#in comparison to tbbt
zanderbobs · 4 months
Now that Young Sheldon is over I feel comfortable with saying that it was actually a pretty decent sitcom about an imperfect but wholesome working class American family with the horrendous misfortune of being connected to The Big Bang Theory
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allegraforchrist · 3 months
Self Image as a woman is constant battle between comparison and content.
Idolize the perfect body, the perfect hair, the perfect skin routine, the perfect face shape, the perfect breast size, the perfect gym glutes, the must-be-perfected everything about ourselves.
And after we ‘achieve’ one of the above, we move on to the next project of ourselves.
Women of God, there’s a difference between bettering your body and eating habits, versus objecting your body and eating habits. What I mean by objecting is subjecting ourselves as constant object of attention - attention to the self, and not to God. Attention to the self-image, instead of God’s image.
We should want what is God’s best - for our souls, minds, bodies, and health. We are the temple for the Holy Spirit. But taking that best and turning it into nitpicking obsession, is never going to satisfy your fleshly self-image. You are created in God’s image.
You are the rib, the daughter, the child, the woman of God. When you complicate your beauty in Christ, (beauty as in faith, modesty, prayer, love, kindness, fruits of the spirit, peace), you compromise Christ.
Instead of reflecting Christ, you’re reflecting the world. You’re fixing your outward appearance to match the mask of unpredictable industries.
You can’t say you love God, but then love complaining about your facial features, your body shape, your weight, your stretch marks, your hair, your lips… your whole Godly make up boiled down to what the world defines as a “woman”.
I’ve been here, and I am here, and to be honest, nothing in the world is going to make you a more beautiful daughter, sister, mother, wife, than being in Christ.
We need to value ourselves according to the Word, and not the word of articles, tiktoks, hacks, tutorials, skinny exercise Pilates or whatever.
We mustn’t trade our authentic femininity for short-lived vanity. Don’t idolize what you wear, your makeup, your hair, your skin, your fitness level… etc. Instead of praising God and giving Glory to Him, you give praise and glory to companies and models, and products. I’m not saying don’t get your hair down, don’t go to the gym and get fit, don’t get your nails done, don’t eat healthier, don’t try new methods to help with your acne and stretch marks and dermatological complications, don’t not love your gift of being pretty. I’m saying we mustn’t make our outward appearance the standard over Christ. Our outward must reflect our inward, and that happens when we take our eyes off our insecurities and set them in Christ and the loving Word of God.
Nothing in appearance lasts forever, we aren’t going to look younger and cuter when our bodies are buried one day. Proverbs 31:30, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
Seek God, seek His image in you, seek His beauty, His purity, His love: because we are made in His image. We are fearfully and wonderfully made! Psalm 139:14, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
No, maybe you’re not a Victoria Secret Model like Adriana Lima. You’re not the ideal blonde like Taylor Swift, you’re not curvy like Kim Kardashin, you’re not fit like Simone Biles, you’re not attractive like the DCC Cheerleaders, you’re not super intelligent like Amy from the TBBT, you’re not cleared skinned like Jennie from Black Pink. It doesn’t matter what you’re not, it matters what you are: a woman of God. What makes a woman of God attractive and beautiful and intelligent and pleasing, Her love for Christ! PROVERBS 31! Your value and belle is beyond worldy measure. Proverbs 31:15-18, “…She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed.
Don’t spend your life hating your body, it is your vessel for the Adonai Almighty.
^ 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
^ 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
Don’t simplify your significance to God, by treating it as an insecurity. You’re perfect as following Him makes you to be. Matthew 19:21, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
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fort-cozy-mcblanket · 2 months
Hi friend!! :D
Why did you start watching TBBT if you hated it so much? Sounds like traitor behavior to me...
There isn't really a simple answer for this. My history with The Big Bang Theory is long and I don't actually know if I remember everything that happened exactly along the way. The problem with significant moments is often you don't realize they are significant until much later. If I had known how things would turn out, I would have tried to pay more attention.
I first heard about The Big Bang Theory when I was in high school, probably within a year or two of when it started airing. At the time I was deeply in love with Friends and that alone was reason enough for me to not like TBBT; every other sitcom just felt like a poor imitation that paled in comparison. In 2010 I made my first tumblr blog where I posted pretty much exclusively about Friends and I remember feeling so annoyed whenever TBBT gifs found their way onto my dashboard. Another reason. This wasn't fair of me, I know, but that was how I felt.
