#in chibi fish forme
acidbathdemon · 4 months
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jerma seaman stream but it's wesker and little fishy chris. enjoy.
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twst-hottest-takes · 1 month
Tweel Anatomy discussion!
Part 1.
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(Ask and ye shall recieve! This will be split up into a couple of parts because this could get long and it's easy enough to break up into pieces. [I definitely wasn't putting this off until the cards officially released.])
For starters I have to say again that I just love the twins and their merforms are so cool. I just want an excuse to gush about them. A lot of this discussiom will involve headcanons and hypotheticals and estimations, so there is your warning to not take anything in this post as law. This post, like pretty much all the others is very opinionated. Some of the fun bits about contemplating the anatomy of a fantasy creature involves drawing the imaginary lines between where the fish parts end and the human parts begin, and where the two become a blur and turn into something completely new. I like to think I strike a balance with my hypotheses, but perhaps others might not feel the same way. This is a post meant to start a discussion, not a fight. So let's see how far down the rabbit hole we can go . . .
Starting with a classic: How big are these guys?
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Let's answer Ace's question. (While laughing like middle-schoolers about how that question was phrased.)
Now there is no canon answer to my knowledge so I can only give my best estimation. (Corrections welcome!) I firmly believe that they do not change "size" between their land and sea forms. For all intents and purposes, the twins are being treated as though their heads, arms, torsoes, and pelvic regions are the same size between human and merforms.
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I have no real proof of my theory. I simply compared the sprites and scaled the chibis until they had the same head size. Forgive me for not having a better method of measurement. I am not going to try and unravel the live 2D mermodels and I think trying to measure their shadows from their intro scene would be even less reliable. The length of the tail is approximately 75% the length of the rest of the body after where his feet theoretically end.
I didn't do the same with Floyd because I feel that it's safe to assume that he's probably a few cm longer (3-5 cm max) due to his 1 cm height difference when they are in human form. I hazard a guess that only the two of them actually care about that difference in length.
332 cm. (Or around 11 ft for those of us stateside.)
We know they're huge, but tying a number to the length REALLY puts things into perspective. Like it's actually a little scary.
Next: Gill placement.
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I am a big fan of the gill slits being around the ribs! Not only do they look cool, but I like that it can be read as a combination of human and eel anatomy in their merforms.
Since they have a humanoid chest cavity, it makes sense that even though they don't have lungs, they may have a muscular structure similar to a diaphragm. By having a muscular system that works passively/sympathetically they could have a "breathing" motion similar to humans; but, instead of taking air in, it simply keeps water moving across the gills to maintain gas exchange.
Benefits of this system include: Being able to sleep (as I would assume merfolk do), and being able to stay in one place (most fish need to be moving constantly to keep their gills working). The ability to be stationary isn't necessary for fish, but for merfolk who have social conventions, even being able to sit still to have a conversation is a boon (unless the world of mermen is built around the idea that no one ever sits still, but I feel like the photograph from Book 3 proves otherwise).
Furthermore, having the gills on the ribs as opposed to somewhere farther up--for example, on the neck--the twins can reasonably stick their heads out of the water without fear of limiting their breathing ability. Though these new card illustrations show that they don't seem to have any problem with having their gills exposed to the air (at least as far as being photogenic is concerned), I can see it being convenient for merfolk to be able to poke their head and shoulders above the water and still be able to breath regularly (which definitely doesn't have anything to do with luring unwary travelers to their deaths. . .nope. . .not at all).
I have seen people say they don't like the choice and that the gills should be on their necks. If that's coming from a place of personal preference and is purely aesthetic I guess I can see it. But if anyone tries to tell me that it's not "eel-like" enough and they need to have the gills closer to the mouth, I will fight you. From a design and functionality standpoint the rib gills are fantastic!
For the last bit of this entry, let's talk about the elephant in the room: THE EEL ABS!
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I'd say "don't get me started on this one" but I'm already here and we're already too deep in, so here we go.
Things are about to get spicy!
~They're fine.
Like, as a choice, the inclusion of these muscles is likely just for fanservice points, but it's not an anatomically strange thing.
Come here and I will explain to you a thing:
Once upon a time, (this is going somewhere, just stick with me!) people complained that Ariel, the Little Mermaid herself, was too skinny and not built like a swimmer. People insisted that she not have such a tiny waist and her arms should be bigger. Now I, here and now, should not have to tell the reader why this is so ridiculous to say, but I'm going to anyway~ ARIEL DOES NOT USE HER ARMS TO SWIM! Those who have watched the movie may have observed that she swims like an aquatic mammal. All of her momentum comes from the verticle motion of her tail, and to some extent her abdomen, not her arms. When she turns human, Ariel does not even know how she can use her arms to help her swim upwards and out of the ocean. She struggled without her tail so much Sebastian and Flounder basically carried her to the surface.
In this way, merfolk do not need to have the same type of body as a human swimmer because they are functionally different and some people seem to get stuck on that.
Now returning to Jade and Floyd, again, their arms are not "built like a swimmer's." Once again THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE. There is nothing in all of Twisted Wonderland that suggests they swim with their arms at all. These boys have 5 foot long tails that are probably primarily muscle to propel themselves through the water. The arms are not for propulsion. The tails do the grand majority of the work, but this conversation was started about abdominal muscles so we'll circle back to that now. Unlike other merfolk (as exemplified by Ariel) who swim with verticle motions of their tails, eel-based mermen would swim by making horizontal motions, also primarily with their tails. I do say primarily because the idea occurs to me that there may be situations where the limits of their ability to move might be tested. If a merman built like this wanted to go significantly faster than whatever is "normal" for them, muscle groups higher in the body would get used. Essentially, given Jade and Floyd as characters, I don't find it hard to believe that, at the speeds they swim, they would be using their very human-shaped abdomens to increase their speed. That's a workout, especially for the obliques.
