#im very much abnormal about these two.
razs-archetype · 1 year
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You smell of dead flowers / I smell of the sewer i rot in
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Cannot stop thinking about how Fernando was the first one to hug Seb after Monza 2008:
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spncvr · 7 months
waiting room | s. reid
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summary: spencer can't seem to escape the girl in the waiting room
pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of reid's addiction & tobias hankel, mentions of kidnapping and mass shootings (in, like, a joking way??) my terrible, terrible humour, ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE LMAO, this is deffo terrible, pls tell me if i missed anything!!
a/n: ok idk if i wanna continue this and make it a series so lmk lol (also im on writers block so i literally can't come up with SHIT)
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SPENCER REID WAS a pessimist.
At least, that’s what he’d call himself. His colleague, Derek Morgan would most likely (and by most likely, he means, definitely already has) call him an overanalysing introvert. But in Spencer’s defense, there has never really been a good reason to go out and “live your life”. Consider this:
Go to the new coffee shop? Mass shooting.
Go to the mall? A child gets abducted.
Leave the apartment for a short while? A stalker finds out where he lives, kidnaps him in his sleep, and, in a nightmarish turn, auctions off his organs to the bidder in the black market.
Besides, his life isn’t some John Green book. There were no life-affirming adventures or poetic moments of self-discovery awaiting him. Carpe diem? A fanciful notion for others, but for him, not so much. Sorry, Mr. Keating.
Yet life—or more accurately, bureau protocol— had its own plans. Ever since the Tobias Hankel incident, a visit to the psychologist wasn’t just a request but rather (unfortunately for him) an order. Which meant, he’d have to risk his entire life to get up and walk for ten whole minutes just to sit and wait, in this glaringly bright waiting room, when he could have stayed at home and read the new books he’d gotten from his team as a get-well gift.
Speaking of which, why the gifts? He was fine. Physically, at least. But really, when have you ever seen get-well-soon cards in an asylum? Well, alright, maybe he was being a little bit dramatic. A visit to the psychologist doesn’t mean he’ll be institutionalised—but then again, Spencer Reid was never one to wear rose-tinted glasses. 
This is his third time in the waiting room, and she’s always there. He isn’t sure as to why she is, because, well, unlike himself, she was very clearly an optimist—and at least, from the looks of it, she hasn’t been kidnapped and drugged in the past month. But she's sitting there again, in the exact same chair for the past three weeks, along with a beacon of smiles where joy usually fears to trend. Maybe, he isn't as good of a profiler as he’d like to think he is.
“Dr. Reid?” the call of his name rips him out of his thoughts. He looks up to see the same kind woman he’s seen the past three weeks—not the one in the waiting room, no, he means his therapist.
Dr. Brown was easy to profile: She wore heels to make herself look taller, and she hated wearing glasses, apparent by how she would continuously place them atop her head instead of her nose. Her teeth were abnormally perfect, which meant, she’d had to wear braces when she was younger—which (from his humbling experience) means she wasn’t exactly the most popular at school. Perhaps, psychology felt appealing to her because she could help people like her. 
“How are you?” she asks, her pen clicking.
Usually, he’d offer her a meek shrug. The kind that could win awards for its commitment to non-commitment. Besides, he’s not one to talk about how he feels—there isn’t much to say, anyway. And let’s face it,  “How are you?” in the grand tapestry of human interaction is almost as genuine as a three-dollar bill. And, get this, the average person asks “How are you?” 6,739 times a year but only listens to the answer about half the time—well, okay, maybe those numbers might have been fabricated, but isn’t the sincerity behind the question also made up? But instead of telling her all this, he remembers what Hotch had told him, one, two, three weeks ago: that he ought to cooperate with Dr. Brown or the board won’t be happy. So, he kisses his teeth before he says:
“Fine. I’m fine.”
And the session went on.
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pop-punklouis · 1 month
wanted to ask your opinion on the chappel roan tiktoks she made the other day about fame and boundaries. i know a lot of people are siding with her, but i just feel like she could've been nicer about what she said...? i get that she had this crazy rise in fame the past few months. and i dont know how i would respond to that change, but to be upset bc fans want to take photos with you and to be so rude about it bc you're on "your time" just???. idk i feel like im in the minority here
i think you're missing the entire point of her message, babe. you're choosing to focus on the "taking pictures with fans" part of her rant instead of what she was really talking about, which is the harassments and objectifications she's been the victim of due to this meteoric rise to fame. she was not saying you couldn't come up and ask her for a photo. she was saying, if she told a fan "no" that some fans have immediately called her rude and tried to start an agenda about her being ungrateful and harsh in person. she was never talking about nice fan interactions. she was most definitely talking about every other interaction she's gotten that has been. inhumane
regardless, why should she be nicer about... anything... she was talking about? i'm tired of the parasocial and chronically online dictating how celebrities must react to fame and to their fans. harassment, stalking, manipulation, condescension.... these do not have to be synonymous with fame because hey! people don't have to treat other human beings like they're caged animals in a zoo! because they! signed up for this lifestyle! those aren't normal things and no one should expect someone to just. adapt to those things like it is. she can be as mean as she wants, dude. i don't blame her
why are people stalking her family? why are people pushing her boundaries? why are people pretending like her very valid and raw critique of how she's been treated since she went uber-viral are actually her "showing her true colors" and being "unappreciative" for what she chose to do for a living? like she stated in her videos, you don't know her. she doesn't know you. it is not normal to pretend like you do and to interact with her like you do. tiktok has made this parasocial relationship with celebrities worse than i ever could've imagined and we are seeing the darker side of it with chappel roan right now because she is being vocal about it. it's overwhelming. it's very abnormal. and it should be discussed more.
these people don't owe you anything. it's one thing to be ungrateful for what fans have given you. its another thing to feel like you are living in a fish bowl because people are treating you like a commodity instead of a living, breathing human being. i'm all for more celebrities drawing a harsh line in the sand when it comes to their personal life and their public persona. you are not obligated to their time no matter how much you feel you are. i cannot imagine becoming a practical overnight-sensation like she has the past summer. i would go absolutely insane on day three. so, why don't people turn on their dome piece and think for two seconds about how irrational and brainless it is to be upset that she "could've said :( things nicer :(" and she needs to be "more :( grateful :( otherwise :( she's not cut out :( for fame :(" liiiiike. no perhaps its you that needs to reevaluate how you treat other human beings depending on if they have the label "celebrity" over their head and go from there!
because what she said is something that's needed to be said for a long, long time regarding celebrity culture i just hate it's happening to her on such a scale that she needed to say it at all.
