#im sorry this is so similar to friendly favors
runa-falls · 11 months
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imagine convincing steven to let you suck his dick for 'practice' so you'll know how to do it when you get a boyfriend. but the whole time, the only boyfriend you want is him.
suddenly, he's thinking about you 24/7, craving your messy mouth and the painful dig of your nails against his thigh when he pushes in too much. he falls in love with the way you take care of him, how you can go from eagerly swallowing him down to cooing soft praises when he's coming down from his high.
so when he's reminded of why you're really doing this, he becomes a tad bit possessive. he holds you closer, kisses you harder, and keeps you in his arms a little longer. in his mind, he should be the only one tugging at your hair and staring down at your glistening eyes as he drives himself against your face again and again.
one day, he finally says it.
your lips are still plump and red, the only evidence of the activities that you were doing just a handful of minutes ago. he fiddles with his hands as he watches you search around his flat for your things.
this is one of the few times he hasn't held you in his arms afterwards. he feels empty. alone. he wants to reach out, stop your frantic searching, and tug you onto his lap. he wants to nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck and breathe you in. he wants you to stay.
you said were meeting up with someone for lunch. you didn't specify who and you didn't seem like you wanted to. his heart dropped at the mention of someone else and there was only silence between the two of you. it was a piercing needle of reality popping his lovesick bubble.
you seemed disappointed by his silence, a slight frown pulling at the corners of your lips. you merely returned his silence and stood up to look for your shirt.
you're tying your shoes when he finally speaks up.
"don't go." you don't look up, but he knows you heard him because your hands are frozen above your shoes with your laces pinched between your fingers. "stay...here. with me."
you huff out a sigh, finally looking up with inquiring eyes.
"what are you saying, steven?"
"i don't want to do this anymore." you drop your laces and turn your body to face his. everything just spills from his lips, "i know you just wanted help to please your next partner, but i can't stand the idea of seeing you with anyone but myself."
"steven..." you stand up and walk over to the bed where he sits, carelessly leaving your one shoe untied. you rest a hand on his shoulder, urging him to meet your gaze. dark lashes frame his warm brown eyes. "there isn't anyone else."
he blinks as a dusting of pink rises to his cheeks, confused and a bit embarrassed. "...there isn't?"
"then who are you seeing for lunch?"
"there is no lunch." you confess, "it's selfish, but i just wanted you to tell me not to go..."
gentle fingers wrap around your wrist, "then don't."
"steven, i already told you, there is no lun--"
you yelp when you're abruptly pulled against him, your chest meeting his. "don't go. ever." his other hand cradles your jaw and pulls you in until your lips are nearly touching his. "stay with me." his voice lowers to a whisper, but you swear you can feel the vibrations flood through your body.
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am-euno · 2 years
your oc is so beautiful!! I was wondering, how is her relationship to all other crypters besides kirsch? does she have a most favored, or most hated, etc? im kinda invested!!
(sorry if this has been answered before, im only a recent follower! 🙏)
Hi anon! Thanks for the follow! I was waiting for someone to ask honestly, I love the Crypters so much 😭
I’ll talk about them from order of closeness! Estelle doesn’t hate any of them during their time in Chaldea so I’ll be talking about that rather than what happened in the LBs.  She generally maintains a friendly relation with all of them. Sort of. 
Pepe: Estelle sees him as a fashion icon and they indulge in many self-care sessions together. Think fluffy bathrobes, manicured nails, hair wrapped in towels, sipping on fancy wine while Michael Bublé plays in the background type girls nights out sessions. Pepe and her love to gossip and even try on makeup on each other. Chaldea’s halls are desolate but the hall where A-Team’s quarters are is quite lively because of these two. Pepe is like a doting mom figure to Estelle and she holds a great deal of respect for him and his high heels! Also because Pepe was the only person who managed to beat her in hand to hand combat, Estelle doesn’t dare underestimate him one bit. 
Ophelia: Heaven help a fool who falls in love, am I right? Estelle is Mash’s teacher, and that’s the only reason Ophelia put up with her at first. Estelle drags Mash into her shenanigans, much to Ophelia’s embarrassment. She basically wants to help Ophelia make more friends. They did bond over Wagner’s operas, but given Ophelia’s introverted personality, Estelle does most of the talking. Now the most interesting is that Estelle, despite being insane and possessive, didn’t feel anything hostile toward Ophelia who deeply admired/crushes on Kirschtaria, only saying things like “I can’t blame you, he’s just that sort of person.” 
Beryl: Put these two in the same room and it’s either a party or a nightmare. Beryl claims to be friends with others and gets along with them, so naturally he and Estelle would be friends! He also claims to understand Estelle and her love and he believes that she shares his perspective of the world - and even praises her love and dedication to Kirschtaria. But in the “I’ll root for you, so don’t get in the way of my love, okay?” way. Estelle actually thinks he’s really funny. They share similar aesthetics too, but she tells him she’s not “scandalous enough to show off her ankles” like he does. She didn’t get to find out what he did to Mash until much later and she was quite pissed about it. 
Daybit: Estelle and him can have the most profound conversations about magecraft, phenomena, metaphysical level things that are difficult to understand. Estelle is interested in him purely because she doesn’t understand what he is and she likes people who can hold her interest like that. They’re less than friends and more like acquaintances, with him being aloof and her being more outgoing and energetic. She made Area 51 jokes when she found out he was from Nevada but he just stared at her for five whole minutes straight before going “...Try again.” Ever since then, she became determined to find a joke he would find funny. So far with no success. Even though Kirschtaria helped her :( 
Hinako: Hinako always turned down Estelle’s request to hang out because she really didn’t find any use in Estelle’s company. She was warned in being close to Estelle by Marisbury because Estelle likes anything out of the ordinary and will tear it apart to understand it. And Hinako is beyond ordinary. Not that she had any intention in getting close to Estelle who didn’t mind being rejected so many times. Estelle always throws an offer to Hinako’s way for a tea party, dinner or spa because she knows it’d make Pepe happy if she showed up. 
Kadoc: This poor boy is absolutely terrified of Estelle and makes sure to always steer clear of her. If he disliked Kirschtaria because he thought Kirschtaria was the epitome of mage ideals, then Estelle is infinitely worst in that regard. Kadoc is keenly aware of others around him, his inferiority complex aside, and he just gets the worst vibes from Estelle. He’s right though because his survival instincts kick in around her. She believes that the strong should dominate - so Kadoc barely entered her line of sight. She didn’t hate or shun him or anything, she just forgets he exists and when she notices him, he looks so squirrely and she thinks he might pass out. Kirschtaria would point it out sometimes, but that sends Kadoc into a bout of anxiety and thinks Kirschtaria is picking on him, when that’s not the case.
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spacequokka · 3 years
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Pairing: Jaebeom x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Friends to Lovers, Non-Idol
Rating: M
Summary: You forgot to get JB a birthday present so you offer a coupon to whatever he wants. He picks a date. (Inspiration)
Word Count: 8.2k
Warnings: oral sex (m/f receiving), unprotected sex, cream pie
A/N: Okay, so remember this? Ignore the date and pretend it’s that same month or something. Forgive me. T_T Here’s my birthday present for our amazing, quirky leader. Tagging @im-captain-of-this-ship​ because you showed interest in it. Suffer with me! >:)
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You chewed your bottom lip as the phone rang. You usually stayed on top of things like this, but December was an absolute shit show. Work was a mess. Your family had one minor crisis after another. You simply forgot—
“I wondered when you’d remember me.” Jaebeom didn’t sound upset, and that made you feel a teeny bit better. “Did you get caught up with one of your boyfriends?”
You scoffed at his teasing. “No. Just life and its bullshit.” You stood up and started pacing around your bedroom. “I’m really fucking sorry—”
He laughed. “_____. You’re only a day late. It’s no big deal.”
“Yeah,” you couldn’t help how whiny you sounded, “but you helped Youngjae go all out for my birthday. It’s shitty of me not to return the favor.”
“One, that was his idea. I just helped him set up. Two, I didn’t do it expecting you’d do the same for me. I just wanted you to have a great day.”
You flopped down on your bed and huffed. “Okay, now I feel worse.” Of course, he’d be a good sport about this. He’s only ever been friendly and nice to you. BamBam or Jinyoung would demand your soul as an ironclad I.O.U. Though, come to think of it, Jaebeom would be the same way towards anyone else. You heard a muffled chuckle and frowned. “JB, don’t mock me.” A thought struck you and you sat up. “I could order you a present. Or-or give you a gift card to one of your favorite stores.”
“_____, you don’t—” He tried to object, but he’d already lost you.
“Ooh! I know! How about an I.O.U. coupon? Good for whatever you want. It’s the least I can do.”
His protests died, and for a moment you thought he’d hung up on you. Just as you opened your mouth to call his name, he spoke up, “For anything?”
You didn’t miss the intrigue in his voice. “Within reason! I’m not killing anyone, stealing anything, or going out of the country.”
“What the hell have you been through to have that on the tip of your tongue?” His words were playful, but there was a serious undertone to them.
“You don’t really want to know,” you retorted. “So, is it a deal?”
He went silent, and for a moment you didn’t think he’d accept it. Well, it was a shitty—
“I want to use it now.” He murmured.
“I—The fuck? Right this second?”
“It’s my birthday. My coupon.” You pictured the smug grin on his lips.
“Fine. Let’s hear it.” You briefly wondered if he’d have you cleaning after his cats or pranking Yugyeom. A prank war with Yugyeom was the last thing you wanted.
“I want to go on a date with you.”
Did you hear that right? “You what now?”
He cleared his throat and spoke a little louder. Clearer. “A date. You. Me. At night.”
“Wow. That’s—that’s not what I was expecting. You really want that? Like, you realize I can get you practically anything, right? I got Mark a PS5 on launch day. I’ve got connections for days. Didn’t you want new automatic litter boxes?”
“I don’t want material things. Just your time, away from the others… Just me and you.”
“Oh.” This was a pleasant surprise. You had to admit, it wasn’t a bad idea. You hung out with the seven of them all the time, but never one on one. “Okay, but if shit hits the fan, you’re explaining it to Jackson. Not me.”
He chuckled. “Fine with me.”
“So,” you bit your lip. “What now?”
“You’re in charge of planning the date. Whatever you want to do is fine with me. We have similar interests, so as long as you stick to things you like, we should have fun.”
“Wow, that’s a lot of trust.” You grinned. “What if I pick something you don’t like? What if I try to sabotage the date?”
“You spend too much time around BamBam and Yugyeom.” He sighed loudly, “I think you’ll find my will equal to yours.”
“Don’t quote the MCU to me, dork. I was there when it was written.”
“So, it’s a date.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You rolled over onto your stomach. “I’ll see you here tomorrow at six. Dress casual.”
“What?” He gasped. “No suit, tie, and Chucks?”
Just the mental picture alone gave you goosebumps. “No, no. I want to survive the night, thank you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He sounded genuinely confused.
“Meh, you’ll figure it out when you’re older. Bye, Jay B.”
“Why are you like this?” He scoffed, “Bye, _____.”
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Time flies when you’re struggling to pick something to wear. You didn’t want to be too casual and seem like you didn’t care, but didn’t want to come off as eager to please either. Why couldn’t you have remembered his birthday on time? Better yet, why did he pick a date, of all things? It could’ve just been an outing or something, but a date made it feel so…serious. It made your palms all sweaty and gross.
By the time you finally settled on an outfit, he was knocking on the door. You checked your appearance one last time, then let him in. You weren’t mentally prepared.
“Hey, _____.” He smiled shyly, holding out a single flower. Your favorite. That was the easy part. He wore a white tee with black ripped jeans and black and white sneakers. He’d slicked his hair back and didn’t hold back on the jewelry. Your mind nearly shorted out trying to respond.
“Jay Busy Bee,” you stalled as you took the offered flower, instantly catching a whiff of his cologne. It was a heady dose of warm wood and vanilla with a hint of amber. There’s bound to be a candle for that. You took a step back to let him in, but the scent didn’t fade. Was it—
“I put a little of my cologne on the flower.” He grinned, pleased with himself. “The flower’s fake, so you won’t have to worry about needing to care for it. Just a little memento of tonight.”
“You know,” you said as you crossed the room to the dining table and plopped the flower into an empty vase, “I forget you’re a romantic guy. Do you do this for all your dates? Little mementos?”
Jaebeom scoffed and put his hands into his pockets, averting his eyes. “Yes. But they prefer real flowers.”
You gagged and picked up your purse and jacket. “Oh, barf. Real flowers eventually die. Then what will you have? Petals. Petals that get lost or thrown away.”
“I know, I know.” He cut you off, gently taking your jacket and holding it up for you. “Then again, you don’t have a green thumb.”
He had a point. “No! No.” You waved a finger at him. “I don’t have patience. Or a decent memory.”
He choked back a laugh and stepped away. Out of your reach. “Oh, sure. That’s the problem. Come on, let’s go.”
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The movie theater was your first stop. The last time you went to one was for a group outing in which Jinyoung subjected you to a horror movie that left you wrapped around Youngjae for almost an hour, both of you screaming your heads off. Despite the trauma you endured, you remembered Jaebeom pointing out a romantic comedy he wanted to check out.
His face lit up when you asked for the tickets and he all but shoved you aside, eager to pay.
“It’s my treat!” You complained, trying your hardest not to whine and pout, but dammit, it’s frustrating. “I’m supposed to pay.”
“Yeah, but it’s a date, remember?” He glanced over his shoulder at you. “I only asked you to plan it. I had no intention of having you spend a dime on anything.” He took his card and the receipt from the cashier. “Thank you.”
Jaebeom grabbed your elbow and gently steered you inside. The smell of fresh popcorn and nachos assaulted you, making your mouth water. “Then can I at least pay for snacks? I feel shitty letting you pay for your birthday present.”
“Don’t, _____. I promise you, I’m glad to have you to myself.” His arm went around your shoulders. “And, no. I’ll pay for our food.”
“Why are you like this?” You crossed your arms. “I’m hardly doing anything that resembles birthday gift giving!”
He chuckled and lightly touched your cheek. “Why do you have to do anything? I wanted your time and attention, and I’m getting them both. I’m happy with this. It’s as simple as that.”
You gnawed on your bottom lip, momentarily lost in his closeness. His touch and scent. A person could easily get addicted to this. You looked him in the eyes. “Do you promise? You’ll tell me if you’re unhappy? Or if I can make it better?”
He dropped his hand and spun around, hiding his face. “Fuck,” he muttered to himself, then looked up at the ceiling. “Yeah. I’ll let you know.”
You grinned, pleased with the resignation in his voice. “Thank you.” You linked your arm with his and tugged him towards the concession stand line. Seeing the prices and remembering he was footing the bill made you cringe. To ease your conscience, you ordered the cheapest thing you saw and skipped getting a drink. You weren’t fond of fountain water, but if you were absolutely dying of thirst, you’d make do.
“What do you want to drink?” He asked, eyes on the menu. “I might get a Slurpee.”
Dammit. “Um, I’m not really all that thirsty.”
He looked at you. “You’ll get thirsty, though. Even a bottle of water is better than nothing.”
A regular bottle of water was almost five bucks. “No, I’m good.”
He searched your face for a second, then huffed. “At some point, you’ll relax and just enjoy yourself.” He turned back to the cashier. “Water for her. Please.”
You closed your eyes. Jaebeom had to be the most stubborn guy you knew, especially with traditional things. Jackson was a close second. You grabbed the bucket of popcorn and Jaebeom juggled the drinks and nachos.
“Here are our seats…” He paused, taking in the location, the precise center of the theater. Not too high, not too low. “Oh, _____, you’re amazing.” He plopped down in a seat and quickly settled the food. He could barely sit still, and the grin on his face was the widest you’d ever seen. “I’m looking at the dead center of the screen!”
You laughed and offered the popcorn to him. He shook his head and fiddled with his seat, delighted with the power controls for reclining. At first, you were content just watching him, but soon found yourself toying with the controls while people filled their seats. Eventually, the lights dimmed and movie trailers played. Unlike your outings that included everyone, there was a comfortable silence between the two of you. There were a couple of movies that piqued both of your interests, only needing to share a look between you to confirm it.
Aside from it being noticeably quieter, things didn’t feel too different from normal. He was still the cute and quirky JB you knew. At some point, you were sharing the popcorn, both reaching in for handfuls and shoving them into your mouths without care. Right when you got to bottom of the bucket, he reached in the same time you did, but instead of getting popcorn, he grabbed your hand. He jerked, realizing what he’d done, but didn’t let go. In fact, his grip tightened, and he lifted your hand out. You looked at him, ready to ask a question, only to find his eyes already on you. In the dark of the theater, you could barely see that his lips were pressed in a thin line, as if he were upset.
He rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb before threading his fingers with yours and holding your hand comfortably over the armrest between you. You hugged the bucket of popcorn with your free hand, your heart beating wildly as your mind raced. Why was he holding your hand? Did it mean something, or was he just fucking with you? Were you supposed to pull away, laugh it off? You could, but it felt nice to hold his hand. It was warm and soothing. Suddenly, your mouth dried up as butterflies filled your tummy. In an instant, everything differed from before.
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The second the building came into view, Jaebeom was buzzing with excitement. “You’re serious?”
You nodded. “Jinyoung suggested it. Something about you liking the food and competition.”
He pulled into a parking space and was at your door before you’d even unbuckled your seatbelt. “I fucking owe him big. Come on!” He grabbed your hand and pulled you out. “I want to get a good lane and shoes.”
“I got us a reservation. Right by the concession stand.” You said coolly, inwardly stoked that Jinyoung hadn’t been trolling you as you feared.
Jaebeom swept you up in an enthusiastic hug, nearly crushing your lungs. “My God. You’re the best, I swear.” He put you down and locked the car. “No wonder Jackson’s so possessive of you.”
“He’s like that with everybody.” You shrugged, muttering thanks when he held the door to the building open for you. “I wouldn’t take him too seriously.”
Jaebeom scoffed as he placed his hand on your lower back and guided you to the counter. “He’s serious when it comes to you, _____. He’s threatened us more than once to keep our ‘paws’ off his bestie.”
You waited until you got your shoes to reply. “Yeah, but he doesn’t really care—”
But he was quick to cut you off, standing in your way so that you looked at him. “He cares. That’s why none of us has made a serious move on you.” It wasn’t long before a smug grin formed on his lips. “Until now.”
“So, wait, are you breaking some guy code or something?” You stepped back. “I’m not coming in between you two.”
He grabbed your elbow and led you to your lane. “He cares about you, but not like that.”
You must’ve sounded sad to him because he was quick to turn to you. “Do you like him like that? I didn’t mean—”
“Oh! No, no no. I just never thought about Jackson like that, and for a second, I thought I missed something. I’m relieved, honestly. I can barely keep up with him as a friend. I can’t imagine what he puts his girlfriends through.” You laughed and shook your head.
“He can be a mess, but I hear he spoils them rotten.” He sat down and put on his shoes.
“Confirmed. He often asks me for advice about random gifts and ideas.” You tied your shoes and stood up. “Alright! Do you want the guards up?”
He scoffed. “Only if you need them.”
You shook your head. “Nope. Not at all.” You looked at the bowling balls, opting for a bright pearlescent nine pound. “Wanna flip to see who goes first?” You dug through your pockets for a coin.
“We don’t need to. Ladies first, after all.” He bowed and gestured for you to go first. You didn’t need to be told twice. Clearly, he expected little of you.
“Thank you.” You approached the platform, summoning calm before winding up and sending the ball down the lane with a little more force than necessary. The pins went flying save for three and “SPARE” flashed on the screen overhead.
Jaebeom stared in awe.
You waited for your ball to return and glanced over your shoulder. “I don’t plan to take it easy on you, JB. Just saying.”
As expected, the raging competitor in him came out. He barely spoke the first three turns, putting every bit of his mental energy into bowling a perfect game. You had to admit it was a sexy look on him. Focused and competitive. It would a shame if…you distracted him.
You knocked over the second half of your pins for another spare and turned to find Jaebeom standing behind you with his ball in hand. “Damn, JB. Gonna let the pins reset first?”
He pinned you with a heated glare. “There’s nothing wrong with me waiting like this, is there?”
You shrugged a shoulder, brushing against his chest. “No, no. Just don’t stand so close. I’d hate to hit you and hurt your throwing arm.” You stepped aside, but he wrapped his arm around your waist.
“Are you flirting with me?” His voice was husky, and his eyes darted between your eyes and lips. You smiled.
“Hm? I’m just being a good sport.” You patted his shoulder, and he bit his lip.
“A good sport, huh? How about this—if I win, I get a five-second kiss on the lips.” His gaze didn’t leave your mouth and his fingertips toyed with the hem of your shirt. “You up for a little challenge?”
The thought of kissing him, even a quick peck, sent a thrill of delight down your spine and you found yourself nodding. “Challenge accepted.”
He whispered a curse and let you go, turning his full attention to the game again. From there, the tension between you only skyrocketed. Every time you made eye contact or brushed against each other, put you both a step closer to bursting into flames. It was a thrill you hadn’t experienced since your last relationship. The thought was sobering. Were you really into him or were you just touch starved? With a little shake of your head, you brought your focus back on the game. One way or the other, you’d figure things out after you beat Jaebeom’s ass.
Halfway through the game, Jaebeom asked for an intermission to get drinks. Knowing you’d protest, he brought a giant soda for you both to share. You sat down and stretched your legs and he took the seat next to you. “So, _____. When did you find time to be a professional bowler?” He gestured to the scoreboard. “This is ridiculous.”
You laughed hard, missing the way his look softened. “I swear I’m not a professional. I was in daycare a lot as a kid. During the summer, they’d always take us to the bowling alley on Thursdays and let us play two games because it was cheap.” You shrugged. “So I got in tons of practice. Eventually, I learned tricks and stuff and improved my aim.”
“You’re good enough to go pro. Why not join a team?”
You shook your head. “Nah. I do it for fun, when I feel like it. Anytime something fun becomes an obligation, it loses its charm.” You shrugged and looked at him. “I’m more than content with just flexing my skills on you every now and then.”
You both laughed, and he slung his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to his side. “I’d love to do this again. You’re cute when you’re overconfident.”
