken aback by his words, he never before said anything remotely similar, so I just stared at him. He turned to me „Why are you looking at me like that?“ „Like what?“ I asked, still surprised. „So astonished.“ „Well, to be honest“ I said „Because I never heard you talk like this before. About yourself.“ „Well, Maya“ he said and smiled „You never asked me anything about it.“ „And if I did, you would tell me?“ i asked surprised. „Ofcourse.“ He said without hesitation. „Anything I ask, you would answer?“ I asked again and he stopped walking, turning to me. „Look, I know you are curious, and yes, you can ask me anything. I might decide not to answer some questions, but it wont mean I dont trust you or anything like that. So, please, just keep that in mind, all right?“ I just looked at him for a moment. „All right.“ I said finaly. „Good.“ He said and continued walking. „Can you tell me now where are you taking me?“ I asked teasingly and grinned coming beside him. He looked at me and groaned „Dont make me regret this.“
After walking for a while longer, we finaly emerged from the woods, and I stopped and stared at the sight in front of me, smile widening on my face. The Blackwater lake was even more beautiful seeing it with my own eyes. The sun was out, making the color of the water silvery, soft wind blowing making the ripples on the surface sparkle like diamonds. The woods surrounding the lake and the singing of birds gave a serene atmosphere to it. It was amazing, so I just closed my eyes, the sun warm on my face, making a mental picture of it in my mind. I opened my eyes, turning to Jake. He was looking at me with a smile, his phone in his hand. „Did you just take a picture of me?“ I asked, walking towards him. „Yes I did.“ He said, and I groaned desperatly „Ugh, delete it, please, I turn out terrible on pictures.“ He smiled, his eyes sparkling „Nonsence, you looked beautiful just now.“ I blushed a bit, I was never good at receiving compliments. „I think the sun is making you delusional, maybe I should be the judge of it.“ I said grinning. He laughed „I'm not showing you the picture, you will just delete it without looking at it.“ „Fine“ I said, squinting my eyes at him „I'll just do it while you sleep.“ „Ha! Good luck with breaking my password first.“ He grinned at me. I pouted my lips „And its not fair, why do you have your phone, but I couldnt take mine? I like to take pictures, too!“ He smiled, hugging me arround my waist „Because, you are here with me, and nothing can happen to you, so you dont need your phone for me to be at peace.“ He leaned and kissed me softly. „And besides“ he said and smiled „I wanted to have you all for myself, with no distractions.“ I smiled. „But, what if something happens to you, and I have to call for help?“ I said all serious. „You have to tell me your password, it's for your own protection.“ I grinned, and he sighed and shook his head „You so ruined the moment.“ He said, taking the blanket from me, spreading it on the ground. „Oh, I'm sorry, don't be cross at me.“ I said, feeling guilty for it. „I'll make it up to you.“ I said, as we both sat down. He streched on the blanket, leaning back on his elbows „Hmm, I dont know, you would have to come up with something really good.“ „Something really good..“ I said toughtfully. „What could that be..“ I said, biting at my lower lip, my other hand playing teasingly with the zipper of his hoodie. His breathing got heavier, and I leaned slowly to him, stopping so close, my lips barely brushing his. „How am I doing so far?“ I breathed it out almost whispering, looking him in the eyes. He swallowed hard „Pretty damn good.“ I smiled, kissing him softly and unzipping his hoodie. His hands wrapped arround me, and he deepened the kiss, laying me on my back. He broke the kiss after a moment, his eyes sparkling „And you are lucky, because I just cant resist you.“
Jakes POV
„Are you really asking me that?“ I said laughing. She was laying with her head on my stomach, eyes closed, and I played with her hair. She turned to me „Yes.“ She grinned „Why? Are you embarrassed to give me an honest answer?“ I chuckled „No, but are you sure you want to hear the honest answer?“ I raised my eyebrow „I was pretty wild when I was younger.“ „Ugh“ she groaned „Alrighty, next question.“ I laughed again „Come one, dont tell me you wer and 'angel' back then?“ She blushed a bit, averting her look from me. „All right, all right, I said next question.“ She asked after a moment „Ok, where did you grew up?“ Ah, here we go, I thought, personal questions, but I didnt mind, I was expecting it. „Well,not that far from here, actually. My mom moved back with my grandma when she found out she was pregnant.“ „You said before, Hannah and Lily are the only family you have left, so I persume she passed?“ she asked. „Yes, when I was 12.“ „Oh, im sorry to hear that.“ She said softly. „Its fine.“ I said. She was silent for a while „Do you think your life would turn out differently if she was still alive?“ „I dont know“ I answered honestly after a moment. „I was always fascinated by computers and all this 'hacking' stuff, so I can't really know if something would end up different.“ „What was she like?“ she asked then. I was silent for a moment, memories coming back. „I'm sorry if its too personal.“ She said to me. „No, it's all right.“ I smiled at her. „She was amazing. She was firm, but soft when needed, she always stood her ground. She was tough on me, but showed me nothing but love.“ It was strange for me talking about my mom to someone, but it felt nice. I was amazed how easily it was for me to say all this to her. And she was genuinely interested, intensly listening to my every word. I smiled again „She would always say to me 'Jakey, my boy, always listen to your heart, not your head, no matter what. The heart knows best.'“ „It sounds to me like she was a wonderful person, and a great mom.“ She said to me, smiling softly. „She was.“ I said smiling back at her. „She would have liked you very much.“ „Wish I could have met her.“ She said and smiled. Her face got serious „What happened to her, if you don't mind me asking?“ „I dont mind“ I said. „She got sick, it was getting worse fast, and she passed some months after we found out about it.“ She turned, staring at the sky. „Its not fair.“ She said after a moment. „What isn't?“ I asked. She turned to me „That good people like that leave so soon.“ Her eyes got watery so she turned her head away, and my heart skipped a beat. I turned her head back to face me, her eyes glazed. „Dont get sad on me now.“ I said smiling softly at her, tucking the loose hair behind her ear. „I'm sorry“ she said, giving me a small smile „I'm soft on things like that.“ I just stared at her. Her emotions surprised me once more, her sadness was so real, so sincere, I was amazed. And I knew, right here, right at this moment, my heart belongs to her forever. I knew I was in love. I pulled her to me, kissing her gently. „You really are an angel.“ I said to her, and she blushed a bit before smiling. „Dont praise me, or you might end up disappointed.“ „Thats not possible.“ I said kissing her once more. She smiled again before moving to lay back. „What happened after she passed? Did you stay with your grandma?“ she asked. „Yes“ I said „Until I was 18, then I left.“ „Where to?“ „Well, I found a group of people who shared my interests, so I joined them. I was with them for quite long, and learned much from them.“ „I'm sensing a 'but' here.“ She said and I smiled at her „You are right.“ I said. „But, they became a bit too extreem for my taste, so I moved on.“ „So you joined someone else?“ she asked. „No, I was on my own from then. I did meet some new people after it, but never joined any groups.“ „What about friends?“ she asked serious. I laughed „Yes, angel, I do have friends. Some of them are really good friends of mine, the ones I trust.“ „Thats good to hear.“ She grinned „Maybe I will meet them one day.“ „Hm, if
you stick with me long enough, maybe.“ I said and winked. She smiled, before getting serious again. „How did you find out about Hannah and Lily?“ I sighed „Well, I didnt get along well with my grandma after my mom passed, so after I left I havent really seen or heard from her much. I found out later some lawyer was trying to contact me when she passed, so I met with him.“ „What happened?“ she asked curious. „He told me my grandma left everything to me, since there wasnt any other beneficiary. So I went back, collected important stuff, and sold the house. It wasnt really till few years back, when I went through some old stuff from my mom that I found out about them.“ She turned to me „It must have been hard finding out like that.“ „It was.“ I admitted. „I was really angry at first, at my mom, and my grandma, for not telling me anything about it. It took me a while to cope with it.“ „What happened then?“ „Well, the rest you actually know.“ She looked puzzled at me. I sighed „After I cooled of, I decided to contact Hannah. I was curious. At the same time, thats when i ended up in trouble. And all the other things that happened. So there, that's it basicly, now you know the whole story.“ „All right“ she said „But, can you tell me anything about the trouble you got in? Or why you are so mysterious about the 'people' you do things for now?“ „I had a hunch you will ask that eventually.“ I said. „Can you blame me?“ she asked „It worries me. If I knew more of it, I might get calmer a bit.“ She looked so intensly at me, I knew I had to tell her at least something. „All right“ I said „I wont go into much details, and I want you to promise me, you won't ask anything more then what I'm gonna tell you about it after. Can you do that?“ She just looked at me for a while. „All right.“ She siad finaly. „And I need one more promise from you.“ „No, I won't tell anyone about what you will tell me.“ She grinned. „That's no it.“ I said, and her face got serious and worried. „Then what?“ I sighed „You have to promise me, you won't feel guilty after I tell you this.“ „Guilty? Me?“ she asked surprised. „Why would I? What's it got to do with me?“ „Do you want to know or not?“ I asked. „Ofcourse!“ she exclimed „Now even more then before.“ „Then I'm serious, Maya. No guilty feelings, ok?“ „Ok,ok, I promise.“ She said, but I knew it will affect her eitherway. „All right.