#in my trekkie era
sapphicambitions · 2 years
No because WHAT was this if not gay
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Spock got caught pining over Kirk and the empath was like oh? Oh
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sanctus-ingenium · 8 months
Ooo!! What's the dragonriders of pern???
NOT to contest the claim of trekkies everywhere, but Anne McCaffrey of Dragonriders Of Pern fame invented sex pollen and omegaverse in the 60s. Whether or not this is a good thing is up for interpretation
Dragonriders of Pern is a series of sci-fi novels that started in the 60s about human settlers on the planet of Pern who live in a pre-industrial era. Every few hundred years, their planet comes under fire from Thread, an invasive rainfall shed by a nearby dwarf planet that destroys all organic matter it touches. To fight Thread, humans have genetically engineered dragons which breathe fire to burn the Thread before it harms anyone. The series starts during an unusually long lull between Threadfalls, and in the centuries people have neglected their dragon riders and dragons to the point where when Thread does inevitably fall again, they are completely unequipped to fight it. Nearly all common dragon riding genre tropes originate from Pern!! Anne McCaffrey was the blueprint. I adore this series, but my favourite part is how as the series go on, the characters slowly uncover the truth that they are aliens in this world, dig up ancient technology, learn to use it, and progress as a society. The genre shift from fantasy to sci-fi is one of my favourite things to experience and, as the reader, slowly realising the forgotten truths that the characters themselves are unaware of is great. In this regard, a big inspiration for my Siren setting.
The series contains scenes of sexual assault and a weird adult/minor love story so I can't in good conscience recommend it without pointing this out. It should be considered a product of its time and approached with a critical lens. It was also one of the first books I ever read with normalised gay side characters and gay sex (not any of the main characters) so that was cool. For anyone wondering my fave is obviously F'nor.
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hopecomesbacktolife · 7 months
recently read the time magazine special edition “Star Trek: inside the most influential science fiction series ever” a good portion of it is stuff a lot of fans probably already know, but there was some info in there that was still new to me, and lots of gorgeous photos that were amazing to see in print, too, so still definitely an enjoyable read! (apart from a couple instances of weirdly superiority, bro-esque writing, but that only occurred in one of the articles, thankfully)
one thing I really enjoyed about the visual aspect of the magazine though was some of the costuming visuals! For example, these crisp shots show not only the tailoring and seams but literally the construction and stitching on the TMP era uniforms 😍😍 (check out the stitching on the sleeve ranks in particular!!!)
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next up, some extremely cool science things I didn’t know about and love that they exist:
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this shot is excellent both for De fans (me) and also for seamstresses and costumers (also me!) because of that excellent, and rare, shot of the back of a TOS women’s uniform with seams and construction visible… positively a seamstress dream!! such a good garment structuring reference 👏🏻
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also, an up close on one of Quark’s outfits that shows definitively that this outerwear jacket is, in fact, rainbowy tweed!!, a fashion statement I vote we bring back:
(it reminds me of this couch and blanket from my childhood, it was extremely 1970s and I loved it)
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this little Kirk & Spock character comparison panel appeared next to an excerpt of Shatner’s writing, and to me it would fit in perfectly with those “who’s dating who” activity panels etc in magazines like seventeen, which, excellent execution, that’s such a good vibe to have considering The Premise 👏🏻
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speaking of— I wish they’d mentioned slash fic, The Premise, early fanfic mail chains etc waaay more than they did (and for that matter, highlight way more just how important and vital the women Trekkies were!) but hey, at least they mentioned Spirk shippers, along with other parts of the magazine mentioning queer and nonbinary+trans rep in trek. could’ve/should’ve been more, but—
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anyways! It’s still a fun magazine to read through and has lots of fun images even if you’re already familiar with the stories. (did you know there used to be an Enterprise shaped landline phone you could buy? I didn’t, and now I very much want one lol) it also highly benefits from having article writers of multiple genders, so there’s that, too. 🖖🏻
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celestialvoyeur · 9 months
So, this time last year I was thinking about what I wanted to change in 2023.
The one thing I settled on was that I wanted to read more. I’ve always enjoyed reading but have had less time in recent years to do so, and even when I regained a bit more time to myself I was out of the habit of reaching for a book.
So I started off the year mostly listening to audio books when driving or doing things around the house and it rekindled my love of stories. I then started on e-books and would find myself reaching for my kindle or iPad during down time rather than turning on the TV.
In July I followed a random link on social media and suddenly I found myself on AO3 for the first time. I don’t even remember how it came about but suddenly I was reading my very first fan fic (‘The Promised Land’ by @gunstreet ) and learning that there was something called ‘slash fiction’ and a Star Trek sub-fandom based around the ‘Spirk’ relationship.
I’ve been a life long Trekkie, but discovering Spirk and fan fiction was like a missing piece clicking into place. Suddenly I was absolutely devouring stories, delighting in a whole new realm of Star Trek content.
Well…it changed EVERYTHING!
