samingtonwilson · 7 years
Designated Walker (Jim Kirk x Reader)
Prompt: I was wondering if I could request a JimxReader fic where they go to a party and Jim gets a bit tipsy and the reader has to drag him home and he later apologizes? - @imaginenterprise
Word count: 1,790
Warnings: alcohol; possibly language (since I can’t guarantee that I kept that PG ever)
A/N: that took me much longer to write than I thought and the apology is a very, very tiny part of it so maybe that’s not what was precisely wanted? i also feel like it’s a jim kirk piece that’s a little light on the jim kirk? i hope not! i really do hope that you like it!
It was an unspoken rule amongst the crew of the USS Enterprise to maintain distance between one another during shore leave. In part, this was probably due to the already copious amounts of time spent together hurtling through the dark depths of space— especially while on short leaves during which the Enterprise was receiving minor repairs and resupplementation. This short shore leave, however, happened to coincide with a certain Russian wizkid’s birthday— if there’s one thing Chekov birthday meant, it was an excuse for a lot of drinking. It was difficult to say no to that— after an exhausting year and a half into a five year mission, any excuse to drink was a good excuse to drink.
So, true to assumption, Chekov’s small, one-bedroom, Starfleet-issued living quarters was filled to the brim with crew members and his admirers, alike, all intending to engage in said drinking under the guise of celebration. All stood, sat, or awkwardly danced in whatever space they could find in the limitedly illuminated temporary living space while the smell of vodka in the air grew stronger by the second— which was likely a result of the room’s population.
Away from the larger clusters of people, you sat upon the kitchen island counter at the extreme right, swinging your legs as you clutched a cup filled with beer that you had no desire to drink. It was difficult to find a part of the counter that wasn’t sticky but you were determined to stay as far as possible from the louder, more intoxicated partygoers. It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy a good Chekov party, you just had a drunk Jim to look out for.
“Life of the party, huh?”
You looked up from the aged cabinets the heels of your boots repeatedly struck and offered Uhura a small smile. You nodded towards a drunk Jim that leant his drunken balance-challenged body against a scowling Leonard that rolled his eyes periodically. “I’m designated walker tonight, Ny.”
Uhura followed your line of vision and bit down on her bottom lip, seemingly to control the budding grin that narrowed her deep brown eyes. “It’s a shame Spock refused to come because of that meeting in the morning. You could’ve gotten the night off Jim duty.”
“I’d be on Jim duty regardless.” You set the beer down and ran your palms against the lap of your jeans. “Societal rules about being a good partner, or whatever. He did it for me on the last starbase, so now it's my turn.”
You both watched as Chekov passed Jim only to receive excessive shouts and slaps on the back. You could only imagine the horrendous jokes about the young man’s apparently greying hair as Leonard’s scowl grew to an unbelievable oceanic depth and Chekov looked embarrassed for them all.
You sighed and straightened your slouched posture. “Besides, I can’t in good conscience take any more free booze from Chekov. Bones and I steal enough of it whenever we’re stuck catching up on patient charts.”
Once she’d brushed her long, dark hair over her slender shoulder, she motioned towards Leonard who had just polished off a glass of scotch and shook his head. “He clearly doesn’t have a problem with it.”
“He’s very good at putting his conscience on mute for a night— it’s what got us through that last bottle of whiskey we swiped from the kid’s quarters.”
“How’d you even get into his quarters?” Uhura asked with a snort.
You shrugged. “Bones can get into anyone’s quarters as CMO and I can get into anyone’s quarters by manipulation of the man I’m dating.”
You wet your lips and tilted your head as you watched Jim sling an arm over Leonard’s shoulders— overly-publicly-affectionate Jim was the last stage of drunkenness before it’s-time-to-break-out-the-stomach-pump Jim. “Speaking of whom, I should probably get him back before we need to call this planet’s paramedics. From what I can tell, they don’t get friendlier the more jokes you make and drunk Jim thinks he’s some sort of comic.”
She nodded with a frown of consideration and laughed when she met your eye for a moment. She tilted her head as well and stared as Jim invaded Leonard’s personal space with his lips mere centimeters from the doctor’s ear. “He’s got that meeting in the morning, too. Spock won’t be too happy if Kirk shows up with a massive hangover.”  
You felt a corner of your lips quirk up. “And we wouldn’t want that, now would we? Spock’s disappointed stare still haunts me in my sleep.”
As you said goodbye to Uhura, you already felt a weight on your shoulders. Your shoes stuck irritatingly to the tiled floors and you were forced to push several bodies out of the way enroute to Jim. He was reaching for the drink volunteer-bartender Scotty offered him and your steps picked up pace, taking the hand he held out and lacing your fingers through his.
You smiled at the Scotsman and shook your head with a wrinkled nose. “Thanks, Scotty, but he’s had enough.” You then leaned away from Jim as his nose brushed against your hair— you could hear the deep inhale as he smelled the untied strands. You narrowed your eyes at his almost sparkling blue irises. “We should go.”
He frowned, squeezing your hand in his. “But I’m still thirsty.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
You set the fingers of your free hand on his lips when he leaned forward, turning your face to look at a perpetually frowning Leonard. You had to stop yourself from laughing at his disgusted features. “I’ll see you at the base hospital tomorrow?”
“You sure you won’t be too exhausted from wrangling your toddler back to his room to choose and restock medical supplies bright and early?” He nodded towards Jim. “He’s smelling your hair.”
“I’m aware,” you said with a hum. You took a step in the direction of the door, pulling Jim’s almost flailing body along. You shouted to Leonard over your shoulder, “No matter how tired he makes me, I’ll be there. He’s got an early morning as is.”
“Good luck with that, darlin’.”
It wasn’t too difficult to get him out of the door— but that’s where the ease ended. Overly-affectionate Jim had a tendency to pull you to a stop every few seconds just to press his lips to yours and his hands stayed somewhere against your body the entire walk over. While you felt lucky the easily-distracted Jim stage had passed, his nose in your hair, his arms around your waist, and his feet so dangerously close to yours made the walk across the courtyard much more difficult.
The starbase on which you all were docked was in the middle of a season that resembled a San Francisco winter— cold, but not freezing. The wind blew your hair into Jim’s eyes and he passed oddly complimentary comments about the softness of your hands, the coolness of your cheeks, and the sound of your voice each time you said his name in annoyance.
While only the aforementioned courtyard separated the junior officers’ building from the senior officers’, the walk took an irritatingly long amount of time and you found yourself sighing out in relief the moment it was over.
