#im pissed shannon
The fact that Keefe didn't go to Australia and decide to bring a Kangaroo back as a pet is my villain origin story
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lazyfox411 · 4 months
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kinxrd · 1 month
can i just say im actually really excited for this eddie arc. i can't wait for this to blow up in his face and for this fantasy of his to fall apart so messily.
like oh my god people are going to be pissed. this guy's gonna end up with no girlfriend at all and an angry son and an angry best friend and i am looking forward to it so hard
not because i have any hatred toward eddie but because he only seems to learn his lesson after horrifically upending his AND everyone else's life and this seems like such a good route to go through to finally rid him of this shannon guilt
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watchyourbuck · 1 month
the ghost of shannon. eddie isolated. buck angry about the cheating. chris pissed off. eddisol imminent break up. bucktommy thriving. oh im being so fed
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takemeorleaveme · 12 days
Also going off of that fic I posted hate to break it to people who think if buck and Eddie get together eddie is gonna treat him like garbage because he snapped on him one time at the grocery store and he “treats his partners poorly” 1. He snapped on him in the grocery store because his wife asked for a divorce then died then his best friend also almost died his son was almost dead and said best friend went and made it to where he couldn’t contact him so the man coped in an unhealthy manner to get his anger out and snapped at buck which btw is the only fucking time eddie has ever treated buck poorly.. and the him treating his partners poorly yeah he does because he’s a repressed gay man with catholic guilt I use to think demisexual because of Shannon but at this point I just think he’s gay and that’s why he has to perform with women that’s why he’s romanticizing his toxic relationship with Shannon but besides that Eddie has been a good friend to buck the narrative that he isn’t because buck gives so much more to Eddie is dumb af because buck love language is giving he does it to everybody in his life in his relationship now with Tommy he’s giving way more than Tommy is giving him but ya’ll are ok with that… right…. &&& I feel like if you are hoping that argument comes back up between Eddie and buck you are sadly gonna never get it it’s way past it they are way past it he’s not gonna look for an apology cause he doesn’t feel like eddie needs to give him one just like how chimney never apologized for putting his hands on buck. Sorry for the rant it’s just the way people take the time eddie lashed out in anger while in grief and try to say eddie is gonna be a violent/angry person to buck pisses me off the only other time he was angry was when he took a baseball bat to his room and again that was outta grief he just learned he’s the only surviving person of his friends in the army like give the guy a break my goodness.. THE HATE EDDIE IS GETTING OUTTA NO WHERE BECAUSE OF BUCKTOMMY AND TOMMY IS SICKENING ESPECIALLY BECAUSE NOW ITS MOVING TO RACISM ABOUT HIM AND HOW HE WOULD BE ABUSIVE “BECAUSE HES SUCH AN ANGRY PERSON”AND IM NOT GONNA JUST SIT BY AND WATCH IT HAPPEN.
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hippolotamus · 3 days
okay im very curious about witch!eddie and familiar!buck 👀 pretty please if you don't mind :)
Zesty! I do not mind at all. In fact, for you, the world if you so desire it 💖
also asked by @wikiangela @daffi-990 @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming
official title: the darkest fairytale (named after a line from Gabrielle Aplin's song Salvation)
the premise:
AU contains a mix of magical and non magical beings who coexist peacefully. Parents don’t have to be magical to produce a magical child. No schools like Hogwarts but it is the responsibility of the parents to teach or provide a mentor. 
Witch!Eddie: born to magical parents. Learns most of what he knows from Abuela because his parents are too busy being... well, Them. Marries Shannon when she conceives Christopher. Pretty much canon except magical. 
The Wars are a period of fighting between the magical and non magical. Eddie doesn’t like using his magic after he comes home. 
Christopher: magic but his abilities don’t present when he’s younger. Eddie tries to teach him but it’s not as effective as he thinks it should be at first (he’s wrong of course. It’s more to do with Shannon being gone)
Buck: Born to non-magical parents. Maddie and Buck both have magic but Daniel didn’t. Maddie was forbidden from telling Buck about his magical abilities. He figures out he has them by accident when he gets upset and transforms into a cat one day as a teenager after Maddie announces she's leaving with Doug.
The time period is somewhat ambiguous. It's somehow modern and not, and the story itself has tried to convince me it should lean into the Fantasy genre. We'll see.