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atalana · 12 days
so i finally got the chance to read the book of bill! and man those journal 3 pages, i could write a million essays on those, but the principle one that i can't get out my head is the new insight on ford's whole fucked up paradigm of what love is
like, neither of the stan twins really know how to experience unconditional love, because they never really had it. their dad was constantly comparing the two of them and really just stamping down stanley's self worth at any given moment. and even for ford who was praised, he's not an idiot, he saw how stan got treated all the time, and their dad was very explicit as to why. ford's praise and attention hinged on him being the family genius who could make them all a lot of money, and he knew very well if he failed to live up to that, he would also lose his father's love
and you see this in stan in his desperate need for everyone to like him, but also how he doesn't really believe anyone ever truly could love him, so whenever he gets the chance with anyone he clings onto that relationship as tight as he can, terrified it's going to disappear at any second
ford, meanwhile. the more direct threat to him was the bullies and the people that made him feel lesser for being abnormal. and no kid likes feeling like that, we know it's a spike buried deep in his psyche, which gave him a reason for the dichotomy he ends up forming.
when he was a kid, people tended to fall into two categories - those who were really impressed with him and his potential, and those who saw him as a freak and wanted to drag him down for it. the love he got and the hate he got are directly related to both.
and as a result ford is constantly looking for people who will give him intellectual gratification (what he thinks love is), and he categorises everyone else as "unimportant obstacles in my way" (because that's how he thinks about those bullies, so their words won't hurt anymore)
stanley was the first category, until he sharply became the second
and splitting the world into those two categories makes him an absolutely horrible person! like, one hand yeah, you do have sympathy for ford bc that is straight up torture bill put him through and no one should have to experience it (and i do wanna make clear this is not a ford hate post, he does have good qualities im just interested in the bad rn)
on the other hand though, god, i'm always struck by just how hateful he is towards so many unimportant things (just one of many examples, christmas songs are fake and stupid bc rudolph didn't burn santa's workshop to the ground as revenge for ostracizing him like jesus christ dude)
or the bit where he sees one of stan's shitty product ads and considers calling him and pretending to be a cop just to scare him, because in ford's mind that's a punishment he deserves for daring to look so stupid while sharing ford's face
and it just drills in how much ford is not willing to see stan's side of this in any way, because what do you think would happen if you went through with that plan? don't you know stan's already scared enough? you saw him get kicked out, you saw the ultimatum that came with it, and hell thanks to the book of bill we know you were also scared to go home until you had something to show for it. he's trying his best, and you understood that once. but then stan throws your journal back in your face and you yell that you're giving him the chance to do the first worthwhile thing in his life.
everything he did to try and make something of himself, to try and prove himself worthy of literally any love at all, you didn't care about that. now he's in a position to help you, so of course he should just drop everything and obey your orders to the letter without question. that's the only way to redeem himself for getting in your way, why won't he take it?
by the time bill shows up ford felt fully justified in going "this isn't about me, and therefore it's stupid and unimportant and should be destroyed". and i know exactly why, it's because again you think intellectual gratification and love are the same thing and you're running low on both right now so you're trying to make up the difference by affirming how right you are in your goddamn diary, but right does not make you good or kind or wise
and that makes it kind of a self fulfilling prophecy, because loving you is hard, and the one person genuinely willing to do so unconditionally you're keeping at a very aggressive arms length. but you fall for bill so easily, because he understands how important you are, which must be love, and all of these other people worried about you just aren't smart enough to get it
and not even realising bill's lies could cure him of that one. hell, 30 years spent dimension hopping didn't cure it. when ford gets back he is still just as self righteous, and still willing to categorise dipper as "will give me intellectual gratification" and the rest of them as intrinsically less valuable
which is why dipper can't take the deal ford offered him. if he had, he would have turned out exactly like ford, stuck in his own echo chamber unable to tell the difference between love and praise
mabel says at one point in the comics that the reason the two grunkles are bad at looking after kids is because they still are kids, and that's a really accurate insight. that old wound cut so deep neither of them had the chance to actually move past their childhood, and discover what it was they were missing
stan never stopped wanting his brother back, but ford didn't realise that was what he needed too, until he saw mabel and dipper working as a team against bill. he's acknowledged his mistake in trusting bill before now, but "we used to be like that" is his first time acknowledging that his whole approach to people is wrong.
you've always had one source of unconditional love. you didn't need to be better than him to be worthy of it. and now you've got an entire new family, hopefully you'll realise that can come from multiple fronts
(and it's okay stan shall have his revenge for how you treated him by commiting just. so much tax fraud in your name)
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lawva-girl · 4 months
“Sunny Days” Zoro x reader
No mention of gender!!! (Besides zoro)
Warnings: Fluff, beer?, yearning written by someone who doesn't Actually write.....
No one asked for this.... im just a freak about one piece :D
You walked out of the kitchen on the sunny, a drink in each hand. When you were in there, using your most charming voice, you asked Sanji for a beer and your typical fruit cup. It worked partially because Sanji knew the beer was for Zoro and also your funny attempt to seduce him. Pretty much everyone on the sunny had a crush on Zoro.
After the door swung shut, you continued your way over too the mast. You saw Zoro there in the shade and walked a little bit faster.
“Hey! Moss head, I got you something!” You approached him with a huge smile, setting the beer next to him and promptly sitting aside him.
He opened his eye, glanced down, then took the beer and immediately started drinking. “Thanks.”
You stared out at the sky, overly aware of your actions, before glancing over to him and replying a hushed “no problem”.
“It’s so hot today, I don’t know how anyone is working… Franky said he’s making me a training robot.” He huffed out a laugh from his chest, “the dummy looks like Sanji.”
“At least you’ll be able to go all out? Just don’t let Sanji find out!” You laughed a little harder than Zoro had, mainly at the thought of Sanji and Zoros typical fighting.
Zoro took a drawn out chug of his beer, you started working at your fruit salad. Both of you looked out to the sky, and a sudden breeze blew by.
"I'm really happy I'm a pirate on days like these. Just sitting and relaxing... marines are too uptight to do this." You kept eating, forcing the words to jumble a bit.
Zoro thankfully understood your sentiment, "we could sleep right here right now. Thats one of the main reasons I joined Luffy."
"Really?" "No," he had a slightly devil like smile, "he told me I was already on his crew, he held my swords hostage." "Liar, You have some secret reason you are scared of admitting." You huffed, returning to your fruit after a momentary pause.
"Whatever, I'm gonna take a nap in the sun." He finished the last of his beer, and quickly walked to the railing of the sunny.
You watched as he sat down, resting his head and back against the wooden railing. You knew it was in no way comfortable for him, so you stood. You were intending to offer him a pillow or something you could grab from inside.
"Hey that doesn't seem very comfortable." Zoro opened his eye and simply grunted at you.
"I can grab you something? If you want." You felt like you were twiddling your thumbs.
You returned to Zoro just staring at the sky. He had waited for you.
"here lean forward," Zoro obliged and you slid the cushion behind his head, "okay how does that feel?" "Good."
It was like talking to a wall.
"Okay... do you mind if I join you?"
Zoro looked at you, then jolted his head, motioning for you to join.
It wasn't the most abnormal thing, most of the crew cuddled at random times. That was just the nature of being on the sunny. Everyone held affection for each other. You told yourself this as you joined Zoros side on the deck. You laid your head on his legs, curling up into a 'c' shape next to him. 
Not expecting him to feel, due to his pants, you started tracing shapes into his leg. You traced stars, thinking of how clear the shapes in the sky were at night. Then you did his swords, thinking about how they would glint in the sun when he trained. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you felt his hand in your hair. Mainly his fingertips, they were… rubbing your scalp, at least that's what it felt like. Not scratching or really focusing on your hair, but more like he wanted to feel your skull. 
The two of you rested there, who knows how long. But it had been precisely 8 minutes until you fell asleep. The combination of Zoro’s hand on your head, the breeze, the sunny rocking, and the sound of waves crashing against the sunny lulled you into a nap. Most likely the best nap you had had since you joined the strawhats. 
When you awoke, Zoro was asleep. Snoring against the pillow you had brought and placed for him. You readjusted yourself so that you were flat on your back, still resting on his thigh. You looked up at him. Feeling a sense of calm rush over you, you lifted his hand and placed it on your face. Not really knowing why, but it had brought you even more comfort. You placed a gentle kiss onto his warm, rough palms, and fell asleep again. This time it took only 3 minutes. You couldn’t help it, you felt so warm with the sun and Zoro next to you. 
The next time you woke, there was no peace. Ussop and Nami were gossiping, Zoro and Sanji fighting (with you and Zoro still in the same position as before), Luffy and Franky were drinking milk, and you could only imagine what the rest of Luffy’s beloved crew was doing.
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splitster · 1 year
answering more POM WRAITH au/Pingo asks!!