So, in conclusion, I don't think the abs are weird. Gratuitous? Absolutely. But they aren't the anatomical monstrosity some people seem to think they are.
Let me say once more, if you simply don't like how it looks, or the fish abs squick you out and you like to headcanon they don't exist--that's fine. But don't argue with me on the basis that it's not realistic. Mermaids are, after all, fictional creatures and depictions of them tend to be fanciful. The tough conversation comes about when we choose to draw the lines with how realistic we actually want them to be, HENCE THIS ENTIRE POST!
(Laughs like a maniac before signing off.)
Thank you for coming to the first part of my rambling. What should I talk about in the next part?
Other than the throat teeth. We've got a miniature essay about the throat teeth just about ready to go.
Also, apologies if there aren't enough visual guides. I really wanted to get this posted, so if anyone wants me to I can doodle up some more stuff to help with things like the image of the breathing aparatus and swimming motions. I have just not had much time this week.
(Going to fall asleep thinking about how sparkly these boys are.)
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aragonlediagon · 2 months
Shingyoku manies.... [long post?]
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Shapeshifter deity Shingy... So there are some of my headcanon designs. All of them are the same person! I imagine 9 total forms for Shingyoku (theres one Ill intentionally never give a design to keep it a mystery + one I didnt put here)
Kuzuryu deity x koi fish for my main references.... Shingyoku much prefers swimming or flying but I plan on making an own post explaining all their (headcanon) quirks hopefully soon enough :)
Individual images:
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The "yin yang orb" form (Miss Reimu be not afraid)
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Shingyoku granny... A form that hides most beast traits to fit in human society impersonating a miko.
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Shingyoku peepaw... An other form that hides most beast traits to fit in human society impersonating a shinto priest (in my take, the one they assume the most while living in Gensokyo)
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"Miko creator" My Shingyoku was born from the fused spirits of two shrine officiants and can assume both their forms.
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"Kannushi creator" The same resume as the one just above.
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Shingyoku's (headcanon) beast/dragon form :) (which I plan on drawing non chibi and next to Reimu for scale one day)
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Shingyoku's "true" form (headcanon). Actually not their actual real true form, but I like to imagine the real true one is much more than what one's eyes can see (I really dont know how to explain in english) and this is the closest that Shingyoku can assumes to be seen by others :)
❤☯️🖤I love Shingyoku thank you very much for reading........
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ygodmyy20 · 8 months
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So I'm still obsessed with spirit designs for mob psycho 100 characters. It has not ended...SO come along with me as I continue on this adventure.
I wrote out my initial thoughts here: https://www.tumblr.com/ygodmyy20/739079912539996160/this-week-is-hard-mode-emotionally-so-were-gonna?source=share
And you can see the cute chibi versions of Teru and Shigeo here https://www.tumblr.com/ygodmyy20/739362691235315712/spirit-cuddles?source=share
Below the cut are closeups and more of my descriptions!
The most defined out of all the designs as if you look at my initial post, I take a lot of inspiration from @sodasexual but I diverged a bit in some things I liked more like the design of his tail and feet
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I like the idea that his whole body is just a galaxy of ever changing stars. He and Ritsu have aquatic qualities to them but you can see Ritsu is MUCH more...well, fish like haha Shigeo is this mixture of aquatic and kinda cat-like. I like his hair being like ???% hair. Where it is a little wavy.
He has fins coming off his body that come off at different spots. Still figuring them out. But the direction I want to go in is they are kinda like axolotl fins.
When he gets upset his color changes to a deep purple and blue and when he is happy it is a bright pink. It is similar to how I imagine his aura reacts to his emotions. If he is VERY upset he will be black, with only specks of red, and you barely will be able to see the white of his eyes. Very very similar to ???%
When Shigeo gains more power (similar to Teru) his form grows and changes. I haven’t gotten the details in my head quite yet but more appendages, larger body, more fins, his “hair” grows and changes. As we fondly say he looks a touch more eldritch in nature. His increased power form may look slightly more terrifying but he’s the same old lil guy, just in a massive spirit form.
(Also does Teru love Shigeos spirit form even when it’s eldritch and full of stars and galaxies and black holes? Um yes of course hahah he adores it. Also yes we terumob here not sure if that was….clear hahaha now it is)
Teru is my beautiful feathery seraphim!
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look at his lil face!!
Teru's form can grown into a much more biblical-looking angel if he gains power, but his default is this light and nimble feathered spirit. Lots of his design takes from the elemental look of fire. In future I want lightening to make more of an appearance but I am just sticking with fire for now.
Teru is covered in feathers, and has at least 3 pairs of large ones down his back. He also has two little tufts where his ears would be. His color is also ever changing. He can blend from oranges to yellows to whites and even turquoise and purples. But his base color is oranges and yellows.
(And yes Shigeo also loves Terus spirit form, when he finally saw it for the first time he knew it was perfect!)
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So far Ritsu matches a lot of Shigeo's general look and feel but he is more green in color, like an ocean, and he has a sharpness to him around his form. His tail is dark and sharp, and his entire body when upset will bristle and become sharp like a cactus.
Ritsu is not all sharp though. His hair is wavy kinda like seaweed. Taking his current longer hair in canon and just making it longer and more wavvy.
So yeah. That's where I have gotten to!! Thanks for joining me on this fun journey. I'll keep playing with these spirit designs and evolving them - you haven't seen the last of 'em!
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vofart · 6 months
this is going zto be long
Ok hear me out they both pull each other out of the water (metaphor for the darkness) and then they sorta stick together, a little pining but also a lot of pirate nonsense. this is before they start working together and how they met
Most of this changes what i said in the first hash out but what ever also I suck ss at spelling I font give a shit
So! Arahabaki is a very cruel deep sea god and the other sea gods don’t really like them so they curse him (gods have to team up to curse eachother rare but happens) 
Curses arahabaki to ‘live on the surface in mortal form’ 
Being a tricky god Arahabaki finds a loop hole or two so they don’t lose all their godly powers. 
