#im so tired i hope my dad goes to lunch w me and my other brother tomorrow maybe we can ambush him or something and have a boo hoo talk
cloneboywonder · 1 year
my brother on the verge of a complete stress induced psychotic breakdown
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Objection!: Chapter 20
Chapter title: To Thine Own Self
A/n:  TALK ABOUT A BAD CHAPTER AM I RIGHT FELLAS...EYYYYYY. Anyway its Virgils birthday so i wanted to get this chapter out earlier!! Because my boi!! its his birthday!! Im love him!! Im very sorry to how bad this chapter is, its funny cause it basically contains nothing of substance. All I know is that Virgil is a flirty man, anyway enjoy some trash!!
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words: 3221
summary: Its Virgils birthday!
pairings: Eventual logicality, prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: Murder mention, child murder, Law and Courtroom, swearing, blood, hospital, crime scene,  murder, gun mention, guns, swearing, abuse, graphic descriptions, alcohol, blood mention
Ao3 Link  
“Lo?” Patton shakes the lawyer softly, his coat tickling his face softly. Logan startles awake, his glasses falling carefully upon his lopsided face.
“E! Equals Mc scared!” He exclaims, Virgil groans from across the room toppling over to where Remy snores. “What time is it” Logan murmurs, sitting up as he adjusts his glasses. The knot tightens as Patton watched Logan adapt to the morning. His face flustered as the lawyer looked his way. “Oh, good morning Patton” Logan greets.
“Hi” He barely squeaks, he shakes himself out before extending his hand to Logan. Once their fingers connect, a quick warmth spreads over them, their bubble returns locking them safely away from the world. Soon Remy snores himself awake, pop! Patton watches as the bubble crumbles around them. “W-what happened here?” He questions, turning away from Logan.
“The case!” Virgil remembers “Patton! We have something to show you!” He rushes, swiftly taking Patton's hand unbeknownst to the quiet panic that flows over Patton. The relief when Virgil releases him is almost too much, its silly he knows but its a reflex. “Ok, we stayed up all night working on this” He shows Patton the board
“It was all a lie?” Patton reads, his soft eyes tracing the plethora of evidence. “What does that mean?” He inquires, the others turn to each other not sure how to respond. “You all need sleep” Patton decides, he adjusts his scarf making his way towards the door.
“Pat, come on” Logan begs, the lawyer turns cocking his head. “This has to mean something, I believe you ok?” Logan states Patton swallows. “George is innocent”
You'd think after months of fighting tooth and nail, Patton would gleam at those words. But as his eyes fell upon Logans, his entire body felt exhausted, defeated from the battle. Should he never emerge victorious he had already lost, lost something so special, nothing else compared.
“Maybe, but it doesn't matter now” Patton laments “Nothing we can do” He watches the board, a heavyweight places itself upon his chest. Pushing deeply as it constricts his every movement. He sees the others want to say more, after all, they had spent all night, sloppily theorizing. However, the doors opened as two small pairs of feet ran towards him.
“Papa!” Valerie cries jumping into her father's arms. Patton embraces her freely, preparing as Remus joins him, allowing himself to sit in Patton's other arm. After a brief shriek of laughter and moment of kisses, Patton smiles at Emile.
“Thank you so much for taking them last night” Patton gestures, wanting to never let this moment end. The dream he’d held for so long, sometimes he wondered how it ever became a reality. How he, out of all people, was blessed with children.
“Liam?” Patton calls listening as the door squeaked open, a piercing yet familiar sound. After a pause with no response, the lawyer stood from his desk, feeling lightheaded during this dark hour. He pushes through the house, stumbling blindly, a quick fear as rustles happen. He shakes his head allowing a quick smile to spread across his face. “Nothing to fear, I'm safe” He lies
“Cupcake?” A voice from out of the empty dark calls out, Patton really hated the nickname. Oh, how selfish that was. A sweet nickname, a sweet person and Patton hated it.
“Over here” He replies, his hands searching the wall finally reaching the lights. Allowing them to flicker awake. “Hi” He smiles softly, Liam grunts practically tripping over himself as he reaches the couch. Patton leans over, kissing his forehead carefully, adjusting his partner's hair.
“Beer” Liam requests, paying no mind to the kind gesture Patton performs. He could smell the alcohol practically wafting off of Liam, but it was late and he didn't have the energy to...run if need be. Once he returns with his opener, he sits. “What?” Liam mutters as Patton watches him expectantly.
“I was wondering if you had any more time to think...about what I asked you?” Patton began slow, making sure to keep his words simple. Liam huffs, rolling his tired eyes.
“You think you can raise children?” Liam mocks, Patton looks to the window, something comforting about the way the stars twinkled. It reminded him of someone, he couldn't pin it. He smiles again, a facade arises.
“I do, and I think you can too” Patton hopes, more convincing himself really.
“Then you are a fool and really naive if you think that pursuing this is a good thing” Liam finishes, the beer emptied before Patton can process his words. He tumbles as he makes his way mumbling angry to the room. A practically shattered Patton remains, the softest of tears fall from his eyes.
