#im sick of these pairs of dudes jesus christ
poohwhin · 2 years
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they’re the same & i hate them with my entire being why are you like this
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daegall · 2 years
is Lee Donghyuck drunk?
pairing: enemy/rival!hyuck x reader
genre: college!AU, party!AU, slight enemies to lovers!AU
warnings: alcohol consumption, swearing
word count: 903 words
a/n: hi im on a brainrot after watching the nct dream movie HAHA this was inspired by jeno's lines in dive into you 'I’m jealous even of the wind that grazes through you, Even the moonlight that settles on your cheek is annoying me' !!
there might be a part 2 for this but idk really this is really eh tbh
networks/taglist: @neoturtles @knet-bakery @kflixnet @nct-writers @k-radio + @soobin-chois @markhyuckselca @jaehunnyy <3
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Is Donghyuck drunk? Perhaps Donghyuck was drunk. He's not sure how many drinks Jaemin passed him, he's not sure about how many he accepted and downed without any thought.
What he is sure, however, is you're drunk. For sure.
You're giggling next to him drunkenly, head bumping against the cushion of his couch. Donghyuck never realized you came to his party, not until you both bumped into each other by the couch.
Your eyes are so droopy, blinking up at your rival, lips lopsided as you pass him a Cheshire smile.
For a moment, you almost seem like the most ethereal person in the room.
"Jaemin's drinks are funny," You murmur, attempting to blink your sleepiness away. You really shouldn't have taken all those drinks.
Donghyuck doesn't answer you, but he is still attentive to your actions, his eyes flitting from your own, to your pursing lips, to your creasing eyebrows when someone bumps into you.
Finally, Donghyuck speaks, his fingers seizing at your wrist gently. "Wanna head outside?"
His voice is soft and velvety, touch caring. Unlike all the times you've wanted to punch his face because of his annoying voice, this time, you think you'd like to listen to it all day. Jesus Christ, what has gotten into you?
A curt nod is all he needs, before the two of you find your way out the entrance of the backyard. There are a few people here and there, 2 dudes passed out on the porch, and a group of people doing skateboard tricks at a corner of the garden.
Donghyuck leads you by the pool lounge chair, despite the pool being empty, it's still there.
You sit there, quiet, taking in all the fresh oxygen after being in a heavy and stuffy environment. Donghyuck's fingers are still encircled around your wrist, tightening softly.
Your head cranes the other way, to face Donghyuck, watching as he does the same. His cheeks are rosy, nose red, and his eyes are just as droopy as yours.
"Jaemin's drinks are too funny. Had too much." Donghyuck mumbles with a small smile. A laugh rumbles through your body, agreeing with him, and his thumb strokes against your palm.
"You okay?"
Donghyuck's question is nothing short of genuine, his voice lightly laced with worry. You quickly nod, shifting closer to him. "I think so." You contemplate a moment after, remembering all the assignments and exams coming up. "I don't think I'll be okay tomorrow, though."
You sigh, eyes glancing down at Donghyuck's hand on yours, the pads of his fingers burning against your skin. You kind of like it. "How about you? You okay?"
Donghyuck is not too sure. For starters, he feels so fucking sick, he feels woozy and dizzy and he has an urge to throw up. Another feeling he has, is the immense swelling of his heart as he observes your every move, and the confusion weighing heavy on his shoulders.
Why is he feeling this way towards you? Why do you look absolutely perfect?
He's so annoyed by you. How can you be so fucking irritating and annoying one day, and be his whole dream the next? Everything about you right now makes him feel weird.
The way you grab his hand and start playing with his fingers, the way the small smile on your lips is absolutely endearing to Donghyuck, even the moonlight that settles on your cheek is annoying him.
And as you start mumbling something about Mark Lee, he feels even more annoyed. Why are you talking about him suddenly? What his so captivating about the way he tutors others or how caring he is? Donghyuck can be caring, goddamn it!
And another realization hits Donghyuck. He's jealous. He's jealous of Mark Lee, he's jealous of how he gets to be someone so close to you, while Donghyuck is nothing but your enemy. He's jealous of everyone and everything that you consider 'nice'. He's jealous even of the wind that grazes through you.
Shit, is he in love with you?
Suddenly, Donghyuck hates everything you like, just because he's not one of them. Is this why he's always seen you so negatively? Is it him just trying to mask his sadness and irritation that you don't feel the same way?
Drunk Donghyuck is willing to change that, he's willing to take whatever risk to get you to like him, al least start shining him in any light other than 'hateful'.
Before he knows it, Donghyuck has plunged forward, his fingers threading between yours, before he tugs you in, and presses his lips sloppily on yours.
You taste of... Jaemin's strange alcohol mixture, and the peach lip balm you use. Your lips are soft, parted lightly with shock. They relax even more, and fit between Donghyuck's lips in a messy kiss.
Something in Donghyuck says to keep going, even when you've pulled away, his lips reaching down again, to capture your lips between his. And again, and again, before Donghyuck pulls away for a breath of air.
Suddenly, he's completely sober.
What the fuck did he just do?
So, to answer some questions, yes, Lee Donghyuck is completely hammered. No, he's not okay, and yeah, he's completely in love with you.
Here's one more question, what will he do now that he's kissed you? What is his decision after basically admitting his feelings towards you?
Drunk Donghyuck decides to run away.
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ssamie · 3 years
eight. i’m calling the police
oikawa tooru x fem langa!reader
(hq x sk8 the infinity)
warnings: spelling mistakes, swearing, 2k+ words, adam, u have langa’s blue hair sorry 
gen masterlist.            “snow” masterlist.
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"we're sorry!" the three boys exclaimed
"why are you sorry?" she asked in confusion as she stared down at them with furrowed brows "it wasn't your faults, oikawa-san, matsukawa-kun and hanamaki-kun." she reassured them "and you've been apologising the whole day.. its not like you need to anyways" 
"no, we still feel guilty" hanamaki chuckled "since it was our idea in the first place"
"well i was the one who skated so its fine. you don't need to apologise" she smiled at them
"but you're so sad!" oikawa groaned out dramatically "you look so heartbroken!" 
"im really not" she sweatdropped
"will you forgive us if we kneel down?" they asked "we already are, just in case!" y/n sweat dropped as she peered down at their grovelling forms and shook her head. "please don't kneel for me" she said
"its fine. i think i'll manage a few days without it" she said
"so why's your eyes all puffy?" iwaizumi deadpanned
"i cried" she replied with a straight face
"i see." iwaizumi hummed.
"hey, y/n-senpai!" kindaichi called out from the gym. "i think this is yours!" she looked up at him with a look of confusion ran over to where he stood. "what is it?" she asked 
"its your skateboard." kindaichi replied "it's in the gym for some reason" he said. y/n's eyes sparkled as she picked it up and hugged it to her chest. "wow! did you get it back?" she asked him 
"ah no.. it was just there when we entered the gym. kunimi found it" he said as he pointed towards kunimi who was too busy looking at his phone 
"thank you!" she beamed at them 
"no problem. maybe the teacher decided to give it back" he said 
she grinned and happily inspected it for damage just in case. though her smile quickly fell as her eyes trained themselves on a card plastered across the snow monster design's face. she plucked it off and wearily read over the neat letters written in gold ink. 
"you'll need this for later.. " she read with furrowed brows
she flipped the card over and paled as she saw the name that was signed. "love, adam" she shuddered 
"who's adam?" oikawa asked as he peered over her shoulder to read the card 
"um. he's-" she was cut off by the gym lights suddenly shutting off, causing her to jump in surprise. "what happened?" she asked oikawa, who shrugged in response and held her closer to him 
"my eve~" a voice cooed, accompanied by what seems like a sigh of delight and pleasure
she shivered and subconsciously backed up into oikawa's chest as she recognized the voice. "hey, what's wrong? you know that creep?" oikawa asked with a frown 
"its adam." she said 
everyone watched in confusion as the mysterious man entered the gym in an unnecessarily dramatic way. a red carpet rolled from the outside until the spot where y/n stood, and the gym lights turned on but were dimmed. 
"i hope you like my little gift" adam cooed as he skated towards her with a grin "you'll need i for what i have in store, as stated in my letter" he said 
y/n didn't answer but simply looked at him with a grimace, silently praying to whatever god out there that he just trips and dies or something. 
"though i have another gift for you, SNOW" he cooed as he came to a halt before her. adam grinned as he pulled out a huge bouquet of roses "these flowers are red, which symbolise one thing.." he said
"passionate love" adam cooed as he held it before her, making the petals fly around and making her hair sway. 
oikawa blinked once, and twice. he looked at the masked man in both fear and ick. just who the hell as he, anyways? "hey-what the?! aren't you like thirty?!" oikawa accidentally blurted out as he pulled y/n away 
adam simply ignored the brunette and kept his eyes trained on the girl. he waited patiently for her to accept the flowers. 
y/n pursed her lips and reluctantly took it from him. "thanks." she said. 