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featuring: biology questions, creatures, dingo (unfortunately), and more!! check it out ↓↓
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she does need sleep! she doesn't need to sleep as often as people, but she's a little wraith and she needs to snooze every like... i dunno. three days? sure, let's go with that.
although in the first few days of her being on PNF404, i could see her getting bored one night and poking around her crewmate's rooms to see what they're doing (spoilers: they're all just sleeping). in the morning after, dingo talks about a very bizarre dream he had with a specter watching him sleep! everyone dismisses it as the ranger having some weird sleep paralysis, but pom's sweating at the table thinking about how she should be way more careful if she does that again.
this ask did inspire me though, i'll probably make more art explaining how she works sometime later hehe...
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that'd be scary... although, if there's anyone incentivized to wraithify olimar, it'd probably be the plasm wraith! that golden goo is really fond of him, and they'd love to make olimar just like them
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WAHH THANK YOU!!! if they ever dated and got married they'd be able to save on a dress! hehe
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she might look kinda scary but she's a sweetheart!! pom would genuinely struggle to make herself hurt humans. if there's a beast threatening her crew though -- that thing is mince meat!!
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WAAAHHH THANK YOU!! it's definitely a challenge to make it fit with the other wraiths but still be unique... it was fun to design though!!
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IM SORRY i didn't get to your ask before i actually posted the full wraith design... there she is though!! HILAHERHLIAEERH
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yes!! he's the first one to discover her secret. it'd probably happen on accident out on the field pretty early on when pom is forced to defend herself with no pikmin, but it's no difference to Oatchi -- pom is pom! he'd bark and give her helmet a lick, and when pom realizes her rescue pup isn't scared of her it's quite the relief...
i have art of oatchi and wraith pom i'll be posting later!!
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WAHHH... this is cute i like this hehe!! dingo sees those striking X eyes and still falls in love!! GRRRR i must draw more pingo now...
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AUGH.... OK!! more pingo on the way then boss 🫡 (i do appreciate it though lmao)
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she doesn't need to eat human food, but she does need to consume living creatures for biomass! human food is definitely delicious and she very much enjoys things like chocolate or hot coco, but to sustain her form and keep up energy she has to go for creatures
i'll probably make art for this later to explain better, but it is kinda like an amoeba -- after killing something, she can cover it and dissolve it with her goo. easy peasy!
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Louie: You're a wraith? I thought you were just weird like me Pom: ... Louie: ... Can you go get creatures for me
pom is trying her best to understand human social cues and etiquette but it's a struggle sometimes!
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i took psychic damage from this ask thank you for penis ringo💖
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YES!!!!!!!!! there are so, so many ways that could happen and each one is hilarious... i've written out a few different scenarios, i should pick one to draw out... it'd be funny if dingo learns her secret but decides to trust her and keep it safe. but he's, you know. dingo. he's not good at lying, especially to his crewmates (and especially to his actual childhood friend of a doctor who was already very suspicious of the new blood!)
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of COURSE i'm very abnormal about those two.... actually if y'all have scenarios you wanna see with those two, send more asks and i'll probably end up drawing them lol
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that's actually a really good question! i haven't thought too much about how her full wraith would visually change, but if she ate enough and got stronger i imagine she'd finally be as big as the other two. she'd probably gain more wraithy abilities and attacks! trying to take down a powered up full wraith pom would be a very difficult fight, even for those with the best dandori skills and a full squad of pikmin
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Pom: I can't let anyone find out my secret... Shepherd: I can't let anyone find out my secret... Collin: I can't let anyone find out my secret... Dingo: I can't let anyone find out my secret... Yonny: this is gonna be fun Bernard: (doesn't care if people find out) Russ: (doesn't care if people find out) Oatchi: bark
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sturniolo04 · 2 months
Road Trip Embarrassment C.S.
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Bf!Chris x Gf!Fem!Reader
Summary: in which Kailey and Chris take a road trip to the Cape.
A/N: If you don't like the preadded name in my stories, you can either add your own name or not read it; it's up to you :)
Kailey and Chris through out your relationship was known for taking at least a getaway road trip to the Cape just about once a month which was your guys normal. you loved doing it and chris loved doing so it was even, so here it is now the middle of March and you were finally on spring break from college and Chris decided now was a perfect time to take your once a month trip to the Cape this week in March.
"you ready to go my love"
he asks you as you smiling as make your way to him dressed in fresh love from top to bottom.
"yes i am"
you cheerfully state as he walks you over to the passenger side of the car getting ready to open it for you but halting his actions to ask.
"did you use the bathroom before you lock the door"
he chuckles. See over the many road trips you guys took to the Cape, chris has learned that you have a small bladder to say the least so he always made sure you guys made multiple stops dedicated to bathroom breaks.
"yes chris i did"
you giggle as he finally opens the door for you, you hopping in.
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The ride staring out was very chill so far, your guys shared playlist playing from chris phone on aux connected to the care Bluetooth system as you casually hum along. Chris as comfort places his large palm on your thigh as you get the memo resting both hands on top of his. Throughout the whole entire trip Kailey has been downing and consuming water from her waterbottle which was abnormally huge but that is only because kailey promised herself she was going to do better about staying hydrated, chris noticing this grows worried at how many bathroom break you would actually need to make.
"baby slow down dont drink all of that at once"
he chuckles reaching his hand over to tip your waterbottle downwards to prevent you from drinking more.
"chris i have a headache so i have to stay hydrated"
you whine lifiting the bottle to your lips again.
"okayy well we are going to stop in a minute do you have to pee"
he trails off questioning you as he fixates his focusing fully back on the road.
"no babyy i dont"
you chuckle reaching a free hand to his hair threading you hand through it.
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It was about a hour and a half after you and chris made the stop at the gas station and you got sidetracked with snacks and forgot to use the bathroom, which was the whole purpose of the stop. kailey was mentally face palming herself in the forehead feeling her bladder squeeze which was a sign she had to pee. Kailey knew she couldn't ask chris to stop again because they just stopped.
"how much longer till the next stop"
Kailey asks trying not to seem obvious as chris glances over to you.
"um another couple hours im pretty sure"
he questions
"no reason just wondering"
you lie attempting to shift your focus to something to take your mind off of the fact you had to use the bathroom.
time skip
it was now only 40 minutes into the two hour destination being the bathroom and it was getting harder to hold it. kailey was bouncing her leg up and down which was serving as a distraction from her not pissing on herself, which caught her boyfriend attention quickly.
"you okay K"
he asks reaching his hand out to placing it on your thigh to stop you from bouncing it not realizing why you are doing so. Kailey didnt respond to him but rather just fluttered her eyes closed deeply inhaling and exhaling. Chris quickly glances at his girlfriend trying to scan her face to see what is going on.
"K whats going on talk to me"
he ask rubbing his hand gently up and down your thigh making continuous shifting eye contact from the road to her.
" chris i hate to do this but-"
you trail off still bouncing your leg looking out of the front windshield making fixated eye contact with the road ahead.
"i really have to use it like bad"
you continue looking over at him with an uncomfortable expression painted on your face from holding it for almost and hour at this point.
"you have to pee"
he exclaims asking you still making shifting eye contact.
you groan out tipping you head back to rest again the head rest in the car.
"baby we still still have another hour to go till the next bathroom"
" i know but im going to piss my pants chris"
you state straining a chuckle out.
"do you want me to pull over"
he asks but not giving you time to answer already doing so.
"oh my god! ih my god! oh my godd!!"
you exclaim as you push the car door open, unbuckling your seatbelt climbing out of the car to squat down.
"there is no way"
chris chuckles out, not trying to focus on the fact his girlfriend was currently peeing on the side of the freeway.
