#im suffering continuously with this bs
gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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“Akk. Look into my eyes.”
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ghostface-knight · 6 months
ok i know i make a lot of jokes about how i wish spies are forever ended with curt not killing owen (and i will continue to for mental health reasons), but i really do love the way the show ends. the scene on the staircase is so heartbreakingly beautiful, and we see from that scene that owen isn't the man curt loves anymore. we also know from the rest of the show that owen is too far gone for curt to "save", even if he had some sort of hope it was possible. the fact that curt is still trying to tell owen how they can fix this and that the agencies can get him pardoned just outlines how much faith curt had in him, and how different he is now.
to me, it also would have sort of felt like a disservice to all they had done to set up the dma as a character. he's killed thousands of people, specifically young women and girls (and yes i know that was an in joke about the backers, but it still stands that those were his victims.) he loves torture and he was completely ready to kill curt without ever revealing himself. if curt had let him go, i would feel sort of indignant on behalf of the people he had hurt as the dma.
and curt knows all that, which is why he does what he does. he's a good person, and he realizes that owen is a different man now, and there's no chance of redemption at this point. he does it for himself, for the informant, for the thousands of others who have suffered at owen's hands.
it's also just really satisfying to see the hero kill the villian, because we're fed so much of this "if i kill him im no better than him" bs. because curt IS better than owen and he knows that.
ugh sorry i'll shut up i just think this show is so powerful and i love it so much.
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respectthepetty · 7 months
hi! i just have to get something off my chest before i inevitably combust and perish! when kiseki was airing i saw you posting about tang yi from history 3 trapped still being stuck in jail (i never watched it) and got curious. so as any sensible person i went on a searching adventure through tumblr tags and figured out the show has open/ambiguous ending. "what's all the fuss about??" i wondered to myself. "i for one love well executed open endings!"
well let me tell you im eating my words now!! im sitting here looking at the shot of tang yi's back and the words THE END before me,sobbing and chanting LET MY BOY TANG YI OUT OF JAIL!!! HE DID NOTHING WRONG!!
all in all you were right and I'll never question your opinions again 🙏🏻 (also loved this show and all the couples so much i might actually pass away)
@buddhamethods, no no no. Question my opinions. I'm unhinged. I need to be humbled sometimes. Especially when it comes to Taiwanese BLs. I'm not reasonable about them.
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Many people were fine with the ending of HIStory 3: Trapped but as a lover of "Be Gay, Do Crime," I wanted my boy to continue to Be Gay and Do Crime. Getting locked up was not on my BINGO card, mostly because he had already suffered enough.
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It was BS!
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His mom died. His adopted dad was awful. His mentor died. His biological dad died. His sister got a happy ending, but my boy . . .
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Why did my man have to go to prison?! WHY?! I'm sure as a BL in 2019 (April-June 2019) airing during the time marriage equality was legalized in Taiwan (May 2019), BL Land thought it would be smart to show the masses that the trouble-making queers could be redeemed, but . . .
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He did nothing wrong! NOTHING!
Either Kiseki: Dear to Me 2 or HIStory 18: Freed is gonna deliver my man to me.
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or else
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quietbluejay · 1 month
Angel Exterminatus 7
I know I said that the whole situation with Lucius and Eidolon in Galaxy in Flames was BS, but that is because I love their petty rivalry Eidolon, through gritted teeth: Lucius…is really…good…with a sword…
OH THEY ARE LITERALLY DRINKING THE TEARS OF SLAVES I've joked about this before but I didn't think I was actually gonna read it happen onscreen
Vull Bronn is being metaphorically, and, possibly, literally seduced to the dark side
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Oh hey I did not expect this reoccuring theme to pop up in this book, or in this context
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tfw your buddy shows up in time to stop you from being Magic Roofied, if not regular roofied
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Thamatica at it again congrats buddy you killed 30 people
and now back to Vull Bronn who is having the worst hangover ever
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hm yes i think grendel very much enjoyed striking a superior officer
at this point I genuinely have to believe McNeill thinks sweat is oily. This is like the THIRD TIME it's been described that way.
