fearlessinspace · 6 years
Please reblog if you enjoy Marvel and you're a woman
I have been having an argument with a friend and he says that Marvel is for guys, please help me prove to him that there are lots of women who like Marvel!
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fearlessinspace · 6 years
Dad: so how was the movie?
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fearlessinspace · 6 years
Daredevil Preference: React To You Being A Teen Vigilante
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Keep reading
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fearlessinspace · 6 years
In fanfiction there is a difference between being a good writer and a popular writer. 
Just because you can write a well-structured story with dynamic and consistent writing and characters doesn’t mean you will be popular. And sometimes stories that have disorganized plots, mediocre writing, and/or OOC characters will be held up as the greatest things to ever exist. 
Just because your writing isn’t popular doesn’t mean you are a bad writer. Don’t ever compromise who you are, who your characters are, your plot, your writing style, anything for the sake of readership.
There are popular writers everywhere. But there are only so many good writers.
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fearlessinspace · 6 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: The Defenders (Marvel TV), Daredevil (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Matt Murdock/Karen Page Characters: Matt Murdock, Margaret Murdock, Karen Page, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Frank Castle, Wilson Fisk, Elektra Natchios, Madame Gao (Marvel), The Hand (Marvel), Jessica Jones, Danny Rand, Colleen Wing, Misty Knight, Luke Cage, Claire Temple, Brett Mahoney, Father Lantom (Marvel) Additional Tags: Nuns, Death, Hospitals, Regret, Religion, Recovery, Injury, New York City, Daredevil (TV) Spoilers, The Defenders (Marvel TV) Spoilers, Reconciliation, Protective Foggy Nelson, Awesome Foggy Nelson, Awesome Karen Page, Reporter Karen Page, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Feels, Family Feels, Dysfunctional Family, Canon Rewrite, References to Drugs, Male-Female Friendship, Female Friendship, Love, Friendship/Love, Best Friends, Explicit Language, Pop Culture, Team as Family, Foggy Nelson Is a Good Bro, Hurt Matt Murdock, Matt Murdock Needs a Hug, Claire Temple is So Done, Awesome Claire Temple, Matt Murdock & Foggy Nelson Friendship, Marvel Universe, Marvel Cameos, Past Character Death, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Catholic Guilt, Catholic Character, Churches & Cathedrals Summary:
The world appears to be just where he left it the last time he's seen it.
[ongoing post-Defenders story; the one where Matt comes back to the land of living, sees his own tombstone, has some real one-on-one talk with Karen and Foggy, looks for whoever saved him and gets into a lot of emotional shit]
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fearlessinspace · 6 years
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fearlessinspace · 6 years
i’m a relatively new side-blog, and i want to start writing fanfics again! i used to write a lot of fanfics back in 2016 but went into a hiatus, but now i’m wanting to get back into writing! however i’m having a hard time getting inspired, so i’d really appreciate some requests! here’s my faq (the things i will and won’t write will get more specific over time, but for right now since i haven’t written in years, if you have any questions please just let me know!) 
so that being said…
if you have any fanfic requests for the following marvel characters
- tom holland’s peter parker
- tom holland
- matt murdock/daredevil
send them to my ask!
i appreciate any messages i get, and if you don’t have a request, please share so my blog can grow :) 
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fearlessinspace · 6 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: The Defenders (Marvel TV), Daredevil (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Matt Murdock/Karen Page Characters: Matt Murdock, Margaret Murdock, Karen Page, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Frank Castle, Wilson Fisk, Elektra Natchios, Madame Gao (Marvel), The Hand (Marvel), Jessica Jones, Danny Rand, Colleen Wing, Misty Knight, Luke Cage, Claire Temple, Brett Mahoney, Father Lantom (Marvel) Additional Tags: Nuns, Death, Hospitals, Regret, Religion, Recovery, Injury, New York City, Daredevil (TV) Spoilers, The Defenders (Marvel TV) Spoilers, Reconciliation, Protective Foggy Nelson, Awesome Foggy Nelson, Awesome Karen Page, Reporter Karen Page, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Feels, Family Feels, Dysfunctional Family, Canon Rewrite, References to Drugs, Male-Female Friendship, Female Friendship, Love, Friendship/Love, Best Friends, Explicit Language, Pop Culture, Team as Family, Foggy Nelson Is a Good Bro, Hurt Matt Murdock, Matt Murdock Needs a Hug, Claire Temple is So Done, Awesome Claire Temple, Matt Murdock & Foggy Nelson Friendship, Marvel Universe, Marvel Cameos, Past Character Death, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Catholic Guilt, Catholic Character, Churches & Cathedrals Summary:
The world appears to be just where he left it the last time he's seen it.
[ongoing post-Defenders story; the one where Matt comes back to the land of living, sees his own tombstone, has some real one-on-one talk with Karen and Foggy, looks for whoever saved him and gets into a lot of emotional shit]
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fearlessinspace · 6 years
Definitely the Wreck This Journal type of thing
Hey amigos, are you still interested in a page-a-day prompt calendar or the Book of Prompts?
