#im thinking either aizawa or shoto
b3ach-bunn7 · 27 days
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Texts with your best friend Touya (who’s a little bit in love with you)
no quirk au <3
January 9th
8:47 pm
You: it’s nearly ur bd 😁 what shall I get u
Touya: Nothing
Touya: Just Ur love 😍
You: ew
You: shall I get u some new earrings
Touya: Literally where
Touya: I think I’ve pierced every available location on my face
Touya: Unless… You meant somewhere else 😳
Touya: I meant my belly button?
You: stfu
Touya: Get your head out the gutter
You: shut up pooya
Touya: Wow you really got me there!
January 12th
8:39 am
You: bruh where r u
You: homeroom started like ten minutes ago
Touya: I just woke up
Touya: Leaving onw buy shoti is lissing me kff
You: okay English!!!
Touya: Kys
You: but you can type that right…
January 12th
1:40 pm
You: Touyaaaaaa
You: can we go get food
You: the canteen stuff is rubbish today
You: plz I’m so sos is so hungry I’m dying
Touya: Fatty
You: HEY
Touya: I’m only joking sweetcheeks
You: gross
Touya: You love it
Touya: Shiggy wants to come 2
Touya: Is that Ok
You: sigh fine I guess
Touya: Shall I tell him he’ll be third wheeling if he does 😳
You: yes 🥰🥰🥰😍 he just can’t interrupt our time together my sweet
Touya: Ew
You: you love it
January 13th
7:40 pm
Touya: I’m doing homework
You: I’m doing your mum OHHH
Touya: Woah
Touya: Telling her u said that
You: I’ll tell her ur telling porky pies
You: Rei would trust my word over urs anyways 😈
Touya: Lowkey she would
Touya: My own mother 😢
You: I’m just better ig
You: how long r u gonna be
Touya: Give me like fifteen mins
You: BOO
Touya: Bro Aizawa is up my ass rn
Touya: If I hand one more piece of work in late he’s gonna acc kill me
You: idk why u hate him so much
You: i love him
You: and he has that sexy teacher look🤤 those luscious locks
Touya: R u sure u can get off his dick long enough for us to play
You: ur just jealous
Touya: So very
Touya: Why aren’t u hyping ME up like that
You: cause u smell?
Touya: I’m not playing
You: U smell so good and yummy
You: like cigarette smoke 😍
Touya: 🙄
You: sassy 💁‍♀️
Touya: Stop distracting me so I can work
You: okay smelly
January 15th
2:30 pm
Touya: Y/N
Touya: Y/n
Touya: Y/NNNN
Touya: Queen
Touya: Sweetheart
Touya: Angel
You: if you throw one more piece of paper at my head I’m blocking u
Touya: You won’t check ur phone
Touya: How else can I get ur attention from across the room
Touya: So?
You: think I figured out why Aizawa doesn’t rate u
You: pay attention
Touya: But I miss u
Touya: And I’m bored
Touya: Ur point?
You: omfg
Touya: So what’s up
You: I’m gonna kill you
January 17th
6:50 pm
Fuyumi: Hi Y/N
You: hey fuyumi!!
You: everything okay?
Fuyumi: Yeah, it’s great!!
Fuyumi: Just wanted to tell u that everyone needs to be at ours for Touya’s party at 5:00
Fuyumi: We’ll tell him to come home at like six so that gives us some time to get everything ready
You: beautiful
You: do u think he has any idea were throwing him a party 🤭🤭
Fuyumi: I don’t think so 😆 we have been very careful
Fuyumi: Even shoto has kept his mouth shut
You: yeah I had to threaten twice a couple times before he promised to not tell
Fuyumi: Me too!!!
Fuyumi: Can’t wait to see u 😊
You: I can’t wait either!!!
Fuyumi: I hope he’ll like it
Fuyumi: We’re getting mum to drive all across town to get him that cake he loves
Fuyumi: I really want him to have fun
You: don’t worry babe he will have fun
You: and if he doesn’t I’ll force him to 😈
January 17th
Touya: U guys r throwing me a surprise party right
You: what?
Touya: For my bd
Touya: Fuyumi is being all suspicious
Touya: Told me I have to leave the house tomorrow but also come back at six oclock??
Touya: And the little brat keeps giggling at me
You: uhm don’t call little shoto that
Touya: Ur deflecting
Touya: They r throwing a party aren’t they
You: they aren’t
You: idk why you think that
Touya: Y/N
Touya: Lol
You: please please don’t tell them you know
You: they’re so excited for do this for you
You: [screenshot attachment]
You: look what Fuyumi said to me
Touya: Oh
You: please don’t spoil 😔
Touya: Don’t worry your pretty little head
Touya: I won’t
You: YAY
Touya: Ly2
January 18th
You: [audio messsage]
You: enjoy me whisper singing happy bd to u
You: okay I need to sleep we have school tomorrow
January 18th
Touya: Thank you y/n
Touya: Ly the most too
January 18th
6:15 pm
You: Touya where tf r u
Touya: I’m On my way!
You: we’ll be On your way! FASTER
Touya: STFU
You: wait ur right lowkey
Touya: exactly
You: well walk faster
Touya: I’m not walking
Touya: I’m driving
Touya: Imd riving one handed?
January 19th
12:04 am
Touya: Y/N
Touya: Thank u for gifts
Touya: The strap for my bass
Touya: And the necklace
Touya: I lowbe them
Touya: and the aprty was so fun
Touya: I lovwd it
Touya: and I lobe you
You: that’s okay 😁
You: are u drunk rn🤔
Touya: Snuch out with bawks
Touya: Hrwks
Touya: Hawks
Touya: Raided fathers liquoye supply
You: you went to your dad’s house????
Touya: NO
Touya: never
Touya: stolen from when he was gere
Touya: fukcing loser 😂😂
You: where r u guys?
Touya: hawks house
Touya: his oarents arent home
Touya: u wanbawcome over
Touya: I’ll kuck him out
You: u can’t kick hawks out of his own house 😭
You: why do u even need to kick him out we’re friends
Touya: he flirst with y so much
Touya: flirts
Touya: pisses me off
You: awwwww r u jelly 🥺
Touya: yes
You: LOL
You: yeah maybe lay off the the drinks buddy
Touya: I live u
Touya: love
Touya: I loved the gifts u got me rhwnks
You: you already said babe
Touya: sorry baby Im so drunk
You: okay I’m going to go before you say something you’ll regret in the morning
You: goodnight birthday boy
January 19th
1:05 pm
Touya: Please erase last night from ur memory
You: last night was a movie 😍
Touya: Yeah a fucking horror
Touya: My head is killing me
You: painkillers?
Touya: Idk where they r and Hawks is sleeping
You: did u guys just wake up 😭
Touya: I think I slept like at like five am
Touya: It’s nice smoking inside a house and not in some alleyway so mum doesn’t catch me
You: BOO
You: ur lungs hate u
Touya: I hate them back
Touya: It’s why I smoke
Touya: Fuck my HEAD
You: that’s what he said
Touya: Ew man
You: you love it
You: go drink some h2o
Touya: Enough chemistry in too tired
You: sigh fine
You: go get some WATER 💦
Touya: Fine
You: bye baby 🤪
Touya: I’ll kill you
You: but I thought you love me??
Touya: Ur dead to me
January 21st
7:06 pm
You: Touya
You: can I come over plz
Touya: Erm what 😳😳😳
You: seriously
You: can I
Touya: Yh ofc
Touya: You okay?
You: yh
You: well no actually
You: my dads being my dad again
You: I just can’t be in this house rn
You: I need to get away from him
Touya: Yeah u can anytime
Touya: Yk my family loves u
You: thanks
Touya: You want me to pick u up?
You: nah I wanna walk
You: thanks again
You: love u
Touya: Ly2
January 29th
5:28 pm
You: [image attachment]
Touya: Bruh get off dress to impress 😭
Touya: U r beefing ten year olds rn
You: idgaf
You: ten year olds who can’t fucking dress
You: I actually hate this game
Touya: Maybe get good
You: maybe kys???????
Touya: Words hurt 😔
You: man up?
Touya: Woah
Touya: Okay just perpetuate gender norms..
You: define perpetuate?
You: YH that’s what i thought
February 6th
7:06 pm
You: bro
You: all my friends have valentines apart from ME
Touya: Get good?
You: okay and where’s urs?
Touya: texting her rn 😍
You: omg 😳
You: but on a real I feel horrifically left out
You: Toga keeps flaunting it in my face
Touya: That little freak got one?
Touya: Who
You: yk that girl in 1-A with the chubby cheeks
You: they r so cute omg
You: how come toga has a lesbian lover and I’m jobless and hoeless 😔
Touya: I can help with one of those things
You: u hiring???
Touya: I’ll be ur valentine
You: I can’t tell if ur joking
Touya: I’m not
You: do u have one romantic bone in ur body
Touya: I can think of one 😳
Touya: Nah fr I’ll be ur valentine
You: okay…
You: ask me properly tho
Touya: Okay
Touya: Hey Y/N
You: oh hi Touya! What’s up
Touya: Will u do me the great honour of being my valentine?
You: 😊 yes!
Touya: Thank you 😊😍
February 10th
2:02 pm
Touya: Omg
Touya: Y/N guess what
You: don’t text me in class lil bro
Touya: Someone asked me to be their valentine 🤪
You: what
You: Who
You: is she in our homeroom
You: did u tell her ur mine
Touya: Woahh
Touya: Jealous much
You: no I just don’t want to be a side piece 😔
Touya: No Dw I told her I’m urs 🥺
You: shush
You: yk what I meant
You: who was it tho
Touya: Idk some girl in my maths class
Touya: She seemed pretty sad when I said no
Touya: The ladies love me
You: she’ll get over it!
Touya: LOL
February 14th
8:03 am
You: OMG
Touya: No I got them for ur dad actually
Touya: Anytime Valentine
February 14th
1:20 pm
Touya: Meet at my car
Touya: I’m taking u out for lunch
You: thank gosh
You: they’re selling some mystery meatloaf type deal and I’m no happy
You: hawksy wants to come too
Touya: No
Touya: Just u
You: girl he’s not gonna do anything
Touya: No this is like
Touya: Hold on
You: okay hawks is looking at his phone and typing
You: r u texting him
You: okay he magically doesn’t wanna come along anymore
Touya: Aw :((
Touya: I’m waiting outside
You: see u in a bit smelly
February 14th
1:50 pm
You: ur such a child
Touya: NO
You: WHY
You: I can see u smiling
Touya: Shut up
Touya: Okay listen
Touya: If u don’t like what I’m about to say we r going to act like this never happened okay
Touya: I will delete the message out of existence and thus out of ur mind
You: okay…
Touya: Okay so I kind of like actually asked u to be my Valentine not just because ur lonely
Touya: And I like really like you
Touya: As in like like
Touya: But I don’t wanna ruin our friendship because ur the best friend I’ve ever had and will ever have
Touya: So if u don’t feel the same we can just pretend this never happened
February 14th
8:00 pm
You: I’m home safe xxx
Touya: Don’t care
You: okay mr message me when ur back
You: okay mr parked in my driveway to make sure I got in okay???
Touya: Shut up
You: wait hold on
You: is that why uninvited hawks
You: so that u could ask me out
Touya: Yeah and the sky is also blue
Touya: He’s so stupid yk
Touya: It was his idea ??
