#imagine going to a wedding and got this as souvenire
smoooothoperator · 5 months
hiii lauraaa!! im just gonna say first things first and once again, Congratulations on writing an amazing series!!🥳✨️🫶🏼💗
I've been dedicated in reading and catching up and heads up, i may spam you with imagine plots soo sorry not sorry hehe😅😭
diving head first: I'd love to know abt the proposal + wedding details like whether lando proposed or violet proposed or maybe both🤷‍♀️😉 (like one of the tiktoks where the couple proposed at the same time), whoever proposes, what was their THE MOMENT when they knew 'this is it' (context: like jake and amy from b99 if you have watched), etc and etc.
i may have ranted in more detail but just wanted to share my pov of the idea. I'm sooo excited to see how this takes place! (ps: no pressure on writing asap!! take your sweet time pleasee! its always worth the wait to read😭😭😭)
okie now! byeeeeee loveee youuuuu mwaaahhhhh take care and happy race weekend!!🫂😉🫶🏼✨️ xx
Sorry it took me too long! Right now I'm very very very focused on reading that I really forgot that I had to write this HAHAHAHA
But I hope you like this!
He always knew he wanted to marry her. At first it was a joke he used to tell himself or his friends, that he was going to marry Violet no matter what, that he would put his last name next to hers. But it was only that, a joke and he barely though about it as something more.
But the day he had her, the day she said she loved him, he immediately knew he had to make that come true, that he was going to love her until his last breath. Days with her were like a new adventure he was dying to explore.
Lando started the search of a ring for her during the honeymoon phase of their relationship. He was so naive, so on love. He found himself countless times looking at rings everytime he walked in front of the jewelries Monaco, making screenshots on his phone of the ones he liked, picturing Violet with that ring on her finger.
But then the crash happened. He had to focus on her, on her recovery and making sure she was comfortable. And during that time with her, he came to the realization that he has to love the present and enjoy every second with her, enjoy life with her. But it made him realize, too, that he wanted to be next to her forever, now for real.
A year turned in two, two in three, and their love never stopped growing. They filled their house with souvenir of every places they visited, and their dogs were like their kids, always going with them to Lando's races.
It was a day he went out around Monaco with Max when he stopped right in front of the jewelry he always looked at. Max looked at him and smirked, nudging him and walking inside of the store. That day, he held Violet close to his chest, and while she was sleeping peacefully, he was staring at the ring inside elf the box, smiling widely.
He planned it, he kept the ring for months, and even if sometimes he decided to not wait and propose right in tbe moment, he waited for the day.
They went back to that city of snow, the city their favorite writer got inspired to write their favorite books. He thought it was perfect, Max and Pietra were with them, as well as their dogs.
"You know she will suspect if she find us recording, right?" Pietra sighed, looking at him.
"She won't" Lando nodded. "I have it planned, don't worry guys"
Lando had it pictured in his mind, he has been thinking and dreaming about this day since he bought the ring. When he's going to kneel, what words he's going to speak.
But it wasn't as easy as he thought.
His first attempt ended up with a fail. He wanted to go for a walk with the dogs and making sure that Max and Pietra were some meters away, with their phones in their hands making sure to record everything. But it ended with them screaming in a panic attack because one of their dogs decided to go explore to the wood. Thankfully they found the dog, covered in snow and the day ended with them cuddling the black dog in front of a fire and making sure he didn't freeze.
His second attempt was planned while they slept. It had to be something simple, no surprises. He has to make sure that their dogs are near, that the ring is in the box.
But at morning, when everything he wanted to do was cuddle her, he found Violet already in the living room making lunch for the day that was planned on the ski resort. So maybe that was the perfect moment to ask her.
He made sure he had the box with the ring in the inside pocket of his snow coat, sometimes having the need of patting his chest to make sure that the box was still there.
"Babe, you okay?" Violet asked worried, watching how he was always rubbing his chest. "Did something happen?"
"Oh? No, no! Why do you think that?" he frowned confused.
"Well..." she smiled looking him. "You can't stop touching your chest. Are you nervous because we're going to the red zone?"
"What?! Me?! My second name is danger" he scoffed, talking with a high pitched voice.
"Sure" she laughed, kissing his cheek.
Lando swallowed thickly and turned his head slightly to look at Max and Pietra, somehow panicking and moving his hand side to side under his chin.
"Abort plan, abort plan" he mouthed, making his friends chuckle.
He never thought that proposing to hercould be that hard without making her suspect.
He normally has a lot of patience, he had to get high levels of patience to love with two puppies and train them. But this? This is ending his patience levels.
The four of them spent the day skiing while their dogs were at a dog daycare place. And once they finished and got back with their dogs, Lando was too quiet on the way back to the house. And when they were finally there, he went immediately outside, grabbing his phone and texting Max.
Lando: Okay, this is the last chance. I'll stay out for a while, if she goes outside to talk with me, follow her.
Max: I never imagined proposing would be this hard...
Lando: Try it, then we'll talk 😩
Lando stayed out of the house, looking at the ring inside of the box. It doesn't have a big stone, in all his hers dating her he discovered that she doesn't like big jewelry. And the ring is the perfect definition of what she would wear everyday.
Rhysand and Feyre, their dogs, walked out of the house and stayed with him, cuddling him and trying to keep him warm, or trying to give him a reason to go back to the house.
"Hey, what are you doing outside? It's getting cold" Violet smiled, leaning on the door frame.
"Oh-" he wasn't ready. "C-can we talk?"
"There's something wrong?" she asked worried, walking towards him. "Lando, are you okay?"
"Well, I'm nervous" he sighed.
Violet started to panic. Nervous? Why would he be nervous? Is he going to break up with her?
"W-what?" she mumbled, swallowing thickly.
"I just wanted to do it before, but everytime I tried to talk with you, something happened" he said.
She could feel her vision getting blurry, not noticing the confusion in Lando's face.
"Baby, why are you crying?" Lando asked, holding her hands.
"You are going to break up with me, it's that?"
"What? No!" he laughed, pulling her close to him. "No! I'm actually going to do another thing"
She didn't feel him kneeling in front of her, grabbing the box inside of his coat. But when she finally understood what was happening, he didn't even need to say a word before she threw herself into his arms.
"You gave me a heart attack!" she exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, baby" Lando chuckled, holding her.
"But... Yes" she whispered. "I will marry you, idiot"
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thesparklingwriter · 2 years
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a trip to remember
“Forgive me, you simply cry a lot these days."
tags: pet names, Zhongli is very pure, soft Zhongli, fem!reader, Zhongli and reader are in a relationship, reader is still pregnant lol, they're kind of on their honeymoon, they're in Inazuma
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please do not repost or edit my work without credit. reblogs are greatly appreciated!
i'm also taking requests for the rest of the flufftober days, PLEASE leave any suggestions, no matter how self-indulgent they may be, cause i am running out of ideas...
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“Zhongli, I appreciate all this, but I really do feel a bit too nauseous to be shooting across Teyvat. Can’t we just delay our honeymoon? We aren’t going to die without it.” Even as you complain, you pile an extra set of clothes into your bag. You know he’s going to insist you go, and you don’t actually mind, but if there’s any chance you can change his mind, you’ll take it.
“It’s my fault we didn’t go closer to when we were wed and I don’t wish to delay it further.” Zhongli turns to look at you as you collapse onto the bed with a big huff. “And let us be realistic, when do you expect us to go after the child is born?”
“Can’t we just ask someone to babysit for us when they’re like four?” You ask. You and him both know you’d never let anyone babysit your child whilst you were out of the nation. No way.
“You deserve a break, love.” He sighs.
“I know, I know.” you sigh. “Take a break, stop working yourself so hard, I know it all.”
You want to continue, but Zhongli looks so suitably frustrated and sympathetic at the same time that you stop in your tracks. You feel bad for eliciting that kind of response in him, so you take a deep breath, crack a smile, and pull him into a gentle kiss. “I know it all, so let’s go. I won’t complain. If I do, you have my permission to throw a rock at me. Okay?”
“I would never throw a rock at you.” Zhongli chuckles, smiling softly.
He would never throw a rock at you, sure, but he would throw you smug looks when he could tell you were on the verge of complaining. Which was often. You refused to let Zhongli carry you, as you claimed it was unnecessary fanfare, but your feet hurt, all the time. By the time you got to Inazuma, you were tempted to buy a cart and insist Zhongli drag you around town in it. You suggested it, and he pointed out it would be significantly more conspicuous than him carrying you.
And, all jokes aside, you were looking forward to going to Inazuma most. You’d heard only good things about the nation—their food, their clothes, and their murderous archon. You’d been trying your best to drag information about the Raiden Shogun from Zhongli, but he seemed to avoid the topic.
“Come on, what’s she like?”
“I cannot pass judgement on her actions, but I’m impressed by her tenacity.” Zhongli says finally.
Which, in Zhongli terms, is just a way of getting you off his case.
“Alright, I get the hint.” You huff. “Let’s talk about something else.”
“But, my love, it was you insisting we talk about the Raiden Shogun,” Zhongli teases, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close. As much as your mood swings have been giving him whiplash as of recently, he can’t help but find them endearing. Which serves to irritate you further.
“I don’t care anymore. Let’s look at the clothes stalls. I want to get a traditional Inazuman dress as a souvenir.” You beam, dragging Zhongli along behind you. You figure that if you’re going to have to be here, you may as well enjoy yourself thoroughly. It’s not like you’re going to have much time to visit in the near future anyway.
The streets are strangely quiet or the time of day—had you been in Liyue, you would have had to fight through the crowds, and you also would have had to fight through the inherent stress that would cause.
“It’s so quiet here. Imagine if we’d been out and about at this time at home,” you marvel, as you peer into another store, bowing politely to the stall owner.
“It’s not usually this quiet,” the owner admits, shrugging lightly. “But there’s a festival on the other side of town, so I assume most people are there.”
As you engage them in polite conversation, Zhongli looks at the clothes up for sale. At first, he wonders why the clothes are so small—but of course, that was his own myopia coming into play. He never considered that stalls like this would sell clothes for infants. By the time he’s had a good enough look at everything on sale, you’ve already taken directions from the shop owner to find a vendor for the dresses you’re looking for, and you’re waddling down the street, promising to come back when you’ve secured your loot.
“Can I help you at all?” The vendor smiles.
Zhongli glances back at the wall of clothes, smiling softly to himself. “If you wouldn’t mind terribly.”
Zhongli keeps his purchase a secret until you get back home—despite your constant complaints about his secrecy. It’s not like you’re trying particularly hard to get the information out of him. You ask, and then you fall asleep, exhausted by the events of your honeymoon and the constant travel.
You don’t see the item Zhongli bought until a few months later, when you’ve forgotten about the whole situation in its entirety. When he brings it up, you curse him for his sneakiness but wait to see the reveal in hopeful anticipation. In the back of your mind, you’re hoping for jewellery, or a new vase to replace the one you accidentally broke whilst attempting to make a surprise dinner (No, you don’t want to talk about it. It’s a sensitive subject.)
So when Zhongli hands you a wrapped package with two sets of baby clothes inside, to say you're surprised would be an understatement. And maybe it’s the hormones, or that fact the clothes are exactly what you’d pick, but tears begin to prick at your eyes.
“You don’t like them?” Zhongli asks. He’s learnt the hard way that, as of recently, your tears can mean anything—from implicit joy to bone-shattering pain. He’s figured it’s better to ask than to jump to conclusions.
“Of course I like them.” You sniff. “When have I ever not liked something you got me?”
“Forgive me,” he chuckles, sitting beside you and pulling you into a hug. “You simply cry a lot these days.”
You pull away from him. “Of course, I’m crying all the time. I’m eight months pregnant and All you do is pull stupid little adorable stunts like this! I have every right to be emotional.” You sob, holding the clothes to your chest. “They’re beautiful.”
“I’m glad you think so.”
a/n my irl friend told me to write this and, whilst i'm not the kind of girl to sit down and do as she's told, it was actually a pretty good idea so i merged it with one of rin's ideas which means i have now officially finished all four even though it wasn't a checklist. as usual, will check tomorrow, i think this is kind of bad but it's content so i won't complain
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dflogerzi · 2 years
I don’t know about anyone else, but I truly feel low in how things are currently playing out with the BRF. I suppose it just goes along with the trajectory of the world itself... 
I keep thinking back to this young optimistic girl all those years ago in 1981. Just out of college, a girlfriend and I had planned for almost a year to head across the pond from California and see the dream. Europe. And we were going to be in London for the royal wedding. In those days young people from all over the world would pack their backpacks, purchase various train passes, and tour on very little money all over the UK and the continent. 
The months came, we spent three in total, and had mapped it out carefully to be in London for the wedding day itself. I had for most of my young life been an art and history lover and I was in absolute heaven. Back then the city was not the same as in these times. I did see the changes darken slowly through the years as I traveled often, but there was a golden haze in 1981. Smiles, decorations, flags, and on every corner souvenirs. You felt so safe zipping around on the underground, all were kind, and London felt like my own personal playground. We all fell in love with Diana of course, she was the fairytale. And I became a royal watcher for the first time.
Through the years as I watched through the lens of my own busy life her boys were born, raised, the dramas and traumas ensued, and I can tell you exactly where I was when I heard of the crash and then her death. As I lived in California there was not much I could do to express my sorrow, so I hung flowers on my door. It was a terrible week, and I had not one girlfriend or acquaintance that did not feel exactly the same. 
Time passed, William married, and I got up in the middle of the night to watch and beam at my TV with happiness and pride. And I did the same for Harry. I was one of those that was so happy for him. Finally he met a woman to start a life with who loved serving it seemed, and he could set down roots and continue his role as a huge part of the Monarchy’s future.
Never, ever, ONCE did I ever imagine we would be where we are. What Harry has done has made Edward VIII look almost tame. It is beyond belief to me that a son of Diana would take these despicable actions onto a global stage and work to destroy a legacy spanning over a thousand years. 
I have been feeling depressed. I am in low spirits for these developments, and for our world in general. Gone now are the chances for optimistic youths to travel freely, learn in person, and experience life in different places and cultures. It was not perfect when I came up, but it was golden in my memories... And no one can take them away. I could cry right now in the joy of them. I was so blessed. Thank you God and my angels.
I just had to write. And wander. And grieve. And although William will never see this and that is fine... my thoughts are with him and his family daily. I pray he finds strength as he navigates these terrible days. I hope I am here one day to see the good that will come. May he stay safe and blessed.
Thanks to anyone who got through this. Hug your family. We are promised nothing. 
Done with the writing of it. I suppose I will feel better. But I doubt it. 
