#in fact it doesn't take too much to trick Yang
thefoolishnighmare · 1 year
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Yeah. I'm sharing this with all of you. Hope you like it.
Inspired by the justice league x RWBY part 2 trailer.
I regret nothing.
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arcanesea · 9 months
sparks fly
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PAIRING: yang jeongin x reader GENRE: best friends to lovers, jeongin has a f!fans that annoys reader lol WC: 1.1k WARNING: profanity, jeongin is a little mean:[
"Special delivery from your 'secret admirer'." You said, making an air quote after slamming the coffee cup with a little too much force. You took your seat across Jeongin, huffing.
He looked inside the cup, pushing it in your direction, "You drink first, it might be poisoned."
You flip the ungracious finger in front of his face. Throwing a mocking smile. His so-called secret admirer (who lives directly across your dorm) has been making some inquiries over the last couple of weeks. Coffee, bottled beverages, cookies, even sandwiches, only for Jeongin. She waited in front of your door every morning, requesting you to deliver the goods to Jeongin.
When asked why she didn't do it herself, she claims that she doesn't have the courage yet. Along with that, she also asks you to play matchmaker. You would've agreed if she's not actually acting so annoying, asking for a selfie or even a photo of Jeongin with the stuff she sends.
"What if he thought this was all from me?" you ask one day, holding the tuna sandwich in your hand. Jeongin hates tuna, he prefers chicken sandwiches or plain bacon.
"Why? Do you plan on tricking him into believing that?" she asks back, confused. "You're just friends, right? You always said so, Jeongin does too."
Right… Friends…
Today was probably your tipping point because she's in a hurry, and you don't have class until later in the afternoon so you planned to sleep in a little bit. But persistent as ever, she knocks violently at your door, waking your roommates who had the day off, basically pissing the both of you and now you're just cranky.
"Did she annoy you?" Jeongin asked. He swirls the cup in a figure-8 motion, trying to assess your mood this morning.
"You think?" you respond. You took out your laptop, trying not to be a pile of negative energy. "I don't get it why she's so persistent, it's not like you're going to date her anyways, right?" you ask Jeongin without looking in his direction. Truth is, you're afraid that he might've said that you're wrong.
"Well since she seems to be perceived in a bad way by my best friend? Yeah, I think I'll pass," he answers. Your heart sank at the word best friend, but that's just the way you are. His hands leave the cup, tousling your hair.
"It's not like that, it's just… she's hell-bent on sending you this stuff, through me, like I'm some goddamn owl." You press on your keyboards violently. "And I'm still nice for actually giving it to you. I could've eaten them all by myself!" You exclaim. You had, in fact, thought about that. But that would make you look so bad, that even your roommates vote against doing so in case of karma.
"Are you not going to drink it?" you ask, eyeing the coffee. "I haven't eaten anything and I feel I could eat someone right now."
"I'll get you a new one," he said, standing up from his seat. "Sandwich?"
"Tuna," you answered, offering him a smile. "Thanks, you're the best!"
He grabs the coffee cup with him and walks inside the cafeteria to order a sandwich. He looked around the room when his eyes caught a glimpse of the so-called secret admirer. Well, he found that bit by himself, taking notes from the description you gave him along the time. His eyes met hers and he dropped the coffee cup on the bin. Not even taking a sip from it.
Jeongin hesitates a bit before actually approaching her. She didn't notice him at first until one of her friends whispered in her ear, pointing at him. He leans on the table, throwing a vile smirk. Luckily the cafeteria is so bustling with people that no one even notices the scene.
"Listen," Jeongin said. "I appreciate your effort, but you need to quit."
"Why? Did your little friend say something bad about me?" She dared herself to ask. Jeongin clicks his tongue, unimpressed. "Am I wrong to try? You're single anyways."
"Wow, you really got some attitude," he responds with a smile. "I can't tolerate an ungrateful person," he expels, surprising her. He's not one to talk shit about someone else, but when they mess with you, they're looking for a fight with him too (even when you're capable of picking fights by yourself, it makes him feel much better if you don't have to).
"You need to apologize, or you don't have to. Either way, this stops now." Jeongin said, "I'll pay you back if you want. Let's not waste each other's energy on something impossible to achieve, and that means the possibility of you and me together."
Without waiting for her response, Jeongin walked out and took his place in front of you. Handing you the tuna sandwich.
"You don't have to do that, you know," you said, opening the paper wrap and thanking him. You saw him approaching her table earlier when you went in to wash your hands. From afar, you can see his cynical face contrasting her shocked expression. You don't even want to interrupt, letting him do what he feels like doing. You trust him enough to not do something stupid or say something harmful. Counting on him to stay on course, which he did, just the cold-hard truth is all that comes out of his mouth.
"What?" he asks back, eyebrows knitting together. Then it sets on his face, "Oh… Well." He shrugs nonchalantly.
"Why did you even grant her wishes? I thought you liked me."
You choked on your sandwich at his careless statement, grabbing your bottle before chugging the water inside, leaving him laughing.
"Excuse me? How did you even come up with that?" you ask. Though you act cool, your insides are trembling with fear.
"Well, because I like you, I just thought the feelings were mutual." He bites into his sandwich, looking at you with your jaw slightly dropped. "Was it not mutual?" he asks again when you didn't respond for a few minutes.
"Is this seriously how you're gonna confess to me? are you tricking me into confessing first? That's such a dick move, you know." You gulp your water again, trying to drown the nervousness.
"Well, what do you want me to do? Going down on one knee is definitely too early, right?" he asks, trying to play innocent. He puts down his sandwich, looking at you, seriously this time. "I like you," he started. "That should be enough confession, right?"
His eyes turned the shape of a crescent moon, a genuine smile on his face.
"Fine," you admit defeat, putting down your own sandwich before ripping the bands of friendzone by saying; "I like you too."
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look who's posting double due to technical error:/
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sokkastyles · 1 year
Remember that long post that caused a bunch of discourse a while ago? I found this tantalizing reblog which I'm not sure if you might have seen because they might have blocked you, or you might have blocked them. It's a response to this addition by OP btw. It's one of the more prolific stans too. If you're looking for bad takes, you'd love this.
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The first paragraph is about the claim that Azula was abused in the asylum because Gene Yang said so, even though he didn't say that at all. What he said was "we'll see what a year in a fire nation asylum does to her" which could mean absolutely anything. Add on to that the general public's view of mental health institutions as awful places little better than prisons that you put people in to forget about them, plus the fact that Azula doesn't want to be there and is angry about losing her freedom and doubly angry about the idea that she needs help from anyone, and it's very obvious why he said that. This idea that Gene Yang said that as a confirmation of abuse happening in the asylum is bizarre, especially when it's combined with the insistence that Yang thinks Azula being abused is a good thing. Do these people think he was like, cackling evilly and steepling his fingers like Mr. Burns while he said that?
But even if Yang did say that Azula was abused in the asylum, what OP says is still true. If the author says something that contradicts what is actually shown in the text, then interpreting the text based on what is presented is valid. Nothing Yang said did contradict what is shown, though, because we do see that Azula is worse for the wear in the asylum. But that's because she's been stewing in her rage for a year after being defeated, driving away all her friends and allies, losing all of her political power and strength, and being haunted by hallucinations that no one knows about, because she doesn't tell them. These hallucinations are also manifestations of her own guilt. She did harmful things and is paying the price for it. It would be very out of character if we saw her happy in the asylum when her brother who she thinks is beneath her and is now firelord comes to visit her. Just like we don't expect Ozai to be happy and doing well in prison. Is Ozai being abused as well? Because I will remind everyone reading this that abuse does not have to do with how much sympathy you have for the victims or what they deserve, it has to do with someone who is in a position of power taking advantage of someone they have power over. Azula having to be restrained to protect those around her is not abuse, just as Ozai being imprisoned to protect those around him is not abuse. If Zuko were to, like, have Ozai tortured while in prison, that would be abuse. Or if Azula were forced to be in a straight jacket 24/7, but we don't see that happening or have any evidence that it happened.
Lol at "the difference between abuse and toxicity." The difference is that people on tumblr think "toxicity" is a buzzword to pull out to excuse abusers because it's not a term with a specific definition the way abuse is and can be applied to a wide number of situations to make it look like the victims of abuse are equally at fault.
