#in reference to will and henry both they both lose an arm
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How does seeing me like this make you feel? Does it upset you?
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artaxlivs · 1 year
Were they kidding with this bullshit? Like, seriously? So many gates opening up to different dimensions now that there were too many for Supergirl to close and this? This is what they got? Fuck this. Seriously.
"Are you a virgin?" Mike asked like the total little dickhead he is.
"So what if I am? Aren't you? And the rest of your little friends?" Eddie sniped back at the rude little bastard but then, he blanched, "actually, don't answer that. I don't want to know."
Why did this have to be happening when Eddie was on a perimeter check?
Mike rolled his eyes like he couldn't believe how ridiculous Eddie was being, "Dumbass, we're children. Unicorns never go to innocent children in fairy tales. Because we're all innocent. They go to innocent adults. Virgins." He put far too much emphasis on the word because he is, as mentioned, a little dickhead.
"Listen, fuck you and the unicorn you rode in on. I'm not fucking innocent. I've done...things. Things I'm not gonna tell you about!" Eddie sputtered, crossing his arms and almost losing his precarious balance on the tree branch.
He needed to be careful because there was a unicorn circling underneath him. And not the beautiful, ethereal kind. It was beautiful, sure, but it had blood all over his muzzle and splattered across it's chest and on it's front hooves. Probably from the last virgin it had tracked down in god knows what dimension and trampled slash eaten to death. It's eyes were blazing red fire and it had fangs. Fangs. Fuck. That.
Eddie heard Steve sighing and then he flailed an arm from Eddie's tree branch to Robin and said, "It can't be trying to get you because you're a virgin, it's not going anywhere near Robin!"
The girl in question squeaked. Her ears and cheeks went bright red. All three of them turned to look at her.
"Wait, what? Was it you know who? From the...? You didn't tell me? When did you...?" Steve asked cryptically, shedding absolutely no light on who Buckley was knocking boots with.
"Yes after we met at the...place." Robin supplied lamely and then bared her teeth and said through them, "After. But before we went back in to fight Henry slash Vecna slash One." She shrugged and let out a hysterical sounding giggle. "It was...End of the World Sex. Just in case, you know?"
"Ohhhh I'm so proud of you!" And oddly, Steve really did sound proud. Which was weird. Eddie was pretty sure Robin was gay which meant the caginess was in reference to a girl but the fact that Steve was so supportive was a little suprising.
Without actively thinking about the repercussions, Eddie's mouth decided to test that theory, "Well damn, wish I'd have thought of that. Steve - want to deflower me so this unicorn leaves me alone?" The hysterical giggle Eddie let out rivaled Robin's.
Slowly Steve turned back to him but before he could reply, Mike scoffed, "You are his type. Skinny, big bushy hair, big eyes, you and Nancy both talk like everyone is just waiting to listen to you to speak." He rolled his eyes, "Annoying."
"Rude!" Eddie tilted his head thoughtfully, "You know what though? I'm fine with it. Nancy Wheeler is a badass and I want to be her when I grow up. Or when I get down from this tree." Eddie cringed, staring down as the unicorn stopped and looked up, one of it's flaming eyes bore into him. It neighed, shaking it's gorgeous mane but also splattering little droplets of blood everywhere.
Gross. So gross.
"Huh. Now that you mention it..." Robin stared up at Eddie thoughtfully, "I totally see it."
Steve just dragged his hand down his face and glared at the angry unicorn, "Okay, we need a real plan because Eddie isn't coordinated enough to have sex in a tree." He put his hands on his hips like a baseball mom wondering if she brought enough orange slices and Shastas for the whole team. "Do we know any other adult virgins to lure this one away?"
Mike snorted, "Those are probably more rare than the unicorn.'
Eddie flipped him off, "You're rolling at disadvantage on all charisma and persuasion checks for the rest of time."
"We'll have to find a new DM when the unicorn gores you anyway," Mike shrugged. "Whatever."
Then he wandered off. Just walked away, like Eddie wasn't two feet away from being mauled by a feral beast who's name was probably Glitter Sparkle or some shit. What a dickhead.
Looking away from the unicorn, Eddie watched Robin wave Steve over and whisper to him. They had a hushed conversation for several minutes while Eddie yelled things like, "Wanna share with the class?" and "Good friends don't make shitty plans in secret!" But they ignored him. Bastards.
Until Steve turned to the tree and asked, "By 'things' what do you mean?"
"Harrington, what the hell are you talking about?"
"You said you've done 'things' but not had sex. What things?" Steve brushed a hand through his miraculously still perfect hair, and sighed, obviously frustrated, "We're trying to figure out what the unicorn considers virginity. Robin's never..." He petered off and glanced back at her and then over at Mike who was half way down the block with his radio out, sitting on a bench with his back to them, probably telling everyone that Eddie still had his V card. Traitor.
He was too far away for them to hear his conversation so he was probably too far for theirs.
Robin cleared her throat. "I've never had, you know, penetrative sex. Just...um...uh...third base!" She squeaked again and then covered her face with her hands.
"You're being extremely weird about sex talk while a blood covered unicorn is stalking me like a jungle cat!" Eddie informed her. "Oral. Just say oral sex, you weirdo!"
"Ok fine!" She shouted, "I've given and reciprocated oral sex! Jesus." Then she crossed her arms and grumbled under her breath, tapping one foot on the grass.
Eddie couldn't help it. He laughed with glee. "Was she cute?"
Robin sputtered, mouth dropping in shock.
What? Did she think she was a subtle lesbian? Because she wasn't. Not at all. Her high tops had boobs drawn on them like some twelve year old boy just hitting puberty. He rolled his eyes.
Steve looked up at Eddie then. His eyebrows were arched in that way they get when he's thinking up a plan. They're not always good plans but he carries them out and everyone usually lives so, Eddie could do worse. "Well - Big Boy?" Steve's lips twitched in a smile at using Eddie's nickname for him. "I'm guessing when you said you've done 'things,' you were lying?"
"Yeah, duh." Eddie retorted, snapping in his irritation and mounting fear. Mounting, ha. Like a horse and like sex. Mounting. He bit his lip to contain the very poorly timed giggle.
Robin rolled her eyes, grabbed Steve's arm and gave him a severe 'be careful' look and then hustled over to where Mike was sitting. When Steve tucked his bat into his backpack and started to creep around the tree, he realized she was giving them privacy. Holy shit.
The unicorn didn't even acknowledge Steve's presence as he skirted around it and climbed the tree, grunting and complaining under his breath how nobody better call him the Virginsitter because he swears to God. Then the rest of his grumbling got lost, buried under the sound of Eddie's heart pounding in his ears.
Holy shit.
And that's how Eddie lost his mythically constructed virginity in a tree to Steve Harrington who was apparently bisexual and very, very good at blowjobs.
Neither of them even noticed which way the unicorn went.
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meraki-yao · 9 months
Translation of a Bilibili Video Analysing the Paris Love Making Scene
Preface from me: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT MY ORIGINAL CONTENT! THIS IS JUST MY TRANSLATION OF THE FOLLOW VIDEO MADE BY 搭火箭都要追剧 A CHINESE RWRB FAN. I REPEAT, THE CONTENT IS NOT MINE, I'M JUST A TRANSLATOR (that being said I did a little bit of commentary, anything in brackets is my own thoughts)
All photos are unedited screenshots taken directly from the video
Preface from OP: The content of this video is very subjective and shallow, if it's different from your opinions, you're the right one (a Chinese saying which basically means "this is just my thoughts don't come at me") and it's most likely to be very different from any official BTS.
Didn't translate the first part because 1, I can't really translate it well due to cultural references 2, I... don't really agree with it, but did like 90% of the video
Also since it's about the Paris love-making scene, there's sexual content, you have been warned
For the moment when Alex slips his hand under Henry's shirt
When Alex slides his hand across Henry's naked waist, his fingertips, the most sensitive part of the hand is touching Henry's bare skin and stirring his desires, which is why Alex's body tenses: he clenches his jaw and takes a deep breath in.
In contrast, Henry is absorbed in the romance of it all. He's been in love with Alex the whole time and finally, the man of his dreams is here with him, touching him.
For the couple of shots where they stand naked with Henry touching Alex
1, Close Up Shot of Henry's hand gliding up Alex's arm
Henry told Alex that he's in good hands, therefore Henry's the one to lead this dance and set the atmosphere, so most of the light is on him, with the bright spot being shone on Henry's wrist which leads the audience to focus on that point
He starts with his fingertips running along Alex's vein, but the brightest spot doesn't follow the movement of his hand and stays focused on his wrist and the lower part of his thumb while the rest of his hand is in darker lighting. This is to strike a contrast and to put the focus on Henry's hand and therefore his movement. The reason only part of his hand is illuminated is because his entire hand is lit, the frame's lighting loses its balance and looks abnormal, and won't match the more subtle, softer tones of the romance in the movie
A highly saturated orange/golden light is chosen, which increases the feeling of content and ambiguity (I don't that sounds weird but it's the closest word I can think of, but a more accurate description… Imagine the use of steam in a shower sex scene) which also hints that this is going to be a lovely night
The use of light and the contrast of brightness on different parts also serve to convey Henry's emotions and internal thoughts. Even though their first night in Alex's room and their hook-up during the polo match were both really intense, but it was more about the surging, frantic sexual desire between the two. Now Henry doesn't actually know how Alex will react and is somewhat worried about it, which is represented by his fingers in darker lighting. But at the same time, Paris is the first time Henry can be so physically close with his long-time crush and be extremely honest/vulnerable with him, and later understand and feel each other on a spiritual level (… Woah.). He feels contentment from that, which is what the brighter area conveys.
In this single shot, the bright and dark areas are fairly equal, which also means these two emotions are in equal conflict at this moment
Then Henry's hand slides up towards Alex's shoulder and he switches to touching him with his fingertips, which, with its sensitivity, means Henry can feel any tiny change on Alex's skin. He feels Alex's excitement and comfort, which in turn makes him happy and bolder, which is also conveyed in the change of the light in the frame: the fingertips that were previously in dark lighting gradually shift into the brighter area, representing his worries fading
2, The following shot of Henry facing Alex's camera right, Alex's back against the audience, camera left
The light is still on Henry which means this shot is still conveying Henry's feelings
There's a clear contrast of light on his face which makes his face seem more 3D (again sorry for the weird translation but I can't find any other words) and attracts the audience's attention more.
The contrast is also represented in Henry's characterization. To explain this, we need to understand what a cognitive schema is: cognitive schema is a psychological concept which can be summarized as when a person is exposed to an object, event or person, they will use precious experience and knowledge to make a general judgment and description of them thus predicting their next actions. So in the case of Henry, at first since he's a prince, the audience and Alex, using their cognitive schema will assume he's prim and proper, when in reality he's horny (ha), flirtatious and adorable (so in conclusion, he's actually a babygirl)
Henry then lingers his hand on Alex, and glances at Alex with a flirtatious smile, enjoying Alex's shiver under his touch.
3, Shot of Alex facing audience camera left, Henry back against audience camera right
The light is now mostly on Henry's back, increasing the romantic atmosphere of the shot.
The light is also on Alex's torso and cheek forming a light contrast, which turns the audience's focus onto Alex. The larger dark area indicates he's being led by Henry in this situation, and he doesn't really know what Henry's gonna do, therefore his nervousness is the dominating emotion, represented by the dark area.
But he's also enjoying Henry's touches, which is why the light is still mostly on Henry but also partly on Alex now, almost like an extension of the contentment that Henry feels
The lamp that in-universe is providing the lighting is on the right side of the frame. If a similar light source isn't placed on the left side, the left side of the frame would seem too cold, which would destroy the atmosphere previously created. Therefore a mirror was placed there both for spatial balance and to create a reflection of the lamp's light, creating a small light spot on the left, balancing the coloring and lighting of the shot.
To the right of the mirror where the light can't cover is a small cupid statue. The statue not only adds to the romantic atmosphere but also indicates what's about to happen, as cupid symbolizes love and sex. Cupid is also a mischievous God who enjoys pranks, which also somewhat describe the boys' relationship: cupid shoots out the silver/lead arrow of aversion and revulsion that leads to their misunderstanding and subsequent hatred, but the shoots out the golden arrow of fall that led to them falling in love with each other and living together happily ever after.
