#imagine the show any scene with scott and stiles with some kid this small
msginnymalfoy · 2 years
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Uncle Scotty & Uncle Stiles 🥺
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stereksecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, @Bloodspeckledraphael!
I hope you enjoy this fic, I had fun writing it! Hope your holidays are happy.
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A Mistletoe Kiss
“I told you, dad, you’ll have to settle for the early release copy.” Stiles said. He was pacing back and forth, waiting for his flight to arrive so he can get back home in time for Christmas. It was bad enough he had been screwed over with his flight delaying a few hours to ruin his chance of getting connecting flights because of a snowstorm but hopefully he’ll squeak on in just before Christmas Eve ends. If he hadn’t had to come out here to meet with his editor in-person about the first book in the new Starlit Snow series (He had wanted to call it The Adventures of Billy Bob and Bobby Bill but was cruelly shut down. He would’ve found a way eventually to call the two men those names, not his fault deadlines exist.)
“I think I deserve to find out what happens to Drake. That was downright cruel of you, leaving that last book off where the prince found out Drake had been lying to him all this time about who he is.” His dad, John, said. Stiles could imagine the face he was making, the stern look that has made some newer deputies fear him but hasn’t worked on Stiles since he was a teen. Repetitive use of it through the years had removed any power it had once had on Stiles as a little kid.
“That was your fault! You’re the one that mentioned wanting to see what happens when the truth comes out and even suggested that cliffhanger when I was in the middle of writing a different plot for the next book of the series. I trashed all that hard work to do the reveal in this new book instead of later on in the series. My editor was threatening my Star Wars collection, even the signed DVDs! Now we’re boarding soon so who should I expect to pick me up at the gate since you’re too busy with a case and abandoned your favorite son to the cruel whims of fate?” Stiles made sure to whine the last sentence in the most annoying way he loved to use on his dad.
John sighed at the sound, then replied, “It isn’t cruel, I’m having Derek Hale pick you up. Remember, the guy you drooled about when you saw him on that skype call? He couldn’t look at me without blushing for weeks after some of the stuff you said out loud. I had to pull him aside to get him to stop and we got to talking about you. I made sure to tell him all of your faults and flaws but I think that just made him more interested, not less like I had hoped.”
“That isn’t fair, anyone would drool over someone that gorgeous. And he should take the compliments since he must get those every day and conveniently forget about them when he picks me up so it isn’t awkward. And you talked to him about me but you gave me nothing to work with here! If you’ve done the work to charm him with the Stilinski charm, you could at least have thrown me a bone about the guy. All I know is his name is Derek Hale, the guy works for you and about the fire that almost killed his family. He doesn’t even have a Facebook for me to stalk him on!”
“Because the last time I told you about a deputy in detail, he ended up in one of your series as the person that died first. It was suspicious how accurate you were describing the guy’s physical features so I take it you found him on Facebook?”
“Well he sounded like an ass since you were usually complaining about that guy. Don’t lie, you threw a party when he transferred to another area. Now I’ve got to go, love you, dad!”
“Love you too, kid.” John said, call ending. Stiles put his phone away, readjusted his glasses, grabbed his suitcase and boarded the plane. A few more hours and he’d be home at last and in time for Christmas.
Stiles walked out of the gate with his luggage rolling behind him, looking around for Derek Hale. He hoped the guy wouldn’t make him sit and stew for a while as payback for the embarrassing comments, it’s not his fault the man’s ass in the deputy uniform would make even angels weep and he blurted out that very thing to his dad on that tragic skype call. Perfection like that requires forewarning to protect Stiles’ bisexual heart. Speaking of perfection, he finally spotted the deputy, not in uniform but a soft-looking sweater with thumbholes. It was beautifully ugly with a terrible approximation of a wolf with antlers and a red nose and the best part is it looked handmade. It wasn’t the cheap capitalist ugly sweater that some child had probably slaved away in some sweatshop on but was a gift from some old lady, maybe his grandma. His grandma was still alive, right? Stiles think she had gifted the police station sweaters one year but doesn’t remember what his dad had done with his ugly sweater.
Never mind, the guy had spotted him and was heading for him, something hidden behind his back. He pulled it out when Stiles was close enough to make it out through his smudged glasses. Welcome back, Mischief, it read. Someone had obviously blabbed about that nickname and Stiles would make them rue the day they thought to tell the guy gifted enough to pull off ugly sweaters about that nickname. Knowing his luck? Stiles figured his dad probably is the culprit and could only pray he hadn’t gotten into the more embarrassing childhood stories with the guy. The thing with the pickle and toothpaste was a dare from Scott and Stiles won’t back down from a dare.
“Stiles? I was told to look for the skinny guy about my height with ugly old-man glasses and you fit.”
“I will have you know these glasses are a classic look. It is not my fault philistines think they’re ugly. And you’re Derek, right? My dad would murder me if I somehow found the wrong guy and followed him out and got murdered for it.”
“Your dad mentioned that very thing as a possibility.”
“He’ll regret that, I’ll make sure to remember that for Christmas dinner when the pie is served. See if I let him have two slices as a Christmas miracle.” Stiles looked around while they talked, watching the mass of people slowly flow around their small bubble.
“Let’s go.” Derek said. He grabbed Stiles’ luggage without prompting and walked away. Stiles stared at the display of beautiful muscular glory, those biceps straining against the sweater, the subtle shift of back muscles, someone save Stiles because this guy is going to kill him with hotness. He shook his head (and visions of what might be under the sweater) and ran to catch up to the guy.
“No need to be a Grinch, any reason for the abrupt sour mood, Mr. Sourwolf?” Stiles said.
“I wasn’t able to take any time off and got stuck here instead of going with my family on the yearly Christmas vacation. And sourwolf?” Derek said.
“Shit, I didn’t expect that. Sorry to hear about that and sourwolf because you are acting Grinch-like and your shirt has a wolf on it.”
“It’s okay, being surrounded by them all is smothering since they even get the aunts, uncles, and cousins together. It’s an army by that point, most of us only see each other for Thanksgiving and Christmas and don’t talk the rest of the year. Main issue is I’m going to be hearing about this for years, Matt still gets shit for missing aunt Gretchen’s daughters first Christmas and that was years ago. Even Laura somehow got off this year and I want to know how she pulled that off considering she always gets stuck with the holiday shifts at the hospital.”
“Laura’s your older sister and Matt is your brother, right?”
“Yeah, her and Matt are first and second, then there’s me, Meredith and Cora. It’s a madhouse just with them, add in all the other kids and it gets to be too much. I’m glad to have an excuse, it’ll be peaceful this year.”
“Not a bad thing to want some peace and quiet. I need that sometimes when I’m working on certain scenes, usually I need the noise and chaos so I live in coffeeshops when deadlines are near.” They had just left the airport building and were walking to wherever Derek had parked, hopefully close by. Stiles hadn’t slept well on the plane because of a crying baby next to him, he thought those clichés only lived in trope-filled books but obviously they became a cliché for a reason. A long walk would drain his reserves he needs for when he gets home and sees everyone since it’ll be night by then, hopefully they will still be up.
“Your dad mentioned that you write for a living. You any good?” Derek smirked. He brushed his arm against Stiles, most likely by chance because that sounded flirty to Stiles and there’s no way that Greek god would do it with him.
Stiles sputtered when the sentence registered. He glared at the smirking asshole walking next to him, arms barely contained in the sweater as they shifted with the suitcase, trying to distract him from the more important things, like defending himself and his honor as an author. “I’ll have you know I am a bestselling author and have gotten multiple books on the NYT bestselling list. Am I any good?” Stiles scoffs. “I am so good. Surely you’ve read the Dreamdark series?”
“Never heard of it.” Derek said. His face was blank until he saw Stiles had stopped walking with him, mouth hanging open and eyes wide since even Lydia had read them and her standards were insane for literature, she had even said as much to him. Derek smirked again. “Of course, I have. Any chance I can get one of those advanced copies your dad brags about?” The pair picked up the pace, getting close to where an old mom van was parked that Derek was aimed right at, luckily nearby. It was cluttered with all kinds of junk, kids’ toys scattered in the back, a few stickers on it with one from each holiday around this time.
“Sorry, those go to my dad, Scott and his mom and Lydia would murder me with her stilettoes if I don’t give her one.” Stiles looked between Derek and the car as Derek unlocked the trunk and threw his suitcase in, shoving it between two boxes bursting with kids’ toys. “Surely you don’t drive that thing, it feels like the thing a mother of 4 would drive around and show off to all the other neighborhood moms at their PTO meetings.”
“It’s the only thing left here. Laura took the Camaro and my mom and dad both took the other cars with them since they were on food and kid duty. This is just one of the many little ways they will get back at me for missing out on the party.”
“Sounds like it isn’t worth missing if they do that stuff as revenge.” They finished loading up and Derek drove them away.
“It is worth it. If I have to hear aunt Cecilia ask when I’ll ‘settle down with a good boy or girl’ one more time, I’m packing up and living as a hermit in the woods. Laura already has enough kids for all of us but still she bugs Cora and me about relationships.”
Stiles gave him a once-over, especially looking at his stubbled face. “Grow out a beard and I can see you pulling off the mountain man look.” Stiles pictured it and Derek would look hot as burning. Derek squinted at him with suspiciously red ears, Stiles’ face must have given something away when he saw them, before smoothing it over to a grin. “C’mon dude, surely you got people lining up to save you from your aunt? Hell, I’d join the line if so.” “I doubt you’d survive dealing with them all. Imagine a family of people as nosy as you are about your dad’s diet, according to the Sheriff.”
“I will have you know; I torment him out of love and a desire for him to live to retire and see any grandkids I might ever have.”
“Do you plan to have kids?” Derek said.
“Sure, dude. More than one, growing up as an only child gets lonely at times. I love Scott like a brother but he has to go home to Melissa sometimes. He can’t just live with us all the time though we tried so many times. How about you?”
“I grew up with a big family, I’d want them to have siblings if I ever had kids. I’m surprised you and Scott didn’t get your own house to live in, if I hadn’t seen him with Allison, I’d have sworn you two were gone on each other.”
“Sounds like we’re on our way to a married life if we’re already having the kid talk, dude.” Stiles joked. “And you are not the first to say that, Allison kept looking at Scott funny when they were just friends because she thought he was with me. Took Christmas for her to realize there was nothing there.”
“Then calling me dude is grounds for divorce.” Derek’s face was smiling as he said it. “I don’t get how she never noticed how much he liked her, he has a face he makes when thinking of her. I’m pretty sure it scares the animals at his work more than a needle.”
“Not cool, man. Would you rather I call you what I said earlier, sourwolf? It fits you well when you ruin the fun. Enough about Scott, what about you?” Stiles said. If Derek smirking was dangerous for Stiles’ health, Derek smiling was something to cherish. Stiles figured it was too early but he already wanted to see Derek smiling more often and not just the smirks he had worn. Derek turned on the radio to a random Christmas station and the conversation drifted off from there. They talked about favorite Christmas movies (Home Alone, of course.), favorite Christmas songs, “All I want for Christmas is a classic, Derek.” “It’s overplayed to hell, shut up, Stiles.” They even got to favorite Christmas memories, “I keep the picture of the three of us in my first book. I think she’d be proud that I got so far from her giving me a notebook and pen for Christmas.” “Laura and Cora teamed up to do Christmas dinner that year and both burned it all so badly we had to get takeout. It was the best Christmas ever.”
They passed the Welcome to Beacon Hills sign with Derek slowing down to match the speed limit exactly. “What, afraid your cop buddies are going to pull you over if you go a mile over?” Stiles said.
“More like afraid your dad will pull me over and read us both the riot act about safe driving.” Derek said.
“Shit, that is scary. Okay, keep obeying the law. My dad will love you if you tell him I said that.”
They pulled into the driveway of the Stilinski house, John’s cruiser and Melissa’s car already there. Nobody was outside but the lights in the house were on. “What, where is the welcoming committee?” Stiles said.
“Inside.” Derek said.
“And why are they not coming out to welcome their beloved son home? I’ll be filing a complaint at the police department over this treatment. Surely this is some form of child neglect.” Stiles walked through the door and headed to the kitchen, Derek following closely behind. They were greeted with the table set up for a very late dinner and John, Melissa, and Scott all chatting away at the kitchen counter. The group turned as one when Stiles opened the door loudly, Derek’s quick work preventing it from banging against the wall.
Scott gestured at them to stop and pointed up above them. “Stop right there. You got to pay the toll, both of you, dudes.” Stiles and Derek looked up, saw the mistletoe and turned to each other. Stiles was totally getting Scott an awesome after-Christmas gift to thank him for an on-point wingman. Even without Stiles saying a thing, Scott knew right away he wanted to make a move on Derek.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, dude. Scott’s making that toll thing up.” Stiles tried to give Derek an out in case the guy was uncomfortable about being put on the spot. He had been fidgeting after seeing the mistletoe but he hadn’t looked away from Stiles’ face. In the right light, Stiles would say he was blushing but surely that was his imagination running away from him again.
“Given how many times you guys used it on me and Melissa, having it turned on you is fair play, right, Melissa?” John said.
“Sounds right to me. I lost track how many times you two tried to parent-trap us together.” Melissa said.
“We will be brothers eventually, we just thought we’d speed things along!” Stiles defended him and Scott.
Derek reached out and put his hand against Stiles’ face. He leaned forward and stopped and said quietly, “This okay with you?”
“More than okay with me, big guy.” Stiles closed the gap and they kissed.
While the duo was focused on kissing each other, the rest turned back to continue the conversation that had been going on before they got there. “Pay up, Sheriff. I told you the mistletoe would work. Laura told me all about how her brother was pining away and Stiles has a type and Derek fits it to a T.”
“I’m not sure why I doubted you, it worked on Scott and Allison too that first Christmas they both came over. God knows it would take a Christmas miracle to get you and her together, Scott. Where is Allison anyway?”
“She had to do dinner with her family, her father still hates me.”
Derek and Stiles parted, eyes glowing from the dim light hitting just right. “Merry Christmas, Derek. Want to stay and celebrate a Stilinski Christmas to make up for missing a Hale one?”
“Gladly, Stiles.”
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imagineseclipse · 5 years
Your Character Development Imagine
Season 1 Part 4
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“Have I ever told you that I hate you?”you slumped down in the passengers seat of Stiles’ jeep. If you could even call it a jeep.
“Many, many times. In fact I think that’s the first thing you say to me when you see me”Stiles realised, raising his eyebrow slightly.
“Why are you mad? You just made me pay you 150 dollars to go to one party which by the way is not going to be fun because we have more important things to be worrying about”Stiles rambled on.
“You’re lucky you aren’t paying with your life”You retorted as you fastened your seatbelt.
“Sorry why do I even have to come? If you wanted moral support I’m not the person for it”
An idea flashed into your mind, you fluttered your eyelashes cunningly.
“Althoughhh, If you do want me to give you moral support that’s another 60 dollars for my services”you smirked.
Stiles almost choked on the oxygen surrounding him.
“Chill nerd I was kidding”you rolled your eyes before reaching forwards to turn up the music that had been playing in the background.
Stiles also reached forwards, turning the music back down to it’s original volume before facing your briefly.
“If we’re gonna be working with eachother we need to make some rules”Stiles nodded.
You snorted, suddenly realising that Stilinski was in fact being serious.
“I don’t play by the rules, especially if they are made by you”you informed the teen, who was trying his hardest to keep his eyes on the road.
“Well if you want my help you’re gonna have to compromise”Stiles tutted in response.
You found yourself mumbling profanities.
“Fine”you sighed.
A grin spread across Stiles’ face, a small smile made its way onto your own face but it quickly disappeared when you realised what was happening.
You were smiling. For once you were genuinely smiling.
“Fantastic okay rule one, you’re not allowed to call me names anymore”Stiles chirped.
“No”you shook your head.
“What do you mean no?!”Stiles gawped.
“When I call you names, it’s because I want to punch you-probably for your stupidity-so by all means if you want to make that a rule I’ll have to start punching you instead”you raised your eyebrows.
“R-right, well in that case s-scrap rule number one”Stiles spluttered out trying to shuffle over in the drivers seat, creating distance between the two of you.
“That’s what I thought”you hummed smugly.
“Rule one is that we have to spend time together so that I can observe you”Stiles stayed.
It took a second for the two of you to register what he had just said. You looked over at him, your nose scrunched up in disgust.
“I didn’t mean it like that!”Stiles exclaimed quickly.
“Sure thing Stilinski I knew you were stalking me”you teased.
“I’m your lab partner not your lab project”you added.
Stiles had noticed that recently there had been moments where you had been more playful with him. Not that he was complaining . In fact it made him more intrigued he wanted to know you.
Not the angry, misunderstood you, he wanted to know the y/n that people rarely got to see. Deep down Stiles believed you weren’t as bad as everyone made you out to be.
“I’m serious though, how am I gonna help fix this if I don’t personally see what’s going on with you”he said.
“I was kinda hoping that you’d do your own independent research throughout the week and then email me a report every Friday”you answered resting your head against the jeep window.
“I’m sorry y/n, this is a rule I’m just not getting rid of”Stiles put his foot down, quite literally aswell. Sending you flying forwards in your seat, you sent him a glare. The moon was rising and you had to get to this party before anything happened to Scott, or anyone else for that matter.
“That means I’m gonna have to see you and Scott everyday”you groaned.
“Look, you and Scott are going through the same thing. You never know you could help eachother” Stiles spun the wheel.
“I really doubt that”you whispered to yourself.
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When you arrived you were immediately taken back by the sight of drunken teenagers, literally everywhere. The stench of alcohol and sweat invaded your nostrils and your ears practically started to bleed because of the loud music.
This wasn’t your scene at all, you shuffled closer to Stiles, leaning over slightly.
“Stiles, about that extra 60 dollars. I don’t think I’m joking anymore”you shouted over the music.
You sensed someone approaching you from behind, your eyebrows furrowing together and your fists clenching. The smell of perfume and anxiety circled you.
Stiles noticed your discomfort, he also took note of your glowing eyes. They were a brighter shade of grey this time. All of the smells and noises around you became intensified by a hundred, proving that a full moon really did effect the supernatural.
“Y/n, is everything okay?”he grew concerned.
“Yeah”you managed to reply through gritted teeth. You’re headache began to grow stronger along with the music.
“Okay rule number two, always be honest with eachother”Stiles gripped onto your shoulders.
“Rule number three, no touching”you pushed him away gently. The sense that someone was coming your way never left you.
“Y/n, I want you to stay right here. I’m going to find Scott”Stiles pointed towards the house before walking away.
“Don’t you dare leave me all alone at this stupid part- I’m going to kill him”you spoke to yourself realising that your protests weren’t getting you anywhere.
As if on queue you felt a tap on your shoulder, the perfume was almost intoxicating you. You spun around to see a very lost Allison Argent. So that’s who you had been sensing.
“Uh hi y/n right?”Allison sent you a friendly smile.
You shoved your hands in your pockets, sighing.
“Yeah that’s me, although I wish I wasn’t me at the moment”you mumbled.