Chuuya (10yrs old) is the mortal form that Arahabaki chooses (a little at random) as a young child. 
The ‘entrance’ of Arahabaki just so happens to be in the middle of a navy fleet/port absolutely destroying everything and leads to an influx of pirates (especially younger). 
The Sheep is a sailing vessel with a bunch of kids on it. 
They find Chuuya in a port town and take him in. (11yrs old)
 Chuuyas a natural, navigation and fighting come naturally to him and he sorta becomes their captain but not by choice. (17 yrs old). 
Chuuya has managed to avoid falling into the water up until this point. 
But during a navy altercation the ship get damaged enough that they have to jump in. 
Arahabaki’s godly form is triggered when he is fully submerged 
 in this giant (300ft tall) form Chuuya knows he’s Chuuya and Arahabaki (at the same time) and after all these years Arahabaki has been like idk weakened so Chuuya has some control 
Arahabaki’s voice sorta goads him on and makes him a little feral. (Chuuya has so little impulse control)
Arahabaki’s voice gets stronger when Chuuya is mad and right after shrinking back down
Anyways Dazai is on a navy ship (why? not sure) 
 sees Chuuya ruining ship after ship and although he’s immortal he really doesn’t like pain so he’s like shit gotta stop this raging god. 
he tries to calm Chuuya down and succeeds, not sure how but it involves yelling. 
Chuuya shrinks back down to normal chibi size and Dazai fishes him out of the water and takes care of him (Chuuyas not in great shape) 
he sleeps for a few days and Dazai desapears after Chuuya wakes up leaving him in the hands of the navy. 
The navy is not sure what to do with Chuuya so they (try) turn him into a reputable sailor 
after about three yrs (20yrs old) Chuuya gets so fed up he blows up a navy vessel and returns to the life of a pirate.
 He doesn’t settle on a ship because he doesn’t mix with others very well and after a close call with Arahabaki he decides to make port for a while. (22yrs old) 
after only a few months in port Chuuya meets Dazai again. 
 lounging on the docks as the tide goes out
 everything is fine until he hears gasping cussing and choking from under the peer.
 He checks it out only to find Dazai Hog tied to the pyling. 
Chuuya (very  carefully keeping his body mostly out of the water) jumps in and cuts the ties and brings him up 
He has been down there for a while Dazai says at least a week and Chuuya is like this guys fucking nuts should i toss him bback in.
 He looks horrible and i mean like worse than a corpse. His pale and pruney and just kinda half eaten (literal bites outa the man) and 
he just looks at Chuuya and coughs up so much water, and goes oh look it’s the shrimp. 
Chuuyas all like we are the same age, i think(hes looking a little rough okay) and Dazai is all like no we are not. 
Theeen he conks out muttering something about shipwrecks and how much better crabs are than shrimp. 
Chuuyas just kinda sits there (his instinct to protect doesn’t let him leave) 
the sun starts to set and Dazai wakes up and just whines about how he wishes he could die. 
And Chuuyas like you should have you would have been down there at least since this morning. I told you shrimp it’s been at least a week. 
He talks about how he’s immortal 
Somehow they stick together (Dazai does recognize Chuuya)
I think Chuuya craves life on the waves
Sooner rather then later Chuuya places Dazai in his memory
They spend a couple years jumping from ship to ship until they finally just steal themselves one
They start a crew and pick people all over the place
Some members never leave and others cycle like dishwater 
Possible other crew members (total 9)
Gin (Auku is on land in this) cook dead quiet and great with knives
Hirotsu bc I love him 
Higuchi kitchen help
Tachihara alternate gun man
Kyouka intusted to Chuuya by Kouyou 
OC?(s) I need to fill out some rolls 
Armed Bar and General Services
Jenichiro siblings
Kouyou is a sea witch
Ranpo just really likes Fukuzawas bar
Poe a Navy cartographer kisses^
Atsushi was on Double Black for a while but left to chase his own horizon
Akutagawa has his own ship
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tactician · 6 months
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today is the FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the dnd campaign that i am a member of...!! so you know that a long rambling post is 100% in order.
five years ago, i played dnd for the very first time. (the date on that post says the 16th but that's because we played for like a billion hours and it went past midnight. because of course it did.) i remember being so, so nervous about it bc i seriously knew next to nothing about dnd. i had never watched any tabletop shows or anything and i was pretty much totally new to improv. i had no idea what a d20 was. i wish i was kidding. i truly just dived right in there. (fitting, i guess, since the character i play is a triton... LMFAO).
i'm so glad that decided to try it out regardless bc it has paid off in ways that i can't even begin to express fully... this campaign has accompanied me through so many life events - both the good and the bad - and i cherish each and every one of our Merry Band of Misfits' adventures. even when shit hit the fan and encounters got tense or chaotic in some form, it ended up making for some absolutely wonderful memories. i'm so glad that that reides - my lil blue fish lad!!! - is a member of the champions valoris.
reides is a character who is extremely near & dear to my heart and he has really awakened a creative side of me during these past five years. i always strive to be a player who can live up to him and do his character the justice that it deserves. even 'beyond' the campaign, i have so much fun writing stuff related to him, making crafts related to him, coming up with art ideas for him and getting comms of him... simply rotating him in my mind. you know how it is. really, i think it's impossible to sum up what reides means to me because he's just... REIDES!!! (also, peep the original token i had for him vs his current one... so cute. just so cute.) i seriously love all of the stuff that everyone else at the table makes for their own characters, too! playing pretend with your friends is fr one of the most healing experiences ever; we all gently feed off each other's creativity in such a lovely way. the passion we all have for our respective characters and the overall setting of the campaign is infectuous, and that passion - coupled with a whole lot of hard (yet fun!!!) work - has made for a story that is nothing short of legendary.
