#im tagging it as critical even though im not trying to criticize it just express my frustrations
lamaenthel · 6 months
torn between glee at finally getting an action episode and exasperation, because besides what I'm calling the asked-and-answered trope (aka the trope where the writers want something to happen even if it causes a giant plot hole and they "resolve" the conflict by having one character ask the other why X happened and they answer it with a single sentence and never revisit it ["why did i never see you on kamino?" "I was needed elsewhere" {what the fuck}]) my second least favorite trope is "well, that's not exactly true" followed by a character admitting they kept information vital to the plot secret for flimsy ass reasons. Because ykw, even if Cross was deadset about never going back to Tantiss to help the clones still being mercilessly tortured and experimented on by Dr Demagol Space Mengele (and I thought we resolved the reg prejudice during the Mayday arc?? but what do I know I guess) there's no reason to not pass that information onto Rex and Echo??? Bro you want to retire with your baby daughtersis in Space Hawaii then do it, you don't need to hold this information close to your chest. Literally just don't tell Omega if you're worried about her involving herself. She's like 14 it's fine you can lie to teenagers
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 10 months
yk, it kind of annoys me when people rag on shinso for "coasting through life with his quirk". like, there are plenty of other valid criticisms of his character in canon (though admittedly i love his fanon characterization a lot bc of my own biases) but that one always gets under my skin. because that's,,, something basically every canon character does? if you have a quirk, youre going to use it, and the metric for which people use to identify a character as "relying on their quirk too much" seem inconsistent at best. even our very own main character midoriya starts relying on his quirk for everything basically as soon as he can use it without hurting himself, and we stop getting those fun moments where he gets to show his intelligence and creativity nearly as often as theyre replaced with "who can punch harder" contests.
also people who claim shinso did no physical training before the entrance exam, or before aizawa picked him up. because as far as im aware,,, thats never stated in canon? i think people are assuming that if he did any physical training, he would've automatically gotten into the hero course, but that's just not true. even if he trained as hard as he physically could, its gonna be basically impossible for a 15 year old who doesnt have a quirk that gives them an advantage to win against enough robots to pass... which is the literal point of the test. and before anyone brings up hagakure or ojiro, ojiro has an extra limb which canonically helps with his destructive power (he uses his tail to destroy things his punches/kicks couldnt multiple times) and professional martial arts training that shinso clearly doesnt have based on how he flailed during his fight with midoriya, and hagakure is invisible so she can easily sneak up on the robots and take the time to find their weaknesses without being attacked. clear advantages.
and even if he did absolutely no combat training, that could easily be a result of the whole quirk-centric society brainwashing everyone that their quirk makes them who they are. that they have to rely on it, and use it as their guide on who/what to become. so the fact that people are so quick to chalk it up to stupidity and arrogance, when it could easily be just a teenager who isnt immune to propaganda being bitter (and admittedly cruel, like i said not a fan of his canon characterization) when he tries to do something good with his "evil" quirk and it doesnt work, or hell any number of hundreds of other explanations, annoys me a bit. (i realize this is probably coming off as more of an angry rant than im intending, but im not actually that upset about it, im just trying to communicate my thoughts clearly.) ultimately, i dont think we have enough info on shinso's character to decide things like that, you know? and i dont think its productive to just decide that one interpretation of the very limited information we have on his thoughts and actions is the canon one, and then bash/praise him for that interpretation.
i think that's also why tagging things as OOC isnt really done anymore unless its egregious, because there are so many interpretations of characters that are close enough to canon that that version of them can be argued, and a lot of times the person who holds that interpretation is truly convinced that version in their heads is canon, to the point that anyone saying it isnt is automatically deemed an idiot who can't read. so its easy to say "people should tag more things as OOC", but it takes a lot to be aware that how you read a character may not be what is actually displayed in the text or what the author intended, and a lot of people only think about how they read the story due to their own biases or creativeness or pet peeves, not the literal reading of the text. its especially hard in manga, when drawings of facial expressions can sometimes be argued to display a number of emotions, thoughts, etc.
and that one post where someone said that shinso would die immediately if he had to fight someone with a weapon, when he wasnt trained, and they were genetically physically immune to his quirk?? like, yeah, obviously??? so would anyone! these hypotheticals are meaningless, because you could easily say "well, what is hagakure had to fight someone with a gun who had heat vision on day one, she'd probably die" or any other random character and scenario. it means nothing, especially since shinso was actively training to get into a school where he would be trained to both use his quirk and what to do when he cant use it. just saying "well he wasnt good at fighting before he got in" is a terrible argument. i agree with a lot of the rest of the post, but that one part baffled and irritated me.
I think Hitoshi’s biggest flaw is that the world building around him sucks. Had he been shown to train and still failed and had we actually been showed that he’s been bullied, his anger would’ve been justified or at least understandable/sympathetic. Instead we have… nothing, which makes him seem like he’s throwing a temper tantrum and/or comes off as entitled. On paper, he’s not a bad character whatsoever, and the same goes for Shota. The main issue with both characters comes from how they’re executed and how they mesh with the world they’re in.
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lonelychicago · 2 years
seven sentence sunday
tagged by @spotsandsocks @eddiediazisascorpio @jobairdxx and @dickley-buddie thanks for the tag, loves!
ok so this fic is technically finished but im debating posting it or no. context: eddie is president and buck is one of his secret service agents.
And then Eddie's clutching him back and hiding his face against Buck's neck. "Fuck, I was so worried."
The moment snaps, and rage flares back, bright as ever. Buck shoves him away and takes another look, critical this time, checking for injuries. Eddie's rumpled, hasn’t changed yet, but completely and totally unscathed. “You were worried?” He demands, his voice coming out sharper and harsher than he was actually intending it to. “Do you not get how this works, Eddie? It’s my job to deal with threats on your life, I can’t do that if you’re trying to protect me. I’m trained in this, you can’t just–”
“I know,” Eddie says. His voice is so soft. Buck hates him a little for it. “Fuck, I know. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know that would–”
“The threat was on you, not me.” Buck's jaw works. He takes a deep breath, then slowly lets it out, eyes bright with anger. “I know we joke around, but I am actually competent at my job, and I can take care of you. If I get hurt, that’s–”
“Fuck, Buck, no,” Eddie says, holding his hands up. “That’s not– Jesus, I get that, okay? I know I’m not–you’re trained in this, it’s your job, you’re fucking good at it. You neutralized the threat and got everyone out safely."
"Damn right I did."
"That’s not–” Eddie runs his hand through his hair.
"What were you even thinking? Oh wait, you weren't!" Buck snaps again and he has to bring himself back.
“This is bad, Eddie! What you did was so stupid and—" He bursts out, then visibly restrains himself. He reaches up and brushes his palm over his mouth before pointing a finger at Eddie. "If your instinct when there’s a threat is to protect me, I can’t work for you.”
A strange expression passes over Eddie's face, his mouth opening and closing, even though no sounds come out. His eyebrows draw together, then he huffs quietly. “Yeah, you probably shouldn’t.”
Buck snaps his mouth shut. Even though it was his idea, the words hit Buck harder than anything else today. He's been shot at, fought off an actual threat on the president’s life, and got a pretty bad kick to the jaw, but this is still the worst.
tagging: @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @lostinabuddiehaze @fatedbuck @maygrantgf @two-cut-lines @prettyboybuckley @elvensorceress @bekkachaos @loveyourownsmiilee @buddierights @lilbuddie and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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logically-asexual · 1 year
Tumblr media
i have no idea what it is like to have such a following as Thomas does so im probably speaking out of turn and my opinion is wrong but. speaking purely as a fan myself, i can’t help putting myself in the shoes of the people Thomas replies to saying stuff like this (by “this” mean like the reply above and those replies where he has expressed disapproval of criticism or questions about how long the next video will take x x)
one thing here is alright. i like that he said they shouldn’t “tag him” in stuff like this instead of just vaguely implying that they shouldn’t tweet stuff like this at all, like he has done in other occasions. so that’s good. i think it’s fair for people to post whatever they want but to also expect them to not tag the creator in comments that aren’t wanted.
however i don’t like that he’s suggesting that a single tweet like this can make his skin condition worse? im not defending the original tweet because i can see how it sounds very insensitive considering thomas’s situation. but im speaking only about thomas’s response and. like maybe if you’re getting so worked up about a single tweet (when you’re a social media personality that probably gets tagged in hundreds of posts daily) and it gives you the amount of stress that can physically affect your health then you should maybe work on that yourself? because social media is what it is and rude comments aren’t going anywhere.
if i am wrong, though, and the right thing to do is that all fanders be careful of what they say because Thomas can’t help what tweets he sees because he gets tagged in them and also bc the twitter algorithm is annoying, and if for certain criticisms it’s certainly best to try our best keep them away from him because they’ll directly hurt him then ! i still think! that he should NOT target the individual person in public by replying to their tweet and telling them off there.
i think (again, speaking as a fan, putting myself in other fans’ shoes and thinking that this could happen to me) i think that he should post his own PSA saying “please don’t tag me in comments about x or y” and/or dm the person directly to tell them that the tweet hurt him and to not do that in the future.
because even if a tweet is rude and insensitive, the one posting it wasn’t asking for thomas to bring it
- thousands of views and a bunch of unwanted comments
- who knows how many angry fans telling them off for what they did or being passive aggressive in thomas’s comments
- a bad reputation in the fandom as “that person thomas had to call out because they were rude to him”
- the guilt of apparently personally worsening Thomas’s stress and health problems, said by Thomas himself.
i don’t think those are fair consequences to writing a poorly worded, insulting tweet. maybe it’s just me but i think it’s too much.
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tameila · 10 months
Was kindly tagged by @belphegor1982 to participate in this 20 questions for writers trend! thanks for the tag! 💕 tags for anyone who sees this and wants to take a whack at it. tag me in your responses, if you do!
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 10 works on ao3 with plenty of little one-shots posted here on tumblr and at least triple that many WIPs lmao
What's your total AO3 word count?
