#isaac lahey fan fiction
andreafmn · 4 months
I'm Not Afraid | Chapter 17
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Word Count: 3.5K
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack, as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
A/N: uh oh, things are changing...
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There was a tense air between (Y/N) and Derek as they reached her house. He helped her off the bike and kept his hand on her lower back as they walked to her front porch but did not say a single word. His stare was a million miles away, and she could tell his thoughts had been running rampant in his head.
“Are you okay, Derek?” the girl finally broke the silence as she slid her key into the door. “You feel weird. Like, distant.”
“I’m fine,” he said, his stoic façade still plastered on his face. “I just need to make sure you’re home safe before I get my pack.”
“They’re fine. They’re hiding up in my room.” She pulled out her phone from her pocket and showed him Isaac’s text confirming that they had locked themselves in her house. “But I need to know what you’re hiding right now because I know something’s up.”
“Everything’s fine,” he huffed. “Why are they here?”
“I thought they’d be safe here,” she responded. “Don’t change the topic, Derek. You know you can’t lie to me.”
“I just… we gotta stay away from each other for a while, okay? Believe me when I say, it’s for the best.”
The answer took (Y/N) aback. She stepped away from his touch, as though suddenly it burned her. His words had seemingly come out of nowhere. They were in a good spot, she thought. They weren’t exactly in a relationship, but they weren’t not in one either. They had been speaking consistently for the past couple of weeks, they had seen each other when they could, and they had kissed. God, did they kiss. “I-I-I don’t understand,” she stammered as she blinked away her confusion. “I thought we were good. I mean, I know our situation isn’t exactly ideal, but I didn’t think it was going bad.”
“It’s just not the time to deal with feelings, (Y/N),” he sighed. “I have to focus on how to get rid of the Kanima and why Scott would betray us. I simply don’t have the bandwidth to focus on you too.”
“Oh, I didn’t know I was such a distraction,” (Y/N) scoffed, putting another step of distance between them. “You know, it was only a few weeks ago that you were saying you wanted this to work. No matter how long it took or what hurdles we had to go through. You said I wouldn’t have to go through life alone, not while you were here. Was that all just bullshit?”
“It wasn’t… It isn’t…” He ran his hands across his face in frustration, letting out an infuriated groan. “With everything that’s going on, I can’t risk being close to you, (Y/N). The more time that passes with the Kanima here, the more hunters will arrive. Especially now that I have a target on my back, thanks to your cousin. Being with you only makes that target bigger, and it puts it on my pack too. I have to make the right decision for them.”
“So, everything I’ve done to help you guys out means nothing?” she cried, biting down the tears that threatened to spill. “I’ve stuck my neck out for you on more than one occasion. I think I’ve proven to be an asset to you and your pack when it comes to my family.”
“You have and I’m grateful,” he said. Derek took a beat before continuing. It seemed he knew the next words out of his mouth would drive a wedge between them that he wasn’t sure would ever be removed. “I just don’t know if one day you’ll turn on us like Allison has done to Scott, or even like Kate did to me.”
If there was anything he could say that would drive (Y/N) away, it was that. Her fears of one day becoming like her aunt still haunted her to that day. It was a quiet but haunting rumble in the pits of her mind, fed by her insecurities and her fears, and very much alive.
“A-are you serious?” (Y/N) wanted to appear confident and confrontational. But she couldn’t help the way her voice broke. “Do you really think I’d be capable of doing something like that?”
“I can’t be sure, (Y/N). I want to believe that you won’t and that you and your father are truly on our side, but I have to take precautions. It’s not just my life that’s at stake.”
(Y/N) didn’t know if his words stung more than the unchanging expression on his face. There was no care, no compassion. She wasn’t talking to Derek, her sour wolf. She was speaking to Derek, the alpha. “What brought this on, Derek?” she asked. “What made you change your mind all of a sudden?” 
“It wasn’t anything specifically. It’s just… the situation we’re in is basically unheard of, and I need to make sure that I’m putting a hundred percent of my brain into resolving this,” he said. “And if Scott isn’t going to help, then I have to find a way to end this once and for all. I can’t be worrying about the hunters coming from your side too.”
 Words died in the girl’s mouth as she tried to conceal the hurt that coursed through her veins. It was a betrayal like no other. “Is that really how you feel?” (Y/N) asked, her resolve quickly coming undone. “You once told me that you knew that I would never be like Kate. That there was no way I could be that heartless. Does that mean you lied? Have you always felt this way?”
And with determination like she had never seen from him, he said, “Yes.” By then, she couldn’t hold back the tears, but she wouldn’t let him see her hurt. She couldn’t keep the drops from falling, but she could keep her sobs inside. “(Y/N)…”
“Go,” she said sternly, facing her door and giving him her back.
“(Y/N), I…”
“I said go, Derek,” she restated, raising her voice. “You can call your pack after. But you need to get out of here right now.”
Before he could say another word, (Y/N) slipped into her house and locked the door behind her. Shuddering cries threatened to break through, so she clasped her fist into her mouth and bit down. She did not want him to hear her. He’d been able to shatter her heart with a few words, but he did not deserve to know her pain. Not anymore.
As the tears fell, she remembered the cuts on her face. Every time another drop fell, it sank into the open wound, mixing blood and salty water down her cheeks. The sting was enough to subside the pain in her chest, but not enough to make it go away. And all she wanted was for it to go away.
Suddenly, soft steps on her stairs forced her head to snap forward to see a witness to her despair. Erica wore a sympathetic smile on her face, something that surprised (Y/N) out of her tears. It had been the first time she had even held a kind gaze toward the girl, always throwing sarcastic comments or unnecessary jabs her way. But at that moment, she came to her as a friend.
“Let’s fix up that face,” she said. “Where’s the first aid kit?”
“Uh, um,” (Y/N) cleared her throat. “There’s one under the kitchen sink.”
“Let’s go.”
The blonde helped her up from the ground and followed her quietly into the kitchen. She didn’t throw snarky remarks her way or make fun of the way her face was most likely a disaster. All she did was remain silent and try to help.
Once the first aid bag was on the counter, Erica patted a stool to instruct the girl to sit. Something she very much obliged to before the werewolf set to work. She put on a pair of black gloves and set to clean the wound with cleansing wipes, clearing away any debris or tear that might have mixed with her blood.
“This is gonna sting a bit, okay?” Erica announced as she uncapped the liquid stitch bottle. “Do you need something to bite down on?”
“No,” (Y/N) smiled softly. “Go ahead.”
The girl winced softly as the liquid touched her skin, but it was quickly replaced with the comfort of Erica’s soft hands pinching the slash closed. She repeated the step two more times before cleaning the area once more and covering it with a gauze bandage. “There,” Erica said as she finished bandaging her arm as well. “The wound should breathe during the night to help with the healing. Try to keep it dry or without direct water contact for about five days, and you should be good.” 
“Thanks,” she said. “You’re good at this.”
“I’ve had one too many falls not to be,” the girl chuckled as she put away the kit. “It’s actually the reason I’ve always wanted to become a doctor. I wanted to make sure no one else went through what I did.”
“Why can’t you?”
“At first it was because I was so behind in school, I’d never get the grades to get into a good school,” she shrugged. “Now, with the whole werewolf thing, I don’t think I could.”
“Why not? I think now it’ll be so much easier for you,” (Y/N) offered. “Now, you don’t have to deal with the seizures, and you can focus on your schoolwork. Later on, I’m sure any school would be begging to have you go there.”
“I don’t know,” the blonde sighed. “I guess, after seeing everything I have and going through what we have in such little time, I think med school seems stupid in the grand scheme of things. I would love to live a normal life, but I don’t think I was ever meant to. I mean, at first, it was epilepsy. Now, it’s the fact that I’m part wolf, part human, and I have yet to get that under control.”
Seeing Erica be vulnerable and sweet surprised (Y/N), and it was a welcome distraction to whatever it had been that had gone down with Derek. “You know this is going to end someday,” she tried to comfort her. “We’re gonna beat the Kanima, and the hunters will go back to their own lives. Life won’t always be like this.”
“How can you be so sure? Something tells me there’s always gonna be something in this town,” she chuckled dryly. “The only way to go back to normal is to leave.” 
“Is that what you want? To leave Beacon Hills?”
“I mean, it’s a plan,” she shrugged as she sat beside (Y/N). “I didn’t think it would be like this. The constant looking over my shoulder, the fear that I’ll be caught, the fear that I’ll be killed. I wanted the strength, the power that came with being supernatural. But I didn’t really measure the danger that came with it. Unfortunately, not every hunter can be like you.”
“I think that’s the first time you’ve ever complimented me,” (Y/N) chuckled. “Don’t know how I feel about it.”
“Don’t get used to it,” the girl grinned. “But seriously, you have no reason to protect us like you have. I mean, apparently, even lovesick Allison turned on lover boy.”
“Yeah, grief makes you do unthinkable things,” she sighed. “Especially when you have a monster like Gerard whispering in your ear.”
“And he doesn’t whisper in yours?”
“God no. I don’t think he particularly likes my family. At least my dad and I.”
“Ooh, family drama?”
“None that I know the details of, but I know it has something to do with me and some woman from my dad’s past,” (Y/N) explained, remembering the not-so-hushed words from her parents. “Also, my dad sort of sides with the wolves rather than the hunters. He thinks their methods are too extreme and cause more harm than good. He told me he wants to change the group from the inside out, but it’s hard.”
“And you believe him?” Erica inquired, biting the skin from her fingers. (Y/N) could see she hadn’t noticed yet. It was something she did before turning, a way to calm her senses when everything seemed too much. “Do you really believe he’s on our side?”
“He helped me find Derek tonight, and he covered for me about the rave. I don’t think he would lie to me about that. My mom on the other hand…”
“Can’t stand us?”
“Well, you can tell her the feeling is mutual.”
“Hey,” (Y/N) exclaimed with a smile. “That’s my mom you’re talking about.”
“No offense,” Erica laughed as she threw her arms up in surrender. “But seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever said this, but thank you, (Y/N). I’ve unnecessarily been a bitch to you, and you don’t deserve that. So, I’m sorry.”
“Am I really getting an apology from Erica Reyes? I think I might be dreaming.”
“Oh, come on,” she chuckled. “I’m trying to be serious here—vulnerable. I am grateful for what you’ve done for me, even when I was horrible to you. You didn’t have to.” 
“Well, you got the bitch part down, I didn’t think I needed it, too,” (Y/N) grinned before she took Erica’s hand and smiled warmly. “But it means a lot that you apologized. Thank you. Maybe from here on out, we could be friends. I honestly need more in this town.”
“I think that would be great,” she beamed. “I’ve been needing a dose of estrogen after so many months surrounded by testosterone.”
As the girls laughed, footsteps came down the stairs and quickly joined them in the kitchen, followed by the pitter-patter of claws against the hardwood floor. “Well, look at these two fraternizing,” Isaac told Boyd. “Never thought I’d see the day.”
“I would be rude not to when it’s her house,” Boyd shrugged. “Which, again, thank you for letting us hide out here. We haven’t really received any other instruction from Derek.”
“Yeah, and I don’t think you will anytime soon.”
“What do you…?” Isaac’s words died in his throat as he noticed (Y/N)’s bandages and the smell of iron in the air. He was quick to rush to her side, inspecting her visible skin for any other wound. “What the hell happened?”
“Ah, just a small run-in with Jackson,” she shrugged as she knelt to pet Brody, scratching him on the spot behind his ears he loved so he wouldn’t worry about her. “I’ll be fine. I just don’t heal as fast as you guys do.”
“How serious was the cut?” Isaac asked Erica, knowing (Y/N) would only wave him off. “Was it deep? I knew I should have gone with you to the station.”
“It wasn’t deep enough to need stitches, Isaac. She’ll be fine.”
“Dude, calm down,” Boyd chuckled. “She’s tougher than she looks.”
“Thank you, Boyd,” she smiled toward the boy. “I really appreciate the vote of confidence. You should learn from him, Lahey.”
“Yeah, it’s all fun and games until you get seriously hurt,” he grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest. “I can’t believe I let you go there by yourself. I should have been there.”
“And risk getting caught by my grandfather? Absolutely not,” she reprimanded. “As a matter of fact, all of you need to lay low because while Jackson is still the Kanima, more hunters will keep flooding into town, and I don’t wanna risk any of you getting caught. If you need a place to stay, I think I can talk to my dad and help you guys out. Maybe tell my mom the basement flooded and keep you guys there?”
“Thanks, (Y/N),” Boyd smiled. “We’ll talk to Derek first. See what the next steps will be.”
“Yeah,” she scoffed lightly. “And if you can find out what the hell is going on with him in the meantime, I’d greatly appreciate it.”
The four of them spent the next hour in her kitchen, talking and laughing like normal teenagers until Erica and Boyd said they were too tired to still be awake and headed to (Y/N)’s room. But not before the girl turned and thanked Argent for giving her a night where she felt normal. After that, only Isaac and her were left downstairs.
They had moved into the living room, where (Y/N) rested her head on his lap, and Brody curled up right beside them. Henry had texted her that he and her mother would be staying over at Chris’ house and that he’d keep her posted on anything that would be going down.
“I don’t understand what happened, Isaac,” she sighed as she felt his hands running through her hair. “Everything was going great until just an hour ago. What made Derek change his mind?”
“Honestly, I wish I could tell you,” he said. “But Derek’s not one to really talk about what’s going on in his head. The only time he’s ever been nice to me is when you’re around. He’s quite a dick when you’re not around.”
“But he’s still your alpha.”
“It’s not like there are many options here,” he chuckled. “And I guess I feel a bit indebted to him. If it hadn’t been for the bite, I’m pretty sure I would have ended up in the hospital, or even worse…”
Isaac couldn’t bring himself to say the words, instead taking in a shuddering deep breath. (Y/N) could see his eyes getting cloudy with tears as fear overtook him. Even if that part of his life was buried, there was no way to repress the memories.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that, Isaac,” she responded quietly, taking his free hand in hers. “And I’m sorry you had to go through it alone. I wish I could have at least been your friend back then.”
“I think you came at the perfect time,” he smiled softly. “Just long enough to get my shy and adorable side and stay to see my resurgence into an amazing and confident werewolf teenager.”
“You know, some people would say cocky and self-absorbed.”
“Well, those people would be wrong,” he chuckled. “But you did come at the right time. Those last couple of months, you actually gave me hope. If we had spent more time together, I think I may have even refused the bite.”
“Would you have, really?” (Y/N) mused. “Would you have given it all up?”
“I think so,” Isaac shrugged. “I mean, people around us don’t seem disturbed by what’s going on in this town. All I would have to worry about is whether or not I could pass my classes, and well, social services I guess.”
“Not funny,” she reprimanded, slapping him softly on the chest. “But the supernatural does suit you.”
“It does, doesn’t it?”
“Oh, calm down, Lahey.”
“I’m just kidding, Argent,” the boy laughed. “As for Derek, all you have to do is give it time. He can be a moody one.”
“Something feels different this time, though,” she sighed. “I don’t know what it is, but something’s just off.”
The last thing Derek had wanted was to make her cry. Hearing her sobs through her door made his heart wrench in his chest, and all he could do was get as far away from her as he could. His legs took off in a soft run at first but quickly turned into a supernatural sprint that had his lungs aching for air. All he could do was run.
Soon enough, the scenery of houses and cars turned into trees and bushes. Leaves crunched under his feet, and branches snapped as he stepped on them. Even when a rock stood in his way and threatened to make him lose his balance, he simply kept running.
He wished (Y/N) knew that what he did had been for her own good. If she wasn’t by his side, there was no way she could be used as a bargaining chip. Especially not with Peter back. He didn’t trust his own life in the hands of his uncle; how could he entrust him with (Y/N)’s?