"you're accepting that??" oikawa groaned out as he looked at her in dread and confusion. 
she shrugged and gently placed the bouquet on a random bench. "adam--" she cut herself off with a squeak as she felt his hands gently grip her waist and pull her closer 
"come to this location i picked out." he whispered into her ear as he handed her another card. y/n stiffly nodded and quickly snatched the card from him, wanting nothing more than to get out of that situation.
"amazing!" adam exclaimed as he, finally, pulled away from her. "you never fail to entertain me, SNOW." he grinned "i knew coming here will be worth my while" he chuckled. 
"ah. right.." she muttered as she looked at him weirdly "wait, did you follow me?" she asked with a raised brow as the realisation finally dawned upon her. 
"other factors do not matter, my eve" adam mused as he took her hand in his and grabbed her hip with his other. "meet me later and let us dance like old times, okay?" he cooed with a smirk 
she looked away in discomfort and reluctantly nodded her head. "right.." she mumbled 
the boys, who were standing right there to witness the whole thing, looked at each other with a look that embodied the term 'what the fuck' and mentally agreed to step up and help her. 
"excuse me." iwaizumi cleared his throat, making adam side eye him with a look of disinterest 
"who are you and what are you doing with y/n?" he asked as he placed his hand on y/n's shoulder to try and pull her free from his grasp. "let go" oikawa said with a scowl as he pried adam's hands off her
"who are these nuisances, my eve?" adam asked her as he completely ignored their presence. "i thought i've already gotten rid of that redhead, and yet new names will be added into the list" adam hummed with a smile 
y/n gulped as she took note of the faint hostility behind his tone. "they're my friends." she said as she backed away from him and into oikawa’s arms once again 
"i'll meet you for a beef later but that's all" she said as she turned away from him "after that, please leave, adam." she requested with a sigh as she picked up the bouquet and her bag 
she gathered the boys and pushed them all out of the gym, quickly ushering them to run off along with her. she looked back one last time, only to be met with adam's eyes which seemed to be comically glowing red under his mask, paired with a grin 
she gulped and set him a curt nod. "bye" she said 
"goodbye, my eve" adam cooed as he watched her run off to the boys 
"hey hey! what the hell was that?!" oikawa exclaimed as he hugged y/n tightly in his arms "that creepy mask man came out of nowhere!" he said "and why'd he start touching you?" 
"yeah, who was that?" iwaizumi asked her
"his name is adam, or atleast that's what we call him" she replied "he's just like that, don't mind him" 
"uh no, i think i'm gonna mind him, thanks very much" oikawa scoffed "what did you mean when you asked if he followed you?" he asked with furrowed brows 
"oh.. well there's no other way he would've known i was here" she replied as she leaned back against his chest 
"also, oikawa-san.." she trailed off
"yeah?" he hummed 
"why are you still holding me?" 
oikawa blinked and slowly retracted his arms with a hint of reluctance. "haha, sorry" he chuckled 
"why does he call you eve?" matsukawa sweat dropped. "it has something to do with his name. adam, and eve.. like lovers" she answered with a look of distaste 
iwaizumi let out a sigh before pulling out his phone and dialling a number. "im calling the police." he said 
"ah, don't do that" she waved her hands dismissively "i don't think that'll do much anyways" 
"well, he's clearly sick in the head so maybe they'll take him somewhere else other than jail" matsukawa mused. "ya know.." hanamaki chimed in "like the psych ward or something" 
"well when you put it like that.." y/n sweat dropped 
oikawa had a frown on his lips as they chatted. he wasn't joining in like he usually would, and was simply thinking to himself. y/n side eyed him and nudged him with her shoulder. "would you like to have dinner together, oikawa-san?" she asked him 
oikawa's eyes widened as his head instantly snapped over to hers "what?!" he spluttered "did you just ask me out?" 
"... i asked if you wanted to have dinner" she said 
oikawa bit back his tongue as he yearned to say 'that's the same thing!' but fought against it. "ah, sure!" he agreed with a grin. she smiled back and nodded. "great. i needed to stop thinking about adam" she said 
"also, will you guys come with me later?" she asked them 
the boys raised laughed and immediately nodded. "well, i was going to tell you not to go but.. i guess it'll be fine with us there" iwaizumi said. "yeah. if that dude does something sketchy, i'll seriously call 911" hanamaki laughed 
"oh, you can't." she said. "or else you and i will get involved. the skating i do isnt really appreciated by legal forces." she chuckled nervously 
"its kind of illegal." 
"...y/n.." iwaizumi trailed off with a sigh. 
"no way?! cool!" oikawa exclaimed as he gave her a high five. "it is, isn't it?!" she grinned as she and oikawa laughed together 
"jesus christ." iwaizumi deadpanned 
"that dinner was great!" she grinned as she sent oikawa a thumbs up 
"ah you're right.." he agreed with a meek laugh. "though it would've been better without them." he muttered as he sent the iwaizumi, maki, and mattsun a glare 
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"oh cmon captain!" hanamaki mused "you love us!" he laughed. "no i don't" oikawa huffed and crossed his arms. 
"well, i love you guys" y/n interjected with an innocent smile
oikawa jumped and hastily waved his arms about. "no! no you don't!" he exclaimed. "why.. why not?" she sweat dropped 
"that should be saved for a special someone!" he said "cough. me. cough." 
"you're right!" y/n beamed with a grin "like reki!" 
oikawa dramatically sulked, kicking rocks by his feet and muttering under his breath as a gloomy aura surrounds him. "reki this reki that. why is it always reki? hmp" he muttered bitterly to himself 
iwaizumi sweat dropped and simply dragged him along "shut up, shittykawa. this is just getting sad" he said. "also, y/n where exactly are we going?" iwaizumi asked her as he looked around the dark and unsettling part of the woods they have entered 
"adam said he set up a course for us tonight" she answered with a shrug as she pushed her way through random bushes "it has to be hidden but we're very close, don't worry." she reassured 
"that's the problem. we're close." iwaizumi sighed. "just so you know, im still against this whole thing" 
"don't worry iwaizumi-san! it'll be fun!" y/n said with a grin as she pushed through one last bush, revealing a bright light from behind. 
"ah, there she is!"
y/n covered her eyes as a bright light shone against her "my eve!" adam announced followed by multiple cheers and shouts
"what the hell..?" matsukawa muttered as he looked around the abandoned looking part of the forest which was littered with skaters cheering and watching. "what the hell is this place?" she muttered as she recognised a few faces from S "is this S..?"
"my eve" adam cooed as he skated towards her "do you like it?"
"i've gathered everyone here to see you skate!" he exclaimed "everyone has missed you. but not as much as me" adam grinned as he tucked a single rose between her ear, making her shudder and warily poke at the flower.
"is reki here?" she asked with widened eyes as she looked around for a certain redhead
"that boy is not needed, is he not?" adam rebutted with a scowl "so there was no need to invite him."
her face fell at the statement and peered up at him with a frown. "don't say that about him.." she muttered
adam hummed and lit up a cigarette. "if emotions could be seen by the eye, what shapes would they be?" he mused
y/n brows furrowed as he listened to him. "i believe it will be a spring. and that spring will have different amounts of water depending on the occasion." he said "my spring is currently completely dry. because i don't have even one millimeter of interest in that.. reki..." he said with a grimace 
"but you.." adam trailed off as he threw the cigar away. 
he skated towards her and grinned, encaging her in a bubble her as he skates around her. "good.. you're good.." he said with a sigh of pleasure 
"it flows out... it gushes out!" adam exclaimed 
"that's right. the prize of this bet shall be you!" he announced as he gripped her waist and pulled her closer to him so their chest were touching "and what shall you ask for if you win, little y/n?" adam cooed as he tilted his head with a grin 
y/n sheepishly looked away from him and muttered. "if i win.. you have to go back and leave me alone.." she said 
adam's smile momentarily fell. he then grinned and nodded along. "what a cruel request" he mused "but if that is what you want then so be it.." he chuckled 
"but that just means i have to win no matter what, right?" 
y/n looked at him with dread. she didn't answer but simply turned away from him and faced the boys. "hey, i think we should leave" oikawa suggested with a nervous laugh "that guy is crazy!" 
"and what's with this place? i thought for sure he'd just bring you to a skatepark or something" he said as he eyes the various skaters who were chatting along 
"you'll see oikawa-san." 
everyone watched in anticipation as the lights blink one by one, a buzzing sound acting as a count down for them. as the last ringing of the buzzer filled the air, both adam and y/n skated off.