My current ao3 word count is 165,375 words. TSAR is responsible for, like, 70% of that word count.
What fandoms do you write for?
On ao3, I've only posted for Critical Role, and I do not foresee that changing, but who knows! Before Critical Role, I never really saw myself as a writer that posted on public forums, and it's not as if I haven't entertained and dabbled in other fandoms.
Overall, including collaborative writing/roleplaying, I have written for Warriors (yes, the cat books), Bleach, Naruto, Hetalia (im sorry you have to learn this about me), Glee, Dragon Age, and Digimon.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Sun Always Rises (550 kudos), multichaptered modern AU Pikelan
give my regards to soul and romance (186 kudos), one-shot based in @jabletown's rejoice AU, Pikelan with Dadlan and Pike & Kaylie bonding
le petit encore (145 kudos), my mediocre TSAR 'verse smut fic. every time it gets another kudos i am pushed closer and closer to continuing my smut WIPs because i swear!! i promise!! i can write better smut!...but i am rather proud of this piece because it was my first serious foray into the world of smut and i gotta recognize my own hustle lol
As Easy as Riding a Bicycle (113 kudos), modern AU/college-aged Pikelan, Pike's bike gets stolen and she turns to a dating app to try and find it and finds love instead. super love this piece. everyone should read it and give it more kudos so it can be my third most kudo'd piece teehee
TLC is a Two-Way Street (104 kudos), TSAR 'verse, Pikelan, Pike looks after Scanlan while he is sick
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, yes, yes! Even as I free myself from the shackles of needing that validation and feeling discouraged if I don't reach some arbitrary number of engagement, I cannot deny that comments are inspiration and writing fuel. So, when I get a comment, I think it's the least that I can do to respond, even if it's just to say thanks.
I am definitely guilty of sitting on comments that make me particularly happy for weeks on end before actually remembering to respond tho
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
the things we know and the things we wish they knew, which was my first CR fanfic and written in response to ep 85 iykyk
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean, it's gotta be The Sun Always Rises
Do you get hate on fics?
No, thankfully not!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
As mentioned previously, I only really have one serious smut fic, though I have written a couple other bits and bobs....and maybe I have a couple WIPs that may or may not see the light of day. I'm not sure what kinds of smut there are...but I guess I would describe my approach to smut as 'I am a sex-repulsed asexual and idk what's really going on here but I'm here to express closeness and intimacy and love in this strange new world' lol
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
If we're talking crossovers in the sense that characters from two separate fictional stories meet and interact, I have written in roleplays back in middle school like that but never explored the concept in fanfic.
If crossovers also includes taking the concept of one fictional media and inserting the characters of another into it (e.g., Hogwarts AU or HDM AU) then I've definitely written and have plans for various fanfics like that. I don't think that I have any that I would consider "crazy", but I do think my brief notes and writings for a OTGW-inspired Nygmobblepot/Riddlebird fic were v inspired.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of and hopefully not! Very little gets posted in the Pikelan fandom that I don't see, so I like to think I'd be hard to pull a fast one on
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet, but I would love to see The Sun Always Rises translated into other languages someday!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've entertained a couple co-written fics that have unfortunately never gotten off the ground much, but I'm not closed off to the idea. I see it as being quite similar to roleplaying!
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Oof. As a lifetime shipper, that's a tough question. I never truly let go of a ship, even after I've moved on from a fandom, but there are definitely some that are far more enduring in my heart than others.
Of course, if we're going off of writing alone than it's Pikelan. Writing TSAR got me through some of the hardest years of my life and, despite what's become of them and what I'm forced to endure by continuing to engage in the fandom space, they're special to me in a way that a lot of other ships can never be, no matter how much I love 'em.
Also, in the case of writing, FenHawke. selfishly, of course, Fenris with my Hawke. I love writing for them, and I consider the pieces that I've written for them to be amongst my best. They're the Dragon Age ship for me.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
.....[shamefully hangs head] A-Side and B-Side, the sequels to TSAR. I'm gonna keep writing them for as long as I am able but, if there ever comes a day that I post an update and get zero engagement, then I think I'll just have to move on. but! if even one person keeps coming along for the ride, then I'll stick to 'em. I just don't know if there's anyone who loves my writing enough to stick around for, like, another 5 years lol
The other big one is Vex's Delivery Service...which is exactly what it sounds like. A Kiki's Delivery Service inspired AU but it's about Vex. though truly, it's a thinly veiled excuse to write about domestic Pikelan is what it is. I have the whole thing planned out. I just can't ever seem to get it off the ground and, at this point, with the way I'm halfway out of the CR fandom, I don't think I ever will.
What are your writing strengths?
I have been extremely lucky to have been complimented on multiple facets of my writing over the years. However, I think what I pride in myself the most is my ability to let each scene breathe and take its time. It means that I take forever to write and nothing's ever short, but I don't think I would like writing quite as much if I wasn't allowed to let each moment have its breathing space.
What are your writing weaknesses?
It's a bit of an oddball pick maybe, but it's something that I feel like I have to own up to as a notorious modern AU writer:
People say that modern AUs are uninspired and boring, especially when you're taking characters out of a magical fictional world just to put them into our world and....the rumor's are true. I just don't get that into the lore of a fictional universe to ever feel comfortable writing in it. I do just find it easier to write everyone as humans in a modern-esque society. Now, I will stand by the fact that part of the fun of modern AUs is taking these magical characters and interpreting into a modern space (I often do the opposite with modern era characters into a fantasy world of my own design), but I just want to fully own up to the fact that...yes, I am too lazy to research the intricacies of canon in order to write a proper canon compliant/adjacent fic.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it has it's place.
For me, if it's a language that the POV character understands/that the reader should understand alongside the POV character, then there's no reason to write it in that language. Simply include a dialogue tag to explain what language the character was speaking in. and I say this mostly from a logistical/ease of reading standpoint. Having to scroll down to the bottom of a fic or switch to a separate tab with the translations interrupts the flow of reading.
If, however, the language is included, untranslated, to reflect the POV character's own lack of knowledge of the language then that makes more sense. because you, as the reader, are meant to keep reading at the same level of understanding as the POV character and there's no pressure to be rushing for a translation just to make sure you're not missing an important line of dialogue.
but of course, as with most things, it's writer's choice!
First fandom you wrote for?
Warriors, probably...maybe Hamtaro. I definitely read fanfic for it and had my little daydream musings, but I don't think I wrote anything down.
Favorite fic you've ever written?
Oooh, we talkin' fic fic? That's long gone, and it's up in the air which of those many early fandoms that it was for.
If we're talking that's readily available on ao3, then my first was the things we know and the things we wish they knew. though, I was writing and posting Dragon Age one-shots on tumblr before that one.
Coming back because, for some reason, I misread this question as what was the first fic I'd ever written lol. Obviously, the answer to favorite is The Sun Always Rises.
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pinkhutia · 1 year
Okay to go with every other terf version transphobe tonight I want the justifcation for your content vs trans people? The actual factual justification, you want to sound educated well then explain to me in factual honesty how can you justify your transphobia and content ethically? I'll take silence on this the same as the other two.
i said this in the tags of my reblog but ill reiterate here that i am a believer in dialogue and therefore dont like to shut down discussion when it seems to bear potential. i engage with ideas that i don’t anticipate myself to agree with, and try to keep an open mind. i used to be very liberal with gender ideology but have since shifted away from that. im very sorry that i wont provide sources like i enjoy doing because it takes an effort to make so comprehensive a post that i dont have the energy for (it’s late evening in my timezone)
for starters, “transphobia” is a… well i’ll say it’s an odd term to throw around. i certainly dont hate trans people, though i may express frustration with some of their ideology at times. i use the pronouns people ask me to use because i fundamentally believe in respect for people and their humanity, which contains nuances i may not always personally grasp. i empathize deeply with the struggles that many trans people report
my opposition to “gender ideology” (which i admit is a term radfems and conservatives alike tend to throw around without a clearly consolidated definition) stems from an acknowledgement of the material reality of sex-based oppression. it is the sole quality that unifies the experiences of women worldwide. womens’ expression of gender is not the source of universal female oppression because gender varies so much from culture to culture and from woman to woman
in my time being very pro-trans—which had been practically since i became politically conscious—i was presented with and espoused what was basically the idea of a “gender essence” that people had, which determined their identification with a gender identity. however, since becoming interested in feminist theory, that idea became clearly “problematic” (for lack of a better word) in its perpetration to traditional gender roles which assign “feminine traits” to xx chromosomes and is used to justify women’s oppression. “gender” since time immemorial has been used to tie an immaterial dimension to sex that solidifies spiritual and ideological misogyny. it dissociates women from their material state as humans
there is something very attractive about the promise of gender-fluidity. we can be men one day and women the next, whenever we feel associated with one side or the other. but this is a denial of the historical reality of sex and the material present for so many worldwide. women do not “feel” female, by and large, they simply accept it as a layer of their existence, in the same way i am latina and cannot deny it. “latina” identity may be very nuanced, and i may agree with people who reject the label, but it is an immutable facet of my being that has real implications
i detest gender. i detest the expectations of it, the roles i am forced into by it, and i wish to abolish it. but that does not entail a dismissal of sex, for, just like any other variable dimension of biology, it has implications on my existence. to deny it would be escapist and counter-productive
i realize many trans rights activists wish for the abolition of gender as well (i used to be one, after all). i disagree with their approach to gender abolition, which seems contradictory to me, but i can still discuss that with them as it’s clear so many of us share a common goal
there is much more i could say concerning the material implications of “gender ideology,” especially concerning the predatory nature of “big pharma” (as it’s so lovingly called) toward transgender people. however, like i said, it’s 10pm and im sure youve heard the arguments. i hope this makes sense and familiarizes you with sincere gender criticism, which is truly more nuanced than so many seem to think
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catintheruemorgue · 4 years
annoying things they do
summary: small things these guys do that just grinds your gears a bit.
characters: oda, dazai, kunikida, twain, akutagawa, atsushi, mori, poe, ranpo, fittzgerald, steinbeck, chuuya, yosano, gin, kouyou, higuchi, alcott and lucy
these are all based off things i do or have inconvenienced my life lmfao i’ll probs do a part two with everyone i missed this just got wayyy to long lol next im posting being friends with double black 
If you're wearing shorts and have bruises he will poke them when you're resting your legs on him. He’s silent about it too and if you yell at him he pretends to act like he doesn't know what you're talking about.
