#in actuality we actually bickered a bit over who gets to cook
scrapnick · 1 year
Drinking whiskey in bed while my boyfriend cooks for me. We did it ladies
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how bad do you think Harry's abuse was? like, okay we all know he was neglected his entire childhood. Do you think he really didn't know his name until he went to school? That he was forced to help around the house the moment he could walk? He prob also didn't know his birthday at some point :(( I love him so much, i want to throttle the dursleys
I mean, just from his behavior I feel like it was pretty bad. I talked about it a bit before and he's very aware he is being mistreated. Harry literally makes a joke about Vernon beating him:
“You don’t seem to need many qualifications to liaise with Muggles. . . . All they want is an O.W.L. in Muggle Studies. . . . ‘Much more important is your enthusiasm, patience, and a good sense of fun!’ ” “You’d need more than a good sense of fun to liaise with my uncle,” said Harry darkly. “Good sense of when to duck, more like . . .”
(OOTP, 657)
As for the abuse itself:
Dudley and his friends beat him often. As mentioned repeatedly.
He slept in a cupboard under the stairs until the Dursleys thought someone else might notice. Only when they got the Hogwarts letter that mentioned the cupboard did they move Harry to Dudley's second bedroom. (The title of the room itself and where Harry was sleeping show how much of an afterthought he was).
The house had no pictures of him, no belongings, no sign Harry lived there, he only got Dudley's cast-offs.
So, yeah, it's definitely neglectful to an insane degree.
As for the more fanon portrayals of the Dursleys' abuse.
They did starve him as a form of punishment:
Uncle Vernon waited until Piers was safely out of the house before starting on Harry. He was so angry he could hardly speak. He managed to say, “Go — cupboard — stay — no meals,” before he collapsed into a chair, and Aunt Petunia had to run and get him a large brandy.
(PS, 23)
And Harry didn't get much food at the Dursleys in general:
This was their encounter with the fact that a full stomach meant good spirits; an empty one, bickering and gloom. Harry was least surprised by this, because he had suffered periods of near starvation at the Dursleys.
(DH, 250)
But he did get to eat with them at the table when he wasn't being punished, seen with Aunt Marge, and when the Dursleys didn't have guests:
Harry, who could see a huge Dudley tantrum coming on, began wolfing down his bacon as fast as possible in case Dudley turned the table over.
(PS, 19)
That being said, Harry seems to be punished at the Dursleys pretty often. (Although, Harry considers sitting with them at the table punishment enough)
So the fanon portrayal of getting locked in the cupboard/his room with no food for who knows how long (or just, not enough food, like in CoS when he shared a canned meal with Hedwig) is actually canon.
He gets physically abused by Dudley, but also by Vernon and Petunia. We saw Petunia try to hit him with a frying pan.
Aunt Petunia knew he hadn’t really done magic, but he still had to duck as she aimed a heavy blow at his head with the soapy frying pan. Then she gave him work to do, with the promise he wouldn’t eat again until he’d finished.
(CoS, 17)
The above qoute mentions how he was forced to do chores with the threat of no food until he's done with his chores. So, yes, he was forced to work at the Dursleys. Another quote indicating he had plenty of practice cleaning over at the Dursleys:
“Filch’ll have me there all night,” said Ron heavily. “No magic! There must be about a hundred cups in that room. I’m no good at Muggle cleaning.” “I’d swap anytime,” said Harry hollowly. “I’ve had loads of practice with the Dursleys. Answering Lockhart’s fan mail . . . he’ll be a nightmare. . . .”
(CoS, 114)
That being said, we see Petunia cooking more often than Harry, and she's also mentioned cleaning on occasion:
At last, at long last, the final evening of Marge’s stay arrived. Aunt Petunia cooked a fancy dinner and Uncle Vernon uncorked several bottles of wine.
(PoA, 26)
“Right — I’m off into town to pick up the dinner jackets for Dudley and me. And you,” he snarled at Harry. “You stay out of your aunt’s way while she’s cleaning.”
(CoS, 14)
I think he wasn't constantly worked like a house elf the way the fandom sometimes portrays it. He was made to clean often enough but he didn't cook that often. The breakfast in PS is likely more of an exception than the norm as whenever any fancy dinner, like with Marge or the Masons, it's always Petunia cooking it, not Harry. So, I don't think Harry cooked or cleaned for them since he could walk, I mean Petunia is a perfectionist about how her house looks, so she wouldn't let a small child who'd do a subpar work do it.
But he was definitely put to work as either punishment or when the Dursleys wanted him occupied. And considering he mentions "plenty of practice" when he's 12 and he spent the last two years at Hogwarts, he likely started doing chores earlier than that, but old enough to use a mop properly. So, I'd guess he started helping to clean the house around the time he was 6 or 7 years old, and started cooking on occasion only very recently before the books start in all likelihood.
The really shitty thing about all his chores is that Dudley isn't doing anything and it's just Harry. This difference is one Harry was always aware of and considers unfair, because it is incredibly unfair. The fact he is forced to do work and gets punished when the other child in the house doesn't adds to the sense of worthlessness the Dursleys already make Harry feel.
Uncle Vernon in general is pretty violent towards Harry, shown in the first quote in this post and in others:
Harry ran down the stairs two at a time, coming to an abrupt halt several steps from the bottom, as long experience had taught him to remain out of arm’s reach of his uncle whenever possible.
(HBP, 45)
I wanted to add the imprisonment in CoS, because the treatment is truly subhuman:
The following morning, he paid a man to fit bars on Harry’s window. He himself fitted a cat-flap in the bedroom door, so that small amounts of food could be pushed inside three times a day. They let Harry out to use the bathroom morning and evening. Otherwise, he was locked in his room around the clock.
(CoS, 28)
They treat him like an actual prisoner. They let him out to the bathroom twice a day! Like WTF! This is so not okay I don't have words.
As for not calling him by his name...
“We could phone Marge,” Uncle Vernon suggested. “Don’t be silly, Vernon, she hates the boy.” The Dursleys often spoke about Harry like this, as though he wasn’t there — or rather, as though he was something very nasty that couldn’t understand them, like a slug.
(PS, 19)
They usually refer to Harry simply as "boy" or "the boy", they also use "you" when talking to him or "him" about him, but not his name, except one time in PS when Vernon is faking being nice:
“Er — yes, Harry — about this cupboard. Your aunt and I have been thinking…you’re really getting a bit big for it…we think it might be nice if you moved into Dudley’s second bedroom.
(PS, 30)
Considering how Harry mentions they often don't speak to him, but at him or about him, definitely suggests they don't use his name often. Vernon seems very odd about using Harry's name, and we see it isn't something common, but it does happen. I think Harry did always know his name though, I'm sure he asked, and regardless of how awful the Dursleys are, Petunia likely told him his name in the same breath she talked about how his father was a drunkard that got both him and Lily killed.
We also know they don't do anything for Harry's birthday, and Harry doesn't think they remember it:
The lighted dial of Dudley’s watch, which was dangling over the edge of the sofa on his fat wrist, told Harry he’d be eleven in ten minutes’ time. He lay and watched his birthday tick nearer, wondering if the Dursleys would remember at all, wondering where the letter writer was now.
(PS, 35)
So, it's very plausible the Dursleys never told Harry when his birthday is and that he had to discover it himself somehow.
Harry's abuse at the Dursleys was awful. It included physical abuse from all three Durslesy and periods of starvation.
He was put to chores like cleaning the house, but it wasn't a constant thing where he worked like a house elf. It actually seems Petunia did most of the cooking.
He probably only started cleaning when he was 6 or 7 at the youngest. And cooking is likely a later development.
Harry was allowed to sit at the table and even watch TV on rare occasions but usually didn't get to choose what to watch. It means Harry should be somewhat aware of muggle pop culture at the time.
Harry, in general, wasn't really treated as human. Not having his name used, only talked at, not having his birthday celebrated, not getting pocket money or anything of his own. Not to mention being forced to sleep in the cupboard or on the floor (in the shack on the sea in PS) and getting his food through a cat flap on his bedroom door like an actual prisoner in CoS.
So, while fanon portrayals make the Dursleys worse than they actually are, they are plenty awful on their own. Believe me, if I could throttle them, I would.
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bitterbutblue · 4 days
feixiao on top!
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i'm guilty of falling for you twice ☆ feixiao x reader
~ feixiao is so cool shes so cool but shes also so babygirl coded u need to hear me out guys u need to SEE my vision like shes so babygirl coded please hjgsfjkhdlkjlka anyways domestic fluff with feixiao because we should love her more instead of thirsting over her
song: fallin' twice - chevy (robin's singing voice!!)~
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
"Jiaoqiu, can you stop that!"
"I'm trying to cook!"
"You're being irritating-"
Feixiao lets out a loud groan as the sounds of bickering fill the room once more. Being around you and Jiaoqiu always feels like a babysitting job with how often the two of you argue over the smallest things, whether it be his food being too spicy or your need to add coriander to everything.
"Guys, please."
Her voice cuts through the bickering like a knife, and you immediately shut up. You look away, pouting like a child with your arms crossed as Jiaoqiu raises an eyebrow, glancing between you and Feixiao.
"How'd you get her to shut up?" Jiaoqiu looks at Feixiao, who just hums as she flips to the next page in her book with minimal regards to your pouty state. You shoot a glare at him.
"Do you want me to keep going?"
"Both of you, calm down." Feixiao rolls her eyes "Jiaoqiu, can you excuse us for a bit?"
The look she shoots his way has him closing his mouth and leaving the room with a disgruntled huff. The second the door closes, Feixiao gets up to walk towards you, wrapping her arms around you from behind.
"He was being a bitch!"
"Language." She chides, lightly flicking the back of your head with her finger. You wince, but ultimately melt into her embrace as she rests her head atop yours.
"You mustn't keep picking fights with him, he saved my life."
"He's a cocky little bitch." You whine, and she just laughs. Her laugh sounds genuine, not those she puts on for appearance in front of the other generals, or in front of Jiaoqiu or Moze. Her laugh around you is light, and for a moment all you can focus on is the feeling of her heart beating through her chest, echoing onto you as her hand interlaces itself with yours.
"He may be sometimes, but you should still try to see him the way I do."
You turn around to face your girlfriend, sighing.
"I don't actually hate him, Feixiao."
"I know. But for my sake, stop arguing with him all the time?"
You don't notice the way her breath hitches in her throat when you smile up at her, you don't notice the way her heart jumps and flips when you reach up to cup her cheek. You don't see how her eyes soften when you tilt your head to the side with a small smile.
You don't notice how she falls for you all over again over something as simple as a smile.
"Anything for you baby."
She just blinks, face turning a light pink and you grin.
"No." She responds quickly, clearing her throat as she looks away. You grin up at her, pulling her so that she's now standing in front of you.
"You're so pretty when you blush." You whisper, and her ears fold down from embarrassment which has your heart absolutely soaring. Who else gets to see the tough general like this?
"You- uh.." Her eyes dart around the room anxiously, worried that someone may walk in.
"Stop worrying."
She yelps when you tug her down,. She stumbles over her feet, catching herself on the armrests of your chair so that she has you caged in between her arms. She turns redder at your close proximity and you laugh because how is she still so flustered around you when you've been dating for almost two years now?
"You're adorable."
She wants to swoon, the great general of the Yaoqing reduced to a giggly mess over her girlfriend. It took her a while to finally be able to put her guard down around you, but being able to do that was the best decision of her life. You love her, unconditionally.
She loves you, unconditionally.
"You're... you're also cute." She mumbles out, and you smile up at her before moving to quickly give her a peck on the lips.
"I know."
She finally lets out another laugh, the softest smile on her face.
"Get over yourself..." She mumbles, before kissing you again. You smile into the kiss, hand cupping her cheek before she pulls away.
"Jiaoqiu will return any moment now. Do I look alright?"
Her face is red, ears flapped downwards and she looks like a giggly schoolgirl after seeing her crush.
She looks perfect to you.
"He will definitely suspect something."
Se doesn't get any time to even recompose herself because Jiaoqiu storms in, finger pointed up at you two as if accusing you of a crime.
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icallhimjoey · 2 months
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hi hello yes
sorry, SORRY, sorry! this took a second longer than originally anticipated, but, here it is, live from italy! enjoy! (tw: we get spicy, and we also cut our finger on a kitchen knife, but it's only minor, and it ultimately gets kissed better, so we're fine) Wordcount: 2.8K
All The Aces
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
You laid on your side, face pressed firmly into your pillow, and looked at Joe who was doing something on his phone. Answering someone who should’ve gotten a reply hours ago, most likely.
He wasn’t wearing a shirt, sheets loosely covering him up to about his waist, and his hair looked insane.
It always did, after.
You loved it like that. Frizzy, wild, completly unruly, every piece curling a different way.
Little shit.
Joe must’ve felt how you were looking at him, because you caught him sneaking a little look from the corner of his eye before he pretended he didn’t just make direct eye-contact with you and shifted focus right back to the small screen in his hands.
“I know what you’re doing…”
You saw how a slow smile grew on his face. One that he immediately tried to hide, which was of no use.
Joe couldn’t lose his grin if he wanted to. Giving you another glance made him lock his phone before putting it down on his beside table.
“Wow. Fourth time.” Joe commented, and he phrased it like he was impressed, but you knew it wasn’t with you.
Joe was impressed with himself.
“You’re sick, you know that? Like an actual sociopath.”
It felt a bit silly how you hadn’t fully realised what was going on until just now. After the fourth time it happened.
Four times.
Joe laughed as he got comfortable in bed, tucking himself in for the good night’s rest his smug little face suggested he thought he really deserved.
“I’m just following instructions.” Joe leant over a little and planted a chaste kiss to your forehead before he turned over. “Night night.”
And you know what… you kind of agreed.
You were sort of impressed with him too, but you would never tell him to his face. Obviously. Although, in a weird twist of the truth, it was actually proving yourself right more than Joe probably thought he was doing.
You’d not been fucking around when you said that sex wasn’t just about the orgasm. And the first time, with hindsight, you kind of couldn’t believe that you hadn’t immediately known.
It was a couple days after you’d had that whole discussion with Izzy present, and Joe had challengingly said he was going to prove you wrong. He’d not said a word about it since, and so you’d forgotten about it.
You’d been play bickering all day - mild bullying that touched lines, but skillfully never crossed them.
You’d caught Joe looking into a mirror for a while, and had just watched him for a little bit before you went, “Just admiring, are we?”
He’d nearly jumped out of his skin. Hadn’t seen you were there.
“You fucking...” Joe said through his teeth before loudly exhaling.
You couldn’t help the giggles that escaped you as you said, “Sorry, sorry! I’m clearly interrupting something. I’ll give you and your reflection some privacy.”
“Come here!”
He’d taken three quick steps towards you, but you were faster and scurried away before his extended arms could grab you.