Alex keeps watching Henry's hand as his hand slides down and looks back up when Henry touches his chest and takes a deep breath. Henry smiles brightly at Alex's reaction.
Alex then becomes intoxicated by Henry's touch as his sexual desires take over him
When Henry picks up the key that means a lot to Alex, Alex clenches his jaw. The highlight in his eyes allows the audience to immediately catch the change in his eyes that's filled up with lust.
So to conclude this part, a lot of attention was given to the placement of props and the lighting: the saturated golden creates a romantic but steamy/foggy (meraki seriously can't find the right word) setting, which is a filmmaking technique often used by Wong Kar Wai, in fact a similar lighting was used in "In the Mood for Love" (Matthew is a true fan)
For the shots of them kissing on the bed
There's a red mark on Henry's chest which OP explained in an earlier video that would have been caused by Alex grabbing there when thrusting forward
There's another possibility which is Alex getting excited when being behind Henry but he doesn't really know what to do so all he can do is grind against Henry. But Henry feels and sounds divine, and Alex gets impatient so he leaves marks on Henry's arm and chest
To prove her hypothesis op did an experiment with her own arm: she chose her arm because just like the part of Henry's chest that's marked, part of the muscle curves (into the elbow just as the chest muscle curves into the armpit) it's not a easy place for fingers to exert force, thus can draw a closer, more subjective comparison.
Experiment process: open uses her other hand to grab onto her arm and pull backwards forcefully, to 1, observe the shape of the mark and if it's identical to that of Henry's, 2, observe the time needed to create the mark in order to be the same as Henry's
As shown in the photo, the (faint) red marks are approximately the same shape, width and redness as the ones on Henry's chest. It took 28 seconds to reach this. This approximates the time taken by Alex to "do stuff" (I think she means prep?) from Henry's behind
With how loving and gentle Alex is with Henry it's not that likely that he started groping Henry's chest from the beginning, so the conclusion is when Alex was trying to "move forward" when he was behind Henry (I seriously don't know if she means prep or like, doggy style) but doesn't really know what to do and groped Henry in his nervousness, and this failed attempt lasted at least 28 seconds.
OP thinks the failed attempt was done in front of the window with Henry bending over, gripping the back of one of the chairs, and deduced from the DNC scene: the boys were originally chatting in bath robes on the couch with the curtain mostly closed, but when Zahra barged in, the blackout curtain was out, leaving just the mesh layer closed. There was a bathrobe on the far side of the couch and another in front of the window. So presumably after the talk, they went for another round, Henry ditched his robe on one side of the couch and pounced on Alex (similarly to how he did on Alex's couch), they tumbled around and switched position and ended up in front of the window, Alex remembered he failed attempt in Paris and wanted to make up for it so he pulled open the blackout curtain but left the mesh layer closed, and then he got to work. (...tbn personally I think this is a stretch?)
Henry thinks Alex is adorable but he's also really intoxicated and wants to get down to business asap, so he grabs Alex's neck and presses Alex towards him, kissing from Alex's lips to his neck. He kissed Alex's neck because from their first hook-up and the way Alex immediately stretched his neck to give Henry space when he kissed his neck then, that this is the quickest way to stimulate him. Which is why you can see a faint hickey on Alex's neck
As they kiss they walk towards the bed. During their first hook-up, Henry pushed Alex onto the couch, so now it's Alex's turn to pounce on Henry, which is what we see in the shot: Henry falls onto the bed first, then Alex follows. Alex is really happy and a bit proud that he can drive Henry crazy like this, while (and I quote directly) Henry can't think of anything anymore, and has "please hurry up and fuck me" painted on his face
The mark/hickey on Alex's neck takes the shape of an inverted triangle, with the vertical side and the diagonal side (left down right up, in math it's a positive slope) being more red, which means those two points experienced the largest amount of force
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Red Mark on Henry's Chest
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Screenshot from In the Mood for Love using a similar lighting
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Red Mark Result from OP's experiment
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Blackout Curtain Closed on DNC Night
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Bathrobe (presumed to be Henry's) on the far side of the couch
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Bathrobe (presumed to be Alex's) near the window, Blackout Curtain Open in the background
For the process, deduced with the shot of them laying in bed during the afterglow
The trajectory of sweat on Henry's temple runs downward vertically. If he was fucked lying down, the sweat should run into his ear canal horizontally. Which means he was fucked in a sitting position. For example in the polo match hookup, Henry's sweat is visible in the form of drops running vertically down his face. Also in the afterglow, the sweat also seems to be splattered, which required Henry to have vigorously moved either up and down or front and back. So yeah this further proves that there was a cut riding scene.
Alex also has sweat on his face, and his fringe is wet. So riding should have happened right before they lied down and started talking.
So the process deduced by OP is 1, they tried doggy style in front of the window and failed 2, what was shown in the movie 3, doggy style on the bed 4, riding (OP wasn't aware of the details of the extended Paris love-making scene, but all RWRB fans in China know that there's doggy style and riding that got cut, this is OP's deduction of the order)
Even without looking at the sweats and marks, from the way Henry's signet ring is turned in the movie you can tell that something's deleted, since before Alex intertwined his fingers with Henry, the letter H was facing outwards, and when their hands join the movement causes the ring to turn and for the letter to face inwards. But then the next shot with Henry's hand on Alex's shoulder shows the ring worn normally again, which means something in between was deleted or reordered.
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Hickey on Alex's Neck
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Henry's sweat in the afterglow
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Henry's sweat during the polo hook-up
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Alex's sweat in the afterglow
tagging @sanneannelies7 and @na-18dia who mentioned wanting the translation in my original post
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enm-enthusiast · 1 year
The Exhibitionists Club Ch. 4 - Jack Part 2
Last chapter we saw Jack witness the preliminary wrestling match between his colleagues Daniel and Roderick, in which Daniel surprisingly came out the victor, but now before both of their cocks were put on display in front of the entire crowd. Now, Jack has to face his own boss, Henry in a strip wrestling match, can he emerge victorious and get through his initiation unscathed? Or will he end up a naked loser?...
I swallowed the growing pit in my throat as I followed Henry up on the stage, and as I did I took the chance to size my boss up. He wasn’t as tall as me, standing at 5’10 compared to my 6’2 but he was bulkier, his thighs and arm muscles far exceeded my own and from the stories I had heard around the office he knew how to use them. His casual clothes couldn’t hide his rather impressive glutes, either, and I couldn’t help but admire his toned and meaty globes attached to his backside. His graying dirty blonde hair was cut short, and had recently shaved his neat, handsome face, his piercing hazel eyes turned to look at me and flash a dazzling, knowing wink and a smile before taking the final steps up on stage.
I followed him up, the bright lights flooding my vision and making me temporarily squint as my eyes adjusted from the darkness of the crowd. Ian greeted us as he did Daniel and Rod, we introduced ourselves to him, afterwards he turned back to the crowd and said “There you have it gents, our next two volunteers! And may I say what hunks, am I right?” He said.
Many from the crowd voiced their agreement and I thought I heard one even say: “Tear his clothes off, blondie!” and I felt my face flush from heat as I knew who they were referring to.
“Let’s wait and see who rips off whose clothes first, shall we? Now, to repeat, there is no biting, kicking, or low blows to sensitive areas, either of you get caught doing this by me or security and we will remove you from the premises, right?” He said, matter of fact. Both me and Henry nodded our heads and Ian waved us down to the ring and we separated to take opposing spots with me on the left and Henry on the right.
“And remember! First one to lose all his clothes will lose the match, and you can either keep or return the loser's underwear, and with that, let’s get this show on the road!” Ian finished and me and Henry both took our socks and shoes off, taking our first careful steps inside the oil-slicked ring.
I was wearing casual navy blue shorts, a red shirt, and a red and black jockstrap underneath it all…I told myself that my opponent would be someone I could handle enough that I wouldn’t lose more than my shirt. True enough, if anyone else BUT Henry had been chosen to wrestle me my victory was guaranteed, no doubt it's why he's my opponent.
Henry himself was wearing black cargo shorts and a black tank top, showing off his muscled arms which threatened to put me in a hold I’d never escape from if he managed it. We began sizing each other up in the precious few seconds we had before Ian started his countdown to begin. My best chance was to evade being grappled by his arms and focus on his legs which would slow him down. I’d go for his tank top first, the straps were an easy target that wouldn’t be an issue for me to simply rip off of him. 
“1!” Ian shouted, his countdown had begun.
I spread my legs open and crouched, storing energy in my legs in case I got the opportunity to pounce and wrap my legs around him. 
Henry moved his arms up in a defensive position, which made me think he was either preparing for a straight up attack or was feinting and trying to catch me off-guard. 
The match had begun, and true enough he was feinting, because I didn’t move first, instead he lunged at me like lightning after the first few seconds had passed. My eyes widened and I moved to sidestep him but he reached his arm out which managed to grab right onto my left hand and he pulled me along with him.
I pried my hand from his grasp and moved before he could, he was against the edge of the ring and so I wrapped my legs around his waist and hooked my arms underneath his and pulled upwards. Within the first minute I managed to get him firmly pinned.
“Fuck…your quicker than I thought” Henry said, his voice hoarse from the breath being knocked out of him.
“Maybe you're just getting slow, old man,” I said, my smile widening. I noticed my crotch was pressed into his lower back, right against his firm ass. As soon as I realized, I could feel my cock start to respond and I cursed myself silently as the more I restrained Henry the more his ass pressed upwards onto my crotch.
My bulge was growing as I could feel his glutes rubbing up against me, despite the layers of fabric in between. Henry tried to free an arm and I responded by lifting Henry up further which as soon as I did it, I knew it was a mistake.
I landed his backside right in the middle of my crotch, my shaft was even rising in a way that nestled itself between his cheeks and at the contact I couldn’t help but bite my lip and said “Fucckkkk” under my breath.
Henry, damn him, heard me and even from this angle I saw a smile split his face. “What’s the matter, tough guy? Is all this muscle too much for you? Or are you just happy to see me” He said and I could tell he had noticed something poking at his ass and my expression of arousal had only confirmed his suspicions. 
I didn’t answer, but even while restrained he could still slightly move and so he took it upon himself to sway his ass from side to side, effectively grinding his ass against my quickly growing cock.
I sucked in a breath as the contact only made my cock grow to full mast inside my shorts and jockstrap. I felt my head swirl with lust as I wanted to completely tear off Henry’s clothes and bend him over and fuck him senseless but I had to focus, I had to keep him pinned so I could rip off his tank top. I managed to clear my head at least for a moment so I had to act fast because as soon as one of his arms was free it would only be a few seconds before he broke away completely.
As Henry continued grinding against me, I counted down internally and as soon as I hit 5 I once again lifted Henry up, bending his back and while he was distracted I let go of his left arm and immediately grabbed ahold of the left strap of his tank top and Henry was beginning to realize what I was doing.
I tightened my grip, released my legs around his waist, and whilst pushing my legs away while still holding onto his left strap…
I lunged away but half his tank top came with me, the rest was in shreds around him and was now stripped to his waist, and the crowd cheered as I lifted up the garment in a momentary victory and threw it into the crowd. Henry turned to face me, now bare-chested and as I always suspected was quite hairy but still very well built and stocky. His torso was already beginning to glisten from the oil, because as soon as I had jumped away he had landed on the ground, and it only accentuated his large male pecs which rippled with muscle as he instinctively flexed them as he ripped away the remaining shreds of his shirt.
The movement stirred something in me, his large dominating figure awakened something primal, and I felt an equal urge to both break and bend his ass over for me…and for him to utterly pound me into submission. My cock twitched in response as it continued to throb, still imprisoned within my jockstrap. 
“I see you haven’t lost your edge, it’s too bad though…playtime’s over” Henry said, his eyes locked onto mine and the look in them sent a tingle down my spine, and a chilling dread in the pit of my stomach. His expression wasn’t one of rage or amusement like it was before, no, his face was stone-cold and determined, and it both frightened and turned me on at the same time.
He readied himself, arms up in defense and I matched his movements in quick succession. We then circled one another as we slowly traversed the floor of the ring on our knees, each waiting for a sign of weakness, and it wasn’t until someone in the crowd nearby coughed that Henry made his move. 