“Overconfident?” You looked at him. “Oh, okay. We’ll see who’s ‘overconfident.’” You pulled away and stood up. He pouted as you picked up your ball and walked back to the lane. The game picked back up with both of you entirely focused on winning. Yet, once you got to the eighth set, Jaebeom took a page from your playbook and started fighting dirty.
You were up by fifteen points and just needed to maintain that to win. Easy-peasy. You approached the machine to get your ball, but Jaebeom insisted on standing in your way.
“Excuse me,” you said politely, reaching around him for your bowling ball. Instead of complying, his hand went to your waist and gave you a gentle squeeze. The action threw you off and made you look at him directly for the first time in the last fifteen minutes. “Jay--”
“You’re sexy when you’re mad.” He murmured, eyes focused on your mouth. He licked his bottom lip, then bit it, letting it fall from between his teeth slowly. “But I miss the flirty looks.”
“Flirty looks--”
“Mmm-hmm. When you were trying to seduce me.” He brought your bodies together and you put your hands on his chest. He bent down and touched your ear with those petal-soft lips. “You do that so well, baby.”
It’s a wonder you didn’t spontaneously burst into flames on the spot. You sucked in a deep breath but still found it hard to breathe. Your body was warm from head to toe, the heat swirling around inside you before it settled between your legs. This was it. This was how you were going to die. And he was more than pleased with your speechlessness. He flashed his perfect smile and stepped aside.
But you couldn’t fucking function. You kept telling yourself to move. Get this over with. Yet you wanted nothing more than to go crawl into his lap and ride his dick until you were boneless. If you could have, you would have kicked your own ass for starting this shit with him. And of course you threw a gutter ball. Why the fuck not. Make that two.
You sat down with a huff, crossing your arms and legs while thinking of things to kill your newfound arousal.
He stroked your arm, “Don’t get upset, _____. Keep your eyes on me.”
And you did. You watched him intently, keen on soaking in every detail. The way he palmed the ball, rolling it around until the three holes were presented to him. The quick glance and subsequent smirk when he checked on you, then put his fingers in the holes. Why, oh why did you clench as you became envious of a fucking inanimate object? Maybe you were wrong and Jinyoung actually had trolled you with this setup. His form was flawless as he sent the ball flying down the lane, knocking down every pin.
He came back to you grinning. “Just five points now.”
‘It’s his birthday. You’re supposed to let the birthday person win.’ You repeated the words over and over as you stood to go collect your ball. Two sets left. Five-point difference. It was easy to just toss the ball out and let it do what it wanted. Yet…you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You hated losing. You were serious about not going easy on him. Lust and frustration were a terrible mix for you, and you were seconds away from risking it all. Your concentration was shot to hell. Though you didn’t get a gutter ball, a split wasn’t any better. You didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of knocking down the pins when all you could think about was kissing Jaebeom’s smug little smirk away.
Jaebeom threw another strike, putting him five points above you. He watched you intently, likely thinking the same thing you were: that kiss was only minutes away now. Oddly enough, you were eager for it, too. Your pride, however, demanded justice for this upset. You were at a crossroads: get the kiss or get the win. The bragging rights would be just as satisfying as the kiss, wouldn’t it?
With a long exhale, you picked up your ball and approached the line. Whatever happened would happen. Everything happens for a reason. You wound your arm back and let the ball fly.
You got a fucking strike. Jaebeom cursed as he got to his feet. You waited for your ball to return while the pins reset. “Wow.”
“You’re really gonna go all out?” Jaebeom asked with a chuckle.
“Being honest, didn’t think I’d get that.” You picked up your ball. Out of his previous nine frames, he’d only gotten four strikes. While you couldn’t dismiss the possibility of another, you felt a little more confident. You got a spare after leaving just one pin standing. After all your hard work, you ended with a ten-point lead. Now it was up to him.
Judging by the intense look on his face, he wasn’t going down without a fight. You took your seat and reached for your drink. Jaebeom knocked down seven of ten pins. Even if he got the spare, he’d still be five points shy of tying with you.
You shot out of your seat with a shout. “Yes!” You danced, wiggling your hips and laughing with pure glee. “I won! I won, I won, I won!”
Jaebeom turned to you. “You’re being an insufferable winner.” He huffed and tried to walk past you, but you caught his shirt and pulled him back.
“Wait, wait.” You couldn’t stop smiling. “Come here. I want my prize.”
That caught his attention. “Which is?”
You cupped his cheeks. “I’m gonna smear lipstick on your cheek!” You laughed at his horrified expression and leaned in with your lips puckered. He shut his eyes tightly and turned away, cringing as he held your hips. You went for the kill only to get played. As soon as you were within reach, he turned his head back towards you and your lips smacked together. Your mind went blank at the sweet soda taste on his tongue and the softness of his lips. He pulled you to his chest and held you tight. As soon as you moved your hands to his neck, he pulled away.
He touched the corner of his lips and looked at his fingertips. “There. Lipstick smeared.” He smirked and reached over to a nearby dispenser for a napkin to clean it off. You touched your lips, still tingling after that brief but paralyzing kiss. He looked at you. “Want to play another game?”
You shook your head. “I’m gonna take my win and run.”
He nodded and tossed your empty cup away. “Let’s go then.” He held out his arm, and you took it. “I have a surprise of my own.”
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Riding alone with Jaebeom just silently vibing to the songs he played just might be your new favorite thing to do. The ambiance was perfect, and when he reached across the armrest to hold your hand, life was too. You left the bowling alley and drove to a familiar spot.
The river that ran through the city. It was a popular date spot that you purposely ignored when planning the night because you thought it’d be too cheesy. In hindsight, you should have figured he’d want to come here. He’s a hopeless romantic at heart, just like you. He parked the car on the side of the road and flashed a boyish grin your way.
“You’ll love this, I swear.” He promised before getting out of the car.
You didn’t doubt him for a second. It seemed like you loved everything about tonight. He jogged around the car to your door and opened it. “Thank you.”
He held out his hand. “Come on. I don’t want you to miss it.”
You grabbed his hand and let him pull you from the car. In a moment of playfulness, you sighed dramatically and put the back of your hand to your forehead. “Oh! But my feet. I don’t think I can bear to walk faster than at a snail’s pace.”
He threw back his head and laughed. “You little shit.” He didn’t hesitate to lean down and throw you over his shoulder. You lost your shit, breaking into a fit of giggles as he carried you down to the bank.
Once he put you down, you fixed your clothes and gave him a fake frown. “I swear, you’re getting a two-star Yelp review for that.”
Jaebeom put his hands in his pockets and bit his lip, clearly fighting a smile of his own. “I’ll live.”
“I’m sure.” You looked out at the water that flowed by. The sound it made was soothing. The surface was dark like a bottle of ink, perfect for reflecting the bright lights of the city skyline and moon above. Though the view was gorgeous, you didn’t get how you could have missed it. This was always here. It wasn’t going anywhere.
His arms wrapped around you from behind and pulled you back against him as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “As pretty as it is, it doesn’t compare to you.”
You giggled. “That’s too cheesy, even for you.”
He gave you a little squeeze. “Yeah, but this isn’t.” He tilted your head up towards the sky. Millions of stars dotted the cloudless sky. It wasn’t a sight you could get at home because of the light pollution. He glanced at his watch. “Here it comes.”
“What’s coming?” You asked and immediately got an answer.
It started off as just one streak across the sky, like a tiny firework miles away in space. Then another and another until it was a stampede of shooting stars high in the sky. It was, hands down, the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen in your life. The way the lights came and went like a herd of glowing horses had you sucking in air deeply and holding it until the last one faded away.
Your first meteor shower.
“Wow,” was all you could say when the show was over. “Wow. T-that was amazing!”
You felt Jaebeom nod his head, then he said, “You know how you’re supposed to wish on a shooting star?”
“I made a wish just now. I’m hoping since there were so many, my wish has a better chance of being granted.” He gave you another squeeze, then pulled back.
You turned around and looked at him expectantly. “What did you wish for?”
He shook his head as he rubbed your arms. “If I tell you, it won’t come true. Don’t wanna jinx it.”
You couldn’t help yourself. The way his eyes sparkled from the lights of the buildings and river. How full and tempting his lips looked when he licked him, as if he was thinking the same thing. What were you thinking? “Fucking hell.” You grabbed him by his shirt and yanked him down, pressing your lips against his with a soft gasp. His response was immediate, with his arms going around your waist and pulling you flush against him. The kiss started off gentle with lingering pecks until he squeezed your waist and pressed harder against your lips. His touch, his kiss felt so right that you reached up and put a hand to the back of his neck.
He groaned, and you opened your mouth, allowing him full control. He bit your bottom lip, sucked on the tip of your tongue, and licked the roof of your mouth as he kept you tight against his body. You could feel the steady thrum of his heart against your hand and briefly wondered if yours felt the same.
You kissed until you heard someone cheering and quickly pulled apart. Two guys were walking along the road, just past Jaebeom’s car, giving you a thumbs up and clapping with glee.
“Do you know them?” Jaebeom asked with a shy smile.
“Not at all. If I did, I’d kill them for ruining the moment.” You glared at the back of their heads.
He laughed and put an arm around your shoulders. “Come on. It’s getting colder. Time to get you home.”
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Jaebeom rolled to a stop and put the car in park. You looked up from your hands. Your place. You were outside your place. He turned the car off and got out before you could think of something to say. Something to buy you more time together.
“Come on, _____.” He opened the door. “Let me walk you to the door.”
“You don’t have to, Jaebeom.” You took his hand and got out. You expected him to drop your hand, but he clasped it as he closed the car door.
“I know I don’t, but I want to.” He smiled brightly as he laced his fingers with yours. “I’m making the most of this.” He looked and sounded so sincere, so happy. You felt bad that this whole thing hadn’t happened naturally. He isn’t a bad guy and is fun to be with alone.
The warmth of his hand traveled up your arm, maybe to your heart. Because suddenly, you didn’t see why tonight had to end. Why there couldn’t be a second or third date. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t realize you’d come to a stop at your door. The end.
Jaebeom turned toward you and took your other hand in his. “I can’t really express how much fun I had with you tonight.” He brought your knuckles to his lips and kissed them lightly, holding your hands near his mouth as he continued. “I wish it’d never end.”
“M-me too.” You blurted out, eyes focused on his eyes. “Maybe we should do this more often. You know, just the two of us, go out and do fun stuff.”
His eyes were wide as his mouth hung open. “Did you just—Like another date? Not as friends?”
Your face was on fire. “Yeah.” You bit your lip and exhaled. Might as well be completely honest. “I’ve had a crush on you for the longest. Never thought you’d care so, you know, I didn’t speak up. That and you’re, well, you’re you.”
He laughed, revealing those perfectly pretty teeth. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“You can be hard to approach sometimes. Like, I never know what to expect with you.”
“Oh, really? Do I keep you on your toes?”
You thought about it. “Actually, yeah. You’re unpre—” He cut you off with a kiss, as sweet as the ones before.
“I’m what?” His eyes sparkled in the porch light.
You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t say goodnight just yet. “Do you wanna come in?”
It took him a second to process your question, then his face turned serious. “I do, but I can’t promise I’ll behave myself. I might steal another kiss or three.” His grip on your hands tightened. “Knowing that the feeling’s mutual.” He kissed your knuckles again. “I don’t want to rush you.”
“You’re not.” You made eye contact. The heat in his eyes sent a delicious tingle down your spine. “I’d like it if you spent the night, Jaebeom. Please?”
“You don’t have to do this because of—”
“I’m not. I want this. I want you. I’m this close to kissing you again. If you go home now, I’ll just go to bed frustrated and lonely thinking of you.” You shrugged, unable to look him in the eyes. “You can guess what I’ll do.”
He cursed softly and gestured to the door. “Hurry up then.” You jumped to it and fumbled with your keys to get the door open. The second the lock clicked, and the doorknob turned, he was pushing you inside. He locked the door behind you, then looked at you. “Come here, baby.”
You didn’t hesitate. You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss, this one sloppy and frantic, as if someone would steal the moment from you at any moment. You yanked on his shirt and he chuckled, barely pulling away to get it over his head. He grabbed at your clothes, peeling them off you with ease and tossing them out of sight. “Damn, Jay B.”
“I’ve wanted you for so long now.” He murmured, pulling you against him and rolling his hips, teasing you with his growing erection. His kisses trailed from your lips, over your jaw, and down your neck where he nipped, leaving small bruises in his wake. “So many nights of wondering how you taste, what kind of noises you make. Finishing in my hand, wishing I was inside of you.”
You clenched hard. You moaned and grabbed a fistful of his hair. “Shit. Keep talking like that.”
“You like that? You like how desperate you make me?” His lips trailed down to your breasts where he kissed the tops of them while his thumbs lightly rubbed over your hardening nipples. “You’re so soft, baby. And you sound so sweet, just for me. Just like I imagined you would.”
You knew you’d end up a wet mess on the floor if he kept this shit up. You had one hell of a time forcing yourself to focus beyond the caress of his lips on your skin. “Jay, b-bed please.”
He hummed in agreement as he kissed his way back up your body, capturing your lips as he stared into your eyes. He whispered against your lips, “Fuck, baby. You’re gonna be the death of me.”
“Me? I haven’t been able to think straight since we pulled up.” You pouted, hooking a leg around his waist. He gave it a squeeze, then a tap and you jumped, wrapping the other around him. His dick pressed against your core feeling like a steel rod. It had to hurt being so hard. As he carried you through the apartment to the bedroom, you rolled your hips, doing your best to give him the friction you both needed.
“You’re gonna make me cum in my pants if you keep that up.” He grunted, pushing your bedroom door open with his foot.
“You say it like that’d be a bad thing,” you whispered against his cheek, squeezing his waist with your thighs. “Wouldn’t it just make it take longer for you to cum the next time?”
Your back hit the cool comforter on your bed as his warm body covered yours. “Yeah.” He kissed you again, taking his time to nip at your lips before tongue-fucking your mouth again as he rolled hips in sync, making you shiver with delight. “But I want to be inside you when I cum.”
“Then take your pants off,” you moaned as he sucked more hickeys on your neck and shoulder. He chuckled and propped himself up on his elbows.
“What’s the rush? I’m not going anywhere.” He gave you a slow kiss that ended with a swipe of his tongue over your bottom lip. “I’m not letting you go anywhere…for a while.”
“Please!” You dragged your nails down his back, making him hiss and bite his lip as he pressed his erection against your core. “I swear on everything I love, Jaebeom, if you don’t stop playing with me—”
“Damn.” He pushed himself to his feet. He yanked at his pants, undoing buttons and the zipper, then letting them fall to his ankles. He kicked them aside and looked at you, eyeing you from head to toe. “Where should I start?”
Your legs trembled as you spread them, then pointed at your panties. “Here would be nice.”
“Would it now?” he murmured as he hooked his fingers on the waistband of your panties and pulled them down your legs with care. He let them drop next to his pants as he crawled towards you, then laid on his stomach.
“Wait!” You sat up and cupped his face in your hands, peppering his lips with kisses as you gently pushed him onto his back. “I want to taste you, too.”
He laid on his back with a smile. “If you say so, baby.” You should have taken that as a warning, but was too caught up in the promising tent in his boxers. “Sit on my face.”
You bit your lip, trying and failing to hide your excitement. You crawled closer to him, throwing a leg over his chest. He maneuvered your legs under his arms and pulled your hips towards his face. You resisted, instead resting on your knees as you used your hands to free his dick. Like the rest of him, it was beautiful. Longer than your hand, almost as thick as your wrist, and nearly the same shade as his thighs. It was mesmerizing. Unable to take your eyes off it, you slowly settled onto your stomach. Wrapping one hand around the base, you angled it towards your mouth, barely aware of Jaebeom’s sharp inhale as his hands came to rest on your hips with a firm squeeze.
“I don’t have much give you,” you whispered, unable to recognize your own husky voice, “but may I offer you my throat.”
“Wha—” His voice got lost in the loud throaty moan he let out as his thighs shook with his restraint to keep from bucking up and shoving his dick deeper down your throat. You knew it was a risky move, that you should have worked up to deep throating, but you wanted to choke at least one good time before he took over. The way your jaw and throat burned with the stretch, how hard your throat contracted at the sudden intrusion and brought tears to your eyes made it worth it. You pulled back coughing, dropping your pelvis on his chest to keep him from sitting up. “Are you okay?”
Your voice was a wreck. “Never better.” You wiggled your hips, then gave the tip of his cock a slow swirling lick.
He dropped back onto the bed. “You’re gonna kill me.” With how breathless he sounded, you believed him. “This is how I die.”
“Mmm-hmm.” You licked your lips and went for it. You closed your lips around the tip and suckled before pushing a little more of him in then pulling back, repeating over and over until your lips reached the base. Having him trembling underneath you, whimpering as he fought not to cum, was the best feeling in the world. His precum wasn’t too salty or sour, something that made sucking his dick all the more appealing. If he’d let you, you would’ve gone on for hours until he tapped out.
But he didn’t believe in letting his partner do all the work.
“Come here,” he growled, pulling you by your hips towards his face and giving you one long lick from your clit to your dripping entrance. He used his hands to spread your lips, then leaned in and pushed his tongue inside. After being turned on for so long, the contact sent a spark of electricity up your spine that made you sit up on your hands and push back on his face. He moaned into your pussy as he slapped your ass with both hands, then grabbed a handful of each cheek. The way he used his bottom lip to stimulate your clit as he licked into you, filling you with his tongue, had you crying out his name. It wasn’t long before he was encouraging you to move your hips, to ride his tongue as you palmed his dick and balls, dangerously close to coming all over his pretty lips.
But you didn’t want that just yet. Despite every nerve in your body singing with pleasure, you laid back down on your stomach and took his dick in your mouth again. You moaned loudly together, with him thrusting up into your mouth as you pushed down on him. With each suck and lick, your bodies became a wave, a love loop that threatened to burn you both alive. It was hard to think, let alone talk, with his dick down your throat and his fingers filling your cunt as his lips and tongue worked your clit over. You were more than content to let him do as he wanted, especially if it meant he’d continue moaning your name.
“Fuck, baby.” He gasped for air. “Are-are you close?”
You pulled off his dick with a wet pop. “Yeah.” You kept pumping with your hand, letting your head fall back as you followed the rhythm of his fingers. He let you enjoy yourself for a few minutes before pulling his hands away. “Hey!”
He guided you off him by your hips, stumbling to his feet. “My legs are like jelly.” He chuckled shakily, tugging his boxers off before all but falling on top of you. He kissed you hard, shoving his fingers through your hair with one hand as the other pulled one of your legs up around his waist. “You taste so good, baby. If I wasn’t about to bust down that sinful throat of yours, I’d keep going until you passed out.”
“Shit, Jae. Were you always this filthy?” You grinned, enjoying the way he pressed against you. “Kinda late to ask, but are you clean?”
He nodded eagerly as his kisses trailed over your jaw to your neck. “You?”
“Yes.” You nodded proudly. “And I have an IUD if you want to…”
He scrambled up on his knees and gave his dick a few pumps. “This night keeps getting better by the fucking minute.” He held one of your legs up on his shoulder as he shuffled closer and teased the head through your folds. “So warm and wet.” He mumbled as he caressed your leg, kissing the side of your knee before positioning himself at your entrance. “Let me know if I’m hurting you.”
You nodded, putting your hand over the one on your thigh as he began to push inside. The stretch was everything you could hope for and so much more. You hadn’t given the slight upward curve of his dick much thought when you were sucking it, but now you could fully appreciate it. You got so lost in the pleasant feeling of being full that you didn’t realize your eyes were screwed shut.
“Does it hurt?” Jaebeom touched your cheek and pulled your bottom lip free from your teeth.
“No,” you moaned, dragging the word out when he continued pushing in.
“Good. Keep your eyes on me, beautiful.” He swiped his thumb over your lips. You smiled up at him before capturing his thumb in your mouth and suckling on it. He gasped and jerked forward. “And you say I’m filthy.”
Once he bottomed out, you flexed the leg on his shoulder, giving him a gentle squeeze. He nodded once, then pulled back, just as slowly, before pushing back inside. After you’d taken a few strokes without much resistance, he pulled his thumb free and leaned over you, keeping your leg up.
“I need you to cum for me, baby.” He licked at your earlobe, then bit it. “I wanna feel how tight my baby gets when I make her feel good.”
It was pathetic how quickly you came for him. And you couldn’t even pinpoint what made you cum. Him saying he needed you to? Him calling you his baby? The jury’s still out on that one.
He captured your lips, muffling your loud cries of his name and mixing them with his own as he fell apart, pumping thick ropes of cum into your swollen cunt. You held each other like that until his cock stopped throbbing and it softened enough to slip out of you on its own. Meanwhile, Jaebeom pressed kisses everywhere he could reach without moving. “I haven’t cum that hard in a while.”
You laughed, cupping his face and kissing him. “You’ve ruined me for other men, you know. You’d better be prepared to take care my needs for the rest of your life.”
He cackled as he stood up. “Already making outrageous demands.” He shook his head. “Lemme go get a washcloth or something.”
You made a noise of content and stretched, enjoying how every muscle was now relaxed. Leave it to Jaebeom to be the one to fuck the tension right out of you. He was back in a flash, gently wiping down your sex and thighs with a warm washcloth before taking care of himself. You crawled up to the mountain of pillows on your bed and opened your arms, to which he dove onto the bed. You cuddled happily with you playing in his hair as he drew vague shapes on your chest and arm. You thought sleep would come quickly, but your body was buzzing with each swipe of his finger.
“Hey, Jay B?”
“Yeah?” He kissed your chest.
“How soon can you go again?”
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Not to sound too cliche but the world seemed a little brighter, happier even, when you woke up. The birds were singing their hearts out as the sunlight-filled your bedroom with a warm peach glow. You opened your eyes and found yourself snug in Jaebeom’s arms with him wide awake looking at his phone.
“Good morning,” you croaked, cringing at how dry your throat was. “For some reason, I thought you’d be gone by the time I woke up. We were up pretty late. I know you have to go home and check on your babies.”
He smiled and kissed your forehead. “I do…but I didn’t want to leave without us talking about last night first.”
You leaned back enough to be able to look up into his eyes. “What do you mean?”
He caught the hitch in your voice and looked at you, eyes wide. “No, not like that.” He put his phone down and pulled you close, talking into your hair. “I know things kinda went fast. It’s clear we have great chemistry and want to keep going…I just want to make sure we’re on the same page.”