"dont look chris"
you exclaim embarrassed enough as it is.
"im not trust me"
he chuckles out as a few minutes pass.
"are you done K"
he questions still looking away from you making sure there was no one being nosy.
Kailey sighs out pulling up her panties and sweat pants, climbing back into the car, looking at her boyfriend.
"feel better"
he giggles.
"so much better"
you sigh out putting hand sanitizer on your hands
"i cant believe you just pissed on the side of the freeway"
"stop chriss i had to pee really bad dude"
you whine out shoving his arm playfully as he chuckles. This was definitely a road trip you two wouldn't forget.
@mintsturniolo @adirtylittleheart @wh0resstuff @spicymuffins03 @aaliyahstrn
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Season Four of The Umbrella Academy was really really something for me because I had disliked lila since the very second they first introduced her. I remember being actively relieved when the show confirmed my suspicions about her, because i had felt a bit bad at first for judging her for no tangible reason.
I never really warmed up to her, in fact i actively hated her by the end of season two (which only went on to get 50x worse in season three with the whole he's our son / just kidding / whoops he's dead / haha im pregnant by the way thing) and then of course season four happened.
I actually almost kinda liked mom!lila. I was like oh, she can be human. She CAN be likeable. Maybe, just maybe, she's not a monster. I liked her new dynamic with Diego, and i enjoyed seeing her being a stressed, caring, normal mom and having a mundane life...for about two seconds. Then the whole 'book club / not book club / let him think I'm CHEATING on him' thing happened, and i was swiftly reminded that there was a reason i didn't like Lila.
Then she gets a power. It was actually a chance for her to be interesting and have character growth beyond just being a mom and wife. They could have used her to show what it's like when marigold interacts with someone who's never before had powers; they could have had some kind of fun training montage, like they did with Klaus and Reginald in season three when he discovered his immortality; and they SHOULD have done something of consequence with it, like having her accidentally hurt someone, or damage something important, idfk but, like, literally fucking anything!!!????!!!!???!!!!??? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Instead, they just gave her stupid useless eye lasers that she uses about three times, can't control at all, and never comes up again. And it feels like they did it because they knew Lila was a weak character that couldn't stand on her own without the context of the rest of the umbrella academy, so they had to kinda 'even out the playing field' somewhat, even if it defied any and all logic and reason.*
Which, in my case at least, was an unfortunate choice. The one thing I'd actually somewhat liked about Lila was that, despite her personality and history, she was, for all intents and purposes, just an average human. I like seeing regular people in shows about abnormal folk. They give a nice context to the chaos, even if they too are 'chaotic' characters, you know?
Just when I thought she couldn't get worse.........well. I don't think i have to explain what happened. It was so much worse because Five had always been one of my favourite characters and OH MY GOD,,,,,,, HE WOULD NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER DO THAT! HE WOULD NOT DO THAT???? And you know I'm not just saying that in a delusional 'i know him better than the writers do' fan way, because pretty much everyone is in agreement.
He LITERALLY would not fucking do that. ESPECIALLY with Lila, who he's always disliked at best and actively tried to KILL at worst, and especially not now that she's his BROTHER'S WIFE and not to mention the MOTHER OF HIS BROTHER'S CHILDREN????
Anyway, that was my final nail. I no longer just hated Lila and passively wished she hadn't been added to the show, I wanted her dead. I wanted her to be killed off, or have something happen where five returned to the correct timeline but Lila couldn't for some reason, I just wanted her gone and SOON. I think it was probably what killed season four for most people, not just me. I think that if Lila had never existed, or at least hadn't made it to season four, or hadn't gone with five and................
If that hadn't happened, I think it could have been salvageable, even despite the one million and one problems with the season.
TL;DR: I genuinely, truly, deeply believe that the main issue with season four of the umbrella academy was the overarching existence of one 'Lila Pitts.'
(Don't even get me started on her almost jeopardising everything at the last moment in the final episode. I almost broke something in sheer frustration, because OH MY GOD we literally don't have time for this the world is ending infinitely and your life is not more important than the life of a single slug muchless the lives of BILLIONS of people- deep breaths, dustyn. Deep breaths.)
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simp4konig · 1 year
My personal thing, if you don’t mind me sharing <3, about König, while I know he has the potential to literally kill you without a second thought, I feel like he has a soft spot of children. Parents not so much, but he always spares the children. Now, for the bad behaved children I feel like he would give a scary talking to 👀
Because König feels very strongly about bullying, so if he heard a kid was bullying the other kid? Would come to their immediate rescue and shut the bully down harshly. For him, that’s a mercy, but he promises that if he ever hears word or sees them acting like that again he won’t be as “merciful”. But to the Victims he would console them, but also give them his harsh reality of “you have to be stronger than your enemies” and as much as he wants them to keep their innocence, he doesn’t want them to be weak either. Or worse killed.
But that’s just my little HC 😌
Anon rhis is such a good headcannon???? 🥹🥹 lemme just..,🤏🤌
No i don't mind qt all!!! 😊 If anuthing, im so glad you shqred this with me 🥰💖 bc I felt IMMEDIATELY inspired by this headcannon !!😽✨💖...
... so jere are MY headcannons for YOUR headcannon 🙈🙈⛅🌻💞💕💓✨🌼 Took me a short while to formulate my answer, so srry for the delayed reply 😿 I saw this as soon as you sent me this an i dont want u to tjink i ignored you at all:(</33
König with a soft spot for children headcannons🥺🥺
+ father König drabbles🤭
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Word count: ~2022
*If you ignore my VERY angsty depiction of König's childhood, then it's totally pure fluff all around 💖✨🤗
*General headcannons for König
Writinf block is fuckinf AGONY and im in PAIN 😭😭💔💔 give me time to recover and ill powt two fully-fleshed out fanfics sometime soon 🙏🥺
Tag List ♡ @simpforkonig ♡ @abysslovesyou ♡ @puff0o0 ☆ @rustic-guitar-notes ☆ @happy-mushrooms ♡ @reyner-lee
König, having been bullied all of his childhood, is FIRMLY against bullying.
To see a little girl/boy being labelled an outcast is oh too familiar to him, and hits far too close to home than it should. Brings back the insecurities, the feeling of being utterly humilated, a permanent reminder of his not fitting in. Literally.
Primary school: bullied for being a beanstalk, for head hitting the door frame, for being abnormally large, a "mutant"; balls hurtled at him in dodgeball, all competing in finding out who can knock out the "freak"; knees kicked from behind and legs buckling from the attack, a stampede of legs stamping on him as he cowered on the floor, helpless, and no one caring to help, teachers observing idly nearby.
Secondary school: nose broken to "fix" his crooked features, his "ugly" face; cast aside in class photos for "ruining the picture"; people of his own age turning their heads in the other way in disgust, avoiding him like the plague.
As if his "ugliness" was contagious, and if anyone was to touch him they'd catch the disease.
Power surpassing his tormentors, yet too powerless to fight back, he endured, yet didn't overcome.
Lasting trauma changed König's own perception of self completely.
It took a long time becoming the cocky and confident commander he presents himself as. To stand up to his full height and embrace himself for who he was and is, to be self-assured, domineering, and boisterous with others irrespective of their rank. The Colonel; a hardened soldier; a strict man of discipline exerting his authority over all, not at all sympathetic towards anyone.
Deep down, he is still that young boy, vulnerable in the center of a circle of so many pointing fingers and sneering faces. All became a collective body of ridiculing smiles, of sing-song laughter, so many that he lost count.
So, personally vowing to NEVER let his future children (or any children) go through the same turmoil, he would intervene whenever he had the chance to.
For instance, perhaps König was speed-walking home one day, dufflebag slung over his shoulder as he rushed to get back to you as soon as possible after being deployed these past weeks, and maybe he was passing by a playground.