Touya: And he forgot
You: hey three’s a party!
Touya: So you would’ve kissed me as aggressively as you did if Hawks was there?
You: wait ur right..
You: Oh well
You: it was about time anyways
You: took u like three years and u did it over DMS
Touya: I’m shy 🥺
You: EW TF
You: I take the kiss back
Touya: These hickeys tell me a different story
Touya: You love it
You: I love YOU 🫵
Touya: Yeah
Touya: Love you too
This was NOT supposed to end with a confession but I physically cannot help myself 😅 I love these text posts they’re so fun!!
Hope u all enjoyed <3
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serxinns · 8 months
Yandere class 1A with a reader who has helped pros from another country but has never gotten her permit. So she goes to school and ends up with new classmates who are obsessed with her?
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• Your Big Sister is one of the most popular pro heroes in America ranking number 6 you always looked up to her and wanted to be like her one day, On your 14th birthday she gifted you your own hero outfit saying that you'll be her sidekick during your time you also became popular alongside your sister defeating villains helping citizens and praising your teamwork, usage of your quirk, a pot the pros and the employees of your sister agency adores you every time you walk by there's always a either a wave, a hey, or a small gift for your hard work life was great
• Until you receive a letter from the Special School called Ua saying that they require you to attend there since you never got a permit which made you feel sad that you were gonna leave your sister But she promised she'll visit and she made sure one if the pro heroes you worked with will be your new guardian
• When you 1st walked in your class most students were shocked they knew that they were be getting a new student but they didn't know it was you?!
•"introduce yourself and make it quick" Aizawa said with a tried expression "My name is y/n l/n I am the younger sibling of (sister's hero name) I hope we can all get along! Any questions a bunch of hands went up eagerly waiting
•" What's your quirk?" "are you actually the sister of h/n?" "what's working with a bunch of pro heroes like?" "Is your sister single" you answered them one by one (expect for the single part) and the class was amused you went to take a seat feeling some a bunch of eyes were on you
•After class a brunette girl, came up to you a warm smile on her face "Hi you must be y/n im Ochako Uraraka" You smiled at the girl while shaking your hands "Nice to meet you ochako you look so adorable!"
•Ochako face began to flushed with your comment her mind was all over the place "she called me cute!" her heart was racing "T-Thank you! I was gonna ask if you could sit with me and some friends they r-really wanna meet you" ochako manage to say still flushed she rushed away still thinking about you
•at lunch you managed to make friends with the glasses kid named iida a green hair boy named Izuku midoriya, and red and white hair boy named Shoto
• Ochako and 5 other girls came up to you while you were minding your business "y/n I was wondering if you would like to hang out with us! It's just a little cafe da- I mean hang out!" a girl with pink hair and yellow eyes said "Of course! That sounds fun!"the girls all starting blushing at your cute smile and adorable smile adoring it like it's the most precious thing in the world
•You soon was introduce to a hot head named katuski bakugo, a red hair boy named kirishima, a Blonde hair with a black lighting in his hair named denki and a black hair boy named sero along side with the other classmates like sato, Koji, tokoyami, ojiro and aoyama you and you're classmates all got along with each other but sometimes u question their behavior but u brushed it off
•whenever training come around ur classmates would bicker at each other about who gets to train with you and if one of them win they would glare at them behind your back when your your classmates would stare in wonder and memorize your fighting skills some even cheering for you
•They would always drag you wanting to spend time with you every chance they can get "Back off extras y/n and I are supposed to spare with each other! With shitty hair!" "Y/n promised that we are gonna have baking lessons later" " actually me and y/n were supposed to be jamming with each other" "*Kero* actually we were gonna go swimming alone" "oh please you people are crazy me and y/n are gonna go shopping together!"
•the more you spend time with them the more obsessed and delusional they get whenever you talk to other classmates who are not in their class they glare at you and try to make excuses for you to pay attention to them they even daydream you and them dating
• They are so desperate for your attention and praise that they'll always bicker about who got the most attention
•one time mineta tries to flirt and try talking dirty about u you let's just say 19 classmates are coming for his ass
•Izuku would have a secret notebook about you with everything about you even with stuff you didn't know he would talk to you like he's a shy boy but whenever you're talking with someone he's would glare at him and would gently tug your sleeve a bit trying to pull you away with a excuse of "cmon y/n we need to study" or "sorry we need to get to class now"
•Shoto and Momo would leave u expensive gifts and spoil the heck out of you momo would hug you and try to cuddle you whenever you're sitting down and if your not much of a cuddler then that's fine too hand holding is also a option
•Bakugo and Kirishima would spar with you and sometimes show off to see who's more manly
•Denki or sero would invite you to play videos games and even if your bad at the games they'll loose on purpose just to see your eyes sparkle tries to throw some flirting here and there
•iida and you would fangirl/fanboy about how cool your big siblings are and Iida would make sure you're safe at all costs being your study partner and teaching you Japanese
•Ochako and you would either make you hang out at the park with her or go to a nice hill to look at the sunset while you both race down the hill (the 2 of you got scolded by iida for staining your clothes)
•Aoyama would have a mini fashion show with Bakugo picking out the outfits for you and Momo getting all the pretty outfits making sure you're comfortable and safe revealing or not both Aoyama and momo would be squealing while bakugo pretends not wanting to be here
•Sato would bribe you with sweets to make him hang out more he'll find out by asking Izuku what your favorite dessert or treat is whenever you taste his treat he always wanted to know what you think and if you say it's delicious the dude would make more for you
•Koda would teach you what animals you wanna know if you wanna know what animal lives in Japan he talk all about that heck! He'll even bring you face to face (unless the animal it's dangerous) of not then he'll let you pet it but if you're scared if gently reassure you that the animal won't hurt you
• Tokoyami loves to hang out with you in quiet places like coffee cafes or a library trip when dark shadow tries to sneak in his real feeling for you he'll shine a flashlight at him making him hiss
•Shoji like Iida would make sure you're safe especially when you're around him shoji would tell you about how dangerous the country Japan is wanting you to be closer to him to the point where his hands are around your waist or being carried burial style
•Hakagure and Mina will always be your number one hyped girls always pitching your cheek and hugging you and if you're not a hugger that's ok! A head will do that when alone they would always gossip about how hot you are and how adorable you are they even made a secret shrine of you
•Tsuyu is a cool girl who would always take you swimming if you don't know how to swim she'll hold on to you very Tight making sure you don't drown or get those floaties to help you
•Jirou and you would have a jamming section whenever an instrument you play she'll play along with you the both of you would share your favorite playlist songs and why is most of hers love songs. Anyways she gifted you a matching t shirts of your favorite band now whenever it's the weekend yall would jam out in cute matching clothes
Ojiro would occasionally spend with you as well while making sure he doesn't hurt you loves it when you touch his tail it makes his heart race and tail wag Ojiro also loves to hang out at the ice parlor with you while talking about hero stuff and karate
They all love you and will cherish you as much as they can even convince you to join their hero agencies when they grow up they're obsession gets worse as the day goes on with how their glares will linger if they see you talking with another person and will argue at each other of who gets to spend with who
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heronoegg · 2 months
league of hassaikai au :) how does tokoyami feel about the villains and are any of class 1-a aware of him being involved with hawks’s investigation (im assuming nezu and aizawa are aware of that but please correct me if im wrong)
you asked another set of questions in your other ask so im gonna answer those as well
How does tokoyami feel about the villains:
Too be honest i haven't gotten that far in my idea my answers are always so let down vhjebsdhj im sorry, but i imagine that Tokoyami is more so for the league then he is the hassaikai cause he feels like the league is a found family and he understands whats going on in this situation they aren't truly villains they just do bad things and wanna live their lives - where as Hawks is more for the hassaikai somehow?? im not sure how but he is.
Overhaul sees a lot of potential in Tokoyami but Tokoyami thinks he's insane
Are any of class 1-a aware of him being involved with hawks’s investigation (im assuming nezu and aizawa are aware of that but please correct me if im wrong)
i haven't gotten that far vhjbdfghjrbfghjdbfhj
Im thinking when Tokoyami is with them either Overhaul is gonna want him to keep going to school to keep up appearances but thats kinda dangerous so he also might just wanna keep him there with them and Hawks is kinda feel like his own fault if thats the case - so i think Tokoyami is just like, still going to UA and just not saying anything. Nezu and Aizawa dont know anything about this Hawks would get in trouble if they did vjrefbsvhj Hawks was supposed to be doing this mission on his own and i mean this was a self mission he didnt ask Tokoyami to come Tokoyami just came on his own
Hawks, Jeanest and Endeavor were supposed to investagate this together until Hawks got too involved and doesnt tell them anything cause hes apart of it now he's put himself in a corner
this is like the messy version of my thoughts everything isn't set in stone
how does tokoyami feel about the villains and such? which member does tokoyami get along with the most and which member does he get along with the least?:
Tokoyami very much sympathizes with Shigaraki if he ever gets to know him enough which he probably will, nobody deserves that if he ever finds out about his childhood, he would want to save him but hes hard to be around cause hes annoying, Shigaraki reminds him of Dark Shadow (in this AU Dark Shadow is sentient and his Quirk sister) you can read my friends story if you want details on that, the stories are not connected but she talks about the Tokoyami - Darkshadow sibling dynamic if thats what your into
her fanfiction
Himiko drags Tokoyami around they are so sibling dynamic she likes having Tokoyami around it's like having a 2nd Dark shadow to him
i think the person he would hate is Dabi cause Dabi reminds him of Hawks not that he hates Hawks but he can't understand him and if he did find a way to get his backstory out he wouldn't understand how he could be that way with his famliy and hurt Shoto in this way by doing all this
He also may not like Compress for the forest training arc trauma
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anotherhellchild · 2 years
soo I know I havent been active in like forever BUT! I've slowly been getting back into bnha :)) ... I finally watched the latest movie and im almost up to date on the manga
anyways I had this idea for a fic like two years ago and I've decided its time I share it cause I don't think ill ever actually write it lol (mostly cause im just not motivated but also cause I lost the draft I had for it) keep in mind that I thought about this like two years ago tho so all the recent manga/anime developments never happend (also mentions of bad parent Mitsuki ahead)
it was gonna be a kid Katsuki fic where Bakugou got hit by a quirk that basically made him 10 years younger (so he’d be 6). And the ‘rules’ to this quirk were the following:
- whoever gets hit by the quirk instantly turns into themselves from 10 years ago
- but like. exactly themselves from exactly 10 years ago. so they'd have the exact memories and body they had at the exact time of day just 10 years in the past.
- so for example if u got hit with the quirk at 3:23pm on the 10th of august 2022 you’d turn into the version of yourself from 3:23pm on the 10th of august 2012 and if you were hungry or thirsty at that time in 2012 you'd still be hungry or thirsty when you appear in 2022 (this is rlly vague but hopefully it makes some sense lmao)
-also say you were playing outside at that time, you'd suddenly be super confused as to where you were and what was happening etc.
- its kinda like the person hit by the quirk rewinds exactly 10 years. does that make sense(?). 
- after exactly 24 hours the person hit with the quirk ‘ages’ (or I guess ‘fasts forward’) exactly a year. so 3:23pm august 10th 2012 kid turns into 3:23pm august 11th 2013 kid. cause its a day later.