And actually, the atla wiki says that agni kais actually were not as brutal before Sozin's reign, and traditionally were supposed to be a last resort to settle a dispute. And Azula does not slightly smirk, she smiles and holds up her fist in triumph. Also lol @ this person telling OP they don't understand abusive dynamics and then trying to argue that Zuko's agni kai with Ozai was just tradition, when even according to the tradition, it was very obviously an abuse of power on Ozai's part. The wiki also says that traditionally, the firelord was not often challenged, because he is among the most powerful firebenders. For the firelord to trick his son into fighting against him is most certainly abuse, especially given the already existing dynamic of emotional abuse. And the cover of "tradition" adds to the abusiveness of it, because abusers know how to make their behavior look socially acceptable and will often use tradition as an excuse. Why do you think Ozai never raised a hand against Zuko before it was in a socially sanctioned duel? Ozai used the agni kai because he knew he could get away with it.
Azula was smiling and holding her fist up in triumph at seeing her father abuse her brother. It doesn't make Azula evil, but it is part of a pattern of her joining in on Ozai's abuse of her brother and using the fact that she had Ozai's favor and he did not against him, and that she enjoyed this dynamic. These are inferences, yes, but they are inferences drawn from what is explicitly shown in the text, and part of a whole, and consistent with everything else we see about Azula's character and her dynamic with Zuko and Ozai.
I would not say Mai "cheerily" went with Azula. Part of her motivation was boredom, but Azula still chose to threaten her baby brother to make sure she had Mai's loyalty, and Mai clearly did not like being ordered around by Azula and there's a clear power dynamic there that is being taken advantage of by Azula. Just like there is a clear power dynamic between Azula and Zuko, and Zuko preventing Azula from harming him and others does not make her his victim. Plus the fact that Azula abused Zuko and had power over him throughout most of their childhood, and mutual abuse doesn't exist and is an invention of abusers to try and shift blame.
It's also just really laughable that this person then goes on a tirade about holding characters "accountable" that already stopped being villains, then insists that the OP really just wants Azula to suffer, even though they said nothing about her suffering. They don't seem to understand that this is not about who needs to be punished for their actions, it is about how Azula is not and never has been sorry for her actions and continues to do harm to others, and that calling other characters abusive for defending themselves from her is disgusting.
The final plea to "let Azula move on with her life" is also hilarious. As if the OP who said that Zuko did not abuse Azula is somehow preventing the very fictional Azula from "moving on." Azula can't move on because she is a villain and continues to be one.
Also, that person could not be civil to begin with. I've only ever seen them in the context of incoherent rage rants on other people's posts about how Zuko is the real abuser, actually.
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veliseraptor · 2 years
since xue yang pretending to be someone else/hiding his identity is such a big part of his relationship w xingchen, how do you think it would translate in modern au? if it's reincarnation!au would he pretend to have no memories of his past life or somehow manipulate xingchen into believing he's not actually xue yang's reincarnation (considering they won't necessarily have the same names)?
I actually disagree, I think! Well, in some ways - mostly in that I don't think that Xue Yang hiding his identity is a necessary part of his relationship with Xiao Xingchen. It's important in canon because of the particular arc their story takes there, but I don't think it needs to be retained in any and all AU versions of their story. In fact, I actually tend to...chafe when I feel like a modern AU, for instance, is trying too hard to exactly replicate the circumstances of the canon setting/find equivalencies for everything, because I think it...overlooks the ways in which, culturally if nothing else, the fundamental background of a modern world is going to alter the way characters interact with others and themselves.
(I've gone on record about how I see this applying specifically with Xue Yang, because I've thought about that one the most, and how I think a modern Xue Yang has...more complexes than the canon one about the way his brain works.)
So that being said - I think it really depends on how it's set up. I think it is likely, in a modern AU iteration that isn't a reincarnation AU, that Xue Yang would still be keeping secrets from Xiao Xingchen - but less fundamentally about who he is in terms of name/singular identity than...who he is when he's not polishing off some of the rough edges, as it were, in order to not scare Xiao Xingchen off. Which...I guess ymmv about that being manipulative, I have my own opinions about that but that's not the topic of this already lengthy response.
I'm actually presently writing a reincarnation AU where neither Xue Yang nor Xiao Xingchen is aware that that's what's happening, and in that situation that's pretty much what it is - there's a lot that Xue Yang is keeping back from Xiao Xingchen, but none of it has to do with a prior personal connection that's being held back.
(Side note that while I know it's not 'realistic' I tend to retain names even in reincarnation AUs primarily for ease of recognition and reader familiarity. I can come up with meta explanation/rationale for this but mostly I just don't go into it in the time honored tradition of just saying "/handwave go with it.")
In an AU where Xue Yang does remember...my read here depends on whether that memory is extant before or after he and Xiao Xingchen interact and/or form a relationship. Because if it's the former, I actually think he's fairly likely to avoid Xiao Xingchen entirely as much as possible, because that is a lot of very scary baggage, emotionally, that I think Xue Yang would look at and go "don't like that! not dealing with that!" and hightail it in the other direction. (not necessarily out of. like. guilt or moral compunction, to be clear; a lot of it is just that's a Lot and more than he would like to tackle if he doesn't have to.
If it's the latter I think he'd try as hard as possible for as long as possible to pretend that he doesn't remember anything, but I don't think that'd be a move born out of trying to trick Xiao Xingchen so much as a move born out of just...again, not wanting to engage with that because! it's a lot! not something he would like to get into thank you very much.
And why should he have to! It happened, it's over, now everybody just move on already! It's fine! Kick the past trauma under the carpet like he does, it'll work great.
Two things that I take into consideration here, specifically in the context of a reincarnation AU:
At the end of his life in canon, Xue Yang is not...in a good place. He's pretty fucked up! Everything has gone awfully and not the way he wanted. By the time he actually dies, he's lost everything, both literally (he doesn't have his Xiao Xingchen mementos to hang onto) and figuratively (the hope of getting Xiao Xingchen back). There's just nothing left. I've written before, I think, about how in CQL Song Lan killing Xue Yang is almost a mercy, because he's really just...done. So in a reincarnation AU where he has full memory of his past life, the arc there is just straight up, for him, of misery and failure. However little he might care about the feelings of other people involved, I just do not think he would be inclined to go for that again, at least not in the same way.
Secondly: Xue Yang's original lie to Xiao Xingchen wasn't...just out of a malicious desire to trick him so he could fuck with him. I mean, is that an amazing side effect that he takes advantage of? Absolutely. But, at base, Xue Yang doesn't tell Xiao Xingchen who he is to begin with because it would be dangerous for him to do so. He believes, and for fairly good reason, that Xiao Xingchen knowing who he is would mean Xiao Xingchen killing him very dead, and that's obviously not an ideal outcome for Xue Yangs. So if that's not a factor...that's going to change at least a substantial portion of the calculus for what Xue Yang does and doesn't tell Xiao Xingchen about himself.
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tevatstavern · 4 years
Yang overload.
- Chongyun's positive (Yang) energy seemed to have gotten stronger lately, and it's starting to get out of hand more often than needed. Maybe a little talk about it won't hurt.
[chongyun x g.n reader] [no t.w] [slight fluff]
a.n I do apologize if they're always slight fluff, ehe I'm no good at fluffy fluffy yet! And the short summaries too;; (´;ω;`)
After a while of nothing but staring at the beautiful sight around Liyue in Wanmin, you've suddenly felt suspicious with Chongyun's present behaviour.
He seemed a little dazed, it was also accompanied with a emotionless face. You would've thought he was reflecting on his life as an exorcist. But, no. It wasn't anything like that all!
Infact, it was the complete opposite.
All he could ponder about in his mind was you. Though, It may seem like it was way too cheesy and unromantic to him. After all, he didn't have the time to have such fun or acquire a small crush on a person.
But that seemed to changed today.
With a sigh, you stirred your iced water with a graceful slide with your fingers. The ice cubes clinking slightly when touching the inner parts of the glass cup.
It was no secret that you were gifted a vision by the gods. It was no different on how the others had gotten them as well.
Flabbergasted by the sudden news, you immediately made your mind up to help the ones in dire need with your vision! Of course, it wasn't always a perfect and clean run helping out, but the compensation were definitely rewarding.
After all, with great power comes with great responsibility.
Well, to start off your day, you went ahead and tried to find a glimpse of a blue haired exorcist during the marketplace below, early in the morning. Since he seems to be here for a reason, and definitely was not intended on resting.
So you decided to tag along with him before and during his commissions given by Katheryne.
It was a mess trying to clean up the scattered Cor Lapis that suddenly spurred out of his hands the second he turned around to see you waving. And by total accident, you've managed to blow 1 away from the ground and straight to the ocean.