Will smack your sunburn but this one is actually an accident. He just wanted to pat you on the back because you're amazing.
Will space out when you talk too long, sometimes certain objects are just so… mesmerizing
Loves to jumpscare you the only exception is if it was a trigger. In that case he will just call your name and whip something at you for you to catch at random.
When you're driving he likes to reach over and honk your horn. It's almost caused so many roadside fistfights.
If he sees a dog in public he will bark and growl at it.
Won’t let you on the bed without socks on. You could be sick as a dog and he’ll still enforce this rule.
Cleaning is hard because he has a hard time throwing things away. You'll spend extra time as he holds two identical pens, trying to decide which one he wants to keep. He’s learned to plan certain days in his schedule for cleaning now.
Won't let you turn up the music in the car and will keep it at a level that's so low it's annoying.
Walks around the house shirtless but then complains about how cold it is.
Blasts his music so loud when he wakes up in the morning and it's always early 2000’s hits. It's not rare for you to have Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield stuck in your head by 9 am.
Always has to climb something, this stems from his adventurous side. It's not really that annoying but when you’re in a crowded area and he runs off to go climb the tall statue, screaming at you to take a photo… Yes it is. Especially when children try and follow him and you're stuck receiving glares from the parents.
Will not let you throw any food products out. He tells you it's a perfectly good meal (even if it's not) and that he will eat it tomorrow. It’s sad because you know this stems from childhood but it’s still annoying.
Reuses the same gross, musty ziplock baggies. You keep buying new ones but he doesn't get it lol.  
Will tell you if your breath smells, hair is messy, outfit is ugly. He does not see an issue with this and it's nice knowing someone has your back but he doesn't have to be so rude about it..
If he drinks he's one of those drinkers who will not let you take it from him. Keeps an iron grip on the cup. He finishes it no matter how drunk and always throws up. Thankfully he rarely drinks.
He stops to help everyone, literally even if they just look like they need help. You've been late to so many things.
Will eat anything. Once you made steak and somehow forgot about it. It was hard as a brick yet he still almost broke his teeth eating it. You think you saw some tears as he told you it was delicious.
Listens to people's conversations in public and isn't afraid to comment, loudly, about it. You know it's loud because they either stop talking or try and confront you guys.
Comes up to stops fast and brakes so hard you feel like he does it on purpose.
Sometimes if he and Elise get into a “disagreement” he’ll try and rope you in to take his side and you always do, knowing it would probably give him more satisfaction if you chose to side with her.
Asks for constructive criticism but will then argue with you about why you're wrong.
Always humming a song he heard Twain singing and then it gets stuck in your head too.
Will deny stupid things like why your favorite mug is in the trash or why he just let out rather loud scream in the bathroom. You know he's lying because he looks away and makes sure his bangs are covering his eyes.
Will call you out on any lie even if you don't mean to lie you just forgot about some of the details.
Don't take him grocery shopping if you have a set amount you want to spend. He won't even sneak, he will just say he wants something and throw it in the cart.
Such a backseat driver even though he can't drive.
Likes to act like he's still in his twenties and will somehow get the two of you invited to college parties where he will attempt to do a kegger in front of everyone. You end up being the one to hold him up and he always ends with a, “LETS FUCKING GO!”
Likes to ask for the senior discount even though he's not that old, he just likes to hear the women validate that he's not old.
It’s scary how he used to buy without looking and now will scream if the price on a price tag is too high.
Always looking at the grass for wheat to chew on. It's so cheesy when you walk into the city and he's got it sticking out of his mouth.
He gets weirdly intimate with nature and you feel like you're third wheeling.
Has the mentality that he has to provide for you because he is the man. He gets so shocked when he finds out you still want to work.
Has a hard time making decisions you could ask him what he wants for dinner and his mind will just break.
Gets way too pissed at movies and will actually get up and walk away. Once you were kicked out of the theater because he wouldn't stop yelling at the screen. Another time he walked out you waited a whole ten minutes before you realized he wasn't coming back.
Sometimes activates his ability at night and it's so scary waking up to him floating halfway across the room.
WOMAN TIME!!!!!!!!!!
Will glare at you so intensely if you say something she disagrees with.
Always tries to rope you into drinking with her even if you’ve said no the past ten nights.
Will describe wounds or injuries in such detail and just won’t stop, almost like she’s trying to fuck with you, but she’s not.
Claims to be nothing like her big brother but then will go on to make the same facial expressions and do some of the same mannerisms as him.
Will spend hours trying things on just to put it all back, leave the store and change her mind when you’re almost home. Then she’ll have you run back with her to buy it all.
Is used to sneaking around so scares you a lot. Also on the topic of being silent sometimes she just won’t respond, thinking you can just read her vibes / mind.
Will judge what you eat, especially fast food but will try and steal a fry in private when you're not looking.
Will say things like, “Well that's just the way the world works.” If someone tries to share their baggage with her. You understand she’s had a pretty rough life but it's caused you to almost spit out your drink multiple times.
At functions forgets about you for about an hour while she mingles with everyone else, you could tap on her shoulder and she'll dismiss you like you're a subordinate. Until you clear your throat again you'll see the slight blush as she apologizes.
She has no sense of privacy. If she hears a crash or loud noise she will bust down the door. It’s sweet but not when the noises are usually from you knocking all the shampoo bottles down again.
Horrible road rage actually puts you on edge to be in the car with her. She doesn't even have to be driving.
Likes to act like she's a professional at everything and people usually believe it because of her suit. It's so nerve wracking when she giggles when they walk away with false information.
Will agree to everything you suggest but you can only tell when she doesn’t want to do it when you’re currently doing it.
Yet she’s not afraid to grumble about how annoying it is when someone bumps into you and doesn’t apologize. It’s sweet but you’re left dealing with the situation if the person is aggressive enough to say something.
Always corrects your spelling or if you say something like “I could care less.”
Will fish for compliments in a very obvious way like, “Wow. Wish someone would call me pretty..” and then just stare right at you.
Kicks you so violently in her sleep but won't let go of you so you cant get away.
Constantly stealing from restaurants. You're banned from a couple restaurants because she got caught trying to steal a cup or salt shaker.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Plank All Over Me - 72 Questions With Vogue Edition
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Plank All Over Me Series Masterlist
Regular Masterlist
Tumblr media
“Hi. I’m here from Vogue. Mind if I ask you a few questions?”
“Oh, hey. Didn’t see you there.” You flirtatiously flipped your perfectly curled hair over your shoulder and winked at the camera. “Come on in.”
You walked inside your house, and gestured for the camera man to follow. In preparation for the interview, you and Tom had gotten out every award you’d ever won and strategically placed them around the house. You smiled at the camera and rubbed your hand over your growing baby bump.
“Welcome to my crib. Sorry it’s such a mess.” You rolled your eyes and faked a laugh, knowing the house was far from being a mess. You kept walking and saw Tom in the living room, polishing on of his awards with a feather duster.
“Oh my stars.” You feigned a gasp once you spotted Tom. “Is that my husband, the critically acclaimed movie star and Lip-sync battle winner, Tom Holland? I had no idea he was home.” You winked at the camera again.
“Oh, hello.” Tom stopped dusting and posed with a smile. “Don’t mind me. I was just cleaning this.”
“Might want to give that a dusting too.” You pointed to one of your awards before sending the camera another huge smile.
“Are you guys ready to answer some questions?” The camera guy asked.
“I was born ready.” Tom concurred with a smile.
“You were a C section baby.” You reminded him. “You weren’t even born.”
“I was removed ready.” He kept the same tone in his voice.
“Where did you meet?” The camera man asked as you and Tom began to walk towards your backyard.
“We met at BBC Radio 1 while doing the Plank All Over Me challenge.” Tom answered.
“Where was your first date?”
“Cracker Barrel.” You winked at the camera as you opened your back door. Tom laughed and shook his head at your joke.
“It was not. We got milkshakes at an Ice Cream Shop in Soho.” He corrected you.
“Who made the first move?”
“Why, he did.” You touched a hand to your heart. “He found me after the planking challenge, both our arms sore and aching, and asked me out on a date. We’ve been together ever since.”
“When you did you move in together?”
“About six months into the relationship when I realized she had a bigger bathroom than me.” Tom answered as he took a seat in one of your decorative deck chairs.
“How long have you been together?”
“Since September 29, 2019 at precisely 6:33 p.m.” You responded.
“Wow. Just a year?”
“Realistically, we’ve been together for a few years, but that’s when this series was first posted.” You shrugged. Tom and the camera blinked in confusion for a few minutes as they processed what you said.
“Moving on.” The camera man cleared his throat. “Tom, how did you pick an engagement ring?”
“I went into the shop and I said “which is the least expensive because I’m trying to buy a Porsche” and that’s how she ended up with this bad boy.” Tom smirked as he held up your hand to show off your engagement ring.
“I can’t wait to tell our baby that story.” You played along as you rubbed your baby bump.
“When did you know you wanted to propose?”
“As soon as she started whining because the planking was hurting her arms, I knew she was the one.” Tom joked.
“Did you know he was going to propose?”
“Surprisingly, no.” You laughed. “It’s the one secret he’s ever kept.
“I nearly got an ulcer from trying to keep it from her.” Tom blew out a breath.
“Who planned the majority of the wedding?”
“I did.” You declared. “I had to text Tom the morning of the wedding to remind him where the venue was.”
“Did either of you cry?”
