#in part bc of that rhetoric
manhattan-gamestop · 8 months
I think tumblr is better at talking about the severity of Covid than a lot of platforms, but the posts I see on here do a terrible job at highlighting that you can do everything right and *still get it*. And I don't say that to be a pessimist, but because it can be incredibly invalidating for people who have been masking, up-to-date on boosters, etc. and got Covid bc even though we did everything we could, it still feels like our fault that we had it. So if that describes your experiences with Covid I just wanna say I see you, I feel you, and you are not alone
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sukibenders · 3 months
Racism and misogynoir are so apparent in fandom, especially when it comes to shipping because why is it when a white male, sometimes female but I see it more with the former, character is on screen with a love interest, particularly woc, especially if they're black, and even with all the emotional scenes or just moments where they look at one another in ways different from the rest, it's met with "No, they aren't dating/the show is not going to put them together" but let the other love interest be white as well and suddenly it all makes sense? Heck, the examples I mentioned above don't even have to exist between the latter for some to STILL go and believe this rhetoric (eg. some Jace and Helaena shippers because, even if these two only interacted with a dance but yet we see Baela console Jace, after he seeks her out, apparently it's to far fetched to believe that Jacela could be a thing?!)
Sometimes it could be a headcanon that, largely, would make sense (and oftentimes was birth due to lack of respect that the poc characters could have been given by the writers *cough* TVD *cough*), and yet you'd still have people dismissing it left and right and spewing hate. At a HEADCANON! And I'm not saying that just because the other person in the ship is poc that you have to ship them, I'm not, but it's very apparent to many poc fans in fandom that unless the characters are swapping spit and doing the nasty, the possibility of them being viewed in any romantic lens feels too much of stretch even though their white counterparts don't have to jump through the same loops.
#fandom racism#and even if the characters are already together in some way you still have some in the fandom picking a part every little thing#and don't let it be a love triangle either bc even tho the main consensus is supposed to be rooting for one side#if the other happens to be poc you can BET that their will be racial undertones from the fandom used as “justification”#(mark/amber/eve even tho mark is half korean but even with that some fans still viewed him as white and used that even more to hate on amber#and use a lot of misogynior) i remember those dark days in that fandom#from the early days until the ends of the westallen to jacela its so apparent especially when the love interest is black#and its not only jace/helaena shipprs that do this but cregan/sara shippers as well#and this is coming from someone who doesn't even mind jacelaena (prefers jace/hel/baela tho)#dont even get me started on the star wars fandom & how the idea of finn and rey was too out there l#and how much racism finn & john boyega had to deal with as a result#and i just know the same will happen with percy & annabeth when rachel is added (as someone who ships all three of them too)#like you can ship whomever you want but at the same time don't ignore/be apart of this racist and hateful rhetoric#jacela#sydcarmy#percabeth#westallen#bc its the way that this can be applied to SO MANY fandoms and ships that it's exhausting#finnrey#bamon#klonnie#kennett#tvd#pjo#star wars#hotd#the flash#for queer stories too bc ill never forget how some acted about dare me even tho the afro latina character was literally being groomed!#so many examples to many to name 😭#stefonnie
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
The thing is. Bad/gross food is rarely a DISH - when food is bad it's because it's been badly made, whether because of skills or available ingredients. but a dish p much only exists recognisably and has a name because someone likes at least one version of it.
which is to say. there isn't really a way of naming a dish, school of dishes or specific food culture and going EW ISN'T THIS DISH UNILATERALLY CONCEPTUALLY DISGUSTING without denigrating quite a lot of people.
like you don't have to like it in any form. but it's eaten and shared because it's good to a not insubstantial number of people when cooked right.
(and I don't really understand how you approach that with total incuriosity when it's a dish you haven't tried like. ARE rocky mountain oysters good? Maybe! I would very much eat some to find out!!!!)
this is actually something the British food poll did in a way the American ones I've seen haven't really - they described how the food they're imagining is, specifically, badly prepared (grey meat and veggies; unseasoned shepherd's pie). which is wildly tipping the scales by calling it British Food but. like. that is an on point definition of why that food is gross.