And I did catch parts of TBBT here and there around this time, but I never found it funny. It always seemed to be Howard saying something creepy or the characters being mean to each other. So I didn't bother trying to watch much more of it. I didn't really know anyone who liked it anyway, so it didn't matter.
But then a few things happened.
I was in college and taking some TV production courses and the professor had us work on recreating some TBBT scenes in collaboration with one of the acting classes. One of the scenes was from The Pirate Solution and I remember being behind the cameras while the student playing Raj read the line, "Okay, please don't take this the wrong way, but I would rather swim buck naked across the Ganges with a paper cut on my nipple and die a slow, agonizing death from a viral infection than work with you," and it was the first time I ever laughed at something from the show. I mentioned it to my roommate later and she said that TBBT did have some good parts. I wasn't exactly convinced but I did start to think a little better about it.
And then, still in TV production class, Mark Cendrowski (TBBT's director) came to visit us and work on some scenes. He was so nice and it was a lot of fun and afterwards I remember feeling kind of bad that I got to have that experience when I don't even care about the show, instead of someone who is a fan. It was around then that I started to think maybe I should give it a chance.
But then I didn't really do anything. A few months before graduating I got really into Bob's Burgers and that was pretty much all I cared about for a few years. In 2014 I started my Bob's Burgers tumblr blog under the username eroticfriendfictions and proceeded to build an even bigger audience under that. TBBT was at the periphery of things. If asked I still said I didn't like it and most people I knew also didn't like it, so life continued on.
I don't know exactly when it was that I first saw Amy. All I know is at some point I was flipping through TV channels and caught part of some episode with her in it. I still didn't like the show, but I saw her and thought, Oh. It's you, you're The Favorite. It's the most conclusive evidence scientists have to prove the existence of love at first sight.
I still didn't start really watching TBBT until around 2016. At that time I was working multiple part time jobs and I also picked up a freelance project that was pretty tedious but paid decent and could be done from home just whenever I had spare time. I wanted background noise while I worked on that and somehow ended up with TBBT reruns on the TV. It then became my go-to and I watched a good deal of the show during my time on that project.
But I still had complicated feelings about it. There were parts I enjoyed, but also parts that I felt were hard to watch. I adored Amy so much, but so many of the jokes from her early episodes boiled down to, 'She never had any friends! She doesn't know how to act because she's never had friends before!! Isn't it funny how she never had any friends!?!' In some ways, it felt like I was being punished for liking her, for not wanting to point and laugh at her. Nevertheless, I kept watching and I was slowly getting won over. I actually got to a point where I started reading Shamy fanfiction. I can remember some of the fics. I can remember illegally streaming The Opening Night Excitation because I hadn't caught it on TV yet.
And then that freelance project ended and I just stopped. I stopped watching and I stopped reading the fics and I went back to Bob's Burgers. I brushed up so close to the TBBT fandom right then, I don't actually know how I managed to prevent it. I felt the fixation forming and somehow reversed it, which shouldn't have been possible for me. I guess I wasn't ready to give up Bob's Burgers yet. Sometimes I wonder how things would have been different if I had.
Fast forward to 2020 and the pandemic. I lost the full-time job I'd had for 2 years and went back to watching Friends for comfort. Threw myself back into it, actually. Started thinking about sitcoms in general and rewatched some others as well. When I got a new job offer a thousand miles away from where I lived, I realized there was nothing holding me where I was and took it. I moved to my new place at the end of 2020, decorated it with all the Friends merch I could buy, and started the new job. And at the end of a long day of training, I found myself putting on TBBT reruns.
So finally, in early 2021, I decided to binge-watch the whole show properly. I had nothing left in me to fight it any longer. There were still aspects of the show I didn't like, but my love for Amy and Shamy finally won out.
And now here I am.
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One of my dreams last night was about The Big Bang Theory.
And I've not watched TBBT in years. I've not accidentally come across it in years, and I've not gone out of my way to watch it since I realised how awful it was, so I'm not even sure I know where it came from.
But Leonard was in their flat trying to tell Sheldon, Amy and Raj that he was bisexual. Penny was also there and I assume she already knew.
Instead of just saying he's bisexual or fancies men and women or whatever, he says, "I am like the *insert species of bunny rabbit i'm not sure even exists because I don't know much about rabbits*."
Amy twigs straight away. Raj said "... what?"
Sheldon turned to Raj and said "He has a propensity for eating butter despite the fact he's lactose intolerant"
And Leonard just did this buffering thinking face for a few seconds, until the scene continued and he said "He's right, I do have a propensity for butter despite being lactose intolerant but that's not quite what I said" and then just came straight out with it that he was bisexual.