“Patton?” Logan waves gently in front of his face. The lawyer blinks before the lights come back on behind his eyes. He shakes slightly adjusting to his surroundings, shooting a quick look to his children.
“Sorry, must've spaced out!” He smiles shaky, nervous laughter practically pouring from him. “I'm really sorry but I have to go” he announces, the twin's yawn, leaning safely into their father. They loved Emile, they loved all of their dad's friends, but no place, no home, no person would ever feel as safe as Patton. Before he goes, Patton spins on his heel to face Virgil. “Hey, don't forget, my house this Thursday, birthday dinner” He reminds, Virgil bites down a smirk but nods
“You know it” He nods, almost excited at the prospect of some normalcy to return to his life. For almost the entire time he and Patton knew one another, Virgil would spend his birthday evenings at Patton's house. The lawyer would cook an extravagant meal full of the detectives' favorite foods, he would give him gifts and shower him with praises. It didn't change once the kids arrived, it simply improved. No matter what happened during the day, that was set. Breakfast with Roman, lunch with Logan perhaps. A quick ‘Happy Birthday Virge’ from either sure, but Patton's house, seven pm sharp? That was set in stone, and should they grow old, and expand their families far and wide. Virgil knew...it would always be like that.  
“And...done!” Roman cheers to himself, the rough tips of his fingers simply begging for a break. He marvels at his creation, nodding satisfied as he places the gift delicately in his drawer. Making sure its kept safe and hidden until Thursday.
“Judge Reial?” A rasped knock at the door beckons Roman's attention. His gaze falls upon a man waiting at his arch. He stands smiling as the man approaches. “I'm judge James McCoy” He greets, shaking his extended hand. A firm yet soft touch, a quick shiver as they part both sitting once more. “It's an honor to meet you” James admits, Roman feels his face arise. The heat spreading quickly, surely this was a joke?
“Likewise?” He tries, James chuckles. A deep boom, so smooth it moved across Roman pleasantly.
“Apologies, I just transferred here. I've read about your work...I mean you're incredible in court.” Roman had to wonder if he had the wrong person, he was just...himself. “I was requested to come here for a case, then I was offered a job and I wasn't going to miss the opportunity to work with you” He gushes, Romans blush only grows.
“That's so sweet thank you” Roman finds his bearings, a coy smile upon his face. “I mean, I get it all the time” He jokes, mission successful as yet another smile and laugh falls from James’s mouth. “Surely you didn't just move out here for me?”
“Don't flatter yourself” James teases, a smirk upon his face. Roman bites his lip stifling a laugh. “No I mean, I was iffy about taking the job but then my partner….he broke up with me so...new start ya know?” James explains, a raw honesty to his words. Roman nods, trying not to get excited at the developments as they unfold.
“Would you like to have lunch?” Roman blurts, a new sparkle in his eyes. James purses his lips “Thought we could maybe get to know each other” He proposes, Jame wants to hide his smile but his lips have their own mind.
“I'd love nothing more” James agrees, he collects his things at the ring of his phone standing as he goes. “It has been an absolute pleasure” He extends his hand once more, once again tickling Roman with possibility. “Lunch” He finalizes
“Lunch” Roman swoons, his back melting into the chair once more. He can feel his feet tap below him, dancing as the ideas sing throughout his mind.
“Hey Ro” Patton smiles through the door, Roman ushers him in. “You look giddy, what's up?” An uncertain expression befalls the lawyer, Roman shrugs into a shimmy.
“I just met someone” Roman marvels, realizing just how weird his insides felt. It felt like he had reverted ten years, a shiny new judge, he was dumb and easy to trick. He tripped over himself to be seen, and now here he was. People wanted to meet him, to see him. And for what? He wasn't some here, he wasn't this outstanding citizen. He sent people to jail, to spend the rest of their lives suffering.
“Bad people Ro” Virgil would take his hand, their words in whispers as Damian snuggled against them snoring softly. Roman wouldn't dare meet his eyes, fear of falling apart under their caring honesty. They weren't pools of dark mystery, they were swirling clouds of determination and ambition. Virgil's eyes radiated all he conquered, Roman loved them.
“What if they weren't bad? What if I made a mistake” He fears, the words only rising in panic. Virgil cups his face, his gentle hands tracing Romans almost perfect features. “What if I'm just like...him?” Roman dreads even the idea, but he knew it was always there. Forcing its way through the blockade. Virgil leans forward, taking Roman's lips on his own, knowing full well the judge would melt into the gesture. That for just this moment he would feel loved.
“You're not your father Roman, you never will be” Virgil assures, digging the point as far as he can. “Just this conversation, your concerns now, prove that. You care” He identifies, Roman wants to cry, but because for once in his life, he believes that maybe just maybe he really isn't. That all of his efforts and work, paid off. He is not his father.