so i just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude and say that i am honored to share a table with these incredibly creative individuals who have saved me in so many ways!!! big shoutouts to my fellow player, @mintflavoredwindows, who plays kilwin, the EXTREMELY blessed (teehee cleric joke) blond lad standing next to reides in that little chibi line-up of our characters (and who also takes the time to write AMAZING!!!!!! session synopses which all of us read time and time again; they are fr a lifesaver not to mention an immortalization of everything we've been through), our dungeon master of legend, @killdragons, who puts a TON of effort into the campaign setting as a whole and was the person who offered me a position in the campaign to begin with, @brewswain who has accompanied us on tons of different arcs with his absolutely incredible array of characters AND @sangre who has guest starred with his lovely miré (AND WHO HAS SUPPORTED THE CAMPAIGN SOOO MUCH IN GENERAL i love talking abt alethustria with you bree)!!! nathan (who plays jorah) and cj (who plays ashara and played slumberjack during the first season of the campaign) aren't on tumblr dot com so i can't give their urls a little shout-out in this post, but i'm still going to restate that being able to share in this adventure with them - both in-character and out-of-character - has been fucking incredible. the adventurers formerly known as the pog champions are eternal. viva la champions valoris. etc etc etc.
i also want to thank everyone who's supported reides / the campaign as a whole on the sidelines, bc you guys are absolutely amazing. and i can't possibly post this without showing off our lovely campaign wiki. bc it's iconic.
thanks everyone :') so excited for future adventures!!!
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bluewarf · 1 month
I have a lot of scattered thoughts about Dungeon Meshi vol. 9, actually. (gonna talk about spoilers below)
-Marcille has a definite habit of misjudging and infantilizing the other races. Comes with the territory of being an elf. Even so, she seems to take that tendency to the extreme with Fallin. Maybe it's because Fallin was so young when they first met? I do think it's interesting though to view it through the lens of Marcille having unacknowledged romantic feelings for her. Loudly insisting that Fallin's just a little girl who needs looking after is a lot safer than examining the depth and nature of her attachment to her best friend.
-that said, Marcille x fireball OTP
-The look of pure excitement on her face after being told that she'd just been killed and brought back-- babygirl, you are just as much of a freak as all these other weirdos in your party.
-Speaking of, Laios' internal moment of "oh, but I'm the freak?" when Marcille casually mentions having eaten fish testicles.
-and to continue on the subject of the dynamic between these two characters specifically, there's a lot to unpack with Laois' succubus taking the form of Marcille, his initial reaction to it, and the way that it ultimately goes about winning him over. So much so that I don't know where to begin with it, really.
-everyones' succubi have some interesting implications. Marcille having the romantic sensibilities of a middle school girl and/or telemundo-addicted abuela. Chilchuck being charmed by generic Hot Single half-foot ladies who bear no resemblance to the estranged wife that he's nonetheless remained faithful to. Whatever the fuck senshi had goin on.
-and of course, Izutsumi. kitten. :( She really doesn't seem to have had anybody looking out for her before joining Laios' party. Even Toshiro, who calls his servants family, was so quick to leave her behind in the dungeon when she went MIA. I do love the moment where she pauses to consider the idea of her beast half as a companion and partner. OTP ended with Marcille/fireball, Izutsumi/self-acceptance is my new ship.
-(in light of the nature of her succubus, I'm choosing to interpret her as aro-ace btw. girl CAN still appreciate the raw sensual power of a panther tho.)
-Chilchuck's dad side really comes out where Izutsumi's concerned. The way that he tries to guide her to the "right" answer when she's frustrated with the rest of the group, how quickly he assumes responsibility for her seemingly disappearing, and the fact that he's the first to suggest looking for her despite in no way being physically up for it when he's normally mr. pragmatism. I am such a sucker for adoptive parent/child dynamics.
-oh yeah, why did that cute little page spread of "monsters that steal your heart" on chapter 60 kick off with chil having a nightmare about his three daughters being axe murdered (by himself?) and senshi getting ensnared by a vision of his former party alive and embracing him. all drawn in a chibi style. Ryoko Kui has really mastered tonal whiplash.
all of that isn't even beginning to touch on Kabru, Mithrun, and the massive lore drops, but I'm gonna have to come back to that later.
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faekishi · 9 months
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This was... suppose to be chibis. In the end it did not became that or got into this hybrid thing. This was still fun to draw if not difficult as whale anatomy is a bit tricky even though it looked simple. But, still had a lot of fun cause I love merfolk. <3 Going to attempt this again and also do different kind of merfolk forms. Cause seriously, out of all the mystical creatures, merfolk are indeed my biggest favorite. Idea Time!
So I made Hizashi into a blue whale. Which is a very large and very fast whale. I was thinking of doing humpback. But, while they do sing very beautifully. I was like big fast whale that will smash into enemies. Shouta is the homicidal oreo of the sea. Otherwise known as the Orca. Great hunters with a high intelligence. Which is why ithought perfect for Shouta. Izuku is a spotted dolphin! Also intelligent and show off the the freckles that Izuku has. I have thoughts that even if merfolk look a lot like whales. They can breath through their gills in water or air through their noses/blow holes.
Also, baby mers will cling to the back of their parents when they get too tired swimming. Just like how baby whales or dolphins will go on their parents backs whenever they get tired of swimming. But, I had a few ideas when I was drawing this. One idea I had was that being very abnormal orca merman. He hates other merfolk of his nature and is mated with a very much larger whale that his kind would honestly hunted down. Even stranger was the fact he took in a baby dolphin mer. (if yall ever seen documentaries of orcas you know that them plus dolphins usually doesn't end well for the dolphin.)