“I thought we were on the same page when I was riding your face,” you said with a shrug.
“Well, yeah.” He had the nerve to blush. “I was talking about dating. You know, being exclusive?”
You reached up and kissed him. “There’s no one else in my life but you. We can go on a few more dates to try this out, but I’m pretty comfortable calling you my boyfriend.”
He let out a loud exhale and held you tightly, burying his face in your neck. “Oh, thank God. I was prepared to do everything I could think of to convince you to be mine.”
“I mean, no one’s stopping you from doing that.”
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silkgonerough · 4 years
Astrology Observation/rants? #1
❤️I’ve noticed that people who have venus unaspected in their chart are incredibly attractive idk why???
👸Moon trine/conjunct venus is such a nice placement to have in regards to people in general but especially to the opposite sex. I feel like ppl tend to treat you more gently and kindly bc of it’s feminine energy. It gives a prince/princess charm to the natives mannerisms bc they’re so kind and warm! Men with this placement are kind of babied and seen in higher regards by women (especially older women!!) and the women are kind of protected and nurtured through men. This also goes both ways where women with this placement probably have amazing relationships with other women and the guys are that one friend who has a lowkey bromance with all of his friends lol,, It’s rlly hard to see these ppl in a malefic or fearful light.
🙎‍♀️Moon in Scorpio females have eyes that can pierce through your soul
💆Men with Aquarius venus and Capricorn Mars are top tier
👄Women with Scorpio venus are usually very pretty and sexy and known for their sex appeal if famous
💅Capricorn + gemini venus or rising women are really pretty and make great models
👯‍♀️Lilith in eighth house is considered a sex symbol placement (Brigitte Bardot, Elvis Presley, Angelina Jolie, Sophia Loren)
🤔I would say gemini and virgo risings are the hardest signs to identify because of their mercurial rulership and mutability unlike Pisces and Sagittarius where there are clear distinctions in facial features and physique because of the Jupiter/Neptune affect (long legs, round faces, prominent forehead and eyes) gemini and virgo can easily be dominated by other planets in contact with the ascendant or first house but both signs give someone a very youthful doll like glow
🧠People tend to shit on hard Saturn contacts but I find that with time they usually evolve beautifully and the aspect can become a huge benefic but only with hard work. Saturn is the only planet that rewards for perseverance and patience but it’s always worth it
🥰Leo and Virgo’s are actually really similar in what they expect from themselves and others. They both just want to be appreciated and considered important to those around them.
👩‍🦳No matter what signs are involved sun conjunct venus always has a very feminine and pleasent face usually with a prominent forehead,, they’re also rlly well captured in photographs!
🤳Mars square Neptune probably had a period where they may have read a lot of dirty fanficton or fantasized about weird concepts sexually
🌝Leo moons are WAY more of attention seekers then leo suns im sorry but it’s like their emotional well-being depends on the amount of attention they get whereas Leo suns don’t necessarily ask for it bc they just attract it naturally with their aura (this isn’t every leo moon ofc just the ones I’ve observed)
🤦‍♂️I think Virgo suns are more critical of those around them and how that affects who they are whereas Virgo moons tend to be more critical of themselves and how their actions affect their surroundings
🦵I’ve noticed Mars in the 1st house females are usually rlly toned and skinny with long legs
💃Mars in Virgo is known as being prudish or like a not sexy placement of Mars and I rlly beg to differ, I swear every person that the general public’s been obsessed with when it comes to being hot has this (Dylan O brien, Austin Butler, Idris Alba, Blake Lively, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Felton, Ariana grande, Johnny depp, Britney Spears?!! there’s so many more u guys need to get on this)
🥴Aries moons are all about talking the talk but I swear half the time are not walking the walk and when they do they’ve talked shit to about 6 ppl already and waited for like a week before telling u how they feel
🤡Pisces moons (myself being one) can be so fucking stupid when it comes to liking someone I swear. We tend to make excuses for them and cling to whatever image we’ve set up in our head on who they are. Once evolved though it’s way easier for us to see ppl for who they are off the bat without going through the emotional distress!
😒I can confirm that we attract whatever signs in our eighth house mines in Aries and I swear to god not a year has gone by where an Aries man hasn’t infiltrated my life
👗people who have venus in the second house are the definition of quality over quantity!! always dressed so well with the cutest jewelry. They’re style carries libra energy :)
🥺Aries sun men are some of the most sensitive ppl I’ve ever met!! I didn’t realize it at first but they’re rlly soft and uwu. I don’t know how to explain it but think of Eren from AOT or Natsu from Fairy Tail! They’re kind of like a cheeky kid you want to protect at all costs
🤝I think a lot of square aspects can work in your favor if there’s a specific trine or conjunct aspect that’s energy can balance it out once activated if that makes sense ? Like for example I have venus square neptune and I used to put myself in alot of unnecessary painful situation bc I had a problem with deluding myself when it came to liking someone. Yet I was always aware that the person was not right for me or the situation was toxic bc of my sun conjunct pluto. The Sun/Pluto aspect has kind of forced me to be more aware of the venus/neptune affect and I’ve grown a lot stronger through those painful plutonic experiences in love and I can see through other people’s intentions for what they are with ease. I think that sun/pluto helped cancel out my delusion by making me go through a lot of intense experiences to finally understand what I was doing and see things for what they were.
🧛🏽‍♀️Going off of that I don’t care what anyone else says I LOVE MY PLUTO ASPECTS and trust me their pretty shitty (sun conjunct pluto, moon square pluto, pluto square asc). I’ve been put into some rlly crazy situations for only being 18 but I can go into the world with a lot more awareness of who I am and the people around me. I like the intensity they bring and the forcefulness of change in my habits and life. Pluto has made me a rlly strong person in terms of persevering through life and it’s challenges. I thank pluto for that.
👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼👨🏾‍🤝‍👨🏻👩🏿‍🤝‍👩🏼I think one of my favorite placements I have that is also super favorable in others is Jupiter in the 11th house! This may seem kind of random but the amount of opportunities and cool experiences I’ve been given through my friends and social circles is something I’m soo thankful for🙏 Friendship and just being a friendly person in general is something I’ve always found luck and happiness in and it’s so rewarding to have so many ppl like and support u for who u are! Making friends with ppl online and making friends from friends is super easy with this placement as well💞
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maeve-of-winter · 3 years
I’m a little late to the party, sorry- but I just wanted to agree that I will joyfully read anything you want to write regarding my boy KVP. I am a firm believer in two cakes, only really it’s more like ten thousand cakes, because I will read endless takes on the same old plot/trope for my favorite characters. I’m used to much larger fandoms than this, and then when you add in the fact that Kent is such a polarizing character within this already small fandom there is frankly a dearth of material for him.
So anyway even if your take was just a derivative retreading I would still cherish it, but I honestly think you do offer a fresh take on things that I don’t get from other authors. You write Kent as a character who has been done wrong without woobifying him which can be hard to come by, and then you give us KP living his best life despite any mistreatment which is a balm to my soul.
I can’t speak to the “weird and out there” stuff you want to write without knowing what it is, but I’m always willing to try anything once! You even got me to read and enjoy Kent/Chara without having ever cared about real hockey players in my life.
Thanks for reaching out, nonny. After long consideration, I’ve decided that as of the beginning of 2022, I will no longer be writing any further fic for Check Please. I’ve been debating with myself for a while, especially because I have two Kent-focused WIPs almost completed, but truthfully, I feel like I’m writing for a fandom that doesn’t want anything I have to offer.
I’ve always struggled with my place in OMGCP fandom. I’ve always felt like an outsider because I didn’t like to write fics that involved Kent coming out and dealing with homophobia, and that’s the plot that seems to be the only thing fandom wants. And though I went ahead and wrote my Aces found family and “no homophobia” AU fics, it was pretty obvious to everyone that my fics were missing the crucial element everyone was looking for. The reception my fics received certainly demonstrated as much.
You mentioned the “two cakes” approach to fandom, so I thought I’d share my experiences with it. Every time I’ve written a fic similar to a popular one that’s already out there, my fic has just been ignored in favor of the popular fic. Even when there was a group of fellow Kent fans I was regularly chatting and brainstorming with, whenever someone asked for fic recs that involved a trope or plot both myself or a BNF had written, it would be the BNF who got recced every time. Even among a Kent-focused group I was friendly with, nothing I’d written was ever considered worth reading. Only the popular fic was seen as having any value, and I can’t tell you how much that hurt me.
IME, with “two cakes” or two fics, fandom never wants the second fic. They only ever want the popular one. And even if the second fic gets written and posted, the first fic will still be treated like it’s the only fic in existence. That’s the way it’s been for me every time in this fandom, and I don’t expect that to change.
Ultimately, I can’t write in this fandom anymore because I feel like a failure. I failed to ever get recced, I failed to ever write a fic anyone considered worth mentioning, and I failed to be a writer that people valued.
With all of that in mind, it’s hard for me not to resent of my OMGCP fics, and I’m still debating what to do with them. There are a few that have to remain up because they were part of an official fandom event, but for a while I’ve been considered pulling down a few that are now especially painful for me. As of now, everything I’ve written will remain up on AO3, but I can’t promise it will always be that way.
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long-bodyswap · 4 years
Yotta Life
(Im sorry I don’t have the credits, but if you know the author you can @)
It’s been an adjustment lately getting used to all this fame and attention since Adele’s new album came out.  The whole world knew it would be huge, but even the most optimistic among us couldn’t have imagined that it would have the best selling first week sales of any album in history!  With massive, iconic numbers like that, it was only natural that she would need more security while she goes on her whirlwind press promo, and I’m the best in the business- ermmm- I mean technically my host, Peter Van der Veen is the best in the business, but it’s not like anyone could tell the difference since the spell I used gave me access to all of his memories, training, and personality traits.  No one has suspected a thing, and I’ve been inside Peter since he was Lady Gaga’s bodyguard!Possessing the top bodyguard for the stars has been a dream come true because I’ve met and spent time with almost all of my idols.  Gaga is much more normal in private than people give her credit for, but my favorite client so far has been Adele, BY FAR.  Never have I ever met such a witty, sweet, funny as shit, monumentally talented, and down to earth person.  Rumor has it she used to be quite the drinker before she had her baby, but every now and then she’s whipped out a little reward for the road with her team, meaning I was naturally drawn into the fun.  IIt’s been simply remarkable getting to know Adele and honestly consider her a friend.  She’s so honest and personable that I catch myself shifting out of Peter’s stern persona, dropping sass and giggling to her jokes.  I remind myself often that it’s only acceptable around Adele, but anyone who had previously known Peter would be immensely suspicious.  Still, it’s been the single most meaningful (and lucrative) gig I’ve ever done. You can see that I try my hardest to remain stern and serious.  It’s so hard because even her commentary during casual conversation is adorable and hilarious enough to make a stone gargoyle let out a good chuckle.  Sometimes it honestly is too much and I can’t help but smile and join in the silliness.  It’s comforting at least to know that Peter’s smile looks so fucking sexy- almost as sexy as his stern smolder.  
The bulk of the promo circuit ended in December so now that it’s January 2016, I finally have some time to myself.  Adele thanked me profusely for my service and friendship and begged me to free up my schedule so I could join her when her tour starts in April.  I promised her I’d lock in the dates, but it’s going to be nice to have some time to have fun behind closed doors…At the very least it’ll be nice to show off this body.Fuck, what a great day.  I’m rocking this perfect bronze and I can finally show off this sculpted body.  I work ridiculously hard to keep it up to Peter’s standards, but it’s so worth it.  Peter’s body looks sexy as hell in a suit, but it was meant to be seen and envied by others.  And the Adele gig was so lucrative that I’m set to be enjoying the next four months shirtless and glistening at this Mexican resort.  I used this morning to do a power workout of sprints and chest interval training in a nearby canyon, and then I rewarded myself with a nice afternoon spent relaxing at the beach.Peter’s sore muscles always made me horny for some reason, which meant that I was on edge almost all day every day…I didn’t mind though.  It reminded me of how powerful and full of my vitality my host was.  What I did mind though was burning in this hot sun.   Noticing a cute boy eyeing me, I saw an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.  The adorable fucker looked about my real age, but way better looking, not that that mattered since I was inhabiting Mr. Europe 2005.  Being bisexual, I’ve been able to use Peter’s body to anonymously fuck around with hotties from all over the world, but I’ve gotta say I’ve developed a strong preference for boys, so let’s test the waters and see if this kid wants a taste of the premier bodyguard to the stars.“Hey, kid.” I said in a deep, yet friendly tone.  “You got a sec to help me out with something?”  I made sure to flash him a subtle smile, also pulling my shades down so he could see the twinkle in my beautiful eyes.   It only took me a second to realize I had him hook, line, and sinker.That big smile was one thing, but I had also completely stopped him in his tracks.  He was walking back over to me without a single hesitation. “What can I do for you?” The chap asked with a friendly tone that was masking what I, after maaaanyy similar encounters, knew was lust.“You see, I’m going to start burning soon, so could you help me with a fresh layer of sunblock?”He kept his jaw from dropping, but I knew he was shocked and ecstatic.   “You mean, on your back?” He asked, treading cautiously.“Actually, I was hoping you could help me with the whole thing,” I said, pointing out my sculpted chest and abs before biting my lip in a fake show of nervous anticipation.  
The boy paused to think for a second before smiling again and walking over.  “Sure, I’d love to help out,” he said in a  way that tried to make it sound like he was just doing a normal favor for a stranger.  
I grinned in relief before putting my shades back on and getting out my tube of sunblock.  I laid down, making sure to get comfortable before I took a second to adjust my junk since I was about a quarter hard from the sheer testosterone pumping through my veins.  
“Sorry about that,” I said before getting relaxed again.  “Had a brutal workout this morning.  Always gets the testosterone flowing, if you know what I mean.”“I could tell you had a good workout this morning.  You’ve got the pumped look.  Maybe you can share some workout tips- I’m trying to bulk up, but it’s been kinda hard.”“Son, you don’t need to add a single pound of mass.  The lean look is really sexy on you.”  I said that right as he popped the cap open, making him blush before he squeezed a healthy helping of that cream into his hands.  
“That’s easy for you to say,” he said before slathering that cream on my abs.  I shivered and gasped from the cold, tightening my core from the surprise, but he kept talking.  “Especially when you have a body like this.”As far as I could tell, he had no idea who I was, so it was safe to see if I could push his buttons a little.As he spread the cream over Peter’s ripped abs, I quietly moaned from the feeling of those smooth fingers rubbing that coconut scented goodness into my stolen skin.  The look on this boy’s face was one of inner conflict.  He didn’t know if he should go a little further, but he finally got my subtle hint and began rubbing me more purposefully until he was giving my abs a slow and deep massage.  
“You have…so much definition,” he marveled as he worked his strong fingers more and more expertly.   “mmmmmmm that feels so good, kid.  Guess you could tell that yesterday was ab day,”  By this point his constant touch had me more than half hard.  He definitely noticed my long and thick cock growing in my shorts, but he didn’t back away.  He started massaging me even more purposefully, sensually even.  Damn, this kid had some kink in him.  
“And I’d bet money you did a chest day today,” he said slowly and smoothly as he began working his magical hands up to my muscular slabs of pec perfection.  I moaned louder this time as he worked his hands up to my chest so he was grabbing a pec with each hand, squeezing firmly enough to loosen up those stiff muscles.  He squeezed harder, massaging my sore chest and making me groan in a mix of ecstasy and agony.  I was shocked though as he, without stopping his deep tissue chest massage, began to gently flick and rub my nipples with his thumbs.  I inhaled deeply, feeling my cock twitch and continue to engorge as this boy worked Peter’s incredibly sensitive nipples.  My breathing picked up, getting slightly faster before this kid made his big move.  I gasped loudly as he leaned down and began sucking on one of my nipples before reaching the other hand down to rub my cock through my shorts, making it pulsate and swell to full hardness.  
“Unnnngggg,” I groaned as I looked down at this cutie with thick, bushy eyebrows give in to his hunger for cock, specifically my cock.  I gasped again as he gripped my cock through the shorts, feeling the thickness of my girth and the obvious length before smiling, apparently satisfied with Peter’s thick 8.5 inches.   “If you wanted me, you should have just said so,” he whispered seductively into my ear.  
I knocked the big tube of sunscreen onto the sand before grabbing him and pulling him on top of my powerful chest, enjoying the weight of his body against my greased up chest.  I brought my mouth to his and he eagerly opened as I locked our lips and brought our tongues into a dance of lust.  Fuck, he tasted so minty.  My rock hard cock pulsated as I humped my crotch up against his, feeling his hard dick rub back against mine as I let us get lost in the lust.   FInally breaking the kiss, I told him, “I have a room,” barely having the breath to make the sentence.  He just smiled before we made a mad dash to pick up our shit and cover our raging hard ons as we ran back to the hotel.   I woke up the next morning alone int he bed except for a little note that had a phone number and the name Zac.  Man, last night was crazy.  I mean, I’ve done some kinky shit with Peter’s body, but I think I blew four of Peter’s loads into that boy last night.  Yeah, there was the load when I was fucking him doggy style.  Then another when I was fucking him missionary.  The third one was when he was riding me.  mmmmm, the last one was my favorite.  I pinned that kid against the wall with my strong arms and bounced him up and down off my powerful thrusts until I finally blew that last load so deep inside him.  On that one things got so intense.  Zac was hollering and almost hyperventilating my cock made him feel so good.  He didn’t even touch his dick that time since he was scratching at the wall the whole time, but his cock still blew a load all over the two of us.  That was about when I hit my limit.  I remember roaring so loud I thought the walls were vibrating before finally, dripping in sweat and muscles and veins bulging all over my body, I blew all of the remaining cum in Peter’s balls so deep into that boy.  When I calmed down, I carried the boy back to the bed and we both laid there making out and squirming from the afterglow of our orgasms before passing out from our multi-hour fuckfest.  
I smirked as I thought to myself how this would be my life for the next four months.  I got up and walked over to mirror, admiring my boxer-clad vessel, still just as high off of the beauty of this stolen body as I was two years ago when I first took Peter over.  
“You’re one sexy man,” I said to the reflection before winking.  God damn, seeing Peter’s body respond to my actions was still so satisfying.  I felt a fluttery sensation deep in my gut before blushing from the sight of the sexy body in front of me.  Mmmmmm yeah, Peter might be a strong and tough man, but I can always make him do whatever I want because he’s powerless with me inside.  
“Don’t ever forget that you’re too weak to resist me.  You couldn’t do a thing to stop my soul from slipping inside you and stealing you,” I taunted his reflection as I leaned his head down to his pit and huffed in his manly sweat and stench from yesterday’s workout and fuckfest.  
“You smell like a real man,” I said with appreciation before I stripped off the boxers and brought them up to my face which instantly scrunched up into one of ecstasy, huffing in the crotch area, almost coughing from the power of the manly muskiness.  It was so fucking masculine and sexy, and it always got me hard.“That turns you on doesn’t it, you kinky queer?” I asked his reflection before I brought my lips to the mirror and pretended to make out with Peter.  My heart sank though as the cold glass reminded me that I was on the other side.  Sure, I could take over some other stud for a night and use my powers to mind control Peter into having a wild night of passion, but it takes me a lot of time to build up the energy to switch, so I only like to switch sparingly.  I need at least three months to build up the necessary energy, so I don’t use the gift for casual flings.  No.  It’s a commitment, so the stolen life has to be perfect.  I stayed in Peter for the last two years because life has been so perfect, but it would be nice to finally feel and taste his body from the other side…Still, I’d need to find the perfect body and life in the next week or two in order to have enough time to get back inside Peter in time for Adele’s tour.  I guess I’ll just have to wait until after the tour…My frustration built, and I decided to take it out on Peter.  Even though I knew he was blacked out, I liked to pretend he was aware of everything when I got mad.  Grabbing his semi-hard cock, I pumped it until I got it back up to full hardness, watching myself make angry, yet sexy and turned on faces in the mirror as I pumped myself mercilessly.  
“Yeah!  You like that you queer slut?!  I’m gonna make you eat every drop of this cum!  unnnnngggggggg it’s gonna taste so fucking good, you fag!  Who’s the tough guy now, you freaky fag?  Can’t believe a tough guy like you is gonna eat your own load like some queer cum whore!”  God, this always made me feel so turned on and so much better.  I was getting close to orgasm when the phone rang.  I instantly clicked ignore, but it started ringing again.  I growled as I clicked ignore a second time, but the damn phone rang a third time.  Cursing, I let go of Peter’s cock and switched to his professional voice as I answered the phone.  
Even though I was initially annoyed, I was so glad I picked up the phone.  Smiling from ear to ear, I listened to a very special new client ask for my services over the next three and a half months.  Apparently he needed extra security for his wife, so tomorrow I would be on an early morning flight to Beverly Hills.  My vacation wasn’t over, it was just moving to another locale…and I’d finally have the chance to taste Peter’s lips and mouth from another perspective.Fuck, I was so excited I went back to pumping Peter’s cock.  I ate his load, this time to celebrate!  Now it’s time for me to get cleaned up, buy tickets, and pack!It was so lucky to get that call from Bastian Gillmeier, or Bastian Yotta as the media and instagram know him.   couldn’t help but enjoy one more early morning walk in Peter’s body, happily flaunting his muscles as I left shirtless and enjoyed the feeling of the breeze on his skin.  But then I checked his watched and realized how late I was.  
“Shit!  Better get back and shower.  Gotta get to the airport.  Damn, I won’t even have time to yank out one last load!”   I quickly cleaned up and called for a cab, and before I knew it I had checked in and boarded my plane en route to Beverly Hills.  Still, I was frustrated by this libido and the desire, no, the NEED to feel Peter’s cock be relieved one last time.  It was one of those rare flights where it was barely at half capacity, and somehow I was the only one in the first class section.  This airline was my favorite too because instead of thin curtains separating first class from economy, there were actual doors, affording me a much greater sense of privacy.  Still, I didn’t feel comfortable pumping a load out with that cute flight attendant around.  With me being the only client, he was checking on me practically every ten minutes, and I wanted to make this last.  I thought about going in the lavatory, but there was something so nasty and classless about that.  No.  I guess I’d need to test the sensibilities of this handsome flight attendant. Maybe he could even help me out.  