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This whole repeated element in the Horus Heresy is one of my favourites
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Another McNeillism. I think the word you want is "ingratiated" hey HEY don't stare into the warp or the skull in the warp will stare back at you
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I continue to enjoy these exchanges
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does consort have a warhammer meaning I'm not aware of or is this implying what I think it is.
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sidenote but I'm surprised they're allowed to say "damned" given the anti-religion thing. I feel like if Loken had said it he'd worry about someone Having A Talk with him.
oh yeah forgot to mention but, McNeill still has pacing problems they're better! much better! but still present
also man that was dark i really am hoping Cassander gets to die soon (sidenote: imperial fists 🤝 death guard) i looked up spoilers and he gets to go out like a boss, so, looking forwards to that it's funny but i am continually surprised by how not-grimdark the warhammer books are well okay except for servitors etc being everywhere but that does not get dwelled on, usually it really feels like the writers don't want to write that kind of horror or in some cases, horror at all which i mean, fair, I don't there's a lot of stuff I like reading that I absolutely do not want to write it's just very different tonally from the impression i got before I started im not complaining! tbh if it had been what i thought I wouldn't have stuck around
me: it's not very grimdark me right now: currently reading about the poor dudes fabius experimented on being turned loose to kill Iron Hands and being unable to stop and also this:
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this is just gross though, i wouldn't call it grimdark, it's body horror but not grimdark
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Perturabo is wargaming here and the Emperor's Children are playing d&d
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fabius: sometimes people come up to me when im laughing and ask "what's so funny" fabius: and i say to them fabius: how dare you speak to me
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oh, ugh, Fabius is one of those people he'd make a great X-Men villain
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lmaoooo suffer
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... huh He actually does possess a normal person's understanding of honour that makes it all the worse when he ignores it, full knowledge makes you more culpable not less~
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Kroeger walked over the invisible line
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okay so HOW did Lucius survive ship explosion
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ah. Of course this is how all the named characters get out of it. it just feels cheap
Stopping here because I had a LOT to say about the next bit so it deserves its own separate post.
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
I just read the surprise/early update and the sound I made followed by "Torielllll....! :(" after I finished... the anguish I felt is indescribable. This poor, poor woman, if only she knew why this feeling of not knowing what is "real" was because of the resets... You captured the feelings of terror, discombobulation, and bewilderment perfectly. A perfect punch in the gut!
oof yeah i feel in hindsight Toriel learning about the timelines was under-explored. ALSO SORRY IM RAMBLY TONIGHT LOL i just feel like talkin at lenght so apologies for all the long posts past midnight aslfkjasdlf. also THANK YOU for all ur kind asks i don't always answer cause when i get nice asks i like looking at them often but that means i don't respond ;o;
Her reaction is to care about how Asriel must of felt using the power (and granted, in the tumblr version she doesn't know/understand the fact that Asriel was Flowey for a long time before being revived as Asriel. Though in the redraw she's going to learn earlier.) anyway she's like, oh, that must been tough on Asriel ): how lonely
but like??? now i realize she'd have permanent deja vu from all the reloads that weren't erased with a true reset. (which, in AFR universe, isn't even a guarantee) she's suffered from this ability, more so than anyone else as she's the only one to truly know all the kids who've come through the Ruins. (Asgore is also the only other guaranteed one, but uh, we already know his... baggage... with the reloads...)
anyway when she finds out, she's going to go "ok? insane but you have scientific evidence let me adjust to this wild new information" to "wait wait were those unstable years when the kids fell REAL? my kids actually DID kill me? HELLO?" and that's going to be. interesting to explore!
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i feel like it could even be an EARLY reveal! I feel like Hol specifically is going to want to apologize for what they did. And now that I have opportunity to explore how Asriel is going to explain the age-up is more than just "oh yeah i was a flower for a while" cause. Toriel KNOWS the amalgamate experiments are (vaguely) recent. She fired Dr.Alphys over it. She knows the details now. So Asriel's explanation of being a flower for years in secret makes no damn sense if they've grown to 16 years old when they died at 12.