So Shouta and Hizashi trying to figure out how to parent. With Shouta literally trying to murder anything that breathes around his kid. While Izuku keeps getting himself into trouble cause he's curious. When they 'sleep' out in the open ocean Shouta and Hizashi take shifts to ensure predators don't try to get the upper hand on them. But, if they're closer to sand beds. Then Hizashi will start digging into the sand to make a whole that can fit Shouta and Izuku. He'll then proceed to lay over them. Many predators don't tend to bother merfolk of Hizashi's size unless in groups or in dire hunger. But, any sight of Izuku and they will risk it. The three a very much a migratory group. Hizashi is too large to realistically stay in one place for too long. But, sometimes they are able to spend time in spot for a few months before heading on. I also thought of Izuku have a hurt fin. Just like his arms in the anime. His fins were hurt due a predator hunting Izuku when he found himself lost and alone. Izuku can only swim a certain amount of time before becoming exhausted and in pain. Which makes Shouta even more protective of little one. Shouta is vicious while he is attacking and is the best hunter of the group. Hizashi though has bodily slammed someone hard enough they died. So when it's time to hunt Shouta goes off to get food and Hizashi takes care of Izuku. But, if there are large schools of fish Hisashi will use his massive size to bulldoze and stun the fish. Allowing Shouta and even Izuku to easily pick them off.
That's all I have for now. I will definitely have more down the road. I been really wanting to make mer stuff for MHA. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed!
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artistheworld · 8 months
•Cloud Void•
Helloss! :> ♡
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fish doorbell🐟
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sailormoonrewrite · 3 months
SuperS Description
 Meeting of Destiny: The Night Pegasus Dances - During a solar eclipse, a mysterious new circus comes to Tokyo as Chibiusa is getting ready to leave for the 30th century but before she can she has a dream of a mysterious white Pegasus begging for help. However, when a tiger is let loose from the Circus and Usagi and Chibiusa find they can no longer transform.
Super Transformation Once Again: Nightmare from Behind the Mirrors - After Mamoru, Usagi, and Chibiusa try to investigate the strangely familiar Pegasus's appearance, they’re attacked by a strange man who calls himself Fish’s Eye but after seeing Mamoru hurt, gives them the strength to summon their Holy Grails and transform in their Super forms once more.
Mamoru’s Mysterious Illness: Double Moon Attack - After Mamoru collapsed from a strange sickness in his chest, Usagi and Chibiusa must find a way to work with their new ages to defeat the enemy and unlock a new ability.
The Perfect Couple: Usagi and Mamoru’s Love - After meeting one of Mamoru’s new university classmates, Usagi begins to fear that Mamoru won’t want her anymore due to her child form. Meanwhile, his new classmate is targeted by the Dead Moon Circus.  
Fish’s Eye’s Trap: Super Sailor Mercury’s True Power - Fish’s Eye attacks Ami in her home and tries to take advantage of her loneliness but she unlocks a super power of her own.
The True Maiden: Mystery of the Golden Crystal - After Fish’s Eye’s demise and Usagi and Chibiusa return to their real ages, Chibiusa realizes the Maiden that Pegasus is someone else while another Amazon makes his grand appearance.
Juban Holiday: The Carefree Princess - Usagi and Chibiusa make friends with a princess of another country when she decides to sneak away from her entourage. Too bad, she’s been chosen as Tiger’s Eye’s newest victim.
Catch Pegasus: The Amazons’ Trap - Knowing Pegasus might be the key to the Golden Crystal, Hawk’s Eye and Tiger’s Eye set a trap for him.
Drive to the Heavens: Mamoru Gets a Car! - Despite how terrible he’s feeling, Mamoru still decides to go through with his driving exam. Unfortunately, he might have to prove his skills in a very different way when his instructor ends up one of the Dead Moon’s victims.
Aiming for the Top: The Pretty Swordswoman's Dilemma - Chibiusa befriends a very young swordswoman who wants to fulfill her late father’s dream but her mother adverse to the idea. 
Tiger’s Eye Trap: Super Sailor Mars True Power - The Sailor Guardians and Mamoru decide to investigate the Dead Moon Circus themselves, however, Rei ends up separated from the group and finds herself at the mercy of Hawk’s Eye.
Connecting Hearts: Chibiusa and Pegasus - Taking over from Tiger’s Eye, Hawk’s Eye decides to take advantage of the connection between Chibiusa and Pegasus.
The Secret Mansion: A Menu of Love for You - After hearing a grouchy old woman who lives in alone in a large mansion, Chibiusa and Diana decide to investigate.
Pegasus Disappears: Wavering Friendship - After a fight with Pegasus causes him to disappear, Chibiusa realizes something about herself.
Chibi-Usa’s Little Rhapsody of Love - The Senshi and Mamoru begin suspecting that Chibiusa might be seeing someone in secret.
Hawk’s Eye Trap: Super Sailor Jupiter’s True Power - After learning who Sailor Jupiter is, Hawk’s Eye sets 
Protect Mamoru: The Curse of the Black Rose - After learning what they’re really after, Sailor Moon, Jupiter, and Chibi Moon rush to Mamoru’s side where he has been trapped in an endless sleep and Helios desperately trying to fight off the lemure that wants to take control of his mind.
Pegasus’s Secret: The Boy Who Protects the Dream World - Pegasus finally reveals his past as the Priest of Elysion.
Mamoru Needs to Be Taken Care of! Nurse Usagi and Nurse Chibiusa to the Rescue! - After Mamoru gets worse Usagi and Chibiusa take it upon themselves to care for Mamoru.
The Dead Moon’s Trap: Super Sailor Venus’s True Power - In another effort to hunt down the Sailor Senshi, VesVes organizes an idol audition includes Minako!
The Outer Senshi’s New Life: Hotaru’s Vision - As the Outer Senshi live peacefully with each other and raising Hotaru, they begin to suspect their happy lives will soon be uprooted.