By the time he had reached his family’s house, his body ached all over. Frustration filled his veins, and his limbs ached with the need for violence. He let out an exasperating scream before his fist went through a wooden board. He didn’t know if he wanted to keep breaking down the house or just sit down and cry. As much as he wanted to be by (Y/N)’s side, he knew that the best thing for her would be for him to stay as far away as possible. He had lived long enough with loneliness, though none as hurtful as this one for a long time. (Y/N) would soon enough move on from him, and he’d be the one to carry the hurt. As long as Peter was in town and her family would punish her for her affiliations, he’d just have to stay away.
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Always, Only. You 30.1
Talia had taken Y/N in to her pack after your parents and their pack  were brutally murdered. For years she trained and learned under Talia alongside Derek , Laura and Cora. One night Talia tells you along with Derek that you two have to imprint on each other , to become each other’s mates. Your connection to Derek has always been stronger than his to you. So after the fire it killed you to be away from him , but you had to do it for your own survival. 7 years after the fact , you return home. Back to Beacon Hills. But the Derek you return to is not the same Derek you know. Will Y/N ever get Derek to accept the fact they are meant to be together?
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You sat at the breakfast bar with a fifth cup of coffee in your hand and the laptop with several tabs opened right in front of you. After getting back to the penthouse yesterday, you had tried to get some sleep. But you couldn't sleep with that feeling in the pit of your stomach, and every time you had tried to close your eyes all you could picture was the strange look on Stiles' face. Just thinking about it again, you could remember the feeling of his hand on your shoulder, causing the area to feel hot again.
You shivered, placing your own hand over shoulder to make the feeling go away. You clicked to open the tab to reread about William Barrow. You had reread the page several times during the night trying to make a connection between him and Stiles but to no avail. And it didn't help there was barely anything online about a kitsune and a nogitsune.
You could hear the faint sound of the bedroom doors opening and closing before Brett and Lori appeared from the hallway and making their way towards the kitchen.
"Morning," you greeted them both, eyes still glued to the screen of the laptop. "I bought groceries yesterday, help yourselves to whatever you like."
"Did you drink a whole pot of coffee?"
You glanced up to see Brett holding the empty coffee pot in his hand and looking at you in disbelief.
"Maybe." You shrugged. You closed the laptop shut. "I have somewhere to be, so I need you guys to catch the bus to school today." you grabbed your wallet out of your jacket pocket and pulled out whatever cash you had in there. "This should be enough for the day." You placed it on the counter top. "I also put a copy of the key in each of your backpacks and you each have a phone, ok. Listen, I won’t be around as much, but if you need anything just call me."
"What do you mean? You’re not staying here?" Lori asked.
"Uhm, no." You answered awkwardly. Brett stood beside his sister and crossed his arms. Without a word, they waited for an explanation. You didn't feel you needed one but sighed anyway and replied, "I figured you could both use the space. It's pretty clear there are some...grudges and I don't want to overstep. I dont want you guys to feel like im mothering you."
You paused a moment to look at Brett. You were almost certain he would’ve explained it to his sister. You then looked to Lori. “I think it’s better this way. I don’t know how many hunters are out there right now looking for me.”
“Right.” Brett drawled sarcastically. “What about those things back at the hospital? The ones that attacked those girls?”
“I don’t have a reason to believe they’d come after you.” You stared quizzically. “They didn’t attack, they just marked them. To make sure they weren’t possessed.” You folded your arms across your chest, in thought.
“What if we’re possessed?” He folded his arms across his chest as well. “What if hunters find us while looking for you?”
You blinked. You didn’t take that part into account; you thought distancing yourself from them would be better. But now, you were starting to believe that maybe it wasn’t the best decision. They were old enough to watch after themselves, but that didn’t mean they should.
“You’re right,” you nodded, “I didn’t think of that.” You admitted. “I’ll come back tonight.” You gathered your things, leaving the laptop closed on the breakfast counter. “And who knows,” You said as you walked away from the breakfast counter, “I just might return with your new den daddy!”
“What the fu—?” Brett’s profanity was cut off by you shutting the front door behind you.
You couldn’t help but giggle to yourself as you waited for the elevator to reach your floor. Maybe you were serious, maybe you weren’t. You didn’t really have many options, except for one person. But even then, you weren’t sure how much help Derek would be or if he would even agree.
You entered the elevator and pressed the button for Chris Argent’s floor. Right now, you needed to find out how many hunters were on your tail and if any of them were in Beacon Hills. And maybe ask for a favor or two.
As the elevator door opened on Argent’s floor, you were surprised to see Isaac and Alison standing just in the hallway waiting for the elevator as well.
Isaac was, just as equally if not more, surprised to see you in the elevator. He tilted his head and pointed a finger at you, looking between the lights on top of the elevator door and then back at you.
“Hey, Isaac. Alison.” You decided to greet first. “I’m just…looking for your dad.”
Alison looked to Isaac. “He’s home.” She replied rather dryly. “What do you want with him?”
“Are you coming from the penthouse?” Isaac finally mustered out.
“I am.” You decided to be honest. “It’s a bit of a long story. But i think you have some explaining to do also?” You eyed Alison. "Anyway," you stepped out of the elevator, "you know where to find me now." You told Isaac.
"What do you want with my dad?" Allison repeated her question.
“I just need to talk to him.” You exasperated. "Now, go, or you'll both be late for school." you gently shoved them both towards the inside of the elevator. You pressed your hands on the sides of the elevator to prevent the doors from closing, “Isaac, one more thing.” You stared at him with pleading eyes, “don’t tell Derek I’m here.”
“Yeah, done.” He replied rather quickly, "is everything ok? with you?"
You glanced at Allison one more time, "We can talk later." You answered after a moment. "Just us, Cora and Erica, ok?" You hesitated a moment before looking at Allison, "I know im in no position to ask, but I could really use your help too. Can you guys... keep an eye on Stiles?"
"Stiles?" Allison perked, "whats wrong with Stiles?"
"Nothing, I dont think. Thats why I need to talk to your dad," you half lied. "He just seems different to me. I dont know. Just please, and dont make it obvious." You added.
Isaac and Allison nodded at you. You smiled, thanking the two kids and began to push yourself away from the elevator.
“Wait," Isaac held the doors open himself this time, "Are you and Derek like…breaking up?” He pushed.
You grabbed his wrists to remove his hands, pressed the arrow down button and waved at the kids as the elevator doors began to close.
—————————— 🐾——————————
"Calavera." Chris repeated the name. "Yeah, I'm familiar with them, they're a family of hunters from Mexico." He added. "I haven't heard from them in a while. Why?"
You leaned back in the chair and sighed. "Gerard heard through some stupid Hunter network, or," you pinched the bridge of your nose remembering the little details, "I don't know, some chick Braeden told him that she was after me."
"Gerard?" Chris questioned. "My father Gerard?"
"Yeah," you dropped your hand from your face, "he bribed me out of Eichen house to tell me that and more." You noticed just the faintest twitch in Argent's expression and the evident change in his scent and knew right away. "I'm guessing it's not a surprise to you that he knew where I was but that he got me out?"
"I dont know how he found out," he admits, "I told him about your condition and that was it. You’re not really his favorite either, so I have no idea why he would—.”
"I dont care," you replied with defeat, "I just need your help. I know we're in no position to help each other but I'm literally begging you, Chris. Please." He looked away from you, contemplating. "I dont know why you saved me all those years ago or even why you continued to help me, but please. It's just for a while, lead her away from me."
Chris clicked his tongue in frustration. "For Araya, this isn't just a code to them. It's law. She could end up killing me or Allison if we got in her way."
"So on a scale of screwed and totally screwed, I'm completely and utterly screwed?"
Chris softly called your name, "Maybe...your best option is to leave Beacon Hills."
You stared at him. That was one thing you were hoping to never hear again. Beacon Hills was your home, your family and your friends were here. You've been away for too long, and certainly a lot has changed but it was still home to you.
"I can't." You shook your head.
"You're putting everyone in danger by staying here."
"I know. But I cant just leave." A beat. "I have two betas upstairs with nowhere else to go and who lost their alpha because of me. And I know you and Derek think maybe I had something to do with what happened with Kira or William Barrow—,"
"We don't—,"
"But you’re thinking it aren’t you? Derek tried to send me away because of it. You weren't there to witness it either times, but my howl is dangerous. I mean what if it not only fills werewolves with rage and makes them go feral but what if it can also attract other creatures?"
Chris furrowed his brows and waited for you to continue. Of course he already knew about that little detail since Deaton told him. Maybe even entertained the idea you called the nogitsune as well, but just like before, something wasn’t adding up to him. So he stayed quiet.
"Thats partially why I cant leave Beacon Hills right now. If I could just talk to Katashi or even take a look at the bestiary again, then maybe I can find the answers to my questions."
"Katashi is most likely halfway home by now. He's already told us everything he knows." he stated. "And, did you just call it a bestiary? That's Gerard's, he wont hand it to me. And theres nothing in there about Ultimas, I've looked. Nothing about the fox spirits either." Argent leaned over his desk, "If you want my help leading the hunters away, then im gonna need you to start talking."
You stayed quiet a moment and without a single thought to it you blurted, "I think Stiles is being possessed by the nogitsune."
Chris fell back in his chair. He looked like he had gone through the five stages of grief in just five seconds before he turned to you again, speechless.
"I know it sounds crazy, but--"
"There's no 'but', Y/N. Have you seen Stiles?"
"I have." You said matter of factly. "Thats why I'm telling you, he's not himself." A beat. "The girls, they told me everything that happened the night William Barrow took Kira. They showed me where he held her captive, they told me what Stiles confessed to them about what happened back at the school, and that night at the hospital, Stiles, was...different. He smelled different, acted different. It was.. kind of scary being around him." You admitted.
He stared at you.
"I know how it sounds, ok. I don't want to believe it, but... I can just feel it. And I think he did, too."
"It could be why the oni didn't mark you." He said thoughtfully. "Ok," Chris sighed. "I will help you lead Araya and the other Calaveras away from Beacon Hills. But after we help Stiles, you need to leave. For everyone's safety."
You thought about the last statement a while. It wasn't ideal for you, but thinking about it more and more, it was starting to look like the better option. For everyone else.
"Ok," you nodded. "Then i'm gonna need one more tiny favor."
Chris nodded.
"Don't tell, Derek. Or Scott. Not until we're one hundred percent sure it's Stiles. And maybe not tell Derek I live here now?"
Chris nodded. You gave him a quick smile before pushing yourself up out of the chair. He inhaled a deep breath and cleared his throat, earning your attention again. "How are you doing? Are you ok?" He asked.
You froze for a second before slowly sinking back into the chair. "I'm ok." You answered. "I mean, i have a lot on my mind now. Back at Eichen house they had me dosed up like the rest of the other patients, so..I feel..ok."
"I know its not my place to..ask. But Isaac, he's been hanging around Allison a lot."
You tilted your head, puzzled.
"They... kissed." He grumbled.
"Are they dating?"
"Maybe. I dont know." He shook his head, as if the conversation made him uncomfortable more than protective. "I just need to know who to go to if he ever crosses the line with my daughter. I know he's staying with Melissa and Scott, right now--."
"I didn't know that." You cut him off. "If he's part of Scott's pack now.."
"I know. But i'm more worried about you." He added. "I don't want to force you to react in a way you dont want to."
"Thanks, I appreciate it." You stood up from the chair this time. "I'll talk to Isaac. I'll make sure he behaves."
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wolfboy88 · 7 months
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Summary: Four friends attempt a Halloween séance and unwittingly unleash an incubus. One who wants to explore all their dirtiest and most repressed desires.
Featuring: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Isaac Lahey, Jackson Whittemore and Derek Hale as Daddy Incubus
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cgsf · 2 years
Teen Wolf fanfic recs — General / No Pairing
“Someone Else’s Child” (G) by wangler | 3,767 | After his wife’s death, the Sheriff struggles to be a single parent.
“echo in the echoing wood” (T) by Kirinin | 20,619 | The nogitsune makes its peace with being Stiles Stilinski.
“Pleased To Meet You” (T) by entanglednow | 3,774 | Stiles is currently manacled to a chair, in the basement of Derek’s house. Which is really amazingly bad for his sense of calm and well-being. “This is completely unnecessary you know.”
“Equilibrium” (T) by entanglednow | 3,023 | It turns out Stiles only gets the awesome, super-strength, vampire powers at night.
“The Whole Glass Of Water” (T) by ladyblahblah | 8,045 | Derek wonders how long the cat has, how many more people will come in looking and pass this one by. How long before someone with a solemn face and a stupid shirt takes him quietly into the back and slides a needle beneath its skin. Before he knows what he’s doing he finds himself reaching out, pulling his hand back from the latch at the last moment. “Can I take him out?”
"know where to press" (G) by wangler | 1,034 | When the Nogitsune shatters and dissipates, Stiles stays on his feet for a long, stubborn moment. He knows this is it, he can feel the end. It's not the same deep ache from before. It doesn't hurt all.
"Heavy" (G) by wangler | 846 | Eventually, it’s the sound that gets her to move. Not the sirens or the tinkling of broken glass or the slow hiss of emptying smoke canisters. The crying.
"you have to go to them sometimes" (G) by kellifer_fic | 4,534 | "Well, you're a werewolf," Stiles says. Kevin has always had a pretty good poker face, but Stiles takes him completely by surprise, enough that there's a tell-tale pause that lasts a beat too long for the, "No I'm not," to be believed.
"Those Who See" (T) by miss_aphelion | 2,369 | Peter's always been the cleverest Hale. It's why he's the only one with enough sense to be wary of Stiles Stilinski.
"Blinding" (M) by rei_c | 2,940 | "What's changed is me, I think," Stiles says. "Pack-adjacent used to be enough. But now I know that the only thing mimicking the bonds enough that they can't tell something's wrong is me and I'm doing it because it's easier to let -- easier than telling them," he says. "I'm worried. That I'd lose it. The pack."
"Tangled Webs" (M) by KouriArashi | 55,465 | Peter leaves Beacon Hills, and takes Stiles with him. It doesn’t matter how many times Stiles manages to escape Peter, because the werewolf always finds him.
"Is This A Raid?" (G) by entanglednow | 5,889 | "What do we need?" Scott asks, smothering the awkward moment with hopeful enthusiasm. As if he's determined that this will be the best day out ever. God help them. He's dragged a cart over and he pushes it helpfully towards Derek, who just lets it hit him in the thigh instead of attempting to take hold of it. "I told you to make a list," Stiles stage-whispers. "Everyone just go and find some food," Derek growls.
"Orthopedic bodyswap" (T) by Betty | 658 | Of course Derek has no idea how much work it takes to convince people you are a remorseless force of nature when you’re five foot two and cute as a button, and he’s going to ruin it all by wandering around looking like that.
"up from under the ice" (G) by wangler | 2,086 | Stiles has practiced this over and over, but never with the nogitsune actually waking up in his mind like the crankiest troll to ever emerge from underneath a bridge.
"Man's Best Friend (is Not Always a Dog)" (T) by cywscross | 9,500 | Stiles doesn't like waiting. He doesn't like it when his human-wolf has to go away and Stiles can’t follow. But Peter promised he would come back, like he promised every other time, and he always kept his word, so Stiles would wait even if he doesn't like it.
"Warring" (T) by snowdarkred | 1,053 | Stiles is sixteen and not stupid, and he knows he’s going to die.
"you bought the whole pie" (G) by verity | 1,824 | "It's tough rattling around the house all by myself," the Sheriff says. "You boys are coming to dinner on Sunday nights from now on. Erica, too. You look like you could some feeding up. Do you eat anything aside from pie?" "Yes?" Derek says. He's not really sure how they ended up here, or how all that pie went so fast.