You let go of Jim’s hand as you hailed an elevator and leaned against the adjacent wall. You wrinkled your nose as he briefly kissed your forehead. “So much for taking it easy?”
He entangled your fingers together once more and pulled you into the elevator as the metallic doors slid open. The cold air appeared to have had a sobering quality as Jim’s voice was more stable as he spoke. “I could’ve drank more.”
“Really?” you said with a laugh, biting down on your bottom lip as you pressed the button for his floor. You took your hand from his and faced the doors rather than lose yourself in his crystalline eyes. “I think your liver would disagree.”
His arm encircled your waist from behind and he set his chin upon your shoulder. You could smell the alcohol lacing his breath. “It’s not like I don’t have the best doctor in the galaxy on standby.”
“I’m sure Bones would really appreciate the compliment.”
He sighed when you stepped through the open doors and trailed behind you through the silent corridor. “You make it very difficult to flirt.”
“That’s something I pride myself on, Tiberius.”
He sucked a sharp inhale through his teeth, punching in the code required to unlock his door before walking inside. “Tiberius. That’s a no-sex-tonight name.”
“Wow. Very intuitive for a drunk man.”
“You’re not mad at me, are you?”  
Stepping past him into the bedroom, you shrugged as you tossed your oversized leather jacket aside, kicking your boots off next with no regard for where they landed.
Jim’s temporary apartment was a lot larger than yours and came with far more amenities— so it was an easy choice to sleep there for the eight days you were docked. Your clothes sat folded in the same drawers his clothes were balled up in and your shoes were strewn about over the floors just as his were— it became more amusing each morning he attempted to cram his much larger feet in your much smaller boots by mistake.
He appeared to still be expecting an answer when you fell onto the bed, one of your arms draped over your eyes as you felt the space beside you on the mattress dip. “I’m not mad at you, Jim.”
You heard the springs of the mattress groan as he adjusted his sitting position so his torso was propped up by one of his elbows. He pushed your arm from your eyes and returned your frown. His eyes that you thought were glazed over in intoxication held a pair of a pupils that dilated as you stared up at him. “You’re sure?”
It was difficult to maintain any level of annoyance and irritation targeted at Jim when he looked down at you with so much adoration in his eyes so you reached up to sweep back the hair that fell into the sky hued irises. You let your fingertips trail down to one of his cheekbones and smiled at him ever so slightly. “I’m sure.” Craning your neck, you brushed your nose against his. “Sleep. You have to be up early and I could do without Spock’s blank stare of disappointment.”
“I am sorry, you know,” he said as he pushed himself off the bed. “I promise that next time I won’t even complain when you’re all over me after a night of tequila shots.”
“You act like you’ve ever complained about that before.”
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Prompt: Congrats on 900! That's a wonderful big number! Could you do number 40 AOS Scotty, pretty please?? :D For @mustanglegends
Pairing: Scotty/Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: this turned out longer than I wanted. But I really, really love it.  I hope you love it too.
Word Count: 1048
Two years. Two years to the day when you started dating one Montgomery Scott. You drifted around the room fixing the dinner you prepared. 
As a career oriented adult you never really thought you’d run into love. Especially, not someone so wonderful as Scotty. And you never thought you find it during shore leave in an out of the way cabana on Starbase 3. A few shots and glasses of scotch later you were dating.
Your door rang and you ran to open it to your boyfriend. There he was in all his glory, still in his uniform, smudged with oil and sweat. “I-I didn’t want to be late, so I-I came straight here.” You smiled warmly as he continued producing a medium sized box. “This is for you,” he looked over your shoulder to see the dinner you made. “That looks wonderful!”
He reached in to hug you without thinking, but you gently pushed him back, “Hey! Easy there! If you want to clean up, I have a shirt of yours and some deodorant.”
“Are you sayin’ I smell,” he laughed. “Alright,” he kissed your cheek gently, “ I’ll be right back.” He left the box on the table heading for your bathroom.
Scotty stared at himself in the mirror, fussing with his hair. “Alright Montgomery. You are a Scott by God! You can do this. You love her, and she loves you.” He sighed once more, long and heavy, before exiting the bathroom to sit at the table.
You lifted you glass to him, “To us! Two years and more to come.” He gently clinked his glass against yours before taking a bit of his chicken pot pie.
“Oh, Lass,” he moaned. “T-This isn’t replicated. How did you manage this?”
You laughed as he continued taking a few large bites. “I dug into my can stash. The chicken,  veggies, and soup came from there. And oddly enough I had biscuit mix. Hikaru let me raid his spice garden. And the other stuff I replicated. But I thought you might enjoy a more home cooked meal.” You ate some to revealing in the taste. Damn you were good.
“I think I love you even more,” he teased. He grew quite, staring into your eyes. “You are just wonderful.” He sighed softly reaching for your hand across the table. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too,” you whispered. “Two years. It’s been wonderful.”
You reached behind you handing him a bag overflowing with tissue paper. “Here, open mine first.” He laughed as he took into his hands gently removing the paper.
As he pulled out a small bottle, “Isn’t scotch a little cliche, lass,” he chastised. You bit your lip as he stared at the label. “Y/N, this...this is the really good stuff.”
“Check the back.”
He turned the bottle over in his hands. Then his eyes began to water, “I-Is this from the distillery from my hometown?”
“Yeah,” You grinned scooting your chair close. “Single malt, 18 years. I thought you could use a little taste of home out here.” Scotty hung his head placing a hand over his eyes. “Monty,” you placed your hands over his shoulders, wrapping him firmly in your arms.
“This was my first drink. My da’ took me out for it.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” you called as his body shook with a cry.
“Thank you. This so, wonderful,” he hugged you tightly, pressing his nose into your shoulder. “How did you even find this?”
“I stumbled onto in at a starbase, don’t worry about it.”  You reached your hand to the box he handed you when you first showed up. “Should I?” He nodded and you grinned as you opened up the box. You gasped as you pulled out a metal model of the Enterprise. “Oh, Monty!”
“I made it for you. It’s a scale model.” He offered, smiling as he saw you grinning, holding up the small ship into the light.
“You made it?” He nodded shrugging. “Who knew you were so artistic! She’s beautiful! Thank you!” You ran your fingers over the metal looking at all the intricate detail.
You looked up to see Scotty staring intensely. Like he was really thinking, his breathing was rapid and he had his lip sucked between his teeth. “Open it up where the bridge would be.”
You turned it over delicately in your hands, pressing a small button to open the hatch of where the bridge would be. You expected to see a model of said bridge, but no. There was a ring.