I looked behind me and predictably saw him waiting there with a puppy like grin, waiting to please me.   “Would you like another drink, sir?”I flashed him an enticing grin as I thought pensively.   “That does sound refreshing,” I remark as I subtly relax in my seat, getting more comfortable and spreading my legs just a little.   “Another barcardi and coke?”“I don’t know.  I’m craving something a little different.  I’m just so on edge.  I could really use something to help me unwind,” I say breathy as I rub my hands in between my thighs and groan lightly.   This boy gulps loudly, nervously adjusting his tie.  “W-w-well…We have mojitos.”“No…that’s not what I want…” I say with a husky tone as I look him directly in his eyes, licking my lips while I rub my host’s crotch, groaning slightly more loudly as I feel this meat starting to get hard and strain within the confines of its denim prison.  
“Sir!  This is inappropriate!  I’m going to need to ask you to-”“Shut up and touch it.  I know you want to.  Your cock can’t lie to me.   “SIR.  If you don’t stop I’m going to have to-HUH?!” he gasped as I grabbed a hold of his arm and yanked him close to me.He was speechless from the shock as I pulled him onto my lap, keeping him firmly locked in my grip thanks to Peter’s strong muscles as I went to work grinding my tented crotch against his backside and reaching my hand around to begin rubbing his engorging cock.   “MMMMmmmmmmpppphhhhhhhhhhmmmmmnnngggggggg” he groaned through Peter’s big hand that was muffling his shouts.  
He squealed as I grabbed a firm hold around his rod, stroking and pumping him through his soft uniform pants, breathing hot on his neck as I whispered into his ear.   “You’re getting so horny, boy.  I can feel you getting hard in my hand.  mmmmmm a tasty boy like you is just the refreshment I needed.”  I followed by licking up and down his neck, making him gasp as shivers coursed their way up and down his spine.   “You liked that didn’t you?” I asked with a chuckle before experimenting and easing up my grip on his mouth.  
He took several deep breaths before slowly turning his head to face me.  It could have gone either way at this point as I saw the panic and indecision in his eyes.  But then the look in his eyes focused in and I knew he has made his decision.  
He lunged as he joined his mouth with mine, moaning loudly into my mouth as he wrestled his tongue past my lips and hungrily tasted me.  I needed to remind him who the big man was in this steamy moment, so I forced Peter’s tongue into this boy’s mouth, reveling in the pleasurable moans echoing into my mouth as I ferociously tasted my mile high slut.   Pulling back, he now had a look of hunger in his eyes.  “I-I’ve never done this before at work…”“It’s just the two of us in here.  No need to worry about anything.”He looked into my eyes briefly before biting his lip nervously.“Can I…taste it?” He asked with such anticipation in his eyes.   I just smirked at him.  “You think I’d say no to a hot mouth like yours?  Get to work, boy.”I closed my eyes, smiling with satisfaction as this boy crawled down onto his knees, no longer able to suppress his desire as he unbuttoned my jeans and pulled down the zipper.  I lifted my butt up to help him as he pulled down my pants and drawers, letting this big fat cock spring out, slapping him lightly in the face as he gawked at my host’s unveiled meat.  
I shivered as he immediately went to work, grabbing me with one of his hands, pumping me softly as he wrapped his lips around the head, getting it nice and moist as he swirled his tongue around.  My fingers were trembling, and the sensation crashing through my cockhead, down to my groin and down my thighs was so powerful that I had to bite my lip and focus on gripping the armrests just to keep from shouting out.  This boy knew what he was doing, and he had just barely gotten started.  
I felt the veins on Peter’s muscles expand, letting an intense surge of blood-flow crash through every part of his body.  It was a euphoria like no other, and it only intensified as this mile high slut began bobbing his slick mouth up and down, up and down, picking up speed as he kept sucking that meat and swirling his tongue over all of Peter’s most sensitive spots.  I cringed and scrunched my face it felt so fucking good, but I didn’t want to make too much noise.  At this point though I think he was almost challenging me to give in and admit how good it felt.  He finally had his wish as he all of a sudden jolted his head down, swallowing every inch of my meat as he scooped both hands up my shirt and found my sensitive nipples.  
My eyes shot wide open as he began deepthroating me with ferocious speed, all while squeezing, twisting, and rubbing all over my massive pecs, and particularly, my tight and hard nipples.  My back arched violently as a loud groan finally escaped my lips.  I bit my lip though to shut myself up, scrunching my face up again and hyperventilating as this boy kept swallowing my entire length.  
I couldn’t have hoped for a better last orgasm in Peter’s body, but I still wanted it to be at least partially on my own terms.  Growling as I felt the testosterone levels in Peter’s body rising, I grabbed the boy’s head with both of my hand’s, getting no resistance from him as I began to pull him down onto my cock, harder and even faster than he was already going.  Mmmmmmm it felt so satisfying as I used Peter’s strong arms to pull that mouth and tight throat down onto his juicy meat.  Such a good throat fuck, but I couldn’t hold my hips back anymore, so it got even more intense.  I know I might have been going rough on the boy, but he wasn’t complaining as I started bucking my hips up, thrusting into his mouth and thrusting powerfully down his throat.  The boy kept squeezing my pecs and nipples, getting more intense as I added more and more power to my throat fuck.  My toes were curling in my shoes as I looked down at this hungry mile high slut, and seeing the desperation in his eyes finally sent me over the edge.  Groaning loudly, I slammed his mouth down onto one last powerful cock thrust after what had seemed like an eternity of building pressure in Peter’s massive balls.  With that thrust, my pent up load was finally free, releasing stream after stream directly down the hungry throat that was so expertly milking my cock.  I shivered as kept yanking his throat down onto each new ribbon of cum, milking out over a dozen shots before the stream finally slowed to mere droplets which we sucked straight out of me with that skilled mouth.  
Attention Passengers,  Please prepare for landing.  We will be arriving in approximately five minutes.  
“Damn, sorry boy.  I guess I don’t have time to return the favor.”He just smiled adoringly at me though.  “No, don’t be sorry.  That was-That was amazing!  I’ll be thinking about you and this later tonight.  This will be on my mind for the next month at the very least!”He gave me one more passionate kiss before he straightened his tie and uniform, giving me a sexy wink as he made the landing preparations, leaving me in my golden orgasmic bliss.  He was kind enough to point to my ankles though, reminding me my pants and boxers were still down, leaving my softening meat out for the world to see.  I quickly pulled my pants back up as we began the descent.  
I hopped in the cab at the airport, unable to contain my grin as I gave the driver the address of Bastian’s Beverly Hills mansion.  The cab driver wasn’t particularly talkative, so I sat in eager silence as I mentally prepared for my transfer and mini vacation from Peter’s body.  
The passing vistas and palm trees zoom by as I absentmindedly reach my hands underneath my shirt and begin rubbing and feeling Peter’s body.  I know I’ll be feeling this body from the other side, but I’ll miss the feeling of ownership and possession.  Something about feeling Peter Van der Veen’s abs and squeezing those massive pecs with his own strong hands was immensely satisfying.  Taking over strong men and making them my hosts…my vessels…will always be my drug of choice.  
“We’re here, Mister,” the taxi driver says, looking at me with an odd expression as I realize I’m still circling Peter’s hard nipples.  I swoop my hands out from under Peter’s shirt, unable to help but go a little red in the face as I awkwardly thank and pay the guy.  I pull out Peter’s wallet, so comfortable now seeing his ID and associating that image and identity as my own.  That’s when you know you’ve found a keeper, when you look at your host’s ID and instinctively think, “Damn, I look hella fine.” 
I tipped the guy well to mask the awkwardness and walked over to the front door, suitcases in tow.  There was a note on the front door telling me to come on in and meet my new employers in the back.  The note said to just keep on following the central corridor until I reached them.   Opening the door, I was blown away by the extravagance of this massive and modern mansion.  
“What a great place to vacation,” I said aloud to myself in shock as I plopped my bags on the marble floor, closed the door, and began the long walk down the central hallway.  I passed by massive living and entertaining rooms, all decked out with expensive art, impeccable decoration, and state of the art technology.  The kitchen and dining room was as large as most people’s whole apartments, and I think I walked passed a whole new set of entertainment and party/recreational rooms.  It was simply unbelievable, but I got pulled back to reality as I heard light moaning emanating from the last room at the end of the hall.  
The moaning was definitely deep, low, and masculine.  Judging by the videos I had watched during my research, I knew it was Bastian who was cooing and making those sweet sounds of pleasure.  I could hear him faintly egging on what I can only assume was his wife, Maria.  That accent was still distinctly German, and thought some people thought it was a little harsh, I shivered from its foreign and exotic appeal.  I had never taken over a foreigner before, so I wondered if I would have the joy of speaking with such a German flare.   I kept walking cautiously towards the moans, concerned that I was going to interrupt a particularly private and intimate moment.  Still, I advanced.  That’s one of the great things about Peter’s body.  I’m this massive tank of toned muscle, but he is so light on his feet.  I barely make a sound as I walk right up to the cracked door and slowly push it open as I walk inside.  
“Huh?” I asked aloud as I creaked the door open and saw Bastian, shirtless and laying down on a medical table as his wife performed a spa facial.  She was dressed and made up to the nth degree with her pink mini dress, pumps, and full make up while she massaged her husband’s face, working the active ingredients deep into his skin that would help maintain his youth.  He clearly found the experience very pleasurable as the sounds coming out of his mouth were almost orgasmic.  
“That must be you, Peter,” he said in his sweet German accent and without even opening his eyes.  
“We’re just finishing the last step,” Maria said with a smile as she spread the remaining moisture serum down his neck before clicking a button that brought the reclined medical table back up to a chair-like angle.  
Bastian finally opened his eyes as he smiled at me, happy to see that he had been able to afford my services.  My host was, after all, the most sought out bodyguard in Hollywood.  
“Maria, can you give us some time?  I need to show him the house and talk about the next three months.  Here’s some cash–go buy something pretty,” he said as he casually handed her a thick strap of hundred dollar bills.  She was almost giddy with joy as she collected the multi-thousand dollar wad of cash and left to go shop to her heart’s content at her favorite designer stores.   “Now, that frees up some time for just us guys,” he said with a cheeky grin as he got up off the table and put his shirt back on.  
This was going too perfectly.  I tried to suppress my own giddy grin as he began to show me around the house, when like he said, it was just us guys.
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talpup · 4 years
Im supper new to the yandere side of tumbler, and i only just recently found your blog and started reading lost song /love your writing btw, already I’m a big fan ❤️\, but i have noticed one thing that, while not necessarily bad, it does kind of irk me.
Ive already gathered that Aizawa is your favorite MHA husbando and Im not sure if he is end game for Teris in this fic, but it does seem like he’s getting a pass in your book in terms of favoritism from Teris. I came into this story expecting a a love triangle where both Overhaul and Aizawa would ha e equal good and bad traits so that Teris would be able to make an unbiased opinion. But based on the way she seems to justify ALL of Aizawa’s actions or favor him in her mind even after she gets annoyed with them, it seems like the choice is a no brainer. She kind of does this with Overhaul on occasion and lets his shit slide every now and then, but she seems to hang onto his negative qualities more while giving Aizawa a pass for his and excusing his behavior.
I’m not sure if this is your intention, but this is the way I read into it. Please don’t misunderstand me, I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH!!! I just think that if your going to play it up like Teris is going to ha e to choose between one or the other in the end, then you should probably work on not showing subtle favoritism for Aizawa and make it more even. And if its not that kind of story, than be up front and state tat she’ll have a relationship with Overhaul, but her and Aizawa will be end game, that way people can know what they’re in for. I still intend to follow this story to the end because it’s just that amazing, but I felt the need to try and point this out in a polite and friendly way so as to come off as critical or rude.
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Thank you so much!!!  I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying Lost Song. Also, welcome to the yandere side of tumblr. lol
Yeah, Aizawa is one of my two anime husbands.  And as far as him having equal good and bad traits with Kai in this fic, sorry!  That’s not gonna happen.  Though this is an au, Sphinx!Shouta still has a lot of similar duties and history that he has in cannon.  Sphinx!Shouta is a teacher, he’s an Ilca leader (which is essentially Oblvi’s version of specialized forces/heroes).  Not to spoil anything if you haven't read Vigilantes, but the history of young Sphinx!Shouta losing his pack even had lose ties to cannon.  Meanwhile Dragon!Kai likewise has numerous aspects similar to cannon Kai.  Sure he’s an Ilca leader too.  But Kai’s choice of joining the Ilca was FAR different from Shouta’s; and he goes about his duties differently, using his power as Ilca to further his aims to reclaim the lost dragon throne.  Dragon!Kai might not be this fics only or greatest villain, but he’s still a villain.
That said, Teris doesn’t know any of that yet.  And it’s mainly her griffon instincts that keep her wary and have her judging Kai a bit more harshly.  I can’t remember which chapter it was in, but it’s been said that a species feelings and aspects of their rituals eventually become instinct if held/done long enough.  While Kai doesn’t know it, his own instincts are effecting him too.  Though arguably Kai would want to control and see any chosen mate of his bow and obey, whether they were a griffon or not.
As for Teris giving Shouta a pass, they’re ALWAYS arguing, so I can only assume when you say that you mean in her thoughts and feelings. In which case yes, she does.  And I’m SO glad you caught that. There’s an unconscious reason Teris does that.  Chapter13 (which I’m posting today) might shed some light and give a hint as to why.
This fic doesn’t even have a tag saying there’s a love triangle, so I’m not sure how I would go about saying whether the love triangle is equal or not.  Since I’m a writer who likes to leave hints and bread crumbs for readers to find and piece together, I do my best to keep my tags brief with a few basic warnings.  I also personally don’t like long lists of tags, as a reader preferring not to know what a writer has in store for me.
When it comes to the fics end.  Even I’m not totally sure what’s gonna happen yet.  I have a handful of possibilities that I’m thinking through.  This fanfic is part of an original ‘for me’ series on the world of Oblvi which will continue after this fanfic is done.  So depending on where I want to take this world/series after Lost Song is done will have a big part to play in deciding how I end Lost Song.
THANKS again!  Please know that I didn’t find anything you said as critical or rude.  And I hope my response displayed my appreciation for your ask.
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
If I Can’t Have You // part 4
sorry it took long to bring this part, but im busy with exams and also had to rewrite about half of it because i hated how it turned out, but enjoy my loves!
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
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Tens of scenarios run through Shawn’s head as he is on his way to Y/N’s place. He only had one beer so his thoughts are pretty clear as he is sitting in his Uber, impatiently staring out the window, counting the turns until the destination. That last text really just got him worried and he just wants to see that she is alright.
Once he arrives he runs up the stairs not bothering to wait for the elevator and hits the bell a bit too aggressively. When the door opens and a very tired looking, puffy eyed Y/N appears in front of him he feels like his soul is shattered.
Closing up the distance between then he just reaches out for her pulling her against his chest as her arms immediately wrap around his waist.
“I’m sorry if you had plans for tonight,” she mumbles into his shirt, secretly inhaling his scent deeply, something she’s been missing so much lately.
“It’s okay. I always have time for you,” he says, probably telling a little too much, but he doesn’t really care. He runs his fingers through her hair, giving her all the time she wants in his arms, only letting go of her when she does the same. When they finally end the hug Shawn gently closes the door behind him and they move to the living room, making themselves comfortable on the couch. She pulls he knees up to her chest hugging them with her arms as Shawn has an arm stretched behind her, waiting for her to speak up.
“I’m just… having the worst week and I don’t know where my head is,” she lets out a tired sigh closing her eyes. “I’ve been fucking everything up at work, I’m so behind with my projects and I keep forgetting stuff, I don’t know what I’m doing…”
“Have you been eating regularly?” he asks, concern all over his face. He couldn’t help but notice that she got slimmer since the last time he saw her. She looks away, knowing exactly that the answer won’t please him, but her look is already enough for him. “Y/N, you need to eat. I know you are busy, but if you keep skipping meals you are gonna faint. Did you eat dinner?”
“Um… I don’t remember,” she mumbles knowing well she did not, the last time she ate was around three o’clock and that wasn’t even a full meal either.
Shawn stands up without saying a word and walks over to the kitchen as she follows him with a curious gaze.
“What are you doing?” She asks when he starts opening the cabinets, grabbing different stuff from everywhere.
“I’m making you something to eat before you starve yourself,” he exclaims gathering everything he found on the counter.
She wanders over to him, her arms crossed on her chest as she watches him start making… whatever he has in mind.
“You really don’t have to, Shawn,” she tells him pushing herself up to the kitchen island while he is focusing on the ingredients.
“I don’t, but I want to. This is what I do for the people who are important to me.”
He was expecting some protesting from her or at least a denial comment on the last part, because this is what she has always done, made his statements about his feelings for her minor by denying their truthfulness, but this time she is completely silent. This is how he knows something is really off.
He decides to make some pancakes, that’s the fastest and easiest thing to make at the moment and in the meanwhile he makes her talk about things he knows she likes. He asks about if she saw any good movies lately, then they talk about books, he listens to her telling the entire plot of the latest book she read while flipping the pancakes. Then she asks him about music, his latest gigs and somehow they both forget about how they got there, they are just genuinely enjoying talking and listening to the other.
It’s past eleven when they are done with eating and Shawn finishes washing the dishes even though she asked him to leave it for her, he refused to leave a mess after him. Now they are lounging on the couch, enjoying some silence that is definitely not awkward. Shawn reaches to tug her hair behind her ears and she closes her eyes at his touch, almost aching for more.
His presence just changed all her feelings. Having him there made her feel safe and somehow more put together even though her whole week was a disaster. It makes her wonder if she did the worst thing last time when she went over to his place. She doesn’t want to stop seeing him, she doesn’t want to be in no contact with him, she definitely wants to know everything and be able to be around him as much as possible.
But they are living different lives and she has no idea how these two worlds can work together. He is a popstar, sold out tours and interviews are the normal every days for him while she has a regular job, far away from being anywhere in the spotlight and she doesn’t feel like she could take the attention and this is what breaks her heart.
Her head feels heavy, and her thoughts even heavier. Shawn’s warm touch on her ankle brings her back to reality, finding herself staring into his hazel eyes. A gaze she’s been looking for in everyone lately, but never found until now.
“How are you feeling?” he asks with a faint smile.
“Better,” she whispers returning the smile. “Thank you for coming over. I wasn’t expecting it especially after our last encounter.”
“To be honest, I had a second thought of keeping myself away from you when you texted, but… I couldn’t have done that.”
He thought seeing her would be painful, but the thought of her suffering was worse. Tonight brought him the feeling that after all she does need him and might have feelings for him. This is why there is not no regret in him for coming here.
“I’m sorry if I hurt you, it wasn’t my intention.”
“Don’t be sorry for doing what felt right,” he tells her, not wanting to make her feel guilty even if that would work for his favor.
His company doubted everything she thought she was certain about. She really believed this thing with Shawn was just a momentary flame from her side, but the past’s events refuted this theory of hers. She very much needs him, but has no idea how to make everything she said right.
“It’s getting late,” Shawn sighs checking the time on his phone. “I have to head home. Will you be okay?”
She can’t help but feel disappointed that he needs to leave, but nods anyway. They leave the comfort of the couch as they head to the door.
“Call me, if you need something, okay?”
“Thanks,” she smiles faintly. He steps out to the hallway, but she calls after him once more.
He turns around, looking at her kindly. The words are right there on her tongue, waiting to roll off, but she hesitates.
“Can we meet sometime soon?” she asks hopefully. For a moment she feels like he’ll say no, but then a small smile appears on his lips.
“Sure. Text me tomorrow.”
She happily nods as she watches him leave. Closing the door she leans against it, sliding down to the floor and hugging her knees to her chest. She can’t decide what she is really feeling, but one thing is for sure. She definitely will text him tomorrow.
   A few weeks ago it was impossible to imagine them going back to a place similar where they were before that talk, but they did. After Shawn’s late night visit they really kept their words and met up for lunch the next day, then dinner the day after, movie night, cooking together, all the things they did before.
It’s Saturday evening, Shawn convinced her to join him for a few drinks with a couple of friends. She said no straight away the first time he asked, feeling pretty anxious about meeting his friends for the first time. Shawn knew this might put a lot of pressure on her, but he assured her that it’s just a friendly gathering and managed to make her say yes.
Y/N is trying her best to not overthink the situation. It’s just a friendly evening, she keeps telling herself.
Brian, Andrew, Teddy, Eddy and Josiah are all there when they arrive. Shawn introduces everyone and Y/N is trying her best to chill down and just enjoy the evening. It gets easier when they all have the first round of drinks and she realizes these people are all nice and welcoming.
“Okay, next round is on me,” Y/N announces squeezing herself out of the booth. Teddy jumps to her feet as well.
“Let me help you,” she smiles joining her on her way to the bar. They order a beer for everyone and wait there while the bartender takes care of their order.
“So, I’m happy you came!” Teddy grins at her delightfully.
“Um, me too! I was a bit afraid, but… you all seem very nice,” she chuckles.
“I understand it’s a big step, but we all just want to see Shawn happy and I’m glad you two are working things out.”
“Big step?” Y/N asks furrowing her eyebrows.
“Shawn has been going on and on about you lately, he seems so happy and we are all rooting for you. I hope I’m not too forward, but he suffered so much before. I’m just glad that he is finally settling down at a place that’s so good for him mentally.”
“What exactly Shawn told you? About me,” she questions, feeling her heartbeat getting faster by the minute, but still not sure the real reason for that.
“He just told us about meeting you, and talking things out. Just generally being happy to be around you. I mean, I was waiting for you two to get together for so long, but in the past week you obviously worked things out, so that’s amazing! You are handling everything so well!”
Y/N stares ahead of her as the bar tender arrives with the drinks. Teddy asks him to put them on a tray while Y/N is still just standing there frozen, processing what she just heard.
“Hey, um… I need to go outside for a bit, can you handle the drinks?” Y/N asks her and she nods, but gives her a worried look.
“Everything alright?” she asks.
“Yeah, be right back,” she mumbles before leaving her alone at the bar, crossing the room and exiting the place.
Teddy arrives to the table with the drinks, giving everyone their beer, but Shawn looks around.
“Where is Y/N?”