"black water brine" (T) by detectivemeer | 1,567 | Scott dies. He dies. He stares at himself in the mirror, long after his mom left him for the night, and thinks, I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead, I—
"In Them There Hills" (T) by entanglednow | 1,825 | There's a strong possibility that Stiles has been drugged and kidnapped.
"Semantics" (G) by entanglednow | 886 | "My - what?" Oh my God, does he give off some sort of signal or something? And if so how does he make it stop. Him and Derek are not having a relationship, there is no relationship.
"Every Good Beta Does Fine" (G) by zoemathemata | 1,474 | 'The animal cannot abide the void left in the absence of a true pack leader and so, takes on that mantle. However, they are generally ill-equipped to be leaders and tend to be somewhat combative and impetuous. This can usually be seen in the manner in which they manage their pack and how they attract and deal with outsiders.' If that doesn't describe Derek Hale, Chris Argent doesn't know what does.
"Strings" (G) by GoddessofBirth | 1,025 | They meet at an all night diner just off the interstate. If anyone were watching they might say it has that certain secretive, intense feel usually associated with an assignation. But this is neither romantic nor sexual. This is strategy.
I'll add more as I come across them.
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grimecrow · 10 months
Random Facts About My Favorite OCxCanon pairing Niac.
My OTP is a OCxCanon pairing set in the MTV Teen Wolf universe between a Jersey Devil named Nigel Leeds and Isaac Lahey. I have been rocking this pairing for a long time and just feel the urge to share some random facts about them. It's all below the read more if you wanna read random stuff about a random ship. Maybe something will make you smirk?
Height Differences: - when Nigel is in human he's six inches shorter than Isaac - Isaac loves to play that up in cute ways - in his monstrous form Nigel is a little over three feet taller than Isaac - monster form Nigel has carried Isaac under his arm on more than one occasion The Outdoors: - Nigel introduced Isaac to camping who at first was rather resistant but he falls in love with it almost immediately - sometimes he and Nigel talk about their messy fucked up family lives for hours without realizing how much time has past - at other times they just quietly enjoy the other's company - Isaac comes to the realizes he desperately needs both - it allows him to actually let loose in a way that is safe for him and others when the wolf needs to run or life has been exceptionally hard for him - Isaac developed claustrophobia due to the freezer and sleeping outdoors is some of the safest, most comfortable sleep he gets - Isaac loves sleeping outdoors so much that he doesn't sleep in the tent unless absolutely necessary sometimes enduring what he calls 'light weather' to stay outside if he's comfy - and yes camping out in the middle of nowhere does allow them to 'let loose' in other ways. Sometimes you just want to be able to not hold back without worrying about noise complaints or well-meaning welfare checks - the first couple of times they slept outside though Isaac was worried a bear could come up on them. Nigel assured him that would only happen if the bear was very sick or very stupid. If sick they were doing it a service, if stupid he'd show Isaac how to make bear bacon the next day Family: - though Nigel has had children through surrogate mothers they all celebrate Isaac on Mother's Day - Isaac apparently has a crazy 'mother bear' mode - when they find out their daughter is now hanging out with a werewolf in high school Nigel tries to warn her away because 'werewolves are nothing but trouble' to which she reminds him that Isaac is a werewolf. Isaac's response? "No, your father is right." - they end up with four children, two boys and one girl are fathered by Nigel, one boy is fathered by Isaac - the three Jersey Devil siblings are very protective of their werewolf brother given (apparently) how 'fragile' werewolves are comparatively Isaac's Career: - Isaac's love of the outdoors plus his desire to help Nigel establish his California clan of devils allowed him to find what would end up being his perfect job Park Ranger - during Nigel's post secondary studies Nigel works 12-18 hours a day, every day for a little over 2 years without complaint to ensure that Isaac has everything he needs without having to go into debt - the connections he develops in and around the National Park is what allows them to land their home at the park's edge without too much stress Misc: - yes Isaac is willing to drop a peck on Nigel's muzzle when he's in monstrous form. He loves Nigel just as much whether he's man or beast - despite his love of the outdoors and generally rustic lifestyle Isaac never stops loving fashion - Nigel tries his best to spoil Isaac in the ways he thinks Isaac will like, new fancier jacket, a trip into town for a day of shopping and 'fancy eating', that sort of thing whenever he can though life makes it not happen super often
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amylillian22 · 7 years
I Never Stopped Loving You - Isaac Lahey Imagine (Feat. Liam Dunbar)
Requested by Anon: Hello! I saw that u were wanting to write Liam and Theo imagines so I thought I would request one? Can u do a Liam imagine where your his older sister and you used to date Isaac before he went to France and you still miss and liams trying to cheer you up and a couple months later he comes back? Idk it can be something along that story line! Love your writing btw! Have a great day!
Word Count: 3,087
Author's Note: This is sort of an AU of the series finale.
[My Teen Wolf Master List]
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"Come on," Liam whispered to himself as the phone rang for the fourth time. "Pick up the damn phone," He whispered before someone answered.
"You better be dying. It's fucking 3 in the morning," an angry voice scowled; completely annoyed someone woke him up from his sleep.
"Isaac, I wouldn't call unless it's important," Liam said. Isaac not only heard the seriousness in Liam's voice, but his rapid heartbeat too. He knew something was wrong.
"Is she okay?" Isaac immediately asked as he sat up from his bed.
"Y/N's fine, but she's not okay," Liam sighed.
"What do you mean?" Isaac asked confused.
"She misses you like crazy. She hasn't been the same since you left and with everything going on lately, she seems to miss you more," Liam explained with a heavy sigh.
Since Isaac left, Liam has done everything he could to cheer up his older sister and even though it would work for just a few minutes, her mind always wondered back to Isaac. It's been a little over a year since he left and she still hasn't been the same since. Liam missed his sister, who had a smile on her face all the time, and used to laugh at all the stupid jokes Liam came up with.
"Scott found a map with all the Nemetons around the world. You know what's been going on, right?" Liam asked Isaac.
"No," Isaac answered. "Well, sort of, but not really. Jackson, Ethan, and I found several werewolves murdered. We're trying to figure out why it's happening, but we can't seem to find an answer."
"Long story short, Gerard is creating an army around the world to kill every supernatural in the planet. He wants genocide," Liam explained.
"Fuck," Isaac whispered as he ran his hand over his face. "That's possibly why Jackson and Ethan hasn't answered any of my calls lately. I found their apartment completely trashed and I've been trying to find them for days."
Liam sighed, hating the idea the war has also started on the other side of the world. As worried as he was, he was relieved to hear Isaac is okay.
"Okay, what do you need from me, Liam? What does Scott need? More importantly, what does she need from me?" Isaac asked already getting out of bed.
"I need you to get on a plane back home."
"What?" Isaac asked, not hearing correctly.
"I bought you a ticket to come home and see Y/N. I need you two to see each other before it happens."
"Before what happens," Isaac asked with fear. Isaac's panic grew every second Liam didn't answer. "Liam! What aren't you telling me?!" He asked eagerly.
"Lydia saw something," Liam bit his lip nervously as his mind went back to the day before when Lydia came to Liam completely horrified. He shook his head, trying to shake off the memory.
"What did she see?!" Isaac snapped. Fear washed over him knowing Lydia's banshee visions were never a good sign.
"She saw everyone dying," Liam swallowed hard. "Peter, Derek, Jackson, Ethan, Malia, Scott... and Y/N."
Isaac's heart dropped. "No," he said refusing to believe it. "No. There's no fucking way they're all dying, especially Y/N," Isaac whispered the last part, too scared to believe Lydia's death vision might come true.
His mind wondered back to the night they lost Allison. No one expected it, not even Lydia. She didn't see it coming. She only felt it as she screamed out her best friend's name loud enough for the werewolves outside the building to hear, but it was already to late. Allison was dying in Scott's arm, and Isaac will be damned to let the same situation happen with Y/N.
"Why didn't you buy her a ticket? Wouldn't she be safer here? With me?" Isaac asked.
Even though Isaac couldn't see him, Liam shook his head. "It doesn't matter. There's too many hunters and not enough of us. I've never doubted Scott. He always has a plan, but Lydia's never been wrong either. So, if this does happen-," Liam shook his head again, before he corrected himself. "When this does happen, I would like Y/N to see you one last time..." Liam trailed.
Isaac swallowed hard while trying to fight back the tears forming in his eyes. He couldn't believe it. He didn't want to see her this way. However, if Liam was right and Lydia's prediction would came true, Isaac would never forgive himself for if he didn't get on the plane back to Beacon Hills.
"Okay," Isaac barely whispered.
"Your plane isn't arriving at Beacon Hills. You're landing in a town an hour away. Don't worry, I got you a rental car too."
"Why not Beacon Hills?" Isaac asked.
"Because I have no doubt Ms. Monroe has hunters working inside the airport and they wouldn't hesitate to kill you. She's given orders to kill any supernatural on site."
"Who's Monroe?"
"Gerard's little minion," Liam answered. "Oh, before I forget. We're dealing with a monster called the Anuk-ite. I don't have time to catch you up on everything, but just know if you all of a sudden feel fear, the Anuk-ite coming for you. You have to close your eyes or you'll die."
"Close your eyes and fight it blind!" Liam repeated.
"What the bloody hell has been going on down there and why didn't anyone call me?!" Isaac snapped back.
"Like I said. It's a long story. Just get on the plane, Isaac. I'll see you in a few hours," Liam said before he hung up on Isaac.
As soon as Liam hung up, Isaac quickly got dressed and packed a bag before rushing to the airport. About 12 hours later, the plane landed in California. Isaac immediately called everyone, but no one answered. Not one person, which, of course, didn't calm his nerves. Isaac turned an hour drive from the airport to Beacon Hills into a 30-minute drive. He was a nervous wreck and he needed to get to Beacon Hills as soon as possible. It helped that the roads were completely empty, but Isaac knew that wasn't a good sign.
Driving down the old familiar roads of Beacon Hills sent a shiver down Isaac's spine. It was almost a dead town. Nothing and no one was in sight. This wasn't the Beacon Hills he remembered. He didn't think it was this bad.
He had gone to Y/N's house first, but no one was there. It seemed like no one had lived there in days, which worried Isaac even more. The next place he went was Scott's. He could smell everyone's scents, including Y/N's. When he searched the house, he noticed no one else was home, but everyone's stuff was there. Isaac assumed they were all staying at Scott's.
Isaac pulled the car into an empty parking lot at Beacon Hills High School. He was worried no one else here as well, but he wasn't about to leave without checking first. Isaac turned off the rental car and jogged to the school without so much as locking the doors.
He opened the double doors that led down an old familiar hallway. From a distance he saw a statue. Isaac swallowed hard before he slowly approached it. As he got closer, he realized it was Peter. As much as he disliked Peter, Isaac couldn't believe he was dead.
Isaac continued to walk down the hallway and turned a corner to a different hallway. He saw another statue. Isaac immediately noticed it was another male. He was built and lean. He'd only hope it wasn't the man who turned him into a werewolf. He took a deep breath before he stood in front of the statue. His breath hitched when he saw Derek.
"Damn it, Derek. Why did you have to open your eyes?" Isaac whispered to himself. He lifted his hand to touch the statue, but quickly pulled back. He was afraid Derek would crumble into pieces if he touched it. Isaac let out a deep sigh before he turned around and faced another set of double doors. He opened them and took one step before seeing another statue. He stumbled back as he realized it was a girl this time. His heart dropped at the thought of it being Y/N, but as he got closer, he realized it wasn't her. His muscles relaxed before he approached the frozen statue. Although he never met her, he knew it was Malia from the pictures Scott sent in his emails.
Isaac continued to walk down the hallway and decided to go into the boys' locker room. He couldn't find Coach, but when he turned away from Coach Finstock's office, he immediately saw two more statues. He didn't have to look up close to know who they were. They were the two friends he had been trying to look for the past couple of days, Jackson and Ethan.
"Fuck," Isaac mumbled under his breath before he walked out. He looked up and saw the girls' locker room. The memories of sneaking into the girls' locker room after lacrosse practice crossed Isaac's mind. At the time, she was the only girl on the lacrosse team; and after practice, the girls' locker room would be empty. Sneaking Isaac in always led to heated make out sessions, as they both could never keep their hands off each other.
Isaac's smile faltered when he realized he had to walk in and check if anyone was in there. His stomach turned as his heart pounded fast with fear. He didn't know what that meant. He was scared, but not too terrified to have his eyes closed. It was one of those moments where he had a feeling something terrible was behind that door and he silently prayed it wasn't Y/N frozen as a statue.
Isaac took a deep breath before opening the door and walked in. He took a few steps before he immediately stop in place. His eyes landed on another statue. His eyes scanned the girl's body figure and he knew who it was. He didn't have to walk around and face it in order to know who it was. Tears immediately welled up in Isaac's eyes, as he whispered 'no' repeatedly to himself. Tears slowly slid down Isaac's cheeks as his eyes landed on Y/N's frozen face. His heart broke. He cursed himself for not getting here sooner. He hated himself for leaving her in the first place.
"Oh, baby," Isaac whispered. "I'm so sorry." More tears made their way down his cheeks. "I should have been here for you," he said with a shaky breath. "I should have never left you... I still love you." Isaac's vision was blurry. He batted his eyes before his eyes landed on the only girl he ever loved.
Isaac reached up to touch her cheek, but before he had the chance, Y/N's statue started cracking. Isaac's eyes grew wide with fear. "No, no, no," he repeated as his hands immediately flew up, ready to catch the pieces.
Pieces of stone started falling off as Y/N slowly came back to life. Her eyes flew wide open before she gasped for air. She nearly lost her balance and stumbled forward as she wasn't expecting to come back alive. Before she could fall and land on her face, Isaac immediately wrapped his arms around her waist. She looked up and instantly locked her eyes with her favorite pair of baby blue eyes she hadn't seen in a while.
"Isaac," she breathed, smelling his woodsy scent. She couldn't believe it was him. She was beginning to think she was daydreaming about him again. She grabbed a fist full of his shirt before she looked down at her hands. It's real, she thought to herself before she heard his rapid heartbeat. He's real.
"It's really you..." she whispered.
"Yeah, baby, it's me," Isaac nodded with a chuckle as more tears formed in his eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked as his eyes scanned her body, checking for any injuries.
"I'm fine," she whispered again, too scared to talk and ruin this dream of hers.
"I'm so sorry," Isaac began. "About everything. About leaving, about coming here la-"
Y/N meshed her lips with his. Isaac was taken back as he was not expecting her to kiss him so soon. He didn't kiss her back at first, which almost made Y/N pull back. Before she had the chance to push herself away from him, he pulled her to his chest and kissed her back with so much passion and making up for lost time. Her hand slipped to the nape of his neck, tugged his hair, and deepened the kiss. When their lungs began begging for air, they pulled back with their foreheads pressing against each other's.
"You came back," she whispered against his lips.
"Yeah, I did."
"Your brother called," Isaac swallowed hard before she interrupted.
"Liam?" She asked. She shook her head and pushed that thought aside. "Okay, timeout," she unraveled herself from his arms and made a timeout sign with her hands. "We'll talk about this later. Right now, we have to find everyone else. We have to find Scott."
"Okay," Isaac said as he intertwined his fingers with hers and walked out of the locker room together to find Scott.
Liam opened the front door to the house and gestured Y/N and Isaac to walk in first. They walked in with their hands still interlocked. Isaac hasn't let go of her hand and she wasn't planning on letting go of his hand either.
Liam closed the door behind him before turning around to face his older sister and Isaac. "I'm guessing you two have a lot to talk about."
"I'd like to start with you first," Y/N said, taking Liam by surprise. "Why did you call him?"
Liam looked down and began fidgeting with his fingers. "Because you haven't been the same since he left. You just seemed to get sadder each day. You weren't the same Y/N I know and love. I thought with everything going on," Liam sighed before he continued, "I just wanted to give a few minutes of happiness before everything Lydia saw came true..."
