#had a talk with dad and its a rant about that
TW: DARK GAMES AND STUFF (just a lil rant, nothing hateful)
wow dark games are
idk i wanna stay innocent youtube please let me stay pure just recommend music and fandom shit please not this not the true crime cases and the horror games with dark meanings and ominous endings (especially ones with rape or child abuse) like please what made you think i would want to see this i listen to playlists titled " i have nothing in my head"
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mycotoxin · 9 months
Honestly why do I hear people still talking about the aunt jemima rebranding and how “ridiculous” it is? Firstly it was years ago and second I KNOW you were not that attached to the mammy character. Chill the fuck out.
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ghostighostly · 6 months
I have made. Many mistakes,,,
I've gone from 'eh i never do anything dont worry we can play videogames!' To 'Sorry cant talk i have the next 3 weeks scheduled to the second and am actively having a panic attack. Bye!'
How did this happen? Christmas. And divorce, but that's less impactful.
I will now proceed to rant in the tags gootbye forever.
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crabs-nonsense · 9 months
Something I love is my mom's romantic relationship. Like her partner and the ways they interact are both so wholesome and amazing. So you guys are gonna unlock some lore here.
Over two years ago my dad cheated on my mom and she said their relationship was over, because that was a rule she's always had for herself, once a cheater always a cheater. After that she started dating her current partner in a long distance relationship. They are an enby who lives in Norway and the two of them met on tiktok because they both cosplay the marauders era from Harry Potter.
In the two years they've been together my mother has gone and spent several months visiting them and meeting their family twice, once for summer and once for winter. Their family loves her and regularly invites her to things even though she can't attend. They video chat pretty much daily and text constantly. They've seen eachother at their highs and lows and been there through it all. An extremely funny fact is that my mom started learning Norwegian from a 6yr old with a very specific dialect and a speech impediment, because her partners son mostly speaks Norwegian with a bit of English.
Anyways the reason I was thinking about this is that yesterday I was in a voice chat with my bsd cosplay friends and my mom was across from me talking about the paperwork for getting citizenship through marriage with her partner. And I'd said she doesn't have to be engaged for a long time before getting married, which very much confused my friends and I had to explain. So it's been on my mind lol.
I love that they've talked about the steps needed for all of us the get citizenship, and how to get my sister and I onto disability there. And they even told my mom they might get a bigger house just so we can all still live together. They also send us Norwegian candy from time to time (sending things to the US is super expensive so it's not very often). They also send all her kids presents both randomly and for birthdays and Christmas. I have a crocheted pokemon plushie from them that I absolutely adore.
But yeah despite my mom being completely done with my dad he spent a year and a half trying to "win her back" but in like a really semi toxic roundabout way that all of us could see would never work except for him. And he only this year finally moved out of the house. Divorce papers FINALLY got filed and we all know he's going to drag it out and fight for full custody just to spite her. So because of that my mom and her partner are only dating, but mom has said the moment the divorce goes through she wants to take a small trip to Norway so we can all meet them in person and she wants to propose in person. Her partners son (again he's six) insists he's planning their wedding (they've never said anything about getting married to him), and he collects rocks and shells every time they go to the beach to use as center pieces for the tables.
Another thing is that with the safety of trans people quickly fading here they've also talked about how if things get bad enough that we are in danger here, we can all go to Norway. Like they told my mom if she suddenly said hey we're getting on a plane and will be there at x time, they will get their family together to get large enough transportation and housing for us (I have 4 siblings so there's 6 of us in all).
And and and!!! They are also disabled and have been since they were a kid. They don't have the same issues my sister and I do but they do have joint problems and chronic pain just like us so its been amazing to be getting first hand advice for a lot of things. They are so amazing i can't wait to meet them in person and give them a hug honestly.
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satellitesunset · 10 months
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 2 years
once again projecting my feelings onto kaeya genshin impact
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tenpixelsusie · 2 years
there's a bmc/inside job au brewing in tenpixelsusie town...
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kit-katsuki · 2 years
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pagesofkenna · 1 year
so when i got God of War (2018) I was under the impression that it was about a fraught father son relationship where the journey together forces them to understand each other
but it turns out its about a father and son who just straight up hate each other, and the journey together forces them to love each other but only because of forced characterization
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goatmilksoda · 1 year
I was gonna write a big vent post but I'll summarize:
I'm sad because I always assumed I was supposed to fill space in conversations to keep people happy so I end up talking at people and it makes them mad and i wish they would either tell me theyd rather have silence or start talking and steer the subject so we could have a conversation instead of just pretending to listen until they get angry and blow up. It makes me feel bad. I don't like what I'm doing either.