She slides into the booth across Shawn and smiles at him.
“Oh, she said she needs to go outside a bit. Maybe she needs to make a call?” Shawn’s skin grows hot from anxiety, something is not right and he can feel it.
“What did you talk about at the bar?”
“Not much, I just told her I’m happy you two are making things work.” She takes a sip of her drink as Shawn stares at her in disbelief. “It’s great to see you two finally together.”
“We are not together!” he snaps angrily and the smile immediately vanishes from her lips.
“I-I didn’t… I didn’t know… I thought… But you went on dates and stuff, I really thought…”
“Well, you thought wrong!” Shawn groans jumping out of the booth in hopes of finding her outside.
Running outside he turns around several times, roaming the street with his eyes, looking for her figure anywhere, but she is nowhere to be seen. He frantically dials her number, but it goes straight to the voicemail.
“Hey, it’s Y/N. Leave me a message, I’ll call you back as soon as possible!” Her delightful voice informs Shawn who is gripping his phone so hard, the material is pushing into his fingers harshly.
“Y/N, please call me. I can explain everything, Teddy just misunderstood everything. Please, call me!” he begs in hope of hearing an answer on the other end, but there is only silence.
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fazbearsfrights · 5 years
hey rick tell me. abt your aubergine man. show will to the world
you got it ;)
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IT’S HIM, THE STINKY BASTARD MAN. he’s meant to look like michael because, y’know, sister location. for reference, here’s my mikey boi! there are some differences here and there, though (i.e. deathly pale, darker hair, sliiightly different haircut, green eyes, bigger nose, etc. also before / when he first opens fredbear’s he’s a LOT chubbier but he uh…loses a lot of weight after certain events. we’ll get into that tho!).
SO what’s really important to me here is the stuff just before and after fredbear’s/freddy’s and the afton family, mainly because i haven’t thought up much stuff before then (though i really should - i don’t really even have a solid character in mind for his wife at the moment).
anyhow, william’s family consists of himself, mrs. afton, michael, and elizabeth. william is FAR from the best father, and certain incidents where he lashed out at his own children (particularly michael) led his wife to threaten to leave him at certain points. but william is nothing if not a good manipulator and convincing pathological liar, and he convinced her to stay for a good while before she ultimately did gather the courage to leave. she pleaded for michael and elizabeth to come with her, but elizabeth - desperate for her father’s attention, and always unharmed, unlike michael - chose to stay instead. and being the protective brother he was, michael chose to stick with his sister, despite wishing he could do otherwise. once the divorce was finalized, though, she got custody of them every so often - weekly, which left william feeling…conflicted. that being said, this situation takes place over the course of time, in tandem with the fredbear’s/freddy’s stuff.
at some point in this part of his life, he met henry - a small-time inventor who was incredibly talented, but toiled his days away on miscellaneous small projects, either toys for his children or crafts he could sell for a small fortune (which, sometimes, were toys that his kids had rejected). william, by now, was a bit of an entrepreneur who was looking for a new project - and although it wasn’t obvious at this point, he’d struck gold. over time, their friendship grew, with william wrapping his new acquaintance around his little finger (both intentionally and unintentionally, due to him genuinely growing attached - over time, he grew to admire henry in all sorts of ways). and in the end, some time after learning of his buddy’s talents…he decided it was time for a brilliant idea.
they were both struggling a bit financially, but if they sunk all of their savings into this idea, he was certain it would pay off. “fredbear’s family diner” (although it wasn’t titled at the time, merely a concept) - a family-friendly diner, featuring costumed mascots, like a dinner theater. when henry nervously said that there was no way they could support the salary of costumed workers, william eagerly suggested that they could play the roles, to which henry protested again - they didn’t have the time, especially not if they would be managing the business! eventually they settled on a compromise. henry would be designing a suit that could double as a costume AND an animatronic, like the robotic toys he developed for his children…a springlock suit.
it took ages, with henry tinkering until he developed the first springlock, then a prototype suit, then designs of characters until he and william could both agree, then suits of fredbear and spring bonnie. the two characters who would lead the restaurant. by now, henry was thrilled by this idea and the delight it would bring to not only his kids (who were already excited by the characters he’d been creating) but the kids around their town, and william was simply in it for the money right now (and ultimately, nefarious purposes). still, the two of them smiled on their (henry’s) work at the end of the day, and eagerly started work on the restaurant.
another long while passed, and the financial struggles that its construction caused stirred serious turmoil in the afton family that william had to fan down. henry had similar troubles, but finally, the diner was COMPLETE. the stage was set! his two springlock suits were brought in and placed, and the diner opened the next day. they had a rough time getting word about the diner out, but once it did, it spread like wildfire. it was New to everyone around, especially because of the way the mascots could “change” their styles of dancing. they could even sing! people were impressed, and it was a good thing too, because they really needed that cash.
time passed, and the diner’s popularity grew, and william was pretty happy with how things turned out…for the most part. by now, his familial troubles were getting really rough - things were settling down now, but he wasn’t a better person at home whatsoever. his wife was getting ready to leave (for real) and That was tearing him apart on the inside, despite what success he had from fredbear’s, which was all he seemed to care about now anyway (aside from his relationship with henry). when she finally did leave, he started to snap for the first time and started to lash out at everyone, especially henry. it was the first time the two of them had ever had a real argument, since william had endeavored to keep himself on his “best behavior” because he didn’t want to lose him - and yet here he was, projecting his feelings for why his wife left him onto his best friend, and yelling at him for his unfounded fear that he would leave him too.
the next day, william outwardly gathered himself for henry’s sake and apologized, then explained the situation at home (but twisted the story so that it favored him - it wasn’t his fault she was leaving him, she was the one who manipulated and abused him, etc). and upon hearing all that, being the empathetic soul he is, henry was ofc like “oh worm im so sorry????” and wound up trying to COMFORT him bc he’s baby. and once again, william had him wrapped around his little finger.
now, when his divorce was finalized and his custody of the kids got kinda fucked, and his wife got her first week with them, he snapped yet again. only this time, it was MUCH, MUCH worse. yet again, his meltdown involved henry (or rather, his family), and it was meant to be a cathartic moment - if my family can’t be happy, if i can’t be happy, neither can he. so when one of his henry’s twins wound up locked outside of the diner, he smiled at her - a familiar face for her, as henry’s best friend, and comforted her for a moment…just before stabbing her. and as she bled out on the pavement, he felt no remorse or sadness…in fact, his only concern was that henry might be nearby, since one of his damn kids was. so he haphazardly dragged her toward the back, near the dumpster, barely concealing her under some trashbags, and smiled as he loomed over her pathetically covered corpse. henry would be just as miserable as him now.
william changed into his “professional” outfit in the car, then scrubbed his hands clean in the bathroom the first chance he got, despite wearing gloves at the time of the murder. not even a few hours into the work day, he was being pestered by henry about the whereabouts of his daughter - he didn’t even know a parent could be so paranoid. master manipulator that he was, he assured his friend that she must’ve been around somewhere, probably playing with sammy or one of the other kids, or heck, maybe even playing hide-and-seek. kids are unpredictable! that seemed to ease his worries just enough for the time being, but in the meantime, he just chuckled to himself, knowing what a fool the man was and what panic and misery would ensue the second he knew what fate his daughter had met.
as anticipated, over the next few days, henry’s misery drastically intensified - she went from “missing” to “found” in what felt like a matter of moments, and all the while, william was his only pillar of support. and he was loving every second of it. being able to comfort him on his darkest days, hearing the weak “thank you”s every time he listened to the pitiful man’s venting, the long and anguished hugs. of course, it wasn’t because he was being a friend to him (although part of him did yearn for a closer relationship with henry like this) - it was because he was towering over him in a position of power, because now he was the one “on top.” henry was the one suffering now, moreso than him, and he would never be able to recover. in fact, william was doing better than ever - killing charlie seemed to instill him with more confidence than ever, and he LIKED that feeling.
henry became more and more disheveled, showing up to work in stained flannel and mussed up hair, bags under his red eyes because he’d been crying all night. this pattern continued for a long time, but the crying eventually stopped, though his sorrow was replaced by a deeply-seeded paranoia regarding his own diner. he feared the place, and feared his kids ever visiting it, despite him practically opening it up for them. and yet…none of his suspicions were placed on william. not the one person who’d comforted him in his darkest days, no. not his best friend. that man would never betray him.
eventually (after a bit of an expansion, thanks to some convincing on will’s part - new characters would make the place brand new, make him forget), the diner claimed another victim, and it wasn’t even by william’s own hand, much to his own surprise. another one of henry’s kids, funnily enough (from will’s perspective). he had to witness the man’s grieving process all over again, and support him all over again, all the while trying not to smirk as he towered atop him - when henry suffered, he felt higher than ever before, even though he loved the man to death. 
with this death, however, henry officially decided that it was high time that the diner closed down. he couldn’t bear another death on his hands - not another child of his, especially. he’d grieved enough, and he only had one left. even so, william wouldn’t give up. he convinced henry to create another restaurant, finally, but henry refused to make the animatronics himself…he didn’t trust himself anymore.
and so marked the first time that william invented animatronics of his own, with henry’s help. and once again, his ego soared, as he took to the inventing game rather rapidly - even henry remarked that he was impressed. his models were plastic, unlike henry’s fuzzy and soft ones, and he insisted that they would be more “kid-friendly” and fitted with safer technology to keep him happy. so, the 1987 restaurant was opened, and the toy models took over while the withered animatronics rotted in the back room.
in the meantime, william got to Killin for realsies. charlie was like…a warm up, but this was the real deal. he got sloppy, though, not realizing that his own tech would recognize Him as a criminal if he killed in front of them. in fact, it shouldn’t have been technologically possible. one of his creations - the toy version of foxy, and what would ultimately be the prototype of funtime foxy (mangle) - even recorded audio of him in the act. so, to keep them all in order, he tampered with their facial recognition software. then, he dismantled the mangle beyond repair, then passed it off to everyone around him as something the children did.
although william didn’t have much of a real motive for killing this time around, his interest was piqued when he overheard henry’s oldest son - an employee of the establishment - discussing issues with the current night guard, and how he complained about the animatronic’s behavior during the night. it might not mean much to anyone else, but the way they acted made it seem like they were aware. sentient, perhaps. and their behavior over the ensuing weeks made that possibility feel more and more likely - they stared at staff almost maliciously, and adults in general, but behaved normally around kids. and that caused him to wonder if there was any chance whether the spirits of the kids themselves could’ve tethered themselves and possessed the things.
regardless, when henry realized that more kids were going missing in this restaurant, he started to lose it again. he couldn’t keep it together anymore - and eventually, he managed to figure out just who was behind it all. and although william did his best to keep it together, and sway him otherwise, and smooth-talk him out of it, henry continued to push and push until he snapped and called him out for the liar and the monster that he was. with that, henry truly DID leave him - in fact, he’d left a suicide note, but he just disappeared. no body was ever found.
but despite everything, all the misery william put him through, all the intentional torture, william found himself absolutely devastated by that loss. and for once, he seemed to be genuinely saddened by it; instead of lashing out at others, as he was wont to do, he seemed to lash out at himself. he was a pretty rotund lad back in the day of fredbear’s and the 1987 freddy’s restaurant, but he grew incredibly, deathly thin in the months after henry left. a few new scars had gathered on his wrists by the end of the year. he grew more unkempt, just as henry had just after his losses.
but in time…he recovered. he grew to turn his sorrow and saudade into unbridled hatred. he didn’t need henry, he NEVER did. and to prove it, he made his own franchise and his own robotics company in 1990 - “circus baby’s pizza” and “afton robotics, llc.”, respectively. when his daughter’s interest was piqued after seeing him work on circus baby for the first time, he even encouraged her by telling her that circus baby was being made for her. that wasn’t the case, obviously, but it made her giddy and it would ultimately make her excited enough to possibly spread the word about the upcoming restaurant to her little friends.
finally, circus baby’s restaurant was open to the public - and unbeknownst to them, it was essentially a haven for child murder, just as william had planned for it to be. each of the animatronics had their own mechanisms for luring children away and for ensnaring them, and essentially all he had to do was watch the chaos unfold. this time around, it was an “experiment” of sorts - he wanted to see whether the kids really would possess the robots if they were killed inside of them, test out different methods, etc. as toy chica would say, though, “there is only one thing that could possibly go wrong…”
although william hadn’t been the best father, there is some part of him that did care about his kids. especially elizabeth, his “favorite” child. he may have ignored her - a lot - especially in favor of his work, as of late, but he did love her. and so when she ignored his constant warnings, his incessant pleading for her to stay away from circus baby, only to be snatched up the second she walked up to her…well. he was devastated, yet again.
he should’ve seen it coming, really, especially after telling her that he’d created circus baby “just for her.” but of course he hadn’t thought it through, and now she was gone. it was like he was reliving what he’d done to henry, wasn’t it? karma’s a bitch, ain’t it, afton.
he closed down circus baby’s after that single incident, and started working on an underground facility for the animatronics to be stored while his own mental state started to deteriorate more and more, since he was in almost complete isolation - not even his own son came to see him anymore now that he was entirely independent by now.
around this time, the next freddy’s opened up - the owner just so happened to be henry’s oldest son, the only apparent survivor of the tragedies that befell his family. this IMMEDIATELY caught william’s attention, and reignited the grudge he felt toward henry and his family all over again. he’d get “revenge” for what was done to him, and even to his daughter - at least, that was how it was justified in his twisted mind.
he applied for a job as a dayshift worker under an alias, since he would be recognized otherwise. thankfully, his appearance had changed SO drastically over the years that even henry’s kid - who’d spent so much time around him back in the day - couldn’t piece his identity together. not at first, anyway…but by then, it was too late. he got to work with his usual pattern - luring kids away with the suit they kept in the back room, then stuffing them into the animatronics.
fortunately for him, this could be the experiment he missed out on when he lost his daughter and closed his own restaurant down. and he didn’t have to pay the price for it - henry’s franchise, son, and overall legacy did. he kept a keen eye on the animatronics’ behavior both before and after the children were killed, and he was fascinated to find that they were indeed haunted. something about the semi-conscious bodies being tethered to metal caused their souls to become tethered, too - which led to events like this. 
in fact, their behavior got so aggressive that they started hunting night guards - most of them either quit to keep their lives or mysteriously went “missing” in the night, but william knew what happened. he could see their clumsily stuffed bodies in spare suits in the back. the animatronics were getting revenge for what happened to them, and he was intrigued. but at the same time, he was given a new hope…
he decided to re-dedicate some of his attention to circus baby and her friends with these new discoveries in mind. his resources went to staff and machinery that would allow the bunker to be automated for them - and once that was sufficient (despite a few losses here and there - what can you do? the animatronics Were designed to be killers, after all), he even started up a rental service for them. it wasn’t big, but it was a side project. and in the meantime, he contacted his son about a job offer.
it took some convincing, especially since this offer was coming from a father who had never treated his son well, but because it was about his sister - and despite the supernatural circumstances surrounding the situation - he ultimately accepted. his son would take a job at the rental place as a night technician, but his actual goal would be to find elizabeth and “put her back together.”
with all that settled, this particular freddy’s inevitably closed down FOR GOOD. after all, plenty of grieving parents had come forward, alongside customers complaining about blood and mucus seeping out of the animatronics, and the owner himself had “gone missing” during the night shift (after taking the place of his last willing night guard). and so william went in the abandoned restaurant one last time to dispose of the evidence. after dismantling all of the animatronics and retreating to the safe room, however, he was met with the ghosts of the children he’d killed - and one of them in particular started to approach him. 
he wasn’t sure what they could do, but he was frightened enough to back away until he locked eyes with his springlock suit in the corner - and he suited up one last time, positive that once they saw him as “spring bonnie,” the cheerful character that they’d loved and trusted before they died, they’d leave him alone. he made one fatal mistake, though - in his surge of confidence, he laughed to himself the second he put the suit on, which triggered the springlocks. and once one of them went off, all of them started to go off, one by one, inflicting a quite painful death - or what ought to have been one. william always comes back, y’know.
the safe room got sealed up - william never knew who did it, or why, but it seemed like a premeditated arrangement by henry’s son - and 30 years later, fazbear frights opened up and william was Pissed. he’d been locked up all that time and he was itchin for revenge…and since the emily family was gone, he was ready to take his anger out on the world around him. except there was no escape from this attraction, all over again - and there was only one person around. a “guard.”
only, when he approached the makeshift office, what did he find? the “guard” this time around was none other than his goddamn son - except that his son was barely recognizable now, deformed, corpsey, and boney. if it weren’t for the wig and the make-up to make his skin resemble…skin, he Wouldn’t have recognized him. william was a confused and angry stinky, rotting bunny.
every time he managed to make it up to the window pane just in front of the office, he slammed his animatronic paws on it demandingly and tried to speak to michael through severed vocal chords. michael, on the other hand, would wince and desperately try to lure him into another room by distracting the suit he was inside of (which still had a mind of its own, even with him being somewhat dominant) with those damn balloon boy giggles, and he would be unwittingly forced to leave.
the miserable pattern continued for a week until michael set the place ablaze, trying to get rid of the franchise’s worst mistake - william himself. of course, he failed, and william survived…and now he had a new target. his son himself. whoops. and that leads us into the final freddy’s restaurant.
a freddy fazbear’s pizza joint that michael himself opens up, to salvage all the final pieces of the fazbear franchise and get rid of them once and for all, to make sure that everyone is set free. william is, of course, one of these final pieces - and despite realizing that this must be a trap, this piques his curiosity, and he’s confident that he’ll be able to escape again. that’s what he did before.
unfortunately for him, the construction of this place was too clever for him to anticipate - a carefully-constructed labyrinth that would endlessly lure him and the others in a circle, up until the final day, where they would all meet their end in a fiery grave.
and, of course, there’s the end - where william meets his ending in hell, surrounded by the animatronics he’s gotten to know so well; some of which he’s created, some of which henry has, some of which are haunted by his victims, some of which are a product of circumstance, and some of which…are him himself. and the one orchestrating it all just so happens to be henry’s boy…sammy, represented by golden freddy, one of the most vengeful spirits there.
NOW. uh. i’m sure you’ve gotten a taste of it throughout all of this, but we can talk a lil more about his personality and stuff?
william is a very mentally ill boio, but i really like to hone in on the fact that he’s a bpd bastard because i feel like there were lots of hints about that in the books. maybe that’s just me though. i mean, the fact that he wrote stuff about henry that ranged from the dude being his idol and him loving his work to him almost hating his guts and being consumed by jealousy for his talents kinda sealed the deal for me on THAT headcanon?? so he’s got like - a debilitating fear of abandonment, acts kinda recklessly / impulsively, is INCREDIBLY antisocial, hostile, and irritable, has mood swings a-plenty, is actually VERY insecure even though he’ll never show that to anyone around him, and is really self-destructive even if he doesn’t fucking realize it. like, this man will shrug off ANY self-blame until the cows come home.
and straight down the line, i think william meets all the criteria for having antisocial personality disorder, too. disregard for right and wrong, persistent lying to exploit others, disrespecting others, manipulating others for personal gain, arrogance and a sense of superiority, CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR, impulsiveness and failure to plan ahead, hostility, aggression, violence, lack of remorse, dangerous behavior, abusive relationships, failure to consider negative consequences or learn from them, and being consistently irresponsible and failing to meet work obligations.
so he’s obviously manipulative and cruel, and a pathological liar. but well, he can be…nice when he wants to be? it’s usually when he’s first starting his relationships, but it’s never quite “right” - there’s a moment of peace while he struggles to find what his new friend/partner wants in somebody, and he’ll do anything to meet their expectations and keep them happy until they’re content enough for him to start showing his true colors. 
in his wife’s case, he was a perfect gentleman who did anything for her, but then he started getting upset with her very easily over the littlest things. things escalated drastically over time, but he apologized every time and assured her he would be better for her, bought her candy and flowers, anything to remind her of that perfect guy he was at first. and that sort of pattern continued up until they were married, and she miserably stuck with him through the arguments and bruises and incidents with her children until she finally had enough.
on a similar note, he really did care about henry (before it all went astray) - henry was his closest friend and it really showed in just how intense his attachment was to him. his depression over henry’s loss was far more intense than what he went through after his divorce. unfortunately, his affection for henry just manifested in an INCREDIBLY twisted way, with his jealousy and bitterness often taking hold more than any actual kindness he might possess. 
there’s also his kids - even though michael got the short end of the stick, william did occasionally show…some shred of affection toward him. let’s just say that a lot of the ways that michael was mistreated, beaten, and kicked while he was down was how william was treated as a kid, and those patterns took over once he had kids of his own. when he wasn’t taking out his anger on his family, he did act like a real father every so often, treating his kids to Good days at the diner and letting them play alongside henry’s kids, or playing with them himself, or just tucking them in at night and doing little things to show he did care, even a tiny bit.
and as for elizabeth, the favoritism was real. when william was working on his bigger projects, like starting up fredbear’s or actually designing and creating animatronics - those for circus baby’s pizzeria in particular - she got ignored a lot more, which always upset her, but other than that? she got PLENTY of attention. love from her dad (though his “i love you”s were always spoken so haphazardly to both of his children, whether he intended for them to sound that way or not), playtime (though he always seemed bored), and he would take her out every so often to get ice cream (her favorite). circus baby might not actually have been made for her, but one aspect of her design was certainly inspired by her - the ice cream dispenser. her father’s attitude was always what made her insecure - and there were other things behind the scenes too, like the way he threw out her drawings when she wasn’t looking (she always found them in the trash later on).
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done-mer-moved · 5 years
i Also don't know ur OCs but: 1, 4, 5, 8, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 33, 42, 50, 54, 56, 61, 73, and 78 please? -drunkmiraak
[[LKdghlkj sorry this took so long!! I got super sick so it sat half-done in my drafts for 84 years. @drunkmiraak]]
Oh boy oh boy oh boy!
So, while I’ve got half a billion OCs by technicality, my main idiot is Azaryne Redoran who takes the role of the Vestige in the ESO story I write with @sinnaroll by the name of Soulbound. (Ima also just casually pass on these questions for her to answer in reply for D'tannen, who is the other main character in this thingy so you can get to know him too!)
Thank you so much for asking!! Here we gooooo~!