A snippet (occurs just before teenage Eddie and Evan meet for the first time):
Evan is- well, he’s a lot of things right now. Scared. Confused. Pissed off. Cornered. Not human. Maddie isn’t around, having moved to Boston six weeks ago, and their parents are worse than ever. If that wasn’t all bad enough, he’s stuck as a goddamn cat.  It’s not the first time, but the whole transitioning phenomenon is still new enough that he hasn’t figured out the trigger – or how to turn back. The first change was about four months ago, right around the time Maddie said she was moving away with… well, with him.  One moment he was himself, a thirteen year old boy, angrily pacing back and forth, repeatedly listening to Welcome to My Life on his Discman. The next, his headphones were in a heap with the CD player and his clothes. The music became overwhelmingly loud and he assumed the volume got bumped when it fell. Until he saw himself in the mirror and realized the reason was because he didn’t have ordinary hearing anymore. Because he had four legs, paws, black fur and a tail.   The dark coloring is helpful for hiding, the way he spends most of his time until he changes back. Staying tucked away is his most useful asset because otherwise all he can do is helplessly meow or hiss. No surprise that apparently not a single soul can understand him. And, at the moment, that’s a big fucking problem.
npt some beloveds who've shown interest (it's been a really long time since I've done anything with this WIP so my apologies if I incorrectly tagged you or did not) @diazsdimples @tizniz @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @bi-buckrights
@slightlyobsessedwitheverything @loveyouanyway @elvensorceress @spotsandsocks
@monsterrae1 @thekristen999 @bidisasterevankinard
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creepedverse · 14 hours
how would crv react to meeting their closest creepypasta counterparts
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nico's got the hots for bitches like jane.
Tobin and Toby would probably get on well if they could keep their egos in check. After getting over the initial weirded out phase of being so similar, they'd have their fun. They'd work together to be the most annoying duo on the planet and would make it their lifes goal to piss everyone off. Cuz its funny. And they have nothing better to do... Then when they get in trouble they'd both go back to their girls and both be scolded with a "Well what did I tell you?"
Tali and Clockwork would bond over their art, and mutual interest in dumbasses. They're both relatively laidback so they'd be good casual acquaintances. But nothing more than that. Tali would feel a bit relieved she found another girl who understands her, she's always struggled with that. She'd think the clock eye is badass.
Tommie and Tim/Masky aren't exactly 1:1 characters, but they have a lot in common. They probably wouldn't talk to each other, though. They'd do a lot of staring. Tommie would probably think Tim is cool, though. They could get along well enough.
Im really uncertain about it, but Shannon via concept could be closest to Toy Maker? This ask made me think myself into a ditch of who in the Creepypasta roster would be her counterparts.
Bonnie... might align best with Lulu? That or a very subdued version of Nina. She'd get along with both just fine, cuz they're all generally sweet girls... She'd just feel really awkward with Lulu and skeptical of Nina, but I think she could become friends if Nina is persistent
Dia and Bloody Painter would be very confused by each other but afterwards they’d definitely hit it off. Sharing their works with each other and giving tips and tricks when it comes to working with blood as a medium
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
YESSS OH MY GOD PLEASE SCREAM AT ME I've read the entire thing but I don't remember where in the book each thing happens so I can't say shit yet out of fear of spoilers but I am SO READY to ramble with you once you're done AAAAA
IM LOSING MY MINDDDD like I've hit the stage I hit when I was reading priory where I become so obsessed with the book I just want to read it all the time and it's all I can think about it's so so good
I'll talk a little bit about what's making me so insane the most below the cut - spoilers for a day of fallen night (prequel to the priory of the orange tree) below!
just. glorian and wulf. aaaaaa I love their relationship so much. I had a strange feeling wayyyy earlier in the book that something was going to happen and wulf might end up being the one to get glorian pregnant but just. they mean so much to me. their friendship is so sweet.
I'm just going so insane over glorian in general. she's a child!!! she's a 16-17 year old girl who is so scared but is so determined to be the best queen she can. her mother thought she wasn't enough and even though her mother isn't here to see her fulfill her duties she's so determined to be more than what her mother thought she would be. I seriously adore how samantha shannon wrote her. she genuinely feels so much like a teenage girl even as she gets more and more responsibilities settled on her shoulders.
and just. the way she's chained to her castle walls until she has a child. her body is an incubator and she can't defend her people the way she wants until her womb has served its purpose. she wants so badly to be more than a womb, she wants to be the shield for her people. she wants to be their protector. she wants to be their queen. but she can't do that until she continues this vicious cycle of the berethnet queens.