“As soon as I mentioned the yoga challenge in my vows, the whole room was sobbing.” Tom teased.
“How big was the reception?”
“Let’s just say, we had all the Avengers there.” Tom nodded.
“All the important ones, anyway.” You joked. “Mackie couldn’t make it.”
“How did you spend your honeymoon?”
“We went to Bali and didn’t see any of it.” Tom smirked, earning a playful smack on the arm from you.
“What’s been your favorite video together?”
“I loved the prank with Josh.” You answered with a smile.
“I didn’t.” Tom shook his head. “I nearly threw hands with a ginger that day. I quite liked the friendship test.”
“What video gave you the fondest memories?”
“Spill your Guts, for sure. That’s when I learned about the existence of this one.” Tom beamed as he rubbed your baby bump.
“What was your least favorite video to film?”
“We already know Tom’s answer.” You chuckled.
“Prank interview.” He stated. “To this day, I hate it.”
“Did you see yourself getting married when you first met?”
“All I saw were the nose hairs in Tom’s nostrils when we first met.” You laughed. “After all, he did plank on me for six and a half minutes.”
“I had a feeling we would.” Tom smiled shyly. “Or a hope, at least.”
You pouted at his sincerity and leaned forward to kiss him, which his happily accepted.
“Have you thought of baby names?”
“Josh.” You answered immediately and Tom groaned.
“I’m kidding.” You rolled your eyes. “I really like the name Ryan Reynolds though.”
”What are you hoping for?”
“An oscar.” Tom answered at the same time you said “A divorce.”
“You already want a divorce?” The camera man laughed.
“Oh, not a divorce from Tom.” You assured him. “I want Ryan Reynolds to divorce Blake Lively so he can marry me instead.” You explained as Tom nodded along.
“And I want to die every time she says that.” He cracked a smile.
“Let’s get back to the baby questions.” The camera man said as you began to move around the yard. “Do you know the gender?”
“We do.” Tom said deviously. “But we’re not telling.”
“Do you think the baby will be more like their mother or their father?”
“Definitely me.” You stated.
“Why are you so sure?”
“Because Tom’s not the father.” You smiled sweetly. Tom stared at the camera with an unamused expression and shook his head.
“Who’s going to be the fun parent?”
“Considering I’m the parent who can swing from buildings, I say me.” Tom boasted.
“Who’s going to teach the baby how to read?”
“I am. And after the baby learns, they can teach Tom.” You smiled as you patted Tom’s shoulder.
“Do you think the baby will like to plank?”
“If they’re anything like their mommy, no.” Tom poked fun at you.
“And if they’re anything like their daddy, they’ll grow up to play the Green Lantern.” You shot back.
“Hahahah. She’s so funny.” Tom forced a laugh at your joke.
“Do you think the baby will develop your senses of humor?”
“Wait, you have a sense of humor?” You asked Tom. “You didn’t tell me that.”
“She loves me so much, it’s crazy.” Tom deadpanned towards the camera.
“Do you want the baby to grow up to be an actor or actress like you guys?”
“I just want the baby to be happy.” Tom gave a serious answer. “Every thing else will fall into place on its own.”
“That’s a great answer. Do you think you’ll post about the baby a lot of keep them out of the spotlight for the first few years of their life?”
“I think we’ll wait until they’re at least 4 months old until we exploit them for our own financial gain.” You said and Tom nodded along.
“Have you picked out the godparents yet?”
“Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal.” You joked. “They’re so excited. Jake said he would take the baby fishing.”
“He’s taken me fishing a few times.” Tom said as he stared off.
“How have you been preparing for the baby?”
“Well, I personally stopped sleeping, changed my whole diet, started lactating, and my pelvic bone separated in the middle so that I could push the baby out. Tom, what did you do?” You tilted your head at him.
“I bought the car seat.” Tom said proudly. “My wife picked it out, though.”
“I also drove him there.” You glared at the camera for a moment, cracking a smile after your joke.
“What are you most looking forward to after the baby is born?”
“Laying on my stomach.” You laughed as you looked down at your protruding bump.
“I also miss laying on her stomach.” Tom pouted as he rubbed the bump. “That was my favorite cuddle position.”
“Aw. I’m sorry we can’t cuddle the way you want to anymore because I’m growing your child inside my body.” You said sarcastically, making Tom laugh.
“Thank you for growing our child inside your body. I don’t say it enough.” Tom praised as he leaned in for a kiss.
“You’re welcome.” You smiled at him before turning to the camera man. “Anything else you want to know?”
“Actually, I have a question.” Tom stated as he looked at the camera.
“What’s that?” The camera man asked. You and Tom looked at each other and exchanged a smile before turning back the the camera.
“Are you excited to meet our baby girl?”
Tag List 🏷
@thebookwormlife​ @imanativeofswlondondahling​ @weirdr-artiest​ @serendipitous-amor​ @dummiesshort​
@foreverxholland​ @lavender-writer​ @captainmandeestudent17​ @whatareyouhidingpeter​ @takenbyheartstrings​ @ultrunning​ @imyourliquor-youremypoison​ @theolwebshooter​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @guksmyfav @waiting-to-be-myself​ @letsloveimagines​ @peterparkoure​ @a-villain-vying-for-attention​ @justcallmehitgirl​ @averyfosterthoughts​ @jackiehollanderr​ @tiny-friggin-human @mara-twins​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @maryjanee23​ @geeksareunique​ @emmamarshmellow​ @unbelievableholland​ @rebekkah4766​ @flixndchill​ @sovereignparker​ @thisisthebiplace​ @spideydobrik​ @every-marveler-ever​ @undiadeestos​ @caelestii-e​ @eridanuswave​ @itscaminow​ @fiantomartell​ @solarxmoonchild​ @where-art-thau-romeo​ @canyouevencauseicant​ @illwritetomorrow​ @thehappygrungelife​ @saysomethingspiderman​ @parkerboop​ @smilexcaptainx​ @quaksonhehe​ @kelieah​ @kickingn-ames​ @babeyspidey​ @seasidecrowbar​ @lovelessdagger​ @love-sick-blues​ @electraheart-3174​ @lou-la-lou @unbelievableholland​ @yourtypicalhotmess​ @spideyanakin​ @horanxholland​ @thesuitelifeofafangirl​ @anapocalypseinmymind​ @marshxx​ @heyheycharlatte​ @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie​ @tomshufflepuff​ @cookiemonstermusic258​
@maybemona @young-romanoff​ @alexxcorona113​ @fancyxparker​ @lethal-wisdom @xo-spidey​ @im-still-tryin-to-find-it​ @big-galaxy-chaos​ @pandaxnienke @theincredibledeadlyviper​  @thestylestour​  @officialsimppage​ @mrvelscaptains @peterspideysstuff​ @reemusluupin​ @perspectiveparker​ @itsemohours​ @satanswitchings​ @okkulta​ @amorhollands @parkerlovebot​ @sarcasticallywitty15​ @mati4188 @geminiparkers @xfirstfemale-marauderx @jungkxxkk @friendlyneighborhood-mendes @awesomebooklover17 @itstaskeen @whatthefuckimbisexual
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icyxmischief · 2 years
Also, it was just brought to my attention, not for the first time, that a growing number of content creators on Tumblr specifically would rather their art, graphics, et al be interacted with without any mediation or active engagement, that even tags added to their posts are seen as unwelcome and even rude, that meta and media analysis are now forms of that rudeness. As an educator, as a PhD in the field of visual media analysis, I am reeling and genuinely afraid for the state of critical thinking with younger and younger groups of media influencers and content creators because unlike Instagram or Twitter or other sites, Tumblr was originally intended for the collaboration and recontextualization of original content. Has this changed? Do we never discuss post content in reblogs? Do we simply "stay in our lane" and add it to our blog and always make new posts to express our thoughts and ounter points, even though the posts we are adding onto are didactic tools that help us illustrate the point we're discussing? Do all content creators feel this way, or is this a matter of personal preference?
PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT saying that my view is correct or that my concerns are valid. I could very well be getting out of touch with the function of this platform. But im actually afraid this is indicative of a bigger problem in social media that the collective trauma of the pandemic has worsened: we don't let anything become contentious or controversial, even when it's civil debate, or even when it bears a lot of intellectual fruit ro be reflective of self and others and the things we create to express ourselves. We are all too tired of literally trying to stay alive in a dystopia to face any more potential negativity in our personal spaces, so we just don't "go there." Right? I feel this fatigue too. I get it completely. But it's still a scary trend. We are devolving as free thinkers.
When I make a post, or post an artwork, I know I may only be speaking for me, but I actively expect it to be reblogged and discussed on multiple analytical levels, by a very diverse array of bloggers with different viewpoints. As a painter, I know and robustly respect the idea that the content creator has a right to thei boundaries and to their original work. But does reblogging it to TALK ABOUT IT, to give it more exposure and more varied frameworks for consumption, really constitute rudeness??? I would genuinely like to know.
if Tumblr is becoming another place where intellectual exchange, including (civil, always civil!!!)criticism is seen as an unwelcome "intrusion," then I want to try to respect that (I guess?), but maybe I don't belong here anymore. And maybe it's good I realized that sooner rather than later.
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friedwizardwhispers · 3 years
Your feelings about comparison between Furuba manga and anime are justified and valid don’t feel bad about expressing your opinions and criticism.
We manga readers are beyond happy to finally have it all animated but (some of us at least) don’t put anime on pedestal and are truthful about it’s flaws.
And it pisses me off when anime only people or anybody else really attack us for it and just want us to shut up like season 3 isn’t disappointing.... but we have every right to say we are sad because they gave us hope about EVERYTHING being animated now they are cutting it short and skipping important scenes. I just don’t get it. If this were the plan all along, 13 ep - why not hurry up in season 1 or 2 already and not dragging it. Season 3 is the most emotional and important yet it is just done in a horrible way.