1. What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
Az’s main nickname is the self-explanatory name shortening from “Azaryne” to “Az”. But D'tannen has kinda stuck on jabbing him with “pretty boy” to the point where it’s basically a nickname lol 
Also, in-game plot reasons dictate that the Five Companions also know him by “Vestige”, much to his dismay. It’s what the Scrolls named him by, so the Prophet tends to slip and refer to him that way, and the others kinda do too by proxy for a while. However, after Az makes it clear that he’s really uncomfortable with it, Lyris and Sai specifically make a point not to call him that.
4. What is a noticeable physical attribute of your OC?
So I memed twice earlier before I got to these questions lasdgkh gomen, but my goofier answers are Dorito Shape and Resting Trouble Face
But more seriously, one of his major notable physical features is that he’s pretty much covered in tattoos from his neck down past his waist and starting down his legs. They’re being redesigned from scratch right now because I can’t ever allow myself to have characters that can be adequately represented in game i guess lmfao but here’s the in-game tattoos with some photo-editing for an earlier visual draft on where they might cut off—
Tumblr media
It’s a total personal headcanon but I decided that since the in-game body marking style was pretty clearly influenced by Maori-style kiriituhi, that Az’s tattoos are also highly significant in a similar way. Each piece symbolizes or connects to either his ancestry, or his own life and skills and milestones. His designs weren’t finished, but have the indication of where they were meant to continue as he hit new points in his life. Unfortunately, since his life was cut so short, that’s as far as they ever get.
On a lighter note, he also has pretty big ears?? Lmao
5. What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
He likes clothes that are comfortable but flattering. He knows what his assets are and enjoys looking well-dressed – a bit of a remnant from his previous life as a noble. 
He tends to favor sleeveless tops and cool-colored fabrics with neutral accents. He particularly likes blues of all shades, and some purples. He’ll also occasionally wear red. On his travels he wears leather armor that fits within these features, and notably has a Khajiiti-style jack because he liked the aesthetic of it when he saw the style in a tailor’s display. 
When he’s dressing up, he’ll wear more flowing robe-like attire. He had more reason to do so while he was alive, and at the time it was usually specifically Dunmeri cultural clothing. Over the course of Soulbound, he only dresses up the once so far for a date with Sinna. That takes place in Orsinium, so it’s Orcish formal wear. 
Even if the situation’s not a fancy one, though, he’ll usually still wear kohl eyeshadow, which D’tannen gives him shit for, of course lol.
8. How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
Az’s voice is light, crisp, warm and friendly. It’s between tenor and baritone in range, and the expected Dunmeri accent. He’s well spoken, and you can tell he’s well educated, but his phrasing isn’t snobbish or condescending, and there’s a firm sort of sincerity to his speech, even when he’s being playful.
15. What was your OC’s childhood like?
Az’s childhood was a little complicated in that it came with a great deal of privilege, but also a great deal of expectation. He was noble-born— the eldest son of House Redoran’s Archmaster— so before he was even old enough to have an awareness of the world, his parents had already decided many things about his future. 
In spite of both this and the constant pressure of the Redoran philosophy that “a light, careless life is not worth living”, Az had an untamable spirit that continuously tried his parents’ patience. As a child, his impulsivity, tendency to bend the rules, and headstrong defiance on points he fundamentally disagreed with led to frequent discipline, and a particularly strained relationship with his father.
Over time, he begrudgingly learned to play by the rules, but would still disappear from time to time for brief moments of freedom. 
He had two younger siblings— Eralane and Meril, and they had very close and loving relationships with each other. Az always did his bes to see right by them, so they felt safe in knowing that he would always have their backs. They didn’t ever keep much from him, as a result, and Meril specifically often looked up to him as a role model.
By the time he was fourteen, he’d been arranged into a political betrothal to solidify clan relations within the House, and it was decided that the two would be married in 16 years when they were both fully grown adults. Neither he nor his intended fiancée were really comfortable with this, but even as young as they were, they knew it was a sticky situation far bigger than just the two of them. So, they quickly established that, future aside, they didn’t feel entitled to each other’s feelings. They would both rather have a straightforward, honest friendship than try to force things between them. 
Because of this, there was no tension when other chemistries developed in later years. Instead, they continued to ignore their inevitable marriage, and turned their performative date nights into formally-dressed vent and gossip sessions. Using the expectations put upon them to their advantage as they got older, they also happily became each other’s alibi when either of them needed time away with other people.
22. Who is/are your OC’s closest friend(s)?
Since arriving back on Tamriel, he’s been shuffling company a lot on his journeys. He’s also pretty introverted, despite being fairly socially adept. He doesn’t have any real connections from his previous life anymore, but has met many people and made casual friends and positive acquaintances with a solid chunk of new ones.
In terms of more serious friendships, D’tannen is honestly the closest, which is kind of incredible honestly laksdhg. But, they travel with each other day in and day out, so there’s a tight bond there that’s developing fast.
He’s also particularly attached to Irvane, who was his first friend since coming back to Nirn.
23. Who are the people your OC surrounds him/herself with?
Along the same lines as I just said above, he’s never in one place for very long right now, so he is constantly around new people. His kind heart and need for hands-on activity means he tends to gravitate toward people he can help in some way or another. His empathy and sense of honor do most of the weeding. He’d rather be around someone who has shown good intentions, even if they are rough around the edges, than someone who rests on the laurels of past deeds and judges others against themselves.
24. Who are the people your OC dislikes/hates?
It’s pretty damn hard to make this list, at least if you have any sort of good bone in your body. He’s really very empathetic and patient, and will forgive so quickly once he feels amends have been made that it’s honestly gotten him into trouble.
But, even with that said, he’s got some strong resentments for some strong reasons… Notably: Mannimarco and his Worm Cult, ol’ Molag Bal himself, and pretty much anyone who allies with them… Malacus is another name that quickly finds its way on the list under “kill unflinchingly” as he becomes closer with D’tannen.  
25. If your OC has a soulmate, who is it?
oh my god im so sorry this joke is just right here its too easy to grab i can’t help myself – 
Doesn’t a soulmate require… a soul…? 
33. What subjects interested your OC?
He’s always done whittling as a hobby, so he’s currently kinda advancing on that in woodcarving. Since he was also trained in maintaining and repairing his own weapons and armor in life, that’s carried over into an interest in actually crafting weapons on his own. He does wind up making his own bow way later on, and even spends a bit of time with the Morkul Orcs in the Orsinium arc learning to do some metalwork.
42. What makes your OC happy?
He’s very attached to his dog Blackjack, and the mutt can always seem to pick him up when he’s otherwise faltering. He loves whittling and tends to carve little objects to occupy his mind. Complicatedly, D’tannen makes him happy as well, lol. 
He also tends to have moments where he finds happiness in specific things, but the emotion related feels strange or misplaced. When this happens, it’s usually because whatever he’s experiencing— a particular sight or smell or flavor— is something that ties directly to a positive memory he’s lost from his life before. A sort of unwitting-nostalgia that’s hard to pinpoint or replicate.
As a general rule, he’s pretty easily contented. He lives very much in the moment, which combined with his adaptability and natural optimism, means that he’s usually able to find some small spark of cheer for himself anywhere he goes. He’s always wanted the freedom of life as an adventurer, so if circumstances were different, this would honestly be an ideal life for him. However, it’s pretty dampened by the stress of current events, along with the nagging restless and hollow feeling of having lost his soul.
50. What secrets does your OC have?
This is a bit of a tricky one. He’s not a super open person, but he also doesn’t like to lie to cover things up. However, there are many things about his life at present that he finds he has to dance around giving knowledge of. In some ways, the very nature of his current existence is something he keeps tucked away. It’s not very easy to explain to anyone, so he’s grateful that for the majority of the people he interacts with, direct questions never really come up.
In the second act of Soulbound, however, after he becomes very close with Sinna, Sinna asks him directly for his story. He dodges it for quite some time before finally giving him the details, but he’s kind of nervous at that point to state it. He doesn’t know how Sinna might react. But, he lays it out on the table anyway: He’s not truly alive. He’s what remained of himself after he was sacrificed by cultists to Molag Bal. His soul was stolen, and he has only vague pieces of memories from when he lived. And now, he’s been prophesied to assist in stopping a daedric invasion. 
Sinna’s response was heartfelt. But, nobody could blame him for the fact that all he could manage for a brief moment after listening was “Wild….”
54. Does your OC think with his/her head or heart?
Heart… His upbringing tried its best to instill an ability to detach for the sake of duty, but honestly, he’s never been able to. Even when he knows there’s no way he can avoid a difficult situation, and is able to approach it tactically, emotion will be gnawing at him all the while, and he’ll be completely staunch on the things he believes the most if those interfere with the “logical” course of action.
56. What are some of your OC’s strengths?
He’s honestly got a wide range of skills in a lot of ways. He’s a highly skilled archer, and has a very well-rounded set of combat and survival skills that have been hardwired into him since a very young age. He’s also got a great sense of aesthetics, which he likes to express in woodworking and whittling when he can. He’s intelligent, but a lot of his skill specifically in emotional/social intelligence comes from his powerful empathy, and how dramatic swings of circumstances in his life have given him many perspectives to draw from, even subconsciously through the massive amnesia he struggles with. He’s incredibly adaptable. He’s intensely loyal, courageous, and firmly optimistic even through the worst circumstances. He’s got an incredibly strong character to him, and it tends to be both charming and inspiring, even when he doesn’t recognize that he’s producing these effects himself.
61. What is the general impression your OC gives other people?
Honest. Empathetic and selfless. Good-natured, down to earth, and a bit wild-spirited. Patient, incredibly forgiving. Helpful. Playfully charming. A protector. A defender of good.
73. What is your OC’s favorite form of entertainment?
He likes art, stories, nature, animals, and adventure. Crafting from time to time as well.
78. What is your OC’s favorite time of day?
Late morning. The point in the day when you’re up and awake and setting off. The whole day lies in wait before you, and you’re ready to meet it
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valkirsif · 5 years
Follow you CH6/???
Painter Steve Roger x Natasha Romanof bailarina
Word 2500
Warning nothing
I hope enjoy @im-catbug many hug :)
Steve was constantly thinking back to the days just passed with Natasha as the plane prepared to take off, the little bubble of joy had vanished and now the woman was on a plane that would take her from the other end of the country while he was leaving to start the his studies at SDAI and did not know when they would meet again but tried not to think about it, at that moment he had to concentrate and think only of himself as it was difficult, he tied the woman's ribbon on his wrist like a bracelet and tried to relax his arrival would have to put the new apartment in order and check the schedule of the lessons, smiled to himself thinking that he would be a freshman ... one of the oldest, surrounded by boys and girls fresh out of graduation was the main reason why he had not chosen to living on campus but taking a house, chaos was not for him, not even as a boy did he love him, in high school he was secluded among the artists despite having a perfect body for r the sport, he ran only to relax but the best thing was the girls, everyone ran after the cheer leaders, as was obvious, but he had always loved busy girls, those with whom you could stay at the pub talking and laughing without 'anxious to have to be perfect or without having to endure the endless hours of shopping to find the perfect dress for shoes, in short he preferred the kind of girls who almost all snubbed .. those who did not hide to be intelligent, the thought immediately went to Tasha, she kept asking herself how an intelligent and wonderful woman like her could have chosen him, a recurring question even in high school, in those days the fascination of the artist was taking hold now that he was a man she didn't understand the mechanisms of love but she wasn't worried it was happy to be with Tasha, how he made him feel and laugh at eating popcorn in front of the TV, he didn't ask for much,
"Would you like something? Coffee, water, a sandwich ”the gentle voice of the hostess brought him back to reality,
"Thanks coffee," he replied with a smile, he would have landed soon, he saw the city from the window, he was excited for his new life and ready to get busy.
He looked at the time while he was waiting for his luggage, it was just after 3 pm, Tasha was still in the air
¥ You will be on the desert at this time, I have just landed call me when you arrive, I LOVE YOU ¥ 
retrieved his suitcases and took a bus to the center, he had an appointment with a certain Marc, an old friend of Sara's whom the woman had asked to looking for the apartment for him, he arrived downtown and looked for the bar where the man was waiting for him looking around, Sara had forgotten to send him a picture and didn't know how to recognize it,
"You must be Steve!" Said a cheerful voice from a table behind him, the man turned and smiled back,
"Marc, I assume," came over to shake his hand, "You were luckier than me, Sara sent you a picture," he laughed, settling himself,
"If you know Sara well, you know she didn't do it," she said calling the waitress, "Two coffees please" the girl wrote the order and disappeared at the counter, "I assumed you were, suitcases, backpack, you looked around ... typical appearance of the newly landed stranger "
"The classic out-of-home student" both laughed, drinking coffee
"Sara told me everything about you she wanted you to find the right home for her Brooklyn boy, she left off telling me you're gorgeous," he said flirtatiously,
"Thank you, you're not bad either," Steve replied, not feeling the least bit uncomfortable, "I can't wait to be home I'm exhausted"
"So let's go, I have the car out here," answered Marc, making his way, "It's a stone's throw from the campus, you walk 5 minutes through the park, I hope it's your taste," the man said, "I prepared you a map with the most useful things in the area, shops, restaurants and various places in case you want to go out every so often "
"Thank you very much, can I bother you in case of need?" Steve asked, "I was so used to having Sara always with me that it's strange to be alone"
"No problem, I promised Sara to take care of you .. I always keep my promises" he smiled giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder, they arrived in the campus area in less than half an hour, he felt the atmosphere of the artists, groups of students strolling in the park, Marc parked in front of a blue house.
"Welcome to San Diego," he said, giving him the keys, "Come in and tell me what you think while I unload the luggage," Steve walked up the driveway and opened the door, he really liked the outside, old style repainted with bright colors like the others in area, he immediately found the living room to welcome him, the red bricks had been exposed, an old leather sofa with two armchairs occupied the corner in front of the TV, the open kitchen was separated from the living room with an arch that also served as a bench for lunch, a short corridor led to the bedroom, Steve hoped to have a room just to work but he would have divided the bedroom with a curtain in case, and from the outside it seemed that the house had two floors, he went back to the room where Marc waited leaning against the wall
"Is it your taste?" He asked cheerfully
"It's a perfect friend you made a great choice," he replied, throwing his backpack on the sofa, he didn't want to be rude by telling him about the extra room he wanted, on the campus there were classrooms to paint in solitude,
"Mmm yet Sara had told me that you were looking for something with at least two rooms to get you a studio"
"In fact I would have liked to have a studio, but it's not a problem," he replied awkwardly, "Do me a favor by leaning against the wall with me," Marc said, looking at him puzzled, not understanding the request, the man nodded to him approaching, once leaning he felt a click and moved between the curious and the undecided looking at Marc who was laughing,
"I thought a secret study was better," he said mysteriously, he pushed "the wall" that opened showing a flight of stairs leading to the upper floor,
"Cabbage the wall is a door ?!" said Steve amazed, "It's a brilliant idea !!" he laughed as he looked at Marc,  
"When I visited the house and they showed me the door I thought it was the right one for you," said the man,
"Friend is all perfect now, if Tasha were here I would be in heaven" he concluded with a veil of sadness in his voice,
"Follow me, I'll show you the second floor," he said, going up the stairs, followed by Steve, the upper floor was large and bright, the walls had been removed to create a room full of light with the bathroom attached, the wooden floor was covered with carpets colored and some boxes were leaning against the wall, it would have become a beautiful studio once the furniture arrived,
"What do you say is big enough to work?" Marc asked, looking at the happy face of the man, "In the boxes there are spare tiles, you can put them in the garage since you don't have a car"
"Marc now that everything is perfect, if I didn't think badly I would kiss you" he answered laughing,
"I'm afraid my husband and your girlfriend would have something to say, a hug is more appropriate" laughed Marc in turn, "When do your things arrive?"
"The movers will be here in a couple of days, I will have plenty of time to settle down before classes begin"
"In that case, relax and take a walk, tomorrow night you are my guest at dinner," he said giving him a pat on the back, "Now I get back to the center, the work calls" the two shook hands, Steve accompanied the new friend to the door
"See you tomorrow and thank you for everything, Marc," he greeted
"Brooklyn boy tomorrow" the man laughed as he left. Steve went into the room and unpacked, found a box with a ticket on the bottom of the suitcase
¥ Good start lessons my love T. ¥
opened the excited package inside there was a set of colored charcoal of his favorite brand, he smiled at that special gift, he was really a lucky man who found Tasha, closed the box and put it on the table, took out the folder with the documents and went out to go to register in the faculty, Marc was right passing through the park took a few minutes to arrive, he crossed some students and stopped to look at a drawing group that was portraying a girl posing on the tree, that was the his place was increasingly convinced, he smiled as he entered the campus garden.
Looked around was exactly as he remembered it, at least 3 years had passed since his first visit to apply for enrollment but in those days he didn't have the credentials to access, he had worked hard, committing himself to the maximum and finally he had managed to enter, he followed the signs. for the secretariat, hoping it was still open, it was almost 6 pm maybe it was late,
"Excuse me," he said, stopping a woman in the corridor, "Is the office still open?", The woman looked at him with a smile
"Of course, students are constantly coming in and open until late," he replied, "But the new teachers have to report to the rector not in the office," Steve laughed, he expected something similar,
"Er thank you but I'm a new student," he said awkwardly, even the woman laughed
"I'm sorry I'm used to dealing with 18/20 years old kids, so I'll see you in class on Monday, Mr.?"
"Rogers, Steve Rogers," he said, shaking her hand,
"Nice to meet you, Anna Smith, you can call me Anna like all my students", the woman walked away and Steve walked down the corridor to the student office, knocked and a secretary came in, greeted him smiling,
"Good afternoon, can I help you?" she asked, making him sit down,
"I should complete the registration, I have the documents here," he replied, sitting down and handing her the folder with the documentation,
"Let's see .." said checking and entering the data of the man in the system, "... it's all right, these are the times of the lessons and those of the teachers, a map of the campus .." she handed him the sheets, ".. do you already have accommodation? ” asked, taking other sheets from the file,
"Yes I took a house just outside the complex," he replied
"Very good then the poster with the ads you do not need, well come to the SDAI Steve" smiled dismissing him
"Thanks," he answered as left, opened the map and studied it so as not to get lost on the first day, took a walk in the large campus park to get some reference points, he was studying a mural when he heard the phone vibrate.
"Hello my beautiful princess" he said lovingly answering Tasha, "How was the flight?"
"My love we just landed, the journey went well I'm very tired" said the woman, "Did you settle down?"
"Yes, I just completed the registration, I was walking around the campus" he replied, sitting down in the tree, "I wish you could see the house, it's near the park and full of light you'd like"
"I will give it a little thought of love," the woman replied laughing, "Take my own please," he said to someone
"Do you have to look for your luggage? I let you do your things ... do we feel when you're at the hotel? "Steve said, hearing the voices of the woman's colleagues,
"I figured I was just giving the coupon to Jessy so he recovers everything, I think I'll collapse in bed as soon as he arrived at the hotel" he laughed, "Flying makes me anxious I wasn't able to rest .. I kept thinking of you",
"Princess wanted to thank you for the gift, I will think of you every time I use them .. however there is something for you in the suitcase .." Steve said mysteriously,
"Then I will have to unpack as soon as I arrive!" She said curiously, "The bus has arrived, we feel later my sexy painter .. I love you"
"... I love you princess afterwards" he replied, attacking, stood looking at the sky through the leaves enjoying the cool of the evening before returning home, getting into the studio and starting to make it usable, he didn't think about tidying the new house but he concentrated only on the upper floor his art came first of all .. not before Tasha laughed to himself, now she was his center, he made some trips to bring the spare tiles into the garage, he did not remove those chipped or broken ones, observing them he thought of a project for one of the walls of the studio, in the garage he found an old table covered with objects he cleaned it, he untied the drawers stuck by the long inactivity and put it in a corner of the studio, it was perfect to keep brushes and colors, he would wanted to bring up one of the armchairs upstairs but realized that it was too heavy for him, he promised himself to ask Marc for help the next day, it was almost night when he looked around, in the study lacking only his stool and the raised base he used for portraits, they would arrive in the following days along with the rest, fortunately the house was furnished had left all his furniture in the old house, he had taken only his study, his clothes and objects from which he would not have separated for anything in the world, photos of his family, a colorful sculpture given to him by Sara that everyone found horrible but that he loved, the wind chimes of shells he had made with his grandchildren, all his memories more expensive, the day had been long and tiring and he was hungry but the fridge was deserted, "Thanks Marc" said between himself opening the envelope that the man had left him, inside there were a series of numbers for home deliveries , he scanned the list and decided for Chinese dinner, he called, ordered, had plenty of time to take a shower and change before dinner arrived, the first day in San Diego had been exciting and tiring at the same time or, he hung the wind chimes on the porch and sat on the veranda with the meal, he lacked Tasha but felt happy, that was his dream and decided to live it to the full.
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askthiscpblog · 6 years
oh now that im reminded of Imani, can her and Puppeteer meet again?? I dont ship her and Toby I kinda ship her and Puppet platonically and maybe later on romantically. of course if you don't want to or don't have the time you dont have to. Thanks!!
Puppet has had a long last few weeks. With the whole mansion being on edge and everything, most people were way too touchy for his liking. He still had plenty of energy from his last kill, but he decided to head out hunting anyways. Or at least trying to find a new target to leech onto for a few weeks. Even investigate this other gang that was popping up. Or something like that. Whatever he would do his job and have fun with it one way or another. 
The ghost made his way into a city, floating though buildings until he came upon a weird shop. It was the middle of the night, yet the lights were on bright allowing him to see inside. Inside he could see two girls chatting away without a care in the world. Both had a beer in their hands, talking about God only knows what. He looked closer, trying to make out details of the inside. Puppet then tried to drift inside but hit a wall instead. Weird, he tries again. And once again he is met with a wall, unable to get inside this little shop. What the ever-loving fun was this? 
Now Puppet was curious. Putting his head against the wall, he looked inside. He saw two dark-skinned women in there, one African and the other looked to be of some mixed heritage. Native American, from what it seems like. The rest of the details were too fuzzy for him to be able to tell, and he couldn’t hear a damn thing they were saying.