(also I just deeply appreciate how clear samantha shannon made it that glorian is aroace. I know she wrote tané as aroace in the first book which was great but it wasn't the kind of thing I could extrapolate from the text on my own. glorian's orientation never feels unnaturally slotted in it's just a part of who she is but it's very explicit at the same time. and I especially appreciate it since she does have sex! and she doesn't hate it, even joking with wulf like "oh how terrible we have to do this several times" but also knowing once she's pregnant she's never going to have sex again. like yes asexuals can have sex and even enjoy it and I just love the nuance glorian is given)
but man. glorian shieldheart. she's so young but she's doing such an amazing job as queen already and I'm so glad she had wulf and that he made sure she was comfortable and okay. I am terrified something is going to happen to wulf but if he survives the grief of ages I am so deeply hoping he gets assigned to stay in Inys serving glorian as a knight so he can watch his daughter grow up even if its from afar
also of course I love all the other characters too. I love dumai and nikeya's dynamic so much and I'm so obsessed with the two of them (I had first suspected maybe they were going to have something between them but I brushed it off and when I realized we were going that direction I literally cheered out loud). and tunuva... oh tunuva I love you. I want her to find wulf so badly. I'm also a bit pissed at esbar saying that tunuva doesn't feel the priory are enough, she's trying to find her SON!! I get you might not love your daughter more than any other priory sister esbar but tunuva loves both her children so deeply. I am very scared of what canthe/kalyba is up to. also when tunuva first told the story of how she lost her son to canthe I thought to myself "man wouldn't it be wild if that was wulf" and then I brushed it off bc I was like how would he get to inys. still don't know how he got there but I'm sure canthe had something to do with it.
just. aaaaaa. I'm losing my mind snowflake help
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confusedspaceotter · 2 years
Daily avatrice analysis (day 2)
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Hello and welcome to day 2!
I love to see you guys adding on to my analysis! please keep doing that, agree with me, fight with me, whatever you wanna say, let's talk about avatrice together :))))
Season 1 Ep 3 (yes im doing this in chronological order cause why not)
ah yes the first breakthrough of avatrice 
where we got some actual interaction between the two
(surprise is still not the canteen scene lol)
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But here Bea said “and if she dies?” does indicate there is some level of empathy from Bea
Since she no longer view Ava as just the mission, then a actual person after seeing her 
here we can see that Bea took the more soft and suggestive approach(compared to lilith which is more demanding) to calm Ava down
Further suggesting there has been a change in Bea’s attitude towards Ava(as shown in the gif below)
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which leads to the first time they interacted one on one(yesss is the canteen scene)
Bear in mind that this scene happened after she sparred with(pissed off)Lilith and mother superion
She is starting to pick up that the members of the OCS didn't exactly give her the warm welcome, making this interaction more heartwarming in a way
It just makes so much sense that Beatrice is the one who welcomed Ava into the OCS
If I have to guess why
must be because this is how Beatrice feel when she first arrive to the boarding school her parents shipped her to
an outcast, the odd one out of the bunch, someone who stands out
and she doesn't want Ava to experience what she hand been through 
so she decided to be the one who welcome her and try to help her fit in 
Which Ava gladly accepted(I mean who wouldn’t is Bea we are talking about here)
now back to the scene
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(this is kinda out of topic but NO ONE sits with Bea??? How??? Where is camila??)