Y/N let go of Isaac's hand and walked over to her little brother. She pulled him in and wrapped her arms around him for a tight hug. "I love you, you know that, right?"
"I love you, too," Liam said as he hugged her back.
"And you're the best brother in the whole wide world."
"I know," he said, earning a chuckle from both Y/N and Isaac. He pulled back. "I'll give you two some privacy. I'll be at Scott's to see how he's holding up." Liam locked the door behind him and left Y/N and Isaac to themselves.
Isaac was about to say something when Y/N grabbed his hand and led him to her bedroom. She closed her bedroom door and sat in her bed, patting the empty space next to her and signaling Isaac to sit with her. They sat in silence for several minutes, not sure where to start.
Isaac grabbed her hand and began playing with her fingers, something they both missed. Y/N always hated her short chubby fingers. Isaac always thought they were cute and a perfect fit when he intertwined their fingers together.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," Isaac finally whispered and apologized again. "I'm sorry I left. I'm sorry it took Liam's 'Lydia saw a vision and Y/N's going to die' phone call to get here."
"No, please let me finished, baby." The old familiar nickname made Y/N's heart skip a beat and her stomach flip. "It shouldn't have taken me this long to come back. I should've come back sooner, especially when I missed you every single day. I know I left for selfish reasons-"
"You had every right to leave though, Isaac. I wasn't going to hold you back from what you thought was best for you at the time, even if I knew letting you go was going to hurt like hell," Y/N interrupted as she squeezed his hand before placing her other free hand on top of theirs.
"That's just the thing though. I thought it was best for me, but it wasn't. I was miserable without you. There were so many times I've wanted to call, write, and email you. Hell, there were times when I wanted to hop on a plane just to see you again, but I didn't. I knew coming back would hurt too much, especially if you did moved on."
"But I didn't."
"I know and now I don't know where that leaves us or if you'll ever forgive me for being so incredibly stupid," Isaac mumbled as he looked down at their hands, unable to look at Y/N.
Y/N removed her hands from his and cupped his cheeks before lifting his head to look at her. "What do you want, Isaac?"
"What do you want?" He asked.
She shook her head. "This isn't about me. This is about you. What do you want?"
Y/N smiled at Isaac. "What else do you want?"
"I don't want to go back to France."
"What else?" She asked as she leaned in.
"I want to be here, back home with you," Isaac whispered as he leaned in and closed the distance between the two.
Their lips moved in perfect sync as old familiar feelings resurfaced. Their hearts were out of control and were ready to explode out of their chests. Y/N's hands left Isaac's cheeks and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him closer. Isaac cupped her cheek to deepen the kiss as he slowly leaned her back on her bed. When the burning sensation in their lungs became too much, Isaac pulled away with his forehead resting against hers.
"I love you," he whispered against her semi-swollen lips. "I never stopped."
Y/N's lips formed a smile. "I never stopped loving you either, babe."
Isaac buried his face at the crook of her neck and wrapped his arms around her figure. Y/N accepted his warm embrace and ran her fingers through his soft brown curls, another thing they both missed.
"Isaac?" She whispered. Isaac hummed in response as he traced random shapes at her exposed skin above her jeans. "Please don't ever leave me again," she whispered.
"Never," he promised with a kiss against her neck.
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theflrehawk · 3 years
Does anyone know any John Hancock x y/n from fallout where they don't describe what y/n looks like, I've gone through all the pages on archive of our own and I've found nothing.
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justafandomslutt · 3 years
So Much For “I love you”-Part One
Summary: (Y/N) (Y/L/N) a girl that soon realized her world was about to come crashing down all because of a blue-eyed wolf…
(Y/N)= Your Name (Y/L/N)= Your Last Name
Isaac Lahey x Reader
Requested: Yes (A long time ago, I might add)
(Y/N) POV:
“Isaac I can’t just leave. What about the pack, what about my family” I exclaim. He walks towards me a soft look evident on his face, he takes a hold of my hand and interlocks them together. I sigh and move away from leaving him confused.
“I know this is a lot to handle, Isaac. We’re all still hurting but you can’t expect me to up and go. I love you, Isaac, I do. But I can’t leave not now not ever” I explain.
“ (Y/N) I know you don’t wanna leave Scott, the pack, and your family. But you, Scott…Derek you three are the only family that I have left and I can’t watch you die in my arms, (Y/N). So please” Isaac pleads.
“Isaac…"I whisper. I take his hand and place it on my cheek comforting the distressed wolf.
"I’m not Allison… I miss her so much, she was always there for me whenever I needed her… I miss her, Isaac just as much as you do but I’m not her. I’m me…(Y/N) (Y/L/N), your girlfriend. She’s a human girl with a human family. That gets average grades and is hopelessly in love with a guy named Isaac freaking Lahey” I begin to say ever so softly. A tear escapes slowly streaming down my face.
“And if he loves me as much as I love him… He won’t leave me here alone, he won’t make me go somewhere I don’t want to go because if he truly loves me he’ll stay and fight beside me till we fall to the ground cause we were protecting someone that mattered” I continue to say.
“I can’t leave them here, my family is human, Isaac. They can’t fight like me, they can’t heal like you or Scott. So they need me to protect from whatever danger is coming their way because they matter to me” I finished. Tears were uncontrollably streaming down my face.
“And you matter to me… (Y/N) please don’t make me go without you” Isaac cries.
“Then don’t go” I respond.
“It’s not that simple (Y/N)” Isaac says.
“But me leaving my family is. What made you think that I was just going to leave my family, my friends, my hometown…I can’t, I don’t think I have the strength to leave” I reply. He looks at me in defeat, the look of desperation washes over his facial features.
“You mean everything to me, Isaac. And I love you to the moon and back but all of this is too much to ask an emotionally wrecked girl. I lost my best friend, I almost lost Stiles tonight I don’t wanna lose him again, he’s like a brother to me Isaac” I cry. I cup his face, everything slowly becomes drawn out as I look into the icy blue eyes.
“I’m sorry (Y/N) but I’m not going to stay here and watch you die” Isaac says. My heart breaks in two, I step away and turn around not wanting to see him.
I hear him pick his bag up off the ground. I try to block it out every little sound that he made. Everything was becoming too unbearable for my heart to handle.
“I guess this is goodbye” He says. I take a deep breath and wipe away the tears. I turn to face the boy I love, my arms folded loosely across my chest.
“I guess so” I say bluntly. He drops his bag and runs towards me, his hands on my hips and our lips connected as he kissed me goodbye. I push back and fold my arms once again looking at the floor.
“Please come with me” Isaac pleads once again.
“You know I can’t do that, Isaac. Scott, my parents, Lydia…. I can’t leave, Isaac. They mean too much to me” I reply.
“(Y/N)…” Isaac says. I turn away not wanting him to see me cry.
“Please, Isaac just go, your leaving me whether I come or not. So please make this easier for my heart and leave” I yell.
“But (Y/N)…” He says. I turn around once again to face him, my emotions suddenly all over the place.
“Isaac… go” I plead. He walks towards his bag and picks it up once again. He slowly closes the door behind his eyes never leaving mine. He abruptly stops and says one more thing.
“I love you” He says and shuts the door. I collapse onto the floor in tears, my body slowly starts to become weak as I continue to repeat the love of my life leaving me. I look up at the door and replay those three words in my mind.
“I love you too” I say….
“Hey (Y/N)”
I shake my head as the sound of a very familiar voice wakes me up. I turn to look at Scott and Stiles, one gives me a concerned look and the other one looks at me annoyed.
“The plan remember” Stiles says. I roll my eyes and lay back onto the jeep.
“Look I’m glad I’m a part of your plan, Stiles. But I’m not even sure if I wanna go to college yet” I say. He gasps at my response cause both me and Scott to laugh. I sit upright and look at the boy beside me.
“Something is seriously wrong with her. Scott what does she smell like” Stiles says. I glare at him and stick my tongue out.
“She smells...-” Scott begins to say. He looks up at the sky thinking.
“Sad, Scott I’m sad. Thought you’d be used to it by now. It's basically a common state for me” I answer.
“Whats wrong?” Scott’s ask concerned. I sigh and face the alpha next to me.
“I was thinking about the night Isaac left” I begin to say. Stiles looks at Scott with this I told you so look on his face causing me to glare at him.
“I keep asking myself what if, you know” I finish.
“Hey, you’ll be okay. My mum said to this to me when me and Allison broke up "They’re you’re first love everything will be amazing and exciting-” Scott begins to say but I cut him off.
“But you’ll end up finding someone else that’ll end up being just as amazing as the first” I finish.
“See you’re getting it” Scott says nudging me in the process. Stiles waves his arms in frustration causing both me and Scott to look at him.
“Dude the plan” Stiles says.
“Don’t worry Stiles you can have him back I’m gonna talk to little wolf anyway” I say. I jump off the jeep and walk towards a chained up Liam.
“(Y/N) you’re a part of the plan as well” Stiles yells behind me.
“Love you” I yell back casually . I stand beside Liam and look up at the sky.
“How you feeling?” I ask.
“I feel great by the way” Liam yells.
“He’s busy at the moment little wolf, Stiles is currently discussing the ‘plan’ aswe speak” I mock. Liam groans in annoyance and rests his head on the tree stump.
“Ughhhh it was only one time I seriously don’t know why I’m even here” he exclaims annoyed. I roll my eyes thinking about all the other times he’s done something stupid during the full moon.
“You sure about that” I reply with giggling. His face turns red in embarrassment as he start looking up at the the stars. I join him in this little activity thinking about the times where me and Isaac would do the same.
“The stars are quiet beautiful tonight, they just sit up there slowly burning throughout the night peacefully and without a care in the world. You know Me and Isaac use to do this all the time it was my favou-” I start to say without thinking. My eyes go wide as I fully process what I just said.
“Isaac?” Liam says while looking at me intrigued.
“Ahhhhh it’s nothing don’t worry about it little wolf, You know what I’ll meet you in the jeep” I say. I quickly walk towards the jeep and get inside. I lean back against the chair slowly sliding down my mind is filled with thoughts.
“What did he do?” Stiles asks as he walks up to the door.
“Nothing, Stiles. He done nothing” I reply.
“Then why do you look like you’re about to cry” he says.
“Seriously stiles don’t worry about it okay I’ll be fine” I say.
“Pfffft a nd I have a six pack with biceps the size of your head. Now come on, whats wrongs” Stiles says. I laugh at his reply and sit up in my chair.
“If you really wanna know I started thinking about my time with Isaac okay and how we’d use to look at the stars, see I told you it was nothing okay” I reply.
“Look you need to talk about him whether it’d be with me, Scott or Lydia but you need to talk about him (Y/N)” he says. I nod my head and usher him out the jeep. I lean back into the seat and close my eyes thinking about what Stiles had just said.
After a while, I get out of the jeep and sit next to Scott. They both look at me concerned looks plastered onto their face.
“I thought about what you said and you’re right. I need to talk about him so why not do it now” I say. They both send me small smiles.
“Where do I begin. Isaac was my first everything, my first love, my first kiss etcetera, etcetera. And I loved him so much… He was there for me when you were the nogitsune, Stiles” I begin to say. Scott puts his arm around my shoulders in order to comfort me.
“Things were great you know. I even saw a future with him, then everything turned sour when Ali died. She was the glue that held everything together. I didn’t know what to do after that and neither did Isaac or that’s what I thought. When he asked me to go with him I was surprised. Deep down I wanted to jump into his arms and scream yes at the top of my lungs but then I thought about you two, my family, Lydia… the pack. I begged him to stay, I begged and I begged but just like that he was gone and I was standing there cold and alone. I tried so hard to forget about him but all I do is end up missing him even more it’s like I’m going crazy and I haven’t figured out how to get over it” I finish. By this point, I was balling my eyes out. Scott was hugging me, rocking side to side as the night continues to tick away
“No matter what (Y/N) you’ve always got us okay” Scott says with a stupid grin on his face. I laugh lightly and hug them both.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you two, seriously” I say. I let go of the hug and chat to them for a little while as some time passes stiles begins to say something.
“Hey you think it’s been long enough” Stiles says referring to the chained up wolf.
“Yes” Liam yells. We all walk towards the little wolf, Scott puts his hand into his pocket and begins to take the keys out.
“Are you sure you’re okay” Scott asks.
“Yes, I’m fine” Liam replies.
“Well if we see your naked butt running around town again I’ll be dragging you here myself little wolf” I say with my brows raised slightly.
“I said I was hot” Liam replies.
“Yes well my grandparent didn’t appreciate seeing a particularly naked young boy running outside my house at two in the morning. Now let’s get going we got things to do”
*skip rest of car ride*
Me, Scott, Malia and Stiles finally make it to the school. We wait for Kira as she was the only one that wasn’t here.
“I’m going to get her” Scott says.
“How are you going to go through all the traffic” Stiles asks.
“I have a way. You guys go to the library, I’ll go back home and get my bike” Scott’s says. We nod our head and wave bye to Scott.
“You guys go ahead I need to do something that I haven't been able to do in a long time” I say. I play with the necklace Isaac gave me for our anniversary.
“Oh hell no. Do you really think I’m gonna-” Stiles begins to say but Malia cuts him off.
“We’ll meet you at the front of the school” Malia says. Stiles begins to protest but Malia motions her hands to the necklace. Stiles looks at it and then finally understands what I meant. They both walk away, I smile a little as they both remind me of the relationship I had with Isaac.
I walk towards the lacrosse field, my hair and clothes drenched in water. I stand there, the necklace firmly in my hand as I begin to think about the memories we made together. After a while, I look at the necklace a tear slides down my face.
“I love you and I let you go, Isaac Lahey”I throw the necklace far away. My heart finally feeling at peace. I turn around and come face to face with a man.
“You look a lot like the girl in the photo” he says. I move away from him my heart racing. I look at his hands and see long claw protruding from his fingers.
“What are you?” I ask.
“Someone wanting to know where Scott McCall is” he says. I try to run past him but he grabs my arm and pulls me towards him, he then puts his claws up to my throat.
“Look I don’t know where he is okay” I say. 
“Now that's a lie isn’t it” He says. He digs his claws into my throat causing me to flinch. 
“You won't find him and even if you do you won’t even know what hit you” I say threatening. He chuckles and leans into my neck. 
“Oh, naive little girl... just you wait and see” He whispers into my ear. We walk to the tunnel that we were under before Scott went to pick Kira up. Coincidentally both Scott and Kira were there. He growls causing the both of them to look in our direction. He pushes me out of the rain, his claws digging into my lower back. 
“Hey, Kira. How was the trip?” I say trying to lighten the mood. The strange man pushes me to the side and runs at Scott and Kira. Everyone begins fighting, Kira takes out her sword while Scott takes out his claws. I crack the bone in my neck and get ready to fight.
“How cute. You all think you can actually beat me” He says. I raise my brow and pull my knives out. 
“Of course we can. Afterall your just another one of our useless obstacles” I say. 
I run up and attack, he dodges some of my advance causing me to attack him even more. He grabs my arms and kicks me in the stomach making me fall to the ground in pain. Scott and Kira then proceed to fight him, he pushes Scott to the side leaving Kira. She takes her sword out and slashes the air and then proceeds to attack, he easily blocks her moves and hit her back causing her to fall.
“A true alpha. Where’s your power, Scott” He says. 
“Who are you?” Scott asks.
“A devoted fan. Show me the man that took down Deucalion, the man who broke the Argents. I came for that alpha, COME ON” He replies. Scott roars and then attacks him. Kira gets up and then attacks him once again but he blocks every move. 
“I didn’t come just to claim your status” He starts to say. 