To retaliate, Joe had very innocently asked if you could go grab his charger from his bedroom whilst he was busy cooking dinner, not mentioning that he’d seen a fat spider near it just mere minutes ago.
And who were you to deny him a little help when he was literally making you soup from scratch?
The way you’d shrieked from across his flat had made him smile into a taste-testing spoonfull of cooked veg.
It had gone back and forth like that for a bit, sly comments and inside jokes thrown across the table, silly faces and swearwords that ultimately only fed the joy that sparked.
That was, until you were cleaning up after dinner, filling up and already overfilled dishwasher, when Joe decided it’d be hilarious to jumpscare you.
He snuck up, moved real slow, got real close, and then suddenly grabbed you at the waist whilst you were bent over and gave a loud, “BAH!”
The sound you made as you jumped was immediately followed by a loud wince.
“Oh no,” Joe’s vice grip around your waist lost strength immediately as you curled in on yourself, one hand clasping the other tightly. “Did you cut yourself?”
You kept quiet and focussed on the sharp pain that quickly dulled and replaced itself with a light sting.
You hadn’t cut yourself.
Joe had cut you.
On his huge chef’s knife that you carefully wanted to give a good spot in between all the dirty pots and pans.
“Let me see. Did you cut yourself?” Joe turned you around by the shoulders, but you fought against it and turned to the sink instead.
Water went from slightly red to a little more orange until it ran clear - the cut was only little, but from the way you’d fallen silent, Joe struggled with immediate onset guilt whilst deeply wishing to keep the mood light and playful like it had been all day.
He wished you’d turn and call him a dickhead.
He wished you’d turn and punch him in the bicep.
“Is it bad? Come on, let me see.” Joe tried again, softer and sweeter now, trying to look over your shoulder.
You turned your head to look at him, and for a moment, you just stared at each other. Joe sort of awkward and entirely unsure of what to do. You sort of blankly, figuring out your next steps.
Which was, be careful what you wish for Joe, an unexpected punch to the bicep.
“What the fuck, Joe – did I cut myself?”
The happy relief Joe felt at your small smile underneath the scolding saved the moment.
“You did that! Did this! Look at it!”
“Sorry, I’m sorry! But, who the fuck holds a knife by the blade?”
“I was trying to make it fit in there!”
“And you had to hold it by the blade for that?” Joe’s smile grew, and you used your shoulder to shove him in response, eyes crinkling from your smile, but gaze back on your finger.
“Can you grab me the scissors?” you asked, reaching for a drawer filled with a lot of clutter, among which you knew there were some plasters.
“Yea, of course,” Joe got you his pair of kitchen scissors, but before handing them over, he forced eye-contact and turned serious for moment as he said, “That was my fault. Sorry. Does it hurt?”
And it only did a little.
You were fine.
Joe helped wrap your finger up with a plaster and the rest of your evening had passed fairly uneventful.
Joe’s little accident had ended the streak of teasing you had going, and instead, he’d turned a little soft. By ways of apologising, you were sure.
And then that mood carried over into his bed, where you sat on the edge of the foot of Joe’s bed after you got into your pyjamas, whilst Joe climbed into his side of the bed. You inspected the plaster around your finger, squeezed and pressed over the cut to feel the slight sting there still. Joe’s foot that nudged your bum interrupted you.
You looked over your shoulder and saw how Joe leant an elbow into your pillow, head leant back against the headboard with a slow smile and eyes that twinkled with just enough cheek to let you know he wasn’t all that tired yet.
“Stings.” You said as let yourself fall back just enough to get your legs up on the bed before crawling across.
“Maybe don’t touch it.” Joe said, using a hand to push down covers for you.
“Maybe don’t scare someone when they’re doing you a favour.”
You were about to get under the covers, but then, Joe changed his mind.
“Okay, fine. Come here.” Joe sat up more, spread his legs, and used both his hands to pull you into the spot in between.
“Careful! I am wounded!”
“Yea, yea, yea…” two strong hands started kneading your shoulders even before you’d fully settled with your back against his front. You immediately relaxed and let yourself sag into him, head bumping against his collarbone as you did.
“I did say I was sorry, didn’t I?” Joe said softly, close to your ear.
“Hmm.. if I say you did, will you keep going?”
Joe huffed a small laugh and pressed a kiss to the top of your shoulder before whispering, “Sorry again.” into your skin.
And this was the type of shit that you lived for.
Tender touches that were just firm enough to make you feel something, alternated with feather light touches from finger tips that trailed down your arms slowly before they found their way back to your shoulders again.
Across your back.
To your neck.
Up into your hair, a little.
Gave you goosbumps.
Joe’s fingertips dug into flesh, and his mouth would leave gentle kisses right in the spot where your shoulder met the side of your neck.
If there was any stress secretly housing somewhere in your body that you didn’t know about, Joe was finding it. Getting rid of it. Letting it leak right out of you.
You allowed your mind to go absolutely blank.
No thoughts.
Just Joe’s touches.
Pure bliss.
Joe’s fingers roamed all over, then slid into your hair to massage at your scalp and you let your eyes flutter closed as your breath hitched.
“Does that feel good?” Joe softly murmured, full attention on the soft noises you were making under his hands.
“Mhmm,” you nodded, but only slightly. Couldn’t muster up more movement.
“Here, wait,” Joe suddenly shifted and pulled you from your daze a little as he sat up more. But then you felt how his hands were trying to find the hem of your top, and you leant forward to help him undress you.
“Sit back,” Joe said after tossing it, and this time, his finger tips rounded out to your front where he let both his hands stroke the soft skin of your chest.
You couldn’t help but arch your back, pulling your shoulders back slightly to push your chest forward, presenting more skin for Joe to touch.
“Yea, that feels good, doesn’t it?” Joe softly commented after you let a shuddery breath escape you, and you could hear Joe’s smile in his voice.
You weren’t ignorant, but you were definitely actively ignoring Joe’s hard length that pressed into your back.
You had felt Joe get hard just after he’d started this.
“Y-yea,” you answered Joe, voice breathy enough to feel Joe twitch. “Feels really good. Never stop, please.”
“Hmm,” Joe hummed, fingers drawing shapes over your collarbones, up the sides of your neck, then down the front over the soft skin of your chest. Joe felt how your skin started feeling hotter to the touch. Heard how your breathing hitched at every inhale.
“Want to know what else feels good?”
Before you could even properly answer his question, he was already moving. Moving from behind you, hands that held you by the shoulders and moved you aside to he could slip out of bed.
“Wha– I said, never stop.”
But then Joe got his hands on your knees and placed himself in between on his stomach as he spread your legs, and he raised a stupid eyebrow before mouthing at your inner thigh.
And, yea. All right.
This view wasn’t all that bad.
Joe looked up at you as he let his mouth climb up your leg, and you could feel your chest bloom.
Joe was so pretty.
You loved his nose. Loved his eyelashes. Loved his stupid freckles and his stupid lines across his forehead.
“Come up here,” you surprised yourself.
“What?” Joe already had a finger hooked in your underwear, but paused and raised his head a little.
“I want you up here.”
Your lips were jealous of your legs; wanted Joe’s mouth for themselves. Wanted Joe’s weight on top of you. Wanted Joe inside.
“But…” you saw how Joe’s eyes flicked down before they looked up and made eye-contact with you again. “What about what I want?”
Your underwear got slid to the side, and Joe let his brow frown a little as you made a little noise of impatience.
“Do you need reminding of how we got here?”
And, Jesus, okay. Fine.
You knew Joe enjoyed getting his mouth on you, but it was somehow also always a surprise that sometimes he seemed to like it more than anything else.
Your underwear got removed, and Joe coaxed you to lay back.
“Get comfy. I’m going to be here a while.”
Had anybody else said that, it would’ve passed for a corny joke. But Joe said it, and he was serious.
Joe got his mouth on you and from every single move he made, he let you know he wasn’t in a hurry. He let his tongue swirl slowly, would suckle and lick and nose at your velvety-soft skin until you were floating.
Joe knew how to make you feel good.
He’d learnt very quickly how to make you feel good.
Took him one week, actually, to be precise.
And who were you to complain about something so lovely? About having a boyfriend that you had low-key bullied all day who desperately wanted to eat you out still? You could be kind. Be polite and let him have what he wanted.
But Joe was working himself up.
Was aching in his boxers.
Kept trying to find pressure by pushing his hips into his mattress. Knew his precum was likely leaving a wet patch on his sheets.
But Joe liked what he was doing too much to do anything about what was stirring in his underwear.
And he kept you on the edge.
Just far enough away from an orgasm, but close enough to feel that it was there.
Somewhere off in the distance.
Felt good.
You could live here forever.
And you felt like you did, a little. Because Joe was leisurely taking his time, absolutely in no rush of moving on from what he was doing. Joe went on until his own sounds became more pornographic than whatever you were letting slip past your lips. You then suddenly felt him wiggle, and looked down to see him struggle out of his own underwear urgently without letting his tongue lose contact with you.
“Joe,” you moaned, and you meant, hurry up.
With a final strong flick of his tongue, Joe sat up onto his knees and towered over you a second as he pulled himself free from his boxers.
“Oh, my God.”
Joe was leaking precum, more than what you’d expected. You wanted to tell him how you liked that. How that was stupidly hot of him.
How dare he get so turned on by eating you out?
But you didn’t get the chance to say anything, because quickly Joe let his mouth find yours, and you finally got what you’d asked for.
Joe’s kisses were feverish, almost desperate. He let himself slip inside of you, both ways, his tongue doing the most to find yours and his hipbones pushing forward until they pressed you into the mattress.
“I’m gonna come,” you’d never heard his voice sound so constricted as his hips bucked, refusing to let up.
It had literally been just a few seconds.
Like he couldn’t fucking help himself.
Like he got so worked up eating you out that there was no way back now.
And you fucking loved it.
A man who couldn’t control himself, turning himself on past the point of no return by trying to make you feel good?
What a fucking dream.
And he wasn’t joking, either.
Joe pressed his forehead against your cheek, his heavy breath warm on your neck, and then his panting turned into groans.
With shuddering movements and loud grunts, Joe orgasmed, pressing you into the mattress with so much strength, you thought he’d never quite been deeper inside of you.
After a few seconds, he stilled, and went lax. Let every single muscle relax as he caught his breath, and Jesus fucking Christ, you loved it so much. Heavy weight on top, blissed out boy. Bare back right there for you to drag finger nails across. Short curls, wet behind his ears, right there for you to play with.
After a while, you felt how soft wet kisses got pressed into your neck, and you smiled at how adored you felt.
Going to sleep after that, being held in his sheets, arms and legs tangled, faces close, feeling loved and lovely and so, so sleepy, you almost didn’t register Joe finding your finger, the one with the plaster, and bringing it over to his mouth to give it the smallest little peck.
This was the type of shit being together with Joe was all about.
Everything felt safe, and sweet, and sort of glorious as you slowly drifted off.
That was the first time.
The first time of the four of you not realising.
You hadn’t even cared, or had even noticed for that matter, that you hadn’t orgasmed.
Didn’t cross you mind once.
The sex had been good. You had really enjoyed yourself.
So, see?
Joe was wrong.
And he’d just given you the best example that proved you right.
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archangeldyke-all · 8 months
Anon may not be flirting but I am tf, my partner and I are tryna kiss you Angel 😏 consensually ofc
nah im jp (or am i~) but this leads me into my ask
reader in a throuple with ran and sevika
i read 'throuple with ran and sev' and i passed out and died and was resurrected by sappho herself to make this happen
men and minors dni
okay but imagine you walk into the last drop and ran and sev have been dating for a bit and they see you and come up to you and ran's like 'hey, me and my gf saw you from across the bar and we really dig your vibe' lasjdf;laksjdf;lkj i'd pass out
you and ran would constantly be playing practical jokes on sevika. one of you distracting her with kisses while the other ties her shoelaces together, or both of you answering to each other's names when she calls.
you and sevika would tease ran sexually all. the. time. they're a little feral. so you and sevika kissing in front of them, or groping each other, or even just fondling each other, it drives ran fucking crazy.
sevika and ran would tease you non fucking stop. about everything. the way you chew, if you mispronounce words, sometimes even the way you breathe. you just roll your eyes and bite back the smile threatening to pull up your lips at the sound of your lovers' laughs.
(of course, if anyone else tries to poke fun at you in the same way, they better be prepared for Two Death Glares from your gf and partner-- and then maybe actual death ajsal;sdjlk)
hng, sevika making you and ran make out in bed while she watches?
and you guys get so into it you kinda forget sev's even there until she rips you guys apart and pins one of you to the bed to fuck you, making the other ride their face??
fuckkkkk... getting spitroasted by the two of them
they'd be so into making a mess of you. a lot of times, sex is just sevika and ran competing to see who can make you moan louder.
sevika walking between the two of you, one of her hands in each of your back pockets, a smirk on her lips
you and ran getting into mischief together, then running to your Scary Girlfriend to protect you when someone calls you out on it.
of course, sevika intimidates the fuck outta whoever you pissed off, but then once they leave she just rolls her eyes and glares at the two of you giggling.
constant bickering between sevika and ran because they're both so strong-headed and stubborn. not actual arguments, just little spats and petty disagreements that you have to settle.(you usually settle it by just flashing the two of them. it shuts them both up pretty quickly)
ran and sev bonding over their mech arms and you feel left out :( asking them to chop one of your limbs off so you can fit in and they just laugh at you
having to have a california king sized bed to comfortably fit the three of you (and sevika's giant ass)
ran does all the finances in the house. sevika does the cooking, you do the chores.
but small things like dishes and laundry-- that's on a rotating schedule. (ran always tries to get out of their chores. bribing you and sev with head or money or snacks. sevika will catch you doing laundry on ran's day and snort, 'they got to you, huh?' she asks. you nod. 'i don't think they've done laundry in two weeks now.' she says, shaking her head with a fond smile.)
you and ran make sevika laugh more, you guys make her a whole lot happier. you and sevika bring out ran's wild side, they feel safe enough around the two of you to be completely wild and feral. and, of course, ran and sevika let you be as unapologeticly yourself, not worried about anyone's reaction when you've got two of the strongest mfs in zaun by your side.
god i have a million thoughts about this.
also! be sure to check out @abitohoney's submit! the newest part is a ran/sev/reader threesome. it's so fucking good and hot holy fuck.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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random-things-of-mine · 5 months
𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘧𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴
Lovesick Wally x GN Reader
Butcher Wally x GN Reader
Yandere Wally x GN Reader
Warning: Angst??
Based on a story written by GonIsSoSilly on Wattpad.
Their story revolves around Y/n who is stuck with the AU Wally's living in their home. I really liked the authors portray of the trio mentioned in the title.
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Oh fuck. Not them again-
Y/n tried to manoeuvre out of sight, speed walking to their kitchen to avoid Lovesick and Yandere who descended from the stairs in the hallway, loudly bickering about who of the two deserved them more.