He lunged forward and so did I, and our palms slammed into each other, the force of which had me slide backwards a few feet. This didn’t deter me as I knew my next target was his shorts, and I briefly glanced down at them until my eyes locked right onto his crotch…
He had a full on bulge going on, and judging from the size of the tent he was pitching down there, the old man had nothing to be ashamed of unlike poor Rod. 
I had to force myself to look away and locked eyes on Henry’s again, who noticed where my eyes had gone but his expression hadn’t changed, he still looked like he was equally ready to end me as much as strip me naked. 
Our arms were locked in a struggle, and I was holding my own for the moment but I could already feel the strain on my arms weakening my resistance against the slow push of his arms against mine. I tried to push back in a vain attempt to knock him off his balance and I did succeed in sliding him back a bit, however Henry just smiled, a cold, wicked smile and said “it’s cute how you think this is my full strength, time to show you how it’s done”.
He breathed in deeply and his arm muscles rippled and he pushed with much more force this time, and my arms, already strained, couldn't keep up and I lost my grip. Henry seized the advantage and lunged forward and I was too slow to react to try and evade him. With one arm he bound mine behind my back and slammed me down on the ground with my arms pinned underneath me. He used his right arm to hold my torso in place while his legs held down my own. 
He didn’t waste any time gloating or taunting, no he went straight for my throat with his free left hand and gripped the collar of my shirt tightly in his fist. He leaned down towards my ear and without warning he softly licked my earlobe which, despite myself I whimpered and felt my body tingle as he did so. My face flooded with heat as he said “you have no idea how bad you're gonna get it, this is just the start” and with a growl in his throat he tightened his grip on my shirt…and pulled.
He completely tore off my shirt, leaving my furry but stocky and well-built chest exposed. The crowd was loving it, they watched Henry completely turn the tables on me and had me firmly pinned, there wasn’t anything I could do to escape unless he wanted me to. Suddenly, he gave both my nipples a twist which made me suddenly gasp and say “Ahhh…fuckkk” I said.
My cock throbbed inside my shorts and Henry noticed the tent in my pants suddenly lurch upward. His grin grew even wider now, and he twisted my nipples again, and again. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from moaning, instead I put every ounce of energy into looking for an opportunity to escape. However, my hopes were in vain as  he twisted my nipples one last time, and harder too, I couldn’t help but let out a soft “Mmmmm” 
While I was distracted, Henry suddenly stepped off me and before I could react he flipped me over onto my stomach and quickly put down my flailing legs and held my arms down with his right. Henry didn’t waste any time in giving my ass a quick slip before saying “time to lose the shorts” he said out loud.
Some in the crowd had heard him and they began to chant the words “lose the shorts!” “lose the shorts!” “lose the shorts!” they said, each time more voices joined in. I couldn’t tell if our colleagues had joined in or not but soon enough their voices chanted in near unison for Henry to divest me of another piece of clothing.
After a few moments, Henry bowed to their wishes, because he kept my legs pinned down but used both of his arms and reached for the sides of my shorts. The soft contact of his hands against my bare skin at first made me gasp and my cock twitch slightly as it was pressed against the floor. He slowly started to lower my shorts, and I could feel the cold air against my lower half as he did so and my cheeks flooded with shame as I felt the top of my ass being exposed.
“Wow! We got another jockstrap here!”
“What a pale butt, he needs to tan more”
“Smack his bare ass!”
As he exposed the top half of my bare butt, Henry did just that and I felt his hand smack against me, the sting made my eyes water a bit and strangely my cock throbbed even harder inside the pouch of my jockstrap. After that, however, Henry lifted himself off me and quickly slid my shorts down and off of my legs, throwing them into the crowd which left me in nothing but my jock, and people quickly noticed my bulge as I flipped upwards to face him.
Before Henry could prepare another attack, I recklessly tackled him to the ground, and the crowd lost it as we each rolled over, our bodies becoming ever more slick with sweat and oil as they collided with both the floor and each other. Henry was caught off guard and I used it to my advantage as we wrestled across the ring, and despite my frantic, energetic attempts to reach them his powerful arms constantly blocked any attempt at grabbing for his shorts.
At one point he wrapped his arms around my stomach and lifted me upwards, holding my body against him, and this time, as I did at the start of our match, this time I could feel his bulge’s warmth against my ass and Henry growled in his throat as he thrust his hips upward, sliding his crotch against my exposed ass cheeks. 
The red in my face returned as it felt so good to feel the warmth of his bulge thrusting against me and that strange desire to submit to him returned. I briefly imagined myself in his office, this time both of us naked and me bent over his desk, with him pounding away at me like the alpha male he was that was claiming what was his. My desire to strip away his shorts now intermingled with my lust for my own boss, which only made me want to slap myself for acting like an animal when I had a match to win. 
I had to break away, but suddenly Henry’s hand reached underneath me, grazing my bare ass cheeks but reaching past to grab my aching cock through the jockstrap’s pouch and I audibly whimpered this time. Henry’s voice whispered in my ear “who knew that the big, tough, new guy Jack was secretly a slut that’s practically begging to take my cock” he said, chuckling softly and I felt my face flood with shame. He knew this was turning me on like hell, and had intuitively guessed at my lust for him. Even before today I caught a few glimpses now and then of his features, checking him out every time he flexed his muscles or bent over it would always catch my eye. But today was the first time I had ever felt anything so intense, especially with my growing desire to let him fuck my brains out, and the fact that he knew was just so embarrassing as I had always cultivated the ideal image of professionalism for myself, and with each time he massaged my bulge it made both my remaining dignity and self-control slip away ever further.
He continued to massage my boner through my jockstrap, and I knew that if I didn’t escape soon I might lose my only remaining piece of clothing or worse…shoot my load in front of everybody here. I couldn’t let that happen so with all my strength I pulled his left arm muscle which made Henry cry out in pain and I seized my chance to break free from his grip. 
I turned around and lunged straight for his shorts, and I managed to grab a hold of his sides but the oil made my grip loose, which made it easy for him to quickly side step me. I wasn’t letting him off easy, so I followed and tumbled with him, his arms again kept trying to hold mine down and overpower me, but I adopted a strategy of swatting his hands away whenever he tried, and my legs were just as powerful as his, indeed mine had the edge in terms of energy and training as his leg strength gave out way faster than mine did. 
His deeply-tanned torso was shining thanks to the oil, which some people continue to pour more into the ring to keep things from drying out. My own torso, much paler than Henry's, was glistening with sweat and oil, which made our grips and grabs flimsier and our bodies easily slid along anothers. 
The crowd was enraptured not only by our determination but also the sexually charged tension between us. Henry had sensed my lust but I was beginning to sense something else from him too, it was one thing to tease and taunt your opponent, however it was another to grab his hard-on and thrust your bulge in between his bare ass cheeks. 
My suspicions were confirmed when I made the mistake of trying to use the floor to slide away from his lunge and latched himself onto my shoulders, he quickly climbed over my body and used his own full body weight to hold me down on the ground, pinned beneath him. I felt it again as he did so, however, the same euphoric warmth of his bulge had nestled itself right along my ass crack. Because of this, I had a rough idea of how big he was and if I was right…he had at least 7 inches on him which I knew could utterly destroy me if he ever did pound me into submission like my cock was begging me to do.
Just then, however, I felt him thrust once, twice, three times, until he was outright humping me. I bit my lip once again and felt my face turn a crimson red as Henry utterly humiliated me by asserting his dominance and manhandling me as if I were nothing. That strange, suppressed desire was starting to take hold of me again, and it took all of my self-control to keep myself from begging him to fuck me right there and then.
I knew I was defeated, however, there was no escape this time and all he needed to do was snap the waistband of my jockstrap and it would be over. It made my desire to submit all the stronger but I held onto my defiance even as my cock was leaking precum inside the pouch of my jockstrap. 
Henry showed no signs of stopping, in fact his slow thrusts turned deeper, faster, more full of energy as he wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and his voice in my ear said “Saturday, 9:00 o’clock at night, my office, don’t be late” he said before kissing the side of my face and licking my earlobe once again which sent shivers down my spine, before retreating.
In my confusion I almost didn’t register him suddenly wrapping his hands around the sides of my jock, and I sank my head in defeat as I felt the fabric give way with a simple snap and I laid there as Henry stood up and raised his arms in victory. The crowd cheered, but some expressed their desire to see me stand up with him, including, I noticed, our colleagues who were standing right beside the edge of the ring now. I realized there was no point in trying to hide, but thankfully Henry extended a hand to me and helped lift me up onto my feet.
“Jesus! That thing is thick!”
“Wow, Can you believe he’s already leaking?”
“Fuck, I’d ride him till he shot!”
Were all shouts from guys in the crowd I could make out coherently, but most of them drooled at the sight of my fully hard, 5-inch long and thick cock. My pale face was beet red, and I sheepishly smiled and chuckled at the guys from the office who all sported wide, shit-eating grins and suffered from bouts of laughter.
Suddenly, Ian tapped on his mic and said “Well well, looks like our winner is Henry Knight, and sorry Jack Whittle, guess you can’t keep your underwear, however, before you leave we keep spare clothes for those who lose them, but feel free to stay as bare as you want,” he said and gave me a wink that only made me turn my head away in embarrassment. 
“Alright folks, let’s get at least two more rounds here, come on, volunteers” Ian said as me and Henry stepped out of the ring, and the guys greeted us with, as I expected, laughter and teasing. I used my hands to cover myself until my boner went down though none of the guys let me off the hook for it.
“Alright fellas, a bet’s a bet, time to pay up” Henry said, and held out his hand, waiting.
The guys all lost their grins immediately and started pulling out their wallets. “Um, what’s going on?” I asked, and Henry looked at me, still bare-chested, and smiled and said “Oh right, well the guys here bet me you wouldn’t even be able to get a single piece of clothing off, but I had faith you’d put up a fight, and trust me…you did” he said as he gladly accepted cash from each of our colleagues, all except for Daniel who stood off to the side, seems he hadn't taken the bet.
I almost couldn’t believe my ears, my mouth hung open, and I was about to lose my shit but suddenly I remembered the second part of my initiation bet…
“So….I lost, and I said I’d do one favor for you guys if I did, so…what is it?” I said.
Henry glanced at the guys, whose knowing smiles returned but they said nothing. Henry spoke up and said “come into work tomorrow and find out” he said, winking and that’s all he would say about it for the rest of the night. We decided to stay and watch the other two matches, one was a Latino man that looked like he was a professional marathon runner, the other was a young blonde that didn’t stand a chance and got stripped fully naked within 5 minutes. The second match was a lot closer, it was between that one hottie I saw before, Sebastian, and some other student I had seen on campus, some red-haired jock that talked a lot of shit. Sebastian managed to put him in his place, stripping his arrogant opponent naked but not before he lost his own shirt and pants. Ian called it a night after that, I made sure to grab a change of clothes from security, which were unfortunately too small but…it was better than walking out naked.
"See you at work tomorrow, sexy" Henry whispered in my ear as he walked by and towards the main doors. I couldn't help but shiver in pleasure as he did so, and despite myself...I couldn't wait for Saturday night, and judging by the growing bulge in my new pants...my cock agreed.
Next day at work
I arrived at my usual time, and everything seemed normal at first until I had put my change of clothes inside my locker and walked out into the main office to see all the guys standing there, including Henry, waiting for me. 
“Uh…what’s up guys?” I asked, nervously.
Henry stepped up and said “Well, you wanted to know what your forfeit was for losing the match, and we decided that if you lost…you have to stay naked at the office for a whole week” he said, and some of the guys snickered.
My eyes widened and I could feel my cheeks blooming with heat as I panicked and said “What?! I’d never have agreed to-t-to this if I’d known this was my forfeit!” I said, my face now crimson red.
“That’s the point, you wouldn’t have, so we had to keep it vague, but you knew that we could have demanded anything when you agreed to the terms, it’s not our fault you failed to consider this possibility, so step up and take your punishment. Strip,” Henry said, that cold and serious look on his face again.
I hesitated, I began to think of what Henry had said last night right before he stripped my jockstrap away, and despite how mad and humiliated I felt…I already knew I was going to do exactly what he told me, and my cock began to rise at the thought of what he planned for me. I knew that there was no point in arguing, if I didn’t, they would strip me themselves, so…I began to remove my clothes.
