#im pogging so hard rn
asterbats · 1 year
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drew my new kitten as a “warmup” but have to stop here because shes being a rascal
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chiroptaro · 1 year
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crimeboys · 10 months
20 Questions For Fanfic Writers!
tagged by @lunelicmoone thank you so much :D
1: How many works do you have on Ao3?
2: What's your total Ao3 word count?
265,600 <- EVEN NUMBER POG
3: What fandoms do you write for?
dsmp actively!! written for spn and hannibal in the past
4: Top five fics by kudos?
it's nice to be wanted
blood and cigarettes
oh, how i want to be free
washed up
has the moon lost her memory?
this list actually surprised me bc i expected oh, how i want to be free at the top and didn't realize has the moon lost her memory? was that well-liked
5: Do you respond to comments? Why/Why not?
I TRY SO HARD. i really struggle with it for some reason bc i like.want to thank people and talk to them about the fic but also don't want to spoil and i feel like i just repeat myself a lot and yeah ]:
6: What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
the dark of our graves ig? it's like. fully angst though. the ending is just kind of the knowledge that wilbur is worse now and about to make that everyones problem. but also ig that fic is like. a snapshot of a whole story so idk if that counts. moderation ig, tommy and quackity are miserable af ! wait fuck me i was going through my list and flying actually probably takes it, i give tina and hannah gay love for five seconds and then erm well. i don't know i love making bitches miserable a lot of my fics are sad.
7: What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
probably either your world and mine (my osmp rocketduo fic) or it's nice to be wanted :]
8: Do you get hate on fics?
no which is good bc i am a spiteful little man
9: Do you write smut?
no, if there is ever sex in my fics i tend to fade to black and go Please look away this is private.
10: Do you write crossovers?
no, i don't like putting the characters i like in the same universe i like putting one set of them in the other universe and making them miserable within it instead.
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12: Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah, blood and cigarettes was translated to russian!
13: Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no i am kind of scared of doing that actually i would get nervous.
14: What's your all-time favorite ship?
uhh idk recency bias says ctntduo
15: What's the WIP you hope to finish but doubt you ever will?
16: What are your writing strengths?
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
description and conclusions. ending a fic is my worst nightmare im so bad at figuring out the right note. actually beginnings too i struggle to figure out exactly where to begin.
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
sometimes people speak other languages so ? positive? if someone ever speaks in a language i don't understand in a fic i simply use google translate.
19: First fandom you wrote for?
percy jackson !! i actually probably wrote sonic the hedgehog fanfic when i was younger but i don't really remember i just remember drawing little comics.
20: Favorite fic you've ever written?
tbh i really enjoy blood and cigarettes. shoutout to bell forever for inspiring me to write that thang
tagging: @belltheash @bonesandthebees @lacystar @ literally anyone who wants to do it im completely blanking on all the writers i know rn. even if we are not mutuals just say i tagged you idgaf have fun !
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citriarchive · 7 months
am i about to write a nithvinn dissertation for the bajillionth time? yes. is it going to be about the choice to love again?? also yes because it's MY tumblr dot com and i get to decide what to use it for.
here's the thing, right. i started thinking about a nithvinn soulmate AU and then realized that that's actually lowkey kind of hard. and you may be wondering "why is it hard? 'tis an AU you can do whatever you want" and it's because nithvinn somehow both is and isn't a traditional soulmate situation in my head (schrodinger's soulmate ship)
on one hand there is a part of me that is like. yeah they were fated to meet. they balance each other out very well, they help each other heal, they are so in love that it makes me cry. they fit together like puzzle pieces and i love them so dearly. i feel like destiny kinda always has SOME part in them meeting—sending them to prison, making yaev pass out during his volunteering, hydaelyn being like "ayo squad save the world or whatever", nithral needing to move to a beach yaevinn happens to frequent in order to hydrate. you could argue fate for those.
on the other hand though. the thing is. even if they were fated to MEET, the love part was a choice. i say this all the time. both of them chose to love each other, and imo would choose each other in every life. in fact i'd argue that they literally HAVE because AUs exist. in all the AUs i mentioned above (canon included) they Did Not Have To Do The Love Thing. but they did!! because they chose to.