“I thought you weren’t coming?”she laughed.
“I heard it was family night”you raised your eyebrow at the brunette, you’d overhead Scott’s conversation with Stiles earlier that week about Allison not going to Lydia’s party.
“You got me there”she laughed lightly.
Silence fell upon the two of you, both stood awkwardly. For a moment you could feel Allison’s emotions all at one time, she was confused and angry. You knew it wasn’t any of your business but something urged you to turn to Allison.
“What’s wrong?”you asked, not really experienced in the whole giving advice thing. You regretted asking the second after you opened your mouth.
“Is it that obvious?”She looked up at you, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“Yeah I can kinda tell by the look on your face”you lied, you’d actually been able to tell from a mile away you’d felt what she’d felt and it terrified you.
“That makes the two of us then”her eyes flickered towards yours for a second before she started to talk.
“What’s the deal with Scott?”she blurted out.
Your mouth dropped open, you couldn’t really tell her everything, that would be ridiculous she’d never believe you and she would definitely never speak to Scott again. Not that you actually cared. It would just be complicated.
“Scott? He’s just going through some things at the moment I guess, but Allison I’m not really that close to him but I can see he really likes you. Just don’t give up on him yet”you found yourself defending Scott for a moment, you didn’t know why though.
Allison didn’t understand why you were always alone
She responded with a nod, shooting you an award winning smile.
“Hey, do you want to come inside and have a drink with me and Lydia?”she offered.
“Uh I think I’m gonna have to pass, I’m waiting for someone, speaking of I should probably ring them”you noticed the time and you realised that you really were going to commit murder.
“Maybe I’ll see you around then?”Allison asked hopefully as she leant in, wrapping her arms around you. You stood awkwardly for a moment, frozen to the spot.
You patted her back slowly, slightly frightened at what was happening.
“Yeah maybe”you replied quietly.
As Allison walked away back into the party your eyes became fixated on Lydia’s house, without getting too close your eyes fixated on one of the windows downstairs. Green pupils peirced through yours and you got a weird vibe.
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Derek Hale stood watching you, he didn’t show any emotion and it was weird because you couldn’t read him like you had Allison. It was almost like he knew what was happening because he furrowed his eyebrows at you before disappearing back into the crowd.
You began to embark on a quest to find out who Derek Hale actually was when you heard a cough come from behind you, you spun around to see Stiles Stilinski leant against Roscoe his arms folded.
“How did you-?”you looked back at the house trying to figure out when Stiles had left the party.
“What is up with everyone tonight, sneaking up on me it’s creepy”you complained.
“I never sneaked up on you, I’ve been here for a while now”Stiles confessed.
“How long?”You asked raising an eyebrow.
“Well long enough to know that you don’t give yourself enough credit, you did really well giving Allison advice”he sent you a nod, he was lowkey proud of you.
“So you were watching the whole time and you didn’t think to save me?!”you exclaimed angrily, you wouldn’t have been put in that awkward situation if it wasn’t for Stiles.
“You didn’t need my help, you were doing great by yourself”he protested.
“So did you find Scott in the end?”you asked as you opened the passengers side door.
“No y/n and I’m freaking out help me”Stiles whined.
“Well considering Allison was alone and she’s pissed maybe he bailed on her and went home?”you suggested.
Stiles clicked his fingers at you.
“Genius, why didn’t I put two and two together?!”he questioned himself as he sped off in the direction of the McCall house.
“Take me home first”you groaned.
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worthlessnepenthes · 6 years
I would love to see a Where the Wild Things Are au with Steter instead of Sterek. I’ve read Sterek ones and love them but just. Peter being the one to say, "I’ll eat you up I love you so." Instead of Derek? It’s great.
((I had to listen to someone read this out loud on YouTube several times, so if my book quotes are wrong, I don’t own the book and it’s 5am))
Imagine the season one rewrite you could do though!
Stiles as a kid, let’s have his mom either get sick earlier or die earlier—she’s in the hospital maybe, or maybe just doesn’t remember her kid a lot, so small Stiles keeps going into the woods.
Peter is a long suffering babysitter to his sister’s kids, and has read that book to them all multiple times. He is used to chasing them around, talking about eating them up. So he is chasing Cora, who is giggling madly while running away, growling and roaring at her, when this cute little boy with Bambi eyes and moles stumbles out from behind a tree and growls back, then tells Cora that he’ll save her!
(Peter is dying at this adorable small child and his baby simba roar. What was that. How precious. And he is saving a werewolf, jeeze.)
Peter stops, says "You must be Max." because only the king of the monsters would be brave enough to stop him!
Stiles beams, because that’s HIS favorite book too! "Yes! Let’s have a rumpus!"
And thus starts Stiles playing with baby werewolves. And Peter.
(I have a list of dates and ages to make things plausible here. But all you need to know is Stiles and Cora are six. That makes Derek 12 and Laura 14 and Peter 15. Claudia dies when Stiles is 9. Canonically. These ages work with everything in the show...kinda. Assuming Derek was 16 for the fire, and Peter was either going to college locally, taking a gap year, or back in town for some reason for the issues with Paige. He would have been 19. Which matches his visual age. And makes him losing his shit after the coma kinda make sense because he is mentally like 19 or 20.)
Laura does not spend much time in the woods. She is going to be ALPHA, she doesn’t have time to do that! Derek sometimes does, sometimes doesn’t. He has friends his own age to play with, but he loves his little sister so comes sometimes.
So mostly just Peter and Stiles and Cora. Scott is going through a bad asthma time, he can’t come out. Or dad issues. Or something. Heck they are running he can’t go!
But after the first time or two Stiles comes out to play, Peter gets a little worried. The kid is young to be in the woods by himself. So the next time ‘king Max’ tries to send him home without supper and then leave, Peter scoops him up.
"Not so fast! I need to see who is at home, I don’t want to get in trouble for stealing the king all the time!"
Cora follows, laughing. "Are you going to eat him up uncle Peter? Or just roar your terrible roar? "
Plot filler, Stiles parents know that he is being watched after in the woods, time passes, and three years later his mom dies. He still comes out in the woods, but not often. Paige has died too, so Derek doesn’t come into the woods at all anymore, and Peter is a little different, a little sharper, but he clings a bit more when he picks up Stiles to pretend to eat him up. And now, when he rolls his terrible eyes, they aren’t yellow anymore. And neither are Derek’s.
(No, he doesn’t know about werewolves. Exactly. But their eyes flash a lot, and Stiles is a kid, so accepts it.)
(I don’t know who killed Paige or what the true story was. That was filled with unreliable narrator so...they both hold guilt for her death, no matter what wound up killing her.)
And then the fire happens. King Max doesn’t go into the woods to have a wild rumpus with the monsters anymore. There aren’t any monsters anymore.
But years go by. Instead of playing in the woods with his monsters, he plays video games with Scott. Instead of being a powerful king, he has become a jester to queen Lydia. It’s easier that way. It doesn’t hurt as much without subjects to lose.
He visits Peter in the hospital, once or twice. Tells him he won’t be sent to bed without supper if he will just wake up. Tells him that he is the BEST monster. Tells him that when he wakes up, he is going to eat him up, he loves him so.
But after a few visits, and that weird red headed nurse seeming to get angrier and angrier about a hyperactive kid coming to rattle on to Peter, he isn’t allowed to visit anymore. "Sorry kid, family only."
And then season one happens, much the same. Derek is a wallow of angsty manpain, too busy being upset about Laura and running from everything to really remember his little sister’s best friend. He had tried to block all that out anyway. Stiles did what he could to help, but honestly Derek wasn’t even the same person as the happy young teenager he had been.
Then the hospital. (Or could do the school if you want it earlier, but I want the garage scene.) Peter wakes up. "You must be Max." Stiles is shook. Then Derek roars in and screws up the dramatic reunion. Stuff happens as in canon, but I’m gonna go with evil nurse is evil and behind it all. Also Peter didn’t kill her. Derek did. Did you see that puddle of blood from him smashing her face? Maybe he didn’t mean to but that was definitely his fault. Peter did not mean to kill Laura. Heck, maybe Deaton was the one that sent the photo to Laura because she is the alpha and some rando wolf is carving revenge spirals in her land.
Peter doesn’t seek out Stiles. He misses the boy, quite a bit, but he has to get rid of the hunters that killed his family. He has to make it safe.
Dance night happens. Peter doesn’t really want to hurt Lydia, but he needs a backup plan, just in case. Maybe he asked her if she wanted powers unlocked, and she agreed, not realizing what that meant. Stiles stumbles out into the field, sees Peter. "Be still!"
Peter smiles at him, rolling his terrible eyes, and showing his terrible claws, and gnashing his terrible teeth. "Help me, King Max, and I’ll let you help her."
And Stiles stills. This is his Peter. Sort of. "Let me call for help for her first." "Of course."
And he goes with Peter to the garage, and Peter does not have to employ violence for help. When Stiles sees the body of the Nurse, (she was a bad nurse) "don’t blame that one on me. You saw my nephew hit her." "His username is Allison? His password is ALLISON?? Perhaps you’re right. I don’t want him in my pack. You, however... "
And he grabs Stiles’ hand, gnashing his terrible teeth, rolling his terrible eyes, and showed his terrible claws. "I’ll eat you up, I love you so," stretching his jaws around Stiles’ wrist, glancing up, waiting for permission.
And Stiles smiled, stared into his red eyes without blinking, and said "Now, let the wild rumpus start."
(And they went and killed Kate without taking Jackson or Molotov’s, and Peter didn’t die and stayed the Alpha, and everyone got therapy and lived happily ever after.)
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nyxelestia · 5 years
What I Didn’t Write in 2017
So thanks to a confluence of limited time and resources, I had to put a moratorium on starting any new fanfics. That said, I'm still getting plotbunnies. I've found that the process of writing out and talking about a fic is a surprisingly good way to get it out of my system.  
Hence, this tag/this series of the posts. Basically, a little bit about my plotbunnies, and what it was about them that intrigued me - whether it was a premise, a theme, or even just a particular scene or two.
(And if anyone finds themselves intrigued by an idea and wants to give it a shot, I absolutely encourage them! :D Please just make sure to drop me a line if you do.)
This particular post is over a year late, and I will be making a separate "what I didn't write in 2018" post soon enough.
Quick list:
Mermaid/Siren+Banshee!Lydia. Lydia as a Siren/Mermaid as well as a banshee (or rather, all three are the same creature at different "stages").
Accidental Mob Boss Scott. Scott gets mistaken by the FBI for a criminal prodigy and he kinda runs with it because reasons. :)
BBC Merlin "Crossover"/AU. The Core Four (Scott, Stiles, Allison, and Lydia) are reincarnations of the original medieval Core Four (Arthur, Merlin, Guinevere, and Morgana).
"Bitten!Melissa AU". Canon divergence from Season 1, where Stiles wasn't able to get to Melissa in time when she went on that date with Peter, and he Bit her.
Dark Scott/Deucalion fic. After Season 5, Scott starts sleeping with Deucalion in exchange for Deucalion taking some of his more traumatic memories involving his loved ones.
CSA!Survivor Scott. Rafael molested Scott, and everyone finds out because nogitusne. Scott still resents Rafael more for leaving him than for abusing him in the first place, but also still loves him - so he tries to protect his father from all his friends.
Boyd/Malia, bonding over their guilt about being responsible for their little sisters' deaths, and finding a new family in their pack (and each other).
bb!Scott and Stiles brushing up against the supernatural. "I've got a prompt for you, Can you write a story about Scott and Stiles as kids exploring/getting in trouble in Beacon Hills with a bit of supernatural throwed in because it's Beacon hills but they don't really realise it ?"
Sheriff Stilinski as a LEAP Officer. How that influences him being a police officer to such a crazy town as Beacon Hills, and how that's why he encouraged Stiles to become a detective/go the FBI route instead.
Expansions and elaborations below the cut.
1.) Mermaid/Siren+Banshee!Lydia. Lydia as a Siren/Mermaid as well as a banshee (or rather, all three are the same creature at different "stages").
All right, so we already know that many of the supernatural creatures and shapeshifters have multiple shapes - i.e. the werewolves have their largely human shape, their somewhat monstrous shape, and then some change into a wolf or coyote altogether. It's also mentioned that the kanima has another stage of development in which it has wings - and honestly, put wings on the kanima, you basically get a small dragon. We also see that most of the legends are heavily distorted, but with grains of truth to them, and sometimes the different legends get mixed up.
What if banshees are the same way?
We know she has psychic capabilities - which extend well beyond merely detecting people's deaths, as we see in the later seasons. We also see that her voice is her power, giving her powers far beyond what banshees have in legend...but coming awfully close to certain other legends. i.e. Lydia uses her voice to "call people's names" and draw people forward - almost like what sirens and other "water women" in myths (most typically associated with sound, singing, and seduction) also do.
Additionally, what was Lydia and Lorraine's favorite fairytale? The Little Mermaid.
This one, I never wrote because it was more of a headcanon or concept idea, rather than any actual plot or story. I might still incorporate this into another AU entirely. But tl;dr, banshees are just mermaids (and/or sirens) whilst on dry land, so along with being a banshee, Lydia is actually a mermaid.
2.) Accidental Mob Boss Scott. Scott gets mistaken by the FBI for a criminal prodigy and he kinda runs with it because reasons. :)
This one is actually still in the works with @liveandletrain, but it's still mostly a collection of ideas without much plot yet, and it was planned in 2017 but it's now 2018 2019, so it's on this list.
The gist of it is, take a look at all the mayhem in Beacon Hills from the perspective of the FBI. In particular, take a look at Scott McCall. There is all this violence and chaos - and Scott seems to be at the center of it, time and again. There seems to be a long history of violence and bad blood between the Hale and Argent families, for no discernible reason - and yet Scott swoops in and suddenly it gets resolved, with the descendants of those two families making peace with each other, and apparently even working together?
FBI eventually concludes that this must all be secret mob activity, and Scott is some kind of evil teenage prodigy that somehow managed to take over these two different mobs in high school. They start stalking the McCall Pack in an effort to figure this out - and now the pack has to balance preserving the secret of the supernatural, with keeping their own asses out of jail. Clearly, the answer is to actually pretend that they're a mob, without doing so in a way that creates evidence.
They...have a little too much fun pretending to be in a mob. If you don't believe me, I ask you to imagine asking Corey and Mason to be pretend mob henchmen.
3.) BBC Merlin "Crossover"/AU. The Core Four (Scott, Stiles, Allison, and Lydia) are reincarnations of the original medieval Core Four (Arthur, Merlin, Guinevere, and Morgana).
To be honest, I don't have much more thought behind this than that. I noticed some parallels and ran with them, and I might still make a gifset or something out of this. I just had this idea that everything we see in Beacon Hills is just a "dress rehearsal"/precursor to something far bigger and deeper, something that's going to change the world - a change that will be spearheaded by the original Core Four. But we don't see that yet, we just see what they're up to as kids just warming up for the real deal.
Scott and Arthur are both leaders who have to contend with a lot of warfare, lies, and manipulation, but try to rise above them -- instead striving for peace and diplomacy, though with mixed results. They will both battle if they have to, and their proficiency gives them the capability to end wars. But, while they sure always end fights, they never start them.
Stiles and Merlin are, of course, their best friends and confidantes...and the ones occasionally willing to do their "dirty work" so to speak. I had two ideas, one is that Stiles inherits Merlin's powerful magic...and the other that Stiles isn't magical at all/is no more powerful than any other given Emissary like Deaton. He's just a regular ol' Emissary, because magical power is not his power, what makes him particularly powerful. But things like a certain level of suspicion to counteract their leading friends' whole heartedness, and doing "under the table" work to supplement their friends' best efforts. The kind of magic Merlin had is not all that necessary or helpful in the modern era, but just about everything else about Merlin is, and Stiles has them in spades.
Allison and Guinevere are both beautiful women, but also warriors in their own right - and on top of that, both of them make weapons, too! Ironically, I originally paralleled Allison to Guinevere purely for them both being leaders (Allison as the Argent Matriarch, Guinevere as the Queen of Camelot), and for the fact they both forged weapons/made weapons. I then remembered they both had a relationship with the other leader/the king. XD
Lydia and Morgana can both, in their own ways, see the future. They both also had their early stories marked by people lying to them and manipulating them, and people constantly trying to use them. They both had a somewhat sororal relationship with "the king" (Lydia being somewhat sisterly to Scott, and Morgana being Arthur's half-sister) and to "the queen" (Lydia being Allison's best friend, and Morgana once being Guinevere's best friend).
4.) "Bitten!Melissa AU". Canon divergence from Season 1, where Stiles wasn't able to get to Melissa in time when she went on that date with Peter, and he Bit her.
I didn't really have a plot for this, it was just a neat idea. What would change about the ending of Season 1 if Melissa had also become a werewolf? And the rest of the show after it?
The most significant idea I had was that Scott, still believing Derek's claim that they have to kill the alpha who turned them, would realize this means they can't both be cured. In his desperation, he would likely finally cave in and go to the Argents - especially if he finally told Melissa everything, and she assumed that Derek's claims (and the limited conclusive evidence he presented) were exaggerated or unfounded.
The Argents would probably still be quite hostile to Scott and Melissa, but also a little more sympathetic if made to see them both as victims, neither of them willing werewolves and both seeking a cure. They wouldn't have one, but since most of the Argents at least try to stick to the Code, they wouldn't just murder the McCalls on the post.
...except for Kate, who they still don't know really DID murder the Hale pack, despite their innocence. >:)
5.) Dark Scott/Deucalion fic. After Season 5, Scott starts sleeping with Deucalion in exchange for Deucalion taking some of his more traumatic memories involving his loved ones.
Slightly dark AU in which Scott desperately wants to get rid of certain memories - not of the people who he hates hurting him, but of the people he loved hurting him. Ranging from Derek's attacks on him to Allison hunting him down to Stiles' lashing, Scott's been hurt by the people he loves one too many times. Rather than try to do the healthy thing and address those traumas, he figures he might as well take a silver lining in being a werewolf, and manipulate memory - in this case, his own. Especially since he records a video diary of what happened or writes it down, so it's not like he's trying to pretend it never happened - he's only erasing the trauma itself.
Of course, it turns out an alpha can't take their own memory away, so he has to find another alpha to do it for him...and the only one willing to do this is Deucalion.
And he's not gonna do it for free.
6.) CSA!Survivor Scott. Rafael molested Scott, and everyone finds out because nogitusne. Scott still resents Rafael more for leaving him than for abusing him in the first place, but also still loves him - so he tries to protect his father from all his friends.
I ended up not writing this for my mental health/personal reasons, but I actually outlined this entire thing. The nogitsune, when it needs to buy itself some time, distracts everyone by revealing Stiles' long-standing suspicions about Rafael to everyone. Of course, it doesn't significantly change things at the time, save one way: Allison's last plan, made in the car with Derek and her dad on their way to Oak Creek, was to try to find evidence to get Rafael imprisoned for what he did to Scott, and to do so without having to tell Scott what they were doing.