The guys watched me like vultures as I stripped, first came my socks and shoes, which I left in front of me, then came my shirt which I slowly unbuttoned and I let fall onto the floor, next came my pants which quickly joined my shirt. That left me in nothing but my boxer briefs, and the guys all nodded their approval, including Henry, who watched me ravenously as I slowly pulled off my last piece of clothing and left them in a pile with my other clothes, leaving me totally naked.
Daniel, with a nod from Henry came over and quickly gathered up my clothes and walked off, which left me no choice but to stay naked. I used my hands to cover up and I hung my head in shame as I asked “Do I have to leave the office naked every night for the rest of the week?”
“No, you can get dressed in your change of clothes once you leave work every night, but not before then, oh and don’t worry I’ve changed the schedule, you're on office duty for the next week, so you better get busy naked boy” Henry said, winking at me before walking off.
The guys then walked over and started chatting with me, a bunch of them said they thought I had balls of steel to go up against the boss like that, while others asked if they could have another “look” but I told them to fuck off which thankfully they did. Through all of it, my hands covered what was left of my modesty and dignity. I thought I had found a way to make my initiation as least humiliating as possible…instead I managed to make it possibly the most any guy has ever had to endure.
As I walked past the guys who began to resume their work duties, I felt a stray hand slap my bare ass cheek as I walked by. I glared at them but they only grinned at me in return. They all talked among themselves and as I made my way to the reception desk, where the main desk worker was posted during the day, I thought again of what Henry said but also of how I had to stay naked for the entire week.
If they caught me trying to wear clothes at all they’d just strip me naked again, or worse punish me for disobeying…no, they were right, it was my idea and I agreed to their terms, better I just suck it up and deal with it…
What the guys didn’t know, or see, except maybe Henry, was that as I stripped away my underwear and stood naked in front of them, my cock rose to full mast and still hadn’t gone down. Thankfully I was able to tuck it between my legs and used my hands to cover it, though it made walking awkward. Still, the combination of confusion, embarrassment, and arousal only made things so unclear. One thing remained constant, however, and that was that no matter what, I was going to be in Henry’s office, at 9 o'clock ...on the dot.
End of Chapter.
Author’s Note:
Thank you guys for reading another chapter of this series! I know it’s been a while since my last post but don’t worry I haven’t forgotten you, I’m unsure which character to focus on next, please feel free to suggest any of the ones I’ve introduced so far or someone you’ve been wanting to see from the main cast list! Until next time, I’m always here and I hope you enjoyed ;)
These are my two main choices for the next character chapter, but again feel free to suggest otherwise!
Time for a blast from the past, either:
1.) Professor Ethan from The Professor's Anatomy.
2.) Thomas from Thomas' Misadventures
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ye-olde-sodor · 2 years
“Once an engine attached to a train…”
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It’s the walking controversy himself! Is he a Gresley or a Stanier engine? Why is he so inconsistent with the different series and illustrations? Are there two of them? Who knows!
Lore Time!
-The sudden "disappearance" of both Thomas AND Edward has put the island on edge, and now that Sir Topham Hatt's family and Gordon are away on the Mainland (and with a certain temporary conductor on the way), who knows what'll happen next!
-Henry's driver (who had visited Thomas and Edward the previous day), was debating if he should tell the other engines at Tidmouth about the situation or not as he climbed into Henry's cab for the day.
-He didn't have long to ponder the question, as by the end of the day Henry had fallen ill. He was placed in the sheds for the night, while James and Percy grew even more concirned.
-Henry hadn't fallen this ill since his rebuild, and the paranoid trucks started to theorize about it as the days went on. They eventually came to the conclusion that a disease was behind everything, and that Thomas and Edward were taken to Crewe to be studied on.
-This, of course, offended the other engines greatly. "Engines don't get sick! At least not in the way that humans do!" So they ignored the trucks and their warnings, with the more aggressive engines pushing them about the yards whenever they mentioned the conspiracy theory. (Looking at a certain Little Western member).
-After a week or so, Henry was wheeled to the works by Derek (who "disappeared" shortly thereafter). Thomas' driver, Keith, went to visit Henry to keep an eye on him, (And to see if he turns human as well).
-Sure enough, Henry wakes up one morning with arms and legs! Victor, now fully aware of what's going on, let's Keith take him to the Workers Dorms.
-As he's helping Henry on his feet, he notices some marks on his neck. When he pulls Henry's shirt down (not pictured here), he notices strange, almost stitch like scars around his neck. Of course, this freaks the both of them out, and they remain silent about it on the car ride to the Dorms. (An engine in a car, how absurd)
-When Keith and Henry walk in through the door (after 3 hours of teaching Henry how to walk up the stairs), they accidentally walk in on an argument with Edward and Thomas. Thomas was convinced that the trucks are right, but Edward argued that it didn't make sense. To which, Thomas argued that nothing about this situation makes sense. As the two went on and on, they failed to notice poor Henry in the door.
-And once they did finally notice him, he was practically tackled into a massive three-person hug (Keith nearly dodged the tackle).
-No one knows who build him, but it sure as hell wasn't any of Sir Nigel Gresley's men or his factories. Since neither Gresley or any of his engines claimed Henry as a Gresley, he was simply seen as an orphan that was left at Topham's doorstep.
-Stanier didn't "claim" him until after his rebuild at Crewe, a rebuild of which he oversaw himself. Ever since then, he's been adopted into the Stanier line of engines (who absolutely adore their new brother).
-For SS in particular, he's a big fast-food junkie. He's been blessed with a lack of actual organs and a need to properly diet, so he can eat just about anything and not suffer any of the consequences that humans would.
-Having said this, he does enjoy working out often (even if he doesn't gain or lose anything from it, again from the results of no organs). It reminds him of pulling the kipper.
-He's a huge cuddle bug. If you plan on giving him a hug, be prepared to be trapped in an eternal hug (or for a few hours, either or).
-This one is exclusive to the SS au! He's got some markings from his rebuild at Crewe! I'll post a reference picture once it's ready lol.
-It's a little hard to see, but he has slanted pupils! Idk why, but they looked nice on him! It also means that they get larger when he's about to do something stupid or about to leap/jump.
-Like Edward, he quickly hooked up with Bear a few years after they met. While a little rockier than Edward and Boco's relationship, the two always come out on top. (Poor Gordon is going to have a stroke when he finds out about it lmao).
-Henry and Bear aren't as open as Eddie and Boco, and they thought it would be a good idea to keep it secret. While Sodor was ahead of the times, they were still hesitant to come out about the relationship. It won't be until a few months after Bear's transformation that they decide to announce it. (I'll be writing a fic about this at some point btw).
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gwenstrikesagain · 2 years
vecna slash henry slash one
When Robin starts to rant about how they were wrong about Vecna, she refers to all of the names we know him as:
and One.
Robin asks what they're calling him now, and I think it is interesting who picks which name.
Erica calls him Vecna.
Dustin and Lucas call him One.
Nancy calls him Henry.
So why are they picking each of these names? and why is that interesting to us as viewers?
First of all, up until this point, Erica has been shielded from most Upside Down gore. She saw El's leg in S3, but she never saw the Mind Flayer in the mall, nor did she see a Demogorgon. She was told what was happening by Dustin. The story was laid out for her, a story that she hasn't lived yet. Dustin acted as a DM for her, laying out the story.
Canonically, Erica is still 11 years old. At her age, Erica's brain will protect her from trauma by considering these things a game, or relating them to a game. Which game would she relate the horror she's hearing about and seeing? The one she has become so passionate about since S3 and the one that directly correlates to the victory she just had. She calls him Vecna, because in her mind they've already defeated Vecna. It is the safest option for Erica.
This is why the very end of E9 is a transforming moment. When Erica breaks into the attic and finds Max dying in her brother's arms, there is a dramatic shift we can see in her eyes (serious kudos to Priah, she's incredible). In that moment, the gravity of the Upside Down hits her as she sees it cause the death of someone she loves in front of her eyes. For the first time, it isn't a game anymore.
Next on the docket: Dustin and Lucas. Unlike Erica, they have seen the gore and horrors of the Upside Down first hand. They have seen the Demogorgon attack and El kill in S1 and the Demodogs that almost killed them in S2. In S3, Lucas sees the Mind Flayer several times. He throws fireworks at it, cuts it off of his friend, and watches it possess and kill his girlfriend's brother in front of her. Meanwhile, in S3, Dustin sees the gate opening, and knows that the roaring he hears over Cerebro promises imminent death for his friends. For those two, and the others, this battle is no longer a game or a comic book.
Dustin and Lucas have seen Eleven defend them on countless occasions. They have seen the power she holds first hand. For Lucas, he has even been on the receiving end of what her powers can do. For those two, and the kids who aren't present, One is the most familiar and understandable way to refer to and understand him. To them, El is their superhero, and One is the villain. Much like the comic books they read, and the games they play, he is a big bad that the good guys will overcome. They've saved the day every other time, and they will do it again.
They have a lot of trauma in their past. Compartmentalizing and placing One in the same box as Eleven is the most comfortable option. One is the big bad, and El is their hero. It is the safest option for them.
Also, they themselves are 14/15. Developmentally, Lucas and Dustin will rely on the familiar as a coping mechanism. Comic books and D&D are the reference they will rely on. In those, however, death is not final. No 14/15 year old boy acts in self preservation. Mortality isn't real to them. Just like in the comics and in their games, danger is not real. They won't die, nor will their friends. In their stage of life, death isn't an option.
But, in E9, they both lose. Dustin loses Eddie, and Lucas loses Max. Both of them watch as the big bad wins, and the ones they love most die in their arms. This is no longer a comic book with classic heroes and villains. They have escaped relatively unscathed in the past, but now? Now the danger is in their faith and it is throwing their mortality in their faces. Not only is death final, but it is personal. This is human, and this battle is no longer safe.
Finally, Nancy refers to him as Henry. When she is cursed by Henry, he shows her his childhood. Specifically, he shows her what he looked like as a human child. In S3, when Max and Mike are arguing, Nancy reminds Mike that El is her own person in control of her own decisions. In the moment, we get a glimpse into how Nancy sees El. Unlike Mike, she doesn't look at El and see a superhero or only her powers. Nancy sees that El is a kid, and a young woman making her own decisions. In the same way, Nancy sees Henry as a boy who has made his own decisions.
To Nancy, he is human. He isn't the antagonist in a D&D match, or the supervillian in a superhero's comic book story: he is Henry. Nancy sees Henry as a man who has chosen evil, and has chosen to torture.
She never had the luxury of seeing this as a game, or heroes verses villains, like the others. This has been human and real to Nancy from the moment Barb disappeared. She never had the luxury of ignoring mortality. Her best friend was killed at the very beginning of all of this.
Developmentally, at 17/18, Nancy is coming to terms with adulthood and what that means for her. With it, she is facing the fact that she is mortal, and her decisions will influence her future. The college she goes to, the friends she choses, and who she decides to love are things that do not feel safe: they feel vulnerable.
Of them all, Nancy is the most in tune with what they are facing. As such, she immediately jumps into action. Nancy makes the decision to go into the Upside Down, to allow Max to be bait, to assign Eddie and Dustin to distraction duty, to step forward and pull the trigger on someone she sees as a man, not a monster.
Nancy is the leader this season. Robin says it herself, Nance is in charge. That responsibility, and the choices that came with it, will haunt her. She made the plan, and assigned tasks just as she would at the school newspaper. The deaths and injuries that occurred under her orders will follow her, just as Barb's death had followed her.
Next season, it will be interesting to see if the group unites in what they refer to Henry/Vecna/One as. Will they be a united front, facing an enemy they see in the same light, or will they still be divided?
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gacmediadaily · 10 months
mma relinquishes her job so a colleague with a family can keep his.  Contemplating life's next steps, Emma meets a professional dancer, Leo, whose love for competitive dancing is waning, until a once in a lifetime opportunity arises for the novice to join the pro and sweep all of Paris off its feet.
Starring:  Jen Lilley and Matthew Morrison
My Movie Grade:  A+
What Is A Paris Christmas Waltz About?
Emma Harris is an accountant who's been taking ballroom dancing lessons for a year when she meets Leo Monroe, a professional dancer seeking a new partner for a Yuletide Pro/Am Competition.
Emma is ready for something new.  When her office decides to cut staff, she doesn't hesitate to quit her job to save her co-worker from losing his.  With her schedule wide open, she quickly accepts Leo's offer to travel to Paris to participate in the well-renowned, annual Yuletide dance competition.  