and i wonder if like. in a soulmate AU. they'd both be aware that they're one another's soulmates. but they're dodging it for one reason or another. like they're just like. "well we sure do have Soulmate AU Trope. pog. goodbye". kind of like how they reacted when eden was first like "?? are you two not married??", that sort of "well this isn't a feeling i'm dealing with rn goodbye [walking in opposite directions to stand on opposite sides of the path returning to camp]"
but then someday the time is right they're just like. okay im not in it for the fact that we have Soulmate AU Trope, i'm in it because i want to be. this is frightening, and i am terrified (whether or not i will admit it. hi nithral), but because i want this. i like how it feels to be around you. i like how i feel when i'm with you, notwithstanding Soulmate AU Trope. i love you regardless of that. i know we're "meant" to be together but i choose to be with you. not because of Fate™. because i want to. because i like you a lot. i like seeing you happy and being a part of your happiness. i like that i'm happy when i'm with you. we're not perfect but you're perfect for me and god i am in love with you.
if this is like. just how soulmate AUs normally are. don't tell me. XD i just think that an AU where nithvinn is outright being told "YOU ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER" and they still need the time to be like. "okay yeah this is smth i wanna do" is neat.
okay that's all thank you for listening to me say the same thing like every other day i am not sorry
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narwhalandchill · 6 months
(4.6 beta changes) (again) (guys this is so long im just. many thoughts and me thinking out loud abt arle and my pulling plans. & other nonsense etc. my bad)
ooookay so yeah def glad i didnt jump the gun and attempt some sorta "is this a buff or not" feelscrafting nonsense on arles adjustments jkwjkwdjkwdjkwdkjjk and waited for TC (mostly zajef lmao) analysis and opinion on the real changes that ended up happening
anyway so like. it appears to be an universal buff for her p much? but how big of a buff it ends up being depends on some mechanics we still dont have a definite answer as to how they function (mostly how her BoL stacking from E works during the ECAQECA reset thing, if it enables 140% total stacking = massive dmg buff overall)
firstly my fears of her becoming too ult dependent for overworld appear to be? not as bad as i thought? so thats nice at least very pog like if she can do her thing decently enough just for fun running around thats very good
secondly. the ER situation is literally on a 50-50 😭 because its all about whether she has particle ICD on her E. if she doesnt, thats actually like. 0 ER needed or at the very least incredibly little of it. if there is particle ICD. well. thats going to be another story
the way her rotations have changed now seem to gear her towards overload teams with chevy? since they have very long rotations and characters like fischl and yae can have full uptime over those whereas vape teams lose hydro application from yelan or XQ and buff uptime from characters like bennett over time when a rotation stretches past 24s
like from what ive been reading it seems to be a pretty common sentiment that these buffs will make the biggest impact in chevy overload teams specifically (even tho shes obvi buffed just in general in all teams) for that reason and that chevy teams Especially w her at c6 with arle should be the best bennettless teams ultimately. which is definitely an interesting turn ?
(and this isnt all of the changes btw im just talking abt the ones that matter most for my considerations rn)
anyway. my thoughts then.
so im obviously glad the changes turned out to be buffs so far. but. theres still stuff im a bit. ehhhhhhhh on
firstly the survivability situation (which in turn leads back to the teambuilding issues). bc her self heal did get nerfed. so arles no longer going to be able to risk taking very high dmg during a rotation and dragging herself back to full once the next one starts. which to me feels like an emphasis on dmg mitigation for her and shielding.
(not to even get started on the. spam NAs to reduce her now 30s E cooldown so its up in time for the next rotation meaning you Do Not want to be staggered and tossed out of her attack string. and gee would you look at that! neuvillette level interruption res on c1 now! great!!)
(like again. to be clear. its hard to say exactly how much interruptions to her NA spam will end up fucking her over. i could just be overtly wary about how bad it might feel. but at its worst. with enemies that run away from u or go invincible. or stunlock you. the fact that it will at least heavily risk arles ability to reduce her E cooldown the amount she needs for fluid rotations. could definitely end up feeling like shit to play in practice without that interruption resistance. be it from c1 or a shied)
but then if we go back to her synergies and look at. those more interesting (imo) chevy teams that should perform well even without bennett. like arle/chevy/fischl/yae. whos keeping ur arle from dying there 😭 its giving lyney spreadsheet impact vs actual reality trying to play him without a shield 😭😭 guess we know who he got it from...