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"holy shit" matsukawa cursed in surprise
they had done so in immense speed and force, that they'd even left some skid marks and a trail of dust and rubble behind
"yeah! go SNOW!" "im betting on you, SNOW!!" "SNOW you better win!"
oikawa watched with widened eyes as the crowd around them cheered and hollered, shouting her alias along with some encouragement. "snow?" oikawa hummed in confusion "is that like a nickname or something?" he muttered
"yes. we like to keep our personal lives apart from our skating activities." a guy chimed in "and that includes our given names, so we make up aliases or nicknames, as you said."
oikawa looked up at the man with a mask and nervously chuckled "i see." he said "what's your name then, sir?" he asked, only to quickly correct himself "or ma'am? uh-"
"cherry." he answered
cherry looked oikawa up and down and brought his eyes up to the screen displaying y/n and adam. "also im a guy." he said with a sigh. "ah right, sorry" oikawa chuckled
"its the hair isn't it?" a new voice cooed followed by a laugh 
oikawa watched as cherry sighed and irritably glare at the green haired guy that skated towards them. 
"sup kid" joe greeted with a nod "i heard you came with our rookie over there" he mused as he stared up at the girl through the screen. "im joe. im a friend of hers" he said with a grin as he held his hand out for him to shake. "cherry here is too" 
"oikawa tooru" oikawa said as he accepted the hand shake "im also her friend" he smiled at them 
"stop talking and watch. she brought you here so you better make the most of it" cherry interrupted their conversation 
"right.." oikawa nodded 
"YEAH GO SNOW!" "she's speeding up!" "ADAM's totally catching up though!" 
oikawa's eyes glistened in wonder and amazement as he watched her sharply turn a corner and flip her board around, using the edge to balance herself from the steep curve of the concrete. 
"its here!" adam exclaimed in delight 
y/n turned back with a cautious gaze as she watched in partial dread and confusion as adam does some type of dance as he skates. though she wouldn't lie, it was kid of impressive for him to keep his balance. but still.. 
" here, here! right in my heart!" adam exclaimed with a light squeal, continuing to dance and spin around, only making her dread what was to come next even more. 
"now, little y/n.." adam cooed as he suddenly appeared behind her to grab her waist and drag her closer to him, causing their boards to bump. 
"dance with me!" he said with a grin as he took her hand and maneuvered their way through the curves and turns of the course 
"what the..?! that's dangerous! shouldnt this be against the rules or something?!" oikawa exclaimed as he watched the scene play out in fear 
"no. there are no rules when it comes to S." cherry explained. "it may be dangerous but, the moment she agreed to the beef was her brushing off the consequences she may face." 
oikawa gulped and look back up, watching on distaste as adam spreads her feet to make her lose her balance 
iwaizumi, matsukawa and hanamaki's expressions were just about the same. they didn't really know what they were expecting when she brought them here but it surely wasn't this. 
adam chuckled as he pushed her, making her stumble and almost fall off, only for him to catch her by the small of her back and dipping her as if it was a dance. 
"okay, this is going too far.." iwaizumi muttered as they watched her expression through the screen 
y/n gritted her teeth as she glared up at him, only for adam to smile at her in amusement. 
"y/n.." oikawa muttered with a frown as he felt the worry build up inside of him 
"we're approaching a big corner now!" adam taunted her. he intertwined their hands and grinned mischievously as he lifted her up and started spinning her around. "here we go!" he exclaimed with a laugh
it was a total contrast to her screams of pure dread and adrenaline, tightly gripping his hands so she wouldn't fall and injure herself 
"this is so fun, SNOW!" adam cooed as she finally was able to place her feet back on her board, although they were still spinning 
everyone watched as the camera zoomed in on them, showing her widened eyes and gritted teeth as she stared up at adam, who was smiling tauntingly at her. "oh? is something the matter?" adam cooed "please don't tell me youre scared." 
it seems everyone, including adam was pleasnatly surprised as a small but noticeable smirk carved itself onto her lips. maybe it was adrenaline, but it seemed like it was out of enjoyment as well. after all, it's been a while since she's skated properly against someone. 
y/n grinned as she narrower the space between them, pushing herself against him as she took turn to maneuver them against the turn 
"she narrowed the turn radius to speed up" joe said as he stared up at the screen with a proud and amused smile "still the same as always" 
the boys looked at him and gulped. they had no idea what was happening whatsoever, except for the fact that she can literally die or injure herself with one wrong move. 
"love-love-love-lovely!" adam exclaimed with a laugh "wonderful!". y/n panted as she pulled away and finally managed to get a grip of her board once again 
"he's gonna do the love hug" a new voice filled the air 
the boys whipped their heads around to see a redhead rushing towards the scene with two other guys, one younger. 
"love hug..?" oikawa tilted his head in confusion as he peered down at the vaguely familiar redhead. though his attention was averted back to the screen as the atmosphere seemed to have grown heavier 
adam was grinning as he spun back around, spreading his arms as he looked at her through his mask. "come here.. into my arms!" adam cooed "love hug!" 
"Y/N!!" reki exclaimed as he shifted anticipatingly in his place, dropping his own board in the process 
as comical as it was, she somehow managed to hear his scream. maybe it was because everyone else was quiet due to suspense. but reki's voice echoed throughout the cleared out forest loud enough for her to hear. 
"reki..?" y/n spluttered as she immediately jumped over adam, performing what looks to be a snowboarding trick. she stayed in the air for longer as she eyed the area she planned to land. 
"YEAH! GO SNOW!" cheers erupted among the audience, filling the tense air with noise yet again. 
"she did it!" reki grinned as he watched her through the screen 
"reki?" oikawa mumbled with widened eyes as he looked at the redhead with a new sense of intimidation and wariness. though his eyes were quickly averted back to the scene before him. as unexpected as it was, he'd still rather focus on y/n skating rather than some kid he didn't know. 
"adam's not having it." cherry sighed as he watch adam try to keep up with her speed but struggle due to the advantage she had received
"she's gonna win!" reki grinned as he watched the two skate in anticipation
and just as he had predicted, loud screeching of her board's tires were heard as she passed over the finish line. "ah-ah shit!-" she cursed as she lost her balance and toppled over, causing her to wince in pain 
"ouch.." she sighed as she sat up on the ground, rubbing her head and checking her board for damage since the course was rockier than usual 
"y/n-chan!" oikawa exclaimed as he, along with the three boys rushed over to her, given that the finish line was a few yards away from them. "oikawa-san!" she faced him with a grin as she opened her arms for him to drop into "i won!" she said
"i know! you were so cool!" oikawa gushed as he stared up at her in admiration
"ehem." iwaizumi cleared his throat
"oh right." oikawa muttered. "but that was really dangerous!" he scolded her, a total contrast to his reaction before. "are you injured? your hand is probably wounded with how much you skidded it against the rocks!"
she smiled sheepishly and shook her head "im fine, oikawa-san" she reassured him "my hands and feet are kind of sore but it's alright"
"also.. was reki here? i heard him" she asked as she looked around the place, trying to find the redhead 
"i've lost" adam said as he stopped before her 
"you.. you do remember what my request was right?" she asked him with a wary gaze. "of course, my eve" adam mused. "i'm not very happy with it, as you may know" 
she looked down at her shoes and gave him a quick bow "sorry." she said "but a bet is a bet. and i won." y/n looked up at him and sent him a faint ghost of a smile. "it was fun skating with you, adam. but you have to distance yourself from me.." 
adam gazed at her with pursed lips, not looking too amused about the situation, but nodded nonetheless. "im glad i've left you satisfied, my eve" he cooed as he took her hand in his and placed a quick peck onto her knuckles 
the boys around her sweat dropped as they witnessed the strange and awfully uncomfortable interaction. "right well.." iwaizumi cleared his throat as he hesitantly pushed them apart. "we'll be going now." he said "this place is dangerous and you shouldn't really be making her participate in reckless things like this. do better sir." 
y/n smiled at him and chuckled as he dragged her away along with the others, more that eager to leave that place. 
"you're never skating ever again." iwaizumi said to break the silence 
"what?! no way!" she whined "didn't you see that iwaizumi-san? it was so fun!" 
"that guy was a creep and you were on the verge of dying." 
"well.. it was fun though" she huffed as she realised she couldn't even disagree with his statement 
"well, i think it looked fun" oikawa whispered to her with a cheeky wink, making her chuckle and suppress a smile 
"anyways.." she started as they had finally reached the exit of the forest. "i asked you before but.. was reki there? i heard him" she said 
"reki? well..." oikawa hesitated as he nervously looks around the place. "was he there, oikawa-san?" she asked him with an innocent smile 
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i just used the whole beef langa had w adam on ep.5 here lol </3
sorry for the spelling /grammar mistakes if there are any :> 
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urmomsstuntdouble · 4 years
I would love to see you write something about a platonic relationship you really like, whether it’s writing or hcs!
omg im so sorry this took me so long! i have been. busy. but anyway. here you have banter between my two favorite idiots, Alfred Jones and Lorenzo Vargas :P
Their road trip was years in the making, and something the pair looked forward to, though neither could remember why they’d decided to take it. If Alfred remembered correctly, the plan for a road trip to the City was first made during their freshman year during gym class. Lorenzo really hated gym, so they passed the time by talking about the future. Alfred also hated gym, because everything was a watered down version of the actual sport. And dodgeballs were a weird texture.