You've never felt so guilty yet quite amused this year. Wincing, as he came back drenched, bangs almost fully covering his eyes. The wooden planks also wet from his steps.
"Sorry! I- I seriously still don't know how to control this well! I'm so sorry-"
"Its alright, All that matters now is that I've gotten my Cor Lapis back. It would've been a disaster if it swept across oceans. It was good I manage to swim my way there on time."
And Giving him his homemade ice popsicles didn't even do the trick at all!
"...so, feel better?"
"No. The heat is slowly rising up an- and I can't seem to stop it- I- I think I might've eaten something hot while I was chewing!"
"Want me to make a sweeter version instead? Or do you want me to fetch some Cyro Whopperflower's real quick instead?"
"It- it's alright! just make the popsicles please!"
This weekend, chaos was happening more frequently around him, and you were sure it was bound to continue like this in the next weeks. Besides, you weren't sure if he was in the right mindset this afternoon after all the things that had happened this morning.
Of course you knew he was strong enough to handle such issues and problems himself! But, maybe it's time for you to intervene.
And so, with a nervous glint in your eyes, you opened up your mouth, "Hey.." you spoke out, His eyes seemingly snapping back into reality as soon as he heard your voice, before making an eye contact with you.
"Huh? What is it? My apologies, it seems like I've dozed off.." apologizing, he immediately averted his eyes. Oh dear, is he heating up quicker than usual?
"Its alright, really. I just wanted to ask if there was anything wrong lately. Uh, like your Yang energy?"
"It's nothing to worry about.. Recently, my Yang energy has gotten stronger over the past few weeks and I've been trying to restraint it as much as I can." He confessed, clearing his throat in the process before lifting one of his hands up to grab his iced drink.
With a tilt of a head, you hummed in response. "I don't know about you, but I think that's something to worry about. Any explanations on how it gotten stronger?"
"No, sadly. I'm still trying to find the reasons to it, still no luck. But that's not what matters now, we still have a commission we haven't done yet."
"Wait what? I
thought we finished them all already!"
"Ah.. about that, its not really a commission but instead, clues and information's on spirits I've managed to get a hold of."
"And who did you get it from?"
"Xingqiu, he truly is a good friend, isn't he? With this much research and clues, we'll surely find a good one amongst these papers!" With a small and gentle smile, he sends it towards you. Placing the papers right in front, your eyes scanning through each information given.
'A Blue haired demon destroying a cart of popsicles in Qingce Village?'
"..of course." Ending the topic with a sigh, you took a sip of your water, watching as the sunset slowly get overtaken by the moon and stars. Chongyun did the exact same thing as well, watching as the skies split apart to show the bright moon.
Oh dear, did he managed to catch feelings for you during his travels? He could feel his heart beating.
Touching his face with his hand, he felt the heat slowly becoming more apparent. Sneaking a glance of you near him, his eyes softened.
How would he even confess to you? It was hard confessing without feeling so mushy and awkward, but now, since his Yang energy gotten stronger, it was impossible to even spit the words out at all!
It was in a perfect scenario already! There was barely any customers near, the night sky, with you by his side. It was all set. All he had to do was tell you and everything would be complete!
With a shaky hand, he gripped the glass before sighing. 'Alright, all I have to do is tell them before it's too late!'
Feeling his cheeks heat more than it did before,
He then sputtered out his confession.
"[ y.n ]. There's something important and urgent I need to tell you." Grabbing your attention immediately, you snapped your eyes towards Chongyun. "Yeah? What is it?"
With both of your eyes interlocked with one another, your heartbeats beating in a synchronised beat- you felt like this was a dream. This exact scenario that went through your head before.
His comforting yet sharp eyes staring directly at you with such intense passion, you felt like you could melt at the sight of it. The street lights and lamps that illuminate his face, and the blush plastered across his face was enough for you to replicate the same expression.
"[ y.n ] , uhm.. I.."
"Uh, I...."
Oh, well, this wasn't going as planned for him was it?
Nervously gulping, he averted his eyes from you. Watching you stare at him with a blush apparent on your face was enough to make him feel heated up and embarrassed.
Raising his hands, he gripped them together for support. "I..." He spoke, slowly turning his words into incoherent words, mumbling silently to himself before the heat finally got the best of him.
Immediately noticing how red he've gotten, you hastily replied to him to calm down. Grabbing his hand by the action, and gently letting him take hold of the iced drink himself.
But alas, it only worsened as he realized you were holding his hand for a mere second.
"Chongyun!" You yelled out, quickly getting out of your seat before grabbing ahold of him by the arm, the wind blowing in slightly to prevent him from falling over quickly.
Settling him back to his seat in the Wanmin restaurant, you sighed. The blush still visible in your face. The fire behind you cackling as footsteps from another person suddenly is being heard.
Giving your full attention to the entrance, your shoulders tensing up in anticipation, as you waited patiently. The footsteps growing louder and louder, only to be relieved that it was Chef Mao.
"Hey! Didn't know you two were still here, I was about to close up the restaurant." He grinned, walking inside the restaurant as he immediately went tidying up.
"Oh, we were just watching the sunset. I guess we've stayed for too long." You chuckled, Chef Mao could only laugh in return.
"Wayyy too long. Well, you might need to ask for some help if you need to lift a man up." He replied, his words motioning to Chongyun. His back faced to you as he placed the utensils back to their places.
You shook your head in disagreement, despite the fact you knew he couldn't see you. "Nono, it's alright. I think I can bring him to Wangshu Inn with no problem. So, How about I help you clean up, Chef Mao?"
"If you say so, and of course, I couldn't say no to that, even if I wanted to!"
Chongyun awoken with a groan, his hands immediately shielding him from the sun rays that sneakily came through the window binds.
"Huh..? Where am I?" He muttered to himself, eyes blinking twice, before he sat upright. Taking a quick scan around his surroundings, he immediately knew where he was.
"Wangshu Inn. But why am I covered in-" his sentence was cut of by the sight of you sitting down on a chair, your head laying on top of the bed. Your lips curling slightly downwards probably from the dream you're having.
Eyes widening slightly, he took the peaceful image of you in his mind. You looked so graceful sleeping,
despite your messy hair that managed to look quite fluffy to touch. The soft rays of light shining through, your body illuminating softly, giving you such an angelic aura. It almost felt like a dream to him aswell.
With a smile, he patted your hair, running his fingers through your hair. Even if it was tangled. Before placing a small yet gentle kiss on top of your forehead.
He doesn't remember anything that had happened to him during that night, like all the memories have been swiped away from him in a millisecond.
But, he was greatful to have a peaceful morning with you finally in it this time.
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bluem0use · 5 years
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It's about time I introduced you to the cast of The Crackin'-Up Studios. Don't worry. You'll be seeing them again, especially in the mini-comics!
**In order from top to bottom, left to right**
Billie Bob Willie-Nillie Black Sheep: The overall face of The Crackin'-Up Studios itself. She is the ring leader to the whole circus. The pilot to all the flight attendance. The manager to a corporate office. You get the whole idea. She's one poppin' fire-cracker (A.K.A. has a short temper) that's all for the business, but doesn't mind getting silly from time to time. On screen, she is the definition of unpredictable and crazy, fun and silly. She's a gun happy country gal that started off small and came out big with her talents for making people laugh. She worked hard to get her way to the top. And all of it has obviously paid off. If someone was to use words to describe her, it would be fun, loving, friendly, brave, courageous, generous, the list could go on and on. This gun-loving  little lady, no matter where she goes, always somehow seems to change people's lives. And for the better.
Poochie Pooh Poodle: Billie's partner-in-crime. Her bestest friend since her younger years. Her ride or die buddy. Poochie is the main co-star to the series, and a serious eye-candy to men. While Billie is featured as the funny, wacky, unpredictable, quirky character on-screen of the trio, Poochie is often featured as the sex-appeal. The sex symbol. The hot mama. She also models as a little side job whenever necessary. She's the sweetest sweetie-pie you will ever meet in your life. However, proceed with caution. When provoked, she's one sassy gal and won't hesitate to give you a mouthful (and probably a gun wound) if you mess with her, or her friends.