and yea could replace yae for beidou for damage reduction but her dmg will TANK in single target. as a whole. defensive options list in pyro/electro units only just isnt that good. beidous the one who tanks team dps the least as long as ur in AoE, but outside of that its just. thoma and dehya. and they will 100% tank the team dps
whereas defensive options like zhongli to me feel like they will just end up w her teams just wanting to lean towards that. traditional vape and mono pyro angle. bennett and kazuha and yelan/XQ. the usual stuff. and shes not getting benny and kazuha from childe so we have an issue 💀💀
unironically i will prolly be looking for some double geo zhongli/chiori/yelan vape team calcs for arlecchino (hope someone makes them. all double geo team calcs ive seen so far assume bennett 😭) just out of curiosity in terms of. how much worse it is than her best teams. bc if i can just slap her in that setup its a big bonus to how flexibly i could use her but eh. prolly will end up weaker than any chiorinavia nation core i could play so who knows
but. all this yapping and im only now getting to the point JSWJKDWJKWDJK so. heres the BIG problem
i dont have a single fucking chevrolet 💀 but i do have like 38 pity on a guarantee.
and like people are suggesting that maybe chevy will be on arles banner and fair, especially with these new beta changes incentivizing arle chevy teams way more than before, it would definitely make sense for hoyo to put chevy with her. and i definitely am overall a fan of this possible chevy overload team direction for arle (anything thats not bennett for father. ANYTHING) so id love for that to be the case
but. thats not guaranteed at all. and the same sentiment i had over arlecchinos hypothetical best support in the form of the pyro archon (or honestly. with the lack of electro shielders for chevy teams even clorinde could end up being that missing piece) where id almost rather wait to guarantee that synergistic unit before getting arle herself on a rerun. actually applies to chevy here too. even just a c0 one
and like. yes. if i spend that guarantee now on c2 chiori. and it turns out chevy is indeed featured with arlecchino. i will Not be able to guarantee her anymore - ill get one 50-50 and all the chances for a few solid chevy copies on the way but thats it.
however. the other scenario here is that arle does NOT get chevy. she gets fucking. kaveh noelle mika. and then chevy is going to rerun with like. idk. random banner. clorinde who may or may not have synergy with arle
...and im not really sure if id even want to pick arle up on that guarantee from that sort of banner SJKDKJADJKDJK but ok id skip her. buuut im still sitting on a guarantee i might not want to use on a character i feel just eh abt. but who might be with chevy (and like. i do pull for 4* when im on a 50-50 and low pity, idm the early. so as long as thats the case i can see myself tossing a few pulls at Any chevy banner in the future).
... which brings us back to. okay yeah saving the guarantee for clorinde IF chevy isnt with arle and IF shes an electro shielder sub dps support for those arle chevy teams. and getting arle on rerun as ive considered. doesnt sound that bad. but clorinde might also Not be that. uncertainty uncertainty.
like im fairly sure clorinde Will be an unit i wont mind pulling at 17 pity xianyun style on a 50-50 no matter what. but if shes not that mythical arle BiS support she prolly wont be worth that guarantee is my whole complex here lmao
whereas. c2 chiori. isnt an uncertain factor here. like im investing in her im getting her c6 eventually, c2 is like almost 25% personal dps increase (also my husk pieces LOVE rolling ER so itd actually be useful) it feels like the "safe" option in a sense ya know???
like. yes id leave arlecchino up to a coin toss . (Jail for jen!! fake lesbian!!!) but id also be left with the option of skipping her banner (if no chevy rateup to be clear) in favor of seeing whether she gains any synergistic units in the future and seeing how the various aspects of her kit that i do somewhat worry about end up panning out ?? and i think. id be fine with that ? Over the alternative
ultimately tho. im super happy arle got overall buffed and that at least some of my fears abt her kit changes were indeed unfounded, but some concerns still remain. its kinda wild and still sad to me that she went from an absolute 100% must pull character just bc its Her to like. curse of pyro on fielder idk if i Need this right now 😔😔 but i Will be getting her eventually!! no matter what
anyway have a sticker if u stuck around for all of my bullshit. this is literally just arle buff thoughts into gacha pulls stream of consciousness rambling 😭😭😭
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redraven393 · 1 year
Catching Up with Phil's QSMP VOD
3rd July
Oh Chat makin Cookies?- HI PHIL!-E-eppy Phil
Oh maybe to Vidcon,- I mean French is in fire rn.