reasons why I think Ava does this assessment thing and why is it important:
a. from being quadriplegic she quite literally had to intact with people by observing them since she can’t initiate the interaction with physical contact 
b. confirming the avatrice endgame agenda (Bea was saving the sit for ava, and giving of friendly vibes because she wanna help/get to know ava more)
Father Simon did say that they planned Avatrice from this start so
c.she took inspiration from shows she watched and she recognize the trope(potential love interest trying to subtly interact with main protagonist) 
(you can't tell me this is not what happeded lol)
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Starting of a conversation with a joking manner, classic Ava silva
which were met with Bea trying to ground her to reality/truth that is Ava needs to start seeing the bigger picture here
Bea your logical is showing 
Bea countering Ava’s attempts to underestimate the situation with logical explanations we love to see it
To be fair Ava is just trying to lighten the mood which is understandable but is not what Bea and rest of the OCS sees
OCS saw Ava as someone who was unfit to bear the Halo, which yeah I kinda have to agree with the OCS
but Ava’s weakness(? is also her strength
her out of the box mindset is literally what saved the world in s2
the OCS needed someone with a fresh pair of eyes
normally that would be Mary
but with Ava being the new kid in town, the collective dislike towards people/ideas that are solar opposites to the religious traditional cathlic values that OCS follows went to her instead
(okay i'm getting off topic again back to avatrice
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This is where Ava realized that shit is real
People have died(Rip Shannon 
Now is not the time to take things lightly 
So being the kind hearted kid that she is
She asks Bea what’s Shannon like 
As a way to try to comfort Bea
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Really love the way Ava is looking at Bea while she is reminiscing her first encounter with Shannon 
Moments like these reminds me how kid like Ava is
Yeah sure she’s an adult(19 years old is still young as hell btw, as a fellow 19 year old)
But because of what happened to her 
The child like behavior never fades into adult responsibilities
The way Ava looks at Bea like a kid listening to their parents telling them stories is just ughhhhh
(Plus Alba had no reason looking this good
Avatrice really said:
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Anyway the conversation ends with Bea and Ava bonding over being the odd one and Bea encouraging her to give OCS a shot 
okay thats a lot of words what the hell
so i think i'm going to continue the first avatrice hug and that hallway scene tmr
stay tuned for ep 3 part 2 :)
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ok before going to bed though- i watched the latest 911 episode earlier and everyones probably already said this but what theyre doing with eddie is pissing me awfff like ok we havent had a eddie subplot so far this season and okk im not particularly attached to marisol but 1. im sure theres like. a million stories u cld tell that arent just stupid plain cheating.. im not even saying he shldnt do stupid stuff but its just like soooo boring and tbh weve had enough storylines abt eddies dating life like. move on omg and 2. im not particularly attached to marisol Because youre not developing her character at all you are the problem!! and the thing is idrc abt shannon either bc it was the same for her!!! her main character trait is literally being dead!!!!!!!! anyway i hope hen & her family are happy forever
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lazyfox411 · 9 months
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m3-0wt0wn · 2 months
TW: talk of suicide and violence
'Suicide hotline, may I help you?'
Yeah, uh, well, I'm about to fucking kill myself.
'Listen you don't want to do that, ok? You don't want to do that'
I'm gonna, eh, there's so many fucking reasons why I don't even need to be here anymore.
'There's no reason-'
I'm gonna put a slug in my fucking head!
'You don't wanna do that, you wanna be here on Earth, ok?'
Fuck that shit man! I got a gun right now.
'Put it away, put-'
And I got it right under my chin, man, fuck that!
'Take it away from your chin'
I'm gonna blow my head all over the fucking ceiling!
'No you're not, ok?'
Fuck this shit man.
'Aye just talk to me, ok?'
It ain't no point to me waking up.
Everybody's time I'm taking up.
I got nobody, it ain't a shoulder near.
I can't stay here and it's colder there.
I don't wanna look back cuz it's gonna hurt, I slice my wrists and it's gonna squirt.
For me everybody holds a hate.
I get backstabbed and everybody holds the stake.
It's no roads to take, I'm in a circle drive.
Busting at myself and I'm trying to survive.
I'll disappoint you, and I will let you down.
And I ain't got many homeboys coming around.
You don't understand, so don't say you do.
'Oh, yes I do'
I swear I'll put a motherfucking slug in you!
'Now now'
I'm the only one, the lonely one.
At home loading the gun, thinking "Why not?"
'Why not? Why would you want to die? Ok, you have feelings inside your head, ok? I understand that feelings lead to depression. When you have depression, you have a lonely void inside your heart, ok? And your heart means everything to the world, ok?'
I got court coming up, I stole a truck.
I got a bitch pregnant and I'm broke as fuck.
I wanna get high but I got piss test.
Im always first name on top of shit list
Get this, the witch has made my chest its permanent nightly visiting nest.
I ain't got no clothes that I look good in, I'm the motherfucking big red train that couldn't.
I got no family, I stole they shit.
Restraining orders and I still won't quit.
I hit rock bottom and then I fell in a hole and then I fell through the floor of that hole some more.
I been missing for a year, nobody's lookin.
'I am'
I got beat down and my shit tooken.
I look ahead and all I see is more of the same, or this self-inflicted bullet hole pouring my brain.
'Ok, I understand that you're in pain, ok? I understand everything you're going through. I've been there myself, ok? Now your pain is my pain, alright? And I feel your pain, and I wanna be your friend. Just me and you, friends'
I dream about cutting heads off with a shovel.