(this also applies to American chocolate, which like. Broad category but I think most of us understand this refers to low-cocoa high-sugar chocolate, probably with bucolic acid. so we are being invited to imagine Badly Made Chocolate not. the concept of chocolate)
personally I just think it's very rarely a good or funny idea to shittalk how gross any given food culture is. partly because food is important and culturally evocative for most people, partly because it's very...alienating? to be like WHO COULD EAT SUCH A THING? just because you wouldn't, and largely because to be frank it says more about you than about the food that you have so little imagination or curiosity that you can't imagine why a food might be enjoyable to folks who aren't you.
yes this includes jello salad, I would like to try it. ONCE. if it wasn't appealing to someone it wouldn't be so widespread.
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watermelinoe · 7 months
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rape is just a thing that may happen during war. we're not saying it didn't happen. it may have occurred. rape is not uncommon in war. it's not a weapon of war, there's no proof it's a pattern of violence against women, it's just something that happens for some reason.
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novemberthewriter · 2 months
hmm wishing more people could remember that black cis women and other woc are often denied womanhood / characterized as masculine in a way to purposefully dehumanize them ... when people write these scathing things about 'why do cis women act like being considered not cis is so evil' im like babes. as a fellow trans you should be able to put two and two together 😭
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
always wild to get the most horrifically transphobic comments from someone then check their profile to see they have “she/they” in their bio.
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zoobus · 2 months
You put a lot of effort into hating some shit you could've just blocked or not read (like how you didn't read the book)
Starting to wonder if you're someone who enjoys my essayposts and thinks stirring the pot might trigger me into writing more. Sorry, I've been essayed out as of late. I'll post reruns.
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piggiebonez · 1 year
hello you dont need to respond to this or anything I just wanted to tell you that I am a minor that ships zadr as same age chars and not everyone who ships em is proship but I am sad so many people who do ARE :( Good on you for setting your boundaries against ships though just maybe lessen the kill yourself part for ALL zadr shippers and just for the proship ones (also if you know a place where zims age has been 100% confirmed and not changed multiple times please share !! genuinely want to know ^^)
how long have you been in this fandom. like genuinely. jhonen has been saying that ZIM is DEFINETLY an adult for 20 years now. he mentions it in the dvd commentary, in interviews, on twitter, on stream. im gonna pull these ones here from this post (which was linked IN MY PINNED POST z*adrs learn how to read challenge), but there are definetely more examples. he has mentioned it in the 20th anniversary stream too.
all of those proship apologetics too lol. "oh hes child coded!" ITS A CRATOON FOR KIDS DUMBASS. of course the main protagonist needs to be relatable to children. sponge bob is child coded too, i dont see a lot of weirdos going around saying hes a child. oh yea there are no child characters to ship him with. hmmmm
"oh but hes an alien he has a different life cycle he could be a child soldier" shut tha hell up you fucking nerd. when has INVADER ZIM as a show been invested in xenoontogeny. hes a short green lazer gun wielding alien that has a military rank and a job. confirmed to be the same age as the tallest in an unfinished episode "the trial". he fights with human children because its FUNNY for a grown ass alien supersoldier to be throwing hands with 12yearolds on the regular.
"errrm actually ZIM is 160 it was confirmed" CONFIRMED WHERE FUCKASS. that is literally a fandom rumor. i have no idea where it started but it was not jv and not anyone whos related to the show. i have a guess that it came from some iz headcanons tumblr that would format their post with overlaying text on top of iz screenshots in the show font but im not sure. i would rather die than be a fandom historian
also if it bothers you so much that i say kill yourself z4drs on my posts you should leave tumblr and grow a spine. just block me you brainlet
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this one is from the megadoomer commentary that is literally ON YOUTUBE
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pikslasrce · 7 months
oh pirating websites are going to make me suicidal why cant a girl watch her 90s movie WITH subtitles like wtf is error code 102630
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guess whos back, back again ♬ plebbi's back, tell a friend ♪
silly gooberishness aside, I am back with a question! And forgive me if this is a bit weird !! Its another sorta hypothetical lawl
But, if one of the less friendly clones were to, for whatever reason, approach someone, be they clone, human, or otherwise, with the intent to show affection, would this be significant? I get that it's likely a case-by-case basis, so maybe being a bit more specific would help?