You gaped at it, reaching in and picking it up in your fingertips. It was a simple silver band, not much more. An engraving caught your eyes, it was small but read, “For my bonnie lass. Love Montgomery.” You raised your head to look at him, eyes burning with tears. You had to look down to find him on one knee.
“Y/F/N,” Scotty spoke shakily. “Two years ago, I didn’t know I could love anything more than this ship. But you, you showed me wrong.” He reached and grabbed your hand between his. “I love you so much. And I-I,” he stumbled over his words getting choked up with emotion, but he kept his eyes locked on yours. Oh, those eyes, those deep soulful eyes that spoke where his words failed him. “I had this whole speech, an’ now I can’t think of a word. How do you do that?” You shrugged uselessly as tears flowed down your face. He reached for the ring, in your fingers grasping it gently. “Would ya want ta marry me, lass?”
You pushed yourself down into his arms holding him tighter than you think you held anyone. “Yes,” you sobbed out pressing his face into his neck. “Yes, I want to marry you” Gently he pried you back, taking your hand and tentatively pushing the ring on your finger. “Where’d you get it?”
“Made it from an old piece of the bulkhead,” he whispered as he pressed a kiss on your temple. “You like it? I could always make another one if you wanted. Does it need to be sized, I took an educated guess,” you kissed him, holding onto the sides of his face.
“It’s perfect. Just like you.”
Tags: @outside-the-government  @mccoymostly @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse @yourtropegirl @storiesfromstarfleet @starshiphufflebadger @kaitymccoy123 @athena1138 @feelmyroarrrr @answer-the-sirens @imaginenterprise @imaginestartrek @wificrazymisfit @buckyy3s @malindacath @bkwrm523 @goodnightwife @jefferson-in-the-tardis @youre-on-a-starship @thequeenofthehobbits @awhitewyvern @pinkamour1588 @auduna-druitt
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thefanficfaerie · 7 years
Jim Kirk Pre-Trek Fest Fics
Here is a list of the Jim Kirk Fics I have collected over the last few months.
Booby Trapping the Gifts If You Walk Out That Door…  Jim Reminding You, You are Worth it  Jim Having A Teenage Daughter Jim Talking to You About Depression Tear Your Apart Being Pregnant With Jim’s Baby Going into Labor With Jim’s Baby 
Taking Jim on His First Flight  Setting the World on Fire  Dating Jim After An Abusive Relationship Jim Realizing He Loves Treating Jim at Yorktown  Sledgehammer Jim Comforting You When You Are Triggered Imagine Jim Saving You From the Mirror!verse 
Where You Go Next A Happy Reunion  Take Care of You  Secrets
In the Name of Love  Designated Walker Acquainted No More Big Southern Shadow Prisoner  Loot Baby Blues   Leaving is Hard to Do  Failure to Set-Up  Just Ask Designated Caretaker  Ten Ways to Say I Love You 10 Things I Hate About You
First Sign of Trouble  Blankets of Fortitude A Haphazard Approach  Lost Days SOS Hard to Love  
The 80s The Bikini Malfunction POTUS AU  Love Letters Winter Blues  The Poker Seduction  Jim Loving You Without Conditions  Angst part 14  Notorious  Here Comes Your Man 
Imagine thinking Jim was restless The One  Imagine letting Jim nap on you Imagine confronting Jim about his flirting More than You Know  Considering  Wonderment of a Man  A Thousand Times  I’m Good  12 Days to Long 
Finding You  So, What Do You Say? Not Without You  Cold Summer Break  I Have an Announcement  How You Fell 
Jim Saving You Flower Boy All I Ask of You  Pancakes  Change of Plans  Alpha Kirk 
Together Snowflakes  I Had Her George
May We All  Shape of You I’m Here NSFW
Jim Takes Care of You  Hacker Kirk
Trapped Hold My Hand 
I Was Younger Then…  …Take Me Back To When
Something Stupid ​ Double Dare Ya  A Little Comfort
Sentimental​ Worth It
Date Night Reunited Celebrate Remember  Aftermath 
What Should Have Been  The Bridge NSFW The Bar NSFW The Catwalk NSFW Shape of You The Brig What Is 
No Rest Searching the Ship Mornings With Him 
Cake Seeing Double Roommates Double Trouble  Here Kitty, Kitty Dreams Come True 
Three Nights  Still Falling For You
Imagine Cheering Jim up at a Bar ​ Winter Kirk Chronicles Part 1-4  In The Process Of Hurting His Little Girl 
Buying the Space Farm ​ Bride on the Bridge ​ Starfleet Matchmaking Jim Kirk
Studying Worry 
Birthday Drabble  Despacito
Worrying for Two  Just Fun  A Time for Everything
Disobeying Stressful Times 
Misc Authors
Red Alert by @avengersassemble-imagines  Never Giving Up by @fandommaniacx​ Drifting Apart by @dani-fae Unwinding by @spacethewritingfrontier First Star at Night by @trekkimagines201​ Kiss It Better by @fandomly-writings​ Prompt by @lotsoffandomimagines​ Lazy Haze by @musingsongbird​ When Are You Coming Home by @ncc1701-imagines​ Pregnant by @nerdy-izzylightwood Jim Finding Out Your Pregnant by @babe-with-thepower​ The End or The Beginning by @annalisehartmann​ Untitled by @starshipsinthenight​ Meaningless Nothings by @whatsgoingg-on A Great Man by @writeyouin​ Princess of the Stars by @goingknowherewastaken Hidden by @imaginingthefandoms Little Red by @fascinatingfantrash Fated by @flirtswithdanger Just One Dinner by @all-sortsa-stuff Jim the Housemate by @trekficsandbobs   Overcoming Fear by @missannabelle Untitled by @will-you-stop-it​ Not Scared of Anything by @not-your-tardis Mentor by @westcoast-avenger Good Girl by @sansasandorshipper Fated Part 4 by @flirtswithdanger Sunshine and Daisies by @jefferson-in-the-tardis Study Buddy by @trekficsandbobs Soulmates- Words by @mission-enterprise
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youre-on-a-starship · 7 years
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I got tagged by @starshiphufflebadger to post my Homescreen, Lock screen, the last song I listened to, and my last selfie. I like keeping my home and lock screens the same, cause I'm anal like that. I started listening to this song when I lived in dorms at my hotel because one of the cooks listened to it when he was in the showers (which were right across from my room), and this selfie was from a few days ago when I treated myself to a night at the Opera! I went to see Turandot (all alone, which was so nice and low stress) and it was fantastic. Imma tag @spacethewritingfrontier @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse @fandomheadrush @kaitymccoy123 @fanscribbling @imaginestartrek @enterprisewriting and @imaginenterprise
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firemedicdiaz · 7 years
Winter Blues Challenge
Hey folks!