So yeah, that's going to be something that'll be pushed to a boiling point in the next chapter(s). HOW exactly is she going to handle all this??? like obviously, she's not going to treat this the same if this were adults committing these horrible acts. they're children. Toriel will continue to love them and forgive them because it truly is not the same situation as it would be with, say, Asgore making the calcuatled decision to murder innocent people. like Hol thinking they're some adventurer badass and killing a monster is very much different from that. (and yeah Asgore is more complicated as it relates to war and the barrier and all that bla bla)
Anyway rambling aside i really really look forward to exploring this. cause like, frankly, toriel canonically has all that angsty bs that people put on sans (when he doesn't even remember reloads or gets killed except last minute in no mercy runs 🙄) like toriel had 6 human kids who canonically reloaded around her. give me THAT angst and exploration of that's consequences. I like getting the chance to explore more of Toriel's psychology, baggage and her journey to moving past that. i'm really sad we don't get to see how toriel improved as a mother and person in AFR but rather just that she did. now we get to!!! fuck yeah!
but yeah god what a horrifying, truly awful thing to experience. like on one hand, she must be relieved "oh so there's nothing actually wrong with my reality i don't have a life altering memory related mental illness (yet)" but also "oh so that was all real and i can never truly look at these kids without knowing they've done something truly, truly unforgivable to me. (but i will forgive them)"
AND NOW i'm thinking that toriel had to been told by flowey at some point what they've done to her too. in one of those reloads, flowey likely confessed to get a reaction from her. after the shock of it, she'd pretend it didn't bother her to forgive them. and that'd build up resentment because Flowey doesn't want to be forgiven, they want punishment and consequences and for it to have mattered.
just. AUGH. so many thoughts on this its killing me inside
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cosmicanger · 10 months
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like i said almost everyone who follows me does not support when i combat anti-Blackness before it is socially profitable, does not know any skills to deal w violence or how to support Black victims in general, do not like or share when I post other Black ppl crowdfunding or if I ever posted my own, do not drag nonblack people by name and all worship celeb culture, some celeb, microceleb. so if you want some real sh*t from me, ask for my twitter but *Anansi mode activated* im checked out on here completely. I dont trust any of you. tumblr is an antiBlack cesspool that is not getting better. the celebs and microcelebs on here continue to not do anything but take up space and resources while demonizing anyone Black who points that out, oh well. posting bs on here w no comments now. hope all the people who h8 me on here suffer and d**, at least i have the courage to say that unlike these losers making up stories about me and being coded about wanting me to suffer and d**. If you cant fight me irl and cant debate irl w witnesses or recorded, stop playing in my face. yall love bs so i will give yall bs. Black ppl are going through accelerated antiBlack fascism globally and some of yalls biggest concern is tryna k*ll me (in coded ways, not even outright) for learning how to disrupt yalls social capital after yall gaslight me and for calling people anti-Black? wild.
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stanspoofball · 2 years
aight. here's the skinny, kids. truly idgaf about petty drama shit. i've spent more than six months on the internet and been involved in more fandoms than I can count. ive waded through more than my fair share of bs shipping debates, "cancel culture", "we like different shit but my shit's better than urs" every fuckin thing u can imagine i've seen it all. and u know, more power to u if u have the time and energy to dedicate to something that ultimately has far less meaning than u think it does.what i do care about, and what u all should also care about, is genuine harassment in the form of death threats. i'll repeat that b/c that's how important i feel this message is. i'll even do u a favor and go all caps for u.
no one gives a shit if u have friends. no one cares one fuckin iota if ur lil sycophant minions crawl out of the woodwork to defend u. ur not the victim. u can bitch and moan until u turn blue but if u send someone messages wishing for them to die, by either their own hand or ur ever so fuckin "helpful" assistance, ur a piece of shit and uve lost all moral highground. continuing to attack the true sufferer of this shit and ignoring the real issue at hand is equivalent to u essentially saying that u think ur hurt feelings take priority over a literal crime of threatening someone else's life.
let me be clear. i'm not out to start a war b/c i got no time for that shit. im not even associated with any of these people. but ive personally witnessed too much of this kind of shit in other fandom to remain silent about this this rn. as I stated in my prev post i cannot stop u from purchasing those fan magazines but i STRONGLY urge u to be careful who u blindly trust on the internet.
fyi ive created a twt acct and will be posting there as well. peace love & a pleasant day to u all.