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simmerdowndee · 4 months
windenburg years special part four
Its our last day in Selvadorada. As for our plans today, Theo just wanted to go into town and shop at the marketplaces. I was expecting something of an activity but this works too. He can’t get mad when I bring home all kinds of souvenirs and jewelry. I found some beautiful art pieces I want to ship back to Windenburg for the house. Theo also found me this beautiful bracelet. We also made sure to eat from some of the street vendors we ran into, because you know me. I’m not turning down food. Theo tells me that we should head back to the room to get ready for our last night here. He has something special planned he says.
We arrive to a location that looks like its only trees and shrubbery.
Theo: Come here, you have to close your eyes.
Dakota: Uh okay.
We start to walk and it seems like it’s a bit away. I am not sure if I like walking with my eyes covered for so long.
Dakota: Are we almost there? Wait, it feels like sand now.
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Theo: Almost.
We finally stop walking. This is definitely sand. Did he find a beach?
Theo: You ready?
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Dakota: Yes.
He uncovers my eyes and I am about to pass the fuck out.
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Dakota: THEO!!!!!!!
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Dakota: Oh my god!!!
Theo: Here, come right there.
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Theo: Dakota, I love you so much. I can’t begin to explain how much you mean to me, and the joy you’ve brought me.
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Theo: I can’t imagine spending forever with anyone else but you baby.
I’m about to pass out from excitement.
Theo: Will you marry me, Dakota Faith Wiles.
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Theo opens the ring box. Holy shit its huge.
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Dakota: YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!
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The ring actually fits perfectly. Its so beautiful.
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Dakota: This is the best anniversary ever. Oh my god.
Dakota: I love you; I love you so much Theo.
Dakota: *SCREAMING*!!!!
Theo: I love you too babe.
Theo: I set it up days ago with the park manager. He even got some workers to help me.
Dakota: *SCREAMING*!!!
Theo: I won’t be able to hear you at the wedding if you keep doing that.
Dakota: I’m sorry babe, I’m so happy.
Theo: So am I. I love you.
Dakota: I love you too!!
I cannot fucking believe it. I should’ve known something was up when he didn’t say anything about today because he's a planner. This is really the best day of my life.
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Theo and I head back to the rental. We of course couldn’t just end the night by going straight to bed….
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I’M GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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apoptoses · 2 years
“Bold of you to assume either of them are willing to go to bed alone after Daniel is turned” precisely!!! There’s no way they’re letting go of each other now. Specially after Daniel moves into Trinity Gate, he obviously has a room of his own and has probably had it for years, perfectly decorated and neat in case he ever decided to drop by. So when they finally reunite he’s like “I mean it’s nice and all but why tf would I want a room of my own? Scoot over mf” and ever since that night Daniel’s been the unmovable pilar of the Armand bed pile. If you want to cuddle Armand you’ll have to cuddle Daniel Molloy and you will like it (they all do tbf after all he’s the one with the PhD in kissing and snuggling dead things). Also the proposal headcanons I’m deceased 🥹 Armandaniel shotgun Vegas wedding fic WHEN 😭 every single one of these is gold and I’ll cherish them forever tysm xoxo DA ♥️♥️
Dungeon anon 🥹
Exactly! Everyone has their 'own' room in Trinity Gate. That place has more bedrooms than a hotel, even Armand is hard pressed to remember how many are down in the basements. But Daniel's room is more craft room and than bedroom, and sometimes when the world is too much he goes in there to space out and be by himself. As far as sleeping goes you're totally right. The one and only time Daniel passed out in 'his' bed was when Armand interrupted him crafting, and things got handsy and well- neither of them made it back to Armand's bedroom by sunrise.
"the PhD in kissing and snuggling dead things" this is so accurate, I die. Sometimes Lestat shows up and tries to wedge himself in between them to be middle spoon, just because he enjoys being a pain in the ass (and he knows Daniel will humor him for at least fifteen minutes). But he's always punted back over to his side in the end. Too sharp of elbows, he's too warm, Daniel wants his man back.
I also like to imagine that after Daniel is turned and everyone is getting along at Trinity Gate they end up back in Vegas again. And like Ross and Rachel on Friends these ex-lovers-turned-back-to-lovers-again get shitfaced feeding on some drunks and well-
It happens again. Chapel of Love, 24 hours. It's not Elvis but a Dolly Parton impersonator that does the deed for them. Even Armand is clearly off his face in the photos on his phone. It's fun, it's silly, it's like replaying their past.
Except the next evening when they've sobered up Louis points out that same sex marriage is legal now, so this time their shenanigans are officially real. That's a folded up marriage certificate in Daniel's pants pocket, not a souvenir.
And that's how Daniel Molloy made an honest man of the most desired vampire in existence. The line to be Armand's secondary husband or wife is that way, folks. Daniel got there first ♥
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umichenginabroad · 8 months
Stockholm Week 3: Travel Preps!
Hej! I can’t believe it’s already February. Time flew by as I made more unforgettable memories in Stockholm :)
I am definitely getting more used to school and living like a local (we went through so much recycling in the past three weeks).
But for now, I'll dive right into my third week:
1/29 Mon: Freedom in Gamla Stan
During lunchtime, my friends and I visited Matchaya to get bubble tea and lunch. It was only a 10/15 minute walk from the DIS building! Very convenient. The bubble teas were AMAZING and the ramen was good too :)  
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My first bubble tea (Mango passion fruit) in Stockholm was a huge success <3 They put chunks of real mango in the drink too!!
I’ve always wanted to go back to Gamla Stan to go into some specific stores that I passed by when I was with my friends, hence I went to Gamla Stan again. Granted that I have been there multiple times now, I didn’t need Google Maps to use the metro or get to the stores. In a small souvenir shop, I found the perfect key chain for my housing key!
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It’s a tiny little fuzzy Viking friend! 
As I walked in the warm sunshine and the occasional breezes, I could feel the definition of peace of mind. It was exactly what I came to study abroad for and I was suddenly on the verge of tears due to pure happiness. It was an inexplicable moment :)
1/30 Tue: Searching for the One 
I had never imagined that finding a cream-colored puffer in XS size would be this hard.
There was this white jacket that I saw in UNIQLO during my arrival shopping, and it had been living in my head rent-free since then. I have visited other stores to look for jackets with similar properties but I never succeeded. Moreover, UNIQLO was out of the size I was looking for both online and offline. When I went to the website and applied the filters it said “VERY LOW STOCK” in the mall. I had no option other than to go to the Mall of Scandinavia to look for the exact jacket. I had to try!  
I took the astonishingly smooth commuter train for the first time, and it only took 25 minutes in total. Much to my joy, I was able to snatch the last one at the mall!
1/31 Wed: Let’s Book Everything 
I didn’t have any field trips today, so I had a great time waking up late in the morning (afternoon to be exact). 
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I appreciate the sun so much more than I did back in the States 
My roommate and I had a conversation the day before about going to Austria, Vienna together as a weekend trip. We searched through Ryanair (at 1 am) and found the best flight that perfectly suits our class schedules. It gets better: it was $65 per person for a round trip to Vienna! That’s what I call a deal.
Next, I called my dear college friends back home. They have been talking about going to London ever since my study abroad in Sweden was confirmed. My friend and I scheduled a time on Wednesday with Google Calendar (this is what we need to do when we each have 10 billion events going on in our lives) to finalize the trip. Again, Ryanair did its trick and I got my flights booked in an hour. 
** Ryanair is recommended if you are on a tight budget AND don’t have a lot of stuff! I’m only bringing my backpack since these are all weekend trips :)
My roommate and I also had a fabulous dinner, ramen. 
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As you can see from the photo, we had a feast
2/1 Thu: Self-Care Day
My morning film class was canceled today, so I had the pleasure of turning off all the alarms. For once I had plenty of time to make breakfast. 
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*・+:*。・ Golden French toast *。・:*+*
When I was done with my late afternoon three-hour core course, I really didn’t feel like doing anything. So I didn’t! 
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The view from the DIS building 
We just cooked together following an Instagram recipe
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(could have used thinner meat)
and watched Memento together. It played with my mind too many times… I highly recommend it + a video essay that unfolds the movie from a different perspective! 
2/2 Fri: Banksy!  
To make up for the work I didn’t do last night, I woke up at 5 am to finish my homework. 
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Sunrise view at 7:30 am 
After class, I briefly ate lunch and headed to The Mystery of Banksy.
I had no prior background knowledge about Banksy, which allowed the museum trip to be a fun learning experience. There was a lot more political and social criticism than I imagined in Banksy’s artworks. The pop-up ends on February 4th, so if you are interested check out the Banksy website! 
Here are the pictures we took: 
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My roomie even brought her camera!!! I was so jealous
2/3 Sat: Fika with Friends
Of course, I went to Gamla Stan again. I was invited for a fika brunch and there was no reason to say no.
We walked around until there were seats available at Fika and Wine.
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The food and the desserts were all flavorful. 
After devouring everything, we strolled around the city to digest. All four of us took pictures of each other at the same time and the conversations we had were too funny.
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So much laughter &lt;3
I started turning around and around while my friend was taking pictures of me - it resulted in me getting a new nickname of rotisserie chicken.  
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The picture depicts a chicken in the midst of rotating
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Your answer better be YES to this question!
Maybe it was the turns that led me to lose my transportation card. That’s right, I lost my 90-day SL card. Thankfully, I registered for the replacement guarantee during the first week because I knew it was bound to happen at some point (but not this early ;-; ). I went to the SL Customer Service Center in Central Station, near the T-Centralen metro station, and got my 90-day plan transferred into a new card for $2. 
Sending love to my roomie who stayed with me until the problem got fixed. Couldn’t have done it without you <3 
2/4 Sun: More Planning (Hopefully the Last)
I finally finalized all the details for my Spain trip during the Exploration Travel Week Break! I got the flight and the hotel in Barcelona, and I am extremely excited for this trip. Going to Spain has been on my bucket list for a while now, and I can’t describe how THRILLED I am. I will write more about it when the time comes :) 
My plans for the rest of today are doing more homework and maybe getting dinner with my friends at a Ghanaian restaurant. 
I hope you enjoyed my relaxing but vibrant third week! The past three weeks in Stockholm have been exactly what I came to study abroad for, and I wouldn’t change this experience with anything. 
I hope to share more of my everlasting memories with you!
Vi ses, 
Jiwoo Kim 
Chemical Engineering
DIS Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
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thefinalwitness · 9 months
l'aiha and y'shtola getting married is so fluffy and cute to me specifically because they don't really do most of it correctly. like. i like to think the marriage traditions in eorzea (and gridania specifically) are super different from those in sharlayan, and practically alien from those of miqo'te cultures in general. so for them getting married isn't like, this grand culmination of their love or anything, but more like partaking in a cultural tradition that isn't your own (but is openly shared with foreigners) for the novelty of it.
y'shtola introduces the idea right before carteneau less because it feels like something they Should or Have to do, and more because it's an interesting tradition she wants to experience first hand. it's like an extravagant date to her and l'aiha, really. they're legally married but they don't really have the mentality of being married, y'know. they were lovers before and they're still lovers after, it didn't really change or amplify anything other than it was fun to learn about a cultural tradition and the history that comes with it. but also they got cute jewelry, and i mean, look at them, these are women that like shiny bits to wear.
it's kind of a weird compromise between "i don't personally headcanon y'shtola or l'aiha as people who would Get Married for the reasons most people get married" and "i really really like the eternal bonding quests for the lore and i think they would too". like they didn't throw a wedding even, they got the documents certified and did the pilgrimage, but they didn't do the parts that are typically associated with celebrating the occasion. as an experience it was a little more like going to the grand canyon and getting souvenirs or like, a photo in one of those cardboard scenes you can stick your head through. fun! lots of cool history! a romantic subtext! but not A Wedding And Marriage, you know.
anyway i just think they're weird nerds with no particular interest in marriage beyond the novelty of it. to be honest i imagine them only getting the documents certified because the last time one of them was badly hurt and in gridania's care, the chirurgeons wouldn't let the healthy one visit the other. gridania seems like they'd have those sorts of restrictions. so like basically they got married for the novelty and tax benefits ADJSHDLHFGKK
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an-aura-about-you · 1 year
Hey! 👋🏻 Can you answer these questions from the “50 Questions Just Because”? #1, #8, #10, #14, #26, #33, #35, #49, and #50
Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️
Thank you for the ask! <3
What are three shows in your watchlist that you’ve been meaning to get to?
Funny that I come to this while I have my watchlist up! The first one on my list is finishing season 1 of UFOs. Besides that, probably just some of the many lecture series I have saved on Kanopy. I watched a few episodes about one on beer, and I watched one about violence in religion, and both of those seem interesting to pursue.
8. Do you collect anything? If so, what?
I collect pins! I have so many cute ones, and I'm always looking for more. Sometimes they add just the right touch to an outfit. I also have some rare pins, like a limited edition run of pins from a porn parody of Zootopia. (Yes, I occasionally shop at Bad Dragon.)
10. What’s your favorite kind of uquiz question? (Lyric, color, aesthetic, etc)
I'm just happy to be included. <3 But seriously, I really don't know. I guess my favorite kind is the unexpected/unusual one. So I guess none of the ones that fit the suggested ones?
14. What are some places where you feel most at home?
Primarily my condo, but also just the city where I live in general. I could have moved closer to my job, but I really didn't want to leave where I'm at, certainly not for something as fleeting as a job can be. I've been living in this area on and off for nearly 20 years now, and I can't really imagine living anywhere else right now. It's one of the most frustrating things about living in the southern US: it's actually very nice here except for the loud bigots hurting others and generally being awful and embarrassing.
26. Can you cook or bake? If so, what are some of your specialties?
The embarrassing thing for me is I went to culinary school specifically for baking, but I'm woefully out of practice. Some of that is not having to do it for a job anymore, and some of it is my disability making it difficult to do what I need to do for it. But I can bake a cake or cook a nice dinner with no problem. I like making what I call Lazy Wedding Cake, which is a traditional white cake with almond flavor and a cream cheese icing. The "lazy" part is that I just make it a sheet cake, no decorations or tiers, just a nice but simple cake.
33. Headphones or earbuds?
Headphones all the way. Earbuds hurt my ears. I mean, headphones do, too, but they do it less.
35. Describe your favorite stuffed animal, either now or from when you were a kid.
My favorite is a little anteater plush I got from the Memphis Zoo! We went there a few years back for my sibling's birthday, and I got it as a souvenir.
49. What’s your favorite thing to do when it’s raining?
This one I already answered, but to sum up: pajama day, comfort foods, and scary movies.
50. Describe your perfect sleeping conditions
It is nice and early for bed, it is cool enough that I can use my big soft comforter, the door is open so the cat can come and go as he pleases, I have no obligations the next morning, and it is softly raining.