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fearlessinspace · 6 years
the least realistic thing about star trek is that starfleet uniforms don’t have pockets and nobody complains about it
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fearlessinspace · 6 years
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it’s meant to be. 
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fearlessinspace · 6 years
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tag yourself as jessica jones season 2 main characters
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fearlessinspace · 6 years
reblog if you’re in one or more of these fandoms, i need more friends people to follow:
marvel (inc. agents of shield, defenders)
harry potter (inc. marauders gen)
doctor who
percy jackson
how to train your dragon (inc. race to the edge)
the librarians
the maze runner
star wars
star trek
the mortal instruments
lord of the rings / the hobbit
a court of thorns and roses
throne of glass
miraculous ladybug
the selection
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fearlessinspace · 6 years
hey im really interested to see if peoples majors/interests line up with who their favorite marvel character is so can people reblog this and tag it with their favorite marvel character is and their major or interest?
my favorite character is tony and im probably gonna be a cs/math/physics major
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fearlessinspace · 6 years
I’ve decided to pick up where I’ve left off with my Daredevil fic! Hope you like it <3
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fearlessinspace · 6 years
A short explanation for my lack of activity
Disclaimer: his applies to both of my tumblr accs (this one and @tiberivs-kirk) and my AO3 acc where I post my Daredevil story.
First of all, I’d like to apologize to all the people whose story requests I did not fulfill and to everybody else I may have wronged. I truly am sorry.
Second of all, I’d like to explain in a couple of sentences why I’m not as active as I used to be. This might not seem as a valid excuse, or an excuse at all, but it’s all I’ve got: I get in and out of fandoms really quickly. Think of it as a light that suddenly goes on, burns really, really brightly and intensely, and then with a poof goes out. I jump from fandom to fandom. Sometime I return (as I did with Daredevil, as I’ve posted a new chapter on AO3 a few hours ago after more than 8 months of posting absolutely nothing), and sometimes I don’t even return. That does not mean that I don’t love thing whose fandom I’d been part of, far from it. I still watch those movies and series, read those books and comics, and check out whatever new comes out. When it comes to writing stories and fanfics, that often times stops, too, or changes to a different topic (I’m referring to this blog whose post you’re currently reading, as I’ve switched from ican’tevenremembermyoldusername to fearlessinspace (actually, I’ve switched from 99% Star Trek to 75% Star trek and 24% Almost Human, and now 90% Daredevil- you get what I’m trying to say)).
I know a lot more reasonable excuse (for lack of a better word) would be that I have a shit ton of work in school and preparing for university and stuff - which is also totally true! I almost never have free time anymore, certainly not enough to write stories even on a weekly basis. However, that is not the real reason for my absence.
If anyone ends up reading this at all (and I truly hope that some of the people I’d talked to regularly back when I was active will read this) and, along the way, even cares, I truly hope you understand.
All of this being said, this might be one of my lasts posts on Tumblr for the time being. In case you’re actually interested in my try on Daredevil stories, you can always check out my AO3 acc with the same username as here: fearlessinspace.
Much love <3
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fearlessinspace · 7 years
New chapter!
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: The Defenders (Marvel TV), Daredevil (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Matt Murdock/Karen Page Characters: Matt Murdock, Margaret Murdock, Karen Page, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Frank Castle, Wilson Fisk, Elektra Natchios, Madame Gao (Marvel), The Hand (Marvel), Jessica Jones, Danny Rand, Colleen Wing, Misty Knight, Luke Cage, Claire Temple, Brett Mahoney, Father Lantom (Marvel) Additional Tags: Nuns, Death, Hospitals, Regret, Religion, Recovery, Injury, New York City, Daredevil (TV) Spoilers, The Defenders (Marvel TV) Spoilers, Reconciliation, Protective Foggy Nelson, Awesome Foggy Nelson, Awesome Karen Page, Reporter Karen Page, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Feels, Family Feels, Dysfunctional Family, Canon Rewrite, References to Drugs, Male-Female Friendship, Female Friendship, Love, Friendship/Love, Best Friends, Explicit Language, Pop Culture, Team as Family, Foggy Nelson Is a Good Bro, Hurt Matt Murdock, Matt Murdock Needs a Hug, Claire Temple is So Done, Awesome Claire Temple, Matt Murdock & Foggy Nelson Friendship, Marvel Universe, Marvel Cameos, Past Character Death, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Catholic Guilt, Catholic Character, Churches & Cathedrals Summary:
The world appears to be just where he left it the last time he's seen it.
[ongoing post-Defenders story; the one where Matt comes back to the land of living, sees his own tombstone, has some real one-on-one talk with Karen and Foggy, looks for whoever saved him and gets into a lot of emotional shit]
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