- they age by exactly a year every 24 hours until they reach they're actual age again. so it takes exactly 10 days for the quirk to wear off.
- whenever they age up again, they have no memory of the day before
those were the basic rules to the quirk and I can't remember if there was anything else to it but yeah (lmk if it made no sense ill try to explain better)
so in my fic I was gonna have Katsuki get hit by the quirk (obviously). and it was gonna be part of my Bakugou Katsuki is class 1a’s big brother - change my mind series which means that id have Katsuki already adopted by Aizawa and part of the Aizawa-yamada household. (Hitoshi, Shoto and Eri also part of the fam of course) but the adoption process was gonna either not be over yet or at least super recent and the extent of Katsuki’s past and abuse was not gonna be known by anyone. also I like hawks so I think I had Baku as hawks’ intern in this 
I believe I had already written the first scene where I was gonna have Miruko, hawks and Bakugou out on patrol fighting some villains and then Bakugou getting hit by the quirk. (I forgot the password I need to get to the draft tho💀, so I can't share it with you guys at the moment)
anyways, I thought the idea had a lot of potential cause I was gonna have everyone see how Katsuki aged from a 6yo to a 16yo over the course of 10 days. and I was gonna make it that his ‘past selves’ that ‘appear’ had just been kidnapped or something or had a lot of buises or hadn't eaten in however long and then all of a sudden they find themselves in a room full of (to them) strangers who he obviously doesn't trust. everyone was gonna see first hand how messed up Katsuki’s childhood was. and in the meantime Katsuki was just gonna be trying to figure out whether he could trust these people or how he could escape them.
it was gonna be a lot of trauma and fun!
oh and I was gonna make it that when he initially got attacked by the quirk, it would've coincidentally be exactly 9 days away from the anniversary of when the sludge villain attacked him. meaning that his 14yo self (that would've showed up on day 9 of the quirk) was gonna happen to be in the middle of being choked by sludge whilst the quirk hit which would make it that (to him) it'd feel like he’d be fighting sludge one second and then he’d suddenly be in front of a whole class of UA students the next. 
I had all these ideas for the fic that I can elaborate on if anyones interested! but I mostly just wanted to share this cause I started thinking about my old WIPs recently and thought it'd be fun to talk about them!
feel free to send me any asks about this if you want! maybe ill try to look for my old headcanons and wips if anybody’s interested
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Rating Characters I've had crushes on. Pt 1.
Disclaimer!!! This will get more unhinged as we go on. I somehow have a thing for dilfs and its kind of weird but whatever. This part is just male characters that I can remember. If you judge, please do it anonymously in my ask box bc I like being a little messy at times/hj. Not all of these were sexual byw!! I was like 9-12 with some of these crushes
Wanring: i am a horny teen girl whos never had a boyfriend. It will get bad.
Book Characters:
Remus Lupin. 10/10. Still fixated on him and his complex character. Hate JKR and her stupid terfy face and literal racism and the way she ruined some of her best characters. (Definitely not salty about tonks and her entire character becoming obsessed with Remus) RIP, bbg. You deserved a better author and less mischaracterization from the fandom.
Cedric Diggory. 8/10. The fixation didn't last long, but it was fun. I think I clinged to him because hes one of like 8 Hufflepuffs mentioned in the books and IM a Hufflepuff.
Percy Jackson. The icon. 9/10. Love that sassy mfer AND HES LOYAL TO ANNABETH?!?!? perfect. Had 9 year old Izzy in a chokehold.
Nico Di Angelo. 7/10. I think I wanted to be friends with him tbh. It wasn't really a crush but more of a 'i am him, and he is me.' He just like me fr fr.
Carlise Cullen. 9/10. Hes a vampire doctor father figure. All the boxes were checked. I don't know why, but I read the hospital scene in twilight and my brain went blank. Same with watching the movie as an 8 year old. Got me giggling and twirling my hair.
Atticus Finch. 11/10. You're starting to see a pattern, aren't you? Bonus point for doing the right thing despite common beliefs at the time of TKAM. He's literally such an interesting character and I think I either want to be fucked by him, or I want him to be my father. I can't decide. He was also played by Gregory Peck, so...🫡 yeah.
Klaus Boudelaire. 7/10. He was smart, and little Izzy had a fixation on smart boys who would read. The actor who played him also looked like my third grade crush and 8 year old Izzy was smitten. I would've been best friends with him fr fr. Count Olaf can catch these pale hands.
Anime Characters:
I would like to preface this by saying I was in middle school and unmedicated. I am still unmedicated, but it was worse then. Thank you for your understanding about whatever the fuck this is about to say about me.
Sebastian Michaelis. 9/10. Still fixated on him. -1 for almost dying multiple times. Black Butler is STILL my shit. It was the first anime I was really into. First Manga I ever read. First hyperfixation I can remember that wasn't a book series, not counting My Little Pony. I saw the butler and father figure and 11 year old Izzy went 👀.
William T Spears. 8/10. I don't know what it was. I just liked him a LOT. The mental illness was taking over.
...Ciel Phantomhive. 7/10. Same reasons as Nico. I wont elaborate further.
Levi Ackerman. 10/10. Who wasn't obsessed with Levi when watching AOT?? Pfff imagine liking a type of napoleon bonapart 🧍‍♂️. Couldn't be me. Not at all. 🧍‍♂️.
Shouta Aizawa. 11/10. I have no words to explain why my brain decided the teacher was my crush. Hes twice my age. Hes sleep deprived. He has zero patience left. But my brain said tehehe go for THAT one. And he was just trying to sleep in that yellow sleeping bag.
Shoto Todoroki. 6/10. I was influenced by the fandom at the time. Hes...fine I guess. Another complex traumatized character. Had 11 year old Izzy in a chokehold. Idfk.
(Unfortunately) Kai Chisaki. 3/10. He was hot to 13 year old Izzy. Complex character but unfortunately a bad person. Can't defend myself here.
Dabi. 4/10. It's slightly better than Chisaki. Had a love/hate thing. I wrote a fanfic about ripping his staples out and leaving him to die. I had problems, if you couldn't tell. Thats literally the only violent thing I'd ever written and it was one of my most popular fics on my old blog (RIP all the fics I deleted)
Kusuo Saiki: 10/10. Looking back on it, he's literally so me core. Would we be friends irl? Probably not. I think my intrusive thoughts would take him back and he'd be like '...what the fuck??' So yeah. But also yeah. He's literally so me. He just wants to be left alone but ALSO SECRETLY ADORES HIS FRIENDS!!!! Had middle school me in a deadlock. Still have stickers of him (everyone say thank you jamie).
TV and Movies:
The Beast from Beauty and the Beast. 6/10. I think its kind of common for little girls. Idk.
Prince Eric. 9/10. I think he was also common for little girls. Bro was brainwashed but lowkey reluctant bc I think he KNEW Ariel was the singing girl. I love himbos.
The Phantom of the Opera. 10/10. We love serial killers who are also obsessive but also very fucked up. And he can play the organ 🙂. Yumby. It was fruit for the soul. Talking about 2004 movie, but 1990s miniseries Erik was also good.
I guess Carlise Cullen coukd also be over here but wtv.
Bela Lugosi Dracula. 7/10. -3 bc I haven't seen the movie but hes so <333. Book Dracula is also <333. They're both such menaces but also so <333
Jack Skellington. I can't even rate this. I have no words for myself.
Beetlejuice. Same with Jack. I have no words for myself.
Hannibal Lecter (NBC series). 9/10. Most recent as of the day im making this. -1 point for making Will go insane. Bros literally insane. I would let him manipulate me 😍/hj. Just kidding. If he was my therapist I would cry. He would say something after psychoanalyzing me and I would start sobbing. And then he'd kill me. Boom.
Will Graham. 9/10. Tbh!!! More of a father figure crush thing. Is also my type. Tragic brunette with glasses. Bro needs a fucking break. Please let him live peacefully. (Number one Jack Crawford hater‼️‼️)
Jareth the Goblin King. 8/10. I love David Bowie. Thats all.
Dracula Tepes (Castlevania). 9/10. Yes he tried killing humanity. They killed his wife. It was only fair. Another vampire dilf. Gotta love em.
Adrian Tepes. ^ 9/10. Dracula's tragic vampire son. I HAVE A TYPE.
Papa Emeritus III: Ghost. 9/10. Made a great Album (Meliora). Our great icon. Wants to fuck Omega (Ghoul) and tbh I get it. Those ghouls are sooo awesome and cool. I love a short flamboyant man who can sing. Favorite song of his is Cirice. And Bible. Bible is underrated fr fr. Is my favorite Papa from Ghost but honestly I love all of them so count that 9/10 as a rating for all of them.
Papa Emeritus IV. 9/10. I love him too. Tbh. The Papa that I have been around for. Thank you Frater Imperator‼️‼️. You go Copia. Hes so bbg coded. Bro has glittery jackets and sings about Rats. Who wouldn't love that??
David Bowie: 10/10. Less of a crush and more of a I love his music so much and I need ALL OF YOU to know.
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Video Games
Jumin Han (Mysmes). 8/10. He was the first good ending I got between him and 707. Had me stressing. Does Jumin Han Is Gay? (Maybe). Had 12 year old izzy questioning things.
707. ^-^. 9/10. Mfers route had me STRESSING. it took me 6 WEEKS to get the good ending and when I finally got it, my mom was like woah good for you hon. So -1 point for that, but also +1 to the traumatized smart boy type I have. Tried Honey Butter chips bc of him. Went hard asf. Got harrassed by an adult bc of a fanfic I liked on here. That was fun.
Julian Devorak. 10/10. He was the only route I've finished on The Arcana and I love him with all my heart. Lowkey wish there was less smut about him. I wanna give this tall ginger man a bone crushing hug.
Link (LOZ). 6/10. I was four.
Sebastian (Sdv) 10/10. I play his route every single time. Literally at 6 hearts with him rn at winter year 1. Hes also the sad coder core. I think I have a type. Idk.
Barbatos (Obey Me). 10/10. Same as Sebastian Michaelis. Something about OP butlers.
Lucifer (Obey Me) 10/10. I always wanted to hug him and then run away like a chaos child. More of a platonic thing for both him and Barbatos. Inner child screamed. I would literally play obey me for hours. It was always open on my little Moto E6. Deleted Mystic Messenger for it. And vice versa. Fun stuff.
Anywaysss haii thats all for now!! Part 2 will probably be soon. Maybe. It'll be all the women I had crushes on as a child. I was very gay. I go both ways. Fr fr.
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lalayolo23 · 11 months
i would just like to say..
"-tho a single fiber is weak, it can be braided with others to form a mighty rope. had even one thread broken, we would have failed. its only together that we've wove na tapestry of faith." -best jeanist mha
ok sorry to yall none anime fans but animes have some hella powerful and/or amazing quotes. here are some of my favorite..
"no matter how scary it gets, you must always wear smile and say 'im fine!'" -Nana shimura
"But there's one thing that scares me more than anything... And that's going back to how I used to be! That's why I never wanna regret anything ever again!" -ejiro kirishima (NO REGRTS!!!)