Wolfie Blackfang Wolf: What's the three musketeers without a male in the picture? Wolfie may not have known these two women as long as they've known each other, but their his closest family he's ever had since he left the orphanage. He is also the main co-star to the series, accompanied by being the musical genius of the three. Since a young boy, Wolfie has practiced music as not only his hobby, but his life. His alluring ability was able to trap the young black sheep and poodle in a trance on a fateful night in a club where he worked to try and make a living, thus landing him a job and a ticket to materialization through the ladies. From there, he has always acted as the stud of the three, protecting them whenever they needed an extra hand and also charming women with his attractive voice along the way.
Candy Bat: This "monster", this "usually nocturnal creature of the night", this "mysterious shadow" is nothing but a sweet treat in the eyes of many who travel far and wide to Nightwalk Bay to get a taste of his sweet treats at the local candy shop. At least, that's what Billie, Poochie, and Wolfie will tell ya. Famous for his line of business, Candy Bat is a harmless, humble candy man..err..bat that seeks nothing but to fill the mouths of the fortunate with a sweet after-taste. His delicious pastries, frozen desserts, and fizzy drinks aren't the only thing that appeals to the eyes of many. He's also a support character at The Crackin'-Up Studios during the day and a friendly (but hissy, due to his uncontrollable excited hisses whenever he meets someone new and/or is excited) candy shop-keeper at night.
Scratches: Whoa, watch out for that web! There's a BIG spider up there! And his name is none other than Scratches, yet another support cast character for The Crackin'-Up Studios. When in the presence of my six-armed friend, be cautious. Scratches loves the ladies and will go through extreme lengths to entangle you in his web, if he deems you a worthy enough mate. Don't worry fellas, he doesn't swing that way. Though..spider's gotta eat, right? What? Spiders only eat insects? Not this playful, flirtatious one. Note that this spider is dead, and has been ressurrected after a deal made by Ozzan (scroll down to reference Ozzan's bio). Therefore, Scratches likes human flesh too. Dont worry too much though. He's too busy chasing both Poochie and Billie around the studios, trying to declare his love for them. Though...something about a huge demon spider just..turns those two ladies off.
Honey Hyena: As the name implies, this hyena is sweet as honey! Raised on a bee farm, this little lady never expected to end up being a supporting cast character to The Crackin'-Up Studios. That was, until a little Black Sheep mozied on over and decided to offer her the position and the materialization process just like everyone else. She figured the nice lady would need the money boost besides "Milkin' bees all day long" - Billie. Honey loves bees. In fact, on her days off from woking at the studios, that's all she does! Is work, work, work at her long-descended family bee farm, making honey and selling it for some dough (money) as a side job. She is also the motherly figure to all the cartoon ladies on set and often tries to share her knowledge with them in hopes she can help guide them on the right path. I mean, not everyone is perfect, right?
Bon Isabell Bunny: Daughter of a long deceased magician (who was, ironically a white bunny), she has seeked to find more support by becoming a supporting cast character to the TV series. However, though, she wasn't looking to be a supporting character when offered the job by Billie Bob. Bon has a bit of a...strong hatred for Billie Bob. Bon saw how much love and respect the black sheep got, even from her "enemies". So, what does this tempered (its just as bad as Billie's, trust me), quick-to-anger, grumpy gal do? Well, it's like they say, "Kill the sheep, take her wool!". That is...if she could catch her first. Forever caught in this game of cat-and-mouse on screen and off screen, Bon decided to settle into this position for now. Hopefully one day, her magic tricks and traps can pay off and actually earn her a spot in the lead position.
Bon Iseah Bunny: Twin brother to the other Bon Bunny, this bunny seems the complete opposite of his sister. This magic bunny doesn't mind being a supporting cast character, and instead enjoys making others smile with her magic tricks and qurkiness. After all, its what his deceased magician father would have wanted. He admires Billie and everything that she does not only for everyone else, but herself. He just hopes with time, his sister can see that. For now, this calm bunny will just have to play as yin to his sister's yang (A.K.A., trying his best to calm her in her most stressed and ferocious moments).
Molly Cow: Before her rise to fame as another member of The Crackin'-Up Studios crew, Molly Cow, the half-pig half-cow offspring, could not keep a job to save her life! She was lazy, less focused, often slacking or ducking off, and/or giving up before she even set foot in the door! The funny thing is, she wouldn't care, and just go back to living with her parents. Seeing as though Molly's confident and care-free attitude was a necessity to bring on some laughs, all Billie had to do was offer a hand to the voluptuous, intriguing young woman and for some odd reason, this cartoon has managed to keep the job ever since. Side note, if you ask her what her "other" job would be whenever she brings it up, it would be shopping. She is ALL about the fashion!
Malachi (formerly known as "Michael Jamesking"): Yes, Malachi is actually an angel. AND, he is also a featuring asset to the team whenever needed. With the help of one of Veronica's potions (scroll down to reference Veronica's bio), he has the ability to shrink down to size on command. He also is a good line of defense if life-threatening danger ever be-falls the company, for even if he is a judgement angel, he is considered very powerful against a mortal (unless demon weapons are used against him). He is pure, friendly, and kind, however, you must not associate yourself with the presence of evil upon first meetings. He IS a jugement angel after all and will be quick to judge you and shame you for your choice of sin and avoid you like the plague while also be-littleing you. Ironically, the only exception to this treatment is Ozzan (his best friend in all universes) and Bendy (in the head-canon canon universe). Also note, Malachi was never always Malachi. Malachi was once Michael, a regular, normal, working business man who unfortunately got hit by a car on his morning rush to work.
Ozzan: Oh boy. This one's a bad one. If you thought Scratches (scroll up to reference Scratche's bio) was bad, wait until you get a load of this one! This foul-mouthed, ill-mannered, obnoxious, flirtatious pervert is somehow a necessity to The Crackin'-Up Studios. His crude sense of humor and anctics tend to get a good laugh out of adults more than oblivious children. He will flirt with anything, sleep with anything, hell even risk catching some sort of SEXUAL DISEASE for anything that has legs. This man lives, breathes, and embraces everything that is bad at every cost, every time. Its possibly why he was so close to Lucifer (the Devil) back when he was in Hell. Though, take caution. If you piss him off (which isn't really hard to do), he WILL tear you to bits and peices with his bare fists. Also, beware of tentacles and trendils ladies. He has them everywhere and can use them not only in battle, but also for...other things. So beware and..make sure your doors are locked.
Veronica Bat: Born "Daddy's Little Monster", Veronica is the daughter of Candy Bat and Valentine Naxxremis (formerly Bat)(She will be referenced in the next ref). For most of her life, she has lived with her mother and embraced her witch-hood, which usually ends up with the little gloom and doom bookworm getting bullied for being a "half-breed". However, her luck gets turned around when she meets Billie Bob (like a lot of these people's do) who helps instill in her to be happy to be herself and to screw what everyone else says..and to also get back at them at all costs. She looks up to Billie and Poochie as her "Aunties", though, has trouble getting along with her father. She was raised to believe she had left her and her mother and never really loved them. Which, is obviously not true, but, she has a hard time believing that. Once welcomed to the cast, Veronica is a huge hit with the goth little teen girls who aspire to be like her: beautiful and mysterious. Let's just hope she gets he powers under control first, for she struggles with that a great deal on screen for comical effect and off screen.
Patricia Greene Pig: (A/N: She probably has had the MOST change out of all of them, so beware) Patricia is Delloris's (scroll down for Delloris's bio) bestest friend since childhood. Snobby, rude, sassy, class. All of these combined makes her perfect for scenes where she's the girl that thinks she's too good for the male trying to win her heart. Likes are, their only trying to "woo" it for her money. Oh, did I mention she's very wealthy? Her and Delloris aren't friends for nothing. You have to have some sort of status when it comes to getting in goods with the mayor's one and only daughter. Also note that Patricia is an EXTREME germo-phobe and will pelt you down with germ-x if you've so much as TOUCHED an un-sanitized door knob.
Hank Kat: Hank Kat has been an aspired musician since he was a little boy. He has really known the struggles of what it's like to be broke from both of his poor parents. So, as a way to raise some money, he went out on the streets and played his father's old rusty trumphet for some pocket change. Crowds were so awed at his talent, before long, Hank was hitting the clubs to try and win over some cash to take care of his parents once he became of age. Similar to Wolfie, Poochie had just so happened to stumble upon him. Though they didn't exactly see eye-to-eye due to species war, they were able to put their differences aside the night they had spent together, dancing the night away. As they danced, Poochie would listen to this party-goer's story and become sympathetic for the poor fellow. Thus, she figured his wallet could be fed a little more and thus offered for him to be a support character on the team. With his toe-tappin', feed stompin', hand wavin; jams that he can play on trombone, trumphet, pretty much just about any instrument he could blow into, he would become not only a major asset to the supporting cast, but also the music, both at his day job at the studios and his night job in the clubs.