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munch-mumbles · 1 year
beginning to mald profusely at just how bad my auditory processing is
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vitiateoriginator · 1 year
I really like celebrating christmas, but it also makes me sad. I wish my dad could be here to enjoy the holiday with me. I didn't get to really celebrate with him much when he was alive, ever since his sister had come back into his life, so the pain of him not being around isn't as bad as it is at times like around his birthday. But I miss getting to visit him before he'd go to Katie's for dinner. And I miss chatting with him on the phone while we wish each other merry Christmas and talk about everything we got to do that day. And now as an adult I could have done so much more for him, for the holiday and in general. But I can't, and it's depressing. But I know he wouldn't want me to be upset. So I just try to enjoy christmas and everything and everyone I still have
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dandy-lad · 2 months
#i need to be away from here#gott i just...#im autistic right just fyi#and my mum does not treat me as if i were#like she has neurotypical standards for me which i have to meet otherwise there will be Bad Consequences#and this is killing me bc im not neurotypical#the only way she'll treat me as autistic is if i get officially diagnosed#which i kinda want but also dont want#and its just. she's. gott my relationship with her is so complicated but shes caused me so much hurt and trauma and pain and#thats what im feeling right now. that.#i should get a diagnosis for me not for her#but i dont think i can survive in this environment for much longer#i told my dad i might try get diagnosed (havent talked to him about autism before) n he was like “okay”#pretty much verbatim#which is realistically the best response i couldve had#then he went on a rant about how autism “didnt exist” in the past and how its caused by vaccines#and this drug which apparently helps with autism and when i said No im not doing that i dont want to be “cured” this is a thing that#shouldnt be cured he was like ??? then whyd you want a diagnosis#hhhh but that i can deal with. after 4 years of being subjected to his and my mums conspiracy theory bullshit i can put up with it#at first it really stressed me out but i can cope with it now and come up with well thought out and factual grounded counter arguments#n i told my mum that dads fine with me getting a diagnosis n then i asked her if when i get one she'll treat me as if i were autistic#and she laughed and was like wait until you get one#like she doesn’t think i am which shows how Fucking Little she knows about me and how much i have to hide from her#because shes always shouted at me for Every Autistic Trait i display#im never fucking good enough for her#she treats me and percieves of me as if im neurotypical and Im Not#i remember once (after something happened) i heard her shout “WHY CANT I HAVE FUCKING NORMAL CHILDREN” or something like that#that sticks with you.#that shit hurts and sticks with you#who gave this woman two queer autistic mentally ill children to raise who's fucking plan was that
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chekovsphaser · 3 months
Been imaginary-podcasting too hard about my parents+growing up and I'm really remembering how much I resent them.
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sagxshi · 10 months
i fucking hate everything about applying for mcat fee assistance this shit fucking sucks fuck the aamc
#splatter speaks#personal //#dont rb///#like. the whole thing is super fucking classist. its not enough to say that youre poor and submit like tax returns. no they want like 15#goddamn documents. they want some from each parent (even if you dont live with them. i havent lived with my dad in decades and they still#wanted like. welfare statements. ). i actually just had to resubmit a bunch of forms bc they werent Precise enough.#it took me fucking MONTHS!!! to get everything together thanks to bureaucratic nonsense!!!#i started this application in JUNE. it is now SEPTEMBER.#like listen i wouldve given up if it werent for how fucking much i want to pursue medicine.#i stfg they do this on purpose to prevent poor people from applying.#this would be so helpful. like it means i dont have to pay as much to send each school app later (it costs hundreds per school). and it#also drops the price of the MCAT exam itself from $330 to $150.#i dont plan on taking it more than i have to but still. any little bit helps.#listen idk this turned into a whole ass rant. plus i have work tomorrow and i spent like 3 hours precharting bc we have 47 fucking patients#tomorrow for some fucking reason. who the fuck decided that would be ok. we normally see high 30s if that.#oh and this isnt even touching the fact i have to write a second essay talking about why i identify as like. a marginalized group. like. im#fucking disabled dude. why are you making it Harder for disabled people and not making the abled people write about why THEY should get in.#jk i know why!!! its ableism!!!!#jesus christ. im so drained. like yall i just want to be a forensic pathologist SO BAD. ive been aiming for that since high school#i know medicine is a horrible field rn but like. i genuinely want to do it.#anyways idk how else to say it. plus my hands hurt from typing all this
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arts-and-maths · 1 year
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