#imagine reporters and paparazzi coming after her when she's just out to lunch
chronal-anomaly · 1 year
One day I'll talk about the impact of public relations and marketing in Overwatch and the impact that it had on Lena's sense of self.
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donaidk · 4 years
Mick Schumacher - Worth the wait
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I’m sorry for slacking in the last few days, I had a few things around uni I had to get done before sitting down and writing. But I’m now back with another Mick oneshot that I hope you guys will like 😊 Thank you for the request and wishing a great week for everyone 🥰🧡
Masterlist | Taglist/Queue | Request
Looking through the closet Y/N really didn’t know what she should put on for the day that was comfortable but at the same time would look good. Usually she wouldn’t really care about looks and fashion if she wanted to dress comfy, but knowing how many cameras and photographers will be there during the day, she felt like it was a must this time. All the fans looked at those photos before or after the races, her being one of them as on several occasions those were the only way for her to see Mick other than during their FaceTime calls. However, this time she would be on them too, and even though she promised herself it wouldn’t matter, in the end it wasn’t that easy to get over. She did care about what the fans will think about her, although less than what Mick’s crew members and team members will. That was probably the most nerve wracking part of the weekend. Y/N already met some of them as she attended the first practice session on friday, but staying in the background and not even entering the garage meant she stayed a stranger to them until today.
“ You can take something from mine if you would like. ” She heard from behind him and turning her head towards the voice she could see Mick getting ready just a few meters away from her. “ I have some team stuff too, if you need anything. ” He added, pointing at the suitcase that was still half full with black-red Haas branded shirts and sweaters. Y/N’s anxiety was quite visible on her face, and he knew wearing his shirts sometimes helped calm her down somehow.
“ Maybe. I don’t know… ” Y/N let out a sigh, debating if her wearing his things would bring positive or negative feedback. In the end she just took one of her favourite shirts of his, pushing every thought back as she pulled the material over her head, tucking it into her jeans a little. When she stepped out of the closet Mick was ready too, sitting on the bed and waiting for her. “ Ready! ” She added when he looked up at her and with a nod got up from the bed.
As it was a home GP for Mick they were able to stay in his home rather than a hotel room and start the day from there. It wasn’t a long drive from the apartment to the circuit, giving Y/N just around 20 minutes to prepare herself mentally for the day. Luckily it wasn’t her driving and she could just watch the trees and houses go by as they passed them on the way. She knew everything felt strange because it was just her first time attending a race, and that hopefully if there was going to be a next time, it would be a bit calmer. She didn’t know how people will act towards her, but after getting through the first meetings it will be easier to be around them. It was usually just the first impressions that made her so anxious.
“ They’re going to love you, don’t worry about it. ” They were just turning off the road towards the private parking lot of the circuit when Y/N started bouncing her knee a little bit and Mick could see it from the corner of his eye. “ I would be really surprised if there would be anyone who doesn’t like you by the end of the day. ” He chuckled, looking to his right when the car was parked and with one last squeeze to her hand, they both got out of the vehicle.
‘ Just don’t jinx it. ’ Y/N let out a sigh, taking her backpack out before stepping right next to Mick as she didn’t know where they had to go first. He shared the schedule with her, but it was a bit too much information all together, and she couldn’t really remember everything that was on the papers. Knowing that she will be either next to Mick or someone else from the team during the whole day was enough for her.
Getting to the entrance they both let themselves in with their passes, Y/N needing a bit of help from him initially, and as they were walking down the paddock Mick took her hand in his. Just seconds later she spotted a few photographers turning their way, but somehow she didn’t care about them. She never really cared about being photographed until it was done by official photographers and not just jealous fans or paparazzi on the streets. She wanted her private life out of the media, keeping all her social media pages private and only posting for her friends and family. Y/N did rarely appear on Mick’s posts or stories, but he was observant of her choices and made sure she was always okay with whatever he wanted to put out. This one time she was even looking forward to the photos taken of them, but would never admit it to anyone. She may have even smiled at a few of them when they passed their booth before entering the Haas hospitality.
“ Well, they probably already like you. Not all partners are that happy about them taking photos. ” Mick let her get through the door first, stepping next to her again inside. It wasn’t a huge building, but looking around quickly Y/N knew she would probably manage to get lost alone. “ If you need food or anything it’s there, and if you need quiet you can always just go to my room upstairs. ” He pointed in different directions, showing everything to her as they went to the stairs and up to the second level of the building.
“ I’m probably gonna stay mostly just out of the way. ” Y/N let out a sigh, following him inside the little room and just putting down her backpack on the sofa. “ Am I even allowed into the garage? Or is it just this building and the stands for guests? ” She asked, watching as he was already packing out a few things from his own bag.
“ Of course you’re allowed. Even if you weren’t I would get them to somehow let you in. It’s your choice if you would like to watch it from the garage or a stand seat. ” Mick shrugged a little, looking up at her with a smile on his face. For him it was still hard to believe that she actually came to the race and didn’t run away yet. “ I’m sure you won’t distract anyone. They’re gonna sit you down somewhere and just continue with their jobs. ” He added when Y/N still didn’t look convinced one bit, even though she knew Mick would never lie to her about anything.
“ I’ll probably just go there with you, watch the race itself from the stands, and then go back to the garage after the race. ” She decided a few minutes later when they were already leaving the building as he had to get some interviews out of the way before getting ready for the main event. She already knew his PR people as they did sometimes meet up with him on non race days too. “ Even at home I can’t stay put while you’re racing. I would just drive them round the bend, but you're the only one who should be driving today. ” Y/N let out a laugh at her own joke, seeing as Mick just shook his head.
When they got to the media pen she let go of his hand, letting him do his job and watching him talk to the reporters from the sidelines. She was too far away to hear any of it, but seeing the constant smile on his face showed Y/N that he was enjoying the questions. They could be a bit prying into his private life occasionally, but mostly they just stayed with the sport and only asked about his performance and opinion on the races. She really didn’t know how someone could enjoy people always questioning them, but she knew it was a part of Mick’s career and even if he didn’t want to do it sometimes, he had to. For her it was enough to just watch them and probably would have never chosen to do an interview if it wasn’t a must. She knew the drivers had media training, Mick probably a lot more thanks to his family, but she still couldn’t imagine how it felt doing this almost every week.
“ Less exciting bit of the day done. ” Mick came up behind her, his arms circling her waist as she turned around to take a few pictures of the sunny paddocks. It wasn’t the usual weather for the German GP, and it looked quite mesmerizing with the sun shining onto the circuit for once. “ Hopefully the weather can stay the same for the race. ” He added with a sigh but a grin got on his face when the camera was turned and Y/N took a selfie of them, almost immediately sending it to their two-family group chat.
“ I wouldn’t mind a bit of sunbathing either. ” She nodded, sliding her phone back into her pockets and turned towards Mick to hug him back. They had a bit of time before he had to get back to the team building and get on with the schedule. “ I’ll probably just catch up with your family while you have meetings, and then meet the team during lunch. If you have enough time of course. ” Y/N added, still looking up at him, remembering that his family is attending the race too. They couldn’t come to all of them, but as they were here already, it wasn’t difficult for them to stay a few days longer and watch the race.
“ We will probably. The race starts later anyway. ” Mick nodded, only letting go of her when they had to get going. Even then he held her hand, pulling Y/N closer when it got crowded around them, so he wouldn’t lose her among all the people. “ I’m gonna go and find you afterwards. Have fun. ” They shared a quick kiss as they arrived at the building and went their different ways. Mick inside for his meetings while Y/N tried to not get lost as she got to the part of the paddocks where Mick’s family sat down for a coffee.
Luckily a few minutes later she was already sitting next to Gina with a coffee in front of her, meaning she didn’t take a wrong turn anywhere. Thanks to Y/N studying away from Germany and Mick travelling around the world they don’t always get to talk in person. It was mostly just phone calls or FaceTime calls when she was with Mick. She sometimes talked to Gina as they weren’t too far apart in age and had a few interests in common, but not as much with Corinna, even though she felt like a second mother to her. She never thought her boyfriend’s family would become such a big part of her life. Actually, until Mick they never really mattered to her, but Corinna and Gina had such a positive attitude towards their relationship and her from the first second she was introduced to them, that they felt like a second family. If Mick’s friends were just a bit like his family she had nothing to fear.
“ Oh Corinna, didn’t know you guys are gonna be here. ” Looking to their right they saw Seb coming up to them, and greeting everyone with a quick hug before he turned to Y/N. “ And even bigger surprise. It’s great to see you here finally. ” He said with a grin, stepping back after their embrace so they all could see Lance coming up to them. Probably because of Seb and not them.
“ I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Y/N. ” She didn’t know where the courage came from to be so straight forward but hoped it won’t disappear in the next few minutes. She knew Seb pretty well already, as he was around Mick even on off days, and him being there helped her with opening up to Lance a bit.
“ I’m Lance and no, not yet. Although I’ve heard about you. ” Lance let out a little laugh while Y/N’s eyes went a bit wider than usual. “ Only good things. ” He added with a comforting smile, not wanting to scare her that she’s always a topic between them. She did remember a few occasions when Mick mentioned that he talks with Lance too, and not just Seb, but she never asked about the subject.
As they didn’t have to go anywhere, everyone decided that they would wait until Mick got to them. Since they arrived in the country they didn’t have more than a minute to sit still and talk with him, so they weren’t about to give up such a possibility. Y/N knew that Mick wouldn’t mind either, as he was always happy to catch up with friends, and after just a few minutes she didn’t mind either. Lance turned out to be a sweet person, just as Seb always was towards her and she actually was glad they met, and got to talk a little bit.
“ Are you usually travelling with him? ” Lance asked a bit later when they mentioned the next race and if she feels like attending again with all these new experiences.
“ Mostly just during the summer when uni is off my schedule. I usually just explored the cities while he raced. ” Y/N nodded a little, drinking the last bits of her coffee. “ Looks like I will watch the races instead of acting like a tourist. The timing is lucky, as I was about to run out of places to look at. ” She added with a smile, letting the waitress take away her empty cup.
“ Not many of us can get their partners to travel with them. He’s lucky with you in several ways. ” Lance let out a sigh, making Y/N blush and she was about to speak up when she felt two palms rest onto her shoulder.
“ I for sure am, even if I didn’t hear why. ” The owner of the hands spoke up, and a smile got on Y/N’s voice as she immediately recognized Mick’s voice, looking up at him for a second. “ Looks like you’re gonna meet everyone important on the first day. ” He glanced down at her before pulling a chair next to them so he could sit down too after greeting everyone.
“ I never feared your friends. The team is another different question. ” Y/N shook her head a little, looking at him for a bit too long before getting back to the conversation that got disrupted. They stayed right until lunchtime hit and they had to leave for their separate team building while Corinna and Gina went for a walk before the race.
The team members were intimidating at first as there were many of them and they were all curious about her, asking questions so they could get to know her. Luckily minutes after they sat down with their plates of food, everyone calmed down a little and they could finally find the common voice. In the end the meal was an experience that she could put onto the positive part of the list of the day. In the end she even found a few people to talk to while Mick was getting ready. She did go up to his drivers room a few minutes before they would leave, to have a few words with him before the race. He was already in his racing suit, although it was just halfway done, with the top half hanging down from his waist, and for a second Y/N forgot why she was there actually. Somehow the thin white material looked just as good on him as being shirtless did.
“ You’re off to the stands? ” Mick’s voice got her back from thoughts-land and she nodded as soon as her brain finally understood the question. “ We can meet here after the race if you want. They will let you guys in without any trouble. ” He offered, Y/N again just nodding as she didn’t trust her voice until he stepped back a little.
“ Yeah, that sounds good. ” She finally spoke up when Mick stepped back for one more thing and she felt like she could breathe again. “ Be careful. ” Y/N added, returning the quick kiss he initiated and it was a fight with herself to step back and leave the room. It was her first time she was here to witness moments like these, and Y/N couldn’t understand why she made the wait so long for herself.
From the moment she left the building everything happened as they discussed. She watched Mick race everyone and give his all from the stands, sitting next to Gina. They celebrated together with the crowd when the cars crossed the finish line for the last time and while he got the car back to the garage and parked it, they walked back down there. All three of them let the team congratulate him for a fantastic drive, before they stepped up to him one by one, Y/N closing the line. She didn’t really care as this way she could stay next to Mick from the moment he hugged her and didn’t have to step away until he went to change into normal clothing. In the end, even though they planned a private dinner, Y/N felt so secure with his team that they joined them in the hotel restaurant and celebrated the race together with everyone else working next to Mick and his teammate. However Y/N imagined this day would turn out, it exceeded all her expectations.
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kittinoir · 3 years
Phantoms Ch. 12
Read on Ao3
Adrien couldn’t think of a single place he wouldn’t rather be than anywhere else at that particular moment. He’d even trade places with Chloe, wherever she was, if it meant he could get out of this particular date.
Unfortunately, no switch - or miraculous rescue - was likely to take place.
It didn’t help that he’d just spent the majority of his afternoon with Lila’s nearly-naked body pressed skin-to-skin against his - the unfortunate reality of his father’s new swimwear line - while the rest of the team fleshed out their plan. He wasn’t ignorant to the fact that Lila had pushed nearly every advantage the skimpy clothing had given her, as much as he’d pretended to be oblivious.
But all Adrien had truly felt was frustrated; Lila was the last person he wanted to be around.
Pair it all with the fact that in a couple hours he and his friends would be infiltrating his fathers’ very private study, and all Adrien wanted to do was disappear into his four-nozzle shower until the steam melted him straight down the drain.
Things had slightly improved, at least: he was fully dressed now in a suit from his father’s last collection, still new enough to be considered on trend. Even as Adrien admired the fabric, he couldn’t stop the image of Marinette in a matching gown from entering unbidden into his mind. It would have been midnight blue and covered in a thousand little crystals that shimmered when she moved. She would have looked like magic and he would have been the luckiest man in the room.
But he’d never see her in that dress. She wasn’t his date tonight. If it was any consolation, he was willing to bet she was about as excited with her date as he was with his. Felix’s mouth had positively puckered when he’d discovered his part in their plan; it would have been funny if there had been anything remotely humorous about the situation.
But it was hard to laugh at much of anything when you might be sharing a home with a super villain.
“I’ll go over there right now,” Plagg had declared, half way through the wall of the fencing gym where ‘Adrien’ was supposed to have been that morning while Chat Noir patrolled. “I’ll prove it. I’ll sort this out, once and for all!”
But Adrien had stopped him. He couldn’t say it was truly for any one reason. At first he’d been erring on the side of caution: Adrien’s schedule was booked and he wasn’t due to return home until he arrived at the gala that night. He couldn’t be kwami-less if there was an akuma attack.
Then it had come down to practicality: if Adrien knew, he wasn’t going to just wait to pull off their plan. He’d cataclysm right through the floor. And unfortunately, the reckless part of him knew he wouldn’t tell Marinette about it, either, because she would try to stop him - and she’d be right. They needed the little time they had to plan.
But hours later, the waiting felt unbearable. Marinette had called with the details on his too-brief lunch break. It was simple - almost too simple. It required him to do the impossible: disappear in a crowd. Now Adrien’s skin itched with the pent-up adrenaline trying to burn through his system, begging for action.
“You ready, kid?” Plagg asked, drifting up over Adrien’s shoulder. Several empty camembert packages lay discarded on the couch in Adrien’s trailer.
“How does anyone prepare themselves for the fact that their dad might be the monster that’s been terrorizing all of Paris for over a year?” Adrien said instead. He wasn’t even being sarcastic, he genuinely wanted to know. Who could possibly come out of that kind of trauma unscathed? He doubted even Marinette’s magical ladybugs could fix that kind of damage.
“…I’m here for you,” Plagg said, unable to meet Adrien’s eyes in the mirror as he made the gesture. “You’re the best owner I’ve ever had. I won’t let you go through this alone.”
“You think it’s him?” As much as the facts lined up, as much as they always had, Adrien had never been able to let go of the hope that it was all one big coincidence. After all, what were the odds Master Fu would hand one of the most powerful Miraculous to Hawk Moth’s own son?
“I think even if it’s not, you’re going to have a hard time reconciling the fact that you thought he could be,” Plagg admitted as he came to rest on Adrien’s shoulder. “Don’t shut your friends out, Adrien. That’s how you spent months looking for her in the first place.”
Adrien blew out a hard breath, turning from the mirror. As usual, Plagg had no issue bringing up the one thing he didn’t want to acknowledge.
“I don’t know how to share this,” Adrien said as he reached for his blazer. “Because if I do, then that means that it’s all - ”
Even then, he couldn’t admit it. Not until he was sure.
“Lets get through this party first,” Plagg suggested, disappearing into the blazer pocket as Adrien slipped it on. “No point in unwrapping cheese you can’t finish.”
Adrien finally cracked a smile at that, but it died quickly as a knock came at the door.
He knew what he would find when he opened it, but that didn’t make it any easier to see Lila standing on the other side in a gorgeous red gown.
“Wow, Adrien, you look amazing,” she cooed, leaning in to run one gloved hand down his sleeve. “I wish I’d known which suit you were going to pick.” She pouted. “I would have dressed to match.”
He doubted it; the only way Lila dressed was to kill.
“Sorry,” Adrien said, begrudgingly offering her his arm. “My father chose it. I didn’t know which one it was going to be until after the shoot today.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Lila said, waving away his comment as they made their way to the car waiting for them out front. “We still make a stunning couple.”
He didn’t bother to correct her. She always insisted it was just a figure of speech or a slip of the tongue. If she wanted to live in her own fantasy, he wasn’t going to waste his time correcting her.
And yet, he found himself oddly grateful for her incessant chatter as they headed to his fathers’ fundraiser. Anything was a welcome distraction from what he was about to do.
“Ooh, look at the press, Adrien!”
The car ride hadn’t felt that long, but sure enough, she was right - they were already pulling up outside his home.
The normally stoic Agreste mansion was nearly unrecognizable. Enormous floodlights had been erected strategically around the house, and as Lila had already noted, piles of paparazzi were spilling out of the for-once-open gates. The sight of his fathers’ car had whipped them into a frenzy.
Alright then. Showtime.
Adrien waited until his bodyguard made it around the car and opened the door for them before alighting from the car. The man his mother had raised him to be made him wait for Lila, even going so far as to hold a hand out to help her from the car. Shame nudged him as she stepped smiling and waving onto the deep green carpet that led to the front door; she had her faults, but she wasn’t an evil person. He was upset with his father’s contracts more than anything. As frustrated as he might be, he didn’t want to embarrass her in front of these reporters. No one deserved that.
So he held out an elbow for her and smiled back as she took it, holding it even as a dozen flashbulbs went of in their faces.
As far as press lines went, it wasn’t the most painful one Adrien had experienced. Thankfully contractual obligations kept the reporters focused mostly on the fundraiser they were there to support, though every now and then they couldn’t help but to ask them if Paris’s heartthrob was locked up at last. Those questions Adrien was always quick to answer. The one time he wasn’t, Lila made a comment that implied if they weren’t yet, they would be, soon. It became a little difficult to maintain his generosity of spirit after that.
They’d nearly made it to the front doors when the flashbulbs erupted again.
Both he and Lila paused to see what the commotion was about, and Adrien felt his heart stop altogether.
She was so much more beautiful than he’d imagined she would be, but that was to be expected; he never could do her justice. She’d worn her hair down for once, a pink ribbon the same colour as her dress woven through the strands.
At that moment, he could have kicked himself. Contractual obligations be damned; he’d been stupid not to cease this opportunity with Marinette. He’d have done anything to be the one escorting her that night.
And just as suddenly, he realized he didn’t want to shut her out. Through the bad, maybe horrific things, for the good, possibly amazing things, he wanted to share it all with her. God, he couldn’t think of a single thing more beautiful than sharing a life with her. Even this night, this impossible evening, with the wrong girl on his arm and his father on the other side of the door, even if it made it all real…because it could be real.
Lila’s hiss drew him from his stupor, and Adrien abruptly realized that despite his best intentions, he’d likely embarrassed Lila anyway. He wasn’t actually sure how long he’d been staring after Marinette, but she and Felix had certainly drawn a great deal closer.
“Shall we?” he offered. He wouldn’t insult her further by apologizing; they both knew he wasn’t sorry.
“Of course,” Lila said. Her tone was sweet, but it set Adrien on edge. It was then he realized that Lila was now staring at Marinette, though she allowed herself to be guided through the doors.
“You didn’t say she was going to be here,” Lila snarled once they were inside.
“I didn’t realize you were supposed to approve the guest list,” Adrien said. “Regardless, I can’t control who my cousin chooses to bring as his plus one.”
Lila’s eyebrows rose. “Felix? She’s here with Felix?”
“She’s not here with me,” Adrien said. Regrettably. Stupidly. Pridefully.
That seemed to placate her. “That must be tough,” Lila guessed with empty empathy, leaning her head on Adrien’s shoulder as they entered the ballroom. The space had always seemed to Adrien to be nothing more than an embarrassment of riches. No one had balls anymore, and if they did, the Agreste’s wouldn’t. Still, his father had insisted it was historical and had had it restored with the rest of the home before they’d moved there. Regardless, it seemed to be the perfect place to hold that nights’ function.
“Father’s outdone himself,” Adrien said as they took in the crowded room, choosing not to follow Lila’s particular line of conversation.
“It’s spectacular,” Lila agreed.
Roses from their own garden had been woven in among some very realistic looking ivy that twined around the many pillars around the edge of the room. Mannequins displaying the pieces to be bid on were set between them. A string quartet was playing something jazzy in the corner, and several waiters were making rounds of the room with trays of champagne and h’ours d’oeuvres.
“Shall we?” Adrien asked, nodding to the floor where several couples were already dancing.
Adrien let Lila pull him onto the floor and into a dance, even if she was closer than he strictly wanted her to be. The only person he’d ever danced this closely with before was -
He didn’t finish the thought. He couldn’t afford the distraction. It was nearly time; the only person they were waiting on now was Kagami.
“This is so nice, Adrien,” Lila murmured as they turned. “We’re perfect. Why won’t you - ”
“Don’t, Lila,” Adrien said, bringing them to a stop. “All we are is friends. All we will ever be is friends. And if you can’t respect that, all we will be is co-workers.”
Lila scoffed. “She’s here with another guy and still you won’t - ”
“Enough!” Adrien took a step back, until her hands slid off his shoulders. “This isn’t about her. It’s about me. And the truth is, she could tell me she hates me and I would still feel how I feel. You’re done. After tonight, consider yourself relieved of your duties. You don’t work for my father anymore.”
She looked as though he’d struck her, and some distant part of Adrien dimly thought that if he’d been trying not to embarrass her, firing her in the middle of his father’s fundraiser was probably not the best way to go about it.
“You…can’t,” she sputtered. “You can’t do that.”
“You’re right,” Adrien admitted, but Lila’s relief was fleeting. “But my father can, and he will once he hears about how unprofessional you’ve been.”
He almost wanted to laugh. He doubted neither he nor Lila would have much of a job after that night if they were right, but he wasn’t going to put up with this. Not anymore. He should have realized a long time ago she would never stop.
“Please, Adrien,” Lila said, latching onto his arm. “Don’t do this. I’m…I’m sorry, it won’t happen again, I - ”
The stupid thing was, he wanted to believe her. He wanted to give her another chance.
But he could still feel the press of her skin against his, and he knew he was out of chances to give.
“I’m sorry, Lila,” Adrien said. “You’ve left me no choice. Excuse me.”
He stepped out of her grasp a second time, and this time he didn’t stop walking until he’d made his way to the secluded table in a shadowed corner where non-alcoholic beverages were being served. He poured himself a drink, then another. He was almost to the bottom when Kagami finally slipped in with Max on her arm. He watched as she made eye contact with Marinette, then sought him out. He stepped forward into the light and caught her gaze moments later. A nearly imperceptible nod was all the indication she gave - and all they needed.
Adrien watched as Felix and Marinette left the room first, seeming to all the world like just another couple interested in exploring the house. His heart pounded, begging him to follow, but instead Adrien turned back to the remaining guests, counting down the ten minutes until he was supposed to leave as well. That was how long he’d estimated it would have taken him to extricate himself from his date; he hadn’t been planning on efficiency.
It felt like hours before the ten minutes was up, but when it was, Adrien gave one more cursory glance to the ballroom, scanning the faces for prying eyes. Lila had apparently thrown herself into the arms of the first person to show interest and seemed bent on illustrating, most likely to him, what a great time she was having without him. Still, he took a roundabout way through the room and exited through the gardens, as though he were simply looking for some fresh air. He wasn’t so naive to think she’d let his sleight go without an attempt reconciliation - or revenge.
Adrien made his way slowly through the gardens, looking for all the world as though he was simply enjoying the evening. At least he hoped he did. Even his acting skills were stretched to the breaking point against the torrent pouring through his head. It was wordless at least, but it blocked out everything else but this single task ahead of them.
Too soon and not quick enough, Adrien found himself in front of the doors to his father’s study. He didn’t give himself time to linger; the last thing he needed was to be spotted outside the doors. Normally they’d be locked, but Felix was supposed to have rectified that.
He knocked once, then twice, their simple signal that it was a team member and not a staff member, before twisting the long handle. The door gave without protest and he slipped inside.
“You’re late,” Felix said without looking up. He was kneeling on the floor behind Gabriel’s desk, running his finger along the carpet. He’d found the seam of the hatch, Adrien realized. Neither he nor Marinette had transformed yet, relying on the excuse of two kids overextending their welcome versus two superheroes actively breaking into Gabriel’s office should they be discovered.
“Did you have trouble?” Marinette asked. She seemed relaxed, but her eyes guttered - or were those just the shadows in the dark office?
“Took the long way around,” Adrien explained, calling on Chat Noir’s transformation before crossing to Felix. Chat Noir’s night vision would be more helpful than his ordinary eyes. “Found anything?”
“The hatch is in the same place as it was in the photo,” Felix grunted as his fingers slipped off the slender seam in the floor, “But other than that, nothing. No latch, no button, nothing.”
“Maybe he opens it from his tablet?” Marinette suggested, but Chat Noir shook his head.
“Nathalie holds onto that,” Chat Noir explained. “My father would want to be able to access the hatch at will, not page someone to activate it for him.”
“The desk then?” Marinette said as Felix stood.
“Pretty minimal for a desk,” Felix muttered as he began to run his fingers across the chrome surface.
But that was his father, Chat Noir thought bitterly. Minimal office. Minimal family. Minimal love.
They all paused as Max and Kagami joined them at last in the office. If Kagami was uncomfortable to be in the same room as her ex and the object of his affections, she didn’t show it. He owed her an apology when this was all over. He’d owed her one for some time.
“Not there,” Marinette said to Felix as Max transformed near the window. Kagami kept watch at the door. “Look. The hatch doesn’t match up with where you’re standing.”
Felix snarled in frustration. “So what does it line up with?”
“The portrait,” Chat Noir said suddenly, looking past his cousin to the painting in question. “There’s a safe behind it; it’s where the Grimoire was.”
“You think the mechanism to the hatch is in the safe?” Marinette asked.
“People like my mother and Gabriel Agreste are obsessed with convenience,” Kagami chimed in. “The mechanism is likely not in the safe, but perhaps in the frame of the portrait?”
“Good idea,” Marinette said, joining Chat Noir at the portrait. “It does line up from this distance.”
“And the angle of Queen Bee’s photo makes more sense,” Pegasus agreed as he analyzed the space between the desk, portrait, and where they were standing. “I knew something about it was bugging me. There’s a 98.6% chance Kagami is correct about the latch in the frame.”
“I like those odds,” Marinette said with a grim smile.
“Let’s hope the rest of the night is as successful,” Chat Noir murmured as he turned back to the frame.
He was vaguely aware of Pegasus using Voyage behind them, of Alya and Nino and Luka joining them in the office, of Marinette, always Marinette, just a few feet away, but it was all secondary to the portrait in front of him.
He’d always thought of the portrait as proof of his father’s grief. Now Chat Noir wondered. Was it one more deception? One more lie, spoon-fed to him so easily because he wanted so badly to believe it?
He found his eyes wandering, tracing the familiar whorls and patterns in the paint. How many times had he stood in his father’s office, looking just past his father’s shoulder at the portrait, knowing the berating would get twice as bad if Gabriel thought his son wasn’t paying attention? How many times had he sought comfort in the likeness of her gaze, in the imitation of her soft smile? How many times had he stood in his father’s office, willing Emilie to step from the frame and lay a restraining hand on his father’s shoulder?
But she never had, and Adrien had been left to weather his father’s moods alone. How many hours altogether had he spent staring at the painting -
Chat Noir frowned, his eyes snagging on a piece of the portrait.
“What is it? Marinette asked, noticing the change in him at once. Perhaps she felt it, as he often imagined he could when something went amiss with her.
“This part here,” Chat Noir muttered, raising a finger as if to touch the painting. “It looks…wrong…” How could he possibly explain that there was a shadow where there hadn’t been before?
“Whatever you’re thinking,” Marinette murmured, “Try it.”
Chat Noir hesitated for only the briefest moment before he reached out and pressed a finger to the canvas. To his shock, it gave way beneath his hand, sinking into the wall.
A button.
“It didn’t do anything,” Felix hissed, stalking up behind them.
“It wouldn’t,” Chat Noir shot back, scanning the portrait for more irregularities. “Convenient, yes, but careless? Father would never make something easily accessible.”
“So what’s the hitch?” Rena Rouge wondered out loud.
“My guess?” Max said, his transformation worn off, “Multiple buttons. Each one increases security exponentially.”
“So how did Chloe find it?” Viperion wondered. There was no judgement in his voice, just open curiosity.
“We can ask her when we find her,” Felix said tightly. “We don’t have much longer.”
Chat Noir hated to admit it, but Felix was right. They’d already been missing too long.
“Tikki?” Marinette called softly. The tiny red kwami poked her head out of a hidden pocket in the folds of Marinette’s skirts and briefly assessed the room before zipping up to hover in front of her holder’s eyes. “Do you mind? The portrait itself, not the safe behind it.”
“Mhmm!” Tikki gave a cheery nod before disappearing into the canvas in a cascade of red glitter.
“Maybe that’s how she did it,” Nino murmured in the abrupt silence. “Maybe Pollen found it.”
“It’s possible,” Tikki chirped as she reappeared. “Six buttons,” she explained as she bounced along each one, “That need to be pressed simultaneously in order to trigger the trap door.”
“Thank you, Tikki,” Marinette said as the kwami came to rest in Marinette’s upturned palm. “I guess…this is it.” She turned to look at Chat Noir, and he realized everyone else had done the same. It was his plan, and his father. They would go on his signal.
“Then let’s go,” Chat Noir said.
The team backed up as Marinette and Felix transformed. In seconds, Marinette’s voluminous ballgown had been replaced by the upgraded suit Chat Noir was still trying to get used to. Felix emerged from a bright white light in the silvery, wolfish suit he’d chosen, hammer at his hip.
“Good luck,” Max said before slipping back out the door. Chat Noir knew he would be heading back to the party. If everything went to plan, Max would be refuelling Kaalki for Alya, Nino, and Luka to slip out when they returned while simultaneously keeping a lookout for anyone headed to the office.
“My turn,” Rena Rouge said with a grin. “Mirage!”
Four perfect replicas of Marinette, Adrien, Felix, and Kagami appeared in the middle of the room, soft smiles on their lips. If someone looked closely, there was a vacancy in their eyes that belied their creation, but Alya was unlikely to give anyone that opportunity
“Go,” Rena Rouge instructed, barely opening the door for them. The illusions vanished into the hall, but Rena paused before following them. “I’ll keep it going as long as I can.” The plan called for her to refresh the illusion as often as she was able, keeping the foursome as far on the fringes of the party as she was able.
“Just do your best,” was Ladybug’s hushed reply. Her friend nodded, then disappeared.
“Now the hatch,” Chat Noir said.
Koira didn’t hesitate as he stepped up to the portrait and plunged his fingers into the buttons.
The hatch dropped away with barely a whisper and the same dark tunnel from Queen Bee’s photo appeared in the floor. Chat Noir’s excuse from that morning fell to pieces; it wasn’t a second safe. The passage was far too deep for that.
“Why didn’t she come for us?” Ladybug whispered as she stared into the abyss. “Didn’t she think we would help her?”
“With what?” Koira asked roughly, kneeling by the opening. “A hole in the floor? She wanted more proof. She went to get it.”
Chat Noir could sense there was more to it that Koira wasn’t telling, but he couldn’t tear himself away from the passage long enough to think on it.
Even then, Chat Noir knew what they were going to find. Felix was right. Chloe was right. Marinette had been right. He knew it in a way he couldn’t explain, the truth suddenly and mercilessly settling along his bones. Maybe a part of him had known ever since Marinette had first brought up the possibility, when she twisted his perspective for just a moment and the entire puzzle had fallen into place. Maybe he hadn’t wanted to know, and now he had no other choice.