“Then I jumped in an empty trashcan and my friend rolled me down the street until we ran into a fucking tree! It was ridiculous!” Imani let out a loud laugh before taking a drink of her beer. She usually didn’t tell people about her private life outside of her work, but Lulu was one of her good friends, so she didn’t mind. Plus… It was Lulu. She was a saint in the killer’s mind. A wild, witchy, saint with sometimes questionable sanity.
“But other than getting high enough to jump into a trashcan naked, everything has been pretty normal.” Imani snorted again, her eye drifting from Lulu’s face as she recalled the event and she shook her head.
“What’s been up with you, hmm?” she continued.
“Oh, nothing much beyond the usual things. People in the front of the store, boring and normal as always. Those who come in the back, yet, got interesting. Had this one motherfucker who was so tweaked out on acid I threw my voice to sound like a meowing cat. Shit went wild searching for it. Along with…” Lulu continued wide-smiled finishing off her own beer. She looked disappointed in that fact, but a grin came to her face afterward.
“So, if you don’t mind running to grab a few grams, I will cook it up into something special. And you know my special treats are legendary.” Lulu then reached into her purse on the counter and pulled out a $100.
“You know where to find the best stuff for the best buck anyways. I was gonna mix it with what I’m growing. A little flair never hurt.” 
Puppet continued to watch outside the shop, trying to read their lips the best he could. He circled around the building, trying to find a way in. He could get in everywhere but a single apartment that was above this store. This woman, either of them, knew a thing or two about ghosts and warding that much is for sure. But how much, Puppet was going to see if he could find out. He knew he would have to tell Slender about this. If he couldn’t get in, then a few other supernatural beings couldn’t. Whoever ran this store might know a thing or two on how to fight demons too. Perfect.
Imani grinned wide, nodding in response with, “I can definitely do that.” She quickly finished off her beer before picking her mask up from the counter.
“Keep your money, I got a guy who owes me. Dumb fuck got himself on my hit list, I only let him live because dude has the best weed and dick I’ve ever had.” She walked towards the door, her steps rhythmic as she did so. One, two, three, repeat. She opened the door, looking back at Lulu and smiling again.
“I’ll be back with the goods!” She walked out of the comforting store, breathing in the air. She fixed her mask onto her face, turning left to go down the street.
“Have fun now. You know how to get in, even if it’s locked.” Lulu told to her, locking the door after she left wrapping up her shop.
“OH, YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!” Puppet yelled, but there was no sound. Only to his ears. It wasn’t out of annoyance, but rather shocked that it was the same woman who almost didn’t allow him to feed on the bridge. This night got more interesting for her and him. Puppet followed in ghost form for a block or two until they were well enough away from the shop to try and make a move. He couldn’t become physical here with ease like last time, it’s been a little since he last ate. But he could at least manifest some fragments to communicate.
‘Hey, girly. Remember me?’ Long time, no see.’ he says in her head. Out on the edge of her eye, his figure solidifying before it vanishes if she goes to look at it.
Imani stopped, mid-step. She looked around her, checking the area with a passing glance, raising an eyebrow.
“…Who’s there?” She couldn’t see anyone around and shrug. Either she was paranoid, or she was developing late-onset schizophrenia. She continued walking, picking up her pace. She was near her destination anyway. All she needed to do was avoid whatever odd voice was speaking in her head and get on her merry way and get back to Lulu.
‘Aww, you don’t remember me? How sad.’ He says in her head again. He continued to float around her, keeping his distance but studying her. Puppet could make himself physical for a little bit, but not for a long extended period of time like last time he met her. So, he decided to do it. He materialized behind her and dropped to the ground walking.
“Maybe if you see me now, you’ll remember better.” The woman turned around, left eyebrow raised. Her eye widened when she saw the man in front of her.
“Aaah, the Puppeteer. To what do I owe the pleasure?” She crossed her arms over her chest, smiling underneath her mask. From what she remembered, she had found his presence at least tolerable, so she didn’t feel a need to scare him off.
“I hope that you weren’t following me. Because that would be creepy.”
“Oh no, my sweet. I follow no one unless they are my next victim. You, however, are not. A friendly surprise is all.” He responds, holding his hand out to give a courteous bow. Over the top, this one is. Makes sense though…somewhat.
“No. I am out searching for a friend. He was taken a few nights ago. Well in fact, when we met and parted. That night. A raid happened on my home.
”She did a small mock curtsy in return, the small smile under her mask growing a tad bit. He seemed fun. Her smile dropped when it registered in her head that his friend had been kidnapped and she dipped her head.
“I’m sorry about your friend.” She turned around, staring at the sidewalk for a second, looking at the cracks in the cement. Thinking One, two, three, four, five, six. Good, in groups of threes. There was a small dandelion growing out of one of them. She didn’t want to get involved in other people’s business, and not with talks of raids. But he was fun. And she had a bit of empathy left in her for fun people.
“Is there anything that I can do? Get the word out? I’ve got a lotta people in a lotta places.” Imani offered, somewhat genuine knowing the feeling of being jumped without warning. It fucking sucks, and it is hard to recover from.
“That would be appreciated actually! Though he isn’t exactly above the radar and is a very aggressive individual. Dumb as a brick, but smart when it comes to fighting and surviving.” he explained, rolling his eyes at the whole thought of getting him back. No one liked him, but he was a good brute to have around and the easiest to make fun of out of everyone. Puppet makes a string out of his own energy, not threatening her but twirling it around. Maybe it would be best to start asking about the girl in that room with her?
“So that girl you were with? I couldn’t even get into her place she had it so locked up. Who is she?”Imani’s eye narrowed, turning back to face him. She didn’t trust him, and especially not with information about someone close to her. The energy he was twirling about didn’t do him any favors. Her accent faded, and her voice turned cold and frigid.
“A friend of mine. She’s one of the very few people I trust. Walk with me.” She turned in one swift movement and began walking. One step, two steps, three steps. Pause. Don’t step on the cracks.
“My friend values her privacy. And I value loyalty above all else. You’ll have to snoop for yourself.” She let out a snort, becoming less on edge.
“I have a feeling that you have no problem with that.”
He looked at her and vanished his tread, it dissipates into nothing as she began to walk away from him. Rather than wal,k he floated next to her, on the other side so no one else could see him. Wasn’t far, an inch or so off the ground at the most.
“Fair enough, we have similar values where I come from. Or who I work for. Which by the way, have you considered my offer of maybe working for us every so often?” Puppet inquired, curious to her answer. Despite this, his mind kept drifting to how that entire place was locked up, even against ghosts. Might need someone real to get in there and figure out who she is. Best person for the job might be Jane, or maybe they could hire someone outside of it. If this woman, Imani, wouldn’t give any info about her to him, Slender might have to take it for himself.
“I have. But I’m not exactly a team player. I like to work by myself, for myself. It tends to be better that way.” She made a sharp turn left, hopping over a large crack. That shit was annoying.
“I’m also pretty awkward with new people.” She eyed the floating man at her side, turning her head to look at him better. He clearly wasn’t human, that much she knew. You can’t be close friends with Lulu and the people that she knew without learning what was human and what wasn’t. That and he fucking floated.
“What are you, if you don’t mind my asking? Are you a genie or something?” Puppet kept following, even with the sharp turn he kept up with her. When she asked if he was a genie, he couldn’t help but to burst out laughing. Not meaning to insult her, but that was the funniest thing he heard anyone guess what he was.
“No…no,” he responded between his ‘breaths’, “I am no genie. Easiest thing to say is I am dead, and an angel of death. And not coming back to life anytime soon either.
”She let out a laugh, “Well you give off genie vibes! If you get bored of being an angel of death or whatever you could probably run a genie scam.” She stopped in front of a small house, rather run down-looking. It almost looked abandoned if it wasn’t for the lights shining from inside it. The inside was much nicer than the outside, much more comforting and less crack-housey.
“This is my stop. I’ll get the word out about your friend.” She reached up, unclipping her mask and taking it off, shaking her curls out to make sure they weren’t pressed down from the straps. She turned her head to get a better look at him, the corners of her mouth turning up into a smile.
“And I suggest you leave my friend alone. She ain’t someone you wanna fuck with. She can fight dirty as hell, and if you piss her off, I’ll be morally obliged to help her blast you into oblivion.” Puppet held up his hand in defense, landing on the ground outside of the house. That cocky smile never left his cheeks, if only because he knew what could happen and headed her warnings.
“Hey, I won’t go after her. I can’t even get into the damned place, much less fight a girl who probably could blow my ghosty butt to bits. Though the genie scam sounds like a good idea, might try that one day.” With that, he gives her the over dramatic bow that he gave her last time upon their departure. It was his signature of sorts, or at least he thought.
“I may see you again, sooner or later. Enjoy your night.” With that he vanished from her eyes, invisible as he flew away in search of his next meal.
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polar-stars · 6 years
✂️ Tori/Suzume (This one was way too perfect), (I couldn’t find the emoji for this one, but it’s the your muse finds mine injured) Hibiki/Akio and ☁️ Nana/Hiroshi
Alright then! I hope I won’t mess up and that you’ll enjoy them ;w;
Tori/Suzume - Our muses discover to have a common enemy/rival…and decide to collaborate
There are many things that are just quite frankly impossible. Like staying alive when falling into a pit of lava, traveling at the speed of light, walk on water or having Tori Isshiki and Ichiro Eizan in the same room and somehow maintaining peace. 
All it took was them merely having eye contact and already they were at each other’s throats. To some amusing, to some tiring but certainly not in anyway peaceful. 
“Your presence sickens me!”
“Great to know that we’re on equal terms!”
“Just go to hell, Isshiki!” With that her number one enemy stormed out of the room, while she huffed in annoyance and sat down. How could one human being just consist out of so many irritating traits? No word came even close to describe the immense hatred Tori held for her fellow Elite Ten member.
While already planning her insults for their next banter which could pretty much happen any time if she was being honest, suddenly a girl was sitting next to her. She had long, wild blonde her, purple eyes, a red fan in her hands and a friendly grin on her lips. “Heya!” She said, 
With a little bit of surprise in her eyes, Tori turned to the girl and pulled up an eyebrow. “Uhm…Good Day?” The girl immediately held out her hand and laughed. “Hojo Suzume! Sorry, for just sitting next to you out of the sudden. If you want to be alone, I will leave. However…” Her laughter faded but she was still smiling. “I just couldn’t help it as I saw that we seem to have a similar problem.” She leaned a little bit towards Tori, like she was exchanging top-secret information. “An Eizan-problem.” 
Still a little unsure what to think about this girl, Tori still decided to shake the hand and introduce herself. “Nice to meet you, Hojo-san. My name is Isshiki Tori.” She then tilted her head a little. “And I would appreciate it if you would be a little more precise.” 
Suzume chuckled at this before announcing. “Watch this.”
She turned her head away and chirped in a lot more louder voice. “Oooh, Four-Eyeees~” 
On the other side of the room a person that was, much to her displeasure, familiar to Tori looked up from his mobile phone, eyes glaring and face dived in shadows. “Fuck off.” Was the mere response that Suzume got.
Suzume began to laugh again. “Right back at you, Eizan! Just wanted to ask how your day was so far? Been nauseating as always? Or did it finally dawn to you that you’re literally everything wrong with the world?” 
Once again Shigeo Eizan looked up. Now even more annoyed. “Hojo, why don’t you just do us all a favor and just die already?” 
Suzume turned back to Tori. “Isn’t he just charming?” 
Tori’s face had took on another annoyed expression when she had listened to this conversation. It must be the surname, nothing good could come out of it.
She sighed and adjusted her glasses. “I see what you mean.” Her voice became sharp and hard. “Except for Eizan Kei, all Eizans are terrible.” Energetically Suzume nodded and exclaimed: “You took the words right off my mouth! Except for poor little Kei who has to deal with two of them daily, they’re all just so awful!” 
Tori couldn’t help but to nod as well, just not as energetic as Suzume did. Before she frowned a little. Suzume seemed like a rather loud person and had the moment Tori admittedly had enough loud people in her life. However, this girl was also one who could truly understand her hatred for Ichiro like not many could. “I guess, you really are correct on us forming a sort off…..alliance in this matter.”
Suzume’s grin grew a little bit. “Tori-chan, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.“
“Of course.” 
Hibiki/Akio - Your muse finds mine injured
An unfortunate placed rock on the road had caused Hibiki Hayama to trip and fall on his way home. Now he sat there all alone, his leg dripping a little bit of plot and hurting like what not. 
All he needed was a medical kit. That would solve everything. However, it was hard to get something like this in the middle of nowhere. 
He was just trying to stand up so he could walk home himself as he suddenly heard a concerned, familiar voice. “Hibiki-san!” And just mere seconds after is technical brother Akio Hayama was beside them, looking at him worriedly. “How…How did this happen?”
Hibiki only smiled, hoping that this would calm Akio down a little. “I tripped over a rock.” 
The concern did not leave Akio’s face yet and he inquired. “Can…Can you walk? Ohh, if only Kaori was here. She is much more experienced in medical matters than I am.” 
“It’s….It’s admittedly a little hard to walk yet, but I’ll manage.” Hibiki answered. “And it’s fine. I could deal with this myself, if only I had a medical kit.”
At this Akio’s eyes grew and he responded. “I…I have one!” Hibiki blinked. “You do?”
Akio gave a nod and reached for his bag which he had thrown away when running towards the injured Hibiki. “I always carry one alongside with me in case something should happen to Hiraku-sama!” 
He began searching his bag and truthfully to his words he pulled out a little medical kit which he immediately gave into Hibiki’s hands, who gave him a sweet smile. “Thank you, that’s a great help.”
Within just a few minutes, Hibiki had taken care of the wound. 
Akio assisted him standing up and supported him throughout the whole walk.
“I’ll cook something for you at home.”
“Oh, you don’t have to! I’m sure you’re busy.” 
“No, I insist!” 
“Alright, alright, but then at least let me brew some tea.” 
Nana/Hiroshi - Our muses find shelter from the weather…in the same place
Of course the weather app had said nothing about rain today. Well, at least her flowers in the garden would get some water. 
Quickly Nana searched her surroundings and finally spotted as little temple near her. She began to run, so she could escape the raindrops as quick as possible. 
And in just a few seconds, she had reached the little temple. 
On the other side of the temple, a young boy with the same hair color as Nana had the same idea and so it happened that the two teens arrived simultaneously from two different directions, both dripping wet and both staring at each other with round, surprised eyes before calling out.
“Nana-chan!” “Hiroshi-kun!”
After that a small little silence of the two just looking at each other emerged. Nana broke it. “Hello then! I guess we had the same idea.” She smiled warmly. “It’s nice to know that I don’t have to be alone waiting for the sun to show up again.”
Hiroshi shyly raised his hand and answered. “H…Hello and yes, I guess you could say so.” He then returned her smile, a little bit more unsurely and said. “I always like spending time with you, Nana-chan.” 
“Same here.” Nana responded. She then sat down on the cold stone floor of the temple and suggested. “So why don’t we talk a little? Maybe about..” Their favorite topic. “..The Polar Star Garden in each of our universes.” 
Hiroshi still fumbled with his fingers a little but sat down as well. “That’s a nice suggestion, Nana-chan.” 
And so the two managed to talk the rain away with not only conversations about vegetables but also various other things.
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Imma Marry You One Day
Revali x OC/reader kind of
Chapter One: a childish love
When they met for the first time, they were children with open hearts and curious minds. They’ve never seen anything like the other.  Joelle’s parents lived in a cabin near the infamous Rito Village, where their daughter often tried to visit. Though Joelle’s shyness was a fierce opponent and she ran away before making it to the gate. Her mother often spoke about how pretty the Rito were. How their feathers gleamed in the sunlight, weapons lighter than air, her mother was happiest when speaking about them. Joelle felt bad, she knew she would be allowed to visit the village since her father often did for supplies. Maybe today she’d get the gumption to go through with it?
‘Yes.’ She thought. ‘If I get scared, I’ll close my eyes.’ Before she could reconsider, she stormed towards the village for the 45th time this week. ‘I’ll be fine if I just close my eyes.’ She breathed in as she stepped onto the bridge. She wasn’t afraid of the heights, but she fretted over the villagers. Did they really look like giant birds? She’d hopefully know now. The trek up the many bridges was fast, she looked over edges and splashed in the puddles that littered the path. She pressed forward as she stood on the last bridge, the farthest she’d gotten. She looked up and saw her first Rito. The Rito guard. She was in similar clothing to her, carrying a spear. They made eye contact and she froze.
 The guard cocked her head to the side at the sight of the little girl but smiled and waved anyway. Joelle shook herself out of it and waved back a bit more sheepishly than she planned. ‘They can’t be mean if they greet so friendly? Could they?’ Curiosity won over and she crossed the bridge. The female Rito crouched down to her size. “What can I do for you? Are you lost?” She smiled.
Joelle shook her head. “Nope, I was just wanting to ask…” She rubbed her arm. “Are you a Rito? Mommy says that Rito’s live here…and I wanted to see ‘em…” She panicked looking anywhere but the guard. The soldier laughed before nodding. “Yes, I am a Rito. And this is Rito Village.”
Joelle beamed. “Are all Rito your size or bigger?”
The guard thought for a moment. “The children are around your size, but most of the men are taller than me.”
Joelle hopped from foot to foot. “May I, uh explore the village for a while?” The guard patted her head, tousling her hair. “You don’t need to ask dear, go on ahead. Just make sure you get home on time, ok?”
Joelle nodded ecstatically, speed walking up the stairs. She stepped into the slippery falcon, buying a small snack with the rupees she had on hand. She peeled off bits of sunshroom to eat and stuff the rest in her pocket. She looked toward the landings, watching the male Rito come to a stop on them. “Woah, so cool.” She gaped, as one of them took off the landing once more. One of the males looked over at her with a small smile. “Hello, little one.” He waved gently. She looked around her, seeing only herself. “H-Hi Mister, you’re a boy rito right?”
He guffawed at her analysis. “Yes, I am. You can call me Chief Kalin.”
“The Ritos have a chief?” She walked closer for inspection, he didn’t seem all that different from the other males around him. “Yes, I’m the chief alright. And just who might you be?”
She jutted her hand out. “My name is Joelle. Nice ta meet you Chief ‘alin.” He took her hand gently and shook it. “What brings you to Rito village? Don’t Hylians stay around the stable?”  
“Mommy kept talking ‘bout how pretty Ritos are, so I wanted to see them myself.” She grinned brightly. “How come you’re so tall? Do you get sweaty with all your feathers? How do you fly? How do you sleep? Is it in a nest? Are you related to pigeons?” He raised his hand to stop her bombardment. “Woah calm down. I don’t think I can give you those answers. Because I don’t know myself.”
She deadpanned. “oh, sorry sir.” He waved it off. “It’s fine. There are just somethings we just don’t know.” He thought for a moment. “Can you do me a favor, Joelle” He leaned in close to her when she nodded. “There’s a rito boy named Revali, he doesn’t have a lot of friends. Will you befriend him for me?” She pursed her lips and shrugged. “What does he look like?”
He beamed. “He’s about your height, he has a couple of braids in his feathers. His feathers are dark blue. He carries a swallow bow everywhere.”  He thought for another moment. “He can be a little mean at first, but he’s really nice when you get to know him. Ok?” She nodded. “Ok, sir. I’ll try to find ’im!” She smiled and hopped up the stairs of the village. Kalin sighed, hoping Revali can swallow his pride enough to finally make a friend.
She glanced around each level of the village. Asking a couple of younger ritos where he might be. “He’s in his house next to the chief house. He’s tryna fix his bow again.” The young rito, named Ingo, laughed. She went to the top of the village and saw the small rito in the middle of the room, sitting crisscross with a bow in his hands. He was tightening it and fiddling with it.  She watched from the door, transfixed by his movements. He blushed as he stopped. “What do you want?”
“I wanted to see what you were doin’. What broke your bow?” She stepped in closer and sat in front of him. He puffed up with pride. “It didn’t break, I’m upgrading it, so it works better. Duh!”
She smiled. “Cool, can I watch?” He flushed again. “Sure, if you say who you are first!” He waggled the bow threateningly at her. “My name’s Joelle. My friends used to call me elle! What’s yours?”
“Well, my name is Revali! I’m gonna be the best archer in the entire rito village, just you wait.” He boasted. “Once I get my bow upgraded I can go to the flight range with Chief Kalin and practice.” He smirked as he continued working on his bow. “Could I watch you practice? I wanna know how to fire a bow too.” He looked up at her, shocked. “You don’t know how to fire a bow?” She shook her head. “Nope.”
He thought for a moment. “How about tomorrow, I teach you how to fire a bow and stuff. And in exchange, you have to… be my biggest fan.” She mulled it over. “Okay. I think I can do that.” They shook on it.
She watched him fix his bow, asking various questions on what exactly he was upgrading. Apparently, the string wasn’t tight enough and the bow’s frame was bent. He discussed with her how to fix it, even though it was mostly one-sided. She pulled out her leftover sunshroom from her pocket and took a piece, careful not to get crumbs anywhere. He glanced up, seeing the food made his stomach rumble. It cut through the comfortable silence and made her giggle. “Do you want some, I can share.” He sighed and nodded. “Yes please.” She broke the rest of it in half offering him a side. “Here, It’s good.”
He took the piece and set down his bow. He nibbled on it happily, telling her there’s a tasty recipe involving sunshrooms that he was reminded of. She grinned and told him about her mother’s fruitcake. “Tomorrow, I’ll bring you some. She always has leftovers.” He laughed. “It’ll have to be the best if you want the great revali to approve of it.” She laughed again, the joyous sound made him even prouder. “I sure hope so, ‘vali.” He blushed at the nickname but left it all the same by taking another bite of shroom. “Hey, Elle. What are you? If I’m a rito?” She bit her lips in thought. “Mommy said we’re Hylian. We’re smaller than humans.” He crossed his arms, “What are humans?”
She paused. “Humans kinda look like me, but they have rounded ears and are taller.” She gestured. “They’re not all girl’s like me though.” He nodded, finally coming to somewhat of an understanding. “Ok, do you have a chief too?” She shook her head. “Nope, we have a king I think. I’ve never met him though.” The rest of the day seemed to slip them by as they asked a variety of questions to each other. As the sun set, she panicked. “Sorry ‘vali. I need to get home.” She rushed up to leave. “See ya tomorrow.” He nodded with a grin. “See ya!”