And then she died, but Chris and Isaac are determined to carry out her last mission - even against Scott's wishes - and Derek, finally coming to terms with what Kate did to him, agrees to help. Scott insists that this is between him and his father, and it should be up to him to decide whether or not to forgive Raf or press charges, right? The only one who agrees with him is Lydia - though she argues if there are other victims, they should have the same right. So, Scott brokers a deal - if his friends find evidence that Raf ever hurt a single other kid, Scott would press charges to get the investigation rolling, but if they didn't, they let it drop.
Unfortunately for everyone, they never did find such evidence, nor are they willing to just drop it. They're a step away from just killing Raf to be safe, and Scott has no idea what to do...until someone reveals that this was Allison's last mission, and her effort to protect Scott, or at least get justice for him. Scott walks into the police station himself, after that, with not just an accusation, but video evidence - which it turns out he'd had the whole time, and held onto because he wanted to protect his dad.
7.) Boyd/Malia, bonding over their guilt about being responsible for their little sisters' deaths, and finding a new family in their pack (and each other).
Everyone lives AU, and also one of those premises without a plot. Mostly, I liked the idea of Boyd and Malia bonding because they both felt responsible for the deaths of their little sisters.
Malia doesn't know how Boyd can stand working at the ice rink she went missing in - until she realizes he has held onto that job despite all the supernatural-induced inconsistency due to the rink owners' guilt, and Boyd uses his position to make sure no creeps ever harm a child again. It's too late for him to save his own sister, but he can make sure there's never another case like that again.
Meanwhile, Malia never stops regularly visiting the crashed car where her mother and sister died, preserving the doll she leaves there in remembrance. It's with Boyd's support that she finally tells her dad the whole truth, and indeed he doesn't take it well at first. But he eventually comes to realize that it wasn't Malia's fault, how much she regrets it, and how she was the one taking care of their death site all these years. Boyd helps Malia make a new, proper roadside memorial/grave for her mom and sister.
8.) bb!Scott and Stiles brushing up against the supernatural. "I've got a prompt for you, Can you write a story about Scott and Stiles as kids exploring/getting in trouble in Beacon Hills with a bit of supernatural throwed in because it's Beacon hills but they don't really realise it ?"
This was a prompt, which I promptly lost and sadly am not getting back to because I don't even remember what the prompt was for/from in the first place. In retrospect, that means it probably wasn't an event? IDK
But basically, wolf!Talia's POV taking a relaxing stroll through the forest when she comes across a dog whose leash is tangled in a bush. It takes a bit of cowing to get the dog to hold still, but she's able to untangle the dog and release it, whereby it runs back towards two little boys who are clearly looking for a "Roxy", shouting around in the woods like that.
Boys and dog are reunited, though Talia is a little worried that two unsupervised boys made it this deep into the woods, and she realizes they must've given their parents the sleep. So, she gives a nice, theatrical growl, that scares the boys right back to their parents' sides where they belong.
All in a day's good work.
9.) Sheriff Stilinski as a LEAP Officer. How that influences him being a police officer to such a crazy town as Beacon Hills, and how that's why he encouraged Stiles to become a detective/go the FBI route instead.
This was more of a headcanon than any kind of plotbunny, and thus absent of plot, I'm not writing a dedicated fic for it. But the idea is that Sheriff Stilinski is a member of LEAP - formerly Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, and nowadays Law Enforcement Action Partnership. Basically, it's a group of cops, judges, and other law enforcement officials who advocate for community based and less-/non-violent policing.
The group was originally founded by police officers who saw the War on Drugs as needlessly creating more violence and solving almost nothing in relation to drugs. They wanted to end drug prohibition, seeing it as a source of violence and a waste of police resources. They've since expanded to ..."improving police-community relations, reducing and finding alternatives to incarceration, improving access to harm reduction services, ending the War on Drugs, and global issues.".
So how is this relevant? Well, the focus on this kind of policing is about expanding public safety - and not on "justice"/arrest and incarceration. Community comes first, and arresting people is not nearly as important as reducing recidivism. In other words, it's a kind of policing which puts "help the people" first...and "catch the bad guys" last. This certainly goes against the typical image of policing, doesn't it? But while this does change law enforcement priority, both are necessary.
The fic was basically about the Sheriff telling Stiles that he'll make a great detective one day...which is exactly why he shouldn't be a cop. A cop is someone who sticks around in their community and focuses mostly on helping and protecting good guys. Analyzing messy situations, finding bad guys, and taking them down, that's not really a big part of police work - and ideally, the least amount of police work. He thinks Stiles should focus on being a detective, with someone like the FBI, where their entire job is hunting down bad guys (rather than protecting and serving the people).
Given how much Stiles has idealized himself as a beat cop, it's a tough conversation to have - but a necessary one, because putting someone who sees bad guys everyone into the metaphorical blue shirt is a recipe for police brutality. He thinks Stiles has great skills - he just wants to make sure those skills get put to use in the right place, and the streets ain't it.
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golddaggers · 6 years
waking up the hotel
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(not my gif but doesn’t my boo look cute?)
pairings: stiles stilinski x reader; scott mccall x malia tate; stiles stilinski x malia tate (mentioned only).
warnings: hmm, a darn cute fluff. but i must warn this is also a smut, it contains descriptions of oral sex (male/female), lots of french kissing, inside jokes and, obviously, sex. unprotected. (fictional means only, plus they’re married//wrap your stuff before tapping it).
A/N: i ran a poll a while back and this very one-shot was the winner, so i hope you guys enjoy it! :) if possible, of course, i would love receiving some feedback from y’all. i know i am the worst blog administrator in the world, but i have been busy. nonetheless, there’s fresh stuff coming! keep your eyes peeled.
(before you go on, i would like to give a massive shout out to my honey bee who always supports my work @slow-bee-at-play! thank you so much, hun <3)
word count: 4,8k
While Y/N was cheerfully engaged in a nice conversation with the Williams couple, Stiles could not help but think this picture was way too odd for him to feel comfortable in. The extremely well-decorated lounge, Bulgarian roses everywhere, large tables crowded with their acquaintances and a soft ballad playing in the background. He had definitely never imagined himself to be the leading role in a wedding, however, nothing felt more right than that moment, when they both said yes.
The brown haired man had his arm carefully wrapped around her waistline, watching the dimples show as she laughed to something the tall man had said. Stiles couldn’t find the will within him to focus on anything that wasn’t his beautiful wife. Eventually he shook his head, hoping he could still catch a glint of the conversation.
“Well, it’s a great pleasure to have you here!” Y/N smiled softly. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, we still have a few people to greet! Also a phone call to my maid of honour who should already be here for my toast!”
Both Molly and Gordon began laughing out loud, which caused the newlyweds to smile as well, waving one last time at them before going over to where their families were situated. They greeted a few more guests in the way, quizzing them to know if everything was okay. Hosting a reception party was definitely a hard task. By the time they got to the last table, all Stiles wanted was to pour himself a dose of whiskey and sit back.
“Did something happen, honey?” The Y/H/C haired woman queried, her palms grasping his cheeks, melting instantaneously to those gorgeous honey brown eyes her husband had. “You look so down…”
“Nah, I’m just tired, babe.”
“Well, I have a little surprise in stock for you.” A wide, mischievous grin enlightening her traits.
“You do?”
“Yes, my love.” She winked at him, earning a light head shake. “Just wait here.”
Stilinski watched as his girl went over to the stage where the band was playing, not hesitating to request the microphone. A low giggle slipped past his lips, for he knew that she would always find a new way to surprise him. They had been together for six years, however, there was not a single day that his love wouldn’t give him a new thrill.
“Good night, my friends!” Her melodic voice echoed, the chit-chat ceasing to pay attention the woman. “As you know, there is a certain tradition in weddings and Stiles was very emphatic we did this one. It’s time to take the bride’s garter off, people!”
Glancing over to where he was standing, Y/N was able to see a small smirk pulling Stiles’, who she was yet to adjust calling husband, perfectly shaped lips up. After a some excited screams and claps, the woman went to the middle of the dance floor, crossing her arms while waiting for the brown haired man to take part on her dare.
“So, Stilinski, ready to do this?”
“Hell yeah, babe.” Once he was close enough, his lips brushed her cheek, sending chills down Y/N’s back. “Spread those legs for me, will you?”
She smiled, a thin layer of blush covering her cheeks. It was simply a teasing whisper, but the newlywed had heard that line before and it never failed to make her all flustered. Actually, everything that Stiles did was a turn on. His careless movements, the way he would constantly lick his lips… Urgh, only to be thinking about it, the girl saw herself having to rub her thighs together.
Without further words, Y/N took a seat on the chair one of the waiters had brought especially for the moment. People rushed to circle the couple, their eyes hungry for action. Stiles loosened his tie, slowly moving towards his favourite girl, earning to himself some encouraging yells.
“Ladies and gentlemen, if you excuse me, I will take a peek at my bride’s private bits.”
“Mieczyslaw Stilinski!” She interjected, lips pursed to suppress a loud laugh.  “Instead of talking, I suggest you get your job done.”
While he got down on his knees, the band began playing an instrumental cover of Prince’s Kiss. Stiles grinned at Y/N, gently lifting up the dress’ skirt, fingers burning each patch of skin he touched. The girl was forced to bite her bottom lip; his nose finally came in contact with her inner thighs, head already lost under her gown. Teasingly, Stilinski grazed his teeth on the tender flesh, noticing as the woman’s muscles tensed up.
Finally taking a peek, the brown haired man immediately understood why his wife had said he would like the surprise. It wasn’t about taking off a stupid garter, more like the fact she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Deciding to not make a scene about it now, he merely clutched the white cloth with his mouth, slowly pulling down her leg, being welcomed back with enthusiastic claps and laughs.
To complete the tradition, he pulled one tip back so the tissue would fly high once he lets it go. The nice piece of garment fell straight into Richard’s hands, a cocky smirk plastered on his face once he grasped it, action that brought up a grunt from Stiles, who still couldn’t believe Y/N had invited him to their wedding. For Christ’s sake, she knew damn well how her second degree cousin wanted nothing but to steal his place. However, the brunette couldn’t deny he was glad to boast about winning that fight.
“Mal! Scotty! Hey!” Y/N howled, smiling at the gorgeous woman who was standing by her brother near the table. “You guys are awfully late! What happened? Did you have a quickie on the way here?”
“No. Shut up!” The exchanged confidant giggles, Malia’s rushed response swiftly letting the other girl know her assumption was indeed true.
“Nothing happened, Y/N/N!”
“Yeah, good, otherwise I wouldn’t ever accept a ride from you guys again.”
“Well… I said nothing happened today.”
“Ew!” Stiles crunched his nose, hugging his wife from behind. “Stop telling my baby those things, Malia.”
“Right, should I recall the time I walked into you two doing-?”
“No, you shouldn’t.” The girl quickly cut her friend, grasping Malia’s wrist. “Why don’t you come with me to greet my mum, huh?”
“Okay.” Her doe eyes narrowed, lips forming a straight line, probably in hopes to stifle a laugh. “By the way, I have the hottest gossip to tell you!”
Considering the boys weren’t interested in their conversation, they chose to head over to a table, pouring themselves some whiskey and enjoying some quiet time. But, a few minutes later, Stiles grew puzzled to why his best friend was so quiet.
“Did something happen, Scott?”
“No, dude. Everything’s fine.” The much tanned man sipped on his drink, energetically shaking his head.  
“Man, I know you’re still pissed about the wedding. Would you please get over it? May I bring the ‘you got married to my ex’ card?”
“My sister, dude? Really?” He rolled his eyes. “I mean, there’s probably more than three billion women out there, couldn’t you have chosen someone who wasn’t related to me?”
“Honestly? No, I couldn’t choose anyone else but her.” Stilinski’s answer was short and straight to the point. “I love her, Scotty! She’s my frickin’ soulmate!”
“Well, you better love her, because if you hurt my baby sister, I swear to God I will kick your ass.”
“Quit playing around, honey. We both know you love me way too much to hurt me…” The brown haired man winked, joking to take the edge of the situation off.
“Stiles, I’m serious!”
“I refuse to argue about this with you any longer. I’ve been in a relationship with your sister for six fucking years, I actually got married to her, do you think I’m kidding? Because I’m damn sure there’s enough evidence that I am serious about her.”
“Fine… You’re right. I’m just overreacting. She’s my baby sister, I want her to be happy.”
“And I will make her happy, trust me.” Scott folded his arms, nodding and caving in with a smile. “Now, let’s have a proper conversation, shall we? How has the married life treating you?”
“It’s fantastic!” A goofy grin enlightened his puppy face. “I can’t find nothing better than to wake up with her hair scattered all over the pillow, her legs tangled with mine, her small hands clutching my shoulders… Even the flower scent on our bed has got me hooked. I can’t describe how happy I am to have made this decision.”
“Has all the fighting dimmed down a little?”
“Hell no. Malia is one stubborn girl, she always wants to have her way and it drives me crazy.” McCall laughed, getting Stiles to join him. “But let me tell you something… The make-up sex? Incredible.”
“Yeah, that is totally right. Shit, whenever we fight, Y/N comes up to me a few minutes later, jumps into my lap and things just get rough. Scratching, biting… She is wild.”
“Alright, too much information! She is still my sister.”
The friends chuckled together, both taking a good gulp from their bitter drinks. They hadn’t gotten the chance to keep chatting however, for their wives returned, Y/N going straight to sit on Stiles’ lap, who fondly stroked her back. She smiled, kissing his cheek, her nose inhaling the strong manly scent emanating from him.
"Babe, it’s super late… What do you think about us sneaking out? It was a hell of a long day and I could use some rest before we travel tomorrow.”
“Hmm, yes. I definitely need to take those shoes off anyway…” She giggled, getting back on her feet. “I need to talk to my mother first, though, to see if she can keep hosting the people.”  
Nodding, Stilinski watched her walk up to Melissa, the two women cheerfully talking. He was incredibly glad they had made up; not long ago they had gotten into a fight saying that marrying a FBI agent was too risky. Of course everyone knew that her fit was due to the fact her ex-husband, Y/N’s father, was an agent as well. She just didn’t want her daughter to undergo the same stuff she did and end up with a failed marriage. Nonetheless, the two eventually talked it out and things went back to normal.
In a few moments, the Y/H/C haired girl went back with a wide grin on her face.
"Yeah, all set, hun.”
“Should we go, then?”
“Well, I’m going to change my clothes real quick. Why don’t you do the same and wait for me in the car?”
“Yeah, sounds like a plan!”
The smile stretched further on the girl’s lips; she briefly kissed Stiles and then went over to her bedroom, cursing lowly to the dull ache spreading on feet. As soon as she got inside her old room, she quickly kicked off the heels, moaning with the release.
For a swift moment, Y/N observed the place, mesmerised by the fact her mother hadn’t changed a thing about it. The purple covers, the band posters… It was like a mini Y/N McCall sanctuary.
Shaking her head, the girl went straight to the closet, picking out the beige dress she had brought and placing it on the bed, proceeding to remove her wedding dress; once it was off, her body quivered to the sudden change of temperature.
Y/N first slipped on some white tights, then the dress and lastly her old navy-blue all stars. Her clothing was very simple; after all, if everything happened as she was hoping, she wouldn’t be dressed for long. Especially knowing how wild her husband was in bed.
A naughty smirk appeared while McCall checked her makeup one last time. After she decided she looked good enough, Y/N took a shortcut to the back of her mother’s home, opting to avoid all the fuss.
The couple’s flight to France would only take place later today, around midday, which left the wedding night to an expensive hotel in Beacon Hills. However, before they were able to leave, they had to bid farewell to the whole family, exchanging hugs and kisses. The minute that was over, Y/N and Stiles hopped inside the man’s new Mercedes.
Not long afterwards, he had rose up to a fairly high speed, choosing a high road to arrive sooner at the hotel.They didn’t talk during the drive, but Stilinski made sure to maintain skin contact, his large hand stroking her thigh.
About half an hour later, the couple reached their destination. It was little past four in the morning when they checked-in; Y/N was actually surprised her husband spent so much money to bring her to this fancy hotel.
“You’re so quiet, babe…” The brown haired man mumbled, frowning, as they got inside the lift. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
“No, nothing happened. I’m just tired and, well, a little bit scared.”
He brought his plump bottom lip to be chewed by his teeth, grasping his wife’s hand and softly squeezing it, to provide her with comfort.
“What exactly are you scared of, huh? It’s just you and me, baby, like it has been all these years.”
“I love you, Mischief.” She sighed, admitting.
“Hmm, I am confident that I love you way more, stupid!” A silky giggle slipped his mouth. “Now, what do you say we go enjoy our room, huh?”
She couldn’t stifle a loud laugh as the tall, dark haired man lifted her on his arms and walked them both inside the huge hotel room. It had a rather light decoration, the walls painted white, honey coloured furniture… Y/N thought to herself that this was the perfect place to seal their first night as a married couple. Stiles, on the other hand, could only imagine the nasty things he’d to do her on that majestic bed.  
As soon as the girl was comfortably lying on the smooth mattress, Stilinski didn’t hesitate to climb above her, claiming her lips hungrily. His tongue traced a wet line on her bottom lip, pushing inside her mouth and exploring the light champagne taste it had. God, he missed her so much! The couple had decided to, hm, remain chaste until the wedding day, thus the man was almost crawling walls.
His fingers fumbled carelessly along her back, looking for buttons or a zipper, whatever it was, to open up the piece of clothing that insisted on wrapping his gorgeous wife’s body. He sucked a hickey on her neck, eliciting a mellow moan from the girl, her digits tangling with his hair.  Finally, giving up on opening it, Stiles’ hands simply snuck under the dress, finding her tender spot and giving it a gentle rub. This time her response wasn’t low, actually, it was slightly louder than they were both used to, which caused Y/N to purse her lips, restraining the sounds.  
“Don’t hold in, baby.” Stilinski whispered, his thumb flickering the swollen nub. “I love when you moan to me. Especially my name. It sounds so pretty coming from your pretty mouth…”  
“Stiles… Don’t do this to me.” Her voice was desperate, losing the timing once his long middle finger slipped inside her dampen core. “Fuck.”
“Such a dirty mouth.” The index joined the other one within her pussy, the pace growing slightly, bringing out dense, girl-ish moans.
“Stilinski, when I-” She was cut off by the man’s lips finding hers in a rough kiss, his digits still vigorously pumping. “God fucking damn.”
Y/N threw her head back, moaning out loud as she watched her husband slowly move down. His hair was dishevelled, eyes hardened with lust; if there was anything in this world that she thought it was sexy, it was this image.
The man’s mouth was eager to slurp on her clit, his tongue flickering with care. Stiles hummed once he felt her entrance becoming slicker, the stretchy liquid pruning his fingers. The noises she was making were also a turn-on, he enjoyed how responsive she was, encouraging him to move further, his digits stretching her walls up.
Her hands snuck to his shoulders, scraping the skin of his of the brown haired man’s neck whilst her hips went up against his face to deepen the contact of his tongue against it. She felt so close to burst, it was amazing how he grew familiar with all her tender spots, rubbing just the enough amount to get her all worked up.