Emma is flabbergasted to learn that the famous Henry Fontaine from Fontaine Dance Studio will be choreographing their routine.  Henry is old and struggling with health issues, but he wants to create one last thing of beauty, and Leo is like a son to him.
Conflict arises when Leo's former dance partner, Giselle, enters the competition.  Not only does her expertise intimidate Emma, but it's clear Giselle has designs on Leo.
Leo has a strict policy of never dating his dance partner, but he and Emma generate unbelievable chemistry on the dance floor, which she can't flip a switch to turn off.  As her feelings for Leo grow, she questions whether or not he feels the same way. 
The emotional toll creates strife between Leo and Emma, which causes their onstage connection to tank. Can they resolve their conflicting feelings in time for the competition?
A Paris Christmas Waltz Showcases Amazing Talent
Many actors today are one-trick ponies, but in previous decades, entertainers could sing, dance, AND act.  Lilley and Morrison check all three boxes and deliver a wildly engaging performance in A Paris Christmas Waltz.
Morrison is a dancer best known for his role in the television show Glee.  He is trained in ballet, tap, and jazz and has performed on Broadway.
Morrison shares that Lilley, on the other hand, was "not much of a dancer" going into the movie.  They both started learning ballroom dance two weeks before shooting commenced.  
In the movie, both stars look like they've been dancing for a lifetime!  They are naturals.  The dance tells a story, and the two are very fluid, executing each step flawlessly.  It's mesmerizing to watch them, and with the dance sequence set to O' Holy Night, many viewers find themselves being moved to tears.
Location, Location, Location!
It's tough to beat Paris at Christmastime.  The setting is perfect, and as Great American Family promised, the movie "sweep[s] viewers into the magic of the city's most iconic destinations."
We see Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, and more, but my favorite reference is to the Paris Opera House.  Emma says, "The Phantom of the Opera lives there."  The Phantom of the Opera is my favorite classic novel, stage play, and movie!
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A Paris Christmas Waltz Has Heart
When networks mass produce Christmas movies to meet viewer demand, something important often gets lost--heart.  Too many movies are light and fluffy and lack substance.
Lilley's character wears her heart on her sleeve.  As Emma discovers Paris, sheer delight shines on her face and through her eyes.  Emma's expression of pure joy, especially when she's dancing, is what attracts Leo to her in the first place.
When Leo asks Emma her favorite Christmas memory, she tells him it was the previous Christmas when she saw him dancing--she's not afraid to show raw emotion from the depths of her soul.
From the moment Leo pulls Emma into his arms to dance, the fireworks between the two are palpable.  The viewer shares in Emma's frustration when Leo tries to maintain a professional divide between them despite their obvious attraction to one another.
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The two pour their entire beings into their final dance--a dance that your own heart responds to while watching.  The couple delivers what Henry hoped to create, and he is visibly moved during the thunderous applause following their performance.  
Ultimately, Emma and Leo learn that more important than winning a trophy is winning each other's hearts.
A Paris Christmas Waltz delivers on faith.  After giving up her job, Emma says that sometimes God's plan is "different from what we expect."  Leo credits "prayers" for helping Henry recover. Even the selection of O' Holy Night is moving because so many movies choose secular songs that don't reflect the true meaning of Christmas.
Michael & Janeen Damian Create a Masterpiece 
From beginning to end, A Paris Christmas Waltz is rich with content, spellbinding to watch, and filled to Frosty's hat brim with heart.
We have Michael and Janeen Damian to thank for creating what could be a Great American Family classic.  The duo wrote the story, and Michael directed the movie.
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The Damians introduced viewers to Christmas Waltz in 2020 starring Lacey Chabert and Will Kemp.  The movie aired on Hallmark Channel, and it was the most watched cable movie that year.  Fans were in awe of Chabert and Kemp gliding across the dance floor--it was pure holiday magic.
A Paris Christmas Waltz is not a sequel, but more of an additional installment to what might be a budding franchise.  It's even better than the first one! The Damians have hinted to soaps.com that they are already toying with ideas for future installments.  Let's hope we'll be treated to another Damian masterpiece in the future!
FUN FACT:  One of Michael's Christmas songs from his latest album is featured in the movie!
You can find the album on Spotify or wherever you stream music.
Watch the Trailer for A Paris Christmas Waltz
A Paris Christmas Waltz is a keeper and deserves real estate on your DVR.  Let's hope Great American Family releases it to DVD in 2024.
If you haven't yet had a chance to see it, check out the trailer below:
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aemiron-main · 2 years
@wibble-wobbegong i am half awake and im putting this here so i dont forget bc i saw one of ur posts about max and mike briefly and smthn abt mike getting stuck into the ud and i might be totally off base and looking WAY too deep into shit but. mike and max might actually also parallel two of my favourite silmarillion characters, Maglor and Maedhros- those two even have the same hair colours as mike and max And similar personalities.
however im having trouble figuring out who is who. maedhros has red hair, yes, but his death is a self-sacrificial active suicide where he jumps into a pit of fire and then is sentenced to the Everlasting Darkness in death until the oath he took is fulfilled by somebody else which ties more into mike imo whereas maglor is doomed to roam the shores of middle earth basically for eternity. maedhros is more openly snarky than maglor, but maglor is more passive aggressive imo.
maedhros is also described as having been 'reborn' after he was captured by sauron (much like max being attacked by henry and then being trapped even after el revives her). however, maedhros ALSO loses a hand, which makes me think of mike losing an arm in the s3 dnd game. Im also staring at mike and ‘hellfire club’ and him being burnt when jason lights the hellfire picture on fire & how maedhros cast himself into a chasm of flame.
but heres where it gets even weirder: maglor and ARWEN parallel eachother too. they essentially have a very similar fate although for different reasons. arwen is a half-elf and therefore can choose a mortal fate, which means that a.) she will have to wander the shores of middle earth until she dies eventually and b.) she will not pass into the halls of mandos in death and instead will face the 'fate of men' which is generally mysterious. Maglor, on the other hand, did not fulfill his oath (just like maedhros), and so, will be sent to the Everlasting Darkness when he dies (just like arwen he isnt getting the ‘right’ afterlife), but in the meantime, still wanders the shores of middle earth.
this is beginning to smell like 'mike gets stuck in the ud'. OR 'max is stuck in the ud/void for the next while'. im leaning towards max almost, because while mike has arwen parallels, the max-arwen parallels are more blatant.
and here's the thing: i know that st seems to reference lotr more than the silmarillion, but maedhros and maglor are some of the ONLY silmarillion-only characters who are still very directly tied to LOTR, as maedhros and maglor raised Elrond together, and Elrond's knowledge of Maglor's fate is what causes him to fear arwen suffering the same fate. so maglor and arwen are paralleled, and maglor is also technically arwen's 'adoptive' grandfather. So somebody like the duffers/the st team, who are DEFINITELY lotr fans, are VERY likely aware of maedhros and maglor, it’s not like maedhros and maglor are some niche characters from the corners of the silmarillion.
SO! I'm not sure if Max is Maedhros or if Mike is Maedhros or same with who is Maglor, but they could also be mix and matching elements of both of them for each of them.
and like. im thinking about all of the 'deal' imagery with running up that hill and 'making a deal with god' because thats LITERALLY what maedhros and maglor did. The gods of tolkien (the valar) are literally SPECIFICALLY known for living on a hill,  and maedhros and maglor, alongside the rest of their brothers and their father, swore an irrevocable oath to retrieve the silmarils (which, THOSE arent just gems- they’re representative of LIGHT, they literally hold the light of the two trees inside of them, theyre very very much a literal and metaphorical representation of light in tolkien), and this vow was literally like a deal, that they would retrieve the silmarils and would not rest until all three were retrieved and when tolkiens says ‘they could not rest,’ what he actually means is ‘no afterlife for them’. And so like i mentioned earlier,  maedros’ death is a self-sacrificial active suicide where he jumps into a pit of fire and then is sentenced to the Everlasting Darkness in death, possibly until the oath he took is fulfilled by somebody else somehow buts thats not full clear- he cannot even go to the afterlife until his oath is finished, he is stuck in limbo in the Everlasting Darkness.
Smthn smthn max and mike possibly both trapped somewhere, maybe in diff places (mike in the void like maedhros vs max in the UD somehow/henry’s mind, like arwen and maglor wandering the shores), cant come back until they get the light (the silmarils)/their good memories smthn smthn making a deal imagery smthn smthn swapping places imagery
idk what the full tie in is yet. but. many thoughts. 
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sterlingarcher23 · 2 years
- Max "is" ... Captain Marvel -
Or to be precise her Marvel reference is Carol Danvers/Ms Marvel/Binary... Who later became Captain Marvel.
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I'm aware that the movie was released in 2019, so it isn't a direct inspo - Legend of Korra which is a clear inspo if you look at several scenes both visually and content wise, with very similar concepts, including losing abilities (later memory) and regain them. And of course it was mentioned in a tweet.
But about Carol Danvers from the 80s: her powers/abilities, memories were absorbed by Rogue and she fell into a coma.
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Notice what Rogue says "Can't feel... Can't see." after draining Carol's powers.
Max "I can't feel... or see anything." - Now she's in a coma and her consciousness is somewhere else (accidentally sent away by El). Waking up, regaining her memories and getting new abilities... and going "binary":
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A clue is the Hellfire Club. Dustin wanted to recruit Max into the Hellfire Club which should ring alarm bells. But he got the wrong girl.
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Been drained of memories and abilities, put in a coma, regaining her memories and getting a new power/abilities. Sounds familiar? Like something I constantly point out and say?
Like Max losing the ability to see and feel and would regain a new set of these abilities through El? And her memories likely having gaps because Henry took some of them? (That's actually what happened. Max in a coma, waking up having memory issues isn't actually a pattern. El had suppressed memories. That's different. It's just something similar.) The letters can help to close those gaps, something I suspected very early, either by El having knowledge of them and/or Max reading them.
And Matt Duffer insisted in an interview that the coma is pivotal to the plot of 5.
"If she absorbs enough energy she can regain her Binary form for a short periods, doubling her power. Powering up this way is often referred to as 'going binary'"
The Legend of Korra equivalent would be "Avatar state" - levitation (through Airbending) included.
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Abilities (in case of Max senses to see and feel) and memories taken/absorbed, given back and/or getting new powers... The concepts are very similar.
Vecna's abilities to absorb people's memories, abilities and hurting and killing them in the process if it is finished, draining their life from them is very similar to Rogue's powers. And Amon's power of Bloodbending respectively.
And now take "going binary" literally and in terms of powers. El and Max fusing, like Korra and Raava, Blue and Yellow combining their powers...
Interesting: Both the mind lair and the lair of the Supreme Intelligence are places you enter with your mind not your body. And the mind lair evaporation into red mist could be compared to the lair of the Supreme Intelligence falling apart like liquids... It's very similar. (The vines and actual fight are however Legend of Korra).
"I've been fighting with one arm tied behind my back. But what if I'm finally set free." - El breaks free from the vines and so is Max.
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Space and Mind together so to speak? And if it helps you to imagine things, then space stone and mind stone would be another fitting Marvel reference just the colors are flipped.
The old 80s reference is however definitely an inspo for Max who started levitating herself - I agree that this is a possible indication that Max and the maybe the others are dormant psychics.
Someone mentioned a winged statue in Season 3, comparing it to the Dark Phoenix and Will (something still pending if you ask me), but what if it is a nod to "flying" again?
However: Vecna was kinda surprised by Max entering the mind lair. And unlike El or Barb who was a potential psychic too, the curse portal victims didn't have nosebleeds. An inconsistency? Possible.
Although, Max's powers weren't that dormant because there are hints that she had active powers already, just on a "low energy level" - reason: Max is a child of an MKUltra test subject. There are two unnamed MKUltra test subjects that are still alive. That would at least explain Henry's reaction to her entering the mind lair: he didn't anticipate someone who already has active powers but isn't aware of them or the power level itself.
Mkultra is much more special and there's a connection between Max and El too... Referenced in the name "Max", her trailer number and a pop cultural reference the Duffers, who constantly say "Eleven" (there's a reason for this) must know off:
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Two knobs going to Eleven. Two things that are essential the same are seen as different. But they aren't.
Two. Dual. Double. Twofold.... Binary. When Captain Marvel doubles her powers. Doubling powers.