I stand up and ready my knives once again but I was pulled back by some guy. He attacks him landing a few blows here and there but not enough to take him down. Scott stands up and dodges every throw taken towards him but that guys grabs him by the throat and lifts him into the air. Then he impales Scott with his claws, Scott slowly kneels onto the ground his eyes flashing back to his normal eyes. 
I push past Kira taking her sword and run towards Scott getting ready to attack once again. Scott then grabs him and stands up his eyes back to his alpha ones. I smirk to myself and aim her sword at him while he lays on the ground.
“I don’t know who you are or what you thought you were gonna do but I’ll give you a choice. You can stay and I’ll break something else or you can run” Scott threatens. He looks at us and then turns his to face Stiles. I kick his leg getting his attention, I then lean crouch down in front of him the sword now on the ground. 
“I’d run” I whisper. He stands up, holding his broken arms and runs. I stand up picking up the sword and throw it back to Kira. We all walk towards each other, I turn around to face the guy behind us curious as to who he is. 
“You don’t remember me do you” he says. We all stand there silent, I fold my arms across my chest.
“Nope not one bit” I say. He chuckles and starts walking towards us. 
“I always liked that about you, (Y/N)” He replies. I take my knives out and aim them at him. 
“How do you know my name” I threaten. 
“I guess I look a little different since the fourth grade” He says. 
“...Theo” Scott says. He nods his head a smile slowly emerges onto his face. I put my knives down and place them back into my boots. 
“You know him” Malia says. I smile to myself as the memories of us begin to flash through my mind. 
“Yeah, we use to know him. We were best friends for three years” I reply. I look around the group of people everyone reactions seem so different. 
“Trust me I thought I’d never get to see you guys again. A couple months ago I heard of an alpha in Beacon Hills... When I found out his name was Scott McCall... I just couldn’t believe it. Not just an alpha but a true alpha” He says. 
“What do you want?” Scott asks.
“I moved back to Beacon Hills...back home with my family. Cause I want to be a part of your pack” He answers. 
“That was a really nice speech, Raeken. But all I wanna do and I’m pretty sure most of you agree is to sign our stupid initials onto a library shelf in the school, okay. Now if you don't mind we’ll be going” I say before anyone could say anything I left and started walking towards the library. We all walk to the library in complete silence, all that could be heard was the sound of rain hitting against the ground. 
“That was interesting” Malia says breakining the silence. 
“Yeah” I reply. 
“What were you doing anyway (Y/N)”Scott asks. 
“I was letting someone go” I reply. He looks at me confused, i just pat his shoulder and continue walking ahead. We make it inside the school all of us sigh in relief. 
“I’ll be back. I have to go to my locker” I say. They nod their heads and stand there talking. 
I jog towards my locker and grab whatever I needed and began jogging my way back to the group of teens. I frown as I approach them as they all sounded like they were arguing with someone. 
“Hey what the hell is going on” I yell. Everyone turns around and looks at me with a sad expression. I look at them weirdly, not sure whats going on. 
“Hey, (Y/N). What the hell happened to you” I hear a very familiar voice say. He booked to walk towards me cupping my face as he examines my injuries from the fight. I push him away my emotions suddenly all over the place as the love of my life stands in front of me after all these years.
“Don’t start caring now Isaac it’s too late for that” I reply coldly. My hearts racing over a thousand miles per hour while my mind is all over the place, Why now, why here, why me...
“I don’t know why you’re here or why you’re back Isaac but I’ve had a bad night so if you’d like you can go back to France and never return. Oh yeah and this is for leaving” I say, I punch him in the face as the sudden urge of anger starts to raise inside me. He stumbles back a shocked look plastered on his face, he wipes the blood of his nose and fixes his composure, He looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes still full of love and it made me even more angrier.
“I’m here because of you” He says. I roll my eyes and scoff as I continue to glare at the boy in front of me.
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Isaac. It’s been years since you up and left me, I needed you, I relied on you Isaac... so what makes you think that you could come back and think that everything would be okay. I’m still healing mentally and emotionally so I really don’t need this at the moment Isaac so leave... its what you’re good at” I yell tears streaming down my face with every word.
“(Y/N) please listen to me” he begins to plead with me. I scoff and roll my eyes once again, no matter how much I’ve yearned for him touch or to see him once again I’m not going to fall for his lies anymore, I’ve let him go so I need to stick by it.
“Isaac stop I’m done with this conversation and I’m done with you. Let’s go guys Lydias probably waiting for us” I say, I walk away the pack following behind as we make our way towards Lydia.
“Sooooo that was interesting” Stiles says while he catches up to me.
“Ugghhhh don’t even get me started, seriously this night couldn’t t have been any worse. I just wanna write my initial on that stupid library shelf and go home, my grandparents are probably worried” I reply annoyed. He laughs and puts his arm around my shoulder.
“Well it seems like your wish just came true cause I spot Lydia right now actually so library here we come” he says. I smile and hug him once more before letting to go met up with Lydia a bit quicker than the others. I give her a big hug and she hugs me back surprised.
“Took you guys long enough and what was that for even though I’m not complaining” she says with a confused yet concerned look on her face.
“I’ll catch you up tonight, sleepover?” I reply.
“Uhhhhh of course” she replied, I laugh at her response and hug her once more while we wait for the others to catch up.
Isaac Lahey was my first everything, he was my first my love and also my first heartbreak. I had given that boy everything I could and yet that still just wasn’t enough my heart wasn’t enough because when I needed him the most he left...
I hate him so fucking much, that it hurts to still be in love with him. He left me, abandoned me, threw me away like I was simply nothing but trash to him, so how dare I still love him... how dare he still be on my mind after all he’s done to me, how dare he not be hurting still after all these years apart, how dare he make me feel the way that I do, how dare he expect to me to fall into his arms like he never left or none of it never happened...
I hate him so much that my heart can’t seem to stop being in love with him and it hurts, it hurts so much and I’m not sure if I fully let him go...“I love you”... yeah so much for that.
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bobbersb-fandomfun · 3 years
Fanworks Masterpost
So, now that I’ve been dipping my toes into creating myself, and I have a few things I’ve got in the pipeline to come, I decided to start up a masterpost! Here is links you’ll find to my work, most can straight up be found on my AO3, but not always.
** fic has explicit rating.
Firefly Fandom: Fan Art:
Teen Wolf Fandom:
a little less by the book a little more hands on
that one time a speed trap turned into a thirst trap **
turn and face the strange **
it takes two to tango **
Sterek Kinktober Masterpost ** Kinks listed inside
Drag Charm - Stiles centric
What's Cookin' Good Lookin' ** All Human, Social Media to all the boys i've loved before - fanfiction by me, fanart by @go-catch-a-chickn
There is no separation between the fallen and the stars Teen Wolf/All American crossover
How do I say I love you? - OTL Valentine’s Event.
It started with a NYE kiss - Teen Wolf Fic Fest work ** Thiam Kinktober Masterpost ** Kinks listed inside Theo & Liam - Holiday Fic, Netflix show Dash & Lily Thiam’d Just one more, always just one more chance... -  5 + 1 
Strange things are afoot at the circle K
Surprise Drabble w/ Moodboard
Road Trip Drabble w/ Moodboard
Other Pairings:
Family Isn't Always Blood - Isett -  Isaac Lahey/Brett Talbot
Your Hurt Is In My Heart - Isett - Isaac Lahey/Brett Talbot
It's not what you look at, it's what you see - Nolec - Nolan/Alec
the place between asleep and awake - Nett - Nolan/Brett **
Stiles Stilinski's Guide to Mistletoe for Idiot Werewolves - Steo
Fan Art:
Theo Raeken Moodboards:
Demiromantic, Demisexual & Non-binary
Liam Dunbar Moodboards:
Hufflepuff Moodboard
(Art) you only feel one emotion at a time  Art inspired by the fic  you only feel one emotion at a time by  likelightninginabottle
Moodboards for  It started with a NYE kiss Six in Total. Aesthetic Moodboards for Theo & Liam Eight in Total
Banners for Alphas of a Feather , made for fanfiction for FandomTrumpsHate
Surprise Moodboard & Drabble
Road Trip Moodboard & Drabble
Strange things are afoot at the circle K fic inspired art
the place between asleep and awake, Moodboard 1 & 2
Paranormal Games: Ouija Board - Steo Spooktober Moodboard Ghost Stories -  Steo Spooktober Moodboard Stiles Stilinski's Guide to Mistletoe for Idiot Werewolves
Other Pairings:
Family Isn’t Always Blood - Isett - Isaac Lahey/Brett Talbot, fic inspired art.
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artemischarmed · 4 years
Just Neighbors
You can’t tell me that Jackson and Isaac were neighbors and expect me to ignore that canon. Add in the fact that Isaac had an older brother who was around 8 years older and bam!
Adventures in babysitting!
Read on AO3.
Finished for Jackson Appreciate Week - Day 2: Childhood! @jacksonwhittemoreweek
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andreafmn · 1 month
I'm Not Afraid | Chapter 18
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Word Count: 3.8K
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack, as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
A/N: this is essentially a filler chapter to jump into the end of Season 2. But, if you're one of the followers of this story, strap in 'cause shit's about to go down 🫣
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Emergency Family Meeting was what flashed on (Y/N)’s phone at six in the morning. She groaned as the sound bounced off the walls, breaking her from a deep sleep. The brightness from her phone burned her eyes and made her groan as she read Allison’s message.
The last thing she wanted was to be surrounded by Argent hunters. She didn’t want to face her cousin or her grandfather; she didn’t even want to face her own parents. All she wanted to do was sleep. Well, she still had school, and she had to walk Brody, but other than that, she wanted to sleep. It was the only sure way she had to avoid Derek. The more she slept, the less time she had to think. And (Y/N) did not want to be stuck in her head.
“Dude, turn off your phone,” Isaac grumbled from the spot he had taken on her bedroom floor, hugging Brody closer as he turned away from the light. “It’s too early to be awake. We still have two more hours until school starts.”
“Well, it’s not my fault Allison is calling for a family meeting,” (Y/N) sighed, ripping her sheets off her body. "I’m pretty sure it has everything to do with her little revenge arc. She's probably going to tell us to go after Derek and anyone involved with him.”
“Which includes me,” he said. “I don’t think your cousin will take well to knowing you’ve been harboring one of Derek’s betas these last couple of days.”
After everything that had gone down after Lydia’s party, Isaac had been glued to (Y/N)’s side. When he wasn’t in other classes or practice, he’d be standing right beside her, waiting until it was nighttime when he would sneak into her room through the window. He claimed he didn’t want her to be alone—especially after Matt’s body had been found in the river—but she knew the uncertainty he had living with Derek and everything that was happening. The man had all but said you’re all either completely in or to jump ship. Erica and Boyd had turned down (Y/N)’s offer of her home, but Isaac had been quick to agree.
Somehow, (Y/N) had been able to hide a 6’1” teenage werewolf in her bedroom for almost five days without being found out. Granted, the fact that her parents seemed to be out of the house most of the night because of the Kanima helped. They didn’t really question the missing food or the fact that their daughter locked herself in her room the second she got home. Their minds were simply too preoccupied.
“I’m just gonna see what this is about, and I’ll let you know what’s going on,” (Y/N) said as she slipped a hoodie over her head and tied her hair into a ponytail. “Sometimes I wish I wasn’t born in this family, you know? It’s like craziness follows us.”
“Could be genetic.”
“My biggest fear,” she sighed. “But I’ll see you later, okay? Don’t come out until I’m back.”
“I can go with you,” the boy offered. “Hang out a few blocks away until you’re done. Moral support, you know?”
“I can’t risk having you close, Isaac. I’m not even sure what I’m walking into myself. For all I know, this is the meeting where they reveal my involvement with the pack, and I’m punished by the family.”
“See, that doesn’t make me feel comfortable about you going alone.”
“I’m not gonna be alone,” she shrugged. “My dad will be there and he’s on our side. So, I’ll see you when I get back because I am coming back.”
“Fine. At least I have Brody to keep me company,” he said as he scratched the sleepy dog’s head. “I can keep him if you don’t come back, right?”
“You’re hilarious.”
“I try,” he snickered. “Be careful, Argent.”
“Always am, Lahey.”
After saying a quick goodbye to Isaac and her dog, (Y/N) closed her bedroom door behind her and sped off to her uncle’s house. The place was packed with hunters, both young and old, all preparing to take down the now-infamous Kanima. Anywhere she turned, a leather-clad hunter would meet her gaze. The girl tried her best not to feel intimidated, but their stares bore into her like they knew all of her secrets.
But if they did, they made no sound about it. They nodded their heads and waved at her as she passed them. No one reprimanded her or tried to hold her back from getting to where she needed to be. She was simply the daughter of one of the Argent boys and a hunter in training.
“Ah, (Y/N),” Gerard greeted as she walked down to the basement. “We’ve been waiting for you.”
“Yeah, well, I do live far from here, and I was sleeping. Mind you, it’s six in the morning on a school day.”
“(Y/N),” her mother reprimanded.
“It’s quite alright, Rebecca. She’s filled with teenage angst and rebellion. I’d be surprised if she didn’t say something out of place.”
“Great. Since we’re finished discussing my teenage behaviors, could you tell me what we’re doing here?” (Y/N) scoffed quietly. “I do have a history test in a few hours.”
“Okay, we’re veering off track here,” Allison interjected. “I’m the one that called this meeting because I need us all to be on the same page about the wolves here.”
“And what page would that be, Ali?”
“Derek Hale is the reason my mother is dead, and he has to pay for what he has done. It’s been a week since she died, and we’re nowhere near to finding him,” she said sternly. The way she spoke about Derek sent shivers down (Y/N)’s spine. There was so much hatred and ire laced with her words that it killed any ounce of sarcasm in the other girl’s brain. “Other than the Kanima, our top priority is to apprehend Derek. If you find him, you bring him back here. Alive. We know he has betas that will protect him at all costs. Just like last Friday, I don’t want to hurt them for being dumb enough to protect their alpha, but we will if the need arises. I will need you to be on high alert. We will be the only ones looking for him. The other hunters will be tasked on Kanima watch, but this case is too personal to leave in their hands.”
(Y/N) wanted to speak up, tell her that the only people she should have been hunting down were their own family. It was their fault and their stupid rules that had killed Victoria. Not Derek or any of the wolves, and they did not deserve the persecution that Allison was instituting. It was an unnecessary witch hunt that she wanted no part in.
As everyone agreed with the game plan, strategizing how to get the big bad wolf, (Y/N) slipped out of the basement. She was unable to keep listening to her family’s ideas to catch someone who was not at fault and how taking innocent lives would be such a breeze since they were simply in the way. Everyone spoke up, saying what way they thought would be best. Everyone but her father. Henry simply sat back and listened as everyone else spoke of killing three teenagers and a young man like they were planning their Thanksgiving dinner.
“Where are you going, (Y/N)?” Allison said. She grabbed (Y/N) by the elbow as the girl started walking down the driveway, turning her around to face each other. “We’re not done yet,” she said.
“It seems to me you all have this perfectly planned out,” she shrugged. “There’s no need for me to sit in on a meeting that could have been an email.”
“What is your problem, (Y/N)? It’s almost like you don’t care about what happened to my mom,” the girl accused. “I know you two were close, but he’s to blame here.”
“I do care, Ali,” she stated. “I’m very sorry that your mother is dead. I can’t imagine the pain you are going through. But it is not Derek’s fault that she took her own life, and planning on hurting or, worse, killing the rest of the pack is honestly unbelievable. Our job is to defend those that can’t defend themselves, not go after innocent people.”
“None of them are innocent,” Allison seethed. “Derek Hale is a killer. And if the rest decide to hide him, then they are complicit in his crime. They are just as guilty as he is.”
“Have you ever even thought why Derek had to bite her? Have you asked yourself why he may have needed to resort to that?”
“What’re you getting on about?” she questioned. “How would you know any of that?”