It’s that time of year again... the beginning of another rough semester and the harshest part of winter for many of us out there.  Doesn’t it just make you want to curl up in a blanket and hide away?  Well, this challenge is here to brighten up some of those winter blues!
I did a survey over the weekend to see what fandom(s) people were interested in writing for and what sorts of prompts they’d like for this challenge, and the results were that 92% of people wanted to write Star Trek (AOS/TOS), and there was a near tie (14 votes to 15 votes) for image prompts and medical-themed prompts.  That being said, here’s what I’m proposing!
A Star Trek (AOS/TOS) challenge: you choose your character(s) and/or pairing(s) when you sign up!  Please just send me an ask letting me know you’d like to take part any time and let me know what character you’d like to write for (or what ship), and what type of prompt you’d like to receive, image or medical themed.  In the interest of letting people run wild with their imaginations, you may request one of each, and if you finish a fic really quickly, you can come back for a second or third prompt at any time!  If the prompt(s) you receive are doing nothing for you, it’s no problem!  Just drop me a line and let me know and I’ll send you something new.  If you decide you don’t want to take part after all, there’s no hard feelings!  Let me know and I will remove you from the list.
The due date for these fics will be St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th, 2017 at 11:59pm.  There is no maximum length, but please try for a minimum length of 500 words at the least.  At the end, all of the fics for this challenge will be collected and put in a challenge masterlist for the world to enjoy!
When you post your fic(s), please include a note that this is for the Winter Blues Challenge.  Make sure you tag me, @outside-the-government , and include the #write away the winter blues tag in your tag list (preferably in the top 5 tags so it’s easy to find should I miss any pings).  
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me at any time!  I look forward to seeing what you guys can come up with!
List of Participants & Prompts:
User - character/pairing - prompt.
@lurkch - Bones - “Explain to me why you skipped coming to see me about this and went straight to this alternative horseshit?" DONE!
@kaitymccoy123 - Bones - Image here. DONE!
@trekken81 - Bones -  The last thing I remember is passing out and now I’m in a hospital bed and I’m wearing a gown and that means someone changed my clothes and oh god please tell me you did not see me naked. DONE.
@imamotherfuckingstar-lord - Kirk -  “Dr. McCoy told me he’d had a patient with some weird symptoms in today...  I didn’t tell him I happened to have the same thing.  What the hell did you give me?!” DONE!
@imoutofmyvulcanmind - Bones - Hippocratic Oath. DONE!
@littlecarowrites - Spock - Image here. DONE!
@star-trekkin-across-theuniverse - Kirk - “I thought only kids get chicken pox?!”  DONE!
@pokeharvest - Scotty - Image here.  DONE!
@kilismaiden - Bones -  Sudden onset of a persistent fever of 104 degrees, not responding to antipyretics or cooling measures.  Accompanied by severe fatigue, shivering, drowsiness, and disorientation. DONE!
@auduna-druitt - Bones -  “Is your heart rate always this high or do I bring it out in you?”  DONE!
@fanscribbling - Bones - Image here. DONE!
@iisilvereyesii - Sulu - “Don’t worry, this won’t hurt a bit.”
@wonders-of-the-enterprise - Bones -  “I’m going to find out either way when I examine you, so you might as well tell me now.”
@starshiphufflebadger - (Not sure yet) - Image here. DONE!
@imaginenterprise - Bones - Image here.
@kaitymccoy123 - Spock or Jim -  “I thought this had been eradicated years ago!” DONE!
@mccoymostly - Undecided -  “ I cannot be held accountable for the things I said under the influence of those painkillers.” DONE!
@annaliesehartmann - Kirk - Image here.
@lt-sammi-matthews - Bones - Image here. DONE!
@medicatemedrmccoy - Bones -  “It was touch and go for a while there, but you’re going to be just fine.” DONE!
@angryschnauzer - Bones - Image here. DONE!
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i was tagged for a thing!
THANKS!! Uhh I’m a little late but @vibranium-arm tagged me and I’m kinda honored because their blog is so cool… So here we go— NAME: uh I go by Ninja by my friends but on here I go by Rizz SINGLE OR TAKEN: single but last year I was not ;) CRUSHES: at school none but if we talkin’ celebrities then karl urban, chris evans and seb stan are my guyssss FAVORITE COLOR: turquoise! and greens like any greens MARRIED: ahahahaha WANT KIDS: someday and the girl comes first and then a boy after and then after birth they can be whatever they want. i just want to give love that’d be cool and new ZODIAC SIGN: cancer :/ LAST DRINK: hot chocolate!! GLASSES: don’t got ‘em but I look good in my friends’ i am told MAKEUP OR NO: i don’t wear any but it’s cool stuff CATS OR DOGS: cats¡! EVIL OR GOOD: neutral good/lawful neutral tbh FAVORITE SPORT: i like swimming idk FAVORITE ANIMAL: god I’m not too crazy about animals but I think birds are cool. and snakes and little lizards are cute WEIRD: yeah. why d'you think I’m on this wacko site amirite DO YOU HAVE ANY HATERS: not yet not enough followers FUNNY OR NAH: based on my friends say—yes. Im kind of a sarcastic ball of rudeness who makes good one-liners every once and a while APPLE OR SAMSUNG: the one that doesn’t blow up SMART?: wellll I’m ass at math, but I love English and I take an accelerated course at that. i also love biology class right now and I do well in that.. ok now who should I tag..oH I’ll tag my newest follower:
@imaginenterprise!! welcome to the hellhole that is my blog. and thanks.
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tiberivs-kirk · 7 years
Music Tag
I was tagged by these wonderful people: @enterprisewriting (tho she tagged me as @imaginenterprise) and @littlecarowrites <3
Rules: Put your iTunes/MP3/Spotify on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up.
What If by Coldplay (old but gold)
Venice Queen by Red Hot Chili Peppers (im crying i love this song)
Berzerk by Eminem (this mah shit yo)
Hooked On A Feeling by Blue Swede (ooga ooga ooga chaka)
Alive by Sia (cool song but overplayed #sorrysia)
Can’t Stop by Red Hot Chili Peppers (THIS IS EVERYTHING)
Police Station by Red Hot Chili Peppers (35% of my music is rhcp #sorrynotsorry)
Sassafras Roots by Green Day (my stoner babies)
Goodbye Hooray by (guess who??) Red Hot Chili Peppers
Precious by Depeche Mode (beautiful)
I tag: @bonesy-mccoy @bravemccoy @its-life-jim @spacekirk @adavinic and anybody else who wants to go this GO Y’ALL
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littlecarowrites · 7 years
6 Facts About Me
Tagged by @outside-the-government, @musingsongbird & @imagineangryspacegrump. Thank you all for the tag! :D
Rules: List 6 random facts about yourself and then pass it along to 10 5 followers
I was born with completely dark brown eyes, but over the course of my life (after I turned 9/10) they started to turn green and now I’ve hazel eyes!