“Stiles…” The name fell out of her mouth in a mellow moan, he grunted. “I’m so close… Don’t stop, yeah? Just keep going like that…”
Stilinski hummed, the vibration causing the girl to clench, screaming in pleasure. Withdrawing his fingers, he licked a stripe down her core, exploring her entrance with his tongue, her taste flooding his mouth. They had been together for six years and not once he felt as if he could get enough of this. Of her.
He grasped the base of her thighs, diving deeper into her, savouring every bit of sensitive skin he could. Y/N bottom lip quivered, her back arching as the coil on her lower stomach tightened more and more, until, in one sharp movement, Stiles pushed over the edge, her orgasm shaking her entire body. The girl couldn’t help but scream, the pleasure filling her up entirely.
The mole speckled boy kept on kitten licking her pussy, riding her out of her high. She heaved in awe, her hands squeezing his shoulders while still heaving in awe, very much numb. Eventually, his kisses left the moist centre and came up to meet up with her lips, the girl groaning upon feeling her own taste on his tongue, his fingers grazing the soft flesh of her thigh.
“This was interesting.” She bluntly said, gently pushing him to get off her. “You have never disappointed me with that mouth of yours. Well… Except for that night, after Scott and Malia’s wedding.”
“I was drunk!!”
“Yeah, that’s your excuse.” Y/N giggled, slipping off of her cute dress and kicking off the sneakers.  “But I can remember plenty nights in which you were drunk and closed the deal.”
“Do you get your kicks when you tease me like that?”
“Yeah, you look adorable when you’re pissed.”
Stiles’ eyes glowed with hunger for that gorgeous body standing in front of him, with nothing on but a pair of thighs and a white lacy bra. Y/N grinned naughtily at him, walking back to the back and straddling her husband, the feeling of his hard-on throbbing against her warm slit. However, before they could continue the festivities, there was a shy knock on the door, snapping them out of their own little world.
“Fuck.” He cursed, rolling his eyes. “It’s four in the morning, who in the world would it be?”
The person knocked again, eliciting a huff from Stiles, who, as soon as the girl rolled off of him, went to the door. Y/N, curious to know what was going on, put on a robe and went to join the brown haired man whose voice was considerably louder than usual.  
“Hi, what is going on?” The woman queried, quickly analysing the angry expressions on Stilinski’s face and the scared ones on the hotel room maid. “Babe?”
“Hello, ma’am.” Poor thing looked so embarrassed. “As I was trying to explain to your husband… There has been a few complaints from the guests about some loud noises coming from this room. I was wondering if you could moan a little lower?”
“Oh!” A slight blush rose to Y/N’s cheeks. “I am so sorry! We will keep-”
“Excuse me, Miss Millis, but we are on our honeymoon and I recall paying three thousand fucking dollars for this room. The least I could get was to be left alone with my wife, but don’t fucking worry it because we will keep it down.”
Stiles proceeded to slam the door shut before being even able to hear what the maid had to say about his harsh answer, who looked as comfortable as a fish out of water. Y/N stared at the man livid, not believing be had acted out like that, like he was some sort of King. Even if he was, it was no excuse to treat anyone like that.
“Are you insane?”
“No, I’m not.” His shoulders dropped. “I just wanted to enjoy our wedding night, babe, fuck you real good and hear your sweet moans calling out to me. I can’t believe I can’t even do that.”
She couldn’t avoid the smirk that pulled her lips up, moving to where he was, wrapping her arms around his waist.
“Lose the angry face that you know makes me crazy about you.” The whispered was leaking lust. “And don’t babble about fucking me good if you aren’t going to do it. Either you do it or don’t bring it up.”
While Y/N talked, her digits worked on the not of her robe, allowing it to pool around her feet. Stiles took a deep breath, cocking his head to the right side whilst savouring the new found sight; he wanted nothing but to touch her, nevertheless, the moment his hand reached forward, she slapped him away, swiftly kneeling in front of him.
“What do you say I help you calm down, huh?” It was barely a whisper, but it served as a great stimulant to the man, who just nodded, agreeing. “Good, let me take care of you.”
“Be my guest, honey.”
She knelt down in front of him, not hesitating to remove his belt and pop his trousers’ button open, pushing it alongside his black underwear down. Stiles’ dick was only semi-hard; the previous events had certainly dimmed down all the pent up tension from before, nothing a good blowjob wouldn’t fix. The thought elicited a giggle as she grasped his length, giving it a few  pumps.
The brown haired man grunted, closing his eyes to entirely enjoy the handjob he was receiving. In a careless motion, he cupped her cheek, his thumb gently tracing her cheekbone, which brought a smile to her lips before, finally, leaning in to suck his tip into her hot mouth. Another wave of moaning filled the room, his hand leaving her face and going to grab her hair, tugging at it.
Y/N used her tongue to circle his swollen head, collecting the salty pre-cum already leaking. Stiles was a 27 year old with the sex drive of a teenager, so getting hard was definitely not a problem to him; actually, it often happened even though he wasn’t in a sexual content, granting the man some of the funniest moments.
Opting to tease him even more, she scattered kisses across his dick, wetting every inch of it. She then followed a vein back up to his tip, sucking at it hungrily. Forward, the woman curled her lips inwardly, swallowing just enough of him to feel herself gag. Her husband moaned out her name, tightening the grip on her hair, his hips thrusting forward. The girl instantaneously pulled away, frowning at him.
“Why did you stop?”
“Could you please not rush me like that?” She complained, shaking her head in disapproval. “Let me do this my way or you’ll have to deal with it by yourself.”
“When you ask so nicely!”
Not minding his witty response, she went back to what she was doing; his digits snuck into her hair, massaging her scalp. She groaned, taking her left hand, which was massaging his balls, to caress her own pussy. Stiles could swear he saw little stars every time she moaned, the vibration sending jolts of pleasure across his whole body.
It had something to do with the way she sucked and the way her tongue swirled that was driving him crazy. God, she was not allowed to be so good, he thought, loosening the grip on her hair, letting her Y/H/T fall, framing her gorgeous face.  
“Look at me, babe.” Her voice mumbled, breathlessly. “Watch me going down on you, sucking you so good you can’t even make sentences.”
“Shit. You’re so hot, Y/N.”
The woman spat on his cock, her hand working non stop whilst her lips wrapped themselves around his tip, craving nothing but to cause him to fall apart.
“God, fucking damn, honey. I’m gonna…”
“Just cum to me, yeah?”
“Not in your mouth… Please!” Stiles pleaded. “I wanna’ fuck you. I wanna’ feel that warm cunt strangling me.”
There was no way she could deny him when he talked like that, it was like he hacked her firewall and tore everything down. She was putty in his hands.
Stiles have her a hand, helping her up and swiftly pulling her into a breathtaking kiss. Their tastes mingled while their tongues rolled together, the noses brushing lightly. Meanwhile, never breaking the contact, he gently pushed her to the bed, taking place between her legs, descending his kisses to the woman’s collarbones. He sucked a few love bites there, not even thinking twice before tearing the delicate bra up.
“I liked this one.” Y/N pouted.
“We can shopping in fucking France and you’ll buy a new one.”
“Okay.” She giggled, unbuttoning his shirt and throwing somewhere in the room. “Now would you do the favour of fucking me?”
“As you wish, your highness.”
In a slow movement, Stiles pushed inside her wet pussy, both of them grunting due to the intimacy now shared. He remained still for a minute, waiting until she adjusted to him, being the loving bean he had always been when it came to the love of his life. Removing a few hairs off of her forehead, Stilinski leant in, pecking her lips fondly.
Not want rushing anything, the chestnut brown haired man then began moving smoothly. It wasn’t rare that the two of them would chose to make love rather than having wild sex, but tonight it was so special that they simply couldn’t help it. Her hands cupped his cheeks, their gazes linking like there was nothing else in the world but the two of them.
A low moan slipped her lips when he hit a sweet spot, which brought a cocky smile to his lips. Stiles always felt the most amazing fucker in the world when he got you to moan. You joined him, giggling a little.
“What are you thinking about it?”
“That you are adorable.” She whispered, the stinging feeling of his scruff burning her neck as he kissed the region. “That I’m so lucky I married you.”
“You cheesy muffin.” His hoarse laugh had her shivering. It could also be related to the fact his pace grew significantly. “Did you ever, uh, think we’d be here?”
“Hmm.” The way he angled himself within her forced a moan out, she dug her nails down his pale back. “Sometimes. But I never figured you made the get married type.”
“And you were okay with that?”
“I was.” Inhaling his scent made her smile. “All I wanted was to be with you, I never cared much about titles.”
“All I ever wanted was to be with you too.”
They shared a fond kiss, melting into each other as their hands intertwined. Y/N could feel the known tightness on her lower stomach, letting her know her second orgasm was edging her and, by the way he was getting sloppy, she knew that Stiles was close as well. The tips of his fingers drew figures on her thigh, small goosebumps spreading on the woman’s frame.
Stilinski’s hands hugged each side of her body, his lips wrapping themselves around Y/N’s right peak, toying with it until it was turgid under his touch. She clenched around him, lifting her hips to increase the friction.  
“Oh fuck… I… Urgh!” The words floated from the woman’s mouth while she finally surrendered to the pleasure, her toes curling and her chest rising against his face. “Dammit’, Stiles!”
“Just a little bit more, baby.”
“Uh-uh.” Her voice was frail when she agreed. “Fuck.”
His movements grew careless, their hips meeting in an irregular pattern. Their mouths linked again, she brought his bottom lip between his; he moaned, his hands gripping the base of her thighs, thrusting harder than before, only fall apart, his warm seed spilling inside her when he cummed.
The couple spent a few minutes just there, experiencing the abundance of sensations. At last, he rolled off of her, taking the place beside; she crawled to lie her hand on his chest, noticing that his breathing was still uneven. Stiles stroked her back, kissing the top of her head.
“Well, hubby.” Y/N said, a smile ghosting on her lips. “That was fucking awesome.”
“It was indeed.”
“I mean, I love when you fuck me like that.”
“Could you stop talking like that, you naughty girl?” Stiles brought her leg to mix with his, his hand running down it. “I love you.”
“Yeah, I love you too.”
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mojoflower · 7 years
Magical/Mage/Spark Stiles fic recs (90%Sterek, 5%Steter)
A Moving Sea Between the Shores by foxtricks (knightofbows) M.  26k.  Complete.  They're so fucked. They fucked up so bad. And it's all Stiles' fault." // Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls." - Khalil Gibran 
What delicious torture and pain and mistakes and regret and fear and suspense, unf. Stiles, it turns out, is quite a powerful mage, but he DOES make a small miscalculation... which very nearly leads to the deaths of the whole pack, to his imprisonment and torture. If only he and Derek had Bonded first, they might not have fallen to this point. But they hadn't....
Chapters alternate from what leads up to the Fuck Up and what follows. Derek is a good Alpha, Stiles is a good Emissary, but each thinks the other deserves better than what they could offer. Fully satisfying ending with sufficient comfort.
Dream of Life Again by BarlowGirl E.  18k.  Complete.  “You better be ready,” Lydia says as she cleans dirt out from under her nails with an antiseptic wipe. Stiles can smell the lemon scent even from where he stands a few feet away. She’s probably going to end up covered in blood in a few moments, but she likes to be in control in any way she can, so he doesn’t tease her about this. “It’s time to start.” // “I’m ready,” Stiles says and he’s pretty sure it’s not even a lie. Hopefully. // Scott, Stiles, and Lydia each sit at one point of the triskelion that Lydia’s drawn on the tarp. The center is a tight knot of some language Stiles had never even heard of before this, written in ink in tiny writing. It’s beautiful and also makes him slightly nauseated. Lydia makes both cuts, so the blood drops from Stiles’ arm and Scott’s, too, into the center of the triskelion. There’s wolfsbane on Scott’s knife, not enough to make him sick, but enough to keep him from healing too quickly. // It’s a surprisingly simple thing, after that, for what they’re doing. Blood, a few words, and a little magic. // Just those things, and, for the first time in three years, Laura Hale gasps in a breath. // Or: Resurrected Laura!!!
What an interesting story. It felt strangely... clinical?... distant, maybe. Stiles is very removed from everyone, and there's alot of teasing in the beginning as to why (we never DO learn the full story there). Any road, Stiles has a connection to some veerry powerful magic, but doesn't really want to think about it too much, much less admit it. Meanwhile, he continues with his distant-yet-close relationship with the pack, and his strange dance with Derek, and just. It was very interesting.
Such Things Don't Bear Repeating by Allizane E.  25k.  Complete.   A wizard, a wolf, and a boy. Or: spells and magic can never truly substitute for strength. (Harry Potter AU, in triplicate.)
This was beautiful, flowed like poetry, kind of. Three parts, three points of view, and we slowly watch Stiles grow, watch his powers develop. I never did figure out what he was supposed to be: he's a bit sociopathic, but has every reason to be (he's missing his tongue when Deaton first finds him.) I probably wouldn't have read it if I'd noticed the dark!Stiles tag, but the story didn't really come across that way. More wild!Stiles, and the future's wide open. ******* So Derek takes the twisted threads of blood and bone and fire (because they’d all tasted like ash to the wolf, like someone was already burning them up), he takes them and ties the loose ends to Stiles, because what else is there to do?
The Long Way Round by exclamation E.  180k.  Complete.  A magical accident sends Stiles back in time. Now he's stuck in New York, living with Derek and Laura, and the only way to get back to his own time is to learn to use magic. Meanwhile, he must figure out how much he can tell them about their future. Can he warn them about the dangers they face? Can he change his own past?And can he trust the creature known as Bookworm, who seems to know him better than he knows himself?
oh. my. fucking. god.
this is astonishing.
The one where Stiles is MAGIC, whoa, that is such a focus, and he's powerful, and you get the learning montage and everything. (He's also the ouroboros, which explains how he got sent back in time to hang out with Derek and Laura when they're living in New York.) The one with the dragon, Bookworm, and the magic shop, and the accidental coven, and the vengence ghost, and where Derek is a dancer at a club (lol) and ALL THE GOOD THINGS.
i am addicted to death (so remind me what it’s like to live) by cywscross T.  18k.  1/2 but it reads like it’s complete.   Stiles is sixteen years old. He has already died seventy-eight times.
Holy shit. (This says 1/2, but it's tight and complete, no worries.)
Magic Marker by Batwynn G.  3k.  Complete.  Look, just because he’s magical, doesn’t mean Stiles has to be an adult, right? // Where Scott keeps quoting Spider Man when he comes in the room, his dad keeps getting that pinched look around his eyes when he accidentally turns the microwave into a portal to another timeline, Lydia has stopped wasting her breath by heaving great, disappointed sighs at him, and Derek… Derek tells him to get it out of his system somewhere not here. Which is actually pretty nice, for someone with such judgmental eyebrows.
I would SO love to get a bigger peek into this world, heh.
In Which Stiles is Secretly Magic by apocryphal T.  27k.  Complete.   All Stiles wants from life is to learn to control his magic, keep his grades up, and not die horribly while saving Beacon Hills from supernatural threats. It's all going pretty well until Derek Hale, werewolf extraordinaire, has to go and ask him on a date. That asshole.
lol... stiles is a hoot.
Attach me to your world by artisan447  E.  27k.  Complete. Turns out Stiles is magic. He's as surprised about that as anyone.
Sweet, sexy and intense: everything you want a surprise bonding fledgling magic fic to be.
Growing Up, Growing Strong by cywscross T.  10k.  Complete.   Stiles is adopted by the Hales.
Lovely series of snapshots. Stiles at 10 saves the Hales, but loses his dad, and Talia takes him in, but it's Peter he attaches to. There's selective mutism, slow integration, kidnapping, self-rescue, discovery of magic (spark), and he's 16 in the end, but I think the rating could have easily remained a G. (We'll have to use our imaginations for the rest.)
Red Witch by rootbeer  T.  34k.  Complete.  The red hair of a banshee. The red eyes of an alpha. The red hoodie of a mage. The red of fire burning.Derek Hale has been a prisoner to the hunters since they burned his family alive. But now someone has come to save him: skinny, defenseless Stiles--147 lbs of skin and fragile bones. Turns out, sarcasm isn't his only weapon.
Ah, this hit the spot. Derek's a mess, poor baby, he's spent years locked in a cell in isolation being taunted by Kate when Stiles shows up as a captive in the next cell. It's about everything you'd want. (I love the protective fire around Derek, it's perfect.) Stiles is a BAMF, Derek is a beta. And those stories about the Red Witch and his/her companions? Not just fairy tales.
Children's Tales by artemis69 G.  5k.  Complete.  Be careful, little girl. // Don’t go causing troubles in Beacon Hills, because the Hales live there, little girl. // Keep away from Beacon Hills, little girl, or the Hales will destroy you. // --Or: In a world where the Hales are alive and the protectors of the town of Beacon Hills, the humans politely fake ignorance of their not-really-human status, and they all live happily ever after. // Then Kate comes in. // Well. // Tries to.
How much did I love this story, omg, it's kind of hilarious: Kate (POV) goes Hale-hunting and is thwarted at EVERY TURN because the whole damn town knows who she is, and who Derek is, and the character descriptions are so funny: "The annoying other kid is still there and both of them are mowing the lawn of a little white house. Hale is very focused, working methodically in parallel strips. His friend is running in circles around a rose bush like a rabbit on cocaine."
Inhuman History by Amazonia_8 E.  32k.  7/?  Stiles doesn't remember much about what happened the night he was to be introduced to the mysterious Hale family. He knows his mother is dead, but nobody can tell him why. He thinks it might have something to do with the things that happen to him, or that he can make happen, even though he's never been able to control it. Now it's just him and his father, an invalid he must spend all his time caring for, scraping by in a run down house in a run down town, miles away from the life he once knew. // Until strange things begin to happen, starting with the great black wolf that shows up at his door and the stranger man that claims he knows his father. Claims that Stiles is in danger and that it is his duty to protect him.
Hooooly guacamole. This one is a RIDE, I'm pretty sure I only breathed once in the whole first half. Only 7 chapters written, and it looks like it'll stay that way, and the story isn't NEAR complete, but you do get to end on a very satisfying sex scene, and this author is so good that even a glimpse into this world she's building is worth the time you put in to read it. The first chapters are such a tease, with references to things like John being paralyzed and mute, and Stiles having flashing memories of 'before', and it doesn't get explained for a while (it does eventually, tho, don't worry), and wow, it's just fantastic.
The Road Less Traveled by gryvon E.  25k.  Complete.   Stiles doesn't want to die in a basement. No one is going to die in the Argent's basement, not if he can help it.
ALL the Stiles!whump and hurt/comfort (although the comfort for the first round of hurt is rest-of-pack rather than Derek, but it's totally emotionally satisfying. This is the one where Stiles starts practicing magic by twiddling a pencil and then gets to firebomb some ghoul-things in the cemetery.