“I was there, Allison. I was in the room where it all happened,” (Y/N) admitted. “She was close to killing Scott that night, using an airborne form of wolfsbane. Derek fought her to get her away from him. That’s when he bit her. It was their lives or a bite. She got away fine. Her death happened because of the stupid rules this family lives by, where a hunter would rather take their own life than be a wolf. “Now, you can blame them all you want and hunt them down for eternity,” she spat. “But it will never change the fact that it was Victoria’s choice to die that night. No one killed her but the blade in her hand.”
As soon as those words left her mouth, Allison’s hand struck (Y/N)’s cheek with a loud snap, splitting open the still-healing Kanima slashes on her cheek. They dripped warm blood down her skin, mixing with the sting of the hit. But it did not deter her from continuing. “Would you have rather he let Scott die?” she pressed. “Would you have rather she had killed me in the fight instead? Because it’s everyone else’s fault, right? The fact that your mother took her own life is everyone else’s fault. And just because you think you know what’s best doesn’t mean you get to tell everyone what to do.”
“How can you say something like that? If it hadn’t been for Derek, my mother would still be alive,” Allison said through gritted teeth. “Grandpa put me in charge of strategy because he knew I was the best person for the job. I’m actually committed to our family’s work, unlike you, (Y/N).”
“Oh, well, excuse me for not being okay with the murder and unnecessary hunt of our friends. Because I think you’re forgetting who the people you want to hurt are,” Syler pressed. “What if I’m hiding them?  Will you kill me too? Will you make sure I don’t get in your way?”
“(Y/N), I wouldn’t…” ‘
“But you would, Allison. You’re being driven by vengeance and retribution, and I will not help you do it. The rules that the hunters live by are warped and do nothing but justify the killings of innocent people. I won’t stand for it.”
“So, what’re you saying? You’re out?”
“Oh, you can absolutely believe I am out,” (Y/N) spat back. “And if you want to turn everyone against me, you can go right ahead. I will make sure to do my absolute hardest to protect my friends from you. You’ll have to kill me yourself if you want to get to any of them.”
(Y/N) turned before Allison could say anything else, mounting her motorcycle and speeding off. Everyone she cared about was at risk because of her family, because of something she had helped do. She knew going against her family could have dire consequences for her, but she couldn’t simply stand by while her own cousin hunted the people she had befriended once upon a time—and some she had made sure to stay clear of. Even if they had supernatural abilities, the girl knew the relentlessness of her family. They had their scent, and they wouldn’t let it go.
As soon as she got home, she ran to her room to find Isaac now asleep on her bed, her dog curled by his feet. He looked calm and peaceful, even, unaware of the danger he was in. (Y/N) wanted to protect him and keep him safe for the first time in a very long time.
(Y/N) slithered onto the bed as softly as she could, trying to take advantage of the forty minutes she still had left until she had to go to school. But as soon as the bed dipped, both Isaac and Brody turned their heads toward the movement. “Hey,” she whispered as she finally settled onto her spot. “Go back to sleep.”
“You’re back already?” Isaac yawned. “What did they say?”
“We can discuss that later,” she dismissed. “You need all the rest you can get, kid.”
“Is it bad?”
“Later, okay? I can’t focus on that right now. I need to dream about the Roman empire before my test.”
(Y/N) walked out of the history classroom feeling content with her performance. Even if she had missed a few questions, she knew she had gotten the majority of the test right. And in the grand scheme of things, she was fine with celebrating that small victory. There might have been a killer lizard boy terrorizing the town controlled by god knows who, her best friend might have been hunted by her family, her situationship might have ended things, and her parents might have hated each other, but at least she knew she got a good grade on her test.
As she turned to the left to head to the cafeteria, she collided straight into someone, sending the book in her hands flying.
“Oh, god, (Y/N),” Stiles’ voice said. “Sorry. I wasn’t looking.” 
“It’s fine,” she chuckled as she accepted his outstretched arm. “I wasn’t looking either. We’ve all got a lot on our minds, I guess.”
“You could say that again,” he laughed. But there was something different in the timber of his laughter. It wasn’t bright and cheery—not that she expected any less in a situation like the one they were in. “I feel like I haven’t seen anyone in years. These days…”
“These days have driven everyone apart, it seems—some more than others,” (Y/N) said with a sigh. "I thought I understood interpersonal relationships. Hell, I thought I understood what being family meant. But these past few months have shown me that I don’t know anything.”
“We know less than nothing,” Stiles added. “And these past weeks have taught us that.”
With a shared sigh, a thought popped into (Y/N)’s head. “Do you wanna ditch?”
“Like, school?”
“No, church,” she mocked. “Of course, school.”
“But there’s still half a day left and practice…”
“We’ll be back for lacrosse practice. I know the big game is tomorrow,” she stated. “It’s just a couple of hours and lunch. You can do that, right?”
“I mean, I guess I could.”
“If the principal has anything to say about it, he can bring it up at the next family dinner,” (Y/N) joked. "So, are you in?”
“Fuck it, I’m in.”
The pair of teens used the racket of class change in the hallways to slip out of the front doors. If anyone had noticed, they didn’t care as they ran to the parking lot. But they had not planned where to go. (Y/N) went left as Stiles went right, stopping once they noticed what they had done.
“My Jeep is better,” Stiles whispered. “It fits more people.”
“My bike is faster,” the girl retorted. “And I have an extra helmet.”
“I’m supposed to get on that death trap with you?” Stiles worried. “So, if the Kanina doesn’t get me, your bike will?”
“I’m a better driver on my bike than anyone could be in a car,” she said. “Live a little, Stiles. Who knows when we’ll be gone.”
With a fearful breath and a furrowed brow, Stiles reluctantly followed (Y/N) to her motorcycle. He tightened the straps of his backpack and climbed onto the bike behind the girl. For a second, he felt safe. As he balanced his body on the back of the leather seat, he thought it was fine. Until she roared the bike to life, and it rumbled under him.
“You might want to hold on tight,” she said. “I like to go fast.”
Stiles’ words died in his mouth as she gave the bike gas, and they sprung forward. His arms wrapped tightly around her waist a small scream left his mouth. The boy may have faced murderous lizards and wolves, but nothing could compare to the anxiety of having his life depend on a vehicle with only two wheels and no walls.
But soon into the drive, the boy leaned into the danger. His grip softened, and his fear turned into thrill. The rumble of the road felt different, the wind hitting his body was chilling but welcomed, and he felt like he could breathe. After months of treading water, he felt he could breathe.
Soon enough, they arrived at their destination. Beacon Diner was a staple in the town and a place she started frequenting with Derek up until he had decided to disappear from her life as though he had only been a passing thought.
It was odd to return to the establishment without him. Memories of their first time there came flooding back every time she went there, and that was the first time those memories had made her stomach churn. She had learned as much as she could about him, given an entire portion of her brain and her heart to him, all for Derek to simply discard it all away. But he wouldn’t hold everything in town hostage for her. She wouldn’t let him.
“Oh, (Y/N), nice to see you back,” her usual waitress welcomed her. “Cutting school again, I see.”
“Just taking an impromptu half-day, Molly,” she smiled. “Figured I’d get some early lunch from the best place.”
“Cafeteria food not cutting it?” Molly chuckled as she set menus in front of the teens. “And, hey, that’s weird, no Derek today? Haven’t seen the two of you here in some time.”
 “Yeah. No Derek for a while,” (Y/N) managed to blurt out. “He needs some space, I guess.”
“Boys,” Molly playfully scoffed. “Well, then, what can I get started for you two?”
The pair fell into a comfortable silence after they made their order and got their drinks. It was the first time they had ever been by themselves, and they knew they made an odd pair to the naked eye. How could anyone know the trauma that already bonded them in such a short amount of time?
“So, things go south with Derek?” Stiles finally broke the silence after taking a sip of his unnecessary coffee, not really noticing the nonchalant tone of his words until after they had left his mouth. “I mean, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. It’s totally up to you. I don’t mean to pry.”
“It’s okay, Stiles,” she chuckled softly. “It honestly came out of the blue. After the whole thing at the station, he said he had to put some distance between us because he couldn’t be sure I wouldn’t one day turn on him like Allison has turned on Scott and…”
“How Kate turned on him,” Stiles finished. “He really said that?”
“Yeah,” she sighed. Her eyes were trained on the ice of her drink because she knew if she looked at the pity in his eyes, she wouldn’t be able to stop the tears. “I thought we had gotten over that, but I guess he was just waiting for the right moment to use that card.”
“I’m sorry he said that,” the boy offered. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think you could ever be like Kate. It might not mean anything coming from me. I know I haven’t known you for too long, and in the short time I knew your aunt, she was trying to kill Scott and me. But you’re nothing like her, (Y/N).”
“It means a lot, Stiles,” the girl smiled. “Especially since I wasn’t that great when I first came here.”
“Yeah, you were a hard pill to swallow,” Stiles chuckled. “But I get why you were like that. Thankfully, it didn’t last long. I like not being the only one who’s default is sarcasm.”
“I guess I got here just in time then,” she laughed. “I just wish I knew what my purpose is here. I mean, I’m basically the odd one out.”
“How so?”
There was a silence between them as their plates were set in front of them, an extra order of fries set between them. Molly told them it was on the house and left with a playful wink toward them. The pair burst out laughing, knowing the insinuation came from a good place.
“You didn’t answer my question,” Stiles mentioned as he popped a handful of fries into his mouth. “Why do you feel like you’re the odd one out?”
“When I came here, everyone already knew their place,” (Y/N) sighed. “And, I don’t know, I just feel like I have no role here. Like I wasn’t meant to stay here for long. Hell, even Derek is the creepy loner. I’m just… there.”
“Oh, god, and you think we have much purpose?” Stiles sputtered. “If it hadn’t been for an accident, Scott would have never been turned, and we’d be just as oblivious to everything as the rest of Beacon Hills. We’re all just winging it, honestly. Whatever we do right, it’s just because we most likely stumbled onto the right answer.”
“But even without the whole werewolf, Kanima, whatever nonsense, you would have still had a life here,” she said. “The only reason I’m here is because my dad wanted to be close to his brother, and the only reason we stayed is… well, I’m honestly not even sure why.”
“Maybe that’s your purpose,” the boy offered. “To find out why you’re here.”
“A journey to find my purpose in life… how absolutely coming-of-age film of me,” she chuckled. “Can’t we just be kids for a day? Jeez.”
“You can say that again,” Stiles laughed as he slumped in his seat. “I could do without the near-death experiences and the constant crippling anxiety.” 
“Something tells me we’d still manage to be in similar situations regardless.”
“Something tells me you’re right,” he chuckled sadly. "At least we’re not going through it alone—well, not completely alone.”
“Isaac might not like it—hell, he will probably be jealous that I didn’t ask him to skip with me—but you’ll always have a friend in me, Stiles,” (Y/N) smiled. “I might be new at this whole thing, but I’m still here.”
“Well, likewise. With how things are looking out, we’re all gonna need all the friends we can spare,” he said. “I just want this whole deal to be over with so we can get back to our boring, regular lives.”
“I think that might be too much to ask for,” she laughed. “Maybe let’s just hope the championship tomorrow goes on without a hitch.”
“Now that’s something I can cheers to.”
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Always, Only. You. 28.1
 Talia had taken Y/N in to her pack after your parents and their pack  were brutally murdered. For years she trained and learned under Talia alongside Derek , Laura and Cora. One night Talia tells you along with Derek that you two have to imprint on each other , to become each other’s mates. Your connection to Derek has always been stronger than his to you. So after the fire it killed you to be away from him , but you had to do it for your own survival. 7 years after the fact , you return home. Back to Beacon Hills. But the Derek you return to is not the same Derek you know. Will Y/N ever get Derek to accept the fact they are meant to be together?
Derek Hale x F.Reader 
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“Derek this isn’t the way to Argent’s.” You looked over at him, skeptically.
 “I know.” He answered, avoiding your stare. “I’m taking you to the airport.”
 “Why?” You turned your body this time, so you were facing him completely. You removed your sunglasses.
 He glanced at you once. After a moment, he sighed and pulled off to the side of the road. “Because of that.” He pointed at you, but you knew well what he meant. “Your eyes. And there are hunters, lots of them, looking for you. You cant stay here.”
 You put the sunglasses back on. “Were you ever going to tell me Araya was after me or did you think putting me on a plane was really gonna work?”
 “How do you know about that?”
 “I know that. And I know you and Peter were also held captive by her. What were you even doing out there anyway?” 
 “I wanted to take Cora back." He confessed. "I also needed to talk to my mom."
  You scoffed. You always understood Derek’s bond with his mother; you respected it. But even after everything you couldn’t believe he was still relying on her. You decided to keep your cool, but the anger inside was slowly starting to simmer.
 “So, while I was locked away in Eichen house, you went seeking validation from your dead mother?” You asked, your tone failing you. Your tone was cold and harsh.
"It's not like that." Derek replied calmly. "I feel like I've been messing up every chance I've gotten. I just needed a little guidance. She told me our family didn't only live in Beacon Hills. But we protected. Thats what I need to do. I need to protect everyone here. And I can teach Scott along the way too. Show him and teach him everything he needs to know about being an alpha."
 “I, I, I.” you repeated with frustration. “It’s always ‘me’ and ‘i’ with you, Derek! I mean, what the hell! You always try to do things alone when you dont have to! I mean, you're not even an alpha anymore.” 
 For a second your eyes glowed red from behind the sunglasses. Derek noticed. Your anger was slowly getting the best of you; but this time it was different. There was this weird pressure in your head that increased the more you tried to contain your anger. Derek could sense that you were holding back as well.
 “I dont have to be an alpha. I need to redeem myself.” He told you calmly, but he was also getting frustrated. You could smell it. “I couldn’t do anything to beat Jennifer. I couldn’t do anything to stop you from shifting that night. I couldn’t do anything for my pack either. What I can do, is this. What my mom told me.”
 “Does my opinion even matter to you?” You asked him. He stared at you for a moment. And when he didn’t answer, you knew. “I’ve stood behind you every step of the way. Even when I didn't agree with your decisions, because I trusted you. I believed you could be a great alpha. It doesn’t have to fall on just you. We can do all of it. Together. Why is it so hard for you to understand that?”
  He shook his head. He opened his mouth slightly then quickly closed it again before starting, “you don’t need me, Y/N. You never did.”
You frowned at him, that anger bubbling inside you. It was like an electricity coursing in your veins. 
 How could he say that? How could he think that?
  “Me shifting was inevitable, Derek.” You told him through gritted teeth. “You cant take all the credit for that. It was going to happen one way or another.” Your breathing was heavier now, they were beginning to sound more like low growls. 
 “Y/N,” Derek said your name calmly, “you need to calm down.”
 “Calm down?” You panted. “Calm down?” You closed your eyes, trying to gain control of your breathing.
When you realized you couldn’t you hopped out of Derek’s car. You dug your nails into your thighs as you sped walked away, but that didn’t seem to help. 
 This anger that was bubbling inside of you was just like that night during the eclipse. Once you felt the anger; you needed to let it run its course. You needed to be alone, so you didn’t hurt anyone. Especially Derek.
 “Y/N.” You barely heard Derek’s voice and the sound of him closing his car door over the sound of your blood rushing and your heart pumping inside your head. “Y/N, wait—.”
 “Stay away from me!” You turned suddenly, roaring out. Derek stopped dead in his tracks. You gripped your head and turned away. “Stay. Away.”
 Your body contorted itself, and you let out a loud howl right before shifting into your full wolf form. Derek didn't make a move to run, instead he stared at you apologetically.
 “Y/N,” he nearly whispered.
 You took off in the opposite direction, heading straight for the woods. 
    ———————— 🐾 ————————
  You coughed. A foul odor filled your nostrils as well as made your eyes hard to keep open. The more you tried to keep your eyes open, you failed. So you squinted, looking around at where you had settled. 