I did a massive TOS rewatch and for the first time ever I really, thoroughly enjoyed it, because it finally made SENSE when viewed through the lens of Spirk. I was raised in the era of TNG so I’ve never been massively fussed on TOS before. Now though I absolutely adore our boys and got so much more out of the episodes.
From there I kept exploring AO3 and finally found my way on to Tumblr and discovered this amazing community of likeminded individuals. Everyone has been so welcoming, supportive and kind, it’s been really lovely to start getting to know some of you.
As we close out 2023, the final count is as follows. I’ve read 65 novels, 88 novellas and 139 short stories. (28 of the novels were audio or e-books and everything else has been fan fiction I’ve read since July)
So I met my original goal of reading more, but as a wonderful bonus I found a new passion, a new community, discovered new talents (I’ve been loving creating my art) and have made some new friends.
Thank you so much to all of you for being part of this journey. Whether you’ve been liking and reblogging, commenting or chatting with me in DMs, I really appreciate you.
And a special thanks to all the lovely writers and artists creating ever more Spirk fan fics and art for me to enjoy.
Sending you all massive hugs and very best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2024. Xx
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trillscienceofficer · 2 years
immense joy reading this anecdote
StarTrek.com: For my last question, what has been your favorite or one of your favorite memories of interacting with the Star Trek fandom?  Nana Visitor: I'll tell you my favorite, and I'm flexing a little bit. No, actually, I'm flexing a lot. My favorite interaction was speaking to astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, six months ago, while she was at ISA [International Space Station], and I was at ESA [European Space Agency], and when I heard [the person connecting us] say, "Open a channel to the space station," it almost blew me apart because that was a phrase I've said over and over, "Open a channel. Open a channel." And yet now, because Samantha watched the shows, because they were important to her, there was a channel being opened to an actual space station and I was talking to this astronaut. That almost blew me apart and I didn't exist after that. 
(Cristoforetti is definitely a huge trekkie, on her previous stint on the International Space Station in 2015 she actually wore a Voyager-era Starfleet uniform. And, perhaps more importantly, she's currently in command of the ISS!)
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sreegs · 1 year
i've never had enough free time to go super nuts with halloween (except for last year's harry dubois costume) but needing a costume for a party is like a 50/50 chance every year so i decided i should buy something simple i can keep in my closet.
i'm in the market for Deep Space 9 era uniforms. Specifically I want yellow for ops, and preferably the late DS9 (like sisko on the right).
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there's a lot of sources out there and price ranges are all over the place. Sewing it myself is not an option. any trekkies out there have recommendations?
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gunstreet · 1 year
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good news, fellow trekkies and readers of only complete works: my emotional divorce-era Spirk fic that took me 9 weeks to write is finally finished! 58K, TOS, angst with a happy ending, explicit (obviously, cause it's me). I would love for you to read it.
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cosmik-homo · 8 months
I think what we as classic whovians need to do is we need to take a page from the trekkie book. we need to throw more parties. we'd be normaler and have more fun around big anniversaries if we had more random holidays a la first contact day, captain picard day, threshold day etc etc.
"But OP, doctor who is so fast and loose about time, we can't even agree on the UNIT Era decade, much less-" Silence. we can beat the shopping rush for star wars day (singular) if we make up a collective four related mania to contract by 04/04. i want there to be huge statues being put up in the time square next time july 6th android invasion comes around do you understand me. make feburary 29th a day themed around watching shada they both Exist around the same amount. under my presidency we WILL break peoples dash
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thegeminisage · 9 months
the thing about star trek into darkness is, there are literally no redeeming qualities to star trek into darkness. EXCEPT. the warp core thing. and the warp core thing is GENUINELY so nuts it canceled out enough of the rest of that film's bullshit to get a third kelvin film made.
like. i watched the kelvin movies first, right. and so when i found out that it was spock in the warp core in the original wrath of khan i lost my fucking mind. i'm retroactively imagining sitting in the theater as an OG trekkie watching star trek into darkness waiting for spock to die in the core and then kirk goes "you aren't making the climb" and the shock kills me, probably. imagine if that had been in a good movie. or even a mediocre movie! the very conceit of the kelvin movies means that moves like this - a painful and unexpected reshuffle of canon - are where the strongest storytelling potential lies. we call it the "alternate original series" but you TRULY could have remade tos as a WHOLE SERIES instead of 3 action movies with this premise, instead of whatever they are trying to do in strange new worlds (which to be fair i have not seen yet but i do dread). wasted potential!!!
other "fun" (shocking, horrible) canon swaps aos could have done:
spock or bones somehow have jim's soul instead of whatever happened with khan's blood
jim OR whoever housed his soul has amnesia during the whale thing in the voyage home
bones's kid dies instead of jim's kid
jim's brother is the one to start the freaky cult in the final frontier, spock's dies at the result of those little pancake guys - maybe they attack new vulcan instead
bones knew there'd be a cure so he refused to kill his father when asked, but then his dad kills himself (so he regrets his choice no matter which road he takes)
bones or spock on tarsus iv instead of jim
spock splits into two selves during the enemy within and one is the vulcan one and one is the human one (this makes him miserable) (to be fair i have seen this in fanfic 1000 times)
spock or bones in the brainwashing chair from dagger of the mind
spock is the crazy person running around depression era nyc and jim and bones are stuck in the apartment. or SPOCK AND BONES ARE IN THE APARTMENT...