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braxiatel · 2 years
I've been reading your equinox au and just JUST it never fails to make me crazy insane i think about it all the time!!! The way you write just guts me in the best possible way im left REELING and im aodnwkms??? U get it???????
Grian and scar are a mess and i am proud to announce that scar has never done anything wrong in his life (lie) and i love that for him. Cub made go "tear that bitch apart!!" when i read further yet to fall. Mumbo is dragged into god politics and i pray for his sanity but id willingly do the same for your scar. Eyes wide open even
Cheating stories are never really my jam but this??? The DRAMA the INTRIGUE the WORLD BUILDING the ACTUAL TO HONEST LOVE THATS SO FUCKING COMPLICATED BUT THATS HOW IT IS SOMETIMES?????? i am hooked like a bad telenovela but this time its actually not bad its fantastic really and i am left wanting more and i will always always cheer on scar bc frankly he deserves it. He is assigned as 'the one lead i could never hate even if i tried to' in this messy complicated and just talk to each other jfc relationship
Anyway thank u for creating equinox i am biting my nails i am walking in circles i am absolutely invested in this. Your world building makes me go mwah mwah mwah i will forever rotate it in my head like a rotisserie chicken kind of beat and i hate (affectionate) redstone in game bc it makes my head hurt but damn i love how you write it. The missing sun god is something that is bouncing inside my head and i dont know how to articulate it but it makes me go 'eyes emoji' yknow??? I am deeply in love enamored with ur storytelling and i will continue saying that with my whole chest
Anon?? 🥺🥺 Aaah this whole ask. You're so kind.
They really, really are a mess, aren't they? Much of the fun of writing it is sitting here going "come on. come on just talk to each other. You can do it." but because they are Scar and Grian about it they just... don't do that. So I have to be like "alright [throws plot in their direction] how about now, huh? No? More plot? I'm gonna keep piling misfortune on you until you talk, you know that, right?"
That said you are so, so right Scar never did anything wrong ever (lying, also).
Equinox Cub 🤝 Equinox Doc: wanting the neighbours to sort out their bs. They should form a union, even. They could probably get [redacted] to join too.
Anon, you are either gonna love or hate the next main story because Scar... well, he's making some Choices in the next one, is how I'll put it.
As for the sun god thing, there is some more information about that on the horizon too.
Also anon you have found my weakness, which is world-building. It is one of my absolute favourite parts of storytelling, so your complimenting mine means a lot <3 Emotions are being felt.
And thank you for wanting to read my fic, and for speculating about it <3 I am honestly a little overwhelmed (/pos) by the attention my Hermitcraft/life series fic is getting, everyone has just been incredibly kind.
(also in the name of redstone suffering solidarity, here is a picture of my lil Minecraft guy in front of the copper farm I recently spent Too Long building. I know you can't see half of their face, but I feel like the expression on the mask almost conveys my suffering better than any facial expression could have.)
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sasudou · 2 years
right so, i don't have that many strong opinions on side characters tbh, but i really do agree with what the op on reddit said regarding people getting too attached to quirky characters and expecting them to be something big later in the story even though they were never intended that way. i think personally for utahime (i'll get to shoko in a sec) is that majority of her fans want to see more of her simply because they ship her with gojo, even though that pairing has no basis whatsoever nor any proper foundation to make sense in the entirety of the jjk plot. i don't think utahime was created to be gojo's extra or whatever, i think gege created her with the purpose solely to show how gojo is being treated and percieved by those around him, he is annoying, plenty characters react differently to his antics. shippers ofc will treat this differently because tsundere is such a major thing in anime, needless to say i think it's wrong because utahime is an adult who has had to put up with gojo's bs for over 10 years, and regardless what some may say, i don't think they are close friends, or friends even, nothing in the show says this, i think they work together and trust each other simply because they have same positions in the school, same as kusakabe. now i think utahime could do anything in the story, if gege wants her to, but i dont think she's gonna be doing anything big because as the op on reddit said, if she did bare minimum then she'll continue to do so, her and anyone else. perhaps her role was to root out the mole and be done with it, perhaps later in the story she will suffer the consequences if the mole is revealed and for being in cahoots with gojou. other than that, gege just brought yuji and megumi back after almost a year i think? nobara still nowhere to be found, status unknown or know (dead?) manga is fast paced. shoko is supposed to be important because her skill is very valued as she's a rare technique healer, however she's also nowhere to be seen, there are theories that she could be the second traitor but im not sure? she's not in the higher rank nor is she a higher up so? she used to be trio with gojo and geto, they shared some experiences together but all that is just sidelined and exists/ sashisu fanarts are great i love them but i think they are deluding people in how close these three may have been if they even were.