The Super Sailor Outer Senshi Awakens: The Ten Guardians Reunite - After being alerted of the danger their friends are in, the Outer Guardians rush to their rescue.
Dentist of Horrors? PallaPalla’s House - After being defeated by the combined forces of the the Guardians, the Dead Moon seemed to have gone into hiding until a mysterious new dentist shop appears.
Don’t Lose Sight of Your Dreams: Mirror of Truth - To prevent another broken dream from empowering the Dead Moon, Chibiusa must convince a local college student not give up on his dreams of being artist.
Dream to Be an Adult: The Amzoness Quartet’s Confusion - Chibiusa and Hotaru befriend four new students at school as they prepare a project talking about adulthood.
Zirconia Attacks Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask!: Sailor Senshi On Their Own - Things go from bad to worse as Usagi and Mamoru worsen and Zirconia makes her grand reappearance. Will the Sailor Senshi be able to defeat her alone?
Usagi’s Dream: A Simple Life - Tsukino Usagi’s just a normal girl with happy life where everything is perfect. Or so it seems.
Elysion, The Kingdom Protected By the Sun - After waking up from her beautiful dream, Usagi and Mamoru must traverse the apocalyptic-looking Elysion while being hunted by a Lemure without their powers.
The Gold and Silver Crystals: Bond of Soulmates - Usagi and Mamoru learn about Endymion’s family, his role as prince, and his relationship with Serenity.
The Dark Side of the Moon: The Evil Queen Nehelenia Revealed - Mamoru and Usagi finally meet the leader of the Dead Moon Circus, a woman named Nehellenia who claims to be the true Queen of the Moon and Earth.
Labyrinth of Mirrors: Chibi Moon and Sailor Saturn Captured - Back on the Surface, Sailor Chibi Moon and Sailor Saturn follow the Amazoness Quartet through a labyrinth of mirrors. However, danger lurks behind their reflections.
Enter the Dead Moon Circus: The Key to the Golden Kingdom - Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask regroup with the girls to save Sailor Chibi Moon and Saturn and find the Aurum Key.
Entrance to the Lost Kingdom: Gates of Elysion - With the Aurum Key in hand, they manage to find one of the last portals to Elysion.
Trapped in the Nightmares: Tuxedo Mask’s True Power - The senshi and Tuxedo Mask have finally arrived in Elysion, however, Zirconia is there waiting for them. Tuxedo Mask will have to gather all his strength to fight against her evil magic in order to save everyone else.
United Together: The End of Zirconia - In one last desperate attempt to please Queen Nehelenia, Zirconia makes the ultimate sacrifice.
Truth of the Amazoness Quartet: The Sailor Quartet - The Amazoness Quartet learn the truth.
Terror in Motion: The Dark Queen’s Evil Hand - Using humanity’s broken dreams, Queen Nehelenia finally breaks out of her mirror prison.
The Dark Queen’s Evil Hand: Queen Serenity’s Mistake - The Sailor Senshi learn of Queen Nehelenia’s past with Queen Serenity and her connection to Silver Millenium.
The Sailor Senshi Crystals United: The Eternal Sailor Senshi - To defeat the evil Queen Nehelenia before she dooms the Earth to eternal night, the guardians of the Solar System must unite their powers. 
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duckapus · 1 year
So I came up with the beginnings of an idea for an SMG4 fangame that I am never ever ever going to be able to make because I have no programming skills whatsoever.
The story starts with Boopkins showing up at the castle with a new manga that he bought from Wizard Rock who claimed it was enchanted. Some of the crew is interested, but Bob, Meggy and Saiko are pretty sure he got scammed and Mario doesn't really care because he's too busy seducing a plate of spaghetti. They read through the start, which is mostly just an introduction to the setting and villain (which I haven't come up with yet), but when they get to where the main plot would start it shows...Boopkins coming to the castle with his new manga, and blank spaces where the panels past the point in time where they are now.
Then the manga glows and sucks in SMG4, Mario, Meggy, Bob and Boopkins, landing in a grassy field in chibi 2D forms, and in Boopkins' case as a round floating fish with no legs, they get their bearings and see a fancy tower nearby just past a tutorial-y platforming section, and gameplay starts.
It'd be a four player Metroidvania (this is the point where I admit that I came up with this while watching a walkthrough of Disney Illusion Island) in some kind of fantasy setting. The four playable characters are functionally identical with unique animations, so for example their basic attack involves Mario doing his standard punch-punch-kick, Bob slashing with his swords, Meggy doing kickboxing moves, and 4 wildly flailing a keyboard in front of him. Boopkins floats around with them since he's the Exposition Fairy and he holds onto whoever gets knocked out until the group reaches the next checkpoint, or takes them back to the last one if they're all knocked out.
The tower they're headed towards is owned by a local wizard who was Wizard Rock's roommate in Magic College and asked for his help in summoning a team of heroes who could save the realm. The group obviously agrees (somewhat reluctantly in Mario and Bob's case) or else we wouldn't have a story, and he kits them out with their first upgrade; Projectile weapons. Mario gets special gloves that let him shoot fireballs without a Fire Flower, Meggy gets a magic crossbow that never runs out of bolts, SMG4 gets a wand that lets him conjure small objects formed from his imagination (memes. he's yeeting memes out of a stick), and Bob gets...a small cannon that he can shoot Boopkins out of. Don't worry about Boopkins, the same spell that brought them here and turned him into a little flying fish also made him indestructible. He's still useless in a fight unless Bob is using him as a projectile though.
Also, when the characters get knocked out they turn into little tokens until they're revived at a checkpoint, which is how Boopkins is carrying them around. They look like that high quality Beeg SMG4 in the new "SMG4 Crew" logo, except Bob's is triangular instead of round to fit the poncho look of his robes.