“ I said, taking a deep breath. „I got a hold of some information, something that I wasnt suppose to find. And I got caught doing it. So thats when all this shit started happening. I had to move constantly, as you know already. I kept what I found, hoping one day that information will serve as my ticket out of anything if needed.“ „Ok, that doesn't sound that bad so far.“ She said. „Well, my plans changed abruptly.“ I said, looking for the right words to continue this. „Why?“ she asked. I had no idead how else to say this, so I just did. „You.“ „Me?“ she asked, and I just nodded. She didn't say anything for a while. „But, what I have to do wit...“ she fel silent. I could see on her face her mind was racing, connecting the dots. „No...“ she breathed it out after a moment. „Maya...remember what you promised me.“ I said, raising my eyebrow at her. „But..no.. it can't...“ she stuttered. She got in sitting position, hugging her legs. „Me coming here, to Duskwood..you had to do something you didn't plan on, right?“ „Something like that, yes.“ I answered her honestly. „Oh, god.“ She said desperately „I completely messed your plans, didnt I? I ruined everything for you.“ She lovered her head on her knees. „Hey, look at me.“ I told her, and she slowly lifted her head. I moved to her, sitting also. „I don't blame you for anything. It was my decision. I wouldn't do anything differently, belive me.“ „But, because of me, things got even more complicated for you, again.“ I smiled „I don't care.“ „How can you say that?“ she asked in disbelief. „If it means I can be with you, I really don't care.“ She looked at me for a moment, suddenly throwing herself at me, hugging me tight. „I am so sorry for
everything I've put you through.“ She said. I hugged her back even tighter „Nothing to be sorry about, angel. “ She held me tight for a moment more before moving away „How can you still call me that, after everything?“ I smiled, taking her hand „Because nothing changed.“ I leaned, kissing her softly. „Thank you. I really dont know how you can still put up with me, when all I ever did was complicate things for you.“ she said a bit gloomy, lowering her head. „Don't you ever think like that.“ I said, and she looked back at me. „I'm right where I want to be. It's all that I ever wanted since I met you, to be with you. And nothing will change that, ever.“ She just looked at me, her eyes getting teary. She hugged me again, burrying her head to my neck „I really don't deserve you.“ she said. I smiled, wrapping my hands arround her. She wasn't even aware of how much my life changed for better because of her. „Oh, I'm pretty sure it's the other way arround, angel.“ She lifted her head „ You just say that to make me feel better.“ „No, I really mean it.“ I said. „ But if it makes you feel better, then that's just a bonus.“ I grinned at her. She laughed, shaking her head „You're impossible.“ „Hey, don't steal my line!“ I said teasingly. She laughed „Wait, I tought your line was ' You're amazing '.“ „It is.“ I said. She grinned „Then this one is mine now, you can't have both!“ I laughed „Fine, fine, you can have it.“ She got serious again „Ok, joking aside, tell me just one more thing, please. The people you 'work' for now, are they the ones you took the information from?“ „Oh, god, thankfully not.“ I said. „Then who are they?“ „That, unfortunately, I can't tell you. For now, at least.“ „All right“ she said „I won't ask more about it, I said so. But, can you at least tell me, for my peace of mind, what you do now, is it something you detest?“ She actually got me thingking with this question. „Hm, no, definitely not.“ I said after a moment. „I still do what I'm good at, just in a way I'm not used to. I don't know how to explain it better without telling you something I shouldn't.“ She was silent for a while. „Thank you.“ she said „For telling me all this.“ I smiled „No need to thank me, angel. Did you at least get you curiousity satisfied now?“ „Oh, I got more then I expected.“ She said gravely. I chuckled „Well, be careful what you wish for next time.“ I said teasingly. „Mhm, I definatly will.“ She said and laughed. „Well, I do have just one more question.“ „You do?“ I asked, raising my eyebrow. „Yes.“ She said all serious. „Can I see what's in that bag finaly?!“ she grinned, and I shook my head. „What?“ she protested „I'm hoping you have something to drink in there, I'm thirsty as hell.“ I laughed handing her the bag „I'm sure you'll find something to your taste in there.“ „Ohmygosh“ she squealed out checking the bag „You had all this stuff in here, and you let me starve and be thirsty all this time!“ I chuckled „The bag was here all this time, you could just take it.“ I said, reaching in the bag to take a bottle of water myself. She slapped my hand „Hey, what's that for?“ „Wait for your turn.“ She said serious. „That's what you get for keeping things from me.“ „Aww, don't be like that, angel. At least give me the water so I don't dehydrate, I think I deserve that much.“ I said trying to be dramatic and act hurt. She looked at me for a moment, taking the bottle and handing it to me „Be happy with this. I'll think about if I will share the rest with you.. Jakey.“ I laughed „Thanks. And please, don't call me that“ I groaned pleadingly „I never liked it, anyway.“ She grinned „Oh, I'm SO gonna use it just to annoy you from now on.“
Mayas POV
The sun was slowly starting to settle down. I stared at the calming water of the lake, thoughtfully licking my fingers from the melted chocolate we just finished. My mind was still processing all that Jake told me. Even though he left out some things, I learned a lot about him. And I was happy he did it, and amazed how open he was with me, I felt so much closer to him now. My feelings for him got even stronger, I liked him even more now. Liked...is that the right word to describe how I feel? I knew better. A smile forming on its own on my lips, and the warm feeling spreading throuhg me from just the tought of it was a clear sign – I was in love. „What's on your mind?“ he asked me, wrapping his hands arround me from behind. I smiled and leaned back against him „ I was just thinking, how I wish this day could last a bit longer.“ He smiled „Glad you liked my little surprise.“ „Oh, I loved it, belive me. The whole day was like a beautiful dream.“ I said and smiled. But the smile slowly vanished from my face. „Unfortunately, reality is hitting back at me like a wrecking ball.“ He sighed „I'm sorry, angel. I wish things wer different, I really do.“ „I wish that, too.“ I said. I turned my head to look at him „But, I'm lucky I don't have to go through it alone. I'm glad you're with me.“ He looked at me, his gaze determined, the reflection form the lakes grey water in his eyes giving that determination even more intensity „As long as I breathe, and as long as you let me, I will always be here for you. You will never be alone.“ I just stared at him, what he said sent tingles all over my skin, and before I knew, the words just left me. „I love you.“ I tensed and my eyes widened, as the realization of what I said hit me. He just looked at me. I got up sitting, turning to him. „Ok, ok, don't freak out on me now.“ I said. „But it's true, I do love you.“ My heart was beating fast, and the words just continue to leave me. „I know it's crazy, right?! We barely know each other, but I can't deny how I feel.“ I was beginning to sound a bit histerical by now. I dared not to look at him, I was affraid what I might see on his face, so I lowered my head, staring at my hands. „It's just.. I don't know.. Just feels right, you and me, being together.“ I was talking fast, scared what he might say if I stop. „It was like my life was missing something, and then you came along. You wer that one missing puzzle piece in it, and now the picture is complete.“ My voice started cracking. „Dont worry, I dont expect from you to say it back. I mean, who could blame you if you don't. I completely jumped you just now with it.“ My hands started to shake, and I clasped them, nervously rubbing them together, feeling my palms sweat more with every passing second. I stood up, hoping my legs won't betray me from how nervous and terrified I felt. I took a few steps towards the lake, a knot forming in my throath. What have I done - I tought to myself desperatly. „You know what, just forget it“ I started, not turning arround, staring at the lake „ Just forget everything I just said. I take it all back. Just pre...“ „Don't you dare!“ I was cut mid sentence by him, and I turned arround. He was already on his feet. „What?“ I asked bewildered. „You can't take it back.“ He said, coming towards me. „Don't take it back.“ he said stopping in front of me, his voice trembling a bit. „Don't, because...“ he started, his eyes glistening „Because, I love you, too.“ I gasped, and just stared at him, as the sound of my heart beating frantically echoed louder and lounder in my ears. “From the moment you entered my life, I knew things will change. You made my head spin. A complete stranger.“ He said, and I just continued to stare at him. „ But I was so drawn to you, I couldn't think of anything but you. It was driving me insane, I could barely function normal!“ He paused for a moment, catching his breath. „ And you wer, you are, the best thing that ever happened to me. You changed my life for better. With you, I finaly feel alive again.“ He was looking so intensly at me, his eyes
glowing. „ And I can't find the right words to tell you how much you mean to me and how much I love you .“ My head started to spin, and I threw my hands arround his neck, feeling as if the earth beneth my feet was dissapearing. But it was my own feet giving up on me, I didn't realize I was holding my breath all this time. His hands quickly wrapped arround me, pulling me tightly to him. „You all right there, angel?“ he asked, not taking his eyes off of mine. „Im fine.“ I said after a moment, my feet steady again, air coming back to my lungs. „Good.“ He said rising his eyebrow „So, you won't faint or something if I kiss you now?“ I smiled, shaking my head „Oh, shush it, and just kiss me already.“
As we walked hand in hand back to the motel, I couldn't shake off the goofy grin from my face. This day turned out to be perfect. I was happy, and nothing, nor anyone could change that. Whatever happens from now on, I knew I will be all right, as long as I have him by my side.