Yet here they were, packing up Lorenzo’s car, a white Fiat that he theoretically shared with his little brother. Alfred wasn't even sure Feliciano had a copy of the keys. But that didn’t matter, because Feli wasn’t invited. It was a bros-only, post graduation celebratory trip to New York, four years in the making. In the weeks leading up to graduation, Alfred spent every lunch period outlining his plan for their getaway. Lorenzo thought it was kind of stupid, as a self proclaimed go-with-the-flow sort of guy. Just a go with the flow sort of guy who plans his outfits a week in advance, Alfred thought to himself as he lifted his suitcase into the trunk. 
“That’s everything,” He said to himself, then ran around the other side of the car to check if he was right. Blankets, cooler, airplane neck rest pillow thing, first aid kit…Okay, yeah, he had everything! “You ready, Lorenzo?” 
“Mhm,” Lorenzo said from the front seat. He slouched, unbuckled, with his phone in hand. “Looking up the directions now.” 
“Sick, dude,” Alfred said, and climbed into his seat. “We stopping by a gas station at all?”
“Mm-mm.” Lorenzo shook his head, “Filled her up last night.” He set his phone in the cupholder, and buckled his seatbelt. Alfred followed suit, strapping in. “Okay, let’s fuckin go.”
“You ready to see discount Italy?” Alfred asked. It was Lorenzo’s first time visiting New York. It was also Alfred’s, sort of. He’d been there for six hours one time at the airport, catching a plane to Vancouver. And the airport was technically in the city, so. Yeah, he’d been to New York!
“Yeah, yeah,” Lorenzo said, putting the car in drive. He leaned forward, peering over the steering wheel. He wasn't particularly short, he just liked to drive like that. “Honestly, if you’ve seen one you’ve seen ‘em all. It doesn’t compare, ya know?” 
“Mm,” Alfred said, “I get that, but also you can’t not compare all the other discount Italies.” 
“Oh, yeah, you can definitely compare those, and they all suck. No flavor, zero out of ten.” Lorenzo said. 
“I don't know man, New York hits different. It definitely tastes like something.” 
“Maybe you could lick the ground and find out,” Lorenzo mumbled. 
“Mmm, only if you pay me,” Alfred stretched, straightening his legs as far as they would go. Maybe he should migrate to the back seat, where he could extend further. 
“Pshh,” Lorenzo said, “No way, you’d ask for too much.” 
“Okay, well, how much would you give me to lick the ground? And what ground am I licking?” 
“Uh,” Lorenzo said, narrowing his eyes at the road. He was perched in an almost bird-like position, nose scrunched as he turned towards the highway. “Somewhere in Manhattan, and I’d give you twenty dollars.” Alfred felt his mouth dropping open, and a protest was already building in his throat when Lorenzo spoke up again. “Okay, I’d give you twenty and also pay for a drink- Anything you want!- To rinse your mouth out after.” Alfred closed his mouth, contemplating. 
“Yes, anything,” Lorenzo said, “Unless you want, like, one of those stupid fifty dollar Starbucks drinks.” 
“But you said-” 
“I am deciding the terms of this- this ground licking!” Lorenzo quipped, though he kept his eyes squinting at the road before him. 
“But it’s my tongue that’s in danger,” Alfred said, “Would you really deny me a $50 Starbucks drink? For my tongue rehab?”
“Tongue rehab,” Lorenzo said, shaking his head, though there was humor in his voice. 
“I mean, you suggested it, I was just- I was just putting a name to it,” Alfred said, “But yeah, it’s tongue rehab. What if there was pigeon shit on the ground?!” 
“Oh, there absolutely has been,” Lorenzo said, “But anyway. I’ll give you twenty dollars and a reasonably priced drink of your choice for your efforts.”
“Awesome,” Alfred said, then sighed. “God, don't you ever just want to be a carrier pigeon?” 
“No,” Lorenzo said.
“Imagine it,” Alfred said, dreamily. He threw his hands up, as if that illustrated his point. “Flying around as you pleased, but you have a mission-!”
“Ah yes, I always fantasize about being an airborne mailman.” 
“But its so much more than that!” Alfred insisted. Carrier pigeons were such an instrumental piece of New York’s culture…
“Okay,” Lorenzo said, almost laughing. He pressed down on the gas pedal, despite the yellow light ahead of them. 
“Bro, watch out for that yellow light,” Alfred said, gesturing. 
“I am,” Lorenzo said, speeding up further, “Don't worry, dude, I know how to drive.” 
“Okay, that might work on the girls at school, but- JESUS CHRIST-” Alfred’s hand flew up and grasped the little handle in the roof of the car. The light had turned red, but Lorenzo only pressed harder on the gas, despite another car almost ramming into his side. 
“Bro, what the fuck!” Alfred gasped, clutching his chest, “The traffic lights are there for a reason-!” 
“That’s just a suggestion,” Lorenzo said, “Calm down, you big baby.” Alfred swallowed, but didn't let go of the handle in the car’s roof. His heart was in his throat, but he could fix that- Alfred turned slightly, reaching into the back seat, and grabbed a Monster from the cooler.
“No the fuck it’s not,” Alfred said, “The lights are there for a reason, dude!” 
“Okay,” Lorenzo joked, “Guess its a good thing we have seatbelts.” Alfred felt like he was supposed to argue with that, but seeing as it was sound and true, he couldn't. 
“Shut up,” He muttered, and opened his monster.
“Fine, fine, I’ll obey your little traffic laws,” Lorenzo said. Alfred only shook his head. On the inside, he was giggling with excitement.
thats all for now! i hope you enjoyed! 
writing requests
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Grumpy Drummer (Motley Crue)
Title:  Grumpy Drummer
Prompt: #24 I think someone needs a nap
Pairing: The other three members x Tommy
Requested by: @sams-serialkiller-fetish
Summary: Tommy throw a tantrum
Warnings: Light language
Check out my Patreon for one shots/drabbles!
“I don’t want to do it again,” Tommy whined, tossing his drumsticks down. “We’ve been doing the same song for three days now! I’m over it!”
“Dude, are you two?” Vince asked, watching the drummer have a meltdown.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tommy snapped.
“Vince is meaning that you’ve been kinda a piss baby the past few days,” Nikki told him. “You need to chill the fuck out.” Tommy sat there for a moment, staring at them. That’s when he started to do something they had never seen him do before.
He started to cry.
“What the fuck is going on?” Mick asked, looking at Vince and Nikki. They had never, ever seen Tommy cry before. Like there had been tears in his eyes a couple times when he had been nailed in the balls, but never a full blown, snotty nose, ugly cry.
“Uh...T-bone?” Nikki asked, stepping closer. “You okay?”
“Does it look like I’m okay?” He snapped at Nikki. He got up from his kit and stormed off, leaving the other three members confused.
“I think someone needs a nap,” Mick grumbled. Nikki put down his bass and went after Tommy.
“Hey! What’s going on?” Nikki asked. Tommy stopped and wiped his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Tommy whispered. “I didn’t mean to act up…”
“What happened?” Nikki asked, honestly worried about his friend. He had never seen Tommy throw a tantrum like that before.
“I haven’t been feeling good, my girlfriend broke up with me, and I haven’t slept in days,” Tommy admitted. “Too many things running through my mind and…” Tommy burst into a coughing fit then.
“Damn T-bone, why didn’t you say something?” Nikki asked, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. “Were you going to wait until you collapsed on stage from lack of sleep and the cough?”
“I didn’t want you guys to think I was a baby or something,” Tommy pouted. “You guys already treat me like one.”
“That’s cuz you’re the baby of the band,” Nikki smiled.
“Vince isn’t that much older than me,” Tommy pouted.
“But he’s still older,” Nikki teased. “Come on. You really should take a nap.”
“But…” Tommy started to protest.
“I agree with him drummer,” Mick spoke up from behind them, making Tommy jump.
“Jesus Christ Mick,” Tommy gasped. “Give a bit of a warning next time, will ya?”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Mick asked with a chuckle.
“We can call it a day man,” Vince told him. “I’d love to hit the beach. Plenty of hot girls out there just waiting for me.”
“Yeah, because they think you’re one of them and want to borrow your makeup,” Nikki laughed. Vince went to punch him but Nikki pulled Tommy in front of him like a shield.