 You were in a cave. No. You looked around more. It was more like a den. Whatever that smell was, must’ve been bombed in here to keep other animals away. You got on all fours again and began crawling out, to get away from the stench. 
You couldn't remember much after running into the woods. Bits and pieces, but it felt more like a nightmare. You would've believed it too if your body wasn't aching so much. You stopped before completely exiting and looked down at your body. You hung your head and let out a heavy sigh. You were naked. Which meant you were most likely left without your phone as well.
 “I am not running out of here naked.” You told yourself. You sat down on your butt and leaned back against the cave wall. “And I'm too weak to shift back.” You sighed. “Looks like I’m stuck here until dark.” you closed your eyes.
 There were two very faint female voices coming from outside the cave. You didn’t care to focus on their voices or their scents. You weren’t going to attack civilians for their clothes; no matter how badly you needed them.
 “What’s that smell?” One of the girls gagged. 
 You pushed yourself off the wall. They sounded closer, you could hear them more clearly now. She sounded just like—
 “Y/N? Are you in here?” She peeked into the entrance of the den.
 “Erica.” You gasped in relief. “Cora!” You yelled, noticing her as well. You laughed with relief, crawling out of the den quickly to hug the two girls. “I’m so glad to see you guys!”
 They both hugged you back with zero hesitation. Erica handed you some clothing and smiled. You grabbed it and nodded at her. The two girls turned away while you got dressed. 
 “Derek called us.” Cora told you. "Told us what happened?"
 “Why'd you come all the way out here?” Erica asked.  
You zipped up the pants and pulled on the oversized t-shirt. “I didn't mean to.” You tell them. Erica was the first to look at you over her shoulder, followed by Cora. When they saw you were fully dressed, they faced you. “I just got so mad. I blacked out. Ended up here.”
  Cora looked at Erica. They both shared a sympathetic expression. Erica approached you and hugged you again. 
 “We really missed you.” She whispered.
 “It hasn't been easy for us since you've been gone.” Cora added. “With Derek especially.”
“I kinda figured. He tried to send you off, too? And he wanted to talk to Talia?” you scoffed, shaking your head. You huffed out a breath and said, “Whatever. It doesn't matter anymore. We need to get to Argent."
The girls glanced at each other confused.
"Argent?" Cora asked. "For what?"
"What do you mean for what?" You asked back just as confused.  They both shrugged. “You have no idea whats going on.” You stated more than questioned. Then realization hit, “you weren't at the halloween party last night. Where were you?” 
 Erica looked at Cora wide-eyed, then down at her feet. Cora looked away, clearing her throat. That was suspicious to you. You allowed them another moment to answer you but they both were too nervous to actually answer.
 You crossed your arms and glared at them.
 “We were with Stiles.” Erica blurted out.
 Your jaw dropped. “Th-the both of you?”
 Erica nodded. Cora turned away from the both of you; embarrassed. The initial shock of the confession wore off quickly and then you smiled. 
 “That- that’s great.” You forced out. Cora looked over at you with disgusted expression. “Cora, I mean, he saved you. The both of you. So it makes sense that–,”
 “I don’t,” she emphasized, “like him.” She looked at Erica then at you. “I don’t. He’s goofy, and a spaz and weird. We just stick around him to protect him.”
 “I always thought he was cute.” Erica shrugged.
 “Ok.” you giggled at both girls. “Does he know what’s going on? At all? I saw him speed out of the driveway last night. Were you with him then?”
 The girls glanced at each other again. 
 You let out a heavy sigh. “Seriously? I’m glad you girls have bonded but what's with that? Glancing at each other before answering my questions.” 
 “Nothing.” Cora shook her head. “It's just— we’re not really sure what’s going on with him right now, either.”
 “He’s been acting a lot weirder than usual. Especially since that night.”
 “What night?” 
———————— 🐾 ————————
 The girls had taken you to the power plant after explaining everything to you. 
 “This is where it happened?” You asked to confirm again. You turned to look over your shoulder at them, they both nodded. “OK, but why Kira?”
 “Derek called her a kitsune. He saw the energy, the spirit or whatever around her that night.”
"Right, I noticed that too. Like a fox." You recalled.
 “Lydia is the one who led Derek, Scott and Stiles here.” Erica added.
 You continued walking further in the plant. Although you weren't here, and it's been a while since the incident you could still feel the energy everywhere. “But how did he know?” You asked out loud. “How did he know she was a kitsune?”
 “Stiles.” Erica began. “There was a message on the board at school.” She said instead. “I mean it was numbers but Stiles decoded it and it turned out to be periodic element numbers that spelled out Kira’s name.”
 “What?” You furrowed your brows, stopping in your tracks and facing both girls now. “There was a message at your school? Someone at your school was helping him? Who could've known that? I thought she was new? ”
  "Theres something else." Erica said. "Last night we went back to the school with Stiles. He found a key on his key rings. It was to the chemistry closet where Barrow was hiding." A beat. "The handwriting on the chalkboard also matched Stiles' handwriting."
You got an uneasy feeling. Nothing they were saying was making any sense. You continued walking further. You noticed a weird deep skid mark on the floor and walked over to it. You followed it until you noticed a metal bat magnetized to an electrical panel. 
 “What the hell?” You muttered to yourself. “Is that–,” you didn't finish your sentence as you walked over to it and grabbed the metal bat. You had to use a little bit of your strength to pry it off the electrical panel to examine it. "That's weird."
 “That’s Stiles’ bat.” Erica and Cora joined you. 
 You walked back to the start of the skid mark and followed it with the bat this time. The closer you got to the electrical panel the stronger the pull got; until it forced your hand and the bat back to where you had found it. You let go of the handle and the bat remained stuck to the panel. “It’s magnetized." You confirmed.
"If Kira caused this reaction and Stiles was holding this bat while it happened then–,”
 “He shouldn't be alive.” Cora finished. She looked back at Erica then at you. “No, that's not possible. We were here, he didn't even have a scratch on him.”
 “I need to find out more about this kitsune and those shadowy figures. Cora, do you remember that other alpha that came around every once in a while when your mom was still alive? What was her name?”
 “There were a lot of alphas that came to see my mom, Y/N.” She drawled.
 “A woman. Old. Japanese. She always brought your mom these special herbs to make some kind of special tea.”
 Cora furrowed her brows and looked down, deep in thought. “Satomi!” She yelled, smiling. “Her name is Satomi.”
 “I need to find her. Maybe she’ll know something.”
 “How are you going to find her?” Cora asked. The two girls followed after you as you walked past them. “Nobody has been around since my mom died. At least that's what Derek knows. And she always showed up unannounced. Not even my mom knew where her and her pack would be.”
 “I have a feeling she’s looking for me. Along with many others.”
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princeescaluswords · 5 years
Not A Puppy
Isaac Lahey is not human anymore.  He’s a powerful monster.  And that suits him just fine.
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Not A Puppy by Escalus
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Isaac Lahey
Isaac Lahey's Father
Derek Hale
Scott McCall (Teen Wolf)
Erica Reyes
Vernon Boyd
Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags:
Missing Scene
Moral Ambiguity
Season/Series 02
Season/Series 02-03 Hiatus
Scisaac Week
Explicit Language
Summary:  Isaac Lahey took the Bite when Derek Hale offered it to him as a way to no longer be a victim. He wasn't going to become a werewolf that others had to pity or look after. He took it to get what he wanted. When the Hale Pack wasn't fighting for their lives, what he wanted was Scott McCall.
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cgsf · 2 years
Teen Wolf fanfiction recs — Miscellaneous
"workplace activities" (E) by preromantics | 2,483 | Parrish almost -- almost misses Stiles’ sophomore year of college and the Great Work Inbox Ass Spam flirting debacle. He’s also almost to the point he can look back on that time fondly, but then he remembers the sheriff holding a freshly faxed freckled ass pic, asking at large, “Who is my son sexting?”
"God Bless the Boy Scouts" (G) by calrissian18 | 1,433 | “You are a boy scout.” It was almost an accusation. Parrish seemed to pick up on that and shrugged it off with a smile. “There are worse things to be.” He glanced away, laughed in supremely unamused fashion. “Like whatever the hell I actually am.”
"Eager Young Space Cadet" (T) by calrissian18 | 3,203 | “How’d you like the lasagna?” Stiles lets out an exasperated sound. “I threw it to the wolves,” he says with a wry twist to his lips. He had given it to Derek after forbidding his dad from it. “I get the feeling that’s a joke I’m not meant to get,” he says, not sounding the least bit put out by it.
"I'm a Werelion (not really), Hear Me Roar (or whatever they do)" (T) by calrissian18 | 4,887 | “Oh my God,” Stiles wheezed, “my heart was in my fucking throat.” Parrish holstered his gun and rubbed at his forehead. “That was legitimately terrifying,” he admitted, stalking over to close the window with an angry yank. He scowled at the thing. “Your kitchen shutter is mocking us.” Stiles was leaning up against the wall and he said breathily, “I don’t think you’re supposed to own up to the terror, wearing the badge and all.” Parrish shook his head. That was a common misconception. He held up a single finger. “No, I’m supposed to go in despite the terror. Which I did, if you’ll remember.”
"keep it together" (T) by addandsubtract | 9,614 | It takes Stiles a moment, but then he realizes that Jackson was worried about him, the way he’d been worried about Lydia in the hospital, and the way he’s been trying to protect her since. “You made a decision, then,” Stiles says, as if it isn’t a question when it really, really is. “Yeah,” Jackson says. He swallows. He looks at his hands, looks back at Stiles. “Yeah.”
"Retrospective In The Future" (E) by red_crate | 2,640 | That's how the whole thing started anyway: Stiles answering the tinder ad of a couple looking for a guy to hook-up with.
"It's the Lipstick" (E) by tryslora | 749 | It’s the lipstick that gets Isaac’s attention, not the dress.
"The Square Root of Imaginary Numbers" (M) by GoddessofBirth | 5,230 | Stiles's stomach drops as the enormity of what he's doing comes crashing in. He's beating the crap out of a kid who had been abused for years by his father, unable to fight back. His rage winks out, leaving a sour, bitter taste behind. His mother would be so ashamed of him.
"Muted" (T) by calrissian18 | 3,649 | Isaac lifts Stiles’ hand, turns it over so it’s palm up and drops his keys into it. He says quietly and without judgment, “I think you might have PTSD, something like it at least.”
"Once Upon a Time There Was a Bear" (M) by calrissian18 | 4,830 | After Isaac had dropped his plate off in the kitchen, he went back up the stairs to Stiles’s room like it wasn’t Stiles’s room and Stiles was the one visiting without being invited to visit. His dad turned to him with an expression full of mirth. “I think I have a new son now,” he said, thoughtful. “You’ve been replaced. I’m not too broken up by it if I’m being honest.”
"Dark Little Heaven Under the Stairs" (T) by calrissian18 | 1,800 | The silence stretched between them and Stiles tried to will Derek into texting them the all clear. His ears were strained for the sound of his phone buzzing in his pocket when Isaac snapped, “Stop breathing like that.” Stiles huffed in exasperation. “Like what?” he drawled. “Like it’s necessary to live?” “Like a fucking pteranodon.”
"'cause you're on your own (in the real world)" (E) by canistakahari | 26,386 | Scott only invites Derek over the first time because he thinks he's lonely. It gets a lot more complicated from there, but to be honest, Scott doesn't really mind.
"Keep My Heart Beating" (E) by shadeblue | 7,251 | It’s all too much. That’s all Stiles can think about the first two weeks he spends as a werewolf. Too much sound, too much smell, too much pounding instinct screaming at him to do things he isn’t really clear on.
"Home Is Where the Dubious Magic Is" (E) by alexenglish | 8,998 | Everything feels wrong. He looks down and yeah, that’s not his body. The skin’s too pale, the legs too skinny. Those aren’t his hands, that’s not his stomach -- those definitely, definitely aren’t his Captain America briefs. He doesn’t own Captain America briefs.
"i must be high." (M) by katarama | 3,626 | From the moment, “Dude, there’s this guy I want you to meet, he’s awesome, you’ll love him,” comes out of Scott’s mouth, Stiles is certain that he will not, in fact, love this person. He will probably hate him. The only times that Scott has ever said those words were with Isaac, who Stiles tolerates, on a good day. It’s an even higher ranking than “he’s really not so bad, if you give him a chance” on the scale of Things Scott McCall Says About People Stiles Will Not Like.
"You'll Never Be Alone" (E) by werewolvesandarrows | 5,559 | Scott’s still giggling, rivets of alcohol running across his abs and down the cut of his hips. Derek’s mouth begins to water as Lydia starts screeching at Stiles to get on with it. It’s both the best and worst thing Derek’s ever seen. 
"Strike Us Like Matches" (E) by alexenglish | 4,313 | Everyone knows about Stiles and Derek. Beacon Hills is a small town and the college scene is smaller. Never being one for “friendzone” bullshit, Scott adjusted his internal expectations and continued his friendship with Stiles. Everything that drew Scott to him was still there, Scott just couldn’t get to know him past that because, well, boyfriend. So, they’re friends. Scott allowed himself a binge weekend of drinking and mourning the loss of a maybe-relationship with Stiles, but then he moved on. Well, tried to.
"A Mutual Thing" 🔒 (E) by blacktofade | 2,766 | The house is still tired around them, still half-asleep and stuck in the in-between, where dreams are fading enough that it will be impossible to get them back again. The coffee pot isn’t even switched on and the radio, unlike every other morning, is completely silent. Stiles usually sings along off-key and out of sync with the 80s station they have programmed in. None of the wolves like it when Stiles sings, but it doesn’t stop him.
"an endless road (to rediscover)" 🔒 (E) by coffeeinallcaps | 5,718 | “So you and Scott are together,” Derek says, evenly. “What?” Stiles says. “It’s not— it’s not like that, okay, Scott and I are not together, I—” Stiles rubs his forehead with the palm of his hand, fingers crooked like the impatient little smile that flashes across his face. “It’s going to be really weird for you if I say ‘we’re so close he feels like a part of me’ now, isn’t it?” Derek says, “So having sex with Scott is like masturbating to you.”
"terrifying. beautiful. unattainable." (E) by Areiton | 1,651 | The truth is you have a very specific type. Terrifying, unattainable, impossibly beautiful people. Lydia was your crash course in that, Derek was the high school education you never asked for and Chris Argent. Chris was your fucking graduate program because very few got as terrifyingly beautiful and unattainable as he did.
"strike a match" (E) by 1001cranes | 1,771 | That's the fucked up part, the tremble that goes through Stiles's body when Chris pulls out the gun and rests it, casually, against Stiles's jaw. That's the part that starts to turn him on.
"Mind Set on Mindset" (M) by calrissian18 | 2,425 | His fingers tighten and he’s aiming the gun at the middle of Stiles’s forehead before he even realizes he’s raised his arm. It would be a pretty shot if he took it. Perfectly centered.
"A Taste for Danger" (E) by Llama | 5,806 | Chris has always been attracted to the wrong people.
"Stretched Tight Over Skin" (M) by entanglednow | 1,300 | Stiles knows what it feels like to come home and find everything you own scattered and smashed, rooms full of the heavy, invasive tread of strangers. It was like that inside his own head.
"Your Face" (M) by asarcasticwitch | 498 | "You're going to be alright," Chris chants the words like a prayer as he cradles Stiles close to his chest. "Just keep talking."
"gather 'round, bring your ghosts" (E) by ahab2692 | 5,067 | Chris and Stiles begin to experience insomnia, followed by hallucinations of dead relatives. What follows may or may not include hunting phantoms, breaking up pack wars, noisy conversations in libraries, punching demonic infants in the face, cheap food at roadside diners, copious amounts of alcohol, and a reckless encounter in an abandoned motel.