“Let’s go.” He barely recognized his own voice, but he didn’t care. The cool rage that had consumed him blocked out everything else.
“Chat Noir…”
He felt a hand on his arm and shook it off. He knew who it was. He knew what she would say. But he was not sitting this out. He’d been sitting out for too long. If they wouldn’t go, he would.
So he stepped into the shaft and let himself drop for several seconds before bracing his hands and feet on the cool metal sides to slow his descent. He felt rather than saw someone slip else into the tunnel, then again, and again, and again as the whole team made their descent. A green flash briefly lit the passage as Nino erected a shield over the office, their last line of defense.
It felt like hours. It felt like seconds. But when Chat Noir finally fell those final few feet and plummeted into the brightly lit, cavernous room, it was as though fate had snipped the thread of his life and he’d fallen into a new reality - a new nightmare.
“Sonofabitch,” Koira muttered, straightening from his drop beside Chat Noir. “She was right.”
Chat Noir didn’t know if his cousin meant Marinette or Chloe. He couldn’t bring himself to care as first one, than three, then dozens of butterflies flitted by them. It wasn’t an attack, he dimly registered; there were just so many it was impossible to step anywhere without encountering at least one akuma.
He started as someone laced their fingers through his. He glanced down, and there she was, as fierce as ever, still standing by his side. Unflinching. He wanted to squeeze her fingers back, but he couldn’t feel his anymore.
Viperion dropped in last and briefly surveyed the room. “Should I…?” He touched two fingers to his bracelet.
“No,” Chat Noir said. His voice sounded a million miles away, as though someone else were speaking. “I need to know this. And I need to see this to be sure. My father…is…”
“Hawk Moth,” Ladybug said. “Viperion, Koira, Ryuuko, see if you can find Queen Bee. We’ll join you in a minute.”
The three of them nodded and split to tackle the room in different directions.
“Talk to me,” Ladybug said. He recognized it as a request from his partner, who needed to know if he could still be relied on.
So he reached for that confidence, that surety that had never failed him. Of course he could be counted on for this. Of course he would never let her down.
Instead, he laughed. It started as a short giggle, but once he heard it, he couldn’t stop, doubling over at the waist, tears streaming from his eyes as he laughed and laughed and laughed.
Through his fit, Ladybug didn’t let go of his hand.
In the dim recesses of the room, they heard Koira shout: he’d found Chloe. Chat Noir laughed harder: his father had really upgraded to hostages.
“What…are…the odds…?” he finally gasped, straightening in fits and starts. “The whole time…the whole time!” And just like that, it wasn’t funny anymore. He’d known things would get worse before they could get better. He just hadn’t anticipated how much worse, or how personally.
He didn’t see the akuma coming. There were so many of them in the room, it was no wonder. He only felt it as it sank into the bell at his throat.
One second they were standing there as unbridled rage poured through Chat Noir.
The next second, it felt as though someone had grabbed hold of that rage with two hands and yanked. Suddenly, he was choking on it.
Ladybug had started talking, unaware of what had just happened, but it wasn’t her voice he heard.
“So you finally found me, hm? Unexpected…but not unwelcome.”
The rage had taken on a life of its’ own, seizing Chat Noir in away he couldn’t understand or see past. Only one thought remained, nearly destroyed by the tidal wave: Hawk Moth couldn’t know.
“What can’t I know, Chat Noir?” the voice came again. “Your identity? Or perhaps hers…?”
“Hate…you…” Chat Noir thought back viciously. He wrestled for control, but it was no use. There was no way out of the emotions Hawk Moth had whipped up in him.
“Mmm, yes, I can feel that,” came Hawk Moth’s reply. “I’ll let you have your shot at me, boy - if you bring me Ladybug’s Miraculous.”
And Chat Noir wanted to. He was tired. He was tired of fighting. He was tired of fighting monster after monster, just for things to stay the same. He was tired of being lied to. And he was tired of letting Hawk Moth dictate the game.
Which was why he finally gave in.
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watchtower-feed · 4 years
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Anon: after your last imagine I can't shake college Damian off my mind, can I request one about him and his s/o in college? I don't really have an specific idea but something like walking them to class, studying together, getting each other coffee and just overall taking care of each other. Notes: I didn’t get to cover everything in the request because there are too many scenes and I didn’t wanna turn this into a bullet point fic. Hope you like it though! Words: 2,774
     The girl that approached the table looked forlorn and her friends slowly helped her walk away.
     “Ugh,” Will groans. He’s one of Damian Wayne’s friends and their varsity is currently doing charity work for Gotham Academy. Will took a brilliant idea from the internet where they set up a table offering people to walk them around campus if they feel bullied or generally unsafe.
     “You can’t keep saying no to people, Wayne. That’s not how the charity works.”
     Damian clicked his tongue. “I know exactly how this works, and those girls did not need assistance.”
     “Yeah. In the bedroom, they did,” Mike laughs and tries to fistbump Will who just stares at him until he puts his hands down.
     Damian’s attention is already taken by you. He kicks back his seat to leave.
     “Where are you going now?” Will whines.
     “Helping someone who actually needs it.”
     You’re walking to your next class while looking over your shoulder every now and then. To Damian, they’re simple signals of someone who feels like they’re being followed. So he stands right in front of your path in the middle of the quad where there is a multitude of people around. You almost bump into him but he quickly takes a step back to give you your space. 
     You know him. Everybody on campus knows him. He’s the greatest player the football team has ever had. Too bad he left halfway through his first semester and joined the swim team instead.
     Damian is staring down at you from being almost a foot taller. Then something catches his eye and he looks at someone behind you who quickly hides behind a statue.
     You see a small snarl on the corners of his lips before he starts taking steps around you. You stop him immediately.
     “You can’t--”
     “Why not?” Damian quickly asks.
     “If you-- if you get in a fight again, they’ll kick you off the team.” 
     Damian raises his eyebrows in thought, “That doesn’t sound like much of a loss to me.”
     “Please don’t.” You grip his arm tighter.
     He stares at you, “Why haven’t you reported him?”
     “He-- he hasn’t done anything. He’s smart. He keeps his distance and no one has actually noticed him following me around.”
     “I did.”
     And you want to thank him for that. This whole semester has been a nightmare for you. It started with your survival instincts kicking in, always warning you that you’re in danger. Your gut has never failed you so you listened. But this stalker is so good that he’s hidden himself well from all of your friends. Friends you’ve lost because they deemed you too paranoid and anxious.
     “Come on.” Damian’s voice saves you from your thoughts. “I’ll walk you to your class. Spanish, right?”
     You’re stunned, “How-- how do you know that?”
     He rolls his eyes and then points at your books. “It’s the one on top of your pile. Lucky guess.”
     You suddenly feel assured and laugh a little. “You’re quite the detective.”
     His eyes widen at the comment and he slowly turns back to you. “You have no idea.”
     Damian walks you right up to the door of your classroom. As soon as you thank him, he leaves and heads for his own class. When it’s time for lunch, you’re surprised to find him standing against the wall outside of the room.
     “You’re here.”
     “Do you have another class?” he asks you while his eyes roam the hallways.
     “No, I’m about to have lunch.”
     “Okay. Let’s go.” Without giving you time to respond, he starts walking to the cafeteria and you try to keep up with his strides. 
     So far nobody has paid attention to the two of you. But when Damian carries both of your trays to your table, the staring and the whispers start. There are even some flashes from cameras that almost blind you.
     “Sorry,” he mutters under his breath while concentrating on his food.
     You shake your head as you watch the lines on his brows and the irritation on his face. “It must be hard being a Wayne,” you say.
     He grins at the thought of what it’s like to be a real Wayne beyond what the gossip columns say. “I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s all this stupid attention that I hate.”
     “That’s probably why you don’t date, huh?” Damian looks up and stares at you with a raised eyebrow. You quickly wave your hands, “It’s just that-- my friend-- well my old friend-- she asked you out once and you said you’re not interested. We teased her that maybe you’re just not interested in her but--”
     A sudden flash hits the side of your cheeks and Damian is quickly leaving his seat and marching over to another table, the table where your stalker is sitting with a camera pointed at you. You wince at the sight of it. 
     Damian grabs the man’s camera still strapped around his neck. “What? Did you think you could hide your flash among these paparazzi wannabes?” Before he could say anything, Damian takes off the camera and starts flipping through the pictures. 
     “Hey, man! That’s mine!”
     Damian scoffs. “Really? That’s good then. You can get it back from the cops.” Damian turns the camera around and shows the stalker a picture of you in the girl’s shower. His eyes widen and quickly tries to run but Damian grabs him by the collar and slams the side of his head against the table.
     You watch all of this go down from your table. People’s murmurs are louder, trying to figure out what’s going on. When word reaches you that Damian is calling the cops, you feel a new kind of relief wash over you. Suddenly, your shoulders felt lighter and it’s easier to stand up straight.
     Damian stays with you the whole time. Whenever the officers and the stalker’s voices got too loud, your voice would falter and Damian would speak for you, authoritatively holding everyone’s attention. 
     Once the stalker was detained and all evidence tagged, you and Damian walk back to campus.
     “You seem… happy.”
     You didn’t even notice you’re smiling until you touch the upturned corners of your lips. “I feel kind of free… like a bird.”
     Damian snorts to himself, “Yeah.” 
     You mull something in your head and speak your thoughts out loud, “You planned that, didn’t you?” Damian stops walking and he’s looking at you when you turn around. “You knew he wasn’t just following me, and that he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity you created.”
     Damian’s brows furrowed, “I apologize for using you as bait--”
     “No!” you interrupt and hold his hands, “I was just thinking that it’s ingenious. Forget being a detective, you’re almost as good as Batman.”
     Damian smirks. You suddenly see a whole new side of him probably no one on campus has ever seen. A playful one. “Just almost?”
     When you reach the dorms, Damian walks you right up to your door. He takes a quick look inside to make sure you’re roommate is already there. Before you let him leave, thinking this will probably be the last time you’ll be together again, you gather up the courage to hold his arm, stand on your toes, and kiss him on the lips. “Thanks. For everything.”
     Damian gives you a look before he nods and leaves. You watch a small shade of red reach the tips of his ears as you cover your own blush.
     The next day, Damian Wayne is back at the table with his varsity friends. You walk by and only mean to wave at him before your next class. But as soon as he saw you, he shrugs off Mike’s arm from his shoulder and gets up to leave.
     “Dude, no. You’re bailing again?” Will whines.
     “You have more than enough people here. Just message me.”
     Will slumps down in his seat and crosses his arms, “Yeah right. It’s not like any of us has your number.”
     “They don’t look too happy about you leaving,” you tease as he approaches you.
     He shrugs nonchalantly, “They’ll live.” He gives you a long look before he raises an eyebrow in curiosity, “You seem happier today.” You quickly blush and immediately think of the kiss from last night. “You’re thinking about the kiss, aren’t you?”
     You stare at Damian with wide eyes. You wonder if he’s either a real detective or you’re just too obvious. You laugh, “You, too. I mean you’re actually teasing me. Where is the always-reserved Damian Wayne of Gotham Academy and what have you done to him?”
     He smirks and points ahead to the direction of your next classroom, World History. You look down at the top book in your pile and roll your eyes. Definitely the detective. Definitely obvious.
     After class, there’s no Damian standing outside waiting for you. You try not to feel the tiny pang in your chest and walk to your Figure Drawing class. As soon as you walk in, you come face to face with a very naked Damian Wayne.
     When Damian returned to the varsity table, Will had given him punishment for bailing twice in a row and volunteered him to be the model for a class. Damian has absolutely no problems with appearing naked in front of anybody. To him, this was just a chore he had to do to live up to his civilian identity.
     But as soon as he sees you walk in through the door and your eyes roam from his head all the way down to his toes, he grits his teeth. “I’ll kill him.”
     “Y/N, please. You’re already late. Take your seat.”
     Your lecturer’s voice jolts you back to your senses and you quickly take a seat on the far side of the room. It’s one of the most grueling classes you’ve been in since you got to the academy. Damian avoided your eyes the whole time.
     “Y/N, wait for me.”
     Damian calls out while he put on his clothes. You’re already standing by the door and a lot of people had stayed to continue to watch him. When they heard him call out to you, they instantly turn and glare.
     As soon as he reaches you, he puts his arm around your shoulder and you walk out together. You can feel the heavy weight of his arm rest on top of you.
     “Do you have another class?” he asks. You shake your head, still unable to speak to him because you keep seeing him naked inside your head. “Good. Let’s have lunch in the city.”
     Damian takes you to a small diner hidden in a corner between the business district and the Narrows. The lunch rush is already over and you find yourselves in a corner booth.
     “Wow,” you say. “I never expected you to eat at a place like this. You’re more down-to-Earth than I thought.”
     “As opposed to what?”
     “Oh, I don’t know. Being a rich kid? Everything handed to you on a silver platter?”
     “Trust me, Y/N. Nothing was ever handed to me. Everything I have-- everything I am, I worked for.”
     You prop your elbow on the table as you look at the once menacing Damian Wayne. The past two days, you’ve spent with him have completely changed your opinion about him and a little of the ancient Wayne family.
     Speaking of.
     “My family’s here,” Damian mutters as he scoots over until he’s sitting next to you, freeing up his side of the booth. A group of four walks into the diner and start heading for your booth. “Damian!”
     “Good morning, Grayson. Cain.” 
     Two of the four, nod their heads at you. While the shortest boy, who is still taller than you, crosses his arms. “Rude. What about us?”
     Damian doesn’t pay him any attention. You watch as they enter the booth in a single file. 
     “Late night?” Damian asks.
     The one he called Grayson gives a long sigh as he sits next to Damian. “You have no idea. Would’ve been faster if Rob-- Ow!” The tallest of the three elbows him and nudges his head toward you. “Oh, hello there.”
     “Are you on a date?” asks the girl he called Cain, smiling.
     “We are?” you ask right away. You tried to keep your voice low but from the way their eyes widen, you know they heard you.
     They look at each other and smirk. “Looks like you forgot to inform your date,” teases the tallest one.
     Damian smirks to himself before replying. “Y/N can’t think straight at the moment. Still a little flustered after seeing me naked.”
     Damian pulls you closer to him to avoid the spray of water from one of his siblings. “We really shouldn’t be letting you loose into society without a harness, Drake.” 
     “It was for figure drawing class,” you chuckle to break the tension, and try to appease their wide eyes with your waving hands. “I’m Y/N by the way. I go to GA, too.”
     “I’m Dick,” one of his siblings reaches around Damian to shake your hand. “These are Cass, Jason, and Tim. We’re Damian’s siblings--”
     Jason looms over the table and grabs Damian’s head to harshly rub his knuckles into his hair. “You don’t have to say that every time, demon.”
     “Todd-- Stop it--”
     Dick tries to pry them apart but ultimately fails and accidentally gets punched by one of Damian’s flailing limbs, making Jason laugh. “You may have gotten bigger, but you’re still a runt!”
     “Not-- as much-- as Drake--”
     Tim, who’s sitting at the outer edge of the booth across from you, apologizes for his brothers with a sigh. “I wish I could tell you that we’re not always like this.”
     You smile at the thought and finally realize why Damian is always so reserved on campus. He’s the youngest of such a big and lively family. Dick and Tim are familiar, too. You’ve seen their faces on the Legacy Wall of the academy. You’ve seen a few pictures of Jason and Cass, too but not as much.
     This is what Damian meant when he said he’s worked hard for everything in his life. It must be hard living behind so many giant shadows.
     When Cass finally intervenes and disentangles the boys, you place your hand over Damian’s as he sits back down. He turns to you and you give him a supportive smile.
     He smirks and raises an eyebrow, “You keep getting into a better mood each time I look at you.”
     You blush a little because who would ever expect someone to just say things like that. “Maybe your company just does that to me,” you tease back.
     You hear a quick snicker from Dick and both of you turn to him. He’s visibly whispering to Cass but it’s audible enough for you to hear. “They’readorable.”
     After that, Damian never took you back to the diner again, not wanting to let his siblings see the two of you together. But on campus, you are almost always together.
     “Stop! Stop!” you laugh and try to protect yourself from the whirlwind of water Damian is sending your way as he shakes his head. He had just finished training and met up with you at the stands where you’ve been studying while waiting.
     Damian leans down and kisses you on the lips. Your eyes widen before they slowly close as you let him lead. You hear catcalls from his teammates and you can already guess that Damian’s flipping them off.
     “Okay. Come here.” You break the kiss and pull down the towel he had draped around his shoulders. You use it to properly rub his head and dry off his hair. “You must be tired. That ran longer than usual.”
     Damian tries to look at you as you keep drying his hair, “Competition’s next week so we’re doing last-minute checks on everyone’s forms. Did you wait long?”
     You nod your head like a child. “Been here since morning. It’s so hard to date a varsity,” you groan.
     Damian takes the towel from you and rubs your face with it. “Think that’s hard? Try dating a vigilante.”
     You giggle as you try to fight Damian for the towel, “I wouldn’t mind that. Batman seems to be getting hotter these days.”
     You’re only teasing him and he knows it. But you don’t know that the mantle of Batman has been passed down to him. So he laughs out loud and it’s one of those rarest moments you want to treasure but you also can’t resist the urge to just kiss this happy and carefree version of Damian Wayne. 
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demigodlunar · 3 years
Scars - Chapter 3
Wow, people have already read this sooo fast! Thanks so much, I appreciate it :D
Chapter 3 - Take Over With Grace
“Mr. Grace?”
Jason was jerked out of his fantasies of being a normal child- for about the millionth time- when he heard his last name being tossed out carelessly in the large crowd.
He shielded his eyes from the camera’s flash setting and the just the sight of the showy clothes of the countless paparazzi and media that were here for the interview.
“Mr. Grace, what do you have to say about the shares in the stock market for Olympic Inc. going down last week?”, one of the nameless news reporters asked, arousing another round of nods and agreement.
And once again, Jason sighed in relief that the question wasn’t directed towards him. He was Mr. Grace, yes.
But not to the public. To the public, Jason was just a secretary or student intern that happened to be at the interview. No one important. His father, Zeus Grace, was the one that was being bombarded by questions.
Jason could hear his father's loud and commanding voice over the racket of the others, answering the question with a calm, precise tone and reassuring words. He gulped, being reminded once again that this could- would- be him soon.
The annoying little voice in the back of his head whispered again, you’re almost 18. Almost time to take over the company.
Jason tried to keep the headache at bay. He hated the fact that soon, he wouldn’t be a normal 18-year-old boy without a care in the world. After he graduated from high school next year, Jason’s father wouldn’t even bother sending him to college. He would take over Olympic Inc. the moment he threw his square graduation cap in the air.
Jason could remember a distinct memory from when his parents were still talking to each other.
8-year-old Jason Grace peeked out from behind the door to stare into the living room, where his parents were yelling at full volume, not even caring to lock the door or try to reduce their voices to not scare the children.
“He’s just 8 years old,” his mother, Beryl Grace, screamed, “A child! You can’t bring him into all your business and politics, I won’t allow it!”
“He’s my child, so I will decide whether I start teaching him how to take over the company when he’s older, and introduce him to the press.”, Zeus yelled back with just as much vigor.
“Your child! YOUR CHILD!” Beryl screeched, “He’s my child too! You already told the world about Thalia and now she can’t even leave the house without the media asking her if she’s going to take over the company!”
Jason winced at his mother’s voice, not even understanding what they were so upset about. If they could just talk it out, maybe they could come to an understanding.
“Thalia will not be taking over the company,” Zeus argued, taking on a defensive tone, “I vowed only my first-born son would be the head. Besides, Thalia wouldn’t want to take over. Once I tell the media that Jason will be the new CEO, they will get off her case.”
“And then what about Jason? Then they start stalking him? AT 8?” Beryl yelled, screaming a string of words that almost made Jason’s ears bleed afterward.
“Fine,” Zeus said, deadly calm, “Until Jason is legally an adult, we will keep him hidden from the public. I will still teach him what he needs to know, but he can be seen as a normal boy at least until then. Then, he will take over the company.”
Jason stood there, trying to figure out what “take over the company” and “new CEO” meant. Now, Jason was a smart boy, but this seemed to stump him. Would he become like Daddy? Working all the time and wearing those tight looking suits and ties?
Jason didn’t want to do that, that seemed boring.
He turned his attention back to his parents in the living room, and they had calmed down excessively. He tuned into the conversation to hear what they were saying.
“... you take Thalia and I will take Jason,” Zeus said, holding his hand out to Beryl.
She stared at it for a couple of seconds before grabbing it and shaking it briskly, “Deal, but they have to be able to meet. They love each other, you know.”
Zeus sighed, “Of course, every Saturday and Sunday?”
Beryl nodded and she started walking to the door that Jason was hiding behind. Jason jumped back as she pushed it open and walked up to Thalia’s room.
The next hour was a blur and all he remembered was Thalia crying and yelling that she didn’t want to go, and that made Jason cry too. He didn’t like to see his sister cry, she was really good to him. After they both calmed down, Jason learned a new word.
Divorce. It rolled off his tongue but in a bad way. When your parents left and lived in different houses.
Well, Jason thought, At least I will get to see them still.
But living with his dad was something that Jason never got used to.
Jason was startled out of the memory when a finger snapped under his nose three times in quick succession. He looked up bewildered at the snapper. Thalia grinned down at him and put her arm around him.
“Hey, little bro! Spacing out again I see.”
Jason rolled his eyes but smiled fondly, “You're only one year older. Besides, I was just thinking of when I have to take over the company.”
Thalia’s easy smile disappeared, and she frowned, “I still can’t believe that dad is giving you no choice at all. I mean, you're wasting your life on something that will never make you happy.”
Jason sighed, every time that this topic was brought up Thalia made the same argument. He tugged at his tie, feeling uncomfortable all of a sudden.
“Just let it go, Thals.”
Thalia huffed but didn’t add any more fuel to the conversation. Then, she smiled widely. Jason almost tripped from the sudden change of attitude.
“I just remembered! I gotta go, little bro, Piper is having brunch at her place today,” she said while wiggling her eyebrows in a weird way.
Jason felt heat rush to his cheeks when his sister mentioned Piper Mclean. He could remember the first time he saw her.
It was in the hallway during their freshman year. He saw her stand up to Drew Tanaka when she was bullying some poor boy who looked at her wrong or something. When she yelled at Drew and embarrassed her in front of the whole hallway, Jason felt like he’d been shot.
If it wasn’t enough that Piper was a kind-hearted, brave person, she was also painfully beautiful. Even when she cut her hair, and wore baggy clothes, she was still extremely gorgeous. She also never noticed him.
It was safe to say that he had a very big crush on her.
“R-really?” he stammered, blushing, and wishing he never told Thalia about his crush in the first place because she found a reason to make fun of him for it all the time.
Thalia smirked and whipped out her phone and went to her messaging app, bringing up Piper’s contact.
Thalia wanted to introduce Jason to Piper to help him with his hopeless crush, but he’d voted against it. As painful as it was, he couldn’t be introduced as Thalia’s brother, because that would mean explaining their complicated family tree, including Percy (who Jason hasn’t heard from in years) and the fact that he would be a CEO of a famous company in a little over two years.
Jason brought his attention back to Thalia’s phone, where she was texting Piper. Their conversation was pretty casual.
(AN: Thalia, Piper)
Today - 11:34 AM
hey Pipes
hey Thals
nothing much, you?
i’m here with my brother at one of my dad’s interview things
Jason almost shrieked, but that wouldn’t be very manly of him. Instead, he shook Thalia’s shoulder forcefully.
“THALIA!” he winced as his voice squeaked.
“What?” Thalia frowned at him.
He stared at her, and sudden realization dawned on her as Piper’s reply came.
you have a brother?
“Oh shoot, oh shoot, oh shoot!” Thalia yelped, juggling her phone like it was on fire, “Oh my gods, what do I say? Should I say I was lying?”
“Yeah, because she’ll definitely believe it if you say ‘oh I was just kidding, sometimes I imagine I have a brother!’ She would think you’re crazy!” Jason deadpanned.
Thalia glared at him, and then she sighed resignedly, “Well, she knows now, and she’s one of my good friends, so I may as well just tell her the truth.”
Jason didn’t like that idea, but Thalia was already texting Piper again. He looked at the screen to see the conversation again.
EXCUSE ME, but how come you’ve never told me about him?
never came up
fine, you win, for now. show me a pic?
And in the next second, Thalia found a picture of Jason laughing at a joke that Hazel made, and sent it.
Jason made a mad grab for her phone, but it was too late. Oh no, he looked so dorky in that picture.
“Chill it bro, you look fine,” Thalia said, her eyes still on the screen.
Then, her face looked like she’d hit a gold mine, and she pushed the screen in front of Jason’s face.
oh, that cute boy you sit with at lunch sometimes? He’s really good looking.
Jason almost dropped the phone, and stood there rooted to the ground as Thalia cackled in the background.
Piper. Piper Mclean. Thought he, Jason Grace, was good looking?!?!? Jason felt like he might die.
Thalia wheezed as her laughing fits started subsiding, “Oh-oh my gods. Th-that was amazing!”
Then she typed a reply to Piper.
yes, he is, and he’s also here looking at our conversation.
Thalia erupted into another bout of laughter, and Jason waited for Piper to respond. But she didn’t.
He didn’t know how to feel about that.
Jason’s watch beeped, and he remembered that he was supposed to be heading to Hazel and Nico’s apartment to hang out. He waved goodbye to Thalia (who was still laughing like a lunatic) and made his way back to the apartments where his cousins lived.
Gods, he needed to clear his head before he went brain dead, and spending time with family, other than his dad, helped with that.
My, oh my, this was gonna be an eventful year. _____________________________________________________________
Hehe, there's some Jiper for ya. Poor Jason, being stifled like that... I can relate :(
-Blossom ;)
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Becoming A Stark (6)- Peter Parker x Stark!femReader
Word Count:  2785
Warnings: swearing
Author’s Note: Peter gets introduced finally!
Chapter One || Previous Chapter || Master List
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Your dad made you take a few days off after the low blood sugar incident, so by the next Monday you are so ready to get back to school. Science and technology might not be your favorite topics, however MSST is great and it means you get to see your friends. Betty and Astrid are waiting for you when Happy drops you off on Monday. Pepper rode with you, because your choice was having her come with you or having Tony and you were not dealing with Tony Stark outside of your school again… The first day of school drama was enough of kids trying to get close enough to take pictures of him. But your dad was adamant that he wasn’t going to miss your first day. You shake the memory from your mind as Pepper gives you a hug. “If you need anything, you call me or Tony. Or Happy if you can’t reach us. Even if-”
“I’ll be fine. I could have come back last week and be fine. Dr. Cho said so.” You say with a smile. But you wrap your arms around Pepper and give her one more hug. “I love you.” You whisper and feel a little guilty that you said it to your dad’s girlfriend before you said it to your dad, but it felt right.
“I love you too.” Pepper says back. “Happy will be here for you when school finishes.” You turn to get out of the car when Pepper calls, “Lunch!” handing you the lunch box you almost forgot. 
“Thanks Pepper! See you at dinner.” Ever since the conversation in the Med Bay, Pepper had been trying to make it home in time for dinner so that you, Tony and Pepper felt more like a family. Sure it had only been like five day, but it still was something you enjoyed on top of having the Avengers there when they weren’t on missions. You shut the door behind you and turned to be enveloped in a hug between your two best friends. “Guys I’m fine.”
“You missed almost an entire week because of a diabetic seizure. We’re allowed to be worried.” Betty states. It’s not the first time that diabetes has pulled you from school and Betty gets worried every time.
“I know, but I’m fine. Tony overreacted by making me stay home. Dr. Cho said I could have come back Wednesday, but Tony had me stay home the rest of the week because and I quote ‘I’m your dad I’m allowed to worry.’”
“STARK OVER HERE!” The paparazzi don’t know your first name, but they know the school you attend and have seen you out with Pepper and Tony in the few weeks since everything has been announced. 
“Let’s get inside.” You say, not even looking towards the paps. Betty and Astrid follow you up the stairs and into MSST. You have a feeling that there will at least be a picture of Pepper dropping you off at school if not more on some gossip page. It’s not even that interesting. You go to school every day. Although, most days Tony or Pepper don’t come with you so maybe that’s why it’s interesting?
“Y/N watch out.” Betty’s warning comes too late. You crash into one of the most handsome people you’ve ever seen.
“Shit! I’m sorry!” You exclaim, expecting to hit the tile of the hallway.
“My fault. I should have been looking where I was walking.” Arms wrap around you to keep you from hitting the floor.
“Penis Parker crashing into Iron Man’s daughter. Now you’ll have all the Avengers after you!” A boy who you think is called Flash calls from across the hallway. The boy whose arms are around you takes a second look at you after hearing what Flash said.
“You’re Y/N Stark?”
“Fraid so.” You say scrunching your face ever so slightly. “I’m hoping your first name isn’t actually Penis though?”
“Peter. Peter Parker.” His face goes red as he helps stand you back up on your red converse feet.
“Well it was nice running into you Peter. Hopefully we don’t do that again soon though.”
“Your dad might sue me for damaging a Stark and I can’t afford that.” You can’t help but laugh at that.
“Yeah he might try, but I’d get Pepper to stop him before it got too crazy. Bye Peter.” You don’t wait for a response as you turn to follow Betty and Astrid towards your lockers. “What do we know about Peter Parker?” You ask Betty as you walk, knowing that if anyone knows anything it will be Betty.
“He’s a Sophomore. On the Decathlon team with Liz. I think he’s also in band and he’s on the robotic team.” Liz was one of the few upperclassmen Betty knew from one of the clubs she was in. You had sat with her at lunch thanks to Betty but you didn’t know how to feel about her. “You should ask Liz about him. See what she knows if you're interested in him.” Betty says with a smile. “Maybe Y/N can find a date to Homecoming.” She tosses to Astrid.
“Like Tony Stark will let me out of the house for Homecoming with anyone of the opposite gender? Doubtful. I’ll have better luck going with a girl or with a group of friends.” You say as you spin your locker combination. You dump your backpack and pull the books you need for the first half of the day. 
“I think you could convince him. But if you don’t want to we can always pull a group together. It’ll be fun! It’s our first Homecoming!” Betty grabs her own books as she goes on about potential plans.
“It’s not even for another few months, so we have time.” Astrid says from a few lockers down. Betty and you turn to head towards your English class as Astrid heads off to her French class. Before you get inside your phone pings with a notification about the Avengers. Lagos? What are they doing there? You scroll through the news articles trying to understand what’s going on, but your teacher tells you to put your phone away. You open your computer to take notes and open your text stream with your dad, which is more bare than most people would think a text stream with Iron Man would be. 
Y: What is happening in Lagos?
T: Nothing that I know about right now. You’re in class. Focus on class.
Of course the one time you need him to tell you things he pulls the dad card of telling you to focus on class. Pepper won’t have information you need and the other Avengers are across the world at the moment apparently. Tony only responded because FRIDAY is part of his suit too. So now instead of being able to focus on being back at school for the first time in almost a week, you wished you were home still so you could talk to your dad and see what the actual fuck was happening.
By the time you got to lunch, everyone in the school it seems are aware that something is happening with the Avengers and everyone wants to hear from you. But you don’t have the patience to deal with anyone, except for trying to get an answer from your father.
“Y/N, now’s not really a good time.”
“Make time.” You say shortly. “Explain what’s going on. Because I have news reports and high schoolers telling me what’s going on or expecting me to explain to them what’s happening and I don’t know what the fuck is happening.”
“Well I’m in the middle of dealing with the government and possible rogue Avengers so I think my problems trump yours at this point in time kiddo.”
“Rogue Avengers?” Your voice drops as you turn the corner, trying to get away from ears that are trying to hear too much.
“I promise I will talk with you about everything when you get home, but right now I need to focus on Avengers stuff and you need to focus on school. Just give a no comment to the school kids. You’re not an Avenger, so they shouldn’t be expecting answers for you about what your dad is doing.”
“Fine, but I’m expecting answers tonight.”
“I know. Hey kiddo. I love you, no matter what else is going on. Just know that ok?” Your voice chokes up, as if he knows you told Pepper first. “You don’t have to say it back, I just… there was shit today that made me think that I need you to know that ok?” You bite your lip for a second before biting a bullet and just going for it.
“I love you too… Dad.” There’s silence on the other end for a moment and you think the call has dropped before Tony continues as if nothing happened.
“I’ll see you after school. Happy will pick you up. Go with him ok?” 
“Of course.” The call ends and you're more confused than when it started.  Making your way over to where Betty and Liz as well as a few of Liz’s friends are sitting, they look at you when you sit down. 
“Everything ok?” Betty asks.