so, i think it's agreeable of me to say that Cake handing someone else her baby is a very significant thing to her because there isnt anything she cares more about than her child, so her giving that baby to someone else shows that she trusts whoever she's handing her baby to a LOT. But, it's also unique to her because there are clones who probably aren't nearly as concerned with their kids' wellbeing as Cake is with hers. (sorry im sending a lot of asks about cake, its just she's the one i can illustrate this point with the best (⊼⌔⊼ ))
With that being said, would, let's say, BB actively approaching someone to give them a hug hold a significance alike to Cake letting someone hold her child? Would Eglantine allowing someone to pat her head mean something similar? That's what im wondering basically \(´ ∇`)ノ
again sorry if this was a weird thing to ask ! Hope I made sense !! Thanks again byeee !!!!
(Isn't it a significant thing for every creature, great or small, to open themselves up for affection? To be vulnerable with a being you have chosen to trust? To rely on them to show kindness, and not cruelty?
Weirdly poetic thing aside: Yes, it would be significant for any clone to both give and receive affection
With Cake letting someone hold Cupcake, or Eg allowing a pat might seem 'more significant', since they are standoffish and require a fuck-ton of trust, but I believe those are just as significant as BB giving someone a hug, even if he is friendly and trusts much faster
They're all just weird little touch-starved guys who didn't ask to be made, it is significant for all of them)
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aroceu · 1 month
this isn't aimed at anyone or any post in particular but i do think a lot of people (especially adults - i'll get to why in a second) who don't know a lot about the youtube content creator sphere know that the reason why mrbeast is even popular in the first place, and why the current controversy surrounding him is such a big deal, is because his audience is comprised primarily of children
teens, kids, whatever. the point is that his videos are specifically geared to people without enough life/world experience to recognize a scam or something fake just by instinct, people who are impressionable and have short attention spans and are easy to manipulate into trusting just by smacking "charity" in the title of a youtube video. i would bet that a vast majority of adults, especially left-leaning ones, have never seen a mrbeast video. i haven't either!
but that's not relevant in the controversy, because we were never really the audience in the first place. mrbeast does not care about some progressive adults patting themselves on the back for never being short sighted enough to have watched his videos. but it (the company) does care when swaths and swaths of kids are influenced to no longer be naive enough to take his videos seriously much less watch them, and no longer participate in his bullshit lotteries/gambling/whatever else thing he does as a rich person looking to exploit people for even more money.
i know it's easy to see mrbeast, the youtuber, as just some stupidly successful and financially backed youtuber that rubbed you the wrong way. believe me, i was there too before all this started. but after watching a lot of videos and doing a lot of digging, i feel like it's important to say (especially as an adult who watches a lot of youtube videos) that mrbeast is far more insidious than that. the entire brand is founded on "charity" displayed in a way to appeal to kids' attention spans. mrbeast's content is aimed at children.
and when you add the knowingly hiring pedophiles allegations (on TWO separate accounts!!!!!) not to mention abusive employee treatment not to mention abusive contestant treatment and not to mention just the exorbitant flaunting of wealth (if we want to be real for a second)........ this is not just about mrbeast as an empire falling. this is about exposing someone that children have been manipulated by - and still are! - as someone who is genuinely not good or charitable, no matter what his manipulation has told them. and i think that needs to be mentioned a lot more by us laymen when talking about his downfall.