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ironic-still-iconic · 2 years
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this book came with no tears, but had it not been for vonneguts whitty writing style, dark humor, and wild ass imagination it would’ve been a tale to cry over. lol, anywho, i finished it on like what, the 19th? idk.
i’ll start by saying, i’ve been wanting to read vonnegut for a while but had other books to read, whatever the excuse - towards the end of 2022 i bought vonnys book, while mortals sleep & it consisted of a bunch of his story stories… this was published post his death, so i read that book, one chapter/story a day & it was perfect bc it was finals week & it was just a taste.. but then it became the problem i had a peek into his mind & i wanted moooore! so i went to the library & used my snazzy new library card & checked out slaughterhouse five & wow.
so let’s dive in, *spoiler warning? probably*
this post may or may not be chronological, but i’ll do my very best..
& this is just a side note, but basically the first & last chapter (at least i thought, def the first idk last) was kurt himself talking to the reader, because it notes on ahh i always said i’d get around to writing an anti war book blah blah blah & i was never quite sure who tf was talking hahah it wasn’t until i read the last chapter that i was like omg wait, so i went back and reread the FIRST chapter and was like WAIT OMG OKAY it’s written on an entirely different plane than the rest of the novel, this is obvious… but i believe it might’ve been a tad autobiographical for ol vonnegut, but basically this first chapter tells us a few things, some war stories that were true(from the novel), like a guy he knew that was killed bc of a tea cup along with other tails. he then goes in to tell us exactly how this book will begin & exactly how it will end, he said
it stars like this: billy pilgrim became unstuck in time
it ends like this: poo-tee-weet
i thought nothing of this at first… when i went back and reread the first chapter i was overcome with the chillies bc it was all clear… but we are taken all over the place on this timeline hop of billy’s life.. this said “unstuck” billy finds himself in is him hopping between different periods of his life & he has no control over what period he finds himself in, because of this the novel is constructed in quite a chaotic way, short bits, some only being a paragraph or so that are dedicated to that memory from that period of life.
it’s hard for me to even gather the thoughts for all the places we know and see billy in - we see him in tralfamadore (where he was captive with that Montana gal) he’s at his wedding day, he’s being held captive during WW2, he’s in dresden, he’s in other parts of the war, he’s a kid, he’s going to optometrist school, he’s married, he has kids, he argues with the kids, he’s in a plane crash, his wife dies, it’s just ON AND ON - you’d think it would be trickier to follow along with, but it really wasn’t, maybe at first hehe.
a few things i want to note on & this is out of order bc it’s the smack last chapter & i can’t wait to get this all out, but basically, a few things you need to know from WW2, there was this guy enlisted that was way older, he was a school teacher.. every once and a while billy tells us that edgar derby dies, tragically being put on firing squad or whatever… come to find out it was him who (after the war) decided to keep this tea pot as a souvenir - they killed him. IT WAS HIM. the whole time we knew he died.. the whole time we knew a dude was killed over a tea pot, but HIM!? was not ready for that 😭😭
another wild little addition is how pilgrim dies… and it’s wild bc he knew it was his time so backtrack to the war, billy got shipped out with nothing, no weapon, no jacket, no damn shoes.. he got picked up & hauled along by 3 guys “the 3 musketeers” ol Weary called them, weary was the leader… the other two ditch them bc weary would never leave billy to die (god bless him) & the other two left or died or something - then weary and billy & all else were taken prisoner… on the cart ride, weary died & told everyone in his box that it was billy pilgrim to blame… lil ol Lazzaro italian, nothing but bones, swore he’d seek out revenge for weary… & the day came? as billy predicted & billy did not fear it, he accepted it & waited for the purple hummm - the assassin bullet the promise of over a 30y/o threat comes true… but as i mentioned billy knew this, he’d seen it all before, just like every other moment of his earthly life.. i believe that in that moment, billy gained the dignity he lacked throughout the whole novel.
“so it goes”
, one other thing i want to talk about. vonnegut used this phrase over 100 times in the book (i googled that & don’t remember the exact tehe) it was used after each death, after each moment of morality, oofta.
um, yeah… idk what all else to sum up… the book was so so good, wow, i would highly recommend ^_^ everything came so full circle & i never saw it coming. def heavy at times & had to put the book down once n a while to breath & process.
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Different Occasions Where You Might Need a Guest Book
You might have attended several occasions celebrations of your close ones. There might be a few elements you would have loved wanted to add to your special celebrations. You might have also seen people keeping a guest book at those events. It would have impressed you and others a lot. You can keep a guest book for baby showers and other events and create unforgettable memories. Here are some occasions where these guest books would do the magic.
Baby Showers:
You might be wondering why you should keep a guest book on an occasion like a baby shower. Guest books are like a souvenir as well. These books will take notes from everyone who attended the event celebrated the big days of your lives with you. Many women with experience with kids can share their insights on dealing with the next big thing in their life. Hence, these books are perfect for occasions like these. You can think about adding this element to your special days.
Your big day is always a special one. If you want your wedding memories to last, go with a wedding guestbook. Your guests will use this book to share their thoughts on your wedding day and give their best wishes blessings to you. They can even share moments from your wedding that they feel are worth mentioning through the wedding guest book. So, make sure to keep one at your wedding.
No one can imagine the pain suffering that one experiences during the loss of life of a close one. If you lost your parents or grandparents recently, you would be heartbroken. But amidst this suffering, you might have to arrange the funeral as well. So, make sure to keep a funeral guest book. In this book, people who knew that soul can share some good moments in their lives that you never got to know. This way, you can know how your parents grandparents lived their lives cherish those moments.
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Original Source: https://bit.ly/3YIvayO
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srslybusiness · 2 years
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you just have to be there
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infernalodie · 2 years
𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐬 || 𝐑𝐮𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭
“𝘔𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘋𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦“
Inspo: Keshi - Bandaids
(Also, I may have or may have not connected this story with my other fic that was requested, “Us.”)
Pairing: Rue Bennett x Black!Fem!reader
Summary: The trials and tribulations that you have gone through with Rue have all been for a reason. Just to show you loved her through thick and thin. But all of that can be turned onto it’s head when you spot the key differences as to how different things could change with time.
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Warning: Angst with characters aged up
Words 3179
There was a lot of things that could’ve gone right with a honey moon. Like, everything that involved it. A time for two newly weds to celebrate and spend time together. That was what a honey moon was about. It was one of the main things you were excited for. Having picked out this nice ass hotel in Honolulu right by the beach. Deciding to give Rue the chance to go to the beach with you if she ever wanted in the small time you two had in Hawaii.
Everything about this week of paradise and bliss was supposed to go good. It went well with everyone, besides your old friend back from East Highland along with Lexi. Hell, they didn’t even get to the point of being officially married before they separated. That had been the only rare occurrence that came to mind when a honey moon could go horribly wrong. That night for your friend, his movie debuting, that was practically a honey moon. Won an Oscar for the best movie of the year, but it had also been one of the worst experiences of his life.
But none of that dictated how you went through this week with Rue. Spending time to go around the city, explore what you two could in the time that you had. And sure, at the start, everything was fucking amazing. Going on little tours, seeing sights that both of you would’ve never imagined. Exploring the markets and buying small souvenirs to take home with.
But there was something. Something stirring underneath the surface of happiness that blanketed itself over the both of you. Like a rat inside the walls of your home, scratching to get free or it’s tiny little feet padding against the vents. It was faint but you could sense it, feel it occasionally.
It wasn’t often that you started to question and investigate further. When you found it to be nothing going on at home, you focused your attention on Rue. Often nights, the both of you sitting in silence as you occasionally worked late hours of the night. Whiskey in hand as you watched her silently prepare for bed.
Something in the way she walked. The way she did her hair and brushed her teeth told you something was wrong. It became all the more apparent with the week slowly dissipating to a head. The last night with you sitting on the couch in your large suite with a whiskey in hand. Watching your wife roam around the hotel room with something surrounding her aura.
“You’re angry.”
Rue stopped short of the bathroom, glancing over at you and forcing a smile. “I’m fine.”
As she entered the bathroom, you placed your glass down beside your computer that was opened on a script for your next movie you would be starring in. It had been at the back of your mind most days until the late nights where you studied it and mastered each line and scene you were in. When you got back from your honey moon, you would be filming in New York, so that made it easier because it would just be leaving yours and Rue’s apartment, film for most of the day and then go home to your wife.
When she emerged from the bathroom, you stood up. Adjusting the cuffs on your button up shirt as you said, “Rue, I can tell somethings eating away at you,” you stated. “What’s wrong?”
“Baby,” she let out a chuckle, “I’m fine. Just focus on your work. You have to be ready for that when we get back to New York.”
You raised a brow, not buying her false assurance’s. She was deflecting and you had seen it enough in Highschool and the time of you two being together. So, you followed her to the kitchen with your brow still raised and hands rolling up the sleeves on your shirt. “Rue, we both know that you ain’t fine, so just tell me what it is.”
“I told you, I’m fine,” she repeated. “What’s crawled up your ass to start questioning me?”
“Hmm, let me see,” you mocked a look of thought before snapping your finger. “Oh, yeah. I’ve been with you long enough to see when something is bothering you. The way you walk, the way you talk, even how you fucking brush your teeth is a dead give away.”
“Maybe your reading too much into it.”
“No, I don’t think that’s true because my observations have helped us in the past, baby,” you explained. “So, I think I know when I’m reading too much into something and when I’m not. So stop with all this deflecting bullshit and just tell me what’s wrong.”
Directness had been your shining feature and also curse as sometimes, you didn’t know when to just shut up and ease back on your words. But in other cases, your directness had helped the process of not beating around the bush. It was one thing Rue loved the most about you because you didn’t sugar coat anything. In this certain situation though, she despised it.
“Y/n, I’m going to tell you this, alright?” She sighed, bracing her hands to the kitchen island diving the both of you. “If we go into this, nothing will go well for either of us tonight. Let’s drop it before it get’s to that.”
“So, you’re angry.”
“Wow, look at you,” Rue mocked. “You paid attention. Good for you.”
“Don’t fuckin’ patronize me, Rue,” you said, following your girl as she walked out of the kitchen and towards the bathroom. “This bullshit you’re pulling on the last night of our honey moon isn’t fucking needed. And the fact that you have the fucking balls to say that we shouldn’t talk about whatever the hell is bugging you is also bullshit. That’s how a fucking relationship is ruined.”
Rue let out a humorless laugh. “Oh, so you’re a love guru or some shit now?” She asked. “You want to know what’s bothering me, Y/n? It’s your fucking work.”
A flabbergasted look took hold of your face as you stared at your wife in utter confusion and disbelief. “That’s it?” You asked, a short laugh slipping past your lips. “My work is what is fucking bothering you? The fact that I can pay for this beautiful fucking suite and the fact that we have a nice ass home back in New York? My work is what is keeping us alive and that your fucking problem?”
“Yes, it is.”
You let out a laugh of disbelief turning and running a hand through you h/c hair. “You are fucking impossible, Rue,” you muttered. “Everything I do doesn’t seem to be enough. You always have to hang your expectations over my fucking head when I’ve given you everything you’ve ever wanted.”
“When all you talk about your work it becomes quite fucking suffocating, Y/n,” Rue spat.
There was brief moment of silence as you clung onto her words. Slowly turning to her with your lips curling into a smile of realization. Eyes squinting as you pointed at her accusingly as she took her earrings out. “So, that’s what this is about?” You asked. “The fact that you weren’t able to get noticed and the roles like me?”
“I never said that.”
“But, with my work being so suffocating to you, it leave you frustrated and resentful, right?” She didn’t answer. “Which either means I’m not bringing enough to the table or your fucking jealous. So, which one is it, Rue?”
Rue sighed, placing both her hands on the bathroom countertop and turned her head to you. “Both.”
“Are you fucking serious?” You asked, completely confused. “I’m not bringing enough to the table and your fucking jealous? It’s not my fucking fault that you gave up every chance you ever had at this job. So, don’t you fucking dare go there. I promise you, it’s not something you want.”
When you turned to walk back to your computer, already fed up with the night, Rue was close in tow. Unable to hide the fact that her stubbornness was feeding her pride to just shut up and not continue the fight. But she couldn’t help it.
“Why’s that?” She questioned.
“Just trust me, you don’t,” you sighed, moving back to the couch and taking a sip of your Whiskey.
“Why’s that?” She repeated.”
“Because even if you do, you’re not thinking clearly or ahead.”
She stood on the opposite side of the coffee table, hands on her hips as she glared at you. “I think I’m thinking clearly.”
You shook your head. “No, you aren’t,” you replied. “Most times, your mind works in beautiful ways and your thoughts are amazing. But trust me, right now, you aren’t.”
“Huh, well, I do have a slightly masochists streak.” She snarked.
A laugh slipped past your lips, taking another small sip of your drink. “But you aren’t a fucking idiot.”
Rue let out a scoff. “Wow, thank you.” She said sarcastically.
“Yeah, don’t mention it,” you spat.
“Don’t fucking act like a bitch and patronize me and tell me I gave up something when all you care or think about is your work.”
“Oh, so you gave up acting to become an emotional fucking support dog, right?” You questioned. “Because that was your only viable option from house wife or fucking child therapist, huh?”
She stared at you with eyebrows scrunching together with a scowl forming on her face. From all the things that could’ve been said tonight, that so far had to be the worst.
At this point, it was just the two of you taking shots at one another in hopes of hurting the other. Hoping to win the last word as you two were painfully obnoxiously stubborn and seeking to win any fight that the two of you were in. The gloves always had to come off and it fucking sucked that it had to happen now. Of all the times, it was happening on the last night of your guys’ honey moon.
“Fuck you, Y/n!” She yelled. “You are a bitch and fucking ugly inside, Y/n!” She turned, starting to walk back to the bathroom where she had started the bath.
“Oh, go fuck yourself, Rue!” You got up from the couch and began to follow her. “Rue, when I met you, you were a fucking pilled-out disaster of a human being!”
“Fuck you!”
She closed the door behind her, but you still followed. “When I met you, you were barely 15 years old,” you stated. “Couldn’t hold a conversation without noddin’ off, or passing out, or breaking down. Don’t act like the past five fucking years of us being together has made you become so enlightened that I fucking...” You turned the door handle, finding it to be locked. Leading to you using your shoulder and busting it open. Finding the girl in the bath staring blankly ahead of her. “...forgot the old you.”
You stood beside the bath, staring at her with a fuming look in your eyes. Chest heaving in aggravation as your growled in annoyance. “Does it look like I don’t want you to have a life?” You asked. “To be happy and do the things that you want to do? I do! You know why? Because I’m terrified you’re going to hang everything on mine. And when God forbid, I talk to you about the movies and show's I’m working on, showing you how excited I am for them, you fucking bottle that shit up and let it burst on the week that should be the greatest week of our lives.”