Let's not look too closely at the comparison to rabbits, because I don't think they approach sex and attraction the same way as humans do, given their inclination to have sex with their own siblings.
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itseivwhore · 4 years
Oh oh listen! Eivor's and Sigurd's height difference kinda remind me of Leonard's and Sheldon's height difference! Lmao
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As a person who watched all the episodes/seasons of 'The Big Bang Theory', I can confirm this,but I never thought about that,so as soon as I started to picture them I lost it,I'm dying.
So yes this:
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100% accurate.
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jimparsons-gifs · 6 years
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The YOUNG Cooper boys vs The BIG Cooper boys 😊😜
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nightjarring · 7 years
I type how i talk irl and that entails using words like entails, unfortunately
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halloithmeagain · 3 years
Lol here goes what why is there an obsession with America?
😂😂 Idk really, I think it’s the tv series that made me fall a little in love with America, friends, how I met your mothers, tbbt etc, anyways don’t get me wrong there’s a lot about it that I dislike and don’t understand but bagels?? The houses, how huge it is in comparison to the UK, how majority of things comes out there before here, the places to visit, I don’t really know how to explain this one but you know here all we have is 3 big theme parks, rocky meh looking beaches, boring countryside areas and boring cities whereas America, well you know what I’m getting at lol. Also the people, they’re a lot funnier, more diverse, I feel like most people from Britain are the same ngl, most people have the same interests and rarely see people being different, everyone just does the same thing, not really sure if I make sense lmao but yeah basically boring 😭
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rgbcn · 5 years
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Science power! 🌟 patreon.com/rgbcn Happy #internationalwomensday ! I wanted to redraw my fav scientists since forever, and today was the best day to do it!! Swipe to see the full version. Do you recognise the drawing? it’s from an old drawing from 2016. Do you want to see the comparison? Different techniques, but different feelings as well. Let me know! I miss so much seeing @missmayim and @themelissarauch together . At least we saw them playing @scrabblego ! They were so funny! To all women reading this, keep rocking!! You are amazing! Enjoy the drawing! HQ drawing, wallpapers, process drawings and video timelapse will be available on my Patreon for March rewards. ‪‪‪‪‪‪.‬‬‬‬ ♥️ Get my drawings and wallpapers joining my Patreon club! ‪‪‪‪‪Link in bio! ‪‪‪‪.‬‬‬‬‬‬ ⚠️ Please don’t use, edit or repost my drawings without my permission, thank you. ‪‪‪‪.‬‬‬‬‬‬ ‪‪‪‪‪‪.‬‬‬‬ #rgbcn #bigbangtheory #melissarauch #mayimbialik #science #amyfarrahfowler #bernadette #scientists #woman #women #tbbt #thebigbangtheory #womensday #copicmarker ‪ #fanart‬ #power #biology #neuroscientist #microbiologist #smart #labcoat #tvshow #formulas #maths #patreon #artist #comics #comic #comicart https://www.instagram.com/p/B9equ2MDEeC/?igshid=1d7h2sndjc1s6
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majimforever-blog · 8 years
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#artnowandthen It's been one year since I started drawing. I am glad that I am making some progress! I hope that one year later I can compare my drawing with what I drew today as well💕 #thebigbangtheory#tbbt#redraw#redrawing#drawingcomparison#comparison#art#fanart#draw#drawing#pencil#pencilart#pencildrawing#sketch#pencilsketch#mayimbialik#portrait#portraits#artwork#artsy#arts_help
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princessnijireiki · 6 years
I reeeeeally need to unfollow the fucking #tendo choi tag bc I've begun seeing Bad whitewashed content again and he wasn't even in the last movie
(cut for length / negativity lol)
like the app, without warning, bc of this tracked tag, put on my dash a screenshot someone took of one of the white men from "the big bang theory" & bc this man had suspenders on they were like, "oh, lol, when did tendo start working here?"
and ykw? I love the concept of one (1) peruvian-chinese-american man played by a chicano & conceived of using mexican + mexican-american visual shorthands & cultural nods in a quasi ww2 informed scifi setting— this ex-con making good as a mariner & then a gear-head programmer after the gov't fell through on poor people twice— that's 100% my shit, the only shit I have on ao3 are like a few tendo choi prompt fics I did for a poc in pac rim thing & like, a lone atla fic.