the only female character that i like is maki, she has had the most development but a part of me still does feel like gege doesn't treat her that well either. idk, i wish i could know why but maybe again it's simply because it's shonen. jjk has a very limited cast and mostly what i see some people talk about is which ship is gonna be canon and which characters have most chemistry, i dont think this matters people will always ship no matter what. i just find it hilarious how on twitter people come up with 50 pages of essay trying to convince people why two characters that had the barest minimum of interaction need to become a thing at the end, especially when said characters hadn't gotten along for a decade. gege literally said that he cannot imagine gojo being sincere to any woman/ that alone is enough to confirm that his main character will not have a romantic subplot, at least no more than the one he "had" with Geto i imagine? dunno, the subtext is there. lastly i just don't care, if people wanna ship this or that, the main issue here is character utilization or better yet are they even supposed to be utilized more than what they already did. i think there's also a pretty good chance that many of them will end up dying, gege literally said no one can return to their normal daily lives after shibuya. needless, i think wanting to see a character more in the story simply because of the ship is a petty reason and just somebody having a wishful thinking that desires a wish fullfilment because characters serve as a projection.
idk, i hope this gives u some insight on what i had in mind but well, if u have more to share please do so! i enjoyed reading ur thoughts :)
yeah i don’t think utahime and gojo are that close lol. i don’t think gojo is that close with anyone—at least, not anymore (rip to my man geto). (this also ties back to a post i made previously about the interview you mentioned)
people in fandom will always ship (hell, i ship characters), but i think people need to learn how to enjoy a piece of media without constantly involving them. it’s totally ok for you to like a ship and want more content for it, but it sometimes gets to the point where they completely misunderstand/misrepresent the two characters and stop viewing the manga as a manga. writing is a form of art that has purpose, themes, symbols, metaphors, etc. it’s meant to be analyzed. you can have fun with it as well (shipping is often harmless) but that’s ultimately not what the manga is about. have fun with fandom, have fun with shipping, but remember to take off your shipping or fanon lenses when reading/analyzing the actual material.
i also don’t think utahime is meant to have a big role. her fans wishing they had more content is perfectly fine, but sometimes side characters are just side characters. like i said before, not everyone has a big role to play, and that’s completely normal. the best part about fandom is that you can produce content. write fanfics, creat art, think of headcanons, etc. if you like a character that doesn’t have much content, then make some yourself (which is what majority of utahime stans do, at least from what i’ve seen).
i don’t have an opinion on utahime. if i had to, then yeah i can imagine a situation where she might become relevant again, but i don’t particularly care one way or the other.
oh!! i also don’t think a majority of the characters will be alive at the end of the manga. gege loves his angst, he loves his character deaths, which is an aspect of his writing i love so much. i feel like a lot of manga authors (especially after gaining popularity) are scared of killing off characters or get stopped by their editors. there’s also an interview that states “among gojo and the first years, either one person will die or everyone will die except one person” and i can’t wait to see which one it is.
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noodlecupcakes · 2 years
I would love to be writing more right now but I am really suffering from the BS that is real word fatigue. Everything thats going on in my life and the world right now makes it very difficult to continue with this hobby. Not to say Im giving it up, I dont think I ever will but I do hate how much I have slowed down this year because all my free time I use to recover from all the exhaustion and stress. I have gotten back into gaming and reading however so I suppose thats a plus. 