Roman should feel sad, he misses Virgil so much. His stomach tug as even the slightest thing causes him to reminisce. But he's not, he loves Damian and he...cares for Virgil. Knowing that he's safe means the world. And something just cleared for him when Virgil uttered the words. As though he finally understood. He was...almost free. Should Virgil ever want to pursue him again or not, Roman would…
“Be ok” Roman mumbles, Patton stops his rocking of the stroller, the twins remain sleeping. “I'll be ok” He gleams. Patton forces a smile, nodding proudly of his friend. I wonder what that's like.
“That's good Ro, I'm proud of you” Patton squeezes his hand, his gaze returning to his source of joy. The twins sprawled across the stroller, sleeping carefully, cuddled with their respective stuffed toys.
“I...have a date!” He tilts his head, uneasy smile “Kind of?” He questions, Patton laughs.
“Oh?” He wonders, biting his lips as Virgil's name appears in his head.
“He's a judge, he just transferred here, he's cute and we are having lunch together” Roman finishes, drumming the desk lightly. “Guess too fast is my middle name!” He jokes, Patton swallows as his own words trail his mind, the crushing look Logan gave him replaying like an old station.
“Light and breezy” Patton nods slowly.
“Light and breezy!” Roman sings, feeling genuine, deep-rooted happiness. Unaware of the fragile demeanor of the lawyer across from him, as his world threatens to crumble, the regrets of everything he's ever done in his mind. The desperation as his heart aches to him, calling out to Logan, the phrase ‘miss so much’ we an understatement. He yearned for something he left of his own will, what an absolute...idiot he was.
Don't get emotional Patton
“I will be there soon Pat...yeah I love you too” Virgil chuckles, stuffing the phone into his pocket as he pushes through the door into the precinct. The still quiet of the building causing unease in the detective so used to the bustling bounces of the room. He turns into the room fully expecting to have the frozen solitude to himself, alas as the lights flicker on he releases a soft gasp. “Roman?” He whispers. The judge stands idle by Virgil's desk, a small amber box alight in his hands.
“Hey” He smiles, the exhaustion under his eyes visible.
“What are you...what are you doing here?” Virgil questions, their voices remain ever so soft.
“Happy birthday” He rushes, skipping a few steps. Virgil's eyes widen as he nods, taking a step forward. Roman looks enchanting under the dim lights, his aura blazing passion.
“You remembered?” He's not sure why he questions it every time, Roman has never forgotten his birthday. He's never had a reason to assume someone, especially his friends would forget, and yet he lives in fear.
“Of course” Roman laughs so sweetly, it barely makes a sound “December nineteenth, you were born at exactly six forty four pm. You didn't cry at first so your mom was pretty worried, but it turns out you were just a little shy” He chuckles, neither understand why there are tears making their way down the men's cheeks. “You were a pretty light baby. Your favorite birthday was your sixteenth when your mom took you to a concert for the first time, but your sixth comes pretty close after you got to tag along with your dad on a case” Roman recites, the absolute adoration flooding his eyes. “You always spend your evenings with Patton, no matter what.” Roman moves closer, allowing the distance between them to circulate warmth.
“What are you doing?” Virgil hopes, maybe a little too much that he gets closer.
“I have a gift…” Roman's eyes move towards Virgil's lips “For you” He states, carefully he lifts it placing it in the detective's palm. “I know its small but uh...happy birthday Virge,” He says, overwhelming conviction. Virgil carefully undoes the ribbon, the paper falling with it. Virgil sucks in, his breath falling short. A small cloud, with lighting coming out of it, sits at the bottom of the box. “It's a worry stone, carved like a storm cloud”
“Because I'm your storm cloud?” Virgil groans, a knowing smirk. Roman laughs nodding sweetly.
“Because you are my storm cloud” Roman leans in stopping himself, he knows he's going to regret his next move but he takes his waist and locks their lips. Virgil allows it to happen, his arms snaking their way around Roman's neck.
“What was that?” Virgil questions, not entirely opposed to the idea, his arms remaining.
“Think of it as a breakup kiss, and a birthday present” He shrugs, Virgil chuckles shakily. “I have a proposition,” He says removing his arms, taking hold of Virgil's hands.
“Oh do tell” Virgil plays with Romans fingers in his own.
“You say we’re moving too fast then let's start again. From the top, Virge you're basically my best friend” Roman can't keep still, Virgil feels the warmth spread as he stays safe in his arms. “I'm not gonna let that slip away, and I'm not gonna let Damian slip away. Come on, I know you miss me” Roman teases, Virgil pouts stretching Romans arms behind him, he leans in planting a kiss on Roman.
“Maybe just a lil bit” Virgil states, Roman, shakes his head still smiling.
“Virge...I'm serious” Roman begs, Virgil nods allowing him to continue. “I wanna do this right, please” He requests, Virgil has no qualms.
“Yes of course” He purses his lips feeling Romans phone buzz, he smirks coyly, removing it from his back pocket. Roman barely puts up a fight. “Oh? Who's James?” Virgil wonders, Roman rolls his eyes “Come on best friend, whos the dude, I bet-” Roman leans in kissing him
“We can start tomorrow” Roman tries to grab his phone back but Virgil lifts above his head shaking it. He takes it scrolling through the previous texts giggling after each one, a contagious joy spread from the two. And before the hour strikes seven, it's just them in their delighted aura.