Why Motoko, random people and some scenes that make no sense can make it to the anime, yet not Tohru (she was done so dirty, her whole growth in just one ep???? ), skipping Kyoru scenes from the start, but we were mostly quiet. Now Yuki and Machi make no sense because they just cut their slow development off. Probably Kakeru and his gif won’t make it too. And rip Kyoko, while some dont want Katsuya animated because it disturbes them, well its a part of the story and well its who Kyoko was. Life too is not all right but we don’t cancel people even if they are morally grey, do bad things.... love who they love. Im sorry to hear people are disturbed by their relationship but oh how do they deal with life then... stories are supposed to show characters like this lmao.
Hope u have a great day and just so u know, your blog is awesome :)
Okay this is really sweet. Thank you so much for the ask.
I agree that people shoud be able to say or write whatever they want (as long as we don't cross the line of attacking other people for a work of fiction).
If you are the tagging type, maybe just tag it because other people visit the tags and if they want to block it, it's easier that way, To be fair, I didn't do that and that's on me. I didn't think the occasional posts about some adaptation choices would be enough to make people think I'm hate-watching the show.
I agree with you when you said that if they knew how many episodes they had from the begining, there were things they could have cut like the Mokoto stuff (I really hate the Mokoto stuff, I HATE it, they adapted that instead of sexual tension and I'm forever bitter) or the horror house in season 2 (although I really loved to see it animated), I also think it's completely valid to be disapointed when we were promised a full adaptation and then we don't get it.
Plus, the adaptation just said Fuck off Yuchi and kinda took away a lot of Kyoru moments from the begining that I wish was there (the sexual tension and Kyo's apology after true form are two scenes that comes to mind)
Also Tohru's arc really got screwed over and I really have an issue with the main female character getting shafted (especially considering Tohru is my favorite character) and instead of getting the Tohru season we were supposed to get, we get the Tohru episode.
I do want to defend the anime though,
Again your disapointment is entirely valid, and I'm really not trying to dismiss that but for me, the anime is still a good adaptation (I might be biased because I lived through the disapointment that was the promised Neverland season 2 and fruits basket 2019 will never reach that level of just BAD *shudder*)
We are still in the middle of a pandemic and we have no idea how that impacted fruits basket and we don't know if we were supposed to get 13 episodes of season 3 from the begining (I think we were personally but we don't know).
Plus the episodes we did get animated have been mostly bangers this season. I never cried before while watching the anime before (the manga made me cry several time before) but I cried twice this season already. It means they are maybe doing some things right at least ? I think they might be doing theirs best with what they have and personally I'm still happy to see some of the scenes I want to see animated and done well (except for the whole Yeeting people everywhere).
For Kakeru's gf arc, I do like it in the manga and I do like how it ties to Tohru's grief but I don't mind it that much because that felt more planned than the other cuts since they reduced the hints that Kakeru knew Tohru from somewhere since season 2 so I guess, I was prepared (also I'm just gonna continue shipping Yukeru in the anime even more).
On the Kyoko front, I think it's complicated. I genuinely don't like Kazuya and I absolutely understand why people didn't want to see it and to be honest, avoiding The teacher/middle schooler relationship in a series where there are a lot of inapropriate age difference was a good idea, but I do think he and her backstory brought something more to Tohru's story and added so much to the advice Kyoko gave to Uo and Kyo and just characterise Kyoko even more. Also Baby!Tohru. Just Baby Tohru.
Again thank you for the ask. That was so sweet !! made my day.
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*sequel* to actual fucking quotes from the shiftblr coffeehouse discord server
once again, it's out of context because x1000 funnier
also x1000 longer than previous post
"ur satan is gnc af"
"Bestie I’m already having gender envy over a fucking demon please"
"O_O ODEPIJHFbavevisdpvfhzdcnjawedsidjksjdkoeirjfmkdsoeirujdksodifjndmksoidfjdksidfj ITS" NOT IN MY FRAFTS IS SPEDNT 1 hour PN THAT SHIT"
"ohoho sexy"
"I am very proud of myself"
"himbo x edgy fuck"
"he has teefs"
"good for biting 📷"
"he's a himbo basically"
"i havent watched blue exorcist in years but mr okumura my beloved </3"
"is it important information to mention that the person i put up for my turn is the son of satan" "I know like 1 thing about everyone who isnt ranboo lmfao"
"tumblr sexyman"
"idk why but my first thought was cowboy onceler"
"I vibe with him but he is very long and twisty"
"steampunk e-girl"
"steampunk tumblr sexyman"
"Canonically bi crimelord I agree!!"
"they look like someone i would want to be friends with but is way cooler than me so i'd never actually talk to them"
"babby..... would die for him"
"honestly i probably kin him"
"i'm sure he's lovely but he looks way too much like my ex i'm sorry-"
"i'd be down for another rotation! i have another twink to show y'all"
"Also :00 blonde friend"
"Let us all infodhmo"
"Hsjagdvbs shhh im on phone"
"Nix woukd you like to joon?
"skitters away"
"I have two braincells and they both drink dumb bitch juice"
"oof wait whats the order again i have 0 memory"
"i want to bond with him over cosplay-"
"Awkwardly watches in band kid"
"One day I'm gonna a broadway star"
"which isnt to say they were bad. they were just fortnite dancing during rehersals"
"I threw it so hard my glasses flew off and slid under the stage right divider"
"anyway heres my boi"
"haha emo"
"virgil sanders kinnie"
"he looks like he listens to my chemical panic at the fallout boy"
"Bro I bet he'd kick my ass with his deck"
"bird man my beloved"
"fuck i had so much to say and then i forgot it all"
"She sounds like someone I would end up stealing her personality"
"yess name collector gang"
"alias glass aiden haven absinthe fish brick rice"
"But I have Cypress, Remure, Genesis, Lemres, and Comet"
"And she's named after a mars candy bar bc alien"
"Hey, if plato went by plato, you can be king thief"
"im not dissing my gramma like that shfojd"
"My dad has seven legal names" "bitches be like *looks at fictional character* *steals their name* it's us we're bithces"
"coraline lowkey traumatized me but i adore it regardless"
"mmmmmm magic man :]"
"°0° green man"
"criminal (affectionate)"
"he would shoplift a candy bar from walmart and then brag to all of his friends about the sick stealing he did"
"despite the fact he's canonically been capable of overpowering a minor deity"
"i would commit so many crimes for him"
"Very babey"
"Yes please tell green man he is very pog"
"he also keeps a lot of dumb secrets"
"but I will sorely miss the chaos and energy of this here chat until I wake again" (by request XD)
"i just say words and if they're funny then they're funny"
"* or extremly chaotic either works"
"at this point we are just taking turns rambling"
"bc my brain has a schedule"
"Hopefully they have gyoza there or I will lose my mind"
"hehe yes spooky man"
"my ghost glucose guardian"
"the head of the undead group that lives there, and we end up dating. (yes I date a ghost, no I will not be taking constructive criticism /lh)"
"ghosts r just inherently sexy"
"i mean im becoming a squid thing so"
"Raven quirk raven quirk!!"
"ł â m p"
"mothman: ooh lamp you look very nice today! do you come here often? mothman: wait shit no"
"I'd date a ghost"
"mine is still accurate, i am still sobbing (/j)"
"p e e p e e"
""@nick wilde is a tumblr sexyman" is the best thing i have ever seen"
"im sorry im cackling like a dying hyena"
"you're all 12 year olds"
"He once caused global warming on accident so he could get a tan"
"god, what a himbo. i love him"
"that reminds me of my friends kin assigned me jesus"
"Man outside of battle be like: princely crying but then in battle hes like: "CATACLYSM! DISASTER! DEVASTATION!" Chill out man"
"Every time I talk about satan it never fails to shock people it's my favorite thing to do"
"im kin assigning him roman sanders" ""Oh yeah he caused global warming because he wanted to get girls" "he what""
"oh damn i forgot satan was straight"
"twink appreciation club"
"give us the twinks"
"my first thought was bottom-"
"so many people to try and get his dad to love him"
"daddy issued"
"Big boy but"
"anyways janus is swagggg"
"gib twink"
"give twink then i will share"
"holds him gentle like hamburger"
"This dumb bitch opened a book that said "do not open" and got possessed by a little bastard"
"he is. fragile creachur"
"klug is beauty klug is grace i would let him step on my face"
"If I'm playing swap and I have to hear one more "Pwanet Powew" Im gonna lose it"
"Who is to blame? Pandora or the box?"
"Bakugo isnt my type but I respect the drip"
"i say like my type isnt long-haired pretty boys and girls that look so gnc that people have a history of confusing them for men"
"hes a gremlin and i can appreciate a pretty gremlin"
"that is to say i am attracted to VFlower vocaloid. This is a confession."
"note i am a lesbian"
"You may like Schezo wegey"
"why does he have one single expression"
"soul soul eater passes the vibe check"
"magic wand"
"I Want To Hold His Hand"
"i would commit a war crime for him any war crime idc which one"
"my favorite one is when he sounded rlly gay because he said "Muscular bodies keep me satisfied""
"p e a n u t"
"Klug is a homophobic homosexual its just facts"
"grug from the croods is peak male performance"
"jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair Ahem, you look very lovely."
"tag yourself im the fireworks shooting from the top of the head"
"i like essays"
"central time gang"
"11:11 pog-" (wait... is that a suprise angel number?? yes it is lovelies just for you <3)
"Then again im also a dumbass bitch who wonders what the souls in soul eater taste like. SERIOUSLY THOUGH. THEY LOOK TASTY AS HELL!!!! LIKE GODDAMN BRO YOU'RE MAKING ME FUCKING HUNGRY. Like. that shit- it's Bone Apple motherfucking Teeth. hell yea my guy. Im hongy now.... shlorp I'm seriously considering this. Like. They seem kinda like a liquid? But a solid? Are they like jello? The fuck they taste like my guy???? I keep imagining they're like sour, like sour candy maybe? Or do they taste salty? Sweet? Maybe some combo of two? Do they even have a taste or is it about the texture? The sensation? God my mouth is watering what the hell. I am starving. I think I need to go get a cookie. I'm gonna go get a cookie. Brb. I'm better. I'm still craving souls though. Which is a weird-ass cringey thing to say but I'm being dead-ass rn. They just.... look tasty???? And I wanna eat one. Thus. I am shifting to Soul Eater for the express purpose of satisfying my fucking cravings. enjoy"
"points were made"
"jello? more like helloooo schloooAHFJDSDAIDWNALDHSJKDAIDANDM"
"anime girl voice: mmm! mm... ahhhhmp!! mmm, mmm... aaahmp!"