Puncho: This "unstoppable brick wall" can take a punch and also pack it. After all, they don't call him "Puncho" for nothing! Though he's not much of fan favorite unless it comes to his famous boxing episodes, Puncho is a well-served supporting cast in the crew. He's often seen alongside his partner, Scraps Skunk (scroll down for Scrap's bio), no matter what the situation. He has a temper just like Billie, girl Bon, and Ozzan, however, instead of unleashing it by yelling at coworkers and throwing large objects (Billie), chasing someone down the hall with a chainsaw (Girl Bon), or spewing a bunch of curse words that's enough to make a sailor blush (Ozzan), he lets out his steam in the ring. He is the undefeated champion (if you don't count his and Billie's first brawl in one of her posters) within the boxing ring and anyone who dare wants to challenge him in taking his belt, well. Better be prepared for the pain. Bring a lot of ice.
Scraps Skunk: A timid, shy soul who is pure and good at working the ring as a referee. He plays fair though, he always will support his bestest friend, Puncho no matter what. His often scared, frightened, shaky attitude is welcomed on screen whenever needed. He was often bullied through his childhood and unlike those who have toughed up from it, he only seemed to soften. Hell, even Billie has chewed him out for his overly push-over nature. Though, she gives up. For nothing can change this poor man's soft heart and kind ways.
Wallis Moose: What else to say about this guy besides him obviously being a horrible detective? After his first appearance as one in one of Billie's episodes, Wallis fell in love with the idea of being one and even off screen, tries to solve "mysteries" wherever he is needed. However, he always slips up short and makes himself to be a fool. How did he even earn a spot on the team? Well, to put it simple, Wallis is a stone cold, hard drunk. He drinks and drinks and drinks, and when he's hiccuping and stumbling all over the place, Billie couldn't help but find it amusing the first time they met. After all, the first night they met, they both danced drunkinly through the streets of Nightwalk Bay, where they somehow met. As kooky as it sounds, it actually happened. Believe me.
Chico Georgina Chick: This once poor broken flapper was able to leave her broken past of having to prostitute herself on the streets and go some nights starving behind. Coincidentally, Chico was given another opportunity at a better life by Hank Kat (scroll up for Hank's bio), who happened to run into her at one of the clubs and show her a much better life than what she was living by offering her a position at the studios and materialization through the machine. Now a re-born, classy lady, this former flapper...heh...well, let's be honest. Girl loves to party and dance like there's none tomorrow, is ready to bring all the club's joy and bump to the table on screen. Hank is often seen by her side, playing away on his trumphet while she dances on top of a table. Nothing too promiscuous or provocitive. Want to keep the adult's attention but not as much. She's known as the party girl out of the group and also knows a thing or two about fashion. Also, keep her as FAR away from Molly (scroll up for Molly's bio) as possible..they fight a lot.
Delloris Acorn: Delloris is the beloved daughter of the mayor of Toon City, within the alternate world where cartoons "live". Her mother died giving childbirth and though she never knew her mother. She was always expected to act lady-like and proper, is why she carries herself that way. Though, the day Billie met Delloris and her father and was allowed to spend the day with her, Billie turned her upside down and all around. To the point Delloris came home, dress cut into a tank-top, short short overalls, knee-high socks, messy hair, and busted shoes. Billie's excuse was they were pig wrestling (no pun intended Patricia). Her father was awfully upset and almost demanded Billie to be arrested, however, Billie's sly deal to offer Delloris a spot at the studios was the only thing that saved her from some jail time. Now, while away from her rich and perfect life as the mayor's "little princess", she's allowed to get down and dirty. Especially on screen where down and dirty are necessary for some laughs.
Mad Mouse (also known as "Maddison K Mouse"): Why is this mouse so quiet and mysterious? Why does he never speak or even take off his goggles? Wait, is this mouse even a "he" at all? Well, yes and no. To put a long story short, back in these days and times of the early 1900s, women weren't taken seriously. Even toon women. Born a genius, the only way to get people to notice her freakishly large brain talent is to disguise herself as a man and as to go as "Mad Mouse" instead of "Maddison Mouse". However, her little secret couldn't be kept that long, for an incident in her labs caused her to lose part of her disguise and have to come clean to Billie, Poochie, and Wolfie. It was through them who helped her realize that, no matter who you are, your voice deserved to be heard no matter what. From that point on, this support cast member decided to cease wearing the disguse and be her actual self. Though, I wouldn't mess with this quiet little genius. She's a little...mad (crazy), as the legends and cartoons portray her as.
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nadziejastar · 5 years
I'm thoroughly enjoying the LeaIsa discourse, especially Isa possibly having been subject X in perhaps another canon. Isa's symbolism's also seem intentionally feminine in nature. I've head-cannoned that the current subject X in game could have somehow had her heart spirited away into Isa's (mirroring Sora and Kairi's situation, except the heart being far more buried in the depth's of Isa's). An unlikely scenario is that Isa was AFAB as a child and even Lea doesn't know about it or remember.
Lea: The Wounded Healer
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Thank you! Yeah, everything about Isa’s symbolism is feminine in nature. And very intentionally so, LOL. He’s the Yin to Lea’s Yang; the Moon to his Sun. I love the whole concept, and I wish it wasn’t so taboo to step outside of gender boxes. The mythology is that Twin Flames separate and go through many lifetimes apart, never meeting in person. Over the reincarnation cycle, the two lovers balance their masculine and feminine sides so that they are both perfectly balanced. And I do think Lea is a very balanced character in that regard. I’m sure Isa was, too. During their final lifetime in the reincarnation cycle, Twin Flames finally reunite and change the world with their divine spiritual love. 
I cannot imagine there’s any other explanation than Isa originally being Subject X. It simply makes way too much sense, and all the pieces fit perfectly. Your head canon is interesting. I prefer that over canon where Isa and Lea are apprentices and had NO connection to the experiments on the darkness of the heart. That just makes no sense at all. They could have had another girl involved without taking away from Lea and Isa’s tragic backstory. Another reason I like Isa being Subject X is that he would need healing, and Lea would need to give him a “birth by sleep”. KH3 kinda forgot about that whole concept. But there’s a lot of evidence that it was supposed to be a HUGE aspect of Lea’s character arc. Would have been a lot more rewarding to see than what he did in canon.
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Stuff like this is exactly why Lea and Isa are my favorite characters. I can tell the writers had a hard on for them, too. Nomura really loved Axel, after all. Axel has a weapon called Prometheus which incorporates the Sagittarius symbol, and so do the vast majority of Saïx’s weapons. Moreover, the arrow is mainly prominent in Saïx’s Berserk form, which is where I think his captured heart resides. Now, why is this symbol so important? Because Sagittarius is Chiron, the Wounded Healer! He gave up his immortality for Prometheus, and was rewarded with immortality in the stars!
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More About Sagittarius
Yen Sid: “I must warn you again–the road will not be easy.”
Lea: “Fine. Let’s jump right in.”
Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of growth and opportunity, the sign of the Archer is an eternal student, looking for enlightenment through new ideas, people, and places. Sagittarius is on the hunt for the biggest, best experiences life has to offer. They have a positive and outgoing personality that makes them the life of any party. With a love of adventure and all things exotic, the worldly Archer just wants to soak it all in. Sagittarius is driven by a constant need to explore and expand its mind, heart, and awareness to the fullest extent. Fiery and free, Sagittarius knows that the only limits are the ones we create ourselves.
Chiron: The Wounded Healer
Naminé: “And if the hurt is too great for you to bear it alone–well, then you turn to a friend close to your heart.”
Wounded healer is a term created by psychologist Carl Jung. The idea states that an analyst is compelled to treat patients because the analyst himself is “wounded”. For Jung, “it is his own hurt that gives a measure of his power to heal. This, and nothing else, is the meaning of the Greek myth of the wounded physician.”
Chiron was in outstanding pain and anguish; there was no medication that would ease the infliction. The fact was, even the gifted physician Chiron couldn’t heal himself. The next problem was that Chiron was in torment but, immortal. Chiron was not able to obtain freedom from the pain with the onset of death. In such a scenario, Chiron volunteered himself as a replacement for Prometheus, who had been penalized by the gods for giving fire to humankind; His punishment was to be enchained to a giant stone. Day-after-day an aquila descended and polished off his liver, which grew once more as it got dark …only to be consumed by the eagle once again.