“I think alcohol might have been a bad idea” Roman jokes, Logan grunts sitting down as he simply takes another sip of his drink. “Come on Lo, we should head home” Roman suggests, feeling the high of Virgil's lips upon his own drain away
“Im...going to propose to Patton” Logan decides, he flops on the couch, the music quiets as the people around him continue. Roman guffaws, a bellowed laugh.
“Yeah, alright Logan. I think you have to be dating first” Roman takes a calm sip of his drink, observing the world around him. Logan
“I'm not kidding Roman” Logan sits up, adjusting his glasses “I've known him for ten years. I practically know everything about him” Logan shrugs “I know he takes his coffee with cream and two sugars, a hint of cinnamon. I know that his favorite color is the rainbow because it changes every day. I know today its violet for Virgil's birthday. I know that he checks on the twins at least three times before going to bed himself.  I know that there are only two people who can touch him without causing him to flinch. I know that when he balls his fists he digs his nails so deep into his skin he draws blood.” Roman doesn't want to listen anymore, his heart hurts as he watches Logan defeated
“Logan you do-”
“I know that turtlenecks provide him some sense of comfort as they wrap in warm coziness. I also know he used to use them to hide scars” Logan takes a shattered breath “I know that when he kisses me my heart beats a million times faster…” Logan rubs his forehead frustrated “I know that he can never have his eyes or hands away from the twins. And I know that...that” He pauses sucking in his huffed tears
“Logan? What?” Roman wants more
“I just like him so much” Logan moans, sprawling across Roman. “I wanna give him butterfly kisses” He pouts, Roman laughs stroking the lawyers head gently. “Do you know what those are? With the eyes?” His pout only furthers, as tears well in his eyes. He clutches to the pillow, his glasses drooping.
“I know bud, I know” He whispers carefully, not wishing to ruin the night further. Its funny, Roman had only seen Logan like this once before, and it was also about Patton. It's almost ironic in a way.
“Mm, my phone is buzzing” Logan mumbles, his arm making grabby towards the device. Roman takes it for him, asking him to put in his code. “What's happening?” He mutters into the couch pillow. Roman reads, the grin slowly disappearing.
Logan, please help
Patton was being vague, and Roman couldn't handle that
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finleytm · 4 years
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「 shawn mendes. cismale. he/him. 」i hope that #lexsquad member「 FINLEY MORALES 」adds me to the squad ! the 「 TWENTY-THREE 」year old 「 PHYSIOLOGY 」 major has been apart of the squad since 「 FEBRUARY 2020 」and seems to be the 「 OPTIMIST 」of the group.「 FIN 」is a「 JUNIOR 」 and seems to enjoy 「 READING IN THE LIBRARY 」but you can always find them at a squad party , too !
good evening ! i don’t have a single ounce of self control so here’s my second baby , finley , a soft lil artist + nerd who just wants everyone to be happy , but understands that that’s unrealistic so he hopes everyone is doing okay , at the very least. 
full name : finley angel morales
major : physiology 
orientation : panseuxal
hometown : rochester , ny. 
height : 6′3
build : muscular , built. 
finley was born in portugal , but they moved when he was three so he only remembers living in new york ! his dad is from portugal and his moms from ny. 
his parents met & fell in love when his mom was visiting portugal and they ended up moving back to new york after lil fin was born !
his parents were always that picture perfect kinda love that fin looked up to 
and then when fin when in high school his dad kinda went off the wall , cheating and all this nonsense and oop , finley has a little half sister named flora. she’s 8 now and the cutest lil thing ever. 
his parents separated for a year , but ended up getting back together. fin doesn’t exactly approve , and their marriage hasn’t really been the same since , but he doesn’t say anything about it.
other than that , fin was raised to be kind & respectful & positive. his mom is like this sweet , right light in his life. definitely a mommas boys.
fin is super , super smart ! goal wise , he’s in school to get his undergrad in physiology , and then he plans on going to med school to be a pediatric doctor bc he loves kids :( and has a knack for learning about the body & medical stuff. smart lil brain. 
he also minors in art history literally for fun !!! no reason behind it. he just loves art and the history of art. he just didn’t see what being an art major would get him. 
speaking of art , he’s very talented in art + loves to paint and draw. he has an instagram just for his art and he does commissions. 
going to lex was a total spur of the moment decision + he hates being away from his family. 
soft. so , so soft. not incredibly gullible , but has a gentle nature. 
looks on the bright side of literally everything. failed a test ? there’s always more. got your heartbroken ? time will heal that ! 
a very , very good friend ! will keep ur secrets. will call u when you’re bored. will buy u lunch just to be nice. 
he’ll definitely stand up for himself if he needs to , but he’s more likely to stay quiet because he doesn’t like confrontation.
a lil sensitive. gets bothered easily but just gets quiet & will go away until he feels better. 
has a super cute sense of humor. makes lil jokes and books and doesn’t generally think he’s funny but can tend to put a good joke out there.