"i think it sounds great i'm going to start eating like that"
"several people are typing"
"do these look edible to you"
"forbidden gummies"
"when I was on lsd I couldn't eat my fruit gummies because I thought they were alive because they had little faces on them"
"oh shit yeah don't do drugs"
"anyways general consensus is puyos are edible, ty for your input everyone"
"everypony is a word so powerful it can bring nations to its knees"
"pls the self control it's taking me not to say "hewwo everypony" in gen chat when someone new joins-"
"hewwo evewrypony uwu deaw cewestia i hopwe it doewsnt wain owo"
"ive cooked up a sowution wiwth the knowwege ive acwued. they say a kitcwen time saves niwne, but im just savwing two. Ive gathewwed the inwedients to make a time sowbet. Thewe's hawdly woom fow seconds when the seconds mewt away."
"I had a ten year old sister... you know what happened to her??? very sad, very tragic... she turned eleven....."
"Guts dont say the secks word :( /j"
"watch your fucking language in front of the president"
"im so sorry lumi"
"i think you're like ehhhh 8/10 funny"
"now me???? 10/10. Hilarious"
"sometimes i have to take a step back and remember that this is the same guts i follow on tumblr /lh"
""ok every here's some good shifting advice!!! uwu have a good day" "yeah i did lsd and ate fruit gummies""
"i have one setting and it's whatever this is"
"my bitch ass cat just pushed the door open with his fuzzy face and now my sleeping dad is being lulled into dreams by Cosmo Sheldrake's 'Pliocine'."
"me on discord: nick wilde"
"me on tumblr: shifting water! haha funne! me on here: my hermit crabs are cannibals also i want to eat souls."
"u give off older cousin ive never spoken to but always admire at the family gatherings vibes"
"what the fuck"
"If you adopt me then yes"
"am I qualified for dad jokes???"
"we're all a lot smarter on tumblr"
"I'm like "awww... sweet... sweet little shiftlings... posting such sweet shiftling content... so pure, so wholesome... does not even know abcs....""
"can't think before you speak if you never think B)"
"I'm not responsible enough to be a mom"
"cat pet"
"show us pictures of the cat or i will do Crime"
"maybe thats me being a coward tho"
if y'all want I can make this a series bc shiftblr keeps giving me more content
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villainsunoo · 3 years
my heart wants you, i want your love more
its that sungki fic ive talked about (part 1 of ??? bc im not done w it but i wanted to post some of it) just listen to stray kids mixtape: oh the entire time thats my explaination
tagging @many-gay-magpies @honeyseungz @given-taken bc i think you guys might wanna see it 👉🏽👈🏽
In the glow of the afternoon light shining through the sheer white curtains, he seemed unreachable. There was a soft glow all around him, like a halo surrounding him, and it stopped Riki in his tracks. As if going any closer would burn him, as if touching him would be sacrilege.
He stood there for a while, long enough that he was sure Sunghoon must have noticed, just staring at him in awe. Then, as abruptly as he had stopped, he walked on past the older vampire, crossing the room to leave. Thoughts of wanting Sunghoon to reach out and stop him from leaving did nothing to slow his brisk pace.
Still, his head turned to look at the elder on instinct. The man in question seemed to have not even glanced at Riki, but there was a small smile gracing Sunghoon's face, one that definitely hadn't been there before, and suddenly Riki felt like a child. He whipped his head back around, tips of his ears turning red— and found the couch much closer than he remembered it being. With his head too muddled for his otherworldly reflexes to kick in, he rammed his knee against the side of the couch. No matter how deadpan his face was, his red ears and neck gave him away. Sunghoon, who Riki assumed still wasn't looking, would know anyway, having known Riki for centuries now. He was too embarrassed to even steal one last glimpse of Sunghoon before he teleported out of the room.
It was a different room, made obvious by the lack of furniture and of Sunghoon, but it looked similar. The soft sunshine filtering in through the white curtains caught his eye once again. He walked closer, taking the fabric between his fingers. It wasn't the curtains themselves that fascinated him, though. It was the way the light shone down on Sunghoon through it, the way it highlighted the sharp edges of his features and softened the curved lines, the way it made his skin glow. Riki's grip on the curtain tightened, feeling a warmth rise slowly in his chest again. His breath caught in his throat as he recalled the way the sun shone into Sunghoon's red eyes, bringing out the colour that contrasted his pale skin, the same way his lips did. Riki shook his head, as if doing so would get rid of his thoughts somehow.
How long had he been harbouring these feelings? Years, decades, maybe even centuries. No matter how long it had been, it always felt new. The way his slow heartbeat would pick up its pace at the sight of the older vampire, the way his train of thought would halt, replaced by thoughts of how it would be like to have his feelings reciprocated. He would always end up like this, alone after embarrassing himself in front of the man he adored, daydreaming like a teenager. He did get turned as a teenager, so maybe he was doomed to be like this forever.
He could barely recall his earlier days, when he first became a vampire. He knew he still looked about as young as he did back then, just a little taller and with wider shoulders. His face looked a little more mature too, hardened with the experience of many centuries. Maybe that meant he did change a lot. Sunghoon, however, liked to still insinuate that he hadn’t grown much, that he was still a child. It was a little insulting, and if he had an ego, it would certainly be bruised. But he'd been alive for so long now, gone through so much; ego was a long forgotten concept. Still, it made him think a little too hard.
Was it that he was still childish and immature? Was it because he still looked so young? Worse even, would Riki having grown and matured change anything, if Sunghoon still thought of him as a kid regardless? Would it be off-putting for Sunghoon to find out what Riki really feels about him? Maybe he already knew and he was being polite by not saying anything about it, subtly rejecting Riki in that way?
He rested his against the window, the curtain being the only thing protecting his hair from burning. His deadpan expression melted into one of frustration, lips forming a frown, a deep sigh escaping. Being in front of Sunghoon did make him feel younger. Like he was still a hard-headed, clumsy teenager. No matter how eloquent his speech had become over the years, his tongue felt like lead in his mouth whenever he tried to speak to Sunghoon. In the end, he always sounded like his 15-year-old self that Sunghoon liked to reminisce about; all jumbled sentences and words that don’t fit quite right in the context. Maybe it should be enough that Sunghoon would get a fond look in his eyes whenever that happened.
Maybe a confession was in order. If only to get it off his chest, get it out there, so he could get closure, so he could move on with his eternal life. Maybe then he could find someone else to pine over, someone who won't make his heart feel like it was blooming one second and breaking the next. A stable love. Something that sounded increasingly hopeless with Sunghoon. Then, maybe, when that emotional rollercoaster is over, he could go back to normal around Sunghoon.
But he couldn't help but feel like it would be pointless, like his heart would go back to Sunghoon anyway. Like his love for Sunghoon gained sentience and would return his heart to the elder no matter how hard Riki would try to escape it. Another sigh escaped him, louder and more dramatic, as he fumbled with the curtain slumping against the window sill. Maybe it wasn't a stable love he wanted, anyway. Just Sunghoon's. Whatever kind of love it may be. His heart seemed to only want whatever kind of love Sunghoon would have to offer to him. If Sunghoon even wanted to, that is.
"And if he doesn't? What would you do then?" And now he was criticizing his feelings like he was scolding a child. Yes, what then? What then, Riki? You'll just keep giving him your heart anyway, that's what. And so, a new problem arose. Confess now to get it out there, so that Sunghoon could decide what to do from there, or keep it to himself, forever pining after someone he deemed impossible to reach. Literally forever.
He would die of heartbreak instead of living many more centuries like he would have been able to if he hadn't developed these feelings for Sunghoon. His lips pushed into a pout, brows furrowing more and more the more he thought about it. Why did he have to go and complicate things for himself by catching feelings?
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 Character Bio and rules are below the line
You can call me Shadow. i’m a 28yo male that hasn’t rped in years. Last time i did was i think 3 maybe 4 years ago so i am plenty rusty. I know this doesn’t say a lot about me but if there’s anything you’d like to know, just ask.
About Karisa
Name: Karisa
Race: Tiefling: A Humanoid people descended from humans who made pacts or crossbred with demons.
Age: 18
Height: 6'3"
Hair color: black
Occupation: Golemancer, Adventurer, occasional Blacksmith
Appearance: As a tiefling, Karisa has several traits that distinguishes her from Humans. She has Lavender colored skin, ice blue eyes, two horns, pointed ears, and a 4 foot long tail.
Personality: When it comes to enemies, Karisa can be downright ruthless. if she hates them bad enough, she will leave an enemy broken but alive to let them try again. She swears a LOT around everyone no matter who they are with the exception of children and has a habit of making enemies through her mannerisms. She’s bad enough with her words that there have been jokes made about weaponizing her lexicon and isn’t afraid to cuss out friends! BUT if you can take her words with a grain of salt and actually befriend her, then no matter what she says to you, she will protect you with her life. In her words, “You may be a cunt, but you’re MY cunt. And no one FUCKS with my cunt!”
Karisa was born on a small farm and raised by her parents until she reached the age of 8 when they passed away. Since then she would delve into golemancy as a way to cope, keeping her hands busy and moving foreword as best as she can. This is around the time she found the large crystal that would become Grom’s core. At the age of 10, she made her way to the city with her golem Grom, who was wood at the time, to try and become an adventurer. There she met the Dwarf Bormi who gave her a place to stay and taught her in the ways of the blacksmith.