How little did I know.
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
my fav boys with slick black s/o pt 1?
a/n: im losing inspiration for my current requests and i’m not feeling good mentally or physically. my mood has been down the whole week and it’s messing with my school work so that’s also putting me in a sad mood. but im also in the mood for some fightin words so i’ll use my comfort boys. this may be corny but hey it works for me and this is my blog ❤️
lets get it
Bakugo Katsuki
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bro you MATCH his ENERGY so well with your clapbacks
tbh... bakugo’s clapbacks are just trash
he got the aggression but cmon now
tf is “shitty extra”
boy if you dont sit ya ass down
he LOVES your clapbacks tho
them shits be making him lose his mind
any slick shit you say he eats that UP
one time monoma was talking too much shit and you just
“nigga if you dont sit yo ass tf down fore i snatch yo forehead tf off”
safe to say bakugo busted out laughing
you were ready to post up
he lives for when you be roasting ppl under ya breath
what he doesnt like is when you roast him
bc you can and will read a bitch no hesitation
he really thought he was special....
aint shit sweet come get these roasts nigga
“boy if you dont take them damn pants off. shits look like hammer pants. cant touch this headass”
yall know how i have desiree roasting him?
that’s exactly how it be
you got a sharp ass tongue and will use it against anyone
let someone get both of yall pissed off together???
straight up verbal abuse at that point
file a complaint bc you and bakugo def made someone cry before
i think the class lwk hates you bc you helped bakugo’s clapbacks get better
which is bad for them
yall rmb those roasting vids where they go mmm after each one?
thats bakugo in the back
“big body headass”
“dumpster truck headass”
typa shit
he’ll hype it up too much
Todoroki Shouto
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you think this man dont talk shit himself????
bro he can and will read a bitch RIGHT TO THEIR FACE TOO
he want all the SMOKE
yall together??? im sorry to whoever pissed yall off lemme plan they funeral
i imagine the way todoroki reads niggas is real sophisticated like he will point out every single insecurity you HAVE without even knowing you that well
no cursing for majority of them
“what shoes you got on?”
yall would read bitches together but like this
“shou it’s the lifting acrylics for me”
“it’s the dusty wig for me, love”
“its the disconnecting wig for me”
“its the cakey makeup for me”
painful for them
i think he can do rapid fire roasts as soon as someone tries to start shit with you
“i know you’re not coming for my s/o. it’s the talking shoes, it’s the bootleg supreme shirt, it’s the fake chain, it’s the brittle hair”
he gets real disrespectful and wont care who it is
unless it’s your friends or family then he’ll dial it back a lil bit
if you start roasting endeavor????
my mans might be on his way to the jewelers
“try this ring on. i wanna see if it can fit you”
he finna spouse you up (spouse IS gender neutral innit?)
unrelated but todoroki is a hottie and will “ah 😜 mwah 💋” everytime and you might have a video of him losing his mind girls in the hood LMAOOOOO
Killua Zoldyck
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now this boy.... cant roast for SHIT
yeah he’s a lil brat and can get mean and petty
but he cannot compare to you
this nigga’s a whole trained assassin but cant kill niggas with his words that well
i think the meanest thing he’s said is call you “a stupid fuckin idiot”
to which you responded with
“shut the fuck up, mushroom built ass bitch. body built like a smurf. hair lookin like hairballs cats cough up. dont get loud lil boy”
killua respectfully sat down and scratched his head
no cap that shit lwk hurt but he gonna pretend like it didnt
he dont even know what the fuck a SMURF IS
he just know that it hurt
lwk thought that was your nen
the ability to manipulate emotions into irritation or anger or some shit
like no baby they just good at roasting bitches
after a while he starts to hype you up in the back
“how you FEELLLLL”
eventually he learns how to roast and clapback then it’s over
the sass meter is overboard
like you might have to knock him a couple notches down
swear to god this boy uses clapbacks on leorio just to piss him off
one time leorio was telling killua to do sumn he just
“oh you must want me with the way you keep gobbling on my fuckin nuts i will do it soon relax”
you damn near BEHEADED this boy with how hard you slapped the back of his head
like it was funny but leorio wouldve JUMPED YOU
Kamado Tanjiro
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listen he likes to be the peacemaker
but with your clapbacks they’re enough to make zenitsu wanna post up
like you read him a lil too much
cue tanjiro rapidly apologizing while dragging you away
the first time you roasted the absolute shit outta inosuke he had to sit down
he didnt even know what the majority of the shit you said meant
same with killua all he knew was that shit kinda hurt
tanjiro be TIRED of yall
“y/n can you PLEASE relax”
of course you know your limits
there’s no way you’re gonna get tanjiro to roast people
but this one time you heard him clapback by accident
“you heard me loud and clear, sir. dont act like you couldnt hear me correctly.”
like oop?
i felt a lil HEAT
aint no where near burned but for tanjiro??? good e fucking nough
dont act like he dont say some lil slick shit on the dl
this man got pent up aggression fym
tho you do be making him laugh
esp in battle if you just start reading a demon
he cant help but snicker
baby loves the way you talk and wouldnt have it any other way
if you roast him he will just go
“oh okay 🙂”
he doesnt know how to respond to that
if you roasting someone who deserves it nezuko will be your hype girl bc tanjiro’s busy trying to de-escalate the situation 💀💀💀
“and thats why yo grandma got a busted funeral”
“y/n shut up NO THEY DONT SORRY”
before dragging you away
jfc you’re like verbally feral
Nishinoya Yuu
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your personal hypeman
will respectfully allow you to roast people
cant roast to save his life either
“you tell em!”
hopping around n shit LMAOAOAOAOAO
you got that shit
someone irritating him?
“y/n.... baby.”
“alright who is it?”
“aight bet. AYE BITCH”
legend has it tsukishima is still recovering from those third degree burns
do not roast him this man will run away he values his life
“oh you must be ready to attend this barbecue”
(love that guy)
“IM VEGAN” liar
and DIPS
nigga will 100% ROLLINGGGGGG THUNDAAAAAAA tf up outta there
he can clapback and that’s the most he’ll do
he do be saying slick shit bc i hc him as someone who want all the smoke
ride or DIE
on they ass
(struggling to come up with clapbacks w/o anything to clapback to 💀💀💀)
(been cryinf over rengoku and hw my brain is mush)
thats all for this one folks lmao
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woogyu · 3 years
Funny Drabble Game
Drabble Prompts; fluff | angst | funny (when requesting PLEASE add which prompt list it is from)
Can have up to 3 prompts per request + can send multiple requests.
They will all be written for fem reader. I’m very sorry about this, it is just because of what I know/have experience in writing.
Please format requests as follows; funny member prompt # or #s.
ex. funny member #12 + #15
ex. funny florist!member x student!reader #14
Send your requests/asks: here
~ prompts under the cut ~
crossed out = don’t request, usually for when I’ve gotten tired of a specific prompt coming up too often or I don’t like it
Drabble Prompts [credit; https://justforshitsandcackles.tumblr.com ]
“You’re such a fun drunk.”
“Since my dog likes you then i guess i like you.”
“Tell them to fuck off.”
“It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.”
“I want to strangle you 99% of the time.”
“Could you not suck for five minutes?”
“The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids.”
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed/bedroom too!”
“You’re seriously like a man-child.”
“Well thats tragic.”
“I’m too sober for this.”