generally a pretty ... Good Boy u know
doesn’t really smoke / drink / etc. he goes to parties but he’s only been drunk once in his life.
can be a little oblivious ! will have not a single clue you’re flirting with him. 
blushes easily. easily intimidated. 
a Bi King
speaks english , portugese , spanish , & asl. 
works at smithies when he’s not in class. ! 
wears sweaters even if it’s hot. or overalls. 
has the MOST unruly , ridiculous hair in the world. it’s so cute but its so curly. 
literally loves to read ? always reading. runs into walls bc hes walking and reading. 
goes to the gym every morning at 6 am before classes.
wears contacts + sometimes wears glasses. 
a bit of a perfectionist. organized notes. everything is in order. neat as fuck. 
obsessed w/ disney movies and shakespeare.
a tall , soft , kind boy. :( 
idk anymore im tired this is all u get rn. 
i’m gonna make a page but for now : 
someone break his heart , please. please , i’ll beg ! 
best friend / dorm mate ! 
a cute lil confidant kinda thing 
a lil saucy fwb bc i feel like he’s only slept w/ like ... two people so i feel like this would be different as fuck for him ( bonus if he gets attached + they just wanna fuck ! ) 
a bad influence for him. god. get him drunk. get him high. something ! 
maybe ..... enemies ? 
that’s all i got rn , but here’s his pinterest ! 
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shytiff · 4 years
Feb 2021 Wins
1 - osce study with clara almira, tryout 9 fkui, tryout review with clar, study sesh with clara that finished at about 10 pm. watched some youtube vids together til 11:15 pm. no longer sleepy, so i made my cv and finished it at about 3 in the morning lmao, bcs i saw this interning opportunity and i was like “damn i should make my cv”
2 - woke up at 7 am, didnt shower lmao, off to kiara for vaccination. Waited for a bit and i finally got it. ate mamdaging pesto rice with beef at kamkan w/ ren ness ara akisyah. talked at studied osce a bit. waited for mom to pick me up. until when do i need someone else to pick me up. i feel helpless and i hate that i cant just ride my motorbike because its too tiring. went back and dad got mad at me bcs i didnt greet him when leaving and entering the house. I truly didnt see him when i entered even though i heard sumn lmao. He said sumn along the lines of "you can always leave if u dont like me" (which is lowkey appealing). I cried bcs i felt sad and annoyed with our terrible emotional parent-daughter relationship. Hold the tears for a bit to study with clara. Darkened the room and slept still in my going-out clothes. I did not shower today lmao,,,,
3 - woke up at 10 am. Tryout and review w clara. Psych coaching. Psych practice with irun. Called lau and dajen bcs hes leving to medan. Randomly checked my email and my intern submission, which i emailed yesterday, that turns out the doctor replied at 8pm yesterday asking for interview today 11 am. And i saw it @ 6 pm. Aka super late. The stupidest thing ive ever done in FKUI. No cap. :( i panicked and it gave me a reason to talk with dad (asking how to reply) so i guess its a form of effort to banish the awkwardness between us. Studied w clara. I hope the doctor can forgive me. Its one loose end after the other lately.
4 - went to starbucks with atikah. got treated matcha latte yayy. cicil osce. called clara to learn imunisasi. went to kaleyo w atikah clara, ate bebek muda cabe ijo yumm. talked abt a lot of things in a span of 1-2 hours. we’re all pragmatist lmaoo. 
5 - osce briefing, DV osce practice w irun, watched run bts again lmaoo since knowing my osce schedule is thursday. read buku osce biru. 
6 - slept and lazed around til 1 pm. went to flavola since the construction was so noisy. osce simulation with UKMPPD Wibu. turns out flavola’s siomay is very fulfilling.
7 - todays construction noise escape is jco. Bought jcool double with almonds and chocolate crunchy. A bit of psych practice w aisyah. After maghrib practiced neuro w irun
8 - had no mood to study in the morning. Went to flavola, kopsusss coklat as usual. Reviewed osce materials (theres some tea about what might come out). Reviewed again at home (even tho i procrastinated from 6-9pm). Asked my bro for some ovo bcs i bought a mini keyboard in tokped lmaoooooo so random
9 - went to merra (ara and nessa’s place) but mom drove dad to the airport first. stome osce study, group consolidation for osce, tried mad bagel (the garlic cream cheese and tuna salad). the bagel was quite dense and fulfilling. the garlic cream cheese is quite heavy. arrived at home by 9 pm, went straight to sleep
10 - omg dr eva contacted me again :”) and i got the chance to be ecmocard research assistant. osce study. line call with ara. matcha latte. studied in juan’s room bcs it was so noisy. the keyboard i ordered arrived lolll cant wait to try. i dont know if its the anxiety or fear but i cant sleep and forced myself to sleep 11pm-ish
11 - osce. Went early to learn sumn more w ara tri. Osce (i forgot opv for the 5 mo old baby in peds station 😭 there was dr yogi omg) prayed zuhur and ashar in merra while waiting for pick up (i rly wish i could just bring my own vehicle but motorbike is rly tiring). Finally tried the mini keyboard, with earphones on. Practiced the song aku bukan untukmu by rossa lmao bu sihar taught us that in 33. I felt rly excited and not sleepy afterwards (that "normal" feeling with nothing looming). Its been a while since i tried something new, voluntarily. I guess its kind of what i felt when i tried the korean duolingo. That lasted for a couple months. Lets see how this keyboard thingy goes
12 - finally finished reviewing to oneshot (took ages lmao). Lazed around
13 - inten ukmppd w ness ren ara @ merraaa always. Went through 5 pdfs. Tried fastfit chicken burger and sweet potato fries. Quite fulfilling. Went back home and straight to bed (didnt eat anymore)
14 - started my day late as usual on weekdays lmaoo. flavola kopsus coklat as usual at my usual seat facing the window. did padi final tryout, score: 69. booty call with fianti, did mindset tryout, got 76,5.