pon farr hits and bones fights spock. or jim fights him but thinks he's killed him rather than the other way around
bones gets possessed by sargon or henoch
spock the one having the nervous breakdown during romulan espionage
bones bodyswapped with the vengeful ex <3
and don't even get me started on mirrorverse.
anyway the fact that we're never getting a mediocre 4th movie let alone any of this is criminal. paramount i just want to talk
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sapphicambitions · 2 years
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Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
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tea-earl-grey · 27 days
finished TAS!!!! which also means I've now finished all of Star Trek... post incoming about that. but first – my TAS review under the cut:
i honestly wasn't looking forward to TAS much. i hadn't really heard about it other than fans lovingly poking fun at the animation and a couple of references made in Lower Decks so i expected it to pretty much be nothing with the occasional funny line but i was pleasantly surprised.
don't get me wrong... it doesn't attempt any of the social commentary or unique scifi ideas that TOS did and the vibes are much more Saturday morning cartoon but once you know that, it's really fun! in some ways, i enjoyed it more than s3 of TOS (well there's less sexism & racism at least which is a pretty low standard to set).
yes, the animation is clunky for modern standards but it has good vibes & nostalgia to it and a lot of the background drawings/alien design is really good and allows for so much more flexibility than live action (yet again why there should be more animated Trek but unfortunately Paramount seems determined to keep cancelling things).
it's been said before but Yesteryear is the clear stand-out episode. most of the other episodes are fine and fun but Yesteryear goes out of its way to present a really great character study of Spock & exploration of growing up mixed race in a xenophobic society. in TOS proper it was so rare to get genuine character insights (part of the reason TOS was a frustrating watch for me) so this episode was an absolute coup and should be a must-watch for all Trekkies.
all of the other episodes were pretty okay. most of them had big "let's put those guys in Situations" energy and were well aware of it. (yeah sure Kirk & Spock got turned into water-breathers why not? of course we're going to defend the Devil on trial. sure let's send the gang on a mythical quest outside of our universe.) i did really appreciate that there was a focus put on characters other than Kirk, Spock, & McCoy. it was great to see Uhura command the Enterprise and have a whole episode of just Spock, Sulu, & Uhura together having an adventure.
and in my opinion the boring/bad episodes of TAS were much more tolerable than the bad episodes of TOS because of the half an hour run time. so often in TOS, there was a good episode concept and a great first fifteen minutes and then the story started to meander to pad out the runtime until the end. whereas in TAS, the episodes ran quick enough that either they didn't run into pacing problems or the poorer episodes were quick enough that i didn't start to resent them.
would i recommend TAS as a show in general? if you're a Trekkie and like TOS era – sure! it's a fun continuation of TOS just like the books and comics. if you're not huge on TOS but like Lower Decks – check out a few episodes because Lower Decks has a lot of alien species/gags that come from TAS. if you don't like either TOS or Lower Decks – maybe watch Yesteryear but i wouldn't be in a rush to watch the rest.
overall – fun but nothing super special.
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snipsnipsnippy · 4 months
For ask game: Top 5 fandoms you’ve been in :)
Bahaha oh gosh, this put me on a wild ride of memories…. I’ve been through a lot of fandom eras..
But my favorites:
Trekkies!!! The OG fandom. I love Trekkies. I’m very into TOS but no matter the era, Ive never met a bad Trekkie (no one ruin this for me). Although I did once get publicly roasted by my Business Communications professor about being a fan of the cheesiest sci-fi of the 60s.
Swifties (hate me/love me, idc) Like you either get it or you don’t, but I love the friendship bracelets. I love the girlhood. I’ve been a fan since 2006 and the crazies are out there fr, but so are lots of people just… enjoying mall pop. Live laugh love, ig.
Specifically the Avengers circa 2012-2015. iykyk. It was a whole vibe.
The Hunger Games. I had the best three days of my life binge reading that series and then reading and writing the worst fanfic you’ve ever read ofc on fanfiction.net.
Not the Star Wars as a whole, but specifically the DinLuke fandom. It’s just a little niche built on vibes and vibes alone. Love Star Wars, hate the fandom as a whole, love the niches I’ve found.
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trillscienceofficer · 2 years
Hi :) do you know some Star Trek books you could recommend? I've heard some of them aren't great so I was a little hesitant to go through all of them
I DO have Trek book recs! I imagine you're asking for novels &co. and not, for example, titles like “The Fifty-Year Mission” or “The DS9 Companion” which are non-fiction books concerned with the production of the shows (but in any case the two I've cited are my favorites and I think especially the first one is a clear recommendation for any Trekkie). Also caveat that... I've not read that many novels either because, like you, I'm kinda skittish about wading through them all, especially after I've encountered a few really terrible ones.
