#im way more comfortable texting
electricpurrs · 8 months
Just want to say you type English very well! I'm sure you're just fine while speaking it! 💖
thanks ^_^
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bisexualmcqueen · 17 days
been trying to get the cars groove back have a sketch dump
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sangoshirei · 1 month
i love u low empathy but high compassion bart...
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braveveth · 2 months
a friend of mine was talking about how she was surprised that jean doesn't seem to have any specific issue with cat/laila/jeremy touching him and it got me thinking that he doesn't really react in any way, negatively or positively. the narration doesn't comment on it besides stating that it is happening. jean doesn't think on it basically at all which is FASCINATING because given all we know about his background it seems pretty safe to assume no one will have ever wrapped their arm around his waist to comfort him, but he doesn't react to cat doing so (which is even more interesting because it happens right after he sees the pat/cody/ananya dynamic and gets worried about cody's space being invaded).
this feels like such an intentional choice, because all that negative space, the not-thinking about it, actually says so much. like he can't think about it - negatively or positively. thinking about it would probably mean a lot of the raven-conditioning popping its head back up, about how it's all sorts of detrimental to his exy game. but it would also mean realising he's never had this, never been allowed the kindness of touch, the comfort of it (except maybe with elodie, her little hand in his). and would probably mean feeling like he doesn't deserve it. thinking about it means maybe realising he wants it - that he shouldn't, but he craves it anyway
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karamazovanon · 9 months
thought about raskolnikov while listening to car seat headrest incident 39 dead 18407 injured
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sparklefursys · 2 days
I think art just has different philosophies actually...
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brightokyolights · 2 months
#this is something i usually wouldnt do because i really struggle talking about shit like this because of things that have happened to me in#the past but anyways#i really need white people to understand that a lot of stuff you enjoy and are able to love has bothered poc for years. muslims.#specifically im thinking of eurovision just because i keep seeing stuff like oh i love eurovision but we have to boycott its the right thing#to do!! and while i appreciate people Finally coming to that fucking conclusion. ever since i forst ever watched it the fact that israel#competed and consistently performed so well with votes etc always bothered me so much. but it was popular. everyone watches it#so you sit and try to bear and endure#idk what im trying to say by this#i guess i just want people to be more conscious and look around them#is there a reason certain spaces are mostly filled with white people? is this a place where poc could even be welcomed or feel safe. most of#the time the answer is no. i think especially with the Slow rise of south asian actors in western media and seeing the way people are#constantly bullied. and even just watching some of my childhood shows/movies and seeing the amount of racist jokes. like i always thought i#knew how bad it was. but being reminded. idk. racism just fucking sucks and i wish white people were able to care about it more without#complaining about their comfort. maybe theres a reason youre uncomfortable#i will probably delete this but for now and for whoever sees this ✌️#le text post
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cleromancy · 6 months
hi! I was scrolling down your DC tag and found this post (www(.)tumblr(.)com/cleromancy/735420182202368001/fucking-no?source=share) -I hope the link doesn't vanish but just in case it's one where you talk about approaches to writing DC and you cite waid, grayson and morrison. I know a bit more about morrison's, but (if you don't mind), would you care to elaborate on each style?
speaking very very broadly here, and therefore making generalizations that won't apply to every single thing each writer has ever written, but rather their general reputation or what i personally have found reading their work
waid is famously well-read and generally tries to reconcile as much canon as he can while still 1) telling the story he wants to tell and 2) fitting with modern style/genre/etc conventions. if he does make a departure you generally assume he knew he was doing it and did it on purpose while still mostly adhering to that former goal. im thinking of the donna/garth situationship in worlds finest teen titans here, which to me read like he was like "wait, why *wouldnt* they have ever had a thing, they have so much in common" and an exploration of that, and it does actually mesh with stuff that came before imo. but i picked waid as an example of someone who is extremely well read and puts a lot of effort into yes and-ing what came before. but at the same time he Builds a lot off of it, he's not just parroting.
devins approach to my reading is more like... she's character driven in a way where like. 1) she probably has a solid understanding of the history of her mains and has probably read at least the recent stuff but definitely hasnt sat down and read their Whole History, and 2) if her character concept differs from what came before she's comfortable stepping away from it. so by contrast to waid as an example, you generally won't see her playing with minor elements from teen titans 1966 or new teen titans, or if you do it's a surprise and she might have just taken a concept and turned it on its head, if that makes sense. shes more likely to bring in her own stuff. but at the same time you usually don't expect anything of hers to be a sharp departure from anything recent or any of her contemporaries. devin is someone who can read catwoman comics and then be like "i actually think catwoman should be more like xyz, because when i boil her down to what i see as her essential/core elements, this is what feels honest and compelling to me," and then that's how she'll write her.