15 - lazed tilll i start my day as usual @ 11-ish. Reviewed to padi final answers. Wow it sure took some damn time. My attention span is rly horrible when im alone in my room
16 - second dose of vaccine today. the rain was POURING. mom and emir waited in mcd. read half of aipki citation. 
17 - finished aipki citation, read CBT 2020 batch I and 2019 batch III questions. read a fantastic slow burn dramione fic. reviewed the last to solid.
18 - accompanied clara for swab antigen near airport train station (we came with motorbike since clara’s car was used). got called over by the police bcs we were in the car-only road lmaooo. went over optima tryout 2021. 
19 - cicil ukmppd at flavola with the usual menu, read some more afterwards
20 - ended up going to tamel bcs the flood in tb simatupang toll. Stayed w nessa and henny. Ate garlic carbonara spaghetti by bittersweet najla. Quite good for the price. Went over mediko questions with nessa and first session citation. Atikah sent some krispy kreme donuts 🥺🥺
21 - woke up at 4 bcs henny and nessa already did. Ate cold kanayam for bfast. Did ukmppd. I flagged quite a lot of questions huaa. I hope i can pass, aamiin. Went to tamel to get stuff (nebeng oca uye), climbed jembor to get to akis et al. Went to aeon (super crowded tffff), followed by ikea (parked at decathlon). Ate at both places (shared portion w kris lmaoo we get full quick). Aeon sushi and ikea meatball. So fulll. Went out of ikea to be briefed by dr Debby (ecmocard) and put my stuff to mom's car. Went in ikea again. And finally we went back. such a good sleep yall
22 - relaxed and i mean RELAXXXED. woke up and slept again. showered to prepare to go to harkit for intern briefing. i was late (thanks daan mogot road) and had to grabbike from untar. put on some sheet mask (natrep rose) bcs im realizing i need to fix my face and look decent for this new environment lmaoo.
23 - left home at 7 am, went through highway (i aint repeating daan mogot tragedy again). walked a bit backwards bcs the hightway exit was infront of dharmais. super slow progress on entering medical datas. took half a day to get one. and another half for the other. ate marugame udon, somay, chicken katsu and otak otak. we finished after maghrib and im writing this while waiting for mom
24 -  tried salted egg dori rice from salt inc. its quite salty and eneg inducing (a bit more than eatlah), but for the price (19k after cashback) i wont complain. Went back home before maghrib but there was still some medical record stuff i did in my room.
25 - magang as usual. Tried chicken egg salad from salad hut. Bought ice french hazelnut coffee from lawson coz i just cant take it anymore (the slump and sleepyness). I feel like the moment that sugary beverage enters my system i rise like a freshly watered plant. First meeting with dr eva and the others
26 - felt so tired even in the morning. Its 9 am and im already ordering janjiw coffee (with hazelnut and milo, quite sweet. Like a mix of kopiko and milo). Slow progress today i dunno why. Lunch is nayam rica2 and egg for 21k. Went back home by tj and mom picked me at gajah 2
27 - i hate to say this but bcs for 5 days now ive been fighting sleeping instincts, i snap out of sleepiness easier in the morning. Nasi uduk for brekkie. Moved some stuff up bcs the noise, played keyboard. Learned the (difficult) chords to tyler's see you again and im feeling satisfied. Went to racheel's place. Got fed chicken noodle. And then off to silvi's with devi also. Got fed chicken rice and dimsum. Thanks to friends im eating superwell today🥺
28 - relaxed at home. Skipped breakfast bcs i fell asleep and ate heartily in the afternoon. Evening run w racheel at citra 6
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nijiimura · 6 years
all the botanical asks ;)
damn you.
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed?griffins hell yea
lavender; soundcloud or vinyls?soundcloud!!