"don't worry about what other people think. hold your head up and and plunge forward!"- Izuku midoriya (deku)
"the deeper the darkness, the brighter the light that shines" -also deku
"I break... and break myself.. even if it mens twisting myself, ill win the way i choose.."- katsuki bakugo
"are you... all might's secret love child or something..?" -shoto todoroki XDDD IM SORRY I HAD TO XD
"there is nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway."-shota aizawa. i need context for this one to know if he talking about hopes and dreams or literal dreams you see in your sleep.. with him i could be either...
"be willing to sacrifice who you re for what you want to be." Hawks. aka murderderer (yes, i spelled it like that on purpose. dont get after me..)"if all yu do is look down on people you wil never see your own weaknesses" -katsuki bakugo. ok can someone tell me if he actually said this. cause dang. character development. XD
"the capybara was the biggest rodent in the world till i was born! :D" principal nezu
ok im done
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Song Bird
Day 9: Cage with Keigo Takami
Other kinks/warnings: None, I think. Pretty straight forward
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I cannot explain to you why I have decided to put more emotional baggage inside of a kinktober fic??? Idk. This one is a LOT sweeter than my Enji fic and I wouldn’t even call it angst. I just don’t know how to write Hawks without putting some of that inner turmoil in him. But for the most part, this fic is a sweeter kink one.
I just wanna flirt with Keigo, you guys. He’s my pretty bird T~T
Disclaimer: 18+ only to read. All characters are aged 20+
“Pretty sure it’s the bird that’s supposed to be in the cage, Keigo,” you folded your arms above your head, resting them against the golden metal of the bars that lined the cage. Where Keigo had gotten a human sized bird cage was beyond her, but it was pretty. It reminded you of one of those antique canary cages, just a whole lot bigger. It felt sturdy too as you leaned your weight against the bars, letting your gaze meet an amused Keigo who stood on the other side, twirling the ring of a sparkly key on his finger. 
“Aw, come on now, I’ve been caged my whole life. May as well let me know how it feels to be on the other side of things for once.” A snarky grin was painted onto his lips as you made a show of rolling your eyes, pushing off the bars in front of you and instead leaning on the ones behind you. It was only a step or two back. It wasn’t completely restrictive by any means but you certainly didn’t have a ton of wiggle room in here. But the opening between the bars, although not wide enough to allow you to squeeze through, were spread enough apart that you didn’t feel too claustrophobic.  "You look so pretty when I know you can’t fly away from me.“
A little extreme, but you were fairly sure he was joking. Keigo had a weird sense of humor once in awhile. He usually came off as sarcastic and casual, but sometimes he’d slip a comment or two in that would just feel… odd. But you were used to it at this point and you knew that a few awkward lines or dark moments didn’t make him a bad person. And so you took the time to give him a sweet smile, reassuring him gently. “As if I would ever want to,” you mused gently and you noted the little extra bit tug upwards on the corners of his lips. “But for real, birdie. Why’d you put me in here?”
When you had gotten home today, Keigo had excitedly pulled you into your room, showing off his latest splurge. You had been a little thrown off at first but your curiosity got the best of you and you had went in closer, inspecting the door, he made a show of pretending to accidentally bump you in there. You knew it wasn’t an accident with the little “whoops” that had melted off his lips, but as he shut and locked the door behind him, it was clear he meant to get you in here. You were just trying to figure out why. 
The dark chuckle he sent you in response gave you reason to believe that whatever reason it was, it was something untoward of him. You were down. That low rumble of laughter had a way of melting your core the second you caught the vibrations. 
“Spice things up a little? I don’t know. Sounded fun.” He shoved the key to the door in his pocket, hiding it from view before red wings contorted behind him as he slipped them out of his jacket before tossing his coat away, letting you take the time to admire the lean form of his arms. He wasn’t nearly as built as someone like Allmight or Endeavor but you liked the more toned-out look of Hawks anyway. Wasn’t built like a wall maybe, but he wasn’t lacking muscle by any means either. “I figured you’d look cute all trapped for me. And I was right. Makes me wanna play with you.”
He was right about something else too. It did sound kind of fun. In any case, it couldn’t hurt to try it out. But you were a bit too sassy to just give your birdie what he wanted. And, besides, he strived off getting control of a situation on his own. “Better be careful how many games you try and play or I might come out of here seeking revenge. I could just try to come and eat you up,” you hummed, flirtation lacing your voice. You didn’t miss the way marigold eyes darkened at you and he practically licked his lips.
“Don’t tempt me. Now I’m almost wondering if I should have been in the cage instead.”
“It’s not too late to trade out, pretty bird.”
“I said almost.”
He was up against the bars and you before you realized it, his arm shot out through the bar and he grabbed you by the neck, tugging you up to the front of the cage and giving a small squeeze around you.. He wasn’t actually squeezing hard enough to do much more than slow your breathing a little, but the action was enough to leave you staggering with the suddenness of it. His other hand was gripped tight around the bar to keep his face from smashing up against the cage as his eyes drifted to the claw he had on your pretty throat. “You’re cute when you think you’re in charge, but I feel like making it clear who’s calling the shots today.” A tighter grip for just a second before he loosened up almost completely now just using the hold to gingerly keep you in place. You could try and move away but both of you already knew who was faster. Your heart was moving faster now but a flood of heat had already started to blister through you and you met his gaze with a huff.
“When I think I’m in charge?”
“Yeah. It’s only because I let you be,” he retorted simply, and the way he shrugged his shoulders at you almost pissed you off, but as his hand slipped away from your neck and moved slowly down your body, tracing over the contours of your body with feather touches, your emotions were preoccupied. “But still, there’s something different about you being trapped here for me. Nowhere to run.” His voice dropped to a near whisper, his hands dragging up underneath your shirt, letting his hand feel the warmth of your skin as they crawled. “I could do some really bad things to you.”
It wasn’t his usual demeanor and you were torn between being heated and being concerned as he cupped your breasts over your bra, kneading your chest in drawn out motions. In the time you had been dating him, you had figured out that Keigo’s carefree demeanor wasn’t something that was actually all that carefree. There was a lot more anxiety that swam deep under the surface and he was starting to show it to you more and more. You never pushed - you weren’t going to force his feelings out of him - but you couldn’t help but be curious about the baggage he seemed to be holding onto. And the odd lull in his voice right now made you wonder if he was showing you some of that now. 
Weird time to reflect, and an even weirder time to try and help as you were being fondled but still. “You could. But you won’t,” you clarified softly as you dragged your shirt up, only to put your hand on top of his, helping him massage your chest, locking your fingers on top of his even as your back arched. 
His brows raised just a fraction, you almost missed it. But the way his voice came out with a laugh next, you felt yourself ease a bit. “You sound confident. Be careful, I’m a bad, bad guy ya know?” Another squeeze, this time pushing pressure upwards, before letting go and applying the same attention to the other side. 
“No, you’re not. Not to me,” you were ready with your response, as clearly as before. Whatever heavy emotions he carried, you wanted to soothe them in the ways you could. And he seemed to enjoy that response as his wings fluffed out behind him. 
That odd air about him was gone now,  and he flashed you a smile so predatory that your thighs clenched even as he tugged his hand away, retreating it back to his side.
“Oh, no. I’m a bad guy especially to you.”
You’d didn’t mind this kind of bad at all.
“Take your clothes off for me,” he was cooing now as he folded his arms over his chest and simply waited. You resisted the urge that came to listen. You wanted this man to wreck you, sure. But attitude came first when he was feeling cocky.
“And if I don’t-”
Before you could even finish your words, a single feather darted in between the bars and you squeaked as it nimbly sliced the fabric of your shirt and just barely missed you. “I suppose I can give you some motivation.”
“Hey, I liked this shirt!” You whined even as suddenly you found yourself obliging, the threat of his feathers ripping off your clothes making you tingle. Maybe that’d be an idea for another day when you weren’t particularly fond of your outfit - or locked in a cage.
“Told you I was a bad guy. Now strip. All the way, my cute little captive.” He continued on with a sweet hum, his eyes burning into you as you discarded your wardrobe, letting it pile up on the floor of the cage. He had your body practically memorized and yet he took it in every time like it was the first time he ever got to see you. “Absolutely gorgeous." 
When you kicked your panties off of your heels, that’s when you glanced back to Keigo to see him circling his finger, indicating you to turn around with a silent gesture. You weren’t sure how he would motivate you to move if you didn’t listen this time but you didn’t find out. Instead, your body spun to face the other direction for him and he whistled a little tune at the sight of your backside. "Now you’re listening? Cute. Keep it up and I just might reward you for it.” His hand was shot through the cage again and he reached around to grab the front of your thigh and dragged your entire body back so you were backed up against the bars. “Move to your side a little. There you go, right there,” molten heat welled in his voice as he guided you to stand with your center right between two of the bars, giving him a nice view of your ass - “spread your legs” - and your dripping cunt. 
He went quiet for a moment, but a rustle behind you and the sound of clinking metal filled the silence. The sound of a belt, the sound of rustling fabric, then he was behind you, with something hard slipping between your legs and gently smacking against the most needy part of your body. “If you don’t wanna fall, bend over and grab the bars in front of you. Better keep that ass pushed back over here though,” he declared as he slid his length back and forth against you, playfully dipping against your hole before sliding back forward. You bit your lip, but in the next moment, you dipped at the waist, getting a grip onto the metal as you pushed the rest of your weight back into your heels, letting the bars make indents against your backside and you gave a whine as his cock sunk into you from between the bars. “I’m about to turn my pretty girl into a song bird.”
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writteninkat · 3 years
Heyy🦌 May I have any of the MHA/BNHA boys watch/listen to you simping over other anime characters?
you can pick any characters just remember to have fun with it☺
its can be NSFW or SFW which ever you in the mood for🤗
and of course drink some water and eat daily🥰 we love health people here💅🏿😍
w/ Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, Iida, Todoroki
a/n: SORRY THIS TOOK A LIL LONG MY GRADE IS D FOR TIME MANAGEMENT + hope you stay healthy too <33 i had just started working out again and honestly my muscles are begging me to stop 😩
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either you're with me or you're not, there's no in between. this man gets jealous
and no not the [sulks in the corner crying] jealous I mean the "HAH?! I BET IM BETTER THAN HIM AT THAT" jealous, usual katsuki
the character you simp for can cook? Katsuki will cook you ten meals a day to prove to you he's better than said character
the character has an amazing body? he'll walk around shirtless in the dorms when you're around just to show off his body
who cares if Aizawa might put him in detention for not wearing a shirt? he's got a dignity to uphold and no amount of detention hours can pull him back lmao
definitely gets competitive and not the Katsuki kind of competitive
you simp for Sasuke? he will give you a list of a hundred reasons why Naruto is better.
you simp for Oikawa? "I think Tsukishima is better. He made it to nationals."
you think Levi is hot? "We should call him 'Lev' now that he lost his 'I'. Lmao I think Jean is a better partner for you."
no matter how great the character you simp for is, he will mention another character and explain why the character he chose is better
long story short, just don't mention anything about simping for characters unless you want to have a bad day
he still babie tho <3 will watch your fave anime and read your fave manga with you, just don't mention anything about characters being simp-worthy
mf simps with you
nah he doesn't get jealous cause he knows they're just fictional characters and he's the real thing (sounding pretty ironic there, don't ya think?)
"SHUT THE FUCK UP IM TRYING TO SAVOR THE MOMENT" he yells back, a feet away from his TV as his jaw hangs at how Eren looks.