“Oh yeah, Dad wanted to know how my numbers were doing cuz of last week.” Everyone sat looking like they were waiting for more. “Wait, you guys thought he would tell me what’s going on in Avenger-land? No. He barely tells me what we’re having for dinner.” You force out a semi real sounding laugh and Betty joins it. 
“He honestly doesn’t share that much with you. So Liz, how’s planning for Homecoming going?” You tune out the rest of the prattle as you look at some info on your phone, but something non Avengers related catches your eye. A video of a superhero called Spider-Man? Catching a car with his bare hands. It’s impressive. And it seems like something that Dad should be aware of especially if things are going to shit right now. So you send him the video, not thinking anything about it. 
By the end of the day though, when you and Happy walk into an empty tower, you start thinking more about the issues your dad mentioned. “Happy have you seen Dad all day?” Happy tries to control his emotions at hearing you call Tony Dad. 
“He’s been Iron Man most of the day. Hasn’t needed a driver. He did say he has to go deal with something. But I am to stay here with you until he gets back he said.”
“So you’re my baby-sitter?”
“I prefer the term companion?” Happy suggests.
“Where are the rest of the Avengers? Like I’d at least imagine Wanda, Vision, Clint, and Natasha to be here?” Usually the group of them were around when you got home from school, but today the tower seems rather empty. 
“I think Wanda and Vision are upstate. Natasha too. Clint might have gone home.” You always seem to forget that Clint has an actual home and family. You shoot a text to Natasha asking where she is, but don’t expect to hear anything if she’s off doing actual business stuff. As you slide the Stark Phone back into your pocket, you wander up towards your room to dump your backpack. After kicking off your shoes, you think about asking if Happy will take you to the Avenger’s Compound since there’s no one here, but you know your dad wants to keep you as close to the city as possible. 
So instead of putting off your homework you decide to get started on it. The tower is too quiet and it puts you on edge. Usually there is at least a handful of Avengers making noise or your dad tinkering around or something. But it’s too damn quiet. “FRIDAY, play Tony Stark Can Rot.” You maybe should change the name of your playlist, but right now you’re too focused on putting something on to make the Tower less quiet.
Finally, after spending way too long on your essay that’s due next week, you trod down to the kitchen. You can count on one hand the number of times you’ve had to make yourself food since you moved into the Tower. Steve likes cooking. You guessed it felt the most like being at home to him. But it meant you never really had to make food unless you got hungry at weird times. But making dinner tonight was weird for multiple reasons. First of all, none of the Avengers were here. It’s not the weirdest of things, but definitely made your top ten. Second, and most weird since the talk you had had, was that neither Tony or Pepper were here. Could you manage on your own? Sure. But it definitely counted as the weirdest thing since you all were trying to make more family time. 
You sat down at the empty kitchen table with a veggie patty and some French fries. Not the fanciest dinner, but as a dinner for one, it would work. You try scrolling through Twitter to find out more about the Lagos thing, but most of it seems like news from over a month ago, so why is it being brought up again? There’s even some Sokovia news being brought up but that’s even older. You close out Twitter and text Pepper.
Y: When are you coming home?
P: probably late. Caught up with a lot of SI stuff. Sorry I missed dinner. Love you.
You want to text your dad, but at this point, he’s already missed dinner too. He’s probably off doing Iron Man stuff. So instead, you just throw some music on from your phone and eat your dinner. When you’re done you put your plate in the sink and make your way back up to your room. You have biology readings, Intro to Calc notes to revise, and English readings for tomorrow to still do and you could start on your German studying if you want to get ahead. 
It’s close to midnight when there’s a knock on your door, softly almost like it doesn’t want to be heard. “Hey,” Pepper says softly when she sees you're still up. “Shouldn’t you be heading to bed?”
“Finishing up the last bits of homework. Did you just get home?” She nods but makes her way into your room to sit down on your bed. You turn in your desk chair to face her. “Long day?”
“Super long. How was school?”
“Fine, boring, too long.”
“You miss a week and that’s all the catch up I get?”
“Everyone was going on and on about this Lagos stuff which I don’t get why it’s being brought up again and Dad wouldn’t tell me anything.” Pepper’s head tilts to the left ever so slightly.
“He doesn’t always talk about what’s going on inside his head. But come on, you missed a whole week of school and there was no drama that you can catch me up on?”
“Well it’s not really drama but I literally ran into a boy today.”
“Bumps and bruises from it?”
You shake your head. “No he caught me before I could fall. He’s kind of cute though.”
“And what did we learn about him after that, because doesn’t Betty know everything?”
“Well his name is Peter. He’s a Sophomore. He’s in Decathalon with Liz, who we sit with at lunch, and Betty said she’s pretty sure he’s in band and on the robotic team too.”
“Well I hope to learn more about this Peter kid. Maybe you’ll have to ask him-”
“I’m not asking him to anything. It’s my first year at this school and I’m already too much news by being Tony Stark's daughter. Literally some other kid teased him when he crashed into me saying that Dad was going to send all the other Avengers after him for bumping into me and then when I said I hope we don’t literally run into each other again he said something along the lines of ‘your dad might sue me for damaging a Stark and I can’t afford that’. And he’s not far off from the truth.”
“We wouldn’t let your dad go that crazy.” Pepper reassures you. “Now, it’s late and you have school in the morning, get to bed.”
“Is Dad not home?”
“He had that MIT thing this morning and I think he was going upstate to deal with some Avenger stuff this afternoon. He may stay at the compound tonight.”
“Oh.” He didn’t mention any of that to you. And you’re somewhat disappointed that he didn’t.
Becoming A Stark Tag list: @persephonehemingway  @iamaunicorn4704  @furiouspockettoad  @daughter-of-stark  @eternalharry  @huntective-kyeo @riiis-stuff @sunnyoongles @cosmicqueenieb
Permanent tag list: @wormonastringonastick
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rosegoldannie · 4 years
Living a lie
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A Rowaelin Angsty/fluffy Hollywood!Au fic with a happy ending.
Also I had an idea for a quarantine TOG or ACOTAR fic. Comment which couple I should write it about! Also on a side note, my birthday was a few days ago, and now I’m 16!
They were living a lie.
In public, they were loving, and affectionate, and the couple that absolutely everyone wanted to be. They would walk down the street, Rowan’s hand around her waist, and smile for the cameras. She would smile, kiss him, and gush over her husband, how he was everything she could ever want. How their life was a blissful paradise.
Home was a nightmare. A neverending nightmare. They fought constantly, never able to go more than a few hours, maybe a few days if they really, really tried, without some form of an argument. And that was exactly where Aelin found herself yet again, fighting back tears, on her birthday no less. Reaching for her favorite eyeshadow, she contemplated how she, a twenty-three year old, found herself near-sobbing at the thought of attending her first major movie premier. Near sobbing, and not with joy.
Her emerald gown was set across her bed. Yes, her bed. Recently, they had been fighting so much that she couldn’t stand sleeping in the same room as her husband, but had been totally unwilling to stay with a friend. Something about the finality of that set her stomach turning. As if it were announcing to the world - because one way or another, if she spent the night at a friend’s, the whole world would know - that their marriage was over.
As she finished up her makeup, a single tear slipped out, which she quickly swept away, not having the patience to touch up the ever so slightly smudged makeup. She stood, making her way over to the bed, where that damn dress lay waiting . The gown whispered cooly against her arms, sliding smoothly over her skin. She sighed, almost wanting to forgo the entire event, and spend the night with her dog, a pint of ice cream, and maybe, just maybe, her husband.
There was a slight knock, then- “Can I come in?”
Aelin sighed through her nose, some strange sense of dread settling further in her gut, and turning the roasted salmon she’d had for lunch to lead. “Yeah.”
Her husband slipped through the doorway, and her jaw nearly dropped. Those pine eyes which were almost always so very cold were warm,and  gentle, and brimming with love. He was in sweats, and clutching a bouquet of sunflowers, a box of chocolate, and a small, velvet box. “Happy birthday, Ace.” He murmured. On any other day, Aelin would have sobbed, and thrown herself into his arms absolutely showering him with kisses and sweet murmurs, because by the gods, Rowan Ellys Whitethorn, who rarely remembered what day of the week it was, let alone the date, had remembered her birthday, and all of her favorite things. But this wasn’t any other day. And she didn’t jump into his arms.
“What the hell are you wearing?” She rasped through the tightness in her throat.
Rowan blinked, the warmth in those green eyes cooling ever so slightly, as mild panic filled them. “What? Were we going out tonight?” 
A sense of panic washed over her. “Yes! My premier? We have to leave in twenty minutes!” Some small part of her roared that this was why they fought: He didn’t listen to her. Didn’t hear her. She had been raving about how excited she was for this for weeks. He knew how much this night meant to her, and yet… he still forgot.
His face visibly fell as he placed the gifts on her bedside table, and slipped from the room. All the while murmuring that he would be ready to go soon. She nodded, telling herself that she trusted him enough to pick out his own suit, which was most definitely not a way of avoiding having to see his tattoo, and everything it promised and implied. Even though she couldn’t avoid it totally, as it weaved and snaked its way up the side of his face. But still. The most painful part was hidden under his clothes. For her eyes only, he had murmured in her ears years prior, whilst they were intertwined between the sheets and so irrevocably in love. Oh, where had the passion gone? The heat? The love?
Twenty minutes later, they were in the throes of yet another screaming match. 
“If you had told me before hand, maybe-”
“Don’t pull that shit with me, Rowan. You have all your shit organized. There’s no way you could fuck up this badly on accident.”
“And? Did you forget I’m colorblind?” She flinched, and he paused for a moment before continuing. “Did you forget because it isn’t something in your phone?” Again, she flinched. Because he was right; she had forgotten that he was colorblind and she was an awful person for it.
Regardless, those gold-ringed Ashryver eyes hardened. “There is absolutely no way this is an accident.” She held his gaze as she gestured to his black shirt, green tie and jacket, and black pants. While he’d definitely had worse red-carpet outfits, she was still upset. Partly because this was her first premier in which she was the sole star, and partly because of a word that had been whipping around in her mind for days.
“Alright, fine! I was trying to match your dress but I ran out of clean clothes.” He snapped. Something small cracked in his voice, and there was such desperation that she had to clench her eyes shut.
When she finally opened her eyes, she forged ahead and prayed. “Ro, we have to talk about it. This isn’t fair to either of us.” Rowan inhaled, and she waited for the barrage of pleas and promises, but they never came. He only sighed, clenched his jaw, and nodded. And something within her cracked, something ancient and primordial which had long lain dormant within her, roaring that he couldn’t just give up.
But they weren’t what everyone thought.
The entire world thought they were perfect.
The entirety of their families thought they were blissfully in love. Even Aedion.
But they were miserable.
She - truly - didn’t know who said it, only that during one of their fights a week prior, someone had screamed at the other that if things were truly so awful, then they should file for divorce. And for the last week, it had been the only thing on her mind. She was young, young enough to find love again-
Aelin damn near gagged at the thought, unable to even look at her husband for several long moments, even as a metallic, revolting taste remained in her mouth for a long while. “Are you happy? Like this?”
The driver of their limousine called back that they would be arriving soon, and they chorsed back their thanks.
He at last semi-met her gaze. “Am I happy?” He repeated, as if not totally processing the words. “I’m not unhappy.” He murmured, eyes trailing over her, over the shoulders exposed by her gown, to her lips painted a dark red, to her jewelry. His pine-green eyes trailed down to her hand, and the blood drained from his face. “Your ring….”
Confusion lanced through her, until she followed his gaze. To her empty ring finger, a band of pale skin where that silver and emerald wedding band always sat. To where she had forgotten to put it back on after her shower. Then the panic set in, a thousand different scenarios playing out in her mind. What actually occurred was so, so much worse.
Somehow, he paled even more, then clenched his eyes shut. A single tear slid down his cheek, which her fingers itched to wipe away, as their limousine pulled to a stop in front of a mob of flashing cameras and shouting reporters. Silently, she begged him to yell or scream, or beg her for another chance. Anything at all, any show of emotion. All he did was let out a soft, “Oh.”
Her panic rose, as she internally begged him to meet her eyes. “Ro, please.” She pleaded, her small voice cracking on the last word.
Those eyes snapped open, and her heart clenched at how utterly unable to read the boundless emotions swimming in them she was. “No.” He murmured, gently taking her hand, and pushing open the door. “We’ll talk about this at home. Tonight is your night.”
And so their masks slipped into place, even as her chest tightened to the point of pain. Together, they weaved through the crowds towards the red carpet. Arm in arm, ever the perfect couple. They even paused to pose for the paparazzi, Rowan wrapping an arm around her waist, and pressing a seemingly sweet kiss to her forehead. But she felt it for what it was: a goodbye, and an apology. Her heart began to crack.
Then they were pulled apart, and it could have been her imagination, but it seemed as if he seemed eager to be away from her. Nevertheless, she was whisked away by a reporter, who was shoving a microphone in her face, and a camera flashed brightly behind him. “Mrs. Whitethorn, how does it feel to be the star of your own movie?”
“Amazing,” She answered robotically, “it feels like a dream.”
“And are there any mini-Whitethorns on their way to us?” He teased, shoving that damn microphone further into her face.
And suddenly she was nineteen again, wrapped up in Rowan’s hoodie, curled up in his lap in their favorite armchair, back in their crappy, old apartment with the leaky faucets and drains that never really drained. 
“What do you think of children?” He murmured, nestling his face into her neck.
Aelin pulled back, giving him a coy smile, even as her gut erupted in butterflies, and a warm feeling seeped through her every limb. “I absolutely detest the idea.”
Rowan pouted, eyes pleading with her teasingly. “Oh really, and why is that?”
Grinning devilishly, she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Because I already have a man-child of my own, whom I love very much.” She then pressed another kiss to his soft, precious lips, and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Groaning, he pulled her impossibly closer, and she adjusted her position so that she straddled him, and plunged her fingers into his hair. Rowan’s strong hands trailed up and down her thighs, exposed by her athletic shorts that she wore purly to torment him.
After a long while, he reluctantly pulled back, his eyes serious. “In all honesty, what do you think of having children? With me?”
Again, she grinned, and again she attacked his lips. “I’d love them.”
She was pulled out of her reverie by a gentle arm snaking around her middle from behind, a chiseled chin coming to rest on her shoulder. Almost instantly, tears welled in her eyes for a multitude of reasons. When was the last time she had even considered that day? And how so very much she wanted children, with no one but the man wrapped around her. Her face flushed. And she prayed that Rowan didn’t notice, or if he did, that he thought it was simply from the constantly flashing.
Rowan smiled deeply, but his eyes remained sad on a level only she could see. “No, I’m afraid not.
The reporter sighed, then proceeded to hammer them with more questions, until they finally made a respectful exit and rushed into the theatre. And now, curled up unceremoniously in the plush chairs in front of that giant screen, she felt as if she might be sick.
And then the movie began.
There was one scene - only one - that she could barely stomach watching. It was when her love interest, played by Dorian Havilliard, was brutally whipped, as her character screamed in the background. It was all too similar to the worst night of her life, where she had watched her best friend had been so brutally killed. How she had been locked in a small, lightless room for weeks, listening helplessly as Sam was-
It was as if he had sensed her distress, for she had never truly told him what had occurred those weeks she had been missing from school, that his warm, gentle hand came to cautiously rest over hers. And when she didn’t push him away, he slowly drew their intertwined hands into his lap, to fully enclose her small, nimble hand in both of his. Hot tears slipped down her cheeks. It had been so long, and yet he still remembered
Once it had passed, Aelin breathed a sigh of relief, as her favorite scene was coming up, in which she - as Liliana - got to leap off a cliff, and soar through the air after escaping her captors. That scene had been such fun to film. Smiling, she thought back to the day she had filmed that, and had returned home so happy and excited that she and Rowan had actually had a pleasant evening, in which she had told him all of the details of the film. 
Slowly, she glanced over to Rowan under her lashes, and was surprised to see him staring awestruck at the screen, tears rolling freely down his tattooed face. And it was as if the fog which had been clouding her mind, her eyes for months…. It was if that fog had lifted, and she saw him. She truly saw him.
Pride, love and awe were abundant in his incredible eyes.
And she simply couldn’t help but to press a kiss to his hands.
Rowan jerked slightly, his head whirling towards her, his handsome features comically surprised and confused. Aelin cracked a smile, and snuggled into his side. Immediately, he wrapped his arms around her and it felt like coming home.
And as the movie carried on, she allowed her mind to wander, back to their most recent fights in which that wretched word had been flung.
“I never see you.” He spat, pinning her in place with a livid glare.
“I come home every night, I made sure that-”
“You stay here, but I never see you. It’s like you’re avoiding me.”
She crossed her arms and huffed.
Rowan pursed his lips. “So you are avoiding me, then.” He shook his head, eyes lingering on the fireplace behind her, rather than actually on her. “Can I ask why?”
Aelin shifted slightly. “Because I’m tired of fighting with you.”
“Really?” He scoffed, those chiseled features hardening. “Then why do you find fault with every damn thing I do?”
“I do not.”
“Yes you do.” He hissed. “When I went to pick you up from the set last week, you refused to come home.”
“Because I had a meeting.”
“That you didn’t tell me about. I had told you I wanted to spend the evening together.”
“No, you didn’t!”
“Yes I did, Aelin. You were just on your phone.”
“And? I’m busy, Rowan.”
“Yeah.” Rowan huffed, crossing his arms. “Don’t I know it.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“That you’re always on your phone! You don’t listen to me!”
Fury began to set her blood boiling. “Oh, I don’t listen to you?” She shouted, face growing redder with each passing second. “You don’t hear a thing I say! It’s like I’m married to a brick wall.”
“You’re really comparing me to a brick wall? Are you serious, Aelin? You downright refuse to even be in the same room as me. You refuse to communicate with me. Hell, half the time you refuse to even acknowledge that I exist! Let alone the fact that I’m your husband.” Hesitation shone in his eyes for a brief moment before dissipating. “Half the time I wonder if growing up in Terrassen really did turn your heart into ice.”
Aelin could barely school her face into neutrality. “If you really feel that way, then maybe you shouldn’t have proposed to me.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t have.”
“No. You shouldn’t have.”
“So then you agree. We shouldn’t have gotten married.”
“No. No we shouldn’t have. It was a mistake.”
“Finally we agree on something.”
Well. Since we both agree, I guess that means getting a divorce.”
“I guess it does.”
Suddenly she was blinking rapidly against the bright lights that now illuminated the luxurious theatre, as the credits began rolling across the screen. And the very first name upon that lengthy list was her own, scrawled in her cursive-printed combination handwriting that had so annoyed and upset her middle and high school teachers.
There was a loud, high-pitched squeal as a flurry of arms, legs, tulle, fluffy skirts and red-golden hair came flying at her, clambering down over the rows of velvety seats to wrap her thin arms around her and bury that scarred, adorable face in Aelin’s impeccably styled hair. And following close behind were several of Aelin’s close friends.
“Hello, Evangeline.” She chuckled, hugging the little girl back with equal fervor.
“You were amazing!” The girl squealed, beaming from ear to ear.
“Aww, thank you. You’re too sweet.”
“She’s right, Ace.” A deep voice murmured from behind.
Aelin whirled, after setting Evangeline safely down, to see Aedion. Clad in a crisp tuxedo, his hair brushed, and for once in something other than a hasty man-bun. “You made it!” She squeaked, throwing herself into her older brother’s arms. 
Once they separated, he was grinning. “Of course! I couldn’t miss your first premier.” Then his grin turned positively sneaky. “And I brought friends.” Then out stepped Lysandra and Elide, and Aelin saw her friend’s boyfriend off conversing with Sartaq and Dorian.
The three women shrieked in joy, instantly wrapping themselves into a clustered hug. After only a second, Elide let out a squeak, as she didn’t even come up to either woman’s shoulder, and they leaned down to include her.
After they had at last pulled apart, Nesryn, Manon and Yrene came up to introduce themselves, followed by their respective partners. Once Aelin had introduced them to her childhood friends, and had established a flowing conversation, she looked around for her husband, the urge to speak with him nearly overwhelming.
Mild panic began to fill her when she didn’t see him anywhere in the theatre, so she excused herself and rushed as quickly as her stilettos and dress would allow. Bursting through the thick door, Aelin scanned the foyer for that telltale green suit jacket and white hair, but again, she didn’t see it anywhere. And again, she rushed as quickly as she could into the lobby of the theatre, once again scanning the crowds, but once again she didn’t find him.
That mild panic quickly rose and filled her, blurring her crappy vision - worsened by the fact that she had forgotten to put her contacts back in after her shower -  and filled her eyes with tears. Quickly, she wiped them away and smudged her makeup, and rushed out of the lobby, into the cool night air, where hundreds of paparazzi instantly began snapping countless pictures of her.
Stumbling backwards, she rushed back into the lobby, and rushed for the back entrance, tumbling out towards the garbage cans. By now, her hair had come out of its beautiful waves and was now a messy, unkempt rats nest. 
Any inhibitions she had gave way when she leaned against the slimy, brick wall and slid down to the ground, burying her face in her knees as the hot, hopeless tears began to freely slide down her cheeks. Her dress caught on a chip in the bricks, and ripped, exposing a portion of her scarred back. A new wave of tears began, and she tugged at her hair.
What had she done? How had she let him believe that she didn’t love him, that she truly wanted a divorce? And who could blame him, she had been a total bitch. She had yelled at him for his greatest insecurity, the one thing he was self conscious about. And all because he hadn’t worn what she wanted. And that was after he had brought her everything he knew she loved, because the man who would forget his own name had remembered her birthday, and had tried to make it special for her, because he loved her. And she had yelled at him.
So, really, was it so surprising that he had left? He had seen her empty ring finger, and thought that she was leaving him, that she truly did want a divorce. But…. she didn't though.  Sure, things weren’t great, but… there was no one person responsible for it. At one point, they had simply stopped communicating, and simply expected the other to know or do things that they had no way of knowing.
She had stopped truly communicating with him, but Rowan had kept trying to reach her, and each time she had shut him down and berated him for it. And so, he had stopped trying.
Letting out a high whimper, Aelin wrapped her arms around herself as the chilly air soon seeped into her bones. Yet another wave of hot tears streamed down her face, but she again swiped them away, rubbing viciously at her eyes. When she pulled her hands back, she found that they were smeared with a mixture of eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner, and Aelin knew that she most likely looked like a sleep deprived raccoon. Sighing, she used the hem of her dress as a tissue and again wiped at her eyes. 
Overhead, the clouds rumbled ominously and rain began pelletting the ground around her. Again, Aelin sighed, and stood slowly, making to walk towards the street so she could order a taxi-
She froze. A taxi to where? Home? If Rowan was really leaving, he most likely was back at the house, packing her things. If she made it home, she could talk to him, convince him…. Convince him of what? That she deserved him? That she deserved a second chance? After everything that had happened, did she really even deserve a second chance? All she had done recently was find fault with every single thing he did, and make him unhappy. He deserved so much more than her.
But…. he had promised her. He had promised that no matter what happened, he would always love her. And he had meant it, because he had stayed by her side, failed audition after failed audition. Hell, he had even been the one to suggest that they move out to california once she had finally landed a role.
Sighing, Aelin hung her head as a painful revelation came over her: that she didn’t deserve a second chance. He deserved someone who wouldn’t close themselves off and leave him alone. He deserved someone who knew his insecurities and didn’t hold them against him when he made a mistake. He deserved someone else, someone better. Someone who wasn’t her.
The light drizzle became a full-fledged rainstorm, and she turned, making to go back to her corner, where she would be sheltered from the rain behind that rancid garbage can, but her stiletto gave a sharp crack, and she tripped into a puddle, soaking her dress.
She cursed, drawing her foot closer, to inspect the damage. The heel of her shoe had snapped clear off, her dress had begun to rip at the seam and was now soaked and stained with garbage, and her leg was now splattered with mud.
Cursing, Aelin stumbled back over to where she had spent the previous several hours: behind the dumpster.
No sooner had she resumed her earlier position, the door flew open, and she retreated further behind the dumpster, curling into a small ball. Whoever had come through that door stomped around for a good while, and then the door creaked open again.
Then she heard a sharp gasp, and her head jerked up.
Rowan, looking as dishevelled as she had ever seen him, was crouched before her, his tie completely undone and the top several buttons of his now wrinkled shirt unbuttoned. “Aelin,” He murmured, leaning forward to put his suit jacket around her. “What the hell-”
She interrupted him by throwing herself into his arms. “I’m sorry, Rowan.” She whimpered. “This is all my fault, I should never have shut you out, and I promise that if you choose to give me a second chance I’ll do better.”
“Whoa-whoa what?” He pulled back slightly, brushing the knotted hair from her face, and wiping away some dirt on her cheekbone. “What do you mean? This isn’t your fault, and why the hell are you out here?”
“I-I thought you had left, because… Fuck, Rowan we’ve been fighting so much, and…. And last week we all but said we were going to get a divorce, and all I’ve done for the last I don’t know how long is yell at you, and earlier when you saw I didn’t have my wedding ring on, I thought that you thought that was me saying that we’re done, but I promise that I don’t want that and if you’d only let me explain that I forgot to put it back on after my shower. But if you’ve already decided that we’re done, I promise that I’ll respect that and you’ll never have to see or hear from me again.”
Slowly, she watched him process what she had said, as he scanned her face. “Aelin… no. No, I don’t want this to be over, and of course I’ll give you another chance. That goes without saying. I know how busy you’ve been, and I’ve tried to be supportive, but I know that I’ve been distant. I had wanted to tell you that if you were willing to give me another chance, I’d be everything you’ve ever wanted.”
Silver began lining her eyes, and she pulled his jacket tighter around her to ward off the chill. “Rowan, I love you. You never have to ask for a second chance. You’ll always have it, no matter what.” Her cheeks reddened, and she found it hard to look at him. “Because, Ro, I…. you’re it for me.”
In less than a second, he had pulled her into a tight hug, wrapping himself around her. Hot tears began to dampen what little of her gown hadn’t already been soaked, but she didn’t care, because Rowan was here, and he still cared.
When he at last pulled back, his eyes were red and puffy. “You’re it for me too, Aelin. You’ve always been it for me.” With that, Rowan leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to her cold lips. After only a few moments, he made to pull back, but she gripped his shirt, and pulled him back to her, and she pressed her lips to his.
And as his arms wrapped around her, she knew she was home. With his lips moving sweetly against hers, it was as if they were seventeen, and sharing a kiss behind the bleachers at a highschool dance.
Once they had finally parted, she couldn’t help the words that tumbled out of her mouth. “You still love me, right Ro?”
Confusion filled his gaze. “Of course.”
“But then….why did you leave me?”
“What? I would never leave you.”
“Yes, you did. After the movie, I was looking for you and you were gone. I looked everywhere.”
“After the…? Aelin,” He smiled sweetly, cupping her cheek, “after the movie I went to the bathroom. I never purposefully left you. I’d never do that.”
She blinked. “So you’re saying I’ve been out here for no reason?”
Rowan grinned, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “You always did have a dramatic flare. It’s part of why I love you.”
Humming, she leaned into him. “I missed you.”
Another kiss was pressed to the crown of her head. “I missed you too, love.”
It wasn’t easy, and it most definitely didn’t happen overnight, and their fight in the limousine wasn’t their last, but they rebuilt their relationship. It took a lot of counseling, a lot of tears, a lot of talking, and a lot of patience, but, well over a year later, they were once again happy and in love. Some days were better than others, and it was by no means perfect. But they were happy.
Balancing work and their personal life wasn’t easy, and there were still many times that one person accidentally began shutting down communication with the other, but they now made a point to spend time together, and to schedule weekends off so that they could relax. Another improvement was that Aelin was no longer sleeping in the guest room. 
Only a few weeks after her premier, she and Rowan had decided to move into another house, as they both agreed that it would be too difficult to repair their marriage in the house that had some so close to destroying it.
Now in a new house in the suburbs, Aelin felt as if they had been gifted with a fresh start, and another chance together.
Several months later, nearly two years after her premier, as they were wrapped together under warm sheets and in each other's arms, buttery sunlight streaming in through the large windows, with her head tucked under his chin, she smiled a secret smile, her thoughts drifting to the growing secret within her belly, whose existence she would soon reveal to her husband. But for now, she roused him gently from his light slumber. “Ro. Ro, wake up. I want to tell you something.”
She could simply grin, and attempt to rouse him again. “Please, it’s important.”
One green eye slipped open. “Wa’sit?” He slurred, pulling her closer.
Bracing her elbows on his bare chest, she traced his collarbone with her fingertip. “I’ve been thinking about something for a while, and...I’ve come to a decision.”
Now he was awake. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes with his free hand, he met her happy gaze. “What do you mean?” He murmured, fingers combing sweetly through her hair.
Resting her chin in her hands, she gazed into his eyes. “So….I’ve been thinking that even though we’ve talked about it, and you’re completely fine with my acting career…”
“Mmhmm…” He hummed, smiling slightly.
“I’ve decided that I’m going to retire early, and get a real job.”
His eyes widened comically. “What?! B-but you love acting! Why-what… I’d never want you…. Aelin, you can’t! You-this is your dream job.” He sputtered, holding her gaze, and searching.
She cupped his cheek and brushed his bottom lip with her thumb. Trying to convey just how much she loved him with that gesture. “It’s my decision, Rowan. I decided to retire because I don’t like the strain it puts on our relationship.” Her husband began to protest, but she quickly silenced him. “No one made me do this. And, yeah, I know we’ve worked out ways to work through the stress my job puts on us, but… I don’t like it. I hate how we almost have to put on a facade for the paparazzi, and how absolutely everything we do is criticized and judged, and…” She took a deep breath, leading his hand to press against her stomach. “I don’t want our kids to grow up in the spotlight, where they’ll have no privacy be constantly scrutinized. I just...that’s not the life I want for them.”
Slowly, realization dawned on him, and he broke into a joyful grin, tears filling his eyes as he pressed a second hand to her belly. “Aelin, sweetheart, are...are you?”
She grinned from ear to ear, nodding her head vigorously. Rowan immediately wrapped her into a tight, loving hug and kissed her until their lips were numb and their stomachs roared for breakfast.
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mcsstydia · 5 years
I wouldn’t tell them- Peter Parker
prompt: paparazzi see you and Spider-Man together, now they stalk you and constantly interrogate you about his identity.  
pairing: peter parker x reader
WARNINGS: a tiny bit of fighting and angst, but fluff mostly 
words: 2.1k
A/N: peter parker makes my heart go !!!!!!!  also not yet proof read so prepare for some typos
Masterlist in bio and all imagine can be found under #Masterlist
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Every time Peter picked you up at home wearing his suit, you were concerned someone could see the two of you together. 
But Peter would reassure you, telling you that “up here no one sees us babe.”, and of course, so far nobody did. 
But you knew the day would come, sooner or later. And you already worried what you would do once it did.
Right now, Peter was about to bring you home, swinging from building to building. Once you arrived at your building complex, he landed right in front of the door. The street lamps had already been turned on; it was late. He still had an arm wrapped around your waist, holding you close to him. 
  “Now don’t worry about Flash anymore, okay, babe?”, he asked lowly, his hand caressing your back. You sighed, looking up at him. “You know I’m only worried because he keeps being mean to you.”, you replied, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck. He leaned his forehead against yours. “I know but-”, he started, but stopped because his spider sense alarmed him. 
He whipped around, right in time for a flashlight blinding the both of you. “What the hell?”, he almost yelled. Once the both of you regained sight, you saw a journalist standing in front of you, having just snapped a picture of the sight before him.
  “Spidey, is this your girlfriend?”, he asked frantically. “How did you guys meet? Do you plan on going public? Do you-”, he continued asking, but Peter cut him off. “That’s the point where I leave.”, he stated simply, looking at you shortly before shooting a web and disappearing into the night. 
Now the journalists gaze met yours. Your eyes widened and you spun around quickly, already searching your keys. “Are you two a thing? Do you know his identity?”, he kept asking when you finally found your key and disappeared into your apartment complex.
You received a text message as you went into your apartment. 
‘Everything alright?’ It was from Peter, of course.
‘Yeah. Guy was creepy, tho.’, you replied.
‘What’d he ask you?’, he asked
‘Whether we dated and if I knew your identity.’
‘You didn’t say anything, right?’, he questioned further.
‘Of course not, baby. Don’t worry, okay?’, you tried calming him down.
‘I’ll try. Love you, see you tomorrow.’
‘Love you too.’
  On the next day, when you were about to leave your home and go to school, you almost screamed out of shock when you saw the same journalist from last night standing in front of your apartment complex. Only now, two of his colleagues were standing next to him, directing a camera and a microphone into your direction. 
You turned on your heel and tried to get away from them, but they kept following you. “We’re here with the girl Spider-Man himself brought home last night. How does it feel to be Spider-Man’s girlfriend?”, the journalist asked. You thought about ignoring him, but he could see that as prove. 