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lorisystem · 6 months
Rlly frustrated at this societys outlook on suicide and feeling suicidal. Whenever im looking up related stuff i get only pages like "you matter everyone loves you and youre valued" etc which is bs. I literally dont care. What i care about, is that this world is hostile to me, and i know it wont change for me. I know its a "controversial" opinion or whatever but its my firm belief that suicide and access to it is a fundamental right. I believe its a failure from healthcare, the government, etc, to actively prevent me from accessing it in a safe painless way. Its forcing me to do it in a violent, unsafe way. This society would rather i continue suffering since they dont recognize my suffering even. Looking up other countries laws and even in the few that allow it theres often laws or just practices that only allow it if youre gravely ill except mental illness doesnt count?!???!!??? Idk. I think the world is incredibly cruel and backwards. And the worst is having to read opinions of people who have never been suicidal like "suicide is cowardly" etc. Actually im cowardly bc im too squeamish to use violence thats the whole thing!!! I hate suffering but to die i have to suffer. Its very ironic too, its like what, i gotta injure myself to such an extent that they might consider doing me the favor of ending my suffering since its now real or whatever. Anyway, im really romanticizing some cultures view on honor suicide actually. Idk how this is a controversial opinion. I think if anybody thinks suicide should be prevented, refused, etc, they basically think they can decide for other ppl. They deny other ppls agencies. So they dont view them as autonomous people with human rights. Thats basically what i think. Anyway i wanna remake that song i made about public suicide
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tealisa · 1 year
I really wish marvel never made the Captain America villains nazis bc they handle the subject to terribly outside of the Winter Soldier arc doing an Operation Paperclip analogy about how the Western powers rehabilitated the nazis after the war. That was the only time the cap villains felt well used, but in the past decade marvel's big cap runs are just turning giving Steve Rogers or Bucky Barnes character-assassinating villain heel turns with the Nazi Cap and outer circle nonsense, and I cannot overstate how awful the writing is
and there's no way it all gets retconned like every other time they did this bc they've destroyed too many characters to force this "Cold War" plot (with countless jingoistic pro-USA historical references) but even when it gets wiped away, I'm still pissed that they think it's good storytelling.
And its ridiculous bc the only logical conclusion for the Winter Soldier arc was everyone's (esp the ones personally impacted: Bucky & Steve) questioning their loyalty to a government that hired nazis who politically and literally puppeted them as weapons, but no, marvel's office always wants more Cap'n 'Murrica so they stay loyal supercops until its time to do another "must protect the new Captain America from the old one who's my oldest and best friend and now suddenly a fascist" storyline again
it's like marvel thought the reason why people likes the Winter Soldier arc was bc of the Bucky Steve fight, so they never bother depicting them as how close and inseparable platonic soulmates that they are introduced as an instead come up w convoluted reasons to make them fight again, which means one of them siding w the nazi villains for shock value...
idk how anyone can like reading this, just flipping between destroying a character's entire ethos and udnermine the role they originally played in the foundation for CA-canon: they're supposed to be the 2 WW2 vets who fought the Nazis originally in the USA's last good military act, it's supposed to be impactful when they both come back to the 21st c. and find their own government hired the nazis they fought, but instead marvel editorial makes them nazis for shits and giggles and bash their characters to a pulp //
I know the nature of (American) comics demands more Cap bs, but Bucky and Steve's stories should've progressed long ago to them abandoning their American-ness and being disillusioned by their country, at the very least for the harm they themselves suffered personally. If marvel office needs more Cap shit, they already have a new one who's a modern USian military man and much more believable to continue doing that, by instead of letting the old Caps be free from the stars n stripes and let them develop outside of that pro-USA nonsense for once, instead they make them nazis/fascists in the most "yeah, this is all definitely getting retconned and wiped from everyone's memories immediately" storylines ever
I mean yeah agreed. The nazi villains are important to Captain America history given his creators and date of publication, but yeah like most things nowadays marvel has ran the good stuff and the punk parts of this franchise to the ground and filled it with neoliberal bullshit. It's like i said in the first ask you sent (idk if youre the same anon, but im assuming so). In the end all i wish is for marvel and disney to go bankrupt paying the creators what theyre owed, and for all of marvel's IP to go into the public domain
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nerajaana · 3 years
"Dany stans are white feminists" "she's a slaver" "my ancestors yadda yadda yadda" yes please keep talking more about how stanning a fourteen year old girl with dragons the size of dogs freeing everyone (who're in no friggin way exclusively people of color) who were enslaved makes her a slaver and her stans white feminists. Woman with zero privilege, who earned everything she's got rn with her blood, sweat and tears is the icon of wHiTe feMiniSm wow what an iconic brain. "Unsullied!" you scream. Ok peabrain, you gonna ignore the fact that they made the fckin choice to follow her? you gonna sit there and say they didn't know better uwu they should've remained free *foot stomps (because y'all remind me of my neighbour's whiny bratty 8 yr old)* yes pls go on and infantalise the pOCs that's so much better and respectful of you innit? Pls talk more about how on gods green fucking earth Daenerys holds any mfing resemblance to the fckin slavers of the real world IDK SUSAN THE GODDAMNED MASTERS ARE RIGHT FCKIN THERE WTF i can't bleeding believe this
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jaeewon · 6 years
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adorerdraco · 2 years
wow long time, no chit chat. FIRST OF ALL ! let me apologize for leaving my fic in the cold like that. I left with the worst cliffhanger imaginable and spent a year procrastinating the ending even though I'd worked on the final chapter on and off since I'd last posted. I disappeared off of tumblr and got swept up into all the bs in my life and lost touch with writing, harry potter, and also draco.