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rosesradio · 2 months
#idk why i’m even talking about this but like. treating this blog like my diary#thinking about the cody ko controversy & the response of the internet in general & it’s so weird#like i watched cody but i unsubbed a couple years ago just bc i didn’t like his vids anymore but i did like tmg & their music & noel#which isn’t the weird part because i’ve parted with things that turned sour & problematic etc. there’s a little bittersweetness but not muc#the weird thing is just how people have responded (cody hasn’t which speaks for itself 🧍)#like some people take it seriously but there’s also been a lot of jokes. which i would argue is okay because it’s clowning on the abuser—#& it spreads a wider rhetoric of ‘hey this guy sucks let’s all make fun of this guy for committing statutory’#it’s strangely validating as someone with my trauma#ofc i’ve talked about it before but as someone who was groomed & sa’d at 17 by a 22 year old man i remember constantly (even still)#second guessing how bad it was & arguing that like ‘4.5 years isn’t that bad’ or ‘well the SA was ‘only x’ and not ‘y’’#even though i feel a lot of nuance about the concept of. this is being treated seriously while simultaneously being treated as the—#joke of the week & so many people have said that he won’t face consequences (it seems like these influencers never do)#even despite all that…there’s a strange validation of my trauma whenever i see other people speak out and gain support regardless of the—#circumstances.#idk does that make sense or am i talking in circles#tw grooming#tw sa mention
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sukibenders · 10 days
"Cannibalism as a metaphor for love is such an interesting narrative choice!" Until you add poc into the narrative and here come the millions of "think pieces" that either 1.) dehumanize them for the same thing their yte counterparts are praised and, sometimes, even...applauded for (eg. Yellowjackets and other supernatural media), 2.) or use it inappropriately to justify harm brought on to poc communities. But that's a conversation for another time.
(tw for some of the tags as well)
#tw cannibalism#like about yellowjackets even tho i enjoy the show it was very apparent how some in the fandom would highlight shauna#and the other yte characters for diving into their cannibalistic urges while demonizing tai lottie & other poc characters on the show#(also paired with ableist rhetoric)#supernatural shows vampires and zombies take a look at how fandom treats the poc vs yte characters even if they are doing the same thing#(eg. how yte vamps are often sexualized and viewed as figures of desire which wouldn't be a problem if poc vamps weren't painted as literal#villains for doing the same thing like i didn't forget how marcel from tvd was treated &#& now with louis and claudia from iwtv#& with zombies with tlou how people were talking about henry & sam read a certain way#(have you noticed how it's mainly yte zombies who get to have romantic plots as well....)#if you're wondering how this narrative translates into real life some often use it to justify harm & abuse inflicted toward poc communities#ive seen people justify what dahmer did to his victims (who were primarily black & brown) because he “loved” them#im not even going to go into how it's interesting poc communities often are labeled as cannibalistic when yte people have a history with#this (from literally eating those who were enslaved to using black people's hair & other body parts as furniture and accessories) but that#fact is often brushed over#this fact is also prevalent today bc with how the media and far right politics are demonize haitian immigrants when it was an ohio native#who was did what the media was accusing these immigrants of#(its also very telling how there was little to no fact checking they just immediately went to blame poc communities but not very surprising#tvd#tlou#yellowjackets#this is mainly an analysis#pls dni if you can't be respectful or have a collected conversation about this
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thehallstara · 11 months
i just like. wish ppl would realize how bad things are for most diaspora jews atm and like. take that into account wrt how they talk abt stuff
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chicago-geniza · 1 year
Every other FSU Russophone diaspora Jewish acquaintance on Facebook sharing unconfirmed reports of Hamas carnage and immediately 1) comparing it to the Russian military massacre in Bucha, 2) throwing around the words "ethnic cleansing" re: Jews, 3) drumming up conspiracy theories about Russia funding "Arab terrorism," meanwhile the Russian gov't makes a statement equating the Israeli flag to the Ukrainian flag, further stoking this paranoid sentiment among the diaspora and among liberal Russophone emigres. I feel like I am going insane, actually literally insane in real time
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minglana · 1 year
i would say this on the other hellsite (twitter) but i dont feel like getting hate from randos so ill just say it here. but the fact that im not a native aragonese speaker BUT ive inherited a lot of aragonese words (maybe a few more than the average zaragozano would) along with catalanisms has still made me experience a discrimination of sorts. nothing like the stories of kids getting beat up at school for speaking aragonese or getting scolded by teachers for "not speaking correctly" but i have experienced shame from saying words that a few decades ago were much more common. classmates have laughed at me for "speaking weird" when it was just words in aragonese. i have also been ridiculed bc of my (aragonese) name... you literally dont have to be an aragonese speaker to know or understand the shame that aragonese speakers have gone through
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