YEAH-yo wtf??? The qusest today?
Ah Super Hero theme today eh?-ah it cant fly now eh?
A GIANT SQUID??- nah fam they are not doin that- a leo Themed?-stream o plaine
Safety first- oh wait its broken?-oh it did?-ugh got bad felling about it
Yeah its fixed-hopefully
LET HIM COOK-omg god look at that bag
Rare food?- oh shit the end fruit!!-Bone Soup
YEH ADVENTURE-wait why is fit with Dapper?
Lol the poison Spider- Phil pls- I mean BBH is expensive- OMG BBH DON’T HAVE THAT
Lol dragon magic- OMG THAT’S HOW THE GOT EM???-that’s bs Phil
Oh hi Tubbo
RIGBY 2.0 LETS GOO- a whale?- oh its Dapper
Kitties! :D- oh? The Cat that survived the Big blow ystrday r8??- OH???
Oh yeah 4th of Jully-YAH FUQ THE MONARCHY
Omg the Island is Fukin with them
Shinny!-Lol fake- SPIDERSS-omg the fancy Twins –
Yeah mission are BS rn-oh tempting the gods are we?- lol summoning Cucurucho phil ur son right there
Lol dapper-Lol Chayanne
Ah yes the Parents Gossip time- Yeah VID CON!-
PFft- FIT PLS- o mg
Welp they done I guess-Rare fruit time!- 1 done and many bs along the way to go
Ohh cool sword- HOLY SHIT –
Yeah that would be Crazy~-I MEAN-
WHAT??!!OMG- Phil and Fit  have so many Illegal shit omg
Lol- YEAH NEW MISSIONS- lol it crashed- Black Mail POG
Omg its still there- break the ruleee
Of course u did phil
Opp there goes Ramon and Chayanne-  boys wil be boys- they all lost it- RAMON NO
Phil is so Scared to be left with others egg
Hi Dapper- WTH? Where do you get that thing??- holly shit?- yeah 2009-2013 Vidio game rumours are crazy
Lol Chayanne is clearly alt tabbing
Guys pls it’s a place of holly matrimony – what is that?
NO more Marriges- lol
Time to pay I guess- oh god they did miss a few
Lol Chayanne- Yeah Dapper join in!
Lol yeah cmone chayanne why so stiff?- good lord Chayanne is living that admin life rn
Oh kitty- CAT CAT- catcucurucho- holy the cat is immortal
Kil the cat Chayanne- CIA CAT
Oh god Philza and Fit is just a menace
Oh? Chayanne u invited someone?- Dapper pls
OPP WE GOT EM BOIS!- Walter Bob??-Come on dude we just wanna talk
Omg fit pls- YEAH if BBH cant do it then no one can do it
Bad hair btw- oh yeah that ankle thingy-opp rainbow
Best bob
Omg Chayanne is Alt tab- he’s in emergency meeting
Ah! They’ve gone to Ramon’s Barber shop nice
Still waiting- Okk at least we get reconsiderations- Waltuh
Thank yu for yur service WALTUH
It wont break the emergences- break the holly mellon
Yeah they all alt tabbing- “in my scientific reason-
Wat if he Forgo-opp wher did they go?
Do you get paid bob?- is it good pay
Lol Hot tub stream- YEAH NEW MISSION
Thanks Bob!- thanks KIDS- ah yes a loop hole
WAT??- new moshrom island
Omg the kids was fightin for their life for that thing
Omg- Yey island- ahh brings back memories
Lol Sussy baka Phil- Oh they found one- oh not that one
Oh? An Illegal Villager Farm- BY AYEPIERR?!
Where are the going?
Omg dapper pls- HOT NEWBLACK MAIL LETS GOOO- good god this place is confusing
 Oh the found it YEY
Oh no-FIT PLS-Trauma in coming
Fit is a charmer-oh Hey Baghera
Omg that thing is ugly
Opp Bye Fit bye Ramon
Im really dozing off finishing this Drawings
Hi BBH- oh wait Crimson Forest?
Yeah give Bad the scoop
Yeah its weird-welp time to chill I guess- oh shiny Fish- NOO it died rip
Still waiting
Weird bunny is so hard to find ugh
Wat is happening with Baghera rn?