So in essence, Chiron forfeited his eternal life so man could have use of fire. Hercules had been appealing to Zeus (Jupiter) for help, and Hercules agreed to supply an appropriate replacement for Prometheus, thereby setting him free. Thus, Chiron replaced Prometheus, gave up eternity, and went to Tartarus (the Underworld) in Prometheus’ stead. Zeus witnessed everything that happened and he knew how deplorable his son Hercules felt. Zeus afforded the dear Centaur a resting place in the heavens, as the constellation Sagittarius the Archer, in recognition of his benevolence and perpetuity.
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Chiron and Artemis
Axel: “Why do I always get stuck with the icky jobs?”
Saïx has a weapon called Artemis, after the moon goddess. Artemis has a relationship to Chiron. Centaurs were notorious for being wild, lusty, overly indulgent drinkers and carousers, violent when intoxicated, and generally uncultured delinquents. Chiron, by contrast, was intelligent, civilized and kind, because he was not related directly to the other centaurs due to his parentage. Soon after giving birth to Chiron, his mother abandoned him out of shame and disgust. Chiron, effectively orphaned, was later found by the god Apollo, who decided to take him in as his son.
Apollo taught to him the art of music, lyre, archery, medicine and prophecy. Apollo’s twin sister, Artemis taught him more about archery and hunting. Chiron’s uniquely peaceful character, kindness and intelligence is attributed to Apollo and Artemis. Artemis only loved one man, Orion. She killed him by accident after being tricked into thinking the he was a villain who had attacked one of her priestesses. Orion, whilst swimming to escape a giant scorpion, is killed by Artemis’ arrows after the goddess could only see his distant bobbing head and failed to recognize the hunter. Artemis tried to bring Orion back to life, but was unable. It was Artemis’ regret at the loss of her hunting companion which allowed him to become a constellation and gain immortality amongst the stars.
Sagittarius Mythology also figures in the tale of Orion. One Greek mythology tale tells of how Sagittarius the Archer was directed to shoot down Scorpio the Scorpion, which had been sent off to murder Orion. This story gives the reason why the Archer’s arrow is aimed toward the ‘heart of the scorpion’.
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Ven: “Already?”
Lea: “I’ll see ya when I see ya. After all, we’re friends now. Get it memorized.”
Ven: “Okay, Lea.”
Sagittarius make excellent friends because of their encouraging, positive nature and their kind heart that will do anything to make sure the friend is happy. They do not expect favors in return; their kindness is selfless. They do not interfere with other people’s plans and they are never possessive or jealous. They treat others the way they want to be treated and live life based on a ‘live and let live’ policy, making them very agreeable. They are excellent conversationalists with a good sense of humor. Sometimes their humor is the raw truth, but these people speak their mind and don’t hold anything back. What they say is what they mean. They do not like mind games; they like straightforwardness and expect it in return.
Axel: “C'mon, let’s get some ice cream.”
Roxas: “Why?”
Axel: “Whaddaya mean, why? Because we’re friends.”
Roxas: “So…friends are people who have ice cream together?”
Axel: “Sort of… That, or laugh at stupid stuff that doesn’t make any sense. Like those kids we just saw–they were friends. C'mon, I’ll show you how it works.”
Sagittarius are known for saying the ‘painful truth’. On the other hand, people know that they can trust what they say because they always say what is real. They never hide anything and are very likable people. The only people that might not get along with them are people that live by a daily agenda with a highly structured, organized life. They are likely to always be running late and miss a date, but this is only because they are so forward thinking that they forget about the present. Tolerance is required. They do not do these things on purpose; this is just who they are. If you understand this and accept this, having a Sagittarius in your life will make the sun shine a lot brighter.
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Axel: “Best friends are willing to deal with complications.”
Wise and understanding Sagittarius is connected to the Temperance Tarot card. The gentle process of tempering is about finding a perfect middle state, and combining the best of all things to forge something that is stronger than the sum of its parts. By bringing the power of the philosophical world into their physical world, Sagittarius makes itself a source of ultimate truth and awareness.
Both Sagittarius and the Temperance card are constantly striving for a more enlightened state of being. The angel in the Tarot card here demonstrates this by slowly pouring the liquid from one golden cup into another – a process called “tempering” (a slow process of integration that leads to the perfect middle state). Similarly, Sagittarius accomplishes this by exploring the far reaches of both the physical and philosophical world to expand on or “temper” what is already known. The symbols of Temperance mean the following:
Angel: Interacting with the material world while maintaining a sense of spirituality and higher purpose.
Triangle: Interplay of masculine and feminine or spirituality and materiality.
Cups: The fountain of energy between your opposite tendencies, which is flowing and spontaneous yet also balanced and coherent.
Path: Taking your time through life’s twists and turns; being content in the moment or throughout unexpected obstacles.
Water: Groundedness and refreshment through spiritual thinking.
Mountains: The distant journeys awaiting you that will bring you to spiritual fulfillment.
Sun: The sun, also appearing as the angel’s third eye, represents the merging of personal aims with the universe’s plans for you.
Fire Wings: Muscles and strength necessary to maintain composure and reach a higher being state.
The Angel
Axel: “As long as we remember each other, we’ll never be apart. Got it memorized?”
The Angel’s beautiful, red wings represent blood or life, while the triangle on her dress means spirit – also the elemental symbol for fire. And, similar to adventurous Sagittarius, the angel’s feet are also symbolic of the eternal pilgrimage or spiritual journey. By showing one foot in the water and the other on the shore we are reminded that our greatest wisdom lies in the art of balancing. And lastly, the iris flowers are indicative of the Goddess Iris who provides the link between God and humanity. Like Sagittarius, she travels from one end of the world to another – building upon something that is bigger and brighter than herself.
In a general context, the Temperance Tarot card represents coolness in the face of shifting emotional tides. Temperance is the ability to control one’s temper or temperament. In Thailand there is a concept called “cool heart.” In this phrase, cool does not mean cruel and unemotional. Rather, to act with a “cool heart” means that one is not easily stirred or provoked to go off the handle; one does not quickly come to a raging boil but maintains a steady temperature despite shifting external circumstances. Similarly, Temperance stands with one foot in a cool stream and pours water from one cup into another. Temperance knows how to direct the water in a way that maintains homeostasis.
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The 7 of Swords
Lea: “And if the darkness gets ya, I promise I’ll bail you out. “Dark Rescue” is my middle name.”
Axel’s weapon “Prometheus” is Lift Gear. This is the same gear that the Temperance Arcana in Luxord’s deck is listed under. Coincidence? I think not. Luxord’s card has the shape of the Minor Arcana, The 7 of Swords. In general, this card is said to be about betrayal and deception. It is sometimes called the ‘Thief’ card. In a general context, it represents deception, lies, trickery, cheating and lack of conscience. This card also signifies mental manipulation, tactics, scheming, cunning, enemies who masquerade as friends and spies in your camp. It represents escaping detection and getting away with something.
On a more positive note, the 7 of Swords points out that you need to be strategic in what you do. It can also represent flexibility, adaptability, sharp wit, and resourcefulness. You know you cannot do everything at once – nor should you. Instead, you must prioritize what’s important to you and direct your focus and attention on the few tasks that will move you closer to your goals. When this card is seen in a reading, the deception is usually short lived. Nobody is able to carry away 7 swords and get away with it. So although the party may feel smug about it at the time, it’s about to blow up in their face.
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Sagittarius’ Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Lea: “I want everybody I meet to remember me. Inside people’s memories, I can live forever.”
Isa: “I know I won’t forget you. Believe me, I try all the time.”
Lea: “See, I’m immortal!”
Larger-than-life Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion. In Roman mythology, Jupiter was the king of the gods, the biggest and the best. In Astrology Jupiter is known as the “benefic” planet, meaning it is the luckiest, most opportunistic planet of all. This positive energy influences Sagittarius’ optimistic, enlightening, and outgoing nature that shines and spreads through anyone they come into contact with. As the largest planet in our cosmos, Jupiter’s vastness encourages Sagittarius to stretch its mind and heart as far as it can.
Sagittarius’ Symbol: The Archer
Xigbar: “You’re not supposed to be here!”
Lea: “Promises to keep. I’ll always be there to get my friends back. What, bad timing? You had your perfect little script, but you kinda forgot to write the sequel. Now, let’s find out what happens!”