“You are actually insane!”
“I think you’re actually satan.”
“It’s like -50 degrees in here.”
“Laugh at my jokes! They’re funny and you know it!”
“Sorry isn’t going to help when i kick your ass!”
“Don’t let one of them electrocute themselves or something.”
“Welcome back. Now fucking help me.”
“Do you find this amusing, fuck face?”
“Holy shit! That thing is huge!”
“Don’t kink shame me.”
“I hope i’m never stuck with you on a deserted island.”
“I just cleaned that!”
“Don’t get sassy with me!”
“What do you have behind your back?”
“If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god.”
“Not to toot my own horn or anything, but the dog loves me more.”
“I’m going to put on some clothes before you say anything else.”
“Bite me.” “If you insist.”
“Im not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.”
“I need you to be my fake girlfriend/boyfriend.”
“Can you stop playing connect the dots with my freckles?”
“You snuck into my room, at 4am..to cuddle?”
“If we get caught i’m blaming you.”
“What? No! I wasn’t staring..i-i was looking at something behind you!”
“I locked the keys in the car.”
“This is why we can’t have nice things.”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“Define normal.”
“Do i get bonus points if i act like i care?”
“Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and i don’t speak english.”
“Don’t look for any redeeming qualities. I don’t have any.”
“And you wonder why you’re single.”
“Remind me to kill you. Please.”
“I’m listening to you. I’m just not paying attention.”
“She’s crazy. and just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, theres a crazy underground garage.”
“Sorry. I don’t speak skank.”
“My middle finger salutes you.”
“I don’t think i could ever stab someone. I mean, lets be honest, i can barely get the straw in the capri sun.”
“I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how i feel.”
“Somebodys cranky.” “Somebody needs to shut up.”
“All due respect but thats a bunch of crap.”
“I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind.”
“Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.”
“What did i tell you about calling him/her the devil?” “That it’s offensive to the devil?”
“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!”
“I’m not weird. I’m limited edition.”
“If history repeats itself, i am so getting a dinosaur.”
“You seem somewhat familiar. have i threatened you before?”
“Even when we were kids, i always kicked your ass!”
“Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.”
“Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.”
“She’s hot, but she’s evil.”
“Do i regret it? Yes. Would i do it again? Probably.”
“You’re going to burn in a very special level in hell. A level they reserve for child molesters, animal abusers, and people who talk at the theater.”
“I’m not a damsel in distress. i’m a damsel doing damage.”
“Sometimes i question my sanity. Occasionally it replies.”
“Why should we date?” “Because we’re attracted to each other.” “I am attracted to pie, but i do not feel the need to date pie.”
“Why does everyone assume the worst of me.” “It saves time.”
“You’ve successfully cured him/her of anything interesting about his/her personality.”
“Neither one of us is drunk enough for this conversation.”
“Wow somebody needs a happy meal.”
“I didn’t do it!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.”
“Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“You couldn’t handle me even if i came with instructions.”
“Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.”
“I’m so glad you could come.” “Cut the crap. give me a drink.”
“Where have you been all my life?” “Hiding from you.”
“I can tell that you think what you’re saying is funny, but…no.”
“If you pull out my earphones, i will pull out your lungs.”
“Ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. thats cute.”
“I feel like a freakin’ soccer mom.”
“My ex? Yeah id still hit that. Except this time it would be with a car or a baseball bat.”
“Such big evil in such a little thing.”
“For the love of fuck.” “Yep, thats me. i love to fuck.”
“Are you ready to go?” “Yeah. let me grab my machete.” “We’re going to sephora. no machetes needed.”
Clears throat seriously, “Yas bitch.”
“No road trip is complete without the snacks. So go in there and buy everything you can fit in a tiny cart.”
“I’m all for making you miserable by being insufferable, but unfortunately i have things to do today.”
“Come on, you can help me make conspiracy theories. If you make an especially good one, ill pay for dinner.”
“You know what? Why not? I haven’t ruined my life yet this week. Lets go.”
“Do these dark circles under my eyes say nothing to you about how i am doing?”
“If i didn’t know you better, id say you were trying to flirt by giving me books.”
“What are you talking about? Im hilarious!”
“Duct tape? Duct tape is not going to fix this!”
“What did you think? That you were going to fight him?”
“You’re blocking the view.” “I am the view.”
“Why are you on the floor?” “Tying my shoe.” “You’re wearing rain-boots.”
“Cant stop me from slaying!”
“Close your eyes and imagine it, all the dogs in the world.”
“Be careful, he’s so sweet you might get diabetes.”
“Would you reconsider if i was sober?”
“Stop running i’m wearing flip flops!”
“Why are you holding your boobs?”
“I wouldn’t call it stalking, more like far distance admiring.”
“You need to stop making her laugh! you’re ruining her makeup!”
“I’m sure i can get some kind of sexual gratification from just staring at him if i try hard enough.”
“I’m not sure if its a sexual thing or not.”
“I’m either in the mood for french fries or to rip someone’s head off. Hmmm. decisions, decisions.”
“If you’re not out of the shower in the next five minutes, i’m going to cut your fucking hair off to make your life quicker.”
“No, i will not dress up as a chicken.”
“I never told my extended family that we broke up, and now they want to know when you’re coming over for dinner again.”
“I need a date to my relatives wedding, and i’ve already asked literally everyone else i know, so i know you probably hate me, but please say yes. Otherwise they’ll try to set me up with someone, and they have awful taste.”
“One more sound and i swear to-”
“Sometimes when (name) texts me, i just pretend they didn’t so i don’t have to respond.”
“You gave our pigeon boyfriend the wrong beans!”
“If i’m like 50 and still single, ill marry you because tax benefits.”
“Please, never have children.”
“I know its like 11pm, but i’m on my way to your house with nacho fries.”
“Sometimes i wish i was gay so i wouldn’t have to deal with all these dumbass boys.
“You know, would’ve been nice if you told me your whole ass family was coming to this dinner! I look like a troll.”
“Im going to the party to pet the dog, no thanks drugs.”
“I hope in college i get some excuse to deck him. Maybe with a bottle or something, ill wing it and be like “oops, sorry shithead, my hand slipped.”
“What is this shit…i’m just trying to graduate.”
“Ooo, i sense attitude in your tone.”
“Guess who only got two hours of sleep? Me, lol, i’m gonna die.“
“I’m gonna strangle you.” “Is that a threat or a promise?”
“Superheroes aren’t allowed in my house, especially after they’ve destroyed my living room. go away.”
“oh you’re coming. even if i have to drag you through the snow in your pajamas.”
“i swear you’re gonna end up getting like botox in your tits or something.” “well i mean-” “whAT DO YOU MEAN?!”
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royalheroine · 3 years
Helen regretted arriving to new york city much earlier than her family. She arrived to see a stream of aliens coming through a big portal in the sky. She had to act fast. She should’ve run. Should’ve stayed in a cafe or something, but she did something highly impulsive. She fought.
She quickly found a broken pipe in the alleyway and started hitting at the aliens. The aliens started shooting bolts of light at her and she adapted by finding a broken off car door. She was surprised that it blocked most of the shots. She found herself protecting the stay victims and escorting people to nearby bulidings or outreach refugee camps.
Blood sprayed on her face while she stabbed a alien in the head with the sharp pipe. She didn’t notice the wound on her left side, and didn’t complain about the scratches and bruises on her legs. She just wanted it to end. She hoped her family is not here, even if they didn’t care about her. She then decided to head to the stark tower, maybe the aliens held hostages in there.
She found herself going up to the top floor after realizing that no one is being held hostage on the lobby floor.
The elevator door opened and she saw a man with raven black hair. Wearing a royal overcoat adorend with gold trimmings and fabric. He held a glowing scepter.
‘Shit did i just find the villian?!’ she thought to herself.
“And who might you be.” He smirked.
She carefully stepped out of the elevator. Trying to identify or at least avoid his attacks. Surviving multiple aliens seemed hard, but this encounter would be even harder.
“I-I thought people would be taken hostage in this tower- I think I thought wrong. Wait-” she looked at the crescent shaped charm on his chest.
“A-are you a god?” She asked. The symbol looked very similar to the symbol in her norse mythology storybook. The storybook that she read over and over again.
“Oh, so you know your place. You realize who I really am, your god.” He spoke to her.
“Y-are you- Loki?” She abandoned all feelings of fear and terror. Those feelings were replaced with feelings of childlike curiosity.
“Yes, how does a mere mortal know about my name?” He was curious too. He thought that mortals only knew about their own realm.