Night Owls Early Birds by Lissadiane T.  24k.  Complete.  Confession: Stiles is afraid of having magic. // The Spark had been cool. It had been small, manageable. He could do some funky stuff with Mountain Ash, all with the power of belief. // And now here he is, his Spark blown wide open, apparently coming down with a fatal case of magical overload, and all that stands between him and bleeding out is a grumpy owl that looks suspiciously like a feathered version of Derek Hale. // (In which Stiles learns he's a witch, but instead of a wand and a trip to Diagon Alley, he gets blood magic, a grumpy and reluctant owl as his companion, and an accidental blood bond with Derek Hale.)
Oh. This was... really intense, I wasn't expecting that, somehow, the summary made it seem kind of funny. Stiles' magic is no fucking joke, and it LITERALLY tears him apart sometimes, like, peeling his hands inside out and crushing them kind of thing... and all the extraordinary pain that goes with it. When they say blood magic, that means there's gallons of it everywhere. Which is AMAZING, and the intensity is wonderful, don't get me wrong, it's unique among the 'Stiles discovers he is magic' stories, because it really does seem more like a curse than a gift. Steve the owl is a hoot (lol), and Derek's quiet loyalty and fierce protectiveness is lovely. It's a fantastic read, and so is its sequel.
In Which Stiles Finds He Much Prefers When Interesting Things Happen to Somebody Else by Zoom Zoom (PaperLillyWebs) T.  21k.  Complete.  “Finish what you start,” the skull rasps at him, making him jump. When he looks up, the skull is just as still as before.Loosely based on Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wayne Jones.
What a fun story! Stiles the apprentice is every bit of adorable, his Master Hale is a shadowy, mean kind of figure, and something's going on where none of the ends match up. The story borrows the Howl's Moving Castle world, but that's all, none of the story or characters. I love it.
How to please your house spirit by Lesatha  M.  14k.  Complete.  Derek startled awake in the middle of the night. For a split second he didn’t know why, then as he felt a strange weight on his chest, he raised his head and looked down. And stayed speechless. // There was a tiny creature, barely the size of Derek’s whole hand, sitting on him. It had a human shape, from what Derek could see.It looked furious.
ohmygod this is infinitely adorable, Stiles is a (murderous, multitasking, shapeshifting) little shit (so is Peter) and Derek is utterly wrapped around his (occasionally) tiny finger.
Of Werewolves and Tentacles by Guede E.  173k.  Complete.   Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall, childhood best friends who were separated, now reunite to get to know each other again. Since Scott's a werewolf and Stiles is a new graduate of Miskatonic University (which is proving strangely attractive to Peter-Hale-shaped werewolves), they've got quite a bit to catch up on.
So glorious. A lot of fun to read, lots of action and complexity and I know basically nothing about Lovecraft, and that didn't matter at all. Stiles is great in this, very pushy, very much an asshole, and still got that old insecurity inside... which, coincidentally, is very much what Peter is like. They're a lovely match. (The fifth story introduces Derek into their dynamic, but only in the end, and, sadly, we never get the sexin' for that -- aside from some strange dreams in Part 6 -- cause it would be delicious.)
And what are the odds that I'd read two sentient house fics in the same month? (The other being the equally fabulous When sparks fly by LunaCanisLupus_22. Sentient house is in Part 5 and isn't very friendly.)
The Foul Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart by WritersAreLiars M.  35k.  6/?  “Stiles. Did I just watch you sell that man a hex-bag full of crushed caffeine pills and rocks from our own parking lot?” // “I threw in some sage too.” // -Stiles may have lost his job and his place as Alan's Mastery student, but at least his former teacher had the decency to set up an introduction to Peter Hale, werewolf and necromancer. // It looked like Stiles wasn't as done forming impossible infatuations on his teachers as he thought. // (At least this time he's legal.)
Entirely delightful and unique... author creates a fantastic world and Stiles' blithe abandon of traditions works very well with Peter's scheming. Worth reading even if it's never finished.
You Only Live Once...or Twice by WonderWolf E.  33k.  Complete.  “Anything,” Derek’s eyes are determined, boring into Stiles’.Stiles huffs a laugh, “Careful there, big guy. Don’t want to be promising anything to every necromancer you meet. Some might ask for your soul or someth—” // “I’ll give you my soul to bring her back,” Derek says, his voice steady and strong with resolve, “if that’s what you want.” // Stiles’ mouth gapes open for a moment before his brain kicks into gear and he stutters out, “N-no, I don’t ask for that. I only ask for money.” // (Or the one in which Stiles is a necromancer who needs help stopping a rogue alpha and Derek is the solution, but at what cost?)
Interesting premise.
Red String verse by gryvon E.  13k.  Completed works, incomplete series.  Peter had given up hope of ever finding his soulmate until the red string on his finger leads him to a four-year-old. He's going to Hell. Or jail. Or both.
Everything about this series is perfection. How Peter is so utterly astonished and appalled at the age difference. How Stiles turns out to be tremendously and precociously magic. The sexual tension when Stiles gets tired of waiting (and Peter goes to the station to turn himself in, lol.
Those Are The Days That Bind Us by s_a_m  M.  63k.  Completed works, incomplete series.  His father wasn’t stupid. He was an officer of the law, trained to look for patterns. He confronted Stiles about werewolves and they shouted and Stiles tried to explain but his father was so, so, so mad, more mad than Stiles had ever seen him, ever in all his life and then his father looked at him and said,“It’s like you’re not my son anymore.” // And Stiles broke.
Really good.  Poor bb Stiles, life generally sucks hard.  When he leaves, he has a lot of adventures and new friends that I DON'T instinctively dislike (what can I say, I'm very loyal to my OTP:  I generally hate it when they split up and one of them seems to move on).  There's VERY little Derek in this, even though about 50% of the story is in Beacon Hills both before and after the 7 years of running away.  Maybe part 3 will have a little more Sterek.  But, yeah, Stiles is badass, so that's awesome.  The author writes well and the story moves quickly.
Professional Werewolf Witch by reptilianraven G.  5k.  Complete.  "Are you going to buy anything else?" Professional Eyebrows says and Stiles would like to buy him. A cup of coffee. On a date. // He just ends up pointing at the crate of whatever the fuck is behind Professional Eyebrows' head and says, "Uh, a box of that stuff." // P.E. turns, glances at the crate, and raises an eyebrow at Stiles. "You want a box of charmed rattlesnake tail?" God, magic is so fucking weird. // "Yeah." Stiles nods because he's making an ass out of himself. The hipster vampire browsing in the corner is not so subtly laughing at him. The sooner he leaves the better. // -The one where Derek Hale is a Professional Werewolf Witch who owns a magic shop and Stiles fails at being smooth on a regular basis.
so fucking funny
I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek by DiscontentedWinter M.  52k.  Complete.  Stiles finds a baby on the porch.It looks exactly like him. // Well, this is awkward.
Funny and unique and gripping (and there's one part that's simply fucking heartbreaking, god every.time. I bawl like a baby). I love this so much. It's totally one of my return-again-and-again-comfort-fics (even though there's very little that's slow-paced and domestic about it).
When sparks fly by LunaCanisLupus_22 E.  87k.  Completed stories, unfinished series, but that doesn’t matter.  “Derek,” Stiles thunders. “Were you ever going to tell me your house is trying to hook us up?” // Derek's head snaps up, eyes wide and scenting the evident crackle of magic in the air. // Or the one where spark!Stiles moves into an enchanted apartment block owned by a grumpy alpha and is completely oblivious to the building's efforts to matchmake them.
OH, golly, I love this, it's so funny and fabulous and unique and THE HOUSE, GOD, I LOVE THE HOUSE, it really is all up in everybody's business. Don't worry about the chapters x/? Each chapter is its own complete storyline, so feel free to jump in any time, you'll never feel like you've been left hanging. I absolutely LOVE the irreverent (and yet, very well-conceived and detailed) urban fantasy vibe. And I love every character just the way I like to.
(Just read another fic with a sentient house (fifth story) and urban fantasy tones: Of Werewolves and Tentacles by Guede, which was a delight.
Untamed by rosepetals42 T.  28k.  Complete.  Of course, the transfer kid gets mentioned because transfers are rare, but the news isn’t that exciting. In fact, according to Laura, no one even seems to know his first name. The only thing anyone has really figured out about him is that he’s American. And that’s not exactly hard because he obviously has an accent. // The only thing Derek really knows is that, despite other reports, he seems quiet enough, prefers to work alone, and has the most amazing shade of amber eyes that Derek has ever seen. // Not that he’s looking. Obviously. // OR: A Harry Potter AU where Stiles is a Slytherin transfer student and Derek is the grumpy Gryffindor who falls in love with him. // There are also potions, elves, and falcons involved. Oh, and illegal use of magic. Obviously.
Best. This is the best Hogwarts/Teen Wolf AU I've ever read, hands down. All the feels.
A Wild Heart's Desire by mikkimouse  T.  13k.  Complete.  If there's one thing Stiles Stilinski knows, it's that Deputy Derek Hale absolutely Does Not Like him. The only reason Derek even tolerates him is because their kids are worryingly codependent. // So Stiles is understandably confused when a very feral Derek shows up in his backyard after a call gone wrong and proceeds to move in with him.
Aw, feral!Derek is so sweet. And so is Stiles. And both of them are hella oblivious.
A Life for a Life, Makes the Whole Wo rld Bound by augopher M.  91k.  Complete.   Stiles was lonely; there was no other way of putting it. The Nogitsune had left the pack a wary of him, not that they thought it had been his fault. No, they worried it would happen again. Once bitten, twice shy. // The morning after his 18th birthday, his torso was covered in mysterious green tattoos. He hadn’t been that drunk. He'd definitely remember that. Great. Something else to make him feel like a freak. Insomnia led him to his mother’s diary and a tale of how she helped an odd man once who gave her the warning, “Be careful of your wishes three." Everything clicked into place. // So...he was a djinni. He subtly changed things about himself. More muscle? Done. Better hair? Done and done. End his crippling insecurity? Done, done, done. He hid his new gift until he found himself bound to Derek. // With Deaton’s help, they translated meanings in his tattoos, but they were incomplete. A passage of his 'Rules and Regulations' was missing. Everything was fine dandy until Stiles’ new powers and penchant for mischief and karmic retribution threatened to destroy him, fracture his mind, and turn him into something which couldn’t be contained. // Could the pack save him in time, and at what price?
Court of the Bitter King by The Feels Whale (miscellea)  T.  7k.  Incomplete series, but that’s okay.  There’s a reason Stiles refuses point-blank to take off his shirt in public. That reason would be the massive number of …somewhat illegal tattoos he’s had done over the years.  //  It’s not that his dad doesn’t know about the tattoos, it’s more that his dad doesn’t like to think about them. It’s a mom thing or more precisely, it’s a ‘mom’s side of the family’ thing and Stiles’ maternal relatives make his dad very, very nervous.
Interesting. Dreamy and a little surreal. Third part is unfinished, but then, so are dreams, often.
The Time Travelling Werewolf's Confused Spirit Guide by The Feels Whale (miscellea) G.  5k.  Complete.  
Normally you don’t imagine yourself as living in the dystopian future that hapless time travelers accidentally stumble into. // Or: that one where Stiles learns the hard way that reality is not static, time is not a river, and sometimes the way things are is not the way they were supposed to be.
Sweet and weird. And it all worked out in the end, but I'd miss asshole Derek.
Her Blood on His Bones by secondstar  E.  123k.  Complete.  Stiles may be cursed but that doesn’t mean he’s going to lay down and die. He’s going to fight. He won’t stop, he can’t stop. If he does, they win.  [Daemons, Dark Materials universe.]
Aching for you by LittleRedEmissary T.  45k.  Complete.  When Stiles tries to cast a protection spell on Derek and accidentally casts a spell much stronger than either of them expected, the duo has to relearn everything that they've learned about protecting the pack, because the old methods won't do anymore. With the infamous Winchesters coming to town Derek hopes that the hunters will just drive through town, but the pack has never been good that laying low.
Love this. God, Dean's an asshole. But he gets better.
Writ in Hecate's ink on willing skin by Lenore M.  6k.  Complete.   "As you're always so fond of pointing out, you're the alpha. When bad shit happens to you, it affects all of us. If someone wants to use your alpha mojo or your wolf force or," Stiles waves his hand, "whatever you want to call it for diabolical purposes? We need to be ready."
Beacon Hills Mysteries  by miss_aphelion  T.  80k.  Complete.  Stiles appears alone at the doors of the emergency room the morning after the full moon, covered in blood with a deep slash torn across his left side. He's suffering from hypovolemic shock and barely conscious and he won't tell anyone what happened—not his hospital appointed psychiatrist, not his father. Not even his pack. // The list of suspects is disconcertedly short. There were only seven others in the woods with Stiles that night: Derek, Scott, Boyd, Erica, Isaac, Jackson and Allison. And none of them remember the night in quite the same way.
My note for the second story:  Whoa, so intense and stressful and simply amazing. Really, this whole series is the bomb. (Even with no sex!) And super!magic!Stiles like whoa.
Patterns of Intention by drunktuesdays E.  17k.  Complete.  Derek looked like the stuff of his deepest fantasies. His shirt was rumpled where Stiles had his hands in it, and he was breathing hard as well, chest heaving. His eyes—his eyes were glazed over and he looked stunned, like he’d been—like Stiles had—“No,” Stiles said, blood draining from his face. The word was croaky and felt like it had to be wrenched out of his chest. “God, no.”
The one where Stiles' magic is expressed verbally, and he starts to think he magically is making Derek want him back.
No spell quite like your smile by charimiel T.  29k.  Complete.  "I’m Stiles by the way. I’d shake your hand, but the stuff on my hands isn’t actually ink and I don’t want to subject anyone else to that.” .... Derek’s really just exuding an aura of ‘what the fuck is wrong with this guy’. Stiles gets that a lot actually.OrThe one where Stiles owns a magic shop and Derek probably regrets coming back to Beacon Hills right about now.
From Here On by Isa_Iadel M.  97k.  Completed stories, incomplete series.  Stiles Stilinski hasn't been Sheriff for very long and dealing with the aftermath of the attack against the Hales ends up being far more complicated than he ever could have imagined.
Crazy good story, incredible and original world building (really, SO original), and Stiles is magic! to the max and totally wonderful protector of the town and all the characters, OCs and those well-loved, are just amazing. (Derek is underdeveloped, which is a pity, but everyone else is so riveting that it's alright.) Can't wait for the next installment.
B.S.T.P.H.T. by dornfelder E.  27k.  Complete.  Before Derek has the presence of mind to object, Stiles pushes the paper in his hands and makes for his jeep. “Just read it, okay?” is the last thing he says before slamming the door shut. // He starts the engine, and drives away in record time with gravel scrunching under his tires while Derek stands there dumfounded. He accelerates unusually fast, and the jeep’s back lights disappear into the night.What. The. Fuck.
dream-walker by hoars E.  5k.  Complete.   This is not the behavior Stiles was expecting from a werewolf he’s been dream invading. To be honest, Stiles expected more blood, bruises and begging. He was not expecting creepy Derek to go to sleep next to him.
Vision without action is just a dream. by Mynuet   T.  17k.  Complete.  Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world. (Joel Barker) // Stiles has never known how to leave things well enough alone. If the root of their unhappiness is Derek losing the love of his life, then that's the problem Stiles is going to fix, no matter what it takes. He probably should have realized that things never go according to plan."
How I Met My Werebunny by Moku T.  20k.  Complete.  “This is going to end in tears,” Scott told Derek while he watched the man easily lifting Stiles’ desk up with one hand and driving nails into the ceiling with the thumb of the other. “Probably mine.” // Or:When a Stiles and a Failwolf love each other very much, they’ll engage in a prank war. Basically, it's a mating ritual for dorks in love.
So precious!
Shakespeare Was a Wolf by mommymuffin Unrated.  (I’d rate it an M.)  40k.  (Incomplete series, but that’s fine.)  Derek gets turned into a wolf by a witch. Naturally, he expects Stiles to fix it.
“To say that Stiles flailed before he hit the ground in the most spectacular display of falling down the world has ever seen would be a gross understatement.”
Spark by rispacooper  M.  10k.  Complete.  Derek had never actually seen Stiles in his full dragon form. If he was being honest with himself, he wasn’t sure he wanted to. The first time Derek had properly met Stiles, spoken with him, he’d had a hard time not reacting to the heat of him, far too reminiscent of the lick of flames at Derek’s skin. Dragons exuded heat, Derek had known that, intellectually. They might look like cold-blooded reptiles but they were creatures of fire.
Derek did not have good memories of fire. Stiles couldn’t have been expected to remember that, but it hadn’t helped that he’d focused on Derek with those impossibly wide eyes of lustrous brown and then let out of a puff of marijuana-scented breath and announced he’d take Derek instead of a sandwich.
Lord knows it would be the first time by uraneia  E.  12k.  Complete.  Stiles is home from Berkeley for the summer, but only because he promised the pack. He'd rather not see Derek, because whatever the thing was that they were doing, they're not doing it anymore, and it sucks. // Unfortunately, he doesn't have a choice. The betas tried a magical remedy for Derek's melancholy, and now Stiles has a three-year-old who looks like Derek. Stiles doesn't know how to deal with that, and he definitely doesn't know how to tell the betas he and Derek were secret fuck buddies for a year and a half.
Another kidfic: ending has a nice twist.
Of Bananas, Babies and Buzzkills by calrissian18  T.  25k.  Complete.  “Are you, um—What are you doing back?” He looks as uncomfortable as Stiles feels and that’s some small consolation.“You know, the usual. Witches, I’m the highlander now, magic bananas.”
Oh, god, the one where Stiles magics up Protozooey, and he's SOO CUTE.
I was a little disappointed in the ending (little rushed), but ALL the rest of it is so delicious it's ok.
(Once in a) Blue Moon by clarkoholic, skywardsmiles  E.  60k.  Complete.   Stiles and Derek are getting along, but they’re not a family, and they’re sure as hell not mates. Christ, they’re basically just two stupid guys who happened to get pregnant because of a full moon and sheer dumb luck.
Oh, the angst, the pining, the guilt, the blame, the anger. Total pain-fest while we watch Stiles nearly die from the burden of the pregnancy. Lovely sweet ending, of course.
A Heart is a Heavy Burden by lielabell  T.  41k.  Complete.  In Which Stiles: is accosted by unhappy witches, becomes friends with fire demons, is rescued by darkly handsome wizards, discovers hidden inner depths, is introduced to princes, and finds true love. Though not necessarily in that order. // (Or the Howl’s Moving Castle AU fusion fic you never knew you wanted but are delighted to have.)
Hale's Moving Castle. (I need say no more.) -- not magic!Stiles, but wizard!Derek is just as good.
Haven't Forgotten My Way Home by tryslora E.  101k.  Complete.   Stiles walked away from Beacon Hills and never planned on coming home. Now he needs help, and there's nowhere else he can go other than back to his childhood home and the pack he left behind.
Great story: intricate, suspenseful and unique. It stands well on it's own, no need to read others in the series if you don't want to.