The zodiac sign Sagittarius is associated with the Archer, and its glyph represents an arrow. Always eager to explore new horizons, the Archer sets its sights on a faraway target, then shoots toward it with precision. This focus on learning more, doing more, and seeing more is what Sagittarius is all about.
Ruled by expansive Jupiter, Sagittarius is big-hearted, open, and always looking beyond a checklist. A Sagittarius rarely has a “type.” They are always intrigued by the individual, and don’t make any assumptions about people until they’ve truly met and spoken with them. Sagittarius loves witty back and forth banter. A Sagittarius in love is a sight to behold. Aggressively fun, this sign usually moves full speed ahead once they have their love target ‘locked’.
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Ventus: “I remember dreaming a lot. Of you and Terra. Of Sora and his friends too, I think. And there were some more people I didn’t recognize. Oh, and I saw these weird animal creatures! It’s like…I’ve been part of some big adventure.”
Saïx has a weapon named Selene, after the chaste Greek Moon goddess. It’s shaped like a torch. Selene’s torch has an interesting role in art and history. Selene was taken with Endymion, a beautiful youth who tended his flocks on Mount Latmos. She accompanied Cupid and used the light of the torch to gaze upon the mortal she fell in love with while he slept.  
Girodet’s “The Sleep of Endymion” shows the moment that Cupid parts the trees so the Moon may shine her light down upon her sleeping lover’s face. Only at night when he is asleep does she quietly creep down to him, accompanied by Cupid, whose torch symbolizes burning love.
In a Roman floor mosaic from the third century CE, the scene focuses on the moment when Selene falls in love with the young mortal shepherd. Cupid, in the upper right corner, points down at Endymion as if guiding Selene’s gaze towards him. Selene steps out of her bull-drawn biga that she uses to pull the moon across the sky each night, and raises a lit torch that illuminates Endymion’s face in the darkness. She peers down at him longingly. Endymion is fast asleep and unaware of her presence. She was so in love that she asked Zeus to give Endymion immortal life.
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Sagittarius’ Ruling House: 9th House of Expansion
Roxas: “I found out about love on today’s mission–that it’s something powerful.”
Axel: “That’s true. It is. But I’ll never get to experience it.”
As the 9th sign in the zodiac, Sagittarius rules over the 9th House of Expansion. This house reveals how open our minds are, and how much we expand ourselves through education, exploration, and life lessons. From philosophical conversations to book research to world travel, the 9th house encourages you to go further than you’ve ever gone before. Sagittarius’ drive for adventure, growth, and awareness is strongly represented here.
When Venus is in Sagittarius
Axel: “Love is what happens if there’s something really special between two people.”
Saïx’s weapon Horoscope incorporates the Venus and Sagittarius symbols while in its Berserk form. So, the astrological correspondence is Venus in Sagittarius. Venus is the planet of love, self-worth, and all things beautiful. Her style is sweet, cooperative, and peaceful. But when this graceful planet’s energy mixes with the free-spirited sign of Sagittarius, her joyful side comes out to play. Hearts come out of hiding while Venus moves through Sagittarius. The happy and free energy of Sagittarius turns Venus up a few notches, encouraging us to live life to the fullest. This is a time to socialize, to try new things, and to look for love in different places.
Sagittarius is the sign of the adventurer, so when Venus is traveling through this sign, we find ourselves drawn to exotic people, places, and experiences. Old routines and worn-out relationships are at risk of being traded in for something bigger, brighter, and better while Venus is in Sagittarius. We want to expand beyond our usual boundaries, and may give up some of our comfortable patterns of the past to try out new experiences. Love needs to grow during this transit – it will not stand still.
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Sagittarius’ Element: Fire
No. VIII AXEL—An assassin who puts his own agenda first, and everything else on the back burner. Wields fire.
The zodiac sign Sagittarius is a Fire sign that lights up our lives with profound questions and exciting ideas. Just like an uncontrollable wildfire, this sign will happily go where the wind takes them to seek new experiences. Sagittarius uses its Fire energy on its lifelong journey of exploration, always ready to jump at the next adventure. The element of Fire continues to fuel Sagittarius’ never ending supply of optimism and inspiration.
The Goddess Hestia: The Keeper of the Flame
Axel: “Well, I think you can be inseparable, even if you’re apart. It’s like, if you feel really close to each other. Like best friends.”
Saïx’s weapons Moonrise and Moonset are shaped like ⚶ the astrological symbol for the asteroid Vesta, also known as Hestia in Greek mythology. Her name means “the essence”, the true nature of things. Hestia was the Greek Goddess of the sacred fire. She was the most influential and widely revered of the goddesses. She was was one of the three ‘virgin’ goddesses, next to Athena and Artemis. Hestia was depicted as a beautiful and bashful woman, usually seated. The living flame of Hestia was tended constantly and never allowed to die out, for it represented the energy of all life.
Hestia was a kind goddess and had a discrete character. She never left her residence, the sacred mountain of Olympus. She never involved herself in the fights and machinations of the other gods and goddesses, somehow managing to stay above the fray. Non-judgmental and forgiving, her unconditional love and calm acceptance inspired the love and trust of others in return. Dependable and caring, she was always there for them and helped them to manage their lives, which were certainly more exciting than her own. These virtues define the goddess Hestia: mild, gentle, forgiving, peaceful, serene, dignified, calm, secure, stable, welcoming, and, above all else, well-centered.
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Sagittarius’ Color: Purple
Axel: “You know, I’ve been thinking about something Naminé said. Roxas…are you really sure that you don’t have a heart? Is it possible that we all have one? You, me, her… Or is that just wishful thinking?”
Rich and luscious purple is the color of Sagittarius. Purple is a color of abundance, which encourages Sagittarius’ natural luck and its drive to expand its mind and world. The color purple is also associated with spirituality and enlightenment, empowering Sagittarius’ philosophical explorations and lifelong quest for knowledge.
The Sun
Axel: “Hey, Roxas. Bet you don’t know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors. And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest.”
Roxas: “Like I asked! Know-it-all.”
Saïx’s weapons Orbit and Lunar Phase incorporate the Sagittarius symbol with the combined stars of Ishtar and Shamash. There’s also a Recusant’s sigil visible over the Sun symbol. The Sun, the giver of life, represents our conscious mind in astrology. It represents our will to live and our creative life force. Just as the planets revolve around the Sun in our solar system, we derive our life purpose from the Sun in our natal charts. The Sun is our ego. It is the part of us that reasons things out, and makes final decisions. The Sun is our basic identity, and represents self-realization. The Sun also represents our overall vitality. The happiest people on this earth are those who identify with the Sun’s expression.
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Sagittarius’ Quality: Mutable
Axel: “Let’s meet again in the next life.”
Roxas: “Yeah. I’ll be waiting.”
As the last sign of autumn, Sagittarius helps us celebrate one last hoorah as fall comes to a close and the season of hibernation begins. Sagittarius, with a love for variety and change, uses its Mutable energy to shake the fiery radiance off the leaves and allow them to fall. As winter approaches, this Fire sign keeps us going by fueling our desire for adventure and fun, and helps us remain optimistic that light and warmth will return again.
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wiccan101 · 4 years
A Defense Of A Mixed Economy
Whether its Anarchism or Totalitarianism. Capitalism or Socialism. There's really only one thing I can say on such matters. A mixed economy is sufficiently better, than unfettered capitalism or total socialism on the other. Anarchism doesn't work, because people with too much freedom are susceptible to do dangerous things with too much freedom, which is why governments are an evil necessary to form to prevent freedom being overly abused to such a great extent that it would put everyone's public safety at risk. Totalitarianism however doesn't work either because placing too much power into the state, prevents economic marketable growth and stunts personal development.
Capitalism however promotes a free market system whereby citizens are practically free to create almost any product or provide almost any service and ideally start their own business to make their own profits. One of the main selling points of capitalism is that it’s a system that primarily self-regulates. It’s meant to keep prices and the quality of products and services at least half way decent. Of course it doesn’t always work out that way, but that’s the general idea. Another wonderful thing about capitalism is that it aims to preserve economic freedom from excessive government control. That’s a good thing. However, there is always at least some government regulation involved, as there should be in my opinion. Though most hard core capitalists believe in the French expression Laissez-Faire, which means “leave it alone.” They hold to the idea that if government would just stay out of the way and not legally interfere or try to regulate what business owners can and can’t do, all would go well. But in my view, as well as in the view of most leading economists, this is not realistic.