“Uh- apparently people from the past worshipped you, and Thor and Odin and others, they’re called Norse. And I guess they wrote stories about you! Stories that I read a lot. And, yeah, I know this is a really weird thing to say to someone who is invading your planet but- I- you’re my favorite god.” She looked away.
‘Thats my last words. I literally called my killer my favorite and I’m going to die. Great.’ She thought to herself.
Loki put down his scepter. He wanted to entertain this small, puny mortal. A mortal that didn’t seem to fear him.
“Come child.” He guided her to the bar.
“So, what do they say about me?” He asked her.
“Well… They said that you can shapeshift and that you had a baby with a horse.” She giggled. The god wrinkled the bridge of his nose.
“God, the way you mortals create stories are weird and highly inaccurate. I only raised a baby horse, not gave birth to it.” He clarified, leaning the scepter against the bar.
“I mean, you were not portrayed as wholly evil or wholly good, since mischeif is neutral in morality. Which means you’re not a villain. Right? She asked
“That’s where you’re wrong. My brother is a hero and I am the villain. A villain who is not even asguaridan.” He told her.
“Y-you’re also compared to your brother?” She asked shyly
“Yes, all the time.” He huffed
“Well, you’re in the same boat, my brother, Finn. He’s older, cuter, a golden child and good at everything. Meanwhile, you have me… Messy, uncoordinated and decided to fight instead of run away like anyone else.” She said.
“Fighting is a more noble pursuit than running.” he told her, but he noticed that she was bleeding on her side.
“Oh dear, that’s not a nice sight.” He carefully laid her down on the couch.
“W-what?” She was getting faint, she didn’t notice that she was bleeding out. Loki summoned a rag and started using his healing magic. But he had limited knowledge.
“Stay with me dear, once you wake up, we will rule together, besides, two monsters should shine in the sunlight.” He assured the sleeping child.
The girl woke up to see a group of heroes circling Loki. She stood up but her wound thobbed.
“Ah!” She dobled over. Clutching her side. A man dressed in blue and red came over to her.
“Did he hold you hostage?” He asked.
“No- I- he healed me.” She said grogilly. She didn’t realize that it was all over.
“Dear, you should’nt move as much.” Loki called to her. The blue hero looked confused.
“Ah- where is he going?” She asked.
“Back to asgard.” The blonde hero said.
“Are you Thor then?” She asked. Staggering once she stood up.
“Yes” He smiled lightly, probably trying to calm down the shaking child.
“Your age?” The blue hero said.
“11.” She meekly said.
“You hurt a child!” Thor shouted at Loki.
“No! He actually took care of me! We- had a conversation!” She shouted in protest.
“He hypnotized you.” The blue hero tried to get the situation straight.
“I WOULD NEVER! NOT A CHILD!” Loki shouted. Thor only put a mechanical gag on loki.
“Lets get you down, alright?” The blue hero gave a comforting smile.
She found herself stuffed in a small elevator with a bunch of heroes and a villain. She was slightly shaking from the excess adrenaline and the pain from the wound. Loki kept glancing at her, worried that she might faint from the blood.
“Sooo…. What is your name kid?” The man in the iron suit asked.
“Helen. Helen Conrad.” She told him.
“Well, lets lighten up! Lets all introduce ourselves. I’ll start off. My name is Tony stark! Real names only!”
“I am Steve Rodgers.” The blue hero smiled.
“Natasha Romanov.”
“Clint Barton.”
“Thor Odinson”
She smiled brightly. “Thank you for introducing yourselves!”
She found herself in the lobby, witnessing the fight over a glowing blue cube.
‘Why are they so obsessed with that cube?’ she asked herself.
“Your parents haven’t shown up.” Thor pointed out as they sat ontop of the car.
“Not surprised, probably busy with my brother.” She leaned back. Probably thinking that she’d just settle back into her normal life.
“What if you came with me. To Asgard.” He asked her.
She turned to him. “Y-you’d really bring me?” She asked.
“If your parents are as neglectful as they are, then I should probably just bring you to a better place. Your skills will be better cultivated on Asgard than with your parents.” He said.
“Also, you’ve made a profound impact on my brother, Loki. So would you be kind to come on behalf of him? He doesn’t show it but he’d like you to come too.” he asked.
“D-definately! Definitely!” She shouted. Jumping up and down.
“I-i- d-definately- w-wait. Give me a s-second.” She was getting too excited that her stuttering became apparent. She took a deep breath.
She gave a curt, “Yes. yes I would like to go.” She smiled. Thor grinned.
“You would definately love the palace.”
Loki and Thor held on to the container with the tesseract and Helen stood behind the container.
“Are you sure we should let a child go to a different realm with two gods, and one of them tried to invade our planet.” Steve asked Tony.
“I’m sure Thor would keep her safe, besides, we might have to hold her in the tower when she comes back.” Tony repled.
“Why?” Steve asked.
“I’m pretty skeptical about the fact that a child was able to battle her way into my tower and talk down the god of lies without getting killed in the process.” He remarked.
Helen was beamed in the entrance of the rainbow bridge. She walked with the two gods. One in chains and one with the hammer. She looked at the view of Asgard. It looked grander than she’d imagine. The golden towers were glistening in the sunlight. The rainbow bridge was translucent but had rainbow like branches pulsing through the bridge. She seemed scared to cross the bridge at first. Having a slight fear of heights. But Thor grabbed on to her hand and gave her comforting look.
Loki looked on, wishing he could do the same. But glad that his brother did it in his place.
Helen was being addressed by the king of Asgard. Odin.
“You have the heart of a heroine and the capacity to empathize with even the toughest of villains. Tell me, child. What is your name?” He asked her.
“He-he-Helen.” She stuttered. Cursing herself for stuttering in front of the king.
“Conraddotar?” Odin clarified
“You can call me that.” she said.
“Enjoy yourself at the palace, you are now considered royalty for extending your kindness to my son, Loki.” Odin said.
Helen wore a simple green gown. She was happily skipping around and exploring the palace.
“Helen, dear, can you come to me?” A voice sounded in the hallway.
She turned to see Queen Frigga.
“Let’s fix yout hair, shall we?”
Helen was sitting on Frigga’s bed while Frigga was braiding her hair.
“Thank you for everything that you’ve done. Tell me, Helen, what is your family like?” She asked.
“Well, I have a brother, and two parents. But my parents lives revolve around my brother. But- Im ok with that. I do things by myself and I got used to it.” She said.
“Ah- im sorry my dear. But here, there are servants and maids that can help you. So relax. I know how traumatic the invasion was, so I hope you realze that you are safe.
Helen was sitting on the steps, looking at Loki in his cell. She noticed that he has a lot of furniture in his cell. He was reading a book, and she was scribbling something in her notebook.
“Mind telling me what you’re writing down, dear?” He asked, thumbing through the pages.
“Uh-I-I’m actually d-drawing.” She said. Trying not to stutter.
“What are you drawing?” He asked.
“You.” She meekly said. Loki put the book on the table and walked towards Helen, he sat down in front of her.
“Mind showing me?” He smiled lightly.
She tore the page out and she showed it to him. It was loki and helen, under a flower tree. He was reading a spell out of the spell book.
“That looks adorable. When I escape, will you hand it to me?” He smiled.
“Of course.”
“Do you like the accommodations in the palace?” Loki asked, hoping that they are taking care of her.
“Yes, but I wish I can enjoy them with you.” She answered. Twiddling her thumbs.
“So I decided to sit at your cell and talk to you!” She grinned. Loki’s heart melted. He’d never knew that he’d meet someone who was so naive and childlike. Enough to paint him as a positive figure. But he didn’t care. He just felt a sense of kindness towards her. He feels fond of her. He never realized that he was fawning over a mortal. Who’s life can flash before his eyes.
“That is great child.” He said.
“Wish I had my chello here, could’ve played you a tune.” She said. Loki used some of his magic to steal away a chello from the music room and teleported it here.
“Then play me a tune then.” He smiled
Loki was spellbound by the tune, she played a song that a mortal composed. But he didn’t know that the mortal is a master at music composition. Apparently the song was Blue Danube, by Johan Strauss. He swayed to the melody. By the time Helen was done he asked her a dozen questions.
“How long have you played?”
“5 years. Started at a young age, when my parents believed in my talents.” she told me.
“They should’ve known how bright you’ve shined.”
“Don’t blame them. They stop trying after finding out about my stutter.” She said.
“Your parent’s arent even parents.” I told her.
“I realized that when I hit 9.” she replied.
“Then maybe you should have a different father. Someone who adores you, who encourages you to be as different and unique as possible, who doesn’t compare you to anyone, who empathizes with you. Someone- someone like me.” He slowed his rant. Realizing something.