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Think of two MKUltras combining and therefore doubling their individual powers.
I mean... Think both Captain Marvel and Korra with her spirit, Raava:
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Flying... Again. Literally this time.
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caitlinmarie671 · 5 months
“No!!” Phoebe whined. “We don’t want to go to sleep yet mommy!” “We’re not tired!” Alexander said. Quinn couldn’t help shake her head with a small laugh at the two children who were staring at her with those big adorable eyes. Their arms crossed around their chests in a firm disappointed manner. “Alright.” Quinn said giving in. “You don’t have to go to bed yet, but how about the two of you join Henry and I on the couch for a snuggle.” “Will you tell us a story mama?!” “Alright Pheebs mommy will tell you a story but you have to get on that couch right now.” She told the two children who immediately climbed onto the couch as Quinn sat down in the middle of all the children. Emilia, Elijah, Kol, Marcel, Rebekah, and Freya all walked into the living room. “Isn’t it a little past your bedtime.” Elijah asked. Quinn convinced her best friend and Elijah, Rebekah and Marcel all to go out together on a double date since it’s been a while since they all had some time together and Quinn loved watching Alexander and his cousin loved being able to spend time with him so it was really no issue at all. Plus Klaus was in New Orleans so it all worked out. “Oh come on Elijah. You know it’s impossible to resist these cute little faces.” “Auntie Quinn is going to tell us a story mommy!” Alexander excitedly moving to go greet his parents. Elijah can’t help but agree with Quinn as Emilia’s and his son came over to him, and he immediately lifted his son into his arms and kissed his head. “I take it you had a good time with your cousins and auntie Quinn?” “It was so fun!” “Good.” Elijah smiled. “Mommy! We want to hear the story know!” Phoebe said impatiently to her mother rocking back and fourth on the couch. “Alright alright. Which story do you want? Cinderella, Aladdin?”-“We want a story about daddy and you! Right Henry?!” Phoebe asked her brother who was curled up in his mothers arms as he nodded. “Yes! Please auntie Quinn?! Tell us a story about Uncle Klausy and you!?” Alexander head resting against his fathers chest. Elijah had sat down on a chair, grabbing Emilia’s hand and pulling her down in his lap, holding both the lives of his life against him. Marcel and Rebekah were sitting on another chair, cuddled up close together while Kol and Freya stayed standing. “Yes. We’re all in the mood for a story and you’re one of the best storytellers we know Quinn.” Marcel said and Quinn smiled at him appreciatively. She thought for a moment before looking at all three of the children. “Alright. This is the story of the hybrid and the witch. It started when the hybrid came into her little town on a mission and the witch agreed to help him to keep her friends safe but the more time they spent together with the witch helping him, the more they both knew it was something much more.” Quinn said, referring to when Klaus first came to town for Elena so he could complete his ritual and become the first ever hybrid. “And one day when the hybrid had screwed up…yet again.” Quinn couldn’t help but look at all the siblings, and her best friend as they all gave the same look, knowing how Klaus could be. Quinn then continued on with the story. *Flashback. Quinn was just returning home from a long brutal cheerleading practice. It had been a week since Klaus killed Jenna and Quinn was so angry at him, even hurt, especially because he promised her nobody she cared about was going to get hurt or die and he broke that promise. At least however Jenna had Stefan to help her adjust to being a vampire and that Jenna had moved into the boarding house temporarily for now until she could learn to control her blood lust. Elena and Jermey had already lost enough. They didn’t deserve to lose any more. Quinn as she approached her home was quite surprised to see Klaus Mikaelson standing on the sidewalk of her home, throwing pebbles at her bedroom window. Well, actually at her fathers bedroom window. “You trying to wake my father? That’s his room.” Quinn said, pausing from walking for a moment before continuing up her sidewalk. “Wait? Quinn?” Klaus said as he sped in front of her
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ryon777 · 1 year
Lose weight while you sleep.
The secret methot that will help you lose weight while you sleep. 
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
  (No, It's Not About Dieting or Exercising Harder)
"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race." —Calvin Coolidge  
Are you facing difficulties in achieving your weight loss goals through traditional diet and exercise methods? Well, it turns out that there might be an additional way to enhance your progress.
According to a study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information, a common factor was identified among individuals struggling with weight issues: lower core body temperature. In contrast, slender individuals with higher metabolic rates exhibited normal body temperatures.1
In another study conducted in 2021, researchers delved into the relationship between body temperature and cognitive performance. Their findings revealed a noteworthy correlation between skin and core body temperature, as measured in controlled laboratory settings, and both general cognitive function and specific cognitive domains.
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After battling with weight issues for a staggering ten years, John finally stumbled upon the secret to shedding those extra pounds! And the best part? It doesn't involve rigorous
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While TR Night Burner aids in improving sleep quality, its benefits extend far beyond restful slumber. When combined with healthy lifestyle habits, this innovative supplement positively influences your overall well-being and mental functioning. Let's delve deeper into how TR Night Burner can transform your weight loss journey and cognitive abilities.
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Your body temperature plays a significant role in regulating various bodily functions, including metabolism and cognitive performance. TR Night Burner recognizes the importance of maintaining an optimal core body temperature to achieve your desired weight and enhance mental clarity.
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During sleep, TR Night Burner actively works to support your body's recovery processes. By facilitating the release of essential hormones, it helps regulate appetite, energy levels, and mood. With improved sleep quality, you wake up refreshed, revitalized, and ready to tackle your diet and exercise goals with renewed vigor.
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The carefully selected ingredients in TR Night Burner have been studied for their ability to promote focus, memory, and overall cognitive abilities. By stimulating neural pathways and improving neurotransmitter activity, this product can sharpen your mental acuity and provide you with the mental edge necessary to stay committed to your weight loss journey.
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Remember, TR Night Burner is not just another run-of-the-mill product. Its innovative approach to addressing both fat burning and cognitive functioning sets it apart from the rest. By optimizing your body's natural temperature and promoting quality sleep, this groundbreaking supplement unlocks your potential for weight loss success. Furthermore, its cognitive-enhancing properties empower you to attain mental clarity and focus, propelling you towards your desired cognitive goals.
Embrace the transformative power of TR Night Burner and experience a new dimension in weight loss and cognitive enhancement. Combine it with healthy lifestyle habits, and embark on a journey towards a healthier, slimmer, and sharper version of yourself.
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One common concern with weight loss supplements is the potential compromise of energy levels and the resulting grogginess upon waking up. However, with our Night Time Fat Burner, you can put those worries to rest. Our carefully crafted formula not only aids in shedding excess pounds but also promotes restful sleep. By supporting a deep and rejuvenating sleep cycle, you'll wake up feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to take on a new day of healthy choices and active pursuits.
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At [Company Name], we take immense pride in providing our customers with top-quality products. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with our Night Time Fat Burner, please reach out to us immediately. We are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to make you happy and ensure your weight loss journey is a successful and positive experience.click the link 
Compare with Similar Items: The Superior Choice
When it comes to selecting the right weight loss supplement, it's crucial to make an informed decision. Our Night Time Fat Burner stands out among similar products for several reasons. Firstly, we utilize high-quality ingredients, ensuring that you receive the most effective and safe formula. Secondly, our supplement offers the dual benefits of boosting metabolism and curbing appetite, making it a comprehensive solution for weight loss. Thirdly, our unique formulation enables you to burn fat while enjoying a peaceful night's sleep, maximizing your weight loss potential.
Don't settle for mediocre products when you can choose the superior option. Trust [Company Name] and experience the transformative power of our Night Time Fat Burner. Join countless men and women who have seen remarkable results without compromising their energy levels or sacrificing quality sleep. Take the first step towards achieving your weight loss goals and embrace a healthier, happier version of yourself.
Certainly! Here are 10 easy steps you can take to help you lose weight:
2. Create a Calorie Deficit: To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. Calculate your daily calorie needs and aim for a moderate calorie deficit to ensure sustainable weight loss.
3. Eat a Balanced Diet: Focus on consuming a well-balanced diet that includes lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Avoid or limit processed 
4. Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes and avoid overeating. Use smaller plates and bowls, and listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues.
10. Seek Support: Consider joining a weight loss support group or enlisting the support of friends and family. Having a support system can provide motivation, accountability, and encouragement throughout your weight loss journey.
Remember, sustainable weight loss is a gradual process. Focus on making long-term lifestyle changes rather than relying on quick fixes. Patience, consistency, and perseverance are key to achieving your weight loss goals.
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what the future holds. ( henry hart x reader )
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gif belongs to me
Since your graduation Henry has voiced his fears that he would be left behind. Charlotte planned to take a gap year before going to Harvard, and Jasper had told you that he was going to join her. And the conversation made you question your plans to attend college out of state. It had been your goal for years but faced with the reality of the situation, you weren't sure if you could survive the distance.
Jasper had told you that Henry had crashed the blimp and the omega weapon had given him a new power. A forcefield that saved his life. And as you approached the funeral for Kid Danger, you were more certain of your choice.
Henry felt an arm loop with his and mirrored the smile you sent him before you kissed his cheek. You looked at the stage where Ray was attempting to sing, grimacing at the show he had to put on to make people buy that Kid Danger was dead.
You looked at the pamphlet in your hand for a moment, finding it strange to be at the funeral, although it was a stunt to make everyone believe he had perished, of your boyfriend whilst standing next to him. If it wasn't for his forcefield, he could have died, and as you stared at the picture on the brochure, you were relieved that he was leaving his sidekick days behind.
"That's a good picture of you." You commented as Ray left the stage.
"You think?" He smiled down at you.
"Very cute." You hummed.
"Cute?" He echoed.
"I said very." You smiled, knowing he was slightly offended.
"Puppies are cute." He replied.
You jokingly rolled your eyes, "Fine. You're handsome. Better?"
He chuckled, nodding. "Thank you."
You turned when Ray spoke up from behind you both. "So, how did I do?"
"Honestly," Henry replied as he turned, "it was a little much."
"Perfect. That's exactly what I was going for. So, uh, how does it feel to be at your own funeral?"
"Kinda weird."
"You figured out what you're going to do yet?" Ray asked, referring to his plans for the future.
Henry shrugged. "I have no idea." He looked down at you, "I know we'll find a way to make the distance work."
You took a letter from your pocket, "Maybe we won't have to." You told him, handing him the letter.
Henry opened the folded letter, his eyebrows furrowing as he read it.
"I know you were freaked out about me going to college. And with Charlotte and Jasper taking a gap year, you could use some company to keep you out of trouble." You smiled softly when he met your gaze in shock.
"You're taking classes online?"
"It offers full support and tutoring." You shrugged. "Before you say anything, I didn't do this for you. I did it for me. And after everything that's happened...nearly losing you, I made up my mind. You're officially stuck with me."
Henry smiled broadly, wrapping his arms around you, and you smiled against his shoulder. "I love you."
"I love you too." You murmured, closing your eyes when he kissed your cheek.
You felt another pair of arms around you and met Henry's gaze when he lifted his head. "I love you too," Ray said.
"Dude," Henry began, "private moment."
Ray stepped back, and you laughed softly, wrapping your arms around Henry's waist. You spotted Jasper approaching and flinched when he threw a rock toward Henry. A forcefield surrounded you both briefly, his new power surprising you.
"Yeah, it'll take me a while to get used to that."
Henry smiled down at you, keeping an arm around you. "We've got the time."
Jasper looked between you both, and Henry explained that you had changed your plans to attend college out of state. "Aw," Jasper grinned. "I love you guys."
You were used to Jasper fawning over your relationship and replied, "We love you too."
You didn't know the future, but you knew that you wanted Henry to be in it. The flexibility of your classes meant you both could travel if you wanted to. The future was no longer daunting as you knew that, as long as you had each other, it would be golden.
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helpwhatsthis · 2 years
For your most recent post right this is kinda like a general fucked up type if shit so stay with me here. So basically 001 the reader and Eddie were all “working” for Dr.Brenner right and they’re like secretly dating each other type of shit like that. But like that we’re it gets fucked up cuz then mf 11 comes around n shit so that’s where it Lowkey fucks everything up. But then maybe MAYBE later on when 001/Vecna comes back he puts Reader and Eddie under his “spell” and they reconnect. 🤷🏾‍♂️ idk what I just wrote but yea.💀
remember- e.m. / 001
the post being referred to is this one!
thank you sm for the idea, love! i'm thinking of writing one where reader has powers, and they see their childhood friend (from before the lab) in their mind and it's eddie. so henry... kidnaps him for her, bc he wants to see his baby happy.
warnings: angst, vecna, eddie is a lil stupid, lots of blood, lots of death, deep descriptions of pain, it’s fucked, okay? very short but open for part two!
also for the fics sake, vecna is like twenty during the events of s4
you can't think. all you know is that the halls are too dark to see, and your skull is pounding. the hall, that of which are hawkins' lab, a place you hadn't set your eyes on in two years.