Running a hand through your hair, you shook your head with the back of your thumb pressing to your eyelids. “Stupid bit...” You held your tongue, sighing in frustration.
“Y/n, I want you to leave the bathroom.” Rue’s words only aggravated you more. You knew you should just listen. Just leave the bathroom and deal with this another time. But she’s already ruined the night, right? Why not just fucking make it worse because nothing worse can happen then the fact that she’s burned any piece of happiness you had left for this honey moon.
Pacing back and forth as you waved to her in dismiss. “Oh, shut the fuck up, Rue!” You exclaimed. “You know, I get it, I do. You have pain and fucking disappointment and dreams from your life. But that doesn’t give you the fucking right to be such a fucking asshole and make me out to be the villain.”
You let out a laugh, motioning around you. “I mean, look at the fucking suite I got us with the money from my work!” You told her. “What’s bullshit, Rue? What’s a fucking cop-out to make me feel like shit? The fact that you think everything I do is so fucking suffocating! I got us a fucking mansion in New York! I got us this fucking suite! What more could even fucking want? Pick a fucking room and get to work at your craft! I am not in charge of everything you fucking do! That is based on your ability and your fucking worth ethic! I’m not Gia or fucking Leslie! This is your life, not mine! So stop blaming me for your inabilities to get your shit together!”
By the time you were done, you were panting for air. Falling to a knee as you held your head in your hands. Your throat was burning from the pure stress you had put on your vocal cords. The constant yelling from you and Rue had included a little care package of a throbbing headache to appear.
But Rue watch you with tears in her eyes. Feeling all the more guilty when you looked up at her with a hand clasped over your mouth. Tears streaming down your cheeks as you shook your head. A laugh slipping past your lips as you crawled to edge of the bathtub and sitting up on the balls of your feet in a crouch.
“I checked you into rehab,” you began. “I went to group therapy with you. I’ve been with you. I fucking supported you every single step of the way when I shouldn’t have. When you were depressed, when you were on so many meds you couldn’t fuck for half a year, I was there for you. When you relapsed, I was there for you.”
You felt you heart ache at the pure unmoving love you had showed Rue through the years. From Highschool to the present, everything she had done, you had been there with her. Supporting her through thick and thin. You had gotten some in return, you wouldn’t lie about that. But had any of it even been real? After all, she had said she felt suffocated by your work and didn’t feel like you were putting on the table. So what had been true and what hadn’t? That was the main question floating around in your head.
“When we moved to New York with Jules letting us stay at her place for a few weeks and I went out to my first audition, right?” You laughed, tilting your head and glared at your wife. “You remember that? I was gone for two hours and I came home to you two fucking. Guess who was there for you?” You slapped your hand against your chest. “This bitch right here!”
That day still played out in your head vividly. A fucking movie of heartbreak and betrayal at it’s finest. A jaw dropping scene where you had been the victim of cheating and through it all, you forgave her. You two stayed at Jules with obvious tension in the air, but you dealt with it for her. For all you knew, she could’ve still been having sex with Jules whenever you left for food or whatever. A selfless piece of yourself being handed to Rue despite it all because you loved her for who she was. You loved her more than anything in this fucking world and she’d made your life the epitome of a tragedy.
The bathroom was engulfed in a silence that left you shaking your head and standing to your feet. Backing up until you leant against the bathroom counter. “I think about that day a lot, you know?” You muttered. “I think about the fact that I still kept you around because of the fact that I loved you and wanted nothing more than to have a family with you.”
You sighed, looking up at the ceiling with a shake of your head. Laughing slightly as Rue stared at you quietly, holding back any sobs that tried to pry themselves free from her lips. Resorting to sniffles and quiet whimpers.
“And it’s embarrassing because I could’ve have had a happier life without you,” you stated. “You made me shameful by the fact that I even considered the idea of ending it there and then. Hell, maybe I would’ve been fucking Lexi’s ex-fiancé and we could’ve made a movie about the pain you bring into everyone’s fucking life.”
“Now you’re being cruel,” Rue murmured, sniffling.
“Yeah,” you agreed. “But have you ever walked in on your lover cheating on you while you were aspiring your dreams? Hoping to get the big job that could financially set you two ahead to the point that you won’t have to live in some bummy ass apartment?”
Her lack of a reply had you nodding to yourself. “That, right there, is the fucking definition of fucking cruelty,” you stated. “Google it. I’m sure your fucking name will be the top fucking reference.”
As soon as that left your mouth, you walked out of the bathroom. Slamming the door behind you and leaving Rue to break down into sobs as she brought her knees to her chest. Staying in a pit of her own sorrows for what felt like hours. And when she finally emerged from the bathroom, she hesitantly peeked out. The hotel room was painfully silent. A few lights turned off and a few places where you had been cleaned up.
Her wet feet padded against the floor, echoing through the place as she made her way to the bedroom. Finding no sign of you anywhere to be found. All that she could find was a stack of cash and a small note left on the bed. She walked over and picked up the note.
‘I can be your guardian angel if you won’t be mine. Take the cash and go home Rue. Money will be left there for you to keep yourself in check for bills for next month or so. From there, your life isn’t in my hands anymore.’
A tear dripped down wetting the piece of paper and seeping through. Rue took a deep breath in before letting out another fit of sobs. For all your relationship, you guys had been putting bandaids on every problem. But that wasn’t going to work now.
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bansept · 2 years
Heya! Love your blog!! Since your open for asks I wanted to ask (lol) if you had any IchiHime relationship headcanons?? I am DEPRIVED of good IchiHime stuff rn
Hey! Thank you! It's always a pleasure to read people like my blog dbjdnsks
As for some Ichihime relationship headcanons... Hm let's see
If we take it to the canon timeline, so Ichigo asking for more time with Orihime after the RR wedding, then we can imagine they dated for a short while before they got married and had Kazui.
With that, I think :
They dated for a few months, almost a year, before Ichigo just realized "Yup, that's the one" and got the ring out
They spent all their time together, if not physically then on their phones, due to different colleges/formation
When they could get together they would snuggle a LOT and just lay on a sofa or a bed to cuddle
Of course, they spent time with Ichigo's family, and he was bothered at first (because they can be annoying and he didn't want them to scare his girlfriend off)
Of course Orihime got along with everyone even more
They cooked together, which was never Ichigo's strong point (or a point at all) and the crazy dishes they created were scrumptious. Delicious. Heavenly
Orihime sold her apartment and they bought their own, not too far from the clinic, thanks to Ichigo's savings and Orihime's latest salaries at the bakery
Their apartment was cosy, a bit small, but it didn't quite matter. It was their first home together and they decorated it with soft colors, and souvenirs and plenty of useful and not so useful little objects
It has some plushies given by Rukia too, but Ichigo just put them on the side
Soon enough, their relationship was getting stronger and they grew more confident, less codependent and deeper in love than before
That's when Ichigo proposed
After the wedding, Orihime discovered she was pregnant
It's official that Kazui was conceived on Ichigo's birthday so you bet it was quite the party
One of the pregnant couple's idea was to get a cat during Orihime's pregnancy
So they got the cutest calico cat
Her name is Munchkin
Ichigo got his work, Kazui was there, and so when they got enough money, they bought a house
Kazui's arrival was well taken, although they figured they would have to wait for another kid
They were still young, they still wanted to enjoy their time together, when the baby was sleeping
And when he was growing, they joked around, taught him a lot of things, but not too much supernatural stuff
Orihime got her job, and I insist that Ichigo rubs her back whenever she comes home to help her relax
On her days off, Orihime sits next to Ichigo, getting English lessons for free or simply minding her own business next to her beloved husband
When they dated they were always tangled up together, but now as a married couple they have time with friends without the other, going shopping or eating a meal with a loud friend who opened his ramen restaurant
Kazui is the most important part of their lives now, although they will still take the time to be just them at a diner
Basically, their relationship goes from very shy and needing the other around to confident and adult, where they love to be together, heck, they live together, but they have the liberty to go be with anyone anywhere.
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shintin · 2 years
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Forget Me Not: Chapter 30 (Red Wedding)
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↳ Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
Description: Imagine that from the moment you opened your eyes into this world, you had no choice but to kill and shed the blood of others, that you had to fight alongside Toji Fushiguru and die with him
What would you do when they force you to do something you don’t like? When the torment of conscience presses on your throat, will you give up? Now think about a day that life gives you another chance; how would you use it?
This is the story of a murderer who seeks salvation. Will she find it in the arms of Satoru Gojo? Or will pain find her sooner than redemption and drive her out of heaven forever?
Genre: heavy angst, sad love story, maybe tragedy, violence, lonely hearts, broken souls, +18. Tags/Warnings: NSFW contents (pure smut).
Author Note: I can't believe i wrote +10k words of angst, fluff and smut, again. by the way, as i had promised, i will update Her: A Memoir very soon.
Song Recommendation: Calum Scott - You Are The Reason
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Chapter index -> Next chapter
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Year: 2019
Day 0
The old clock chimed five times, and the sound resonated in the silence. It was the end of another warm summer day. The sun had long since hidden behind the clouds out of the window, leaving the sky alone with crimson red reflections. The leaves were motionless, and the crickets' chirping could be heard below the tree.
The leather squeaked as the weight on the couch was shifted. The man with white hair got up and walked towards the window, making the wooden floor under his black shoes creak. Why was he wearing black from head to toe? Was anything important about to happen? Or did it happen before?
He placed his hands in his pockets and looked at the scenery, lost in the rhythmic percussions of the river water. His eyes were steady on the horizon, face aglow with the last orange rays before down. His lips bore the semblance of a smile, just enough to show that he was enjoying his thoughts, whatever they were.
When the newspaper flipped, the white-haired man remembered that he was not alone in the room. However, it made no difference to him.
"Are you nervous, Satoru?" The blond man inquired, his eyes still locked on the words of the Financial Business Journal.
Satoru rolled his eyes, and with his hands still in his pockets, he turned to the coach and threw himself on it. "Nope," he crossed one leg over another and stared at the man in front of him. "I'm boreeeeeed. Come on! Would you say something interesting?" He hung his head off the couch, and his white hair slipped from his forehead in the opposite direction. An old scar could be seen above his left eye if one looked closely. A souvenir from a distant memory. A memento from the first time he met Y/N. How romantic.
Nanami sighed and continued reading the article without paying attention to him. Again. After all, ignorance was the best defense against the man-child. The pleasant silence, however, didn't last long. Suddenly, as if the light bubble above Satoru's head had lit up, he clapped his hands. "All right! I got it!" He yayed, "let's play catch with discarded rice balls while discussing the separation of church from the state while filming it and posting it online to troll people!" He was all excited over his brilliant idea, to be honest.
Nanami turned the page without giving it a thought. "You can enjoy it on your own," and he thought about how Y/N tolerated his bizarre ideas. Was love such a strong feeling that people turned a blind eye to idiocy?
"Oh, buzz killer!" Satoru rubbed his forehead, but suddenly he fucking started clapping again. Another brilliant epiphany. "Drinking game time!" He clapped above his head again as if trying his best to make the poor man increasingly irritated. "Name the things you love about the great Satoru Gojo!" He paused a little, "Everythiiing!" Not sounding childish at all.
The 7:3 sorcerer frowned. All he wanted was a quiet time, but nope, that wasn't going to happen. "You keep thinking that way, Satoru," Nanami checked him out of the corner of his eyes. "You seem really happy for someone who does things behind his girlfriend's back."
Satoru's face turned gloomy, and his hands dropped. His gaze fixated on his friend's face. Yes, both had done something without letting Y/N know, and it sounded like Nanami wasn't happy with their secret. He folded his arms, "I didn't want to hide it from her, but there wasn't any other way to find out." Thank goodness, at least he knew what he had done was wrong. "Are you going to tell her?" Blue eyes were rummaging through the greens.
"I haven't told her yet. Knowing Y/N, she'll feel betrayed." Finally, Nanami put that damn newspaper down.
Satoru relieved, folded his hands behind his head while stretching his legs onto the table. "I'm glad I left you in charge of it."
"But are you sure you want to withhold the test results?" Nanami wasn't going to give up. "Y/N and Yuji's DNA had over 90 percent similarities."
"We are not sure," Satoru closed his eyes.
"We used both hair and saliva on the toothbrush. The outcome was the same both times," he said, leaning over his chair.
"You're expecting me to believe they are blood relatives? Siblings or Mother/Son?" It was too much to digest. Satoru rubbed his eyelids. That issue has been bothersome for some time now, and unfortunately, there was no way to find out the truth.
"Are you a moron, or do you like to act like one?" Nanami massaged his forehead. Why on earth, he was the one who had to deal with him. "She and Yuji cannot be a mother and child. Yuji was born in 2003, whereas Y/N was revived in 2005 by Toji."
"We know nothing about her biological nature. What's more, I don't want Higher Ups to take advantage of this information." He turned his head and stared at the ceiling. No matter how much he wanted, he couldn't deny the profound connection between Y/N and Yuji. He could clearly see that the two were like a family. Especially the fact that she suddenly appeared outside the school gates, right when Yuji was on the brink of death.
But on the other hand, there was no logical justification for the test results. He took a deep breath. Even the reverse cursed technique was incapable of healing his headache now.
"But Y/N deserves to…"
"What do I deserve, Kento?" Y/N inquired curiously as she walked into the common room with Shoko and plenty of shopping bags in their hands.
Satoru looked at Nanami, tilted his head slightly, and rose rapidly to walk towards her, "you deserve a good-looking boyfriend like me!" He put his hand on her shoulder, drew her closer, and gave her a loud kiss on the cheek. She quickly lowered her head and feigned to move the shopping bags, but in reality, she just wanted to hide her shock and red cheeks. Publicly displaying affection was not her cup of tea. She still had to grow accustomed to his antics.
"Ewww, get a room!" Shoko said and rolled her eyes while removing her heels and throwing them in a direction. She leaned over the chair next to Nanami and began to rub her achilles.
"You're both late! I was about to be bored to death!" Satoru leaned his chin on Y/N's head, totally ignoring her round eyes.
"Ask your dear girlfriend! She forced me to walk to your silly favorite bakery!" Shoko tossed a package at Satoru, and he quickly caught it in the air.
"You got me kikufuku mochi?" The edamame and cream flavor?" He turned Y/N and looked at her with wide puppy eyes. If no one knew him, they would think he was nine, but the said man, as tall as a poplar, had acquired his reputation for being a tremendous sweet tooth. Y/N smiled and nodded in response. "You're the best, Y/N!" His hand slipped through her hair, and another kiss was swiftly placed on her head.