Stiles, why is Derek Hale passed out on our front porch? bymarguerite_26, mothlights  E.  4k.  Complete.  Stiles doesn't hear the knock on his front door, but he figures there must have been one, because now his dad's calling out to him, "Stiles, do you know why Derek Hale just passed out on our front porch?" // Stiles freezes, carton of milk half way to his mouth. He looks around the empty room, wondering if it has any answers. Derek Hale just passed out on his front porch -- sounds like one of the signs of the coming apocalypse.
Breathe Me by mommymuffin Unrated (I’d give it T or M)  127k.  Complete.
Stiles tries desperately, but the air just won’t come to him. He can’t do it himself. He needs someone. Someone to help him.
And Scott left him.
Fabulous series. Starts as a kind of one-shot, just Stiles-Derek-panic attack, but then the author, lo, encounters plot, and what a plot it is. I love this one, it's fast, doesn't stint on violence, the whole second half is one stressful situation after another, and there is Cor, the amazing wolf made out of the blood spilled between Stiles and Derek, which is a concept I haven't encountered before.
I would rate it an T or an M... there's sex, but it's not described in any detail.
Last Call by grimm  E.  6k.  Complete.   He doesn’t come to The Beacon to pick up people. It’s precisely the reason why he doesn’t go anywhere else. People in this neighborhood know him, know he’s not interested in being hit on, which allows him to have a drink in peace. Derek knows he’s good-looking, but the type of people it attracts disgust him. At least other werewolves can smell the unfriendliness on him and stay away, but that doesn’t stop everyone. He went to a gay bar with his coworker Isaac once and it was horrifying.
Dragon's Breath by trilliath  E.  56k.  Complete.   Between the hunters and the monsters that have interfered with life in Beacon Hills, the pack has had to learn a lot in the last few years, including Stiles teaching himself to practice magic in private. It's not exactly a secret from the pack, but it's not something he's shown much. When it comes time to put his skills to the test, Derek is the only one who finally gets to see Stiles's wild magic put to use saving Erica's life from a new threat in town. //  The aftermath changes something between them, and those tenuous lines tangling them together may mean the difference between life and death for them both.
Lovely, vivid and intense.
In Sanguinem Scriptum Est by secondstar  E.  31k.  Complete.   In order to stop a new onslaught of nightmares from plaguing him, Stiles decides to become an emissary. No longer defenseless, he begins to realize that not everything is as it seems.
Strut on a Line, its Discord and Rhyme by xiaq T, 73k.
“Carry me,” Stiles says.  //  “No.”  //  “But I’m injured.”  //  “You have a rash,” Derek says. “On your arm. Your feet work just fine.”  //  “Please?”  //  “No. You weigh almost as much as I do. And you ate a pound of chicken at lunch.”  //  "Well, yeah, but I pooped like an hour ago, so.”  //  “You’re disgusting.”  //  “Don’t play, you love me.”  //  I do, Derek thinks, relatively horrified. I really do.
Oh, wow, this was so fun:  such a fast read, it just never lagged for a moment.  Not that it's action-packed, because it isn't, but just because the story is so interesting and kept moving right along.  Lots of OCs in this (Paidrag, Teagan, Walsh) and they're fully realized and wonderful.  Stiles is a human adopted into a wolf pack that's been slaughtered a year earlier, and Derek and his dad are in Beacon Hills to help him recover from an extended kidnapping from demons.  Both of them are young (fifteen and later sixteen), so their interactions start out innocent.  Stiles is his usual self:  brash and loud and weirdly confident in himself.  Derek is shy and quiet.  They make a good pair.  Scott is the big brother who is suddenly a guardian.  I pretty much loved every part of this:  especially how Stiles magic just got stronger and stronger.
The Walls Are Breathing In by secondstar  E.  42k.  Complete.  Nothing could go wrong. It was just supposed to be a safe trip to the Nemeton. But this is Beacon Hills and things are rarely that simple. Welcome to the life of Stiles Stilinski.  // Or, that time that Stiles accidentally became a sorcerer against his will.
good story, and I loved the art (great colors)
Out Of Milk... by 74days  M.  88k.  Complete.   Derek Hale moved in with the Stilinskis after acting a hero, much to Stiles distress. However, things take a turn for the strange when his arrival coincides with some strange happenings in Stiles life - that will change the course of the pack forever.
Sooooo magic!Stiles. EXCELLENT story. The angst is strong in this one...
Salutations or Something by ravingrevolution  E.  155k.  Complete.  He needed an actual hobby outside of work where he would interact with actual people who did not live with him or talk to him through the internet or his phone. // Like yoga? His stupid mind supplied in an annoyingly accurate imitation of Scott’s voice. // Stiles sighed. // Like yoga. // “Fuck.”
"He was pretty sure that before he started doing yoga his life had not been an action movie sub-plot, but apparently things had changed. He really would have preferred to have starred in a romantic comedy, but he didn’t often get what he wanted." (Spark Stiles)
What I Did On My Summer Vacation by grimm  E.  119k.  Complete.  There's something weird about Beacon Hills that Stiles can't quite put his finger on. The way everyone in town knows his name the day he arrives. The way they insist the melancholic howling that echoes through the forest every night is just a dog. The way his dad denies getting a dog, even though Stiles comes home to find one sprawled across his bed, some big black thing whose eyes gleam red in the right light. The way that massive oak tree out in the woods vibrates under his touch, pulsing with sickly life. // There's something weird going on in this town, and Stiles is determined to get to the bottom of it.
hope is the thing with feathers by ShanaStoryteller T.  29k.  Complete.  Stiles is ten when he saves the Hales from their burning home and Derek from a wolfsbane bullet, and this establishes a pattern that seem to continue indefinitely."Then he's facing a burning home, and he wraps the hood of his sweatshirt around his mouth before he pushes the door open and steps inside. There's Mr. Hale asleep - he hopes asleep - on the couch, next to - Stiles thinks that's his brother but there are so many Hales, who can keep track. He rushes over and starts shaking him, can see the rise and fall of the man's chest so he knows he's alive, but he's not waking up. //  He shoves away his hood so he can shout, "Mr. Hale! You have to get up, there's a fire! Mr. Hale, get up!" Nothing, he's not even twitching, both of them taking in deep even breaths like they're having the most peaceful of rests, and Stiles is going to cry. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" //  There's a moment, where all Stiles can hear is the blood rushing in his ears and not the roar of the flames or the creak of wood, then with a violent, silent pop it's all back and both of the men are gasping awake, eyes open and jumping to their feet. "
This is awesome: It starts when Stiles is ten, and he finds himself drawn int the woods in time to pull the Hales from their burning house, and much magic is used on that day, and lo, Stiles is an extremely powerful mage. For all that he's very brave and snarky, he's also very laid-back, and so he rolls with the punches and allows himself to be adopted (more or less) into the Hale clan, even tho they're very, very weird. So for the next five years, he tags along, fights the good fight, discovering new powers along the way, grows a bond with Derek (who hates words, and hates feelings and hates combining the two even worse), keeps his oldest and bestest friend Scott (who is similarly chill about the whole thing), and just blossoms before your eyes. It's fabulous. (So is the whole series.)
Beltane by DevilDoll  E.  8k.  Complete.   "Watching Stiles heal someone has always been a little uncomfortable for Derek, like he's seeing something intimate and private that shouldn't have an audience. That's nothing compared to how it feels." This is an AU in which Stiles has magical healing powers.
Taking Leave by coyotl   M.  91k.  Complete.   Stiles leaves. It's not like he wanted to, ever, but he had to. Sure, there were choices, always. It's just that, sometimes, all the choices were bad ones.
fucking fantastic. stiles resembles a gaiman-esque saint or a god or something, on a dubiously moral killing spree for half the story. the writing is magical and gripping, and the story moves fast: gritty and bloody and unapologetic. unique and lovely.
Didn’t See That Coming by knittersrevolt E, 84k.
Stiles leaves Beacon Hills in the dust after he catches his husband cheating on him.  //  He finds his way to New York where he starts working for the Hale House Nursery, accidentally adopts a werewolf baby (through no fault of his own thank-you-very-much), and somehow starts training to be an Exorcist Emissary. So, in general, life was going good.  //  Then he hears that demons have found their way into his hometown. Can he face his inner demons and go back to save the day?
I love this story so much, it’s such a fast and engaging ride.  Plus, accidental baby acquisition, who doesn’t love that?  The one where Scott's a cheating jerk so Stiles basically runs away to upstate New York and gets a job at Hale's Nursery Preschool with Laura, and after a few months finds a woman giving birth in an alley, takes her to the hospital, and comes home with her baby when she dies.  Her werewolf baby (not that Stiles has any idea about that).  So now Stiles is the proud single parent of baby Sam.  He eventually moves in with Derek (because a hotel is no place for a newborn and Derek has an extra room).  Things develop over the next few months, and then the Alpha Pack shows up and Peter starts acting suspiciously.  Meanwhile, Stiles is getting magic lessons from Mee-Mee, who is a Demon Puller in addition to being the local supernatural pediatrician and druid.
They discover that a demon escaped the Alpha Pack and went to Beacon Hills -- along with Peter and the twins he kidnapped -- so Derek and Stiles have to pack up and follow it, right on the heels of his dad and Scott, who hired a private detective to find him.  Beacon Hills is interesting, Stiles starts up a body shop selling (magical) creams and ointments and navigates the social waters of a town who seemed not to care that he was cheated on.
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments by DevilDoll, Rahciach   E.  77k.  Complete.   "Stiles knew damn well what a pissed-off wolf sounded like, and every hair on the back of his neck was telling him that somewhere in this room was a very pissed-off werewolf." //  An AU in which Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they eat a lot of fast food.
Love this one so much!
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The One with No Goodbye.
Prompt: Friends finale scene where ross tries to beat Rachel at the airport before she moves to paris, but she still gets on the plane – Isaac as the one going to paris – put my own spin on it – @deepblueo-cean
Author’s Note: Happy birthday, @deepblueo-cean! Hope you love this!
Master List.
The One with No Goodbye.
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(Y/N) sat on the edge of Isaac’s bed with a glum look on her face as she watched him pack his bags. He was leaving for Paris the day after tomorrow for who knows how long, and (Y/N) hated it. She’d known that he always wanted to travel after high school, but she never thought he would actually do it, much less without a set return date. When he showed her the one-way ticket that he had saved up for all summer, she swore her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach.
Isaac was one of her best friends. They’d known each other since they were kids, and had gone through everything together. From parent issues, to teenage angst, to supernatural chaos – they survived it all. In the mix of all that, they even did the whole relationship thing… multiple times. Chalk it up to bad timing and too many interferences, but they just couldn’t seem to get it together no matter how much they loved each other.
Now, as she watched him pack up his suitcase, her mind raced with all the what ifs and what could’ve beens. If she was being honest with herself, those feelings never went away. She had just buried them because it was easier to believe that they’d never really work. But now she’s picturing her life without seeing him every day, and it was unfathomable. She needed him in her life to make it whole, but what kind of friend would she be if she told him to stay? This was something he’d been dreaming and talking about since they were kids. He wanted to see the world outside of Beacon Hills, and she wasn’t about to take that away from him.
“What’s running through that pretty little head of yours?” He asked as he folded a shirt and placed it in a suitcase.
(Y/N) shook the thoughts from her head and plastered on a smile. “You know, just thinking about how much easier my life will be once you’re across the world,” she joked.
Isaac chuckled as he shook his head. “Yeah right. You’re going to call me every day begging me to come back.”
She laughed at the irony of how true his statement was. There was no doubt in her mind that she would get the urge to beg him to come back every day, but she couldn’t. She wouldn’t allow herself. “So, I thought you promised me that our last few days together would be full of fun and excitement?”
“What? You don’t find watching me pack fun and exciting?” Isaac feigned offense.
“Oh yeah, Isaac. Watching you pack for the last hour and a half has been the highlight of my summer.” She replied sarcastically.
“That’s what I thought.” He smirked at her before folding and placing a few more things in his bag. “Okay, I think I’ve tortured you enough. Wanna get out of here?”
(Y/N) arched an eyebrow at him, “what do you have in mind, Lahey?”
He grinned, “fun and excitement of course.”
They spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out together. Their last day of fun together started off with a movie they’d both been dying to see. After that the pair grabbed dinner at their favorite Mexican restaurant, in which Isaac proclaimed he’d miss that the most. Then, they finished the night off with the local fair where they rode rides and won each other prizes. Since they wore themselves out, (Y/N) promised to help him finish packing the next day before his going away party. She figured it was the least she could do, especially since he was a terrible packer.
The following night, everyone gathered at Derek’s loft for a little going away party for Isaac. Surprisingly enough, it was Derek’s idea to throw the little shindig. He was feeling like a proud papa who was sending his son off to college, only in this situation, Isaac was Derek’s first beta. Derek may have his sour wolf moments and he may not be the best communicator, but he cares more than he lets on. (Y/N) knew that deep down he was just a big ole softy at heart, but he could still easily rip someone’s throat out.
(Y/N) decided to stay off to the sidelines a little and not hover Isaac as he said goodbye to his friends. She knew she would get her goodbye at some point or another. Besides, she didn’t want to intrude on his goodbyes with everyone else.
“I can’t believe he’s actually going and leaving you behind.” Lydia’s statement pulled (Y/N) from her thoughts, and her lingering stare toward Isaac and Scott.
She looked at Lydia confused, “is there some underlying meaning behind that? Or do you mean leaving me behind as a friend? Because if it’s that, then he’s leaving us all behind.”
Lydia rolled her eyes, “you know what I mean. Everyone here knows what I mean.” (Y/N) still looked at her as if she had no idea what she was saying. “Seriously? Everyone thought you two were finally going to work things out and be together.”
(Y/N)’s eyes went wide and she felt her cheeks heat up. When she looked back at Isaac, he quickly looked away as if he had gotten caught. “Lydia!” She chastised in a whisper as she gave her a little glare.
Lydia brushed her off, “oh, please.”
“Whoa, why are you giving my girl the death glare, (Y/N)?” Stiles asked as he threw his arm across Lydia’s shoulders.
“I brought up how everyone thought her and Isaac would finally realize that they’re meant to be together.” Lydia answered for (Y/N) with a shrug.
“Please, say it a little louder.” (Y/N) said sarcastically.
“I will…” Stiles was about to yell from the rooftops, but (Y/N) quickly got beside him and covered his mouth with her hand.
“You will not utter one more word about it.” She warned him seriously and then tossed a look to Lydia. “Either of you.”
“So, you’re saying you don’t still have feelings for him?” Lydia asked even though she already knew the answer.
(Y/N) shook her head at where this conversation was going. “What do you expect me to do? Follow him to Paris?” She whispered as she took her hand off Stiles’ mouth, hoping Isaac wasn’t using his werewolf hearing to listen in.
Lydia shook her head vehemently, “no. You’re going to Berkley like you’ve dreamed of since you were a kid.”
“So, Isaac is just supposed to give up his dream of traveling to Paris and across Europe and go to Berkley with me?” (Y/N) asked with an arched eyebrow.
“She’s got a point there, Lyds.” Stiles piped in.
Lydia smacked him in the chest a little. “No. All I’m saying is that maybe if he knew how you felt, his trip wouldn’t be indefinite.”
“I’m not going to put a guilt trip on him.” (Y/N) stated firmly before walking away.
She met up with Scott who had just finished up his conversation with Isaac, but she could see the sad emotions written all over his face. “Hey, you okay?”
Scott nodded his head, “yeah, I’m fine. We just said our goodbyes, and it’s just weird, I guess. Even though he’s Derek’s beta, he sort of became a part of my pack, you know? He became like a brother to me. I know we’re all going our separate ways for college and stuff, but he’s going across the world and we have no idea when we’ll see him again. It’s sad. I can only imagine how you’ll feel when you two say your goodbyes.”
(Y/N) placed her hand on Scott’s arm and rubbed it up and down in a comforting way. “Yeah, I definitely get how you feel.” She responded with a deep sigh. “He’ll be back though, and I’m sure he’ll send post cards and emails and such. He won’t be completely out of our lives.” She tried to reassure him – and herself – with a soft smile. “Wait, is he doing all of his goodbyes now?”
“Yeah, he said this is the best time since his flight is so early in the morning. He wants to make sure everyone gets a proper goodbye individually.” Scott answered with a solemn look on his face. “That’s why I said I can only imagine how you’ll feel about yours.”
Suddenly it hit (Y/N). Her best friend was leaving in a matter of hours.
“It just hit you, didn’t it?” Scott asked, and all she could do was nod as she tried to fight the tears that were coming. “It’ll be okay, (Y/N).” He sympathized and pulled her in for a hug.
She hugged him back quickly and then pulled away. “Thank you, but if I keep doing this, I’m just going to be a blubbering mess, and it’s too early for that right now.” She said with a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood. But then she looked over at the couch where she saw Isaac hugging Allison as she cried on his shoulder. She wasn’t surprised. They had gotten really close over the last year, so much so that everyone assumed they were together, but they never confirmed anything.
“I need some fresh air.” (Y/N) said after letting out a deep breath. Scott nodded in understanding.
She walked outside onto Derek’s terrace and breathed in the fresh air, instantly calming her. She didn’t think it would be this hard. Of course, she didn’t want him to leave, but she had been telling herself this whole time that things were going to be okay. That they were going to be okay – no matter how far apart they were. Now, as she witnessed him saying his goodbyes, she wasn’t sure she could handle any of it. Saying goodbye to him was going to be the hardest thing she’d ever have done.
As she sat down in one of the outdoor chairs, (Y/N) tried to think of what she was going to say and what he would say. Would it be long and drawn out? Will they rehash all their memories together? Will it be awkward or comfortable? Will there be banter or just full of emotions? Will he kiss her? Will he cry? She knows she’ll cry.
“God, why does this suck so much?” She whispered to herself as she wiped a stray tear that had fallen.
“Hey.” Isaac’s voice pulled her out of her emotional thoughts and she quickly wiped at her face to look back at him as he leaned out the doorway a little.
“Hey.” She said with a plastered smile.
“Are you ready to head out? It’s getting kind of late and I still have some packing to do.” He asked casually.
The question threw her off a bit. She knew that she was his ride back to the McCall house, but she thought he was coming to tell her his goodbye. Maybe he was saving it for when they were actually alone together. That must be it. “Oh. Yeah, sure.”
(Y/N) stood up and went back in to say bye to their friends. It wasn’t as sad for her though, since she would see them again tomorrow whereas Isaac wouldn’t. “Tell him,” Lydia whispered in her ear as they hugged. (Y/N) just rolled her eyes at her before walking away. Her and Isaac both waved as they walked out the door.
The ride back to Scott’s – and essentially Isaac’s now – house was uncomfortably silent. Neither of them said one word to each other, nor did the radio even play. (Y/N) just drove while Isaac sat in the passenger seat staring out the window. The only noise was the hum of her car. They had never been like this before. Any other time they shared silent moments together, it was comfortable and relaxed. This felt awkward and almost tense. She hated it.
She pulled into the driveway and put the car in park before clearing her throat. “Well, looks like this is it.” She said, finally breaking the silence.
Isaac unbuckled his seatbelt and sat up a little straighter as he just stared at the house for a minute, seemingly lost in thought. “You okay?”