Anyway here goes, divided in in 'Novels', 'Things that aren't novels but I recommend anyway' and a few titles on my TBR list that sound good and I feel confident suggesting even if I haven't gotten around to reading them yet.
The Lives of Dax (short story anthology, 1999) This is unquestionably still my favorite fiction tie-in for the Trek universe. Not all stories are good (Emony's and Curzon's are especially bad) but the ones I like are truly outstanding to me and inform my understanding of the Dax hosts to this day. I love the fact that it's framed as Ezri remembering various events of her previous lives. It's an easy read, given the format, and if you're willing to be patient with some stories the other ones will totally deliver, imho!
Catalyst of Sorrows by Margaret Wander Bonanno (2004) This book is part of 'The Lost Era' series, which tried to fill in the gap between the TOS movies and TNG. This one in particular is wild; main cast includes Uhura, Crusher, Sisko and Tuvok (the latter two going on a road trip!) and it's also a fairly deep dive into Romulan society written by someone who was obviously a DS9 fan. This was recommended to me many years ago by @senyorspock and if you like Senator Cretak from S7 of DS9 this is definitely a book you want to read.
Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Two (anthology, 2005) I have mixed feelings about some of the directions taken by the two novels in this book but I think they're ultimately both enjoyable and contain some fun and poignant elements (the scene where Ezri visits Jadzia's grave on Trill is permanently engraved in my brain). If you like Trills and the Sisko family I definitely recommend this book.
Hollow Men by Una McCormack (2005) This novel is a fun follow-up to "In The Pale Moonlight" and while it is a little too concerned with sympathizing with poor little meow meow Garak for my taste (I realize here my opinion differs from most other DS9 fans) I still liked for its explorations of Benjamin Sisko's state of mind at the height of the Dominion War. Also I ugly laughed at every scene Sisko and Garak have together, I do enjoy when they butt heads but still need each other... it is a well-written book!
String Theory - Cohesion by Jeffrey Lang (2005) Unlike the others this is strictly a Voyager novel, set in the Delta Quadrant. This book gets... a little bogged down by its own cleverness sometimes but the author was clearly concerned with science and world-building making sense, which I can't argue against. But you're not here for this: the best part of the book is B'Elanna and Seven getting stranded on the surface of a planet and being forced to form a 'collective of two' in order to survive. It goes as well as you can expect (yes they absolutely still manage to fight even when telepathically linked), and it is amazing. I don't always agree with their characterization here but this novel is, to me, the episode with a B'Elanna&Seven B-plot that we never got on the show. (This book is also the first of a trilogy but I found the second one unreadable and I hear the third completely ditches the themes established by the first two, so.)
Spock's World by Diane Duane (1988) This novel is a classic for a reason. I wholeheartedly recommend it even if a lot of the Vulcan world-building & characterization in it isn't strictly canon anymore. I love the way it alternates between the present and the past of Vulcan, and the Enterprise. The history of the planet is told through episodes but they are so effective in explaining why Vulcans are the way they are. If you've never read a Trek novel before and you love TOS, definitely start here.
I have a soft spot for the novelizations of Star Trek II, III, and IV by Vonda McIntyre, which contain some amazing backstory for Saavik and how she came to be Spock's protégée, as well as generally offering interesting characterization for side characters that the movies had no time to explore. Not all of it is still canon, given that they were written in the early eighties, but it's not a deal-breaker to me.
Things that aren't novels but I recommend anyway
Star Trek: Waypoint (Issues 1-6, which you can find in a single volume), Waypoint special and Waypoint special (2019). These are the BEST Trek comics, period. It's all short stories about the cast of the shows up to Enterprise, and the quality is amazingly high, consistently so. I'm not a big comic person and yet these get to me every time.
Hidden Universe Travel Guide: Vulcan (2016) and The Klingon Empire (2017), both by Dayton Ward. Okay I just... love the concept of these lol. They're travel guides! For Vulcan and the Klingon Empire! Neither takes itself too seriously (there are chapters such as 'So You Want To Purge All Of Your Emotions') but it's a nice riff on the Trek universe, and they're beautifully illustrated. Characters from all shows will occasionally chime in suggest their favorite places to visit, too, which was a pleasant surprise. For someone like me who has trouble coming up with world-building stuff on my own, both books have been giving me plenty of inspiration (of course I don't always agree with the way things are framed but hey, I didn't expect them to be perfect!)
In my TBR list
Dark Passions Vol 1 and 2 by Susan Wright. Wright wrote one of my fave stories from “The Lives of Dax” and these two novels sound absolutely wild, I can't wait to read about all the mirror versions of the Voyager characters
Time's Enemy by L. A. Graf. This collective of writers wrote arguably the best story in “The Lives of Dax” and they seem to share many of my sensibilities when it comes to writing these characters so I've been meaning to read this DS9 novel for a while!