…but this white nonsense only stirs hate in my heart and truly feels like a test from the devil.
which isn't fair to op bc I don't know them nor do I want to unleash that anger on a stranger who isn't talking to or about me, just bc their opinions over a fictional character are wrong…
but it's not fucking fair to me, either. it's not fair to have shit I actively avoid like tbbt sprung on me, on top of the weird whitewashing implications of that comparison to begin with, which I've had to endure in small doses since 2015, because white fans don't know how to be fucking normal over characters of color unless they recontextualize or reinterpret those characters as white, or position them as ethnic satellites to white characters they never even had scenes with over the course of two films, one of which they weren't even in.
it's exhausting.
and I'm literally just too worn down by this new wave of foolishness to keep following a tag for something I genuinely like, just as a baseline, as a woman of color in a fandom space, even though it's one I personally contributed to, and tried to both see and be the good in. it sucks.
and this is also a shitty breaking point to have, btw! wish it was cooler or sth, I guess! but wallowitz from tbbt in suspenders & a bow tie is where I'm drawing my line. I'm done.
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abhiknotes · 4 years
Nerds, Big Bang and the silicon valley!
Nerds, Big Bang and the silicon valley!
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Recently I have been watching the famous ‘The Big Bang Theory’ TV series. I must say that it is one of the best comedy series I have ever watched. Even ‘Friends’, of which I used to be a die hard fan of seems to be less funny as compared to TBBT. Anyways, this post is not intended for any sort of comparison between comedy sitcoms. Rather, I would like to write about the importance of nerds/geeks…
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bigbangblog · 7 years
Con el próximo estreno de Batman & Harley Quinn, Culture Glitch ha comparado las interpretaciones de voz de Tara Strong y Melissa Rauch como Harley Quinn. La incorporación de Melissa ha recibido muchas críticas, porque muchos fans DC prefieren y querían que continuara Tara Strong. #Repost @thecultureglitch with @instatoolsapp ・・・ With the release of #BatmanAndHarleyQuinn a few days away there has been a lot of criticism over #BigBangTheory's Melissa Rauch aka #Bernadette performance as #HarleyQuinn. People are upset that the immaculate #TaraStrong didn't reprise her role as The Maid Of Mischief! We decided to make a side by side comparison of them both! Who do you prefer? Do you think they're too harsh on Melissa or Did Tara set the bar too high? #Batman #HarleenQuinzel #DC #DCComics #DCU #ArkhamUnderworld #tbbt #bigbangtheory #melissarauch #melissarauch
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zeraali · 7 years
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rgbcn · 6 years
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Jim Parsons BW 🖤 ‬progress pics comparison. You enjoyed last time I did this with a portrait, so here’s another! Lots of hours behind every drawing, sometimes you just want to give up, but it’s worth it. ‪Original photo by Pal Hansen, done with @procreate + apple pencil‬ ‪Thanks for supporting my art on 🌟 patreon.com/rgbcn‬ ‪#rgbcn #jimparsons #sheldoncooper #boysintheband #bigbangtheory #tbbt #akidlikejake #actor #suit #hand #digitalart #portrait #photography #blackandwhite #sexy #handsome #procreate #applepencil #illustration #beforeandafter #time #ipadpro #digitalartist #practise #arte #digitalpainting #retrato #dibujo #artistofinstagram ‬
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rgbcn · 7 years
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2016 2017 comparison!! #johnnygalecki #kunalnayyar #tbbt #fanart #bigbangtheory #portrait I’m busy editing rewards for my patreon page! But I did this comparison with my old portraits and my new ones of Kunal and Johnny. Late 2015- Early 2016 for the ones above  and super recents 2017, as you know, the ones below. Proud of the evolution! If you want to improve, just keep working on whatever you do. It’s worth it. Also there were people asking me if the portraits were a photo edit or digital. NO! I will say if it’s digital, and also my patrons can tell you I posted WIP photos of all the process. And Johnny’s timelapse is on youtube. Kunal will be soon. It’s pencil drawing, believe me, I spent so many hours doing it 😅 Have a great day!!!! Soon new drawings! But first patreon rewards!! @bigbangtheory_cbs @kunalkarmanayyar @sanctionedjohnnygalecki -- Remember you can support my art here https://www.patreon.com/rgbcn or buy me a coffee here https://ko-fi.com/rgbcnart #rgbcn #realisticdrawing #rajeshkoothrappali #leonardhofstadter #art #thebigbangtheorycast #bigbang #thebigbangtheory #draw #drawing #sketch #pencil #celebritydrawing #rajesh #actor #pencildrawing #celebrity #man #hansome #eyebrows #hair #leonard #evolution
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