  “I’m not his girlfriend. He simply brought me home as a nice gesture.”, you stated, not looking at either of them. Your back was turned towards them as they kept interrogating you. But they kept following you, even into the train you took to school.
“Can you tell us anything about him? Do you know his name? Or where he lives?”, you tried ignoring them as best as you could, but you felt insanely uncomfortable and prayed Peter would find you once he was on the train himself.
  “Ehm, excuse me?”, you heard a familiar voice. The three journalists turned around, and so did you. “Can you leave her alone? Don’t you see how anxious you make her?”, Peter asked, clearly annoyed at how these three grown men were behaving. 
“And you are?”, the journalist asked. “Her boyfriend.”, he stated, his eyebrows furrowed in anger. The journalists face lit up. “Oh, so you must be happy to hear that your girlfriend kissed Spider-Man last night.”, he grinned.
  “I didn’t !”, you stepped into the conversation. “You know you just made that up right now, so leave us alone!”, you stated, grabbed Peter’s hand and turned away from them, searching for another spot in the train.
Once Peter thought you were far enough away from the reporters, he pulled you into him. “He couldn’t have seen us kissing yesterday, could he?”, he whispered into your ear, worry evident in his voice. 
  “No. We sure were about to kiss last night, but we didn’t because you sensed him before, remember?”, you whispered back. He nodded in response, but he didn’t really seem convinced. 
“Hey,”, you said lowly, making him look up from the ground and look at you. You raised your hand and placed it on his neck, playing with his small brown curls. “Everything’s alright, okay? They know nothing,”, you said in a calm voice. He nodded again, leaning into your hand for comfort. 
“I love you so much,”, he whispered, making you grin in contentment. “I love you too,”, you replied, before pulling his face down to press your lips against is soft ones.
  Even as the both of you reached Midtown High, the reporters were still following you, asking you questions. But Peter simply squeezted your hand, and the two of you kept walking and ignoring them.
Only once you were inside of school, did you really feel comfortable again. They hadn’t followed you into the building, yet. 
The day went on without any other disturbances. That was, until lunch time.
  You sat together with Ned and MJ, waiting for Peter, when suddenly it seemed as though the whole cafeteria started talking at once. The three of you looked around, everyone as confused as the other. 
“What the hell is going on?”, Ned asked, as you shrugged your shoulders. “Guys!”, MJ exclaimed, looking at her phone with wide eyes. “I might know what they’re talking about,”, she continued as she showed the two of you her phone. 
  It was an article of The Daily Bugle, headlined ‘Spider-Man allegedly going to Midtown Highschool of Science’. Your mouth fell open in shock. How could they know? You looked around in panic, searching for Peter’s face in the cafeteria. 
You spotted him at the entrance and your gazes locked. He looked at you with shock, hurt, disappointed and anger all mixed on his face. Wait. He couldn’t. Or did he really think you were the one telling the reporters Spider-Man was a student? 
  For what seemed like an eternity, you just stared into each others eyes from across the room. But when he finally shook his head and turned on his heel, you jumped up from your seat and ran after him. 
You caught him right outside of the cafeteria, grabbing the sleeve of his jacket to make him stop. “Pete!”, you exclaimed. He suddenly whipped around, looking at you with the same emotions as just a few seconds ago. Hurt. Anger. Disappointment. Shock.
  “What do you want, Y/N?”, he almost yelled. You were taken aback by the anger lacing his voice. You couldn’t talk. But you didn’t have to, since Peter wasn’t done letting out his frustration.
“What were you thinking? Were you so intimidated by those reporters that you just told them? Or did you think they would leave you alone if you told them just a little bit of my private life? Or even better, do you just enjoy being in the spotlight for once?”, he asked angrily, letting his anger out on you. 
  Tears had been welling up in your eyes ever since he began talking, but now they were freely streaming down your face. You looked at him, speechless. You could visibly see him calm down now, his face softened more by the second. 
“Y/N I’m sorry I shouldn’t have yelled it’s just-”, he started talking, taking a step towards you. You took a step back, making him go silent.
  “And did you, for one second, just think about the possibility that I didn’t tell them? That I simply love you too much to ever do something to hurt you? That I would rather let them follow me for weeks than tell them even the tiniest bit about you?”, you asked quietly, looking at the ground. 
“But if you really thought I could do all that, then you don’t know me at all,”, you said, looking at your boyfriend. There were tears glistening in Peter’s eyes now as well and his lip was quivering when you turned around and returned to the cafeteria.
  For the rest of the day, you neither talked to nor saw Peter. You didn’t want to, either. You were still mad at him. Well, more hurt than mad. In fact, you just wanted this fight to be over. You missed him. But you were also just so fukcing hurt by the things he said that you wouldn’t be the one to apologize.
But when you were lying in bed that night, crying your eyes out, you really thought you lost him. Maybe he thought about what you said and now thought he didn’t really know you. Maybe he finally realised that you weren’t good enough for him or that-
  Your thoughts were interrupted by a knocking on your window. You were sitting upright within a second and standing on your feet within the next. You knew it could only be your boyfriend. No one else could be outside of a window in the 18th floor. 
You opened your window to a depressed looking Spider-Man, holding flowers and chocolate in his hands. No one said anything for a second. “Can I- Uhm you know can I come in?”, he asked lowly. You stepped aside, muttering a quiet ‘sure’.
  He climbed in and then he was standing in front of you, towering over you, still wearing his Spider-Man mask. “I-I bought your favourite flowers,”, he said, handing them to you. “and uh..your favourite chocolate as well,”, he added, giving it to you.
He still had his mask on, and you knew exactly why. So you put his gifts away and cupped his face gently. You gripped the hem of his mask gently. “You don’t have to hide from me,”, you gently whispered. He gave a short nod in response and you slowly rolled his mask up until you could see the last bit of his messy curls.
  His face was tear-stained and his eyes all red and swollen, matching yours. You got on your tip toes, gripping his neck in the process. You pressed your lips against his in a desperate, long over-due kiss. Both of you sighed into the kiss contently.
You pulled away again and flopped down onto your feet. “Now continue.”, you demanded, grinning at him. He huffed out a laugh before gently gripping your hands into his.
  “I was so fucking wrong,”, he began, making you giggle. “Truth is I do know you. And I know you wouldn’t do any of the stuff I said you did. And I was wrong for saying all this and for making you cry. I wish I could take it all back but I can’t. So I’m here to ask you if you can forgive me for being so fucking irrational and dumb.”, he spoke quietly, but you heard every single word and you knew he meant it. 
“Of course I forgive you,”, you said. “But I was wrong too. I shouldn’t have said you don’t kniw me because you’re the only person on this world who really does,”, you continued as you caressed his cheek gently. 
  Peter cupped your face with both his hands and pulled you in for a gentle kiss. It was full of apologies and tears, but the way your lips moved together didn’t feel any different. 
“Don’t ever apologise for something that is my fault ever again, you hear me?”, he said, staring into your eyes once he pulled away. “Sure,”, you smiled, kissing him again.
  “Do you know who told them in the end?”, Peter asked as you lay next to him, plaing with his fingers as he gazed at you lovingly. You shook your head, looking at him curiously.
“Flash,”, he grinned. “No way!”, you called out, sitting up. He mirrored your actions and smirked. “Yeah. He said Spider-Man was his best friend and that he goes to our school.”, he told you. “Oh no he didn’t,”, you laughed. “Sadly, he did.”, Peter said as he joined you in laughing.
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allie1804-fan · 4 years
The Middle of the Road (Chapter 16)
Chapter 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8 , 9, 10, 11 , 12,  13  14 , 15
Warnings: None
September 2024 – Toronto Emily and Keanu flopped down on the bed in their room at the apartment they were renting in Toronto for the week of The Toronto International Film Festival. They had just arrived from LA and were travel weary. He had just had his 60th birthday and would be receiving a Tribute award at the festival, a great honour for any film maker but an especially treasured one for Keanu who had grown up in the city. He remembered when the festival used to take place in his neighbourhood of Yorkville in the late 70s so the whole event was very close to his heart.
The whole family had decamped from LA including their Nanny Maria which would enable them to attend the evening events as well as do some promotion.  Keanu had done voice work in a film being premiered there which had a U certificate so they would all attend the afternoon screening. They were taking a bit of a risk with Hannah but Emily or the nanny would be able to take her or Johnny out if either of them got unsettled.
 After they had rested up a bit, they all went out to a local Italian restaurant around the corner from the apartment and enjoyed a simple relatively quick meal before getting the babies back home to bed.  The next morning found Keanu and Emily enjoying some free time looking around his old haunts – he’d shown her his home in Yorkville, his elementary  school, ice hockey stadium, the Leah Poslun Theatre and the location of his first kiss!
 “Right there?”? Emily was pointing with an aghast expression on her face at a dingy alley behind a bike rack at the back of an old Walgreens store.
 “Yup – I know. I’ve got a bit classier in my old age I hope you agree.”
 “And what was her name?”
 “Now THAT is a 70s name if ever I heard one. I guess at least your name is just totally unique and not linked to an era like some”
 “She was sweet – but not long lasting!”  Anyway, I think that is the complete high, and low, lights for you. We better get back and get  some lunch before this afternoon’s shenanigans”  He was referring to the premiere of his film which was an afternoon affair so kids could attend. Some local children would attend as well as press and the stars and their families. Johnny and Hannah would be there – with the exit strategy of mum or nanny if it was too much. They had watched films at home and had quite good attention spans but Hannah had only been in a movie theatre once and so was a bit if an unknown quantity behaviour wise.
It was also to be their first red carpet as a family. They had kept the children well shielded so far but, accepting that  complete privacy wasn’t realistic, they had decided to attend this premiere all together. They all dressed in smart casual clothes rather than the suits and ballgown style of Oscars and that was needed given they would have the kids next to them snacking on ice cream! The press and fans were enthralled with the kids, both dark haired and with big brown eyes strongly favouring Keanu but with the delicacy of Emily’s features. After letting her walk on wobbly legs for a little while, Keanu scooped Hannah up and carried her while Emily walked with Jonathan and Marie brought the buggy and a change bag just in case. Hannah loved waving at everyone and fans called her name which made her laugh. Johnny joined in with waving too, sensing that this was something special but not really at all clear what. It was going to be a while before they understood that their Dad wasn’t just special to them!
The kids enjoyed the film and made it through the whole hour and half without a melt down to everyone’s relief.
That evening Emily and Keanu appeared on a panel about a project they were working on together. There were inevitable questions about how husband and wife could work together which they fended off deftly  - working together was after-all how they met and it felt easy compared to parenting and they were glad to keep the topic work focussed.  In the next couple of days they each took part in other promo for their work and had a meal out, just the two of them.  There they talked about the award show that would be the following night.
                                                            “You nervous?” Emily asked as she sipped her coffee.
“Am I ever!” He groaned. “All that intention is intense – I’m used to parts of it – the red carpet, the photos, being filmed in the audience, even being on stage handing out awards or receiving a less significant gong but such focus, and a speech – phew, it’s crazy”
“It’s what you deserve honey, you know that inside don’t you”
 He shook his head,
 “It’s an honour, such an honour but, no,  I don’t know it – it just feels surreal”
 “Well just try to enjoy it if you can, hun – OK?, Want to run through the speech back at the apartment?”
 “Sure, that would be great to have a writer’s input”
 The award day came and they passed as much of it as they could focussing on the kids, taking them to one of the lakeside beaches for playtime and a picnic but eventually time came for the ‘dressing up game’  as Keanu called it. Both of them would spend a few hours being “made beautiful” for the cameras with stylists primping and polishing their hair, clothes and make up to within an inch of their lives. They left the children with Maria and they would tune in later to see Mommy and Daddy on the TV walking the red carpet.
Emily was wearing a stunning sleeveless, full length taffeta gown in red and her birthday necklace to match her ruby engagement ring and Keanu was in the tux he’d worn to the 2020 Oscars.  Emily’s palms were sweaty even before they left to go to the theatre. She’d attended public occasions before where there were paparazzi but only one awards show about 4 years ago so she was nervous of the attention, especially as the news of their marriage was still quite fresh.
As they climbed out of the car, Keanu whispered in her ear  “Just imagine everyone naked”  before they started to make their way up the red carpet, making her giggle and relax just a little.
“I feel like the wives in Apollo 13, if they ask me anything. I’ll just say “I’m proud, happy and thrilled”
“Are you likening me getting an award to going to the moon or a life-threatening mission?!”
“the former for you and maybe the latter for me!”
At first she held Keanu’s arm in a death grip but gradually she relaxed especially as she saw the smiling faces in the crowd and she saw Keanu relax too, signing photos, DVDs and books and posing for photos. Several fans encouraged her to pose alongside him, surprising her.  It seemed some people were happy to see him happy with his marriage and kids and thus welcomed her with open arms.
There were a few reporters on the red carpet who stopped them for a few words. Keanu made her laugh, though she tried to hold it in, when he responded to the question of how he was feeling to be receiving the Tribute Award.
“Well I’m proud, happy and thrilled” he said, giving Emily a wink which made the laughter bubble to the surface. They moved on and at last made it into the auditorium and were shown to their seats.
There were several other awards before his but at last it was time for his big moment.
The presentation started with a show reel with clips from his most famous movies as well as some of his lesser known early ones which made him blush. He leaned over and whispered to Emily
“At least they’re not showing the Coke and cornflakes ads!”
After the reel, there were some video clips from some of his directors and co-stars praising – his work, his character and his work ethic. There was Chad Stahelski, Sandy Bullock, Carrie-Ann Moss and Lilly Wachowski. Then it was time for the award  itself which Lana Wachowski presented. As he walked up to the stage, the whole auditorium stood, clapping and cheering. He was right, Emily thought, this was really overwhelming! She dabbed a tear away as he took his place at the podium and took a moment to let the applause fade.
“Firstly let me say a huge thank you for this great, great honour  - to receive this in the city where I spent my formative years is really very special so thank you.”
More applause erupted then quickly subsided allowing him to continue.
“I owe this award to many other people  - first and foremost,  I’d like to pay tribute to my mom for believing in me all those years ago when I asked her one day, would it be ok if I was an actor and  she simply said ‘whatever you want son’.
And thanks must also go of course to the teachers and directors at the schools where I did plays and at the Leah Posluns Theatre where I really began to learn my craft-  thank you for lighting the fire.
Looking back, the reel you showed just now only served to remind me how much I love movies. And a key reason over the years for that love and indeed for much of my success has been the joy of collaboration when making them. Collaboration with many wonderful directors, actors, cinematographers, stunt coordinators, make-up artists, caterers, runners to name but a few is what I thrive on. And they have all made me look good.  And I know sometimes I’ve made my fellow actors look good too by how bad I was! Special thanks to Winona and Gary in that regard!
And I can’t forget the writers, for one thing my wife would never forgive me if I didn’t give them a mention.”
Keanu looked over and caught Emily’s eye as she sat in the front row beaning with pride.
“Writers have gifted me some amazing, memorable characters, some of them coming back time and again  like Ted, Neo and John Wick.  And I think special thanks are due for all the Johns, Johnny’s and Jacks and the quarterback punks that have been a recurring theme for me and such fun to play.
So I love movies and I love the opportunity they give me to tell stories.
But this year, as I hit a big milestone birthday,  I am in a new phase in my life and I’m planning on being focussed less on the stories in films and more on my own story.  Over the years, my fellow actors and the crews have been like family to me, a band of brothers and sisters if you will.  But 5 years ago I met and fell in love with a wonderful woman and she became my family.  Then 2 years ago we became parents - and now there are 4 of us. And this year  I also became a husband - in all these things as you can probably tell I was a late starter!
So whilst I’m not retiring,  going forward I can’t and I don’t want to be the man who  is all work and no play.  I want to be with my beautiful  wife and my kids as they grow and play my part in guiding them in their lives, in their story.
And hopefully, I’ll bring the riches of that experience of being a parent and a husband to my future roles.
Thank you”
There was rapturous applause at this end to his speech and Emily found herself crying once again at his very public commitment to a more balanced life for them all going forward.
Keanu took his leave, heading back stage where there would be a few interviews to do before he could re-join Emily and head onto the after-party.  There was a brief break in proceedings and Emily made her way back stage to meet up with him.
Keanu was just taking his leave from one of the news teams  when he glimpsed Emily weaving her way between the throngs of stage hands, actors and publicists.
He headed in her direction and indicated a small alcove to the side to aim for. She reached it first and waited for him to join her, his progress being slowed by people stopping to congratulate him on his award and speech. When he finally got there, she threw he arms around his neck.
“That was, just, just”
“Wow  have I actually rendered you speechless?” he laughed.
“You didn’t share THAT part of the speech!”
“You mean the bit about marrying a wonderful woman and sharing my story with her?”
“yes that part, you sneaky devil, you made me cry”
“Happy tears I hope?”
“Yes!” she smiled planting a kiss on his smiling lips.
@penwieldingdreamer @fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @ladyreapermc @witty-wallflower @gatsbynouvel @bitchyslut99 @keanureevesisbae @omg-imagine @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @kindainlovewithkeanu @paperplanesandwallflowers
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agoodgoddamnshot · 5 years
Dealing with It - Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak
How their lives became disgustingly domestic, he’ll never know. One day, both he and Richie had finally caught up to the fact that they both loved each other. And the next, they were living together in a nice, two-story house in Greenwich Village, married, with kids and a dog.
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[Gif isn’t mine]
How their lives became disgustingly domestic, he’ll never know. One day, both he and Richie had finally caught up to the fact that they both loved each other. And the next, they were living together in a nice, two-story house in Greenwich Village, married, with kids and a dog.
The Village is certainly quieter than where they used to live, before the kids. After all that had happened with Derry and the fallout from it, Eddie had found himself living in Richie’s apartment.
Then they got married.
And then one of them had the idea about kids.
And then the twins swung into their lives.
It all sort of spiralled out from there, really.
Eddie has one hand of each twin in his. Richie lags behind them; Sophie curled up in one arm, while he talks to his manager on the phone. After a big lunch, he expects that all of the kids will fall into bed for naps. And he quietly hopes so. Sophie is almost there already, hiding her face into her dad’s neck to get out of the harsh summer sun.
Just over Richie’s shoulder, Eddie can see some paparazzi with cameras trailing behind. They’ve been like that for almost ten minutes now; but he can’t imagine what kind of article they’re going to get from following the Tozier-Kaspbrak family having a lunch out with their pack of kids.
It’s something Eddie has gotten progressively used to. Sometimes, on their journey to stores or cafes to meet with friends, a handful of cameras will follow them for a time; until it becomes apparent that Richie Tozier has become quite possibly the most boring man to ever exist.
Then again, adopt three kids and a dog, and yeah, any chance of getting a juicy news article written about you goes out the window.
So the ones following them now, seeing if they’re going to do anything worth picturing, they’ll leave in a couple of minutes if the trend stays the same.
Eddie looks behind him. Richie is still on the phone, nodding occasionally and offering a quiet yeah. Hiding under his chin is Sophie’s head, nose buried into his chest as her grip on his shirt starts to slacken. When he meets Eddie’s gaze, he offers a small smile. Sorry, he mouths. Followed by an exaggerated eye roll.
Eddie tries not to laugh.
Both Allie and Lucas walk contently by Eddie’s side, swinging both of his arms with each step. “Can you drive us to school tomorrow, daddy?” Allie asks, eyes cast down at her worn, converse shoes. She’s been avoiding the cracks in the pavement since leaving the restaurant; and doing a pretty good job of it.
Eddie nods. “Sure thing, princess.”
“Is Dad going away again?” Lucas asks – because once one twin starts with the questions, the other isn’t far behind.
Eddie glances over his shoulder. He bites the inside of his lip. “I don’t know, Luke.” He turns back to his son. “But if he does, we can have plenty of fun ourselves. Can’t we?”
Lucas answers with an exaggerated nod.
Allie makes a sort of distressed sound by his side. Before he can even ask what’s wrong, she’s already looking up at him with wide, blue eyes. “I stepped on a crack,” she says, glancing down at her foot. Her toes have only grazed it, but Eddie knows Allie well enough to know that even that counts as a hit.
“It’s alright,” he soothes, letting her step back on to the full concrete slab, and trying to step over the join again. When she clears it this time, she grins, but mostly to herself. Allie’s little neuroses have caught his attention in the last year and a half. Quietly watching from the ajar door of her bedroom or the kitchen table, he’s noticed them. As has Richie. But neither of them has actually commented on them.
Once Allie is back in her stride, the rest of the walk home goes well.
By the time Richie’s manager finally lets his husband go, Sophie has become a dead weight in his arm. Richie picks up a couple of strides to catch up with the rest of them.
“What did Robert want you for?” Eddie asks, already knowing the answer.
Richie huffs, switching Sophie from one arm to another. “Just to ask about something.”
“Do I know what that something is?”
“Next year’s tour,” Richie explains, peering at the girl in his arms to see how deep into sleep she’s slipped. “He’s thinking of adding more dates. Tickets for the show sold out within minutes apparently.”
If either twin is concerned with or listening to their conversation, neither makes it known. Allie still makes exaggerated steps over cracks, and Lucas keeps his hand firmly caught in Eddie’s while he takes in the passing storefronts and displays.
Eddie makes a sound. “It’s more time spent away from us,” he says quietly, looking over at his husband.
Richie holds his gaze. “I can always say no,” he offers.
Eddie shakes his head. “No, no. You love your fans. Even the ones who berate you on Twitter. Add more dates. Keep them happy.”
“You’re the best, Eddie Spaghetti,” Richie leans over children to place a quick kiss on Eddie’s cheek. A small smile curls along his lip. “And I know that it’s you leading those smear campaigns. Who else would have that much dirt on me?”
The twins are parked in front of the TV, watching the latest episode of some cartoon.
Sophie is happy enough plodding after Alfie through the house. They’ve already wandered through the upstairs rooms, before deciding that downstairs would be more exciting.
Eddie watches them pass through the kitchen. Sophie doesn’t even acknowledge his existence. “So how long would this tour be then, with the extra dates?” he throws into the kitchen.
He hears Richie sigh behind him, before the other man takes a seat beside him at the kitchen island. Richie comes armed with two glasses of wine. He places one in front of Eddie. “Two months,” he answers, looking across into the living room, where neither of the twins has moved in the last thirty minutes. Thank God for kid’s shows getting longer. Richie shrugs. “It’ll just be America, though. So you don’t have to worry about me going abroad.”
Eddie hums. He takes a measured sip of wine. Richie’s gaze is burning into the side of his face. He’s expecting more. What that more is, he isn’t sure. Does he want Eddie to flip? To cry and scream and beg for him to stay? Or does he want him to smile and laugh and say well, enjoy yourself and be genuine about it?
He knew this would be a thing. Ever since Richie started writing his own material, the audience reaction soared. Within months, Richie had this new following of people behind him. It only increased when he started mentioning his boyfriend, later husband, in his acts. Apparently having an out comedian talk shit about his partner on stage for an hour and a half was what the kids appreciate these days.
Eddie’s eyelids flicker closed at the feeling of long fingers comb through his hair. “I can say no, Eds,” Richie says quietly. “I don’t have to do it. A month is long enough. And I can be back with you and the tykes as quick as anything. I’m sure people would understand.”
Eddie could work from home. He’s done it before. Sure, the sitter still has to come and make sure that while Eddie is in his office, on a call with a client or making a new report, the kids don’t run riot. But at least he’s here, and always a scream of DADDY away.
He leans back into the touch. “Its fine, Rich. Really.” When he opens his eyes, he tries not to smile at the slightly bewildered look on his husband’s face. With Richie’s fingers scratching the base of his skull, Eddie smiles. “Go and be a Millennial Icon for two months. We’ll always be a call away.”
Richie leans forward and catches Eddie’s lips with his. It takes a minute for Richie to break away. His usual stupid, lopsided grin is plastered over his face. He opens his mouth, about to say something; but is interrupted by a loud call.
“DAD! Lucas won’t give me the remote!”
Richie’s grin disappears almost instantly. His eyes barely hold off the urge to roll.
Eddie nudges the other man’s shoulder. “You’re ‘Dad’,” he smirks, nodding to the living room. “Off you go.”
Two psychiatrists in New York have most of their shared childhood trauma sitting in their office. Eddie likes to think it’s a bit like those cardboard moving boxes. But the entirety of those poor people’s offices are stuffed full of baggage from both of them. He supposes that it’s good. While they both still go to therapy every week or so, upon the initial orders of one Beverly Marsh who swore to kill them if they kept keeping shit to themselves, life is good now. Eddie’s neuroses have been dampened slightly, but still do flair up every so often. Richie doesn’t flinch anytime someone mentions the word gay. He doesn’t rip his hand back whenever Eddie links their hands together on their walks outside. He’s fine.
That’s not to say that shadows don’t still linger. Sometimes nightmares come and poke at them, reminding them that, yes, life is good now, but don’t forget what happened—
Eddie is the one to get it tonight. When he scrambles into wakefulness, he can’t remember what actually scared him off in the first place. Their room looks out on to the main street. Orange streetlamps stationed along the street cast soft, warm light into the room, even though the curtains have been drawn. Through a small crack in the join, a beam of light reaches for the end of their bed.
He can make out everything in their room: the end of their bed and the hoard of blankets and throws kicked down there during the night, the dressers and wardrobe, and the door to their bathroom. Everything is sitting quite comfortably in their normal places. Eddie glances down. During the night, he’s managed to haul most of the blankets over to his side of the bed. Looking over at Richie, Eddie tries not to smile at the very familiar sight of his husband sleeping, long limbs splayed out in all directions.
He shuffles back, sitting against the headboard of the bed. The house is silent. Occasionally, there will be the whoosh of a car driving through the street outside. But for the most part, he finds himself sitting in silence. For the first time, he realises that it isn’t an uncomfortable silence. The back of his head hits the top of the headboard. The world is quiet, but still ticking along outside, and it’s nice.
He isn’t sure how much time actually passes. But after a while, there’s shuffling beside him. Before Eddie can even turn his head to see what’s happening, he’s ensnared by two long arms, and hauled back down on to the bed and pulled against Richie’s chest. “Why’re you awake?” he mumbles into Eddie’s neck.
Eddie shuffles slightly, letting one of Richie’s arms loop underneath his head. Using it as a pillow, Eddie’s hands curl against Richie’s chest. Faintly, he can feel it beating; a steady and firm rhythm that seems to ease Eddie’s own mind. “Don’t know,” he eventually answers.
Richie hums, and within seconds, is asleep again.  
The morning Richie has to leave for his tour goes as well as Eddie expected.
His first show is in L.A, and his flight leaves in five hours. Eddie’s already awake, because Richie certainly isn’t. Breakfast cooks steadily on the burners; eggs and bacon, with bread toasting nearby. Eddie hopes that maybe the smell of the food will be enough to stir Richie awake. If not, he’s going to have to go and haul his ass out of bed. Again.
Two suitcases sit at the foot of the staircase, with a small rucksack perched on top of one of them: all packed by Eddie, because watching Richie stand in front of their shared wardrobe, wondering how many pairs of jeans he would actually need for two months of travelling just was too much stress to handle.
Eddie keeps a rubber spatula cutting through the eggs. They won’t take long to cook, and hopefully, Richie will actually get himself to the kitchen before it starts to get cold.
Even though the sun is only starting to peer over the roofs of neighbouring houses, and the sky hasn’t even turned shades of light blue yet, Sophie stumbles into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. “Has Dada gone?” she asks in a cracked, not fully awake, voice.
Eddie takes the pan off of the burner. “Not yet, pumpkin,” he says, turning to watch the toddler wander aimlessly over to him. Ensnared in one arm is her teddy bear – a birthday gift from Uncle Ben and Aunty Bevvy. He runs his fingers through the tangled mop of straw-coloured hair on top of Sophie’s head. He offers her a small smile. “But breakfast is nearly ready, and I need him to get up before it goes cold. Could you get him for me?”
Almost instantly, all traces of sleep vanish from the little girl as she turns on her heel and scrambles upstairs.
The twins said their goodbyes last night after dinner. Sophie’s bedtime is before there’s, and while Eddie was carrying a tired Sophie up to bed, he watched as both twins huddle into Richie’s side, effectively pinning him to the sofa. It’s never easy on any of them when Richie leaves, but the twins are at an age now where they understand; Dad will come home eventually, and he’ll stay at home for months on end to make up for being away.  
But Sophie is still so young, and sometimes she doesn’t understand. It’s one of the reasons why Richie started leaving early in the morning; if the kids are still asleep, he can slip out without causing too much hassle. But maybe Sophie will appreciate seeing her dad off.
Eddie grabs a couple of plates, putting them beside the stovetop. He’s about to serve up portions of eggs and bacon when he hears a shrill scream. Shoving the pans off of the burners, Eddie turns and races for the stairs. His heart hammers inside his chest, battering his ribcage, wanting to burst through.
His heart only starts to settle when he realises that the scream has turned into high-pitched giggling. In the middle of the landing, near the twin’s bedroom door, Richie is in the middle of flinging Sophie over his shoulder. Holding firmly on to her legs, her entire head and torso have flopped over and rest against Richie’s back.
“What are you doing?” Eddie hisses, looking quickly over to the nearest bedroom door.  “You’ll wake the twins!”
Richie doesn’t stop. If anything, and to Eddie’s annoyance, he starts swaying side to side. “Sorry babe, but I was attacked by a three-foot-tall monster this morning,” Richie turns around, swinging Sophie with the movement. Eddie’s breath catches in his throat; even though Sophie is in no danger of falling, or whacking her head into the wall.  “And I’m just trying to find where it’s gone. I swear, it was right here a few seconds ago.”
“I’m here!” Sophie giggles, her hands then slapping over her mouth as another shrill shriek leaves her when Richie turns back around.
Eddie makes a sound in the back of his throat. “Richie, the twins-”
“-Can sleep through natural disasters.” Richie nods to the bedroom door. Truthfully, Eddie doesn’t hear either of them walking around inside. And if Richie had been playing with Sophie for this long, and neither twin had already come outside to see what was going on, he’s going to assume that they are probably still asleep.
Eventually, Richie hauls Sophie back over his shoulder and into his arms. “Never bounce on me like that again, young lady,” he says with the up-most serious of voices he can manage: one not entirely helped by the put-on frown he’s wearing.
And Sophie, quite rightly, sees right through it. “Daddy told me to wake you up because breakfast was ready,” she smiles, hiding her face into Richie’s neck.
Richie’s eyebrows lift almost to his hairline. “Oh, so it’s daddy who ordered this attack?”
Eddie rolls his eyes and turns back to the stairs. “Breakfast is ready.”
They eventually follow Eddie down the stairs. He watches Sophie stay curled up in one of Richie’s arms, pointing at the skillets, mumbling that she wants some eggs and bacon too. Eddie helps bring over the plates, because it becomes painfully obvious that Sophie’s arms aren’t going to release him for a bit.
“Don’t go,” a small voice whines into Richie’s neck.
“I’ll be home before you know it. And you can call me whenever you want, princess,” he soothes, setting her down at the table. He pushes her plate in front of her. “But I need you to promise me something.”
Sophie’s eyes are already starting to turn red. Eddie stabs a bit of scrambled egg with his fork. He’s going to have quite an eventful morning trying to consolidate the youngest of their kids, assuring her that yeah, Dad will eventually come home.
Sophie sniffs, rubbing her eyes. “What?”
“Daddy might need help with stuff in the house,” Richie explains, taking a seat beside Sophie. “And he might need help looking after the twins. So I need you to help him, okay?”
All at once, Sophie’s face lights up. “Am I in charge?”
Eddie almost chokes on his eggs. “He didn’t say that, baby-”
“-Absolutely,” Richie smirks, ruffling Sophie’s already messy hair. He throws Eddie a smile before starting his own breakfast.
Sophie only cries a little bit when Richie leaves, and God does Eddie want to too, but as soon as his manager’s car has turned the corner of their street, and Richie is now gone for two months, Sophie marches upstairs to wake the twins. Because she’s in charge.
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bugaboowritings · 4 years
Cameras and Dead News - Emilie Agreste Is Missing - Fic
Adrien is Rocking Some Shades From The ‘90s. 
I got the idea from a post, that I can’t find- lucky me. But basically, Gabriel doesn’t go out after Emilie’s death/disappearance so the paparazzi couldn’t ask him questions. Do you guys know who still leaves the house tho... Adrien.
Just imagine how that would go. A kid missing his mom, forced to hear questions about her disappearance. 
(Found the post, it was @chloe-is-a-lesbeean. Buzz Buzz, Bitches --> the post) 
hope everyone is alright as we handle these COVID-19 shutdowns. 
“Damn,” The young flim-maker sighed before folding the newspaper in his hands. 