Modern Verse (Hazbin Verse rewrite):
Karisa is Tiefling who was born into an organization known as The Adventurer’s Guild. The purpose of this organization is to deal with supernatural threats to society as a whole by hunting down creatures, artifacts, books, and other things that could pose a danger. If it can’t be recruited, it is to be either destroyed or relocated. People of course know about them but there is a general distrust of the organization due to their habit of employing non-humans and the Guild’s use of magic.
When it comes to the forces of Heaven and Hell, the Guild was able to get their hands on a blueprint for portal technology. The portal they have doesn’t always work and sometimes accesses realms other than Heaven or Hell. This can have a tendency to get adventurers stuck in realms outside of earth.
Golemancy: Throughout her life, Karisa has made a variety of golems. These golems can me made from just about any solid material if given enough time. Golems made from metal, stone, wood, and even flesh are within her area of expertise. Her favorite golem is an 8 foot tall minotaur automaton she named Grom.
Cooking: Karisa LOVES to cook. She’s always experimenting with different dishes and creating a few of her own.
Basic Martial Arts: Since she turned 13, Karisa has trained with a quarterstaff and dagger so that if her golems failed, she could still take care of herself.
Magic: In addition to Golemancy, she has a small arsenal of spells at her disposal.
Fire Spells: All Tieflings are capable of fire magic. Fireball, Burning Hands, and Firewall to name a few. Using fire helps her a lot if she has to weld parts together on a golem.
Lightning Spells: Karisa can perform rudimentary lightning spells but this mostly equates to coating her hand in electricity to use. The strength of this can range from the power of a normal stun gun to enough power to jumpstart a city’s electrical grid.
3D Movement: This is a form of wind magic that allows her to “kick” the air. by doing this, Karisa can give off the impression that she is flying. This does not mean she stays in the air, only that she can move in it. she usually only uses this to get over walls or cliffs or maybe to get into a tree.
Empathy Link: This is something she originally learned in order to better deal with golems in order to find out what their orders are. it can be used on other creatures and objects to get a kind of idea of either how they are feeling or how they are used. She MUST make contact with the palm of her hand for this to work.
Golem Creation: As a golemancer, Karisa carries a number of golem cores on her at all times. These cores can often be infused into whatever matter she chooses to create a quick golem in the field. These golems aren’t as effective as one she has time to prepare but they get the job done. Golem cores are also extremely volatile! Damaging a core will cause any magic in it to go haywire and explode in relation to the core’s size. This makes golems and their cores effective bombs if she needs to!
Golem Override: This is a skill that allows Karisa to manually control her golems and see through their eyes. HOWEVER this is only a last resort because it leaves her immobile and defenseless. 
Please send Karisa questions and asks either from yourself or your characters! i will fill this out as i go!
1: i am all for fight scenes and such but please do not god-mod. meaning do not assume what happens to my character. (EX: “My character fires a gun and hits your character in the shoulder.” or “Your character tried to dodge but my character cuts off their arm before they can.”) In my responses, i’ve taken to rolling a dice to determine whether or not my character gets hit and how badly she gets hit. I do not mind my character dying in a particular thread so long as it is discussed at length beforehand and is necessary for the development of the plot. communication is key for stuff like this.
2: Don’t send hate. I don’t mind criticizing because it helps me reflect on how i’m doing. Hate is just a dick move though.
3: I reserve the right to choose whether or not i rp or answer an ask. There will be times that i don’t have the inspiration or motivation to continue it or there is not enough for me to go on. An example of this would be if i responded to an rp and the response i get back is “Character ducks.” or something as equally short.
4: I don’t mind reminders but i DO mind spamming. I will mostly be rping either on the weekends or some afternoons when i can get up the motivation. DO NOT spam me reminders every day or every other day. I have a 5 month old son and a job that has me working monday to thursday with the occasional friday up to 12 hours a day. Those come first.
5: You will see a lot of stuff on here that i will do my best to tag from gore to n//s//f//w// threads. If there is anything in particular you would like me to tag when it shows up, please let me know! Anything truly spicy will placed uner a read more and tagged as “Read at your own Risk!::NSFPC” (nsfpc stands for not safe for public consumption.
6: While i accept starters, memes, questions and comments through asks, starters and starter memes WILL be turned into a post to start a thread. I will not rp through constant asks because this can lead to more dash clutter than the post will. That being said, i will trim the post before it gets too long and will try to have any appropriate tags on it.
7: THERE WILL BE LOTS AND LOTS OF SWEARING! Enough that i will not be tagging it because it is everywhere! I will not tone down her swearing except around child muses because this is part of her character and i ask that you please understand.
8: When it comes to shipping, Karisa will make things fairly clear on whether or not she wants to be with your character. I love shipping but i also know that not everyone will ship their characters with Karisa and that's perfectly fine! Karisa WILL flirt and get touchy with people she's interested in but if the mun or character they are controlling doesn't want that, TELL HER! Not me. HER. Have your character reject her advances, tell her "no" or even smack the shit out of her if she gets too handsy! I will not be upset and i will completely understand! A lot of people plan ships out and tell others there has to be chemistry, but as I'm thinking about it, im going to be removing that little section from my rules. Why? Because failed ships have the potential to create drama, angst, and even enemies if done properly! If she comes onto a character and it makes you uncomfortable or you're just not interested, EXPRESS IT THROUGH YOUR CHARACTER! The same will apply to her! The only time i will have any sort of problem is if she says no, gets into a fight, and you try to godmod it to your liking or try to guilt ME about it. My character makes up her own mind about how to do things just like yours.
I may add more rules as time goes on but it’s pretty straightforward. Don’t be afraid to come and talk to me! I’m pretty open about things and i would love to see you around! Come and join me on discord for more Mun stuff! Just make sure you edit your name to match your tumblr url so i know who you are please! https://discord.gg/6ftZuSP8XH 
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vidalinav · 4 years
acosf is getting so much hate - which i get because people’s expectations were way to high, no matter what anyone says. im glad I found your account because i liked acosf, but all this hate is making me feel bad/guilty for enjoying it.
You know I certainly hope you don’t think I absolutely love this book, because then I feel you’d be disappointed in my blog. Because I am critical of everything, though I try very hard to express all criticisms without being a jerk and I try to rationalize all of my thoughts clearly. So, let me explain.  
At a certain point I think I just take every fandom post with a grain of salt. I’ve learned to piece what a good analysis is and what is just opinion-based. So when people say they don’t like the book, if they give valid reasons I usually don’t quantify that as hate or if they say specifically they don’t like this because it’s not their preference, then I’m like okay valid. We all got our tastes. Same goes for liking the book, because some people really did like this book for Feysand, or for Nesta being more compliant. I’ve seen those posts. So do I consider this a good book, because of that? No. Do I consider it a bad book? Not exactly. 
This was def not a perfect book. I do feel SJM has written most without all of these issues, but as I’ve said before, this book is complicated to rate, because I love so much of it and I also dislike so much of it. I see the potential but I also see how it could have let down a lot of people. As I’ve said many, many times, this book has a lot of logical problems and plot vs characterization issues (as in how the progression of the story works in tandem with plot and characterization). It was particularly rushed in certain areas, and would have done well to be fleshed out, and because of that some aspects of the book are not written as well as other aspects of the book. I can write a list. But if you see this book as a beginning rather than a narrative ending or a standalone, it’s actually not that bad, but because it’s suppose to be a standalone, yikes. So, again, hard to rate. But, I overthink everything, many people have no problem being like I hate or I don’t hate it.  
But that being said, people are technically allowed to say whatever they want and I think sometimes these posts being like “be positive/don’t read the book if you don’t like it” annoy me, because people are allowed to not like something and or to like it. The experience of being in a fandom is the chaos of being in a fandom. It unfortunately means that you are not always fan of other people’s posts. I’ve scrolled through the tags for days already, and I see an equal amount of I liked vs. I didn’t. The whole point of social media though, is to be social on media. So, if you see hate or posts expressing something you don’t want to see, than post something that’s not hate or something you do want to see? That’s just the process of actively engaging or at least scrolling through the tags. of course, blocking those with extreme opinions helps, but I don’t do that too much unless people are not able to be communicated with. Like let’s process all thoughts together, take both the good and the bad, and then whatever we decide is based on our own opinion. So I hope that my tumblr does this, where even if you don’t agree, I’ve made valid points and have said so in a way that you can agree or disagree and chat with me about it without judgment in any direction. However, not everyone is into analyses and discussion as much as I am lol. But generally speaking, all opinions are valid to me, just don’t be a jerk online. Posting hate itself about characters or the opinions of book unfortunately is not grounds for being a jerk, it strays into that territory when it starts being pointed at someone or groups of people. 
But I don’t know.... I don’t think ACOSF is getting that much hate, mostly because as I’ve said before, the “hate” that is brought about that I typically see, beyond just expectations, are questions that can and should be raised? However, was there definitely good points about this book? Definitely, depending on your preference. My preference says I like this book lol. My shipper heart, says anything with nessian in it I would have sold my soul for lol. 
But don’t feel guilty or bad!!! You’re opinion is equally valid as anyone else’s who shouts to the void that is tumblr. We’re all typing through robots here. No one’s opinion is higher than any one else’s. Believe me. At the end of the day, it could be because of moon patterns that someone decides they like or dislike this book. 
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iacon-stargazer · 3 years
fill out & repost ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multimuses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by: stolen from @oneshallfall like.... months ago. im a slow gremlin hjksd. it's been in my drafts and i finally decided to finish the last few sections while working on clearing them out
tagging: steal it
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MY MUSE IS.   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless
is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  Well.../ NO / IDK. (i know optimus is but i don’t really... know about orion? i have seen a handful of fanartists who turn him into a very sexualized moe baby but i’m not sure about the fandom at large)
is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
are they underrated?  YES / NO. (lmao there’s like no fan content with him unless it’s with megatronus) 
were they relevant to the main story?  YES / NO.
were they relevant to the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO. (not yet.... lol)
how’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
This... this is a trick question in this goddamn mess of a continuity. That said, I try my absolute best to make my portrayal coherent with the TFP show... even if said show contradicts itself at times. I take inspiration from the earlier parts (the thirteen primes section) of the Covenant of Primus for his origin backstory, but ignore the rest of the Covenant since it makes absolutely no sense with his characterization in... literally anything else. I’ve peeked at Exodus and it utterly sucks, but I’ve picked up bits and pieces of concepts that originated there just from spending time in the fandom. Aside from that... I spend a ton of time thinking about how to weave everything together in a way that both makes sense and makes for a character development arc.