Those two where nothing but trouble. One was leaving a mess wherever he walked, black sludge dripping from his eyes, it occasionally moved on it own as if looking for a new host. The other one was holding a knife wielding it carelessly, not afraid to use it.
They where clearly looking for their one and only darling. 
But like... no thanks.
Y/n stood in front of their kitchen counter, they reached up towards the top shelf to reach for something. They had to stand on their tippy toes, as their fingers brushed searchingly against the plastic and ceramic cups.
Clearly someone had rearranged their stuff, probably Rainbow seeing as everything was put up so high, they couldn't even see what they where trying to grab. 
Speaking of him, his #1 dad mug was near the sink, containing a toothbrush and toothpaste. Did that man have to leave that there? There was a bathroom for a reason.
With one final movement they took a random mug, they placed it down pouring apple juice in it instead of coffee or tea which it was supposed to be used for.
"Ain't no way-" They said out loud as they looked at the mug, seeing it was merch of Actor, his face plastered onto the side. "I don't recall buying this... he probably added it himself."
What was up with these puppets, doing whatever they pleased in their home.
Too distracted with their own thoughts Y/n wasn't paying attention to their surroundings. It was too late as Butcher leaned on their shoulder.
And the dude was heavy erhm- well build is what they meant.
"Hello lamb~ Fancy seeing you here, want me to prepare you something nice and savory."
"I guess. I haven't eaten yet today."
They shrugged, trying not to whince from the pressure he was putting on their shoulder. He chuckled in his raspy voice before finally releasing them, starting to cut up a chuck of meat.
"Want me to prepare it spicy or sweet?"
"I don't care, anything works. Though..  if you could add some vegetables that would be appreciated."
Y/n couldn't help but smile a bit as Butchers expression turned sour at the mention of their request. He was not a fan of any plant like foods. 
"Meat is all you need." He said, stating it as a fact.
"As nicely as that rhymes, I know what I want and need to stay healthy." 
He begrudgingly gave in, starting to cook up the meal for his favorite lamb.
"Where are my precious?" Y/n questioned as they where looking around for Grayscale and Original. 
Those two where simply the sweetest and they where eager to cuddle with them. 
"Looking for us, darling~" Yandere said flirtatiously.
"Cause we certainly where looking for you." Lovesick crooned.
With a sigh they turned around to face the troublesome duo.
"Actually I was searching for-"
"No need, most everyone else is out today as Actor forced them to act as models for his new shoot." Yandere interrupted. "But I refused of course, seeing as I couldn't abandon you."
"Me neither! I just can't stay away from you." Lovesick joined in as his eyes where glazed over.
That would explain why it felt so empty for once in their house. 
The human made a mental note to get a look at the pictures or videos that would be taken of the modeling puppets.
"So now you can give all your attention to me."
"No me!" 
Lovesick and Yandere started bickering again, which quickly turned violent. As Y/n tried to sneak away they simultaneously grabbed a hold of one of their arms, holding it in a death grip.
"You aren't leaving." They hissed, for once in sync.
Feeling a certain level of danger and uncomfortable they tried breaking free.
"Let go of me."
"No." They simply say back, their hold ever so slighty growing tighter if that was possible.
"Butcher! Help me out!"
No sooner he appeared from the kitchen, approaching menacingly with his cleaver. And they almost regretted calling him in due to the feral look in his eyes but he was the only other one present in the house currently. 
"Don't bother lamb. And don't bruise their tender delectable skin." 
"Stay out of this you freak!" 
"We aren't hurting them... we are simply showing our loveeee~"
Y/n used the distraction to yank their body backwards, realizing this was a bit to much for them handle. Running back to their bedroom to lock themselves in.
But their running triggered something more primal in the three unstable individuals.
The desire to chase.
no no no no NO NO NO NO AAAHHH
Y/n trashed around as they where dragged down the stairs by multiple hands. The fall and rough treatment making it feel like they just broke a rib.
They now laid down on the floor, coughing and breathing heavily. As three menaces looked down upon them with wide grins.
Yandere noticed them struggle to put together their thoughts. He then decided to speak once again, picking them up from the floor, his hands staying firmly on their waist for support.
"Come on now, surely you can speak... Say want we want to hear... you know what we crave."
"I won't deny giving you three attention again."
Yandere smirked, this time he was proud and a slight bit satisfied. He was delighted to have heard them finally admit this.
"Good, let me hear the other words, that you are sticking by our and most importantly MY side."
"I won't run anymore..." They said vaguely hoping it would suffice as they glared back at him.
Yandere continued to hold them tightly, enjoying the feeling he got by just knowing that they were in his grasp.
"Say it with certainty." He commented, his tone sounded a bit cocky but also demanding.
He moved one of his hands from their waist to their face, tilting their head back, forcing their eyes to look up, directly at him. His fingers gripped their chin gently but firmly.
But before more could be said the moment was interrupted.
Lovesick waltzed over, pressing himself into Y/n, his arms clinging onto them like they where a lifeline. Yandere suppressed a growl of annoyance as he had to fight the urge to stab him.
"Yes you are all ours now. Mmh~" The disease ridden patient said as his thoughts where clouded by lovesick delirium.
"I'll get 99% of their time, you and that other freak can share the remaining 1%." The obsessive killer hissed in distain.
As they started bickering Butcher closed in looming over them all with a threatening expression.
"Ours indeed. And it'll stay that way, no matter what." The morbid butcher laughed menacingly as he pulled everyone over into a off-putting group hug.
These three would be the death of you.
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therealcocoshady · 7 months
Recovery - Chapter 20
Tumblr media
Eminem x FemReader Fanfiction
Summary : Y/N gets back home from the hospital and Em comes for a sleepover.
Tags : Fluff - SMUT (P in V, foreplay)
Y/N’s POV 
The whole incident had brought you and Marshall a lot closer than you already were. You took it to heart, when he said he was missing you, when you were talking in the studio that fateful night before you were assaulted. You had been so focused on your relationship with Josh, so eager to get Marshall out of your head (or rather, your heart), that you had probably neglected your friendship a little bit. Still, he had been absolutely amazing to you while you were in the hospital, basically acting like your personal guard-dog, pillow, assistant and dream catcher. It got to a point where it was annoying for other people. Josh didn’t complain about it, he never would, but he did make a few comments about Marshall “always being around”. Talia and Jamal even joked about Marshall moving in, because he would never leave you alone. You could tell that Talia was a bit pissed off. You knew she loved him, but she also wanted to care for you. So when you got out of the hospital, they were basically bickering at each other, fighting over who would get “custody” of you. Marshall offered for you to stay at his place and hang out, while Talia seemed to strongly disagree. 
You’ve been with her nonstop for five days, Em, you’re not her only friend, you know ? She said as she rolled her eyes. 
I know. I’m just saying she can chill at the house if she wants, he shrugged. 
We have a house too, she said. She can chill there. 
Or maybe she wants to enjoy the movie room or the pool, he replied. 
Or maybe she wants her room, Talia insisted. 
Or maybe she wants y’all to stop fighting like divorced parents ? Jamal chimed in. 
You couldn’t help but giggle. You had been cleared by the doctor and were ready to leave the hospital. You’d been ready for about an hour and couldn’t wait to get out of that dreadful place but they wouldn’t stop arguing over small details, like who would drive you home. You didn’t tell them, but on top of that, you had Josh blowing up your phone, asking when he would actually get to see you. You were actually touched by all of this attention : not everyone had this many people they could count on. As annoying as it could get - because you just wanted to leave - it was a blessing. 
We could just leave them here and grab food somewhere, you suggested to Jamal. 
I like that, he said as he grabbed your bag. 
I want to eat too, Talia said. 
Me too, Marshall added. 
Look who’s suddenly on the same page, Jamal grinned. So, what do you want to eat ? 
Of course, that was enough for the bickering to start again. You offered to cook dinner, but obviously, none of your friends would let you lift a finger, even though you had basically spent five days sleeping and were more energized than ever. Thankfully, everyone ended up agreeing on the food, and you managed to display some excellent diplomatic skills when it came to organizing your schedule. You sent Marshall home after dinner so that he could actually get some rest and a full night of sleep and had a movie night with your roommates. As for Josh, you made plans to see him in a few days. Initially, you wanted to invite him to dinner on the night you got home, but your friends made a valid point that it would be wiser to wait for a few days, so that your first night home would be more chill. After the movie, you and Talia went to your room to do some pampering and she could not refrain from grilling you about “Em”. 
So… First night without cerberus in a while, huh ? She playfully asked. 
I guess, you giggled. He wasn’t that bad, though. 
Oh he definitely was, she chuckled. You should have seen him when you were asleep. He was standing there like some sort of bouncer, making sure not too many people were in the room. And then, when it got too loud, he turned into a cranky old librarian like “Shhhhh”. 
She imitated him, with his serious demeanor and frown. You couldn’t help but burst out in a fit of laughter. 
It’s sweet, you said softly - you couldn’t help defending him. 
He’s too much, she said. I swear, he is the most dramatic person I have ever met. 
It’s part of the charm, I guess, you shrugged. 
Oh, really… “Charm” ? She grinned. I thought we already had a prince charming… 
You know what I mean, you said with a frown. 
Actually, I don’t, she said. I mean, you’re wearing his clothes all the time, he spent five days in the hospital with you, you guys are always hanging out… I’m telling you : I wouldn’t enjoy being your boyfriend if I had to deal with Em being all over you. 
I know, you sighed. 
Especially when you enjoy it so much, she added. 
You looked at her but said nothing. Had anyone else made that comment, you would have lied, but it was Talia, so there was no use. 
I knew it !!! She almost screamed. 
Yeah well, you can know it but not shout it, ok ? You said. 
You like Em !!! 
I do, you groaned. But believe me, it’s not fun. 
Oh, boo-hoo, “my crush is all over me and it’s hard”, she giggled. Yeah, must suck to be you, Y/N. Especially when the crush in question is the wet dream of millions of people across the world. Remind me again, why are you bothering with Josh ? 
You ended up explaining the whole story to her : how you had a chance with Marshall, that was ruined by the argument, how you had planned on confessing your feelings for him in NYC but didn’t because he ended up dating Nicole and how you ended up dating Josh. 
Here’s the thing, you said : I love Marshall, but he doesn’t love me back. And I like Josh too, you know ? Like, actually like him. I want to give this relationship a chance, because he is so great. 
I feel you, she said in a voice full of compassion. You deserve to be happy. Em is a fucking dumbass in my opinion… 
He’s not. He doesn’t like me like this, it’s ok. He’s still my best friend. 
Yeah, but I don’t understand, though. For someone who doesn’t like you like this, he is all over you. That doesn’t make sense, you know ? She said. Anyway, if Josh makes you happy, that’s what matters, right ? 
He’s just nice, you replied. And Josh does make me happy. I can’t wait for you to meet him. 
I can’t wait either, she said. But he’s no Em. 
Promise me you’ll still be nice to him ? 
Of course, she said. 
You had finally introduced Josh to Talia and Jamal and they seemed to like him. The four of you would go on double dates, even some triple dates with Hailie and Evan. You had lots of fun and it felt really nice to have your closest friends supporting your relationship. Talia’s birthday was coming up in a few days and she even invited him. Josh was being as amazing as ever, and you wished you could say everything was perfect but it wasn’t. You’d been together for more than three months at this point and you still hadn’t been able to seal the deal. You’d had plenty of opportunity and slept together a bunch of times but that was all it was : sleeping. Not that you didn’t want to do the deed, on the contrary, you were both up for it, but the attack had left its mark, so every time he tried to do more than kiss you or hold your hand, you ended up being triggered. He said he was fine with it but, obviously, you could tell he was a bit disappointed. At that point, you were a triggered, yet horny mess, which put you in quite a mood. You weren’t even sure you’d be able to have sex ever again. Thankfully, you also spent a lot of time with your friends, which helped you get your mind off things. You were either hanging out with Jamal and/or Talia, at the studio or with Marshall. 
That night was your first night sleeping alone in a month. Ever since you got home, you were prone to nightmares. The doctors at the hospital had offered to give you some medication for anxiety and even some sleeping pills, but given your past, you refused to pick up the prescription. You’d been sober for a while now, which was great, but you still didn’t trust yourself. So your friends, being as amazing as they were, took turns having sleepovers in your room. The most frequent guests were either Talia or Josh, but sometimes, Marshall would come over too. It was the middle of the night and you were waking up from yet another nightmare and, normally, you would have someone by your side, but you had decided to try sleeping alone for the first time, since Talia and Jamal had a romantic weekend getaway planned and were spending a night in a hotel, and you weren’t too sure about wanting Josh coming over. Not that you wouldn’t enjoy his company or that he wouldn’t happily cuddle with you, but you felt like he might get his hopes up about finally having sex and you didn’t want to let him down yet again. You tried to pace yourself by using some breathing exercises, but to no avail. It was as if you could feel the attacker’s breath down your neck. Plus, it was a windy night and every noise from the outside was startling you. So much for putting on your big girl’s pants. You decided to call Marshall. 
Hey honey, you heard his sleepy voice say. What’s up ? 
Am I bothering you ? You asked in a little voice. 
Never, he said softly. What’s up ? 
I’m scared, you said on the verge of tears. I’m alone in the house and I feel like… He’s watching me or something. 
Oh. Isn’t Josh sleeping over ? He asked. 
Not tonight…, you said sheepishly. 
Want me to come over ? 
Do you mind ? You asked. 
You know I don’t, he said. Movie night ? 
Great. Be there in 30, ok ? 
When he arrived, he gave you the biggest hug and you put on some random, crappy movie. You were both laying on your bed, watching the movie on your computer. He had an arm wrapped around your shoulder and was mindlessly playing with your hair. His presence was soothing, and his hilarious comments were keeping you distracted. At some point, a steamy sex scene came on, and it made you feel a bit awkward. It didn’t help that it reminded you of all the action you were definitely not getting. Marshall picked on it right away. 
Are you blushing ?! He asked with a grin. 
What ? No I’m not…, you replied awkwardly. 
You’re so red. You’re blushing. 
Shut up, please, you whispered. 
Come on, it’s a movie, he chuckled. 
It’s just… It’s so awkward, you know ? I hate love scenes in movies, you said. 
Oh, believe me, actors usually hate filming them, he said. More awkward to film than to watch. 
Have you ever filmed one of those for a music video ? You asked. 
Sort of, he said. But the worst was the scene in 8 Mile. Didn’t take long, but I definitely didn’t have much fun. 
Oh right, you said. I sort of forgot that you were in a movie. 
What ?! You haven’t seen my movie ?! He asked in a fake offended voice. 
I haven’t, you giggled. What’s it about ? 
He proceeded to describe the movie for you, explaining the plot. You thought it was absolutely crazy that you were friends with someone who had a movie based on his life. Once again, it reminded you of the big deal that he was. 
Can we watch it ? You asked. That sounds like something I’d enjoy. 