His lips pursed together in thought, not knowing how to feel or to even believe what he was reading. All while he sat in a cafe, one that’s tucked under the shade of another building, his friend gladly munched on the breakfast they ordered. He hasn’t touched his plate since he got there and the other has been debating with their wallet if they should order another coffee for the trip back to the studio. Idly slouching on the bean-bag as he sat rigid against his wooden chair, gripping the paper in his hand. 
 He’s a small artist in the north of town, who sleeps on his friend’s couch because art doesn’t sell, not at a price that will pay for rent, only for that of a good breakfast and lost dinner. Only known underground for his camera and his good eye for color, but never really having any real connections to the silver screen nor the crowds usually involved painting on it, but he was one of the many victims that a certain star carried her influence over. You had to be living under a rock to not know the blonde, the one who fostered a new generation of artists under her wing and films. 
Even though this director didn’t know her personally, it didn’t stop the heavy stiffness from setting gently on his chest. Wondering if he should even take this headline to heart. 
Hell, he’s unsure if what he was reading was even true or just another clickbait story. Shaking off the bitter feelings just in case this was fake. A stunt pulled by some hot-shot manager or rowdy marketing team. 
If so, it’s utter bullshit to write an article like that just to sell crates full of print. 
It wasn’t until his friend noticed the cold and untouched coffee, that they raised their eyebrow and nodded their head to him to speak up. Yet, the director didn’t talk, only giving a heavy sigh before passing the newspaper down. They, an able writer and a genuine friend willing to give up a couch, hastily sucked the syrup off their fingers and wiped their sticky hands on their loose denim jeans before taking the press in their hand. 
Licking the sweet cream off their lips from their breakfast before staring hard at the page. 
Suddenly that bagel on the white clean platter didn’t seem so appetizing. The cream cheese turned bland and the orange juice after-taste went sour and disgusted their taste buds. 
“. . .Wow.” 
Quickly after that, the two flipped to the main article inside. Scanning the black text to see if this could even be true. Their fingers pinched the press a little tighter as their hands got clammy.  Swiftly scanning to see if there was any reason to believe the bold headline that was selling fast in Paris. 
From her famous production skills to her unforgettable acting, along with her hand in public service with the Mayor and to aid the City of Paris, her strong love for the arts and her endless funding for them, and her infinite support towards the young creators in Paris- Emilie Agreste was famous and known around for not only her marriage but her character. 
She’s the very reason that so many got their chance and felt like they could make it in a field that seemed impossible to touch. 
Agreste, along with being caring, she was talented in so many ways.  She had the audience in the palm of her hand when she played the sickly lover to the crazed workaholic on the screen. When she shed a tear, the spectators wept with her. When she smiled, the world seemed fine and the sun always shined. When she sighed at the sky, people wondered what she was daydreaming about. Her name was used in tv shows and other movies, as an homage to her and to her fame. 
The blonde really was Paris’ muse. 
Emilie Agreste, an icon that was thought to never fade from the minds of Parisians or from their headlines. 
This proved more true when people just wanted to know more as the news traveled further and further in France. All everyone wanted to hear, read, or watch were the updates on this case or the basic details that the public has access to. 
Where was her last known location?  
What could be the cause of this? 
Why did this happen?
How could this happen in the first place? 
Then the one that astonished everyone. 
Where is she now? 
‘What happened to Emilie Agreste?’ became the most searched thing in Paris in under 24 hours. 
The world faced the media for answers and clarification, but they too were speechless. Even the journalists notorious for finding the small secrets from cheating scandals,  friendship drama, secret pregnancies or always managed to know an inside-source for everything— 
They too came dry.
Not with a drop of gossip or a hint of rumors. 
All that there was, was the police report filed days ago by her husband, who seems to disappear from the public eye as his wife did from the earth. 
Calls to interview him went unanswered. Emails for a comment on this situation got clicked and dragged to the trash bin. Cameras that waited outside the mansion,  like starving lions waiting for the picture-perfect prey, only got a snap of the maids taking out the trash. The Agreste fashion-shows, ones that were planned months ago, were canceled the day before they took place. The spring collection had to be pushed back before releasing the photos to the magazines weeks later. 
No one could get the details of Parisian Darling and that didn’t change no matter how much the reporters bid for the voices of assistants and maids to speak on the matter. 
The only person out in public and with a tight connection with the Agreste was Emilie’s one and only child.
Adrien Agreste. 
Blossoming model to the Agreste Brand a few months back and the only Agreste that would step out to the sun to go to his fencing lesson and photoshoots. The reason the gates opened again was to only to let in his Chinese tutors or piano instructor. Then, the gates would shut again when he stayed in his rooms for hours on end. Not really a public face until his father released his anticipated winter collection last year, all with the teen as the front cover of every fashion magazine advertising it.
And man, was it well received. 
There were times where Adrien had to be shielded from the press by his bodyguards to get to his fencing competition. Deciding early on to take his Chinese lessons at home instead of going off to the university for his studies when he got pestered by hidden paparazzi and nosey students. 
Reporters, photographers, and the curious were hot on his heels as they shouted things to make him turn around, to get a reaction. Anything to make their salary bigger.  Anything to put on a tabloid. Anything to print on the press. Anything to get something that sells. 
“Is your mother dead?”
“Is it true that there is a ransom note at Emilie’s last known location?” 
“Do you think your mother left with her own will and didn’t disappear?” 
“Adrien, do you think that your mother left willing or is this just a stunt for the new film with Grand-”
“-How is your father dealing with this situation?” 
“ADRIEN, turn around! Tell the public what they were waiting to hear!” 
“Is Gabrial Agreste so disheartened that he can’t step out? Should we still expect the fall collection with-” 
“What is the police saying about your mother’s case?” 
“Are there any new leads about her disappearance?” 
“Adrien, what do you think of this situation?!” 
The heir to the Agreste Brand, the name and legacy stopped in his tracks on the stone staircase. 
It’s a sunny morning out, so his hair managed to glimmer nicely thanks to the sun’s rays. It was also an excuse to wear sunglasses, to pull a curtain over his face so no one could dare to notice how much he wanted to cry. Covering the bags under his eyes and shielding them away from the bright lights since his eyes got more delicate the longer he went without sleep. 
But no one would see that. All they would point out would be the fact his shades are his dad’s old collection from the ’90s. 
They wouldn’t see how he picks his lips because he can’t tap his toes against the marble floors in his house without creating an echo that makes him feel more alone. 
But no one would see that. They would just ask what his lip care routine or if he used any innovative k-beauty products to keep them that shade of pinky-red or that glossy. Totally not the ointment that keeps them from bleeding. 
He would come to practice in all grey or wear minimalistic clothes because he doesn’t want to think about how to match the patterns or the fact it felt so wrong being so bitter when wearing mustard yellow or baby blue. 
But no one would notice the reason for his monochrome wardrobe and call it a new style for the summer. 
Taking little ways he showed his grief when everyone seemed to move too fast. Adrien barely felt the ground under his feet as Natalie changed the times for his lunch again to fit another appointment and meeting. 
Processing the last time he saw his mom before he got asked for another interview on her disappearance. 
How the little interactions and moments popped into his head only to taunt him. The way she stirred her tea, how she comforted him that one time he fell on the concrete, how she always got a plate of cut fruit for him when he was studying, then how she winked at him and said, “Let me talk to your father. He’ll come around,” whenever Adrien asked to go out but there was some hesitation, or how his mother managed to make even the scariest things seem not so scary in the end. 
So to answer that question, he didn’t know.
 Everything was growing out of place in his life but it was in an excepted way. His father was never a man of conversation but became one secluded in isolation without his mother pulling him in with her words out of his cave and keeping him sitting by the dinner table. Adrien didn’t even know if his father locked himself in his large office and buried himself in work or if he still in his parent’s room- trying to process what’s going on. Adrien has been out of the house so much that he doesn’t even know if he left his bedroom the way it is or the maids cleaned up when he was gone, not knowing if his game is still paused at this point. 
 It also just hit him on that nice, sunny day that he may have lost the ability to say ‘parents’ when only one is currently at home. 
As hungry reporters encroached the teen, Gorilla shoved them back and away. Setting his palm on the young Agreste’s back to urge him to keep moving. Only getting a nod, letting a few seconds pass before he hurried up the staircase and into his lessons. 
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nxnoire · 5 years
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Leave Me Alone
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Part Two Part Three Part Five
my fourth prompt for @badthingshappenbingo
The lunch bell echoed throughout the classroom, a sound Adrien didn’t want to hear. Lunch only meant others had the freedom to come over to him and bombard with questions he wasn’t ready to answer. He knew they had good intentions, but all he needed was to be left alone. Marinette was the only one he felt comfortable sharing his story with.
He looked across the table to see Marinette and Alya engaged in a lively conversation. Below him, Nino had his headphones on, trying to figure out which song to listen to. Everyone seemed to be doing better things than save him from the stares he felt on every inch of his body. He slumped down in his seat and prayed Marinette or Nino would hurry up.
“So...ready to tell me about this morning?” Alya asked, leaning in towards her friend.
“I told you, it’s not up to me.” She glanced over at Adrien briefly. “Whenever Adrien’s ready I’ll let him explain. Until then, leave me and him alone.”
“Awww, c’mon, girl! This is big news!”
“I’ll tell you this: we’re not dating.” She crossed her arms.
“Are you sure about that?”
“I told you, it’s not romantic.” She turned to face Adrien. “Adrien lets go.”
Adrien’s face lit up a bit, happy to finally be able to leave that suffocating classroom. He stood up and walked down the stairs. Before he was able to reach the bottom, Chloe jumped in front of him.
“Adrikins!” She exclaimed. Her arms shot up to wrap themselves around his neck, but he grabbed them before they could even touch him.
“Go away,” he ordered, staring her straight in the eye.
She pulled her arms away and pouted. “But—”
“Come on Chloe, leave him alone,” Marinette chimed in, coming to save Adrien. She walked over and stood next to him, hoping to get that horrid leech off of him. “You’re the last person he needs to be talking to.”
Chloe scoffed and put her hands on her hips. “I don’t know what makes you think you can just swoop in and help Adrien all of a sudden. Just because you think he’s hot doesn’t mean you have the right to manipulate his mind. Right, Adrikins?”
He shot her a cold death glare. Her nonsense was so unbearable that it hurt. All of his patience had evaporated with the joy he once had. There was so much cluttering his mind. Chloe did not need to be added to the mix.
Not moving his glare off of Chloe, he grabbed Marinette’s wrist and pulled her away from the angry blonde. He heard Chloe yelling at them but happily chose to ignore her. Once they left her sight, he let go of her. “Thanks for standing up for me back there.”
“Oh, uh, you’re w-welcome!” She smiled, happy to have helped him even if it was just a little bit. It wasn’t only helping him, though. Putting Chloe in her place benefited everyone. Recently, she had become unbearable, making everyone’s lives even more miserable. It felt nice to be able to talk back to her for once.
The teens walked outside, both caught up in their thoughts. A news crew ran for them, not even letting them get a nice breath of fresh air.
“As our suspicions confirmed, Adrien Agreste has been spotted at his school.” The reporter shoved the microphone in Adrien’s face. “Adrien, your father is worried sick about you.”
“Great,” he said coldly, backing away from the microphone.
“Shouldn’t you return home? Your father says—”
“I don’t give a damn about what that man says. He deserves to rot in hell.” He turned and began walking away, Marinette following.
The reporter was taken aback by his strong language. “We have your bodyguard and—”
“Leave him alone,” Marinette demanded. “He’s going through a lot right now, can’t you see? How would you feel if you were emotional and someone came rushing at you with a camera asking you questions?”
“Ma’am, are you the one sheltering him while he’s on the run?”
“It’s none of your business.” She continued to walk away with Adrien. Whatever good mood she had was crushed by the crazed reporter. Anger and annoyance bubbled inside her like magma getting ready to spew out of a volcano. She tried her hardest to calm herself down, trying to avoid potential akumatization. Taking a deep, calming breath, she leaned in towards Adrien. “Are you okay?”
He stopped walking, the crosswalk displaying a stop sign. “Yeah, I’m used to the paparazzi. They get on my nerves, though. Especially ones like her.”
Marinette hummed in thought, being unable to relate well. The only time she had a bad experience with cameras was when Jagged Stone came to her bakery to film a TV show. She couldn’t imagine feeling like she did back then all the time. The light turned green, so she stepped onto the street. “Let’s eat lunch at my house today. We need some peace and quiet after all that.”
“Okay,” Adrien said, void of emotion. He didn’t care where they went, as long as he wasn’t going to be bothered about the entire runaway situation. He’d be fine following the current for a while. Whatever happened, he didn’t care, so long as it didn’t evoke negative emotions. His mind was racing so fast he had no mental energy to deal with anything else but his internal struggles.
They walked into the apartment, its quietness hugging Adrien’s ears. It was what he needed: a private, quiet space where he wouldn’t be bothered by anyone, excluding Marinette, of course. She never annoyed him. In fact, she was the only person who seemed to actually care about him. She never pressed him for information, instead of respecting his sensitivity.
He watched her walk into the small kitchen and open the refrigerator. A small light flickered on inside his heart, destroying some of the dark and twisty negativity taking hold of him. For the first time, he felt something different towards her.
It was probably just him being happy that she was helping, he figured. He took a seat at the dining room table. As he thought, his eyes studied the wood patterns on the tabletop. Marinette was just a really good friend trying to help out a friend. He was feeling joy. That’s what it was. It was impossible for him to be in love with her. There was no way. He’d know if he was, right?
The thoughts came to a halt when a pale hand set a plate down in front of him. He blinked and shook his head lightly to break his thoughts. Marinette took a seat next to him, setting her own plate down in front of her. A soft smile curled on his lips. She truly cared about him. She was perhaps the only person who did. Happy to have chosen the right person to confide in, he took a bite out of his food.
Marinette also began eating her food. As she chewed, she felt anxious snakes slithering up her body. She knew she was forgetting something, she just couldn’t remember what it was. All of her homework was done. There weren’t any projects due that day. Deep in thought, trying to figure out what she had forgotten, she took another bite. Then, it came back to her: she had a lunchtime patrol that day. What was she supposed to do? She couldn’t just leave Adrien alone. What would she say, anyway? “Hey I’m Paris’s superhero and I’ve gotta go make sure your father isn’t terrorizing our city!” Something told her it wouldn’t sit too well with him.
“I’m gonna try to go back to my house and get a few things,” Adrien announced, pulling her out of her wild thoughts.
She looked at him with wide eyes and swallowed her food. “How are you gonna get there unnoticed?”
“I have a way of sneaking into my room without being seen by the security cameras.”
“I should go with you, just to be safe.”
“No, it’s fine. I shouldn’t be too long, anyway.”
“Okay...” she sighed. They were in no condition to argue, especially Adrien. “Don’t do anything stupid. I promised I’d protect you with my life. I intend to keep that promise.”
He smiled, happy she remembered what she said last night. “Okay. I shouldn’t take too long.” Slowly, he stood up, stretching on the way. He waved goodbye and left the apartment, his heart beating abnormally quickly.
Marinette sighed in relief. Well, that makes things easier. I could even watch over him as Ladybug to make sure he’s safe!
She bounced up and grabbed both plates. Tikki flew out of her bag as Marinette danced over to the sink, humming happily.
“You seem really happy,” Tikki pointed out.
“Why wouldn’t I be? Adrien is basically living with me! This is the closest I’ve been with him...ever!” She turned on the warm water and grabbed the sponge lying next to the faucet.
“Well, I’m happy that you’re happy!” Tikki smiled. “But...don’t forget why he’s here in the first place.”
Marinette looked up at her kwami as she scrubbed the plates. “I know...it’s not safe anymore. We have to be on our toes 24/7.” She looked back down to set the clean plate on the drying rack. “If it means helping Adrien, I’d put my life on the line.” She placed the other clean plate next to the one already sitting in the drying rack. “Anyway, it’s time for our patrol. Tikki spots on!”
With a bright flash of light, she turned into Ladybug. She walked up to her rooftop balcony, ready for another boring patrol. Looking out over Paris, she searched for any nearby danger, none to be seen. Satisfied, she hooked her yo-yo on a rooftop far away and flew across the rooftops, looking for Adrien.
Adrien walked closer to his house. His heart pounded faster and faster with each step. He had to look around constantly to make sure nobody was following him. It wasn’t great, but it was a small price to pay for satisfaction. The mansion appeared in eyesight once he switched streets. It felt like bad karma being there. His senses were on ultra-sensitivity mode, every single change in atmosphere, every sound, every smell setting off alarms.
An akuma appeared in his vision as it flew over the gate protecting the large house. It sent his emergency systems haywire. He froze, watching it dance closer to him. Shaking his head, he ran back around the corner and let Plagg fly out of his pocket.
“Plagg claws out!” He said with almost no emotion. Once he was Chat Noir, he felt his body disconnect from Adrien’s problems ever so slightly. It was enough to make him feel more like himself.
He pulled out his staff and opened the phone. Quickly, he called Ladybug, hoping she’d pick up soon. Relief flooded his body when he heard her pick up. “What’s up, kitty?”
“Just spotted an akuma near the Agreste Mansion.”
She gasped. “Adrien...” she whispered.
“What about him?” Just as he said that it all clicked in his head. The akuma was out for him. His father was looking for him, and he had foolishly fallen into his trap. “M’Lady, come quickly,” he ordered just as the akuma entered the staff.
An extremely powerful evil entered his mind, enhancing all of his negative emotions. He stumbled, trying his hardest to resist the mind control.
“Chat Blanc,” Hawkmoth began, his voice appearing in his mind, “I am Hawkmoth, although I’m sure you know that already. I’m giving you the power to destroy everything that brings you pain. In return, you will get me Ladybug’s Miraculous and bring me yours along with it.”
Chat Noir shook his head. “No...I won’t listen to you,” he muttered, trying his hardest to stay sane. His back hit the wall behind him. The world turned dark, Hawkmoth’s face appearing in the void. It was the last face he wanted to see. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to get rid of his disgusting face, but it was there, too.
“If you successfully get me Ladybug’s Miraculous, I will let you destroy me too.”
“No...please...I don’t...want to hurt anyone...” He tried letting go of the staff, but it wouldn’t work. It was as if his hand was super-glued to it. Something in him was holding him back from dropping it. An emotion deep down that was subconsciously telling him there was no hope.
“Oh, you don’t have to hurt anyone. All you have to do is erase the things that remind you of all the pain you so desperately need to let go. Once you let go of all your pain, you won’t have to feel so horrible anymore.”
His eyes widened, the mind control finally taking hold of the last bits of sanity he had left. All of his sanity screamed as it was overtaken by the heavy influence of the akuma. “Yes, Hawkmoth,” he muttered mindlessly, Chat Noir no longer present.
Ladybug dropped her yo-yo, having heard every single word of Chat Noir’s struggle and Hawkmoth’s successful attempt to bring him to the dark side. The one person she entrusted her life with, the person she felt closest with, had been akumatized. He had been in pain and she hadn’t known about it. Hawkmoth knew and he happily took advantage of that. She cursed herself for not knowing his pain earlier.
She looked over at the Agreste Mansion, watching a white figure jump on its rooftop.
“Chat...” she muttered sadly, the reality of her newest enemy washing over her.
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valkirsif · 5 years
Unthinkable CH 33/???
Tom Hiddleston x reader
Word 3200
Warning SMUT
They passed on to greet Tom's family before heading to the airport, Y/N felt nervous that she wanted to stay a little longer in London and would stay if the idea of ​​not seeing Tom for weeks had not been so unbearable, she looked out from the window the city that paraded in half a day would arrive in LA
"Thomas where will we stand once we land?" she asked feeling foolish for not having inquired before, "You didn't tell me anything and I'm starting to be curious," smiled,
"If you promise not to get upset, I'll tell you ..." he replied mysteriously, the woman shook her head and laughed it was a similar phrase from him, "... I found a delightful place .. in the hills .. completely glassy" said hugging her,
"Like glass?" she asked in amazement, "shall we live in an aquarium?" laughed, it was not her idea of ​​privacy a glass house but she would have adapted, "the next time you ask more questions" told himself admiring the city.
The driver parked in front of the entrance and unloaded the few baggage they had while Tom took a trolley, Y/N smiled trying to disregard the people who had been staring at her since had come down with her companion from the car, many had pulled out the phone to steal some shots, Tom took her hand
"Let's go" he smiled before kissing her, the couple entered and headed for the company counter to pick up tickets and check in, a group of girls approached as they moved to reach the gate,
"Can we take a picture?" they asked excitedly
"Certainly," the man replied as always courteous and affable, took a couple of shots and Tom signed the photos, Y/N watched the girls leave with the precious booty,
"..That luck ..", ".. we came on purpose ..", "..you saw how beautiful his girlfriend ..", the woman smiled reaching Tom who was waiting for her,
"Sorry it's so strange until recently I was like them and now I'm the envied one" she laughed shaking her head,
"It's really a strange thing, the fans think they know me and many envy what I have and you, they don't imagine how hard my job is," he said taking her hand, "And how heavy it can be for those who are with me constantly moving or paparazzi ", the woman kissed him, she didn't know what to say, still didn't know that side of her new life, they called their flight and moved towards the bus with the other passengers, a hostess led them in first class and served them Champagne,
"Thank you" said Y/N with a smile,
"If you need anything else, ring the bell," the girl replied politely before disappearing to welcome the other passengers, fastened her belt and checked phone, read family's last messages and said goodbye before turning it off, she had never heard this before. ready for something in her whole life, turned to Tom who was talking on the phone and smiled at him, the man squeezed her hand, ended the call and prepared to leave,
"I will miss home but I'm so glad you decided to follow me," he said, smiling at the woman,
"Home is where the heart resides" she replied, "And my heart is with you, I don't need four walls to be happy .. I need you" reached out to kiss him as the plane rolled on the track and realized it was true, she needed nothing just her man to stay healthy.
11 hours later she opened her eyes as the plane landed, fell asleep without realizing it,
"You're getting used to flying darling," Tom smiled, breaking his belt.
"I never would have thought it possible but yes" replied Y/N stretching and getting ready to go down, they retrieved the hand luggage from the hatbox, thanked the stewardesses and went to the terminal, Tom looked for a trolley while the woman watched the suitcases turn on the belt waiting to see their appearance, unlike the departure they were greeted by groups of fans waiting, the driver who was waiting for them had a sign with the name of Tom in plain sight, Y/N laughed and went to the driver with the cart while Tom was besieged signing autographs and taking pictures,
"Well arrived Miss, load the car," said professional,
"Thank you, we come right away," replied the woman, retracing her steps to reach Tom,
"Ok, ok, I did 11 hours of flight, if you calm down you will have all my attention" he was saying aloud raising his hands to calm the fans, his "armies" subsided instantly, the woman smiled and knew how much the Tom's voice could be hypnotic and fascinating, a few minutes later they were in the car,
"Does Mr. Hiddleston want to go to the set or take you home?" asked the driver before starting the engine,
"At home it's fine, thank you," Tom replied, squeezing the woman,
"I am amazed by how they calmed down as soon as you asked," Y/N said absently as he watched the view, "I thought it only worked for me," smiled tightly at him,
"Sometimes this thing amazes me too I admit it" he laughed relaxed, "I hope you like the accommodation, while we are here you could take a tour and see if there is any house of your taste, it could make us a nest," he said, the woman nodded was not a bad idea, Tom's work would make them go back to the studios often and having a place to call home and just hear it made her feel good, turned on the phone to warn that they had landed
¥ Guys all right, we arrived and we are going home ¥ she wrote merry
¥ We know ... the social networks were faster than you ¥ Roby replied posting the photos,
¥ And we also know that the flight was quiet .. ¥ Marco replied by posting a photo of the two of them sleeping on the plane,
¥ But what the hell ¥ Y/N couldn't understand about all that media coverage, ¥ Even during the trip ?! ¥ thy chatted for a while, the speech soon turned towards the upcoming wedding, it had just arrived and would be off again after a couple of days,
¥ I confirm that I will arrive in Athens on Thursday, see you in Skopelos on Friday? ¥ asked for confirmation, ignoring the renewed invitation to tour the city,
¥ Sure, place all ferry timetables and accommodation addresses! ¥ said Franc sending a link, the car stopped in front of a high gate surrounded by a fence.
A woman was waiting for them smiling, she didn't look like a real estate agent but rather a secretary, she went to the car
"Welcome" she said cheerfully leaning against the door, "Mister Hiddleston these are his schedule" handed him a folder "..and here are the house keys and the alarm code" concluded by giving him an envelope before saying goodbye and going up on the scooter to go back to the studios,
"I open the gate wait in the car," he said to Y/N, leaning the folder on the seat, the gate began to move, Tom climbed back into the car and entered the property, the woman looked at the garden with fascination, a row of low pink lilacs marked the sides of the driveway there was no trace of trees in the park only green grass and some lilacs used to delimit other areas, at the top of the avenue there was the house, it looked like a big cube, the roof was flat and surrounded by a fence the outer wall was stone with a large window in the center, the woman found her beautiful, preferred a more classic style but appreciated the stone, made it imposing and safe, even if she suspected that she could not enter anything without being noticed or reported, the cameras were everywhere hidden on the lampposts, between the vases, they descended from the car Y/N looked around, the fence hid from property all the property, a path led to the opposite side of the garden, would have all the tea I want to explore it when Tom was at work,
"Well come my queen," the man said, opening the door and making way for her, the interior was as bright as the outside, the glass reigned supreme, excluding the dividing walls the house was really an aquarium, the large windows opened on everything the park, the glossy white marble shone in the reflection of the windows, a sliding door at the end of the room gave access to the infinity pool surrounded by sun loungers and covered tables, looked out to admire the view, the house was built on the edge of the slope now he understood because they had used so much glass, no one could look inside unless they fly,
"What do you say?" the man asked hugging her, "Do you like it?"
"Thomas I am speechless this place is beautiful!" she replied turning to kiss him, "I'll have to get some sunglasses, as soon as I wake up all this light would kill me ... like vampires" laughed biting his neck,
"I make a couple of phone calls, finish the tour of the house I will reach you" the man said, opening the folder Y/N smiled to himself as wandered around the house, it would often happen that Tom isolated himself to work, opened a door in down the hall and followed the corridor to the kitchen, also with a large window in place of the wall that overlooked the valley below, it made her dizzy but she didn't notice anymore when she explored the room, it was her dream kitchen, super modern and equipped with all comforts, a mixed cooking oven, induction cooker, a panel touched the screen on the counter next to the burners and a menu was opened for the toast plate and the one for the waffles, touched the image of the second and a compartment of the counter moved to raise the plate, all the accessories were hidden, the woman was elated turned to the fridge and found in the ticket attached to the door
# The fridge is connected to the store, to do the shopping just write the code and send the list, purchases will be delivered within 2 hours #
the door lit up as soon as the woman touched it to open it, it became a sort of glass, she could see the empty interior of the fridge without opening it, she was astonished, immediately moved to the shopping list and made her first order, she wanted to have all the food necessary for at least a week even if the man would have lunch at work wanted the evening dinner to be perfect, returned to the room and went up the stairs, thought they would take them to the roof but found herself in the sleeping area, there were 4 more bedrooms the master one the privacy of the rooms was guaranteed by curtains of various thickness, the suitcases were placed on the bed, since Tom was busy he opened them and began to arrange the luggage, they had very few things with him, the man would have spent almost all of the time on the set and the woman had brought just a few changes in case she wanted to go and visit the city, put the only evening dresses in the closet checking that they hadn't spoiled during the trip but found them perfect, the secretary who had helped her was used to packing for Tom, retraced her steps and, not finding the man in the room, went out and walked around the house, the back garden was incredible, next to the pool there was a sort of fire pit, she had seen similar ones in the movies, the seat was full of cushions and protected by a glass firewall, on the opposite side there was a masonry bbq with a long wooden table and benches, it seemed to browse through a magazine, Tom was still on the phone with the script in his hand and gesturing, Y/N smiled and went into the kitchen to get a drink, the fridge was empty but the cellar was well stocked, luckily there were also some juices as well as wines from various vineyards, took two glasses and blueberry juice and reached the man,
"My king, how can you be so awake?" she asked sitting next to him,
"For me it is quite normal as a business trip and I have never suffered too much from the jet lag," he replied relaxedly, "Are you tired?"
"More than tired I would say out of tune, having slept in the plane I feel quite rested physically but for my head it is night ... I don't know if I have explained myself well" she smiled putting her head on the man's shoulder,
"I understand you quiet it is normal to feel so especially on the first long flight" he stroked her head, "I know what it takes to get better .." said, getting up and taking her hand, they started toward the pool, the woman stared at him suspiciously ,
"Now let's take these away ..." he said starting to undress her, Y/N smiled complicitly letting him do it, feeling his hands on her while she took off her clothes made her wake up immediately,
"... a friend on my first flight to America told me that the best way to combat jet lag ..." he whispered, taking her in his arms,
"What did he say?" she asked excitedly, Tom smiled before throwing her into the water,
"It's freezing!!I hate you Thomas," she replied laughing,
"He told me that a good swim is the best cure," he shouted, bursting out laughing in turn, "Is it better darling?" asked undressing to reach her,
"Freeze and wake up thanks" she laughed, spraying him, the man dived and stood beside her in an instant, he was a good swimmer
"It's not so cold," he said, hugging her, "The view is beautiful from the edge," he invited her to follow,
"I can see it from here too," she said, standing far from the sheer edge, the flight had tried enough with heights for a just one day, "Maybe another time Thomas" smiled, the man came back to her
"Won't you be afraid ?! You just did an ocean flight this is nothing in comparison "he teased her, squeezing it,
"I'm already admiring the most beautiful thing in the garden, I'm not interested in the landscape at the moment," she whispered before kissing him, anchoring herself to his sides, "I think of an isolated pond in France ... don't you?"
"Mmm, I don't know what you're talking about," he replied, biting her earlobe, moving toward the edge with his precious load,
"I probably remember correctly ..." the woman gasped, "... or maybe I was with someone else"
"My nymph confuses lovers?" he said accusingly kissing her neck as brushed her back against his nails, "And what happened in the lake of your memories?" asked curious, continuing to kiss and bite the woman's neck and shoulders , Y/N felt the man's hands caressing and holding her,
"I was taking a bath and a man appeared, the most beautiful I have ever seen and he joined me in the water .." she began to tell, panting, the man supported her without saying anything, "... he pushed me towards the rocks and he started kissing me .." immediately Tom moved towards the smooth edge of the pool leaning against her
"So?" he asked, ceasing to torture her for a second, "Then what happened?" looked at her straight in the eye, the woman kissed him and, following his game, began to tell how difficult it was to be taken by excitement,
"... he stroked me, I felt his nails on the skin ..." she said sliding her hand over his chest, going down to his abs, "... he kept kissing me until he got to the breast .. at that point he bit me .. "
"And you rebelled?" he asked before moving to her breasts and squeezing her nipples, the woman mewled
"... I would have liked but I liked what he did ..." answered stroking his cock gently, "I didn't want him to stop "
"..You are a little impudent nymph ..." Tom panted, scratching her thighs,
"..It's not my fault .. he subdued me with his eyes .." she smiled guilty feeling the hand of the man make his way between her legs, ".. he played with me .. when he put his fingers in my pussy it was late to rebel ..." said in a whisper, the man was circling her clit continuing to bite her neck, Y/N could not go on, was out of breath, trying to keep control while touching him,
"... continue darling .." Tom moaned, "... is it over?" asked, sliding his fingers inside her, moving slowly in every turn, favoring the rhythm dictated by the woman
"..Not .. I'm not sure .. I don't remember well" she panted
"Really?" the man asked, stopping, "..it's a real shame .." whispered, "Maybe I can help you .."  slipped his fingers from her pussy and took her by the hips, Y/N rested her hands on the board arching enjoying Tom's cock penetrating her, "... do you think of anything? .." he asked, slamming it against the pool tiles,
"Maybe .." she mewled clinging to his shoulders, "... I remember his strong body fucking me ..."  answered kissing him, she couldn't continue "... don't stop ... don't stop please ..." prayed as the man dogged her body with growing vigor, his cock digging into her with greater and greater rapidity, he kissed her passionately, taking her breath away, squeezing her legs you have the man's hips and he came choking the groans on his neck,
"..My beautiful nymph .." he panted on her skin, tightening and enjoying her, the two remained embraced, lost in each other's eyes,
"Passed the jet-lag honey?" the man asked kissing her, the woman nodded laughing, "Thank you princess for having me, I like playing with you, I love you and I love the joy with which you give me all of yourself" he said stroking her back,
"Oh Thomas I love when you take me that way, I love being able to be but when we make love" she smiled leaning against his chest, the sunset was a wonder seen from the garden, the air was cooled, the lights came on by themselves brighter as night fell, the couple came into the house, Y/N sat down comfortably on the large sofa and fell asleep while Tom was on the phone again,
"Darling later we have guests .." he said, returning to the room, smiled found her sleeping, took a blanket and covered the woman's naked body.