morrison is pretty infamous for their "everything is canon" approach by which i mean. they may not have read anything recent scrimblo scringus was in, but they *did* read the elseworlds comic from 1989 where they originated that bears little to no resemblance to their current iteration, and they think it would be fun to randomly bring in some shit from that story into scrimblo's mainline continuity. so you get things like new earth jason being a redhead but also entirely unlike either pre-crisis jason or post-crisis jason in any discernable way, or they'll import batcow from tiny titans to the main continuity. because actually why Shouldn't we have batcow too. so morrisons something of a wildcard in terms of both what they might have read and in what they'll use and what they'll ignore, its a total free for all. every comic ever written is their playground, pretty much.
hopefully that makes sense lol. and i am oversimplifying a lot but that was my logic in name-dropping those three
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bilbao-song · 2 years
secret rocker santa participants needed!! (updated)
soooo i’ve looked over the spreadsheet and currently we are especially in need of fans of the following musicians and bands (or even just people with a passing interest in them):
guns n roses
bruce springsteen
steve miller band
kate bush
everyone is welcome (the literal only requirement is that you’re a fan of some kind of music from roughly the 50s-90s) and there’s plenty of time (~13 days now) left!! these are just the ones that so far seem like they’ll be the hardest to match, which means more fans signing up would be very helpful :^) if you or your followers fit this criteria, please consider reblogging this post!
➜ more information about secret rocker santa ➜ F.A.Q. page ➜ sign up here! (or here if you’d prefer to stay on tumblr)
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funkylittlebats · 4 months
#wow okay so ive been reconnecting with my friend who i previously hadn't seen or spoken to in months#and we've been chatting again for abt a month now and she came to my house univited and without warning today and we hung out#even though i really wasn't prepared for company. i decided it was a pleasant enough surprise. she brought cupcakes.#and then she tells me. a trans man. that she. a lesbian. is in love with me#and im now very uncomfortable bc i don't want to date someone who sees me as a girl. and i Know that that's the case here#bc she's said some Kinda Weird yellow flag things abt trans ppl (esp in regards to passing) that ive overlooked bc i enjoyed her company#and she starts crying on my shoulder bc she “can't believe im rejecting her bc i think shes transphobic”#and how she “thought i liked her too” bc i go along with her flirting (when she first started flirting w me i didn't pick up and she-#-made a joke abt how she likes to flirt w men bc shes gay but it looks like im too dense for that joke (said it a friendly way no really))#(so i didn't realize she was ACTUALLY flirting bc she would still do this to other guys as a joke)#and she “feels so stupid for letting herself be led on by me” and a bunch of other bullshit#and expected me to comfort her while this was going on#which i did bc i didn't know what else to do#and she decided to take THAT as a mixed signal ig and tried to pet me#so i got away from her and got her some water and asked her to leave after she calmed down#and she started crying more but eventually left#and then like an hour later i start getting texts from our friends saying they couldnt believe i was so rude to her#and thought she was a transphobe and shoved her off of me when she just needed comfort#and so now everyone is refusing to talk to me until *i* apologize to *her*#i literally only have one irl friend now bc of this#fuck this shit#and i have fucking class tomorrow#fuck#this#shit
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coolspacequips · 8 months
My unpopular opinion abt the new Castlevania series ig is that I just don't have any care or sympathy for these little church goons that they were trying to humanize this time around... Like Olrox revenge kill go off, I watch u kill that boys mom minute 1 but I'm still in ur corner bbygirl! I see ur thru line.