Sure, he chuckled. Haven't seen that in a while. 
You changed the movie and put on 8 Mile. It was both weird and fun to see Marshall twenty years ago. 
God, you’re hot, you said before you could catch yourself. 
He looked at you with a smirk. 
Why thank you, he said with a smile. 
No, I meant before, you said. I mean, in the movie… Uh, you look good in that. 
Better than now ? He asked with a grin. 
No, you said. 
So I’m even hotter now ? 
Yeah. I mean no, I-I…, you began to say as you felt your cheeks burning. 
Relax, I’m just fucking with you, he giggled. God, you’re blushing so hard it’s hilarious. 
You focused your intention on the movie and tried to ignore him. The movie was good and you enjoyed it. Marshall definitely had great acting skills. At some point, the love scene with Brittany Murphy came on and you found yourself biting your lip. It was just a movie scene, for sure, but it was a steamy one and you were lucky enough to know that Marshall was actually good in bed (or on a couch, or in a car…). In fact, he was the best you ever had. And the last. This thought had you hot and bothered, and equally frustrated. 
Like what you see ? He teasingly whispered in your ear. 
God, shut up, you groaned as you blushed. His voice in your ear wasn’t helping you. 
Not a chance, he giggled. 
It’s not funny, Marshall… 
He chuckled and kissed your cheek. It was an innocent peck, as there had been thousands before, but it definitely made matters worse. And obviously, you had no poker face, so he picked on it right away. 
Don’t tell me you’re horny, he chortled. 
Don’t you ever shut up ? 
What ? Isn’t the lobster up to the challenge ? He grinned. 
Well, I guess we’ll never know, you groaned. 
He looked at you in confusion and pressed pause. His eyebrows were furrowed. 
What’s wrong ? He asked. 
Nothing, you said. It’s just… Nevermind. Let’s watch the movie, ok ? 
You can tell me anything, honey, he said softly. What’s up with Josh ? I thought he was great. 
I can’t put out, you blurted out. So, yeah, he’s great, but he’s probably going to end up leaving me and I’m going to grow my hymen back and die a virgin. 
He couldn’t refrain from chuckling and you shot him a death glare. 
Sorry, he said as he caught himself. It’s not what you’re saying. It’s the way you’re saying it. I feel for you, though. 
You do ? You asked with a pout. 
Well, I mostly feel for him, but yeah…
He’s not the one panicking every time someone tries to touch him, you groaned. But yeah, whatever, let’s feel for Josh, I guess. 
No, he chuckled. What I mean is that having you as a girlfriend and not getting any action must be really hard. Pun intended. 
He managed to make you chuckle. He always had the silliest jokes. 
Come on, you horndog, let’s watch the end of the movie, he said as he shook his head, trying not to laugh. 
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you to him and you went back to watching the movie. 
Is that alright ? He asked with a smirk. Or am I too hot for you ? 
Fuck you, Marshall, you whined. 
Well, yeah, you wish, he chuckled. Just kidding, I’ll stop. 
Thankfully, the movie was good and you managed to focus on it. Soon after the movie ended, you fell asleep. 
Showing 8 Mile to Y/N was pretty interesting. Marshall got to watch her reactions and it was a fun sight, especially when it came to the sex scene. He couldn’t help but notice her blushing and biting her lip and, obviously, he wasn’t going to miss that great of an opportunity to make fun of her. He didn’t mean to be an asshole, but learning she hadn’t actually slept with Josh made his day. Not that he didn’t want her to be fulfilled - he did - but the fucker didn’t deserve her anyway. He knew he shouldn’t rejoice in another man’s sexual misery, and karma made sure to remind him. As Y/N fell asleep, he kept on tossing and turning. For one, he wasn’t really tired anymore - somehow, being woken up at 2AM fucks up your sleep schedule. Secondly, seeing her all hot and bothered had him all hot and bothered. He could make fun of her all he wanted, but he hadn’t had any action in a while either. He probably would have if he hadn’t blown it up with Nicole, though. 
Y/N encouraged him to patch things up with her, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. After realizing his feelings for Y/N were far too strong, dating Nicole seemed stupid. Years ago, he definitely would have used her to get over his feelings, but that wasn’t exactly the man he wanted to be. So he did the “right” thing to do : he sent flowers and apologized for lacking empathy being an ass, but decided not to see her anymore. Thankfully, none of his friends knew he was dating, so he didn’t have to explain his change of heart to anybody except Y/N. She didn’t understand at first but she ended up leaving him alone on the matter. 
He took a look at her as he tried to fall asleep. She was really cute and the sight brought a smile to his face. She seemed to sleep peacefully - at least for now - and he hoped she wouldn’t have any nightmares. He kissed the top of her head and cuddled with her before closing his eyes. He almost went to sleep when he heard her moan. Not an unusual sound since she kept on having these awful dreams. He almost woke her up when he heard something unexpected : his name. 
Marshall…, she moaned. Harder. 
Was she having a dream… about him ? He was about to shake it off when she moaned again. He had absolutely no clue as to what he was supposed to do. Leave ? Wake her up ? He thought about letting her enjoy her dream but as her moans got deeper, he felt as if he was about to go crazy. To make matters worse, she was squirming. She always moved when she slept but now, he couldn’t take it anymore. 
Honey, wake up, he whispered as he gently shook her arm and turned on the little lamp on the nightstand. 
She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him, flustered. She sat up and he could see her nipples poking through her tee-shirt. This woman was going to be the death of him and he knew it. 
Are you alright ? She asked in a small voice. 
Are you ? He asked as he couldn’t keep himself from smirking. 
At that point, it was second nature to him. He had to tease her about it. Anyone would do the same if they were laying in bed with a beautiful woman having a wet dream about them, right ? She looked at him and he could tell that she knew he heard her. She said absolutely nothing, though. 
So… sweet dreams ? He chuckled. 
She was biting her lip, looking away. She looked incredibly hot and it took everything he had not to jump on her this minute. Plus, he didn’t want to trigger her, obviously.  Not to lie, he was having a huge fucking ego boost, knowing it was him who had her in this state. Not Josh. Not anyone else. Him. As seconds went by, the silence was starting to become heavy. They were both horny, it was painfully obvious. She was looking down, obviously uncomfortable. 
Look at me, he said softly, coaxing her chin in his direction. 
Her beautiful eyes seemed lost in a haze. Her pupils were dilated and her chest was heaving. She seemed to be in some state. 
What did you dream about ? He asked. 
Y-You, she whispered in a husky voice. 
I didn’t ask who, I asked what, he said softly, his hand still on her cheek. Care to describe ?
She opened her mouth but no sound came out. He chuckled softly, amazed at the effect he was having on her. He could definitely get high on this feeling. He grazed her bottom lip with his thumb. It was swollen from the biting. All he wanted was to kiss her. He brought his face slightly closer to her. They were staring into each other’s eyes. He traced her features with his fingers : her cheekbones, her jaw, the curve of her neck… 
Marshall, she whispered. 
Tell me to stop, he said. 
But she didn’t. Instead, she brought her hand to his face and cupped his cheek. It was soft, intimate and unexpectedly sexy. Her breathing was heavy and so was his. He couldn’t resist her anymore. He captured her lips in a soft kiss. His heart was pounding. For a quarter of a second, he feared that she would push him away, slap him or run away from him. But she kissed him back. Thank God. Their kisses were delicate and soft, but they could both feel the passion brewing in each other. He gently bit her lip, causing her to moan. 
Tell me about your dream, baby, he said in a husky voice. Describe it for me. 
Y-You were…behind me and… I was in your arms, she said. Spooning. 
Her voice was breathy and her eyes were closed. He kissed her gently and grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers. 
What else ? He asked. 
You were hum… kissing my neck… and biting it, she whispered. 
I know how much you love neck kisses baby, he whispered in her ear. Can I kiss your neck ? 
Yes, she muttered, almost pleading. 
He smiled and gently got her hair out of the way before planting soft kisses on her neck, in that soft spot he knew she had. This caused her to whimper, much to his satisfaction. She ran her fingers through his hair, maintaining his head where it was. He chuckled and gently bit her neck. 
Tell me more about your dream, honey, he commanded. 
You were pounding in me, she said hoarsely. 
Was it good ? He asked. 
So good. 
He kissed her neck again. He was dying to make her his, but he didn’t want to rush her. He just wanted her to enjoy the moment. He could tell she needed some release. 
How about you show me how good it was, baby ? He suggested. 
W-What ? She asked shyly. 
Touch yourself for me, honey, he said before kissing her shoulder. 
He knew he probably shouldn’t ask her to do that. But in this instant he absolutely didn’t care. He was burning for her and he could feel her desire. They were looking at each other, as if they were high. She nodded and began running her hands on her body, on top of her clothes. She was wearing a tee-shirt and shorts. She closed her eyes, seemingly enjoying the sensations. One of her hands went to her breasts, stroking and pinching her nipples, while the other rubbed her thigh. Apparently, it was enough for her breathing to accelerate. This was the sexiest thing he had thing in a while. He was so hard it was almost painful. This view was both a blessing and a curse. He needed to touch her. He gently cupped her cheek and she leaned into his touch while she kept on touching herself, her hand going from her thigh to her pussy. 
I want to hold you, he said softly. Can I ? 
She nodded softly, her eyes still closed. He settled behind her. He took her in his arms while she rested between his legs, still busy with herself. Her head was resting on his shoulder as he traced the features of her angel face. Eventually,her hands got underneath her clothes.
You can just take them off, baby, he whispered. 
Once again, she said nothing. Only sweet moans were escaping her lips. However, she seemed to agree, as she removed her tee-shirt and her shorts. She spread her legs a little and rubbed her clit, which made her whine. He kissed her temple while his fingers were gently tracing circles on her shoulder. Her moans got louder when she inserted a finger inside her pussy. He knew she was soaking wet and it was making him ever hornier. He knew how good it felt to be inside of her. 
Does it feel good, baby ? He asked in her ear. 
Yes, she moaned before inserting a second finger. 
He spilled kisses in her neck while she fingered herself, determined to see how loud he could make her moan. 
Come for me, babygirl, he whispered. 
I can’t, she replied in a croaky voice. 
Do you want me to help you ? He asked softly. 
She stopped what she was doing and turned to him and looked at him in anticipation. She looked shy. He placed a tender kiss on her lips and stroked her cheek. 
I won’t touch you if you don’t want me to, baby, I promise, he said. 
Ok, she whispered. 
Ok what ? He asked in order to make sure he wasn’t misunderstanding anything. 
You can… help me. 
He kissed her again. He felt so proud that she trusted him enough. All he wanted was for her to feel safe. He grabbed her hand and gently sucked her fingers, enjoying her taste. He removed his tee-shirt so that he could feel her skin against his. 
Come here, he said as he put her in a spoon position. Take my hand and show me what you want, baby. 
They were comfortably laying in bed, cuddling while he kissed her neck. She grabbed his hand and put it on her breast. He could feel her heart pounding. He gently pinched her nipple, causing her to moan and arch her back against him, no doubt feeling how hard he was through his sweatpants. He did it again, a bit harder, while he bit her neck. She started grinding her ass against him, still in the spoon position, driving him crazy with each one of her hip movements. He gently put his hand on her hip, stopping her. 
Hold on, babygirl, he chuckled. You’re driving me crazy here. Let’s focus on you for a bit, alright ? 
It was true : he wanted to focus his attention on her. She chuckled softly and grabbed his hand again. They interlaced their fingers. 
Can you… touch me ? She whispered. 
Anything you want, honey, he replied with a smile. 
He gently cupped her sex, feeling how wet she was. His palm was against her clit, his fingers teasing her entrance. 
Is this what you want, baby ? He asked in a husky voice. 
Yes, she moaned. Please, Marshall. 
He pressed his hand harder and inserted two fingers in her as she let out a gasp. She was squirming against him, rocking her hips in sync as he was moving his wrist. At first, his movements were slow. He wasn’t in a rush anyway. Plus, the last thing he wanted was to trigger her or hurt her. 
Are you alright ? He asked carefully. 
Yes, she moaned. It’s good. 
He buried his face in her neck as he went a bit faster. Her moans became a lot deeper and he could tell she was about to come. He accelerated the movements of his head and she let out a small cry as he felt her walls clench on his fingers. Her whole body seemed to contract before relaxing altogether. 
Oh God, she whispered. 
Did you like it, honey ? He asked with a smile - already knowing the answer. 
Yes, she softly giggled before burying her face in the pillow. 
He gently turned her so that she could face him, so that he could see her beautiful face. She looked relaxed and happy, though still hazy.  
You’re so beautiful, he said. I want to kiss you. May I ? 
Instead of replying, she kissed him passionately. He wrapped his arms around her as their tongues found each other. It was a deep, ardent kiss. Their legs were tangled together, as their arms were clutching at each other’s body. 
I think… I want you, she whispered shyly. 
Are you sure baby ? He asked softly. You don’t have to. 
I’m sure, she whispered. Just… be gentle ? 
Of course, love, he said. How do you want it ? 
Spoon ? She asked with a little smile. 
He chuckled. She seemed to enjoy this position. It wasn’t particularly his favorite, but he was happy to indulge. There was something about it that was soft and intimate, which he had to admit was enjoyable. He removed his sweatpants and boxers and they resumed the spooning position. He slowly positioned himself at her entrance and he felt her tense up. 
Are you sure, honey ? I swear we don’t have to…
Yes, she said hoarsely. I want you. And I trust you. 
He kissed her temple and entered her. She let out a groan and he froze for a second. However, she relaxed and he took it as his cue to start moving. He was thrusting slowly while peppering her face with soft kisses, holding her in his arms. He started to gently explore her body with his hands, making sure she was ok with every move. He teased her nipples with one hand and stroked her clit with the other. 
Faster, she begged. I’m… so close… 
He happily obliged and started to thrust faster, going deeper as well. He felt her clench around him again, slightly jerking as they both reached climax. He buried his face in her neck while they were both panting, gasping for air. He grabbed her hand and held her close to his body. 
Are you alright ? He asked after a few minutes. 
Yes, she said softly. Are you ? 
Absolutely, he said. 
She turned to face him. She had such a pretty face and reaching orgasm definitely gave her a nice glow. He chuckled as he cupped her face with his hand. 
God, I’m so in love with you, he said.
He didn’t even think twice before saying it. It felt natural to him. Before he could catch himself, he saw the soft smile of Y/N turn into an expression of shock.
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep2 Musings
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I absolutely adore the title cards; the "fangs" reflecting main locations of the episodes/seasons. GOD this show's attention to detail.
We open with Lou & Claud in Paris bickering about French & money; already shown in the Pix11 preview (I gave my opinions on the full scene, and another post about Claudia specifically.
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Then we get Dubai. O_O Omfg. I made a separate post all about Louis & Loumand, cuz those queens were DIABOLICAL this episode.