"ugh I'd let Kaneki eat me." you groan, pausing the anime to look at your boyfriend who's smirking lazily at you, fist bumping you. "you and me, babe."
"I don't understand why girls in black clover simp for Asta so much." You frown to which your boyfriend groans at in agreement. "Exactly! Like Captain Yummy out here serving us mommy milkers for free and the girls don't bat an eye at him."
"babe on three, tell me your first anime crush." you grab onto his knee, shaking it to get his attention. "alright, bet." he nods.
"Usui Takumi!"
"WE REALLY ARE MEANT TO BE!" he yells, pulling you into a bone crushing hug.
doesn't understand why you do
"holy shit Eren's hot!"
"Why would you think that? He's a mass m*rderer."
"Babe you think Kaneki can like...get it?"
"The cannibal?"
"Fuck, I'd eat Sukuna's fingers too, fo sho."
"He didn't help Itadori save Junpei and left him to die. He laughed while he rejected Itadori's request. He also killed Itadori without hesitation once and I don't think he'll bat an eye for you."
"...Never mind Sukuna. Have you seen Megumi's father?"
"Hon his list of crimes are assassinations, mutilation, attempted murder, attempted child-"
"Okay I'm done with your shit just shut up."
he's the exact opposite of Shoto, he'll definitely back you up.
give him ten reasons why you think Kageyama would be an amazing boyfriend and he'll give you an additional twenty more.
he's actually up to date with all the stuff about what's going on with the anime, and if he comes across a new update, he'll text you the link
whenever he finds merchandise of the character you like, he immediately buys it just to see your excited face <3
"Eij, so there's this convention thing about that anime I'm obsessed with and-"
"Sure, what time?"
"Like what time are we going? I'll need to know so I can clear up my schedule before hand."
he'll let you do his make up and wear the character's costume without a second thought just so you can live out your fangirl dreams <333
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dreamersville · 3 years
songs i would sing to people in bnha
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an? yes i know this was posted on another blog. that was me !! i moved it from my nsfw to my sfw blog. request are open
pairings? too fucking many
tw? none.
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sero- SO INTO YOU-SWV, this man is so fucking fine and i don't think nobody tells him enough, so imma do it my damn self, and he feel like he doesn't look good enough to be with you
kirishima -I WANT HER -KEITH SWEET, cause we would take turns singing to back to each other and to show that no he did not get boring and you still love him like when y'all first got together
denki- PIECE OF MY LOVE -GUY, idk i just wanna sing this to him so he knows no matter what i would have some love for waiting for him
bakugou - LOVE -KEYSHIA COLE, hes insecure doesnt think hes loving you right so sing this to him so he knows that he loving you right
izuku - ALWAYS ON TIME -JA RULE + ASHANTI, you know he trying to be there for you but being the number one hero is kinda hard, sing this to him to show that you feel like his number one person
iida- LOVE ON TOP -BEYONCÉ, he feels like he doesnt care for you as he should while hes trying to uphold to the iida name, sing this to him so he knows you appreciate him and that you for sure know that you are his top project
shinsou- EVERY LITTLE STEP -BOBBY BROWN, imma sing this to him because imma support him though all the steps of him trying to reach his dream and he needs to know that
aizawa -BUY YOU A DRINK - T-PAIN + YUNG JOC, you sing this because you so happen to meet him at a bar and it reminds you of him and because he learn yung joc part to sing with you
shoto -WEAK -SWV, idfk you would sing this to him just because you can he would either be confused or really flustered, might join in if you play it around him enough
keigo -IM REAL -JENNIFER LOPEZ + JA RULE, he feels as though he doesn't deserve you and that one day he's gonna come home and your gonna be gone, so sing this to him to show him that w real and here to stay
shoji -UNTHINKABLE (IM READY) -ALICIA KEYS, you could be 7 years deep into your relationship and he would still get all shy when you sing this to him, wasnt really expecting to get a s/o so he's grateful for you
mina -POISON -BELL BIV DEVOE, you have a whole ass routine together, you and mina?? on this song?? immaculate. doesnt care you cant sing/dance you're gonna preform with mina and she doesn't care!! shes hyping you up the whole time
momo -WHEN I SEE YOU-FANTASIA, it is canon she doesn't think highly of herself so imma sing this shit because baby needs to know she looks good asf !!
fatgum -CANDY -CAMEO, just cause he need sweets and food for his quirk and he would get so flustered 😩, i live for it
mirio -MY BOO- USHER, i would do it to tease and love on him because he my mother fucking boo!!!
amajiki -REFILL-ELLE VARNER, i would sing this all out of key and everything just to show him i could never get tired of the way he loves me
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taglist: open send me an ask or message to join
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lovclyboncs · 3 years
Everything I Wanted 2/2 (F!Reader x Todoroki)
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soulmate Au! Where your soulmate tattoo appears on your wrist after you touch your soulmate for the first time.
F!reader x Todoroki
F!Reader x Bakugou (brotp)
Plot: the reader is Todoroki’s soulmate. Todoroki rejected reader because he thought he was in love with Momo and didn’t want to let fate dictate his life. Now the two of them have a conversation that was long over due.
Part one
Before getting on with the story I want to give a huge thanks to everyone who reblogged and liked part one, it means the world to me that there is people out there who enjoyed my writing, and a big thank you to @dillybuggg and to @power-house-fan12 for encouraging me to write another part sending so much love to you guys!!! 💗💗💗
"Todoroki-san, I met my soulmate."
" I think we should come clean to our classmates, i really want to see where this goes"
Todoroki couldn’t blame her. They were foolish to think their puppy love could stand strong against fate.
Todoroki and Momo had been walking on eggshells around each other during their first year at UA. They were attracted to each other even though they weren’t each other’s destined partner. Trust them they checked, they had been so hopeful only for it to crumble when their left wrists were still void of black Ink even after they had their first kiss.
They had been laying low with their blossoming relationship until the fateful day Shoto and (y/n) first touched.
Shoto didn’t know what to think of (l/n). She didn’t stand out as a person or a hero in training, so when they were paired up on a project there seemed to be a never ending silence between them, with his lack of social skills and her lack of- well everything they didn’t even know where to begin. After a couple of awkward questions about what they wanted to do, they were able to get started, and he thought then that (l/n) wasn’t so bad, but when he dropped his pencil and they both reached for it, that’s when it all went south. He remembers the stinging feeling he felt on his wrist and couldn’t help flinching at the uncomfortable sensation.
He didn’t need to look at his wrists to know what had happened and he didn’t need to think twice before grabbing his things and giving a quiet excuse for his sudden need to be very far away from (l/n).
It wasn’t until he was locked away safely in his room that he dared look at his wrist, and there it was in bold black ink, in a surprisingly illegible yet legible font, how does someone achieve that? ‘(Y/n) (l/n)’.
He’s not quite sure how long he stared at it, but he knows that by the time he was able to organize his thoughts there were birds chirping out side welcoming the new day.
He had rejected her.
She had been okay with it.
He didn’t tell Momo who his soulmate was, but he did tell her that he didn’t want to continue hiding their relationship. What was stopping them from sharing their happiness with the rest of the class? Momo believed they would be looked down on for not waiting on their soulmates. It wasn’t common for people to date anyone who wasn’t their soulmate, it was even more uncommon to reject a soulmate, but look at him, he did it and he was perfectly fine- they were perfectly fine.
Momo was the one who came up with the idea to draw on their soulmate tattoos, unaware of the fact that there already was a name on Todoroki’s wrist, unaware of the pain she was causing to that other half.
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Coming clean to their classmates had gone surprisingly well, and Todoroki wasn’t sure how he felt about that, about that fact that (y/n) didn’t yell or question him on the why.
Why had he lied?
Why had he covered her up like she was something not worth looking at?
Why did he rub his relationship in her face?
Why not give them a chance if he was gonna chase something temporary?
Instead she had looked him in the eyes and gifted him a soft smile.
After everyone had scattered around the common area after their announcement, Todoroki decided to sit outside and take a breather.
He couldn’t help but sigh.
Thinking back to the day he and (y/n) first touched, he wished he hadn’t been such a coward.
He wished he had given her a chance to speak, because looking back now he realized that he did all the talking, he called all the shots not giving her a say in the matter.
She followed his wishes and yet he can’t help but want to be selfish and take it all back.
He had been wrong to think she had been lacking anything because she was everything. She was perfect to him, for him.
He couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him.
Fate had told him she was his, a gift from the universe to cherish and like a spoiled brat he threw it away, ruined it. ‘Seems to run in the family’, he thought bitterly.
(Y/n) (L/n) was everything he wanted and he didn’t deserve her.
The worst part was that the person who helped him realize that was the hotheaded blonde of 1-A (now 2-A).
He was the one who brought out the best in (y/n) or maybe the only one who had bothered to listen, who had bothered to truly see her.
Todoroki couldn’t help but resent him for it yet he was grateful, because without Bakugou pushing her to open up, he would have never realized that he had shut the door on something beautiful without opening it.
“Why are you out here? Curfew is in 20 minutes” he heard her soft voice.
He didn’t reply and he felt her sit beside him on the stairs.
And there was silence.
What could he possibly say now?
Im sorry? That seemed too shallow
“It’s okay you know?” She began.
He finally listened.
“I’ll be honest, it had hurt- you had hurt me when you shut me out without giving me a chance to prove myself worthy of being on your wrist. I questioned if it had been something I did, something I didn’t do, or if it had been my appearance that had caused you to utter those words. Bakugou told me that it shouldn’t be something I beat myself over, that if it had been me that you would have told me, but you didn’t. You just told me that your heart belonged to another”
She stopped and finally looked at him, and he at her.
“ Im sorry things between you two didn’t work out how you wanted them to-” she had began, but he didn’t let her finish.
“Don’t. It’s not your fault, it’s mine. I thought I knew what I wanted and if I’m being honest I think I just wanted to be able to choose at least one thing for myself.” He said without thinking, it was time he stopped hiding from the truth, the selfish truth he hid under his not so pure love for Momo.
“Ever since I was born I have been nothing but a tool for my father. The just right child with the just right quirk. I wasn’t allowed to spend time with my siblings, I wasn’t allowed to play, I wasn’t allowed to make my own decision. It was always my father, and then I found out I wasn’t able to choose who I wanted to be with because apparently fate did that, so I would question what it is that I got to decide for myself
because if fate and my father made the decisions then what was I left with? What part of my life was actually mines for the taking?” He looked at the ground unable to continue meeting her eyes.
“So even if it’s not enough I do apologize, (y/n), for thinking so selfishly that I didn’t take into consideration the fact that you didn’t choose me either and that I didn’t try to make it easier for the both of us” he said clenching his fist to keep some sort of anchor on his mess of emotions.
Todoroki felt a small hand (or at least smaller that his own) lay on top of his own.
“Maybe we’ve both been going about this the wrong way? So what if we have each other’s name on our wrist? that doesn’t mean we should get married next week” (y/n) said in an attempt to lighten his load, to let him know that he didn’t need to beat himself over it just like she didn’t need to.
“ let’s just start as friends and see how things go and then maybe someday who knows” she shrugged her shoulders casually and flashed him a smile.
Todoroki looked at her and she at him.
He relaxed his hand that was underneath her and let himself hold her hand.