“Come on man, that’s not cool. He’s sick,” Vince grumbled.
“Makes the perfect shield!” Nikki laughed. Mick just rolled his eyes. He didn’t realize that he was in a band with a bunch of two-year-olds.
“Can we go?” Tommy asked. “I think I actually could use that nap.” He started coughing again.
“Yeah, let’s do it before he coughs a lung up,” Vince rolled his eyes a bit.
“Oh, that could be cool. Think you could do it on stage and gross everyone out?” Mick teased. Tommy just shook his head. Nikki led him out to his car and drove Tommy back home.
Where he fell asleep instantly.
Forever Tags:  @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af-imagines @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @teller258316  @horrorpxnk
Motley Crue Tags:  @primal-screamer @waywardprincess666 @twistnet @saint-of-los-angeles @vader-kai @motleyfuckingcruee @sharon6713 @kawennote09 @2dead2function @nikkisixxwiththebass @flamencodiva @iamtiber-andtiberismusic @jayprettymuchomw @charlyallise @you-know-im-a-dreamer @livingdeadharley @motleycrying  @nikki-sixxtynine @jjjjjjjoshdun @just-a-normal-fangirl18
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tonystarkstan · 6 years
you’re still young (that’s not your fault)
Summary: Being a superhero? Hard. Being a superhero in high school? Harder. Luckily, he’s got Iron Man on his side.
or, five times Tony goes to Peter’s school and one time Peter goes with him to work.
Note: This is posted on my AO3, but it’s one of my favorite things I’ve ever written, so I thought I’d share it here! I hope you guys like it.
“So like, the issue is that I like learning and I need to go to school to get a good education in order to be qualified for an actual career,” Peter tells Ned as they stand at their lockers.
“How is that an issue?” Ned asks in confusion.
Peter sighs dramatically. “I hate school,” he says, as if that explains everything.
Ned nods sympathetically. “Makes sense. Oh, the joys of social hierarchy. Also, I forgot the solubility rules, so I totally bombed that part of the quiz today. Which means I’m probably going to fail, which means I’ll be kicked out of school, which means I’ll have to work at McDonald’s for the rest of my life and live off of a minimum wage salary.”
Peter pats his back consolingly. “You and me both, man. School just proves what we already knew: the world is conspiring against us.”
Ned scoffs. “Okay, but at least you have Spider-Man,” he points out, saying the name quietly so no one overhears.
Peter gives him a weird look. “Oh yeah, loved getting bitten by a fucking radioactive spider. It was like getting a kiss from Mother Nature.”
Ned shrugs. “Who cares? You’re staying with Tony freaking Stark. How is that, by the way?”
“Oh, it’s great!” he says enthusiastically. “The man has, like, zero parenting skills, so I get to eat whatever I want, and we just stay in his lab all night.”
“Dude, your life is so not real,” Ned says incredulously. “Have you heard from May?”
“Yeah, she said she’ll probably be home this weekend. I think she feels bad, but her work really needed extra hands with the hurricane relief, so it’s fine.”
“Gotcha. Hey, what do you – whoa!” Ned exclaims. “What’s going on?”
As they turn the corner, as large mass of students clogs the hall, all trying to peer over each other to get a look at whatever’s caught their attention. Before Ned and Peter can get any closer, though, the crowd parts down the middle by a seemingly invisible force.
That is, until Tony Stark steps through.
As usual, he’s wearing a three-piece suit, his trademark sunglasses, and in his hands is – what the fuck? – a Spider-Man lunchbox.
Tony’s eyes lands on the pair of them, and he casually makes his way over to them, as if Iron Man walking through a high school is normal.
“Hey, Pete! I was just looking for you,” he informs Peter.
“Hi, uh, Mr. Stark. Um. Hi. What are you, uh, doing here?” he asks, trying to ignore all the blatant stares that are now focused on them.
“What? A billionaire can’t just come by to see his favorite mentee?” He’s smirking though, and Peter knows the superhero is taking great pleasure out of embarrassing him.
“No,” he retorts flatly.
Tony puts his hand on his chest dramatically. “Oh, how you wound me. Betrayed! By one of my very own! What ever did I do to deserve such treatment?”
“Jesus Christ,” Peter mutters. “What do you want? Ned and I were just about to head to lunch.”
“Ah ha! And that is where I come in. I am, as usual, here to save the day.”
Peter raises an eyebrow and gives him an unimpressed look. Tony huffs. “Sheesh, tough crowd to please, apparently.” He holds out the lunchbox. “Lunch. You left your’s.”
Peter thinks back, suddenly remembering that oh yeah, he definitely did leave his lunch on the counter. However, it’d been in his old Star Wars lunchbox that he’d had as long as he could remember.
Noticing his look, Tony gestures to the bag. “I took the liberty of getting you an upgrade. We all know how much you like Spider-Man.”
Yup, I’m definitely filling his Iron Man helmet with ramen noodles now.
“Wow. Thanks,” he says, sounding anything but. He takes the bag gingerly. “Now I won’t starve. A true hero you are. Really living up to your name.”
Tony pretends to blush. “You’re too kind. I’m just here as a completely selfless act of service.”
“Sure. So, can you, like, leave?” Peter says impatiently.
Tony shoots him an affronted look. “Well, I know when I’m not welcome. Which, let’s be honest, never actually happens because I’m a famous genius billionaire. But I really do have to get going.”
“Oh, thank god,” Peter breathes. Tony laughs and ruffles the kid’s hair, knowing it’s all in jest.
“See ya later, kid.” He turns to Ned. “And you – be sure he actually eats it.” Ned looks like he’s about to faint. And with that, Tony turns on his heel and struts out, leaving behind a bunch of astonished high schoolers. Peter’s pretty sure Flash’s jaw is about to hit the floor.
After a second of stunned silence, Ned looks over at Peter and smirks. “What was it you were saying earlier about ‘zero parenting skills’?”
Peter groans. “Shut up.”
Ned’s laughter is drowned out by the mass of students headed excitedly in their direction.
“Dude, you look like shit,” is how Ned greets him.
Peter doesn’t even have the energy to be offended. He certainly feels like shit, flashes of hot and cold racing through his body and forehead beading with sweat.
“It’s fine, we’re fine,” Peter says, not at all reassuringly.
“Yeah, okay,” Ned scoffs. “Why are you even here?”
Peter sags against his locker tiredly. “We’re supposed to be going over Shell integration and the Trapezoidal rule in calc today. I can’t afford to miss it. Also, we have decathlon practice after school today and MJ will kill me if I miss it. Again.”
He startles when a light slap meets the back of his head.
“Speak for yourself, loser. We don’t want your disease,” MJ says from behind him.
“Sorry, May raised me to always share,” Peter jokes. “Anywho, it’s too late for me to go home now. May’s already left for work. What a shame.”
MJ just rolls his eyes but Ned tosses him a doubtful look.
“Come on!” Peter protests. “Seriously, I don’t even feel that bad!”
Three class periods later, Peter’s more than ready to retract his earlier statement. He definitely feels that bad.
He’s in the middle of Anatomy class, and he can’t, for the life of him, keep his head up. His muscles are aching just with the small bit of effort it’s taking to use an arm to prop his head up, and he’s so, so hot but can’t seem to stop quivering.
At this point, he’s completely tuned out the teacher, entirely focused on trying to keep himself from throwing up in the middle of class because God knows Flash would never let him live that down.
His phone buzzes.
Chair Guy: dude
Chair Guy: you look like an actual zombie
Peter groans internally.
Friendly Neighborhood Peter: thanks.
Chair Guy: hey I have a great idea bc im a genius who goes to a smart kid school!!!!
Chair Guy: go :) home :)
Friendly Neighborhood Peter: no :)
Peter quickly puts his phone away, and he sees Ned shake his head in exasperation. The rest of the class passes by in a cloudy haze of sickness, and he blinks up blearily when a shadowy figure stands in front of him.
“Peter. Peter! Yo. Dude, come on, class is over. Even Dr. Arrington has left,” Ned informs him.
Peter groans, tossing an arm over his eyes with the thought that maybe if he doesn’t look at Ned, he’ll just go away.
No such luck. “Peter, if you don’t get up, I’m calling May.”
Immediately, Peter’s head shoots up, and he winces as the dull throb in his head intensifies.
“You can’t! She’s at work, her phone’s off anyway because she’s not allowed to be on it. Plus, I still have Calc! And Decathlon!” he protests, but even he can hear how weak it sounds.
Ned just rolls his eyes. “I’m pretty sure at this point, MJ would kick your ass if you showed up to practice. Go home and we’ll all send you a ‘Thank You’ card.”
Peter swats at him weakly.
“Peter, seriously. We gotta go,” Ned says, hoisting Peter’s bookbag onto his back. “Think you can get up?”