I’ve been a girl scout for nearly 15 years and there was never a camp I came home from without some kind of illness (like coughing, runny nose or a cold). The worst thing I came home with was a virus that turned into pneumonia two weeks after. 
People never guess my age right. I look at least two years younger than I actually am and they always think I’m the youngest of the group, even though I'm normally the oldest. (When I turned 16 we went to Brazil and people actually thought I was 10/11...)
Carolina is actually my middle name, but it would’ve been my first and only name, if my cousin hadn't been born before me. Yeah, you guessed it, her name is Carolina.
My first word I ever said was ‘Blau’, which means blue in German and from then on my parents knew that it would be my favourite colour und bought everything they could in blue.
Related to the fact above: I once forced myself to make green and orange my two new favourite colours for a year or so, which resulted in green becoming my second favourite colour and orange my least favourite colour.
Tagging (I don't remember who's tags I've already seen, so I'm sorry if I tagged you again! (or if you don’t want to do it at all)): @imaginenterprise // @tiberivs-kirk, @ziggy23, @starshiphufflebadger, @leonard-horatiomccoy, @youre-on-a-starship... and everybody else who wants to do it! Tag me then! (:
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wickerjulias · 7 years
So I was tagged by two amazing people for this challenge, both from the ussfamily. I decided to do this in one post since I’m too lazy to create two separate ones. 
Rules: Answer 11 questions, think of 11 more questions (22 questions?? rip), tag 11 people
Questions from @imaginenterprise. Thanks a lot for tagging me!!
1. Were you a part of the pokemon go mania from last summer? Kinda? I mean, I was traveling around Salzburg with my best friend so I was super excited for it and played it a few times, but was always 10 levels behind everyone else.
2. Posters on walls or framed pictures/paintings? Both actually
3. Have you ever been skiing? Yes!! And I love it. Can’t wait for the next time!!
4. DIY or buy online? (this is a stupid one i’m sorry) (Nah, it’s not) Buy online. I love the DIY stuff, but I’m too impatient
5. Tea or coffee? Tea
6. Is your phone screen cracked/broken? Nope, and I’m v proud of it 
7. Day or night? Uhm ... Tough one. But night probably 
8. If you could live in any of the Star Trek series/movies universes, which one would you pick? That’s ... that’s just mean. You can’t do this to me! (AOS. It has Karl Heinz)
9. Have you ever been to Ikea? If yes, have you gotten lost? Yes and yes. It’s huge and confusing? (Fun fact: It took me more time to get out of an IKEA than getting out of an actual labyrinth.)
10. Do you play any musical instrument? Sadly not
11. Would ever take up learning latin? I need to do so actually. I need it for my studies
Questions from @stargirlhorse. Thank you v much for tagging me :D (I know you actually forgot to write the questions down on the post, so I’m gonna do it for you here)
1. What’s your name? Jessica, but I go by Jessy most of the time
2. What are you doing right now besides answering my pointless questions? Chatting w the ussfam and with friends
3. Fav emoji? 😍 😊 (this one looks v cute on my phone) 😱 👽 (<-- that’s Clark Kent) 🖖
4. Best friend(s)? Lisa, my wifey <3 (Kindergarten friend and now best bud ever, love her so much)
5. Celebrity crush? Too many, srsly. Henry Cavill, Alicia Vikander, Riz Ahmed, Lupita Nyong’o, Amy Adams, Gal Gadot, Armie Hammer, ...
6. Horse or cow? Both!
7. Cat or dog? Both again
8. Favourite song? Atm Loverboy by You Me At Six
9. What are you/do you wanna be? I’m a trained chef and waitress, studying History. And I want to be a tourism guide.
10. Any pets you have? Three cats 
11. Pet peeve People reblogging posts without fact checking. That’s just ugh!!
While typing this post I got tagged by another ussfam member @spockstricorder. Thanks a lot!! (I gotta type more quickly jfc guys)
1. Favorite fictional character? Napoleon Solo (heart eyes mofo)
2. Analog or digital clocks? Both is good 
3. Favorite book/book genre? Redshirts and Six of Crows Fantasy, Si-Fi, Horror 
4. Have you ever traveled outside of the country you live in? Yep! I went to Scotland, England, Spain, Italy, Hungary and Turkey :D
5. Hot or cold weather? Depends ... I don’t like either if it’s too hot/cold
6. If you could live in any fictional world, what world would you live in? Phew ... Does the Mass Effect universe count? 
7. AOS or TOS? Error 404: Jessy not found
8. Would you rather live in a house or apartment of your own? Apartment! (Then I don’t have to take care of a garden lmao)
9. What languages do you speak other than your native language/what language would you like to learn? English, a little bit of Spanish, French and Italian.  All the languages!! Arabic, Russian, Vulcan (see what I did there?), Portuguese, etc.
10. What’s your major/what do you want to major in in university/college? History. Wouldn’t change a thing about it 
11. What’s your favorite comfort food? Porridge with bananas and honey
My questions Okay, first of all: I’m not gonna write 33 questions down lol Secondly: Well, I don’t actually have a second point 
1. What’s your favourite Star Trek character? 2. Do you play videogames? If yes, which one is your fave? 3. Favourite TV Series (besides Star Trek)? 4. When did you watch your first episode of Star Trek? 5. Fanfiction or books? 6. What’s the weirdest fact from the country you live in? 7. A movie you could watch over and over again? 8. What’s your opinion on muscials? Do you have a favourite one? 9. What’s your OTP?  10. Favourite animals? 11. Mountains or beach?
I tag the peeps from the ussfam: @taluhkk, @psock, @poedaremon, @thehotmessxpress, @spacekirk, @llap-ping, @tiberivs-kirk, @starry-eyed-spock, @spockstricorder, @adavinic, @andor-cassians, @listles, @stargirlhorse, @vulcanbangs, @raptor-squad-in-space, @winterspock, @bustghosters, @damerdone, @actual-chubbytranskirk and @bluespock.
And @jjohncho just cause.