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imagine-lcorp · 6 years
Under the Spotlight (One Shot)
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Could you do a Lena Luthor x actress!reader?||Hi it’s me the anon with the actress reader and for a plot maybe something like ‘R and Lena being in a public place and the press writing something about it’ or ‘like they go to a movie premiere where R stars or something idk’
A/N: Hi guys! Sorry about the little delay with this imagine, I got caught up with some stuff at work but here wer are again! As always, kudos to the dear anon that sent the resquest, I hope you like it and please let me know what you think! 
Lena Luthor x Actress R//Word Count: 1,613
By this time in her life, Lena Luthor was already accustomed to being under the spotlight in every form of available media. The press wasn't always the best and there had to be, at least, one mention of her family's legacy and the lingering question about her turning like rest of her family. At this point, she also didn't mind that at all. However, as she watched the morning news, she realized she wasn't used to being under the spotlight along with someone else.
It was both a relief and martyrdom. She felt like she had finally found someone with whom she could share everything and that everything included her infamous reputation. What had started with casual meetings at a few charities had soon become the next great hunt for the paparazzi. Now, as she read magazine articles or watched the news showing photos of you two, she worried how much that would affect your work and private life.
She took the remote from the coffee table, deciding it was best not to torture herself with the gossip around your relationship, but it was almost impossible for her to turn off the TV. They were showing pictures of your last visit at L-Corp. You had tried to cheer her up with a surprise visit after she told you about a few failed experiments in the labs, the day just didn't seem to end and she was tired. But you came, wearing a big gray hoodie, sunglasses, and holding some take out from her favorite restaurant making her smile like no one else could. You had sworn nobody had seen you but someone did.
"... multimillionaire L-Corp CEO, Lena Luthor, has got her eye on Hollywood newest star (Y/N) (Y/L/N)..."
The sound of the TV made you grunt and roll around in the bed. You felt it was too early in the morning to be awake but, when you started to open your eyes and recognized the place, you instantly knew it was actually too late to be still in bed. You kicked off the covers and sat on the bed, rubbing your face. You had stayed last night at Lena's apartment enjoying dinner to celebrate your first important award nomination and doing a little bit more after that.
It had been a pretty great night, you smiled at the memory and turned your head to examine the room, hoping to find Lena around. However, the sound coming from the living room gave her away and you frowned a bit in confusion as you listened. It was the entertainment segment of the show and you realized they were talking about Lena and you.
"...pictures showing (Y/L/N) entering the L-Cop building, sharing a meal with the CEO and holding hands..."
You cursed under your breath and got up to find her. Since you became the new sensation in the acting world, reporters and paparazzi had come running after you. You tried to keep yourself in low profile, if that was even possible, but since rumors about your relationship with Lena started to arise it was becoming harder and harder to do so.
Your relationship was serious, or at least you thought it that way, but making it public in the entertainment industry was almost like being engaged. Lena had already too much in her plate to add more of yours but, as the rumors grew, you knew it was time to really talk about this.
"...Lena Luthor and (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Serious relationship or PR strategy? We got the truth and the evidence here..."
"Lena?" You called her once you reached the living room. She was seated on her couch still holding the remote and biting her nails.
"Hey, good morning." You saw her turn with a worried expression that quickly faded. "Sorry, did I wake you up?"
"No, not at all." You walked towards her and sat in the couch pointing at the TV. "That on the other hand...well, what are you watching?"
"Nothing important." She tried to shrug it out, leaving the remote back on the table.
You looked at your photos in the screen as the hostess talked about the way you looked at each other while attending a charity gala. Neither of you say anything else while you watched the news report. It started to feel a bit awkward once they started to pull all the pictures ever taken of you two. "So...the cat is out of the bag."
"It is." She replied thoughtful after a moment. "I understand if you don't like the attention we are receiving. People would start to talk."
"I know but...I do not care about what other people say." You moved your hand to hold hers. "I care about you."  
"So, are you okay with that?" She looked at the TV, the hostess had been talking about the influence having a Luthor in your life could have in your career.
"Not really." You sighed. "I don't think they believe we are serious."
"I know we never talked about this but...this is gonna keep happening, rumors, gossip, paparazzi all over the streets every time we try to have lunch. But, honestly, I don't wanna hide this, Lena."
"You don't?" She tilted her head.
"No." You say with a smile. "Like I'm dating the most beautiful person on earth...I don't want to hide that. If you're also alright with that."
All worries Lena could possibly have banished in a moment with just that. She couldn't believe just how open you had been with this and more impressive it was the fact that you were ready to go public with your relationship. She remembered you had said it was almost like being engaged but the more she thought about it the less she worried. If she had you, and you were by her side, everything would be alright.
The only thing she gave you in response was a long and tender kiss, only pulling away to look at you with the brightest smile you had seen on her. Now, you only had to plan your first public appearance.
"How do you want to do this?” she asked already reading your mind.
"We're going to need a couple of amazing dresses."
"Wait. Do you mean we're going to...?"
"Don't tell me you have never been at a red carpet?" You said smiling.
"That's right Andy, tonight we have so many important celebrities coming to attend the ceremony."
"Are you excited to meet anyone in particular, Grace?"
"Of course, I'm excited to meet everyone but, I gotta tell you, there are rumors some particular celebrity is coming tonight with someone very special."
"Who would that be?"
"Well, Andy, it seems like they are arriving at this very moment."
You arrived at the red carpet with Lena by your side. Camera flashes were like lighting all over you with the staff and crew trying to get the best looks from you. You hold her tight as you reached the press section, ready to face the cameras and questions they had for you. Lena squeezed your arm a little, letting you know she was alright and, when you turned to see her, you could tell she was starting to enjoy the attention you were getting.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N) and Lena Luthor, oh my god, they are here! Let's see if we can get a word with them."
Lena and you walked towards a press station, ready for the first official interview of the night, pulling Lena closer. You had recognized the reporter, she was the hostess of that TV news you had watched the morning you decided to make your relationship public. It made you a bit nervous but Lena pulled you to whisper it was alright.
"Oh my god, Andy, look who we have here. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and Lena Luthor. How are you? Amazing dresses you are wearing and congratulations (Y/N) for tonight's nomination!"
"Thank you so much." You replied.
"We're really excited to see what else happens tonight." Lena responded with a big smile.
"That's, great but Lena tell us the truth, is (Y/N) nervous?"
"I think she is." She said, making you blush a little. "But she's too good to let it show." The three of you laughed.
"Well, as long as this beautiful woman is with me I have nothing to worry about." You remarked holding Lena closer to you.
"Oh my god, you guys are adorable. Definitely National City's favorite couple. It was a pleasure, thank you for stopping by. Congratulations on tonight's nominations! And have a great night." The reporter said as farewell.
You said your thank yous and you walked back to the red carpet.
"Okay, that wasn't too bad." Lena said close to your hear so only you could hear.
"Told you, you're rocking the red carpet." You smirked.
"Did you mean it?" She made you stop for a moment so the camera men could take a few pictures.
"What?" You asked as you two tried to pose.
"That you don't have anything to worry about as long as I'm with you?"
You turned to see her with the most serious expression you could fathom. "Every word." You said and kissed her right there.
The camera flashes around you multiplied along with the screams of the people and fans that were around. At that moment, only her mattered to you.
You pulled slowly away smiling and took a few steps away from her. "C'mon, darling. We have a couple more interviews ahead." You said.
She smiled back at you thinking it was a good thing the cameras were around to preserve the moment. With you, she could definitely get used to be under the spotlight.
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jonahwhalesw1 · 7 years
Personal Connection- Ch. 4 (Scorpio)
This is my submission for Day 4 of the @tpthvegebulsmutfest !  Sorry, it’s so late and that the rest of the prompts won’t make the 24th deadline, but I’m still going to continue posting them and finish this story.  I will also be posting the story in full to Ao3.  So enjoy!  Last chapter, Vegeta kept his promise to rock Bulma’s world day and night, but what happens the next morning?  And how bad is a scorpion’s sting?
“Good Morning, West City!  We’re looking at yet another fantastic day!  Blue skies and plenty of sunshine so be sure to get out doors as much as you can and enjoy the day!  Moving on, in breaking news this hour…”
He tuned out listening as the radio broadcaster moved on from the only thing he was really paying attention to for the morning.  Good weather means practice was going to go as usual today and he couldn’t wait to get back on the field and try his swing again.  Training for the Androids was going great he thought, but it was also stressful.  As much as he thought he was improving, there was the nagging feeling of ‘Is it enough?’ So he’d contacted his old coach to see if he could join the team for practice today and get some much needed down time.  A few hours playing baseball wouldn’t hurt, right?  Yamcha hummed to himself as he picked up the newspaper and flipped through it to get to the sports section.  He wanted to studying up on the more recent stats of his old team, didn’t want to get shown up by any of the rookies if he could help it.
Headlines were usual; Government this, Officials that, blah, blah, blah.  Not sports, flip.  Oooh, Horoscopes.  Okay, his for starters…Pisces, ‘Your intuition, imagination, and insight have served you well on the job, and should pay off soon. A raise, commission, or perhaps a chance to invest in the company could be offered to you. Your self-esteem will definitely receive a boost! You might also find that you’re growing even more intuitive than usual, and people are looking up to you because of it. Give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it.’  Well, don’t mind if I do, he grinned.  Okay, now he signed with the team on November 2 so next was Scorpio, ‘Rely on your intuition instead of waiting for your rational mind to decide. Your head may have been swarming with conflicting ideas yesterday, but the answer should be clear today. Just tune into your gut feeling and make your decision.’  That boded well for training with the team.  Flip.  Flip. Aha, there.  Sports.  He picked up the section…and saw the Entertainment section’s main headline underneath.  ‘Capsule Corp Heiress Hot And Heavy With New Man’.  The letters were massive, he couldn’t help but see them…the paparazzi-caught picture underneath.  Bulma looking really sexy in her business attire, must have had a meeting or something, standing outside a restaurant, hand in hand, with—
“Son of a bitch!” Yamcha recognized the flame of black hair and royal scowl immediately.
He dropped the sports section and poured over the article about Bulma and Vegeta.  His darting eyes soaking up every word:
‘Capsule Corp Heiress Bulma Briefs is single no more.  A month after her breakup with baseball player Yamcha Rekishiyoma of the Taitans, she was seen at stylish restaurant Gabu with a mysterious new man. It is reported that the couple snuggled in close together as they ate bacon cheeseburgers and fries…’
Snuggled?!  Her and Vegeta of all people!
‘…Talking intimately the entire time…’
What?!  What the hell could they have to talk about?!  A new drone for him to blow up?!  Destroying the Gravity Room yet again?!  Threatening to kill her and blow up the planet?!
‘…After an hour long lunch, they left the restaurant holding hands…’
‘…On the sidewalk, her alluring new man went in for another close moment then literally swept her off her feet, flying with the Heiress off to who knows where to do who knows what. Wink, wink.’
Yamcha dropped the paper and ran out of the nearest door.  The one to his apartment’s balcony.  He instantly jumped into the air and flew off for Capsule Corp himself. Screw practice, screw training because that murdering bastard was…was…
*                      *                      *
The movement woke Vegeta, but he didn’t let it on.  It was kind of cute to feel her tiny little body wriggling beneath his, trying to get out from underneath him.  She huffed and puffed as she shifted this way and that and little by little made her way out from under him.  He tried very hard to suppress his grin and continue to play asleep as he listened to her.
“Shit,” she hissed in a whisper, “Saiyan log.”
A chuckle very nearly escaped his chest.  No, the Saiyan log is what’s between your legs. Gods, he had to fight to keep the smile off his face.
She continued to struggle.  Pushing and shoving at his body, but Vegeta refused to make it easier for her.  Finally, he decided to help her a little.  He shifted his center of gravity ever so slightly and it was enough for her to finally heave on of his arms, shifting the limb just a little.
“Yes,” he allowed himself a slight grin, figuring she wasn’t looking at him as she cheered herself and kept pushing on his arm.  He put the grin away and replaced it with a stony, ‘sleeping’ face as she started to wriggle again, apparently thinking she had shifted his arm just enough away from her body to allow her to scoot her body up and out.  She wriggled again, tried to scoot…the gasp rattled through her.
“Oh my Kami, you fell asleep still inside me.”
He grinned to himself…then he heard a soft chuckle come from her.  The sound was the most beautiful thing he could ever wake up to.
“Good boy,” she laughed.  “But I have to.”  She sighed and scoot again.
He felt himself slip out of her just a little.
“Aw, shit,” she giggled to herself, “I’m wet again.”
He pursed his lips tight, trying to maintain his façade of deep sleep, but inside his was laughing as much as she was.  I’m hard again.
She scooted again. He slipped out of her a little more again.
“Shit,” she gasped, “Even in your sleep, you feel so fucking good.  Kami, you’re the best.”
Damn right, he gloated to himself.
She scooted.  He slipped out a little more.  Scooted.  Slipped. Scooted.  He fell out of her gently, the tip of his head slipping down her entrance before landing on the warm softness of her bed.  Vegeta felt his shoulders slump, it didn’t compare to how warm and soft it was inside her.  Her womanhood was the perfect home for his manhood, falling asleep inside her had convinced him of that.  He couldn’t remember when he’d slept so well, so peacefully, and Vegeta realized it was because he never had peace before, never felt so absolutely safe and secure that he could let himself drift into sleep so deeply.  As deeply as he had been inside her before falling asleep.  He still couldn’t believe that he had made love to her twice.  There had been wild bouts of fucking each other senseless in between, but still…Vegeta had made love to Bulma twice!  What the hell had he been thinking?!  She scooted again and suddenly her hip was at his lips.  He wanted to kiss it.  Wanted lavish the velvet skin with his kisses and licks of his rough tongue.  She shifted and the plump, luscious flesh of one of her ass cheeks pressed against his lips.  He couldn’t stop the low growl rumble through his chest.  Fuck, he wanted to drag his teeth across her perfect, little ass.  She scooted again, and was gone from him.  He wanted to reach out and yank her back, hike her leg back up, thrust his stiffening cock in her, and keep thrusting until they both begged for mercy. He chanced opening an eye just a bit and his gaze was met by the back of her thighs.  Gods, every part of this woman turned him on, made him want to do things to her.  She scooted and wriggled again.  He was eyeing the back of her calves.  Another wriggle, another scoot.  And she was free of him and slipping gently across the rest of her large bed.  He shut his eye as she sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed.  It shifted slightly and he knew she was walking away from him.
He heard a gasp leave her…and hissing, pressure on the bouncy mattress.  He opened his eye just a little again and saw her maybe a step away from the bed.  Her hand on the bed for support as she bent over.  Her eyes were wide and she was trying not to breath hard.  Vegeta felt his chest clench.  Something was wrong with her.  She took a deep breath and took a step.  Her leg wobbled, another step with the aid of the bed, and that leg wobbled as she put her weight on it.
“Oh Kami,” she giggled to herself again, “I can’t fucking walk.”
He smirked proudly. His chest easing and his balls clenching.
She kept taking wobbly step after wobbly step.  Looking like a newborn fawn.  “Oh my Kami,” she squeaked and clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter. Even only getting a side view of her from the bed, he could see her eyes were sparkling with amusement and amazement. Well, what had she expected when she demanded that he satisfy her?  He kept watching her until she was beyond his sight as he maintained his façade.  He heard the gentle padding of her feet finally making contact with the undoubtedly cold tile of her bathroom floor…then he heard the bathroom door close as softly as a whisper.
He closed his eye and felt just how plush her bed was.  Although he admitted he didn’t think she’d accept reclining in anything other than luxury.  He brought his arms up under the fluffy pillow beneath him and held it tight to the side of his face.  He turned his face a little and inhaled deeply.  It smelled like her sweat…like his too.  He laid the side of his face back on it as the sound of her faucet being turned and the low rumble of water passing through the pipes in the wall as her shower started.  Vegeta sniffed the air.  The smell of their joined musk was still in the air even with the balcony doors still open. He reached down beside him and brought the bedsheet up.  The moment he gripped the fabric and lifted, the intense smell from between the sheets hit him.  The bed reeked of their sweat and cum.  Gods, it was enough to snap his eyes wide open.  Surely it would gag the Mother when she came in to change the dirty sheets yet again.  She may be insanely happy all the time, but even he had to admit that she was by no means stupid or ignorant of the ways of carnal behavior considering she had a child. She would know immediately what the Hell they had done.  And she would have a fair guess at how much of it they had done.
Vegeta rolled over and sat up.  Gods, the scent wafted up to him with every move he made.  He could smell her cum on his crotch, smell his own there two, and sweat. Holy shit, he was drenched in their scent.  It filled his nostrils.  He couldn’t escape it…
Did he want to though? Did he want to get out of this bed that permeated with their scent?  Did he want to walk away from this room and no longer smell of her so thoroughly it was like she coated his skin like lotion?
Vegeta looked over at the closed bathroom door as he ran a hand over his face.
*                      *                      *
Bulma stepped under the hot water and let it wash over…soak her hair…pelt her skin like a masseuse…Ahhh, it felt great.  She lowered her face from the water stream and reached out for her bright pink loofa sponge.  She held it against her chest, letting it start getting wet, while she decided which of her assortment of body washes she wanted to use today.  Suddenly she felt familiar rough hands slid gently over her stomach.
“I thought you didn’t like it when my cock wasn’t in you,” he purred lusciously in her ear.
Bulma grinned as he pressed his body against her back.  She leaned into him.  His muscles seemed to fold in around her.  He liked her doing that apparently, she reminded herself to do that as often as she could to feel him do this to her as often as he could.
“I don’t,” she said and his chest vibrated against her back with his growl.  She felt his cock stiffen a little where he’d pressed against her butt crack.
He nuzzled her behind her ear, that always sent a thrill up her spine that made her whole body tingle with arousal, “I like the strawberry one.”
“What?”  She was enjoying him touching her, nuzzling her way too much.  Bullshit, there was never too much.  She laid her head back against his shoulder.
“I like it when you smell like the strawberry and cream one.”
Oh, my bath wash.  “I thought you liked me walking around like the new scent you gave me, the one that drives other men away from me.”
Another growl escaped his mouth by her ear so close she shuddered from how much it turned her on to hear it so close and primal like that.  His fingers bent and she felt the tips of his nails drag over her stomach. Her legs trembled slightly, Oh fuck, I’m wet again.
“That’s for them,” she could practically hear his lips peeling back to reveal his sharp canines; her legs trembled again, Oh so fucking wet, “The strawberries and cream are for me. It reminds me of your breasts,” he looked down over her shoulder and saw perfect little nips of luscious bright red berry peaking out from a plush bed of cream.  He felt his cock harden, So fucking perfect.
“Your cream,” she asked.
“Yours, Vulgar Woman.  Your creamy flesh,” he breathed that last word before licking up her jawline.
“Oh fuck,” her hips bucked, rubbing her sweet ass cheeks against his hardened member pressing against her.
“I’ll get to that after I clean you.”  He purred.
He moved his nose to her wet hair and sniffed. “Your hair smells like salt.  We need to fix that.”
She lifted her head as he reached forward.  He put his hand on one of the bottles, not one of the body washes but a shampoo. She felt him turn his head to look at her.
“This one,” he asked, watching her.
“No,” she said.
Vegeta moved his hand from the purple bottle to a yellow one.
“This one?”
“No,” she smiled.  He smiled, she was catching on to his game.
He moved his hand at last to the pink bottle.  Strawberries and cream shampoo.
“This one?”
“Yes,” she nodded.
“Mmmm, strawberry.” He hummed.
She laughed as he plucked the bottle from the shelf.
She laughed as he plucked the bottle from the shelf.  He flipped the cap and lifted it over her head, she trusted him enough to think that he wasn’t going to dump a ridiculous amount on her head like a cruel joke.  Vegeta squeezed out a quarter-sized amount of the pink creamy gel onto her teal hair then capped the bottle, and put it back on the shelf.  Bulma lifted a hand to her hair, but before it could reach into her hair, Vegeta’s hand was there to take it away.  She went back to holding her loofa to her chest as he placed his hands on the top of her head and ran them down.  That’s not what she expected.  She felt him smear the gel over as much of her hair as he could with sweet tender pets. Her eyes widened, what the hell? But…his touch was so gentle, yet thorough.  He laced his fingers up through her hair…then around it…then Vegeta’s fingers began massaging her scalp until he worked up a lather.  She smiled and let the feeling of his tender care relax her…and simultaneously turn her on even more for him.  He was taking care of her and few men realized the absolute turn on that was. When he was sure her hair was clean, he leaned by her ear.
“Close your eyes,” he whispered.  She did.  He placed one hand at the back of her head and tipped it forward into the hot water.
His fingers worked diligently, intricately, tenderly to help the water rinse the shampoo from her hair.  Bulma luxuriated in the warm water and the warm attentions until Vegeta was content that every last bit of soap had been cleansed from her beautiful, soft hair.  Then his hand slipped under her chin and lifted her head out of the water.  Then his other hand dabbed at her face with a soft, dry cloth until she opened her eyes.  His lips were at her ear again.
“Uh-huh,” she nodded.
He put the washcloth on the shelf.  She watched again as his hand found the pink bottle of body wash and pulled it out of the lineup.  He flipped the cap and lifted it to the loofa at her chest, he squeezed out some of the clear pink gel onto the pink mesh then capped the bottle and put it back on the shelf.  Bulma started to mover her fingers around the pink mesh, but before she could work it into a lather, Vegeta’s hands were there to take it away.
“No, I clean you.”
He took one of her hands in his and guided it up to behind his head and left it there.  He switched the loofa to his other hand.  He took her other hand in his and guided it too to behind his head and left it there.
“I clean you.”
“Oh, okay.”  She got it now, Bulma laced her fingers together at the back of his neck and looked down at her own body.  She watched him work the pink mesh slowly into a lather.  Then he pressed against her chest and squeezed.  Pink-tinted white foam squished out and slipped over her breasts.  Her breathing hitched while his remained steady although it definitely did not escape her notice that his cock was a rock now.  One of his hands scrubbed the loofa gentle over one breast while his other slipped over her other breast.  She writhed.  He cupped her, ran his fingers over her suds covered, pert nipple…pinched it softly between his fingers…his thumb caressing it slowly.  She closed her legs, squeezing them tight together.  “Oh Kami,” she gasped.
The loofa switched hands.  Soft, soapy mesh scrubbing gently of her already aroused breast while his other hand cupped the cleaned breast.  His fingers slowly caress her nipple to hardening.  She squeezed her legs tighter.  Biting her lip.  Unable to hold back the moan.  He pinched her nipple gently and her hips bucked, rubbing his excruciating cock between her plump ass cheeks again.  He groaned. His thumb rubbing her nipple.
“Fuck,” she gasped. Hips bucking again, she wanted him so bad right now.  He groaned, his fingers gripping her breast for a moment until the sensation eased enough for him to continue.
He moved the loofa down over her smooth, flat stomach.  Scrubbing gently while his hand rubbed the suds into her skin.  He moved and moved until her stomach as clean. Every scratch of mesh over her supple skin, every caress building and building the yearning between her legs. Then the loofa and his hand went down, down, down, she felt them at her crotch.  The hot suds squeezing over her curly teal hairs there.  His hand threaded through them, rubbing, until he tried to put his hand between her legs and she refused to budge.
“It’s alright,” he told her.
She shook her head.
“Yes, it is. Now open your legs.”
“If I open them, I won’t be able to close them.”
He knew what she meant and he smiled tenderly at her.  Vegeta closed his eyes and leaned his head against hers.  “I trust you.”
She knew what that meant for him to say those words to her.  Words he’s probably never spoken to another being in his life, not even himself. She parted her legs bit by bit.  Kami, she wanted him there so bad.  His hand slipped in swiftly, not wanting to prolong her torment.  He rubbed the soap over her lips, noting how they trembled with her legs before withdrawing his hand.
He pushed his body just a bit more against hers and urged her under the water.  She followed his lead and the still hot water washed away the soap from her body.  He dropped the loofa and she watched and felt his hands slip and slide over her body as he helped the water wash away the foam.
“Kami, I want to cum.” She whimpered.
“I’ll help you with that in a few minutes.”
She whimpered as he removed her hands form behind his neck.  He turned her around to face him.  Her body flush with more than just the heat of the water and the glow of cleanliness.
“Can I clean you,” she blurted out desperately.  Kami, she wanted to run her hands over his ripped body at least.
He nodded, “Now you clean me.”  He finished saying.
“Oh thank Kami,” she breathed and he smiled.
She put her hands over his biceps, worshipping them with her touch and her eyes, salivating at them for a moment before slowly turning her and Vegeta around so that they’d switched places.  Her hands went to his chest.  Those pectorals, she bit her lip again, she loved how his chest had pressed against her breasts when he laid on her, rubbed against her breasts when he moved over, in her. A rattling exhale escaped her.
“You’re drooling, Woman.”  His voice was condemning, but his face was all cocky-as-hell smirk and his cock…
“Uhnn, my mouth isn’t the only thing dripping wet.”
This time it was his breathing that hitched.  His chest was heaving now.  Her fingertips gently pushed him back and he stepped.  The water cascaded down his body.  Slipping over every luscious, deeply etched line of him.  She licked her lips, suddenly thirsty as hell.  He growled.  She looked up at his face and his eyes were half-lidded and blazing with fire at her.  Kami, they were both really horny.  Her eyes watched the water weight down the flame of his hair…fall down the lines of his face…neck…collarbone…pecs…oh, fuck those abs (I could go for a six-pack right now)…finally streaming along his erect rod and dripping off it.  She squeezed her eyes shut.  Legs shut. Looking away.  She had to calm down.
“Calm down, calm down,” he soothed and dare not touch her.  He was barely holding on by a thread himself.  Seeing her barely able to keep her hands off him, fighting the undoubtedly severe urge to jump and ride him until she lost her voice…till he lost his voice.  “Bulma—”
“Don’t say that right now.  I’m gonna cum if you say it again.”  She held her hand up to silence him as she struggled to regain control of herself.
“What the fuck do you think I’m going to do if you don’t stop looking like that?  Do have any idea how much I want throw you up against the wall and take you until it’s ground to dust behind you?  Then throw you on the ground and pound you until I can’t breathe?  How about wanting to crawl out of here on our hands and knees and doing you sore on the floor of this bathroom?  Grinding you into the carpet right outside the door?  How about ending up right back in your bed and making love to you until the fucking thing shatters?!”
She stared at him. Eyes wide and clear.  She pointed at the shelf of bottles behind him—
“Is that…?”
He nodded without looking back,
“When did you bring a bottle of your shampoo and body wash and your own loofa in here?”
“I told you that I came in here before I went to meet you.”
She took a deep bracing breath then stepped closer to him, she saw him brace himself as well.  With a trembling hand, she reached past him and took up his royal blue sponge and the grey bottle of body wash.  She opened it, squeezed a dollop of white, creamy gel on the sponge, closed the bottle, and put it back on the shelf.  She pulled the sponge to her and rubbed her fingers over it until it frothed with a clean yet musky smell.  She looked up at him…was that admiration she saw in his eyes? For what?  The ability to control herself while standing in a hot shower with the sexiest fucking man she’s ever seen in her life after he just told her all the ways he wanted to fuck her into a coma after they showered together? …Okay, so yeah, that’s pretty damn admirable of her.
A mischevious grin crossed her face, she bit her lip again, and pressed the loofa to his ripped chest…and squeezed.  She watched the foam seep over him…down him…clinging to then dripping off his cock. She licked her lips again, “Sooo creamy,” she purred.
“Gods dammit Woman! I told you not to do that.”
“Nooo, you told me to stop looking like that, I’m looking at you now.”  She giggled.
Suddenly he reached out and yanked her against his body. She gasped, stunned in his arms. He stared right into her eyes, “Don’t tempt me.”
She leaned closer, “Don’t tempt me, what?”
She could feel his heartbeat throbbing in his cock pressing against her.  He could probably feel her heartbeat raging in her core, she sure as hell could.
“I’m not saying it, Woman.”
Bulma looked away from him, putting a pout on her face as she watched herself move the scrub over his perfect chest.
“I could make you,” she warned, her hands slipping the lather of suds over his skin.
“You could try.”  He watched her tensely.  “I know the game you’re playing, Woman, I did it to you just a moment ago.”
“Your hands all over my body.”
“And I was helpless,” her eyes rose to meet his.
He worked his mouth, mulling it over shortly, before nodding.  He lifted his hands and balled his fists behind his head.  Surrendering to her the way he’d guided her to do for him.  “You clean me.”
The scrub moved, slowly tracing playful designs over his chest, her hands lathering the suds of his pectorals.  Her touch was like lightning.  Vegeta’s skin tingled while a storm raged in his chest.  He hadn’t been kidding about nearly cumming just watching her squeezing her legs shut and refusing to look at him.  To think that she couldn’t handle his touch anymore, that she wanted to feel him inside her again so badly…it was intoxicating, addicting.
Her hand and the scrub moved lower…lightning zinged through each muscle of his abs.  How he wished it was her lips?  Those soft, plump, pink lips of hers.  The matching set to the soft, plump, pink lips between her legs.  He groaned as one of her nails suddenly trailed on his skin.
She didn’t look up at him as her hand and the scrub went lower…Fuck, he bit his own lip. She was going there, going there the way he had.
“It’s alright,” her voice was soothing.
“I trust you,” he repeated quietly.
The scrub slipped down the plunging vee of his lower abdomen…and along the shaft of her rock hard cock.
“Fuck,” he gasped. His cock throbbed.  His cock throbbed so bad for her.  Any part of her.
She answered his prayers.  Her hand lathered the white foam over his shaft and head with swiftly, minimized his arousal as much as she could just like he had.  Then she dropped his loofa as her fingertips gently pushed against his chest.  He stepped back again and the water washed over his chiseled body.  Her hands helped it sluice the foam away from his caramel skin…she felt fantastic.
“I’m aching for you.”
“I’ll help you with that when I’m done with your hair.”
He lowered his hands as she reached past him again.  Vegeta admired her restraint, he hadn’t realized she had any when he first came to Earth, but the more time he spent around her, observing her, he realized she was a creature of restraint.  She teased, she played, but she held herself back.  And now, she teased him with her touch, she played with him with her laughter, but when she was so close to him, she kept herself from the raging desire consuming both of them.
Her reach brought back his bottle of shampoo.  He dipped his head back and the water poured down the back of his head, rewetting his hair as she flipped the bottle’s cap.  She balanced delicately on the tip of her toes and poured a few dollops of mint green, creamy gel onto his doused black flame.  She recapped the bottle and put it back.  She balanced on tips of her toes and ran her hands through his hair…and lost her balance.  She rose on tiptoes again…and again eventually lost her balance.
She was struggling and his hands went out to hold her hips.  She stared at him for a moment then nodded.
“I trust you,” she told him.
One of his hands slipped off her hip and down the back of her thigh to hike up on of her legs over his hip…then he reached behind her with his other hand and lifted her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he held her as her fingers smother the gel over his head then working her fingers through his hair…massaging his scalp with firm pressure, nails sending surprise thrills down his spine whenever they made contact his scalp. When she was sure she’d got his hair as clean as she could, Bulma smoother her hand over Vegeta’s forehead.
“Close your eyes,” she whispered and he obeyed.
She gently tipped his head back.  Her hands and fingers worked through his hair again helping the water rinse the dirty suds away.  He let his shoulders sag under her pleasant, tender attentions.  Kindness, it was pure kindness.  Pure care.  What she’s always shown him.  Shrieking temper aside, she’d never done anything to harm him, not ever.  At first he thought she was tricking him, lulling him into a false sense of security before going in for a strike to bring him down, but that strike never came, he just woke up to her maintaining vigil at his bedside after some reckless behavior blown both him and the Gravity Room to smithereens.  He had baffled him that he would wake up to her by his side…then she kept taking care of him.  Every cut, every bruise, every ache and pain, she was there with bandages, there with ice packs, there with healing salve that soothed his body…and her smile and bright eyes soothed his soul.  She’d become a sanctuary to him.  He found solace in her presence…in her voice…in everything about her.  She lifted his head back up.  His heart pounded in his ears.
“Clean,” he asked.
“Yes,” she nodded.
“Finally,” he breathed, turned, and two steps later his hands provided cushion as her back hit the wall, they kissed with all the passion they’d been denying themselves.
“Inside, Vegeta, inside,” she gasped.
One pelvic thrust and he was into her waiting, spread core to the hilt.
“Ahhh, yes,” Bulma moaned putting her forehead against his.
And Vegeta kept thrusting and thrusting and thrusting.  Bulma’s lips found his and devoured him hungrily.
“Ah, ah, ah, ah,” she moaned with each move.