The vigilante stares at him blankly. Ned sighs.
“Yeah, okay,” he mumbles to himself. “We are not fucking doing this.” Louder, he says, “Peter, give me your phone.”
The exhausted teen tiredly reaches into his pocket, groaning at how heavy an achy his arms are. He hands his friend the phone. If he were more aware of what’s going on, he ‘d be much more suspicious. However, at the moment, Peter wants nothing more than for his friend to stop talking so the pounding in his head will cease.
“Thank you. Stay here for a second,” Ned tells him, and Peter doesn’t even question it. Not like he could move even if he wanted to.
Maybe I can Uber to my Spanish class, his feverish brain thinks.
He’s not actually sure how long he drifts in and out of clarity, but at some point, he opens his eyes to feel a gentle hand carding its way through his hair, and he instinctively leans in towards it.
“Hey, Pete,” a soft voice says. It’s a nice voice, Peter thinks. Not too rough, but just enough gravel in it to create a low comforting sound. And it’s… vaguely familiar.
Peter lowers his eyebrows in confusion and wills his eyes to open – when did he even close them? – so he can see the owner of the familiar voice.
“There we go. He’s alive! A true miracle.”
Peter nearly closes his eyes again, because obviously he’s still dreaming. There is no way that Tony freaking Stark is kneeling in front of him, stroking his hair, and gently coaxing him awake. Not possible.
“Yeah, it’s me, kiddo,” Tony says, obviously reading the surprise on his face. “To be fair, I’m probably just as surprised at this development as you are, but your friend Ted, here –“ he gestures to said teen who offers nothing more than a shrug “ –called Happy saying that you’re dying, and we just happened to be in the area, and I also happen to be a superhero. So.”
Unreal, Peter thinks, and closes his eyes, ready to let unconsciousness swallow him whole.
“Ah ah – no. Nap time for the spider baby later,” Tony jokes, but Peter cracks his eyes open to see the worry lining his mentor’s face. “I say we blow this popsicle stand.”
Peter nearly sags with relief at how good that sounds. He’d do just about anything to sleep. But then he remembers why he’d been so determined not to stay home in the first place.
“I can’t!” he protests, finally speaking up. “Calc. Integration.”
Tony stares at him in disbelief, and then turns to Ned, who’s still watching the exchange with a look of awe.
“Did he just say what I think he just said?” he asks incredulously.
Ned just gives him a long-suffering look and nods. “Yeah. He’s dumb.”
Tony scoffs. “That’s an overstatement,” he grumbles under his breath. Louder, he says, “Peter, you do realize that you’re literally talking to a genius, right? An actual engineer who literally built a flying suit? And the arc reactor? I think I can teach you some damn calculus. Goodness gracious.”
Peter just blinks at him. “Oh.”
“Yeah. Oh,” Tony repeats, but he can’t help surge of utter fondness that rushes through him at the sight of the tired kid, still pressing into the hand in his hair.
“Come on. Happy’s waiting for us. I’ve never actually dealt with a sick – anything – before, so this’ll be a great learning experience for the both of us,” Tony says conversationally. He gets up, groaning at the ache in his knees, and takes Peter’s bag from Ned.
Peter immediately lets out a whine at the loss of contact. The noise strikes a chord deep within Tony, and he tries not to think too hard about it.
“Sorry, kid. Come on, up you go,” he encourages, hoisting the kid to his feet. Peter sways tiredly on his feet, and Tony is quick to steady him.
“Whoa, I got you,” Tony soothes. He runs a quick hand over the kid’s forehead and lets out a low whistle at the heat that meets his hand. “Sleep. You need lots of it. So do I, actually. What do you say we get to Happy before the evil man makes us walk?”
Peter smiles weakly and nods, stumbling beside his mentor, thoughts going blurry again as they make their way to the front of the school.
As promised, Happy is waiting for them, and it takes a little while longer to wrestle the kid’s lanky limbs into the car and across the backseat. Again, Peter lets out a whimper at the loss of contact, and Tony coughs to cover the soft smile that’s threatening to appear as he slides in next to the teen.
And if his hands end up back in Peter’s hair?
Well, no one ever has to know.
It was a stupid argument, if you could even call it that. Really, it was just Flash being a dumbass, as usual. Which, usually is a thing that Peter can handle – is used to handling – but today is just not one of those days.
Patrol last night had been rough, more mentally taxing than usual. Peter’s not exactly sure what about it made it so, but it left him wired up with an anxiety that followed him into sleep, prompting unwelcome nightmares and flashbacks of a variety he hadn’t experienced in a while.
Truth be told, he knows it’s kind of his own fault. He’s been overworking himself, staying out longer and longer as Spider-Man, coming back by May’s curfew only to sneak out hours later when he hears her breathing even out.
Then he comes back and works on homework and studying, getting a mere two or three hours of fitful sleep, surviving mostly on coffee and pure, stubborn willpower throughout the day. This all does nothing to calm the ever-growing wave of anxiety.
So, to be fair, this was probably a long time coming.
Flash just happened to be the catalyst.
Peter and Ned sat in their usual spot in the cafeteria, Peter comparing his homework answers with Ned’s. When Flash walks up, Peter immediately tenses, already preparing himself for an onslaught of insults.
(And how stupid is that? He’s Spider-Man and yet he’s reduced to nothing at the mercy of a stupid high school bully.)
“Hey, Penis! Ready to get your ass beat in the science fair this weekend?” Flash mocks. And to be honest, Peter finished his project weeks ago in the confines of Tony’s lab, analyzing how robotics can be used to enhance prosthetics and make them more effective and efficient.
And, at this point, he’s so tired, he doesn’t actually care who wins. He never did, really.
“Isn’t ‘Penis’ a little old by now? Surely you can be more inventive than that,” Peter taunts. And yeah, maybe not his smartest move ever, but whatever.
Flash flounders for a second, unsure of how to respond, before his face clears again. “I could, but this one suits you best. It’s kind of iconic, don’t you think?”
“Hey, Flash, you know what’s funny?” Ned steps in suddenly, and Peter groans. “How Peter’s smart enough to land an internship with Stark Industries, and you haven’t even heard back yet.”
Flash flushes with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. “Yeah, and how much do you suppose your little sidekick has to pay just to polish Tony Stark’s shoes? You know, there’s actually been speculation that there’s a something a little more – should we say? – kinky going on there,” Flash says with a suggestive smirk, and Peter immediately sees red at the very implication of his hero doing something like that.
“Shut the fuck up, Flash,” Peter snarls angrily, and Flash narrows his eyes at him coldly.
“What was that, Penis?”
Peter stands up, well and truly angry now. “I said ‘Shut up.’ You don’t know anything about him. And I’m sorry you couldn’t get an internship with him when I could, but I guess Stark Industries knows talent when it – “
A sudden flash of cold and wet leaves Peter sputtering. He barely registers the fact that Flash is standing in front of him, the cup in his hand totally empty, because the wave of anxiety that’s been building up the last few days decides then and there to pull Peter under.
No longer is he in his high school cafeteria. No, he’s back in the lake, alone and tangled and trying so hard to break free of his confines. The water is cold, seeps straight to his very bones, and against his will, his lungs take a desperate breath in, but all he gets is more water.
He can’t fucking breathe.
God, what if he dies like this? Just a useless body floating on a lake, and maybe it’ll be days before he’s found, and May – oh god, May! – will be left completely alone to deal with another bout of grieving.
And Peter – god, he doesn’t want to die, he’s not ready to do that yet, he’s supposed to graduate and watch the next Star Wars movie release with Ned and there are so many more people he needs to save, and also he’s just plain scared.
If only he could breathe.
The unexpected and familiar voice shocks him, and he flails towards it, hoping it’ll bring him closer to the surface.
“I’m right here, bud, it’s okay. You’re okay. I’ve got you,” the voice tells him, and it sounds so convincing and real and soothing that he tries with everything in him to believe it.
“Hey, it’s me – Tony. I’m right next to you, and we’re both in your crappy school cafeteria,” the voice – Tony – informs him, and Peter frowns in confusion because Tony shouldn’t be here, he’s going to drown, too.
“Tony,” he gasps, hands finding purchase in warm fabric. Dry. It’s dry! But – what?
“Yeah, kiddo, it’s me. Open your eyes and look at me. It’s okay, I promise,” Tony coaxes him. And because he’s never had a reason not to trust him mentor, Peter cracks his eyes open, immediately cringing at the water that drips into his eyes.
“That’s it, good job,” Tony encourages, and Peter tries to let the sight of his mentor drown out the feel of water burning his nose.
“Mr. Stark?” he asks in a small voice. “W-what? I-I don’t – “
“Shhh, it’s all fine. You’re at school. You had a pretty bad panic attack. Your aunt wasn’t picking up, so they called me,” Tony explains. Peter takes in everything around him, drinking in the sight of the now completely empty cafeteria, save for him and Tony.