“Someday?” He asked
“Someday” she grinned.
(Y/n) cleared her throat and held her hand out for a handshake making him raise an eyebrow
“Hi my name is (y/n) (l/n) let’s be friends”
“I’m Shoto Todoroki, and I would like that very much”
“ I’m Aizawa, the teacher and you two need to get to bed”
“Yes sir!”
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koris-crumbs · 3 years
I’m Here For The Entertainment
Prev-Chapter six-Next
A My Hero Academia group chat story
Warnings: Cursing, and Shoto does make one slightly sexual comment but that’s pretty much it
Pairings: Pining dekubaku, established and cute momojirou, and some flirty Seroroki
A/N: This chapter is a bit shorter again, it’s mainly a shitpost chapter if anything, but I still find it funny either way. Hope you guys do too!
TheNewBestie is online.
BigBakuSimp is online.
NonbinaryBastard is online.
NonbinaryBastard: LMAOOO
BigBakuSimp: betrayed by my best friend
TheNewBestie: midoriya please
BigBakuSimp: I’m leaving our monthlong friendship
TheNewBestie: midoriya
MochiCheeks is online.
Yaomomo is online.
Yaomomo: Oh no what happened?
MochiCheeks: shoto didn’t tell me he had a crush on hanta either deku it’s okay
MochiCheeks: me and the bestie getting through grief together
BigBakuSimp: girl I
BigBakuSimp: ocha
MochiCheeks: what
NonbinaryBastard: he loves me 🥴😩
TheNewBestie: oh so I see we just spilling secrets now
TheNewBestie: hey jirou ochako was the one who ate the mochi you were saving
NonbinaryBastard: I’ve been in here for the past weeks babes
NonbinaryBastard: in your defense most of us haven’t been online tho
NonbinaryBastard: imagine being me and having to take extra classes tonight bc Midnight conked me out
MochiCheeks: imagine being Mineta and the only reason you’re being a hero is bc that’s the only way you think you’ll get pussy 🤢
TheNewBestie: he’s not coming for just pussy
BigBakuSimp: HELP
BigBakuSimp: he’s been lurking ),:
BigBakuSimp: me and Todoroki after making a narrow escape from Mineta
MochiCheeks: me and the boys after floating Mineta into the sun
Yaomomo: I don’t condone unnecessary violence but I agree
BigBakuSimp: oh honey this is v necessary
NonbinaryBastard: so shoto about that little comment saying you had a crush on me
TheNewBestie: oh look at that I gotta get back to training
NonbinaryBastard: you can’t run forever
TheNewBestie: no seriously Aizawa looks like he’s about to punt me
NonbinaryBastard: oh nvm then bby go be a good student
BigBakuSimp: I’m so glad Tiger gave me a break but he keeps coming by giving me the side eye
BigBakuSimp: I think he wants me to get up 😖
TheNewBestie: he was???
BigBakuSimp: don’t you dare bring pitbull into this
MochiCheeks: on another note I’m about to vomit
MochiCheeks: aoyama bout to have irritable bowel syndrome
MochiCheeks: IM SERIOUS
MochiCheeks: sero stopping by for a visit gimme a sec
Yaomomo: I feel a bit queasy too now that Ochako mentioned it
BigBakuSimp: aren’t they making you eat and create non-stop??
Yaomomo: yes ):
Yaomomo: me and Sato
Yaomomo: midoriya do you know if Kyokas taking her break yet?
BigBakuSimp: I cant see her from here, I’m sorry ):
Yaomomo: it’s okay
Yaomomo: I have you after all
BigBakuSimp: yeah!
BigBakuSimp: I’ll be moral support for as long as Tiger lets me
Yaomomo: are you alright from yesterday’s little incident with Kota?
BigBakuSimp: physically yes emotionally never again
Yaomomo: 😭😭😭
TheNewBestie: not bakugo laughing as if he doesn’t wanna be the one touching your dick
BigBakuSimp: WHY ARE YOU??
MochiCheeks: on the toilet yall
TheNewBestie: are we all gonna ignore how Ochako announced her presence
MochiCheeks: yeah
MochiCheeks: sato number one
NonbinaryBastard: GUYS I DID AN OOPSIES
MochiCheeks: it’s giving jealousy
NonbinaryBastard: RUNNING FOR MY LIFE RN
NonbinaryBastard: MIDORIYA HELP
BigBakuSimp: suddenly I cannot see
MochiCheeks: well while you two are having a crisis, I’m off the toilet
Yaomomo: I have stopped choking (:
TheNewBestie: and we’ve all gotta get back to training before Iida or Aizawa rips us a new one
Yaomomo: right, I’ll text you guys soon for updates!
MochiCheeks: talk to you guys later!
TheNewBestie: bye bitches
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angeloroki · 3 years
you are the ua traitor — tamaki; shoto; bakugo
you were the ua traitor. and that broke his heart.
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— character ; amajiki tamaki x gn!reader, shoto todoroki x gn!reader, katsuki bakugo x gn!reader
— request ; So I have this idea 👉🏻👈🏻 tamaki ( idk if you write for him ) shouto and bakugou ( feel free to add or remove anyone ) reaction to reader who sent by the league of villains to spay on UA. like the students were on a mission and the villains attacks and reader take their side ? Again plz if your uncomfortable with it just ignore it and ily 🤎🤎Also sorry for any mistake English isn’t my first Language
— genre ; angst
— warnings ; none
— a/n ; ty for your request hun, im totally okay with it!! so i hope you'll like it :)
(ily too <33)
amajiki tamaki
his heart was in pieces when he understood your real presence in UA
you were called in by the professional heroes with nejire and mirio to rescue civilians from an attack on the downtown shopping center
he was warned that it was an attack of the league of villains
the young brunette was not afraid of the villains, but he was afraid for you, his s/o, afraid you would get hurt or worse
but he was happy to be with you on this mission,
you were there to reassure him and to have his back and vice versa, you were just a great duo
but never, never would he have imagined the scene before him
indeed, he was going to fight toga when he saw you deflecting his blow to protect the young blonde
« y/n ? » he said confused
but was he really ?
but everything came together like a puzzle, the rumor of an informant within the school, how each attack coincided with their exit from the school, information leaks
but still everything was fuzzy in his head
and maybe he didn't want to admit the truth
that the person he was in love with was just a villain
tears came to his eyes, and his gaze found the ground. motionless, paralyzed, he was losing his means
he saw you strike a violent blow to a hero who was going to arrest you
another hero came and shook tamaki with both hands
« hey son let them, the building will collapse ! », he shouted in his ears
but tamaki came to free himself from his hold to approach you
you stared at him, poor baby, he was in a bad state
« did you lie about that too ? did you lie to me when you said you loved me ? »
tears came to his eyes, he wanted to hear your truth from your own mouth first
he refused to admit that you had just helped the league of villains to knock out all the heroes
you sighed softly, you had never planned on tamaki in your mission
and even less fall in love with him
« you can still become a hero. and be with me. i beg you. » his voice was now a whisper.
a hero tried to capture you and failed miserably
the cause ?
he was holding him back with his tentacles from approaching you.
« i'm sorry. i'm sorry that my love feelings for you are true. » you said.
his gaze was fixed on the ground, but he guessed that you had fled with the other bandits.
he let you go. and you were gone.
shoto todoroki
shoto and you were on patrol in an area when you were called in to help some heroes who were in trouble against the league of villains
your boyfriend who was very attentive to you noticed right away that something was bothering you
although he asked you if you were ready to go, you assured him that everything was fine
he knew you too well and knew something was wrong as you said
and his thoughts were confirmed all too quickly
you had arrived at the battle scene when he heard someone call your name
it was the one villain called twice, he has dealt with before in many attacks
« y/n you're finally here, oh my god, there is so much noises ! no it's silent what do you mean. y/n, shigaraki you don't have to do anything more in the UA ! »
shoto was a man of great composure, yet it was only these few words that managed to destabilise him with incredible force.
he was going to ask you what it meant
and before he noticed you were no longer by his side, he saw you alongside some villains
but instead of seeing them fighting or at least stopping them, shoto quickly understood that you were simply helping them to dodge the heroes' attacks
he said your name in a weak voice at first, filled with concern
he started to walk towards you, at a slow pace then he accelerated his pace
his thoughts whirled at a crazy speed, everything fitted together perfectly.
you were the traitor the teachers had been talking about for the last few weeks.
and you had chosen the worst time to reveal it.
once he was on your level, your first instinct was to protect yourself in case of an attack.
but the last thing he wanted to do was capture you or attack you , he just wanted to understand.
he needed to understand.
todoroki just wanted to understand how you could have betrayed him, or everyone else in the school.
« tell me i'm misinterpreting what's happening, please. »
his usually stoic expression was replaced by one filled with sorrow
and that's what broke your heart the most, plus the fact that your first love was a hero and not a villain like you.
his hands that were connected to yours clenched a little more as if he was afraid that you would disappear at any moment
yet he wasn't wrong to be afraid
and he understood that quickly
« don't give up on me, please. i-i love you y/n, even if we're not in the... same camp. »
never has shoto shown himself so weak in front of someone.
and even less so unreasonable
he, who was so hard on the rules. he was willing to make an exception for you.
and yet, you couldn't let that happen
you had to bite your lip until it bled to keep from crying in front of him.
you would have liked to say that he was only a pawn in your plan, in your mission.
but did you also have to lie to yourself ?
« stop loving me then, because it's not possible. » you reply in a cold voice.
you pushed him away violently, and with your partners you managed to push the little heroes aside to escape.
you did it for him, for his sake, you convince yourself.
even if it would break your own heart.
katsuki bakugo
you and bakugo were in the middle of a hostage rescue
admittedly, this was not bakugo's strong point, attack was more his domain
yet your superiors had specifically assigned you this mission
and what surprised you was that he didn't grumble while trying to change your mind
you didn't know it but he was happy to keep an eye on you, you were dealing with the league of villains and he was relieved to be able to be by your side to protect you in case things got out of hand
although he knew you were capable of protecting yourself
but now he wasn't sure if you ever even needed him
indeed, you were the two heroes still standing against the villains,
the other pro-heroes were either injured or unconscious
he wanted to keep you out of the way to avoid hurting you when he wanted to attack
« get out of my way moron, it's time to attack ! »
and yet you pushed him away with a calculated gesture and tackled him to the ground
you had handled him gently and carefully not to hurt him
and it was the fact that you attacked him instead of your opponents that caught him off guard
he didn't even try to struggle, letting you do this technique that you had learned from aizawa, in a few seconds only
and yet even though he suspected what was going on, he dared to say
« i knew you were stupid, but not that stupid ! we're not in training, the bad guys are the assholes over there idiot ! »
he was quick to get out of the way, but you made it easy to keep him in your grip
« don't be silly katsuki, you know we were never on the same side. », you say in a voice filled with pain.
you understood well what he was doing, the young blond is a smart and a clever man although he didn't let anything show in class
he simply refused to accept the truth, hiding his face
without saying anything, he pushed you away and went to attack the villains who were starting to flee
this time, and it was the last, you tackled him to the ground so that he
you didn't know about this surprise attack by the villain league, the last thing you wanted was for this mission to go wrong and katsuki to get hurt.
his expression was a mixture of anger and pain
you felt your throat tighten, it was the first time he had used your name.