Rescue mission?- Yeah get the kids to safety first- opp crashing
Server Close??- are we chill today?- oh hey Tommy
Yeah we back- opp cant see Dapper- uhh not sure coming with them is a good idea kids
Oh noo-welp guess we alone now-shit trauma~-
Yeah Rabbit sound fine-opp BBH? Ah so he did needs help-oh shit where is Dapper?
Dapper pls buddy don’t just jump where is danger kid- wait? Dapper isn’t there?-
oh there is Pomme too?- we cant see her-okk bye
ok following you king- yeah the train is soo awesome
opp guess we still searching
Cucurucho??-yey bunny- is the bunny normal?
Yeah safety first kiddo
Etoiles???- u okay sir???
Yeah Do your Magic King- oh shit it attacks!- oh no king
Thanks, Dapper-oh shit that wikked
Oh shit- fuq off!- yu won’t fight today?
No- Don’t go ANYWHERE near Tallulah you Bastard
Oh they are fuking with us at this point- Fuk
Oh hey baghera
Yeah Those binary bastards are so cruel- they cant attack while election?- opp bye Baghera
Oh hey Dapper wat are yu doing bud?- Omg lol
That’s not how fair trades work Phil
Yeah  the cats are clearly sus like random animals cant just appeared tamed out of no where
And only admins can killem
Opp Red Vine???- of course YOU would find them nice Bad-LOL
OHHH- prteey- okay chayanne stay safe
   Yay it work- BIG LAD-cant put him in a cage- YEAH LET EM ROAM AROUND!
YEAHHHH The Wither Skeleton Head is Cooler
Hah~ it remind us of him
Opp? Oh Yeah no u right Pomme is in way to many danger rn
Aww- yeah you go Rest King-
PHIL no Spoilers for the Spider kid movie
?? he breaks the rule of frame break?-  omg ANIMATION POG
Hobbie is so cool- yes Brtish Anarchist Spider
Wait who’s Signs is that? OH LEO’S
Kay get some rest Kiddo
Big stress- Lol Chayanne is gone FAST-
Go eat yur cake Phil
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deadduvznap · 2 years
they/them!! also more horny shit im sorry please just lemme dump all of my horny dead dove thoughts into this ask box heheheh but uh you mentioned vore with small schlatt? what if hard vore with small schlatt?? digest that mf - 💀
pog ill put that in !!! (yes i still say that unironically fuck you) ill fr let you do that cus it feeds me so send me everything you got mhm mhm YES VORE MMMMMM i always get the urge to like eat people i love so voreing schlatt >> i wanna chew on him fr i wanna crunch his bones in my teeth yknow ??? maybe not his whole body just like crunch his arm and swallow him whole fr fr and you cant forget a bev when you eat good food so imagine your favorite drink too (mine is pepsi rn i drank like 9 the past 6 days el oh el) lets just go w water for now fr fr but swallowing him with water mhm mhm anf he has to hold his breath because he aint tryinta drown yet fr fr (i just got distracted lookinh for a photocard) but mmmm he gets to ur stomach and hes just burning cus the stomach acid <\\3 and you can hear him screamig in pain <\\\3 sob hes so yummy
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
so at this point i have become very busy both in real life and in my head (possibly going to get an adhd diagnosis soon so thats pog lol) so i've not really been analyzing the stars and their children as much as i have in the past
tHat being SAID the value of this story just for entertainment purposes at face value is incredible! even if i'm not looking for particular themes while i'm reading (could be burnout from analyzing stuff for my literature class - once it's required it's not fun anymore, so i don't want to do it with fics rn KEKW) it's still a really engaging and interesting read, and i can't wait to see where the plot goes! this is one of those stories where the reader can't really see what's ahead - there might be foreshadowing, but it's like in suspense novels when you get to the plot twist and suddenly there's a trail of red flags leading up to it!
anyway thank you for being my favorite author on ao3 and my inspiration to write (i've become something of "that Origins!Wilbur writer" or even just "that Origins writer" because a lot of my ideas stem from that - the server may be dead but hoo boy are my ideas alive) in fact i'm working on a fic that is currently upwards of 24k words and counting!
aww thank you so much!! don't feel pressured to analyze it super heavily or anything, I just hope you're enjoying the story! It's also kind of funny to hear how no one seems to know where the plot is going, because i don't purposefully try to make my plots hard or easy to predict. a lot of people predicted the directions of fics like clinic and world forgetting which was fine with me! it meant i foreshadowed things well! but also it is kind of satisfying now to hear that no one knows where i'm going with stars, because it makes it all the more exciting to take you guys through what i have planned because your reactions are going to be so much fun to see
oh im so glad i inspired you to write!! 24k that's so good!! o7 to you for writing origins, rest in peace that server had so much potential authors like you are keeping it alive. best of luck with your work and tysm for the kind words!!