Initially focused on the goal at hand, he couldn't help but turn his head, a small smile under his mask as he felt a wave of nostalgia crash over him. Nostalgic of times before he was forced to integrate with callous society.
Smiling at the oblivious children playing together, kicking their chubby little legs on the swings, sliding down a slide and falling, squealing. All giggling with glee, so innocent.
All except one. His eyes would land on a small girl, bawling on the ground, no older than five years old.
Surrounded by three others, all pointing fingers and laughing, the ringleader making fun of the poor thing as his henchmen stomped the remainder of her sandcastle, kicking sand at her. Hands on hip, chest puffed out triumphantly.
Rubbing her puffy eyes, thick pouting lips drooping in an open-mouthed frown, chin quivering as she struggled to contain her broken sobs, she kneeled on the ground, hugging her knees to her chest.
Usually, in these types of situations, people tend to behave in two very different ways when they see something that happened to them happening before their eyes:
"Why should I help them? I went through the same thing, so it's not my problem" or "I should help! They shouldn't have to go through the same thing".
You can probably already guess under which category König falls into.
He was NOT about to actively play a passive role in ignoring the poor blubbering child, to be downright apathetic like the other adults were in their radius. No way.
Still carrying his dufflebag, imagine the horror of the little shitlings*: seeing an imposing giant 2ft+ taller than them, huge body trudging towards their little troupe; cold, icy-blue eyes half-lidded staring into their bulging ones. Glaring.
Little band of clowns would probably actually shitting themselves fr 💀
Not only does König give the brats a stern talking to (all the while they are nodding their heads with jaws on the floor, knees trembling and nearly caving in on themselves), he later makes it his due diligence to track down the parent(s) and scold them too.
"Was wird deinem Gören zu Hause beigebracht? What do you teach your brat? This behaviour is unacceptable. You have set a terrible example, Du verdammter Idiot. How dare you allow this? Bulling is wrong. Scheiße, are you listening to me? Because you should, Dummkopf. You should be ashamed. I am sure ashamed of you. I swear to Gott—"
Cue 1 hours later, he personally grounds them (the child and parents)... 🤐
...And the child goes with it? Even the adults? 😭
I mean, to be honest, I would too, if a 6'10, body-so-broad-that-it-blocked-all-sunlight-and-did-not-fit-in-the-door-frame Colonel, gesticulating wildly, projecting strongly his German-accented voice, cursing in an aggravated amalgamation of furious English and a spiteful spit of German... Yeah, I'd be pissing my pants not even gonna lie 😭
I'd imagine that the parents would be immediately saluting, images of stupidity on their faces, completely dumbfounded to have their parenting challenged and to learn that their "precious little angel(s) that can do no wrong" actually can do wrong. (sorry guys i hate toddlers with a RAGING PASSION... rant over fyi no more of me insulting shitheads🥰)
As for the sweet, weeping girl, he would crouch down to her height, gentle eyes genuine behind his menacing mask. Slowly lifting the fabric, wary of his facial deformities, his scars, he'd do his best to give her a comforting smile, wanting to make her at ease.
She was not put off by his appearance at all. If anything, she maintained eye contact — was curious yes, so with no filter whispered, "You... you have a nice smile, sir. I like your eyes.
"They're—" a loud sniff, wiping her nose with her sleeve "—they're pretty. "
Taken aback, König's eyes widened. Then, in soft whisper:
"Meine Süße, I'm so very sorry about those— those idiots..."
The girl giggled a little, dimples appearing on her tear-stained cheeks.
"And I'm so very sorry, but there will others. Other idiots," he allowed himself to smile, letting out a dry chuckle.
A tentative hand dropping to her round shoulder, squeezing it every so slightly to emphasise his words. "And you have to be strong, Mädchen. You must be strong. This world isn't a good place for angels like you."
Obviously, he didn't sugarcoat the truth. Situations like this would be unavoidable. He would make that clear.
"I do not condone violence, but—" a wink, acknowledging the irony behind his words. "—if you stick your foot out when one of those brats are walking down the corridors, surely nothing will happen, ja?"
Seeing the girl lighten up, smiling brightly, no signs anymore of crying, he ruffled her hair with a toothy grin.
Letting the veil drop down his face, he suddenly fixed his posture and gave an exaggeratedly goofy salute as he turned to head home, satisfied. All the while the girl waved at him energetically, eyes crinkling up in an adolescent's adorable smile.
On another note: I never really gave it much thought before, but... König as a father? 🥺🥺
Your headcannons unlocked a part of my brain that had been locked. 🤭✨ Needed to upgrade my König skill tree before I got to this poin. 🦸🏼‍♀️ Sure has been worth it, though. 🤩
Ever since he was past his teenage years, the thought of a family was something he longed for. Desired.
Maybe it's because he was taught traditional house roles in his European household, or was longing for something that was out of reach, he couldn't tell.
What he was certain about was that it was his biggest wish. His dream.
Deployed in a foreign country, his favourite past-time was fantasizing about his future with a special someone, to have a big family, and to raise his children, giving them everything good he never had, and to shield them from everything bad he had experienced.
Something in being the breadwinner of the house was so masculine to him, and coming home to so many short, out-stretched arms, so excited to be reunited with their papa clinging on to his long legs brought a tear to his eye.
And, once you two officially became a couple, he knew that he wanted to start a family with you at some point. From the moment he met your eyes, intuition assured him that you would be the right one for him.
If you're a [fertile] female, he wants nothing more than to see miniature you and him running around, sweet cherub faces and their chubby cheeks smiling at him, calling him papa, calling you mama.
Seeing your belly swell up with his baby would strangely give him a sense of pride, proud that you would both bring sacred life into the world together, and would practically worship the ground you walk on. He would want to get this right, for everything to be perfect.
He wouldn't allow you to lift a finger despite your protests, catering to your every need, caring for you in any and all ways he could:
Carrying the groceries, 3 carrier bags in each hand, serving you while simultaneously subtly making you swoon, not missing the googly eyes you made at his strength from his peripheral vision;
Doing the bed, making sure to stock up on additional soft pillows and fluffy blankets so you would rest well, removing all stress from your morning routine, and the discomfort of finding a comfortable sleeping position at night;
Insisting you eat balanced meals, preparing nutritious food that had all the nutrients you would need, the sustenance to feed you and develop a healthy baby.
The gore and guts he had witnessed in the battlefield did not compare at all to the sight of blood staining the hospital bed sheet. The look of horror in his eyes as you went into labour, death grip on his hand, knuckles turning white. He'd be hyperventilating, almost feeling the same pain you were going through 😢💔
Not to say that your agony was worth it, but seeing the beautiful blanketed bundle in your arms, you cooing at the little one, made every single horrific moment combined in his life worthwhile.
All the struggles, the hardships, the troubles; all worth it if it meant seeing you with his child.
If you're anything other ([infertile] female, male, non-binary, etc), König would get so emotional when adopting a newborn with you.
He'd be teary-eyed, unable to hide the emotions.
To think that he'd be rescuing a child, giving them a second chance and making it feel so wanted, so loved. To give it all the love he was missing, the feeling forgotten through years of bullying, abuse, and violence, and war.
He would waste no time building the nursery. Painting the walls, building the crib, buying plush blankets, stuffed teddy bears, toys that would be in no way a choking hazard.
His helicopter parent preparations aside, his dream would be to grow old with you, and be surrounded by children, grand-children, and even great-grand-children, sharing stories as the lively atmosphere was bubbling with life, with a family.
Piggy back rides would be a MUST!! 😡 Or, better yet, his infants (taking turns — dunno if three kids at once is very practical 😭) sitting on his shoulders, seeing the world from so high up. Reaching out, and their head in the clouds.