"y/n!" you hear it, the distinct sounds of eddies' cries. "y/n! henry! please!" his pained voice echos through the hall. your movement speed up, bringing you through the familiar path that leads to the janitors' closet. you pass bodies, and blood, so much blood. it doesn't faze you though; you've seen it all before, and you keep seeing it more every time you dare to sleep.
"baby-" you whine, finally seeing his trembling form on the cold linoleum floor. you don't have to look hard to know he's bleeding, both from his eyes and his nose. you wish you could forget the odd angle is arm is twisted at. you pull him into your lap, attempting to shush his pained cries.
"i don't wanna die." he sobs, and the words echo in your mind. you'd never be able to get them out of your head, not as long as you live.
"you won't, little one." the deep, grating voice comes from behind you. the soft pricks of claws nip at your scalp.
"who are you?" you whimper, "why do you keep showing me this?" you cry, pulling eddie into your chest. this thing, this grotesque and vile being kneels before you; it adorns a sad smile as is brushes the blood from eddies' face.
"because i want you to remember, my love." it growls, "i need you to remember the night she took you both from me." before you can process the words, its' claws dig into your skull. the pain is agonizing, searing. you can feel every twitch of its' fingers, burning your brain and melting your mind.
"henry!" you scream, sitting up in bed and choking on your sob. your head is still throbbing, making your vision blurry; but you're home. you're in bed, and eddie is beside you. he pulls you into his arms, cooing at your whimpers and whipping the blood from under your nose.
"it's okay, baby. you're okay, i'm here." eddie whispers, picking your body up with surprising ease and carrying you to the kitchen. he places you on the cabinet and begins to fill a glass with water from the tap. "was it... that night? again?" he asks, shuffling on his sock clad feet as he brings the cup to your lips.
images flash in your mind as you drink. the soft touches, the lingering of lips on lips; and then the blood, the way it all fades as eddie spasms on the floor and begs to live.
"it's him." you whisper, eyes finding his. "i don't know... how? or how i know? but it's him." he doesn't speak, just gazes at you tentively. "please... please eds? just say that you believe me?" you beg.
you don't know how much longer you can take this. how much longer can you withstand the headaches, the nosebleeds, knowing that the disfigured creature that haunts your nightmares is the person you loved. most of all; the way eddie seems to think you're losing your mind.
it's been over a year since you stopped going to therapy. you thought you'd accepted it; accepted that the girl, the child, had killed henry and your mother, and nearly killed eddie too. things had been... okay, after the incident. that man, brenner, had taken pity on wayne; had given him a document to sign, given eddie all the medical care he needed (free of charge), and gotten you therapy to deal with it all. to deal with losing your mother, who'd been a doctor at the lab since you were a child. to deal with losing henry, who you and eddie had fallen for all too quickly.
it was inevitable really, the three of you. your mother and wayne had been close friends through his maintenance job at the lab. you'd all been so young and had so much free time before the other children had arrived. it was nearly impossible to pin-point when the twisted form of playground, puppy love between the three of you turned into the real thing.
"babydoll," he hums, hands cupping your jaw. "he's dead." his voice cracks. "i want to believe you. you know that i do, but honey... whatever she did to him... there wasn't even a body left." you cry out at his words, and he lets you hide your face in his chest.
"if you could see, what i see. you would know." you whisper into his hellfire shirt, his own way of coping he'd picked up.
"he will, darling." the deep voice growls, making you sob into eddies' chest harder. "he'll understand soon enough." the dark groan turns into the soft, loving one you know so well. "you'll see, little one." henry hums. the fingers combing through your hair are still sharp, nearly breaking your skin. "i just need a little more time."
just a little more time, you'll both see.
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EVEN MORE Small Things to Imagine With The Brothers and Undatables
Because I got in a good mood after listening to 'My Narrow Road' from Ito Kashitaro. I recomend! it’s good!
The way he squints challengely at you when you spot a single paper plane on the corner of his office that looks suspisciously like a document.
The ultimate betrayal as he nudges the back of your knees with his own consequently making you almost lose balance.
The concentrated furrow of his brows upon his closed eyes as he tests the sounds of an old violin, big eyelashes slowly fluttering open as he gives a satisfied smile.
Present him a plushie and enjoy the sight as he takes a final look at his documents and any lost messages before going to bed, all the while keeping said plushie confortably sitting on his leg, his fingers absentmindely rubbing the soft texture every once in a while
The casualness as you fix each other's clothes and accessories, your hands unwrinkling his collar, his fiddling with your own. Expect to have any long sleeves you wear suddenly be folded up whenever you guys sit near each other.
The teasing peek of skin from his belly and hips as his shirt rolls up just enough when he stretches his arms up with a very long, and slightly exagerated, yawn.
Having him laying on his arms on your middle, the adorable scrunch of his face, rubbing it on his arms as he tries to wipe off the growing smile on his lips when you give his nose an affectionate and gentle pinch.
Peeking from behind a tree and having him chase you around in circles until either of you decide to just to grab onto the other forcefully.
Tying his bangs in a cute little ponytail on the top of his head and watching as he refuses to undo it with pride for the entire day if the tie used was Ruri-Chan themed.
Making voices with him in front of a fan on a hot day, and watching as he starts to make more and more different voices and references the more confortable he gets.
Watching as Henry follows his owner's movements as he wanders back and forth in front of the big aquarium in a rant.
Hugging him close and playing with his hair as he burries his entire face on your shoulder and squeezing you closer with his arms each passing minute until he finally relaxes.
Challenging each other to read the most ridiculous crack fics in the most dramatic poet voice manageable and watching as he struggles to keep his composure.
The ridiculously serious and concentrated frown on his face as he tries to make a perfect ketchup cat on the top of an omelette and the ridiculously cute proud smirk on his lips as his eyes shine brightly at his successfull creation.
Talking to him about a show he has already watched and the undoubtedly excited fidgeding of his body as he struggles both to not spoil you of anything and to not give you omnious comments about what you should expect next.
Alternativelly, his coninuous gaze as he tries to read into every single detail on your facial expressions in a curious attempt to see if it gives out what he should expect to happen next on a show you have watched and recomended to him.
The sight of him humming along to a tune with an absentminded smile as he paints his toe nails. There are clips in his hair to keep his bangs away from his eyes, toe separators on his feet and definetelly a few stains on his hands.
The way he looks in your direction with a wrigling brow as he flips his scarf dramatically over his shoulder in front of a store's one sided mirror.
Sharing a candied apple and watching as he smiles, small pieces of candy still stuck on and off his lips, giddy at both the idea of sharing it with you and the sweet taste of the lovely treat.
The happy twirl he gives as he shows off to you the new outfit he bought, clapping excitedly after having you do the same to him, possibly with the help of his own hand, spinning you smoothly almost like in a dance.
Kissing the very tip of his nose and watching as the corners of his mouth squishes his reddening cheeks as he smiles so hard to the point he may not even be able to keep his eyes open anymore.
The almost bratty but adorable pout he gives when you deny him a sample of the still in process of making food before he proceeds to basically glue himself to your back, his head resting on your shoulders or head, expectant eyes watching as you move.
The sight of his hunk figure crouching down in front of a flower bed, his careful fingers giving the flowers a series soft and gentle nudges and touches, his face devoid of expression as he pays attention to every single detail. He nods, his face now carrying a satisfied smile. They were healthy.
Having him gladly and happily bend his head down to your height as you reach your hands into his hair, giving him a well deserved head pat.
Hanging up a blanket on top of a very throughly organized nest of pillows and stuffed animals in the dark, snuggling to him shoulder to shoulder, a flashlight in one hand, Grimm Fairy Tales on the other.
Watching as he succumbs himself to the rule of kittens as he lays down on the floor, giving a free pass for the small felines to climb and snuggle into his face, neck and body all they wanted.
Whispering ridiculous things right into each other's ears in an attempt to make the other laugh out loud in the worst places and situations.
Curling with him under a big blanket on a cold day, each with their own mug of hot chocolate. The adorable sight of a very obvious cream moustache that has made it's place on the sleepy demon's face.
Taking Use of the closeness of your boddies while cuddling as an opportunity to tickle the hell out of him and watching as he struggles to decide if he should focus on getting out of your betraying hold or if he should keep on blocking your wriggling hands that keep reaching for his most sensitive spots.
Going on a small trip to the human world and somehow ending the day laughing your hearts out as you ride a two seats bike, that came equipped with two very nostalgic bells, together.
Sitting together with your backs touching, the immortal sorcerer closing his eyes, you being able to feel his every breath as he inhales and exhales, his body relaxing and melting into your presence alone.
Taking part of his shenanigans in the kitchen, feeding each other surprisingly edible samples, a happy smile never once leaving his face.
Having your feet on top of his or his on top of yours as you both give in an attempt at slow dancing, his chuckles reverberating between your touching bodies, the vibrations leaving behind a small and giddy tingle on your skin.
Having him sit on the floor in front of you, your fingers combing through his dark hair and his body becoming more and more slouched as you attempt to style the silky strands into a braid.
Hands linked in the air for balance as each of you walk alongside an abandoned rail trail together, both of you aware, almost sheepishly, of how cheesy said action in fact was.
Sitting side by side on top of a tree branch, his fingers softly holding onto yours as both of you gaze into the distance, a gentle breeze swaying your clothes as the two of you enjoy a moment of confortable silence.
Teaching him various types dances and styles, his beautiful laugh echoing through the walls as he both succeeds and fumbles in his gestures, bright eyes attently paying attention and mimicking your every movement.
Going to the carnival together, watching as the prince of hell almost bounces on his feet from attraction to attraction, all the while while wearing a cute animal eared headband he completelly refused to take off until he stepped inside his own castle.
Introducing him to the human world "magicians", his face morphing through a chain of expressions as he watches in wonderous amazement tricks ranging from simple card tricks to making things desappear, reapear and multiply.
Kissing each other all over the face, little smoochy noises getting mixed with a fit of giggles as both of you were set on not leaving a single patch of skin unkissed, even thought the two of you were now smiling too hard to even do it properly.
Introducing him to fruit carving and watching as it slowly becomes like a new hobby for him. The buttler's posture and face turning into something almost fondly relaxed as he skillfully turns various types of fruits into beautiful shapes of objects, animals and flowers.
Giving each other an almost smirk like smile as you Link your arms together, the two of you bringing your respective glasses to your lips before drinking from the liquid at the same time.
Convincing him to try out scented candles, watching as he judges each option throughly, his expressions going through slight, almost unseen changes as he closes his eyes momentarily so he focuses solely on his senses of smell.
Gloved protective hands craddling your head onto his shoulder and firmly holding onto your back, the flicker of an almost sorrowfull expression threatening to break through his usual deadpan demanor gone unseen as he, strangely, hopes for his presence to be of enough confort.
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angryschnauzer · 3 years
Garden of Eden
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A drabble based on this message chat i had with @badassbaker​
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A/N For some fucking reason that is beyond me i decided to add a bunch of Adam & Eve fable references into this, just to add to my glorious decent into hell when my time comes. This was written with the idea that its August Walker, although i don’t name him in the story.
Pairing: Henry Cavill CHARACTER x Female reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Unprotected Sex, Semi Public Sex, Hyperspermia (yes @littlefreya​ has given me that kink now).
Word count: 849 (oooh a short one!)
I do not run a tag list, but if you follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications you will get an alert whenever i post something new. That is also where you can find my past works, as well as at AO3
Garden of Eden
Condensation beaded on the glass as you carried it through the gardens, ducking beneath the heavy blossoms of the magnolia trees, the narrow stone path flanked by old raised flowerbeds on both sides. The scent of freshly cut grass hung in the air, a heady reminder that Spring was in full swing and Summer would soon be on its way.