The Rihannsu novels by Diane Duane, which are THE Romulan novels par excellence, I believe, but I still haven't gotten around to reading them somehow
Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Three simply because I just found a paperback of it recently, and it sounds interesting
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rainbowresurrection · 10 months
I'm borrrrred so here's a some stuff about myself!
My name is Jon.
I have a yellow gecko named Scully (like from the X Files), a tarantula named Alice Cooper (shes 16!) a tabby named Mrs. Chonk (she's food-obsessed and on a diet), and two ferrets named Benny and Marty :-)
Here's da Chonk
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In my free time I like to get high and draw crazy shit with markers. I also journal. Though I have pretty bad carpal tunnel so these only happen in short bursts. I love retro videogames but the same applies here lol. I do more watching than playing these days. Atari, NES, SNES, SEGA installments, PS1, and arcade machines are an on-and-off fixation of mine.
I'm a language enthusiast. I used to be fluent in day-to-day Spanish but I haven't gotten to speak it in years so it's awfully rusty now </3 soy hispano y hablo mejor el spanglish :P I can read Spanish just fine. My #1 target language of interest is Japanese. I just got done with an Arabic class. Earlier this year I learned some ASL on the fly to communicate with a coworker, & took a Korean hangeul class (I somehow found that harder than Arabic).
I love many kinds of rock, metal, punk, new wave, alt, and experimental music. Lately I've been into dark trap, especially Ghostemane and Grim Salvo. Generally speaking, my favorite band is probably Black Sabbath (70s era). My fav solo artist is David Bowie.
Obviously, I love Star Trek. I've been a trekkie for ten years now. I started with next gen but TOS quickly became my favorite.
Some of my favorite books include Star Trek: The Motion Picture (ofc), The Lord of the Rings, Interview With The Vampire, and The Dead Zone (I like a lot of Stephen King). I'm currently reading a psychedelic fantasy series known as the Great Book of Amber by Roger Zelazny. So far I'm loving it.
That's all for now 🫡
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So I watched Star Trek 2009 again and decided to do some more in depth note taking this time around, and decided to post it here. I'll be honest though most of it is me pushing the mcspirk agenda and complaining about the uniforms
Disclaimer! This constrains spoilers for this movie and also Star Trek into darkness, I will also say here that I am an autistic queer man, and I refer to a lot of Spock's behavior as autistic, if that is something that makes you uncomfortable them maybe you should skip this post.
Also the spacing is weird but I'm not gonna fix it, sorry :/
Anyway! Onto the post itself.
So I'm watching this movie again, I feel like I will like it much better now that I have my own twisted perception of this movie 👍🏻
It's unfair the amount of power this soundtrack has over me
This movie is truly beautiful, the uss kelvin is a gorgeous ship
And the sounds?? Ugh, I love it
I love the fake out they did there, I know so many old trekkies in the theater were like "THERE THE ENTERPRISE!!! LOOK AT HER!!! THERES THE BRIDGE!!! Oh wait..."
I love the funky shape the kelvin has
Ok so, what era are these uniforms supposed to be in? It's not the same ones from Archers days, and even though this is *technically* the point where the timeline diverges, these uniforms had to be canonical in the prime timeline too bc obviously hey were wearing them before they discovered the anomaly.
I'm guessing they just wanted to show that it was in the past? I'm pretty sure these uniforms were invented for this movie specifically.
We're only 1 minute and 43 seconds in.
Yea that ship is pretty damn scary
Oh em gee is Chris Hemsworth, wonder what he's doing here
Side note, when I first watched this I thought he was actually Chris Pine, but I kept going like "hmmm something ain't right here" yeah doofus you got the wrong Chris
It's even funnier when u know that I'm actually a big MCU fan and did a whole marathon of all the movies like a year ago, just full on did not recognize Chris Hemsworth
("Wow Lynsey, you're an MCU fan? How cringe!" Yeah whatever I know, I know, it's got a million and ten problems with it, but hey I love a good fix-it)
Fucking side note- this opening battle scene is gruesome as fuck, I remember watching this the first time and just being like "damn, three minutes in and already we have bodies flying through space??"
Ok so is this canonically what future romulans look like?? Bc this is not what romulans look like in any of the other shows, including SNW but that's all in the "past" so...?
I do find it interesting how many different species they have in starfleet here, because again up until the very minute that wormhole appeared, this was the prime timeline (which begs the question, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO KHAN??) so that means that in TOS they also technically would have had several other species in starfleet at any given time, obviously we don't see that in TOS itself bc of primary budget issues (that's why Spocks makeup wasn't super inhuman and stuff, bc they didn't have the money to put a regular character in super complex makeup every episode) but this little detail opens up a window of possibilities that I find really fun
Like because of this movie, my TOS crew of OC's has an Orion and two Vulcans in their senior staff (I know I know most Vulcans at that time wouldn't be caught dead in starfleet but they're my dollys and I get to decide what they look like!)