“D-do you want me to be your father?” He asked. Taking a big risk, being vulnerable .
“I-i-i’d lo-love yo-you to!” She was a stuttering mess, her brain was trying to process the proposal.
“Dear, slow down, take a big breath.” He grinned
“I would like for you to be my dad.” she slowly said. Tears coming out of her eyes.
“I would whipe those tears from your eyes but I’m stuck in this wretched cell.” He chuckled.
“I want to hug you.” She sniffled.
“You’ll get the chance.”
Everything was broken, damaged. But Helen rushed towards Loki’s cell. She just got word of Frigga’s death. And she didn’t want to lose her new father. She saw Loki in his cell, seeming to be fine. But she just broke out in sobs.
Her breathing was ragged. Tears flow through her eyes, and she was sniffling. She collapsed to the ground. Choking and crying. Crying for him, Loki. Feeling too much of his pain. Loki put down his defenses.
He had a green shirt but his hair was matted, her crawled to the crying child and wanted to reach out to her, but the barrier kept him from touching her.
“H-hey. Don’t cry-”
“You’re depressed so I’m depressed! I don’t want this to happen, for you to be sad! I-its my fault! I’m sorry. I-I. i’m- s-s-sorry. Mr. Loki! I-i have no-no right to be you-your daughter!” She was stuttering, trying to calm herself down. But the stale air and the buzzing barrier, it was hard to.
“No, don’t say that, you’re my daughter through and through. None of this was your fault. None of it. Please, stop crying for me.” He guided her to a deep breath.
“S-sorry.” she apologized for her shrill crying
“Don’t be sorry.” He smiled.
Helen gave Loki a big hug when Thor freed him from the cell. Loki returned the hug while threading his fingers through her braided hair.
“Darling, I have to help Thor. But I will come back.” he told her.
“A-are you sure?” She asked.
“One way or another. Yes.”
When Helen found out about Loki’s demise, she locked herself in the room and cried. She sobbed, blaming herself for letting him go alone. Hating herself. A knock sounded at the door. The door opened and she saw Odin.
“S-sorry if my cries are too loud.” she whipped her tears.
“It’s alright my child.” Odin sat at her beside.
“I-Lost my dad.” She stuttered.
“He said he’d come back-”
“One way or another.” Odin’s illusion was dispelled by Loki. He smiled kindly at her.
“I am sorry for causing you unnecessary pain. But I had to keep up the illusion for my safety.” He whipped her tears with his thumb. And enveloped her in a crushing hug.
“But now we can rule together. My little princess.” He smiled.
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mollydollyjournals · 3 years
Its Thursday 1st July and I hit post limit so all I can do is update this post
I just want to drink til i pass out
9:46pm - oh when did i post this? Doesnt matter i guess. It really annoys me that the daily post limit applies to all blogs you have. I have 2 and i follow a lot of NSF- stuff so i have so much in my queue for my other blog, and i tend to post more immediately for that so i dont end up with a massive backlog, but thaats when i hit the limit. Whatever it is. I basically just wish i could set the queue to post more often when i have more there. Just post every 15mins or whatever and it'd go through quicker without me having to do it myself
Idk it doesnt matter i guess. Im still just venting all my bullshit here that i cant put anywhere else. But now is when i need it. I want interaction and company but i dont want to bother anyone and I dont know what to do with it. I dont have it in me to try to be a person right now. Tumblr is for messy. At least thats how i do.
But once you hit post limit it apparently doesnt even let you delete stuff to post anything else. I havent been here in years really so i totally forgot. Plus it could have been different anyway. Idk. Guess i will just drink until i disintegrate or something
10:20pm - it just makes me feel worse. I know theres a reason for post limit and its not the end of the world. Just it doesnt reset til 5am and I'll be asleep by then which means for the rest of today i cant actually say anything, and that kinda fucks with my derealisation/depersonalisation/whatever it is. I need acknowledgement to feel real. I need people to remind me that i exist. Even just a little. Its stupid and insecure but i do. Everything is worse since covid and being stuck in a house with someone who barely acknowledges my existence. I feel like a ghost. I feel netter at least a little temporarily if someone just sees and acknowledges me. And currently i can't do anything about that. Nobody is going to go to my page(s) and see whats up, its not that kind of thing. Even if it was they still wouldnt. I put on my other social media fucking ages ago that i was really struggling, then i disappeared, and it took days for it to get noticed at all. Then only 3 people acknowledged it. People have their own lives and there are algorithms etc so i cant be angry at them, but the end result is i still feel really alone.
I often feel like i want to just talk to people. Only a select few. Its not that i necessarily need to talk about "deep" stuff, but i need to know that i could if i needed to. Or if we just both happened to be in that mood at the same time. Like how i dont wanna talk about something totally innocent and generic with someone who turns out to be racist or whatever.
I dont know. Maybe i do need to talk some shit through right now. Doesnt matter either way. Ill most likely just be back to this post later to say more about how i dont really feel like being alive.
10:39pm - I hate that im like this. I dont know if its reasonable or not. I used to be someone who wantes so much space. I still dont feel like i want to always be around people. I must have some individuality somewhere. But i cant find it. Since the pandemic hit especially, it just highlighted everything ive been missing and trying to supplement. I need things to change. But i dont have a hope of doing so while i feel like this. Im so lost. Ive spent my life trying to be confident in myself and ive run my reserves dry. I so rarely get any help topping up. I fucking hate the whole Strong Black Woman trope. Im tired. Ive carried my family since I was 13 and romantic partners have expected me to carry them too. I need to be held and comforted. I need support. If nothing else i need to just be acknowledged. I dont feel like a person. Im invisible and inaudible so much of the time and apparently that only changes when someone wants to see or hear me. When do i get to be a person in my own right? When does someone actually see or hear me for who i am and care about my existence regardless of what it does for them
10:54pm - its the worst of my mental health, tbh, that i dont feel like its worth trying anything if its not going to be acknowledged and welcomed by anyone else. Existing included. I feel my worst and most suicidal when i cant have anyone remember that i exist. Because maybe i dont. Maybe people dont miss me or think of me unless theyre reminded for some specific reason. And i say these things because i want to be proved wrong but why would anyone.
I want to cut. I hate this stupid post limit. I could have at least distracted myself by reblogging stuff for a bit. Im still spiralling. I need a distraction and there isnt one and there wont be one and if i even get through tonight itll just be another reminder that in the end im alone
11:24pm - something feels particularly cruel about not being able to post here, even if i delete stuff. Its just an app sure but its the closest thing i have to therapy. I came back here specifically because i was struggling posting on my regular social media and having people not pay any attention. I thought id make a fresh anonymous account where i could vent and my shitty brain couldnt take it personally if nobody acknowledged it. Now i just have all that shit going round my head and nowhere to put it. Im right back where i started. Nobody will read this. If they do they wont care. If by some chance they did they'll be put off by me being so negative.
"One day someone will hug you so tight all tour broken pieces will fit back together" yeah sure. Whatever.
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valkavavaart · 4 years
hi im bored so im doing an oc thing
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i decided i wannan do this w multiple soooo im going wwww ophelia, alice, and beatrice thats all bye
1. how easy is it to make them angry? do they show their anger or hide it?
ophelia - it's kinda easy to get under her skin, and she holds a grudge so if u piss her off then she won't forget it. but also she doesn't really ACT on grudges, she'll just be a little rude next time u talk to her. she doesnt really show much emotion but does kind of having a permanent :| or >:| on her face, so she'll look annoyed even if she isn't...
beatrice - generally just being rude or annoying will make her mad, but she gets over things within seconds and doesn't take people all that seriously to begin with, so it's not like pissing her off will do much. she'll be like pouty and tell u to knock it off, but she also doesnt rlly care
alice - it's difficult to make alice mad. like you have to be SO annoying or hurt him in such a drastic way for him to get pissed. usually when hes mad hes still all smiley and happy tho so he'd kinda just be >:)
2. do they believe in soulmates
ophelia - she believes in them in the sense that one person may have multiple people that can come into their lives and be considered a soulmate bc nothing is permanent and blah blah blah she doesnt rlly care tho
beatrice - she doesn't believe in soulmates but enjoys soulmate au fanfiction
alice - he definitely believes in soulmates and fate drawing people together, but is conistantly disappointed when he finds out people he like arent destined to stay with him
3. do they have any pet peeves?
ophelia - people with no concept of personal space (unless theyre like merrick or one of her close friends)
beatrice - ppl who eat w their mouth open
alice - the sound of violins
4. do they have a happy place? somewhere they go in their heads when they need to relax?