He snapped out of it and looked back at her. “What? Oh, yeah. I was just taking it all in, I guess. Memorizing everything so I don’t forget.”
(Y/N) looked at him confused, “the house?”
He nodded, “the house, the loft, the town. Everything. I just don’t want to forget it, you know?”
“Yeah, I understand. I’m a little surprised though. You’d think that after everything you’ve been through here, you’d want to forget this place and never look back.” She said truthfully.
Isaac shrugged his shoulders, “not everything was bad.” He looked over at her with a soft smile and she couldn’t help but return one. He let out a long breath. “Well, I guess I’ll see you around.” He said before leaning over the console and giving her a quick hug.
She hugged him back out of instinct, but then was left flabbergasted as he just got out of the car and started heading inside. That’s it? That’s their goodbye? An “I’ll see you around” and a cheap side hug over the console? What the hell? She thought.
No. Not on her watch.
(Y/N) unbuckled her belt and quickly got out of the car. “Hey!” Isaac turned around to look at her confused. “That’s it? That’s all I get for a goodbye? Everyone else gets emotional, heartfelt speeches, but I get an ‘I’ll see you around’ and a hug over the console? After everything we’ve been through? That’s all I mean to you?” She rambled from where she stood at the front of her car, tears stinging at her eyes.
Isaac stood about fifteen feet away from her, silent. He just looked at her like he was sorry, but he didn’t know what else to say. She could see the pain in his eyes, but he didn’t utter a single word or move a single inch. She couldn’t believe it.
She scoffed and shook her head as she went to get back in her car. “Forget it. Screw you, Isaac.” (Y/N) finally said before getting back in her car, buckling her belt, and peeling out of the driveway to get away from there as fast as she could. Tears rolled down her face the whole way home. She knew it was pointless to try to stop them, so she just let them fall.
Her heart was shattered.
(Y/N) sat on top of her bed with her knees pulled to her chest and tears streaming down her face. She hadn’t stopped crying since she left Isaac, not even for a second. The tears just wouldn’t stop falling. The more she thought about him, their relationship, and how they just left things, the more she sobbed. Thankfully her parents were out of town so they couldn’t ask her what’s wrong. The last thing she wanted was for them to be mad at him.
She was mad at Isaac enough for the three of them.
She didn’t understand. (Y/N) thought she meant more to him than that… that their relationship meant more than that. Now she wanted to hate him. She wanted to yell and scream at him. She wanted to throw things at him. But she would never do any of those things for two reasons. One, she knows the hell his father put him through and would never intentionally try to trigger that PTSD. Two, she still loved him. No matter how bad she didn’t want to right now, the love she has for him doesn’t go away so easily.
A loud rapping on her bedroom door startled her. She looked over at it through blurry eyes. Not expecting anyone, much less anyone that had a key to her house, she wasn’t sure what to do. The knocking persisted, though. “(Y/N)! Open up! Please!”
Her heart began pounding rapidly. It was Isaac.
“Go away! I have nothing to say to you!” She yelled with a sniffle. She didn’t know why he didn’t just walk in. It’s not like her door was locked.
“Well, I have some things to say to you! So, whether you like it or not, I’m coming in!” He said before barging into the room.
(Y/N) got up from her bed, walked over to him and started trying to push him out the door. “Don’t you ever listen? I said go away!” When he didn’t budge, she started punching at his chest as she sobbed. “Why? Why couldn’t you give me a proper goodbye? After everything we’ve been through! Why don’t I get a goodbye?! Why?”
Isaac just let her yell and hit him until she finally stopped and collapsed against his chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, tears starting to brim his eyes. “Shhh… shh.” He cooed, rubbing her back up and down as he tried to calm her down.
“No. I need to know.” She sniffled into his now tear-stained shirt.
Isaac sucked in a deep breath before slowly exhaling, gathering the courage to tell her the truth. “Because it’s too damn hard, (Y/N).” She pulled out of the hug and looked at him with incredulous, red and puffy eyes. She was about to say something, but he beat her to the punch. “It’s not because you don’t mean anything to me. It’s because you mean more to me than anyone or anything else. The thought of saying goodbye to you and leaving you behind in the morning… it’s like someone’s ripping my heart out.” Tears now spilled over the rim of his blue eyes as he stared into her hazel ones. “The thought of not seeing you every single day, not hearing you laugh or seeing you smile, or listening to you complain about my taste in music… not being able to hold you in my arms… it kills me just enough to make me want to stay or beg you to come with me. But I can’t do that because I know you wouldn’t let me skip out on my dreams, and I’m not about to keep you from going to your dream college.” He ended his explanation as he pushed her hair back and caressed her cheeks with his thumbs, wiping at the tear stains.
(Y/N) didn’t know what to say, so she did the only thing she could think of that she wanted to do. She stood up on her toes a little, grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled his lips to hers. She kissed him with everything she had. She didn’t care that he was getting on a plane in a matter of hours or that she had no idea when he’d be back. She didn’t care if this changed everything between them. All she cared about was living in this moment for as long as she possibly could because she knew as soon as it was over, he’d have to leave.
He guided her backwards until the back of her knees met the edge of her bed. Breaking their lip lock, she sat down and scooted back up the bed. Isaac soon hovered over her as she laid back and their lips met once again. Her hands trailed up his back all the way to his soft, curly hair while one of his slipped to her hip and the other braced himself above her. As the night went on, clothes got dispersed to the floor, the sheets became tangled, and not once did they leave each other’s arms.
The next morning, (Y/N) instantly woke when she rolled over and realized that Isaac wasn’t there. She opened her eyes and sighed in relief when she spotted him with his back to her as he pulled up his jeans. “I thought you left without waking me up.” She said, her voice still groggy, as she sat up and pulled the blanket up with her.
Isaac turned around and gave her a soft smile. “To be honest, I almost did, but I didn’t want you to wake up and chase me down at the airport for another tongue lashing.” He joked with a grin towards her.
She threw a pillow at him, but laughed nonetheless. “Well, sorry for caring.”
He crawled back up the bed next to her and gave her a kiss. “Thank you for caring.” He responded and she could tell that he was being sincere about it. He crashed and rolled onto his back with a groan. “Why did I get such an early flight?”
(Y/N) ran her fingers through his hair. “Because you’re a weirdo and didn’t expect to be up half the night with me.” She answered with a devilish grin.
“Nope. Definitely didn’t factor that in.” There was a spark in his eye as he looked back at her and it made her feel all tingly.
“Give me ten minutes and I’ll take you.” Isaac nodded and she gave him another quick kiss before getting out of the bed and taking the bedsheet with her.
“Hey, (Y/N)…” She turned to look at him and waited for him to continue. He shook his head, “never mind.”
She eyed him confused, “you sure?”
Isaac nodded, “yeah. Go get dressed. I gotta be there soon.”
After she nodded and disappeared into the bathroom, Isaac let out a deep sigh as he crashed his head against the pillow. So many thoughts and scenarios swarmed through his brain. There was so much that he wanted to tell her, but couldn’t find the right words. Not that any of it mattered, he’d be in the air on the way to Paris soon and she’d still be here… without him. He hated it.
They arrived at the airport with a little over an hour to spare so she decided to just hang out with him until it was time for him to board. She even bought the cheapest ticket that could get her past security. They browsed the small gift shops, grabbed some breakfast at one of the restaurants, and then just goofed around with each other while they sat at his gate. To her, it felt like they were just a couple passing time before he had to leave for a business trip or something. With the hand-holding and flirty glances and whispers to one another, it didn’t feel like they were just best friends who hooked up the night before and had a complicated relationship, and now he was flying off to Paris for who knows how long.
(Y/N) sat sideways in the chair next to Isaac, her legs thrown over the armrest and his legs. She was lost in thought as she fiddled with his hand that hadn’t left hers. They hadn’t really spoken in the last thirty minutes because neither of them wanted to face the heartache of goodbye. There was so much they both wanted to say, but knew that it would be futile in a matter of minutes. What was the point in telling someone how you felt when they were leaving?
“Flight 602 to Paris, France, please line up in numerical order. We will begin boarding soon.” The man said over the intercom of Isaac’s gate.
“Well, I guess that’s me.” He said solemnly with a sigh, but didn’t budge an inch.
(Y/N) just kept fiddling with his hand, tracing along each finger with her own. “I guess so.” She finally stood up so that he could stand as well. Her hand intertwined with his once again and she looked back and forth between the line forming and him, trying to fight back the tears.
“Hey,” Isaac said softly. He lifted her chin to where she was looking at him and the sight of her tear-filled eyes broke his heart. “We’re going to be okay. I promise.” He assured her before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
When he pulled back and looked into her hazel eyes, she couldn’t hold it back any longer. “Don’t go.” She said barely above a whisper.
Isaac looked at her with knitted eyebrows, “what?”
“I know it’s unbelievably selfish, and I’m not actually going to let you stay because of me, but I just needed to say it so that you know that I wanted you to stay here… with me. To be with me. Because I love you. I’ve always loved you. But you’re going to get on that plane and you’re going to go to Paris and travel Europe and live out your dream because you deserve it and because it will make you happy. That’s all I want for you. Okay?” She confessed seemingly all in one breath. She sucked in a breath and nodded her head. “Okay.” She leaned up on her toes a little and gave him a quick kiss before turning on her heel and walking away.
Isaac was left standing there speechless and in shock, trying to comprehend what just happened. He stared after her until she disappeared into the crowd, and she didn’t turn back to look at him once. If he was being honest, a part of him was hoping that she would.
So, he pushed back his emotions and did what she told him to do. He got in line as the attendant made the last call for his flight. His ticket was scanned; he walked down the jet bridge and boarded the plane. The whole time wondering if he was about to make the biggest mistake of his life.
An hour and a half later, after making a few pit-stops, (Y/N) finally made it back home. All she wanted to do was curl up in her bed and binge watch FRIENDS on Netflix to take her mind off Isaac. So, that’s what she did after a quick shower. She put her pjs back on and crawled under the covers only to be surrounded by his intoxicating scent. Closing her eyes, she breathed it in and instantly missed him even more.
The sound of her phone dinging on the nightstand startled her. She had forgotten all about how she accidentally left it there when they left for the airport. She grabbed it and saw a notification for a missed call and a voicemail from about an hour ago. They were both from Isaac. Her heart started pounding at the anticipation of his reaction to how she left him at the airport. Truth be told, she regretted leaving him like that. Hell, she didn’t even tell him goodbye or see you soon. She just confessed her undying love, kissed him, and left. What kind of person does that?
She took a deep breath and slowly released it before playing the voicemail, prepared for whatever he was about to say.
“Hey, so I, uh… I just wanted to let you know I made it on the plane, but there’s some sort of delay, so I wanted to take the time to call you and assure you of something. You aren’t the only selfish one, (Y/N). Do you know how bad I wanted to ask you to put off college for a bit so that we could travel Europe together? It took every ounce of willpower for me not to.” She heard him release a shaky, nervous breath.
“And I also need you to know that… I love you, too. Of course, I do. I’ve always loved you. It has always been you, (Y/N). No one else has even come close.” He paused with an exasperated sigh and (Y/N) wiped at the tears that were starting to fall.
“What am I doing? I love you. Why did I get on this plane without you? Why didn’t I just chase after you? Damn it, I’m such an idiot. I need to get off this plane.” (Y/N) sits straight up in her bed as she listens to him shuffle around a bit. “Excuse me, I need to get off this plane.” She hears him tell the flight attendant.
“I’m sorry, sir, but I’m afraid you’re too late. Please sit back down and buckle your seatbelt. We’re about to take off.” The flight attendant told him, and (Y/N) wanted to scream at her.
“Please! You don’t understand! Please let me get off the plane!” (Y/N) hears him exclaim.
“Let him get off the plane, lady!” (Y/N) yells at her phone as if anyone could hear her on the other end. But the voicemail beeps signifying that it was over. “No… no, no, no…” she mutters repeatedly as she checks her phone for anymore voicemails, but there isn’t any. “No! I need to know if he got off the plane!” She cried out to no one.
“I got off the plane.” (Y/N) instantly stopped what she was doing on her phone at the sound of his voice. She looked up and her heart felt like it was about to explode at the sight of him. She dropped her phone, stood up in her bed, and ran to him; jumping into his arms as he dropped his duffel bag. Not wasting any time, they crashed their lips together as her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms locked behind his neck.
Neither pulled away until their lungs burned for oxygen. “I can’t believe you got off the plane.” (Y/N) whispered as she rested her forehead against his.
Isaac stared into her hazel eyes and she saw that spark again. “I told you I couldn’t say goodbye to you.”
The end.
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alocalband · 7 years
A very long time ago @jennthereaper and @simplyn2deep both sent me this prompt, and I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long, but the other day I was finally inspired to take a stab at it. I hope you enjoy!
From The Way You Said “I Love You” 
#26 Broken, as you clutch the sleeve of my jacket and beg me not to leave
“Please, Derek, please, I--“ Stiles chokes back the beginnings of tears and clutches harder at the sleeve of Derek’s jacket. He’s on his knees, having tripped in his scramble to get to Derek from the other side of the loft. “I love you, okay? And I’m sorry I didn’t say it before, I’ve been a coward about this whole thing, but I love you. And I know you love me too. I know you do, and I need you not to leave like this, fuck, Derek, please don’t do this.”
 Derek stares down at him for a long time, heart clenched in his throat.
 And then he looks up at where the other Stiles is pursing his lips in a hard frown as he watches the scene.
 “It isn’t real?” Derek asks for the hundredth time since the other Stiles, the real Stiles, showed up in this apparent dreamscape.
 Stiles shakes his head stiffly.
 The Stiles on the floor is still pleading with him around tears, but the noises of his despair are starting to fade, as if Derek were now hearing him from a distance. Even his heartbeat, a sound that Derek has been clinging to as an anchor for what feels like forever, begins to disappear.
 Derek swallows and steels himself against feeling anything more than determination to get through this newest mess.
 “What now?” he asks, tone clinical and firm.
 Stiles answers him in a similar tone, his expression betraying nothing about what’s going on in his own head. A far cry from the Stiles that Derek first met a couple years ago, terrified and mouthy and young. “Now you wake up.”
 Reality is brighter than Derek remembers it. But maybe that’s just the month-long magic-induced coma talking.
 Scott’s pack has been busy while he’s been asleep, tracking down Kate and taking her out, and then searching frantically for a way to reverse whatever spell she put Derek under without accidentally killing him.
 In the end, it was simple.
 In the end, it was Stiles.
 Derek only catches a glimpse of him when he first wakes up, before Stiles mutters something to Scott and leaves Deaton’s clinic without looking back.
 After that, Stiles’ absence is only noticeable in that it shouldn’t be. After all, in reality the last time they stood in the other’s presence was well before the nogitsune.
 A part of Derek misses him anyway. A side effect of having spent so long dreaming a reality in which they never left each other’s sides.
 But it was just a dream, nothing close to the truth, and so Derek tries to put it out of his head. If that means avoiding Stiles just as much as Stiles avoids him, then so be it. Derek has suffered through worse, has been responsible for worse, and has never been deserving of any better. Despite what his comatose dreams tried to make him believe.
 “Hey, are you okay?” Scott asks him about two weeks into this. Scott’s been very obviously treating Derek with kid gloves ever since the coma, “casually” checking in on him every couple days like he’s afraid Derek will get kidnapped again if he doesn’t.
 “I’m fine,” Derek says shortly, and doesn’t even fully realize that this is a lie until the words are out of his mouth and Scott is frowning at the stutter in his heartbeat.
 Derek sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I’m... dealing with it.”
 “Does that mean actually dealing with it, or, like, dealing with it the way Stiles has been? Which is pretty much not at all.”
 Derek’s eyes narrow at Stiles’ name. “So you’ve spoken to him about this. What--“ Derek swallows. “What did he tell you?”
 “Nothing, unfortunately. Because he seems to think he’s just as impervious and just as alone in all this as you do. But you guys aren’t alone, okay? And you aren’t impervious. And, I just... I’m here if you need me, man.”
 “I know that,” Derek admits uncomfortably, but holds Scott’s gaze in what he hopes is a reassuring way. “And I appreciate it. I’m sure Stiles does too. But you really don’t need to worry about this. I’ve already moved on.”
 This time he knows he’s lying when he does it. And Scott’s answering frown is filled with a lot more pity than not, but he doesn’t say anything more on the subject.
 Stiles shows up on Derek’s doorstep a week later.
 He looks like he’s been sleeping even less lately than the couple hours a night he already was. There are dark bruises under his eyes and he holds himself up like he’s only doing it out of habit.
 Derek swallows back a concerned comment. It isn’t his place. Was never his place, no matter the confusion of remembering a false time when it was.
 There’s a determined expression on Stiles’ face though, like he only made it out of his house and all the way to the loft out of sheer force of will. Like the only reason he’s standing in front of Derek right now is because he’s too stubborn to back down from... whatever this is. His hands clench into fists at his sides. “Listen, I thought I could just let it go, but I can’t.”
 Derek braces himself for impact.
 Stiles steps forward, his gaze steely. “That guy in your dream. That wasn’t me.”
 Derek grits his teeth, jaw clenching painfully. “I know,” he manages to choke out, low and harsh.
 “You say that, but your subconscious obviously has different ideas. And I am not that guy, Derek. I’m not. I get that you see me as this pathetic whatever, can’t even keep myself in check enough to keep the nogitsune out of my head, let alone to keep from getting my feelings all over you, but--”
 “Wait.” Derek blinks. “What?”
 “I disgust you, I get it, I mean you were already avoiding me before all of this, we barely saw each other after that night at the hospital with Ms. Blake, so I get that you wanted nothing to do with me once you figured it out, but... Fuck.” He runs a hand through his hair aggressively, his whole body vibrating. “But it’s important to me that you know that I am not that guy. I would never shove myself on you like that and try to manipulate you like-- like I could just dictate your feelings. No way. Fuck that. I would never, man. I would never violate--”
 “Stiles--” Derek tries to interrupt, but Stiles keeps barreling forward like he can’t help himself.
“You actually think that I-- I mean I know what shit like that would do to you, acting like I have the right to tell you how you should feel about me, and I wouldn’t, I swear I wouldn’t, I--”
 “Stiles stop.”
 Stiles abruptly seals his lips together and exhales roughly through his nose, looking like a caged bull ready for a fight. Looking like he thinks he deserves a fight, and is desperate to prepare himself for it.
 Derek closes his eyes and draws in a deep breath. “What you saw in my head, it... It wasn’t ever something I didn’t want. So you don’t have to worry about that, alright?” He opens his eyes and makes sure to meet Stile’s gaze with as much force behind his own as he’s ever felt. “So quit beating yourself up over things you can’t control. It wasn’t your fault that the nogitsune used you against your will. And it certainly isn’t your fault that I imagined a version of you that... that might love me.”
 “I don’t understand. Are you... What are you saying?” his tone is hesitant and soft and completely at odds with the tight fists his hands are still making.
 “What you saw in my dream, it had nothing to do with however you might feel, and everything to do with how I do. I saw what I wanted to see, Stiles. And it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to walk away from.”