I'm back like, an hour later!
Let's get right to it!
He really does like like Chris pine, like I'm not going crazy, am I?
Is it just a Chris thing??
But yeah I can see why all the fics are like "Jim looks EXACTLY like his dad" cuz yeah they kinda do look like brothers if nothing else
Again I wonder what the theater reaction was to that "Kirk!? JIM Kirk?? But I thought he was played by a different blond twink!"
(Listen I'm sorry to say it but Chris Pine was a twink in this movie, it's just the truth! He gets more twunky as the movies go on, though.)
It's so weird to hear Chris Hemsworth speak with an American accent, or at least his attempt at one
Do we ever hear about this captain like, ever again?
I love the romulan language dude
Wait so do the romulans just straight up not have the eyebrow ridges? Like I think I read somewhere that sometimes they don't have them, but it looks like this entire crew doesn't have them
I'm confused
All I can hear when I look at Nero is the wackes bonkes audio that was going around on TikTok like, two years ago
Idk he just gives me that vibe
Spack! :D
Also I'll say right here right now, I do not support this ending for Spock prime!! I will give her a happy ending even if I have to forge it with my own to hands!!
GASP 😱 we're in the past!
I hate the fact that I had a Once phase, because all I can see is Emma so to me it's like a really weird crossover fic where Emma Swan and Thors child is Jim Kirk
What a mix
GASP! 😱 what ever will he do!
He sounds soooo confident that the baby will be ok
Them both being blond and blue eyed gives me the ick
Damn, poor Jim. Now he's got a million and ten allergies.
Ok ok ok I know this is supposed to be super emotional (and to be fair it is pretty emotional) but with all the fics I've read and fan content I've consumed where Jim's dad dying kinda fucked him over and Winona leaving him as soon as she could just makes me apathetic towards them.
So... yeah.
And I know none of that's canon (I don't think? We'll see as the movie goes on and I remember shit) unless I've missed a book or ten somewhere that provides all this extra information (like where frank came from, sam leaving, basically all the troupes we see with most AOS fics)
Damn, I gotta say that's pretty traumatizing
Star Trek!!!
Yep, we just got to the title sequence :)
Baby Jim!!
Ok so canonically Winona is off planet
I do love the fact that Jim listens to dad rock. Why? Because I listen to dad rock!! And it's very important to me that Jim does too!!
Ok so from the fics, that is supposed to be Sam, right?? But is that confirmed anywhere?? Also they never said who was on the phone, I just knew because of the fics
Where did all this extra info come from??
Oh, nope that's some kid named Johnny oops
Let's hope that we don't have cops in the 23rd century, thank you.
The trauma. This kid.
If I'm not mistaken (I probably am) this is one f the first good looks we get at an actual Vulcan city, right? Like in TOS we only got the ritual grounds, in TOSM we got the other ritual grounds, and then the other other ritual grounds, but we never really saw a city of any kind, did we? It's been a minute I might be mistaken.
And then in TNG, we only really saw some of Sareks home and not much else of Vulcan, but then again I haven't watch the majority of Trek so maybe in Voyager or one of the other shows we see more
Anyway, I choose to believe that Vulcan cities look way more colorful then this, you can't convince me otherwise!
When the Vulcan children are in the learning sphere it makes it look like the floor is actually a really big doughnut pan
My question is what Vulcan would think this is logical behavior. Like I know that they're xenophobic and like obviously they couldn't care less about logic when it comes to that so it doesn't really matter, but you go up to possibly the golden standard of Vulcan ideology and act like that?? And then say he's the one who's illogical and out of place?? Look In a mirror bud.
I don't know how I feel about Sarek being British
Sarek I'm not entirely sure that's what they intended when they made you ambassador to earth 💀💀 but I see where Spock get her "Ah yes, it is perfectly logical to have sex with my human captain and the CMO, it builds respect and is a great team exercise."
Sure bitch
It was so random to cast Winona Rider as Spocks mom, I'm not complaining ofc, I love Winona, but just so random
See, I can't just let her be killed off when she's that damn nice. I refuse! Amanda lives!
Idk what kind of gay little outfit this is bust it works for Spock, honestly. Idk I just feel like he can pull it off but if anyone else wore it it'd look ridiculous.
Is that because Spock is my favorite and therefore can do no wrong?
No! Be quiet you!
I literally love her so much.
The one bar in Iowa 💀
I never know how to feel about this scene.
Jim Kirk you literally bitch. I love him with my entire heart.
Jim Kirk is a gay bitch (he's bi but still)
Ok that was unnecessary. :| fucking 2009.
Kirk: you can whistle really loud, did you know that?
I... cannot tell you how much Jimby Kirk means to me. Just- he is so absolutely important to my wellbeing. I love him so so so much.
I want a tiny star ship salt shaker
It's also very important to me that he rides a motorcycle, because I love motorcycles
Can you tell I'm very heavily attached to AOS Jim Kirk? I don't know how good that is for my health
The Enterprise 🥹
Did they just let him in? No questions?