ophelia - oph just goes to the library man
beatrice - she doesnt need one bc shes always vibing
alice - when the man needs to relax hes either drunk as hell or hanging out with as many friends as he can get together, spending time alone with his thoughts is literally a nightmare for alice
5. at what stage of their life were they the happiest?
ophelia - the current stage of her life
beatrice - there hasnt been a stage where beatrice hasnt had fun :) she doesnt have anything to worry about!
alice - the current stage of his life
6. at what stage of their life were they the least happy
ophelia - the ages of 12-17
alice - any time he gets to the point in a relationship where he breaks up w someone and then he goes into "my life sucks wahhhh" mode for a few months
7. at a bar are they more likely to buy someone a drink, or have someone buy them a drink?
ophelia & beatrice - have someone else buy them a drink
alice - buy someone a drink
8. have they ever broken any bones? if yes, how?
ophelia - when her powers manifested at the age of 12, oph lost the ability to feel physical pain which lead to her straining herself more. she'd get into accidents or push herself too hard because she couldn't feel that it hurt and wold get injured through that (and she still does, but she has more knowledge of her limits now) so i guess she wouldve broken some bones through stuff thanks to that.
beatrice - never ever broken a bone!! she drinks a lot of milk to keep her bones STURDY :)
alice - has broken like his arm or fingers or just anything in that area due to a fight or something. he'll probably have broken a leg at some point too. again, probably in a fight. or maybe he fell out a tree. who knows.
9. do they have any memories/experiences they'd rather forget?
ophelia - she generally wants to brush most of her teen years away and forget things relating to her family, but also cant bring herself to hate them despite how garbage they are, so,
beatrice - there are probably a few conversations she's had with alice and percy that she's like to never remember ever again
alice - he cherishes all his memories, good or bad! he always thinks that he can learn from his mistakes and hardships! even though all he does is repeat the exact same things over and over and o
10. what is their favourite memory from their childhood?
ophelia - although her parents have always been cold to her, they used to go camping when she was about 9-10ish, and she always enjoyed spending time with her siblings around then.
beatrice - in the method she had been created she technically never was a child um. but in her early life, she enjoyed hanging out with levi! :D
alice - haha
11. do they have a "type" that they are usually attracted to?
ophelia - no
beatrice - bea will generally befriend anyone if theyre cute or theyre like her guy friends. as for a partner, she wants someone thats at LEAST a head taller than her normal form (her regular form is 5'5"), they need to be someone that likes hugs, someone who would coddle her, someone who would cosplay with/for her, someone who would buy her things..
alice - his "type" is just "someone interesting", but he thinks all people are interesting in their own right- you have to be SUUUUUUPER boring for him to not be into you in some way.
12. do they have any favourite possessions?
ophelia - ALL her alien plushies (most of which were gifts from merrick)
beatrice - everything inside her wardrobe
alice - cleaver
13. do they have any tattoos? if no, would they ever consider getting one?
ophelia - she doesn't have any, and doesn't really want one, but she's seen some real cool space ones, and--
beatrice - tattoos vanish when she changes her form unless she focuses REALLY hard on keeping it there, so she's given up on trying to get one to be permanent.
alice - he doesn't have any, but thinks that getting a sleeve would be cool. he doesn't have any idea for what he wants, though, so he hasn't bothered getting one. he also gets worried that if he gets one of his current aesthetic, he'll get bored of it and have to do something drastic to remove it.
14. do they have any piercings? if no, would they ever consider getting any?
ophelia - has her ears pierced
beatrice - doesn't want piercings, wears clip-on earrings
alice - wants a tongue piercing r belly-button piercing maybe.. and ear piercing might also be cool...
15. what is their dream house like?
ophelia - she'd like to live in a small town on the coast or something.. she doesn't really mind living in a small house since it'd just be her and merrick. but also if she had a house with an observatory, she'd love that a LOT. generally just wants somewhere nice and laid back.
beatrice - due to her void realm taking the form of whatever she wants, she has her dream home! it's literally just an apartment with a few rooms, but it has enough space for all the stuff she wants.
alice - he's in a similar position to Beatrice in that he already has his own dream place bc teehee void realm. He's a little more selfish in that he gave himself a big house with lots of space and rooms for him to fill with stuff- but also he wanted somewhere big so that all his friends could stay with him :)
16. what is something about them that people would not expect just by looking at them?
ophelia - UHHH just how lazy she is, probably.. woman barely tolerates having to jog somewhere please let her sit down
beatrice - idk probably the fact she befriends murder boys like alice
alice - all the music he listens to is like crazy frog and caramelldansen
17. how good are they at choosing gifts for others?
ophelia - she'll either just outright ask you what you want, or she'll give you money or a gift card, she doesn't like having to guess for people
beatrice - she literally picks gifts for other people based on what SHE likes.. like she'll get u something cause she tinks it's cute it doesn't matter if u've ever mentioned it before
alice - if ur his friend then he will have a list of all ur interests in the back of his brain at all times and does a pretty good job picking out gifts thanks to that
18. do they have a certain skill that they're particularly proud of?
ophelia - she's very good at researching things and digging up information that a lot of people can't find so she thinks that's kind of epic for her
beatrice - she's good at dancing, video games, and memorizing things. she will show off these skills as much as she can.
alice - umm... eyeball removal...?
19. how would a stranger they just met describe them?
ophelia - UHHHH... she's just polite to strangers so i think she'd be described as just that?? she doesnt really leave lasting impressions on people
beatrice - cute, bubbly, maybe super annoying
alice - friendly? :D
20. how would a close friend they've known for a long time describe them?
ophelia - kinda stupid but really cute
beatrice - just a lil ray of sunshine :)
alice - if you're asking like.. kai or beatrice then it's "he's cute and fun and pretty and nice to hang out with!!" but if youre asking like percy or nero then its "hes creepy and gross and im gonna beat his ass"
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iridescentides · 4 years
🔥 + any hot takes/thoughts/unpopular opinions about Glee, A:tLA, and Umbrella Academy bc you reblog a lot of them and I love those shows
AH thank you so so much for sending this! i will try to limit myself bc i have a lot of opinions okay
i could go on and on about glee bc there are 12 billion things to say (and the show is super long). but i think my most controversial opinions are:
i dont ship finchel or klaine. at all.
i can explain. i have a love/hate (but mostly hate) relationship with rachel as a character. sometimes i feel bad for her bc its clear shes struggling and insecure and shes a flawed female character which we need to appreciate. BUT she is just so unbearably annoying, selfish, and awful to everyone around her, and season 5 was the point where i finally made a decision. i dont like her. similarly, i hate finn bc he is overglorified by the other characters on the show, without any actions supporting it. they all say that finn is their leader, that hes the nicest guy ever, and praise him like a hero when in reality, he calls people slurs, outs them in the hallway, cheats on his girlfriends, and just overall acts like a douche towards anyone he doesnt immediately understand or relate to or wanna fuck. they all SAY hes amazing, but his actions just do not support that at all, and thats bad writing imo. i think because those characters are awful, their relationship is a colossal mess, and i think if i had to choose a definitive least favorite point for them, it would be when finn beat brody up for dating rachel. like what did the show want us to appreciate about that??? thats not romantic at all!!! thats disgusting and a sign that finn needs help. physically threatening people who date your exes? who does that??? and we’re supposed to think its cute bc he says “my future wife.” mhm. sure.
i hate klaine bc while i love kurt, i think blaine is awful to him. blaine relies heavily on having a sense of power over kurt, and this is even openly explored in one of the later episodes, but not resolved well imo. from the moment they met and got together, blaine was using his power and standing as head of the warblers to subtly make kurt feel lesser. he liked feeling like he held some sort of power in the relationship. then, when he goes to new york and gains weight and thinks of himself as less attractive, he gets angry and jealous of kurt bc he wants to be the “hot” one in the relationship, and always considered himself as such. if you are comparing yourself to your partner in that way, please break up with them and learn how to feel complete by yourself. blaines insecurities repeatedly fucked up their relationship, and i never have and never will ship them. the fact that they last minute decided to get married, ignoring their glaring issues with living together and teamwork in general, due to social pressure to crash brittanas wedding was absolutely ridiculous and a bullshit wrap up to their story.
okay so i know everyone is having fun rn joking about how “zukka nation has risen” but i honestly dont see it and never will. i dont get where the fandom has just decided this year to prioritize a ship that gets no real exposure, no buildup, and basically a two episode arc in terms of trust and teamwork. i recently saw a post talking about how theres not much fan content for mai/ty lee, who have an actual solid friendship (and ty lee literally risked her life to save mai), but theres tons of fans pushing zukka and acting like its THE ship we should all be shipping, showing the general bias fandoms have for mlm over wlw. something to think about. ive been zutara trash since i was 11 years old, so needless to say, i would pick them over zukka any day.