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read?annihilation by jeff vandermeer 
lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets?depends on if they fit or not but YEA bc it smells like them its nice
bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month?tomorrow im gonna see zoe im so fuckin ready
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself?that its gonna be ok
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests?the ocean
whirling butterflies; would you kiss the last person you kissed again?the question is who was the last person i kissed 
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits?dfjdsbnfjsbfhfd NO im a walking disaster
apricot drift; how do you feel right now?bored
everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having?i dreamed about seeing infinity war the night before i actually saw it and apparently in dream IW they never went to Wakanda and just shot footage just for trailers like they did in rogue one
queen’s cup; what are you craving right now?chocolate...
lavender dream; turn ons/offs?turn on - girls. turn off - men.
water lilly; when was the last time you cried? why?this morning bc my teacher sent me a pissed off email after i told me i was gonna be an hour late bc i missed the bus
lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize?no
winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream?whoever bites their ice cream are monsters
honey perfume; favorite movie ever?grand budapest hotel!!!!
desert rose; do you like yourself?hmmm next question
snapdragon; have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity?i took a selfie w a WWE commentator years ago 
night owl; how many countries have you visited?2!
heliotrope; have you ever been in a castle?yea it was fucken sweet
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done?come out??
lantana; what’s on your mind right now?SLEEPOVER W ZOE TOMORROW
pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign?leo... yknow... nya
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself.-i wear socks to bed bc my feet get cold!!-i have a scar on my wrist from a swinging accident w my little brother-i have a spotify playlist thats 122hrs long bc i just dump albums on there-abba is currently my favorite band-bleeding hearts are my favorite flowers bc they remind me of my late great grandma
daphne; do you believe in karma?yes??
queen of the meadow; ever been in love?yes
wisteria; whom do you admire and why?my dad tbh hes one of the hardest workers i know and has such a shitty job and deals w 90% of my family drama but hes always so positive and funny and i love my dad so damn much
angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child?good dog carl
remember me; did you make someone laugh today?i fucken hope so
iris; do you believe in ghosts?YEA
lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit?1979 just so i can go to an abba concert
caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not?hm no lmao
primula; what makes you sad?school. all these rohan ovas davpro keeps releasing
rain lily; was today typical? why/why not?yea i went to class and disappointed my teacher 
queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most?zoe
lady’s slipper; what did you have for breakfast today?nothing... and i had nothing for lunch either.... all ive had is some lemonade and poptarts i bought like an hour ago
forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life?going to this damn college
lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe?ok star wars universe is rad as fuck
violet; favorite tv show?the office and kitchen nightmares HDJIFDNJF
sunflower; share a favorite quote.god idk man
snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like?im home alone and its raining outside and i have the windows open. i dont have any deadlines to meet and i spend the day drawing 
tiger lily; do you have any hobbies?drawing and crying
peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you.BITCH IDK DO U THINK I READ?????
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared?catch fireflies but i am SO terrified of all bugs its not funny
honeysuckle; do you usually date people your age or older/younger?my fucken age
sweet pea; who means the world to you? why?okuyasu nijimura means the entire world to me, and heres why (pulls out 50 page essay) no but my little brother
love in the mist; best books you’ve ever read?have yall... dabbled in these books called warriors by erin hunter?
foxglove; who is your favorite cartoon character?im not even into su anymore but amethyst always wins
magnolia; coffee or tea?coffee
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved?Why Not Both Thot
snowflake; are you a dog or a cat person?WHY NOT BOTH THOT
bell flower; what is your biggest addiction?hey guys im smoking the latest coolest drug called okuyasu nijimura
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy?y...yes
moonflower; what’s your favorite color?yellow
freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not?yea we tight
sundrop; are you a morning or a night person?night
poppy; have you ever dealt with a mental illness?idk if adhd is a mental illness or not so imma say... maybe
clover; how would your friends describe you?
fucken gay
dandelion; do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert?depends :/
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do?bitch idk man im an open book i embarrass myself on a daily basis
anemone; describe yourself in 3 words.dumb gay bitch
lotus; best memory as a child?my mom bringing my cat bill home for the first time!!! he was so small.......
angelonia; what is your eye and hair color?brown and brown
dahlia; do you like crystals?yea imma shove my dick in a geode
buttercup; if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?grievous real so i can fuck him
baby’s breath; what’s your hogwarts house?hufflepuff
calendula; biggest pet peeve?specific but when im literally just sitting in the car and one of my parents goes “looks like SOMEONE has an attitude” like?? i was silently looking out the window
blanker flower; would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet?friends bc i love them so much
blazing star; share a secret.I DONT HAVE A FUCKEN SECRET
carnation; would you rather live longer or happier?happier
petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why?bitch im too tired to answer this
bluebell; do you wear glasses?no
nymphea; forest or river?river
orchid; do you like exercise?HFDJKSFNDKJSDFNFK WHO TF DO I LOOK LIKE.