 Stiles draws in a sharp breath and holds it, eyes wide, and full of just as much shock as hope.
 Derek takes a cautious step towards him. “I was never avoiding you because I figured out your feelings, whatever they might be. I was avoiding you because I figured out my own.”
 “So, you... you want me to throw myself at you?”
 Derek fights, and spectacularly loses, against the small smile tugging at his lips. “Well. I’d be willing to meet you half way.”
 Stiles’ answering smile is just as small and just as poorly fought back as he moves to propel himself forward, finally closing the distance between them...
 “Shit. I can’t.” Only to fall back a step instead, letting himself hit the wall behind him hard enough to knock a small breath out of him. “I have had so many fantasies about this moment, Derek, but I... I can’t do it. Not right now. Not yet. I only just got my body back to myself, and my head was never even all that under my control to begin with. I am going to fuck everything up six ways to Sunday if I do what I really want to do right now.”
 “Alright,” Derek says carefully, ignoring the tightness in his chest. “And what do you want to do, Stiles?”
 “Uh, kiss you until we both pass out from lack of oxygen?”
 The corner of Derek’s mouth involuntarily tugs up a bit. “I would not be opposed to that.”
 Stiles laughs. “You’re not helping here.” He points an accusing finger at Derek, and then groans and runs his hand down his tired face. “God damn it, our timing is the worst.”
 Derek would agree, and he purses his lips at the weary set of Stiles’ shoulders, the lack of life behind his unusually dim eyes. Stiles has been hanging on by a thread in the weeks since the nogitsune, forgoing any actual dealing in favor of helping Scott find and cure Derek, and then in favor of worrying about what he’d seen in Derek’s head.
 The last thing Stiles needs right now is some whirlwind romance. Which, Derek suspects, is exactly what they would immediately fall into, knowing them.
 So Derek clears his throat and he straightens his posture and he is perfectly ready to choose the adult option. However painful it is. He’s used to pain. He’ll get over it eventually, like he always does.
 Instead, what comes out of his mouth is: “I’m willing to wait.”
 Stiles does a double take. And then just openly stares at Derek like he’s trying to determine if he’s dreaming or not. 
 Then he grins. And for just a moment, he doesn’t look so tired.
 It’s a quiet thing, when it finally happens.
 Over the past couple months, they’ve gotten into a routine. On nights when Scott can’t stay over at the Stilinski’s or the Sheriff is overwhelmed with work, Stiles heads to the loft.
 They lend each other books and then sit on opposite ends of the couch, reading until one of them falls asleep. Until Stiles falls asleep, which took a few weeks to happen at all. Now that it does, that sleep seems to go uninterrupted a little bit longer each time Derek sees him, and Derek’s heart has gotten progressively lighter along with that progress.
 They talk sometimes, and sometimes they don’t. Sometimes Stiles deviates from the routine and comes over early to do his homework. Sometimes Derek deviates and meets Scott and Stiles at the Stilinski’s, not because he’s really needed, but just to be there.
 “Being there” seems to be the point. They’re not alone in this, as Scott’s been trying to convince them both of for awhile. Proving that to themselves, and to each other, in these small and steady ways, is what’s ultimately done the most good for everyone.
 Derek always knew he’d risk his life for Stiles. But it seems like an altogether different kind of trust to know now that he would also risk his day-to-day for him. That he would let himself grow comfortable with the consistency of Stiles’ presence. That he would give Stiles not just his life or his death, but his time and his attention. And that Stiles would give him the same in return.
 “You look tired,” Stiles mumbles, half asleep, book abandoned in his lap.
 Derek makes a soft noise of assent, because he is tired, but he’ll never let himself fall asleep first. He sinks down into the cushions and rests his temple on the back of the couch so that he’s looking at Stiles.
 Stiles rolls his head across his own couch cushion so that he’s looking back. “It’s a good tired though.”
 “Yeah. An ‘I like you so much I’d let my guard down around you’ tired.”
 Derek huffs a small laugh, his eyes falling shut. “So not an ‘it’s three in the morning and I’ve been up since six’ tired, huh?” he asks through a smile.
 “No,” Stiles whispers. “Definitely an ‘I like you’ tired.”
 Before Derek can think to respond, there are warm lips pressed gently against his. A warm palm cradling his jaw. A warm body pressing tentatively into his side.
 Derek opens his eyes and pulls away just enough to meet Stiles’ open and unwavering gaze.
 “I’m the good kind of tired too, by the way,” Stiles says.
 Derek brushes his thumbs across the apples of Stiles’ cheeks, just looking his fill for a moment. Stiles closes his eyes with a soft, contented sigh that Derek’s never heard before, but would do everything in his power to hear on a daily basis for the rest of his life.
 He ducks forward and kisses Stiles again. And again. And then pulls him in close with both arms to fall asleep against each other.
 It’s better than anything from Derek’s dreams. More difficult, certainly, and slower, and kind of terrifying, but also... a little miraculous, to be perfectly honest. 
But it feels earned. And it feels good. Necessary, even. 
And very definitely real.
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aworldinsideaperson · 7 years
Florence Nightingale Effect-Brett Talbot-Part One
Teen Wolf Imagine:#116
Word Count:1,570
Warnings: Not particularly violent or graphic but the first part is a bit much. The beginning is very similar if not exactly like the beginning of Orphaned (season 4 Episode 6) so if that bothered you this might bother you a bit.
Summary: When she saves his life Brett takes a liking to Y/N. Though she is convinced it’s just the Florence Nightingale effect, if only to keep herself from falling for him in return.
A/n: This was requested by an anon for where the reader saves Brett and he falls for her. I changed it up a bit but the main concept is still there. Also thank you @joeynihil for helping me out with the gif!
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Coming Soon
Last Imagine
She watched from the corner or the room when Derek and Stiles half carried, half dragged a tall, shirtless boy into Deaton’s office. When they placed him onto the metal table, he began to spasm as if having a seizure.
She stood from her spot to help the two men but Deaton turned to her quickly. “Y/N, stay there!” He exclaimed startling Y/N though she listened and moved back into the corner, watching the scene before her.
Derek and Stiles held the boy’s shoulders down and Deaton grabbed a scalpel. “What the hell is happening to this kid?” Stiles asked as he struggled to hold the thrashing werewolf against the table.
“He’s been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane. I’m going to make an incision and you need to hold him as still as possible.” Deaton stated calmly.
“Hey Derek, how about a little werewolf strength?” Stiles asked Derek.
“Yeah, well I’m not the only one here with werewolf strength.” He replied quickly.
“If you can’t hold him still the incision might kill him.” Deaton stressed.
His body began to thrash harder despite the young men’s tight grip on him. Y/N stood on her toes watching the scene unfold. “I think he’s slipping, I think I can hold him.” As the words slipped from his mouth the tall boy slipped from Stiles’ grasp and jumped off the table. He quickly looked around the room then tried to make a run for it only to be punched in the face and stopped by Peter Hale.
“I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself.” Peter stated looking between his fist and his nephew.
“Maybe more than a little.” Derek mused.
Y/N moved to the floor beside Stiles and the boy whose body was now completely still. “Hey Doc, I don’t think he’s breathing.” Stiles announced to the room. Deaton moved quickly, kneeling beside the boy with the scalpel in his hand. He then skillfully cut down the center of the boy’s bare chest. A small cloud of yellow dust burst from the incision and the boy took a deep breath followed by short and staggered gasps, his eyes still shut.  
“Is he okay?” Stiles asked.
“I think he’ll be fine, but he’ll probably be out for a while.” Deaton explained.
Y/N then heard a whisper. “Can you hear that? I think he’s saying something.”
She leaned in closer to the boy to hear him. “The sun, the moon, the truth.” He repeated over and over like a chant.
“The sun, the moon, the truth?” She mimicked, turning to look at Deaton.
“Three things cannot long be hidden, the sun, the moon, and the truth.” He explained turning to Peter and Derek who were still standing.
“That’s Buddhist, isn’t it?” Y/N offered.
She looked between the three men who all seemed to have the same thought. “Satomi.” Peter said with a sour expression on his face.
Doctor Deaton sighed then began to stand up. “Let’s get him back onto the table then we can go talk in my office.” Peter and Derek moved to help pick the boy up.
“I have to get back before my dad starts to worry.” Stiles stated.
Y/N called out to stop him. “Wait, before you go, who is this kid?”
“His name’s Brett Talbot. He played for Devenford Prep’s team, we had no idea there were other werewolves anywhere near Beacon Hills.” Stiles replied before turning around and walking out of the clinic.
Once Brett was back on the table Deaton turned to Y/N who was looking over the boy for any other injuries he may have sustained. “Y/N will you stay with him? He may be out for a while but he’ll probably be confused and scared when he comes around.”
She nodded. “Of course.” With that the three men walked out of the room and towards Deaton’s office.
Y/N looked over the boy, noting the lack of any other external injuries, not that she expected to see many on a werewolf. She noted the yellow residue on his chest and the yellow tinted drool that was slowly drying on his face. She took a paper towel and wet it, she wiped the residue from his toned chest and then cleaned the drool from his mouth. Just as she was cleaning the last bit off, he stirred. She walked over to the trash can, disposing of the paper towels before turning around the look at the boy who now seemed to be almost completely conscious.
“What happened?” He asked.
“You almost died.” She stated.
“How?” He questioned.
“Well it was either being stabbed with wolfsbane or from the obvious excessive amount of exercise you do.” She said walking towards the sink.
“I was at lacrosse.” He explained.
She turned on the faucet and began to wash her hands of any left over wolfsbane residue. “See? That exercise. It will get you every time.”
“I was stabbed.” He stated, clearly not finding her jokes funny.
“I am aware.”
“You saved me.” He professed.
Y/N shook her head. “No, Deaton saved you, I just cleaned up the mess.”
“But I saw you.” He explained.
“I was here when you came in. You were practically a full blown werewolf. You probably took me in without noticing.”
Brett nodded then moved to stand up. “I should get going I need to get back to-” As soon as his feet hit the floor Brett was falling to the ground.
Y/N rushed over to help him back onto the table. “Woah, stand up Gracie! Need to get back where, Lacrosse? The game’s over.”
“No, Satomi.” He explained.
“Is Satomi your Alpha?” She asked, it was the second time she heard the name tonight and she was becoming curious.
“Yeah” He nodded.
“Well you really shouldn’t be going anywhere, at least not unescorted. So I’ll take you home.” Y/N pulled her keys from her pocket and dangled them from her finger.
“I assure you I don’t need and esco-umph.” Brett jumped from the table again only to fall back to the ground.
This time Y/N didn’t move to help him up she just stood there looking at the boy on the ground. “You sure? It doesn’t look like you’re walking and you most certainly aren’t driving so how are you getting there?”
Brett scoffed. “Fine but only because I’m a little woozy.” Y/N nodded and helped the still shirtless boy to his feet and out to her car. However sometime between slipping him into the passenger's seat and sliding into the driver’s seat Brett was once again out cold and unable to give directions. After a quick text to Deaton Y/N decided the best place for an unconscious werewolf was her home.
Y/N dragged Brett through the door of her home, huffing as she dropped him down on the couch. She looked at the boy from a moment before being startled by a voice behind her.
“Bringing home a stray?” They asked.
Y/N turned to see her mother standing there with a mug of coffee in her hand, more than likely on her way to a shift at the hospital. Y/N sighed as she looked down at the boy. “I was supposed to take him back to his Alpha but he fell asleep and couldn’t give me directions.” She explained.
“Alright, well, just leave him there.” Her mother said as she set the cup in the sink and packed up her things for work.
“Coolio.” Y/N said, grabbing a throw blanket to cover the boy then went upstairs to her bedroom.
The next morning Brett slowly opened his eyes, taking in unfamiliar surrounding. “Where am I?” He asked as Y/N set a plate and mug on the coffee table before him.
“House McCall.” She stated plainly.
“And how did I get here?” He asked.
“You fell asleep as soon as I got you in the car and Deaton said it would be inappropriate to dump you on the side of the road like a stray. Especially when you’re half naked.” She explained, placing a pile of clothes on the the table beside the plate.
“Well thanks for that.”
Y/N chuckled. “I brought up breakfast and some of Scott’s clothes for you to borrow. You should be fine now, minus the psychological damage of almost being assassinated, you’ve made a full recovery.” She said pointing to both the plate and the pile then moved to fold up the blanket he had used in the night.
“Thank you, you’ve been pretty great to me the past few hours. Could I take you out sometime as a show of appreciation?”  He offered, a flirty smirk on his lips.
She leaned over to place the blanket on the back of the couch very close to Brett’s side. “I’m no Florence Nightingale.” She whispered. “Now get dressed and get out.” She said, pulling away and beginning to walk upstairs to her room.
“Can I at least eat my breakfast first?” He yelled after her, picking up the plate from the table.
“Goodbye Talbot!” She yelled back now halfway up the stairs.
Brett shook his head and smiled as he began to eat the breakfast she had made for him. She may not be Florence Nightingale but Brett could see himself already falling for her.
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nyxelestia · 7 years
Teen Wolf's sounds are great, but its visuals are terrible, and THAT is its weakness
I just read some great meta from about how worldbuilding was probably Teen Wolf's greatest failure. It really hit the nail on the head about how we never really see the kids doing normal, teenage things in between all these abnormal, supernatural things. I can't reblog the post, but I did really want to make one addition to it.
It's not that the writing started to decline throughout the show. Writing was never the problem, nor was its biggest corollary (acting). It was everything else - and very specifically, things like set design, and setting in general.
This is unsurprising for an MTV show, but "sound" has always been one of the biggest features of Teen Wolf. Ranging from extraordinarily well-acted dialogue to fantastic music, and including more subtle developments about the supernatural world based on sound. Think about how much of the supernatural world thus far has been about the way things sound. How much of the werewolves' power or developments are in their roars? Have you ever noticed that Lydia mostly only hears things that aren't there, but rarely ever sees them? (And when she does literally see things, it's almost always someone else trying to manipulate her, rather than her own premonitions/meta-cognitive capabilities.) And that's before getting into all the ways Season 5 was about what people do and don't hear across different frequencies.
Writing - as in the quality of the script - was never really the problem, because the sound of the show has never been a problem.
The show's biggest weakness is visuals - and/or the lack thereof.
And this isn't just another joke about the show's shit lighting - though that is absolutely a part of it.
A lot of the emotional impact of the first three seasons came from the fact scenes would often start with the kids doing normal, teenage things - only to get interrupted by the supernatural shenanigans.
We see Scott carrying groceries (I thought his mom did all the grocery shopping?) to the car when Derek suddenly hunts him down as a werewolf training method. Jackson gets attacked by a werewolf when trying to rent a movie (way to show your age, writers!). Stiles was making out with Heather and made a dash for some condoms when she got kidnapped (and then, when Stiles saw she wasn't in the cellar anymore, his first assumption was that she got cold feet - which a lot of teenagers would when faced with the prospect of losing their virginity). Part of the horror of the wolfsbane punch at Lydia's birthday party, was the fact that it was happening at her birthday party.
In all those instances, the most of the 'screentime' for the scene is something supernatural, but that scene is opened with normal, teenage life, and that normal life continues to be a visual background to the events of the scene, even as the action and audio take a left turn into supernatural shenanigans.
(Which isn't to say Season 1 was perfect about this, either. Where the hell were the doctors, security guards, nurses, orderlies, and other patients when Peter's beatdown of Derek in Season 1 trashed half the long-term care clinic?)
Think about all those slow-mo scenes. Pretty much everyone complains about how pointless most of them are. i.e. From Season 5, why do we need a slow-motion shot of someone running slowly through the woods? The emphasis was on the music to try and make the moment dramatic. A far better method would've been to keep the motion at regular speed, but instead of showing kids running through the woods or an open field, show them running through the alley behind a mall, or away from their home neighborhoods, or a montage of them running through various teenage hang-outs in town (which would've given a secondary emphasis on subtly demonstrating supernatural speed). The best part is that the "sound" could've stayed the same (dramatic music, huffing-and-puffing, footsteps, etc).
We may not have needed to see a big, family gathering for Scott - just some pictures of family members on the walls of the McCall home would've done the job (and possibly even a better one). This would've been especially powerful if we got to see lots of family pictures all over the McCall house, and yet almost no family pictures in the Stilinski house. Think about how different the Sheriff revealing his father's abuse would've been, if this was done with several pictures of Scott's extended family - including HIS grandfather/Meliss'a parents - in the background. Just imagine that after the Sheriff describes how he got that scar, Scott glances over to a picture of himself, his mom, and a very old man with a warm face on his smile. This would've had no change in dialogue/audio, and would've been a short enough moment that it could've been done without even affecting the screentime - but it would've conveyed so, so much without ever saying a word.
We do still see hints of attempts at this in Season 5 - i.e. the girls are sneaking in some stereotypically illicit driving practice, when Lydia leads them to a dead body. But using daily life as the background for un-daily events is so rare by that point, the 'normal life' moment felt contrived.
Thankfully, Season 6 is actually getting a lot better about this. The first episode was rife with things like the kids taking yearbook pictures, completely failing to ditch classes, and talking about homework (with only hints of the supernatural world, rather than abrupt segues into really big events). This made the Ghost Riders suddenly popping up to take someone away from all this even more horrifying, because we are shown what Stiles is being taken away from. While the night-time and "indoor" scenes are still pretty dim, compared to the last few seasons, the rest of the scenes are actually much better lit.
I bring that last one up because, while lighting isn't all of the show's visual problems, it is a huge part.
Case in point, remember the scene where the school PA system is talking about the police curfew in Season 5, and the lights are all inexplicably dimmed? That scene was overwrought and melodramatic. Compare that to Season 6, where all the daytime scenes are happening with the sun shining brightly through the open windows - and how that makes the little supernatural intrusions all the more shocking and devastating (i.e. Lydia's hallucination of the doctor in the classroom).
Having another pack next door was very much an ass-pull in Season 4, one written to quickly kill off a lot of supernatural beings without actually killing off any of the pack. Imagine if, instead of this, we just got a montage of different people being hunted down and killed, all of them with small hints towards their supernatural side.
i.e. Someone with scales who gets killed while trying to swim to safety, or an assassin shooting into the sky and suddenly a dead body with wings falls to the ground, or people whose eyes glow colors other than the werewolf red/yellow/blue. Imagine if instead of the stereotypical claws and fangs, someone fought to the death with talons, or horns, or a tail? Imagine if we did see someone sprout claws and fangs, but right when we expect to hear a wolf/canine roar, we heard something that sounded like a lion or a tiger instead?
We could've had a LOT of visual hints at other supernatural creatures and a bigger supernatural world/environment, with very little change in screentime or audio/dialogue. (And most of what just described could've been done relatively cheap in terms of costume/make-up and special effects, i.e. you don't need to show someone with wings flying through the sky - just a body with limp wings falling to the ground.)
tl;dr - It's not the writing that's the problem, because MTV is a very audio-oriented company, and the show 'sounds' fantastic. It's the lack of visual complements that are the real problem.
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