Skipping ahead a bit! To the coven/theatre! ^0^
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Ohhhh....that's a Children of Satan/Darkness nod! 👀 Only thing's that the old guard from the CoS/D actually weren't part of the Coven/Theatre anymore by the time Louis & Claudia arrived (Alessandra, Eleni, and the rest of Rhoshamandes' fledglings Santino indoctrinated & had train Armand).
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So Armand is REALLY showing off, tryna impress Louis; cuz none of the members of THAT Theatre troupe are older than Armand, and not even he's as old as Charlemagne. Armand, your yaoi is showing. XD
It's wild how on one hand we have the coven simping over how pretty Louis is (except Santiago, cuz ofc 🙄); while just HATING on Claudia.
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Naw, let her stay! Estelle is THIRSTY and I love her for it, bless! XD
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Santiago, you shady wench, you're already on my hit list, BUFFOON; but THIS striped heifer, Celeste--
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Wench, are all Parisian vampiresses frumpy busted haters like YOU?
Anyways. 🙄 I hate this effing coven already. 😒
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Foreshadowing AF, Mr. I Could Not Prevent It.
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Sure, Jan. 🙄 But not all violence/abuse/trauma is physical/sexual. By allowing the Theatre to put their hands on Claudia, Armand harmed Louis more than anyone ever could. Claudia was the glue keeping Louis together when he was already falling apart, and he hasn't been right ever since. BOTH of these dudes are living in a fantasy, frikkin la-la-land, as they think they're HELPING e/o, going thru all these theatrical acts & performances. But are they REALLY happy? Esp. cuz we know who's endgame for them in the books. It's bittersweet, cuz their affection's REAL. But this weird codependency just isn't healthy or right. U_U
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Eff you, Daniel Hart. tryna make me cry!
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Eff you, Daniel Hart, tryna make me laugh!
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This scene with the naked lady (Annika) was SO GOOD! I'm glad they tastefully didn't fully show her whole body like they did in the film--if we can't see full frontal nudity for the dudes, then I don't wanna see it on the gals either. 😤 Fair's fair!
But WOAH, the sexckshuhality~!
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I don't even have words for this! 😅 Claudia! Let the man win ONCE!?
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But I LOVE how candid this show is about everything from sexuality to race--and ofc discrimination.
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Oh they're cooking. O_O
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Armand gets to lead the coven through meritocracy, not racial privilege. HOWEVER, we've got bleach-blonde Santiago still waiting in the wings, so.... I can't wait to see more of their dynamics.
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We been knew, Louis, it's ok. U_U
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Armand clearly been knew, too! Like: Yeah, I'm not surprised he's cruising all the gay parks--I could tell by the way that American walked! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I KNOW this bish ain't talking, not Mr. Polynesian Marys! Not Mr. I Did What I Had To Do To SCORE. Not Mr. We Met In A GAY Bar. Not Mr. Black Tar And Heroin! Not Mr. Is Alicia Even REAL!? I KNOW he's not tryna shade Louis for cruising, when his closeted arse can't even handle being in a room with Armand making come-hither eyes!
I love Daniel, how he's written & acted, but ISTG I hate his character.
As opposed to Santiago, who is just--BRUH. WERK.
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And this is exactly what Lestat was getting at, too. And why Akasha was wrong when she said men are the problem. Like, don't get me wrong, THEY ARE, but chile, ALL HUMANS are the problem; eff gender. Homegirl sold that old dude down the frikkin river, just to save her own skin, and her family's. COMPLICIT. OFFAL.
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Santiago's disgusted by humanity, and Annika proved his point.
As for Lestat, his cold willful detachment stems from his attitude that humans are just The Meat. This version of Lestat is SO dang jaded, that humans are reduced to mere food--just like he called Miss Lily.
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He doesn't need the Evil Doer creed, if he thinks ALL humans are evil/irredeemable; only worth living if they can sing & make music or something artistic. Otherwise who cares? (Which makes it VERY interesting to see what AMC!Les would say to Memnoch the Devil....)
Speaking of....
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I frikkin knew it. ISTG Lestat must be asleep in 2022--if y'all have him do a Merrick and wake up in the finale, I will pass out and DIE.
The question is: WHAT put him to sleep? Is he just sad & grieving post-trial? WTF is Raglan James doing in 2022? Are we post-Memnoch? Where are TWMBK? I NEED ANSWERS, AMC! 😭
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lisbeth-kk · 1 year
Thanks again for doing this @calaisreno and thanks for the tag @keirgreeneyes
What truly matters
In many ways they’re so much alike, in other’s not remotely so. The fact that they’re both the younger brother, is a thing John sometimes finds hard to relate to. In Sherlock’s case, it’s clear as day. Mycroft being seven years his senior, which more often than not seems to be decades, and the way he talks to Sherlock, says it all. 
In their early childhood, Harry was his big sister, and a good one too. That changed when she became a teenager and slowly, but ultimately was determined to ruin her life, drinking herself to oblivion every occasion she got. She stopped being John’s big sister the day John had to manhandle her home from a pub down the street from their home. He was 16, she 19.
When John met Sherlock, John’s parents were long gone, and all the family he had left was Harry. Soon enough, John got acquainted with Sherlock’s arch enemy, aka his brother, who was a bit taken aback with John’s already unwavering loyalty to the little brother of the British Government. 
John wasn’t aware that the elderly couple visiting actually were Sherlock’s parents before he threw them out. Sherlock was embarrassed of their normality, which puzzled and upset John.
Long overdue, the two men in 221B got their heads out of wherever, and became the item everyone assumed they’d been from the very start. 
Apart from Mycroft perhaps.
John started a quest, more earnestly now that he shared Sherlock’s bed. He got even more determined when, to everyone’s astonishment, Greg moved in with Mycroft.
Apart from Sherlock perhaps.
It’s a lazy Sunday morning. John’ got his arms full of a pliant Sherlock, who purrs satisfied while John pets his hair.
“Sherlock, I’ve been thinking about something,” John begins carefully.
“Have you now? Pray tell, John,” Sherlock murmurs into his neck..
“Well, now that you and I, and Myc…”
“Bite you tongue, John! No mentioning of my brother when I’m naked in bed with you,” Sherlock growls. 
“Shush, now. Just hear me out, love,” John begs and pulls Sherlock in tighter, stroking his back and kissing his temple.
Sherlock sighs dramatically, but nuzzles closer, which John takes as permission to continue.
“As I was saying. We being a couple alongside Greg and Mycroft, I think we should go visit your parents. Lay still, I’m not finished. I’ve only got Harry, and, well you know what she’s like, and I would really like to get to know your parents. You shouldn’t be ashamed of them, because they’re ordinary. Do you know that you say that word as if it’s a malfunction?”
Sherlock rolls on to his back but takes John’s hand in his and kisses his palm.
“You’re too good for me, John,” Sherlock sighs. “I guess you’re right. They’re not getting any younger, and they have pestered both me and Mycroft about bringing our significant others to dinner,” Sherlock reveals.
John props himself up on an elbow and beams down at Sherlock.
“Well, that’s settled then,” John says firmly while stroking fingers over Sherlock’s chest. 
Sherlock rolls his eyes and huffs.
“The things I do for you, John Watson,” he mutters.
“Yeah, I’m awfully demanding, aren’t I?” John answers in a husky voice.
Sherlock’s eyes go dark. He reaches for John and pulls him down for a passionate kiss. Tongues explore known territory and needy whimpers escape them both.
“John,” Sherlock breathes, cupping John’s arse, squeezing, which makes John moan.
“Christ, Sherlock. I need you,” John whispers, and Sherlock acts, claiming and marking John’s body with his own.
The visit to the elderly Holmes’s was a success. Mrs. Holmes proved to be an excellent cook, and Mr. Holmes the perfect host. Some bickering between the brothers was inevitable, but it was good-natured without the usual sting. The interesting conversation touched a variety of topics, including some childhood memories regarding Mycroft and Sherlock, which Greg and John appreciated tremendously, the brothers not so much. All in all it was a perfect day spent with people who obviously loved each other. John had instantly felt affection toward Sherlock’s parents. They were  interesting, without the sharp minds of their sons, but it was evident that they loved their offspring dearly.
Greg and Mycroft headed back to London in the evening, while John asked Sherlock if they could stay the night. He felt so at ease in Sherlock’s childhood home. A similar feeling to the one he had the day he entered 221B, in fact. Mrs. Holmes had been over the moon when they asked if they could stay over.
“It reminds me of my Nan’s home,” John mused lying beside Sherlock in his old bedroom.
“And I guess that’s a good memory,” Sherlock prompts.
“God, yes. I used to spend each summer there before she passed. She would bake and cook, just like your mother. The weather was always sunny. Shush, you git. I know it wasn’t, but childhood memories are like that. All my summers at Nan’s were sunny, so shut it.”
John rolls over, kisses Sherlock’s jaw and rests his head on Sherlock’s chest. Sherlock combs his fingers through John’s hair and muses at bit himself.
“It’s been a rather nice day, actually. Mummy clearly adores you and Greg. Father too, I think. It was more relaxing than I thought it would be, and that’s clearly because of you two. When it’s just the four of us, well, you know what Mycroft’s like.”
“I do, but you’re not any better, love,” John chuckles and feels rather than sees the glare Sherlock’s shooting him.
“Anyway. I’m glad you persuaded me, John. Seeing Mummy and Father like this…I can’t seem to remember the last time,” Sherlock finishes.
John pulls Sherlock close, his eyes a bit prickly now.
“Well, what truly matters, sweetheart, is that we can make up for that now. For the rest of their lives, you’ll remember the last time you saw them this happy, yeah?”
“Yes, John. I’d like that. Very much,” Sherlock says and kisses John reverently. “Love you.”
“Love you too, Sherlock,” John murmurs and turns out the light.
Bringing the Holmes family closer was my mission today, and I think it worked out fine.
@totallysilvergirl @topsyturvy-turtely @missdeliadili @meetinginsamarra @raina-at @peanitbear
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we-are-inevitable · 1 year
i rly fuckin love that restaurant au… pls speak on the javey of it all !! @jack-kellys
ohhh the javey of it all …. no but this javey slays.
at first, they like each other! they get along well, and davey doesn’t have any problems with jack. jack is efficient and cares about the quality of the food he’s putting out, which in turn makes david’s tips that much better, so their professional relationship is good. they don’t really know each other that well, but they respect each other. they both see each other busting ass to make sure the restaurant runs smoothly, and everything is good in the world.
but then david comes into work pissed off, and he snaps at jack for one of his appetizers taking too long and a table complaining about it, and all hell breaks loose. for the entirety of that shift, their snapping at each other, making snide remarks, and davey always mutters insults as he leaves the kitchen, because who the fuck does jack think he is? gordon fucking ramsay? appetizers don’t take that fucking long and jack should just get his head out of his ass and god, when davey is pissed, davey is pissed.
the animosity between them continues for three days. they’re both too prideful to admit that they were wrong, or apologize, and it all comes to a head when david is taking the trash out after a closing shift and jack just so happens to be outside chatting with some of the line cooks. when david is walking back to the restaurant from the dumpsters, jack sees him, and they make eye contact, and david could easily ignore him, but where’s the fun in that?
“You know, we have an entire restaurant to clean. Maybe you should stop the chitchat and get back in there with the rest of us and actually do something.”
“Oh, so cooking over two hundred meals today- that’s not doin’ somethin’? Cleaning an entire fucking kitchen ain’t doin’ somethin’? Kitchen closed thirty minutes ago, Jacobs. We’ve already done all of our shit. Maybe if you would do your fucking closing tasks early, you wouldn’t—“
“I just got my ass handed to me by a table for sweeping while they were in the dining room, asshat! I can’t fucking clean the bathrooms and keep track of three four tops! Not this late! You want me to start closing the restaurant early? Fucking fine. I’d like to see you buss a goddamn table.”
“What the fuck is your problem, huh? You’ve been nothin’ but a dick the past few days—“
“Oh, so I’m not allowed to be pissed off? Is that what you’re saying? You think you’re so goddamn important that you’re the only one allowed to have a problem with anyone else?! Listen, asshole, you’re not as perfect as you think you are. You think I need to put my ego in check?! That’s rich coming from— Mmph!“
long story short, the entire time they’ve been arguing like this, they’ve been moving closer and closer until they’re essentially chest to chest, and one minute they’re bickering and the next they’re making out with david pressed against the brick wall and jack holding him there.
that’s kind of their normal for a bit. they argue, they fight, they make out behind the restaurant when david takes the trash out and this ends up being the gateway into their relationship. it doesn’t last forever, maybe just a month or so before, surprise! they’re having deep talks in jack’s bed and falling head over ass in love with each other because, wooow, there’s actually a nice person buried under all of the dickish remarks and bitchy comments
from then on, there’s a shift in the arguments that they have in the kitchen. they’re more snarky than mean, and they flash a lot more smiles at each other; it’s clear to the two of them that they’re just messing around now, because that shift also made them communicate normally when something goes wrong. they don’t yell and scream at each other anymore, which kind of tips charlie off that there’s something going on.
they go as long as possible without disclosing their relationship, just because they know there might be some power imbalance allegations around the restaurant- jack is a seasoned chef here, after all, and david is the newest addition to the team (despite having more serving experience than most of the others on the waitstaff). when they finally tell charlie (only because he caught them riding to work together even though they live on opposite sides of town), it’s a little rocky at first but charlie knows that they’re professional enough to do what they need to do and not ruin it for everyone else.
their relationship is solid as a rock after telling charlie, though. sure, they have their differences, and arguments happen, but it’s nothing they can’t work through (and besides, their arguments lead to great makeout sessions, so it’s not that awful). everyone else finds out about the relationship about a month or so after charlie, and the rest is history!
jack and davey go from being the most annoying and bitchy enemies to being a solid team in the restaurant. obviously they don’t give each other special treatment on the job, but they work a lot better as a team, and that only gets better as david is promoted to the lead server position!!!
the restaurant closes on the day of their wedding bc so many people requested for that day off lmfao
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Giles x teen!reader - a demigods fate
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Part 6:
What was supposed to be a nice break from school for everybody turned into one hell fest for you, and you stumbled into Buffy.
“Well hey, what brings you by?” She asked.
You sat on one of the headstones as you watched her battle with the vampires.
“Just finished some monster, like fuck if I can remember the name.”
She nodded her head, throwing the vampire away from her so she could stake the one behind her and she looked at you.
“You wanna offer any help at all?”
“Not my circus, these are yours.”
She rolled her eyes, punching a vampire in the face while Shadow and Oris sat near you watching her.
“Hey, why won’t they came near you?” She asked.
You tossed the coin at her, and she caught the hilt of the now sword and swung it.
The vampire jumped back and began to run so she threw it, and just as the vampire turned to dust the sword vanished.
“Oh crap (Y/N) I’m sorry, I’ll find it.”
You waved your hand dismissively.
“Forget it, let’s go.”
“Your sword!”