Bouncing them on his knee, like a train conductor going through heavy turbulence, all the while the little ones would be laughing happily, telling him to go faster.
Every single one of his children cuddled up to him; in his lap, over his shoulders, splayed over his legs, clinging to him like a pack of koalas. 🐨
Reading bed time stories, stroking their head, stood in the door way minutes after his children had fallen asleep. Keeping them safe.
A family of his own. To eventually embarrass endearingly, to squish their cheeks, and tickle their sides, play-wrestle and tease by keeping objects out of reach. His extensive research also included horrible dad jokes, which were made hilarious by their poor translations into English.
Wanting to raise his children the way his mother had raised him while she was still around, to give his children the happy childhood he hadn't had, to make school a positive journey into adulthood. He'd teach them to deal with bullies, to stand up for themselves when he never could...
...And, athough he has good intentions, the truth is that with a father like him no snot-nosed brat would ever dare to mess with the Colonel's children ☠️
Note: Omg you. csn tell that i got so carried away w/ this😭😭 you know rhat line where König "fantasized" about a family ?yea that was me the entire time wiritng this...💔 God i need to stop daydreamimg excessively ajd return to reality 🥲 ...
...,,jk i wont 🥰💅✨💫 good mental health??😰😰 guurrl we don't know her 💆🏼‍♀️💫✨🧚‍♀️💓
Functioning like a normal human being💔🤮🤮🤮<<<<< Making up vivid scenarios in my head💓💓 😍😍😍
*fyi, shitlings is a loose translation for "gówniaki/gówniarze", an insult you have for children in Polish (similar to the English "shithead"). Do what you will with that new knowledge. The world is your oyster with that one ig 👍
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winterczn · 1 year
Some of My TLC Head Canons That Just Make Sense | Part One
1. Thorne complained to Kai about the whole soap situation and Kai actually changed the soap in prison to be less ‘drying’ for the skin. *Cue to Cinder facepalming.*
3. Winter is abnormally calm around wild animals and insects. While Thorne and Kai are freaking out, Winter is just there petting a snake and offering a bear some tea.
4. Kai’s go-to drink is tea, and Cinder’s go-to drink is coffee. She drinks so much coffee in a day that Kai gets genuinely concerned for her so he offers her some tea instead but Cinder refuses and proceeds to aggressive sip on her 8th cup of coffee that day.
5. Winter named every single animal at Scarlet’s farm. TELL ME IM WRONG.
6. Wolf also has a weird obsession with bread.
7. Sometimes, Jacin gets stumped with his school work and Cinder does research on it and helps him out. He passed with flying colors because of this.
8. The entire crew would be swifties — emphasis on Kai and Iko — if Taylor Swift existed during their time. (Jacin would feign nonchalance whenever a Taylor song comes on but when he’s alone, he would blast the album Lover in his headphones. Winter caught him dancing to Taylor once and promised she wouldn’t tell anyone.)
9. Winter has like a 50-step hair care routine and she totally dragged Scarlet into the whole curly hair girl routine thing. Scarlets hair has never been healthier and Wolf loves playing with it.
10. Kai is very interested in philosophy and would read tons of books + do a lot of research about it. Cinder would listen to him ranting about it, sometimes stopping to make a joke, usually resulting to them laughing so hard they end up on the floor.
11. Kai’s favorite number is eleven. One because it represents intuition and two because he just likes the way it looks. Everyone was a little confused at first but eventually just went along with it.
12. Iko and Winter (our delulu queens) get bored sometimes and creates very complicated plots and characters in their heads with each other. They have a lot of inside jokes with each other because of this.
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cloverandstuff · 2 months
First up, we have Mizi! Our lovely little pink-haired lady who was the most cheerful and optimistic of the bunch.
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Lets starts with some of the basic stuff and then we'll love on to the more complicated things.
[Please be aware that I am using everything that is freely available and I may not know anything about any of the paywalled Patreon Posts and such]
Canon and Basic Information
Mizi grew up in the Anakt Garden with Ivan, Till, and Sua. We can assume that Luka and Hyuna were in a different 'batch'.
If you go to the official Alien Stage website that showcases all of the members profiles, we can find some information about Mizi.
Now, we have to be careful cause this can both be canon but also also from the POV of the alien caretakers.
This page says that Mizi is 22 years old, 162cm tall and weighs 50kg. This is all facts. What's also there is her likes and dislikes.
She doesn't have any uncrypted dislikes that we can read but there are some likes which are available for us to read. They are the Anakt-made artificial flower and toothbrush. This is what was available to me on the Official Alien Stage website.
Alien Stage Official Website
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However recently, the official profiles were released that showcase more information! Here, we find that Mizi's birthday, which is still questionable due to the way that human pets are obtained, is on the August 20th.
We also find that her ID no is 020205, and thats she is affiliated with the 50th Anakt Garden.
Here, we can find that Mizi's disliked consist of vegetables and studying, which are relatively abnormal for the situation she is in.
This is all infortmation that can easily be obtained from the official site for the show. It may or may not be well known, but they are shown under the character's profile description.
Her segyein parent is named Guardian Shine and it is stated in the artbook that the scene of Mizi saying goodbye to her was described as "a mother seeing her daughter".
Semi-Canonical (Still mostly Canon)
Now we reach the parts where Im analysing a little but its seems pretty much canon.
This is mainly be circulating around the patreon posts by Vivinos and other such stuff. I will try my best to link everything I can.
First up, the lovely messages that everyone gives!!
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This is where I got the lovely translations from!
Now, if we read through all the messages that Mizi gives the others, we notice one thing very quickly; all her messages are all very long, detailed and often seem sincere. At least, more so than any of the others.
She will compliment them in earnest and go on a bit of a ramble, as though she's writing down whatever immediately comes to her head. They are all still very kind and sincere, showing just how good of a person Mizi was.
In the messages board for her, it seems that all the note-makers knew Mizi and thought very positively of her. Another thing that two messages mention is the fact that Mizi has in fact seen the ocean and speaks of it very fondly.
Next up, the Diary Entries from Field Day!
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This Official Patreon Post (This is freely available)
This is where we get a glimpse into other talents that Mizi has besides music. It seem pretty obvious that Mizi is the most athletic out of her group, seeing how she placed first in several of the events.
She also enjoys and shows pride in her accomplishments. She talks about how she can't wait to write to her guardian about it.
While we are aware that the guardians do keep track of thw children, Mizi is the only one out of all of them who seems to be in contact with them on her own volition and actively looks foward to it. This furthur cements how good of a childhood Mizi seemed to have with her guardian.
Now, we look at the interviews involving Mizi and Sua
The Official Post about for the BTS Interview of Sua and Mizi
In this, we'll be placing more focus on Mizi. But I will be doing Sua after this.
Mizi, throughout the entire interview, seems to be genuinely excuted to be a part of alien stage. She doesn't seem to realize the true horror of the event for humans.
It also makes it clear just how much of her dream goal seemed to involve Sua. She wanted to perform with Sua on the big stage ever since she was little.
These two spent their time watching the night sky when the celings opened up and talk about what they could see. They also spent their mandatory playtime together, singing most of the time.
I'll go into more detail about the aspect of their relationship eventually but for now, it's more about Mizi.
It's also made clear that despite everything that Mzi was passionate about, she despised studying and was bad enough at them tha she required extra classes.
She also shows a fascination with her home planet, Earth and would declare the spaceships she couldn't see clearly as Earth.
We also now know she needed glasses because her vision was horrible. She got them while she was in the Anakt Garden.
Mizi very specifically says 'parents' in the interview, ans not her guardian. This seems to go to show just how close of a relationship she had to her guardian. She is excited to hear from them, cares about their opinion, and shares her wants with them, which they actively supply for.