The list of corruption that rises under a completely free market, is too long to go into. But one quick example, is how oil companies would surely release far too many carbon emissions into the atmosphere during their production process if unregulated by the government. You know the old saying, “If you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.” When unregulated, people will always eventually fall out of line. It’s kind of like when the teacher leaves the classroom, there will always be those children who will stand up on their desks, throw paper airplanes and spit spit-balls. Whatever margin for error is given, it will always be used to its fullest degree. So there must be at least some rules.
Capitalism, on its own, is not flawless, and is too often unfair. For example, it’s not fair that a young teenager can come out with a number one hit single of a song the singer didn’t even write and make millions, while a hard working adult works all day in the Sun, digging ditches, yet can barely feed his family or pay his rent. Wealth is often unjustly distributed. In fact, it is and has been the American way. In America, people can gain wealth by finding it, by winning it, by stealing it, or by inheriting it. Money is too often not truly earned.
Unfortunately, most capitalists think that competition, and free markets solve all problems. Competition is good, but too much competition can be a bad thing, leading to inferior products and/or services. For example, things are usually made just well enough to outdo the competition in order to maximize profits, which is unfortunately the real goal of most capitalizing Americans. Parts are often cheep, services are rushed, and many wear a fake smile while they trick you into paying for things you don’t really need. It’s a dog-eat-dog world, a “sink or swim” ideology. But thankfully capitalism, when properly regulated, does help to keep prices, product quality, and the government in check.
Socialism on the other hand is a system that promotes equal opportunity, financial safety nets, shared profits and shared sacrifice. Under pure socialism, every able-working person would always have a job and always have an income. Though we currently live within a dominantly capitalistic system, we do have many socialized programs and services like our public school system, our public libraries, the police and fire departments, Social Security, Medicare, and welfare programs like unemployment checks, food stamps, and Medicaid. Many socialized programs serve as a safety net for those who lose their jobs or become too ill to work. Imagine what would happen if your house caught on fire, yet for whatever reason, good or bad, you couldn’t afford to have the fire department come and put it out. Though your neighbors, who could afford to hire the fire department, chose to do nothing about it. In all likelihood, your house would burn down, along with damaging the homes of your neighbors who stood by. Therefore, at least some safety nets should be in place.
However, the word socialism has become demonized by capitalists and is now somewhat synonymous with Democrat. Some of the main complaints and concerns many have with socialism is that it increases the size of government, can lead to wasteful spending, and can encourage “social loafing” or laziness, whereby people who could work harder choose not to, because they believe other citizens will pick up the slack. Therefore, you get a lot of free-loaders riding the coat tails of others. I agree these are all very valid concern, but the solution is not to get rid of socialism altogether. Let’s not go from one bad extreme to the other and over compensate. When people abuse their car by speeding, making illegal turns, or getting into accidents it’s not logical to get rid of all cars or ban all driving. The answer is to find more ways to prevent people from taking advantage of the system. For example, social psychologists have discovered that having a good work plan, involving specifically assigned duties, and having fair evaluations of individual performances dramatically reduces social loafing.
But some still worry that individuality would become lost within a purely socialized society and argue that it would cradle and overprotect citizens. I agree this would likely be the case which is why I believe some capitalism is needed to help remedy those problems. We have to maintain a healthy level of individuality and personal reward. If you are familiar with many of my philosophical views, you will know by now that I always advocate balance in everything. Total socialized assistance is wrong and so is having absolutely no socialized assistance. The solution is in a careful balance between the two.
Many also argue that a socialized system can not be as financially successful as a capitalistic one. There was an economic experiment conducted by a Mayo high school student, in Rochester Minnesota, named Paul A. Leonard. The experiment was intended to compare the financial success between a capitalistic group and a socialistic group. The results showed that students performed more pushups and acquired more candy under a more stressful capitalistic system in comparison to a less stressful socialistic system. Even though Paul’s classroom experiment was only meant to be analogous to the real world, as all experiments are meant to be, I still thought the experiment was oversimplified. Paul’s experiment maintained ideal conditions and gave the false impression that pure capitalism would be a total success. For instance, he did not factor in important variables like unemployment, price fluctuations, inflation and deflation, and theft often found within a capitalistic system. A more accurate picture would have shown some students, within the capitalistic group, merely standing by to reflect the idea that no one could afford to hire them to do the pushups or students stealing candy from other classmates in order to survive.
In the real world, we are not just dealing with mere pieces of candy in exchange for pushups. In the real world, people suffer greatly. They become homeless, sick, and die when, for whatever reason, they fall behind. Anyone, regardless of how rich or good looking or decent, can eventually become down on his luck and find himself in desperate financial need. Don’t be naive thinking that as long as you do the right thing and work hard that you are completely safe from any financial collapse. The insensitivity of unbridled capitalism–a financial machine that cares only about itself, as a whole, and not the individual–will leave you far behind to be crushed within its gears and turbines. Yes, capitalism can make a nation more financially powerful, in the short run, but look at the costs. Most are overworked, over stressed, and can’t spend enough time with their loved ones. Children, on average, are not being properly raised. It’s not good to have an economic system which primarily focuses on acquiring money at almost any costs. The amount of money a nation makes should not be the only measure of its worth.
So it’s true that a purely socialistic system may not be as financially successful in the short run as a purely capitalistic system. However, a purely socialistic system profits in other ways. Such a system is often more humane, more compassionate, less stressful, and less corrupt than a purely capitalistic system. In simplest terms, whenever there is a gain, there will be a loss and for every loss there is a gain. This Yin-Yang effect is why I always advocate a combination of both systems. It comes back to the balancing act I strongly believe in.
Capitalists celebrate financial independence, self-reliance, and individuality, whereas socialists celebrate interdependence, cooperation, and community. These are all good qualities when properly balanced. Socialists hate unbridled capitalism and capitalists often criticize any form of socialism. But it’s unfortunate that many have not yet come to realize that some socialism is a good thing, just as some degree of capitalism is a good thing. Independence and self reliance are fine attributes, however, there are times when we not only need to depend on others, but should depend on others, because it allows us to be better people and it helps us to be more communal.
To sum up, pure unbridled capitalism is too insensitive, too selfish, and too cruel. It’s a cut-throat philosophy—an every man for himself ideology. With pure capitalism, there is an inescapable loss, and that is the nation’s moral sole. On the other hand, pure socialism can be overprotective and may inhibit individual recognition and rewards for personal efforts, talents, and strengths. Both capitalism and socialism, alone and independent of the other, are doomed to fail. However, both socialism and capitalism are needed. We need a system that provides incentives to work hard and rewards those who do, yet at the same time, a system that is compassionate enough to lend a helping hand when necessary—one that does not cruelly punish those who truly, for legitimate reasons and unjust circumstances, can’t work as hard or produce as much. Keep in mind that what affects one citizen ultimately affects all other citizens and one bad apple spoils the bunch. We are all apart of the same team whether we like it or not. So we need to start exercising a more cooperative effort in order for the human race to survive. It’s easy to do the wrong thing and it costs to do the right thing. We need a system that supports and maintains a healthy balance between capitalism and socialism, between competition and cooperation, between independence and dependence, between the private sector and the public sector, and between regulation and freedom.
Right now we are very out of balance, and as a result, nations are falling. When there are children who are not getting properly educated, it means something is wrong with the system. When people are starving, it means there’s something wrong with the system. When people can’t get proper healthcare, it means there is something wrong with the system. We must all pull our resources together to aid one another during these desperate times or the entire system will fall and all our cherished money will become completely worthless. Personally, I would prefer to trade in some of my cash to help my fellow man and to keep my sole in tact. Remember, what goes around comes around. The more you support your fellow citizens, the more they will be able to support you in your time of need. “All for one and one for all” should be the slogan for America . . . and the world.
Again, there is no perfect political system. No matter how well a system of government is designed and built, corruption will always manage to seep through the cracks. But, it’s our civil duty to do all we can to push back any and all forms of corruption and injustice as much as possible.
Down through the ages, we come closer and closer to creating the perfect society, even though we have had many setbacks. Like a pea rolling back and forth along the walls of a huge bowl, we are slowly but surely finding our way towards the center of equilibrium. Like a set of adjustable lenses the answers are coming into focus. Soon the arrow of correctness will hit the bull’s-eye straight enough.
Definitions of Capitalism & Socialism
Capitalism is an economic and political system (based on self-interest and competition) in which all the means of production and distribution are privately owned and operated within a free market society.
Socialism is an economic and political system (based on group-interest and cooperation) in which all the means of production and distribution are collectively owned and operated by all members of a society.
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