“It’s fine slayer, let’s just go, I’m hungry.”
Buffy followed behind you.
“Actually same, where do you want to go?”
You shrugged, putting your hands in your pockets as you both began to make your way back to civilisation.
You both a place that was thankfully still open and sat down at a table.
“So, you never answered me about why they don’t come after you.” Buffy said.
“Even vampires and demons fear a demigod, our weapons can cut through anything regardless if it’s Greek origin or your ones.”
“I believe it may have something to do with whatever (Y/N)s sword is made from.”
You and Buffy looked over at Giles as he walked over, setting his plate down on the table and pulling up a chair.
He sat down and you both shared a look of confusion.
“Why are you here?”
“Well, I was hungry, and apparently trying to cook around a hellhound is near impossible.”
“You realise that they’re hunters right? If he’s getting in your way just tell him to stand down.”
At the meeting mention of that all three hounds walked over, laying nearby.
“Is.. is there some sort of manual on these creatures?” Giles asked.
“It’s a learning curve really.”
He nodded his head, and Buffy looked at him.
“So, what about the sword?”
“Well, whatever it is made off is extremely powerful, old, vampires and demons are aware of this, they know to mess with a demigod they would be messing with other creatures that have no care if they’re on the same side.”
Giles turned his attention towards you.
“May I have a look at the sword?”
“Actually I uh.. I lost it…” Buffy mumbled.
“You lost the sword?!” Giles whisper yelled.
You watched as the bickered back and forth, and you reached into your pocket, setting it on the table with a small clang that made the go quiet.
Giles reached out, picking up the coin.
“I.. I thought I lost it…?” Buffy mumbled.
“I assume this is the work of the gods?”
You nodded your head, picking some of the food from your plate you set it in a separate plate and looked around for somewhere to put it.
“There is a fire in the back, I saw you come in and I spoke with the staff, they understand it is for religious reasons.”
“You’ve been doing your homework.” You mused.
Taking the plate, you followed one of the staff through to the back and tossed the food into the fire, watching as it burnt.
Making your way back to your table you set your plate down as you sat in your chair.
“Chiron told me, I was able to get in contact with him and he gave me some advice on how we can make this place a little more like camp for you.” Giles smiled.
“Well, it can be hard to move to a new place, nobody like you around and nobody understands, Giles thought maybe Chiron could help us make Sunnydale a bit better.” Buffy smiled.
You nodded, picking at the food on your plate, looking around the place which was mostly empty.
Buffy and Giles spoke about vampires and her training, and you tuned the conversation out, noticing the man who was walking over.
Hermes held up some parchment, and he set it down on the table next to you making Buffy and Giles go quiet.
“Chiron just got this, he wanted you to have it as soon as possible.”
You saw the dark looked on his face.
“Sorry, I can’t tell you any more you know the rules.”
You stood up.
“What do you know?”
He carried on walking away, and you grabbed the parchment before Giles could, turning away so you could open it.
You carefully read over the words.
Furrowing your brows, you sat down.
“What is it?” Buffy asked.
You carried on staring at the words.
‘The child of the underworld is the key, their life seals the gate.’
“I… don’t really know…”
You turned around, putting it in your pocket.
“What did it say?” Giles asked.
You shook your head, taking your plate from your table and set it on the floor for the hounds and you pushed yourself away from the table.
“You two should get home before something finds you, I need to go.”
The hounds looked at you, and all three began to follow you.
“Shadow, Rig, stay with them, Oris come.”
Heading outside, you and Oris melted into the shadows, appearing at your apartment and you walked to your desk, taking the others out.
Looking at them, you walked to your wall with one at a time, sticking them up in the order the went.
“The hellmouth awakens, the monsters grow near. Something below becomes something above, the forbidden child sits in wait, the child of the underworld is the key, their life seals the gate.” You read aloud.
Oris whined, backing away from the wall and you walked over, crouching next to him, running your hand over his head.
“I don’t like it either…” you whispered.
Sitting down, you ran a hand down your face, staring at your wall.
Oris rested his head on your shoulder, leaning against you, and you sighed.
“I need you to fetch something.”
Oris sat up, walking around to look at you.
“The underworld, there’s a book, I need that book.”
He whined, backing up.
“Oris I need it.”
He huffed, and walked away into the shadows.
Pushing yourself up, you walked into your library and turned on the light, going over to the shelves to start looking for books.
You set them all on the floor next to a chair, and you carried on gathering anything that seemed even slightly helpful.
Once you had a good collection by the chair you sat down to start reading, waiting for the hellhound to come back.
When he did, he set the book down, and you noticed a note tied to his paw.
“Oris paw.”
He held it out so you could take the note and you took it.
“You don’t need to steal the books that may help, send Oris with a note. He has something else for you.” You mumbled.
Looking at the hound, he walked into the shadows and pulled out a box, sitting next to it.
You walked over, crouching down you went through the box of scrap metal.
“Celestial bronze…”
Getting up, you grabbed your bag and shoved it all inside before leaving once again.
Making your way down the stairs, you narrowed your eyes at how bright the sun was and began to make your way downtown.
Looking at the buildings, you found the one you were looking for and walked through the door, going through the front and into the back.
A few of the people working stopped, seeing aside.
“What brings you by? I was told you were in town, never thoughts I’d see the Hades child here.”
The centaur walked over, offering you a warm smile.
“Celestial bronze, I need to know if it’s enough to make four weapons, daggers. Can you help Holden?”
He gestured for your bag and you handed it over, letting him dump it out on one of the work benches.
“It should be just enough, but I’m sorry I don’t have time to make them, with the demand so high for weapons right now we barely have time for anything else.”
“Just give me a work station I’ll do it, I’ll need a few materials but I can pay for them.”
Holden led you out your back door into a large open space that didn’t seem like part of Sunnydale.
“Take that one, everything you need is there no need to pay.”
You walked over, taking your jacket off you hung it up and put on one of the aprons and Holden brought your metal over so you could begin working.
And you were at it for days, working away, making the daggers one by one, setting them aside when you were finished.
When you were finished, you put them all into the scabbards you had made, and you finally stepped away from the table.
Throwing the apron aside you pulled your jacket on.
“Three days, I could really use someone like you. Aren’t you exhausted?”
“The joys of being a nightmare inflicted demigod.”
You picked up the newly made weapons and you put them into the bag Holden was holding out for you.
Once they were in there you took the bag, swinging it on to your shoulder and you held out a wade of cash for Holden.
“Thank you.”
“Anything else come back.”
You nodded and left, making your way back on to the street.
You were exhausted of course, but you never were one for sleep, so you walked through the Sunnydale streets.
You trudged your way to the school, making your way straight to the library.
“Three days late.” Xander said.
You glanced at him and stood in front of the table, setting your bag on it.
“I don’t want to offend you but you smell really bad (Y/N), what have you been doing?” Willow asked.
“Been working, here.”
You handed her one of the daggers, then handed Xander, Buffy and Giles theirs.
“You guys will most likely need these for your own protection.”
“They’re really light, what are they made from?” Buffy asked.
“Celestial bronze, kills monsters but won’t hurt anything else, so you can’t accidentally harm yourselves.”
You picked up your bag again, and you jogged up the shelves, heading to the section that Giles was building on Ancient Greek mythology.
“Are we going to discuss why you’re three days late?” Giles called up.
“There’s nothing to talk about, I’ve got crap to do!” You called back.
“Dollar in the jar!” He replied.
Putting some books into your bag, you jumped down, throwing a dollar into the jar he was holding out.
You began to go through the papers on the table, but seeing it was vampire related you grew board and put your bag on your shoulder.
“(Y/N) you’re going to get yourself in more trouble, it isn’t even the end of the first week.” Willow sighed.
“I’m busy.”
Before they could stop you you were gone, you went back home and set those books down with yours as you began to go through them.
You began to cross reference everything, creating even bigger maps and notes all over the walls of your apartment.
You were at it all night, and you finally fell asleep when the morning came, a few hours at most when you were woken up to something pulling your arm.
“Oris…” you whined.
The pulled stopped and you sat up, rubbing your eyes to look at the hellhound.
He lowered his head to show you some papers tied to his back and you took them off.
“Shitty homework…”
Tossing it aside, you grabbed your jacket and coin, making your way outside to begin your patrolling.
Standing on someone’s house, you looked around for anything that might seem out of the ordinary, but you couldn’t, so you kept searching.
Buffy had been doing the same thing, so it was only a matter of time until the pair of you ran into each other.
“Shouldn’t you be in class?” You asked.
“Yeah, so should you. I won’t tell if you won’t.” She grinned.
Nodding, you jumped down from the wall you were on to walk in line with her.
“You know everybody’s worried about you, Willow and Giles are practically fighting to keep you from being expelled.”
“And you?”
Buffy shrugged a little.
“Snyder wants us both gone, you more than me right now.”
“It’ll give me more time.”
She sighed, turning around to look at you and you stopped.
“Come on, we’re both on the same side here, why can help each other right?”
“Buffy you’re it a demigod, yes you may have slayer strength, but these monsters will easily kill all of you.”
“Well, our handy weapons and hellhounds protect us from that.”
You shook your head.
“They won’t do much good Buffy, you know that. Monsters are drawn to me. They’ll leave you alone.”
“Right, except they want the hellmouth, and as the slayer that’s my job, I protect the hellmouth. You know the whole slayer thing here?”
You nodded.
“And as a Demigod it’s mine to do the shitty biddings of the gods.”
There was a loud rumble of thunder.
Looking up at the sky you stuck your middle finger up.
“Fuck you!”
A bolt of lighting struck next to you which made Buffy jumped back and you looked at the mark that was on the ground now.
“You really need to stop trying to piss them off.”
You shrugged, and the pair of you carried on wondering.
“So, you won’t come back to school?” She asked.
“What’s the point?”
“The point is you two are both in a vast amount of trouble.”
Both you and Buffy turned around to look at the librarian.
You turned you attention to the hound.
“You snitch.”
Rig barked, sitting next to Giles.
“Let’s go, you’re already in enough trouble, (Y/N) you are on the verge of expulsion, let us get back.”
You huffed and followed him along with Buffy
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hearts4robs · 8 months
I've never done a match up event before! But knew I had to try once I saw it was open cause your writing is absolutely precious!
For Fandom, I guess DC! Love Batfam family chaos! Makes me want to curl up with a blanket and watch them bicker and roughhouse until Alfred comes in with a feather duster, looking equal parts disappointed and amused.
I'm a 5'3 18 year old asexual panromatic. (Yes, im just a baby, though i have been told-more like my therapist often told me that i dont act my age, saying i act like Im 30. Still trying to figure out if I should be offended by that.) With long hair that's completely grown out red box dye like little mermaid red, my roots being somehow not quite brown not quite ginger and just not blonde enough to be strawberry blonde. My appearance is fairly round and cute even if my expression is often RB. My eyes are a green that appears to be more of a dark grey.
To sum up my personality in one word would be cat like. Sometimes I'm docile and actually a bit of a doormat. In new environments, I tend to shadow some I know and can't find myself able to stand up for myself. This is probably ties into my selective mutism and social anxiety. Sometimes, when I'm in a familiar environment, I tend to be more aggressive for better or for worse. I love a good argument and debate, standing firm in my decision even if I'm wrong. That stubbornness has gotten me in trouble quite a few times. Though cause of it, I've thought of becoming a lawyer. When I'm not arguing I'm drawing, or painting on my walls which I've done far too many times now.
I'm very much a homebody who rather stay in pjs but perfect date wise would probably be a bit of a classic nerd/bookworm date of going to a cute book store and getting lost in the deep wooden bookshelves flicking through various of books catching my eye. Maybe debating on what book is better or whatever trope is more interesting in a detective novel. (I love murder mystery, horror, thrillers, romances of all types, and absolutely despise shakespeare. I was told Romeo and Juliet was a tragic romance. Liars they all are all I can see is the making of a really creepy stalker movie. I can't watch horror movies funny little contradiction, right?) Personally I'd probably write something after the date. I always get inspired by going out and always find myself hunched over my laptop writing whatever inspired me have it be the moment or a movie. I don't know how many times I've watched a movie and got inspired just to spend hours writing whatever fanfic about it. Which can be either amazing or terrible cause I'm an okay writer with a preference for angst due to my dark humor.
I never realized how hard it was to pick an ideal type until just now lol. I guess my type is someone who would enjoy talking/debating/discussing with me, someone fun who loves to do new activities as ive never really do much and is willing to listen to me ramble about whatever hyperfixation. Bucket list kind of things or be able to stay in and talk about their day while I cook some food. (One of my love languages is food. I want to be full and content.) I'm a homebody who has more of a traditional mindset due to my upbringing. So staying home and activities at home would probably be more common. Oh! A bit more open minded or at leasr able to deal with my curiosity, I love discussing religions and culture practices (im unfortunately like the whitest of whites. My dad's side is a bit of a classic white racist). I'm a pagan with some more Wiccan practices, yes crystals and candles. We put holly near our front door and hang cinnamon brooms throughout the house to bring good fortune.
Trope is also a hard pick. I like a good enemies to lovers or a revenge story but romance wise probably a childhood friends (or friends to lovers) idea. Just the idea of your partner being someone who was your friend since you were a tot and chasing butterflies, picking dandelions to blow them into the wind. Someone who has looked at you like your the center of their world while you pull them through the park. Even though they have no idea what lo6ge is truly is. Just kind of melts my heart, and will probably give me cavities from the fluff.
Ahh hopefully I did this right! Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Hope you have a blessed day, and something amazing happens to you soon <3
𝐓𝐢𝐦 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐞: 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞-𝐨𝐮𝐭
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“I’m back!” Tim exclaims out into the open hallway as he pushes the door closed with his foot. There were multiple white, thin plastic bags in Tim’s hands, his keys dangling from one of his fingers.
You raise your head from the book in your lap, leaning forward to catch a glimpse of your boyfriend as he shimmied his way out of his shoes.
“Hi, honey.” You smile at him as he walks to the coffee table in front of you, setting down the bags of different take-out.
“Alright.” Tim sighs with a grin, his chest heaving a bit quicker, like he was a bit out of breath.
“What’s all this?” You ask, reaching over and pulling some of the thin plastic away from the food. “Smells amazing, no doubt but-“
“Well, you said you wanted to taste the world.” Tim says, a giddy smile on his lips as he plops down onto the couch beside you with a sigh. “So I brought it to you.”
You smile at him before snorting out a chuckle.
“Fuck you.” You say, and Tim simply smiles before grabbing a small box of thai food, handing it to you, giving you a chance to get the first bite.
“You’re welcome.” He says, nuzzling a small kiss to the softness of your cheek.
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Tim and you have annual movie nights. Every Friday night. Very simple, very easy. You have a joint letterbox account where you leave brutally honest reviews and you both analyse that shit like your life depends on it.