“Ah, ah, ah, ah,” he grunted with her.
Their lips brushing against each other.  Their breaths puffing over each other’s mouths.  Her legs tightened around him.  A hand slipping into the hair at the back of his head, the other gripping his shoulderblade.  One of his hands tightened it’s grip on one of her plump ass cheeks, the other threading it’s fingers into her teal hair, cupping the back of her skull.
“Uhnn, Vegeta.”
“My Bulma.”
*                      *                      *
His feet landed on the grounds of Capsule Corp for the first time in months.  Yamcha still wasn’t sure how he was going to get in, he’d flown out of his apartment so fast that he’d forgotten the spare set of keys that would have let him in without having to ring for someone first…Her balcony!
Yamcha flew up and around until he spotted her balcony…and his.  That murdering, evil bastard’s room was right next to hers.  Was that how he’d moved in on her?  Worked on her when Yamcha wasn’t around?  How had he come sniffing around Bulma?...Or had he just taken what he’d wanted one night then Bulma was so traumatized by it that she convinced herself that he had feelings for her rather than admit to herself what really had happened?  Yamcha’s fists clenched.  Was that it? Or was Vegeta using Bulma to keep getting free stuff and the free ride—immediately the image of Vegeta bouncing a helpless Bulma on his crotch while she screamed and begged to get away from the homicidal maniac’s sadistic grin haunted his thoughts.  My poor Bulma!  Yamcha dove for her balcony.
*                      *                      *
“Oh Kami, Vegeta, you’re always so good to me.” Bulma moaned as his tongue and lips made the most sinful meal out of her neck.  With every thrust, his tongue worked magic over her pulse and her nails dug into his luscious, caramel skin.  “More, uhnn, more.”
He picked up his past and her body shuddered.
“Yes, yes, yes,” she breathed with every thrust.
He buried his face in her neck and just focused on slipping himself deeper and deeper into her faster and faster.
“Uhnn, Vege-, ah, ah, ah, Ve-, ah, Ve-, ah, Fuck, ah, ah, Ve-, Ve-,”
Words failed her again.  They always did with him.  He loved hearing his name die on her voice, replaced with agonizing moans as her body tightened with his.  His balls were wrung tight so much so that he’d thought he’d cum just by entering her. Her walls gripped with him with sticky desperation.  Even now he could feel them tremble against his own throbbing.
“You want to cum,” he couldn’t help but moan the question as he slowed for a moment.  It was still nowhere near the excruciatingly slow rhythm he used when he made love to her, but it was much slower than before.  He exchanged speed for powerful thrusts that moved both their bodies in sweeping movements up and down the wall.  
“Oh ffuuck, yes,” she gasped as her held fell back, “Uhnn, ah Kami, uhnnn.”
He could feel her wetten more.  His own cock started trembling.  He wanted her walls to flutter.  He wanted her sweet, agonizing pussy to pull the orgasm out of him.
“Cum for me, Woman, uhnn, ah, just for me.”
He’d never begged anyone for anything in his life.  Never groaned and moaned like this with anyone ever in his life.  But her.  His Woman.  He’d do anything for her.
Her legs tighten around him even more.  Her legs trembling.  Her head fell forward again.  Her mouth by his ear in that way that sent chills and thrills up and down his spine.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum for you.”  He breathed.
“Don’t stop, Vegeta, oh Kaa-mmi, don’t stop.”
He picked the pace up a bit for her but not so much that he’d sacrifice how incredibly deep he was getting in her.
“Vegeta!  Vegeta! Vegeta!”
He feel it in her. Her body was starting to still…the calm before the storm that her quaking walls would unleash.  His own body was stilling, his balls clenched so tight they were just waiting for the chance to release in her…Any moment…Any moment. Oh Gods, she felt so good.  So fucking good.  Oh fucking Gods!  He wanted to fill her with so much of his seed they’d repopulate the entire fucking Saiyan race!
*                      *                      *
Yamcha landed on her balcony and rushed through the open doors…
“Holy shit,” he gasped as the overwhelming smell hit him.  He’d never smelled anything like that before.  It was so strong and musky!
But before his mind could even process that, his eyes took note of the clothes on the floor. There were men’s clothes here and—
“—stop.  Vegeta!”
“Bulma!”  He raced to her opened bathroom door and rushed in…
To see Bulma pinned to the wall by Vegeta.  Her legs wrapped around his waist as the Saiyan’s hips moved and his butt muscles flexed with each thrust.  One of her hands gripping into the black hair and the other digging deeply into the Saiyan’s shoulder blade.  But the look on her face…the way she was chanting Vegeta’s name…she was…
“Vegeta!  Vegeta! Vege-, Vege-, ah, ah, uhnn, Vegetaaaa!!!”
Her scream echoed off the walls and her nails drug deep scratches across Vegeta’s back as her toes curled and her legs shook.  Her jaw slackened in a look of the most powerful ecstasy Yamcha had ever seen.
And he felt his heart, everything he’d ever known of her shatter like glass…She’d just cummed. She’d just orgasmed on the thrusting dick of his murderer.  How…how…How could…
“How could you?” The panged whisper barely reached his own ears under the screaming of his murderer’s name.
 Feeling her claw his back, Gods that spurred him.  He kept going and going.  Grunting and groaning.  Thrusting and thrusting.  Gods, he wanted to join her.  Her walls were beating against his cock and he wanted his cock to…to…Fuck!  Fuck!
“Bul-, Bulmaaa!  Uhnnn, Bulmaa!  Ah, Bulma,” he breathed into the side of her beautiful neck.  His cock jolted.  His hips jerked and slammed into her as he cock released his seed into her sticky, wet core.  He moved his hips over and over.  Helping her sweet, sweet walls milk him.  Milk him dry. He couldn’t give her enough.  She held on to him with the most loving arms and tender embrace in the universe and he knew he could never give her enough. But dammit he would never give up trying.
“You son of a bitch!! Did you just cum in my girlfriend?!!”
Vegeta’s eyes popped open.  Bulma’s head popped up, eyes wide…she screamed.  She screamed bloody murder.
“Noooo!!!! Yamcha, get out of here!  You’re ruining it!  How dare you ruin it!”  She reached for bottle to throw at him, but everything was out of reach.  “Get out of here!”  She cried.  “You’re ruining it!”
Her tears streamed down her face and Vegeta held her, his hand falling from cradling her head to wrapping around her little waist as she fought for something, anything to throw before giving up and descending into wails.  He was terrified about what to do and overcome by how protective she was of what they’d shared…just as protective of their privacy as he was guarded of it, of them.
He turned burning murderous eyes on the pathetic excuse for a man that kept ruining her life. Who had walked in on them in the most intimate moment and ruined how private and precious it was for them.
“GET OUT!!” Vegeta roared as Bulma wept over his shoulder, distraught over the violation of her private joy.
“No!  You get off of her you sick—”
“You bastard!” She wailed, “Yamcha, you bastaaard!”
Vegeta held her tighter, pinning her more to the wall, protecting her and shielding her with his body the way he did after they made love.  His scowl burning another death sentence into the intruder.
Yamcha was stunned. Absolutely stunned.
“This is how?! This is how you get over me?!  By fucking my murderer, you wh—”
“Vegeta, don’t!”
The slur froze in Yamcha’s throat as Vegeta brought up a his hand in a single motion complete with ki blast.  But he didn’t fire, Bulma’s plea staying his hand…for the moment.
“You can’t,” she pleaded, “The room’s too small.”
Vegeta didn’t bother looking around, her bathroom was the same as his.  Any ki blast of killing magnitude would be disastrous in such tight confines and the glass…he’d be shredded shielding her body from it and even then he wouldn’t be enough to protect all of her for the tearing shards. The ki blast died in his palm. But Vegeta kept his palm aimed at Yamcha.
“Really?! That’s it?!  Not ‘Don’t, its Yamcha’, but ‘Don’t, the room is too small’?!”
Bulma was silent, but at least she had stopped crying.  She clung tightly to Vegeta as reddened, sapphire eyes glared fiery daggers at Yamcha.
“You do remember he’s killed me before!  That he’s threatened to kill you!”
Vegeta’s arm tightened around her tiny waist.  He felt her arms tighten around him, her nails digging in possessively.  It thrilled him, but he kept up his glare at Yamcha and his waiting palm never wavered.
“Go back to your sluts, Yamcha,” she growled dangerously, “He’s mine.”
Vegeta’s heart clenched.  She’d claimed him.  She’d claimed him infront of one of her, undoubtedly former at this point, friends with such a clear and daring possessiveness.  Vegeta had never been his own man from the age of six, but this, he wasn’t her property or her slave, he belonged to her because she belonged to him.  His fingers pressed into her flesh, his scowl deepening.
“You think he gives a shit about you?  You really think he here for anything other than getting pampered here by you and your family before killing all of us and destroying the planet?  Really?!  Fine! We’ll see!  We’ll see when I tell your parents!”  Yamcha ran out of the room.
“No!”  Fear filled her entire body in an instant, Vegeta paled.  “Please, Yamcha don’t!  I’ll do anything!  I’ll—” She looked at Vegeta and he looked at her…then she shut squeezed her eyes shut and bowed her head in shame, “I’ll go back to you just don’t do this!”
“Bulma,” Vegeta gasped.  She’d just offered herself in exchange for him…just offered her body to save him…
Her struggles in his arms were desperate and quickly overrode Vegeta’s hold on her.  His stunned face as agape at…her feet hit the floor and she was off, “Yamcha don’t!!”  She was so slippery that she slipped from Vegeta’s reaching grasp and ran out the room, slipping into the bathrobe she hung on the door.  Vegeta shut off the water and hurried out of the shower, grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around his waist as he ran after her.
 Her heart pounded in her chest as she ran and ran and ran…she saw a flutter of his jacket as her ran ahead of her.  Tears blurred her vision, “Please Yamcha!”
“No!  That sick freak has to go!”
He whipped around a corner.  She followed. They were close.  So close to the kitchen and dining room.  To her parents.
Another corner. There at the end of the hallway, the stairs…and the dining room.
“Yamcha!!”  She was gaining on him.  Desperation and fear pushing her legs to extremes she didn’t know she could get to.
He was at the top of the stairs, a few more lengths and she’d have him…and flew down them. No, she couldn’t fly.  She couldn’t fly.
He landed at the bottom.  Her feet bounding down stairs.
Yamcha went through the doorway and Bulma screamed.  Saying nothing but just wailing for all her lungs could manage.  She clung to the frame of the doorway at the bottom staring in at her parents staring at her and Yamcha.
She was screaming. All Vegeta could hear was her screaming. His feet lifted and he took flight. He saw her clinging to the door frame of the dining area and landed by her side.  He reached for her only to freeze—her parents were watching him, watching all three of them.
“Bulma, dear, what’s wrong?”  The eternally perky Mother asked with a large bowl of fresh fruit in her hands, she’d been about to place it on the table when her daughter had screamed, the sound freezing her in place, “Oh and Yamcha and Vegeta, are you boys hungry?”
Vegeta knew enough to know that the Mother was trying to diffuse the situation with feigned innocence, but the Mother was as smart and wily as the Woman she’d given birth to. The Saiyan knew to keep his mouth shut…the idiot didn’t.
“Do you know what they were doing?!”
The movement caught Vegeta’s eyes; Bulma was trembling like a leaf, panting, eyes wide with terror. She’d offered to give herself back to a relationship that made her miserable to protect him…she…he’d…Vegeta’s chest clenched like he were trapped in a vice.
“I caught them screwing in her shower!”
Bulma buried her face in the wall.  Eyes squeezed shut.  “No,” she sobbed, “They’ll throw him out.  No.”
Vegeta had never felt such a rage before at the sight of his Woman in anguish.  How dare that weakling!
“Oh, shower sex in the morning!  How exciting!”  The Mother chirped.
Wide, stunned eyes gaped at Mrs. Briefs.
“Wh-what?” Yamcha couldn’t believe his ears.
“Oh-ho-ho,” Panchy giggled, blushing as she eyed her daughter and alien houseguest, “I guess that explains how underdressed the two of you are.”
Bulma clasped the fold of her bathrobe tighter over her chest while Vegeta gripped the knot of his towel, both suddenly feeling the overwhelming urge to cover up even more.
“You, you,” Yamcha still couldn’t process this, “You knew about them?”
“Well, not this exactly,” Dr. Briefs finally spoke up from his still casual presence sitting at the end of the table with a hot cup of coffee and his newspaper infront of him.  All eyes went to him.  Dr. Briefs’ eyes met Vegeta’s for a moment…the Saiyan Prince nodded barely perceptibly, the Father went on.  “Yesterday, Vegeta came to see me.”
Bulma looked back at Vegeta, but he kept his dark eyes on her father.  Now he was the one who was trembling like a leaf.
“He told me that he and Bulma had had a couple of occasions in which things had, well, one thing had led to another.”
Bulma gasped and pressed herself against the wall.  The line of Vegeta’s lips thinned.  From what he understood of what little he had watched of the thing they called television, a suitor telling the parents of amorous dealings was somewhat taboo. She turned horrified eyes away from him and to her father, “Daddy, Vegeta told you about, about…that?”
“All he said was that two of you had had encounters before and that he, well, he asked permission to date you, my Dear.”
All the fear died. Warmth filled her.  Her eyes cleared, she sniffed.  “He, he what?”
“Vegeta asked permission to date you and perhaps do more if you would allow it.”
Bulma felt herself glowing.  No one had ever…she felt so…Vegeta. She turned—he was gone.
“But, but,” Yamcha sputtered.
“Yamcha,” Dr. Briefs turned his paternal voice to him, “what goes on between Bulman and Vegeta is none of our business.  They are two grown adults engaging in a grown adult relationship, we are not in it with them. Now, come, sit down and have some breakfast will you?  Bunny just made a lovely spread.”
Yamcha’s cheeks reddened and he felt as flushed and shy as he had when he’d first met Bulma…when they were kids…But they weren’t kids anymore.  They’d stopped being kids awhile ago.  That was no kid that was having sex with Vegeta in a shower and he wasn’t a kid when he’d been caught in bed with one of her dearest friends…and never went after her as she ran sobbing from his apartment…when he stayed with that friend for the rest of the night, drowning his guilt and sorrow in her soft soothing words—lies, he’d fallen for the woman’s lies so that he could face himself in the morning…he’d hidden from Bulma and her friend and everyone except Puar.  But Vegeta had been there for Bulma when he’d hurt her.  Had been there to comfort her in an apparent physical way that had…well…Yamcha’d lost Bulma to the man that had killed them because at least that murderer had been honest with her.
“Uh, no,” Yamcha looked at the toes of his shoes, “I should leave.  I, I have, uh, training, uh, with the team.  Thank you though, uh.  Bye.”
He turned and walked away.
Bulma watched him go then looked back at her parents.  She met her father’s eyes…he nodded, she nodded.  He went back to his paper and coffee as her mother finally put the bowl of fruit down on the table.  Bulma turned and ran back up the stairs.
*                      *                      *
He stalked back and stopped in the hallway.  To his right was the door to his room and just beyond was the door’s to hers, still open and still seeping just the slightest hint of their sex in the air coming out of it.  It had all been like a dream.  Some sort of fantasy that he’d been too scared to allow himself to have when he was younger…under Freiza.  The lizard had never allowed him to have anything, kept Vegeta on a tight and punishing leash, but at least Vegeta had had dreams.  Granted, they had been dreams about destroying the one hold the leash, the one doling out the punishment, dreams about immortality and universal domination.  But this dream, his fingers shifted and he felt the softness of her towel beneath them. She had been magical.  She had been on Namek.  She had been when he thought she was finally rid Yamcha.  She had been when he’d called her his for the first time and taken her from that stupid club and she’d taken him for most of that night.  She had been when he’d decided to forgo a day’s training to be with her…and made love to her for the first, but not last, time.
“Vegeta?”  Her voice was soft behind him.
Vegeta turned around.
Something had changed. All her fear was gone.  Any anger he had expected to get from violating some sort of social taboo with her parents wasn’t there at all.  She was…tender and her eyes were filled with the same warmth he felt in his chest when she’d offered herself to Yamcha in order to make sure her parents never found out about them and threw Vegeta out.  She didn’t have to do that, but she didn’t know that at the time.  She didn’t know that he’d held to the Saiyan tradition of attaining the parents’ permission to court a female…and she didn’t know that he’d also asked permission to become her mate.  Her Father had asked what that meant for Saiyans and Vegeta had explained.  The Father sat for quite some time in thought before giving his permission and blessings then proceeded to help Vegeta tie that ridiculous tie before he left Dr. Briefs’ personal lab and went to prepare Bulma’s room for their return.
Vegeta felt something himself.  He felt hope.
“You, you told my Dad.”
He nodded, standing stock still.
“You asked his permission to…to be with me?”  He could see her eyes start to redden again, the wet brimming in them again.
He nodded, felt stinging at the back of his own eyes, “I did.”
She stepped closer to him.  His breathing caught in his chest as he watched her.  She reached for him—then stopped.  His heart chilled, she’d stopped herself from touching him.  Could it be that that warmth in her eyes…had it been pity?
“I, uh,” she floundered and her hands retreated from him, “I, uh, think you should focus on your training today, okay?  And I’ve got a lot of work to do.”
He felt his shoulders tingle with the urge to droop.  His crest on the brink of falling…
“And then I,” he couldn’t believe he was begging like a puppy like this, “then I…I return to your room after evening meal again?”
He whole demeanor changed.  Her eyes went dry, she held her robe closed against her chest, and every sense about her was suddenly distant.  She’d shut herself off from him.  In the course of a single heartbeat, she’d shut herself off from him.
“I, uh, no, not tonight.”
His crest shattering when it hit rock bottom.
“We should get some rest, don’t you think?”
He didn’t say anything.  He was struggling to put his mask of indifference back on as quickly as possible. How could I have been so foolish?  How could I have been so weak?!
“Sure.  Fine then.  You can rest, Woman,” he spat the name.  Before turning and opening the door of his room, he slammed it shut behind him.  She could keep those damn clothes, he never wanted to see them ever again!!
She flinched at the bang but she figured it was coming.  They’d been so hot and heavy for each other for the past couple of days that putting any amount of brake on would come with anger.  For Kami’s sake, she’d had to stop herself from touching him just a moment ago.  She knew if she laid even so much as a fingernail on his skin that she jump into his arms and demand that he do to her all the things he said he’d wanted to; the floor of her shower would still be wet after all, get some really good traction for them. But no, she’d stopped herself because if she did that, if they did that, she wouldn’t even have the slim prayer that she did now of finishing what she wanted to work on…for him.  She hurried into back into her room and threw her bathrobe on the floor as she dove through drawer after drawer for clothes.  The smile wouldn’t leave her face and she didn’t want it to.  He’d asked permission…He had asked permission!...For her!  Her cheeks were starting to ache but she didn’t care.  She was going to make this the best surprise for Vegeta, Her Vegeta!!  She laughed.
Something flew past by her room outside her balcony.  She knew instantly that was him.  She raced over and leaned over her railing to watch him rush into the Gravity Room on the lawn.  Then Bulma ran back into her room and finished dressing.  Oh-ho-ho, he was going to love this, just love it!  At least, she hoped he would.  Oh, she just couldn’t wait to get started!  She squealed as she threw on her lab coat as she walked out her door.  Then Bulma stopped, the towel was on the floor in the middle of the hallway.  Well…Vegeta must have tossed it out his door.  He didn’t have to that, her Mother was bound to be on her usual daily cleaning assault on the whole their residence and would surely have picked it up for laundry, but oh well.  Bulma snatched it up and tossed it into her room before closing the door and making an all out dash for her own personal lab, skipping at times.
*                      *                      *
As soon as he slammed his door on her, he slumped back against it.  He should have known!  He should have fucking known!  She would never truly attach herself to him. No one would!
Vegeta squeezed his eyes shut against the torturous stinging and immediately felt them.  Tears! The Prince of All Saiyans, the Destroyer of Worlds, crying over some stupid Woman?!  But he couldn’t stop it.
She’d rejected him. The moment she’d stopped herself from touching him, he felt fear creep into his body like he never had under Freiza. And when she shut herself off…Vegeta gasped, fighting hard to keep the tears back but some fell anyways.  FUCK! His fist balled and shook with his pain, no one had ever hurt him the way she just had.  Not even Freiza.  Suddenly he ripped off her towel from his waist, turned, opened his door, and flung it out into the cold hallway.  He closed the door on it, on her, on all of it.  He was back.  Vegeta, Prince of All Saiyans.
He stalked over to the dresser and chose his old Saiyan flightsuit and armor.  Battered, broken in places, battle-worn…it was like him, had been with him through it all.  This was the only true attachment he had, his pride, his strength as a Saiyan. He slipped the clothes on and felt anger at himself that neither felt like a second skin to him anymore.  Well, he would fix that.  She told him to train…and train he will.
Vegeta walked out onto his balcony, and turned to the Gravity Chamber on the distant lawn.  Then he heard it, the laugh, her laugh…He felt the tears again.  She was laughing at him, laughing to herself about how she’d duped him into, into—No, he wasn’t saying it!  He would never say it!  Vegeta shot past her balcony on his flight to the Gravity Chamber.
He flung open the door, rushed in, and slammed the it shut behind him.  This, this was his sanctuary.  A place of nothing but battle.  With machines.  With himself. Constant war!  He flew over to the control panel and began setting his parameters as the tears continued to stream from his eyes.  He’d never allow himself to dream again.  Dreams were for fools.  Dreams were for idiots like Kakkarot.  Dreams were…dreams were…his hand began to tremble over the buttons…Dreams were not for him…
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quicksilversquared · 7 years
How to Fake A Marriage Ch. 12
(AO3) (FF.net)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Wednesday night, Adrien was awakened by the sound of someone pounding at his door.
"What on earth," he groaned as he rolled out of bed. Plagg whined in protest as he was jostled. "Who in the world would be at my door at half-past midnight?"
"Paparazzi hoping for a picture of you in your pajamas," Plagg suggested sleepily.
"How would they even get in the building?"
"Don't know, don't care," was his only response.
Adrien rubbed at his eyes as he stumbled down the hallway towards the front door. He was too tired to deal with this right now. If it was reporters hoping for a picture, he wouldn't hesitate to call the police on them. He peered through the peephole on the door, expecting to see someone clutching an oversized camera.
Instead he saw Marinette, looking exhausted and clutching a blanket around her shoulders.
Adrien didn't hesitate to unlock the door and pull it open. "Marinette? What are you doing still up?"
"My neighbor is playing music pretty loud," Marinette said, yawning. She looked absolutely miserable. "I tried earplugs, I tried noise-cancelling headphones, I tried sleeping on my couch but that wasn't much better. I can't fall asleep, so I was wondering-"
"You can sleep over," Adrien said immediately. Now that he was out in the hallway, he could hear the music. It was ridiculously loud, especially considering that it was both late and a weeknight. "Of course, come on in."
"Thank you," Marinette breathed as Adrien ushered her in. The blanket she had wrapped around her shoulders dragged a little behind her as she walked and there was an odd bulge on her side that Adrien suspected was her pillow. "I'm sorry about waking you up."
"It's not a problem," Adrien assured her quickly as he locked the door again. "Did you lock your flat up?"
"Uh-huh," Marinette managed around a yawn. She fished a hand out from under her blanket and deposited a set of keys and her phone on the table next to the couch. "I figured you would say yes." She yawned again as she flopped down on his couch. She reached into her blanket and pulled out the pillow, fluffing it under her head and shuffling her blanket around to huddle under it. Adrien watched in amusement as Marinette slowly vanished under the blanket. Messy strands of black hair poked out from the top.
It was cute.
"You are not sleeping on the couch," Adrien insisted after a moment, suddenly realizing what Marinette was doing. "I'm serious. It's no good for your back. I've tried to take naps on it before, and I always regretted it. I can share the bed, it's definitely big enough."
Marinette's head popped up from under the blanket, eyes wide as she stared at Adrien. "I couldn't-"
"I'll be the perfect gentleman, I promise," Adrien said, holding up his hands. "Really, Marinette, your back will be killing you tomorrow. We can share the bed. It's clean, I swear. I just washed the sheets yesterday."
Marinette bit her lip, looking uncertain, and Adrien waited. He didn't want to push her- if she was uncomfortable sharing the bed with him, he wouldn't push it and risk making her uncomfortable- but he just had to make sure that she knew that he didn't mind. He didn't snore (according to Plagg, at least; the kwami didn't exactly have any reason to lie), he didn't steal the blankets (much), and they were both on the leaner side, so in theory sharing the bed should be fine.
(Of course, Marinette might snore and steal blankets, but somehow Adrien doubted that.)
"I suppose," Marinette said at last, rolling off the couch and shuffling towards Adrien, still wrapped in her blanket. Her pillow dangled from on hand. "Thanks."
"It's not a problem," Adrien assured her, snagging her pillow and following her back to his bedroom. He grinned as they entered his room. "Imagine what a frenzy the tabloids would go into if they could see us now."
"Ugh, don't even joke." Marinette sounded exasperated as she rounded the bed and claimed the far side for herself. "Everyone at work is still joking about our prank and the first round of tabloids. They would be impossible if anything else came out."
Adrien suspected that Marinette's colleagues probably found Marinette's reactions when the subject was brought up more hilarious than the actual articles about the two of them, but he wasn't about to tell Marinette that. After all, he rather enjoyed seeing Marinette getting flustered himself. She just had such an adorable way of being flustered, where she would stutter and turn red and her hands would fly all over.
"Good night, Marinette," was all Adrien said instead as he slid back into bed and pulled his pillow from the middle of the bed to his side. "Sleep well."
"You too. Good night, Adrien."
  The next morning, Adrien woke up to the sound of an unfamiliar alarm beeping. He frowned for a moment- maybe Plagg had been fiddling with the settings on his phone again, it certainly wouldn't be the first time- before rolling over and picking his phone up from his bedside table.
It wasn't going off. In fact, there was no alarm set at all, since he didn't have classes until later in the day on Thursdays and he normally took the opportunity to sleep in.
A groan on the other side of the bed made Adrien jump, and then he remembered that Marinette was sleeping over. She shifted in the bed, and then the alarm shut off as she picked up her own phone. Adrien frowned- he definitely didn't remember either of them remembering to pick Marinette's phone up when they moved to the bedroom, maybe Plagg had decided to be useful for once and had moved the phone for Marinette- before pushing himself up onto his elbows, watching as Marinette dragged herself out of bed with a grumble. Her hair stuck out all over the place, and there were pillow lines on her cheeks.
It was cute.
"Good morning," Adrien said with a yawn, sitting all the way up. He wasn't going to fall asleep again, so he might as well get up and at least pretend to be productive. Marinette squeaked in surprise, whipping around with wide eyes and nearly tripping over her own feet. "Did you sleep well?"
"I- yeah, I did," Marinette managed. After a moment, she jumped and clapped a hand to her forehead. "Oh! Right, I forgot that I came over."
"I figured." She had practically jumped out of her skin when she saw him. "You're welcome to come over whenever, if this keeps being a problem."
"Thank you." Marinette reached over to give him a hug. "I'll try to come over earlier next time. I just kept hoping that they would turn the music off and I wouldn't have to bother you."
"You're not a bother," Adrien assured her, swinging his own feet out of bed to get up. "You could never be." He had actually slept better than he ever had before with Marinette sleeping right next to him. Contrary to Nino's horror stories about how awkward it was to sleep next to someone for the first time, Adrien had dropped straight off without any issues. "And hopefully it was a one-time problem. You've never had a problem with your neighbors before, have you?"
"They're new," Marinette reminded him. "Remember? The old person left a few weeks ago- I think they got a new job across the city?- and a new person moved in a few days ago."
"Right, right, of course," Adrien said as he followed Marinette to the door. She had grabbed her blanket back and had wrapped it around herself again, probably so any neighbors wouldn't see her in her pajamas. "See you later?"
"Of course," Marinette agreed, rolling up on her toes to press a friendly kiss to Adrien's cheek. "I'll leave by five today, I promise. I'll cook."
"Sounds good." Adrien waved as Marinette scooped up her keys from the couch and headed back down the hall to her flat. He let the door click closed and headed back to his room. As long as he was up, he might as well get dressed and maybe do a bit of review before he had to eat lunch and head to class. As much fun as sleeping in was, it also threw off his sleep schedule.
Plagg zipped out of his closet as Adrien reentered the room. He circled around Adrien, a wide grin on his face. "So a sleepover with your wife, hmm? Spicy!"
Adrien swatted at the irritating kwami. "Her neighbor was being too loud for her to sleep. We just slept, nothing happened."
Plagg knew that, of course he did. He just liked being irritating more.
"I hope this was just a one-time thing," Adrien said as he pulled a t-shirt out of his dresser. "I'd hate for Marinette to be chased out of her apartment by rude neighbors."
"You mean you don't want her to stay over again? You were practically purring in your sleep!"
Adrien flushed, pulling out the rest of his clothes and starting to get dressed. He couldn't deny that the warmth of another human body nearby while he was sleeping had been incredibly soothing. If Marinette needed- or wanted, just for kicks and giggles- to sleep over again, he definitely wouldn't turn her down. It was nice being that comfortable with another person.
"I'm not hearing an objection," Plagg sing-songed tauntingly, spinning around in a circle. "Suspicious suspicious!"
"She was warm," Adrien blurted out at last. He turned redder. "I mean, I would probably have the same reaction with an electric blanket. It's your darn cat influence! I like sleeping next to warm stuff! Stop laughing!"
Plagg only cackled more.
  By the time Adrien got home, he had resolved that he wasn't going to let Plagg's teasing influence him at all. So what if he and one of his best friends shared a bed? He wasn't going to make it weird just because Plagg said that it was romantic. Adrien valued their friendship too much to mess it up.
And if they got weird, their friends would definitely notice. Alya and Nino had just texted him earlier mid-day, asking if they could come visit Adrien and Marinette that weekend, even though it would only be a couple weeks before Adrien and Marinette went back to Paris for the holidays. Adrien had texted Marinette to check before replying- if she had had any plans for the weekend then that could be a problem- and Marinette had responded enthusiastically. Nino and Alya would have to sleep on their couches (or Adrien and Marinette would have to take the couches for the weekend and give their friends their beds), because while it would have probably worked quit well in theory for Adrien and Marinette to share one bed and for Alya and Nino to take the other one, they would never hear the end of the teasing.
"Madam Rosalie has an air mattress large enough for two," Marinette reported that night as she stepped into Adrien's apartment. She stepped into the kitchen and made an excited noise as she spotted the stew Adrien had brewing on the stove. "She said we could borrow it when she overheard me mentioning that Nino and Alya were coming over. According to her, the couches are way too uncomfortable to have guests sleeping on them."
"Oh, that's fantastic," Adrien said, grinning. He hadn't really wanted to subject Nino to the horrors of sleeping on his couch, not when he had just insisted on Marinette not sleeping there. It was decent enough to sit on, but sleeping a full night on it really was a horror. "So what do we still need then for their visit? Do we just put normal sheets on the air mattress?"
Marinette looked a little dubious. "We can try, I guess. I think it might be a little too thick for that. If Nino and Alya could bring sleeping bags, they could just use those."
"We should probably get the air mattress a few days early and try the sheets first," Adrien said. He let out a short huff. "And I want to see how big the thing is. We should probably have them stay over here, in case your neighbor is loud again-"
Marinette grimaced, though whether it was at the thought of her neighbor being noisy or at the thought of what Alya and Nino might say if they caught her sneaking into Adrien's flat to get some sleep, he didn't know.
"-and I want to know how much floor space I'll have left," Adrien finished. "Would that be the kind of thing that I would deflate during the day so we can actually move around?"
Marinette only shrugged. "Maybe. I don't know. I'll have to ask."
  As it turned out, Madam Rosalie had special sheets that went with the air mattress, and even a couple extra pillows to go with it.
"Actual lifesaver," Adrien sighed as he and Marinette wrestled the mattress into place and started the machine going to inflate it. "Does she have people visit her regularly, is that why she has all of this stuff?"
Marinette shook her head, then shrugged. "I think she has enough interns and regular employees that come from out of the area, live in these flats and have people visit. It sounds like she lends out the air mattress fairly frequently."
Adrien looked thoughtful. "So we were lucky to get it this weekend, you mean? We might not be so lucky if people want to visit closer to the holidays or something."
"I think you at least would be going back to Paris for the holidays," Marinette pointed out. "I mean, I will be too, of course, maybe just not for as long."
"You could always use some of your pattern-making bonus time for an extended Christmas break," Adrien reminded her. They had talked about it before- well, okay, they had briefly mentioned it in a conversation once- but he still thought it was a good idea. The fact that he had recently found out that he would definitely have to stay in Paris for pretty much his whole break had absolutely nothing to do with him bringing it up again. "Have a couple extra days. More time with your parents and Nino and Alya." And him, of course.