SELL YOUR MUSE! (aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.)
Orion is genuinely kind, thoughtful, and introspective, very loving of the world around him.
He’s also a more complex character than is initially obvious - despite mostly being good sweet pure baby nerd he’s still flawed, with many of those flaws being his strengths put into the wrong situation. His strong morals can lead to dogmatism, and he’s only slightly less likely to deliver lectures than Optimus. His determination to be kind and help everyone can come off as unintentionally patronizing at times; he has a very “well-intentioned semi-privileged middle class” perspective that he’s not always self-aware of. However, he’s also willing to look at himself critically and learn/adapt. 
Essentially, he has many of the same traits as Optimus... just more or less apparent and/or developed. He's less confident than he eventually becomes through his future experience with leadership, wanting to change the world for the better but sometimes struggling to ground his plans in reality—something that continues to apply, but with reduced intensity and frequency over time. Idealistic cinnamon roll will eventually develop some realism, though never really quite enough. His selflessness remains a strength for now, but we know that eventually it will dip into martyristic tendencies.
NOW THE OPPOSITE! (list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?)
He could be potentially ‘boring’ in some senses. he’s the polite, considerate ‘next door’ type, who has for most of his life has just lived as a very average middle caste nobody. He’s more laid-back than he eventually becomes as optimus, but where others might get into trouble and shenanigans he’s most likely to just express concern. And since I try to keep him at least mostly ic, even with non-serious posts, this can derail ‘fun’ stuff and I fear dissuade some interaction.
While I try my best to give him realistic flaws that work with his character, he could still be seen as a little too good. very kind, understanding, forgiving, patient, considerate... almost endlessly so. A lot of my “he’s so good and pure” interpretation comes from using his having been the thirteenth prime as backstory, where he was pretty much the epitome of that, but some might not like the “he was a literal deity in a past life” idea for its “super special chosen one protagonist” elements.
His responsiveness to his environment can also be a downside. He’s not the type to start things; he just reacts and responds, standing his ground and finding himself when things get crazy around him. without megatronus, he may have eventually attempted political campaigning, but it wouldn’t have gotten very far. He needs to have more intense characters or events around him for major plots to really go places. Without those nothing would ever happen besides slice of life fluff, because he’s content with that kind of life.
Honestly I just wanted to write op/ratch fhsjkdjsdh. But I also wanted to be able to interact with a variety of muses and so I chose Orion over Optimus because he’s not so emotionally closed off, which I figured would give more flexibility beyond the handful of characters op would reasonably have close personal and/or plot-important relationships with. Also, I can relate to him on a thought-process level which lets me get into his head easily, which additionally made him an appealing choice for my first real rp muse.
I just love him so much, especially with the layers of his character I've built up around him. I don't always have inspiration to write or rp, but I think about him a lot. When I do find motivation to write, it's generally out of wanting to continue to work on developing him and just having a chance to express his characterization.
do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO.
do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO.  (i should do it more...)
do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES / NO.
are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. (at least most days fhsdhfskj)
are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. (it waxes and wanes. I know I'm a good writer but I could still be better...)
are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
I’ll be honest; I’ve never gotten criticism. I haven’t been here very long in comparison to some and I’ve never been that popular, so I figure I’m pretty easy to just ignore. I guess how I would feel about it would depend on what it was and how it was delivered, though I like to think I would be reasonable regardless
yes? yes absolutely?
I would be curious to hear their reasoning, but I think enough about how everything fits together that chances are I would agree to disagree
Depends on if their disagreement makes sense. Maybe I’ll give back my own reasoning for why I characterize the way I do. Maybe I’ll just agree to disagree, if their view is just totally different from mine. If they have valid points I’ll probably overthink it and spiral into self doubt. In all cases I’ll spill my thoughts to friends on discord.
......Orion in general or? ... fhsjkdhf...... Well if it was mine specifically that might hurt lol. But at the same time.... I doubt i’d agree with their takes either so... fair enough.
Sure. I’m good at grammar so if something glaring is there it’s probably a typo I missed and I’ll be grateful for the chance to edit it out before more people see it lol
Yeah. I’m pretty quiet most of the time because I just don’t have energy to talk to a lot of people, and I never want to get caught in drama. I honestly wouldn’t know what to do in a situation like that. I tend to avoid conflict, I’m quick to apologize, and polite with anyone I don’t know very well.
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Whumptober Day 7: I’ve Got You
Summary: Written for Whumptober Day 7. Astrid and Ruffnut are perhaps not as close as friends as they could've been, but they at least know they will always help each other out of trouble.
Rating: Teen and up
Characters: Ruffnut, Astrid
Pairing: None
Words: 967
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: Support
Whumpee: Ruffnut
Author’s Notes: Not gonna lie, I’m starting to get a little tired of the spell-checking and the tagging already.
Constructive criticism is appreciated!
The Dragon Riders are a close, tight-knit team of six humans and five dragons with a human and Night Fury as their leading duo. They are a bunch of misfits who can be powerful when they work together.
They are a family unit they founded together, but that doesn't mean that they aren't immune to internal troubles and divides. There is a particular relationship that is cause for much friction and that is usually to be found with Astrid and the twins.
As someone who is more on the serious side, Astrid's warrior personality often clashes with Ruff and Tuff's more chaotic one. She wants to get things done, they want to see how much they can get undone. She takes their leader's orders seriously, they would like to know what's in it for them first before they consider listening.
They are polar opposites, on two different ends of a spectrum, with differing work ethics.
They've had their problems and they will continue to have them, but that doesn't mean they won't be there for each other when the need arises.
During a battle with the Dragon Hunters, Ruffnut is thrown from her head of the dragon, a Zippleback, when a sudden ballista sends him rearing to avoid it.
"Ruffnut!" Tuffnut can be heard shouting, watching his sister fall while Barf and belch struggle to recover, their balance thrown off by having only one Rider. Astrid and Stormfly is the Dragon Rider duo closest to them and they see Ruffnut fall, too.
"Come on, girl." Astrid directs her dragon towards Ruffnut, sends her speeding to her, but the ground is quicker to arrive this time.
Luckily enough, they aren't too high up and Ruffnut survives her fall, landing with a crunch and a cry and rolling for a good while.
"Ruffnut!" Astrid shouts and Stormfly quickly touches down near her just seconds after she stills.
The others can be heard in the distance, having noticed Ruff's tumble. Hiccup is ordering the remaining Riders, and Heather and Windshear, to finish the fight so they can get their wounded teammate home.
As soon as Stormfly lands, Astrid dismounts and hurries to her side.
Ruffnut is lying motionless as she lies on the ground, but by the pained groaning, Astrid can tell that she's awake. A good thing as passing out might indicate a possible head injury.
She sinks down next to her and places a hand on her shoulder. Ruffnut looks up to her with a pained expression on her face.
"Ruffnut, I'm here. I'm going to turn you on your back, okay?" Astrid tells her and as soon as she nods, she moves her on her back.
There is a grimace on her face and a pained groan that she cannot suppress leaves her, her left hand settles on her ribs and her right remains motionless.
"I think my shoulder popped out. And a few of my ribs broke. Not as much fun as I would imagine it to be." Ruffnut winces to Astrid, who gives her a sympathetic smile and a nod.
On any other day, a comment like that would've annoyed her, but not this time.
"Where's Tuff?"
"He's okay, he's trying to land Barf and Belch."
Landing a Zippleback with only one Rider isn't the easiest of things.
With two heads, the dragon can function just fine. Three is a little bit of a crowd, and four evens it out again. That is why a Zippleback needs two riders instead of one and why Tuff isn't here yet.
"Dragon Riders!" Hiccup can be heard in the far distance. The battle must've been dealt with and he's gathering them to join Astrid and Ruffnut on the ground. Snotlout takes Ruff's head of the dragon, having stepped over from Hookfang, to steer them towards land.
"Ruffnut! Ruffnut, are you okay?" Hiccup asks as he and Toothless land nearby and he gets out of the saddle to come running. All the Dragon Riders manage to join them.
"Im-I'm okay, I'm okay," Ruffnut tells him, though the look in her eyes says something different.
"Are you good to fly home?" He asks then, rather wanting to treat her on the Edge than out here, where there don't have as many supplies.
Putting on a brave face, she nods.
"Then we're heading straight for the Edge." He decides and it doesn't take long before they're ready to take off again. They want to hurry. The faster they get home, the better it'll be for Ruff.
"Does your back hurt?" But Astrid has to ask. Before she attempts to move her, she wants to make sure she can be moved in the first place.
"No? No, I don't think so." Ruffnut tells her uncertainly, her back doesn't hurt.
"Than we're getting up." Astrid tells her and helps Ruffnut to her feet. She's careful as she lifts her, of course, minding her ribs and her dislocated arm. It doesn't stop Ruff from hurting, tiny whines and groans of pain leave with every little move, but she appreciates the care Astrid puts into helping her. And here she thought all of that care was only reserved for one man and one man only. It feels good knowing that Astrid can muster up that kind of care for her, too.
"Don't worry, I've got you." Astrid tells her and holds her close and secure. With her injured ribs, she can't just take an arm and swing it over her shoulder, but she manages to support Ruffnut all the way to Stormfly. She won't be able to fly by herself in the condition she's in. It is a slow and careful walk, but they make it together.
Stormfly lowers herself to the ground, Astrid helps her up, and off they go, back towards Dragon's Edge.
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