I just- they all mean so damn much to me
I also identify with Bones so much because I too am a southern queer
Ok I'm sorry, I love Karl Urban, but again I am a southerner and this accent... 💀 I just can't
It's so damn funny to me
You look a little love struck there Jimby 🤨🏳️‍🌈
Ahaha I hope nothing bad is about to happen
Ok no the romulans do have the eyebrow ridges, they're just not very prominent
Wakus bonkus
:( Spock prime
I'm sure he does, I bet he studies your ass every second he gets 💀💀
Also I paused just as they cut to the scene with Jim and Gaila 😬 that's fun.
Ok- first off, very interesting that Uhura doesn't even blink at Gaila being in her underwear, but then proceeds to undress in front of her
Gay? More likely then you think.
Also, can they stop making Jim a creep? Thanks.
Well. I can confirm I am a gay man.
I love her tone here
Bones is over this shit
Jim 💀
Kirk 💀 why must you cheat
I can physically hear Jim's thoughts going "oh no she's HOT" when he saw Spock stand up
First off- I love how Spocks the type of autistic that makes too much eye contact, like this whole time he's just 👁️👁️ LASER focused on Jim's face
Second, that's a lowwwww blow Spock 💀 damn.
Gehhsjchdishsjs I feel sickkk
I hate that I know what's coming.
Honestly, I started writing fics just so I can fix this kind of thing, bc in my mind Vulcan is not destroyed! Fuck you!
(Don't mind me just reading the name plates of all the admirals)
(Ok I need to stop for now cuz it's late and I have things to do, I made it 35 minutes and 29 seconds through!)
(I'm bAAAaaaack!)
Bones hair flying in the wind 💀 he looks so disgruntled
How tall is Chris Pine? I didn't think he was very tall but he towers over this random commander
Maybe that guys just short tho
Bones, you poor poor fool, you're so in love with Jim. One kicked puppy look and it's all over for you
Gehhhhh I am not here for the Spock x Uhura relationshipppppp
The worst part is, is that I honestly think Spock and Uhura could work, not in these movies obviously with how abhorrently they write Uhura to be a #girlboss (and then they did the same thing with chapel in SNW) but I think that if it was written by someone who like, actually cared about the characters then I feel like it could work
But also that because I headcanon Spock using he/she pronouns and being just all over the queer spectrum, and I also headcanon Uhura as the number one lesbian of the year, so I think the dynamic between those specific headcanons would be very interesting to see
Ok now that I'm looking at this relationship through the lens that they are both lesbians I don't mind it as much
"Just sitting there looking all pathetic" HE IS SO IN LOVE WITH JIM ARE YOU KIDDING ME
I... fucking love Bones so much. I can't even put it into words
It seems my opinion on the new uniforms has not changed. Idk what happened but I just do not like how they redesigned the classic tos uniforms, it feels like they took the sparkle out of them, whatever that means
Spack! :D
Ok like. Why do the uniforms just look like a tee shirt and jeans? They don't look like a uniform!!
I also hate the longer cut on the shirt, the higher waist line from tos along with the sleeker pants just looked better to me
And then the delta just printed all over the shirt but there no texture to it... it's like those cheap bodysuit cosplays you can get online where they just print whatever the character is wearing onto a polyester bodysuit that warps whenever you stretch it too far
And the shirt isn't tailored at all!! It's so baggy!! Like Spock was looking at her station, kinda leaning over, and the collar of his science blues was like sticking out because the shirts fit like shit!
Anyway... I got big feelings about these uniforms
I ALSO hate how they attempted to make it look like the shirts were sewn like they were in tos (y'know with that weird shoulder seam they had? I don't know the name of it) but then they're actually just sewn the normal way?? So there's like, double the seams??
I literally love the dynamic between Bones and Jim so much. He just knocked him the fuck out without even blinking. I love it
Chekov :(
One of my favorite things that Bones does is follow Jim around with a regenerator because he knows that Jim Will Not sit still long enough for him to like actually do his job normally so he's had to adapt
THAT looked like Jim was gonna kiss him
Haha..ha... I wonder why they're drilling into the surface of Vulcan... it'll probably be fine...
Spock is like "what a reckless and intriguing man. I Must Have Him"
I saw that glance gay boy
Damn this movie is actually kinda intense
I hate that I know what's gonna happen
✨Spock and her autism✨
That guy reminds me of the Skyrim guards
Godddd that is so damn scaryyyyy
Fuckkkk that is so. Fucking. Terrifying. Instantly vaporized.
My question is why didn't they immediately start evacuating Vulcan the second they could
God. I feel physically sick knowing what's about to happen
Gut wrenching.
Six billion.
God damn.
On a side note, I find that I don't mind the relationship between Uhura and Spock as long as I imagine that they're either in a QPR or are lesbians
I still don't like how they reduced Uhuras character to being Spock's girlfriend tho, especially in into darkness.