Marinette shrugged, not really responding to his suggestion. Adrien gave a small internal sigh and decided to drop the subject. After all, how Marinette wanted to spend her vacation days and hard-earned extra days off was up to her, not him.
"If we're going to get visitors at all frequently, I might look into getting an air mattress of my own," Adrien commented, going back to their earlier topic of conversation. "So we don't end up trying to get it the same weekend as someone else and make Alya and Nino or your parents sleep on the couch."
Marinette snorted at that. "You mean you might have Nathalie look into getting us an air mattress. I think we shouldn't rush it," she added. "It's not as though air mattresses are in short supply or anything. We could just wait until a conflict comes up before going out and buying one. We don't need the most top-of-the-line model, Adrien," Marinette said when she saw him opening his mouth, about to protest and make some argument for why they absolutely needed an air mattress of their own. "We can always ask Madam Rosalie where she got hers and what brand it is if we ever can't use the mattress some weekend."
Adrien stuck out his bottom lip, ready to pout, and then he realized that she was right. The jutting lower lip quickly retreated. Marinette laughed at him.
"This is actually pretty nice," Adrien commented as the mattress really started to swell up. The pump was surprisingly quiet as it worked. "I'm kinda curious how comfortable it actually is."
"Probably not quite as good as your bed back home," Marinette joked. "But it'll be better than the couch and that's what's important, right?"
Adrien grinned ruefully. "Yeah, my father probably won't be sleeping over on this any time soon. Not that he would come over here unless he felt that he had to anyway." He waited for the mattress to finish filling all the way and then disconnected the pump. He tossed one edge of the sheets to Marinette and together they put the air mattress bed together.
"I'm definitely not keeping this out during the day," Adrien said as they plopped the pillows into place and flopped onto the mattress themselves. It actually wasn't all that uncomfortable at all. He wouldn't mind sleeping on it for a few nights. "It's too big. We would trip over it all day."
"Plenty of space to spread out, though." Marinette stretched, her arms spreading out and taking over most of the mattress. One of her hands brushed against Adrien's arm and then rested there a bit limply as she relaxed next to him. "It'll work. Do I have to get up?"
  Before they knew it, the week was over and they were meeting Alya and Nino at the train station. They didn't both need to go, of course- their friends were hardly carrying a lot of luggage for the two day visit- but neither had wanted to hang back and wait any longer to see Alya and Nino.
"Hey, you two!" Alya called cheerfully as soon as they spotted each other outside the station. She elbowed her way through the crowd, Nino following along in her wake. She threw her arms around Marinette first, hugged her tightly, and then attacked Adrien with the same sort of bone-crushing hug.
"Good to see you too, Alya," Adrien choked, patting her on the back. Alya laughed and released him so that Nino could say hi.
"So you two are neighbors, huh?" Nino said as they finished their greetings. "Funny coincidence."
"Really convenient, too," Adrien admitted as they turned and headed for the bus station. "Marinette knew where everything was by the time I arrived. I would have gotten lost if it weren't for her helping me."
"Mmm-hmm. I bet it's convenient," Alya said in a bit of a sing-song voice. She exchanged a look with Nino that Adrien couldn't quite read. The two of them smirked at each other, and Adrien exchanged a confused look with Marinette. She looked strangely resigned for some reason, and Adrien made a mental note to ask her about it later. If she knew why Alya and Nino were acting so oddly, he would certainly appreciate an explanation. He was rather lost.
"Anyway, it's been nice having someone in the city that I know," Adrien said before the strange quiet could hang on for too long. "Someone I can talk to in French, after hearing nothing but English all day." Technically he had Plagg to talk to as well, but none of the others knew that. Besides, Plagg wasn't the greatest conversationalist ever. He only ever wanted to talk about cheese and he already knew everything that Adrien had done that day.
"Well, you are in England," Alya pointed out. "I would expect that you might hear a fair bit of English."
"It's just nice to have a break, that's all," Marinette chimed in before Adrien could respond. "It's nice to have a conversation where you don't have to really think about the words at all."
"I can see that," Nino said. He glanced around them and then shrugged at the group. "Like, you don't have to give 100% of your attention to the conversation to be able to follow it. It got exhausting just during those classes at school; I can only imagine how tiring it can get if everything you hear all day is in another language."
"Very tiring," Marinette said with a shudder. "Especially when people use these technical terms that I know perfectly well in French, but in English? It's better now, but at the start I felt like an idiot for having to ask about everything all the time. Thankfully Madam Rosalie understood and she would just tell me the word in French instead of trying to just explain everything at a very basic level like some of the other workers did."
"Same with some Physics terms," Adrien added. He and Marinette had talked about it before, when his semester was just starting, and Adrien had been thrilled to learn that he wasn't the only one who had the problem with having to relearn technical terms for everything. "It's a pain, especially when I'm trying to take notes. It's hard to understand concepts if you're building off of things that you can't quite place. Some stuff I can figure out based on context, but other things I have to go back and look up. Hopefully it'll get better by the end of the semester."
The group moved on to different topics as they waited for the bus and rode back to Adrien and Marinette's building. They chatted about Marinette's first Fashion Week and about Alya's most recent news article assignment, and then moved on to discussing the odd jobs Nino was picking up as he tried to nail down exactly what he wanted to do with his life. His most recent gig had been organizing the music and being a cameraman for a small indie film. According to Nino, it had been an interesting experience but he hadn't really been all that interested in the contents of the film. He entertained them all with stories from the small and apparently somewhat disorganized set as the bus rumbled towards their stop.
"I'm making dinner and Marinette is making cookies for dessert," Adrien said as the group hopped off the bus and headed for their building, pulling Alya and Nino's bags as they went. "We were planning on each of us using our own kitchen, but we could probably make it work in one if we want to stick together and catch up while we're cooking."
Alya and Nino exchanged another one of those glances before turning back to Adrien and Marinette. "Separate is fine," they said together. "I'm sure Marinette and I want to talk about stuff that you and Nino wouldn't care about," Alya added before Adrien and Marinette could look too confused. "And you and Nino want to talk about stuff Marinette and I wouldn't be interested in. Better all around."
...somehow Adrien wasn't quite buying that.
  Nino hung over the divider between the dining area and kitchen, watching Adrien as he chopped vegetables for their dinner. "So... you and Marinette, huh?"
Adrien glanced up and frowned at Nino. He was a bit confused by the sudden and unexpected change of topic. "We're friends."
Nino looked unconvinced. "Uh-huh. Right. Dude, I've seen pretty much all of the photos of you that have been popping up in the papers. Alya hordes them like a dragon. You don't look at a girl like that if there's not something going on."
"Like what?" Adrien was pretty certain he didn't look at Marinette any differently than he would look at any of his other friends, like Nino or Alya or Ladybu-
Okay, not like Ladybug. He knew full well that he often gazed at Ladybug like she hung the moon and the stars, so she probably wasn't the best example of people he looked at platonically.
Nino gave him a long look. "Like- oh, I need to pull up a picture. You won't be able to deny it when you see- oh, let me see-" He scrolled frantically through his phone and then his face lit up. "This! Right here!" He spun the phone around, so Adrien could see a photo of himself gazing adoringly at Marinette at their mock wedding.
Adrien let out a long sigh. "Dude. That was a staged photo. We were trying to trick people into thinking that we were madly in love."
"You look madly in love."
"It's called acting," Adrien pointed out, going back to his veggies. "I was trying to be convincing. I've done that before, you know- modelling for photoshoots required that I look happy when I'm not, or sultry when I'm actually tired and grouchy and ready for a nap."
"Fine." Nino took his phone back and started scrolling again. "No wedding 'photoshoot' pictures. That's fine, I have plenty of other pictures to choose from."
"If you say so." Adrien wasn't particularly convinced.
"Oh, I say so all right," Nino said, pausing in his perusal of photos to wave his phone at Adrien. He turned his attention back to his phone for a minute. "Aha! Here, look at this and tell me what you see."
"I'm seeing a photo of me smiling at Marinette," Adrien said dryly as he glanced over at the photo. The picture was nothing too exciting, just something snapped of the two of them while they were waiting for a runway show to start. Marinette was laughing and he was grinning at her. "I don't see what you're trying to prove, Nino."
"It's an adoring smile!" Nino insisted, waving his phone at Adrien. "It's obvious!"
Adrien rolled his eyes. "It's an amused smile, Nino. She had just told a good joke. What, am I meant to be as straight-faced as the Queen's Guards whenever I'm in the presence of the fairer sex?"
Nino only let out an exasperated huff as he returned his attention to his phone, presumably to find yet another photo.
"And you do realize that all paparazzi photos are going to be taken out of context, right?" Adrien added. "They publish things that fit what they want people to believe. For that picture you just showed me, they probably took a dozen photos and discarded the others because my smile wasn't quite right." Adrien dumped his chopped veggies into a bowl and reached for the next tomato. "And then there's Photoshop to make those last little alterations."
"Fine. But you can't deny that you're hanging out with her practically 24/7. That is the behavior of someone who is interested in a certain someone." Nino wiggled his eyebrows. "C'mon, Adrien. Admit it."
"I have school and she has work," Adrien reminded Nino, who had apparently forgotten those tiny details. "It's hardly 24/7. And of course we hang out, we're friends, we live right next to each other, and all of our friends and family are in a different country."
Yeah, it was definitely a good thing that he and Marinette hadn't decided to share one bed so Alya and Nino could take the other. Their friends would just make a huge fuss about it and pretend that it was a bigger deal than it actually was. They definitely wouldn't be able to mention the sleepover earlier in the week, the cuddling that went on during movie nights (their friends would probably try to cry date over the movie nights themselves), and the sleeping on each other on the train. They were lucky that Alya had shared an apartment with a journalist friends for a semester abroad while she was in university and that the two had cooked meals together and taken turns when they were busy, because otherwise Nino and Alya would no doubt be calling date on that as well.
Having friends that were determined to matchmake between him and his other friend was exhausting sometimes.
What confused Adrien the most was the fact that Nino had once told him that everyone perceived closeness and contact with other people differently. Some people showed romantic affection in little ways that would be considered friendly touches by other people. Some people, like Adrien, liked being close to others in ways that people who didn't know him would see as romantic. Nino had assured him that it wasn't weird- and at the time, Alya had agreed- but clearly they weren't willing to listen to their own words now.
Well, actually Adrien didn't know about Alya for sure, but the sly look on the reporter's face as she left to join Marinette as she cooked dessert made Adrien suspect that Marinette was getting the same interrogation as he was.
"But, like, travelling with each other," Nino tried again. "And going out to explore the city. Whenever you text me about whatever you're up to, you're always with Marinette."
Adrien rolled his eyes. Seriously, that was reaching.
"Travelling and exploring are more fun when I'm not by myself," Adrien said. He stirred the pot that was just starting to simmer and dumped the first batch of vegetables into the broth. "If I go with someone else, it's more likely that we won't forget something important or get lost. We find more things to explore with two sets of eyes, we're less likely to miss a train or bus because we got lost track of time, and we're interested in seeing the same things anyway, so why should we go to all the trouble of going somewhere separately?"
"Dude, you are so oblivious," Nino groaned, letting himself collapse into a chair. "It's a wonder that the magazines don't bother you more often, really."
"I'm boring," Adrien said dryly. He pulled the first few of the spices he wanted off of the shelf and started measuring them. "Besides, they focus on more famous people. Movie stars and royalty, not mere models."
"Dude," Nino groaned again. "You just- fine. Fine, okay, whatever. Whatever. So how is school going?"
  Next door, Marinette was getting the same interrogation from Alya.
"Well, you two have certainly gotten a lot closer," Alya said as a starter. She, like Nino, was watching Marinette work in the kitchen and hadn't offered to help, though perhaps it was because no one in their right mind would interfere with a Dupain-Cheng baking.
Marinette sent her a confused look. After an awkward first year back in collège, she and Adrien had already been pretty good friends before either of them came over to London. "...I don't understand what you're talking about."
Alya only snorted and rolled her eyes. "Sure you don't. I've seen plenty of photos recently that say the contrary."
"Uh-huh. Ones of you and Adrien sharing quite the steamy kiss, of him making googly eyes at you, of you making googly eyes at him. You two are hardly subtle."
Marinette couldn't contain the snort of laughter that escaped her as she started pulling out the ingredients for the cake. "Really? You're still going on about the fake wedding photos?" That had been forever ago, and really, it should have been quite clear by now that it had all been faked. They had since posted what the other interns called "behind-the-scenes" photos of the mad rush to get everything set up, and then photos that clearly showed the cameraman from behind and the sparse "audience". There had even been a couple goofy photos from when Madam Rosalie had been coaching Adrien and Marinette on how to act like they were madly in love before the "ceremony" started.
Well, okay, it hadn't exactly been hard to act like she was completely in love with Adrien- far from it- but she had exaggerated her expression just a bit and Adrien had certainly done his fair share of acting.
"And the ones that have come out since," Alya said with a grin. "You've gotten Adrien's attention, even if he hasn't admitted to it in any of the interviews. I can understand him not wanting to tell reporters about you dating because they would never leave you two alone. But I know him and I know you and I know that there's more to the story. Talk."
"I would, but there's not anything more," Marinette said. She carefully measured out the flour and sifted it into her batter. "We're friends that happen to live next door to each other and do things together, because that's what friends do. The only reason they're making such a big deal out of it is because he's a guy and I'm a girl."
"And because Adrien's famous, I presume," Alya added with a laugh. Then she narrowed her eyes at Marinette. "...you aren't actually serious, are you?"
"I don't know why you don't think I am," Marinette shot right back. She measured out the sugar as well. "Adrien and I are friends. We enjoy each other's company. Just because I used to have a crush on him doesn't mean that we can't just hang out without it being something more."
Of course, she still had a crush on Adrien, but she wasn't about to admit that to Alya. She would just make a big deal out of it. It wasn't as though it mattered, anyway. For them to even consider a relationship- which wouldn't be a good idea anyway, not with the tabloids watching their every move and Mr. Agreste still firmly against the idea of his son dating- Adrien would have to feel the same way about her. He didn't, though. He saw her as a friend, and he had hardly given any sign that that was ever going to change.
Alya let out a long groan. "I knew I should have cornered Agreste on his own instead of sending Nino over to try to finagle any information out. You're too used to my questioning and Nino probably just gave up when Adrien said you guys weren't dating."
Marinette whipped around, shocked. Her hand narrowly missed batting the eggs off of the counter. "You had Nino asking Adrien about- about us? Alya!"
"I only barely got Adrien to forget about that text you sent him after the fake wedding," Marinette said with a groan. "You know, the one where you said something about me confessing? He's gonna put the pieces together and think that I still have a crush on him and then everything is going to be all awkward!"
Alya looked slightly abashed before her expression went back to confident. "He wouldn't get awkward. Believe me, if that boy figured it out, he would definitely be dating you."
"You don't know that!" Belatedly, Marinette realized that she had forgotten to continue to deny her still-present crush on her friend. Alya would take that as confirmation that Marinette was still madly in love with Adrien and would secretly appreciate any matchmaking efforts she made while she and Nino were visiting.
Marinette made a silent vow to herself that if anything did happen between herself and Adrien- which it wouldn't, she was positive, Adrien didn't see her like that- she wasn't going to tell Alya right away, just because she didn't appreciate the meddling in her relationship.
"I totally know that," Alya said, though Marinette knew full well that Alya was just guessing. After all, Alya had insisted all through their first year together that Adrien was definitely interested in Marinette, even though they almost never talked. Once Marinette had calmed down and gotten to know Adrien better, she and Alya had learned that Adrien wasn't even remotely interested in dating someone that he didn't know that well. Whatever so-called 'signs' that Alya had seen that made her believe that Adrien might see Marinette as more than a friend were completely wrong.
"So how is your newspaper internship going?" Marinette asked, making the executive decision to change the topic. Alya would probably read too much into it, but she didn't particularly care. It wasn't as though it mattered. "I know you said the most recent article went well, but what about the rest of it?"
"I know what you're doing," Alya warned her, but she didn't try to resist the change of topic. "It's going pretty well, for the most part. I know I complained about one of my articles to you a few weeks ago, but that was really a one-off more than anything else. Sometimes I have a deadline that feels a little too rushed for the research that needs to go on or I can't get a response out of someone for an article, but my boss is pretty reasonable most of the time."
"Have you settled on a specific area of interest?"
Alya made a face. "...not really? I get to cover any Ladybug and Chat Noir stories, of course- I was so happy when my supervisor said that, I thought that one of the senior writers would get first dibs for sure- but that area is kind of slow right now, with Hawkmoth defeated and all." Alya looked disappointed, which Marinette found slightly exasperating. It seemed that Alya never quite considered how disruptive the akuma attacks could be to Paris- and to Ladybug and Chat Noir- and she only paid attention to the heroes' appearances. Back when Hawkmoth was taken down, Marinette had been ecstatic. Alya had been deeply disappointed.
Marinette loved her friend and all, but she was sure exasperating sometimes.
"I've been doing local news pieces," Alya said after a pause. "It's interesting, and it does at least keep me at home. But I'm thinking of applying to this program through the paper where I would get to travel around the world for half a year and do these pieces from all over. But that would put Nino and I in a long-distance relationship, and I just don't know..."
"You two have been together for forever. I'm sure you could make it work." Marinette checked the temperature on the oven before returning to her work. "And maybe he could come visit you and get inspired by the local music."
Alya perked up. "That's an idea. And when I go places he can't come and visit, I could buy CDs for him." Her shoulders slumped again. "Ugh, why am I even considering it? There's so many applicants, and I don't know if I could come up with a good research topic. That's in the application requirements," Alya explained after a moment's pause. "We need to know what we're going to be mainly researching and doing stories about. That's how they figure out what countries the winner is going to go to. Everybody who applies has a topic that they wanted to explore, something that they're known for. All I'm known for is superheroes."
Another pause, as Alya sulked and Marinette was hit with an idea.
"Do that, then," Marinette suggested, deciding after a moment's internal debate that any research Alya did couldn't possibly threaten her secret identity at all. If the years that Alya had spent chasing Ladybug and Chat Noir hadn't already turned up anything that would connect Marinette and Ladybug, any additional research on other superheroes wouldn't do anything. "Research Miraculous superheroes throughout history. There have to be legends."
It was as though someone had flicked a switch in Alya's head. She snapped upright and Marinette could practically see the gears whirling in her head. "Miraculous users throughout history? I haven't heard of many, really, just Ladybug back in ancient Egypt, but I bet you're right. Ladybug and Chat Noir and the Butterfly and I bet there's others, it wouldn't make sense to just have the three. I'd have to do a ton of preliminary research and honestly, I don't know how much I would actually have to travel for most of the research, but it would be an interesting piece even if I didn't get to go. It would get me attention from my boss for sure."
Marinette smiled but didn't say anything else. She knew full well that there were several other Miraculous- there was the turtle, obviously, and the peacock and the bee- but since it didn't make sense for her to know that, she didn't tell Alya anything. Maybe she could subtly steer Alya in the right direction later on, once Alya started doing her research in earnest, but Alya wasn't quite at the point where Marinette could do that without being suspicious yet.
"I'm gonna start doing research for that as soon as I get home," Alya decided. "I don't know if I'll be able to get enough together in time for a super-strong application for this year's selection, but it's worth a try!" She bounded into the kitchen and tackled Marinette into a hug. "Thanks for the idea, Marinette! You're the best!"
"I do try," Marinette joked as she hugged her friend back before extracting herself so she could reach for the mixer. "So, how do you think you're going to start your research?"
  Naturally, Alya was still talking about the research she was going to do by the time the two of them joined Adrien and Nino over in Adrien's apartment for dinner. She had decided to start with what little they had heard from the Egyptian exhibit so long ago.
"I'll have to ask Mr. Kubdel when the papyrus was from," Alya said, ignoring her food completely to gesture with her fork. Nino looked somewhat puzzled at where the topic and where the sudden enthusiasm for it had come from, but he hadn't questioned it yet. "And then I can look into legends from around that time and see what's there. That's the only lead I have right now, but maybe Mr. Kubdel would might have heard other strange legends." Alya flopped back in her seat with a loud sigh. "Ooh, it's gonna be so much work. And I've already been so busy that it would be impossible to keep up with the Ladyblog if things were still, y'know, happening." Alya let out another long sigh. She suddenly looked despondent. "Of course, I'd be able to keep up with the occasional sighting, if there were any. They've both been missing for ages."
"It's very weird," Nino told Adrien and Marinette, clearly glad for the slight change of topic to something that he actually knew a little about. "You know how they were still occasionally seen out and about after Hawkmoth went down? I think the longest without a sighting was maybe one week, maybe two, and now they're both missing for months. They didn't say anything. It's weird." He looked suddenly concerned. "D'you think something happened to them? Maybe whoever gave them their Miraculous took them back."
"They're hardly obligated to tell the city when they'll be gone," Adrien reminded them both, surprising Marinette. She had remembered Adrien as having a bit of a crush on Ladybug when they were younger, so she had expected him to seem more concerned. Maybe he had spotted her and Chat Noir at some point when they went past the building. But then why wouldn't he say anything? "Maybe they were going to be, I don't know, travelling or something, and telling people would risk their identities."
"That's true, I guess," Alya allowed, then she perked up. "Both of them missing at the same time- they're together, they have to be! Maybe they're a couple now! What a story that would be! The entire city has been rooting for them to get together for forever."
"I thought Ladybug vanished before Chat Noir did," Marinette protested, ignoring the last part of what Alya had said. She had been in London for months before her partner popped up. Maybe they had just been missing each other before, but she was almost positive that he had made some indication that he had only recently arrived. If Alya got her teeth into the idea that she and Chat Noir were dating, she would never let it go. It had happened before, and it was months before Alya stopped talking about it. Marinette couldn't say anything to Alya about it, of course, but it was always a bit awkward to hear her best friend speculating about her relationship status with her superhero partner.
Alya looked let down. "But..."
"She's right," Nino pointed out, and then he gave Marinette a quizzical look. "I thought you didn't pay attention to Ladybug and Chat Noir."
Marinette tried not to wince. Her apparent lack of interest in the superheroes from when they were younger really did backfire on her sometimes, but there were really so many theory sessions about herself that she could sit through without getting bored beyond belief. But she had gotten significantly better at coming up with excuses compared to when she was younger. "I... I just remember a conversation I had with someone back when Ladybug hadn't shown up for several weeks. Chat Noir was still around then."
"Yeah, there was definitely quite a gap between when they left," Adrien agreed. "Like, months of difference. Maybe they ended up in the same place somewhere, but they definitely didn't leave at the same time."
"That's a pity," Alya sighed, shoulders slumping. "Drat. I've been trying to figure out where they went, but there haven't been any sightings at all. I've been keeping an eye out whenever I travel somewhere, just in case either of them are in the same place."
Marinette froze. She really should have thought to warn Chat Noir about Alya's impending visit. It would be hard to explain how she knew that Alya would be visiting without giving away her own identity, but she probably could have thought up something. It would have been worth it, especially now that she knew almost for certain that Chat Noir lived in her building. Of course, maybe Chat Noir didn't go past Adrien's window. He had never mentioned seeing either of the superheroes to her, and he wasn't saying anything now either, even with Alya clearly frustrated about the lack of superhero sightings.
Maybe Chat Noir would be too busy to go out while Nino and Alya were visiting. He was obviously in London for some reason, and that reason could very well keep him sufficiently busy for the two days that Alya was there. She could only hope. As much as she loved her friend, Marinette didn't exactly want Alya travelling to London every weekend and spending the entire time scouring the city to try to find her and Chat Noir. Having to dodge Alya at the end of every fight hadn't been fun when they were younger, and trying to avoid an older and more experienced Alya sounded like it would be about the same amount of fun.
That was to say, absolutely no fun at all.
"The possibility of that is pretty much zero, though," Nino pointed out. "I mean, if they happened to be in London for some reason, they could easily be on the outskirts on the other side of the city. You might hear about it over the internet, but you probably wouldn't just happen to see them."
"You almost always had to go searching for them even in Paris," Marinette agreed. "Even when you had a good idea of where they would most likely be active."
"It's still worth a shot, though," Alya insisted. "Especially now that I want to do research on them! If I could find them, I could ask about where the Miraculous were in the past and I could ask about if there are other Miraculous that exist. I'm sure they would be willing to answer a few questions to help me get started!"
"If you can find them again," Nino pointed out.
"They might end up back in Paris over the holidays," Adrien suggested when Alya's face fell at Nino's comment. "I mean, a lot of people go back home to their families over Christmas. If Ladybug and Chat Noir grew up in Paris, they probably have family there that they would go back to visit."
Alya perked up immediately. "Do you really think so? That would make sense! But what if something happened to them and they aren't Ladybug and Chat Noir anymore?"
"Maybe just wait until the holidays are over with before you assume the worst," Marinette suggested. "You can't forget that Ladybug and Chat Noir have their own lives to live, Alya. I mean, if you think about it- how many of our old classmates live somewhere other than Paris now?"
"Quite a few," Alya admitted. "I mean, there's you two, and then Sabrina moved to Nice, and Nathaniel is living somewhere in the country now, and I think Rose and Juleka are both living right outside the city. So I guess that makes sense that they might move now that Hawkmoth is gone."
"And who knows, maybe they're making up for years of vacations they couldn't take because they had to stay in Paris," Nino added. "I know that if I had been in their place, I would have left Paris to go travel 'round the world as soon as Hawkmoth was defeated. They probably decided to be all responsible and go to university first, though."
"Well, it wouldn't be like they could tell their families, 'Hey, I just spend the past zillion years fighting a supervillain, see ya around'," Marinette pointed out, spearing some of her salad with a fork. "I mean, they still had to keep their secret identities secret, right?"
Alya snorted at that. "You can't tell me that their family and close friends hadn't figured it out. I mean, I mean, I definitely would have known if any of you guys were superheroes."
"Exactly," Nino chimed in. "And I'm no reporter, but I definitely think I would have noticed as well. I mean, how would you miss something like that?" He grinned and exclaimed, "Dude, just imagine how cool that would be, though! Being best buds with Ladybug or Chat Noir?"
"That would be pretty cool," Adrien agreed, though he looked somewhat amused for some reason, his lips quirking up at the edges. "But what, Nino, am I not cool enough for you?"
"But Chat Noir, dude." Nino was starry-eyed. "I bet he's super-chill. Like, did you see the way he always hung around to comfort the akuma victims? And, like, looking back, I can see a ton of times when he and Ladybug totally would have been within their right to get irritated about something, but they didn't. Like, remember Reflecta? He was trying for a sneak attack and I went and gave away his position like an idiot. And that happened to them a ton. They were, like, super-patient."
"Well, they had to be to be superheroes," Alya insisted. "They're supposed to help people and not get annoyed by it."
Nino fixed Alya with a look. Adrien and Marinette exchanged a uncomfortable look and silently resolved to stay out of it. "They're supposed to save people, and that's what they did. To the best of my knowledge, there was nothing in their superhero job description that said that they had to be super-nice to people while they did that. There was also nothing that said that, say, they had to give interviews or constantly haul reporters out of danger while they were trying to fight a supervillain."
Alya huffed, then deflated a bit. "Well...I mean..."
Nino waited.
"...I suppose I can see where people might have gotten in their way a bit," Alya finally admitted. "But they were superheroes and getting to report on superheroes had been my dream since, like, forever! And I did get better at staying out of the way later on."
"Right, right, of course," Nino sighed, and then he perked up as a new thought hit him. "Oh! Have you guys heard the rumors about Jagged Stone doing another tour? Think he'll come to Paris again?"
  "Why did you say that about Ladybug and Chat Noir earlier?" Plagg demanded once the evening was over and Adrien had bade good-night to his guests and closed his bedroom door. The black kwami flew after Adrien as he shucked his jeans and slid into his sleeping pants. "You're gonna make them suspect you when Ladybug and Chat Noir do show back up at Christmas- or were you not planning on going out while transformed then?"
"They aren't going to suspect me, because I did say that," Adrien refuted. "I reminded them that a lot of people go back home over the holidays. That way, they're less likely to see Chat Noir back in town and then correlate that with just me getting back." Adrien shucked his shirt and tossed it in the laundry basket. "And I'll definitely want to wait a couple days after Adrien shows up at Christmas before I go out transformed."
Plagg looked somewhat mollified. "Oh. I suppose. But you couldn't have waited for someone else to say it?"
"I can't read minds, Plagg. For all we know, no one else would have thought about it." Adrien reached for his brush and started working through the tangles in his hair. "But you have to admit, hearing Alya and Nino claim that they would have known if they had a superhero for a friend was pretty funny, right? I was a little freaked out at first, because I thought maybe they were just trying to hint that they had figured me out, but..." Adrien grinned. The expressions on their faces had been all the clue he needed to know that none of his friends had guessed that he was Chat Noir.
Well, Marinette's expression had been a little funny too, but she would have told him if she had figured him out, right? She definitely would have said something, he was positive.
"They definitely have no idea," Adrien finished with a quiet laugh. Oh, but their faces would be precious if he ever did get to tell them one day. The wide eyes, the dropped jaws...
It would be great.
  The weekend flew by in a heartbeat. Before any of them knew it, it was time to bring Alya and Nino back to the train station so they could go back to Paris.
"I wish we could have stayed longer," Nino said mournfully as he hugged Adrien good-bye. "It's so different not seeing you guys every week! I can't believe you're staying away from me for three years, dude."
"Oh, I'll be back before you know it," Adrien said with a laugh. "And we can still call each other, you know. It's not like I'm all the way around the world or anything."
"You might as well be," Nino grumbled, but he let himself be patted consolingly on the back.
"Oh, look at the time!" Alya said suddenly, catching sight of the clock on the wall. "How did it get to be so late? C'mon, Nino, we gotta go or we'll miss our train."
Nino jumped as he saw the clock as well. Both of them hugged Adrien and Marinette again, and then they were flying towards the entrance to the train station.
"Good luck on your Miraculous research!" Marinette called after Alya, waving at her friends. They waved back one more time, then vanished into the station.
"What is she doing this research for?" Adrien asked as they headed back to the bus station. "I forgot to ask Alya before they left. Is it just a side project to keep the Ladyblog active now that the superheroes aren't in Paris, or something for work?"
"It's to try to get into this program that would send her all over the world," Marinette told him. Alya had shown her the advertisement for the contest on her phone, and Marinette had to admit that it looked like a very cool opportunity. "She has to come up with this topic to research and the paper will pay for her to go do research all over the world for half a year! She'd have to write little travel updates once or twice a week or so, but then there would be a big piece after it was done. She wants to research past Miraculous holders and what kinds of things they fought."
Adrien blinked and suddenly he looked a bit wary. "Uh, does Nino know why Alya's doing her research? He didn't mention anything about Alya taking such a long trip abroad to me."
"Well, it's hardly finalized yet," Marinette admitted. "Alya just heard about the opportunity recently, and then I helped her come up with her topic. She had wanted to enter before, but obviously she didn't have a chance if she didn't have a topic ready yet." Still, Adrien brought up a good point. Had Alya discussed the contest with Nino at all? That seemed like something that would be important, considering how long they had been dating and especially since Nino already seemed a bit down about Adrien and Marinette both being out of the country.
Adrien still looked concerned, and Marinette couldn't blame him. That would be a bit of a nasty shock for Nino to just one day suddenly find out that his longtime girlfriend was taking off around the world for six months when he hadn't had any prior notice. Even if he could visit Alya while she was gone, it would be nothing like their routine now, where they lived together and saw each other every day. There would probably be times when Alya would be too busy or in a far enough off time zone that they wouldn't be able to call or Skype each other for a while.
She really hoped that Alya wasn't going to put off telling Nino for too long.
"I'll talk to Alya about it," Marinette assured Adrien. "She should be telling Nino for sure, even if nothing is even remotely close to being nailed down yet."
Adrien's shoulders relaxed. "Thanks, Marinette. I know she wouldn't do anything to purposefully hurt Nino, but I think he's having a hard time with us being, y'know, not nearby."
"It's just part of growing up," Marinette responded with a sigh. She certainly missed her friends in Paris, and she definitely missed her parents. It helped to still have Tikki with her, and it was absolutely fantastic to have Adrien living right next door, but it still could be hard. She had to admit that she had kind of fallen out of touch with some of her old friends now that she wasn't bumping into them every few days.
"Yeah." Adrien's smile was a bit misty too. He bumped her with his hip gently to catch her attention again and then he smiled down at her. "I'm glad I have you here, though. It definitely made moving away from home easier."
"Right back at you, model boy." Marinette grinned as she hip-checked him back teasingly. It was hard to be melancholy with one of her best friends at her side and another hanging out in her jacket pocket. She didn't let herself think of next year, when Adrien might be alone in London. That was still months away. "Right back at you."
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