And the final part, which I think could be the most heartbreaking;
Mizi is fully unaware that those who losein Anakt Garden will die. She believes that if she loses, she will just go back to the Garden. She fully believes that if she won, it would be with Sua, wanting to perform with her for as long as possible.
She didn't know about the truth of Alien Stage and it doesn't seem like ayone bothered to correct her on this.
[This will be continued but i had this in the drafts for so long, I thought I may as well post what I had]
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ohbo-ohno · 3 months
this is probably such a strange ask to receive and for that i’m sorry but bo, i really just want to say thank you. i have had a cnc/noncon/dubcon kink for a very long time, but for so long it was a massive festering source of shame and guilt for me. i felt like there was something wrong with me, especially because even though i felt that way i didn’t want to stop reading or fantasizing about it. i followed your blog probably around a year to a year and a half ago, and since then you’ve played a huge part in helping me reconstruct the way i think about it. in your casual posting and your writing and the things about it that you’ve reblogged i’ve come to realize there isn’t anything wrong with me and that not only is this kink common, it’s not shameful and it’s not wrong to have it— fantasy is just that. fantasy. and it’s okay.
this probably doesn’t mean much coming from an anon from tumblr dot com but in a way, your writing and the way you approach cnc outside of writing has truly healed a part of me that i thought would continue to fester for my entire life. it’s not a horrible, shameful thing for me anymore, and i don’t feel like i’m secretly and evil or terrible person. like honestly, your help in un-learning to feel that way about myself in just one area of my life has helped me improve my feelings about myself overall, and maybe this is a bit parasocial but in part i feel like i owe that to you. learning to accept myself wholly is a process that is going to take my whole life, i’m sure, but thanks to you i’m just that little bit closer. thank you.
a study in 2009 found that 62% of women have had a rape fantasy, a 2018 study found that two-thirds of women in the study had rape fantasies and half the men surveyed reported having rape fantasies. while twitter and tumblr might try to convince you otherwise, rape fantasies/noncon is nooooot abnormal lmao. it might be uncomfortable to realize you like fantasies like that at first, but you are farrrr from the only person to feel these things and get off on certain scenarios
i actually felt crazy guilty when i first started engaging with noncon erotica or dark romance too. i'd read something and really enjoy it but force myself to give it a negative review because it felt wrong to give a positive review of a book that depicted smth so terrible. i think i changed when i read clown in a cornfield and gave it a high rating lmao - i don't feel guilty giving a good review to a book about highschoolers getting murdered by clowns, why should i feel guilty about giving a good review to a book about a woman getting kidnapped and stockholm syndrome-d? that's silly.
anyways, im so so glad my blog helped you get more comfortable!!!!!! not a single person i know irl knows about this blog (i hope) so for me there's no point in not reblogging the stuff i want to. i like to think the audience i've cultivated here isn't gonna stone me for the exact posts/kinks they followed me for in the first place lmao
anyways, im so glad my blog has helped you out!!! that's actually really really nice to hear, and makes me feel better about the kind of stuff i reblog/post sometimes haha. wishing you all the best babe!!!!
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poscariastri · 1 month
hi, previous anon back - I'm so glad I could make your day!!! I've been chewing on that art for the better part of a week now and decided you should know how much I love it :]
lowkey I'm mildly scared to drop a dm given the fact that like. I don't have an f1 blog or sideblog and I don't really intend on making one rn haha (most of what I know of f1 is against my will and I've imprinted on lance LOL)
oooo piastroll is also good! I've always called it osclance in my head haha but I think your idea flows better - and YES their numbers are so good together <3 reverses and nines and squares and all that, man they have such nice numbers...
I have. never seen that nando jesus pic. I'm saving it rn that's amazing. something something, jesus rose on the third day, nando came back to f1 after three years, wonderful parallels there... and the aston martin wings... oh I am DEEPLY abnormal about those wings...!!! awww teeny tiny mini nando jesus on the globe (I think) being all radiant <3
oh I LOVE those concept sketches... oscar wants another home race... the fisheye perspective is really good and I love it sm! and lance's stupid facial hair (beloved) and that panel with the two of them like in a romcom meet-cute where oscar Knows His Next Move and lance very much Does Not... and then the next one with PASTOR NANDO I AM CRYING. THAT MAN SEEMS LIKE HE'S EXCITED TO MARRY OFF HIS YOUNG PADAWAN LMAOOOO (he probably threatened oscar at least five times that if he finds lance crying it's on sight) (but also would take shots with both of them at the reception)
and yes I'll 100% accept rent in the form of more oscar and lancey (though obviously you don't have to if you're not feeling it!)
HI anon! thank you again im so glad you enjoy that silly art so much! you ofc dont have to DM if u dont want to no pressure (saluting face emoji (im on pc))
as a tribute to you and your wonderful askbox rambles i came up with another doodle! not as much effort in this one but i thought of it at 3 am and immediately had to draw it (i. did not get a lot of sleep) hope you like it!
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theyre badly cropped bc again im on pc and tumblr pc hates me (its mutual) and somehow i never manage to draw in the right size for the canvas lmaoo but here TAKE IT AND RUN!!
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emerxshiu · 5 months
rat brainrot going hard
sorry for not posting this week, i was cooking some stuff but this drawing took almost the entire week to do, worst part, it was a shitpost
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i still dont know why this took me so much
so uh, almost all my drawings this week have been related to this two(and lis) so much so that i struggled because i wanted to draw other things so i would just stare at a blank sheet of paper for over half an hour, god that was torture, tho i dont mind drawing the sillies, sometimes it gets a bit boring drawing the same over and over y'know? im also going to take this as an opportunity to ramble about my forgo gijinka, because surprisingly i hadnt done that yet.
og image
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ok now to actually talk about the wet rat
ive tried doing a gijinka of em since i joined the fandom (my first gijinka was fecto elfilis (well not really they were fnaf, but i mean when i got into kirby and when i started using the term gijinka))
but most of the time it just looked like elfilin but like...evil, with a different ear and a hospital gown, thats it, so i barely drew them since i didnt like that, but on february, i actually sketched an idea that i liked, and thought it looked cute but a bit off (i mean off in a good way)
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(yes im posting this image again because i think its the best drawing of my forgo (im very inconsistent with my style ok))
they have their eyes closed most of time, like in game, i considered giving them legs but i ended up with the tail, since i didnt want to end up with like a fourth evil elfilin, the arms are like that so i can have em be small and weird like in the actual game, but i also made it so they can like change it, that way i can make em have hands and stuff if necessary (like to hold that frying pan for example)
not sure if a lot of you notice it but um, bro has no neck, i took away his neck privileges, i did it just to see but i ended up falling in love with that and stuck around, and also that allows me to draw them bending their head like in the drawing above because their neck isnt necking and i like that, i like being able to draw characters doing stuff that shouldnt be anatomically possible or is abnormal (i did something a bit similar with void) thair clothes are rugged because well forgotten land you know what i mean, but in general theyre actually pretty simple
i also did the drawing in digital
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i tried doing very sketchy lineart, i tried a new brush in this one and thats the one im using for my last drawings (not sure if anyone noticed the brush change) it was pain painting it because i did it all with the brush in the same size, not changing it, god did my hands hurt and it was a bad idea
i accidentaly downloaded the following 3 drawings twice lol
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sleepy zzzz
i think they would wear something like this to sleep, i dunno i just wanted to draw em in something cute, and sleepy, with elfilin slippers (the mug also has elfilin btw) oh and also i like changing their hair, here one of their long bangs is tied into a bow, kinda like callie from splatoon, i have some drawing im probably wont post, one more of forgo wich looks very much like the upper one but like eyes closed, and one of fecto elfilis gyaru because my sister asked me to draw them like that, bad thing is i didnt look up references on gyaru since i couldnt use my phone at the moment, i did like the hair i did for them in that one tho, they have their bangs tied up in a bun, and then left the rest loose, making it look longer than it actually is. i might redraw it, but actually looking up gyaru so i can make something more accurate, i like the style, but im not too informed on it
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elfilin being silly like a kitty :p
not much more to say on this, just sillines :3
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there is totally not a cropped drawing there
based on the kirby manga, where they make it so elfilis sings really bad, at first i didnt like it that much since i had imagined they'd sign great, but after i while i started to find it a bit cute so now its a headcanon, they like to sing but suck at it.