The sound of the lawnmower droned in the background, the noise of the engine drifting through the undergrowth as you approached the gardeners shed, the door hanging open and you stepped inside. It was a small space, just enough to have a workbench that was meticulously tidy but held the oil marks of long ago repaired machinery. Cupboard and cabinets were kept tidy with their doors shut, and a simple soft chair sat in the corner. Resting the glass of juice on the workbench you spotted a book left open on the arm of the chair, crossing the shed to read the title, unaware that the noise of the lawnmower had ceased until you heard the hosepipe outside the shed spring into life. Taking a step towards the door you were greeted with the sight of him.
Standing on the sun dappled cobblestones outside the shed, hidden from view by the trees and shrubbery, his t-shirt clung to his body, the deep green of the fabric tracing the curves and plains of his chest. Having filled the wooden bucket he lifted the hose and ducked his head underneath it, letting the cool water run through his hair and down his body. The green fabric quickly turned dark and stuck to every single part of his chest, his thick muscles now clearly defined.
Glancing up he finally saw you and a dark smile spread over his lips, curling beneath his moustache and he started to advance upon you like a python stalking its prey. As he stepped inside the small space he pulled the wet shirt over his head, setting it to hang on the handle of the door in the sunshine, before he delicately lifted the glass, wiping the cool glass across his forehead before meeting your hungry gaze;
“Tempting me with such pure nectar…” he muttered before downing the contents, you watched as his adams apple bobbed as he swallowed and you yearned to trace the smooth lines of his neck, whether it be with your fingers or tongue.
Setting the glass down he suddenly closed the space between you, one arm wrapping around you and resting on your rear and the other tucking your hair over your ear. Flush with his body your hands rested on his chest, your fingers curling through the dark curls of hair before his lips were upon yours. The kiss was deep and intense, he tasted of apples and his tongue was a thing of wonder. 
He lifted you as if you weighed that of a feather, turning until he was able to sit in the soft chair, pulling you to straddle his lap as the kiss expanded, tongues and lips tracing patterns over skin as fingers found buttons and zippers and soft cotton.
Your mouth fell open as he speared you with his hot flesh, your velvet channel screaming as his size tested your body’s limits, but as his hands gripped yours you breathlessly started to ride him. One hand moved to the neckline of your light dress, pulling the front until your soft breasts fell free, his mouth catching a peaked nipple between his lips as he suckled on the teat.
Riding him you chased towards your release, desperate to feel the monster of a man beneath you fill you with his seed, your fingers gripping into his shoulders so hard your fingernails left a series of crescent moons in their wake. His hands moved to your ribs, holding and cradling you as if you were to give him life there hidden in paradise amongst the trees. 
When your release crested you convulsed in his arms, his own peak following immediately as your walls clung to his silken flesh, pulling his seed from him as he pumped you full. And full you were, his orgasm filled you to the brim and more, his spent seed seeping from where your bodies were joined yet more flowed as he continued to fill your fertile land with the beginning of life.
When you finally fell limp in his arms he pulled you to his chest, pressing a kiss to your forehead before you rested your head on his shoulder, a sleepy smile on your face as you softly ran your fingers over his cheek, the stubble long and verging on a beard. Turning to you he smiled, his eyes kind and full of love;
“You made me lose my place in my book…” 
Peering over the side of the chair, you saw his copy of Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’ laying on the floor and smiled;
“Bring it to bed tonight, you know i always fall asleep quicker than you do”
Pressing his lips to your cheek he smiled;
“Yes my love”
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spencessmile · 3 years
Conversations In The Bullpen
Pairing - BAU x Fem!Reader
Summary - You and the team exchange stories from past and present times.
Warnings - Fluff, Swearing & slightest mention of injury and talks about clowns.
Word Count - 1.6k
And all imagines/fanfics/blurbs are written solely by me so please don't steal my work and/or post it without my consent. Feedback and Comments are welcome. Happy reading!
Requests are CLOSED!
“What about you Y/n?” You hear Morgan’s voice as you finish up your last report, adding it to the finished pile. You slide your chair towards his desk, Morgan’s foot stopping it before it hit Garcia’s legs. “Craziest thing you saw or dealt with in LA before you quit your job as a cop? Go.”
“Oh, um,” You chuckle. “I could probably go on forever. A lot of weird shit happens in LA.”
“Top 3?”
“Top 3? Okay, first I had a case where a woman killed her husband because he refused to leave their cottage in her name. When my partner and I investigated we found out that she buried him within the walls of their house.”
“Oh my god, no!” Garcia groans.
“Second has to be when I had my right hand inside a man’s chest for nine hours. He was in a really bad car accident and he wouldn’t have made it to the hospital in time so I had to open him up in the middle of the street in order to stop him from bleeding out.”
“That sounds so cool,” Emily beamed, her chin resting on her right hand.
“There goes my dinner,” Garcia spoke.
“His sternum was severely messed up which caused his heart and one of his big blood vessels to start bleeding into his stomach.”
“Wow! It sounds just like that episode from Grey's Anatomy where Meredith had her hand inside that guy's chest. Remember the one who had the bomb inside him? How did it feel to have your hand in someone’s chest?”
“One of my favourite episodes. Uh, it was umm sor- It was bloody and it got worse,” You shrug. “I passed out on the OR floor.” You chuckle thinking about the whole situation and how ridiculous it sounds saying it out loud.
Morgan and Emily crack up laughing as you shake your head. “Yeah, I remember that whole week being so chaotic but that took the cake.”
“Third?” Spencer asks.
“Oh, this one is top on my list. In 2016, there were killer clowns on the loose in Los Angeles.”
“Nah uh. Nope!” Morgan shakes his head as you notice him tense up at the mention of clowns.
“Morgan has coulrophobia,” JJ said giggling at Morgan.
“What really?” You asked, JJ nodded.
“Oh yeah, Morgan’s not a fan of Halloween, people in costumes or masks.”
“Listen,” Morgan put his hand out. “Costumes and masks give me the hibbie jibbies. Just no.”
“Hey everyone knows you're terrified of clowns but no one here knows why exactly you're terrified of them. What’s the story behind clowns?” Emily asks.
Morgan puts five fingers up. “I had evil older cousins.”
“Oh!!” Everyone laughs.
“Morgan,” You pat his shoulder. “I was traumatized by my older cousins too but don’t worry their all going to hell.”
“I just don’t like the way they look, with the red nose, and all that face paint and masks,” Morgan explains.
“You know the fear of clowns usually stems from the feeling of not knowing what’s going on underneath the mask or costume,” You still remember the words of your captain.
“I just don’t care. If I were to see a clown I will hands down punch it.” Garcia and you just laugh at how passionately Morgan seemed about his hate for clowns.
“2016 was a fucking weird year for LA. It started out as a harmless prank but people just took it too far. I think the LAPD arrested close to 2,000 clowns,” You sounded so ridiculous saying this out loud.
“I just glad weird fucking shit doesn’t happen here in Washington.”
“What would you do if a clown showed up at your apartment?” Spencer asked as
Morgan glared at him. “Why would you ever say such a thing?” Morgan spat, getting upset. “I’d probably kick its ass.”
“Morgan you're scared of like,” Emily waves her hand around. “Everything.” She laughs. “Remember that case we had NYC, and it was Halloween? You were so annoyed that people had decorations up.”
“Oh,” JJ faces lights up. “I remember that and the woman's husband who we were trying to find had a cage full of birds! Morgan, you were terrified of those birds!”
“Okay, can we not do this right now?!” Morgan looked annoyed.
“What’s your problem with birds?” You ask.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Well, actually one time Mor-”
“Baby girl, don't you dare say a word!” Morgan warns her as Garcia puts her hands up.
“Hey! That’s not fair, how come Garcia knows the story but not the rest of us?” Emily asks.
“That’s because I was there,” Garcia sips her tea, looking over at you.
“What type of person is scared of birds?” Spencer asks, shaking his head as Morgan sat up in his chair.
“Reid, Reid don’t move but there’s a spider on your shoulder!” Morgan yells as Spencer jumps up from his chair, violently wiping his shoulder.
“GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! EMILY!!” Spencer continues to move around as you all lose it watching Spencer running around frantically.
“Emily, is it gone?!” He asks, as Emily is holding onto her sides, JJ leaning into her as Garcia was wiping away tears. Morgan's face was tomato red from laughing as you felt like you couldn’t breathe. “Guys! This isn’t funny! Is it gone? Where is it? Please, ser-” You could hear the panic in Spencer’s voice.
“Spencer!” You called. “There was nothing there,” You say, giggling.
“Morgan was just pulling your leg,” You playfully smack the back of Morgan’s head as he continues to laugh at Spencer distraught condition. Spencer glares over at Morgan as he grabs the small hand exercise ball off his desk and throws it, hitting Morgan in the face. Everyone bursts out laughing.
“What was that for?”
“For what you just did to me,” Spencer says, putting a hand on his chest.
“Why are you scared of spiders, pretty boy?” Morgan questions.
“I just don’t like them. All their legs and fu-” Spencer shutters at the thought of them.
“Did I ever tell one time Spen-”
“Morgan don’t!”
“Spencer called me over one time because there was a spider on his bedroom ceiling. When I got to his apartment, he was wearing doughnut and smiley faces boxers while trying to kill a spider with a mop.”
“Shut up, your lying!” Emily looks over at Spencer.
“That didn’t actually happen,” Spencer’s face was flushed red with embarrassment.
“Didn’t it?” Morgan holds out his phone, playing a video of Spencer trying to kill the spider.
“This is the best thing ever!” Emily exclaimed.
“YOU MADE A VIDEO?!” Spencer shrieked.
“And I’m not ashamed to admit that I watch it at least twice a day because that video right there is pure gold, baby!” Morgan cheers.
“Who else have you shown that to?” Spencer asked.
“Oh just you guys,” Morgan replies. “My sisters.”
“Oh my god.”
“My mom loved your smiley face and doughnut boxers.”
“YOU SHOWED THIS VIDEO TO YOUR MOM?!” Spencer exclaimed as Garcia kept replaying to the part where Spencer runs behind Morgan.
“Look at his face!” She yells as you and Emily grabbed onto each other from laughing so hard.
“One thing is for sure after watching this video,” JJ says. “Both Spencer and Morgan radiate so much chaotic energy off each other.”
“Yes!” You say, giving her a high five.
“Hey Y/n, did I ever tell you about the time Morgan showed up at my apartment drunk?” Spencer asks and you shake your head. “While wearing nothing but briefs.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Oh you wouldn’t!” Morgan threatens.
“Watch me!” Spencer leans over and whispers in your ear.
“OH MY GOD MORGAN! You look over at him. “Seriously?”
“What’s going on out here?” You hear a deep voice from behind you, turning around you see Hotch walking down the catwalk.
“How come I didn’t know about Morgan's dirty past?” You ask, folding your arm. Without even asking Hotch knew exactly what you were referring to.
“I’m unfriending you all,” Morgan points to everyone as Garcia leans into him, giggling.
“Everyone here knows a little bit too much about Morgan’s sex life,” Hotch points out.
“Hotch, not you too man,” Morgan groans.
Hotch leaned against Emily’s desk as he looks around at you all teasing and laughing with each other. Though Hotch could hear the laughter from his office, he couldn’t help but walk out and join the chaos. It was times like this, that Hotch was beyond thankful to have you all apart of his life. He could always count on you guys to add the sweet and spice to your guy's solemn life.
“What are you all still doing here? Your shift ended half hour ago,” Hotch looks down at his clock.
“Oh shoot!” JJ said, quickly grabbing her bag. “I gotta pick up Henry from my moms.” She bid her goodbyes and headed out.
“What about the rest of you? Don’t have any plans?”
“I have a date but that’s not until Wednesday,” Morgan says as you all just stare blankly at him. “At 7pm.” You smirk at him. “What?”
“Today is Wednesday you dumbass,” You said. “You just stood up your date by a half-hour.”
“Oh shit!” Morgan scrambled for his things, beelining for the elevator. “If I don’t get laid tonight, it’s all your guy's fault and drinks are on you guys for a whole month!” He yells behind him.
“Twenty bucks say his date going to cuss him off for being late, leaving him hanging,” You say.
“Forty bucks say that Morgan is going to get laid and that we’re all going to hear about over coffee tomorrow morning,” Hotch said dropping forty bucks on the table, walking away leaving you all in shock.
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