As if a bucket of ice had been poured on her head, she stood there frozen and watched her boyfriend opening the box of sweets with excitement no human being had ever witnessed. Nobody knew it, but seeing Satoru happy and hearing his laugh were some of those things that made Y/N able to forgive herself a little bit for her mistakes. Because of those mistakes, she was standing there now with her heart filled with hopes.
See, the shit she had been through, most people never knew pain like that. They never would. And if they did, it would end them. She had drowned in pain, but had kept on surviving. Because once she made it through a storm like hers... she had become the storm. It exploded into pieces and put them together into a whole. Now the question is, what was so powerful as to break broken things again? Seeking an answer? It's Love. Love, and love.
Satoru finished eating his fourth mochi and licked his fingertips. "Okay! You earned my forgiveness for letting me rot down here with Kento!
Nanami raised his eyebrow while crossing his arms, "trust me, I'm not interested in babysitting either, but Yaga asked me to accompany him to the meetings with Higher Ups." He turned his face to get Y/N's approval, but his frown disappeared when he saw a smile on her face, and it didn't take long for a similar smile to be copied on his lips.
But to see Kento Nanami, the former salaryman, smiling was an odd phenomenon that occurred perhaps once every 100 years, and the six eyes of Satoru Gojo did not fail to grasp that precise moment where his girlfriend, his love, his myth, his treasure, and his woman was the reason for his friend's fucking smile. Satoru shook his head. He had to keep his demons quiet. Nope! That wasn't a possibility, was it? He stared at Y/N who was looking for something in the shopping bags. She was his. She belonged to him. Only him. For eternity.
Shoko's eyes moved from Satoru to Kento to Y/N, biting her lip. "What was the meeting about?" Her question blotted out the dark thoughts of Satoru. He diverted his gaze from the Y/N to Shoko. "Same old, same old. They wanted to send me on a mission on the wedding day! Can you believe it?"
"I had no idea how eager you were to attend Utahime’s wedding!" Shoko wrapped the tip of her hair around her finger and peeked at Nanami from the corner of her eye. Everything seemed normal again. Kento was busy with his phone.
"I'm one of her best friends! You bet I'll be there for her!" Satoru grinned. The undoubted irony was obvious.
"You're her best friend? You? Out of all people?" Y/N, holding a small pocket in her hand, raised her head and looked at Satoru with disbelief.
"Okay! Busted! I'm not interested in the wedding! I'm just glad we're going away for a while," he looked at Y/N and smiled. It was their first travel together. "I even booked the plane tickets!"
"We are flying there?" Y/N asked the question out of the blue, and everybody stared at her with surprise.
"Baby, are you expecting me to sit on the train for 25 hours to get to Okinawa?" He shook his head in opposition. "If you're afraid of flying, you can hold my hand," he winked at her.
Y/N opened her mouth to say something, but then pressed her lips and started playing with the folds of the mysterious pocket on her hand. She was embarrassed that she had never gotten on an airplane. But to be frank, she never needed it. Anyone who was to be killed was within reach without a plane. Ah! Why did she suddenly think about those days? The past was past. She was a better person now. She had changed. She lowered her head, and her eyes fell on a drop of blood that flowed from her hand on the floor. She raised her hand to check it out. Oddly enough, there was no sign of a cut. Where did the blood come from?
Nanami was the first to notice the anxious look on her palm. "Is everything alright?"
She quickly fisted her hand, looked up, and smiled. "Yeah...yeah," she rechecked the floor. Another drop of blood came in. "I purchased the DVD of Jennifer Lawrence's latest movie. I will give it to Yuji," she said in an attempt to conceal her delusion. "I'll see you around."
Nanami turned his head towards Satoru after Y/N mentioned Yuji's name, but he appeared to be drowning in deep thoughts. Ah, the poor sorcerer did not know that the demons of his friend had risen and that he was at war with them.
"Y/N? Wait! Let me come with you. Satoru stood up rapidly, marching toward her and wrapping his arm around her waist. He made sure to wave at Shoko and not look at Nanami's face before they walked out of the room.
Day 1
The waves collapsed, and the sea foam danced wildly before retreating into the endless expanse. The seagulls shouted back at the roaring ocean, and the peaceful lullaby filled the beach. The sun shone upon clouds, kissing his skin, and the world seemed to stand still.
Satoru was seated there, wearing his sunglasses and a white linen shirt unbuttoned with his black swimming trunks. The fine grains of sand felt warm beneath his feet as his gaze shifted from sand to stone, from puddles of rock to breaking waves and her—his beloved.
Under the summer sunshine, he had the impression that he was swimming in déjà vu. Old memories of a few years ago popped up in front of his eyes. He and Riko Amanai laughed about the sea cucumber they found amongst the rocks.
Those were the days. Oh yes, those were the days. They thought they would never end. They would sing and dance forever, and one day, they would live the life they chose. They thought they would fight and never lose.
Those happy times. When Riko was still alive, Suguru had not yet committed the massacre, nor had life begun to crumble.
Satoru closed his eyes and breathed deeply. It has been years since that incident, and he had to stop blaming himself. He needed to forgive himself. His heart ached, and, like the man caught in the storm, he sought his mermaid because she was the only way for him to escape through every storm.
There she was. Y/N didn't have those mesmerizing colorful flakes, but she was shining like nothing he had ever seen before with her white summer dress. The way the light was hitting her skin was like magic. She had a smile on her face, and bliss were vibrant in her face. She shone in such a way that Satoru couldn't lose her in the crowd.
She was sitting with a little boy on the sandy beach. The child was waving his hands enthusiastically in the air, and it was clear that he was describing something exciting for her. Y/N also appeared happy to spend time with the boy. Because she never looked away from the child's face and confirmed his words with the motion of her head. A breeze blew in her hair every now and then, and she carelessly pulled her hair behind her ear.
He had never been religious, but he could swear he had found his God when touched her. Her lips tasted of something heavenly. Her skin was a little too soft to be a human, and the way she looked in his eyes. She was ethereal. He worshipped her with his hands, his lips, his tongue.
It was funny. Others thought that their being together was sinful. Their kisses, desire, and love would send them to hell. But he knew the truth. They were holy. They must be. For she was a god, and she thought he was the one too.
"How come you're smiling like a fool?" Shoko tossed her purse beside Satoru. She spread her beach towel beside her friend and lay there.
Satoru leaned on his elbow, "just thinking," he looked at her face and smiled.
Shoko asked no questions. She turned around and watched the scene before her. Befriending Satoru had taught her to be patient. She was sure that if anything had occupied his mind, sooner or later, he would share it with her at the right time and in the right place.
The little boy seemed to have found a seashell in the sand and gave it to Y/N to put on her ear. Probably that boy figured out she was in love with the ocean as well. Smart kid.
And the Satoru of the story couldn't stop and imagine what it would be like if he were there with them as well, and that boy was their son. The three could build sandcastles together, laugh and joke like a family. He could teach his son how to throw a rock to jump over water many times. He could then step aside, hold Y/N's hand, kiss her temple and allow the smell of her hair to make him drunk. They could look together at their son throwing stones into the sea. Both could have something they never had together—a home.
"Shoko, I think I'm falling in love." Satoru's voice could be heard across unhappened memories.
Shoko put her sunglasses on her hair and lifted herself slightly out of the ground. "I thought you were already in love."
"Yeah, I am," he smiled, "and I feel like I want to have my own family."
"I thought marriage was not something written in your book." It was one of those conversations. Shoko had to have her cigarettes. Immediately.
"It wasn't, but now it is." He glanced over his shoulder at Shoko, then turned and watched the little boy and Y/N again.
"Do you know that your family will never be safe?" Her wandering hand finally found the cigarette and the lighter in the bag.
"Do you think Y/N and I aren't strong enough to deal with it?" It was the first time Shoko saw Satoru relying on anyone other than him.
"Are you sure?" She lit her cigarette and noticed Satoru's glare. "I mean, she's been injured many times in recent missions, and they're not healing fast." The best thing about Shoko was that she had always supported her friends. No matter how bad their decisions were. And now she wasn't going to tell him that he might be acting hastily, maybe he should think more about marrying a former killer, maybe things wouldn't work out the way he planned. But she didn't. She didn't say anything because she was always there to support her friends. Even in their worst nightmares.
Satoru let out a sigh. "She's just worn out." Higher Ups are roasting her. She'll be fine if she gets her rest. He straightened his legs and leaned over one of his arms.
Shoko didn't get surprised. Not even a little. She smoked her cigarettes and stared at Y/N in her white dress. Had she changed her mind about having children? She poked her cigarette again and let the warm smoke fill her lungs and burn her throat. "Have you talked about this with her?"
"I think she wants the same thing as me." His fingers were sketching vague patterns across the sand.
"You think?" She tapped her cigarette and poured its ashes onto the sand beside his.
"She's not on birth control pills," he covered the ashes with sand, "the number of pills in the drawer never decreases." He couldn't keep his lips from turning into a smile.
And Shoko saw it. A slight glimmer of hope warmed his being. So she had changed her opinion. "Good. She deserves a fresh start." She turned her sunglasses on her eyes and went down again, while Satoru remained as he was and waved to Y/N, who was watching them now.
Y/N's hair moved such as soft beach grass in the wind. Back and forth, revealing and hiding the shades of her eyes. She was in love with the ocean, but there were other things she loved even more than the boundless seas. Him. Him and him.
She felt Satoru's gaze upon her. She raised her hand to wave back, but suddenly she stopped.
Plip, plop…plip…plop…plip…plop
A small stream of blood flowed from her palm, leaving trails on her wrist and forearm. She gulped and turned around her hand. Again, no trace of a cut or any wound. She glanced at the little boy by his side to see if he was scared of blood or not, but he seemed indifferent. He even smiled, and gave her a spatula to help her make a sandcastle. Like there was no blood on her hands.
Plip, plop…plip…plop…p…li…p…p…lo…p
Day 2
In the room
The white lashes slowly parted, and the blue pupils regained their sight in broad daylight. Indentations on the pillow and wrinkles on the bedding said she had woken up long before he did.
Satoru did not move and watched her empty spot next to him for some time. Emptiness, coldness, and loneliness were three words that made his mouth bitter. He didn't need the experience to find out. Nope. He couldn't stand her not being around.
He sighed. 'Where is she?' He heard the sound of the faucet closing, and within seconds later, a crack in the bathroom door followed the initial sound. A big smile slipped across his lips. She was there. With him. As always.
Satoru glided gently over the pillow, and his face turned to the sound resource—to her. Y/N was wearing a white towel, tiptoeing from one side of the room to the other.
His smile grew wider. She didn't want to awaken him. His eyes followed her as she did her best to gently pull the drawer without making a noise to find the hairdryer. The drops of water were dripping slowly from her wet hair.
Plip, plop…plip…plop…pli…p…p…lop
If a beam of light could weave itself into a strand, it was her hair. He always felt it glowed from the inside instead of relying on the sunshine. It was as if the universe had conjured her matter in a ripple of a big bang explosion in the way she had stars in her eyes and galaxies in her heart.
Too bad no one had taken much interest in astronomy those days, or else someone would have noticed how her smile was brighter than the moon or how her laugh sounded like stars being born. Oh, God! Every time he looked at her, meteors were shooting through the sky of his heart.
He leaned quietly over the headboard, breathing in the air, listening carefully, and enjoying the miracle in front of him.
He looked at her and couldn't understand how someone before him hadn't seen what he was seeing now. He could not comprehend how no one before him had realized an entire magnificent universe hidden within her, how anyone could look at her and not find all they had sought in a single human being.
And to be fair, he was pleased they were idiots. Because if they had looked enough to see all those things in her, he would never have been able to do that.
Y/N had finally pulled the hairdryer out of the drawer when she suddenly sensed someone was behind her. The person felt warm and familiar. He felt solid and safe.
Satoru put his arms around her waist and tightened his grip. She felt his hot breath upon her neck. A soft kiss. Then a sultry voice whispered close to her ear, "I missed you." He kissed her neck, her earlobe, and her temple.
She giggled against his kiss. He adored that sound. "What's so funny?" He asked, unable to keep the incredibly pleased grin from hearing her laughter off his face.
"You just saw me a few hours ago. I was literally sleeping next to you." She leaned onto his bare chest. She felt blessed.
He shook his head, "I saw you 5 hours ago. That's not a few. It's a fucking long time."
Y/N pressed her lips together, and her eyes danced with laughter. Her face was washed clean, as always. He loved that she was just her and that she was comfortable being just her.
She turned in his embrace. "You really should be sleeping, Satoru. Like a human being." She laid one hand on his chest.
He kissed her forehead, his lips brushing the baby hairs on her forehead. "I prefer to watch you, changing clothes, doing your hair, and make up for the night."
A tremor passed through her body, and she reached up to feel him, her palm skimming his neck, jaw, and lips. He clasped his hand over hers, lifting her fingers higher to his cheek, where he wanted them to be.
"I don't know how to dance," she raised her head and looked at his eyes, biting her lower lip in embarrassment. She could easily tell him anything and not feel judged.
"Then we won't dance," he sat on the edge of the bed while guiding her to sit on his lap. He wished all of Y/N's worries could be solved that easily. He loosened the cord of her robe a bit, slipped his hand inward, and began sliding his fingers over his thighs. She hissed, and he chuckled, moving her robe to kiss her shoulder —the one with the scars. Didn't she know the survivors had scars and the victims had graves?
He traced a path of kissing down to her collarbones, breasts, and belly. Then he lifted his head, and finally, his plump lips were on hers, devouring her mouth, unleashing all the passion he felt for her while feeling her tight hold on his hand. Why was she so cold? Was she shaking?
"Are you feeling sick?" He brushed her wet hair back with his hand.
"A little," she let out a sigh and rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm worried about tonight." She traced the scars all the way down to his stomach.
"Don't worry," he murmured and kissed her neck while his nose grazed her ear. But it didn't smooth out the storm in her heart. She knew who she was and who she really was. She was well aware that others knew about it, too. She shouldn't be with him. She mustn't, but she needed him. She craved him. Her empty soul thirsted for his love, and he quenched every gap, filled every piece.
She prayed to all the gods out there that she wanted to remain right there, in his arms. Forever. It was where she belonged. Who knew? Maybe home was just two arms wrapped around her when she had nowhere to go. "Let's not go to the wedding; let's hold each other like this until the night ends. I don't want to leave this room, Satoru." Her thoughts flowed straight from her subconscious into the air around her. "I can hear our hearts breaking."
His hand encased her face, the way hers did him. His lips nearly skimmed hers. "I'll shield your ears from the sound of heartbreak."