But then his little shitty church bf sanctioning and standing by all the actions of the church and also we don't talk about the homophobia he's supporting while also being gay and also sleeping w a man his church would have (and did) sanctioned the genocide of several times over... I'm supposed to think the way he shut Olrox down was anything worth feeling bad for, I just rolled my eyes at his self righteousness. Walk away from that man, Olrox!! We saw where this manic Christian love leads, and it's what ur Abbott did (who I also don't give 1 fuck about him or his white xtian guilt especially after That LOL)
I guess I can tentatively respect that the church guard's storyline is gonna potentially be about deprogramming him, but I hate that they seemed to be posing him as correct in accusing Olrox of having no soul, when we as the viewer know it was an act of love that he didn't think he was capable anymore, after what was done to him at the hands of ppl that the church guard. To me all i felt was the heartache from his POV so common in these communities where u thought you have a Good Christian that saw you, but he still sees you as the monolith of his imaginary enemy the second push comes to shove, even though your actions have shown again and again that there's nuance to be had
#the only whites that gave gotten a pass from me is baby belmont and the speaker mom#who's daughter I'm sure will mature i want to like her but she got shackled into a plot w the abott#which means we have to spend a lot of time on his white man pain about how he had the power to do so many terriblw things and chose to do i#anyway just wanted to get this off my chest i couldn't watch it fast enough and don't remember the guards name#and didn't look it up bc i don't want someone looking for him and starting a fight w me#just sucks bc i love Olrox so much and a lot of his fan content is him w this man i can't stomach tbh#i hoped he would be different i hope he can change or that Olrox finds someone else#text posts#i don't want to get into it too much more i have to rewatch this show bc baby belmont and Annette are my kids and Edouard is so special 2 m#bls im not a hater so if u like the guard i don't care#i just have a lot less interest in these types of threads ik some ppl who have been victims of the church find them cathartic#but i often find the storyline too much in the business of comforting the oppressor being represented and find them tedious#raised in American South where a lot of the cultures being examined exist and have flavored it#particularly this time period being looked at w plantation slavery plus French and native relations being v highlighted in my region#ugh anyway let me not get started x2 plus i don't care who's side drolta is on#she's bad and unjustified just insane and likes murder and looks very hot while she does it the end#(i love her every show putting black girls in it take note of the way they treated her hair so many styles 🥺💕)
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un-pearable · 2 years
^ gets petty and frustrated with people who misunderstand zane in the middle of the night, vagues about it in the drafts for far too long
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#ok i will move these to my spam account soon but wait quick rant. actually not fully rant just smth i find interesting to think about#since yk how we ourselves change somewhat. like. huh. everyone to an extent i think but as an empath i'm probably more susceptible to it#depending on the people we're with. the environment n all. we change a bit#like w each friend i just naturally end up matching their way of text n their mannerisms esp when i'm around them#while most of it is natural n all too it's one of my love languages >< i love the feeling of. yk having more similarity#personally for me it makes me feel more understood n connected#NO FUCKING WAYYYY WAIT. SOB. watching from apollo's laptop rn a bit of that one cutscene with emet-selch ffxiv n bestie#the way. the way he looks at the wol. THE WAY HE SMILED.... HE DOESN'T SMILE OFTEN???? THIS GRUMPY LIL MF#wait i'm emotional. meteion and hermes n. FUCKKK#SOB HERMES YOU NEVER MANAGED TO FIND YOUR ANSWER. I'M SORRY. I'M SO SORRY#GOD CCAN YOU TELL THE KIND OF PERSON I AM FROM MY FAVE CHARAS#A 'FIELD OF FLOWERS'. IM GNA CRYYYYYY 'thank you for guiding me here' i. GOD I'M EMOTIONAL THIS#mafuyu's my fav chara. i'm a kanade kin. hahaha. & then. i'm a dark knight main in ffxiv. after tank i'm also a healer main#can you see? i love to. i love to help others oh my fucking god n it burdens me but. i love it more. as a strength.#flow is making me emotional. the lyrics mean so much to me. with ffxiv context n then. my emotional attachment to it for numerous reasons#the lyrics. out of context comfort me. resonate with me. the rain. stars. fate. memory. love. water. sleep. dawn. dreams.#i wonder what words others hold in importance. that resonate with their soul. & what it means to them. memories too#i know in certainty for me. i want to learn of everyone else#this little world of mine. i wonder. how. it looks like in your eyes. what others wish to learn of me too. i can only hope that#i'm so used to fiction you see. reality feels so distant at times. n with my differences it. oft feels i don't belong#yet still i hold on. why? bcs there's so much more to life. please don't give up. you deserve so much more.#n to everyone i know now. to just indulge in myself maybe. a selfish desire. i hope this will last. n i'll be there to see you#better and happier in the future. for as short and long as we know each other i care for all of you so so much#maybe i'm sorry for ever loving you in whichever way it differs per person in my life. but i'll be a bother. i don't want to#i don't want to lose anyone anymore#god... thinking back on drk and. myste's words resonate with me so much. love and forgiveness has always meant so much to me#ah yeah i remember again who i am. don't think twice is also making me extra emotional#i'm sorry though. it really does hurt n. time's going far too fast. but i'll try to do what i can. so long as you're still with me i think#i can manage. that's enough. that would be enough. even if i'm not enough. i'll hold unto myself and. what's important to me