Why did it have to happen in this particular situation?
it had been a while since he had stopped struggling, only his bruised eyes were still trying to struggle
you didn't answer, a heavy silence was between you despite the mess around you
« answer me, damn it... » , his voice had calmed down, but you could still feel the anger simmering.
« you couldn't understand katsuki. » you fled his gaze, your hands still holding him.
he let out a dry laugh.
« yeah, you're just like all the rest. »
bakugo was still stronger than you, in just a second he was up and pushing you away.
he turned his back on you.
« go away. but i will find you. »
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thestarsanctuary · 3 years
hi! I was hoping you could do a Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki and Kirishima (separate) with an s/o that has Tourettes, preferably they/them pronouns please. I hope you're having a good day <3
Of course! I was gonna take a break in the middle of my (unspoken) break aka me being lazy, but this request was so nice I- I had to 😔✋🏾 it was definitely the heart. It got me.
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Bakugo wasn’t really sure when he first met you about why your head was twitching or why you were repeating the sentences Aizawa had said sometimes, as he didn’t know you had tourettes. He never even spoke to you like the others did so you never had the chance to tell him until Kirishima did.
When you two started dating he started seeing patterns of when you would get to stressed and start jerking or spouting out random things you heard from youtube videos, he did his best to make sure you knew he was there for reassurance, whether it was a hand on your hand or just pure presence.
There were times when you would have ticcing fits and he would have to sit and rub your back and watch you, and in those times you realized he really was there for you.
He likes to do this thing where he rants on about things he doesn’t like to try and distract you- I’m not sure how he has so much he doesn’t like but every time it’s a new odd topic....sometimes it can literally be something like how he hates trees because when it’s fall he has to rake up the leaves and you have to say
“Bakugo they literally help you not die.” It really is a mystery sometimes how he’s so smart.
Sometimes you can be a bit upset with your tics. It’s not that you’re insecure or that you’re ashamed, but they’re difficult to deal with. The control that you could have isn’t there and that’s stressful in and of itself, and in those moments Bakugo realizes the best thing he can do for you - is make you understand that you are just like the rest of the class and the rest of the people in the world.
“Listen it doesn’t matter if you’re different because to me you’re still cool, you’re still funny, you’re still incredibly sarcastic and while I don’t enjoy that for the most part- you’re my extra regardless of whatever you feel. Get that bull out of your head.”
I mean, he wouldn’t date anybody less than the best.
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Midoriya is the predictable character in the relationship. He researched about Tourettes and what he could do in times when you needed him, I mean he’s not perfect but he’d rather know something rather than nothing.
You tended to be the one who was more of a risk taker, and sometimes your tourettes got in the way of that- which could frustrate you to no end then causing harsher tics like hitting or yelling, and those were the times Midoriya tried to get anything too dangerous either out of your hands- or just out of the way so you didn’t get hurt, he was smart with it.
Other times he could be too much for you, almost treating you like a kid so you had to remind him that you know and understand precautions, but that you also want to live like everybody else and that is nothing short of your business.
You’re favorite activity with him was when he would help you study because he made it so fun for you. It could be hard to pay attention in class sometimes and do your work after school so Izuku would come over and assist you. He would make sure you guys took breaks and that you understood the topic at your own pace.
“Izuku can you like- give an example?”
“Well it’s just kind of- wait what is an example-“
In many situations Midoriya LOVED holding your hand, like he did it at any time, any place. It was something he thought wasn’t too much in public and it was reassuring for you both. When you’re tics got too much you could squeeze his hand, and other times when he wouls get anxious or something would happen he would squeeze yours. It was cute and handy!
There were instances when Midoriya definitely had his mistakes with your tics and how to deal with them but he was willing to take his time and learn because who would he be without his perfect person stayin’ by his side?
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Kirishima is probably the most sympathetic with your tics because he stay prepared for them. It’s never been like “Kirishima can you” but it’s always been more like ‘Kiri how do you always know’ and there’s never been an answer that he gave other than ‘I gotta stay ready for my lovely lover~’
Kirishima likes to do this thing where he goes “neck” after you have a rough day with your tics and with massage your neck for you or your back, depending on how your tics were. He likes takin’ care of you, and it’s not like he doesn’t know you can’t take care of yourself because hey, you didn’t get into 1-A by being a pushover.
Sometimes you’ve had times when people in school just aren’t all that accepting and Kirishima will clap back unprovoked.
“Sometimes I think about how sad you have to be to make fun of them and dang man, you got a therapist?”
Other times you’ll basically respond for him, like I said, you can DEFINITELY take care of yourself.
Whenever you’re in the car or on the bus on a trip in the case that you’ve gotten real excited (which is natural being around your boyfriends and your friends at the same time) he’ll play this playlist he made of your favorite songs and sing to distract you. Does he sing well? That wasn’t the question- but he does sing, only for you though because the other students keep dissing him.
He has a reflex of rubbing your back during free period or at lunch. I don’t think this is relevant but it’s something super adorable, and sometimes he just gives you his hand to look at and play with when you have anxiety as well to keep you calm.
Also irrelevant but other times he’ll facetime you before you guys go somewhere and ask what to wear because he wants to match with you, and it’s so cute because you could lie so hard and he’d believe everything you say.
You two are kinda a power couple like- you both can hold your own but also are such nice people, good job makin’ the rest of 1-A feel lonely guys.
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Todoroki is a simple guy. He doesn’t want to overcomplicate things for the most part because “why would I act like your guardian, if I’m literally your boyfriend” and that’s that.
He tends to try and keep you calm, as it’s something pretty simple for him, he knows a bunch of tactics for distractions or when those are obsolete, he’ll just sit there with you, and maybe rub your back or get a water bottle for when it’s done, he just never wants to do too much because he knows your capabilities, and he knows your limits.
He is also a large hand holder. Mostly because he doesn’t like the idea of PDA for the most part, and he doesn’t like leaving your side either, because you’re very comforting to him. It’s a given we all know he needs love and comfort please.
There have been times when people look at your because of your tics in public and Todoroki has had to give a little glare back because of the disrespect being blatantly put out. In rarer times you will both glare at the same time, those are the coolest moments of you as a couple.
Shoto doesn’t really care much for your tics only because he’d rather just make sure you’re ok then watch Avengers rather than treat you like a child if anything, and that’s because you told him first that you wanted a boyfriend not a babysitter (speakin’ facts) and at first he didn’t understand and he thought you didn’t want his help but soon understood otherwise.
Some cute things I like to think of are that he likes to put on your favorite songs when you’re anxious and try to dance for you. It’s not good- let’s start with that, because he’s kinda...stiff, but the attempt is absolutely adorable (and oh so funny).
Other things are he likes to call you cheesy nicknames when you’re cuddling because he likes your reactions everytime, because according to him, yeah he said it himself, you are very adorable when annoyed. Don’t @ me!
Overall he just loves spending time with you whenever he can, you’re truly a safe-haven for him.
Alright tourettes is a real thing y’all, so I didnt make this rainbows n cupcakes bc im sure that’s not always how it is.
If anything in this is offensive or too much for somebody I can take it down and re-do it! I’m not too sure how it is bc it feels kinda repetitive but we’ll see I guess, and thanks to the person who requested my day was fine thanks 😩✋🏾.
I also included some things I like to do (play with hands and listen to music) because i have anxiety and I known that can worsen tics and can also come with tics (a lot of ppl with tics have adhd, anxiety, or some sort of disorder along with it)
- SS <333333
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Yall I'm sad rn so I'm gonna do when aizawa, hizashi, bakugo and shoto see you crying (it's a gender neutral one)
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• he's just come home from a long day at work and he just wants to go to sleep
• while walking to your room though he hears quiet sobs and immediately opens the door
• seeing you sitting on the floor leaning up against a wall, shaking and sobbing he walks over and kneels down to your level
• you look up to him and see him holding one of your many cats in an attempt to comfort you
• "want to hold sushi, kitten?" He says
• you start crying even harder at how much hes trying to comfort you and him thinking hes upset you more panics a little and pulls you into his lap and starts patting your head like a cat
• he says "shhhh kitten it's ok, tell me what's upsetting you" and gently rocks you back and forth while cradling you (sushi at this point is just sitting there like 'and you abandoned me for this sobbing mess dadzawa?'😂)
• you push your head into his chest taking in his comforting and familiar scent, which calms you down a bit, while he rests his head on yours and starts lazily rubbing your back
• after you tell him what's wrong and start crying again just thinking about it, he picks you up and takes you over to his sleeping bag and lays you both inside (so he can sleep and comfort you)
• he kisses you on the top of your head and wraps his arms round your waist before saying "I love you ok and I'm here for you" and you cuddle into him, muffling your small cries and you fall asleep in his arms
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• I feel like he wouldn't be home alot because the poor man has three jobs😂
• so he comes home to drop off a few things before heading to his radio show
• looking up he sees you sitting on the couch head in your hands and shaking, trying to hide your cries, failing miserably I might add :)
• and he refuses to leave you at home so he pulls you up and leads you to the kitchen, packs your favourite foods and drinks and takes you with him to his job
• giving you a pair of headphones and sitting you on his lap he hums to you softly as he prepares to start his radio show
• after a while he very quietly he sings "so baby dont worry~ about a thing~ cause every little thing, is gonna be alright" before starting his show, doing what he usually does
• he plays songs, talks to his audience, gossips, plays songs people request all while you are laying with your head in his chest comforted by hearing his voice and him stroking your hair
• he suddenly goes "HEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY so, I know some of you out there might be feeling a little sad right now SOOOOOOOOOOO how about I play a little song to cheer you all up!?" Before whispering to you "this is for you, my favourite little listener"
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• bakugo is an angry boi so I think it would take a while for him to give in
• he is sleeping cause its 9 30 so obviously hes asleep
• and your currently laying on top of him, but your having a panic attack so you try to be quiet, not realising your shaking violently
• bakugo feels you shake and puts his hands on your waist, slowly tracing up and down it
• opening one eye he mumbles "what's wrong love"
• you close your eyes, wishing you were quieter and between sobs you say "s-sorry, it-it's ok I'm f-fine"
• seeing that you are clearly not he stops tracing your waist and holds onto it, digging his nails in a little bit " don't lie to me stupid"
• you wince, not wanting to he insulted while your breaking down, so you get off of him and walk out of the room so you can lay down on the couch
• shocked, bakugo puts his hands either side of his head making an explosion to make his ears ring, yea he feels that bad :(
• you, still sobbing and not even able to think at this point hear the explosion and cry harder knowing what he did
• so you get up attempting to walk back to him but as you get to the door you collapse to the ground, not being able to hold yourself up anymore
• suddenly you feel yourself being lifted up and you look up seeing bakugo, also silently crying from the high pitched ringing in his ears
• he picks you up and presses his lips against yours before sitting down right there on the floor and sits you on his lap facing him
• "I'm- im sorry beautiful, I wasnt thinking" he whispers while tears are streaming down his face
• tbh I feel like when he cries he would try to not let you hear him make a sound, he would just let tears fall down his face
• he rests his head on your shoulder and let's his guard down with a small sob, before realising what he did and softly covering your ears so you cant hear him cry
• you by now have stopped crying out of shock at how nice he is being and realise you have to now comfort him
• you place your hands on the side of his face and kiss his forehead mumbling something like "hey katsu' your still strong when you cry, so dont think your being weak" then lay into him closing your eyes knowing he wont be as worried crying infront of you
(I love soft baku I'm not even gonna lie)
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• lowkey hes so cute just in how he knows what to do when you cry (it's kind of sad he knows what to do tho, because he knows from his own experience in the past)
• walking into the kitchen to make soba, he looks to you who is leaning against the counters biting your bottom lip so he doesnt hear you cry ( you dont want to worry him)
• instantly he knows just what to do and he walks over to you putting a hand against the counter behind you and leaning into you whispers sweet compliments like " hey hey I'm right here, you know your stunning right bunny"
• you wrap your arms around him grateful that he knows what to do and he tilts your head up looking straight into your eyes, making you nearly melt at how cute he looks
• taking off his jacket he wraps it around your shoulders and kisses you softly on the cheek, chuckling lightly and saying " you blushed my love, think I'm cute?" Then he picks you up and takes you into your bedroom laying you down onto his chest and wrapping blankets around you before placing his left arm on your lower back, warming you
• " thank you sho-" you start before he pulls you into a kiss mumbling against your lips "dont thank me, I know how painful it is to cry alone"
• you both end up falling asleep in eachothers arms
Lmaooo sorry I didnt mean for it to be this long😅I just love writing these
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empress-simps · 4 years
Piss Off
▪︎Featuring: Bakugo Katsuki from Boku No Hero Academia
▪︎Pronouns: They/Them [Gn! Reader]
▪︎Synopsis: You might've made Bakugo loose his shit while attempting to confess to you.