And that's all I got so far.
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narrators-journal · 2 years
The main persona of each Wild card/protag hangout, in their human-Shadow form. Thanatos comes as if Hes Minato’s Main persona but never takes Human form.
The reason is that Orpheus is Shy and also Mute so he likes his Boyfriend to do most of the socializing while he just hides in Thanatos’s robe/Jacket.
This is hot ass, but for something easy to put not too much thought into, it turned out pretty well! Thanks for sending the ask <3
          "Is it just me, or does Thanatos seem kinda weird." Izanagi no Okami whispered to Apollo, a persona colored in cherry red and white, with golden, robotic hands and the face of his user. An old user with brown hair and split bangs by the name of Tatsuya Suou.           "He does admittedly seem odd, but I thought this was normal for him." The creature admitted with a shrug, Izanagi, though, shook his head,           "I mean, granted, he doesn't come to these little meetings too often. But, this is a little too weird for him." And as he spoke, the silver-haired, golden-eyed persona watched the creature in question.
Thanatos, though, was just sitting across from them on the floor of empty cafe they sat in. If anyone minded the hulking persona sitting in the walkway of the restaurant, the workers didn't have the backbone to complain. So, he was left alone to sit and coo or whisper to himself while petting a spot on his chest as if it were a kitten. Which, it admittedly could've been.         "I think he's hiding something." Arsene finally spoke, sitting beside Izanagi no okami in the diner booth, eyeing Thanatos' weird behavior and making Apollo snort,         "What? You don't go out in public and coo to yourself?" In turn, making the ebony-haired mix of Akira and his personal creature glare at him.         "Hey! don't be a douchebag, he's right. Thanatos is definitely holding something under his coat. Maybe it's a cat." Izanagi said, trying to stop Arsene from stabbing the brunette with his knife heels under the table or launching himself at the brunette. "But, how exactly do we go about asking? I know he's in retirement and all, but he's still a well-used, powered up persona. I don't exactly want to fight him."
The others seemed to agree, because after that they fell silent and simply watched their companion's weird behavior. Though, eventually, Arsene wormed his way out of his spot and spoke, "Thanatos, not to be rude, but...what do you have in your coat?" And in response, the large being just stared back at him with a face that lacked any human features and was framed by the gleaming metal jaws of his odd helmet. "What do you mean?" He asked, his voice the only human sounding aspect about him."Look dude, we all see you being weird. What are you hiding? A cat?" Again, the creature just looked at him, then, began unbuttoning his shirt.
However, instead of a pack of cats, a dog, or maybe a whole basket of stolen breadsticks being revealed, the tall creature showed the black-haired persona a...chibi of a different persona entirely.
After a moment of Arsene's bewildered staring, Apollo and Izanagi no okami got up to look as well. Once again falling into a moment of silence before the tall, silver-haired persona asked, "Why- who is that?" "It's Messiah!" Thanatos chirped simply, fishing the chibi out of his coat before he could hide in his armpit and showing the snow-white creature to the gang. Which, allowed Arsene to see that he was, in fact, almost entirely white save for the dark, midnight blue hair that covered one eye and his blue-grey eyes. "Why is...Messiah hiding in your coat? and why is he so small?" He finally asked, and the bigger persona shrugged, "He does this to hide. He doesn't like social interraction." and as if he hadn't heard him, Izanagi no okami, with a big smile, chirped, "We match! Can I hold him? Does he bite?"
Naturally, the answer to that was a slightly annoyed 'no' and thanatos put the little creature back in his coat after that. But, that didn't stop the whole get together from being sidetracked for the rest of the time they had to hang out.
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aragonlediagon · 9 months
Shingyoku goofy aah yin yang koi fish dragon
1st official drawing for 2024!!!!! 🐉☯️
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Sillies as a warmup. I have a lot planned to make. Technically where not yet in dragon year but. Warm up again :) Shingyoku year.... ill be making 10000000 drawings of them :)
The Reimu design on bottom left is that one never used again design you see a bit in HRtP. I like it! I plan on drawing it non chibi style. I also use it in my take of a story for HRtP.
Other than that Shingyoku!!! Headcanon much. I like to think theyre some sort of dragon god. My themes for them are (ofc) the yin yang and kuzuryu/nine headed dragon + a bit of koi fish. Its too long and I already mentionned its too long in previous posts whoops. They have 3 in game forms but I give them 6 more. Heres a bit of a dragon form, and their headcanon "true" form. This is not a fusion/combined form but their real self. Its a shapeshifter so theyre all the same person including comically big yin yang orb one :)
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For those randomly coming across this post, heres the one showcasing non chibi style design of this "true" form:
Ok byyyyye I lov e shingyoku the touhou project highly responsive to prayers :)
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ygodmyy20 · 9 months
This week is hard mode emotionally so, we're gonna hyperfixate on the spirit forms of different random Mob Psycho 100 characters because I want to. And it’s making me feel better.
Honestly this is the easiest because @sodasexual's au with spirit Shiego is so ingrained in my head I can't see him much other way. My version is usually smaller than her's but very similar concept. Don't take my word for it, check it out a commission she got for the concept!
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If the link doesn't work: https://twitter.com/pupsicle8/status/1682117598576619521
I think in my head he has he kinda purple space look though vs the lighter colors. I just love deep purples .....a lot. And the ???% hair!
But also it it is pretty much this in my head too hahaha
Me playing around with the idea yesterday with what we like to dub chibi spirits hehe
Teru isn't right here his hair should be more feather like but it came out more like an axolotl (which isn't correct). I want to redo the below they were very rough ideas thrown onto a page
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And the above of course leads me into: ✨Teru✨
My beautiful boy Teru! I just see you as a feathered masterpiece! He looks annoyed in the sketch above because this is from a fic idea I have. Where teru gets kicked out of his body (maybe a curse maybe a spirit, I dunno, something happens).