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lilgynt · 13 days
maybe i’m just finding any issue with situationship guy before we have sex bc i’m feeling weird about sex but also maybe he wasn’t wrong when he said he was clingy and i do not care for it
#personal#i called him bud and we had to have an extremely long talk about it#like literally said no problem bud and we had to have a 2 convo on it bc it was too nonchalant and aloof#anyway half way through when i got through to him that im having to comfort him for two hours about calling him bud#he was like holy shit you literally just called me bud i am so fucking clingy i am my mother#like it went from 2 hour convos at 3 am or while i’m at work explaining that im not a horrible person for x#i was like hey if we’re gonna do this every night we should stop talking bc wtf do you even like about me#he stops doing that#then he gets upset i’m not emotionally open i call him on the fact he’s treating this like a relationship and im his girlfriend#when i was very upfront what i can do emotionally and it’s not that#he noticed that and said he’ll try to stop but it’ll still happen and i’ll still be like dude. we’re not that and you’re not entitled to#that#and i can’t tell if it’s the tiredness from weed/ work/ staying up later to hang with him/ talking at length#or if i’m just genuinely sick of this and want to break it off#and like he doesn’t get it which is also annoying#bc he wants to and hang and despite me saying i’m tired is still hitting me up at like 1 am u up#not a sexy text that’s when he’s out of work#and i went out late while mad tired bc he had the day off (rare) and i felt bad#and i like when i miss or ignore late night texts bc i don’t want to accidentally land in a long ass convo when i have work in the morning#and godddddd he’s just kinda emotional#like he’s fun to talk to or hang with and there’s physical chemistry but also so much of this is so much work and annoying#and the night i was like we should break this off i even said this is a lot of work for a dude who did me dirty#and also it feels weird bc it’s very unbalanced on liking bc he rlly likes me and wants to date and i definitely don’t want that#i kinda want to cut it off if we have to have a super long chat again. like i told him im fine reassuring him now and then#but if it’s a daily or hourly thing we should cut it off bc that’s too much for me OR him but mainly me#or maybe it can be chill and we can just hang out/ have sex/ maybe go on dates and then it can end in a while when it’s run its course#either way i’m gonna have to end it bc he def won’t#to be clear i’m not being super mean i invite him out to the movies and drive him i drive him to taco bell just to hang im putting work in#but i just wish people were more comfortable with themselves and liked themselves#call me avoidant but i wish people were more comfortable with themseleves and being alone sooooooooooooo fucking bad
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xviruserrorx · 1 month
I don't understand why people get frustrated at things they knew were gonna happen because someone else is chronically I'll and it's happened multiple times before so it's not like it's new, like oh yeah sorry for existing like this
#family wanted me to go to this restaurant and to try their shakes and they've talked about it multiple times about going#and they kept mentioning it and just yeah so the said 'were going' and i just shrugged and said okay#we've been to restaurants times before and it goes the same every time with me getting fries or some type of potato or salad#because their safe foods and indont want to be sick and most of the time i cant eat almost all the menu so this isn't new#but they want to eat before we get these shakes (the shakes that are going to inevitably make me very sick) so we order food#surprise enough i order cheese fries that say they just have cheese on them on the menu but of course they lied as always#so the fries have bacon and chives and olives and a bunch of stuff and the cheese isnt even a cheese sauce#but cheese from the store thats been melted in a microwave on the fries and is very very oily and y'know great these are gonna make me sick#i force down the food as fast as i can and act like its fine but of course family gets mad that im doing this#they then ask after me trying to force down this food what flavor of shake i want and im probably gonna end up throwing#up half of the food i just ate and so i say no to the shake which is a gurantee of me being up all night throwing up#they get frustrated because 'we came here for the shakes' and i dont even know im so tired like#i font know what people want me to do i cant exist the way they want me to and eat the food and interact with the world how they want me to#like how do they want me to do thing? i wish people would tell me how they wanted me to do things and then i could do it#and i really can i can play pretend i do it sooo well i can eat the food you want me to and do what you want me to#but we literyjoked how i couldn't eat barely anything on the menu and we still got in the car and left and like#family is a bust my friends are too busy living and being with their other friends who arent sick so thats always hood to think about#literally got told to my face that she made a new friend (which is always good) but that this new friends reminded her exactly of me#and that they talks to them every single day and they've gone to movies and this and that and... i texted her multiple times#and she hasnt texted me back in months... infont think that lerson reminds me of who i AM i think they remind her of who i WAS#when i was sick very sick but still more abled and able to just exist#but yeah so im gonna write some fanfic - im gonna mod for something - then mod for another thing with really sweet mods in it#i wanted to rewatch a spn episode with the angels in it so ill do that and maybe work on a bracelet#and yeah... and then ill do it all over again and eat my safe foods and do the things that make me comfortable because fuck them#virus rambling
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sickwithemotion · 2 months
banned from texting but also if u can’t handle me being a cringe texter then who cares
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