When you guys moved into your shared apartment, Tim dedicated one of the walls of your living room for you to paint and draw on. Needed more space? He’ll paint it over with whatever background colour you need.
You guys have a small chalk board on your fridge. It was used as a small shopping list at first, like writing up stuff like ‘ran outta eggs and cucumber’, but it quickly ended up in Tim leaving you cute notes and reminders for when he was gone on patrol.
Tim doesn’t always understand your asexuality, and he struggled to figure out how to relieve himself, but he figured out a solution and tries to turn the topic whenever someone discusses it to the point it makes you uncomfortable.
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I hope you like this </3 it’s a bit late and honestly a little rushed but I’m trying😭🙏this also ISN’T proof-read so I’m so, so sorry if there’s mistakes☝️☹️
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fanficshiddles · 2 years
Out Of The Darkness, Chapter 4
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It was the start of Grace’s second week at the Avengers base, she had settled in pretty well so far. She’d been able to get her bearings more around the place, luckily for Stark, so Loki didn’t have to put anymore arrows on his walls.
She was in the kitchen getting something to eat, then Natasha asked if she wanted to go watch some of them train. So Grace followed her to the training hall, where Loki, Tony, Thor and Clint were.
Loki had barely been putting much effort into anything, until he spotted Grace enter. Then he instantly upped his game and stopped going easy on the others. After blasting Tony into the nearest wall and almost destroying his suit, turning Clint’s arrows into gummy worms and tricking Thor with his illusions, Clint called him out.
‘So much for going easy on us, what’s with the showing off?’ Clint yelled at him as he held up the large gummy worms that were once his strong arrows.
Loki shrugged. ‘I just suddenly realised that you imbeciles won’t get any better if I keep taking it easy with you.’
‘Brother, we need to remember they are mere mortals. They will never be as powerful as us.’ Thor boasted as he walked over to pat Loki’s back.
‘For once in his life, my brother is correct.’ Loki reluctantly said.
Grace giggled from the side-lines.
Natasha face palmed. ‘Bloody Gods, always reminding us that they are mightier than us.’ She muttered to Grace before going over to join in properly with the training.
Loki opted to join Grace on the bench.
Even with Loki out of the picture, the others still continued to bicker while they fought with one another.
‘Is training always like this?’ Grace asked Loki.  
‘This is tame, actually. I’m surprised that Starks’ suit hasn’t’ Loki was cut off when there was a loud explosion, as Tony’s blasters blew up and pieces of his suit went flying like bullets across the entire hall.
Loki was able to quickly use his body as a shield to protect Grace. She was a bit stunned at first at the sudden closeness, with Loki’s face right on front of hers, but his cheeky smirk put her at ease.
‘Exploded…’ He finally finished, making Grace laugh.
When Loki leaned back, Grace could see Natasha and Clint on the ground, groaning and cursing at some sharp bits that had gone into them. Thor was unaffected.
‘Sorry guys.’ Tony called out, he was just lying on the ground and put his hand up in the air.
‘He’s always trying out new tech.’ Loki muttered to Grace. ‘Are you ok? No bits got you?’
‘No, I’m fine… Thank you.’ Grace assured him and she reached out, just to put her hand on his forearm briefly. It was the first time she had initiated touch of any kind, and even though it was short lived and over his armour, it made Loki’s heart soar that she trusted him enough.
Later that day, after Natasha and Clint was seen to by first aid, everyone gathered in the common room for a big dinner that Steve had cooked.
‘Grace was there too?’ Steve asked upon hearing about the incident earlier. ‘Are you ok? You should get checked over too.’ He said as he looked towards her.
‘No need, I was there to save the day. As usual.’ Loki said cockily.
‘Wow, you must be something special. Loki doesn’t usually go out of his way like that.’ Wanda teased.
Loki glared at her across the table.
‘Has Jones been over to update about Kilgrave?’ Bruce asked, looking around the table.
‘Yeah, she called the other day, still nothing yet.’ Tony said, glancing at Grace who just looked down at her plate.
There was silence for a moment. Then Grace spoke up.
‘He will be in hiding.’ Everyone turned their attention towards her.
‘While he is rather impatient and has a bit of a temper, at the same time he can be incredibly patient when it comes to waiting things out for his advantage.’
‘He has a temper?’ Vision asked.
Grace nodded. ‘It varies in severity.’
‘I know it’s not nice to think about, Grace… But, what sort of things does he make people do? What has he made you do? We need to know what we are up against. To stop him.’ Tony said.
She looked at Loki nervously.
‘You don’t need to say what he’s made you do specifically, if you don’t want to.’ Loki assured her.
‘I uhm. He… He once made this couple let us live in their home for a week. At the end, when he didn’t need them anymore. He had the man kill his own girlfriend, with his bare hands. Then he told him to…’ Grace leaned back on her chair and put her hand over her mouth for a moment. ‘He made him cut her body up and dispose of it down the garbage disposal. Then he told him to kill himself with a kitchen knife.’
Everyone was silent for a few minutes, a few were put off their food.
‘Well… that’s put a downer on dinner.’ Tony coughed.
‘You asked.’ Loki snarled at him.
‘So… people actually do this sort of thing without any kind of hesitation?’ Bruce asked.
Grace nodded. ‘It’s like… You know what you’re doing, and there’s part of your mind screaming at you not to, but you just physically can’t stop yourself from doing what he’s said. Your body takes over, there’s nothing you can do to stop it. He even had a guy chuck his four-year-old son out of a car and leave him in the middle of nowhere, crying his eyes out… Just so we would get peace for a journey. He makes a busy café go completely silent by just shouting at everyone to shut up. Or a man chuck his hot coffee over himself just because he looked at him wrongly.’
‘Jesus.’ Clint said quietly, shaking his head.
‘How are we going to deal with someone like that? If he gets a word in to any of us, he could have us use our powers on each other, or ourselves. Or innocent civilians.’ Natasha said.
‘I wonder if his powers would work on the Gods.’ Bruce said, looking at Loki and Thor.
‘I wouldn’t like to find out. Could you imagine if he got them under control?’ Wanda said, eyes wide.
‘We are here.’ Loki drawled. ‘And I’d be more concerned if he got you under control, too. With your own mind powers.’
‘True.’ Natasha said, looking at Wanda. She and the Gods were the ones to be worried about if he did get them.
‘Have you ever seen anyone not be effected by Kilgrave?’ Vision asked Grace.
‘Apart from Jessica, no.’
‘Hmm. If Jessica has managed to break free, there must be a way. I’d be surprised if you two weren’t able to fight off his powers, you have strong minds.’ Bruce said to Loki and Wanda.
‘Hey. I do too.’ Thor argued.
‘Not to their extent. But whether being a God means natural immunity to it, I don’t know. The only way to know for sure would be if we had him here under observation, where we could test.’ Said Bruce.
Grace felt sick at the mere thought of Kilgrave being nearby, she was glad he wasn’t here. Even under observation.
After eating, the team all decided to go and watch a film in the den.
‘Don’t worry, Gracie. We will figure out a way to stop him.’ Tony said as he passed by her.
Grace visibly flinched and then she stopped dead in her tracks, but only Loki noticed the sudden change in her demeanour. She looked horrified, like she was about to pass out. He noticed her hands starting to shake.
‘Grace, are you alright?’ He went towards her, but she turned on her heels and rushed out of the room without saying anything.
Loki glared at Tony.
‘What? What did I do?’ Tony asked, looking genuinely confused.
‘You called her Gracie. By process of elimination, I suspect that’s what he called her.’ Loki growled at Tony.
Loki went looking for Grace, he found her sitting on the large window ledge that looked out to the back garden. He’d often see her sitting there, looking out. He had a feeling it was perhaps her safe space.
‘Grace?’ Loki spoke softly, approaching cautiously.
She had her knees tucked up under her chin and arms wrapped around her legs, protecting herself. Tears were rolling down her cheeks and she was shaking.
Loki slowly sat on the window ledge near her. ‘It’s what he called you, isn’t it? By that nickname?’
Grace nodded and wiped her eyes. ‘I… I’m sorry.’ She whispered.
Loki frowned. ‘You’ve got nothing to apologise for.’
‘For rushing off like that… Tony didn’t know, none of you did. I should have told you all. But I, I didn’t actually think I’d have such a strong reaction.’ She shivered hard and fresh tears fell down her cheeks. ‘He called me that a lot. Especially when…’
Loki nodded, understanding what she was trying to say. He slowly reached over towards her and put his hand near her on the ledge, palm up.
She stared at it for a moment, then shakily reached out and put her hand into his. He closed his fingers around her, but not tightly, just so he could rub his thumb over the back of her hand. He felt her hand still shaking, but the way she closed her eyes and began breathing better made him realise it was the right thing to do. That she needed the comfort.
‘He just had to say one single sentence, and that was it. Nothing I could do to stop him. When Tony called me that, it just… brought so many memories flooding back to me all at once.’
‘There will be many times where that happens, I’m afraid to say. And I can’t say it will get easier because those memories will always be there. But you’ll learn ways to cope.’
Grace nodded, though she was just looking at their hands and didn’t look anywhere else. She focused on how much larger Loki’s hands were in comparison to her own, though he was a God after all, everything about him was larger and stronger. But it made her feel warm inside that a God of his strength and power, was so soft and comforting to her. He was actually going out of his way, constantly, to help her.
After taking some time with Loki, then with herself, Grace went back to join all the team to watch the film.
‘Grace, I’m so sorry.’ Tony said when she walked into the room.
‘No, don’t apologise. You didn’t know. I didn’t even know I’d have quite that reaction… There’s just so much I need to get used to again, and get over.’ Grace said nervously to Tony and the team.
‘Bruce is rather good at yoga and calming the mind. If you’re interested, I’m sure he’d be delighted to have a student.’ Natasha said, noticing the way Bruce’s face did light up at the idea.
‘Oh yeah, it might help you to calm your mind and clear your thoughts. Yoga is a really good way to calm the body, too.’ Bruce said with a smile.
‘Yeah… That might be pretty good actually. Thanks.’ Grace nodded and smiled.
She didn’t know why everyone was being so nice to her, helping her out so much. She really felt like she didn’t deserve it, at all. After everything she had done... But she certainly hoped that in time, she could fit in more and maybe even find herself again.
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gcldrushed · 6 months
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, [ELEANOR CARYS ANDERSEN]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [KRISTINE FROSETH]. You must be the [TWENTY-SIX] year old [LIBRARIAN AT AURORA BAY LIBRARY]. Word is you’re [EFFERVESCENT] but can also be a bit [LONELY] and your favorite song is [AUGUST BY TAYLOR SWIFT]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS]. I’m sure you’ll love it! // @aurorabayaesthetic
NAME: eleanor carys andersen NICKNAME: elle AGE: twenty-six DATE OF BIRTH: july 6, 1997 ZODIAC SIGN: cancer GENDER & PRONOUNS: cisfemale, she/her ORIENTATION: heterosexual STATUS: single HEIGHT: 5′5″ OCCUPATION: librarian at aurora bay library NEIGHBORHOOD: ocean crest apartments
ellie pretty much lived her whole life in aurora bay since her parents moved to this coastal town when she was around five years old--her parents initially came to the place as tourists but they ended up falling in love with the place and decided to settle down here instead. nonetheless, they're always travelling due to their careers and they barely have time for their children. instead, ellie and her older sibling were always left with nannies.
vying for the affections of her parents, elanor has been an overachiever growing up. however, it neither pleases or displeases them--they were simply indifferent towards it. nonetheless, she tried not to show her disappointment and kept hiding behind a positive attitude all the time.
she was the type of girl who always had a smile on her face, trying to lighten up the mood around her. she had a number of friends from school, but she only had a few close friends since she can also be a little distant.
since both of her parents are lawyers, ellie thought of following in their footsteps when she was younger. but she slowly realized that path was not hers to take. voluminous readings were not meant for her though she enjoys the company of books, mostly fiction for her to escape. definitely the type of girl who has her head on the clouds and spends a lot of time daydreaming. she ended up taking a degree in library science in the local college in aurora bay and is now working as a librarian.
ellie is also fond of playing the piano and may seem childish at heart. she loves the idea of love and easily gets way in over her head when it comes to romance and daydreaming different scenarios in her head before something even starts. the girl is a hopeless romantic--emphasis on the hopeless. she wants a love that's straight out of movie screens since she never witnessed that with her parents growing up.
her other hobbies includes baking and delivering baked goods to her neighbors. however, she is not that good of a cook and has been dubbed to make inedible food.
always a work in progress so i may be adding stuff here from now and then.
her older sibling
friends and acquaintances? perhaps even a close friend or a best friend. we could just plot things out on how it came to be
childhood friends since she's lived in aurora bay her whole life
some kind of frenemy? the two always bicker and probably butts head a lot of times but they would actually do anything for each other?
actual enemies where they detest each other? could be exes or they just don't sit right with each other.
a high school sweetheart/her first love who moved away for some reason.
probably some exes? she just wants to be loved but she can be too much. they could be in good terms/bad terms
also hookup/one night stand that didn't mean anything or could have meant something.
bumble/hinge matches because she's not using tinder
an unrequited thing as well where she keeps on flirting with your muse but they probably just see her like an annoying little sister or something
flirtationships/will they won't they/a situationship kind of thing
an older sibling figure? they coud have just taken her under their wing
bad influences or someone she can be a good influence to
also a roommate please. baby didn't want to live off of her parents' money which is why she's in the cheapest apartments while her parents live in aurora bay drive
more angst and all the cute connections pls.
but just give this a like and i will slide into your inbox so we could just plot some stuff out.
roommate/bestie of: kate harmon
roommate: aubrey carson
high school hook up/secret romance: travis miller
colleague/secret crush of: peyton dyer
former bandmates: rhett harris, mack montgomery
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you bring up such a good point regarding tptb creating weird dilemmas, and you may disagree but i think it was just them doing very depthless, desperate writing in every ep after swan song. i did a s12-13 rewatch recently and was blown away by how ridiculous the characters' choices were considering knowledge we saw them obtain in MUCH prior seasons. a lot was contrived the entire show's run just for drama but it really got nauseating often enough i had to stop the rewatch. i know the heart of the show is always a case, but we're meant to care about the characters solving the case to stay seated and you could tell the writers didn't give a shit if we did or didn't, which is, admittedly, sorta slay. i had a lot of complaints on substance but actually the strangest thing to me was forcing the bros to disagree on things that no two people who are genuinely compatible companions would ever bicker or waste breath about. literally any other character could have been used as a narrative tool to draw out the other side of the argument or create the needed tension, but them full on brawling between themselves about big ticket worldview/ethos things like if mary's dead or if jack is evil was just so forced and so pathetic! maybe the thought was the show would get boring if they didn't seem like two separate people anymore, but it did a massive disservice to the story of these specific men who genuinely simply wouldn't, on certain levels, be two separate people anymore.