▪︎Genre: comedy, humor and fluff
▪︎Warnings: Language
》 Masterlist
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"Oi! Stone face! Im not done with you yet! You hear me!?" Bakugo yelled as he watched you walk away. He can hear the snickers of other students (only the bakusquad because no one really wanna be blasted to space) behind him as his attempt failed again. Yes. Again.
He tried to confess to you approximately 7 times before this; either he get's interrupted by your cousin or you just walk away.
It made him want to pull his hair out.
"I wouldn't like a fight to ensue in the schoolgrounds Bakugo." You said robotically, already taking your seat next to Iida who nod at you in greeting.
Bakugo gritted his teeth as small sparks danced and popped around his hands."HAH?! WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM!? I'M CAPABLE OF HOLDING A CONVERSATION YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He said as he stomped over you, his eyes full of annoyance.
You sighed and looked at him. "I believe you can't hold a decent conversation screaming your head off like that, you don't understand any human emotion unless it's anger." This time, Ashido, Sero and Kaminari bursts out laughing while Kirishima glances worriedly at the both of you, ready to stop bakugo.
"Y/N BASICALLY CALLED YOU EMOTIONALLY CONSTIPATED!" Kaminari hollered as the three of them held their hurting stomachs due to laughing hard, good thing it's a vacant period or else Aizawa would have their heads.
"You're the one to talk robot!"
You looked at them who are currently being scolded by Kirishima then turned to Bakugo who has a pink hue in his face, probably from anger. "I did not say that."
His face flushed and his irritation grew.
Some kind of friends they were. They better be ready after this. He thought, already planning ways to obliterate them. Suddenly, a flash of red and white hair came into view beside you making him get irritated.
"Get lost you peppermint fuck!" He growled, Todoroki simply stared at him, an air of hostolity forming around them. "I would not tolerate you saying things like that to Y/n." They both glared at each other.
All of the class went silent, quietly watchibg the three of you. You suddenly yawned and scratched the nape of your neck as you turned to your cousin, completely ignoring the human bomb next to you. "Should we go to the café that just opemed yesterday sho-chan?"
Everyone who are watching werent surprised when Bakugo yelled as his hands started to produce bigger explosions "DAMMIT I JUST WANT TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!" You turned to him, completely unfazed at how he is acting. "Okay then. Say it."
Katsuki's attitude turned 180°, "N-not here.. dumbass!" Before you knew it, you were being dragged like a ragdoll away from the classroom and the prying eyes of your classmates.
"Woooh! Goodluck Bakubro!" Kirishima grinned as he shouted encouragements to his friend all the while bakugo flipping him off. Shoto narrowed his eyes as an icy aura engulfed him.
Bakugo stopped at an empty hallway and tucked his hands into his pockets, staring at you. Words he practiced a thousand times in his head suddenly vanished as he gets tounge-tied.
You cocked your head to the side, "If you are not going to say anything might as well let me leave. You're wasting our time here." You told him straight forwardly, an irk mark made it's way on Katsuki's face.
"You entitled dumbass! I was trying to confess to you!" He yelled, before he could even process what he was saying the words already slipped out of him.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, the frist ever emotion you probably showed around someone except from Shoto. "Con...fess..?" You mumbled and started to ponder "That's when a guy or girl proclaims their undying love to someone they care." You said while Bakugo snorted, "Thanks for pointing out the obvious."
You jodded your head, "Your welcome. Who are you trying to confess to?" Bakugo grew irritated.
Are you that dense!?
Suddenly, you felt his warm soft lips against yours which made you short circuit to be honest. You didn't know why your heart is hammering and feeling some sort of tingling along your spine, but you didn't push him away. You enjoyed it, which made you pull him closer as you make out in the empty halls.
Of course, oxygen is still a thing even if you're living in a world where there's superpowers so you both eventually had to pull away.
Bskugo panted and his lips were swollen from the first make out session you both had. You on the other hand is still shocked as a pink hue dusted your cheeks. He smirked, feeling his ego inflate as he saw how flustered you look since he made you feel that way.
"So? Wanna be my s/o?"
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hawks-feathers · 4 years
Can i pretty pleaseeee have a iida x childhood crush reader who acts like kenma? Maybe the scenario could be maybe iida talking to class 1-A a story about him and reader going trick or treating when they were younger and they had a whole adventure ,while the reader is just playing videogames? Drink your water!✨
Yes of course :))I love this idea (and I’m a massive simp for iida so 😌). I’m drinking water 😌 so you better drink your water also 💕
Also quick authors note: I really am so so sorry to anyone whose followed recently or sent in a request. I was kinda on a hiatus and lacked motivation to write. With the new year I hope to stick to writing more. Even though I have a bunch of requests from my hiatus please, if you have a request send it in so I can write more and have more motivation 🥺
Iida x reader who’s also his childhood crush scenario!
Pairings: Iida x reader
Scenario: Iida and the reader are childhood friends and iida isn’t so subtle about his crush.
Warnings?: none fluff!
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“Long term lovers” ~~ Iida imagine
“Alright everyone... I’m tired today so I’m gunna let the class rep decide what you guys do today” you hear suddenly as Aizawa walks in the classroom as he’s saying his famous “I’m tired” excuse. “Aren’t you always-.... and he’s asleep” you hear Momo say from the back of the class. Without even a second to spare everyone starts having their own conversations. Kirishima and Denki were trying to have a conversation with Bakugo who looked like he was going to throw one of them (probably Denki) through the window. You turn your head a little to the back of the room, opposite of you and see Momo, Tokoyami and Shoto. All seemed to be doing class work. Tokoyami was reading a huge book, well over a couple hundred pages. Shoto and Momo were talking but they looked like they might of been comparing notes? Shoto had his notebook on his desk but Momo was leaning towards Shoto with her notebook in her hand. Both were reading from Momos notebook with a puzzled look. Uraraka who was to your right leaned diagonal from her desk to talk with Midoriya who was right in front of you. It seemed they might’ve been talking about different Pro hero’s with Froppy occasionally butting in but you didn’t care enough to listen.
Iida loudly stood up from his seat behind you and started to the front of the class. You knew Iida, you’ve known him since you both were toddlers, you knew he was going to make you do work. Unfortunately for you today was a big day. A new game was being released and you were hell bent on buying it. So you brought your switch to school with hopes Aizawa would be tired (like he always is). As Iida walked by you grabbed his uniforms sleeve and tugged a little. This was your way of telling him you wanted to say something but there was either too many people around or you didn’t want others to hear you, kind of like a toddler with an adult almost. He looked down at you kind of puzzled with a little hint of worry when you did this then he leaned down so he was at face height with you and turnt his head so you could speak. “Iida im not feeling great today... do you think we could have a chill day?” You whispered in his ear, anxiety already rising. Apparently he could tell because he looked down at you hesitantly then sighed. You were so tunnel visioned on getting Iida before he had gotten to the front of the classroom you hadn’t realized all eyes were on you and Iida apparently everyone was waiting for Iida instructions.
As Iida walked behind the podium everyone’s eyes quickly followed him (to your relief) “okay... this is a one time thing” Iida said sternly. “Today we’ll just have a “chill day” I suppose we could tell funny stories” he says questioning himself almost. From your peripheral vision you saw everyone looking around the room, some were nodding or shrugging. Everyone seemed content with that. Out of no where Denki yells “WOAH LETS -“ he didn’t get far before Bakugo knocked him on the head. You quickly turn your gaze to Iida expecting him to start scolding Bakugo but you noticed he was looking at you. Quickly he changed his gaze to in front of him and coughed, you could’ve sworn he was blushing a little. “Well I guess I could start...” he sounds unsure. “Why don’t you tell us about your favorite memory?” Momo asks encouragingly from the back, you looked back and saw a small smile on her face, seemed she was genuinely interested. When you focused your attention back on Iida he looked so happy, his eyes were bright and he was smiling the biggest smile. You reached in your bag and took out your console to start it up. “I think I’ll tell you about the time me and y/n went trick or treating when we we’re probably 12 or 13!” He said cheerfully. Not taking your eyes off your console you smiled a soft smile.
“God we’ve been friends since we were born” Iida chuckled “ the first time our parents let us go trick or treating by ourselves we thought we were so cool” Iida said shaking his head ignoring the scoff that came from Bakugos desk. “ anyway we prepared the whole day, we forgot to sleep. When it came time to trick or treat y/n was tired... we probably didn’t walk a block before they were complaining so I had them get on my back haha I basically gave them a piggy back for miles before I realized they fell asleep” still looking down at your console a blush of embarrassment filled your face, you were glad your hair fell around it because you definitely felt some eyes on you waiting for a reaction. “That’s so precious” you hear Momo whisper from the back of the room “of course as soon as I realized I brought them back to my house, my parents wound up calling their parents and they just stayed the night in my room and I was forced to spend the night with my brother but I didn’t really mind” Iida smiled “of course you wouldn’t care , no ones going to complain about their crush sleeping in their bed” Bakugo leaves a snarky comment. When you heard that you stopped looking at your console but didn’t stop looking down, you were trying to listen.. as if looking at your game impacted your hearing. “I- crush? Well I don’t know about that..” Iida stammers “oh come on Iida, the way you talk about them and the way your face glows..” Momo cheers, hands clasped in front of her. soon your face was beet red and you now kind of hoped you had paid attention to Iida instead of play a game. “That’s enough....”Aizawas sleepy voice croaked from the ground. “Stop tormenting the class rep” Aizawa said Getting up from the ground, his nap was over and he was about to start something but you knew Iida and you were going to have a conversation after school. When no one was around
Post Authors note: I’m not a fan of this tbh, im so disappointed in myself for this one. I’m trying to get back into writing after a long break so please forgive me. Also if you have any requests my ask box is open and if you liked this considering giving it a heart?🥺
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