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kozykricket · 2 years
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i love minecraft
genuinely so hopeful for minecrafts future now, ive loved the quality major themed updates delivered but i think we really do need various smaller changes, and those were bottlenecked by major releases quite a lot… i know mojang listens to feedback. yall, please send them feedback on tw*tter about the new creative inventory organization. i know kingbdogz especially wants some!
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boobersandstuff · 2 years
Hello! Ok for context before the achall post, ice listened to Taylor swift all my life, BUT I only listened to the rlly popular songs, watched the music videos or just heard a snippet of one of her songs. And ever since midnights came out I've been listening to all of her albums 1 by 1. So far I've listened to:
Speak now
And evermore.
And now I'm going to listen to 1989 for the first time, let's go!
Welcome to new York.: I remember listening to the chorus in a secret world of pets and that's it. Is this song abt her first experience in NYC? Kinda repetitive but it's a pop anyways so eh. Sold 8/10 very good 👍.
Blank space: I remember just rewatching the music video we downloaded on my ipad when I was 5. SO GOOD AHHHH!! Nostalgia! I know it off by hand lmao. IM BOPPINH SO HARD RN AHHHHH 10/10 PERFECT!!!
Style: I've heard the beginning and that's it I think. MIDNIGHTS!?!?/jk lol. Nvm I've heard all of it but idk from were? Probably tiktok lol. ITS SUCH A BOP! STYLE STYLE!! WOOOO !!! WE NEVER GO OUT OF STYLE style!!! QHHHHHH 10/10 SO FUCKING GOOD!!! IM FUCKING DANCING 💃
Out of the woods: I know it from her miss Americana doco from netflix and man I love it! It's in my top 5 switie songs. Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods yet? ARE WE OUT OF THE WOODS YET!!! IM FUCKING BOP!!! AH THE BRIDGE IS MY FAV PART (said by no swiftie ever/s lol) THE ENDING PART AJHHH 1000000000/10 AHHHHHH 💗💕💙🧡💟🧡💜💃🕺💃💃🕺💃💃💃💃
All you had to do was stay: now I've never heard or listened to this song before so this is gonna be fun! WHAT!? IM POGGING! ITS SO BOPPY AH! STAY! I'm vibing. I'm dancing it's good! (Stay!) Don't worry past Taylor you have Joe now so your pretty good! 9/10 rlly good but not a 10, idk why it just isn't to me. Still amazing.
Shake it off: this the meme song too me. I can't even dance to it cuz I've herd it way too many times and it's just funny! All I can think of is tommy joking abt it lmao! I CANT SRSLY CUZ OF TOMMYINNIT KEKW. 5/10 BLAME TOMMY!!! ik all the words to it cuz of it being played 24/7!!!
I wish you would: again a brand new song! Let's see it! Bop, it's definitely a bop. Nothing idk now from the songs before. It's good but isn't giving me that energy like the last couple of songs, STILL RLLY GOOD just isn't making me get up and dance. 6-7/10 just isn't give that energy.
Bad blood: I remember watching the music video when it came out and being confused, I looked at here to check that I wasn't misrembering it. Nope. it looks the exact how I remember. I don't like it! WHY ARE THEIR NAMES THERE I DONT CARE!!! take away their names and it'd be 1000% better in my oppion. Anyways the songs pretty good 👍. Nothing to add it's cachy and good. Solid 8/10. The music video made it lose 2 points. Again the bridge is the best part lol.
Wildest dreams: imma be honest, I've listened to the TV first and never heard the og. And I'm listening to the TV first then the og cuz I rlly love the TV. (TV 10/10 comfort listen.) It's deffo different. The pace different. Her voice is higher but that's abt it. It's like listening to a nightcore cover of a song lol. Og I'd give it an 10/10 + 1 . The exstra point is for the nightmare esc different lol.