Her chest swelled, "and what happens when I ache to hear your voice?"
"I'll whisper beyond every anguished sound," his fingers ran up her head. "You'll always hear me. I'll always be by your side."
"And can you still hear me?" She wondered, and her breath hit his lips.
"Always." His voice tickled her neck. His tone trickled her heart. His words trickled her soul.
Oh, darling, promises were sweet lies. Hadn't the author said it before? The promises were like hearts. They were meant to be broken.
In the wedding
The car door opened, and Satoru approached to hold Y/N's hand. The handsome son of a bitch was wearing a long-tailed black tuxedo with a white shirt and vest. No bowtie on him. For him, attaching something to his neck like a collar was the most absurd idea possible.
He glanced at her through his glasses. "Would you do me the honor of accompanying you this evening, M'lady?" He winked at her and held her hand while leaving a gentle kiss on it. As soon as she tried to get out of the car, he stooped down and took the corner of her dress to help her—quite a gentleman.
"How do I look?" She stood in front of him and inhaled deeply. She started tapping her dress in order to flatten it as much as possible.
She was nervous, and he could tell. He grabbed her through the chin and lifted her head. She was beautiful beyond reason. Her hair, her face, her mind, all in her was wonderful. She was wearing an elegant black-colored, floor-length evening dress that one of her shoulders had long sleeves —to cover the scars on her shoulder. While on the opposite side, it had a sleek slit to show off her well-shaped legs.
(A/N: Gojo and Y/N's clothes)
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He was stricken, awestruck, lovesick for her beauty. He knew, he knew from the first moment he had met her. It was never love at first sight. No, it was familiarity. Like, oh, hello, it's you. It's going to be you.
He gazed at her from head to toe, cupped her face with his big hands, and kissed her hard. Hard enough to make her forget all her insecurities. Oh, lord. All of him loved all of her. He loved her all curves and edges, all her perfect imperfections. He pulled back and looked at her shocked eyes and parted lips. "You look beautiful," he caressed her cheek, "as always."
Her cheeks blushed, and she quickly dropped her arm into Satoru's to take their way to the hall entrance. But as they turned around, Y/N froze in her spot, and cold sweat appeared on her forehead. There were bloody footprints all over where she had stepped—fresh blood. Newly spilled blood.
Memories. Old memories. Blood. Fear. Appeals. Teary eyes. Luxurious dresses. Blood. Knife. Heartbeats. Smudged mascara. Blood. Screams.
Her breathing caught in her chest, and her hands got cold.
All human beings are the product of their past. But there is a particular group of these people who are prisoners of their past. These are the ones who have never been able to forgive themselves. They have not been able to let go of their mistakes or forget them. All of them have ghosts haunting them. Each has a scar that reminds them of the tragic past they have lived.
Y/N was one of them, and God knows she was trying her best, fighting every day to keep the monsters away. She was on a battlefield every day, and for crying out loud, she fought. She never gave up… she didn't give up until that doomed night. She froze and allowed her regrets to prevail. She let every bad thing that ever happened to her be for nothing. She fought but could not win the fight, and the blood defiled her hands with all its might throughout the night. 
"Why are we standing still?" His thumb rubbed the top of her hand gently. She tried to swallow, but to no avail. Her lips to the end of her throat were no different than the Antarctic desert.
"Shall we go?" Satoru asked with a big smile. He didn't have a clue. How could he? She couldn't bring herself to talk or let out a voice. She just nodded and plastered a smile on her face.
The two climbed the stairs of hell together and crossed the gate of hell hand in hand. One turned the head towards himself, and the other left blood trails behind herself.
As they entered the hall—aka hell, the shenanigans started.
People's faces turned to them, and a lot happened in those brief moments that seemed hours.
Y/N looked at the women staring at her. They began whispering as she passed by their side while covering their mouths with their jeweled hands. Their hisses were scratching the walls of her ears. She could feel men's eyes on her. How many of them hated her? How many of them were interested in seeing her executed? Which one of them got the guts to slit her throat? How many of them were gulping while looking at her buttocks and breasts? How many of them were imagining her naked? Oh, how many of them were screwing her in their imagination just? Shivers ran down her spine. It was as if she had walked through a forest filled with snakes and predators.
She turned her face to her lover. He had a smug smile on his face. She followed his gaze, and her eyes fell upon a group of the Higher Ups glaring at them. No, it wasn't possible. Was Satoru using her to piss off elders again? Was she his revenge leverage? What were they saying about her among themselves? Did they know everything? So they knew how many people she had killed? Were they aware that she didn't want to kill them? Did it even matter? Why didn't she escape? Why didn't she leave everyone and everything behind and run away?
Satoru decided, and Y/N agreed. He walked, and she went along. The sorcerer stopped, and the curse stood by his side. But when it got painful that as soon as people came and circled him, her hand was the first thing he let go of, taking the others and shaking them. The first that was forgotten. Her being was the first to become invisible. Of course, she was fine with it. It was the Jujutsu community's special greeting and kissing ass ceremony. If Satoru wanted to burn the rotting roots of the jujutsu community, he needed allies. And if her distance could help, she would. She owed him her life and didn't like being indebted. So she shut the fuck up and remained silent, like an obedient slave for the heir of the Gojo clan that those judging eyes expected her to be.
People came and went. They sent their regards and showed their respects. The hypocrites talked and rambled and lied. She listened, looked at Satoru's face, saw the sparkle in his eyes, and listened again. He knew how to gamble in their playlands. He was the harvest of those poisonous gardens—the forbidden fruit of Eden which Y/N, the fool Eve, dared to pick. So, she was worthy of being banished from heaven by the rules. But if this hellhole were what they called heaven, she'd rather be an outsider.
Y/N looked at these pretentious faces, wondering why life could not be fair to her from the moment she was born. Why didn't she ever get a chance to replace one of these morons? Their words were sorely humorous to her. They were talking about traveling worldwide, the magnificent sceneries over the seas, and the best kitchens of those fucking countries outside of Japan, while her pathetic ass was afraid to sit on an airplane for 2.5 hours and needed to hold Satoru's hand. She pitifully chuckled to herself. What the hell. Yaga had a point. There was no place for her among them. She didn't fit in between them. She would never.
Y/N turned her head towards Satoru. Wasn't he the one who pledged always to hear her voice? Huh! She was probably the dumbest person in the hall, and everybody else knew that except herself. She closed her eyes and lowered her head. She needed to rest her brain a bit; otherwise, her headache would drive her insane. She breathed deeply, and a disgusting smell filled her nostrils and lungs, making breathing difficult.
Pli...p, pl…op…plip…plop…pli…p…p…lo…p
She opened her eyes with panic and noticed bloodstains on her dress. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. The bleeding of her hands had restarted. Hadn't she had enough? Hadn't she punished herself enough? Hadn't she repaid enough? The answer was no. Life had never been fair, and the most unfair part was that it was the most unjust towards some. And now she had to get retributed. Blood for blood. Flesh for flesh. Soul for soul, till her ashes turn into coal.
Her heart kept splitting inside her. Growing and breaking, ripped and rendered, reminding her that she was a murderer, a cruel murderer. And she must carry all the guilt on her own.
Pl…ip, plo...p…pli…p…plop…pli…p…p…lop
The circle around Satoru grew bigger and busier while the distance between them grew further and farther. This hellish fucking circle got so big, Satoru's fingers couldn't reach her waist, her hand, her eyes... her tears, anymore. To him, Y/N was one of the strongest women he had ever seen. How could he know she might have enemies she couldn't conquer? He had never been his own nemesis.
It didn't occur to him that her biggest foe was herself. He didn't realize that his stupid six eyes didn't catch the tears in the corner of her eyes.
With tears falling on her cheeks, she raised her head; her trembling legs led her to the hallway's corner, to the women's restroom. It was empty. Thank goodness. She forced herself to walk towards the mirror and seized the white stone in front of her with her bleeding hands. The red stained the white stone and dripped onto the floor from its edges.
Plip, plop…plip…p…lop…pli…p…p…lo…p
Each drop fell divided into several tiny ones, making the traces of her sins more and more evident.
She tapped her hand on the cold stone, and the blood spattered on the mirror. Her wet eyes caught her reflection in the mirror, and she felt sick to her stomach. It took her seconds to go from choking with tears to bursting into tears. You're not trash," she tapped the stone. "You're not…cold," her fist landed on the stone, "you're not a bitch," her fingers hurt from the tapping, "you're not ugly," she screamed and tapped again, as more blood splashed on the mirror, on the floor, "you're not disgusting," both of her fists touched the coldness, tears flowed down her neck, but she didn't stop. "You're not a slut," she didn't look away, didn't close her eyes, she looked at her messed up hair and smudged mascara, "you're not dirty," her knuckles turned purple, but she tapped and tapped, "you're not spoi…led," her voice cut short, yet she continued tapping. "You're not a monster," she couldn't breathe; the air didn't reach her lungs, and her chest was hurting, but she wasn't going to stop. "You deserved to be loved, and touched… and felt." Her bloody, bruised fists were numb. Goddamn it, the pain was hitched to her heart; it wasn't going to let go of her. "You deserve to be free." She couldn't open her clenched fingers. She couldn't feel them. She couldn't feel anything but pain.
P…lip, plop…p…lip…pl…o…p…pli…p…p…lop
She didn't realize who came in and who grabbed her wrists and didn't let her hit the stone anymore. She closed her eyes. It didn't matter who they were. It didn't matter what they were going to do to her. She just didn't want to be alone in that bloody bathroom. "Y/N? What is wrong with you?" Oh, a familiar voice, a familiar tone, a familiar kindness. Before Nanami could figure out what had happened, she threw herself into his arms.
As soon as she touched Nanami, it made him feel strange. Like getting lost in an infinite ocean, like blowing with the wind over the high mountains, like burning in a fire on a cold day, like burying all worries under the soil of volcanoes. No worries, no concerns, no pain, and no sorrow. Only relief and peace. All the emotions he hadn't felt in quite some time. But he knew these sentiments weren't real. She was sucking his negative energy. He looked at her crying eyes, pleading with him to stay with her, help her, and stop the pain. But how could Nanami help when he couldn't even distinguish his feelings at that moment.
Time itself had become irrelevant. The seconds could have been hours, hours mere seconds. In that suspended moment, he was the eye of his own storm. Because for that moment of perfect calm and mental clarity, he paid over and over in the following years. Because Satoru saw how he pressed his Y/N's head to his chest and stroked her hair. His eyes captured how his friend touched his woman. He never thought seeing her with another man would be such a pain.
If someone asked Nanami what his friend's look was like that day, he would still be able to describe Satoru's facial expressions in full detail. Because that hateful look never left his memory. Because that day, Y/N broke crumble apart, and none of them realized it until it was too late.
How did Satoru get there? He was looking for Y/N to attend the ceremony when he realized she was no longer with him. He was worried and went through every nook and cranny of the hallway for her. But when he did find her, the reality of what he saw in front of his eyes struck him differently.
She wasn't his. She didn't belong to him. She had left him there to just be with…with that man. She had preferred to spend her time with Nanami in the toilet rather than remain by his side.
He thought he had her. They became so close in such a short time that he felt he was someone special to her. He thought they were actually something. And in that cursed moment, he thought he knew everything better than everyone. He trusted his eyes more than Y/N. So he chose to walk away rather than take two more steps toward Y/N to see the fear in her tearful eyes. He preferred to believe what he wanted to believe instead of the truth. On that particular day of 2019, the strongest of them all could also not win his battle against his demons.
Not knowing anything, Y/N lifted her head off Nanami's chest. Her heart was filled with his regrets, but it felt better. After all, she saw herself as worthy of the pain. She thought that the burden of her sins would be diminished a little with every grief she endured.
"Y/N, I'm not going to ask again; why were you crying?" Nanami's tone was still kind, even though his mind was thinking about finding Satoru, talking to him, and solving misunderstandings before it was too late. But right now, her priority was staying with a friend that needed his help more than that idiot.
In a perfect world where everything was going well, and Y/N saw the world through the pink glasses, she would indeed talk to others about her problems when she was drowning in sadness and let them help her. But it wasn't a perfect world for her. She never got anybody to help her except herself. In all those years, she was the one who held her own hands in every rise and fall. She moved away from Nanami and put her so-called fake smile on her face. "I felt overwhelmed by the crowd; not that big of a deal, Kento."
Nanami's ears heard what she was saying, but his eyes told him otherwise. In front of him was a woman with disheveled hair and traces of mascara on her cheeks. He had seen her crying when she went to the bathroom and heard her screaming from behind the door. That didn't sound overwhelming.
"I'm serious, Kento. There's nothing to worry about," she turned around, opened the faucet, and wiped the traces of mascara off her face with a wet towel. She looked at him through the mirror. "You know this is a women's restroom, right?"
He checked around and seemed to have just realized his surroundings, "But you're not..."
"There is nothing wrong with me, Kento. I'll fix my makeup and will join you all, okay?"
Nanami wanted to protest, but she was lucky the door opened, and a girl walked in and stared at both of them with surprise. So he immediately lowered his head and left.
P…l…ip, pl…op…p…li…p…plop…pli…p…p…lop
Y/N looked at the girl, smiled weakly, then turned around her face and pulled a mascara and a blush out of her purse with her bloody hand. The blood poured down her cheeks, and she felt its coldness on her jaw and neck while applying makeup. But she couldn't care less. Today was the Day of Judgement, and she was repaying her sentence.
By the time Y/N got out, her eyes couldn't find Satoru anywhere. It was as if the world had opened its mouth and swallowed him and his massive amount of cursed energy together.
If he wasn't worried about her, there wasn't any reason why she should care. He can go fuck himself and his dear allies. She went to see the happy couple, congratulated the newlyweds, allowed Mei Mei to compliment her on her dress, and tried not to speak too much to Nanami.
Sweet Shoko was her savior. She took the corner of her dress and dragged her down the bar. She could tell that Y/N was not in normal condition. She was a doctor, Jesus Christ. "Where is Satoru?" She asked casually as she pulled back a bar stool.
Y/N sat down in her seat without exchanging any look, "I don't know." She raised her hand, called the bartender, and ordered a neat Bourbon shot. She needed to appreciate the authentic flavor of the whisky—for better or worse.
Her drink choice and body language told Shoko that the woman beside her had had a rough night. As soon as the bartender laid the glass in front of her, she picked it up and swallowed all at once. Ah, it tasted like blood. She coughed and yet managed to fold her thumb, fourth and fifth fingers and show the bartender number two, "make it double."
P…l…i…p, p…lo…p…p…li…p…p…lop…pli…p…p…l…op
"You should take it slow, Y/N," but she didn't listen to Shoko. She didn't want to take the words from Dr. Smoker. She drank the second glass as soon as the bartender handed her over. "Fill it up."