The dreams are getting serious, think I'm in trouble.
I don't hold memory for more than an hour, I'm tired as fuck and I'm drained of power.
I ain't halfway there and I'm all put of time.
I'm like a crushed light bulb, all out of shine.
'Oh no'
I've been around the world but no place is home.
I wanna see the other side when I face this chrome.
I'm butt naked, I've been jerking off, getting drunk. It's my last hours alive, who gives a fuck?
It don't matter
I'm doing this shit in the garage trying to make it easier for them to clean my head splotch.
This bitch I loved, I hope she finds me still up in the chair with my thoughts behind me.
I'm bout to do it.
'Wait wait!'
Can you hold for a second?
'Wait a min!'
Hey, what's up?
Where you at?
Right down the street.
With who?
My girl Shannon, we were wondering if we could stop by?
Well, shit yeah, come on by.
Yeah hey-
I know bring some blunts.
Uh huh, alright, bye.
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nighting-gale17 · 5 years
Listen this is Eddie Diaz fanpage alright
First off you kill off his wife
Then no scene of Buck, his best bro, comforting him
Scene of him FUCKING ALONE SOBBING ON THE BEACH with no one comforting him
Cut scene to someone comforting him later? NOOOOOOO bc that would make too much sense
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Today has been absolute shit at work and now the shit has spread to my home. My hot water isn't working and I literally just wanted a hot shower and to go to bed but I guess we can't get what we want now can we 🙃
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pinchan · 3 years
Can you do Akaza for the ask game?
favorite thing about them
he has my favourite first appearance out of the upper moons. the way it introduces us to the terrifying force that is the upper moons, how powerful they really are and how much threat they really hold, able to kill a hashira with ease... and at the same time being such a breath of fresh air with his deep, profound respect for his opponent, even if they were losing. i would've expected the strongest demon at the time of reading to view humans as lowly like other demons, and while akaza.... also does that, he does not hold back when it comes to humans he sees as deserving his respect and praise, making sure they knows how much he admires them, even tanjiro that once pissed him off so much after he sees how much the kid has improved!! what a guy!!!! honestly i was so amused by his character that at my first read i couldn't hate him even if he killed kyojuro.
his unexpected backstory really hits hard too. he was strong with an even stronger resolve to protect those he loved... but he was never lucky enough to be able to do that. so many things in his life were out of his control, from his wealth to the death of his family, and even his transformation to a demon... it's very sad.
least favorite thing about them
him fighting giyuu feels a bit... forced? i guess? it'd be way more interesting for him to face off tanjiro and mitsuri instead, given mitsuri's close relationship with kyojuro, give both her and akaza more depths with how mitsuri would face off against someone who murdered her mentor and best friend, and how akaza would deal with a powerful woman who's very angry and is going for his neck. giyuu is just There in the akaza fight. it feels a bit lackluster
favorite line
"I never imagined having a future, much alone where I was loved by someone."
"'This boy isn't a weak, don't insult him.' I now accept that Kyojuro was right to say that."
"[Kyojuro's technique] made me felt renewed... like I was gazing to the clear, blue summer sky."
"Let me praise you!"
i just like how he says things
i think akaza and mitsuri would be besties if he wasnt a demon. he would uplift her and her strength and itd be a great boost for her self esteem. sparring busties i mean buddies :-)
hakukoyu auwuhhuuhuhhu renkaza very close second. he has two hands
i'm not a fan of akagiyuu nothing wrong with it im just not into it
random headcanon
he absolutely despises kaigaku. akaza adores strong people, not only on a physical level, but also mental fortitude. kaigaku is lacking in that department, as he's a huge coward who switched sides at a moment's notice only to save his own life. akaza never let him live it down.
i also really like my hc that akaza is a picky eater so im putting it here too :-P
unpopular opinion
i feel like characters like akaza suffer from being mischaracterized as being more evil than they really are in canon. that just because he's a demon, some people forget that he has a moral compass. likewise some people seem to forget that akaza's desire to turn kyojuro into a demon comes from respect, both for his physical and mental strength, so he wouldn't resort to break his psyche to get kyojuro to agree to be a demon. akaza's a very blunt, straightforward guy who puts strength above everything, he wouldn't use trickery or deceit, he wouldn't do cowardly acts like holding kyojuro's loved ones hostage or to kidnap him, akaza thinks he's too good for any of that
song i associate with them
donut hole by kenshi yonezu and shi ni tsuite by shannon
favorite picture of them
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