pansy; do you like poetry?FUCK poetry
morning glory; any special talent that you have?i can do a good swedish chef impression
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cake-of-awesome · 7 years
i really need to talk better
i also need to understand myself and my feelings better
dad came in wanting to talk about what my doctor wanted to ask
earlier this week i had a bone density test done. i think it was a follow up test, maybe for the cancer study i was in 10 years ago? im not really sure. the clinic called the house for w/e reason on tuesday and just today i finally called them back mainly due to forgetting and also because i hate phone calls. during the exchange i never really figured out why they called or what the whole deal was, just that i needed to call the hospital in the event i never hear my results from the test? i dont really know or understand and at the time i didnt really care to ask because i was hungry and wanted to get lunch and i always will do whatever it takes to just make a conversation on there as short as possible due to phone anxiety. i didnt even talk to any doctors two receptionists.
i told my dad i didnt know what it was about, just that i should call childrens if i dont get my results back. dad didnt like that answer, he had this skeptical look on his face. im not sure what to make of that like if he was worried somethings up and i have cancer cells in my bones or what but he quickly changed the topic to ask if anything else was going on because i had this deer in a headlights look, i didnt really know what to say so he went on to ask if i was still planning on seeing a doctor about my depression
im supposed to be seeing another counselor on monday, im hoping the meeting goes good and i can finally have a regular therapist to deal with this depression anxiety tornado of whatever thats been going on
i told him that yeah im still going to do that on monday and then he just, asked me if i was sure i was depressed
i mean? really?
to be perfectly honest i’m not sure i am depressed. but then agaim im not sure about basically everything at this point.
im not sure im ace. im not sure im a girl. im not sure i enjoy reading or writing or doing art or anything. im not sure i want to exist. im not sure about a lot of things and im not feeling anything either. is that a sign of depression?
various people have pointed out that i sound depressed for a few years now is that a valid sign? or just bullshit?
i have scars (subtle sure but still there) from burns and scratches i did to myself. does that count as self harm? is that a sign of depression? i’ve also caught myself idealizing my own death several times these past few weeks. is that depression? i mean im never going to act on those thoughts. but then again the main reason is because im just too tired.
like i honestly dont know
and of course i never said any of those things because at the time it was too on the spot. all i could mumble out was that movies arent ejnoyable as an example and i feel like it didnt really translate well enough since later on he said maybe im not enjoying movies much because my thinking is too clouded with all the art stuff i learned in college to appreciate it for what it is
the conversation turned pretty one sided at that point
dad just said that the feelings im having arent unique and that my entire generation in general has these issues and mostly said its due to the internet because my generation spends all their time online to be social which isnt the same as actually getting out and seeing people and hanging out there and that what im feeling is partly to blame due to all i do is go to work and then come home and dont do anything else inbetween
yeah, i agree with him, obviously social media interactions dont equal actual hugs and meet ups and the like, of course not.
but at the same time the reason i dont do anything when im home is because i dont have the will to do anything. im so tired and so exhausted. and unless im being invited to something or find a reason to get up i just wont leave my room sometimes.... and i dont think its laziness?
i mean back in college this was an issue too. thats when i started to scratch at myself as a way to self harm. there were several times i would just lock myself in a public restroom or hide out in some trees and wait out an anxiety attack because i didnt want my friends or roommates to ask questions. and whenever i came back from going to club meetings and hang outs in the city or whatever i found myself feeling exhausted and terrible. 
like okay, one, i had stress from being away from home and having so much school work certainly didnt help anything but this was also the most social i ever got and was working with such a wide circle of people and doing things that i *loved* which were good things?
im really lost right now. dad is right i am isolated now that im here which doesnt help anything. maybe im not depressed maybe its all in my head. maybe my problem isnt that im not feeling anything but i dont have anyone to hang out with because i dont make friends or deep personal connections with people who are in my area.
but maybe the reason i dont do that is because im so anxious all the time. maybe im so tired all the time is for those same reasons. maybe the reason i dont feel anything is because im too tired to process anything. maybe i do feel and have emotions like anger fear and crying but only at precise moments that trigger them into a hurricane. maybe what i need is help to deal with this anxiety thats eating me alive so that im drowning in nothing.
maybe thats my problem. in which case i still need help. i cant live my life in this perpetual state of saying whatever the hell without processing whats going on or even caring about it. or freezing up and unable to say what i mean because i dont know what i mean or am thinking in the first place. 
i am so damned tired
it took so much effort to convince myself i needed to speak up, and then to go through with the act, and find the doctors and everything and now being questioned like this, even if it was out of concern or similar motiviations, this is just my worst fear confirmed
im already filled with confusion and self doubt about every other aspect there is i dont need another reason to doubt my own mental statei already spent probably 3? 4 years? convinced this was all in my head?
i dont even know why he asked this, his own sister has depression and his wife, my mom had it too when i was born? im not sure if he was asking out of concern or wariness because he doesnt want me to get addicted on opiodes or what
i dont even WANT medication. im so afraid at the idea that once im medicated i’ll actually go through with it. right now the only thing im taking is some vitamin d supplements and thats it. i dont want to take anything else. not until im out of the house and living somewhere where i dont know where the key to the gun cabinet and gunshells are located.
i think the worst part is at the end of the talk he said that if i ever wanted to talk about anything i could always come to him. he doesnt even realize how conflicting that is to say after asking if im sure i have depression. and im not even sure how to even broach that topic myself
i am so tired
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