unfortunately i also have unmedicated adhd unless you count sativa, a full time job now, suffered like 2 major breakups this year, social circle got busy and my lil capricorn ass couldn't handle it all ;(
i always felt guilty abandoning this blog and healing heart especially bc this place holds a special place in my heart and this blog was here for me during another very emotional time of my life and here was the only place to express it along with everyone who kept up with me or liked my writings. <3 this last chapter, i hope found everyone well and if you once kept up with the story, i hope it still interests you and that you enjoy it.
I'm not sure if ill continue writing for draco, but I'll keep an open mind and an open heart for all possibilities. i love you, thank you for reading, please take care of yourselves and stay safe and i send you all the love in the world.
on another note - DOES ANYONE HAVE THE SAME PLACEMENTS AS ME !!!!! IM AN ASTROLOGY GORL NOW, grown and believing in the stars !!
capricorn sun, aquarius moon, taurus rising MUAH
cap szn came and the venus rx and I FELTTTT saturn whispering in my ear to finish what i started.
that's it.
i love you. bye <333333333333333333333
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ender-thorn · 2 years
my acc is now just me talking about guided evolution. not that thats a bad thing but this fic continues to devour all of my waking thoughts.
i thought i'd try something new and share my thoughts and theories after the new chapter without just dropping threats in @fathermooshroom's asks. sorry not sorry about that by the way.
but holy shit??? being completely honest, the inbetween hadn't fully caught on for me yet, it was still surrounded in the whole mystery and you had to keep track of (until now really) a separate lore about the catalyst and the keeper. but this chapter really hit me like a truck
the fact that dream had revived eight and tortured him for a year?? out of character, no but out of fucking left field. that really just makes his character so much more heartbreaking bro. and he remembers none of it, and even for a little while we see him being an older brother figure for Nine and i would quite literally kill to protect those two.
tommy dies, sees karl and the inbetween, and his first thought is "fuck you karl, how could you not want to see me?". even after painfully dying to poison, the kids still got... he sure still has something. in all honesty though, my heart shattered as tommy forgot who he was. there was pure panic as he scrambled to remember before slipping between karls fingers and being revived.
literally my only thought is that he's alive again but doesn't remember who he is or anything thats happened and i just know dreams gonna have a field day. i see what you meant when youd always say "this isnt even the worst part >:)". scared for my boy's safety.
even eight commenting on how he slowly started to remember but only after months and months of torture. jesus christ we're in for it now.
karl tell your fiances about tommy challenge. knock on the watson's door and just drop the "dreams got your kid". or even drop subtle hints to quackity, thats not directly interfering, thats nudging him in the right direction. the right direction being kicking dreams ass and saving tommy.
i cant stop thinking about how quackity will reaact to finding out tommy's spider-man. tommy's arguably his favourite student and he's wanted to protect spider-man from dream for a while now so when he realises theyre the same person? MMMMM I JUST WANT MORE
still on my bs about wilbur too, my boy needs to know about how his brother is kidnapped and was also a superhero.
idk if this will continue to be a regular thing for chapters, but just know, your days are numbered if tommy suffers for months.
or maybe not because im a sucker for the hurt part of hurt/comfort
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