"Take my time." (E) by bonerkiller | 1,666 | Stiles swallows around the knot in his throat then says what Chris wants to hear, “D…Daddy.” The title still feels foreign on his tongue sometimes. Since his slip-up, their dynamic has changed where Chris is no longer just Chris and Stiles is no longer just Stiles.
"Filthy Perfect" (E) by theaeblackthorn | 13,757 | Powerless. That's how Lydia feels when the dust finally settles.
"Lies and Mistletoe" (E) by luulapants | 14,510 | When Jordan can't make it back to Iowa for the holidays, his parents surprise him and Derek with a visit to California. The catch? Apparently Jordan told them that he and Derek are dating. Peter, for his part, seems far too comfortable with the situation.
"Getting There" (E) by mswhich | 9,798 | “Derek,” Chris asked softly, “am I in your pack?” Derek was an alpha, and alphas needed pack members. Peter, with one foot half out the door of Beacon Hills, wouldn’t be enough to satisfy that need. So for reasons that Chris could not begin to comprehend, Derek had chosen Chris. A hunter; a former enemy; a broken, shattered vessel.
"Maybe, In the Future" (E) by dedougal | 2,778 | Reluctant allies was the best phrase Derek had to describe it. They hunt together, something Derek would never have predicted. It might have started with need to find Cora and Boyd but during the mess that was Gerard and Peter, Chris started to call Derek back.
"Nous protégeons" (E) by salvage | 1,837 | Immediately post-Letharia Vulpina. Chris and Derek in the aftermath of the explosion.
"But It Won't Erase" (T) by broadcastdelay | 8,933 | When newly-turned werewolves start popping up in Beacon Hills, Chris Argent goes to bring Derek back to town to help clean up the mess. In cleaning up the mess, though, one last werewolf gets created. And somehow that’s not even the most unexpected development in Chris’s life that year.
"I'm no good (you're no better)" (E) by broadcastdelay | 1,516 | Despite his intention of avoiding both Argents and heroism, neither of which he feels particularly well-suited for, Derek ends up with 74 shards of glass embedded in his back and a Chris Argent who seems to disagree.
"Lay a Claim (You are Mine)" (E) by lavenderlotion | 777 | Fucking hell, Chris thought, reaching down to palm his semi and adjust it to a more comfortable position, he’s going to kill me.
"I've Seen This Face Before" (T) by entanglednow | 1,120 | "Come any closer and I'll shoot you in the throat."
"Slow Dance" (T) by RarePairFairy | 1,610 | They dated for some time before admitting that they were going on dates. At first, to reassure themselves and each other, it was just spending more time together. Derek was “just coming to look over some stuff.” Or Chris was just “heading out for a few drinks.”
"Back and Forth" (M) by incendiary1 | 1,929 | This is how they are, this is how they'll always be. Derek and Chris have a tenuous balance.
"compartmentalizing" (T) by firefall | 2,507 | Chris and Derek after the war.
"Anchor" (E) by thegeminisage | 94,109 | Derek insists on coming along with Chris Argent and the Calaveras on the hunt for Kate, so he can see her dead for good. While following her trail back to Beacon Hills, they come to understand some hard truths about both each other and themselves, and struggle to find the reason why, after losing nearly everyone they've ever loved, they're still here.
"Family Expectations" (E) by 1001cranes | 11,320 | The One Where Peter Turned Stiles Instead of Scott.
"I'm half doomed and you're semi-sweet" (M) by 1001cranes | 4,442 | "You’re my favorite,” Peter murmurs into the curve of Derek’s bite-warmed throat, saccharine and a little sarcastic, meaning it but unable to be truly sincere. “Don’t worry about the twins.” “I’m not worried,” Derek says. His voice is rough and his pulse is wild. “I’m family.”
"The house telling you to close your eyes" (E) by queerly_it_is | 9,809 | With the alphas terrorising Beacon Hills, Stiles is drawn deeper into Derek’s pack as well as Peter’s influence. Stiles’ fears of not being good enough eventually drives Derek to heed Peter’s advice and results in an unexpected agreement between the three of them.
Stiles/Derek & Stiles/Peter
"Works In Progress" (E) by saintsideways | 29,634 | It’s not a big deal. Derek looks like he’s going to mention it, sometimes, the way Peter’s eyes track Stiles across rooms, the way he conspires to brush against him at meetings.
"You're Mine" (E) by lannisnow | 2,262 | Stiles is werewolf catnip. Season 1 AU where Peter is still the Alpha and he is sure that Stiles is his, and where Stiles wants nothing more than to prove him wrong.
"sweetest addiction" 🔒 (NR) by Areiton | 1,600 | “One day,” you muse, tracing a claw over the marks that rake over his ribs while he winces and squirms, not sure if he wants to come closer or pull away. “One day, this will go too far and we will lose you.” He tilts a smile up at you and drags you into a kiss. “Not today,” he promises.
More to be added as I find them.
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cryptidkieren · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Isaac Lahey
Additional Tags: Humor, Tumblr Prompt, theyre all goofballs, Drabble, Short One Shot, Prompt Fill, Ficlet, POV Derek Hale, Pre-Relationship, Rescue, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Flirting, Bad Flirting, Awkward Flirting, Stiles Stilinski Is Bad at Feelings, Oblivious Derek, Pack Feels, Scent Marking, Alpha Derek Hale, Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Scott is a Good Friend, Isaac Lahey & Scott McCall Friendship, Pack Dynamics, Pack Dad Derek Hale, Comfort, Comforting Derek, Isaac Lahey & Stiles Stilinski Friendship
Series: Part 1 of Tumblr Prompts
Summary: “Stiles, what the hell are you doing in a tree?” “Oh you know, just hanging out.”
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derangedangel · 6 years
It’s Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus - Isaac Lahey
Summary: You get tired of Isaac constantly making witch puns about you but there’s a reason behind all his jokes
Isaac Lahey x Reader
Word Count: 2,122
Author’s Note: This one is borderline a Halloween imagine. It mentions Halloween movies and I only thought about it because of Halloween, so I’m counting it. 
Spooky Masterlist
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This time of the year was a dread sometimes. October. Halloween. There was always one person who knew your secret that liked to make witch puns. You could take a joke. You could laugh along, but sometimes it got old real quick. You were a witch. And no, not like the wicked witch of the west. More like Charmed. You’d even take Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Except for the flying on a broomstick thing... okay well maybe a few of your ancestors did that along time ago, but not anymore. 
Even though you had your own coven, you did consider yourself apart of the McCall pack. You would think that with the pack consisting of such a diverse group of supernatural creatures, everyone would be a little more tolerant of the supernatural jokes. Stiles made one once every now and then, and usually they were pretty funny. And there were a few share of dog jokes. Being tied to a leash. Having flees. Isaac was usually the butt of those jokes, but that was because Stiles didn’t personally care for the brunette boy. Isaac was normally pretty quick to say something right back to Stiles. He also made a few witch jokes to you, too. You didn’t brush of the jokes with Isaac like you did with Stiles though. 
The reason you probably took more offense to what Isaac said to you was because you had a crush on him. It felt like he only saw you as the witch of the group. Lydia Martin’s best friend and nothing more. So you didn’t laugh at the resting witch face jokes, or the ones about being on a witch hunt when they couldn’t find you at school. 
It was only the middle of October and Isaac was already getting on your nerves. Just the other day, you, Kira, Scott, and Isaac were in the library working on your English papers. 
“Does accommodate have one m or two,” Kira asked sitting across the table from you..
“Don’t ask me, I suck at spelling,” you said looking up at the kitsune. 
“I thought witches were supposed to be good at spells,” Isaac said a smirk on his face.
“Ha. Ha. Very funny,” you said in a monotone voice. “Did you come up with that one yourself?”
“Right off the top of my head,” Isaac said.
“Well, I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks. This one’s learned to make a joke.”
The smirk on Isaac’s face fell a little and you went back to working on your paper, not giving him anymore attention. 
“He probably does it because he likes you,” Lydia said casually while she observed her freshly done nails. School was over for the day, and Lydia was waiting for you to get your things so the two of you could go home. You were still annoyed by Isaac’s little joke, so you had to tell your best friend. 
You huffed then replied, “Yeah, right.”
“No, think about it. Remember in the first grade when Johnathan Meyers used to always play with Rachel Pearson until the other boys made fun of him for having a crush. Then he started picking on her even though we all knew he wanted to keep playing with her.”
“You’re saying Isaac’s being a first grader and picking on me when he really likes me? There’s no way that’s possible.” You grabbed your last book, shoving it into your backpack, then began walking to Lydia’s car. 
“It’s completely possible, Y/N.”
“Is this some sort of banshee prediction? Because I could have sworn you predicted death, not love lives.”
“No, it’s a I-have-an-IQ-higher-than-anyone-at-this-school thing,” Lydia said smiling.
You smiled at your friend. “You got me there, Lydia.”
A few days later, it was pack night and everyone was over Scott’s house. Since Halloween was next week, everyone decided to watch Halloween movies.  
“Let’s watch Return of the Jedi,” Stiles shouted next to Lydia on the love seat. 
“Since when is Star Wars a Halloween movie,” you asked placing a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table before taking your seat on the other couch. 
“It’s not. I think it should be in the running because it’s one of the greatest movies of all time.”
“We’re not watching Star Wars, Stiles,” Lydia said making a disappointed look appear on his face. 
“What about Nightmare on Elm Street,” Scott suggested.
“Don’t we get enough psycho killers in our lives without having to watch them on TV,” you asked. Everyone nodded and mumbled agreeing with you. “How about a lighter Halloween movie? Like The Corpse Bride?”
“Oh! What about The Nightmare Before Christmas,” Kira asked excitedly. 
“Isn’t that more of a Christmas movie,” Stiles asked.
“It’s both,” Malia said munching on one of the Pillsbury Halloween cookies with a ghost on it.
“Maybe we should watch Hocus Pocus,” Isaac suggested out of no where. He had been quiet all night, so you felt like he was up to something.
“Why Isaac,” you asked crossing your legs as you leaned back into the couch. “So you can ask me where my broom is or if I know the Sanderson sisters personally?”
“I wouldn’t do that, Y/N,” Isaac said popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth as he sat on the edge of the love seat near Stiles. “We all know you related more to the evil Queen from Snow White. You could turn into that old hag she turns into any minute.”
“You know what,” you said standing up, “I’ve had it up to here with you, Isaac.” When you said “here,” you used your magic and lifted Isaac into the air. Both Scott and Lydia yelled your name. Scott stood in front of you trying to get you to look at him, but your eyes were glued to Isaac as you concentrated on your magic. 
“Put him down, Y/N,” Scott said in his firm alpha voice. 
You slowly began to let him down, but just before his feet touched the ground, you dropped him and he fell on his butt. 
“I need to get some air,” you said angrily then went out the back door. 
After the door shut, Isaac was still on the floor with his bruised ego. Scott stretched his hand out to help the beta up and Isaac accepted. 
“Should someone go check on her,” Stiles asked. He wasn’t Isaac’s biggest fan, so he didn’t mind the stunt you pulled, but he wanted to make sure you were okay.
“I know Y/N,” Lydia said sitting back down on the couch like nothing happened. “She just needs a few minutes to herself to cool off.”
Everyone listened to Lydia since she knew you best and went on with the movie night. Stiles pulled up The Addams Family on Netflix and everyone settled in to watch. Isaac waited a few minutes until everyone was engrossed in the movie then snuck out the back door to talk to you.
You heard the back door squeak open and you didn’t turn to face whoever it was. 
“I’m not ready to talk yet, Lydia.” You pulled your arms across your chest tighter.
“It’s not Lydia,” Isaac said from behind you. Your shoulders tensed up. You weren’t expecting Isaac to be the one to check on you. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” You didn’t even flinch at Isaac’s words. He came closer and sat down next to you on the porch steps. “I’ll stop with all the witch jokes.”
You sighed before you spoke, “I’m sorry for levitating you.”
“It was kind of fun actually,” Isaac admitted and you finally looked at him. The porch light wasn’t too bright, but you could make out all the features of his face and a few curls in his hair. Why did he have to be so cute?
When you didn’t say anything, Isaac felt like he needed to keep apologizing. “I don’t mean to make you mad. I just never know what to say to you. Then I see Stiles joking with you, and I thought that could work for me to.”
“You did all that just to talk to me,” you asked looking at him a little confused.
“Well, yeah,” Isaac said shrugging.
Cocking your head to the side you said, “You could have just spoke to me. Just start a conversation.”
“I couldn’t just start talking to you,” Isaac said fidgeting with his fingers.
“Well you’re doing it now,” you said with a small smile on your face. 
Isaac chuckled rubbing the back of his head with his hand. “I guess I am.”
“And why was it so hard to talk to me. I’m not a werewolf... I don’t bite,” you said then giggled at your joke.
“I get flustered around you. It’s like I can’t speak to you like a normal person.”
“Neither of us are normal people, Isaac.”
“Yeah, but you’re this badass, powerful, smart, incredibly cute witch, and I’m just some orphaned beta who can hardly keep his grades up.”
“Isaac, you are so much more than an orphaned beta,” you said placing your hand on his knee to comfort him. “Wait, did you just say I was cute,” you asked smiling now realizing what he said about you.
“Um, I... I mean- yeah,” Isaac said nervously. 
“That’s why you couldn’t talk to me,” you said more to yourself than to Isaac. “You like me, don’t you?”
Isaac’s head was looking down and he tried to avert your gaze. You moved your hand that was on his knee and turned his head to face you. 
“I do.”
You closed your eyes shaking your head. A combination of a sigh and a giggle left your lips. “Lydia is never going to let me live this down.”
“Live what down,” Isaac asked watching you.
You opened your eyes and met his gaze. “That she was right about you liking me. This whole time I thought you didn’t. You picked on me the same way you do Stiles.”
“Stiles made witch jokes, too,” Isaac pointed out.
“Yeah, but his didn’t get to me like yours did. I cared more when it came from you.”
“Because I like you, too, idiot,” you confessed grinning.
“Wait,” Isaac said blinking a few times. “You like me,” he asked pointing at you then himself.
“And this isn’t some mean joke to get back at me for all the witch jokes?”
“No,” you laughed.
“Are you sure? Because you were pretty mad earlier. I mean you did have me floating in the air for making a Snow White reference.”
“If I didn’t like you back, would I do this,” you asked before you grabbed his face and kissed him. For a brief second, Isaac was stiff as a board. After he realized you were actually kissing him, he began to kiss you back. When you pulled back, your hands stayed on his face. 
Isaac licked his lips then spoke, “No, I don’t think someone that didn’t like me back would do that.” You smiled at the dazed look on his face. “You mind if we try that again,” Isaac asked. You pulled him back into you and his hands automatically fell onto your hips. You always imagined what it would be like to kiss Isaac. How it would feel to have your hands run through his hair. Where he would place his hands on your body. If his lips were soft or not. 
Suddenly you heard a loud thud. The both of you turned your head to the back screen door to see Stiles with his mouth agape. “Everything is fine you guys,” Stiles yelled turning around. “They’re just making out.”
You groaned knowing as soon as you walked back into the living room, everyone was going to pester the two of you about what just happened.
“We don’t have to go back in there if you don’t want to,” Isaac said.
“I don’t want too,” you replied shaking your head.
“You could always put a mute spell on Stiles so we don’t have to hear his voice again,” Isaac suggested even though he knew you wouldn’t do it. 
“How about I put a mute spell on you,” you said giggling as you placed your hand over his mouth.
Isaac grabbed your hand, removing it from his mouth.“You don’t have to do use magic to do that,” he said in a low voice, his eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips. 
“You’re so lame,” you said, but you moved in closer to him. Isaac met you half way. His lips connecting with yours in a sweet kiss. If kissing him was the only way to get him to shut up, you didn’t mind it one bit. 
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