I know that a lot of folks weren't happy with the later seasons. But I also know some folks who prefer the later seasons. Me, I like the entire run and found each season had its own strengths and weaknesses, but in general were all worth watching.
The main dilemma facing a show with only two regular characters, and that is ultimately just about the relationship between those two characters, is that the drama is most likely going to involve, or come back to over and over again, conflict between those two characters. So with Supernatural, we got the boys' multiple break-up and make-up arcs. And yeah, those got tiresome after a while. But, I found that starting in season 11 the boys really were together and on the same page more often than not. But, Sam and Dean are different people, and they have different views on things and think about things in different ways, feel and process stuff differently, and this makes them more interesting, at least to me.
So yes, the drama throughout the show (even in the early seasons) often feels a bit contrived, but it is contrived, it's fiction. And more than just fiction, it was a 22-23 episode/season show so some repetitive and contrived drama is to be expected. I don't know, maybe I'm the weirdo with it, but I think that the entire 15 season story is pretty good, feels consistent to me (allowing for the various practical/real world changes outside the show's control) and at the end felt like it told one big epic hero's journey story about these two brothers.
But the best thing about Supernatural, is that anyone can just pick and choose what parts of it they want to watch now. Really only like the Kripke era? Just watch 1-5. Like Castiel? Start at season 4 and only watch about a quarter of the episodes from there on. Or do what I do and subject yourself to watching all 327 episodes in order every year or so.
TV shows, especially 22-23 episode long season shows, are a collaborative effort that have a lot of cooks in the kitchen. So sometimes they crank out huge gourmet meals while at other times they just end up fighting about what's on the menu. Honestly? We lucked out with Supernatural because it really is way more good than bad and that was due to Kripke and Singer and Manners, and Jared and Jensen, and the majority of the crew that was there for so much of the run, really caring about the show and the characters and putting everything they had into making something that they so obviously loved.
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themetaphorgirl · 2 years
Prompt- daob Spence hanging out with Alex and James and the rest of the bau at rossi's place. Maybe they were invites for dinner or something like that?
how did you know that this was actually something that's been sitting in my brain for like two years??
I'm very rusty but this makes me so emo and I love baby Spencer Blake and his eight million aunts and uncles.
also it's interesting to see how many Patron Saint characterizations bled into this. I didn't even notice it until I went back and reread it this morning (I wrote this last night on my phone, mostly at work). also someone please ask me about my theories about Alex's aesthetic pipeline because she's my favorite and I love her.
Spencer wasn’t sure what a Paw Patrol was and this point he didn’t want to ask, but he did know that Henry certainly liked it. The younger boy had been watching episodes on loop since he’d arrived, climbing over the furniture with his various toys and shrieking along with the action on TV. Jack was a little quieter but not by much; he was playing his Nintendo sprawled out on the floor and was clearly losing his game, judging by how often he yelped and scoffed and talked to himself as the handheld console beeped and chirped. 
Spencer curled up small in the corner of the couch with his book balanced on his knees. When they’d first arrived at Grandpa Dave’s house, it had seemed like a good idea to go play with Henry and Jack in the den that had become the default playroom every time the grownups met for dinner. Now it was too chaotic and he couldn’t focus, but the idea of going to James and Alex stressed him out. What if he interrupted them? 
“Hey, boys, who’s hungry?” Uncle Derek said as he stuck his head in the room. 
“Me!” Henry yelled happily, throwing his plastic dog as he vaulted off the coffee table. Derek caught him easily. 
“Uncle Derek, I can’t beat this level,” Jack complained. “Can you beat it for me?”
“I could try, but you’d be better off asking Aunt Penny when she gets here,” Derek said as he draped Henry over his shoulder, making him shriek with laughter. “Come on, kid. Spencer, you hungry?”
Spencer nodded, setting his book down carefully as he followed behind them. Derek patted him lightly on the back as Jack and Henry talked over each other. 
The kitchen in Grandpa Dave’s house was massive and filled with the clatter of attempted cooking and multiple conversations. Dave was busy at the stove and Aunt JJ was setting out plates, and Aunt Emily was attempting to help her as she balanced a glass of wine in one hand. The sliding glass doors were open, late summer heat twining into the air conditioning inside, and he could hear James and Uncle Hotch talking as they worked at the grill. 
“I got the kids!” Derek reported cheerfully. He swung Henry around, making him squeal. “Where should I put them?”
Jack draped himself over the arm of a chair. “Where’s my dad?” he asked. 
“Outside with Uncle James,” JJ said as she shifted Henry from Derek’s hip to hers. “Dinner will be ready in just a second.”
Emily took a sip of her wine as she dropped a fork onto the table. “When’s Garcia getting here?” she asked. 
The doorbell chimed loudly. “That’s her, I’ll get it,” Derek said as he loped away. 
Spencer bit his lip and looked around. Emily smiled at him. “Looking for Mom?” she said. “She’ll be right back, she went outside for a second. Don’t worry.”
Right on cue Alex walked in from the back deck, her long summer dress swishing. “If the two of them will stop bickering over grilling techniques, we can eat,” she said. Spencer sidled up to her and tangled his fingers in her skirt; she immediately drew him closer to her side and bent to kiss the top of his head. “Hi, sweetheart. Having fun?”
He didn’t answer her but he leaned against her, some of the tension fading out of him as she rubbed his back. Things always seemed a little less intense when she was there. 
Dave frowned as he pulled condiments out of the fridge and set them on the counters. “Listen, as long as nothing is well done, I’m good with whatever they’ve grilled,” he said. 
James and Uncle Hotch walked inside from the deck, both of them balancing multiple plates. “That’s something we can agree on at least,” James laughed. 
Hotch set down his plates on the counter. “Barbecue sauces, not so much. Jack, buddy, stop hanging off the chair like that.”
“Hi! I’m here! I hope I haven’t missed anything!” Penelope said as she bustled into the room, Derek right behind her. “Sorry, sorry, rehearsal ran a little late.”
Dave kissed her on the cheek. “What show is it this time?” he asked. 
“Noises Off. I’m having a wonderful time, but gosh, am I going to be bruised,” she said.
“We’ll have to come see it,” Emily said, nearly spilling her wine as she hugged Penelope with one arm. “Family field trip.”
“Is it going to be as long as the musical?” Spencer asked. 
“Hopefully not,” Alex said, barely hiding a smile. 
“It wasn’t that long,” Penelope said. She looked Alex up and down. “Oh my god, Alex, you’re adorable. You look like a preppy mom blogger.”
Alex glanced down self consciously. “Is that a good thing?” she said. 
“Oh, excellent, you look like you’re spending a weekend at your summer home on Nantucket,” Penelope said. “Classy mom vibes. Beautiful.”
James kissed Alex on the cheek as he walked past her. “She’s always a beauty,” he said. 
Henry came running around the corner. “Aunt Penny!” he shrieked. 
“Oh! My godbabies!” Penelope exclaimed. Henry ran to her first, flinging his arms around her neck. “You get bigger every time I see you! Stop! Stay little!”
Henry laughed as she hugged him and smooched him loudly on the cheek. “Aunt Penny, my tooth is loose!” Jack said, leaning around Henry as he vied for her attention. He opened his mouth wide and wiggled the offending tooth with his tongue. “See? See?”
“Oh, I do see, that’s disgusting,” Penelope laughed as she hugged him too. 
“That’s his second tooth this week, he’s going to put the tooth fairy in bankruptcy at this rate,” Hotch said dryly. 
Penelope smiled at Spencer. “Hi, sweetie,” she said. “Would you like a hug too?”
He nodded, slipping away from Alex, and Penelope hugged him tight. “Oh, you’re so precious. Are you getting taller? You seem taller.”
“I don’t think so,” Spencer said. He wrinkled his nose. “Yesterday one of the parents at therapy group asked me when I was turning nine. I had to explain that I’m already nine.”
Alex laughed. “You’ll catch up, I’m sure of it,” she said, smoothing his hair. 
“Yeah, keep eating your vegetables and you’ll be as tall and strong as me,” Derek said, playfully flexing. 
Spencer rolled his eyes. “Height is mostly determined by genetics, Uncle Derek,” he said. “Eating vegetables wouldn’t cause that much growth. Minimal at best.”
“My mom always said I would have been taller if I’d just eaten vegetables,” JJ said. 
“Adults just say stuff like that so children eat vegetables,” Spencer said. He looked up at James. “Right, Dad?”
“Yeah, he’s right,” James said, beaming down at him. 
“Ha! I knew it!” Jack said, grinning cheekily at his dad. 
Hotch raised an eyebrow. “You’re still eating your vegetables,” he said. “They’re still good for you even if it doesn’t make you taller. Right?”
“Oh, yeah, right,” James said. He pointed a scolding finger playfully at Jack. “Listen to your father, young man.”
“All right, all right, all right, stop squabbling and let’s eat,” Dave said as he set down the last plate of food on the table. “Everybody sit, before it gets cold.”
Spencer hung back as everyone starting taking their seats, but James took him by the hand, walked him up to the table, and guided him to a chair next to Alex. “What do you want to drink, kiddo?” James asked as he sat down at his other side. “Water or something else?”
Spencer shifted around to sit cross legged. “Something else,” he said. 
“Lemonade or sweet tea?”
“Lemonade,” he said, and James picked up the pitcher and poured it into his glass. 
Dinners at Grandpa Dave’s house were always chaotic as everyone carried on multiple conversations and passed around food. It made him feel better to sit between James and Alex. He knew his parents would take care of him, they would make sure he got enough to eat and they would understand if everything started to feel like too much. 
Although they weren’t his parents. He had to keep reminding himself of that. But he almost didn’t mind when he forgot. 
His plate ended up overly full, but with just enough space to keep his food from touching. He listened to the grownups talk as he ate, sometimes chiming in. They never minded when he joined in their conversations. 
Most of his dinner was delicious, but somehow a pile of grilled mushrooms had ended up in his plate. Spencer poked at it with his fork. He hated mushrooms, they were slick and spongy and left a weird taste in the back of his mouth. But he couldn’t just not eat them, he might make someone upset. He stabbed one with his fork and gritted his teeth. 
Alex touched his back lightly. “You don’t have to eat those if you don’t want to,” she whispered. He bit his lip. “Do you want to eat it? No one will be upset if you don’t.” He paused, then shook his head. 
Alex caught James’s eye and nodded towards Spencer’s plate. Without dating a word he scooped the offending mushrooms away. “Are you still hungry, Spencer?” he asked as he spooned the mushrooms onto his own plate. “You can have more if you want. Or you can have more later if you’re not hungry now.”
Spencer took a deep breath. Sometimes he had to remind himself that he was going to be able to eat again, that things weren’t how they used to be and he wouldn’t have to go hungry anymore. His therapist talked about it a lot, and so did James and Alex. But it was easier to talk about it than actually remember. 
“I think I’m a little bit hungry,” he says in a small voice. 
James smiled at him and scooped out a little more grilled corn and roasted potatoes for him. Spencer relaxed. 
By the time dinner had wound down he was comfortably full and a little sleepy. “Who wants dessert?” Dave asked. 
“Oh, I couldn’t eat anything else if you paid me,” Penelope sighed. 
“I don’t know, I think there’s pie. I would live off dessert if I could,,” JJ said. “I’m going to put a movie on for Henry. Jack, Spence, do you want to come?”
Jack immediately slid down from his chair, a half eaten hot dog still in his hand. “Yeah!” he said. 
“Finish that first and then you can go play,” Hotch said, half laughing. 
Spencer climbed down. He didn’t really want to go, he sort of wanted to just stay with his parents, but if the other boys were leaving he was probably expected to go too. Alex squeezed his arm lightly as he walked away. 
He went back to his corner of the couch and his book, and Aunt JJ set up a Disney movie for them. Towards the end of the movie Aunt Emily checked on them and brought them brownies and apple pie and vanilla ice cream, and kept them company for a while before switching to another and going back to the grownups. 
Spencer was barely interested in the first movie and even less in the second, and he’d long since finished the books he’d brought with him. Jack was still playing his Switch, much more subdued than earlier, and Henry had fallen asleep on the floor with a toy in one hand and a brownie in the other. 
He bit down on the pad of his thumb. Lately he’d been trying even harder to break his thumbsucking habit, but it was tempting, especially when he could feel exhaustion creeping into him. The novelty of going to Grandpa Dave’s had worn off, and he wanted his normal bedtime routine and to sleep in his own bed. He felt like he was wound too tight, tense enough to give himself a headache. 
Before he could talk himself out it of he slid down from the couch and slipped out of the room. The kitchen was empty, but the sliding glass doors to the backyard were open. It was dark outside, but the lawn was lit with string lights and he could hear the adults talking. 
The grownups were sitting outside on a scattered collection of deck chairs and loungers; most of them were sipping drinks and Grandpa Dave had lit one of his cigars. Spencer crept closer, his bare toes curling at the feel of damp fresh cut grass under him. 
His parents were sitting together, Alex with a glass of wine in her hand and James leaning back with his arm around her shoulders. Spencer paused. The grownups were deep in conversation and he didn’t want to interrupt. He inched closer, hoping they would notice him.
“No, I remember reading about that,” Alex was saying, but as she talked she opened her arm to him and he crawled into her lap. “There was a journal published six months ago, I think?” Spencer leaned his head against her shoulder as she cuddled him close. “It brought up some good points about the legitimacy of the previous research.”
He exhaled slowly. Already he felt better, the pressure in his head beginning to lift. Alex patted his hip absently with her free hand as she talked, and James shifted his legs over his lap to make him more comfortable. 
The adults’ conversation began to blur in his ears as he snuggled closer to Alex and twined his fingers in the shoulder strap of her dress. He could feel the steady thump of her heartbeat and the softness of her dress, and she smelled like her violet and vanilla perfume and the strawberry scent of her half drunk glass of moscato. He nuzzled his cheek against her shoulder and she kissed the top of his head. 
He didn’t remember falling asleep, but the next thing he knew he was being carried, but not by Alex. He whined through his teeth. “It’s okay, baby, go back to sleep,” James said softly. “It’s okay. Daddy’s got you.”
He blinked sleepily as James lifted him into the car and buckled him in, but he must’ve fallen asleep again, because the next time he opened his eyes he was in his own room. The nightlight was switched on, casting soft gentle shadows on the wall, and Alex was changing him out of his shorts and his tee shirt.
He scrunched up his face. “‘m home?” he mumbled. 
“Yes, my darling, we’re home,” Alex said. “Time for bed.”
He was too sleepy to try to sit up and get his pajamas on himself, so he didn’t fight as Alex dressed him and got him settled against the pillows. “Mama?” he said. 
Alex smiled as she tucked him in. “What dearest?”
He rubbed his eyes. “Love you.”
Alex kissed his cheek, then his forehead. “I love you too,” she said. “Get some sleep. You’re home and you’re safe.”
She sat down on the edge of his bed, and it didn’t take him very long to fall back asleep as Alex stroked his hair away from his face.
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