writing this just made me remember i wanted to do another drawing too for this with kirby and them singing, but i forgot to do it, im kinda tired (and its late) ill probably draw it, but for next post or another one
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tried drawing fecto forgo as a plushie, silly.
i wanna learn how to sew so i can make plushies of characters (like prince fluf!) but im way too lazy, i will get around it some day! (hopefully)
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elfilin too as a plush
i also wanna learn to sculpt, i tried doing a clay kirby once, but one his feet broke in half, and one day my mom put it in a box, and his eyes fell off and stuck to the box :(
i really wanna do figures for characters i like or dont have enough merch or my ocs (prince fluff, flamberge, fecto elfilis)
but as i said, im way too lazy and unmotivated, though its be nice, one day, maybe one day if i stop procrastinating
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it doesnt have the same ring to it as "feto rata mojada alien" wich is how my sister and i call them (she doesnt know that much about kirby, but i sometimes show her my drawings (reluctantly sometimes, but im the older so like >:) she has too if she wants to show me her stuff too))
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silly rat and wet rat, thats how i call em (because wet rat alien fetus is too long sometimes)
you can tell the brainrot was too strong (were near done(kinda))
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they gain a mouth whenever i fell like it very much
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artblock hit, and all the rest of pages i stared at them for 30 minutes
it felt weird looking at my fecto elfilis with the eyes so big, it looked off (in a weird way)
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dunno, tried drawing them in a different pose i i dunno really
i think these are from tuesday. i did more but those were oc (mostly splatoon) or other kirby character related, and i want this to be a rat post (might post those tommorow or another day maybe)
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i dunno (x2), i tried drawing elfilin like elfilis, i really liked the hands here. i still struggle a bit with anatomy but i think this was quite good for my usual character just stading looking at the front or a quarter profile. im considering making this into a fully digital drawing, what do i say by considering im actually doing that fuck it, i just think it looks kinda cool
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"This new creation, driven by pure chaos, was defeated by the bright light of Kirby's hope."
Chaos Elfilis reminds me of a moth. kirby's hope is a bright light.
you can see my thought process. i just thought itd be a bit cute and kinda silly and funny.
the kirby fandom wiki, said that chaos elfilis looked akin to a moth, and it just stuck with me, so i wanted my gijinka of them to be moth inspired, and thats when i saw just how cute moths are! i mean im still a bit scared of insects but at least now i kinda like em.
i feel like i need to say sorry to that one moth i desintegrated in a matter of seconds with a book because i thought it was an spider and didnt think (im so sorry little guy)
but ah yeah elfilis, moth, it made sense to me since chaos elfilis has the soul of morpho knight, who is a butterfly, and moths are kinda like butterflies too. and i thought itd be cute
so uh yeah i sometimes like making my chaos elfilis be a bit like a moth, that includes liking light, a lot, so uh kirby is like a lamp in here because i said so
now to talk about the desing since for some reason i hadnt earlier, as i said before, they are very moth inpired so uh im might say that word way too many times (im sorry i suck at explaining stuff)
their horns are thinner to resemble moth anntenae, and they curve just because i thought it look cool, and to differentiate it a bit from fecto elfilis. their bangs tie into a bun (i forgot to draw that but i dont wanna go and change it now, way too tiredv man and i still have to post this on other places) the bun looks a bit like an eye, because well, they are basically a soul boss, and moths have things in their wings that look like eyes, btw chaos elfilis doesnt have their wings here because i got lazy and i didnt want them to like cover most of the drawing. the things coming from their bun are like the trhee things theyve got in their head, theyre shaped like that to resemble insects legs a bit, fecto elfilis also had the 3 things (i dunno how to call em sorry) as their eyelashes, but chaos elfilis has just white eyelashes, because the bun already has the 3 things and because my morpho has white eyelashes so (i still havent done my morpho gijinka yet, i just know im gonna give the butterfly some white eyelashes cuz cute and pretty grimm reaper) the rest of the hair is shaped into like a ponytail but like, adn shaped, with whats left shaped like a lil moth
the waistband they have is a nod to morpho, they used to have a bow shaped just like the butterfly morpho appears as, but i took it out because i thought it crowded the design way too much, and also because it was too on the nose. the arms have those golden things because my fecto has it and because my og chaos elfilis gijinka had them so i wanted to bring it back, the hand fades into white because the red in the hand wasnt hard to distinguish so i came up with that to make it easier to see.
the red part of the pants are actually a bit fuzzy akin to a moth and the white part has those stripes to loke like insect stuff because y'know akin to a moth. the boots are like the red part in their legs their model in-game has, so i just made em tall boots, the high heels? originally it was platform just ike my fecto but then i wanted to draw them in high heels when i was slightly redoing chaos elfilis, and welp, i loved it and now theyve got high heels. those rings around the ankle are inspired by the ones leaongar has around their arm. also can you tell anatomy is not my strong suit? and that i dont draw high heels often?
i made a slight change in my kirby, making the sleeves be a different color, since the one he had before i felt was way too white, and i wanted to have more saturation in it
i also forgot but elfilin is supposed to wear that during forgotten land, and then i decided that after the anding of the main story he changes clothes, but i forgot about that while doing this so he has his pre-ending clothes (also because i still cant really decide on their second outfit for the post-game)
god im so tired i wanna talk and show more drawings but o shit im sweating why is it so hot in here
um thank you for reading all the unnecessary long rambles about why i do certain stuff in my gijinkas, i appreciate it a lot (im still sorry about writing walls upon walls of text but i just cant help it)
Jambuhbye! :D
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xoxochb · 3 months
hi beautiful!!💗💗 Could i request a nico di angelo x reader based on the song 'once more to see you' by mitski? thank you!<3 (ps. im already crying MITSKI WHEN I FIND YOU MITSKI-)
⋆·˚ ༘ * If I could see you, once more to see you
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warnings: angst
pairing: nico di angelo x male reader
A/N: although this does have themes about being scared for who you like, my account is a safe space for everyone, don’t feel ashamed <3
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but with everybody watching us, our every move
it was difficult to be in a happy relationship when you always felt like you were being watched
actually, scratch that- judged
you always felt like you were being judged for who you were, who you were with. you were very happy, extremely happy, but that undeniable feeling that everyone thought you were abnormal for who you liked
so to fix this problem you kept your relationship with a certain son of hades secret
so come inside and be with me, alone with me
you loved the moments when you were alone with him, very comforting. there was nobody there to judge, watch, or make fun of the two of you
you liked lying in cabin thirteen with him in the silence, you liked to talk to him about anything, you liked to laugh with him, you liked to enjoy the time you had
although you would have much rather preferred telling everyone you knew about your love for the boy, you let your worries get the best of you
If I could see you, once more to see you
you hated when your eyes met his from across the dining pavilion. you wanted to sit and eat with him at his table, you wanted to run to him when your team won capture the flag, you wanted to kiss him in front of everyone
but yet again, it was difficult when you felt you were being judged for the boy you loved
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