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samingtonwilson · 7 years
6 random facts tag thing
6 Random Facts
Tagged by @outside-the-government (love u girl)
List 6 random facts about yourself and then pass it along to 10 followers
I have a nine month old goldendoodle 
my birthday is literally tomorrow (january 27)
my favorite book is the bell jar by sylvia plath
i’m such a know it all. it’s horrible but i love it so much
my favorite country to visit (aside from india bc india is the motherland) is a toss between italy and japan. I also love spain a lot. like a lot, a lot.
the amount of bollywood films i watch and bollywood music i listen to is atrocious I tag: I DON’T KNOW ANYONE THAT HASN’T BEEN TAGGED but idk if you were tagged @imaginenterprise and you’re the first person that came to mind tbh
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fearlessinspace · 7 years
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Summary: Can I request a Kirk one where they're teens and he gets her pregnant? - anon
Note: This kind of topic isn’t exactly my fave, but oh well. And this is AU, definitely not canon, so yeah. Anyways, enjoy guys!
Warning: teen pregnancy
Word count: 1311
To say that the club was overflowing with people would be a major understatement.
Holding academy parties in underground clubs and boiler rooms was something that stuck around all the way since 21st century. I was one of the things that never changed. And despite the fact that boiler rooms were usually small and there’s not much space, it seemed like whoever build the original academy building had planned for this space to be used as a party location. It could hold almost 400 people – and that’s a lot.
It took you a while to figure out that out of 5 of you who went through that door at the same time you were the only one that still stood at the top of the stairs, analyzing the crowd and taking in the smell of spilled alcohol. You snapped out and started walking down the stairs, the soles of your shoes feeling sticky against the floor of every single step you took.
Also, just then you found out how proud you were of yourself for choosing sneakers over heels. Heels made your legs look hella good, truly, but from first-hand experience you had already learned that dancing all night in heels, surrounded by drunk people, was not the most practical and comfortable way to spend the night.
And you were all about comfort and practicality.
As soon as you got down, you started turning in place, looking for your friends. You were quick to find them getting deeper and deeper into the crowd, so you just turned to the bar.
There was, of course, only a single seat left, so you inconspicuously rushed to take it for yourself before somebody else does.
You leaned your elbows on the glass top of the bar, and felt every single hit of the bass. Not that you were not used to it already – it just catches you off guard every single time.
The waiter for the night approached, a familiar smile plastered across his face.
“What can I get ya tonight, lassie?” he spoke with a strong Scottish accent.
“You know me.” You said with a smirk, playfulness in your voice.
“The usual it is!” He exclaimed happily and ran off to get you your drink.
You exhaled deeply, doing your best to relieve whatever stress is left from your last exercise.
People tend to say that being in science is the hardest, but security isn’t exactly a piece of cake either.
Despite being somewhat tired, it didn’t take long for you to figure out that the men in between whom you were sitting were looking your way.
‘Third year. Command. Of course, the first to get drunk’ you thought.
One of the two got off his seat, almost falling down, and made way towards you. However, as soon as Scotty returned with a large mug of Romulan Ale, the said guys returned to his seat, eyes wide, bewildered expression on his face.
“On the house, Y/N.”
“Thanks Scotty.”
Just as the he opened his mouth to say somethings, his eyes moved slightly to the right, scanning the space behind you. Just a moment before you felt a hand on your shoulder, Scotty smiled and went off, probably to serve whoever took a seat.
You jumped slightly in your seat, not expecting company.
Damn. You really were tired.
“You sure you really wanna do security? I thought they would’ve had better reflexes than this.” He spoke in your ear, his warm breath against your neck sending goosebumps throughout your entire body.
You turned around and greeted the lean, blond, blue-eyed man with a smile.
“You sure you wanna do command? Nobody really wants an asshole of a captain, y’know.”
Jim laughed at your remark, playing dumb.
“Me? An asshole? Never.”
You returned the laugh and turned around to the bar to take another sip of your drink.
And just as you turned back, you found Jim’s face less than an inch from yours, ready to plant a kiss on your lips.
With a simple move you turned his face away, not offended but keeping your boundaries.
“Keep that pretty face of your to yourself, Kirk.”
You jumped from your seat and made your way into the crowd, suddenly feeling a lot more like dancing.
Naturally, Jim was right there behind you, tracing your footsteps.
“You know I’m not capable of that, Y/N.”
He grabbed your hand, most probably with an excuse that he didn’t wanna get lost in the crowd.
And surprisingly, you didn’t let go.
“Oh, I know. Just keep it away from me.”
Suddenly, you were pulled back, facing James once again. His hands sneakily landed on your hips, pulling you closer to him, not letting you run off once more.
You choked on your breath, again surprised by his sudden movement, and again you did not pull away.
“Don’t worry.” He spoke into your ear to make sure you heard him, since then you were in the middle of the roaring crowd of semi-drunk future Starfleet officers.
“We’re just gonna dance.”
You nodded, suddenly at a loss for words.
You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck as his hands strengthened their grip on your lower back. The two of you swayed to the strong beat of the music and it was almost like everybody else around you disappeared. Even though the entire room had a mixture of smells such as alcohol and smoke, you somehow still managed to catch his unique scent, which acted almost like a drug. As you danced, time had passed and your mind drifted off into paradise, your hips swaying effortlessly to the beat.
Impulsively, you got up on your toes and pressed your lips to Jim’s neck, nibbling on his skin and flesh. As you applied pressure his hands gripped you stronger and pulled your body even closer to his own. You made your way up his neck, leaving a trace of kisses across his jawline, and finally collided your pair of lips with his. One of your hands grabbed the rim of his shirt and pulled him even closer, while the other ran up his neck, playing with his golden strands. Meanwhile, his hands went even further down, pressing your body completely against his.
After what seemed like hours, but was actually around 10 minutes, something in your head clicked. You pulled away, grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the crowd, up the stairs and to your room.
You weren’t exactly sure why you’d done everything you did up until now. You weren’t drunk, but you weren’t capable of keeping yourself away from the slightly older blonde. It was like your brain switched gears from pure logic and reason to emotions and impulse. And you wouldn’t dare and say that you didn’t enjoy it.
It all happened so fast.
In just five minutes, both your clothes and his were scattered across the floor, the chairs, the table – wherever they’d land.
“Are you sure?” He asked you at one point.
And in response, you did nothing but nod.
And it was a long night.
a month later
“Are you sure?” Jim asked for a 100th time in the past 10 minutes.
“Goddamit Jim, I’m sure. I took 20 damn test and I’m fucking sure.”
Both of you exhaled, hoping the nervousness would escape along with extra air in your lungs.