“I didn’t – I didn’t mean – I’m so sorry, Mr. Stark,” Peter says, cheeks flushing red with shame. Tony gives him an incredulous look.
“Peter,” he says gently, reaching out to tilt the boy’s face up. “Look at me. You didn’t do anything wrong. You never have to apologize for something like this.” Tony’s gaze darkens suddenly. “The only person who should be apologizing for anything is the childish, cruel, immature bully who did this to you.”
Peter opens his mouth to protest. “No – it wasn’t his fault! He didn’t know that would happen.”
“And that makes it okay?” Tony scoffs. “No, kid. That’s all on him.”
Peter stays silent, not willing to admit the man is right, as usual. Tony studies him for a moment, then lets out a heavy sigh.
“How are you feeling now?” he asks the teen.
“Fine,” Peter lies instinctively. Tony just raises an eyebrow at him. “I don’t know. That – that wasn’t supposed to happen. Usually I have it under control,” he says, looking frustrated.
“It?” Tony prompts.
Peter tugs anxiously on his shoelace. “I guess sometimes I still think about the lake? Because I was tangled and stuck and it was – “ He cuts off, throat closing abruptly. Tony puts a hand on his shoulder, grounding him.
“Scary,” Tony finishes for him. Peter just looks down. Tony sighs again, looking more tired than ever. “Pete, you gotta keep me in the loop with these things. And if not me, then May or Ned or someone you trust. It’s okay to feel like this. Hell, I’m scared all the damn time.”
Peter looks surprised at the confession. “What?”
Tony laughs bitterly. “How do you think I became Iron Man in the first place? It was because I’m scared. My suit? It literally just started out as a physical manifestation of my anxiety.”
“Does it get better?” Peter asks, and he looks so small in this moment that Tony’s heart cracks right down the middle.
Tony hesitates before answering. “Yeah, kid. It does. But it takes a while, and it might not ever go completely away. You just have to communicate with us. Think you can do that?” Tony asks, looking Peter straight in the eye.
Peter swallows thickly and nods. “Yeah.”
Tony looks intently at him for another moment and then nods in satisfaction. He moves to get up and groans. “Fantastic. I think all that emotion just gave me heartburn,” he complains, rubbing his chest dramatically.
Peter smiles, the somber atmosphere broken. “Or maybe you’re just old,” he jokes.
Tony pretends to look offended. “Rude. Offensive. You owe me one whole compliment for that.”
“Nope,” Peter says. Tony nudges him gently.
“Oh, come on. No nice things to say about your favorite superhero?”
“Who said you’re my favorite superhero?” Peter smirks deviously.
Tony’s eyes widen in mock hurt as Peter gets up and starts to walk out without him. “Two compliments! Now you owe me two!” Tony calls as he walks after him.
And Peter’s answering laugh? Totally worth it.
First of all, the fact that aliens decided to attack New York City during school hours? Rude.
Which is Peter’s first thought when Tony calls him right before his fourth class of the day. It goes a little something like this:
“Kid. We’ve got aliens attacking New York – again, don’t they ever learn? – and it’s all hands on deck,” Tony informs him.
Immediately, Peter lights up with excitement, already feeling the first shots of adrenaline at even the thought of fighting with the Avengers again.
“Yes, of course!” he gasps excitedly, making a beeline for his locker to grab his suit.
“Great, meet us at – “
“Hey, loser,” MJ greets, not caring that Peter’s on the phone. “Where are your safety glasses? You need them for lab today.”
“Shit,” Peter mutters, feeling his heart drop to his feet, because normally, hell yeah, he’d skip class to go fight with the freaking Avengers! Except today’s lab counts as one of three big exam grades and he literally cannot miss it.
“What was that?” Tony asks, sounding preoccupied.
“Uh, Mr. Stark? Can the emergency wait, like, an hour?” Peter stammers. Immediately Tony’s full attention goes back to the teen.
“What?” he demands sharply. “Why?” There’s a pause in which Peter is more than reluctant to answer, but Tony catches on quickly and groans. “Oh, Jesus Christ. Let me guess: Spanish test?”
“Chem lab,” Peter mumbles. He can practically hear Tony rolling his eyes.
“Kid, you can make it up. New York needs you right now,” Tony says matter-of-factly.
“But, Mr. Stark! I won’t be able to make this up, she said the only way we can miss it is if we’re in the hospital dying or it’s an extreme emergency,” Peter protests.
“So aliens aren’t an emergency now?” Tony deadpans.
“I mean, yeah, but I can’t exactly go up to her and say that I need to leave for something like that!” Peter says delicately, conscious of MJ standing nearby with a bored expression. “Anywho, I’ll be there in like an hour tops, I promise,” he says quickly before hanging up, and oh boy, he’s going to get an earful for that later.
Immediately, his phone starts buzzing again but he stuffs it in his bookbag hastily. MJ gives him a weird look.
“Your boss is fucking weird,” she comments.
“Tell me about it,” Peter mutters as they walk into class.
They sit down at one of the lab benches and wait for their teacher to start giving them instructions. Today’s lab is the Synthesis of Aspirin, and yeah, nothing they’ve done so far is nearly as cool or advanced as his web fluid or the stuff he makes in Tony’s lab, but he’s still excited. And nervous. Because he really needs a good grade on this.
Once instructions are given, Peter and MJ start methodically setting up lab equipment. Peter’s getting the hot water bath ready while MJ measures out the salicylic acid when a sudden hush falls over the room.
Curious, Peter and MJ both look up to see what’s going on and Peter immediately wishes the ground would swallow him whole.
Tony is standing in the doorway.
He strolls in with calm strides and a casual confidence and walks right up to the teacher.
“Hello, Dr. Mead. I’m terribly sorry, but we need to take Peter out of class. There’s an emergency at Stark Industries, and it’s sort of all hands on deck. He’s our best intern, after all,” he says charmingly.
She looks flustered in a way that Peter never imagined he would ever see of his usually very collected teacher.
“Um, I understand, but this lab is an exam. Is there any way it can wait after?” she asks hopefully, and honestly, Peter admires her for not just immediately caving into him.
Then Tony takes off his trademark sunglasses and looks at her with such a stern look that Peter immediately resolves to buy her the best teacher appreciation gift ever.
“I’m afraid not. This is a matter of utmost importance. Surely you have make-up labs?” he asks in such a way that implies the only correct answer is yes.
Dr. Mead opens her mouth as if to protest before finally just settling on saying nothing at all, before turning to the back of the class, where Peter is resisting the urge to hide under the lab bench.
“Mr. Parker, you may be excused. We can discuss make-up times later,” she announces, and Tony smirks, triumphant.
Peter’s face burns with embarrassment as he grabs his bag and walks out the room, feeling everyone’s eyes on him.
Tony ruffles his hair, and Peter swats at it in mock irritation.
“Was that all really necessary?” Peter demands when they’re alone in the hall. Tony shrugs.
“Nah. But then you hung up on me, and I’m petty,” he says. “But actually, I was already on my way to come get you. Cap, Nat, and Rhodes have got the situation contained, but they could really use some help, and we’re the only ones around.”
Peter, now that he’s not so worried about his grade, perks up with excitement again. “Man, this is so exciting!”
Tony gives him a fond look. Only Peter would find an alien attack exciting.
“Sure, kid. Now let’s go kick some alien ass.”
At first, there’s nothing to indicate why Peter’s spidey sense is suddenly going off like a blaring alarm.
His whole body is seizing with panic, everything in him screaming danger! But he strains his ears to listen for anything out of the ordinary and turns up empty, so he just shrugs and chalks it up to his anxiety going into overdrive.
Later on, he’ll hate himself for it.
Not even five minutes later, deep he hears it, clear as day: the crack of a bullet, one after another.
He shoots up in his desk, on high alert, and everyone around him starts looking around in confusion, not really comprehending the noise. For a second, he’s right along with them, not quite willing to believe that he’s hearing what he’s hearing, because no fucking way is this happening right now.
Then he hears the scream.
It cuts through the haze of the confusion that had clouded the room, and immediately Mr. Johnson runs to the door, knocking off the lights and covering the door window, and everyone is pushing to the back of the room.
Peter takes the moment of chaos to grab his suit out of his bag, and quietly slips out the other window, hoping that everyone was too preoccupied to notice.
“Hello, Peter,” Karen greets pleasantly.
“Karen!” Peter says urgently. “Call 911 and tell them there’s a shooter at Midtown. Contact Mr. Stark. Activate Stealth Mode.”
“Got it,” she says, and then a silence follows wherein Peter assumes she’s following his directions.
Without further pause, Peter quickly follows the sounds of students screaming and gunshots, praying and praying that no one’s bit hit.