How you get the girl: new song YIPPEE!! I'm swaying. It's pretty bopping. I'm vibing! YOOO THE chorus YAAAA. IM DANCING!!! that kisses on cheeks line was pretty gay ngl lol. The ending is good. 9/10 very good!
This love: again new song! But there's a TV of it out rn so imma listen to that insted. It's giving lover/folklore mashup. IT LITCHERALLY SAID CARDENAGAIN!!! WTF HAHAHA!!! it's very nice. Idk what to say it's just rlly good! TV 9/10 very good 👍. I wonder who this songs abt? Hm. Smth for me to google later lol. It's a nice palet clenzer for the playlist to not get burnt out on the bop. Also the TV is exactly the same.
I know places: is it just me or is the beat the exact same as shake it off or is it just me? Anyways it's good. IM POGGING YOOOOO!!! IM VINING AGAIN YOOO!!! It's giving the archer. 10/10 very good!
Clean: I remember listening to a snippet of the song on tiktok but i dong remember it lol. Ok this is very different from any of her songs. I'm vibing. I'm semi-pogging. It's pretty good. It's achally rlly good wtf hahaha! WHAT WAS THAT LINE "the water filled my lungs, I Screamed so loud but no one heard a thing" WTF!? TAYLOR HONEY R U OK!? WHAT HAPPEND!? also that was a very good lyric very good! I just clocked the lyrics wth!? Omg it's so sad but so good. 10/10 I love it. "Just because your clean doesn't know you don't miss it" TAYLOR!!? THATS SO SAD!! IM GONNA CRY!!! (Also I relate he 😜🤪😝) . Why is it so sad T T. I'm crying!!! It's so sad. WAHHHHHH.
Wonderland: I remember watching a music video of the same name (or at leased similar cuz of the mv) and I've never listened to TV so let's go. It's giving Christmas lol. SHES RAPPING LETS GOOOO YESSS YOOOO!!! I'm vibing. YOOOO THE PRODUCTION LETS GOOOO YESSSS. "And whispers turned to talk, and talking turned to screams" cough relate cough cough 0-0. Fuxk yeah! This is a song I wanna learn off by heart! Ah it's so good!!! 10/10 maybe my fav song in the album.
You are in love: the title reminds me of that one Disney sing from Hercules. MIDNIGHTS O! very slow. It's rlly good! It's giving dancing with our hands tied and that's a complement! Aw I'm so happy for you Taylor //^ ^//. It's giving ✨queer✨ for that best friend line. My favourite line was that best friends line. 9/10 very good! Very gay!
New romantics: holy shit! I wasn't expecting semi-rapping & kinda aro lyrics ngl. ITS A POP YOOOO!!! IM VIBING AND POGGING AND FUCK!!! I'm smiling sm to this :D. This is my favourite! I love it ❤ ♥ 💕 💓 . 20/10 AH! LETS GOOOO YES!!!
Now I have questions
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What's these? And what did they sound like?
Favourite songs from this album:
1.) New Romantics
2.) You are in love
3.) Out of the woods
4.) Wildest dreams (tv)
5.) Clean
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perennialtide · 3 years
ayo its the story reading stream then the ranboo comeback stream I'm gonna ascend holdup-
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icarusflightplan · 4 years
im loosing my fucking mind over the cave update i want it now. how did minecraft know my 2 favorite things to do in game is build mountain fortresses and cavedive
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wooteena · 4 years
i dont think you understand how much im gonna miss wilbur on the dream smp. like of course im incredibly proud of what hes done, and im excited for his personal projects hes gonna do on his channel now he has the time but at the same time, im worried the smps gonna feel lonely without his theatrics; im worried the wonderful world hes helped cultivate will feel empty without that stupid brit. i know itll be fine with dream, niki, tommy, techno n all the other dramatic bitches but still.... change is scary ya know?
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holelivethroughthis · 4 years
yeah the love or host was cool but can we talk about 24KBROWNMAGIC for a sec like??? KING SHIT
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feralfens · 3 years
watching korean period romance shows like oh this seems fun and wacky and has some interesting costuming! and then you get 30 minutes in and its like "if you treat children like shit youre a horrible person" and "if you over tax the poor youre a fucking monster"
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slashpaws · 3 years
found out i need $20,000+ worth of dental work done and i haven't stopped crying for 2 days straight
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