piggybacking off of the weird superiority complex people have for shipping zukka, i have always been annoyed by sokka stans in general? just to be clear, i love sokka, and i dont think there is anything wrong with loving him! but i HATE how people who consider sokka their favorite character act like theyre special for that? people are always crying that hes “underappreciated” and that hes so much smarter and more capable than anyone else. and i personally have not seen a single person criticize sokka, when ive seen at least small bits of hate thrown at each character. my point here is, loving sokka is a super popular opinion to have, and literally everyone loves sokka! so when people act like theyre the only one who truly appreciates sokka it really bugs me bc like. it truly doesnt make you special. everyone has a different favorite atla character but i pretty much only see sokka stans with this odd superiority complex, acting like theyre so rare for loving a super loveable character.
idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but the show would be unwatchable without klaus. hes pretty much everyones favorite character, we all see ourselves in him and we root for him and we laugh at him, and while i agree with the sentiment that he gets a disproportionate amount of attention for how ultimately irrelevant he is to the plot, i literally would not care about tua at all without him.
on the flipside of that, i want to love allison so badly, but she gets no time or attention or development at all. her main traits are inc*st and missing her child. she gets nothing beyond that, and we dont know as much about her as the rest of the siblings. it hurts my heart to see the only woman of color in the family being treated so obviously like a side character in an ensemble cast. im really hoping we see more of her in s2.
thank you so much for sending these!!! i obviously love these shows a lot, im just picky about these things.
Send Me a 🔥+ a Topic, and I’ll Tell You My Honest Opinion About It!
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wormssss · 4 years
so. basically. tl;dr i ffuucking hate school it sucks and it doesnt. do ANYTHING but make things worse . anyway.
the schooling system like. it sucks for me specifically in a few ways idk abt anyone else. for starters; neurodivergency literally at all makes it so hard to function in a classroom environment. its so loud? idk if anyone else gets that in their classrooms but you can hear my class of 23~ from the bottom floor of the 3 story building and that’s considered quiet. as well as like, i cannot function in a classroom without my friends? im out at school and like.... everyones.. transphobic obv why wouldnt they be, and its not in like a..any avoidable way. if i sit with the guys they’ll refuse to talk to me and deadname me all period adn if i sit with the girls theyll laugh at me every time i fucking breathe idk, but the school still thinks putting me in a classroom with kids that visibly hate me and see me as a CRINGE ENTERTAINMENT IRONY MACHINE is like a good idea? and a good way for me to make friends? i dont know if its my luck or if they’re deliberately doing it, but, next term for example i have drama and cooking as classes. two of my friends also have cooking ....but they dont have me in their class. they’re together. but im not in their class. im on my own because other than them and the girl who already did cooking these past two terms (so she cant do it next term) i have.... no other friends. so im definitely in a class of complete strangers! and the way they have this school, you have no choice but to work with someone else in a cooking class...... you are paired with someone in the same mini kitchen and its a disaster but i digress.
also, like. school goes for 6 hours. by the time you get home and get changed and get settled, its sunset so you can’t go out and do anything. you can’t go to the park or climb a tree. youre stuck inside. your family is like groggy from work or whatever and doesnt want to talk to you. you have no energy to get online and talk to your friends online. or theyre asleep. so basically at least for me i get... no time to actually talk to my friends, for example i havent had an actual conversation with piper in like... two months i swear. we’ve forgotten how to talk to eachother and that actually goes with all of my friends. by the weekend we’re still awkward because we havent spoken in months so we can’t really even talk. and because of this rigid like, routine you have to have to actually be able to go to school at all (wake up 7. eat. get dressed. go to school. come home. get changed. eat. shower. go to bed. repeat), i actually like.... find myself. forgetting Everything. i dont know what it is about strict routine where i cannot be myself (my school has a strict and ugly uniform), but it makes me ... completely forget everything slowly and my memory decays. my time blindness gets worse to the point where i dont know what month it is on a regular basis and like... i ditch a lot? because of this? maybe if the schedule didnt make me dissociate and forget everything i wouldnt ditch constantly and like. actually go to school. but like my attendance is... im not at school 25% of the time because i physically cannot go every single day and attend to that rigid and exact cycle that doesnt even teach me anything
doesnt even teach me anything? i dont ... learn anything from school. they like. reteach the same meaningless part of a subject every single year. every year in religious studies in october i learn about the rosary and we spend a lot of the period praying the rosary and i like. ok. cool. its a religious school yeah but what am i actually learning from this. and every year in social studies we learn abt the waitangi treaty but the way they teach it is so whitewashed and utopian and its fucked and they teach it the same way every year around the same time. and anzac day. and in math im not going to use any of those skills you teach me, i dont care about algebra or anything because thats not really going to actually help me in my life im an artist for fucks sake teach me about managing my own finances! teach me how to do taxes! teach me how to function in the society i live in! teach me the important things that ill sink under or die without knowing i want to actually know important things but by cramming so many unimportant things in my brain all the time i forget the actual important things, i fucking failed basic addition and subtraction last year, i’ve forgotten division and multiplication past the 10 times table, but i can vaguely read an algebra equasion BUT FUCKING ALGEBRA EQUASIONS WILL NEVER UFCKING GET ME ANYWJERE!!!!! and it makes me so fucking angry i want to learn and function and KNOW
and the way they tightly bundle everyone to being one conforming individual who dresses like everyone else, is at the same intelligence level as everyone else, is a catholic like everyone else, does not question authority as everyone else or does not question themselves like everyone else or think like anyone else OR BE DIFFERENT THAN ANYONE ELSE makes me want to FUCKING THROW UP. there are so many hopes and dreams that i remember watching from primary school to now sink into a hopeless pit of stereotypes and basic conformity, people who used to be nice are suffocated into being horrible people so that theyre liked by their peers or get anny attention from the school at all, guys who used to respect women (god forbid) suddenly becoming horrible to anyone of any slightly different gender identity but you can actually see on their face how weird it is to them, waves of 11-14 year olds getting nose studs that get infected and they’re forced to have them taken out by the school, kids trying to do their makeup to look like SOMEONE to BE AT ALL DIFFERENT FROM ANYONE ELSE are put right back in their place and told to take it all off and their parents are called and if youre caught with the wrong jacket your parents are called and youre told youre too poor to wear what the school provides yet THEY DONT EVEN LET YOU WEAR WHAT THE SCHOOL PROVIDES WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS 70 DOLLAR HOODIE FOR WHEN YOU WONT LET ME WEAR IT WHILE IM SHIVERING I DONT SEE THE POINT OF ENFORCING SUCH TIGHT POINTLESS SMALL BOUNDARIES OF WHAT A PERSON CAN BE WHY IS IT SO LIMITED? are we not allowed to do anything? you cant even have one strip of hair dye yet a teacher can have a full head of bright purple hair what’s that about? you can have antisemetic pins on your senior year blazer jacket but the second you put a pride pin on there youre called to the principals office and asked why youre promoting this to kids
you try a speech on trans rights and they dont even pass you and pretend its because you got over the time limit but you didnt, you timed it yourself for your friends you didnt get over the time limit and you know it but you didnt even place in fourth you placed last out of 6 or 8 and you wonder why that is because every year in the past you soared into first so whats that about???? in my speech i said be yourself and dont be afraid to experiment with your gender lightly and they told me to take it out because its seen as too much and i said what the fuck? that’s the most important part of my speech, i want to promote acceptance in others and the self and they said take it out or you cant present your speech. they actively suffocate any sort of self expression or nonconformity of any sort you have to be a plain cookiecutter boy or girl and thats it you cannot be anything else, for nearly 6 months theyve fought me and my mom about my hair but if anyones being hurt by it its me because it draws more attention to the kid you can call slurs, are you hurt because im actually expressing myself? are you hurt by my little sharp stud earrings and my industrial piercing and the embroidered cuff on my shirt? are you offended by the heart on my belt or the platforms on my school shoes because the last time i checked none of these were illegal things to have at school
this kind  of got a lot angrier than i meant to make it but ive been . really angry abt this for the past year idk. i really just wanted to write this because i ahvent spoken to piper properly in months and the way we talk now seems like when we just met but i cannot carry a conversation anymore because school knocked the wind out of me all over again and the sudden inability to talk to any of my friends online makes me want to scream until my lungs give out im so tired
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