 She ran down the stairs two at a time. Taking as long strides as possible in an effort to get home before dark. How did she let this happen? Usually, she’d get home much earlier, especially when she was so far away. Well, at least she was able to make a friend today. Maybe that would be a good enough excuse for her mother. She waved goodbye to the guard as she passed.
Her small feet smacked the wooden bridges as she practically flew down the path. She couldn’t wait to tell her mother about her new friend, and what she did in Rito village. Her mom stood outside the cabin, shouting. “Joelle! Where are you?” She waved at her mom. “Mommy, you’ll never guess what happened today!” Her mother nudged her in. “What?” She chuckled. “Hold that thought dinner’s done, get your food from the pot then tell me.”  
She nabbed a slice of bread to go with the stuffed pumpkin stew. Before taking her food to the dining room table. “I finally went to rito village. An I became friends with a rito boy named Revali! He swears he’s gonna be the best archer in the rito village.” Her mother smiled. “Oh? So, you had fun, that why you were a little late home?” She inquired. “Yeah, I’m sorry I lost track of time.” Joelle apologized. Her mom laughed. “Just be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
 Joelle smiled shyly. “Tomorrow he’s gonna let me watch him practice shooting at the flight range. He’s going there tomorrow with Chief Kalin.” Her mother smiled. “Alright, but this time try to be home on time.”
 After dinner, it was bedtime. Joelle was practically vibrating with anticipation for tomorrow. She laid in bed curled up into a tight ball. ‘when will tomorrow be here yet?’ She tossed and turned before inevitably falling fast asleep.
 Back at Rito village, Chief Kalin made a meal for both himself and Revali. The boy scarfed down the food he was given as quickly as possible. “So, you seem to be in a better mood.” Kalin eyed the child beside him. “What happened?”
Revali smiled proudly. “I’ve met the girl, I’m gonna marry.”
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goblincas · 3 years
Chutes and Creatures: A Four-Story Story
Oh no, it seems that a notorious fugitive is trespassing within Bnanom Brictom Community Center! And during a family-friendly Halloween event, no less. Shameful.
It's Lovell's first day as a center volunteer, but damn it, he's more than prepared to handle this.
(Featuring... loose and very homebrew-y DnD inspiration!)
To: Staff @ Bnanom Brictom Community Center
From: Bnanom Brictom Security and Office of Inner-Community Relations ([email protected])
Good evening, everyone. I sincerely hope this message reaches you all well, conditions considered. An update: The building-wide lockdown is now in place. Right now, we can use all the help we can get. Feel free to continue mingling with party guests, both to keep up morale (your own and the guests’) and to gather potential scraps of intel or information, if you happen to stumble across it. Now, we’re not necessarily suggesting you all take on the role of amateur vigilante sleuths, but make of this message what you will. ;-)
Feel free to travel between floors as necessary— nonetheless, if you’re able, we suggest limiting or preventing floor-to-floor movement by party guests, whenever possible. In the meantime, we will continue our personal investigation and monitoring of the situation. Thank you again for your continued cooperation.
Expect a staff-exclusive raffle to be arranged, at the Center’s earliest possible convenience.
Happy Halloween,
Bnanom Brictom Security and Office of Inner-Community Relations
I. Rooftop
No doubt, this wasn’t how Lovell had expected his second day of community volunteer work to wrap up. Sure, to be fair, he’d never exactly been on the best of terms with luck— whether that luck belonged to himself, or to the victims of whatever collateral immolation he’d managed to create, that time around. In a way, Lovell supposed his mere presence was a bit of a time-release, possibly airborne poison. What right did he have to act shocked?
None. Absolutely none.
Sliding a finger across the chilled surface of his phone screen, Lovell watched the sky turn red and pulpy, before oozing down into the horizon. And since news had traveled fast among the face- and body-painted attendees, chatter had already grown frenzied, spiking in pitch and fervor. Straight-faced children clung to their parents’ arms. Several guests had since tugged off their wigs and other extraneous bits of costumery, signaling the spiritual end to their booze-free festivities. Lovell tugged at his cape on reflex, but kept it fastened around his neck. The fabric felt thinner than ever, tickling at his calves, before being swept back into the breeze.
“Alright, okay!” one of Lovell’s fellow volunteers hollered, using his cupped hands as an entirely ineffective megaphone. The guy was clearly a human, yet costumed up as an especially malnourished looking drow elf. It’s always what you can’t have, ain’t it?
“Listen. I know this whole situation isn’t what y’all were hoping for, sure, I get that. I really, really do. But y’all gotta stay put. Can’t move around the building until this is all sorted out— faster security can sort their way through the building, the sooner this will all be over. And, hey, how cool would it be if ya can go on to say that you were at the party where a world-infamous, kinda unhinged fugitive was finally taken in? Talk about a story for all your future parties, am I right?”
As the human volunteer babbled away, clearly still processing his own uneasiness, the crowd began to quiet. There was a short beat of silence after the volunteer finished, which hung in the air and soured at an astonishing pace; until, at last, an attendee spoke up.
She was standing, alone, toward the heart of the swarm. Her party store witch’s hat was tipped forward, its brim casting a shadow over her features. “There’s no way we’re safe right now, then. This super isn’t okay. So, you’re just fine with potentially endangering our lives in your whole quest for justice?” the petite half-elf said, speaking evenly, and at an unfittingly polite volume. “I mean, didn’t this guy they’re looking for, like, kill a ton of people or something? What if he’s on this stupid roof with us, right now? C’mon!”
From somewhere over Lovell’s shoulder, he heard a faint whisper of, “Well, we push ‘im right off, then,” followed by a snort and some stilted laughter. Lovell clucked his tongue, but couldn’t quite temper down his own giggle. Nothing wrong with making light of, frankly, a borderline Draconian situation. It was a philosophy he tried to live by, no matter how unsuccessful he often was at doing so.
Another stiff breeze swept through the crowd, and Lovell pulled his cape tighter around his arms.
As Lovell’s co-volunteer lost hold of his barely controlled state of panic, the half-elf began to scan the crowd, which was slinking back into conversation. After spotting Lovell’s mostly-concealed yet fluorescent yellow Bnanom Brictom polo, she huffed and charged toward him, wiry arms folded across her chest. Lovell readied himself by stiffening up and straightening his posture, defaulting to what he fondly deemed his business-friendly mech stance.
She stationed herself barely a foot ahead of Lovell, tilting her chin up to continue holding steady eye-contact. Still, when she spoke, she did a top-tier job of injecting some highly sterilized, artificial calm into her voice. “Please, please tell me you at least have more information for us. I’ll take anything,” the half-elf pleaded, furiously drumming her fingers against her own forearm.
Lovell shrugged, and the half-elf deflated. “Sorry, I only know what was in the email they sent out to us, which… wasn’t much. Look, I get the ethical questions that should definitely have been raised before this plan was made, but there’s not much that I can do for you. This is kinda completely out of my control.”
The half-elf chewed on her bottom lip, before breaking eye-contact to heave a sigh at the ground. “Whatever, fine,” she said, scuffing her boot against the concrete. She turned her gaze back up, squinting at Lovell in what seemed to be an attempted menacing glare. And, surprisingly, it was pretty damn effective. Huh, impressive. “Can I at least ask for a favor, then? At least, if it’s something that’s even in your purview.”
“Sure.” He could certainly use a distraction.
“I want you to find my girlfriend,” the half-elf said, her voice growing louder and more strained. “She’s probably still on the top floor. I was a dumbass and left my phone in the car, so I just need you to make sure she’s okay. And let her know that I’m okay, too. Can you at least do that for me, if I’m legitimately gonna be trapped in this petri dish of strangers having emotional meltdowns? Please?”
Beginning to gleam down at them was the ruddy face of the moon, as it fought its way through the clouds.
Lovell wiped his clammy palms onto his jeans, nodding at the half-elf. “Actually, sure, I think I can do that.”
“Great!” The caricature of a witch was bouncing on her heels. “Alright, so, I need you to look for Bryn. That’s her name. She’s the super tall, unfairly glamorous half-orc chick, and she’s carrying a couple of plastic battle-axes. She hand-painted those herself, y’know. Just tell her that Merrie sent you, and that I’m safe, alright?”
To think, he’d only wanted some mindless volunteer work at the local community center, and now there he was: Lovell Polonian, freelance messenger of love. God knows if he couldn’t stabilize his own damn relationship, then he’d just have to carry the torch for someone else’s.
Lovell flashed a final thumbs up, before heading toward the streamer-draped stairwell.
Meanwhile, his co-volunteer had entered a fugue state, swallowed by the mob.
II. Second floor
Sharply-tinted, orange and yellow string lights were blinking throughout the ballroom, chattering amongst themselves. Not long after reaching the floor, Lovell scrunched his nose; the space smelled like a chemical rosebush, as if a full can of dollar store air freshener had been detonated maybe an hour prior. It kind of burned his nostrils, just a bit.
Alright, maybe more than just “a bit.”
Lovell paused at the base of the stairs. He surveyed the sparsely packed room, where party goers were in a similar state to those on the rooftop. Several scuffed, plastic jack-o’-lanterns lined the walls, perfectly situated to watch the madness unfold.
Certainly not to Lovell’s surprise, Bryn wasn’t especially hard to locate. After all, she was the tallest guest in the room. Her loosely coiled, auburn curls rolled down much of her back, adorned with clovers and softening her otherwise angular features. Bryn’s thick brow was furrowed, while she clutched the pair of battle-axes in her left hand.
Lovell approached the half-orc woman cautiously, not wanting to startle her and end up bonked over the head by some lovingly decorated plastic. Next to a half-orc, he could hardly feel any scrawnier and less capable of immediate self-defense.
“Hey, excuse me, are you Bryn?”
Still, Bryn jolted, knocked out of her thoughts. She stared vacantly at Lovell for a moment, buffering as she rejoined reality. “Um, yeah. That’s me. But who the hell are you?” she asked, narrowing her gaze.
Lovell raised his hands in a placating gesture. “Just an innocent volunteer. Merrie sent me.”
At that, Bryn’s shoulders sagged, as she no longer attempted to mask the heaviness. “Shit, really? Wait, is she alright? Because I swear, if she—”
“She’s alright,” Lovell cut in, before Bryn managed to spiral into an all-out panic. “She was worried, and I needed something to do, so here I am. Just checking in for her.”
Bryn nodded slowly. “Oh, okay. So she’s still up on the roof, then?”
“Well, guess that’s all I can ask for, at this point,” Bryn said, shaking her head and sighing, her hair cushioning the movement. “That she’s safe. God, this is such an awful situation. Awful. Hey, do you at least have any idea when the hell they’re gonna let us out of the good ol’ danger cage?”
Despite his better judgment, Lovell quirked a grin. “No clue. And your girlfriend had some pretty similar thoughts, by the way. Choice words ‘n’ all. To be perfectly fair, I don’t think anyone’s really on board with all of this.”
Bryn snorted. “Yeah, well, maybe aside from the literal cult recruiter or whatever in our midst. I’m sure that bastard’s getting a real kick out of this mess. Like, do they really think locking down the building is gonna make a difference? The guy uses dark magic, for god’s sake. Warded or not, I kinda doubt he’s gonna be contained within a damn community center. Sheesh,” she muttered, rolling her eyes and frowning.
Lovell’s responding chuckle was weak, but it was certainly there. He hesitated and peered around, giving the room another once-over. Most party goers had broken off into clusters, commiserating amongst their own ecosystems. The lights continued to buzz and flicker, chipping away at the darkness that had spread throughout the room.
Turning back to the half-orc, Lovell smiled. So long as he made the effort to hide his teeth, maybe it could even be read as a semi-comforting gesture. “Think of it like this, then: if that weirdo fuckhead can bust his way out quickly, then the lockdown isn’t gonna last all that long. So, maybe it’s all for the best, y’know?” Lovell shrugged noncommittally.
Again, Bryn narrowed her eyes— but before she slipped in a response, a rough hand clapped down onto Lovell’s bicep. He jumped, before peeking over his shoulder.
“Boy, I’m gonna need your help with somethin’. You’re gonna come with me now, alright?”
Lovell was met with the grizzled scowl of Higgins, archetypical Northern Dwarf and long-time Bnanom Brictom head of security. Lovell’d only had a chance to meet the guy once, during his orientation the week prior.
By the time Lovell thought to turn back to Bryn, the half-orc had already wandered off.
Higgins tightened his grip on Lovell’s arm, bruising the flesh beneath his fingertips. “C’mon, son, you gotta come with me, now.”
III. Ground floor
Higgins’ office was bare-walled and low-lit, with a blackout curtain preemptively drawn. Lovell let the oak door ease shut behind himself, while the Dwarf moved to lean back against his own desk, facing the volunteer.
Lovell shuffled his feet, stabilizing. “So,” he said, holding out the syllable. “Wha’dya need me for?”
“Well, lucky you, I’ve got an emergency chore for ya,” Higgins grumbled. He huffed, hopping up to sit on the edge of the desk.
“And, that is…?”
“Well,” Higgins began, not even attempting to feign any amount of confidence over the situation. Oh, how reassuring. “I’m gonna need ya to get some supplies for me. Can’t waste my own time diggin’ around for it right now, but I sure as hell can waste yours.” Higgins punctuated his request with an amused snort.
Lovell nodded, steadily. “Sure, okay. What do you need me to find, then?”
Higgins sighed. “I won’t sugarcoat it, boy. Weapons. Gotta keep our defenses up, should we need ‘em. And it ain’t as if we’re pullin’ out that stuff often.”
“Oh,” Lovell muttered. He cocked a brow, hands fiddling behind his own back. “And, why are there weapons in a community center, in the first place? I mean, if you don’t mind my asking, I guess.”
“N’aw, it’s a fair enough question.” Higgins batted a stout hand around, dismissive. “Don’t mean I’m gonna answer it for ya, though.”
Lovell couldn’t help but chuckle. Really, he should have seen that response coming.
“Just gotta find the damn basement key for ya, then I’ll send ya on your way. I’ll give ya a map, don’t worry— should show you where everything’s lyin’ around down there. Sound good, hm?”
Flashing his brightest and most saccharine grin, Lovell nodded. “Totally. Sure thing.”
IV. Basement
“Okay, what the absolute fuck were you thinking?”
Batting an especially ambitious spiderweb out of his face, Lovell huffed.
“I know you’re down here, asshole.” He had his hands planted on his hips, glaring into the darkness. “Still don’t know what the hell you’re actually up to right now, though,” Lovell proceeded to grumble, complaining to himself in a moment of intense self-pity.
From behind Lovell, a second voice seemed to flutter around in the air, materializing before it even had a source to anchor itself to. “Really, dear, I just wanted to surprise you at your brand-new job! No need to drag me to couple’s counseling over it. Goodness,” the voice drawled, deepening and growing clearer as it solidified within the space.
Lovell turned on his heels, cape whipping around, before it slowly settled back against his body. “You’re absurd, you know that? And a jackass. Do you, like, get off on fucking with me, or something? Actually, no, please don’t answer that. Lord, please.”
From behind a staggered tower of plastic bins packed with nativity decor, a taller man emerged. He swaggered closer to Lovell, who simply glared in greeting.
“Scarus,” Lovell said, matching the ever-present warlike glint in the other man’s eyes. “You do realize that my whole point in doing this was to relax for once, right? Sure, it’s inevitable at some point that I’m just gonna get tossed through another fucking dimensional portal, but for now, I just wanted to do something… simple. Until my stupid magic short-circuits and fucks me over again, at least.”
At that, Scarus deflated ever-so-slightly, but countered the change in posture with a roll of his eyes. “Okay, but like you said yourself: We both know good and well that you won’t be here for long, and it’s not as if I meant to be noticed. Truly, I didn’t. Really, what kind of military-grade community center has such drastic warding? I promise, I meant to slip in and say hi, and that’s it.” Scarus flicked a strand of blond hair away from his face.
Lovell scrubbed his eyes, the fight already draining from his bones. “Fine, well, whether you meant to cause it or not, there’s a total lockdown of the building. And now everyone’s totally panicking. All they wanted to do was go to a stupid, family-friendly Halloween party, Scarus. A Halloween party.”
Scarus raised his pointer finger maybe just a bit too proudly, smirking. “Ah, well, in my defense: You already know I’m not the biggest fan of Halloween, as it’s commonly celebrated. Really, it’s offensive, more than anything. Maybe I did the right thing by—”
“Don’t,” Lovell supplied. “Just, don’t. Don’t even start. Listen, if you just leave right now, maybe I won’t have to carry several dozen pounds of weapons up a flight of stairs. Okay? And, for god’s sake, don’t you dare tell me that I need the exercise, or something. I will absolutely burn you in your sleep tonight, and I will feel no remorse.” Okay, maybe Lovell would feel a tiny slice of remorse, although he would certainly do the burning, nonetheless. No question. Really, there was nothing quite like some third-degree retaliation during a lovers’ spat.
“Fine. If you’re only going to chastise me, then I have no issue with heading out.” Scarus stepped forward briefly, planting a kiss on Lovell’s cheek. Lovell felt himself warm at the gesture, until, wait, no—
“Scarus… what the hell did you just do to me?”
Scarus shrugged. “Protecting myself,” he replied. “I have no intention of being set on fire tonight. Of course, feel free to use non-draconic flames instead. I’m sure I’ll be perfectly equipped to handle some bodily arson sans childish magic, no issue at all.” He snickered, pulling Lovell into a quick hug. “Alright, my fire-breathing little darling. I’ll just be leaving, then. I’ll have dinner waiting for you, alright?”
“Oh, you better, bastard.”
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geniuslab · 7 years
5 mutuals and say something nice about them too much negativity! Let's spread some positive vibes!
only 5? :( 
but yes, i love this!! this makes my heart so warm :’) 
i have to post this under a read more because it’s kind of long
@mylovejhs rachel, my soul sister, where do i begin?? rachel means the world to me, she is always so sweet and caring. i can talk to her about anything and there’s no judgment. she’s definitely listened to me rant a few times and has always been so patient and so levelheaded. she’s also hilarious, and i love talking to her because she can always make me laugh. we don’t always make the best decisions (*cough* amazon shopping sprees *cough*) but we have plenty of laughs about it. and even though i joke that we’re bad influences on each other, we’re still really responsible irl and know how to talk each other down if we have to lmao. i call her my soul sister for a reason, and that’s because we are so similar and i honestly feel like she understands me better than most. plus she finally admitted to being an ot7 stan, welcome to the family!! haha. i really, genuinely hope i can meet rachel some day. i wish we lived close to each other because without a doubt rachel would be my best friend. we would just hang out, watch bts videos, and sit on our laptops while listening to music together. best friendship ever imo. ilysm rachel
@velvethoseok kate!! i don’t think i’ve ever said this but i honestly think of kate as a little sister. and i mean that in the nicest way possible, like i love kate so much and i want to look out for her. we bicker sometimes but it’s all out of love :) kate can put me in my place tho lmao. we don’t talk quite as much as we used to and i highkey miss kate a lot. @ kate message me more i want to talk to you. even if it’s just about hobi. speaking of which, i’ve said it before and i will say it one more time: i sort of blame kate for making me fall in love with hobi. i was already stanning him when i became friends with kate but she posts so much about hobi and loves him so much that i think it spread to me and now look at me, he’s my ult fnhkfdnhkfdh. kate was one of my first friends in the fandom, we started talking because i messaged her about all of the gushy posts she’d tagged hobi in one night and from the very beginning she was super sweet and friendly! and it’s so genuine, too. kate really does care about her friends and that’s such a wonderful quality. thank you for making this fandom a kind place for me, kate. and thank you for being my friend, even if i’m a grandma :’)
@jinandtonics steph and i have been mutuals for probably...4 years? 5 years?! we didn’t start really talking until several months ago, and i somewhat blame steph for getting me into this bts mess because she was posting about them and was part of the reason why i looked up bts in the first place. steph: oh haha sorry about all the kpop i’ve been posting latelyme: it’s okay, i don’t mind seeing cute boys on my dash!!flashforward to 2 weeks later, me: yes that’s yoongi’s ear and i can tell because--anyway, steph has been there for me a lot and sometimes i feel really guilty because she’s helped me through so much and i don’t know how i could ever return the favor. i’ve been going through a rough time these past couple years but steph met me during a particularly bad rough patch and she supported me the entire time. if you’re looking for a loyal friend who will genuinely care about you, steph is it. plus she’s hilarious and writes really great tags haha@pansugah nkhnfdhkfdh i love sara with my whole heart. i am so glad we became friends. we met in one of our nets and i think i eventually private messaged her because i was like “i want to be friends with sara let’s make this happen” and she somehow is still putting up with me after all this time. we haven’t even known each other for that long, but i feel like i’ve known sara forever. she’s so sweet, i think in one of our first convos i overshared a little bit lmaoooo but i didn’t scare her away and she was so kind the entire time and even shared her own stories which helped. i really appreciated that, like so much. also sara is literally the only thing that kept me sane during that stupid bias game, our chats about how much we “love guk so so so much” made me laugh and also kept me sane. sara is so incredibly talented too, like everyone needs to check out her art. it honestly blows my mind how crazy talented she is. ily sara!!
@taepott of course i couldn’t leave out dijah, my heart :’) i think i’ve gushed about dijah so much on this blog that everyone is probably tired of hearing it but i really love her. i still cannot believe she asked me how to make gifs as an excuse to talk to me when someone had already taught her like 2 weeks prior. what is this, a 90s romcom?? nkfnsfknkn dijah and i fake fight a lot and she’s the best person to fake fight with ever. there is no such thing as tmi between us oh my gOD the convos we’ve had. it’s really nice to have a friend that i can literally share anything with and that (from what i can tell lmao) feels the same way too. i like to keep things positive, but i know that if i need to vent or be petty i can go to dijah and she will listen with open ears and open arms haha. i’m not trying to be one of those people who’s like “wow i hate myself how could anyone love me” but i legit don’t know why dijah likes me so much?? idgi but i’ll take her word on it. dijah and i are really similar sometimes and SUPER different at others (*cough* one of us has too many emotions and the other...) but i think it works because our similarities are what make us bond and our differences help us balance each other out. at least that’s my best guess. anyway this is getting long but im love dijah and i’m so happy she made me waste an hour teaching her something she already fucking knew so that we could talk.
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