But yes, I mean, of course Teru would be a stunning feathered being! He is after all....Teru! Above was me playing around with that in a chibi sorta-form of a spirit. His feathers kinda look like gills (oops) but I think he would always have feathers of some kind around him. I may add more in future. This is just my first run at it.
But yeah something kinda seraphim-like and trippy. Feathers coming from his head, down his back. Depending on how much power he has, he would have more or less feathers. I like the idea of the tips of the features dripping in gold or fire.
A very NOT final, more a stream of ideas doodle than anything, pleasedon'tcomeafterme I'm just having fun I know it looks nothing like him.
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He may have a human-esc face or something sharper I really dunno. These are just thoughts. I have nothing that concrete yet.
Another playing around with the idea.
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I think he would be very similar to Shigeo actually, but his color scheme would be different. More oceanic greens and blues and his body would be shimmering like scales underwater. I don't have any doodles of this I just thought of it today. Like this color scheme
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I think his spirit would look more aquatic-like than Shigeo's (I think Shigeo has some almost amphibian qualities, per the slight inspiration of the axolotl from the anime) while Ritsu is more like...deep water fish. Maybe. Again they are all just shapes and these are all just thoughts.
These last two are more off-the-cuff as I have not thought about them as deeply as the above.
I think Serizawa's spirit will be large and warm. A big round, fuzy......something. He may have a shape, and if it looks like anything it would be closest to a bear. He also would loose the fluff and get spikey if he gets upset I think.
No reference photo just....yeah a big bear. Sure. I like it.
Similar to Serizawa no specific animal shape but I see some chameleon aspects to him, like ever changing colors. He is kinda a flowy-fire-like spirit, where his form wouldn't be consistent and maybe a little see-through (like flames) But it would change colors from blue to greens to reds.
That's all my brain's got. I think I'll draw more Teru spirit, maybe I'll try drawing spirit Shigeo more.
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julymarte · 3 months
Oh!! since story questions are allowed, how do shari and ajmal end up joining the group?
Shari and Ajmal FORM the group it's actually one of the very few scenes i had already talked about a bit somehow and will never change no matter how much the story could change, i had made a lil chibi comic about it... but i'll add a little context copypasting some text from the timeline plus some more lore but yeah long story short padoor are the bad guys and tried to conquer the whole system of worlds thousands of years ago and for that their whole world got sealed away but the emperor manages to seal part of his soul in his mask and succeeds to leave it behind before he's killed and his world cut off, the mask gets found and put to safety in a safe and guarded place BUT "A group of marked cultists enstage a coup and successfully steal the emperor's mask, a series of innocent marked people die as they search for a vessel, Shari can't stand seeing fellow marked dying and decides to investigate" Marked people are those with a black sclera and occasional black face markings, is a generational spell like the adaptation ones that the Padoor put on their slaves and prisoners but with the passing of time people started believing they were either cursed or were working with the padoor willingly so there's a lot of misinformation and prejudice thowards them Dakonos himself,Shari's father gauged his eye publicly during his coronation as king to show he is fully devoted to his people not to whatever the eye means... shari is the only one of his children to have inherited the mark
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nakir will then ask taru to join him as Shari said that they might need more help
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even though they are a trio (there's a lot of merc squads formed by 2 or 3 people) the fish won't be in the story until later cause Nakir doesn't want him to ruin his reunion with Shari
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shadow-laviko · 4 months
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I was too lazy to do them properly... Maybe one day (or maybe chibi form next time(s?)) First picture with raincoat, second, without And, just because It might be hard to understand with my crappy drawing : Top: white zipper tank top with a high collar?? I guess?? Pants: black jeans or somethink like that Shoes: white (high?) boots with orange soles (might change later) Misc: orange fingerless gloves (because fingerless gloves are amazing) and high ponytail ----------- Now that this is out of the way- I have no clue about their name (yet) Gender: I have no clue, they did not want to tell me, so "they" it is (but I really think they just don't care and are okay with anythink?) ... How do you actually make an OC sheet thingy? Uhh Ok, well, they are supposed to be a master detective, they heard of Kanai's shenanigans (post game, so when Kanai has been opened... It has, right?) and decided to come because it sounded like fun. Then they met/learned about Makoto. And kinda became obssessed with him? But like, not romantically, more with the way his brain works? Then they learned about Yomi and really became obssessed romantically this time (although they stay away because Yomi is, well, Yomi). They are also very interested in the zombified Homunculi and tried sneaking in the restricted area... Only to barelyescape it while crying... Only to come back a little while later for exploration- "What do you mean, I have missions to attend to? Kanai is so much more interesting!" After many tries, they managed to actually go in the restricted area and explore a bit... And met with zombie Aide... Now they can be seen around Kanai Ward and just enjoying the city. As for their Forte... It's called "ACT" : Accidental Coincidental Telepathy Basically, they can coincidentally think about something someone is doing/thinking or saying (for example you're eating a fish soup with tomato, and they'll randomly be like "Ohh, fish soup with tomato sounds like a good thing to eat right now"), but accidentally. Like they don't really control it. It works best with people they are physically close to (like, in the same room), or people they know better like friends. And even better if friends are in the same room So, they tend to be very friendly with everyone so they can have more people to use their forte on. Their Forte is best used to find objects/people, but can be used for other things They are smart, but rarely use their brain (except when they are interested by someone or something), and are most of the time pretty oblivious/an air-head If that makes any sense? I think I've said everything I wanted to say? I haven't made a fandom specific OC in almost ten years, please don't be too mad if this is cringey or something, I don't know Also, if fandom OCs specialists (and Raincode folks) would like to help me change some things that might be weird or something, I'd gladly hear it! (Does it shows that I'm stressed about this? I think it does :melting:)
Might add/change things later
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