And the lungs-to-be of the baby that was growing inside of you.
You were sitting on the bed of his dorm while he was pacing around whatever space was left in the rather small room.
The tension could literally be cut with a very sharp knife.
“How are we going to get through this one, Jim?”
He suddenly stopped, realizing that adding to your worry wasn’t healthy for neither you nor your child.
“Just like we always do. Together.”
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Prompt: Congrats on the followers :D. Can I get AOS Bones with #83 (“Stay there. I’m coming to get you.”)? Thanks! for @kingarthurscat
Warnings: a mild description of an injury
Pairing: Leonard/reader
A/N: This is a short one. But I like it pretty well. 
Word Count: probably about 400
You hissed as you tried to move your body. That was a bad fall. You pushed up and immediately fell onto your face into the dirt. Crying out you turned to look at your left leg which was visibly broken. You almost vomited seeing how your shin bent in an unnatural way. You flipped open your communicator. “Y/L/N to ground crew.” nothing. It had been awhile since you seen them, ever since you got separate.  “Alright,” you mumbled to yourself. “Y/L/N to the Enterprise. Enterprise please come in!” You listened to empty static for a minute. “Enterprise. Please. Come in. I need you to read me.”
Finally, a voice crackled into the static, “Lieutenant? Are you alright? Where are you we aren’t getting a clean reading.”
“Captain,” you cried out. “Oh thank Christ. I’m not sure sir,” you started to explain. You then hear another voice. Leonard.
“Is that Y/N? Is she okay? She’s been gone for hours! Jim,” hours? That fall was bad you must have knocked yourself out during the tumble. He was panicked.
“Lee,” you spoke softly. “I’m injured pretty badly. I can’t stand. A-and I don’t really know where I am. I need a party.”
“Are you bleeding, darlin’?”
“Few superficial scratches. Nothing big. I have a broken leg. No bone sticking out, but it is displaced,” you confirmed.
“Alright, Y/N. I’m sending a team down. We’ll get you out. Hang in there.” Jim’s voice filtered back through in his normal assuring tone.
“You stay right there. I’m coming to get you, Y/N,” Leonard called, his voice fading as you assumed he was headed to the door.
“As if I have a choice,” you snarked and heard Jim snort in response.
“Hang tight, I’m on my way too. Kirk out.”
You didn’t wait long to hear people calling out your name. “Over here,” you replied. Leonard reached you first, kneeling by your leg.
“How’s the pain sweetie,” he asked softly, starting to splint your leg.
“It’s not bad, but it hurts.” He nodded fumbling around into is medkit loading up a hypo.
“Just tilt your head for me, darlin’,” he mumbled ghosting a hand on your chin urging you to do what he asked. You winced at the pinch of the medicine entering your body. “There we go. You should be feeling it soon.” He informed you as he ran his thumb over the injection spot.
Soon after, Leonard reached to pick you up, “You gave me a scare. I started thinking the worst,” he commented softly adjusting you into his arms as you held on tight to him. That’s when you caught that look. Those worried hazel eyes.
“Don’t worry Lee. You can’t get rid of me that easily.” you kissed his jaw gently and he smiled.
“No. I guess I can’t. But I still worry you know.”
“I know,” you sighed resting your head on his shoulder. “That’s why I like you. You’re my big worry wart.”
Tags: @feelmyroarrrr @outside-the-government @kaitymccoy123 @starshiphufflebadger @mccoymostly @answer-the-sirens @imaginenterprise @imaginestartrek @wificrazymisfit @athena1138 @buckyy3s @malindacath @bkwrm523 @goodnightwife @jefferson-in-the-tardis @storiesfromstarfleet @youre-on-a-starship @yourtropegirl @thequeenofthehobbits @awhitewyvern @daytimemaniac @pinkamour1588 @auduna-druitt
Ask to be part of the TAG TEAM
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thefanficfaerie · 7 years
Star Trek Dad!Character Masterlist
Leonard “Bones”McCoy Growing Pains by @outside-the-government Baby Jim- Christmas by @mission-enterprise​ O is for Otitis by @outside-the-government U for UTI by @outside-the-government Colorful Emotions by @imagineangryspacegrump​ Wedding Bells Are Ringing by @imoutofmyvulcanmind​ Toddler Shenanigans by @captainjimsexypantskirk Being Bones’ Daughter Part 1, Part 2 by @imaginestartrek The Zoo by @trade-baby-blues Teddy Bear Doctor by @auduna-druitt It Runs in the Family, Part 2 by @whatif-animagineblog Another Human Life by @anotherstartrekimagineblog Simple Man by @medicatemedrmccoy​ Joys of Parenthood by @imagineangryspacegrump Playing House by @kaitymccoy123 Joanna’s First Date by @arrowsshootyouforwards Joanna Gets Sick by @auduna-druitt
Jim Kirk George by @imaginenterprise I Have an Announcement by @captainjimsexypantskirk   pregnant!reader Being Pregnant With Jim’s Baby @imaginestartrek pregnant!reader Going into Labor With Jim’s Baby by @imaginestartrek pregnant!reader Jim Having A Teenage Daughter by @imaginestartrek Searching the Ship by @goodnightwife​ pregnant!reader Headcanons Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 and Part 4 by @youre-on-a-starship pregnant!reader Unwinding by @spacethewritingfrontier Angst pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5, pt6, pt7, pt8, pt9, pt10, pt11 by @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse Seeing Double by @trade-baby-blues Double Trouble by @trade-baby-blues    Baby Blues by @enterprisewriting pregnant!reader Winter Kirk Chronicles Part 1-4 by @startrekwonderer In The Process Of Hurting His Little Girl by @startrekwonderer
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Power is Key
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Title: Power is Key Summary:  Not everything is what it seems on this planet and Leonard McCoy maybe the only hope that a young princess has in getting her son away safely. Word Count: 750 Warnings: mention of suicide, mention of rape, pregnancy (if that is a warning). A/N: If this is liked I may just make it a mini series, possibly three to four parts. Tags: @medicatemedrmccoy @outside-the-government @starshiphufflebadger @yourtropegirl @bkwrm523 @dolamrothianlady @daybreak96 @imoutofmyvulcanmind @imaginenterprise @imagineangryspacegrump @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse
When Leonard McCoy reluctantly agreed to go on the away team to a planet, he did not expect to feel like he was in the middle of the Victorian Era. Though their medical practices seemed to be early 20th century, which he could work with. The King’s wife had apparently been having a difficult pregnancy and asked Starfleet to send their best.