Anyway. I'm still reeling over Vulcan being destroyed. That was fucking devastating. I can't even think about it
This is why 90% of my AOS writing either takes place during the academy or is an AU
Who the fuck is Nero's actor?? Why do I recognize him??
One sec now I gotta look it up
I looked him up and I literally don't know him from anything except Star Trek, so I guess he just reminds me of someone else but idk who
Ok but. Romulus was destroyed because the star went supernova, not because the federation or Vulcan went after it, right? Like I'm not misremembering that, am I? Guess we'll see.
Like I know Spock got there too late to save it, but Romulus is still gonna be destroyed?? If anything he just made it far less likely that Romulus will survive now that most of the Vulcan scientists that came up with red matter are dead.
I fucking hate those thingssss
I love that Kirk is already in the captains chair, he's just that much of a bitch
They totally just wrote that in so Spock could nerve pinch someone 💀💀
Damn. Really just dumped him on an ice planet
Run bitch!!
Spock :(
Oh my god. The look in his eyes. How does anyone expect me to be ok after that.
Heart wrenching.
Spock hasn't seen her Jim for decades. Possibly even a century. And the first time she sees him again, he doesn't recognize her.
And I know, I know, timeline shit, but like, could you imagine how devastating that is? To see your lost loved one and them just straight up not even know you? And Vulcans feel emotions so much stronger too.
Yea so see? They didn't personally destroy the planet! It a was natural space disaster! And Nero probably just fucked up any chance of them being saved from it!
Man, now I want to watch TOS again so I can see Spock happy.
Spock to McCoy: I understand that James Kirk is a ""friend"" of yours
It's ok you can call them boyfriends
These southern phrases they have Bones saying are insane 💀 not once during my life as a southerner have I ever heard someone say that, and I hear weird shit come out of other southerners mouths every day. We make shit up, but nothing that damn complicated 💀💀
I missed bitchy Spock 💕
Sorry McCoy I don't think you can come back from that 💀💀💀💀💀 Damn
Ok no need to be racist McCoy
Or xenophobic, technically
Oh don't worry Spock prime, Jim's tiny little human arms got the door, just keep on walking down the hall
AOS Scotty is one of my absolute favorite things in the world
Kirks over this destiny shit, man
And then Spock prime breaks that rule himself 💀💀 I think she just didn't want to deal with her angsty younger self
Fuck Spock prime doesn't even know this version of his mom is dead too
you got this Kirk, don't worry about it
There was way more water in that pipe then that
Spock: un-fucking-believable. He found his way back onto the ship. I Must Have Him.
Ohhh shit here comes one of my absolute least favorites scenes. THE PAINNNNN
Oh my goddd like I know why Jim is doing this but it HURTS and it makes me want to DIE
Oh my god oh my god STOP
But not rlly cuz I love him
And that single shot of Kirk changed the entire fandom. For the better? For the worse? Who's to say
Scotty 💀💀💀💀
Yeah fair 💀
Oh my goddd the cut of these shirts bothers me SO MUCH
except if you're a woman, then that thing is tailored to your body like a glove 🙄
Its guns-UH-blazing, McCoy! Get it right
I can't explain in but Spock is standing in a very autistic way
"Vulcans don't show emotion" MY ASS!!! SPOCKS ALREADY SMITTEN!!
They are standing veryyy close
And Spocks face after 💀💀 pure regret
Ok no thanks I'd rather not see them make out
Kirk "oh wow that weird, wonder why it called u ambassador, that so random" 💀💀
Spock finding a chair that swivels on its own fascinating is extremely autistic
Dude the Vulcan ship is literally so damn cool
Whys this damn thing got no safety rails?? Isn't this a ship from the future?? I figured you'd be at least a little concerned with safety, holy shit
I really thought Nero went "FUCK!!!" But he was just saying Spock 💀
Jimbyyyy Kirk, what a sad lil boy
And that's how you break several ribs
Ok damn I got chills when the enterprise appeared
"Jim!" "Bones!"
The enterprise looks so tiny
damn, got chills again
Ok one sec I know that this is like an "omg Spock and Spock are talking!" Thing but-
Spock prime knows exactly what's going on. She really said "that's gonna be one of your husbands, couldn't get in the way of that lmao"
Gay! They are GAY!
also that was the end of the movie! I didn't time myself this time around, but I would say all in all it probably took me like three hours to watch this movie, maybe more
Anywho! Maybe I'll watch into darkness again soon so I can cringe (not that I don't like the movie, it's a fun time, but there are some bits that are just... yikes, y'know? Namely Khan)
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boxingcleverrr · 1 year
Made an aside on clockapp about how I have full notebooks of handwritten X-Files episode reviews/fanfiction, and now I have tons of bb philes in my inbox asking to share/archive and.
...It strikes me that this is exactly how we, in the late 90s/early 00s, were in awe of 60s-70s era Trekkies.
...And now it is almost the same amount of time passed since the height of my scribblings.
Save your fandom shit on whatever physical media you can cause damnit it IS important ;_;
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