She would walk as smoothly as the clouds if she could get drunk. She would soak in the peals of laughter and the smiles. Everything would be great. Then why did she have to go through the trouble of remaining sober? To not cause any embarrassment for all mighty Satoru Gojo? Huh! She closed her eyes and sought to erase him from her mind for a moment.
"Aren't you done being a whore?" The man's disgusting tone slapped the truth on her face.
"Fuck off, Naoya!" Shoko hit the bar table, frowning at the man with sharp brown eyes and dyed blond hair.
"It-takes one to know o-ne," Y/N burst into laughter, but the loud music of the dance floor didn't allow her maniacal laugh to reach far. Insanity was a curse in the vast majority, yet she had made hers a blessing to cope with every shit life was ready to throw at her. She had a warrior spirit, a tough one that even a misogynist like Naoya Zenin couldn't break.
"So you accept that you are a whore?" His eyes remained fixed on her as she sipped her drink.
"Naoya!" Shoko had never raised her voice over anyone, but this man pushed all her buttons.
Y/N put her glass on the table, and a soft thump was heard, "everyone's a-whore, Zenin. We just sell diff-erent parts of ourselves." She turned her face and smirked at his face. Being drunk was the best medicine for her. Alcohol switched off her prefrontal cortex and left her brain's foolish but brave part to run her life and mouth. "But-but you know what? I may be a-whore, but I would never…never fuck-you." She closed her eyes, "you-don't match with my-standards!" She leaned her head back, laughed, and laughed.
She didn't notice Naoya stepping up to her. She didn't hear the sound of a chair dragging across the floor. She didn't sense his bitter colon next to her face. She opened her eyes only when he grasped her bruised wrist, and a massive wave of hatred fell on her heart. He lowered his head to whisper, "don't talk too big, woman! Save your mouth for better uses." The look in his brown eyes humiliated her whole being.
Y/N didn't take her eyes off him, but her fingers slowly reached inside her bag to pull for a knife, when suddenly Shoko grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him backward, "seek trouble elsewhere, Naoya!"
He let go of her wrist and then wiped his hand over his coat as if he had touched something dirty. "We'll meet again, and I'll gladly teach you how to behave in the presence of a man." He shrugged, turned around, and went away. But along the way, he didn't miss the chance to wink at Satoru, who had finally shown up.
He approached the bar without even paying attention to Naoya's childish act, where Shoko was staring at Y/N with anxious eyes. He quickened his pace, and when he saw the tears welled up in the corner of her eyes, he bent on his knee in front of her. His gaze fell over her swollen eyes and bruised wrists. "What's happened?"
He reached out to take her, but she quickly distanced herself from him without even looking at his face. "That's-none of your-concern!" She eventually looked at him, and there was only pain for Satoru.
"Y/N," his tone was calm, yet she could taste the anger behind it. He put his hand on his knee and stood in front of her like a god looking down on her.
She's had enough humiliation for one day. She pushed back the stool and rose in front of him, so close to him that she could hear his heart pounding if the music was low. "Iff-it was important for you to know where-I was or what happened to-me, you would…would be with-me!"
"I know exactly where the hell you were and with whom you were! I wasn't with you because you seemed to prefer other men's company over me. I was just waiting for my turn!
Her heart shattered in her chest as his words sank into her skin. The one and the only person she could fully confide in had just broken her to pieces. Everything she ever wanted was being taken away, her present, her future, her very essence of him. She didn't say anything. Weeping was off her list of options. No, she wouldn't give him the pleasure.
She turned her back and fled quickly with her bloody hands clasping her dress. She ran and never stopped. Even when Mei shouted at her to grab the bridal bouquet, she did not slow down and paid no attention to the bouquet that fell next to her shoes on the floor.
If Satoru felt the same way about her, perhaps everybody was right. Maybe she really was a whore.
In the room
Y/N woke up at the touch of a hand on her hip. The bright light of a full moon streamed through the window, casting deep shadows throughout the room. A cold sweat rushed into her forehead, and her hand slowly went to the knife beneath her pillow, but soon his scent filled her mind, and his kiss graced her skin. Familiarity. Hurtful familiarity.
Satoru grabbed her hand and didn't let her seize the knife. When did she put that knife back under her pillow? She felt his lips on her shoulder, softly exploring her nape. She could feel the heat of his body against her back. His shirt was unbuttoned, the muscles in his chest slightly scuffed against her skin as he moved. She didn't push him away. She didn't yell at him. She just laid there without moving, her mind clear of any thoughts.
It was both a blessing and a curse to feel everything through touch. His lips, hands, and body touched hers, but she felt nothing. She prayed to feel anything. Anger, hatred, or even love, but the absolute emptiness embraced her.
His hands rolled her around gently, but her eyes remained still at the window's sight. She didn't look in his eyes. She didn't see his red-rimmed eyes gleaming with traces of sadness. His face was like a flawless painting of regret.
He kissed her bruised wrists. She didn't look. He held her arms down to the bed. She didn't look. He tried to kiss her lips. She didn't open her mouth. He knew he had fucked up. But he didn't know what to do, how to fix it. He leaned over her shoulder and buried his face in the crook of her neck. "You were supp-osed to…supposed to-be mine, Y/N," his voice quivering, soaked with the lucid agony. He was drunken to death. "You-of-all p-eople were suppose-ed never to leave me," his hot breath hit the skin of her neck and sent shivers down her spine. "You…you hate me, don't-you?"
"Let go of me," she begged, but, oh, only in her imagination, because her lips were finished working, her heart had expired, and her mind had gone to hell for the day, and her eyes… her eyes… they were bleeding. His arms were wrapped entirely around her, trying to keep her together through sheer physical force, but it had no use. She was all torn up. Misery was ripping through her. She wanted to scream, protest, accuse Satoru, blame him, and call him a liar, but she couldn't say anything.
She was well aware that she would never be a poem, beautifully written and composed. She would never be a song, remembered and euphonious. She would never be a novel, coherent and captivating. She would forever be an unwritten thought, a half-finished story, a long-forgotten melody, a heartbroken whore. Then why not at least perform the role entrusted to her? She had to keep her client satisfied. At least, it was what a decent whore would do.
She could feel the wet droplets on her shoulder. His eyes were closed, and his nose scrunched up as he couldn't hold it anymore. He curled into her harder, grabbing her forearms rather than her hands. She squinted her eyes shut and tried to hold back her own tears, but seeing him so vulnerable was so hard on her kind but dead heart. She didn't want him to cry. She never wanted him to be sad. "I don't," her lips muttered to help ease him in comfort, even though she didn't want. Why would her lips say something that she shouldn't? Nothing made sense anymore. Y/N knew she was falling, but she didn't care where she would land. Tears fell down her eyes and sullied the pillow.
Satoru heard her shaky breaths and his heart ached with pain. He knew it was his fault. It was wrong for him to judge her. As if his brain had been poisoned to think that she might feel something about Nanami! Naoya had harassed her, and he should have punched his face, but instead, he poured his anger on her. He lifted his head and took her by the chin to see her beautiful face, to show him how sorry he was, but her eyes were closed, and her cheeks were covered in tears. He stooped down and kissed her tears. Kissed them again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again and again, until his throat got filled with the sour taste of her pain.
P…l…i…p, p…l…o…p, p…l…i…p, p…lo…p, pli…p…, p…lop
"I-know you dese-rve someone better, but I love you, Y/N, I… I fucking love you," he said, his voice hoarse, but again she didn't open her eyes or say it back. He was in desperation. He kissed her again, like a madman trying to bring his love back to life with a kiss. The kiss was unbearably fragile and tearful. Their tears mixed, and her fingers clawed for a handhold on the sheets than holding his hands. Her bloody hands clenched the bedding and dyed it red.
Was she still in love with him? There was only one way for him to know. Satoru hopelessly thought that if he could make Y/N feel him again, she wouldn't be sickened to see him; she would love him again and be his again. He closed his eyes in shame, and his hand curved the softness beneath her nightgown. His hand did what it always did, but she didn't open her legs for him.
She thought she was just a whore he wanted to keep by his side; she didn't know he wanted her to be his family, his wife, the mother of his children. She thought she was nothing more than a nice hole for his desires.
"Please, Y/N, please," he pressed his forehead to hers, his eyelids still squeezed to stop the tears and his arm hugging her head. His hand gently opened her legs. She was soft where his fingers were stiff.
She turned her head away, trying to bury her face in the pillow. Tears piled up in her eyes because her body responded to his touch. She pressed her lips together to block her wretched need to call his name. He was all she had, her first love, her only home, her turning point, her last hope, her bitter cure, her ikigai. Yet her body shouldn't have betrayed her. It mustn't.
It wasn't enough for him. Her letting his hand in didn't mean she loved him. No. He needed more. He had to have better proof to stop him from going crazy. His sanity required him to own her heart to ensure that his flesh would be the only one on her mind.
A zipping sound was heard, and it didn't take long before he took her. As deep as he could. To fill her up for both of them to survive the night. She held the sheets tight because everything was going down, down, down. As his body began to move, he tried to look somewhere else. He couldn't bear to see her tears anymore. But he had to watch. He had to face the consequences of his wrongs.
She knew he wanted her to come first, to feel loved by her, but she couldn't give it to her. She couldn't let go of every thought that pursued her to death. So her hollow eyes looked out the window as her body went back and forth beneath his weight. She thought of the moon glittering beautifully in the sky. She stared at the tree across from their window. Was there a sparrow nest on it? The ocean was still out there, right? If she sharpened her ears, could she hear the sound of the waves? What had happened to that little boy's sandcastle? A baby? She wouldn't leave them to suffer like her if she had a family. She would have killed for them. But she had no one. Not even herself.
Suddenly her body stopped moving. The weight on her shifted, and now she could feel the fluid flowing between her legs. Was she bleeding down there too, or was it his…?
He got off of her, and the zipper rising was heard. He sat in front of the window, back to her at the edge of the bed. He had lowered his head and was buttoning his shirt.
Y/N folded her legs in her belly and looked at him. His soft locks of white hair were shining under the moonlight. She would give her everything to turn back the time to last night. But she couldn't, could she? Ah, why she had fallen in love with something she could never have?
"You were right, Y/N," the remorse in his voice stabbed her heart, "we should never have left this room." He stood up, approached the door, and walked out of the room without even raising his head or looking at her. What he had done to her was more than selfishness.
He left, and she drowned between blood-soaked sheets. The irony of fate, she tried to see the glass half full. She went to hell and came back, but finally, her bleeding stopped. She lost everything and paid the ransom, blood for blood.
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jin0 · 3 years
Chapter 7 : The Royal Proposal
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Summary : A little time off, away from the praying eyes. Just the two of you, a bicycle incident and a wedding ring
Pairing : King!Steve x Knight!Reader
Warning : 18+ Minors DNI, near death experience, tears. a lot of tears, mention of smut but no actual smut, mention of possible voyeurism, kinda fluffy,
Knight In Shining Armor Masterlist
You would remember that day forever. It was three days off that were followed by the weekend and that would’ve been the first you actually got to spend together after your attack…
A good three months had passed since you were shot and it had been two months since your release. Releasing you had been difficult, not because of your injuries but because of how protective Steve was. He refused to see that you had healed exceptionally well and could definitely be let out of the hospital. Even pleading with him had been impossible, the one thing with more power over his decision than you was your safety and one thing about Steve, he would never see you as safe enough. All that, obviously, did not apply when you were with him. He would use his entire being to fight Godzilla itself if it meant your safety. When he said it, you took it as a joke but you were pretty sure he was serious.
The day of the coronation, his first official message as King of Amaricana was to declare you two as engaged. Which was funny because you weren’t, or at least not officially. You knew you went to pick out the wedding rings together but he asked you to give him the occasion to find a perfect way to propose. Something ceremonial but not really, something that would be perfect for the both of you, but mostly you. You didn’t really care, but he did and you loved how his eyes would lit up when someone from your close circle would mention proposing. You knew he was eager, and honestly ? So were you.
Over those two months since your release both you and Steve indulged in a mundane romantic life, taking every chance you got to do normal couple things. You didn’t know how you found the time, both your schedules being as hectic as you could imagine, but you found the time and enjoyed it as much as you could.
From walking in a park to having dinner in a fancy restaurant, you did practically everything you never would’ve been able to do before. Taking the opportunities presented to you, you sneaked out of the castle often to walk around while holding hands. You could be found, sitting in the garden, close each other as one would talk about something and the other would enjoy listening. On other situations, you could be found, in the same garden, taking Steve’s length as deep as he wanted. You tried to avoid the humiliation of being caught as much you could, but it was difficult when the King himself decided to not listen.
As time went on, you had to say goodbye to Queen Sarah and King Joseph, or Sarah and Joseph now. The same day Steve was coroneted, they disappeared before the end of the celebration that followed, to take a flight to a secret romantic destination. Both had given years of their lives to the throne and it was time to rest now. The had been going around the world, sending various postal cards and souvenirs from the city they were in. Steve and you enjoyed doing collage of them before decorating your private quarters with your work. Both of you couldn’t be happier for them, they deserved their time to themselves.
Officially moving into the main castle had been a change for you, scary at first but soon feeling more at home than ever before. Since Steve had taken the role of King, he was advised to take his parents room too but obviously that was fucking weird and made him really uncomfortable so he had his quarters refurbished to have more space and make it into a small apartment in the castle. The man made sure that you would be comfortable enough in such a big space and took extra measures to make the setting as normal as possible. After all these years, you still struggled to get use to it fully, and even less now that you were to live the royal life from the inside.
Now, to focus on this specific day that seemed to put you in an extremely good mood, it could be a normal day for most people but for you and Steve it wasn’t. You had free time so you took the opportunity to go a little gateway in the mountains. The little cabin you would stay in was surrounded by high trees and rivers, it was beautiful to wake up too.
When you woke up, you searched for him. Eyes still glued shut, yours hands roamed over the bedsheets and feeling the cold of his absence. You let out a whine of disappointment, feeling the rush of neediness that would spread through your whole body each morning. It was especially bad on the nights where you would make love. Your sexual life had been altered by your schedule and most nights it would either be cuddles or relief through each others hands but nothing more. You would be exhausted to do more anyways. You knew things would be exceptionally busy for you both during the six first months of reign of the new king. And as the official trainer of the Royal Guard, you needed to make sure that the people meant to protect you and your future husband were perfectly trained and that required time, a lot of time.
Steve had heard you before he saw you. He had grown to be an expert when it came to recognizing the sound of your footsteps. When he turned away from the stove, towards the entrance to the kitchen, he could see your eyes fixated on his body. You probably thought he didn’t notice and since he didn’t want you to stop he wouldn’t really mention, even though your flustered face would be the highlight of his day.