           Leo took note of the many children running around the palace, much too many for one woman to bare. That’s when he noticed you sitting at the queen’s side with a toddler in your lap. Leonard walked over and introduced himself.
           “I’m Dr. McCoy, your highness, I was sent from Starfleet to check on you.”
           “She knows who you are doctor.” Leo looked at you slightly confused before you clarified, “The queen is not allowed to speak with other men.”
           “And who are you, may I ask?”
           “I’m the queen’s sister.” Leo nodded than started checking over the queen and her child. The toddler in your lap watched Leonard with intent but when the queen flinched, Leonard felt a slight pain in his neck and stepped away.
           “Seth, we don’t use our powers on innocent people.” Leo looked over at you then at the small boy in your lap.
           “He caused that pain?”
           “It’s his special gift, very few people have them this early.” Leo looked at the boy for a few minutes before continuing his exam.
          “Well it seems like she might just be eating something that’s causing heartburn that’s causing discomfort to both the fetus and herself. Has she been over eating anything?”            “She eats a lot and eats quickly some nights and wakes up and eats in the middle of the night.”
“Um ok, that’s not the safest thing to do while pregnant. How far along is she?”
“She’s due any day now.” Leonard thought for a moment. He was allowed a week on the planet, if the queen gave birth…
“I think his highness should make plans for my team and I to stay a week, just so I can keep an eye on everything.” Leo watched as you and your sister had a completely silent conversation. You sighed and turned to Leonard.
“You will stay with me till her child is born. Your men are welcomed as well of course.”
“How close is that to here?”
“I live on the grounds and a guard will alert us if anything is wrong.”
“I suppose that will be close enough. I’ll just have to alert the Enterprise of our extended stay.”
The security team that had come down with McCoy took to showing and teaching Seth how they wrote and read since languages were different here. But Leonard put all his interest into you. He watched as you prepared dinner for your house guest.
“How do you know our language but not many others?”
“I work with my brother in law so I know many languages. Do people from your planet not do the same?”
“Of course they do.” Leo watched you and noticed black lines making a design but also little while lines on your skin. “What are the black lines?” Leonard didn’t need to know what the white lines were, he had a medical guess.
“I’m a seer, they show to others that I see the future.” You went to pulling down your sleeves. Leonard nods and looks around the small house.
“’Why are there so many children in the castle?” At this question, you stopped moving and looked down closing your eyes. Leonard could see your body tense before you grabbed a knife and threw it at the wall. Leonard got up and cautiously walked over to you. “Y/N?” You looked at him and Leo saw two things in your eyes; fear and anger.
“My brother-in-law is a good king but not a good man. Those children are a sign of his affairs and sadly rapes.”
“Is Seth one of them?”
“No, thankfully but my son is still a threat since my family is the crown holder.” Leonard looked you over and a thought came to him. Jim would possible kill him for it.
“You and Seth can come with me. Once your sister gives birth that is.” You looked over at him, this man who only knew you a few short hours.
“I will come with you doctor, only if my sister gives birth to a boy. For that will bring my son greater danger than he is in right now.”
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youre-on-a-starship · 7 years
One Word Tag
I got tagged by @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse, @fanscribbling, and @auduna-druitt to do this one word tag
Where is your phone? Mousepad Your hair? Ragnar  Your dad? German Your other half? Vulcan Your favourite food? Bread Your dream last night? Tattoos Your favourite drink? Trad Fear? Heights Favourite shoes? Black Favourite way to relax? Knitting Your mood? Stressed Your love? Writing Where were you last night? Hotel Something that you aren’t? Evil Muffins? Sure Wishlist item? Job Where you grew up? Calgary Last thing you did? Knit What are you wearing? Shorts Something you hate? Crowds Your pets? None Life? Open  Regrets? Nah
So, like, who hasn’t done this? Lawrence, you didn’t tag me, so here ya go @kaitymccoy123 , @imaginestartrek, @enterpriseimagines, @imaginenterprise um... and whoever else hasn’t done it yet.
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mlleecrivaine · 7 years
I was tagged by @tiberivs-kirk! You gotta answer 11 questions, tag 11 people and make up 11 new questions for them to answer.
(If anyone I’ve tagged doesn’t know who I am, I’m Alex from @youre-on-a-starship)
1. Winter or summer?
Summer, because it’s relatively safe for me to wander around outside!
2. Do you sleep on your side, on your back or on your stomach?
Generally I sleep somewhere between my side and my stomach.
3. Something unusual that nobody but you likes?
Uuuuhhhhhhh... I don’t know if this is what you were after, but I like putting lipstick on when I write. IDK, it’s putting my gameface on.
4. Succulents or regular plant?
Succulents are easier to take care of, for me. Although I have a thing for orchids and they grow really well in my house, so.
5. Flowers or trees?
Trees, I’m not a huge fan of floral scents so I don’t like hanging around flowers.
6. Fire, ground, water or wind?
Fire because I’m an Aries and we’re bold like that.
7. Pizza or pasta?
On the whole I prefer pizza.
8. Pop music or rock?
I prefer the beats and shouting. Rock, on the whole.
9. Left or right handed?
Right handed for pretty much everything, although I can put mascara on with both hands.
10. Star Trek: TOS or AOS? (i’m mean, i know)
On the whole I prefer AOS because it’s less... made in the 60s. There are some biases that, although being understandable for the time frame in which TOS was made, I don’t necessarily enjoy watching for fun. AOS, although still mainly male-dominated, I think is more inclusive overall. Plus, I like the visual dynamics better.
11. Are you satisfied with your name/would you change it?
I finally grew into my name, I’m proud to say. “Alexandra” was a little cumbersome for a little girl, but now I’m like: “Yeah, I dig it.”
11 brand spanking new questions:
1. What’s your favourite book you’ve ever read and why?
2. What was your first fandom?
3. When you were 10, what did you want to be when you grew up?
4. Fruit or vegetables?
5. Cake or pie?
6. What’s your favourite style of shoe to wear?
7. If you could get on a plane and fly anywhere in the world, where would you go?
8. Do you prefer visiting the ocean or the mountains?
9. What word can you simply not spell right the first time, no matter how hard you try?
10. Where are you right now?
11. What’s your favourite piece of advice that you’ve every received? (Doesn’t have to be hefty life advice, even like: “how to make your pasta not gluey when it cools down”)
AND NOW I tag 11 people *cracks knuckles*: @rae723, @kilismaiden, @imaginestartrek, @fandomheadrush, @birddowninthecity, @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse, @outside-the-government, @yourtropegirl, @stargirlhorse, @enterpriseimagines, @imaginenterprise
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