“Peter,” Karen says, “Mr. Stark says to stay put; he and some of the crew are on the way, and so are the police. You are not to engage with the shooter.”
All it takes is another piercing scream for Peter to decide that’s definitely not what he’s going to do. He can hear students near the exits evacuating, but as he goes deeper into the school, it becomes eerily quiet. He tries not to focus on the hundreds of heartbeats skyrocketing in fear.
He rounds a corner and finds a student curled up under a water fountain, shaking and crying. She jumps and whimpers in fear when he enters her line of sight, eyes flooding with relief when she realizes who he is.
“Sp-Spider-Man,” she gasps, tears streaming down her face. He quickly shushes her, not wanting to draw any attention to them in case the intruder is nearby.
She shakes her head insistently. “H-He already c-came by. He’s at-at the classrooms b-by the audi-auditorium.”
Peter nods in determination. “I’ll take care of it. You need to stay hidden. If other people start running, join them. Stay quiet. You’re doing so good.”
And fuck, Peter doesn’t even know if that’s the right advice, because this is so much different than anything he’s ever dealt with before. These are his classmates – his friends – who’s lives are being threatened.
As he nears the auditorium, everything seems more still and foreboding, and he can hear a single set of footsteps walking calmly across the floor. Peter leaps up to the ceiling and rounds another corner.
He nearly falls back down at the sight that meets him.
The first door to his right his open, a body lay strewn in the doorway, and something in Peter’s brain shuts down, absolutely refuses to acknowledge the reality of the sight before his, refuses to go into the room in fear of what else he might find.
He hears gasps and soft sobs, but he pushes it all away and lets his gaze zero in on the figure at the end of the hall, gun raised towards another classroom.
The sound of the bullet, this time, is deafening, and Peter wastes no time before crawling until he’s just above the figure.
In the blink of an eye, Peter’s on top of him, wrestling the gun out of his grip and punching the guy with a ferocity that’s unfamiliar. He hits. And hits and hits and hits, because this guy attacked the wrong fucking school and those are Peter’s friends.
Peter sees red, flashes of anger and blood and oh god his friends, are they okay? And it hits him, suddenly, the gravity of everything that’s happened in the last ten minutes, the way his school will never be the same because of one person’s decision.
“Spider-Man, stand down,” a voice cuts through the haze, but he ignores it in favor of tossing another punch, but before he can, a metal hand wraps itself around his wrist.
“No!” he snarls. “This one deserves it!” He fights against the arms that wrap around his waist, thrashing against the hold.
“Kid. It’s me, Tony. It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. We’ll take care of him, you’ve done great. Your job here is done.”
With those words, Peter sags against his mentor, allowing the hard armor to support him and the weight of everything to sink in.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you,” Tony says, gently picking the young hero up and letting the police come in and take over. No one even bothers to question him. It’s common knowledge that Spider-Man and Iron Man are close, and no one is willing to get him in trouble for beating the shit out of someone who deserved it.
Tony cradles the kid’s head to his chest, no longer caring who sees, only focusing on getting Peter out of there. Steve, Sam, and Natasha can handle the rest, he figures. There are cops everywhere, and scared students are being rushed out in a line to meet desperate parents waiting for them outside.
Happy is waiting for them, and Tony has never been more grateful for his status as Iron Man than now; no one tries to stop him.
Tony quickly deactivates his suit and gets the kid in, settling them both into the back seat, and Happy wastes no time trying to push his car through the crowd, glancing back at the duo with deep worry etched into his features.
Peter hasn’t said a word, and they’re halfway back to the Tower, where May is meeting them, when the teen starts shaking violently, clinging to Tony.
“Oh god,” Peter sobs, pulling his mask off, and Tony absolutely breaks at the raw terror and grief on the kid’s face as the weight of what’s happened hits him. “Tony,” he gasps, pulling his mentor closer.
Tony wraps his arms around the kid, hugging him with an unprecedented fervor. “Shhh, it’s okay now. I’m right here.”
But Peter’s hyperventilating now, tears soaking the man’s shirt. “I-I couldn’t – I was too late. I think – I think – Tony, I saw – “ and he doesn’t get past that, because he can’t. He can’t make the words push past his lips.
If he doesn’t say them, maybe they won’t be true.
Instead, he squeezes his eyes shut and presses his face into Tony’s chest, crying violently.
And Tony? Tony doesn’t know what else to do other than murmur soft words of comfort that he knows are falling on deaf ears. So he settles back in his seat, Peter practically in his lap, and runs his fingers soothingly through the kid’s hair. It’s going to be a long road to recovery, he knows.
But he’s in this for the long haul.
Tony stands against his desk, arms crossed and sending a flat look to Pepper, who’s looking at him with an equally determined expression on his face.
“Tony, come on,” she says in exasperation. “He’d be thrilled, and if nothing else, it’d be great PR. I think people would really like seeing you be so invested in an intern, personally taking him for a deeper look at what you do.”
Tony rolls his eyes. “Pep, Peter’s already seen what I do. Hell, he practically lives in the lab after school. He literally has his own room here.”
“Sure, but he only ever sees Tony, his hero, mentor, and father figure.” Tony opens his mouth to protest that last label, but Pepper cuts him off. “Shut up, it’s true and you know it. Now, as I was saying, I think it’d be really beneficial for him to see you as Tony Stark, a business man, company owner, and employer.”
“The answer is still no!” Tony says.
And yet somehow, that conversation led up to now, with Peter standing awkwardly at his side at eight in the morning, staring at the main floor of Stark Industries with awe on Take Your Kid to Work Day.
“Mr. Stark, thisissocool!” Peter exclaims in one big breath. Around him, workers are bustling about. Tony, quite frankly, can’t believe he’s never taken his fake intern into the main part of his building. A careless oversight. It’s impressive, really, that the whole “internship” story has managed to hold up for this long.
“Whoa, calm down, kid,” he says, watching the kid fondly as he practically buzzes with excitement. Peter looks at him with wide eyes.
“What are we going to do today? Are you going to boss a bunch of people around? Build stuff? Paperwork? Now that I think about it, what do you even do?” Peter asks, sounding breathless. Tony just shakes his head in awe, wondering how after all this time, the kid can look at him like he hung the moon.
(And he would. He’d hang a thousand moons if that’s what Peter wanted.)
“Well, first of all, Pepper’s usually the one who bosses me around, so I’m sure you’ll get to see some of that today. We have a press conference at one. Oh, don’t worry, it’s no big deal. We’ll introduce you as one of SI’s interns and explain that I decided to take this day, when a lot of other kids would be around, to show you the ins and outs of what I do. They’ll love it,” he reassures.
And they do.
But Tony’s not surprised, really. The kid has a way of getting everyone wrapped around his finger.
Peter, awkward and nervous at first, quickly gains a bit of confidence, occasionally answering a reporter’s questions with typical teenage sass, but always with a soft smile so as not to offend.
“How did you two meet?” one curious reporter asks. Tony puts a hand on Peter’s shoulder.
“Well, this one here is a huge dumpster diver. I actually got an opportunity to see his skills at fixing and making tech with natural ease, so I encouraged him to fill out an application for the internship. His application was outstanding, to say the least, and the rest, as they say, is history,” Tony says with a smile.
“Peter, were you a fan of Iron Man even before the internship?” another reporter asks.
Peter laughs. “I mean, who wasn’t? But really, I was always a bigger fan of Mr. Stark himself. The work he’s done to create a clean source of renewable energy? That’s insane! I can only dream of making strides like that. I watched a documentary on his robots over the years when I was younger, and I remember thinking, ‘I want to be like him!’ It’s actually what led me to start dumpster diving and fixing old tech. I never even imagined it could lead me to work under the man who inspired me.”
Peter shrugs, missing Tony’s stunned gaze trained on him, while the reporters listen with rapt attention.
“So yeah. Iron Man is amazing and all, but the real hero is the man underneath the suit, which I think people like to forget. The suit isn’t heroic – it’s the man underneath it that is.”
Tony is speechless. Absolutely speechless and completely overcome with an emotion he can’t quite identify as Peter looks over at him and offers him a shy small, as if worried he’s maybe said something wrong.
Tony’s throat clogs with the amounting of affection he has for the awkward, precious, genius, and selfless fucking kid, and he’s nearly knocked off his chair by the force of it. He clears his throat roughly, before addressing the crowd that’s busy melting.
“As you can see,” he says, wrapping an arm around the teen. “I brainwash my interns well.”
The crowd laughs, and the spell of emotion is broken.
However, when Tony goes down to his lab that night, long after Peter’s been dropped back off at home by Happy, he finds a sticky note attached to one of his computers, the messy scrawl deeply familiar.
There’s only four words, but they make Tony’s heart swell in his chest.
I meant every word. -P
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