You spent breakfast talking and kissing while feeding each other. You needed to catch up on all the missed affection. As the day went on, you decided on an activity, cycling around the woods. You had taken bicycles from the castle just in case and figured that with a weather as good as this, you couldn’t miss the opportunity.
As you were going down a road, you started laughing at how bad Steve was at this. He hadn’t been on a bicycle for months (years if he was being honest) and couldn’t help but be nervous.
“I can’t believe this ! The King of Amaricana can’t ride a bicycle ?! That’s your great weakness Stevie ?”
The poor man was red as a cherry, trying to look as cool and composed as he could while also trying not to violently fall and eat dust.
“I’m trying ! It’s not my fault if they’re untrustworthy means of transportation !”
Your laugh echoed against the trees sending butterfly all around his stomach and calming him a little bit. It had been so long since he heard you laugh or heard you all together. Being the King was awesome, he loved the job really, but he never would love anything more than he loved you and love spending time with you. You were always the thing that would motivate him to wake up in the morning and try his best throughout the day. Being unable to catch you in the morning or at lunch was weighting on his mood and while he maintained his behavior cordial, anyone could see that he was exceptionally dull lately.
“Baby you there ?”
Your curious voice had pulled him out of his thoughts and he focused his gaze back to your face. He nodded rapidly, eyes scanning the landscape and noticing the change of scenery. Then he panicked, there was a road, the kinds that went down and with a lot of rocks and danger. He was about to hit the bakes but you weren’t, you were having fun, so he went down with you. While you were screaming of happiness, he was literally screaming in fear and clearly for the both of you since you didn’t fear enough and let go of the handle.
Now, being the conscientious boyfriend that he was, watched out for any danger and for the both of you. So while you weren’t looking, he noticed that you were heading straight towards a rock and a very spiky one at that.
Before you could even notice or do anything, he acted, pulling his bicycles towards you and then throwing both your bodies in the grass. You heard your bicycles crash against the rock as you rolled for a long minute. Your entire body was being shielded by Steve’s who encased you entirely between his arms. This was one of the situations where you were happy that he was this big compared to you.
You kept rolling until your back hit a tree, making you wince in pain. You were both breathing hard, fear and adrenaline going down as you finally caught on to what had just happened.
Pulling himself on his knees and over your body, your King started to inspect your face thoroughly, looking for any signs of wound or pain. He was the one that had thrown himself on the floor to shield you but he was worrying about you. That was typical Steve, always the one to have so much care for other’s safety and comfort but absolutely no self preservation skills.
“Princess ? Look at me baby, come on, focus for me huh ? You’re okay ? Where does it hurt ? Stay right here, I’ll call a doctor. Stay awake okay ?”
The worry on his face was so adorable and the way he simply didn’t care about your answer amused you more than it should’ve. When you burst out laughing at him, he couldn’t help but worry more, thinking you had hit your head. The more you laughed, he started to chuckle before laughing with you and just as loud. The situation was so hilarious to you, you were holding your stomach trying to catch your breath.
“O-Oh my god, Stevie if you could see your face ! Y-You look like you’re about to have a heart attack ! I swear, you’re so scared for me ! As if you weren’t the one who just threw his whole body on the floor like an absolute idiot !” You exclaimed through heavy breath and laughs
“Hey ! Don’t be rude ! It was either that or you were being turned into jam by the giant rock over there ! I saved you here !”
You wiped a tear of your face before slipping your hands back in his to help him sot up. Hearing him wince, you rapidly checked his body, noticing the formation of bruises on his back. You would take care of him when you’d be back in the cabin.
You took hold of his face softly, both hands heating up his ski, and kissed his forehead and lips over and over.
“Thank you very much, your highness, for saving my humble self. I’ll be sure to be extra grateful when we go back.” You whispered seductively against his lips, eyes narrowed and filled with passion and growing hints of lust.
Steve wrapped his hands around your waist, holding you tightly and pulling you further between his parted thighs. You were tempting him, and he never one to pass up on an occasion to have you stuffed full of him.
“Be careful, little knight. I won’t hesitate to fuck you in the grass, have the entire forest watch me claim that little pussy of yours.” His responses never disappointed, proof, you could feel the slick dampen your panties. Poor underwear, they were all new and would probably go through the same fate as its comrades : ripped off your poor body by a beast with no self control.
You kept quiet, not wanting to waist any time on useless words, and choosing to simply kiss him feverishly. That was how desperate you both were for each other. No matter what setting, no matter what situation you had just been in, you always found yourselves needing to feel the other completely. Skin heated and lips molding around the others, you felt his tongue being pushed inside your mouth. You were so focused on the others, grinding on his thigh shamelessly, that you didn’t notice the dark clouds covering the sunlight and the sky. When the first raindrops fell on you, you ignored it, but it became hard to ignore when it started pouring.
Pulling away and gasping at the cold rain drenching your bodies, you both stood up hastily, grabbed your bikes before running to take cover under the widest tree you could find. Sitting down, he watched you giggle to yourself while watching the rain cover the leaves above you.
Sometimes he would forget how absolutely ethereal you were. You were the most beautiful woman he’s truly ever seen and it terrified him that you had chosen him sometimes. You, out of all the potential suitors for you, he was the one ? That had to be a miracle, or he saved and entire planet in another life. All in all, he loved you with everything in him and it was scary to think about, but also so fucking good. You were the sunshine to his storm and that was the comfort he desperately needed but was too scared to ask for earlier. Now that he had it, that he had you, he was never letting go.
Observing the way your eyes would follow the raindrops and smile when one would merge with the other to form a bigger one, he pulled out a ring out of pocket. He wasn’t paying attention to anything other than your face, it was all that mattered, that smile of yours. He looked reached out for you hand and held it in his until you looked at him. When your loving gaze dropped on him, he couldn’t help the smile creeping up. You noticed the ring and he watched as your eyes filled with tears, tears of joy.
“Steve…” You called out, whispering because you didn’t know if your voice would be powerful enough to be heard.
You were sitting on your legs but still managed to collapse against his chest, holding onto him for dear life. You looked at him, parted lips in surprise at the moment he had chosen and at your own reaction. Wrapping his free arm around your waist, he pulled you even closer to him, ring still out.
“I know this is probably not the best moment, we practically died like five minutes ago and it’s raining but… I don’t need to wait for any other moment, I…” He took a pause, composing himself and gathering his thoughts, the ones he wished to express for so long. “I want you to wear this ring, and I want to wear yours. I want to be yours forever little knight, and I want the whole world to know.” He kissed your eyes as you sobbed loudly against his chest. “I want to give you my entire being, the world to know me as yours and nothing else.” Declared the man, pure happiness and love visible on his face.
You were sobbing louder and louder, practically hyperventilating, but you could clearly see the tears in his face, he’d been crying just as much as you. Raising your hands to hold his face softly, you raised yourself and rested your forehead on his, deep emotions in your movements. His arm tightened around your waist and he buried his face in the crook of your neck.
“I-I practically saw you die love… I know we’ve talked about it, you’re fine now and you said you would be okay to listen to me talk if I needed to but…” He took a deep breath, trying to swallow his tears in vain. His emotions were taking over the entirety of his being and he was letting all of them flood his beautiful face. “I can’t express how fucking grateful I am to have you around me princess. I love you so much I still feel that suffocating feeling from the night of the attack. I had never been so close to losing everything I always wanted and would need in my entire life before. Holding your body, all bloody… it fucking terrified me love. But it made me understand how fucking much I love you. Everything you’ve done for me and you keep on doing, I can’t fucking stop myself from crying at night when I look at you, sleeping so peacefully against me. This, us, this is a dream I refuse to let go of. I can’t let it go, I’ll give up on the rest, everything if you want me too, but you, you’re all I can’t let go of. And I want you to keep on holding onto me, keep me tight against you, please…” His confession sent waves of sorrow, love and desperation through you, making you both cry louder. You could quite literally feel his heart open and reveal itself fully to you. Not just the love and the passion, but the negative feelings too, all of them.
Catching your breath and inhaling loudly, you tried to keep your sobs in to look into his eyes. Those eyes, those beautiful blue eyes that you loved so much. They were in despair, going through a hurricane of emotions and trying to control each one of them. You chuckled, this man was your everything and even more. You were his just like he was yours, that’s how things were supposed to be and that’s how they were. You weren’t just a knight and he wasn’t just a prince, no, that was never what you two were and now the difference was even clearer. You were his Knight and he was your King. Just like the fairytales, you two were your own fairytale, build and destined for each other.
“S-Stevie… Stevie, God, w-why do you have to do this to me now huh ?” You asked, rubbing your face against his.
The man laughed loudly, feeling your warm skin against his, you beautiful sunshine.
“I’m sorry princess, I swear I didn’t plan for us to practically die. Also, I gotta confess… I carry the ring everywhere, just in case moments like that present themselves you know ?”
You chuckled before adverting your eyes to the ring. Taking it between your fingers, you handed it to him, letting your King slip it on you slowly. He was taking his time to take in the situation and god, he was bursting in joy and love right now. His heart was pounding so loud in his chest, pulled towards you, towards your heart.
You raised your hand in the rain, smiling at your now fiancé with adoration. You were officially his, on your terms. His to love for as long as the universe would allow, air would fill your lungs and blood would pump in your heart.
“I told you before you highness.” You wrapped both arms around his shoulders holding him tight against your chest. “I would marry you anywhere. A hospital room, while wearing that horrible gown, or this creepy forest with deadly rocks.”
You heard him chuckled and felt your heart erupt too, blooming with so many emotions, all as pure and warm as the other. Your lips, as if pulled towards his, kissed him passionately. You believe it but it felt so right. Being his bride and him your groom. These words rung in both your heads as your kiss got more and more desperate. This felt so right, so right that you couldn’t help but giggle at how giddy this was making you.
You repressed a moan when Steve pulled away from you but relaxed when his palm rubbed your back to make up for the lose of contact. You always needed to feel him against your skin when you would go through this amount of overwhelming emotions at the same time.
“I gotta mention princess, telling our children how I proposed is gonna be one hell of a ride.” You both chuckled at the thought.
This definitely would be an interesting moment.
@ilymarkchan @everythingbutnormal @patzammit
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empressapprentice · 3 years
Arcana Headcanons: Engagement/Marriage with the Main 6
Recently made an Ao3 account and want to start posting headcanons as a way of becoming more comfortable writing fiction. Here’s my first attempt! Requests and feedback are always welcome. This first round is of proposals, engagements and marriage with the main 6. Personally I don’t even like the idea of marriage but I am so whipped for these characters I can’t help but imagine them proposing and everything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hope you enjoy this as much as I liked writing it!
Wanted to marry you since the beginning, knew you were the one shortly after meeting you
Was going to propose when you ran away from the plague with him, part of the reason he was so devastated when you chose to stay behind
Became obsessive over not missing his chance again
While packing on the night of the resurrection ritual, he made sure to have the ring ready for when you woke up but quickly realized you couldn’t walk, talk or remember anything about your past so he had to wait
He was so excited to finally ask you to marry him when you defeated the devil together
The only thing that felt better than asking was when you said yes
The two of you get married (legally) ASAP, figuring Asra has waited long enough. Once the paperwork is set, you work on planning a celebration with friends
Loves you more than anything and wants to make it official but has trouble overcoming his doubts that you want the same thing (even after you talked about it!)
He confides in Portia, who scolds him for not believing in your relationship and decides to help him plan the perfect proposal
Little does he know, you suspect Julian’s insecurities are holding him back and plan to just propose to him yourself
You also confide in Portia, asking her for advice too, who is waiting eagerly to see how this plays out
One day, during an afternoon tea at the Palace, Julian gets down on one knee, only to see you laugh. Poor thing has nearly has a heart attack until you reach into your own pocket to find the ring you bought him. You apologize for scaring him and exchange rings
After you get married, you have a long honeymoon traveling the world, getting into trouble and barely keeping your hands off each other
Has a super cute canon proposal
The two of you decide to have a long engagement while rebuilding Vesuvia
It’s partially so the public can get used to the two of you and partially since you both prioritize the city’s needs over your personal desire to tie the knot
As long as the two of you are together in any form, you’re happy
You time your wedding to happen at the start of the following Masquerade so the rest of the event is a celebration of the Countess’ marriage
The wedding symbolizes Nadia’s commitment to major changes in Vesuvia, including a partner who is kind and dedicated to the well-being of the city instead of a certain goat…
You attend the first night of the Masquerade to party after the wedding and then decide you’ve done enough for Vesuvia and lock yourselves in Nadia’s room for a honeymoon~
The two of you are traveling together and have a few drinks at the tavern you’re staying near
A few drinks turn into many, and you two wake up in the morning with pounding headaches and wedding bands on your fingers
You decide that you’ve wanted to marry each other for a long time and are glad things worked out like they did
In a surprising display of maturity, Lucio says that he is glad you didn’t have a big party and wants to just have a small celebration when you get back home
Lucio no longer needs massive shows of wealth to compensate for his insecurities and as a display of power. He knows you love him and doesn’t need anything else. However, he wants to commission several topiaries depicting your love story, dress you both in the most luxurious and ostentatious outfits possible, and involve swans, magic and fireworks into his vows
Portia also has an adorable canon proposal, and you can choose to elope onboard
Still, throughout your travels, Portia proposes to you loudly and publicly at each new city. You’re confused the first time, but know from the twinkle in her eye that it’s time to go into “partners-in-crime” mode so you play along
These displays get you free food at restaurants, upgraded rooms when staying on land and special souvenirs. Your wife is an evil genius.
Each time Portia proposes again, it gets harder and harder to keep from laughing but you are determined to keep it together
You arrive back in Vesuvia laden with gifts and stories of special privileges, teasing Julian relentlessly as he tries to guess how you got so many things for free (“I guess I’m just a better pirate than you are, Ilya!”)
Portia finally reveals that you two are married and he nearly faints in happiness
Your final con is when Nadia insists on having another ceremony at the Palace for you since you poor things got married on a boat
You and Muriel are more than content to not get married—you don’t really need it when you live in a hut in the woods with chickens for neighbors…
But after one of your trips to the South, you find more artifacts and tapestries depicting Muriel’s culture’s marriage traditions
Though neither of you want a huge celebration, you decide you’re both ready for a new aspect to your relationship and agree that if you incorporate Southern traditions into a ceremony, it would help Muriel feel more connected to his culture
When Nadia finds about the ceremony, she insists on helping you source the needed materials and offers to host at the Palace
With the Palace’s resources (and coin), you have a beautiful ceremony that reflects Muriel’s heritage and the future you plan on having together
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